The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 25, 1851, Image 2

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The Boston Journal ha's been famished by- a
friend with the following interesting letter, giv
ing the partienlara of thedestruetion by ire at sea
of three coal laden ships, two of them from Bal
twarte,-•,a brief account of which we ; published
Same days since. The writer
. is Mrs, Bates, of
Baltimore, the wife of the . Captain of the Neese,
tum, the first vessel mentioned in the letter. It is
seldom the lot of a wOmando pass through each
a continued series of dangers of a character so
trying es those recorded in Mrs. Bate letter.—
• The letter is dated Bay of Fosehura, Coast of Peru;
January" 17; 1851, and after a fdw lines of a pri
. tate nature, says:
I will now coma:knee inynarrative. After we
left Baltimore, we proceeded on our voyage plea
, neatly, and I assure you I never enjoyed myself
more. Nothing occurred to mar our enjoyment '
• until we were about in the latitude Of the river
Platte, when William discovered a smoke issuing;
from the after hatch, and thenthe startling truth
flaslutt upon our minds that the ship was on tire.
She Was loaded very deep with coal, which Was
taken out of the mines, brought directly down to I
' the ship in the cars, turned (sometimes soaking I
wet, from the rain that fell on the way) directly ;
into thO ship's hold; and there it remained heat
ing- through all the hot weather, lentil the gas I
that originated from it lead generated fire. This
result was feared by some before, we sailed. .
Imagine • our situation—eight hundred miles
froin land on board a burning ship, with very
inclement weather, so rough that boats like ours
could not possibly live for any length of time.—
There was no other way but to smother the fire
as much as possible, and bear up for the nearest
land, the Falkland Islands. The ;crew immedi
. ntely commenced getting up provisions and water
sufficient to last until we could arrive at the Is
and daring the short time tlisy were em
ployed between decks, so powerfid was the gas
that dome of the men fell down senseless from its
effects. They then caulked every seam and the
hatches as tight as possible, and yet gas and
smoke would escape through seams whicfinall h were
apparently water tight .' The gas y fill
• the cabin so that they were obliged to vacate it.
• We were In momentary expectation of an explo
sion, na such Whip had been known to occur in
similar situations. We had our, hosts ready to I
launch In Case the - fire broke out, although we
did not suppose for a moment they could live.—
It was extremely cold weather, and I was wrap
' ped up In all the warm clothes I could get on.
and was obliged to sta n deck for fear of the
effect a. the gas. Befo rel le ft the cabin it near s
- ly suffocated me. I was so fatigued for want of
• sleep that I lay down on the floor and fell asleep,
and when I awoke 1 could not stand, and could
scarcely breathe, until after I had n fit of vomit
' ing, which relieved me.
We Rees eight days in this situation before we
discovered land. There were two menstationed
aloft to keep a lookout, and William was on the
house. It was very thick, and soon William
wing oat, bind hot" 1 shall never forget that
joyful sound. Presently the high rocks, called
.the Volunteer Rocks, which Make off two miles,
. ; began to heave in eight, and can assure you
Lose barren rocks presented to as a most wel
come appearance.; We ran into a little cove, un
;der the lee of the land, and anchored that night,
for it was blowing a close reefed topsail berm,
right down the harbor. The next day we bent
up to the settlement, called . Porte Stanley, an
English colony, consisting of, four hundred per
sons. We had a surrey upon the ship, opened
• the hatches and found her all on fire. We cola- -
meneed throwing water into the hold with an
engine, but, the . fire atilt increasing, there
was no alternative left but to run the ship on
shore and scuttle her. This, was done, and after
' the tire Was extinguished we went to work and
• stripped the wreck. Every thing between decks
Was saved a in damaged state, and was sold at
auction. She was dreadfully burnt inside. Her
.beams and stancheons. were burnt off, and her
; lower deck had fallen in. She was so burnt at
the bottom that ehebilged immediately, although
she was ran on shore where it was soft bot
tom. .
After the business was all settled we should
have come directly home, bit the island being
very little frequented by vessels, we might have
remained there a year perhaps before an oppor.
tunity would have enable us to return. There
woo in port Scotch ship from Dundee, boned
for Valparaiso,'called the Humayoon, Capt. Mc
; Henry, master, and he said he. would bike us
to Valparaiso, from whence we ehould be more
likely to have an opportunity et returning home.
We left the Falklands about the 25th of Nevem-
- her, in his ship, which was loaded with coal
bat which had beerilin so long that we thought
. there was no danger from it. We bad been at
sea twelve days; and was just round Cape Horn, ,
when we discovered the chip to-be on fire, and it
increased so rapidly that in trhee or four . hours
she was in flames. •
' We were at this time seventy miles from land,
sad immediately made preparation to take to
the boats, preferring to tako oar chance of gain
ing the land, although it was an inhospitable
coast, inhabited only by Savages. Just at this
mottent a sail hove in sight. We hoisted a sig
ma of distress, and she bore down for us. She
proved to be an - English ship, called the Symmet
ry, loaded with coal, boned to Acapulco. Capt.
Thompson, her commander, took us alien board,
nod inn short time we saw the fine ship Ileta
n burn to the water's edge.
- We remained on board the Symtneter twelve
days, when a large shiphove in sight, and in an
ewer to our signals hove to. She proved to be
the American ship Fat:When, of INewburyport,
Capt. Lunt, bound to San Francisco. She load
ed, at Baltimore with coal at the same time we
did, and was well acqiutinted with William.—
'Judge of his astonishment to learn that we were
onltioard the 'Symmetry. He immediately invited
' • us to come onboard his fine ship, and we at
° once accepted the invitation. The chip was
.1,000 tons burden, and had in 1,200 tons of coal,
, ;1.•On the 25th of December, when we were in the
- - 'Pacific, 1,200 miles from land, we etwovered the
ratichou to be on fire!' tfforts were immediate
7 ly made to make her as tight as possible, and
' 'Capt. Latta shaped his course for, the main land.
We Were „on board thin burning ship three weeks,
and iinthination cannot conceive the anxiety of
• our minds daring this time. We saw a
sail of any kind from the time the fire was first
discovered until we saw the land, and then noth
ing but those little '•Critsraanins!”
Captain Lunt yin ;the ship into a small bay,
called the Bay of Sechura, and ;anchored about
- two miles teem the shore at 4 O'clock, P. IL—
Ile immediately commenced landing the dunnage
in the etirf, en a good sandy beach. A tent was
built, and, after taking every thing off the ship's
deck they opened the hatches, and no sooner
• were they raised thah she was'ene sheet of flame
• below. The hatchei 'were put on again and she
wee ran en chore and scuttled; hut the flames
were too for advanced to prevent her from burn
. • fig. And there'll:4; that noble ship, in this lonely
bay, and burnt tattle , water's edge. Oh! it was
awfully grand. a Scene never to be forgotten.—
Give the freest flight to the imagination, and it
• csnaot conceive any thing to surpass the reality.
• Think of the danger we incurred in remaining
so long (three weeks): on a burning' ship! She
' • was actually all burnt out inside. In one day
more it would have burst out at her aides.—
Twelve hundred tons of coal, with all Ler other
cargo—ail on fire, made no trifling heat to be
• living over. But , then we. hesitatrk, to take to
• the boats until we were compelled t o on acconnt
, of the sufferings we should have to endure in an
openboat at sea.
• The coast where,e are now staying is unin
habited. The nearest settlement is fifty miles' .
freed us. The Bay of Sechura is on the coast
• • of Peru, about fifty, miles from Poyta. The first
officer, with a boa's crew, has now gone up to
P0Y4"1.46 get the American Consul to render its
assistance in getting away.
• I have been on board fear different ships
trines I lift Baltimore, and have been burnt out
of three of theta.' They were all road-laden.—
'While at the Falkland's we heard of a large
- Amsrien ship, loaded with coal, being burnt off
• Cape Barn, the crew took to the boats and sac
• ceeded in aritsing at Cape Negro. We did not
learn her name. It seems impossible for any 'of
the chips that loaded at Baltimore at the time
we didto arrive at their destination. The Fan-
I.' -
. c.hon was the best fitted in respect to ventilation,
• • .and she has not escaped. It is a dangerous car
go bindtVe so long in a ship—it may do for a
. short voyage. "
[A postscript to the letter says, that the writer
remained on th beach for one week, - when thy
whole party was e
taken off by brig and carried
7 to Payta, where they were entertained at the
American COnseil's house. From Papa the
• writer, with her husband, intended taking paw.
age for San Francisco in on American vessel
then loadingat that port.) t.
- - -
DMITRI/ISOM ACCEDEST.-=IVo regret to state
that a very .serions accident betel our former
• townsman, John S. Skinner, Esq.. yesterday.—
Mr. S., who is pn a transient visit to this city,
when about to leave the Post Office between 2 arid
8 P. 31..mistookthedoor opening open the cellar
stairway for that leading to the street lie war
suddenly precipitated into the cellar. receiving
violent contusion which fractured the base of
his sera .110 was immediately removed to the
private office of the Post )faster, in the Post Of
fice Building, and had the best medical and surgi-
cal aid. .fiopea are entertained that from the lo- '
cality of the injury he may possibly recover, but' .
the issue, we sincerely regret to add, seems unite
Lanit--Diad'n or ?dr. Bsivrtr-=-It is with
sincere regret that we announce the death of Mr. 1
Skinner, from the cause above mentioned. The
• / injury to bighead Was of a character to preclude
relief from thi ablest professional skill, and at.
'• Wiped-wee, yesterday evening, he breathed .
his 1a5t,.. 1 tip roan has labored more faithfully
and drrotedlydbr the promotion of the Agricul
- 'tarsi and industrial Interests of the country than
Mt. 8., and his death will be every where regar
ded es a
publla losa.—Balt. dme= Namit 22.
pf PenIISY/Vania .
ON will be held in the r;. , .itr
:If 6 11 : 1 AVITL..
Samuel JleMengollY.
C. Themeen Joo..
ewmuel IL Thomas.
t. 'b efor B ; t4 %. '"
Alagroler Y. Brown.
.Wm. Liam:.
Wm. M. Matte.
Jar... Clark,
Sherman V. I belt..
Edwin C. Wilson,
John :Linton.
IDan-lel McCue'''.
1 t.lO °
EH Billii'lli"..l?tary.
To the Whigs
of Lanclator. on TUESDAY.
Sam of mirmlnit candidate.
Canal Otazionia• •ntl •
Mo n iir.r= 6' . •
Wm. IL sii.glet
Samuel Dell.
Nathaniel iilmaaer.
Dm. J. linhinma.
Warden V- Proems,
Thomism I- (Wham.
Ileum John...
Charles E
Caw, Co.
A. Sinner.
C. O. Loomis.
John Hanosion,
/John C. Nerllle.
THE - - ---SrY VALLEY.
' The project of buildi r iig a railroad along the Awl
lUy of the Allegheny ver will, at letit
gaide Elect of bringing before the public mind some
important facts that he re been too long neglected.
