HOME MATTERS "It will berecollected thatthe appropriation of Congress for &Custom House In dint city,is made conditionally on an exeMption from State taxa tion. This will require a special act of the. Leg ialature, and we beg leave to,call the.attention of the'membera of from this county to the suit jeut, and to urge upon them the importance o taking early action to secure the needed legisla tion. Unless this is dune the appropriation will be of no use to us whatever. PISITATZ EXAMINATIONS.—We inserted yester day a number of English Authorities, famished to us by a legal friend, relative to the right claimed by Magistrates to eiclude attorneys trout the preliminary examinations of persons accused of crime, not because we believed they were by any means conclusive upon the subject in this State, bat because it wan bat fair that both sides should be heard. Since then we have'taken the trouble to investigate the metier, and have con sulted some of the most eminent members of the bar, upon it. That the law in England is 'as stated in the authorities cited, in "unquestions ble, but The learned gentleman who wrote the communication seems to have overlooked the Ninth Section of the Declaration of Rights, in the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which declares that all criminal prosecutions, the accused hath a right to be Atard by himself and hie awned." • . This greatpersonal tight is declared in most if not all the constitutions of thei., states of the Main, and rights unknown to the English' law, are given, in the most express terms to the sunned: We have therefore arrived at the eon eltision,lhat the lo:w in Pennsylvania, does not invest magistrates with the privilege of denying to persons accused of crime, the advantage of counsel .learned in the law. EIMISON'S Lacroix, LAST Evairiso.—Prof. Emerson lectured last evening before a large au dience. The Subject was Economy., There was lees of practical philosophy, and more of abstract speculation, than in the precious lectures, but the audience appealed to be deeply interested from the beginning to the end. The subject of the next lecture is Poem, and from the peculiar beat of Mr. Emerson's philosophy, we anticipate that it tell be more interesting than any yet de livered. 3gNMY I.lllD.—Doctor Morris has received s letter from Barnum, in which he states that it is improbable that Jenny Lind will sing in Pitts burgh. It shedoesi however, be will send on an agent one or two weeks in advance other troupe, in order to make the necessary arrangements. Woousos THE FOITIVT.—The money for the purchase of this poor felloW has been deposited with Gen. Lorimer, end will be paid over to the agent of Miss Byers, when Woodson arrives at Beaver. BODICS lICCOTEIID.—The bodies of Joseph Maim; firstenginser of the unfortunate steam er Lowell; and a woman and three small chil dren, names unknoirn, bare been recovered.— They were buried on Captina island. Tat .170178 E or Rai - tee.—We understand that the Committee appoidted to procure a site for the locatton of the Rouse of Refuge, have resolved to. select s . tzact of land, embracing ten acres, be longing to David Beeler, Else, mod situated on the Fourth Street road, four miles from Pittsburgh. The location is a - very bountiful one, and the land ' la admirably adapted to the purpose fok which it cleeignc+L "Taos . Brun.-Zibe following is a list of the trno bills returned yesterday by the Grand -Jury. Commonwealth vs, John Thomas—indictment, Biz Mim i vs. Lotterrnan Marks—lndict ment, AminWand Battery. Commonwealth vs. John Thomas—indicttaimt, Larceny. Commonwealth tit Louis Reinhart—indict• mart, keeping a gambling home. Coto. vs. Andrea Fontera—indictment, As sault and . Battery. Cotn. vs. Jacob Harbert—indictment, keeping a tippling home. DISTRICT con'. Beforo the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie. In the ease of Wm. Dill, vit Valentine Short, ,tried on - the previous clay, the jury returned a verdict for plaintiff, with six. bents damages. J. & B. Floyd, va. Samuel- Rhoads, No. 470 July, '49, List Na. 204. Marshall for Plain ifs, Beldin of defendants. Action for assmapsit c —verdict of one hundred and twenty one dollars for the-plaintiffs.. Wm. Brown, vs. Chas. Stone, Daniel and Ste phen Stone, owners of steamboat Monongahela -0.1120, April term 18.10—List No. 207. Stealer and Patton for plaintiff, Loomis and Gilmore for defence. Action to recover damagel, -alleged to have been sustained by a raft, belonging to plaintiff, which was broken by the swell caused by the steamboith Cane not concluded. COOK T OF QUARTER. 11138510311. Thursday, Blaich 27. . Present, Honorable William B. McClure, and Samuel Jones and, William Boggs, Associate Judges. • The Jury in Cite case of the Commonwealth vs. Ll'. Elbe) , and James Williams, mentioned in yesterday's Gazette, returned a verdict of not • Ellubey was remanded to prison, having before been convicted on a similar charge. His Honor, Judge McC:nre, then delivered a lecture to Wil liams, advising him to reform, and to beware of again appearing in Court, as he would not prob. escape so easily next time. Williams bowed very politely, and after thank ing the Judges, retired Commonwealth vs_ Eden Kent and Johnßrown, indictment—larceny; committed in stealing sev eral legs of muttoixfrom Mr. A. Bender,a butch er, in the Diamond market house. The offence was clearly proved, and the prisoners maintain ed that they were drunk at the time it was com mitted. ' The Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the defendants were eeotenced to undergo an impri monment of three months each in the county pri " , ' COMthOnWealth is. William Jackson and The an Bogue—lndictment, larceny; alleged totem been eommitted in stealing a large quantity of dq goods and groceries, from a wharf boat at the Mentingakebt river. ' Jacob Smith, sworn—l hove charge of the wharf boat at the Monongahela wharf. On the sixteenth of December last, I received a lot of Amide, some of which were for a gentleman nam ed Cole, in • Ohio. On that night the boat was broken open, and the . goods taken out. I .sup posed that the goods; ere from Baltimore. After they were lost, I sent on intelligence to both Bal timore and Ohio. , Nothing of importance was elicited on the cross extuninstion of this witness. Moos C. Cole; trwOrn—On the seventh of last •December,l shipped a lot •of goods to Mr. D. lama. The goods were packed up in a box, and aontairmitlpacas, calicoes, silks, and cosaimeres, amounting in Yoh:Ledo $171,76. The witness then proceeded to identify a number of the arti cles which had been found in Jackson and Bogue's house, as the goods which had been taken from the wharf boat. The goods identified were of the value of $304.11, andlwere marked in mho man ner as - to he easily recogn4able. Cross examined—l did not pack up the goods, but saw some of them put into the box. 