• stealth, brought us a pot of good broth. which be bad taken (dile fire whilst his wifewas gone for a moment into the garden. lie well knew that his wife would make him pay for it; bdtthat Le did. not mind, IM the young mistress would but Skink it, and she would find it salted and all. He would make baste outer the window again, and pee that begot home before his wife. that she might not find'out where he bat been. But my daughter would not touch the broth, _which sorely vexed him, SO that he eet it down oil the ground cursing, and ran out of the room. It was sot long before his squint-eyed wife came in at the front door, and when she saw the pot Mill steaming' on the ground, she cried out, _•;Thou thief, thou cursed thiering carcass:' and would haie at the face of my maid. lint 1 threatened ber,•ond' Loll her nil that had tap pened, and that if she would not believe me, she might go into the chamber and look out of the window, whence she might still, belike, vre her good man running home.' This she did, and presently we heard her calling after liim, “Weft, and the dttyil Bball tear oil thine arms. only wait till thou art home ogain!" After 'this she came back, and muttering, eomething, took the pot ot the ground. I begged her, for the love. of God, to rpare a little to my child; but ehe mocked at me and said, "Vou can preach to her ea you did to me," and writhe , ' towards the door with the pot. My child bemought me in deed to let her go, but I could not kelp calling after her, "For the love of God, use good sup, or my poor dB," must give up the ghost: wilt : thou' that at the day of judgment God should Bath mercy on thee, so show mercy this day to me find mine'le;..„, But she scoffed et 'us again, and cried out, -Let her cook herself some bacon," and went Out at the door. I then tent the maid aftsrhbr with the hour-glee which ewe." before me on the: table, to offer it to her fee a good sup ont:of the pot; but the maid brought it back, • _saying that sheeroubl not have it. Alms, how I wept and sobbed, as my poor dying child with n lend sigh buried her head again to the mmee— Yet the merciful God was more giseione to me than my unbelief had deserved; for 'when the hard-hbarted woman bestowed to little broth on her neighbor, old Peach. lee presently brought • it to my child, having heard from the maid how it stood with her; and I. believe that this broth. ' • under God, 'alone saved her life, for she raised her head no soon as she had slipped it, and wns able to go about the house again in an hour.— May God reward the good fellow for if Thus I - had some joy in the midst of my trouble. But setille,l eat by the fire4ide in the evening musing memyfate, my grief again broke forth, [mil 1 made up my mind to leave my house, ands even • my cure, and to wander through the wide world with my daughter a 4 a beggar. Gad knows had cause enough for it; fey new that all my Lopes wets dashed, seeing that my field was quite ' ,rained, and that the Sherif bad become my bit ' ter enemy, moreover that it Woe tive years since had had a ',Wedding item, but two christenings during the past year, I ease my own and OW daughter's death staring me in the face, and no prospect of better times at lientl. Gun want was increased ley the ereat fears of the congre. I guidon; for although by God's wondrous mercy 1 they had already begun to take gned draughts of -- fish both in the sea and the Achtenieter, and my my of the people in the other villages bap elrea- I gotten bread, salt, oatmeal, he., from the 'Palters and Quateners of Anklam and LUSSfltis • In exchange for their fish; nevertheless they bro•t me nothing, fearing lest it might be told at Bud- Rise and mike hie Lordship ungracious to them. I therefore . beckoned nay daughter to me, and told her whet was -in my theeehte, saying that God, in his mercy, could any day bestow on me ano ther mare if I was found worthy he his sight of ouch a fnTer, seeing that these terrible !lays of pestilence and war bad called away many of the servants of his word. and that Iliad not fled like a hireling, from his flock, MIL on the contrary, till edatten shooed sorrow and death with it. Whether she were able to walk five or teri mile a day; for that then we would beg oar way to Hamburg. to Iffy departed site, her step brother. Martin Be , hring, who is a gnat merchant in that city. This at first sounded• - stramte to her, seeing 'test she had eery seldom been out of our parish • and that herdeparte,d mother and berlittle brother lay in our churchyard. She asked, "who was to make op their graves and plant dowers on them!" Teem, as the Lord had given her n Stnooth face, what I should do if iu these wild nd cruel times she were attacke•l on the high ways by marauding soldiers on. other villains. .seeingthat Twos a weak old man and unable to de . sfend hen item, wherewithal should we shield ' ,ourselves from the frost. me the ' , winter was set ting in, and the 'enemy had robbed its of our - clothes, se we had scarce enough left le cover our nakedness?" All this I heel not considered, and was forced to 'own that , the wee right: SO after much discuesion we determines! to hire it I this night to the Lord: and to do whatever he should pat-into our heart next morning. At any rate, we saw that we could in no wise ;seep the old maid any longer: I therefore called leer out of the kitchen. and told her elm bud better . go early nest morning to Liege. as there still . -ems food there, Whereas here she =let starve. ' -seeing that perhaps we ourselves might lease the parish and country to-morrow. I thanked herfor the lose and faith she had shown us, and begged her at last, amid the loud sobs of my • - poor daughter, to depart forthwith privately, and not to makeenr hear, still heavier by leaves taking; that old Parish was going a-fishing to night on the Achterwater, as he had told me, . . and no doubt would readily vet her on shore at Grnesaw, where she hod friends, and could eat • her fill even to-day: She coad not say a word • for weeping, but when she saw I was really in • earnest she went out of the room. Not long af ter we heard the house-door shot to, whetenpon my daughter meaned, "She is gone already," ran etrnight to the window to look after her.- - "Yes," cried she, ea she sew through the little panes. "she is really" gone;" and she wrung her handsaw' would not be comforted. At last how ever, she wns quieted when t spoke of themaid Hagar, whom Abraham had likewise east off. but on wbnm the Lord had nevertheless shown rner cyin the wilderness. and hereupon we commend ed ourselves to the Lois!, and stretched ourselves an our conches of muss. •[h a! people ell' go about the Aeho•mater every del' ia Laski Yolten arai ltuateeo. , earl I.o' leom the tOCIIP Egli they may harg caught. . - Tue KAFFIR Woo is sornt• .9tmtG.-=fiar readers have already been apprized, join advance of news by way of England) of impOrtant intel ligence from the Cape of Good Hopei brought to us a day or two since, by an arrival' at Boston. The Liverpool and London paper:, are full of the details, but we have already given the leading facts of the case. The history of the outbreak appears to have been nearly us follows:: • "Rumors of an appronChing•rising of the. na tives were, it may be remembered, rife iu Octo ber last and the desertion of Kaffir . servants in great numbers from the frontier farms heighten ed the probabaity'that the chiefs were preparing for mischief. Under these eircumitroces, Sir Harry Smith summoned a meeting at King Wil liam', Town, at which 350 Kaffirs were present; tint the Chief to whom most suspicion attached --Sandilli—did not attend. On the! 19th of De cember, Sir Harry convened another meeting of 2,500 Kaffirs, when Sandhill was again absent. His excellency's patience was lIOST - exhausted, and he declared the offender's estates confiscar- ed. 7r.. The Chiefs were on this occasion invited to express their opinions, and" they availed them selves of the opportunity to remonstrate on the ' appearance of so many British troops in their country, nod to plead for Sandilli. On the first point, Sir Harry Smith assured them that his soldiers were only cothe "to _put down rebels and protect the good:"us to Banditti, he said, 1(1 was to show' mercy to him, the Queen would cut my head off. lam not going to loose my head for a rebel." Upon this, Sandilli's mother got up ; and, by n strange freak, Sir Harry actually nominated - fter " chief" in her eon's Acad. ' She was, moreover," rays the Frontier TimOs, well sup . plied with victuals by order of hit excellency: and it is not thoght impossible thatlsome of the eatables were conveyed to Sandilli, who, it is , s ppposed, was ;not a hundred miles from the • spcHt.." Measures were, however, at oneeltaken to car ry out the sentence against Sandilli. The troops at the Governor'sdisposal amOunted, in the first instance, to 2,300, including 400 Hotta' po lice; but the great majority of this latter body immediately deserted, and the rest Were prudent ly disarmed, One column of 40tl strong, was sent; 'under Lieutenant' Colonel Eyre, to the Ea bowie Neck, to intercept Sainlilli. The centre, about 550 strong, under Colonel 'Mackinnon, ac companied by the Governor, joined the garrison .at Fort Cox, and here his 'Excellency's head , quarters-were established. The third column, under Colonel Somerset, about 480 strong, inured to. Fort Havre. On the 24th of December, Colonel 31ackinnon was detached with LIM men to thi; place where Banditti wan supposed to be concealed; but after • an attack in which one officer mail eleven men were killed,. and two officers and t•ONCD men wounded, he; was forced to retire. During his retreat he' was. harrassed by continued fi r ing from the rebels on the heights, who were led by Sandilli in person; and .the bodies of a corporal and fourteen men of the 45th reg meat, were discovered on the lino of march. On the 2fith he rejoined tile Governor; - when the fort was immediately surrounded by the K a ffir, i n great force, but we are left in doubt whether Sir H. Smith left in it, when he cut his way through 'the enemy, a sufficient force to protect it. Market Street Store for .Rent r.RENT.