ANNU4 STATEI Of the Receipts and edit o f Anegheny County, nu... , ' 1850, to the 4th day of Jemmy, MI, both days inclusive. The Auditors electedlo adjust and settle the public accounts of the Coenty of Allegheny, from the 6th day of January, 1850, to the 4th day of January, 1851, both days inclusive, haying examined the same, respectfully lay befo the Honorable. the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, of said County, the following Statement and Report, via: JOHN MORRISON, Ef3Q., TEAS RECEIPTS. Balance in Treasury per last Auditor's Report, Prom Collectors, via: Pint Ward-City of i Pittsburgh: Clue. Craig, Collector for 1849, hi fun , V,809 90 .1890, On account,' , S,OOO 00 I _ _ --- Second Ward: 6,879 96 John McKee, Collectorf or 1 849, in full , 1860, on adcoont 42'3,610%06° Efartitiel BOird, Collector for 1849, in toll 81,681 93 noir. McCullough, Collector fo'r 1839 on account, 2,144 97 Fevr e tlt Ward: Maud 'tom Collector for 1849, In 101 l $3,434 60 1860, on' account, • 2,067 60 I*, Ward: - Alex. 0 /lee, Collector for 1849, In full $1,187 39 John_ Lawry, Collector for . 1850 r oo account, 2,000 00 Sixth Ward: A. McClelland, Collector for 1849, on . accottnt, $1,060 00 Wm.S. Thompson, Collector for 1850, on account, SOO 00 1,150 00 Seventh Ward: George Guinbert Collector for 1849, i on account $6OO 00 Henry, Lytle, Collector for 1850, on account 710 00 Eighth Ward: 1,310 00 * FlezningEfOrrow, Collector for 1849, on account $195 00 John A. Sergeant, Collector for 1850, on account, 857 00 1,052 00 /Viral Ward: George. Dobbs, Collector for : 1849, In full $3Bl 98 *lB5O, on account, 000 00 - 981 98 First Ward, City of Allegheny: David Smith, Collector for 1849, ..$1,385 14 Thos. Sorrington, Collector 1850. Ott account 1,200 00 ---- 2,585 14 Second Ward: - Thos. Smith, Collector far, 1849, on account 884 00 John Ramsey; Collector for 1850, on account, 430 00 Third Ward. _ • 1,264 00 A. C. Almtander, Collector for 1849, infidl 81,572 00 1850, on account, 872 00 ~ .._ ----- 2,444 00 FotrrthlWard: Jan. Graharo,i Collector for 2 ~ 1849, in fol! , $2,186 85 *lB5O, on account„ , 2,12500 4,261 86 Bircuingtiom Borough: Jones Barr, Collector for 1849, on account $2BO 00 N. P. Pearson, Collect& for 1860, tm account, , 1,108 00 Mancheiter Borough: *Wm. Lynch, Collector for 1849,..021 accotint, Ili= 0i11, • Collector for .1&50, South Pittsburgh Baroug&- "• ihmnoo, Collector for 1849, in fell $899 78 Geo. 8:11amill* Collector '!pr 1860, on account, 888 12 --- 1,467 82 . .. 1 4 11 nwleavale Boronk. .3. W. Decker, Collector for 1849, in full, - $416 IS Jarinclab Fleming, Collector for 1860, on account, 208 00 . . . Elutrpsburih Earongh:. , Axitillar Morton, Collector •, .for 1850, on account, -319 00 West Elitabeth Borough: ' -Totiiith Brink, Collector for . 1849, on account. a 29 00 Erasmus Percival, Collector for 1850, on account, Elisabeth Borough: IL B. Kern; Collector for 1850, an account, McKeesport Borough: James Haniscra,l Collector for 1849, on account, 300 00 James West, Collector for 1850, on account, 245 00 Ea44./lihniogiuun E. MEP', Wham for rcnii* 1850, on account, Bun *sough: Mom, eS, collector for 1860, cac accdcutt, • Pitt Township: William Wiley, Collector for ' 1840, is fa n, 744 20 William Wiley, Collector for 1850 : an account, 100 00 Peeblis ToWnehim John Stewart, Collector for 1849, over duplicate, 6 89 Wm. N. Burchfield, Collect or for 1860, in fa, 2,293 98 ---- 2,299 87 Wllikice Township: Varna Morrow, Collector for 1850, on account, 1,350 00 Plum Township: John Alter, Collector for 1849, in full, 785 53 A. H. Medeker, Collector for 1850, on account, 2tlB 00 1 1,003 63 Ike Townildp: a ' MaelB49' Laninitr, Co AEII4 ll thlin Mum, C fu ollecta 241 26 - 1860;06'w:count, r f" 220 00 461 26 • Elisabeth Township: DE Beaderson, Cr:nectar for 1849, 1.11 toll 1,388 79 E. Caldwell, Collector for WO. On amount. 1,052 00 • .2,885 79 Jetre rion%.townsblP: Wm. A. PLY Ile, Collector for rt 1849, In mu, 477 81 3. R. W4l=l7' n Coll • for 1860, on aceor, Collector 00 898 81 - MEM Township Joseph Irwin, Collector fce -1849,1n full, - 497 60 497 50 James Whitaker, Collector • for 1850. Snowden Townoldp David Riggs, Collector for 1849, on account, van co lUchard K. Fife, Colley • tor for 1850 ,onticcount. • 76 00 Baldwin Townsbo,),',?.; 468 po Joel /Eckman, Collector 1850, in fa, 758 88 UPPer St Mb Township 1849 Thomas in f Esp, Coiled .or for , ul, &mud Blatt, CO/nun:for 6 1850, on wows' Lowr. 1,187 65 un t __ - "rel" St • Clair Township • - 17 8 1 9 77 1, CoStator • WhflU= Perak MI, $2,617 69 1850, j ag, Collector "'Mint, 1,000 00 kohl T owns *At. hip: Col lector fir 1849,Count, on tic - ‘ 1 mg. Cone s ' s9o 71 8. 1 31 4 . 0 ,. • im i. a c tor for 860 00 Masai Fa 1,448 71 J icito Township OY AO E. McCabe, Cei • he Jtar lox 1849, on s e . co Ant, * Dr Mid Hada, c o u ec i., Gin CO kit 3SIO, on =wont, • North FayetteZawneleip Muck am ain, ' Collector Ike R OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Findlay Township: J•sish Mahon, Collector for 1849, in fall J•siah Mahon, Collector or 1850, on account, 4 1 / 6 .£lf / 75 84 Moon Township: J7aee Brown, Collector far 850, on account, I Ohio Township: Junes Mitchell, Collector for 1849, in full, Bauel Logan, Collector fr 1850, on account, Franklin Townahip: E. Boyce, Collector for 049, on account, Stewart Robineon, Canoe tOr for 1850, in full, Reserve Tonnahip: Abraham S. Ledo°, (lollro tOr for 1849, In full, $358 C 9 Abr4am 8. Ledo°, Collec tor for 1850, on account, 093 00 Ross Totrnship: • *Der. Sterrett, Collector for ISSO, on account, Joseph Crider, Collector for 1849, in full, Pine Township : . • Chucks Gibson, Collector f: 18SO, on account, West Deer: •rge Stewart, Collector 1880, on account, ' East Deer: bald Pinata, Collector 1849, in full, • d Collector 1850, on account, 1 Indiana: _ .. Beatty, Co/lector for r.l, over duplicate, 25 ttecson, Collector for ,on socount, • 411 00 Rider Township: • C. Bryant, Collector , 899, id fall, 592 90 " i, Miller, Collector for i . on account_ • ' 580 73 Patton Township: Robinson, Collector 850, nn account, .. ! Miscellaneous Receipts: ' Sheriff, on account of tines and verdicts, c i i., Erni States, for one year's I rent of Cou and Jury rooms, up, to let. Ap .last, 1 Tho Varner, Esq., proceeds of sale of a y cow; •Daluiel McCurdy, - Esq ., Clerkl of See- sion —Jury fees, $1,124; and fines, $5O 00, tm 1,179 00 ~Oir worm! of fines and costs, from J_sundry individuals, Of Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank, on temporary loan (pro condi), 1 Bo ds issued for redemption of ip : 95,366 79 Irge Stewart, on tentporary i• 700 00 tionmoney,on unseated lands, 179 00 ; aye, on account of yerdicts trict Court, • 41 97 EXPE.IDITURES paid Assessors, Aldermen's and Jus Auditor's Pay. ' Win. Caren, county auditor, $112'60 din. K. 11 oster, " 1,112 50 Juo. By.rrs,. 1112'60 N. Patterson, State aura, ,99 00 Appropriation to Fire Engine Companies, Attorney, General's fees, Bridge Banding, Blank boOks and stationery, Clerk of Court of Qiurter Ser i miens' eta, Com oners' expenses in . attend g Bridge views, 1 Clerk to ommissioners, County solicitor, his salary, and f for collecting, County ••• missioners, on acct. o their pay, 2 Courts. • EESEI --1----.. 6244 08 Qmul. er , :easions & Com. Plea. Crier an•ti Tipsimes, $lB3B 00 Jurors, 6604 88 Interpret': ' • 7 50 Commoninealtb witheep, 2180 47 Jurors be . 101 87 --,--,10=2 22 Ou accomrd of issuing rail road bonds, Coroner aal Coroner's JU ?QM I Funeral ex and oth Coroner, Posto Mode Constables' Contingent DISCOIIIIt Bank, an pay Sid Counterfeit Election e Engineer to Expenses o township Extra ante tax, Furniture Jail, Fuel and Baum an yyyyyy Apprehend' from Jun Jno. Scott, lag out Interest an loans and Prothonota tion ret pintas, Cf. S. Hays, indexing J et of Distri I Sheriff—Jail tier'. allow Printing, Postage, Physician to - Premium on Nelson & Jobs full for ret walks on F streets, Road Viewers Road damage Redemption seated land] Repairs to Cc Recoxlerfors tiler's bond Superintends, Douse, Scrip redeem! ed. Imo of paupers ru, per order of 49 .25 149 00 190 :Z1 137 89 examination, fees, xnsea, ,t 1 Alerchant's ow currency to tai, 384 54 money, ' ' 28 110 • LISCS, 3289 81 Jail, . 