r.- - ~ -_ __.. - --. mlscEo_,ANEous • YOll LTD 2. l i l v i h - ': OT CIIAST:00 NACirAT. 0 would scorn his humble fellow 1 - For the coat be wears? For the poverty be suffers? _ .,., .F0r hls daily earra? Who would pass, him in the , footway With exerted eye? ' Would you, brother: No—yon would not. If you would—not 1. ,Who, when vice and c - 6me repenter:Li ‘ • lVith a grief sincere' i Asked for pardon, would refuse it— . Idttre than heaven severe? Who to erring woman's sorrow ' Would with taunts reply! Would you, brother? No--you world sot. If you' would--not I. rould say that all who differ !rom his sect must be tedsinnens, heaven rejected,. link in error's sea. insigiv them to perdition ! --',; nth a holy sigh? - - 'yon, brother? No—you would not. :)rowironld—not I. :hGiroubtsiii that six. days' cheating. jullte an* pr mart, - Miett beTsbbed by Sunday Pr , !Yi^g .. 1 Prom.the tainted_ heart, • f the diundayface were solemn, '.: Antt the credit bight - • . Paula )GG, brother! No—ypu'would not. „,.. If you wouldnot T. Who would say that Vice is Virtue Ina ball of State? Or that rogues are not dishonest If they dint off plate? Who 'would say success and merit Ne'er part company? Would you, brother? No—you Would not. ' If you would—not L Who would give a'cause his efrorts When the cue is strong. B 4 desert it MI its failure, Whether right or wrong? Ever ekling with the upmost, letting dormmost lief Would you, brother? No—you would not • II you would—oot 1. • Who would lend his arm to strengthen Warfare with the right! ,Who would_giee his perk to blacken • Freedom's page of light? Who would lend his tongue to utter 'Praise of tyranny" Would you,'brother! No—you would not. If yon would—not I. "IL SEcILITAIiIO " of the Richmond Whig, gives , he Rill:nth:4 account of an interview of Sohn P. Hale, tfie 'New Hampshire Senator, with a Vir -s,inion, 'both parties being at the Richmond Hotel,. "Coed morning, sir! -Fine weather." The samo to you sir: The weather is, in deed, fan." "Allow me to air, if your name is Hale '7" "It is, sir, at your service." John P. Hale, tie?" " Yes, sir, prefisely." "Are you of isew Hampshire, sir?" ••yes, sir; that is my. State." -• Are you Senator Hale, of New Hampshire, sir.," 4;1 am, sir, just that individual." ' , Wall, sir, did it not occur to you, that this was no safe place for you I" 4 ! Why, really sir, it did not. I saw that it was safe forlour Senators, Mason and, Hunter : who have been tiding with me all the session on the Compromise bill ; as did, indeed, in the oth er Hama, all the rest of your Democratic dele gation except one- If you don't mob them why should you mob mei" Ralf Century Tribute. Convinced ourselves, and assured by oth ers, that the wide circulation of The Hay . Century Tribute to the Cause of Temper ancri, with its valutble Appendix, prepared by BA.' gr.