The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 26, 1851, Image 3

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Tun Loss or TIM Low.etz.—Vfe yesterday re-
calved, from a gentleman who was present atthis
dreadful scene, an account of the collision be
tween the Lowell and,S. F. Vinton,both of which
were, at the time, very heavily laden. The ac
cident, took place near Caption Island, below
Wheeling, at about half-past ten o'clock P. AL.
and the night-was very dark. The pilots of the
• boats perceived each other, and the bells were
tapped, though, owing to some unfortunate mis
take or accident, the Lowell ran across the how
of the Vinton, which struck her nft of the boilers.
The force of the collision was tremendous, the
Vinton being a large boat, carrying a cargo of
upwards of nine hundred tons,' and having prob
ably the strongest hull on the river.' The Lowell
sank in about thirty seconds after the-collision,
the cabin parting from the Mal and floating.
The cabin passengers and crew tileaped, many
'".of them in their night clothes, to the top of the
.hurricane deck, but the first engineer, two fire ,
mettitind twelve deck passengers *ere drowned-
The custom of the firemen and deck passengers
are unknown, they having been taken on board
at Pittsburgh, and the clerk not having- entered
their names Upon the register.
• A large family, consisting of a man and his
wife, and children, from 'Bedford, Pa., on their
way to the West, were among the number of those
The Captain of the Tinton, nronce ordered his
boat to be stopped, and towed the wreck of the
Lowell's •cabin to the shore, where everything
'that could contribtile to the comfortof those who
were saved, was done. After the lapse of some
time, the Messenger No. 2 came alongside, and
Captain Fisher kindly took a number of the pas
sengers on his fine boat to Cincinnati.
Mr. Joseph B. dlcKown, the fitstengineer, who
Was drowned, leaves a wife and seven children,
who reside in Allegheny, to lament his loss. He
was not the regular engineer, bat had taken the
place of Mr. Edward B. Barton, who was at
tacked by e. sudden illness, just us the Lowell
was backing out from the wharf at Pittsburgh.—
His lose will be deeply - lamented by his brother
engineers, - among whom he occupied a high po
sition '
Mr. llairid Evans, the caipenter, and part
owner of the boat had a very narrow escape.—
The cabin soon itank to the hiirricane . deck, and
Mr. Evan! woo caught underneath it. Ho man
aged to make his'eitnation known, however, to
those on the top of the deck,• by knocking again t
it, upon which , a bole was cut through, and". he
wan rescued, though he had been so icingin 'the
water that Le was nearly chilled to dinith..
Mr. Harris' on Mason, the clerk, - who owned
thiee-eigths of the vessel, was Insured for twelve,
hundred dollars In the Citizens Insurance Com
pany. Mr. Edward IL Barton, who owned one
eighth, had an ioouranco of five hundred dollars
on his share in the Western Company. Captain
Force, and Messrs. Rogers and Evans; the re
(' maining owners -of the Lowell, had no insur
The cargo, consisting of iron, nails, and cotton
yarns and dry goods, was shipped; principally,
by Hardy, Jones & Co., and was fully insuredin
the North imerican, Firemen's, Western, and
Citizen's Iniurance offices. The hull of the bent
lies in about thirty-feet water, and the Engines
will be sated. The cabin and cabin furniture
are also saved, as is a portion of the dry goods
and cotton ;arts; though in a damaged condi
tion. •
Before the Honorable Walter H. Lowrie.
In the, ease of PaHIM S. Rowland Eliiabeth'
Hughes, administratrin of Edward Flughe.4, de
cesaedL No 486 November '49—list No. 181; G.
B:.Hamilton figeplaintilf; John Mellon for defen
dant. Action on the Case, the jury returned a
verdict for,the defendant.
- •• • , - -
Z. W. Itetnington vs: llenry Woods. N0.'1338.
Nalember term '49—list No. 18.1 Dunlop for
plaintiff. Loomis foe defendant. Action of
ejectment fora small tract of land. Verdict for
Benjamin F. Page vs. the Delaware Mutual
Disurmade Company. No. 13, July Term, '49.
List No. 183. Sheler and Bturinton for plaintiffs.
toomis and Wills for defendant. Action to re
cover &policy of insurance. Cue not concluded
vaunt the court adjourned:
Commonwealth re Samuel Coleman. Indict
ment, Larcesy, A Jttry was empanelled, and
the reat:a:ter pleaded not exilty. He is charged
with Easing stolen a jot of toole from a carpen
ter aimed Conch,. rending in Upper St. 'Clair
Toitmkrp' . A =cher cf witnesses were exam
ined, and the case after argument by.F. C. Flan
agan, Esq., far the Commcnwealth, and hi. L
Stewart, req., 6u behalf of the defendent, was
submitted to the jury, who returned a verdict of
Hips •
- His honor Judge McClure, then sentenced the
poisoner to undergo an imprisonment for and do
ring the term of two,calendar months in the comi
ty prison, and to restore the stolen property.
'Commonwealth vs. Paul Morrison, information
surety of the peaceon oath of William Scanlan.
After the case had been heard, each party was
' santenced to pay half the costs, '
Commonwealth vs. James Williams and John
„Cabbatson Sinbely—lndictment larceny, alleged
to have been committed in stealing an overcoat
and some other articles the property of Jona
than Itamaley.
Mr. lianialey testified thatthe articles were
stolen from his honsti ; he afterwards found Slu,
" bey wearing the coat in William's house, and
they told different stories about haying traded
foriti &c.
The evidence failed altogether as to Williams,
and Mr. - Planegan did not press fora conviction
in his CUM: H. 8. Magraw, Esti., appeared
for Wftliante.i The jury retired and had not in.
turned a verdict, when the Court adjOurned.,
SUMMAR CAIZ.—The Grand Jury yesterday
fond a true bill in the case of theComraonwealth
vs. Mary. Jane Grimes, indictment areon,com
ntitteiln setting fire to Captain John . Bigert's
barn, in Lower St. Clair township. •
The WO warreached, in the course of the al.
tentoon, and the prier.. ner was brought tic from
the jell. She is s fine looking little mulatto girl,
of apparently thirteen or fourteen years of age,
and bas a very
, pleasing espression of counte
nance. IL 13, .blgraw, -- Esq., had been retained
ea her counsel, turkshe inid-openly admitted that
abe set fire to Captain lie ptemikei, and an ac
quittal was thus rendered - zimpossible. When
asked by the Court whether ehe had set fire to
the barn, abe unhesitatingly admitted that she
had, and a plea of guilty was entered. -•
Sentence was deferred, and semidersteed that
the Court will send her to the House of Refuge,
se, owing to her youth, it to fitter for her confine
matt than the penitentiary.
Shr assigns as a reason for committing the of.
- fence, that she had been chastised by Captain
Biggert for some misconduct
Una Biati.—The following - true bllle were re
tained yesterday, by theMrend Jnry
Commonwealth vr.:Sansuel Colman—lndletmen
Commonwealth ve. Thos. M. Wolf—indictment
assaanit and battery,
Commonwealth Tn. Peter Crosacan—indiet
_ meat, assault and battery with latent to kill.
Commonwealth . va Edward Speer- r -indietment
larceny..Comonweilth T 3. Thos. 11. Gibson--Indict
tment Mundt and battery.
Commonnealty le. Mary Jane Grimes—indict
ment arson.
Commonwealth vs. Louis and Frederick film
mel—indictment larceny.
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Wiley—indictment
assault and battery.
Conimonwealtb be. James
=nut larceny.,
Commonwealds vs, John Benny—lndictment
anima and battery with intent to kill.
Synnen LIMATH. —Coroner Arthur! was culled
st shoat nine o'clock, last night, to hold an
,inquest on the body of Michael Boil, who had
idled very suddenly, in one of D. Leech ii Co.'s
canal boats, nt the basin. The medical men who
Made • pont mortem examination of his body,
decided that he had died from a disease of the,
The.greatert'fUractioo of the-day, in ow city,
Comtell's Panorama of California and the
Isthmue, now at the Atheneum.
Beraciaay.—We leurn from the Philadelphia
Inquirer,• that Edward Goldsmith, alias Edits,'
Curtis, was tried on the :list, charged with the
• larceny of jewelry to the amount of two hundred
and alit; dollars, the property of Ileniy Richard
. von, of Pittsburgh)
It was proved that the prisonsr hadsold some
3eweb7, which had been taken from) fir. Rich
, ardeces store, to •a man name Isaac it;darns.
The defence proved by Mr. Morrison, that
Goldsmith was confined in the County Prison at
the time of the larceny. The Commonwealth
coneequently withdrew the charge of larceny,
but prosecuted on the sucond count in the
Indictment. which charged him with receiving
certain' watches. I knowing them to have been
The cruse Was conducted by William 'II. Reed.
) for the Commonwealth, end Joseph hi. Do
= and J. Longhand, Escis., for the defendants.
W00D30%, Tux
; 'ffoertvx.--Aletterwes receiv- i
lid ;yeeterdaylii i:Stitotilrcleik Of li•nitAil
' Fr.
States Circuit Cop from Benjamin S. t, th e
p o lice o ffi cer who tedWoodson, stating - that
captain Hazlett, o the LoUisville steamer Wash
ington would soot be in this city, duly authori
zed to make the n4cessary arrangements' for the i
sale and release .4 the fugitim i
• We understand; that Mr Sproul, and some!
other gentlemen, Who have interested themselves ;
in this matter, hate, with great difficulty, raised '
-the 81/111 of six hulidred dollars for his release.
The difficulty whi h they experienced in eolleet. ;
ing this small tun unt is attributed by them to
the fact that man colored fin well as white per
sons to whom app icatipn woe made, refused to
subscribe, tui4igni g as a reason that Wesulson
beino ° a minister o the African Methodist Church '. and having an i dent hive of liberty, would ;
spread discontent among the slaves, wherever he
might be taken.
Ammar OF A.
time during the
mans, Johi end
by a number of
Valley Railroad,
John' was killed,
and Charles was
gallants, but ma.
the alarm. The
though the Coro
body, nothing wa
the detection of tl
ALLEGE' , Munnimen.--Some
unth of July last, two ller
,.:barles Shaffer, were attacked
I e workmen on the Chartiero
land most horribly beaten.—
t± skull having been fractured,
bought to be dead by his as
.aged to crawl away and give
affray took place at night, and
er held an inquest upon the
• elicited which could lead to
e murderers.
..ry Was yesterday committed
.nor, Mayor Guthrie, charged,
Shaffer, brother of the 1711.1r
olin and Isabella Gallagher,
in this foul deed.
Charles Laugh
rto prison by his h:
a oath of Charlmat,l
•dered m, tad I
with partieipatin
ILkno CASS. 3
Gage, who Imsbeep
on a friroloaschai
yesterday diecha4
nored the bill' mg;
prosecutor, Biter'
colored man named John
p imprisoned for :Mont a mouth
iige of assault and buttery, was
*eti, the Grand Jury having is
minst him, and sentenced the
#ington to pay the costs. ,
Patent Combitdd Grinding and Bolting, 'or
. PiltAirgh, Pa.. Mare?. 14, 1851.
PUILICi—We have now in use,
our Floinint y lfillc , two of -Jame,. M. Clark'',
flucoblned Gril3 and Bolting, or Merchant FIO
t O ' Ll fi gr1111=11; 01 1 71111 i rtrIt;11V no d
The float Is perfattly‘daptorl to Its na, the work
pwell a+ an orditutc. urr etone.amimnillrinKtnueb
ower, matins Itot Aleut. In • Merchant Milt. to nearly
o ran of burr ~that nut ray to V.OOO.
Te halter, ou. a Bum 11.1 Mal "concur and Awl., in,
dotes an actual profit of 4.00 node , Pee ceal- Oath.. calm
of the (Hlab. burn list
. ......-• • - - . .
For manufactorlott them, grain Into Flour, it doer the
work speedily, pearl clog tgoud article of superfine. Flour.
taut hosing (lapdog tut &mown. cmbined. It is worth]
the attennon of Mil cr. doist• merchant hulloes& and for
titbit Mills it is one ciptlonbl...
Re, the tindg - .1 td, opertites In the 'Pittsburgh City
Monit MAR,. ce yto di anare.
Thyme. Noma,
. ' W. R. lioutc,
Petra Cutia.
A. J. liirrenut.
. 1 301
Grinding and ting,or Merchant -:
I:LAVING pa chimed te entire Patent Right
of the UM Elates. for - Jame• SI. Clark's Potent
lned Orindin or Merelat 11111.'' and now being
related been Con ty . and eta Bights, liken lee the 31111
titopfor nee. 1 tak this main, of informing the nubile
that I tunable to o et the gre.get inrenrlon Of the age.
and one which I. to meet Ith suttees, and whleh will
be the meaty of Mg erery /nom purchasing County
Rate Right. Ine a hamar. fortune. Th is Still
Ix perfectly portabl a nd only tropics 111 elan of tour feet
three Inches armory. when in Ntation. and Is sayable of
grinding and bolting Brun Bret ten bushel. of wheat per
Donn It can be prorllnl with tim,an toe horaepower up
to any 'power tier red. q_ii ni•wee It it oteiration at
Moms. Wilmarth Noble •Cr Flouring Mills, Liberty
street, Fittsbnrwh.