'Bad sold goods out of the ;same packages as thoie from which the goods in question were taken, to vat' ions merchants at the i west and south. The goods `web. always marked. Mr. Smith was - re.imilled, and testified that a number of bags elm:lee, &c.. were stolen at the IMMO time. Had semi the prizonera lurking MIT the wbaii boat. Hobert Hague was sworn,. and testified that hi had arrested Jackson and Bogue, and had re covered from them the goods identified. The case,lon the part or. the commonwealth, cloised after the examination of a few more wit. messes, whose testimony was not of much im portance. - -- The ease on the part of the defence was open ' ed by Thornton A. Shinn Esq. A number of witnesses were examined as to the character of the prisoners,' and testified that they never had heard anything against It. A.young girl whose name we did not learn. was swarm and testified that on the twentieth-of last January, a man named Johnson brought dry gerriadntio' Jackson's house, and received a roll of notes in payment, upon which Johnson said that they were square. The Honorable John B. Guthrie testified that . when Jackson was arrested and brought before 2dm, he said that he had purchased the goods in question from %person named Johnion, who then neidded in Manchester, and . that he had re ceived them on the buret the Alleghenyriver. The jusfe. ore addressed by F. C. Flannegin Esq. on behalf of the Commonweath, anditesern Colton and Shinn for the defendants. After haling received their charge from his honor, Judge McClure, the jury retired and beeughtin a verdict of guilty as to Jaeinson, not PEN, la to /kV= ' They were remanded to , .. monwealth re Edward Speer..—indletment lare , ..y; alledgettin hare Niels committed in M : a cost from the clothing store of Mr. M. • .. ... . MI Wafer stn.*. A ming litd testified that Speer had taken the .. ton the Bth of lancuil7, and his evidence was supported by sever:kV.' witnesses. On the oth .. hand it was clearly Satablished that the def olant was In Beaver on that day, where he had been for some time before, and for some day after the eighth. It wipe admitted by the def.. , co that on the Yd of .January the defend ant,{ in a drunken frolic, hacl taken a coat which did of belong to him, but if was contended that it c uld not have been the coat in question, nor t. 43 was there any animus furancti, even in taking the coa which he had carried away, he having been in icated at the time. C t ! ,..re 1.-S. w: Black and 0. O. Rippey. Eeq., who app d for Speer, made ;out th eir case very cle ly, and the jury returnild a xerdict of 'mot gui ty," without leaving it ! i= 4.7... number of prosecutors' ip surety of the peace ens • ~, whose recognisanaest; had been forfeited owi.g to their non attendance, were sentenced to pa the costs, and the Cagrt adjourned until sin o'clock thii morning. voa's Omen, Pirmagni3.—The Mayor's .ens have been doing but little for some time and there has been rib",i business worth re ng transacted. :ORDER --9000 kegs hazard's Blasting; ma. IWO ,! do. Rifir: fors* J. **DILWORTH k CV: bbls N. 0. Molareeg. .4 cooperage. 60 do. do, crones cooperage. 30 Ude N. 0. Boger. 150 bum prime areeo 111 e Coffee. NI kegs G Tabu Tobacco. I, Plng do. 50 braes s's and 1 lb Lamp.various brands COO do. Window Glue, (21y and Country brand 9 dorm Coro 8tr..111, tlayge.) bbla Large No. 3 Mackerel. 00 hit bbls do. do; 150 bus Dry Amide. In rtnro and for ode by JOHN WATT & CO., aala Liberty Street. INDRIES -150 bags prime Ma Coffee; 100 bf. eh. 1. 11., G. U. lag., and Black Teak 10 N cask. al: o. 1 parlor fiqgadden: fA Cod blAs. Tanners . 011; 00 boxes Tobseeo.extra 6 J..saale.toy niehl6. -- ---- ,i.K.iiiiitiVotif II's: co. 1 iIIST REC'D •ANii , NO* OPENING AT I/ WM. DIODY'S, No. 119 lowt . re drum .. .nlifLoy and superi o r stock hf I. asbionable . Lod.. ' sl;in"gi''fir:i "'"".• E f filirtd'irre P n' t en t.' •T n Tr7L.7150_,71',91,11 - 4r,gar li . v irtl'" "°L 5 c r!..,111 . ,.' 1a I and well manuf:etured at ir ck of READY MADE i t C DINO. snakes oue of the largest and best whited Hoc west of the Alleghenien all of which the Proprietor I. Crxmlnod to gain. el surh oriole aswill convince nil who favor him wi th a call. Hint not Innly the most superior I nu Le sold at tadacslabliebtr.ellt, but also at the low- A 4 .71.'4,1111.qallorin g Erse ziontrel. mammal, in the 1 .., ' bes i, t on tle manner, and at the Alit -ten collo,. . New Books! Net; Books , FOREIGN RE3IINISCEpCES. by H try litlchard lord 110 1 / a nch edited py hie sou Ilene ] .Eil tank Lord Holland. •.• .1 4 Bou ve t,. or Prosperit z arid iioversity: br Catharine IS i n r, no of -Sir mli/and. l rattan,' -11olkIst Ito 4. • . ,r Id rland Cottage: by the ntho4 of Mary Barton. il4r=b r outgVitile h r -4713ri, the };ll:tipsbyles°. 8 V Isk. Hildreili'm History thelrnited States-um:id M Th ri l above .07/tA bud reed ntl4 isle by D.C.STI:XISTON, /o cr and Stallone; chls corner Jutland Third ins. JONES ON LAND II FIPICE TITLES.- 0 A. Syllisbus of the Law of LamgOlhee Title, in Penn sylvania: by Joel loom reed • tie ode by P i. C. ln T k? . Mehl& .c. Market st. I New Books ! ‘' e . € Books ! *T HOLMES' LITE ' by DEPOT, Third. istrystopposits the Port . ,r es_l' ii n afrelllqf=ir err''S? ht G aTi tl'el.n"liegion. Lo La Vallicr, by Al.. u 347..... Oa helm by Geo. Sand-4 vlald L . MCP . . WC. . B La engem the Eel:solar, the IpT. the Pei to Geo. Th liteen's Necklet, by Al z. El s ... Be es of an Old Kahl, or I std to YOung !Ishii:U.ol- ' n Mee can .Lo be h 01 q 4. S. HeNAMARA, Al. DO of. _____ mc hla .ILL, CE-10 tee. (fresh) fo4 sale by trump ER. s j7EL P . STISLIT L .d,67 0 bbl, No. I! jstore. for sale by s. u.llAlltlAttlltt. - iri . .I.OVER.SEED—E bids. for sale by ' L.2_ l _ chat tilC4 4 McCANELESS. OUTTER-6 bbl. 'rime Roll, for sale by 131 .6 4 14 iliq .i. McCANDLESS. QEGARS--150,000 ComO4itt, for sole ,by co 1 toclill I .r. an. FLOYD. - BraT-7° doz. Co f" 11 , 3 , r , s i lz1 F e w IL . CHESTNUTS -30 boo. f r sale by nichl4 J. 4. it: FLOYD. TOIOTITY SEED,-.soiturfor sale by mehla ' .1. 4 R. FLOYD. l -- FUR—. 100 bbls. confute, for sale by I L° Mehl4 ' 1.4 IL FLOYD' -.4-- NI 0. SUGAR-.-1.00 y4S. for sale hi BURR E a INCIIR.O. . . ll O Water theli 14 et. LARD OIL-10 bb . No. 1, on hand and r 6, Pahs by • /11411 W O Wat a DLL. V4ch6 9S Wat ntroet. WOOL WANTE I he highest market ♦ eitetiol, P ir . , lo mCI;If ill ... 