TITTSOURGW , CAWETT E • PATEII . OI2O Eves: .oeire 'dining Lennon , - Our own native land! Theland ear fathers *en.' the strong heart end bona; The keen sze and the brand: . lned they . felled the ferrite pride, And Oho tyrant fan defied, The free; tbeeirb, the wide— . Idea for . ournotiralsad 1. To none utue , ! But CO, sre bend the , No noble name we own But nobieof our streo FOr the sp Each pfttriot's bolugetre , !, the strong native inepirco God for our native Lund! tip with the starry. sign, , The red 'stripes and the whiim, Whereer ite gloTies s'aine; 7 fin peace or in fight. 'SN'e own its high command; "Forthe'fiag our fatheiw gave Wer onr ehndren's heads shaltwave, Anti their ebildren's children's grave— tlod for oar native )and! Ameria+i—to thee,. • In one united,eow, , Anti gierionses now, We pledge .our beset end han,d:'9' fathers shed-, 7 .- By the ashes of the dead— By-thesaieed soil we treed— e; God for ottr native land! - '•. . . Tug Horst Itssrce.,--We pave been pie v Tented, ;hitherto:o f other Emturs • from noticing the meeting'. Lela hme during pie .Coltrt week, in pia of ALe Rouse or. Refuge for western Pennsylvania • • • The meeting resolved for favor of "a aulwerip-, lion. by the County Coministioneri,, of t*.;;2,50 0 ,' aid In the erection Of the building l'Or a Iloitse Of Refo_gc. The CoMmissioners, it was under ';'etood, were perfectly wining to make the sitt , . •', -ecriptioli if they could be assured that the pee - ple.were l the Commissioners. were 4equested to istutztirculeM to the people of the county, in "sititigAhelr attendance at a County 3lectiO the mg toot be Lela next Court, nt. which haintccuinto consideration. Weprtwume the . • circular; will be issued, • and the COmmissieners be - (pilde' d by the decision of the meeting, it may be. • 'II The proposed eubseription is not to be lila in -ntoney, - ,at none, hut in stocks, redeemable In ten witli. interest payable yearry:. The aunt •,,..'''''aianied;•.;s2,i,oo, will, when contributed, •entitle :the Ceetity to the - choice •of one Director oethe • ••• This in . !, very„ important matter. 'Rave Our readers. , thought about itt Are they ready to ".eotitork to r thentecting with a considered deter- Lteßisiloti.;nr,lay staying away, give a tacit assent to It;, doings • • , That a Rouse of Refuge is necOary for West ' cra Pciansylintas'eveltavehennl no one question. • The'ciperienee of similar inatitutions elsewhere has proverilhat they , areinvolnable in the work of reclaiming endreformingvicionaiouth. Sitch , an Institution- ianoar absolutely necessary. The • - • • tliatriet of .cormtry - for which it-is Resigned, has ••. - ns muchneed of itas snyothet district we know of;* and although We thank' our own county will Toeyithany 'otheran the highetandard of in it,'Weyet know that it.ion taitys ninny vieions youth foc:whone reclamation all ordinary: means have heeiinecd• in solo. -As county, , then, ,te.re deeply - and aireetly inter ' mated tubuving imititution - te which nil such _ A Roos:ear +.ll,einge 11; 'a preventive of - crime; and ?la dunce of preventive is.lorth a pound of • .:cure.. Many a man is sum a Confirmed exit:al nal„..why, if he had been - gloat tw.sluch•an iastitu •-• tiou, when young, might haw - been saved to lath. • •,.. Wetland to society- Many kair:linnn so eased; ; and we will be derelict to our duty as good eiti• if.:we.persnft an,opporiunity . to go.by. o • • . - . getting among ourselves ow instrumentality 5, potent forth; reform:aim of young The Stisy4neelittg.stita • bedigy..na ams T ed by gentlemen who feel . a dm, interrA in thiceit -- • i,nrithropie, subject.—lfoe'hiagnin • - ... cranes os texas.. ' T4t) liatinpa lntelligoncer she; tLe fo -otTheuol - • . ran „taIUDITOUS OF TI-CA - F. • Tre.a.u7j Dtpartment, - hfarch 22d, issl, The State of Terri having, try an as-yid' its Le _ blelatnre, passed donor, the scsaionsof end' - 1840, - called upon the of Ala laic Ise pUbUo to'6le at the. Treasury; of the State, pre ..Tlloll3 to the first ofSeptember,neit, the evidences of their xerpective claims, and'Congress having, by en net appraired-9di September, 1240, author - icing - the isice - tif ten Millions offite per cad. 111 stock lathe, isS4'State - tor Tdiaa, ,directed that tire millions of said stoci not be issued to Texas ".until the'creditors of the State holding bonds and other certificates of etock of Texas, , for which duties on imports were especially pledged, - snail first file lathe Tirana - jot the United States - , releases of all Slatias against the 'United - States, in • for or'on account of said bonds - or cr_rtificates, enclaarm AS thou' be prescribed by the Seereta ry of the,treasury, and approved o e 'dant ofthe United States "; ', Now ter- that ' this- Department may authentically ow the amount of the claims for which the ',duties' on' baPorts were thus pledged t the holdera or owners , of all spell claims are required write the amount and description of- them at ibis Department pre . / elms to the &star. Ootobeii 1851, and to execute / a release to the United States of their respective claims, agreeably to the annexed form, which ,‘" . has liceti approved by the President of the United States, in pursuance of the:above act of,the 9th / September,. eighteen hundred and fifty: • - Md. L. 110DGE, Acting BCCrOld7 of the trsa.aury Or u.stramc. • Whereas, By an act of Conpuss, approved September 9,-1850, - ten Millions of dollars in a five per cent stock are to he paid to the State of Texas. for conaideratines in said act mentioned, with a proviso.tbat no' more , t than five millions Of laid stock shall he issued fulfil the creditors of the. State beldimglonds era other certificates of the stocks of Texas for which duties en imports were specially pledged, ahallfirst file at the Tres 'stay of the United States releases of all claims against the United States; for or on account of • said bonds or certificates!' And whereas, the undersigned le a ereditor'of the State of Texas, holding and the owner of, the following described bonds or certificates of stock of Texas, (as the ease may be,) end for which the duties mention ed in the said act were specially pledged. (Here describe the bonds or certificates.) Now, for the purpose is complying with the - provisions of said act, and for to good and T 111101- ble consideration, .1 hereby release to the United States all my claim in law or equity against • then); for or on account of the (hoods or cert)fi cates) above described. Witness my band and seed at - ,ibis day of , 1851: Sealed and delivered ih the presence of (Tiro - witnesses.) I We saw a - journeyman printer the other day whO is eighty years old, and still in good case with all his faculties :perfect, nod able to do a day's work without spactaeles.--illeston Post. • In the Washingte&tllobe office there is a gen tleman eighty - years of age, whO works.. at the ease from twelve to fourteen hours every day, and walks from and to hi& house in Georgetown, &distance of some three miler, every morning and evening! " Ile held a clerkship in the Land Wheeler .thirty-two years, but for the crime of being a Whig was displaced by Mr. l'olk, and in his old ege obliged too fall hack upon the busi. :mess to which he woo educated.. tic. Collins established the first paper published in the Wes , tan States, and his history emberibes almost eve :yr vicissitude of life. Ile is now,"although in the use's ant] yellow leaf" time of life, a lmle, ..tigoris and hearty - ;looking man, capable of g'setting" bin eight art 4 ten thousands day, and -.-witenthe notion takes him, of delivering to the 'l'rtoft?" An the ace - where he work, a gooU, sound, and wholesome IYasbingtonino Whig lee `rate. _ The "elick",iff his type and stick to Mu sic to the ear of a printer, and none can`.look !upon his venerable form without a feeling of arl niiratiou and iespecf:—Poston Jour. 'PIIIILIC SPBAKIS4.—"JuIius did-you ever speek in public?" "In course I did." '"to de perlice." And adult did yim eay, Julius!" . 'Not.goilty. Mr.