1, further. hare Ithe right cloture M. Clatra's liJal -
MACHLYE. and LW. Machinet Oulu. haring purelizweil
It of B. Snarely. 411 letters pc. paidwill be atom erect
r gaS,lll/ilm/T
1031 AS 31. CLARK.
F' .
NITILL BE SOLD, Irtplirsthillee of the
lot inII • 4 Testament ollerhn h owro i o n of
We Cithlf Tram /h. k iliTA L oVonii.o. Or fth day of
try .U .:.f i nto.. Cy 'public ais:t; C' . naluTl:li. I ll n 20:f
Ground, liittote on uncry 11111, no the New Berl, in the
Mirth liard.oin or nearly ON at . llo. Mine pare of
a large rime of al which waield undouled by the
saki kfarths Lowry arid others. . which. hr virtue of
eertaln praisoling•in Partltrun, I the ailtrio. Court of
the County of AID lon, h. be J.a...ry Tenn. I , rri mr.
assigned In several r to the heirs olbe said Martin how
ry. deed, by note. and bounds. her. be r. fervor.. to tit.
h ao nlaition arid pi n therenuto aritml, and tab, pro
ceed Lowe in tto erre had. soil rowan. : e nd.. p irr ... o ,
pear. It o annewlwary to enumor th alvaritege+ of
the above proper% , commanding tit dors. a twantlfal
prospect of the oil and the two on, bring r soy of or.
eon Ibr a Droste ...Weir , and atrull In ..seellent
Os.. lit for build, Ow
n o d P.elee.—A., n o 're well known
F plan of theype', n furthllohinrateitt. arra,
`!loan sllteln I .1 Delmer. Mors. tool Couture:lo,
Law, Pernik covet or to Other of to un li 01.,ric.1. Ls
centrum of the lao It 111 and Tertian .
ja . ,, lif
..11 L n i, rti v o
L lei v. wry.
deed. .
.1011;3 ! . 01t41 1 1'
N It —The aii ining lot. orutalnL 01001 the ;rune
unantity of Lowl.l also for iole. nach-11 dew
Comte. in borers Mc writings on the bra 0.10., Of De
notbra . lathat • 4:ruination of I t o y, , o . ‘e m s
of Ossitrie Juke. I. a froruirent and al I Dulling cause of
i n i Xer b- ne,intilgon o". rhu. th" at -' wtt d rell ' el.r , : f lri 1St?!
caeoplalm. ibiallirteeryth - rng elm tri failed lwatirree to
We Gastric Jake, Mined from the ourua of h em , an .
IthWfilch pive CoIAPIe.IT eu , eeefu ,
oughttin i Ss i the true th i recut id. or Ow.
tete Joke.. ORO pepais Curer. Porerf u rnaltennet
or the fourth a of the th, AM r direbrir If Baron
Liebig, the great Irelokoleal Closoist. hi 4 B oos t,
tan, hi.D..Plailade phi.. Ps
This Ls • truly onilerfol remedr for Dir e eis in . D ra
47g,;it i tr ' Inl i fikettfa .. rure C' T D . ' s:1 ° L i c , V.V:, • „;: ' , 1 „ ('
ageat.the liastras e
The (rmataie Juice Is the a - mat vs.l, - .At of I the po
Wring. pnrseevlng. stitnolattrut agent of thug.. an d
Intectines trithoht It there-ous be no <Drool—no con
version of food In blood—no nutrition of 11 body, but
ther o . oul. tory d, painful. mad drornolveralitlon of
the whol dl.
orpArattm A weak. lialfad, llcr Ire
NJOred Rome noes no stud tiaone .1 uleand tome
,• diseese. it. wad debility which crone
Bat this went bo supplied to eatractintlie \ 11, ,
Ore FtholPir. Fr a. fn. the stromelo obi:rola tr.
erne on truth. us forming a Digestive Flurinwsolf
like the sutural tilletne Juice. in Ile chemical sere, 000.
furnishing a comSlete and perfot substitute Mt
The art of perforating the protersof digest loredi rio lir
has lons been Ithown in PhyskdoOida Defoughtou
claims the meri+rking the applleation oft. art to
the eons of try Ina perfert and agneahron
Mewl the oleo Ile evidence Baron Liphis. hir 04-
brated work on nal Chembtry, ray, - AA rtillrtal
Distratirc Plaid. rialagnes to the botrie Jul may be
prepaid from th morons membrane of the rumba th e wleh 'sari artirles of Pod, as woo low, will
be , NoTteoed, elan and digeoed. riot in the ac man.
~ ..f d . they t o U. In the human stomach
Dr Boughton. f iliiiwielphie
dig sp an abial dr
tr 07.1strer j afi P aTaarna n ol ei. e the
I.•rf '' rl aTis . l. of
a ,
ter n
ten Cell
nature , 0 agtht.
the divot' , Fri ple (XII and we the estreortary oi
ratite evidence ol Its value
110 Wood rt. Pittateh
!fiy " lt r' Si P L ' flre r i.:. ' o ` l l` ; ' .. , i .8. nob?
Al,. for .
- gllND4tibb'
N. 3 k/Tel:
prtipa Narl,arnaock rotatoeo;
- °moo App.,
b. Ear Con. •
Dried Apple for ludo by
Donlon; and Commlasnon Men+.
No. of Wator NUT.
TER —3 bbl. juht reed d fnr
Wm by
L . - -
iM) 01
fur We I.
• atehlo
26 bbl. No. 2. hunt reeind
• ashten, Clarke k Ce.'l4 getne
I, far Ile by ICIDD CO!
rA Wood
r, GROSS 1
0 OW 1.4 v 01
14 casks (first sort.s) for vfifiTy
:S-8 flacks (prime) for saby
(N. C. for Hole by
ft 01L—Warrauted pureAn
ke gale by
prrte d, for
I•• - • •
nrau, Virst sad W 044 ow ._
INDIAN llENlP—English
J. by
1 1tIUM—Englimh imported, a.
el, /I. A. YAIINMT.,CK t CO
bladders, in milmrted r ix.l
ffsair by
11. A. FA 1170:STOCK A CO
IPLASTERS—Large and Rani,
B. A. VA lIS V,5T4.(71( A CA,
par. l ks4l.
E 4
Ow naln b
IEi•S-1 ,
AA. tor b
12: &Mite 44
u Ol.l,
ka, Tux.,
man, Y sr. I and Worni .11
00 DRY HIDES rccr•ired urd
tS-60 Barks Fentlwrs
UM/ h. 8 /I * II 11:11A1;(31.
Barrel, ‘,•A S I
b. a %% II thIIACIII
Ltd. for
kegm iu btor%cosmn.nHil.
r 4
LA RD —1
_4 meth
4 / , 7 7:;fra
111. CLOTH oi•ry largo! a
I f TO•Ie .1.1 1.. r mr
J t H. vitium,
NJ bar
ielnyer Sera:
P "'"thr
'EACII Es-150 (1,ri115..) 51
../ 1 [twain J. N. 1/11.WOHI'll
f ASII 10 ravel I. for bt by
tn,h7 J I,ll.lCOltTil n 13)
111 A l'Eir S;(ili4lli N(7 SEI.EC
TION.—% ill nrgtmaid nrrltal.,
Ilr•iv and rhulori•rinftin^nt Pr.n,nl. and V...rn
Ul.s'li V,' dawn., loquet and plain Patnrn ,
ton..tinrr Int,. lot of 'Ann and l:nnunot ,
la,n4 WAI.TP.It P. )1/11t1 , 11AL.1..
14 , 14..1 rt.
b 7
ray rP al. D
.1 .117
IS J ua•on, Biek
( ft APEIY
k_y tufa k Col
!in" — 10.001 Nnrdsflo,ollCl,o-1,
onnOntu, [non' tnn , nnlt wbin, nf
P ... 11.1, will rt. Inn .
Int frt.! toner thnn ant' bthrr I ..... the
4 , lb. nttnnnon intim
nosts, N. 7 nod tl %,•••1 rl
Oft CL
la er, •
eastern roakr,
Sort our
la Flcu , .l if
ankle tor ral
Ali F: ()IL cLoTti--on hand, 4
1,5 ,5 5 5 nt f 4. 5. mod qr Shrutino.
Prarat Cakrsvnsrs OEI Ch... 155 , 11.1
1. • 01e.551 ev tern
J II 5
1.1111.1.11 ., .;
Eel) Fitlol VII I 1.1.1 PSV L
r vN. 'dr. 4 554 5 qr limret,eleintb.
at No. 7 551 r W 05.1 .0.,
J. 71. NUMMI ,
- -
=Um+. -)5.
i - STEAM BOAT,S. -- -
Few 1. ' 4. K , March ' 5 . 1 fthektViZZfOr the r :l2• L s A aTZ I t ng 'L
Henry tiny arrived a Havana on the 17th inst. I m " d l l ,:',rtg2.7,e' n or thu a l r e'lty t ry ° o . i!reie:j. M. sneli.7l
The greatest possible attention was paid hi
b y s ii e i . ,„,,,. i mme di a t e ly ~ his ... i ...i , -- ih m . , r oR ZANHSVILLE --Ile fine
4 steamer /4MPRESS.Ct. master. will leave
Captain General sent him an invitation to eialt ! or elem.. and Intennedinte purl.. imaraternoon.
him at Mspalace. lie also received an invite- :" 4
...... i 'Llk.- i ,,,,,,,,,,.... 1 ... i .„, ir0 , 25
lion to attend a musical soiree at the
pahtce of one of the grandees. He intePoridnsceire-Y SAINT LOUIS.—The tine.
az, new, and splendor steamer PAUL
mdining two or three weeks before returning to roil
4.thet.&. cam.. It. C. litlt, Win IeAT. AA
the; United States. - j stove. on Tuesday. 31areh at lo o'elork, A. M.
For freight or passan, apply nn hoard. .11'1.4_
yIOR NASIIVILLE. — The fast i _
running steamerGENlEl'A.Cantlillatn 4 , ~..nta,tr -
In leave for the above and Intentional., ports .
on lreddesday, the 2nth lad., at 4 P. Cl.
''',`„Zil,'"`'""""•;ll,':JZ".NitliZ7,`4. A,...
Hon. Thos. Burnside, one of the Judges of the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, died a Ger
mantown this eveining at 6 o'clock.
Oro. F. fiervin, for 80 years connected with
theiNtaTe, died .n this city toda y- .
Roth Houses of the Legislature hare resolved
to adjourn on the 16th of April.
•Istw Emu:, March tn..
The steamer Asia sails to-morrow, she takes
oui iedr a million dollars in gold and silver.
The report that the lionantum, eri route for
California, was burnt by spontaneous combus
tion of coal is unfounded.
Daniel Webster is now in Annapolis partaking
of a grand'dinner, given him by the members of
the , jtefonned Convention.
l'inLsTlELima, March 25.
Flour—The elport demand continues limited
and prices have declined 61e, with sales.lsoo bbla
standard and good brands.
grain—Wheat is' steady, with sales of 5000
buabels fair and Penna red at 06 4697 c per bush.
awl 102 c for white. A cargo of rye sold at 080
- "r? bush. .Corn is scared, with sales of 5000 bu.,
at Pe afloat, and 60c in store. Oats are in fair
request, with sale. 4 3000 bushels prime at 43c.
groceries—Not much has been doing, but the
market is generally arm.
Provisions—Are in limited demand, but hold
en are not disposed to purchase, and prices are
Cloverseed--ds scarce, and in request, but gen•
erally held above the views of buyers.
Whiakey—Sales at 23c per gallon in bbls.
Flour—The market is quiet, and prices favor
buyers. 501e5 . 54,44 for State; ii,94,62(u 4J for
Mixed and straight WeFtern, and s.lCitio4,Bi for
goOd Ohio.
(;rain—Holders of wheat are firm at 103 for
Genesee, and 101 for Ohio. Supplies of orn
lutring increased, prices are easier; of 65e for.
-prime yellow.
l'rovisions—There is more inquiry for prri
slops, and being influenced by favorable adtaces
front New Orleans the market is better. Sales
at §12,871 for old, and $18,31613X7.1 for tew
mesa'. Saes of old prime at ?$lB, awl of new.
dont 11,57} id bbl. Beef isffirm, dud in steady
retail request at s9®ll for lac:. and sslj ti for
prime. Pickled meats ore easier, and offered
more freely. Sales of good hams at Hi nod
shoulders at 6( t .,;,01.e. Bacon is hardly to firm.
Sales of Western long middles, back bone out.
ut Tle. Lard is in moderate demand, but steady
at stesi fur good to prime quality.
Butter is in fair demand . ' rime Western
dni7 is more scarce. and the market more buoy
ant at 15®10fc - rt lb.
Groceries—Coffee is in good trade demand.
with roles of Rio at 101(0lc. Molasiess is
dull at 300i3010 -e gal, Sugar is in good de
mand at sf(n!6ic for Orleans.