- Marsh, our , Corresponding SSecretary',would be eminently useful ,-we invite the friends of the cause in every place -to raise funds, and place a copy in each family, as a. Permanent Temperance, "Dccument. It will be furnished, in the handsomest style, at our office, 149 Nassau street, at Eight ;Dollars a hundred. Should - even this number be circulated in each place, the result, in reviving and strength-' ening the 'friends of the cause, might be of tile happiest character. Donations also, to aid in its general gratuitous circulation, will be thankfully received. ANSON G. Pwxtrs, • Tuosths DE Wire, D.D., THOMAS DENNY, • . 'WILLIAM E. Donor, STEPHEN B. TEN°, D.D., - EDMUND L. JANEs, D.D., JOHN D. HURLBUT, . Joure DOMAN°, D.D., BENJAMIN G. llOwl AND, JAsezu Cosaurro, Ex. Pose. of American Temperance Union • Ar ea York, March 10,1851. - Sayi - the Rochester Star: - "We wish that 100,000 copies could be I struck off, And be at once placed within reach of the entire temperance community; and we are confident that, some of our wealthy temperance men could not employ • : their funds lathe cause of this great reform : to greater advantage than itkaiding to effect this object" • Says L. M. Sargent, Esq,, of Boston "It is an exceedingly Opportune per formance." Says. Gen. S. F. Cary, of Cincinnati : " Among the many good things written . on the subject of tempera/see, this is one of the very best. The Enamel need light, and there should -bo fountains whence it could bo disseminated abroad." • - Says the Lancaster Gazette, (Pa.): : • '‘‘ It is a,masterly and eloquent rehearsal of the rise, progress, present prospects, and wants of the temperance ' , reform. Every friend of the cause should be possessed of it." ' • • How to Xannfaettere a Mirada. A con . espondent of the London Times gives -the following hints for Romanist miracle.mongers: Take' an oil painting of a wounded man, cover the back' of the can vass with pitch, ' cut out! a portion of the latter immediately behind the part depicted as a troimd, pierce the canvass at that part with several stabs of slcobler's awl from back to. front, Theo in the opening made by the removed pitch .a pieee of spange satura ted with blood, thinned with water, cover the opening with a plug of pitch, the appli cation of a-hot iron, removing the appear ance of mecum round the,plug. The mira cle' may now he. worked by gentle pressure either from behind or in front of the pic tured wound, which - , squeeskag the sponge, cruses the 'bloodY liquid to exude through - the holes made by the cobler's awl, and trickle out in the most natural and surpris ing manner, to the edification of.all behold ers. This miracle' is capable of being produced by other means, but upon the same principle. The applicatiou of a white handkerchief to the wound, and with some pressure, will assists, in establishing the miracle.' " , - THE REV. Da„Easax.—Vie see by the Richmond Republican, that the Whig Con venticrn of the Charlotteq.ongressioull Dis trict of Virginia; has nbininated the Rev. Dr.. Early, Book Agent of the Methodist Epistsapal 'Church South rto represent that „ District in'the nest Co . The Rev. gentleman km declined e honor, on the ground 'of its incompati lity with "higher and more important dutiW. IVE learn from the anawha (Va.) Re publican that lloilan Aspinwall & Co. have purchased from i. WM. M. Peyton a portion of his coal p .o. rty on Cole river. It is the intention 'Of th company to supply stmunahipa plying betaiperi New York and thellstbmits with; coal from this source. The Kanawha riverwl be improved for this pnrpose early in tivnsuing spring. A porn mmd can s d4rive more enjoyment from this t h e se nses, than nn impure mind: Thu . trne,even of the TO CONTRACT TO LIMBER 111:----1--- \ Stateietual Fire 7monrollee company. . , . 