The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 27, 1851, Image 1

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tux= Imam
DAILY—Faro Julian pei atoms. lieValoto bolt Tetiir.
ad Loud.. If paid in Mame,
WNEKLY—Two &snore per anal:nits advance. ante
Who reponse/ us the following aoditionn=
Three rad. per annual • 11 6 OD
Eld copies do 9 Oil
Ten mule. do 13 flo
Twenty ado
Th. pbc/o2 kir t.
eeels Clob to be suldranal to ono 'Person,
sal ton. Paid loreriably in ostratas. No Dints Papal 111
at e r In c year expire, unless Use tom vent fur
lb moral.
cn. b l o t ,. 00 MIMI{ of' Nottpwrell or less)
ULM tow-rapt, 0 w
Oa oathwlditional Imsertiott.. 0 VJ
Do. Po . ' two te4 ..... 300
' throe !weekx.....- 400
Do. ow month-- ..... 0
two month*.
nu. tour mont
Do. four months .-......,
Do. , Fivlrbrabs
Do ) twelve months .... le 00
)).„. zh Ltra z tl i rgLartlrt..(s Two, or hw, per annum._{:.
11 Al Mimed linee
ope ggoare,' changeable at pleasure (Per aw
num) exclusive of the paper t 5 00
For each additional Num, leserted over one month. and
i3(balf ellekl additional square ieserteid under the yearly Wee.
itelserthemente exceeding a spware, and not over fifteen
lines, to be charge.' as. a square and a halt
Plabllshere not wrountable for legal advertisements be
yond the amount charier,' tor their habitual..
AtmooncLeg candidates Or ofam, to be charged the maw
he other advertisements.
Advertieemenm not markod on the copy the • "seethed
number of hasertlons, will be continued tell forbld,and M
ama exacted rwronlingly.
The prtrilege of annual edverthere to strictly to
their own trutreallste tomb:wart and all satrrethomeete for
the I . ool i l or other twreowroma ellen all adverthements not
.Immediately owinectml with len gth n bosinem, and ail
claims of advertisements, in or otherwiae, lierond
the limits engithwlwill be rharged at the usual rata You
all ouch transient rolvertieLog. hilts W be wParstelY
rendered. and prompt payment is dreier/.
All advalleaments too charitable institutions, Am cope
Dudes. ward. towrwhip,mid other spathe. meeting", and
oath like, to he chargod hid( gaim,,payalAe 'tritely in ad
ND.UP` notices to to rhargel 50.eenta
Death notiorn inrerted without thug°, nukes agentrop.
tiled by Iturbral Invitatione or obituary notion, oM vben
ao aro= b.f..' to be paid for. •
Ilagydar atlyertlntri. and all others reading oininmales.
Dom or requiring maker design.' to attentke to
/AIM Moira, Conerr•ls, or an 7 battik enterlahnuents,
where dump+ .or mule for edrontanee—all natters of pet
vote arteuriatterer—every notice designed to call attention to
private enterprisea. tabulated or letentled to itteenote Indt.
vidnal Intenwt, eau only be is with the underatunad
lug that the 'um , ie to be bald fur. If innded to be In
serted In the local column. tbe now will ho charged al the
rata of not lea then 10 orate bee line.
Mabry or Sir. Noticen tube charged birleptiee
Wl= guts Prattorte it
Real Estate Agent/ and Auctioneers' adrertbearints hot
to be clammed order yearly rates, bat to be allowed a die
amount of thirty Duet awl hue third per twat from the
of bllla
•• • ••• • • • • .
Rrt4T ot rra-Irrircu fl TAUT r/ras.
On. 1 1 / 4 1.1.1, throe iwettions SI 50
Da. earhadAtitmal lomertkm.- .77
On. &rum, CIO 1155,)4555 Imiertioa—..—.so ' renta. -
Do. 5555 auldit{onal inaertion... ..Z'csll:s-
An 12555055 A edrrrt/ernunas to be. pakl inadranse.
IJwine=OHN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth
Want. Nun Mee
iet . het's=
O'Hara and t. . Walnut All
mrolartr wuted to.
1 W. F. Attorney at Law—Of
' irr.fliaggit ""
P. & G. L. B.' FETTERMAN, Attar
to at tan and Real Eatate Ageuta, 1 . 97 . 10:1
4 - AMES J. KUILN„ Attorney at Law, office,
In Tilghman Huth corner of Grout !treat and Diamond
a ef, Pittsburgh.
COLLIER, Attorney at Law, office'
In tennie's Bonham., Fourth to, More tingthgeld.
ring formal a connect/co with Sim Nourpe. Erg, of
Clty. (formerly of the Land Unica j `he to gre
eting to give primer attention to the procuring of tend
Urterinte, Pecalons, *e.. and to the prodecotiou of claims
w k hew thinmeas, or thy of the departmanta , ral7
- IS F. KERR, 'AMP— Law,—Offie
TAKES . _ ttarney at zee
on 4 h at.. Lennon linnthnold and Grant. Phlsbundt.
FRANCIS C. FLANEG IN, Attorney'at Law,
14.142 YOmill Mod, 7nbnmenh.
?fa t inserthhtenec,lthdonnh.
ado—Alanandor lii Purdor, Eon.; HOT
Kan Morrison it Co.: Wm.. 11. d.r, John Fleming, Ae
conntanh thso. Jooliono,lrit burgh- jonld y
BDWA11.1) P. JON S, Attorney at Lan:
Once on Fourth Muer tutor.. Wail arid Smith
JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law
na so mita - littAt."gt,
R: m'lnvux W . V..
It; Willams
:16 „ m mt .. . g. . , , 4"*.h Past tomato T B O
¢ln (
- All tnnosetiow made an (Walla. terra., and callactlons
promplJr attended to , natty.
- - D. KlNO,Banker and Exchan,ge &Oar,
..I,'Poseth Amer, miter la Ilan Namm tali a or Ea
tiMd and falser. °HMOs bated and ankl.
, Ttm rat market price mtid in premium for Arneriesa
Mat and Mexicap and tpanlali Molase. in Par
rte.i 3.21
Wl4. LAILLSLER,JII., Banker and Broker,
4th Meet. :N.M. sit:mining the Bart of littabttratk.
ATLKINS it CO, Exchan - ga Brokers,
. tkratht.t Comer nf Titird end Mziket street. MI
m Incot !Mena, ram •
HOLMES & SON, Peelers in Foreign
nom Ole 1111Wnf Exchange, Certinerars of De.
past ' Bank Netts end F.perle, No. Or Merkel street, Mts.
hurth di ttoUr ini k4e F nialti on all the principal cities
fIEORGE' E. ARIsIOLD & CO., .Bankers:
vl Desk= in Coin, Bank Notes, Le., No. 74
Fourth street, next door to the Dank of litraborgh. Co).
I &OMs earefullEattendetto, and the hroneeir =Wired to
11.7 ran the Union.
lg" BLUER & Bankers ',and Ex-
Mrdf d i=ll7.=lfit7P F 1 i r" tk.
ark pme t f
i r o t l l and !Vcad streets, d!rectly oppodti
Banking House,
4. N 0.15 Wood street; P,ltiebnrs Came:M..7 .-
ducemina DconslL Collec ti ons made ma all Use
of She United Elates: P6'4'l
a) (U.S. Mr..
IRVlN,iCommission MercharOs
1J,.0111118r01001. No:11(1 &rood 'tree- l'epWaal and
DUO PeCtrtitinli froalSloo to 310.000 al.aytl oo hand
11/111:131.. MIRA -4.01 E, liana • tra. DAM
ALISIER, HANNA Ez CO., Successors to
ammo). llama k Co.. Etyma. Clot.. Eton.%
dtzler• In Foreign and Domestic Itrobantre, Certitkat.
perm! Hank ]Roan. and Specte—Sartb West corm f
- poi and Third ntreetn. Current Money 'mired on et
...ft. Sight Cheek, for sal, and talleetionn made on near
win ;tt.prio4r4 r.tot... or Um United eta..
L igow premiums paid for ice d S
r- and katedenn
eandranrontionmentrof Prodnotanhipped east:
eat liberal toy' .
G . W. TA YL°l4 Comrniitsioner and Bill
, Vat. Wirt aUentke will be
Elren to al Med to Ids are. Pltrobarob
Ma:eat:mat artletta
promoted at Paton
wn. Nam Rend:,
ably tering. Memnon Tanta
Boo katursgs kip STATIONERS'
. O. STOCKTON. late d, l & Stock
• t‘s, Boulowller. 9.tas.4mer. Print. 'r , t,•
Rf Muket sod TWIN! l'ittAblar.'" .
JAS. B. HOLMES' Cheap Liter.N7 134 -7 , ,
Third rtnee.t oppmite ttet Mon. 7firi BOok, rt.
*NI ' " U 7
"Wk= mr ,”'"p.n .
karat prim.
RHOPKINS, Bookseller aml Stationei,
N 0.79 ?mirth street, Apollo
AVID .BOWN,dit., Wholesale and Retail
Baker rzed Confrtkerr. Faarth Amt. Pittsburgh.
AU oriVisCig=;:iteigertV°'"t
. bI'CLINTOCK, Mannfaturer und Im
, weer 4 Camp% nil El, h. !tram Boat Trim-
Wialea• 'Nem tr. Waehouse, Fourth id,
lati • Wood R. Yn4bumb•
_ .
11_) lorwazdtaz and Cdadatasion Merebaacit. D•Tad.
r!ajta. 405 Petal str.d, Pitiabarati. &bib
........... .................
p r d attati Wrenloran Meal:ants, No. 61 Water street.
H. JOHNSTON, Forwardi74 tod
Wipe nevebmt. No. 112 Seeend. Or*.
KIER do JONES; Forwarding and Cum
nhiskak M.ralsan. Produne sod Pitt..
uticka. Cala Darn. war Ceveatb
amt. Plttallundx.
1. 1. •111,1— WY. r. MILS
LARDY, JON - ES & CO„ Sucartaor. to
ced. J.. & Co.. 0 - nuluLanon sal For.arn Wu
deniers Ildattureb Manufactured Ihnda, pitt.
trratb,, Pa.
O. SFIACKLETT at CO--Wlsoletale
- . Mahn . , In Forcloifireilleuvionic ln7 Goode. Ico 1.1
od ntnot. littchurah. Mali
ii. ILX.OOIII CO-rrrntrltAll .... _I% L /tln . non - i irn, i1 — ..1.1.,
LA. MASON & CO., Wholemale and Retail
tookre 1 n
arni Caner taw staple J al flood., ta 31044
.e 4
R e t,di D r y no?...l.r.iSeri_baxas. omit? of Ymittli
sztet stream. I . ltOtitiotit.
ERSEY; FLE3IINO Fe CO., Comminnon
Iferchnithi—Fnr the rah. or tnotetti, Wooing. and
o Goick *h. itnilere in all Idols of Sob.' Trim.-
g ,.
No. I'M Woof rucnt. foarth.dcor from fifth. Diu.
M D. HUNT, Dentist, Corner oFooFourth
Derain+ 4, bettre,o Make sad /mi./mi...
iME ea
R McDOWELL, (Atecei c."' so ' re to
to km /•Itsym.Wholonslo and Man Dog Lod
Flom mo ),, or of Wroil stmt. mod Vindo
tar. tittoto . Imstiptions tatetally warponad.l night as.l
T xffivi - 65::\w,;Giae 11,,, , i.
d: Don!.
raw. dilc Dro Ruffs. and odzonoonto—
of Dr. ii'Lmo's erl.brzted Worm foodfio.i.i.-
erßlW — wod L broolo. No. 00. oaaor of Wool dd
Wele et Pitta With dlipitel6 borob. them will lie ardeilly peek.
•iel. end
. .
...: ,
- • ,--. ' - ; . :'4. , P . ',ii•:i-3- 4 ,..a,,... , ,
~ .
illi.i.c - i , ...r '..A.-PL*.4.‘".f,,,,,.--..- ."•.:.'-'•"'. -.,- ' '
ESTOCK & CO., Wholesale
=morn-tun, ..1 White I.,addlrd
acuti W00 , 1.4..tma
Lucia •
Wholesale Dealer in
Dr, Ftuff...Varnblier,
Pitteborgh. Goods .awaited.
