The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 26, 1851, Image 1

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. WHITE & CO. .
tux= nom.
Olntl 00 Imam STU., Mt- POOl 10 5111 POST orncE.
• : • TEEMS.
~1 1 . A TLY=1.. dolio. Poo annum. payable half reuir.
WISICKLY—?ette= perUttituo, IttAtatunea Owns
• le supplied on tbe followbut eatuiltlotts
, Three oetke per oo
Six cook* do
Toe eu ..... —.—.—.. 9 CO
ylea .. 23 laY
The packet Yr rub Club to beaddressed to oeu, parley/ 1 / 2
and to be ykedd laystlably In &Jew... _No Club PAPell'elli
be Pent afler tlut ye. rapier., wlleas 1.01107 11111Clit for
• rrtltlrlll. : . .
• .
: Dm Square (10 es of Nonpareil or - lm)
o lowellon .. . 6O
Db. eseltaildtticroni 0 2.2
Itts one m two weeks ..... 300
Des - throw week, . ... . . 4 00
• •t m. onth 6 00lin. 7 00
110. pntr
• Dm months 12 (0
twelve otontits 12 00 •
Plancling Clint{ (6 lines or lins. per aromm-66 00'
Ome Dollas for each ahlitinnal II
One hoar, clionneable at plZium (per me
num) exiled/re of the toper 00
For 0 . 66 1 6 . 2 0 snnare. inserted over ow month, and
fies o wfilitionel vow Inserted under the yowl) ran.
ball price.
Ativerthensents etymon*: a Kam. and net 0000 0(100*
thaw, to be Outran( .4 rotary and a bolt
Publishem riot invountahle
for legal mtvortimments
Mel the mount charged Sse mi ce poblkation.
Announcing emidlistos %r. to bee/urged the sum
as other eithartitmecuts. •
Advertisements not nutted on the copy 00 •O]
number of insertions, wilt lo motioned PM ferhid,o33 2. 6 7 -
meat erarted leneoplingly.
The privilege of sumettal Advertisers le Stri== ib tl
their ems tinmedlate tmainces; and all adv
the benefit of either peroonsmwell twat!alvertiwasecitstiot
immedistely connected with their men tinsiness, eml all
else.. .00 alvertirements. knout or otherwise. /Minna
the limit. ensaned, will he charged at the usual val.,. Tor
all nut irstanent advertising. hills will to awparatoly
Mtaimml. and prompt moment It desired.
Ali adrertismarots-for charitable inst/tritimes,,fro Diem-
Parden. word. township,and other public mostinga. and
such Ulu, to be charged hslf prate, payable etrictly in ad.
• Marriage hotirer to be charged 50 cents. .
Death notices inerrted without charge, mare emu.
Mal by funeral invitations or obituary ootkes, and when
eo accompanied to be paid Mr.
Modular adrertgers, and ell others rending ermununkse
• time, or requiting net,. designal to Mil attention to
Fain, %Orem tionerre.• or any. peddle yoke/denied..
hero charge ara read for adnuttomr—all notices of pri
vate assoclations—ererr node designed led to mill attrotbo to
Derale enterprise. calculaiel or in to te Indh
• rhltudinterod, van emir be ineeriel el tre ih the L t
tug thatthe same to to to reid for. If Imended to be In
serted to the tool column, the mane will be charged al the
rate of tot irfa than'lo mob , per Arm. • .
Bishop or Air Now., to be rimmed triple price. '
. Teeth Nene Aldine Ah' act.
• • • • • • •• - -•
Rest Estate Annan' and Auctioneer,' utvertbremenb not
Log t egtflend t i a ; tatolge d . to be glared di,
.mount of fr--t"
Chu &pare, Men
Do. - • each eattlitiobal ingertlon .....
_ •
One Square, DO Uwe.) (me Ineentlen.—...._so melte.
Do. • ••teleb edlittentd i11eertkr12.......23 cents.
AU Unmeant ideeethetoente to Ilta raid trtbdrauee.
JMIN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth
Wahl, _Wm stmt. between (Mars assl Wslmst AU
winess promptly attrostsl m.
w: Attorndy nt Law—Or
el • 6n. on Grata streetoxesir Irootl4ll. ArWves'BuOd.
log. rittaUfah.V..' - • - • rathtly
. nal* at Lay and Iteal —data dean% IMt;
atevat Pthaturab. I
AMES J. - KUIIN, Attorney at Lew, office,
In tilgitinsa Mal, caller of tir4:2l,Etreet and Dt.ssmnd
fry. Pitt.busgt. 31.16a11y
JVCOLLIER,I Attoiney at Law, office .
M itAgr i ' mw '
Witahgtontatf. (groom y rho bore! (oom) b
pred to give proper erfention to the: roeurior of WM
Werroots. Penfionr. laud to tfo
he prueeraticat of elslotte
before floagnois, or any Of the deportroeuro. - jell
TAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
0 on 44 4.. betwomnminkt34lll.4l Urant. Pinsban4l.
N 0.142 Fourth .U,l, PiNsbarob.
* ... TOWE & WATSON, Attorneys t
No. 110 Fourth ntvet. Pith•burgh. Law,
tut.ctt —Alexander ^ John Fa
ran, llorriPou a co, Wm. a. 14,-; JobVR., F
.1 14 !"'"
couttlan# Gm: IF. 7sockpoth litinburgh. .121214'
EtDWARD P. JONES, Attorney nt Law:
Mee on Fourth rtroet, between Moat and Smith.
JASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
Net 89 Fifth Pitteburgb,
1 - thi - nr] — m; kmITROmTs.
tom. tert.turts... .... S. costrt.
17krDi. H. WILLIS & CO., Bankers
an Exthoopt Brokoro. AM
North Esoloornor waa
no Mod rtmeta, littotourgh.
1.11 troorottlor. ndo Os terms, and oolloetkote
p.mptly &hood ro
ed to. .
llg:D. K ING, Banker anti Exchange Broker,
Pourth strint, Dander in Bank Nolan Mil" of En ,
.41old and Allier. Ltitocin boOabt awl mold.
nndiest inarkx; prin. fetid In pnmilarn mr Amnion:l
Half Dollar's wal: .114 Spanirti in :par
in 24
W M . R k a : a tdo4 p ßan keeak t and g e
S &TCO, fichtingeßrTakei;,
• Sovih•Estst Carom of Tbird and Mutat street. An
at intim lib , ral rate,
lIOLMES & SON. Dealers in Foreign
LI • mkt Mommalo Mills nr-Egehmago.Certilkate• of De.
hod,. Bank Notes nod Emaa, No. 60 Market atreet. Pit.
burgh...os-Coll,tiona made oo an the - Minchaal titles
throughout the United &atm
ijilesi Exch." Gab, to., No. 71
fourth street. moot door to Lb. Hook ofhatboxg-h. Col
-1 octionocorefollnottowittil =MO prootods remitted to
any part. of.tbo.Untott,l
cl. Late _ ...orate tom
RADLER &:BAlltd, Bankers and Ex-
Maid Drokunn Ilenlerlt In Foreign and Doanntle
EzetungecCertincsloc a Deposita., Bank Nertm.-‘ ,
Odin, corner of Mint and Woal ettoets, directly 00Pnciln .
tbc Bt. Charles Hotel. .
CAROTHERS: Fe.. CO., flanking Howe,
eelM.l * c ,, N0 n 0ft .e..." w " d P.-74 I :Vg.D'on e fitt H P o d o n e eflpxrrt
eitTer of the united &ate.. , .
finn.c .. ; Dm. A. urn".
BAIR ot IRVIN, Commission Merchants
and BUt Broken, Noll 11 &mad nowt. Prnonal sod
'Mole oreuddro from SIOO to $lO.OOO ninny, on bond
VATIMII. ',Umne&
ALMER, (HANNA & Suce'esrohCto
nand & ao.. Dttaga. Meta rait Itterants;
dealer. in ' , onion and Dotneltie Extbonire. Oertlfratas
of Deport. Dank Notes, and Speck*North NTott 000.0 of
Wood and Third .toots. Current Manny meebed on Lk
wet. Sight Cheeks for rale. and roll eetfons rode on nezo.
Is. all thn principal poinfainf the Unit t3tates.
The highest meth,. paid Sir
,Voreign and American
&draftees =dean nonsignmentsof Produceohlgped mat.
on liberal terms. - •
,DA YLOIL; Commissioner and Bill
limb.; 112 Femnd me et - !Met ittention 4111 be
ven An tontines. ..otruged to Me ale. Pittattorgb
nunufactood ankles always on hand or procorol at atom
txttlso. Note., Bonds, f10tt0212,.. to, negotiatol on War
able tortm." Adrannt, Inalle;11 r02122ed• oeIC
D C. STOCKTON, late Johnston Stock
xi,. ere, Bookseller, ktittimier. Printe, and Binder, cor
ner of Market areiThlul street, Pittsburgh.
LAS:B.I. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot,
Tblta dna. °ors:sits um Prot Offle. Nos gooks so-
T n
b la
est prim '
r f
n HOPKINS, Bookeell;r and Stationer,
• lko.7BToorth Wok. Apolloßoiklisg.
'• Bent§ AND' - conEcnomats.
pArth IIOWN,Ja, d RetailWholeaalean
taker ssol Coolillonor. Fourth street, IlttAburtrh.
tddlott Caket...l Feller Confectionary, artyt tot hula.
All alert poonnally attended to. •
- vir • BI'CLINTOCK, 31:mtifactaier d Im
m Ler n Oi! Cloths litssm Mat Wha
m., wora
.t.enu ct l t i, . archuuse„lto.Bs Fourth sL,
A7I4aNULTY S. CO—Trfiniporterv,
e v j ar i zaj a ta it e cammi.ann Merchant. Dr.
u.,zrhatas, No. 61 Water Amt..
11. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
Cormorant. 3telopont. 11.1. &mot erred.
tan,NES{ k J 0 ES,;
Inlandnn Merriman, been" In l an t Pitt.
Manufactaunal.axarln% CanalCul
stmt. Pittaanaalar , "' ' Somata
A. A. Ult.
ARDY,:goNEs ''
llt, &stla4otne
itt e,C 4 n ila k ut n u tn f an
;, -4es
urns, Pa:
tc e. inarglllC. Wk. /MM.
ii, C. SIIACKLETT k, CO—Wholesale
• DestDorian Portion .4 Domeetie Dry Goal, Mi l e
1. 1.1116.1071 .ICoo:rtris Dann ' ob. atrium, it co- lc ' , tit.
LA.,MASONICaI Wholesale and Retail.
.Th.diati la Pitney anal Dtaple Dry Goods, G 2 Market
AtußPiff'is IILYIICIIIVIELD. lirnoireets
and Retailrr D (Jr on Merchants. corner of Pourtb
and nrket nitwit.. littchtugh.
- - - -
ILERSEI, hEMINO . Sr. CO..ommission
Merchants—For tho rah. or Pottotnth, Woolen. 001
11.1 r. Ala. dewier. In MI klod. of Tollone Whom
-Inttn. No. 121 Word otrett, fourth door Ton Fifth. Pitt.o
IL D. lIONT, Dentirt, Corner oiFOniiii
burah. Derathr rt. Lte.en Idarkrt slut Fe/Ty strnt%
"rr. 0. R. nerenni , iz„ C. K . 00111121. '
FnEYSER & McDOWgLL, (Saccossors to
to Kerr Jt itenerd.Whelende and Retail Drag end
, ne•lPtion:aorenorner .r w.iri etxet sod Virgin .n.r.
idatMe PafleripUOM eerefnlir eornronndod night sad
41 ., C ... 1151) & Wholefial Dinggists: 'Deal
• " ortni•WeCigad it r 7l=t7
7cpariWgttr-67 4 . atAdilir c gifr i rk i .
id. sod Larradn..l with dispatch.
11 .
t A „,.., .1 . . FA..4.N41:,,,5T„?‘01C,...4.„.
, ( , : e o i , hi - 1 ,,, V1 1 12;5 , a h 10
aci... titi.m, MMICS %Vona andYrnot etz,.. 1 . 1‘ ,1
but , r., wrier . .
4 i, F4 ,, si i ili , LEltS,
t l f, Vllr) . lelTrile _ llealer
.. in: .
tam. ~..,„ patuunkoit: 11=1....t • r`Ataz
j0 - 11, — N -- 11. 3101t0 AN Wholer ale Druggiq. , i
. 1
.. kr i. Dye 0000. 1'u10u.0i1...„—.
h o t ir IV Arr.- eau door tuutbk of Difunotut Mkt.:
N.l ICKiIIISIIAM, Wholeaale Druggist:
N.trittl frl o .ntrZ D' r!ge r r k .na l . l'''''''''.;
rurnate. r - ' - " .