2,000,000 feet Plank tell ...._. rrliE ALLEGILEN.T & BUTLKR PLANK i t BILANCTI OFFICE --No. 54 SUITUYIZLIISTItEur, rrrl5llVM lll . pr ROAD COMPANY, Invite venom/. chtit tts. sot of THE best evidenco of the success of the A rl/ nert, foe furrdeleng Two MIIIItri r 4. of PLUM-3 Mermen In ma/pawning to make the STAT /11111: - k.h. thia... o 9 .9 9-at In I.gth - 0/ M dellV•tod nt FIRE INSURANCE coititt NY meet the E aants of Fl/Mtn/M. if bump .. ever. or a/ ench plane/ . Me community. il. the unparalleled //meant ti• busbee. the rood sa May be opan trhlch bee tern done; havlDe Iseued or. COX. Pollelm m Propmmia may be Memod to tbe Presldeat, S. hf. LANE. a Uttle mom than right memthu and eddlet ~r , $90.0.0 Bathe., Butler no., Pa. or to cnArtbrat tf. ePANG. Ph. capital nearlyh Company. The Directo are proud tome. h.ght nod .7 Maar/ w for further la j frunntlem . the that all the property moored I. ,If the ,feel wee io subject, may be 14dreeted to mom noel) oI.U. .ni a large proportion In ettred for only one Vroponals rill he received for the deUvily of alther Oat. K er. eine. or Item/act. "umber of Policies issued, mehl - 1-2ve ------ —tont of property - Insured, - $5,139.49 6 . 00 • • inn do. guarantee premiums,s7,ooll.79 do. cash premiums, - - -;••• . :12,19.4.2 .4 S. N. Wll, _ do. guarantee utoek, -- - 90,104. 0 3 ,• ' ••• do. losses, (ruin th, 4,100.00 ° To be deducted (ruin ate,te Leh urr. the uwalental RN. NV)'‘ re .... of the office. To '' rTly Or country me rrliants, amt owner, of derollinar, aB itmt 1 ,01 .. 4 .Itl coordrs property. it i• believed able ono. Ladies' Fine Dress Goods. 1.. 0 sm.oa• .lsautruarr it point of rhenium.. afety• nod k l' r 54A, seCurlty. Inferior to no lumurae Company In thla vomit, 11F.CEI VED ANI)OPENEIo Tills MURK ltoudueted on thr equitable am/ aqvatly Improv.•l es ...to ~,,,,,,,,, mod , p 0 ,,, t , 0 do L0rdn..,... lira.. d }-- of Clareincutton of 111ek.,-eacht.linq all medal he, re- i ,d‘r.,. ~,,,,.. 0 ,...i 0.. _,,,,,1, o , ndd t „,...,,,,,,, d IMITirl. only a 111 amount In any mu. If thur. pre- . ....,...,,,.. _.,_.,1 .4, .1. ;lAtillo a P4 ' . 3 . ' trrdri angina the frequency and mem-moon of tarn. Oren an a ._;._ • ' s'r "- - also oa noon We nteco. aoso Mutual plrt, it not nolf treor r -- 024 , -- , _ _. N_-- .7 .2- , '.4 N " k°. 4 1 ,o ear, the ebeaporse and uoromunelninui of both method, e I kil'ltlNG S'l'Y LE l'ltlN'fS.--I.'hooko and iii'.sl4 bulai . r.l u tles .„. ll. insured to a pluthipattott . the Pr`ndr• ' dol jf. under the onutrol ‘A the following Pin-etoret-J.dv„ ; 1 toe! .. utifol natter:Arm:a thia tixor A nltt , ut sc t. 10 ~ J,...,.. P. Ittillierford. A. J. tither, John W Pnekrr. a T .I. , tie, 11, f . ..b-• - . • m a n., A, w aerte r.phtloW. a,Wwiel... Konen Fhqs. I AR") 01L-S Idols. No. 1, Win. Strained, RIO J. P. l'il-1T,1,10.110011,n, I.,,vidert, . - el 1.?.3 KA to+ , m e a d attJ for Fah, by .. A. A. Cinema. ArtuaTt • o, nd,?.., 11111,1 .;•I Armen s aro. -120 .