The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 29, 1851, Image 2

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We learn from the Philadelphia American,
that the-Board. of Commissioners of the incorpo
rated District of the Northern Liberties, after
various meetings and discussions on the 'subject,
haveat length , finally resolved upon making a
subscription of five hundred thousand dollars to
the capital stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company--a wise and mtufificent•setrwhich will
prose of great benefit to the District, while it
will be hailed with universal pleasure by the
community. We Lelia this cotta example will
Le followed by the remaining -Districts.
We think there, can be no doubt that the
mountain section *ill ,e put under contract this
oPring• •
The Whig State Convention of TennesSee have
nominated Gen. Camp4ll for Gov
ernor lßs Dernociatic opponent to the pre s ent
./ •
incumbent of the office, Gov. Trousdale. Both
gentlemen served with distinction in the .Alexi
can war: Both reside in the middle division of
'the State. Both are personally • unexceptiona
ble anti men of Private worth. Gen. Campbell
is the; yo. unger, Men, and more popular with the
masses. Gov. Trousdale has the advantage of
the incumbency of-tlre office. Its patronage is
The August election possesses great interest
from the fact thatthe Legislature will bare a Sen
ator to elect in placc.of IL L. Tummy, who gim.
out with the regrets of no party. ❑ - e hope to
nee a good Whig in his place. •
STEAitI:O FRIUT aw FLORTE.S.--111 former
ages,-when fruits and flowers were but little era
dicated in England, an idea somehow took root
in the minds of the pepple, that all such gifts of
Nature, belong to wbciever chooses to pot forth
his hand and take them, no matter who may
claim he soil open which they grow.. This def
inition of right, is part of our inheritance from
the mother country, and had , not yet been entire-
ly thrown aside. It is not hard to understate
this feeling, when the product has cost the land
holder neither Isbor nor attention, when the es
tate is.rry large, and when the children of ten
ants hare been accustomed to rove over the
'grounds, and from habit learn to think they have
Bowie right to them. We will not r - ,tin afoul of
the dOctrioes of those who are keenly olive to
the evils caused by large estate,, but co inc our
selves too point toulich aot even a Communist
or National Reformer could object.
According to the laws of Pennsylvania, tae
stealing of fruit can he punished a 5 n trespass
only, and prosecutions under the law, generally
result in it heavy expense to the prosecutor, and
the escape of the offender. In rural districts.
but little inconvenience is felt from the leniency
of thalaw, but in the neighborhood of cities, it
is an evil of no common magnitude. It is, no
doubt, very refreshing for school boys and ap
prenticss td make excursions beyond the city
limits on holidays, and it seems hard to deny
them such a privilege, when we have no public,
grounds; but the price of this indulgence is a
gross irdustice,to a particular class. The lands
around our citieS, are cut up into lots varying
in size from one to 'ten acres, and are cultivated
as flower, fruit, and vegetable gardens. Ent in
steadof the gardeue'r or hurtieulturst pursuing his
oemplon in peace, like other producers, he is ns
ore who hno made hiwhome in a desert infested by
wild beasts. His life lis not that continual round
of peace and tranquility, which poets delight to
describe, but one of eternal watchfulness and
warfare. He is half Ibusbandavin and half war
rior. He is forced to reverse the law of progress,
and convert his pruning hook into a spoor. The
common law is not his friend, in the way of pre.
max, him from being robbed, nithough it coo
not refuse to justify him, in defending himself
thus he learns to fall back to the primitive law,
and to take care of his own rights. lie studies the
mysteries of man traps and spring guns, becomes
• a breeder of blood thirsty dop, arms himself
with revolving 'pistols, and must' , acquire the
nervenot merely to threaten. but, in extreme
cases, to carry his threats into execution, though
at the risk of taidng life. This is no fancy pic
ture, ns the recollections of our readers in the
two cities can testify.
It is common in cities to regard the stealing
truitas a light offence, because the loser is ger ,
orally pictured id the; imagination as come weal
thy merchant, who has nested himself , for
old ago in a splendid country scat, and the thief
as some half starved wretch, who in tempted to
put forth hie hand andpartake of themillionnire's
superabundance; but the truth almost reverses
he r picture. The most tempting of them trim
' es generally belong -to poor, hard working
gardeners, who pay high rents, and with all
economy, and a thorough gleaning of their gar
dens, only earn a respectable living; while the
reseals who constantly annoy them by trespass
ing and stealing their fruit add flowers, are
schoolboys, belonging alike to rich and poor fami
.A viwan, who are a burden to society
wherever they go.
Whether there should be any distinction drawn I
which will make stealing from a man who is
able to bearthe loss a pardonable error is a ques- I
tion which common not stop to de
bate, but, nalong as many people acknowledge
ouch a distinction, it becomes necessary to show
that it-can have no weight in this esse. % Very
few wealthy people thoroughly cultivate their
country seats, unless they are far from the city.
7 -Many of them would take a • pride, in becoming.
horticulturists, but as they arc unwilling to
witch • their grounds with the same vexatious
care as that which the poor gardener is forced to
give, the little spot which is his only hope of a,
living, they generally confine their operations to
the planting of shade trees, and the building 4.
g reen houses near their dwellings.
The only remedy for,all this is to place a bunch
, of grapes or a rare flower upon an equal footing
with a yard of cloth or, a pair of boots, and let
the lair Fultz the stea l ing of one larceny, the
same as - the stealing of the other. The law
- - .
punishes theft not merely to protect the robbed
• butio reforin the thief; and this leniency . not
' - only wrongs the owner but trains and eneonr-
ages thieves. This 'conclusion is not alone.'
'reached by the coarse of argunent, but is only
too 'well-sustained by facts. A great many of
our worst thieies received their first lessons by
being led, when boys, to rob orchards and gard
ens, .merely for fun, or the love of adventure,
with the fall knowledge that bath the law owl
vulgar opinion would not regard•them :LS crimi
nals. Let the law be changed so as to tally bet
ter with common justice and a more healthy
opinion wiil soon prevail.
As hinted above, the change we advocate is
only needed .in district% around large
The farmers, who are seldom troubled by wan
gers,and who lore the friendly privilege of picking
up an apple or plucking a Bower whenever they
" • wish it; can afford to be indifferent but In this
neighborhood the protection of the law Cis al,.
ethtely needed. and czertions should be made
to procure the pa-muse of au etfettiTe enact.-
' meat.
THE MANITTACitIit or FLAX.—The lute die
coveries i n n Europe in regard to the manufacture
I of Flint„ have excited intense interest in the
WeetermStates, and Flax Factories are talked of
In various directions. As a sample, we give the
• following from the Cleveland Herald. Mr.
nen, the gentlemen spoken
. of as intending to
erect a Illatlnfactory for the preparation of -Flax
Cotton," is well knoim in this community as an
intelligent and enterprising man. We have no
"doubt that he will find our cotton factories hero
ready to Om-hue his prepared Flax, fur the
purpose of irsicingit up on their cotton
1 . Flax Cotton ilia —We are informed that lion.
JohrO.F. Beaver has sold his farm and -intends
• using the proceeds --tri the erection at Newton
Falls. of a mill for breaking thin and manufactu
ring what is known ns "dal cotton." Success
to the enterprise of the law-makin . g farm
ing manufacturer. We soppoee that his mill
Rill run by water, and that like other Bearers,
( be Rill do his own log-rolling and build his own
dem. _
AVneeting is to be held at the Empirell, all on
Wednesday eTening„! to take. into consideration
theestablislunent of a Flax Cotton Cleve
land. Mr. S. W. Cady of Cincinnati, and other
gentlemen from abroad who are posted in the
matter, will Wrens the meeting.
._— •
llottAi;ar's Gov Minimum., &o.—th (he Vir- 1 BY TELEGRAPH.
giniff Home
of Del tea, on Wednesday', m ere t, i _
_ L._ :. -
19th,, a Motion was Made by Mr. Wells !to take ' Fee...
up a bill of the abo title, which had been pre- •THER PRE STRAYEER CASADA.
t T
riously laid upon e table. , POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE.
.A Mr. Russell, w o opposed the motion, said ; Saw Tuna, March 25.
among other things, "a company has been irk- !
corporated in Pennikylvenis to construct; a rail
rand from Pittsburgh to the Virginia line in the • Lord John Russell's Government is very weak
direction of Steubeiville—a town on the North 1 —he cannot get his friends to rally around him.
eeented in I, A . dia . solutiori of Parliament, and a general elec
. bank of the Ohio. nearly opposite to HORiday • tt
A te . 11 , non is expected soon to occur.
Anco.otlitrueretczrrangaa b a nn fro ben m P Steu nvi e 1
IC4 Oh v ici e. to
through central Ohio to the State of Indiana i
The agitation of the Catholics both of Englankl
A complete line lof railroad from the city of , and Ireland, against the proposed, final measures
Pittsburgh, by the most direct possible ante '
• of Lord John Russell continue. unabated.
The Protectionist•
through Virginia e nd Ohio to Inthana,, pag lenders are making vigorous
; ert t rearatio. fora eneral electi n ks'
twenty three mil. north of Wheehng and rev s° , secure . . o, in order to
miles north of Wel shurgh, has thus been prey, , 1 m the - Hausaof (Ammons, a majority that
tied for, except a gap of about six miles be- ; wil t four shillings duty on Corn and
tureen the Obio rivir and the l'ennsylvania line. ; bre_ . n
I The present bill w uld enable that gap thbe eitip- k OI the . and Polish refugees who or
plied, and would us confer a great advantage ; rived b. Liverpool lost week, few of the Hunger
upon Pittsburgh nal Steubenville, of the ex- ! re accepted the eight pounds sterling op
pense of a portion of the constituents of the gen- " propriated by the British Government, to defray
demon from Broolr and other citizenq of I
Vie- , their expenses to America. The Pol. have all
refused the advice of the LOll4Oll Denis
The ayes and noes being on by Mr. Wells erotic Committee to induce them to remain in
it wps d„id e d i n l England, in case their aid should be required to
on the motion to Silo it up,
the negative b . j , the following votex—.ayes .14, k, assist the Democratic cause in France and Hun
noes 51. , SnrT•
The people of Steubenville being thus denied j PRANCE.
There is no news of importance from
the right of way throngh Virginia for to reilrood .
The weekly accounts of the hook present
,running, direct froth this city to that,'. will, we merce in an unfavorable point of view. he
feel assured, turn) their attention to -1114 river accounts from the agricultural districts ere its.
route, which is the best and cheapest route : for vorable.
them, and one tool haying no rivers to cross, no Lisle.
