The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 26, 1851, Image 4

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    r.- - ~ -_ __.. - --.
• YOll LTD 2.
l i l v i h - ': OT CIIAST:00 NACirAT.
0 would scorn his humble fellow
1 - For the coat be wears?
For the poverty be suffers?
_ .,., .F0r hls daily earra?
Who would pass, him in the , footway
With exerted eye?
' Would you, brother: No—yon would not.
If you would—not 1.
,Who, when vice and c - 6me repenter:Li
‘ • lVith a grief sincere' i
Asked for pardon, would refuse it—
. Idttre than heaven severe?
Who to erring woman's sorrow
' Would with taunts reply!
Would you, brother? No--you world sot.
If you' would--not I.
rould say that all who differ
!rom his sect must be
tedsinnens, heaven rejected,.
link in error's sea.
insigiv them to perdition ! --',;
nth a holy sigh? - -
'yon, brother? No—you would not.
:)rowironld—not I.
:hGiroubtsiii that six. days' cheating.
jullte an* pr mart, -
Miett beTsbbed by Sunday Pr , !Yi^g .. 1
Prom.the tainted_ heart, •
f the diundayface were solemn, '.:
Antt the credit bight - •
. Paula )GG, brother! No—ypu'would not.
„,.. If you wouldnot T.
Who would say that Vice is Virtue
Ina ball of State?
Or that rogues are not dishonest
If they dint off plate?
Who 'would say success and merit
Ne'er part company?
Would you, brother? No—you Would not.
' If you would—not L
Who would give a'cause his efrorts
When the cue is strong.
B 4 desert it MI its failure,
Whether right or wrong?
Ever ekling with the upmost,
letting dormmost lief
Would you, brother? No—you would not
• II you would—oot 1.
Who would lend his arm to strengthen
Warfare with the right!
,Who would_giee his perk to blacken •
Freedom's page of light?
Who would lend his tongue to utter
'Praise of tyranny"
Would you,'brother! No—you would not.
If yon would—not I.
"IL SEcILITAIiIO " of the Richmond Whig, gives
, he Rill:nth:4 account of an interview of Sohn P.
Hale, tfie 'New Hampshire Senator, with a Vir
-s,inion, 'both parties being at the Richmond
"Coed morning, sir! -Fine weather."
The samo to you sir: The weather is, in
deed, fan."
"Allow me to air, if your name is Hale '7"
"It is, sir, at your service."
John P. Hale, tie?"
" Yes, sir, prefisely."
"Are you of isew Hampshire, sir?"
••yes, sir; that is my. State."
-• Are you Senator Hale, of New Hampshire,
4;1 am, sir, just that individual."
' , Wall, sir, did it not occur to you, that this
was no safe place for you I"
4 ! Why, really sir, it did not. I saw that it
was safe forlour Senators, Mason and, Hunter :
who have been tiding with me all the session on
the Compromise bill ; as did, indeed, in the oth
er Hama, all the rest of your Democratic dele
gation except one- If you don't mob them why
should you mob mei"
Ralf Century Tribute.
Convinced ourselves, and assured by oth
ers, that the wide circulation of The Hay .
Century Tribute to the Cause of Temper
ancri, with its valutble Appendix, prepared
by BA.' gr.- Marsh, our , Corresponding
SSecretary',would be eminently useful ,-we invite the friends of the cause in every
place -to raise funds, and place a copy in
each family, as a. Permanent Temperance,
"Dccument. It will be furnished, in the
handsomest style, at our office, 149 Nassau
street, at Eight ;Dollars a hundred. Should
- even this number be circulated in each
place, the result, in reviving and strength-'
ening the 'friends of the cause, might be of
tile happiest character. Donations also, to
aid in its general gratuitous circulation,
will be thankfully received.
ANSON G. Pwxtrs,
• Tuosths DE Wire, D.D.,
'WILLIAM E. Donor,
Joure DOMAN°, D.D.,
JAsezu Cosaurro,
Ex. Pose. of American Temperance Union
• Ar ea York, March 10,1851.
- Sayi - the Rochester Star: -
"We wish that 100,000 copies could be I
struck off, And be at once placed within
reach of the entire temperance community;
and we are confident that, some of our
wealthy temperance men could not employ
• : their funds lathe cause of this great reform
: to greater advantage than itkaiding to effect
this object"
• Says L. M. Sargent, Esq,, of Boston
"It is an exceedingly Opportune per
Says. Gen. S. F. Cary, of Cincinnati :
" Among the many good things written
. on the subject of tempera/see, this is one of
the very best. The Enamel need light, and
there should -bo fountains whence it could
bo disseminated abroad."
• - Says the Lancaster Gazette, (Pa.):
: • '‘‘ It is a,masterly and eloquent rehearsal
of the rise, progress, present prospects, and
wants of the temperance ' , reform. Every
friend of the cause should be possessed of
it." ' • •
How to Xannfaettere a Mirada.
A con . espondent of the London Times
gives -the following hints for Romanist
miracle.mongers: Take' an oil painting of
a wounded man, cover the back' of the can
vass with pitch, ' cut out! a portion of the
latter immediately behind the part depicted
as a troimd, pierce the canvass at that part
with several stabs of slcobler's awl from
back to. front, Theo in the opening made by
the removed pitch .a
pieee of spange satura
ted with blood, thinned with water, cover
the opening with a plug of pitch, the appli
cation of a-hot iron, removing the appear
ance of mecum round the,plug. The mira
cle' may now he. worked by gentle pressure
either from behind or in front of the pic
wound, which - , squeeskag the sponge,
cruses the 'bloodY liquid to exude through
- the holes made by the cobler's awl, and
trickle out in the most natural and surpris
ing manner, to the edification of.all behold
ers. This miracle' is capable of being
produced by other means, but upon the
same principle. The applicatiou of a white
handkerchief to the wound, and with some
pressure, will assists, in establishing the
miracle.' "
, -
THE REV. Da„Easax.—Vie see by the
Richmond Republican, that the Whig Con
venticrn of the Charlotteq.ongressioull Dis
trict of Virginia; has nbininated the Rev.
Dr.. Early, Book Agent of the Methodist
Epistsapal 'Church South rto represent that
District in'the nest Co . The Rev.
gentleman km declined e honor, on the
ground 'of its incompati lity with "higher
and more important dutiW.
IVE learn from the anawha (Va.) Re
publican that lloilan Aspinwall & Co.
have purchased from i. WM. M. Peyton
a portion of his coal p .o. rty on Cole river.
It is the intention 'Of th company to supply
stmunahipa plying betaiperi New York and
thellstbmits with; coal from this source.
The Kanawha riverwl be improved for
this pnrpose early in tivnsuing spring.
A porn mmd can s d4rive more enjoyment
from this t h e se nses, than
nn impure mind: Thu .
trne,even of the
TO LIMBER 111:----1--- \ Stateietual Fire 7monrollee company. .
, . 2,000,000 feet Plank
tell ...._.
rrrl5llVM lll .
pr ROAD COMPANY, Invite venom/. chtit tts. sot of THE best evidenco of the success of the
A rl/ nert, foe furrdeleng Two MIIIItri r 4. of PLUM-3 Mermen In ma/pawning to make the STAT /11111: -
k.h. thia... o 9 .9 9-at In I.gth - 0/ M dellV•tod nt FIRE INSURANCE coititt NY meet the E
aants of
Fl/Mtn/M. if bump .. ever. or a/ ench plane/ . Me community. il. the unparalleled //meant ti• busbee.
the rood sa May be opan trhlch bee tern done; havlDe Iseued or. COX. Pollelm m
Propmmia may be Memod to tbe Presldeat, S. hf. LANE. a Uttle mom than right memthu and eddlet ~r , $90.0.0
Bathe., Butler no., Pa. or to cnArtbrat tf. ePANG. Ph. capital
nearlyh Company. The Directo are proud tome.
h.ght nod .7 Maar/ w for further la
j frunntlem . the that all the property moored I. ,If the ,feel wee io
subject, may be 14dreeted to mom
noel) oI.U. .ni a large proportion In ettred for only one
Vroponals rill he received for the deUvily of alther Oat. K er.
eine. or Item/act. "umber of Policies issued,
mehl - 1-2ve
—tont of property - Insured, - $5,139.49 6 . 00
• inn
do. guarantee premiums,s7,ooll.79
do. cash premiums, - - -;••• . :12,19.4.2 .4
S. N. Wll, _ do. guarantee utoek, -- - 90,104. 0 3
' ••• do. losses,
(ruin th, 4,100.00
° To be deducted (ruin ate,te Leh urr. the uwalental
RN. NV)'‘ re .... of the office.
To '' rTly Or country me rrliants, amt owner, of derollinar,
aB itmt 1 ,01 .. 4 .Itl coordrs property. it i• believed able ono. Ladies' Fine Dress Goods.
1.. 0 sm.oa• .lsautruarr it point of rhenium.. afety• nod k
l' r
54A, seCurlty. Inferior to no lumurae Company In thla vomit, 11F.CEI VED ANI)OPENEIo Tills MURK
ltoudueted on thr equitable am/ aqvatly Improv.•l es ~,,,,,,,,, mod , p 0 ,,, t , 0 do L0rdn..,... lira.. d
}-- of Clareincutton of 111ek.,-eacht.linq all medal he, re- i
,d‘r.,. ~,,,,.. 0 ,...i 0.. _,,,,,1, o , ndd t „,...,,,,,,, d
IMITirl. only a 111 amount In any mu. If thur. pre- .
....,...,,,.. _.,_.,1 .4, .1. ;lAtillo a P4 ' . 3 . '
trrdri angina the frequency and mem-moon of tarn. Oren an a ._;._ • ' s'r "- -
also oa noon We nteco. aoso Mutual plrt, it not nolf treor r -- 024 , -- , _ _. N_-- .7 .2- , '.4 N " k°. 4 1
,o ear, the ebeaporse and uoromunelninui of both method,
e I kil'ltlNG S'l'Y LE l'ltlN'fS.--I.'hooko and
iii'.sl4 bulai . r.l u tles .„. ll. insured to a pluthipattott . the Pr`ndr• '
dol jf. under the onutrol ‘A the following Pin-etoret-J.dv„ ; 1 toe! .. utifol natter:Arm:a thia tixor A nltt , ut sc t.
P. Ittillierford. A. J. tither, John W Pnekrr. a T .I. , tie, 11, f . ..b-• - . •
m a n., A, w aerte r.phtloW. a,Wwiel... Konen Fhqs. I AR") 01L-S Idols. No. 1, Win. Strained,
RIO J. P. l'il-1T,1,10.110011,n, I.,,vidert, . -
el 1.?.3 KA to+ , m e a d attJ for Fah, by
A. A. Cinema. ArtuaTt • o, nd,?.., 11111,1 .;•I Armen s aro.
-120 .__ 1 OLDEN St RU I'--In lolols. and hl'. bins.,
Penn Nutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. ', I I , ~,, „,,,
&nu AGENT it lt EI . tIATTILEWN a CO.
IN PITTSBUIIIIII. W.II. U,s\ 'IS. 1 frirjo
1 t:,11., ~q,,• i pi„,,,,,,,irete05..1.) No. tN.I I.ilwrfy rtr , •.‘ . : I )I,A Intl% litrioilES k. Co. are prepared to
on a, '''."'" '"". ' ° """ °i " '"'" "( ''"°"°• r..."""0 '" 0 " ` I. .1. , ell 1.1.1. of tILATK 110001Nt1.
IUM b fXa r lr t r' o I l i ‘1.:11'0.01";,....Lif:;:.! :i'itlV.',.:.!;;.:2'"ir.:,‘7L'.o: i 1 A I .V.N LAU° 11103 N. AO, e ` .. N.." 4 Cann!.
IK.F.A J. nehoontnutor No .2 4 . 0..1 etre., abet , ell it,-,,...- At %Inter . ark*, Pitt,burgh.
ry Information 1..11...Chen atvl r.e•mitennatton, prouipt- tOa :le.. th•t o pro.oll, repaired. 10.020
• • Jon ,re attooded In. Paniphiele exelau.e... lb' . 1 ,106 0 w" ' lll ' l 1( i I /LI.IIiN SI:III:Al-5 hf blob , . just ree'll
= rare • benrate of 1.1 f,, ',unto , . and Mona frm. funnelled mi -.,
or If ,4 ' t 11101:111111k 11 : d 'NM:All:01.
" 1 0p t, ' ;, " ,;;1 0 , 0 .,.,, 1 / 4 ~,.., 1.. x.,. nod ron•latal, lorrraeinv - , frl:-, N., 110 Nrntrr et
tot recd and for ' Profit,. tlivleel annual', anew,g , t thew In•ored tor lif•
1 VICKIE:int./N. I NO. -burgh. Jet, .O. 11.51.-u:34 ' 1,4 1 11. 0 l It - 115 Idols testra Fondle Flour, for
I 11. • sole bo noa.l 0. 0 VoN MIN 1101, TAI 0.
' - - . F. and Tll 1
'Eltel°lll:t.- ' K anne, ire ' 1 " d TransP°rtati°n 81/001&-150 .loot for - rale b '
..1 lundeonte gt, lee. . • Insurance. 5
BEIICIIFIELP, 9IIIE I n.oraned.C,ompory of Nr•rth America, '
o ,_ i.,,,,„„,,,,,,,,„_0,„,„,.„,,,,,. 1.,,,,,,,,,,,,00.,..,, 4,..„.n. . VIL ' AING ES-100 boxes, in prime order, for
v e.:0 , 1
, 1.1
i s , 10 1. 1 1 1 , 7 1 :::: ,
ii•ling from str. • Januar, 13, 51. , 411,..1:: 5 . . ill make Intorm , ma eel.. 10
' buildings nod their eotta.n... [hi. ell, nod Nltlnil,, aho , l',lde l'n: Second and 151 i irat ate.
.._ .
i DICY'"' A C"- I''
IITIrr“ n..0.1'-"erailiririTn.i'l.ltr-in.:Vrt;;rt.i=;,rtit,...
•. ‘114. ° IN 001 e 0 LASS--10ono lols. ass'ol sizes.
vteannot nrar,mo,
Arthur 11. Coffitt,.Vre't, 010 wertai P Cote..
, QT ARCII --IGO boxer, bert brands, in Gore
' on-nmel II „loner, John It. Nell. •1 . 1 and an . rale lq .M. DWI ALET St . i.,
Inh.nt P . eral. Noe le and tat ...A at
D ir ll. l llC a (a._ I j i ti b . ,,, - .1 F i lg , nt _
vo loons Wel•ti.
""' .."__. 1 .. 9 " ' "a: aornril e. snood, Femur. !leek., Ifi E 1‘..0". s--;1 , I Inilt , l'or te bc
a:Nourif a nWNNETT.
0. Aurtio Alllbone, ; ILA feldo
. tn. ro Itoni.u.
ilondWig7p,r str. .1 L'ltal,u,:-..t,1Ttrunn,,k0,.,,...
' llillANO AND TAIILE coA-EltS—W. Me.
1115remit'gN '''
'''';'- ' JAvr",t..."b-'......, t ti,:*.1,7,:: : . ; ',:y r ,n,,, , , - ,: : ',..%::,.,. ~ 1.,„„...,. fuse. W- attention of• wl•hIon to for
o - •,. m-rro. nu.
!;•itt• for sale '',., J 1.14.,,..,,,.,,,,,,,i,,,„,„„,„„,„„, ,„,,,0„.,,,,,„,,,,,,,,, o, W. ...n•oss••••• a,...0rt0m00 of Table and, Monne.
NNW" . '' s) I std fret. it. I 1•41.1 . WillIZ. )44. 4,1 , * firth", U.i. , .... - ..:1 . r ' ''' '' }n " .''' ''''''' • • JeltlV
_ .. -..
r 11 ' 1 .r.d '''' . '''''' .'°°l' r '''' .4 ." '."'''''"'"°l"" '''''''''''''' "• t (111.1TillN E A I,OES--75 11.= pure .rode,
' "r
" 0 - '''
""frr:;'ii.32l>i 7:I}.:Z.L'Z' Nu; ..t... hot: ,
posNIIOIIFT A.‘ O. lt L. 01r1 I.oltw
I. for sale by 1 ; , t;'`'t No 141 1 root •t•••• I.
- E 4, xcitANGt: ts.,o; I; sTocK-A r,.st,
dy 0 , 1 , 11011111 & IRV la
' ' '' ''''''''ar A.C°. ; American Life and Health Insurance Co. , 1.4 ,2•1 `" t '' '''' ' ' 014 • too 5.;, , ,t ot .