Tobacco—The market is quiet nt ,10€02.4. for
: Cotton—The market is easy, mid prices tend
Nliddling Uplands is quoted at lad
and middling Orleans at Pt lb.
Whiskey- is dull nt gal.
Niß' YoRK, March
Cotym--Pricr tend downward, with further
salei or 17100 hales
Flour has declitted Cie per tail, with Attlee of
2,501.) bbIS at_S.44.37e,.l.;pitfor-state brand.
°rain—Corn_ is eaer, With Nftieg ti,ooo bush.
prime yellow jt ti4A A a i,l bush.
Frovi4ion,—Pori ha's advanced, with Pa7el 'of
900 !Ibis at *la, and prime $lO per,libl.
Whiskeyls lower, with sales 3110 bbl at 23
(si, '-'3j per ga l. ,
Flour—The market ia very quiet, and larger
sale, of Hour could not he made, over $4 31
!insist, provisions and groceries are without
The`fallowing sales were made at auction to
day-2001hills Muscovado sugar at $5 2,10,.;
cwt., and of 51 hhls S. 0. at $5 45(0',5 65
Whiskcy—ls selling at 211 c ?gallon.
March 25.
:Float—Tare is a goad-demand, with sal. of
1,000 bbls at V. 45(8 50 1 3 bbl.
Whiskey—Sales are making at life 1.1 gal
tiroceries--Sugar ii 4 active, with' sales 250
blula atal 200 bble molaises nt 32c
;Proviaions are quiet, with no sales of conse-
Linseed Oil—le doll, with aales in a mail
way at 900)93c ? gall.
The river to falling Mori),
iThe river in falling slowly, with 10 feet 10
inches in the canal.
iThe 1)e Witt Clinton and Statesman, passed
up to-day.
SUNDRIES -1 mum Gum Shelac;
Fiber earn':
1 err= Tartar.
1 hnle Lam , Mottle Carkx
" n r ! ; . " 181 I PrtgrllNT, '1"4
miter IVor.l and Sixth .ht.
spd f,r 'al> by
. .
lIIED PEACIIES-r—IN skg. Cur sale by
m. 1.11 WICK t NI,CANDI.F.riB _
kATS-41 mucks fur sale by
y mrl,ll WICK a WCANDI.TA4._
1 010; 1.11, for role lor
•• • •
lI ROOMS-1.00 doz. Corn. niediurn.
ext.,t fo r mile by
r 1 ,103 J D. WILLIAMS 01.
Virnsif ficialibs--120 doz. Zinc, for We
T h r rarbla J. D. WILLIAMS A CO
I,IS lIE A T-23 bldg. for sale by
V T ambit _ WICK A MA,ANDI.I4S.4.
galhalN NAV GLA SS--2,:1011 boxrat, etnbr, 1
T rine, ail lbw AXON iu kterwrid aoa In Fluru • 44 d
by [hrtaill I 110IIKIITSON a.,
- CallitAS' ALE-300.1%10kt and Iff. BLIn.
1i Intare. with conpraut arriv•lo (rum rho Ilmwery.
...Mut trot qualify, for rule le,
net! 11011E1:TE041 A REPPLIVI4
caTivw IVRAPPING-From the Virginia.
'0 )tl. ren.netently In rfare•and fur nalw tit ralinnbirtu.
'QC Yi I E It I FLES-- II) groom (warranted) .
1.1 to oo laid for role by T 0001100 MIN.
"rh No. 6I WM., nt.
- .
• .
• bbA. White than<
I,bu. ahriled Curty for aLle• by '
. twrblk I 001110 A. SON. hi Wm, O.
v raft., Chat. 41111 r. rreabenTille. fur mule by
tnehl I W P. MA hall All,.
l i k 1 A E I ,
.1: (
. 1, Int - nw !'rivi . , rednee d . at the !
swill I ' ' W .. i'.II . A ' IVII7I I 4 ' .!
p ,
I 1-* For oak L a y
liti,,l-ICI/ PRINT:
„,, I' % MA Italia iu
lkylN DV BLINDS- For male by
.a , II I. matorit ALL.
II A 1.1! , !.: 11 . coakx ria•* . ; I 4llnl i f s , , lr ifi r , a . l . 42 , by ,
' '
Fi.oui,,,, ilbla. recd and for sale by
nab] 1 J a PI I,W 1111111 A CO
- -
I 1ii. , 1 ,,, 1 . 1 , fr EIL -11 l
. I .,, ,ra b a i . L fz ,, n r ge . b7 ,,
I thEsTN ti- .11 bbl for gale by
V) 1,1,a, - W.;0111:1, P ?AMER.
WILL. 'IV Kit -II) 111. prime just reed
1.V...1.1 for sul t AMC r./. P. till li I 4' En.
ww lo . _
.. - - . - - •
DRIED Ptil ES- -200 hu. for s a le by
m. 1,10 bAlll'El. I' mini vi:a
IlTufo MY In'S...-:ai hid. for only, by
1 farbl .l a•MUKI. P allitlV Eh
... , -
'1 4 BEEN ALES- 1101 Ikbl.•for oak by'
~,tau a .4 NI Vt.l. P. 011OIREIL
' VV . A T . , 411 I, .1 F. IV ELIt Y, SILVER
v w A Kb:. Tehr, Itrilaanin lea, bed ray. r
Plated I•ar,:ili4p4ruill;aller,, Pelee;nal4l,...,,Cut.lerky;
I.J ' ‘7l 7,l b:• ' : , man, la Ilelbl m atal Li . wellinch lia.
I ~,,,11,.., it. Ilnur.W. Phiturra, Military blaalru of .11
i..,,,.i, oohl Puna; brn , goui tilaso Callen . Mummer.,
e MM. tar .a.nnaieraoina raPair•la front. , a
tot., will fiod h. it• n. of the oar, lentruar in
went netrio a Isreenee tet ller above .Cl.l, mul MI on
11. sal f• 1.,.. prim..
.1,1% aril TrIMI. root. '''. "Ir . V4T1,4 - ,N.
roe! fourth and Masket .0.
CM - ) , t iti . Sl - -'te fu g: a c t, bjw,x4.,
1 . 4 1 011 S'l% LOUIS & ILLINOIS fr.... ..
2 el V fill.—Thr oplenald i.a•Attritmr team - jit
i rr CATARACT, Cant, E. W. (lonia. (built ex
pri-i,ly for the. trade., ill now math - lost freight, end will
on Aatnrilay. the . ....11 Inst.-
I For freight nr ploiiage apßly on hoard. ni to
.IC2 O. U. NllLTP.AllElllitilt. Agt-
IfOR NASHVILLE—The tine ~..
wleurnrr NtAVFLOWEit. 11A.lett;%uder. -....,
•t I leave by the nia,ier.nd Interim... Hale tairt,
on It& day. Mr . 2,1
.., to .I P. M.
r " r rn i. 7.P " r i '''''' apply ill ' l l l;lV:ili : it n .
ANI, WELLSVILLE—The line Ftvtinier
, .1' EILL.E. Wtn. Shod,len. mmter, .111 run
. la r,..gtilar packet between thi. city and Wellsville, tee,4.
I lug Piloiburgh every Mondat,ll'editerdet , and Frida), •ii
it o
Aga P 1
. 1.
lfar fralght nr paxangratipply on foam. in:10
Tv. i•J:xl•irrsitilt.iil St'NFlBll.
teaur PILOT A ~.Crwne, master,
will leare l'lttAtairOt ror 1111,14..CaptIna and Sulafixta.
every . 110ntlay anA Ttnir,lornt o'rlock roturolog
thiall,b for t'aptlna. 'l.l,lltic and I'lluburgll.
en) ''1,0,11, - and Friday. at 0 dclp4,.. I Ps.enzrrs
a n d
olle ittto . r .
low water rn ran dewtu
.esnon.l owls boat r6r6l7lootywularly
Y•lr (Malt! or P.n.,. 0t4.1r 00 1.00 , 1. tweitld
;r-_ -4, 1. 85 1 . ..Z.Z
THE new and r,,Lt running litr. CASHIER.
J. N. MeNituan. Mtoder—lbetrular Wellsville. Stea
-1 bet:Title, Welleborg. trb,llng, Bridgeport. Caption, and
6un6.13 Parket—let,. Pittsburgh «very Weduradar at
3 o'clnek. P. 11.. for Whe.dlng and Bridgeport. and ererf
,aturday at 3
P. 11.. for earth. and Suottsh. Returning.
leaves Suuflob every Monday st In II rlork. .A. 11.. and
Bridgeta.rt and lt tweling OFC7Y Monday. and TP.r."Y• at
For freight and pawrage npplf on boon!. nrl.4,
1 meh; . JOHN YLACK. Agent.
' INGPORT.:—The fine /tram, PACIFIC, AIN
M.!, master, will len*r for tho ahoTe and in
1 ter ...Bate ports ever, Tbur;da.f •at 4 0% - l^ck, r. II•
One freight or rwmigi. apply ou,t r lVA L ;An k so , ,
i t
toottlO No. dl Wetter and Gil Fro..
von ST. LOUIS.—TiIe xpletulid ir
:i. new atrazner STATF.s3lAN.Jaa.tiorinley, .."..
1 =Vl "' :T.l In. :',,:r t afore Into.
i Fur freight or plosan . e. apply On t , :art..-y . to
meta .. HEO. 11. SI I LTF.N i LAVER AO.
... .
.SUNVISII PACKET—The fast ronnlnfi
steamer WELL ILLS. Cat& 8. 1 19 ,
~{. a
tlannr l ,h. Wbrelln
1 ralAx a .rt r . r .Z a ,rt,..',3l`i;..t...tret een i'q arl . pa Pittsburgh rrery
.1 afkrnoon for Wellsville. Struta.nril le, and Bridgepou t, and
t err n ...l i r aftrrnoon for Etrutwurtile. Wh7llng.
41.1geport,.Ca i.a.,ulSon6•ln. rettirninz. Irare..l.rid,
port and Owl gb i•amy Tuepday afterunon. and ~ u ntlah
aver,. Friday. afternoon. Foe neigh! or pna.utte. and) on
' leant. or to 1 fe. 10 . 0, / 1. . P 1I - II 1:1.1).:1t. AgenL
. . _ .. . ._.— . . _
1.1, ITHEELINti P.aCKET.—The ridundal
nrw packet stranwr DIURNAL. Connell. 100
. ter. la now twrfurtulna in.r . re.nAlar tri-werbiy trip. I.alatean
1 , thda r eltli ., a m tli Wtml . lu ;k, lzariLlf , Intic:r . ,l: . : i kt
‘. ! . 1 t 0 el
n oc , l .
learn Wtboralt'y o.ort Turaday, rhunaly and FaturdaT,
In ''''' ...k. Y" I'l lgarir,l - ri a ditY7.ll ` .lV;g m
. 1 ,
1 11., 13 ,,,,1,"-, A ci t sci l .N v N E Ali. N Z4 s l. l) .l k oh Y nljag
anuina:han.t. This .plendid land waAnadlt. by
the Imnrn , of the ....a.m., Ink Nratzon. ......4 ^t } ? o ,".. '''''
the Clneinnan not PittAurall l'aetel trade, ackf 1,4. ,Isr.
I ever, Wedn..nlay for emrtnnati . In plane of th• Nrtle,L.4g
. 6')
.1 For
n'''''' 7.l'l'litt7k ° l6:?L'aitl:, ° —r.
.... • • --
Hosiery, (;doves, Nitta, er.e.
11.1P11 Y BLifteftriill,f) hove nnw
tiM3i7;i n ii.,3l;7",..f.rii`iiiT,T7tlifte'llt*'.
Nankin tolorod authat dn. untdPiteheil CO(V4I hal. WWI '
Ualf Mark and .11110 opuu do.
rill, and L.Lsiti
nannlon and anti, 1101 r and iigh afrha
Cotton and Moloo l'ader.hirtr. !titan,. dn., lr.; sad all
r i ..h r zrea Li; taah prici, at Ninth Eon tairrirr
, 01./FISLI-15 dna.. in SUM., for sale by
.4)4 MILLER a !LICH KTi 4 ON.
. . ,
111 S---15 Laka lint sort IVestern N. Y..
a 11,E .100 and r.,r sale ty
lariat 011.1. th; f RICH F.TrttiN
1.4 1 CON0)1 1. CI !/Eli—lb) bile. in
/4 arid frr aah• by
I .iSSIA-1.0 0 Imitv: just ree'd..for .1 ,, by
rural tlll.l.fa: s. is I .
R)all..E. V ATTS-1n store.mut for sole nt
th,./ . .u-r.. in•iii••uor
what ir • 11.11.1 N WK. N 5 Fourth st.
inxiien the at
11w..srishinq furni.h. to lii aka*
tu, ibiela are pad tarNireil Irma the nturtufaxturr - ra
rrltA N SPA iI.ENT WINI4/11 , SHAL/ES- -
:. A`ral .4,r...0re:1n bon fourril .4.C.a.1.•?f1ia-t Warr
( LAM,. .s 5 'Fourth •dreet.