{ Snow—T . llst else could -gains esy wider the pweselis ob dc circumstan ces t' . [' ~``- ~!' • `, - ,Bookingloun and Domestic (ineenswaro. • WOODWARD; 'BLAKELY & CO., 111 on nraciater. of Rockingham a . 0.1 Vjellort C.o. Warr. LIT Effin. ,00s, Ohio. = i plo mu lrW i tlo . lFoortli grott, 'lcor the ' '.llor • Our tateosive Work* mat•to or 41E11 Ol:dirp.. pomptly. A taaavot.ot.dngner being aquotantly eo.l rd. 01.0 010 so to %rep pace rilltdl,tba ovvr and Improved Ryles . Virg. ems, lipltoordr,Plicherm. Yawl Tor, lowort ''nforff:foo. Goblets,: Mantel.Oroafuentk • Mmt.telo•• sod amfff Jam sod artlehw=o , ..s ,1 0 a., mater Yf •--WeDsters Unabridged Dictionary -,-11111MBSTEWS ;UNABRIDGED DICTION -1!. ,v y I. stamp; 14-52P1,4 F).50. Sose.irort %mad Ramis If, embossed tome and min, "nuekglWr U. otie boito work t4ed WOM st ry bs•M W a t Y ir j.. vary a W. IL . • TO CONTRACTORS. ... 11.0POSALS , are invited 1 from Stone Ma ten, Carpen tae. Ow the eta • Pr.t",..4 Eriew.W Churc h , atiohecerrwr of Discorod and Great streets, to be handed brlgluar , rbeforettw lbtb LAY of April neat-' L plan sad A may be wen *1 the hoKnew Room of 'Malty eprehl dab.= on 81.4 h st. DO Pat - Imlay toornithe nee., twist. The hours of Do clock A. 11. and 1 o'clock. I': It., where . • full labasestionrh wio. ll be even by an erehlteet- PropowOr .. ybe left w ith ' M.lia. ht the Ex ilshk B m y► miler of the ch.: Comm we ittee- , . soma, TO LITNCREB , WI:A: . 2,000,000 feet P, . wanted. , yuF. ALLEGHENY & BAILER PLANK 11081) CAM PAM Y. invite pm v until the tine. or Intl uest, far forniallion Tim 1 Illlon Pet or Pluak--3 Incl.. Wet. and 8 or 0 feet In Iro*h-40 be Jelivernd et rt,4ll,7r.Z.tton, it_ ILI ev ri .or at Korn places on riopusslo mop beTn7LoYiniaeltraident. 8. /J. LANE. Balm Putter 0....*. or to Citattl.PB P. SPAN°, Pitt... I.Mtlrtr.ldglVXln"' ''""""*" - ril,Zgeitaii,le receive' fur tbe eliverr =MOS. FLAXSEED O. bldg. City M. all b 7 S. 4.. WICKERSHAM. •i 1 i m 01)LivE Clark & CO. 1, .we a ld and Er rale sr a wicit aasitam. t. . VIRESS SILKS--20 pco. assorted 'Spring •-15 r " . /. °. 6 y .'51 *SON a CO.. melt No. 62 and 64 Market Merl. 1 ADZES' DRESS GoODS— NA 15 pea plain all wool high rdored De Lalned black •.Z 66• arid splendid rtyle Derage De Laines. .10 choler Arlo 0.66 ,1 17' IrX 4 S';',V t .t.o 'rocket . _ 134.1TASH.—S CHAR laC 4 and for Bak s t/ t 06114 • 11 1/4'.24:11 Liberty rt. WiTgitiI.WUALE T O L-1200 gall. LIM amb i t' .1" llll. ER. S. nwir.Tsos. ..-gmALL PLAID FRE4CII GINGMAIIS . an niur reqr a full arortmott a urt opennl by, ltaetki UR Ili 11U11.0111 ELD. LINEN CAMBRIC 111ANDKERCIIIE FS !SORRILY a Butteurrein 11, lA, Of the a bove yai d y.W. 01 . PH lid m • cw float2li 66 0 . ECIIitiTTER--1,..,,5. just r eed and for 4‘. sidioit (owlt] JL meg 1.7 . . f 0.. 'POCKET NDKERCULIEFSI-- VI Silk arid Linen I.Warbrie,of new and hawlauld atlldh " "'ow pt!•"'a•Jaat l op, it , IN k t0nc111101.1). baleit Oavr landing from stt Agfa and Ox. rale If . lerlAll , DICKEY a CO., Hater awl Rand 40 6b26 AND STEM Dbl. No. laash orr Waling from Kr, Ada, i„ ilbAlrlAMEir 00- Wide . Imd Front R. 7- V -1 5 7 g". ilar wits ci fIIDER,VIN r,b% IIICKORY fetes irtENICIINE - t„T of lb., Gruor Fk, 'Fs th. ilasrt and Wine r caUGAß—larlitihdTs. rime N. 0., just . " Y' Cr 't"'" kl"' r Mt VALVabisaitami "'l'-,..._-n"Pt tiIk.R.LNGES--1.60 :es just rec'a on to, Ilie mile Mr BO BIIIDUr it Did ItAltLI , • fetds • • No. Ilit Wsle 5r., _ IlifiliVAT Fir'i A ND RussEIS PETS of superiOr etylepund ors. iti stem MAR'I by PUP! W. MeCLINTMCii , I NOR-AIN CARPETS—A large lissortment yi sr the !Meet mid new in ctml:t i fizr it tief ' fail 9 'll 110011 S-,•200 darn fur sale by i .•, i GU. ,btm.,l :::b054 _ ,./. 0 ,, : Ztt . i . '' at J. R. -Sartario 31.eallas do 1 "M:'rD:::LHt":ktti.nr:lir:":';""'l.rtak''Hl:rlio*:t•l•i":u:r.b:'jhi''F:yr'F:sl:tTim.„.Ptf4..kl:S:t'.l7JT/::iellli::r.l:ia"lorth.*.'"'"S r , M'S'tb.: *l-7NCILISii AND AMERICAN Oil Oloilts, .ii • , .4 si.r-s m em-tiorai of .1.41..........1 oil mikr. to vie:t=galnLori.m7L.4.s. Fourth ft- tf Illrb me 14111- I_ W.:..II,CUTK. CORN -400 bush. for sale by -,. / ' _ CMS Iciit:,:fl. JOIINSON. ziPLOVER, SERI bbls in utPeP, atep2. du. ii.M•irivi.,lde mt.. - , fetati • - . --- AVIIII. J0114)N. nICKORY Pi . ---15 bbt fur sni - aiy i 11. feblB • _2 _ .v cm. u......muisrim., 1 -/11C'F'ALTAIN C REPOR ALL PA N may be Mind lu Men. ki m . °taloa ofi . moot Merit Mar and ;IderelLwitt of llacin 'hi Wi gr . : .'• . - Muctimmit,met.• 1149. : '..ifu/ttio•nleserma3Drartaa. ma Iterehauts of this citf.hast been r I ,. usto ,T=liutd:,,l ,fa.r3,7•turagi. Vet le 1 ' juller. ' me uotiLl me the aile that 1100007 tufts. , so owe l'6oo. it bar P..i. th , b.. , eatineteMdi to the puretuaer. We eau retosimeud.it to the pablle us an .ride of OM merit sal Maim M•P•ed. ye rij.egt: •Ihu'rdkii of 11.11000 "igfe'rulm= ry Tag i l( _.___._. •iersteidir." usle mad raUtuntly iocremius deemundr Mtiriziai.llrettbv , .1. vfz: ,....„,„,,,,, 55. 5 ,,,. 57 fehl3 ;ha, The Tana 4 Alb""t 14'1' JOl6l niw • Canal Dutt. gIaI.MTES -- . , '7 Lede•Call • .7 EC nets red ia , .. Pi . 2 ii 3: Tra . l."l ',do d o les 4144. , 1 g . c. 1 . ... , .. Ido Wotd; 'now landinglart ..ctaqr?.. < - .....t i. .1. br I. IP do 1.. Itnbluoun .It Lb., b's and Ws do. '3l 11. entinem VII Tatum. 15 yr. tsasa Paha sod Ilatimora 6's do. -.. la 15 eats beam's.. Thompson IT. Golden LE. Is Lump, In store and lbr tal e by 30PIN PARKIR a CO. . 0 ,.. • • -.----_-- OLD RYE WIIISKEY. 40 bbls. pore Bye Willakeu„.•••ery old msd eboior." &I bOla. il haws. In Mces and tor •a/4 Pl . " id Iraria Wail ritiara 14 cOiL NEW BOOKS AND ItAGAZINES-- ()nvae. Humus far March, with 144 Immo - Paticultnynt, for V bnonT: Pine/star. 14 - hhe Review to • Life's Enscipllto • twee: - - Il e chssde - s - Marnsitte,No...i Woonnof Israel, by (Imo Aguilar: Homo lofWane. tale fur mothers and & amble d - et Motion's Recompose, by Orme Agall.r. :OMnceptlmn or ths history of tho humor limn: by Mitt Fills Ora, • noreb Ilenti t S;;;;Zn, by(l. I'. IL J. I*: fur rale lIOL ES' Mem, - orwiw th. g s PLENDID NEW PIANOS— . t. 7 un xi; udo..plwuty In nouncing that he bas just oPmt-d • la •• 1 1 T 1 eboks, Eau. of the celebrated make o Nemo, t Colon and lirentt, New took. which, with three e n hood. form the most ele g ant. mica, and ext.:mire stock ever uttered In this city. • Ammo others, Orle splendid . : octave double carrel Piano. Lulls XIV style. with the new Impmrement of no. over Acing, the latest mot egret important Inlproverornt. to be fottral only on Nun,. At Clark's Pianos. Also. too superb Totten Attachment Piave. UN. ll.—An extensive lot or New dltude. embracing Jean) •sZMil's, and the clod/set new Fongs, Polkas. Waltvw , Jo. 4 STUN OF TILE 0111.8ENJIARP, 101 Mint Ft DAPER—FoIio, Packet, Commercial and itot,l= supply 'orn.lll dug Moll at /1.15 W. B. YEN'S NOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engravedand Fterrograph Notes and Malls. of most beautiful de v" sal t VEN'S ➢lmk j a ~q• , Coy. Market and Se ar cond an. lAmeriean. 3011111111. and loot cont..' WRI'FING INK—Arnold's Writing Fluid, • Copying and Red Ink. Ilrbberte Chemical Fluid and Red ink. Columbian Ink—red and black. A (togas k Tbaktpook'n Commercial Ink—black, , scarlet, 'Led red. French Carmine Ink. For sale by NEW BOOKS. • Q Dill' S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY A new classical allover). of Greek arid lbornms g raphy. 1111011010ar 11211 g eography. partly bleed w on the Illetionary of Overt atul Itorrom Biography and Mytholo g y. n• William Smith LI. editorof the Dictionaries oftlreek d limn. Anti q uities, and of Oreek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 00060 d. With 0012101911 0 correetimm nod additions. by Charles Antbon, 1.1.. Profooar of the heck and Latin language. to C01...Ma Collmv. The I.lte and Correopondenne of Robert Southey ; mhtml ,y Ids ron,tbe Rey. Charles Cuthbert Pothey. I t . A., Co. ate of Plumbland; Cutaberland. Full bound cloth,with No. 0 of the. Elle and Correspondstare of Robert 800. 