455 00 . . laying nut new •meat of State Court liduse 909 17 (g' j ht for Court , , 9,,8 4 of Fugitives e, .292 87i gister, for writ, 3 ex Book, premium cm .n scrip, 'e fees on elev. venires, sub- othonotary, for r j udgment Dock & e Comm, 260 00 6486 42 1960 25 2 86 252 97 Trx ? scalps, ; 69 14 tan,balance i 1 din g ten ace !titth and 0 rant Ilea, end priso r nee, oney on an 'rt Hr; tnle and ENE at Court and destroy- ROI 200 George fiowartil, for inspect ing terrace rills, previous to taking deOrn, Taxes and co its ref nncled Writing out Asseasors' and Collectors' duplicates, Temporary Inc as, Treasurer's salary, COO Treasurer's 4ommisaion of - one per cent. on masc. 19, extra Stp t te tax, levied by board of evenue Com miessioners, Watchman at and Jail, One years wat April next, Court louse tax to ltt at Balance In 981 46 rIENT 1. I from the 6th day oyzaaaary, William Beam served from January 6th, 1850, to January 9th, 1851, both days inclusive, 310 days,, 0t $1 50 per day, 965 00 Amount due him as per last Auditor's report, Carter Curtis, Esq., in account with Allegheny County, from the hit df January, 1850, To amount paid jail fees and prisoners' allowance from the 6th of January, • 1850, to 4th January, 1851, $3954 34 Two hundred and tea verdicts in District _ Court, Quarter Sessions, and Common Pleas, 840 00 Pines and Costs in Commonwealth cases, 761 18 Amount due the County as per last Au ditor's report, 44 58 1,200 00 $194,867 871 Amount due by sundry collectors for Amount over drawn by clerk to Coro. the year 1849, f 8.1141 49 I missloncrs, Amount doe by sundry collectors for the year 1e,50, *Amount due by George S. Bays, Pro thonotory, on verdicts, *Paid during the session of Auditors. Statemeht of the Debts and Credits of the Co To James Roes" Rehm, on permanent loan, $4BOOO 00d To David Shields, Esq., on permanent loan, To Merchants' and Manufacturer's Bunk, (temporary) To Scrip outstanding, Bonds issued for redemption of Scrip, with interest pn same, 953435 79 To balanie due C. Curtis, Sheriff, 277 Gti To balance midtown by Commis. sioners, Given under our hands and seals, at the Auditor's Office, in the City of Pittsburgh, this 20th day of March, A. D. 1851, JOHN K. FOSTER, L. S. JOHN BYERS. (L. S. WILLIAM FLINN, (LI S.) Auditors. COCNIT C.O.IIIIIMIOYE2i Orrtcc , Marth 28th, MI. The foregoing is a correct statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Allegheny, for the year 1.8514; also of the amount of County tax of each of the respective Wards, Boroughs, and Townships within the County, ut the rate of three and a half mills on the dollar, of the assessed value of Real Estate, including personal taxes, together with it statement of the Debts and Credits of the County, as shown by the books, on the 4th day of January., 1851, in conformity with the Acts of Assembly in such cases - made and provided. Witness our hands the day and year above written: JAMES McCUNE, JAMES MITCHELL. EIIENEZER BOYLES, Commissioners. Attest: Jskr.s GORIILV. Clerk FEAR,. STARCH— 50 boxem for mak by i toehld HARDY. JUNES 0 CO . gili c il; f r f f: — . S ---- ----- I VOICCINCINNATI & ST. LOUIS ~,,a,,L . slo. 1 Winter Stralned Lard Ull. I , 1' The nn. steamer J Q ADMIN. Lora, J I MA . .. , D. , ~,,,,,,, j .,...0.• Elloonm Lb], SIAM aN'lc. ' =Ater, will leave (Of above and barrnovdiate , !Al on ltd.. der , Zit. loot, al 10 aO. 8,.....,,,,,,,,,i,,, , atera.and Side, In smoke bonne: Pc' For freight or peerage. apply . !speed, DIOCD 10 Ida. No.l 31.;c1.T.' C ` .. . 111 In. b. 7 . • lj ?ea Sr. JONES,IOR CIN. & LOUISVILLE—The , I P"' m n '''''— ~.g.'7.?,k1 . -- ; ,7z'r r:c,f l 4 . ,A.u„T'*Thcoz: 'i , im , mediate porta on Mb. day, at lOn'elnek. A 0 till' freight or wenn. appli on board inch= - --- a. O. SUOAR-25 blith. for gale ~v 1 IPOR NASHVILLE: • Mehl% JAB. D I d.FELL. D'l 4 a ''''" X !soon fur :;;;t:Zi.T.RI:g:III" 6 " port. Investments. On Ode dal, we " Inst.. at 0 le NI. For freight or rawer, appli r. boad. °rt. !LACK k 11. 1 LICINE. Agent, ' 1 000 DOLLS. PITTSBURGH CITY fo,': 100 ebaree Donglom Ilnu2bton 31InAnit Co:: 100 dn Whine 100 do. Fire Yteel - I . 2 do (actor Quarts Rock • • .. FR male by A WILKINS R CO.. inehli corner Mini and Slyket me HE HE KICKLEBURYS . ON THE RHINE; b iS W te l /2:t " .. ' 11•71 7 d:c 4 ri 7 . P t;•.—., 1 1241°` ""` b- Ills;Eits , 1... T. x Foy. mr1.17 Third el.. (*pewit.. her OM, MAGAZINES FOR APRIL.— Oftley . • Ladra Donk, for April, Unehian'a Magazine dn.. &FWD's do. li l Lad 4 . rForr a a BTbirda. opiegAZt w. ATID — OIT-1720 bbls. No.for sale by mehlB JAS. DALZELL. C 8 "...8". 11133 G 19 41 07 LEAD PIPE--Coniell'e improved patent Loot Pipe for ',gin.. ...4educto. _ n gtterns, " r "' All dun on hand =I to IL A rliaNf i nkt by_ En tionDON. oxtail./ MI Front greet. kg [MAR, MOLASSES & SYRUPS-- 10 30 boars D. 11. large Lea Sugar. g end lb IDs; 90 bbl,. email 270 e C nmhod erel prordarted Loaf Sugar: - larlged Lual Sugr. bg hb3. fr. o.lugar. 4sel Mts. " ?Masmic Iw S. IL Syrup ?fulmars. St Louts. Guidon Syrup; 44 " "' Iv Mom and for lode by JAXL. A. IIUTCLIISON k CO.. mc.h.l - - Water and Smug rm. FICKORY NUTS—S pkg. for sale In , mrla WICK 4 MrCANDIA:SA. ( i g A LERATU &---1 4 casks and 2d boxes pal -1.7 verized, fur We b, ¢10.5 WICK t 31,CANDLE8.13. BROOMS --138 dor.. (Corn) fur sole by mcds WICK A .11rCANDLLS&. WRAPPING PAPER-348 Teams Crown, Double Crust, 31ki1um aniVer, tnebb WICK' & .11rCANDLIk.S. 4t)) 1,013 .72 948 88 1,1,446 90 MACKEREL -138 bbl. No. 3, fur Nail, by esielss MICR i itteCANDLESS. ULACKWOOD, for February, and the Art JUP Journal, for Jastuary, sae for We at taebs opposite the Post ;TAR -25 bbl. rec'd rind fpr srdo by .0 , 00 ' ROBIsoN, tirri.ii a en. MACKEREL -25 bbl. No. 3, for sole by mcbfo RCIDISON, LITTLE 4‘ CO. 1 fI ASSIA-100 limits just. reed, for sale by J ruch4 MILLER a RICEXT , ON. VINEGAR -50 bbl. receiving, for sale by o=oo RQBII3ON, LITTLE • W. SUfiAR A.ND 1 MOLASSES 000a. Plantati. dads. 490 0 004. do. 110/amet, (oat otoperasc) In axe sad Sar sae In =ll5 NA I 81.12=303. iOB 'B6 703 30 mss,2tB 44 8,698 94 $199,3137 $8 balance due by Collectors (hr the coumerOns• Nit3lliB. =EI FEMIE;E=N JoJohn Il ee1ie...:T.—...-- Lira i thifcCollotia..7. John Wizi. I. Thom ie.;L.....‘ 11 ..7 Little_ '''''' ..:-.... 4 ; .k. :M, ......... 'Z. T. rfreino7 ............ John Runk,: ........... A. C. Alexander ''''''''' ... Jamul Onibsen km. y.k.u.iii; '''''' : '' ::. A:W:I.M K Esierielr ''....---- E. L YhilllEn: nen.. Comm__ '''' -.- V g ' . RI l ' eli!.. °' A. S. llorenuelel.-- ,len i re m Eorroir_ '''' ..... Janne Rota: - ' ........ ' —..... *John Shaw ' . ".....' E. Caldwell. ''' - ..1 . 21,.. 1 . 1 eWd0 , f... ...... itichanril. FIL... ..... ... ' SI% ai ire fi.. - ... .. -- - .Darld Ltereca.... --- ..... ' N". iinte " a Joitinh l" Jianon... . - Junes lirovn-. -- • E. Robinso L n. '' . = : tbi11it ." .4fii.7..... - '' • '' • ''' • A. Wiener.. K. Patterson. •David ntotritt. Ist Ward, Allegheny-- 4th•• ... - Birmingham klanehesteai— - &nth Pittsburgh__. Pharpsbargh..— Wert Ellzaheth---. Me Blllabsth Boron h„ Rad litrasingliag... Limmeene.„. ...... HU township—. Peebles Plato " Patton Permit]. " Ellrabeth Jefferson " 11/fflin awrd.] Bahia U.BL Clair" Bt. Clair" B. Fayette " Y. Fayette Bnblasoa Ham Ohio 1 , 441/Iklll2 " 1100000, PlO. Bhaler West Dr, Real Deer Indiana Rosa ..... Those Collector. coarked.thoo '(*) are takl the baba. , nep.rted amd COUNTY COMMIBB Tilo2olll Perkins served from January 6th, 1850, to November 15th, 1850, both days inclusive, 250 days, at $1 50 per day, $3Bl 00 Amount due him per last Auditor's re port, 29 50 413 GO Amount paid him on account, 400 00 Balance due him, Amount paid bun, to the 4th of January litsl, inclusit.o Outstanding Debts due the County of Allegheny ou the 4th day of Janunry A. D . 1S I. the 4th day of J $1 58867 95 ws, Commissions, Exonerntions and year A. D. 1&50. ...mad .Assaard auarx:al. I paid. 0 0 1 0 013 03.57000, 5.897 9 7, 2,0,0 00 4140481 2.144 Vt 6.987 1451 2.057 0) 3.404 61 . 000 0 167 u 571_ - 11.00 .707 55 710 001 1.717 20 457 (0 1.3:16 MI 600 001 :1.42.1 201 1, - .X,0 001 241 439 001 ; 1 41 1,019 r. 10.5 001 713 4 t 3.12 001 1,233 951 868 121 1,52 101 1.113 001 214 51V 010011 C BO gml 00, : 11(4 ~ ! ;. t ll 346 001 165 001 1.158 . 1: , 1 0 135 , , ° 1 :151 091 On 1.193 141 100 00 tu 2,495 971 7.= 95 L' 711 P' Ghh 91 at 06 qs 00 2A 00 flg ri 1.052 00 Lim 0 22 0,1 Lt 1.04071 7500 _ 1 47 551 1,11, 60 300 IX) 2 . 690 01 1,003 00, 1.014 50 513 501 995 3 7 931 44; 1 :1 - '1 1/ 550 001 1,61 T, ^,9009 81 4 00, 1.45{;0 486 co, 464 00 454 011 1 1 . . M Zy o ,l tu2 . 