-The pure i juice I oF 1 PIIII.ADELI' III . I . Iji 0 LI. itirriTit --I lad, fresh, for hale by
iraiLzzni,l7.b.. I A,„„ forl`dlxtAir - gh, 5 A .111,. IA TO Ill•Eo 1 11l fe1,1., 1111 L). NI .XOllO l aa CO
e nd, Ifni rnitlon ,l • l °
i t.1er...1: 01111, •to allose r ki •. , DR IEs _
N -- . 0 - =, jTvarecd ~P''''„„!'dmoo.''''a,.,oolo""ol''' al
'' ' fi . foto o. ' '
'll'l'lNi-1000 . de _ . . - tlrrfellpriMr RA,.
lo Jr Onill.b:
I 'No aw
n o o o \o ,o o^ RA
' Western Insurance Clirapany of Pittsburgh. , 1..., t, , i , ,,. Aron,
rah 1 20.,ConintonCtaarc
it. NIILLEII, JR . nart Ita retned oaltp•tr ,
' -'-- R
\ NCES-IC-al ---1-00-xes- fu - st re - c'd and ford 4,..,,,,_A1'1T.1.1. $300,000.
0. ' B utt t u u l F• A "'"'-""m' , - I ''' ll t.'ur''L-..,,n"--;:t ..'0rr,t!.0.,... .0 ti.,..... ,•
Fah . lir ton Ms roper. , ...ether ,
irate• . rapping rat.,
adi.:a N. ' "."'" ' : 111 . t.tie . ..: wrll're.'lllwr.llo ' a.i t irleird and now4ll . paid. I .o or hoa surer Ilb lump I,U•reo.
I rad, 1.11 Itriirodom,
.IkPESTRi. AND BRUSS-ELS CARPE'rS , 00;.‘k.i....1.• 4%...,,,,,,,,t4.-wr..,...,,,,i, , ob IW , r,,,%,t0,5z.,...w..,,h0 a o -.. ,, wit: 1 do
15ou lb. 11.4.1 : e.i. I...,then
of r - uotrur varies awl our.. In '.4,,V.if:,„.-',.!;•;!.1 rromr.....i ii,t-rt,t3.,,...,1•11g.,,,m61-,••1.1, i u.,, it,. .1., 11 h[ , 31 , , , 0,tvi . ,r . A.. 1 , La.
'1..1. 1.. f,1,2.1
11-.1;:b1IIAIN CARPETS -A larie ausortment 1 "roq.'''''''',.l`.;.l-"':iir•r"lir ' Foe,. r. 1.4., J.. Inttler. N. 1
of tha latest and rt., and Ptr ule . by • ii‘,l„,rt. j,.. • w i n. A.v.,4..., i , 00 „,,,,,.. ••0• „ •00 w j.„••••• ; IN '4411 0111.--10blolori• ;al
_1 ...
J,_., ' ' '-: -
44.19 W. AIcCUNTOCIt •I W. Al. I.•tm. Jame. Ltopin ,,, L. 1.e0r... 0 Predve Janie. Al len-- ItilthStS. 117 - i.r. 100.
.. ...
_ . .
IiCtROO)IS-200 drii, ebe • .oaory. Alex. Nonat- Th... Trott. , . 111_111, Bl• f Tr-0-.2 bbls for ..a.le lot!
ante, No. 971 . 'A ater 'creel. town-honer o. :papa , k Ci...
tents ,V.I4ARLIACtiII. , rip maws Pit.b.v.h. mot dly . feli2.2 100111000 1.1TT1:1: a CJ ,
_ , _
MG AZI NES.f It C 11, at J. B. • Delaware lintual - SafetylnsuranceComp'y .I ' Lov Elt- ‘' E E 11- 7:, bul' her nab' he
140111,,,, WILE. A Co
Homes' I.llerallf D Ar•. 4 .orr .i . w th o ' • E, NORTH 1100 M 01 , TitF. Ex- ,-- .. , , . ~ .
1 t)FF/C
az.a<l . . Lady's Ilona for March_ , CIIAMIK. Third rw.. Phihtdeltdua t kik ° Alt II I,:.'s - Itruyo.,l and ull lirut an
Graham's naganue ' "rna Iracaaaer•-nullthro. 0 0
ar'l 0 01,0 7 V ranllent n•we.tmet ..f 60.1 and vtro - %tat...U.l , d
' f o a rt hre ' lallortl ' MU... , ° • , prnpets. it, town and ~,,..rr• ....,1..,,,i..., 0,, •, . 01... too,l a np . n.,•..1 , triarati.o(utr.v, , .
darns, bt an.. al the low•-t rate of hr
. . il , k 1., r • Hunting •rawd an. Ida..
..-. MASINI 1N,C...7:111 -The% anet .000 i r aw... Larow• , 4.i .r.,,,,,, do J.•
Wsonustar ot the Prophory, ilx I.l.tau tale ii, auJOT ! ~,,, E,ighl.n. foreign or roa..tteln.. under -44.0 or eiwvtel ne nl John... de
radev. No.:-
1%,=71111124.111..,rical suer: ' , the la/ ./rd rya, ilesire.
.., And ~,,ern-brandn -brand Eugioli stet 1 , ..10 , 00-I , ltren. l . l
t lat_. Tyt V nalrotrralloa --ns, SI {NUM Myrrh:welt. ` 1.,.....• vOn . and retinae, and Jura. hi a ot.
• tranqatrtrd 1 , , Wan , ... N.. rood ea , Canal 1,,, . etel . • ,ne Nitro n I,lring naltlnumi 31.. ,av,11.1. Jrwelrt
rot lear.. on olt,. n ee ono. t „.,,,,,,,,,,, „. „dor s.a e ar.4„ll, ~,,..,....,
Y.L77.8,...T7=1,k1a5. I' k. Ili.. - , '" ', '''' ' '' i
111 ''''''''' P P '. e, 1 Wit ttel a aeinle . John C . ..4 - t vet, et... Wilt sea
a of odd PrZiA •nter in 'tore
Shlr,orurale, a new Marl, by l"'°"tarb4nb' - Por'ie-'17::1',;--'rt Il ' u ' rt '°,l, :i ;gnu 'I. Pe ' n ' t.,..e. ' Sautuelradw.ted... I Nt W il,iA.
. i non", C. I.ripen. Eduanl lia.rlinaton. Watte 1‘.1 0 01 ,, II q ~ 1.2-2 ...a. of 4. and Market ..
lNGLisri AND AM RICAN Oil Cloths, ''•le'io''o4' ..711!;••Drii."-,‘,14L'it":,i,'"T1.,, 1 li E.t NS --It) boa W'hiu , f..r r..ile by
a tara nswirtment of wet araganert INI.C . = ° : f ° ,: r . Sloan. Ittuth t:rari.
j tirnr, Srenll..t7t,rr
, 1a , i . , , , ,, ,.. , , ,.. u.., ) 0„,,,, 1101110,0 N. LITII-0 a tat
Meat the &met W.7l•=ai..; ;, St'svorth aL.n. rn r , 5t00.1.;:..,,kr11y,,,J ti .. .
~,,, 0r ,. ....0. . m it ..• i r
l'?'"ll,lll.'''''''' " p . W MrCLINTOCK. , 1,18.-}l:o%ki TiTrZuri.,.ll.-1, T Morgan, 1.41 i cede. A
, „ , _, A NIP lIL ACE -la bulk for Tanner's, 1.
A_ 1 ; 1 . ;1 , 1. no ...debt J. :4 lit /ON , I ANL. A Co.
1(10RN-400 bush. for, ale hy
f feblß - -
I I j'au"..l"N
:?"I.'.7'''''''').lo.o..;:t"e''''''''''W. .. '"P''''. 'T" ' ".' C.
Y k.'
1 I/1k I'FAL II AN 4 I I\l I S Gold l' (fun
LOVEIt SEED—I ill 14 in, btore, and b_ LO. burnh I•e.= tt I
''' I - •
i'"' '4 rah" C''''''''''' ,°‘•,:'',llLtjt°,',ar."';',. r". - • - ith tleld and I Are , mon hed cs, for [haw
."' . t,, X.':.;',,:', f.., ..,.. ~, .. 1. vi n aIIALL.
to arrive, for rod. er ..., _ ...eel •L
(LUIS A WM ' li°4°"''l"s--- !
Franklin ' Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
illeKOsi NUTS--I.? 'obis for sale by S A Li.;T„PiRTIti:- 20 hag., end for sal•• hy
. ..-
Al INnYON. i j'iIItECTORS-. Charles W. I:aneker, C 0... 1
'''' frh" i ‘C
- IP w I "h .^l '• ' n '''''"'' • "''''' " l '''' T . ' ' ' .- ' ItItI,S l'flOPEll'S WIIITE 6LuE--v,,,
CERTAIN n ee F' It Al.! , l'A IN may 1 ,:...„ „ ~..„,,,,,,,..„. „.,„..,...,. -.,c ri= to trz.c. J KIPP aCO
be found In We nee Of IN T Dy.u. , 1. < r0.14... I•nen , '. CllOlll4 , •II tiNC0.1.1 . .. ► P.,- ti. nt. . •• • •
r. Opinion ps to p, ~,,,,,h,rut no: t.ete sud , Cat tja• 0 11,,,L, . 5... e.,,, T ,,,,Em.,,,,,E i hits—. \ Iltl , l 0r.r.,.r . /neilt . fia
alert-haute of llortnnall In I. to Theo Coat. contm.... •n, mete Ill.tranee , perm ,nent .‘,..,.. 1. . 1. 0 , 00
4,l7lNrilit. Dd. o. o h. 1 ,0 . ,nr Ihninal. on a'rery d••••roro-s• ••l P.n..% . toe. tvt`l . '. " tt 'Y' .'' ..
Aillad Men... or thie 1 nointr,. at rate , NW i' ,. .. , 7 N reu•IAID.3I I vita .eluiltl .44 ,111 ; , ~• ~,,,,, 5 . .. _ jr1., •0 „ fii,,, , ,,,,,., „f p erd i en wi„, •;
Anld for . Tn. , or
' The Coropmeqh.vve resers. d a 1arn....„000,,nt lend. , .. t: I. •,•••
tor km.... P•n°l Pr.. ' which, with them Ca 4.11.1 end I . r , mitt., ...telt. tu...4.,.. t.....,,: n ...,,f...t...a.,070,1 r0,,, ,, f0 . •1:0 ,, t, ~..._fric..n...1,..•
~. ..1. Illa
r„.',A,!!'rtlg o Pl:g d ;l ' te Pet: , eA1.t;;',,',..t;v,V,0`;'.',',:,.P,,`,,,:',:"..",;;„„,. 0 . L .,.., , ...,, ,, ' f0”....`„:,..:,!, '" ; .:',l.t-';` a‘,"fi0,t,.1.,,,1,,,,,t:',:"
ro. ran vt-rommernl It to the . ' Waled inn...ratty to the A . , of A.,13001. Irerwr ~. ,11,... ; 0 . , . , • , 4111 ,. /- 11.1.4,1•.,1,,,,..1 tt5,t,;71.10, w 0h,.. .. ‘„ , ,.
~f , ,.
tit and •11,1, :0.1,1. we • T i ‘ ,_ • roll. ' We 1.
I ci rr 1.• p :,.. "' t iTyiltltiSi'or' 1.:11:.01'..1.71..a,....ta'r.,•..,........„... ......... -...
... ... .... . '' ' ''-,' , ..1 ..... .. 1 : . .1:1 , , t.,...1t. ,-,..,.:...„1.1;.fi......,1::.e.rtal isleld lank ~ f the Iterolunow :Br
ill Inv aelust
No 4: Shower 00
.. ?Own , ..." .. ,1... : -... , the Ile,. le•dte 40.0 rrrelved aultreer.;l;..b.y.,,
t. hol le. Ainnta No. g , 1.....1t. At '. . ... ~ ....ett 57
------ -- ' I £l . - 2,4 72 1 I 1 4 , 1 : 1N.:_ , N ,, 5 , T ARC II -00 IMPtoo for Fait. I.V
The Tanacharison m.o. *left itssosinsro•,,,f,;in..,
~ 1. , 7 0 41 .4 • T t i ,r t..... ; t , h , :y , .. A lleCht'ltil /CO
rh0h1,,,,*-yd'h '''',";,tt.,o,Fr"P'rt Mr.1,,-',::!.P.:TrA1,.''':%;,"!.'r.'„„,,,,, ~,,, .., r,,.. i
'Jou, atorrAfi'o,,, :co.' alvantare• nf Itteumnr• . ft , well "..deny ritvltt• •..1 u- A Illi ANN) II A Nls - 1 0 Idol , ' I•ard:
o yut c .,,,....... ut t 00.,• 1,,
~„...,,,,„„‘„ ~,, ~,„ ~,,
land W. l'' ''' ''' . r.h* ; P'4o'"" " 00 r '0 ' ma, - ,J, ~,,,,,,. A ruler Yon Pitt for rate 1.1
' mtti '''
o° '''`' . " L o '''''' .° ' 4 "' t°o '''' d " 4 0. ""
.1.11 10AIA 11 DICKEY A too
. 'I:11E MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSI'II.- ini I •.,,...1 0 . 0 S, Superfine Fl..c.ti_r,.,fo.r._sa,loehfiy
o*l°C L'ONIPANV. No 10 Market Strret. Newart, , L . V.F• s e, .
IN. ~.atal No. II Wall atreet, N. 1. Aaumula.d t. ~
• 6l.oNataradlriditig Iran .to to toper rear brad per rotation 1
Thr •Ittwarther will twelve arld l cntton! fnr ~ ...r.:7 ',.... ja2t/ J. rd.OllOON MAK all & Ctt
13 1., , ,, SMA LTS-1 case no c ' ,.:llu ' l l ; 2
11,7,,,..e,•,‘""""'"'"•tnr.”:A"'"z`"'"' n ''' i INSEKI) of L- DI brls rcu'd leer sale by
I d".
"'" ";{ •° 1 - 1.1. 1 AM P. :lON es. Scent. iid io°2 t ,awe
I.'lllrAlAfr"'ll PlC'rt".:lr A r ito "...- , Pw''.- d
~ N 0.1.11 I , mot thrr.l. ' - ,
SIIIb, sale :ha, - , ....L...aneennomialowirni......... , ) reams Wrapping, assorted ,
1,,,,, „1„ Ilanlw•r7 .1,,
111:Rillt1DOE AlllltAll. --- -----------
511SCELLANE01.1S. 0.1.• .0 NW , los:. 50 : 10N aco
urior article oour own ,
~.„,,, b.,,4 ~,,d fur rot, by. ______._ .... _ _ ---_-_ __ ',
1 ; 101,,,A0/01.,..eit0:01‘..U.Iiiill_LN N--itiAt 114,11 t. 4 and
110..NNETT ISKIIItS A 0.1. J hl PP 0 00.
• Water etrert. I • ° SLATE ROOFING. so 00 10•,,,,, Orr,.
- - --
hbds. for sale Joe i yIARRY, IIIiGIIES &.. CO., En)prietors of 1 QilAKilit'S Ili:1111S. oil kinds, a frerli lot
mu arie tpeteror bee • i 7 outland. and for ,ale 1,0
1114 11. 71111 YIN. I the I , wrn i• t ' ... 1. "" W"' ..
1 tlb r nt 1 . 10- - le't J 011•0 &CO
rave tu Inform liothlrre.tentraeb.ra. an .
... L . .
Principe, Regalia, and • nand , It heeling. tdorinuatl. Are tne A c e of .V.,. I t. ,,,, ‘ A N 1)4,.,; 1 A EuitioEs_r, eow.,,
'sa --% Li_v.. LAtnittra. of Pltt•bort In their Anrof who is to,w ,, wt,•• IL I AF.I.LERA,
1-"MA.grillarl" h tT.rON I. D 1 G rete .. l, 1,0,..11.1,,,,,ertaar ..c.uhracn. for IhrAluc oat thidT le,: I 0 1, „do,
aC. an. In r e r......tion of tire I.,rt and ' 1 t Orr El; .2101 bag, Itio Cuifer, just re'c'd
'li e f'', 4 , 1 1 w P, h , Y s ' • ,.. in o !,.00'‘;;;Iolot.'ilroorao•A'no the 1 . 1,14 , 1 Man.-the quallt, t f • on d 0, • a to 1,, 111 1111RIbliE t INC/RA . IIM ,
.. , N, nth,i;,.....d.•;t.nrovT. u.,,,.:,.."°.Th0t.da......i j„ : 1 ; 0, ,h r 0 • ,• dal,
~.1f,0,0r...„.11,....rt,0...r.,.,...terwr,,2....:114.,11.., ~. ' r,;,,,, No 11a oc.nor toco-o.
to to. rut. the ro'• 01 ult ; t rrrt. i, • „•,,,,,4 7 , ,„ 0,,',.1,,,. ~,k., ~,ac oner 10.. , • oo.• /'t
'IRESII PRCA NS- -J Oat receia4=l, ',l lahla
re Th " Pe''' . ""r • r t,' . ',....... 4 i Ite. " --itation : irt ip .rtllll.: n j• , ,G , til anorrilana reef ula• 1 4 ~ ~ i . ,„,,,,,, ,„.,,,,,
Kt. ar Oto.DaTror•e• •••• e - ' -t. a ad laaod,mately nn.upletell , aa• a nner lar '. ' ' I%'. A . ii,cbcnu A CO.