174 t1Yee of the Qom. oriel:4lmnd, and Knathdl rilneeer. connected alth the tenni earcoaelon of Dowd !WWII. 1/, Agoo4Duirkien..toontiorDto L 1..., of the D0...0n , of TPoyeey and It. C. 14.11; an 4,1dry.0 end In the Ilroad e of eray Tabernacle. on Wednenlay evening. Jan 15, PILL by Kee. N. Murray, D. 11. The above lendryjad revelred, and for rale:by yana/ It. CI. STUCTON. No. 47 Starlet et. 1111ANOn, FORTWou ES—J ou r+ 11. Strzy.o No. 11l etrert. hay tercel . ut'non open for rah, a leuve end vted stork or 11. end 7 octavo annfratm fn. the tomutertory of Chlekerion, llodon. to Odell hr native the attention of P.A....err Ti,. ere lorertehly fold at I.l.eton Inc.". reieren rtitt any e1 ,, 111 11 rye for tranryorfalion or rill, and in all raw' , warranted. Mr`n r,ll ' .:lltWlT.g. ".. Agent for the rile of.Chlrkedniee I'lenon hr Wed. Pa.. No 61 Word entreat. - - - NEW BOOKS. NEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY of. A: ()trek and Roolan Biography oingT. nod Urn rrat.hy,partly bawd own the I.llrtaalrythof and Re I!.:.:(l.arthYA:VlY(hoinky. By V... eg.q L. L. U. Zirel ol linerit:( &ntland Englirb Pfliorrera By 'Anne( Strickland. Ist. The Lilo and (Norrepondrone of It. Southey. FrbUid by bir Pon thr Bor. (1. C. Southey, M. A. I rob too.. rung Vtir tholino of Popery, unlink CUM, An Adder,. dr lu tto. Bt.:Away Tahrrnorir. on Rolm...lay errir January 15. In4l, by her. IN. Slurrai i. U., Km4 ,.. Just rewired and for rale by ob 3 Annilo Building, Fourth Pt XTEW MUSIC— A . from Wa 1 , 11 Wetly rablen.arlrbrated - .1 1!. 15,1 ;I'irtiTir'llsointithfiiiirmbe-..r. nen acing by te Furtrr Sonar sae 4 , 4,1 Alicr tal n r. by 6, C..Ftuter. I'd off es Car thla hand nf mine, maldens ems. or Traneadillo. tuar Inippy yet: from the Dam+, trio of SL Stark. Itninu Burial. a favorite aril tonthing now bort nomrlrd lb.. spit. that lovnl floe. ' Bra or don't yen reniraihrr roort Miro Soh,. Polka. by N.C. }Soler.' The oilrbratoil Polka Banos. J....it and Jrannth(sussyiirtr., ren.,,tr a t t .7llty, 17111'1,. lei. naa.Z o—rrrr.Wikal pelt Qn n d A tow rdit/nn of Iluntrn , idstrurthro. for Piano, oil ix additional lx of nen leroune. Clare. f!atrrhlnn lor thr Piano. Burrun a Piano Purl, im( r. Itreeirrd (today by JO Pr HN IL SI ELI.UIt. SI Ft. N v.ry laoo.stork of I.lollte. a rriving. atri will hoop., for vats Ohio (a:11 TEW BOOKS AT 1101.31ES'o. Literary Thint rtnot. onnoribi Pnet ((fib, • r u t: • (i- fluent, • ?ma+ br llother. awl Deugllver ram Awmlar. ranker. Itervoirenne. Dr ties". A.nilar. ranker,' 3.laganne \Chi., A !..11.1! ISZ.I. by J+nuar> The 31.aheer. Iteennu, noTel. Ora, Aguilar. The Lutterelle; or I teo ruaria,.....--• novel. The Ladder of rink' Van coot To Lore anal to be le.e.l—a Caroline of BruneW lir 11 M. 31 14. p :watts. The Itornieh 6.l.f.Zaw' * - A Le,ttire on the ,Semite. Dr Dr. DrrA. Dr. Itcrw . . 'Kepi,' to [litho? llngbea. on the Decline of Yntestantlaro. 'tome !OUT - NIL No lof new waver... I,llro, a not el. ty the author of - The °Orb... •• Do 1 a UM Atneri. - an Ilintolnated,nlition of the W avert, New Books, just received. rpriE Barth, of the Bible; by -George GUM lan. I yak I. 12frori, ~bn 011etutaxf: trelnit • procr , ATl , .abit.ition or an. Unannta.r..lerlgonl lorimettan•ro. In tin...le..na aa a took of ...nein fat anadetle• and coll.:Me. Ii I vol. V..lnn. nm.. The Youtteol...S.n.naL fl.tllannsh Vlsc:pliout..l. I vol 11ent, L'lmern• and Coont.r. tharm... .Inri• plus. drol. Ithrwtaw.us. Thell.dher4 Itroomproma ; a rennet to - Home I name ore ty bears Anoint , Idrebarties' Illairasine and Each:were JOXICII6I. First umber Juet Byrnes IhrtionuT of Mechanic. and Plnqineerinc. No'.. Joel reed for ode by Ifill.KlNS. Aledlo Ilutl bnw._Eourth SEW BOOKS! .thNeTREWS' LATIN, ENCLISII LLXICON--A cordon% and critkal Latin, EirAlleh foundril on lancer Luria. tirrintan Lisbon of Kr-William nsrod. with additions and correction , from the Troy of bexnor, n. Fascia:di, Schell., litora, by C. A. Alcamo, L. L Ta crumb Ind.. or rot ratline: bd. the prrannal l Dery and molt. of trim' thrauch the Sandwich or 11... than Wand. and other harts of l'alyneala lir Err. lfrolT T. Llaeartir, author of - The W bale and Mr Castors.. {VIM " rtalg s relWn, lapel tit*. Jur Cram Aguilar. IttcciVell Ltd for ode by TIT jal3 ft F. STOCKTON,I7 Markrt rt Cbroular. rod. and Ararriraneon. lA.'-'--i-------I.BLANK BOOKS &STATIONERY . w ra h r . rat all Awn mid •elitalltlee. TolvEnted PIM. blue Blank Books of every druniptiOn. on Imuil or made to order id abort rialltS Ctstinuery-Engllsti, Frevirh and American. limey and staple, for sale by . W.O- MA') EN, Stationer, Alb Mallet st, earner of Rewind .100 K AND JOB PRINTING—Every di.- 1 1 2 tar t41:if0i1f,.r:1.X4—.7,11"-bZu c.'ll'ad, test mnner. by II N. lIAT EN. POnting Oflinv GO Third et- between Market and Tern Jule. , TATIONERY—W. S. Havea:time; of brewed and Market eta. has tor Sale ite Wye and nom tue mi veorterient of fancy qtatlimery .0 hi. eon lain opened in tide market Merchant.eupplied with ever, rrtiele in Ode line on the moat favorable tenus ski. NEW STOCK OF PIANOS, SI M3 ist the Golden Mew. No 101 Tided nt. hlAllthit le now ...riving •-fre•eh lot vowelegant Pismo. made by Naomi A Cuts. `vele York, among them, a ePletalid I wt.." r.r.r , 11 ... I the rsche.t di...Option of exterior awl tone. I. It mule in the Boron. idyl, in of in the reign .A 14014131 and l Ala. a new Int of faebionable nod ImMilm• dodo nod- 1 v an exteuesve selection el Brass Inltenrowets, 0 Win.. Guitars., Ilelohona. sod every variety of musirol ...hat. dire 10 EW BOOKS.—Rumbolt's new . Work, . I,. oiram., or Sketches of • Phyak-al dvimiption of the Delmore! , liketchee of Minnesota. the New Er 1411.1 or the Nest, I Tol 12 am Ilyroc i s Mechanics' and Engineer.' Dittlo.l7. 21.1 No reavvol. "I'Vort'ery"'L Their .re 'roil w lt or litlrt IV. D.lO ARNOLD'S, lIIBBERT'S, II(KIAN AND T4IOIIESONT, and Ilarrtion's Black, 14.1, licarkt Carmine inks. 110010,0'. Fabree, Bookman id Langilonli. JiCl.Oll , ..I 10000004 Block and Bed load Pendb. Inkstavtle of every deeni w ptkin, tl , illott'a Coheres, Pral42 l ICl•dh,'ll.li kl..,ll.:.(.4•=,!tnerrylre;fit r & ) orlehrstol bald It with amid and raver mu., whiatmaws Etaawi Dravana Paprr-ontiquarimi.dou bye elephant. Ohm, noluMbler, super royal, royal and eh ph .!,t ti=ol l. lll , rd.., eat de. 7' and ~ , n alinTi d ...,,,,„ „, Jai gold. diver 1 fiLryPirrrnioreil Paper. gold Or colorol strips mid cortmratrd litVaLheir laza r ,. f,gPf.Arian - ITll:a n ... i ;„,r, .L. 0,0 o: " h.a.i. the m a r an d rZe ' gl i , r state r. f r uTiiiit i . rr a 4iri'el.'Vliilltii.lire"arvn nm"r n r i r s 'in h g riote envelope , plain and mboowd. kilter envel Kie r' s. bro ' w , whit. emi r blow, laid a r nd plain adhesive en 'elope... hull, blue and white NV 80.00 waferrupe, io,ravieriwtteeoOdrd z. oo. witting and, boom Volii=rh'ett-I.l4tert nil ei,„,77;,r r,:lu,iarn v ii...i., u.. 0,..... or nil mi..; rad end white patent blot TVerriLrerir'lttirroilferr iodide. in• the litallopert Line, bah fancy end dente, together with • large swortmeut ot blank horde and memorandum books of all miniumn form. oalvrqu"saYlies,o;o;rsr h i . 41 1 ' in n ittei r t a p i rc r ui r o f et 1 r 1 ea t'n sale erme... o r ' IV 13. 0 .1 a. EN'ti, note r"tirtr:rdld:rtUr a PL u rTiNiriv r' ta $ 'I'AN DISH, TILE PURITAN, n Tale of the Atilflitoll 14.10111tiOn. By Eldred Ortivenn./DO lidary of the !deformation of the Nixteenth Century. 'el. ilitclinrO.l 0 Ait t elr, :;idb.&•l.l4jelritoUfrire 1.2174;: ang%:id Tree:island by 11. White, II A. Molt) Co 4 Irtiutuel.y..7l Ilistory. Antiquities, and Biognsphy II twinged by forty no:ming, By C. Collins The above works for sale by It C. FDICKTON. Boidwiller and Rationer, MAO Comer of arket and Mini et. (i pe, IITLINE MAPS—Peiton's splendid Out m. woe, err emir being Introduce.] In all the leading eir ede la New En land avid Near lark. We here. obtaiere n ed the agerici for them In Pltteburgh, and invite ..wh NO. scluel committee,. to cult and exam... then, rio 1-11ap of Ove N miter. Ilembiptiere. IV 11d Inches 2 do Bodeen do do , 3 do North America. 