The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 25, 1851, Image 3

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TinAL or 71.111 STREET Pasacincaa.-.3latara.
Kirkland, Sharpe, and Barker were yesterday
brought before his honor, the Mayor, charged
with being guilty of disorderly conduct, alleged
to hare been committed in gathering crowds of
.persona in Penn street, at the Canal, thereby
obstructing the - sidewalks.
The evidence against them was positive, and
Sharpe, who had once before promised to &han
dmaids previous course of condlua, bat had bra
ken Isis word, was sentenced to pay a tine of
twenty dollars, and committed to prison indefault
of payment.
Kirkland and Barker were tried in the atter
• noon. Kirkland was exceedingly animated, and
spoke long and loudly about constitutional privi
leges, the liberty of speech, the tyranny of the
officers of the kw, 3n., Ike., bat was interrupted
In the midst of his harangue by the Mayor, who
asked him whether be Intended to deny the
charge. Mr. Kirkland wanted to be confronted
with his accuser, and the police officer who had
made the affidavit stepped forward.
Ile then asked to be informed . what Divine or
human law be had violated, upon which his hon
or referred him to the City Ordinance relative to
the obstruction of the streets. Mr. Kirkland was
pommenclig another harangue, when Barker in
terraptenim, and declared that the course the
Mayor was pursuing was perfectly legal, and
that were he on'tho Bench, he would act as Bu
honor did. Ile (Barker) knew that they had
violated the law, and for his part, he intended
not to obstruct the public streets again.
.Kirkland declared that he would always speak
when he pleased—that his fellow citizens wished
him to pundit, and that he was bound to do so
-by a higher law than that which brought him
. Ha was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dol
lars and the costs, and committed to prison In
The remaining &readmit gave a solemn prom
ite to the Mayor that he would not aptin . be
gbilty of the same offence. lie had for some
time past, he said, intended to procure a room,
or private lot, to lecture in, as he thought that
there he could do more execution. Ile;felt Vat
the plline (the street) " cramped hie, and that
he could not quote what he wanted to quote."
The reminded him that ha had commit
ted Sharpe for breaking his promise, and trusted
that he would keep his. This Barker promised,
and was discharges.
Tin Plrrsaunnu Isnumaux.—We are indebt
ed to the Rev. W. A. Passavant; Director of this
Only benevolent Institution, for the report, and
accompanying documents f r the year 1850, and
take great pleasure in laying before our readers,
the following report of the Board of Visitors
•By the act of Assembly, incorporating the
Pittsburgh Infirmary, the undersigned were con
stituted a ' Board of Visitor" 'anebarged with
the duty of meeting annually, on the almond
Monday in January. "to examine and report for
publication, the condition and management of
the institution "
In'obedienee to the injntetion of thelegislatise
authbrity, the undersigned metat the Infirmary
buildings on the second Monday of the present
month, and organized by the election of Thomas
Ifowe, as President of the Board, and the
appointment of C. Zug, es Secretary.
The Director of the Infirmary, the Her. N. A.
Pamatant, submitted a report of the condition
of the institution, which was ordered to be pub-
Dotted. For this most interesting chapter upon
the inception, progress, and future pruspects of
Waufalness of this infant institution, as well as
for the interesing report of the 'attending Physi
china, the Board of Visitors would bespeak the
earnest consideration of their fellow citizens.—
A statement of the receipts and expenditures
eras also submitted, and haring been carefully
examined by a Committee of the Board, and
found to be correct, was likewise ordered to be
The building, and all the departments and
Wards thereof, were thoroughly inspected by the
several members of the Board, and found to be
in excellent condition. The cleanliness, order
-and decorum which pervaded the entire estah
lishment, and the administration of its affairs,
was equally a matter of surpriie and gratulation.
From the untiring zeal of the worthy Director,
we bad been led to expect much, bet our expec-
tittione Were more than realized.
hospital where medicines were doled out, and
the common dictates of humanity heeded as a
matter of duty, wo found an asylum for the sick
and disabled, and a home for the invalid strang
e., where the kindest sympathies of our nature
were clustered, as around the domestic hearth.
The plan upon which this institution is organ
ised and conducted, for the details of which we
refer to the accompanying report of the Director,
commends it most strongly to the liberal ',stra
ws of a christian public. Its inteepal economy,
I'M particularly the care of the eick,3 entrusted to
females, previously qualified by a course of edu
cation and training for this especial object. Here
there is no distinction of creed, or color, or conn
, try. The peanyless stranger receives es cordial
' a welcome, sad his wants are as carefully provi
ded for as the possessor of thousands. There
• are no - vales which emlude from tits sanctuary
the unfortunate victim of the most pestilential
disease. Whilst the doors of other institutions
are closed against him at the time of bin extrem
est need, here he gains ready admittance, and
the tenderest care. In the self devoted nurses of
this institution, he finds a subsdtute for mothers
and sisters. It is indeed a noble charity, and as
each, deserves to be most abundantly cherished
and sustained.
No adequate provision of .a permanent char
acter has yet been made for its support. Prom
the voluntary offerings of our benevolent citizens
the means have hitherto been provided for de
- fraying its current expenses; and from thesatse
source has also been raised the accessary Duals
for meeting the several instalments as they have
Demme due upon the purchase of the Infirmary
buildings. Other payments have yet to be e,
amounting in the whole to $3,000; of this, . LON
falls due on the first of April next. The e te
ary Is empty, and the Director, in addition to his
other self-sacrificing efforts to carry su ally
forward this noble enterprise; is now, as e re
pettedly has been before, in advance of .. oney
from his own slender revenue, to buy b .., end
other necessaries for the dependent in.. 'tea of
the institution. A small sum contribut • an
nually, at stated peziods, by one or two h ud red
of our fellow citizens, would contribute s ally
towards relieving the Director from ....t and
perplexing difftculties, which he has . i tie
been compelled to encounter; and to this end a
committee has been appointed, whose app we
hope and believe will be most cheerfully pond-
• ed
, And may we not also indulge in the h• •
not - a
few of our wealthy citizens, who owe
to the bounty of It kind Providence, will
this institution with especial favor; and
they hate - *Lined the- commoh heritage
will Ease left behind them some tneritotlla
the Pittsburgh Infirmary has not beers for
- J...H. 8110ENBERGER,
. • - J. E. M001:11EAD, ,
. lbauvi of Visit
• PitUt the Director's Report, of the Insti s.
we lam that—
ttTlie first year of its exisiMme maw a- Bof
great pecuniary difficulty. The Institutio was
commenced in humble dependence upon od—
•Without influence, friends, or fundss, -rind trug
sled into life from the womb of inaignifican and
poverty. An English shilling was the do
Tuition received : and reverai• of the nex ere
even smeller in amount. TwiS beds, a to e, a
cooking stove, end a few chairs compoe the
furniture when the first patientwaa revaiv —all
the bedding and furniture for the wards or' oms
had to be begged or bought—qualified and rusty
r E d
anises to be procured est a considerable e use,
end means to be raised far the support f the
increasing number ofaick. What greatly ed
to the difficulty of doing this, was the fact, that
the Issatitution was unknown to the public, and
it first wen situated in a remote and out 7
y , f the
*ay place in our neighboring' city, where lit at
'treated but little attention."
. a •• ~ a a
'm ai
e number of patients received Into "t In
firmary until it was placed under the care I [the
Desconessm, in August, 180, was eight -two.
Since then, three hundrc-dand eighty -eigh hare
bim admitted, making a total of four hundred
ad seventy, in the cue year and eleven menthe,
which have elapseskfince the Brat patierd. was
. • mimed. . %..,1 11
•, We trust that our citizens, will contribute lib
erally towards the support of so excelltut en
"institution, and that the charitable teal 1 the
north] clergyman at its head, may neyer be me
dusa fruitless thieugh wait Of means. I
Aaattamen.—Pollee officer Doghetty
y left the City , for Wheeling, having p •
trom the Goteraor to arreat
end Man =teed there on a charge of
issalin& committed in this Count:.
sr ACCIDENT.—We kept our col
ry late hour, last night, hoping
!Mars of the loos of the Lowell,
g papers, hut the mail, which
i I half-pool twelve o'clock, did not '
Tat Eltpaitu.
urns open to 0
to reccife parti.
by The
- arrived Bt obou
contain any.
Monday, March I.
rabie William B. Mo.l Vona, March 24. 0 re. and
ind William- Boggs, Associate The ?tearner Arctic, from Liverpool, arrived
yesterday morning, bringing full mails, and dates
at ten o'clock. when his holm, t „ the sth inst.
,ndge• charged the Grand jur Y• The Arctic brings 15 passengers, among whom
veer the names of the Petit Ju- ore Mr. John Munroe, bearer of despatches from
I nljourned. ' the U. S. Legation at London, and Mr. Fearing,
bearer of despatches from the U. S. Legation at
Paris. The freight list of the Arctic is a large
Queen Victoria was at the Osborn House, Isle
of Wight, just before the Franklin left Cowes.—
The F. saluted the Royal yacht with 21 guns as
she passed.
Cotton—Quotations, to-day, for fair quality,
are—Bowed, lid; Orleans, 70 - e
lb. The rates are 5.0011 bales, all to the trade—
the market closing very quiet.
Advices received yesterday from Havre report
the cotton market there very calm, with no
change in prises. Sales up to 2 o'clock amount
.' to only 282 bales.
A telegraphic despatch, this evening, states
that the demand for cotton there was moderate
during the week, from the trade, who still con.
time to purchase sparingly for their immediate
want,. In prices there had been no change dur
ing the preceding week.
Samuel Jon
The Court m
the President
end they retire
After calling
rots, tho court
eutou—The Court met
. at two
Grand Jury hod not returned
1 number of reeognizanees were
o'elock, but th
any true bills.
surety of the pe
forfeited, and .1
Com. vs. Wm.
the Peace. Th.
defendant was d.
co A. NI. Burns, information
c. Recognizances of prosecutor
endont discharged.
Frasier—lnformation, Surety of
prosecutor not appearing, the
prosecutor of A. M. Burns, up
, he ITao sentenced to pay the
Joaepn Bu
pearing in Cou
"ourncEl until o'clock, this morn
I unumble Judges Hepburn and
Before tho
The jury in
William Eichtu
baring teen eel
agreed. This
been tried.
Jacob Hitt:
•ember term, 1
Plaintiff ; Wool
defendant. Ac
diet for defend;
the case of Watson's heirs vs.
'am. were yesterday discharged,
since Friday without having a
s the fourth time this ease lw.s
Jno. N. Ackerman, N0*479 No
at No. 180 18-0; Batumi for the
tuoi Jon. S. Hamilton for the
`'op for n '•way going crop," ver
14 - 3 lay vs. Barnes Ford. No 140
!motion of Mr. McCandless, non
MeGaingle a.
April '49. On
soft taken off.
Praia! S. R.
miniatnstrik of
486 No'rember
ton for plaintiff
time on the ease
land vs. Elizabeth Hugh., ad
dvmrd Hugh., deceased. No
9—list No. 181 ; G. P. Hamil
John Mellon for defendant Ac
No verdict.
tenlay laid an
against John
a pistol from hi
After a Jtearil
dam Naylor, a colored menles
information before th e !dolor,
.0..1, whom he accused of stealing
.., on the previous evening.
.g the mum was dismissed.
of counterfeitin:
Court of Qua
writ of habeas
committed yes
fault of three I
'xrrren.-3filton Luther, accused
who was brought before the
,•r Sessions on Saturday, on a
:orpus, and remanded, was finally
rday by Alderman Major, in de
ousand dollars hail.
ed Grinding and Bolting, or
!burgh, Pa., Starch 14, 1851.
'7I3LIC:—We now in use,
v i blillk u trzn li lf M. , CIn t rIR
;i„tz r.!
cr . duatlng . the Ilran end
• Pitt
rTHE P 1
ill our Plouri!
tem Comblunl
e ' r n ior
- :The first la yeti ,
pwell as an cektl•
ower. making It
one ran f-bare
I lly adapted to !ta th.anti;
.17 burr aton,. and n.linn4 Wurli le o 4
• ukealent, In a Merebant 0111, W nenely
ths: till c< o, , aY 61.;n41 to 6 . 1.00:.
ran and Offal Aenono. and dugtax.
i•St of about tan/n• per , s. tbe vahr,
br 31111.
