ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE I.l' WEEFLI:, BY WRITE & CO. (D. R. ARM. LIU.= g 6.10.14. / DAILY—Fe, .n ,a,uuen. Bti DoLLtew it mi.l It, WEVALY-- :no in, nnnum. nelTanne. 1111. Fopplir.i ~.e1,11.4,. Thre..e,-,1,,, per ~11,,11.1 r, Uu 01 Trn • 13 DJ Twentr d.. o. DJ Th. ylnelo-t 11,r ‘lllO. to no. pmlon, and 411,p31/1 ha. xrlnl3. I,,Pronee. nub 1 1 5.p,r, Till bit sent stl, ear ea .1,., unl.-. Co.t money I. sr. to • reo,rnl. RATES OF ADVERTISING op, Spppro 04 line. ,•!' Nourorril or lean) , • 01.• rt Inn. . $ 0 CA .4.-1, aut.linonal into•rt..kou.. 0 IS. 3 00 Do. 11"•••.• w0...1.., 4 00 o,or month t. tx.l to••• tnontha II ,O sZ•roe month, 0 Do. lour mouth, .. 10 00 Do 12 00 ' I, :vol., month. ..... ... .. . ...5 01 Si.. • '• - .Dog Card, t..l•o••• or 1•••.0. per annum.." 34 10 ••• • ••••• -. • OEZelT . i;Stir7;l;;;;;;:ti thae ninm, num lb,. 141,, For moll addltna,tl nna.r.....1....rt,10at.r ow. tanuth. and Lrr addition>: ottf., turn!, the rater, half price. , • Adoortia.tnanta ear,tnl:nr. n tanant, and not 0000 [Morn lhvan lo eltart,l n ,tiar and a half. Pub:la:llra nnt ao-netntahla att: :tatal tatrertitamtatts 71:ind the anntnnt chteratak,ntr their putt:lna:on. 0001100' .+ tat , tt. honied the rune Y other tut rertiu-nkeote • • Adansalmanoloan not niarkol on the , ennr for aperifaal number of Innnlinn.. nnotnnonl till forbid. en.l Val • • • w The exstrt,i a,,nhn 41. ... The ont,l,• k xtr:rtly Ilmind to their crwu . nn,l 41 far • e. m atc killetedmk•ly owls bovine... 2.1 .11 e.liuters of nit:ertklnk.l.k. ninth otherwl,.. tocknacl stl• the limit, , 11 Ilk nstal rates. F.or Purl tranrig•nt n l r k•parately rancinn4l. and [qt.T2l,l. ma, ik I..k.uvil. AU aalrea - tv.411...1k. In•Illulmck. fire rum- • pude,. rani. , thio. .tod noc, la h liko, Is• ch , trz..t loaf prte, tkblo otrirtly Morrisce not in.. to 1 , . h ar.t.+l Dfah wallow char,. M1X25221212 I==t== IFOILTIrinItstM/1.1 In N. pot I,.r F4ire tuft - v.06.v, and all nth-, vending roe:murder tin ne, nntuteme pi. , 41ein4n.,1 In call ettentinn t Fair, nr au, entertainntents, whree charge, arevir aihtittnniv—all teeny, nf pri 0:d0....r.0ttat1.111.—.,2, se:, .allattentent tn private enterpriv, mi.lrnzatni iv intended to 'pronto.. kali. vidlnattotereirt, van wit+ nvertit with the unilervtatul- 1111 , 1;de:aG , ..,,me wlll h rhar,..l at II Inu thet the vim• i,.• '" wart! in LI, . . . • • . rate 4... th.1 1 , 1 nt: t.r I Bishop nr CB- Nntlf+, In be rbar.,l prig, Tavern lJnen. rarh. Heal E..nate Agent, , an•l advertixementa on to be elaeged ander',ram rme, hat to allowed a dl. totf o thirty thre , and ono third tor rent. from tb amou of W.IELT DU" P,PICILS. On. Squarr. threo . ...... 01 SO L.,. tsl.l!bot,lit,ertlent ADVixarql.r. 'et' , IN V. Ptre.n. . • . - . . - . Pat &mare, (10 na,l-o:cru , n 1 /0 01,24. r"..711 cry.. AU traUtient tutvcrtim mol.l , 101, 0:04 Irt BUSINESS CARDS ALDERMAN. • IiOHN A. PARKINSON. Alderman, Fifth Ward, Penn mere. .e ran hits.n Mi and Walnut. All nsinern prmaptly all,nd,l tn. ATTOBNEYS I W. F. w HITE. Attorney at Law—Of- C 2 • n•••• nrutit rtrect, ninr fc.urth . . Arthur.' Pittsburgh. Pa. IV P. & L. H. 1 .- ErFER 31 AN, Attor- IA • per. at 11,1 V. , lnte Agent.. Sn. 107 ith stn. Pittrburrh. 41.10 AMES .1. K.ll 11N, Attorney - at Law, office. all =ll In nigh. •11. o.ruer of brunt,tr,t and Dia.toood y i yittsbugh. , L'bLLIElt, Attorney at Law, office K. In Inwrii , e thalidlinfi. Fourthat above guilt/111..1d. ling fortuod. a 111 tUtleall. with Wu:. Sourer. Esp.. of Washington City. (forno•rly Ihe Laud 0M...) he I. pn pared to nit , • proper hirenliun It. the procuring of Land Wvranta l'on,louo. de.. nud 1,, the proseintion of claims hemp Cons,o. or oar j. 17 JA3II",S F. A tt.rtley nt Law—O , on 40 FL, I...tat,n Smith! and grant FlLiikiCit4 C. FI.ANFASI:si, Att.irney at Law, No. lid Folxrtls • • TN:7 E WATSON, Att.aleys at Law, 1 No. 110 Fourthylr....E.lnt , AnnvE. Ford,. eon. Illonnzon En, \\m 0 JO,, I'o-mine, nountant: W. Jark....., pOOl.l, BDWARD P. JONES Attorn,,y at Law: °Men on Fourth 010.0 E, Won] and emllb. ii.ASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law Of No. fig kiftla PIN. ntruli. Pa_ BARKERS AND BROKERS. If. WILLIAMS Bankers v 'fiustrErelmitm• Nurth Ea.t eEr tier of IVoul and Third rtn.r.t.:i. IlttArtir,ll. All trimmrtion. mailc on liberal term, and collection". promptly attrnilid to. Alkly P. KING, Banker and Exchange Broker, 1 1 ,,Ztt ' Ird'mla ' . 1 " " - The hlrbe4 market prie, raid In premium for Arnerieno Half Dollen., and liritniidi Dollar& in into funds. iitar WH. LA RI3IER, .111., Banker and Broker, ithstrvrt, iutriintor thellank nf Pit.huruh. E•VILKUSIi] M. Exchange Brokers, finoth Eini r t Coro, f o 'Ellin] and Th.rkrt MM.. All Clll,l meq rnt..g. HOLMES 6Z SON, .Ikeakr4 in Foreign .1.1 , • 104 tinine.tie lilt , Krell:sure. l'ertiflenten of De- Wril6l;tr''Xl."-'1:!;!:47o, tin ~'. .5W nn.! k ;;;:',7,7;:f ¶ cr, them:walnut the Ured...l GEORG E. Alt NOLO & CO., Bankers: E laaLlera la I:xchana, , 3111. flank Nate,. de.. Na. 74 fourth atarat, neat did., tr. the flank o 7 PittAlatrab. Col lections carafully att..” a.. ma the praraalm ratattlrd limy Fart or tha Unt.. • • I gliA7llEl{ JtA11:11. Bankers and Ex hsa, Iloab.r. In l'ar,ir,n and Domestic of Radian of flank OM, ~ corner of Thin] and 11ood d!reelly opp.ASe the St. Chub, 110,.1. CAItOTIIERS & CO.. PoLoki!, Rouge, No. 15 {Vona ran.q. l'aGbarah. Currrnt )lon., It on Depoclt. I,f{« , tiou• Mad , nn nII Ili prinelvsl eltlee of the 8MW.[1 , 4. %. A irt i l) Pommis,ion 31,reltonts goa TIIII N.. ll+ 5....1.1 .1,-L Ednle !lg.. 0, 310.0.0 nlaacp no I=4 pVI6 RIIII , I P...110.R. -1,61;1 'a., 6. ;PT. ALIIIE It, HANNA S: CO., SuctAihnorti to Ilanun litvur.r., Ec.r.oca. Gramma, aml dealer, in and la,n,,tlc F:xchauce. Cortifiratt., of Gewalt. Ilaak Note.. and orYrncr n Wood and Thad ccrcel, isurr,nc .r,c , clcod on 11a.- pt. Bight Check. far ..le. and .nllcctAnn. made on new , 1p all Lhe principal polnt..•: lha St .w. Tha hlyncat pramiutu Fusvmu nal American Gold. MIIMME=II=I=I • - • 111 W. TA YL 0 1:, COnuni.ioner and 11 13, W Broke, 112 PPINI rttli /tr.-, Etri , t ntt..nllon will in yen to all 6min...A ..ntro.t..l lo W. rmr, Pilbal,h matienctand arkl... alwa,. , t, /,,orlt or prommll at .hurt notion. Note, Iloa , ln, 31,,,,.... ~. ue,nitaled on favor able term, Atlvisna, .a. 1... If :..ittared. ' oc=^ • . - - BocasFu.v.RS AND STATIOrs. • C STOCICTO% • t0n.16,01,11., Prhaer. 1.,r, Johnston .• Stock- R Bindr, cm , . lor of Market and Thin) AS. B. 110LNIES' Cheap Literary Depot, Third strevt, nppmite ,, tl, Pevt lirnks rw • I..eriptio.ns r..eolved h. any of 1'ut.14h....1 at the publisher's lowest ' , rift. Rl3;okSoilPP end Stationer,- . Na.7R Fonrth .ttvrt. Al , Ol. Builthncs, PAIMS AND CONFECTIO 7 R BA" A „, Conf,tielnr, Fe. Foortil d a r: n t. n Pi ' ttrth e u ta rgb i . AgnlUMC:r:ANlTF:ll.2n.,c2,7tVlonary.r.lwarx on band. CARPET DF)IT.FR W• cX.IK , rrr ik. nnl 7. l , 2 'Xir", IS=:h r ankr.:Pc . %5 'north rt. I 79 Wool qt....PittAtsr2h. COMNIASION AND POEM; ' I . ENG• L,sA. Me&NULTY & h ans 'cater& FT.tAltilVgg2 )Irtc u ~ l ers °l. E.a ra • ( W.lreS FAIR t. AO) PICWOODS &SPN. PRODUCE DE f tLERS and Cammi.ion ?lercharkt, Nu. CI Ma otre.t. i. II.• JOILXSTON. Forward g and Comnal...slott Slrtchsmit, Cu, 112 Fa and ntre.t. IvEItJONES, - -- et: JONES, Forwarding aiwi Com lalrelna !Urn-bent, rseNfrrP 14 Pm4nl4. and flan . llannfsptuml nvirlr, 1;...nal I:14n, near Pfventh strfttAlltsheAh. BARDSA- . 1 7 ;in , ..._(lv .Fora JORLY. % JONES eK C ~ Snee to At . tood,Jooo. A 11,..1:,mindinn uulFin.raralnK 51,r -. 4.1<2.1 , in l'ittfburA Mannartnred , i , .11.. Pit, bali P. DRY GOODS MRI3,CRARTS. 14 e inixecurr.WlC PAT', C. SI/ACK CO — Wlinlemdle Dealer, la Fnr.ign 11,.r., u.,1 itx•lK 11,1 Pal Atir...L, Pitt-Musa, A.XAno, k..... .0,14,1 T Co.. V., AIASON (111,-1V boles:dr. and it e t a ii Dealer, .n Faury aM Ptlplr tins t:.,nlS, C.; Alartet A11 ..., HM1X11 Y ,t Butte lin EMI, Wll.ll.Csau and li,tail r e;,,d. sl..rchanta, rnme.r of ?mirth W A , n , ..ta., Mt .borvb ..._ I. 111302. --f t.1.2r.r •11 . ..,.. ....... -P. C. 11-MOM # ERSEY, FLEM ING ::. CO.. Commission bferthant, .r 11,v rule of lo,nrAir. Wrnl,. and UM Gond, al, de,l, , r. In all rd. rd Tallnm' Trimm. Inirt. ICo. 129 Wc.-4 'Arrt.t. f,,urth don. from Flfth, Pao. burgh. DENTISTS" Ir. D. HUNT, Dentist, Corner of Fourth arid Decatur rt. tprtlre..n Market and Perry street.. Ir. DRUGGISTS Da. a. c. crrerr. tr. C. Wrorreu.. •KEYSER 3cDONTELL, (Succesmora to to Kerr & K.ywrr.l Irlinlotalft and lietall Drag and pithrn Store, enrper of Wrol Jayrt and Virgin alley. promptk. arefullr ...innuded.alght and .a. Ulm ............. ~ . ~.., . . . - ....... _....