The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 25, 1851, Image 1

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Cl.= gum,
[O. N. WENT.
arm tom Tom srocmsrorr tag ro ism farrow,
DATLY—Feeen dollar; twr annum. tetrable halt yearly.
b.. ItOltalled on the 6r:tog c 0... te— •
Three males ter annum ................
mydee aa
Tuv ntylen .. t 0
Twenty emdett 20 0
The rt.% [dr eaten Glut. to Le addrersetl to one mann,
Wad Inearialtly adrame. No Club Papers rill
Vett after the year extol ma, unless the money la eclat Or
• renewal. ;
Una N .a,, (10 linen of Nonpareil or km) •
• ; one Inerrtkor $ 0 50
, Do. ' carb addalonal Insertion.. 0 :21
' h. , 175
Do. ' two week • ......... __-..... 00
Da three weeks,- 4 00
lea two months. 7 GO
thwe months_ 00
Do. four months ...... 10 00
Do. rit month. 03
Do twelve mouths IS LI)
Statuling Q, Ml 5 Dues or kRII, per annum-45 V/
One Dollar Gm earl additional ham
One fonsrechwigentrle pleate (per an• tutu/ met Lodi eor the paw__ 00
Pei each additional moan, losertml over one mouth, and
Ito emelt additional wowe inserted under the yearil' salvo,
Advertisement, esconllng a square, and not over fifteen
to by charged as a equate end a Italf.
Publishers not, anmuntable for legal advertisements he the amount charged for their peblketloo.
Announcleg eandldatre for raft, to bo charmed the same
!,mother advartlemecum.
AdverLDements not marked' on the ropy Tor a specified
• =abet of fitsertinue, mill be continued till Strbidomul Dar-
Meat Weed secordlngly.
The privilege Of inn advertisers Ise struts i Malted to
their own Intruellate bitable/a; and 'all advert to for
• the benclit of other perm., as well call advenalatmeute not
Immediately cotittected ettle their NVII bugle/nu, and all
class of aelvertimmeata In length or utberadow, beyond
the hallo engaged, will be chargel at the weal rate". For
all such transient adrertlseig bills grill be eeparalely
and rnstrid mylmme deelred.
Ail ad.rthemputs Or charitable Iturlitutknos. Ore com
panies. wswl, bronchi end other public meetings, and
such Ilkeyttebe charged half prior, payable strictly In ad-
• •
tices in se r ted notigsl t ug h. . rged
Death nobye. W.. ...Pee
Wad by fanersbiarigations or obituary notices, and when
so aroceuparded Is be pall bor.
•. thictilar adeatiser, and Mlothers sending anatinnlco.
Wm. or neaulrlng psi... Alexia.' to ..11 attoitke to
Botheds,_Contert, or any public entertalothenia.
where charges,m nude far admittanca—all notb:. of pri
vate amlies--every•outl. dolga." to call Wadi. to
pat , tig h lterprlies.,Zule . ad or intenAleAl to pron.. ladl
ing tbst the Isms Is to Le yl osofW
id for. .l i flolitlAT d to be icre d. '
gated In the local oilumn, them.., will be charged at Bus
We of not lees than 10 sm. per line.
Bishop ee XS, N.B. to he ebarged triple p rim. Tavern Lice. 4 Pelitlaut Sa each.
Bea Mats :Agent.' and Auctioneers' advertisements oot.
to be clamed under yearly 001,, 11110 to be allowed a die.
oared a thirty three and one third per cent. Bun the
aboard of Min.,: • .
IN rum tams.
0 5.5 Same. Dims insertions 41 50
Do. • nab additional inserDna—. ..... 37
sorminssarassa ix arans PM.
One P•, (10 Doss.) ons 'martian— ..... cants
Do. earl additlansl insertion....-. 711 cents.
AU transient silvertbeinents to be paid In adsansti.
EN A. PARKINSON, Aldeiman, Fifth
Ward, Penn st..,et, totleren OW= =I Walnut. An
proniptlY attended to.
