The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 29, 1851, Image 4

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ICkyr 1
Corretwadence of the 11014,1177,11C1krixtkua Atlvorate
Jn lookitag to the advantages realized by
•mvestments in the older State-e., comp:wed.'
with hiwa, we may take-into the account
net orily r. tlia money expended, and the per
eentnin realized, but alsir the increase in 1
the vtdue of the i n minnint. To all farm- ,
era tlii2re hi an indurori)vitt to emigrate to
lowa,lno difference hovi,wealthy thei may
be ; b'ut to young men of moderate careum
stance4 this is true. What was once true'
in the admitting value of investments in
Ohio, is now trnc of the same thing in lows.
1 withdraw the contrast between the East
and the West. In the first place, 1 will
protium tint tiny sum less than S3,fifill will
not buy the most moderate farm upon which
a man could make a good living, with o ut
making an increase on his inve,tel
In runt regions of the KaA, h ploughs
againut dims ant .tone; , ,
after luring , -Itht land a., lew years. turns it
out, like an old die After keep:
• ing 1)..4 land, for Year 6, the prh-e eintinues
statue rpm; most likely the Luiti decreases
in value.; whilst his only compensatimefor
deeriying . .fences t &c., him been a more
hh tide {)n. tiro other hand, a young man
n lowa naj , .for about t.. 1.300 buy HUI acres,
with' some imProveMent ort it. This will
beat-working Mr toty len7th of titne,•with
out a hoe. Merely. by ploughing, h may
raise corn in almost. any nuantily. Ile ean
by le , n labor, in ten years have for the sanie
quantity of laud as gr, - -at value as in the
farmallUded to itt the Festers States, int
proved:lands, inereru, in sable here .10 per
ceati r Per':mnute. Rut to nteehanics the
advantages course
accrete.. - The money of the; druggist, for
instance, in his busiM,, , , will Ike More pro-
fitable here tlum 'there; but into the a'
root. the properly in which his store is
kept will atiViime 0,111.,1 i n ralit• tohis t eeth
of goods. To merchants, great intineements
are beta. nut . . Mechanics or nearly every
kind may do well. 'Wien: ttre excep
tion to this rule, fro' 16ather can be 1,10 wrill
cheaper than made, here, on , o'onint nß
scarcity of the hinds of bark used by tam
The average priet!-, Corn
can be sold at cents per hughal, autl fO
bushels ridged on met - . m,re ; of at, •20.1m
sItels•tO the :wry-, etlls id 75 cents per4M
shel; hay sells it. Cti per ton, to tons
per acre. So it Thav -ee from this that
labor meets witl as great 0 reward in this
country as on 03 'other tat the American
continent, not e raptitic Citlifornia ; taking
into themccoun: tic risks of gold digging.
In building, •he people hare are unlike
the people in •ny other country. New
countries and Its eabins arc the common
accompattimen . flere, however, we have
new form. , tt,iiiiel ltuses, large frame barng,
and enddr aetompamments as they
*ould naturally suggest..
Yours, &c. 1. limn' V. DEAN—
From a book
" Foreign Rein
in Loudon, is ts
Of Napoleon's f
flee in saving :
"Nothing ld exce,3l the order and
regularity with high his household, both
as Consul and 'mperor, were conducted.
The great thinL, he accomplished, and .the
savings be ma t without even the imputa
tion of avarice on meanness, with the slim
comparatively i erinsidcralble of fifteen mth
lions of 'franc a year, are mara - clous, and
expose his al tO . !s.sOrs, and indeed 311 Eon,
lican princes,' the reproach of negligence
or incapacity. In this branch of his gov
el-unbent be o reit much to Puree F4' is
said that they . Stet visited the markets of
Paris (les ball 4 dressed in plain c lothe'
and early in th 3 morning. -When any great
accounts were o be submitted I,' the Em
peror, Porno a add apprise him in toicret of
setae of the trti latest details. Ity on a droit
allusion to 111, nb, or a eared , s,bi renbabl: obi
the points upo whieh he had received such
received such eecnt and accurate Dthamm
thi), Napoleot contrived to impress his An
dipno with a otiim that the macter's b•ye
was everywin e. . Fur iustatom, when the
Tuilleries wen furnished, the ophohaerer's
charges, thou , It not very e:corhitant, were
savpetted by tie 'Emperor to be higher than
the anal pro t 9f that trade woold have
warranted. lie t ooldenly a-lien ~, woe win
ister, who was with him, how innell,ll lo egg
llt the end of tin laill-rop, s h o uld eb et f•-
b• 3:ignore," was the answer. '• Eli hi.n
nous verrons," said lis t and then eot pfd the
ivory handle, called for bv‘valet, bind Lidding
.situ dress . himself in plain and ordinary
clothes, and neither divulge his immediate
/ ,
commission or general e mployment to any
living sold, directed him to inquire the
price of ones articles at 5.4V,,,ral :hops in
Paris, and to order a 11:17.01 ii: for himself.
They were one-third 1e4., ,hair than those
fin - Dished to the. Talace. The Enthen , r, in
ferring that the saute oaVantoge hod been
taken in the other articles, stamek a third
off the =Wholecharge,' and clircided the
tradesman to be informed tlint it was done
at his express command; berm-m, on hop,
I tno, ho had hiinself discovered the charges
to be by one-third too exorbitant. SVlben
afterward, in the height of his glory, he
visited Cacti, with the Emprea; Maria Lou
isa, and a train of crowned heads anti prin
ces, his old friend, M. filechin, the Prefect,,
aware 'of Ids taste for detail waited upon
, • , hint with five statisticaltallies of this ex
' peuditure, revenue, prices, produce, and
'commerce of the department. "Cebst bon,"
said he, when be received them the evening
of his arrival, '`' sue et rani nuts venous
hien de l't , bprit sur tout. eat detain au
• Conseil." Aecordingly, he astonishol all
the leading proprietors of the department,
at the • meeting next: day, by his minute
- knowledge off the priers of good and bad
cider, and- of the produce and other circum
stances of the various districts of the de
, partment. Even the royalist,.oent.4 were
impressed with a respect for Isis person,
- which gratitude for the restitution of their
.lands had failed to inspire, and which, it
must be acknowledged, the first. faint lugs!
' of vengeance against their enemies e ntirely
obliterate) in almost every member of that
intolerant fiction. ,
Other princes have *drown an equal fond--
ness for minute details with Napoleon, but
' here is the difference. The use they made
of their knowledge was to torment their in
feriors and Weary their company; the pur
pose to which Napoleon applied it wet In
confine the expenses of the State to the ob
jects and interests of the community.
. . The Prophetic Dew-Drop.
A delicate child, pate, and prematurely
wise, was' c omplaining, on a hot morning,
that the prior bleW-alreps had been WO iiii,i I
ly snatched away, and not allowed to glitter
on thellower3s, like other happier dew-drops,
' that.iivelhe whole night through, and spar
kle in the moonlight, and 'through tlic
morning Onwards to tosnola) "The ; mu,"
said the child, "has chased thion away' With
his Iniat,! or swallowed them up in his
... wrath." 'Soon after 113111 C rain and a rain.
how, whereupon his father pointed upwards.
-.• ' "Seer said he, "there stands 'the jewelry
, • in the. heavens; and the clownish foot
• tnimples 'on tkem no more. By tith . ,,,. my
• child, then art taught that what -withers
upon earth Mourns again in heaven." Thus
the father spoke, and. knew not that he
• spoke preOguring words; for soon lifter, the
- • delicate child, with the, morning brightness
• ' of hist...buiiy wisdent, was exhaled, like a
denr:alrep;into heaxeu..—jririt Paul A' tAter.
tj if iaitli;.lo Tim) nwm.—An editor,
ho would ..1
at it dinner-table, being asked if
.... ' take . nortiii pudding, seplied, - irru fit of at.
• itracticatiii!'Owing to a:erowd of other teat.' _—
ter , ram , unalle to find-ronw - for it." . ":; .rii
• ~ a..N. ,Il
by Lord Holland, entitled
111,,N,11(te.," kl,t , published
een the snlijoined aveount
Indness for . tletail, and :Mi.
)ItOI , OBALS ar inrited from Stone Ma-1
11_ _om.i,Stono Cuttera t 6e.. for 1 0
h; A rection
'nag tim';r 4 'l ,, tree t te. tr' ' ° to Ire Ikrded in or beforethe lO'th day
"egt,,,,A,. N'T'Lrally
la t
on ° atunlay morning negt. between thr hour , of 9 ecira-la
A. Me 1 delocii:. P. M h o full infortualk.
given by an architect. Prop roa, left with Tho..
M floor. at the E1[17990• Bnk.
1.., onler cif the nouraitto. 001127
TO Ll3ll - 11.ER N.
2,006,000 feet Plank wanted.
g IIOADIX/MPA pr.roaala until the tios.
April no,. for nu To Million fort of P,
hrLv t h o l„ an d oo r 9 I. in length—to he deliver.
Sh a rpahurg. if brought I, tti- doer. or at gloat P • .
a 4 .-re , -,1 upon.
' l l , eoe "'Vt.. a laTT lir-led to timPro , klont. e. it. LONE.
flutter ...v.. Pa., er to CHARLES F. SPA7ifl,
rn We
hu L'u rgh: and any inquinea for further information
may be a ddrear l d ten..
P r opo,al. a Ell be rem ved for the deliratT: e 4a 2 r,,,u .
Rockingham and 'Domestic Queens-ware.
'kV 1 " 00IIIV .1 11. I ),I BLAKELY 5.... CO.. 3Lan
v T Outrun,. el 0,,11.0th4111 owl Yellow Carte ore.
t.taa rate:a-tn..
,,,n.1.1,...14,..e.tzyt,.. n ... . UM Fourth .4.l,..ntaLr the lIoy•
Our .nure %%tat. enable .in fill orders premplit .
A ..., Pehutt theatturr 1' lug eenerataly ornploted. olett ett.
Phi. , . Itt Iteep pare a th all the nett and ...nett et, lea
ett OW 4in, .
Water Urn, Pp:hear, V.I. re. Fosse, Tot tt, Ittartert Set.,
V.v.. Vote, Gala.. Maur , ' ornament 11.Itelste and
:Lunn ' Jar, and ortt,l . . tor dent.lie me, In great rorirtt .
',lr. r., g 1.1.14. Irani ode-LAI
Wenner 0 U abridged Dictionpry.t .
V ARV. I.utpl it thnp. 11,2 hp ou t rt--prita.1. 7 . ,50 .
Sante *rk letuvet ih l' u. toll'. entleueett lark ' anel rUlt,
..,,, ~,,,,,--sllo.l.thl
A to, tat ppl, et • t
tu . lt I:.
g 4 , E,vrilF.lts — r
hVlnrita:l42l, %%Inaba_
L 1 .4111 lb, prime, fur tale by
S. k AV. liAltll/10011.
(ILy blake, on
Ui s
i p,, A xsEED 4.)
hand and frrsl
us , 1.4
Clurk, k co. 8 ,
r F. N. %VIM:111:FHAN!.
arid for nz..l ,
r , t . le Prv, ,, s.
u 11-9.,n - t ed Spring
1.%F41N CO
No. 62 .anl t.l Nlnrk , t , rinv
Litt Mon,l
A A. MAN, • •
, " 1:• 1 1:11 d s!”. 4 .17. -1. : J4:;"'“ nt
asks reo'd orol for 5a,1,0),1.,y
mei, I
V I V I .1 4 1: ! I ns A‘1 1 . •
. 4 ..0.-1
I IN EN (17.1
‘ll:lTiiv rd ti l
It r..;!,
ENTS poi
Sill. nud
1:1 LR 011.-1.200 gall. 114
;h1.1.F.1: a Illeli..KFAlN.,
' .
Vivitt:TTlMl)., ""l
1111:611E1 WA/ have m'cl n fresl.
Id all the marl....
null I
1:-1.4 k, inst rep',l and fur
5 4.41 5111.1.1:I: d lIICKIISON.
It F:T 11 A ,N 1.)101110111EF'S --
a., mud Imn,lonme
I j "' ; j lllll7.ll j l j h 1111111'111,11.3.11.
b,des , noW land i nE from str
J.hY 4MM! 111 , Kla .1 et,
%IA fOr
S'CE.4.IIIN E- •, W. 1.. St..tinor;
11.ter •.•0,1
E Agi) ANI
.E 4 bbtA
lAndinv trout
_ .. .
It--111 Idols. lazoling per sir.
''' ItZ'sg'.'4 l.. iii' :. reiltsoN a ~,
El; A R.—DI bbb:. for sale by
:4. F. %.:N lION N lh II:ST .11 I'll
T. ~_ _
'IITS —CI bna, for I+ Ail. by
151/ i,0'.0 , W. it. for male by.
F. I , VON PON N1101:ST a oo
. ..
>cliff W IN E.--The pore juice
. ! .i ` . :;l: '' r l vit;'t 6
i: :11:.ttt;,;,rmi 0
I chle of the hi.h.1.1. I 6.1.!J
i .- ) Will, prime N. 11., just r' ,. .. 1
i' ch "'' " iiiliiiiin:tAlsiai ßam,
Nr. Ih: 1 % :der 41.
O. Si l ol
tob2 ,
a ..f
I, Ow quart "t
IN itiA we'd and for
iti 311:iLuk:F. I:IORATIAM.
(.) 1: INi;k,
• I,
T pgsTR
U Ow 1...1 •
MIPETS—A btrge
nil 0,...,7.4 rtr I, in n i lot;:r,r;Vi.,
1.200 1110,1, f r s:tl:L . lby
N E S FOR M A It J. 11
library Thini
k OP
p , t 1,1,4,1 m
H...t. i..t . NI mr. i h. .
' Sla....ttne, . do .
1. 1
0... Proplwes .4. I Winn' I.lw. 1.. MOD,
..I. C.,1..." ,
a N R
WY...,. r
1.n.113,1...5n 1
lii,t.i..unr, “C
~tarlf. Id 111.11:1
11..1. , ~ n ,,-Ato•
:..11 (.....ptkn ,
,N1an..n.10.1. - .
1,1• IN
a•Ai N larcx
. I+.•itj:
t,, 1:..t.n
g i 1,41 V F:It• I
I I C K J 4.!i:
1 I )i t I.k. fout..l
a Ili,turie - al 14.u.artr ,
(1. I.
Mr, ..1311,trorortb.
Si F... 11-411 .1.. vt1i..1%
'SEED 4 1,1;l+ in +tqm•, and 6'2 ii.k.
ale by
wm.lll lottssiuN.
Y NUTS—IS p.r 1311
NV NI JerllNFfirN
v i`;f:, 1 :1:11 2 . , l
I ..zwlnnau in .33 farr. •
-I4h. P 3-14.
rrrarrnr.l. Draw . ..rin+ no 4 14,33 , 3 t• of tin.
ery I,n
31 h'sestil3 slndirion known nr1 . 347, rar
r.o.t ZZVn r ; ‘1 3 23 . 1 . 3!; a 1:::
11,. 33urrhn-e.r. 41r can erv..n.3,0 4
ol ren.nt anvil a 13311 virtu, 133313..4.
trylol.. 01 413.1 . 3.415 . I/1..1313. 31,..-3 , 3 .4 43
.13.. re Penn. 1.31,13 ir 331034,1 by Inn
. 1,1 01
,rl3. atell 354,3m3 1 13
.I.3rlr.nang 313.343404,-
113 r 33..1 ,, Irrnr.oe..