- ............ ...y. a= arKIDD At Co.' Whole.snie Drugp . sts: Deal . es In Palnta. , lalla. Dr.. Stuff, and Ixotromantir prllont of Dr. 1r.i... , . eolabratod Worn Sooclll LAr. ea PIIIS. and /.., 6 3'ruP‘ N , co. corner of Wood . and Imutb er ,..,pluodon•ga altars will be amorally reek. forrepleel withdispach. DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Ft 4. P4liNEs'6)(l{ & co., whot, , ,,h. : IL/ • nrinNl.s.tss, and suannfurtiires, of %NW... Le... 1. k.... 1 Lend. nO Lithanse. ',rt.., WH.I nnsiFrout estri, lA. hit. burgh. l' . rh, It ... Sliiiilii - iliti, 11111011. mil e. 'lloiler in M It, 1 us,a s Pststs4 1,1,. , IMI, Oil.. Varnish .Ir., Av., t;, 4 , 7„.V f nt 4n—t. I'll/ohm - 0, I's. Goods. ..strrunl..d. t olf l i 'II. 311.11:GA N iliti.liiiiitlii I)nig,_i'ii.t. SIPY ns: Dealer in Isys. etulfsiligssiini, Oil , . VeirniAls,'.A.s. s.. PSI 1',..1 ktri.el, one sirs, gsouth of ftillnints.l Alls.y. i Pitbsbur Is. . . ....._ 4,1 NI NV IC K E itsl I A N1. 7 410110s ale 11111,..gisi i ' :r . r. '' ,n l „;l==. A ritana ran R i 11.1 ht. . .aana:.s Lei • N&EITER, holPsn I e and Retail b t!r i nt- - .1-, num. , I.ll.arly and at. Clair . I Self 003; )1 AKER & IV h Drug: I.ol.lmrgh. GROCERS T t, , , holesale Grocer, Cemmisah •.7 •• Slcchant. and l'amr and have, r.enwr Penn au Irwin Ntrreto. Q. A:11111EL P. SllltiVh:lt, Wholesale Or L. 7 Prodo . eo and Cominlmlnn 'Merchant, and .In In Pitpburrii Manufarturod .Artlele.. 1:Xl and 1 Scooral Are:. between n nod nol Pittsbumh. 10111, 11.1011.70131111 J0,r1 . 11 1,11..1. • ”11. S. lIILWORTII & CO., Whoiertn gip thtker... 11...dite. and Contni.lon Merchant., a Azent... Powel, Cr, ,of natant rill, Conn.. Zs al I•ll,,,urgh. J .• ultpßiixit; & INC; ItAliA3l ' ,. _up limperm rul l'outouit , innNo.ll 6 NVat ptn+.l-. trru.4 lirichlon,Ontron Yam, 1.7 IT •ter.L.litt..borgh. El,rt wArr s: CO., 'Wholeanie Grocer,. Conatuirrion Yleretutte. ant It.tirr% in Protium. !toe! l'ittsburgh 3Lanuterturt, No. 2 , 4 Liberty rtrret., Pitt burgh. B. ,CAN FIELD, late of 11 arrcn, Oiti, • . Clomigninn .00 lervarrlibß Momhant. and Whnl I r In Itrwrrve eboe..., Bum,. Pni Pearl Axtz. Rn.l'W..4lcrn Pratuen:gmernlly. W.t..r,rrn. bet.e.-n titnithtlrld and W.4.l.l.{l.burgh. X 01... .6. X. ..yit,66IIAN R. b. wamixo, ' S7TiVATEJIMA N k SONS, WholeAalt• A. Ina Foreardunc Merchant,. i kind, of.ltialu , , sad /.141Kirvh Maltufa,zu. Arti,d,,,, and Adonis !or tnit of Ibtbnsolud and Imullhoxidh Mzmularldrrd Tnbacco. No,. 0,, and m at. r- I. VON IiONNHOB.ST & CO., Whol. kj•li Un.ern. M.rwuntin: and l'”aunkslon '51,r1 ants. Dealer. to l'ittsburuh and Fein Plaince. So. an, corner of Front Arret mud Cbsnro, y Lan. Pittsburg!, I , AS. IFALZELL, Vhole,ale Grocer, l'on miurnn Nlorehant. an4l Nuler In Pnslu, and Put burgh llulaufacturr,—No. 7o M Putsburgh. 1 , 1" R t•IIRMJT rit, I SAI JMCK EY & CO., Wholgsale I ra, • lannuna.wo mud I.a , ..n• I.n.lueo Nn. b 4 %Valor and 107 Front gra,. l'it , ..loin:ll. Ira. .......... ....J J. 111.1a1 - 7. NG,ISH & KENN ETT, late English, inithninsrt es- wbobsisis Lirmra.Commi.ainn and antanfiro Nlerrhant,and in Pnndue. and l'it.,- bumh Manufartun, S.. Ito Sexond M. and IV r 11 7 .1 bnlVel..l3 tf r..l and Stnittflrld. TN..,1-I.LL. ItteCZT,l74. VI I LLER & RIC KETSON, IV h olesaln 4,7 . ;:, rd 7 r I'7 7,,°L and .ur g h. Pt, lrta“ Nall, Cotton yarn, 6i., ke , conwhaaly ma hand. -.1.001- 4 O. 01 . 403........0110. I ' GILLS & ROE. Wholesale Groceri CocrnaLoino Mt rebftrit, No. 257 taberty.,nr, 1108 RT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, attiring Distiller. dealer Iv Prooduor. Dlttaborith soot., roe, andall kith. or I. l oreiore and lionieetie Wino% and Llittiora. No. 31, lelbeetl ilreet- ,10 Don.. a Ter,' larve b eti %irk f ov ou otie for ri railor Monntunihela illililiet. oat l, 11 0 , 13 , /..RT _ DALZELL & CO., Wholesalt .sti? j oin7tr r o L c iTa t lltX.:' r . h r .'".;ll" ii...Z 1 n dr. lu .. l'iltrburull. ..11/01141tT A. CUNNING H., 11. Wholesai. t Ordorr. Prudoeu. Furwardmu. and Crum:dud.. NI, 7 ...,: t . y .53 , 14 , 1...M . Z rv ir1.rwh 31aumf.....tur, Nu. dt. I n 1rY.1 . h.<11..... . IC. 11 11100,1,C.11 ...... .. .....MOUS% NV 3. BAGA.L . EY 6... CO., Wholesale Gro v r... 0.. Nne... 1 , and . ..d1 Wood .d.rold_ INtd.burub I:mrt n. ........... Niee A Is: I) LESS, riuct.o..ors (..!a. 0. Wick. tiroorr% F. 4,10.1 1. larni Nlarrhoaa,aopl.o. Inal. Ma. "' 0.1.1...14 Vara, aud 000 , burgh Malfofxro., — gentruir' t1!rn,0f . ) ,, ..1 and Water stixto, 1•1.401,up,b. o . 1 •1,1 t 1 'ON & It , SE. AViloleßale in I . n.- lanolfs , tur..l Arlielet. Llbert, .1. D. ICU, /I* J• 111.1 arr. D. )1 . ILL! SS: CO., IVh:desate :and mornrr , al Waal and Fifth Oa, rittoburtrli. R OBI N SON, LITTLE & CO., N. 2.55 LI rty stmt. 1411orr. Grrr,ra. Prcr due. and ll.n-h,T li aur, and &ale, I'LtrAceL .llnnufrrt JOHN RP U RIO.. fl,rl+ 31 . FLOYD, WllOlP9fll.l I.irocen., ~Corna g.", nn Merchant.. and 0...n1rr. In I.l,rloce--Itn‘snd Arch n B ..111114 frottunx cAI Lat.q-1... Woo antl. stmt.. Pit 1.1 .. I's. PARKER & CO.,WholesaleGrocers: In Pmdur, 1.5,unr...[f1d Von. 6.4 15,516.1 5. C0nan..m..1.1 IPltt..burgh. SICAL INSTIIIIII3DITS i OLIN IL 'MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Forte., er )laic and Man,' Ing_rmnt.n , p. e..r.h...1 1v.4. suJd I , l4tiourry. :NJ', o,tit fin. Chsekrrinee Roo kortr, ba - T , ,v,..,.... 1' notyl,nni.t—N...•.l N,,...1 . - _ .. I_l ENI Y KLEBER. Dealer in 31u,ie, Mu t noel lortrumrots. and Import, td Ital.rl V i tnile, ;it ' lt ' c . „24 ,r ~., L r. • , -..-k— ,,, i-nd , r --- tat Attachment. Alt.n. or Dunham'r Plana, FIMIU/alif 1110:43:1,4 EDt, CIIILDS & CO., Manufactu •rry superior 4-1 Sheeting. Carpet C 1,34, stgl Stating. Penn Nllll. 'tint..gib. 1. PHIN F. talai/O. 1 ONE. & Ma.nufacturerx reE.Spring ned 6 Iftte.r Plnua 64,1 Plo.rh kavh and I.:lll,tie sprint..llentanerftl Iron A xlc.: wul F..lere In Malleshlv Ca.tlnxn. F,. i:131.7111r TAMI-. ua wh Tri minx. p.nern.ll,. corner of and Ervot •ittAborgb Pa. ripITT`BURGII ALKALI WORKS.—Ben net, *Try 01.. Matonfiwtne,r ,, "of nit Pox& . 3iuriatie awl Sulphuric Add, Waran , in , No. ft 3 Frrrv• . . - -—1 PAPER HANGINGS. .. _ w A . r . E ..i R c. P ii, : t 51 1 1 ,,, R ,,, 5 ,, 1 , 1 „. A . 1. : ! , , ,, 5 ., 1:C r et n .tvv r e ,. r ,,, t . ;, , and Asa, an Paper Ilan-Am, and IkaNter. I , lndoa Shade-, !IT. Boa.! , l.llll, ae. a1....-.-WrAllna, Pnntlag.• lead Weal3o ac l'nr. N0...5 U'rael atm, lestarern Fourth mad Diana , d alley, l'ittsburgh. l'a. TEA DR A RRS.. IS S: lIAWOII'rEI, Ten and Wine ,hanu. Fvt,W. ..0 the Nun6nd. ll.burgh. • I. I4• M ' CLURGIIG & CO., Grocers and Dralern. I.ll,rty rtn.t.. alnr, Wool on hand a larie. evoortzatnt of Choke arta...r. Tea,. Alr4p—tiFreign I. [Wale' , 1, - 141.4 on Of. loweFt ntANSPORTATION AGENTS 1 011N41. CA !JULIE Y, Agent for the Lake Erie d Michigan Linn, to thavar tang [hi. Lakes.— 1119 o r on th crgner of Mane. anti Stnithflalil eta. LEPCII &, CO.. Tr:lmporter" , by Canal wig iLrnahriling akar-haul, rorniir of Penn air., Dthe . . . _. .. VIIIIITIAIi BLINDS. - -- - - . a. V11317.1.2..T. .6 C. , LITC6rELT, /IL WESTERVEL'r *k: SON, well known Vent li . an mind flalr•r, korr. cron..beadntlr on bead or A. .to ord r Ihnl.p. nrclrlp in thew line, la • (boil. old strand. N n. l' .nl.rblr Aro,. slo, nt No. vi Markel dr.,. . . . . , ... . . Wnneond moryi entranc• in ten. Diatnnn,l. Venttlan Phuti...r... . to onlOr. and old Mira, n.ntl, repair...l. splo _ I ILA. BTW N would moot rmitmetfullyiraform th.pnl ir th ea h. krvp. on tlan,tnt bI. nand on th.. vr,•l4 ' do. I nawnd.,nr , ity,s romplvt. motenrtsovnt ...... , • • . a Venitlan Yr 1n.1.; alai 1 ...Lau nhut tern are made to crier In the Lent It rle. warranted ,rtal .to any In the V nlnd State, fila r [ldindo eats he rrneentd. without the nil nf n p c . m a t drier. Itnelne purelatt.ed the .V.A.na4.., and wad a the rablerdaltlightnent or R...., A Meaellattrl. 1 arn pmparal. 43 their old ruetntniers. at we 1 1.4 tb, u t, lir at Int, Ith every Illilll., In their line. Atteney...o I {Vneni rtrnet. l'ittaburgh. Ench'en; . • PAYEE • GING AND PLASTERING. OSEP JOHNSTON, I'ArEK II ANGER tn—Kevitirnre, re,rnert , (Shinl tt,.urm r11:l (Mo. Irgheny. 11.