ROAN, Wholesale Druggist,
s INK Varnish.. hc.—
one door Voutti of Diamond
w h
S / . l; d lV l'
Myalor InteSII.A;',I,AWII.I.IeS3I(I.I)7I..p
N 0.19 terej le{r, Weed owner of Sixth-
PIEMICK t. 1.11•
RO Omen: LLlTiit•
N £ REITER, Wholesale and Retail
134neista monwr rf I.uTrtrand St. CLair r 4., 11110'
ScIIOONMAKER & CO., Wholesale Ding
'', sists. N"o. 21 Wood-o...l.itt...bunth.
__.l _ . • •
j• Ii i !IIE , E ; I I I3 , o e Lert n le r G .. rne r er,l l 3oni ,, m cn i r tu . n ,
Penn 441 Irwin atm., littabargla'
SiailUEL P. SHRIVE, Wholestile 0r0....
.... '. - .., and Oranutaxion Mryabant.a. and Dral.
11annfarturvd Attlelea Nun. 130 and 1=
va %Vocal and SmUlield. Pittylnagh.
LIVORTO & CO., Wholesale
tics. mad Wan:aft:Soo 31 rrr..haut," and
Ponanr (13., of lifaafgrills. Conn., No.
. 11. Y. INGLOIX.
_ -.. & INGRAHAM Wholesale
.4-d--,:- nal ennunlarion Mara/ants . No.
116 Mado
a t. Iho Vint rtmet Pltlaborgh. ' .
EY, MATTIIEWS & CO., WholettaTo
Vitt f=ghtcr 'l.f/I:2 . llrflT 7 STVialfr ' anYtt at tryd a.
a a W.L.T.
jOl N W . Ay . y rd, & ., C , O ... ., i i p,,,d Vlb.:l . esttle r,, G 4 zrel k .A ,
Mtataargh Illansaacture, No. are 1.1h0.1 Anat, rtla
burgh. ha ____
I . CANFIEID, late of -Warren. Ohio,
0 • tolaslon and Forwardin.L.Merchant, and Whole.
sale q . In Wcatcrn Iteaerve Chew.. lluthr. Po% and
Pearl dab. and Wrahru Prmlne. gruendly. Wahre-dmot.
betwnea Sodthfield-and Wool. Pittaburgh. It '
L hilt/ann." ua. WiaLieltaN W. L WASLLIFIS•
L. s. WA.TER3IAN & SONS, Wholesale
. firoccm.COMMLOMILIand Fnrwarding Merchant,'
era In all Linda of l'nalucw and Pitsburgh Manufhcha.
od /a ri da, nod Advute for the ado of Richmond and
Lynchl swath Manufactured Tobacco. No.. 00 and al %Vat.,
Anat. "Ittaburgh.
S . VON BONNIIORST & C 0... W hole
e Ormwm. Forwarding md Commiamon March.
r4in 'l .
CP. m i.' t"b
cr o u flUl l'n otnl:lµl r" C"hro d ec47.l7. 7
Plttala rgh.
J .
At DALZELL, Wholesale l'sreeer, Com
m odort Mcrehant. and Nader In Produce and Phu..
burgh enufacturra—No. TO Wat, IL. Pittaburuh.
4.iLAW OWOI - 1 . ' MULL? Pit Arr.
SA , Alt DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Gre
lst. Z ra c i•T.' i " i ig7t7ll'4" "il f=sa r T -Pr ''''''' —
I end .
B. LVILL•II J.... J. LLItMr.77 . ..
\GLIM & BENNETT. late English,
..eher Co.. Wboltamlc Ormera.Coutuahaion and
.derehanta. and Dcalers In I'matune and Fite
dfacturra No. 12.1 Second at and 121 Flrat ot.,
.M . ai and Smithrodd.
.R & RICKETSON, IN hoialo
tern, and importers of Brandies. Win e)' and
Iron.ner of Liberty and Irwin streets:Pltte.
Nails. Cotton Tam, 1., Ar . constantly
i '
ond.....—Anxi P. B . GIU. 'CALM C... 4 ...
..LS &ROE, 'Wholesale Groeeral and
arnisatort Jlerchanta. No. 257 Liberty ttreed,
',T MOORE, Wholesale Grocer.
drying Ulatilier, dealer In Produce, Plic•borgb
Wrues --- I. o l , res. ' ll
Nn. ki le: LiirX,"=,.. o4 ..!*;° - ,i't
: r tif i r a, i; rock of old Monongahela Whl,lkey.
Inv for moth.
RDEDT DAL'LELL & CO., Whole;ale
intern, Cotomission Marehtmta dealer, to Pniduee
and Pittsburgh. Mane..tun, No. ..2.3 Linen; eXlcel.
110 ER r T A ., ... , CU r NNlll i lollA , LW , ln t t , lell i tle
g and
rant. .1 Dealer in Ititttbargh Mruaufaetunes, No: 00 1
inert, street. comborcit. .
..J.21 1.. elBui.ClC.
. - W. . wootormm W holesalera
11 BAC it!,
Livrs, No.. la and of Wood street. Pitlaturgh. '
WICK. & SIeCANDLESS, successors to
IL. A. J. D. Wick, What...ale tiroeeta, Forwarding
and Tuisalon Mereltent.., dealer,. In Iron. Nall, Oho,
CoUou Yarn.. and Pittalyurgh Manufactures generally.
earner f Wood and Water atreel.a. Plttaburgh.
4" mr kl'"iiiFfi:Nori &el:qt.:I : SF I l , 7rl " t r- 1
..,. - i.• nr.... UL r.4 and ' Co ' rornPelon Morrittattat . loa4 I ' m i l trr..
duce. a I Pittobttrith Manufactured Art.letes..ll , 3 Liberty
emit, lachurgh. Pa.
Jona W
A. .
y 1, WILLIAMS & CO., Whoksale And
VA nit'l, -,irz•rry.leg - . 1, 1
,egoo. 7 4 'g
Man corner of Wad B url FiltrAs.„ PittAtt ' rgh.
amt. M.. LITTLE .84.111, B. 8.111831. X.
no !NEON, & CO., No. 1.145'
!Orr a ltutontdyet h''' 01n ron .. M Vi llnulann "b 7s, h. and WW ,LcaT i ers n l i n n"' ItItteberr7h
Mann urea-
Ili. roe__ .I.LIBED norD.
. '
4 _ -R.-FLOYD. 'Wholasale Grocers, Com
. baton Me:chants. and Dealers lo P, dare—Booed
11. tneh Building, fronting on Libertr . Wool. and Sloth
strwax. ttsburtrb. Pa.
JOIN PARKER& CO., WholesoloGrocom
Dc ers In Produro. Fomitrn Wine, Liquors. Old More
UF:o4;4t! W ""I—N' 0. ''''''''''''''' l ''' ..
JOl Nll. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes,
trie, and Moral Instrument. School Book.. and
hullo rr. SW, agt•nt for Chleltering's Piano Fortes, for
Wean Pettuasyleauta—No. El Mood It.
lik,- 11i KIEBEII Dealer in Itlnsie Alo-
Instrumeta. anti importer of Italian itrhtga.
nt for Nunn.. I dark' grand and square !Uwe.
with` man'. sEolean Attachment Alm, for Dunham's
iii-.EINEDY, 'CIIILDS & Ca, Manufanln
mrs of very import. 4-4 Sheeting. Carpet. Lluirio
4 ..
I. and Batting. Penn 11111, Pittsburgh. '
MAC 0,01 ../11.11 ). 4[11).•
j.. 0 ES & QUIGG, Mo,nufacturpre of Spnng
• Blister Steel. Plough Stool. Steed Plough Whiz,
h cid Eliptie Springs. Ilarnmerol Ito Aoki,' and
dealer. lo Malleable Footing, Fin. Engine Laingo,' and
Coach rimming, generally, corner of Iti.e and Fruit etc.
?Mob gh. Pa
net. Berry 4 Co.. Monaco -lure, of FM& Orb, Bleach-
No GO 'i
inedervter st-. lioloo , 4luirintic end golphurie Adds. Worebouve.
Wa Ferry. .
• .
ItT,i.LTER P. MARSHALL, Successor to
V V lEalnuel C. 11111-41nporter and Dealer In
Ygdlrk : V=7;h2 - , :=7:_ 41.1'1_7
and Wrapping Paper. N. a% Wood mtrret.
and Diamond l'ittoborith. P./
kwriaoia.xii sid.. of the Diamond. Flttaburatt.
r. A. De1..1.710...... ...............- ...... Ara. A anon.
IVA. A. 3I'CLC . . .
RO sz CO.. Grocers and
Tea Deaden. Nn . .3. , 1 Llt.rrtretrveL stove Mond
hare al ray. on hand a larAc• anortrn - ent of Choir.. Ilion.,
In and Vine Tea, Aln—Fnmltro Fruit , and tfuts,'Whola
sale gra retail. INntlers .1n1 , 11 ,, 1 on thn Inoe.t form e ,
TO N A. CAUGIiEY, Agent fotdlie Lake
wir F and 311eld3an Wan tn Ikaver and thn Lath—
ttke o ..the nadirs' eA 0 ater and Etnlthfield oda.
D .. }: i ,cli tg CO., Tiau — stW't:ters by Canal
Merchant.. adze, of Penn rtned
ind the ' .
A Vingnifalr BLINDS.
i 'ESTEItVELT & SON, well known
:'edam Blind Maker.. keep ronetandy on hunt or
to ceder the beat atttele In thelr lam. at their .0
atantL A .13 31.. Clair rtrert. a.. at Nu. en Market rtrn't.
earcrol , entrant. lt, the Diamond. FrolUan Photos.
mode to re. and cAI bidet. orally rockalmt. WU
a - A - . ROWN would moat reopectfu Ily inform
thepabllcthat he koefe on hand and s stand. tte•arest
of tr,lttlantand..Alleat.aitity, a rdraplrte ...althea!
of Vault .Idlnd.c a. Venltlan Ith otters act mad. to ord,
bt the rty/r - eturante.l equal to any la the 011.1
Mfr... hIII. 1.0041. ran he reword wlthout the aid ed I,
. t .,.. d ~p. ji.[lVg plifrbl..4l.b.,4,1104 wart
of the hiceetealabll4donntof haloes,' A MeClallasnd.l .ta
_ _ -•— • -- • - sir edd astianen. ea well au, Ur pub-
Mug In tloir it.. ,
A. Vlttalnarith.
ON, tlAsr:Eir.
79dr4 nfeet .144 V.set
r, IstL. A. • al.
etprinary Surgeon, la ,
eig.uuo-rdsvt swarti. , lo
lat1•1111‘1. L.
Iforr. Flyeiug . and
A L• ev.41.-4 44, Al IL. , rarrowr
iTatli• Arnlw
. .
' , IE. Won, Dt.t.clis Imd
mt. GII ti. , .41.. a e... 11 . -...
or .1..
s fr, Icy. 11A1 = ',ISA DWI, Wool Merr.l.ll,
i ..,.. I. ar . ,/' Yr , ploor gri..... , 11y. ....1 Yor
raralag 1.4 ( ~ 4, bo. 11... Ylg,t Ad..,
NM 114 .. , w. A Rivet. Ylltanotid ,
b,T E ILL}, JOHNSON. Eur,F. , """ . "''. l .
tt., tun.
I litlol Wry.) IlltsburFll, Yx...--Vivir ..1"
l i. . )1• , /sforry. 11.. A...../ ;NNW nate., f rv.i.0.......,
......... 4 . 1.., 1401 , 14 ,u ..*.rer E....... 14 Div1..1 , 44 , it.-
Ord, Lia.,....11.m5e.,;,,..iria...1..,A...1.. [1.4. 4a..1,..., 1..