It. K. SKI.I.Gir.S. 41,33.1Y*14..
tit lin
I w,e 1.
. . r
It " V "
IN ISOATS--'ll.l Tanachari.n
s 7 a 1 Inc .l r,'
• w 11,4 AioerN ti OP,
Canal Ilvlt..l.llL+Lurv.h.
ark_s Vrather,
J.. Pi. A
at. do do somiol
A 1"
Wool: mow lanElTa (mom r6l,lnrr.lienr
-61.. by 10.11 II- AI6II hhl 00
NS SOPA ASH, for .tie by
Id; MoR111:1,116111111.6_
Otl—A eutieriur article of our
n oun
50 ,
riloßArco LEAF-4 irlids. for Kale by
• 11. A.ltin _ WM. 11. VoIINSION.
WEI; ARS- - i 04 0 1 1 4 .1 Principe, itegulia, and
.. _
g 411E0c LOST—A cheek drawn by as in
1-7 ,;,: i.c 7: l ;f7 l 7;: : f' . l :°'d i ' Zil 7: L z'6 l ' i t' r dr.Tl, :?t 4' r.: ^ r ,Nl7l2..:hi
:an.l fi fty lollar, h. 1, ,, n 104
, from th, Mil hltw.ern
1 . 1“..1"ervl and l'arl...rar.T. Me puhllo nrei Totirod
. : ‘ .;,,,A. n r ." l 7 l ' ; ' l7 .""lt . 'sr
. .471!l b ;.It r r fi ' ll. ' "KF. l l - 7 4 ) ' .47 '
0 At. ISODA--1 00 eanke on hand and for
1 3 . ki, 1.011 V.ENNI:I7. ISEIIItY A ix).
t'4l? 1 `' n h3"4 and I "' " 1 14 1. .4451:TT. lIERILY A 9.1.
_ . .
II .A 4 KERAL-100 bbb large No. :4;,,,lflas
liltQ.litvol. In,,rtion, for sal. , hy
VI 04ASSES-40 bids Plantation, fo sale - 1
in /b., (.4.17 JAS. A. HUTCHISON W.
i EA li—l SOO Pigs nalena, for sale by
g A 1b1.7 JAS. A. MUTCIIISONIA tan.
rni)( BUSH. DItI
"I' ED API' 1.1.:5,.fr ',de by
I " lwr itt i ticT i elltn.t.
A 1 , 1114,
t . ---
Linen and, House hing Goods.
k A. MASON & CO., No. 62 and 64
ri a r .l .Nn ron,d.a.ntly on ham) n.l•rgn
....:-or4, fi r
of Ow following it ..1.•., o. the N . A. ht:mnfiLo-
''''' Te.l , l Clnths. Ils.m. ePlc and Diaper,'
Nap iz.,),..r1e,v, Dnylum. kr. AC
TIIVI 14. Ilyrket. 3 c. Nap, end 11.110,
I , i.g .r.., lit..le,Srnich end Itlrd Eye:
I.ln , n Lerma and L.lwn tlernhrire, ercl I.lrwn Ikernexk, all widli‘K
11ZA1'1%.:1'1:..".?1nk,„,75."1tr4r.?2!_s d
r-I iiile ' rdir ' :4 - . 4 re b 1. 11 1% - . v., Imb i ' d .. .R. l, Zr
L ION ISISC.UIT—A supply of; Boston
liVt. .t.
OA SIIELLS—A fresh supply jitmt ren'tl
I W5l. A.]kCEtJ 14 CO.
%SI TEAS!!—'2I/0 half. ellesti Young
avid olvk Tru, of all prods., on
..I for ecJe I,r
A. ctri.unwrnON A CO.
OCII-21/0 boxes Mniaufartnrol T 4,
ichairy bra.1.4..).n bawl • fr.r pale 1.).
'2l A. (I , I,IIittITSON
bbl.. No. 3, tor hand
xn , l for emir. LT
, -1(N) do: sup. Corn Broom.;
4 bbl. Ilictort Notes
to ranks Potael.:
In hrot
601100 0,005,05
1,000 11.. IN.,
1.1.,1i5n Foes 5105,1.1•
lo Ls. IrMi . /S k ell'ldlo ,
oov 011 J. It 5.5. Ilion Floor: for vol.
it 11 11
f I
r. y,
W DE It- 47 i sr i, r , x tr .s. quLali I r
foe by
J. S. DILI' owtirll.M.
IL:lEA'rsrooT bhls. just reed maul
I "4. F.
P ri. %VKI:101(AM.
ran K. ul . Wood IC
sod Sixth An.
I 1 99'
IV' and Fro. ..
bbls No. 3 MaAere ,
tr.a. do do 1 to
15 ditto do ,
bbla N. I Nekton: for oak. b
J. 11. WILLIAMS deO.
Asiiß s-•-.7x oARD duo.r
ilLti.X3 CCL
••.,--:. I:i.-i - -:: - !. - ;,.:•., ; :
. ~.~-.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
BR4liCli OFFICE --No. 54
. S well Tllll.ll gru.ET,
T IIE hest evidence of the sueeero of the
ime,. In endeavoring to ninke Ihe AT.I TE .ilL7fi
yxj; ErSiIJIANCIi ( . 0.11) . .4 NT Inert tint van
in of
the rtnlivannlly. I. tin. tznimiraUeb.l 4111.1010. 1.1 huslin.. ,
which ha. 1.. , n done. haring I.,ard I , %rr .',.tino ',Uri , In
a ilttlr on. than ,hiltt nv.nth.: and n.hitiri .i. ..irtow
p i u , ,„ t b„ 0,...,ny. Thr Ihrt..h.r. nrr prnlul 1.. a-t..
gal orarly all the prni. , rty lii-ul,l t. n 1 thy -att. land in
email rialt... and a lan, pr..portkrn Itnntrt.l for nuhr non
IMother of Policies i.sued, - 5,44;5
Amount of property insured,
do. guarantee premium., :ii . ,1r.);;9
do. rush premium., - - 32,1.91.21
do. guarantee thick. -- -
do. - ----- 1.100. 0
To be fledurtool from tip. l.alauro . Inci.h.ntal
the nth°,
To Ml' or ronntry rnoroltant, cod ournrr, ,Iwollinnn.
Va'n';7:l7=vl:::;aL"nC./.."rirt/ILL'.. it to t
necurity . in
to no I vt,tintwo Contlnot! in 1./a.m..'"
Comluntul on tho L.ounal.lo soL.l,rool no, L AL:La
pf cho.,lttrellon Lo.ILA. 11:{7.21,.
porting only a litnitod lunottnt ILL Lony ono Iot:LILY, .tho• Pr ,
clutlinLL flit fro/pion, and o,urronco of lay, :Lll.l
Al., birilL thy Lilo , n t Mutoul .plan, It not onl:
tw•Ln. olioanmo. , tovl arromtoolotibli of 1.411 no I ILoi•,
hot ...Litho. Ow in,uroLl o port!..lLettion In tn.. mi...
IL h. uudor tho ooltrol ILLllowleot
I' 'LottoH - 1,1. A . .1 OLIO.. John II 'r
Mani,/ A Ctrnior. Philo C LLoacoiv l, . Itot- , .
.1 P r TII IL VOLD. 1,044. 1,1..
A J. IL Sozrotar,
A. A. (Nana, A,ltoaL
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
41EN'r W.II. I iA V IS.
trim 3 Finn,. Jr.S.; 3,
r the 3.31er 111 Pre RO, ~,
lower part .3 cit.,. 111 , nttrtt , Sn.t o tut. , •
trout II to 12 ;sl‘.l 3ln al the euttlto, rt.tru •
Sari laf..rru3ti.l.l t
It 15t1 , 11.1. - ti 1.• l'autt.ttivt , et ;.3.31;11;.: prw.3o.-
3.3a;113. 1.10. litsur , ~,,, I.;rln
over ,3)1000 att.! iorn
tlisitted ~,,,, tall, :tutoto , t, ti.o-,;;;! Cr..
I it3tbitralt..4.....n.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
• rYIIE Nort merit,t,
l.hilaJelplain- Charterrti enpltal .1 3 . 03 .rt 33 Arrt3l.
rtnunry IN:, 141. $1.001..54 tt.l.k.• I ...raw. .1.
ladidiet,tiuvl their p.m.., thi.
nf err,.
t.the either 1., tattrold ratr-portatto; tt..
Art 1111 r 11. Coffin. rr. 'Mon, P
turf I% Jlllll, J.. 1... !%.
Knard Smith. It tolsp.l IN
Jobs A. Iln.nn. I,
t,anivel Smrl ith,
I. A istin
Charles Tnylor. %I on
Aml.noo %hit,
Jaysll SI Tlismas. !Sun ... N. iiit
S Wain, 11. I. Shorn
D TI .Ix ate 111.11V111,1%.111pnn1 111111. , Unl,ll
frvnt lone ospoiont in...
ml. vo,lho: nll 4., .1, ...II I r.
, :o 0.. .
American Life and Health Insurance Co
Agmi Jr .l'itted.rgh. SA ti 1,. n !,
11.,111‘.1.1. m. 11,11104 .. ,1 t . 0
0bt, , 1 al lb.. .415 f, onl 7,111
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
'A PIT .% I. $300,000. R. It ItA .1:
Will wwwirr torah. All r-, 4.1 It
All 1—0...‘ 111,1.11, ml1 0,, • 1 to
A how Itutitttli.m--toww3,ll“ wilm•
lazown th, :or.l 1:.• drt.
Ilmr.o-nw , -1! Mill,. . ItlwA. W
Ihrn,Wr.l l ., , Wm .lw wlw:
w 1
1..11” , . Ilanww. W
%% . n nwrt.Aule. S
No. 't2. II at, An., , • r I , •
up slawr‘l Pit.t.T.bur=lt Jti.lll,
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Cora p'y
IFFICE, NOI:Ill Itoom it: THE EN-
CllANtittl. Third l'lttiadittitatia_
attic, t-Ittiiitititt,. tirtrlt,mii . tr. ttritt
ttrr,tt tittt tt•tintd t 1—• ttr
timititt• lit fir, itt. Uri ittriiiititti
tratir ivirtt titttiirr Ver-tto.
Trriclita, fitrritm trtirttl. , . wider ttr
thr attrtirril tl, rrtt
~T hr al., swim . ‘tt-rttl..iitttitti
ttitttittu ritttr- :vitt 11/..1
Ppaanma -Jrtritti II real,
itititert Burton. Jahn It. 1,w , , r , tittitrt Tri,trtltt.
Iterrre C. 1,1,r. Edward itaritnrlntu. 1 .air IL Ititt tttil
11.1 Vtilstitil. J. 41,1 I t •-. tti Jratie•
11.4. TliilittlA
'fl'.- St,
ATts FA rt, .1r
1,11 i 1tirr,....11 it T 11,, 1,
John T
WILLA. ta t ri, l'rrtritttrit 114,1. it- Tr-ti
.It,rurti tti t NtiTrtart
rat i
dir t- . • itTta 1,14 t,,", N.. .2. ttittrr
lizarult I•trs2tlttl 4. NI 1
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad ' a.
litRE4 - rutzs: eh.tri... II:1106r. I:,
I_, IS 1:6111, , I, 116,- 111,61166.6.1 1..6 6..1.16
Jar,6k6 it. :ma 6. 11 , .111.
1111.16., 1 11.1N1111:16- 1,66,1,61
(Ni•rtc .6
•66.661116 t, Intl I N•61611-61ir. r 166 •„{ .. 1
l'46u6psto, I .6.16,, 6 16,661.
r:1x1,11.66,151, 111.1. 6 enpit6ll 4361 I`t , ,>''l. lot 6661 , 1.
arf66:ll 6.666;4 , 1•6 g.,.1.6.611 , 46 1166. .6•666 , 1
..3 , 66 - 6 4 / 6 1 y to the . 1 6• I 6 I k• 6,166146. ve6 /-11,1• 6
. 41
T6-6nr•-r 6 , 1,:m•
616 r,
I , m , 11,1 r Inn6-6,66r6616,n.6. nnt. tt In •
1660, p6t161 6,66.6.16. 661.07,. MI, 6, 1- .66 1 16,66,4
mat 16111.• I • r • 116..1 nto
aarr Ph 11116‘,1. N, 1,1 11,1,66 ztr ,
~ 1666 6,61116 664
I 66,-61,
$1.11,1,11601.61i.6661.16_ N• 66116 . t. 616. r 6 .1 6 .:
nrnfttA twin, dlvuletl 66,3366 t;
1.. 11 16 .1•66.11.
111.1. 1,6 141 1.6t.e. 6•64,66.1.
• •
1)A RR V, II llt ;,11 &I .( P.. Pp- 1 ,1- . 1,1,4-
too iliforno loopioltort. o oonoriot 1 , r• •mo 4 -ro 00l
rondo protloo foor Ito••tonot otoo Moo, 1.-r
tiorop:zorl Vlotto,
or.oor Muarromo on 14 , I . rot
0.1 ol•toort4* tons 0000ntoow t.l
oror t
•+12121. If nut .0,044 too oln M • l•io
boorollation Mosrorin to , rfo,l. water Pilot rotor. ..ntloo
ml M.O. 1..1, n pro oo o•or
Irttt''•l Int 12124^.01 0f
Mr T 1.111.• Par 2l.2
r,. ..... 00l Oho . r00 00 rir 000 i• 1 11 ,1 1 roro
noltrool moo' tloort nozooner o - rornoor oot Too,.
$241 c.xtud. 004111. FIL4IIII, lo
a loo - l ' g.11 .. .4;; ! .:r """."1
,O-PAlUNEitsri P—Wv Lave Phi, 41.1 r
wptli Ilooroittnioo V llootriozoon Iloro
tier, will lon mutant...if w i 1.1211, wr.1"111, A
111 9,
111,01: 1
, to 11.4" 1
. 0
Mittrlourvi, Januar; 214. 1,1 on:t1olloti LL 1.
ell ANT, 1,,r the =Po of th.itt.....t,r. z 4i, arp.t 04u
1.00 1 11, NO. it, 2, 014 9,•••,./ Vi 114,11,11 •
iiralrrn Wird nlptler fin ton; oloootrrlootro oo 01 1
Iran Morctolnoori 1,17
Pourent. *9'11110: . 1 ............
In Hen, nr It. K Fleming I. nntherired le
gang of the late firm In the nett lenient nL their
I /N l'A
Th. teggnerehip heretofere ..een
.q.trygribera.:neler 0. 4 , le
fp I•ite. Te
I,nefinw, and are/Lutv.her...l le we tle•nante tte. late
firm fur thnt parpnr, 101 )1,0,1
Tllilli. . 111'1K.