' doubtful points tol settle, and nu dispithed right
There was no hope a(¢ fusion betisten the two
of way.. It will ctist
less to build I branches of the Bourbon fancily.
their road from that place to Wellsville, than to , ITALY.
build a bridge across the Ohio. Wh r ur — fftis is,J, No positive news has been received from this
done, and the g 4 between Wellsville and Bear- I quarter. It was rumored that various conspire
er is filled up, Steubenville will have railroad in-1 ties had been proposed or threatened.
tercourse with th; Lakes, and with th e far West " PRUSSIA.
by the Ohio and ennsylvania Road, and with 1 The Cabinet Coun'cil has resolved to issue
all the eastern duties. The advantages are so ! compreheusive memorandumof the German ques
•"ity, the
rent,. in
no peefeeti _ ' , tion, containing Prussia's view of the whole
decided for that
, question involved in the revival of the old Ger
feasible, and its, accomplishment is so clearly 1 , man Confederation.
within the power ) of that place, that we cannot , Daring the past year, the Commerce of the
understand why there should 'be any hesitancy ' Zoll Verien had increased considerably.
an the part of th+ Directors of the Steubenville t The Hesse Cassel political conflict has degen- _+—
= rated info vulgar quarrels between the Prince DISTRICT COURT.
id Indiana Company to adopt that route, We , Lei subordinates . . ,
es, . i Before the. Honorable Walter It. Lowrie.
auld like to heiir their views on the subject. ' The
,following is the latest proclamation from I In the case of Wm. Brown. vs Charles, 1) 'el
' Baron Hayman to theofh •
—te. of the Hessian at - and Stephen Stout', owners of the steamboat
the Virginia House ,of Repre- my of Cassel: I Monoopikebk. the jury returned with a verdict
- a seriesresoluti
teeb, of atit• was , .•Gendemen-1 bare summoned you here. it, !of two hundred and eight dollars for the •
thott, ofiFeriquler, and referred ; tell you that I have been commissioned by his I till.
tnittee of thirteen,which declare ' Royal Highness to crush under foot that perul. B. Schnook vs Mrs. Chorlotte Illume,Adminis
a favor of the compromise as a i
of difficulties—that she sympa- I doss gang that threatens the welfare of the State. ' teat, it of Frederick Blume, deceased, No. 155,
Sirs, the question is, who is to rule.—This God- lApril •to list N0200.N1
, abandoned, galless;pernichius ban! We shall I Bock° cur defouke A 'o . n ngrnw for
a ldninnit'
h Carolina in her ercited feel- 1 , noon decide this - question in Crossel. Sirs, in lace
t she cannot approve of all the I. this little State the Throng is in danger, ooa all I diet.
account for the knffils of ni :9 ' T9 n a n tid a S7I.Z. nhd'obnve'rk
ngress touching the SUMO, yet .
j the Thrones in Europe look here, upon this little ! Win. Eichbaum, Committee of Matilda Elliot,
X the present condition of the I State nod Army. I ask not if you will obey— Ivs Daniel Robinson and Marcus Bell. No. 851,
to justify it isnot for that I have called von together. You , April 'ilk List. N::.
'I ,
' taus/ us/ obey ; for be who obeys not shall have his , I'l'st:it:nod Dunlo-p—
-any action nainula-for • .'
the integrity of the Federal' soldier cootpulled off his back, and a blouse put j fkni:linis plaintiff, Wills for de
'l. on in its stead. It is nothing to you whether , Action of rejecuncrit to recover two lots of
„,t ek s o „, are worthy of oof, 1 the orders given You. Sirs. are constitutional or ground iu Teperaneeville, purchased by klefen
language of the forewell ad-1
er of our country, she regards
overnment which constitutes us i
n pillar of surreal independence;
ur tranquilityat home, our: peace ' not. Ills Royal Highness has morn to the Con- ' dam at Sheriff's sale. Verdict for plaintiff—six
I stitution, and I have full power from him —I am ' trot. damages and air rents costa.
the Constitution for you. Sirs, if any of you Jacob Lashed, Andretv McKinley, James W.
iprefer the smiles of that gang of traitors to the , Taylor, and Henry Johnson, owners of the steam
favor of your Prince, whom Go,l has set up, 1 j boat Carolina vs. J. 11. Lockwood,
i will null the coat from his hack, and put on a I and Thos . S.' , l. •
afety, of our prosperity , of that 1 • , ' • T. M. Taylor.
I , k, .ark., °a lien. of the steamerCon
ich we w. Ii oiitetkk and blo r u b s:. sm b . ennemen, your servant,--. ”1 smnee. No ffit . S. April '49, List No 16.
s safety with ' J acts anxiety," , .
of Bodon has passed a law, for the ' :stiller X. sumtkm tine pi/dila/Is, Loothiri &
it a duty to
ti tn i e that . she regulation of the press, abolishing the censor- j Gillmore for defendonts. Action to recover dam
' ship,and re melee all articles to be . 4 -awl by i mg. for Itt.t of the Caroline .unit near Stubeu
the Southern ongress, nor in , q - . —"
g ity
t herself to th 'evident come- '
a measure; and she p constrain- k burnt '
ut earnestly to iemciastmte with '
against any meditated secession the authors. The Chamber of Deputies had been ' villa he coming in contact with the Consignee.—
I Case not condoled_
itch cannot but tee d to the destruc-
Sen and loss of 11 the countless
pring from it.
'egislation of Ye
g States, design
only measure
ed for its protecj
anon, as peculi
States, as de
fraught with ii
sentatives last
offered by nr.
to special a co..
that Virginia is
final adjusttnent
thises with Sou.
ings. but '•whit
elation of
she perceives i
country nothin;
ted to entlan
The followin:1
S. That in th
dress of the fat:
the "unity of r
one people a ma
the support of
,abroad, of our .
very liberty w ;
“watching for i ;
this State dee::
cannot unite id
any way corn:
quences of sue ::
el respectfully
her sister Stat •
on her part, w
tion of the UM:
blessings that 1
4. That the
non-slaveholdi: l
South of the
promise cone .
severest repro
the Southern
rights, and
to the Union.
of business do
any during its
its friends
e number of
nad daily at ,
veltmd is very c
one hitherto wa
li, are now van,
t its stock m
The noun
Railroad Com
al:expected b,
pass over the
to and from CI!
Those who
with feeble !hi
and enlisted
mina irhisq.
Ton Ptotor visas or Gem, IN 111 - ssta.—The
production of !old in Russia . it 1847, about] .
X 4,000,000; I 1848. it was re her more and in
1849, it woe out £7,480, I . The return for I
1870 has not set been publish t bet in 1848 and
1819 the expo
tion of gold_ s prohibited, and I
iu 18.50 the s tc of the exc. .ge was entirely
ntifavorable t gold being ecn out! of the come- I
try; on the co trary, a large .rtihn of the 44 1
per cent. tort , contracted at ,noon, was paid
in gold or ail r. Still, the t;rculLationot gold
coin does not eem to have an , ented, and, in
deed, gold a pears but very rely in the ordi
nary transac of business tSt Petersburg
or Moscow. We can 'only ex lain the state of
things by th accumulation 4 bullion in the I
' Government ffers, end by'th diffusion of gold I
coin through the provinces, nd in ell parts of I
this vast em re. The purr use made by the
Government I r the army, e .., being generally ,
liquidated in gold, the Russ on half-imperials ,
have lately n tired a large c trrency in Germa- i
ty, and it me thus be suppo ed that a rather I
important am unt of our gold ein!lias gradually !
passed into ci ulation in this t mjer. The ring- !
mentation of be population, t=d the increase of
comfort and cos luxury, amwig al large class of
1 1 ,
the communi y, will also accent!. for a more I
considerable bsorption of gold; but even . all l
these dream t ances taken together, do not s it- 1
ficiently 'cap sin the 'state of our circulation,
when cempar d with the production at Russia,
which fords es so large a portionlof the general
production o the globe, excludinjf California.—
The producln of gold by Russia has, contrary
to the asserti as made by some newspaper
respondents, been decreasing linen 18,47, which
may in part he attributed to a Progressive tax
on the produ e of the mines and washings, in
proportion the quantity produced, established
since that pe "ed. The Government possessing
the monopol of the melting of the precious me
tal, the prod ce of private mines, yielding more
than three ourths of the total production is
I handed over tot Government, whitth coins lt, or
disposes of i otherwise. The INSIIIIN Govern
ment b. n ttnrelly followed wit attention the
the fluctuati n of gold in other parts of Europe;
but the react t prohibition of the l!tx - portation of
geld seems to indicate thnt it 1711 not meddle
with the pos Lion of its gold coinage. .
1 1 7ARTEITES. '
The jail et Randolph, - N. C., was hurnt,, on
Saturday the 17th instant, and a runaway slave,
named James, perished in the flames. Thejail
or, witha lac der, attempted to break the bars
on the outait eof the prison but tailed. James
acknowledgeH himself the incendiary. He then
most fent tly implored mercy, wrapped. his
blanket cio ly around his body, land laid him
self down, a er which no more was heard, save
some pierci
. g shrieks at the falling of the roof.
Horrible . order in Greeee...-111 horrible mur
der, render more odious by the circumstances
which assn partied it, has just i terrifial one of
the villages eu Parnassus. Thirty armed men
introduced themsehreer,during the night into the
house of and of the primates of the -village, and
drugging WM outivinto the sleet, massacred'
him, withodt touching any of hi property.
Napoleon Janet, Duke. of Abrantes, the elder
of the two sons who survived Marshal Junot,
has just died iu the 44th year of I his age; in a ,
lunatic asylum near Paris. He had devoted
considerable time to literature, and Was enga.
'd on a translation of Lear, when he became
Rearm. Re[ was an excellent musician and an
accomplished linguist.
Philadelp 'a educates in her public schools
4,700 child l
n, al, $6 42c each yearly. The
cost in New Orleans is about $l2 each yearly:
in Massach setts seven to nine; in Notches nine
to ten; in ugusta, Ga, right pet- head per year.
These have reference to the free school system.
of edncatio ,
A eettect ion has been signed between France
and Spain, Jr the mutual delivering up of crimi
nalsiaccute of crimes against person or proper
ty embracing all serious offences' but exempting
political cr i mes and offences. ,
Attention !
far Nutt Artuttos to moat re,uvifullY bound to the
uur statement John Wet, r."
oldenof an uhy the nm of the
errtlfy that 1 have 114 n 1,1/1 , 1 of an old
Chroale Guth, by the use afFunr Diddle. of Petlulleum-
Tbe rough ted m.. ~'.r auo laetDnemh.r,aallLW
loot all holm of getting well. as I had taken the Italie.. of
auroral Om clam; without any tuned*. I erns tem...tiled
almustin,nn of by We Petroleum. /laughed up, durieg
the matt Mt Petroleum. a haul ruhtfamx ',wedding
Wmritta without am . haitation from our
and eolrly for the purtutte that otb•rg who
.a may b. be...n.1 You tar
ttlikale. lam maid cilileu of rittaburuh.
hrra ihirtrAttrwe yeari.. My resident:,
4.eeorixt exert. I JOHN WATT.
