The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 25, 1851, Image 4

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'o,n..Npt.Mmeio Lb. Pittabarytt t7hrtA4l3 Adroeste
- ' - Scoacthosed
• The Mexican females are of all hues and
Complexions, from the most delicate blonde
to the deepest. Egyptian bronze. ' They arc
not so tall as our, ladies, but have classic
features, rounded fermaspsetty feet, smiling
- ' ' '
countenances; aiiil(are generally handsome,
graceful and emit/Wish; but they lack in
tellectual culture, 'and are shockingly defi
cient in.eluistity. ' There being no unmar
sled Ainerican feniales, no public press, no
eiretlatinglibrary, no popular lectures, and
no places of innocent amusement, our Amer
ican• gentlemen seek the society of these
women, attend the fandangos, play at
monte,•and thus favor the existing corrup.
• tion. ,'On.i venerable friend, Dr. S s,
tried to picture to our fancy the corruptions
of the places but his representation falls far
short of the'reality. In a moral point of
view ' at is a nastier nest or nastiness than
„the„.siastiest, mind can possibly ithagine.
- .The chief priests and all their subordinates
keepsOnlcaibittei,' from the padre who min
. istalnf the' ltar, to the peon who smokes
- hiVegirts,'•with the lamp of incense. The
livein the profligate indulgence of
thee-sensitive principle-fiddling, horse
racing, gambling, and debauchery, are the
popular, pastimes., Many parents subsist
by the unehristity of their daughters, and
female prostitution seems almost univerml.
The propensity to gamble seems born with
them: All go to ." fandangos," from the
child of sunny countenance to the man of 1
frostsstainss-sll indulge in games of chance.
Heggars gamble on the corners of the
streets-' little boys in groups under the
" portals ;" old men and women, and young
men and. maidens, all have a passion for
"el Monte."_ Yet the priests assure these
people they rare good Christians-absolve
them for money, whenever absolution is I
- desired-aad sell them indulgences for six-
ty slays, " go . and sin again. The fair
senoritas n t only smoke cigars, but some
keep mou ldbanks-the only kind:of banks
we have in! the territory s and are regarded
as expert - players. The military interpreter
relates an incident illustrative' of their skill
• at prds.rA certain Cure, who lives not a
thousand leagues from . this-place, sat down
to "matte" with Senora Toles, who hos
- amassed an immense fortune at gaming;
but the fates were against-his Reverence.
He hecante excited, staked his ready cash,
' next his Mule, and becoming "strapped,"
. finally staked the burial rites, masses, and
funeral obsequies, to be said for the Senora
after her (death; and Laving lost all, the
:Cure was obliged to return to San Miguel,
out of picket, and minus t mule. This
• • man's 'viceli are known to all, yet he wears
the livery of Rome, officiates at the altar,
and is popular with the people, By the
way, the funeral of . another padre's concu
bine took place here the other day. She is
said to have been a beautiful woman, and
• true to the padre, to whom, she bore chil
' dren; one of whom knelt at the coffin, and
seemed deeply affected. The whole affair I -
was attended with thnsiderable parade. The 1 mgr
body was taken to the church of St. Guade- . 17 - ADIES' 0 7 .1,'. ,
• loupe, where the altars were hung with 4 i t, `r-'' ''''''' 1 .-
bistek, surmounted with crosses, and lit up fs' :: rsr;l s 'i
. - with myriads of wax candles, and the fume- __ ''''''' „ --
sal obsentues - and last rites celebrated with 130T-ts'n ca
superstitious pomp. It looked rather queer - 7 : _ - _ ass/
•to see the chief officials and u Baptist WINTER W
preacher s ,who acts as chaplain to the force `t '' it
here, following the bier, holding lighted . QMALL PLAII
• candles in their hands, and playing the path 'onr .
Y.nrri n m :-z...
ed b. 3
,-of chief mourners. l INEN CAM
' There! aro, five churches. devoted to the ;I A ILISIIPITY anu
prevailing superstition ; but the parish ; (gm 32.1 S rents up to a
, church is more capacious s somewhat gothic, ,
.ESC FA BU'll'El
and in better taste than the others. It has l- '''"'"Y 'met'
.twelve altars, two "confessional traps," and i GEXLre;: s
is garnished with crucifixes ,lsax dolls, and ! ...I .t.. 6,,
~.. a. prim, l i
• innumerable images, of all colors, sorts and ' '
i i ILi sr 10 ;., i:T , 0 . N , -- ,,.. 1. 8 ,1
' . sizes, from the full image of the most bless
ed Virgin down to that of a warlike looking 1 fa, , ,
Indian, formerly worshipped by the Aztecs, I
, ,r A lliti AN IT
31:11i now venerates by the honest Pueblos.
I " d '2
i*b" bln
So i
None of, the churches have seats ; the fe- ,• ”" !co ''‘
males, squat down on the floor,. and the men __'fb s ' • '
stand, kneel and squat as best they may. N 0, S VGA
De Mu Clio
' - ,We have no Sabbath here. It is the _ /Ass
great market day. Stores are kept open, 1 B ITER VIE
ten-pm allies crowded, and the day devoted I 1-4._ = _.:•,!L i
. ._,__i
to all evil rather than good. The worship II s ith.ol.l N
et the church is a profane mockery. True, 1 es i i i - E - s y_ssis , boxes.
m a ss is said, and the Latin text read by the ;1 j p s h-yn N. Y. v"'
prit, but in a voice so low, sing-song and I is• - 'II . ENLIIE is --
monotonous, that no one can tell what he i nor o lhe (Iv
says. The whole service is a•burle.sque on ...1 was si.s,./...5.
the simple and rational teaching of Christ; ASIUGAR-li 6
and being accompanied by fiddlers and fan- " P`"" Sn ' r 6.1
. . . .
.-,: - .... dan go tunes, is shockingly sensual and dis- 1 YrYt._,__,-
gusting. The universal Father is forgotten (liti, NisEs- -
. amid the glare of images,and the bewilder- i ' - 'sozi bY .
- in g and superstitious rites. The people 1 s - fliCPEs i effi
seldenr hear a sermons-sober views of se e_ ' J . L ; e bi rrerlor %Mb
VMS tent h are never taught-the authority I TNORAIN C.'
of conscience, the dignity, grasp, and caps- Icc is , 'Mast
bilities of' the soul never 'descanted upon- ,
__st,ass; _
. , • the majesty of justice, the divinity of chas- 1 p p llts s
' tity, :and the loveliness of goodness, com- ALGAZI.
/ - pletely lost sight of-and the blessed Jesus, I nolo.? Le,..
• if ever Feasted, is, pictured a s a com pas- 1 7,,,,,„,,Q,, Th 10 - i, for m .„,,,
rionate being, who has come to make God 1 I=l'SZt s tr
Merciful, and save the people from purga- I b0i.e5.u... 1 .ft...n....
1 ru 'l l e r n i nstac or the I int Men) •
• pry, rather than from wrong doing. :I`,' main,. oos By awe
Dia' '''l/0 4 1 ?' '1:1=77 . Z ,,-
•.. .We would not become an apologist for 1 1,''.. s fr ' a ..s.:. R JunrK '
. . the .New Mexican women, but they are not k,',f,„l,'" r t sa's b ' Z i l r Y ci, il ly'y Mrs noufhworth•
to. be judged by the stern standard that ,
~ .. banishes forever theprostitute of the States. lip NGLISIL ,
. . , There her moral sense and mental powers Iste st 'd,rt:ss...i
are equally drawn out-the sensitive appe- 1 i-lar -a....
----- . - tile placed under strong la and bridle, that 1 A s t sioN___4oo
• . she may be in verity a helpmate for man, 1 1.:./ re bIS
and mould her offspring to virtue, industry 1 di !COVER Sh.
' - and patriotism.' Here her moral'and virtu- 1 - 1 ";,,r1" . lb ` ""' wil. IL JOIINSTON.
- - ..
ens Instincts are Suppressed-her mind kept 1 I_IICKORY NUTS-15 1,1,18 for sale hv
/ ..-1, - 1 wit. ii. aourositv.
• wissont endure, and the sensitive appetite i ..13L5..,_ rnta'+
pampered and influenced that she may mak. I A CERTAIc CURE FOR ALI, PAIN nmy
.'. . . . an attractive plaything for the sensual, and 1 a ..,. fou ol l g 5 - t r, tz . T ro gt: t Lf,ezt,..ll
support her:friends by the spoils of unchas- I )i.g.s. or 'Cisc nortl In tlyl o nrff- g,„,„
04 ,. „
. . thy. There virtue in woman is reverenced 1
i vis. i z.:
b %Plers tiosl4.l.ninlat.s..NAML-Ml!, of t i V: ,
by, men . , and chastity regarded as woman's I p..Ji, ...ova Missillis sils. sass . . a fh eiraii,:;ge . /,
Chief wealth. Here it is valueleas and un- I i ` s "`"., l =st i '`ii;.:11,7.. ;7:4. Th.: g ig, It t.•,..
r`" - tion to
the nrchmer. Ws can recommend It to the
.• , important, and considered a. drawback to 1 ,ti,St s .,, s , .„., sr 55 ....5... ~pd rarty.: ipdpen. s.
le of birdidne become no deserredly
happiness and enaoltunent. There marriage sy•e"""'" '"' ss tb thrt. r
popular In so $ • time, which Is mov by s o
is esteemed an institution of paradise .and I 1 !.. .0.. 4 '. '"" rid a r"''"T.l7"'"' ° " a '''"°" ---
• , its .aaeredness enforced by legal pen ' alties s V m s S I tyli. ses, ',c.o.
and; -.holy rites. Here it is stripped of its w --“'''
he:aim:ay affinities, used as a cloak for irreg. : _1
ularities which would not be tolerated in 1
• ' unmarried females, andeelebmted by priests :
who are unblithing debauchees. Could '
you place yourself- in , our position-could
• you obtain Just views of New Mexican soci
' . ety, and especially of the New Mexican fe
• i male, her amount of mental and moral de
, • velopment, the delicacy of -her sympathies,
s her susceptibility to be led astray by vicious
Priests, whom from infancy she is taught
to reverence and trust to the Uttermost:
and could you know the shreivdness and
-.•. rascality of these men, and the enormous
fees which .they extort for Matrimonial,
'• •
baptismal and•burial rites—and could you
..seons we do the crushing and sensualizing
tendencies, of the existing superstition-you
- would 'hod . the priests;responsible, and not
' • - Wonder that concubinage and licentiousness
i -
• • . is so general. The down -trodden poor are
drivgn to it by the cheats and exactions of
the• priests.' It 'takes la month's wages to
• ' . pay - for the baptism. , of an- infant; and
... k should the infant die i two-fold :more are ex
',. • for burial rites. If the parents are
able to sant the demand, the soul of the
child instantly enters paradise and becomes
an -.aniento - but if unable to meet the
f . ;••• . eMiirge, the child goes to limbo, where it re-
. - 11111. till .masses are said for its deliver
. I . SIAM; :, The child of the 'rich is dressed in ;
' . • ...garments; decorated with artificial flow-1
...... - - ern; and .tamed to Campo Santa by four
'' •• • - eltlldieri;:tci the music of string bells, fid
dles and guitar. The corpse is entire • x
•• •
-- • ..., posed--,the musicians play lively fa dan o
• tunes . and all move at a rapid it, ss
':' ' ,"' - :Ithottgli the devil' were on t e ok-out to
• • . . , • ' •
's • '- : ....- 'ainatehaway. the bodyiem they ould reach
theleaCred enclosure. . The child of the den
~..:::.:.iitedibttrind in silence, and without rites,
•'• ,mnsio or 'tail- , We,iiitneis4 a btuial of '
.... ' • ..... _ . s ll •
this sort, $ .few !days, nee; An child was ; ;
wrapped in lta mothe r shawl, and laid in , ---7- -- -------- --- •
rrlIE ber,sttne,vni‘ttnee of thLe th u , c s ee T a . ei rE of mt t , he ,
the ground by rough nds, when stones ! State Mutual Fire_,..lrunixance -, Company.
and dirt were thrown • , literally crushing
the lit le body to atom . This is the Mel- ' rirrsnonan.
icon mode of burying e poor; those who ..
can afford it have co n, music, candles, I Al sq7.P.issete:ll.47;:.4:l,!lx....tnfti,:f rt . of '
mass, priests and great pomp connected -. f1' i ,,,. h f;,,,„1t`jff , ...; 1,..-rj'a Heard over 5.0 , 10 Policarn .
with the interment. a little mon men eight mouthe and adding 07.• 1000 0
• '' '. 2. 4 rny th.. t rryo " ia . rTr• MrIZrATI ''" ll.l , 4llr „. r(t;
But Carl th is poop e Le elevated and . '' ,„,Z i 'etaits.twah j ug proportion Insu re ' d for odd , ' one
brought back to . GOdP We believe they run. rrr• • a
umber o 0 Imes IFFIIe ,- • 5,04 5
cati. They retain in tome degree the con-
AMOUnt of property insued, • ss,l39,4Vfita
sciousncss of right and wrong-are quick of" do. guarantee premiums. t.7,,109 i
I r t
apprehension-readily moved by culogium I do. cash premiums, • .
—have a large mwsu of veneration; and , do. miarantee stork. •, - • 90.10 t,0.1
had they close and co intent views of reli- I do. •losses, . . 4,101.,,,,
sinus truth, would influenced to rever- ,.,......1..r tbeoran.
1 To he deducted from the above Wane, lie looklantel
cure goodness and c tity as they now , .2, ata,==.1:..,T.:kr.:,,,,..1.410,,,13:11.1n.1..,
reverence the priest, d would " am-se to 1 raera,lZ.V.,,,,,,,,‘ •L'l:grizil7.o.o,,,,z,a
do evil and learn to d well." . c o udaoted ou the equital , le holt setwalatt , !\` , " 7 .l" .l "
We think Method' ru is peculiarly well : ..eriu, ..e,... uesin.a ,eu, , em to so, otte , havilltr. mac,
' of CLvallhation ,d Itt.k., eteludltitt all speclal nassoo In
adapted to this end ; d having fitted up '2,",„th„,7,,,, ne r=x i a, ,, mgr0n0rt.:1 , , ,, , r ., , ,,,,,0
a place of worship n •. r the plaza,hanopt given : . i . ,7i,,,,,,, 1 tEu :41 .., t th 17 ,17 7 .1 z.1 , , t , i , , , , , ,, , 1fi .„.. ,,,A , 1 . : , :, , , , , , , , , i . :_ , : : : „1 ,,, ,: n .
our banner to the recite, w e.
the , ,_ ituth. ,,,,,, ,
~.,. Juba u,
[many days to see mug itudes flocking to Anita A r , ,....,,t r une 1. 1 . .. i .hviik .1i n.. n v i i,.tt!.i,...,
cross and the class-rat...dug Inking the place . A J 1111.1.E.17, Semho,.