NEw F I 101-13. C. Shavklett and \Villi:ila
1.. y.,..., general partners. awl 11....5001n II1(de. ,
npk3 . 151 an.l licui.s.l partner, tell vontinur .le. 1(1.1•..01•
(try .Inaain biotin... under the arm of I..(Shmea
Ix le t.,. k Co.
13'. 11w 1.1(1," Well norlnnbal by Shark lett .1 Iv 111, It. V SIIACI , i.crr.
!Phil wm PAINE.
IL) - -0-.PARTN Elt.till I ['-The Nulmitribers hove
enteml into Co-Partnes.l.lp loader Ibe firm of Fed/.,
Al !won A 05.10. WM. • 11. S.:A 1 FE,
.1 A 31 is ATS IS C' IN,
341 .1 111 13. M OK. ELY.
- - - •
• (a I'ItING DRY GOODS-- v 1 Hsi . SUPPLY
10—Murphy * 1.,,,nn..1.1 win tt.i. nu.r.,r, ~m.,.
remising their find nopply of Sias.. 1 1 .1' I eed, oat 1 ..
rile the roll of their eontosnern and boyern Al',',rally. Tl,ey
1115(4. attenUon to their eIIeIIIIIIr so.-ortmebt of so er .1.4..r=
Pants, at 123. o•ntn twr yard. soleeted a Ith dont - teal ,
"nag, to durability of odor, An ...mils°. labile In al,
ulTenal at 10 nada per n ash Wair:l4ll.i MA POP.. A 1.,.
cholla. Arlo. or Engll4 Chintz.-. from 1 2 , . In lilt. rent..
Per Yard. many of !Joan e Itind, ore .1 , . , ... - • Mr.. a...
eat nylon arm.. Silks, Spring Mou.e Jr Enloe, Nara., .1..
lanhanna Needle Work lk•llarn. l'ulln. Chenoselt.. Ac non
us. and Bonnet 011.3.01, 1 I ~,,,, rt ln(s. ... .1•11
I)RUGS; In storl
°f time :.:ntl,lrrdfor :+ll.lO 11l the ntlik
Sulplo:te Nal 5......... of 31(.1,11 et
(hon She! ho".
Eynon. Salt,
At 1.,.r.i . .
1 , :m ., A ,
. 71.1c. r..
T 0
801 l Ilrhnntons ,
Flr Solplow.
Alen ou andna 5....111. 5 4
(inn. Camillo., v.ll W 1 I 11( /I 113 1 1 1331.
fits/. earner wood and nix.), non.
THE LA 111 ES all Hay "ll' pa want real
good Ten, yob , Morrig k Ila, 'north'. Tea Store lo ile.
Inanton.l for IC' The Tea Ile I .ji ~ 40 1.1.114 per ..rel
'''''''q '''' ' •"" i ' '" b j x'. : ' 1 .1( . ....{ ' .... n r. - (Tn!r. 1.1 .. ,(711'....!.1
I t
" r?"'.'l-1.y,.' .:.,,.. ~..,„ ~ 11.. ,n T:-:..
AinMo.,. dn. onrolt,
,an 1 •1 .... ,
~ n,.. _, ..
.tiril""r,'ln `4,`:,'lr:Lci,"gr`;‘,"to.-1.! 4, k...1,1t:,:., ~`,:,'1'..!
+1 11 1 i g h,7,.."
LI John 11. Melba, XI Wood rtrert. Isne i f .
in.. 0n.,...1 n nen ond oplandulasnortnten t
at Fiance(( non open and ready for nal , de:11
i 100 D CANTON FLAN NEI, A fart her i
it .11 nor Idly of a ern nupertar arlialr at IV,. ntn t., r
'' d i„,t r ,n '. v't at '''''''' Aftllll`llY 5 Bilccll Fl M.D.
Q PRUCE CII ENV INC. GU II —.lio+l ~,.,•i,„,1
1.-1 fen n Ilmurnr. Mr., through tiro bay' , . , r a If. e I ~
~,,-..., ~ ~,,, 1.,, o f th,n plra.ont ntal sgoahle 110 "Ina
ion, (which
o r fnr nw olet.l., 1... I.reatti. elenonnst
Mr teeth, As. For nab, 1111.1.71;,',.,0i,,
i,„,...,, .
well( anrner Want and VI I ( 1111.14
A T Eft
VyCure Manton. by Joel Shen,
Fster Com In Atnerwa.e.lll,l by n 13 .ter Patiena
1 1,,,,,, p...,,1n ~,• 1 I,l,pathy for llnd,aninnal laud pontentir
us, by Dr. Wens.
i 111:Lernattrt'd1Z."./kall 1 t.d,r,Z.I(Z.. 17, " i.:1; n :.;i ' ../ . .7 . ...7= 1 ,
31 ft
F.M.V. tnrltlmPtVl;4l:'ltlllei Vo7rVub ..,17,,,1.h.,,‘,11:,„1,,....
„,„,, work( Inn AniP by 1t..(3 STIIIIII I IIIN,
lk.d(mdler and Statiner, stroll Market and Thlsl An
4.1 , 13 .. -. . _ -•--
dr 101.110'EtIFEIT COIN DII ' I'F.CTOIIS. --.
I clinTt.%ir.r eVI.-1,7=x1.;,147:71"....112.4.*.T";,t
agr 5 t„. , ,V.Vr&J. , :14' ,1),, g 4 . 10°.-4,o.!'fp.
_ Ir. N. muster:
!obi ) . conbalot Salmi and 4t/, sta.
a UNDILIESA3O Linseed Oil;
•• 11.111104,
fot 1 kr.‘i.,
, Pun, ihtl..rulun
1-4 Lentontr
extra 0rmm11i. , ..1
itys Jost, Columon 11r. , U1,
NA: Nut.
art " A
4 1,1 t h,•
girt ..,1, 1,
unitl .1. 14. CAN YI P.L11,14..11.n.ut nt
I I (111.-A few 1,1,15. just ree'd
jfn u. 11.. num ufut-tan, . for 14•, I utn tllt I) ty,rnt.
OP I nerrunt •01,11. A .lmat.
c.4-ttor Wtuul uu.l '
; I N F.ll 1101{A X f.r sale 11
kl J. ,ClItlkINM AK MI .t
I ii . (INIIE- -2 ,43:ingt , fluent Me,lit ,, rtnnean,
Kum/Num:El, a. 11,.
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods
I, I NO— TlA.ueg. Poorno• Iv i-,411A,
1-nw A,.. qtriut: I, und vvrl d.
A .A. 11Ar.IN A lA,.
6-1,1 N.... 44 Awli4 Slstrkrt...t.
6,.!. 'RI N.(: PR
&-) I•.:Atitiftti .1 l!ti , ... A
. At
pp Y
A II (II Le— , ble. N. I, Win. Strained
""4 for ' l4 ; ' d' Y t . MATTHEWS k 01.
ill I 1,1‘1 , :N S Itt' -In tilde. and Idde.
113 I:11E1. MATTHEW:: A. CO.
Illt Y. il 111 ES CO. are prepared t
A I. V. \. I. 011111
11,11 EN SY ILE P-5 hr. hhh, just read
NI A ~a An•este Lp L•111[Ialllxoaa INIatAIIANI,
1 , 1•••, N.. 11.. 11ns•r.t.
, 1 1,1 ill It-- bias extra Family Flour. for
I, • 1,-IC, a. r. Vol. noNSti,,i:s 114 01.
P 111.111 )1 51/ doiAell for mtle by
1L..1 „. N . . ,, 1. , 11 . :ti •• 10 11 1i.).C } F , .:1 , , ;1 111 , 1 , 15i ., 1( , ... N ..) . ! . :. a 1er,. for
12 - 2 srrot.A. strul 11.1 Flrgl ott.4.
V I i; , 1
17111 .1101 liralsle., ill NUM,
tt.r ,edt. 1,, pltatiV a 1.
N... la a al ll•t .H l, l W a.l 1.
I' 111 IXki - Xllln.xex II or sale by
4 r•-t,,, KNot.tsit.i lIENNICTT.
, G, ,t,.. ~16111, to fur
,. 1a • o:
111'111 Ili NT. A IMES - 7', lb, pore article,
1.e.., 111.4, a 11. : , E1.1.1t11,
I hi' Nell.lNtl F. BA NE ,h few
■A A 4,1, n. DAMS A 1111 IN,
111 , .+.114 , A.
11A 1 1.1!Itrrr t: 11.1.1f.11 1,r ; :t1.:,b) -
. i1,,.v.. T 11.11,,1.05
• t• 1.1.411 Soul.
It r I I ttttt
• 1,11
1 00 1 1 1...114,
1.. 10 110 .10 1,111 der.
.1.1/111 11 Are
INSEVAI 4)11, - II) blb.: Jrw Sall. 4v Will , IS. 1.111 . 1. t: A I,
ir,.,,1.,,,,„ TT i:111 2 1.1.1 1 U 7 , 1 . ...r ,, .14 , . 4c:'
4 ,
i Li pv EitsEElo- 75 I,ivi Jro 5tt1 , ..1 g
Tel ~. 0111;41N. 1.1 . 1.r..t 11.
l i V
.\ 11 .1 , l lES
~ l lwi:Pi, r1:111i i ~1i, 1 1, : , 1 171, ...2 , , , 1 . i r
Ow 111.-Am. ,
wl w
..w., A nu,A.14.... • ts:
Awl ..1 b. t • ~ i , 1. ..1 V
1 w:ll - ll w. , ..... ./ i11 , ..w1 ,
''';c,7,",:. , „..;',' . ;.. ° 7 '..' 'l t n . ::llL''t" . " — .,‘...'., - ,..
„.. .. ... „,,..,-..., :.•...., Awl ...,..rrluik r.,..0..1
' ” ' ''''''''' '""
' ''''''
% " 1, "" Z, V1.;:15..
I) EA NS _l4) 1.4), \M t.. 1, .1. by
1) 4.1,, 1:.101,0S. 1.1111. E /
5 A\ll' BLACK. Is. 1.411 k tor Tanner, •21)
Yl ~ii'., N.:II.RNRIRKEI:
E 11.‘Ni11‘1:1 -1 •41..1.1 Pup, Illktag.
( a .; AUf I'ET -jkll eruole. for male I.y
4 in;L, 11111m:iv: , wilar: 1i1.1 . F.- -Fur
.1 K 11.111. 01.
A full
ISIN)S.S-- ho 11 i.t.ry 1.,-11.1,41116.
11, , I. 1,13. 311.1 ntiAt mu , r. 1,1- 3,01
1 ne
ot:, HIM:4m Nlaltoprerro
.:13•Lr.t. •rt tho nolloo
• •• : 111,n, Povol.nni. 111 W.ll Thartor,
'•• A 4.r.41.•,111, 144•4, th , 3031,3 of I b
A 11 , ll.k %IS -
tit 1111'100 A Co
I ( )0 Itt,tt„,.., tAl,l.••rt,tl.• Fl.,tt,tir.l.
+ll F.,4,3,1;„1ty
71..itt.:::ts'skt.;‘t tkt
I s st.; 01 _ •:tt
rt-trs to•::rtt4l
t r ll J +nt. as
tl Kit A 1,1
r. 1 , " 1 KIN) At°.
tt frt•All 1,,
AQ. I .•-`
10F1•EE_ hag- ‘'offce, j‘nd r ev',
/, , e1 I, eel.. 1,, 111.1,10111,,, I.SaintAll AIL
.N 0 le. AVAI L
111.:SII l'Ei'.lNS .111 , d revived, 3 MO
1,4 1.11.11, elre. 1.
1 4 '1:1::141 FIGS• :141 drums received and h
A Me4I1.11:1; A o).
61 111111 Al'N l'A. BAILROALP
~l , ' 1. 'nu. co,
is\l.\ll 'PICK EY & CO.. Ago4, - for M
Iren 11 ,, rtr 'etre 1 r 4,, for esie of
rev: ,v der leeree.ll.4
I D ATI INi • :• al
superior, for se by
BL !I.; 1441.141 DICKEY A rat
SOl l .l AS/I --it en-4k,, for Plat. by
111'f'UV it -411 twilled, for sale
1,, loan u010.i.„ , A 1:11K .
•ItS---10,1$10 . Pprincipc, m f . 4 :T u Lsa Ls le a l•?;,,
BureElt—l I.llls
11l Ice 40 rain by
HAIN N 11011.41 It 111
I )I,A IN 1.11..11% SILKS- MrarllV
I, recrive,l • very (111 .0 54 ,11 01
4...4••• 01. e.. 11 I.4rer prlerr thmn tbe• nro
r ./44 Merl, 144,...r,a1 4ml 1144-44.• am 01
1A 24
I D ill l' &Burchfield
hare on 1140,1 n larce lot of Drip lilmtharn, 414e0
nt 4 ,411 ) e ralitervl K lee, tortb fart enr4er 4th
eO.l Vlarket
(1 CASKS CLOMIDE ,IM E, Nltlapratts';
a, 1,1, I'mpUpr Oil. TR,/ nor. lIIPPer. bgt
P) V.pieliPb Emerirs. pt.ortral;
Itlop p
./ KIWI 6 CO- I. World pL
.11 4 1 i ES II FEDI ITRr
Peaches nd Itlackberria
;1 l a trz; a v„ l r2Tragn:P' l "
rhino pm. in OP mom tuppitze s r
ti ' a CO
I EI IS —Canary and llemp Si'a
" `VA—kJ M 11.1,11116 CO.
EL LE ICS' LIVER. PI LLS—"Cottl.l not ge
""'"'" it Lmt 0. Jan. 9,1851.
Ma. 11. 1: Sturr-+—Yount am the nnly I.lmr tha
orll hem rookl fflol rr.l alum: a Montt them and en,
makes on. of 0,.t0 .41..enku In the htgliert 4.l.tnn o
~ nesnlatOn. loom menrelfully, 111IKKN.
11. SIILLKSIS, 17 word n
droo.c.lAtn georrally. ialth
F ltiS NND ICA ISI NS-149 boxes figs:
Pind do taniny.
toitsl nod tnr inn I. ititt)WN A KloNelernont.
1 ARIL 011.-15 bids best refined Winter,
/ for mM by .1 iniIIOONSIAK KR a W.
24 Wood miznnt..
i I„l7,lElt'S DI A MONDS-1 d oz. for sale
11 bi • J. 011111 OPP.
ILD---rdl kegs and 25 MAI., for rude by
5.1,10 Inn INO HIRKIPATItIrIi.
dI A STldt OIL-9 I,ldo Ition's make, for stile
/ 1.. 5.1,14 HUEY. MAPITII.En a
VE IN V EsT:%IENT--s9,lazlia miegh,
neod., Or son by
%V 1& A. MIA, a CO.