RAU ' ,gliiaTEß, IV holeje ' r7d ' irei , iil
tug.,l :l
p,.. u, comer of I.lbvtty and Nt.Cluir sta.. ritur- ,
I SCH . NMAKEILt 00., Wholemale Drug
-411/ gists.. o. U 4 Wool me., l'itu , burgh.
- -----
f . ;
---- - .
L. S lEE, Vi'holesale °rover, Commission' ,
tE, m ve, and dealer In -Payer. ors! Roca. corner ofs
an and I o atm... Pittsburgh.
VANII I J. P. SiIItIVER, iVholesale (Jr.-
k. 3 ssr,, P nen and t-onuulsion Stsrehants, and Is isl
era In Pitts rio Manufactured Ankh, Nua. 1:ill and 1,2
1 Somanal atree between Wond and Smithfield. Plttshnrgh.
J 5. 14 INDltall J0r..11 ML. ...Tl.l.
OHN ..
Mrs.. Produeo and 001111LS:ion MStrisants, sad .
t i asimfiss yzre . t . y . dsr Co, of liasardellie. Coon.. No.
La. r.t......13/.
' & INORAILI3.I, Wholesale
amission Morebants, N. Ild Wan.
toot. Pittsburgh.
roMVS . & .CO., Whoksals
too and Forwarding Merchants. and
than Yarns. Id Water cc.. Pittsburgh..
- hoiesale Grocer:,
.ii,Late •of Warren, Ohio,
Forlmsling alerthoot, ItsLd Whole
yentd:rre Bulk:, Pot amt
icotin; genna;dl). 77%ii'- '''''''
taieen77 - 2firdand Woad, kletsburgh.
S.iIERMAN & SlfiNS, Wholegal,
• 0 Cbanntardnn and yc?norarslinq Nerrhadda
, a 1 VAN, ' n . d A ' rta 4 7 tro d arl i or b oVVicin i o " nT i an '
Itynclaadaarb )lanuLgarod Tama., son. FA and al Itiatn ' l
gnat. ht.barah.
• salr Grorrm. Forwarding and Commirrnon 31, 1.
SDenten. In l'ittaburrry Manufarturra and Wrstrn
ure. No. corner of trout greet and Litanorry La..
VI with.
JAS. D LZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Copt
liwinn errhant.. and Drain. in Proinre and. Mir
burgh llarallarturtm—No. TO Water at-. Pittablirgh.
DICKEY A CO., lidiolesole
bz, c ution 3krehantx and Ikalrr, in Prod.,
Water. at 107 Front atrrrt. Iltraburgb.
&IiTGLIBII late English.
NallanNes Wholes:de (Inver. imd
Nat Illirchanni. and Denim, Produm and Pitt, •
boull 'Mann tom, No. 1 . :2 Secoml FL and Fin.t et.
between and Smithfield.
wtt. MUM ranwn i.. ..r. w. at ermstamon.
Grose and Importin of Drandie. Wilma met
.1", No. et of Liberty and Irwin at lid,-
bun corn
t, Pa. • ••Nail!, Cotton Yarn, to.. etre , smodantli
Zit" -51174:71;Tie,.r.:7;1,er%%..t
M C i r 100 31en.banta, Nu. Li: Liberty street.
R OBERT MOORE, Wholeside , Groem.,
• ...try . Distiller, dealer In Prato, Pittsburel,
' aursfacture. and all kinds of Forshen and Dunn. ,
Whirr and uon.,. No. ::.1.5 Liberty etreer. rot laud .
=nal A . idor,,ttizror
casi.h.l flungingeheht A hiatio,
Orme& Cornmimion Manhunt. dealer. in Prudue ,
Pittsburg Manufacium. No. 2.7.3 Litalrtf street.
ELOijEti. - A. 4.jUi4NI.Nir.MA.M. ' Wholesale
Grocer, Preelurei Porwardiuu. and Ctiturnlealon 3ler-
L and r In Pittsburyli Manufacture, Nu. 3lff
Liberty greet, Itaburgh.
R. H. R WAFT ..1.P14 1i.....C.T.
Wu. B GALES: & CO., Wholesale Gro•
nun, Npa. It and al Wood street. Pirsburnh.
JO/IN D. "Um- . .. -.... . D. \V. fre....NL1.J..,
INTWK lqe - aNDES, sueeemors 10
V L. a. . li. IVka. Wholerale tree,. For..rdio,
and Cumin n Merchants, dealer. in Iran. Nail. Ilia,
(kitten Yarn, mut Pittabur.,:it Manufacture. WeineseillY.
eurner of W,e, nal Wafer ..O. Pltrabur,h.
at i CULI ERTSON & CLOUSE, M. hole,nle
• Urr-elaral C 1.
orm:M.n 31... reliant. D," r,
m' in P
nor. and Pitt burgh Manufactured Article. 105 Liberty
street, Pirtabv a h, P.
• - J. 4 i11ai11‘...... . -.. _J." HarT.
L 4) . wi r ,LiAsig-E-e-or--Whulesale and
• Retail Fatally Urreerr, Forwariling and C.f.lOllOlVll
antitatuli o Dealers In enuntre Produce mud Iltrburgh
ManufactUres, ., .of Woad and FM sta., Pirtilvrgh.
. . . .
O 5r......Tu0n. urris. 1114 4 ItOGIN AO4
BiN ' N. LITTLE & CO., Nn. 2.5 z,
Liberty trect. Pit.burgh. Wholeale liirmyrs. IT, ono ourl Ctau vSou..llerchaut.i,aud aralers Iu I . O.l4burg II
.00. MIT- ' 61,1441 , MITT.
& R. .E 7 ,OYD, Wholesale Grocers, Om,
~ mit.ion 5 erchata, and bcalerm In Produ...l:nm:
h Buillin 0. frulting ou Libvrty, W.A. and r;illit
_ Pityibuigh, I.
me raiser,
JOIIN .II EKED, & CO., Wholosn.leGroe.ers:
Orslen in 'ruduen. Forelen Win." Liquurr. , !l4 Muu
gahel. and Whiskey—No.., iloutawretni 14w, LtLerty et—l'i burgh.
T1)11 - N H. JIELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes.
g3luAir, aml .11mdcal Ita.trument, reboot 1.11, and
tatom-ri. : 4 A+lr scent for ChickPris.o Pilaw Fort., for
Illt!tero Permsylvastie.' —No. 3 1 Th en! AL
IIEgRIC ii.LEDER, Dealer in Music, Mu
viral Tortrnmente. and Importer of ItemsStriPcn.
agent for tikmos k Clext's n ami moue liable.
ealolemarCe fEdatean Attachm gra eoL d ALAo. llutibanie
XENNED ", CIIILDS & CO., Manufactu
rers of al: yprrior 4-1 rioting. Carpet Clain.
n Talne . & ra Ong, renn Ilill. littalnorgb.
laud JOVT.I -1,11 ?.. 4n.4.
ONES & EFIGG, Manufacturer,. of Spring
. and Mist, .tr , d. Plough Stnel. Steel Plane] Whig,
.b and Kitt, it Spring.. Ilanunamd Iran dale, and
0,1 to Mon .lit Ca.nna , Fire Engiue Lana, and
Trlnusdu generally. menet of Ika• and Fmat att.
Ft Wm:tab — .-P..
—..- -
nkders,rry.t. e, 0, Ma:ie.-13m, a il. Illrh,
ow 31 ati, nod Scalanuie Ad Ax
d. Warrb ea ow.
GI Water st., bolos r. 1,1•
IarALTE P. MARSHALL, Suttee.. .tor to
v v Baninal . Ifill—lmport, and Doairr In Ire .h
and American 'a p•r Ilangitign and Unnlef, Window
614aden Fire Prlnta, ar. Ale,—Writlna•, Plin th. ..
and Wrapping P ;sr, Na , L. 3 Wuxi attret, betwetn Four th
anli Dimond al y, Piltaburgh. Pa.
HAWORTH. Tea and Wine
. East Ade of the Diamond. Pittsburgh.
. I'CLURG k. CO., Crocerei and
No. 2LIS Liberty stmt. winve 11',oi
a Iv ne a.leortenent of Choice Gm+,
Aho--Fotela. Fruine and a ute, Whole
- err eunplie r .l on the lav,t term,
11 7.3 L.
Agent for the Lake
ftritv, It red thr
.insporters by Canal
te, corner of Nom street
SON, %yell known
. at No. liu .,...linttnt
mond. Voninan Nlautters rrpniml. nr.lo
Ptiolo4 l.
mode to
A,.....- - _ -;trespectfully inform
TT th e public th r Le keepn on band at Itht stand rat the nest
diOf the aintan d
.. Allro n her , trity, a Cllmple. um...mount
to Ife i hnt ' l I ',l°f- :,,,„.`;',,.:.`d .7:2:,r7.7;.Tira,.vi..„—,t;
Sta Wm .Tiet ot run be reto..” h. t .1.•.(1'.
oft ..t r i,,,.. I Moo porchanml the mock. tool, ontrwol
of e mataortes aithment of town, k Sireirthmni. T LI/
.{. to !Oro' b their old ewtotne, aft well an the iqa.-
lie u 1,..0e, with eery thing in their line.
hop No. 5 'oral ntret, PsttAborgh,
i 4,
J lINSTON, P., 1 . /.1: il ANGER &
- teethlrne,rumerof Third otrvet and EaFt
tl,/, Urea, Lath. A, , Ex ,ttd,..
• - 4 ,
. _
P an. Allean L. 11.11—
I -
sunoEON", ,
DAM LIA WIE, Veterinart Stlrgenn, Lae
Allreg . , P utiltEpir; h."." 7 ,'l.`:,:n, n t , r iziFp . t.,, -- r ~,,,
In connt'?rtig'l7ll:l7l.ll3u.4lll.7l,:le:firr..."' onul
El.. iihtn,y. to .grbral altl bo carried on, nt lb.. enro-t
-of nnel st.met sixl renn. , )" , =. l . An'..'
.... .....
XU RP 11 8:, LEE, IVooi. and
CauumWin Merrbauw for the Fed. of ACMCIira.
rtl.loraLa, No I= I.ll..eTty n., l'ltt.thorgh.
S & W. 11, tra.liClL, Wool 31erehnuts,
beak.," in P nur ft.n.l Produre ficeurrnlly. and For
. 'lot •nd Com Morellonte No. 115 Flrgt Ftreel.
nd 114 Seeond at I...Pitteburgh• *
OFINSON, Enimver on Wood.
rytt,hu m h, r...—Tiow. or
.1 . inn S e.. in the htvt le
lowest {Nev...
mumt. rnird th.•
Lftuglaray..e. Pertrnite. Lille.
4, nth Atetsitesivval anal Machine
vv. vthl V Csros. ,
Ind printed In
approstal style, taut at the invet
sato ly
ElifilLi - vngl
NE,,111:111 , t1C1411:1 ,
cloth, anAawri '
of art ana at the
le KWahll
Pitts numb
Drawing, Inwli
drawn on Stnne"
Rack, In the nloe
able prices.
r y T W.
Fuattla ouroto, PI taburg t as. S. B.— Wa2. - 1..t.;
ust.fully .
tiOG - AN, V
'nob:eels _
cod street. Mil
RESON ep Co., Importers and
Maim lo Dardwarraza Cutlery, Nu
re!OHN FITZSIMONS CO., Manufactu
nt FLI!•T and OREF—N GLASS. 111JULDS,end all
ndo of NIM-111?ikILY. - take Ohio tartbod of tokorrollthr
those. drairons of kalif, Purl work done. Mkt (hay ore
prrratred to do it at lowort th„bolt.
d. notice. awd In(la! bard manoir. at their ratabliahm.wk
r..owd the Omni Itridd, near :hellos Work,
Ind. fur Black Smith and Itliut Furniu•es. mud,
f3ctor,d et th., phortrA untie, mad kt the lowest.
All kind' , ut Jubldua draw on Abort rtreci.
Gas Fitting. •
9 '? o, Front atrret. betwren and
Market, Pittsburgh. Pa..
Would futile the public to their
Ito , orunent of
Chandaen. lYndarth, Broad,:
•6r., de.