W F. W
W. HITE, Attorney at Law-45?
L ax t zy l a i2i t_ street, near Fourth. in Az
. •All' , .An. and heal Estate Agents. No. lair
J. KUIIN. Attorney a Law,°Mee
fdlitn [Rahman menu of Grantidreet and na/mond
Mi. Pinebargh. talbxtly
EH. COLLIER. Attorney at Law, office
ea la i Lourn4 lutdnge. to et, atee
, exdtbheldr=i r .e Llq" f Weldndonatt: (formerly of the , Lnhee) i
the procuring f o dad
ALMEST. KERR, Attorney at Law—Office
ap: on 4th et. between Stahl:Add and Otani Matrtugh.
RANCIS C. FL eiNEGIN, Attorney attaw,
Na 142 Fourth sUret. PittabtuTh.
71 - ttorneys 14 Law,
N0..110 Fourth Greet, Krtzburgh.
unacte—Alerander x Dam John Snyder, Eau; Ilor-
Iderrince A OM . Wm. B. l'oner, John Fleml A,
enuntinn Geo. W4nekton,l9ttsburgb. ,
.DWARDI P. JONES, Attorney at Las: Oftkm on o,ow - tit Meet, Invetm War.% mul Smith
- TASPER E. BRADY, Attorney at Law,
u No. 87 Fifth.cmes, PiLtabarah, Pa.
Vy k . i l. , l ; AVICLIAMS & CO., Bankete
and Exch.:cc , Brokers. North Ernst earner of Wad
and streets, Pittsburgh.
All tranuscrloos made au liberal terms, sad co ll ections
Pmeililly sttendet to. pals
' LID. KING, Banker. and Exchangeßroker.
a Taarth Awe; Dealer la Bank Nana - BIM at ra
nm,l and 2411 er. Stocks bramht mad mold.
• The market mice raidin premium Om Miamian
lard, and 3tericaa =I Salakt Dollar; la s aar
• ,
VIM LARiIttER4R; Beaker sad Broker.
T I Ilth itreet.!!ta. Ca. adjelabra the Bank of Pimrbargh.
A:Z:1(1ES CO, Exchange Brokers, East Owner of. Third and Maitet street.. AY.
at meat Iltmal rates.
HoLugs & SON.._Donlern in Foreign,
.and Domertic AM, Erehanv, CottMotto of Re
mick Rant Not,. and 'NEL GO Haricot great, Pith.
hafghZll¢Chlloctlons made oo all the grincipal dttc
through - out the thltod Elate,
lin Dealers In Biehmge, Cold Bank Notes, ie.. cu 74
Potuth street, add door to the Bank or Pittsburgh. Col.
ladlons oarefolly_stddled to, end the jecceeds remitted to
sny part of the Births,
1r RAMER ' Bankers and
13.. -
M - j=t k ignsL= l "
vox. corner of%zra nod Wood lo.reat. vametl7 oPoo.O.
.tho fit Marl. ROA
JCAROTHERS CO., Banking house,
o Na 15 Wocolftrfot, littatorgh. Correa limey ro
ved on Depooft. Oallections mode as olf th e arinainai
anus of the UnluKt Rale".
& anent_ firm & sun.
I)AIRDk IRCIN, Commigiiion Merchants
and Balltra ea. ?irk. 11 , 1 Iteeond naret. Penomtl
rat.ste ecuritle. from SlOO SIU.OOO Itlwar• on lbaail
110.712 KAN PUSH X Sap,
rALBFER, ILANNA & CO., Successors to
Mow. thaws Ca. Bosom, Rtentsim Mont..
of igaIesiVINZZLIV:IIF4A-Afrgrr,
•Wctd and TOW snorets Current Manor mend on Ihr
it. Elan Cheeks fur nil, and collect:law nude= tow
irgetrz=„ir ilthLn.,tWzga Amerkaa
airsacolimmooaroworrimonta or Poxicoodirr.ea sour,
so Lbw! term,
W. TAYLOR, Commissioner and: Bill
Broker, 112 Aeostul Anent. Strict attention will be
to LI bushono entrusted to Mr rate. l'lttabur*b
sosnasetored tolJeles obraro no band or procured at abort
Don • NIA, Roods, lilortgucuor. negutigod oo oak teems Adv./nu mole. if re/Wm& .