0a •4 4 do United States, 0x 42 to do Europe, 0x WI f do Ala, nx 70 . 7 do Pi America& Arlin, 0a 44 ~.Pd.mof,..the.= wittt key, 1,104 or the Bret twn Mewl. P..riispa ar. unrivalled In Seursery.beauty and aware ~,,,,s, and e&pled to the words of the primary. eremmer and high schwile of the United litotes. For idle at PUbllsherYe wdees, without addition of freight d ia tigee, at the EDUCATIONAL BOON 1.101U4, 1.10 Corner of Mute% and norm st. Morris and Willis's Ilinne - lournal. IIIUBLISIIED every Saturday in New York cloy. at Two Dollars a year. payable to all caws In L'LWllestox or MIZECT-cllOO of the llama Joarne), No . 107 Talton may New York. December 24, 103.-To all vele. It may concern: Thiii may certify that J.ll, Mums le dal, anthem...l in act ae agent for Flag= k 11.4..1 lOW. Jotr u tit. and that all reccipta given by him 111 pay '4lllro'egrpolsihrgzlnt,-.7.7=17-.Ad .I..ygth,;. ~,,Ll,bst all subwrilltico. are peyable nue mod Iv vie , ii ri o il. new:lume i wAl oasam i mu the .r l i st of Mum :pewit., the Itsti/Eire. r b ileillilte ATILLi rd , Arrrt. de% Editors acid Proprietors. VNVELOPES.--Just received, a large El rag= er.gto•V E gt, " "" • W. 13.11.1.Va5, Wl= Wonhows. Cor. martot Second areeti - - BONNETS—Murphy do Burchfield aye open thl. roongos soeral one of New Spring rioettrtAof Ih r z . gr a r=os C li tlannirrion.. lAA Allenn.AF and Milan, A.lessfinp% Chins Part. Dab do. Americas Nalt Valdi sod Chi ldren's Pedal sod Pees' English Wan, snd proombh,„ 3111ssesi ikansts, of • swirly of seri...— WTOV M Wk . ._ wol Th ranrellol e 'd sOr d s. Aga Oath A Sh ablZi COUGH/car. COLDS CURED rE 4S HOURS. (.IINCE the introduction of this new Coin. tlssest. Cnisalis and Colds are entml in • very short time. We will warrant D. Keyileeel Pectond BrmsD tew e Trti:Tt=al‘ett= dineoven.l. IT lIAS AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The old Cbugh Medicines all sicken tbs.:mach mad prialune minxes whkb hi more ilinagrectible then the cough Knell. nits I. obvi ated in this mixture, for It in a pleasant erothini. article and It will cure Or UV. nueicv ncal fe . 'V..'" h ' deuce in favor of this medicine In our city. (tom our own chisene nhould convince nuy one of Its efficacy. 11 Is do him f his ono prntlr. plnbr.kr...Vr ~,w ith wont heroic Innen, L'ONSEMPTION—A lady from Steubenville ma. , that her daughter had been 0.1111,441.1111 rI,OOOKII and expector. ation, night eweate, brink fever. sod all the din/treeing t o of mneunaption. and that eller taking two hot- Ur. Aim was mdtrely cured, A gentleman In Washington county who had suffered nith Asthma are Clannalo LIMO f r o e r na 9 '1' 13 firitc h t ' se to or hi . ..171 " d 4 r t: l n i rT d nottle n n ' o l l ' :11171e torat o Syrup. A gentleman from Peoria. Illinois, write/. Nat `Ac ed knon the Pectoral Syrup hi he &maid artkle, for be has us It in him own case and In the up..f tnemlicre of hLe fatally with the maid perfect sureeee. It IS 000 OF TIM Courier 511nultitte wow antlarg—lt t u r t s tvi t ln half pint bottles at mot s each. or holden COOarin tini•x[r.Miros would do well to. keep • euynlf o. thin tunlicirne on hard all the time, as it is ono of the moat ',feet mad elfueselom remallet ever Mannered for nil rough. and dlartnee riffle. lunge and indolent fietrionliKru. CAUTION llXTRA—tiny pens, will try to get you to buy time nue of the varia tantrums, but do not heed them. If you wont In get well buy Da. liktartea Putout Prarr, and tak• no other, Ilia will aura you. It ham In It rotor of the mat valuable pludit and herb., of the materla utedlea. and le cumpounded by a perenn skilled In the befit In,, art. There nu bit on detrptiou In this mede. It P. prep and in your own city, and the proprietor hae , nom., our eertihruten fro= dtr.. 0 .4 , 10 - g valneable propertiCa, which will be shown to may wean deeiraus of meting them. AtiVers Waxen throughout the United Etatn tosell thin medicine. Largadivounts =de to than who will tate an into.eat to the medicine. It will pay , a large profit to all a gents,berides.they will helloing suffering humanity • PerfllC by plating in their hands the medicine for Lung Mateo. the world hae ever mini. For sal, wholesale and n.tall, by FAKER McDOW ELL. Deltan*l4o Wood street. Pit burgh, Pa., 00 wham oil HUTS toe agencies moot to addrereed. AL.o, f sale by D. M. Curry, Allegheny rityt P. Mocker. Jr- Bro w nsville: Untrue Baled. Wmhingtom John Rachman, Waken: then, Key•er, alcKraispert; J. D. /VoweU, Cationshurke and by merchants and drugrlata generally. EL LEII S' LIVER PII:LL"The very best 1..3 Pill now In etaer • Ka-swat COM" wort r. Va.. Jatxl, Mr. 11. D. Sellersc-Dear Bin. I will aloha to you that it le my opinion your PM 14 pet-Impel the wry be Pill now In me as • Lever Pill, end msunward by tow an an Anti-Dinette Pill. It la 'err hiubly esteemed In our came otooar ooraly pill. and L. but roPPlnollog td./KTA 1 near speak (eo n, my own mutable, and from the ex perience of twiny of my friends and customers Yours resp-ctfully. E.-I am permitted to ahoy the original letter. but not to pnbileb the writer . .. mine. CirMiCrie Liter Pills me au OriginaL Only True and Dianna-. All others are ft moterfritPor base imltatioan. lhateliomm, nmdiret that It. IL ballet" . Liver Pill* arc orixitial and only true and genuine Liver Pith and TT le bad at No. LI Wont PlrOVl and of linage. grin Nix• in the two elite,. and vlchtity. supercede all other, Climb-don, V., Kept, Dia leati.—Mr. IL F.. Patent—Your 1.11111 have hexane so Popular In all OM re. tool, 4' " 4 " . Tro•ke O.ot r ° ,. t , h •" •• • Lne lbetraet uf inter.] .1 AM/ A.fts. Poototoo.o. recollect that K. F.. tk•llere Liver Pills me the itioinal and omit true and genuine hirer Pill, and may be nal at No 57 Womd 'Uwe, and of Druggists generally In be te, clue. andvie-tuft - y. Jab) • • MEE= JOAN (.l lli JOllli 31URRAY'SI'LocullAGNEsis L - 7 Prepared under the immediate care of the Inventot alai established for upwards of thirty feet , TM" elegant preptration is recommended to all cam" of bile.arlditle., Indigestion. gout. and front. ne the stool MG, east. ant effectual form In which Magnesia may and lode...line only one in which it mid to be exhibited. pos. ...ming all the ropertlea of tho M ;meals now In general use. without Is-lug habit. lite lt. to for dangerous tonere. bons in the teasel , It effectually rum heartburn without Iniuringlho neat.. of the etomach.a, Naha. rotas:. and their carbon:dee are known tuft it prey nta the fool of infante trtitgx,ll,7 .11;1111;1 , 7 . es It , arty pleasing aperient, and I Arr'llurniqin.)''L: v t! 2 :111 . 3. 1 11 that this notation formatted. 1 üble condonation , with uric. arid sr. Ls In ewers of gout and 1 a ravel. thereby countemeting !hear ItljUli... tetidenrY.-- when taller alkalies and even Hager iteelf. had failtd. ' • From Err Philip Crampton, limy. urgeort On to the Army in Ireland:- - i n Peer Sir—Them (AIIN nohont, that a tagaeaa mnY dminietered mu" 0041:I7 Seel a uton than in substance: fir thia. and many other remora, I sot yr O,ILJOII that the Fluid Magnesia la a very valuable addititat to our It stmin Mtdira. PIIII.IP CRAMPTON.. Mr Jana, Clark. air A. lio Le, hr. Bright, and Me.urs. tiuthrie rod ilerhert Ma: a. cdtanadon. strongly mem:amend Memo. Flni.l Magneein. to being from more Pee and convenient than the solid. and free from the danger attend- Inc the ....dant 0.0 a Hlll3 ::;1101.1%. ' o "1' Lt (h.. '''''''''llt. A.'ir.Srlir'...ei:OC"k'rbo. pall Gm. Wuvi A Inmt rtt. M'ALLISTKE'S OTIMIN'T. 10NTAINING no Mercury, nor odic! , Mineral. The or The following testimonial we, given by th. !caw:l..ll tt e.h-r Beach. the author of the groat mesh I cal anti entitled — l - lin American Pmetlee of Medicine and Fandli Phyueum. Having been tunde eirguainted ulth the higredients whieh ntoxv... NleAllieter • Albilealing ointment and bar. Inc pn—eribed and ted it In ...venal me. , ln my miry,. itr ti' a " ; . eg l cti ‘ ge ' 11 . .. L 1 ' r:71 ' 7. U :1% :Min ' T , ; ‘ a r i ' n7nt i l f eltitta