A. A. F . 6. ! 6 ! ..A. , . ,, ,.
t of the confessional, and the "abomination ,
of desolation " done away. Our way has (Penn Mutual Life Insurance CO., Philad ' a.
been hedged up byte vices of men claim- i 4 GENT IN PIT Rom W.II.DAvis,
ins to be m inisters, ‘hile resting here on I, -rik,,,,t;:1i.Z,...14...:1=1.):0 ~ , ,, ,, t Lvly g l,rit...
their way to Colifora' -- theY have y ielded 1 , l ' o ' 7.7lST. il tstal'eci7..:l=.' rFt.tl7!':llu,e'l,,.."i
1 1
to the drawings of ths maelstrom-gone to ~!,,,,:5:tit,:::,,,,,.....!,r,,, a ,,,• ! C. I.
~..!.., e....., , . . i . 0 .:: :
~,.., :;
h i
:. ,
:, - ,: t o k, : •
n . : o :::: : ..: :boo- ,
~,,,tl ,
, i f . :,,,,,,,
o i :,
the monte table, hart red away Christ, and , Iv :warted to contra.. sold:won, the relnelpro owl
left a withering mild w behind them.
"P es ' lt7t.tiet over V 1.3 MU and conorarall Ittcreagwt l . -
Vie natives may in t soon come under our 1 , r,,ais di, We annuallr ;mong.t tun*. Insured rar Ilfe.
I Pittebun‘h lan rd issi-ecto
ministry; but should
.o revival ever begin - -
hele, it will run lik fire, and extend from Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
the center to the re otest borders of the , ‘.it.h
Insurance Company of North America,
territory. The peol le need instruction - 11 . pbe..0.1,10,__t5,,,,,,,,0 or.e.,..piodpoo.eee. A.,,t0
moral and intellectu I ; they have but few 1 ~n . L 7:4; ;; , ,d ' lltill'Ver'f't..Tl.l24:."4:, n rir., , 7 r ,
schools, and those f the lowest Pratfall I, ;;;;,112:;11:41:=,:i.A, 1'51.14141"1,,,,g0:.,r:,7,,,Tt5.
grade. Systematic lucation and schools .....-. rolt.Tows.
for girls, taught w oily by American fe- i Arthur 0
. c . ra. Pre't. Thorny , P. (tile,
John I. Neff.
tootles of engaging manners, educational i t`'' , Ekhard D. Wad,
William Webb,
talent, and self deny trig virtue, would exert 1 tl,. %;:11,7,7d,, Trends Ilcakins,
a wide-spread influence. The circulation of 1, tr..7,.!,14.7g,',.. e. Atirthl Alltbone,
Wm. E. &Yarn.
bibles and tracts, and the earnest preaching 1 , ...,,b,,,,1.,,,,vh,,,,t1,,,. 11i... , Amino .11,
Jam , N. D,
of the gospel; which is the power of God II Ta.,11,1,rb0‘...rda.4.1„.„....mu1tg.n5,17.,r47,1Ag12,4,,,,,,,
unto salvation, by then of benignant spirit, , nife7n„,,i:nlll,,F,.l.,sedttelt,i,,,,:xl,Mang.t...o..=
deep piety, and elnquent in the Spanish
,4 . euo b....,,e1ti.,..a ...,,en.,fl,,tili 51:.A, , ,.."; . t pblic
tongue, would attra t the IllatiseS, and, with : 1 . 4 , - N". 141 Todd Z`l ' i.! 7 .et
the blessing of God bring them back to the
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
perception and lot of goodness.
Santa Fe Jan. L. E. G. N. OF PHILADELPHIA.
............'......5ma5a5e5........."'r AgeLt fur Pitoburgh, sot P H
A .
- ------ . ' 081,. til Fifth ,t, ahoy.. Smitbneld
TO CONTRACTORS.. Plimphlebi ematainlng all mmeeary Worm:diem can be
' obtained at the Mitre.
I ,al7llll 5 firtffe , prime Rim,
,p dram , Coinsh.
:---.-- - 1
. ----
- - - - ' Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. 150 boa Dry MTh , .
U. lb. retired Saltpetre.
2,000,000 feet Plank wanted. 1 revel's'. --'- —.Oecretary. :44 , 114 +upr.rior eather,
•. ill inure &mann all kinds of rink,- Tim and Ihniiie . 11 . : .",,T.,;!"Tf.';:;;', Te 1,,..
rIATIE ALLEGHENY & BUTLER PLANK' All Daum; will be liberally a1, , t0r.1. 1 ,TJ. pomlA o nal .. ! u I caalLlMlVCCA . matane.
j RoAD COMPANYtisita pmposalr until the fir. 01 ' A h .. .----.:".:i t7 h',,' nn,7,,,,,,,',„,,,,'";,, Ido Cbalk.
April nest, fur rural , Two 31i1111 , 11 foet uf Planl..-1 tame r,p tar re , ipettup t t,•. ,r nu
. th, ,
lather thick. and • or 0 filet in lerath-to be
at i poz,..nopt,o., v- , lo n to , lun . toJta ,
v r; ‘,, l , =
~,,,,,,,h ,
.L.,, 1 , ,,, ,,r a1, l u ll hLii.r.,,,lie,,Lejr.l-`,e,r.,.,,,,,,,
V:.•••=1'117" " ''r raV e' n" — " -0 ‘ el''' ''''
' ' w k' i! ,rea v i;v tO be 7t;eun ' :i n . n . ' l, ,In II 1.'22 .i . l K . iAt A Oa.
co ha t tt tp (h. rt-ewittrat, S. M. LAN 11, i theictor3-It. Miller. Jr., Her. Bla--IL J.W. W. !lo th , N. I 1 I :s ' . SEE. t) OIL-1 0 tills for pale by
Butler. Butler co . Pa- ' , r to CHARLLS :sPANI, itte. , !intim Jr- W ni. II Man,
,(.. Dune., 1.... II . Jart.wt.
bu w ks , ht , slut .1 . v ., 11r1 ..4 11 ,- t, ro,lo,ntov infdiulatiou ou the 1
A Vi u nt. :7 3 . l A . L1,,70,,tit,r.kk. bti.T,r,,,,ttL,.o•``fl•le Daf'l , do." , I . I-I ...4'..'l BURISoN. LITTLE k CO.
a Co.. I 111 0L L kwrrtat--.2 tills f 67 _ . s a l_ L l-,.y_ _ ,
."Propo=Cill be le ', ' 'ar the delivery . of either ln.k. ', O.OP. No. la Waur atreet. twidebouwe of SpS.
Pine, or Hemlock. 1001v12.2w lop at-arra-I Pitleburnh._ tutdi 7 1.11.. tel.::
_ _ . - . . !!'""'".'.' -. L. P -'"' -' , ..? .
'''''... IDelaware Mutual Safety Lasurance Comp), CI LON'EItSEED-.75 bus for sale by
feb'',2 ROBISON. tirl LE A 03
bblc. City Make, on 1 QFFICE, NORTH ROOM OF THE. EX- ~ , ,
CHANGE. Third Area. Philadelphia- i lir Al tlii.S.-ReOriv e.I and ~n hand an
S. N. WICK.FASHANI 'me Destatryr...-;,11.1,1,11,04a. Ilwerehm„.anZera.arlo,t,thi,..,rr I z, p.,,,..,jez,ll,en„,tzsnoirt.totixt . ‘ 1 ,. ... , P4 ,• 5tel till?, Warlscrf,..l
dlelltoll, Clark ....t Co.' . i N 7.4 ::::" i,s l ° 0 `r..° . . the loweat r2i, of orentium• , T p r,...,„,.e., ita,,tiai„ia sa d 0,,,,,,,
1 doors Priottswa-They als. loon , , i e...... 14. Car..-oe., 1 M J Tobias ' d '' .
, w.,,,,,HAm 1 . and Fretrbt , Iberian or connat oz..ter
of or , l aid I heal Johnmon .1. ,
, whe.., as th- a,ul may desire
~ ..,,,.. .
~., And other , ..I celebrated Loglisl; and Asenvva
, Brats.-
„ ua ,,,,,,,i ~ .,,,o,n, 1 twtAtto Tattasiwurttioa..-,Tber also wilts' ?I_, t , att , o , . I rtrao vet') low, and areoraer ow dundality Kodzso •
k"' -.' ' r n` trinenort‘d by Wagons, hail nal ear, Can. ...D. ,'... , 11. Vi anh epair..
I. ~.41 J , •rlrf
rer tt by 4 . h 6 er. , h ,- . 1. • i manufactur,l anler and earefully repain.d.
A. A. MASON k (X) , .. , '''.=DtaLrlimiH9".4l",:;,lllr. P...T,"7.,:tiXA.btmder, John C I A a r, tery e a r . ltrat noel of gold pew nos to atom.
t. 62 and 64 Mark . 'nr,.. Davis. Robert Burtn. Penn... Samuel Edward, . It' W. WILSON.
(T00ti,.9:-- - - i Mr,,,f,,irejr,:ht.idwszfli.DarVptun. isaar R. Davi
~ v Wit. 1 n. 1.1„.! ear of oth and Market so
IL . Iluetonk;larote L. . , „, - - - - . .
tool high soh-red De Lain, 1 ` land. Tneuemu.. p.,:i4T,L,, ‘ .. 41. lone. 111 . lient7 .1 EA ' . .5,:,-- l 0 bus White for nnlalli
black - Sloan. Hugh Cr . titan . , ~om it . Poromr ,Mellcalo. II g y,.b..e ROBIoON. Lir (LP. a C. 0.1.
I ran ctrl. llerare Ds Wm.. 1 Chariest Kelly. J. U Johnson, . May. Dr. t Th ou... .... . _-_
tianalles. Don °Peon", , John Sallee., Wm Este. Jr. 1 ..I.Ml' BLACK--In bulk fur Tanner's. 20
A. A. MASON k CO'S. 1 dinsTorii ar kqrrsarrota-D. T Slitr,,,an. lough Crux . i 4 ~,,,,, ~ J peIIOONMARER ACO
John T. Loran.
sks rec ' d and far sale by i wau., 'Marl,. Pr..sont. Toon C. IlAph, Tin- Presi. I le" ,
MILLEN d RICA6II.ON. dent. JOllOOO W goon. Seemtary , „ I 1)1.1 PER HANGINGS-41.dd Paper Hang
:7.2l asnl tr.:3 Lll , erty • ,d.
b :l th aVretc - a,a,V ,oo ti' w. r• p‘ . .",,‘,,‘,, , Wfiiri,%.,..,, '. 1 '. I 1 ierpi with Gold and riser matebed hcirlera. for Draw
..hA.LE OIL-1200 gall. brit . ..
t' _ ` _. i . . .. '_ _• •____-_ _• i in,.. P. ',re, I,r .ale br W r MAREIIALL.
aS Wald rs.
WILLF.R a racxrrsox : Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad ' a. 1 , '''''
1.- , Sl.TPE•riti...-50 bag, crude, for Pale ITy
) -FREltfeli 0iN(3.11-A-31S, ! j) 1 , 11E ,.. m e , T ,i rd °l , tS n ' ,Char,h.";iloV,,itois'i..... i l
" .1 . . frlA' w aF. WILSON
sleZt! ni v ,..nrpl, , u , ‘ i Warr. Adolphe E. Dori, -simnel 1 11
so d
David P Brown. , A
. 11:13LS COOPER'S WHITE G r3l Ec- Fur
I ._ •.. .-, ' r•' - • . Jamb B. Stahl. Alorris Pattemon. , „
MULLES Y. lIANChEL, Preeident. . ".f
• .!!' - - l''''' J. KIDD a CO
. ,
RIC HAI% DKERculErs. i c 0...„ 6. Bet... ~....I..t.rt. I riIIiER.MOMETERS-A full asPortment tor
CH Fl ELD ha, 'now
~rill a r . -,s ; Ttti, Company motion. , L, itall* !omega:to - a, re
,1 : ~. i... f e t:
.J., of all the vsri u- niltles. ,or limited. on ecery i d , ertldn:o f „, 4..7.;r:Vb1„..,,,;;;i. 'L. , !.. • - .
h. J KIDD aiu
._ .. _
------'-- — 5- -- - -R7ect,r.V.7 f.::."6. - -.•:7 - .f% `,,,.......n.,6 h..). v, EW BOOKS--The History oat endennis ,
-14 kegs just re..'d and fa , ,i,s-s. with their Cap o ital owl Premium-. •a 1.1) Inv , .1.4. 1 N n,. f..,,u,,, ..1 ealafurturar, Ins nds nal , bls
. ., , pr f ~, , M ,, 1 , " ,,, E ,,, U v a ‘ n ,L e r ,,%% r ,.. ' ,., ' , L N ~., . • "f iTi l '''''t;/.',:.7%.t7ottado"..'rn"Tal'intry Ist- M.EI a , pub IV-1T.,:7;‘ti,',711. w0".1511411r..,1`1"„r'""g1.t,-=-...1 "
.1. saga, .1-, Lax a.“'...-- - , ItattZ ' agreeably tu the ect ,,, i Aa-embly. were 5.'10110+ ,5 : No- a ..r ' the lltrt , o a o.olooo l r lir W, NI TbackentY
1 .
bric, of new and ki1.d.31 111. 0., It, ' •i. •.- Mallevllle. A Frarmuda ;Wry. Ity Om author of the
Moving. ..... .. ..... .. ... ... .... .11,an.438 II ~ Rolla llo4d, • .
1 't
Mrll ll lPl 3- a BURCIIFIEI.I,. 1 Beal taste .. .... . Isi.T2-1 ~ : t No. II of the Pletarial Yield Rook of the Revolution. By
UnJall i.,/ ; Benson S le,ming•
Sales now landing from rte. , Ptf:r 7 . .... .. . . ...... fil.rat . 2:. 1 The .We bu , Le API received and for aale by
by Cob Sr.:4 ii 4 ..r.' a C StoLKSON.
ISAIAH DICKEY 4. cO., , --- I Cll7 S., 47 Marl.; .I.
V2.....,..,49.1 Al. , , ,„ -
Wr '''' d I'''''''' Sinew their incorporation. a period of PI f1..V12 I rat's. the, , FOX'S STAID...n-20 lusts for sale be
TERRINE— 1 lare. Asid unnnsk. of ft. Milltar Tour Ilittrirea Thou•ad ‘, am a • . wat A MeCI.IIR4 ICO
, Dollars brew. by Fire. thembY aflontioll ~ .videnee uf the ,
.P. bbla. Stearin , - t advantaaet of commas, a. well aa thair vitality tout t “,.. , 1 1, ARDAN D HAMS -1 0 lil/b. Lard:
"""'• r. , 'itt'rirgig , A ..,.. P-w ---T.,:rwp,rtl,u , MM: ~..., 4 milt llama to arrive on
.` Wa4r and Front so I th root vale by
Mal '''' '.