MIII.OI I & ItICKWTI,ON. t , old . ro . 0 i r. ,,, d , ~,,. , o . do
1•14 - :.: Liberty earn , .
Citalget On hand and for 1
~P .., ..1 1 . ,...b i l C0c.‘,D.,,...drtir,0171,....1),0na. mend th , oo 00.1., 1,, 1..
„,,,,,,r, 11,,,, ro „,,,,,,0n,,...,_...,,,,,,...f.,!:,,,,,1LT ,-.1-1•••‘•••• I- • EFSII i'lllS- 511 111.1111 q TenPired and for
I, . 11 A 11•CLURI 1 &CO
tURIATIC ACIDS, fa- ; .! . .1. b .-0,,,..:... , -..p.,,, , ,, , , ,- ;.=1,.... ,, ,r 13 th , .........tir.:;.:
~,, 2
.n , n , ; . f . ' 0."'" In tr oo
"siigs I.:rt. unnue A CU. L,,,1 71 °''' f '''''
'''''ll.ll‘l.l'...lll..tilltla .t i - t 1 i ..) Itt•tahnen. ell Pald °h. for ;.%tibl 111 L, 1 000.
0 i!ittiotr Route pcorold l l retain.
No. 3,11.11 - , 14.,:,a1nntado, 'fel., etork and inflow, Bruits..
`,.‘ I All DICK.F.Y ..e. CO, Agents for ;; 111.
amt fur este by
( 1 oi)LiVER 011,--itUtattOn, C
1.) reed e nd fur Bah. by
11 RESS SILKS-2O pee. assi
Ifi Style Ores+ ttllks,jUrt rectl t. .1
trich4 30. 62 and tll 41
-1,,,... pli u all wool blab tutored f... ,
itt'; - nen ami eutttela r e ' 4l. Cerl6, IV lAtuen.
i , I . •-• ...,4, 0 4 7 .ty1e it ackstutbot , c, Y; l tt,lncr,t ~
Ist O. 3OTASII—S casks rev d and j ?!. note
. by
t : 111 . t d e.., :3 1 , 1 1 , 15 4 , 1a , , it.
: matt
IVINTER NV IlAal 01 4-1200 oh bra,
tn ch i° '''''''''' d ''.."' VILLER it tucKirrios.
q u•lity—• full a.,..nrttneut Irutt
.1 0 ...:1 4 . ' 1 1 :V" 1111“ YllY AI ll UCH VI ELM
1 Lii , :lElSl ' CAIIBItie ILAN DKE Ile 111 EFS.
i MURK'S I BUIICIIFIELIt he. • jun ~e,l • [I,4P
Anapty ot• the aboTe pr, ,t., c,f all tlie 1.1.00114 4,uslilier,
, frutul2.6 tuute Ur , tu b.-- turl34
1 EG BUTTER -14 ke., j
K. F. by Dacia!
1 IA Silk otrgt blurn Cumbtir, of 1t... •
: ud at ratirut• Prut , Jutb AWAY
~.. I
t _!.!cl?' - '''
, VINTON-18 bales IIi.NV 1
t ILJ -tab, cud foe We by
i f t b2C, • 41.4111.
. 2 bble. So. 1 Lamb 2 bble.
i ,Low landing from .tr. ASIA. et.l for
- . ItlAtpl
1V- O. SUG.M.{ -40
De Witt Flintnn, JAL A.
tDilk VINECiAIt--2.0 ,
1,t,25 S. F. VON
E. F. %ON
HEESE-150 Vr.. I
lIJJ feVd3 :4-1.• lON
b7.lll,.fg"„.''lT,;Pratb.‘ll^Agrd I
gnu it'ine",.”re. end side of the22l,:,
-- 150 hhds. prim
prt• ntentoer
V1,.ha.,t,„, ! ",7z..71 , T11inr , :i
We. the vcaler•lgnrd. l ! • 1
Vegvtanle Oaln Killer. and v. .
Su •••rrry tonal:ma.. De
... .I. V , ..
e.stisfartion In . la m 7 m
iry..";t-11.!:LTIV'tick at letl!
r=17,7 "g.r e at:TF. I
IV:i y , V.,V. ° 11. 1 ~.11!f.` '',
Wood i•tr ,, t, --- 1
3Ml;l.Blrgalttf. 110
7_ bales Colton:
97 note Yey.thor,
.1.4 do Peanut..
a do Dyy Applr
do do rfrocio
roOn o lor d° .
1 do Woo. Yon ,
Ti. mod for sob by f7. , 17
5 0 _ -- •
‘lO - DA, ASH—A op
1.7 cluturacCare, rottAamt
' 1 bebli
OEAIMP , I." , . 4 al
Filick — LosT—. l
.L., 6, ; ,,, re .., 1 ja ,,.. ) . ,
n d 1,1 i • dollift, hap b«+
P t tbaughnbi Pmrtrysh,l
I Wan. b.‘ , . -I•Mrd, a
rIPeAL SODA-10 0
' S sale by febl7
guy -. - ,.. y . u .. u b ac ..4 E - 4
8/1 - TCaCkStAir —l
nebusetb tospectl
t 7
GLASSES ---..- ------ -
by AM; LI JAB. A:41t711:11160.N. 4 1)0.
riatb:-Igo o Fl 64 o:liens, for sale by
febl7 _ JA A. 111:ICIIIIAMA k.
7cHiOUBl" 1111VggElYil4=Vbq
• Al, . 116 Watrr Ate , t.
_ .
Linen and Ho so Furnishing Goods.
A A. MASON & CO.. No. , G.. and G 4
IIL. m" la 19. 70`,7 t!rT a tilir 6 g
samoUnent of Um 16 la 6g
s aatti
I , ---
Table Cloths. sad %Awn'
MtZaregl=VAl l = nlgmlq
t , Nappy, Iltruis, Sepfrh w i t Pint Cyr.
14esem-Larro.. 6l D r, ,11=,
Floor and Llsola lo _ _ •
Linea I.62trrle II lortac6s
104 Allender---..- - A.4 furAor
64 AtJsztle Y
Pilt.wr Uir
_ G. 1,24 _ 1
e1 b 1 ; ,. -- . T./A Si l
b ILT:',7„;I:In
rr4OBACCO-240 boxes .Nianufacture To-
IL an '. (d"..* 0.) on r. Itgilit.Nbi Co.MACKERE 100 bbl A. No. 1, on hand
And for•ale 1.,
0..24 . A. C1.3.0E0.1A0N A CO.
SUNDRIES-- 01:: 1: 1 1 , Au Corn Broorno;
W wAtm rotel7. ' ot'
A) W b. 2Alenawr.
. ' IrlliV; rrr-,
boo 100'0 Swat:
la tam IS,A2Is 1 . .21 do:
• ".""
lii: itqligVa r e 'r ee. '
b y fraa. 1
30WDElt— I
...,0 , ,,i
hz, ktg' Kr.. 10,:: 2 :: r... 3; 3 ( .1
PL.% 2N3.
~". r i- _ . 1 ,. b. DILWOUTII 1. -
V EiT51.1.,'.•611.--'-' bids. just Feld and
1 -‘ *''''''' " th' Drug ''''7.ll. µWIC ESSIIABI: -
1..1.01 er W,sal and Ststlt ots.
1:4 : 1 .. KU
I."LagsL" PeaNuts: ,s now lawllns (rum
' "d' 1•r
Wats.. awl Vmot rts.
d lads No. .S hiaclinrol;
du do I do
~, 1
I '''''''''. .i
J. ' U r . W 111 ' 1 ANS k CaGl
'.IiATEILIALS-_-Printer's con
: VriltTrro"="Zra7=l.: Ts .i
"' &`' "" w ' 't. o. HAVEN'S
F ,.
• Znl.telasso Marast and Forst sts
Awsrban Lan,.
_ . _
TYPES—From tno manufacto
n a Webb, furnlabc9 01 ;1 , ae .,, i tpt . l ‘. fr .. • y .
,z 1
p.n . sad
ea, to wool
tnetkle wtcrdett
of Wr
wood •.1
A4s. f.r vale I
f b.l,
F u'u I
j. Ws by
1 ,3 , Mate, on
lurk S. Co.'s.
'Sled Spring
• ON a CO.
ark t tract
V 0-1, ALT: •
h"'.. tI
d"'" tr,;. .
Ilh."d" With • i
11.2.1% . olg i s o ed
iirrt 117e.Us
_J A3l
bhls large D...
f rr
or liinCIIISON lca
,bl 5 Plantation, for sale
~... .......... ~.. .
Pitteburgh. January ^lrt 1 , :.1 -pa . +l l a. 11. I r 1 N(., - .
rlt A ❑II E li. S E 1",
' M " " ' . " 4 "'""" ' -I I iIA ASIf---:',l cask - ,, for .ale bv
AF l . l t NT ...,M, h ,V,:t h r::: li:ra ‘ r:h ,
~, ,„. ,I,S 1 k , w if. inl.-SIN
orders filled at ,hurt n.,tim 1..0 any derrnr..... , o ". •• no. • • fe-le
ler 31achinery • ".; . * - 1
1. ' ll ,
I A ,01-1()N BAOS----tu ,oz vri cd, for sal
TIIE co-u, AIVENEitSIIII. 11F:ItE'COF01:1; ', N....) . 1,010, MA:II.I.R A 10410
- . ,„ .
e aLating hetrmen the ..I..erilra, under the .11e
i Slit ;, A its-Iti 000 l'prineive, for gate ity
exrey, Fkilllo,, A 1'... I.• thot da, i•eolvt - / br ...toe , , ..•••, ~, •
eoamot. 10 110,001,1, . •I.
..r .. n , t , • 11.1011.1-R A lalt:
tINtintII).II.VML 'itl 1 I I'M -, , ...1 1.1.10. roll,
In Jimmy or It. I: it...n.110 t. author... 4 v. no, the p p adO lA , led.
name of the hate firm In the f eti1.......vt ..1 their buena-. .• to 1•00. do . for aide by
1.4.13. , 11 - a I. lON WINS. llotthl A Ct.
111.8 SOLUTION OF FARTICgIISIII i'--- I 13[..t tic Bt SI L K S---M t - ft env Ar.
TN. partnenhip beretof,we eil.tlue hetween the 1 I. 11. et ....tit. hare rA.eired n rery full r Jar "I' oho ,.
au . rihers. under the ott le of Sharklell t White. waa dp . , e t e.i.. alnehthe, eon mil at 4;7 it: 1g..11 . u.5 .. ...e . e,
t ay of January 1 , 1.1.. hy mutual mu t upuert,ll) a. II at t./..., Mad ,
r7rt.'qrtt!!'r'or'rlo.he'iontlewritor. will. att. ...tt1t....., up , nes., O. etrlee
the harlot., and are authorised t , the tame ..1 100 late ii ik ft 101 a S, ,i; n•Ams _m nrp . ,y
I Burchfield
I'm' '''',
'''' N'
m ' r, L'lTilcx LETT. 'g y have on band ala ve hot or 141(0 n 0..., whkh
Fotruar) 1:!.. '5l. Tome. n. 011 ['fp:. are mho., at ynatli red . need prima, port/taunt corner 4th
awl Mart.. t stn..lA. felet
NEW FIRM---13. C. Simoklat. null Viilliam V A bli S CAXIIII BE LIME, Muairratt. ' ;
1 , ,,ar, to general partner, and Itenfontin lyge. 1 .1 0 , in • b ra t;
special ohl ihotted partner, will enntlnor ItIP 1,1g1 ,, a1r •
•• N.llrlalastor (1.1 . . w , e ... n.y... ,,,d ur. • e
••I u o. under the Ono of II t el.n. idett A 1 . ... , - pt.. hoyheh t. n . , .
l'irt:7o'.o'l:l4.l7 °mutant Il Stuteklett a M hlt... No. lo: :la ',rt.. War. :
Woodstreer- • II C EdlACtil rrr 'LL'eao 110. tiled 111,101. For tale by
1.614 P. MI PAY , E: . {riot _ .1. KIDD a IN), CO WaNI St.
. -
qi-I'AItTN MISR I li-The subsi;ribers bone t'llilSl-1-fil-tilT-Pe!teli.eson.d 11,,1iLckyberriee.
Gen t
into CcerartninoddiktVer tite o liftp .. of gulf,. {
~...1:::,!,,,..!...iprit..i.m:i7::,,Am n .-2,,,
j h r • L., fr... 1 1.. ... ed
At neon k Otte') A 1... clierrle. and I . lunni pot up in the saint Manner Ihr
.1•31 j.1.111:Ir?!.:"TVAN.'!" tole. oe tart , . Ou hand and for ,file. by
(a pIi.ING DRY tio)11S-FlitST sttppLY 1 .} k , sbe. Libarty greet.
i.„).-Nlorphy I , Durehfield will tido 111017110. r... 111... .-, es titi) SEEI)S-41nnaTy aml item' , Seeds
:it:tifi;tifinjtr•itr`Zel.g.rtiVT)!;`.',o(.l4:l,:ar).?.., 1 11 . 1 Ib. I , et auolltr for .aica. Al ~,,,t x. o * co.
Invite attentlgn to their etteneive a...rttilent of new et, I r . , lAA • '
Out, at LP.. mute per )..r.1....1ert5. 1 will. Panteolar t o
1 6)
e.uco to durabllll, nr,r no ..crii.., , t art,.l. 1..t.0 , FLLERS ' LI V Ell. 11 LLS-"Could not get
" ff ."" 4 , .1" r..'31.4"f0?.71.1.=Tr7.'"Lr!,,T1:i',:,.. r"..7','... 1 k °I -, ''"''''' "''' ",,,,,,.....,,.. o.J.a. 9.lsza.
`p.b'lra!ta.or ,i,'
tin enurt: l ,f new ,• detitlP` ~,,,... he" ,• '.1.. It F.,4.1.1,aa...--,Your• nre v ..ter 1.1 , re, Zlls . that
rlllVot.q!!...Tl"e r!,°.,:-,t',Nf,;`,-T.;•'.7.7,4';,•,l;TiDfrlr'-',•,,....' ;;;;,' ',',T;;„,,,,r,::,';,' '::„1:4:t.",,,.1',„^ii!„1;,,,„t„,2i!,,,;,,1,
Bonnet lUble.o. Bonnet Cape. le c fehl, 1 ~,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,,,, ~,„,.., ~.,..7,,,T,71..,4,3.LE...,61;,,,,.....n.,,,..,...
lIIKUGS-In store and for sale by tin! ~,0,- I ~,,1.-„,,rin'ir,c7ul g . r,, 1 ,,:', 1 , • d n ' ,: r . , tali
rorlber, all of the brit nualtly . • i . . -
' Sulphate sod sot of )lorphia • • IoS ANI) RAISINS -149 boxea Sor t
. il
Own Shellac: 303 do *, ray
lif.l l l Salto. 1311 OWN k KIRKPATIV
. Sugar of load.
Citon Arabi,.
10.11 Ilrltustione ,
: Floor Sulphur:
'l='.'n' I. WICKERSIIAM.
I ' l;.corner wool and 111.1,
/LIM.: LADIES nii,...y - if you want real
peat Tea, %oho !Innis A Mayoortli•u Tea gun,. tro the
litatootal for It. The Tea the, eel...t fel 1•1411•• per ,111111
A really V,' 0.1. and !hoe.. ut
al 71. m. mud SI. an....1..1..
Lunalna riced, damaged, or Infer' , Teat ere weer 1et ,,. ..t
et Ible retablleltroeuL and tin., to!. frhal all t1 .n. 1r , f,,
dine , (nun the oricinal rheatr. hal,pnAnlth.
o ; to a t i
root kmp In 11. tank wral , Per e . whh'h. loY,lllddilitll. ~,,,,,h
['abr.. yen will find la ,{1•01.0t0Ir :. 0,1, .1.... .
. .. -
4ohn 10. Mellor. 01 trona rtr , et. Inv dre”.......X11.....
reoelred a tam and splentlla-v:t ttn.e tit 1 , 1 ! I
of own and reotlt'f • -tr ea. , tln • •
/ROO I) CANTON FLAP, NEL-A farther..
gully of a very superior 1 it tele at 12 4 . eents • per
" 'l iar: '"4
'".th".°l. MI'IIPIIY t IllnICIIP 11 : 1 . 0.