-1 , 1 De. dand, Mortar. Lath. Ir., f,,r rneh.l:l LEY SURGEON. A7i i TEIWSr lAftiiiE, Veterinary Surgeon. late uvut pn3L.f.lon, anti. l.lie that by tratrul ntiention in whatever it eottnetell terhlnt, be hope,. tn Ore earletxllon. In e n nune , itlnn with Jarnert !lure. lilinrlow am! andenral will he rarrlevl , ll2. at the masker of Tunnel eir,et Pruneylvanla Avenue. " - . - WOOL MERCHANTS. X! uji ,II Y & I. I , ', E, Wool. MALI:R. , .nrl Mtn Pei,. Merrhar. f, lb. pale of Artwrican .....,.f. !., No. INV I.l,rty ev. Pittelnintb. fill , t• li. , II A RBA UL 11, IVool Illeielan . ts, I_, 1..1. • tal Flnur .14 Proloen rnonllb, AO !or. .. ,11 .K .3 0.11t1•••le.r. NlerrlmEtto. Nt4 lij fru', otr•vl. mnd 116 r ticl 5tr...4. PittAburgh. . . .. - . - . PNGRAi: I' G AND LITHOGRAPHING. . .. . . V EVI LE JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood. Pe...--Ileve of ti-214 ‘ 11 .; 1 • 141 : 11, L 1 .11= 1 ,1 Pe "'" 7. l ;;.l , fnntleple , ee. leandeeate.ei Dena Lehele. In ...Oly:Penne for .thrleions, ef.- eletle, and Aeenelation, ()Alan Stamp,. de..l n the 6ret el. of eal. &Msr. the Imarrat pricy, - - W , l , ilLiiti .i. S . ( ....i t ilgipi „, ?l ,. .i.::S Ll , llOEt (4117; mPr.lta'::A:r2l:4l;7i:.=ts.l7.,Tl,l Deavelnae, !Nein., ant] Vleitinn Canle„ z...e..1 nr drawn on FFona. and printed In colors. Ba ld .boons, , n' llbwk• ila mat •Pbrnrnd etTla ..d at the =at reason. able ark. WW WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, SilYrr W and Wilitarr Gonda,. corn,r ,if !Lan. .ad FovZMZs . barxh , ra N. N.-14 Makes and Ow. WAiIIifERCHANTS. TWLLSON & CO., Imp r ortora and m in Umbra% .r 4 4uU li. tla 18 MIZE MISCELLANEOUS Oi iN TZSI MONS tt. CO.. Matt :10. tity and ,tit Nitll:l.l,t.nthl .tt MAITINELY. laic.. this tnAllad of tufitrotin tleclrett• tor havtott irttrk thaw. that lb, 1. ttrAttnrAtl It at 11A. lAw.ittle rate, At the . now,. awl In the ItAst tanuttAr. their tAtAttli-hntAn •tetttr. ttrAet. alAt, the 11.01,11 new. the t:att Work Tar. In tt.r Illael Omit!, at. 111A.Al. Foruttre.. otttat fArturotl at th lturtt..l n0tti , ...h.1 Itt. Iwo A. .111 Mt.. Inkling 11 , 1/0. on Abort ne.t.l.A. mAhll.nn Gas Fitting. MAFFEer & I ) 13e 1 Front •Ann•h. Fe.tneen Went market. Intham ettyito the tto•Ir• no...mem . t .aneuters, 11,idunt, f ll,' kn. preyno.l to ...oh , Fithnn on the eltorteot the tiee tool incoA nosoniablo toms 1,41 , 117 A( I PRIM?, FASHION FOR. 1 , ,,1-1 . 1,is 1. heantiftil ntl le of 1104 rreelrtnt mod for qmle by n 0•137 romp, IV:'lll ' arntn l iti ' n ' t ' u N oiol n 1 h, • Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's NEW LITHOORAP II IC )T ENT. ~ilii E AIOIVi Fat r,sprN•tfullynn , .... Ulric frhohh. unti the pubhe geoernlll, that they nte prepart.l et•roite in the fir, •I, L. Lb... cut. cl , l order% for Choi, IhIII, Illtcicucia... Cheek.. ntel Protooonnl Conk. Nino, Char, 1,11.1, no.. The, cotahlotoneut it nt No. Go .t I. between Tlortl nth] hotel h stotr, tf Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y. GLOVER, BIFJi h CO.. Pr:ovum:Ton, 91 1 11E' SUISSelti 11EIZS, ha% ing 1.4,1 nr, "ttlaoittled zenke fir It ahoy, ~ 1,110,11. khel• tattahttat It on hand a •uhid, uu. awn 1141% ar raw Itrark.Cturibl. l••urnaer Ilearthastal ILv all , . 11,e, ata• also hterarvel to ha-el,. onleha for rid Brie,. to he onete 111tne .hare h. tutt win-lower, re lark .hall t•romht It ailed e net ale•a it neap-As:it, trk en umerns.. the man, :tl - the holivar Vire knelt t•.•-•-••ao er all ether. that hat, lawn •alt tar nate In the L o led dn. .11 , rtentt wol, known to alt ~,,, t ,raoit• le• Eh+ Itriet.. The trehrietnr. ttett rnate.l that the Briek 41:01 thee note. of their hre-ent nt rep...anon. 1.1 that uo"ettwnw• nhall le• •-hata. to make them even kettet than the, hale beretefore lawn h die hal% ratal•lkh:nent now netnattrtkaa• Iltwk at kw:mu. EU Jok tneh: Canal tt,tin. s tern,) 'h. Inth•httrch havr arrived Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. underQiynol have jo their IRON TUlty. W9RKS, . • nd etre now montifttetorin.f hit ...ire. , el I•1I'E, •mnhee hn.l other l• the, hntl ntl •ar• • et IV R01..6111' II:0 N 'rt . lIES. which tlary a.(lyr -al- at 111.- I , a.-•t nrin.. They are naa pry par..l eal-ran. P. ally extrat. t. d--. lay. 1 1 1 1 AS.: a pi. an. 111 ar.l 11 1 11 . atm atm, r.-1.1 11m 1•A1 V 'CHOLAS VIVI.IN. Cita Figint,r. Pram:ht.-ay. mad PrnetlYal attain,: Arra? \l.i.-. uptits of 1.. r 111.- lattYnt Mar, . 1,1 11 11 " cf ala , h l nery Itaraltat-o. n atyr Itnrts. I,lllpa fawn! t. tctnt lo A 11. MO P II .al ye.lyn... a. .21 Narba, . 11 A 3.1 A DEIRA. Agony for Del:tr. - aro Mu j_ tura 1 1 aftly I n.uinnm campany. 40 NI err Ytr-a1 GARDiN ER Cl*FFlN..AF.•mfrFratnk lin 111 Fll , I nauranr.- I.l.mpany. mnl.•ra-tram. rof 11,41 .al Third •tx•ot.. • r.M. (t LEN N. 11... K ItiN DER. IVorul v trordol door from them •of yr to, he I• rn. t..unJ •ntettlutrall• utatuto.r., holnd oon•futir, er r•foured Onto , pui nu so d - 01 It. r• •• he hero hutting nro om I ver.ity • 'eußl) & CO.. and Retail 2„t- ; " oda r • fun sod tout •tto-it of IN. ( I Tor, o'er, ,talitt and xi. 10. loh• .1. utel Rehm]. and 11. Itetr.ll.l their eddeln•r• otri nor tie 03 I b.,/ lb, ~it (.11 {11.111 , , A.llBll Wawl Ln.Lii..l,B„). I 1 i 3 1"" . L i t: ' ,: .' ll h2" „ r' ; ' , , T, s ,; - :, ' 111.4 Itl ••m• ledidttot •ct0..1 New Coach Factory—Allegheny. M. A. 15 . 11 IT E A I'l'. •,....1,11 tr. ~ ~, M.. I. ,:n mg 14 l'ai variwolftr nit,111..4 thn n , L•r of nvopru anal Las tuF nnue but r4111* , .. , me, L,•. In • arrantins; ~ r ). ther, , re • rK,-, 4rtn• tra VAGLE MA RBLE WORKS, (~tal , E.ll 1174 r ;:iol I NI, W HAW,. S'' 1. ....I P Vault. T. nple, ar Man.! Crntr. , op, 11..1. •,p1 run.l.. . A Linau oti ban.. A CARD-1851. It I RPIIS n BERCIIFIELD. Nph E: thmitkiin:uv 1111 11 , . pol•hr . ven .111 r for the esteuili..l it. then.. the .if theirr • 1h an ,Fl . thn- tl • will linvr tin inivant,..., e.l nlent, •Aankt tAnln. then - Th, tnAkl notahlhmAnt. , or•rn. - A! n. A 1,3111 •T , 41.1.. • lA., •A•ry rtl, 11, I , r; inv. rAnnin van 1. pr.,11r..1-,upt :rt ~. . nail a 111 l. th, tr. wait, tin. r i3.11/10.• Mllld .tva.lue.l.. to InrAr 11,1 A • :ill lIAAr rn• ht -The IVII!!1.E,11.1.: IS! . re!!! !- the tensile , etatr•—etstrahee Ir,w ith .!r t. 31ITSBUR611 COMMERCI Ae: c111.1.V. rta-n•r of Third end Moirket TIo• ouly A. I It.ticottnn of t), htt.iirch PEEMMIUMM 0. K.Elminherltu. 1 , 3/ncrenwlii,. M.-Ran /". Al,. NI. Sl nt.r.on. I...eltenr (.11 C.lnnwnc.l 14. A 1.., Fun2l,llrlo.loo hrun , ll ~,, nut Aid•rmod {..tinta."l.4, are inrl4.l b, all wul is tu.• tht. ts.rrunge•moon... I , ..ureinl evr,inc. Ileferenr, xi, sc th• ,Nid• tit. ti.,,hant. EAGLE MARBLE WORKS ESTA111.1,111:1, 1:"32, by EDMUND Cr— IN' I l.h INS, No. _4.1 'Abort) st., 41 . 1,1.1mr01. 33• ,trint •. .1.1 .1 r-:-- rhvar, 4 , / ,, lv•r Drioninp., I .h.n , frytn Itmt, Mint E 23 e , rr. A rt I fem. Ihrrrner I , n, WtHon+ John Snid. r, Pittohiltzlt itnak. J. H. I , lar,ll,ruer, E. Iliii t Cart, Wi 11 , kt Irlinight. F.,. 11 Jo.. Mr:Ewen. E., llrmiur h T Itau 1 O. FruiVr. N. I.thrnp. feel+ I.l' f II ' • Nii . Fi .• •. • ..• . . . . . • v , .l.lterin. usto..,n yvAr. In lbs. oily. 11. arc 1.111..• errs2.ll+ , l joh...ulnif 1.-11 , , 10-m.r.• ug.0.11,.• pr...ent l, and I.lllrnrh.nv,l. ro , n , le, P. atistartl. berrxilor. JAMS W. WOODWELL , ABINET FURNITURE % Nl5- ) (hr.+, Warr-rhorh. 97 A 99 mint nrrml W. W. rh.p.'elft'lly Infhnh• hi• frivhd• fah' haus,' (tut hr ha. now ..hturahh., . . . nil fintot rntek tif flown bold ttrt.r In hie oily. nit hr t+ innorrninoti . the tiunlit, 011-nomontnl mittorialt. loot workmanthitt, ontl riowett stint: and from 11,. rrtont of lot ontorti nrol fnrilttr itontertintm. itt onnblot to 'trot.... worrmtlott ttimo. Ile lint Folmar° it,., rrineittlo of Henn(' inn the ening... . • interert vitt. dos ova. m donltly and twire. and loop. a, on hand the m. 0.... Tan.; rwm drommtion ..r Mtn,. from tho 01,1..1 and plammt, to thr moot rio t and rodl r, that a how, td part of oar, may hp •lohrd from Ma' rowk.nmetlfartorml t.. rt.. trwrrthre mlintr or an norporth.o. that thr ad.ato ...of Ilk orlohn.buwat may I. known. 'llsr folio:wind . . . . . . non•I par t.. 1 nhek, I. fur riehneer e.l null rnhnnt 1. rurhse , ell In en; cr (be Enter° Parlor. drn.finm.clinlng. and 1.41.m.En Ofnirr, r.f evrrf rolf.,ting of iffah....msfy ftsf.l alnut. Elm:. tim e Cu...1,1001n. ant Ea...). Chair, 1.1..f0ry Sofw, and If!Tom.. of Inlet fronett Ind Arrwrt..rin wagon,. Whal.Note, wof flung 1N.0.1. of kiwi.; Work Tnt,!.... slot Inn, inlaid ..t.totlf.lllllKie an.] hol.leror, nanrl.l loft. waling., r.,•.verf.4l land ffnlffolt rya, in.! Is • . • 1.1110111,1 , 01thr im • ot Impror.l, 1•••11.1nri ImA, r2.11+1. 1 . ..10,114P boll mod • g. 11, /, 1,11 AtAl ~ 11, . .n.nn. AIM lAA +1 rne,.., hut •1nn.)... niAl I 1nn1r.1..