"."'" of
W.'"l"d 'd
"' '''."l"' I'
Nal tat DICKEY a co.
I -
10( ) 1.11 , 1 , E , , f Superfine - Fl s o ,, r, b . :r n s i ale r hy
1. P .11 ILE ,
IILUE SSIA LTS-I cage for imle by
1 INSEED OIL-2 0 brIP ree' de n sle by
. A 1.24 B k W.OII,
1 JAPEII-11,0 reams Wrapping, assorted;
ion ae Hardware dn.
C' r aui e by febk J. SCHOON MARTA ,It Oh
t , ILDER'S CUSHION S--J ust recei a
ved and
v,l for ,ai r 1., KIDb
(OA No. , 0 Wood euert.
1,11.1.. K. ER'S HERBS, all kinds, a fresh lot.
1.3 no hand, and fur rale by
5.1.., J. KIDD A CO.
n k 11 ' "
tCOFFEE-- 200 bags Itio Coffee, just reed
It , and the ode by nunnato or. It e
IlitißAl lol .
141RESI1 PECANS--huit received, 3 this
r ''''''
t r . A. MrCLUTIO a (.T_ ,
101 , '. • 27AllJborte street.
I.4IRESH. FIGS-- 50 drums received and for
...... by (eh:. W. A. MeCLUEO * f or
'''''''''" ' 1 P., ,,_ . " "P ' '''` Vol ll . loud , a Co.__
OA -
,flat and Barbee Broke,
...r_ . '
1 SAI Alt DICKEY & CO., Agents for Me
x. ...5...a ,. . Iron Work., hare Iron fur Sale of superior
a1gt.1:1,i,T...rner,..1, warranted. lt arelonue 11 . 2Waar
BATTING -15 bales superior. for sale by
oda . _ ISAIAH lIICKET /t OU
. _ .
QUIJA ASII-3I casks, for Pale A
1.1 fe1,15 W. O.
if - 40
,BAGS -.40 doz twilled, for Attie
st Dr feblo McOILL9 0 ROE
lEliAltS--1000 Pprincipe, for sale by
(.4.10 MsOILLS A ROE
. _
BU'll'Eß-4 bbis roll,
li do pa , l ed.
~ b
PIZ. 1"
'''''''' FL 11...VONI1O1NIITORST A 0).
I )LAIN BLACK SI L K S--Munciir &
_l_ Ilultnirtrta have rnnelvell a very full moray of store
ftn:!2;arlyitlT[? et a
71 . 111 .0 I,ll7l.;cdPoZr ilitt'x'ulthelirol
tieweet stiles.. 1523
11 RIP GIN till AMS--Murphy & Burchfield
1 y have on band a larae ha of Drip OlonlnunA, Ankh
am eelll. at godly redueed price, north mot corner ath
anvil Market street.. IPtia
10 CA'.lbBll( (.3 , lia r RIDE Llll:;'lll ,.. .umprr''tts';
aux , lb. English aim:7e, a. ,. . , rted: ' t.
PP Inds 1110 e:
..t.' „
,011 DAL Blue Vitriol: F e ' &by
D V- CO Waal Pt.
14 1 RESII FRIIIT-Peaches and Blackberries
r pot up In their own yule, and hermetically waled,
ineAtie,tyci=i,tatostg„t• anginal favor and treat...,
gad l'i no,liPt4 In s % e same manne e
' I" ". 4r' ' ' ' ''"
1111 . freunto k CO' '
PIA 2741 Liberty atmet.
la IRil SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Seeds
it,_nr, the Wet quality fur salti ,, ba . , _ .
_,.. ,
!!". , . • A ' Mi '''''''''
ii.ELLEtiS' LIVER PILLS-"Could not get
I along without. 0p.. -
N1 . ..m.11nm, O. Jam-RISS'.
Ma R. F. Futsta-Talant sr. the =lf Liver Pills tout
rell here. I mold not col skint nllsont thsra, and .....7
owe that maker nee of thncn rinal. In the hlghtei_te,moi of
'l;7= :67723"?7,-."P.iliciA,Knii,si,7'lE4l4lit..
ant nnlt 1... drareeo i0.r.,.11r• jai:.
I - 4 1 1G S AND RAISINS- -1 4 9 bores tigs:
han , l taal fur sale by ' BROW N k liekt .' lKP/31tak ,'
4b' .
lAitt) OIL-15 lit& best refined Winter,
A far sal. by J. SCIPIO:MAKER k (Xt,
thn '24 'o'.l orret.
g 5 LAZIEIt'S DIAMONDS - I doz. for sale
1,1 fir far
I ARD--SII iTs and 25 bbls - . - fiii sale by
A • 6 , 40 :; BROWN it KIRKPATRICk.
il ASTOR Oi 9 obis Blow's make, for sale
. 1
It /by febli ; , RUBY. MATTHEWS t CO.
QAFE !NYE; TSIENT-19,0011 in 71.11e);he
-1,3 or Comity 0.1 pen Bonds. tor tale DT
WM. A. HILL a co
E 4 Wood at. alarm 11l
tun na for
rm'd ILO f..,r
Jur Style Dry,
- _
--4.11 lapis. landing per str.
k CO
'A{[—yo bbls. for sale by
bags_for sale by
1.1 boxes W. R. for sale by
ORT WISE.—The pure juice
of CO Lißalootl Ifeb2L
just reed
DLltuilllM: ;t ` ll6 ll Ws4r A.
100-I;6l.jUgt. reed and for
01-PETS—A large assortment
°``"`"F'!'le M:Z.IITTakKby
) dozen for;szle
_ .
ES FOB.' :0 CH,atJ. B.
r Deppr. 'Mad epro.tue thr
eat of well.wisotorl 011 Cloths. G. , r
arrhottor No 65 Fourth 0...t0 which It,.
of purols...rr.
W. meeLvernen.
ush. for sale
wm by by
bids in store, and 62 do.
to by
BOATS--The Tanacharison
V. c ler j i tt h o l :VAA ' i n e. t =
" k"
Jo 31EVAvei d M.
Canal BSA. Pit46urgh.
and IleUwe
Albert. st
97 sorke
8 d
4 do
1121111 a.
And , .
do Pe aces.
do P•.•ml•
th l m" landing from idesmer t.Fstne.
DA ASH, for sale by
4 ao 11
wad jeatb,
0 f.bl7
L—A superva article of our own
''"""a irkTisrd. * ALT MeLt.
W•ter ntrreL
P LEAF- 4 hhde. for sale by
a"L wn. H. JOHNSON.
700,1j00Principe, Regalia, and
. of
" gr ' l T: 'gait:AEON A co._
ST--A check drawn by us in ,
of tti,enaL
e d n
h k s beet lost (mu the nail bltwe
The Neale Le; T x.kaa n
i 7 such . chect. theaF.. p 6 cp
1111.1. AR t I ldt.:11117SON.
A-100 casks on hand and for
''''nd liP.trErr. BERM' t CO.
AL-100 tibia huge Nu. 3, 'Mal
. ia.p..<tis, for ski
DES-40 leble Plantation, for sale
&LIT JAS. A. 111.17CH15014 t CO.
SOO Pigs Galena, for sale by
USW DRIED APPLES, for sale by
116 Water otnet.
fro - b .- Rao
( •• f.,i , ift - '-
~..., 11188.• Se
- - . ----
. ( 8 HECK
I, favor of 114
1 1:1 • gl; ' . 24
Illuburgb and
4:11..l net I.TIT
. tooled r,
' C.l Al SOI
1 1,78a1e by , _
kt A o e h l w a ea•
MOLli -1
_.. .
7 (oK ) B
Linen d House Furnishing Gooda.
Aueott A. I'odASON & CO., No. 62 and GI,
1 ..
• m e: ' (pct, keen =a u /4C i!r d lntatl(7,7-
turt isblo Clo Dune. and Dlopee
7 1 :=118 Ijote<7 • D i tg ' g , .. 4-18 =a 88.
Illopern. 0 M., aooteb .4 11Ird Ey, •
!Joon Lsola .4 Mum thaillaimr,
Fluor and Linen Doonost..ll width.
Llooft , N.cfbfie usadkerchietr,
10-1 AlloOdole Ifbootiogor, 10-8 0.148 , _ 4 %
64 Athlll9o Ebeotloyfr 401.0 plllow.eBBlna. 0. to,
I . . .
A Mi ele r.c t
uTitt.lsit "yo u
si dirldlrm from al m toper rent profit per ormmrt.
The suf. - titerou t reret , .D1 41 "1. 0 ... tot
11,110 the & Irt.tttr.reettr.ltrrtlatt whole
protttp bd. divided &Matte the &Fumed.
No. lit Pratt greet.
ARRY, lIIJCIIES & CO., Prpprri-reietors of
yo the P.ack &Me nri
an itonsylna mote Que.s. bra
to Inform Builder , Contractor*, and altir, al 1...-
burgh; Irlaerting. Cincinnati. an. that tbey bane appoint
ed ALEX. LArGravg. of Pit.lniegh,their Agent, who Isl.,
muly to undertake contr. - . for Ihe.,fing with tbelr be.
Ganged Sloth.
Pala, Umtata A Co.. are In pne.erlon of the beet and
large. Slate Quarries In the United =tab
onaliWt, f
their Slates la equal. if not port, tho ticet elah I
64W—they employ none other re
but e ed. aprrieuned and prac
tical slater. to do their work. coneequently they bare no
beeltation in nieuring. a perfeetly water-light ma. ...IT
and bantlromeLy Otpletrd, at to tratonable a price per
' lt., li " . at!. particularly recommenal, their Elate! , to be
put nu loth hut.. of eheeting. which will trot
to the mutt...tors and ownersof buildiu,..
Reference , ite to their dates aml ..lating as terar-erti
Mr, ninon," Party, nor of the rota:only. thaY a1w ,,,, .. -
salted Coo/ day—ut their agenCe 1 tilie . e, eornee of Etna et.
and Cusat PABIII, littillE6 A CO.
I - li s agte , 4l ,. ..:grwrytly repaired
- -
f'l,o-13ARTNEIISIIIP—We hav ' e this day
1 adoweiated with us. Benianiln•V. &Held... The bari
te.. will be continued as heretofore, under the Brun
C 4
Pittaburab, January 21st. 18.51.—ja.1......'x11m
T, for the aide of Domestle. Woolen, and Cotton
Lle, No. 1`..5. , Wood Are. Pittsburgh.
ord.r allrd et than entire for any dereription of Wool
len MachinerY. febl 7
tei,;',Vrititgr`n'..`,',l,"ti;r:rZlr",liZ;747: :t2uti.o,:f
c0,—.,. ii,„ ...}:y.
.! 1.1.)12m.kj , py 'Nu .
Ira Mersey or IL. K. Fleming antherixed Invee the
risme of the late (nu in the settletneet of' their bunlne,.... ,
fhe partnershio htretofore .extlng to.tareett the
ribera. under the otyle of :"harklett d`Whine. war M.
eol'red on the Brit day of J.uar; , 11111, hylnutnal mo
ment- Either of the eubscriber. will ' damn atte ttlin
ir na
th a t bto3n,e, and are authorised loom the f
firm for o {mew,. flood Merl.
Sobroart 12.'21
FIRIII-13 C. Sharklett 111,1 Wilburn
Ni'll'la%yrnr. OP penes
parrot,. and Benjamin Illydr rot
Irry L4 ool " U 'usl i n l ' i R u"'n 'no'"rni""th'''."ttnt'f
at th 6 r ato'rebiatercroutivol I:yYlloclrl ß rtt L A - 31 bk.. No 11.1
W'"flear' \ - 1 . V1V:3: 13 5'
irr-PARTNERSIILP-The aubseriberV Lone
entered Into Co l'artoansltlvey r A fir„ of self..
At woo A Okel7
0.31 111 3 'I t.TIV}I . I °N .
i Fis ' a i g ar tt t gr ktlranZZ4 171 11 444 Th.`",Trof.,T.T,;ll7 1
vitr Or call of thrlrcuotororrs and burrrogeornt ll l Thor
lac'. attentlou ln dud:: ; stroll'? ax.,11%.:31: of sea otyl;
0. ,1,11 10 ... 1..124b1174 El ' colcr•Tan(. *l°oo'l es rAlrot & Miller Eon
uffroot at 1U amt. Der .f.,....... i ." Cist", o " l j,l r , r A t .
0 1/17ort ik et ' an ' o y f of r t `:
~V14.7'....:04,., Ai.7,,,,..•
1 rat Mies Dn. Oaks, b o ring N lour. de lama., Dora, dr
none. % ork Collor, Ludo ebrnoxtla, de 800
nuts and Bonnet Ribbon. Doom , . Cam At WA:
DRUGS --1 11 store and for eale by the .ub-
AUF arriber. all of
Ow i
o o o t noalt ,
Sulpbaraul v e,•l Mort
DamMo 't ,
Own Arabi , .
Cream Tartan
Doll B n ototone
V'Xl S Hl Ld rra h nolo.•
Dam ClunObor A N,\\'ll'KEßbl 1% 11
rot. corner wood and gilt!, As
THE LADIES all may "If Nov aunt rt•ni ',
g onl Tea. g o to
The a 'taro ortir a Tea :Don lot tb.
ookood fur .t.^ The Tea airy aril at 1,0 re., per t orind
lo oTalty very good. a nd ttinar at t , rrnto and 111 arr drl4. ,
elono Pr, u rinal, datnagrd. or Inf. nor Tr.. are ororr ko t t
at OD rotaldlohnotott. wna Duty bow rttall all lbw Tea. ,
dlro.-t from the orlgirotl cbroto Matt, "r that Tea wlii
nght YOU uo. p to 3rtalac wrapper". w hich. by bnidn. unto Dm
li Ri l ll O l tni 0 . prWOUB nv . iy.b . l4 1001 l febl 1
ot l
ri b - . I;3IIrmO,TAL. 21',...10ii,t.N,.:0,.. has
5.,,, I
of Diann- now op n and ready fin .11r. dr2l7 1 li 2 1
y ~,p o r s r . ,cry superior ortiela at 12,t0 ern. 0 00 1
rare . rrectsol at gore of
11111111111 i lIVRCIIVIELD
to ""
SPRUCE efilfßlN(l/At't 31—Just reeVi \Ol
fm. riangor.,3le . t h it ougT tL lll ,.. e ,i batodo ott . l , llr l i on l
heu..;Aasirrb rz-th,r, n'w=olo., tb:t reAlt. n. el.l:ul n o: I
I OD° 0100. AO. I. " " lo ' br '' .•
7 d N lt ICA EMU A3l,
onrorr 1, rod and 1-104 N.
- -
i l , l,;(11: , Ii i l i tTlie Water
V v Cure 11soual by J.. ..,. . 0,
Datrr Curr lu Muerte...D."l a ater attrnt.
mo d. n oo k. o f Itydrovatltt tor i -, foodonal and Iromeotlr
uor. by Dr elo
lllMlU'rollTpoldlolld'o'Z't‘. t7y4:tra.n2r,r,V,.
o f Ilyd.tdathy. by tbr tots 1 1
PTPrabonLY. 10,0(100.ndolstrd from
Dr. 6 , l' , da td Dobrrt alkle.