1 1, 1 31509, 403 541 Et ZP,I 1,178.130 C;l*F.7lou 3.9 MIZEIT! ()NEM' ACCOUNT. Jam. Mitchell served from the Cdh of January, 1850, to the 4th day of Jan- uary, 1851, both days inclusive, 309 days, at $1 50 per day, $463,50 Amount paid him, 463 50 Ebenever Bayles served from November 16th, 1850, to January 4th, 4851, both days inclusive, 39 days at $1 &O per day, Amount pal him, • Balance due him, SHERIFF'S ACCOUNT CR. By jail fen and prisoners allowance for Quarter ending 31st Starch, viz: —Va grants $547 75, Court .Prisoners $643 42, _ $ll9l 17 Amount for Quarter ending 30th June, . viz:—Vagrants $560 75, Court Pris oners $5llB 24, ,1158 99 Amount for Quarter ending 31st of - September, 'viri—Vngrants $366,17, Court Prisoners $7BO 51, 1146 68 Amount for Quarter ending 31st of De : comber, vin-l'agrants $537 85, Court Prisoners $9BO 94, 1518,79+ Suminoning 663 Jurors for District Court at 25e, 140 75 Summoning 391 Jurors for Quarter Ses sions and Common Pleas, 97 75 Conveying two boys adjudged to lionse of Refuge in Philadelphia, at two dif.. tercet times, at $lOO 00 each, 200 0$ Convoying 213 conNicts to Western Pene tentiary, at $2 50 each, Amount of fen in Commonwealth cases in Court of Quarter Sessions of Octo ber and December Term 1849, Amount of fees in Commonwealth eases in Court of Quarter Sessims of .March, June, October, and December 'Terms 1850, • I.\ $7,877 7ti Balance dae Sheriff Curtis, $277 C , uaty of Allegheny, a. shove by the Booke, ou uary, A. a 1851. • By amount of °outlasting debts us above stated, 8153055 88 By bslance in Treasury, January, 4, 1851 County deficit I BOATS Tort ST. I.()r IS—The new mut 22 runninv nOt•arn brat APIA, 110y.144EM1 1,1..1 for Olo• aborr and all into. median, ',of. Ohio artnntoon. et 4 o'clurir p„ r fr,Aght pun., apply on board. oarli:M 1 4 1 011. (3LAStiOW, LIVERPOOL AND Pup atoamorkil .V LI.1:, b.11d..n. roivb.r. will run a . a rogular packet lotwroit Mt, and WrllFaille, 'L pole ~r,.ry Monday, IVr.tiOrolely, aud YrlAat, at For (might •,0 nunly nn ioard. ,n4gl EGI . ..JLA It PACKET BE ', TWEE): FFIT:Ittll.:11 EITNFISII.—ctfa . 'Omuta PII.AYF A. N. t' inaPtor. will Cr.,. PittAburgb tor Wheoling.Cardlna and Pot:anal, etory Monday and 'fburr4ay. at 3 o'ilork I. N.; mourning leave. Bunfirl, for Cantle, St - boding and Pittsburgh, ev ery Tizeaday and Pritta), at 10 o'clock, ru n ni ng arawnwora and 'hipper, ran dopend upou Ills boat rnumisrly during Lb, low arittor aeroon. For !Might or IMAM., apply on board. turbla N}ls ARRANGEMENTS FOR aL 1851. 1 •IIE nett and faet running atr. CASHIER, Pteu- Wellebarg, Wlmelltr, DrillgtenOrt. Caption. and Huntialt ll .. Part—leavra PUtahurgh every Weduenlay 3 Wnd, P. for Wheoliusr and Brklueport. and ever, e. ur d,..l. 3P. 11., for Captlna and Nuntlab. Itturultnz, learem Suniteh e'er, - Monday at 10 o'lork,_A. and mid a ,et and %1.... Aug every Monday and Tb.r.dar.m 4 P. H. For freight and ptostute apply on boon], nr to nteh7 JOHN FLACIS, Agrent. NOR MARIETTA AND HOCK INti PORT.—The flue Flearner PACIFIC, OMRmovier, km , for the above and I tertuedlae porta every Tburetlay, at 4 o'clork. P. For ItTlght or paasage aPPIY on boareik or to T. WeIOWS At FON, meblo No. 4 W 03 1 Wet., and Front en. EG UL Alt IVII EE LING AND i, SUN Fittll PACK LT—The fast rUnning steamer IV V I LLE. Cant B. Toting. will non tot a rennin , Pat ket between Ititt..burgh. . Bridgeport. nod ttottfth. leaving Pittsburgh every Monday tl r' ar7 "- T ' bt r' jratgeport, Cantina.. end 11.1. returning, leaves Bridtr.- ' port and itutift..b every Tu ' afternoon, and nunnah P Friday afternoon. For freight or 'wattage, apply nu board. or to bide,/ W. It WHEELER, Agent- E 0 LAR P I l'T SB URGII AND j_ , e, ‘VIIEELI,OI CA(7KET.—Tbn splendid rr7r.ct`Alfg,:in D ,lF..",4 l- =.?„ . ,ri,,rip. wi— th,. city and Wherllng..leavmst Pittaburgn at 10 o'clock rryMonday, II ...inertia, and Friday. and rHurning, Laver Wbettl Too Tburaday and Saturde , , Iv earn irtek. lever ! urfre or ,NINTILZe apply on board...lei° oopi_ AItMSTRONG 411A/ZEK. Agent. FIEGULAR WEDNESY vAcKET, CINCINNATI. CaPtaln John ingham. This anlosll.l boat am. built by thir warn of the. steamer lame Newton. and others.foe the Cincinnati and Pittaburgh Parker trial , ard wIU leave every Wednenda7 for Cincinnati, In Omit ta ' f the Noy Eoa". land No. 2. Par fivirta or a 12.20 G . nra 7..& P lre Erfanr. DRIED PEACHES-118 eke. for ealg by =tal. mcasmemuss. , mama f En:men.' • . taiolm du. ent. HE ACADEANFIYor R BUILDINGS, on ..rn Vern sobirtantfal L.fa fru., wlllalate Ars..., or tn n . l'o.e.lnt .n riven ItutuftliAtei. Enguire 4 , a, -,l'reAcVial..hi4'r_ memeel:nrnown LET--An J OFFICE on WaterEnquire be- FT, 30' twoen llarkerstal i wry stream. or 0009 tn.bll JAS. I.ALZELL. .8 M.... +,-, I'M 21 F OR RENT —A Dwelling House on V, 645 Thin! "trret, shorn and nwir to Smltbflrld. It ;0,1 LI h.„ Mune.. kr, y.ll. wtoth Itronor, An. Wi11.... 31 F. bp nintrd low , and pc....minn stiron lunconcliatmly. 31 AII.-For Sale or Len., Antne !nu In Ow Slntb Mani, g between I,nn etreet 1.10 f.lw• Allegheny riTr. WM. M. DARLINGTON, Wlten). Darlington's, Fourth Orwet, near 14"u.1. 1.:5 ' T. U 2 Valuable Real Estate for Sale i I 1: 4 2F I .1.5 lIE SU IiSCRIBER offers fur Sale, on 7 7 89 favorable thrtui, the following Real Eytate,lnl t i I.o'g 14 a City of Pittsburgh. Oki No. 1. •ri,m, valuable three story brick dvrelling' hoo7l, `.. on Second etreet. between Market and Ferry streets, the IDOll.etrkmelt 12feot front by ho deep ?, ..,•• N Thirdntain* 77 feet Chinch, Third strort. tulloin , lo n g , tbe Prerbytorith on which Ix emus] 7 .. 11 1.1.",7 four story ',riot Imo., used ea a printing °dice, and 1301 Iwo 140 r) brick warehouse. i 0 Ini No. 3. Two lots In Mailman, Bearer coutdy. 101 , Nns.3 and .1, being about I feet mtt 0n..01a which' is erect. ell fN cal one block of fin, frame ou dwellings, anti one itelevrale [tame dwelling. ell two ..ries blab. 11 W Ytisll No. 4. One lot L 9 feet front on Berk street oylawite the shore, and extending to the thy of the hill. 01. 8. Tan book lots. earl] 70 feet front, .d•running from a . ` roa valua bl e w ater mark. on the Bly More, i 1 11 No Onewater lot. • nal feet on 11 heel Race, with Inn alum,. water power attached. N 0... Ono lot opposite the water lot. 60 font front. and extending to the toy of the bill. on which In erected one ," two story Leith snow and vrarrboithe, 28 by 50 feet: savour. frame dwelling, two entries high. ' 4... N. 8. One tare, I .: 1 3 1n New Brighton , Ikaverrountr, 1.- 047 99 in n about 140 feet Broadway, and shut :a* feet deep. „,„ 91 containing I.M, acre. n which are erected two loon hem, dwellings,wi i and non Anna fnune Lowe, need dice. `I erty wait fortnerly occupied by Mr. T. C. Gould. and is 'very pleasantly located. being Immediately oproalte the Fallvton Bridge. N. 9. Una water lot, imuthdlateli below Ballston Bridge , Nina Oleint /00 feet in length. And exustathi m nom icon, streetwater lo to low war mark. or wing Oath. n, 'bore property 0111 be old on very favorable terms. .thyl; at the Book Store of It. C. STOCKTON, corner Thinl Markets...eta. JOIN FLEMING, Agent. thel,2l [Journal and Bost 007.1 MEI -1 I • 48 WI 17 fr.' DOI cal 1 I 4=413 , 413331 4Z11348,13317 46 :=2 Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. ADRUG it, PRESCRIPTION STORED . Icoatal in s tiourixhine wool insproving yart of 1 land , iti o , , te , h u lc .o ;u r lu r 1 , 1,9013 . 1 e kunlneva, Ls of only r"". nLc t 7 VV, ul'' ' ebl4 114 numnd tIOR SALE--A large Brick Dwelling rys.l Rook,, and b 4 of Ground, nu Houk LIMY, All, •ny City Int4y non: le QM Ailed:way Brid.u The bonne It In .04 rr nalid pad the lot iv 00 fret by 1130. Pen.= doing buvinev. n tbn oily would And it eonvend nut Mao—Two Lam.= feel by 100, on Ilelnxes 1511,1.. Inkt4 P6' 5." '" IrATIV*IIIIV IN. 114 &end r l. - 'OR SA LE—TwQ choice LOTS, i)lettitant i: ir dtualml for privatr ,sklvocan.. 1 1 , n 11, 31( nn Do. qnesno Way. bet.....n I'lll itn+.l. and Evan a aney. Them, Long 24 11.,:t fron t mai raLrotl bark 240 fist to a Lt) fort alley.etre For terms. apply C. 11.111IANT—or fnelaLlut J.M. PENNOCK. 10 LET—A 14 AR.LIIOLSLi attimted {Taber at.. bataq.en Market an.l Perry .rtre.L.. ant[able for the, Pnaltine For term, In-..l quire of JAMES DALZELI.. nart.l _ No. GS Water at For Sale. rill: UNITED STATES HOTEL:TA', BLOCK OF BUILDINtIa, tbe eorner of WaAhrlita Ingiott and Penn Ktraels. and fronting no the Penn i ny r hanla l Cnal N . in 7 Ow l Ciy uf. t PittaLng nn phut, h. The Lot frn :ro!=and 1.J2 to. ulne inch.. nu {Svhlaglno rte.. t. twenty feet alley. lntnlen of DAVID GItEEII. rorbtata No. 100 Penn at. I INE TRACT of 320 Acres: one Tract 0 160 Am: PEW Tract of SO n too Tr or acts 00 Art., voch. t. AU the above Land to more od nr lota Improv ol. of Ltot rate quality nod troll luntod In Mourne nu- 0.. 