th„ . ' . a lottever: that lb. ingredient , mmidued iro they ni, and need a. direct...l by tlie propri.o.. tare Oct only banal.... hut of great value:lring a truly Pciesilitle Remedy of great ! power; arel I ch,erfully recommend It an a .411(5111124 Lich ha. demo touch ctsil. and winch Ls a dapted to th.. o f a great varlet, .4 ...ea. Though I leave Or( et V all*, cern...ended or engaged in the vole of rerret medi cine, tvg-ard her the trait honer,. rorcietilloue. Intonate I her...etre of the proprietor of this ointment anti lite value of 1t0....;"7.;1r1i.';i'1h.f. 1",14" '"busu!!"A`PAri,FitV.l7: to. Baas—lt is one of the Ices thing, in theworld Pt Pstm—tbou-arela ode i early ...owl by this Oh t never fsil. In givins. rethf. For Tumors. Ulm:mewl all kinds of ion, It has no squad 1 If Moth., nal NOM. Ullef It" value in caws of:Swollen or noreslimmts. (bey •ould slants aPPIY IL In nieh can, If mad according to dimetlortait. gives relief fn • ;very Ds. hour , Amend the ht are direetinna for Itut IldAllirtern. Mintment for Merofula Liver Cc...plaint, Eryelplaa • retter. Chilblain. Mesh! 11..... t. bore Eyes. Quincy, gore Muni Itror.eb nervous Affections. :Path, them: , of die Ileol Ache. Bums. i:orm. all Ilawares of the kith. 1 0 000 Li t e. po oo lm, am, ii.ellini, of the limbs. NUN, Rheuma tism, Piles, Cold v.., i:,roini.;Lvelled or Broken Bread. 1, , 1b Ache. ague in Ow Foos. a Front OW Road Ole: Mak. There vr. never. a Malialne bron.ght du the MlTim'tsblll7,-IE.: Zrdon..z?. re,.;=" l :4::. person that has made of it noeskii warmly in Its praise. tine lem been cund by It of inn twat painful theme:Wm, another of the lam. a third of a troublesemn pain in the eide, a fourth a • swelling it. the it ta • ITT does not give annardtede relief in every ewe it ran do no 1111.17, hell. applied outwanlly. As another er blew's of the analerhal healing Poser pcw rowed by this calve, we so Gila the %Bowing tertitieste. from a rreremtable citizen of Sidencreek township. in this county:— Ilehlonereek Derbies,. tools :ID. 147. _ Meows. Itittro A Co—c.d.-A 00 inform yon that I no? VATl'llje.;''VAllll...l.7Z ~=:;:htil'i- I nlrtk Ea7l7;gl you. 1 entlered with It.for OMB twentT Fers. mat .oight wee enable to sieen. During that time I tried Valintlll lelSitth., •hleh Wel , . rte.... Mal for me ho phystei.. and other veranda without reelz any mita. and at last male trial of this mare, with reeult favorable heycad ea iodation. I Mr. now entirely Drenthe palmist:4 the at night • peaceful aml rwert. then. I ham.•aim neat the mire eittre bar local ache and olio. complaints. with ILIONCIU . h."Y "'''''. Y"".l67ltlEw nknelflTgil?'''"‘" Pole proprietor of the above medicine. Princired Mina hold north Third el. Philadelphia PRICE MF.RTY FINE CENTX PER MIS. • Antonio ITrrentson—lt. A. Fahnestock A Co.. corner of Worsl and First stst Wrn. Jaclumn. no. an ,the elm L. Wilma. tr.. corner of Market street and the Diamond. la. , cower of Fourth and eta 1 0 0010 dm, Je d . Cassel. co, Boof Walton Mal Penn sts. Ward: a .010 at the Bock store in Smithfield erre. third :Icor hood neoind. It. Alleghen. city by It. P. Sehrtarts and ./. Douala.: by J. G. Month. druggist. Ifirminghato: D. negley, East Liberty: II itowland,MeliemPon: J. Alezmuter & two. film onmabela city: 01. R. M.O. • Co.. and J. T. Rogers, Brownsville , John Barkley, Beaver. Pa.: John Walker.), Elizabeth: lionbright 00 knwin. Rochester. jallailY 4 ULES HAU'EL'S SHAVING e CREAM.— Sawn. Is the man who does not appmdate the lommtrY . asy shave If any theme be. we do not aldrem our net•ro to thot...:TOt .to all others. we sny, if you wish to .d, s h e en, a glossae... purchase a bet ofJuleallauers Almond Pinochle, ex Ambrosial Mhaving Cream. It 1, t ut, terly iturcesible to Mal no r& to dewribe the feelings of • person—alto tot 1. wed to sharittrenth oniinut 'in.— upon tanking tMal of this for the first time. It is a retold 'tiftVinitralllatno &Late et reWingly emollient, model - mg the stiffe4 and tmetwiri heanl eoft and pliable, pra.111050•203 telnorable tether, and by it et , lila On.tUrir alholux thrirrihattott. and preventing 11.17anal:%'i=0.. tn . t ata e l , sti,if icwoling of the skin which Is PO .. e m,. using Juice littnerslcharing Cream, may Its the coldest and mon piercing •Itels imundlabdv alter Its use, without the .kin becoming chappcd. And than , elm "e me it. sre can reel, - my, will leer me uny name. DDoc great advranum—whiel. will de 'wow - idly appnela. oc toothy Mom. who wear whiskere—is the Did-that It will nor discolor the eard, which wand na p . wall do, mho; a sandy o r rusty appearanos to the edge art whisker.. j o b, H e uer. Shoting Creams aro delightful preparations. compounded with ain. to the utMr excluelon of all ,misses calculated to wader the operation of thavlog minimum.. an0r....a . 11 :PreneM.l hy all wk. make trial of them. r...- ' ) b /ITLES MAU F.L. Pirflimre and Chemin, IW Chesnut MVO, Philadelphia For cote. •bolecale and retail. by 11. A. kalawnock A Co, and IL IL !tellers. PirDbunan and 40110 &Argent, and ,I. Mitchell. Allegheny CD, To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. P UBLIC ATTENTION is respectrullN in. v w,i ~.,, the Dißecring troths. Act t.rlth in mint-ion Ix r''l4lßlTUrLrat IT,Mirmr.:V. Ta k .T "utt -- ~,.. c o . since this gntat remedy um bnoight before the public, lot the and end core of d1....ww. Its great powers t ,,,, h...d, bate, .thee the, townie hilly appreciated by tr roso monity, and we allege r, pt the longer i lt la tried e molt certain will Its great e !tumid. , It s nottim mcd . edy.of a day, gotrap for. the sole purpd e of making Innrwr huh one. which we rontwite, will mu nue_to tot, clued wiwn V N TlV a l u t e t r PTl ' y, h e o l e ntr ' oratecri r r g i ° NrtiepVtl e . Tfi',„'",T',4;", b,- • 0 „,., and agency that laughs to mean all human er.e,ricParw.e w l Hre " th r e tglictgl O ve r e ray t' netriV = n en: lawn to deceive thOtte who guar trust our ward or put r.mfM tr tacsetherl=l:Cs roc " af cl f o n k m "'. .liTsise . " t A k :cl7m -kh " hard . ly lo too highly wrought to no the dol l o f - ,00. Ind Of hl we mow of them. now. we ot to . to do Dila we are anxious onirthe truth In It to oar nmedy should he told. In order to were for It a mou e Mtion far ex....ling any eingle ...Del.° in the materla med. Ira Plain untarnished Pods-warts that tnay be atwertalu.l In our city and neighborhood, bear ample tmtimony In In. itof the Petrolum. Within the past too morLaha, two of our own rillteria who were totally blind, have teen restond MOOR- gov erni law. of blualrwas. In the :nate of Old. bate lawn ~...., 2,,,L 4 a ...the cu ssof a gentleman in Reimer county. There aro otbcirg bot lb,. are rums near home. mat mar be referred to by ant perion. who hare. out. 00 the rith ject. Ticino Mae. were renal after they bad hew abandon ,' by physicians es hopriesa Tim Petroleum will rurr. when used onennling to direetione--Diarrham., limectory, nth, ith c ometion. (lona n eurahria. Eruptions em Use Skin, Pimples on the Mee. Chtonle Bow Rye" Itingmato, Teter. Scold Head. pains lath.' tone! and Joints, old arms, Ulcers, Wens. Ague. Chronic , Cottubs. Asthma. Unmehills. and al r u k o op•ry affection. of a chronic 111•AITI. paling to pm. duce Comminution. • Durex and Innkla diseases of the'Bladder and Rklneye, L'lmiped Banda Kann-bard Nipples. ([rile and Bunions. In fart. It la n GMT camas.. Amine, and has toms tried In rno.t of the above diereses within the lead. year with the nowt. pellet fliff.ll. Certificates that will astonish err lu th e hands of the proprietor, who will Bike pleasuri. In show ing them to the afflicted or their friend. . lihatever gtherts roar nay stout their 111•1•11• K the Prtrulfuni laithe test Remedy of the age. Physicians of high star Theprof...ion are begiunhig to two it in their prat v. who at first looked on with doubt and muerte oty, are willing to std It dud praise and consideration. Before another year mils round. all will he compelled to acknowledge that the Petroleum is the great. eft 03Mtichin WM' dianowercel. For sale, wholesale and re tail. 10 KElllEll A McINIIVELL. IR/ Want ea AIO.