"QpitUcE Cif EWiNG GuNl-...kt received
A J 0 , 4. Ihtfibr.r. Nle., through the hoods of a . ht.:
. 1:4.1-
km. a taro , lot of this•....1.1.,...{7:4..y.;„„i%
':;,'.'n'..7l' , '. l `i h . It of,!*l.i',.`,l7,V.`l';t:" "'' •
tur.l.4 enter W',•.l and P 1111)
IT .1 - - i.F. Wl/111..,',-:.1.111.- Water
.\V L A.Tt um l . i t tn.,. ( : U t. i , J.K.ISIIPIL U. ' D. '
Valet . Core In Amerka,...114..1 1.. .. Water Patient. •
Itarpl 11r.t. , ,1! Iltdropollo 1.. r PP 1...Waa1...1d lannestie
noln ' Qle pra!4 " 1 . ... of 11, dmlntUs ~, eftvert engraved
11h...rat:one a ooe,..i.viv voi,vl-. 1 , , rawara Johaaaa.
m. u
Theory and Prnenne of II plr. • • , :hr, hr the l e,te r
Pntorke. translated frost: the 1 ie . 1,.., 1•f dkt 0k , ..'•
31 li
Th1i.:.';::1.1.7:n tLti ' :: , : . . ' ....„.• , ':... ; k.. - t n r . L .T : IT i N „ . I 4.
1 , 14 3 .
Ttas L• the only inotrument -• ..o ~,,..... , t. ...,
eaountorrelt cult eau d• certaluil • . I.• '• , • . 0. •
eats at the Viateh and Je.....1r, .1 o .1
vg. ke le,
2,? ' 1.1 rtT_.
TIOI tarct'd
;bests oung
,r .11 ems , . 00
LOW.—A euperior
' F lff•r,;.!7=;7 ` ` '' "f=l,l"
MI BOARDS-20 doz. for our
1,1117K.FIZT 1 1 :
2 du &rem:
o 40 rood Potation
6 tugs Groundnut.N
2 do Dry Norton
I do do Au
lu do F.sthtTr. ld,
Is bales 1141 too. to anive nia idontrio
Water and Front do
L INSTRUMENTS of every de
forjule by &bl 5 J. KIDD 4 CO.
90 7 bbilitlapeellIC, in store and fur
' store and
SUNDRIES -3 0 bbls. Linseed Oil;
2^l ••Petal Arln
- 111 iv;; Boar,
15 boxes
M.l ken. packed
. 50 boars Pure
WO lemonr.
" extra Crenut Cheer:
100 down Common Ilroumn
500 burl, Drlo.l Peach,.
lalo Apple.
!id. Maori Nutre
1 bale Fltrep Pelt?: for rale by
Meld J. 11. CAN NIEL/1.113 Prtna rt.
VO. I LARD 011.--ik few bbls. just
' 171 . 1"311 '' ' '' ‘'' ''' '' ' 3l':?w " l.ll. '" Y" ,', " ,‘‘.V ... %l l 6 . 7 4 .,, ,'E r ' 4 l l l2 , .:l l l . ' ' A u th ' l hY l . 6 . ' ! „ 7 ' . ' 7 :
&WO .
REFINED BORAX- 15 eases for gide by
fe1....,; J. SC1100:4 M AK lilt .c Lao.
4.ll'OM:ll—J2. strings finest Modliorranenti,.
137 for rale I.y .1. 5C11.101411 1 li a CO.
I 5.101 -
I7bii•l ylbi bet min by
1 I Alll l 1 011,--I5 bids best refined Win
I A A r.r rAI..! I.y J. 51.100NMAKEll A CO.
21 Wood olreri
. .
1 - 1 LAZIER'S lIIAMON DS—I doz. for side
NI b, , frbh .1. KIDD At CO.
IA 111/ -S0 keg? mid2.s Mils, for sale by
I A (.1.10 nnown a ETIMPATRICX.
g 1 A slim 1111, -9 bile illow's nuke, for sole
i. ; to - staz Hilt:Y. II,.7IIIJEWP 0 CO.
.. . _ .
A V E ., IN Vcol,it•i'l,'3l • 1t:,..N,,T;5:;),,,,01,,,0, In Allegbe
.l : ,
'N.A. lIILL ti CO.
1,1,14 • rd Ircarl tr. eat'', 4 th.
.11.1 Uri ' ES.--7 blits fresh Roll;
I ) sdo 0,11:31
1,,, rol. , by ?,4, ' •; 1"." do
1:413 o 1LIT I ;lOr d
10'f'fON 'l' WIN E--2.50 II;s su
KlD perior q(uill
in. for ~L• by J. DA C,
fold). ?to. 0, Wood rtrtrt.
t --1 A sTi I. F: SOAP-20 eases for sale by
) . tot.itl J. KIDD A Cl).
V E Ii.3fiLLION —Trieste, . Chenese, and
5v.r.117'7".1.".. 'b.
J selloON 31 AKKIr a Cl).
i ItNICiA FI.OWEIIS—For sole by SO a CO.
- .
BLACK LEAD-700 lbs of superior quail
tr, tbr tralubr C.C.:Oat:AILS,
01 Wood street.
t 1 O(7IERIES. •
IX 2,..,Lb'",vir..b't:svvi.:li.v ..7,7t,v,..v.i.g.i,0,,,,„.
...„. ,„, ..L nu... 11 a lloblnroo A'r lobar.,
1., ,l,: C. Rubio,. deo., Cs auden Jo.
..., dd I.7o,llrerr, fin Tobaro. :
---1 , qr. boner, Irlier• And Itarrroxrit G I dn.
14 rally torn-tors„" Tbsuisson Jr. Oold.en toid.,i
-s. 1..14.0. 10 ,t eo' and for Job" bY
,•• fl
syis.ioWssikLdi.,ekrayy o , ld
~b.ol.eml "
- ts % ,,
paw 403114 YABSZA A Ca.
___._-------,--------'— . .._
-1- •
0= 1 . 1 51 7-1 °
. 11 .I°°l 140 Puma; s
' , INCE the introduction of this new CM - I 11-I. RAND POLKA DE CON- viryiiif3Wl,s
OHMS.... do 2 roam'. aAks arid l'solds are sand is a Very shot I M i l 2: , tt u TAlit i !=L h Z Fr.. 1,1 2. F. - ... - o.j'' , . ,
Whig Review (he Urne. We .0 11 astrratit It o , Keywila Pectoral 8) - rkP FI Pc • °l- , ~,,,, F1.;! ...-,.°011.
Life's Dthciplinf a take more cases of Cough, Cold., Bronchitis. Istlgualtla In les hthe oneerturoMP. by 11 . .lithia t •.,
Mechanic's Mager, Ng.. time inui at a damper rate than .y other medicine coo 0 /1111, • great Tart of new monthenitions by the tame
Womenof loreel.
Orme Aguilan discovered. 1 author.
llouic Intinenre. tale for motheth .1 datiglithic l IT lI.AS .AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION -The Crougl And all the lab. ympular Music. 110044 by the ...tern
Mother's Recompence, by brat
A.. Molkines all sicken the stomach and produce nausea whirl i publisher, received and for sale to
ethyti o nto.ptiom o r the hithory of the hum. la moo. disagreeable than the cough Itself. This Le ehro o, as J. R. HR WAN:.
by Mrs. Ellis: sled In this mixture , for it Is , a pleasant acanthi. a rt ic l e I Agent for l'hlcketines Pianos,
USIC-- - Where are tl 'l le w ;r 4 ie ' n - d Of
ours.. nollell and it will are or LA/ mom" , mil/ lo rrjund , a i I The evi . Tnr11:1
droner In favor of this ruedielne In our city from our owl 1
for rale at llllTlNlDTltore;=tß,..tromi".tel.l.h."‘q: Fmt OF 'nuns '!oral' convince . cone or troottrO , T. p. is do 1 7,iEW - 31
' ~,- „,, . , fr lll vn.srrisuaa or •
tol?Yriclat, and Ina Leen used . •,,,,., y m .rt e , 1,, 0 . 't a rt,. .
i n t PLLNDID IS LIN lIA N OS--Ifpi rostWhenhlo'ir7th.,f,ark'f" . h.°h°°°- of T`'''' " ' °•lth th ' I've Something b.. , to WI Inn.
I n j 11. K 1,118 P. . It takes pleasure 111 an CAINSPAIITION-A lab Dom Steubenville write , thou The
1 - to thinking tier the Day. Mary.
notincing that he has just opened a lot . her daughter sad leen alldend with afoot& mod care... , My New Englemd Home. •mw sung. dedicated to the
, ed nn T o te .
w o n t ...
n a i ti ,n on n . tn o . lc i h n t r ne , w n en .nun ta. , l , l , retic nn.nn feje thn r. indhnalnl
nthkietlrhrtin,res.olo,,no L.,,,,,..;toyi..o7hkirojthiaolAnn,y. ,
‘.hirlhoitt:ree'rf'oltirl."'cill'''t"'"'"""l"k'"'''''' 1:0•0•:; . .7z r.nov7.7,:r'X',ll,,,A.,l.9o.`":',:it&rorich= :I . . r
~ ,.`- °1" `'° thy ' '''Yr '‘-b""-
Among l o t e stdentll,l 1 - octave doubleroareml Piano, fur eight year. limo hen entire': relierd ..../- 'oh ° I'l.l I il7lllni'o.l.'s'on the Pridrie bea-Wualhnre.
`t he 00 with the new Improvement of Um • over reuno...l by the are of half a der. of Imttle. of Hilo Per . - 131, 'they, by S. C. Ender.
string., the late and must Innsortant Improveent, to le [and hy ruts A m•ntbutan from Peoria. l'lllinde..weitho 1 ~.... ~,, .•‘. N a ti v e village, by 11. Darter.
h oo nd only on Nun. A Clook l s Pianos. Alt. two inner', , that - he burn. the Irtoml Syrup to be • gond .. 1 1'1,',.' 1 The Spirit Dore.
~,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.........1,......iti.4..i.crn.n, 1 I: , Ilbsrl116..„0111.111,/t.IN,111,...,::aLectoot
~,,r,,,,1,1r:.{11e,r...-re..o, m ru e.
5 ,,, , . ,,,, , , , r i l I,,,...•,!;,..!rtituakth..,o,,hrLyten,ef..O.oonne and Polka
Ir-is ass re ram Cummod Moms:vs. vow .orn-lt is !
''hd' ' "' eltlN ' OS THE DOI Dio - N II AMP ldl Thin' rt. put up In lalf pint hotha at MI cents - 'h ' both . Les Adlons. by Hoer. .._,,— wtht,,i, Carl !
‘-'' '°° oh ' An ethereore millectoth of yew a...,
IJIAPEIC—FoIio, Packet, Commercial and Clll,7o,ll.S . loMlEttErrn , would do well to keep a supply CO lo•1 1 ,0:., t : . •„. ~,,,,, , ...!,.... c •• • T nin• Sacra." C n antio•
Q,,,,th0 pad mod CO Pope, a large supply of all nue. Mll.Eundieine on nand all the time. as it is one of We ...".' , 1..11,11..10:d an exoellent new work. called the .Nee
I t ea. rulrd and plain, blur and Uhite, 1 , ... .1 , on liberal o Peer. , entl efitramour ,renudies ever dlanotered ,fue an ,
,0 ,,,,.. of 0 ,,, , ,,,,,, . d ~,,,,,,, . 0. ,...,,,,, h aft mond . a, ,
...I .
W. S. HAVEN'S 1 COllllll, ..01,1 disco...n(or lungs and Incipient l'lnttnnlPhd.
tenuo at 1.1 2 • - C.k IA lON h.ITIIA-31thy persons will trY ..0I Y... 0 tn' s bed cocks ever milliblull
un, I •
lOTES ANI) DRAFTS .—Engraved Ind : buy .1101 n one of the turbine nostrum , lout do not heed , 0,,... NU. ?11l Thlbl a
. ' ool& P.
~..• . • . o erar d, N 0 t,..001 matte, of moth beautiful o te. : then. lf fO. want to get well lay Its. Krresa . sw-rsai 1 . . •-• .. . ~ .• -
In sheet, or I•mund In !smoke of various PITT. rot Snit. e... 1 LAI, tn. nthrt„the odd run. to.. 14
1 areanged by 11. S. Webb and W. Iliveng-_monotr)/Z. f
W i'
sale al w, s t , A va,, yit., o k n o , gr or , some ot the moe I. 1 aluabls plants and herb."( the materis
bora , , ' Cor. St
and Semoud .:ts. toedimt. and IS 0nr..0n,10, 1,, ‘ , 0 1 00 AIII O I In we hrsl , 1.1 Wm. M. Tlia4tr, aml the 1411.evO's Nevkl.s. •
Ci rt of Lotus Siatemln. to t,
I An.. ,,,,,, .h.... - and i' , .. 0.41.1 .( art. There non le to, deception In {lna inedielue. 10 1: , the Secret Itholory r
vir Ica' NO I N E—Arnola'R Writing Fluid, 1
V v copying and Red Ink. .1‘v0n'ni0.7i,.7,1''',1;'int'0i.7,,,,,t0,7,01::a1,,t yli:oilo• P. 1e. ,:nz1E,,,v1%.11,0,;r.nb...,:•.;;i:Ler7. 0 ; e t v d eo nnn. aler y 1T. ,,, mr ~/,.:.•".4,7:1,7'2. And fur stde Al Iglnill In ,
Hibberro.Chetoic.l Fluid and Red In. 1 deslona 0,1 seeing then.. n bushels Dried AIIDIPS, for la 0. 1 1 '
Itarricon's (14unthian Ink-rd and black. , Ata.Vlll Wairrin throughout the United States toren Hip 0 1 1oF F-b-n
S S. 'M22 11124
. 1 medimue. Large diwounts will be mode ho theme who will , 5 . • _ ••_. • k Thennpain's lbrumneedol Ink-Clack, male , 1 thko an luteret . the IllelllCllln. It will pay • large prod:
and ord. t GIRL wanted to do house work. Apply .
yr...orb Carmine Ink. For rale by Ir. ~ ~,,,,,, Ito all s e e nts,leritio..thevw, lll twining suffering human. , , , ti i.
0,, 2.1,21
a _ 1 1: set. i, obf pineing In their loon& the greated. molten.. .. • 1 •
NEW BOOKS. . 1 .-,L,r":::,:r.i.r.'.1.... 7,1',1 4 rt",:,' VAT , I 7 Ii a 11cDOIV I A ILD-4 kegs for ,odr, by . .
~a:kilTli'S CLASSICAL 1)11.;TIONAIII " : 1 ELL. Dth..l.lda. 14 . Dod etre , : Pirttitiiii.. Pa. to trlor 1i i ft"' ll a n lsa ‘• 1211 . . 1 4_ ‘..2* -
a, A new elaolcal dictionary of Week mul Roman t•io- i olil 41. : r. ,-,,- 1anri;,,,,,.7‘.,,,,,,i1_,..r..
In e tionsm of Conek and Rom. Biography aud Sly thodegt• I I" ..... ,-- ' I i1.'1., " . "- e t ....t u h- r e etanconelou 0
by Willis. Smith Li. IL. ntitoro Cl. t litethousties uttlerek 1 t'_,-orr , ^I,Z r• ~. l' . c t.'„ ... , •
.• "„ 7
. 2 . '.
{;,CM:I.I.:T cu wr AIN CLIINIG,of differ - ,
w a s them. Antigultiea and of Linea mid Roman Iloymphy euo T TT , eld and l tdrtat t Itt Orr. I • I
.. 110 • M). ehr . endly blo.rl urn, th,.
,',..‘, ti i i , T n ? n . i . „ e n ... „ .., ~,, .• ..,
i, H
in..,. ...dun ! . : VrOBACCO--10 hoses 5 I.ux , l , l ,, p hi, lur i.,, ,ta,,l o o t hy
was Alytholugy, retired, - with ...note oorrectione and 1 sswt, reed at he rthth of
ISELLERS.LIVER PILL--"The very best 1 0 ~,,r, "°WthY' ' 'd ' t I' ' Mlll , lll A 111.111,4F 1 t.1.D.
a dditions, by Charles Anth ..... Lb. D.. Profess , * of .the 1 . ~, . .
11..00k 101..1 tau Language.. Columbia College. . Ik-iil .. ou tio".l r .
Tho Life and Corse prootn, of Wort south , ' , edot.d 1 h 1711,1 , 1.111 . 1rf Hoer', Va. Jan, 4. ISSI. p . IIONV Nl' 1.21. N N ELS. a Danler ai l l Ar tie .
by his non.the Rev. Charter Cuthbert Southey. 11. A.. Co o Mi. 11. r Selice*Dear sir 1 will state m 00 „, 0 , 00 tr .