February .13,
1 make
e• 1
mai Lob
tbL "
yrert tr. MeDosrell. 141 Wax( strvrt: R.
• etrer.r; D. A. Ildoworock. A C., omn
Art ; D. H. Curry, ID. A Elliott. JowPb
I. P. wart; dlleglirioy. bled by the pro.
S. 31. KIER,
ibb R. Pitpibunel.
Wool uw
MC -Saari! Canal
Maiket Street Store
FOR RtT. 2 .-The Store,
Man, . end door from tbe
and Liberty , Pumer.don gi,el2
mat . jar, of
sls Loris. March 2S.
The Missouri river has fallen 3/ feet. The Up
per N.ll6siSSippi is rising slowly. The Illinois is
high. The river et this point to at a stand.
Femurs ro New Oar.s.Ass:—Flour, 40 cents:
Pork 1;0e - E) bbl: Corn, I*;° Wheat:, 12e 1. 4 100
lis: Hemp, st; 14 ton.
Friday, March 28
Pre.ent, Honorable William B. :McClure, and
Boggs, Asisteinte Judge.
Commonwealth on. John litany. Indictment
Assault and Battery with intent to kill. This
appeared to he rather an aggravated case. It
appeared in evidence that two Itnßani., the pros
ecutor and a man named Rocco were to conver
sation, on the evening of the 14th of January
Inn, when the defendant approachfal emu seizing
Rocco, asked him to treat. They did not un
derstand theyjdo hot speak Ithglish, and
Rea v, after repeating hi, request several times,
drew a pistol and presented it at Rocco, declar
ing that lie would:thoot Lim if he dill not. Foa
-1 tams interfered, not catching hold of Realty,
rested his weapon from him. They then went
into their
NCIL evening some one went into fontruia's
house. wall a message from a young gentleman,
who, be, said, was waiting for him at the door.
; Ile at once went out, and es soon as he had done
Nal attacked by young Rcany wit)} a club.
and received n severe blow upon his which
felled him to the earth. Ilia head was very
badly cot, and lie was confined t o the wive for '
nearly a month "afterwards. The bills,of the
. physician who attended him amounted to t trwenty
j dollars, and he was unable for a long time to
pursue hie ordilmry business.
The jury vths ably addressed by John D. Ma
boo Esq., on the part of the commonwealth, and
R. S. Maeraw fur theidefence.
The assault and battery was admitted and the
only question was as to whether it amounted to
an assault and battery with intent to kill.
After receiving a charge from his honor Judge
CATTLE MARKET. McClure, the jury retired, and brought in a re,
Philadelphia, March 28. diet guilty of an aggravated assatc and bat-
Beeves are steady and in fair request, with I tort'.
sal. at 4445068 "pl cwt. for ordinary and prime 1 i'onimouwealth an. Andrea Fontana. Indict
quotations. nicnt Assault and Battery. The prosecutor in
flogs hre in steady demand at
the former case, was defendant in this. T6e case
ti:.i1,50tiz,, , 87
cwt. rested :unduly on the evidence of young Kenny,
••• who swore that un the evening of the 14th, Fon-
NEW V .) " , 31.-rCh 28 . Cana attached and beat him.
,ont and other
to derpicethe
.r that Compro
/.rly'offennive to
igatory to their
e minent danger
The river has fallen 3 inches in the last 2f
hours, and there.are now 9 feet water in the
The steamers Memphis and 15 infield .icott pa,s
ed up this afternoon.
le by the C. & P.
ret - week., is as
ii it is napre
aesengern who
! antl its freight
March 2: 4 .
Cotton—The Canada's news has Ind no per-
cePtible effect upon the market, as the decline
was anticipated.
Flour—The market continues .dull and Ma,
tire, with a further decline of Colo 7e , bbl. Sales
of 1,000 bbls ettnndarii brands at $1 :17 1 , bid:
wane holders will not,accept this price. Sales
for city consumption arc light at former quota. '
Rye Flour—Small sales at , h 3 ii - "r , bid.
I Corn Meal—ls dull, with sales' 100 1,1,1 h ,
something under V 2 0$ bbl.
Grain—The demand for wheat is limited, but
prices have undergone no change. Corn contiu
nes' in good Zemand, and prices are steadily
I maintained. Sales 4000 bushels Penna. and
Southern yellow at 600601 admit Oats arc
without change.
Whiskey--Is dull at 2flc in bbls.
I Led its progress
ins of its success.
Ft .
Wei!. —Ra-
Cotton—Prices are declining. with sales 1,000 I,
Flour—The market closed firm, with sales of
4,000 bbls at yesterday's prices.
Grain—Wheat is heavy, and not much doing:
millers only buying sparingly Sales 7,000 '
bash, Ohio, at 1000. Corn is held one cent
higher than yesterday, without sales.
'Provisions—Pork is steady, with sales 900 ;
bbls at $l2 I'2 for old mess, and $lll 62 for j
new; and $lO 121 for old prime, and $ll a/ for I
new. Pickled meats are heavy, with sales of i
500 tierces at Sct for hams, and tie for shoul-
Coffee—Prices have declined iql since I
report. Stocks in first and second hands are ,
I large, and prices still tend downward.
Wool—ls attracting some inquiry, hat meets
with little sale.
Whiskey—ls easy at 211 c 1, 1 gall.
Iwow= i
Flour—The market closed inactive, with light
sales at $3,50 'e bbl.
Provisions—The market is firm. with an ac
tive demand for mess pork at $l2, with but
few seller., at that figure.
Bulk Rent Sales 40,000 pounds sides at,
and 3,000 pcs shoulders at 4 l -2e V lb.
Whiskey—The market is steady at 17/c i
gal. Receipts have hare fallen Mr. .
Groteries--Are steady with a good demand.
Clover Seed--Continues to command $ , 1,60
to bu, on ar;iral, and in small lots at $6,746,7
V bu. Stocks are greatly reduced.
The river has fallen 1U inches in the last 9.1
hours, and still receding. The weather is clear
and pleasant.
A fair business has been doing in the market
•within the past few days, and prices generally
are well maintained.
Flour—The market is dull, with moderate-sales
of superfine country brands at $3,00@,53,ti2
Grain—Wheat is in good demand at 550452
bu. Corn is active. with males in the last three
alays.of 25,000 bu, atl:Sc for mixed and yellow,
and 40c for white. tWs have improved, with
sales at 44e bu.
Provisiore.—Are in good demand. Sales 22,-
500 bbls Pork at $11,750012 7t bbl, for prime
mom, (the greater portion at the latter ligurem,)
$10,7 5 for ordinary mesa, and $0,75 for prime.
Salem No. 1 Lard, in bills and tierces at 7111;74
it,. Ilulk Pork is selling at *4,00 for shoal-
den, $5,50 for sides, and $0,50 for hams, 11
ewt. Bacon is in fair demand at 50,C4 fur
,boulders; for ribbed. and 7i(s. - Sc clear
sides; llama, city cured, 7,)68e, 7 0 lb.
Whlskey--Sales at Ike to gal.
Ape-Tait IfFIIANT TIF,TI MON Vto till' %Mil.
.f Dr. McLane's Vernylfuke. Rotel. all that dmilt.
`. ferret, when Via the entranre of rat hole. en.
t e n the aperture, travel , along the tweaue,elsee upon the
rat. r &terminates hie evince,. and drag+ the animal'. de.
ftinet mama.. to Welly:lit And in like manner I have hound
Itr. MeLarte's American t ennifuge to operate uteni ieenny.
those dreadful and diuta-erunq I.Yrinentors .4 _This remedy, like the ferret. enter.. We thr
mouth, travel. down the gullet. bun. niund the,
lays hold of the a.m... shake , the fife out of the 101 ,1ii e .,.
oweeps clean their deo. anal Larrira their tansasee virtu out
of the system This. at 110,0, Lae been the 011.0 oho
Vernilfuge upon nay children. NV 4 /tit': lATT
Nartao, January. I n.l7:'
- nay N t,„ eertifj. that I hove awl Dr. McLane . * Yernih
fur. and have !uncut it to operate In like manner upon
toy children. JUIEN
N 411.2, Juue. 104,
Pores. by J KIDD& CO.,
inekt2T-dtwlve:et 200,00 Wood et.
gar 3IR. BRISTOW respectfully 111V122P
the eid7.1 . 41. of Pittsburgh and the West, to r a
.olne e e ls A
AliCierit and /Palma (11111LOWLS-
Puy , .1 At, Amdetuy In PowsPrOsta, 1 00Thestnutstroet;
and Academy In BALTIMORE, 211 or 217 Baltimore atiet.-
ILIs mane are
outy a few dollars faros course of class tot
A ,A, A did emmlng handiumsed. PLeseemill with
out Mar or IntroSkrut one and all. buteuetinn given In the
:ICBM itATIlE111.11:1C61. BABB. 14 latest If post paid,
for only sl—thsts doing away with the Master's pence.,
L e p: t emper Mb, you can luau to write by iourst II with
this maw mat eat model, for $l, by aPPI/Ing io the
ntaldA/Phis at Balthllom Andemr. 13.13..V.41
Or Rent
118 Market . e
nringtn i n,
gm haul n.
HOME MATTERS, CAPLAII:CASL—Captain James Davidson, of the
' steamer S. F. Vinton, which came in collision
DR. A. Ti. Ettsor.—Dr. A. 11. Elliot, a ar s ti a _ • on last Saturday night with the steamer Lowell,
guided lecturer on temperance, has arrived in
yesterday arrested on a Camas,
Pittsburgh, and will probably deliver a series of barn, the District Court, at the instance of
lectures. Dr. E. is a gentleman of much talent the Citizen's Insurance Company, in which the
r . rtil lun.g übro t 7t before the Honorable Hopewell Rep
and ability as a speaker, and has everywhere Steamer Lowell and her cargo was partially in
succeeded in producing a profound sensation, on
the subject which he is eloquently advocates.— ran A c ' e W Compani.. John Barton, Esq, for the
arks Esq.. appeared for the
We copy the following paragraph, regarding his voicerq of the boat, and Colonel Black for the
oratorical powers from a Hollidaysburg paper. respondent
" For eloqu'enee, pathos, humor, keen rare.m, The, question raised by the defence; was, as to
wilie ring invective , nod consequently for varied whether the Insurance Company had a right to
interest, we hove rarely beard the lecture equal- use the names of the owners of the boat, and as
led—never surpassed—and it was a cause of r e _ to the sufficiency of the affidavit on Which the
are: that so few, comparatively, of our citizens writ was issued.
were present to enjoy the treat,"
d in the meantime bail required in the sum of
I Since writing the above, we have bad the A ..; ;1 0 ro .