' a *.r1.1.14 at C14.14...1 go 1. ,,
_ -
1111r1 I y .,IA i tI b SCIIUCIIMAIVS I.itliolugit
PA.. ii. lAirdli. 1.112Z:t.1.1.24ar.!•;!714.42r05. P-1..... , 1411 e,
billbestl ,D1,14,11....1. r 1.1... , 10 Are/ca....sal ..s4 C. 164...
Ors./ lir + . 1.. , .......11 11,161” 0.,". j.J...-. riov..l l ,
dn.. Jaw., said ifrrlui...J 0, •14. ,,, i 4,,, d• ~..., "
kflart. Ow SIOArt .pr.”••• , 1 .7 1 .• ..,, . 11... , ..1. , ......'.
",. fal... 0.-41.,_
szsvtults. ]
....._ .. ...,
WI I.SON, Yilatclof s, JeWt•lfyitill,Vf
eeriar.l. *EA 5111R.ri 1i•0n...,,..r0, a lof.rk.l baol
e ' , Vitiet,...y . L. re, 1. , 1 , Wasoluo.p4 43,..1,,
'' ,4 "" 4 • ,
___ _
.AN, WI LSON CO.,&find
brahre la LLesdr .4 I, talrry, Nt.
• • in , . •
Z G. M . D.....
loch of 3IACIIINERY. take this method of infaratltot
thong destroy. of havlou atteh work done, that they are
rreparni to do It at the low•at rowed. rm., at the nhort
eat mak, and la the beat Man, al their ertobthinetia . ,
Second Ingo. &brae the ousai Mid... near the Gan Work',
Twofor Black Smith and Moot Earner, mano4
facto:v.l at the nal., and at the hmeot
AR Mod. of Jobbing dorm on ahort oak,
meta I.ta
Gas Fitting.
1 - ;;Pu-.
Would Inritn the pumic to their
er,orturbut of
Chandelier, R Made',
Ac.. C.
j . n execute
• Uto httiox as
mod rez4onabla term.,
1 MING FASHION FOR I ssl—Thi4g ,
Yseautltul style. d hatsrreelyed and for este by!
tarh: corner Word st.' and Diamond allrt•
Wegner, Buechler et Mueller's
THE ABOVE FIRM respeetrullyannounee
to their friends and the rotate generally. that the
aro prepared to execute, in the first ety le of their art all
mien , for Show Cards, Bills. Diplomas, Mork, Visiting
and Profesed,ual Cards, Inn, Chart, holed, to. •
Their estatli , htnent Is at No. 0, Market street. between
mid Fourth streets. up .Lalra. martial
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
N. c JONI-% . 11 11.
MITE SUBSCRIBERS, baring been np
ir.lotatl Agents for theoho, owned evneena, will
kotp cowhand,. unhand a supply of the cvlebni.uel Bolivar-
Fire Brick. Cratibli, Fire Clay, horn., Hearths and lowans.
Thep are also Prepared to rendre enters for said Brick, to
le fund., In site awl Idlers to stilt onetime.... which Audi
he promptl;
Wed° not deem It necemeaff to enumerate the many
hostages Lbe 'karat Fire 'trich-pave,. over all - nth...that
hare been offend thr rale
In thelYnlted Slates, their sup,
harts being
The well known to Otago{ all in.r.0.1 who
the Fire Reek. proprietors have determined that the
Mick shell Id,w none of their present enviable reputation.
and that nu expense Anal he spared to make then, !vet
isettre than they haw heretofore been. This is the only
establishment now roanufaeturing Fire Brick at Bolivar.
Inch; Canal Blain. Seventh st , Pittaborg h.
McCORD it - CO., have received j i z
their Spring Otyle or hate to wilit.h thrp t,-
ppertfolly the st.kotion of th, , ,r
en sod the nubile •nvmerslly.
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works.
SHE undersigned have just completed their
alai are tow manafartnrlng Pim, of UM+
cotnollaa and other Flu,. alai all PireA
which thoy otTer for onto at the lone. price:. They are
t i zse . prepanNl to totreute onlera. to anr , ;ll;:rt,. t eil!l . ,..out do-
No.:VI and R . :Water 0n...t.
font :1233 PITTAOOIIIIII. ('A'
dole, (o. 101 Lilerty cur of Mon.. !L iMtmburoh.
. •
IiI:CHOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer,
Thaughtsruhn. and Practical Mining Agent. Slnt.oa
übt.P Of Molele for the Patent Mire. dnalota of Machr
• orry for Miner, Water Wort, Rall y® Mille, or .. 31., he
found heti let 10 A. 51. and ti P. M.. at hi. reeklenee, N0.:2
Murhury etrret. Plttaboroh. mnt,llt•
I 3 A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu
tual Palely Ineurenee Company. C. Water atreet.
OARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
Tire Inturanm Company, north cart irororr of Wood
toil Third rtrocts.
VLI. GLENN; BooK. Blonyß , WOOli street.
.3 door from lb corner of Third. where he is
pm pared to do every de..ription. of Binding with neato.ln
md durability. blank 800, ruled to any pattern. and
hound sutAtantially. • that. In number, or ..1.1
bound ra.n.fully. or rypaired. Samoa put. in Olt letters.
Thn.... ado. have binding are Invited to call. Price.. low
W . llo!ett i n i anti
corner or and
offer a full and complete stuck or Hat,. Cape. our.. ac. of
everrunality and style. by 00
and Retail. and in
vite the attention of their re
and purehmen. tn.ner
ally. ea.urlun them that they will sell on tut..t
...roue terra..
11E310V A St.r.ER h. rt•uh,rf.(l
Liberty alret. below Pitt. No. PAL Unice atittillrell.
ins, in the mane
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M. A. IVIIITE & CO. would re
l.! W m - rpectfultd Inform the p!thlie that thry hare
ere, ' •1. upon Lae... hetarn Yedenal cud
'tem... They rtn• mda tnalda ad an addtml 4. m..lte
Nr, f..r 4,4(.6r:i0n td Chariot.,
Boaurla, rhadott, uhich. from their
. 11k. exprienew. In the InnnufArture of the ata. lark,
and the Nellitier. they hate. they feel or,uhdent they are
nabh.l In do lark a the oval re..mable LV-11/0 With
than-. nnhu,<nrtieJ.n to tkdeir
. .
onmluoular ath.nthen to the mrlettku numletimlm
mn.l homing none but rtmomtr-nt workmen. the, Lam nn
!Imitation In mountain,: Writ - work. In. theirftm tuk the
attoutlon of the yublie to thlo Imam!.
N. It. Bertgriumilone In the bmt mune, antl thr
moot emu - tumble Imuot. jett.l4l
- 1,1.1,1•Cli.
10 AGLE MARBLE WORKS, (estahlimbed
r i ItM2) hy EDMUND W/LKINtI. lhol !AM., - . 4 ...
loud of Uoat camel. fittaboruh. Mout:meat, Borlil
Vault, Tomb. lluvittonear, 1, Mantel Itirtm. Center mat
lire Tom stet.), no hand. and mule to order.
N. B. A choir.. ffir1...11.12 of Drawings on hand. 100
A• CARD-1851
XIURPIIY A IttUltellFlELD.•North Eart
..r of Fourth d Mst
arket reet, PittAnagh,
Ite v g Imre '' , at the commencement of the Now Y,ir. to
turn their their thank' , to their customers and the public gener
ally, for the large share al cutlet triated to them. anal
invite the rontinivince of their .favors. !laving
rut rind and improved their roam. they ans enabled to keep
on hand very extensive antrirtment of ticod,- and buyers
ill have the advantage of {.lenty of light to exaretto.
Kuala and make their selections They design making
their remhlishment , no for n• practicable. FAMILY
FTURE. where every utirle in the Dry °nods lint. ceded
for the wants of funilles, can leo procured—and In their
continued efforts to retort the hest Ford , and to sell at low
Price , they hope to make It the IntaTert of families awl in
dividuals. to favor them with their custom.
WIIIILKSALL BUSINESS will be continued In
the moms up stairs—entrant.. from 4th street. or thnnigh
lower man.
Corner of Third end Market orr...ele. The only char
ternl Inalltution of the kinn Pittabugh.
YACLIAT.—John Fleming, dl Principal r Iwtructor In the,
Eden, of Amy:mite.
._. ....
11. K• Chamberlin. Profinvor of Pennnunahip. Mercantile
Computation. ac
Alex. M. Watoon, Ind.. Lecturer On Commercial Lan.
Theme deeivlng • complete knowledne or link Keeping.
and Itaplicianion to ever, Identok of huelnenk ale. an ele-
Irt .rap d peenatuthep. are invited to call sell exam.
r the •rcannementt.
Lector,. on Commercial Lan every Monday evening.
Reference to any of the rvaiclent city merchants. i de=
r f h isi o„ .i ., :t. 3 ls l. l o : . l . 8 . : I: y L
T E:S . . , ,
i l U
~N ,
. 1.) ,,
".'• WILKINS, No. 245 Liberty st.,
ha or Word greet. Plttabetrytt. Ps-
Blomnoruto,llurial V. 11., Tombnon,
Cr., Mantle lien, Centrc and lice Tope.
alway•pn hand Ind ionic to order , or the
pnrce. A 01,4. el.tum Qf 1 , ...n0. ...
° flTnt r ital rt ;e d ', -'''- ---.-- 1
• .
• 1111,1
• 1 " 11. liF
Ilan. Mannar !Monti Clark Tiarnan.lhai. •
Man. Judge WORM, " i " H iM•ei .,
It tn. BM/I,M, Kari enc. ~
JiMitt e'nedM nxinver a' M..
rittanurat Rau 'k.
J. 11. Shoantarigar, E.,. 11111 Curt,. do.
McCandlem. Ent. lIon• k Mirmint, • Mi.
Inihort 'McKnight, leaf. Wm Banality 9 Ca.
Jag. McKnight, Kiig. Brining- D. T. Morgan A Co.
.lo,hoit Ithialta a Cu rtult'm
bd.hrfJ. Allegbool •
I:. IV. f.,11, Rrnteful for the Tery patromer p
ewit...l during nlntern yEar. In city aving
nod lov.l Joh , t rPAnd In hirr¢re up th..P...0.nt
Lin• and will etulenTor to reruler ratinhrtl. briratlrr
(lABINET ,F URNITUItH MANlC Wan•-rteniet 97 & W.S third street
.1. IC ii. ..n...1104 'aroma. , hi. frimele and
miehtmere that bee mot or:replete/1 the larweet
and flnrot et/tea honeehold furniture ever twfore eeen in
w d l e l e c la . e ima m ate l desmta u t d wor t u e h t o te ld d pan .d qu pewee. d ..
.let from the extent of hie /astern end facility In
menuferterlng. hr enabled to prelim', warranted feral
tom. et the to weet fletote.
He ha. adopted the primly!. of Identlfylnet the 10,4011-
littrreet eitti hie Own. in Ouelttr etla prl., and ileevi
slwaye on heed the emeatest redly el every deseripllon of
ture. f ilm.he eh/1i1t...1 and etelneet. to the m/e.t el.-
K a o y re that 11171/.0, 11.12
furnished fn. hie WA, or mentifentored exprereir to
Nn. lie Iherrfurve eolleite en Inetnectlon, 11,11 the intrati•
Caere of hi, ortabllebnieut may he 'Known. The following
uttele. Notelet, In earl, of hie et‘eek, erhieh for rieh nerve et
:24atid 6reurpueed In ant of the Eastern
.1 1 •;lur, drawing,. dlologr. sal iffrci.l.4l rilllll4 or ' , NI
r.naloglitig, of mog•whogl, tualoarargr older. alnut.
Ellralatbro. Gongwrralnirr 1111C1 Mary I:balm ydra
eription; I.l , gelra. eau, Toir.s.tr4 end Throng, oflh, leteal
Yr. irisd AngrAraggi pgll,nag naltara, d
Writing, beaks , .1 rarigur kind, Wurk an
and Nary lulalgi Aanglo g natal , Aandr, and usarld.
ury, ntlagaam, pa...wog/al gaud walogi l nggitra and sonta, la
r..a.gindon dining tablow: all slow of Lisa nigotl urlaggrgA.
and otreld,ally last kind magle. yard, l'onlaggke 1.111 and
Oa, agydrolgrr, 1..1410.4. and amp/n.1..1601 /aril •
largo. saagrrtsornl; ygdblr agg..r.lar ••m1 parlor rvg.aggg4o u g lgagra
ult./gaga mud aVoglr. y and lo.ggk lAnggda.