•Ito , 1f Harro d. ith. e tha, •tnt 11•341.1.1 1 1 1 .- In 1 ,
mte of lilumbl.d:Kwlnterland. Full bound cloth, with j 10, n.y opinion , mar Pill Po verbal - . the r•-rir I. , st Sill now ,o Douai at th e,,,.. ore of
Iso-D-.0. lln tne . • Liver 1 1 111. and 1.1 thelossed by rim.' man feldl MURPHY A DLICIIFIF.LD.
NO. 4of the Lifr a nd Corrthpundenee of Robert gou- I Anthill. Pill. It Is very highlY rethe.."! I. mo B i.
munity !r
asa tamilY hi.. mid is fad thliPlants. all others B 13.1 . II Eltlt I N 0 -..100 buses su (fresh) for
Losr aro , . u‘ssra . at samara'. ass stoolsh srisr. - -ss. i I now ' , peak fmni tio own ellwrin , e , end from th e va rate toy inels WICK h MrSIXIII , R•S..
emineend with the regolthweessiona of theist Britain, hy I perk., of m.y of my frithela and enenuners. 1 a • • , th ,• • , it
Agneel Strickand...tier of the •• thee ..1 - the Queens tot t Yours restsctfUlly ------- 1 [gots WI Of 1..--- lOW /OS. in stop,' lin . iral by ~
ErtglataL 001 I IP. e.--I run I...moiled to door the original I.4thr, but „ 0 ,.., MILLER A lICEEKON.
The Decline ..f Misery and It. Cane., nn Addreer delis- \ tmt to totobloli Ita wriuer n.m.
ethei in tim Brosol.kl 'internl, on 81nentay everthog• Ai ...sellers - Lire Pills are the owsirsd.osis Tres. and : e LAIIET
Jan tee Ibl.l. bt Mei N. Morn°. D. U. ilium., All elle t• AT, muntrrfrltn od leor %mil-Abr, . ■ ,
Thesis.. took•tort prima, and Aly Porthowera recollect that B- E. Seller , Lothar Pill. are , , lit b aTlL go LICKETSO-NYd. '''''
putilif • - r -
i L C r SI
VCr. N `po o h
Ilsika at. I us. .oro stool 11101 0141) Mile. and geLonne Lire ill, and i F° Ftt• . - ,
, _ ._ , ono I.. ' hit , l at No 57 icarl street. and id Druggists gene 0 IHIAU'f SA'fI;ICNE IV INK
NV IN 1.1-11 hbds. Blrde.aux,,• I
IA NO El /RTES.- 1 011 N . 11. , ~.11, T. the tan Mtn, and men:Litt. , taids
15 hhds. limo itaturne Wime. -
Metro, No. SI Wteal sort, has meth ..0 t, .. - .• .. iu store. for Isle by
rand now ors. for eale. a large land well 1 FILLERS' LIVER I'l LI.S superrede al
nicht MII 'sat auctirrsos.
~,,,,,, th o th, o f A, dt., 14,„ Ana I 0010,0 Pi- 1 t others. Chmlesom. Va., t4itt 21t, 1830.-Slr. P. I. ', '- -----
'''-' " h".
'Y''''''Y '"
P"P'hh' Ih'hli thh' r '' ' N Ew 1100 R.. --Andrew, Latin English I
altlch he 010411 the attention of poisdinse,ta These Pin . gion of moot et ,to rem notieh to rupetc . .. , fle all others sa a.. '
moan. Inwerthbly sold at Baotou
ony ethro 1 Lie, or Autatillitou. Pill. 2 ' Lexica v It E. A. Andrew . .. I L. D. Itnyal 8 .-
chores , nnotherliona. , net, and iu *llene , w • thromv o f • l e tter JA3I In ' . 4 11 , 011' ir - th..... 0. ' 0
oLI Ivan. tat... in Mir , aa W th ''' ' 0" "d"' L 1n..1.211..., ~,,i,m that R. Fa Seller , Liver Pills ors th e . The ,!Eland World of the Parifolly Roy. Ilenry Clace- I
AM IN II• MELL I,II . 1 origitial ant only p roe and Grunlne 101000 1111, and may he i vor 1R 0..... Moe.
Agent for oho eat! of ( - bickering's Pianos fie Brut. P.. , hal st N 0..... Bad ntroot, mut of lituggids generally In o . rsr Maw. of Israel. BY Dm.' °O. lllw- • ''' n. '` .°ll 12 t n ..
lAA ___. No . 't! Nasal stor.. l ' Oie two sino . .nooL_ ,-,. .. 11- . 11 " 1 ."' F By the nuthor of Itolla
. - -- - ~-,--, -.-- --- - 0 Mailer Wei a raneonlan story.
NEW BOOKS . ' Sit . : JoliN '',IUF-IsilAl S lix ' n u_ Meo.:s.
, v5 ,.,, ' , ,,, , 51k i., .....
~,,,,,,,...,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,„ 1100,j0,..r..
k NEW CI.ASSIC A L DICTIONARY of . 2, ,1.,,,..;Mr;`',rpj.,,r,,,,1:,,,,,a7tt.,77,7.„! .' '' ' .1,,: ' 1...........: and ter mt. I . ot . ito u;it1i,:‘,1:.,1,1.... ,
, orro, orot unman Piomohy. MytnologY. and lit • so- 0 . f .n,„ ,0„,,,,„1 ~,,.m mr ,,r, ~ r ,, 0n0 ,„• 00 ,1,5i t o al e a.,. ot f0.b21 _
r,r _ . _ . . .
AtAnhj• P.M.> Wed upon the Dictinary . .of lite,L pal 1.11 , bile. sesdoll , .. haligerboll. ,0,111. an
e'er!. re tbr nvel
rZti.1t1,0ffr.t.,..r,V0..,,1.3thd1e61. Br Mte , t ,, t 1 .• , In 1 l . tat,. nna titrtu..l forty n eldcl, tlndlndla.tnaT, 44'
intlemltab one on • hie. It 01, IL, lln evloildted. i 0.,.. rOl • sa i ir o, , i ,, a , , ,, ~,,
~,r . / 1,1:16,u..:?..,:i.e.eL raved, p , ure •
Wm of tbe llowestr of Scotland .l Ermilth Prlto l ce . . l " . o meth., .11 the proterties of the Magnesia mow In mourn ,
By Agne. Strickland. rtholst. ' 1111... .111.0 tit twine liable h. It. to form .thro,nou. roots- No 1 .155 „Liberty street
The Life And Corso of It Foutitcy. Lilted Ly : tmn. on do. 1.1...4, It ellmot tall y cure. heartburn without , -
hi. sm. the Rev. do C. Southey. M. A. I .
Ana.. for sale by 1
nos nwatar a Propt•ey. and its Cancw. Atlar,.. al.. 7. S. lIILNVOILTII . L CV).
c U'i ii ;1 0 .7ortV e ' r, re ''' to ' n ' n ' a l o 'l o o, Vii .' lrp ' no, '. . l. ri ' ts 4' ilre 'h' foorid . :r a t:10 1 01: 0 0 3 5 0 l'n'h'l'
05„,,,i in tie Mr...Tway Taternaele, on Widneselay
, even 1 wooing sour. In all enc. it Iletf.ll, i. 111011.1111 aperient mod ‘ci Tllr ~ pi N s_l : , -
....,,,L. ,..
trg. Januar, M. 1t.51. 1., Rev N. Murray
.`li. D. , .I. f rettliarb aintotml ho female. Eastern firr
!mot received inset b y :ale 1,, 0 HOPKINS. ; B,e ilumpl.rei lone, testified that this eolith.. PTV" ea- I l
IL, hr . 6 1thedy ''
_.1 .. . IV Wll.llAllu A. ' Cii
1.4.1 • t 0 1 01 . lbdiditalts. Fourth . 1, u 1.1.. coonolo - am00.... • lilt new and .lo In caws uf gout nod .
I gravel, there. countemthing their Inuartotts 1n11111 ,11. , LI 11. NIOL:ISSES-Ska bbls, 14 half do, I
V. W.U.l'.‘ .l".""th'''''''"''''''" m"'''''''''''''''''''''''''. .M s ssub. unwns.lssolof was
saslsss state. fax
y., I::o\rVely'Aillai;Sol.itot-:—. evictor... l d.ett ha. 21! 1 .....:"....., i A From i• - • , e Philip Crompton toms.. Stir... 01 • 11 . 1 .'' . t h.- Isms. hy feted/ IV. MATTI EWS A C..)„ .
the nee. of Jesomotta. by Fisolir
Slother.thou'rt faithful thin i sneer cote,. h C Fete,. ; ' ':• " PX ,ir,...ri,..7..• rro le no Vbt that Al a 1• may he o 'pit; LEAD---650
....1, rho . 1, 1.. 1 ' Alice ' falt. hY FC. I,..ter• ' 0.4111111114 0101 Inn , eal,li in th o win .4 s muteentratethso. 1 Ity feb2o ibEr.m.irriioWB it W.
DI offer thee this bead of mine, i lotion than in "Ore.,: for this..d many DIU, moons. • _--- ----- -
Come maidens ome. or Trantethill. fiatroft Galena, for sale
1 1 .e'
1 "0.1" l"" 01."
9'..1.1'.° m'atiar'l.'sir4.l'. 6:UN rift' cs--700 lbs /rime. Feathers;
. sys 59.1--.lissra tst ~. fn. ih n e Da n n , iflo n r. of St Olson 0.1•1113.01 to one Materna . 'die,
I sir 'dame. 'look. toir A. 1 esoper. IT. Brink Kiri Mrs.,. 1 -- 1 :Sri otos owd Corn Ilrfmrooe
47,:',7,1T—:=7:....1`,'','r.';',,`..":,•,,,,T, ,.„,i....millertert Mat 0.. - London. rinonly ncommend 001 tar rat brand.W. tiloug
Een Bolt, or don't ..thmentior sweat Alb,. 1 Miirray , Pinto] tegtotdo. ro. V.A. infinitely more rale and .10 has phoning:
SIT` Polka be S:C Foster. . B.o.oorrot Hosts tho •del. am% free than thr anger an r •A 1 0 . ralrfalnA
The celebrated Pollut thou.". ' Ind ito. nude,. to, ot oroutmos. i 0111 , . nu. in panto end for rale by
J....At and Jesmott-oomplthe Ity ode toy thr antertren pnartlrtnetlttnrnlA I rllal . IILY. 3LATTHER SaIt.
mc es, tot dlr.. Erne. , Meriden Polka o ' An d. FAIINKSTOCK A CO. I -.. - _ __—
117 i t r ilo ItiStroy
Chit Chat Vodka all Cot \ Ve...F2. Frout ... - it ,
.vrri NG it) halt No. lb
Jr. Polka. Batchelor's Polka Farrillyi on cond..
Idlly quadrille.-- very eas, nna , Pn't 1 /'• ~ ~ ' bI'ALLISTER'S ODITIef.SI. inent an 4 for -al , by BAIAII lIICKFA
. .t. to. 1
Bore quadrilles. itreig..• l Itoitio- AO. ab• -- ./.! nt'li F. ' t' (7,osTAistNi; no Nlereurr ' Dor c.ther *,:141 at otter and Front W
A no-.
darn unto n... , Itistruetin. her 1,11, alth , mn...0. Tb..10,,,,,,th.
‘...,,,,,,,.., ~.. 0.... b,
Ms Alalllenal Tr , . la new /Ttnt, . %/ 0 7 II ali coI.AL ARNISII—'2 S , s - als for
Clark , Cat,hi.m for the Pano. 'ce ;Mated Dr Wiretre iteerLthe author of the .at slush __, ~ ~ J. KLUB A CO.
Burrow•. Poston Forte I•niner Received tothO LY
• thl molt entitled - The Apemen Prettier of 51,41 cine and _ sm. oi - •'-'---
JOHN IL itOtoLOIL sl Wond et , Fatah, Ph, dein. ' o
, n
~,0,,,, ,
.. ,,n
n,,,,,,..., „ 1 „„. „,,,,,,
~.,,,,: ,„,,..,..:...,,,z,,,,,,,,.,07,,,,,z,,,,f...i,,..;„. o cr i u:,1,451iE1,1„k42...2000 lbs for sale by
wins. open tv sale this mothoo ii..l . cht h c0t...0r, 1 .2.110. ter • .0.1 Ma nt.
. ---' - - , Ina lamb rrenTlie .1...1 ' 1. 'fl .. "" rhi ' - ‘ ° l' ° I ' m '' '''' 1 jIA.I ° EII I . COACK.S-: bales for sale I,y
?FO '111)0K '. S A . f 11OLNIES• : IT 5 pthrow... I have no woinflon no raying Of. rertoft I. that
s .ite • 1 osodal.le 1 1 .eincd, • nothoutii. no 0 11 ad rtd.t.r.°' J. KIDD A Oil.
ii,,,7p,Vortrr°,,D''''' lr''''' °".•L '''''''''' o i l .1,...., .. tw
,bile inendonif nomblned as om ore i tind
.lam sea f t ord a . direet y the propietor. am env only baron ma. MOLASS_E,S--, ,7 SV-hisNew r)rlerins:
lloone ',flume, it Tale tot Ilt thee. ant le,diartt. Co 1 b r. n ,. , , , , !Trn trl r tl i . „. . 1 .,. ..1 1 ., , ,A
n lr . : l , l = . T ‘,, ,l lll t l ','
.. 1.....1., , , ,,,%'',... r. ...,.., i : .I.
lintre Aguilar • oiri.wit la. door morn vest. arol • Melt I. adapted to Ow ~,,,,
• Ilother , 1te00me..... Ity Rome Aguilar . tome •f • nowt rathet oof thee , Though I have never ~ . „ ~ ,
Pankere • 11,,saine for Jannart 7 -' 1
.1 1:'' U d .T:rt. "' 1.1A r' It 401' l l ` i'ol . op.
. thtlocr remonmended or - engage.' In the ,the of verut uo.ll 4,41.1 b A.--10 prime N. ',mans:
umg AlMlnae 1.. e Is:1 r the tent. horst. eltreLenuour, humane Cl, ..J1 bbl. thew Lent
11°. IL ' " " Le• h''''''.°"-.'°' • ''' ..-1 n i t '''''' '‘'''''''' • Yerti.;;;;;•''rltit propn..toi „f this continent and Hoe value -Pi do nueln. l am' Potheriud. for rale
Pr,. L L f.f`;',,',:1.,`1'L,`",:Z7 , 7' . . - Z.: , '"'''' • i ""'.!..•'ror`r...TotAi'!.:7.l74,"'"'"'"lrmiri!Arjiii! U. ""- b, J. D. 1F1LL1.0. 1,1 X CO,
corner of Monti .4 Ilfth , tee
To and too le 1e....,1-• tal. , .
Caroline of Botha wt. By 1. II M 1.. lewd. : 1,,,,- it ,r.o. sr ths 1..0 thinse M Hot eortol For Loth.'
I li) F.N 1,)1,' 1.1 lf.S-- ust received. an addition
.l is 11 , vol.ll c0ni.05.4.0. 1 . - 1 env.- Tboo,rdol• the 'earl, mond lot! lid! thithment
A Lett., , n the ...Mal. I, 11, 101•11, IL 'l .0011, " 1 o.oo' e°"' n""l ir:C ' t .' . a, tit j' ... ,ll A w°
-mug relief
I'r mpg. F ' - l'M t. ' F ' °°. .. °1..h`...°
the 1 ' ..1 ' ..° " I " t! . . ''7 i 7 to ' n ' .:;-.n Toe', and ell klmth
tourSs It has u„equal II'..II• feFoll
P1011,11..14 001
I LIT: .
„ J n 01 1 071.1 ., I 1 . . ,
o s , .s.,
~ ...r : 0 ;7 .
,r ,
0 8 0 t: , ,. , .... 0 . 4 i .
~. ,
... •
,1.1t,„.1.?,1:,2......:,,,,,':,,,r..,1,,...?y,,r„:',.,',„,,,t,:„:,. :,,„0i,,,,'}',,....;-',.,i,„:.7!,:7.',.:...: i
A l
, N
, S .
,i E 2:
d i ),. . , 01 - 1 110 las ks Li Its ee il Oil,
.lof Or American illuminated edition of the %A steely ~..... , mat lj.. • S. AW. HARBACC. II .
°•°°'.' 1 Around the hot are directions ° kw 0100. Ii ,'NleAllbvr's .
- • ' ARD—'O bb. N,•. L Lard, ree'd and for
New ikoks, just received. ,
tin I.r 1t , .. rants-Led Complain , try *Mel., letter.
' iloilblain scald Head. Sot to Et., thio• - y. See o 1 4 ..1... 1,, mt, 2 It. OW. HAILIIAUGI I .
