The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 26, 1851, Image 2

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    in Mexican dollars;'100,000 in Mexican Wm.;
55.345; in American gold; 5,200 in gold dust;
525 in gold thnlers.' Total-212,040.
The total export of Robe from this port since
September 14350 is 558,'144 bhls.. Corn Meal
400 bbla. Wheat 583,113 bushels. Cora 230,-
057. The Mock of Common State and Western
flour Is comparatively . large and prices have de
clined about 123 e daring the wort:, while the bet
ter gnu:lei:vire - firm at prices current at the coat
' meneement of the week: In Wheat there Is no
thingiloing.andprices are entirely nominal..
SerrTuilloaricutrcaurr, edited by A. J.
Downing. 'Thank. This Journal always con
tains a good deal of readable matter, in addition
to its instructive discussiOns on the culture of
fruits and Hosiers. The Letters trem England
by the Editor, now in the course of publication,
present many agreeable descriptions of rural
owl domestic life in that country- One or two
passages from the letter in the last number will
beat reprinting:
LanLisn nsnways.
The last word reminds me itfat I must my a
word or two here, about. the :English railways.
In point of speed I think their reputation dut
runs the facts. 1 did not find their average,
(with the exception of the road between Liver
pool and Ldfidin,) much above that of our best
northern and eastern roads. They make, for in
stance, hardly 2.oMiles an houi with the ordina
ry trains, and 'about CC miles an hour with the
express trains. Bat the perfect order and sys
erlt with which they are managed: the obliging',
civiLity.of all persons in the employment of the
companies to travelers, and the quietness with
which the business of the road is earned on,
strikes ruslAmerican very strongly. For example
supposolort are on a railroad atheism. You are
about to approached a small town, where you
may leave and take up, perhaps, twenty passen
gers. As manes the town ,is in sight, the en
gine or its whistle begins to scream out—the boll
rings—the steam whizzes—and the trains stops.
Out hurry the way passengers, in rush the new
Corners Again the bell rings, the steam whir
yes, and with a noise something between a screech
and is yell, but more, intermit than either—a
uoisethatdeafens the oldladies, delights the boys
and ftightene ell the horses, off rushee the train
—whizzing end yelling over h mile or two at
country; before It takes breath for the like pro-
Less At the next station.
In an English railway you seldom hear the
sureani of the steam whistle-at all. It is not son-
sidered port of the business of the engineer to
disturb the peoco of the whole neighborhood,
and inform them that he and the train are nom.
ing—The guard at the station notices the train
when it first comes .in eight. Ile immediately
rings a hond•bell,.jumt loud enough to warn the
tbo passengers in the station, to get ready. The
train arrives—no yelling, screaming, or whizz-
ing—potsilily a gentle letting off of the steam—
quite a necessary thing—not at all for effect.
The passengers get out, and others get in, and
nee all carefully seated by the aforesaid guard
or pumas. When this is all done, the guard of
the station gives a. tinkle or two with the hand
bell again, to signify to the conductorbhat all is
ready, and off the train darts, ao quietly as if it
knew screaming to be a thing not tolerated in
good society. But the difference is national after
all. John Bull says in his railroads, as in every
thing else, .tsteady,4lll right," Brother Jona
than, "clear the coast—go ahead:" Still, as our
most philosophical writer has said, it is only boys
and savages who scream—men learn to control
themselves—we hope to see the time when our
people shall find out the advantage of possessing
power without making a noise about it.
If we may take a lesson of the littglish in the
management of railways, they might learn rattly
more from us in the accommodation of passen-
ger. What are called "first-class carriages" on
the English rails, are thoroughly cotufortable in
the English sense of the word. They have seats
for six,cach double cushioned, padded, and set
off from the rest, like the easy chair of an alder
man, in which you can entrench yourself and im
agine that the world was made for you alone.—
But only a small part of the travel in England is
in first class cars, for it is .a luxury that must be
paid, for in hard gold—costingfour or five times
as much as the most comfortable traveling by
railroad in Um United States. And the second
cers—in which the great majority of the British
people really travel—what are they"! Seat box
es in which you may sit:down on a perfectly smooth
beard, and find out all the softness that lies iu
the grainof deal orgood English oak—for they are
guiltless of all cushions. Our neighbors of this
side of
.the Atlahtie have been so long accustom
ed to catering for the upper class in this country,
that the fact that the railroad Is the most demo
cratic institution of the day, hoe not yet dawned
upon them in its breadth. An American rail-car,
built to carry a large number in luxurious com
fort, at a price {hat seems fabulous in England, -
pays better piefitaby the immese travel it begets,
than the ill devised first and second-class carriages
of the English railways. '
There are other guests in the house—Sir Chas:
Lady P., some Irish ladies without titles,
.(but so rich in natural gifts ns to make ono feel
the poverty of mere rank,) and a charming family
of grown up daughters. It would be difficult,
perhaps, to have a better opportunity to judge
of the life of the educated middle class of this
country, than in such homes as this. And what
impressions do such examples make upon my
mind, you will ask? I Will tell you, (not with
out remembering _how many fair young read
ers you have at home.) The young Eng
lish women is lees conspicuously aecomplished
thin our young women of the same position in
- There is, perhaps, a little less of that jr or
seals guoi—that nameless grace which captivates
at first sight--than with no, but a better and
mere solid educathin, more disciplined minds,
and above all, more common sense. In the whole
art of conversation, including all the topics of
the day, with so much of politics as makes a
woman really a companion for nn intelligent
man in his . serious thotights, In history, langu
age, atter practical knowledge of the duties of so
cial and domestic life, the English women have,
I imagine; few superiors. But what perhaps,
would strike one of our young women most, in
English society, would be 'the thorough' cultiva
tion and refinement that exist here, along with
.the absence of all false'delicacy. The fondness
of ,English women, (even in the highest ranks, )
for one-of-door life, horses, dogs, fine cattle, an
imals of all kinds,—for their grounds, and in
short every thing that belongs to their homes—
their real, unaffected knowledge of, and pleasure
in these things, and the unreserved way in which
they talk about them, would startle some of my
young friends at home, , who are educated in the
fashionable boarding school' of :Umlaut - lu—,
to consider all such things " . .lg.' and '‘unlady
like."' accompanied the younger members of
the family here this morning,. in an exploration
of the mysteries of the place: No sooner did_we
make our appearance out of doors, than We were
saluted by - dogs of all degrees, and -sell had the
honor of an interview and personal reception,
which seemed to be productive of pleasure on
both sides. Then some of the horses were
brought out of the stable, and a parley took
place between them and their fair mistresses '
some favorite cowslwere to be pelted and looked
after ' ..and their good points were descanted on
with knowledge and iliscrimination.; and there
was the tare row- with various population, all.
discussed, and sh own with such lively unaffected
interest, that I soon saw my fair companions
were !•born to love pigs and chickens."
I have said nothing about the garden, because
you know that it is especially the ladies' province
here. An English woman with no taste for gar
dening, would be as great a marvel as an angel
Without Wings. And now, were these fresh look
ing girls, who have so thoroughly entered into
these rustic enjoyments, mere country lasses sad
dairy maids? By nemeses. They will converse
with you in three or four languages; are thor
oughly well grounded in modern literature;
sketch from nature with the ease of professional
artists, _arid will sit to the piano forte and
give you an old , or the finest German or
Italian music, our taste may dictate. And
yet many of my young country women of their
age. whose edneation—wholly intended for the
drawing ‘ room—ie far below what I havi describ
ed, would have half fainted with terror, and half
blushed with false delicacy, twenty times in the
course of the morning, with the discussions of the
farm yard, meadow and stables, which properly
belong to a wholesome country life, and are-not
in the slightest degree at a variance with real
delicacy and refinement. I very well know that
there are many sensibly educated young women
at home, who have the mama breadth of cultiva
tion, and the same variety of resources, that
make the English women such truly agreeable
companions; but alai, l also know that Were are
many .whose beau ideal is bounded by a circle
that contains the latest fashionable dance for We
feet, the lateit fanhionable novel for the head,
and the latent fashionable fancy work for.the fin
' gen. •
rodarose.—Sererel arrivals from Prance, at
Arifferent American Porte, base brought largo
quantities of French potatoes, reported to he of
• an excellent quality, and even some cargoes
from the same fertile country have, we observe,
Jtenebed Ireland. To ,'think of Ireland and the
xt—'7oPitairteStittex Importing potatoes—and from
-;:.lXestiice.4tu49! Whist a lesson to our American
triaeleit the finest and largest for
of instead of the smallest, which have no
? vigor to MAIM disease, or to produce with alma.
dance. Katona knowingthe precise economy
of the Ftracts farmed; we may venture the asser
tion that their Ism potato yield lx the result of
planting the Largest Milk, which is never found
aft of artennrant yield. American planters
ore bound to reamer t'no potato ; and not to allow
DIM* to feed 00, WWII we ought, under proper
management, to feed el alts world. We hope the
teat year will place to on an equality with belle France," 1.5: the production of the
will b.
held In the CRT
1 , 1. for pr.
the offices of
br rll,7uovrsn..l
14.mael Me)!enemy,
C. Thnmem Jon.,
namael Thome,
John N. Drone.
T. Tailor Worth.
Alexander E. Brown,
Wm. Baker.
Wm. I. Welt,
Annex Clerk,
Nl:german D. nbeire.
John AI C.
Da del MeContr.
Ikkatel. Jo
DIX SMITH. benretekl•
To the Whigs
c C a O ndd T a t T
f I
a WuasrLglt .
Cana Comutolouiofferor
te d y
V7 h IL llst7 , f '
• -Wm. U. Situghot. • ,
, • rthVlßlthuari.
W. J. tr.bitmn.
Warden IL Itrostou,
• Thou.. K. Cor•hrau.
Ul . llLJten i = :‘ ,.. ,
L?:(1 . 10 1 :1T
JnUo Bourroon.