; I `"These points were held over for consideration,
pleasure of bearing Doctor Elliott. who address- •
Grand Jury yesterday ig.
ed the Young Men's Temperance Association last Bt W . leaonnn .— The
rught, .and were highly delighted both with the
• noredthe bill of Indictment preferred by the Ilan.
William Kerr, against D. N. White, and Samuel
matter of his speech, and the manner in which it Haight ,(publishers of the Gazette) et al charged
was delivered. We trust that this gentleman with libel, so fur as regarded Messrs. White and
will favor our citizens with a series of letters on ! Haight
this important sul.jeet.
IBianca-an COINCIDENCE.—the firet:case report'
EMEnSo.irs LErvi readers will Tenni
d in'the trot volume of G. IV Harris' Pennsil
lect that Professor Emerson will lecture again I R am bo,
Reports for 1850, is that of Apple vs.
this evening, in the City Lecture Room. Sub
ject, "Culture.
PsPsu Hanotsa.—Mr Welter P. blambrill, of ,
Wood Street, boson hand an eAtremely finestock ;
of wall papers, of every varie!ies of. style, pat-
Low I...A.A.—His Rolm JudgdP lleClure, ; tern, and richness; and if be cannot suit the;
yesterday called the attention of the Grand Jury I tasteS of housekeepers they must be very difficult
to the necessity which existed for appropriating indeed to please. The new spring styles are
ry beautiful, 'land almost tempt one to renew
a room to be used as a Law Library by then:tem
‘teteir walls before they need it
hers of the Bar. tie pointed out the inconveni.
mice which they sustained from being obliged
daily to send down to their respective libraries 1, .1) WELLING HOUSE TO LET—NO 45
for Authorities, and stated that they were about i r.:l i r, iolb .S . tree 7 „ . street. the Mini Presbyterian Chinch,
toutwe Th rUtt I L: . ai l :Taut n ' t
forming a collection of books, and that the Coon- . coo r ,. .l. t zith . h.;:. of.d . cold Loiply,=rta . th ,, , , t i
ty Commissioner, were perfectly willing to give ross yleaZat riVghberhood—apply an the...sea
them the US° of the room. provided the Grand ''' ' ''luC--
Jury recommended it. The members of that 1 ; L. S. GORDON,
honourable body, will, no doubt consider the mat- I PIMILICe, Commission, and Forwarding
ter favorably, and report a recommendation to , f MERCHANT,
I the County Conimissioners to that effect, to-day. 1 N,'. 78 North Street, Baltimore.
I t ill.lE undernigned, Agent for the Penn
.rir...i. sod Ohl. !A.,. being ..0.11/ 1.... 1 on
lie Beni.. e* nod s us berme Railroad. bat mule art
r" Vg7II.4T PitrZil!' n k 7,31J1/ASION itusca.xs,
In cannettiun with the , FORICARI/IY;U k Ii , IiFIN:::..... and
a ' :37l2 l t t ir Vr ' l li Vea7. ‘ ut = rally. '''''" L.'
' ' Fi° ' 6 ~ •
liapeetruly, . •L F. GORIK/N-
Ittorrietax, Morel, 18Z1.
N. B Orders fur uromn.s, Salt. L. promptly oven. d.
_. .
boutsvlLLi, Mnrch !
• .
lie stated that the dispute arose about the
election of .I,,,eph Barker, and leker, called him
a liar, upon which Fontana bent him severely.
In self defence he thaw the pistol alluded to, ,
which was wrested, from him.
Mr. Reany Sen. testified that on the evening
in question his son was very badly beaten, and
unit when he came home, hit eyes were blacked,
and hit. head ,welled
on the part of the defence, it was proved that
Fontanti did not understand a word of English.
and Rocca swore that on the fourteenth he and
Fontana:were not speakinglof Joe Barker, that
the assault was commenced by young Benny,
and that he did not meet with more resistance
than was necessary for their defence. Several
witnesses a.s to character were called, and testi
fied that Nontana's conduct had always been
most exemplary. he being a very quiet, peaces
' ble man.
After hiving been add reoed by 11. S. Magraw
too., on the part of the Commonwealth, and by
John D. Mahon EMI. for the defendant, the. jury
retired and brioughl in a verdict of not guilty,
and prosecutor to pay tee costs.
Commonwealth el. William Jackson and Tho
mas Ilnktte—L.indiettnent larceny, alleged to have
heen committed in stealing a coat. The defen
dants were tried on the previous day for a eimilar
offence, and Jack.sen was convicted, Bogue being
11. C. tui ti ed. Similar verdicts were returned in the
prcgent OUOO.,
t;ornmouvrealtls vs. Samuel Wiley-indictment
fo43ll.lit.nilci battery, alleged to have been com
mitted on Lin wife.
This ruse occupied the time of the Court until
Ow hour of Adjournment. end the examination
of the witnee;es was not then concluded.
Mr, Wiiey testified that her husband had
beaten her. and her mother swore that she had
neon t he marks inflicted upon her daughter's body:
On the other hand, it wan rendered very evident
that the prosectexis herself was by no means
hlnmele,.. and altogether it was a' case which
should never hove been brought into Court.
Tut r Ilrand Jury yesterday, re
turned the following true bills.
Commonwealth vs Jno McAdams—r'indictment,
liet4llllt and battery With intent to kill.
Con. snmpson Wayneld—indictment, as
!Malt to battery.
COD, en Oliver W. Shaw—indictment, assault
end battery.
Com. vs Iluac Johnston—iudictment, lar
eon, vs James Robinson and James Skiles—
indictment, larceny.
. ,
Dom. vs Jeremiah Lutz, Wm. Cnvanagk and
Thos. NI. Smith—indictment, robbery.
Com. vs John Bliker—indictment, keeping a
tippling' house.
Com. vs James O'Connor—indictment, keeping
1* tippling house.
Commonwealth vs John Thomas—indiebnent,
Tuc Pirrsuritim Itosseay.—On Saturday,the
jary in the case of Edward Goldsmith, returned
a verdict of guilty. The defendant was charged
Ivith receiving watches to the amount of
knowing them, st the game time, to have beeo
stolen. This affair is a branch of the grert rob
bery which occurred in Pittsburgh, in Februnry,
IK,u, where $9,000 worth of jewelry was stolen
from the jewelry stare of Henry Richardson,—
InNona sec.—A trial occurred yesterday, in the
Court of Quarter Sessions, in which the parties
on outs side were Italians, and did not understand
the English language. In the course of their
examination, the astounding fact was made eri ,
dent, that though they resided in this city at the
time or the last alunincipal election, they did
not know that Joe Barker was a candidate nor
had they seer heard his name mentioned.
FINALLY COIMILITY.D.—Austin and Gardner,
who were arrested a few clays ago by officer Foz.
on a charge of passing counterfeit money, and in
whom possession a large lot of spurious notes
was found, were yesterday finally committed to
prison by Alderman Major. We understand they
do not deny their gailt.
. .
• 'lleac+, John flOlll.. t Sox. W. Stars a Form Th00...1
Canon a Co.. Job++ N,C, Llo h C o. a ll
1.14 hat oft Kelclslor &Wow, Milks' , SU, -
twor, rttrotull. Doll e biSdr, Robert Garrett son,. Jos.
Slso+ro. Cronalo a Co., Whoollnll+r+++
Isrtors. Clark a Thaw. not (Inal. l'ilbaHorgh.
Hr: J. W. Kerr, Ilardolsra.
Jos,-+ , C 00.1.1. Cr.l. 1.74 old
Msooro. Mollhollon a Ray. Badracllle.
!leer, S. Stooll. York.
m..ooas. Jomss dteel alb. Lcal+ a Bullor."1+11adollala
lANE TIIIRD uf.this vere:desirnble prop-
IL" tett l y. f situa te In :oath Pittsburgh. opposite the city,
It has • front of aIU feet on the Monongahela Meer. tea
1....41ng beck to ILigh etreet, on the top ol Coal 11111. .„
The Mal is 1p partial °vier, art hat
11 Puddling Furnace:?;
2 Bar Mill do.;
2 Small Mill du.;
: 2 Sheet Iron do.:
Withcomplete iota of hall. for Our. Small iron. hoop,
l:!vat and mat Irani els, Nall Factors. Manta.,
tetinere. tot.. SC,
The lint toed In the Work, it of the Very beet artalltr.
•nd d a ta de li rered Prom the pit to the fort." bt railway
V , :o r Ta.l b are 'h lllgtli t l2g '. lir " . P gr b h u rlTG Weerbouar, Sts
ite., Be.•
There le not a better Mill In the weorrn euuntry.and the
quality of the Iron Is ...UMW.
Census within.; to putohate Pim-. cell on the no
dersiparal, Mama abate by letter 1 .,
Ltil/DtiJON Fat W..
mehttnt 110 Water stroet. Pittsburgh.
V. Y. Tribune. not Public Ledger, Phila4 will plot.
,IT.I the above three contain:mut hurtling& and eeml bill to
tub; oak, and one ..{4 of
of monoy. wu. lust betssre Sixth
smt stre+Ls. ttrusthllrhl on Tuosday. the
nth Th.. Gluier will confergn•La Ivy ramm
ing:lt L. the uvener. this ° •
Thee. utelL27
XiENV BOONS !—N ile Note e of a Iforadji;
1 tm. 1.1 a,. 000...1 paper.
II apace: ¢ naneona ftorn ToL of the serlea. by the
autho the hullo Boob, BI tan , tn.. •
Element. a Analytical Geometry, and a the Differen
bal and Integral Went.; by Elias Loosol, A. M. 1 vol..
Svo- ' , beep Jo. reed and fur ea& by
110BKI38, IS Apollo Building,
Yourth etre..
AtTRAPPING PAPER---600 reams Sled.
y,y it. at Wrapping Paper. Ale, a fielb .apply
Daub la Mediuna Pnataus Paper. Jun ned by
na.11:3 'W. b. HAVEN. ear. errand arid Market.
4 article. gay raln by the quir, by
W. b. MAVEN. o, tr.voti and Market.
►nAR'fARIC ror sale by
L 11. FAIINESTOCK s 1.13.
AL LI-OHOL—ZtO Oils. (various strength) for
sale by metal O. A. PAIINESTOCK .
LACK LEAD—I2OO lbs. powdered, best
quality. fbr We by
IVHITii WA-X-250 lbs. for silo by
=till B. A. YAM\ ESTOCK t CQ
TINE WOODS-20 lbs. Chipped &Ground,
for sale by B. A. PAUNLAVOCK A CV.
ALT PETRE--50 kegs , retlned, for sale by
QAGO--:.00 lbs. Pearled, for sale by
$.7 ruch7S D. A. YAIINEATOCK d CO.
lOTTON---iti bales landing from str. Gene
t/Is, And for pale by
4 - IREASE-18 bbl.. landing from str. Ge
yr, Lod for Ail. by ISA
alrr end Brunt AA
lU llama;
- el:molder= 1.41ng from
1,211.1,.. and for sale br ISAIAH DICKSIS A eV,
IR.a Water and Front Its.
r 0 LET—An Office, with or without Ware
1. Howe Roan. SCM. 11. JOIL‘STON.
0te122.1 112 Becoat st.