The letter. as •
dome so actual p •
of the (eats from I
Por raanufastuil
Pork spedily, pn;
laud haviop the du
the attentorf of M
Urtst 3111 h it Is •
• .
• the
ar.a:nlne. F ru u p r e . r an or
~ th
Iting aprlux
en0nt.70,..1. It In arwthy
Blera &aura:men-ban: buaine.,K. atkl fur
wo, the ttualrui • • •,, orprati••ln the “Pithtburgh City
Flowing 31_Ita." f ' 4.• th. .-..
1'i0.t.,••,:t N.. otr-x,
W N. Nowt
--714 Ctoc.
J. Y.lsclt.t.u_
Grinding Bolting, or Merchant Mill.
az i
Li AVINii p rehmed the entire Patent Right
Mbh o / f ul h al‘:%"r t ii l ;L.:l: l t'fffit..l i ".. C ., l l",nl. P i!':i:?;
prepared to melt tkmuty and . Rate Right, Menai,. the Mill
dt up for tore. I take this metlvel of boron/ling the pub!".
that I am able to offer the greatest invention of the age.
and one which is s Ire to meet wtth sum", and which moil
be the means of making every Perwm Patraha`in. Count"
and 8.. Eights, 'claim. a hands o me fortune. M. mifi
Is perfectly portable. and.only oerool. a optic of four fret
three , when In
capable of
grinding and IVtalb ag Gym flee to ten brothel. of wheat per
hoar, It can be on twlted such from an one hone power up
to any pry. 'r de 0,1 Call and eee. it In ote.raßon at
Memars. Wilman.h 0 ]able. City Flour/ea NIEL., Liberty
street, Pittabargh,
1, further. haw. theright of Ammer M. C.A.'. EMIT
MACHINE. and t 1 e Machines for sale. balls, punthesed
It of B. Suavely. 111 totters Met paid will Le avower'.
Promptly. TIBJMAn M. CLARE.
mehlB.l.twlni .T
Exeunt° ' Sale of Beal Estate,
WILL BE SOLD, in purgnance of the
1.1 Will a Testament of Ntertin Lowry, late of
the Lit y of Pittston gh, deed, on Monday. the 7th Any • , 1
April. 1641, et 10 0 lock, A. /1-, at the Court Ilona, In the
City of Pittsburghj by nubile auction. a 'minable lAA 0 i
0 renn_,,d Attu. oguarry 11111. near the New the I
aro/ Ward, con tig nearly ONE ACME: being part , .
:Int AT .I'4 :,14'.2, 1 e`b„,dbeJti°,VV7Ig:tri
1 - 17,1,TV7,1. 0„,P,1,V - .7- 1 ° '''', 7 l .l;:gt',`,:l',.?.'..V
assigned in several y to toe brit' "A' the said Genie Low- '
ry. deed. by mete. .1 Loynd, Le.. mr hr ref,renee O. the
incubation and pl n the annem"l, and bther pro.
medium; in the hat, will now fully etml . 'or., r
Prrr. 10 is nen, y to enumerate the , 1
the dome
proper! . cornrommileg. re. it t 1.,.. a beautiful,'
premspet of the eh aml the ton men. being easy ..f ere
awas for a private reablence. and ....Indio*, In tl r...dent
atone et fur buil nu purt,ae•—me they an. we known.
PO r • plan of the Broperty and further inh.rmation, mop , /
to Messrs. Mitchel tent Palmer, Maur u,rs nn_ Conn... Gum
at Law, Fourth t. rto either of ' the undendame.l. On.
neuters of the last Will and of Martin loamy,
J 011:: NEti3IITIL
N. B.—The adjin ing Lot, eontalniug about the same
ti .
Quantity of land, I ..,.. for sale. • nveirdialAaw
Gumbo, in W. valuable writing" no the "Ybraioloar of Dl
ofstle,wn,. that a diminution of the true coar.thy
Gastric Juloe is prominent ant all prevailing cauve of
ELTr‘,:, in"d11:: - .:;toth,tt... - 4:tr,1 1 1171,7d.r.,tral
gfi'.=-.5 - .L l °. ;IrrslLW:r.:=l"orii7.7.ll:
haat; which pine completely rucrealful."
Dr. Lloughtorie . L. 1., the true d‘g.e. , .1.• Gold. or Claw.
trie Julce.• Great yarepsia Curer, orepanl from Bennet.
or the fourth str. h of the (hs after direction,. of Baron
Llebig. the great Ihsiological linemist, by J. S. Hough
ton, IL Da/Id/au/4P P..
This 11 a truly pro rent remedy fir DP
peps* Jaundicr, rex Complaint. Constipatibn. and ii,"
bihty, miring afto nature's own method. by nature', men
agent. the thunrica7aloe.
Ahe Grated Jul T e t the great solvent of the food, the pu
rifying. prefer...ln . stimulating agent of the stomach are!
Intestines Witho t tythere can be no digestion—no MP.
version of 6.1 In . 1&.1.—n0 st d of the body: but
rather • food. tore • painfoL and dextructive condlUon of
Instead of a
npiparatuot- A weak, or ha
' c ' 7l,ffit U rrhich ' ltLe. "'i .b""'
f.. Crum Nn ? . ..atirl o r;• e dlims
foradria • Oraratlve fircc l ;%2:l7
4 ..r :Fr i lhl , EroceP rFioi x t t l . i . Kration artificially
r th , arareationDorl
But Mt• grant ••
mixtripley Pe
ambling man lb
like the manril 0
farniet,lng • eamPl
The art of Perf•
heal longbeen ko
cialms th e merit o
. • .
In a perfeß arron azreeable form.
'avilence! Bn Weida. In hie rale.
.Imal Cheml.try, say, An Artificial
acurm In the °satiric Jul,. may be
°nous membrane of the stomach of the
aartkles of ford, ea meat and rj.:l, 4 Win
. 11 . N.b d „ l n —L j.W.:11. 1 r m" -
Philadelphia. prepares an artificial dl.
PI:P81N. from the digestive stomach of
i le as admirable manly for . Indl,ootiou,
noun ethod, by nature s wen agent.
ahCal ml
and nee the estnannimar, mel
ts Vle.
'EIiShR a McDOIVELL. Agent..
140 Wont rt.. Pittsburt;b.
[ 't it Tr417;1PPV . ,..,. •
the cure of Drupe
Mod the clew
Mated work on .
Dlgaitlire klub] a,
LWitich verb,
mwaftemd, Mon • ,
mr se they would ,
Dr. Houghton. o
umbra thudmiled
the Coz, wideb ado ,
curios atter nom .
lb/ thimtive prln
entitle evideuce of ,
t hat
. hen.
Dram rafor f Oka
A1..0 SW
42 0 3 net,.
No.:1 Nackertl;
Tv .:
primeNoatimirmak Potatmem
.. limta
" Green APIA.,
Ear Corm
r il nn a u Tr..
Dried Apples for sale kr
ere and Commiseam Nierrtiatits
. . .. . ..... . ; ranee ;
I Nu. ID W
1 . .E11-4.' bbl..just rec'd and fur
GI W•Gps at
26 bit. No. 2, just rec'd and
IL de by
fat ealr.w.
Cud Urn on,
Tbv)n, Clarke &Co.'s genuiue
or sale by J. KIDD le
GO Wont
-44 Cask. , (first sorts) for sale by
sucks( prime) for male by
'l. (N. C:)for sole by
,ICU a 31d.ANDLIV:.
OlL—Warranted pure. on
rfialtllTii " fro
iu th.... g bt- It
• • • -.
mrlare VI. and Wood
LL BOXES--Apported size's
f or .slob 7
NI)IAN I k;3ll'—English im
era B. A. FAUN F_ , TOCK A CO.
ported. for
lUDl—Eng impqrted, for
es B. A. VAILNESTOCK • 174,
_IA rale by to
bladders, in a...sorted' 2ized,
° by B. A. FAIINESTOCK a 01
ASTERS--Large and email,
B. A. PAIINF.STOCI( a co.,
_ e arner F t,r axtAWnotl2!.A.
DRY RIDES received and
mar a C. A W. lIAICISALM.
1 packages. for
lachli I
itEN'S - 1 '
LWe by
tri DES-'
j for tale by
0 sucks Feathers received
mna x , B. A W. ILA P.l+o/01.1.
Barrels reed per B. B.
fur male br
A M. l/AitllAl'llll,
1. fur emle by
C. 7 5, in sture
WM. und for
.N it STuN. lAy
H. Jldll
azul for tr .
Er. 8.
G(18 1 - 17 3 b
LARD --17
LA meh9
CLOTIIS—A 'very ve !arr; ny
blo cnvern. on html * and for ..lo st.
outcaent of
IS.: awl,/ Wood
J. St 11. PHILLIP?.
n.thy Y
Dna ren'tl and for onl.
C H 151) ho. (prime.) I.lri
rh7 .1 0. DILWORTH a CO.
catas No. 1, for oak by
J. 0. DILWOBT/I t 00.
01 JR
Later Intelligence from Enrope
Grain—Owing to the large arrivals of wheat
and flour within the post few days, the Corn
market has been exceedingly dull, and prices are
now only nominal. Tine American wheat sells at
us 10d@X,s iS 70 lbs, for white, awl Us 4dess
fid for red. Indian Corn is quoted at 82s for
white, 10, for yellow, and 29s for mixed 11
Flour—ln. Western canal flour there is not
much change to notice, the rates asked being 18
®26s Philadelphia and Baltimore Ohio
and Canada 2056e„21s is bbl.
Provisions—Since last report, the arrivals of
cured provisions are light, viz: 2608 tierces,
awl 280 hbls beef; 644 bones bacon, Ong cask
'hams; 104 boxes, 62 tierces, and 160 bbls
The demand for the latter article having impro
ved, a portion of the last week's decline has
been recovered, and sales have reached 70 tons,
Stocks of bacon are being exhausted, and trans
actions have been confined to purchases to ar
rive. Several large rules of - favorite western
brands have been made at "pt cat. Noth
ing is doing in Immo or shotilders for want of
stock to operate upon.
.5 fair business has been done in cheese at full
prices. The sales of beef on the spot, have
been limited at date prices. Almost ItiOn tierces
western of a well known brand hare been. sold,
arrive at a very full price. Pork meets a
good enquire, and somesales of old are reported
at 50c -e
Barning 13rothers. London Circular, under
date of March. 7 p. m.. states that there is a de
mand for almost every :Illicit of colonial farm.
Produce has been extremely limited, and with n
few exceptions, the tendency of prices had been
The late miuistry have assumed office, and
this evening. a declaration of their policy will be
made in Parliament, when we shall know whether
the proposed change in the celfee dot', s will he
By overland nail, we have received dates from
Calcutta, to the 2ith of January.
Money has been in rather less demand, bat the
rates of 4scount were unaltered.
The corn trade remains in a greatly depressed
condition; cheat 3,01.10,000 quarters of wheat,
principally from the Black Sea, had been reecir. '
It is offering at a reduction Iron: previous
current prices. .The weekly average of English
wheat vent 36s 'll quarter. Flour was dull and
prices nominally the same. Indian corn was in
limited request.
Flour—The market is active nt an
"td tail. 24U0 111/11 at s3,}s(i
IRON MARKET. Whiskey—Thera: tea further decline,
Litnacoot., March 7. at 173 . 6 i 17i 101.
Prices are steady, and in general, the trade is . Provisions—The market is steady, tt ,
quiet, especially for Scotch pig. The demand sales, and no changein price,
. .
for rail. is improving and 4O 5. is readily ;as boxes nt I.+
obtninisl. Liverpool merchant liar f..". 7st.ii.l 7 Grociitica—Sugar is steady at
Ed: nail roil, l holip.i.:•7: sheets Xiit :12c ; 411 1 ; C o if, sm .! bran,
Scotch pig, No. 1, I i.. Clover...A I. scarce, rod sell. in small
MONEY MARKET. 571 , 1 lin.