The North-western pa . t. of Pennsylvania has ec-
United an- unfortunath position. The tide of
travel has passed to the North or South, and un
til within a few years l this region has been re
garded as an inhospitsible wilderness. The rug-
Aced raftmen who made their appearance in our
streets during the spring floods bore the evidence
of extreme toil and hardship in their furrowed
kind weather beaten fieea, and thus encouraged
.the idea that none b4t backwoodsmen and pio
neers could live in sich a dreary land. There
was, moreover, a common idea that the .whole
'Allegheny valley wa a pine barren, and that
When the lumber would disappear, its import
Lance would he goo The rapid increase of the
iron business, e.a - pee. yin Clarion county, was
the first thing that produced it change in the
opinion of business en concerning this unknown
region, and, since ten, the truth is gradually
working its way.. '.]
The fact is that North-western Pennsylvania is
a country possessin great natural advantages
for manufactures nd agriculture. In the first
place, the pines 5 ely begin to appear on the
river hills until we reach the mouth of the Clar
ion, and we do no actually =rise at the pine
country until we p es above Warren. Even then
we find uo single pine forest that. covers any
large extant of c entry. There are immense
tracts of land sea ely explored , which are coo
: m-ed with the fin . t oak, walnut, hickory, and
other valuable tina e n. In the mere Nor th ern
counties, the lan s are high, and the climate
somewhat cold; lint these tables are rich and
t. ,
will be found vre valuable for pasturage. In
the vallies along e river and it numeroustriM
reties, there are rich bottoms seldom visited by
early frost, and so table for all the diSernt brunett
e, of farming that legitimately belong to this
But we have almistako to correct iu reference
to the pine forests It is generally supposed that
all pine land, acie poor. This is an error: or
if there is any ride, the pine region of Northern
Pennsylvania must be taken as an exception.—
The lends thatlive been cleared by the lumber
merchant are cu Cleated with a very fair degree
REMIND KEOc67 or tae RoCUßerrn KNoCg- , s'l
UM -We stated a day or two sgo that no defence 1
of the Rochester Knockers agabrst the Buffalo i
doctors had appeared; since then. our exchanges' T
bring us extracts from a long card in the Bur- st
foto Commercial, of the 15th inatont, signed by 4
Ann 1. Fish. To show how completely this lady gr
and her arromplvhed sister hove been defeated, to
we need only quote the following paragraph from " a
th th eir own version of the trial. 1 l
Some time since, you gave place in tho col-' , ti`
umns of your paper to a statement made by Pro IL .
"Ile procured three fowling h y m ieces, which he
Lessors Lee, Flint, and Coventry, which they put I
forth to the public no an exposition of the olto ls oded and took home with
cheater Knockings." The positions which they t ,/, ie the meantime, taken Lim . The ratters
assumed we knew to be fallacious ondunoupport- use but, without mating any esh'ow"ff his
1 1 fem.:Cooper, however, delthersely s d o iseh o arged "e"
, able, end we at once chollengel a fair and impar
tial investigation, believing that it was not in the ' I thew of t h,. „,,,,,, at them ~,,,i .. ~....1 ro
nature of those gentlemen to seek our conviction ' t eked into tho - A ---•- 7-' , • •'"
lof fraud, contrary ty evidences which I knee ' e . to: yard, rehroded end fired at Wee.
of f thel
1 ...d.,1 • e d , , Samuel Read were mortally
must convince every candid mind C) It is we I o.);,ert St ate s, and ''''''' ria John Walsh.
that when our feet were placed on cushiono stuff- an Samuel Shannon severely, but not
ed with shaving., and resting on min heels, there 1 j , ct , c , tt ' o i s .
McGee la re il mat hi n s in e g lbo tw w ° a a l b s a o tt re er c eel yed
The ' • ' received
were no sounds heard, and that aounds were i °e g e t ,.
wee+ liv n chorge of buckshot and Lis to
heard 'When our feet were resting on the floor I
and It is just its true that if our friendly spirits ' e . tte , - ,,,, i the . but he arm was
, recover ilialsli and Read received
name evening, ut he is not ex- •
retired when they witnessed this horsh proceed- I re ,, l ,' i ,'
in'g On the part of our persecutors , it was not in ' e. ' e.
Wounds in the breast, shoulders, sides, face, Re,
I our power to detain them. "';cad hough still alive there are on hones either .
1 The theory that the spirits retired in disgust 1,,,,, c ooper e., ,nested, and after e j
is rather flatly contradicted in the following pot- "dimming, committed t o 'r jell for further exaMina- 1 1
I agraph.
I Dr. Lee mild he heard two sounds when he was 1 -- +so
I holding Margaretta'a knees.counted I five at Tits Fi ogler SLAVE LAW -Under this title
one time during that operation, two at another. 1 we propose to relate an imident that has recent- l i
le come to our knowledge rather than to discuss
and three at another , which mode ten instead or
two. But Ido not consider this circumstance of
j „ . •
principle or in detail. Conversing I
any importance whatever. The spirit in which 1 toe law 1°
they enraged in the investigation woe too pelf., with a valued friend the other day, be asked tfa I
ble to be miotaken, evincing too grout a ileternal whether we knew that he hail purchaseal a slave.
e pos-
To our reply in thenemoire, our friend disclosed
to carry their point, to admit of the
I sibility of c ouvietion They had heard soundo , the felle,t.teg tacit :
• made by limber . joint, and because one pencil .
I could produce one kind of sounds made by knee I A few n ecks ago_los received a letter from a
' joints, they would bare thocommunito - believe that ) colored por-oo minister or the G ospel in a
llthe sounds beartlinourpresence forthelostfonl. distant city, waking lnown to him that though
'years, were produced by thumping or snipping he had resisted min) years at the North, he was
lour knee joints As professional gentlemen yet a elate to the legal acceptation of the term.
1 whose reputations arc dear to them, I would littef I lie was somewhat advanced in years. and belie,
them to tell your renders what condition oi , ! i r ,ed that those who had a claim on him thuld be eao - -- - _
poor joints would be in by this time, after fu A in la eel weir.: him his freedom for two hundred. Building Lots.
years constant service in this' almost ceooeleol , dollars Ihe same offer had both made by the
operation. ( e n v mot oath tins Trochees but wiii individual when in condo ammo 'tare ago The Moat. In the Eighth Waal Mty of rittaoruh. Tnn
Ibe content to le it to the public to pose jude• 1 , rolored man 'mate that he was induced to leave ` th ' e ` " 1 frp,.l, - 1 irra:;!Eititj.,"n. it -i- of
moot upon their professional erudition. Two of 1 Morylonil under the full belief that hts master metal 2st
to sell Inm, to he eater ed to the cm- tea r fili7tne '''
) t )
the professors made very little or no invesitiga- ) ‘BlCmi" 6l
tree South . That mouton is dead, and the slave, c ," -1851 -
tiers. They were in our room but a few minutes I
pree i oro , to th e appearance of We article i t , your I Wm-ell entertaining a great regard for' his nom- ',PRIED AND SUMMER CIRCULAR or THE
paper. ter s children, and believing that they returned I PRIIADELPRIA MOUBMING STORE.
1 , his ottoothineut while they were young. indulged le' A.. 52 Smith &cord Sired,
A nearer approph to a down tight soofe.° lll ' the hope that now, when owners and slave were I Fifth door above Chestnut, West Side.
than this begging off could hardly be made. I I draw n% near the close o f life, the two hordred
EESON & SON would respectfully invite
The spirits, they have frequently told us, ore 1 dollars would he accepted, and the bonds of slit- `the ataotion of wholesale nerd retail oodo surstuseni
not fools . yet, while the world refuse+ to Le I, rY bc removed
Our friend selected so a medium of lotercound j ...„, 0i „„..,,
1 a ll ale cire.PrAgeneso
lieve in them they tly off in a buff at the , •, , ,• ' . h 1 - '''''''
a Reuben . ..ll ot .neo standing te WIIOZII _e wrote, - , carpe ,In Part. .. Pa , . 1.411.. or , ntet.
first energetic test or their existence When it et , free , ehret he recetre S ,„, ~,t i ,ra er o es an . ' L'.' . -.."" ~,,, ,I " tle.i
IS boldly asserted thot they lie nothing more suer, from which we give an extract . After go- - :lt erool eth 15I0Cloalso mettle.,
- De als tie Lain.
than the joint of Miss Fox's hues they offer me I Intl lolly into the case of the slave, the family who I .. 1 ,% . :h e rr, e Foulard Slits
denial, notwithstanding their ow n prorp,,,, WI el :um him, 5c., lii•anyb • • steel' Deno.
manifest themselves throughout Gm evening: Is 1 the 5 ..,, i nte . ct i her i re d to •,.. . 1 1 • I It" -----"'" radium
there ,tool left with a sufficient steel - of infilife- which . give yea a legal le, , • }3‘ ,, , , , ...., Ai,. -
Ham. Sc 1.4 e
, strtlatent - -0,, s.ii. •
artty to follow them. after thio• - , titian of the fugitive slave law, or any other law "" mists or Lnv•l e 115.1
The remainder of the defence is in eubotanee I enacted or to be enacted You may say that if - - 1 .r,",r,,r7,1::„..", i .
a proof that the mauifestitions boo. been sor- ,
folk,Oe ?she, to be informed of his relation ando tins - , ... '4, m1 1:,. m."L`,./ 1. 7
ceasfully renewed wino thg dvrior. here het pros- with :::"11"I.07..1::17nht.thtle.e.,Pmlrimileth.ot:erl, .1 . hitlEll"--bk"L' ' -
Mt. This nobody will deny. but let Doctor Lee. ti, dead I knew her from my Infancy. She woo t
get a hem bold of 11orgorett , CO knees and thew ) a airl.ttinn and a member of the Methodist E '
BOOKS! BOOKS! Alb'em".
AT OL. teL LOSSING'S Pictorial
intelliemit or
t h an ond communicative '1" ,,, " . r i t" rch f ort y f"" Ills brother, wb° ' 1 " , I 1 old Iland. of MR Resolution ciao,
..../ ... 7,/,
an no bettor than common "dumb devils." ,
‘1 1 ` ... ,1 " 0 " 1 " , 1 3' te i , " - t. '"
eeperdiegMbelthrellii:eig f P ro re te er : . be i r ,..te e t r tree l , 'Pt, y, j0 ,,,, w 0 mu 8. ,„,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,e. ww ....
We have given space to the exposure of this , Lie
0 ,
~ y
~, 1 to.ouknofTi.etri:l_rennon preached by a black man I '1 . 4 vseSihit':,irttivemta Sown to tha w lthor or nof
I selected the text from ) l `r ,t - , 0 , co
, j „,,,,,,, t a t s eau thor f wD•
itoelf but as a warning to the credulous who have, II Samuel, 14th chapter, 14th verse Crowds I ^Len.. Aerk , V .. .. c, ... k. M1n u ni.. .,
n..,.. ‘ ij . ea .,4 1 .":• 5 , ,r ~ ,,a
..a. U : ir'''''''.
been duped by these Em s end are ready to I attended the funeral, both white and block. The ' Tee. t e e STOCKTON, Bookseller sno Stattootr.
was m u y ‘ s l itv i e, but he is now a , ethos oho. 47 Mattel etnet
be duped spin. On thm account, if we had Inv- 1
e hr°th er of - I
reign power we would compel aim Fox, to trove! I : , 1 1 . 7 0 1:1° ..4 otetlehreelt to
ei.e7htr,,lthi4rlttrtle,tree: j QUNDRIES
through the country and disploy her ocromplish- 1., ?..,, sal . t e itla t iol t rZ.lLl 310 t ..,,,,„. A L Raisins
celleet preacher and a good man." eev bal. E•asl"N
meet of cracking her joints , for the benefit of all The money was sent on -the manumission pa- I t.„.., ,,,, , , n.t,te ~,, 1.r0 ,,
. A....,,
z : ark IT T od - tog i
the fools she has deluded This wo-ald not only 1 pore were transmitted to our friend, a ropy of
They were sent to him I cwr , a . Go rses:
1 so roam ' - In . th- • _eters
A . 1 tiit dr" :1144r,..1 Nuke
ajost punishment, but aught aid in the cure • which is no w bd.' es..