European Agency.
• gar Haring been detained by business at
Yew Orleans and Bt. fool., during the last few weeks.
r otA n e st
leav t
e this city, for Europe,
JOHD. until N
Din)VIN, the nth
trieb . -I , ldrs corner et Woodland
A Good Opportunity for those who want a
aulwriher °Gra rd nit the following rayon of
1. Ha:
Lots In Peel b y piss of loin,in the Eighth
trani, each lot being 24 feet by 104. Tlawelote are pleas
l,VeValita"rnainnod, mi l l se b l7,C! d o nt do l. net
No. 2. Three " ... at the coluer of Halal etreet and Dis.
Oneaue Wav-andrantageously looted for either banner or
iii ate en.
No. 7.1. Teo Louln the Borough of Lawrenceville, well
rutted for private resider:we,
ti Twelve Aar. of Land In Peebles township. This
nroyerty la admirals - located forcountry rests, being hot.
Mott dieted. front therity line, nod adjoining the Railneel.
N. 5. One Int on Webster street, near Lim, 24 feet by
No tad 4. will be told nu long time
ma only ri
a il n
portion of the unhJdo money will to requirol In
A TIMER b 70112 HOUSE eon RENT.
Aline dozy llono,nrat Ih. rororridWolwter and Elm
,dreetr. contalnlnit 11 enom‘. will 4 ren4l very low to a
,dAd family. It Ii .advdrurtod thdtdam 11uttlIrw ran ta•-
REC'D THIS DAY, per Exprese--
tee dm- A learindres Gent , and Ladle , ' Kid OloTesc
pivot, Cherie Silks. thole, st)lcK
50 Iripb Poplins,
Irioh IJarns, Linen IJ.ILi, h. Canibrirs. dn. Lagoo, tr.
W and 64 Market at
Board of Underwriters.
Ten.'Meeting Of the Board of Underwri
the following resolution unaninanunly.ndop.
WI. null tad...o to he publiehed:
Rendred. That from and after the publication of OLio non
the. no Finn Itlsk. whether orighaal or continued. hall Ix
ooneldered tame.. by nay Insurance (Klee in thin et
^?Wer. , until the premium Is paid in 1010.
Feervt.vy of the Board
„t street, oppoalto the Post Ofnon— ,
kwtest. for March.
hietionary of Mrehardee, No. W.. ".
London Art Journal. for March. '
Littelre Living Are. Non. 351-1.
The Ilictory and Adventures of Pen lien, by the author
elaurix Todd."
; Tenn Wane,. and Tin Three Maiden Aunts.
Pictorial Field Boot, No. 1.
" Than the Avenger, by 3111..31.4h.
Pope Joao; by 0. W. 31. Reynolds.
Connuelo. in 1 TOI-40 . C.
/40.1 14 e IA Tallier., or coneluelon of the Iron Mask.
Standeld Hall, a Illetorlord 0.111111.110,--I,lordetO
The Warwick Worallsode: by Frank Forrester.
The Iticklehurge on the Rhine; by Thaekarvy.
Th. Queen • Nocklee, by Doman.
P o llyPeabloeeoni'n"Waaldina; illuetrated by
• Port Folio of a Medical Student; do dn.
Thn City Merchant dn. do.
Berths Humorous Novel: do do.
Keyed.. of an Old Maul: or Moto to Toung Mon.
Oregon and California.
OcuUemen ., Ctlquette., by Oonnt IYOrsay.
Otignette and Toilet Book.
',avenge.. tin ,choler—the mre.ey--the Priest—by Oen.
ai or rem, author of the - Blblerin bpain." New suPPII.
il e rper's New tiouthty, for Moett.
A Boston do
.ilt...lNare, N.. 34. .
A iror n t ** rl?r furlift.t. " ' Nu.
The Cliitlvator. L.
Crithing In the Lan War, by C. J. Peterson—complete.
Ilistory of Pendennia by Thackan,—...pbeto.
Carotin.. of ItrunaliekLby mrh2l
H A w
from Diatrond alley.
LA that is really
Inferlorlhor pricni
(LATE 'N101111.19
In flu' Diumond . Second Doo
fT," :114leeki
1 11 7' !: ' ,. ' ': : : ; ‘o t.b 'hvt ! l eo: 2 : ; : ,,,,, 11 :1: hil ly "Yte : 7
tz ve Pw: : 7 1:: a ll
- I
•urgh Ma t! eeps fur Kale
cgs that arovold inEux.-
'rim faiT.Se..? lb.
, -
d and for .ale by
LLERS, 57 {Vaud es.
(1 INNAMON—SO mats
e l isdEß ROOT-600
r0e121.1 •
I or Kilo by
n. t. sixitne.
bib for nale by
I_l for We br ex=
N UTMEGS -75 fo
0 tale by
bl radal I
.T . o b . , SCGAß 7 Jsf.dtlais.arriving. for gale
W. Wl l - .07 !.
FISII--50 bbls7 . 3lapS. "N O.
" 3 brae . kerel•
4 - 8011211311 t
w k: I 711.,,i(64,N.
i 1
riff. PUBLIC are cautioned againstX miring a Now drawn by Letter. Sennett ,t Chtwtrr.
tn my crier, dated Erie, March 1,-1851. at 4 moat., fur Ma
Hundred Dedlars, payable m Bank Pittsburgh, mimlne:l
Ze b t,7%: - Itre . .iltarD'Ettlf:__Vgge t m
them. PAlttruN SANETT.
mrhVant3ntrltT Erie. SW
THE partnership heretofore existing be
tween Rota Morris and Jahn tharworths thlengig
:A°.t.irg..72bs,—.l,4dig-bmdg•mt and NAY
woK, H, IN this al; diewlrelL Al! Menus indebted ts
n"."9:Zi.,PoidrcaL,;ldthllehte the same with 11 9
& CO.;
~,rner of Wood and &O. Streets, Pitt'burgh,
IiAVE NOW IN STORE, and to arrive this
week. the fallowinz gad, of the toot recent Impor
nx, which are offer on the twat reasonable term.
116 catty boxes prime Omen 12.1 doe. Mate. Zthe
fe. •
4:1111 eheida do. do. 10 boxed extra pan Ruch:
40 " Ockilonx t Chula= "
10 1 .1 5 bags 1 1 1 4 11Calee utn L i
J. 72 5 6114. S. o. 51olWat
W si sad 116 10 Cadden
lump Votraccie " Lod/ erexh d end
.16 tibia has. 1 andl3 Mack- PowderortSugt.
WI Ma senile. Habana:
3) di amt h do. No.l do. 60 drums Smyrna Dim;
2 4i and 1. do. Palma= 21 ibtdeaua Prix.l4
60 lowed Sealed Herring; 60 bd. Holly • "
1370 Pa extra Madder. h boxed hock Grady;
Ob.. P.N.' AlLnk , -.
()mind °hazer.
10 ket,
1.1 •
to Clove,
bbl, Ganarro &tuff:
fuzee thestin Candle;
liu clar " en graroon : '11111244;1 - I
pio n 1 , 5 4 4 rta! lUcer Flow:
In dos. Irdo
1.50 Odn Drootur.
Oleo, Whit. L.
Samuel Itobinxott, Igo
7141:2= F tIr
1 e t ele l . 'e xl ' i
ractr24nt Jo .
VELOI'E:4.-B'. dipping the ansterlawaler,and mu e
toning and onetting the automat alae. thee. Entdallattla
roma the {Arent and latongestthat ran Le tied—Lein ado
of parelothent paper, whrkt, trill altlatatal any ordltouy
franc. or tuoleture. For rale, by the quantity ar angle
par • al the store of nteh2fl la. S.IIAVEN.
nol. fio kilvlna a beautiful itluas kindstia, klualLn.
lkillarm. Shirt Ramos. 11.1 al of print*:
tirevents the Iron trim adhering to the Linen, and dust
nom erirkinr. it contains nothing injurious to Cit Kile. In
env The lilies have long sinew felt the narlasity
of iurh an article, end to this their exportation will be ful
ly realised. tuino.comietition Is feared alter an impartial
N. 11.—One Cake will do thlrte dozen of clothes, and no
Walls should be without it.
Price I*: MI. Cake. Pi el Cake with full direction.
For rale to mch. it. K. St Wood st.
bbL4 refined, for sale by
L./ ntchiki, 11. A. riarmwrocK
IWHITING-1 oo MAR, for male by
v torlitki It. A. VAIINESTQCE A CO.
lIRI'AISTONE-12 bbla for sale by
jup 11. A FAHNESTOtK P. (Xi.
PSOM SALT`.}--30 bbl., for sale by
QAL SODA—.I casks English, for sale by
mrli3l • IL A- FAICVESTOCK t CO.
Cl IAWES-500 Me, for toile by
turli: H. A. FM/RESTOCK it CO.
IOPPERAS--25 bids, for sale by
EASS—IO bbls. just reed and for sale by
BULK MEAT-100 pieces for rale by •
DR1111) MUTTON HAMS' —1 cook (S. C.)
for sale br mrh2.45 J. B. CANFIELD.
LINSEED 01L--542 g-alls. to arriroand fur
eta° Saaald, Lad 151 Fled street
riIIMOTiIY SEED-50 bbls. for sale by
.1. !what ENOLIEB a BENNETT.
BEESWAX - 250 lbs. for sale by
lkv HITE LEA:Lk-250 kegs for sale by
T 11_ _ twirl, , ENGLISH a BENNET.
d4ATS-400 bu. for sale by
1., mrlC , I:NUL:SIit BENNETT.
-150 name Weeltg
50 dee. Bed Cee py M Pape
11./ tear O.wyeriot Tot eccg
WO re, Cleves.
te) met, Calm
1 bbl. Nutmeg',
t gl ' irgn i r ,
trela , i 1 &ouzel, met 111 Fetal& etevet.
VINEGAR -30 tails. Cider (warranted) for
mlle on consignment, by T. 'WOODS SON,
Nu. el Water st.
I ORN MEAL--5 bbls. for sale by
ki mehts WHET. MATTHEWS d CO.
- I
It LED PEACHES -- DAV bu. (halves) for
jifi belt lii savtal RILEY, MAT HE t.
7no bhla late N.p..1190. , ,
hluls. Mag - an - 9. H.
N. U.
racks Dorkwhean
35 tiCISCA N.
100 half asst. Y. H, bang. anal G. P. 1 . e..