'' "ard' 4 the Bible' l' Y
"0,10g.e i;iitil- ' Itt:-Z.nri...s.''l`.:Z:. 'i:6.:VZ''.li: '.
l"'-.7.1.•'...''.'". ''' 11 FILL IS u Tra-10 labls. fresh Roll Rutter
I Insetam d l ain . son ~,
vn. I vol. 111 to. u e ., e, t0 ,4,. t ...... artelh ' og of the Lnd , . hon.. lihturnA- A, ~,,,i ~,,, •,, so by
''' .4 "11. ''' .1.e. '"' n • 11"-.^-"''''‘hlh.6°. ` 4 °°'' • Den 1 1 4... Cthot V..., Croup. •I•ellml ur Broken Ilreast, i„ehet - S. aW. BARISAL:1 111 . _
''''' "fl'°h°•' ' '''''''' f..""-h'°.-" . "'"'-°- ''' " 1° Tas. ' ib Ad,. Ago. In they ..... Le
o.'''.2itoget'...r.'.l* f l '-' -l•ro. ' r. "‘ '''-'
'..11.2 , .. It, Amthei t. , 2`.... go , Assolong i-,,,' . , I NSF.FII) ti..--lo bl,ls. for sale lc
, There • .....,.....e. to. elate. 4 ,b4.4411r i 1.4414hl 1,1.1 , the . , ,
,i I S. A W. !REAM :till,
The %moth . t around it ' llsonah Flag, tiould. I Sol Isom( o ~,, , ,„,„„.0 „,,,,,,.... „..,,, . 11 ... ~„..,, .. , . - ....,..,..,, L , r ,
~ •
1 llntain Ana Onuldrr lharn.• 111 tIA.TA J M.drnt/elt kle Al, irt- • Alt Healing or World :tor e. A tale I I
toter, 0 10 1 : 104 - i ms,_, d 0., „. f or ,l e b y
not l ei::•3-74 : :•... , ro tre - • v•e• ,• f ••,-0 r I no-Home In
te -FF ' . th• at be" mole einlaa q . s . sss s •I' Is ar teats. ID ~.,,, v. I iv. lIARBACGIL
o t ine hero and Li t t o a tle oret . T . Tut rltentaltarn, •-.
t4 1.1. '' 1,7... ng .'" ; Ar,...TTIr.• r a MI Esow•rsr. Smooth First !110it.,-1.0.0:',,1-4°,',FX:::;,4`,,f12:21,;,4,7,yi;,',..."-,;::',M.,,1j, `..,',', Ilb 111 ED A ILES --tal sdekS . reeeitl .ll Valli
. 0.41 fleets., II JF Ms .sole L. mar 12 8. aM. 11.11111. 1 1 1 11 011 .
. _
J U tt " .rreed ' fi A ...... n 0. ' 1,: 1' ..i ' M...1"1''7,' ik,",,11."17.,:1- ° ,7' N " --- ' f-i.',A;.,:,":„17',1•1;1',7',0'.:"1,7,:,b1',:‘,..:',:::::,.,.,',', 7 „.",, u n : :::,::;',_.". "[I I I{ it... 1, If.:v—e. casks has gilt Cured, loth .
101 l ,
, 71-1 'then.
F`ur tl-1 ' L .. , ,oed by Oar ...Iv, we siv...n the ho Yon Ing 0 Olheath. _ oth. 1., tebll, S. a 10. lIARRALtiII.
• KEW BOOKS! • tom a reoectalole estinon of 11.1enerce • h , .. Lobito. on oloo•
rag I.rtwos—A UT INDOI—GbASS--1100 lAA, assorted
m.rdra,-*-st• Dr .,- sr <al. "bas.hlla• Chi. It v wass. swts by renal rt. d. W. lIAIWAUtaI.
k,,,u. and critical LAU. Enghs Letirn. founded . r".:71__h_t_ft,.,,,,d.t:7,1,4,7,17, I , ‘ 1 , 1F ,, n 1 i.L./ 1 . .4, 11 g t , , ..r . : , ,
....,,,,,t15,,,L"....,:ia.,,,"„,...wa5.,,,1,b,„,a,..,i,;,,,,,...t,.ni,5.,!,,,tiiLi5ua,,,a,,,,,5na,,,.., ~,...,,a,,,,,,,„.-",,.n0r,,,,.„.., ~,....„„..„.,
~,„..4,7,,,tr,..1,,,,1 11_,A,T.,,,1„1,),--5.,,bi1i15, and 100 kegs No. I, for
• 1 v. sW: lIARBAUIYIL.
" " An'''''
L I.
' "."'
1 '''''''Lth "I" ' ' ' ' ."0." ' I‘TI" 1.1" l "e1 ....I ''''',. CI LO VEICEEIL-55 bbl' pritnoThgo - . 7 "r
sin 01.00. moa t.. n
or flll PIMP' 100110 the thesteuti oar es , :e . tifiali th . • 1" . .•• 'I '9' ' S 2 W 11AltlIAUlat. -
- __.—.
redo e awl notions of travel thrt.uall tbr T1A117 ,, , , L b ,, I , l r . ,
. 1. 1. a. ,... ... ,
.... ~, „,,,
e. d : P b Id .
rt. ::nt"t!l:'.'Iii'll•I'l";',!:all*/, e11t.; .. n '; ' llil 1 n ''''" ‘" ''‘. 'h°- ' °°l° '''' ''' th • r ' '''''t El ''' '' '" ' -0Y ‘..-°'''' "- T A lit—ifirls N. I.•n for sale by
ie.t.dloon 1 fon mow ..uureli toe ft ,oni he pain. stet eith.y
et night a tewoodeti 1111.1 11001.1 •1 , 11. / /We nlO. 111.1. the bola :Buitiour a 1NG1111.53 1
y l."° h'''°""'° hh"'"'7,.h„,":”7,°,••Yl It e n T o r Y ' ""°Y" - . .alve .ince ferns. orb.. end ode , onnidaint.....l ll-1 ...OAT it LAt2K AIIBY V ELYETS of a very ro,
V '''''''''"" b1",,.7j•1ft `'.i'Ll,tenVil. 4 rx , "
•,,,„ , Het, 1 4 Metter* melkin. •.
D - 0
..' 'Ti ! :;':::::::.
.::: 0 1i , ..
0 c , ' ,.. . It TI L
~t,IiT'ON.A: Mmket in- 1 lontn, nsulte. Your frie.N.l,.,„
N. R oar. Fourth and Market et.
11.11Al'Elt.111.ANK ISOfiliSA STA'FIONEItY . tool • 1ff '. .0.. In. North Thint o. 5t0ia.1.4,.".. J2lll
1 Pr'
IoRICE TW 01,11-11 1 Y.CENIS Olt DiA „,„ „. , „-,,,,,. ,
1_ I•aper of all slam aml titiallti, rub.' mud plain. lolne 1 Athveth . Porta nuiiß. A. Valthennek 1 Co. corner 01 111; 1 1 NE (K. Gr. r I.wsaN. r.t..,-- ,wurpay A
so 4 stilt,. „,.. 1 Wissi soul Cir.:ono: Min Jewlmon. bd. d.o. lotert , •tord . Burrhdeltale on hand au mourtment cf ae 0.10,
Blank hanks of every dmoocrltition. on hand or mt.'. .° 11. it NUS.. tr. eforrire .4 11.0.4 disoi 1..1 we Diumomt II ..... i-s l ut. rlah.adni domestic dog aro, D abov
orb , et .hurt n0n.... It Cos , nor fig• , hr ul' . jall
Kb. 4 ra
F,1.„°°°,,;r7,:r1.,;‘11h.h. 1r°'"&1;01,f/AT,..Y°°N7P,,I,•„..c.r,....' nen'7,rt'lt".ll:UY'"'lt.'no'd:lr.ViVitos'ii-Itin.l-..,1,‘ a t the '.- ''
' '"'
n ' - '" " O.lrF . s t .td.t.r° °tn.. ' ' h. "' ' ''` I '"'" 1 '''''' ". 6.! 12 l'E It , RE NCI I BLACK. ' C LOT II Ss--
ph er Market at, corn nor Second. f „
city by 11. 1' .sohlortv.azsl,,,:?glisse. .-.),,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~..,..„.„,,th vi rr en tiori ori the
igOoK AN I) JOll PItINTI NC—E"ery de- i 1 , 1,-;, , ,i.. t,,,v,,,,,,a-..,..,i,,,,,,,,;;;;,,,,,ff., ~,..,,„;•,,,,„-,,,, alder ' deparsnt of their 10p..., and Invite sons
• ' a I 1 T it: 'Trl W.II‘IIIII 1...4.. ' I I . .rrIPM• I . 111 01,V "ea s p er
r....LT'i.'n":Ar.”l"..""i. sa*...‘iriwie'"..ii:l2l.l"rst..."L•st'"'Vn.Lads ':
°1,"42;?,;',1,',0`1•.`...',.„';‘„.1111,..r,1117ii„.,..'"1'..1,- s n , ; ,s., - tythi,,, Or ., lothrhsodood.
best IM/on, I.f yalls
' lIIVE-‘• Ea°• '' ° ' °' '' f° ''''' ' ' ' -° o ' o- ' o' 1“.-11700.-0 0110. ' "° iAi E 11311 3 1; E. Ito. IcLass's CELEBRATED.
Printiog 0111,..... 10 Tithed rt. between Nlarket awl Ferry 0
fat. Oro groeir • Jr by
1 CIES 11ACEL'S SIIAVINtICI:EA:kI. Y,,, . - - - - I ., K A - L D- 1 „ -C ,!• .
fATI ON EICY—IV . S. lISVSN, corner of . ay In.-reit 1,1 man ebod , e , Mt dPeatt•
to t luta", •
1 Tlertnia and I , lthket rte.. has tw. sais s. Ins, awl rwrs- , .......J.:..1.•,:vr',,,.1,,„7,,,.,,,,,.. r._•••!..,a11•5.,::•,5....-..,aar. 4 1 A 1 ,.., \ .. 7 : ft i l .
, l . . . .
,n 1 ,S . ~,I, ) 1 1 )11.,,...NE'S
TIM .0 t '' ° . ,
F•F F ''''' °"" ' ll 1 .-7 ~- , ,i -, ‘ -i - - b ''' ."' '''''' ' .".,;:r",,h'Osi4 i t ' ebne
l urs. purchase 7, ' 150 - o. ' cot Jlll. , Itati ' el - r ' `'°-' • 1 1 t
ar'Pilcule'''lnutTi''l'nonoo.'ornte ttuc r t a fa u' reo ‘ ra . too'l'..lT.',`-'...''''' 1 7," I " i i .. 1, ! ' ,,,,,, • , ~,,,,,,,,,, - A1° 11 " .4.0 ''''°°"°' • e ' --1. .”,, '!. ( " I- ‘' IM. 11LE,.1--151/u.gross fur sale hy
~p , I T A , ,N i ,„? . S . , - • - , tr,rAoa..-4,1g.,,11‘3A,,,1nitin,T.1. 4... , 11..... , ,, 11 . 1
t 11 u t u. .1 , 1„ , , nr „ .. , , ,,, r -- ,.,.
11. K LOBE. le now Somlsitme a (fed, be i . .. 111. 1 :1 ."°11Vr:11.4.1I761.•01`1F 'F.m.F, i , , ~,,,..... .„, 0„.
i l
liO ' N ' '' ' tl—' . ... eases tiiie, an bale extra
, J1:1.1...s 11AI hi,. rIIAI lld. , I F.AM t rverd ord; .
r . 'rnmn tt l'Atat d j i. ig- K:::AP C C
l ' Y
311:!..'1:°7•LP=;.7.-IFt.'l1;;.11.110 ' Fc-Mor." re
II 0 1 . n. ''''' n l ".-"" ""' '''''''' '''' '''''' " i " 1 ''''' "'" 1 4 i''.•FO SA I: Ts- dale— .010 tor 1.10.111
00) piotho .. .n.lneing an / 111/010.0.11,1a. 1 ..r. mull, 11...•
' °°' ° r ''' '' ' ' 11 ''''' ' ' ' ' '' " 1 " 0 " 1" "d 1100. d,,, ho
f',“"' 1 t .n... , ‘. 1.6.1,1 . , s ti l l tho • 1 to , itritotomod 100 , ..0vit the 4 ~o, J. KIDD AO l
''''. °°l " ° ''' °)'''' .. °L.F°Y ihth. ” ” 4.° ° Ln I° „ ' r ° 1 tlont nnethaosnt ii7Ol .4%.11114 of the skin o hien is 8. s
Ale. • new lot tot
and popular_ .%, . ,neo, estevieteml atter star., °IS:CLAES,- -Fi ft y barrels Fatally Flour:
• -:, ,, t5 ,. •.1.,-5.,,.........;:',10,..nT,..;1,.11,,ra5.,,,,,1 r , , , , , a ,,,, ru . 5r4r ,,,, ni5 , ; , , , ,
, 4 , 1 0 a , ,7 „ ...
~,,,,,,,,,,.. ~,,,,,,,,,f,l,ll,.„...nytant'ntinSnl:.;th-n1z0ni0,,,...-r;.;n,..zil.
~,..,... 1 ,0 , n 0. 0 1 . 1 „ Ler
t r : ertne j, , ',,ost-,.;..N.,L,rislone,olre. 60 lushels Dr,
°•°° ; ti:.':lTl7l:lool*thae si.d.. 1.8•21'.....0,0,1,171.n..2t0,1, tl.,
1.: 011..
_,lO, ,_ r '.ll 41'N 't):4l. 2CO
1 . ;the Zl';'•ll.:l"..slr'-'2...7'./...1-. L. ' . 1. - ` ll.ll, *Ptireche - tinYPe intT - 11g k.stablisliweut,
t...., 1.,..b......h0 wtvir a hisltrlT-- T On: hwt tlatt it • 111 not
discolor the loo•sni. which mot roast 1, in do. K . yin, • ••••It Al'lolinsbro 01.1 Stockton e. and Blank
or rusty appearame to the mtg.. et 010 clinkers. ILI Ito.oatt etallen er, Warchoone.
Jule. Ilanel'fPrt...,•nr , tl ,ll : l .Val vr.Vtration.. ii, ‘ ~. lir., 1,,, , ~,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,, ~,,.
mompound.. l with tall. to. tlw tter:exclusion ~1 all .tiele. C.111011110011,)131. 01 I :tired. Iltrtt Job l•rintind'And Beek
calculated to render the restoration of daring .01e05... '1 Itoolingiet Danish every artcle in the Blank
and .ell te Morr , lativi LY sil w h.. tivnite trini ot thm• Paper at:dation , ' line. at the '
shortsSt notice. awl on
' ATLES HAVEL. Perfumer and Cllol3li.t. "" Mrrk 17.I'ILIIIII;STI..7.11'ery Wan hones. roe., of Market
ldill dm, lldirelelplita. .•,,;,,,,,,5te..,.t...
Fre salot. eludes:lle and ththil. be B. A. Forithethoek a Co. . smotiOnler ars! Ilink 'tindery. No. MI Thlnt PI. iLD
R. 0. Sellers. Pitnlourgig amt Joh. Sargent, .001 J .- - ,-, --
~,,,,, .
Mitchell. Allegheny Cltr.
: - .0 13"...'"!'lr'lloll'1.1.S.C.ItVgiiiInc}:tind;.::1; la&n(PDark."
To the Readers of the 'Pittsburgh Gazette. 1,00 0 or. thks Jo do - Ibi .10 -1 various Tint's.
- 11 U ISLIC ATTENTION is riagyectfullv in- .ir, and meet evolehrated brand,
bee Holland 0 I...Roblin. Aneltor . and .. Firh..
I. .0(01 In 111 halowlng truthr, set Torch In telatlon la :Inches.. Irish mad Smotch Mull Whisidl.
d do Jared.. Iluta.
1711::11.T1'''ZliTirt.'11T.VK"MildITI. T. 0 0 0 1,1 1* Zon li o u tcLi one I;1.. N. 0_ dos do. •
yearngo doer this crest remedy, was lonotight before the 11.1. ranks Ilort %Vine. • •
publie. sir ilth thlief and eon .4 di.....r. Ith gy at. r at a," R." 40 Methoira Winn. .
",,,1';',0.•-t,lt,'l"l's,tha,..',:t,T. 'il,'.',! l lo".„''.l';'l?', 1, 1 :3 It': ':;:-, 'X: ' ' D ' r. 7"l- 11 1 c ' o. '" d i a ".
' 4 00 . 0 ' 0,114h Iflll ith great fame spovut. ot is 11 , 0 the rein it do bra.
'4 , V ine.
noly od n day, tot ith F. tbs. aide sinthole of 131AkitOSI 1111,00 yr. RAure Borden.. (Floret. .
~,,a , „. w hir), on m.neeive, will eontinne to le nerd 01100 In AT and I for reels loy .101 - IN PARK ER
e CO . .
all other no:drum.. burr Nen torvalt. The Petrel.= la • • Mil Lthertv tine!