—IL E. Boller, 37 Woad Street: D. Pl. Crary, D. A. IMlloth Joseph Donglact . Aliegheny Pty. Also. hY Mop^ . V . .„7,..7;dt . uttu=l,l".t.T.,T b a.l7 , tol o,s l - T Jr..' O. A. _-- ---_,-__, Winter Clothing at Reduced Prim', AT RIGBY'S Cheop Cash Clothing Store. Llliertir ftreet. - toe pnimoletor or en the store ertablishmt Moo, of mir , 32! .0. 4 17 t gt.th. t 7tVgb:L.WPrZg. Mr, hoe dearrmlneo to cam them at arroill mime for root. All them eta trout geed. rtfb, we ab 4 cod ll mail, Clotaiolti tf cod Orm 6 Y 010 ' b e a jerW. to favor him with a mil, se greet barge.. trill . New Boob Just Received. ALLTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto tde(cieeal. I TOL rb.• vow .PotazikimAton, o f the ono or went. t end teachers, ....,.., toe Yon persons of tooth essesstm......l em. Puha. - ............ with n resolution of the &nate sad Ilmess of w , A. of toot Stets of Illlchluert. Br Ira May hew, A. IT., ude eneriateodeat of public Inatntrao. 1 tol V.lnn. mos. . Abbott's Noir Itook—illido. of Stedsme Roland, br John So.lO.snerertl7TrUbirjrart==. ' o :46i tt'''. '4O !IL ileerAlN S. thATodo hutidh..te, Tom. st Fr lIKEETFLI 1 0 011 McClintock IL ta ow , he...erd tod' hetas's... esmortmeht of three ply Cerpsts esme offered to tide market, sx4 Of MO Wait sod .00101 roved styles WA aid nee dared oval thus Impee.o. llAd rooot inctorlep to ths UnnatsFel st On CatverWaroboose.Bo,sd row% at SCELI,,MQUSI New Mode. iIaRAND POLKA DE CON- EN can, niaiktet St." P. euch4bithwelebelvVeat et,the Abe,. Snest reuietr b lf .4,,,Wee=eue M the Wee author. Mad all the leta melt. Illetek, Weed h)• the Viet.= yoblinbere. reeeteed end Cur male by ds m. mrle.l • al Wood ith _ RW MUSlC—Where are the friends of my Youth; yO. Darter. 'ye comething Sweet to tell You. The Robin. thinitinst out the Day, Wm, My. New Societe' Hume, a new eons, dthicet e s to the Lodi. of New lloglanil, She ILove is far Away. Oh, meet om to the bitter Shan. hut litchb Mr Houma an the Prairie Lew—Wbedbury. Lily Rhey„ by IL C. Pother. I've left my nstiee3hisse. by G. The Spirit Dore. • So, hi, hi; the Black Shakers' Sons thalPolka ' Wo Id I were with thee—ihr Mutter. Leasdieux, by Harr. An extensive collection of new Death. Wallatm.:. Tax* bens: ie.. Alio • new impplY of `Nett Carotins Eacra.r_ Cantles and au excellent new wort, called too roll coon of enrol's. and social thug., hm7.7.1.71 tad irAle4 thrantod by O. K. Webb and W. Mthom— too" idelv 4 one of I the teet worth ever poblithed. 11. KLEDEIL febl4 Golden Ham N 0.707 Thir4lar rrHISTORY OF PENDENNIS, No. 8, o F • Thaelkayey and the Queena Necklace, or t Seems History of the Cieurt of Lomb Six - Wont _by*. riALUICX,DommOsve been reed, and for mile at I f m.r. Depot. Do. 74 Ttdrd st, 500 bush el s Dried A .P.3!Th.fgaBrailteolg. :GIRL wanted to do house work. Aul A at tbl. office • fe _ ' LARD -4 kegs for sale by reb22 ROBISON. LITTLE a CO. rirIOBACCO-4 9 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by fob? MoGILLS L4O& • CA RLET CURTAIN CHINTZ, of differ art wldt., .1. 7 7 1 1 1 rjunlegityttao.f uROWN FLANNELS, a Domestie Artice: 5i,.... White. Barred. Gm, and Usiati Blue. to be found et the More or mmtpay * Bußcitywax. RIZ 15 RV' HERRING -300 -boxes (fresh) for =l...by reehs WICK It MeCANDLEOS. E)ALM OIL-1000 lbs. be store, for sale by l. mail MILLF.It t RICKETEOS. CLARET WINE-14 hexe s bds. Bordeaux; '33 h . Neelco; melt MILLER & RICRESSON. -_ HAUT. SATURNR WINE -15 htelo. Ilaut YoterselVinet :MN - .. - in eton, tor role hr rertti 3111.LE13 & MICELISON. lish NEW 1100KS--Andreves Latin Er; Lexicon. By E. L. Andrvws; L. L. D. Boys' The Ishoul World of the Nettle. By Bev. Remy Chet, 12 non. nine. ho Women et Israel. By Onus Aguilar. 2 Ste 12 o 0.. rifle: • Framer:al. glory. By the author of Rolla &iota Tbe Lit. of lie.. Junes Quinn. By Bev John T. Wrisibt. Jun received and for one by ft. 110PHINiii . febYl Appoi.lo Bnildihgv alert.. LINSEED 01.1,-5 bbls just received,' pure u ' u't. " ol'...mB " . to l s . lSON.LirrLal7o,feiri _ No 255 Liberty street. 3CO Drie d I;ee n ha o rg u sidg c, b . y ("LOTIIES' PINS-10 cases Eastern, for Xj rale by bids J. D. WILLIAMS t CO. H. .MOLASSES-5 bbis, 13 half do, .;2t 7 B ' u ti,!.g""' L 4 "ltrieTritl7i7P;rit )2' . DIG . LEAD-650 pip ra ft Galena, far role by &DM IMW CO. . _ C UNDRIES-700 lbs prime Feathers; wodos owed Corn Broninr. • . WO be. belt brand W. lila= ' •tu ltrs Dry lirrringt r.. loot prime Salerartn9 9 Ulla Alunti In store and ramie by Duet, 11.ATTIINWS W. BATTING -19 La iiwnt stul for ale by , Et 7ll it'AiA t%atcr wad Fmot tv HITE COP:iL VARNISH-2 5 wals for v nutle br fell= J. KIDD t (.1). A 4 01 SHELLAC ,-2.000 lbs for sale by Li rears: d APER CORKS-2 bales for sale by • e•• J. KIDD k MOLASSES -75 Ilbls New Orleans; :1" Vritf. l rT NV - 11El ' AS • • • • libds prime N.-Orteam; bbh • to do Crurbrd and Pulverised. for red br J. D. WILLIAMS t. corner of Wood red Firth M. 111.---IVERS—Just received, an addition ./ nupply of ,mrine Colt's RerolTerk_ ~Anr;eg INSEED OIL-20 casts Linseed Oil, re :: :,taad for male by r.lin—'A)ldds. No. I. Card, reed and for r/Ll. by_ mar 12 P. 2 W. 1121111.1.11111 L 1 OLL BUTTER-101 , We. fresh Roll Butte' 11, med and for sale br LINSEED OIL-10 Ws, for ,We by t " 1 o.W =WIXOM ' 1110 t ROOMS-SO dozer., for solo by fra.ii 5. a W. RARBAIIGIL r ifi HIED APPLES-60 sacks 'received ani Jur for side hi toar 12 8. LW. 11887381:8311. RIED BEEF-6 casks sugar cured, fu rale by febrl ' &W. HASBAUGIL AVINDOW GLASS--1100 bxs, assorts - Tl2ll4 . 1, My ale by fobll S. AW. I.IARBACO ARD-55 bta bls, and 100 kegs No, , for -rale try fel MMUS: IMIL LOVER SEED--55 bbla prime Ohio, ,foi G D T fetal -8 k. NS' 11ARBAIJAH. TAR -50 brie N. C. Tar for sale by: • • vas acrearumaa k 11 , C1111_ 1 _,, ULACK TABBY:VELVETS of a very sa -11 P " k " °4 f ° Tar . M y 's VaiTedix u rfir ° , N. E. ear.loarth and Mastet st. JR furrNE GAUZE FLANNELS --Murphy & BarebfkLl tomato Mad an arrartaYeat of above vada m a bary, w40.004 30 nh...4 4.. , 14 aRR, WI& TBII ) IdS atrauding. . . Ala QUPEE FRENCH 'BLACK C LOTHS -I._, Murphy 1k Ettachtleld le to a:facial attentkas on the above departMent ar Ulric badness, araf BMW _Drr'rms wan Ling clubs of uty description to give tiara a WI Wort DuraabiblL • Ala • VERNIFUGE, Da. MOLL:tea culazaTzr;.. T 600 atom for sale by .. KIDD I a DaS • ' fai Woad at I\ ER PILLS, Da MCLANE'S CELEBRATED, / 30 0 sr.. for RR I R by falS 3 KIDD aCO .., r lAL CORKS-1560 gross tot z sale bY * • ies PaDD . OD • ----,---___ -Ars Qi - 14:41liE 1 - -2 eases fine, and 1 bale, eat_ roar, for role by - ias J. NEU. aCO S — ALTS-15 brals for sale by A bag • J•xm u OD i ft lU N It 1 E S--Fbarrels Family Flour; I_7 25 brly rupprfiti , . Flo :Irkor do; dd busbeb , Dry dila , : 1 brl Esrpd Jun 7 30111;War tCO Jell - The Old Printing Establishment, 1 ILIATE Johnston and Stockton's, and Blank Boos smt rtztionerylWarelienlea ~w. rglYLl'lglrZliTg=rVginigrgl'Ll ilindindi hod Bunion every article% the Blank IloOki Paper alai. rintionOry line, at She shortest tudiee, 1.1 on the mad ieasonahle tern,. Blink Book tad Stationery Widodimee. men= dale:kat sod Svoond street. Printing Unice and Book Bindery. No. 60 Third at. iso BBANDIES, WINES; GINS, &C. :15 bar rip% cognise Erandy..Pale amt Dark.. 15 rata a et. coke do do `Pain" rote. vial's 10 dod at. aryl roost celebrant brands. 5 plpen llollandGlß .Bobline Aneboe and - Fhb.' lpunclerwa Bleb and Beach WWI% Irldekey. • do Jauudna Burn le bble. N. E. dn. do. :C) or. auk. Port Winn '25 du Madeira Wine. . •.0 :... do . Sweet 51010.0 WIne. doDew do. do. 'lu do Slavery Wine. 241 born Bordeaux Claret. In rtore curl for eater Si . JUAN PARKER A Ca. rant 5.11 Labet7 Street. 11OLD, SILVER, ITAK NOT SIOUT ES, Vlmkt Time Drafts oo the Riaat mad W.f. RY.Rs #r. bought and sold. Fire's.* Marine rolkies homed oo the moat bramble terra, at the Baukiag Rowe of ONOROE R. ARNOLD A' CO. 1,3 No. 74 Fourth ntre.t. SUBSCRTBER INVITES TII. attention of merehaale and othrrs ,tre,„= . are! r i m!, 3g keo. std (debt. of all alert and When, eoustantly hartli itel.fur °debt., by ha= V. 1.1. 