'S i lt . t IV. eaRDAI.V." VTOI . I C E.—All ee one havinicMlns .01 azalbst Use Ammer SC 161 - 1.61 LL, will Om., m,- - d An t llhan t i i o . the aut./c o rd x o npeTmeht hamedia6.ly, IVAILV.I FOE) a ... C0.. 9 9 ;VAL, 4. lbio . diPennsylvania Rail '''''' WlNlK l :EY!'..:Tent ook ' 300 bba for MIN by BURI4IDOE A INGDRAM. es fcr Is le by DERE IDOL ot ISO URA 11. 1-200 I hls. ass'd . Nob., for DURO IDGE k ISWIRAM. 100 box s 'last received and BUD oE a INGLIRAM, 4 ..... 116 Water stroct. PNTATION MOL SSES—tIOO bbls. in store sad far solo by .1051. ES DALZE t, LL. 13 61 Wa.l. MACKEREL -215 b L 9. No. 3; 2.5 111 . . for pl. by FRIED ' JAMES D 112 ELL, CO Water st. 110IED PEACHEHOO ba. for sale by Mchl4 E.O W. HARD/it:olf. S.I..LEATILER-2.40 Sides for sale by meld{ S. A IV. HARBAI.76If. 1.. ....,.._ S D ; A hr ASII .7b 2 I I:I caski, , ,K;n s rt:A3 l ' A b ß r: A nt i f i or FV AX SEED OIL-2000 iMls. for sale by I mebl4 S. L'ii. 11ARBAjall. WINDOW GLASS-600;rbbxes IVMdow ma., ossertei .lye. and rezio.p. brand.. ~,,ed . n d far. mool4 ile by S. CI4LARBADOII. AWBEIGHT ON BACON BBBLICED.-ihe ari T oot u°' cnQ mehla MeVADE. , ra COViME. A. 11 . 011.'r CHINTEES.—McactiI - .i. Biacu i .1,4 wl: invite thb attention of the Ladler to edne wee and autifnl Ryles of Light and Drab Citintrem. Ant re frit. They have alto oyes this morning. an additional sops y of SPRING DONNL'TS, Yelling very 10.--leme at Si% nta Bonnet Ribbons, ItonnetCaps, Ac. : g&BEDE DE LAINES, Light and Dark, • inehgting a foe pift-es eery besutifel French, and set re ger nblAren, reed and twilit:grow by Mehl& MURPHY a BURCHFIELD. n .ROOMS-120 doz. fancy and good ' cum .'" mon Corn Drcorov, fort:ale by r SL. S. WATERMAN & SON& S EDS-20 bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed; 6 Lady " . Timo th y; Seed. ebb Le. WATERMAN & rofiti. ' —2O M.A. Roll Butter, • 3 - and G key Peeked Butter. for L. S. WATEIIMAN t SON S 81 it 91 Water. and Ca Front at .-4 c¢xkn Hams; 3 " "n Virl r lirUgi d e) Itr7 183 pc. for Hilo by : WICK s3IcCALNDLESS. RIFLES-15 'gross (warranted) Mr We t..e VlS'Wlie SON( No. GI Wsterpt. CORN— 9. STDID , Dant aelletl Co for We b 1 .----- y : T. W O ODY ODY S SON. CI Weer irl. JARD PRINTS—For gale by 'y W. P. MAI:SHAW.. INDOW BLINDS—For eale_by W. P. MARPRAV . CON-5 casks reed and for gale bj , ambit J.l. DILWORTR t 00. DR-100 bbla. reed and for sale by mchll J. C. DILWORTH k CO. II TER-10 bble. tor 50.30 byy metal J. 8. DiLwo4ll - k 81). ESTNUTS-20 bbl. for sale.TV • PA3112%6 F, FRRnmit. LL BUTTER-10 111.11. prime justlrec'd spa ka. ala br SAMUEL P. 5111111'4,11.. TED PEACIIES-200 bu: for salo!by =chi() SAMUEL P. P11.111V1,3t. _ _ . . CKORY NUTS-30 bbl. for SASWEI, P. EERIE r. I • ifs PPLE bbL fur enielby I xoehlo SAMUEL P. swim*. 1 'ATCIIES, JEWELRY, SILVER i r w orts7.7.‘._ v fa L'1tt1f:, 8 '2 1 .14.°•0.7): ...,^ quolltiee only 1) Lamp. of oil eleoetiPti.V. i" V:l ° (l ' annett.. U tik3 !l' 1t.,,__ 4D 1""91,2,11 ? ' 11 butt 0014 Pea; lideslen= t.i.. 'll ` ...Utr ' . ' Pil-ML 1 *' ' tyi i t i lo to m , r_stree io t , u h. lutul rs..n ergui r nl oLer t. cs . tu om fro t.,m ut. co m p frouc.) with a largo rtork Or the obove goods, 00.wm u..0ir—,,,- 44 - Watch repelling shop oul the occoOLl atom W. W. WILSO h 7 N; 100 . comer Fourth awl .11orket 11.1.6 e-- - - - - __.--.- JDFISII-15 drums in store, for sale by A_ =64 MILLIZR t RICKETA. OPB=IS bales first sort Western N. Y., la store and for lial. b, WM MILLER t RTCHETS9k. .11 1 1CONOMY CRAB ClDElt—'2o bbfp. in J:4 store and tn. tine sr tyr.24 AIILLEItt RICKETSO*. f Cl e"sB cat il k 7l°° matt3skar:'.b..l7,z4r. b y _ LE.MATTS-1n store and for altle at I til,earpet Warehouse of ' cr. of ground atlas-he-1. Filowt.,l atritt no hi HARDY, JONES S 00. Olt RENT —That largndwelling borne ;Tr ; with etten , ive onmttl• tog FVtlen, and stshle Atiarto.l. the. r...otenry of the late i$ tn. J. Tat.. 010 , 1 gal (11111 atm, Vo.seswion 'Oven on the OM of flinch . . For tertim apply to L. IV M'Aboy, Gnarl's. or IL C. Totten. at the F ort I.lth It orb., feblaftApll TALC AIII.E MILLS. FARMS, AND LOTS Y Pl5ll tIALP—Two lame floor !gills ands Paw Mill on the Beaver Creek, wlth the nee...vary...ler Tower. • well Itnproved oral In Lawnnmn,Buty. Prin. 1.50u1i Ai., • Vann of 114 area, on the Ohio river, tnree teloar Deaver. tor sl.2iar Alen. one of Isu acre, on the Ohn, river. o below Enwer. for 1t32 iw v-re.Alm or. acre. I*, Sinper mere Ad, farms of no r , PI:, and !at for 121 per acre. p. 4 fur 312, and al acre. fur f 1.5 pvr ay - fre t ...4h, •Itl ao t many other, Cl r art y°. and F.mtulre t.f N. P. A Il I. II PETTERIAN. Atinrneit at hew and Peal I:state Am.ata. 6440 No lo: ith rI. Pittebunth ESTATE FOR SALE—TL. Aru.sl offer, for We a larre number of rahaahl. Ind on lots, and eome verp defirable fats for 61•011(3,- writ.. In the Borough of Ituminshant. hefted ew near the Public iellool 110 u. en,l Enuliat Cburvh. The rapid growth Illriolnithaut In te.pulationtold m.inufarturmc .. with. and the reavonnble prime at whk-b Al.. will he vol.l, .111 render them n axle and printable In. ve.ttneut Title perfect. Term. fartiroble. For I , arllClthlr• ace/ term, enquire urtholindervirned, the 0111, of ....Gr." . P. Gilmore. Ent., id] Grant etn.et, Pitta hued.. hetween Thud and !north olive,* or Of sal N. I'vtterww.. P.n . .. at their tan,. In itlrm- Inaltem. taleit MO:4-i P. EATON. - 1 . 011 SALE—The ,tll.eriber qffers for esle lan, and well built Wirt Honer. with tie Or noir...erre v,f invetud..ll um, watt* Fourth at Rt.!, three mitre el thoriny. Po.mmonn ttiver, on tbr 1.1 of April neat. Ala.. g.untl. tnntaintiocovnr Fnnir Aer,, - tth •vriug of exmlirnt wat, th , ronel. nAr .van a lot.nf A-round J 5 Met 11 larhos by 11M fret. ndPrin. Inc the ~..incur. of Mr. A. TtAer. near Lb. city. oppyonte the nrryeth Want. on 1...nr, Immix Avenue. fo•nevyten dietlmmedlatch It Is Imre ry.rlAln that thr Phut 111,rvi willonmplotr pnAt thr nbnbr property enrlY In lb.. rreninc puma, For forth.. Inn.rnnunn.. appl, UA VID F..urtb yt. rond.rar thr nr.t I..rrihrl pn..N.brp. tabMniff snit RI:N:I'OR'S.A LE—The subscriber 1 4 en! /n.fl or rent hi , Leer .I,lrable I,nyttry Iteyl.llll., .. ore, In All,hen. rny. rltontt.l on 0100 Lane an.. 111..gbonv A yonty.:-.nna of the Cabomon. The hr....i. larcn tloyiblo brkb butldtnn. In onto,. "arm I. rarbleco ytni.la. and cr..' you, tbr groninly, lot, L 0 PryArexYlonni•.lll wl.rnryor .10A1N 111.11111 ART. . . _ roll SALE Olt ON - PERPETUA I LE 1 , 7 —1 will 6:r root, or on pomotnal loaw,onn Inton oen'24 t dvul by 100 reel 4. elning nth,. .1. 