11 . 01reLINTOtai
A Jannr Lim!.
,111 c rr.l s t ,ry !arsee... i rrt , ment ehe
tba Carria 11 nrelirithai, No. .JFuarth rt
auflla, wt Sket. ton !Paola. In same and L,r wtr at
I • .. W. 11,1.INTailli.
- • _
L," (ha attention .4 rarrha•-ninto::wcrtlaeat„felu..i
at No., Fourth alrert.
hot,. 11, n. large tr_rai Sugar. =id
too 1.1.10. renti
=7 , 1 ernahed and powdrred Lair : s ugar.
•• Clarified 1...11 Cugae.
It , birds N.. 0. Miran
411 bah, - Melva,
- 0. 11. Srlll.. St. Louis
tlidarn ri rag
44 - y 11.1111.4 •• in Ot.. tend for ante iK
JAMES A 001..
Wat, and Frard
ECEIVED f'F,Ji EXI'lt}:SS, n lark,T na
sortment of tbr 4011.2.rina
l arv a l An. thalrfanl Mualin FrearhWnparrht
Cull, rulb Cullsatal Valendruneo
and !rola Sara - gran Cuffs and t•dlar, Lonl• Napnlrno.
01.11nr, Brurrorl, and Aprdlgne Cape* and rd.,. Chinn
trtn, Mark chatallla and Inre it lapel lirtyhal
Cap*. Infante Cop and Walrt, rodanlAlrred Lino. Cara..
•rla Ilarpnerttrir Er; Enallah Trvad La,v.. and Jo.
net and lryloo lAylnat and Irtorrtingo—doarr••• .111, •
Dada. A.
runarrttntma of arrorh tatl• , 1 , 1•:,1 and Lora
A. A. 'II,trON A CO..
nichrl Na and Cl Areric• at.
DRAWING PAPER—alii Bheptm (stsperi
quanty? fr,h raOr h l J. KIDD A
suchl N., GO Word 01 l
ACON—lel easks - Sides and Shoulder'',
YJ, rt.r . 4 by atrompt Th,..rnavr IL . alt by •
rn , hl WAT.I.IN6YOftD CP.
TOBACC(I—dS kegs Six Twist;
51 Ls. ()rant,
E.4r rair by
torbl BROWN t
and n0..1 OW,
ti bblx. and KO ke. No. I LarsK
DV lumen RaZdrn.;
ILO Flag
10 qr , rank* nap. flalagn
.10 Lb'. Oil: on hand and for ado II
. .
4 opened id Inn I.lherty atr....t. • Ten , oup*rtorToona
an, ea, whir), we think we un ray with e0u041.... , :W.
cannot be intravae.l.•t the prk... in Pitteburgb Prior 3!.
YOY the lower Mfr. 7.5. t.2!..i., Lti. and 37 , , il 1 , .. whir.
w* warrant rullY wlt.l. II notianinlor. I an, to be heat at
t 1 .ame Orin ,
Al..—llotorn, Imperial. azul Onnianote , ..t .11mA ,,
few which all we uk le • (al tnal. and the, will memo.
[ i
mend thetowlet.e. A liternd innoutat made to rainier•.
oral to !until.* buying by the ....tlt,. , CO.W 1, A. 11e1.1.1..11,1 t I.V
. -
Tea Pesb•ro . nil Onwera
plt i . , l i i; .. i i T lL lNy . , ; W 111 , T i ii 1.,N12 , , N i vl ti lV l i t , Al'P I:NG
wo . n. . :$ by 30 '.
2)0 " 12 by 02 "
fr , o . .1 by 21, 21 br 32., 21 by 34. 71
t/ ,
100 . ill .r. P..,,;",;, 1 1.:' .
raoo MIA. FM 1,, ernan Rpm Pbl‘.l
400 '. lin 1.,1a, "
700 " Iluln
2.:,40 . 3lt. LIN MO SiLmltt Crown Rug.
The underalgro.l tie , , , p• iv odently on hand and for gab ,
It.arl.o for Itaga, • l•rt1 , and general arnortinent of
nlod. Cap,, Handl..., and Tea Pore.; Dn.
Ilnierd.. 10., A•.
.. . . . _
, .
A1.,-F..lllug of ell alto, fgr tranufaclurr”.
Prinths. Paper runt.. (Pll.llool 3 l . lirliZ in.
cornlr Pvnn
p j A t l:
trortlon:mAlCE. Ariii, mIN OIIKYI.Y. 0
1)1t1h:1 ) ILITLES- I)..Appfrs;
UM Alt 11(.11:SE 310 LASSES— 40 1)1,1s
M. Into. Raw., I. stvra Ind fur anle'
1.1.1:11 6 fin 'lf Ml.',
co 11 ,1E4,1.
h~nt{.4 I
N M.', I}:
r rtm..
ileY Hat, A'y
k,. she I. az.corts.l natal,. re;
a•• IlaAn: F.,, rnl. by
_.. •
EM VA & BEs s vrr, IIT holt ,
mole irmr.ptul 1.41,1 In la+.lnrr, rr•moweill
mai VII Vin 4 amt
rwlll~n~ ICI l'lttxburah. POO
Blmil Books
Stork of Blank Books, of er
fl deeeriptlon. In all 'Wee of binding. is oilers,' for
na r at al. tea net rritee at
A V KN'S Rook Ron., •
owner Merkel and geeond els.
Her. bents are r..ineate.l 1.5 and eaamine nor
um and Deno Wank or), _bleb a, ollerrel at leiter
~.r,o, t ltan they ha.. ever been
mid in thin city.
Net atol American ropy.' ineb.
NIAIJAZINE, fur March,
mehe.Llknrr lin t e, Third •tree(.
cn,poit.. the Net Milne.
the we/net-Ls. age.' lady m Year , b'br
dretitutr, atd nielers to obtain mean, to take h, to r
family in (Jr elate .0 Italian. J 0 I
and 0 trou I . llll.l.lretbSt.
mrbn 3... 7
- -
Altl'El'ilea•eivrti this day, by Leech rt
; Canal Line, at Out I.satTet iTnn.eou.n of tl'. ylr
e 1 Nrbeli. N._ 75 Yourth st.. rbmprisin, In part the fl
b,aing raritin-e. Tapretry.
Taneetry l'enitian. Hain Venlltan. end eunertne Ingrain
4kr,uta,nf the meet modern styles. sunlit
40 boxes extra an.l
nid4o tatty Luz,. extra te pounds: for wele
5. VIM, Mall ce,
RI NO, Ilatiker and
• Ij. be the Fourth Et, ,tools In We•tren Inane. Sight
on Eastern CAW*. 00,1 malts onllertione In U.
west St low Tate.. awl Is now paying the hlahrot
I ,, Mlnm In par funk • for Anaartaan Curer. .c.
SNUFF--500 lbs.
FJ Nilo [7 mall/ J. JUDD A
rpo OFFICE urt Water, tie-
Mena Matte and Perri etreeta.
Pi ngulre of
J.S. DALLY. .4
LL. Our mt.
.FOR RENT—A Ihrelling !louse on- V
'fled str,t, abore and nee to Nraltlflold. It ;41
ha. tau Aston, laze- yard, ooh hose, dr. WM....
la.-rented low. And poeuelon given Iconoallatoly.
Sale or Leue..orre lot. In the Moth II ord.
th fr&V. fr A b lMltgiirON.
1. Bee. Deilngtotra, Fourth street... Woad.
paiiible Real Estate for Sale
SUBSCRIBEIt'offors for Sole, on
favorable terms, the following Beal %hate. 1n
th N C it.y
Th rletlet ta a h ub h e
thnwt !dory brick dwelling bunt.,
On Second between Marketacid Ferry street., the
Wt. being each 19feet front by 0) deep.
No. IL emitaln. 47 feet from nn Third Ore.!, adjoining
the Thinl Itn..byterian Church. nu whLch ereeted one
Ibur MUM) heel( how., toed a. a Printing alb , mt.
away brick warehouse.
On. tt. Two lot lu Beaver counts. being lota
Sre. tCand 4. being about lOU feet wlnarv.nn wltfch b.r‘d*
nu* Ith, mar frame dwellings.. and one separate
frame dwelling. all two otories high.
No. 4. tine Int ail feet (mutt nn Back .tree!. uppoulte the
abneei . ittel to the top of the hill.
So.'s,. To° beach lots. each 10 feet Blvd. and running
fivran 11,, Mal to low water mark, on the Big Bearer.
Ntt. t. One valwahle water lu4 tun feet on Wheel Rae, Flaw, water power attached.
90. r. One lott opposite the water an feet trout. and
ettenng to the tug of the hill. 1.0 which 1. ereete.l one
two rTry brick atnre and warelion.e, L. bne y :AI fret; ei nue
f rime ateritte high.
No. . One large Int In New Brighton.
Ina exult ion feet on Broadway. and about u not deep,
enntainlng erre. on which are emeted twn W large (wee
01011 .0e frump ma ma °Mee.
InklA prnperty wag. horror)) . °mauled to) Mr. T. C. tiould.
end I. very pitataantl) located. Wog imunallatel, °Malt.
the lallettrn Bridge.
50.1.. - thse ern.r lot. lenewellate.l, Wow ralletan 131.1.1ge.
left etnia 11.45 rert In length, and extending been
etre.. hew wet., mark. er tovrlne
Th. nbnretrne ,, ) .111 le sold ..n very levered& term,
:A 1145 et Um bock Slum. of It. C. STUCET.IN, eerner Third
sna MeAet etrve , e. JOIN YLEMINIL A,ut.
hb•timal and Pat eopy.l
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
Ir!leAltirg 11.11iFLIng 311‘ , 1 1 1 11 1 , r.1 11 / 1 1 1 . 1 ' 1 " ,
Pe ' ;l:l " kr . o l egt i gtjytr;4 ° . thi''. n l r ,rulans,
1.1k71n 4 1
114 reuxul st.
VOR SALE—A large Brick Dwelling 7.7" .
11 liuu., at - LT. 1.1.0( Iltound:on llmk Lane.
1 .1 ).
Porno doing buallrs e lu IL rlly would Sot It rowed.
AL..— Two Led,; 115 feel by 100. nn Ilebeera rtmet
I , r prim and terra* apIAY rn
mrhl4 BAIRD ik 114 Second al.
.11 - .4 1 01 1 . l'rivate Ihrelling, or .4'3',
`heel, 14x.nts. pleaaantly basted on redenal . P.L. g.. 14
of r t ;7 '00 ) . 1'111 7;l=
SALE--Two dna, LO'I'S, pleasant
n-e are 24 feel fmn. and eafe.nd k 240 feel tn a Al fort
sae. For term, apply b.) 11.1111. ANT--or
tuebll,lnl • .1.11. PkINSILICK
IrtiO LET--A V. AIIEIIIIUSE. situated
nn 1 Valor • [wren. n 'nark. and Fere) iqn•te.
on able 1,,r the Prnduoe Omnen. For term,. In..=
faLbli JAli EA
e. No. 11'ater
For tale
1110Crt OF ItUtl.DlNlirt; cm the corner
lug.. am) r. nn .treett. atitt I'm:Wog ma the Pro
tylvattlit C.nal, in the City of Illtaburtth. The Lot tom.
' ol .."nl nlT t 7l Ite r Tj i 7 d :Z
tolt t oit l ir2 =
etuity7no lhLtrot
• et•tot hot In
DA% ID 0110111,
melt! Cm No. toil Penn at.
Land for Sale.
TRACT of 4".1) Acre : , o ne Tr a ,t
1.3 Arm: e.or Troot Owlm.. and leiTrars of
. Acro. each All the le mom or ttuttroT
-4.4. of punt rot.. quality. g0v1.....11 I,..Ated to ?loom" et,.. U.,
.1 will to cult purfhaxr.. ‘or. love. Far furtbor
parlloolar, inquire of - {V if II )(MIASMA.
Sooon , l
• itil !II %on, of un05 ., 11,1 nituat..,l
'OR RLLT.—Tu u RooVe in the PiiNt ;1;1
"Mr , Fultie•ifr f.r ,
0 Inr, Ar
AIN. r:d :'Ttritt: on I'Vrl FIR., next to the
tinret. lib:lnc.. and nrw front wah
large *how utmlon tnnll.berecithout h...
fell..E. D GAZZAD. :'enond ntreol.
14 1 0 R. SALE OR ICE N T
The iienee reuh•ine tif me to thr
nu.: the let I, fort, bet on
t"" \4 . OI r E ' L I .II.4SI.
wrier ef-Witixi i•lxth Ate.
VO It RENT—That largOwelltrig. Louse
,t.474k, t7P;; 1 :
nn IDE otro4 over, the first of
hinrrh . . •
rer tersur.spplt to I. It. Al' yo, Guardian. nr t:
Totten, at the /ort Pitt Worts... fel•PidAyll
• VOA LP4-Tler. lard FloWr tjm. and • :wt. Mill on
Ikorrr Creek, with the norv.iri water gnaw,. Alt..