1.151. D PENE7i l le have movr on band a Nfi large Moot of the brat Gold Pole front the leading manufactraioe Fro York, and. mole exprliedy to °elite . . , Ale°, elegant tiold Ned' ewe aO.l teit=ra. P X: r do. All 13Pectle73..:71:14,1"ardrreiga°,..7., witesoy. der. rIANKING, COLLECTING AND EN: ellANli 07711,7...-. N. 1101.31a 0 a ,7,11.19 e m r m pe ANDIA RUDDER PASTE. gt:aag • _. o . fitilat euperb :rt p tele 70 bents laud sboV7 p er4br at U tlerrarrfall tu serrb.t.hoe:hue7Llte ,V=2!..:. mt PH 171.1 W. Bud the .1 00-1 rA Ta-TtA:'-,.llsted Urn., beet aikellty leery ' II "u1L alai° Tel& oaa•rr. dor y York!, Eptreas,_ar ierateleeg Plated awl Gerrliau Ailetr forka 1110 mi mm mar,.= Table Ma. Tea net/ Pltted , "1.717 poi.v.ed • A Yell" oll" . llbstahle 771.4 ealbrr le., pewter fur c • Detaterar At'h muoastal Ma& Ellabrth 4; at a about the else at • br e ,7113 . t . 4 . 11 1 1 . e mass, cook beef.. N. W%I.L a. OON. Yoram LT Car. Maket .4 Fourth ea -__ C ASKS -MALAGA WINE; 10 tj:: brief Ilgr:Welle,O,rder, On COIISIVIMGIIt 23 bbb ..g.r . : • * s% trA: r,t-or- -P.- ',.'z =mutt.: IWboo Oste; , . L. 3 bolo Tlmolby Poet on hand a tbt ode by ' BROWN It KIRKPATRICK. is:11 . • 144 Marty =rot ,AI:ERIVAN WOOLLEN GOODS.—One bumr.d and fifty pro lone oitod Mdßionkek • pain Crib Blankets. aotorlor article. 200 do Me= Boat Blankota, ribbon bound. 133 do Bray Coating Mankato, hoary. 100 do Drab do do do 30 do Mos da do do 3 ewe Black Blanket Cloth, do 1 do Beaver Gra y tod... th do do 3 reedo, r atoorted micas. , • • 3 do Jeans warted cob.. • 2 do amazon., black and Saner toots_ . 1 do Satinet., Moak and they Rasa: , 3 do Walls Tadliol. Maud, itkrd addle." do Cionibarred • do •do • Stu abortrdooribod. Bondaast, an ant= onadleirnand *tan rasidao nnondlint4Mork and mud. and aridbr oaf oat Wend taTmos Yom. at =llM' - ''=- • =Low . . MIL FErROLIOnd, 011014 ,' ..There seaward thltelnitraertisiAeltrWk: rlrila of this remarkable ;erne •1 h • dy, and the actrttant applicatle!ti fort!. to tlia . Prolud , Dan Intbierd hint to have Wyatt up In bottle. ..with beta and dirsetknoC du the teneat of thc a. The dep th wrtevrel Inca •ell tall& roust' ty .at adepthuf four hooded Pet t. ~, aaa d a yuece, ( tune any cherairal. damp,. icat fart as a flows frost Natunea Gerat Lehratort That It oanlains properties teaching a moats:. of dia,.m. ls o•loneer • • matter of uncertainty. There are want Minus la aba ca. of nature. whkh. If known. talr lit twef nut lawfu In ek e itne• anlTeriu. teal rtattaing bloom of health and vicar to many a sufferer. too Wore the arse fboocht of Pa ttior. It op to bottln, Lai a ' , Tube tlon for the nue of di. ..now. The roortant and daily hurrea font calla for IL and serteal tecoarkaldr oUreo it has pH' formed. Is a aure Intimation of Erten ropplarity siat wide Fermi application in the eons of 11if005,... • We do not abt , to taste `M i n e eertilicatel. we ate enolcioun that the wine an poem work I =4 Into the favor of Nur who suffer. aud wi s h t a WhErt we do scot claim for It n one, that applicatioo cry abut, we unbeeltatintit ea r ,. that in la [number Chronic Manors It ia unrteoll.d. Amore mews aa ,,•b a enurtanded--all dental. of the MIMI. , taunt toed (AINSMITRIA. tin Its early Al l OIIA. sod all i/wnes of the air ...Sava, 1,1%.• Ent lASPEI:SIA. e ell Illadderaall Kidney... Parte in the Hark t o !IMMO Noorelgt, Ithr o mew boat. Ertalpl altu, Tett, Ilinowirort.illiort. afoilkf , Old wawa Cr. Le. lo 0w... of debllify. to fne.” , n , ..eMet. or boa and trete/tried rale, of nioto.o7. tow bettklres 1 1 . 01,r_ellet. It will act west ueurrol TONIC and ALTO!. =iron ` , "" :K.-tr, ! %.74.g..0..h t*th• fondle.. Val. Malt. dineare atol a nrokrat r l eortitation and Kiviret Inertateed and rarteWel Il °V ai Idel • The yoopri.tor know. of releral Ont. of r that realated err, other trertnirtd. crt well wider Mew. of the PETROLEIIII for short Una , Tho eroarall be • xt , e. to any jawsen who dean... It. • None gent:Poe without the 4:Mature of to , lirOl'Il""^" • tor bY mo d. )L Cabal Man, nrar Iterocith attest Alto. by It.llt. SELLF.Itt. Went rt., 101T61-111 it !EDI/WELL. Wool street and Virgin Alley. w.bu are his relcubely appolutet Adreff.* PROCLAMATION. • NOW • all men Who 1100 rick and afflicted' - with disease of the Itheller es , thi =ther l in f lie pains in bark or hmte, glid inlet, old sot...wing ulcer* **Olin Miry can m cured by taking the FETRO. LEUM. ma may talk about its Drings nom. .Mu. as you please. brit this don nut make it ow fer woproclabn. in the•fma of . honer tnmunity, that it h. M.o. which are not contained% n .ny ether nerdy. yb s who r.ked with pain. d sultuing Prom dLoaet oan, fa.„ fA .00 1 0. Ae t ow from the Ills enumerated .bore. Ender it ousts my little to make' a trial. This Petro Irma ht I:lolnizturn — no enturound. put up for the par.. of hawing nutetcon.;n2ityt but it is a rentelyslabon ted by the master hand of alum, and Latithwup from the • broom of one mealier Mitt oriednal purity, and of. ferslo tug.. wolf rrolcdn • ortain and Vitas eared all. other moth-lon hive failed tO Mater my worm lend ithenosraint. 101110 • staiallag... l of the worm lend mret painforetisractro. Oaf tuned Cholera Unbolt by one or two !two. It has hasold caeo of Iliarrlms* io which every otb..etredy has tee of no troll. Ala local remedy In burns sad weld, It is Letter than any medical enntnnund. or ointment that we know of. It n w xllle. ueed hi r l e l.. . e nrado I naa nDail fut r ole •fehapptmae*rud uh to t alo n s a = Y Woott* n h log - on ea MUCI. M. Klett, Canal .11.1 u. :seventh .tout: or either of the agents. ' • - • Keywr it McDowell. co.. of Wool wined and Firtia alley: R. E. Seller* 57 Wool etre. it A. Elliot.. D.llll cony. Allegheny city, ere the agents!. . R.IIIIThEATISId CURED. rE UNEQUALLED SUCCESS • *hich hsto attended the use of MORTIMER'S ILIMUMAT COMPOUND AND BLOOD PURIFII., odertnally miring the wen.. and.mett in. Ont. cora of INFLAM MATORY AND CIIRONIO .1111Ph5lAUS.11, Le • nth/dent gunman...lnd remcomendatissi to it tre e all itheare tot with this dreadful done to try in eh., • 11nn0re‘lp of ewes, many of them f Haman of It. Louts. alai ran= from abroad. hare hen' Mind within the last few m.the in the CST of at Louis ohm, while letters from agent. abroad thow also that rt 1. p.. s e ce nio„,.. th e was wherever tried. Nary of the.- were ehmnie ewes of looC =nib= and all hope Of reran,' Lab hr. oP. — While others were of once 'rant dale, of the acute traum- Telralrvlrl'enni:sl7lh7=ll.-41lel: Xo ' h l sla Ul ds - %t h ii 17;.T.S realised its Gene ra .* end arra. intim cololmentof oth ran but esteem the origami -ditnUrernn propint• , . • of =salad. It is veil known nvin the experience of the past that no o ntlnnyl appliralifin ea ov,lbly end a permarant corn of this dreadful II; the application of ptimUlanug • Daiments. partial relief. in come May LA obtal Ad time. Dan all the whge this dinitse fithigits gran Ado permanenlit in the tiat... and wean. or later will eta% devolope Rolf in a mot. , ditsolful ferutrasti after a few perlatiod return* it settles lot.. ehronin 1.0131. which. if nut won h ob rubel the individual Mclife.