M D .lyre a r ena fur gal* by 11.7.1311/CLTON,
Thili[lllo47a etlahiller. eon., Market cod Tb/n1 eta.
1 C( T ll.l:S i :rk . . l , t, } :„. l. , r oso . ot oent , et In ern ttol by 'or IA - eit
[counterfeit only cso be rrrl.lo l ‘..d 1`,1^.1 ex 00.20.1
o ulrlog brit a m oment Prias•i. A.. 1 , 3..0 • .11 64,0 kor
rd. at the if sten and Jearrlry Ann• ow w
Alba cornor of lariat arid fly r ,
SUNDRIES-31i bbls. Linseed Oil;
Loll Mazer.
].'bole. " "
20keyre Wk."' ..
GO boxes Pure ftlerMor.
14 " Letoomc
WO " extreCrefultelline .
501) .ugh.Drkd Preebm
4 . 11 b, Hickory Note,
1 Sheet Pell", for Mle by
. 63 CAI . B.
CA N VIY.LD. IC Freya st.
--- - -
VO. 1 LARD 01 , ,, I L A few bids. just reed r
II nem lltverienufarl ry, fbr Irlyleb 1 am the onl Y 1.. 4 ;
en..l Itil I rrerrsul it yo Aar ba any 011-offereel In this mar
f 01.7,1 er 11:..1 and Bleb Ms.
I Eti a ,t) BORAX-15
yt,, 2..11 tA : rRB,O.
Qlt IN E-2 strings finest Mediterranean,
1 - 7 Is rat. by .1. SCUM/NM-Alt VII 5. CV.
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods.
Tiet•uop,llPraye de Ulm. Mown. de
• Luirpu. kc,--clua, virt . r zg. ,
Ncun. U 2 and 64 Market st.'
l'ltl NO STYLE PRINTS—Choice and
tiNl patwa, rued ibis mor
A. Nl ning at
(..IJ2I A. ASON karg.
• Alit ) OILS 6 LIA. NU. 1, Win. Strained,
• pm reed and for sea br
te1,43 11.IIEY. iIATIIIEWS t Cll.
SY EU P roi l . 4 . l , il , , lt4tAn t r i l ,,,, llf
LAn all kiruln d II
ES & CO, are prepared to
SE 1100 VINO.
IN. /kat. mr. Ktoa st. t Cana).
Al Irater Works. Pitt•burl{h .
ptly repaired. [000:5
UP--5 hf. - I,bls. just reed
No. 110 Water
airsha, r:Lur
,LA f Asl fur sale by
. .'••••ii: At if--:;1.51) T.extrulr'aunilv Flour, for
11,,m by fete' S. V. VON BOY:SIRIUS T a fir
BltOO5IS--15 . 1 dozen for sale by
feiXY S. F. VON 110:1NIBIEST ilt CO.
OILkS - OES- -- 00 boxes, in prime order, for
fetilli l'_Sm.:m.l sod 151 First ft..
.. , .
W r 1 Nii„it?,)V GLASS
F. Ali t i 4 N )U ni -b iN x ii z tras 'i jo es.
QTARCII-10) bOX.Cri, best brands, in store
i 1 mil for soli. br WIL 101ALEN A (XL
No, IN soil :U Wood Ft
EMON S—:i hoses for sale b i y
. . _ .
Clint, Indus Ito sit.ution of llakotriNhiON to for
to iiis oxtru.lir arrortment of TWIN sod Pianoo Coo.
or, sa No. s 5 Fourth , stort. frbili
IOOOTILINIE ALOES--75 Ilia, pure article,
. for oil. by . rbs It. li. SELLERS.
A 'barn 114 sAlt. Apply to 1101111 , *IIIOIN.
(kiln 111 STOW st
110 LI, Burry it-1 bill freah for oak by
ma- , ' Alibi. SI 'Aril' ov:t a iai
iAJIs Roll;
ae eadld;
ked ,
1 6/1 . 0);
X 0 It for rare
tINE-250 lbs superior Di u
N 0.60 otter
ASTI LE: IAP-20 CAPCI3 for role by
IL! Ghlo J. KIDD k
_ .
7 mnerimn.
11 -I fillS—For sale by
J. SellOONSIAlit a Cu
it DLit/0 lbs of
u st r i . pgie LE
‘. superior
sr,' Word W.Va.
1 - I..fbio
r,,b .c b rorsee •
60 Watch
boorAy bo
es It
19 do P
to do
! Toimp lipwine mid Black Tenn.
do. es„ Imp. arid Own Powder.
II Jt Mobil:oo tk's Tobacco.
I Robin". & 00, tni mid do.
Moms G's Tobacco.
Prim and Ilsrerood's We do.
m 'mime Thompson Jr. Cloldeo Leal
wed roe sale br JOILY PARKER 1
ItA qr. .
AlAtty tgo
l to tots. tt
RI. indokeary old oxel Ama
hakkor. waxy sad
1 1= 1b4. Oa R PAMIR • 00.
Q 1 scE thf , intr.i.eti„n of this new Com- c i AtAND POLKA DE CON- ---- ""u
A pound, Cough. and 1.1.1.. are cured to a very obort CERT, m performed by II la atm. '4
time air will warrant Dr. Keyseee Pestoral Syrup to e ..thsuchdosungtoduatant.lause,:t the ...°'"...
cure no.. of Coughs. Colds. Brunehlils. halgogitln. In 1.. bar flamer.: mummed he w N. w a ti aos
ume and at a cheap, e a t, undo any - other medic.. ever kb. • great varlet, of new caniposittant by the rage
dimmed tothor
old Cough cod It t,
- -,. , • I -c lete Poludar Slue., issued by the ..ter
11 / amln. at 0. 0 1, 00 /h e otomach aad nrodum Da.. rhil I: ,Mbsmarn. 1.09.9 and Cm We by
i/ mom disagneable Olen the cough Itself. This Is ohvi J. IL MELLOR.
ated In this .swore, for II Is a plesaant wothing atiele Agrpt fur Clacterlnea Cyan
amt It will cure ur IA" melee sedf . refunded] Th. eel nochl St word a.
doom in favor of thin medicine in our city. from our own -- - ___
im..., ,bould c a ne... a ny ~,..d Its elficarY It In th e NEW :II eSIC-Where are the friends of 1
trze i v . ,snint .r• regular nhymelan am heut been u.I by i
,i. A. my Youth, he U. Barker
his own practice far • mauler of Year , woo ' Per something 6weet in .11 lon
neat hero. mon. ~,,, The Ito , .
CONSCII Mills.- t late from F.Oleorlil. rile, ''''''
lm thlnknig oer the Day, Ilam
her daughter bed leetralthend with • .congh kni ester..
.o, night sweats. hectle I , /kb and all tir , d1.77.1,..5f • L., 51 t i ..., N 0 civr,„! . ..11 : 1 „ . ,, d,.a5ue.• mois song.
dedicated to (ho
[refti P Ll. 7 ini nrc T u l n . ' r e r:i .".1 . th ge n' ti n Za r ri T. ffashlngton 'th e I Mee I] car Awl . .
yw o ' h r ld r' stider... ° l Is . eh A•o ° . and Chronle 0.. 1 9h......a, 1 ,0"," 00 the , et Shoo'
r emo v ed I ;ears hes tams .merely '' rellemd end the cough `....,..-``..':`. ~ ... i ., ~..
removed by the use of half •dmn of bottles of thir 1 . .,.- n -z „ e.f.. ,. ,.•, -..° _ ---W.-4h.rl
Loral Syrup A gentleman from Peoria. Illinois, writer l . l 'n k ' , ; i i i ;-,.. iii .;; .. i, fl. 4,i,„„
( hut h r
komes the Perboral Syr/1p 46 Ire , a W.I MUM. fart Th e Con sarit bor .
he ham nod lt In his own cars end In the Ca.." of members ,
Fe h ho . the Black bloke.' Ssnag am' Polka
of his family with the noel pert ct somas. ~ 1 W ' ould I were with thee-d. thotar.
IT la oan of Ma Citi•PYST toy
000 or. I[lol.-: /.:
Fo u r tity r, E i n half pint loft). et 50 rents each, or tin heath.. L e , , , t n A n th' ini l t i ° ; ii h f nni y nn aT i in ni „ no ,„ ri , i ,... .... mn„„ v., , ,... i i
Coxsteir sroalsixesss would tln well to keep a supply of thr!. t;
nen .
t,hief,,,,t.h:m.tiene..,,tit,isth.coon,e,„drif the mm' ~.r,0,,10.T.:.„........e!,1..11,.0if_....,N;;_n_Ckaran_.
... 2_ 11 1,,,, 5. i._,...._,_ 5arrie..._
_ ±!... .... ,. C.... ,: _tic_ .
coughs awl diseases of the lungs and Incipient (Intrannhon •_!.:::Alrvit.:„.r.:,,dqinu.zr_n„..ll,m,=,..:,
CALTION EXTRA -Many per.. will try to get you to "
n i
" 1
t k ..-.•
t blial ed 11. KLEBER,
boy mute on• of the various unotrisma but do not heed I"' a i. r a °"“ -'° Lugo Dern. No 101 Third el
them. If you w.t to get well buy Da. Karma's Serromt
•deru I take no other itue will cure you. It ham in It
Sys. aria. asyt nmetiii:. shwb and beam of the ...Ha T .F. HISTORY OF PENDENNIS, No. 8,
media. and le . run hy a perm skilled In the herd. t,i Won 51 Thug...ay end the Queen , ,Nmkisee, or
Ise art. There ran be no deceptiou In Ude mog i ktne. It is t . Sand ilhdory of thr Court of houis Sixteenth; .t.j...t. 1 :
prepared in you? oan eitY.... o the Mope - ie. , tie. MM. - ram:mire Dumas, 111/Tat.. reed, and Mr sae at IVl.alt • 6
our certlthates feat persons In our own rift, attesting ils Literary 0M... No 74 Third I.
r . .IL_
tamable neut.., which will he shown to any' Perm.
Jesthi. of seeing them.
Aortas Wave. Otroughont the United States to roll Oh,.
• r OO
Lan. Recounts will le made to those who will M. b u f s ,, lts i l s Dried
~.o R Palo
l,it by c
"k , ..d r i17. ,, ,..:,. ' , ° , ra, ,, ii .r .,. ° id1inr...°°,,rnhTtr,,,yrb,::.;11.4,11.,,,u1l
~ ,,,.R An 0 . . .) , . h. . .° d . ..° ,FiS i .: A
2, 1 1 ;! , 11 . 1. ,,,, w , anted Co do house work. Afr,p2plly
. Lung dine.. the world Itas , crcr produr7l * _
I L A 11D-4 kegs for sale by
For sale. wholesale and retail. by KEI 6 „It 31.100 •
ELL Druggists, lib SI ‘.0.1 street. Pittsburgh, Pa-, to whore j f..1...2 ROIMEON. LITTLE 0 CO.
- -
leo. 4u oak hi
:IL- 1 i r i g t rl o r" r , " „ c A . ' f w leig n : l l, i te o l. ,
„ y rn ., .. o i:tl . . ' ,l l LB ' d r
t r re, andeir,,..,,1LA....11.r0,„1erkiL11,.... froiiikobc,co-45 boxes 5 Lum ,,,, p hi fo . r
. sal , e ,E lty
t:zrgi,...x.,..giol;a3.l.c.ting.,,rl,4),,,lmyn.L.isivi, easo i ttann 47
icARLET euRTA IN CHINTZ, of differ
sE LLERS' LIA' ER PILL-"The very leist ' t .,;"' •Id°l°. °n ' t . ';IIJKI,7II.t r airthegare g
:mm:::;ll:::zin,,U,LK:_rs'ap,,,,:ri 11it.,1,,,,,,,t,rthr„w11i1thrtr....i.,La.. 10,10:4,%.,4,.1.1ibe5..,,t01,.., 13.,0.1Att.0,,,,.1%;thNw0hc,,,,L0.r..A.N0rf,dNE,1i,,,..5,,a
In we a+ a Liver Pill. and Is runeassed ta non as . relsl SICIIPIIV & lICRCIIFIELD.
m A i Ill!, 11 , 1 7:: f l a 'l i m , l' lly l . pi t l ' , l n .:re ' r r j w. ihs„,t,..riit'Ear.p.l'da.intinr.lit"roall,oritls,..g. 1)1 .. i.: „ Y .
A ( s fr b e t s , hl . for
Warner of many of my (rands. mad customer..
Yount meosetrully. ---- 31,11.51 01L-IiSX ) lbs. in store, for sale , by
P. -I aro permitted to dna the original letter, I. I noch4 511LLER A RICK ETEION.
not to puldldtthe writer's m e
( h
arrtelima• other Piiir me the Otlidnei. Oolt Ten. ami ( I LARk.:l ' WIN E---I4 binds, Bordeaux;
Monti. All other. a. Mnra•lT or lase Imitations :NI boxes .' Nevin,
Purchser, nrculleet that IL .1 sellers Liver Pills am t' innii , MILLER k lIICKETSON.
rho ral rust mil, true 3.4•1 ~rouivo Lime Pill, and _ . •
In ho y ' ls. it ' ad at NO 711 God stnet end of Droggiste ave. 1.1 AUT SATUItNE W INS - -
ally in the two cities and vlcitati • MSS I 15 Illls. slant Returns. Wine:
(,11ELLERS' LIVEIt PILLS supercede all mt,- - .. -in store. locale 1.1
k others Charleston I a.. Sept ...u. iglu-lureK I, -
hg:l''''''':: l rrr E f T - 17r a e '''''' f r al l ; '"l''''. l ei h tr :l . : l l ;111
7 ' J r A VP II " FI / 11'10 1. ' 1. 71 : t ' V 'l" l S I "..
ti,,k6e; \V‘l''''}"")'l('S-...