__ 1 OLDEN St RU I'--In lolols. and hl'. bins., Penn Nutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. ', I I , ~,, „,,, &nu AGENT it lt EI . tIATTILEWN a CO. IN PITTSBUIIIIII. W.II. U,s\ 'IS. 1 frirjo 1 t:,11., ~q,,• i pi„,,,,,,,irete05..1.) No. tN.I I.ilwrfy rtr , •.‘ . : I )I,A Intl% litrioilES k. Co. are prepared to on a, '''."'" '"". ' ° """ °i " '"'" "( ''"°"°• r..."""0 '" 0 " ` I. .1. , ell 1.1.1. of tILATK 110001Nt1. IUM b fXa r lr t r' o I l i ‘1.:11'0.01";,....Lif:;:.! :i'itlV.',.:.!;;.:2'"ir.:,‘7L'.o: i 1 A I .V.N LAU° 11103 N. AO, e ` .. N.." 4 Cann!. IK.F.A J. nehoontnutor No .2 4 . 0..1 etre., abet , ell it,-,,...- At %Inter . ark*, Pitt,burgh. ry Information 1..11...Chen atvl r.e•mitennatton, prouipt- tOa :le.. th•t o pro.oll, repaired. 10.020 • • Jon ,re attooded In. Paniphiele exelau.e... lb' . 1 ,106 0 w" ' lll ' l 1( i I /LI.IIiN SI:III:Al-5 hf blob , . just ree'll = rare • benrate of 1.1 f,, ',unto , . and Mona frm. funnelled mi -., or If ,4 ' t 11101:111111k 11 : d 'NM:All:01. " 1 0p t, ' ;, " ,;;1 0 , 0 .,.,, 1 / 4 ~,.., 1.. x.,. nod ron•latal, lorrraeinv - , frl:-, N., 110 Nrntrr et tot recd and for ' Profit,. tlivleel annual', anew,g , t thew In•ored tor lif• 1 VICKIE:int./N. I NO. -burgh. Jet, .O. 11.51.-u:34 ' 1,4 1 11. 0 l It - 115 Idols testra Fondle Flour, for I 11. • sole bo noa.l 0. 0 VoN MIN 1101, TAI 0. ' - - . F. and Tll 1 'Eltel°lll:t.- ' K anne, ire ' 1 " d TransP°rtati°n 81/001&-150 .loot for - rale b ' ..1 lundeonte gt, lee. . • Insurance. 5 a 0 VON lIONNII , III4tT A CO BEIICIIFIELP, 9IIIE I n.oraned.C,ompory of Nr•rth America, ' o ,_ i.,,,,„„,,,,,,,,„_0,„,„,.„,,,,,. 1.,,,,,,,,,,,,00.,..,, 4,..„.n. . VIL ' AING ES-100 boxes, in prime order, for ~ v e.:0 , 1 , 1.1 i s , 10 1. 1 1 1 , 7 1 :::: , .. ii•ling from str. • Januar, 13, I.al. 51. , 411,..1:: 5 . . ill make Intorm , ma eel.. 10 ' buildings nod their eotta.n... [hi. ell, nod Nltlnil,, aho , l',lde l'n: Second and 151 i irat ate. .._ . i DICY'"' A C"- I'' IITIrr“ n..0.1'-"erailiririTn.i'l.ltr-in.:Vrt;;rt.i=;,rtit,... •. ‘114. ° IN 001 e 0 LASS--10ono lols. ass'ol sizes. vt -.. r. vteannot nrar,mo, Arthur 11. Coffitt,.Vre't, 010 wertai P Cote.. , QT ARCII --IGO boxer, bert brands, in Gore ' on-nmel II „loner, John It. Nell. •1 . 1 and an . rale lq .M. DWI ALET St . i., Inh.nt P . eral. Noe le and tat ...A at D ir ll. l llC a (a._ I j i ti b . ,,, - .1 F i lg , nt _ vo loons Wel•ti. - ""' .."__. 1 .. 9 " ' "a: aornril e. snood, Femur. !leek., Ifi E 1‘..0". s--;1 , I Inilt , l'or te bc a:Nourif a nWNNETT. 0. Aurtio Alllbone, ; ILA feldo . tn. ro Itoni.u. ilondWig7p,r str. .1 L'ltal,u,:-..t,1Ttrunn,,k0,.,,... ' llillANO AND TAIILE coA-EltS—W. Me. 1115remit'gN ''' '''';'- ' JAvr",t..."b-'......, t ti,:*.1,7,:: : . ; ',:y r ,n,,, , , - ,: : ',..%::,.,. ~ 1.,„„...,. fuse. W- attention of th.an• wl•hIon to for o - •,. m-rro. nu. !;•itt• for sale '',., J 1.14.,,..,,,.,,,,,,,i,,,„,„„,„„,„„, ,„,,,0„.,,,,,„,,,,,,,, oo.fo, o, W. ...n•oss••••• a,...0rt0m00 of Table and, Monne. NNW" . '' s) I std fret. it. I 1•41.1 . WillIZ. )44. 