I 'Wm. Etrap.,
John C ..,
ety, see the different
jei - For our usual
I y and rapidly growing
y eruptions, so the
• of the mass of intel-
I ld is accompanied by
ind hideous supersti
ralleled delusion is at
our midst, and count
men and women whose
s unquestioned. The
seem to be returning,
ifference however, that
e treated with scrupu
.-..rsons with whom they
beingburnt at the stake,
:unate intimacy to cant
As the face of the healft
youth is often disfigured
gor and increasing power •
le'M in the civilized wo •
scale disgraceful follies
bons. An almost unp
this moment flourishing i
ing among its followers
sanity on 'other points
days of witchcraft wool
with this commendable .
i all spirits goal or bad a ,
Ilona courtesy, and the p:.
are familiar, instead of • b
are enabled by this forte
an easy and agieeable livp
While there are mind
' tracted by the horsy, e[
progress of the nineteen;
ado: that the most pr,'
age should give birth
thus set agog, thus &is
.kcitena.ent, triumph, and
rith century, it is no par
minent question of the
o the most prominent
rength of philosophy and
o thestruly of the Swia 1
!. truth has been reached
follies. The whole sti
philanthropy is turned
condition of man. Mel
that if we'would thoro 1
we must go deeper th
than politic. This h
and solid , Onkers, of .
seat economists. But
salts or their labors to '
half understood. upo
ill organized brains.
work for themselves, I
their own, call followe
claim that they have ilt
the cure of all earthly
I clamor among the p i
annoy their fellows so
that a hatred is cages
upon all theories of
cism of Reform begs
etism. Men, it must
respect nt least, like as
dle hastily and attemp
pace, they plant their
will let their jaws be
than move an inch.
of difficulty; nay of I
temperate zone betwe
CUM]] without siting
parties; but whoever
must walk this gnus i
Among the many ,
Seated themselves Or
condition, the very
Rights" theory. it h
noise then progress i
I taries are principally
affection, taste, and
senible badly educate
Nu wonder these peep
costume. Nature ha. _
between them.
In opposition to this is n "'Keep women In her
place" party, who mess to a most improper and
t l
ungallant extreme. he heavy arguments of the
Womea's Rights Par are that women are mu
perficially - odueated, at they are taught to bend
the whole energies of their minds to the cultiva
tion of light accomp ' eats, to the adornment of
their persons, to cog etry and all kinds of petty
trifling; that they Ire worshipped,. with great
outward gallantry and deference, while the law
supposes them to be 'but little more capable of
taking care of themselves than children or idiots.
, [tete these Reformin have undeniable facts to be
" gin with. This is tb it citadel, and their fanatical
Lopponents who atta them in it are sure to be
Idriven back. if the would rent in this citadel
them would be no to rze; but they venture out
into the swampy fi lit of theory, specillatiun,
I and systems. They draw the moot absurd con
elusions from the t the they possess; and here
they must be met an defeated or they will be
sure to do mischief.
They have laid di
fessions, enploymeni
fame, distinction. at
olized by men, below
in common. That tl
tinctions drawn,' as
man's sphere;" had I
on women,' at this vi
i y cleanse and renew,
i l
governments, deeper
bpen the work of soma
earcying, caution,' polit-
s , these men give the re- i
the world, the truths fall
a parcel of excitable,
blch immediately set to
ihl up grand systems of
around them, end pro.
scovereti the panacea for
vile. They raise such a
ding, working world, and
Ininch with their discord,
I . c L,I which Tulle its wrath
Ivaucemeat- The fanati
: ti, fanaticism of C0i1...5-tile
ti l e confessed, are in one
see. If we seize the bri
o lead them into a rapid
feet in the ground, and
token by the, hit rather
i is at this time a matter
repossibility to live in the
a the two poles of fansti
. ore orlass offence to ' both
I ould walk with the truth
uackeries that hare pro
the elevation of our social
est is the •• Women's
- 'heretofore made more
this country, and its so
oilmen who lack feminine
feeling, and men who re
and badly trained women.
le wish to adopt a common
Made but little distinction
I,;', the maxim that all pro
, , trades, all the avenues to
d stealth, heretofore mouop-
I. of right to men and women
ere should be no such
thann's sphere" and "wo
[ at the wrongs inflicted up
ryday in the civilised world,
too outrageous to be borne
1 "tpd aux.
arc too karbargius,
any longer by a spi
Now wethiak it Ji
woman has a sphe
1, 03 important leg
ceeded In filling
spheres moot be fil
or, in plabier lan gua
so, and coat, and w
Exchange, the Coo
the cap and apron
eery. For every
present sphere, w ' e r li
and take her place.
half tilled, when we
flowers should del
borers. '
• ry easy to demonstrate that
: of action assigned her, which
very respect as that which
l i..
that , woman has not ?Me
er own sphere: - that both
I esl,' or chaos will come again,
1 c:, if woman dons7the breech
stcoat, and marches into the
and Forum, Man must don
nd seat, himself in the nur
man who steps out of her
;Ist find a man to step in
When the garden is not
reds are springing up where
wish, we mu spare no la-
Party depend upon their
contempt for woman's sphere
• narrow and degraded, the
hem is to draw a true pie
glory and extent, add the in
that it shall be tilled. In do
e subject already divided into
ust regard woman in the
er life, as maiden, wife, and
As this Wpm
power to create a
by representing it
best way to meet
turn of its beauty,
exorable necessity
log this, we find ti
three parts. We
three relations of I
The sphere of te mai den affords but little for
separate domment , as it is rather a preparation
for life. If a man i a education is never finished,
1 a ROMILII . 4I cannot he beforh she is married. The
1 old who look bacl.l upon the dangers and errors
',of life, will, if giTtioned closely, tell us (head.
'maiderl'e career s ould be one of thorough study
' and training; -- tht there cannot he too reuc h .
preparation for tb responsibility that follows.
But while the widen is forming . her own
'character, her it'll enee islalready felt and need
ed by the °cheese . She is not merely the idol
of gallant youth, but the pet of soi;ial life. If
she has been properly nurtured, he purity and
innocence will dri evil, c o wering and abashed
from her present ; while It r grace and elegance
will make ruder; 99 and rulgarity e ashamed of
their own existe ce. She is the poetry and
music of real life. It has been justly said that
if the world besot es too exclusively engaged in
war, or in its opp site, commerce, or in any pur
suits which call rth the 'bolder and leas intel
lectual faculties, e must foster a 'taste for the
fine arts, for poand philosophy, or the race
will go backward The seine rule holds in the
closer relations o social life. The boy. is natur
ally rude bole ons and cruel, the young man .
I . reckless, ready to indulge his passions, and is
led by the very boldness necessary to carry him
through life, to f 11 into the habits of the savage
chief, rather the those of the christian gentle
men. Here is deny whldh the' society
of woman alone an '''roperly chek, nod wo to
the youth who scorns suck influents! The
strange mixture of boy, man, and bear, that Is
sent back home - y the Latin and Greek profes
sors, is uneasy d cowed in the presence of his
sisters, and the' fair companions whose smile
he cannot untie aloe, and soon, if his heart is
in the right pla , he determines td cast off the
boy and bear, a d become a man indeed. He
finds that hey spisa,effeminancy in a man, es
heartily as be des himself, whilfWel consider
ti,..nothing manly tis not gentlemanly. Their
tastes and perceptions are more acute than . ,,his
own, and, prob y without his being aware of
it, he is undergo ng a strict disciplinaryosclool
ing, all the time he is in their presence. A youth
whose fenude%Mires and acquaintances are
sing' and un united, has Indeed a small
chituacerf becoming a good citizen. A youngtruth i Cuartts To tit DIJIANDED.—The BaltiMore
who avoids the society of ladies is never a gen : . Patriot of Thursday, has the following:
denten, but on the contrary is apt to he a din j Ol 1 1 ei The j bail whicli;was 'give ' n
for: the app et ii„ .
i ices of Implin, before the County Co ' no*
sitting a Ellinott's mills, art'
to answer. several ins
genius person fit for "treason. stratagem, and
spoils." `Ointments , chargiughim with attempting to Idll
With these facts before us, which are known
.te.„ has been forfeited. When the case Was
acknowledged by society. and are repeated
.over I called before the Court, Chaplin was not there
and over again, is it not strange even that the in- to answer. We understand that the money will
fluence of the retiring maiden,- is looketrupon I be paid by the security, on proper'demand.
as nothing, by any class of women. Is there .
The question now comes up
can any man, charged with aC is thi s man, or
criminal offence In
not room enough for "enlarging the sphere" of 1 this State, be released from punishment, by
action. Go into any social circle wh re there is 1 1 paying-the forfeit of a bondl
wh ah -he gave for
a thoroughly educated, sensible y ung lady, j his appearance to answer the charge? Of course
(not a superficial blue stocking) and ee wheth- , he cannot The boil was for hisappearance—
cr she has not influence sufficient to tisfy a ll ) . i the no re tt lor f e re , e hnowim from
fur:in:tire s
from justice, Cn a n n in wi l ll s ,
common mortal. She has power t crush any Iwe understand, be demanded by the Govern
young man who is known to lead n irregular ! or. We assume, of course, that ha will
life. She becomes the arbiter of t . te, and de- be given up by the Governor of arty State.
cides what liii, and what 6 not props' ty, and if ; wherever he may be blnt.
i Wo
h as i stit y ao this, be
the should become the mark of ear , she 'need j a t ia.„a e a e a rej n e e e n w a e n u j i d not
found fltdirthleessirton. hthi.atdaanty
not heed it.: -. She expects to be a wife some day j and his oath of office, by refusing to give him up.
as a matter'ef count, and she studies domestic . The associates of Chaplin. however, seem to
economy and housewifery, endeavors) to increase I think otherwise. -We 'Midi soon see whether
her stock of knowledge of humau nathre that ale'
they t are right in the estimate they place on the
Governor of the State where he is."
may not be deceived and bestow her affections on J l
an unworthy object, and learns te "bear and j From the Ballireore Pdtriat of last Saturday.
forbear'," that she may reeky, the reward of dimes- i_DEATH or lona S. Sums su. —We have a
tic happiness. ' melancholy task to perform in announcing the
This sphere may not be large env gh to antra. •
1 death of John S. Skinner, Esq., the editor of
, "the Plough, the Loom, and the Anvil." it
fy the longings of those young I°di - s who rus " j seldom falls to our lot to record a death so suiL
before the public with bad poetry and Billy: tales, I den. and under all the cirumstances, so distress
and live upon the glory of newspaper polls and . iog.
a place in fashion plate magazines- but it will I Mr. Skinner arrived in this city on Thursday.
ived a letter from him a few days
satisfy a ienaible tf.nreli j okto educated girl, and i , IVe h a d re° ° . .
nefore announcing his intention to visit nairtriore,
as before hinted is so ample that it is scarcely I on a lour to some o f the principle cities, for the
ever filled. When nor young women ore ford purpuee of looking after the subscription to the
to be energetic and patient enough to receive so- periodical, of which ha was the editor and pro--
lid educations, it will he time enough to talk of Prietor. Ile called at our office on Thursday
sending' them to - Congress. If women's rights , ` c . :7 to in a t an th d p w a e Y h h .l a re lo lp g ee p t i s oaa to an u t s o ' o l s ve was t i o l „
amid! lobe asserted, let as at leilt take a step I with him, in relatio'n to public matters, and his
at a time; and not talk of converting spinsters j own pr-vote affairs. We never saw him in better
into statesmen and financiers, wheit is n mat- ; spirits, and his health was remarkably good—
ter of difficulty to had one who n manage an
e,., 1
lie had received great encouragement in his en
account book of housth Li of ease{. • .