•1n. , •r11,-, .t.. 1 r. r l r for rl,ililn n. , - .,,,r Am.+,1A1 , 1 , . A.A.I 1 , , 1 1, 1 4 . InAta , ,nny, All.l ,A,rl Tula, o. A , . At. Sr A lAra, Avo.rtim.,ll r,f ..... ~e, rt,rn:lllr, nlo.l 1 . ..1,ina.1 ittak, 111. lu their eleArAlevete Atel lh, flie0141•41 at the nherttal mare. All ..e.lere yreznpl If All ) INT IANDs )AtUarro., It, Tlor.l r eltorrr t , !tarlogrtutt... otr ilo• tottro-to . 111 . 111(...• ntol otoldrolt. tool trill ntu-041 to nor otIto•r t7toito do. lo•otiott ofttro, 11.0 nt thr It. %%tr./0f...t00. • Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil ,11 it. D. R. SNIITII IT Intlito - tton b. n f••*• porn. lo of 1 o. dolott.trol nrt. •tt lu. moot-. Atltlst..” , stow I,llll.llrt t trttr, r t{' ' ,.,.l att.l Ilnrkot floor. of lottroction, (root lo 1/.i r rum e,!, tt• r tt. Clotrteer nod olltor pnrtlottlar• 1.• knotrn ralltott tnftoroootto nt tlo• roottt• Koh, to Dr .ruzsorn or la A./.li•tott jart.ll( GEORGE E. ARNOLD & co. BANKERS.. DEALERS IS EXCHANGE, CUES, 1,1 Norr.s, Lc. 74 Ar.Vorth R.. v , 441 r.. /40. / 1 / 4 04.,4 Nato, and Marl% 00114e.041.,i, all porta .4 5,,,,La Wight and •O!J..n SEWELi, Attorni, At nw•, • Ohio Stab Gnlnlnimlonre Er taking.: D4prAtlon.. Ark nnaletlon.rorote. Deed., Ao. Ofllna—kourth atno.t, 41 - or. Mnothfml.t. mrl,ll-4,4. /WIN ocrmrt, ..111MC, C9IITEY & COLVIN, Coal '3lcrehantg, Dry G oo d, tir,,rrrie, Iron and Nails coinrr of Wo.lnut erect and irmht.rtgal Turnpfkr ILowl Tmwran •Ille 0c19,1/Arly..± . . ITTCrIVIOII...I 11111.G.1. SBUIIGII CITY GLASS WORKS.- W. CUNNINGHAM CO, Manufacturer. of Wtotenr n. Market street, between YHA aud recoood. ?Ittelosrch, l'a. rartirular attention paid to odd 'lam Alao—HcalClll In Glue. Au: davvb PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1851 STEAMERS, MAILS, &,. IdOITEIIENTEI nr TUE 4001 vs OCEAN STEAM SHIPS....._: _ - The und,not.4l, other revel, are •mdnt,d to .11 at 114.11.? Lino A laerial. Strattarrs. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILINO. ruf de NEW VAIL.. rum unrcin Pam. 1Ve..... , 1, Mara. LdhlHaturday. Muth Sth It ~ ......1,... •• 10th12 4 nYunlny. 1t...11.h., April ..-411 30 IVe.lner.ho, April 9th ....Inn-day , • • Ifith WednendaY. ' 0 t.n.lnen.l.ny. !lay luth IVednenth". 111. T, 2 1 1 1 1: eatur.h. , - 2 , llolWedunklay, ~.turnht,. Juneithilcedeurndid. Juno 11th rda, • •• 214 Wednesday. Sntu " 20th tiunla 4 . July th Wednesday. JulT llth turdan, .. 10th IVedurnahnl. S.nlunlab. Allan.,:ll,lVellyrnedsi. Aug, elh : 1 / 4 3.urdntr, '• r, :_ , 23P! tI . •nt tl nt s inn!. • aturlay • — •ltnixl tunl• • at rdul turd I I I allth Wednesday. Sold- 'd .Leyd. lath Wedneodsy, 17th Lltb Wednesday, Oa. lst. 11th Wednesdn, 16th . I:drednesdny, •• Dtts Nos. h Wednesday. Nnv. 12111 set Wednesday, 17h Der. rah Saturder. Dee. lath Sainnin, •• 27611 ,Yrrlard kine—Waekly 71.-4 u. URDU . LITEXPOOL Toe. TUX UNITED NTAT•P. r Aluxtuta , naturday, 31archl5. nI .1 . 41-Pm • &Limn April P. -New York • 1 / 4 turday, April 1.2. I:ttrtttt. 11..telttu... - ..New I,.rt ....... ICetioeAtur..ll4.r. L.NS. Ittetupn April 9. • w .... re.luettlin). April :M. New YorkW.ltart,lskr. ..NIWY Itt 11411 fax. 115.0,4. or New York. CZ; NOCI.IbIi • Sete 1,1: and Harr , Line— _l6..flay ]rm. t NEVI T.,. 1,11 nivnr. FranFranklin` V rattint,,. ON FA. Franktil l. t. Weoltini.l • 2l.ll SI., 11niuln.1,1t - stli Mnr Iltsinholilt •• 9111 Apr Franklin. - .sth Apr Franklin. - 7th MAY iiint.l• - ,i Slni Iltiml9.l,lt, •• ith Ju Jul) ne l• rook", - tl Fnln, •• 114 Ilinu,9l4t, •• rith it Jun ll o y Ilin ra nh :4l olilt. - Irtnk lin. •• 'hitt, Jul, IFraillihrt, •• 117111 Aug I elo ..11 n,19.1.1t. •• 1,1 Ann. liunitolilt, '•111111Sopt Iran I, 10,. •• :Nth n , pl. Franklin. - 1,1 or , . Humboldt. ••litli Ih.i. ihnni.Wl. •• Ilith Sro 1 r9iiklin. •• Vol. Nor Franklin, - 17111 ikn Ilionil.ololt. - Inn th .Ytran Narianta.” 106 41.1111 r, , York. N.,. York. .N.,• York . Ender. Marrh No•Ir York ....... April IX. Emig., MA, If. .... Juow ron rttiroelltt 11 S rani] ttearturrs Itrlt York on thr Iltband 15th ...el. otsoth. for tha.u.. TOP 114V.,11. 011 , l[ll .111/Inhip Itnty, CharlttnAnt on the Ist and Inthot tntelJ ta..uth ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OP IfIJIS. • hr Chaintwrobarg. Philadelptaa. Cent'''. and Nrwthrrn parte 1.1 SS t. Jrraer. and 11, "ix New England Statta— Tb" Itntf.h Provinrwo of L.'s., Canada NOVA Mats, and Near Itrun...v.C.. daily. Arrive.' at 4P. ; I"..t.arts at I P.*. • • • NocTO )4r-row. .141 41oluding thr roman,. of IlrogllON, Constato, Contr.:Om p.n. ton m, . I.rmutt onuns. Mil., !dr. Aron, Pot., Prrrl. t 00. part a 11,11norriutl. via Lrranaro, ti tirrat rob Mn,,!.. N., AI IMP ono room. OiLli) AI . An r, /g daily, rsn'pl undo) ot 3 A 11,. Jn tor, 1 r 31, VP., —lly Butler, r 0.., erns sod JriTer.on o 11.otrnk part °IN... York ota ut,,C00rti4.440, os.. owl airport. at 4 3A•13.1., ••1. ,wrzur.-11, aohlomton. P. tirorn. Fa, et, Pootrret. port of Wrrtroorrlatut nottitr. iretto. •lor,baol. Polt,ootr, .0 hinoton Citt Southrr4ona .rn tort: a ncol licsktuAt, Minot% Tontoor "4t.'44. .Ark. North Coro- Itnr Ort , r,to. 1...0m0n0. sta Texan, Arrtvro ot • r a. and deports at 6 r 1c .... ,TFILISVII.L., 0111...-117 E11.r.1. 1 1 . , ... 8 .1. 0 n Ploy.tu Pan• P._ Iluladayt Va., 'a., J.fltram. I arrl -.r.. Cara .11. 11.:1m... and Turaamanut amt....a., Jlm trt.e, at 11 t a.; drpart. al 7 .. a N•atit Wpm., —II, 11... r. Pa- an Clertlaral.Olaa. la.. ¢r I . . Pa_ Columbiana Trumbull. Part., Oral. .1.1,151.u1;,.:•,..L.Wa1 sr. Medlna,u , alma.. e alsitult,Lak. 1:i• 10.0. Luau. Ilan., lotlar a gra.. basuluok, liaal ar,l Lur......nta, tano.. 11. rxtranto uorthrtu caunta .t if, amt.- of Imlistat atal Illm., ludmlltis all 41.40 n. la., aml \14...nau..1.11. Arrll,6 at It S. Y.: d I..rt , at I, r a --By Sharpnburg.ll ,, Lott...BßriogtoLl.Tarr. LSIU. Bauntng. Al.lctmlnl4, Artoomne. Oar sandal.. Ar r... at 7 v. xs, and atrynrr....l a r . Iftrxrc. P•mrsille. Zolu•not , le. Pon•ter 1111,. linzi•n•lost t nrnl N••tt Arritr+ Thor“layn, ats.l r;atunln, at nt ; •Ittutrtt 1, • •11k.;,1ft • ts, ri•lnt•, at 7A. Y. , I: st.L. n d ' Hall. n rill.. arid Mon ./ . rich, at • , te Haw.. P.l PAM. n..., )1,,7,1, all. I 11.drar.r, M v., n. 1... ll,n PrPn A Mr.. :dm]." • and Thur.!, .. SA. III; dr- Prt e.nd,,, • mud It, t. A ;I —Hy n. Padplnr. ,luntlay• nu.l Th und am al I, r • .1.-,st • • tool Tbur-.1%, .. IT I I' .1 F•IN,roV. V, I us-1,k., di., M 0.,. 31 tap , /mu,. zpme.... turvorw. Arra , *cn Frldd, . r 11.,11.. nu Pat u II a. N. -- lir An ardy, Wasiatunu. and A ppllo. IA A rm.. , remln.-../.1,1, ell 8 thqulrtr /1 , 02.,111.1 . ,:.. —l,, leklAree Fee,. Arran, On Fr*ley. et •t• twuntav,.. ti 15.n.m.4 Ilreakmerk. hit.....nwn. kr • Itchlrllllg ,Sarrela and Venknetn,' Aruree ..1.511, it 7 • u.. In depart. Letter. the tlmlr Uukii. 11111.1 be In Ire. "Me: one bnur then - depart ur, lean., the 1,111- 1...4 .1.10 lw,,k/, mart 11,,e11115r. half ten., tin ....partner. BATES OF DISCOUNT. M1..P1T11.R.1 N. 110LNIES & SONS. Banker,. A, 17 Mari, sr, iiinrien not/ and Floolkito. PiUrfAimA. li EN Aril IA AN lA. 'Blau,., sit Mospillun.. ..- 1 • i A., in, Ronk Ado rerillionsb al Aprils_ ........ .li , t., poi ilAn o . f..par Brandi at YeAnni-1,0n....... Iwo, IA C. uiturrer.. -Par City Rank. Cinrintion.... .Ici 11..4 ..1 North Aluer,A,...riir CiounaPrctol Ilk.Clrvinnatlili. honk ..firorttenlAG-rAiPsrAr Vreink lin Honk . .. ..... . It Bonk Spn, lininio..-luirjoloyeits Bank . . ..... ....,. do I•Ann pi ri.nri totruphip-Aoritlhoi Lire In, k Trinif 5'.,..1.. Wail, ,A ti,. I rst-1 stau , 1•20, ...tern I,,wrre Bank .... A., I •11....,t., Hun:, .: rit .. nor Bank .1 Nipoiillon.... .. -AI, I:mino:A 31,irlio,ica . Ilk nor':Amon NPG, . iiir.,nl.l“ink tor! NEW 12 , 11. AND. ho.ii•itirtia. l'onk . .. par' All polygon! Hank, ... ..... i r Aloitifip.. A M., -,L lidAik -Isi.f! NEW YOllli. Sl,..iiaiiir, ILA, rorl Si. York CIIP•.. _........Par Alp. mamot": Bank Country 5. Phi . ..lpin Ins Rank 1. 1. MARY LAND. si nil, ii .11. liank.... ..... -par; Baltimore tor • roleAulansi I,orik ... ....... por'Country Si I ...tern Bonk nor N..IERNEY O'DELAWAIIE. lank of ClipmlirrAinirob . JO All oily - put bankP `y lank of ilipAier County-lo+ VIRVINIA. intik ~I' lon , . 11 IP Amt . Ronk .1"1.13s Valley .. -- • 'lli kink ..11,1 Co.. .Mr Ilk pf Ain:lido Richnsaill S spiik .if I, irnianO.on ...parlEn. llonk. in.. N0rf , 1k..... It look ir tkoislAirgh . .... 1 A ',Arms,' Illink of Virgin/11 ' - i lonk ~f Ip.ii Int, or. ....... -1 1 1,Plisist.p . A 111.141. Ronk Intik ~ f 11lillptoon.. ... L, Ninoth Wi.otrini Bank 1 1. r .hu.. boil. of Nortloaborlowl.roir, NORTH CA lii ILINA.. 