Kti Ivvpn.nal to execute
Oa+ Fitting int the obortest
and rea..nnahle to rum ltarlt7Al
PRING FASHION FORissl—This :7 beautiful style 4 lints Te A krig Nr \ tl . e
r - cwt.: rorner {Vend ety . nll himm~m, alley.
Wegner, Buchner l 4 •Mueller's
E ABOVE FIRM respectfully tur.ounee
their Weenie end the pubilr generally. that the;
nre prx.v.r,l eseente, In flu. fin.t nt, of their ert, oh
oNen 4•r rdrd. card. Ii 11., Diplounv. thmito. 1414. 1
and Proterrional Conk. Map, Chart, lubrle. dr.
Th.Tir elotabliehmiett it at No. 1111 Nlarket I
Thttil atnl Fourth etr.eta , vy.mire. mehttr
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
JAM. GE.. N. .W.
GLOVER, TIER S CO.. Paoramtoits.
MBE SUBSCIIIISERS, having been air
pedrettrl Agents for theabove nand conoorn. will
keep rot:slimily nu hand a supply of the celebrated Bolivar
llmltrtrit.Cru.-thle Ft, leo,/ urrinoolleartli”utl lowans.
The, am olso'on•pared to receive orders for said 'trick, to
be mode In size and shape to suit purchasers. which shall
be promptly nibal.
We do not it neen..nry to enumerate the many
vantage. the Bolivar Flm pock er all othurs that
have h.o offemd for sale in We United State, their sot,
being ell known to almost all persona who use
Fire itriek. The prnprietore have !kW:1111nd that the
Ilrirk shall lene nooe of their pre,. entiablo reputation.
and that 116 expenw• shall he spared to make them corn
lotme than thev , tuise heretofore been. This is the only
ertahlklunent new nuutufarturing Fire !trick a: Bolivar.
Trish: &nal Basin, Seventh et., Pittsburgh.
leCOltd — S: CO., have received
.Sawing style unto. to which' they m
.0....tr011y in Ile the attention of their custom •
er. and thronhlie generally. feht!
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube Works
pit E underE•igned have just completed their
and aro noir
'dlr. of tIAS PIPE. ILe
romotire lind other Flue,. and all Area of
rfilelt thoy off, for Fale at the krortst pike, Thor aro
1000 prepared to execute 01.71. CO
Inp. No. Di awl it Wan, xtrort.
itriL3l.lwril & NOBLE—City Flouring.
• T Mil, No. AM Uteri, cor of Adam. OC. Pitntburgh.
icii()LAs VI VIAN, Civil Engineer,
foraughtArnan.atthl Practit:a/ Aount. Mak,/
moat, of M1 , .10 fur the Pate. deAlans of 31.ehl
n,ry for Mora. IlalerWorkr, sun. ne- N o b M
fouttd hrtalsl.lo A. M. and P. M., at him iwidence. .21
Marhurr ntrort. PittAhrtroh. naoltdly•
,11 A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware IlEn
-L tool Perty,lnsurataar Cotopaxi y, 42 hater
UAItIIMNEI: COFFIN, Agent for Franklin
ON Ito- Invoraner Company. north rapt error 01 Wrnal
nod Third .trort,
Alr 111. (;LENN, Booklliauex, Wood street,
V becond door from the enener of Thin!, where be to
11 ni: ;1-c,7 " ;:t71
hound nulettlutlally. 11
ot. in number-a,. crf ' tott wk.
bound earefully. or trycnn-d. Name,. nil in silt lel ttra
'Thor who have binding are turned to gall. .I.llcrft low .
nobtll y
:M 'CORD tt CO., Wholesale and !Let:ail
rNlanlu'lfor : tu : grvria.T. a ! nd
'Beak,P Int . lilYato.Oar ‘ e r a i nd
.I 7R 7 ra I,C rll.;at It,eta; Focal of
over, quark, and'etyle, 1.1 tritoletale and 14 'I. and .lu
, rite the attention of their eu.toment and plata...ere gt, ier
ally...baiting them that It, will cell on the nowt silt nar
tattettu , term..
r 1)1611Y, Merchant Itrap.. ? e,
V and Itooler in INady Iladat •
Clothing 157 Ibtart, .
fkE3IOVAL.-1111. SPEEff tuts removed to
1, Liberty street. Itelow Pitt. No. lON. Other and dwell-
In the same •ng3l Atm
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
NI. A. IVIIITE & CO. adult re- 1
c,etitalr In4orot who Itulthr that tIP, Into
errted ;Leo. L.ote-t. to en and rand. IQ
Wee , Y are POI. mating nod are to-cyan-4 to rowel re
0 .
Iptg ext., tee m the tuattufaeture t,f work.
and the farilatea the, hat, they feel rontldent they ant
enalth.l to du work on the enter reasonable ternas
(h., wonting anklet , In their tine.
Pacing particular attentlor. to the tatleetion of materials.
awl boring none Lot erntipbtent wtrkmen. they have Ito
igs warrapting their work. It 'e therefore ark the
attention of the f I•lie t 1.14 matter.
Nl It.p.tict done In the beet manner, am l on the
nurt rea.otionlit Rot. latrtbr
J.lO kril,PIP
.t I IAGLE MAIIIILE IVOIrKS, (estaHtliithell
1.0 1 2 by EDMUND 1,11.1:1 Mc, No. 1.4 LittettY
al of Wad street Pitttime -h lonumento Burial
IlT; l rt . .l. T t. "' n , l l, :liy i s fr o .. n h g "u' r;tit . i ' mZie to nods.
11 . ntel I:b.-e r a : Centre and
N. B. hoar ...lectlnn of Drantnce nn hand. islet
A CARD-L1.8.5L
Irt URPI.I . I ;, & B North Edict
at. : lons, pi inpinen , enunt ourth nnl t
of thy n ano,
rat, 10 rr:
171 1 y ". V.Ttrllt'.'ll,'l.: ru r •Tilti37;7s ^ ll ' lA l nc . m mere, and
Invlto the continua., of 11,01 favor". Baru, nwently
enlarged and hoproved their raw, they are enabled to keep
on 1,..nd a t he v no t of ticalb— glut but er•
will hare the savant:we of plenty of light to pPatliirp.
good.. and make their to-Icettorts. The!' dealt; n makinn
thair -solo -re 0' f ur ao praelit•-ihle. YAM 11.1
reflbtro telo-re four, :allele in the I , OP, mwded
4- th ewont. of familiet ran be proeurrd—and iu their
ehnnotted elf,. to beleet the bert gun!, and to bell at'lowr
pry.'., they hope to make it the intemot of nu:oilier and 10-
cliriglnal.. to IP•Pr them with their enetton.
the r ono Wllt/LE. - -tAI.P. Itt'ltINENS will be cotinued In
mo stairb—entrance Cram .110 atreet. ,0 them, lb
lower nom: long
Owner of Tholl Iltaket stni-cla. The only char.
i Inotitialon f oe kind In Pittsburgh.
f t.— A Juba Fleming. Prictipal Inntroetur in the
Chantlx4ll6. Profeobut of l'conmanebin, Mercantile
Alex. M. 'Bata.. Treturnr an Conanterrial Law.
Thort debiring a complete knowledge of Molt Keeping,
end appheatiou to toter, branch of lontlncataLwa act el,
gant and.rapid perunagultap, are invited to call and pi..
LW IN• arrangements.
beeturr on l'onimervial Law ebety Ilocelge orrebing.
14frrpon• anf of the IN-aide:A city useramots. kle.=
11, ... RAGLE - I F. v s i r j ru K l 4
N s u s E L MARB LE
' N I 4 : 3 . 7:1 7 8 y
L F 11 1) . .3 I CND
ht m ef un, W 7 l , Firret. eitLebutgla'e. Lib erty
~! . 1 :11r:1 1 4. 1 A :on n _r l ' it j:" "'t 1D a t‘ ": 11; 11000
nule dtA.4 to r', l•ll °r!:;'Th' cl l:
. , I . Ira 1 Marillem, maul 01, . ' on
ht k a n „.. A chaa ni,,,,, „7„;?. rrincrol
...WO on
3 1kc Ont.
PTA< o.llr
~. ,
•.Pnrto•cl ',
--,-.., ['nag Italy
• =7,
Jinn. nervier Denny (lark Tkrnan. Eon.
Judgo Wi dnr John Harper. EN,.
Wm. Rohim.on,r.. Eou I. Architect
John Snyder. E.,. Cul.. < :+ort..llrukers.
l'ittAurgh Lank. asrainer it Rahn, do.
J. 11. Siveltle-rger. Req. 11111 It Curry. 40.
Witaon Mecaudle.. K.y. linm /Sargent. .1.-
Itol.ert Nichnight. Enc. W tn. liagan.y t ro.
In,. litlint4ht. fiq. Brming- D. T. Morgan t Co.
ham. Janhua Itio.leK A Co Fralers
. .
S. Latlonp. AliTAnc• l3 Y•
r. W. reek
. gratelul tor Ow Tarr 'them! pAtrocutcs co
raiTnl during anon-13 }Carl iu IluT city. 13,00, in A i
lAraTt.t aro! lAart.j..lweenirnTlacl to rip 4, lho pnAral
tiTar. anal will elAleaTor Trociar ratinloctioA hryTafter.
fartun.r, War•-romon 99 furl 'Wok
.t. W. W. riaruthilly infortna frit...l, 2 mnd
.don.. that ha luo• onw romplet..l the larpret
and fine., .Lek elf iteruretwil.l ...en In
thin rity. 3. he in ilutermlnut to uphold the quality with
well-u.noon.l it... Tie, brat wort mandhlp..and noweet d.-
Mato: and front lho eltd•nt or Lon order,. and In
mnufarturniu. h• enabled tsrodure weinanted tun.
tun.. at o
bar thailopt adloweat li d princlpl• of Identifying the ou•tom
c.' Interiat Olen. in quality and
Prim. ~nd tom.
Mauve on hand lb. urratml variety of ...Ty dtawriptlon of
Corolla, fn. Ow rhea pnd MIA 1.1.111,t, /1.1. Intel t.h.-
nun( nn.l .edly. that • IMO, Or MU port of on,. 11 ”
fitmd.h-.1 from his stork, dr manufactured eapmvl 1.•
ord•r. 11.1 tloa.rfon. Loliei. no 111.0twrtien. thou the addl.-
Pigott of 111+ ...dalililhmtdit may he known. The follow 101 l
art /eke voniikt. In parked It. Hoek. OM+ for 'Actium., of
le tini.h In narpar,d In any of the 11a.t.. rd .
darlor. drawlna. dining. and tod•rneim chair, of ewei tilrly. ru.....ting if rourwowl. mahnuany mid Wilittl -f
iidahathen. C•mne.rtntoin. and Esay Chair, .1 ,eery di•-
ettphon: Cone., Sono. T• and Phone of 11. latod
Freneli anti A merwan poth.ruk WhahNota, no 11
Parlor Weld. Divlo of Turku. klinlia Work Tab!. •
and fan, inlaid 'WA/ murk stand". tuarld•
. andwain!. emitr• and pa ta •
Id, •Ilitind .1,1, all rive o f the men Improved.
and ihridiell, the tont kin.] MM.,. card. Prot/Aoki. hall and
pier wardndaa, lael.hauln and wi.hatandn of rub
ananrtnnuit aothir WI and p. , 10r 0111 ift ,
ott . .tillnn. /WI otule......dr•tary and I.•dt
u.m•nd. towel reekn. hat eta... mat ~twit shut, crib,
and o•to 1,.r rldhlrrn: pep,marl, ble toul pry r.
inahodan,. ow. and/. and Inlaid pearl Tull,. dr. dn. Li.
A Id,, kerortnortil of Common Fornltur• and Wind..
l'uldstet runkero ..nonlitel with all artieha In tin..
2.tontoboato and HMO., furnlsl,l at the rhort,t notior.
All onto, prouptl, attrsalod to. rat/
enAN. ICArLoa,
PiAttornry at Law. Thlrtl m rue rof Clore,
n lola trot madrarrallormrnts for tho purposo. will
Lands f, °Ole,. nod laal.lior, their
.1(100 4 mot oltildrrn. and 0111 nrtrod td - nny nth, tool.
011 X. r 1.111.4.-. • ill. Ow rnturot or any of Its 11,4anrt.
meat.. 11. r la•nrlon Courts at tit, City of
Wnahlnatan. 412.7.11t1
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
'l9[l:. It. I:. S\l lTli to give
1„Y .trtion to • fow int pits In du , dollerrnt bran - elms
tu it.
dolightful krt. at Ids roam, Mrrstv..ttralfr.