0 000.1 ": °"'' to Mtg .A11,, "4¢7dlut. l o i r e,ntroitAg :417 .oro• JASIRIK Piro 'Chance for Capitaliitianflifainfai- tarers, THE ontiorsiped being agent for the own - - err, offer. for r county. mber withwn lots In the town Stark Ohio, out lots. and email rra.rorls of land uljoining and near the town. 51sesillon. beim; slttumed en the obio Canal. and the Ohio and Penn sylvania Itallnwd, cow nearly eompletul. paeslng through it. this realestate alined.. nether, the best opportunity lately offend, to Dentonn rho may wish to engage In man ufacturing of almost any de,riptioh. The abundancentid rheas...vs of fit the newans of hying, the supply of coal for fuel for steam power, the ptreat quantity of wool brought to this marget, as well utile factlltles for transportation of man n ta,t tin.al articles. all combine to mime this nee of the IVdesiraLletanme eata bilahlag manufactures of Inns. %Vool..Cotton. indeed of all description which is now afford ed ln.the Weetent [Dumpy. I,mtrn.red fano, lu the ',trinity of the Canal and Rallecad, are alsoofft.red—a tract of W 4 acres of candler:, thobenwl land. Wm/ Iwtween the Canal and Reilmatt. and about half a mile from the latter, a Jot of about seven scree, adjoining the Railroad Depot, along one side of w hi c h the trot pas", and on two ewes. streets of the town. Ito el keeper, and merchant* will do well to lopk at this be fore ther Pnrchaweelsewhere. The ptwitlon of Slas‘illon. in the heart of en atrrietlltural tvioo• . 01 sorPnswal by any in the country,well knows. that 111. deeruel unneenewary to do inure than refer to It to Ind nee nil who wish to mato good Investments, to eall andaaanalne this property. Title Indisputable and long credit given if desired. Ono. Andrew W. Lotman and Joshua Harm, C,.r , of Pittsburgh, will give ingot . .. Lion concerning it. and any enquiries will be answered by ap- Phmdlon to Thomas 31cCulk,ugh, Kent Jareisor the under 4gned at Massillon. DIVIGIIT JARVIS. 31asrillon, Feb. S. febllGwd. ADDITIONAL SALE Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. rjv its recent unprecedented :tale of Lots in the a lnto thriving Town hoeing nearly exhausted ose previouely laid Out, and the demand atil t huktlnulug, Uo, maderalgned has been Induced to lay ou a portion nf Ma property In limn luta as above, and o f them Mr aide at ;Ores and names that cannot fell to meet the view, of Moe. a nt met purchase. UN needless to ray anything of the to of the Town mid prolipoeta (it having .been euffirdently knotted In remnt advertisement.) other than that over .10 hundred lots hate reemetly changed bands. a n Lam. purchuad by thole wishing to proeum • Mare d e. Ti... ebove lob ore anonym the mart elfltihle sod deeirable In the else, and ere ;Andean, located In the centre of Utnee roeuotly gold. For ittfortntetion D . ,1 theproprietnr In Liverpool, or to Jame. Blakely, t:no., Fourth neve,. l' B. JOILN B. BLAKELY. Kee Lieerrool, Feb. 204.1)121. feb<ietlN. Faceentors' Sale of Real Estate, • AT AUCTION. • mrict, .BE SOLD,•in Martin of the lo,tyy f 4 l , , lll b lad i Tel ‘ t i ne t ttor 31artin Lowr o r.late of ec ,on Monday. the .tit day of A. )1.. at the oourt. Mono. In the City of Plttaburgb, by publir auetion, • 'alembic Lot of Ground. mituahellll QUA/17 11111, near the ben Basin. In the 01101 Ward. mulainini.. nearly ONE Atilt.: being partof raiory!. piece of ground which no hold nalivided by te di Martin Lowry. and other, and 'ditch, by virtue of thepron....din.. in Partition. In the District Court of the County of Allegheny, No. rid January Toren, 1H49, •Miqm.l In wiweralty to the heirs of too mid Martin Low.. WON dee'd• by metes and tot:WI, Or., as by reference to the indobiltlon and plan thereunto annexed, and other pro reeding. In the raw. had, •11l now fully end at large ap pear. it is unneeessary to enumerate the advantage. of the Rime property, commanding, u it does, a beautiful c , expert of the citi soul the two ricer, tieing ewer of se. /wow for • private re.idence. and abounding in exnellent Atone fit for building purposes—as they .0 wet' know.. For plan of liar property and further infornution, aPPIY no Mewl... 1111etiel and Painter. Attorneys and Counieillor. at lan, Fourth streeL or to either of thhundenrigned, Ex ecutors of the lam, 0111 and Tontaniont of Martin Lowry, den d. JANIEE BLAKELY, JOHN CoLIA ELL, JOHN N ES): ITII. 11.—The adioinlng . I.h-containing about the mono quantity of land. Is Kbn hir We. narbAilalkt• Paper. • P RINTING, WRITING, and WRAPPING PAPV.IL—.3:OI nada, 24 by :VI Printing PaPer; 21 by an .600 18 by 24. 24 by 32. 24 by 34. 28 by 11. 28 - br 43: Oat "Dine. Vortory . Pape; 12kr Nils Single Co.. Sb..l`aper. Donbin Ilodinnt .150 Medium and Ednaln emwn Duk.. The undeyehmed nonetantly on hand and for our or esehattae fir 'tag", larte and gpneral anonrtment nf Ruled. Cap, Lett, Halloran.. and. Tea Paper, Donut% Ddarde, dr.. de. Moo—F . hind of nil Mil, for raper mwmfaeturere. Printing Parer utalu to order 011 abort notin, J. L. !MEE. f 01.20 come, of Penn and Frain .b.. ttE 3IO VAL.—ENG - 1.1511 & - 1) -- a.NNETTT* rah. °Mem and Dealers In Produk, barn removed . os. 123 Romnd, and 121 Ilret ata., betamen Wm' and Plttobura. .IwW3O. 4 EATING BUILIiING - We are prepar ed to famish and end std.." .'" . r" an small Intlidano by steam nr hot grater. and !lava en. •Faired, W 1111... front the east, to oaeintend ynn- Worwnw 1.31 ecA !FE. ATKINSON OKLLI. DRIED RITI.ES—(nbu. sup. li.Appleb; Nl l lirtat U d RICFETSON. SUNDRIES-- bble. Large Na. 3 Nana. Marten): 2 , hen. mime Carolina Itkat SO bake De. Ratted Ky. llnarG 1500 asiella trait WOO LS. Dar Load; 33 kegs ghee. mental number; Sbega prime Peat he rain rr. tio.2 B. For oho be mO/3 JA3kEs ICOTCLICSOYA CO. TRANSPORTATION PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1..51. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. lstil Furtysix hours to Philadelphia. Forty-four hours to Baltimore. miles Railread-10:1 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. (EXCLUL 4 IVELY FOR PAS.IENGEICS,) TO PRILADELPHkA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK N tt , e ,1 411 ,, :::3 \ ii ‘ t .. 1g , i' v , ,,, :a .. u . L:1 , 1 t,. N t : 8, 11 .,, i t f , 21 .. t , i i r ,:.. 1" , t5 , : ,, C , 1 atener I.y Itailroes4 HOLLIDAYSBITROH, Ilwre tatina th - NEW PENNSYLVANIA ILULP.OAD. Two ilimarni and Fwlrty4l, dirret PHELADELPHIA. Time through FORTY-SIX !lours. Farr to VGlladelpitta. 