' enterprise of publishing "The Plough, the
. I Loom, and the Anvil," and he saw, with pleas-
But n 9 - the maidens career is Int the opening 1 itro, that it would soon be placed in a poiition,
of life, and as her principal duties are connected 1 as to subscription, to afford him a handsome re
with her j future welfare, we will dwell no longer i turn for Ins labors, and to secure him a compe-
tency for the remainder of his life, as he said.
on this Part of the subject, and refer to the sphere I
We saw him nn more, for business cogrig..
of the wife and mother in separate articles. J !
gel his attention ell day yesterdriy, which day
proved to be the eud of kis useful life. la the
afternwm of yesterday he called at the post of
nee. to see Mr. Maddox, the Postmaster, who is
a relation of his, and after transacting some be
sine,, be wrote at letter and banded it to one of
the clerks. Ito then prooeedsd towards the
d'oor leading from the interior of the office to
North street. There is a flight of steps running
from this door to the Mom above, 1121.1 there is a
door under these steps opening into the office, to
afford a communication with the cellar below.
Mr. Skinner passed along rapidly, and hastily
opened the door leading to thecellar. Ile stepped
toilvord sod was precipitated down the steps,
bead foremost do quickly was it done, that
but one of the clerks in the office saw him fall-
Put for this, he might have laid there all night-
The alarm was instantly given, and he was taken
up and carried into the Postmaster's room, et
the end of the office. Medical aid was culled,
and his wife and friends advisevlof what had or
eurred. Ile never spoke. His skull was badly
fractured, causing a' contusion of lb° brain.—
The best medical skill was there, but could do
nothing. !Inman aid was in vain. lie linger.
cal along till shout half-past seven o'clock, and
then died -without a word, and with no sign that
lie recognized his ntilicted wife and friends who
-J - e! .- -ad tarn. The accident occurred about
Jess Lyn or Sr. Lora.—The Soedish
sighiinyoie arrived at St. Louis on the morning
of the 17th lost. `rue dame day JIM first sale of
tickets aj auction took place. About 1600 per ,
suns were present. The first ticket brought $l5O
nod wttt bought by E. A. Byron. of the Monroe
Exchange Saloon. The next bid was $11.511.
Afterwards about forty seats brought premiums
of $U to $8.60; df?renty were bid s ulf
and $5,50: and a great number brought from $1
tc $5 premium. The aggregate of the prendu ' ina
alone bieught for the morning's salty, is scodowu
nt $:3000. The total receipts of the first concert
Facia flown at $9OOO. Jenny Lind hod agreed
to sing ! ' biome, nreet Home" in English at the
first concert.
Wo are indebted to the Wellybitrgh Herald for
the following item of news. Whether the ro ,
root ha* any good foundation we cannot say:
••We node.:and that the authorities of the
city of I Wheeling • have instituted proceedings
against the Bridge companies of Pittsburgh.
with the intention of abating the bridges as nui
The ayorth 4mrrterm nays that the ping trade
in Philadelphia, this year, more than equals the
expectations and predictions of the torecasting;
and that there` was a period when the mer
chants 'pf that city had better cause to be pleased
with their c.tomers. with themselves, and with
the go:4 city lin which they have east their lot
and laid the foundation of their fortunes.
Philidelphia, the North American remarks,' is
resuming her ancient place—which she ought
never to have loot—of the lending commercial
city of the Union. What she has been, she can,
and she will, he again.. Ih is only neretsary,'.
having 'taken a ranward step in the path of en
terprise. that we should pursue our ways, steadi
ly prodeedingonwards , without faltering or stup
ping to( look;back. Every thing iv before us,
and Within Our power. The prestige . It In
our raver; and womay add to that an advantage,
scarcely necessary to be glanced at, though we
are now feeling some of its benefits, which Iles in
theconfidence our customers feel they can repose
in the liberality anti integrity of the Philadelphia
merchant. If we do businesa here on the ••old
system," it is only that part of the old system
whirl:Quakes mercantile identical with moral
honor,: and never thinks of separating the char
, acterlof the merchant front that of the gentleman.
I In an other respocte the husinces man of
delphia occupy n front rank with the he..t and
, proudest inthe bind: and,while offering trade ad
vantages to their customers equal to any that ri
vals can propose, they enjoy, and may expect to
enjoy, the superior recommendation which belongs
to proverbial good faith and unimpeachable char
The' Seer Bedford, )lass., Mercury,n, takes
ground very strongly in favor of Ben. Winfield
Scott as the nest Whig candidate fur the I'redi
dencyi ThellMercury says
A man like Winfield Scott. on whose esctitch.
eon there is no stain, whose honest fame is the
result of patriotic effort, whose private morals
are without impeachment, wbore . personill senti
ments are devoid of every suspicion of littleness;
who nimbilies the characteristics of the ehristiau
gentlemen, with the valor and consummate skill
of the; patriot soldier, is precisely the person
whom:the people of the United States dilight . to
honor.: The scurvy politician and Ale ainbitious
statesman may for a time, by chance, fry' arts, by
wiles, l ur by truckling, succeed in the attainment
of plice and power; but the man who has an
enduring support, who lives and flourishes and
aura strong in the hearts of a magnanimous
people, who is unmoved by the shocks of politi
cal strife, and grows stronger as the tempest
rages is he who is fast anchored in the safe
haveniof rectitude, in he
Whose armor is his honest thought,.
And simple truth his utmost skill."
. .
And inch a man is Winfield Scott. Ile carries
with him the elements of popularity. and the
prestige of 1 . careens. No official elevation can
add hi his well-earned fame. flit name is already
historical, and U. is a fitting , tribute to his emi
nent ilerrices that his gape should be enrolled
among those of the Chief Magistrates of our
count Cy. Of his past life, of his eminent ser
rices,:as well in civil as military life, we sha
take future becasions to speak at length.
PARIO.—The find number of this new weekly
paper, is bel ✓ ore It is published in the quar
to forjn, by F. Gleason, in Boston, at three dol
lars per annum, and is the handsomest weekly
PePet 6 in the country. Its pictorial embellish
ment-it are of n very superior character, and the
subjets chosen are those of direct interest to the
recitall. It ileserres success.
The lectures of Mrs. Coe, upon the Tights of
women, are worthy of much more attention (from
our women, particularly,) • than they receive.—
There is much excellent and valuable Instruction
in them, to all mothers and daughters, on the
subject of dress and manners, and lessons of
Iler brilliant and striking thoughts are clothed
in the moat beautiful language, and delivered in
the most pleasing manner. tier 'elocution, Oct
off by her very handsome form, and intelligent
countenance, and graceful action, and feminine
deliency, is very eloquent indeed.
Her next discourse will he on the political
rights of her sex.
Febinary monthly meeting of the Franklin Insti
tute; O. W. Smith, Esq., who has been long en
gaged in such researches, presented a very In
teresting account of the aggregate extent or all
the 'railroads in the United States, including
thinie which will be completed duringthe present
yens!. They amount in all no lens than ten thou
sand sii hundred and eighteen miles: Adding
thOie which will be entirely completed next year,
the total extent will exceed twelve thousand six
hundred miles; more than sufficient, as Ifr. R.
justly said, if extended in one line, to reach
round half the circumference of the globe. This
aggregate goes beyond that of the railways in all
the rest of the world.
Solomon W. Roberts, Esq.. the distinguished
engineer of the Ohio and Pennylvania rood, who
wad present at " the meeting concurred in the
opinion of Mr. Smith as to the number of miles
of railway which would be iii uie in the United
-States in the course of next- year, and declared
his Relief that, in less Ruin no ea years from the
pre eat time, there will he a continuous line of
railroads from Philadelphia to the Mississippi
river, or St. Louis, and es, by Chicago, on
Lnke Michigan, to the Mississippi, at Galena;
each line being more theta thousand miles long.
Tiffs beats—or will beat—the Loudon Exhibi
t. trod. It will be something ntoro wonderful than
any thing that can be exhibited there, to show
our European friends a railronl piercing Ameri.
calf . forests and elimblngorer American mount
ain* Of more than a thousand
r oith Amer.
itood smut.,
half-past ti.ree o'clock, and thus in less than i I
* Mem I 1; .. iS7)ra iTtZeo — lete.
file hours, he who stood up full of life and j ^b 11.4 . „. t .. ,. „,, , Aibs6--.1 I - clza Ab. :.°4
health, wa s numbered with the dead. Ili died . ') hauled liirumn 12 ilw. mituri anew
in.the room of cheJostmester, and his hotly i '). ~. r j ,=;, r i m 1 1 1)“ ° ,.,Pi j r i t. j .,.. 8 " 1 .
was then removed to the dwelling of Mrs. Bland, 1) , litre f Nplntrt 1 . creel...el Sap,
khis wife)) mother,) in Lexington street. Mr. iID _ _ j.. ,,, , ,), , ,.- i _ 1 i e,,u,)& 1 .1, ..,,,,,,
Jiliinner war) in the sixty-fifth year of his age, I n imn.nurett'...)nutt. 1 Lhstinsisat
and leaves n wife and one eon, to mourn tits F+ .I'.i .1 1 ,, j , j .", j 1= 8 " :. '')
to 0 PI T " -
death, and to honor his memory. ILIA r nor tiolphor,
erfue Rise Iwo.. lu doe Extract of Lww.
The announcement of his death unused a de4, I rwr".....,,' .....*1n. 1 i,0u 1,0 .5 0 ... /I•Wnw. .
sensation in thi" city, and will, wherever he was j IT
..:_ si.i.lesllaw. tow. end V anlllso
5 - Lemon Suet.;
known. Perhaps ;Inman in thecountry was het- j 1 71"".:",,,,,,,), Bn,= 1 test Sal MD.
ter or more generally known than he was, ha.- ) .n.".... Nein, Whit:Lead. Lard 011,1. r. web=
ing been iu public life for the lest forty years, 1 Military Bounty Land Agency.
owl nom" more generally admired or respected t
111. UNDERSIGNED, residing in Edgiir
for his noble beating. lle practiced throutthout r
1 coon', Inieu,u., La preper.l to Mute itilltary Istrul
r ' •
LL) long life great courtesy of manners—was' tartan.. In soot futh. at the rano.., rates. 'le_ Wu
frank hut faithful, end in all his ititercourao with j sy ,r!„=.-=`:;,L= V ,:ffr t g . .. s , , , , ))))))).7
~ , : ). . rrent, ) •
his fellow man, it woe his grrateet pleasure to !. ferret LA A et...11x ltin asit,l. a Tr ... [Li. ZS Oreasl.l7l:
Vaistr i aL'u n ailin t roriorra l. recanitor .3 in nu
make friends and disarm his enemies—if he had I
any. Mr. Skinner woe Postmaster of Baltimore , ma., ihe mwertter has iseoina sdee.tsueo to us-ating
for upward,' of tirenty years, from which Place 1 "."-"'" "dr". VittiVe.NFORD. Paid!, It,
Le was depoAed by Mr. Van Buren, although of N , ./cr-era l 4))4). l .th .0). WlLituaw.• It ollf. Game
the game political sentiment)) at that time. He 1 t "' ' '''''" nwhLYssir"...T
wee Assistant Postmaster General' under Gen. NOTICE.