The river has- fallen nine inches since
Xmerican stocks present no change in prices,
and no active demand. U. S. coupon bonds, of • li'l
- are quoted 109, " of Otti7,
,ctettl, are quoted at , inscriptions nt
104(n 10.. Penna. fires are selling at it-1. and
31arylnnil fives lit
Lord Johu Iluasell, in resuming the reine of
-Govetninent, made sem , tdatements in the House
-ore:lronton, on the ith ipAt, of the new features
-in his policy. Ili. Lordship proposes to reyeul
the income tax, of icis yields ffst v e ee n fi ve and
six hundred thouaand pounds sterling-, and to
impose a duty on corn, which would cost the
country at least three times that amount.
In ttje 11;11 in regard to Ecclesiastical titles, it
is determined to strike out the under clause
which renders invalid all deeds executed under
the prohibited style and title; and the third
clause by which property left or convects] to
persons beating these illegal titles, is forfeited to
the crown.
A letter from Kossuth has been received at
London relative to the Hungarians who have ar
rived at Liverpool. which shows, that when those
men left 11humbi, they did so with the intention
of going to America. In this letter Kossuth ex
presses the wish that Mr. Pulisky may exert
himself with'the view of these people being sent
to America, in order do prevent them living on
alms, which would be sdegrading to themselves,
' , and the cause they had been engaged in.
r t .
The student outbreak at Stockholm. is said.
had no political bearing: but was a toe e riotous
festival, which wax combatted by 1.1. e , lice. A
ss.ialist outbreak, however, near the town of
Levenmer, was more serious. Out of this arose
a mob of several day's duration ; during which
the authorities were assaulted. The military was
fmallysealled out, and the riot put down.
Our advices from Berlin inform us of the arri
vaTthere of an Austrian despatch, in which a
ea goo and unsatisfactory answer is given to the
Into Prussian proposition. It is stated that this
despatch has confirmed the Prussian Government
in its resolution to insist on its rights: and to
prefer a return to the old Diet, to any unsaths
factory arrangement with the Darntheriart
Letters from Bucharest. of the 18th ult., state
that the troops, both of Bassist and Turkey, will
evacuate the Prineipalities.'""After this measure,
the Snhen is resolved to oppose, with force of
anus, any attempted ocottpation of the Princi
palities on the part of Russia.
The recent story of the plot to assassinate the,
Pope turns out to lie the invention of an Old
woman, who lived . 9 servant at the house of
Rev. Mr. Basset, the Protestant clergyman.
The Federal Counsel of Switzerland, through
the representations of Northern powers, have re
voked the decree of 18.1 S, which nut , lo it obliga
tory on the Cantons not to receive and harbor
political fugitives. They have also confirmed the
Into deer cc, enjoining the confinement and expul
sion of fugitive,
Our advices from Samos are to the 16th ult.—
Thu Island of Samos boa surrendered to the Sai
gon. The leaden of the Insurrection will lie
giv en over to the Turkish authorities.
The question of the Hungarian refugees at
Kllay eh has been definitely arranged. The Em
peror of Austria has granted full and entire ant
r,esty to those refugee% on condition that they
will not make any attempt to re-enter Hungary
—eight of them, however are excepted, and are
to remain for further orders. Among those
thus detained, are Kossuth land Count Bath).-
It is elated that a convention has been condo ,
ded between the kingdoms of Austria and Den
mark, by which Denmark proposes to eater
the Austrian Customs Union—to abolish the
Co.:Ronan of March, 1848, elate adopt a rep
reser.tative system of States. In return, Den
awl; receives a.gusrantee for all her provinces.
'7u case of the eatinction of the mole line ot
this Royal House, the crown will revert to the
Lek a of Oldenberg.
7 'he Bombay Telegraph and Courier report,.
thr.t the cotton crepe of the present seamen are
ez pected to produce 00,000:balce, being a third
ni ore than hot year.
, About 2,500 persons have, of hitt, died of rho
( era at Bombay. The .mortality of the month,
',or the Island of Bombay. is nearly 3,000.
A conflagration occurr ed at Rangoon on the
Fgth of December, which nearly destroyed the
city. It is estimated that 2,000 houses were ut
terly destroyed. It extended °ter on area two
miles in.length, and one in breadth ; and in its
rapid pr4gre , :s communicated to some cargo boats
loaded with inflammable goods of great value.—
from these it extended to the shipping in the
riser, and nine vessels, with their lading, were
burned to the tinter's edge. The Custom House
blew up, with atremetidoua explosion, spreading
death and desolation for and near. In fact, with
the exception of a few mean huts, not a house
remains of the large at.d flourishing town of
1111:1:: , Elio NI cIIAGRD-4.
. - .
New 'York, March 24. FPO LET—An OFFICE on Water, bosses,
The ,dearaship Prometheus, from Chagrcs, lie Marks pd
Rao Juan and Havana, arrived this morning.— y
••• ^
She made the run from Havana to this city in F Olt RENT—A Dwelling ma,
four days and eight hours.
Thinl PllVet, .bare srvl nen li
r emitLtirl.l. It
, to. 1,11.14 tzturt, Lugo yar,. wouth Ar tcwJr
The Prometheus brings 325 passengers, who waled and pomeanion given Imm.11.0;ly
have, among them, abort half a million in gold : t u.h.
r t r z`'"th w `''•
dust. She left 75 passengers at Havana, who' AM. a 5. DA ILLI 1174.5.
proceeded to New Orleans in the steamer Geor- ; Cones ' "r".".". wow.gia, on the Path inst. The Falcon also sailed on
the same day.
The sPrometheus, on Sunday. spoke the United
States steamer Saranac, off Moro Castle. 'Alt
The health of Sau Juan was good.
Nis Majesty, the King of the Mosquito Is.
lands, was staying on board tier British Majes
Ifs. schooner, Bermuda, at San Juan.
New Orleans, Mnr. CO.
Seven days later advices have been received
from Yucatan. Tim country ens still in a deplo
rable condition.
A fearful conspiracy had been discovered at
Merida; where it had been determined to masm
erettll the inhabitants and burn the town.
SEW Voug, March 24.
Major M. M. Noah died nt II o'clock, on sia
gsday night—abed 68 year,
3larch 21.
Cotton—The market is firm at 1261;12i for
rpinuds, on time.
Floor is inactive no $4,44 for standard brands.
For city consumption, prices mange fro t $l,ll
!a`ss for common and ext. nod Ti 36 for
fancy brands.
Rye Flour nod Corn Meal—Rye Flour is dull
nt $t3.37f , and Corn Menl at $2,75.
Grain fair amount of wheat is ullering, and
prices are steady at 97e for prime red, nod 102 c,
for Penna white. Rye is 'career, with sales of
500 bushels at GBc. Supplies of corn are limit-'
ed, witb sales of 4,000 bus yellow, in store, at
fsOic d be_
Whiskey iv in limited demand, with small sales
is bbls, at 22e.
Flour.—The market is quiet, and prices favor
buyers. Sales at $4 620;4 ;5, for western, and,
1,4 44 for common state.
Grain—W hest is steady. at IMe for Ohin. Corn
is depressed. with sales of southern yellow at
I;sc - r+ bush.
.Provisions--Old mess pork has advanced to
$l2. Sales of dry salt hams at 9 . . sad shout•
ders at
Lard is quiet at 81c per lb.
New Your. Ma
Cotton—The market is .teady with
2000 bales.
Flour—The market is henry, with
5,000 hbis at $5 51;(;# 5 75 for }Hein.
diana. .
Grain—Sale. 2101 busliela Ohio wh
per bush.. Corn is i.L.oopiire, with sale.
14)0 hu , h prime yellow at ilfie t ) hush.
Provisions —l' - ork has afiraneetl, with
SOO fib'. old m eet' . KI (h 7 per
dy. nt former price,.
l'inver,ce,l--Prices are reduced, with
9:011-A,1:t)hin at c SI, 14.
Hemp—The markettirm. at $12:1 f
ican Dew ratted.
Linseed Oil is firm nt F2e gal.
Groceries—Molnsscs is steady at :30e f
Orleans. Sugar is steads. at f'dfii for 0
Coffee is selling at 10,1(.:'lle fur Rio.
Whiekey is lower, with sales of pris
get. at 2 - ( 4 gal.
53-.1 , 11,1/.1 ovlr etimun , r aLArcrs, (soc
Inki, for the thoy.
oaoklat.r. purts or. tb e 0 . ..kk. A,
Ear frrlyht p.....n0in •Pt•Il I..rd
- NOR. ZANESVILLE —Thr. finr.
vo 111
risinint nr snnly
SAI NT 1,4 - llls.—lhe fine,
*nil, PAUL • 7,_ •
oi nt, sill list, a,
on Tugs,' . at In nsk, A. M..
Imlght synli 1,41,1 inch:,
running otginner ti V A. Cnst
'gals for ch. striv. end Inigntriiiiluit. µint. "."'"
.:nth Ina, st A I'.
For frelfrilt or naPAge..Ft4n , ni•
:,:tt'on"lArtn-'7ll.lUt!'""‘. enl .ill
For frelzht er etTly t-Ard. 4,1 to
mehttl it. IA 1111.TXSIIEllttElt. AIL
1: 4 --1 (11: N Sli VILLE—The fine
teamrr MAYFIPWER. rnsatorr,
w , II kaveß. thr And Int,n.e.dint,nsttA,
on [.. day. Ow l'
For ftright ,4,
I, l ol{ 61,A:7'4;0W, LIVERPOOL
DAL ,Ar.1.1 , n. Awl,, will run
ton pricet Mu. rite und
trl , l i lki , rgh W,1A....117, and Fr 1,14),
I' M.
- •
cur frril.zht or ;ay....apply on Irani. Ja. , o
-1;e1T.Snl.1.1:1WII SUNFI:3II.
nr I'l
aril; rlorulep and 4tl . lr A t . e.. C l7,,...C:eVr * s
Ira~:r ,y, uCrli a far Ca vu and Tl.taburgh.•, - .
od nhipprn inn dr.ientl upon thin Altznlna P :. " .7‘4 " frf;
thr low wilt., ew....
o ^ , gbe 1. 0 `.......np1y4.7 hoard. InchlF
new and Net running str. CAP...IIIEII,
C. 31cIlitt.“ Moster—llegular 35'4,11..11e. Cleo-
Welirimra. Wheeling. Bridgeport. Cantina. and
Annneh Toilet . Pittsburgh every Wedcw , leY .
ricinck. P. 31. (Inc 13 - heeling end Mager... end ever,
sannloy. et 3P. 31.. ftr Cardin.. end Sunti.h. Returning,
In t ro ',err, Hondo, nt 10 o'clock. A. 11.. end
Bridm.port and Irheeling ewer/ . Monday end TbureloY, Cl
For lilight end Passage ePPIY on or In
rucla .11,11 N FL SCE. Agent
iNu Pour.- The Inc stenwer PACIFIC, ja
wino, master. will leave for the stove eml
Ur - connate ports every Thursday, et 4 o'clock, P. 00.
For might or Pawn applT 0" t ' lVal r .ore EON.
No.lll Water end 1.3 Fonts ta.
T. ST. LOUIS.—The mplendid
new steamer STATEI4I.IAN, Jos. Gormley,
r....ntnander, will Imre for the above end
mediate pogo on thL. d... um l'Alt 1f... at 10 A. SI.
Pg. ;i'ILT filfallEß Agt.
t Sig . :V(9ll PACKER-71e
et...nor WEI.I.SVILLE. Capt. 11. Young.olll
run VIA • regular packet betweed Pittsburgh. IVbeeling.