4,1 , * firth", U.i. , .... - ..:1 . r ' ''' '' }n " .''' ''''''' • • JeltlV _ .. -.. r 11 ' 1 .r.d '''' . '''''' .'°°l' r '''' .4 ." '."'''''"'"°l"" '''''''''''''' "• t (111.1TillN E A I,OES--75 11.= pure .rode, ' "r " 0 - ''' '' '''''''''' ""frr:;'ii.32l>i 7:I}.:Z.L'Z' Nu; ..t... hot: , posNIIOIIFT A.‘ O. lt L. 01r1 I.oltw I. for sale by 1 ; , t;'`'t No 141 1 root •t•••• I. - E 4, xcitANGt: ts.,o; I; sTocK-A r,.st, dy 0 , 1 , 11011111 & IRV la ' ' '' ''''''''ar A.C°. ; American Life and Health Insurance Co. , 1.4 ,2•1 `" t '' '''' ' ' 014 • too 5.;, , ,t ot . -The pure i juice I oF 1 PIIII.ADELI' III . I . Iji 0 LI. itirriTit --I lad, fresh, for hale by iraiLzzni,l7.b.. I A,„„ forl`dlxtAir - gh, 5 A .111,. IA TO Ill•Eo 1 11l fe1,1., 1111 L). NI .XOllO l aa CO e nd, Ifni rnitlon ,l • l ° i t.1er...1: 01111, •to allose r ki •. , DR IEs _ N -- . 0 - =, jTvarecd ~P''''„„!'dmoo.''''a,.,oolo""ol''' al "''''''''' '' ' fi . foto o. ' ' 'll'l'lNi-1000 . de _ . . - tlrrfellpriMr RA,. lo Jr Onill.b: I 'No aw n o o o \o ,o o^ RA ' Western Insurance Clirapany of Pittsburgh. , 1..., t, , i , ,,. Aron, rah 1 20.,ConintonCtaarc it. NIILLEII, JR . nart Ita retned oaltp•tr , ' -'-- R \ NCES-IC-al ---1-00-xes- fu - st re - c'd and ford 4,..,,,,_A1'1T.1.1. $300,000. 0. ' B utt t u u l F• A "'"'-""m' , - I ''' ll t.'ur''L-..,,n"--;:t ..'0rr,t!.0.,... .0 ti.,..... ,• Fah . lir ton Ms roper. , ...ether , irate• . rapping rat., adi.:a N. ' "."'" ' : 111 . t.tie . ..: wrll're.'lllwr.llo ' a.i t irleird and now4ll . paid. I .o or hoa surer Ilb lump I,U•reo. I rad, 1.11 Itriirodom, .IkPESTRi. AND BRUSS-ELS CARPE'rS , 00;.‘k.i....1.• 4%...,,,,,,,,t4.-wr..,...,,,,i, , ob IW , r,,,%,t0,5z.,...w..,,h0 a o -.. ,, wit: 1 do 15ou lb. 11.4.1 : e.i. I...,then of r - uotrur varies awl our.. In '.4,,V.if:,„.-',.!;•;!.1 rromr.....i ii,t-rt,t3.,..T.tn,...,1•11g.,,,m61-,••1.1, i u.,, it,. .1., 11 h[ , 31 , , , 0,tvi . ,r . A.. 1 , La. '1..1. 1.. f,1,2.1 11-.1;:b1IIAIN CARPETS -A larie ausortment 1 "roq.'''''''',.l`.;.l-"lF.li':iir•r"lir ' Foe,. r. 1.4., J.. Inttler. N. 1 of tha latest and neon...style.. rt., and Ptr ule . by • ii‘,l„,rt. j,.. • w i n. A.v.,4..., i , 00 „,,,,,.. ••0• „ •00 w j.„••••• ; IN '4411 0111.--10blolori• ;al _1 ... - J,_., ' ' '-: - 44.19 W. AIcCUNTOCIt •I W. Al. I.•tm. Jame. Ltopin ,,, L. 1.e0r... 0 Predve Janie. Al len-- ItilthStS. 117 - i.r. 100. .. ... _ . . IiCtROO)IS-200 drii, ebe • .oaory. Alex. Nonat- Th... Trott. , . 111_111, Bl• f Tr-0-.2 bbls for ..a.le lot! ante, No. 971 . 'A ater 'creel. town-honer o. :papa , k Ci... tents ,V.I4ARLIACtiII. , rip maws Pit.b.v.h. mot dly . feli2.2 100111000 1.1TT1:1: a CJ , _ , _ -IL.— MG AZI NES.f It C 11, at J. B. • Delaware lintual - SafetylnsuranceComp'y .I ' Lov Elt- ‘' E E 11- 7:, bul' her nab' he 140111,,,, WILE. A Co Homes' I.llerallf D Ar•. 4 .orr .i . w th o ' • E, NORTH 1100 M 01 , TitF. Ex- ,-- .. , , . ~ . 1 t)FF/C az.a Wed upon the Dictinary . .of lite,L pal 1.11 , bile. sesdoll , .. haligerboll. ,0,111. an e'er!. re tbr nvel rZti.1t1,0ffr.t.,..r,V0..,,1.3thd1e61. Br Mte , t ,, t 1 .