Barris. and Mr. Tyler. end performed the du- I L LL, PEILSOSS indebted to the Estate of
Lies of bit office with great eatisfactiOn to tilt a Samuel Itill.lweio. leie
Lamm Boworti of Ustwhaiwr,
Government. After retiring from that poet, he . ;,L... , TX,Tra . ,‘ . ..X; . .`71 , ,,,,,A 1 .p7:1.:,..t
conitnenceti, in Philadelphia, the publication of . mei)),) , ) Jun)) ki. tionlNfirs. ',wow.
••The Plough. the I,oom, and the Anvil,) . It I Envelopes.
month! ) . journal denoted to the agricultural end , •
manufacturing intere,ts of the country,to w hich).. 1 2 LPMAN'S A IGIESI VE DI SPATeII EN
, ViLoPF.s.-11, diopter Us , enter I. .n -5 .wl n"-
- had re"olied to denote his life. , ne sad rcasina la...summed lgt , 00 - ...a'll`hal^. ,
Mr. S. war truly an American in feeling and ! r o rWit ...)e..r . m4 r ...)); ;; L:rxt .r inAk i t):12...urc0; . .t , ......a ,.. 4,4)1 1
in peer-lien. and all his industryand strong intel- f ro tun , gl ' e s p s e,.. I, ,i,, 1,, ,t, ~,,,, p , , p ,„,
lest were exerted to the promotion of the Inter- i val , . 1 me .....!..r LoehL u.s.ltivg.N
est. of hi" country.
1 For Rent.
. .
Ferri street --s Isms enii robelantlsl tylliline.'"
' Ark front. writable for an Aeadres', or orroufacto
I . l nfi rm.: o ., MunwsUou elven LtumVii , It . ll .i.s tfulr. of
triehtf earner 0211 . 1•04 alley and Ye) ea. el.
For Sale. •
.• ......... -
The Richmond Enquirer has taken ground in
favor ,if the emigration of tree blacks to Jamaica,
and recommends the imposition of a tan upon this
Cla,a of population in V irginia,th raise a fund for
their removal. It hopes thereby to separate the
free negroes from direct contact with the slaves,
and to hail I up and attract to Virginia the trade
of Jamaica. Similar views are entertained by
other influential Southern papers.
We are decidedly In favor of any scheme that
promises good to the free people of color, and ;
hove no doubt that they would consult their in
terests by leaving the United States and going to
Jamaica or Liberia. We cannot agree with the
Richmond Enquirer, however, In the humanity
or policy of imposing a tax on tree negroes - to
raise a fund for the removal of those who are
willing to go. It seems to us that that would be
a very small business for the great State of Vir
ginia to engage-in. If the wishes to send her
free negro. to Jamaica, and thus to build up the
trade between Virginia and that island, let her
not condescend to impose a contemptible tax WI
that clam of population that is least able to bear
it. Let her raise I fund by taxing 'the wealthy
for the benefit of the State. We should like to
see the legislator who would introduce a bill of
the kind advocated by the Richmond Enquirer.
Such a Lycurgua wouldtho worthy to be embalm
ed, as Jeremy Bentham do embalmed, that fu
ture legislators may look at him and grow
immensely wise and wide sighted.—[Loulaville
BOA nu or Rae esur, Counts nos mss.—We learn
from Harrisburg that:the Revenue Board of Com
missioners adjourned yesterday morning, after
i u a body, to pay their respectn to the Gov
ernor. Their labors, which are important and
arduous, were completed some 'days within the
period to which their sessions are limited by
The total addition to the valuation of taxable
property in the State mode by the present board
is 5u,b83.1 , which will increase the income of
the State some $2.2,000 annually. The total in
crease of taxable property in the three years,
from 1849 to 1831, dins adjusted, is $29,858,-
371. yielding about $95,000 revenue.
The whole taxable property in the State in
1813 was $120,396,129—in 1848, 414611,031,458,
being an increase in three years of -$42,7115,328.
The amount now reported by the Revenue Board
is $482,888,828—the increase no= coming up to
that of the preceeding three years by $12,870,-
This falling off the Board attribute to the de
pressed condition of • the iron business ' and its
influence upon the value of property in the com
rfainwealth.—NorA Amer. •
TENIPY.RAN!,E FACTS.—The following startling
statements relate to eight different families in n
"logic town—The parents were Moderate drinker'
Can beads of families r ead these facts without
The tint
- had one child, a daughter. A great
sum was expended on her education. She died
from the effects of strong drink.
The second had an only son. Tie was educa
ted with great care and at great expense, but
was killed by wine.
The third had four sons and one daughter.—
The daughter is a drunkard, and one sun has
gone to a drunkard's grave.
'I ha fotirth hod three eons. One died of in
temperance, one was killed in a duel, and the
other is a drunkard.
. .
The fifth had one non who killed himself by
drinking, and two step eons are Arunkardn on
The sixth had five sons. Two are dead through
intemperance, and another is a drunkard. x.
The seventh had five sons. Four are drunk
ards, and one through the influence of tiger is
an idiot.
The eighth had five ROOS and three nephews.
Your of the suns have been killed by Alcohol,
and the fifth 'is a drunkard; and the three neph
ewe are in the drunkard's grave.—.V. Y. Casket
.1 NI0t1:1 , 1.1 4 et MAU NT, uk. —On Pitch (or Pitt)
River, the principal affluent of the Sacramento, i
which lions through a the ruling Talley, and about"l
five days journey from (loose Lake, there in a hill
of pure carbonate of magnesia, 100 feet high.—
Much of it is perfectly white, while tome is more
or leas discolored with iron, as if a painter hod
been striving to give effect by a coloring of light
and shade., Large masses are easily detached,
which, rolling down into the river that washed'
its bane, floated off as light and buoyant as corks
until it became saturated with water. A thous
and wagons could he loaded in a very short time,
and there is enough to supply the whole world.
For three days travel below, the 801 l seems to be
impregnated with it, and the banks of the river
mod of Hews.
Testa , .lay monolog. 1.1 Springdale, bo tbo wh i z... Joy boo
tra'!l, rno.%*adlrigoirheirt=l'LG.4.4l'*,
/51-UMIYIYAI amiability of Whim' toolbar sod
iyitOrahlad, In her awoke; the Wow mcl Mastro
traits tithe chriatian rptrit; oy that thothth her. ee
from bee moms nth.. of lotto.. and Soto 1.. to her be.
ream! badly =al friend. a MOS tow. they ha , . the emu.
latlow af bellowing that It lab bet a mot gala
- . . Market Street Store. for Itznt.
rA RENT . -e Store, 118 Market
e.e. ti e don from the cam. of Markot2
Mart/ Pubdatioo given tba.ftg tru nns
100 Pe. st
meMebl"l3th*d '
RRY C. S. FOWLER, of Now York, or rim
ai 11.1517 th HA
nopmy and LL, s. f Physiology applied to human perfeetton
Thuredey evening. Manch 27t1t, Slaws of Cturaeter.
Friday ereultig. Analysis of Propene:Ulm
puturday esenlutt, Self Perfection and Juvenile
nmulay erenlng, 31st, Memory and Intellectual Od
Wedneulay and Friday, April :Id and 4th NIATRTMO.
747 or the Science of Love, Selectlon Coartablp and Mar-
Ye li.
who would mid°, matrimonial telicity, and mold die.
cord, corms
Monday istml 7th and Mb, Woman's Plum.
Rights, %range, Dollen Influence, Paige,
Treatment and Perfection.
Let her whom it Werke to Improve ho them
p e td g y, 11th, Hereditary Lays and Yaes.—et rich Philos:
ph sl "* T ". Wed eedity, Ith and M,
togi, per= lecArment and re-invigotall tht
lkortmencing s.I o'clock erg cloalpg wit:PUBLIC EXAII .
Vises. u Sew tickets to Men, 15 mute, ITo
mew 10 ante, 10 10 Itir Prof atonaldelineations of
'cipVitra,'ll7cludlng doefore umbend c touching hla ur",„„ o nitzn.
, a ,„. Or .. their self perfrietkin, management of
I, c hildren, te.,dally and unoccupied evenings at his pet'
I ride apartments at Brawn's Hotel. matt
SfiritGEONEr BANDAGE Ditsurns,
Aro. OUT Sixth Street, bekno Ckarnut,
(• bleb blu aural a warty run of Harula or 11,1 p
tura) kraulliabl btauldar Bram, Delta, Lace ruwklbira
Kw. C...
Arab, Mm... 7 sad Ilaraorrlaldal bawl.
irLfy%ra Th = Vil.7 ., .. A 4W, h' WEa P l *" C.orPri t'"' lt
ea well a. lajAred aurwinu if fw crery raralY of
deformities. afirtlupertar artlbelal Limba.
ladles atteudel by .llru &yam; antrance ad.
wear. alte:T
, MITCHIicSON d0C0.,,N0 SPni'm S treet '
I • NSW VORA. notesalr tilinoructurcre of the lust'
UFA Vi(Hrlill fiIIIVIS.ACI INKS, fur titre] and LIME.
UMW Prating, and tee Fin. Hoot and Job Wort. which
tiler .rant to C. orantweed or Shelton. matstiabs Ludt°
trur . h.raAlly Upon all ordinary prenges.
Thenotoblnatlusu In these lob. are eneb aeb glee a !Sch
anz and permanency to work suprrhor to any other Inks now
In neg. Vold at prime varying hum etc to Itt,u3 per lb..
Pete I.l...Tl':o=uterrn"eLlioatleiltZnr
nu/silty earshot from Alm to tlrddrd per lb. metd.Trden
TREpartnership heretofore existing be
tee,. Rau. Honig and debt& Hayworth. tiring be.
eons on Pnleral istrret Allegheny clip, Ind the
the lam or )10 L IITSIA HAS
; ih ' e j laTo U irg will ed rdles:lraVi.eittilePter'n. Indebted
Morris tst eithgt k n eet above atom.. earl.%
TILE PUBLIC are cautioned against rn
lima • Note drawn h rennett k Cnestwr,
pa fr' ;' s ;l2eTtlalk " llliatntllT:
. '...TIINArDL s US, and :tat raft:t. o :lb:
nach9nl3twlLT Er
Corner of IVooil and fifth Streets, Pittsburgh.