Bridget... nn.l:lnntish, leaving Pittsburgh erol Mender
afternoon for Wellsville. Etenbenville. end liridgesoll,.end
after - mew for eteubenville,
(kiptina. and Freer_ h: returning, leer , . Bridg. -
port end Sonfleh every Turs.lay ellen:woo, and Suenvb
MA, F nIt Y 1." 15 1 .1P. ' it 1 1te.17 " ,74 1 . 1""
it, WHEELING pm:arr.-I"hr ot.lemild
new packet oammer DIURNAL. Conwell, rn now p.rfonning her rogular tri.weekly tripe In.tween
thin city and Wheeling. leaving Pittehurgh et 10 o'clock
~rerr Monday. Wedmaier and Friday, end returning,
leave. 11 0rva1..., every Tueolny, Thursday end feturdo),
In each week. Pm. freight ..lopplv ~.rte
•t PACKI.7. CINCINNATI, Contain John
inaingharn This splendid boat wee built I.)
lb...warn of the steamer leane Neirtno, oth,rs, fur
the Clneinnati and Pittsburgh Packet truth., and will lustre
..very Wednmany for cincimmtLna place a the New Eng.
lend N0...1L Par freight or songe, nrior •23 (coned. or to
inr2o G. Si.l
1E 101" A L.—Esaucit ltr.ssErr, Whole
arnl lholrro ha, ruinimril
11. .ogre 12.1 litid 121 First alio., Islwriqi Wind acid
Blank Books.
pIIE largest Stook of Blank Books. nf en
,Sntijrornuni.s:ll;Tiesin.till style, of binding. Is carrot for
• .
W. 14. HAVEN'S. lllank Book
Alive, Market and ..•non.l tte.
Ilembante are mpumnal all and examine our
lon and Brn Blank Works. shirt offeroal at lormr
I , Vima than t h ey have erre %men sold hl rh O city.
elr ropy.' trairo
I_l AltPEIt'S MAGAZINE, for March, re
.' neared and for ' , ale at J. B. HOLM
mehll I.lterary Perot, Third
_ opposite the l'oatinllm.
14MS/IEII3I.EN, ArrEsTios!--Was left
. 7 ,0 17.7 6
ants long, and two inutller urea. 'they 101 l d at •
d5g4 " . • a.l , rh. to ob Gce,mth , ,haver 1. as
tain rne an ato tat.. lee 4, her
fatally in lb. :Aar, of Indiana. .1, 1 , 1111L . P5.,
mch. tin. T and V W
CAllaral PET—lteenircil thin day, 14 L -II b.
Co.'•C Lin, et lila Cuprt Warvhotoe al SS
NTOCK. \o. 75. Yourlh
lovrlmit Tertett..: TI ere I
Tittre,try Vettitiszt. Slain Veoit.l.. end eurvau. thr."
Carpet., of the marl truAlrat ptyleg • eh,
lmntra eats 61 and h'F;
oult7 4° CO
kINU, Banker and e Bro
• ter. Fourth LLt-, deal, L. Weatcre TEL • KL , LhE
Urtec . Fastens to Ltud mat. collectk , In the
west La 17sr rat.. and Is Isosr mylng thn WY' - • ' uurtlt
gavELLIMIL In par funds to ALL:uric. silver. =Eno
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
'FILE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, nn
favorable termo, the following Real Fetal, Ina
;o e . i i. y iltree P"L v= f le v tit ' ;reatery brick dwelling honors.
on Second otreet. between :Market and Ferry area., the
lota beingrub 10 feet front by h) den..
No. 2. Contains 67 feet front on Third %Tavel. adjoining
the Thin! Preobyterian Churrh. en whkh Is erected one
noretry brlrk hon. uned a% a Printing oat , nad one
two .tory briek warehome.
No. 2. Two lota hi 13mrer county. Wog lido
Noe. 2 and 4. being about 100 feat Muld , on w Mehl , "n"" , "
ed one blurb of hair frame dwellinga, and one 'bemoan.
frame d.rlllnc, all two stories high.
No. 4. one lot 60 feet front on bark Floret. oppomite the
ahem. and extendlng to the top of the hill. •
No. Two lemeh lots, each 10 feet front. and running
fn. the road to low water mark, on the Big Braver.
No. 0. One valuable water lot, 100 hot on Wheel Race.
with ten sloven water polrers.ached.
No. 7. CMr lot opposite the wader lot. SO feet front, and
extending t, of the hill on which ltdremed one
two story Inick more and •wareboitme. IN by ...A..csa,lasatale
7rarne dwelling. two stories hig
No. N. One large lot In New 4gldron. Deaver county. be
ing about 140 fent on Broad., and about 200 feet deep.
runtainlng a4l, on which are riveted two large frame
and one squall (runs' hon... need am Ito thee.
This property- vraa formerly °coupled by II r. T. C. Gould.
thand la very pl.moantly lormted, being nntnedlately opposite
e Fa 11... Bridge. •,
N. U. On. water lot. Imarrdiately bolo.. Fallston Erkt
bring abnut too feet In length. extendina from Wet , '
:: . rn ' tai . rtTfr i til o t r .e t =l " i tt h ; rarnrablo terror.
Omblll (Journal and Poo,. copy.)
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
:7eilt7. ted In I."ri bhi e" 'filaMTlVisf, P ,Vo'f f -f ;
ll•red tor rale aia,u"Xy lor further p'n'rtleulara,
°Pi:Au 1101 BI) 4 11
POR SALE—A large Brick Dwelling rt.)
and lot of Onotud,,nl Bank Lane, y. ‘ t.4
I,ny City, very note tbe Old Alleabenr
be towe to in g ood6o and tbe lot 0 feet lby LAI.
Femme doing boric:Are In ttm city would fad It eortrelb
A IPO--- IPn Lut, .45 tett by IN% ou Ilebmra .tenet.
For Hoe sot term% ap t de to
torttl4 BAIRD a IRWIN. lid Setoodtd.
Ell{ KENT—A Private DWelling, or'-
flngle Emma. plea/and, Waled on YeateMl et., %I,'
betty. Enquire at 311,. MAIPLOCM hook Al ore,
Miry:hen, or of W. I'. 51‘1.11A11, WOMII at: or uldrer,
Bon Pitt:burgh P. O. mebllstf
VOR SALE—Two choice LOTS, pleasant
ly sites.) for prin. realdenri, fronting on Du ,
••,,uranol.l3, between Pitt .1114 and Evan'. alley. The..
are I.l . feet front and extend bark 240 feet to • 30 fret
alley. For term, apply to C. 11. ORANT—or
110 Wan.rlota-ern Ilart,t and Ferry strmte.
•ollable 11. r th e PrlAtuy t.d%lnt... For term, In-....
q utre.4 • JAMF.SDALTELL.
No 61 11 /der R.
For Sale.
'HAWK .iF Ow oorm:rof Wadi- gr'i
Inm mut 14.. n itrett, and fronting thin 1...un-....
salv cu annG Canal. In City .11 ., tUnnrgh• The L. , front,
.• . .. . ..
. .
.. .
•..... hut - 4.1,11ml fbrty Iran' f•rt , •na P.., rtre.t. snd orw
Istmln.d in 4 tOn. fiat Wu.. 146, nn It'sobington otrtet.
t., a 1 , ...nty fmt alley'. Inquire of
1,4 A Cm N. , li. Prot...
Land for Sale.
kNE TRACT of 320 Aereft: onf , Tract of
e.r a h All thee a.. f
land II rest e
mon. t.O in and h., Tneho of
.. yerov•
flret rate ,uality. and well !Grated In )lane.
and wtll Kohl. to .all parvha,ra. re I•,a. Far further
In.tultv of WM. II J..IINSTON.
, .ere. r ,
Eround ~,,a ted at
EUIL RENT ` T wo Roosts in the I'ont
oElee fur 11,44.?
- .
Alan • STORE on Tl.lrd Pttaat, next !lona ltt the
little", Oft... a...warm ga• Clung, ands new front with
In.. 4,w.. w tuly, turnt•hol without aatattta tanant
tel.l7 E. It ti.CL7- , 131. I.:eta:lld Etmi -
v OßKiii: RENT—A olmfortahlc 7.11 ,
t nter,entl, untel 4..welinn4 iiollAr WA int
Ches‘ot street. In the Eighth c.f this
The Ite ill is (11y f..,et on (11,,
otst einrt hy no. Ln01r5.. , 4 In depth. ErKutrenf
e. ?CIVIL RE11,611)131.
4.4•18 man, of Wno.l artiNallt tie
VOR RENT —Thatlareciwulling Luse 7.7.1
rah ests.nstre ',nand. I, quid.... andstablo ;;;;
attstehmt. the yr,,temer of the Iran Wm. J. T.dion.
ax4.l o ,l.riven .nu the 171 , r if
terto•.•pplr ln L.. 11. 31 o+l, fittardion. or II C.
Sutter.. at the iart Pitt 11..i. , rka . . feblh:Ltpll
11)11SALY-Two large flaw Millomml ID Far Mill an
thr &liter with the re.wer.A itapn- , 1 , 1 P.M lahar.nreenlint,. Prier POW -
Al, • later al 111 /terns, en the Ohio aver, three ctn.+
blow Iteay..r. far one of 140 acne, on the
1110,, rtes a note.. 6-lOW 11.v....e. tor per Se7V.
r,r ter forrn• or 150. Mi.
orn+. At., 17, MTV, tar ;112, mad
arr.. .r th nun, 016. of Pori.
7.-I•.I- h. 11:ITEVIAN.
1.1.10 !Moro., sat law
No i
107 ill •tap lA.en:
ligOtt RENT—Ttu• store an 31nrket
~„ C l'ea,zer
l a Terlet,-' Store.. nu . Et .
" Ja
41:i.[Sl r ociz. As ill.
- •
10 LET-A ,ituated I“ ,
two., mint 314rktt. anti running Ifiraugh . E..ii
Virat alref - L
....He Atxtroon 111. pan:able for manufo,turingor On.
1:0,1' ; ' ..411PE..1 . 1(1:41.4 , 1 01(11.!
—46 v I
tigne..l "(Ten for oale a large Canter of ' t " olu .e
. r alr . le .
hu l ..llng wine trey Ltl4 kr manta...,
I..rtinc In Ile. 110r....g1. Ftleru.nrLa.t... ho,Attel 'l.ll the
Ine.l Int:wranelsurrh.
.•---. • • • • .
3,44.1 wrs, of Ihrinlnvits.v. In poralat..n n.n4
141.11ficturtug wraith. n1..1 1 , 44.4•
I,kl. 44. n ui • ,tr n uJ 1 1 1 .11 11 h). L.l 1.
Ink t.rf t Trnn4
itn. r dn ' ;l!!• , ;!a n i ! :;t7l7 2 ;r:7l; ‘'
Intrgb. h.t.«..t. ihr.l pad r..c.h-ta - atna.ta. c.f. at tt ' ill/a.
B,lacuaa mai at Ihrlr Bulb.
Inaloan t:,ar.),
E 1, E;1;— , 0 ,, n,. !VI 77 A
o ItttlitNtN 61T''1.6 a 5 5 ) . 14,1 .
F)11 SALE--The FuhArribl.r .ifferA for tIV
la ..1 I.AI 11005 llnt,a. wht,
ar mum arra. of grvund.shaa,al on lg. Fourth slava t..:aw•
14.4. 'attain tame mgr. tbla city. 1 . ,...ar4.1,13 alvrn nn
W. tat April oral.
r, deaJrnbh. a.; ~l 'gmund, coatalvitignwer Fon,
Arra, whit a miring, 4.1 ear.l!,tl %altar therm. allnatral
n e " o ,h•
The. n lot of cnonre.l In 4.t II Inenes by 12:1 feet. ratinlo-
Ina the remialehno n 1 'Jr.A. Tuner. nen, the pit, npnlelt•
the Seventh %I/ Preemeeleaula Avenue. Iheveveion
at.en ituruellately.
It 14 leen rennin that the Ilafilt 1t..1 eeill to rompie.
11l: i:~.Ell r fnurth et
,neut. near the
rheeeinnl ni , nert) ,
I- 4 1 01{ . 11.ENT OR SA LE—Thi• ouln•cri her trll
w 111 well rent hi. rer• desirable leuntry lied.
, In Allenheor city. eltnalni "n Woo Lao anal....
A llechenT A•entte, vi the tnnttnon. The honer le a
large double hrlek hultdlnn. In complete enter. There le a
careAgn bouan. nay .4W "rater en the arnmele.
whkh notoprt.e tern nen, well en:aiming weer,
.leserintinn trnlt4 ale, ,rendeanoke how*.
lltenkeeelnn =teen attaches,. r derived. ...MIN
_ . • •
: 1 0 It E T—A tor. ',tory Towelling ••••cl
" 705 r 0 I nA r w..t
I' en
—1 rill for moth. or on perretual lease. one lot oo
enn rtreet, 24 feet hunt by 10J teat to Spring alley , ad
io: int nte Ninth-W.ll.min'. House, Abe, one mum,
em 'i mbel by I.Uvrty. deem, And Allegheny itin-ed.. and
t+prlng Alloy, being 2114 foel on Liberty, by ILA to l‘ortos
d Irately Allor. fret fronting on FerFnronstrind, Unon ,
aPporlta the f/sutral Railroad famt.and.mtainlng
45 nem. [janliktlf I J 0511:21 O'llA RA.