Iry mer.... 0, Warl rad.. Lai n•ndr, anduguAr algagla, erd.
and no.lo Cur dillgirrng igaiwr 1111 gla rg. ll la./..
c..4o,:say. laggd pgsyll l l.l, 0. Le
A large. eianiuggig Yungligtra 0,1,1 Wiutlpor
Calgigai usalgg/gra kuggpll,4 allio al/ artielg. in Iluir
fqrsouloggata and furn.b...l at tiggrivort..-A1
ultor.utorl W.
bawler *rt./A:I:two.
anir r,r,r - lsOr
Drawing, Per*pentive, and Painting in Oil.
ALlii. IL 11. SDI ITII lr DOW Dl , lllurr ,l g iv "
ten:fri t n i ! " re " ft=. 'l•7 ::; l" . l
n FiITI and
Marl. 11..0 of iontrurfluo, trr.irs
14 , au 0, f, IDuron 0.1 °DPI 0 '"
boon, frater.••Dr at Dm ,(43.1.
1011,f, Dr Ga. 1.44.. Ilr. Addl.!). `",
CI MYNA% Y i. COLVIN, coal Illervluint , ,
6,4 f. ~,,, N. 11).
opravr 4411,1 rat., runl Vrl.l.l.onir
Itywnw till, nelt,rl.•
IV NINWIAM U. Co . Alonolurtan•rx
th, No. 26 M. 11,1 AIII! tittvrd lnit
Y nod r.rf
Vliol "
fpC•l/1 18 IN PLC,IIANGE, COIN, 11,1NIC 1011 , ,
be 74 17430 h et. pv.a: N, 11.,»L 0 11 11 .
II ~,.
• 0 w), 41L0 , 0,11re , 4.11 J...
ou/i/:11111 &..oudieugo. o
I 11 AItRISON SEWELL, A 11 , 011 1 1 al 1.45.11
OF For Ihrvoluou..
oi=oul• litmlY, 14. 0 1 / 1 1-I .+ l,ll tga t ViTI/
' • .;
rw r io h ; ; ! zulemoted or other IVR 010 AS are eppted Xll
thilia Lin"—Atnerinan Stmt.,. t -
rem( tau ttocZ. Mum uvzuttrtel..
Weant,ulay. Martit stlttFatt.mlny. Mach !lb
W..1n,..1ay. t• 195Ittgatunitly.
W.tltu...da). . Apri1:111W.....113.,1ny. April Ulla
littglunt.Jay. n 151141Vlot.s.lev. " NKb
Wotint•tday. NI, lotto!.,,i,Cy. M. 5 14 " t
ttn.turdes. - .111.11:14',111..-.1.,.., tt 'Pith
Falunl.l.t. Jun,. ithrWtt.lll.,lny. J . rttu
. 11t1t
Sa turde>. lt - Jaut.
$a •• tnt.111t.1.1. , ...15t. -tnt
Jul, 4tlaill' July 90
Suturtlay. tt 1955.:1 , ..1t,..1.3Y. •• ...."' t
Saturttur. Anuust
rda,• t2t1i1V...1n.-..1.,.<. /105. t
Falu - It.tb W....111..5t1t.1 " 2t
....•.. ...... t,
:tut. I:iltite..jne..... jai. ,
o'7. I; [L
. 4 niivl4;;;.
enturday. tat. TiT,i,v.:l°,:.:l;;: sti 15th
r!ntunlay. 7 2athilVtaluCoda, .. 2. " th
,nturilay. ri..,. stiov,A.,..i.y. N ,,, ''''
Saturant. .. tat Wealnis.ll. ''' V. ,
eatuni ay. . 1.4. r. GthiStaunint .. Dor. 12th
Salonla . - .4. :,Alonlay.
(`canard Unr—lP.ll, Trips.
, •atu.l2, .......... ......... .—aturday, Marthlo.
.116 . a York SMurday. March Zt.
Any. rit. Ilrodnu Saturday. April 9 .
York .Saturdai. APrit
Eur, Bo,ton
Aria XVII' York
Canada.. Ite.;;:: ... :::: ....:i;Z • emln Awn O.
Africa N., York We•ttamday, April 12.
America. 14,eloit Wethlexlay, Ale ll 30 .
.Ne• York ::::: .......Wthl,4a), 31.) 7 ,
Promtge to Haltlax, Lon. or New 1 ork. L.: ..ewa.
("kin, 14:5.
New ria* and //Arm Line—.ll.ntAly
Franklin. SAturlay, e . F..h. 'raukins. la~ c l•2l.b.Alux
Ilunachlt Sti, M,,r IlumLd,ll 9tl+ Apr
Fraokliu, Alb Apr tnaullin. ith flny
flutub..l.ll. •• 4th'Jlln°
Franklin. t lrt M'y PrAnkliu. •• OA July
•• ::01.1t June Ilunaboldt. althJuly
Fruntlln. rent, July Franklin, •• :lith Aug
!Inrol.nlatt. ...,111 Aug. II •• 2.loSept
Franklin. •• •Allh Swpt, Franklin. Vet
tkt I unthol.ll. 1911iFior
- lutii Nov. LrAnAllu, •• 10th Dor.
- 13111 Llre..
Orrens .41.„u Nur:1%111"n 1, 7 -Afor:thly Trips.";
ll.•rn. ma
Nit, In .a inn
Wagdocton for S.' York.
lionuano .... .... York.
11.4iugt00... ........ York.
llormano ........... York
U. 8 rural rl,amern
of cach month, Ow Ulvt,n.
reel IIArANS ”I[l .
tarszn,hln Inthel leave, Ch.,.leFton en the lot andLhof
111 tireenhnro, rhonntwrrhurr.
N.. mgr. Exrienx and Northern part+ of N. 1 tat.
I.liturr. New Jerre,. tool the rix New 1,11:13.Mi
Tin. Itrutri. how ince. of Low. r enundx, and
Now Itrunrwlek..lwll, Areirwr . P. M.; Mel, at I e.ri.
Suern lalAir+vill, add Ilnllialnyxbure,
in , luding the eounties of 6.ntre. 11lin
tan. Junta.. I.,..ming, llitlilm Sl , lsran, Potter. Peen.
Tow. man. and part nt V••••.,t.n.r..1..n,t, is lAwituort.
Ala,andri. tont Indi
was nount,.A rri Tv, daily, e,,t.t.iot•Mvnda,., at :1 A. 11.: dr
parte dad, at I!, r. N.
liirere, Cram PO,apt Jelirrion
nmi nth,. part Vii . k and um.... Canada.dallt•
Arr.., at 9 P. 1.1, and departs at 9
....iirtnanyi AND verr.9.-119. Waeltingtritt, Pa, Unlit,
Fa ette. tifirneriet, part of IV,tratindand manly, Virelo.l.
within atau City. Saktla. suit %V.,.
ern inala Oka. and Indiana, likristuck, 11 1 , 999 k T 9 9 .9,
Alabain, Ark-ansa, North tlonr
Iffieltgi, Lnuomna. Viprida. and Tole, daily. Aerie.,
at C. and iiiitiart• at fi e. Y.
STIMC3I,III., 011111.—i, llamaßarinatda.
1,1., P. ll y Cor
ollais• o. To.. Job rrlon, Harn
lloinn.s, and Tuovardrtrat countll,4ohin.dallx.
Ant.. ot 11 r. &Tar. at 7 A•
Noatn lldaver. 1... and Cleveland. lthio,•
lauter it - dumb:tu, Trumbull. Pont.. tivanda.
A Alan!. la. )Irditta Cu., alama. Sulcuutt,La.
Richland. (..rain. Hun, t titan. Ette, Kuulu•kr.
and Idol. gadlutlet. abut the cattrute nottbcria countba.
of the :talc,of and Including all Ml
n, ad.
Ina mul Itnltct at 11 A. M
.: le
rani, ater. a.
Sharpstatric.llous.n. Spring - told, MY.4I
- En..purt.
im, 32.1 0.-aril...lJ ntrpt sundet,
at jY. XI I thgurt. at S id .
)I[lu - rt.—Dv orLvt
rl Ilarlln.l , ll, and .N.. 11 I Arrnps Tmanf..
Ibur , lay... P. Itepart, Slot.lay,.
• niml rktarK,al
liattirviu.t...l) Mn /tam, Ilittryrillr, and Mot
anraltela • It,. Arrives To. Praia, rd SP. le.; de.
•tlittada)s AlPi ,aturda), al It S. 0 .:
Vamtarws.—lly Martian:ln, +l ..I'. atchrertirtrt,
Ord %alter, Eltraherlittant. tiealdr'r, Itortamicr. IM rp_
1 . ..rnnt.01i... Last Liberty, Utter,. Middle.
1t.n.../ta. An-iv... Sunday. 01,51 Thumb.), at 6 A. 11.1. da
rarut alondat . atal Thumb's. al' . AL
Itattumv. —lt) Walker'. mill. , Nrltirstovrai, Cantlari
Ilurtrricrt..unt.l . rea. aatirnt.uta null,
a. Arm,. curl.. and Thumb,. at. lU
d' r
. lc=. " ;l4 . l l, lt l tAts ' a%lln. Sloan, ]lan
1 rlri Yurrateta, %u Arrives 04
Yrida). at
tt deta-tratran ratuntat rt 11.
111.1. 1 A -Pi.:, Antrim. North. 11 aallitution. and Analln.
IS. Arrive. 611 Med...tiara. at r. drteartr 1111 Mtn-mbar:
Larcuarra.—lty Frrn . Amver vv Friday. at 6 .
P. ft . epsrt. oil S P it , u.
hootalda.-11 rrryrrille. Wraton), Ermknerk, ('nlr.
P 1 n..
1 Lure-taarta ar., nta ur
u.] bu,: %tn,/ sod Vm
counbra Arrot, glad) 7 a.•n, and detratir at tda
totter , fid the dad, uudir w,/•t Mw thr I.lfler noel:our,
tots 4.1." dewnurq irttrnse
Uronor,sui atoll y mann laud to hi the GU,— ball art Lour
before Urfa derartur,
coma,. DUI, Ina ,
A , . 57 .Uartrf rt. Jana," Thi
1 . 855011.rAN1.5. I
Bank •.0 .......parl
llnnit 'lf do par
)far. on Ilen. of . ..... ..t.or
Bank of nor
flank of North
Dant orNortitla Llbertiranor.
Look of Proton I. toun_...por,
Punk of Brno Tonnaint...tnr
Boat of Lite United etatew .12
Comartarrial Bank of 1,--fatr
Banner,' 311-rhadalea` Ilk par
(Brant Bank par
Krn.lnatun Plank par
Monona.. Merh Bank.... par
Nlergant.a' Bank par
Bbiladrinbia Bonk- par
Southa.k Bank.. .....
Trn,d,onanS. Bank Par
Itardorn Bonk Pa!
Bank of Chanatarshor - h
r _ 0.1
Bank of Cl....tar
Bank of Vsnalln
Book of 14i.1.7.1a, Clarater..por
'lank of par
Bank of Cattrnisurch
Bankof 1.....1at0ru
Bank of Matti.... r.....-..
Illrintwornary Co.
Bank of Suirtl.llllberilialtl.l7
Carllale Bank
(k.luntbla Ilk it BridarCo.par
Boy ',adorn Bank loar
Batton Bank
Farman , Ilk of Burka Co..par
Ennorre Bk of Lanrancr.por
Pat . iesar Bank
Ya . Idol rrhoylkill
F aDn... Waybarn.. !•.
Vrank/In Ilk. 0 sant nzlon par
Lattrastrr Ba '' nk Par
lannaatar County Bank—par
lolarnon Bank pr
Minrre Book of Bottaalln
3lanonanlarla Bank pkr.
Mkt Branrh .
W3`onlino tikes barrepor
- Itellrf
Ohlo State flank
Itrnnth at Allnm ......