STOCKTON, late Johnston &
be. Bookseller, Meth:inn, Printer, trel Binder, tor
ter of Market end Third streets, Pittsburgh.
AS. 13. 1101.51ES' Cheap Literary Depot,
Third drew!, opposite the Post Oiller. Nen Books re.
by repro.. Suborriptinin rerrinel to of
the etekerrees .rltsilePers . Publirbed et the publisher's
lowest prim
• -
ITOPKINS, Bookaaller and Stationer,
• 18 Pomth ottret. Apnilo
- • -
AVIB BOIVN, JR:, Wholesale and - Retail
Baker ea/ Onitrnoner, hr, Fourth Wye; Fitteburub,
ts po Cak odosny • nrodnl LO. es. sal Farley Csofertlonsry, /guar. on hand
M'CLIgTOCK, Manufacturer an d
.LY,..1111= RIaStI P :Z . 9 ro 13**".6 n
sad 74 Waal Ist. Pitt:burgit. o."
F°'th °."
V. A. McANULTY & CO—Transivite;l7,
0 1 / 4 11 7 :47.103t c, D br
1110.11.11W.M11 8 - 11 - 1
- 1 - 16 - i/Wliti: -
tZtezrorramtion Ilettinkaty NG. GI Wain. W.A.
M. li. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
cominagoa Merchant, No. Secood - rtreel,
& JONES; Forwarding and Cain-
Dmbdon Minthints. [realm.. In •Prort. - an 4
i o,
articles, Canal Basin. near Hementh
- newt Plttrlnn.A.
.... .. . .... ....11‘,./ 00. ARDY. JONES Aa, erccessnrs
to At
wood,./ones t Co . Cormalolon and VoroirdirOlor
bargh.-h dealer. In Pittgbor,h Itanotietnnod 9.14 PM.
• , I
: t •• l~:M : ..
11' C. SILACKaTT . A CO--Wholesale
, .'Deslerslo. Foreign and Domestic DIT Goods. Nn. 101
"' ood street. Pittsbnoch. ccs 1044 :
• ....,Nomi .1 c - E7i;:rrocanst ..... .r. L ArnsoNT km, 0.1pe.1.
AA. MASON A CO.. Wholesale and Retail
. Dsoders lo rant,. *ad 01.01. Dcr.GOods. C Matto!
t, Pittsburg/7. ,
NttePi Vi
IitTihURCHFIELD, -------.U0LE3.1.1.t
r oasel tali Dry Or r& Morthoino, muter of PlinirtP
t ranscio. Pittsburgh.
.. •• ' I 11731;pri /imamlLiqmpL
ßSEY. 'FUMING ,t. onmssion
It CO.,' w.. iad
tora:=l&..ll.le: Ind:llllri:d7V(lPMlnsrlrlTiZoo
W I. 120 - Wood 4 irtmet. faurili door nimo Fifth. II to.
I)ENTISTS. _____
n I R D. AUNT. Dentiet, Corner of Fourth
eaA Dreatm .t_; betrren Market caul F.Mr
EY"gffeß McDOWELL, ge c ieasors• to
to Kerr 1 Kicker.) ITheikeeln an c Retail Druz end
State, meter of Wool street mil %kin alley.
mvnpur. rkoorOll7 .9+l4.nled Olen end
4:Wiaale,Druggiats: D al
. 'on In Adonis, Dye EtneN,..l
of pr. .00's colotonted Worm Speillie.
az.....E=L p W th jrapt No. tO. er of Wood 001
acp.d.l hualets Til l b. Moray Pock.
_- ~..
.~;; ~~
'ff ... L7l ---- ': - .DA.I.L'y' - '...PfTT;Pv . Ron --. 77 . - :0A:: - ,zryTrx7 .
. ._. . .