11 AVE NOW FE STORE, and to arrive this
.1 tew lollosrlus gosals, of Ito mod rsysil i 00m Ishich otleml on the most stansusble term.
115 may butts prlms lireso 125 doseu raimit Zinc Wash
T. 15,417,14.
45 M. ebes/a do. du hoses salsa pun Stszuh,
40 " Oculoog 4 Manx 23 .AlsierstUt
1., WM RIO Ceri4C is bl , ls. or
" 1.01) M 1.1.4114: 15 ` B. 11.
no liven Vs, Vs, S. vd l! Syrupg
lump TOttin. 7-5 ' UAL sal
Ti Ws. Nos. 1 sal 3 Mark. Pusrdescallsuusu
150 113. wallow 1151.alus,
:4 7. 4
3 1
sad 1:7;01-d7 Pruner
Iss rva
ro a n
bus. &Idea 11,1113A1 60 j5 ,• 2VIIT
1300 extra Madder. S Nark omit:
8 balm (Noel. Gems 131routr,
NEW and superior SAW MILL. ait-rzt
to the ttouru'llinn aomoinfl ,
toms. •Ith 12 Inch net stroke, L. h
11.141ne. at, ell to nthd running on.r. to • bkh are at
tached Your Mn-, of Land. well Ich-ated tor Whinw pun
pre... Pelee tow. ter., es.. For further Informs.. In.
gum of t/.. snhoonlosh on the ',semi. ,
melellheAtT A.IIKW. a POWELL
Turnpike Election.
ton and Pittsburgh Toompilia limit Company, will
meet at the Loma of Bea Collins.. the Itch 441 , 1 ATM ] :
the Monday ad - the puree of electing ahem, foe
the mmul ) ear. -IL IMSNI. fhw t.
tueb-hoe=T Ltraablagt. Remoter mta•i
jup (ortylelng a besittlful glom to Wen, flail
tambeim. art Bomar, cmi all kinds of petrithlU
preens. the Iron ham adhering to the Liam. and duet
from ricking: II cantata. anthill.; inatrioue tu clothe. in
any nmtect. The halite h.. long same felt the tommity
f each en cat a! and In thr Mete expectation .111 toy fur
le lln.l, uuu annbetition Is karat attar an Impartial
11.—Mae Cake will Mt thirty dozen of clothitt, and no
family should be without In
Prim 12!X mate per (hike Each Cake alth full dleertions.
For rarely, meta% It. B. abI,LEIIB. 37 Woad 0.
fIA3IPLIOR-3 bills reline), for sale by
%_/ mott3l B.A.FAIINBSTOCK 1 CO.
bbl s, for sale by
URI)ISTONE-12 , bbls for sale by •
EPSOM SALTS--. 30 bhls, for sale by
AL SODA-20 casks English, for Bali, by
if ILA:IVES-400 Ihs, for sale by
tavtivi it A. vlitlittArtx:La
GOPPERAS-2.5 libls, for sale by
a.m.% IL A. FAUN r.stocK A Cg,
EANS— WA, just me'd and hir sale by
JI truirbs J rt. CANFILLIL
BULK MEAT--100 iiieces for sale by
snolibi J. B. CANFIELD.
TIED M MUTTON lIAMS l cask (S. C.)
Jus tut sal. r.) ,ruchg , J B. CANFIELD.
INSEED OIL-543 galls. to arrive and for
mst-11 V 22 Sstszral. end 141 First dm,
SEED-50 lib's. for sale by
• I.2 : : uFmn 2
EESWAX-4.50 lbs. for sale by •
NVIIIPI LEA D-250 —2sgeg for sale
. : h iNN
OATS ---400 lin. for sale by
usslggi ' • wirn.fBll A nrsNEIT.
wants Wrapping Pane:
AU dos. Bed CORN
I o crass superior Tobarea
an mats Cassia;
I Mg. Nultnggs;
mrl,2“ ~ . .
112 Smr.d, And 141 l i o n .treat.
Vi NEX; AR-30 Wit. Cider (warranted) far
' ,do., 4.avaitimetit, Ini T. WADS k
ml,ll ?in. (A Water mt..
. --_ --..--
CotiON - --237baeson consignment, per
orsoacr Dethhoitop, ~Jr by
mehtti ALEXANDER GORDON. Trout et.
IVIACKEREL .-150 hhbo. prime - N0.3, Mud
ire il
in. they and Gm tole by
t./N SEED-3 bblis. for - sale by
torlign IMRE. MATTHEWS a
MEAL--5 bbls. for sale hr
11RIED PEACHES-2000 ha. (halves) fur mr112.5 RIIET. MATTIIROS a CO.
- S. i•
IA END. i• N. laSoror.
An earn , Buelrboit,
Lin tut:melting
lou half elicits T. 11, hurl, end G. P Trier
1,% . .'"12. 1 1.7
I It lump Tobertre
Jerre Halrfil. I . lump Taw,.
to '• n's Tobacco, varlet. bretaie
GO d:Loctet.
311 Ttor
10 u • Keelorr, •
0 Glib, Louisville Lime In non mud for ode by
ROOKS n' Er s't ; u2-' , --
1 Lit e rary Depot. Tbini street. uppe e ite 41m Or •
lnr Net Omer.
Time: the Avon.: ly IBM Muth
Loudon 40. JonmaL oT I
Ire IwW~.
Pope Jam by
Pletarbil Yield Rook. Nu. Cl
Litt,ll . , Living Age, No. &A.
North MOM nark.. Mr February :
%ibexes D. R. barge Loaf Sugar,
EIS bbla I:m ondereoted Sud
- gar
110 P
tip - Clanged
.• Bolden amiltilatified Syrup;
" I jIIIILYA. M 1M1110 "' .41
Melab Simite Laub Oosir 1,611e07.
haatuat reeedved
performed '
nted Polk. ad Ckuirort, mu
Rhvouvorised by Wallow.
L 7 In Bto-
IYLIt thou beroe, lore A sett beallUhil aer• Total
durite. by B. roger.
The Exile to his /lister, e ere moue, by W. T...."-
The Soldier. Wife: •by (leo Barks,
Ito hell; do do
klY led thought* are of titer coattpleed au nullstun by
Mae Lltbarlue Hero.
Led y, on my ear Is ringing, 11 codbpry
Awe/ with vain C.llll, wog end rat.
Wbera are the Mende of my youth?
Oame. maldeus. come or Troocedilla
Potaes-Bweet Heart.
Ac Coquett, Brdal, Celly 1(51.
New York Lute s, ao,.
Concoec'e 81torioa Exerelaea.
°entice Laudle. (fresh eul•Ply1) by L. Ms,o k Webb. . 7
unluestlonubl, the best Sacred Music book ever pubilab
moat i l =reVecTns7rtr e i d eks,...... u' vgt ,r of niigfici.
Lb.. mule title. 614.4.4.1 t, lot Tiara at
Y —The neer an most livahlonabla ion
music received at
moon ae published. meleds
ALCOLIOL - 10 bias. 76 and 92 degree!,
osale by
POPPERAS-35 We. in tine order, fur
ki We by
meta .7. SCllthr , "
bb9. Renlzu bl•5l¢T .d Crown:
l ext. Latga sad Owes: :
ata Tea Pap,
For sale by toehY6 J. beIIOONIJAKER it CO.
13RINTING PAPER-70 Rearm for otde
low to elan onnzbyammtb,.. ,
mehy..l J. b(II(JONMAKER S 00.23 Wood ot.
T ANNERS' OIL-15 Uhl . .
10 for sale by
LINSEED OIL-30 bble. for mile b e y
400 75
bblbdA pr 1404 1.0. 13 um n.
s. for We by
borb2s .11.114 A. 11U CHll3O\ A CO.
OAF SUGAR—WO'bIe. Small, for sale by
DICE-15 tierces Carolina, for Sale by
liptothl.23 JAMES A. ISUTCOMON A CO.
30 key" LW. amortnt_for J. by
up. tri
17 asii Bacon ll a azon
• V ••• koi7l4.rg
4 4 .
or t i L rhe,
• Y .
••• Angels,
Cow TlLlla ant,. ea the means,
ae r. 7 bT 15Alit DICKEY t er O
'mat atal Wat sta.
iiOTION-46 - bales to grrive per str. Gepe
-1,../ vs. and for sale by
WEET POTATOES-501,UL un hand, in
0 Komi collet, land fur ..J by
ISAIAH DlCl E ancl FrenST It CO t 4
U ACON SHOULDERS-6 casks for solo by
I) RiE bt PEAC"E&—SW
Thailding Lots. I
. - . . ..
situate tf u her Plghth Wanll. City of Pittsburg(. Ten
there Loto tan Pennsylvania Avenue. Irwin's, of
1). W. A A. S. BELL. Annelle,' at La.,
taLlas - 1. Fourth atm.
- _ -
SPRI , G AND 5C313161 01116CLAt ur 6116
fro. 62 Smith Sramd Street,
Fifth rit.t. r above Chestnut. iWest Side.
EESO ' . SON would respectfully incite
the Met thtet of erholeettle old reltdl cash purcheeert
r. , p t ri ' hs'rth"*". litttli ' ll i la: " Alf. ,
011 1 leettee. - Mod..
Cre de Iteein - Patent SUP Gloves.
1 , . t _ . . __. - Ilest Kld Move, ie.
MOrli2ll:eit MeV z0ttr ., , .. w,..
I oulard IMO.
•-• ter! Benue.
Moue. de Begs.
-. led.,
. .
irblo vridth.
all wool.
• Moo., 4e. Likipe ,
Unable width.
t‘arrr linolbuJues
( 1171::r 'Lt.« '.od*
tagll.4 Cr.p..
tircoadme bhaa t.
vOl.. Ist. LOSSING'S Picturial
ilvka Snot aUM 1iP•411.4.1. e .
Nn t= Pietartal Firld Etu.k or the
Cam. Patool.lA
3=Kr.".• bs tn. author of R4l
. .
the h, the author nf the "Wlladastnos. -
Lettlee Arnold," 'Moonlit= Hall." tr.
The alma aortalon r,elved and for rale b 7
IL C....‘TUCKTON. fka.kadler and dtatamer.
toeb24 No. 47 Markel deeel.
. 1- itm"'
Black Tram, la bale. Itriel
1:-0Lut..r+ Lump 19. and 2:,'
• ,
eon te: i . :R.lddc! .',“ ~.....,:
'....1 Loa... liereirs t ~ .. Peon..:
1../ b 1.1,.. 5. C. Ti. I 6 . Loma Pnaar. 1
Lad a Cr'J ,iußarti 30 . TomatuKei.rtm. I
WO nurr.• Ila, am 6'. .Sorel 30 - Pepper Lamer.