Ilk dn. Osrh Ilrocafla,ased.:
.30 bases Ilnalan Tshao
, a a lmp Tobacrfs
:11 a Joffe H um e 1 IN. InlnD Tann.
110 " Tatum., various brusaln
RI dos. Ituf*ens
100 a Tut.,
10 a KfeLn"n
30 bbl,. Laulf•llle Lim, la, Unrsand for salt bl
meh2o IIILE1,11A11 . 411:1Y9
COTTON—^_S bates on consignment, ptit:
reamer n'sgoosi . sti l; 11, by
11, IIORDON. From et.
MACK EREL-150 bble. prime No.:I, land
Rag Oks day awl Cur de by
UNION SEED--3 bbLs. for sale by
• •
3:1 ox, Crushedrge Loaf Fuiran
210 bbla. MT.:
170 Powlerrd
70 aolden 113)110.11W f33 ,L 7raf d.
I .I . A7IPR T IIt.VII ISA ell..
Anent. fit. bolo nunsr Refinery.
has Mod rcceived for sal
Polka de Concert, aa perforated hy Frank!. km.
pal; compd by Wall. ,
Wilt tho o u se to gone. lore A very_ I,antiful new cool
duettei by C. C. Foster.
The Exile to hi. tlisten a new wog. by IV. V. Wallace.
The &Idler's WaF. hy tloo hiseAar.
R l
My but thriughta are of the.o ronsuct.,rl for And sang try
Mae Catharine Hayes.
Laily, on my ear 10 ringing: Wocalbury.
Away with vain excuse's song and catch.
When are tho friends of my youth'
Come. maidens. aim, or Vane:Willa, '
Mean, C,tiette, ntl.lal, Cant, 1051.
Nor York Ladle'.
Connone'ii Singing Emden..
Cantle& Lauda. tfreeh manly - ) tIY Moron
.4:11 Irt S at i :
molt. Aianos Meindeona, Strings. and t , ery thing else in
the music line'. 11. KLEMER.IOI Third .1.
N. 11.—The new and moat Inaltionable murk welted as
*ionns mildidted. melt=
LCOIIOI.-10 blds. 71i and degrees,
ALgo. sale hy
GOPPEIIAS-35 bhle. in fine 'order, (or
! .li• 1. 7
rarh . 2l. J. SCHOONMAKEIt 000.
.5141 Heaps Mt=
n c . rr e ......
300 r l' o n Paper k
• For sale by mckg2s J. SCHOONMAKEIit CO.
PRINTING PAPER - 70 Reams for mile
low t"rk :r.Z.Vcrtg3ra t ittt a CO. 24 Wood at-
I TANNERS' OIL-15 Ltda. No. If'
to - " for we by
I L\SEED OIL-30 bbls. for solo
tnrh:. J. SCHOONMAKER .1 CO.
11l 75 LAO, prime N. 0. Soljtr:
400 hbl.. Slolwec for tale br
LOAF SUGAR-200 Ho. Small, for gale-by
mAim JAME. , A. 110TCHISON a CO.
. .
ICE—LS Gemini Carolina, for lode bo
-4000 004
nio oth
l lto.. 1..0;
hm Da
10 IRO Shot. wooded; for pair lir
Allhs. , A. HUTCHISON a Co.
N .
II'• (Irmo. Ian);
" Drew.;
17 cmk. Karon Ilona
" - Obouldrr,
1 1 11 ett P l•Ta=
" Esaa
I " Drlrd Peach*,
4 " •
cast, Ilortma
Cow Tarr to ardre on the .amer
Derms for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY k. CO.,
torh2s Front and Water ete.
Ca IV EE'LI'OTATOES-30 bbls. on land, in
1 , 3 wool order, and for male
Ib y A b.
mehlS -Water and Front sta.
It A COS SIIOULDERS-4 casks for only by
Affimclla.ll/111 DICKEY I CO.
TIMID PEACHES--500 by. for sale by
roeblls ICU IA II DICK EY & CO.
Building Lots.
chum, In the Eighth Wad. City of ritt•btirgh. Ten
the m
L.ta hunt an Pennsylvania Arignue. Inanter
D. W. t A. tl. BELL. Attorne,s at I.
rach'2s,2or Fourth .tn'et-
yOL. Ist. LOSSING'S Pictorial
Field Book of the Ilavolutloa Cloth,
n 12 l'lctorial Field Book of we
h taLLErskicke. • Fraunukb Blom by the oink.. of Rol.
Tim, treater by the autbnrof tbe.l7llkointkikk.
Rall;' to
"Lettloo Arnold." -Mountain
Tb,. .o}llf Inn t0w:e1k...4.d Do inkl.
_F,L. C. WY01:11:10k. BoVrlllaarationr.
QUGAR-92 Wis. N. O. to arrive this day
M e.
0 - aSSE 4 "b"
bbl e. for sale by
.L.TI. metal 8.1 W. WABBLIIGH.
sale by
'FAI LOW-20 bbla. prime, for sale by
meb.2l S. W. IiAMUU H.
-5.17 bgs. prime R. Care,
•• pkgs Y IL. 7mp1..m1
Illset Tex,
150 but 3 s's Lamy lb. and
Vs 801 l Tobsemr.
. .
25 les Atm • •
5300 1.. CuillUbt
100 boxes Berri..
100 Rd, N.C. Tan .
50 " Lad& LW Sugar.
100 ca... thymus Co Uet...,sr.
2 Ulla. Madder.
4 RIVIll) 1.444
Subus. 10 . 412 Ghtac
tbl . 4 l P rL
60 gr. t'L.
tiu NO. 1. 2, "
Irege 444.1
:000 Whng:
40 01.14. T
er: Oa;
Buck Lamp het
600 04. ts,
T. 4.4
`.O. B
bo blereew Ifoloosen_
g u t :aiu =c&l .
era! toaartenefit of goo& . ••
For ode by
GGS—A few bbls. (fresh) for sale by
mcb24 F. • Ir. 11ARBAUt.41.
I ARD-10 bbls. &75 kgs. No.. 1 Lard, in
„IA gm.. sod Yob we by
mcb24 S. a NT. lIARBAUOH. •
ilikIED APPLES-130 bg. prime, for sale
iIiOSIN-100bbls. to arrive to-hay, for sale
by meb24 S. a W ILIKBAIMIL .
pAR-50 WA& (Wilmington) to arrive to
day, fur sale bymchl.4` 8.,a - ILARBArO4.
ANNERS' bbls. No. 1, for sale
b metal S. at R. lIARBAUGII.
c"kB re cd and for sale by
tsa.24 B. t W. lltltilAtall.
it; - ticW;rde..
5 .• Outle & Almond
12 dal. MtMazy Bow. •
1 bbl. pup. Carl, Sods;
OLL BUTTER-10 ibis. for 8010 by
N.I43AM 118 becosul
! bbls. Fresh Roll Butter:
bu. White Bears,
Dried Apple;
'. 2 mete Rare
tu bu. red sould m.4-flan! just reed per anal
leest Ery stone elate. for sals br
bleb% ROBISON. LITTLE b CO.. 235 Liberty sL
INSEED OIL-25 bblaree'g and for sale
1.1 by muted ROIDSON. LITTERA CO
2 . .
OM Pearl Su.
2 Sicily .a Refine
LW Both Brklq
1 bbl. Flo. 192121112 t: • •
100 o M...
10 4.102. Eva.. .Lem.
Hose, ,1111 Vat..
G REEN APPLES-18 bbls. Russets;
w - YippOo. , k , '•
me reed and for ode by
debted to the Estate of
or the smash of Mf.thegt" ,
ntlandstned, ri
• and thaw harm
them II prrnent em Orr ...Alm..
II ROBINSON, Exceutor.
1Q,11.510N--5 64th. No. 1, fur sale by
mcazi • R. [PALMA, a OM
ERRING-5 bbls, for sale by
mrtelt R. DAUM!. k co.
INEGA_R—`2O bbls. (Cider) for sale by
"V latChtti B. DALZELL 1t CD.
‘,l ALERAITS-125 boxes and 10 bbls. for
1,7 fir ft DALZEIL CO..
Liberty xtrett.
WANTED—A Situation as Book-keeper or
Clerk In n mercantile or manalacturing Onus,—
Cnerneptimakble city references 0111 be Oren. A Ilse sd
dresecal to U. IL, rote at 319JIII• A Roe, nal miles Wen,
Teniperancemlle and Noblestown Plank
Road Company.
T °TICE is hereby given.b , the Steekhold
.l.7.tOfeTitit=re'F.'' 0111..,7Zt at,,—.*,7°Ofq' T iff !
Dollars on each share of One tom. on the Ina. M oods
Coati and every mouth bereaftw. 11l the whole static la
Sold full—wi the wad wfll be r' graded and bridged by.
July atb. Insl. The Stockholders are requested to be
m ot Vri" 00. )
1 5 . iltTilrd t iVii, President
PPLES-211 lib's. Russets- and Pippins,
for sale by P. Y. TON.BOXNIIORST t L.V.
gIROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up
N._ in tin ea. of I lb. to 30 La. each, me w6lcn are:
Marine Orem, • Yale Omen.
. Biwa, Yellow Ochre,
Terra do :leans, Proarian Blue, .
Umber Raw. Umber Ilarnt.
. nicht: owner }inn amt Waal sta.
--_,— __—__
QWEET 01L--2 casks superior, for sale by
lj rods= R. E. SELLERS, GT {coed et.
It y ALL PAPER—Largest assortupent in
the Want—ronshrtlng of French wt American PII,
rcr [mamas fur Italia l'aHore, and Chu:ahem, at mire.
manner from ar cont. to SO perßioo...for rale by
ntsbnl K. I'. MARSHALL, 85 Wt.) at.
Wi lio NTF l l2 ,7 -$5,000 Allegheny Co Co
tlriu Palld!nrki. "kb il.l4hess. o mon
now..f . pp.y. beta, the Ist proxlts,
nrion •
POTIC E.—The steamier ASIA, in July last,
broughtfrote SI Patent Churns, and 1
oi consinned to Joseph Down. of Ws place. Notice Is
hereby given. that if the said Churns and Vallee are not
redeemed IT the Nith ult.. they will be old et publicrtals
to pay freight end charges . WM. It. 54.1410. E.
FIRI for LVERIZE D CORN—Refined and PI4-
pared Exprersly rood.—ThislnanneamblY
an beautiful article Is emeellinply Imaithr. delicion. mid
economiml. Ptiddimp. Cake. Custard. gc., ar. ; made br
the dimetlnne accompanying each package.' will be fmmd
malt exclent. Ppe
rice r plie-kap . e. la cents.
Per wil el e by .. man R. E. SELLER/417 Wood at
WHIINE VINEGAR, of superior
6.71.9= TE W l: . br ' sil ' ,.. 3irvaitli k n ee' .