Alkitovoir now Malaita:, Find alto,. am IA , sal and
31,k , ,trorts. Dour, of Instrurtion, (roan I'. to 4!.. and
ti 1. u Clutrurs and Dal, particulars ran hr
aorta, 1.0 141100, ,n) at rom,
Refer to Or. 1 / a rsa4 or Dr. Addoon.
JOHN Narrus , ..14111V1 (ULM.
iIIITLEY & COLVIN,• Coal 51erehatio,
I and in Dry Goods. llowrios, Iron and Nana
armee . of iValnnt rtrrrt Mad IVashington
ent,lNnllo, D. Ma
CUNNINOIIAM CO., Manufacturrn. of Wlsnow
Tarter stmt. ta•tween Fart. and &mad,
Purtiruisr patentlon paid la odd this . Alpo—Dealer/ in
Flint laala Bottle*
r:ALEns*i ExcfLlNGr4. COIN, BANK NI , TCS, LC.
S.An+ and 79F.t,rtla 0.. to,/ to Bank rf
Pottt, orollectol ao all pros 14 th.
Imkl.4la an,l . - .l.lorrourOnlitoon. let,NOtyrT
ILAILItItiOg SFIWELL, Attarnev at Law,
atiSt. 1,4 m
u t i e . • I , n r f=i5.;
or VIE *
Tbo andernoted or other yowls ssa appollstell b nl.l I
tbilime Line—,lowicrru Reeners.
/1011 XLIT TO.. FllOll tarLitPnal-
Widnrolay, ]larch 0101F-stUnier, March SW
Atirneulay. - 101111eatuniny.
Wralueralsr. April liVedneadar, April ilth
11 411 m-oder. - IGth WeJneedto, . 70 - 1
AVraita-aday, , oler 10th Wedurpday. Mar' 11th
0 ..n 1 .7. - 24thlwear.d.r. • - 2010
Saturday, June 7thrtredro,lny, June 11110
Saturday, .. 2lot Weduradtty. '' " 41,
Saturday. July Ith Wedneeday, July DM
Situnle,. .. . ItalOreduesday, •• 23d
Satunlay. Auguirt 2.lllVrdocols-C. Aug. eth
Leetarals]. " I 18th Woluemaloy. •• 20th
tunt/Iy. .. 3011, Irtrlnmalay. S4l.t. ~3 4,
earunle,. Sept. 13th M.mln , adar. ''. • , , , a
Saturday. .• R]thWtatuesday, O ,rL.
. 12 . 41'
eatunle Oct. 11l IV.l.lnerds).
.• RAhtWedn.•+der. '. Zlth
I Saturate, ,
Nor. Ntlillrednraday. Nov. Eith
'Snlunley. '• 2AI Irrdrarodul. .• :Nth
estunlay, Dee. 61111:taturds,. Ike. 13th
-Petunia, , .. 71]..1, Saturday,
anistn.lLUle—llizkly Trips.
rzosi LIT t6r.OL von rilz unirtp era ee.
New York lraturslar. Maltil I:
Atrium.catur ..... -.Saturday. 3larrhl3.
. %err Pork .Paturils3, 51arhila.
Auseruss.- ...... .lialurday. April p.
.......... !Vey' Ynrk April 12
ro • L 1 Ir T. 1 ,0 01-
Europa. 1t0rt0n........ ..... ......Wedormlay, Mar.. • I.
Ada Yaw York Wed neftlay. Mar. 2MI
enneda..- g0...a-- ........ ..-.Wednestlay, April if ;
Alli,n Yea York Wedo•Asy, April T.t.
Amcrle• Barton Wednesday, Arail W.
/....13, , Now York... ...... —,, Noy 7 .
Pau•ge to Wink. llorloo. or Pro York. Las: yeeced
..1.1:4 I.Z.
.V,ro dad liar re LiAlf— 4,01 W lay 2} , P.
nor tuna.
Franklin, Fatunlay, e. F.L. Franklin. Wennlay,l2ll.l.lar
Humboldt •• Bth kb. liumboidt •• 9th Apr
Franklin. GUI Apr Franklin, Ttli May
Humboldt. •• ad Hay Humboldt, •• 4th Jane Franklin.
al Franklin. ••
'.71 Jn lr
Humboldt, •• 28th June Humboldt,
Franklin. - nth July Franklin. •• =94th Aug
Humboldt, Ana• Hnlnioldt. t , Hih.l 4, ls
Franklin. - Ihlth Sept. Franklin. - Vm
Humboldt, •• 18th let. Humboldt, •• Itlth 999
Franklin.lstta Nor.. - • 19th Deo.
Humboldt, lath Der.
Mean Straw Narioati.lhly Trip.
ton pszszs. _
liertumn.n .
. tor
.. Sky lor
.._New Tor
fur New lor
. • w Nor
. . w Nor
Now for
rR qktuNky. Mar. ?I
rk FatnN•J. /tar IT.
rk Fri4lay, 3terch fl.
...... = Friday. Ap r il lb.
rt . -7. trAl'2;:;:g. u.
11:• " = "
11 Mugu',
II mann ..
• ro,cAttrolust.L.
U.S. mall gram,* ip
Ncir York un the 11th and 15th
of ettrb month. for Cloi,r,
FOR O 41,11,6 1111, RV, vier.
nesmnhip Lxlel Imam, Charlepton on the In and IGlttc/
awl month.
Katt taa.—Dy tlreensburu, Chamhersburg, Philadelphia.
New tort. I:antertt. Cott, and Ndrthena parts a/ N. 1 ork.
Delaware. New Jer.T. and the tit New tnalatat S ena* tates.—
h. Brish Previtirea a Lamar Cad a. Nora P
T aad
New liru ti nimiek. dell,. Arrive. at an
r. la.parte at 1 r.a.
NICIETSI }UAW:VC—Br illairsrlile aIJ flollida3 plaint. Pa-,
inchallng the conutlea. of Dradadd. LXutra.
Juniata, I.yromle+, Minn, 31clitan, Potter. Pert . ),
Tioya, Union, nod part ' of Weelapniuladd, Lircimone,
Murray erille, Nakao X ILm47, Now Alexandrta„ and Lndi.
an. rount,.. Arrives drain eseent Mondays. at 3 ♦ N.: 41,-.
Parte daily at I. r. w.
Eluo—lly nutlet% Co., Metter. Crawford. and Jeffcrtant
11 taternpartolNow York and upper Canada,didil•
Arrive. at 9 P. x.: and depart, at 9 ti n.
Spurner, ova NV[... - rota.—lly Washington. Pa.. tireen.
Fa) rue, Somerset. part of Iderttunrelarat gamut', Virginia.
Mar) lend, Italtituore,{Vtuldnatnn rlouthern and Wcal
n parts of Ohio ma{ Indiana. Kentucky, Illinois. TriinvP
ll e, tab:dna, ?1l .our). 31 I,l” , ippi. Arkatna, North Car,
Inukiana.Plorida. aad Texas, daily. Arrive.
at r. a.: oni.departs at hi r. x.
BRama, 11=11v:ton.
Par* Pa-. I.lolll.lsy+ On, Va.. Jettl.n.... Ilan+
741 .I..7l.art7tYl!T
NOETII and Corrlamb OA
!Ulm., lttlumblana, Trumbull, Purtmob Guaus.
A.lusbula, 6tark,il ay mb!lnllna, alloga.Uummlblear
Ith burst., numb Ottawa. Erie,
end Lora. Anuotaru, tbr estrra. unelberu 11.110tii
Iltr ,fl of laltAna 1111. A., Inrludiug NIIAI4I
paillown,..lll‘.....uslu. Artirot at II A. 111.;
barb. at r. a.
KITTO.AIM.-11y ba , r 2 l , ba Ilovr . mi. Eptin.ll.l4l,T
d.i kim
.lrttrr 7 r. x,.nddnartr att T.
glirrdra.-11) Pprryprlllp. Wpat.oni. lolleoople..Portsrs
Ilarilostutru and eV/ i.042n. Army., Vocals,.
Sbunda), and ,:sturda) s, S. deturs 310nday r,
1g odurpda, and VrtdaYr. at 7 A. u.
. Itistumntr.—B) ittIIUPCIPP Ilnll FlnlPrtlll. , and Slta
Cid). Arrive; Tuertlays, Fiala)., at u.: de
turd. ICrdluddaya and Saturnia)... at ts
Ust9yusna—ll): Ilucttanan. Strpel'a Bun. kleKeerport.
Ord Inns, Llizabratoorn. Ilortrarpr, Itpllred
Ln, Cuokurnrn, Perryopolis. Hart Lthertr. Upppr 311d41 1
.p, PS- Arri Tell ...lay. and l'lturpd•ys, at IC, de
, nkrt• Nlorulays and 1•14 orulays. at •
drtuud. —by At plker's mllis St.l.l..stswn. dandrr,
Buruputtpun. err , A lrpek Clitan.. Puturmer II Po--
Ppthant .g a. Arrives Sundays and TnomdaYr.
ti p,Parto ilpo.daret pod Thurular, At I
Isamu. A.—lty I.3inton..tdurduturvill, lima. Mon.
tram, irantaprtPprinv, Pa., Palmer, u An t
trida, at It P. dilaartA on Umlauts, nt 6 A- u.
Sktuttcrs..-11, Antrim. ttorilk , tVaaddruttou sod Apollo.
Ps. Arrit en Prt Wulnpoday, u a r. u.. drpartr on :glom',"
I.,sta . •
r. br.; et., on
Whil...rort. : In•
. Nexfnnl, [heat - v.l.k. MI
M •rren Venan;
X ifeart, .
must be In the p 1113eft• tate li n ts
aen, for the
In the Oflleel.nlf en teel
7....71.47 Arrive* , 177717 r .7 7
1,777.7 , fu[ 71.117 mails
I. for 7 / 1 74r 1741
.....1717 .77nd 774.4717 m 511.7. tun.
rrrrrerwiri c..xtrrt, sT
SONS. Banker',
o.e. Not' 771 i
i ‘ : „..,,,,, ...i n n ..... d ii .A 1 , •::, ri : : : :t i 5 t,:i f ir.0 7 ..... .t.: .,... 7 .... A :i . :,.
finterla At Yntmottren.....d.
City BAAL. tlurintneA Ito
FrAzklin Haut ...... ..........1.
lAA, rt. Hank ---...1..
'toblal IAfA lw. A Inut ea....1A
han lit co,Aro IL,ArTtA 1tAnk.......0.•
Bank, VitErhumb
Exchar.... !WA .(
Ifn • •..:1,1" Cuottovree par
k. of Nurti ,ttorrlca-.-Nt
hank n 1 hvnh ... Par~
ran 4 t.1.1..r.un p . ot..
ilauk of the
. .
Cononarrod Ronk of I,—.par
Ilarao.r.: d Ilorinaileillk par
Girarl Rank-. .. .... par,
31anntan.* (loch Bank.....par
11veyenha" ..... pad
Molanicnoing Dank— par,
Foot/mark ....... nazi
Tradesman). Rank- ..... _...par
ito+torn [lank Pkr
Rank of Charnberaburnh-
Dank of Charter County—par
Rank of lan title par
Hank of D.. 1. Co., Chratcr..lari
'lank of liermanlown par
!lank of lectlyaborah....... fi
/lank of hcal.tnart...-....
(lank of 51k1.1.1•Iorn
Ilank of Northurnlerlaud-pari
, :tarligla Rank
Columbia Ilkd I.lchigc CO.rari
I.trylrolna - n Rank. p
satoo Bank par
Varrn..ra . of ......... Lkk..par
Parng,ra' Ilk of laneaster.par
pa 11.2011 1. Liao kof Wading par
Farm. Ilk ofSchny lk 111 tb par
?gr.& Drot. ayanahinan ,n nur.
Prank lin Ilk W .
In. ir.
Ilmnalale Bank
Lancarter RankPgr
Laro-tuner Coonti Ilank...par
Lehant.n Rank
Alln.ale Rank Of Pottarllla r Ti Bank par
IVe-4 Branch flank
Y Wy ork Bo noming k
Relief Notria.._ I.
All solv..t
NEW Etalli.
• • .
N.J fiats CS c D ELAM'
All waiver Lanka
' ,
Bank afar Volb, •
ißk .r laCrtin;n:i
Ex. Ban Bank orfolk- Farrnre nf
. I.
Mrmlbante Med). Dank
[North lVortern
Bank °ream Frar
Illk of Lt of N.
Commrera/ Ilk.
klerrhanth . Bank. Nrirbero
• .