—The Store, HS Market,,, rant, tbe &ER ft= the =ter of Market liberty stmts. l'oratdatAdra the lac of knell DAVID (ikt•Mfd, dad. pd/tar . Waled , . WO Penn sa LOST. A LEATHER POCKET BOOK, contain-. tog • scull nun of money, mu lam betmeen Imo Seven th streets. cm Maned stmt. on Tsaois re t. the Zia hut, The ander mlll cooler offlmkt on Or cas t= It to the creator, thrtmet tblo caol• fath27 GAZETTE PITTSBUR PI BLIBIIED Illy WRITE & CO FRIDAY MOBNIG, BURCH 2: To the Whigs of Pennsylvania. ST A STATE CONVENTION will he held Iv the CDT of Lanearter ou TUESDAY, JorTTrh.lh o tl a i: , or raftth;D:- V=C:4ll=lll'eVlr Judva of the 5.D.... Court lIBSET al. FULLER. Cimino.. Hatooel Melletamoy, 4/.7ohosBStortorl'.'6' ' C. flow. Jam, , . Wm. a. Dell. Samuel B. Thomaa, Flamm . ' Dell. 'S..Biowo. A thsoßlElhast.er.. T. Tarl. Worth, Wlo. J. Itoldnaon, , Who B. Brow. Worleu E. Urn.. 1 . 511. , UA k 'T• Thorosall.Corhnus. .I. 111,l Watt" , JAM. Clark, t i l l hu 'n 7ea j ll b . '"' llordraxo n. ~ Sherman D. Dimly.. 8 .. A. aria. • Edwin C. Wilma. B. A. ri....r. , John All Woo. Cl. , Daniel McCord) , C. O. Loom i"b"''''''''. . °.7.7,")Yra,r., .'m. C. Fravell. Jordan. John U. N'ln., 11. RUNDLE SMITII, MarrtutT. The continuation Of the " Amber Witch," will be found on our first page; also, New York and Harrisburg letters, pommereial news, &o. On the fourth pae will be toned The Haase of Refuge," Cbli9Ek on Texas," and Poetry. Third Page—Telegraphic News, and Home Matters. WOMAIt'S SPEB.44: AHD WOMAN'S RIGHTS. SECOND ARTICUL - Toe Wirt.—Thii first and highest duty of 'a wife is to endeavorlto act in such a manner, that her husband's and her own happiness may be insured. The woMan's party often objects to the rule that a wile should be expected to take such an inferior position Q. 9 that of living to please another being, no bettor limn herself: but in fact, she wlio makes her husband nappy, must pursue the course best adapted to insure Les own happinesS. It is on this account, that the two sac called one. Happiness is not like material wealth, uhich one cannot receive save by taking from anothar. The increase of one 1 good being's happiness, is the gain of all nrcnind. So the commonplace advice, "strive to soothe' and sustain your 'husband in tilt his difficulties, sympathise with !him, and always endeavor to add to his happiness," is nothing more than say ing, do all this f9r yourself. Moreover, the same ; advice is just as Often offered to husbands, and , yet they are ner4r beard to complain of it, as an I attempt against their "rights." I The first practical duty of the young wife, is to enter, heart Mid hand with her husband, upon the task of earning a living. The division of this duty, which] has been made in all ages and countries has, besides its universal sanction, the best of arguments, and the iirme4 fx.:ts to sus min it. There must be one ea go out irdo the; fields, the streets, the market place, the work shop, and perfnrm thQ ] ife heavy and trying 15- CM , which are I necessary to the production of food, raiment, ?ltd the luxuries of life : and there must be another ivipuFaige and guard and beau tify that inner snide of trancin happiness, the, very name of Which will rouse the hsnyt, and bring gushingars from the eyes of the exile:. there must be one who has the enemy, industry, taste, quiekuel . of perception, the moral power rnd exalted vi eto create that earthly pare ; dise, caged home. The 'man who is deprived of this paradise, will strive with untiring ingenuity, to contrive a substitute for it. and Ming in this, will toil and ; faitt, day by day, and year by year, to regain it. ! Its 'blessings may sometimes he underrated, bat never by any one who has been deprived of thCm. - • • . . It is in this sacred temple of quiet happiness 1. that the wife reigns as High Priestess, and ton ability so fill this trying station, has ever been gratefully: acknowledged by the other sex. That she is appointed tp it by the laws of Heaven, is I I so ,evident,' th t not even thej Woman's Rights Party, will,: pr _tend to say that she shoedd be entirely ieniov from it. Bet as one home is more deserving of the name than a they, as a home becomes more jags in homelike, j.; in proportion as its mistress is capable of no. aging it, there is a wide field . 1 \, lof ambition o' ened for every wife. The practi cal cal point win h thrusts itself most frequently before her, is: e economy pf the means at her I command. ome is the place where the tress- I ' urea accum ,d by the labor of the husband are; ',•concentrated for corosaraption. Home is expels-'; site. In fact, inis almost the only expense of a locued citizen. The wife, though she may not al svoiFyik.be the treasurer, has the power of making nearly all th' c'eppropriations." The import once Of thin Power is never undermined by acute busine*Mem If a man has a cureless, ;;oontravagatieiiiife, he must have a miraculous i;Monsy inskur faculty, to escape bankruptcy.— The'number of poor men who contrive to grow e l easy. in the' circumstances as they grow ' old, follows verycl osely upon the number who have thrifty wiv — Now, as the nineteen-twentieths rolOmen hav to toil from morning till night, to accumulate. enough 'so support their families, -their "sphe " cannot certainly be considered - much wider hato that of their wives, who man age the exp nditure. We hear a great deal of ir‘ 'complaint ong female reformers, about wo men being • mere household drudges;" but are not men eo ething worse? Are they not, in the counting ho e' and workshop, mere machines, ns dull and angeless in their existence, as the !edgers the scribble imi-as much bound down to the perfo ante of certain tasks, as the en gines molars they control ? These complaints about worn n's drudgery — are More beard in this mamtry tars in any Other, and yet, when for eigners des;ibe our - peculiarities , they say that an Anseric toils like a slssth, in order that he "e l may keep is wife like ingeonotelos. They think ov ego to absurd enflame. We would be far from jo' •g in thig„Pthion; but th ere is one charge, th truth of whit.must be confessed— It is said at our yroon'an are so much relieved ~1,4, from the d ty of earning their living, that they losC force T character. They become weak for want of c Ploymenx Hue:after all, no woman need lack ployment, no - matter how much she may be e El Pted from th e cares of life,. The Scotch sa ng.„-Often quoted against our side of the questi ,) that "wettoan's work is never done," tonji be interpreted that the home over which she presides is never so perfect that it cannot loMmoUde more pleiming to herself, to her husband, and to her fiends, by a little more exertion9n her past; and on the some principle, too woinanls house ioyever so well taken cure of i by servants , that it cannot he improved, if 1 she studie4 and praCtices the honored profession of housewi fery. No , woman 1.921 ever li ft ed so high by wraith, as to be above the necessity of, being a good housekeeper, And again, the brain ti is a wondr(ul receptable. 'floe treasures whichi' it is intehded to hold, may be poured into it( continually, and yet the more it receives, the; More it is capable of receiving. Knowledge tune; always positive power, but in the nineteenth ceni tury it commands an enormous premium. Neither' woman nqr man, who has a brain capable of n-'l ceiving knowledge:need at this day, complain of; ro lack of employment. l t Thus, torn the question which way we will, we cannot find any great cause of complaint against; "man the tyrant." Among the poor, the man toile in clpse work shops or, breaks his back diq gingemmls, while his wife ;noshes, scrubs, gossip§ over the fence with her neighbor, scolds and singai and both go to their couch at night, weary enough. Among those whose circumstances aro a little easier, the husband works very hard 4 his basilic..., while his wife oversees her homei dressis. cultivates society, and leads a charming life, 7 if the does not fall Into the error of en I vying het wealthier neighbors. She has every' , opportunity of improving her mind and becoming as important a personage in the eyes of the pub 4 lie as her husband. Amoqg the rich, vroman'i spheremf action is proomeHonately enlarged. 