1;4 Wisd it. ands. 4th
-7 1,1,1,, fresh Roll;
do of.lid:
do 'cudst
%toil 1.1.1 P S lo
A: it PN TW IN E —250 Ihs superior qual
%by• J Kinn J. CAI,
Nn. , 30 Woegl ntreirt-
ASTI I.R iilCll'-,"S' canon for only, liy
• .1.10 J. KIDD (IL
1: F. It 511 LL 111 N -Trieste, Chenese, and
lor by
0.1.10 J & OIL
A ItNICA FLoWEICS--For rale by
A I , ,Acti. LE A I)—.. 70() of ß st ... p; i l , l7r gilc
cs 4 u all
' i,'""'" 57 Wiind stniot.
• tn half client& inning Id von nod iiiwk Tw.
hour dn. PIP, Imonod nun Oninhir.
tn boy. Biondi a Itobitunn I.'r Toloons.
Is .in P. itnbionin 1 ens Yr sod b'ep
n, do Ushinism s'nlPnlascn.
IS qr. being nyol Ilrrnml'4 f; n do
0 in
Tionlinno Uniden Lrof
in Ann. and fur nap by
• .IPu•
MO 40 bldg. p liye WlinkeLiftery aid and etioin....
• ad bbla UL ure 1
MononwidatLsWlitakay. in Mn and for
stakolm i par Jolts rixigg *W.
4:1-Abs.'. Magaahae for March, with 144 pa...
Ilertioulturlat , for FoLruarTt
Cultivator, • dol
Whig He... 4%
{Vernet , oti laud, by t.reew Aguilar:
Mom. lotinenee: tale for utothrr, sad tlaught , m
Mother' , Iterompeuer. by tirr.• dolor
6 r lf.l....quintt: or oho history of• human
Heart by NI rs.
Oliva. a novrl:
Srueettoo. Lt ti. P. it. Jame.. E. , 1 - •
for .ale at 110L1I I.lborars P'wt Of
PLENUM NEW PIANOF,--- - , f i p r
1.7 11. L F.II tot., plon,ure i t
.tr.t -
fAASS. 11tA 015. fie:r York. o whir!, with
on band./furvn the . no•-t varh‘l.nod'exton.ive..tork.
...IlCaribient,h..,...',!l..ndLll. octave:lon:A , rorveA Piano.
Lut, XIV so with Ow imponvetnent of the over
Ihr lalvvt 1,1111 , 11AA 0 ivullvo 7 vmetiL to be
found 01117 ori Nunn. a Clark's Flanr , din.. tro nupwrl.
.11u/lan Attarlainent Piano,
11.—:An oaienvive 10. of Non ernbrwino Jenny
and the eluoie.-0. new Song , . Polkns. %Voltam Sr. I.IF VIE 1:01..lthIN 11A111'. 101 Third vt.
- • •
Folio, Parket, Commercial and
Quarto 1,4 and enp FoPer. Inv: , Jolnal, 07.11, una.
Lt er, ',vied nod pinin. blur And • whin, for Itlwral
Lquo. at - IV. 0.11471,W:I
lat' r -
AFTs.—Engrai...l and
ll4rongrani. 01., and of n,avt benutiful de.
Cor. Market and Snot rt,
f Amerirnn. Journal. nod l'ovt.
tieifiTlNc. INK—Art.4,ra Writing, Fluid,
Iled 104.
11.1.ta.rt'v ebettoeni Fluid and IL-I Ink.
11nrrnon'i.0 , 1utnItinn Int. —l , l nod 11:v.k.
11.0nn U Thompson '• Ink—idnek. trarlvt.
. " 1 , cr r. 1! 4.
-Ii Fannin.. Ink Vor vale I,
Llsirrirs ci.Assiii.\ I. DICTIONARY
17 A new vbo , l.nd dirlionar, Ilroyk end ILdnan
nny ntr11;a0":1YI:I/".
Le 77';111 1,111111 1.1, IL. rdoo k lbe rvel:
od Noma" Anunintien , and titheokandl:olonn
nod NI ythologj, ith nuravolu. mrroctions and
n.ldltlon, llutrieo A cation. Lt.• 01 W.
G0....k and Lotin Lninotrtwoe I , ..luinion ‘7lllvoo.
The bite th e lArt,vpondenLo of Itole.ll South,: edited
1. , hi. non. the 14.1 . .1111.1414 e131.111,e1t o...utlnty. Cu.
pluild.lnn.o l'utuborland• Full bound doll,
No. 0 of the Life nod CorrvApt.ndeuro of Itobort
tet of the hr e , ettl nnol Englloolt Itrlnommg
nnottentrot wltto the ronthl of Britain. lot
A ...I Sltirthohl. author — lon. of the qu0.... 00l
Itnglanot. tool. I
Th.. Ihoflline oof notp.o. nnol Its I . notou, hn Altolgoo.doont.
..I In Moo llntulto. Irtohoornotrho. on Wtoolnotnlng
J. 15.14., hi Inn N. Nlurrit. 11. It.
Thoonhoon. thohkeittui ro-ohoivohl, nut if •fllel..
poo3o - It.. IN, Ni,. 4: Sint*. ht.
DIA NO roirrt--1..n u.
3,14. Urn. N., hl %c o.! olmool. ha. nog.
thtl ea. won ulkeki nor nolo .11 lar... hood hooll
hto-01. got' 01, nnol 7 rhottogoo Ith
an. hon.+, the Mune. hrtr, 1.1. M.., h.
tot 1.11 In. Int it.x 1100. onto talon oof Introit/no no• 'flu—o.
intntonlott Ueto.o. tfloth../ any
chns, foo ur ntul all ••a+. u ntrairlAul
r"" 7111 '..
A.. for 11,.
N. oot Ch nokotog
on'h Pon N Poi Jo Ito
lk G,..t. Mllll 11/1111,111 111,01.1, . M , 1111,11, ate, t i. .•
, . Li .,, , nary', 1....1 me tu 11,.. ilielinnarf of t i n't'A mt'l 11. -
• ni Ilegeranli I nip! ‘I, Ilettlt, 11l ‘I a. l'lntlOt. I. If I I
1, niel I I • %nth.
Cat . • el 11,. if 'wn., ~, ,t 1 and And Env 11.11 1 1 1110..* ,
" 11 ‘ 11 . 7 . .1i1 -' ll ‘ . 1 . ,Yi .1 .::; ' 1 : !, 1, ‘ ‘ . 1 1 1.. 1 „ . 1 1 , 11( It SIP 1111,, Bl ll ' ,l 1 1
Ip, r ,li. r ho :. O I U. C. ' S-Wiley.
i s A. Wirel. •th . inn.,
Ti,, [ter e ..1 !toper, . mittl Ito Catty. A n A. 1.1".... tle-
I t • en , 1 tn 111. Itheal a it, TAN n.. 1.. tin lb til ne , gl it v tenni
'.. :l:.[n '. . r f .. t l ;gil l a u Xl . ( I .: , r
I n .. 1. %,
u' li 1 1111 . 1% INS.
14:1 In A geillo 11.1111:w, Fourth rt.
6....1, SI attlen. a eislehrthgl Buell In. 177 1. ri
I . e antora ef ./....s. I a. 1,, :Itg•hr
1. , 11... I Ittnerf faithful now nerlZ. 1, 1' 11 Fneter
nti....41, eh. , -Iveng in , Alin: h.. 11, e. 1.% i.te I .
IAI oder flee Mt,. hand nf unit.,
11. toe ma Wet, rot... in Trantn.lllll. •
we ma, be Law ,•l, fn. the I tang LI ert tif nt . Marl.
11,pi, (Iniial,. fa ennt...l 1...e1m. ell.l
Th.. Anil • nu teltel the ,tint 11.1 I. m.l i 1 en.
lien 1,11.. tleit . i , en anent - r ea. 1 Al en.
ne 1A11;.s. In ' 1 1 . Fief.
Jonn. 11 asel .1.-anolt ..r.thllte
hurt fps:nil - 111e, I. y Mr, thief.. lAtllin
Met . I %AA a. , iher 1 moiler Illil Chat 1 . 4.11.,
I rig Ad kis !Web.. I. • Voila
I,th tinadrillet.t.ri ...I 310 V.A . .,
IA- tit...lnt L.lhr .21.1 1 . ..11.a. A Ileg let y 1,1.1111....
A 0 .......t.....,..t 11 tin loti• I.l,lNyttin 1. harte.. a 111,
blurt • 1 'an , he. Art 110 haute
florin , . than.. 1... Pruner I:e.n.lretl tn.! ny Ay
Jltrl A 11 ‘11.1.1g Ili. A V AVtind et.
Ii 11 . - 1 ter, large tth elt 4 Nevi Nan. aril, in. mud
u ill le. one.n ter male the. Reel. .1 affi
V.FAV 1101. K S AT 111)1.1ES '
. if
1.11. et.. Def., TVII/.1 gr.,. op, alb
h.. 1,-, um,:.- .
11,,,,,.. inn tn., a Tale Int Mother. Ind Ilan ich le re Or
"717.41'2f!"1-1.:+,1„114,1, 1 1/f/rv. A 1:1111.W.
Banker' thet. est. fer B
0 int - A Stn... 1.. r
Tin. St. /ter • Ihegynote nee. •a 011,4. 11, lira, Aguilar.
Tlie I. tale n , lh . ni t tit , tuarna,.. a ..... el
The 1...1.1.•.1 ....1.1 an Y tit; llgh et..,
Caroline of Brew. l. 11, 11 W Al Rey tr Ade
The le gent, . ,L,..• 1.,1
A In • t . e ..., ale .1•.. int g It t In r.,.:
I , r re rg • liie ni, to 111./..t. /10 t.h.... no the Derline ..
It t• 1-.•.1
Th—L•,o.l- kr•
r fait. n t h,
t 1 a. kn. rii iit it liar
If i t aa mina, of Snollnii
or tn., ,
...1.1 • In •nrb
nrroalion it ci.r• talirf in a Trrt
the 1.... nri. Sloe
imAtlartil far , e.rantrul.... ErltiPrin,
New Books, just received. quit,. Tbr..l,
~f the litioir.; • 1.ilill• 14`itnitiftr•
i 11,1 *rho. Duane, kik - n., all Illiain.rn :kin. Sok=
I Inn I . 1.11,A., . Ilir Linkla, Itlniumia
'"'"" "' luny Itil.n. Vrot rook. liri•lirsl• or Itn•loni
lirxiiira I ••.I I,tra• r ono
TL.. 1 0011.. nrooal It. II oniinn I'lakr 4: ... i „t . `7 .
xral 1,111, lit M. 0... c tr nr 1l
T . TT—, mak.. ir•nl al it xi..., 'riot, in it.
a• Pan, Oa ail. • don! of a iriail•trakor ,n lb.
.• • ••••"" •'• lire • •••11inii in tha Find', kr II it di.r. not
1.1 rters. it rink iko nit In/nr)
" A ,;•`Tif.:.'17:.t.i.:t."...11.4"1:11g;if
tan. intizrn n(Ntrilifrnertalt tiorti.l.l,. 1111-
I —ft, km. r...tni slkitgainoln4edbliull the Ilinvt.
taAr. (
1,1 ,
NI)III:WS' ruN. 1,1.1.1 , 11 tr - A
0.1 enttrat
w lo.rv,l.llll.ll.wman Ir•ic.t.”lll,
I 1 dhaan. In utwl.
r1.111.r. , mod etwn.ll./1 , U.. .).wn.r•
11. •re, rst lwin, ,rn.l
t.11,•1111, .1 tra..l ',tutu/01 tw
• 1.4:mm1...tut .1151 r rwtm l'ol,wwin 11, It-! U.nrll
sollwr .1 The 1,111a10a,N . h4. 11.,-tor• - 11111
ti.n.1.n..,-.-. 1.. Berta ear_ Marrlt Zal. 1 , 17
enno h eato-1 of
°re 4 , 1
Al, Athater • All , o me n H Paler. which I awn s. .1 Dam
~... I old , t o oath at to. about trent, 'ear, met ..t nmht
a. anable to 'deep During that tune I triad lama°.
mane. a lat. 1, w-. pr.-avant , for me to ado au lan. and
baler I, 1., , g, ,ill,ill r....t.111, sh, • r•lt. 1. 'anti at la t
' ' made tn. of it,., wadi It oeult saturant. , berami es.
~.,,„,,,,ano. pea tattoo- 1.0 now etalln.l., tn. fn. the pron. and a.m.
, ?:;..:r . ,,.,,, '` ..., a , " " );, '" „,..7 ~,:a.,.1„,..,°,,,T:E.,..,1,a,'".i.,.1,1....",,,,=":::: - I , :w 1 1•: , . '‘ , .. ' ::..:...7 , ,, , 7 . .. i " tr! , . „ se a :La l a,..;:alat ' , 7otlat ; I. ' au. Ida " ni . l .. .. A a '" . t.l " . ""l ontati ' l h m a
dame Ilea rearms
gl.r.e.acte, Pod, ant Ave rut... ..,,,, ! .1 IAI ES Nte A L.I.CaT t: It
Oen. uTuton.tor ad the a 1..... nealletta,
1 . 31.11' E1C.14 LIN li 1".4.11 IK ~‘. ST ATIO N 1.; ICS' 1 , 14171 1 44;.-! . 4.r i 1 ,r 1.. ,, ,T 1 ,3 , , , ,.?i,vat i,..
~.(-,,.,.. —,...-.-----, a-. ~......... 'mina ,x Prroat.a...-11 A Falatte-tock A C....00ner a
and u htu , 1t ,....1 mat go. -1 at.. Al ta ...... No. gtu Liherty .orret:
illnda I , edt• of ere?) - nrktl".. -.° h'. , '`' owl. . 1. it 11.. , .. fr corner as Mark, an,. and the Dnurt
intl., . abort note-. al. , ...nor or I. north and runthn.l.l an , ; J II 0...1, -or
rtatt,,,,r, Kngibl., Pr. car: a 2. 1. kne.rna . a . . , tan., mnal a., ..I . t t Omit ..1.1 Pram An fifth N.M. oral ...1 , 1 at ,
earl.. Far ...I. hy . "'‘ ''• • "'"*" ..r. lb(iii dor. in riatthhehl ..tret.t. thud Mort , . 1,..... - 4..::
~, ""r`"' .. "''"'' "''''"•^ 4 l, Itllecie , li, caty 1., 11. P oche arm rand Deb:lm..
. t .. .lent
lo n
Ihrtnin.lem• P. ito:iev, gad
j r "K A") j"" I."INTIN"- E ' vr Y d '' 1.2,..C.4. i11...nm.'4 , ~„ 5 .;...,, A ~.0.u0i..
.t Legal. 1,, ~,,, .r, ...i. ~ am t, o , .....1 end /.....1. . at.. `. it hoe man A ‘,.. mai J T gegen,
tk,, th .,..1 0 r .„,.,,,...5.,.a...1 at
°robe and itt He . n r ,„ a „,,,,. ,f,,bo itartla , Itea , ...r. Pm. John n allter,,r . •
b..., ,1y a ,,,„ , ~, II o lint 1-:%. hlimleth. Dartahnalat A Erwin. in. 1 ., ,, r Jail db.