- •• .
Bk of the et. of S. Osman& 1
Bank orSouth
Bank of Chark.s.tock_..._....
Planter: k NicLaokr Bk
. •• •
Auctuts 1..* Bulklnz Co
llank t, Augusta.
Bk Il r
moswlek, Au
All wlrtit bank .... ...........3
Ilk of KeoluekT.lnuisTille
Rh of Lotthrllle, Tburvtoo ti
Northern Ilk a Kputocky
Southorn Uk or Krotticky I.
rt of Vl.rmri S
Atatn.llank wa 764inche•--60
Bank af 1111m46 76
111.10 Ftate Bank..._._
Brood. at Akron.
/Inert% et Athens.-- do
Brashlttidgeport. do
Branch at tlntirtdta , -......d0
&exurb at Cleyrlatat dop
Itranrh adVoledo do.
Branch at Ink, ton do
Atraneh at Delaware In
ilesech at CAlrintbus do
B ratsk at As
ratu.h at Saban —..- do
liralud. at !Ifonndleld do
Branch at Ititd , Y Io
Branch at Chu:lomat- do
Brash at Columba, do
Branch at
Itnanch at Cadis to
Enoch at Lanraan.r. do
Drench at Strotworillo do
Iltaneh at Alt. Venton...-..d0
Ilroneh at Piewark--.........d0
Itranrh at Elyria do
Branch at tipeingtield--..d0
Branch at Martetta.-..........d0
Brook at iron do
itmorti at ML Plenaant--do
sttronch at 7.nowaslll.-.
/Corny). at ti
li onralt: do
- 13tattrh at
Ltronch at Portamouth --du
101500 h at Chillloothe----(10
itelAnAlt at Cuyahoga. .....
ltranell at Toledo do
Marine & Yiie ill/. (70. Cbts
Irartnm , ..baic, Rank 3
..Yovomrnont Stock Bank_
Peninntlar Bank
111urnurr Company
.Stste Bank
Ilk of R.N. Amor', Toenntal
Hank of the People. Toronto A
Dank of Montrral
I Hank of U. Canada. Toronto 5
. . . •
On Nrw Zork 4 Prrn.)..••• ....
On Yldlndelphis do i
On DalOrnnn. dn
01 batlo
do ..... 15,(4
EAR], ........
Engle, ue. 10,00
rp ,
Tenlitdldr 4:P.0
Nelpoleoni ........... ......... 3,0)
Ducat. , :,IS
91,31 t FIRST LOT
mum:dug, I
readied !LTA
part, the fullovit,
Alh...i Ch, p. 1411,..n . r , Own,
1V1ni,,,,,nd V..liow La., ' , tar nn , rTulip.
Milian ,:hip. . lonny Lynd and Satin.
Encll,ll Chip. rint,..l Straw and Satin,
Vino Sir aw and Plunond, l'oarl and Satin,
Vlnn.rir.. Criust , ,,i,
Illiontarlan 3Sise..l.
Fluted Manilla
SAM ..
mr1,15. • Id and 04 Market 0.
I.! %l :R . 1/R.ESS SILKS.--Just read per
. • i(oncro—.operinv black Loistritir Silk.,
tiro- Pm pier., whit., black. and (mir)) Cmper.
uirtils A. A. SIASoN A co.
illlBll LlNENS.— Received this morning
. ,4..,i1 e .i. bt ~,,,,,rfre gredea Irish Li..
I hi:, . A. A M nen ASoiN a CO.
4, - aZIcEET U 11..--350 gall. for tittle by
1 , •mehlA J. Klliti4 Co.
lllP.l(\tilf. -7 cook' ( . orime) for siale•byr.,..:..
~h I, J. KIDD A.Alf);'
. . .
YVIV 1! ,, 1. , : . r „ .1;.i_ ULU k . : „. ---.. ), :1 , i lads.' ( . 12 0 o 1 ogr . 'ti c l ,.. for
. J .
loolyrsiluit.4;ll 7:LuE—.:(,)l,l(k (beet) fur
ik ,ii.• to mehlt J. 01110 tin,.
4ia DA AIL CU f . .:E1l LIAIII", .10 tii.reee Doi
re. 1.10 r...1,.brat0.1 S C. Nam, nn bawl and for man by
_rock"' WA LLINGFOIIII t Co.
LA Kb--1d kogo No. I. for Rale by
vii oLAssms— -401) lilt's. N. 0., oak cooper a
ly.ll. ae... tor role M' mrll4 J. A It. F(A)YD.
1 :AI I D —2O kogo No. I. for sale by
mtl.l l J. a. It. FIA) 1 0.
- 4 , 4- _
Yr.A.SI I—. /U. ea.sks, warranted pure. for
rata by ' mehl4 J. t U. VLOYfI.
. . , --
U.i --
S OHAN.l)ELikiliti ANI) FI.%TURES;
Carlon Chain Illiera awl Itrarkett of the latest et }lac
5100 , ~,.. aro) ono I Ight Ortumvotal Nndeont, at cath.n.i
to W.
)Markel O,
r 1.15 ~ eorner of Fourth and Mar its.
_ ....
1. -- OLAR LAI 0J 1..A51/'B, CILANDELIEitg,
I.J Ornamental p ad Plain SoAperoJuo Lamps furChurele
teal:Canute, HA Ur. and Dwelling, Alno • own und tn..
Ural pattern:ix of C. inter Table, )wild, and StridrLarapa,all
of thn unrivalled I ianufarture of Cornell. A c...•. 0 at
cantor, prime. inrhl , W. W. WILSON.
ANTED TO 'lCY—Notes oftheWestern
WDankt. awl Stock or the Pittsbnigh Hanks, br
ft IL 0 ISO.
ac~i•G Mod.
pRINTING PAPER—mt;erior lot of
Doubts' Med; ma Pyles, ?.sr;
meta. PIO Er ataxy, cos. Market sod Socund sta.
/annum AntratemLndiertllsoentx sal nulanniPlina«
he t ha nater remind nal Itanannal lava nna.... Qum
ftr the meek mit; March 25, 1851.
lbal.xs—DuAneis gellerall7 during the MA
week has teen quite Reedy , although. to some extent. Ire
pedcvl by Inclement weather. The river continues to
aPlemlidwavigable order, and business an the wharf h.
Pnwented a .roue of more than ordinary ...OM] end
bustle throughout the week. We have had regular arri
vals of steamers from Cincinnati. Louisville. St Louie.
Illinois river. and New Orleana, which have wafted to our
wharf heavy receipts of Groceries, Pernicious. and other
mildew of Western and Southern production, and notwith.
'standing the heavy shipments rest of romp of those articles
we have ample supplies left in t he market 43 meet all de.,
monde, at clacopatatively low prin..
Businessou the Pezmaylv:mia (lanai has t 0,,, Itumenne
daring Oue bast week, exer.ndlng. It possible. a like period
In any PMV:OIIP year. Our canal warehouses have been
filled In overflowing with merehandise for eastern ship
nent. so much so that itwaa limpet Intrust bleep ship fnm
this point to merchants along the lino, withoul an engem
merit tore or than weeks ahead. This feet argues much
for the rapid tuooonoo of business hece, amt every day add.
fresh piourof the useendty and Itoportarne of promo. 1"
• crassly completion our rallnal Connections with the east
and west When Ouse impnwetneut are rianalenel, the
Immense shipmeuta of western merchandise, which now
pa.s to the cast through other channels, will flow through
our improvements. Imparting no activity and life to busi-
Miu in this dty which has never before been witnessed.
The various warehouses of out' eity, are now empty stock
ed with every description of meielardise, both firelint
domestic, and our wholesale dealer have been kept busy
in attending tt , the talent of their country customers.—
There hi prospect of a continued wool stage of water In
our riven for some time to came, and we may anticipate a
lively spring business throughout the season.
to the continued limited demand for all
uMler this head, no largo mlew have transpind
during. the week, salmi here Leen entirely roulhard to small
iota Cm bowl onnauntation. We afar the followtng as the
Dremnt ruling rote—Bmta Ash 1401 , 1%: Ferias!, 0,48!.1
Bahrain, 5M1534: and Pots at 4,MIA L e
APPLFS—lteXelpta of green unpin., considering the latm
nem of the season, Lave Levu fair. maxtly, however, of anti
nary kind.. We take, sales to a rousidenahle extent from
the wharf at sl@l,l2` v . and from atone at 11.121Va1,2,40
1:17 It idd.
ALB—We continue our nuotaßons at VI. a and P, few
coalmen. pelt:m.4nd extra qualities, rank included.
BACON—She mrelpta of Lamm have teen heavy, but
being madly &Awned for eastern shipment, our supplie,
'have Been tardy eurnclent to the demand, and our quota
tion. of Mat:week are fully sustained. The:Balm. during
the week. of wratena and city rural am ant to wane AM
mats. and AU tn GOlald loft, at for ham., b9440 1 .e. sidex Pa.
and /Moulder,. at fAmEl`ie eugar rand and
eacraned ham. have been noniMmt to mall lota In tierww
at 11,(N10.` a r 'XIS. The min. of . enuntry cured Lamm have
Leen fair at prices generally ranging from !i to tie below
the rates 41,. 'regent and city rare t.
• BULK MEAT—Tbe only rale of con..equenen of which
we hue heard diving the put week. was 100.00014 1114
nets meat. In dry ult. nt f. 40. 4 m 0...
BUTrEft—With fair supplies In store. the market hap
bn'n comparatively dull during the week. The demand
hap been principally km prime and choler qualitlen of roll.
the prkve of which have been fairly su , talned. We quote
prima at 116414, end choler. for table nw•. at 110414.. Ti C .
Sal... el' 5./ toga In lots. at 7.ti42Fe 44 The
Ill.:1 , -.31VAX—!ilea have Wen repaited to or in email
ilpantitko et GI. 21fir.V.
!MAN ass , 811011 TS—The rmeipts hare beet light. Ana
reline 1310iir`rla, We quote (min first hand... and C 0.,, the
loin, at 11 , 0t12 1 :e for bran, and le‘'ZS fur rhort,
kt LAIL hare bean! of nd rale, to any lary,, c:tent,
but may quote at $5 , 4110:1 Cu. to ultra qua.
hare mum forwald ynetay fm•lf, and
...I.olies an, full. Prlnot ran., fount 61,25 tr 1t1,62:41.75
d , o for common inerchantable to extra In to size.
BUCKETR sr. It'ES—The ntruket/1.4 well aupplled.
with nu change In prices. W quote „huekrta at $1,570:
fnu t first hands, aal CLt toii.t.l Mari store. faint of tub ,
at s7ias 11 dot, for mnllturi and baron size.
1111:AISS—IVe note e molersen I..upplles In .tom. with
wales at yak., palming lirot $ 1 4 .12 - , i to /. 37 bo. to aw
/11041 end nnxol In extra quallty white.
RUCKIVII EAT FIAUr-We .oppllee In Mon,
with rain Itt nail lOU nf 67451 1 , nark 011.0 Pm. &dee
Rem staxon at 111.hee11.42 It 100 fax.
ultACKEltg—The P,llorrinojn a 114 or lin• nlanntatllu
Ten' Vines
Water Cortex% /I form' 14,40
PrlTE t trad, ':' i , barrel ......... ...••
Sugar Crarkerx. "XI p2und. 7c
CIII:EIff,--Nlotletrallt matt, al rrinstt ranuin: frt. 51, fr
CS,( Ittfrrirr Lt elara
Ikllf.l)Alik:—We ra rftafttre iu Prlttet In *lnt rarittut
artlttles utulor Otb twat]. 71te ff , llowinalt. a lirf thew
br............ ..--.—.14a "fax
"aa Raw by mit
I , 414 cuts'
1 1 . ;4 1' ; ' '''''''
i‘ -
tThit.lllemp 7.5 e
cot.i.rm —rho I,Gular I . ll,4lknrth rannufnetun.e. prwro
ralr and Int. , . talus 4.1 rbraLhing al 2a.r.
and 41 obi rntt..r of 1.11 RC
COILS ME.ll.—Ww' In•tier a ..irrat• demand In 111,
tnarlo-I. arab mall oaler trean trot trAtn.L. nt 4 1 .44,•.. and
rnnn Atom at In..
coTTIIN . .YAgNS---We noire. • rsaluellon on I ,, nnd
yytts of nue ~,ut The (Muting L.• correct"! Ho.
C,D ,
.140 s, ? . .5.10.nwt cb.i...., ..... ?5.