4 ' A wealthy lady of cultivated mind, force of clan ; rooter,,e , l tact, acquires an influence in society!. which 1 as much worth having as the majority of theutiles thatronse the ambition of wealthy men. , 1 . ,I We hive , ve not been pretending to set forth nee truths; in the contrary what we have written t r s mere repetition of what society, in its every day it etice, proclaims to be t its faith. Tile ' sphere 9ccupied by the wife in the simple bus)- , mess CdHoing is no necessary that it must be tid ed bye l ; t 7e class. The only question is which sex is e better adapted for it. We thigh ti uth there e plain facts which show beyond denial that wo should be the queen of home. Botne of then we have already alluded to, but there ire others ore Important which we will endeator 4 toebrin forward when speaking of womarqin 4 13 r • er position an a mother. i FROM' EUROPE. i sinus and Poles have arrived at Liverpool They . ; have been lodged in the emigrants' home, and it i By trECE STEAK SHIP ARCTIC. is expected the majority of them will proceed to ... 'the United States. They speak well, it is said, o ,,,a n d o nes of the 0, Y..conimercial Aellvertlee.r. of their treatment by the Turks—bat's strong Loseo s s, Friday, March I. ISol. feeling rpevails here at the servility of Turkey I The events of thelyast weekhaverestored mat- in still lending herself to Bustin and Austria, by 1 ters to their old poition, and Lord John Russell I continuing the detention of Kossuth. Fears Also and his iollerigues are again in power. If the are entertained by some that the-difficulty may ultimately. be settled by poison. crisis hay made them sadder and wiser ten it I TOE DIPOSITtiet. will be that—otherwise nothing will result but Theinal decoration of the Exposition building the loss ef two of the most important weekii of and the reception of articles are rapidly going a a essima which, by common consent, it was , romped. In a paragraph, however, on the sub- I agreed should be got through es early as passible 1 jest, yesterday, it was stated that •• the American to allowq reedom for the Exposition. - : arrangements appear to tie more beithadhand than 1. I those of any other foreign country, and no aftictsltioaL NEGOrtartnos ,vOO axoUrseititENTs. ',recognized representative of the interests of On thls day week Lord John met the House 1 , , , • coutn ,hators thence has yet made his appear ofs tom Mons after the strange penal of doubt s tme „, ,, The Great Britain steamship, it is understand, which had intervened since hits resignation ou i I will not be ready for three or tour months. , se the preaeeding Friday. Bat it was only to tell them Mtht the country was still without a Gov. I that she will be too late to aid much in the con ernmena Ile narrated all the negetintions whicheoyance of visitors. She is to have new en and when complete will prove: it is en- Lad beast carried on by the several parties—the I gives Protectionists, the ;Peelites, and his own friends . ream ! . o verysatisfactory speculation for her —and the failure thus far of every effort to form a aew 41inistry, or to introduce fresh , elements , i new owner, for the jeconstruction of the old. The Papal bill ' had still beenthe great difficulty, mail had pre vented the Peelites, who are opposed to any mea sure being passed on the subject, from joining him; Lard Aberduon and Sir James Graham hav tug both distinctly stated into be the only ob stacle 0 a fusion. Lord Stanley, on the other hand, had found his protectionist policy 30 ut terly aropeless as to forbid even an attempt sit establishing a government on its principles. He ' saa we a that with one eaceptiop t alr. ilerries) the*iy advocating that system aid not pos sess ripener political eaperience whom he could call to his aide. A tamer duty ou wheat, the removal of the income tax, amd a mere stringent Papelatill, were the objects, be elated, whit): it would have been his endeavor to carry out.— Lord aohn wayless communicative. He said that it had peen his intention to extend the franchise next ;Veer, .so u s e to be in time for the general election 1853; but ie Dkiklii respects his speech wee chiefly confined to a real-Salient St 50° politi cal cannections and ne a t., for the purpose of do montathating the consistency of his course up to the moment of his recent resignation. lle con cledea by moving another adjournment until Monthly, when it gas hoped that come definite at might be ariattea aa. Ore Monday he steted that Loot Stoney bee ing failed "with full means and opportunities . in the endeavor to form a government, the Queen had - sent for the Duke of Wellington to advise witiahor an to the most expedient course, and thatathe Duke.thel recommended bee to request her into Ministers to resume office. With this ' news appeal he, Lord John, had of course corn- I pliea and, along with his former colleagues. he from the Nor Verb f leftertiscr. would againattempt to carry on thelSovernment 1 licavn's 1)01303.—We. hare to record to-day At the same time he must defer any explanations ; the decease of three distingushed members of as to the modifications in his 'course of policy re- 1 the editorial profession—Mordecai Manasseh paling the Papal bill, the budget and other I N oa h, of thi s city . t,,,,,, Hill . o f . N..n... p .,hi re questions, which late events might, in his opin- . and John S. Skinner,' of Baltimore. i ion %render necessary, until the following Fri- i , Major Noah expired in this city on Saturday dayathis evening ) i night at half past 11 o'clock. Some time in tan thafoltheing morning 'an called a meetiog ' February he had a slight attack of paralysis, of the liberal member 3 at hisown Gauss, terahe ;rim which on serious consequences wereappre pu4k.* of Coming to come emleestahaleg with i beaded. though is wen ocathed prudent for him then. He pointed out the compact nature of tto abstain for a while flania hie irsusl avocations. thraprotectionist opposition, alai repanded them I About two weeks since 'there was a marked that if that opposition were to come to power, . change for the acres in hisconditiQ. speech and thejy would either reverse the policy which hod ; memory felted, and it was evident that ho had led, to so much happiness during the past few t entirely lost the use M . his loft side lie melee yer, or cause a disastrous agitation to repel ' quently rallied a little, but thefavorable - spell thel;attemta. Faints, therefore, was essential, 1 tams were deceptive. and on Saturday evening and it aria& be of that complete kind which ! he brealieal his last weld lead to concesalares sapient trthar.selsar . nn With one exception, we believe, Major Noah ardeor points. The Papal bill he would go on I 0 „, s o o 0 a., ; , 5 . unopber of the editurinl profession with. Lord Stanley had talked of referring it •in this eiti, still in stint vocatiott at tpe Dineell toat committee, but such a commitee might last I Lie death. lie was hunt in Philadelphia 'July featwe Cr three sears and keep up feelings of I le, 17,5, commenced life es an apprentice to it acaimony which should be quieted et once. With 1 mechanical business, which be soon abandoned. reanect to financial arrangements he hoped to i and devote) himself to the study of the law, and melte st Et3t4G3el3t on aairiay that wll.' be antis- political soil literary pursuits. Early in the (eatery.'present century tie relnoVed to Charleston, where !fate address was well received. but at its he tool; an active part in public affaira. We be clese the Irish members present declare) their Here that he was not officially connected with intention of opposing the l'apol hill, even though Roy of the newspapers there, though it Is the it should risk the overturn of the Government impression of the writer of this notice that the Others urged that the dlliculty should he met by deceased mentioned to him that his first writings Ireland being exempted from its opeention. on t fir the press were during his residence in South gat:meal points those present were unanimous in Cerro', s . ; le lea.; he was appointed consul of the C S. ea:pressing a strong desire to uphold the return in` Cabinet.. I 11 , Ilorocco, by 11r. atm:tint., and mailed from an this position matters at present renvon. and . Charleston In -Stay of that year to 69,3103 the the full exptimntion of the measures iutended by ' antis.