'iirl,lp IlAnk . . . . I,llank nrCurii. hoar 2 ..lizni hip Ilk A Brithipliororilik Pl' rt. nr N . Lo 5i11...- . 2 ii , ,, I, A..., flank.- ...... norrinino.rilel Ilk. Wilusinien A.,;.,. .ii Hank nor Merrhotil , Bonk, NP•koin 2 rriP Rank . 1, SOUTH CAROLINA. Yorrnpro• Ilk ~f Rip , lts I` , ..parlllk of lhn SL of S. Cornlinn 2 rpruipric Ilk ol lonpoiter mr Donk of South C0r01in0..,.. romp,. PAO: oli,Poilllll. in , 8.. , or C1..1 , ... • . Inf. , . 13 i iii Sigisi Ikill Cr luiiileint.Prii A Mpshanics' Ilk 2 I pi- PI, A 1S o f ',Omni. 11 OEOIIIIIA t conk 'III Ilk. 11 isibluirtnn 'or Angus!. In, 2 Banking CO Iltirri-hurkllAnk . I, Bank if AupinAto II•nr , la, )(auk. ....... ..... ii i , lllt of Itruniorlek AuniPle 2 lonsoi.ipr hark .. .. . . .... !pa TENNESSRE., , ,,0r county R0nk...4,41r All wilii.nt bank............ 3 1,.4L50t,n 1150 k... par KNTIICE V. Rank _ Ilk of Fi.nturky.Loul.villr 5...m.n,5/ Hank-, ..... psr Ilk of Lon 1•011, Thurotoo 5. Itrsorl, Itnnk Southern Ilk of Kentucky S tl yomunt bk.% ilket•banvosr Southern Ilk of Krolorkl 11.114 Nolen ...... Ilk of SO., of Mo , nourl 01110. .fldo Staten:lnk Sten Rank sod brsorles.—LO Ilmorl. at ......... .do Bank of ......... . ......... ....,... 11r30r1.. Athrttv. do iir INUINSI N. IttAnell at Itrplart.rt .In Marine A Mire Ikehka 5 Itrnoch at I Ittliodne._ do MICHIGAN. Brandt et Cleveland . dolFartneri Nlt , hankit . Bank 3 Brawl. at Tohilo do Government Mork llnnlt._, 3 Itrunrh at Barton do Pealnaular 8.A.._ ..... _ 3 Branen at Pei...ire do Inauranre Company. 1 Armtek rd. COillftii. An Matz. Bank 3 I.ll,neh at Add/dada.. ...... .dn CANADA. . . . . ...... .. . • Itranch at .Ostioto do lik of 11. N. Antrwiret.Torontos Brawl, at Mandl.. thdrinnk or the l'oonlo, Toronto:, Ilranola . Itlnn, .. do Bank of 0. 6 Brandt .t.loosnuall do Bank of U. Canada, Toronto 5 Ifranalt at Initna n ot do EASTER!: EXCHANGE; Branch at It On Non ?tort (mut,. ...... '.: Brunch of Colo do On Philadelphia do. , nrourik .Lanoson r.. .... .do On naltintoro do • Ilronott at Strute.o wino do WESTERN EXCIIANOR. 3, Inn, o-h nt 311. % 0rn0n...-....d0 Cincinnati 1 Branch at ?son.V. do Lorntiovllle I Ilmsdh nt Ely nn do 90. !nub,- ........... . -.1 Itroorli et Oprinritold do 001.0 AN It'SPECIE V.: 1.400 Straurit at Motion.... ....... do Dooklanno, dpanion 104,0 Itranelt at Trot do do - Patriot 1530 Nandi at Mt Pia,. . do F.aulo, obi WO nrattob•o 7anoosino . Koala. now 10.00 Prowls at N0r...01t do Frodorieknforn....... .. 7.10 Branch nt Pidun ... Tole Tbaloto 7.ed Itrnn. Id dninoao to Brat , th nt haws . do Srderel,...tut . 4.1 d, Brawl. al Itnvetinn .. __do Tetiliuddrre 1.00 Branch nt Chitllrollkr- do l'intndedt. IMu 11mnrie et iVrahrodd. dt, Dana, 2.1 Unmet, at Tolelld... .......An! Spring Bonnets. Il) It FT Hsi. [An' in received and •, t , I.e , I ued. ennuhrldne. In. part. the fdllowiog tl • 1 dhe.n1121.... 4ueen's Own. %%hit, mud 1 ellnw ,lokee, :+tAr nth! Tull, , 111 Inn t hlp. . Jenu, 1411.181nd Satin. htuzlidt Cho.. Fluted Strew end /Win. to,. Stew. and Iti.sunhl, ['owl and Gots Satin. - Fldrenee Crienhed. , Atneriewn 1n,.. Enulkh l'entl. 111 ungartan VI led, Albin., Fluted hienllia. " hylit Struve, ,'llk .. MM=E I) LACK lIIthiSS SI LKS.--.lmit reed par I !, „"Si'.;;T;z,r,:rt.;', - .!..t.,h..,!:".':,!irt,,'"1 A. A. AlA7atlri .LHISII LlNENS.—l{ , •ceised this morning m , lb•r lot 3,ortnl Krnol, Irish 1.11”... A. A. Ii ANON A 111. W E UI L-350 gall. for sale by 1 7 ....III!, J *CO. pIOT w.h ASII--7 (prime) for. 1.11,1. oale by 1-0 t I 14 3 0 . nee).ls J. KIWI A IV 4,4U1l Ali CURED HAMS—III tierces Da -1 C hand nrul mr rale hr 1 1 A I kegs Nn. A LF :: 0 I...A ( SSE "O; S-4 , J o i , er- I A 111 , —DI keg. , No. I, for sale by - 1J J. A K. FLOYD. I )IITASII--10 ellakM, warranted pure., fur mehll J . k IL. PIJIYII. I . S CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES; Azul Ilrarke, of 111 r lat , PAP l lla.: a 1... two and nn. light Unzataralal I,nAm., at canal] orle ulV. W. Wll.-80N, mrnrr of Fourth and Markrt eta. (. 1 01,A It LAIIBLA3IPS.CIIA Nl)ELfElfge o vt lertunrirall..l mac rarlaa W. W. W11.1illli" Iy ANTED TO d at k ß , y L.; , N ,,,.. 0L . e r s fthe Wes t c rn kk i u. iN 7 O. HINTING PAPER—A superior lot 0f Double Medi= ttißr , MX: and pale a t.. W.B RAVEN'S pycl2.s Pat. Btors.cor. unrueml Second ala EZZEZI•I2I COMMERCIAL !Lummox eisanuctx.—Advertinneutesnd far I tar pope& reerlve.l and forretnlril (Iwo( from I hi. -01.. TLe marketli‘Jut any particular tuovottient on ?at uNat. and PO far az quoUtlonsnrreoncru.ll..irery thing s. quiet al yrrviona day', quotation.. FLOUlt—The rverlpm were urslerwtm with sal, of null lots from rest and from witom. et W.12 , . 0 . 11 X bbl. Sale" from store were ermlinctl to small 10t, ell form, Prices. bah,. ISP bbl s. f. at 11.3.15, end .50 do extra nt = 30 1; bbl. tißAlN—Retslpbt rontlnve Ilaht, and vre otn mi.rt . laga,. gale, anJ v. chanizr lu prima. UROCIiIIIM—We nal, a roltanued tiruineAA in !hr 3uket, with Fah, N 0 sugar at.1: 4 0.43 , , of t 001.. ., at 6:42.5, and of Rio mar. at 12(412Y flACON—lhton rontmuc arm. with a fair reptlar Lll4i -121,11 In wr.teru and city cured at full prier, nay for h•wi., aide. 7 an , l aboahlers at tjaG`ao FItUIT--.sales of 100Euspplen from_ drat hand. at 75 with pa, for narka. BULK Mi.:AT—Furth, malt,. Ins h.e.round tNe it tn, time. CLOVEII . 3nl Ise front Ilr.t hand.:prltne, cee lot at NI, azol 40 bu do at 55,75. PORT OF PITTSBURGH lUvrs.—Thee were & fees. 0 inehei lo rhatmel, by Vier 'mark.lut evening, and falling. ARRIVED. 31Icislimn. Bon, kleartir. th.ratoth Allman , . Burkina/in. /Inoriniville. J 31ehre, hlcKernaht. , al Ilthernia ?it,. Batchelor. Citirinnati. het - none et., Show. Cincinnati Diurnal. Ciiunell. Wheeling orient:O. st Luta. Ile Witt Chino". It... Thine,. Arty Ola rton Go onra. {{ilk,. Niarlirilit • s, Yount, Brubr., ,, enotii.r. M 04111112. sunft-h. ;:xtunle*, M..pn119. 2.2 DEPARTIIi. Mlnhlcian. Role, ligoviir Benner. itonhin, Tlito nlirignr. n'iint Negri . n. I WunillierW. J. Neliings. Mon,. flunk, n Stair. litign.Curtouiati Meinintiztir Nu 2 hinting. I. llnnitigh•il nail... Wright. !Spin ilrinson Z.iielisri Tad,. Ilunl. It :int.:hot.. Mnrtlrs. Malt, Ikstnr. .I.lstin Lind, Hunt. Zguenvilln itierinnt,tar, C 11111.1•11 Ninltilliu. BOAT?. LP.AVINI/ THIS DAY N. All, I LLE—G,lrra_ 10 A. x. er Adm.. . IV Ile.FlN..—lliumnl IY I LLK— lu t Nu lot ts IMPORTS BY RIVER. Arl—P” 111 ,, Arrg ,lArtr 1,, 114.14 Ir.m. H.,: 11a) bAle Alorrhul, J Muhl,. I ha lank. J J fA,k- MIL 1 etovr & cynu.nt... Raab Dn..° A I. I.A• Iva( 11Aker F.r., 11A/ la d, a..1iirk,..1 Md.., 21 'I" , I.kgr. 11Alt, d I , d, the to. Alma 11 all l (Ar. 12 441. hirkey. J %V.v.,. ItlAlnl.f , n And La.,,A, J 1., 11,..12 2 hr. NA , .. II t.rAiT A • , Iwukler.. Au, 11•• f'&11 11.. Clark A Thai. S tlelkr , A Nina.: ..blAkey. 1. J., balno. II lArev, AI.L+J,a nan dr.“l 12,f. IA .1. aLA 14 .1.. S..llorn A Sloan. Au lihd. MAnAI. Ilingimu; dot,. ClArk A Time, 1 pc hAgrln, M•d( 3 hhtl. Clark lc Thaw IV J S cd..s— 2 hr. harldvrn.3l/.8.• 4rd A Cnv..d.: la/ 111. 11,u, 1,401 A C. 1. Pn I, M.... Arovvr.nd A ernx,r. 17 48 dr1...1 (nit. I. 811 Alvan/am 11 LW, Mow. I. mil butt.( ,IV laudased. 10 do door. Inn Philtper, I radk. 1 AA. Bak, d V..r.ith. 7 I/x. J 01`..nnow I 4...10. Mr VA.Jrn :114 Ix, .kay.. ILhialra d /bar. 2 1,1,1+ dr., 1 Vs, .1 a 11.., I, Al 14.1 v 11,8. r. Clark A Thdr. ' 1..48 Shrarr. 1:0 1.1,1, Hoar. J / 1 1,181. (.Inc... a trt land load CAITINA—P. 1,,0rn-19 hhd. 4b,ile.. II r..vy & Co do alu, H lltaq A _.11.61. tout Iltrlt d Ths, Lu J, 1,11 t Llpmtt. IS bbl, rlo W/I Jotooto. o.k. Joo, li hb. ton t, rl n0t.... trtoWl llv Crux,: pkt nolo, 1i It A 111.31.,,, 11 fILI.SIILLE--rtu &tax t—l 7 Mar apple.. 1 rl , ll butter, . 1 1rturtrn, k lotylt, I ha. I litt, err, It Peel; lA. Wolenettr, 11. home pettlree.orrnert ramesrd: ,t 114.1. pple, 3 It, !mutt, 2 eke rualt, et. , dried spelee, itel , l tt LOOK HERE MI FRIKIVD RE YOU A- FATHER, laboring for the um. hr. h !intros. :nab:, Laraliparllll. Are a Mother. runknng from ilto•anion to , artib.ll •ro hoibonolio uae n. Bowe a nhalier earna parg In—it will oietatoly eon. ou. l‘t nor &RA, or nn otw oar snook.. agol net • pamphirt. gratin. where you .111 nnd [hot the hhajier gar. nabanila.nt rigvnarg.t hi Or 1 lion, ban horn the moat. bornzanontli enrich; niter,. noon, ban 4...b10b the human faintly ann rontlnually enhirot. than nne blhor proinuation of sarnaparilln aker yot brounht lion, the Puhtio Thu. Irledidir Au enLllihnll4 Inch nputation by 14 numeniu• and well attosukt gunk. It in put up in' uart hottlo.. and IF the only Saronturilla that act,. on the Ins,. Kidney.. and Won't at lb, .nio •hioli rotolor• it mitinwther, coon. inluable overy ono w rirtioulaeli fotualon. oien and emu', for hr. SAY, AItILLA, hike no otber brio,. por I,—, hint/. o tor U. Yon .ate lie Ult. n. D. E: Proprionici, Conon , . Hall. Cult:Jun.l,lb.. Tn whom allontoro nine l eg Al, for Wog he J. A J Solokicanakor ACo 0 ltlar W. Mng,. J Town:ion!. J. ?iliihlor. 