~, rrl•t Yowl. "1r "
. fO, issMin Wick IDr
Twin.. •
- 11.4“. Mine
" Ba.ll.ll.,titmg. .1.14,13 c
COTTON 01109 flsoe—N. I Prom and Anchor 51i4a, I.
selling .t g 1.4 mid common or Non... Asa Se r y.,1,
and serf firm.
CANIILF-a--sales of star candlea at 2..Y,;`1" . ..e, of mould
tallow at Inc..and of dlpocal at no 1+ re.
lertpthe. SINDICINES son OVRSTUFFS—.We find no
Important change In quotations. Tbe following 1.. come,
at 147 of * Viers :
A 10....; Ilk- 15 G 417 161adder,rmbro...-.10 016
Alunr.!.... ..... ......... 314 , 9 4 Myrrh. Turkey......aa 01511
Aa-atatida-.-...•-.....:L ,a,Z4 in) Vitriol . 4 4 5
Arrow Root 10 ai.l2 Rhalwrbrrot '5 fail
A a r on, ... -.....10 f,i,11 6.1 Amonne ..... .-...11 (A 431
Daimon Coparns....S .441.9 aeuna " Iv ai',Zi
nrig,,,,,.. 4%tat 6 Tartaric Ar1d...4.....44 1 - ,i,5n
Camphor ral'd 45 6,..511 Vitriol Blue. II a.. 1.9
c,id. Lime_ .... .. , re s'!: Cam wood:,... 6 frr. 7
Cream Tartar-. ..... .2a tdAl Fourth , ... !.! , , , ,E..i.:..4,
(Ilona,. 134i L s , Logwood. cipped,. , a,....t,
II bbht.........111.MaJ% Balsam Peru t... , 60.-,6
fi II . ... ... -..... -.AO 1.50 Cocislneal 1.60a1,. 1
Gum irabir. .Iwl 17 . .70 Ipecar C . 34.75
(1010 enrud
30 4. .. !.. Mal-- ... , ...... .. 0a1.64 , 1
PX,m 'n T nroirc h'4.- 11: ' 4V ... Y . Z 'r : " I--
Llth . ••• w.i . el 6 .. Cloy, 2,6oaigend
Liquorice 'tont - IE, 9 .. 'lemon 2.56R:1,011
. U ." l , .. ... 7.1 al), 00"10L'eslIZ".!:::. y,
1 4 5 .111
trb.,.........25 571000 Quinine 4.40(44.:4
31'1(11 , Notrnec $1'..:00,1415: Mores 2.5,111261,. C 14,5 r.:,,.
11111091 Pit ITT—lteoclpt. hare .been malcrab., and prl.
eel math - tun serf firm. We quote mks to a falr extent at
61.310a1.:47 for peaches. (Ilan first hands. and 31.4541.60
Irv. .Mee. hales of annlen nn the wharf at 750,71 e and
ham Ft., at anasic -et..
DRIED I:looo'—.sladcran• mars of prime western cured
at 1.!., , t0 , 14 - 1 1 5 .
kx)ti,A good lbusine, ha. boon dolt. from fret wind . ,
et 0'.G:11.1010 dna, which Is a slight d..cllne holy lend
Lae Dr .
!Dm As art,
PL.flCit—The market during the ends has continued dull
.1 prima havefurtherderlimsd Mute last report, with Mas
on the wharf of &Pt to 70t1 bbla wetly in email lota, at $3
41,112 t, it bbl. During 310.0413 we noticed a temporary
Isopmvetnent. with tales of 'lot Lint at 69,13. and of other
Smaller Into at 63.10 y 1 bbl. Considerable lot. have arriv
alhy deer, but they have beett Mainly deaignso for slot
nge. or Or shipment cast. Prom riot, ade in the emir
part of the wmk, of 400 bbla was made at sazo, which at,
, Mober above the market. We may now quote 163,23449.97
ii 1 , 1.1 4 abut the ruling rates from More. We quote $2
m t;as th.., regular retail not, from rite Milo.
It TF: I I/it'll—Priem still ruin pretty high, owing to tin
atnreitT. quotenoMinally at 161,211114,93 bbl.
PREP:IMP—Owing to the continued mml Plane n
'o the riser. and the large, butnlwr of boats In the
th e 'barges on (might frion this port west, are h
mostly Of.illll. To Cincinnati, we quota, :lir for del
cord Mr heavy; to Loularilin 12 1 .6:03r, to
rill" 1:341.50c, to 8t Louts 034040 e 11 100 On.
CANAL PILEIOIIII4.--The ibilowing are the I
established mhos of folght. by Canal and liallnad
adelphin. !Whom, and Sew bolt, whichh66M ear.
the opening of the Canal the I.renent ammo.
r Phil.
fal s
Ban., Lard 4 Lard Oil lievrt
Iltdirr and Milo, du
Cotton do
Iktf and Pork, ? Lad
Floor, do
Whipliar. do
T01.n.-0..(01,1„ In bbde) TA rp,.
do (livntork) ) do
do (lo tarn)
1tn....1.1. do
,Illso.eng do
, r• 8 Ilulinit.ridno do
'1,?)..4X40' d„
'ILL7lal' (Id
Topa,. Inmouterturtd)
d o
[Moo. d n0..111.1n.... do
Sono A Candle. 4 d o
Wool A F.vd1.... .3.,
Slimy POP. do
...Ix do
ltng. • do
UO. do
[temp thal..l) do
eh..... - do
illattwarn do
Dry Ilate• do
drvrn do do
Ettun do
It, ilmtlm do
Yuma., do
Earthettwato de,
Lather do
Pomp+ 2 MIMI. i,
!frtat. toot baled) , d.
11a1411.11 do
Captor Oil do
Martilarrt. do
FLOUR BARRELS—There I • •••d de ,
berrel•nt eseh.
ti ltUt;ElllFlf—µ' a
coil. • tontlituwl firUIL
rliw, with o important -change. from hot iiii
76 tilt& N 0 sugar, to tweinus lax at 6..0.0
Fain nrparted an na a.. ends an Monday .t 0.,n.
Man. Bge.lo bbl. taolamaea, In aftn4” , Pattata , " 3 " fr t
rash. Balta.Ts bbts, oak ratekatt«. .t 55e 71 dal. NJn of •
tot of 100 bag. gin nen. at 12e. 4 m.o. /talc" mailer lota
In rit " .4°. ".7; 4 • 4 12`44412.... It re. gales Of Ina sugar
at tti , t4'44:o3loc. accon/log to No. Bain of roe at 4?-4 . 64;
pa, In ttpall folk
GRAlN—ftto,ipte have been nuderatt,and sale limited,
from tint hantla, at the folirrain. rater—Wheat 65071472
rye X 4 6 .3 Wier On, earn 40041, and oats at 83(034e
6,400 1,. I
- - -
CLASS—For Window Wept the current rates are. forrity
bunt., 6 follow , 6 bo 10.21:A:10 I.y 12, 6.1.511; 10 b., 11.
$1.0; and other 'drew In proponloa
Country brand.. on told et Inver prices; 6ut we online
ao change from our taxi report. The folLuwlng on the eon
rt quotations,
II by 10
10 by 12.-.... ............. hy 10 8.95
It/ by ......... ....... 10 by 17 0.15
IlAY—The usual rate, 1000 non erelsl34l.l'p ton.
IRON Awn NAII-6,-We soluoin a list of prime of mune of
the PrtoCll , o.l erUeles,
lion—Flat bar -
bon d and Monte bar ,34 r
. 41
Nalla-16 1.6) 16.00 Y 16:00 lew"
to penny
oto 7 bronf
r...ny 4.26
penny 4.6.0 6
3 penny 6.60
" ! '"- I` '‘ O : f; ..... !;23_
Cut to 7 Inch ............
The . abore prime are when. solue.-t to a .ILwoun for cmh.
LARD—The operation,. of the but week have twen mob
orate et etrady priers. Satre have been , to a fair extent.
however. at 74 In 1.1.1, and rof.e!.. in kegs. the latt e r-ft,
on being for prime NO 1.
LEATHER-IYr notior n nwruLar demand. at full prior,
far all articles under thls head. Sale. of Baltimore solo at
21(122r an.l of New York do- at 120616 r sllb.
LI% tIBEItt-The pn,ent price! at the rant+ ere— „ _ !e,
6116412 for nttornon.end 112 . 2142$ for clear. 111001. Shin-
Klenery mold at 51:.1..11(42,75 'P
I.l4D—There Ix e rt,tular demand in the market, et t”.
Sr, tnz, end 5U(45,ie (or ter.
Leen Ihrt—The prevent rani or prime in 7011 c, urord
log to Mee.
v , :."' wh t , -..t . t -- g , Ular rale. at 6Ne by I.lle nhevt, cud CUe
Witrn Lt.—Pure Leal relling at 82. and No. llt
11.$0 tog.
MALT—We hear ••f m• large Rah, of mall. Wequote at
ili Ina
01L8--Caoanr nll I. relllnp In u mauls war at 04..0451
3t gal. am/wiling to quantity sad quality. :al.llnneed
haTe trawpinJ at Mkyo.Y Y Gal. Eulr+ N.. 1 hell at"
00e. sa.l of No 2 at Si.? .1.
POTATO& , --Supplle.. am 16144. ciorml Ne.ghanotillat
would bring CNA, and ited".4 , 44.:Jur per bu.
POWDER—llasird. DuPont. and Latin) J. Smith's Rills
Powder may be quoted In Inge Quantltl.... at 14.,7&: and try
rittain key. at 15.5.113011- , ,, ji key. itork Powdur st 113.12 N
t0t3.50. for Largo and xmall ouantillm
ILA6B-11a, arc worth :11, for wan! Oran minty with
a pond demand.
SKllD—We:ootlea an bap
an than ling , in clay, nmgt
sham imgt 'rock .with nn givang... naing n the
gnat marrity uf thg artivir in thin nuMkrt. Our nuntatiung
pith small gabe on. frnm gthre.gll4sall.!oi ^ft hu. FPUTO Ent
hands an clover at 5a.:014 , A.11 bu. Yalrn of Thu:
olio' (rum atom at 112.M.tia.2.7:, Ana Iron first hands at 5 . ..31*
2 - 54, tMmall snfmlies ..1" tint sm•l are h.q.] in Mum at
$1.63 big we have nn Iltrybands gale, tnmpurt.
. _ _
ROSlN—tinlani fin. Nu. I
SALTredve In n an, at $1.2514 1,1,1, erldeti I.
We rentilarl> rdabllPo4.l prirn afloat.
SIIUT-- , alto at 51,12 Inn.
TVIEIENTI:itaItai a: Lk y axtll
—I LL extra rliarge
TOBACINI,Vbgro rt gun! 41cmsnd for nil do , Tilnion ,
of manufactnrcallohann., sind prin.. , continue •rcr3 firm.—
The fbllowitn, Inay' 1,. oIVI. tho yr,rot ruling hrin',
Virginia ninnattrinturcti 2. , 14 . ...Ne. halt Plug, 21,, Lynch
burgh p/hg Virginia lan{ it, Lad) 'r tgiot Inc 34 ih—
Lcnf Wham, 14 nuoh.l ni lohel:h-.. with In adrancion ton
Jones Ribbin..., mut fin ~.1. 1 . xrc hold .121602 e.
n()A I.—Saloo of to bug.. natu Al+2ll,
TA I.LllW—tinlen or 3t/ 1,1,1. In I. from nut, at 7c: l
WHIM( F:Y—Tt• nlarkt.l with a drvlinlng tend..n.
tVe quid, roctillist at arronting In quantity
and term.. Itu Monday /Putt. ‘1,11u..1 In Oudot.
anti u, lil,/ , /171i "? gal
3.1-tronrxt )hr. 24.
11r..37.—Thr ,ITortuss. et the scaler 1/. d.. `urn. ,11111, 1 1 .. -
at 14.1, 111:111. vut w rut .44 at ...I prim, v1...1.340146 - 01
Owl. urn. w Writ it ID inspn/rrlurtal unrumntun quAlly. the
bert rut:trim/ the male r•lw.t ‘r•••4
Itoca—Pritee have ITO r , ell. with Fate. t f a lee email
1.4 al. "e• re*, oet
brtere—A tetra rim to IYr heal, al $2.2.",e3.2:, each.
innuorment.. Mar. In
T eate
in., In., nfrip..l . dine,. a.. daring 11,
rr. alam ,IUOO Mod n
eaf b ef rattl e , includow
driven tn Nen lark.