A ' A"nd'rl'r:::;`'
' LI.
nrrou.n..tras..rahroryd:„.et,enhnadt It .. ..E .t Se .. ll „, ..ex , : r Li r le u r . I....dillsmaryent
„. T .r„ 1 , , , e ,,,,, 1 , 5 a 1ar11 . 1 , ,:0r 1 1 , 1 of l ( ( l i ne
, l' i rifle , . II: H I:7
~1 11::t hr yi 2C h:
had et No A 7 II nod 4210 T. and
Drugui. generally in - . omen 0 , 9.0 , a Maw It • - •
I. IT//: ell/. and elelnlty 10 r d" l7Mleville a Founsonan rturl. By the author o r
NEW BOOKS. Qin ZiollS MUItRAI " S F hum Mamixsts Bess,
,„ ~,„.,.,," ~,, i,„„„,„, ybe Life of Rey James Quinn O 7 R«• Juh o ,l T 4 - 440
ay. Mi thaws . , and oe,- Thi s eie , lant respond]. If reommended In all eare..sof feb2l ,S Amodio Buildings. 4
A t l l C r!l V and 90011.11 [llO
".”111"111d-"alltlyb.aV11711T049",....13rra.'.91."1171k. L. 1.. ~.ib il: :. ~' 4 l : .:;:d 1.',,,,1ii.,T.rynya,"7/"l.,JrAga;ll:',..-41L";,''d L INSEED OIL---. 5 liblx just received, pure
Iterteed he C Avalon Indeed the only one In shah It ouabt to le exibited, nee C'ootr'.
cod for sal ,
LITTLE k 00,
Lives .4 the queer. of Scotland and English Prineets. ~,,,,,,in n n ii .i i ., i ,„„.,„.,,,„ , ii„ it aa „...h. 'S's. ,„ „ oar ,
Amos Strkland Vol IstNo' :15 Liberty Street.
B The L.I. rill Carrespauderm , of II Son they Edited by 1 u °'.. ons : "iirn°l.n.7vr''rlllV,..llTer't tlyUe'rl.r"arrbdarnim.7tnwTtlr'.''out PIA
his son. the lio n li C. Southey, WA. 1 ea] tmo. eau , , Inducing the coats of the Monlach,m meta. Pon. , eml t ent s 1, bushels Dried P eaches, for sale by
vhs nis - lins of Nen . , sal in C•ea's An Add... ue . carbon.. ere known to ohs a prevents the faal of Ints n5O ~d 1 J 2. DILIVORTII a CO.
'''''' l
I' k ' rt_ h" ,"...731-4,_Ttbrrti. on
b"Yr't'''''' nee ta rns "
" ge. "l 7 a n. "..r ' in i l n n t i e l d=lelr j" • l''''''" n''''''"n'd
( t LUTi i ES' PINS-lit eases E.tern, {tar
'''.iryt"....11.2:46.7,- ram by rrn .. I' l . K INS. In
me Is i ump ' lireVthyy teeotted that this solution fore. ad
.) sale by feb3l J. D. WILLIAMS AOO.
(MS 7• Apollo Building, fourth a uhle combinations with uric atid malln In caw. of Lana and
t .- I.W MCSii':- arr.1z01,=41.1.211./.=4...t=,aritr.,,,z,...„,.>. 4 , If. AIULASSES---25 bids. Id half , d c o,
tryst stsu tc, y . , . ...,, tth t 3 e Battle Grund: landinf t MN:v i a; J i yx , S . th ur
0 lovely Walden. a Mehemet date lrovilke-.1 I I nun Mr hilip Leany.. Bart, hurgran ocu . n
t open of demonda. by rnohr.
st o ,tinufrt faithful o anew onang. by ti C I..ter l A =
~,f,tit.T.,. ,-an I. no daata that magnaaja nao - in- FIB/ LE A D-I/ r , O Dian Snit Galenn, for mile
Sweetly Me 'bra my Abee fair, . S C, S.ster. : Illi EV. NI trrilsws I CO.
oft t Oils bend of mine, i aar o adttereal More safely in the form of • concentran. re iii n. ....,..
10 1 n than in sulntance: for this. mod remit other reason,
(le;mad. onme. or Trancerlilln.
II 'e may le Wm. pet. ram the manghtere of St Week sltlnfiti.o-In'Vuotor'Ahale'n'rktrel'uilea."l'lrll.lP'nenßA73l"PT.trebl'
Oc.ll 911141.1.11 f Yalta mei tonehlng baled P
, St ! I N, Dit LES-- ,. 700 ,0 1 ,. b .., 5 ,
d ri e n or. te
ir F n..r ett = th ,, ers , :,
Thou bast wounLl the Mirst thee laved the- ou illUtro ..d es
u 1 . .. , r i„, . eg .,o 4.2: f pe Lnnd .
, I ,, ltiLle , t ay a r n4 . sl m ocr e ,.. ,
910 b. bat brand W. 01....,
Ben Bolt, or don't ion remember owee3 Alice Menai r i lola Magnesia m being ...ROI mar mla and tA‘l'L'lluPgat!7:erfuna
S.M. Nlka, Ire S. C Foster. ~ _seam. Wen the oolid. and Dee from the danger attend
The eelehrated Polka Metres. in,Stbe modem u. a 0/.11 or putam 9 hble Alum' Inshore and fur sale by
i"'''''"-"''P''' ' I }"
'n'n." the
'''''''.. * lit:'ktr'rt:o f. '' ''''
IlltEi, xxxrunts s CO.
!Mr, Qusdrill. , by Sirs .ruest
Nark , ,
111,X.,,,Ikaktritlen,cilla...thrt Pvllta 1.1 Cm. %to. a Front Ida ii.lTTl:sti- l i t! bales ; !5j ......, 0. , t , i ..iy, .
c...., , ,,..
Lai, o...einee-e.n.....e ....t pee., i N'ALLIBTER'S - orarrninsrr. ~.s.A..d for .le by - LiAIA II DICKEY k. CO.
'"4°.lrl"" o ""'r°1 Pnik°: Ann‘be°l4,..,°.''n" CO NT.%IN I N 0 no Mercury. nor other fox" Water and Front as.
A nor ...Idiom of -.den s IdstnelSos. tor . wilb
de ratiltlhal p.m of new lessons / Itimmd The following tedlenonial war given by the lIATIIITE COPAL VARNISII- 25 gals for
Clark' , Cateelth. fa the Pi.e. . miebrated Dr . II tow.e Bract, the a i uthor of th e good med h sale bl - reb...2 J KIDD a co. Piano row, eras, nee tyiist h r r. wort ralt].l 'The " , :i . 'n . '"' . ' ".'",'. of Modlalan and - -
We ' /emit, PIO" GI 1.131 ,, a1 EL LAC-All./0 non_ Gtr K s i al pp o 1 . ) - 5 , ; ,,
N B-A very large /dock of New Pismo. arrlarri. and
Mr kip
x 'al i h k o Nnc' 'l::lt hY A . 7 1 7 if of: - - - - - - J. KIDD k 00.
ttNt r !rt r tftt li e *". Th"
• 1 ` h°° ' '' • "° t -d- -h . '-si - thri•''''' 'ion
%lOLA GLASSES-IA bids New Orleans:
. .....,s , ; 3 1- i rtni„,,.;',:iii,„,..!":1'.7tri,..,711-71n4,,ct•Ail',,r.lo::Us7,1!:'':1!:1:41%.::t:"'n:;:sHh:17tbr11,:ii117:111:1',1: 13A P!', ,, 1 ,, i. CORK .:-2 bales for sale by
te.y s. downed by te prom - odor. are not only uernale.. i
IA do Sugar Bowel
~,,,,l iona. 1..1 , 7 , 11 ,.. uen0e, a Tale for Mothers mad Daughter. BY ,:'...] 1 grirntit value. loin[ c i . u stnr iy • i „„ tr ` th re„ntlf ILem . .l. oini t •t no . w• niin t
atil. 7 ll . has done mud. ~,el. and • bleb is sasses , ie ois fobAo ' d'
IllilliKtg r iVa h '
Mother's Itearniente 110 llnice Aralla rho gh I ha. n/M9 --- -
It/dtki. >lmmo. for January. 'ertge;Jna'srvin=l'..7.l7.erM7l7,l'ln the ' ;al. , af send m.ll 6ZUGAIt-10 lihds prime N. Orleans:
.rtt l l , :gg.:-" , -"p. , - • . -0- ~ 140: A.. 1. ' tTar ": r' e nn e. ' li "r o th ro • r=eirtrlns',..r.',2truh..7.r.: ii . blds assorted Lear.
ill an CruMml and Pulverised. r sale
The ..utterells; or two re n tea-.. meet • (of : 1 ,,r 'f t „ r ,",; . ,,,,,,,„' ~, , ~,,,,,, ~,e.t, Ii
it. i, e J. D. WILLIAMS 61.
The ladder of 0.11-an Evaldi rimy. New Tyne, Apnl 2 - d. 1,40 W BEAC hi 4h'-'fl meter of Wood . Fifth eta
To Love ant to be Laved-a Ws
Caroline of Branserlek Kr 00 W SI KeYnaLLS
Itrr.i- It le one orate torri thingse the world forbore. I..!VOLI'ERS-Just received. an adition
The Road. Confessional • Pure--Tbous...le ale iwarly cured by thi. Ointment
A Lecture on the drone,. ley Dr Dag .O supply of xrmuier Colt's Revel Ma. alma Allen'r
•,' I lf'Mothers and N yr. ho.. It. value in...
p 5 1 1,. '"*". .........t rri' °`: M°4:°° n ' th°° ' no °°° D'''" of 1 It
girumfidt:x!nPrzZr:, :II Muds of ex•rt.. it,mo t"ltra. Id ], l
.1. , arnal, No lof new volume or atom limas.. the, would *lea, aphis It In such.... a
(7:11r."1...,; dwelt h)
ed " lgnalreh - e Wsrly I n ' t „ ..°l n , ..°°°'°° t"'''''''''' it . t. " " M 4 In ° " rt. "
Novels '
the Ina an. directions fee ey, Ina McAllistees , 1 -
New Books, just received. cuditet.. e.,1,1 oet, et,e.• Eyes. MilinM. Sore Thrat 1 A 0, ... -
~,,,,,, ~,,.. L.,,,. ~,,„,,,,,,,,,,,.T.,,.. Alt D-20 MAS. No llw- ' -
'IF. Bards of the Bible; by George Gilfil - , r i r t V i . n .N l, ---• g„..1 . , - ,1 v r..., DL zr,,.. ,f 4,..;,... ir z - „:
i. 1 vol two. Li,. Pew], dal S
nt the Lirt7t, Sores, Kheutaa-
T-k oh-i-f. .- • .--............ , th• 1 ... ~... Cold Feet t'ennp. Swelled or Broken Bread
Greek eirammm. Sedated for beginners In Greek...lm a Tnin i i.ndin.
~..... in 0 ,,, ~.,.....
book of came.. La aradetniss end allege. By Amami C I p er 11M, ', a i m , D ig !,
Kendrick. 1 tot IZa.o. tour.
Th. ',..,"..‘" "111...• h F1ug5 0.14 ' •"'' t'"'" , -Z h bizb"rt hZZa r. oo r. .b rh o ' rr; n tune Mn t 'n o own b'"" a g er h' Prtata. rn" n th m n
Ci ' ..° . ' d e " °°:l Ch.. ' Mt M.' I "1":4" ' (lc tinders attlleallng or World save Almost every
1 v „ ..t . 1 . f 5 re , i..gri0,, ,.....,,,.... .„„ i in .. ii , i . in ......... person tbs.
n tuo loads .. speaks ant,. eel=
Orte has Ise curd t., tt 4th mod pa t h • • .
n" Um, Amtlm. I •arsgher of tbe tabs. a third of a troullosomimdu An tto
' Mech... Mmasine and Emit.... J"nr"` l P ‘'''' . stle.. fourth of a swell.. in the lima. ac. fit do. not
1 nlit'eVsul)lcriaan'ef Mechanics aril r..,i,...:i., No AA 1 t ] i . t i l i . M . t i tme•ll. ` ' bet 'n re ' ) a m " 'I own Co .. wOurt•
Just rad fur sale by IL HOPKINS. ' dhed outward],
. As another sea.... of the
healing awer a
len 7t toollo linliding• .... b ° . i Nosed he this ease, ..... sub , ,oin the fella. Ins tertlheate,
NEW...BOOBS ! I font • respectable citizen of Maidertereek hatpin.. in this
I mom, -
AhNDREWS' LATIN. ENGLIefI LET lenN-A i Maistencreet. Berk. a.. March 30. 1.17
A room. and critical Lain, English Leann, founded . Item. Illtur A t , -I dm.. to l O ntxem , you that lum 1
on I e larger Latin thren. learnt of Dr. Wills.. 1 mond, ' ...their rood of • re , vre n hati in he h , bY the.. a
with ettlitlons am meter/lons from the Leann. of Gesnrt, I i McAllister • 011-11.1ing -ale., which I purenas. o re
Fatmolai, larbeller. lin.ramo, h o E A Andrew, L t,„ D you I ruCarnd raw a
i fT abroat t y.may van end a r t mod s
One ta.aan 00110 .nn faCITIM being the Orme..l not. wo --ti- t r --i , ,=, v. , :„,7, 11, ,_,-, ~,..;:„,,
ratlee and results of travel through the Sandskte or Itaw. renal. , n ch lef,m IZr
~_ Cut _
_cli . ir_ „ ,
_, i __ ,
Man Wanda and .her parts nt Polynnia BY K. Henry °ti l t. 1 ,711 . .f . hr tu '7l, m. 1r t y7,',...,4',.....,: nn ir n .
T Chorea, author of .11n. Whale and losCapenes. ^ WWI mm • t t • nun, wt • own
actaticrn am now enthete free from the ....d emu
...Tsang , .. ii, m rught a peamful arsi ohm , I have ail used the
T ° mn”r".° °°°.°"°°'°' "°°°l 1° " toun ".`".•::- , .1 e "0 , 0 brue,th re-head othercomnlaints , yob Medlar
Ily Ora Aguilar Keret.] met ST tart. he I harm':l hien' Jong Ilcanteasen
/all IL C STOLSTON, 47 M.S.. O. , result our • .
Clam... Post and Aeons. oopy. 1 .1 A sIF.S SDALLISTER
, . grind r.clat:Tu 1 'lv a CE;IS Pall MIN P
DAPEIt,BLANK BOOKS& STATIOS:ERY imi I-" i"T. ‘ ,.. ' ".. 7 .l l:' ,v ‘ rl" 7l:A ! h'rt : llTglintis
.11 taiperef sti nos and Midi. , third and Pt.. blOO , a.m. ta ntrrscrarin- 11 A. Fahne.sek a CO., corner of
and eh.. 1 Word end tied do, Wm Jackson. No 210 Liberty street.
"1°" Mnnk." °°‘.rl a ` ..'iSt°° ' 00 b.°l or °°°4' to 1 L Kilns. Ar ronv„ of Starke% street .d the Diamond.
ender at short nuke also corner riFourth and Smithfl. hi st.] 11. nor-
Smtionery-E. ll sh , French and Amerind, fancy and 1
, er of Walnut end Pena six WO. Ka rl: and sold It the
staple, for rale by
mIS 3ra"..a..0•i11,,A‘„E....N.„°,„°.°,....„.„,'°•ndr. . DT! 11/ , : i rt ,F: I I 3 , I , LITLIAI4II/1:1 1. 1 1 11 /c, i
p l. I , li , irl „ / . 1;:: :a nd . , Siz: u /V i .......
poOK AND JOB PRINTING-Ever de- 1 II:L. 0 r vo",,l,'="V-I=jb.t:",,,,biits`=; In
laiption of Legal. Commended. Stratuhra. ea_ .md, •,.. 1 1 maliT4 il eity: . N II Bromann a ca.- and J ' T. Rm...