.... 111.11, 61a.L.ter , 211 - Piet',
I erns.. lndik, r :A. - Bc•Rtl 2 odno. .j
0 , 0 tat hal, 10112 M 5..% 110.0OU Prinrip. .rare:
100 ge...a Ir. atal Pt. /'lactic' aoo liarana - •
:...r tot,. lapite Pti.e, . 15041 Cum.
:A, Ns. N... 1. 2 Marten!, ' NOM- ILL eq.. , •
,:o Mix 56. I.'L '' 100 Us. Water. E.g. am!'
r,uk.g.. t..." 1 "'.'
1 Putter C.lseltres
'arko lac W Ott , : MO 01a...traltlior .i*
40 tabla. men , Oil; 100 VC. C. A. D. Subarea,
Ito) :all. I p I NI; . 3) flue rut . .'
100 Jar. rtels WO Rot. ltotin limn:
Itt ^ btt 1 34 " p. 4 11.Candlec .
Y. 0. Fug . . mei )Icl.Rotor Bed I..ordrc o.und • La
ground Sitoi R' Ctrditct %/citingß ti sad II rapplotc Paper
canon Tarn, Batting, C•ndlevick an TAIAC With a 11.-.
'a4 W"'"'""‘ "f
g"4. "U' AZll l taril r ANNiVrr.
Fm ale la
tach2l , PV. Per..ual, and 131 Front 5t....
(a UGAR-9•2 hh.l3. N. 0. to ..rtivo tbir day,:
kJ, fur .ale by tntICIA 8. aW. 11.tRilt I , tli. :.
VI 01.ASSES-1-10, bbl.. N. 0. fur sub: by :._•
tueb:4" P.. I W. 11.1.1111/11:0 U.
TALLOW —2O bbls. prime, for sole. LT
soAss s. a W.
EGUS—A few bble. frWl) fur gale b
tuet:4 a. A IT. 11.ARBACall.
A RD-10 bble. h7skg‘ . .No. Lanl, fu
ise n g.l .nd br
DRIED APPLES—I3O hg. prime, for sale
ROSIN -11X , tibia. to arrive to-day, for-sale
by szeh2l ° I , lIXRDAVIIII.
FINA.R-riii tibia (Wilmington) to arrive to
'. day, for We by ocblo R . nINBAUUII.
TANNERS' OIL-10 tils. No. 1, for sate
by mcbt . 4 R, O M. lIARBAUOIL
(BUD FISII—ZI eneke reed ond for nale by
7`- zurte.:4 S. & W. 11.11141.11:011.
'VW. il UTTF:it—/ 0 b ; t,l2 :, f , or n s 4 a . t .t b& in.
- ' N 0144 Elr-I sod 111 6,..0.1 It.
-13 4 LbIA. Vreal Butt.r:
bv. U'Lite livauk
Ft Lu 2 rarks Itaa,
c.oct sonna Ch^ttbala. /Uri roe , / Mr rotasl
Nast Maur, for ads by
ineh24 RoBISON. LITTLE a C0....1'.5 Lawny mt.
lISSEED bbla.ree'a and for sale
bY borb2a
GREEN APPLES—IS blobs. Russets:
••• Pippin,. a ,
Just r.rsa luta for sale by
61 A LMON--5 bblr. No. 1, for gale by
0 ma:l R. DALSELL a CO.
II m ct
ERitlIG -- 5 bbIP. for sale by
VINE° Alt-20 bbls. (Cider) for ani , by
tuct.l4 R. DALLELL 8 CO.
Q ALERATUS-425 boxes - L.nd 10 Ws. for
0 ..0., by • ' ' R 14.1.7.F.L1. A Co.,
• onekv.:4 übortr ......i.
IVANTED—A. Situation as Book-keeper or
• dart In•ean.rmalla ormanufaantinx how,—
Unesmpthlnabh. city teI'ITIK. riym. A line a&
drometl to U oj 'C 104 b, V[lrromive anew
dm!. • Inch=tt
Ten3peranoeville and Nobleatown Plank
Road pany.
OTICE is hereby given to the
Cl. Stockhold
ers of odd 1.../. thee the)) math Vb
P.,ellt to
Noir • Sament, Towson. es of Ore add lionspeny. of Vim
Dollars oo each them of the etoek. on the lam -Monday In
each and every month hereafter. until the whole mock I.
read In foll-st. the road will branded end' bridged by
July ith. OWL The Ithekholders ore roallOb.ted to be
7. m uts -, N.
APPLES -2U bids. Russets and Pippins,
fur role by e. P. YON LIONNIIONST 1:0.
(I ROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly pat up
ILA to tin runs If I Pr to 10 lba theta annum white an:
. Mari. Orneu, Puts Ureen.
Blob. Yellow Ochre.
Were dm Sienna, Priori. Blue,
Umber Ile, Lather Durot.
_ _ . _
\VI:ET OIL-2 mush superior, for sale by
1.7 meh22' E. SELLERS, II Word cL
- .
mtan Vu
%T.r .l l. , l i . ve l s 'AP . E .. ltLit f rz . A , t h asso A rtzent
Per &MOO. foe 11:11 . a p arl or., and Chambers, at peke.
n'g getifj ot fi'd
" to
leb_ _
N V 1; ,. 1%.:T d E t t. 11.1-- 6,l ss,tO r A f lleten9: i Coupon
Diet Price Prthl ". lPP e lir ' ftr ' rer 1.1 Cl
the Nanking Ilmow of WM. A. HILL 100.
OTICE. I -The steamer ASIA, in July last,
40-,bg,VAL7t Clnliba II; 87 Patent Cbnrm~ nod l
hereby Orr. that If the mid Louth. end Vanier new not
redeemed by the Nan - am. they •lU b, raid etjiobilS
to p.r Orbit am! charge,. MIL B. MM.AI
rULVERIZED CORN—Refilled and Pre
pared Esprearly for Fuod.-Thts Incomparehly pure
brouttleal article In ezreedLuFty health). &Moo.. end
economical. Podding; Oakes, tostards. Se., At,. made Ly
the direction. accompanyion own {warm., w ill fen. ,
most eacellont. Pile is ., rut- W ood
Yon cal. by maul- IL ME L RS. fir m.
- - .
h Y.' .03t u za.vbr — uUrl ri;uirz.
mehl2 liroceng and Te. Doalers.
Filou derma ANP TAKTS--Fresh Cherries
.i.: Old Plums, p o t up In Dalt aro t oles veterans WA
omens* dams of the Dud. Aloo—Cadet's celsbratad
Shad mud Shred ',balsa sal French Gelatine , Sto Jail.,
Illtuto uses,. se. fur , s l . bj
mob Id dry. A. M 'LUDO A CD.. WA Liberty O.
VENISON HAMS-93 for sale by
tochld J. D. WILLIAMS A CO
II ACON - -5 ads prime Hams;
Ado do sel. ,d.Th Ps Mee sad
aisle hi 311..11 ROL
Young Min's Mercantile Library Muni
,atiata 1' . -
OP RALIII WALDO ENT.R.50.67, of Ilexes
hoe been prtansol, by the abort Institats, to
'r to to its members. and the sinuous of Pittsbonth • annon
ally, • ee* of Lean.. very lately powered, and uPvo
interesting of
The man. eatobvise 6ls Lectures on the CoNOCCV or
Ises. embncing - the St. Booing topirc
1. lotnstuctror LAWS ur GUCCZEG.
a. Egosnor. •
4. Po..
6. Trigg=
G. W 02,211".
The Leanne oil] bo given on Tues.lam Thortdays,d
6aturday• suerevateelf. at th e NEll UT/ LLITCE
floor of berry licruigette. (entrants. 0 0
Acacia rtivot, corunteneing on Thnne/ay evening. Mardi
LLth, at before 6 o'clock.
Course MUM-- S-2MO
MUM-- do. do. admitting gent. annuli
Single do. to be hod at the 60
'Meets for number., (stogie or for the room,/ ran be
obtained of the Librarian. or of 110.126. /lersh.
and Ifellnight, Committee.
Tickets for entomb (dank or for the ortree_.) to to pro
cured at the principal Ikon Storm at J. IL e - Wadden*
Itichanbotenanti F. IL Egon . . man) .
4 _.-_-- --
LCOIIOI,-12 bbls. for sale by
meb2.4. Lk:- OFASERE. 67 Wood R.
MAN NE RS' 01L—I0 bbIS. Warranted pure,
1 4d• ~1 by Jackal U. Y. szutka.
.1 i HERRY.PECTOKAL, Starch Polish; Soap
1J Powder, ead EfferreseingOnewpnd. lbr wale by
Mc= li. &t115L1A113. 1 .7 Wood 4.
-------4 —.
LCOIIOL-2.5 bble. for eple by
erml32l J. KIDD ;COO. 130.W.L1
_4 lab by bleb= .1. KIDD
W, PA NISEI WIIITING--50 bbls. for - sale by
me 2022 J. MD t CO.
IJARIS WHITE—IS bbls. extra fine, for
gale br mch2j. J. KIDD t M.
61 AND CRUCIBLES-400 nests for soleby
tuchl2 - J. JUDD Ai CO.
Wrilang Clam
eh K. CMAMBERLJN will re-open his La
-I.reh 13th, where he wilt be preparwd to glee inatsindlons
In the Artef Penmanship. to mein eio , are depot of ob.
elegant epistolary band. named lostraetioni
bunt 2 to 4 o'clock In the afternoan. t0r.621
'l7l HE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed
Agent for the eel. of
These are the best: Raton which have ever been tarred to
the telbi meritwsur maulpublic that the
dile Impluv neceessedrts that wbkb prat:mt. the
&arability of a fine edge. Having combined the beat all
ler meal with a concars ground blade. and from the pee
liar undergo in tetnpreing tngether with the
gnat are bestowed open them In netting. he can 'althea.
Odense recommend them. So well madded I. be with the
.uperior excellence of this Hexer, that they are each axe ,
nrnbob and if Ennui Imperfect le any respect,. Lie Insuseyis
''to, J. . y eti ast4factlon.—
For Bale, bT the deter ne ' w. WILSON.
nah2l censer Market and fourth en.
O ITSE-KEEPERS—Ordera for Paper
1 Winona ran be lea at the Wall Paper Edo e of
mendl W. P. MARSMALI . 87 Wood at.
hbda. N. 0. Pagan
300 phi.. N. 0. Molnar.<
50 bUob. Dried Apple.:
lnp let Ylas;
40 Kan Ll.rad OTh
40 tan new Rion
04 Wes clop.. western N. 14
101,145. ?rash Roll Run.:
40 - Timothy Saab In stogy and for ale IT
metal übotr nnvt.
tu W. X. Wallace.
bln I don't to me: rouge song.
Can I thraet Num Engla.&
Wauted a Governear. by Jobu Parrs.
Mamma Is so aura Pagldulur.
Voka of by-ne dam : by Forted. Aunts Laurie.