, who wok o slave, and elicited from him the lola .ss) hexes Berelaul 6 - Prongs.
Of a
be c o m e lose of the marvelous which bas of ,
lowing reply too ti . de It C Ts.:
tonne kt`r6l Raga. as ...• =7 t: a
late become a prominent and
old, 1 ,
Itltl i -Yours came to hood a few minuteo since 1 itil moo Widths , irvoekses :a ° rapper s:lron' e
' '' Mut, Maclider -D " Pieties '
mg I homing to me the good news-the glad tidings i ovroons Imlliw. 60 " Dradlen - ar,
is filling the purees of swarms of unblulia
charlatans. that I am free. I will come to New York, by ' a ft ~,,hee ' e o , 11 1!..1 111- 1,t T q l r, jjw ' h ge ° fl„theyeb . gF 4 '
But while the run of the Rochester Knockers Divine pen:Aeolian, next week, to expects in per 1 506advieWhite Ile, 1M7• 6 4. Com w
son how wonderfully lam blessed. I cannot ex- W m ar t.. . o ir tal i.2. 4 .te.rst. i i w ooi bb). W. w w .s .„ psik .
e 0 ...a
has sunk in a fog, the star of tbe Pittsburgh
press my gratitude to yolk, but I pray you re , Soo Env biota =Veld= eater Mackree
opirits is ascending. 1 es.teriloy'e Dm' patch eon' member the words of our Master. 'That In M 4O .e. unr. ' oto mo Ms “Saiith" Ale.
IFO lee:. C. i. D. Totowa
tales n second card from Messrs. ConPmey, Mc- -much as you have done it unto the least of my neural' t i.:'griiel. ' j ..ta fuse tat .
Donald. and Townsend, in which new wonders disciples. ye hare done it unto me .- A". F. Com- I 'I I IT I- V,:ir :Ito toaes us e &an
1 2•70 - D I M.Ca0.11...
Ire rehearsed. The gentlemen have hadseveral = grad! Adrretteer. Z --
• ' le 0 Suadarel Molusea_lled Cord's. Orouret .ual Co
happy interviews with blessed sprats. One of ._..._----..ows-------- - I gtieViiTlLYstition=fill a tZfr , ! ttir'm'
A C . S , Sesotho ELECTED.-The long agony
. the] assurtenvot of w ood• ..111 *pt in oar ane. a aa".
these when asked, ",hat shall 1 do to fulfil my
is over, arid at two o'clock this morning as true te s . l . br ESCILIbiI A BENNETT.
tnindon more truly on earth "" has given the very I e _ ' .- aura I= Snood. sal 761 Front as
.1 tug a 5. ever rallied under tho party's banner
original and satisfactory reply, 1J for ! ale 6, mob 24 s A IV. IL6III6ALOII
" leltrurri.i.m ..
was elected a member of the United States Sen. koItIGAR-92 hlubi. N. G. to arrive this day.
But there is one portion of the card which we l i ate for Ott years from the fourth of March, 1851,
must quote in fall: in the person of Hamilton Fish. late Governor of ' lt ;."-
I thin State-aresult at which we in common with
But to come to the main purpose of this con,
true and honest Whigs thraughout the State may
munication For several days past our sittings '
well and most sincerely do rejoice.
have been disturbed by the intrusion of S dark
I and malignant spiel/: various sentences of a re- The rule which requires a day's notice of a
joint resolution having been suspended, the res- .....
voltingly obscene and profane nature have been
elution deelming it expedient to go into an elec.-
was passed by the Venate, and immediately ILI 'keel
1 ARD-lti bbla. St 75 kgs. No. 1 Lard, in
spelled out by him, "dial it is not ad ridable to
publish-at least at present On the evening of • tie.,
concurred in ley the Assembly. Both Houses went me °. "' 4 f " "'. be 8. AD" lIARBAUOII
Friday, March -let, our circle met at the bonne ,
I into the election and concurred in the Domino- 1 TIRIED APPLES-130 bg. prime. for ante
Of Mr. Courtney 1 lion of Ilanultou Fish. They then met, semen- il-f r h r 11°'''''' 8A DI lIARDAUUII
As won as we were seated we found that this
red nominations, and Hamilton Fish was decla- 11 OSIN-100 to errive to-dav, for sale
unquiet being was again present, repelling "with
red I 1 - 11, bj ...on -el A W lIARLACOII.
good spirits that had so often communed with , red steeled- . ,
Ilighly gratified, an we are, at this result, we I
us, and clamoring to be he or al
to tunny , TAR - -
,„ blibi (Wilmington) to arrive to
attempts td
"drive bin , oway, oral to call to our salt deem it unneemisary to add anything to what I ea, tonal. b. no st,74 ei. A W lIARDAtIaII
we have repchteilly said. We have been deeply I WINNERS' OIL -jilt bbls. Not 1, for solo
presence thS others, but in vain-we called over I
recteetee was I pained at the disaffection which has put barriers ) 11. bv web% s. a W HARRAVOII
„p ut out has light twe i I will rote , in the
. way of the earlier election of a eonserva• 1 d if ,,,
the alphabet and the following
si th , e ell d ed ec o il u a t n ,
d break the looking-glass!" The tire Mlig 4o thoroughly tried as ex-Governor '
Fish has been, and so Invariably 'found faithful
Bible was then placed upon the table. at which I
l i e , to the tryst reposedin him. We can now, however,
he commenced a loud rapping as if angry
out .. take the
t h e away " erne reoc , offorl to forget that, to bury the remantbronce
I of very incomprehensible tactics; to look forward ,
present observing that the word 13ible ona
moire , where he get hie eticent i„ et ._ I hopefully to the death of all animosities and the
Be responded by the alphabet, fin "teal':” 1 resuscitation of that oneness of feeling and Mir. j
He repeatedly demthded that the light should '
Ibe put outs and being anxioua to know what
would Le done, we complied with his request
mony of . action that shall make the Whig party 1
of this tstate, powerful for good legislation in its
own affairs, and nithiential, as it ought to be, on
questiou l s . , and movements affecting national I
rifting around the table. Immediately upon the , all
interest. 5 e trust that any who have sought
removal of the light, the table was moved sever.
to create discord . between the national Admin. -
•al feet sevens] times, and turned partly means . ) if 1 itEEN APPLES-IS bbl
I A book and apple zero thrown with great velnei- ) hdre•iw sL ,, l'.'-n‘l t he Wh ig party hi till. State will us to - ripolue, an
ty clear across the room, against the wall. The 1 m ute w ith s" in e both eavoieing iti promote peace ousizvarnst We main ny
writer of this felt the Look in its Sight slightly I alidlood will on tides .- Few York Com- _ - BOBISON, LITTLE a lack.
grazing Ms ear, and the apple struck the wall ' 11417tird (aiLMON-5 bbbv. No. 1, for sale by
--...-----_ ,- t•J tothla IL °Mani. kCO
about a foot from Mrs Courtney's head-who I - - _
sat an the sofa, and who screaming with fright, I - Market Street Store for Rent. lIEBRIND-S tibia. for sale by
mch•24 R. DALTELL A 1.70
tO prevent. her fainting, was taken out of the 1 VOR RENT.-The Store, 118 Market toro J -- -
I room. 111 i'4.7i-Tir:s74'edi:ii:iir•sf.rot' '4 ° -"" 3 '.41 : :la- .4
a ke ' VINEGAR -2 0 bbls. (Cider) for sale by
To remove the eligliteed ground for authicran, I joe t" t o 4oire or ' t " th rLit'di 'Athol!, 7- toebld It. DALZELL aCJ
we then formed a complete, eirtdo of all in the I manta lee Petal stile
room, around the table, joimog horida . Marti totHje ~,,,,.e'pewoiwt„,;;re . -
ra --
Crook and Mrs. Bushnell being included. A i it, aim whlßh tide lbsaluablemntleisehle become bona.
case knife was then thrown from the mantel into I and oicovisti-i, can only ho aomentel for on the ae ,, ned
the Middle of the floor, a distances of several pith., I'ofla n ol solo. It hi. only requirol one that to anal ,
another book was thrown from a stand ogainst 1 11. 1, ii. cltheoe!o ti e s titie of 0 . wolf media. tor the co.
the opposite wall; and innous onicles wero toss- lof 1.0. r Compoant Tile falowlna letter , from a Droguld
11l New sort. rho. l su number in ntkkh thew Pill+ an.
ed about in a very strange manner-all the while I
I resnolal lt. that retool of the country.
a loud and muffled knocking being kept up, can- i tinnock Lae,. Llelaust.7 eo. N. 6 ,
sing the house to shake and the table nod floor to I - Mamie lb. '1847
jar and tremble. • Ve M.Low-D'ar Re. I base eol4 out all roar bl.' 6 '
1 rase, .„,.........u..... another lot homedlately 1
That the gentlemen who sign this card ore I ,
~.oath NW' .1 , 1 a .unb larger quantity, if I had ...Dm
perfectly sincere-in their belief, there can he no i .1.1 with Moo Tbe inhabitants um @cumuli in lone. ,
doubt: that they May soon detect the clever ads- I I:,t.t•fts:te,th.,emi,ll',.t.e.utr'htrr ti..7.'..
or e.i not 1 ilo
chief maker (whoever he or the may be) whose ' ''''' '""rtetto,eil,lT.hato...,.l,ltetir
tricks Lath confounded then, ig our earnest 1
No ),
CO6O Nand si their behalf. When this closing act of
the onto-drama is performed. we hope they will
favor the public with another card .
W riAItPSHIRD.--itt is rather a difficult mat-
determine who is to be the next Governor Lorton £OO5l Goacest Score.-The Whig
Hampahire. A i ncordingtothe New Hamp- 'county committee of Juniata county, at a meet-
Patriot, the stints of parties in the Legiodo- ling on the 28th February, al pted resolution+ in
Aas follows; Ilimso DemocratsWhigii chi favor of Gen. Scott for the Preidency, which
Atwood -Democrats 14; to be hems! from, being transmitted to him he thus arknowledged
Wines, which eent eight
Sen ate . Democs and one j ViA6IIINCITOR March 12,1851
to the House last year ate 7 Demo- I Dm. SlR.—Tbe Whig Committee and its Se
, 2 Whigte 3 vacancies. The Boston Atlas
es the parties inj the Rouse stand-Whigs I d
Atwood Demoerots'2s; Democrats 118; to be
i er . retary of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, hose
oTh,Tinapp , at ,,t i o n n ori or
my country
was the first.
and will be the last great of joi tof my life If I
from G. If either of - these calculaticms la have the happiness to obtain that, it wall be of
red, the balance Of power is in the hands of minor Importthce whethei it leads to a change
in my official position or not.