• well ttnprotwd nano In Lawreneonnunt Prlrso WOO.—
Ain., A 1,,u of 114 are, •••1 the , ohio river. tnr•-•• miler
iwinw v./seer. :id. CA - die, one a IPt age., on the
e•nin n Inloar 1.-:•:rr. Int t-T.l for sere A 14 ,4
no, see. tin por lune An, Nen" late, Idd, 11111 11 1 ,
Wri.. per w-n• 11,4 r•• taw , . Pr all and en
sores for VIA per acre. Indwther with utan• n. of sari
nas •inv and pies ,
N. I' a F err ERm AN.
Attorneys at Law aset !teal K•tate .4dents,
{mill N.. le Ith et. rittsburwh.
■RENT—TIIP Market at.,
B' now ••-•-uph4l tlsTaager am a Tartatf An•rw l ll
powwwlon cirrn Irt nf
- Pb). IV Al 314t1.1ATOCK, Ai 4th od
rrO 11;"ttreholuia. nitutttint !he-
n tt' tlarksi and running thrnugh
from f Ind 1.11 neound .te nt rreently nreopinl by•Awen•
+mite atislr.A7n. It to •ultga,ll , fur tnanuftrturing ors,
. tes purposes EnAwits l
14•116 • I•CAllftt, ATKINSON AOK EI.T.
~)EAI. ESTATE: rt).l: SALE—The 'miler
' •Isrusl offers I, .10 it 1.1,. • f ,. ..1rub1•
iwunEntt Ims.l4llld.s•rnble Ille 1 1 .. r inanufs.4
tortes. In the Ilsdnnwh nf liirvtinsnant, bestedtn-ar the
new Pain- Achonl Hour and dnull•A Lotteraul'hureh.
lb, rapid wrowtl• of Itirtntiegi•ant In in and
manufacturing wraith, and the nwonnable ;dines at with-It
i•d• will Lc sold. will nquirt them nile nail prtrtitahle Im
v" / ! •1 " 4 .- 6,11 : 4Ss ' an r rt: .- wI T Z 7 :i * .t of the nndrreia'
othre of georwe F ..1.. on Ilrant Pio.-
hurdh..hrta44-n Third and Fourth street, or of IVllliam
Ainnmes and -N Pattennn, 'lst's, at their ofllnes in Kinn
int:Land , print. ffllooll V EATON
!louse And L.t mitunt.4l2
on Bedford arr,:.. Fweenth Witn.l. For tiny, ° ".•
aryl), "' ltitlFf /N. LITTLEO
-215 Libi.rty et -
VOR SAL)—The mit.criber offers for clt ,
within ' to n+. antra Qtr. Fonerwslou Fiera nu
ibe /del " ...7. (A ef4 l . ' l. ,nu t;:hir lot of •rrlin.l. rout...lcing °err Four
Acre, with • ',iv", of •rretlen ' t water thereon. aleusted
n" Alro lh .ll. E .; "r o . f . eroutel turf II lurhee hr IT ftwt. erholu.
In; 01. neehlenre nf Mr. A Toner. Twat. the eltt. oettoolle
w•r..l. on Ilennerlearan 101,111..
qtl.. '" neVer. ' ,jaln tint iho 1.1.v0k Howl will la aaaaro.
Met the property early In the rotrtlng enturnee For
forth., 1n"Tww.1.h.e4.1,1) Ito% IA lIKELLIt, bomb et.
mut. oeva the hell tleerribrd propertr. I nr.r.ltf
ym.o T itEs or: SAL}',-The nuheerilier '.etc`
•111 sell or n.nt hie very .I....tratar. Cmintry
re In Allrt;henr elty.t.lttottr4 Lane and
Allrehenr Avenue, ..f the Common. Th.. inane
lane.l..ohlo brick buildin In enrovlrte retire. There It a
rr hon., Mehl, and nd water on the,
ei neutprlor. two Are, well lenp nrserl.eent•tnin• enTI
of fruit el,. .pries lvor. , andlke h.otre.
Ittetweslon even vrtienever dertred. JUIIN rne
FOR RENT,--A two story Ihrelliog
[louse on Ilar otnet. Faluirr ot_ t je .
—.l agi /ell for cash. or on ncrretusllpase.ono kdaO
Pran bl 10 0 10.4 to Spring Ad.
t;;;;IIrtl'f..14;A:1117./ri."-' 110110. W.', Alnam
y. Canon, and Alleghen• dreg., and
Syrian A11.:i.1./.lng 204 144 on Liberty. 120 ln 1 1 012nt
All.). Alto. 12./ feet frntln; Vvrt,,,von rtnrrt. Immr
dlately opp , oftr Crntral Mallard la pnt, and onntalnlng
_ .
LET--A large Manxian Howe with 2
r semi of Land allached, thaw at 0•11. d.
1412 HARDY., JONES al.
0 LET—The Three Story Dwelling 77.t1
Hon, No 171 WO, wee:. at my/out 0enr.6.1 Pk,
11 L and and onutalnlng two na - r10rv.w....
dining room and kiclien, th e flat flint
Otun lbe lit of April 110,1101 Or J. 1 It. FLOVI...
Hoard Churrh.
O. LET—One Two Story Brick Ilonse2
• 1 4 0 1:` " Avrctur. Miners . :
late WAIT k CO.
TO LET--Itoin; and Steam Power for
`"" 1 """ I ''' " ri rcll4:',"Mtivos • () RELY,
.11 Fneet rt
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Manufao-
III; undersigned being agerit for the nu-n
-ett, otter. for gala a of town lot. in the town
r niChmaill ~,,, i , tork county, Ohio. with out Into. and small
parrels of land ad,p,lning and near the Man. Maudlin.,
loin; 51i0n...1 on the Ohio anal, and the Ohio and Prot.-
sylvanle liallerod. now nearly completed, pacing through
tha. anonis, perhaps. the hest opportunity
lately offered, to forums who may wish to einface lu man.
ufwtorina of almost .1 . dem:lnt/ch. The abundanerand
rheapnrss of all Ilia means of lislng. lb* supply of coal for
fuel Am steam power, .tho great quantity of wool hmuntit
to Oil. umrket. m no the Wins. forstranuortall. of
manor...turn' articles, all combine to main. Ibis one of the
most desirable for establishing manufael urrs of Ir..
Wool, Cotton, lodenl of all descriptions which Is uti . w
nl h 1 the N', tern noun try,
Penrni iiiipnognl forms, in the vieinitY or ma no.l.nd
Rahn:awl. an alanotrernl—a tint of 015 wive of sarellent
ni Llmtwrel I.d. lylim between the Canal and and
lotif a mile fnm. the latter. a lot of about muon
uhoinlng the Railroad Depokatona ...aide of high
the tract passes. soul on two sides. olnwt. the town.
t 11,41 !perch.. will do well tnitiok at this In
fore theyi•urg
he elnewherr.
[l, l ..oltion of Massillon.ln the heart id. agricultural
al,. no.surpassed .ur toltotrY. is so
Roos., tbal It tiretwil unnecessary to &mines than refer
to It to ludo , all who wish to maks. mod in•exlmenia, to
roll and e•nuilne this property. Thin Indisputable and
long troll. amen If deg.lrni. lion Amin. , W Loomis and
Joshua 111.1101, Eon., of Pitintairall. will Ore Information
roncerultia It. and any ermine, will lo suswensi b. ate
plindhoi to Thomas Met'ullonah, Kent Jamison the tinder
' signed nt
1 Massillon. Feb. 0. 'A. DWIGHT JARVIS
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
undersigned Administrators of the
of Tll,llltah ogot for pale tbo
rutarnof ...late of am mid Thomas Falruaso, nmoistinF
of eon., ..! , Ifr , (routing ruanin. 6 . 4, `
YM f•vt Invhe• In sten foo oiler.
. .
the larrrn stand kunati v tbr Manrlon Muse,
f ro nting nn Llbrrty ...met 31 fert n Inch., and on Cherry
11.7 aY reel. u hwhor. running hark 00 fret bleu filloy,lth
3hr ground , end deble connected. frandlug on Plum
3 feet 4
!aro, three lota (ruting nn Clierry alley, rarh rlghteen
fret front. and running look gad perallrl erltS Plum
a ilea, all of ehich Idni.erty will 1. odd at privaterale. I'4
annlleation to tin. rubwnlrde: or If noted! hrforr the 12. t
nt Ilaxh. VIII Or 'Menai a aurtlon. at 2 o'clork. I'. 51., to
the klahret biddern. Apply t„
11. FAIRMAN or
It Cd al
Ja2Faltmr23 lot I,ll.erry .1 .
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
LIE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in
the above thriving Town b•ringnesrlv exhautted
Inld nut, end the demand nital'eonttnniug,
tha undermgi...l hod. been 1r01ue,..1 to lay out .
his prnrert, ,11 lot aabove. and adore them for saleie.,
t prime and term. that cannot tall to m
to Fay
the vof
thrgai.vithi '
od ,is mic
ed.. y anything
of pl.
Ll:toribed u l i il7itn *"
that over on. hitudrvil lots have nss.nur sb•sod
and been purchased by awe. ',Wittig to Maio. • nosh ,-
ble home.
The above lot, are awing the moot ellgilde and
to Oat Olen, and aro prinelpally !nested in the Mal. of
thna reeently sld.
Far Information apply b
irthppr Liverrool, or
tO James Blakely, Ken.. Yu Orval. Pitt...burgh.
it. Tab. ftd.1651- feOddartfS.
FoR SiLE—Exabange Bank Stock, by
sacb.o IL D. rowel ni.
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia,
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
280 miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
lEXCLUYIPELv vWc P.S., , z , EN , JERS4
.12N the opening of CUM! Navigation, Two
li.ily Line. Na. thrr.4.• Parlel Gm. will leave frr
.4flon. thyme ht I•erta.l.ll.ail .
There talon, the
Two Ruall.ll and Fart, - .fhe wale.,
Time through rourr-sut Hours.
t.lO. ran. to Italnantne, $0.70.
Iltr Care rmite era nrw, /kW themmt approv
e 4 vongtructlt,n Nod Kcart.y.
L.. - 1 . 5.c10.t, lest, cvory monthly pr,c6wly et Melt o'clock,
atut evcritetunlng ma tante. hour.
Passengers` for Baltimore,
ten arrival or Can at llalburgetolte the York and COM.
Iterband Patillettal. (rein 11n1 hot) titter,. that c.f. fright,
four miler.) me. FOX R "art
NO charge for handling Baggage on tide route.
The Inerenned Spoed make. thir the mote onrattrtable.
ran. awl datableroute:new . the Laete.Ott 1.7111t0.
Ire patetatte or Infurtnatleerapply b.
J. I'. 1101.31E5, Agent,
Or to 1). LEF.CII S CO.
tnual /bolt, Penn ...met.
N u On the let of July. the ,Potayleanla Railroad
reltl entrtnel 11, LeXt.tet. "'hi en . 10 tber.” the Fhtte
tbrouttlt Itettro.
Intrabnenb. February to. '5l
Manufacturer's Line.
8 5 1 . , 0 2 4-4a7 6 -
Ix now In fall Operation. arlth tarilltle Y e to . earr; n large
quantity of freight. rhlladelyhh. and Italtlmum, ..*dAnul
!runs/dm:nu, In an /a/tutt tium. 0114 01 low rand, em any
other regmlar
arrangonrnin have aim laxxl made for mulling
Way Freight I' , J..huxum Ilollidayxburd,
%Vat, Street. Alexandria. Pe.reloirdll. Huntingdon. Mill
Conk. Nen Ihamlltom 31vVeyhmu. {Min,
Newpmt, Clarklo Furry. 11nrrInbunt.I'M umh n. mid ell oth
er Intennedlate plAMth. thu
Fenn, dnld Canal ami Port
o.. nniIPIAII. rxfOra had. 14, irno rtrumi from.
thr Juniata. proulidarm and redulartty xhintnentb, to
aformaid Vika. the lon,' rate., may he relied
"mon J. MITCHELL M , YTT. Proprlotor.
{careinom... Liberty strmd.
inch Iftlf ; Sennal thr emu!.
-1-t- •
Mail Lines of - Bplendid New Troy Built
Coaches for Hollidaysburg,
And from thrnro 243 .Ih/e8 by the
Tn Philjulelpitia,t New York, and Baltimore
ONLY .7,/,
711 . 1 ., 1 1 1::10 . 11.'400. 1 o'clock,
Mure• to kern et eft, time, elwar. In renellnee... Tht•
I. the most threrh comfortable. e.t.a etpolltiott• te h.
the Keeternettie.. Peewee., at Italttmore hike then..
Itallneul at Iterri.hure ellreet on the errlesi of th. Careat
that Pie..
it—Then telt Ofaee for the aturn Line.. under St.
Cherie.. No. 4u 11..4 rteert. Itittebergh.