Pelona, tarn., ora Thud o . 1nt...e1, Market anal Fern, ,
roll i l.! I.ES 11.11.1 EL'S SII AV I Nli I.' It KAM.—
{..;T A 'l' Ell -W .S.II A WEN, owner ail Sp n hen. la the man who do.o. mat artieociam the %agues
ii...... 1 obil Stark.* at... h. fag mi.. .. large .0.1 co. ot an eae` 'h , "', 4 J. , ,, ,1 } t . .. , ,T, 1..-- ; , , , ; 40 ~,,; .,...0 1 , 1 :::.1. :.;
.- --•-• .-, f..- , ~ A "-^-r, -. ha: -"-- ""''''' `",,"" m. 1.,„:. .:,,ri:`,":.. „ 1.72..., J,'-11....1 , ,k
-,.. - 1 ". ".- '"'''''''• "'"'"-"^ '"m"'"I '"' .-..r , , `Zn*.r.; A1LZ7.7,!.,, ku7i:g.., ~. i ~-,„.,, It it t.
. 4' If I" u.' "''.
'." the n''' ''"ndkl. '''''' '' 's. . 1,4; iii„...ibli. I. rod word. to ii.-. 7.. 1i,.. ~,,„-.,
TEw sTocK 1)F I' IA NI 'S. • , '" n " ' b ' b " . " " -:''' liTil':.A w l:‘, " :;.' r' i l iT,`,!, :'Zq.
i 11,0 1113 i. M.. trud or tin • for
at ta........1.1. la Harp, S. lot Third at
I "'"'" '. ". ' w "'"'"' ' Third " 1 "it'r.Vl: ';i7t :fl7l" , Zl`.N . ,•: , 'l'' MTZT ~. ..:,-ii,i,:i
"' -'",-nr. '''.."... "‘-' 1 .1 N"'" 1 A "A". en ell'. nt tendert° • the antleat mei newt b in Inanl , n , A
St, ...krt.... , lbetta , a orb ata.l.l 7 tent, curved l'inne . th l,
~,,, , a.. ~,,t hrt ., „ ...,,,,,, i ,... .„ . .. i th
t,f the lit heat a 1..-. raption to exterior awl nom. It la , made . n t ~. ~..1., ....., , 1 .3 ',„.th. th , ~,,.. „. th ..;,......_
'''''.. " " '.." ' "l". '" '""" 1" " Pt ' s" .4.4."1' ‘" A" 1 n tiTat " Tnpl:•Le ' .:t ftial ati ' d C ' erlang of tb„ith..i . ,ltich T ' sa ' .
TiY Ale, a new tot of f.hinntable and 01. 01 . , tlin't , • a nen enoerienced after .I.nelna..
an t to ...1.1.1. , win laon at i th ...... th ,...,,,,,.., th , , t tont, i fteutlemen °elm Juba Maniere Whaving Cream...) , cm.
inaltar.. Weladoont and ....,) t art.,' of tottaleid m", , ... - 1 the ..4,1,,, and mod ptcaving wind. Immediately %flag
dm, ''''' i ow., witlemat the akin lawatubm chapped. Aml throe Hahn
N EW ISlKlKS.—llumbolt'a new W ork. ",r,„.."-14,w1=4,11:1,',,,V,,,,..'11i:1;=re "114,7',...,,,,
Carmen, or Sketchet of a Phyakal a11T1 , 1.0. 4 , h. led IJ, ..9..7,....:',1........
(ad thallt will not
, Mg.', di -of the beard. a Lich marl ono. • ill do. giving a rand, -
ral nu re ,
no 14 51inuranta: Ult. New HMls:nal ef , ruthi ~,,,m . ..n , in ,h,..,n, of lire a 1th.,,,,, 4 .
the NI ext. I ml. 1J no, . Jun. Ilattel , Sharing er....nianrettelightlultamtetnttions.
ft) me', 51mlannirg ant Knkinerne Dictionary, That No- no.ryoululed with .klll. to the rater, Nclurion of all fultelm
,r,....1 laleulated to render the ota.ndlnts of alumina, unialravant.
Barron. , Senn... These are well worth .11111111111. Alla Will In appreciated la, all who male trial of tiled.
F. vale hy IL HOPKINS. Prepared mil) if t.
jab Apollo Building, ALEN 1101 1 E1.. Perfumer andClanniat.
ItNOItS, 111 , 11BER.T'S, lII.XIAN ANIY i , , ,,,,,,. .., , , , ,,..Z..", 1 'Z' i ,;%,.. 4 111',.. 4 A t ' • '" h p.„.
"i t THOM_ aN'tt. ma 'llarrhangs Black. !Lola :wart. , and it I. feller , , Patuthurkln and John Sargent. and J.
UM Carrnme 10. - Mitchell. Allegheny City. --
ehmtai?, I :One, Itrtwatman and lamplotJe, Jacket...
end Monroe , lark veal lied Lent Ponta 11.,
tratatmele et ...., tinwrlptlost, Hilton', Cohen . , Pratt a
• , To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
' .. belli.i , Leman ., mel other man... iunr . of • , teel IDU lILIC A'l"f ENTION in rent.ectfolly In'
Van' .). A '" ''' $.""." ""'"'""' . A. " "Alri "' A Uas)
. 1. tried to the hall„wing hart% In relation to
'l;r''''''4''''="7ll4l:lti'l4"'"4lr'LlZl''''',"'"•d.- ''''l4A.Zl.7ll7l l 7;lr r itZr It "rt 1; Tp7t k g',..trlTl '
~,..,I,basit- lala....alurahler. nap, romd, not - anl ele- ,
.mo. thi great remedy war ...lit before arie I
,hant. Brialy! Bawd, cup. deftly and medium. 0 r the relief awl runt. di..., Ito great power. ,
1 Perfona. , boatd. EID, bn, ~, ~ phd ....,,, th d allver, Crla..l.l:nve. Mtge then. hereme full) Rppmriate , l ion
re:damned nold, eat ear and .. faut.v . A.m.' talle . ,„„r. tHil a... , nlai •
comm onny. aral we allege that the hanger at la tried the
"; th .' " 7 " ,... l :l '" narr ". t rn me h' nt " orraTrlare d I .lta " ralaVa` " f!; r d '' ..eaa ''' br ' t. - ~." r r,,rr 'a lan t . , lli ll . it 4al,7.4llf. n anin ' trurpa ".d ae . ~I f l t l" t a' fir ion' "':
T'‘ a"' d "'' ' ' '"" ' Ere".'h "'A'' " P" ' Ai n )" n" . 1 ,r d ,... a th " lat. me, witleh avr ...aive will continue to he need when
r:r....„.1".,,r,::,1,.",,"‘.'4,1.",:hij.:','"„,"Larty'1,th.' P Z " ,...'" . ..,...74 - 1, Lth 'l
, n , 1 i., 1 o . t , l . ae r. r
o P i el th ra , lett .....u m la ,
""1:1,"11"Aa'note envelnpn r i... and emboneol: letleYarnyel- tY. , , , ,,r,=, --1, It 11`7,2t; t 4.,.....h,:th.t...,„7.T.,:11.1, looag
4 ‘ 17, , ,,.'„,„'"',7 u ",,.:',, b ,„ it ,":„,"' ~'- ' h u i , ''',.. 'a m an d p l a i n ''''''''' '' idnii,•ll.l we wratP , tbe truth-Lhat we way nothang r ' Zirat.
lat. to dmaave throe ale. may Mart Mr wool or put mull
Wafer: wafer cope, 1111.101.1 S manor. writing wad; bra." den, ill Or 1...114011.. Me o f are very apt In tenth at
Iln.!rocna and Turk...) Inswond rand boacw.mapying Preen , ...... ~,„ ~,,,, ~,,,,,,....,, „1., rth . n , th .......... A 4.. ..... , ...
nallarnahra. Molten l
and Knollah rantayum ~r emora. anal tall h.r .,,, ~.. th ,,,,,0,,, ...,.,, 0 0., th athm ,, We o b th ,th..emmr. I
a, r; [awn Inperof „ all mlloret real and •Itate patent blot- th ,, , thth,,„.„‘„.. „r ‘1,,,,,, . I, ~ .
..w e ~,, „,,,,,,,n. 1
" n. r
If Ter . . 1 . P ; " i gt ' l:Y older aetle I . e. ielb e HtationerY Lin ;;:; . , z , : , ;:b . 0 7,, T ,„"73,11',12;.,, , ,•=g.,,T,r , 11-,v rep.
I:l'„t'k'al!"..,',,r.l=itrrlit.',P2r,:-.,,;,,`,..-7,!.1, 1ti,,,,,.tr,,,:•.uriT,F%y=',:=,!:',„th,,;:;;;.,,,,VaLdi
nl . ''. ll ll . i ",""" ~.. "Q''"'","' "" 1 1"'P'sr '4e";,7_ la i,or 6,, ..11Lio,b.phow. 1... ample trallummy In M
ll at , H He% fur male .I. n un. tzta.; 0 r ,,,,.,, ~,7 , ... row . „.,, r , th ... ~.t h, ...,..
Wilton the pant two meruha, two a our own eitinont a
' r'''''
1 " .. th. . k ":„1'...,H1,..1"...."7,,,,....‘"......,b,";"'„,„,,,.1.,. aho acre totally I d alual. h i nre .. btolrtored m to right Se*
anallt . ..... prat ra......0f min ne... II We .L r 0 00,
ta-aVrAti DiSli, TtiE l'U BIT AN, It Tale of ~ i., 1 17,
~,,,`.,01.,X11,7r-,,,,,'..,,,,, gr..5.e",1".:=1.,,,,zr.megt2-,
17 ow A..-. 6 ,.. R. - roiutio.. Bi Y.M.r t ` ll. " , "'l . L.4 ' he od , u- fn to 1, 1 any panonat who bloat doubt, m the aut..
IbMry of the . Itelormastiren of 1.. le Mateenth Century: , th ..a.. yt a .,..., am ..., arr.,
tonal a n, Lb, ' h a d 1..„..b.,..
lay J. 11. alerted AIIIIIIIII, Ile, I . a . nah i lent ad r tir T., 10 t. n 1 hy obtain... ea hntarkon. The Pets:drum will cure.
Mal ' '."'""1..' :11."1 " I l ay 11 ' ...W . hrte ' ..%;. " A “ . T4 . ll;ty ' l l oh rat!) u't"' Nine ..l.t.TW.t.--Phn'n• bPwahTY.
i g4to CI ,74.,,,..2. . Itlseumation , tient, heumluta, bruptiamou the Skin,
a Pimple. ran the fuer. Channle tbre Brea, Ringworm. Totter,
Kentucky. Hi III:dory, Antlquitlea, and' Biography. 11. Heald Dead, pains an the boom and Joint, old yaw. liken,
'"- lb " ..t h4 wlt !et ,Ip't.gftaralttiT BILIZ*IOMIN, Wena, Ague , Chnutle Cough, Arthrna, Itoonrhatha , and all
Pulmonary affeattuna of • clunnir nat., trading to pro.
BOCAIICIIrr and Stationer, dom th mth . m ,th.m.
POO Corner .4 Mar Third ota. Burn. and Oraldr. , lnnwera of the Bladder and lihinrys,
- • • ... i - Chapped UMW, a:c-nristed Nipple, Own. and Minima , .
lUTIA NE MAPS---i'elton'n eplett:ll% .. v a l: In 1....1.. it r i, . Ga.., unw.r....s. r.o.enr,.an ,,t hnel 61 , irki
;I"TS t'::rl7l7lt=l:ll.lngren7";.:%Sh4 Obtlg tlrSrpt.'4VtLl=l al rnarn
Lime,odllLecY for them In Pinsbng. and lathe each , . the ad, of tlMProntlett , aim win Mke Pio... In aboa
ad whaol onnimittena to call mat examine them. lag them to the aftlichnl eat their friend,
rt., i_aiar, or the 11.eatarn Hembtaltere, if l aB2 Innhes Whatever Ahem may ...1 alaml their mrdiciare, the
do Kmatenn do dn Petroleum i. thu groaner; In'utedy or the an, Physician,
5 I n No,tl, morrim, to .Ai wr haoh etanding an Hof p r are beginning la tun It
4 do linilnl States, 10 aY2 in them practina. noon lartga ant font tanked on with. doubt
L. do Kamm, 711 nkJ and rem mines. an , willing to award it dna prat, and
II do LAIN 70 a 79 musaiderullan flange mother year mid mutt". all 0111 he
, It America & Africa, 70 aW4 'neatened to amknowlealer that the Petroleum la the great..
trine of the ~d,..,- . orilh try, C.TH or the ilhat two Urania * ratan. ..Heine ever dlnneend. Van rale, wholreale , and re
p.„... Map, with .rot, 1110 tall, by E 1 SElt A 51rIX1WKI.L. 140 Wood .t.
aze un vail(il In:wrung), beauty and cheap- Alen.-It. F. Seller , 10 Wood otreett D. 11. Clam D. A.
o . T .P7arj " .2:Peal 4.7 be wante or 110. primary, crammer Ellin.. Jonah Immilm. Allegheny City. Alen, by the pro.
'I 'igh ca n of the Unit.' Statra. m .kh a e, ti, 51. KlEtt, Canal Psalm Seventh tmet. Plne.
'" For eale at Pedielier'S mires, yin:total addition of freight 'hurgh, and B. A. Fidinegtook A Co., Wood and i'vant eta
abaa.gra. althea k.DUCATIONAII. BOOK biltßdg. .1. 10
tmlia Corner of Market and Entarth at. ____--------
Morris and St r illillell Home Tournat -1
111.1111161.1S11E1) every Saturday in New York
City. at Two I)ulL4a a year, payable in all ca.ww MP
',' A", " Z.artnta . Aocircr-Odlini of the Homo Journal, 110...
tz a r,, - 1, - 4 - 1- 747 .... I'S t 61:kn r, ',. , r1 In 'T y3 io il .. 1 .1"1,7f u l r e.lx1),,
Vi:uatilr.lott'ltall'At.,;;;M.l4 rhea. du ly lipt' , given by Mtn In Imo - .
11.• Int forantal paper will he arknowbaltual Lea at Um
I of publication. and It 111 espready agrend anal undans
eel, that .11 anbarriptiona ani payable MII year In 4-
77 r4ri. Ttlon ." .( " n " ;:dr . e , Vl7liy. Ti.lll= h , ' Thlrgi i trelt,
pporite the 1.1 Offin, millpi.lg & WILLIN,
1 4
d....r., _
.__ Lou o . and PrePrictera
1 - N
VI; LO PE S.--Just received, a large
A „,„,ut, of notr, Moo, and orbit° linvekipint. of all
tars, fur rain at unusually low pliegia at
1 IV. B.IIAVEIVP, Stationary WarehOure. --.
it 0•7 1 (Mr. Markel arid Second arrant
N; SW BONNETS—Murphy & liurclineld
have open Mb. morning era' nag . . or Nog ginilas
b'bigg'"l''ritrrlicerpg4liaglitlhtg 1111 P. U T:r "' ;
Li n d, and Alliam, W . Ontrit SLlti !Man. Aliterine I.sottUr a
China Parl, litinbmalimod do. American Pearl, Vaady an(
M ilt) and Pearl. Mandeb Lutan. annual linastable. Al.