Braurli ...Inn.— ........ do
InnorL at Irtralßrintl. do
Broom at ......
Ltranen at Clovristatd dot
Branch at ...... do;
Branch at Dayton
Ilntorb ladawar.• In
11ntorh Columba.. .1..
Bran. at Arl.t.aldtln.. An
lig'n2l'. nl V,,11,1,1
Brawl. aL 11101ry do
Brawl. al Cincinnati . .... ..4.0
Branri. .....d..
Brawn at
Ilranrh at ............. do
Braurb nt Innuni.trr .
brawl. at Ntrubrotille
Brand. nit 511.
Itranrh of ....
Ilniorlt at BB rm. .In
Brooch at Springfield... ..
Brawl. at af arlrtta. do'
Itranrh at Tr0y......-... ..... .do
Wotan at 111. Blenaont—
Ftranrl. at
Brooch it N0rat1k.......i. do
Brooch nt Noun do
Bran c h at
Branch at Bonn . do
Ilnanrb at Revenna..........d..
Brattrh .In
Itraorh ot Co, do
lintorl. at Tobalt. dol
oivetd. rnmpti•lng. li
A 11 .. 11'1111•.
%% MIA l I.
Eug 11. k ',al.
^ Note. :qr..,
is receivoland
I 111. m lug irE
1 nlrr 1111 nod N. In.
Vita 1,1 morn and ran,
nrl and I.nre,. Satin,
I Novritl.
I Vin1r,tr.",.,17"!.
: Mk ••
A. A MASON an,
.0,14 and od Mnsiod
LA ',h UII K , SMti I I,li rev 'll per
S v rri y,.
I L, 1;7r,, , .
A. A lfAtqeh A , t
A. A. NIASON k I'll
s l4 a6ll gall. for .. , t . tlVa ,
jiff A'5. „ 1 , 1 4 7 I 32.1c1. Ijorino9
IV II IT I.; 1;1,111•; III& for
ill, 011.
IJITTSIII' II lA/ 1.111.. (b ,,, f) for
.1 '(Mir 1141.
1 W111'.1) - It! 1,,-rOOO7
C ILnle. 1111 0311,1 v..
. WA 1.1.1%11/"ItII 6 C.;
I AK!) I I No. I, for role by
~,.1.1, 1010, ...Mee
NI 11 N.r-
ED 2 11 No. I, for I.y
1 1,14 , It . 01.1101 ,
rt A SII, v. untitled Imre. for
3 p
I.) 11.1/1.1 .1 a II I'IAIO
I 1,01.,
rls Ir.;
,to. , 11114 I.lle liNht .114.131
oz. r I.) I 11,1,4 et.
1111•. t(:: LAitpLAmm elusilEia:lts.
Chu? 4ll.l [lO. WO I.' .4-
1.2/Ilyl/A 0111.1, t1.1..1.1,...4 !Awl)
a the 0,v,r110) A C... moll al
1.22.14111 prlcro 0.010 IC 11 I 1441
Vir ANTE'? TO 111 1 • - Noteli of ihelVomern
T 1 74, Ilyil.. an.) !Oat
It 11 AINII.
l i .t Mill— Aw
iiiiirior In) of
and 10,1..r0d,
Y•pit 0 1 . 1 •071, Mutat no 4 t MAW
BA{ TING= Aorraraa.—Advertivorota and aohooriptionar paper varlard nod Ihrwarded l'Oreof expert., P.m
Omcz Prrmunnu O Annt t
March . 27. ISSI.
.The marker yeclenlay wan quiet, but prime generall
wen.well ....mined. .ealen werelolerabli brink. Lut mal
ly nnutned u. nu all operations.
The emu,' or hum inene on the wharf esreckled an, prey
nay of the ',ca. Our wharf. extemLing Wn distal,
of Dour ',tare., ',F . .. literal!) nnered wltlierery varletf.
tot , rchandi.e. not n large utunhet of etenmere wen. tithe
dlnthar,inw or ren•lelou freluht. The slyer continue. It
eplenaid penis for all Jlrecien of pdeonlboate. ;tut hu.luteN I.
that quarter Ia ...MAU, and no the inereaee.
Solo. hut
pr Sv, pn..entest no material change from but quotation,
The rale. reported U, an amounted U, about WU bids. at
C 0... ntnging fnon 51111 br $3,1Lid3.1/I"es bid. SO change
in Ant'e prices.
RYE VIA/UR—Sale of 19 664 on the wharf at &I. 1:.
/MAIN—The martzt la quiet, with nu charm' fr... err
hut report. ItreipL4 an comparatively light. Salt. .L,th
boo r,n from find bands at Lta. /4 bu.
O ROCERIE-d—Vricei ,nerally are well sueMincd, hot
we mu report no largr valn, Sale. Its Shims N 0 sugar lu
lon , at ti..dintP. it lb. on time. MOISM.II are held by 1 , 0111.
at 1140.14.. but an tom. of no ode , . over In cypra‘a
and oat bbls. Further gips of Inn tisane at 1241 . 2,nen ,
10n4,4sdal country.
ISAITON---nah.a of 10 club , in hit, at /146 , ..forrboulderA.
~ .for ride. awl for ham,
Mar. It.
1V..11m.k1i.,. Mar.
I.Alll)—ConAlderable guantltle4 of lard have been rill,
fed, anti prim" am firmer, being held at ”1"4 , -" , 10 bI,O.
owl h?.ASS ,
PEACllEs—flan. :al la, 00 the wharf
at .1.,:a,"t1 hu. Jahn from Mom at $1.404a1.4611 bushel.—
SsJet of apples from rtore in IIwU.J lota 41.80 e it
SE.ltlig—ttLales hu rioter seed from first hands at 54,-
Ittt4.:sll.lea from More at Stt.AU Y bu. We can retstrt
salel of timothy or flax see+l.
PireATlll.--t.ra4. of tittO lot melt on the wharf a Va.—
t All,baly wharf at 44140 lja ho o,r
TA ILOir —We uote further tale, at TOitte "ti m.
1.11 MF.TAL.—VoIe of 21 tont Allegheny ft 1 , 21, rash
11L00/414--Sale of lw lona No 1 Juniata of fa, 0
Fri,lay, Aarr6 9l.
Friday. April Is.
. Yralsl. 11x1• /,
Friday. J. , . 11
I[n - ca.—There 1"00t, 0 Incho4 In chaanet. by
okr mark. lAA rrenin, and at a 'tam!.
Michigan. Deaver.
14.arrr, 11orilou.
3. %gig.... Hendrick...on, rt
14.1.10ee. Itciailward,llrirninri
Clipper No tinvol.
Pilot No. linty guntlh
lunar. Ilralggporr,
ria, il. r t Lout,
Tet,lor. Hunt. tin,:innati.
%% Wan., Na.iiirlll...
Liana. 11.wkingpors.
iloal Marahail. Ng.. Wean+
ILA, Werner.
ti aver. Urnnlin Itravyr.
Atirnotle, Pioldninin. Brownsville.
J. Melt..., u. IleKeininort.
Thorn Stirlen!. Bailey. Wert Newton.
Bedennie. W ondwanl. Browninolln.
Cincinnati. Birnaiurnhato. Cincinnati.
elione,.. Co, Znnenrille.
Ben Went. et 1/1019.
Arclurxn: Ono. Ht Linn.
CINCINNATI —Brilliant. 10 t at.
NN IDONPOlLT—Wellarlile
HUN Plell —Pilot Si,, 2.
N ASHVILLE—Geneva. 10 A 11.
T. lunklt —The nteutwer Dodder brought UP. trortcr:
dal about WO po ckage. of merchandize of radon. kind..
w huh were used: in a derna k oot .tale. (non the et-carnet
tuwell. which vac nook a few du nalre. by coming In
cl& hot altli tbe .tcapter S. F. Vinton.
,1,Nr1.311-I.r. Cumin—CZ 4. barley, SI B 4,
tad. tic,ur, Brown a lilrkpatrkll; II d“.l,Curt,
I, do du. II IZratlß 1,4 Itl 6Ads ',Garen, lo 1.4.. h. a l'ax .101.
Ikl,l, gota. 1441.4 1.1,,,mt1: ::14 du 110, 4'lnr4 at 'limp; 12,
,at., Oda, edru 1.21, I bill do. G dodo. ClomninA a Stalth.
hU bbl. fluor. 4:: du whiAry.... I.ead llre Img., oirnern oli
tiara. ..BO Barkace% Ituercharkille Avail wreck of summer
llrvana—l Ins bare... 2 kra
WL It 11.,15.-11.nn: rat,. (a 1., nun ,1 Uhl rp.g.
liregyt SI,Von.II.+K bbl, ilottr. flrgwu
1 Ink ggg... I .1 It. F10,.1. h. ,
N 6.111, 24 bbl nag, S N Slu
Armoiln ... g a Crock.r..• I
1,.1-t•gul, I ntawl. 2
bp. g enni I Ittm, orlaier
elnattl; It. enaal Ova Taylor,.ar,o wheat: aml
I; rcl Pagl, g.,gr.
CINCINNATI—Pre ttrahuvv.,—n7 61b, rotting
tln. r, n I.bit Liman: 00 do J. Abner 2 Inb.
htwo; oLA owl, Al darker whore., AV him,
nnh:th bhtr bAnle.«er.. imh 1mn,148 bile nn. NieFsdra
.1‘ ray !••r.>'ll,:ol bbi 01.21. KIT,
IVAnook .1. (V, .1 Keunall, CLAM, t lAn lA/ bhh. I, ill..
,In du, IL,.3lourw.- It 1.14.11. f0r..10 U
171Nil!1 N (Tl—Pent a.a.h buntd..
Wit.k. 4. 31...f:an.11,r; Itt, r 3
lEeml,o halt-. 0.1 1.1,1.. last. Slyttalen envul, 114, wino. 10 ext.,. 1.6,
MO banin .1 ha DO. ,
IV Blauharu:Nol... leaf [(Amen, 1411 t Lluuolt; 11 na..krk
.11.01.1.. r... 11 Ural,' & en: I loot,. IV Trawhrkhan 11 1 3 hh.
Lump, to rullo Inath.r. U L rch d 'AI 1.1.10 Sel
ler, a 73 1, 1.,r/I lard. 3 1.1.1. ham, aC
.1..• hair. •.1 1.r1.11... Clark t Tha,.
111 , t - taint. 4 1.1.1..
1..1..1,11n, 3 .In fin 5...... Ink tera..e. 2 ham, 2
t.l, harm.. 0 Go. fruit. .1 .1.. rat, 1 Jo win.
•all 111. evc.. 111irkur
Cu, .I,l•ruttnn. 1 1.14 ~.tatnr.... King A 1 . ..u5ua1:71.1..1u
&hh.l. hi. ,II
At lifah. intateu. 11 litarT Cu; 711 hl.l g., 1..
hm. (ratter, lean vux.S. 4 inuomm For.) th mt
1,4 :II
WO. 1nt1..., :30 tall. h 1 .In lan! bblx fruit.:,; tura
fuath..rp. ', Jn Batter t 14..: 7 1,14,
1,, b bad. tc.haren, Clark t Thau.
.11 has• 1.10 S Nl‘Clurkah.
111trocu..--.32 1,0.1. Iluur, Mastic], t
lan!. fla3al, & 0, 4
Clark t Thaw:4l, zw. NickllrCupgll....7 1
.1” 4 by, it I. 3 1,1.1. potash. 1/ 7 Moron:l2 do
maoksr..l:l2 rk3... 'trunk. Baker d Yor.u . ttt 20111. rinruar.
Lamlo.rt ot.,Flartun:. 11.6 dour, 101 utappletaverk,uuer
EONS, Bunkers. ur
'ral and Fortrlllll,l).trerrvA.
Iltmurlt St
titreeat at tt r...
Imuch at
Ilraneh at r/Mlll', (1
City Vank. Clwanttall .1.
Bank .1f
f)l,la Life It A.
B t•t
Westarn It:narva
Hulk ....
1 ...