-- or his mission. The vessel in which he the Government, and of the attitude which will ' took passage itas captured by a British frigate. .IPritsbataa he itastimeri hr the aerie. , Perna"' t and he was conveyei to England a prisoner. At. :threighout the thmeindaa °alb , aaaclan, nor l'' ter a deteutien of several weeks he was liberated ' Icaked-for this evening. 1 end permitted to proceed to his original destine 'Or, satisfactory fettittre of the whole affair; t (ion ile returned to the United States and which contrasts admirably with the general I we believe, .I„,en 1910, sod shortly afterward an , ran Of political contentions . 11,1911,3 Oro amidst , i„tenat„„a, volume no„ issued from the pima , , in all the coularation of parties, red the efforts tied which he communicated the incidents of his for ' eaphinations of rivals which Mire now been pert , eign travel to the public . i fob more than a fortnight, there her not been a I lin his return be Mentes' himself in New York, I Single deviation from that tone of Pei - aerial dig - ; ands sainte4 the editorial intaingeincut of tin nily and mutual respect which should char-actor- 1 Nntionni Advocate, n Democratic journal, of i. 6 inch 0ac.i.....4.1 '..1 , i , t , i• never departed which, he and hir Illative, Mr. Phillips, were the tram in England without speedily bringing the proprietors While thus enviged, lie was elect offenders into disgrace rd uteri] of this city and county, a lucrative rasp corillE wag. , °eke, but of no pecathinry beneet to him, we iintelligenee was received, yesterday of a new ', Inas elwites unaerctenl, his kindness of heart oatbreak with the Cafires .i ss the Eastern district , prompting him to .lo so mush for the.poor debt ,oa our territories es t h e a„ pe o f G oo d H ope. _ MI 1 illO, wore the days of imprisonment for Ihe. whole affair, although not so fatal, rend' , debt 1 that all the emoluments of the office were Verykmucla like the tatack upon our pecyle in Aff- absorbed "a wee ."".....tIY a earlthdate for glattnistan, which ended in the tragedy at the Ca- re-election, but wets rtereate4 after one of the hid Issm. The Caffees were believed now to be warmen political contests that ever took place in railit friendly, but on It sudden they have attack- this siia sil oar outlying village, (formal some time ego The National Advocate, we believe, was never siy military settlers) en d he , hnse h es s e 4 ever y i a very profitably publication, and seine trouble Male inhabitant in them: They have ales dealt arong among its proprietors, it was bully .ha aeve...natter'. and Mr. Noah established the New rely eith the few troops who were 3t tlllll4 to meet them. mot had ~,y nearly succeeded i n , 1 ark Lequiree, which was subsequently punches autting off Sir Harry Smith, the Governor, wile, ! al by the proprietor, of the Morning Co urie r. 'With a small number of men was at a place call- ) tni the tae estelaishments merged in the pr e y- I ,eat l'ourier and Enquirer. One of the wadi- Executors' Notice. eil Fort Cox, in the intenor. .LL persons indebted to the estate of John is divided into 1 thins of this sale VP! that Major Noah should si b - m e d a leveart Xi ,of Flatter township, dised.,are hereby It The Cape of Good Hope Colony , 1 a non thereafter from editing ne. t N ew I o mike immediate pnament and than , having ...'.. r 1 " ' eta., ere monk,' to prenenttliera duly euttratscatod tar two Oistrits. Cape town is the pr i nc i p al p lace ark. Afterward it was the desire of Mr. in the Western district, and Grebe= Town in the , '"utta m "a t " "I''' a ` h. g 'e b 74ll7Y` DeCl/DSTER. I Noah hi again embark in the newspaper bud- mai„,i.orae.„, !LOSS TAGOAKT. Eastern. They are five hundrea miter avert. I nes, The proprietors of the Courier and En- ~ t and iMte latter that is the point. of danger `lnn were perfectly willing to cancel his agree- 1 European Agency: Cape Town has 40,000 inhabitant., and there are no Cadres near it "... Town about 6.000 . meet to the contrary, but as some trust inter- I ese.. flacitt been detained by business at oihnhimme. and in aloes oo t h, i ssr a er , o f ear. cos were involved, a friendly suit became 110- I ::r!!' , 1 , ri1 .. 3:1 . 0 , 1 , El y Larep E dati p ts %l i lt see .13,..„ , ,a , rsary, of whiad, the decision left the Meier at I al'arn, sea. , ' TOIIN D. DAilh. (earls. The mistake, however, hes alwaasys , lean to resume the vocation of a Journalist . 1 . Iseta"..l:. ' corner of Wool and Fifth rte. committed of keeping the teepee at Cape Town itaa i rt he y re,te paper was the LeceirigStar,which Where there is no danger, the only reason, pro- I . he established in conjunction with the late atably, being that the Governor and the officers ns more agreeable to pass t h e i r 1 Thoes Gill. sit cast time,one of the proprietors find a large city aland financial manager of the Evening Post. It ime in than a small one. a The recollection that the last Cape war rout ' wa. eminently encoeesfel, had is Liege trubscrip s ' he mother country L 2,000,000 sterling, has -ir , time list, and profitable advertising custom, and . AO remained until the death of Mr. Gill, when for aimed the present news to be regarded with : the want of business ability in its management, I! eat !timepiece. The press, however, have al , It togas rapidly to decline. Shortly after the formation of the "Conerra r, ends. protested loudly against our being saddled ;with any expenses that may now arise. Of 'rive pitrty" in this State, under the lead et N. P. . Tallesedge, the Evening Star was purchased and Scoursathe payment of the charges by the' Home w hi c h. merged in the Times, under. the name of the ii • Government renders war a temptation to all col siouies, since it creates an expenditure by sthe so lely profit. In this way Canada, New z e ,,. ' "Times and Star." In this "Unimaii however, . there was no "strength," and in October, 1840, eland and the Cape have all been stimulated from t the proprietors of the Commercial Advertiser be ;time to time to provoke such outbreaks rather untie the olrllen, of the establishment by pur than prevent them. . - I chase. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. I Since his withdrawal from the Ev/ing Star, . In foreign affairs there is nothing of much , Major Noah has had On connexion with the daily „ importance. Austria, us the mistress of Elmo- prece as proprietor, bat he AM engaged in the perm reaction, continues in her high handed lu- material management of the Morning Star—at ' nacy, and is at length beginning to excite come) least so far as contribution of leaders was con ' apprehension on the part of the friends of order i corned—and in connexion with Messrs. Deans in France, Prussia, and England, which are I and Sowart,the established a weekly paper nom . t rather ludicrous. Her eyes are still upon Pied- ed the Times, which he edited op to the corn ' moat and Switzerland, and in the former she I mencement of the illness which terminated in his has been proved to have fomented a conapiraey, , death. got up by the old court pasty for destroying the ! In addition to the office of Sheriff, Meijer Noah ' constitution, which might have been serious but , has hues the Surveyor of thin port, and bunfilled I for its timely discovery. In Switzerland the i several subordinate stations in the Custom Home , Federal Council have endeavored to remove one ; to which he was attached at the time of his de pretext for her threats, by rescinding a law which t cease. wog passed in IRA rendering it obligatory up- I Major Noah was not a profound thinker; nor on each canton to receive political fugitives. peculiarly happy in an nrgumentive article. His I In Lombardy the state of affairs seems t most effective weapon in his political disputes thoroughly indicated by a new proclamation from t, was sarcasm which few knew better how to use. Radetzky, which has just appeared in the Milan ; lie was a ready Writer, with a good steels °avec- Gazette. All persons convicted of circulating - '_ tient knowledge, and considerable humor, and "revolutionary 'pamphlets are to be condemned ' showed much tart iu what is technically called to death. Minor offenders, who may, be guilty j "making up a paper." . . of having such things in their possession, no mat- f Ilesides his writiugs for the press and his set ter in what form, and of tailing to deliver them one of travels, Mr, Noah was the author of sev up immediately to the "neurest" person in pot, oral Orametie sketches mostly of a patriotic cast, litieal authority, even if only a gendarme, and ! which were performed at the New York theatres stating how they came by them, are to be int- - with, considerable nueeess. It lens on his bean prisooerain irons for from one to five years. I lit night, as the author of one of these plays liassenpflug hi enjoying no unlimited revenge • the ...Siege of Tripoli," we believe, that the Park in Meese. Meanwhile a prosecution is still go- I Theatre wits horned the first time,tbe scenery hav ing on ' against him in one of the provincial courts,iug taken fire,it is supposethfrom the muskets die of Prussia for signing a false certificate. The charged during the performance. With charec circumstances of the cuss are noestaterl, but it ' teristic , benevolence, Mr. Noah returned the in to be presumed they are col:elected with 30313 I notn.to which he was entitled as the proceeds of chapter of his infamous career' before he was 1 the night, in a letter to the managers, request politically known. ing that it should he devoted tetanal repairing It is still rumored that the Pope intends to , tho losses consequent upon the conflagration. < for many yearn editor of the Newlth i 7pm a ti c lll' hir i eP i atriot, one of the meet intluen apbleticiecaite e, June.an d chat the correspondence event is like te ly ete to Bomb take I I lh' ;mentions that Archbishop Huebert, of New York, ;' tint politiFal journals in New England, if not in 1 preached in that city on the 23,1 of February, in I the Eldon, died at Washington on Saturday.