" y," "".
ChinSl b r w° ll -r• .
It Ind Won* y ii art'. acne Auk Polka.
Itatehrlera Lament by the Ilutrhlnauna. Ultrta Pollta.
Ilrand Polka de Comae= by W. V. Wallace.
With all tho late popular dune. Waltze. Cutllllont. Prylk.
Ylarcbas, Variations, Ruud.. Ibc-. Ado booedW the
Easlern Mks.
Noe .Ifaric maim, Mr, mak.
A L ary large wad DUO stock of -
T „ ~,,..p..,. this .m e t.. .A 6, tOi, ra,,,' and f octaves, gamed and
plain. varying In prim from ~.175 to SSOU. Alan, M. MU'
Wpm. breed Pam.. from the Name celebrated maniac.
tot , .
ftt. above. with • full and general strait of Sleek and
3lueleal Merchandlte thr sale by
.)011t: if. MEL14)13., tr'Wmat at. •
ti ll.—Two Piano Foe. to hire. Old Pianos taken In
part fur new 0 ..... nseh-ffi.
DEII9. romposert chielty of Vegetable, willmstare V/
Immediate health. This Powder Is Invaluable for the cure
of the num.-mu diseases to which Cattle and Home. are
outomt. rho 0 lender, Inward Strain, llkle Bound.Lom of
appetite. Rome WA:roper. Horned Dtstelopee In Cattle.
.In. t h e lofting of the Cud. and Rheumatism. commonly
, ealled Stiff CompLant. which proem. fatal to so many
homer, and ravent. boutee hem twomulus Rill or
i foundered: it carriee off all arum intomr, and pulite. the
blont It is abo a sale and errtairt cure Err the Heavy= al
ro nd Cough. and Cold, w Web mum to be the origin of en
many fetal it will ,fro cleanse the Stomach and
Maw from r....te. Worm, tc... sod again met.. theehunaeh
1 end bowele to healthy anima.
For rale, is hole sale or retail, be
-- earner Sixth and Wonder,
Eng%l GI 'y u e
Neapo ars .
collars Cuff
II I 11,1kb, ar
A Blast Furnace tar Sale.
T"UNDERSIGNED ofrers for Sale his
BLAST FURNACE, tetnated In ChM comdi, Gmenes,
and known es the .. A.lletoffmn . Finnan,. with al l the cab
building, SAW and tiRIST IIILL: and every thing me
rester, b , mrry on the Smelting of Ore. It has 1,40
Amen of Land altawhed, with as much more
. n.l.jelitirf as
wouW tn.-smeary. • hlch ran be had front ,ar. to r. per
It ha. the m..t favorable 1r,...ti0n in the South, for
making Iron. having the ore g!,thin one-half Co oew• mile
g. In ye, large quantlthe.. car to. mlne, gel rtelding
nem LA to'ILL. per ramt. 11 to ore, mile and half from dm
Ewe Rolli Mill. a newly wale can be found for
all lie ahn.-
of Fog and is two miles from the
'elevtern mid At:antic Relieved, which it one of the nom
of rallr,wl. connocting the Tennessee River with the Sea
• 4.which hex Cl. hues of 'raitroais running out from
it. tubbed and coder jr . Lrart, r;aoslngthroughnllthe
)14. 4 1:4.1i...:111/ 1 :1W"La l , r nate 1.
nu. in toll 1.1e.t worked-Df 11., PM... With - IL ;010115
Get, un • never While .t.ream, and In tho most Maltby
tart of the South.
Letters Ina} to achlreated to me al Etowsh, a en. Ga.
"1 b*
'lO " " iIN3ra d rTOVALL.
A1.1.4110%4 FLMNACII. March 1.1551.
street.. award. the Port OMR:a.
Cnn Warwick MO./dist:49 by Frank ltorreeter.
arolina of Drumming. 2: by Reynolds.
:it:Lobel.' Hall. a Ilittoricul Romano—eomplete.
'floe biegleburgs on the Rhine, by Tbaskarey.
Louire La taniere: or conclusion of the Iron Mark
The Queen, Necklet, by Our...
folly Pcablossonie treddinet 111ustnitral by Daily.
Port Folio of a Mr4leal Stuent: to. ao.•
The City Menne.. do. do.
Berth a lium,nue Novel: do. do
Reverie% Mau lid Deal: ur Mats to Young Men.
llrrurn and Califrnia.
Dentine:wen Lmimtl... by Count D'Oreay.
Ladies' Bliquette and Toilet Book.
LittelPs Living Ar.e, No. 1157.
Larengro: (be etcholv—the tilpacy—the rlt.“,-"ks Geo.
Borrow. authorf the - Bible in *pito ^ 'Ykor supply.
Nev ' Month' for Mex.%
slot - war
A n ''''pple r %"' t MaJtestne N o
for - Mateh. •
,Tbe CUltl.l4,
Inetionaryof Mechanire.
Crolstnu in tbn Last War. by C. J. Potenatn—ecempleta
Illatory of rendentile. TbarkinrY—eomplew,.
lieury Potraton; a Jacobite story of tbe ROA, oilihtene
I. By tr. P. IL Jam.. 1/.1.
London Art Journal. for Vetztuan ,
11000.3 Sliskopeare. No.
Notedy's thou. of Ilfesal Adrenturee . of Perelvll Map
berry. written by Inimeelf.
Lure and. Ambition, a hotel by the and= of wliocking
H o i ld Word.. N 0.43. , Sketehem of Southern Lilo.
Dr. liollkk . e Works. complete.
Rockingham and 'Domestic Quensware
BLAKELY v. d u : ,. % ;.. .Inn:
Eat: Lotus... Ohio.
C-W -6 .mV i o 1 . 1 FylOn wo a . emo. ta.nor
or ofbor. ttaburgh. Pa.
our ...earl, rilable ua t an orders promptly.
A eompetrn; ‘lrs4ther Wing on.tasitlyeEloyed, also en
abbu .01 loop loot with all tha maraud prop d
of the iloy.
%tam Unit. Spit..., Pitrhera. fancy To
_Drown Sat.,
Flower Vases, (illie., kletutel OrtiamOthi. and
Moth Jan.
and articles for da um, to kmat variety.
Onfers ropwiffvffk omastlmclUktit
ARD OlL—b) bid. No. yak Too'ai and
(Of pale by B. A. FAIINFS MC* CO.,
torhhi rano ft uvl Woad Mu
OTlijE.—Aik — ouEdereigned has withdrawn
froze lb. firm of - Ibutseu. Plunkett* oletol*lll4V
diapowd of Mr loterre. to .01.1 lima to Charles. T.
Ihnowu. CHARLES MelihltillT.
. .. ... . .. •. . . .
The budnoss of Or firm will be coottemod feo um,' n•
der the .tyke of !MISES d PLUNKETT.
Pleteborgti. larch loth. ISSl.—Deeeb2lllD
...T , bide. Prreb IrdoT",
100 - find tirtm dqy.k.s_ Pr We by
me1T.. 4 0 T. WOODS t SON.
1 0AP-114 boxes No. I reed. for sale by
.mhl9 • S. k W. ILAILUAUGIL
REEN APPLES-20 bbl. reed, for sale
by meblD S. & W. lIARIACOII.
4 . 10 RN MEAL-40 bus ree'd and for sale by
cahlo 5. 11W. lIARBAUtiII.
kJ G. 1.1 eutrivk 1000 lk-aches; . .
110 MA . yrime :N. 0. Susan
MX) Lb'. Inuataboo arrivei bunk. 01
mchlto RUXY..II.II7I(FAVti .}, CO.
Y IG 3IETA L.-4W toja 12,r tale by
00. •
IiRFL:IiED SPIKES-160 kegs(improireiL
L 16r MOO by tuebl9 MIEN", MATT/It:M . BY CO.
bbls Fresh Roll Butter.
la bz• do. d‘,.
25 bbl. L10r5...1
i. bbl' Nu! .411.
:Ai I. lat-rat:l,lm Cher,
1594,, Cunt Beau..
MO bus Dried Apples.
I.M Ins haeho, fur 'Ale by
mehl9 .1. B. CANFIELD.
n LOO.W4--.230 tons th!,tl Tenn. for aule by
tnehlf+ J. DALZEI.L. Ws:..? &78 lint 874
111EEST-50 bozo: fur tale by
.ll. villa Tunipike eloci. for rale be
atchl9lll3tyll i
R eottlneten Tumpikr. lame. mill i from Pittatartli,
eu by cr. , C . t.. 1 4'" " ''' * i
Tn. Virg PIM .
.1 . 0 . BONNET. •' -1!a000eLs.
tech lO.Onterlt:T
tale of Jeuo. et/quota. In Igo of e , , don the
awton Turnpike. Chirp tulles rt., tittabnrigh a on
filch la erected • new two story Won and Dwelling. Ap
w !, tu the aufroktlers. at the store of Itupphy t
J. IL. atuatpar.
J. DONN 1. - r e
i . UNNY BAGS-400 for sale by
mobliblit CO.
-15 sooty Dried Auplim:
lu Ce 4. Ursa 40:
packed Butler. •
MI lugs du. da do:
15 tugsprime Timothy nod:
Wimkra Way% of 11 ohm Keil ;subtle,:
1"bb1. Mario 11biamm 10 *Lure sod for =lola
moklo It. DAJLZELL, Liberty mt.
CaMUT MILL—I Smut Mill (etuplete) for
u sale by mebli , H. IM . W.
pOWDER 4000 kegs llazarirs Blasting;
nee - do,_ Ml* r0 ,. ..1*
L 7 ... - .clas. • J. & DILWORTH a CO.
now apea at the AllientEr3l BOLDLVa is iverr
CARP - 011, - CLINIIS, du.-
W. mociarrocg
Ie nu. mininantly recelybig Ids Spring Stink of
' ' roa m i.i., to part the fol loving varieties:
Rxtrielloyal relret file Carpet.. do. do Tapeen7 RM.
relg. do. dr. liruseelm extra miter. 3 ply: imperil.* 2 pin
do. Inured. extra tire dux tine dvi common dui itotteado.; t .
4,4.14. ter, and 24 trilled Wrath= 44. 3.4. +4. and 24
plain ilo: 44.24, 24, and 24 wool and cutton do.
Bob. Chenille Reign tine dot do.: extra tatted do: thee
dv do 4 common dn. Chenille Door Mein tufted do. di , :
chap skin do. dee; Adelaide d0..104 Throm do do.
Crumb Cloths. Felting do, Backing 124, 4-4, and 24.
Also--Stunt Oil Clothe. nit to dl any the hall or nom.
844 4 . 64.24. 44. and ter Oil Clothe.
. Alro--Stalr Reds, Oren Carpet Raiding% ISA Car
tals,..,.Reg dai..n4. 44. 341lattleign Table Liam=
loaf .4mi Ouritebuele Iv Tllll.l4lTill WSW.