Atwood party, and it will be for them to de-
With my most respectful regard to the gentle
t, whether Mr- Sawyer (Villig) or Br ' Din ' men of the Committee
ive, (Dein.) shall be the Governor of New I remain, my dear sir. yours truly,
of success.
It seems strum that this region boa escaped
the notice of tb swelling stream of farming em
igrants We fin them:going to the farther West,
thousands of ni es from the mass of civilization.
and almost Rs ar from any profitable market,
to buy lands m the government at a dollar and
a quarter per acre, while they could secure
themselves farms quite as good for the same
price or less, with cities on every side, in a coun
ty pierced by a large navigable river, and sir.
roundedby rairoads and canals, in fine, so eit
acted,. that if .it were a barren rack, it must in
a short time, 1 ecorne well populated.. There is
&large extent of country. still covered with the
old forests, which might be cleared and cultiva
ed, and its productions brought .to market, be-
fore the building of a single rail or plank road
or the completmn of any improvement on the ri
ver. We all now how the valley of French
Creek has sup lied this market with potatoes -
Them aro rah r streams as well suited for flood
navigation as French Creek which might now be
sending toemlcket all the products .of common
In referenci to the mineral wealth of the Al
legbeny Ilegi u less need be said. becarizle more
is already nown. The rapid increase in th e
number of f maces throughout the iron region
within afe years, shows that manufacturing
enterprise n longer needs a gaide to pointto
ward this find of operation. The best of sand
-1 stone for the manfacture of glass is found at dif
ferent points along the river.
Although he coal veins are not generally thick
they are e ly reached in the hills on the, river
end tribute/ streams.' The coaltis not all good,'
g i
but there i. ' very little that is really bad, while
the mass is of the beet quality.
• This is n t what might be called a limestone
country , b t there is no scarcity, no danger that
lime will er be brought from other places.—
1 The sprin are abundant and never-failing and
A there ii pl ty of water power, should It ever
be needecil the bappines3 of the. Farmer or Maze
ufactarer does not consist in profit :time there is
another pol ut that &Medd not lie overloi3ked.—
The limpi Allegheny may compare in beauty
I with any thery ,
iver on the globe, and the whole
I country fr t o the filmsetting to the western bound
' ary of th state (with thc exception of the &eery
pine tote s ) may boast of as much picturesque
beauty, a much of the milder grandeur of Na
tureen sh appears to hill and valley lands, as
1 any 'othe portion of the eentinent
We has given no exaggerated picture, but rat
ther fail i to do justice to this . portion of our
IState, th ugh which it is now proposed to stretch
that gredt artery of civilization the railroad.
That thi project will be realized , before many
years there can be no doubt, end the only quai
tion is whether it would not afford a profit, if en
tered upon immediately. We are inclined to
think it mould. The people along the river have
the bestVowledge of the nature and resources
I of the c 3untry and have the deepest interest in
the imp ovement lf, after due consideration
lof the atter they are convinced that the time
for acti has arrived, they shoubispare no pains
to preset to the business werld a fair view of
Itheir na ural advantages. The New York. awl
Erie rat ad will be open throughout in May
next, I s d the necessity of retaining and - foster
ing the trade of the Allegheny valley not now
be app at to our citizens. Let the confident
express on of the Iteimersburgh Convention be
follow by an industrious collection of facts and
statisti s which are the solid arguments whereon
the ad ncemeut of the enterprise must depend.
Ilou. re Lan , Law.—We publish to-day, for
the benefit of all concerned, the instructions of
the Co e'ssionere of Pensions, approved by the
the S airy of the Interior, in relation to all
matte..connected with the Bounty Land Law.—
The ' ..mense mass of business thrown upon the
office .y this law, requires the utmost precision
and m thod in the despatch of business, e.nd the
C. .. soonerhas displayed no small basi- i
tie , s . . dons in his management of this
eaten ive and complicated matter.
It ill be seen, that" to this time, about one
hand ed thousand appligations have been reedy
ed fo
I d
the benefit of this low; and every day's
mail tls from five hundred to a thousand to
their number. The office is now issuing be
twee one:thoriaand anil twelve hundred a week ;
and i, will require mote than eighteen months
.befolle the claims now l op hand con be disposed
of, . matured into warrants. ..
Tug Ifaxeriatn Hannoau.-- tt a meeting of 1 !, Cortez potidertce of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
fi e • of the Hempfield Railroad Compri- i COLUMBIANA Mar. 19, 11151. -
Meant ., s.Eorrons.—Obaervhg i f arecent b n y um . - 1. 4. 1
1 , her of the G azette, an e dito ri al , f o ll ow ed
ny, kohl at Monongahela City, on the 1 : 13th inst,
, the following resolutions "' re ' extract from the Young:violin Republican, con- ! ,
Resolved, That thiscompany will proceed with tas , : ila,ni; _
U statement in relation to the construe- : ij"
all coiiventent dispatch, to su”ey, locate and ! tion of a Plank Rood from Canfield to Salem, we . I
construct their rand by the nearest and most w 0.,. , ..,., ,
merel, en passarai, say to you, that there
practicable route from Greensburg, in the coun-
i .
to still some uncertainty as to whether Salem '
ty of Westmoreland, by way of the borough of will be the terminus of said road, our village ly-
Washington, direct to the city of Wheeling, with ! log ten miles further east on the 0. a n d p, R. !
a view to a connexion, at that point, with the ' irons, with to less distance to Canfield, over the
Central Ohio Railroad Company. !, most favorable ground, being almost an inclined 1 mcw.
Resolved, That when this meeting adjourn. it I plane, in au air line, through a section of coon- I .1
EV - RD ! /1 --- E - W Mr . C !
aill adjourn , to meet at the Monroe Rotten, in try heavily timbered oral what is of the greatest !
nii.Ali ec av got9n4,":..k;rairesol hY Brani*in dine
Wheeling: and the President to directed to invite ! importance, costing one thirs less per mile to 1 i. ..„..1 1 b e Welber.' ~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,. c . c .s
the President and Directorate the Central Ohio hails.
hails. With the amount of the Canfield subscrip- 1 11,. Tu a. gone. Te! ,
40 Ato i„
Railroad Co.. to Meet witted: em , with a view to lion. added to the sum subscribed here, we can 1 d'i' e .Lb,' L L,, I,b, 5 t ,,.;.,-. ~ new oong.b, in y. Fs'
a friendly conference in reference to the intercom •
10, , ...
. defeat in the face. We are not no certain i The tniiiiteris Wife hy o tie ' d. Buono:,
slat sous tor
of the two roads. • s 1 tha the blahoning Plank Road will termiiate at' V t ;:„Th„ j gt,,,., of the.. e ,,a,tica tor
Is it not time for the people of Pittsburgh to ' Sal nt Wine Catharine Ilsyra.
• • 1aaT , ..i ... t.rh 'g i 'f;,,,, 'C V/ ‘ es7;h•
. ' e stock holders of the Poland mid Colurabi
tie taking some
non" in regard
" the
"C""n- 'lank Reed Co., meet in rolo,:a .. :,.. fit A linVl b riil t /T^ i.t. 0 1.41,:s ua r,
&natat. ?" The peoide iu all the counties-in ! n ,. ;
next to elect five directors to - roanav h 1 w t . 'lL'', 'a 7,it=,:taZiierw. gas'. eon MM.
Ohio, bordering on the river, as far down 05 i th, gain of sold company.
This will be the .;! , T2:,: b1 4 : l it n yfien!issa , ~,.,,. A t ,—
Bridgeport, are anxious for this work. It is ! gr t -outlet upon the Ohio and Peunsylvnnia ! ~..,pa,...Ltd,••. , ~ 1 1Th, ::! , ,, n qjr 1 ),:, . . ~..„„kart . b . i .
more important to them to have direct railroad , It road for the i. Weste su rti c ß e e n s t erve c tra t d o e, the cam- inzitztio...Nr4;.`enitir..4.,,,,,.„,,,llecm-gg..r,L,11;
connection with Pittaburgh than with Plilladel- ; ra ,, A h o 7 e ini to .i youn ib p ' ,
o.u, upon tf: ' , °- . °` :, ,d - Vgitl ? T u ri:"l'l I'I'IMV IT•ii/I rb e I! ' c ' lr"
Phil% and Baltimore. That portion of the road !, t !' la e new and most fashion.
! CoLCandt. The citizens Of lioungstown have de- \ „„;!,,j,.,;79bu591. oneh2s
between Wellsville and Beaver will be put under t , i .,, 1 (.." .. iteser „, man to „tonal,. is
.1 LCOHOL--10 Gbh. 76 and 92 degrees,
contract this summer, as soon as it can he prep. - I di to tap at Gustavus in yrumLUl County,
red,• if the people of Pittsburgh will take stock ' th ee main roads running to Lake Erie ,
---idi'e the ' se by
to the amount or $lOO.OOO. .Con e .„, this b e I Pinestille, the Ashtabula, mud theCouneautroads. ji---------- --
These have all an existence, some in .the course
done ? or Construction, all haring raised sufficient stock
------- ,
.1' urganixe and go to--work;tts soon as the sea
will permit ..! A StiIISCHIBCII.
csdoy, five men belonging to the United States
Amer Susquehanna were shot on the wood
nrf in Portsmouth, Ca., by the keeper of a
ggery, named John Cooper. The guilty par:
V Was immediately arrested. There had been
previous difficulty between Codper and the
'en, about their going off and not paying for
'cir liquor, and he had heard them threaten to
II him. The Herald say, '
rarlll.4 l vrls - S
sr PUNIC arrmmoa mon nottiert, follY mina
fmn,unyarnishiist platemmt of !oho Watt, who..
of sit old rhoph by ths me of the Pcminkcar,
...thin may eartify that I bave been cured of old
Chronic gime, bT the civa of Four Bottl. of Petroleum.
The ismgh attacked me • ymisiagoknet DoCenbrr.
Inst. hopes of getting well. as I-bad taken flu. advice of
c cal yhrewinnl wltliont any amtent. I woo benefit.'
the by the Pothilemn. f onward op.
ths to. donna
of the Jiangsu., a Aim( subilance rrametiling bona
I make throe gatemen., without any aolkitation Man inif
onsito do 00. end: wkly fOr the vamp., Slut other. who eJ le .
a tt gaing mf he benefited. Too are at liberlY tot
ouldich thle certidcale. lem zooid Millen of Pltteburgh ,
having nodded bon . thlrtPthres yeara. Xy mindence.
tide time, le:al Second Arcot. JOHN WATT.
rirrnt-eun, February Infits
For sale by MIK , & Mel Tor cll. 140 Wood eye; R. Y.
6ellen, 67 Waal street; 11. A. F6buratork, Co. cows
Wood orti Front Weals, D. SL Curry, D. A. Ell/uIt.A.PD
pdd o o. a . ar.d 11. D. Eckm..rti, Allczbeuy, lag by tb•
8. 11816,
o,),2oaLlirff CanalD66l/6.6o,6ntbm,pitiowel,
ITemperancehe Meeting.