— aid of a subscription for building a large Catlio- 1 tin had been for years in 11l health—his dinette° lie Church and schools in the centre of 1.01,103. ! being within. 'An announcement that RIME Inditeu of the "aris- j Mr. Hill was about 05 years old. lie was a , tocmcy" would stand at the doors to receive con- ! procticatprinter, and at the close of his appren atributions was commented upon as unusual. and ! tinernip,'we believe, edited u - paper at Amherst, as an especially singular bait to In introduced ' N. IL, front whence he retuoved to Coueordr the by one w h o had just aerated from it Intel of ! cnpital of the nate, where he became editor of equality. , the Patriot, which he conducted from 1812, with One of the minor potentates of Germany, the ! It few intervels, uutil a year sr two back, when King of Wirtemberg, has addressed a letter to the estahliehment was transferred to his sons, Prince Schwartzenberg, the Austrian Minister, j though he wits probably still a contributor to its which is very remarknble. Ile tells him that be ', eolunons. Be was 3190 the proprietor and cal- Lon no faith in reverting to the old settee( things tor of nn able agricultural periodical, the New after the lessons of experience, but desires to seral Ilanipshire Farmer. modern 'requirements duly 1111,1 safety met. For 1 fin Genertil Jackson's assumption of the Pres this end, he coruibleril a national parliament an idency, Mr. Hill was nounuated as nu Auditor of ,essential feature of any permanent plan fur the the Treasury, but wasrejected by the Senate. The German confedenthien. But Ice hms littlehope of j result of this, was Lis election by the Ltgaala g being listened to, and concludes by sayin • 'I I fere of New Hampshire to represent theta state amanekily too old to expect to realize the usa- I in the body which had declined to confirm:him voidable consequences of all we are doing and I appointment as an officer of the government.— neeethigtodoedthisMonent in Dresden." IThisl' i'i'nberetalntuntillB3‘whenhetftweeety,iieenid,hesheehwetiredthe was ehL enGovernor of New Hnnpshire.and • I Hungarians in Turkey, on their promise not in was subsequently twice re-elected, when he re re-enter Hungary. Eight exceptions, however, fired into private life. Since then, we believe, are made, and among theta are Kossuth and Ba- he has held . no public office; with the exception •thyany, who are teremain at Asia Minor till fur- of,' for a short tithe,' that of U. 8. Assistant they orders. Within tile last week, 240 litutga- Treasurer at Boston. The Money Market continues quiet, but the termination of the 'Ministerial crisis hue produced an improvement in the funds which would have been greater but for the news of the lialEr war. Consols, at the last late, were 9f ,'and they have closed to-day at 934. The revived speculation in railway shares continues to in crease. . . The Board of Trade returns for the month 1 ending F e bruary ii, show an increase of £741,- 479 in the declared value of our exportations 'as e p ru pamel with the corresponding mouth or last . i car. This indical.es.n larger amount of Mul es. than was thought to have taken pines. even 'though the general prosperity and. hctivity of t r ade PO horn noticed in all directions. Tho shipping returns also for the same month show ' an increase in the employment of British ves mann, both as tegards foreign and coasting trade. Tine labors of NI. Claussen, for perfecting his discoveries with respect to flax cotton, arc de scribed a., going on satisfactorily. A false state ment to the contrary was circulated last reek In ;some of the Manchester papers. The arrangements for carrying out the process for obtaining valnshie products from Irish pent 41a cl=n in progress, end the company expect to receive their matter from the Crown this after- noon. In the grain market there bee been a tleciroe of Is per quarter in wheat. Cotton has been very firm thatumbout the week. ' Mr. Hill as • :controversial writer, was a man of decided ability. There was as acerbity manifest in his writings, however, that was far from agreeable. His political opinions were Democratic to the extreme, pad he was 0111FILT crips in their support through all the party fluc tuations of the hat few years. During the late troublons time in Congress he has been an up holder of 'the Union, and the firm friend of the 'compromise measures. One of his latest pro ductions 'was a letter to Mr. Webster, of whom he bad been for years one of the strongest op ponents, in which he expressed his most decided , concurrence in the policy adopted by that dis , tinguished siatesman, in the vexed question of the domestic relations between the North and , South. L ._.._ Ala - Da. Me yea Lira Nils m Saw Tual.—Thu rapid ity with Irbil& Ws inealiable medicine has become known and appreelaimii can only be wisioun4d fur on the around of im real mine. It has only tsasitsd we trial to . 4 . 1,- Eel Its claim, to the title of the ilmly medicine for the cure of Liver Complaint. The thlloting klter. from a Dnagya I. New fork. show , the manner In which thee* Pine are regarded In that motion of the °punter ulauct Lim Llvininwon noi. i. N. March litb, 'TIT Dr. McLane—Dear Air. I have cold out all Tour Liver Nil, and am an.tiorui to have another lot immediately. I could bare gold a mach lancer quantity. if I bad 11 , 32 pro. 'idled with them. Tb. Inhabitants are ;ending to Pocher tor for Shetio, but whether there are any there or not, I do not krum. Flaw vend me soother supply Immeillawly. li SHORN. DrOgifivb J. KIDD 0 CIO. No. 801romi et. For rale by rocleY. , t.to . 5 Attention! WPCIILIC AlTall." le mn.t rePpeCtra7 Invited to the rtAim unvarnithed statement ofJohn Watt, cameras cured of an old flunk by the use Cf the I . M01...11: "ThisWaT certify skit I l;ave been cured of an ofd Chronic Cough, by the um of FOllO Bottles of Petro d leum. The osugh attaciod me year acolast Do-ember. en [had met all haws of want. cell. .o I had taken the advice of .rend ahrCe.ar any henefd. 11V tuned tol singost Innx4tlr / Coltalual op. awing e m 14ir041681{, a hard rafnionce cerstalied twa— t make these statements without any solicitation foam iwy ow to do m, and ioleiy far the Vicapme that others cho way be suftesing may be benefited. Tun ars at liberty to pubilah We certificate. lam snot.' citizen of Pittaburgh, haring raided hers thirtyAhree years. kly resides.. at this time, is on Pecond street 1011.0 WATT. Wrrascaun. February 24, Dia" 11011;well. 10 Wend velvet IL E. t B. A. Fahneet. OCR. A Co, awn.' t •D. Al. Enna. D. A. Elliott, 'wen& . • • we-ets., Allegheny. oleo by the geo 8. IK. KIEL DatiKSeventh et.. Pittsburgh. if.KRBEED, e by the Bey. Dr. F. McLaren. M. w Allegheny City, lot' Mae .1.1, It therft;rd. ELI.. of S!—Hilo Notes of Po gi Aljn. id of the /reser, hy the aiXC 4. IRO.. /311. • Urn' Ueornetry, and of the Differer C enitte,• by Ella. Lands, A. 514 I out st reed syd fbr nolo by HOPKINS, 711 Anollo Fourth Hr., E tinge, IN PAPER-500 IP AI Vum= 'A S. IIAY Es 7. RP • Tor wale by Huse{ F.,llery, 57 Woml rty Wood wad Front at, bOuglats. and Q. P. fatZaltwlT On the 27th Intl toter DtADSRt &Walter of John It EW 13001 qv, valle ' Of a% Elemettu of Anal, tod ande. lutegntlq to.. shp. Jt WRAPINPAPER- 50{) reams Died. . fmh f Douala le Mailom Pr B. A t red by ruchN BO AVEN:or. Eond and 31ar4ut. 1 AWYERS'.BRIEF PAPER—A superior . .2_4 cacti Lx sale by_the u0f(«, PL wcht II f. ua - NuN?unr.U.noati and Market. Fr ARTAI;I4.; Inca --10 eases for'sale by i Larte2s . " . - H. .4.!FAIL`aNTIX3 a CO. A LCOROL. Is. (various strength) for a We hi uu U. A.IAIiIIaSPC_FAS2 . __ VI LACK LE. IMO lbs . . - ponTeret.L beet _iutt.ttly, for • A. PAIINKATOCK A 0). 1 - I,—li . Gbh . e LT TIiTI D. V' , — 2e'7o n ) , 's 1 . 6,IA_LT PETIIt . 0 kegO refined, for sale by i l 10 trah . .2l i RA. FAIIKESTOCK 103. 61AI:30 -1 30U I .s. Pearled, for ale by ei lade.Z D. A. POINIMOCK.I CO. d eOTTON---tr, I lee landing from str. Gene- R_l T. Teo for raid b mcbt.' , 10AIA II DICKEY A CO. If REASE.