1114111 Via be odd.volt' purthalorx. very too. For further tx. , !euiary loon. of Wll. 11. JOIINSToN, mob:. 112 Second It. , 70 L T—A BRICK DWELLING, 0101 vix gore, of around .a: hod, rituntot on awl v0r1.3 P.DY../ONRS & CO. , A4 IOIIIIENT—That byre dwelling lulu. ri with extensive ',rounds for _ranter, and stahls • ,oe at ached. the meld.-nr, o( de latdldin. J. 'Eaton,, March. .0 end strewt. rasa...inn Oren OP the first of March. For tem.,. no d dy to 1.. 11. EVAboi. Guardian. o r A. C. Sean n, at the curt Works, VALI'ABLE MILLS, yAILNIS, AND LOTS FnR r.• ALF—Ts, In m e Flour 11111$ and • p Saw thee hear., li. wih the ufifietusry wateower. AlllO, reach le I, prodednult Yuma t In Lit renceerdlnly r I.lleo E.l.Ot a i. Iwlnw A 1.,• }art a of 115 sons, on the 1./Ino Htur, Inn., mile.lfidde r . }or dh, one of 140 nen.s.on the (duo ricer, 0 allies below &avid, for 132 per 100, COO acres fur 111 per non. SO Aloe. farm. of I. Enon. 0 n. and 96 1,04, fo r 11.5 per per, Al.o. 171 se,. fur 312 .31 . and -am* for 111 per acn.fidnether 1111, many others of card uaa slaus aud psi., /inquire of N. E 1..11. FEITMIAN. Artarne,•at Law nod I.e.d I:000r 02001, '1,610 En 107 4th at Pat Aural. EAL ESTATE FOII SALE—The under offe for aide • large number of valuahle fllrlild offers In g luta, and moms ',di desitsble alt., for 10/0.0.1(00- ' .. rkl..1N111!':.::07ininill.:: ; „'!17111 : 1 1-41ill i a ' rIlleg17 . 11 14 i ne rapid growth iltaas In porn:atio n an/1 manufacturin g wradth. sod the resaudialdn pries, at wl n eh 1,. will Le mold. will render /hi-m a Aare nod profited,. in. Till. pfirilre• Tenus favorable, sal loran,, n itsanln of [AeapdeMaaed, at th! . .'‘TtEr r "o f f'il l er burgto r ofilwe.k n Tl,lnl and Yuartn - st,sevne, or tlrant of 11111lani ....nen and N. l'atirnlfio. EN . .. at 11.1, otHeus /Urn, Ingham. lata 0100E0 V EdThN, VOR SALE—The sulpwriber nfTent fior2 X' sale a lar, and w.. 11 trout Itri,k lieu.., will, al, •", or withins of urotswd. gittiatod on the Yoarth strnet thud. then. rttifra of UAL. rity. 1,,,,0010n alien no lb. 1., .1' April - next Al.. a vr, de%trahle Id at ground. rontsa ult. at, Four Arm., , .ith a pprins: of nacellmt waGr therm,. mituahat [war the abort, $530'4 98 . _ Abe. a 101 of croon.' 44 fret II Inrbee by G0t...b010) ) In. rrobletsre of 51r. A. Tabor. noor city. oppowlte the ea...oath IVard. 14 nruylvaryta I , ....etain ghlt en Initne.flatoly. Fourth .t iNOR FIENTOR SALE--The hubgeriber will sell or rent bin tory derlroble Country n..>. l egh nee,eny All ebony pity. +Amsted ti on Ohm lao All A our...oft of the Comma.. Ile bo. 1r • Ivor Aoutlt4rick building. In e.rtaploto onlor. There lo • 1 ...Trio, how., noble. am./ proeml water tol the atuttucto, wha.b romp,. two lay, ialprooo.l.contalning ever y doooriptloo of fruit: alyo. a Yprina bon*, asal emote bo T om, I'ooan.eitae whe.nnour deoloril JOH!: ja=allf 11FOR SALE OR t.).); I'ERPF:TEAL LEASE —1 soll for emAb. or on nort,etnal In•se. ono lat pa on. "mat. 24 foot plat by latrawt to Mnritacalley,;!4(!=7;g".4Aef deeTt‘ 14 p tiny .Alley, wino YG(f ton Llherty, by i.X.o.7tT:i to Firttn 411stely oppootle Control Floo44lta'Pol.'audnountornal; 45 sorra. 1 JANII.SI fYILA Rare Chance for Capitalists and Mannfao• tzars. $158867 cid TILE undersigned being agent fur the own . or man • number withwn lots In the town oflol . ll ° Z. St r out county. Ohl, out lot, and small Dirp ,• .g ,, m 4 o - !igdaf,:zl.z . .-solrthrsZw all4t. ^Titania ilallnw:I• now nearly rotonb.b.d. pawing through It. this real notate afford, iwrhata the best opportunity lately o3erod. W perwans who may wish W.ngage, In Man ufacturing or elm°wt any dewrlidloh. The abundance and fh.pners of all the mean. of tiring. the ~'ply of and Cr uel for otaant Nwer, the wrvatt quantity of wool brought this market, as well la the Whitler for transportation of manufarturtal artlclor, all combine to mane this one of the Wt draroblopoin Ibreglablishlng manufacturer of fens, ad.o Cotton. luderdof .0 de.wriptions which is now afford od In the Weetern muntry. &vend loopmved farms. In the vicinity of the panel Rallowl. ern alar offereda tnwt of 375 acne of excellent timboed land, lying between the Cal and Railroad. alai about ball a mile horn the hater; a lot of about sere, It 'b"i'i' t.ta .ll4 ot i t h tZt i ft7:. ` , • ,, • 4Tlf ,75.17,:f,7 lel lt,twre 611 , i merchoots will du well to 1.4 at this be. fore they ' , umber.. elrewhere. The poalttou of Mew/talon, in the heart of an realm, not ourpaaned by any In the nary. is known that 111. deemed unnecestatry eou than toter Wit to indure all who wish to melte I . , ..d:lnvertutenta totall and examine this nmperty. Title Indisputable and lung reedit aitert If dertr.d. lion. Andri.w IV. Legunia and Joshua Hanna. of Pittsburgh. will gin Information nourernlng It, and any enquiries will he alsowered by lop. Pik... ed at Mto Thomas t. McCullough, Kent Jarvis or the under. sigoaerillot DiVIOIIT JARVIS. Aboulllon. Yeb. K. '5l. fehl:tahod. • • • _ ADDMONAL &AU Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. Ili: recent unprecedented sale of Lots in the above thriving Town having nearly eol,olste4 t se prevlomly lota nu; and the derumal atilt contlnuint, tho undersignni ho. been Induced to lac nuts portion of his ll:wetly In town lola m above, and otters them for sate at priers and terms that cannot fell to meet the views of those wishing to ourrhave. lite needless to 107 Zni of the lonttion Of the Town andproapecte tit having boon sußlelently destrilml In twetit advent...laterite) other than that over one Miriam! lots have rerently chmged hands. and been puirbmed by those via/ling to, procure e deities. ble Inane. The share lob areamong the meet ellgi Glenna dollrable In the place, and an/ principally locatod in the centre of lour rawntly void. Jun.rmatio anPlv to inermon.t. , Llverlaa ll, to Blakely, Esq., l'ourth sitabiLy. _or I.:4st Liverpool. Feb. 2 nd.lksL feb.ldawtPL. • • - Eseetttors' Sale of Real Estate, AT AUCTION. BE SOLD, in pursuance of the . last and Testament of 11001111 Lowry, lob. of I the I.7ity of Pitt.hunth, deed, on Monday, the 7th day or April. al 10 u', A. 3 41 the Court 1im0.., the City of Pl,ta h.rata• 1, 1 nublic " aurthin, a valuable Lot of. V(.x"tr TY:",ylll,"' near `Abll:lils.7btero a large piece of ground • • 111ch um bold undivided, 1 . 1 ) tha n said 3lortin Lowry. and others, and which, by virtue of certain bars.. Partition, In . tholvistriet Court of the County of Allegheny. No (Al January Term, IS4ll,wm assigned in severalty to the twits Of the said Nlartin Low . dve'd. bY nodes and bound, hie.. rui by refereniv to the Inquisition and plan thereunto annexed. and other pan eeeding• In the cane had, sill now fully and at large an, Pr o oPeet of the dty the two liTvr, being em.r 0 1 .C - C(.4 for m lit for pri bu vet, ne o iaeitee. and abounding in evrellent atoilding purposs—. they an. known. For Wan of the property and further to Meson.. 1 1100.1 and Painter, Attorneys and Counsello Information, apply rs at Law, Fourth street, or ...either of the undersigned. ~ ..a.Ti a rs of the last Will and Te.u.a.tink;.,tdi.?l,, (h/Lna. ' .1111 IN NI , IIITII. N —The ad,olnlng Lot, eon:valuing 0,001 th^ ram quantit, opt latvl, Is at.. for 411,.. ruchMataw Paper. j_pit INTL NG, WItll'ING, and IV 11.1PI'1 NG reams 24 by 3a 1,11.11nn Pap..l- 7 4 300 by ter, (Oa, IN by 24; 2: by 32. bj `lkly 11. 2a ay, Blur. PR Pata.r 'Awl tall, 'luv I , CrOWIA F.traw • :./o " fladluzu Ah.diun. and Moab. CT.*. Ett , Tin. utaler,igned ouliNllll ny 01...ari1/ma, for Ilan. • lay, nenera arm l od u“nol. Cap. haft,. Ilard van., atal I'aprra: 11..00.(1MAM.. lc- Ay. of all alx., f,, pap..r nuanufantirrra. rymnna Pap, made to urn, on short ann.,. .1. 1- SHOE. 1,1123 i rota., of ( . ..on and Irwin .41. I k ;NI )1' Y.. 1 IBr. . ..:—EsG ;;ST' Ki mak linarra and Danlarat In barn ,11111vni Pi t.,,, ,AAV L .1 , 1 a11, 0 11 . [11.1 121 Viral sta., batn.a.o I, l l:L u and DEATING BUILDINGS—W. are I .mpr- r i to furnish and analt atoparnals 4., bratm 1 , 1.11 building,. by steam or hut wan, and ba il se. ro. glygml In 11. P. lll lama.inan the evt. - - 3 ' 4 :ALPE. era INS , S nUN 1.1.1'. lIPPLES--10 bun asp. 11. .Apples; d I.IILLEIt t BICKETS9:. , ._ s u il li bt l d;. — Lerge So. a Maoll. 