MEETING of t Union Temperan
, Socletko at Pltbburub and Allegamlb ni.4.1„,7,
1.• Cumberland Preabrlarlan cb,u. f ,. ...r. .
iM ' th a .""4.lbl' E"""t
--- 60}{ AT t
!h—t. drr, 7 mt.. Nt r i ,
?. 0 . ~ s•.' Id..
' 1.. " o AL W. M.
.r .
j '"{elS Book. Na..r,.
pidov h , n , Ae , No.da. ,
NUortla".-211rItis.h Row, for rebro
COPPERAS ---3.; lila. In tine order, for
rsle by
tr. =roam
500 1. Tea Pasty.,
For No by m e 1.25 J. SCHOON. AKER A CO.
ifiIiNTING PAPER-7 0 Reams for sale
his see 1... erprlsntnebt,hl co 4 W o ad r t.
osel. J. St.H.JONMAILLIt A ..
TANNERS' 011.--15 bble. No. 1;
..,..' for rale by
I INSEED CAL-30 bills. for sale by
-1.7 75 LIU.. t wine N. O. Safar. . .
4dol.ble " ... Moutitser,f , Ms sy
I OATSUGAR-200 blo. Small, for suleby
ill ICE-15 tierces Carolina, for sale bY
a inters. Last
ma= ''') "‘" 6 itrit' l r A.A. n ' t it.frilWri J. no.
ItEri.Lc,„E)-7g'..1.5 ,,,. 1 4— :: , .;
215 bbls Cr...bed &man
120 -15 ordered
No " Clsrltled
70 " Golden and Clarloed Syr;ta.
''' - S.,rtmliMVlM..
Adepts Si. Louts &JAN' HetlerST.
=1 , 25
bbl.. Ira $0.1;
•• 91.23.1:
17 1 ruts 11410 a Imam
' - Shuddery
6 bow Py.' 7 late:
19 says r
.. rune,
1 •• Dried Seethe=
4 " APPIeY
thlh E. 4414
2 cask. Dors=
• • lot e T tpv
T IM All Tltligt 1 1 130 "0 .. '0"
rotoradd Water eh
COTTON--S 6 bole.; to orrice per atr. Gene
giWYkt POT AI'OES -- 50 bble. ou mn , In
6 t ''r4" ' "'d
fu'"4. 1 3 1.11A11 DICKISN A W.
mh '''. _,--E- W. sal Ercut su.
_ .._-
1./ ACON SIIOCLDERS--5 casks for sole by
MED 'PEACLIES--500 LIU. for oak by
OLISSES-140bbls. N. 0. foesale by
12 2 W. lIARDAC6II.
TALLOW -I'.o bbls. prime, for sale by
mch24 8. k W.IIIARDAUIi R.
EGGS—A. few bble. (fresh) for sale by
OD FISR-8 eaake read and tbr,lale by
I ula24 8. &W. liminkt.uu.
ROLL BUTTER-4b 13 . 0 b for sa RBA le b II
N 0145 Fird 2cud 116 F.enoad
-4 bble.Freeh Roll Butter.
2o bo. Rhlle Belem
11 be. blind Anat., •
saris we
- au bu gr.r /O .I .and Chestnut.; 39 tt:cced pre mod
•'''".13171:51.11,7.1112/LE 00., '. 2b5 LBertS eU
issEED 01L--25 bble.ree'g and for gala
br t00h . .1.1
ROBISON. 1.11116 R A CB
ig,ALERATU-S--12.5 boxer; stri - Jl - 10 bbbt. for
'",:17214 I ,A LIEU. it. CO..
Marty #trert.
VijANTED — A Situation x
, t , ct u k A ce il p = er
iz or
V V Clerk to a mema. t t l i.w.
n e rt. taa"" "" eGllte a awl ~hzett
It. care et H
Tenaperanoeville aidNobledawn Plank
Raul Conlpany.
NOTICE is hereby grun to the Stockhold
ers of Redd Company, at they rink. payment Ao
A Itetrent.Truesurers of the geld tainnaenti of t. PiTa
Dollen , on each share of the stock. On the isis i tZuto y 1; . 1
eseh androlrmtood,tethll,7%.,,rgaztlt..
s te m LarjE b ;
SV, le 1051. The Stockholders aro rennetted to be
protegartinetosl in thr4r . pg,....
11. HROVN, President.
APPLES -20 bbie. Russet! and Pippins,
for sale by P F. VON 1301111108 ST it IV.
(AROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up
to Cu of 18. to 10 8,. eiteh. ong
men, nhita aro'
Mari. Green, Paris Oam
• Meek, Yellow Ochre,
Terra de Hien.,
13'b" Roo.
11. A. PAHNI T OII 3" U T h.. ki . o • .
inthit: earner Pir!t, slid Hood gee_ _
- ' - b•
WEET OIL-2 casiul superior, ; for s . aLe
.rb22. R. C. 8613 , 21 ,3, Wc._!—L24—
ALLAPER—Largeet eismortruent in
Ow West—coasting of irencls nod American
- Scent s n, Palms. and (Amato., at prima
i n agat fn. to s6perAlsee, lama by ,
Or.Zg l Ot .APP4 ' ' Vpy r r , "
1f T itgra
-- The steamer ASIA, in July tam,
-IST9moTieKemE.--from Cllimed, SI Patent Churn% add
I ltrstr&gragd ' V aa.r.ll
11.10) . 4'1. 4 =g, rel . = we
" d ' rm iy,4, ir it and mos.
w "ga,
Young Men's Mercantile L i brary Associ - ' AMUS I- ' • -- - -
Won ._ .__
E3lERsos's LEcTurtEs. .
COGSWELL'S - . VENisoN lIAMS-- 1 :. for sale bY
kk , T tochl3 j. IL \WILLIAM; 4CA _
Tau DISTINGUISHED LECTURER , 1 - ;REA'r p Ax i ; f r o, „Tii..A.M.A. 1 - QUNDRIEg--1 bbl. 00,uit...
PROF. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, of Ma l . '-' ' I KJ ..,/
ttx. tt•O born pneurot by the above Inatitut, to . :. OW Z e Mlon. Nul.
liver to ih , member', and the eitttens2Antran ;
.U.FE .. IN CALIFORNIA ,1 , tartan 25 tole. etcarto Cntle,: Kw
ally. a ...rt. of Lectures yen. InOIT P" ' ''
intereOlng Ottlijerl, ,
The coarse will eon:lint. Six LeeM, .._ on tba ccomrm 0 . r ADD THE MENUS OF DARIEN.
Los. ,• 17 1 : .r.i. i .s the following Widen - ruLVEtiiitti CORN - -Itefi - ned and Pre-
„..psredumET.,..ropres4l,l,!%,......,Faud.--‘,Trbbt, Itrami.rorah=.4..taro
loinodneton: Llllll V. nigger..
2. Waste,. uow open at the ATHEN.P.X.V I.IPILLUNGS.i , LeMZLI r . a
ori n a. ~,,,,,,,,,,..0 , 1 , ., 0 ,,,,...d
orx . a ,, 4 , ~,,,„4 . b,
Y. Ecoeostr. _
4. Pease.
. Cetera. CARPETS, OIL .CLUITIS, ,Six. 1
„,,„„,,,,,,_ p i ee p . er ,pc ,‘ 1,•0 , ..,43 re . nr.
0. 1 ...
e. \Vomit,. ''' For pale hi nachl ..n. ELL . LE,. ~ w
The Lector. will be µ is.. Tnenlays. n ~..41-..,...3.
I ilirlIITE WINE VINEGAR. of superior
~ ri ~.u.. w e rnauto3 pun, beet Cido”lnegx; on
T=l".TreZll=rViLfgx Mtg.': .Igta m R 4
Wool sieve - Oatosnencing on Thursday e inE. -.P . ' ' Is IX, constantly. receiving hie ?ming Stoic of . 1 1.5.m1.3 foe etd . ahy W. A. ItCLI-llie PM
ti;L b itelVe °.d ' k.
. timeere mal Tea Dealers.
, ' $2.,0n CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, .I. TRIM:1111'01S. 1 m ' h " l --- ---- - -
do. dn. admitting gent. and INV..-- 3.1. P. Comprietng In part the tdlow log earietiec
Single d to br had at the door ..... ........ N)v g , b, CARPETS . I
Tiket , for member, Oinwle or far the one
and of the. Librarian, or of Meenra Ile .. nu. Extra Eoial Tele. PO,. CIUT.LS do. dn. Tayeetry Deux. ..
and McKnight. Committee. mho do. do. It r ueeele, extra e ur er. 3 ply. imperflow li
a L t'the coy ex.) to be peo- do. Ingrain: extra fine doz line 40, commando.: oottonAr4
, rk i l ”; h o, „c l gtql ,1, , ,,,1 i. e.,,,, 0 ae J. MeFadden'S. 4.4.34, 541, nd.J.4 twilled lenitiam 44. 34. 5.. and -4
1 1. Kt e b,ell h enfic. an d E. It c..„...., 113d1.13 , plait, d. 4-4 a. 34, 5., and 24 nod 1.1.1 collua do.
ALCOIIOI , -12 bbls. for sale -- by --
mebl.l 41. e , ELLE ng. 5 , Wad at . , Extra Chenille IhIgIC fine do.: do.: extra tufted do.: fine
10. du. MlSltrurn dn.Cheniile Door slab, turtV do. do.:
TANNERS' 01L-10 bbls. war ntecl pure, .4m...1,,t , 1t.4.]..i, ; ,,,.. 1 .m1ikK , cz a i t A tK .
f0,...,10.,. metiV K. IL ELLEIDL .
4 leo-Pie. Oil Clo"tI o . cut to fit any site hall ve nown.
lIIIERXY PECTORAL, Starch °Bob, Soap 4,74, t-4, L 4, 44. and ,e 4 Oil (lotto.
1.,) Powder. and Effe r eeseingennoeland. ' STAIR RODS, BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, Sc.
a. K. eELLEKB. , Wenn et. lio n-Stair Kota of all elsew. Himlitm. LISCar
r"r 4 ::---- ---------- ~,,, K ag an. r,-1. 44. and 34 MIMIDUKT.k.itLen=
K LCOHOL--25bbls. for Kale b
m eb2l J. KIDD 5 CO- Ikon! rt. tial Tl'V 11 ' 101 l 's Wore v-„,;ror=t IS:ON:gad Plano
COvene'do?Taibledo'l'dn..4tand do.: Woreted Table dn.
• a K 11111p0 Iski WA ...retuned aur xtoekdlrect franthe
H jerilrratel F a ctories, being of the Isteit and mad ere
----:-- --- ''''ed l etylet and color., we are on,parol to II to o9r
for Kaiak! 11;w...a ~......r. a t ri i .,:c.t toe. thn, am b. Pm:e...-
Id any of Me /astern Linn.
!" CO. 'Weo"eordtally to oil to mall and examine our etaek of
ra fine, for The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street
IPDj!C" ' --- , . mchl9 W. 3LiCLINFOCK.
JI-41 plu LT mch.42. J.
PAtiISH GITING--5o bbl
ARIS WHITE-15 bbls. exi
No by much= J.'