11*. Jai ki non. thttnhurgli, I/ A. blliott. Allo.ilio n e rite: IV Clollann. Aland...tor b tirneker, Ilniwunyllb; A . Whoeling". .1 It. battornou, andE. Chariortlie, Malan A mix. Cuba. nokondauT A Blast Furnace for Sale 11HE UNDERSIGNED offers fur Sale his BLAST Ist*RNACE. tittinted lu tfw pointy, g Gtorh. an. known at th....Allalmna Furnart:ii with all the out• , call oral tiltIST MILL: 00.1 strry thing net A to carry .3n the Sinsiting of lir, It hat 1./t., Arrs,..3f Isom! an:ninth with at ninth more adjoining at would is. n.s.tamary. •hirli ran he had front 7 , to $ , l nto wet, it hat the unat favorable losation in the South, fur ranking In.. having Lb. ors within nal-half to 000 rolls .41. it. is, large rawly m' •. und 01,131ing iron. 130 to pst• nut. 11 it taw mil., and a hall thr Mow lilt Rolling Mill. whsn• a natty Is tonal 030 all its tintiurtt of Mstal, an 4 two 01113.3. Inuit tht WeoL•rn It Athuitle whist, one uf the II On of railtinglt nunriorting the Tennestut River with ilia Itsa Bawd. whirl, hot tla lintt.3f 0,1113.319 running nut from it. hnithed and unelsr.rontrart. Nut-tug thnnich tht I...ant Town. 3.10.1 Clttet thuirgius when mai,- nal,. it hound for lig Mstal. Machluory. War, at. 1 t it now ni blut. in., Is, watgr toiwgr. with fall of 1, trvt. on a nevi, failing part... mull in tinr mutt healthy loon of the South. . • am. on. kr I "'" AT; 111 t.,,, Fr., , .-, N 1130.11 1. 1,1. larlo,olann..,na FORNISHING MAIL LOCKS it KEYS. DONT Omer. DEPARTMENT, 1 Marc% 14. 1851. ) . IT BEING DESIRABLE to gutwtitute locks vat! Aryl of morn , utter kind far thorn non , in ure for tin. [owl rerrite,E th• United Ntatea, specimen locks mat krya, alth prop/r.alte forniph thr nano, -ill Ix reerlyrd and entundenal at the lArt in, Department, until the Irt , lay J uly nraL The Iliffrnolt Irclot tn•ruumfwd to cronmirmon U. rxrunlnation and rroort. Upon this la nor, rontr,rta m.o. a. ortrahrthir. ...end into Inc au rurh IrcAn and bar year., with Or Lingau OW part 14 the ttroftatrr lienoral for the Utur bring to extend Ind continue the contract in form for an additional term of four Sea,, by girl. to the rontrartor tten non, to that clEct, nut mom than nine nor termer then rin month, tature the termination of the hrnt termer four Tram With a view of on oaring the tort Itwk at the Inward price • tro kind of luelt a preserilod au a ' , Mutant. the l.partment It however. proper to get, twit a ink oritable for mall rain , gliould trewwww the follorpong rtuallth, err dU rabtlity• uniformity • and ptrength. For is purpow. of dourlacing pintail:4l3count). a/I the .., r .mt hot s and bey, woe in u.. alout thirty thotorand near Icrk. and twenty theurand key.. adapted the N,, wilt reuntrol to be furnidiell by the contractor within preen months after the contr..l shall hare lawn entered inns RP terwenla the annual supply wall derward nn the durabilltr of the lock.. and • adoptcd. as well an U. increase of the midi gen - ie., hut It will trobeidy ver excel,/ In amount throe thorourod ~f tan former runt nnr thourrand of the lat. Mr. No look will he conridered If it lo like any already In werteral she ; nor will anyone with whom the contract may lo male he allowed to mote. well, or furnish any lowl. or key. In maltractell f. for any other pun..• or tow than that of It.. Prot OtherDepae. Ti,.- kind of loeksjolopted must be {omitted, and the pa. Mote.. will be required, ma entering Into rontract, to mak., an oreignment it.. patent for the exclusive nee and ben. ent of the Departmerth. if the Pordrmarter Drumml shall deem much mut. reinent ....rental to the interesMof the arr- In ea.• of the failure of the contractor at any time to faithfully the term* and ennilillotor of his contract. the rerstanutter I/errors/ shall bare the right, besides sees set the penal mood, tract mentioned. to annul paid outman, 1111t1 contract anew with any other pant or tarties to lie may set for Mllmi...thing strutter lead. and a il.. decidinit the protorala and Ppeclntena offered, the Postmaster heneml nray deem It expedient to Retort fur the through mail. the lock of one bidder. and for the way malls that of another. Ile nurerrea, therefore. the right of eon. Marling with different individual* Mr .net dillorent Idaho of lueks sr he may reler, auel abet the right to reject all the stwelmens and pnlawals, If lie Phan deem that. cone. n • the interest of the Department. The party or mutter will Ihe roluirod In Ore hond. with ample Pe nalty. In the tom of thirty thousand dollars. for a GdUiful performanee of the contract. The [Marnet to to contain provlnions for the dun mot prover ingortion of the I.oka nod tey a. and alro for guarding again., them pa o r r ,,, rarporper tau,..: the term. ot there ono irion. to be ar. If alhotireen the Department amt the purrearful bidder. dd aboard be accept,y. hoapplfration. will [reconsidered If vat acrompanied with rat leftrebtry rWrmnnf the trustworthy eharerter of the bid. awl of his ability In fulfil the coutntel N. 11. 1101.1., P.w.narter meli-PLabtirl 144 New Books! Now Boole pOIZEIG N ItE: I IINISCENCES, Fy II :try Itieltant Lord ilollan .i d.lite.l by hi. NM. Henri I:I %aril Lord 11.dtand i 1 2 7:417: Nino..." - 11 he Moorland Conn,: by the author of Mary flarton. Lave...rt. The the tity....y, the I . rirati by ISO narrow, nutiiiir ot . tbr Bible In Soda, arid ti ti , tlVa n. libitory {be United etate.--,md erriroi Tb r above ariirkt riot timid and for rale hy It. tiTtICKTON, Iti•dtaellet and Stationer, rorhtil 31arket and Third Pits. ZONES ON LAND OFFICE TITLES.- 0 A nf t Land 011, TM., Cvan ny Iran's; Jnel Jnn, and for rale by It. C SIIXIiTON, N&. 47. Markrt Few Books! Now Books! T.IIOLifIES' Ll'fFiltAßY IIEPOT, Third jl AtrewL o r the l'o-t wry.le: • IlunuproLvo Novel: by lien. S.Awnrthy. I:rvgnn and CAlifLrnia: n o . SigblA in the ".111 Itcgoon. 11111/.1. LA Vanier, by Alex. In.lincut. C4rn...L.; by Lien. Soutul--1 vol.. on I V01c.,,1e. :; w a r : , en.r . ru: the &bob.. the 111,,, t he Price.. by 0 ,, th The tfu...lll . olNortiorr: by .bor. Doom, St.vorles of mu Oh Meld: or 11100 to Yourot Moult:to. Oro 1:o had of P. tf...McNAILAALAI: Blioo3lS-200 dux. Corn, fur male by mwAll J.B K CIIESTNUTS-30 bu. fur nab. by mcht4 J. L U. /LOYD. . 4 ., PITTSBURGH GAZETTE . : . . FROM Wesjinir 4 . N. , , 1 1 :4•11,,ttoltwe c , l th.. llsilt. Pit wra .zett , . I f Vance Ihrraavaa a Gamcarc March M. 18:.a. I The Mat - that of the northern district of New York. Mr. Kellogg, the postmasters at Troy and Little Falls, the collector at Rochester and Plattsburgh, and a number of other holder, of federal office in New York, were dismissed to day. The reason is said to he that they were Free Soil Sewardites Whether that was the true reason, or the moving principal canoe, I do not know, and therefore shall express no opinion upon the matter. Mr. Bush, of Rochester, who !succeeds to the marshalship, is a well known compromise Whig. The others are said to he of the same school. I To-morrow there will be something of a scat tering among incumbents here at Washington. Some fifteen or twenty "are bound to come out," and it is considered judicious to show them the door in the opening season of the the year, when the grass is getting good, and nature in vites her secluded children forth to taste the sweetness and freshness of spring. There is beautiful and touching appropriateness in releas ing some of those dust covered fogies from their well worn chair, and baize desks, mad rusty files of papers and documents, to breathe the pure air of midday in the balmy serenity of April.