--IS ble, landing from net. Ge• xll tam al.) La cain be ISAIAH DICKEY att a CO.. rarb..K Walar be Pl BiOON—iii casks name; .... _ Ile Mr, 11. ana Le a:la 1:y 'lN'aultrlrbiratri'l aaa......1 %Tatra and Facia sir . .. -Z5O Ibs. for male by D. A. FAIINESTOCK a'c,o Chipped &Ground, n.A V MCi CO. • VITILITE.W nackaA ttYg woo thr by Dissolution of Partners p. It IF: Partnership heretofore existilig ta tween the sulncriben, uteloe the etyle of diegoolveLl by mutual coneont. on the Itltlfda, t I.Septecnewr, 1950 All persona Indebted W Bald en, will I.lenwe ran on tither of the eut.onibere, and mettle Weir m t./nut, F JAMLn It. 11.0.10 James E. Breading, "VIV ILL . continue to transact the Witottsett DIIU./an BC nINI-Sn, at the oLI ntand. No. 115 atrh2.S:s:ltne , t. 11 - 1 beet articlealways on Ithe tilaw r iZ: tis Wont 0. STFI MARBLE WORKS. itr W. WALLACE, 319 . & 321 Liberly Tsu, tanunsfactnred h,l rvartziptll - . awl &Al st cnitand prier, a_VILASTER PARIS . , for Sand. &c... for ,ale ot Li6ellT br W. WW A LLACE. Li fintA If le CEMENT, I m hand at 319 t AA., LitYllj : 7 CM mrl2 . 2‘ , .Un: VRE.N - Clf SURR AND LAUREL BALL l' MILL PTO 'EN. lloltlni, Cloth •arnamtnl, Nt lot owe,. )1111 NOMI.N., Mi n i gavl Mum. 1111,1 and 5.., Mill Canlairs. Nctoit Ilitlllll, w•rranted 4/ eleala well. ,rOl/13 Cabo,. /MI 14A111, CM hand Anftl mule to order. All Wan prohlptlr altriiletl to st v ll9 I.l r heri wee. uschllMlhu, IT. I LLACN. I'M LET—An Office. with or without Ware I_ Hoe.. atom. WM. IL JOHNSTON. vach=4 ICJ &mud .t AGoo dOppo rtani_g for those who want a lionse. OTS AND LAND FOR SALE.—The no ' tweriber arerl for rale the fhllowitor pima of ytooo ' Dour In In Pridiee plan of lota In the ELchth Ward. each I.a. being 24 fan br Ilia Them Ime se Pam— artily eittisted. and will by odd at • bargain, lir th e =Tier_ l' ro. '" 4l -- to c e. w et to lTill b s= and lin comne—War—adrantrrinn.:lr hated tm either busing:lmm itivate mdem... N. 3. Ten lob In the Bo of Lawrencireilly, well milted far pileate reeideriom. No. 4. Twelve Ames of ,„ 1.4.1t In Peebles (nirvana Tltk Dot 9.liTit ' ikst l an • =l., ' Zfr, and ad mun rolnilMionlrmal. No. 5. Moe Lot an 11 'r wrest, rims Elm, 24 feet try e.—\o.. 2: 4, VII be .10 on k i rittimc n veal! portion the part me money in . engoi "34. A TIIREE STORY HOUSE FOR RENT. A three Mom it 013.1, [MU the renierof Wenner and Rini rtreete, containing 11 mama, will be metal eery low to coot tunily. It I. no noweructal that no Wolk. ran 00 0 ""ATVIIIt HEAT WRAI, 51. Do owner Webeter and Kim greet. R EC 2.0 .1) 4,1. H AL 5 .2.1:V. E ximt 013 c D:t 4,l‘,l.;ccht- .17100 Bn elm : Irish Linens, Liam Lldkri, do. Carribr6ris, dn. wortir, to. A. A. MAtiON a Cep G7=l 64 &lute id. Board of Underwriters. Aa Meeting of the Board of Underwri .rtzriew=l:r was unanimously adop hczoicZ, That to and :lice Um publication of this no tice, no Fire Rink. whether original or tinned Shall be corwitional on taken by coy lmstrame cn t.; toe tn . thle att. oathl the em i r Li gold in mon. By em i r A. W. MARIO. nich27.lf Reeretory of the Board. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS' • A T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third lt:ere rx.P°4 Ummo 'Adana, of Med:miles, No. 2fL london Art Journal. for Muth. Litteirs Living Age, NI.. 3.17.-a. The 111Mr1 - end Adrintures of Pee Own, by the author ..Laurie Todd." Tom Baconet and No Three Malden Aunts- Pictorial Field Molt. No. 12. Time: thefi;;endrg4 . %i ts. kbrih. Collo rill I +.l—toc: Loulse ' Lo OT moseinalon of -con Iron Mask Simfield 11011,a Ilistoriral itomoneemplete. The Warwlek itiosstlond by Feook Formate, The Eickleburge on the ) Rhino, by Thaekarey. The y uns Neekliiem Dim.. Poll Frabhgames Weddirm Illustrated lir 'MIT- Port Folio of a Medical Bludeng do. du. The Citr Merchant; da do. Berth all crumuns Novel; do. do. ReTerk. no Old Moldl or Illnts ToUng He.. 0 1 ..1.1,11114 California L e tu n t i tt- t y . l:OuttlYosely Loirengwr Use tteholar-the tilpser-tbe Priest-by Oro. Borrow. author of the to o-Bibl in Spans" New suppir. 1 , 11/27 0 g• t h . "e k w Monthly. r March. - A dime. No. 34. Appleton'a Meehanire Magailno. No. k. The Horticulturist. for March. The Coltitator, cmislng In Or Last War by C. J. Petmon-oomplets. s.X.ll.l";ti=ittqy'reykraTill-'''''etfiselitti MORRIS'S TEA MART. (LATE MORRIS & IIaWORTR,) In the Diamond, Second Door from Dialcond alloy. tF YOU WISH FOR TEA that is' really nnuo, this Is toe place I. Lay It, as Inferior low priced o an, naver 1.,,,pt at this rstalAlskannut. Esrellrnt F.11I) Tea. Mt. tfb. The nualltitv The very last 75e. $l.OO .. This I, the only .tarn In Pittnburgh that kvetw Lot rule L'L'ti; ti'..7.1`11:1".,:'.`,1tkpg.',....1,,,,Tr...ritt... I"- mrla7 if-±MiIROGE-62 lbs. reed and for sale by tochl7 R. E. SELLERS, 57 If:tr.l et. iliNN.tillON—..s o inats for Hale by V tnclai R.,14. SELLERS. irINOER ROOT-600 lbs. for sale by 1" .zt.' R. L. SELLINES. --------*---------.--- COX'S -SPARKLINGLATINE-1 gro. GE Mr inslB Df me = IL K. SELLERS. N UTMEGS-75 lbs. ler sale 1:13 QUP. by CAR Atl R. SODA-1000 lbs. ( S na Jae foi sale =i n. S F,PdoN VANIILA--PrestOn's extract, for rile by cocial X. BUMS.. NNCL arrivisal• • by war IV. it P. wusen. moLAssfs--soo b_ta, •L‘ ° bbls. yam. No L 3 Mackerel; m ac, 4 N.. Sa/mryl 7 . w/ebilsos. 17 - 71 TH' ' PUBLIC are cautioned against re reirizrz a Note drawn by Later, PaNo.tt a Chest er , a, my order. dated Elia March 1. 1611..t. 4 ..." 6ff '' Hundred Dllar, r .y.t.1.,.a. a k rtrarita, apartment h"...torp.,a. raid Note wan mailed at !la an lid March, to W.li. t AIeCANDLESS. and newer racelred.Ol r them. PARDON sviserr, - me:aunt:NWT Erie. . DISSOLUTION OF PAB.TIIIIMP. T "Epartnership heretofore existing be terren Robt. Morris and Jelin Flan . nrth• t " . Ooeu on Federal Bert Allenhern city, and to the Din .°t,d• Fittlbullt. under the Ana of ' MORRIS 11Al• WORM, Is 111* day dlseolved. All persons Indebted to the late Ono 1 pine* call and settle the earns with Robt Morris at either of the above done toclOM -- J. D. WILLIAMS & CO., .fth Streebiltuburgh. RE, and to arrive this • or the moat recent tent.' he nu. removable tern. 13 doten Patent Zion Wash Bouts. 50 boxes extra pure Stant. Ealerat.. Cornertf Wood and AVE NOWLN ST LI reek, the folltielnz uuuot• which are effete! on 11.5 catty texes prime Ore., Tea. ; 45 bd. ciddls do. do. 46 Ougnbq k Chelan; 100 bogo Rio Cade: 15 " Lo4asra and Java: lump obo Mb 94 , and I 41 e 35 bbl, loe.l o3od 3 Mork ! ere': 75 MU. h. ix Stol . assex 15 LI. 10 " Golder. droop; t. Leaf. Crurhod. and Powdered dutt...7 55) La Foodless Hollins: 50 drove Smyrna Floc 2/Bordeaux Pron . ea 5 Jenso Sully I t f .4 e t:W Y' 10 mc " lt=l, a Chocolat.; 5 c Costar 'Almond •Jl!y do. No. 1 dm 2 and 1. do. laldmom tk Loxes 2exlml 1 1 .12.1 g; add ID.. extra bladder 3 balexlc 1 elovao, An 'P'" l • uum up3u;“ 1 9 Musterl. 1 a. _ . 12 d.llllltary Smi , ‘ 1 bbl o/. . Pup. Cub. Bodr, 1 eral. Tutu; 1 ease Pearl Eutuv, 11 Bet3ned Liquoriom to " Clorag 2 bbls. Garrett's Snuff; MMEZI ilal;f:Flattr iulphar. 11.1 ma, 31weller. 10.1 ax Extract of moo. 1U - Bezzn Ido dozen NI nom'. Blacking: DO Ml...will:le Flo 1.Z3 " & F. lodl w: ioZ ;XI doz. Ink: Imm SY4 .. • Ipll Corn Broom!, ulna, Nall, White Les& ehted to the Estate of uthrseg Buotgh t than berme 1 11 V :1=1.4M, 7: 441, PE RSONS in simnelKabiDlol, eldt tnet,:z. Jufis Ravelopes T EPMAN'S kiiIIESIVE DISPATCH EN -I_4 VELOPIM — BY allThag the toirerto water,andinlP (ening awl prelaing the µImo:A olge, thew Eorslope be o the meet loot ettonsren that eeo tputhe of tomtit...et toper, which alll, eillo araT orokr=g friction ur ookete4e. For 0110 .by the _queuttty or duple ryk. atllltlxtor=f rpehle W. b HAVEN. EAU3IONT'S PATENT STARCH POL fq Otos . lattutsful Ouse to Linens Muslloa t l ibildh Collar. Shirt Bosom. aod all lauds of pflutti B. use mitt. the iron flom.adluaing to the Unruh cad duct from eiiirking - . It routahae nothing urious to clothes an such)ect. The ladies haul long EOM fhlt the neceselty of an article, and lo thin their ease-ad...km will be _rah ly c.rapotittoll [wad after au ireParoa. trial. N. th—fine Cake will do thirty doom of clotheslaad 110 Louth should hr without it. Pelee l2h, mute per Cake. Each Cake with fall direettorta. For =Why mcbdd B. K. 8131.1.885, 67 Wend et. I.A.IIIIOR—Z bbls refined. for sate Ipy IJ B .74 is ), E t qltc:SA c°. AV lIITINcs—n - to has, for instelfy v r • enci,6s . s, .A. FAILINBITTOCIE t CO. I.IIIISISTONE- - 12 )4. for 'sale by ll rachi.6l B. A VAIINESTOCR. It CO. EPSOM SALTS-40 4,15, for sale by VAIINEI3TOC6 CO. A LLODA—'2O cask: , It_.nAli t s , fi L j t br Bale by I LOVES--500 lb., for ou t le by whINI IL A:VAIINESTOCK: DI - ---'---- . ~,,r rr AtAb----. 