Ladies 'Writing
4) . K. c
~ I r i i t i N lßEßLlt l Ltvd
lege, " d
Denier of grim. are Third iii..e;
Mara 24th. where he wlll ho prepared to.
de ' . in the Art of Peurnarehlp, to such as ate de
taloinn an elegmtropldla
ory hand. floe ...
Dun 2 to 4 o'clock In the afternoon. -
_ -
T 6 FIE SUBSCRIBER Imo be. . appointed mhl9 ('
A.vent. fur the sale of ' :--;'----- '; --.---
-0 - 150 bags prime Rio Coffee;
There at the belt Resole ebb+ have ere teen offered to l ion ~f ., ..h . y . 04 0, if, Imp, and Bina Teen
the public. The manufartune •••111, t public that the , 2 coke mlperlor bladflee.
chief Improvement oecearary le that' will prmnotef the 10 - No. 1 Codfish;
durability 0 0 One edge. flaring
. eomb •ed the best 01- 50 Edda Tenor.' Oil: -
non fool with a moms. Armand Made. •• from the Pm.. 00 boxes Totem, extra 5 . F.: for ofale_tly
Ilk prom. they undergo In tempering, - thee with the ' J. S. DILWORTH I. - CO,
great ewe beetrovred upon them in Natio .11e can with eon- . Mehl.)
" " he
superfor excellence of this name . that ey am eseh soar
„,„,,,i, s pa if flood f=wrf.,, is am! I the tiwAUVL , ! ffn dos. Racket% 10 doz. Trbsll . ii: sale_ )
I:al ' ELL.
refueled. =big
We gas tee every Rarer to give ter aatlsfactlost.— - ---- -- Er - in . l -4 - Y.'
For .r." • bY
tbs"”' " '''''''' 4. cv WILSON. •
mrlTl earner Market • Fourth s. I 11. TAUNTER, hating nompleted the re
HOUSII-K EEPERS--Ordera for Papar i RA r t .4l " arr i tk 1 eta ' . ti f .' ' 'di-YU'''. "11l
u rili ' A "
- Ifilarigere ran be DR at the Wail Paper Stone of I
nest -----
W. P. MARSDALI .85 Weal st. ; DRY APPLES-20 sacks ree ,ors e y
hie 9 01DEJ , P. lifilLlEß. -
-50 Weis. N. a Sugar ' LI ITORTS-30 1 J nu. ftTr Bale close con
-300 bids. N. O. MolAviefe SAIICEL C. SILRIVER.
40 bosh. Dried Aerie. i 0 eg..6.11, by
' me 10
WOO lbs. lins;
40 bbia. Limited Oil:
i 0 tea. oew n likvd .,:t
...411MIliffe. eemeth N. If;
id bbis Fmk, Roll Doter.
4u •• Timothy Reed; in stone and for robs by
Lit.ts Att•ea
D H. PALMER offers for sale, at very
lit too- prim, a full astortment of Straw aml Main.
cry l l oda, viw
BOVAILTS—Irehrn and American . plain and fancy
Straw, Braid. Clop, Utah, Milton, Lam, air.Pla -
NEW MUSIC! born. te- to
1 fIALS--ilen'a loathe, and Dole t.- I Kbart. fang mad
QONE IS THE CALMNESS •rl----, lain la..i. Straw.
P.n. ° . VF1D1°,...4 Palm =lig.
by IV 1 Walla, . pie 9.15 11 '.
T a ''''' 'Lf'ipaeb°7'.litirt'•Piltr. iittotterTents.itittmal. Tart.
legal dno't like to ere, mini^ wag '4' .—.. ety of shape T atet ' wetroal.
Can I (tweet t.. limbo.] . RIRISOSS—ILIrIa Untmet and Scarf. plain Satin and
l% anted • borernr. by Joha ParrY (eve, all widths and colora InZICT IiIIIIIM mdCrepaCaps
Mamma le ten very particular LACES—PIain and flgueed whits and colored 8110 and
1 oleo of byvnot days, be (utter Annie Laurie. 'out, Netts
ii,kl i y,; c at . ..,... kV , I,,,,,ibdiji/Ztorl ekk ~,,,,,,, L STRAW TRIP tfL'VG.S—CAUIa Taesela, 8att...8.14a
R a t,ei,,r . .71,.4.4... by the lintebittroas. Olivia Polk*. ' P. r i tATIIT, A k4 : reach and AnlCAllnal Syn.. ltUnches mad
tinted Pol. de Concern by IV I Wallace . separate. rib and p.ttel h
I .
, _
With 111 the late popular Son.. Waite., tkdillkum. Polk - . re/RSA
11 - E7' S CVD Alll.6ulsee, aro de Itt
to. Warehre, I ar.tions, Itmatos, de., do , Wood ha the p 6rO d e Rhine, Floprom, and ether Asks, aborted
Y... Cities. ' qualine. and ram
Sew Ytteo mewed mere week i AA TLVS—Assorted genial...l colt..
Abet—Rich atad low mooed Partteols .1 ['Tana.. Rea
A vers . large and new stock of 13n.c.,* , - e, Mchl9
To arrive this week- ni 6.6%, 6ti .d 7 IaCIAVIA. rural and • j ISM DIG WS. Ito. 130Lnann SIII/Tt•
ylen, varying to on. from 11.20 to 111.00 Alto, two mar A very lare and =raper ate. of 1.. .able Oasis.
nifleent tenuad Plano.. Ram the same welebrated otanub , c- ad toted b, ticntlernAlearpt i grol o c c ily
'' 'l ' lle alawe with • full and gates. Rock uf Mow and = flet k r; 1 :1001.1 utect.rttoreftiof Nest.. and C..
M'"'.1!,10'.."0"10'.1/1o1;?ifib;i6l.1.011, 01 Wool et of
1.1 a n o. Piano 1 orb. to hire Old Pianos takest in tA t s,r r tniAt., taeLee u n ite ' of
largett and best Select.
part for now otos, me stocks we. of the AllennellltAl all of which the Proprietor
------- -------- Is di-UM:M.IAI to eau . et such pricey es will convince all
C.1:11iTI-I'S H O RSE RENOVATING POW- .4,0 ti,...- him with mll. thet t only the most anterior
DERS., onmpund chiefly of Vegetable., 0111 ...Ire to Mad. la sold at Els otablialLo ' ent. but also att. 1.-
Immediate bealth Pede: . le Invaluable for the cure est pricet in the ob . . . i. thc
of the numerous diseases to witiett Cattle and ann. are AU ordere in the taltoring line esswooed. tonstrid,
subject. vie iliandara oward Strains. lade Bound. I two( I:wet possible manner. amts t the shortest notice.
Appetite, lioree %Metope, llonwei Etiotemper In Caul., walla
.tan the Inelnit of the Cod, and ltheumatietn. wommonly w - w
title Sa d Comithtin whirls proles fga.a too suanr rain Wi IN . TbR LARD 011,-19 bbls. J. L.
" 1° b " . " . ' '''' F 'o.o'
''''." I'o.
b"ang 'LW
L'Ann" ."
I "l3l.3.lllltk r trAl b tlis.
foundered; a rers es PI Mt gre. humor. mad parilies the
bited. it la aim a o ak and certain mare for
IlenTen al , mellis 221 nod . 1,,Z Meaty rt.
C 2al ''' n'd
° l ' 11 ' "' l ' " b ili th' Sffra l'U V . :1 SIX.' AR AND MOLASSES—
ay. t disown t w aan e ranee e se an ,
0 1. 0 p.p., ti n , wort., lie.. .1 attain rano. tbeetowArn 10 Idris Plantation .neart
sal .vela in broth a.-tion IC.) bbl. do Molave, look neperagr)
whole... ur ntall, be 1 In FInAA And na o.le bY
8 4 WICKERMIAM mettle HILLER 0 RICKETS/V. „..„._
otrh/1 corner Math end Nood rt.. .
, TIPF.AIIL STARCH--50 boxes for sale by
A Blast Furnace for Sale 1 i_ • tn hitt ILARDI.J 4 V.P •CO
2.III:',UNDERSIGNED offers for Sale his' - i-DNElfl-CIES--
01,A , T FERN ACE, sttualtal in that mead, * ..pas, ' S 2.5 bola.Na 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil.
known as the eAllateona Purnare.. with all the out . e
.1 , ~,,,,,j,,,,,,,,,, p 1,..,,, , :,,,,
buildingto SAO. and ORIS.T MILL: and even' thing tor 7 bbla 3.1000 Pork,
mos./ to aut., on the Pmeltlng of Ore It has 1..• llama llama Amulders and Sidra in smoke/10.0
, assn/
Of tend attached. with as numb more ...du . h. bbb. No 1 iterken.L for eale low DT
would be neretwars. wel ch east be had fn. Tee- to 12 per KIER ,i, JONES,
:11111I'llti: IrZZ e ti.., " o7. b ri:ta. , 0r...hat!",1217f, mesh e Canid Basin
o f i a eer y . ... onenutlea, easy to coma and yieldlott
trOln An IA IA nAI. RAIL II IA COALIIIIA and half (man the ,
Lbw.. Loaf. Will. where • • rende saN, ono be Mund for
ll lb picalurte of I.l[ MetaL and Is too toll. Irma the .
II ed.. oat Atlantic lillroad, •hlrh to one of the lines N
~,,,,,0. SUGAR - 2 5 }Ads. for tale
f relined+ etsouortln• the Ttunclaw , illver with the Pea 1 . ~, 5,0 I.LZELL, 08 Vi . ,._
Braid. Which bas 4.1 lute. of railroads running oat from
it, Aniebeefan 1 under mou s e, penalty .11 tbe la• ILIVRSLMentIi. '
t owne mad OP.. George., where a MAT' Nile il
Krf63 Pla Mena, Machinery. Hollow Ware, a. ii e, DOLLS.PITTSISUROI I CITY Gs;
no. in tonal.. wwk.. bs water pow,. with a !'all er 15 4l t 000 1.) ch. , . Poimilas nought. Malag C . a .
Let en a never Whop stream. .4 in the most Itesittt„ tut do Collie;
fart of the south liul do FIAT ' , Led
Let.n may be addremed to me at Etowah, Can co, Ga.. . 2 de. P.- Q... Rook ~..
00 i ''' Le
'''''' " ."'
1 118'4171nrovAIL i Fr 'tn:V l 'l bi.
torn. flint and Market et
aftl Lhintsee
w d lars a alas .
0%1 uay.. as.
— HEWBOOBS! NEW BOOKS: ; Fresh Assortment of Spring Goode
A M.. 4. opposite the Poe. Can.— I from the Eastern Chia, I/ ea old stand.
ibe Warrick NI oodbendk, by Jrant For:od NO. 55 MARKET STRIkT.
Caroline of Pruneertet. No. I- by Keynolde.
Planlield hail. a Ilisusioti it<ll7.ort-•-•M.P44.. Behrern Third and Fourth erects, Pi:uberrsa,
the Kicklebure on the Ithinri by Thltitkarel , I Tarte mecnalcom b Ma present stock. of the most beautiful
". Th .:l.P . ,,,:f.tru. A . ' 1 trig 7:,. of 'h. .000 AL.,- . PAPER HANGINGS that hmo appeased in this market
. bra 10. period. The platoon am enUrer arn, th .