• , In 1 l . ..tr. tat,. nna titrtu..l forty n eldcl, tlndlndla.tnaT, 44' intlemltab one on • hie. It 01, IL, lln evloildted. i 0.,.. rOl • sa i ir o, , i ,, a , , ,, ~,, 11_,1,-N.nn,5ni.;.11,...1"10.,/1.1..--..d ~,r . / 1,1:16,u..:?..,:i.e.eL raved, p , ure • Wm of tbe llowestr of Scotland .l Ermilth Prlto l ce . . l " . o meth., .11 the proterties of the Magnesia mow In mourn , By Agne. Strickland. rtholst. ' 1111... .111.0 tit twine liable h. It. to form .thro,nou. roots- No 1 .155 „Liberty street The Life And Corso of It Foutitcy. Lilted Ly : tmn. on do. 1.1...4, It ellmot tall y cure. heartburn without , - hi. sm. the Rev. do C. Southey. M. A. I . Ana.. for sale by 1 nos nwatar a Propt•ey. and its Cancw. Atlar,.. al.. 7. S. lIILNVOILTII . L CV). c U'i ii ;1 0 .7ortV e ' r, re ''' to ' n ' n ' a l o 'l o o, Vii .' lrp ' no, '. . l. ri ' ts 4' ilre 'h' foorid . :r a t:10 1 01: 0 0 3 5 0 l'n'h'l' I)6'i c'd''' 05„,,,i in tie Mr...Tway Taternaele, on Widneselay , even 1 wooing sour. In all enc. it Iletf.ll, i. 111011.1111 aperient mod ‘ci Tllr ~ pi N s_l : , - ....,,,L. ,.. trg. Januar, M. 1t.51. 1., Rev N. Murray .`li. D. , .I. f rettliarb aintotml ho female. Eastern firr !mot received inset b y :ale 1,, 0 HOPKINS. ; B,e ilumpl.rei lone, testified that this eolith.. PTV" ea- I l IL ..nl), hr . 6 1thedy '' _.1 .. . IV Wll.llAllu A. ' Cii 1.4.1 • t 0 1 01 . lbdiditalts. Fourth . 1, u 1.1.. coonolo - am00.... • lilt new and .lo In caws uf gout nod . I gravel, there. countemthing their Inuartotts 1n11111 ,11. , LI 11. NIOL:ISSES-Ska bbls, 14 half do, I V. W.U.l'.‘ .l".""th'''''''"''''''" m"'''''''''''''''''''''''''. .M s ssub. unwns.lssolof was saslsss state. fax 1 y., I::o\rVely'Aillai;Sol.itot-:—. evictor... l d.ett ha. 21! 1 .....:"....., i A From i• - • , e Philip Crompton toms.. Stir... 01 • 11 . 1 .'' . t h.- Isms. hy feted/ IV. MATTI EWS A C..)„ . the nee. of Jesomotta. by Fisolir Slother.thou'rt faithful thin i sneer cote,. h C Fete,. ; ' ':• " PX ,ir,...ri,..7..• rro le no Vbt that Al a 1• may he o 'pit; LEAD---650 ....1, rho . 1, 1.. 1 ' Alice ' falt. hY FC. I,..ter• ' 0.4111111114 0101 Inn , eal,li in th o win .4 s muteentratethso. 1 Ity feb2o ibEr.m.irriioWB it W. DI offer thee this bead of mine, i lotion than in "Ore.,: for this..d many DIU, moons. • _--- ----- - Come maidens ome. or Trantethill. fiatroft Galena, for sale 1 1 .e' 1 "0.1" l"" 01." 9'..1.1'.° m'atiar'l.'sir4.l'. 6:UN rift' cs--700 lbs /rime. Feathers; . sys 59.1--.lissra tst ~. fn. ih n e Da n n , iflo n r. of St Olson 0.1•1113.01 to one Materna . 'die, I sir 'dame. 'look. toir A. 1 esoper. IT. Brink Kiri Mrs.,. 1 -- 1 :Sri otos owd Corn Ilrfmrooe 47,:',7,1T—:=7:....1`,'','r.';',,`..":,•,,,,T, ,.„,i....millertert Mat 0.. - London. rinonly ncommend 001 tar rat brand.W. tiloug . Een Bolt, or don't ..thmentior sweat Alb,. 1 Miirray , Pinto] tegtotdo. ro. V.A. infinitely more rale and .10 has phoning: SIT` Polka be S:C Foster. . B.o.oorrot Hosts tho •del. am% free than thr anger an r •A 1 0 . ralrfalnA The celebrated Pollut thou.". ' Ind ito. nude,. to, ot ...la oroutmos. i 0111 , . nu. in panto end for rale by J....At and Jesmott-oomplthe Ity ode toy thr antertren pnartlrtnetlttnrnlA I rllal . IILY. 3LATTHER SaIt. mc es, tot dlr.. Erne. , Meriden Polka o ' An d. FAIINKSTOCK A CO. I -.. - _ __— 117 i t r ilo ItiStroy Bu Chit Chat Vodka all Cot \ Ve...F2. Frout ... - it , .vrri NG it) halt No. lb Jr. Polka. Batchelor's Polka Farrillyi on cond.. Idlly quadrille.