Mixon and CAdldrinfa Bonnet,. of a moiety
Alen„ impeder ardoned Ydigillati Banns% plain and Wan(
colonid Chip do, as
am d'lS' mot. Abo. Hoye mid Mg
Wag' Hata. Winn. A1b...1h China Paul, Leghorn, An
4, I'S C E the inwtsluetion of this new Coni
i 3 Pound. eonkhs and (LW,• are cured in • Tor/ ahut ,
time. K. will Warrant lir Kea o'er P m " . ' d '' ' ..."l°
run. moos of tintithit Cold% Uninehiti. Letterigitls. In leas
time .and at a cheaper rate than any other tneilkine e'er
Mealtime. all sieken the storrtarh 50•it5 ,,, ..."." 1 " d "
is n'h.virrrialdr than the °tooth ititelf. This la
nod in (los
IT Int. It 4 • piraoant tioothltie article
oit will eurr the 212 , 211, 2 . 4 , ^/...k . ,'' n ''
Aetua , in Lo or ..f (I& 1.1•212r1.2 In our eitY. in'ul;:tt7 ,- :r
riturns should routine., any one of IL. ettle..Y• It i ii " 1..
pnArriptiou of a realer phyrieut.u, and bar been tviol hy
his. in his own rrardir t . f. ....bee, 2 ,1
,22-nr, with the
unot 0ur....
Co tNtiI:MPTON—A lady from Stouts-n. 111.. writra• that
her thou:liter bad been afflicted with aleough and rAro . rOir -
Mi.., r iyito ywouto. hullo fry,. sod all the dirtweeinC
i t i fn iupto is 11
and that ands taking two bet
• she war entirely eurod. A ventleman In Washing..
ronuts s Ito 11.41 , suftereil with Aathium and L'hninkt emigh
for enth yearn bar brim oittlerly relieved and Ult. etmab
rottooss by the use of half a donee of laottlea 421' this Pue.
coral til sup. A grntlentan fnou Peorla Illinois. writes
that - b • know, rho Pertonsl Syrup to be • Rood artleir.lbr
he )2. 1..1 11. in 612. mom ewe und in )124. ra.2., of members
a Is. handy with the nowt perbyst aueretot
In 4 oak or lox Cuityrarr Alrauriaso Bt. V. 01211-11
put up 11l loaf pint None. at AU trait. , much. or six bottle.
to tL. A , .
l'ocAtio. 2 2 4.221.)12.TR4 would do urn to tory, !tout - TIT ut
thin surdittitte on hand all the lime. :u. it T. ono or tin newt
torfert and eltleariour nmodi.... terr dlaroverol for all
omalt. mod i1i.....-...,rth0 loot:amid Ineipiout t inouturtion
I,AL LION IiVIALA—Matt r torsorty u ill try h. rot you to
buy oanto outs of the vartoits tuotruto. but .In not beret
thou. It you wnut lo Clr writ bui Ilk, htyacia Prorrout
Stitt to
and tab. ti. other. thin will you. It has in It
isms.. lb.. unot valuable plants and hula of the inaWris
sotyli. , and is omordnulail by a perodu skllirsi in Ito best
ow ar . Then. con be no the,tig. ID this 12,11.-itte. It L.
pnosinal in i own city. and the Prold olio' b. , l'uri" * "
ot. rertlf.r...tos front person. ill 2.1.1 r Ont. Lit,. a1t2,(1.2 1121
sutural. , prutorti.o. a itieh will lo shown b. any penuin
&shoal ot atietna )12.(21.
Ar...i lb CITED 1h1V11C1.221 the Ilnilod etste• loon this
noskli. o. La,. doottiuts will b.. tomb. to tluoir•lto. is 111
take an uttorrst In the nirdielur It vill Vat • tare^ Prt , rit
to all aget.,./s-sideiLthor will 1. .vine andrring humanity
ners be hi placing in Oinir baud, dm unatost nualirtite
for Lung .11,........ the world luo eV..? land.
For sole. u1t..1....d0 anti retail. 19 li EIOEIt A MrIWIW ,
ELL. Itruegou. 1.01 1a.••1 strait. PittiburelL Pa- to "Omni
all tattors for acre.... last. nAldivisiod. AL, korai.. by
IL 11 Eton rite: I'.
l, ir.. ItrownYsllle.
Itylnl. 11 aslononto .lolot it. Ituchaunn, Iliekoryi
awl 19 tnttn,hanta awl dray:gods gaily b.
:ally. pal
IQ • - - -
ELLEILS' LIVEIt i'll.L—"The very best
)...7 Pill now lu aver
K )21222 . 1.1. , 111T 11,8, 1 . 212. Jan. I. lANI.
Mr It. E Seltersi.-liear hip I will slate to ynu that it
II my opinion our Pill Is perhaps Um wry Isest lilt nun,
In iv to a lOor Pull, soul I. earn:word by trine. al my
Antrllilltoo 'lll. It k nor; hisi.lily Y.:deemed In our wan., as ~ lama, pill. and 4 fait ximplanling all other.
irrienre of taunt of uty friend+ and rualonterw.
I'm.- orrtittlly.
rr ,
P rtsilltsst In rhos - ths original I..rts.r. lout
not In 1.551.1i5tt tin. wrltrr , noun..
fill. an. ti.. 01.10.1 ot.l on.l
lhnn~ur .tll other an nstnt.t.rfstts „r
Porellossr, rr5..11.-rt that It. E. Livt.r Pills ars
the nri;:lttol Alta toolltemtool ote.l of Drug:l'l4s
11:1,1Eltti . 1.1 El: p11.1.S soperci4le all
I 7 othe., Charier.. N, Set, 20. trll.- -Mr. IL K
- li•rt. l•roonie rt. popular lb nil ttibt n-
Loot! ot roittart. ,• TOT I , blurb to rtitorrottr all ot.h.qt, 4, hit, or A oti ILlll..ur
crbrt of Irttorj l ' ;.: n t.r)L ' Llt:lVlL . L .
I E, Pool rrrollert that ILK Follett , nrrthr
orit - 1001 tttil, trio. tort 1,11.11 r Llt.rt fill, WI trit, br
lintl at N. kld 0r..., nod 11l Itn,lni.4 to.nrratlY to
tlir ttto rill, and ,310
,2,'. .1
,!:rtr,m7,•:.'..;7"..' .. ,',,,'.h.:r.;:',;r&rt . ,.; - ::, l'r`.` lb" In
Thum ash ii out to..ttaration I. rutnen.l,l In all ram tit
hilt. iablitto, ito II :,•t 1. in. &toot. ittul grovel. o. tht neat
ate. moo .uio l ~11,4rornu h in ?hul
o laur-a run.. anti
n aonl, one
xhibit...l. hos
.Snit all 11... pro,rot , id the %I out io.ia now in t toututi
11 ,, . UlliiI• 1 1 1 hell, 11.11, 111, It. I.• fort. datitsuoun runts,
t tuna in (hr how rls it tluttoutll, 'sir, hturthetru w Abuts t
hunting {lit rout., the atotin.h. tot a/dal tutta......1 tins,.
rut, iniths art knowa. , 11 you, ntn alms
fast of 01(4014
I arninu mum In 41 raw.. It art,. a pita., al. Stub astt
I. t111:ifI) 111/3{III I II 1. , rt.... ,
AI,S II math, - IKt , te4titeil hot this rad nth in form' rob
uhlt sine In mat it, with uric acht sal. In ram. of trout and
ttrott 01. thtreh, coutittratUtn, them Istutiouti tonth 4 stYr
to it altalss netillol.ll lilag.ioala Itsrlt ha
Iron, Sir Philip Cram ph in . Barb. Fursztan tiuntrial to the
Arlo) In Isis/n.l.
' 1 Dear Sir 1 tit, run lie no doubt that Siagnerla mal. lat
.11111111.1.r,11 lip., utttlY Iti Out Dir. 01 •t inistiatta 4 l. is ,
Iti I lon than tie 4u livtai ito. for tit', alai man, htlorr reatunr.
I von 11l 1.1.11111P11 0.31 lilt Flight 51.4i....ia I. a lan - fal Liable
,(.limahi I. r %atm:Mohr. PHILIP ( 1 112,MITOIS.”
„U ' l7trtt - i " 1 I l ' .7l ' ;„ Si h r tit A ytt r ; r :Utl i gTftit k fU b Qii and I; ' ll i tr -r t:ltt I
i MU'', .0 Flohl !inn-". .tt. lotllA infinite', I nc Yale •41/1
r1.11,11.. , 1 1 limn the -obit. or.l Is , . Innis the storm. , attrod
tit . t . ll....;:x y htn , t , iir .4 .u. la or ~.1.,.....,
r ' ll ." tt Y7:7,r1,: , Ti2..
Cr w 4..., .., I , mint eta i
(Tit I N I'.l' ININIi n.. Nlort-nry, itor caller 1
)llnrral The littler mit vitae inv., hit the.
ettratiil 1., tti•eler lir,. Is. the *tither or atrial !
.1 vurA iholltal ittuertiatn rrasteat !ilialletnr
karmll r/ti
t'llat qua ha, mail- eith the
Which 11411,. , * sletilletler• Alltllealing tatrl
!to!: pree-rilrit anti tt hal •etrral
prielir. I Itai • let brailatti..ll aa,11141 that
lla V•a,lalsl , . tatithnlit• nit mineral teal...lnn,
why, rt. . 1.• ingrattliente Re tie.) arr. aril
ihrettleil the prrrettitt. err rut auk' hartillira.
bizt !if iirrat heirs, 1 trait relentite rotheal,..l atrait
pw,. ant I eleatrlulli rriataintetwl it thi • ettinteimitl
r !Intl lira hint. mu! iti•elt rltrili t• thr
emit. a 'IV al 1,1,1: •. tar. Though I hare et,
rotor ree h ttaeli.l,l .t • the att.. el'
aril liirt the rt. !etre,. eitieletatithr. littinahr
elionieter • t the , prettrietiii tit, eitillietht the table
et Lit tr h• thha In tritnelinix IL
I.AL. h 11101111.
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
*T . WM. MGM'S Cheap. Cash Clothing
Rove, No. 1.". A 'Abell,. Wert.
proprietor of the slam, establirlunent Mon tlevirour
tuffeaginst of the bAbanrr of bl• winter ruck, to wake
m for tur rtlengler I.mvhaarr for Vprion. thorAlf fo Ar
ire,Nu lard to determ lholl as greatly . rralurul
ra ooh. All thov. ohs RAUL fwb{M.bli amt
mole a .lll Ihrd It a w i r
avor blur with a call, aa great. lougellua 001 be offered.
-- -
New Books Just Received.
ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto
bi,,,empey. 1 eel. moo. max.
. rpular taluraLlcin, for tho v.. of paean and teeter%
vold ho pow* mow. of 6411 rev, impart.' and PoblWe
of In aerordsoor with • readullno of tho Senate sod Moue
of Il e prorroudien of tho State of Idirhinza llr In afar.
ler, A. 11.. lobe to +ultrt of public lattructinta 1 001
IIIre: Irdra
AbleIVA No• Bre —lllertory of Stefano Wand. by John
L a Al,n, with monner polka. 0110 1110 former
roluOrn of Ulla rep or Idaturical Fore, for Wale,
j,,p altill'allf IL 7P Aiello Ituildioar. Yourth at .-
Is now prepared , loaall the taraaat saaartment ar three
y Canada mar, ofilard lo Ltda mmtol . and -of Vl* lalrsa
g,„„„ i , v .asy m 4 eameno. etileb 'arc 'aura
tram the mprter+ and zbad.avprored fartartea t. i t.
Uabaa Cal at the Carl*WareboinakNca'abMagrth.a.
..1 , -;,•.' - - . : .: , ::;.. 4 - ,..;'4i;:: . •46:,...::::E•;. - S .
77•1' . .. : :::',k.::',..: : :: : : :: ' ,, .! .4 :7 -:
.- . f • :-.*7...,
New Music.
a t t D .
.'rEo CON-
rys FI' A dletMhedAh y l Nl.
A. mat vurity b offra,a a porltion.
by Chen..
4.1 all the tate Porul by tbt• t.a.tern
maul fu a r r
rale 1.,
.1.11 51Y.LLOR,
IV EW "%lONIC—W here are the friends of'
LI my Youth: by 11. Barker.
I've lwanrlll.Bweet to tell You. •
The 14.150.
I'm thmking Wer the lk.y. Ann.
Ay hew England H owe, a new eon e, dellientyl 1, , the
Lean , (.1 New En,thwwl,
tr l':';'ll:ol,";t7ii - ... , . ~,,,.
tl.nd Ntght
.ll lld lrnek 17 thei,Tiriel.l23e—WOOdbUrY
v.:ZIA-I'l;y' isn ' iire 1411..,.., by' O. Earle,
The Fylrit Itme. . .
~ ,
Fn. hi. ILL the Rlnek Shaker , lwalp anilTelks.
WOUIII I were with lion--for thane, •
Ire Adieux. h) Rot,.
An estenslre Oli/PCtiOtl of new Polka., Walla, Cvna-•
lion, dr.
Aloo a new supoly of - Noe lkirmina Sacra." I.. , an . tica
lettnlio.. ol an excellent new work...alled the 5. /delnithrt.”
a•nsll,,tlon or te.pular and emeal 00b:50. hannonived and
nrranessl b, 11 - . 1, Webb and W. 512, one of
the work, el., pub 115105.1. U. K1.1511E1 1 .,
PIA! Gulden Ilarrk N. 101 Third•kt
riliiiiilllSl'olCY OF I'ENDENNIS, No. g,
by IVnt •11. TtlaeknTel not the Queen *, Necklace, or
the ...creel 11i5tory of the Court of boa% Motetntb.,l9: .2.1.17
ty,t...7"1.r.r, 1 1 .1115.5.1,.0:.1....t? reed. and 14, l t blad. .`'
k. 01. No , 1 Thinl ft,
;CIO 1141 1 :f i b Dried Apples, for ntl i .e . by ..
- _ -.mLI 9 I IT Y..._
. •
i G LIU., wanted to do house work. Apply
4 1.
Ohio MTh.. (.4,21
lif ARI I-1 key for sale by
rIiOI3ACCO—I9 boxess Lump, for by
meui us rile E.}..T CURTAIN - CIIIN ' I%, ordiffer -
Lrl ..ut widttu. sod at 100 , 4 prices, [red at the 01 ,, re of
telkl IlllEl'lll A 111/11ClIFIELD.
i i i I t A ( i ) ,, W . ' NW
A, NNE u LS,.o. liont: 00100 stic Article; i,.
1 Z 01`" 'l'
klunviti a 3URCILFIELD.
`. l"
_ . -
i bRI ILELLILINO-300 boxes (fresh) for.
X/ oo.• be rneht , WICK A SIeCANDLENi.
lIIALM (I 1 1.--IIX/0 lbs. in store, for sale by
.._ . _ _
it ' , LAI:KT W INE —l4 Itlols. Ifordeaus:
It) 'AO loon. .., Fedor.
mell4 II 11 .1,00 d RICK er.iON.