I*Orkt=A large 51:th817,
w serer of Lunt attached, Winded at Oakland.
1113 ,00115.5', JUNKS A CO.
rr ) O7LET—The Three Story Dwelling tttq
No 171 Wylie street, at present moued ;rill
hr thn 11. Livingeton, and containing tram:lore...*
dlulngmom and Uri., on the nrrt tune hweee , ion
given on the let of April. Inquire of J.A ft. FLOYD,
1010 Round Church.
rLET—One Two Story Brick Route, g:too,
ootanden 4 nut... on Centre Avenue, heap- j",`',= • r Road. 'tent low. Enquire of
LET—ltoonnt and Steam Power f
mechauinal or
"'P ZIII , I, s A'uTkINSONIre of -9
OK 01.1%
.141 Iln Front et
Rare ce for Capitalists and' Manafac
toren. •
lIE undersigned being agent for the Otell
err. otter. for sole a number of town lola the torn
Slark comity, Ohl, with out lota, anti smell
CreV; Z.tio Mouton.l.,.
ry trams Hannon. nnw nearly emonleted.,Pneelnn Ihrnog.h
It. tfin , real ,ltato , *front, perbana. th e twat ol.nortroMO
lately oder., to pereons who may wieh to ruse. to man.
ula , turlng ohnolt any on.e.dolinb. The ahurelanee and
eheenneae of ell the mean. of Bring. the purply of Mid for
furl for ateam power, the great ntltf of root bronghl
to this market , as we l l as the &cli qua nk,e for tray portation of
mannfactun,l arnelea. all ....In, to mere 1W one of the
dokrabletednal for estaLl (Idling man tifeCtil rem of Iron.
Wp3l. Cotton, Jude...loran descrintione whloh Ir now Ordrl .
cl In the Weetern country.
iteteral Improved farms, In the rlolnlty of ihe Canal and
Railroad, t
aro also tiffe,l—a tract of ATS acres of excellent
timbered land. I•Ing hetwech the ('anal end Rotte:O. end
about hell n mile from the latter. a lot of about reven
ern, adjoining the Railroad Depot. along one
t o of which
the tract muse, nod on too elder. etrlrta of the tor Itt,
UI keemrs and :morello.. will do 1,11 to look at tide lee
tore they pumlian,
The feention of Maseillon. In the hart of an wrileultioal
egin. md norouned lo any in the conntt7, t.. 11
knows, that It h. deemed ;Innee,,,,ary to do more than Tmfrr
In It to Induce all vim chat go mato ocal inecdnu'n4..
all and ',nod. I hnx propert•. Title holleentable and
long emlll }risen If deal:rt.!. non. Arnim+ Lomnla and
.I.hust Manna, Esq., of Pittsburgh. •ill'r.."M
ronerraing IL and any enquiries .111 1,, succored by at.
pllentinn to Thomas NlcCullough. , ar , ta lire nwlery
1 1.21110 n.... 11T.J.+Aly
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
THE undersigned Administrators of the
ratate of ThnnutaFalrznanJecean.d. olTel for .ale thp
entire real eptnte of the Fuld num... Falernan, <omitting
Inf ono 30 feet lot fruntlng nn Liberty etn,t. running bark
113 feet C. Inehta m n ton feet alley.
Ala, the tavern stand ,kunwn the Manainn nous,
trnnting on Liberty atmet JI l'opt f [oche,lan.l on Cherryalley 61 feet 9 Inrbel. running hack%) tutu alloy, itla
the itronnol• amt arable, !muting nn l'lum alley
4,1 n.
. •
• .
Alma [hr.. (ranting nn Cherry anti, ravh
firt (n ot. and runrJan Lack nig(' fret vuroll..l with Plow
All., all or which proprrty will Rohl at private .alt. •ppilention to the. vutiveritriag or If ant sold berm.. th.
FS March, rill st at 2 unlock, P NI.. 0.
the higher[ Arai,. to
ISI LlArrtr rt.
of Forty Town Lots in If get Liverpool, 0.
T IIE recent unpreceden ea sale of Lots in
the OVA, thriving Toni 1.1 rtnic ivartr e. , ..'"
t .oao prertnualy told nut. aria the emand attll mount:mg,
thc tindyntigned 1.14,n helm to lay n , • P , Tt." .
hhi nmprtly in Wan lota . above ml WI,. them tor .461 , .
al prin.. and tonna that cannot i I to me.: Ow vie*, of
th.."...litna to porch.... It In eedle..a lo ..a, an, thing
I.f the location of LI. Town and p em(( , -.. (A h 4 'A A ; '' ....n
thatdeserilad In ri.ovnt rtnment, other than
that ova one hundftd 1...ta hat. , ritlY rh.". °4 .. 1. . d. '
and Gwen pUrchaaed by thorn wish nit tt• Pr.."' .......
tole. hon.. •
rb. e... lots nee mum them eliMbl.m. l d". I .M.
M Me ph.. and am Primi ;
pally I ted In the centreof
' No; titrjrn ' T r atrot L applv to theprtiprletor In 1Jr•Immol, In
I to James Blakely, Ex...., "ourth st j trt.. s tl . t.turi l.y.
. 4. Ll•artar.l. Fet....!nd.1x51 ' tob , Mirtfll._
VOR SALE —E z‘ °n th ge Pank Stock, by
/: ~,
' ,b 6 u. D. =in, Youth M., "
iinrsylvANlA 11X7i11.0A.D.
F. , rty-six hour, t.. Pkiladelphia. Ituurs t.. Baltimore.
miles liailr..a.l-11731u.iles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
16. assat.
F.Xfa.1.7,11 . ELY DM PANSES,;EkS.
/IN the opening of Cann' Navigation: Two
MITT N Pad. VIII lea, fur
Jblinnoirt, then, by I, etago na.lrbwi
There takiux th.
Two Ifoodred and Fort.y.ftle
1111111 through FORTY-91x !lout,
Fan" to Philadelphia. tio. gn.n to ltaßim., 6..7:,
The Can on, ltd. rout, are nen, and ~f the wont approv.
ed eunatruetion for &anion and .40.
L;Parketo leave a, morning gt ,,, i.eli ft Eight .:•1..-k, nnd every o r al l the earn.. boor.
Passengers for Bat • ore,
On arrival of Cars at flarrighorn. take e Void* and Cum.
hertand Railrad. (now Ilnigh.ll) ditret • that elt,`. o•lghty
four miles.) Time. kOt'll hour..
• No charge for handling 111, go on thin route.
Thu hi-nosed Spend maks. th ,t le meg4 gomfortsl.l.,
safe and desirable rout.:ntoor to le'En, I Ili,
Cu,. nasal.. ur Information pply to .
.1. P 10L3145, Agent.
Monongahela Howe.
(Jr to P. LEECII & CO.
Canal Ilro in, l'enn steno.
N. non the Ist of Jul)', the .I . ennerlTnuls
tIII be ilielehial to Lbekpor, ighlth rill .liortou th. Lino.
rough SIX hours
Ft:l.ll4r y '6l
Nannfactarer's Line.
1 8 5 1 .
that thla LINE: mu1p..41 tWw.tins.
I. now in MI °fern., with facilitlva rarry n ilar,
quantity of freight Philadelphia and Battu.... without
nshippinp. iu tin., and at aa low rate, auy
other revolt Line.
Sporial amahwmeht. hate al. ta.en mad< Mr rstrrylm,
Way Frt-Ight to Blairsville, .MAnntown.
Watar AlPt./Ith, rrh-r-Iturgh. linatlngtion. Mill
Creek, Nett. hurrah.
Neapurt.. Clark's Ferry, Ilarrishurg.. fblumb's. end all oth
er intermediate I.ltita on tilt Pi.riro9.l,”la Canal and
ag'', liarlog.retorn hold, of Iron recured from
Juniata. proviptnea- , end mzularity nitipinentr n.
the doresall r.lnt, at the lowest taai reth‘l,
J. MITCII ELL • _trtYrT. Proprietor.
Warehouse. Lilr • rt r
turhl:l3! 14.-eurd door weal of the Penal.
VIA T 114: Slsc PENN:4I.I'AM A
Hail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built
Coaches' for Hollidaysburg,
And fr,rn !hence 24:: Miles ly fhr
To Philudelplain, New lurk, awl Baltimore.
l'olebt, will Ir.” Kvvry 3.l..rnieg at. o'clock; I 0'..1,m7t
P. M... and d P
I:17ra; to logo,. Jr: nor M.o. $d way. , in rnoliorrs. Thir
II tin ormt dtrn-t. ondfortohlr, nod ...John root, to
the Vv....tor-n(lbn. l', r. for I,lturodr take tio. woe
Italin.l listri.l , urt dln•rt co tit. nreiral th.vero.
that. Ilan..
noir ill Too for at..
rlorrin flo4rl. No. 44 ood marre htnooroh.
TIM Eer IN ll:N,11.4.11' , LINK rol
NiIOE BINGHAM. 111 1.. r
. t. tntuoarl”.llur the tt I. , II '-N W
Eingboms Transportation Line.
185 f
THE CANALlbeing ANN• are rea
dy 0,1 Pralun• dad
Fr- l aN,ly " TilyTt ' y ' y,l 4 ,7artc ria-y rimr.„l hr Y,Y.411”
IN,Jon• ut.:l Nterrhmmlis: ,irrd and ,
rt.l unh-nt ma) r.
...I . I4II.IALLN.
to SI it' I .
N.orth .t t,
JA}lt:s N.. 10 We-4 -1
nwhl t.w V.rk
Opening of the Pennsylvania CanaL
9-.11F: PrINN: 4 Y1,1*.% N,LI C.IN.IL will l.t•
fi l ! .. or- ' rT ' j . ; itl7l , : '' i!t ' i ' ll '.' li ' ti;f 2 y th, ii h . '. l ' i l l
1 , to i'll,,ii ii, h. at 11 ,, rite, i il:
Dry lila., liat, ~ si a. ,:0.0.. /4ini.oo. ili
lliar:l " ::n l l7l:a k :.l'i... ' .'; a:: . ..... 1 \ i:,a,;;;"ji.i,,.. ''''''' ...' h''' 0..
. tier , lltiitfa c, ll.tikt lio s tinia.Ty. oil (loth.
It la,r, Li a,
or. ii . i. ". . '''
1i°7,: , T7:::;:. ' i d :.,:). ` ,: ' . -.‘, • •-.. • •• a. '-';'•: '
„ . . . .—. ... . - • • •
TILE — P.I , IIIr 0 u s.
It I. nprt Illat tb•••••• ••jonsin,s. rmt.• vt.••••• an• murk..
I, • er titan at any ren , ••••a••••••,• - •q.,11Intitten..htny•nr• t •
tvtrutilan tiro tn., tii n Itytantr r‘t•••1 than I..rvierls
II A 2.103 i LL,I . lii 1.••,•t• t I,it Lin,.
II: urn In I t l lt. Lon..
,• a Iw. K . - )1,1Zi3{111• I.i
Lar?. a 1,tt.1.1,, I •hiv Lin.
TO 311.: Ts, MANI' FA CT I. KERS.
tli. 1.4•1••••11 • .1
.11 Is. trit..
rit V.TI C.•.('nn>l
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
. ..• . . •
.0 90. 0 South /...0 - 71t .7,.....1..tur.v0 Marl, .00
tautt.. ti~it.wi.lr6ly
"'CON lAt.. 70 Snrlti 47,01_ Belt 00. r.
I A IN4 fully co quigleogl gt our .trrange
-1 1h...
op!, • vggr gg pg , Pg r.ttant, • 4 C•••
nnill•snle Canal.. 10 rwrr. (0.0.1./ ••••t ffout
burgh, lialt•to.... 1'h:001+17.1.7.. N... 1010" ' , Ann. Ow
1.0.6000. .-• Lone. •.1 all nod Urol.
lower rat, h [kart .54
Ititte. All c... 14 '''• 7 1 - 000 wirt
try 10,tranre. ••thout v.l .thar, n..•••rrs n
Dot rutally wlll.nled I.) .0, orb, lan.