A. FATINESTOCK & CO., Wilflll,o..
, OrriliS tu...,, ,
e 11 , r1 ,,,4 f i tel r
r :: . ll , T , llr .,x tr a L . P.: 5 i. r
..7 i ,,, V t o . in ,,, i.V . i
, i , t: ,i
to gh a t
piE. SEILEItS,MVIirdoAaI« -
Dealor in
• Drugs, l'aluts. Dye 4 tuff.. Dile. Vornlthee. ,
,sr wood .tr,,.. Pittsburgh. D. ''''", '"'"'"'
Pli .low.
61IN D. ,'.kIORIIA.c:. M44 , 144,14i; .14r4lgteis•,
and Dealer I u Dye, ill Cr, Pwaw.ol l s rareillhmle 2_
, oir43 Wowl surer, ow. W...., r.,,,th of Diausat.l Oil,.
ISt burgh. . '
i i ll — N. - I%''lC K ER:!3 IL MM, IV holpsale l)rug,..zigt
air Divr„ , .... f=•,.7.-g,;1:f. , ,-,',‘,r.r,v. , - 0-°".
...... u. ix,. .. ... .i . ..
RA UN & REITER, II"holosate and Item(
I, llrtz .
Pa a
gieta, mower t.l Lilwrer and St. Clair r ... lilt.
JScHOON MA K El{ & CO., IV hnlesal.! I n. O g-
A l t
rutty. Na. 24 IV.wel u.. Pittsburgh. .
d• . nler In Pnim . r and 11nXh rthn , •r..l
1.1 Inrsn ntr,. Pl.burgh.
MUEL SIIRIVER, Wholesale lire.
. Pro,ltor and Cizatulminn
Iltbkburr Muntructuntt Art!clo:, rind
ettret.t. Lt.two.r, W.. 4 and Smithfritl. l'lnAhrvh.
n. ouvrosurft
S. nftwoirrn & co., whok,o,
fuzz, Prituoc owl
, Enfoorloion 51ercloif., 00.1
! Xt d
,t.. ll43 , teig . P r 7dor Co., of Ifainril,lLlo, tip..
.111.111111M1C.1 (Y. I.
TRBRIDCIE It I holesal.
. ,
I Umeera and enututhrion Merchant?, No.llll Wate r
tura and ISO First odreet. Pillt,hurgil.
ItHEY, MATTHEWS & CO., Whole6ala
(invert, C0M1111541011 and Forwarding Slorrhatd, and
getta for Bri,rldon Cutton Faro, :ilr 11 stet 4..l•dtal , urgb.
.10111 R WAIT JO. , a
JOHN WATT & CO., Wholesale Grocers..
)ommbeaon Merebial, an
and Praloro In Produce t,
b :4lt i tt ,
4 1 . k Ilmufactures, No. ...4.4; Liberty runes, Pttn .
.. _ . .
xj.1 , 1 , 1 : CANFIELD, late , t,l Warren. Ohio.
tkunroinden and Forwarding Merchant. and Who! t -
eOrator In Weldern ile.tervr •Citer,d, liurttr, PM an I
Pear dab. and Wrodern Fruit., generally. lystrr rtn...l ,
betwOn Smithfield and Word, Pittalturgb.
. I/roc...rm. Coromlseurn and Fontardlng Iguratutt .
ts In all kind,. of Proton. and Pltaburgli e
red Ankh.. end dal•trta for the rah. of ILlttonohil WI I
Lyric burgh Manufactured Tol.a7co, Noe. SO and n 1 M au c .
street. PittAburgh.
. _
F. VON BONNIIORST & CO.. iv hole.-
• We Oro-sr". Fornardhig and Conankonn .o.orch.
ant, Marrs In Pitteburub Manututurea end IV...atom
Protract., N 0.96, corner of Front Atroct and Chancery 1.0 o.
1 - AS. DALZELL, Wholesale 0 rocee. Cont
.) urbudon Merchant. and Dora, In Produce and, Pitt—
burgh alanntaetures—No. 70 W. 1., it.. Pitttburgh.
ISM 11 .1 ............. .. ....... . . Hie; ...1 , 12 . 1/ . ..C...
jrS LAII lIICKEY A CO., losale Gno
rn. CorntrOorlon Merchants. and , 1:r .. ..d0c..