-- very eas, nna , Pn't 1 /'• ~ ~ ' bI'ALLISTER'S ODITIef.SI. inent an 4 for -al , by BAIAII lIICKFA . .t. to. 1 Bore quadrilles. itreig..• l Itoitio- AO. ab• -- ./.! nt'li F. ' t' (7,osTAistNi; no Nlereurr ' Dor c.ther *,:141 at otter and Front W A no-. darn unto n... , Itistruetin. her 1,11, alth , mn...0. Tb..10,,,,,,th. ‘...,,,,,,,.., ~.. 0.... b, ..,. Ms Alalllenal Tr , . la new /Ttnt, . %/ 0 7 II ali coI.AL ARNISII—'2 S , s - als for Clark , Cat,hi.m for the Pano. 'ce ;Mated Dr Wiretre iteerLthe author of the .at slush __, ~ ~ J. KLUB A CO. Burrow•. Poston Forte I•niner Received tothO LY • thl molt entitled - The Apemen Prettier of 51,41 cine and _ sm. oi - •'-'--- JOHN IL itOtoLOIL sl Wond et , Fatah, Ph, dein. ' o , n _., ,„,, innnn ~,0,,,, , .. ,,n pin., n,,,,,,..., „ 1 „„. „,,,,,, ~.,,,,: ,„,,..,..:...,,,z,,,,,,,,.,07,,,,,z,,,,f...i,,..;„. o cr i u:,1,451iE1,1„k42...2000 lbs for sale by J. ViIDD A 'CO. wins. open tv sale this mothoo ii..l . cht h c0t...0r, 1 .2.110. ter • .0.1 Ma nt. . ---' - - , Ina lamb rrenTlie .1...1 ' 1. 'fl .. "" rhi ' - ‘ ° l' ° I ' m '' '''' 1 jIA.I ° EII I . COACK.S-: bales for sale I,y ?FO '111)0K '. S A . f 11OLNIES• : IT 5 pthrow... I have no woinflon no raying Of. rertoft I. that s .ite • 1 osodal.le 1 1 .eincd, • nothoutii. no 0 11 ad rtd.t.r.°' J. KIDD A Oil. ii,,,7p,Vortrr°,,D''''' lr''''' °".•L '''''''''' o i l .1,...., .. tw ,bile inendonif nomblned as om ore i tind .lam sea f t ord a . direet y the propietor. am env only baron ma. MOLASS_E,S--, ,7 SV-hisNew r)rlerins: lloone ',flume, it Tale tot Ilt thee. ant le,diartt. Co 1 b r. n ,. , , , , !Trn trl r tl i . „. . 1 .,. ..1 1 ., , ,A n lr . : l , l = . T ‘,, ,l lll t l ',' .. 1.....1., , , ,,,%'',... r. ...,.., i : .I. lintre Aguilar • oiri.wit la. door morn vest. arol • Melt I. adapted to Ow ~,,,, • Ilother , 1te00me..... Ity Rome Aguilar . tome •f • nowt rathet oof thee , Though I have never ~ . „ ~ , Pankere • 11,,saine for Jannart 7 -' 1 .1 1:'' U d .T:rt. "' 1.1A r' It 401' l l ` i'ol . op. . thtlocr remonmended or - engage.' In the ,the of verut uo.ll 4,41.1 b A.--10 prime N. ',mans: umg AlMlnae 1.. e Is:1 r the tent. horst. eltreLenuour, humane Cl, ..J1 bbl. thew Lent 11°. IL ' " " Le• h''''''.°"-.'°' • ''' ..-1 n i t '''''' '‘'''''''' • Yerti.;;;;;•''rltit propn..toi „f this continent and Hoe value -Pi do nueln. l am' Potheriud. for rale Pr,. L L f.f`;',,',:1.,`1'L,`",:Z7 , 7' . . - Z.: , '"'''' • i ""'.!..•'ror`r...TotAi'!.:7.l74,"'"'"'"lrmiri!Arjiii! U. ""- b, J. D. 1F1LL1.0. 1,1 X CO, corner of Monti .4 Ilfth , tee To I..re and too le 1e....,1-• tal. , . Caroline of Botha wt. By 1. II M 1.. lewd. : 1,,,,- it ,r.o. sr ths 1..0 thinse M Hot eortol For Loth.' I li) F.N 1,)1,' 1.1 lf.S-- ust received. an addition .l is 11 , vol.ll c0ni.05.4.0. 1 . - 1 env.