— Thiele verdict hi 12,0 hittorf the,tost in all rountriev , and more fully desnonytestel be the history . furnish!. o lot. to IrtgrWrlf 1010.11110 fire and tnatm.nt eir.iiiil'iNitt.;ll7l2lfd 141.00 D • PURIFIER le an totems!. rerowly--eummenr. t it . Opera. Brash when, the Rowe tort originate. and in fylng the blool. mows through We whole nentrallsrathe • Impurr °enrage sediment. wdth. has settled upon We mbrause. onacle,ntol to en the ay Mem. and OMOres the iml isidual to perfect Istalth. Let those who our 10 , 4 oine , tve themselves!, and 'plit oft the use of this hod.. be.' Rog. or 'Wall their limbo are diskwated or crmtrarted 010-11 • degree that they are clipplea.fer life.. - flee epinnitnen of h.drrdi of thnntandp dun.: the rut as lly multitmle at the i u. n onnt day, 4.4nnintrateN I.llofolly of ramming purls. toot relief Or. ra ter= apoliestim.e. The proprietor of this rolnahle enshrine Ta ra nto= es ardente. that no unheard applintieu Cow pn.ntildr elf= a permanent cure where this..lisna armly toted ha the spa. Ile nu tout iirepare and Opole an etntnnea two in tem emit; rao, m give relief in..ne hoinn time. but thin will not egera I permanent rate: The tow turn of that dn..tn ie ne I. tont Its-mut= bmger Um, and an trams= rowdy. to posture the echatand thee Limon's Rheumatic Comn.uni tool Parinar I. the only o r tint hra ever been illosratradi, either Ir, Arteries or any other country, that wiLtiffettnall7 mint th la disease. This medicine ran be WM, wbolowle n'r at Do. 73 Thin e rare. next to the Pot tlle*liiittehorgh. • Alen for rale in Pittsburgh. by.ll. groper, Win. Thorn. opnu 141La.001,5ntr''noTZI"..1A'f or f•LY forerun: I`anipltletel can be hat gratin • on M aII. WISMAIIT.'Akmit. I I LICORTAITI. TO THE AFFLICTED: It ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —lOO. duos Itoar; the discoverer and eel. proprietor ese toces 10.100 led 1..631 medicine* rod also the Innender or the oriel:gated instrozong for intaling the Langs. effeetings , cure of Chronic dimrses, vox a Ito deot of that maluent physician, nutty Phys..' and is • glad.. of the University of Penne th eiraitand for thirty Tetra sinew hat been tutgagol la e inteatigation of dia. sin* the anallostion of remedies thereto. ' Through the use of lids Milan tohe,la connection with Ms Prophylactic Syrup, tool other of his remrates. he hoe gained . anpraidleloi =Mean in rodeo those drnalral sad fatal I =WI.. Tabard. Consumption, Cancer. Scrofula. Rhenandlern. Asthma. Fever sad Ague, Fevers o all-kitult. Chroic het - 4ml. and all those obstinate dim es.. peculiar 1 0 female. Indeed. ..Ten ham of dins. rannthre tinder the uo- of his emi t. i3O. to which home.- is heir—not by the use of see l folly. 1. that with Physiological low. bat hr./. err tax reen roe din.adaptisl to. and pre for, - nct. peculiar nun of Dame, I Dr. I[olo4 Tonle h e PUlR, , when wed, art inane- Uracknowledged - to he superior to all others, as a pane- Uri or UT.' Pith Inasmuch as they leave Um bowels per tartly free from methane. as oleo bin Piller= ad tratted. by the fscolty. to t P.= PraolMetithhettles , ad.r. tad to fern= ammo. bri brain sat that en tried ls Ai:Lifland to establieh whist has Le. said. to the othodsof UseMortelframl. The aglicted are invited to call pim p tit agent ead pro. Mthe (cult ) one of the Doctor's pamphlet* giviag &detail ed =cunt of mob remed. and its appliratio" For mle by the followiag ogrittas..cli.bf Molt drull eiss tbronnnout the !aunt,: .1, Esilmoranakel - * Co., 24 Ifoiell rt. Pittsbar . gh. Jo n . Toviatend. thraggist, kl.ket rt e , Le A. Ike... Druggist. netr the Post OPlct Alksbe. DJ city. Joseph 11.espy,soranatlinIlerrer 000011 Pa. John MUM, banonValley. - " 0 • Adams. Bean* a tz. Y W. lIMIBAUGIL. S. &IV. ILLUDAIIOII. COMFORT AIM VP.T.TFIV rIt'THE AFFLICTED will Le found in , !. Dr. Tlewitte. KellingurYl - INFALLIBLE Lonin - r. c a. mgc Fluid. which has stood the M eet of thirtY ferience, and MA beyond a doubt. been 1.1wm.1. of say. hue the lives of th ourratals of individual& in adman. every ' clam and character of dlarram. We feel that are beam no thing In saying that this Is the 0111 f medioirm that bee been - offered to the elided, tlud does, in nery name of the word. what lOt ""tri ble of de we m dloekrea thew any te lt =risteulerl for me we cigitore oy.whona made or mid, Or by what name. Asstrang tel mortaring [loaf of ttheeealma:we my thee it istello,nily ne t a i r t, t . icr thm 00. b.i. rrr e., appeered. In the born t o( Family Fa the Medicine everoferedfolly, offered for eel, or med by .my of rt'a4 hie them, Mr •The Ilon. Mews Grinnell. late M.P. The lion. Robt. H. Norris. late Mayor.. Lion. John A. U. IS gem. Too. - Milt= IL. Porter, Esw. Pantile of the Spirit of the Topes. awl • bort. of other dodlemitalovi Mclver.. of New York. who have fully trsted its merits. lime permitted the rroprietm to refer to them. As it is well Munro that Patent Medklews are not p.m.., all patrol - Mot by the learned. wealthy and polite ',there uoloubtedly a riots to feel ourrelvm highly priv ilege& Th Is Wonder wurbing Compound bestemetwerly seven years lets, tbe rebliw Mst rebinds me now its mtmageet mil lest. This moot undoubtedly Le' strong end '1 convincing roof of its general norfulnuver Mal .atinative (Wine, It is a sovereign retmly for all nerrms rheumatic palm, ...retaken smarm, errant , brn= sores, tool all the pales and nem auto ob is WM tn. Over I, ooo . taro bottiver bore 1,41 wid without eamplahti. Allah.. perfecter' nide astoni.lting euno. afWr all other .1 remedies hare failed. as would stagger belief. hwEire not offered, and lee our pourregrion, anonmut pumible CTI- Yids merillit n inc. natorfe remedy. t‘ o noTefrittve.T . b"". ' life al I umoil " Jt ' r 'lr-ow-- for hooltB tad Mune and ' ill Ars t onnodle envenom, dimmers of the and Week.. in male or female. frem Itb•l.oTer GLIM It may have ollolootoet for role In Pittsburgh. by P.. I:. Fellers. Wore, Nbid • , Ow. end Ogden a Snowden, and by are retail Drlaggista generally. it Is put up in four, two, cud one shilling ' Om. CFERVESCING C 0 P,l. PO U N Irk; This cssipsuss bi warrants,' ID :mature lb. , 'id efforts", whon tool for making brood, lea take, buckwheat take, an, by • hien saving is "arted in tha Pour of about 13 'FT.-rot. To MACE tsar—n , 'melt pound c.f Pour odd two tea opoonfula of Campound and t 1.4 moat uantity of 'alt. mix oh o o tlmmoghly togother of dry, fthia tookoa a pre 000d four that you ran ort vile and 'pa• at ltosum,) then add commit' arid water as will maks:book the usual thieknem; kneed It roll, and lot ft stand fitteen prinutot ho baking — ou o or two boor' , .111 do no hurt. i 'should to mixed much thinner, and leakol at once, but will do no hurt to stand filmes" or twenty minufo. Tp s .p, "d oa p,u °turtling fon =telt of this Compound in„lhe l l loomd.; win not turn Um brad yellow.. r .krsuu docal whys usolexte . s. I na put tho abort. (..Yontmfan into tea Mike, Wd ao „.„ J o hnny eakee, liallan oaks, ritlgrr rkeor„eorn o opoo, oarn boold. brown broad, hiarolt, Tatter eakau. her what oa p a , spun, of and for all LAMP ptirpoties.. Jun reouvol rah. by op ILA Pk:LLITS, ts; Word fr-. _ TAKE NOTICE. A.LLKNOE TO TIL E WORLD. " L..) nob .Dothr, rrictiol will by paid to anl tale walo ti et n a rt wltnlogsqinirt=l " ClV.Z; t P;tp. c lita b r: sailtdortioo snyina to the people of this pima-that obi Ity my own Ituprovemeta Ott It. Law etude u c t ondi in Ibis country for rstrurtinl, t.r. Dna , . od point. or any other greasn substoise. neon all klinlsof ono tlemyrt's or ladles dotting. r.rlwt, table 'battik ladles' lononets. he., without inionoit ddn that pure outer will not injure. More thou one thou to elirrent Porte of vt it , the entivetry_ h e ar. told toe thy rltrorrtxdorell' uof and calicoes. I na ne only found throe iulk. t of •IpsraiLand War of calka‘et of chorthwd the • thetekere, beano pottlos It oo s tiubt don', trY ..won l of the dross and. I stale thie 1•0 1 ,14 , I sin veal to reboonneint it any strtnincw than 1 kntiw Int tror. . Order. from country trierrhants aM pelt srt prompt attended to br the;subscriber. . it IL.OhLLERIS, 47.11.1 st. SELLERS' COUGH. SYRITP• • ~- "if hodreat used it twice lafore I fat Its beneffeba kiy.t l . R. R. E. SE LLERS—Sin Sufferbig fron - J . / old and cough. for .blob I triad naantriecip ' t r out obtatolug relief, 1 nat,Pfeetated aith st bottle r • " th halters' Conah Itioure. I think ft a ditty triale. owe to both you and the public. la geriorti. tit noar warn. that, hod not tated It trim talure 1 fell tut / dal effete. and funtbr the Define boa had no I to finish the tattle, I te,stirs ale. an to hara;sril he magic properties on Grande of mint; 'gate In also hod • trying attack oath, lung., aeman nt dist/rating cough. Verily the only tine hem O. (nA maghs =at