. a.. •rintit. • e • .°°l ' d . °l.°. ..U.Vey,l],„°..° we i Brownsville, irthn Berkley, It.
Pc- John W,
Dent mariner.
W• S , ...v.... , Elimlatte: Ikrobriall k Ear, Res bedt r tan dli
Printing Offies, 50 Third at, between Market and Fern..
QTATIONERY-IV. . - 11,ti - . corner ot ,si wieay i. the moil who Ile. 000 1/09/.... We InTIaT
' : j '.:'"4 ".:' ""k"'' ' h" 0" "Lb. t o Hasa ''''' I ""
e"?..""'91)1111.4"ialb=1:: o tr n a: ' , l S o, l l f " : l trZa ' / " I ' :.
plete nu ass,rtment of roller sMtk,ner, es has ever le. ri 1 eel. h , l %IT :
~,,,,,,,:, i. _ .; .
,), ;0 0 ,1 1 . 1 ii. ,..
itruc P" f ra s Innoth‘Lohlou'e.roukrtke rons "rr tle h' fara bTePtAn.l.."."J'alokr) 1. ri1inuir..,,Pt1a:1,big0),,,,nr.r,,,Am,„1..,„,r17.1:.1:0 5 a 1 .. , , e. ,, 1n0 t.,• t; oh .. m i x , ] ... .,,, ,ltt oo fu t.
NE, STOCK OF PIANOS, -- I Iverson-who has leen used to shaving +Oh onllmin ...i
-ll at the. Golden Harp. No, 101 Thirst at-
of • y Ku t liE se " is. " ' P. " """ 7 1 g ' ", ''''''' l''' ' "iitig wirliiilt m !illVio elir-X ~. ..a,,,,dinal l
New fort. ter. " h i
s S te - lentlke'Vedr ce ed Pis. ] esTilrii..ii:.`tylt'S i i"..... M i tt ;',t',, d i r,. ° ,.... 1 .7, t i' : ,,..,...t'
I th il. ° i th t r“ d ri A r , .i9uMnam.°"unutlT..eira..,U7r.; ..i. o l . l°.:tj t mely ' ma vat ' urrellay lag the ortudiou..and prev.....
'XV. e
AD. a liew • l i nt of roo f an! poPol. Moe, 07ar. unpleasant .it .ine frling . f the skin which to ,L ,
.d au extendre selection of
Instroments. Violin, t'lle i n e i t k l r ri ,„ ° V..,: i i.V.lj e .::t ' se Shaving Cream may f.
a at °i ... M.": M°44'.°°A..°l °"°T t.. 4 nnt ' t°.°l °°.`, °°,,,°: , the ' glidf74 awl mat merman witub unruethately an,t a
-,,..-, _ _. - 1 UM, without the skinbreming c i 1 i ....1. 1 And tri t •is: alto '
IICEIV BOOKS.-llumbolt's new, Work• i i•ni , ' ii -• lt- 7.1,:....7„._.114,•....iiii.:,•,.Wi1i ni,.:,5,i]
p "--- . ' '°.°h. a • Pb t .twt a wcri h tta ' a tin: al l gi .. c , .. aline whisker , - no the fat it 111 0. 1 , -- t - heiflld Printing Establishment,
.eleeeee. I distl.. the hear. yirkh ai,t ..... in do. mein.; a sand, I idATEJohnFum and StocktDn ' B, and Blank.
Seytuores Sketches of Minnesots, the New Entel.d af , ni .,, ~,,,,,.„ .h e ~i, a 0 „ h „,.„. , 110. and SMll.ami
the W est, I enl 12 mo. Jul. ll+l's Shaving
deltslitto I prenamtlems. , is rt HAN EN Is ampand to execute every style of Legal,
„ 4 . 11 Zs almhatele, am Engineers . Dietionery, 11. Sr. compoumled with skill. to the utter ...rho]. of all anklet: . C o mmercial. Canal..d Stearn Boat Joh Printing Md_thek
n d en i a r e d t o ,nder the o prnltiou Id aving unflesoum, I tomitvg, and furnish every mtiele In the It.nk Bak.
Basates Sermons There an well worth reading. anti will le rapprenand 1 0 all who make Dist of them ; himr and Stationery line, et the shortest .tire, ad on
For ilk by It. HOPKINS. Propand only b y °"I the mat reastanade tern.,
JOU Apollo Buildings. J 1 LES HA CEL. Perfumer and Chemist. i Blank Inv* and SMtiouery Warehouse. ..we of Market
BNOLD's, lIIBBERT ' S, HOGAN AND i.„ hi 1, n ' ?,... l ll7l. " li. ‘ Vl:a l l7::. l .rtn 'b ret. I '''';',i'it'dUtlal:Oul Bak Rimier, No. 50 Third st. 9
1 T"°Mrt°3rs. am. ll ] trtns m•• M.A. Red. Searle , BA ft."l.l.'Zl:rs' ...I.lttsburgh: total. IS
John eager.. and .1 . .1 ° °°, ' , , . •_ ,
an Calilline Ink. ; Si n itchell. A Ilegbeto CB, 11111 AN DIES, WIN LS, GINS, &C.
, thatais% Faber', an d and non, J.ksons, . . ". half ply. (Io9llle Brandi... Pale and Dark..
and \ tavola . .. Black and Red laad Pencils • •I To the Retuiers of the 'Pittsburgh Gazette. 1 n mks It or. .1e7. 4 do do °Pale." various riot'.
Ikstands.. f every descrpion. ltillutt's, Mania
Steta. lit do a, and mat mlehrsded brands.
Lary , . Kelly . .. lrvn'a and ,1,,, mseanyturv. or t 1 1 pUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in- i .... pines liolland 01.°Bolitins.knehor awl °VIM •
l'ent,o.r=4-o,sl.„S.Tith,:s ealT d rAM 1.41::i 111
caee:Orj a lull ! i n ., Vi,th e following truths,. forth In Mallon Id . i puncheons Irish and Segoteh Mull Whiskey.
'..trhatenani Eugl4 ' Urging esper--satiiiewise. oy- '"rialticar Olt IttAr V'T, I T,',1 1. . - -"“47,'. - , ,e , ht.,'°N F..i - T.. - Kr...
I Lirtit.1.TL'i.k.=.°,1°,....117,4417.1, .7.411. n r°i.." ''''.: year am. Once this cm. remedy was brought beton. tl. . Or. %mks ia , :t i roe,.
1.--rfnr..°d b".rd• ''i trei r.). i' r ° P°P*.r l P s!,,V °•°l:l" °fir:°,l f o u' lZ,ra....Tl " t!!:!tVe d . " Cge di fTt 7 ry .P 4 = ' . ' 1 . 1 . 1 ', .. ', ' 5 1:: ....:t71:1aa" , ,,' win,.
a gehn.ed 1 .4 :11 , m - one( M.. gold an- command. . and we rZge that
re longer it I Dieu th , A 7 de Ori
in .1..
° r° w° 1. " "°°' "'°':'-` mre meta 111 Its meat fame spread It Is out the reto 10 do :them Wine
1 V7ad..'f.nireldrdseTtTaj•r:ll.altslurteds for deeds. char,
.., i n , a da ' y ' got op ior the sole pun.. of t o mg tanner. AL Imre. Bonleans Clemt.
diploma. vrans not t ram , . a 1..). 0
~,0 d• s th• • Via, on ' . whtelt we sonreve, will continue to to
rod She" 1 u store nod fur fah , by JOHN PARKER A CO,
mat 'h wit.tthit . F k " .°l°. *"
P'''''' T '„.s -'"' " '" " .11 eth ;
have leen fo
the ' , TIN I andelaln It : pall am Litertv street.
.1 .d teasele..Mb'. P,r bale, north, le dings and • °
named hose
in the ' deptlis L. the ...tit - -- --- --___
mourning 7., and TIM.. Drafts nu the East and Wool , Stocks. de-,
° N."' -. '• f..., , b o h COLD. SILVER, BANK NOTES, SIGHT
French note envelopesailln and enatuiseeth letter enyel
, ecen b' s pe in' tl7 o r n. " tt rouTtfuli. when ' te t tri ."" te r' al.. n ,Ut a .." .... ° 1 ' , ‘ . '
elm , ht w , wt] s t I., h ...l t n . l t ica,„ °: ". and 9 ' .° I°9°.° ' t° °" rin«. that we ware the truth-that we my nothing call. , bought and sold
vt0n, „, ..7i,„4, ‘ „,.... in - n i n .,.. e ....i0 ni . lau d, h en ., laud to derviro‘afe.r.holtixrx4,4o.,,,,,r,fa,lant.,‘ 1
„.. 11re , : .. a t ru I t t. 51= 4, Pollter las o urd on the torat favorable
tin. ammo and Turkey bov.aotaf sand boxes,apying armee. d. rh l iP.. nr dtti o;illes relief from di.. ' A
Mom ran : ."'
. ' 4}9.71 . 111 r E E. ARNOLD A CIL
Wk.. bth.h " . V°:° ,.. d.E , °°"th i n ?... tht te 't° ,„ k '.... A ... " , h . rantly be tno highly amultirt to answer the atm.. ar 1011 1 / Ja9 N. 74 Fourth arced.
paper Dane ImPeLT
. ..ii n tn.a. a' •°- w •••• t• -.. ° . • log or humbugging 0.0 of them Now, we.. not des , re -
' M anner:A mi n ed/ter:article. In the Stalovery Lin
it,..n..,thlit:l7:iniri°,,,V,fitZtntLl:ltnt•il.n"4l^i rtlllE SUBSCHSIIER INVITES THE
both Other .d startle. together with a large agrortment
in . inii , ° ..' e „ my *lngle articlo . the materia med. 1
....atte r ti , o , v .,,,, uf
k ive , MV ,
i hr .„i nt c a r r ‘ d u Vr „ ll. tt j. 11 , 1.1 1 1 , . ,t, r... , ~....d
blank lamise and memorandum tam. of al ore forms
lac Plain unmroisbedfmts-farta that may be ascertairmd
v,g.,l.l"zu,:u,V.'';ll-• - , ' ,„ P LT:„ ` ,: ', V - : 1-‘1.,,R2 n o \ 0 ,--- . °°l° 4"°i°°°4 tr ' ' . I. ' S r ott ' on r . ' of Irril.b.Tnrat, th.'
' Cr ' diZtl ‘ ; ' :! . lNtr e n : l 4lll.
:Me fon.. at r . W. O. HAVEN'S tr'i,]].,:''''' the i- ~,,•,,, . 00 ,0 1 , two 0 ( our 0 „„ r i t i„ 1 ode low by n n uAts F. IL EATON
111. ,, k Itocr4ritolndm.Brna,„,lltotakty„..are„,....„,- -
I I 7h7'7'..L!..."..0,(0116r,...Z.b,„..",,,,::7,„-,,..,,,,,,,-„1,::,,,,v.,. ~...,.s-„' I ( Z 01,1) PENS. We have now on hand a
voted And. al., the nue of a gentleman In Beaver count, N_P lane stork of we . left IJohl Pena from the loading
Them arc ahem but there oil cro. mar home. and um, I moon factones In New I Mit. and made expressly to Order.
the American Revolution. By Eldred Orayson, Ear. h ...„,,,,,in 5 . h e, ..ny Pilo. who have doubts nn the sub ' AI., eleMat Bold Pencil Cm. and Penllolden. riled
listory of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century: , mot. 'Three cake were cunsl after they heal tern abroad.. I Caen In every variety Porcupine Pen Holder. Pearl do.
by J. 11. Merle d'Aubigne, D. th. Praident of . the Ih.lo- „h y p h....., an g es bangle. Tbe th ey will cum, , All for o itele wholesale Wall retail at New lode prier _
ea Stha , °F,r. et i t ni . l Ir „p„ . ,r z vv... ~,,,,, when meals ccording to dinedlons-tharchota.Dyeenry, de.. _ • _ . It .W.W LSO:,
I .. hgnA ir„ „f • •B. . , Trinity '' P. ,Itheumatlantimit. bk.uraini.a. ta-apttaa. an the . kin.
pimples 0(1 the franc.Chmrde Son. Eyt, Ringworm. Tater. AN KING, 'COLLECTING AND EN-
V:massy. as Witterl. Antiquities, and BiograPh X ll' Scald Head, prim in the bon. mai mints, old eon, Clare,
hatratod by forty engravings. By Lelela COlllOl/. ell VTIIII OFIFICE-N 1101.31F.A a soSts Na f 7
tVev . ..,...Agne in t:hro.n . le
0 T:sal ; A n s ic th , fa... „ Bre . . , nr ,r hpl . s. , r o d4 , ll I AN KING
A5 t r . h t n ,r ,..:h .„ : .. x., 1 ,..h ,, ,,,,, ,,,, , ,,,.. .,,, : L i t
~.. t,r : t o
The above works for wale by n0w 1 n C ,.,. 11 . 7 , 50.1. ,
Jalo owner uf mutat and Thlril sta d ua t=t 1 er d .=. 0.6,,.......,„
.., ~ , , pr. :.1 ohs,. In tie Union 001.0°111 solvent R.ks
nted. Nan and Tao. bills nexeied JAI 4
niUTLINE- MAPS--- - Peliou's splendid Out c1,„11,,r1,,,,1ftatri,„!'„,.'''',,,,,1,1,,,4,,N,,1,,,';,",',.°",„„Th'5u,atEn7r,'"::,. '', `l .ll --i."'-
. .s.: 4 D - 1 A RUBBER PASTE. 4 A;rofut of tait
. i ( i i • n e; g.T.T.T,LbgiV:,.....thVolr.' i*e•lt',l'.= 1'0'., - 0 - !.g..':,r b ";:1'' , 7% , ^ , Eza . A.,T . i . .1714;1 , 4"' "g ! ..vvi-kh. - ,-..- an- ..,,,-.1... , 0,17 g .;
. ' t he manes for than in ciata.,..rah, and Irmlbe teachers th e Oda., at the proprietor, huedi ta, memos. In mom.. L.: 0 1,.. „,r , proo t L i ng , tl , 4iti h a: e . ea; ' , 1 v ri1 . ^.1„,... i. on
V a . rbl i ro - C7 te,giismv , ii,lT-ir.: 1.,b„ 4,11T, ` .. ° r ` ,t,:, „' . ' l ` .7 " l: '` . l . , Tr " n. " 3lr .r:&11a...., tt , u''''''"4"'"'""a'd K r ''''' -1,1" --,', mg.."