• Natural itelmly.•laborated In Hie depths of the earth
o :s l ll:; o r tin :l; , :i n .rl . ll:r n ' t: n t os:i:y:. , w h it . :cli h'w n r.' : W rn r 7 :9 i l i o. :l ll n t n t -
l u nni tu rn e.:l:l ,
itml to thrive those wt.° may limn one wont or put seal
den, In or .1111,110.0, The ridk an apt to cat. et
laid!, ulto'!l.'sbNilitr'tri'ir.V.7:.7;Arrt.7:„.M7'„,,,'LV',P•4l
lug or lunt.ginor some of tins 1. No, we do rant dee%
Soo do thiod we are anoloto only Hirt the troth In relation t
our retn,d, should let 01.1.1. otikT to Tent, Cr, itn tld
tattoo far ...costing ato eingle *Dle .1110 materia 00 '
Ica Plain morarni.... l facte-fal no that Mac losvmortaion
in our it * ?
i l,:vol ioLlgjll.rteo... l . bear ample Wilson., in I
ritithl:l the elot t'vro months, two of our own citls et
who were totally blind. have been ethlorrel tosleht t.
era%of blindness. In the Mate oft io. have lie
1 Ybre;.:l•4o.ti:lr".a'n't f i r- - 1,,,"7: - .!:;°,% ° , 1 ",',.1 , :71 „ 7 , f;
to referred to to 001rk.. ctn. have denier on the r
" ° ..1 4 by Tplry7o.77l"•:ll.7.•74:.'n'TolllYlretintrib7nowt '1:
when toed normllng to dinetione-Diserlota , ItyrielF•
Pile, Itheinuation, bout Neut.:ha hrupthons on the M.
Phonier on
fare, Chronic Stith Riessltlnestenu, T a r,
Swab' Wed , loin l In the bun. ionitynlot, old 'tore.,
W. 0., Ague, Chrunie Cuoiglet. Ithtittim. ith.ehltia midi
pulmonary affect.l of a ehrutile nature. tending tin'
duns Onuthonution.
Burns and t•alds. disornms of the Illoulder and Kids.
Chained ollando Forminhth Nipples. COMA 01/4 1111 ,10 .
1 0 1. 0 ,, j, Ip ,131.f.,1171101111111. Item - rot. and hue locpned
In mod of the 01.0•Indtwoarri within the pad. tear wthr
Orel terfosol 111100,, Ceti...canoe Hint will ashouldf in
toof the propriente,ulat will take pleasure P. O.
to e t,°::::, l . ° ',.; t , t , o jt,,l i' m t ly "r oa " ; " O r bo ir ori L ti . elr medielt the
Petroleum I. the greatest Remedy of the agc,- 1 . 11 , ...
of high Mandl. In'the profession ere beginning me it
Ile their prartice. are
at .weak ked t on elloubt
amt uncertainty. are willing to It due p 4 and
colteldrratiort. llnGer 'drawl ytsr roll. mood. sili Is•
coravelled to acknowledge that lb. Petroleum is othat
est medicine et er deensened. For ral, choleestid ths
tell, by KEYSER a at,nowsil... 101 l 1 , 1 la
-41•, --11. E. Seth,. 07 %V col oitrovt, U. It Co D. A
Ellloll...laoc,rh lO i t i tiga... ,n A , ll..ig i tiet: i y o o 4,l4
, troo, P.,,q , , , ..
trofroll'...s..l'lf A. i.,;„,0,rk 1'r,;:‘,,:.1 .714 , 10 ,,
ales nui?( . ! itr, for
ENV BOOKS.—liumbolt'v nrw Work,
C4.n0., Flotchos of l'hyx/ral doooriptiots of the
thtelt‘art-om I
I ;Att..* of 111nomota, the New england t‘f
e r.a. .l 12 um
It-tn.:a Mech.. and Enr Mears' Ihrtirnary, '-9 0 Nn
hate;‘... Frtirtent Thew. am well worth nolng
For aale It It. HOPKINS,
Afxdio Dull lin.
l am
ikklalVS: I 1113raltI'S !lAi::7. AND
r e,,5.n,,m. :n
tioctiVoniarr. Brookman and Larigdon • Jack •••ttln,
and NitatiVe'M Mark and 11...1 1.4 Pencil.
Inlatande of ..arry dr.enpti... (taloa. INAt.n e Pm. a
Ven t te.'a Kell)
l ii ;I 1 ;nil; ;.. ( A sVr . . t a t erw t t rt .:l:lnr,r. ,- "1 .. ',0 ;: ;
ern t rated tiohl 14na with gold and allatr me,
H horpnan a Ent,lb...h Drawingpt. - antiquarian
bpli.;.;z:ititl.,:,,,ntia:;.,,,,.,lit,taivld. g . t. ,
s pr . a ,
m ana nu r , nyal ant rlO
—4=-Yr - r,t, -..",07.1.-...intim° .'"'d .0' g—i
Lvzi „A, — ,;,:, ... ` ... ` rorii toll iitioximytorf7iirf; hr.,
r.w, , ri .Vir.hall„l.l,".s,r,:.",l'„lt :,,noritt.g,
:71.t!er';',2.,,,',;Ti-lri,rri„,Pr, ',1%1'.,L'',"::,d'gi,".T.,'".".,
'nevelt :Ue white
and emlanand. Itttre entel
epee. ben... white and I lu. laid and plain mlbretre en
"'l it: . r ,l r. oll r n a . b r i" ..?ura d , r w ali,tl . pa Irrnr wrillna; rand. knit*
t1n".... ,wandtTurkey 1.1 watt ra t nd boara, copying Dr. o ,
in.niabra Fr.. and 1..5r ,,, 11ati ro . palng
i lmake, and
i osl
rz-o:;rgTf`;`'"' ' ' 0.1 ‘ b t " l ''''''. bot
1 . MALMO. with all othrr atilelen In the Etatioaerr
both‘fmtey anti ettiole. Ingrther with .I. ll e aerortment ol
blank booke and memorandum hooka. of a common forms
of rg a n ,g, in emery lit) . l , of Molina, and paper of 011 rext,t
Nii..,,t,i.:tafor rale 1 redurval gitrg 011
ii i k e xlB
t reel,.
glank Hook and fltationerr Il airhonao,
mIIG Corner of Ilarget not Preand Arra•tx
k the Ano Hratt.ilrrolution Ili Eldred (lazy..., Pen
y. ft.tlit\lortr..h.;.l;tt,lrDo.l g . ..,:frm' .41102
h ire' tarhool of lb neva, and t 4... Proxident o of UM t4.71t to
Namigrllnur, Traralatral 10 11. HMV., li A , Trluity Cot
leg, Camhruhrr.
Krotto it, Itt , tibtory. autiquitka. and IllnirraPhY 11
i a ,a ra axi 1.0 forty en...ulnas Ily Le , wls_CWllna ,
The abut.. work. for oale ba n,.., l . l i, t, ,, Mai t, KJON , r
410 Corner of Market and 41TA a.
killiTLl NF. NlAP . l—Pelton's splendid Out
nor , 1 lg. on , 000 t ut( lutnalueed 1n all the trading
ae noix In New Log land and `.'v look. He have ant..
a d tit, ag:t. Itg i lt r , a ‘ i t i , , ,,, P i lrx
. I.;:rh in‘i iind rite tmehera
vr, ' 7— ' 711;1 th t e r encl. Ila aniap:en7 al m s 82 Habra
2 do Pante. do do
A do North Ararat., _ 70 a at
a In it ultryt BI.It 0, 4. 70 xB2
do Kamp.,
n do o Asia, ig Z .79'
du K. Amor'. A AM.. 70 xO4
Prioe of tho owl+ , alth kr), OA or the ant two Ilemla
phrm Ham. with iwy, tiii. I
Thom o n o aro unti••ll...l n aerurary.hrauty and 0ht..0-
~.n 4 OA to the wutta of Om palmary. grammar
mud high sclicada of the Lulkal hlate•
For ade at Publirliel a Ole, without addition of bright
a b g eg, at the KUM ATION AI. BOOK ttltiltH,
Jan Hunter of Market and ' , math et-
Morris and 'Willis's Home Jounal.
lIIIUBLISIIED e , ,ery Satunlay ii New York
City. at Two Doll.. • Year, payahla in nil ..„,... , r ,
Cutlltts.ttet or Avon—Oltine of Hoe Hanle Journal. No .
tin ruitrai amt.. New York. December 24, 101,0—T1. all
arbo.m...ymmevrst This war certify that .1. 11 mum
~,,,,b.oriaorir.rd to act an went far Ilualirit V. 11.1.1x 1 e
UO. J0t..., and that an d ar•Apt• given tic him in ply.
meat tirte=f.ttavit ,;141=ir.„ - td.iblous , ..,j,,b.
rtooa. that nit raripuoat ar. , to ono
. ..In art
a.m. Tho War moluma i will ettllllmlttett . the Itt orison
t.f " b.c 'H t &ger ”tt
b io l ittlglVll T ar. t tt'.ol.
op a• -. Editorr Tad Yroyriatora
Nl' ELOPE S,LJust received, a Inrge
F ,
ir s'trtt,:iiglt'K".lo°"4 01
gars,ag w . e o . tlAY rhr itV ss
6 ; , 'H w t , aZt nd hr he
N EVIT BONNETS-Murphy /4.. Burchfield
h . 5. 0 1.0 thlr courting arreral ...of Now apring
ter, 1:U11;N: a f t :/ tr '''.
Id. sal Alban. Collarg Mid HU., Aligarh,* ..,ag,
cia ..,,,,.. a y, g na lankiarr4_ do American Pearl. Yanai kr,
=Fr Mita'rhigat'., di.P.1,24',!;T,741.
AU. xopertot colored Saturn tfo ' nort., vain and Ward
ao lneed Ch. do, .a Iror as 9 e.t.a Alto. Hoy* and In
fante UM& Cobalt, AltrAli k/isiarart, Willow, ae,..
Winter Clothing at Reduced PCs,
T WM. IMGBY'S Cheap Cash Jthing
Any nmprintnr of the above establithownt
-of 411 ring of the balance of Ith. winter
room hho rstrtnive nurch,.. for Stain.. HQ " r ,
ell mane Clnthing•%ill eso It greatly lo
to far r nab :van. at great barganto
New Books Jost Receive
LTON LOCKS, Milorund i ue ll t
and his tuunit per.. of both sex.), POT ~„gli , L.4 h t .
T f
eid siirsarliwisce with•resialuUtio 0 th ,, tk ,
of. lips.Raty. of the blots or .Ntvedg
how. A. it., Its su perintstident of public I
Milo, taus.
AbbiAt New B o ok—llliintry Madame
Abbott. with oritirwstwiis
ll, l liggiWii i : i 7l= ll . 7 = 4l ,Y‘T .h
)11111:Et: CARPET S-10. .0111 tMnx
01 110 a
taus t irstursst to sall the iss i iiist
pi s Carpets iiiiw ID this ONaket,
3110. wposowil styles sod psilessi.eri e r Ahr,
In. trusurters sod most appr.r4. 1.1
attimido. Mu Wye( Wariihrittar. "
—.- ••
• .1 bire are Puma thban In 11,Ar. ts a: , earth.
, Kluri are drew:aka of In pltittee thy.
trIIE VIRTUES of ilnq remarkable reme
.1. dr. a.d the or:medal:lt applkattoo P . . 0 It, to the ph,,p.t
In and h'ilirr:=l.ll.'::LitTne" rut ll'org,l•llt''' with la; .
.She I'EasItILEVII I. prPettred .ro M., it ill Ms onto
at a depth of four horalred f.. I. iw a pt.,. unadultera.
...tilt* without any ehewawl etc. lost put eit It
ewe penal' Nature a Orrat . lahratort , 1
.. hat it ponLvn:
ropertin wWthing a Ptit....r . " ..`" , .....5 . h... ,
r „.,
~,,,,.aria;(:f of
d:l n i i! ... 7 ‘,., r it 7 . .. °
g b; c: ,,,nrt ,; , -
~ , ,,,,! I i : i t: 7 - .:
~..,. a. : : ,, r ; r
... . , :7 ; 4 : ~ ,: • , ,..,' ,. , , , 7 1 . 1 . , L : : 0, , ' :.,,L, 1: ..
i t re. r , , :: : t the ,.
ti n u a e , in t
.. I .. t.
lionSr the ' run- of iliwer.a.. The eon,taiit an !awl, inerea
riot calls for it. and ewsrral trinar:tt;e rum it hoe per
folioed, I•ca sum iralleation of it, 1.111 re PoppLvdy aial
wale nomad application ha the. rt., of aura...
We do not whit to aisle a het., ppm A o ee .e.
Ite lahfd.n.yr:ou. that the medicine can soon work Its mar
hito the taw.raf thow• who tutor. and whir to le healed:
i Whitt , we do act claim for It a mliverej an. , 1=1 . A . 0.1
'I . jlin d ,:;77; we uu ee 9i'ilt.tgrTirv;:i:.i. th .;.sna ' l : : ' :: thew mar a
iIiTALI7I7-azil.NlliTi's.rljigsiA34loT,lr. Ito ,„1-
„,.., riPTIIM A, and ah di...-14W , of the air peawlaww, ,1
Ell IPAINT: DYSIA. Merle,. hlsetnea of the
inside and Ki.lowys, I s l et it llto hark or mile, Nc . Propw
Itiwave , Netuw.hzia. PaIST. nitellaVit.lo 1..1111,G0ut. Lrysit.
Asa, letter. Itlogat.rtua thou. Sen.l.P., Itruifts, Uld sums.
Pe. kr. In ear, of dol.llitp. •re.ultioit front eat - wean, o!
ap t protracted ewe. or dheaw. thi..ntew.iri,..t.Y,Ht
I :l ' ' '' airit ' eue l = • , ' tn ' i ' p ' ' L ' iu, "*. T. l ae T,'' sr::( aretlr7V. '4 " ,
(anti: ram ovine
to Lr'U li ' n n t ' l ' in " ..rt " t ' t t i =ito 4 Z h i .
and 41 ing hien awl end reurwpd route,- ,• all the '9 ,. P. L.
of litt. The proprietor know, of .nest re rew of•
that r , inte.l ever, other treatment. .tot writ under the isnl
of the 'ETROLtIINI•far a short time. The pwiof ran be
ittren ~ .3 peraw who ieeints IL
Non a.1.11+ Without the wanature of UPe rul•PrieL , r. --
b . U g. ~.1.`1'..111: Cans' Ruin, near ',Tenth etreet.
AINa by I. Y. Pt.1,1.1:11P. ~tll- t .•l , L.
6114 KEYSEP. a M•IaIWLL.
[ corner \cowl atreet and t o Alley, who are
nottay his regularlt al , Pwatied A.,...
RI Time Prate on the Fan and Went. Stocks, le,
tan u .ht of .old.
Finest Manne Poßele, homed on the moat (Womble
terms. athr Ranting !loupe of
N 0.74 Yourth street.
Forted merehanu and other. to hi, large and
aor ted stork o[ ihrlery Glove.. Ender Slttrt, and
Draaren 'llle above article,. Jo :ilk.. Ifnd, Ilcrino, and
Cullom f else! and pnoott. constantly on hand and for
val., loot) F. It. EATON.
g IOU) I'ENS. We have now on hand
NY tiro, otnek of the text I told Pena In.nt the leading
roanufartarl , In Now York. an.ll torte espreesly to order.
ut Gold Pencil C. por and Pe a :Holder. tinter
A 1,,,.,
Car, in xi . Porm pine Pen lioldere, Pearl do
All for aderholerale and retal.'.nt New York
MTICE ..101.11Ext tniim, No 87
•reel .lint. Plttabur4ll. E1...ha10, on all the Eaatern
as..l W en,. tor eat., all n all Vo l
prinelPal Nra In the'll Dino. Tuley 00 0 I.P. brat Ilaak.
Nill Alt I it}: 4 grosa of that
h en n erbortirle foe teens and rdnirte, r endering them
p ig
the money For 'AL" and retail ; at 7
end o W.. 4 atr, 7 4 ,atil
EA WA 11E—Englig b S American Brita k n.
nla Tot &Le: Plated do.: I gated 1...t0t...,
Stauffer, mad Tray, Plated I/ OO , sot ant,
• '1
Tale Mitt. rem Tro t • o and f an . Itirmln.hern manufseturr,
bight,. . Plated 'crab a beautiful rattrrrot :
A very norm, l'order for e les:unit an I.ll 4, uf,D , sts.
t.r Skins.
Ittettromßnyr alley
relebrand &halo Kitchen.
ide about the Fif e o hot, whirl ollt ker enlB.e -nook
''''" ma ."11'.11 1 11..Z0N..