31 .nitn.E 21 Itanslntrea prima Caru lina Rice: llee. 1(.00 LL . a ur sa u llau u , t l..and. 33' .p Ehot., asiart^i number; tit Ts. Trovil!"' t. we jb sw-b3 JAMES A. IttlltzuAct. OD-. --- To Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore. Land for Sale Ttar TUIVICIIII rats :In norm Omehow will learn Every Morning at S o'clneki I tichwk. and d o'clork. I% 51. Extrat SO leave at env auto, al ware In rendlner, Thlt Is the moat din,. comfortable. and eb the Lattern Caw.. Paortitgen. far late the 1.0. Italltuad at IlarriAldreg direct on the arrival of the Canal that nor. r.-11,0 only Other for the a bore Linen 0.1.4 St. Owlet llotel, No. id Wood /tree.. Yittiburvh. rbii W. It. 311./01tIlli4h. AAVING DISPOSED OF LIALF MY IN TER 1, , T IN lONGII.I.II'S LINE. t 0 ray brother. . .0 WE. BINGHAM. the huginett of l'itishurgh will her, 4 Binghams' Transportation Line, Xr44.• B5 1 . BETWkIES PITTSBURGH A: THE EASTERN CITIES. - T HE CANAL being nor open, we are tea dy to r.rvive em.l tea ard I promptly. l'rodure &IA eart an.l we.t. PrOghte taw.. at loa - rti ram charged by ti.rponsible• er and Il..rhautlirc will l.!nonoiv!.lfaia f. row.aloded .+l4l and vatlfima our rh.rge fior un - ...Kr/13,1a . ...I. rathrult r 'attend...l W. A.l4lrerL4 or Apply 14, 1 1 1 , 4111.1 Co.. it(Teltr', Fourth enol Fifth ootR AVILS-ON,AgvaL 1 , °4 Nnrth 11.m.tra JAM-LS 1 11 1N011A , 4,N0. la W., mehl N•co I*.ak. tO3 I Pittsburgh Transportation Line. JAYIES O'CONNOR. k Camel Pitteburgh. FI I / 1 11. Bond and Cherry And No. it Sundt Fourtb . .trre, bettu,eue Nlarkrt and Own nut strortn. Phlladolubla. PEOLINNOIIif CO.. 70 North ttrryt. hhtlh/21070. EIrAVING fully vornpletod nor arrango i 0001, ore will 1.7 r nn.paruel upe.n thu outing fho 00034)Itania Canal, to elle - Y . , fr.n.elet to and trim burgh, Baltimore.. Philseb.lplua, Nor lurk. 1.14- Lunlnvllle, FL Louln and all lb. Fa2 , t and at low, rate. and will, metre dppatelt tout rare. than my Uth. er lan.. All pn - oly nhlppeul to our Liu, are lolly corcruy Inyitran, wlllsunt any clotruu to ornen, a protection not natty atri,nll.l by anr ntb., Line. All ertuntunientinn• ouruel. , rcent, I hall S Pt, Clueltenatt: Webb. LnoPerillo, and Lowe Q I.l.hurne, .111 euevt nMb ppunrt attmtlon: •- Cer:C. It Our Lin, e.oonFolun truth the PlabutOphia and 111.1.11 , 4 h Tranni..rtative, Line of At klnn _____P•ub,ll_ VIA PENN.gyLVANIA CAN ALA AND RAILROADS,) FOR PHILADELPHIA DIRECT—IVITII ACT RE-SII I PPINO. C. A. %1.-AM:LTV k CO.. Canal IL u e , DP! Peen strut, Pittsburgh. cIIARLE.9 RAYNOR. Central Mork. Reglad %Irv,. delphla. IV. are prem.,' nreive a large =t unit merebarslige rUl'a.4ll.ln tg ,2 Z.L . l l"" ..: l s7::;;f ' ,V:, `" an u' i r time than In arir Prw,Rwo gar. N. It The inereww4 number of Trucks provided by the Casa] Corguatwloiser. fur ran, Rig our boatg em the tale Rallniads, will prevent any pawsibillti of theltly at Johtutogin, Holiday nburg K ColutuLL, this gradwri. C. A. 31eANIT LT CO. gebl3 v Ca.] basin. cRiE lB5l To Shipper of Merchandise, Produce, Ant mar Pr1T.17.41, rear. , nunrtmc .1119. roan. RELIANCE? , PITTSBURGH TRANSPOR ION LIN 4. ATKINs A CO., TA Prop T rietor, No. Al Conwiterre street. Philadelphia. DELI. A LIGUETT, Agents. Omni Rahn . Pitt.,burgh. JO, TAYLOR A DON. .I:entg. IVe mew preyarwd, oti the oix ulna thr PennsylranLa Canal. Co ruarrart for Freight at ma h.w anti ra drspalrh sod rare as cio othe te.. r Lbw. give Puma. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. THE subscribers Lacing Leen appointed shippina. %mato for tlor Pont.) Irsnin or Coutral Ralf at Inform Ow public flat 11/13 11.1 ororor.t to n , wire any tocrrhaallte or tincluro for plcolcout rant on tlaC opealny of the canal. . th Tta.thin mut.. will tw clarried tbroalob in live dare, LI all E 9, 11.4a1eil U.l un will I.e fbraardni frra of eI.IIIIIA uo or chary, rur advann., LAT. , at MM.' AFFIFAVI Fitnar.rt.Tnu. Aan P1 , 7211d148. Dry 6.Axl, Shoe*. Iluvito. Stationary , Cutlin - y,Conf., tionary. Erni., Furnitur, Drug, 31.41rina, So4.llery, Wol. At. Ae. 51,4111100 !lamina, QuerttAware. Ilrorrri , .., Paint, It,. !tuff., talc bus ther.Clover. Plaa, Timothy and other tints.. Start, Ac. 10. Damn. It,f, Pork, Rot., Lard. Lard Oil, tiralu sad Itaa, Abe.. Markt,' trough, TA, Pitelt,,ltonin.Gennett. Clay, 11.Ani.A. AA, GM 'l lOU )an.Sn Mat, DEN A (\WOOF:. QELLERS' IMPERIAL I'OLLIII-SlllUl', to take. mud hlgh/r A1.1.1,111N1 Ctn. Alarch fir. 1.47. 31r. It. N. twllern-3lr elAhlron, ..}hart, hm. torn ruturet to trvutdraocon rough, loot laarkur to.ur di:Tut - rut rentoklior rrrn 11tt1a rimao. v. indured br wirer LlNotueut. shout I'our n•rvp t givo It a mini. I gal hint o tiro awl lon,asul al.° to tug thruuhlnrorrozul thfl Elmo It h. 1:m14.r-fano! to run. thont. I turso roor.rcinuendod It to utt nrlghtaus. and do nuort oonrelonclottely bollere that It Ir the bert rough medic:lto that h. e'er ken ootTvrn.l to tho ANOIStIi A nr,rnerro. PAITIJIA rtn , nlot not penult Moir vhihlrun roger (mut rough. when that tour be gan...l a 105 rt. holt!. or thin ru I'rellanrl and sold hr It. II FELLEILI, roptC! :b7 iVnal st. s.n.l Druggl. 4vnerallr. tieLL BUTTER--A few 111111. on Inuta and' r"` cal" by i ! f$ Y 4 L o i nT \ ark 11l El) ES—ns4) Ln. for null , 1.111l4; I 4 J10TA , 1,411---G vrodcs (purr li,r Klr by WWI. V,CANTI.E . E. , E L:114: It s' MEDICINES.- UNLIKE /...J ALL OTHER PATENT 11E10.'1 " Extrm-I from • Irt.rolat....t R. E Lmllko ..ther NldAirmem. an. 1....m0t5, murr mom p.molsr. TI". gm.. Pill.. —lit tm. all gone. . . Professor A. C. Barry's _Tricopheraas, ) E 1:0311': P,UNtpf;linTlb!e leorovzoe ' slo. , lenTrut. rad nil ',Matio Et the! senlis: curmdn ~: ern 0t,.. on the eklu, calavanes of the glands, iNteoutneuta .al relieving 'lingo, no, brut- Or. itts thiA tireparatioti .. there la no am+ n• • 1 1 .urrovi, in America, Inedithl suer, eminece. pnthinent Nitre 0 1.41 prof.. RIO W 1... 1.,,. u. e l It for irate In that', dire nll/4 r.. and uureerwa, admit.. with one error.; that for sin,urting vigor. ido, luxuriance, and curl to the hair. • athin arta( and dandrue, healing wound,. , curing vnterin, sprain, thin,. Jordan. and Martina thanks,' of the .I.t the glands...lnd tbe :uthacka, it has no equal awn., the multitu.le ..feurnpounde suivertleed In the Phi,. air print, or in private praelle, eheaprtens ea well etheieu, l t arry'sTrlropheroui IA unrivalled. Thr mrn ,h mihet of the article. have anatlat the Inventor it at rent. per tenth, which I. frruts to Hal and the salts embracing. the waluslle direc tio tion,. fur the,l - :It e_pr. a tau fte =Val'ohn?Teltto lee salinity between tn. membrane, whirl. oulatitute toe elan and the hair. saheb drawl. Ileruthenanor front this triple envelope. In eery alone. All tilacweem of the hair oil ainate in the Pain of the beast. If the p.n.'s of the ; snap are egged. or if tin. Wood and outer Guide donot ,iron. late through lb., small I' ahlrh fed the rust with tnuisture. and Impart life to the Lim, the wool, 1. se . trf. dandruff. etuthling of the tenure. dune, and harohneae of the ilgurnente. vet butane, ae the ems. mar be. &Imola. the stc fa to healthful ..Ism with We Trleopherova. an.l theorp vreA , la. thours.ring their Stetivitr, will suatahllate db.., in all alleetiont of the Otis. and of Itir enledrata of thuselee and lutenvirnenta the prune. and the effect are the wthae. It iv upon the akin, the tourcular fthre, and the glands, that the Tthrotheroul has Its eperilic action. awl in all alleettosta and hour,. of thee.oruann. It le • eoveretan recordr• large bottle, price . 25 cent, at the principal of- Ore. 17.7 at 1) ,the Nee Tort. and , the primapal nothrho ada.ants and druggist. throughout the Inited nate" amt Can dett:allt .OVESEED - -.50 bu. ree'd, - for sale by.' r mrhtllt, it IS . 7. I effe. Every one vebo msk.-g ',at, Liver Ca.ugh Ist rEo.. trrnt. ir Ft,r nlifi.... .1 liAt EN • Cs Th.., nuull, ‘.1,11,tt1,r.. •.I lla.• tmst instrrbalk. i,r IL I:. un.11114, tor 1,11.1 of Ifrifs,:f.lfi,cferffilf l'f; !MUSE .:‘IobASSES-- s ' naclf•S 10L.ISSES , --2: , o,ls. S. II.; DEMI ) it] Et) no! iT Apple, b.r Kale by tarAL ' 1.. 11 1TY.1: , 1 AN a ,I)NK. *.AN 111. for a„1„ by 1101+1YON, LICTI.P. i CO. lURS 13UCKETS---0, doz. Buc-ke-tf4; . , L ..4. w iitit . NlNVigss. b.'. iLA 1X) 1, is ' ES-21)1. N.i. 'fi ... - t e b. v p. .k lc. iilice.trou. DL S-50 boxes Mould; . ------ ," lOU - Rol pIpxl: fdr mde bj _ I.BQ. , LITTLE * W. MPS 'ED-15bbL fur salo by mADD t CO., eo Wood Pt. SEE? 01L-10 bbl. reed, for solo by minaUmWri.barbsam SPORTATI _ 1 7 131113YLVANTA RAILROAD 1.51. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. , 1851 Forty-nix bourn to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. miler Railroad-103 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. (EV.2.IS,iIVELY FUR PAS:3KS,W.IMI TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. biN the oNoling of Canal Navigation, Two r n zi w z Nu- llnsU .111 leave fur IZOLLIDAYSEVRGH, Thole taklaa. 11.1 NEW PEN—NSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Two ihooimio.wtTcyT., mil•ldirtrt ti. PHILADELPHIA. Time through FORTY-SIX liours. - • Fare M $lO. ram 'to IMlthnorr. $0.71. Th.. Cue op thl, route are new, nod of tbu m.l approv. ed malt ruction Me comfort axial mart). ..Packete b.evo every moraing preebely at tight r:eloek, eml every reel:dug et the came hour. Pamengera for Baltimore, Ou arrival of Can et Ilarrlehor. take the lark eat Clua• berlatel Ilk Unreal. (telw enlehedt direct to that eity.leikhlr four rogue.) Titer. FOUR hour, No charge for handling Baggage on this route. The lernseed oprenl melons thin the tooet cninforlahlr. maln and dextrelile route:now to the Lantern Oiley kor p.m., or isiturroatlon apjfi, J. P. HOLMES, :Agent, Menoneahrin Mune. D. LEECH ti CO. 01110, Prat, Arent. N. II Oa let of July, the Penne3leeltin Reamed will he fief ailed tu Lockport, wlikh rhorten the time throtwa SIX hour, ritiehurial FehrearT • Maanfacturer's Line. 1851. ; 1 11IPPERS ARE LIEREBY INFORMED 1.3 that this LINE. minporiesi entirely of goetion Moat, In MIN' In full otion, with facilltiar to nary a lan:. quantit, of freight pera to Philadelphia and Baltinanre, seithont tronshigra'no. In as short t.irrar., and at rules, us any other regular Lioe. Special arrannonenta are rand 1.11 made for carrying I Way Freight to Mai Ile , John.torn. Hollidaysburg. Water etcset, Alexandria. Petersburgh. Huntingdon, Mill Creek. Nen liangtton, MeVeyborn. L..gistovrt, Newport. Clark's Ferry. Ilarrisburg.Coluntl,a. and all oth er in tertroodista points on the Pennsylvania Canal and Port age Railroad. Having Mum lads of Iron encored from the Junlats, pronging,. end regularity In shipnients, to the aforesaid points. at Rho lowest rah, may he relhgl upon. J. MITCHELL StgITT, Proprietor. Warehoune,Litscrte atrcet, Second door nest r.f the Luna SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. 1851. VIA 7IIE NEW PE INSYLVANIA ILAILHOAD. ONLY 86 HOURS TO PIIILADELPIML GOOD INTENT ARD TELEGRAM Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built Coaches for Hollidaysburg, And Jron thence 243 Melee by the NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD • w*K4 ,,, v4 MerehiWa' Transportaticua Line, ==2ll . „ Ne Irribr F .ll JM D IN ADEN COVOE, e 0n...n, to John Mr rad.. k c.; Cana Basin, r,, n Sired. 4"".."." /, r , , A MISS, SO A. Si ‘i and n. Imo. at. lu MA. prin.. large No. )lackerel, In4yrrti.A.: It , 112•1111 n.., ,or 41414. by b IVA II:10E4N StIN, • • PHILADELPHIA I f(s3Lis WI ii3O N3 ,- } y r ~,,,----- PHILADELPHIA. VACTURiaI. Nu 41 South Avenel anat. 4abnee I _ estn at. nut eiJej l'hilulelptua. i , , ~, Rl.set. ata wital utttan. A. aALP.. ...... i —.. i... 4.611 r ' AGALEY, WOOfWAI/ & Co.. Whol&. JUP gale 1.1 meet, Na = Market et, M 13 0.4421., apt) _ _ _. A. J Ottx..lon.. - 1 a. C . . .- - .. '-'" A . 'iL l ' 2.!_ , _ " TAU). Bells:4sli .t" CO.," ' Tobaceo j counanedm 311srebante, :fa 41 NatlrWater rtna. 4 , a n ra 11/ Nurtle,rbaryia„lllll,/ e fylny a , c.i. M E lo t n e lft i .le t IiU N Z - n E 4 1 4 7. 1111 3 . er flb a ralt "n • 6- • cm cea rotvlattmente of Penh." generally. lianUnna n man, V. roma/un—...Afar= C. UTING.4O2I. #W. POINDESI' . EIt & CO.; General • Comnlteefon and Fluara_olln g Mereharne and Flour era N 0.27 6 /lariat street. Fbllelphla. irz To Southern and Western Nerchants. , 1 - 1 OUSE LL'S PREMIUM PERFUMERY. t0.Tga:71.11%.4-irregirq.t`g.' nT bud retention lthlu tl h e n t ra t e i v el z . iire t r m a i n= oge td w rLet . i . a. , 47al: e !few York, Itodnn. and Philadelphia. the latter being the only Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either Ott Europe or In Mb mu.... itortaCs 1.:Y611,1121. Su Carol. (Almond. Rose. and Ambrosial.) univetrally metnowle=be.perbgto any Phasing Cream In this country or 0120.1. roe. Sitnnt—Penutlrbily transparent. sal highly SAPOILIALTO. 4.11 , 1 emollient propelling rapensoeuna Comp:mod: Ambrosial Sharing Teti.; Milita y eharing ibrao. Perranre TuureSotrs—Almond, hoar, Lilleffeurs. Bon- r "i t * . VW.M4, 32 rti Froi 11...4 . 10t/M.-110, Jagged% Wog Suet de Conlin, Cereneum, Jenny Lind, Mouseeline.Joclie I aht.,to:.. l i a grl ia .Z l zlolte ih Eltro t nell: f ..R/r , it,rutd many Totter W srove .- Florkblttter. fro de r Tollette, Owing, Flower Water. and • variety of (bicff.. der Water, Oill,PliCrALAlltl,l roe rut itram—Clengloe Heareoll,Auttone , Itendetine, has idtetntle, 01.1. e. 011011.11111 00 34-1 , [ L 7attir6. l ll2l,73ldZ . rd e r. arul Philtecwoe. Herb Owparsonc ..I.II.TIGNS-14.117“111C Ease Tooth Pub( Charcoal Otlontine,Tooth Paste,andTcoth iggrirr. .....I . biorrrys—VDled ...gete Cold kie Cosmetic Cream, Ams.V.lrte for rcam o f Howl. Cream ds Jerre, Lip Depilatory Powders. fur mooring o hair. Pearl Power. Vlnature de knNite. Aromatic Olneg.r. Victoria Comiewigutt, Preebal baits, besides a =eat variety of other articles, too'numerous to be mooed lo tar adridllsc went. The subscriber hopes to maintain the reputation rebid. this establishment has *moire'. by (homing of nothing hot trot rate articles , nod will be happy to tumid! throe I who may wieb , to patronize him, either wholesale or 0.411. n0 o Rime ae any establbitreinanilhe " enc... to and ranter Director of the Eaft.alo . ry of LOCIELL. Mr. Basin'. Periumery to for cale by l L ' l C the p=i t pai Dropuieta therountry. NEW YORIt. PRIIVTDSM INKS RUTCIIINSON Co., No 13 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. Wholesale manuficturers of the ben e ENGLISH MINTING INKS. ksr Steel and sj./thse Mehl retail:lk. and tier Fite Rook and Job Work, *bleb tbey warrant to be composed of the purest material, and to work eully upon ill ordinary peewee. The combinations; to these Inks, axe ouch as lcodve a rich new end permanency to work auperior toasty other Inks now lIN`. hold at prices varying team 75 etc to SOO Per lb- Pultf.".e&s.' abeirt , aVoraettTraeol j ortl ' rert ' S . of every sthadeaml slardDy rarylng from Sl,OO to StrNO)per lb. ma:Xt.:Mr TO COUNTRY EXRCELiNTS. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!! ' AIOULTON A CO:, Successors to Jolts F ALM NU It C 0... 64 Cedar and 22 atreets, New Yee Invite Merehants visiting New York City, to their Immense stork of SoMs - it tad Domestic Farley and Staple Dar 001.9. Their slick IS entirely new, and In addition still reveler by met rleanser. new and elegant styles. contlowl 01,11"“b'uy to chic boor«. eoo.l.tln A. of evert arletr of Drees 'r.le attotl'da.3?-617,,1tatj:,."4."0",nrr°71i esll and examine soa r rtuek,ar our to Gonds adaptelto en yT: cad we are lesolvod a. , pre. no e a il k curb their µU it nease. nrt of ' ll3 . lFl 't r )fillSt+OT • or igETS U !iEM:Y. C e . Now Your. Maw*. ISZ.l.—.Oncbt!ltdt'w REMOViL WM. WAKEMAN & CO., Nu. 79 /t. 81 (late 76) .111.arevi L A N!, NEW TORE. - Directly eppo.ite •Old Stand. . MAil EP; r 17. 1- I IJ Wool, Fob: Shalrr, 3=0,7-milsl74.7tuT,4lJuge:ile Silk. .1Iode: Bombazine and fancy or all . fitybm and qualitl,, Snufs ant and /2-rms—O i Tua--Fanr f all e m M t.! ark of elery kind. tid rem/ e— Fetter Silk nal Satn. limey Englidi Iladraa, Swim. Prince Albert Iturathera. Twine.' Indian Satin. Bung flerchtelt—C.r.. Linen commie, ke. Sar . pender,—Freneb Sod Ennl.b.h ; now It) le. DOCUPStie aal )o,,irn• SAO. Thrva.l. and all the late,' of French nod Eliclivh Importation., /Nmerk—Shakii:,*. Larul:a 'Wool, Silk, Linen and Cotn. morns — Velret.Cadtmere, English, French and othe, otcl4, contlenien and ladhs—a rarie ty of t, a Reding of oil Ert " l; on.Dnmrrilr ‘ 79 ' 1 , 11 (1 4 - 21e k oT TO TITS nE 0E21'055 01 TILE r ITEI) ATATF-4. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED ! UT YME AIWUcATION OF TEM SILVER PLATING . FLUID. Ho • rm../ In awe atnce./dinn, or the sum, re •J. T ias , l . L . li ID b yin, a,...mttLx.,,,,se.dtooauTroerkStii.eVCr; Imo five )/•ars. an tLe d Is bro. meg u ner/t/sury article in Um domestic e.:romy. Any p.r,. / ./ art, In • few minutes. re tthal.34l" rarre l l7, ' =Va t . 