All rrtzttnnut......., to nr warn?,
11.11 (Ur...0,k 7: 1.0.0 A
0.1..rne 1•00• with
.. .
p z ,-.N. p otir 1.,r..• 1 , 31 4 , • , ..T1L1•.11. , 0 a hat...ver with the
Philadelphia sn.l Pitubur,t. Tr3.•,:rtall. !I Lin. ~ 1 Al•
kli , • 1 C.
, 1851
Merehantl' Transportation Line,
e. A. NDA A NCI.TV t Cn.. Canal Cr.u. L 4 Pvtin
ht?hurvh . •
CIL\ ItLES IZA V NOR, Cam Aral IMmi. Rn.vl ewer, 1 . 111
I...grared in rmml... a 'Arm. mnount turrullatuli.o
leNlmar limn in uq,
Si- A The 1104.1.A.41 num rof Trur:a rffrtik.l+.l
Um Canal C-mn0..1 n Itkr .imry mu our tr.,. tux 1.1,
"late preema dela., al
Julaquern,ll4 , Ml..)Plg4n, urCornmblu. nuum.
C. A. SIcA CLTY A Cti.
fAIS Caual llaatn.
185 . 1 '7:-
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
TO VII , lA. P 11111111.4.11. 11.111:11111...! n. 1,41..
'ATKIN: , A Wl_ Ittnmetnr, .det: , teriel and hl
Couttltrrer atiert. 1%11.100",
'BELL A I.IItt;ETT. Ago., ettnal &attn. Pittsburgh.
.lll2'. TA 11.1,11 A I.ON. Auenia. lhattintorah
IVr nth wpami. an the owning ..! tL. I,tantrirmtb•
1., enntrart thr Erich at na her rut., and .411,
Itllll.oalL as much dm...patch andrtite Ita tint .pllter 1.111(
ISurrer,ors to John Nh.V.!..11 A C.. 1
('anal 1;,„e,. Penn Finer.
Penna. Rail Road 6a—Central Rail Road.
suhscsibrrs Latin;; horn appointett
rhipplott nvot4 hi , he Peon,
.1. Inform the public that we are o. frefere.f h. r
eeler no, nerelintolhie I.ll.elure ho. !bloc:trot rant on the
ofthe ent.).
(heel% ele. thy route will he rnrried thento:h to dale
0.1 all enoelgunit, he feewanle..l Inc of
lon or, ehnlee for ad, none,
KAT. 011:411.[Wilii etrArra, 1 . 111.1.41.-P1173,,,,r1150.1.11..
liry ilnuli.'llii A, eii.var, rlonite.i i tutinorirr,Cutiere.eunf.e.
lounr}i. Fruits, Frltherr. Furniture. bruce. ')lii.l'eine,
t i n.l.ll..ev, Woul, de. de. . St.ou 1.1 lii, Ir..
hauls gin , , iiiieeitinutre. arm - ries, Paints. lire Mull, tit',
Lentlier,Cluser. Flax. Titleilli . i and other Ore,. Se.ile.
de. fat ji 100.
Dation, Beef. Pork. Daher, Lan]. Lard Oil, I'..i.unee Leaf.
Colt., Tallm. ii mu unit Its, 'AR: '0 100
deb.... Mrirlile (run ,lii In, Vita, it.ein. Guru.. UN,
Ilune... de, line li l ' iii)
/anal itil i ..ttil.:i d. col num.
•ELLERS' l ' otrial SYRUP.
' , WW11..., t.. tAlco, eind tw,ttsly
AL, t•yrt. L". , 1,7
tty. It. E. At•lltra— , ,ltt tzllcl.u. litw• h,., 14..11
autueel t,, Ismblmou etml ...Mt...!
rented., vtry lit It "'""
ttremouLt Aluwit t .rwl• •,:"^ II ^ •••"•• •
gar,. It two td lay nool n, v
different 11w.., nil 11 bat tam, 1911 , 1 ruw• tkwm.
I Itnty rennawr•El.ll , l It t,, my 1, , ,,,1:1 ,, 0ry. end mmt
twowletyylowely belt4 , l,- that It m,trlto•
that Its. ever L..,lft Gllhrwl to
Paean. whould ttot . iallll/1 tht•lr tuft, hum
cough,, ta•hatt thy, m to yttr. , l tt, ,Katt:t• 0' flan
1'1 . 1,1,1 pad aut.! tty
ttt^lr u It I.
.t; 4,0.1 at_ mutt Itra, Ott at•ncytttly.
If You Want Real Gooci•Tea,
10 TO 31(.>itttlS HAWOI:Tit'S TEA
lT t , rot , Fa 1.0.4 •It tha Illatnattt.l. Itatnumal or In
folor Traa art at , t• attnt ttthl•
buta•rior Grtata
:•trort= and nut, rtal 1t1a..1..
Flue entlat tlat.troat ,ttat•lt.
thi. th thNt ktattat Gtr rata.ol. re
t, attscta ttl Black 1'.:.• that am wt. , ' In 1, 41•
Li •
ittV LLI,a. MI hand and
.1 Hrnt et.
- .
I)RIED ha. f or ba h, b y
110111:1).N. LIII • LtVtt
rnYll5 :I t'ai Liberty at.
. -
- •
1111 t.SII ' • r t
..---Ulca9AS ) Fa lo
DRIED A ITLES--11 pkg.& for. Bale by
mrhh WICK k MrCANDLEs,,.
Lairro-t from a hotag.dated
r MeCastaILLI . MMt. Feb. 21. yam.
Arr. R. E. &dn.—lour Medic... an t ppm, all 04,„
Patent lirdloco . to they, are becoming mon. and mm. Wrohar. The half lie ate fire wr.ka ago. an,
nearly all MM.
}:%err cuu whom tot woof your Liver Mlle, Yermth...
.amt Cough Syrup, wake he alma, Lerma of their goad
4tualdla, 1 dc,
th ee.T Varally edidueo are prorated with gradt car.,
.I.lrlatia, by M. E. PLLLEMS, No. 57 We ed
Arad. Sad may Oa Mad of Laval.. [fahMl
g. KUM:ILER, No, 41 Suutl. &mod Stru.t.t4Rove
Chegnaut_.44t 04,, P1:114.1.1,411. frbls,s
RM. \IST ............
bwriV,\.. I.74Feri'VCKTIO
JD sale Grower, Market at, Plillad lld
- _ !SI
/. ............
ta. C. WCSIXO, ............ „ .... P., 4' tILVLIt.
; BUCE.NOIi & CO T h •
•• 0 net°
Merehanta.-lio. al North Wat.
n. Ili North Wham., Philadelphia,
I lILIERCER. & ANTELO, Genernl C . ; . uni4
Mon 3liebant, -Ptilledelphia. Liberal adraneee. -
made on consignments of Praha. generally.
numar w. 41. C. LIT.4. A .
W. POINDEXTER & CO., General
11. en[ntnis.clon and Forwarding Meech.. and n o ,
"., Marketstrivt. Philadelphia. yy2:.
To Southern and Western Merchants.
Th e sub.-rib, ...artfully lotion pub ic attention
to to extensive ruck of Perfornery.isnaps.rhaving Cowin,
dr, to whieh seven Silver mid two tiollen Medals hare.
within the last tin yea.. bi,o awanled by th e Institutes of
New tort, Itiwiton. and Philadelphia. the latter tichar the
Euly Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either b.
rope or in this country.
Itt,rula UNItteALLYZI PIiA , INO OMAN, (Almond, Boa,
and Ambrosial.) unieeneally acknowledged to besuperiorto
aril - Sharing Cream In this country or Europe.
Ornartrairr ton SilAiLSG—Fiftotitully transparent. and
pose.sing highly Saponaeranni and emollient propertine
eaponareous Conwound; Alubruedzi Sharing Talletilli/ita
ry thriving Sll2O.
Srrnanin Tomer So
TgLrnV l /1.- . : 1 81 . 1 3 ..frin.1Z.' and Cireasalaul
&note. Ito T/I. Ilantireacmtre.—ltrww, Jaidnin. Bou
quet do Canillree, leraneum, Jenny Lind, Monwielltin,Jock
ey Club. Magnolia. Clematite. Citronelle. Ilona. and moot
other variette, lu all sixty different PerfUMea
TOM., Warras---Flinidn Water, FLU de Toilette, Orange
Flower Water, and • grisat variety of Colwyn" and Laren
der Wale..
Parturinoiry rnn rim Itant—llenclus IleareOil.Antique
Retaloline, Eau Luttrale. Corniound On Mar
Ores. liquid and In powder. and Phila....Bid
nine. sod Jenny Lunt Pomade,
Paste. Chare.d D•otrifice. Odontine, Tooth Paste r and Tooth
Cs-eingruas--Tegetable Cremetie Cream. Aniandine for
fluiPtied balsas. (-bid Ct•am of tint, Cream do Pent. LIP
Salve. Itiumberry Cowin.
removing to PFlltbus htl7 Pe N 1
;nf7 de ib . , Pagrillai ,
- n.rulon gnat variety of
other Li. numerous to ' oe cannot in Ibis ro.trerusa.-
The sub.-Tiber hopes to maintain the reputation which
this esMldothment hes aequirssi hy of nothing
but nrst rate article, and will be happy to furnish Untie
who may with to patronize him. either wholesale or .tall.
on as .-asonsible as any ertablithment in the Cultol
State, %ATI EH BA/IN,
Successor found former Director of woe Laturai.ry of
Chennut at.
Ruin's Perfumery I, for male by all the
Druggists In then:fent.. -
- .
O r ILL .
0 1; 2N; CO. , to JoU
ivtle Vilitlll¢ New York City. to . their
imurVwe etork of Funri. nod Dome.tle Farley and Staple
bur 4rtrro,
Their nork Ir potitely nrw. tuid In eAdition
kir c.v., al.-linter, new and rhivant styles, tionfilltd to
rirrly no thin boo, ronrktitur of err', variety of
tio , ris to be found in the Frroch.fitrpaton.
i 1 1^ Lgfith.and
Cash s'A*' 7:7! "7l llllrZ7 i Ud3
ttoT:lo:rn2l 1 alit do
call and evtrine nurrk.a uotrit
are alaSted to rt.
pry rpttlon nr the ri.untry: we ant littolt...l anat• tn.
rtforto to ware it the .rt n,, to. rrbant fator
is with their patroonite. JA3IF-S S. MOULTON,
Tans. Mara. lni..l.—:inch2l,l2A.
No. 79 SI (late 76) MAIDEN LANE
ly th; Old Stand.
• ...
- •
..I.t;n4 in lau-t of
nal,- Av.., and dreiv.-rs—llvarT nna Lizht. W.d. dn.
..”.la.d.hator, Eno}, Writ.. and Codlnu. Ihduk..Atlr turd I.'nr
Boruhuin, and [nor, of nt:
• . .
r'..r•—Esutel Pint nod i‘itlin. Hoary Fngli.l3,
.11 . 1... Ita.,n.n. l'ennce Alhert IhraLb.., Twined 1..1=
ann. tr.
Loco Catubri, Sc
~ ,, , ,d er,—Ftrarli sod k.cnch.h. eds le. Mt:tweak
and Fon,gm.
. .
llk. Novo. Tbraal wul .11 v h.. late, n.
Fr , n , l. au.l En a 11.1 z iana , rtattou..
Lau11. , 11V...01, cllk Una,. fall
ftrao.s r, go:W.l,u 1.0,1 bulittfv-•
/,1:2 an qu-Akti,
Aistti4 e, L l ra rneuln mi s il~. r .
tn , 10,t2,1•, 79 A 31 31MA, L.
Worn - in:pi girt Adafadinu. GT the rinino;
FLI'll) vompo,o4l of pure Sih er:
in Nr.• • - r
I ,xi,. nid liin-iinntic ninnintary ir. is
•n•rn r.
Cit• Val-mu, •nail itiirure• In
[ler kiinruinnia, i•r with pun, r tin
ur tilTnr lirarriiictini -u.f.