/ I
A 1/ . 1 1:
, SAT i I 1 RN E. %
...walk .1111.1A:11 55 IIICIS4:ThON.
V EIV II0f)IL R-- -Andrew's I.atin 'English
4.1 Lexicon. Ily K. A .51010.00. I.- L- 11 'Loyal 14 TO--
lolxnd World of the I'o,lll. By Key 111.17
Ily fire* A. 11 . -. 2 rots 12 gen.
m' ; ' ,llle,lll., a Frow-oulau rOor2. By Ole allibnr or 11.11.
PI, Urn of Kra.
IJartgab B 1
trn.ollnldingg Hit
INST.:F.I)(III,—Z , blAs just received, pure
• Coointr, 00. and for PAL ii;l6us. co.
felt Melly Hre. , L.
. _
,3 50 Peaches, for Bale by
J. S. DILWORTH t pl.
g I'INS-10 cares Easteru, for
by 41. +, J. IL WILLIAMS &CO.
• 11. MAII,ASBI . I.S-2. 5 1,1)1s. la half . du,
Battle finnan'. landing frnmntnfr INapirn, Stan.for
I's IL
1710 LEAD--41511 pigs soft Galena, for sale
S N DR. ES-7,9,ool,ll,s.tu:eiTrne Feathers
"`4 muuc
7)1',1:1g Irraud IY. (il"'
r 'J , b bl erase ';'—'l,lla.7-1 far
. •
imles 14 t o ;s i i.
-tite..l liar .elr Ay 13A1A IA ll latiZV FM..
I,tai Wutvr end Front It.
I'o V A itN I
lU\l SHELLAC--2. 1, 00 lbe for nolo by
I CORKS-21mles for mile by
• r... 2 J. KIM , A GO.
j.7ii LASSES- 2 -7 5 bide New Orleans.
l°1::m du 6r
1.1 C) 4 J. D. d(XI.
dole prime N. Orlemm;
I 7 1.1.1. I..aft
lu do erwhyd awl Pnlwriard. tor elO
00)0.1 Wi.xl end Fifth As._
EVOLYEIV,..—JInd rereiretl an addition-
CAWN Itrvolv•rx Wm , All.res
W. W. ‘VI.L.,OS
in bile .4,1 G., lar.
uy. d by 11.. m
INSKEI) Linseed Oil,
1.4 r J opd for nab by
mar 12, S. kW . lIARBAL I 7I7.
I AIW-2(1 bids. No. I. Lan!, reu'd And for
fnl., by MY 1 . 2 c.lW. lIARDAUIIII.
I ) OLL 111 TTEIi bids. fresh Roll Butter
I r,Alund tarwslr br
I IN SELL/ 011.-10 Milo, for Yale by
4441 s . m lIAKINAUGIL
i i R1)0 0 3 ., 1 , 5.--4 0 do a i
n. for
~ sal; y
A i ' l %an kalllL
I ) 1 , 1 1 , E . 1) . ~ t P I 1.E5,1
, I ei I s , u k k z s. rt
H e. , 4 , 1 . 1. 1 ~„. y. in d
I )11 . 1 . E .. l: n BEEr i - t -ii c lALC. ,.. a . xiir a
k e i inol, ra f i or
ll Tl i N i t . " L 'Al a , , t; li i i' A r S iii -I Y l' a ml ar l' il ' aicit ' ti T i tied
A RD--51 lihly, owl lUll L i ga No. 1. for.
I/ Kai. to a bit 6 A NI. II 11:111.1:1111.
ILi IV ER. si:Eli - -55 blihi prime Ohio, for
It wle D S Phil t , 0 W 11)11:11 , 1Ud 11
rrA 11 —5O W.I. N. C.Tar for a.ile by _- _
1..14 I..LUIRIIKIK t L\ 111111A41
AIIIIY ., VEIA'II'f I S r h if i n ii lryi .in stc
1 I ti ' t acio'a BUliell VILLA
I‘l , ‘ % I. no. 10.111 and Merkel It,
1 4 1 1:\ }: GAUZE FLANNELS-1 1 1anThy &
i toirrii•i havoc e. tisrui A.. N....wtvnevit of alnvo g vvcdc
:awn, m
11. i'lh. and .i emesa , dos atm. 11 idell:avvaolv
1, •11,n11110 jalS
t .
Mum], 11 Durrbr..l.l 1. rtorr .. , , ,, .. 1 Atlrutio. , `A the
0. , . .I..mrtuu ut of them buxire.. , ... AO Invite perwons
311t11.:. r1;411... , f nay .It-..ript... to :Orr tlAdo-A oat brPkr ,
pur.1,..-in.. ..IS
lk: r. it ZIIIFUG E. 11u...McbusE's rELERRATED:
y dm, 0vv..,.. for .1. ky J. KIDD a CM
in t 1 tO Wood at.
. . .
4 .kil pi.. for mt. Ty 'al , J KIDD A (XI
. • _ - -. .
I . I AL COMICS--151 1 (1 grosstio sale lay
V 101,.. J. KIDD l. CI)
PONCE-2. eases fine, and 1 bale extra
t7.0r.... f.,r oat.. by gait J. KIDD k CO
. 1, 1 . Pr SA brat for E j ullgi ,
RA _ ' .
ftati N DILI ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour:
Ij'l. twin imp...rills. that' , ...Via. fin” am, 00 burlu.l.4 Dry
I Apple, I Tr! Ego,: junt rtarelvna And Gm .1. by
101 l - JOHN WATT & CO
The Old Printing Establishment,
teATE Johnston and Stnektan's, and Blank .
Boon and Stationer/ Warchnin.'-
S. HAVEN i• prenared toexcentnevaty Ky le of Leval.
Commercial, Canal. and Steam Oast J oh Printing .1 Book
iiialing; and Neagh every article in the' 111. k Dank.
I.rtaw• a nd*Stationery line. at the shortest notice. and oys
the twee reasonahle Orme.
Wank Hook nod Stationery Was...bonne, corner of Market
and Fooled Mts..
• 19-1011.5 "nice and Book Illtalery. No. 50 TRIM at. 10
ZI half n ips. Co n an. , Brandy,"
IS sake a. q r. eel, do do" Palo:" Oliollll vinth•
In do sal met evlehroted brat.
h pl o en Holland Gin...Roblin! Aaiun." and -Fab..
2panclm Istob :tad Scotch 1101 Whiskey.
IV 2 do Jamaica Rum,
bills. N. E. In. do
dot klWeira n
jj 40 0 tort na d l?ga W d lne.
It) d., Shorty Rine.
2.1 hoses Bordeaux Claret:
Gore aml R•r role by JOHN PARKER & CO..
'janl BID Wheel street. •
VT sod Timor Drafts on th e bat and Wad, litcnha,
bought ena sold.
Pireland Shrine Policies Lseutel on the ['wad favorable
tarnac at the Itnaklng I owe of
aV No. 74 Vourth street.
attention of merchant. and others to hie large rind
we meortio thick of Ilcialery, 11100,, Ender Shirts, and
Drawer. The ithaith artieles Silk, Wool and
Ontion. of all 'el... and prima, constantly or, and for
OD low by non ' F. H. EATON.
/.OLD I'ENS We have" now on hand a
large mirk of the trot Cold Pena erne the leading
In New York. and wide osprowdy o Orden
Also. elegant Gold Vencil (*see and 1•011:11olders. carer
Cases in seer y let,. var Porcupi H
ne Pro' olden*, Pearl do.
All for mitt wholiaale and n•tail it New York rine. •
del, W.M AVILiON.
, CIiANDE lioLmea a 94109, No. 57
thket threat. Pittsbur g h. Exchange on all the Ealing
arid Weldon, cities for sale. Collections male In all the
nnrr(lndtOf,ldams In the Orlm,. Nobs on nil 4-',;(0-1w.
N DIA RUBBER. PASTE. 4 plum of that
u r z o t t itr" t r. i :i.% r o l ,i o prit i, '.... h° 7lZ: d i= m giro
I:rticoo is variant...l to 000 000 the Pon... D•rro•°°t‘d•
the money thrombi'. Da coda wholesale and at. 1
and 9 Wood 00000. I j a9l J, k 11. PHILLIPS.
yEA R'ARR—F.nFlieh & American Brit/lo
al. Tea Sag Plats) 904 Placid hada.. Candkatleks.
nuden and Trace: Crag, hest„lvory Dat
um>, Handle Table Cutlers. either Fork& Spoor's, and We
ter Motors 111441 nn,l,l;erriaso Silver Forks and
Table Mat, Tea Troy, a (toe Eircalo(t.huo 69muthethec.
I hlchli ornament.l; Plated Trays. of ...Weil pattern.
A very thierlor Powder for cleaning and polishing plated
are. nruobr. for cleaning. Chan:ads laths, Emilia,
Duster, ie,
OA-Foit. Dicustota-royer•• celebrated. Dies Flitchm,
about the size of a hnt. which will mak, eoCee, cook beef
steak. of atere, or avl thing el.: In a few minute..
For wale W. W. WILFON,
COO. 'Market and Fourth Ste
boo l em on a priumulter, OD
fin be!. Clover Deed. Pecan
T 000011 amenk
A hints Suing
DX) 39 h is U e Monwed lina,
Dill prime cooperage:
kip Loth
• 15 1•14 11011 Butt.:
100 tine Oath
bola Timothy Feed; on Land WI Ica 'entry
:431 • . 144 Liberty...that'
handed nut fifty ars lathiti Aim] Tied Blankets.
2100 paths Crib ELanketa, superior article.
LEO do steam Ikea Illarikete, ribbon Wood.
100 do D
ray ray Cra
ting Dlinketa, heavy ,
do do
60 do Blur da. dn do
grams Mack Blanket Cloth, do
1 , do -Ikwer Orey 5111 ed, . 110 •
• 3 do Ansitior (lack French Enaideleth
• 3 do all word Tweeda snortedadorn..
41 do 'Jana, Uforted cob.,
Jo i•Caseimetea, ldoek mad Ether .54..
1 Jo Path:ell, black and ReyEibed
obi -
'b d !Whilst Tallied klantml.lsrd
do barred do do
The abnie, druribol spoils an. all CM sOnsig... ,
taiatthetiteen, ZIA 0064 AM are far sa•
Least term to umlaute, at nunnAr prkno
11. LILL
••Therellr more thine, in awl earth.
- Than arn.lrentunt
lIE TIILTIJES Of this, t . rn::lik - nble rethe' .` "
and the raliftata . M.Weati.,ll totter prnprti
it put up tet tattler. with la:
beth and atr tth
efe.. thr htntEi on , be.
The I'F.7ROIKII3I tv pneuted flee. t .1 in thie'eoun
y, a t a depth of rune bundled fir-t , t• a unadulterat
ankle: without any th.-nt,ta to pun se it
!town frorn 'Nature' , t•rent ate , .,! . That it mutat..
pn.pertieo resthing a .unnther line...-. utt longer a
natter of uneeettual). There an.,tuan, that in the ar..
rana..4 11610TV/tick if known. Iniinfit of 1-.4. wank- •
xin n in.,,,ang eaten... aril nato , ne iha bloom of. • !
health an.l inns b many a trorer4r. tem., teforr the prne
rt tor tbeuebt af walthut it nu in hails neratta, •
fey the cure thia-see. Thr enhtlatt urat daily haerea. •
Irolealla Furth. and'eeerr tun, it toe ter
rn...d.11 a sure itabeathen of it, ruling. pitginindti bed
tprrati a apliratem itathe tare of Ittnrw.
woll to tt.l, a len. reel:ldeate..
e. tee eto that the Itualitine cut tort Ite , i
7it ' h: r tle thttre aria , f taut with In he he •
Whilot At. not claim Tor it nelt treat application Ine
vry vt, unliwitalitn:li tha: in number
Chrenie it unrirm;l..t. Anna: there may to
ruerattal—all diewte... of the. tenant. than.. nth a•
elthttiN tin Re eatl7
etatrt.) N , TIINI V. ant niYeawa lbo airs aleletat L 11.•
C.OIII.AINT, bite.. of tbk • ,
Tthulder Rol Kidueya Nina in the ltath. Nide. Netetatlr
11/letheew. Neuralgia l'airt, I:lmamate , liryalae • t
In: Trtter, Itirthrnrum-Burtia ItOislon. 01 . 4 two,
Re. J. , . In Can's lot d..bility, Malting. man raprkure. .• -
lone and prntraeltal nue. of dia-Nse Itila ...dial.
I sk r 4lfi c i e rre . tteli t %TV., ,V,i;-'1•11,1 ,
fwhole frame. rental - in, nbetnutiont, open.= the alug.iett .
funetiona which ran, rtheao. anal a broken ennytitutate •
that Twairtril under thet.
of the lthcf flu for tlalt date. The %tato( can
bib •
,iyeu to any ye-rton who death,. It. ••
winuine ithowl.i.tie gh,rnaturc of the prolvietat—e • r .
Sold by the yearneter
ti KIER. Cartalliatin. near Seventh
a treef.
AI.. by IL It, SEI.LKI:S,
Lila/\l t EL
comer ..,et and Virgin Alley, who ate
an,inbel A:Nntx.-
• •-
Agent for
. .
U NOW nil men. who fire sick and atlfinted. •
w .iti. , lileate of the Illiddel and RIO, t. • ith rhea•
melte pain, in lark or liall, At e.htt.t.. old,tvuning
°kern sr_ that the, ran be cu t by taking the PETRO.
LEI.N. You truly PA atmut it , bring a Melt
inyou views, but !him doe, not elt au, fora,. pntelauthltpt, ,
in the fare of an bonet.t mut miler. that It has Artnenr,..., ;
which are not in .up other retard,. Th. ...,
hn It rarkod with Fun. and tittlit ring frouttllacuse. atti . ,
sny. Lu cents, 'pe . .t relief front any of the lilt ritutnert2Pl '
Resulert It rt.. very little to make n trial. This Pete
lit no 11/011.1/113 —,, ettinnonn.t. put up for the pump.
Mpg en the routtunnityt but itnrrsunlyolabont• .
putter hetet of tinture. .4 htibbl.wttp fro. %pp
netther wart!, In Its original purity, awl pr. ~
inc hutuanfly a ready n.utpll. 111 certain an d •
. . .
bom" of
tim to nu
ehe ewe.
It a Stii unsl Pile, after tither medicines hare fallod W . . .
rend ,. any relief. It has mind lilieurnatinm, of king
tanding, and of [lie worst and nen, painful character. It
ban, mind Choler:, Boehm.. I, one or tot. tbf,s.. It btu
c•need ~Id ~......e of Olarritoa, in a hk.h every other "lardy
LSI 1/1,1 of no alai[ AI 0 1..".1 remedy in bum and
enadds. It to' le'ller than an, itteduail rointionnd. or ointment
that we know of. It .111 cure chilblain• and trusted het, i
Ina frw application": testimony ran he furnish. ..
ed of tl.e truth contall.4l in the abem rtatement.hy tall.
inn; nin SAM ti nil. NI. l:/1:11, Canal Minim :Seventh attach rei
either ot the agent,.