. liroorni And Tea Dealers.
and Iguana. pot top in their tenth:Lice. totertrlng the
original flavor of the fruit. Aloo-03oper's celebrated
OOmt lawl,ehred Lein:lan and French Gelatine. for 'Mlles.
Ilhne Manic, te_., for rata by
=hill WM. A. MeCLURG CO- EGO Liberty at.
VENISON lIAMS-93 for solo by
anrbl~' J. D. WELLIASIS CO.
ACON--5 ithde prime limns;
du do EbonldrY..l.2 kora sad
itab. by lINIILL.4I/LOV.
tor rale by tuctal
lIERR,Y PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap
L./ Powder, sad ElLtrrowdoFeeropownd, to N and y
mrh22 11. EFJ.,LERS, 67 at.
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
-11. mired end tor ads Akt J. B. HOLMES'.
Liter./ DMA: Thlnt Ftft.t.
.1:9=Ito the lhast OfEce.
S UMMIES-1 ease gem Bhelac;
ty. Silver Bard:
1. hats Lxy Wattle (Lilac
1 liqu odor 3urt received
and lbr sole by ' 8, N. WICKNRSUArd,
meta: corner Wood =I Sixth arts.
ALCOHOL -25 bble. for Bale by
meh2l 3. KIDD t CO.. 110 Wad wt.
- aaln tor mfL2 J. KIDD I CO.
(:; PANISII WHITING-50 Mae. for =lobs
kJ met= I. KIDD L vO.
PARIS WHITE—IS extra arm, for
mole Dr ' metal J. KIDD 4 W.
1 AND CRUCIBLES--100 nests for sole by
II =eta: J. KIDD t CO.
LeOllOL-121.11115. for sale by
Ludt'B. E. SELLER& 67 Wadi IrL
1w ITOUSE-liEEPEßS—Orders for Paper
Hangers eau be left at the Wall Paper Store of
metal W. P. lidlitatiALl. . 1U Weed rt. .
SIPSCRIBER bus been appointed
Apnint far the pie of
three are the text Rpors which have ever beer offered
the public. Themannfaetruer aware. tbe public that the
chief improvement neon...try le that whlr-h promote. the
durability rif a tot edge. fleeing combined the beet di
lbrer steel with • concave axennid blade. and from the psew.
liar prose.. they undergo to tempering. tostber With the
peat ears bestowed upon them in totting. e wlthoote
Odense rpm:impel them. So well Whin Übe wi th the
sapetior exlleooe of this Razor. that they are each war
ranted. and i f footed impeded r. , Pect. moriol , to
We ernarientre every Ram[ to glee perfect entlefgetkm.—
Vor cafe. by th e down or single oric , ;, bc v.
corner limbo and Fourth Ate.
‘,IUNDRIES--- - •
Uto. N. O. Saran
• Mu bbLe. N. O. Ilolsees
So Web. [hied Apple:
IPA 445. FIaA
40 fUee
knfre No. 1 Lard:
30 bales note, western N. V.:
In lereeh Butner.
40 Timothy Seel; In earn and for Bale by
meh3l .44berty ntext.
r i by W. V. Wallace.
hlargral ., ;Ig r a;rze.:retle pug.
WanMl a Govente, n by John hal'''.
Mann. il , Jo very pvticular,
Yok, of by .e Artreq by Fatter. Annie WM, .
Lily, or the Mat (Add ; by Wocdbucf.
Kind Word., by Nre.,lllllacd_, Heine Slob Polka. •
flatebelor's Lament: by the Machin... 011vta Polka.
Mewl Polka de Concert by W. V. Walla,.
With fel the late popular Sono, Waltz.. entallone, Polk
a% Marta; Variation., Ronde, be., Ae..Leeued In Mr
taxte.rn COlor.
:roc Muir mired envy tcerA.
A very large and -r; rock of :
To arrlv.ettas week, of 11, 11X, d 7 octave, carved and
c l e llt. varying In price lmm ft... to SAO. Al., two mat,
*Arent Grand Phut.. fn.= the ante celebrated manta.-
Isaya, with a full and ...Lind stock or Music aud
'''ttL''''''" :ltflVll l' 6LLOß, SI Wood st
Phm Fatten to bin. Old Pianos talteu z •
part fur sum
to [wits, eraniwwwl chiefly of teaetellew, ',Myrna:fret/.
Irant‘llate health. This Powder la havalitable for the corr
of the nuoirroal Monaca to whirl Cattle awl llama are
sulaert, vl. Wanders, inward blawilia, Vide ilofiti t •L'..... !
of the ~nalod of tL. h
afore f +
fatal town wwwwvalu
ahllivrib2orixw," ' = "l Virr ' vels haws from bkottling stiff or
[(modem!: It earriol off craw bosom and paritleii Lbw
Moak it is also a cafe and certain can for the lleaxpw al-
Cougha awl C 0145. which :went to be the or an
many fatal diaesewr. It will alio elownen the Stomach and
Maw from Doti, Worms. sc., laid again restart. thestomach
l bowels ti. healthy artion.
I'or sal, • holeeale or retail. DJ
triehffl • corner Sixth sad Wood go.
LARD 01L--10 bbl. NO.l, just rec'd and
On de lo . IL., FADNESTAX.7I( a CO,
inctar corner First and Word .U.
- w GM,. Fred) F..,
100 - firm limeu Applc.,r lb, s .l. b y
mch2o T. WOODS t SON.
- 6,10AP-114 boxes No .1 reed for salo by
tnhl9 & .t W. lIMULLOGIE.
GREEN APPLES— reed, for sale
by mc.619 8. t W. IIARDAVOII.
jMETAL.-410 tons for stile by
-DRESSED SPIKES--160 kegs (improved)
for rate by mobil/ RIIEY, MA1 . 711E15'5 Z. CO.
bbIs 'Fres
do. h 801 l Butter:
do. '
25 bbls Linseed Oil.
bbls Pearl Asb.
60 to. ExtruCresto Chow.
150 dos CM Boom..
2,0 bus Dried Apple,
COO btu Dual Nadler, for sob Sy.
mehlo - - J. B. CA , NFIELD.
BLOOMS ---250 tons Soft Tenn. for gale by
Zedl9 J. DALZELL. L 9 Water d TB tint at
VIEESE-50 boxes for rale by
CIDIUT .111LL-1 Smut (complete) for
1,..7 isle by aicla - B. pp 7 , r ,
5:667.17. t LEA
25 hales Bruil Nut%
" rug. lirslnut4
ra " Oroand
700 4176usurlim
50 clors Crackeric
6 - Primnr.,
au : gji 1
Pepree Sauer;
" Picklm •
n... n 0 at die wTHEMECII EVIZDIXG
al ipsa. "
luo tat. It incr n. . Sugar lunl ct
Bun Crarku
IrA) btu. "Smlttic"
100 gran C. L. D. Totneutc
• 2) " Gine cut .-
300 bones Donn Script
200 " D. t t/..auttllet
tit " Castile Sots
• Contr. Oroutcl and On.
•ti o .,. rappinu NW:
nick tutd Twine: With • gen.
It• kept In mar lino.
Kit 01•1811 BEN2.IT.
Second. and 151 o=o /11,
11Y 0. S. FOWLER. of New York, or Phre
oqloor and PhysieloaT'appited to boom perfretion
ILilid.k HALL, as follows,. •
Thundercresting. Hard, LTIL. Slow of Plaracter.
Friday evening, "nth. Wordy stint . Pronewatics. --
Saturday evening. LW Self Perfection awl Junta;
ewenlng. :Ist, NietecorT and Intellectual
" Melmoilay and Friday. April Ts' sod 41111MATIONO.
NY, or the Mean of Love, Selo:Hon. (bur/ship and Mar
ri Life. •
Ye Who vrooldcw)oy matrimonial telleity, and avoid dis
co:al. come.
Metally and Tth And fah, Wawa,* Phretne
logy. Holum Right, Wrongs, Duties, intivence, Flare.
Triode:Lent and Perfection -
Let her whom it oroks to improve he there.
Peden 11th, Hereditary Laws and Fasta--arkialawori
tirtal treat. . -
and Wednesday. 11th and leth, Slanhcod, Ito of•
fier , perftion. Impairment and .Ig.ralm•
Condoennew at 7)1 o'clock and click= with PUBLIC/as
Air First lecture free. Mettle to Men, 11 ening Na
-1)0 cents cr 10 11,r El. ProLwelonal delineation', of
character, with nrunTerod aorta, wed of
ISIS- written
oyinins, inkinding device 'bottom; health, Oren
}snits, Or..
Their remidy,alf perfertkow manage=
hildren. Ste.,tc-,dally and twaoccialed ceening , s btapris
rale spark:wedge. Iltrown`a Hotel. „ men=
Young Men's 21 . er a c t irtile Library Associ
1,.....z.i.,-.:.6-b,,..,,,mrt1.°,1,1=-711111"g• to 'l'
oily. ,vi t L : t 3..... Ter) . leek{ Drew:, eald opoo
The mom w ecingrlhe gig Lee:um on the ConTer Of.
LIM tmoolng e following topic.
• ]. introoltotogr Lowe og :most ~
. .
t: R.,.V... .:
.• . .
b. Wersente
The Leanne will be given ,
on Toinidaga. Tb wader?, mei
Satordsia. stweennvely, at the ..vrii CITY LECTURE
JlOO.ll. fled floor of 44.7•ITTrr 8r11.1.1.4 fr.a...........
IVobdstreet. commencing on Thursday evening. ?lamb
rinti, at U twines 8 o'clock.
Courier Tickets .SUCI
do. do. admitting gent. awl lady $,OO
Fine, du. to belied at the door to
Tickets fur. member. (single or for the coorse.t_can be
obtained of the Libra ri an, or of Moslem Ifersh, Wilkins.
. °4 Ta ' et . % Th' fifPk l til7 Lml tis, tr - v or fur the Jae : , Lo be yea
cored at the principal u h o ' ne ' Storrs, al J.
,J )
11. Bieliselendic and F. li. Felon's. , , • meta)
W. NearrOCK
In now rooTtantly TecelTing hi. Soxirro Stook of
ttoaprialog In oat tba thllaTriog To:letter '
• -
EXteu MN Velvet Pile Curpeac do. do. Telemetry Ira:
ex do. do. Brew,lx extra &open 3 plr Imperiling 3114:
d. Ingrain: extra fitted. fine do: come:mid. mttcom dp4
1-1. ..41.4 twilled 1 enitieup cot s 34, 64, and Z-4
plain do: 44,34, 64, and Be wool andon do.