1 , 1" in fair nano,. nnd nrirag avulilf
.I:rd:endued. l'alea firm Eli.,. In n , a - a. nal
M1.7,V0L., gar 1.1.
Call I.—The aitlnl.l) c•fthe th.. Mond,
swan gerwrill, tuf , rfor. hut in t.,,,,...0ne•tir, C 1... light
fl.Plr. l•ri•lt al.ouganl pprnter. up. .3,1 for , th.• bett , r
Frue. n .1.103 IP, • 1•••aliv..1
Th.• offrnnc i . nitchol :1..41
of hervre, ritOnf shkh
wrerr rtr •utu, , l
u 3 and so were driven to
th.• Phi,
,L.pint t-nna...2. , p. 41. !tn.:
1191.-11 • quot, :4-I.tat•r•
• 11ar.
nl mn.rl..kt 17,
lIMbl k ..stra. 542 on—l .1 .01‘111).1.
h.op and lamarc-110() in tuarkel—n,alli xn1.1.-
144 t 7-1, lot W.L.Loot.-1.
CINII,,n, March PI
rattle— 1,, Ix.rvunr u pleutr. prie, art I”.
qtipas• £ eta for I,ll,..nabmiu= fair'
and choir.
Myra.- Th-n• .6,. 6 r, f,:: inch.... In 1,1
, mirk. 1,1 vtrnip.... and At n .P.hl
telt.zart. !o v,
Atl. latattr. /1AArn,111••
. Slelivr,
14.1.ttatt 11 t•ttl•ant. I.r ,
Diurnal. 0,1,11. 1, tt....11t,
/•t•tt• ltr t•
Anwri , an f•tAr
t• 1 inton. 011.11/anti. •
Ilayntatr, Innle•
Michigan. Bolt, Beaver.
Atlantic. Parkinson. 6rovn. - 111, •
• J. 11.14t.e. 11.AttiricItArm.
MA+ Ablitror. IV.". Newton - •
Ilatrln•lt•r. Cluetitnati.
Jon. Atrlnan. More. 11 bvt•llng.
- :
ST I.otlS—Nul A 134,4,
WELLS TILL g--Itst ell Is.
IMITIST I L Ll:—Glnttstv,
COLIN ATI-- , :mlnryt.l. lu g Y.
0 DR....llrhsve'a Urn PUS, IN NEW Von.—Tlio rapid
ity with which this luraluablo m,..11"1n0 has Locumr known
end appromets4. can only_ho amousitml for on this ground
of he ed matte. - it hen 'only minima our trial to mica,
claims to the tick of the only mothrino for this cum
of I,lrsr 6.llowing Istur. from a Drugght
to New York. show" them anner In shish them Pills am
In that wwilon of tto , touutm.
Ilmitom Lk/ 2., Lirinsistnn n, K. Y,
March nth. tali.
, Dr. MeLaum—Drat Slr. I hare sold out ell your Liter
and am anahmts to hare another Int Immedintvly. I
could halo sold e mush lariter quantity. if I had been pm
v1d..1 with them. The Inhabitants PIN "wilding In Pawlnow
tor far them. but whether there am any them or not. I do
not know. Menne tend me another simply Immediately.
For Mk by
m h21.1k1r1,8
Sib - Pnum: AT .001.0 a most
plain. unrarnkLed rtomment nf John Watt. Who am , ell not
of an ..1,1 11..805 Ur the uv of the i'crernm^c :
- Thin may rettlfr that I hare hen'n rum.] of an clot
Chronic CAnuyli, by Me to of Four Bottler of 1 . 4 . t.dr 511..
The cunob attacked toe a year la.t and I had
loot all hope. .f t:ettin, well. an 1 had taken the mkt , of
orrerta phy.driatta.leithnot hone 1.1
almost Instantly by the Petndeum. I catglo+l err. dis.-Inp
lielo. ql Ito o..ot o tnfrmlul.tnrr,,raloinp4m ~.—
ng loot
make three AM...mean without any luliclUalonfrom nor
one to doso, and rollay for the purtare that other. nett o
may be oofferina may to• benefilnd. You an. at liberty t
publkh this mrtilkalr. I tun vnnld citizen of Pittaburgh .
haring tedard iter• thirty.thrra l ran. My mritletim,
this time, is to Normal stnoL JUAN tt ATT.
l'lrrounaun. Februar% 21. 1051."
For Rale by Keyaer A Mrlhovoll. ILO W,ml Arno: It. F.
Salter, 57 Wand street: B. A. Fahrortmk, ili Co. mmer
Wool and Front trort..c D. M. loom. D. A. Elliott. Jooepli
Douglaan, and 11. P. &boort., Alleglarny. dm by ths I,:rn
prlntar, 6. 31. KICK,
. C: ity al f, ll . ln ,. .Sc ir r i e ,ru nt d bil m ..l . M in tts ,„ b i n n ic. ,, b m .
Ci - n'elnalirance Company of Pittsburgh,
Dram No. 41 Water stn.:UM the sarctionne of C. 14
. I: IL Ilmorv.Prealdent A. li3 , lanso, Soey.
Th Company be no* pmorin‘l to I m all merchandise
ot. , and in traimitii, e.,...D. P.
All arnpl r gunrant? for tb.• ability and Intr , crit} r. • of the
i n cE on ti
, fiu to n n . ,e is n a:ortl;ll in tba chararter of th . IIL solori.
all raiser. or Fillaborgh, eel! and favorably
in toad—Ur fa. 'hooey Wm. Ilamolel, Wm. !Arline,
Jr., roller Itrylmt, In
D. KinK. E. Irani Ileaulton,
Joh. Iltdrorth. S. Ilarbanah. S. 11. him 01,10:11
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
lql1'}: NOW IN STORE
A NH awl romplrl,4nek or FOREIGN.42I7 , AMERICAN
Se[fahle !tie the ming trade. end which they ere rrerreeed
to offer to puirhmora m, that will compare
farorntar with nor ofthe enotorn
ARE YOU A FATHER, hthoring for the
..opeort of a family. and vulTorine fmm tenrral do
y awl low plrlt, R. that : the alunwt
scree burden.
nee In.. S. D. !forret,. Shakr arvaala.
A klother, ounortna from dlaasee to which Ye.
ale,. are irrninally oulooct. tow pr. 5.1.. llowe's Shaker
eanaparllln—lt ..ertaluly cure )
Call at our detut, or on one of nor earn!, and CH •
pamphlet. anal. where 'on will had that the .haler Se e
taparilla, se prepared by Dr. F. It. Hoer, dna born th
M.... Of permanently curing more dlooser, to whirl] the
huutan hmally ent continually euloort, than non uthrr
PreParation of Sarmparllla ever (Cl hrunght bcforp the
public. • •
Thin madaina hen ...aabflahed ita high repatation hf 11.
numeral. and vidi nand
.. • .
It Is put up in quart bottle,. and la the only Fa:um:rills
that arta nn the Llver. Kidneys. end Illond at the same
time, •hlch nualers It allocuther mono valuably to every
one, particularly to fem al es
De our , . and am:, fur Dr. P. D. 110IVVS SHADED
SA lISAPADI LI.A, and tato. toothy.
Prim SI per bottle.-41 bottle. fur SS.
Yorrale by
DII. b. P. IIOWE a CO, Prophet..
I Cnlle. Hall, Potion.. Ohio.
To whom all °Mery may Le tablreaed.
Abu for rile by J. A. J 1,111,0. J. ecluonmaker t Qv, IT.
Black, R. W. Meana, J. it. Toancend. J. Ilohler, W. Jul ,
POO, rittSbllra, D, A. Elliott, Ailed., city- IV. IL Mo.
Clelland. , P. erwltyr, lirosti,lll,. Jas. Paull
Platicrana. and IL U. Sorgao, SL
Clainville, Melts. A /in.,. Ca,112,. ~2 yoltvrT
/1111 E BANKERS'. and Huilen Alerehants'
nary Depot. ThIM aa. oPla:eite the Pc..t OMR.
. In Rka
Sales of
Tb • 1.4
[COrr.pOndence of the Doily fitteburoh Gavotte.] I,
Wastuanroa, March 22.
It is not yet finally determined, it would ap
pear, what construction shall be placed upon the
new appraisement law, commonly known as Illy.
Winthrop's bill. I hove previously stated, uppi
the Lest authority, that parties interested is / the
matter had applied to the treasury depur,lment'
for informhtion on the subject, and they had
becaziven to understand that the fre)ght would
not be included in the original cost, r / ind the other
customary charges in the ascertainment of the
value upon which the duty would be levied. I
brier the best reason to believe/that orders were
given for the preparation of / circular to collec
tors, embracing instructions in accordance with
this determination. But that circular has not
been issued, and there/may be something in the
assertions of those writo maintain that a different
decision has been / arrived at by the department,
or that none at all has yet been formed. I ad
here to my furiner statement, however, and still
believe that/fristructiorm will be or have been giv
en to exclulle the freight in reckoning the costs
and charges. It will make a great difference in
the rates of duties on iron and coal.
The Secretary himself has been too sick fur
intiny weeks past to attend personally to the he
loess of the department, but is convalescent.-
Ile rode out to day.
I understand that on Mondaynext, Mr. Benton
will set out for St. Louis. Ile makes this long
and fatiguing journey solely to oblige his friends
in that city, who are running a Benton ticket in
the canvass for the municipal election whfch is to
take place on the first Monday in April. Be eau
expect to arrive but a. very few days before the
election, but his fulherents have that faith in his
energy and will, that they have petitioned him to
tiip the stump, 'or rather the door step in their
favor even for those few days. Ile will doubtlres
pepper them well. One of the objects of this
mission is said to be to drive the Bunker Dem,
°rats into the Whig ranks. Mr. Benton returned
'n Thursday from a trip to j,lete York, whither
he had been 'to attend the emhareation of 'Mrs.
Jones, his daughter, for California, where her
husband is practising law.
Yesterday the President, General Scott, the
Secretary of War, and several other members of
the Cabinet, made a visit to Moqnt Vernon, to ex
amine the grounds with reference to their fitness
us a site for the new Military Asylum, Which is
to be established under the Into act of Congress.
It is very likely that the whole estate will be put
chased under the authority conferred by that act.
It is beautifully situated for such p purpose, iu
close vicinity to the capital, and beyond its bus
tle and crowd. A portion of the estate consists
of a small promontory, which commands a fine
view of the river, and would be an exceedingly
appropriate site for the buildings of the institu
tion. The property consists now of several
hundred acres of land, which may be purchased
for one hundred thousand dollars. The fund pro
vided by the law is ample for the purpose.
The case of Chaplin, who aided in the escape
of the Ni3C, of Toombs and Stevens, and was ar
rested in the net, .has been terminated for the
present, at tract, by the forfeiture of the bond=
given for his appearance at the Montgomery conn•
ty, Maryland, Conti, amounting to the heavy
eon, of $19,000. Sot though this was no wale,
haul, it ib said that Ilovernor Lowe is still di,
posed to he "cantankerous" about Mr. Chapma . n.
and will demand him, by regular requisition,
from Governor Bunt This Would make a deci
dedly ugly and troublesome case. The Exeen •
tive of Virginia, in 1141, made a like demand up
on Governer Seward For two persons charged
with the abduction of slaves. The free soil,
flatly refused to recognize the demand, ur b.
give up the men, on the ground that the aisles
tion of men ready and anxious to go was not
crime mid. New York laws. Then there is at
this very mment a case pending in which Gov.
cent, Lowe has himself set a very had precedent.
A person by the name of Mitchell, of Maryland,
is demanded by Governor Johnston, of your
State, charged with the forcible kidnapping of s
colored citizen of Pennsylvania, and Governor
Lowe says no. lie refuses to give up the man.
but sets on foot some flummery in the shape of
an , parts examination of the case, which will.
of course, result in Mitchell's acquittance from
all blame iu the Governor's eye. So, whether
in view of all these facts, Governor Hunt will
Amply with the other Governor's demands, i
doubtful. in the abstract, 1 think there can he
no doubt that Chaplin aught to be. surrendered
or ..delivered up , " but certainly we cannot per
mit the constitution to he fused as n one edged
sword, with the edge always towards us. .•
The following bon bone is too good to be lost.
It is from Ritchie's reply to the teirible and con
vincing expoxe of John C. Rives, in regard to his,
(Ritchie's,) operations in connection with the
public printing. Ritchie is speaking himself:
A man - who for nearly fifty years ha, labored
unceasingly to sustain the principles (which Mr.
Rives professes, retires to private life in order to
devote all his means to the faithful performance.