.o. • Water, and 11)7 Front street, Pitt...buret,.
LI.VGLISII. & BENIVETT. lobo Englielt.
1 2 ,., , ,% itllitr,if= w . nh'iztnr : rgi'::tf; . V
burgh, Mann/adore,Nn. En Oto . and 721 tom,. .
betulm Wtod and Slnitltlold.
Irst_. SM.. F1T1LAD . A......... V. • ...WM rir i.,,e - ja,:o.
yiLLLER & RICKETSON, IS h o ie.,,,h.
thanks, and Imrters of Brandies. Itinos and
N'o. 001 corner of- po 1.11 art and Irwin stroeti. PlM
hare, Pa. inn:l.:Sall, Cotton Yarns de-. or . , mootardlY
GILLS & R 11 1t1e,331, Groeer.i
ConaraDalon 31..2,1.134, No. .1,7 tatrerty stn.,
lts rs r h.
IReetifyine d'eabv I n Yroduee.
ularture, and all [mil, nt. IFfr .433. and Dnan..3
Wine. and Liquor, Nn. 3I 1.114.rty vtr..l. Itn hand
very Lam Ittock of anperior •.1,1 3ts 15 - 113.4,
ntet . nrill anAl frr f a.h.
1 .1 , 0)3E1tT CO. ,
d. lV r. , 110 n . le,:t I
and f.lbursh m m aTufaci:Lr.A. .trea
Pittetal h.
lt °PERT A. CUNNIN GIIA Whole,al
(inert, Prodon, Foi-war 31, 11111 i eOlllllll./. li4
eh.t.;y lstree 4ra
ttptAll Dealer In
ruh. . .gb 31anufseturee.
t, Pi
WpAGALEY 4 CU., Whoresn Gro-
Na. IS and :A Wood streot. Pitsburch.
/002 D. DIM
WXCK & NIcCA-NDLESS, succes,mrs to
t. J. D. !Vig. Wholesale. Ort/errs, Forw.deng
Condierion Merchants. dealera In Isvn. Naga Want.
Cotton Tuns. and /Marburg h Mann fart u gen,al4.
o Wood awl Water str..t, Pittaburch.
mturgren, N. ,2.01.22.
. gnaws nod Catatubottou Mere/taut, that, ,. /n
--- L ar p rgi w ttgza . Manufactured Artich, I.4lerty
' WILLIAMS &CO., Whole:lio and
-1002 !WT.
Dir• TAW Fait s/ Orynej, Fore:ay./Ong and Oputrgo lon
== d eurner ofllVngiman"-'d Prvluaorrl
10,27. 201.1 , 02 200 2 . um It IAIII.. b. [nn.
0.1 /ANSON, LITTLE & CO., No. 25.5
C;,Tri,gri, -
1003 : ..... ........ ..... .111cDARD
4 . *P.. ........... Grocers, Con,
• 'Merchant, sod Denlera in Precture--Ibiund
web mo t ato,. fronting on Llb.,t). Wood. and :inch
arena,l;laburch. Pa.
oreWY. Chnb.
:tell, PARKER. CO., WholegoloGrocers: in Prolum. 46rel ro 1./41nam Old Mon.
VAntheta4and Rectified Whbetey—No. Z... Coomarrctal
1.7• Pituburah.
. .
1 0 11,_ it. SIE LL( )11, Dealer in Piano Fnrief ,
ell Masts, and 3lnsksJ Inelrumenis. Setamd Book.. 'an,
buttoner - . Link agent fur Cldskering's Yisto V.rtes, to
Western 'enregrlventa- -No. 01 Wood Fs •
.. .
y . ENRY KLEI3hlt. Dealer in Muxic. Mu
• rk4l.lnstrument n, and Impwter of IMllen Stem,
aseof fur finnt..l.l7lsrk'• ,rrww um' mmws pi.,s- 7 .