7 k2. l . I.lntlp t' e °fl an i 7l. 71.1".1 c 1"4"41: two. Al Hilary Er.lomettts, LO.. or ware with pun surer on Wan. Copt,r. or Ours/tun rther. Tbo warrant. is rut relent for Its iutmluebou In n. every family. I PriN :.!5 owts per I , ottle. A liberal disc..unt to Scwelom std Foney tomb clealers. Foe rale by JOHN ./. RHOWN. mrblidd.t/r2r4T 103 Fulton 01...4. New York. Shawl and Ifantilla Warehouse. it; s. MILLS, No. 6 CORTLANDT ST., I . ( up Nwr,lNEir 00100 / 1, now openln one . of ' S irl ATV SIVII4VV Er . T . T/./7 " ;z... * ;717 11 21 . 7w1 t_ .. . _I A .al! Mt.:, , LIN nod all UM, of 011,10 .lAzt ti t LoAS, munutornt rwd tron . tb. pool l'urir. GAMOW. rewired by the steamers nt'l l rat'''''''r ' PI 11 to the Cy-ti tTl ' t t ila ND L ' ItlikZet ' S.U. r iTs rs P tl ' oTr of frlofcd k' t o ll la t nV IO tr A ea °Ma r/VrtlPMC'treilnitaAll'lni? I ld%Ts . / . lrbe d oflL L /Z7t : 'd (11:1;: In.. prim, We er.pec.l•ll7 Invite one Webtern frlendsto ex.. I amino our Puck before punts/dug. . A1;0.101110 SHOW bTA 1 , . DS. for cab/Manz Shawls and Mantas, put up In cues for transportathm. feblEll SPRING IMPORTATIONS. C. B. HATCH & CO., so 57 wiLLISU STREET, SEW YORE,. tAVE now in store, and are constantly re ceiving by steamer*. Limon:lst extancireaaosartment of , ollielemen's FURNDMINO 000 1 / 8 over before offered, I embracing the laDst and richest styles of CraahcfShirt, Ohne, Hosiery. Stutcentlen. Ender Elartnents. lerodon T.les.-Stocks, Oiled Anzio, Omen; IlandkerctileD, Shoulder Drams, Linen Collar', with ur a variety of other sr tvirizmulgar.‘t.o.rtyhr=epoor cg,.. fr tictlwill sees Invited to examine our stock fehBdlm. Superior Black Writing and Copying Bilk : , TONE'S k. E3IPIRE INK, 85 Nassau street 0.11 New Yor PlacTS SOT. MILD, 60 Gos per doz... 00 dilinehi, fs,r*g‘allol"....-......-M;Cna— nig Is the Lest article manulartural. It flows freely is a coal COPYINiII INK—euld will not corrode, mould. precipitate or decay. and POW.. all the tituditica =oh , ed fora goal Writing Ink, suitable for the ( IMP, ad mirably adapted lbr the sine Pen. . ne underrt, , ned is prepared to runtish to the trade ei. thy. for Oriont or home eorumnpll th at the above very 0 1 71.P.7 1 ,74 It UN v•r. :43'; r", fix, 9=l or kegs ore charged tee at nett cost THEODE fehtly 65 Naimu st OR .. New Yor LENT. k. Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel opes. IVO. 283 3IADISON ST., NEW FORK _LI The subscrber. in soliciting the NEW neat oral, , sobs may see this ad v ert isement, feels oane L of that beeitafjpti with which a now article la brought heron" the public. Tye experience of ymrs has established their superiority is all question, and he confidently refers to the testima ri, of (Mew hittiness men who hav e turd those envelopes. mid to his rapidly insmasing ash. in, proof of their excel lence. ca T ile following area few of the reasons Ihr their pOpti t,: Ist On the place occupied lir the seal, a person may hate het name. Mainers, and whirr., eonsplettously mud beautifully ein &we& colored or plain. thus allonling I.'r feet smelt y against fraud. 2 . 1 . The Ehvc lo ool minnot be opened without bd. de stroyed. 31 Neither wax nor wafers on ...pined to seal them. 41. h. I , min the miseartiage of • letter. the seal Insures'. immediate return to'tbe strode., instead of bring burial mouths In the Dead letter 0111.,. 6th. The Eurelotws are furnish.] at am.. 6 . 0 .. e price as plain nu.... su ' re th Co n;Tra " r 1 ;1;: =I7V: Y.l7`,llll',l 2 l:Z=li 7 0Tfi o.i.i. I. a lid of pri for Da, engraved on hese. and w bleb will hut for Aft and of Esrmerm. of The , 111 a2ll site either whin e ft. of rood rauer • and made /I, ithove. with nano, whiner., as.: Pies. of Mlle./met made az 20 lettere,. 1.4., t 0..... . ...... 1000 00 3014.. Lai 40 Loco Nal 30141 rY !O .I.ouu . _ . woo Quart, par oz. au toI When II l• nrt t- n ot anaouut car onler rvr.-no, to a ,pertabla sear York art..nto qa Wm...111w patfidrat. All ord.,. willl 1 - 31. MURPHY, meet with iworopt Ilacliwon ptr. , la Sew Work. Irn w.II I. ett , •n0.a1t , r,41.111.1,1r, if left at the store, -,tall Wala oat, ta or of 31wrart. 11. ~Iltaan A 131 11 illiata a. -- Cank. .1331.a...A Ip rotor, fm mane M.., at frl,...ll:Sna Blank Book& HE largest Stock of Blank Books, of es __ atylat of binding, le eafee,,dp r . O. nAvivs Elaat Mot Ytore, COM.-1 . Mark.* and &mood r , i4 Merchant. are realtem.l to call and rialDiEleo9.l. Medi -12. and Demi Blank 'WIN*. smack an 0rkm,,i„,... mats thrum they hare ever bora arkld let this city. Most sad Amm . copy] soda! AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Lair and Comookotorwo . for Prozoi loon* AVID ocieations procapOlT orooored. EL L0010.x.. OrOIINII. RANKIN. Attorney and COOD folLor at La, I.Noot w4te e iwen—l7A Lo t.. ht .toe tbAr Stab o le.W.4 a ,o,j aa llECooklOoo McClure. John E. a t Cy &maim Semple. Melkod BOSTON. AMERICAS 110178.1 t - • HANOVER ;TREST, BOATON,, MIFF: undersigned baring entiValT Ise A bunt end enlarged de above ertetierie teriet. cootainiva man alotit dime hnedred and tillirall4 Y°. ,l "prom Mee hon. that It Is twee welt tor do. neertion accot or the Minding terinnmeity. Ao extended ootlreof the martirpaaml ammitiimmarada. Irmo is deemed sapertim o n. m the amorione hriptome nimbi OLkh have hero made taarnt be property erenltt m nirertierment. :Ohre it to my, no expellee hay bete roared to render any apartment p ea *, The furniture Ir. 11/11a...P. , 117 to order, mingthar a el gaa t. ag d rennin porthm or lt..- espeelelly rite Ormrhali roams, will he Meal to le or the mon besaUfal maatlf.e. tom. , Tbs Inning nx‘me ..r, Imperious, and the kw" Ite ganis will be PO arranged am to mitt the roarteMagg of de redly and lte- . Every department will be fteuesue Irs an anere.etk bit matiory. mad the _proprietor pledges himarly rigaies. m a dagediegg House delrbe:truly the Trarelnee Rome. nti.l7,landtatitoT LEWIS ItICL ' ' „ 14F - As ocr” nee grad reweenlyfor COortorption 41, the Lams. Agree*. the Yieen.,'Asikaws, lbutchftir. /trios or Weakeed of . Mr Dread or Lemmata other ejlotia. cif PM I Poisoortary 0a.,. WE do not wish to tri fl e with the lives aid . . health of the afftleted, but we sincerely pledge e a , - • SCPril to make no asvertlen as to the 'lrina of this tend, . due, and to hold no hope' to suffering humanity...hide fade will not warrant. The More of Iceland, and the Pita and Wild Cherry, as Wetly celebrated for the cure of all diem.* of the and Liver, which are no fearthily proralent In all /011.11ern 1 ... latitudes. From a combination of dim:deal extracts, pro- • cured ham this -Woes and those Term, DL Woeful; Ea. my or Wan Omar bechielly turned. 114 - Ifictar's Balsam of Wild Cherry to a fine =LlLL samost, competed entirely of WILL Cherry /Jerk and the -eosin, loland l'ilenet(the lager imported expreealy Ihr Ltdd purpoeed the rare medical virtues of which are step roam bleep by • new chemical prom, with the extract of Tar-. , thus rendering the whole compound the mat eertaln and ' eggrodous remedy ever discovered Au the I OUNSOMPTIOS OP TIINLUNGS. II EREDITART Catigt3l pnoN Cured by wow. Bit gam of Wild querry,—The Wowing am of.] thedet Is. I ming, of Consumption. (flee of bLe brothers and Astern lee wind died of Consumption,) Is truly ...deed: ..Planearr Ruem, llanalltun en, &Mr. %O. J. 0- Pox—Drs,. Sin I take the Eberly of advising I= ' of the benefit I have derived tram the ude of Dr. Wistar!. , Ream of Wild Cherry. I. wee Dradratal by that terrible' - amen,. Domeumptlon, In Marna- The attack yea Wetly horrifyin g to toe, for five of our Wally. (my tiral elders) had died of Consumed°. I was • with nearly all the want testnee alike disease, I had Calms log rough, net expectorated a groat deal at b beetle .1 .. fever, severe palms in the aide and chat. cal chills, alter patent with flushes of heat: I was under the care of a ADM phyaidan. trout UN • time IWM taken nick unt.ll shout ali weeks einem, twin. e than about hole:dem and my friends eensttered , nly mai toopelcro, or at lroct beyond our physidan'a skillialvismi • the use of Wistar•e Debate of Wild Cherry. Withinot my knowleelan my father procured It. end C0.1211%.11te1i 11 , 11111 C.. Eluting It to sue, and from the ern day: I coentinthemod We- leg It my hunt, improved, and in two Weeks fern - the time I commenced using it, I was able to be out and over eve my tont... and labor. which I still emotions to dn. • / . hare taken four bottled of the m0n..., flan now conakier • myself pencils - well. • JIDRE3hIgH ISOB.IOO, ; ; ; 4 ; ; ; ; 4 ; ; ;- ; Crows Poe, Late Co. la, June lb. '4O. Jon. D. Prat—Den Sim In July:l94o, I wee attacked with • rr•erat tnabeld eharretre a/deb left me•lo a very debilitated state, when, le the following winter, I was la. • Iron with a serer,. e4ll, which reduced.. me to gook an ex. tent t. to ere me the appearance of a continued corirotol, • . the. I labored under a woven. cotmlooexpoeterand event deal. and woe troubled with cold feet and alight 04,11.11. I also fnuneutly rated bloat from my lunge. I root:awed to this state, gradually nuking under the diaaaeorodll Janioary, 1,17, when 1 wgee male attacked with fever'. 