Polly Ptablomma c e NI eddirieg . tiliistriiiid Of D'irlf - ' Myles pecullarly chaste. and the Monk in noinl or omo -
Port Folio of a Medical Prudent do. do, ' War. naeurramed. From lu onto upwards. the prime
The City hlrrehana • i" . d...._ " range. To this attrarttrefot of goate. of which a more at ,
Perth Humorous Noeel: "i''' "." '
judgment to formol by Flat timm doooolptioo.
Revertro of ma OW Maki: cr Mots to Tocmg 31 at the attention of merobants and home keepers i ,, :tolrmt•
Oregon and California. i r _ .. .!' 1 h rt i r i. _.
(lord/aMen's kliducttr e .by Cornet IfOrm7.
Isedles'Yttloolle and Tthet Amt. 1 THE RICKLERU RES . ON, THE RHINE;
lamer. Warts AFB N. 3 ST.
L .,..,,,, tbeschow_eb..,,r,....,b, ~.,.‘„A _ bi . 6 ,,,,,
, I
. b ic e
.. W. il k . T w kac a.i. terai d . ,
b lnit i ree. l. l2l k en.. r.n ...
Bonner. author of lbw "Bible in emit... tr. supple • . pietunktry- of Mochas:ire, No. l'.;e. •
Harper's Neer Monthly, for March.ed "
1101.3I1:6' Literary Dep..
Itlactoted. for February. me i h T l7 -Third et.. opporibe the Post &Bea.'
larpl42=4''''/Itrarine No. 3. .._-
Tbe 1 buttcolturist, firr Much. '..
'the Cultimtor: " ; ivi. o w ~. k e dy's kook, for April:
Grotarrie 3lmasine doS
i t'cutrfootl'„,'lle4l-7_1414,.7. .1 .Pr f.'s:on—eon:4 Pete . ! ~ .4 " -I '. i t. fc. , .t."
I Hilly of Pendennie, fyTnestare) --complete. .. _ ..,_ Th ol i Tt L'i n l e f Mt.
mobile kury of Me kelmi of Omsk.. ' ' i"''' — _L ______-_-i____.:..........__.° _.,--.
I H lTZ. ' l . 7l ' lMl o k j kol. VAD PIPE--Oernell'a improved patent
• Lona= hrtiJougw,t4rftbruhry. .
food Pipe (Ur Itedrarde,
ti lk tilmi o y!a b ton ". . P'." or LIT erat —l Adveuturee of Percival Ilag- , Nara, ~..
berg.). ontlen by hinvolf. A TlVtille Rams. .
I Love mid Ambition. a Novel by the author of lead., I
; barn." ride... a.
hlimbaappi_ three, or itetehe• of All Life, All stem on hand and to .cr i es, sale
, by ...
NDEI 1e()=0...
1 Ili:'.'itiglV.\;,,-,W,t.n0t..... .._ .. - , 134 FrocitstriaL
Itockingham and Domestic ( i,
W /0f. f ) . 1) ,.. 1VA ,er, 1T 1 , ,.. 1 1 1 .1 L ,,,,, A h 1iE pm r, L ,,,, Y ,, & ,.. 00 . .,..3 , 1art- .
K4.11-oEntom. Ohio.
llai - Pnroplc Dcorne. No. 104 Foucth street, ocnr the UM
or' etletne. Pittskurnln Pt.
(Jur entenelve Works ennkle no to fill ordure promptly.
A competent drnigniq being eonatantly employed, an. top
a 1... to - keel. Tam trlth nil the new and ImproP , l ktrk.
of the da.
.Flo W l oo. c:' Vn T 5gtr . ,71 0 4= ', WT. "2 .% ,T := 0 : 1„1
Ho:. ...111, klidrtitiee for u domedle to.. to great tuiety.
Orders rerpolfoDo coholol. mete:Oaf
1 ARD OIL--40 bbl. No. I. just rec'd and
for Jule by If. A. VAIINESTOCK A CO..
et'. wooer Nest and Wood Kg.
NOTlCE.—Thoundersigned bus withdrawn
fnon the dm of 'Moo, Plunkett t Usk:night." I
I nv ng .. disponed of lib! 11.11e7.41T116figi,!;41 titi v. T.
l ii buslneso of the firm wlll be continued lo papal un
der the not. of 11111 SEN t PLUNKETT.
Pllkeaunth. March Isltb,l4.4l.—[turtal 43 t
W bbl.. Prech Egen
100 " toe llreou Apple& for We by
tn!lnkl T. WOODS & 130 N.
' ( OAP-11 . 1 1 14 boxes No. I Fc ,,, l..fli A r n r A lg i y .
cr it b m EEN APPLES--20,11b4.7.1;d, fitfusale
i I . OliN MEAL—to bus reed and for onle by
4.). rultlO , S. OW. lIARIIAINIII.
CAA cook. Driod Peschno
110 htoln,lnime 0. 0. 00,00
tO3 lobla. Plnvistion Molstueet to itrrire, for nit 01
tooLl9 HUEY. mArrtnrws. a co.
pia, 31ETAL-440 tons fur sale by
'malt; RIM St
. k . /TIMM! k 00.
1 31IESSED SPIKES-IGO to (i mproved)for male by Inchili MIRY, MATTHES* 00.
1.3 Co LW" Feb., Roll Dolt
10 b. do, . do,
21 DM. Idrorol OIL
7.) badkiwi Ash.
kd 0. LIIIIS CIT.] MM..
150 dn. Vara Broom/.
0 , 0 IMO Dried Andra.
50 , ,,1as Dried Prkeldb fcv bilo br
mchl9 • I. B. CANFIELD.
, tour Soft ,
, tocbl9
CLILLSE - 5 0 boxes for sale by
TURNPIKE STOCK -11g shet4 S. Steubcn.
rUle Turnpike Rock, for We
J. S. 80. NW,
Woehington Turnpike, three - taloa fro PlOeburgb.
ou by WY net, ou ortikß le an old Eta
j ro& aptnr.
moblibentkorkeT Auigners.
1.4.,1FE ESTATE FOR SALE— he Life Es
tate of June , . Melkrotell. Ins Lot of and on the
;ri tubur¢b, au
ttr i e t tre th :L '
b.. 3.l , l7ll , k`. .tr th ilt l g n :z t l " tri t a
[ZUNI' BAGS-400 for sale by__
LA .aaa-..A. 11 - ] 1 RINGILAM dW.
( 1 ,1 UNDHLES---
6.J 15 meta Dried Abdbd:
10 bid. thee.
polid 1.60-1 866 5 6 , 1
56.) kegs du .10.
16 bbls. prime TlMah/
below bawd, or all 1,1666.065 , 16 ,6561 . 6
1 bbl. Mole bitilan. aloe dot be Ms by
mehl9 R. IMLZELL, Liberty et„
`HUT 31ILL-1 Smut Mill ( f e L orr
0616 by .
i uWDER kegs Hzi° Bird dating;
ooyy RH* kr ask
" DlartSit a ce.
bbls. for
'IDD • co
SL; &OWES .— •
230 bbl. N. 0.11045... a taiperag.
1.0 du du entrees acreage.
N't bbd} N. 0. Stuota
110 beige rib.. gear Itio Coffee.
.10 kegs il•Twiiit tobacco.l u
5 do. Plug do.
ter bone s'. and 11L Lump. anions brondo
(. do. Window Giza, kitty sat Country band&
ea) dozen Corn Droon. flare.)
CO 0114 Lerge No. 3 Meeliercl.
60 blf bble do. 10.
110 but Dry Apple. in dare and Con ale by
LiburtY atirea-
S d7l
re Jaen:teflon.
dedrons of ob.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
ARD OIL-20 bbls..No. 1. for sale by
i amble J Att. DALZELL. LS Water at
EATITERS--160 0 lbs: prime, for sale by
air F. it lIARAKIKIII.
Bop' Wear.
nwrtment of the above pod, tolapted to fining
do., grl4lBll.,garAV..,..c",6°''Z'f•Te4htswit'i"
of "7riont kind, Jul Id OR en oriet ', ... j meol4
-4t Bram . = lATIt• th• attend.: of
Bflarege, metal
tgifsannro tare e'rireitrill'el37"7
41ASON'S BLACKING--J go. for Este
to- wads J. KIDD S CO, ad 11 . 00 d
- -
New. Boob! — New Boob
11 itiehard lend liollandtedlted by him eon. Iferoi 111
ward Lord Holland.
Jog. BO[Mir, or Prafwrity and Advenit by Catharine
Sinclair, author of - .sir Hoard Graham,. "Monde)
Roane,. de.
Moorland Cottage . by the author of Mary Deena .
Lavvonro: The 80h01... tselopei. the bri.e. by Geo.
Kamm, author of the LIDA:, in etwin, and tho filpelea to
P ale.
Illatory of the t Oita States-wood
The abort, sorb just reed cad for sale by
IL C. STOCKTON, Bookaeller and SW3oner,
metal corner Market and Third sta.
• J. A Syllabus of the LAW of Land (Mice Thies In P.
ybrazda: by Joel Joner. ree'd end fortale by
IL C. TO7l.
No. 47 Marketsh
New Books! New Books!
street,oppoeite fie Pod Orier. .
tint • lineman. Novel; be Gen. fearoriby, •
Uwe nd California; me &lila. 11l 1.11. Geld utrk . •
Lon. Ls Tallier., by A. Dumont.
ennenebn by. lied eland-4 volt. in 1. Prim. 00e.
Laeendren lire deluder. the Ulneey. the Priest: by Gen.
The QUIVIeI , ITtekle, by Alex.Thamee.
Reverie. en Old 31,6 a: or Hint. to Toting Ilenlntend.
Inn to Merry.
SEig - The as, earl Kb. be bad 'of P. S. IfeNAHAFLk,
Webster a Unabridged DictionaiY.
ARY, bound Id itherp. 14L2prwilmrta—prIene t 5,50.
R. stork boor:111u Human oaten lx._ , ,bwk add tides,
el , ddid , i - 51 0,00 .
A trl=s""i'
or vale by
111.4 et..
LCOIIOL-15 bbl. for elle by
— 3. KIDD t Ci1...531T00l at
triIEAUTY.—It is universally conceded that
beauty is men roam= In tills onntry than In any
l, ntillp at the Anne nine 10 111 add that in no other
country le It kat at p 0 young m she. how Mtn is nue to •
to entnt, but the bee 1,1 often reused by nedleet. lde
do riot neglect 7.00 1'..... 1 allnonlor, but
road the following. end Met twed not lath. non! bp,k..._
Thew ardeles are Ockatlne preparatknts, and pm., .ft .L.
h reoulSraty.