Ogi, (Iskran's ...V.Westi - Atteclusent- MA. fw lounltsm •
YMO:EDI% & CO., Manufactu
ee r i of very superior 44 Ehewtin.g. Varna Chiba
. - tati haw and Flatting. Penn Mill. Pittsburgh.
wee... -to. P. erne,
ONMS & QUIGG, Manufacturers of Sprin
and !Meter Uteri. Plough Mi. Etre] Plough Wings
and Slnliture. Ilatsrmerwl Iron .001.0: so.
=P nry
Ilro Id
tra e ble I ' m T:rr t r " . f re L' nw ireZ:t
Pittglmin. Ye.
No. %Ir ter at.. below lorry.
P. MARSHALL. SucceAsor to
/1111—latrora, and Dm!, in Frputh
IIAWOR'fII, Tea and .Wine
dyut ray or t.ll4.l , lamanit. toburch.
'CLEM; S. CO., gmccrrs am
IniM due Also—Forrign fruit " ml (l Nu hr : ,.
age ami 441.11 Dealers nupplied on n od
• I WIN) A. CAUGGEY, Agent for the Lek
INC. L. Zur mrPoITL.I.7,...`,7I;;Na.T;',LI`
PLE 3CII & CO., Trunnpniie:y Can:
mo Yuma:4ll.g 31erobante„ corner or Penn no.
the 0.111.1.
• - -
' :4 : 1 , 41' I .
WESTER VE LT A: SON, well know,
a li:jtian Blind !takers . Iwo constantly on hand
eto er the ten article In their line, at their oh
ntansl. xo. EL Clair greet at 00. .1 Markit ntreet
soconiPst4, canna, In tto. Diamond. • Venni. Shutter.
mad° to 1., and old blind. neatly repaired. nib
gA. BROWN would mostrrupeetfully inforn
the public that he keeps on band ath le /Mind on the wiz
ot the Dlntannd, Allegheny city. a complete amortmen
of Venltian Venitian Shutters are made to nele
In thin beat Orli, ...crankd mu.' to any In the folio
Elates. 111. Blind. ran ke remOrod without th and o
*crew chive . Hating purrhaand the noel:, tools.wool
f the eatihnet mitalillshmeat of harmer 4 McClelland, I ain
prepamil to furnish their old customers, is well me the Dui
lie at large. with even' thing In their line.
Agana ho. Wood !Irv , . Pittsburgh.
. 1.
fAtiegibiGiigH - A4iD
P ra—Rosidtaro, corner of Third street and East
ott., A eachart. ,
N. 8.--1 YAM, Mortar, Lath. Sr. to. aale.
nt the p
store mots.,
entrusted to
lARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, late
Inburgh, nnutland. weuld ue.
that ill. hae cnnumeneed practice In the
On, amt., by careful , atttritlrm in r whatever IV
p'.57.;411, em!
lir In treneral m wlll be ranted en. at the eon. r
t and Pennsylvania Avenue
la eon •
Tunnel •
" OOL 11711CITANTS. • •
nUR ---„,,
11Y & LEE, Woo'. DEALias and
Commmerazzas Ibr the tel of Artmriran
oc(lasi , No. LW Libsrtf st... Flitshoegh
S& W. 11.4.11 . BAUGIL Wool Merchants,
Dealers 111 Flour eod Proloce generally. and F.,
stsoling tad I:omission Merchants, No. 115 /list stmt.
and 116 Seco stmt. Pittsburgh.
EVIL ,E JOHNSON, Engraver on Wood,
rbu° 1 ....n. (0001 ...rf.) ClLtshorgh.P.—Viewr of
Xing& II binerr• Ileac a Naerpepore, Frooth.Dlrree•
4.6 ' 2 g Labrle. In tam:. Snare for Ulrirlon, o-
Oeti“.ll4l r Orme:Caton .tqamp.4. oteln the Cult 0)11.
nf Sit, and at tbn lowoet prier.