E1C1,111.. *****
Country .-•:1
iftelthonrt Pcl ,
Countr, he
\. JEW+ EV et 1/F:LAW A Ili.
All polvent.l.ilo, ...... .... .
NEW 0111.1.:A70 4 --11t Col[l . Jimmies .31alonALL-3 bbl.
...war. 75 do 11..1n0.d1 1.1111,, 6 dodo, J 11..nuy.
Jr. Ithd. gnat., lltarhrldgr 2 Ingram; an bid, moda,en.
It 31a,r., 6 t 0... ham• IJ Lrerh a. en: SO bbla nanlutaa., S 1'
Shrlrrr 16 kW. bbln nagar, 5 kg. labartv, 31Illei St Rick.
0.u.nm43 mbar a , . Clark .1171....: lihd. augur. Ebb
1.11411.11: .k. wool, II L...rh (At 1748 narks
barl.),G W Malth:s4k) dm SI 11 Brown: 2 has 1 crt md.e
Clark a Thaw: I La Ix.ka J Il 3111Irr. 2) qr rune, 15
Lae 2 bbl, liquor, 5 pipe. brandy,
LOVISVILLE—Pra Wannisurn,4-2 bit. Grua real
11,a n,ille abarf 1.,n1; 31 lokr. &other, Ninnek a Ca
1,1.1...rnp Iron. L Jr I,nmr. J II SlLamter,r, 31 hl. now,..
G..rdaL Rae In...Wq.rman Sun: lo oln,
?Iv 01313 299 ry haul, 11.11 I' Llagielt: 4 bhbo and 10
ra p Iron. Snail a Co: 35 Wulf. bamn.l ban
o b 1 2 ,1 velnako, W a 31 31leheltr,
tr.o . bannt. , lel'aden 2 Canal. 50 Id. hemp. 33 111.1.
II lion a bltl. 144 In lad, hams. 14 bbd.
WI,. I. Leech a Co.
VIRdINiV '''
Rank oft& Van,
of Virgin'. innltrnnnd
Ex. Dank, V., o f ti
Merchant,ank of Virginia :.
a Weil. Bank !I
North IV,,nern Dank........
Branch'. 1.
Bank of Otpe Enar
of of N. fArnlinn....
Crounerciallik, N'Jwlnc•n
Muclngeu.' Rank. Nmrl.ern
11 . 011iII CAROLINA.
Ilk of Lho 4L WS. Camila&
Bonk of Y.outl. Cam:km__
Bank of Clisriertnv.--
Vlnsiters 3.ll,llanLne Ilk
1;1:011111 A.
A ticrtgta I ru. a Ilzokine
Haul: of . . ....
lik of. 11rtintvriet.
IVELL-AVILI.C.—P. blds egg, 4 rOkA
mrtlion 31 , /'Adel. A C0...W:34 pc,. bulk pork,
ArmAtronx enner..Sl dna lArrxn, .1 lreavor. JO A.
Md.vidativ..Com . mlon Smith; . ,ludo. 31 Nark',
rtAl. 2L1,1•1.• flour, 12., pm baron 13 Ake no
' , owners
r e.r7aril. • •
. . .....
Bk.( Krt. orkr. Lounvilln
lit tif Thurpton
'Nothern lit Kenturty
Southern Ilk of Kontuelty
31ISI/15 .
RI, of PLO, Ali,uri 1.
I I.l.l\lis.
ORLEANS—Pm F F Vum..—.411 hhd.J
Devitt en, 10 .In, Dal/n11; 10 do, 10 hf bhl.loaf do s It
1/etlzell A 110 0 Obt. tmtnr, 111,0orn Klrkivstrirk; 10 dn.
Itmorn In.llols ninla.s.ll,, It 11 King =I bbl.
11111itl,t, 142 hr 00. Rho) Malhnwn k 00: 100 11114. ~ t oty,
NV k Y 1111.00.01 Inn. ,r_rny tron.111111,1.11') k 6 "/I l .<
no,. IV fltutmler A Co.
.Pta. Bank and Iprttnt
LlVell 1,4-4
ity with • Ishii thl.loralumble medicine hub...came known
and Impreelated, can only he avmontrd for on Um knontul
of I. real rah.. It lin. only required our coral.
1141 Ile elalux to the title of the ouly medicine for tin cur
of Ur, Complaint. Th. fAlowlng letter, front a Drticand
11. Now York. thows the wanner whkb thew, Hilt are
ovanhol In that wetiou of the roontry:
IlzutocK Idvtuertou m. N. V.,
March tali. 1117.
Dr. Ilehone—hear Sir. I hate Mbd out all your IJrer
I lilt, and ani antlon. lo have mother Int itunwllately. 1
Mild hat,. N 1.1.1 a touch Iwo., quantity, If I had been prn.
Tielftl with them. The Inhabliatita ore eendlou M Itocheav
ter for Ilien” botorbettiraiivre tier or uot e
not knwr l•1.•c.• setoenie another aut - Ml,f lanneltlatell".
V rilloltT,.llruixivt.
For rain by
r No.
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
lI nitro N0..41 IV ater strmL In the warelionce of C. 11.
C.. 1. PrevhieV..—.A.
Thl. Comoan, 1. now propared locum tootrhandlar
In entre. and in tratolt, reamela.
6111,ih,lint\nly for flu: ability aud Integrity of the
Inotitutiou, ailloded Um character of tha thread...,
t., are all oldie, of Ilttrhurgh, well and favorably
known he the miutultulty for their prudent., inlvillgence,
and intearlty.
D.teno.--11. 11. Burney, Wtn. Woo. Larituer.
Jr., Walter Itrvant, Ilnah U. King, Edward
Job , Ilawortb. Ilarbau,lll 6. M. Harr.
__. •
Foreign and American Hardware.
No: 129 Wood Street,
. .
IVlGmlern" Dlovhtutica . !lank
l'etthoul.r Ilftnk
I In.ruire Ono pang
gfute ,hank '
111 k of 11. Mnerien. Tonoll
Bank of the l'uopin. Torton It
Milk of Siontond
umtnCi:. cnn~,la Tom ma
On N. Zork
Ou nAtad, rln
do .
......... I
,1,1,11 AND l;l A 1.131:
P.nals..lJld. .......... .
Tru ...........
(Id 11, .......
Trts .1 nittlprn
A MI and rimpletnriwknf /.'OREIILV AND AMMIMAIV
Nut Wil. 5,r Urn nprinw trwle, and whlrh they are prepared
10 oil, U r00n.1, et PRIVIA 1.1111 will nt.parw
fm,oral.l, with stny lb. ewnt..rn nlle
RE YOU A FATIIEIt, Inhering for the
it nor,. of • fatuity. and puttering hum genoral
Who wol 'whit., no 11131. 111 , dank nurtna e
• barg,
ono lir. n. D. nArwiptirlihA -
Arc you thalwr i minoring frow dirWur4 to which
utlr nu. getivially nuhh.rt, uw 110w.4 Shako:.
F,rnatogrills-11 will ......tuintr or. you.
Call ot our deuut,..o on one of our end Apt •
parophlot, n horn in.. hug that Iliaaglots.
Hliniter .Se
nnin.rillw.wlo..lWant hi lir. g. 11. flown, ILAN Awon tin
1t1 , .11. of porwationtly runic: ni0n.,, to which Alio
know. -aro narlitinalli. oulitont, than any nth,
prowl-stow I.oarnnuonillis ow, Cur brought
Thin : han nteLll.hnl ItA high roputution lip Itn
num...wt. caul nol I p1E,1.41 rump. lll. pat, in quart grid In the t.ntwaparllln
ling owl. on th e Urn, Marie), awl llL,.l at pin run.
Ilu,w, .itch ppifilprp allotrullinr wont relunhlo to nror . y
utalloulial, to A oink.
1h...r0u and wotulto Ealir. tr. D. 1101AlrE SHAKER.
ttAnSki . AIIII.I.A. rod W.. notation
por luatlns lor
lilt. A. IA 1111WIt A Prottriotr,
Coll.wn Ctuclutudt, ill ,
To whom ell „ ninon finny
Ai, Air nal." hr J. A. Jon., J nrhoonnotlwr A Co., IV.
1 1...n..,./.,ALTownwiol..l.
A i .
A IN, It hurling; J. t. hit
ril tt
Paorwa., awl A .1. Rita, . et.
Milian A Knox. ll,gt it dawT
/1111 E BANKERS', and Hunt's Sierehante'
Alaugeino., Alf Afitroln Alm A nrw mot 0...U. 4 Y
lioua l'on L., lino. Hand, ihr nt 11.1.311.6
Dp,pd.: . 1 . 111r4 outwit.. Ptra
_ •
61UNDIIIES— I VILNA` um Slielao;
1,1.1 Silver
1..1e 1.w.• Italie Cork..
Ilan; rreeirrtl
aold 1 .1
..rurr Wood and Sixth 1.1.,
DRI El) I'EAUIIES--118 an fur
ND emir, by
NARY scHwEnnza,
EDITED By W . ME61101.0
Tranplatrd from the German,
Is V I. AUV I/ IF ,I 0 I: Ji nx
In laying before the public this deeply allect
ing and romantic trial, which I have no: without
reason called on the title page the most interest
ing of nll trials for witehmutt ever known, I will
first give some account of the history of the man
At Coserow, in the Island of Usedom, my for
mer cure, the same which was held by our wor
thy author come two hundred years ago, there
existed under a seat in the choir in the church a
sort of nide, nearly on a level with the floor.
had, indeed. often seen a heap of various wri
tings in this recess; hut owing to my short sight,
and the darkness of the place, I hail ..aken thent
•for antiquated hymn books, which were lying
about in great numbers. But one day, while I
was teaching in the church, I looked for a paper
mark in the Catechism of our of the boys, which
I could not immediately find; and my old sexton,
alto wall past eighty, (and who, although called
Appelman, was thoroughly unlike his namesake
in 'our story, being a very worthy, although a,
most ignorant math) stooped down to the said
niche, and took from it n folio Volume which I
had never before observed, nut of which he, with
out the slightest hesitation, tore a strip . of paper
suited to my purpose, and reached it to me. I
immediately seized upon the hook, and, after a
few minutes perusal, I know not which was
greater, tritstonishment or my vexution at this
costly prize. The manuscript, which was bound
in vellum, was not only defective both at the be—
ginning ond,at the end, bat several leaves had
even been torn out here and there in the middle.
I scolded the man as I had neverdone during the
whole course of my life; but he excused himself,
saying that one of my predecessors had given him
the manuscript for waste paper, as it hod lain
alma there freer since the memory of Mao, and
he had often been in want of paper to twist
round the altar candles, ke. The aged and hall
blind pastor had mistaken the folio for old pro
chial accounts, which could be of no more use to
any one.* •
lin.eooner had I reached home, than I fell to
work upon my new acquisition, and after reading
a bit here and there with considerable trouble,
my interest Ifl,l powerfnlly eseited by the con
I soon felt the necessity, of making myself hot
ter acquainted with the nature and conduct of
these witch trials, with the proceedings, nay,
even with the history of the whole period in
which these events occur. But the more I read
of these extraordidary stories, the more was I
cedounded• `` and neither the trivial Iteeker, (die
bezariherte the enchanted wnrlil,) nor the
more cnrefull Horst, (Zoni-rhihlioth4, the library
magic,) to which, no well as to several other
works on the same suhject. I had flown for infor
mation, could resolve toydouht. , , but rather S fry
ed to increase them.
Not alone is the demoniacal character, which
pervades nearly all these fearful stories, so deep
ly meekest, no to fill the attentive reader with
feelings of alternate horror and dismay, hut the
eternal and unchangeable lawn of human feeling
and action are often-arrested in a manner so vio
lent and linforeseenthat the undermunling is en
tirely battled. for instance. one of the original
trod, which a friend of mine, x lawyer, discover
ed in our province, contains the account of a
mother, who, after she had suffered the torture,
amt reeeii eft the holy Sacrament, and was on the
'mint of going to the stake, so utterly lost nll ma
ternal feeling, that her conscience obliged her to
accuse us 3 witch lice only dearly loved daughter,
a girl et fifteen, against whom no one ha f t ever
entertained p suspicion, in order, as she suit, to
save nor jour veal. The courtjustly amazed at an
event which probably has never since been par
:dieted, caused the state of the. mother's rubel to
be P33lllllleit both by clergymen and physician,
who, ori.sitial testimonies are still apnea deft to
the record ' s, MO are all highly favorable to her
1 soundness of mind. The unfortunate daughter,
whose name was Elizabeth Hegel, was actually
executed onthe strength of her mother's :lemma
. tion.l.