810. Faro to 11,1:1raore, 55,70. The Cars Co thin mute am nesr. 4.1' the mast approw. pal conatrurtion for mmfurt end eusf..ty. . ...itiirkett leave ever 7 Light .ntlFvery evening at the twine Innir. Passengers for Baltimore, lb arrieal of Oa! at Ilarrf,hurd. take the Y.,rk and Cum lwriand Hef lnmd. inow fluff bed I duvet to that mty,1•1011.) fuur mile. I Time. POUR hours No charge for handling Baggage on this runts.. The IrletVll*l.l Ipeeti make, thb tha toot roulfortat.le. fate and drelralde nultenow to the Iladtern CUi a. For pa•+age or informationapply 1.. J. 110L3IES, Agent, Monoilmhein Boom. I). LEECH K CU, Canal Casio. Penn ittret. S. IL tin the let of July. the l'onneylvialla Itallrona will be 6isioho.l I. Lockport. whirl, will phortcri the Woo through NIX hunc. Pittsburgh, Yebrueo, W. '6l Manufactarefs Line. 1851 *.= 4 - , " --1 •-• • iaMIPPERS ARE IiEREBY INFORMED 11,_7 that thls - LINE. romp:sod outlrely of tlectlon Welt, Is now In full operstim grid: Willa, to carry s /arcs qwsutlty f freight In 1%11.1 , 1011a and Usltlnon, seitSsu , ushirDing, In as ..hcrt lisp, and at to low rat, a. , any other nrgular Stwalio,l arrangetneu.. bale alAu he. Wm, tatt Johet.mn. 114 IVAaer P. .q rei rart. AleTnnthin Crtet. Nm• Nl,leyroien. New,rt, elark'e 1, ..rri. ,,, n0rn , ,. t.eg. , C. tee L7l ' t ' co C e.,urt.l rsvin theJtilax, pr.mptne.s .n erguhuity fn seipm.•ntn. g r d:,',„.' inl W.rehous«.l.l).erty .tort. se.rond don, - egt of the Canal. SLII3IER ARRANGEMENTS. 1---3 11 1851. VIA TAE NOW PENNFYLVANIA ONLY 31; 17017 ES TO PHILADELPHIA. GOOD INTENT AND TELEORAPH - Mail Lines of Splendid Nem Troy Built Coaches for Hollidaysburg, And from Olefin 243 Md.,. lei Mr NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 177- To Philadelphia, Now York, and Baltimore enarhes will leave Every 3lornlthr at n eirlor I o'rkek, P M. and A n'ehrk. P. M. Extrwi to leaf... at any timre, :Jars in rta.litser•. MIA I. the twat dirrrt. comfortable. and expedition, rout.. to the h:asternlith... Paa.....nrvr• for lin.ltithorr take the new ItallrAut at Ilarri!burg llnwl hn the arri, a.l at the Car. at that place. N. LI —Thenoir Orlin, frr the above Line. under rt. Cborira Ilottl. N... 411 lied arm I. Pia..hurrh. inch , ) IV. I:. 311,01iIIE.AD. Art.. • j,A V i N(i. DISPOSED OF HALF MY IN iII,TEEL.--r 111 IIINGILIJI•S E. LIN . iny brother. , 0 .. i :.:1 , : ItlNtillA M. the rumen xi l'itt.knr,h •111 herr ,t,:r i ‘ trhaaart.vi Under the ntyle of . 14 ra. llinr.l.am I !mrhl ; It'll Mr...MAIL Binghams' Transportation Line, gaZL.- 11 " -- lB5l. BETWEEN PITTSBURGH Sc. THE EASTERN CITIES. TercHE CANAL being nal,- open. we are tun -1; and I,rward prtdardly. Prtalti , ... and havdirr. ad. ad.l ISMOI and 31F ret . :. 1 , 1:1 t.• ands rvard , 4 east clmr, furgrvnlll.l, rancing fr 1.1,1. oningas.ton.. ".'4..4 11 T711WrI r A I II '. .; nwal Oar,. 1.0,1, \t., IllING11),II ImxlZ. tpcm.: h.q.. and 0.1 . 1,11.1.1pbta. JA 11r.s 1t'114.1,\, Aco No Nor. Balthuon. J A MEA ISINIJII,OI. 5... %c.d. „ 1 1 ' Pittsburgh TranspOrtation Line. J AMU. , ITCIINNI3II J. CO.. Cann] Ettain. Pit.t.tkurgh. SITEIL. JAMES k CO.. D.`,..11. ur.. I ke,tl Chrrry rtrryo. al Stnttil Ft.urtl, rirns:t. kr:t....” Market turd ("Is, tot rtrrets, ithltatirlpttst. ISCONNORS C Nnrtn stmt. U.Mttmorr AiiiNG fully complete,' our arrange ',lire ur t t....l t u tu. wirimnz nt lb. Li, Irwin thrtialr. to carry ri azvl flaw Pitt , . bowl, haltimnr, riar einanti. LOW.% 1,111. and WI iL. Eris .4,1 NS Yyti at loam ratw and with mow iliwatrh and nn. t Lan mar art, lir lame. All 1.1 1 .'4 4 4 4,1 hr mar 1.11, nrii fully tailor"l bi auy War., tri rairr a lirotirtwiw flat really affordw.l by wry wber All yrowincilliathion ndarrwil to , orrolreil lf.h Hall 2 Cri.. Clndonstr Wyth. Lwyrr Lrini• 1.111 two, will, pranht ntteht:ll, rw-N. 11. 1.4 r Lizir hrt-wr with the libilwlelrhin sod Ihtlyburch 1 rarii.rtail.in At. kW, A :enchants' Transportation Line, VIA PENNSYLVANIA CNA LOUR PIIILA I.l)ri A IiUtECT—WITII. lIVT /0 , s1111•PINti. e. A SIcANULTY I CO.. Cann: lissio. 4.0 I, stis,t. I'll A IZLI.:S lIA YNOR. Contra] M.:h. drlrlos. S.. an inNostrist tisrreclro lars,Nrrt,lnt no) rrlxturri to rhip thr oprott, rAinsis and all itd , rmnlist. , at liaw, rat., and to low tinie than In any prwrions Si/i N. 11. numl...r 0' Truck, pr0r14..1 hy Ow Canal 0 - .17,1m0...rip tor ...arryins. mor thr Stato Railroads, piNrent ryssibility ;,olny rit Johnstown_ ifolidaishuri, CuliiniLta. this wason. SleA \ 111.1 y 1.1,10 limns! 11..sein. 1.851 To Shippers of Iferchar4ise, Produce,rD rra. rn-mn .m.l r.,lskumrac rot, RELIANCE PITTSIIIUlti;11 TATIoN LINE. TKINS G 1.'0., Prrprirtnret. Nu. 7qark,t, mmt C.rnm..rt, et.r.wt. Phlbule DELI. A - LIGOETT, Samna. Caoal Patiburch. u. TAYLOR I :AIN. Ayr ntn, W.. an. ar•pa.r , d, tm the nponit, the Prnr,lrania mutmet for Frvieht m low rat., and gilr ahippere m much derpatch and Cate as az, other lam. NeFELDEN & COVODE, Riumessors to J..h11 Mei'adrn f Canal Burin, Perin .)'?reel; Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. iiubseiriberil having been ~lnfmm the tut , . sup ruerchaudtte or prekluer 'Ur etiltununt east on [be opening , Ittiu,uul• 611.1 • •Una route 0111 be carried throoph In fire duet nd .11 cnntiUneel Ie ferwurd.et free of rUnt tat lon or charge for utunneee. una tr, ULADC.PIII4 AND prrrmann. Dry Aiaxls. Doelks.:tati.knary.eutlfry.C..nfk...- tu.nary. Fruits. Frathert. Furniton, Drum Modirtne., Saddirry, Wm!. Z. Lc. F1.00'8300 lierdwor, gurenswaro..irorrrits. Paint& DI I, btu!, Oil, Lenther,Clover. Flax. Titnnthr end vtleer I;rn.v. 9h" 100. Hann, 114.11. Fork, Butt. r. Lard. Lard Oil, Tollarn, Grain land Rao, 1.1 lOU iT. ' . Bonei. /Ohm Marblot (rough) Tar. Fitch.P.r.rin,Gerninn C 1.1), jA jan:in MrFAVEN it COVODE., QELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGII SYRUP. I —lt is cheap, easy to take. rand highly etlßta;zione. Atironawr . Clot. March 2 1 J. la.a. Mr. 11. E: children. the others. have , been culvert to trouble...otos mughs. nod hating used different remedire to very little ourpom, I was induced by eater themients bout your Coutzb S.rtto to war It e Inal. I wave It to Ito of my boy, and alt, tomy daughter several ditferent nines. and It has never failed to cure them. I hove reeasattnended It toy nelnbb,rs, and do most mnscienclonaly believe that it to the bra rough modielne that bm ever been offend to the oolitic. tom, ta - ranNo. W P t-s arenal:Bold not pt Malt their A 0.1111,11,1 to Ara *wirer front cough. when they may be curial by e .1.5 et. bottle of this BTruP. Prepared and told b. R. E. 111.A.LERK mehs) 22 'Wood at.. and DennWist nonerallY. OLL BUTTER—A few bhL.. on band and for sale by e x. 122 tteenud. and 1.11 First et. 11:) , RIED.ITACIIES--551) ho. for sale by - • 1101tIbON. LITTLE co.. meht “2:.