1 00 6, It Aet.
lEftl,r IN 111..v,11.1.11 .0 LINE. 1. , mr
I • liA11:111.: WNW!! Alt. the hutineo. et l'ittehurgh sill here.
after 1.. tratt.artett melee FL, •14 le of 'll . nt. - Bingham &
(meld lIA II
Binghams' Transportation Line,
18 5 I
lIE CANAL i 524114 11.gv oven, Wt. ar.• rea
dy. torprwiTa. autl Trranl
Vrt•wh. 10a...1 nt.. rharrnl
1 . ....1arr an! Merrhlthlll , wall b.. re,' red nu , ll..roranlell
notnl *c.o4 vtth..ut vhar, fov ti.rstat , ll.l. , r ad
,wichta. !night- ~,,,rtiv
,m. of fisr Ard..l, 411.1 ell •lar.., , nn fpitLfolty
,v... 1,1 m. A...1T , •• Or apply to
%V N. It ING 11.1. R Paul Rama.
. .
C..rner am! 11a. littnlsah
1111.111 AM t 1, 315..ket
,tlreell und Fifth ~..I. l skarlplals.
A.. 1.2 5.4.111 Itswsrd 41+,4 11.Z . ,.5.
JAMES 111`.111 1 .11. 10 114,..
5.1.1 Ne• York.
Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal.
7ini t r , " 1 2‘ f .`"
Ptillmiolphla l'itteliurgh, ti.Ltiar lullovriuo rat.: ria! "'
Dry ,h q w.
Ilaralwarr..:m-rri, rut., "s'.
. .
P. Ruff, StA.ltter,r. Oil Cl”tit.
'lCrii Vrinnuu U. INtker. Leath.
, . .
n 0... ,uzar. in 111.. ......
WM.,. luta.. Alum. eft,. BMW
It k OW then , nneuinc rat., •Illelt are muds
than ti any peel - tom , neloun, ..11 Induct rtnpiwrs
In likennnwri A C... Ifn I. wen I.lne.
Al!.• in.naanCr Linn
I.l• f.r IN mu • 11.. I.ln.
'r " ,,Ellell .ANTS, MANI FACTURERS,
AC.— %V..., plvi•nr..ltn trm, ,ntrart. In brit. nut
(met 1111,4,10 u On% Arnsm. ot hravy frriut.or
nu enneann.l.ttng mi•l ‘ery lour iv., without
tv-Atippit; nettle wa, Apply p.
6.1,1.141 I' A. JtvANI:I.TI twin .
185 I
Pittsburgh Transportation'Line.
JAMES 8 m., C.a.! Ruin, rittgair,7l..
ITER. J I,IILS A Co, Pepoto linaat and elwrO . at,aa,a
and Na. Swth /'north brorw.o Market and Chaa,
ant atrreta,
SiW , t Cli . 7n NaTLII Rallitaarr.
tIACING fully complet.4l intr arrant
ments. no will I.r
prey...o upon the openly,: of 'the
arly altlth, Iyaniaani ynore, a
Philialr tn curerlphfa. New (night tei and frets, Pith.
t York. MAY..
emnat.L Luni,ille. St. Lula and all the lied and Wol, at
I war rat,. and with moor dimpateh and rum than any rt h.
I.lne.All - :ll4 , prd II) our Line am fatly c,ver...l
by ineursor. witto.nt any ( - her, to • nyntrction
nal really aflnnhd by any other Line
All mtniullnifitiOn• ad.lms.ted to ourag.lren or aren't..
'fall Cluelonati. Weld, Lootarille, and Love a
ool.,rne. M. Louis vlll meet wlt]t pr ml Cattrntlou.
•ar - N. a. thyy Line by mnneetionvtaterer with the
1.141•4•Inhla and l'ituburgli Tracrprqtallun Line of At.
kit. a Co fries.)
Merchants' Transportatien Line,
A. Mr/OiI:LTV A CO. Canal !twin. ilO5 Penn street.
CIIARLKS RAI - NOR. Central DIorL Itrrad Ytreet,
del%a. an prepanal to nivel,• a larmi anninist meselbandbe
and prialnen cri ahlp an (be ripenina of the canal* to Phila
delphia. and all Intermediate plarea at leer mar, and in
le.. time than In any Ire cur N an.n.
ar b IL TN- 4uiria....lnuralwe ..f Tenet. provided by
the Canal Canna...lnner, ter ilirrytnig nar lam!. on the
Slate liallriaula. will preventan, of delay at
"I"4"c""'lloll.laS.Enra or
Canal Ruin
To Shippers of Meichantlise, Produce. &0.,
TO A•D Prilll2l Vat, 1.0134.1112
ItEL lASC E PI rrsnuitGii T NSPOR-
ATKIN:I' A CO. Proprietors. No. 2 . 4. MArk.t• " Al
C...annier, stn... Philadelphia
Ag .
ent, Itultimory Canal (Win. Pittaburgh.
We are pn.twas.l. opening of the Perinsylraula
Canal. to roulrart for Freight at a. low rale, rad give
shipper. a. ruurh despairlt Ind ear.. a. our other Lino.
Vurerraors toJohn &kr/Mir& & Co.)
eanat Basin, &reel.
-- • •
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
Ttit; sulonrribern haring been njr(wintnl
nipping tho ut Contra! Hall
.. Inf.nn tlm vabllc Vint... or, nou prrfan.l to Tv
rutv: an? toorrbandlte or proluvr for ,hlproont exud on the
opening of the roanl.
God, .In thin route ant rorried through in pre
nil .11 mhm0 t ,...1.t.. ON Will he forw.rdni try of comm.
lon or eill&P,
Dry ii,nda, Ilrts. Maws. 11,4,1,1'.11.,,,ary.e0110n,C0ufin
llaultr,. Feather,, Fara l l ll n. 3,1 1 1 11 , 11 11 ,
Sddlery. Wol, at lc. illtu 7 100 bp.
Gann; qtanuaan.ra. Grannies. Paint, bp , Staff., this,
lonalter,elonn, Ma. Timothy .od °Gan Gran
ae. Ina. 1 4 11,0.
Dana,. Ikef, Iluttar, Lard. hard'tlll. Tntarra
Coffon Palms, drain Rad 11,,,n. n4a 01 100
ashes. Mar ro
I,l* (ugh, Tar, Vita, llnsln,llcrunp nay.
Boma. an 11. r. IVO
• • -
(.1 ELLERS' CuUti II SN' lII' P.
I —lt It rat. to take. awl 01.111.
At tlarrh iV. 1,17. •
Str It. F. claildrett. 114, olts.r.. hat
trottl•lt.•tn. orontlt.. .101 I.n. no. 11.111 •
rt•ut.tlle. siot Mlle p.n...., I stn. to tdret•
I.l.tut ',our I. gill II
.MI It I." ml sad nlite , t••oo •Ixotthter 1i0.r.1
.11i1.r.01. Mlle, awl it hat cwt, 0.10.1 to cont !brio.
I Its.. nvumnarntlp•l r tnY awl do Inn.l
l'arvut. .0..1•11 1.4 tWrcult their childr.o ntaltor frt..
wltt ft they lull 1.• rart.l lo n bottl/ of tho
t'rr++l , .
I.r.parra tung odd tor It. St
Woc.l aL. o•I Itruttukt
If You Waut Beal Good Tea,
1 .1 0 TO )101tititi llAlVoirrirs TEA
e,Ti In E, lard Fete (.1
thet liecinend Lotionced ~r
..'t r nce‘ , eeld thlc
Fopertor thee.. Tea, e reu.te k , C.
The rer, beet Ineoortiel. !Loci
Firma end rno.heneenel Week. re4 , e7l,c. Ti m.
Floc mild Ilavdreel
Thie Is Lie en/ .n. , i rdisterede that keep. an •ale re ,
eierlF the R.l.' kind of Meek 'rem. that are weet lu LY
dtd. Ireland. de.
_ -
A 01.1. BI.:TTF:ft--- . .1 few Idda. on hand and
for Mil' I,r cNo 1,1,H d. BEN NETT,
1T . .: ..N..c. , 1.4. ..I 151 rir,t nt...
D fil ED uTivuLs--.550 bu. for wale by
-... noniruN.i.rrlLE.t CO,
VO Libilty .1.
13oTAsit—ii casks (xre) for wile by
WICK ' S 11cCANDLe r
i t &kn i, f c ur v La L le t y .
Extrart ALfrum L OTH letter Eß P da AI ItedPCT MEDICLUZ."
runnersiseurn. Peb. 21.1661.
INMot it. it
lch &dn.—You
ea they r Med
t ici tetotainne, are,
moteunlike all atter
mauler. The halt g 1414 ere NM?. roe Ere 'week. sc., ars
nearly all
Ee.ey one vbo makes ...we roar Liver MIN Vermltnge
Onngh 4yrup, epsals la strong terms of till pull
enelttlea. Vann, t r.. J. WINE..
and 4srllnne best nt Famiat ertaly dladbahmareberrelred
s with =est
A eem
of the i, b_y IL . nyyjug s wend
mt. and may ba bad =agog. morally. id
I11031AS ! • BONNET 161.2“7-
FA(.TIIIER, No. 41 basis Second Woe. I lama.
nut. emt side,)11111.1e1J!11a. 4415:1,
o. toeetArn
BIVAINNMACtiIib 0 . 11;hOle
ago Groom. No: !tortes Prooto1;1214: &PC
. .. ........
D. C. arc.unro; _I. 4 R. 1.1,
ItEALD, BUCKNOR &, CO., Tobacco
Oommhoion Merehaatx. N 0.41 'North Water meet;
n. 16 North liV - hanea. Philadelphia. • avid
.EICR ,t, MiaLL? Lb l ‘ irl'en . Commie
.onenl ia oned:relonediof Prodeuireneaoll.e. o.n9var
60110E1 W. rourturram...-11,11 . 11 C. LITS.WCITON.
lIW. POINDEN.fER .5: CO. General
• CommLai. and FonroollizMerchantmod Floor
~ No. 7.76 51.arkve Atreet. Phil rloblo.
To Southern and Western Merchants
The eubeerlber mfr. - 411Sr Invitee publld attention
extensive Awn of Perfumery.roarmeharion Erman',
le.. tn which POMO iillrer end two Golden Melee hare.
istrln the lett elz ream been averled br Mein/litotes or
New Pork. Barton. re d Philadelphia, the littler heirs the
only Solder Medal. e'er /marled for perfumery either In
Eu no], or in Ode euradry.
linusru:s Unareftd.ur Srturvto Cum, (Elmcrod, Rome.
and AmbroWal.) unnterraily arkanukulgred tobesuperiorto
any SIIATIng Cream In this COVIOUI or Europe.
OLIOYIIANt rint Mar 'pla—neautifulli transparent. and
poseeadrx6l Saxe:means •041 Moollient panellist,
esponarevus Compound: Amin:nand Pitaritni Tablet; Ifillts
ry Mating om.
Srat... Tenn" SoAl4—Almand, Home. Millenent, 8010
nueL ristacblo, /WM. Patchnuslr, Omnibus. Flating,
Transparent. Olive Oil. Illodeor. and Orraesian.
. • • . •
ESTI:ALTA lon rite ILaritocternaint—lto, Ja...stan. Boo
,l , Caroline, I ieranrum. Jrnny Lind, lionmellur,Jorlt
, Vint, 11uuWL Clartutt. eltennelle. Haut. and titan
calve rael..lll.*. in .11 rixty different perfumra
I+l, of ge. Toil, Orwmin.
ewer Wearr. and a gerat rani of-eologne,. ette LAVKI.
dre rater,
P.V.L.M.I2..JTIONN MK TIM halt —Oannhao Bearellit, Antique
Oil. Doodah!, E. Lustralo, Ohio, Ctunpuund 02 Mar
row, flair Orem, liquid and in powder, awl Philorrme, Hi&
nth, and Jenny Mud Pomade,
IWiritGle Parraaartoma--Painonle Mbar. Rom Tooth
Pante. Charon:4l Pordritko. Wont'," loath PrOtw.andiooth
- •
en'us. ,os— VVErtabl, Cormrtic Crwam. Am.:olna for
:.Bawdrb bands, Uo Clew of Cream do erne, Lip
ary Cream tr.
nteM= 27l ==gglir 'h ,l=ll
Hair CompnaWon. Protedon Salta, bnades a [mat variety of
othrr articles, too name.ue to I. named in advertiae
The sal...rib, Itionca to maintain the repotatio hi
this eat-0)114m.= has annuirOd by di
bat drat rate artleha, '6,6 o 7",: f t m ° r , h ""th fi Lm`
ho may a - lah to patronize him. tithe, Wholeul - np — calt
on as renommble term,' as any eatabliolunent I Zhe'llnitod
it:loot-oar to and runner Iflevoto;Wgl;C,Onftbr.y of
114 Cheroot at.
Mr. Eaalo'• Purfo;tcyy fa fur Ws by ell tbu prio.flpy
Ifrouclrfr Itmrouotry.