— To some of them it will he n luxury not before enjoyed since their official life began. It ix understood that Gov Lowe, of Maryland, has offered the whole amount of Chaplin's forfeit ed bail $19,000,:as a reward for the apprehension as a fugitive from justice. It is almost certain that if Chaplin shall be taken' again, it will he by surprise, that is tiistly byikidnapping under the stimuloutt of a very high reward—looking to the example first set by Maryland in refusing to comply with the requisiton of the Governor of Pennsylvania for Mitchell. charged with kidnap ping it colored man from that State, Gov. Gant will undoubtedly refuse to deliver up Mr. Chap lin, if found and arrested within the State. It will lie sufficient for him to reply to the demand, that the State of New York does not recognize the right of Maryland, under the constitution, to demand fugitives under the constitution, when she herself deliberately violates and repudiates her own obligations under thin same elnuqe of the constitution - It is said dot due reply of the Governor of • Maryland, which closed the correspondence in the Mitchell kit:Ripping cave. nsverted that it hat; been proved to the satisfaction of the Gov error that Mitchell had not been across the Penn vylinnin state line for three years, and that the person alleged to h toe been kidnapped woe in fait a slave belonging, to a citizen of Maryland . It is:to he hoped that the whole correspondence will he published.. It is proper to add that the heat lawyer,, here air of opinion that Chaplin is not a fugitive from jaistice within the meaning of the Constitution that after being released and allowed to go at Large upon bail, it iv op tinny with hint, whether he will return to be tried, or forfeit the penaLiy. It is n curium and important yiestion. Jenny Lind, the i1331Ilq•I ritile, will be in your city in 3 lOW 1133+ iir week g I refer to her ex pected only lit gay thiLi. I hail direct person al tiviilen4% while she ten+ here in December not, of the of the random atatament that her relations with Mr. Itarintin were iligagreeatile or furred. There had been then, when the spiry sras afloat. 'wahine lint n. nnilerstateling, and hind and courteous intenrour, betwe e n Miss Lind and Barnum since the landing of the Joi nter on our shore, I do not knoll' Clint I referred in my last to the excalloint appointment of George B. Sargent, to he Niamey, General of lowa and Wisconsin, in plane of Booth, wit, has long held and used the wilco as an instrument of politionl maneou- . ore and management for hi, patrons tind depen dents. Mr. Sargent has been n resident of lowa lti years, and in thoroughly ttetitiltittted Kith the territory and people of the it cc!. 14 - 41 - •••nontlp,". a LIB. 1::Tly I hi' 1 , 1. • 1.11. arch The Senate to day, pm,ed n la to taped tLo tizin ,ectioti ot the act .ot Isl 7, to prevent kidnapping, prem,e the public peace, prohibit the exercise of certain powers hereto fore exercise l by Judges..lumicex of the Pence, Aide triton, .trod Jailors, in this Commonwealth, and to repeal certain Slave Laws. The bill a it originally :dotal, repealed the third, fourth, t memath, and eighth mectioun of the above act. iity. rimy, ,I.oeol of Tioga, when the 1,01 wan On Peet and reading, moved to Arli" out the north. "thir d. fourth, reventh, and eighth - -the effect of the motion being to prevent' the repeal of these :Lena .no. This motion 11,LA agreed to, as follown • , • • • , Venn--\{coma. Carothers. iliirsori, l'raldo,Cun ningham. Frick, Glicrprey, 1 1 / 4 ilett. Hoge, Ron igm•icher.-Krt. nee, 31c%trine, Malone. Walker, and Nlatibias, .s . pedfar erlh linys..—Ms..,,m Fernon, Forsyth, Frailey, Fulton, Magus, Ives, llicCas lin. lilnhlenherg, Sanderson, arid - • 0 NI, Sanderson, s absequentl; moved the Sen ate go into Cunt:Um m of the Whole. for the pur pose or inserting the word "fallrth--a" repeal that secti on , a . hieli punishes any person or persons churning on y negro or mulatto, as it fugitive, who shall und , e any vrelenaa' of au thority whatsoever, oh, iently or tumultuously seize upon and carry Ow ay, or attempted so to to, to, any place, so as to disturb or endanger the public peace either- wi th or without the in tention of taking such Two, , or mulatto before any district or circuit _ag 5. Mr. Hugo' , moved to lime ad by the wonls .11iird and mventh"— -so as to repeat those sections; which was {Ds . % ns f- 'flows , . Teas—Messrs.. I lucka Ferman, Prailey, Fulton, !loge, llogu,, Ives, Jones, Ne Paslin, Muklenberg, Packer, and Shimer-13, Nays—Nles . srs. Brooke, I3a rothem, Cam •t, Prabb, Cunningham, Forsyth, !Frick, iluernsey, Haslet!, RoMpoacher. Lon rr.nce, MeMortne, Malone, Myers, Robertson, Nat iderson, Savery. Walker, and Matthias, Spro The amendment of Mr. Band.enion, was then lost, and the Till amended so six to repeal the serth section mily—passed, than : I r e:.--36visrm. Doily, Brooke, Cratilt, Fernon, Forsyth, Frnllt•y, Fulton, Mt sentry, 'loge. Jones. Kondginneher, Muhlenberz. Myers, l'aek- Sandernon, :Ajmer, end Matt hiss, Stro.7,- 17. • Naya—Me 44114. Carotherr, Canton, Cunning ham, llnele tt, Malnue, tiavery„ 21.nd Walker— The Pee lion repealed in on follows : "IL 'kill not be lawful to use oar join or pris on of thi.s Commonwealth for th io detention •Eof: any pt .non claimed an a. a rUgi I 1 V 0 from ge tode labor, exeept ease , . whr joiriAlootion map I awfully lie taker, lie tiny juo !go, under t Ire profoinno of thin act; and nny jail. or or keeper,.' Lily prison, or other person : who • ball offend a gni not the providons of thin north to, shall, 011 exedvietion thereof, par n fined lire hundred &dialog one hull thereof for theneo of the Com roonwealth, and the other half to thr person who prosecutes: and shall, moreover, Chenceforth t o ' removed from office and he incapn Colo or holding such office of jailor or heeper of oi prmoll, at any time during trio natural life. The hill to provide lot rem-attain of °na l-loges, birth..wl 111,101, Orderl , l to be tnamoribeil for o third rending in the Honor to cloy, by a rote of OA to The following bill+ Floored. To ineeorroralf the Somerset and ti 0n0t ,,,, t ,0 1 Plank Road Coati:inv. To incorporat, the Saw Alill itam atol burg Plank Iton•I Company. To incorporate the South Pit 'oltitrgi t and Saw Mill Itlin Titntio,he aml luelinal Platte. To lay out Al State Road on the line of the Somerset and Bald Hill Turnpike Road in Som erset County. To incorporate the Upper Wu Milo Plank, Itorel Company its IVaehingtuta county. The bill to erect the new essuuty of Menenka bele, out of parts of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette, and itiatthington. Teas under considera tion in the Senate to day. The bill wee lost by the following tie vote: Yeas—Mesas. Carson, Crabb, Cunningham,. Frailey, Frick, Hoge, Lowrance, McM.urtrie, Malone, Myers, Packer, and Heber teon--12. A1,111,,0N, March er• FROM ISA REszunwi. Yaps---!ties,a-s. Carothers, Fero., Forsyth. Ilaslett, Ilugus, Ives, Jones, KohigmAcher, Mr- Caslith Muhlenberg, Walker, and Alattbins, Speaker-I'2. TNT Quitsxe. I=l The best way to build a country house, I sup pose I ought, Abernethy-like, to say, is to take •• advice," employ a professional met, e., in this cane. architect; but as we will suppose that already done, and that I am the fortunate man I will do my best to give the requisite informa tion as fully as if my retaining fee had been se cure.] in the shape of a promised ••five per cent." upon the cost of the proposed erection. The best way to set about building a country house• is to first consider the subject in its com mon-sense, working-day light. You are going to pit up what you mean as your home: you wont' screening from the sun and seeltering from the cold: vou leach at all times to Ito snug and comfortable, nod free from all harassment of mind, from any cause traceable to your dwel ling's external character or internal accommo dation. You have a wholesome dread of the horrors of o leaky roof. and of possible weekly repairs: you shudder at the hien of a damp bedroom, or a mouldy cupboard; and you have misgivings touching the amount of your Saint Anthony-like forbearance muter the broiling tortures of a sti flitig July - night, beneath a metal roof, and in an unventilated bed room; all - these thoughts make you reflect very deeply before choosing your material and your style. Sou notice I class these two together, because I hope to show that the OM' influences the other more than it is toe fashion, just now to allow. In choosing your material you are, of course. influenced by the selection your neighborhood affords. Wood and stone are those generally need. brick not being introduced so often into coun try buildings as I think it might he with great advantage. For a house on a very large scale, wood seems unsuitable, because, in a greater or less degree, it is suggestive of temporary intention 'in the erection. Stone is of many characters, and needs varied treatment; and in often a source of very great expense. where a character