•:, !Abell) at. . . - - pOTAKII-6 casks .(pure for salo tuch3 WICK A MeCANDLI.I43. TRIED A•PI'LES-7I 1 ter, for solo by • Inetst , WWlt d tIoiIANIIi.E.S.. . _ ‘g EL L E S' MEDICINES.- - UNLIKE • OTIIEIt PATENT MEDICINES." Extract from a letter. da4 , tl tice.,aartatmur. Feb 21. 3,1. Mc. T. .E. &Der, —l , .ur 11..Pente. nohlte nil other Patent Medicine, m the, o. more nit nm. popular. The half goons l'ills.aeelt m.. 1,0. week ,. . ag o. are nearly all gone. Every one who make. use of tour hiaer P l ii•• and Couch !tyro), npralot iu atm.: versa ( ?U5e . ...F0.5 1 qualities. ac.. arar - Tben Fondly M..diciruts are Prepared and of the heat mat _rift], l l ' . Wood atm.. and rose be Li of Denney.. UGAR 1101:SE 310LAS.SEL7ii O It tAub lirtnery. m rtnr. ass,ll% r mth4 " In oak MA.. In vA In ani". vu~l I.:" . s7t.ITERM A N ASI net. r. awl 1,12 rout A. • _ FISH -10 1.61. prime large No. 3 Mackerel, IYrtnvll..pertlArL 10 Baltimorr mrhA L. S. WATER MAN 1 :ION:, 11FLIEb l'«aohr, nab. by L S. WATERMAN A AIANIL • . _ . 'OA NNERS' 011,—:-•25 bbl. t r.de by m , 1 , 5 • INN:RION. LITTLE SM. TUBS Sc. BUCKETS-430 doz. Bucket;;" -- 1, TON ' Dr m,bs 1.. ,I. WATERMAN A: -110LASSES—'7.00 bbl. N. 0.. for Bale Lp toch6 k W. WARICAEGIL CANDLES -50 boxes Mould; 11•• am =lO 10q ti r TiVrt. CO. CLOVERSEED-50 bu. ree'd, far sale by cube . FL vr.rtaaaarult. lIEEMPSEED bbl. for mile by' 11 meblo J. KIDD k CO, Cau Wood st. OIL-10: bbi, reed, for sale by azbe MEM UT= a CO. PHILADELPHIA I.romAs wiirrt, BONNET 31.ANC FACITEEtt, No. 11 %truth mud 6t 'L (above Itt. coat t.hle..) Philadelphia. 64.13:1a • . . Ira n I.o•Lar Motaaars., AGA_LEY, WOODWARD A Co., Whole _up rale Gromra No. Z. Market no Plaladelphla. KS] BUCKNOR S CO. Tobacp C. 13.11.4010 Merchant, No-11 NortljWater Moot. ou Id North Wham, l'hilalettaala.' ,oual )M ERCER RCER ANTELO, General Commis , aloe Mort-haat, Philadelphia: Llbrral Wean., mode onconahrninonts of Proluce RrD Sallr, latattakon LOZCZT W.I,ISWL.ITCR W. POINDEXTER . CO. General thmrnleetuta arid Farwsming Mereluus:tsand FlOll, ere. N0......76 Market 11 1 111.1. t. Plane& jr2e To Southern and Western Merchants. - - • It9 r l i l , exterodee Mock of Perfumery.ficapkgsWi r = a e. to which seven Miter and two Golden Models hare. within the imt Team been awarded by t limUtutea of New York. Boeten. and Philadelphia. the la rer bd.: the only °olden Medal. twer awarded for perfumery either in Europe or In Mb ceuntr3 UNalerazu 811.4.006 Card w. (Almond. Ito., and Ambro.Ml.) univereally aeknowledged tobeFuperior any tqleving Cream 11l this country or Europe. Otreertma FOR Erovra-Beautifirlly highly farm.... and emollient propertiem aponan... Com poundeAmbreral Skating Tatlek Milita ry rhavin: xmo. Srrninor Tontr Sotra—Almoral. RAW, 31i1letletinollon. quer. Piethrhio. Musk, Patehously, Omnibus, Fluting, Timerwrent, :Rive thil. md Orcasslath KIIITA,(11 roe ay, litmaniciners.—ltnee, Jaerdn. Boty ooet Candfue. Vier - mount, Jenny Mou,weline.Jock , , Club. llsanoli,C3entavir. Citronelle. Rome, Auld other v sthoth, to all sixty dithineit Peraittnea. Tothr: IV•itE , —Florlda Vae, Eau e Toilette, Ormgr Flower Water, mit. great variety of Colognes and Layne der Per r kt.‘11 , ,,, ron THZ ilearithil, Antique 1 1 mUld:lilak., FAY, Oloioo, Ceti:pound On Sian +. Hair hi old and to powder, and Itikernor,lth4. :due, na4 Jenne land Putuados. Olvovnthth I'mrvevnoos—lislxamle Elixir, Rasa Torah l'bureord lientrinee, Wood re, Tooth Pasie,and Tooth _yowler. Comenex--ViTetable Connetle Cream. Arnandlue fur 1.{.P.,1 handl, Cold Cream of Rom, Cream de Pen, Wp Salve. Raspberry Ceram, Or. Dm:lstory Powders, for removing superfluous hair Pearl Powder. Vinalgre de Rouge, A: math, Vinegar, Victoria Hair Compovition. Prexton Sa, mined a this variety of other articles, too nunietem To be mined In this sdvenise , ninth The trobaeriller hoyent to maintain the p ipz F lanon which ILI, eatabllehment tun =quirk. by ilis of nothing hot Mat rate article, end will bk., nanny to orenen Owe w h o a.a,a,teh Ia ,[ll/211LP blot . Pltber wholeade or retail. an I, 11 reaiimable any witoldlkment In the United Mann. ZANIER BAZIN, Summar to nail former DietZ6Lf,i i lte ß htborattry of 114 Quanta et. Mr. kaki', Perfumery to for =do by oil the Prinoilia ,Drioniiiito to theromtu. NEW YORK PRINTING INKS 1,11 UTCIIINSON d; Co., Nol3 Spruce Street, NEW YORK. Wholesale tomnufnetnlvra of the hest • ENGLLIFI Pt:INTIM; INKS. for Steel and Lith, starlit Feinting, and he Fine Book and JO , Work, which thei n trarrant to be rtnoprtott of the parent malarial., and to " Iho e t:L il lints ' VnVin ' fi=lc ' ef " ;es e . ttelt me tont. a rich. In ruse and perstartenry to Pork ropetiortoretti other gxte note puam. 1 _ at p ri ces varying front TO eta. to 04,00 per 111, riTante,, u shade and quality Tarriun front 81,01 , to SZ,OO per lb. mchrtklim TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS!! XIOULTON S. CO., Successors to Jon, no.cosa. a Co., vi e Ceda and 22 Pipe eine., New line invite Merchants ltirm New York City, to their immetue Mach of Portion nod Domestic Fancy and CLaplr Dar liouto. Their stork le entirely new. and In addition still receive' by elm, iqsnumn., new and elegant axles , confuted ezelo. In to this buxm, confining of every varietv Dm,. tem!. In he found in the /Vend, German. Eltstia'akuid A no minm omelets. and at primes that will defy romprtitora. la,da buyers and Pferehanta generally - will do well to call and cvmalne our stock., a.. 4 one glade are adapted to e.- section of the country: and we are rasolved to rove no Oinry. to make It the interest of everymerchant to favor to with their pat-engage. JAMES S. 310CLTON; JAMES W. BARRER, ZENEAS NEWELL Nme ruEl. March. 1351.—[50ch244.12w RENION IL. WX. WARTMAN & Ca, _ . . No. 79 S; 81 (late 76) 3IAIDo LAXE, - NEW YORE. Direelly opparite the 01d Stand. I\UFaCTURERS AND JOBBERS of u. put L of Und, wi xvrz—lrrarr cUlti m E ußttm_tnv - vM,N, Merl. Ara Cotten. Domeate mvl Pan BIESIEMI= !gni:V.B4'k of men " Fancy o.llk and Sall. Ileary Engilph .51ndru., Itahao. Prinve Albert Borathers, Trilled Indian Satin. //andlerch,../.