7 5 bbl s, fo r so leb y N..,) met,26 A. A. FAIINENtOCE A CO. . --,----- B — - E - ANs__ - i..... Just rev und for sale 15 .5.19 3 ~, J. B. C'kNqi'VD. la ULW WAT--10 1 2rpieito for sale by .1.." Rabid J. D. CANFIELD. lIRLED MUTTON IIAMS—I cask (S. C.) 1.1 a{{ ..b' bY mobs: J. li. CANFIELD. LL. 11F,F,1) OIL-512 galls. to arrive and for sale Dr EZIELIBII A BENNETT, mai% 122 ettord. and la Find stmt. TIMOTIIY SEED-50 bbl., for wile by usehlE. EN61.1811 A DENNE - 1 nE.ESW AX—'2so lbs, for sale by _up .1,24 ' ENOLISII A BENNETT. ----- -- - W lfif b E ,.. LEA D—'2s l. l.? ,, k u c L E i f i n:;ll : :3,b ,. 4 - 7. UTS -400 bo. for hale by ',,..1..?1 ___ Ca l: NDKIES -1.7 IEO stasnr.Wtss,nins 5.,5t....,, ED 41111. 14.1 ....ddr. ' 10 k t , 6'.. .Bnerior Tobserer Ea., Ea. Clot. a' l Ttr'Ne:J.' ' EN LLD. l'lns,7-;. -' In !Nan and tar .tat• L_b . ENtILIBII t DENNEY'''. sach , ..E rie a.la . ,r, axl Ed Front We VI N I.:( 4 A It-3t) bb6.i Cider (warranted) for Tale on enrifigULlNlt. El T. IN OODS A BON, M. 61 Water .0 1 1../lIN MEAL-5 for eby RH EY . 11411llr.w$ • CO. . _ ItIEU I.TACIIES- - DX OO bu. (halves) for hr h'=% R HEY. 31 ATTHISH S. • CO. 4.IUNDItiES - - kJ 00 n!"14. mime N. O. Mol..oer. 00 Lb L. - 60 Lack* Baski , heat; 1.0 half aloe. T. 11, Imp% bud O. P. Tome, wo Jos CND Dracout,seed: Ou Woo DulaLap 'rawer. 1 lb lump Totweos IlorWs 1 lb lump Tastes Taws. various brands 00 do.s. Iluebets OE •• PLO, 10 w Heelers 30bats. loobrllle Wm e 9 In store and fm role by meta; 1111E1, MATTHEIVE s CUL COTTON -25 Miles on consignment, per tbmmer Hohmo nn. for wale by Ichlb/ ALEXANUEII 0011.1)01i,prot Xi ACK EREL--150 hblp. prime N 0.3, land lue tblA dm ...in. .1.117 toe2lH - 12p) lOOllllOO O ,t ONION SEED-3 I,IAF. for ,ode Vir umblld 1111E0, HATT in:Ve. t CO. - REFINE') SUGARS, 41-e— -'2O bore* U. rt. Lowe Loa rcinc - . bblo. enmhed Boom: 170 ° Powdered ° Claribed " i 0 - Golden and Clotho! Syrupl e DT fwmpLe It. Louis 00000 NEW NITRIC! HEW MUSIC— T TINE GOLDEN ILARP.—Ii. Kima 11 boo ) nt lotft ' see ' rl. t7.4brlllrli rmuklutno-, lab =west by Min. , WUt than A (Fry besutlful urn vocal dl git ' E b ail!ifintrlrslar. a nenP. by W. ROW. The Soldier's Wife. by Wm, 14:r ° 4r. Roy Ncil; do. do. My last thoughts am of thew. .0.31,.. 4 for and sung by Mies Cabbalism llama Lat y, on My l• Al%o= WoodburY. Any with rant earns., rood and catch. Where ern the Wends of my Youth! Can. maidens nom. or Troueadilin. rel..[A,--Slrret Heart, Condette, Uddal. Czar ((At. Now York ladles de- ie. Conet.no's 4100100 Exercises. lYnticn '-b,rrl.'fr"h.s"7llcila;gllLlr!s":Zl,ll= ''' Al u nb t ap k'n entenslm and varied supply of (toot m i lustros. moral, Pianos, Hrlodrone, Pen i miNAZViejd thl Tel lggse to Um musk. Ilue. N. 11.—The new and most fashionable music croolvad coonu publisLed. mehlbh I . 4 LCOIIO4-10 bbl.. 70 ttriit:q2 ilegrees, y for sale by cools:d J. RCIIOORMA RER A CO. I IOPPER - AS 35 bbls. is fine order, for 1,..)na. by meta, J. SCILIOONMAKEEL £ ab lITRAPPIIiO PAPER— NA 14,2x . te blnilum and Crmen: Fey rale by 64) tarhls ?1.12.. J P‘ . l4 E r i7oo "'4 lol7 3 K7R a CO!. 7 ,- PiIo.DIG PAPER-70 Reamsi'ar sale o CLOW, conebnyment,_by enchZ J. BCHOOS MAILER a CO., 21 IV 04 st. F T ANNERS' 011.-15 11111 s. No. 1; rale by J. BCIIOONSIAKER • CO. LINSEED OIL-30 bbls: for sale by riidi2' J. FCTIOONSLAKEN A CO. - QIIGAR AND 3IOLASSES -4:3 • i 6 htelA prime N. O. B 400 bbl.. " . " Molariena for tale bp m 624 JAMES A. 1113TCOUS0N a CO. ._ LOAF SUO A l t -200 bls. Small, for sale by mehti.:. JAIIES A. OttelllfiON a CO. lICE—LS heroes Carolina, for sale by iL sach2A JAMES A. lICTCIIISON a CO. I DAD AND SHOT -14 WO pia, lialetaa Mu NI. Bar al kegs Sot, ar.ortekt; thr oat. by meh . 2.5 JAMES A. IIUTCUISON tai. S UNDRIES— bbIe. Lard No. 1; " areawe Lank 3 " rixered: I " lkwewain 17 owns Baron it V " • " Shoulders: 4 " Kegs: 1 " Ohnoingr 1 " Dried Peach, 4 " Anon% Si bble.Eg i in • mike Donn[ 2 " Cu. Talk to arrive nn the stammer Geneva; for saie by, ISAIAH DICKEY ate CO., nich2s Verna and Wr eta. SWEET POTATOES-5O bids. on hand, in nisei order, and for vile 1 ItAll DICKEY CO., Water and Trout Its. 7 1 ICON SHOULDERS--5 casks for sale by J.JIP nieli'2s INAIAII DICKEY A CO. 11RIED YEACIIES--500 buif e nale by lilt meli2.:. - !SALMI Y A CO. Building Lots. FOR SALE—FIFTY BUILDING LOTS, 'haute In the Eighth Ward. City of Pittsburgh. Ten these Lola front on Franpjlvanla Avenue. Ingtuire of D. W. d. 41. E. BELL. Atunnicla at La. tnehn,...• Fourth stiret BOOKS! BOOKS! alyoL. Ist. LOSSIIiG'S Pictorial nn Flohl Book of the,Reroluthiri. Cloth, ta. It Pld,rial Field, Book or the Herod. ' ti lartrnt ' ss it r lticools etorr. the author of Bob 800 P. t.b. Ar . VEITI ,thn all . tßor o oLho . 11rtalutosil," - Uno,. Arnold. OWvant The shore morknlust recelrod and too sae IL C. BTOCK.TON, Bookseller and ataUoll..2 • No. 47 Market stmt. Ca UOAR-92 hlds. N. 0. to arrive this day, 0 - RN ale by mclal 8.1 W. ILULBAUGII. GLASSES—}4O bat. N. 0. for rude by metal I B. a R.IIARBA MIL Tu . ', l Y --2 ' ll3 bls• vainairf.°LlanaTa. . QUNDRIES--, ~,' • , - kg,34, bK , r55201.420tree, WO 1t25.11. IL tL. Essus= A.. 2. L. lag% and 5,000 211: gmcgLc . Maceton 25. bait. Broil Nu= 150 buts 5)1 Lamp kT b. gg g "elu4 S:. Roll 7b.= 5 , : " linxgl Nutg 5 52 . mou 1 sus dr.. nag UM lbs. eal frrrilisb; 5O gag F1r5.(22 , 3552. , 25 ne t " Prunex 100 bb ba lr. N. c T rt . g : S - L... suss= 00 - L. , 5( 5 0 , 2 Saran 3) " TamatoKetaug lOU awe, !!arena 64 Bream 50 " 15pprr Salm: 2 WALL !!arena !ladder.: :5 " Picklc. 4 mo ons • • • . .. • 4 hollow 60 - Brasil bog.: • 1 350 box Sol°. 10.12 Olsos. WOO Principe M Ha Srp rK 100 ticr l - Ms.. GP IIA- M. ~tni.-,rll C. • T) prlls.llol.6sor.enk 100-5. 1.1.6paa.. • ' ' 50 ktto No. 1. 2, • 100 bin. Wow. Swear and 300 kegs Nails, wed gut ' . Butter gnarl., .0)03 16. Whitlow 330 Mk "Smith's - Ain 40 Ltd, Toone& Olt 10u Krum, C. 4 4 0. t o b.car. 100 gall. Lamp Oil; • 01 ' " liew rut t• 100 do. Bockebn WO bows Rosin nowt 19 •• 'rubs. 5501 - B. a 51•Condie. 25 - Cutile Poem 1.1. 0. Scomi nt od Nolworr, Cord t groom and tn. monad dp 1.991465 Iliriting and AV espploo Paton &Won Inn. tlog; Candlkk sad Tsang sltb it pan s& swortment of goods woolly krpt in ow lion F.5•11L1.211 1 BENSZTP. For olds by 122 Second:and 151 Fowls ots. ' EGGS -A few Ibis. (fresh) for sale by mett24 B. t W. lIABBAIMIL L ARD - 10 bbla..k 75 kgs. No.. Lard, in store sea for see 67 mch24 S. i R. ILARBAUGIL ---- -- --,--.-- RIED APPLES-130 b-. me, for E. by metal .e.g W. 11.0.13AU01L fp OSIN-100 bbla. to arrire to-day, fur e. e by meta .0. & tc ILLIWAIIGIL ► bbls. (Wilmington) to arrive to ". day. fur ale by cb.24 S. &W. BAUM:MIL rrIANNERS' OIL-10 bbla. No. 1, ' for bale 1. by rueb24 8. AW. BARBALTIL C OD . T A H-8 caaks re::ll4ind forAegef;_by ROLL BUTTE meh24 lObbla. for Bale by 8. s W lIARBAUGIL N 0145 First wd 116 Second et. UNDRIES— Ij 4 Ws. Fresh Hell Butter bu. White Steam pplec bu. Dried A d racks Mum • 30 bet good stoma Cheettulta r Uri reed Der ...di boat Het etoue Fate, for sale by meh24 RODISON,LITYLE t CO.. 230 Liberty et. lINSEED OIL-2.5 bbls.rec'g and fur sal bT melv2l 11.011100 N. UTILE a CO GREEN APPLES-18 bbls. Russets; " rush.. as. " A ar'd24 4 " af j4 3 ' kr ROBISON. Lima a co. s AL9IONS bbls. No. 1, for sale by B. DALZELL s CO. ERRING-5 bblz. for 8a1e.1,),T VINEGAR-20 bbls. (Cider) for side by mall 11. DALZELL • OU. •' AI ER AT US-125 taxes and 1.0 bbls. for II De 1.72t1it. ANTED--A Situation no Book-keeper or Clerk to c i tyreatile b. g l . hon.— Unmentionableraferenees 001 glom A line ad dreamt to O. IL, earn of Hal:llia A km, trill melts atten tion. tortaktf Temperance-vine and Noblestsars 7fAuii Road C ompag: NOTICE id h.:4.-eby gi to the Stockhold iele kt t Doi,— on cacti 'bore tbo stock. on Ow tut Armada to. :v2 and every month bereafter, i rtil the goi t io lui r h :tlf." l l.. E.,0 od 7154,4, U. neatew to be rtlitkO . N, President. A PPLES--20 bhls. Russets and Pißpins, nu F. Y. TON BONNISORST ÜB.OUND PAINTS, in Oil;neatly pat up in tin mu of I h. to ill Ma each, among ' , Loco anc Marko Green. P.M/ Um. Black. Yellow Ochre, Tem ..lo Sienna,Crania. Blue. Umber. Han. ' Umber Bond,. B. A. ThEIISkOTOC.Int • eyox.sthemalvom Casks superior, for sale by . ..sibW R. 0.. ROLLERS. 17 Wooll WALL PAPER—Largest assortment in' the West —motrtiog of Freneh and Ameticao ngitre Go Italla - rarlora sad Ch.M., ed. 114 M tonal. IT ' 6" 'M R ' . IMlthr-diVOVltad fd. WANTED --- $ 5 , 00 0 a.w i tqco. Coupon isr 6 .11. '; '1 4 3 4' tric7 I . t ajgb"*' ' '' ' the tat tank iee % ttoootr of ' ' war A. B IL L " e steamer ASIA, in Julylast, fia.,, b on l i'"A b s o`ZltY"'sVoirk " or'ill:_i t P, ar° 2 l. or a il hereby atm, that if the 11.sid mann. owl Vuin Cnt Mooned br the 30th ult., they mill be sold al L yn'a to p.,, r feti,ao. and chimo. Wt. KlAlftt. mobs riILVERIZE OM—Refined' and Pre- Pu'. l Taidaigy Wood.—This IncoollorablY pare ber.atif at article Is eiceedlo healthy. delicious, and ceorhlalcal. Puddings, (Nat*, C uustard; AG., Be., made bY the directkao ticeompanying each pecker, will be Gould haat ....peat. Pike my 'kn. tale by • coeta2 rEtfaRS. foricool AITIIITE WINE VrNEGAP., of superior v oi c ,„Th" , ar:. Cenven 1"<" omen, DOR PIES AND TAD,TS , :fiesh Cherries j: eee nee,...r. on Jr, their own jai., pme a ng . bndirsa it.