Innvnt its introdurtion into •
I . rirr ectitii hl...n.l4llecoura toJemelt.r.
nuJ Fnr,y
Fr [*4. 4. '
m hi'. I itir •
.101 IS J. 111,14. MN
103 I ulton N. Tcr:...
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
• ti . t. ' , hr. , NEW I , IIK. Ia now npenlna on.. of
t Inraw.t and nchert mam.rhurnta SPDINfa AND
,I'MNIF:It a:UAW LS no, t•f•tv ralviard. Alan LACt
MUSLINand all •! MANTILLAS. ninnufarto
3...1 than th• lateld Dari• rwriaml by the btrainer•
and partl•ularl, adantml to the :‘prloa train,
•pl•ndal root. of PARANAS AND i - Nr.
aa. ~ n• 1•1”, 1th0.,..1 and gavn ..d.,•1
0,1,1 a. and l'urt: Satm and Coll,. and th,
ham I hlhr•rla, All ma n at extrvl.,
1.• v ite ons itia•trtn friauJa •a•
Nlanhila, put hp enava tor transpnatation. • lehlDll
C. B. HITCH k CO.,
. ,
ly .n ir r
urnt El'ltNl,lllNt: tD.S
ml.rar,:s: the and rkhret rl,, ralata....,hirt,
cr. .a.u..t.entler, •L'o.ter Gaaln..nts. Intir.n
ka.Ofhat tiovn,
~,,, I,lra Hazer, Linen C4.113m, with a varirt, of other at
pr..ultr to their Itne huriner, whirb
be fn 41 nt the very prier, Ireratarn friend• are
to examine our nitork fel.‘l3m.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
IONK•S EMPIRE INK. r 3 Na.s.ati street.
419 Vnak.
nrrr rntr. TO T. TRAJr.
I .1 Ito
on dn,oght. per nallon n.nn..
TM.. Is the 1.-4 artlrkmenthe-tor...a. It flowsi• gnool INti INN—nnd elll tna corn 4... mould.
reen.ltnte ntul Inn e. all the tonsilllen
for n tVritinF .011001, for the Quill, and enl.
tntrthl) adapt." for the Steel l•ro.
in, dn
.- • .
The undereiamed le . prevered to furnish to the
that fvr export or boom conettmpUoo. nt the abort eery
inn root., put op ao per order. and delivered jn MIT part
op the etty free of char,. .o chez—, for ewes. I l arti.
or kr,. are ther,d'estra et nett net. •
. . . . .
• • • •
tel.4ly t 35 !Oomu New York.,
Itturphy's Selt , gelding 7 liclvertising Ravel.
The sul.weiter. in erillelthig the patronage of all who
may s
w o. thi• advertbonent feels slue of that hesitatim
withshah a new article Is brought tefore the public.. The
of ears has establlshol superi•wity b.- I
fond all .ple s tion. end be ondldently refers to the testimo;
OT of those busing's men Who have used, there bneelnyws ,
and to his rapidly Inrrenslng talcs. se pa" of their
The following are a few of the renaints 14 their polo,
huger .
Ist. On the place nornplal It U weal. • 'l;cr.sen mar
have hit name. btolness, and address. confab-tun/sly and
beautifully emboesol. rolored.or plain. thus afrotdlng per
fect ...entity ai.ndost
The Env-1,1w.. camel he opened without beam de
srayed. •
:4. Neither was nee wafers are mqulred to cal thi4n.
lobe tpon the talsrunia, of a letter. the seal
Immediatereturn the Feud, instead of being burled
months in the I , out Letter tithe,
Thr I:adopt's are furnished at almost the e..4'
pr.. as plain ones.
edh. Each letter mailed Lie moat effeedve advertisement
sure hi attract the attention of all through whose hands It
' 7 7 ll:following in n lies of priers for Dm, erwraved on
linsws. and w bleb will last p err,and of KiiViitCPL, of
the usual ti either white or huff, of I.Paal P.P ., and
made as above, ne,
with name. adders., ker.,
‘Vh..n IA sea ...nneenTel;t U: . frwrard am. of order
per mail or ../pre.. a refrreo, to re.peetal.le New Yuri;
Hntu... mill be ...Heir.. All ortleis will meet rrlth pmmPr
latentla.. If 41.1.1nwe1. WII 31(7111'11Y.
. . .. .. . .. . .
. . .
No.LY3 .11..v1i.0v etr,el. N., lurk.
Cltr,le, will be tatrntl...l L. rn.mptl3. if 1 , 1 , “, lh , ..r...
of 31., , ,,.. Sit..ll A: \ lot,. ...1) Well st:ret, or of 3lvelo. 11,
Jerolinua 4 ... , ..1:11 William U
N. 11.-11t0.12n.,. Carl.. ..n24..,,1 lo color, fr,m mg,,,,,
D.O. Al $10.0.1 Iv, 1..b . .,..,d"3a
Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons,
(klt 31 fiIiICAT C.0311'01:NI ), infallible
r for renewing. ittrigorating. nod te,utlf) inn the hair,
retwomc ,lawiruf.and matron. ~1 the scalp.
and euritie eroptwor. en the We, dleemeo of the glazers,
w00d... awl ntegments. the
relieving stintre. cuts, brut
we enemies. de. With this preparation °then. I• ueh
ondne fall." Ti' 'ot en:runts in Amerint. medical men
or the !oohed emineon.. :1(1.11/VIlt citizens of all moil,
e,ens. and hole.. oho have used it for '. in their dres
iltl4 11,i1la and no retie, wired it arab . aceonl.thet for
glee, hi .nrlmee. and curl to the hair.
ocurf and dandrult healing wounds, eurinft
V011(11•/”11..•prtlo. *tines. die.. and retching dim-twee of
the .I.ln. II e and the remade, it has no
w ell thew ulllt one of ounDonwls advertised in e
he rend, or nod In pnvete preen,. 1,1 rhearirox. w.
ethetenet. liarev'e Irteoplterous unrivalloi. The Ito
:nen., ensli .ales of dd. erttel... have euabled the hereutor
to snarl, it at mots per bottle. which is fence 50 to ha/
per n.ot than the idl.. of env other proparathet for
anthe heir new in ee. The ecktitific [resat. on the hair
d the *Km embracing the valuable directions far the nab
tore and prow, anon of natun , e choicest ornament, in
In whieh each ladde irenclowed. is alone worth the mom,.
The ctn., tadween the membrane. which...dank. tlie
akin awl the hair, which draws he austenure from this
triple eaOrintc. Is very cleft. All disrassot of the hair tni
dictate in the skin of the head. If the pores of the scalp
lae ideggen, or If the likol and outer BUR, do twocircu
lte froely through the small 'ma, Is which feed the rad
with m0 . ..t0n, awl import life is the Situ, ' the
wort'. dandrul. shedding of the hall . , graven ea, dremoe.
and harshness of the ligsmcnts, mul snit the
at,:evit .
911 , :ti , 1 4 t aleithe !kin to healthful action with
e torpid vessels, recovering their
T. will
b. the dlei-ouse. allatiections of the
skin. and of the subotrate of muscles and inteennu.rde. the
Pusses. and the eget% aro the same. it LI upon the sk.n.
the muscular tare. and the ghads, that the Trieorheros ,
hoe Its staxige action, and In all affctlons. and injury a
the we rirgsna it is a :ea . ..reign tamed,.
fold in large bottles, price 25 cents. at the rrineiral
nee, 137 Broadway, New York, and b y the nrineital inereb.
ott stal drttggista aunt:ghost! the Lnll,l 'dates awl Care
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
JUDGE PIERCE, of 3liddleport, roluoige
munti. writes IlthieT thite 17 th• thkt
lu has Neo tioublal mon , nr loxs 'oak oa.h for o 'oral
Tr.& which but years - named him to Ills td. and Squirt
Marlicsil--estment for throe monthk. During Ow •utomsr
ho got better, but still thorough coat Munkto otros..tdrn
or Chapin trougrueito him from Oh. Sta. o/ Ohio. Mr.
Chapin hod found the .Srupof great usr fall7.sod
when moving from Ohio, ..k Mom br ui n lth Wm. it
rtlun c•'!h'bfr".VertgVert'on:llo h&j. '" '""
rroPered .01 told be
ST Kossl et.
Fold by druggists c.:wean/ 10 the twordlissaod,,,,,,
other kiods of ISloirr Olovett uslortarat to tosi
uto Lt Oa store of
febk /WILY= 41, Buncrriump.
jPIAVID C. TUTTLC.itutrney at Law,
wed Ltantaleeioner fir Pent., letnit. I. , wde. Me.
rcaom.dr.ti. , Pm.Wtle ae - reered. ocrZ:ly
JOILN Attorney and Conn
senor nt Lam. and •C‘cmaledoter La W e e t , itte
01. &alit Mo.. (late of Pittsburgh.) '
lion. W. Feetant. Iftettlbw ,
M'Candleee , C Welt, J4lfet K. hate. filmelle
&awl, tleCnrd I Co.
~rilE tintleNignml having' entirely re,
bu.t •nd enlarged the eboverstettsleteettalAtab..
r..litpiniox la all 'knot three huirtlehl and Eftr....
.0.31 re,o,elfally eater than U arm mall'
a, re,rtiou mud ars.osurodatioa of the travellima
exter;. i..d noticeof aaotrivi..l....l.d...""g'n".
NU,erfillou, 10 the aumerone improve.
wont. w her. here tOOO,
it be properIFWIT , I. In
an ea vertmemout. softo, it to .7 ao capers. has berm
eft. 16,1 rerteha met-hr.:l.i
' o r ouly r 6. Drat el 01
matzo, ye] Oozed or the a., beaatlfal troutufac
.ture. Tho Eva' are ea '111106.. and the boa fee
mrala vill aunt e. to :ult. the. Loan
0U.C1711,114 a the
early sod
Ever, deportment alb he conJoeted in an aneretatteha
"" the .Eropriettrr pledgee himeelf that the
Amorieart Cost , ...holnetral • the Traveller , . Hat.
rebr4..,ll.eraa LEWIS RICE
.4 1 tdt
jhr grINIt rvatedyf, llmszantion qf the Lao. Afect,m
tht brwr. Asthma. immchicii, Taint or WoallicoNf
the Itrearl Lxv, t. and diter evfalians qf
AVE do not wish to trifle with the litres and
health of the aft'l^tol. but we FlumreTy plody oat
mnke no es.rtinti us to the virtue.. or thLi
eiort,utul to bold uo hope to mueering humanity. iihieb
farts will pot manna.
The 110 of Iceland. And the Pine and 1;11d Cherry, Are
wetly celebrated for the cure of ail di.ef of the Lunga
and Lire, which are tot fearfully prevalent In All North e r..
latitude.. Frau e combination of elrembral extent•, pro
cmred from this Mo. And tb. Tree, Di, WterAre )t ♦ y
or Witt, air:fly f,aruA.
Vt' • Caen Itatrun of Wild Cherry I. a for 1121.1.
nratvier, mentor. entirely of Wild Cherry Dark and the
genuine ',and 3trien, (the latter itutorted 1...Apr.4 fat thle
purie,oej the rare InediMllrirrtle4 ,T which are Alta “Ato
Moot bra nen chernar.l urneere. with the extract of Tar—
thus rendering the whole compound the meet certain and
talergiuue remedy ever discovered far the
coNST.7)IPTION (IF THE Lti:ttih.,
lIEREITITARY Cursd WlStlel Bid
.am of Wild Cherry.—Thu fhlloirina ease of Jeremiah Is
r.:ricis. of Odritrial.nt, (tae of hi. brother', sad Wins ha
• ing .11,1 of Conrumnthal,) is truly arnialerful:
Ito tam firma, Ilamilton ea.. Bert, 27, '5O,
J. P. PARC—Dear Sir, I take tho Ilherty of adahfing Ton
the benefit I hare derived from Llos we of Dr. IV{star . s
Dalaam a Wll,l Cherry 1 Irar ora.tratal by that terrible
aeonian.. ConAutoption. in Islay last. ilia attack araa truly
horrilyluo to me. for treat uor family, (my Lnothers and
•Istess) hay qjsd of Clon - ssssytion. I wax aftlictod alth
nearly all the gror.t feat unr. aloha hada dDarers.