—Cr.n k r, Linen Canal.ric..te.. and Engli..b, oew etyk., Dornefttir . !LW Lilatetl T i l . ' ,7 "a • ' " ' d th" of Lm L'i , Limn . . :wns—V.lrct.Cnsltmerv.Engll3ll, Frourb and al., .o'l.. firtter,r for ~..4ntlomcs, and Indies -3 7arirti of Bribc of nil qualitiec W.gruld.turite particular attrutton to our Oomeotio Knit I ...l... , turit.Dravtors. and tloni.r... tl. ICAKESIAN a. CO.. ruthPtt2tutt., 79a. Si Malden Lane. TO THE LODE F.EErERS OF THE EXITED STATES. SHYER PLATE, QUICKLY RESTORED rr Arr 1.1,411,1 or trit SILVER PLATING FLUID. trareuyoUrf pie. v.v , irfadvm. or lA, wet', returnni. g l luis FLUID is coniposed of pure Silver; ha. h e uved br hon.. kyeiwnw In New York for the lavi Eve stol Is beyond. • nevvasary articli lo the , b•lnevtie eeeourty. Any puma ern. In a fear minute, re et°, ullnal beauty old plated tkode. such as Caatora. Caudlevtlekv.Cwt.e Itaake.. Carrie,. nod lIIWOOTS Yurni torw. Military Erlipmeut, itr.• or piate with pure sliver on' ' Bra, Copper. or German :Over. The warrantee usuf. firmed !.,1- it. futrdurtion Into verve family. Pelee rents pee Louie. A lihrial itvrount to Jewelers and Peary I{ , vdr dealer. For c.le JOILNJ. BROWN. cavhlade,tartT 1113 Fulton atrict, New Tort. Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. S. MILLS, No. I CORTLANDT ST., 1p rtairvo NEW YORE, tv now opening one of I lareyet and riehost a......ortuudde of tlffßlNti A-ND SINMEit SiIAWL, ever 'bolomm ed. Al. LACE 111 and all kinds of SILK MA N TI LLAS. want:fart-a tr,to the law., Per:a fa.hlon, received by the steamers adapted to the Opting trade. . Mk..+plendid atock of PAILtta..I.S AND FIRELLAS. ronsiding of fritured and plain talon! eutt.m end 'Elk stal Turk Satin Parasol, and Cotton and Ging ham Urotrylla., All of which will be offered at extremely low pri,x, W....specially Invite our Wavdere friends to no. amine our .arkb.fure prOvlotaltig. WIE.E.I , IIOW ;;TANDS. fur e.hibitlou Shawls and Mantilla., put up In emevllw Onus - porta:ion. febllaf SPRING IMPORTATIONS. C. B. HATCH L. CO., NO fa W It.LIAM PIKER?, NEW rows., ttIAVE non . iv store, and are constantly re mining 1-v meamer, the moat extensive anortuir.nt of Imp.tes, NO GOODS. ever. before offend., embraelna the latest and rivhest styles of CrarataJnltirts. tl.ue, tqivpendere. Coder Garment, London TPA. Kturk, Oiled Gown, Handkereltiefs. Stmulder Erne., Linen Collan, with variety of other viii be titae to their line of busine,... All of which will be aald ratthv very lowv‘t prior,. Our Weetern friends ore Inv thy] to examine oor Mork • fetAilatn. Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink. ONE'S E:UPI - RE INK, R. 5 Nassau street, .11 New York . 11217 PORT] TO TOO MAO, 41 at , ocm per dor.- ..... .410 150 100 4 .cent On draught, per erailo -n. .... , '. Thts le the I,mt article manufactured. It Ilmos.frorlT—. le ..I COPYING INli—and wilt hot oarrode. moutd. p rolaltate 0? 'free and tome.. olLthe.litles a nd for a sp.! ttriung Ink, suitable for the Quill, and ed. mlrably adaptrd for the Ftoel.Pon. The uudere.gned prerdzed furnieb to the mule ei. taut for export ban. enannapthm, at the eh... Tory lay prirts. put up . per order. and delivered In an. part of tag s ciy tree of char.. No charge for mem fferrela or keg a. charued extra at nett 0.t.. • Quart, per dor.— •TILEODORE LENT. Gibely Naexan at-. New York. ffiurphy's Self-Sealing Advertizing Ravel- VO. 263 *ADISMST., NEW YORK.— _l.laubser lb,. ha soliciting [hope trortaze of all whO cray re, this adeeitlreenent. feel]. none of that her . ita . with which II new article la hi . ..Kiri:it before the politic Th e tablWard their anpertorlty be. of tr "" " f „he.trellina rood all ques on. and he confidently re rex o or of tho, hostile. men who bare used these entelon rQ to his floridly Stimuli:let sideli. as proof of their excel etire. BD= I.t. On tbe plan aceoptied by the real.. terra mar have his tuma. &winces, and addm , .. eounlkuulldr am , I~outlSuliy emhomed, colored or Plat. lbw affording ter -4,f efueritY =Mort fraud. Mt The Eurelopee cannot be Opened without being de ntroyed, Nolther war nor wafer"; are required to real them. 41h. Utem the mbe,m7faue ot letter. the real insures!. immediate return to the eender. lusteml of being burled mulatto in the Dead Letter. on prifoth. The EnvDue,elop. are furnished at almost the same ce. &TOM", eth. Lech letter mailed 13 a moot erretivaagluertirecoeut FU re to attract the attention of all through whose hands It M gleranirlTlC is a liat of prices for Dart engraved 00 bras, and which will l=et for your,. to of Lecttorm. of the wont she, either white or buff. of mud Pol., and made sm ahoy, With name. whirr/ma, J'riusf ji'nee. illerefeyes mode ar Cd letters ur .... :$l.l NJ to 40 40 to RI A,iq .100 .. . .... /0-.511 ICtunibteta 10. t to I ithen it is not sonsenient m fseward amount of opler oo ppee u u l , rapmeMl e rulers., tot reepretaitle . Sew York . softitti..t. Ali on's , " wW i ttleijorg i f i rp attention. If eddrusset.. Xe. Radian street, New York. Onints will be altrfldN to en7netly. if Jell at the storm of Meer, siren !tom al eh street. or or ?Leese.. 11. ...linter, a William at. • . n.—undoes. Cards. i.021 - ....41 to color, from =me lilt, at elo.lo ,r tbousend. fetradgut Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous, tkR MEDICATED COMPOUND, infallible fur roweing, invigorating, awl beautifying the hair, rel.:slog the scoff. dandrut and all affectiow , of the scnltt. o „,ertog ...lob,' on theskin diseases of th e glands, won,. and Inc. gemouts,awl relies - lug sting, rota. brub st... 'qt... Or. With this promention 'Shen. is no such word as /ult . ' The first wernale in Arnett. mtdical men of the !kigh rot mitten.. prominent ettlsons of all pref.- ...nod null, e bare used it w i t h years in h a trca. ong n... and tairWrio,, milMit It one aceord, for imparting vizor, ialtllfiAnne, tad curl to the hair, ursiteutiou scurf and dandruff: healing wounds. CutiaC contusion. sprains. stingy kn., and releieing disemmt of the skin. the glan d . and the 'manles, it has wine] acmes . the mointode of ortuttumnds advertised to the pol ite 711-11.0.4., nr 1...4.111111man pruetlea therteatattata ae egicittney. Barry's Tyr:sphere. if Unrillal.d. The Im otton pp sule. or the mtkle,.have enabled the luventor to supply net :0 mots per bottle. which It from 60 to 100 the cent lout than the mice of any other eurmatratton Cur the halt. Otto in se. Me ....milk imam on the hair awl the embracing the valuable direction. fir the mil lers and 'n eepresstreati f ure', choimet ornament, in to whi..la earl; bottle ttncied. Mate worth the money. The ailinlty tetecern the Membs which constitute the skin and the hair. which draws itsmateruguen from this tripleenvelope. It eery de.. diseases of the hair orr gnato to the skln of the Wade. It the parrs of the wrath c L. Yd. or t(th e Moot and outer Colds do not circu late froclff through the mull easel: 'which feed the root with moLdnre. and. Impart Ilfe to the Obrev. the resit it runrl.Mthdtmit. .bedding of the halt , anti harsh...is of the ligaments, and entire WM.., mile care may bet. Stimulus (bean, to hulthful warm with the Trlcepherous, and the torphl vesachy morning their actleitY, lIIILIDIUSW the Mee... In all sffertions of the tin. anti of the substrata of couseles and hatemainemts.the It==l:r h ;l4?"ol . t r t . UL l' glrtn7l7 . , th O a t t.Vtel% " 4, '" hash , aPeethcartlea, and In all affect/one. and In of rem time man. It is a eo.reign remey, kohl in large bundle. price th cents, at the principal of. Cs. 11:y.lwab New York, 8.1 lby the principal me m], - ants and drtiggbet Limon/Meet the United Make Made.. lola. doe kha ICE largest Stock of Blank Books, of Mla of bta,ll4,•to orend M. R. flArrn Blank Bonk item shake[ and !mod sta . 