Bull Window llollandr. 'mitt. Blinds: tersbeseed PIMA,
Corene do. Table do.; d Fiend do.: Waretext Tabl• do. •
Haring howled and rebated oar stink direct tram the
viml oeleWated swum**, being of the Weer and mart mi
rrored Arles and mitre. no are prepared to nil by our
(annum' end enstemem lii:lnx/ro or Rue or Meg um be Pod ,
iti= tl gote all fig:l - tend examine oar Meek et
, •-• The Carpet Vi , ''house, Ps. Fourth street.
. ',
230 Ws N. O. Mans, oak asmslats.
Nt 40. do. . Guess soossenum.
gob 0.. U. ,
ISO tags eNme aeeen ItSo Wks.
Po boxes b's wad 1 lb Lamp. rsrbus Magda
fss) do. W• • Glass.Vsy And Country brands.
'• COO down s• • Brooms. lissfr".)
fA bbls Lams No.:: Maskers!.
60 blf do. du
ISO bus 1.47 A • pies. lo mon. sad for sae by
- Lfberty street.
-150 bays paimeJloo Wm;
100'a rL. Y: IL, P- iaR sob Black rex.
2 modal Impedes. Iladdass
10 -
50 bbis. Tanners . OM
r 0 boxes Totem. esms rx. pn late
mchl9 4. S. DILWORT &CO
sodas. Buck*. 10 dal. Tylolg ta m
• tor.hl9,
H. PALMER; haring completed the re
... nt and addition to Ida - atore,xneta ro-open tat.
morning. Mart IStb. ti4t
DRI APPLES-20 sacks recd, for rale by
I.IORTS--300 W., for sale low to close con
s. 7 sigmaent, by • SAMUEL I'. SIMMER.
Straw 1.--.uwt—and—Sta—i'-.Wswnaa,
1111. PALMER offers for sale, at , serr
: ion. prima, a tell manna.. of Stray and Maw
BN Anwileance, mel
St y r ' tot
Chip, Lamp, Miller, La ttalr.Paa Lea.
Aura au, te.
llArs r.tbe, and Tigre W" and
Braid. Straw, Panama. Alanluo, and Palm
Mts . Leohorn. Braid. tkoww. CUP. tamp. Lam. and Nag,
nines' Oliver, /roar Lind, and Wien' Antos, In great Cart
ety of 'taps and material.
RAD/WAN—Men Bonnet and Bead, ruin Satin and Ta
li: LACESths aced colors too , me mod_Crape CADA
—Plain mad or.rd god oow.d Pan wnd
Oottna Nettu
Brif rrammr.vos—oiros.Twele, Bottom. Braids.
Pelerines. Ae-, Ac.•
FLOWEALC—Prendi and American Prigs, bunches an)i,
. " 110 . .Nrr b STr i g ' S ' Z'S Ylea
SA lam d Ns
plee. Ora d. Milne, Plc:epee, and ether Mlle ' : asented
Tann.r and ono..
Atmvs—Aokortoi Wuallties arid color.
Also—Hleb =I low soloed Parasols andUmbrellm. Hui
Boxes. Ar. Le. . • melolll
Diriars..2Wo.latt Comer, Brantr.
A reel large and sugerior stock of Fa ing: sbicamble
adapted to Ilentleens ear Alr bor _cora
newest series In A m meri W can. English, and I=9bed
liferele My splendid osoortment of ' Testing% and Clothe
of ererr hublOnsble shade .54001000 whlch.toptlierwitt.
t it M i lt a nt s m ell mandfar i tt t i b tod i i= oL i ftEaVAAM
/Malt west of the
AZ:We:all of which the Erntaietter
Is determined to neer Manch priers so will (.1111:01
ram War Win with* gall, that not aniv tho most markt.
Cothlng is told at this eetahlbdement. but oleo at the kn..
" ' A ontr deeo i n
irth i sTallminic !Moe:waded. .in In th e
boot go-Aide manner, and at the shortest notice. •
AVECTER LARD 01L.:49 bbls. J. L.
V LjnA tne'd and brake
ddl and Llaettiit.
10 bbdn. Plaatalart Suva: - •
40u bbl,. do Motors. Oak anperst..)
Ic Mare %mitts sale by
melalS _ ILETS(I7. MIL= k B IC
PEARL STA_RCII--50 boxes for sate. by
' mauls Rearm. JONES a co.
J No. Winter Stridual Lard °it
bo tuna uni l ata 8iU01314
Ella Mao Pork:
lie llamy.bbouJdix are' Sidac In smear.. lumen
10 bb l. . So: ' , Mack/vet Le de los by
mebt9 Canal Bade.
LARD 41:11D..-20 We. No. 1, for 4.3 by
mints JAS. DALZELL. 68 ate
NO. SUGAR-2:i hhds. for sale by
• mrhlS J D L. a
• Lived:meats.
000 foIi LLS
4 %
IQO • do. Cohn[
0 do. in
Faddis Sno t
Par sale OT A!MICINSt CO.
mall • ranwr 'Mild and Market eft.
Fresh Assortment of Spring Utxds,
THOMAS PAL3fER is da:ay receiving,
freak the Easy Citln, tha. oSEI stasd.
Nu. b . MARLS? STMT.
Barren Third and Faun& streets, Put+larzyk,
l itUrE7StrarSV =U r'? t p' f a , l r !: - tht ,b
for • long fantod. The patarati are entirely new, taw
styled! peculiarly te, anti the colors. in point of ftwte
batty, unturpasec, /toot 10 cents upward, tint prima
two,. To Ws nnaactive lot of gootte, of which mare ao
curandudattleal twr. fanwal hY Welt then cleterplikat,
the allentian of ineroleuota and home keeper. is re
fully lariat&
Dirtfoasrs of Neaszties. Np, ZS.
Ileceived at 1.10131 EV Literary
mehl7 Thlid .b..ol,ndts the
cakir .t .i.vr. Book, to d Ayr%
d 'Tor attir .....
Thud mod . FoI'ILITT.TWm
LEAD PIPE--Comelre improved patent
pipe ta
- Aqualads,
,94 to yeat*Manon .
• -- - 131 Proat
Boya Wear.
ItiffiTRPHY & BURCHFIELD have reed
ITC sat awortment or the above awala.adwOted
d r o.. twooda, ITerAtiVeleitl J .oestea U4- ecos '"l.
of various Mode, all at lowert price, e.z
cas.—unm Duran. !mite ar attentles of
Maout !a! &Mug Mamba Gocds, to tbetr mortal.% eir
Mlcolm!, Boataine !Lashed Aouras, Mo.. Or M
mobil ame,
.I.YI. Ye. Meaufieteze, of the telt brand,. formate !ow bg
meta': ISAIhII DICKEY 2 CO.'
ASON'S BLACKING-25 gru. for 'mire
,• • br atblD J. KIDD 1 CO., Oa Wade-
! Ni - w Books
Richard Yard Gollandi'etlited by his win, hear, Ba
ward lord Gotland.
Jule Bonnie. or Prosperity end Adrersitr, br Catharhie
Sinclair, author of • - nlr Edward Graham," ^ Golnis)
oose," re—
f Moorland' Cortes..., by the au th or of liar y Barton.
F. barmier% The Sander. the Gimpy, the Priest by Geo:
anthor of the Whir mSpain. and the Gipd.b in.
Valet. PUlareth's Ilistory of the Cattail States-wacond.
The above works lost need cod for sale by
B. C. STOCIVPOS. Bookseller and Stationer.
. bachlf. corner Marta and Third eta
ap • Syllanns of etto L. of Land Mee Tinto In Penn--
xelenens by Joel Jones ree'd sent for We lor
meblb Jlu. er Ilnetet et. '
New Books! New Books!
etreetopp.ette the Poet On-, .
rtie , a Ilunaelone ovel; by Geo. gravorth .
(Intern end thellf.rels: es tlighte In the tlold
Lowe Le Tallierre by Alex. Deems.
Chneuelcc by Ueo. Satel-4 ear, In 1. Price, 50e.
!avenge% the Santee, the tlllAey. the Preeet: ht ~-
Barrow. . .
Tbe Queen nNeckbeee, Aka- ome,
Revert. of to Old Ila or Mots ruVourkE Yea Intend
ke jog to Mom
*Arne above can aleo be bad of C. S., AL
Weosters 'Unabridged Tii . etions ; ry. •
.I . V!!: i S i y e ttfiit i px. DIgION
Eszne work bound In Quarts mit etoboterd beet and aide.
very elegant—MAß
Ptats7;4 at
th ,;(flrlr. Wennat
ALCOHOL -15 bbl. for sale by
mehlo J. MUD a Fool 2
DrEAIITY.-It is universally conceded that
beauty ts more thromou tot this than fa
OMB , . at the =Me Um" U is mad that in no oar.
country le It keit ...noting an ago . thh . le to
certain erten. but the ibes Is oil.. caused by neurweL We.
00 .11, do too mud.. your pers.. app..... but,
Pad th e hillowtu. .4 you no.l riot larkauisd
These art/olni ant wirridth Prelsn'ohehate e4 hier eh eh'
taro. lardl.
' •
ssjul. Iloorl • Pend. or Morse Powder. for Impartim.
to oho mot hallo. sample.. a aulhlimit 2114 1 n.
bottling should &p.n.. bo me cupful thou th e 0 . , of
powder for the .0(a moor of re
threw wad sow .17
0.. It Plineor powder Is cCOPooodrfd Sup-
Sart, ind contsins lurtsJisor which can possibly trithott
ywy o ps jyynyterry Powder, for removing InsperflY
• nos hair. What Is more utplabtly pars halr upon
or arms`f Thla
nmq hoot the os.. of n rislo , nth trina . o o .4l . t la sho.t.
11401.1 t roy Dye will inatants
n.mar imput to red, whim. or troy bal. beemittfoilr
brown, or althorn color. 10 will calor tha hair fn oi
shorter time, amt mon. ethrtuolly than 001 other dr. to.
thy ot the sama tirne'lndellible.
i rtua Creistm—lt sway a pleoannt
share with lb., moo. Metals wee or Ow
i ti umuy assorlonsed In th e row tit' tut. mapa. (in.
fan m tioa
aven kat. Use ram smooth anal soft =ln
fants, and not )lade I. berm. than..
Joie. Hauer Rots Tooth I.l.—hiest to as. Mr, swo
thin% meth nn aa tho
UP human forarbot uhra tnteswradi nottd. tp
ookkly a t Tooth Pans will impart
a pearly whit... at am woo um. toothy
mod tualthy
t he ette" tr' 41.11.0% Perfumer and Chant*
llllClreanitt at. MI.
M r
till i aselh W A
- f