.of an al-starred coniract with the government.—
An he announces this fact to the country, and
evhn while he prepares to take his departure
from that arena where he has been so long a pro
minent actor, with the reepect f every generously,—
every honorable antagonist admitting that At,
crest ha, never hem tarnished, and that his battffed
anus are all without n .lain—a mere camp follower
who has' clutched the spoil won by better men.
and garnered up a bloated fortune from the re
sults of wars in which he has never struck a
blow, advances his "miscreated front," andhorls
hie hrund insults'at the retimag veteran."
F. SHORT, Drumrixt.
No. CO Wood R.
' I have italicized two or three of the most mo
dest and characteristic lines in the above. All
this is for effect on the nest Congress, and the
miserable sheet which the person who utters It
controls, will he filled with just such stuff until
the 15th of April, when it will go into other
hands. Let it be understood that those who
have fully investigated this matter, give the wri
ter credit for none of hisaelf assumed virtues
or innocence. The writer of that string of self
laudation has not the rropred of any foe, whether
generous or strictly just, nerd' any friend either.
To foes I will dot say what he is, but friends he
is n leech, shrieking only give! give! and to be got
rid of on the easiest terms. No honorable anta
gonist admits that his crest has been untarnish
ml. On the contrary, the moving cause of the
determined and successful opposition to his
claims has been that lie comes an unworthy sup
pliant for the charities of Congress. To talk of
the "untarnished crest" and the "battered arms"
of such n "retiring veteran," is the sheerestde-
It is the misfortune of this man, and of the
public, that he is not retiring. lie declares
that neither limo he done with the public. norhms
the public done with him. Ile is coming here
again next winter, to worry and importune Con
gress into an allowance of his claims. Ile may
get them, but it shall not be until the country is
fully informed of the nature and demerits of
them. ]eat
Coroterrondonce of the hallr lltteborsh Gftsotte.
The House, this morning, on motion of Mr.
d Bighorn, peensl the bill to authorize the Auditor
General to transfer the stock of the Common
wealth in the Pittsburgh and Butler turnpike
roaticumpany to the Allegheny and Butler plank
! road company. •
Mr. Donner read in place n bill to incorporate
the Odd Fellow's Cemetery company, of Union
The bill to mtablish n Department of Educa
tion came up in or d er , and was debated by Mr.
lii Binger, in opposition, and Messrs. Kunkel and
in favor, and passed finally by the fol
io, wing vote:
Yeas—Messrs. Benedict, !,'bet, Maine, Glair,
11mham, Brindle, Cassiday, Dobbins, Dorian,
D awnee, Emns, (Beds,) Feather, Freeman,
F . retz, Gabe, Gibbs, Goodwin, Griffin, Hemphill,
uplet, ii-oak'!, Laughlin, Leary. Lest, Lilly,
Wlteynolds, Monroe., Mowry,
( Wyoming.) Ghana, Patten. reallil2lll2, Re c k.
h ow, Reid, lthey, Rhoads, Riddle, Roberts, Gcc,
fi old. Slinger; Shull, Siuipson, Sloan ee , Redder,
T'bomar, Cessna, (Bpeekker)-47.
HAMIIMBLIIMIT, March =4.18.11
Nays-51essrs. Armstrong,. Bowen, Broomall,
A. E. Brown, J. Brown. Cooper, Cowden, Dun
gan, Evans, (Indian.%) Fegely, Fife, Gassier,
Haldeman,. Hamilton. wart, Huriseeker,
er, Linton. Macias, NrCluskey, M'Cutie,
Mowry, (Somerset.) O'Neill. Packer,
Robertson, Shaeffer, Slifer, Smith, Steward,
Struthers, Trone, Van Horne, Walker-33.
The names of the Whigs who voted in
favor of this bill I have given in itak, so that
they may be readily distinguished and remem.
The bill, as has been made evident by the
count of its friends, was drawn up for the pur
pose of effecting a political object of such a na
ture as to prevent prudOnt and faithful Whigs
from embarking IL But come have' permitted
themselves-to be Made parties_to this fraud, and
to he induced to 'support a bill, the inevitable
tendency of which, will be the furthering of this
prospects of the Locufoco party. The bill
has not yet passed the ordeal of the . Senate,'
and I hope • never , will. As long as the
officers charged with the duty of superth
temling the Common School syStem act with as
touch fidelity as those now ut the head of the
Department, there will be no' nicensitji for
any change, when, as in the srenent cane, it.
will be accompanied by no corresponding ben
The supplement to the Ten Hour, Law s'as
brought before the House again, to-day, by a
motion to reconsider the veto on its final pussago
a day or two smce t
When this Motion to reconsider was made, the
friends of the bill moved to postpone the fur-.
ther considerntion of the subject for the pres
An amendment was offered to strike oat •for
the present," and insert indefinitely, which . Iris
agreed to, yeas 41, nays Kt
And the motion as amended was agreed to,
Yeas —Artustong, Bent, Bigelow, Bigha .
Blaine, Bowen, Broomall A. E. Brown, J. Brown,
Cooper, Cowden, Dungan, Evans, (Iniiiana) Feg
ely„ Fiffe, Gossler, Haldeman, Hamilton, Hart,
flunseeker, Killinger, Laughlin, Linion,
McCloskey, leCtine,, NteLenn,`Moirry, (Somer.,
set,) O'Neil, Patten, Reid, Ilhey, Riddle ' Robert
son, Shaeffer, Slifer, Stnith,• Struthers, Thomas,
Von Homo, Walker.--41. •
NA s—Bencilict, Blair, Bonham, Brindle, Cassis
day, Dobbins Dolan, Downer, .Dunn, Evans,
(Berks,) Feather, Frets, Gabe, Gibbs, Goodwin,
Griffin, Ilemphill, tiuplet, Lousy, Lem, Lilly,
McCurdy, McKean, Mcßeynolds, Monroe, Mow
ry, Wyoming, Olwinc, Packer, Penniman, Beck
how, Roberts, Scouller, Shugert, Skull, Simpson,
Skinner. Solider, 'from., Cessna, Speaker.-34.
I think disposes of tho question for the
present session. The result is a cause of sincere
and cordial congratulation among the members
of the Allegheny delegation, and all those who
know bow to distingnish between the prejudices .
of ignorance and the enlightened principles of
Mr. iNfcCluskey, from the Committee on Roads
and Bridges, reported without amendment the
Supplement to the Oct incorporating the Pitts•
burgh and Braddock's Field Plank Road Compa
ny, and the bill to construct a Plank Road from
Butler to Clarion by way of Callensburg in Clas
rion cpunty.
The Senate did nothing Worthy of note.
Flto3l IrEW POSE.
CPnVf Of Lb.. Daily rittibUrgh
We are enjoying delightful weather-at present,
and all brunches of trade are more active thdtt
at any previous period during the -season. The
number of strangers in town is very I;srge and
our hotels are doing a thriving business. Amon .
the distinguished strangers just urrireni in toss
are Amin Bey the 'Burl:, who, it is understood r s
abontlo return tict!onstaintinople, Gen. tt'ool of
the U. S. Army, Co!. of Florida, Maj.
Bally el' San Fruncisce, lion. Itobt. Rantoul,
and Col. P..mtun. s
The Ship Fever and Small Pox continue vo'y
prevalent down at the !Maine Hospital on
island, and will doubdo',is condone to, !Linearly
every emigrant Atip"that arrives 111/4 more oi• -
lcss of it on board. The packet Ship Tre .
and Columbia arrived from Liferpool yeeterday
with on aggregate of 870 passengers, some of
whome were sufferingl:With Ship Fever. The:
namberefper.ens admitted into the Marine Hos
pital during the month of Febniaryjrns 1061, of
whom S 3 died end 4::0 were discharged, leaving
in the institution at the commencement of th:s
month 1106 patients. , It is proposed in the Lc,-
gislature of this SWC. to remove the resident
physician, and restore the Hospital to, the gov
ernment of the health officer.
The Columbia reports having encountered
rough weather, and a large number oricebergs,
one of which was (treaty milca long and Iwo in 4
breadth. ,
A tete,T:raphiedespatch from Albany state s the
New York Beard of Canal Commislioners Loco
directed that the Canal, of this Stoto ho opened.
on the loth pro.xime.
Among the passengers by the New Steamship
Eldorado which went to boa yesterday are the
lion. Mr. Gyin, lion. E. A. Wright and 3tree.•
.lones a daughter of Col. Benton, for California:,
and John 1.. Stephmns rsq. the President of the
Panama Railroad Conipanr.
The Schooner Richmond, which arrived here •
yesterday front Richmond Virginia, brought as
passengers, three Indianan( the Calapoosalt tribe/
in Northern California. These "redskins," with
Fin others have made . a
tour of all the Slates in
the Union, but latterly 'they have been sojourn
ing at Westfield Massachusetts, where they Laye
acquired a thorough knowledge of dm ,English
language. They are quo intelleetual looking
fellows, and attract not a little attention. They
are accompanied by Mr. Jas. IL Crusaman, with
whom they will depart neat week.for their na
tive place. •
On Wednesday evening a graliU complimenta
ry benefit wan given at Niblo's to E. W. Clarke
the talented young actor, and manager of Bar
nun's Museum, at which oil of the Lest perform
ers in the city volunteered their services. The
net proceeds were something over $1,090.
The case of McKay S Cryder, the pretended
brokers who swindled $95,000 out of the treas
urer of the Milivankie am! Mississippi Railroad
Company, i 3 still undergoing a primary investi
gation. •
The largo sale of real estate, befonging to the
city, which bas been going on for the past three
days, was brought to a close yesterday. The .
prices obtained were very satisfactory r and show
n considerable improvement upon those hereto
fore obtained in the same localities. There ap
pears to be a goiol deal of speculation going us
in real estate, just now, and-the daily sales, in
dependent of the city property, are very large;
aad prices, in some instances, considerably in
Tile Commercial Advertiser is responsible for
the following joke played upon the large and
well-known firm of Haggerty, Draper &Jones
o Quite an amusing scene occurred this morn
ing, in front of the nuction•store of our old
neighbors, Messrs. Haggerty, Draper & Jones.
By some curious mistake, or through the imper
tinence of some practical joker,
one of the doe.-
motive cautions of "Beware of mock auctions"
was paraded for some time before the doors of .
our worthy neighbors. Soon a crowd collected„
who, immediately detecting the joke. indulged
their merriment in such loud tones as to astonish
We quiet people of Pine and William streets. A
policeman, finally, strolling leisurely along, dis
covered the innocent cense of such unusual mirth,
and marched the standard bearer to his proper,
1 In the way of amusements, there is at present
any quantity- in "Gotham." At 'Niblo's, the
celebrated Rousset Ballet Company, which are
said to be unrivalledirrtheir line, are perform.
log. At the Broadwny, Mr. Collies, the Irish
comedian, is holding forth. Burton, at bin then. -
tre, is producing old English comedies. Brough,
am is doing•up the burlesques, and the Bon'ery,
trigond houses. Besides cons ••
eerts. balls , be., nightly.
" The „Stock market continues very weak, al
: though the prices do not indicate much change
in price from day to day, but there is a gradual
sinking, in the scale of prices and - they - Must go
lower, and considerably so, before another spec
ulative movonient spring+ up. The money mar
! ket Is considerably pressed, upon what it here
termed second class securities. Money could be
borrowed with no much case on that_dosctiptiou
of security some months ago as on the very best.
This state of things has now changed; there in
not so much confidence-in the future, and people
scv.-rally feel lisposed to curtail their opera
tions. There have been recently thrown upon.-
this market large quantites of the stock; of our
c ity banks, which ooli bear very
.high prices
from the number of slmres sold and offered for
sole. these stocks have to some degree receded .
in price. Tlfe holders of the stocks of - the old .
banks hare been tempted to part s with those freed'
investments which bear q high price ands put- .
this money into other securities, paying a morn
remunerating return for the capital.
Railroad bends form a favorite security for
capitalists and the must cautious and discreet.
among them readily invest their money in those
securities. Pennsylveniis us sold to day at :qt. - .
et-931; •U. 8. bombs:ll'6T 116; do Tift lOSit lien
lucky bonds IVS. Indiana. 5a 841.. • - •
Owing to continued high rates of foreign Ex
change, Specie continues to go out of the coun
try. To Lirerpxd, by the l'aoific, $300,000
were tent in American gold 1.100 in gold Snap,.
/0;150 in British Sovreeigniu 1,000 irißritlah
rel. coin. Tota.b--317,040.
To Havre by the packet—ssB,ooo