3,,.b.. n t0 aro_ loonorted to call me. comlootoor KW oud DEMI zusair Worts. whirl. an dieted at lower ',Kos am the, mr borne= la . • Root AM . M. WPM ST. IAUIS. PAVLD C. TATTLE. Attorney at la amt Courrabriouer for New, Irarda., Bt. oounekuoicatkeug prompur &lammed. • ca. 1.341 JOliN H. RANKIN. Attorney. and Co ?Rice al for and CauvoriaateaT ice the Stele eenoryteradru d, Me, (lye lt a Itoburgh.) Refrren,r—litottrargh: lion. IV. Lonnal. 7.la3mitou Maier: .11 . Czudiess McClure. John E. Parke. Iluurils *reels. McCord t Co. audjkla• BOSTON . , AIi=CAW H 01784 it ANOVER. STREET, tIOSTON •. T HE undersigned having entirely re: ".,i,ssd.sisrisd about bove extonalveostabliabi '7,1 went. round i s in all three hUndtad and Mr moa, w..uld revectfultr gig, notin, th at It b novel ad for the rnattakm And ticenromodatlon of the travtllhttp romtutioltr. ..,._,.....4,,,H.' An extetaled notice of the unteurpaared e t ia.e tts .... •. ... "' Roa. I...teemed superfluous. se the tlUrtbeTolll amnia, meta., alkali haws law. mad,. cannot be raoperl7Shl,.._M I . an edverti , ement Stith., It to i1 a1......P... .. r .....-• spared in render MIT an...P.l'l+,ler, ___i. -a The furniture was made expenedr to order, renaro.4at .... met and metaln portions of it. vapeclally the E t ralrtblt to will be found to ta• of.the to t twantiful =Warr- - tin, The Dinina rooms are ealtarjrnas and the hours S X . • 11l brto arranged as to suit the.G.13T11:400...r. aniT-fe. . 1 Every department will be eunducted jin an unexeepti nit. ble manner. and. the proprietor Plialgra himself that tha. American Howe ehalnx:trvirthe Teneelle • Rom : t febikitawilawfaoT. ! L E WIS ARM • Ile great ressailefer amsmaption of as I.tmpei ar,mmi ft. Luce, Aggliona, Bronchitis, Alms or lrealawrs L'reog or Limps, and other ,Fifir tiongste the A111.4;4,171 Orpons. 117 E 00 not What to trifle with the lives d V V health of the afflicted. hot we sincerely pledge 'l (Per. rot MS to make no assertion as to the virtues of this Medi. doe, and to bald oe' hope rei euffering husesnlty,' facts will out svirmnb It, Sloe, of Icelmil,and the Pine and WILL Cherry;'.are ~,Lathy celebrated f i g the roar, of all dtriases of the Ltibas and layer, which am so fearfully prevalent It all Norlietra latitudes. From a cenabimtlort of ehetrlleld extracts. 1 te emed from this Mom and those Treee. IR. Warsk's s L. or Wme Ch.. I. Chiefly' formed. AiriTistar's Itabom of Wild Cherry Ls a Om vain arm:atria. composed entirely of Wild Cherry But lad ;(be genet. ' , knit Moss, (tie latter Imported expressly for ibis purposit) the rare enthral virtues of which rare alma emu. bloat by new chemist! proem. with the extract of Ta thus modeling the whole eollapOtind the most certain nit efllcaMons remedy aver dimovered for the • CONSUMPTION OF TILE LUNGS. • ItIaCEDITARY CONFtIMPTION Cured by Wlstalfs / soma Wild Cherry.—The following case of Joreadala Is. Mies, of ColarnmPtion. (tee of Ids brothers and sisters vim( died of Comoraption,) is trull'aunderfedi 11.7-. AN T. poor. Ilimiltoff co. &Pt, d. Is. Pot—Dem Mg I take the liberty of ititralna of the benefit I Itave derived from the one of Dr. Mettle s Balsam of Wild Cherry. I wits prostrated byWhat terry' le smudge: Cotoomption. to May fast. The attack was ts, tr, horrifying to me. for Ere of our hmllf , (my brothers .mere) had did of Coommption. :as .011tiggl nearly nll the worst features of the dlemot I bads &arr► tog miugh, and expectorsted a great deal of Weed: hectic raver. ',Tem pales Its the'ckle and d.5e,....5d astis, auting with Inches of heat ." I was under the are of a skillet rhydeisa. from the time I was taken sick until about six weeks dom. helps then afoot helpless. sod my'lfriends consldered my cam broadest. or at kart beyond our physician's skill; adrqed the OM of Wistefs Calmat of WWI Cherry. Without Pty knowledge. my Miler promised It. and imminent:ea adMito (skiing kto me, and from the first day I cotrunincril O leg It say health improved. and In two weeks' Pieta the time I commencell raring It. 1 was able to be oat and oar. see my Mahood, and labor, which Tirtill maims( to do} hare taken faar battle. of the medkine, and now comaider myself perfectly well. , JEFLZ3IIAtif X 444•4 ' 1 4 - 4 • Clam Porn, Late Co.as...juna 11, '44. JO. D. Pen:—Dear Sir In July. 1100, 1 nattarlacbcd wil Y lu 00,0.01 typhoid ammeter, *Melt lett me Ina very debgitated state, when, i• the following winter. I was ta.- ken with • sex fti cold, which reduced me to mach an 00' I tent as to gire toe the stmestranceorit matirmed ettornmp tire. I lathresi under a sew, eough-wrpectoraled agarat deal. and was Moulded with and feet and night sweats.. ,I also frequently ut•el blood from my Wag. 1 cootlnued In Mils slate. gralually sinking ultuhir the Ms... until January; Deli, when I sew again attacked with tare,. My blends derpalred of my an 4 fflyphyrlcians thought 1 retold survive but a short time. My extremities, especial ly my fret were emutantly told, amtaltered lost thole lbel. log. find, these eireamcianere It maybe truly natal tem a Bohm skeleton- I Tasty deternahal to quit eating me= dlrines preeetibui by physicians, and fry Dr. Wistar's Bal e= of Wild Cheri,. and frusta the firet week that I cm menewl taking It I ran datc a grad.' moron.. Torn:al. ued its. use eix month, at the end of which time T woo cur ed; L od en,yed geed health ever since: and cheerfully re. eornmetat the Balm. Grail thew afflicted with threats of the lunar- and Weald say to theft commenting Its use, not to be discouraged if two or three bottles do not affect • curet but perecterw. I have done. and I barn no doubt but nitte caws cat of Wit, 00111 In blessed with =eared health es I hare been. Ibuiretfully yours. - JO s 6. 11 Jd.CITSON. Warn= TO TIM. 4,11000 WITH ta..11.5 OP 700 00000 Pram Dr. lister. SpTingt.