The explanation commonly received at the
present day,, that these phenomena were pisodue
eil by means' of animal magnetism, is utterly in
sufficient. llow, fur inStilllCO, could thin ac
count far the deeply demoniacal nature of old
Gizxie Kolken ns exhibited in the folloling pa
ges? It is utterly incomprehensible, and per
fectly explains why the obi pastor, not withstands
Mg the hot Hide deceits loracti,ed on him in the
person of his :laughter. retained as lirm a faith
in the teeth of ivitcheratt a, in that of the
, Inning the earlier centuries of the middle
ages little was known of witchcraft. The crime
of magic, when it did occr, s leniently pun
ishede For instance, the council a of Ancyra (214 I
didained the whole famishment of witch, to
consist in expulsion from the Christian commu
nity. The Visigoths punished them with stripes,
and Charlemagne, by advice of his I.ishops, eon
fmed•thern in prison until such time as they
should sincerely repent:: It was not until very
soon before the Reformation, that Innocent VIII.
lamented that the complaints of universal Chris
tendom against the evil practices of these wo
men had become so general and so loud, that the
most vigorous measures must he taken against
them; and tovntrds the end of the year 1..189, he
caused the notorious Hammer for Witches I Mal
leas ilakficaryni) to he published, nccortling
which proceedings were set on foot with the most
fanatical zeal, not only in Catholic, but, strange
to say, even Protestant Christendom, which in
other respects abhorred everything belonging to
Cntholiciarn. Indeed, the Protestants far out
did the Catholics in cruelty. until, among the lat
ter, the noble minded Jesuit, .I.Spee, and among
the former. but not until seventy years later, the
excellent Thomasius, by degrees put a stop to
these horrors,
After earefel examination into the nature and
characteristics of witchcraft, I soon perceived
that among Wit theme strange and often romantic
stories, nut our surpassed my —amber witch" in
lively interest: and I determined to throw her ad
ventures into the form of a romance. Fortunate
ly, however, I was soon convinced that lielltory
was already in itself the tno.t interesting of all
romances: and that I should:10 far better to leave
it in its original antiquated form, omitting what
ever would ho uninteresting to modern readers,
or no universally known as telieed no repetition.
I here therefOre attempted, not indeed to supply
what is missing at the beginning and end, but
to restore those leaves which have been ton, out
of the middle i imitating. no necurately an I was
able, the language and manner of the old hingra
pher, ended that the difference between the
original narrative, and my own interpolations,
.might not be ton evident.
This I Imre done with much trouble, and after.
'many ineffectual attempts: but I refrain front
pointing out the particular passages which I have
supplied, HO as not to disturb the historical in
terest of the greates,part of ney renders. For
modern criticism,•itillich has now attained tea
degree of acuteness never liefore equaled, such
confesision would be entirely superliaMis, .
critics will easily distinguish the passages where
fastor Schweidler speaks: from those written by
Pastor Meinhold.
• .
I am, nevertlzeleNs, 'hound to give the public
Rome aetount of what I have omitted, namely,—
lst. Such long prayer, as were not very n•
makable for Chrintian unction.
3d. {Well known stories out of the Thirty Years
Signs awl wonders In the heavens, which
were seen here and there, and which are record
ed by other Ilomemaian writers of these fearful
times; for instance, by l'ilicradinsil But when
these events formed part of the the itself, far
instance, the cross on the Streckellierg, I. of
course, allowed them to stand
4th. Tine specification of the whole inconie of
.the church at Voserow, before sad :luring the
terrible times 01 t h e Thirty 1 ears' War.
r,th. The enumeration of the dwellings left
standing, after the devastations ovule by the ene
my in every village throughout the parish.
6th. The name: of the district. to which this
or that mounter of the congregation had mai
7th.. .1 ground plan and deseription of the
old Manor.
I live lit:valise here and Were vent:m...l to
make n fea hinges in the , my
thor is tint always consistent in the Ilne of hi: I
words or in his exceptothg. he latter I have,
however. with very few
ecio T ns. retained.
Anil lo
w s I lay before the gracious re:eler
work. gloing with the lire of heaven, no well as i
with that of hell M ruts flout
The origin or nor biographer cannot be traced
with & T ree of certainty, owing to the loss
or the tied part of hi< how
ever. pretty clear that he was nota Pomeranian,
he sap , he wan in Silesia in his youth,
and mentions relation, scattered far and wide
not only at -Hamburg and Cologne, lint even ni
Antwerp ; above all, his Soutlidlerwan language
betrays a foreign origin, and he makes use of
words which are, I believe, peculiar to Swabia.
~T . .h . ," 4,l'l7 ' ..t ' ar ZVI a d u ' ir i k11 7 :1‘11 - V i tt 6 - t7:111: . ;,
N-Idr.. tin, Imstil. Iling it er.b l rairly difficult to mad, .0.,
i . „.. e r.l pin.... I a palter ia illwolorrkt sod 4oraved.
111 it 123 v ItonlJ n fn ptibliTh LIMA trial a 1... am "a p! ,-,..-
_. 1110'1tk i 1rd..p...: 4 ,.
1 %., elt. Yuoracrtamte (molt raatersol..) Wok V.
He must, however, have been Tiring for a long
time in Pomerania at the time he wrote, ns he
even more frequently uses Low-German expres
sions, such as occur in contemporary native Pom
eranian writers.
Since he sprang from an ancient noble family,
at he says on several occasions, it is possible
that some particulars relating to the Schweidlers
might be discovered in the family records of the
seventeenth century which would give a clue to
his native country; but I have sought for that
name in all the sources of information accessible
tome, in vain, and am led to suspect that our
author, like many of his contemporaries. laid
aside his nobility and changed his name, when
he took holy ordert.
I will not, however, venture on any further
conjectures; the manuscript, of which six chap•
ters arc missing, begins with the word "Impe
rialists plundered," and !evidently the previous
pages must have contained an account of the,
breaking not of the Thirty Years' War in the
Island of Usedom. It goes on as follows:
.. Coffers, chests, .and closets- were ell plun
dered and broken to pieces, and my surplice also
was torn, SO that I remained in great distress
and tribulation. But my poor little daughter
they did not find, seeing that I had hidden her
in the stable, which was dark, without which I
doubt not they would have made my heart heavy'
iltdeal The lewd dogs would even base been
rode to my old maid Ilse, a woman hard upon
fifty, it an old cornet had not forbiddefi them.—
Wherefore I gave thanks to my Maker when the
wild guests were gone,
that I had field saved my
child from their clutches, although not one dust
of Hour, nor one grain of corn, nor one morsel
of meat, even of a finger's length was left, and
I knew not how I /Mould any lon r support my'
own life. and my poor child's. It , I thanked
God that I had likewise secured e yam sacra,
which I hod forthwith buried in he church in
front of the altar, in presence of t re two church
wardens, Ilituich Seden and Cla a Buthen, of
ILlCkeritze, commending them to th cure of God.
And now bemuse, as I have sire y mid, I was
suffering the pangs of hunger, I wrote to his
lordship the Sheriff Wittich v. Appelmarin, at
Prelgho that for the love of Gal and his holy
(lovel he should send me that which his high
nee. grace Phillippus Julius hurl allowed me as
parstomia, freer the convent of Pudgla, to wit,
thirty bushels of barley and twenty five marks
of silver, which, howbeit his lordship had al
ways withheld from me hitherto (for he was a
very hard inhuman miri,inammuch as he despis
ed the hold Gospel and the preaching' of the
Word, and openly, without shame, reviled the
servants of God, saying that they were useless
feeders, and that Luther had but half cleansed
the pigsty, of the church—Gal mend it!)-But
he answered me nothing, and I should have per
ished from want if Ifinrich Seden had not begg
ed for me in the parish. May God reward the
honest fellow for it in eternity! Moreover, be
VMS then growing old, and was sorely plagued '
by his wicked wife Lizzie Rolken. Methought '
when Vmarried them that it would not turn out .
over well, seeing that she was in common report
of having long lived in unchastity with Wittich ,
Appelmann, who had ever been an arch-rogue, /
and especially an arrant whoremaster, and such I
the Lord never blesses. This name Seden now
brotght me five loaves, two sausages, and a I
goose, which old good wife Peal, at Loddin, had '
given him; alSo a tlitch of bacon from the farm- '
er Jack Tewert. But he said I must shield him' I
'from his wife, who would have had half for her- I
self, and when he denial her she cursed him, '
and wished-him gout in his bead, whereupon he '
straightway felt a pain in his right cheek, and it
was quite hard and heavy already. AS such
shocking news I was affrighted, as became II
good pastor, and asked whether peradventure he
believed that She stood in evil commtmicatiiin
with Satan, and could bewitch folks! But he
said nothing , and shrugged his shoulders. SO I
vent fur old Lizzie to come to me, who was II tall.
:nom woman of about silty, with squinting
eyes, so that she could not look any one in the
face; likewise with quite red hair, and indeed
her goabman had the same. But though I dil
igently admonished her out of God's word, she
nerle 11,5, amwer until at last I mid '-Wilt thou
unbewitell'uny coalman (for I saw from the win
der: how that he was raving in. the street like a
madman), or wilt thou that I , Should inform the
magistrates of thy deeds!" then indeed, she gave
in, and promised that he should soon be better
(and so he was); moreover she begged that I
woruld give her some Mead and some bacon, inas
much as it was three daysainee.she had had a hitid
any thing to pot between her lips, saving always
her tongue. So my daughter gave her half a
loaf, :111.1 a piece of bacon about two hand—
breadths large; but she did not think it enough,
and muttered between her teeth; whereupon my
daughter mid: 'lf thou art not content, thouold
witch, go thy ways and help thy goodnian; see how
be has laid his head on Label's fence, and stamps
with his feet for pain.' Whereupon she went
away, hut still kept muttering between her teeth,
-Yea, forsooth, I will help him and thee too
Lew the mb1..1 me of all that wn.a left.
likrai, broke. Imo the Churrh aml etz.l,, the rum Slcnr.
After a few days, when we had eaten almost
all our food, my last cow fell down dead (the
wolves had already devoured the others, as men
tinned above,) not without a strong suspicion
that Lizzie hada hand in it, seeing that the poor
beast had eaten heartily the day before; but I
leave that to a higher judge, seeing that I would
not willingly calumniate any one; and it may
have been the will of God, whose wrath I have
well deserred. Sums's, I was once more in great
need, and my daughter Mary pierced my heart
with her sighs, when the cry was raised that an
other troop of Imperialists was come to treker
itze, and was marauding there more cruelly than
ever, and, moreover, had burnt half the vintage.
Wherefore I no longer thought ,myself safe in my
cottage, and after 1 had commended everything
to the Lord in a fervent prayer, I went -up with
my daughter and old Ilso into the S,treckelberg,i.
where I already had looked out foil ourselves
hole like a cavern, well grown over with bram
bles, against the time when the "troubles should
drive us thither. We therefore took with us all
we had left to us for the support of our bodies,
and fled into the woods, sighing and weeping,
whither wo soon were followed by the old men,
and the women unit children; these raised a great
cry of hunger, when they saw my daughter sit
ting en a log and eating a bitof bread and meat,
and the little things came with their tiny hands
stretched out andteried, .illave some too, have
some too. - Therefore, being justly moved by
such great distress, I hindered not my daughter
from sharing all the breath and meat thatremaiu
ed among the. hungry children. But first I made
them pray—• The eyes of all wait upon thee;":
upon which words I then spoke comfortably to
the people, telling them that the Lon], who had
now fed their little children, would find means
to till their own bellies, and that' they must not
be weary of trusting in him.