= 9 lib &Mt Almo—Coopeee bested sPeat and altred °glass and Freud) lielatine, fur Jollies, U1 9i,,1,i1 "- "Ar. V e ll!Ztall , & CO-238 Monty st. VENISON lIAAIS-113 for sale by aerials J. D. WII.IIMIS A CO. E . ACON-5 hhcis prime Hams; We 5 do de ft:am MeGII.I.S blers fn . Oran a sox and tr. try rilAls; NERS' OILIO bbls.iimrranted pure, 1, for sale by mekuDl R. E. litill.Mbn . LIERRY PECTORAL, Starch Polish, Soap To Pond, and Y.llcryennag Co for sada by matt! R. C. SELLERS. DT Wad st. HARPER'S MAGA7piEi for Much, re eehred and for dea l ! , 3. B. El i targ .t. 'riche eppodie the Pon Moe. LI S UNDRIES-1 ffe s pirn a.4 ela,c; enver.t44 , f bale line Ibme CackS law Liluaric. 7l•l EKNNA3l,l;_ plot mesa b. N. WICE moor Wog and Plrat en wad I r oj oh ii" bx ALCOIIOL-:5 bble. for sale by mrl2l J. KWD 2 CO. LC Nand st. N9LISIS VENITIAN RED-20 bble.for pale br m :•^. J. KIDD & CO. PANISH for sale by mehV , J. KIDD t CO. PARIS WRITE-15 bbls. extra fine. for Kale by laeh.= J. KIDD II CO. SAND CRUCIBLES-10Q nests far rale by tach32 J. KIDD & CO. ALCOLIQL-12 bbls. for sale by maa.-^ SELLFIM 57 Rad rt. - - FrO MUSE-KEEPERS—Orders for Paper Refe'""°44. EAZOBS! THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent for these. of ILCHRIST'S AMERICAN RAZORS. Thee are the bet Raters which het ever teen eked to thepublic. Ma manufeetarer warm the public that the chef Improvementemery bathe whet prospotee the durability of ame ache. Having caubittel the bet di re meal with o .100050 ground blade. and from the pee liar proem they undergo to toopnit g . , Luther with the b "wZitijg. th ElV:ll7multt tall= 11PliOr excellence of the hater. that they are *eh oe• routed, and if found lmerfert In anT maned. hr Maga m Kmt. e guarantee every Razor to Ova pra'tt walattettom— For rale. by the demo or single one. ai r • metal ontner2dark% attalWiteWsta.. SUNDRIES--- W • bu.b. Dried AVPk.. lOW %a. Rem 40 Ms Unread Oil; - - 40 res. rem Itlec ?L' tsTeelas, weds ns N. 4 16 Ws. Fresh Roll Battens SO - Timothy Boot fre MSm and far sshi hr. BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, mehltrLlberty stMeL • NEW MUSIC I laon IS THE CALMNESS ; by W.V. Wallace. '` Can 1 dietit like to eein nizole song. • Can E Ibriet New Ern:law:Li Wmatal • Goverliese, by John . • Mamma is itti Tett particuler. Voice of bysione daps: bqyreter. /male Untie. Lil or the Loet Child: Woodbury. Batchelor by kirk Mil &rd. Home Plek a Lament; by the Hutchinson.. Olivia rani. Gruel Polka de Concert by W. V. Wallace. With all the late popular Poore, Waltzes, Cotillions, Polk ea, Hardin, Variations, Medina de, de, leaned in The 'Eastern alive New Neu* rectitest were week. A very. large and new stock of . CHICEIERING'S PIANOS, To arrive this week. of 8, 6 b, ( 4..17 .77.7... 7 :.* 7 .7 pled, riming in price Dom $27 t 04504. Also, two nmg niburnt lirand Fiance, from the moor celebrated =snub. , ' TM abort. with a fall and general sleek of Mark and Musical ,llerchandise,fer ale by JOIIN It. VDU-08, Si wood t. p .Finer N. H.—Tem . mn Port. to hire. o. Old Plan taken In part for new once mehte) ‘IMITII'S HORSE RENOVATING POW DERS, comp:owl ehlefly of Vegetable., ' , III tw/nore to Immediate health, Thl. Powder le IneaMable for the ettre• of the muumuu, Straws to which Cattle and Comes am AeuNeet, rip blander.,lnward Straltur, !fide Bound. honor Appetite, llama Distemper, Homed IMtemper iwthatla, also the Iming of the Cord, and Rheumatism, commanlY oiled Btlll Complaint. which pomp btal to eel:may ;o . b g t s el d rlrs.7 . 4,7l_lr,,Th=rs,trl p=thf. blood; It la No a pare and certain cure for the -teases al. so for Con he and Colb, which seem to be the origin of so many fatal Demme. It will elm clam.. the eta:mach and Maw from buts, Worms. Or., laud nembreslant the deameh and benrel o to r For sale, wholesale or retaikhk . mumnsnAm. eormr Sloth amt Wood et, LmARD bbl. No. 1, kirk reed and for rale Ur a. A. TALINUTOCK C 0..," meta/ earner Thar and Word att. EGOS AND APPLES— bbIm. Vrvsh Eort 1 W Lue Omu ADP1.1!; , , V ) 127 . sox; tectiZ _ _ • " 1 .. - , resWW: 1 rec'd. for sale by a. W. lIAREAUOIL `OAP-114 Lows LP by mehlg bbl. reed, for sale B. A W. lIARBAUGH. FUG 111 ET Al. -440 tons for Rae b roeblb RUBY. MATTIIIITS k iii -CO. -SPIKES--160.ke_ gs (improved). far sal. by mehlt. RIMY, m /army s CU. SUNDRIES -5 DLLs Framb Roll Butter. lobe' do. do. bble Llomeed 08. Ara. _ • bo Ins Fates Cram Cheese. Joe Coro Brooms. 9)0 bin Dried Aspics:, • (0) bus Dried Pinches, for we br_ mCM9,- - J. B. CAN-FIELD. LOOMS-250 tom Soft Tem. far tale by malt. J. DAIMILL. KEW 1173 Vint st 4 HEESF,-50 boxes for sale by ambito 311133 DAISSLI. SMI7T MILL-1 Smut Mill (moppet)) re r ado by nyblik Dm= a., COGSWELL'S GREAT . PANORAMA LIFE IN CALIFORNIA AHD THE ISTHMUS OP DARLEIL TIBS MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA is w open at the ATILEXELIf JICILDiNGS,Louatti b LECTURES ON BUM 4170. S. FOWLER, of Now. York, or Pine bor, am! l'bridolocr applied to human perfection IL n KIN'S HALL stv Tiamiclay errninv, Mar. dab, ofClastaeter radar evening ; Pstb,.A.lrdrof tropihaitive. Saturday evening, Pith _Self rerfordon .rod Juvenile Training• Monday evening, last, Memory anikilnklicet.l Cuk. " Trdoenlav and Feder, ipril '5l 10:4 oh Mini - MO. ,Y or the Scienoo of Loic, -Selection, topzubip and Mar ried Life. T. Ph o .. l Pd enjoy matrimonial klieltrpand avoid di« ennl, vane. Monday and WedniudaT, 7111 and Oth, Womaiga logy, Sphere, Rights. 'drop., Doti., influence, Plana Tr.tinerit ant Perk-alo e, i Lot her whom it woks to improve be there. ' Vridar,ll., Laws and Fazta—lt rioth philon. Odra! treat. 11111domlay and Wednosdar,l4th and lab, Manhood, It. of riertlort, impairment ca. redusigrdation. -Commencing. Ili, o'clock and looms with , SMILIC EX -4.3115AT101.5. Jtg - First Lecture free. Ticket. t, Moo, 15 centt *o men, 10 cent. or 10 for El. Itcfradonal delineation. of character. ..Rh numbered chats. and atico rt. written. tggii=dlagFit Occupa n, melt ryrkHMw ti. Tate m e nu se-dally and lIDOLCOPk4 Ills eei Tate apart. Brogn's Dowel. mehh3 Young Men's Mercantile Library Associ ation. EMERSON'S LECTURES. • IRE DISTiNGUISIIED LECTURER, PROP. RALPH !YAW° EMF-ESU.X. R Manna tte, ban been prorttruh by the above lnatimato, to de tol7 i=fls7t : turettr7== r e= Interesting d: ' ,iett. • . 6 - Th e ‘ ,...ye e . ',di Six Lrearres ow the CO.TORY OP lays, embracing the. following toptuo 1. InMedootOrft Lore nr httkrd , Waurn. a. Eoollolr. 4.10000.• 6. Earth. a. ;Volum.. The lecturet will be siren on 'Seeder,. Thuredays, end Saturdays. auccoesively. at the NEW CITY LECTUREROOM. ROult..erst MOO Of Lourtree 13.1D1445. foOffoooo on Word Ariel. ettonnenciog on Thuralsy erenhht, March anik sr. X before 8 o'clock. Course Tickets--- 52.pc. do. . do. admitting gent. and lady 3,00 Slagle do. to be had so the W . Tickets for members. (tingle or for the course.)ad , be ned of the Librarian, or of Ilesers. ,YiKkine. W 4 McKnight. Committee. • Tickets for elltarns. (410710 or for the coarse) to beam' irl a tiolViac e ‘74'dagl7.lkE= fFkr - - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, W. mccuaToThs to now ecaletardly receiving his Ftdrut Rea Of CARPETS, OIVOLOTHS, ,t TRIMMINQS, Coffaw:Bug to part the following cat - When: CABPETS. Boyd Velvet Pile Corrode; do. do. Topertn- Brua. • _I r . do. Defends; extra cuter. 3 pip; aufeellm, 3 ply: do. amaze extra Due do.: dna dox wromondaj f tondo.: 44.34.64. awl twillod wool a nd rl c sad 34 ID do.: 44,34, 544 and 34 wool and cotton I 10. - • RHOS, MATS; OIL CLOTHS. ke. Este.s Chenille Ruff too dea dna extra tufted do.; fru. do. do.: common do. Chenille Door MatK toped do. do.; Jamey akin do. do.; Adelaide do. do.: Threat do. do. Crumb Cloths. Felting do., Dockinu 134, ca., and '24. Also—Sheet Oil Cloth, cut to f t way dB , half ut room. 8-4,74, 64,64, 44, and 24 Oil Citalts. STAIR BOBS, BLINDS, 'TABLE COVERS, Sc. Atio—ePar Rola. of all Carpet 730 ding. UAW pug Bag doz 84.44. curd 34. Matting, Ted., Unapt Crud. BuffDlaperf Iluckebuck aerationwl, emu I {airflow Shade,. Buff WilotOr llollware Mind Badeernod Piano Corer do: ffabic dna do. Rand dt, Worsted Table do. Having icr printer:ld purchased r dockdirect from the mart mlebrated ' , winch/4, being of the lat.at caul mono air '..wwle Pyle. and mama we am p wee a e d sell to our 1. friends anti roxetemera at prime as low al Pry aro ter pordr runt on any of Mn Faster. COicr. We cordially invite all to WI and examine our stuck at The Carpet 'Warehouse, 83 Fourth etreet. mehl9 W. McCLINTOCE,. WALL PAPEE. • fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. _ THOILAS PALMER is daily receiving tem the Extern Cider, at the 'old etentl, - NO. 55 31AESEr STREET,. Between Third and Fourth rtreffir, Piatbinh, /We seefee ln ete to too present rtork. of the inortbasutlful P_LPEtt /LINGEIrGE that bare ePieetust 10 Ohl , =Aut. !foe • long perks'. -The patternsere entirely nen, the I stytes peenilarly