Keys, A Mellon. ll.corner or Washstreet and Virgil" n
alley: Si. V- Yellen, :S Wood rtn-eti 1 , . A. bit ,0...4 D. 1d... •
Curry. A Begin., mty. HIV the agent,.
Tlf} UNEQU'A LLEP SUCCESS. which .. 'r ..
hag attended the non. .of MORT] 31ETi'8 lIIIKITMAT-
I impoON It ANI, Illtath. l'Ulll VIKII, 'inffertually .
wing the nevereat 1.0.1 iii...t imeteente ea., of INFLA3I-
_ring I , IIIOINR' . MI EI:MATISNI. t.-, aufficieet
nat - wave "and I.l..llollrriel.ioll. illfillli.• all who arratthe•
lint with tril. dr-.11.1.1i.-. , ... , to to it. licitly..
11{1,1,11,1A 0f.r.a.... many of them ellisett. of St. Leith.. --.
; and other. from ahnaL I/3in been renal within the het
to mouth.. Iti the ci
afro" of Ft Lewin aloee. eh* , letb7a frau ;
rota alanel ohs. at that it in performing thcantlae
wherever trial. Many ol there wen chrilllit: toms of tent
gargling. and nil lione . of nrovery had 'lran given
11stille1402 , wet . ..inhume:: nsanut date. of the amito Indatin
matory Rum. very ecrere. All. h.......,r. yield to the wcuit
derful virtue ,, of thi. nondiciue. sad thrineoad. who havas
walled its. Iwnent... and anow in tbeetkanment of health
ran but .-teem then riginal n diseaser.w aid proptietog..• '
benefactor cd mankind.
It Ls well known from the etperl.'ll, of the pad, that SO
o.bopnl application en nprealtil, sheet a pennannent Cure
o Oda dreadful illntrame. Icy the appliention of stimulating
huh:neon, partial relief. In none. rase, may he obtained
f..r a short nine. nut all the while thin Montane Is thringlie
granl: mon. p..rnianently in th...,.1..ctu. and pointer or later
edit ;min develope Iteelf Ina mornitowlful formjand after. '
a fee periodical brttlibl,lt ottle. Into a chronic. (WM. ~
.141,1 f not .am too t. ruin. the indleidmil for Ufa.— '
Mb. La ..1116.1 1, Ltd. liiidom of the mat lu ell enuntrier i '
and mon• fUlly . g1 , ..11.111.r1ara by the hintory furul.bed 0 , ..
1.04 to the prior etor of Obi rompound.a. Oren by peter.
hundred!. of tbueni a batmen. pawed unit, lAA immediate
notice end treatment during th. in.,. few montlu.
I.IIRIFI (It innn niter n 0 n nods —onmmencne itit opera
tion, where the dowann first lie:at. , . and In Path
do. blend. earn., through the whole., stem. noniron-written '
Impure or moot nallotent. sh,..b ha. eettltd. nen...the
to melt, and tendomn—remoree It entirely haat
Om ryatem. as h 0 , 11,1 , thin Individual to perawt health.
Let three who are ardictgl not &wive
Sr and
mit off 0,, man of thin oodicine too long until their
IMO. are dielocaPd or enintraend to such . a degree that
are ere .ilea air Ilfe. Ti..' ett.eritince of hi:lndeed. of
thoentandr during the Nut, to well 0.9 a multitude at Oa
'1 ,,,,,- nt , b`i• 4-. 0 .4m.. th, frilly of expeell.ft ternite
ocnt relief from ex tonakappllcations.
The proprietor of this valuable mertietue known fawn en.
resrtna:',.,..,tra°,7,.',..- thl:7. " — "u • n r. `lgnr: - allilf t ib:
al I n Ile can and doen prepare awl ripply an eMb...
In rem acute rare, which will ...relief 111 one Intintil•
thne. hut this will .00 nitbnit a permanent cure.. Mena ,
'ture.of thin din...-. I. sloth that h ',nine, longer time, and
an 1 ..... 1, .^. 1, ~Pnklurr ti,...1.,1,4.ef..a Morn
Blamer /11.0.noratic l'onitsonel and Plord Purifier In the
only nasal that Lac ever been *warred, either In
Al.wrica or any other country. that will effeetwally en.
th l e din-s.e.
This ntedicise. can In. had, whole...le or retail, at Nnti
Thinl rireet, m•at to the Pod Mee. Pitt.hurigh. _.I '• r
In Pittsburgh. lo 11. inmleir. Wm. TlWirea.
J:11. Montan. In. N. Wirkernlimai. and J. A. Jones. .
• pone SS n.s. bout, Mx hurtle. for VZ:g or $lO Ter dintant
Pamphl., nut lai had gran. of th- agent
nn rld - lr. li. Wlt - iIIAILT. Amenti. I
_ - . -- ----.
IVI-E4)- it,t,
- -t• -
. .
p l .„
p .-Dr_lmalto.. the di,overcr and solo pro ' r , •I
jaw . mo.t. rw,llrar and beneficial medicine, end
the inventor of 'I, rekbrated im.rrnment for Intistiax • '
1 .u.... 1 n nee'llmr . rAre of Cbmar dhways. vrue a rite. •
dent of that eminent phyeician, Dortor rhrafr. and la a
irmluate of the Uniremirr of Penmwylvarda.and im thirt7
Tear. pin, h,. I..en en.zed iv the Invertiasibn. of di,.
— ci,t,,;'..:t"Tp.,7l;." — ,',';:omf 7^gr,'11b..11 — ....“1 i
Proohrtaetie , k rue, g ate' other of hi.. re ' vnrdies, be bst ,
gameal en 'un,er,llel..l .laittenee In ...Int those dremllftl& • 4
awl fatal lade, tehemtlar Consmnatvinv. Carmen , . I'
Srroala v ithe ma utnal , m, AAlitna, Fever and Ann... Fever..
W kitel...lnnile F.r,odpela, and all du, °festinate di.
Wien. yeenrur .., ft,ah..,lndeed..•very fhpn.of diem,
ii;;lerth.:; ''''''' h - 1. - ;;;lie;. ' in;rl.rc?;hatra37-
ty . te—not by the u-. of one ounpuund only, foritnt
to rtioninpuliMe with Ittriolormid hun• hut bt no. of
iulapti.4 to, and pn,rribed toy, inch pecullat • .
form of
Dr. 1D... - . Alerrati•O 'glom writ, are InTaria-
Wit ank.noaleder..l la. to all other, na puma- '
0.10 - i. or loan:owl.. an they les%e the boards per
for from Nitifrlll , , so alp. hio lioltko Mlle are ad
mittd. the faculty to poke. prcutiat Pnif.rtioni SUP
tolin "
al.. but being - Fat:to - fad dnt a bare Dina
In su k
n:1ml U./ V,1111611 t , bat boo liecn told. intim mindant
the aurtoit.okuldiral.
iittlirtril aro Milted lorall Mani
(crap., one of th e 1 - inctor'r. , runtiblete.Oring notelati
ol nroiount of e ach soul its applkatlon.
For isle to the foll,orin,znaeuh., n. rt,llua bo nimidnaß , • ,
-iris throttaliout the country:
J. iir - hunnutlier A to.- ti Wool itt..
i•itGlurch. -
J. V. Townoenit. 11rustat-443 Nlarkr , t
Lou font flee Poct
Joph &cur,. Darnuclear, county. Ira.
Jam ElHal. Itnnon 1 clivy, ••
T. !nino, Drain.,
:OR TILE AFFLICTED wtrim lac found
Dr. Dewitt. C. Kelllns-We INFALLIBLE 1.10131En. 2
or .I:sale - Fluid. which her ntond the tn. 00 thlrty.yeara -
swriumn and Lou, be s not a doubt. loon the means of uO.. • ,
Inc the liven of thounands nf ioltrldualc in 0h0.% cony '
ela, and ehnowier f thaettee. the we huard mr
tlshar In wtylmr that thin I. 11.1 no) y molielow that Ilan tote
pan rol to thentliktol.that dme. In OTOS, answer the Wells
what It is SOU Pe. L •
It and carat& of rutin, mot. dbwasei soon'
any other methane elTenll for pole, we ean• not by whore i
mode or 'old. or by what name. I.
roof of the above, a nay
that It in the only artielo that he. aymnonsl In the Lanka( I
tant Mollcine that honer, been tratronlsol and Teem-. s
:k1 the inralmiar the elite genet:Wl. u the moet aterable•
Family 31V41121101 , Pier offend fur MI, or tout by .attYthi
TheTiC .
The Bon. Moen IL Brintoll. late M.O. lko.
11. 'Stern, late Mayor, /lon. John A. ins. late U.:
tor. William 11. Pnrier, Foe.. Editor of Cu.h Spirit
Timetland a. h.,of other dotinealrhed of Nair
Vera, who fully testol, Ile merit., halo mrmithat the .
prowler, to erne to them
An it ba well known that Patent Shnlkines. are not Gener
ally patronised by the learned, wealthy end whit die^
wehate undoubtedly' a rlGht to fml ourwlrmt Islalsll' eels. ,
tlesa nu
stL Thin Wonder workinue , lsneod has bon nutter .0 "'
,orren yearn the Itobrat frheula ate =Ontol di
steam:sot. and best Thin met undoubtedly In rtronft and
convincing poor of it. Generalnedulnent and manailta'
eland.. It In a enverehm retool, for all 1211701.1.1141
rbCll/2111Iir loin , acmflalutza awelllnen,Ptains; lonian. pia •
rune, and all the runs and aches Unst flesh L• heir
trier LOOd.OO bottle+ haro been (.111a 10.1 tyLlntV
and bare nue). nntoni-hinu - cun, ofler nll Other
remellen base failed. u out! nta s —,ol belief, had wre at
°demi. and in our owonadon, the ttavnGent 1. able ul•
TIM molleine. or nature'm retn..dy. is prepared YroWing , •
etablea. for inu,nal nr well a. external me. It seta direct,
l et g P t ' L ' nu th r:e . lit7i7 d r lirt ' -rs, '" Pr ' .±.A. k .7llitiZ7. l l . l7 g and 4" .
oil rpunnimir sal.etlarro. '(. the Kidneys, dad
Weaktme In me,. or rental, Ynm whale..., came It nmay •
hare otiginated.
For rale In n.l.
Pitt.,burgb, by R. Y:. alraera. Kidd d
and o.lets 1 Snowdr. and by the on e 1/rnata
111.. pot np In fon, two, and one
11 4 1 FFERITSCING 0011 PO CTll
N. This -
Compound le warranted to prorltue the . wilkin. the
=shed elfeeta when na,l for MAJ. bread. tea Mix,
buckwheat rake, de, by which • sawing tett:Fueled
Bone of about 13 ter rent. ' .
To Man Danko—To med. Pound of door aid tau Oa
aprentfuLl of Compound and the. uvula quantity of asit. mil. •
them thoroughly Pc:ether while dry. Wild make. aria •
pared flour that )ou enn eet and uan LL' klntra.)knede... ,
add Ica much cold water ea will make the dough the coast,
knead It well. and let ,lt /nod fifteen' nalttntea • •
b e yp e p.h a king.-onn ..r two boon sill de no - Debt Mundt:
thoold mixed unveil thloner, and Inked' or ar.t,but..
rdn nn hurt to etand rattan. or twenty. [Winch. an.
la no dunger of actlind trw much of thin Compound In the/
bread; it VIII not turn the Mead yellow, tm ealerutna ChM ,
tetwn tined to raee,
Y o u n e u. put the 010..00 Computed into ten ,cakes.
din aN yanny rake, Indian naLeta ging , enken.r.orn nowni. •
Wheateoru bre a d. brute° tread.ldecedt,barter eat. •
Wheat eat., apple dourdhirx. IgUiee. and fur 41 . baking ,
immure. Jmit remit. or al ..11, • '•
• .2'l.- , • hI.I , ELGEIIB../..? Waal! at.
ace Pollan. reward will be total to any ono ebnr r
tof paint greenor dry, that emote Duval'' ''
ga " ct '
ivrltla Ifoit'a Ithigorel ebernien/ neap. I bars the ,
ealrfaction of raying to the hoopio othl. yeage,tbat this
article. by coy own invororoment on It. now etatals *era •
vaned in this country for extras:nog groom, tar. P 6 ,24014
other grraay oubvtamer, (roman Itledoof '
timbal's or ladles' clothing. cupola. table. monis. merino
vlrselr. bona bonnets, tc, while:Ant Ire ortng • at= ~
that'pory rater will not twine. Moro awn coa
peratine d Moro. parts of the country have teed... they. ~
would not be without it If it root $1 cmae. le 'cling lb
noon on toorotttan :op articles of light silec,aatbmtnialcae
.O calicoes, I have only bumf throe eke , " of l'ilke
otalyeatadvial four nice:on:am which it chanr y ed tDo tukri
theroane. beforo putting it ex, a light dr Ival =nda
of the dre. tin, I stole thiv becauve lam de
to t‘ It any stronger than I ewe tebe at ago?' .
Veles teens ronntry montane and "'Otero Pill ,
attended to by the:cub.rlbor • I:. OIL - •
• • somas'COUGH SYILVP,;
hail not nerd It tw IW(Let 1 kit kw brik,li . do/ elate ;:.
*llll. E. StiLLERS--Sin Suff4ing from
cold pawl onukb; tor wbkh I tri,tl ,- pulay
It. out obtoluinc n. 44.1 •-•,.
..,prt,nu.A.willa • bottle uf
Y Cough mi.., 1 thick 4Likdot7 whkia
owe to both you and U. yo.blk In kroW•
assert that I bail new twat t•ko IwieroJ i
tem ben,
dal effect' , and (under tLe lOwiue Lle,.log)b agus:las.
bfl wai, t..m.dr Ai" bati.g ßltmrTl
kr mu* proweetk. frico.l 4 of °tine; ono In t yw , timar,
ono. atsvmpstmd with •
Irby bad • kTkl . Lh e , on) r Iron DA:l4 , km (alma'
dlotnuminc - "0, • ti...timlad immix*
mocha mid/tee V
. .a tbo
bI "IL Main. wrile
r=hd e ,,L! by . FroLLElqt, fg. Wow]
oWI LT Vn.".nr• • ../4
S :Additional proof or Ica pawn., to enam.
r.FgurftrM. V... /trig .1.1.1)415.4. 1
Mr. U.
E . not:l,—U.. It
bar room tlmotaith
bad otasobalatoroontatosrakd Ittyattyour Imperial (ou t h
f,T4t= l . riMf V.'
oaa td a mood that I bad dtl
h , vr , weu.
IC slot In bid poet
littr4r..tion.* rgnaig=itkr.r.Va-raluat-,
attd m otto
tooth It to ttor roadie la tow or 71,;peel
eltuathot laderorbren pottatol/or the enreVrarbil
L " itt= l "luid .14 129 VlMLLYilltrifiliete..-14
, ex , il• r.rer im,fiva,lat