• A do r El:tern do • do Lethro„ilhcom.lodr.r.rtiabte.sytr.ll.emz,lny o f
~, th ,.. . o str .. .. , LitiLsit... L ,se ll . .." ,. " ... fits wi ' vi- i ti , f , o r 4 .2LE 1 ------.---
3 do• North Amery*. yo 'x 84
4 do United States, 70 xV. In their practice. Th., who at runt looked on with doubt
b J. Enna, 70 a 8.1 e nd uncertainty, me willing to awl it due praise .d 1 he Plated t.... Ila
~.. ' nd Ilasketa. Candle...lx
a do Asia. 70 x 79 consideration. : Before another year roll, mend. al will In i anoft.'m and , foil) s., Pia.. !..]•] „1.eVr",!..," . „ 1 . ° :Yr gi:
du S. America & Atria, 70 Ahi nuntelled to .knoerledge that the Petroleum Le the irceat. ...„. 11 .,_mile :ebe t utter , , ilmj in : , ; io il,, " ~,,,,,,,..
i rjr , EA T, I . :, A. , 11 , F,-Er...11 ,, i , ..t. Anieriean Bntan.
Prim tor the series , with key, $25; or the Brat two Liar& est medicine ever `nlo
s}:j 1ni,N.,111,74.tw0t FL z - i tienrbrAant {'Feud ~ 74,,,,,,, h .. r . rutbdure,
' TL and
map= u k n i gaTledlnaccuraey, beauty need rho.- w klr--c. E. Seller:, idiveflit street; Dhl. Curry, VA. I. I AbIY orimentet, d ' l r lit . d: i T t inV r an,jlse ' d ,114.
'lNtrgit *.atTs l oTtlie n efert=Pi PrUn'r7. gr'''''er
p r ll l et t re Wit_ i , h' errrarlit. C', .. 2. n A r; b' d ' ! '" l`rt r t . . " . i :r . e 'r . l g e n' ]l t% I. ll`e lew .]] .. Ch.." ki°°•lngh.
a, .wot addition of freight ountlx • are.l4 A. I minestock kr Co.. W r od and Front as I Du;tcra de.
'''Fr'''''rtheedblinbgtfikTlONAL BOOK erottE. lo g in - I ,„„ r ,„„.,,,,, , ,,.... :i ' r r-',,,r h7 V,rurb;VjfroliktdaT.
0 Corner of Market and Fourth vi- --- arra or .y thing etre in • few minutes.
Harris anti Willis's Home JoTirnaL i '7"..`,7 ;Z. by IV W. WlLtaryN,
roil Market and fourth ra
, S ,L a ur turcl i.y aL i , n
u Ng fork ll. 10 CASKS MALAGA \VINE;
advance. ' ' . 1,0 hoe lemon , In prime order, on onalligratenh
Cusonsolow or Anther-01S. of the Home Journal, No MI Arlo Clover S....teeth , .
107 P01(00 street. New York, December 24, IMO.-To ell AS hhdr Sugar.
Sul it. may comma: Thla may artify Out J. B. 1101.0111 1 1 l hob Mole., mime rapers=
l• duly authoercod to act as agent for
a {ln .1, Xris Liu.. O.
IloalJutivoloonl that all merlon. siren hr. hien In
Ay keg. LAM:
me,l for Pawl paper will f it
It acknowledged by us at the Io brio Roll mime.
°rhea of
at cm , it It Nia.d. .0 =on, DM bus Oar.
shad. that al .v
olume aro payable one year In ad- :Al 1,01, 1 moths Seed: on hand and RA sac by
ymee The new volume will ounmence an the lo ft .1( Jan u- BROWN a KIRKPATRICK.
.y Sutarriptionsymelved by J. B. Holmes, Thin] are,. 114 Lit.tY area
mgt. the lat (Moe. MOggatar k 4 i,u,„
VNYE LO PE S.---Just received, rtlarg - e
M 2'"el".l4.Z.ffilitit'iuyleVysT:L. r '''" l '''' . " , 0 1 •li
Ir. II HAVEN'S, btationam Illarehowas
WO flat. Market and Second strain'
NE, BoNiiEts_mrphy ,-it-urchtield
1,. f open this morning revered Mal? of New Snang
„... ~„„„,,,,,,,of Kn a naa ti ,, r j i mon Latuunnadan,
AD, I I and .. lder. Emb tred Ito ea, jenny
no , „..,, elirm, Coburg and MU. Alger.. Cottage.
Ching Pearl. Embroidered dn Amerk. Pearl, Vandyke.
Peda .4 Peal. English Lot., chip and Donstable Alen
Memer and Children e Bonnets, of a•
variety cf tylex
f=ttli°,llo,7B474 .11C..... - 11.°.:',f4T1.1 'a
~,,,„,.. a., oOhnelt. MU NN LMI=YeAM, Leghorn. As.
Orshsb's Masssisr for Marsh, with 1.4
Moniesltstrist. for February;
Col lystur dre.
1i - tag Review S.. •
Lib,. Maris s talcs,
Women of IsraeL Gram Aguilar:
llama Itillserss; tale for mothers girl daughters
Mother's Reenmperim. Urns Sisulhar
belf-Deerptioni thr laisury of the hutsso
Wart , by Mrs MIL=
Oliss s hovel:
liwory Meat., If yO.P. R. June,
for nt, ilutm LS' Lamm' Dep.. .1..4w the
II.Pt L ELIE II takes A PIA In
tioutating that he bus just operied a lot o
To.krl7:Wllleh, with those
on 'oark
hand. room the moot elegant. warted. and estatudee 166ek,
' AMt galb:'4,44.ll.lilferxlld Mare. doable ear. 4 Pll2lO.
1.11111 XIF style, with lb. new Improvement of 4.he over
strings. the lattwt end mot important Improvement. lo be
found Waif MI Sumo Clark's Prams. Also. two auperh
-Pollen Attachment Plano.
LIN. B.—An eateneive lot of New Murk.. et:thrg' Jenny
a:lmre. and the cleaned new Soap, Polkas. At
4 OV VIC IIOLDLN lIA RP. 101 Third et.
I[_)APER—Folio, Packet, Commercial and
iliZ'ta7 a P :i t tiVo c . til=t!ijr, a 72 ) ); t r u n i ' ari
terms atHAVEN'S
NOTES AND DlLAFTS.—Engraved and
Eteroouraph Notes and neon., of moot bes i utiful
:Vet t"
JournaCtra!lnZi7ii,Tr. "
w RITMO lan—i-Ak mold's Writing Fluid,
Inoberes Ch. s gi r e ' sl Fluid and.the.l Ink. •
Ilarrieon'a Columtilan
and tolark.
lloon Thomparuis Commercial Ink—Mark. ecarlet.
and rat.
French Carmine Ink. For gale ar
k - 7 A newerbiredeal illetionary of Greek and Roman Kee
bßfnollT ti:7;:Zeog* ;. .nd tilt
by William Smith LI.. IL. ...Moro( the rtionarien oftinek
aradltornan Antiquities...rid of lima Illearnitihy
of ;V
Greek nod Latin Lanitnages lu Columbia
The Life and Correspondence of !When Southey edited
eor:tr* l:-
Pio 6. of the Life and Corm-porde:ice of Robert Foto
Lit. of the QUeene of Seotland. and English Ptindewee
connected with the reual i of mit Britain. by
Aunto4 litrlrkland. author sooreiw
of the on
Llres O
of the Queens of
The Itrllnr of foperrff Lod Its Catesee Addrees deliv
ered in lb. Broadway late:mule. ou WedneelaY erev
jam.. IL C. STilelttN. , No ' ..l7 ' nuked It.
3lLtana. No. al T
out atreet, ham et il
to, .and now open for wile, a law and well
Felon.' stork of 0, GK. 04, anal nela.n Pi.
Agent for the wale of l'hiekerina d e Planne ll.
for W.... Pa..
BIZ No. al Wood_ street
t te.clt~ i nI
f ILLtI t RI/F
oi l ifif
~ T i5.,,,,,,,,z, i' ,.. 1.N s i 9nt . 7. Cheap
rit C .nt i r :G uth:r. : .. iiiS i7,,,,r
thhl ;: t.tor l i : i C t l Clothing
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,.
roma for bla cite:olive purchase, for 'ftning.
to to
rite. CAA determined to offer duos at greatly reditori
Driers fl.r eaah. All thove who Want gond. t heir le and
well modo Clothing. will
It greatly to their Tanta,
to favor him with a rail, as great bargaiva will be ffend.
fall -
New Books must Received..,
ALIGN LOCKE, Tailor and Poet: an ito
bloarmOtir. 1 rot. 1 , -+ ,,,, ....
l'opular blur:alio. for the non of parent" and tear .r . .
and for Yottott lwrion3a of buth ream preroredwrol Orr no
orto *mordancy with a nwolatkai of the r4oste
Intl, it.-.
be i 7 P A ". . IttlieTtowfritho=o'ot'Oc y 'l opt i f rz.2tnt"rlot7 I Ol
lea InuA
Abbott' Near Book-Mato,' of Madame Roland. by J hn
C. C. Abt:nit, with engraving" uniform with the fo ....
• 1. t .rwal arm& Yor rale by
'''lr""l2l7l47llqfith.7.a'Arr.ll.. lioildloas. fourth
rirl ,aprz:
1 1 I,
the l 1
, :: ,,,,,,,: c ;!
..,: l , r: ; , .
.. r
. 1'
1.., 1 ... 4 .
i . :
le. -. 1 . ,
n 1 1: :
i t
O, P ,
l.vb tar.
r. 1: : : 1
p l . i ,
: S - - : LI
i, l , 11 . , ,
which „
l e
r e .. ek,4 l 1 u r
~, , , ,
~ .
n e ,
h: a i
" Adi , -
a FrannAlian rlorT. fly lb. adthor of Rol
LINSEED .01L--21.1 casks Linseed Oil,
21i1.1 adadfar , mle by
S. d W. HARRAViIf.
Alt D-20 1.131 d„ No. 1. Lard, rrc'd and for
• sale by =at 11 . 2 ~ At W. IIdItUAUGIL
--- '
DOLL BUTTER-10 bhls. fresh Roll gutter,nned ntrl for rale by
LINSEED OIL-10 bbls, fur sale by
111.11 8. 8 W.11.0[8812111
n liooms--50 dozen,
" f sale by
IP frbll -a. aW. lUnßBil3ll..
llitIED APPLES-60 s a cks received and
fur rale by mar 12 8. e t W. ILARBAUGIL _
1 - 1111E11BEEF- 1 i casks sugar cu or
11 de by 0311 S. W. lIAIIHAriat
AVINDOW GLASS-1100 bxe, assorted
rixea fee wale by fehll S.. W, IlAttl
1, AUGH.
L ARD -45 bbls, and 100 kegs No.for
e.te by • fetal S. 111
CLOVER SEED-55 hblo prime Ohio, for
rale by Phil SAW TUEBACUII.
rilAlt—r)O brig N. C. Tar for gale by
L ACK TABBY VELVETS of a very so-
JsIR N. K. co, Fourth and Ilszket igta
1 - 4 1 iNE GAUZE. FLANNELS— o hlurphy .!E
t 'T.rirra.g. above
I 2
a nrao.o). c R.ll 00k
for ehroudinc..i jalS
-I,,turphy A 11141.04 4 ,1 bestow especial attention oY the
nicve &jail:ore. of their business. and invite peraorts
woonmyloth. of any .teeeription give tbian tall Wore
K D. c r,na for rale by ' J. KIDD l- CO.
yal ',, • Cu Waal et -,
I 4 D.a) I:mar-for rale by jalli J KIDD ACO
VI AL CORKS-1500 gross fol sale by
jab.J. KIDD k CO
611 j( /SG E-2 eases line, and. I bale extra
kyscar, for Tale by . D .P. J. KIDD* CO
LI PSOM SALTS-15 brats for sale by
14 Jal4 J. KIDD 4CO
U N R I ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour;
/..,./.., bd. Atlrl..rfirie mon xe Fri, ens ‘l% .50 buabelr Drl
Appleir. I be) Egc , . lust r , - ,,, vrd nd o trAPAr i , „x)
d _
trs. , 1 1 0 zedatl blanket..
...D3 eteato Boat Bla u, ribbon bond.
In) do War Coating Mantel% beam.
too do Drab do do do '
DU do Blue du do do
a curs Blank Blanket Cloth, du
I do Braver Grey Mixd. do
a dosuperior Black Errneh 13nenteloth.
3 .do all Pool Tweed., ...sorted colon.
3. do Jenne, everted colors.,
3 do Cavinieree. black and Duey cola".
I do :3a/tuella, black and grey tdDol.
3 do White Twillp.l Flannel. yard wide.
1 do Crop tarred do do
The .tore dePriled needs Are 0011 000 onangnment from
enema. manufacturer., nut and prat, and are kir We on
terma to the Inds. et ussaubdaryst P. 0 2.
elberaare wawa thinata In Leaven amt meth. -
'Than are reamt. of in phllea t y.
TVIRTUES of thi, , rpinul sble tent
dy. and the sonatas apr`leatv n nett. lathe MOST!
et.o.baa Inducedhint to haveDu[ t p teethe,
bete amt direction, for th e !event r DO lk
The Pill ROLM M Is oneurad tom a writ 12 02.20. 1 -
ty, at • d:Pll= o, ft . Te o bunal , red hat pore, urndultara'
l'l` o .d ,,: r‘ gen Natures ] hat i~ [kips
fri:Vir eh rl u atnty ar
Iy e s vy whim. If known. 22 L 2t 21.112 UMW'
,ai r elating nuffering, ant matmum o bey Wong. of
pealth a nd Maar to many a sullen r. hg tenne Ow pro.
prklor thought of putting It up In tettl.,.. h.,a tepvta-
Wm for the cure of armee. ILemmtaut and
It , therm
Avg calls for it and .2 , 2 , 21 retombahla /11.2 per
4 0 :ed. tot • sure intheation of its futu :" .potent. and
wale spread application In the mme of i
o do not wish to make a long parade of eertileate,
are <nominee that the anstimue wen work Mt way
int the favor of it who suffer, and wish to be healed:
It 'Let we do not claim for MIL uulTrntal artticntloet erl
e ry dim., t unhesitatin•M •a‘. that in a mina, of
Lrowr Limeme it is unriva Amon: these map le
enumerat.,l-1311 dimmes. of the mucous Hewes, 211241 SS IL
(.41‘nl MPTION. tin its malp
stage 1 A,TIltl.l, and all Mamma el the air tausta,o,
tnI.M.PLAINT, DInVI,PoI.A. [herb., loam.* of tha
Bladder and Kidney , Pains in the Reel or ,ids,
Magma, Neuralgia. Patel. Rheumatic ITire, none PaTalp.
elaa Totter. Ringworms. -`s'
t, Urtt , a , 014 •mves
to ge In mums of debility, revolting from exposure, or
t go g p n re o li t V '' allilac o rals a gaTtX . l ' ti`TtC
ATIN in melt mars. i 121,12.22 12 . 2 9d 2 W , g2: 0 . the
end Aa.TEE
whole frame, removing abaft - wt. , temo• magglah
unctions, which mum Mame° and a Molten omisthation
mal giving Inertmed and nmewe eum .ce to an the arm
of lin , The proprietor knows O fsevera weltm of PILO'
that riveted et ery other In atm. , . get re ti na! Ob..*
of the PKYROLLUII for • Mutt time The proof ma he
giveu to any tenon, who desires It
None genuine without the signal ore of the proprietor
Sold hp the troprktoe,
d. M Canal Ream, near Saventh street
Afro, by It SELI.F.R . n. 57 M ood et.
and 1:01.9.11 R Nl . Calt% ELL.
earner Wood street met %IrmoAl4 . . who an
novly h regularly it gularl, ippon. gent,
KNOW all men who are sick and afflicted
arlth diarafe of the Madder and itneM. with
eta - cal In back or limbs.... old mere. runniug
ulcer th
le.. at they on be cured by taking the. ELTED
-I,Elf yl.