Far -ale to Car. Martel and Fourth .t.
4 1
mtg.. tt
'IA3 hrl;
1.4.1 L'ooved oil.
brio 11011 Rutter:
100 hue Oak
brL. 144 Liberty street
/a. •
hun•lned and RR" Po , I.arra steed Red Blanket.
LSO l oin Crib Blanket., onnerlor arttcle.
LW do Eletunileat Illaniada. ribbon Leland.
ItO do tray Coating Blaniwis, heart.
100 do Drab do do to
10 do Blur do do '-do
:lomat Placa Blanket Cloth. do
1 do Bearer ()rex Mixed. do
3 doini t i...rwr Inack. Preach Broadcloth.
• du sit w.ul Talala, aaora
• do Joansouwortai adorn.
• do COVllliintf.. black andfanty micro.
I do Vatirrein., black and Kral
1 .1,, 1% latto Trrllltd FLlnnol./. 1
•do Colo tarred do • dn.-- _
Thoi abort* described nnolb area ll on minwnt trim
aasaod raddaera cad and vett, ton
aaro kw sale on
liberal t arn.o Ow and% mannanterMe Vigo-
• , .•
KNOW all Mon Who aro girl: mid nini - eiCa. -
with dlwane of the Bladder and Kinney, with rfirn- '
trlo.lo aillAll3 back or liml, end noel , old .0 ea .,,,,,irs
... .., 7 , , ,,, th a t they nut be mated tit . taking the PETRIF.
hall. lon nay talk cool I. being a nontrunhas tenth
an you pleare, hut this corn lot snake it we. ter we rroclann;• '
In the lane of an [worst comment , ' • [tit hes id,.
which nee not contained in any"ther ry. Th e so u
who is racket with psdn, and mdsriug (rem diem, sans, •
for '.lO rent., vet rebel from my of the ills enuoisra•ed
above. . '
deader! It ere. very little to make • trial. Thin Petro ...
learn is no misters—an compound. rin ur for the peens..e
of imposing on the comma tit}: but It i. a tali slain.
ted by the waster hand of nnthro. - mal hobble* up from the,
tannin Of our mother earth. in he original lan l l, and of. '
Pre to suffering humanity • ready remodr• a e rein and
chomp cure.
It has vied Inies. eller other medicine.. tare felled to •
, s• L lif any miter. It has curet Ithouroodieto. of:long
on. and of the ward nod 0.... l manful character. It
ha mind Cholera Moebtin. he one or two thaw. It tias
su:nl ent owes of Dim:rho-a. in which 00 , 1; ethrr .emedy
one hen of no avail. As a Local remedy in burns and
weld , it Is
t it will
eosin.; rompounda or ointment .
th• we lame of. It will cure chi:Mean nod hinted feet.
in a few opolleationn undoubtod tedlmony mu be furnish
ed r tint troth writalirvi In the alone etaterneut toy call
hiti,n is f .lslyEl.ll..hl l : ll . Canal Basin. Er synth street:or
ell •
Key Me t ! t - . I .' eV o well, 01111107 a Wood street and Virgin
alley: It. 11. Fellers. : , 7 Wool 'Learn D. 1 Elliot, mil D. M.
Corry. Allegheny city. arc ttea earn..
- • RHEUMATISM Mtn. ..
D.. attredill the nag of monn3rEws IiIIEUMAT•
IL 0031 POUND AND 111,0011 PIIIIIFI ER. en e l tlcrititaW
.4'ltttlitlV'''.Z.S:o74.ll74Nrll.llll7;.A.Pstr.'ll.,ol!.4a snftlel . ' raj .
n d vnimendathat to induce all who ore a18ac
f,7i711.1,1.n. il;e7afti 1 dianow , hi trl in
vin o ,
tilandrods of caw. many of them and
of Et. Lords.
• d others from abo.mi. hole been c within the last
few mouths-in the te of 01. uie alone. while lettere from
abroad ohms ci I hot It
I ot
lo perforrning the seine
w h e r s eer tried Many of there wen slinglie ewer of 1000 '
trdt"ji:41..V.4'..".`”,";;,-,-7-`;;;!.11',:t:tof"..! gt'eninrar;
matory Idno, ve, severe. Alt, h,inster. yie [he ld tla wore •
his virtue* of thin medicine. end
thonnends who have
realised Its boaefits.and are now in the inlislgumt of health
but 0110.0. the Anginal discoverer and prepriewr,n
benefactor of mankind. a
It Is well known from the es perirme or the wilt that no
outward application m tuoseibly ,dTect Hon.(•llerit tAIT.
Of 111 L. dreadful di.e•ne. lty tbe unpile:d slim oltdlog
linimeson. partial relief. in num. ,wer. mar he Wm. , .
fora short time. hot nll the whits thin di,ewe is contuse
''''....l"dirT°.*:Viit" 'h-r:',; - ;.vuli -0- :fi .
.1:„.g...a.1.:10,-..:1• , .. -, T , 4 w„., . Lam, throi,
whirl, If not nom unwind. ruinn the iolividual (ow life.—
Thiele Tinned by the hbowy of the paet in all countries
and mere folly demonstrated by the 1010.01 Invedrbel 0
late to tho proprietor of thin compound. an given by severs
hoodreds of these who base jugoed under him isernedeste'il01tega BLOOD •
rrairiDa In an Internal rera.dy--counnenern Ito opera
tions where rho divans trot oriStrate. and a Purifying .
the bloat. twist, thringlethe whole nystem. noutralizesthe
Impure or must. sediment which hen nettled upon the
mernbemen, moseler mid tralow—removes it entirely from
the ns
unt rwlerre the Individual to health.
Let those aim en. allicted not deceive damsel, ova
Pima ate th'digur;atof.,Poir' Z i kt'd to ';;l'6f,' :`,1,74 %VI
they are nit:rine for life. it. caned.. inas of hmsdrods of
Outspends dosieg.the mat a.. well ...1 • multinade at the
present day.dismOnstratea tho folly of expecting porno. swt wile In...sternal arrikations.
The proprietor of thiF ,ciltlable Med. knows Dora ea
perienee. that no metward arglication can possibly effect •
Permanent cum where thin dlsines in Brody Ilse 4 In the
wyntern. Ile van nal which ry
rice pply an enthrone
boo in 'eery acute awes. ill relief In one hour's
time. but this •111 not effort a remanent cut , The no
tore of this dbwasc in such that It nstinms longer Ilree,and
an internal remedy. to reduce tho desired greet and aloe-
Annum Rheumatic Compound end Iliad Purifier is tbe
only remedy Unit ban ever
b een doff
either In
1 An:grit-a or My other country. that will el:feat/MIT eels
1 thin discuss.
This median , can te had, whoireale or retail, at lin. 73
Third street twat sr, the Poet Inn,. Pittsburgh. ,-----.
Also for sato iu Pitteburgh. by IL Ismtner. Wm. Thorn.
.i. D. Morgan. S. N. 111c:do:shorn mil J. A. Jones.
Price Igo Ped tattle- six Lupien fir $2.10 or 1148 predawn.
Paserhlea mu be had gratis of the sstd.
....novo-d.. B. IL a W 'SMART, Agent.
-D. JlOOO loss. the discoverer arid sole Muidletor
o then , tarot Isopulne nod beneficial medicine , and Mei
the Inventor of the celebrated lonnument for iodating the
Long., in effectlng a sae of Chemia disease. wan a st
d ent of that eminent physician. Doctor Nitric, and i a
vitas,te of the University of Penneylvani.and for thirty
)rant ease has been engaged in the inveftigatiuti of dile
ease. and the appllration of no:wind thereto.
Through the use of his Inhaling lute. In rennet:thin with
hi. Prophylactic byrup. and other of hlr rondos.
be has
gained an nuts ntitled convene. in curing thew tea
el sunbathe , : Tobereular Comureption, Cancers
Sand W erofuLa. Rheumatism, dab.. Fever and Ague. Fevers°
all kinde, Chronic Pre ripe.... and ell those obstinate din
wanes sweatier to females. lolled. every now of-di/saw
lhen under as ow of Ins rernedie. to Lich lannual
a heir—not by the one of ow tompound only, few that'
to hermatenblo with Ph) sioloskal la, but by the Awe Of
Ma manliest aZapted to. and prescribed 100. each peculiar .
form of Monde.
Do. r.... , . Tonic Alterative rat, 010.0 osed. nn lona*
lily acknowlelanl to Lee .up roar to all other. .• • 1j000•••
are lir live. pill. Inasmuch WI tfixy b. l•IVe , the twowen per
[esti,' frec from costiveness' 0 al. LGeddes:llllb Ire ads
Ze i ltirla t i l ,lll '''' ?< .* = 7ll i ' g ",l7 ; erradUntsVArl
Ls sollieWnt to estriblinh what hall been said, In the reindeer
the nowt skeptical.
are iovit, , l to call upon the agent. and Iwo
cum (walks) one of the Destor's pamphlets. straw &detail.
ed arrount of each woolly. and its application.
roe sale by the following aFtllta, ml , veil go mast drnit
gish, throughout ta,muntrr
J.:saw...yak.. A Co., 7.4 It rte Pittnburr.b.
.1. M. Townsend. Druggist t 5 Market rt. "
Lee A. Beckham, Draggint, near the Post Offtee,Alleghe
ey city.
Jasseph Barkley. Darlington, Ilesver county, Ph. •
dam.ElliotDt. t.oeaver, ..non Valley, - 0
T. A "
ma pall) _- .. .
VOR TUE AFFLICTED' will be found in
Dr . D e witt E. Kollinger'm INFALLIBLE LINI3IENT.
or . facie ruirl.• bleb h. emod the to of thirty years
review , and Les. be, God a doubt. lobo the menu of ean
c the eve.. of thou/n:1,4 of Indic Ward, in airmen query
ebess and character of dive., We foe! that we bar., no
thing in toying that this In the nub . medicine that has been
°Berea to the atlliend , dots, in even' ...of Ete word,
what it eohl for.
to h a . enred....nd 4 c.peoun of totitmmore diseases than
any other medicine otierod for rale. we eans,not by whotn
mate or aold. or by what name. -
An ..temp and einavineing prvof of the abo v ,;t i e ., :,py
that It iv the only urtieleihat hita ablcurid in !Ito._ itl2l , 2uf
that has or r
a l
lf. Otte
ramily P ate7 . l4lne ev::r od liw
er* , 40 vale, or laved by artynf
"f 2 h ' ; Mows 11.. G 'lnnen. late 31. C. The Bow. TWA...
IL More!, late 3layor licit. John, A. NS. Y. Peen.
tor. William Porter, Let.. kAttor of the CI - Arit the-
Timm nod a heat of other dielltiguirh , kl ritiretta of New
York. who bane fully . . 411,4 Ohl merit, bare Pertained the
ItoPrietor b. refer to them.
An it In Well known that liatmit Mialicinee nen not gener
ally patronlusl by the learnuL wealthy and ;edits pe t s.
-o have undoubitylly a richt to feel ourselves highly pets.
iletart This 'Wonder working Compound has been nearly - ,
seven ye. , before the nubile. Its hot friervisare now its .
etronmrst and heal This twat undoubtedly 4 eras and •
urentituing , proof of ice
matultiers Aral renal!.
gt:Etttie,,inatnri",7e..;ll'o",7,r;lNl4„...r forntti7r,r'u'll.•;:"Tri4
i Warr, and I tie puma and
be dash nelr
L100.01.K/ Gnu darn bewn Fold vithnnt entnpinint,.
and have porbkr.l such retonlalting v i
bes. ar.r can.
remeillee bare fulled...l would 'dagger belief, had ne not
offend, and In our puesevalou, the etrong44 porodbla eel.
dem ,
Thin medicine. or natnre's remedy. D premyrd from veg
etables, tc Warrant IA well uest, rhea nve. It sets dir,tart
ly upon the dlevuted pul—ghiror loslth nod etrencib.—
11 4 a ray run. for Diarrhea, Cramp, Bilious (Moll, and'
all nub:no-Besteak... direaers rd the tildneye,
WeakueeF In mole or female, from whaterct nuts it 1.1.
have min - mated.
For gale in INltehurgh. by ft. E. Fellers. Kraft,. Kidd .1
Co., and 001.00 1. :made= WWI by the rctail Diut:trista
generally. It Is plant , in ton, two, and one rhilltric bob
ifoa iangtin
4 CO 31 UN D. This
Ccarlisound le warranted to pry:lure tho in scribed elle., •Len not fur mating bread.tea eaten.
buckwheat rake, kr., by which • .Tittg to elfectrd to the
Dour of about 13 prroent.
To Mick Munro-To each pond ear enor wla two tea
Uir ' otyl u NlYniAtt;AV ' them lbotoacbl '
pared Dour that tun eau net acale and kigurN)Lia n ne
add as much cold outer 11.4 male the dough rho usual
thlcknowi knead It well. and let tt :and tinge
bat,. baking—ono or two bourn wlll do no hurt.
ehould be mixed much thinner. and haktll at once : hot
will do no hurt to natal afteen or twenty ntintiter. Thin,
Is danger of 413 utueli of tide Ci.Mraoind Ois
land; it will not turn the bread tallow, as raleratue dots
when and to eacena
inn can rut the Compound Into tea rakes, mad.
john, eatci,indian rale,
cakes. corn ru ck.
ear, corn bread. brown hremt. biscuit. batter lee. bu
wheat rakes. apple prd and tor all laddlad
Valises. JIIAL reocired ar.d for vale by
It. E. 5' Waal t.
- •
• 1 A LLENGE TO 1111`. WOItLI). Twenty
V foe Italiarn rnWanl will br nal.] to hop p,, w h o w ill
or dry that cannot to n
t. bare tho
Natittarthal of raying to the m tooplo VII. olsotithat
rti le. oy nu. own Itnitro...ent now allinds WM
.101.41 in till, country tor ealrarting great.. tor. Yitcb• oil.
other anon) Putotanee. front .11 Urals of lt,n
thauent or lathe: claim, carpet, WA,
fibowls, lutlt, Innuet, be_, without iottath. y tbiod
that pore otter will not Itniun, More thou tote thou
f:,7l:l " n i o n t.te ff :XtTo ' n p l o ll ' it
on more than WO article. of lights hat. tatint.toPoe-a•
and rallefing, I have only fond them 0h.... of .11k, two
of What-sat and four of mho. on whirl, It ehtn e -nd the rob.:
therefore, before uuttia; It on a light dre... ! try a eunht•
of thn dfrnot Boa. I Kate thlo boom. I woo dorerraltunf uo
to n"..TCL10.121.1 It cup atmager than 7 knou to ho shiellr
(toter* from errantry raerebant and pedlar" trn , PUY
attend" U.. by thejulocritor. It. tt. oEl.Laltat
dril 37 l oh
RiZT.T."l73l_9.' COUGH SYRITP, ' • .
Ott ...aft tater. lade,. I felt Ita lkono.trlal etfrole."
nt h L
(1::! fr c;
Inbbtot obta Ll
ining rrla.f. 1 nitS ., prowntr.l . m . ltto bottle oi
°lt. K. Seller.' tkrugb %alum I thlult it duty whirl. I
owe to broth you owl tee putolle In ern
to r olthrolt
assert, that I 6.1 not wed It toicr torten. I felt Its tazolto•
001 ellret, and (omit, the. thrtur I,lrarlncot,t it. ....ion
to Antall the Wile. I tortlfy alros or to IL"
itl. tea& proprtor. ton iltroals of mint. 1 , 0. on part.cular o
ol t sTror.o h tl t e r tiu l .e ' ll. 'tttm ry tirou h l, " gUrrl " MTlVlT . -
eonulor roul. art..% the roll, nor) her ee'rrnotuatuenger s
M in erllrre Cough Sliaturr:'
Wylie rt
littrturgh,./aa s ll,
Dr I `MUM+ N
t.O Addltiotal proof of Ita(Nee, to nor, •
eorheld, Va.. August 33,18.L1.
m r , It s E . Seller' s —Being attirletl for *one time trlth
tad euugh.l war rreornotroulort to nee your InwOrtial Cough s
fey ofLr rff,ll%.`" - et r 4,71
cm of a oaten that I u.o ' e of err; tnagoirril 6 .
had used almost roe,' thing that Ulna in out ]ewer
trsa s tgzer , r; . :4l ,p rot . ro f tle ,, lor. until [net rrlth our morales- .
sodrooeuteotadleor It to tlfellele aa t e s eterei s t=it
to that bar Vier been prepared tor the cure for •turh, It
ototenhaL • • _ • JAIIIVZ 11.-E31.1•111.
Preoarrel anol rola is 11 . 8. MIXERS. toi Wool tot
‘,/ OW ins tat Ws kr trail NU= * UM&
.... • '