W r d d,:aers Persian or Chinese Powder. for emen. tl
to the most billions complesion a repent irtilt In
„,,,thipg s hould a person ue snore Metal then the use ot a-
powder for the stm. m many of those sold an very Wenn
sus. My Mime powder imompounded inmthrutite Wand
nr mi
, d mitten no hien:Went whieh - em hollehlY Ifttle t
m Worn
Jules lialwrs Dorileary Powder Ibr MX:Wing .t •
ma hair. What is more unsi&htlihan her sum th P.l e feel;
or mom of a lady. This' article wil t l mmon It In a slmet
time, en-bout the rue or any sharp instrument. '
Jules timers Vegetable Llftuld Ink
_llly. will instant.”
nrooaly lmpart Mt, while. Or My hale. a beautifully
black, bran% Or annum Coln, It Via coin/ the hair in a
Morin time, more enamel, than .7 other dye. be
lug at the nu time Indelible. •
Juke HMI, s linteing Oream.—lt le really a pleasure to
share with th cream. Thorp b tame of the anartingwere
satlem unnaft expefteland in the &siva nee MM. Oti
the contrary,
ii tre: o the Man simmth and soft re mist
f' 3l;tillitte Eke: Tooth Paste.- - Veit to the haft, in
think the wen Intended as the Atm& ornament to
the human fsor. but when me¢lead, nand's& lam &thin -
Mos, or ,so quirkly wen. My Ibou Tooth P• 0 1, will bowl
to the teeth a Yearly whiteness, at the sun time Lendet
the hunts limn and healthy.
JULYS lIAOEL, Perfumer and ettlinee,
Ith Chemins st-, Phil.
For sale wholesale and wall. lir B. A.Nahoecelt
and ft. E- &Mag. Ptisbarib, ard J. Withl, +=V
ta t Pa - -
tn&o L L for
e ----------7-----C-------.I)TkO.N :
jik ' w ltS. l ... o .,.. tl 'i' 6 .S—, th F z -7pii r .. rru .Cherri th .es'
~,, .4 the fruit A lan.-..aaper a calebrattal
4.lralodJ.retl'. Ittr e a b ral French Udall.. kr. Jaills.
U14° 21 r . " Wal. A. alcht:lLO A CO-21 , 5 Liberty 4.
-gES;DitIES-1 case UM Sheltie;
I bbl. Elver Saral:
ITartar: 'r.
I halo Large Botta. Carla •
I. rm. Ups*. Kant rant recalled
latd For esstle 1 , , , $. N. WICIIAM,
=chi:: carser Ward antilzth sta.
I)Ri ED PEACHES-118 eke. for sale by
CiATS-6-Isaoks for sale be
CORN -42 bbls. for Bale by "
B ROOSIS-100 doi. COrn, medium;
onom for lly
WiIEAT—Z bbl for sale by .
- WINDOW GLASS-2,%00 boxes, esab .m rs-
T y in, the,
ftrows:ur p ria rta c.
far sale .1 - Lmeb
SIIIRAF — ALE-0 0 Whole and Ilf.ißble.
In Com rich mutant a:Tinkle-from the Stern,
warranted ern quality; forit o ala rsos
ZT.I.RAPPING—From the Vira
31114, toostautry io ttore and Ge n& at Istana— -
mrs' price,
SCYTHE RIFLES-15 gross (man
iv store sal for sale bT T. WOODS A KIN,
mehll - leo. 61 Water R.
5 bbls. White re.55T b
100 bu. Sbeliellttntoiir
SOS. 6l
Prom the parton Mills. far We by
tochll W. r. MULL.
Partal ALL PAPER—Prices reduced at the
• • Eastern Paper tinning* En.
P. 31A.11511 .M.L. 4.
Po. SS Wool •
metal W. P. 3IAILSILU.L.
y =MI
ICON-5 casks recd and for sale by
metal 7. S. DILWORTH O.
F LOUR -DO bblo. reed a
DndILWORTH for sale
k. CO..
J. B. CO.
ROLL „c BUTTER-10 bbls. for sale by
hll . .1 DILWORTH 00.
CHESTNIQTS -20 bbl. for sale bp
mrolo • Lonig , P. t
'DOLL BUTTER-1 0 bbl. prune ire. Peel
JUL awl far sail, by SAMUEL P. snlrrsa.
Hosiery , Gloves, Hit% ex.
A4URPH I f & BURCHFIELD lore now
1 ciwn ..osortsr.ent of Mack Milo, and Castunele
~...... Leila sad 11,11 do.; Wbite, 311:1, Lesd, and
Nankin moved Co t
ton do., uobleseboil Cotton Lola sad
nfldlit Valgln h r,
oo. •D'' a"'" - •
• Common and super Mohair and 0110 Thrri.
cotton and !led= Usul . erehirtr. haws' do.,.ltuf an
gt loe est elob prime. at North
corms of Yousth ad!
Market sels.i., • oset,lo
GUM 0P,1U31-1 Case for sale by -'• ' - J. KIDD •CO,,,Eu Ward d. ,
QCOTCHTSTNUFF,--riNflbs. (Garrett's). for
L. 7 sale by meblo , I. KTDD AW.
TIMED PEACHES-4.00 bd. for onto by
LIF mew . seIsIVY.I. P. sIatITEL
HI—CKCRY—NUTS-30 ,bbl. for
_ _24,19 P..!)
gaiaTEN. APPLES--100 bbL for sale by
WAIL; Tea Warn Britannia Tea Selbhbeat Bllver
tad Torke4 opeons, Gal Butter T.M. WT
I Guest qualities nen) Loga, of all d.ollledelln.
Chnvelle t l. j=tats, Hell, and Da i gle: Oa. allti
dalle knobillold Poem tiro
an. e.
nerWelle soy Awe soulereolag repairs In front. ear
taneill :will end me in the war of Ilarnano. (eatranon
treat)with n lonia +nook of the above smeoa, avid at on
veroally low prkew
iirlVa/nh repairing abop vo the wand Ozer.
• IV. W. wiaas,-
rach7 cora , Fourth and Marlet
i_ TION be revived_ by ern. canal areinaleala
tele and ebnlw ~meat of Prude =I End.. Pagan
HANO/NGS. In gold ‘ dannek. Looney lend platn-Pallenen
tear wile • Una lot of ebran_Batln and Comma Pr
meta 1 SS Wool at,
SAFETY FUSE-150,0 0 0 feet Bacon, Biek.
tbnl a Co.'s nuke, warranted. for sale by
ebt J. S. DILWOICTII sw.
OIL CLOTIIS-10,0007/ristloorOileloth,
IL.Y bossy and reeier, freer 3 4 . re it yab i a sde or tha
newest patterns, which will be add art line at esel* as
eastern make, and toted 'owes than War ark home ha the
city. Sae invite the attention of purelasess tolls. above
etock, „ t our want math. N. 7 Wood se.
rlf a. 9=ltett ani999 C l9° .
rII t rUPS, 9 Woalt
4.4 44444ri—f1444) yds. 4=l Dgr. OrcenOTlFlot4.l44o. -
we and rt 411.14 No. 7 . 4449 Won., 1 1 .
CODFISII-15 - drums in'store, fur side by
A OPS-15 baleffust sort Western N. Y.,
m arl
O I In ston, and 14: sale bi rl i tra weretim.
'rn" and to sale bY
MILLER a sicinsisori. ,
- - •
CASSIA -100 mutts just rec'cl, for 5...
such 4 & RICKETSON.
TALE_ MATTS—In store and for sale at
.tha 3IcCUNTOCK .YOurth IL
r .......,
.1._4.c1... Itlill4ll • a st-.
thatto •et hhorh wiahla to tarnish, to hia stock ci
.1. A v.! sesortment CAD b. fouled at the Carpet Ware
houe, No. tis Immth Mrect.
reb3 JteeLENTOCIT.
A MATT very large assortment of Che-
IVI ited, Thrum. Sl....ehekin, Cum. demur Lind.
ate, =WC Itrtti asletna Matta tu . tare and der ale at
the • t. Wavle... No. 85 Fourth
the attention of yettehisers to hie essortense
c t ofleee.
1110 al No. paFourth Mt.
-30 Wren D. K. large I..p4if Enffar, 9 and 15 td.; '
00 bbla. small
270 - muted and powdered Loat BUY.:
“ Vargo( Loaf day
.TV . N. " °.
140 " S. 11. Syrup Malan.. Et Idadg
55 " Golden SyLvic
44 •' thrilled In ?any and fir Ws by
Eater and Front rta.
. Embroideries.
. mertment 3( the felloleing 51 i t i ..
4 ,
Cub. otl Colt;ter, Kcolult7=an•lC.4l44 ll"."S t
ood Leede Nude. Ch a . and thllarg Louts ha leero.
Zethoo,nlgrettnill :pgva,%,.v:krautu,„ ..,„.
Egnill,"r;:bea•-V.ri. b rr:zrarlito.% , n , :„
matt sad toile Ehelogs find Isseetiltsforetherienuy
goners] leoottment of French lanbroi4ered aoel; I,aeo
ateh3 A. A. YAWN ha/.
N 0.112 and G 4 Markoh et.
iiRAWING PAPER-300 Sheets
Jus m st,susiity) for sale by st.M2.
tr,rICON- 1 -0 c"ks Nanfe.d.l,l,Bll3l
ljp ,a.h rw i d by 4..2" Ne"` {VALLI- 10
• _
TOBACCO-15 kegs SixTlsist;
29 box. Grants
15 - limed;
Lamm= saleb
S-75 was sad 50 WA, Dried Aryl=
bbla .04 50 Ler , Na 1 Law;
310 boaa Itablas.
150 r ,
mi '
40 Obis. Lased arid eat fa ale
- meta 1111.0W:: A KIIIKPATI
.. _
iiy N TEA I
~,,...1 4 266 Liberir [ etreebssert en .
t n Tot, vokb. we Mina at tan my wi
'' massed at the otioe in Pittsburgh.
'''''"*"" . - 62.){. 14... a sui.l4
For the lower gooks i 5,
we warraut folly equal. If r. superior. to any •1
the same pee.
AlssOoderig. Imperial, and Gunnowder- or
for Irblch all wessak IN a foie trial; and the/
mend themselves. A liberal discount nude to
and to itualltes buying by t y inq . , MMi xko k
[ ' melte Tea Dealers and CI [,l
PAYEB..-30 ',qui,. 24 3 8
24.1 y 38• a
Priooo4 I'!t
tf 2, iy 22, Si
• 6711 , 1:1 br LC
Blue. nelory NPen _
• MY) elogle (.'roan Straw
-11 , 0 Doubl
e -
2 Medium
64 ••
no underelcool keeps cx,artaatly on hr, A t
tichange for Harm a law ae•Jpplal tam
Haled. Cap, Letter, fLarlearr. .. .ea l'aperf
Boards, de. Os.
Also—Faltina of all gee , . fbr Yore ammofket4
Prialrx Paper made to ode; 0 . ,hori aocee.l
toner of Nan amilml
EfEATINO S=--We are I:7p
ed famish sod erect Wont , . fbr haitlZZ
boildhwe by Vs= or hot water. and hen one
gued D. D. R Illla2v. Dom the ewe. ropetiestend kW wee
DRIED APPLES-Ip. Lu i sv..l)
Et: Ikult Ite2'n.7, la Mr. rale
MILL 111=1110.11. .
ip buy Lew Ne, Make !LarkeraL 1 .
24 Derees anew Carolina Mee,
LO Ind. Dew Rotted bY• 11eddL;
1503 pre Oakes Lead;
MOO Bs. Bar Lead;
33 kep not. amentad =alms;
V eta KraVx"c :
JAMES A. 1 1. `" a ct a
R ACON-1 prlme H. ; •
&Ole Dr lb" UOI rrOri
v r Taunt