1 1 may talk about its Islin, a unite... roc meek
' tlTif po facn . f boa
ego ' t . ;fl a mreaky. '" thlt t"n lf
which are not contalLd
I a
otner renfie!i'y. hue virtues
who le racked with Akin. and suffering frourdierms, me
f o e hu r e nts, get relief from any of the lily miutueiated
ahem. •
u oo d oo ! 00 4. eery little to make put up
This Deb.
kom la no mixture—no commun.], put up Le the puma..
of imis k ing an the community: but It is a remedy sleben..
led by the master hand of nature. and bubble. up from Dm
bosom of our mother earth. In its original pur end of
frs to e.freeing humanitY a ready remedy, a.pertake and
cheap cure.
It bts cored Piles. after other medicinet hare felted to
r e nder any relief. It ha. rid Ittertondirm of long •
s tar Log, and of the word and r panful paha rhanerter. It
boo cured Cholera !harbor. by one or tan donee. It loss
eoecd no
of Maniocs. to whkte ere.' other -emedy
has been of no avail. AP a lomi remedy bums ...I
mild , It Is better that an, realest compound. or °figment
that we know of rill cum chllblaine mad traded bet
le • 11. w application . undoubted teeth:m.l ea. I. furnish•
ed of the trutb.roef
,Jrectio . theyalasiu lsaye orment. by tall.
eli'don-%'lAX'ite:off‘ti..ll""' "t4h.o47ii
Keyser McDowell, comer of Waal mired and theta
alley: H. P. Briber.. 41 Wool street, D. A. Elliot. and D.
C _urrEA _llc_ithmay yity, aro the agents.
hoe attended the tow of SIORTI3IEWS 11.11F37MAT.'
‘ .'fa i ;llrl lo
n tn Deduce all shoat . , silo- de t
1N wirthVireadfuTS=°to try ID virtu., • '
Ilundrisk of am, many of them
of SC Louis.
and otbes-yfrom abroad. hare Ikon cured within tbe last
few month. in tbe city of St. Louis alone. while letters from
agent. attend shim also that It L 4 performing the same
•lecreem Died. Many of them noon chronic maws of long
f itandlog, and all hope of recovery had Ikon elren no—
W kale ahem were of mom ementdate. of the acute infiline
mah.ry forte, Tory se men.
howeicr. Yield to the
&trial eirtner of this... Heine, and thorenfads who ham
rei diaki it. I ene, nod aro oror in Me enjoyment of health
can but the orlglual fliwunerer and propriefor, •
benefactor of mankind. .
It la well known horn the ex re
the of the past., that no
outward application re opoesibly effect a permanent cure
of this ilmailful direase. Dr he appliemtirm of eticauldgmy
liniment , partialrelief. In we
y. In &MM.
for • short limn Rut all the labile thirrdiatke it•
gmen m pre permanently In the ostrus, and warner of later
agaTh dereloge Itself In a a les Mdoful fsru, and elm
a lon ktiodiy-al returns. It ne into a &rank kno,
hi s
be sot some arreeted, rub. the ludldreaC kir
This be verd by he lebtory of the pat. to all countries
and nano folly do
,Ly the.
gin.ruisbed o
I late lathe proprietor of thit compound. as by WIWI
Mire& of thew who bare named -under hia immediate
norin'TiltrEVriitegrrie iVcrlTir l e BLOOD
BIIIIIFLEB. Internal Lcppody—commenCra opera
tions where the dime,. Erst onainate, and in Poriffmg
the blood. paw.. thin, the whole rypteln. aeatmaresme
'impure or candle Pediment. Which hem oettled orean the
membrane, ankle. and tendefor.—remerres It entirely rm.
the order, sod restores the Individual to perfect beidtk.
Let. those who.e uot decokes Damsel., and
put off the um of this narlicina tno lona. Or 0nt.51-11nrir
limb. are dbekratext or mmtreseted , lea such degree that
they are repot. .for of The experience o• f
hundreds of
thauseudaUnrieg the Metes wella. a' multitude at the
present . day, demonstrates the folly of mpreting 1000010
nest relief fn. external applications. _
The promictor of this valuable medicine knowaßom ex
valence. that no outward applisationt can ymesiblysilert •
permanent mire where this diem. I. firmly fined In the
syspm. fle can and does pretkre and apply an embracer
flion In reel amete mem which will Oro relief in nem boor'.
time, but this will not elect a permancnt rum. The na
ture of this dive" thlt It requires loogertimakod
an Internal remedy .10 prate.,
the desired afloat. andlior .
Doom's lairomatle ComPoexed and food Purifier lathe
only meardy that boa erne
been diacomeed. eithet .
America or any other moot. , sdectOallT
tide disease.
This medicine can be had, wholesale or *etal. NO-13
Third street. next to the Post Oltre. Pittaburgh.
Also for sale In Ilmborula. by IL Sommer. WI. TIMM.
J. D. Boman. r. Wickerham, find .1. A. ileum.
Prim 1111 per bottle: fox isittlia for CZ: or sir per damn.
DatopTlb ma be bad grads of tbeagent.
11. 11. WISEIAATi Agrni
Da. lama Bost the diessevaoc and sole proprietor
these most popular and brmencial medicines. and also
the Inventor of the celebrated instrument for Inflatinsi the
L e U n D t O of
i t n h a e t C em in e nt p c yc a C n h . D o o k ct odrs a y .
cw an d a att •
Is a
graduate of the U llverdty of roma branlaand for thirty
yews since has beat engaged to the invatigation of dim
cam, an, the application of remedies (hart.
Tionesgh the use of his lunation testicles cones With
his Prophylactic ETrup. anal other of his rensedb., be boo
gained an unyaraltried eminence In coring those dreadful
od fatal trodaliese Tubercular stkateumptiori. Canters ,
Scrofula, Itheumalon, Asthma. Fever and Alma FereP
all kind. Chronic Eryripell, mid all those asthma da
m.. peculiar to females. indeed. every form of dinar
vanishes under Use use of his remedie. to which humassis
ty 1. betr—not b 1 the nee or one oustirommd only for that
incompatible with Ph alological Law, but by the use of k-
W" mamas. adapted to, and prescribed for, each pocallar
of dans.
. hese. T
onle Alterative Plll. when mink in k
Ply acknowledged to be c ob esor to aU others. as • pw'ne
-tire or liven pill, inasmu they leave the bowoLpeov
fatly free from metivenerr, se also his Ogaden PILL am at
matted. by the faculty. to paces Peculiar properties, Map '
tea to female among but Pang satiated that a bard trial
ban/fa:lent to bibh what hos beers rad, in am mistreisof
the mad ekept ata ica.
The 'Metal am Invited to cal arms the egad. ...I:pr.2-
,¢re (gratis) one of the Doctors pamphietaprlang aft
ed aceount of each remedy. and sta •
For solo the folicaing walk, morel! as by most dings
ask throughout the
. Ar ker a country :
4. Swan s d. Druggi a
4 '
5 0
M artrk ePitabugh.
ice A. Beckham, Damao, new the Pookollies,AUeltbse
nay cl
Jos t ep y.
h Bovril; Darlington. Beaver county, Pa. ' •
Jam Elliott, Immo, Vallry
T. Adam, Beaver,
• •
C: et. R THE AFFLICTED Will be found in
' Dr. Dewitt C. Keith:me INFALLIBLE LINISIENT,
or gin Fivid. which Las stoat the ten of thlrty.years ex.
neriew, and hat beyond is doubt. been the mans of:sav
ing the haw of thousands, of ittiiiTkitlaii i ill almost every
elms and ctotrartar of Merit,. We feel that we hoard no
thing in saying that Chic isthe only tualkine that lanaheen
offered to the Milliard, dial {kW], iv every If Cllte Of the I! Ord,
what it le sold for.
e p oo d. n od ieatpable of curing more
any other medicineoffered for rale, we rare not by, whom t.
made or sold, or by what name.
An netmoN and convincing prmif of the stove. we. aay
that it Is the only article that has aoratud in tha km. of
oatent Ifedkine that has ever teen pittronhed and rawd,
:d the praise of the elite lgenerally,a. thy Moat affmtatiblw ,
Family Medicine ever offered for rate, or need by ,101 T of
them, at=
The lion. Mows D. Grinnell Isto M. C. The Bon. &At
It Morrie, tote Motor. Lion `John A. DM, late D. ti. hem
to, Witham It. Porter, EN Hilton of the Spirit of the
Time, and host of other diainguiehed torero of New
York, who fay listed it. merit, bay. trembled the
proprietor to refer to them.
As it is well known that Patent Medicines are
I= u r I r rt l T4 1. CA 1 r t 7; 17:
I - 'lldrtWouder wonting Compound has been nearly
omen year., Mame thetpublle. boat friends are now its
et coed and best TiliS MCA 011ikilltittidiT to strong and
convincing proof of Gs general neefultlem and motive
royalties. It Lo a sotereign rented} far all nervous diem*,
rheumatic mans, scrofulous melting, gamins, bruises, old
wan, modal' the pains and aches that bash Is heir tat
(her 1,0010.0 IO bottles have been cold without complaint
and hare perfected such astonb.hing/ cores,&Gera other
remedies hare failed, se would tta4ger belief, had we not
0red...1 in, our patressioo, the stvongeet pondhln
denw. •
This medicine, nr man re e renhay, preyaral from Veg
etable, for internal an m etternta me. It seta direct
ly upon the dimmed nart—giv hat LI health and snength.—
It le a emu ewe for Diarrhea eramits. Silk.. amp, and
aII +monodic affection+. dieeawa of the Kidneys, and
Weakness in male ordldnala, from whatever annOt may
"grea r rriltsbnighoby F.: Seller, Messrs. 11110
and lgden
pt,t7,lT,ir„boy, tlhe
57:, • janiklint
Fi d TERVESCING. C 0 P 0 USD. _ , -This
anntronod - lc warratand to prolu. •ithin
sun effect". when n.I for inaninw* nahca. '
buckwheat eakco, an. by which a ASTI. 10 crk,..l In Um.
• •
Cour of about 11l per rent.
To Moot 110000 -To each primut of dour add two tea
to they wLlln dry. hate msi.oaWe
p::wd flour thor thoroughly
ean aet as6le sod use at leimare.l luau
uch cold water will male the dough the usual
ItkrtieTou knead It well, and lot It "land OILeo nduntml
Luton, Oaklut mu ch' two hours will do no hurt-
nhould be mixed thinner, and lathed at but
wlll do no hurt to stand Grown or twenty minute,. There
r as daugrr of stating tat much of thla Compound to lbw
bread: it will oot turn We bread }elk, a 0 rater.. duet
when tot/d b 0 excerr.
T o o ran pot the above COmpound Into ka cakes, pod,
dlr o ,mhony coke, Indian mkt, wino, cakra, corn umal
cat . earn bread. lavirn bread.l4 , cuit, batter cakes. Du*.
amle dn.mplinira.Vd and for ail baking
tampon,. Jett MM. , . sad for sic by
IL hill.L6l:B. 67 Atoll wt.
kJ flee Dollars reward will be paha to anyone,bo .lll
Pndurc a of paint, mein order, that cannot he ex.
, e ieb ihegs.lniprovid Chemical limp: I. have UM
samfaction of eayitig to the people of this place that thin
article, by ray own improvement on it, mow stands, mini
vallof la this country' tot evtractinr: gremeatimi Pitch. one
punt, or any other gromy toleetanee, from all Ithelsof gem
b et a or imbed Moiling. carpets. table meads. remind
yh.whe. Ladled bonnets. i•C, without inytinng
that pare ..tee will not IN o. More than one ltbDOonnsut
pereons In dillorent parts of the country have told 'Me they
would not be without it If it cod *l. Cage. • MA
boar on into< than:WO articles tel light silks. n ailmotipeme
and have only found three pieces a mak, two
of alpaima,and four ofealwo,on whieb it changed Owed.:
therefore, before matting It on a light dove, try k ;enrolls
of the dress Mist. I state this became Lam dreermlned em
to recommend it any stranger Una 1 knovr to to idritel7
Orders from eountry merchants and, rah. reiriltl7
attended to by thejuliacriber. -I
fa f w.
. 1 had out used It Wee beffen 1 felt Its becteltdal agesets..
R. R. E. SELLERS-- , Sin Suffering [roma
cbld and cough, be • Iskit I fated man/Ludy.,
so out obtaining relief, I gas yncnitioti wifft • boat. of
"IL E. Sellers' Cough fliztons. ^ I think It • duty which I
cme to both you and the public in giusertd. to 1010.07
assert, East 1 Lad not wed it twice betide I felt Its 'team .
toeffects, sod (undereffects, the brim Istvan:VW ...Aston
to bath le bottle. 1 hutify also, se to !Lasing triton:MA
Its mope properties on Mende of :nines one fir particula„
who had • trylug snack on Iser haws. se , .cts&Ogd.••ith •
gistre nd ins, c ough. Verily the tusly °use tic f•het•
cough, and and. street the paltrier) hoseles!chittmhotunsatet
i°"IL ° '" U° " . V g 1,0417.CL0, Nryt4it.
MlTJam.jinrat.l4l;''.s.l.E. ISELLEIIE, Na. 57 Wocd 2.
and sold by draggles Ituogrofir. Jail
tJ M a a Lt y ' ageld. tr ir.. Arotrutrt SO,
Mr. n. stlfirted for boa. time eith •
Nerve:Th.l eptereeLtrAtelteel.y,o4rh!=rrhl asue,
flrTi4 p 7113. dMo... It blithe den/red elfee/ of 'earwig
c`lg.Tgrthit= rt t :LI.V t.
urt tny, l'7ll,lll7 2 Ltdt b ";A n " :
etel reeecorneudiee It to the public. se or. of the hett sl a Z
eine. LW. cr been DreDered for the
is Intended. 3.1.311:.3 B. OHM
?mated sal mad be U. , E. ELELIM la Nicol a. id
OA its tor alo Os Ligl NMMIL