3ly fricowle dropaind of my life. and My bhp:Wheat thought I _.• ' could oirolve but p dant time.. 3ly vattreenitics,ropecia, ly my feet. were ronstantly told, and Monet last their feel. , ins. Paler these circumstance. It may be truly raid I was a lir log skeleton. I tleutily determined talon tairog nos , ' oilduen preseribed by pho r.itanr, and try Dr. iVectalfsilalo ' ma, 01 Wild Cherry, and from the tint week that I WO, mewed 'doing it. Iran date a gradual recovery. I conth, : necl Its gar Oa months, at the rod of which time I was vox- • ed. and rr XI .. , I {..00k1 tunith ever wince. and cinerrolly re. eansweered the Deleon to all oho* afflicted with di,ell.ll. of . the tuna, and would my to those comet...lU lie tom, not to be dineouraged If two or three bmtle. do not effect a cum but persevere, ac 1 hare done, pad I have no doubt , ' but nine cones out of nu, will be Liewonl with nmewnl health as I have leen. neepeetfully youno, JOSEPH JACKSON. Ii1111=1111:=2!! . Froth Dr. Baker, SprlogneLl, Wunhingtma County, Ky. Sermon... Kr.,31. - 14, '4d. Mere, Monford a Par Le-1 tote this opportunity of in. Pardon you of a most remarkohle cure performed upon me by the 1:1/. of LT. Wintor'e Palma of Wild Cherry, lo the year Dinh 1 was Miami with an itinarinaton of the towels_ which I labored nudes to Om wee.. when I mwd. molly meet - end. lia the fall of 1441 I was attacked with a add, which rated Well mammy Immo mod for the Vera,. of three years I was confined to ray Ltd. I tiled all . tole of medicine, and er erg 1 ariety of Md. rerdre d . Mr, l fit. and thue I weorlid along until the rioter of 1441, when I licomi of Dr. Wistar'ellaltim of Wild Cherry.. My trim!, persuaded me to WV! it • Mist. though I had given up all bop. of remit ery, and had prepared myself for the change of another world. Through their solicit-Wow I ree indimed to .make um of de. genulue Wistaroe Baleen of Wild ChaTrY• The effect wes trnip ortardshipg. tilt three years of, al: talon and itificring. and ankr hoeing !Tent four or Oro hundred dollars to L. pompom, and the beet and 12104 na s Pritahla phynielan. mural unavail ing. I wan soon metered to entire health by the bleming of and and the, use of Dr. Wistor's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Play the blotting of ,Gal rent upon fate proprietor. of IRO valuable a medicine. Wictor's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Your. emPeetfully, . ID/. H. Bum Sold by. J. 11. P.a. (stiesetair to &xford t Park.)Fourth and Walnut streets. C1 1 .12 1 131t1,01.10,13eneral Acenttot tba Booth and West to shonrall orders moat to addressed. J. 81.1.1 A Co_ IL A. Pahnottook A• 00, J. A. Jones, L. jr., Pittsburgh; Lee A. Bockhorn, Allegheny. City; L. T. Rusvell, Wasblngtorg L. IL Boats, Unioothois H. Welty. tireensburg; S. Koontz, thisarrret; Scott t Olintors. Bedford; Bard A &m. Huntingdon; hiraOrr,llollidayabarig 1111debrand t Co- Indiana; J. EL 'Wright, Itithunditk; Evans t Co, Ilrookrilla A. tViligui Is Pon, Waynesburg; kleraralnd A Co, N. Callender. klactrllle, Barton A Co. F.rild Crabamt Porker, Metres; James Kelly co, But ler: B. Elnith, Bearer; J. o.Bununerton, Warm= Lk.. t 0. S. Jot., Cooderstiort P. Crookor, Jr.. Brognarilla tridSollar(in)T Le Human Body Hest Perspire, Q 0 SAYS NATURE, to have a healthy ze ta-team:me 004 mesons who do mtporrolio, Ha to the nowt diewnallos Skin DI ~e• .. s. . gory, Joann' /11llan Chemical Soap and a free yorrantration, and at the tarm thno mollllleo and softens the 1114 n. kiting /f e of m t,,. Emory, halt Rheum, and Poe.., are not only healed. Ind mad by rue It. we. as at. heel Rtaste.. In h. York know, rend It In Freckles, many Ittre=lnino. th* it reader Is assured that thls le no useless, Dolled nostrnm, ar on.tklal will from. I could enumerate at b ast eighty persons mired of true best pare lem, stel me beard. Buy It the reader is agLIA mused I mold voter. sell It for the Move. u alma I knew It to bo all I Mate. -- floonwho HALM to . chated. maeted.or ehapted heath will Etnl this not only a dire. but promotive; am tan now only odd, that any Oak Melded with my of the alms, orsisslter dloesmeo, will Bee this a/ and cans more Wade • rabbi In Its properties) than 1041 C. /kii-lhat. reader, the stores are Ocoded with imitations, sn he lure you ask for Joste ltallanChemkal Foak—and boy It only of WM. JACRAtiN. only Agent La Plumnrktu . hoed of IA ce nt Pearly White Teeth, and Pura Breath, to h had for 2.5 eiont,—Peredo who hare either, are honors. Lir soured Lt. if their hnesill is roar so Pont, or their' teeth decayed. dark or yellow. andested with tart., Out a'23to oddox of Jos.,' .t of Tooth PUSS will roakw the teeth an white as enov, and the breath odorircromly mon. Wool. eold only at JACKSON'S Store. :14,) R, head of A Scientific Ifair Tonic, Restorei and Beau- Ikgtlre, tT cent& 'rho. 4o hare mil /or.' Coral Moir "Ceylon., know ita eroollent throe who Lore not, we wrote it to poeriem the telgraing .nualltlea—lt will Eden the hair to grow en an pert when nature Intended halt to grow, nap it falling OM entneeart er , laridrartt and make light. nal. or gray hair grow dark. 'or readers the hair soft and ailky, nothing ego unwed makes It twantital, mot keno It n. It la, far deed, the most roontimical—yet superion—arklele for the hair. So only at Ru. JACKSOrE Eton, 27p Liberty street, bead of trod, Plttaburgh. canto, 50 mod. and CI. JONES' Solution of Jet, a Liquid Human Ilan. Dye. for the chancing of white, rerL or grey hate, tO benwtifol brown, or Meek let color, in minute. • Prs....—PU cents. eel el. Pula by WIL JACKSCeN,Ut. Liberty erne, header trend. Pipet nub- JONES' LILLY lYillTE.—Ladies are eau tiotwd strainet union th e costonon Chalk. 21.7.• are not awn. how Rightfully Int orine• it in le the tirinl how t , ,,..rce, bow beer enllow. and unhealltly hVthe wel.enra. after who: mowed Chalk. DesLles, it 1, f=e' p nreW p&s=niitlt t gla . ;. l le fr et ' cle.witichwe mil Jones' Ppauleit Lilly IChlte. It Is perfectly innocent being purified of oil deleteriewe epttalltieet anti it Depart.. tr. the• kin a ..uharnL al. nbnCter. elenr,iivine whin: nt the ranee Untnactinst — got , l,t b tle . mAn,:nruz -1 / 4 1; - ;II.I:AzZkm,ViJberI T . re•t . head I' Wood. Pstsehurch. cent, • rier_tadavlyll Needles' Celebrated 1 1 031 POUND 11E31LOCK PLASTER.— Three highly medlcate.l plagere hare been made La more than teens raven. lthr111), ariileh time they .Iyre Z . tterld! of the highest eminence, to whoa their rump... doh ha aubmitte,l, hare Oren the Moat flatteritut teetitoonials as to their tate . tior nttue r err all other sitar ten aold. The ingrwlienta of their composition. Ivry ea...fully and rm•ttJroitil..o.A. render them applhatdo to innate suffering with pulmonary disease. Kir pain. 10 the regaltiag from•ahvi wh00p...v.00. and hemil polar realer itrundale discs , . It, the ta , ly, their beneficial eharar l beyond question or divot, A. a truirily In Lumbago, theta au. pericritr over all ou t w .daPPhraita , us. oath as Rultoe•t , ite • h. lawn foil; iair.ibi.rah‘l by titan cumeelTectad. Cur irritant. arid pain, In the nd aide,Preultinat 'wren, strain, illaemes of the kidneys. Le., their so t'airttottrilao:lfooil„,' ether•ry tun appikation. To 111,en oil surfer vino rharniatic pal.. teat. he d run and nlld Rem se iilasta. are mionimended. with the cotter.t that their betu.licial B and w 4! 4found et, ditid,..). tor sale, wholmide and retail, y oirhd R. E. St b :LEERS. 07 ;Coat.. Closing out the Entire Stock. tZIIEAT BARGAINS.—A further reduc- La tine is Prime. The outerriber wiatiloi to deur out the balance °t his nark of her.and Staple Dry 00011 by • the lg. of April nest. would I...artfully rail the artehtton of haold cognate., and the public, Ott are In want Of CoOdiacesla at My per cent. below former ark.. To any , P.m whiting to commence b.hargion Masketetreet. Una wamht he • good opportunity, a be will dispose of the last tame of the/tuck on liberal term., with la /cue at Oft nom which he h. occupied for over 11 y...ittatl !IDA On 11301 k apt family trade. Toth Slam rfer M iet al l"11 ‘ Jaz= cloppEßAs—zo bbls Ibr sale by 1010 a. E., num-