is attempted the particular specimen of material will not allow. Erick does hot seem as yet to have had n fide chance of trial: and though, where stone and timber ore in abundance, I would not-of course prefer its adoption; still there - are many places in this country where it is both cheap and read ily obtained, and in such plnces I conceive a far „better use might be made of it than has, so far as my personal obt,ervation goes, been at. ,to mpted. England, France and Germany abound with charming cottages, entrance-lodges and manurial residence- , constructed of this material; and the, who only associate with the mention of its, name a rectangular oblong three inches and a half by eight, would hare a much more respect tel opinion of its capabilities were they to see Holland House, Motel Choiseul, or the innu merable pretty things dotted ntmut the sunny lawns of Western Germany. If you have timber in abundance, and your building in of moderate dimensions, and you prefer to use wood, do this : Let timber and timber only, be evident in every part of your building. Dent veneer it all over with a thin ceiling of inch beards, nicely planed and fitted, so as to hide the joints, and then sanded find painted, ntal lined off, in imitation of stone: be- rause if you do, ne one will really be deceived by it but yourself and, especially dent heap Pt:li on en thew, and glue up fluted monsters of one pentry in front, and fancy because they have the outline and proportions of Doric columns, and love pointed white lines at even distances there tin, running around them at about the height of stone would Inc cut, yon have shown your classical taste, and possess a firVCia.ll You have no such thing; you hare only a great deal of unnecessary and expensive woitd work constantly to point and.keep in repair, and which the sooneryntxsweep away the better, Up.. like a smooth unbroken surface, and prefer ceiling your house to clnp-homaling, or up: right planking and battens, well and 7rauL Ceil it and sand it also, if you will, land p. 15 is anad rairable addition to your whitelead and pigments, ) trusting to your verandahs, projection of roofs, windnrt caps, Ann, mid other features, to cast elladows and reflexes enough to hreak the mono tony of a level surface of tint, Willa you will fintrby these natural eauses more varied than if lined off into blocks with white paint and a rule stick. A ragtic treatment of this material is often ,elTactive. The verandah 111:1r the supported with cedar cypress posts, upon which the hark hoe lima, left, farther preserving. its adhesion by all tack, driven in here and therms runt the v. lode vrnished with a pitchy varnish. to pre set fro a m the weather. The house itself malt 1e It es architectural and finished in its details to e ut ,form to this styli, and by covering exter natty t .iith upright planking and battens, by pro jecting he roof at least four feet, and byvoid in eter3 thing that looks like pretension, a very pretty and economical attuning may bc.constuc ted. My limits will not allow me to ,leocribtt stmh a hoMe in de, ail: but 1 may aid in constructing one, by saying - that the building must be rather Ina than high; rhoubl be spread upon the e round shouhl hare Lig ‘t pitched roofs, with their gables perfectly free from the decoration admissible in more ornate style; the rollers and roof timbers that project may he. simply finished by rutting their ends into the form of an S, and by substitu ting a deep roll moulding, four and a half to six mates deep, running, alike under the eaves and up the gables. for a cornice. The windows ithould lie low and broad, rather than of their usual proportions; and many of Toy friends trill thank me for telling them that such a ho.ase outside blinds will not be unsightly, but a source of beauty, if Properly managed: which I would do ilithis wise: Cut the outer or lower side of the slats to a curve, or some variation from a it Orjj..ta . tline,and make the frames broad er than usual, L od paint them a shade or two' darker or lighter - tina that or the house. Such a huilding„ - oofcd with shingles, and nainted a quiet g ra y, w. th its verabdah and om bra, wreathed with creepers, i can pic ture now before me as aver N Pretty home. =Another style, for which Wo od iy a '3-it3blc mn tonal is that "Gothic." . . Unfortunately this beautiful an ' 1 eminently ro t-al'style has been vulgarize,' and g 'ready abused and I know that many persons of pure taste are hence frighten.' when the idea ot is presented to them as the style suggz'Jl,l for their home. atothic is an architectural classification of pa -InCi ples of erection now determined simply to m pointed, in contradistinction to those principl which recoglnized rectangnlar lines - as their fun- damental basis; thusclassic architecture, us it is called, with its upright columns and pilaster., and its enhlature unit cornice, resting on them at right angles; or springing from them in semi circular curves, is very easily distinguished from that style which has its lines all tending upwards to a point, and of which its curves, in every in stance, meet in apoint. The different periods at which certain styles of pointed architecture pre vailed, give the name to its various closseg now in use. Rum' (Millie is wrought out from these different styles, sad though the peculiarities of each period of pointed architecture are very marked. they have become universally CO blend ed in modern domestic architecture, a description of the points of difference in each period is scarce ly needed. Hilt the great principle' upon which all wen. based. and in which all agreed,was reality: every Awn' of even the simplest moulding every line and portion of the building was contrived en , reedy to answer the purpose for which is was in tooled" and m this we will gladly fellow themigh ty artist-minds of old whilst we scorn the petty trickery o f s ervilely copying a hit here null there of their immortal works, and leasing unnoticed, the inborn principle which made ea ch bit of de ' t o il beautiful. A tiothic house, ben, is a building, the charm ,. ,„' whose architecture in distinguished by the direction of its leading lines, and by each ~,„ Nes as may be introduced meeting, or borings t endeney to meet, in u point, It may be highly ore. 'mental: or left perfectly simple: but true taste w, U be outraged if ortminimt,henutifill as i t may lon i . % itself, it introductsl where it does not serve sortie Par Pose. of construction. The guides, a. Id the wiudowu, and the doors, an d id a , veran d a h and ombra,. may all be decorn tub no richly as y o 11 like; but it must be their composing parts Cut receive the decoration: there mast be no orti umental work - stuck on, here and there without lamming and use. Too much min: mental woodwork shout n house, any way, is a rtuisaime, and source of contin ued expense. In arningink the„ ontlines of your plan upon the ground, the seigetion of wood as the materi al will permit of a inure curie d and irregular altaie than atone or brisk, the corner., whieli, in mason-work, stud toiconroiderably to the expert... not beluga cent ce of gr.mter out lay: but irregu lar outline on Clue ground is opt to involve intri- I cany of roof. Ise, therefore, thoroughly entinfiod is the latter go M to s i r e you no trouble before g you cowmen= Dormer wine lows on t140 . 1 . 00r are greatly in fa, cur 'with those' who design Gothic houses; unlesa they are clear. above the eaves, eons to allow the t, run below them In unbroken VOLUME LXIV-NUMBER 203 line, they will, in heavy rninu, or after o. thaw be a source of great trouble. A very pretty effect may be attained by cut ting off the corners of the shingles before nailing thorn on, or by rounding them off, or giving.them any other toms that will work in such a manner ns to,prosent the appearance of an 'etvmunental pattern on the roof. The covering of the wet da is generally of metal, but where the elope will allow similar shingles to be used, the effect is 'not only more pleasing but the cham bers whose windows overlook, are less exposed to the radiated heat from the large surface of metal below. Those who have noticed recently Gothio coun try lons,. will probably remember that the win doive seemed a source of tome trouble; th at they were either ordinary sash windows that did not deem to harmonise with the house, or they were such as gave great trouble to. the inmates. I would advise, where the character of open tras eery is attempted to be given, that it be made solidly and as