Bates Chenille Ittaici hue doe do: extra tufted do: Ow
do. dee.; common do., Chenille Door IL•an lulled do. do:
sheep Ala do. do...Ade:kiddie dn. doe, Thrum do. do. • •
Crumb Cloth,. Yelthier do.. Docking 194, G 4, awl 34.
dim—eihret Oh Clothe, cut to lit gag &se boll sr exek-
S-1, T:4.64, 44, 44.010.11,4 OD Clothe. • • -
Alece—Benlr 1101/, of MI Ar.e.r."C.rnelDll/diagr. Lielente
petr. Hag d. 64.44, and 34 Mattinge. Tablet:net= Creak
and Diaper, Lluckebuck do. Transparent Window Melee.
Bull Window liollande. Tenitiati Blinder flowed Piano
Omero do. Table d. dn.:Band do: Wended Table do.
Daring Imported and parched,: our steekdireet *caitiff,
mast celebrated Taeuniee. being of the lent and awn 4P•
nod, :217 Ltrallyw.,7 l l,tL=
14."`‘.41,:ditvrt; -rer
1.11 cull exam] ouralvek st;
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fou rth street.
-mebl9 W. 31eCLINTOCK.
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
01111031 AS PALMER is daily receiving
11 7 .3, Eutorn Claes. at the oil Stand.'
Between ThErd sod Fourth strata,l'ittstruigh,
Larne outaalma to his pre nt stoek. of tnt tout baantifig -
P.JIER HANGINGS that ham *Plum , " lot th is market
he a lotat portaL The harterno aro entirely-me. Lim
styles paculhaly dash, and the colon.. iu pant of
'bitty, ULM. Front 10 MILLS oputrol. the pima
rug, To=trunae lot of Fools, of shish • more ac
curate joduntot ant ta formed by Fight , than thandliththa'
the 'amnion of merchants and home keepers is rased
fully invltnt. . • mohl.
ILL i t. PALMER offers -for sale, at' very
low p rices, a full swertment of Straw and Milller
BONNETS—ForeI= and A=CIiCLII_ plain and f
Etym.' Braid, Chip. Gimp, 3111100, Lace, Bar, lz •
horn ac. de. .
Hirs—m.y, Tenths', end 80r4:.b.r., yao
fg4.l7,ltogrATArror'. 3 allll. p. PLeig Leal
10 .
, and
Moe? reey. Jenny u rea, and ocher moue, Is swat wadi.,
ety or elude arid al:aerial.
RINIONS—IUch Bonnet and avert rlein &din and Tare
totem all =t. and ma= =my San. anderape Calla. •
LACES—PIain and Arm= white and mlor=
Col u.n= Ne
Pelerinew d - c.,
..PLOWERA—French and American Sprig; TY:WY anal
eery:de. rich and MVO/ MTh.
lIONSET , SILKS P SA TEVS-411am Om de Na
pl., Oro. de Min n y.' Florence, and other eying, arsorteed
V . ...e.N . r.FV/1. ":" •:•Ted dualltirw d
and low priced Farm. ' le and limbnllea. Band •
Bnxee. Y.. de.
MEAL—If! las reo'd and for sale by
gultl &MR'.EiARII6IIQIi
x. warranted pure,
044 wk., Dried Peaehex •
110 Klan. prime N. 4.): Sugan •
800 bids. Plantatkul Daimler. to ludive for Ws by.
Metall DUEL maxilla:lva a co.
SUNDRIES-- • ~...
IS sack. Dried Apple, .
10 Ws. Gram d. 0.; -
' 6 t•
pookesl Eaton
DI kegs do. do. 4104 . ~
15 bblo. prime Timothy seed: ....t - ' '. ,
ITlmlow 01.1.., 'or gal el...taxa iogeOlon•- ~,
1 61.1.11.ap1a Siolmoo•s; in Vitro wad for 0010 SY'
mchl9 • .11 DALY:RI:I s Libertyiti
Patent CombitvNiGrinding and Boltkg, or
Pitiaburgh,. Pa., March 19, 1851. , .
Tc:• THE PUBLIC:—We Lace now in use,
„ oar Floarlaellilla, two of ... James M. Clavie r Pa
ten Catabatolairloditta and Bolthnt, or Merchant Max%
btg IBM.. One la wart for_ grindlag.Middlinga, and the
cother Mr gthrling the 06 or dusting to. Bram mad
Tbe end le perfectly adapted to ite live. doing thte work •
as well as ancedinery burr /40110, and requiring moth lase
power, making It equivalent, In a Ilvrehant to nearly.
aye run of bon runic, that will coat mr kkokl:
• The latter. es a It and 011al Kamer and duster,
duns mi actual profit of almit Maim prreent ca the talon.
of th e Offele fn. tbe Hill. •
Tor Mthefacturing the ran grain into Flow. It deaths.
worn mmedly. proludom a good &Aide of "overtime Ykattra.
and hoeing the Muting apperattal naohlood. Ithiarorthg
the attention of .11111cre dang a membant truth.; =I foe.
than Kills It la unexceptionable.
• k NORM.
Ire. the nrtdenigeed, obeeettree b the . 11tlebbeith ars'
Floarteg"3lUb.." certify to the !Mee.
• TIMODOII. Neers.,
W. It. bowie, .
• Prez. Cube,
Grinding and Bdting, or Merchant NUL
HAVING prireboNed the entire Patent Bight
of the Caned Ntates. for - .11011P3 It Clark's' Patent
kind Grinding, or Merchant NW."' and n 0... tieing
predated torell GLUM? and State Glghte,likewbo theiMiG
tit up file MN. I Lake tribe method of Infortalud the public
that I and able to offer the ginateet Invention of the agq
and one which la lure to meet with wrens and which van
d"rt of fe ever. .17 - F.Velhra . -
tot perfectly portalde,god only orrurlm • floc• or fon. PoG.
three Indies square, when Jitoreratlon. and Ls stoat& or
phonic., and bolting from net to ten boatels of Wheel per
holm It mu be propelled with from an one horse ponerup,
to ebr power dement. 1.11 mid me ln emend/ore at.
Many. Lallmarth d Noble's Clti . Flouring Mill• Liberty
eteeet. littteburgh.
I. further, here the right of Jamas It. Clarallrt
MAC/MVP:. and the Moeda. for side. laming pi] aaei
le of It. Snidely. All letters Pat said will be red
r'sm ig4l . Bll2wlsett " "AS
"."Al r "
Straw Bonnet and. Hat Warehouse,
105 MARKET Swot,
Comb, In hts salable trinnas on the iiPhysiciluariof Di
gestion." ohsertes that a diminution of the v trumgrtiry
S f a" ,petiOri ''" 7l hr I=V - 7g: i n ' e•TaA l erea•igi
us iof
Lelne. in nonuoni who eini sal - emir allilleted stittti thla
iar, thing eIFC to fall, had mottos , to
the thane Juke. obtained Dom the sionnali of an-
Iguada, stileh prom! ennuiliitelf sumee , fol."
Dr. Houghton'. Pxml , the true dieni=inee told. Owe
re . ge'rg,h.rna'mrit: F,—..en,Pl7:lr4=l:Zn
Nn teat PjszeiolomealoCirmiet. by .1. h. th a t _
ton. M .. Piladelphia.
ThLs lea truly i :l=i p oz,Lou, 4 .. d iya
made • ant
egret. the Gastric Juice
The Owteic Juice It the groat solvent of the food feed tha
rifyiem. preseoxioth alb.ot of the h end
re ithout it there an be DO 4.I{ICS
mere of nal lutes
blood—no nutrltoza of the r; hot
rather fool. Mr, id. Tama I. and &ameba lion of
the whole digestive epperaus. A weak, half demi or in
jurer shawl , produces no good liestric Juice he
Life diets.., and debility which MM.:
t o, thi r teat may be rohplkd by extracting direr
use priocipir , repel. from the stuter". of re
sembling ma, awl funning a Digattee powor
like the What (metric Juice, in la etc-falai potrzz o nd
forma • mardete mad perfect substitute fur if.
The art of performing they metzei of digestions r
has lume been known ha Phalologists. Dr. llobeaten
CilMO M. merit of making the appitrapf thth art tot
the care et OPPePda, Ins perhgt and/
Read the (sae evidence: harem big, tool eo
bated work on Animal atemistry, afro -Au Anita
Digestive Fluid, analatroue he the Gastric Joh, MKT bib
prepared from the mutate mrmbraon of mr dozoadlilt t 11.•
lan Isla Tenet. Leticia of heti, a mat ad ern
be.tteeel, eaaarree. tad izsated, fust ist the am =re
her as they would be in the human stormati
bran: l loton. of Ptaladelphie , peeper. as aril di
iti PballS, from the dammes edonl•db of
Vtlx. blab arable an admiable rowds - f.1= 4, ...
team alter name's eon mated, otgareZ agents
.he digestive prmetple math ace them ea
entitle evideuce of ice value
hOrghlt MeIIOWELT..
1.10 Wood st o Path
Pl:o".mgeb,-"e.rpZtrrzPPL - g - e. ,
15 EAUTY.—It is universally cowed that
beauty is more (01.13.1 in this crautri than In am
e, while at the same lame it Is add that in Mbar
„ thotthri to it ton at 0 , r0g4 th ..erz how this let etWan
attain eattra. but 1.2 m 10w to
my to all, do not neglect toor re'rroool,
g o q. Dut
ma rt,... the aru t cl.. llow ..., lng, ,,,, end ia. rou r. a." l ,, , , tl:::,...a or ho d,
powder for the sae, on ono, of WY.' rob, aslnturi
a r aai )l Chace , poud. r is cool Mood , ' lemerkmlifie thoto .
Oar ,
aouththo oo o thor hat each an possibly
a floury.
Jule% banes Depnemy foe reel ote O tuberft.
ow Late. St hat is more u.irtuly than hair ono tato,w
arm' i.dy This vale tfil remote It in • short
et.e. about the use of aux sharp 1 4 1 stt; rthoo
— jo:4`, g o ., r e egettade Witold I La than ut.
aoorootr o a th ,. th d, elute. or graf ha, • tifull,
blark,ltrowar or auburn .aloe. It will color the heir In •
shorter time. awl mare effeemally the airy other dye, te
ar a the aloe tiro iteleable.
Juice Flatters Smear Cuero — lt is tally • hitaretre
shoe. with tisso arom There I.e mom of the anallugsene
oththo thto gi r orperinemd In the use of most amps. On
the antsy. ft hares the Akan smooth and tog as ant.
end the bathe W berome cluareg.
Jules Muer* None Tooth Pute.—Next to the hair.
Nthath m a norah sate in.uded az the strateet amateur to
bufan hot when beglecial, bottling to ea die:Un
tietacc a 'Mall , aro; MT Xose Tooth Pate touport
ao too th a thalf watanca, a the hate time Morin
the Awls dna aod hehltby.
JULES HAIT6L. Perfumer and Cbccoist.
12.1 tyrant mt., ?tet
yor ale nhalensh ersi retail, by A. rauestock n. 04
...I lb Y. tam. attsturea. sae 7. ti at=rz