• or
rough: and esoaaaarated a great deal Of bkaal, battle
fere, swam palm In the rlde and cheat, oold thflr, alto. ,
oating alth 6urh« of beat.
I w later then r,of w .I.llfol physkian, hoax the
timed wa... taken .Irk until ;Llano. tit week. AIM, talus
Chen about end mT hirods ronAdaraddary taw
bopelaad, nr wt lowt beyond odor rltak, otrixal
the tea.. of WI -lee Italsam of Wild Charry. Without du;
I..n.utt,l,ve, my father prwurrd it, and muumuu:el gamin.
yderiu.4 it to tou. and In,. thr Mart day I eornmencal tak
.uu it auy h.whh trnorosed. and In two weeta than the
quo , I o.rotteua,l 112.1ig able to le owl and over
...a my and tabu. which 1 cuntittot dodo. I
haue taken four I..ttb, of tha modicinc. and now tonßiddi
dot pelf perfretdr JE.1:1:311ALI Idad}lloll.
Roam Pour. Lair Cr, Is-. J unit 14'4E.
Joni it. Sir. In Juiy.:lS-M, I ins attacked
with a ferprof Livtioid thavnterorbieh lAA me In • rery
.I.l.ititated state. ult.,. in that following viritter, I aid ta
ken with a rell:which rectared 212 p to anal an es.
tent tits* me thL. upwarritnietif a condirnteLl e4roatttny2
tit.. I Ichond Oldie ncrere eimalt—expictinated •greial
do.d. and was troulded with (-old feot and nlght mad. I
fr.foontli ra1...1 bk..] Rom my hangs- I eonthined
In this flat.. nr.idualif ilokirg under the diticise_r_nntil
January., 1 , 47. when IJ mA again atarin-d 'with Aran, MY
frion,ts despaired of tor Itf and me ohyldelm•thoudht 1
,uld•drrive but a .In-rt eat.remitins.
my, h., .sere and almeetireat their feet.
Mg_ lind.r th.s. it nur be trail wag
• hrive fkeloton. I Madly det.-rmlr.t.l to quit tubing ode
prowdllrd L., phy.olat,
rs. and try 1)r. Wiener Bal.
urn ef trild and. from the bf Teuk that . ] con,
mon.-ed taking .L. 1 r gradual reeo,em. I mntlL.-
nod its tio. w Web time I as
Inalth sin.... and ehmsfuily
“40.011 L. in tht... :dinned will
U.. II; ao I ...up! to tho.. commencing Its itr, not
to di Jour:m..4 if two or threo ladttee tivrot
n.. hat r.Joso. s. I hare done, and hart no doubt
hut -pine ca.os oat of top. will be L.lcnrod Isith r:mexed
hoaNti a.. 7 ilare been. ItorfortfJl/y Intuit, •
AlturlV, Targ. mass Of 'lli I.OD
From Dr. Mae, , r.ringf.,:d. Wallington ®tD. I
MaT 1.4 'l9.
a Parl,—.l take thlYopportuOity of No
Innutua of a con ntuo 4.41 A, con, pc.Tatrined avow
tor by 1t,,. us. of Dr. Ilalrxm of Wild Chan ,
In th.. poor 1 , 10. I vx, tat.,l with au infildsklOOni
towel. 14 hltil l I.4bonal under tl.Nr Du weeks. when I owl
ually In W. a!! if 14/ 1 wasxttacked with o
nor..rr.mid. a hlri. A.uil op on,Loy loops, end 1v
'pa, of [hr.. , I Ann confined u . toy be.l.
of mob of old, without ben,
tit. 00 , 11110 s I weari...l dent until Ilya winter of 16t4.
wlina 1 Mr. 151-tai, Balsam of Wild chary. ht, •
Irian& per.uu.l,l otve it D trial, thouath I had
up all hip., • f rco.var, . aL, I hr,rar...l mufti( for the
.-01..0.0. of another ,r. , r1,1. Ihr-auch their rolkitationg i was
indoc.4.l to ;:chuinetV.taer .tf
Wild Cherry. 11... truly ....lung.
tbr...• yea., of goderinw. cud after baring
spent lour ImrW.-d dollar,. to nu PUP.... Ito , i wad nail I'h sl ar tad p r ayed unarcli-
Icar. 103.0..0 cuti., , b.,alth by tho hIRMIng of
Goland the nip of 1,. Wl.tar'a TWA= of Wild Chem.
May the b1....51n0 of Got 0001 upon 'the proprietor, of as
raluaLlt• as Merv', I,frana of Wild Cherry.
Wilt. IL Main.
fold by .1 11. PA.. POll.-ftte o . to Sa.ufard & ParkjEuiarth
mod Walnut vi , .ett., Cittrirmotl. ol, % o . o en , toldrent foi UNA
South and IC.aft. u. a barn all orders mast bondilreit.l.
J. Kkl.d .1, C... 11.... ratn..tock d Co, J. A. Jana. L.
Pitt'burgh: Poielhun, eltrt:
1.. T. NC:obtneLirn L. 11. Boole, Uniontown. D.
iirrervinir, A. Kowa. ftorrrset: .gat a GI/nom.
4 :inn. Ilatan.vje lire.
Ml:l,mnd J. E. Wright: liirratalna.
Evan. k Co, Ilad,iil,: A. iVition S S., Waynesburg - .
Stet...lnd d. Calicaltr, Co.
tirsharn A turker: Jan.. Belly d Co. Dut
hie: S. S.lth. 1t..., J. 0 Suratnertoss. Warr.. Y. L.
S. Jon... Coutloryport,;nlr
The Hninkn Body Must Perspire,
Q. 0 SAI S NATUIIE, to have a healthy air
ttt u, e naratin, and par-nna wan d'•• ere . 11.11,1.
flint g,4ng zn.atn !'h twine.
Chemirml Scatn nanana it fr..,to.rir.t,et:.-01. tutu et the tam.
time moillfiem awl totteto the Alza,.flt leg it the tattaV
at Infant',
Iz,nrry, Salt Itheum, and :rms are'rud only Dednl. Dot
oared 14 tts now..ak lest. 7 i krlo in N. bdrk know.
who war It aueh rwee. and nud it onfolilnr—sa alma In
Pattples. Illotchea. Frnclies. orany other skindbease! The
read, to ssouredthat tine is lov trier
pndM mdr.1.4.8
one M enalty. e isl f
yore p.c.. Muhluld c leg,, an umi re u
n:rate at. -
hean kart whet.'
pstrell o hend.
Day It --and the res. anre
s.tain amourvd ont ern
e. ail It for the alvrr. I knew it to be all I att..
Thner who our Hanle elmkal. cracked. or ebappsd flask,
will find this tint e cum but a preventi. et soul I cut
now only add. thst any nue silaleu.l wait suy of the also,
ur nimilar dtanata, will 10.1 thin all. mat eren more (admi
rable In Its nro*rtk . . , than
44- BIM ratuler. sre Ykswied .W,nth Imitations,
and Le ann. you MR for .3.‘nv , CheMicenl klnan—er..l
buy it only of 1111. JAC/5.1 , 4.1N. only Astr'ut. in Pittsburgh.
head of 1t ord.
Pearly White Teeth, and Pure Breath, to
ftn,..—Per•nn• who lime tither. are harm,
LIT amoral that tf thew trardth avg.. PO (01.1.4 *bar
teeth deraynt. dark 'era, and encruated With ar
Nato 2. , cent tam of .I.ais' Avalwr"rooth Vitale wall mak..
the I.sath a. vhit a, Frm.... Adal the br , sth catatitarously
free.. • • ... •
Sold °sly RA JACI:sON'S Stos, 2,11) LlErrty wt., heed of
A Scientific Hair Tunic, Restorer-and Beau
: Id d.—Trlal \Matte, 27?-. rent, n
'ue wt. barn wed
Cond ie don r know Ita env:lent quatillee—
the., rho hal e, not. re went.. It to pane/d the fraloninal
u nit( Terre the ha;: Fro. on any partarbern
• nature
Intended hoe v. anon d od, <nn deck.
Pr Sao-Irak and u.l/.ke red, vr gray pal, grim dark.
er rendering thy, hair :4 - 11 and fliky, nothing am fluxed
make. It truh, Mullin'. and keen. It an.Le, In
, deed. the IDLIA ter...laical—yet superior—article for the
hair. ,
So only at WM. JA6HIEON'9 Store, 230 Merl) Amer
head of WLeal. l'ittabur.tll
renta, wide, and
JONES' Solution of \Jet,' a Liquid RUM=
ILAIr Pee. for the ettat r iu^ ..f 'hike, re.l, gIVY 4, •
!beautiful brown. or black let mo o r, to 'a kw minutes.
Prieert---a. meat, 61511 Si. \
JACKl , Ol.2lol6witreet.bnid 11 - .3.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—,Ladies are eau.
tinned agaltutwin:: the common prepared Chalk. They
not .rate hee frightfully lcuusioukit La to the elm!
lem mama, ham rou g h. hew .show. Sdbr andubbsalthy
th e akin appear. after uolno Chalk! nukirs, fl
h Virb7;e7rp i tiVa'be l ,t,','iC.”.rettflUMk.,Whkb tre
call Jones' eparibb •
It pert. har.oeect. ,eitor rarifi.4l of ell deletrrioua
bPalitlea: Orel la he t :arta ,he elkin a natural. herall-bY.
shine., cl e ar. liero g whit.-: at the encie time actin; 00
Melte on the akin. toakil2 a. rol l end e me z ,tb,,
fleld I,y the A g ent. it 31. JALW . 0N.... 4 4.. , 1bM7
Irma .f Ilitaborah. Prier. came
deo:J.lllmb, •
Needles' Celebrated
1031P01.; LOCK P LASf.ER.
kJ These hi:111) tor,liratol planter, bare herubtale foe \
mom thaw [treaty year, elurins whlett time they Earn
ealo".1 • ,rtneurat reputat,o. the man ellieurmus s
Itheumatir t+trength"att,. Pllnter ever offered. Phl
- pklyu, tO the plg vl4klnrOce, TO whom theli eortipoti
flow ha. 1" en hoot gisro the Mutt Bilt , riutr
tntimonial. a. to thAr auperiur , strtus ore, all Other pla,
ter* sold.
in of their chhapt=ltltri. ret7 thrhthir,..l
cf , th , tif matst,..l. r thm ,culiarly applicable to
prnons suartiounalth pititilooll7 diSellk.! •
r...r paha thr meuittost from prott—....o mkt.;
•sul Incsi paid, in the vaginas neuralgic
them"Pclal ebarseter la be catti
quertinn dispute , . A. • Lunthttgo,thei att
p.rionts oter outeant applictUotts. Noah SS 1144.11;11 • 44
Trqp. n _:r l ,l by lhelncn lha been ychrtrite&ctnt:
from revere otrah3, "'"th'Ll
perionte over all other planters has
im "' L.l r
httn•lrta . le who have experien , mlcoreatal relief f t" then
appllcatten. Foch a. ttaer with. 111Pa:tale par ' ska: Uwe
that their
rat . ..mended. with the eouNestt trio.
that their he.aell.nal carets will tertound • ttett '. .l
t'ot Kale, wbeicaule am! rctalLhi..
_mr!lL It. E. ht.t.r.ittg, Wond rot
..dosing out the Entire S
GREAT BARGAINS—A fOr er reticle-
Non to axiom The suhosiber Irish! g• to ekee out
tho kalason of his clock of Eno, owl
would rosiwotfully r I the wideot‘og
otopi 7k7 Goals by
m i
the lot of April nest, V
of his old customers and the pall, alo ars In want of
good goods at Pity per root bearer forger ctoett 'To auy
Pons. wishing to colau,euee bueluost “13 ketetreet o this
would be • cord oppnrtunitr, as lie wig dleyuee or the bal-
N... of these.* cu liberal toms. wi th tisane thactorw
th be has °condo.' fur overt I wa i ra =o u rs!
loot Wally trade.
P.M Now York Sore:Market st. littsbusg
t3OPITRAS---10 bbls for sale by . _
1.) able . E - EBILEBS.. .
- ,
. .