OD LTON 5... CO., Successors „ to 4oxN
l Ur iLLCON • Co, Need. arid 2 . .! Mar alveett,
Invite Ilerehanta etritlae Nev fork City. to their
mu:now .tuck Forxtro awl Dome/tic nary and Staple
Their -tuck entlndy new. and to addition rktill receive
h' every steamer. new and elegant atyles, confined
t to this bonee. eausieting of every variety of Drees
iocdo to be found in the French. German. Lkaliah. and Am
rman eurrittr. and at prirwe that will defy axonelitors.
Cash hu,ers and Merchants generally will do well to
roil sod examine our crock. se our svasle nee nannted to el
try notion td• the counter sot we arc rewhlve& to span•no
efforts to utak. , it the irltereet of every merchant to favor
with their patronage. JAMES 8. MOULTON,
7.1018A0 NEWELL.
NA.' Tuna. Man+, 1n1.1.--4recA2rd2W
No. 79 & SI (Into 76) MAT66x La se
Dire* oppofite the Old Stand. -
!x d- I,art. of
, Marto gad Pramers—llrary and Licht. An.
Buck, Merino and Cotton, ladvestlc and yor
Silk. Stole: Irontbasinr and fancy of all
et,lea t,nalitle, •
Snle, awl Ta,v—Vanry.Fllk. 11Lay . f e‘ery kind.
OdJa. and 4011.--Of all thada
eremitt —tan, rilk and Satin. IlmnrrEttellalt Madras.
Swim, Intlinu. Ninon *ll,l. Dandle., Twilled Indian
.• • .
Ifundlerchiffs—Cora, Linm Casulnir.
Su nal E nOl .th. new el)lo, Domealle
Fr l ,i tzs;: n skh . .. , TS, Ttirrul. .W all the latest of
c 0.,. Leatlb's Wool, Silk. I,lpen mil
Ilraus fur gentivmen and Indio...—. t.rud)• ct
Roma Ruling Beta or qunlltlex.
nwouLl luvite para.:War attehtioo to nor Dommtle
Kt. Uuder—hlit, Drv.reh , . and 11,ierv.
_ 4 79 k 91 Malarn La..
Way.,ie(e.l, 14 / wv..wy
IL'Gll) p ix composed of pure... Silver:
uryr.Phy hour. keepers In Nrw York for the
last h., year, aml it herumirm Perm/may ardele the
e-rm ,, M) p o vrwi . n can, lu a few miuulm,
4n o primaal nywuty oisk .1 Ciao.. each .tors.
Cam Cake Ilarketa.llarriawy mid Harare% Yurni.
him Military blip:mist& tr.. or plate with Pure rib' , on
Bra., l:npper, or ilerMati Payer. The wartsettee ruP
Mien' it lullmlurtum Into every family.
Prier mule per battle. A !Myra diammut toJrwelers
nincy Ca.], dealers . • .. • • .
. .
liar sale iq
JOIN J. nr.owN k
m. hlrytlk.r_y_T 1.1 Fait. strrvt....N.• 'irk
81:tawl and Mantilla Warehozuse.
arm Er. StrAWLS veer_ Lehr, reeeived. Aux. L A CE
MUSLIN xml all kind, of t ,, ILK MANTILLAS. manufactu
red from the 1.1.4 Paris faahlona. reerlredby the steaunera
,artirolarly adapted Lk the sprine
AL.. a v..ry eplvnilld Klock of 1..11111.9 AND 1:31-
......oktin a frhxzed and plkin odged mann
and 01k and Turkatlr. Panok.lx. and Cotton and tiinc.
ham Umbreliaa. Ali of vhich .1111. Offend n 1 extremely
low ark:. We er,.tally.lneite our We.teen ftiemle
aurin.our +Lek be b Oo .
Al., ..shlifsiug Shawls atul
Mant.:lLt. put up to csArajur trails's:yrs:slims. rthil:tf
C. B. lIATCII £ CO.,
NO 97 TC11,1,1,0i STREF.T, NEW YORE
tfiAVE now in store, and are constantly re
n•Wing stessiv-rs-ihe most estewhesawartment
lemense I , IIILNISIIINO GOODS neer le.foro offersal.
...bracing the lend sod richest styles of Cravate,Shirts.
thadery. nenders, Under Garments. London
Tles. RNA.. Sue oilka. Dressing Gowns. Illodketrhlrfa.
Shoulder Brune& Linen Collars. with • variety of other ar
ticles,aa-ultar their line of busineas. of which will
be sold tall.. very loweet'priors. Oar Welder° friends are
tfrr.51.33211111 our Mock febbllos.
Superior Ella Writing and Copying Ink.
JONE'S EMPIRE INK, P 5 Nassau street,
Neu York.
Quarts, por ... LS) 6 os. per
On diatothhp.Lt
This ht the boo -6rhole zu.nufsoured. It Ilona Cooly—
• gold COMM) INK—and sill not eorrode.
pociplltde or dwell., and possewee .0 the qualifies! requir
ed for IrgoC4 Wng Ink. suitable for the Quill, and ad
mirably adaptol.for the tint Per,
The undo:len - 0 is prepared to furnish to the thole ei
ther for export or borne consumption, at r ed
IS eery
ofprier, psi; up as per
. osi. and delivered lt n iu s ,t
of the city z C00 , ,... 0f shorn a Ito e charge An Caere.
feb4l) . ;L: 65 Nassau vt.. New Tort
Hurpliy's Self-Sealing Advatiting Eavel-
VO. 283 31ADISM I. ST., NEW YORK.-
1.1 The rut...Ober. In soliciting the
Dam at all who
this advertisement. feels poste of that hesitant,.
' ,rt which a new article to bronobt before the nubile. The
experience of year. has estoblisted their superb:nit? be.
hood all question. and he euntrlently refer, to the testiMo
sty a hose business men she hartool throe enrelo
and to t his rapidly inert:346g sales. s
us proof of their extosoa,l
The following are • thur of the rename Ihr their Topa-
Irt. On the phsnr orrupird - bl the end, • Minn rrutz
hear hi, ro n unr. butiora and wither, rourpkauunly ••4
truthfully embotind, mitred or plain, thus sflordluil Prr
fret rranrltr agelnot fraud.
. • •
1.11. The Envelopes cannot be opened without being de.
• Vlicither wax o Libra an...inked to seal
4tAN one the intXuriage of a hitter. the Rod insuresit s
Immediate return to the sender. instead of being bueied.
moot. to the 11‘,1 hence Mr*.
bth. The E....10pes are furniehed at alined the name
prise ac plat. ones.
Nth. haat letterdnalled L. a most effective advertisement.
sure to attract the attention of all through wt.. hands it
m i r hniTilowing a list of rein. for Dnot, etegrared on
bra, and which will lad for scam and of EaTILOPLa of
the mood et., either white or but!, of good Parer. and
mode as above, with name,
• Pricer g./ uvr. Pricu of bleat yea soak or
70 letter. or 1e55..... ...... 44.00 abort.
2u tz
30 in 40 . 6,00 Lltted
• - • -.• • •
80 to Itkl 12.taO.M.Mal --- as.oo
When it le not morel:dent to forward amount of onles
per mail or expmo. • trfemme to a reeroetahle New York
11onao will tw goOklent ALI order. tan meet with PrO.Pt
attention. If taldrelee/. %Vkl. 11t:11.1'111%
No. az Mattoon Ftlert. New York.
Order , will be attrn.le.l to promptly. If 1.n... the "three
of Sleagra 211. , 11 t Mott. all Weer. ar of Meeare. 11.
Jenalrnan it. Co.. 1:14 Wllltran,t.
N. 11.—Itunitoae Cal.rds, In mint, from lame
Pk a at StO.OU for thourand.
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherous,
R ME1)1('ATF:1 1 C0311'0UNI), infallible
‘ 1 n '` i "` I n ' t s t i t !:. ' enj i p r.
end roans erupib o' ott the skin, dionoes of the glands,
retieste- a,.1 ..timent., and relieving *dug.. rut, brid
e,• moue. ac 111th tilts pmparation Ono,. 14 410 stSch
The rimt_inurnale in Americo. medleal molt
.m rte 'lmminent nthens of all prof.,
don end todLe- who hare need it foe 'ears d„
so rrs to. nod nOr. 40 4. 4.10111 II 1A one amord. that for
rri ' panitm •ta.•r luxurianrn. and curl to the hair.
e t., , a ting and dandruff. healing wounds. curing
„, „,„„ .111, d, end rehiring dt.raere
tin .kin the Owlet aml nit-ectes. it 11. on equal
stn. tut the multitude of niude mit...Mimed in the pub
rints or orn.l in private practice Ineheapneteas
, Parry . Trieopherous unriralini The
• eath sale. of the andel, hare enabled the Inventor I
rniuds it at 2.5 wool per turn,. which is from II to lOU
perneot than the prire t.f any what preparation far
lb.• boo . now in tie Ttn• nelentthe treatise on the hair
• the pain Nobel.. ing the valuable dinrtione for the ail
, which
'mown - Minn of 114.11114 , 4 choinet ornament, In
in which each f..dtle 4nielmr l, alone worth the money,
The allinitr between the membranes which constitple the
.kin and tile 'hair, which draws its suittenanne front Lb!,
griple eneelope I. very riot. All Qatar. of the hale ori
inate In 1114 .I.ln of the head If the MOON Of the scalp
• eloggrn. or if the blood end outer dale do not elem.
late furl) through the small snarls Which feed the root
with mointure, mei impart life to the fibres, the result la
urf dandruff. shedding of the brt, apareneas, dmtirt,
and hat - elms.of the lismoiente. and entirsheJdness,aa the
tam. natty Pthunlate the skirt to healthful action with
the Triropherona and the traW Is, reran . ..ring their
di annihilate the dWeam. Inuit allictious of the
skin, and of the aubetmta of mn.tiee and ilateautorota,the
proses• and the effect are the tame It le upon the eldn,
the mur,ular fibs Atal the glanda.that the Trkopbertms
hes It srnelllc action, and in all atleetkolas, and lurtuy of
the organs, it is • sovereign remedy,
Pohl in large bathes, price= cents, at the rendre] ar
flee- IS @pdwa \ewe York, said b 7 the prinnpel meieh
aut..l .. &oat:lets throughout the Crated btatn , and Can
ada- drn.24-In
13ellan' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
- FUDGE PIERCE, of Middlepurt. Iroquois° .
1/3 county, wrllcv under date of January 17th. laid. thou
he has teen troubled more or lee. with &rough for revers!
Yearet which Wt year confined Matto bit Lod. and rpulretl
madical treatment Or three month.. During the cononer •
he got better. hot .till the cough continued to dip - Dv...him
!::4 , 1r, nighte•bleb coly relieved by the sten of
of - ChZin'4l.gl7.l; trig V.T.'ll: LTohfa Mr..
Chapin bed found the Pyropof grant um In hisfamtly,and
when =ging from Obin took fifttlito bottles,orith bin, •
°tumbled and aged with great
heM j e ud urratie failed to mi m e d
Prepant . d and M id by K. h.
Wool Pt.
by druggivt• generally In the tnoeit4es and rictrar
Other kinds of Winter Gloves— en sana rt nient to be
at the store of
pA — VID C. .TCTTLE, Attorney at Law,
and Conutalestoner Sae Pentonlean* Et.
. I mt.. [Oration,. promptly. eenneered. net=ly
AOIIN H. RANKIN, Attorney arid Conn;
reline at Lan. awl ComnaLvinnor ha the State o
tte, IsanLe, St. Louie, Ditt e (late nf Pltieborth.)
Iteletentve—Pftteturcht lint, W.' Vornatd. Ilatorton
M'eendless a lb:Clone, John tt. put,
Semple. McCord -
11.1.!,,,VE1l STREET, ROS.TOSi.
THE undeniigueS haring entirely re-mia
built end ..nian.,l the
t at
tuna. ~ ..t•,lnlng In &II 01.,14 the
ta:Wrist sad Sty
mass Imo [Miro that It Is now seedy
for tliP m.I mcommolation of the tralrelibss
An extetelolootke or the mow... onteehlestiteeortllle
lhoue M nlvernel eopertloove, . the nuaterau Ireporre
went.. which have been thadeemmot be proper Terre In
an aten ...eta- Settee It Waxy, no eel.. h. bem
opt.. to Nyder any •parioteritperfeet.
The (orator.. tres made expreetly to order, reetodese of
met, et.teln portion. et it, eepeelally the Dritytetz
room% .111 he (ouzel lobe of the met breoUtel mapttlbee
tore. The Line¢ root. are repech.e, atel , the boom rot
meats out te....reareel ea to cult the corm..ntx atha
eery and late.
Y.r.rLJ« `rtmrnt.lll b.mMnrttd In ._ nxxte
hm m,norr n I tnr p pr rtor ewR.. hlmßlt th. u:
Am«riraa llnu. . rh,JLM,truIT the TnrrlL•i• Ilume.
frW:la~JtutimT L&WIP RICE
71. Mal reales4,l7o. (Imetraiptio. Lamar. itlAdiem
ue Limr..4zazza. Brouchitis, Pains err ircokne.,,r
the Breast and other gfretions e W.