- Tboo,rdol• the 'earl, mond lot! lid! thithment A Lett., , n the ...Mal. I, 11, 101•11, IL 'l .0011, " 1 o.oo' e°"' n""l ir:C ' t .' . a, tit j' ... ,ll A w° -mug relief I'r mpg. F ' - l'M t. ' F ' °°. .. °1..h`...° the 1 ' ..1 ' ..° " I " t! . . ''7 i 7 to ' n ' .:;-.n Toe', and ell klmth tourSs It has u„equal II'..II• feFoll P1011,11..14 001 I LIT: . „ J n 01 1 071.1 ., I 1 . . , o s , .s., chi ~ ...r : 0 ;7 . ,r , 0 8 0 t: , ,. , .... 0 . 4 i . ~. , ... • ,1.1t,„.1.?,1:,2......:,,,,,':,,,r..,1,,...?y,,r„:',.,',„,,,t,:„:,. :,,„0i,,,,'}',,....;-',.,i,„:.7!,:7.',.:...: i A l , N , S . ,i E 2: d i ),. . , 01 - 1 110 las ks Li Its ee il Oil, .lof Or American illuminated edition of the %A steely ~..... , mat lj.. • S. AW. HARBACC. II . °•°°'.' 1 Around the hot are directions ° kw 0100. Ii ,'NleAllbvr's . - • ' ARD—'O bb. N,•. L Lard, ree'd and for New ikoks, just received. , tin I.r 1t , .. rants-Led Complain , try *Mel., letter. ' iloilblain scald Head. Sot to Et., thio• - y. See Tlon.st. o 1 4 ..1... 1,, mt, 2 It. OW. HAILIIAUGI I . '' "ard' 4 the Bible' l' Y "0,10g.e i;iitil- ' Itt:-Z.nri...s.''l`.:Z:. 'i:6.:VZ''.li: '. l"'-.7.1.•'...''.'". ''' 11 FILL IS u Tra-10 labls. fresh Roll Rutter I Insetam d l ain . son ~, vn. I vol. 111 to. u e ., e, t0 ,4,. t ...... artelh ' og of the Lnd , . hon.. lihturnA- A, ~,,,i ~,,, •,, so by ''' .4 "11. ''' .1.e. '"' n • 11"-.^-"''''‘hlh.6°. ` 4 °°'' • Den 1 1 4... Cthot V..., Croup. •I•ellml ur Broken Ilreast, i„ehet - S. aW. BARISAL:1 111 . _ ''''' "fl'°h°•' ' '''''''' f..""-h'°.-" . "'"'-°- ''' " 1° Tas. ' ib Ad,. Ago. In they ..... Le o.'''.2itoget'...r.'.l* f l '-' -l•ro. ' r. "‘ '''-' '..11.2 , .. It, Amthei t. , 2`.... go , Assolong i-,,,' . , I NSF.FII) ti..--lo bl,ls. for sale lc , There • .....,.....e. to. elate. 4 ,b4.4411r i 1.4414hl 1,1.1 , the . , , ,i I S. A W. !REAM :till, The %moth . t around it ' llsonah Flag, tiould. I Sol Isom( o ~,, , ,„,„„.0 „,,,,,,.... „..,,, . 11 ... ~„..,, .. , . - ....,..,..,, L , r , ~ • 1 llntain Ana Onuldrr lharn.• 111 tIA.TA J M.drnt/elt kle Al, irt- • Alt Healing or World :tor e. A tale I I toter, 0 10 1 : 104 - i ms,_, d 0., „. f or ,l e b y I not l ei::•3-74 : :•... , ro tre - • v•e• ,• f ••,-0 r I no-Home In te -FF ' . th• at be" mole einlaa q . s . sss s •I' Is ar teats. ID ~.,,, v. I iv. lIARBACGIL o t ine I.ar hero and Li t t o a tle oret . T . Tut rltentaltarn, •-. t4 1.1. '' 1,7... ng .'" ; Ar,...TTIr.• r a MI Esow•rsr. Smooth First !110it.,-1.0.0:',,1-4°,',FX:::;,4`,,f12:21,;,4,7,yi;,',..."-,;::',M.,,1j, `..,',', Ilb 111 ED A ILES --tal sdekS . reeeitl .ll Valli number . 0.41 fleets., II JF Ms .sole L. mar 12 8. aM. 11.11111. 1 1 1 11 011 . . _ J U tt " .rreed ' fi A ...... n 0. ' 1,: 1' ..i ' M...1"1''7,' ik,",,11."17.,:1- ° ,7' N " --- ' f-i.',A;.,:,":„17',1•1;1',7',0'.:"1,7,:,b1',:‘,..:',:::::,.,.,',', 7 „.",, u n : :::,::;',_.". "[I I I{ it... 1, If.:v—e. casks has gilt Cured, loth . 101 l , , 71-1 'then. it F`ur tl-1 ' L .. , ,oed by Oar ...Iv, we siv...n the ho Yon Ing 0 Olheath. _ oth. 1., tebll, S. a 10. lIARRALtiII. • KEW BOOKS! • tom a reoectalole estinon of 11.1enerce • h , .. Lobito. on oloo• N [MEWS * LATIN, Ex rag I.rtwos—A UT INDOI—GbASS--1100 lAA, assorted m.rdra,-*-st• Dr .,- sr