This comfort did not, however, last long; for
after. we lind rested within and around the cav
ern for about two hours, the bells in the village
began to ring so dolefully, that it went nigh to
break all our hearts, the more na loud firing was
heard between whiles; //CA, the crimtof men'and
1 the barking of dogs resounded, so that we could
easily pie, that the enemy woo in the village.
I 1.1 enough to do to keep thewomen quiet,that
they might not by their senseless lamentations
betray our hiding place to the cruel enemy; and f
more still when it begun to smell smoky, and
presently the bright - flames gleamed through the
trees. 1 therefore sent old Paasch op to the top
of the hill. that he might look around and see
how matters stood, but told him to take good
Cale that they did not see him from the village,
seeing that tevilight had but just tn..
This Inc pi oared, soon returned with the
news that abbot twenty horsemen had galloped
out of the village towards the Damerow, but that
half tine village was in thanes. loon, he told us
that by n wonderful dispensation of Clod a great
number of birds had appeared in the juniper
bashes, and elsewhere, and that if we could catch
t h et ,. they would beam:olcm fowl for as. I There
for elinthed up the hill myself, and having
found everything ao he had said, and also per
red that the tire had, by the help of God's
mercy, abated inn the village; dem, that my cot
tage was left standing, tar beyond my merits and,
.I,erts; I came dalwn again and comforted the
people, saying, "The ionitlutth given us a sign,
and he will feed us, ns he fed the people of la
real in tine wilderness; Tor he has sent as a fine
flight of lieldfarea across the barren sea, so that
I ey whirr ant of every bush no ye come Dear it.
Who will now run down into the village, and cut
off the mane and Mil of my dead cow which lies
out behind nn the commons." (for their was no
horsehair in all the village,. seeing that the ene
my had long since carried off or stabbed 111 the
hafties). • lint no one would go, for fear was
!Monger even than hunger, till my old Ilse spoke,
said, will go, for I fear nothing, when I
walk in the ways oitiod: only give me a good
stick." When old Paasch had lent her his staff
she began to sing, "God the Father be with us,"
and was soon out of eight among the bushes
Meanwhile d exerted the people to set to work
directly, and to cutlittle wands for prpringes, and
to gather berries while the moon still shone;
there were a great quantity of mountain-aah
and elder-bushes nil about the mountain. I my
self and my daughter ilary stayed to guard the
little children, because it was. not safe there
from wolves. We therefore made a blazing fire,
sat ourselves around it, and heard the little folks
say the Ten Commandments, when there was a
rustling and crackling behind us, andmyelaugh
u./ma. asmeri,a celebratai eonarat.
!A madam:Ms aananala dam to tba tef mar OCONLOW.
D,16. •
, ----------•
ter jumped up and ran into the cavern, crying,
"Prop dolor hortirr'. : But it wan only some .0(
the able-bodied men who had. stayed behind in
the village, and who now come to bring us word
hew things steed there. I therefore called to
her directly, "Emery , . amid," whereupon abe
came skipping joyously out; and sat down again
by the fire, and forthwith my warden W 111713.11
Seden related all that had happened, and bow
ihis life had only been saved bymesun of Ma wife
Link Kolken i . but that Jurgen . Elatow, Chico
Horse, Claus Peer and; Chim Seideritxtrere kill
ed, and the last named of them left lying on the
church steps. The Wicked incendiaries bad burn
ed down twelve sheds. ',and it was not their fault
that the whole villager. not destroyed, but on
ly,iti consequence of the wind not being id the
quarter that suited their purpose . . Meanwhile
they tolled the bells in (ncgkery and norm, tome
whether any one would, come and quench the
fire; end that when he and the three other young
fellows came forward they fired off theirmnskets
at them, but, by Oars help, none of•thera were
hit. Hereupon his three comrades, jumped over
the paling and escaped; but - him they caught,
and had already taken aim at him with their
firelocks. When his wife Lizzie Felten eminent
of the church with another troop and beckoned
to them to leave him in peace. But they stab
bed Leoe Ilebers as she lay in childbed, speared
the child, and flung it over Claw Peer ' s hedge
among the nettles, where it was yet lying when
' they came away. There was not a living soul
left in the village, and still leootainoreelof breed,
an that unless the Lord took pity on their :need
they most all die miserably of hunger.
(Now who is to believe that such people esn
call themselvisChristiens!)
I next iniptired, when he bad done speaking
(but with many sighs, is any one may guess),
after my cottage; but of that they knew naught
ease that it cents still stunting. I thanked the
Lord, therefore with a quiet sigh; and haring
asked old Bedew what his wife had been doing in
the church, I, thought I should have died for •
grief when I heard that the villainsimme out of it
with both the chalices and patens intheir bands.
I therefore withke very sharply to old Lizzie, who
now came slinking-through the huller; but she'
answered inonlently, that the strange soldiers
had forced her to open the church, as her good
man had crept behind the hedge, and• nobody
else wan therm that they had gone straight up to
the altar, and seeing that one Of the stories was •
not well fitted (which, truly, was an arch lie),
had began to dig with their swords till they
found the chalices and patens; or sonsebodf ciao
might have betrayed the spot to them, co I need
not always to lay the blame on her, and rate her
so hardly.
Meanwhile the old mrt and the women came
with a good store of be vies; item, my old maid,
with the cow's tail' and mane, who bran& word
that the whole house was turned upside down?,
the windows all broken, and the books and wri
tings trampled in the dirt in the midst of the
street, and the doors torn off their hinges. This,
however, was a legs Borrow to me than the chal
ices: and I only bade the people make spring" -
and snares, in Order next moaning to begin oar
fowling, with the help of Almighty God. I there
fore scraped the - rods myself until near midnight;
and when we had made ready a good quantity, I
told old Sedro to repeat the evening blessing.
which we all heart on our knees; after which I
wound up with a mxyer, and then admonished
the people to creep in under the bushes to keep'
them from the cold (seeing that it was now about
the cud of September, and the wind blew very
fresh from thesea), the men apart, and the wo
men also apart by themselvro. I myself went op
with my daughter and my maid into the cavern,
-where I had not slept long before I Learnt old Se
den moaning bitterly because, an he said, he was
seined with the colic. I therefore got up and
give him my plue, and sat -down again by the .
fire to cut springes, till I fell asleep Cordial(' an
hour; and then morning broke, and by that time ,
he had got better, and I woke the people to
morning prayer. This time old Putsch had to
say it, hot rou s t not get through with it proper
ly, so that I hod to help him. Whether he had
forgot it, or whether he was frightened, I can
not Pay. Sarum. After ire had • all - prayed
most devoutly, nre presently net to work, wedg
ing the springer into:the trees, and hanging 6cr
ries all around them; while my daughter took
care of the children, and looked for blackberrimt
for their breakfast New we ;wedged the snares
right across the wood along the road-to Ticker- -
itze; and mark what a wonderoanns3...of,merey
-betel from grunions' God! As I stepped into
the road with the hatchet in toy hand (it was Bet
den his hatchet, whiCh he had fetched out of the
village curly in the morning), I caught eight) of
loaf U.S long all my arm which a raven as
pecking, and which doubtless onti - of the Impe .;
rial troopers had dropped out of his knapsacit
the day before, for there were fresh hoof marks
in the sand by it. So I secretly buttoned the
breast of my coat over it, so that none shottld
perceive nnything, although the aforesaid Paasch
was close behind me; item, all therm! follow
ed at no great distance. Now, having act the
springes so very early, towards noon we found
such a great number of hird3' taken in them, that
Katy Berow, who went beside me while I took
them out, scarce could hold them all in her apron;
and at the other end old Pagels pulled nearly as
many out of his doublet and coat- pockets. Sly
daughter then sat denen.with the rest of the wo
mankind to pluck the birds; and as there was no
salt (indeed it was long since most of us had
tasted any), she desired two men to go delft to
the Elea, and to fetch a little saltwater in on iron
- pot borrowed from Staffer Zuten and no they
did. In this water we first dipped the birds, and
then roasted them at the large fire, while our
mouths watered only (11the sweet savor or them,
seeing it was se long since we had tasted any
food. '
And now when all was ready and the people
seated on the earth, I said, "Behold how the
Lord still feeds his people Israel in the wilder
nese with fresh quails: If now he did yet more,
and sent use piece of manna bread from heaven,
I what thinkael Would ye then ever weary Of be
lieving in him, and not rather willingly endure
all want, tribulation, Itungerad thirstwhich lie
may hereafter lay upon you according tq, kis'
gracious will`." Whereupon they all asLislitt_seed
tad said, "Yea,sirrely!" Eyo: "Will you they prom
jot me this in truth?. And theysaid again,,"Tes,
that will, we!" Then with tears ice - wfottli the
loaf from my breast„ - held it on high, and cried,
"Behold, then, thou poor believing little fiock,how
tweet a manna:loaf your faithful Ileilemer Lath
sent ye through me!" Whereupon they allirept,
sobbed, and groaned; and the little children
again came runningup and held out their hands,
crying, "See, broad, bread!" But as I myself
&told not pray for heavin es s of soul, - I bade
Busch his little girl say the Gratius, the while
my Mary cut up the loaf and gave to each his
share. And now we all jdyfully began to cat our
meat from God in the wilderness.
Meanwhile I had to tell in whit manner I had
found the blessed manna bread, wherein I nog-.
lected not again to cohort them to lay to heart
this great sign and Wonder, how that Gal in his
mercy had done to them as of old to the prophet
Elijah, to whom a raven brought bread in his
I great need in the wilderness; as likewise this
' bread had been given to me by means of it ra
-yen, which showed it to me, when otherwise I
I might have passed it by in my heaviness without
ever seeing it.
Whets we weee satisfied with food, I said the
thanksgiving from Luke no. 24, where the lord
saith, "Consider the ravens: for they neither sow
nor reap: which:have neither storehouse nor barn;
and God feeleth them: how mach more ate ye
better than the fonts!" But Our sins stank before
the Lord. For old Lizzie, as Ffiterwards heard,
would not eat her birds beesuss she thought them
unsavory, but threw theta among the juniper
hushes; whereupon the wrath of the Lord way
kindled against CM as of old against the people
of Israel, and at night we found but seven birds
in the snares, and cgpt morning but two. Nei:
ther did any raven coma again to give us bread.
Wherefore I rebuked old Lizzie, and admonished
the people to take upon themselves willingly the
righteous chastitement of the Most High God, to
pray without ceasing; to return to their desolate
dwellings, and to see whether the all-merciful
God would peradventure give them more on the
ma. That I also would call upon hint with pray
er 'night and day,remaining for a time in the-cav
ern with my daughter and:the maid to watch the
springes, and see whether his wrath might be
turned from IN. That they should meanwhile
put my manse to rights to the best of their pow
er, Seeing that the cold was become very irksome
to me.
This they promised me and departed with ma
nyrighs. What alittlefiock! I counted but twen
ty-five souls where there used to be above:eighty;
all the rest bud been slain by hunger, pestilence
or the oword.t I then abode awhile alinna and
sorrowing in the Cove, praying to God, and sent
my ntaughter with the maid into the village to
roe how things stood at the 11111115 e: item, to gath
er together books and.papers, and 'also to bring
me word whether nue the carpenter, whom I.
had straightway sent back .to the village, had
knocked together some coffins for the poor corpess,
so that I might bury them next day. I theta
went to look at the springer, but fomed' only one
single little bird,whereby I saw that the wrath of
God had not yet pureed away. Howbeit, I found
a fine :blackberry bush, from which I gathered
nearly a pint of berries, and put them, together
with the bird, in Staitor banter his pot, which
the honest fellow had left .ssth 112 fora while,
and set them, on the fire foraepper against my
child and the maid should return. It was not
• Oar &tabor aftbererarlx explained the learned 'ed onx
lion Abe, a tint soaker=
ithbe took Db, in tba year IntS, and (Be borrone of tine
Thirty Yaw.' War veva ennead moss isarintly over Lina Li
to c& pity th at Lb& descrinnuo of the . k d aSse, vial* La
doubles sue iu the proonalinii Minh lm brz