VE do not with to trifle Withthe lireir and
htniltt of the adlictod. but We sincerely pled., or,
riven to make no assertion as to the 'Otto. of Ude moll
doe. and to hold no hope to 'suffering humanity. which
Doi. wilt not warrant.
The Moo of leelatl, and the Pine end Wild Cherry7iur
ootly eastward for the eure of all dr. - ries of the Long's
and Ur, which aro no fearfulty prevalent In all Northern
laUtuda. From a ounbination of. chemical extorts. pro
nor.l Dom this Mt.! and those Town, De. Wtsratt's
ea 1 Wan CHISIST in &telly farmed.
GO-Whaiceti Habana of Wild Cherry le n One lirraLll.
a.111:11...ti entirely of Wild Cherry Bark .and the
ratans lee:end Moo, i the latter import"! expressly Co. this
the tan Medical v of-which au also C.:-
bird by a tow chemical pow irtues ers. with the extract of Tao—
thr rendering the whole compound the Mott certain and
°dreamt, remedy ever dirorerol r.r the
, stit of Wild Cherry—The following use of Jeri:dab fs
Fringe of Cenocultelfuo. Ore of toll brother. and esters ha
ring dled of Coneumption.) la truly econdiu•ful ,
Ittmarto Rt.. Hamilton co, Sept, 2'i.'lo.
J. B- Pux,—Dear Sir I take the liberty of stlYialnit rot
of the bored I bare derived front the uo of Dr. Witter' •
Balsam of Wild Cherry. 1 was prtetrated by that terriblo
emerge, Con,umptl.n. in May tart. The attack was truly
I toroliyin y sou, Mr tire of our family. Ony brothers and
shirr) had died of CoruMption. I van afflicted. oath
nearly all the wort festreact the diriee, I hada diStreffo
big sough. and exretrated a arat deal of blood, bier]o
fever, eereso yd.. In tho eat, and cheat, mid chills, alter
mating with More of beat.
I was Lash, the tam of a skilful phydelatt, two thn.
time I we, taken sick until about six weeka alma, henna
than about helpless, and my friends considered tay
!modes, or at least beyond fair nhyrklaOrskilhadriaei
the of Wlstar's Halo. of Wild Cherry. Without my
knowledge. say father procurod it. and onstatieneact *dude.
lacing it to cas, aaJ from the first day 1 aarunrocedtakr
tax it nay health improved. and In two woks tram tha
lane I rotynaa.need UFilig it. I ana able to be out and over
c m my binluess. and /al., trlti . ch I atilt mottling, to do. I taken four bottles of the toedkitan and non [Muhl,
myself perfavtly
Cum . :, Wax; Late Co., 1... June 14,46.
Jars D. Psax—Dear tslis lu Ju was ektackash
aalt n feverof 41 , 1061 ehftracter, which left me in. err
debilitated v... when. ix the A - Jinwing winter.] was to
km with a s'rtene. raid. which reduced me to such an ex
tent as to give sae the appearameof a confirmed ratmump-'
live. I laterred under. ..ern mush--expeeceatcd
wart trould..l with cold [set and right stMite. /
also fr.:lntently raised bloat from MS I=Ent. 1 Matmdm]
In this stale. greAusily sinking under the dievate. until
January. let:. when 1 oh. arain eiLleked with fever. ny
Adm./, despainyl of lay life. cod my physic... ',thought
'cold PaißiTe but It abort time. My extremities, espesial•
ly ro} fret. wen. enn.tently cold, and sant. lost their tv.i.
Vunder them eiretunsmue. it may be truly said I was
s ekekdon. I dually determined to quit taking two.
dicta. preseritsal by.physiriant. and try Dr. WiStm's
rum of Wild Chsrry, aml ten= the teat week that 1 ems.
meta,' taking R. I rim date .gradual restemery.. I eantins
ned its us.. s:a mad., . the rod of which time / was cur
...l. and enioyed good health ever Fitire, nod cheerfully re
vomaseral the Itelftm to all the. ..lief...] with thecaws . o6
the lungs. and would say to three munamacista IN not.
to to discourmsed If ten ne three bullies do nnt effort, a.
rum but persevere.. 1 hare dem. and I have to doubt.
hut nine maes out of Um, will be blesset with maggot*
health av I LAT, boon. Respectfully your,
tWPGareer to Tama arrucren nits td-axseg Ar rag Md.
From Dr. Paid. Sorinaleki. IlaritinGtott Cortritir in.
ai:MA Kr liarll. 'lL
Morn, Stanford a Parke—l take this orPortwhiir of he
forming rim of • moot retioritable rum performed upora
me by the 11110 of lir. %Vintner Rabaul of. Wild Chem.
lot lbw fear ISM, I war taken with on inillinstiOnof th•
bowels, which I labored under for rig week's. when I grad
daily rxerriard. In the fall of 101 l I wee attricked with a.
roorcre cold. which reeled itoilf op.:unit looms and far the
spur of tbxe yea., I waa con9ned to my bed. 'I trim! all,
kbute of medicine. and every variety of aib without bene
fit and dins 1 wearied wiring until We winter of MS,
when I beard of Dr. Wirtar's Palm. of Wild Cherry. hit
friends permuted me to giro Ito triad. though f had amen
are all hopes of ma:every. and hail prepark myself far tior
change of another world. Through their rolleitation.s.l not.
indonal to make use id the genuine Menai'', Balsam of
Wild Llierry. The elect war truly artoulahlng. After
throe years of artiction and eueeriag. and after haring
vent Sim or tire hundred dollars to no porn... end the
begt and inner respartahle phyeichime had proved ustarail,
bag. I wee fOOll reMored to entire health by the blurang of
God the use of Dr. Wletar's Wawa or Wild Cherry.
May the blearing of God mat ,iroa
minable • ninlitim as Wilder's Its-Liao, of Wild Cherry.
tom, respectfully,
W. 11. Balm.
Sold by J. D. D.A. le/1ce...4 to Sanford k Surk.)Fonstk
and Walnut etretts, CinelnuatL Ohio, General Agentlbr the
Small and Went. to a/ ne; all orders moot be addrekard...
.1. Kidd A Co.. lb A. Fahnestoele J. A. Jotter, L.
jr.. Pitttburgh; 1.0 A. Beckham, Allegheny City,
L. T. Rumen. Washingtont L. U. Howie, tintotitoru.
Welty, Greentburc, S. Kuuutr,Sonarreet; Seca t Illbnore..
[Willem!: Deed & Son, Mating/tom MrAOrr,'llollidayabarg:
1311.1ebrand Alb. Indian. J. K. Wright. Eitlanklokt
Gym/ A Co, Droubrille; A. Wittant 1 Son. Wayttesbnr=
Iferaralnd L Co, N. Calleseler, Meadville: . Burka it Co.
Erik Graham A Yorker. )loner, Jamey Kelly 1 Co. Rae
I= S. Smith, Beaver. .1. 0.8 uttunerton, Warren; Y. L. A C.
S. Jonas, Conderaporb P. Crook-cr./L. Ilmnplnk,
The Human Body Must PM"spire,
•Q.O SAYSNATURE, to have a healthy ap
ky pommel aml persona who do not xerspire. ar . • Ilehks
%the most disgusting . Skin Waimea how, Joan Wawa
Chemical Soap mows a Iwo peeephation, and at..lhe
Lime thollifles and softens Use akin; giving 4 em tenure
of an Infant',
Sourer, salt Rheum. and Sdrisalltre not only heilal, bits
cured by we,. at lead 7 ptosians in fi. York kn. owho ore It In melt rase, and btul I t atm in
Kroger. Illotebes. Freckles. caanyntia. ekin 'The
le assoinel that Od meld melees. paled tiostrion,u
one teal will brine. I enumerative; lout .Itria, cured of axe bra,. sore legs. and eon: braid. •
Boy It—and the reader in again assured I noterae
elle sell it for the abet, ableee I knew it
. re di I elate.
these o are liable to chafed, erarked.o . .bapprit testi.
will and title not only a clue. but e Mere amt! nil
now Only edd. that too one afilloted with any of the abote
oror Audi. dbiteuicei, win tired alb s all. anti eren mare Oulatir
In its propertioO limo 1 state. '
.ftrlint. nailer, the stores ye flooded with
and le sure you oak for Joe.' Ilallutehruileal
buy It only of IV3I JACKSON. only Agent In 11 Rh.
bead of Mout
Pearl,- White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
be had for . 'vont—Person. Irito bare etther,Vrer honor.
aT avorerthat of their breath to ever ea foul,or their
teeth deemed. dot[ or yelloe, and eurrusted vith tarter.
that a rent too of Jovas' traer Tooth Paste vlll Mato
Ute teeth 00 white a. snow, w e d the breath vkaiferervaT
Fold out, at JACStStYIi'S Store. 'AO Liberty Yi n bead oi
/ •
A Scientific Flair Tonic, Restorer and Bean ,
tasr.—TriaJ Itottlea 'MI: mom. Thooo who ham, omd
Jur.' 'Coral Ilair author.. know Its •zucleat
Um. rho haveout. we ...ore It to proses,. the folluwitit
goalltleg—lt will form the hair to crow ors arty partwhere
nature itlrr4.l larr to grow; moo It falling off; rum .evert
r domino?: mino?:at make HAL red. or gray hale mew gait.
modering too hair roll and silky. uothing en rowed
thr—lt mak.. It truly Ivarttlful. and keen it pc, It I , ,in
&ed. th e most comainkal—yet roprrlor-..ortftl• Mr the.
. . .
so only at WM. JACKSON'S Store, 211 Liberty stmt.
head nf Onal, littabergh.
utatat, Cy(l cent, 331 51. •
JONES' Solution. of Jet: a Liquid Liumaa
iler Dye, for die ebangitig 'of while. , ssl, t or 'MS bkr.b..
besullful Imo*, or black jet .lor, in • * ‘4ltold
er SO f
rent,. awl SI. . .
i FZ . ,II by WII. J.kCIiSON, 240 Liberty Ftrect,ltrbi, lof, WTI:
Net %nub.
• JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladiem nietan
tinned against hang the common revealed Chalk- . Tb‘i ,
are not swam how hightfully in.turiotts It is to the Alai
how ewers. how tnavh. how Tallow. yellow. And Unhealthy
the akin appear. afterwaing preyatett Caulk!
injuriona, enat•lnlne • large quantity td te. .."
We have ptepatell • twantlYul legetableartirle,whielt . W•
... 11 Joh& elatnißh Lilly .chile.
qu i a=lll:l7= t ioWe ' v ' O l" natria l . j gtr:l l ,
&Teeter. elm., living whit,: at the
of time aetTha a 4 Etar ,
tactic owthe making it soft awl rotovlb. •
sold hy_ the Agent. WM. Jaelittly, 24414hertY
heed Wm!. l`ith.burglt. Priev....4orrutL .
Needles' Celebrated
The.. highly medioang photon , have'lwen made Gat
mote than twenty {yam. durum which time they hone
p e rmanent remnnt,. sae rho nowt efleartons
ith e ny na tt e Inn.asythetaing Heeler ever offend. Pb
galena a dm: highest eminence, to whom their ronnewle
non hag been rubmitted. bare given the most tutt.e.4
to tbrir n+P•rfo , Ilrlue over all other ply.
ten sold.
The inendiente of their etratuwitioth ' , MT ...Kelly t o eorreetly combined. render them {weightily stoplinable to
{arsons suffering with pulmonary diet...
Fur pall. in the irra.2
revenant from protracted Cold&
hoever . rough, and local pain., the varione neeraJele
, the body, tbeirretteclal character it beyond
n cation or dispute. A. a now4y Lem 14 th ,,
orer all outwanl applicant., inch ea
le. ha. been fully rot . ..llea:gel by th,tanny cement-Med.
For weak... still pains In the tack and vide. resulting
from weer. neat., dianteee the Rkineyr. tc., their anto
perlority user all other plastere has been tal,le hotted It/
hundreds who hare expolenred Cure and repot from their
pplication. To rot hto suffer with 'thematic pain.; llorw
plasters are recommended, with the coalhlent eamrince
the their bet:wham effect:l witl be round very decided.
For rale, wholesale and retail. be
nah6 11. E. YELLER it, tr'lVtwol Cl.
Closing out the Entire Stock. .4
GBLEAT BARGAINS.—A further. retitle
lieu to price. The tobsetiber alsbine to eine e out.
the balance of hle stork of Fancy and Staple Dry LOrets
the Ist of April neat, coal rrepertfully cell the ...deer
of his old easUenera and th e public. who are Irr.ant Of
:Ned goods at fifty per cent. below turner Price, To any
hereon Vatting to eornmento buoiness on Martetstreet.
would be• suet oppurtualty.a. Le will dLowee of the bat.
of the Stock on liberal term, with a Lase of the Aare
Lich he has oreirphel fur over 11 p_
t/Allll3 311 '.
nt fatally trade.
*AO • hre. Tort. tura. flarketql.rittsberir..
COPPERAS -1u bbls fcr eale •
liblo B - F.- MUM& 1.