WIL - 1,1 ilki SCHUCIMAN'S Lithograph -
ItiSt bltehroent, Thint otmet. °Frail,. the Pe•t
Ztabu , h.. 41ape i l , u lealecarl. Carreft. bhq b,;;.-
~Drararre. n. .... ,It v i:i,7 - ,,',, T0tr."17. 1 :',, , f ,: ::0;
-..,...,.... B . end -pi . nt, In mlors 11.1, }tane. or
WWI, 113 the net appruvr.l rt, le. and ar tr.. mot raw,
able al,.
-. •
W IVatelle, Jeivelrs, Sil7ol
- an
Pld 31111., corn, of Ntnrtet and
Fourth etrre Lteburgh.l`. R.—Widels,nntl
WILSON A; CO.. Importela land
N.lrro an 4 Cutl,r, No.
tCiCIG ,
Whoh \ .
ol Meet. I
I oIIN FITZSIMONS & Co. 31.N e t o .
rut• e.f ru T . amt.(' It EEN 1A: , 5.1.11/C LDS. and
ksrdlr 'I MAHN ER). hthe tide no•thod of Jrithrtnlnn
three degthnus / 1 11.Ing .6 work 4 :011, that thro
nretew , i to du M iown , d tww.:thle ran, at th,thort
e.d pollee. and in the le -ft manner. at their estahllrhmoth.
2.4.n0nd stn. t, shove the Canal near the ,la.. Work.
Tao, Ithn. fur Mark Smith and Mot Funnwer. matio.
fartured at the ,herrte.t nutire, 51.1 th... lowest prier- -
All kind! of Johlting dour on 'hurt untie, _.
11.2 m
Gas Fitting.
eireete Irtereen Woo• 1 awl
oukt in. 111,. ~ U ldit to their
tonortet of
'lmre/4P,, ro in
,ola n nh,
rh , 7 nre Po-parot exe
I:its I , ll.liti, on the eh to orknt me
tit., and most rens Jzlnfde forme. ltnelefnf
1,3 In.autiful style of Ilste rincired and pond.. by
wolf: corner Wood st. nod Moultn! fdley. -
Wegner, Bleckner & Mueller's
rr II E A ROI' FIRM respeetfullvan , iounce
to their Wend, nod the public orriernlty. that they
are prepanq to eNeelat the etyle their:ln...ll
ordvrs ft. 'hoe Card, thlle tonlotone, Cheeks, T:eftoof
and I . toloneeond Canby Mnie,botrte. Label,
Their eetal.lf.biuout I. ut No. on MnrLet nt mete bete...on
Third nn.i Fourth oto te, up e:nire. ofeloif
Bolivar Fire Brick Manniacturing Comp'y.
xi= 11. 1. JUNI,R R. sug.‘n.
TILE SUI3SCRIBERS hating been lip
._ point"! A Korth , for the Goren auant.l runnel.. a ell
keep cot...mull) on Loopy •uplel ) eif the ielelerat...l Bolivar
Vire Brick. Crutilite Fire tila).ltruare Hear th s an.l loafed's.
They are al.. prepared to nerive °Mere Britt.. he
he made m slay Alld shape MINIM purrhaeero. vrhkti shall
to promptly tilled.
We do not deem it norepary to enumerate the many eel
' rabbet, the Bohai. Floe Ithek tlefeleal over all etlierti that
have Lon offered for tale In the United Staff, their .mpe
riGrity bring veil known to almost all ran mot.
Ph* Ile proprietor.. lure determined that the
Brick shall hoe mine Cr their present i.uvlatele reputation.
I. that t o . eaten... slated to make'theni e.rei
Letter than the) init . . , heretofore lovn. This he thel.ul)
oitaLliehment lIOW manufacturing Fin. Brick at Bolivar.
RI Fitt a JONES.
Canal Basin, :seventh Cl.. Pi...lin rub.
SteCORD S. CO., Lice received
Eprit •Iy - 1•• IleitA : to arhic. uy
h thl, re
folly mvar the otntom tloir rtott,
eirs public to
w . t..m 11 )• let,_
Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and Tube 7orks.
untlervigned luve just eiiulphited their
i now lattnuf.vturuur all .i.... dA LUPE, 1,-
i...50u,. an.l ;li, I- I awl all 541,4 or
%hide the, .der S r *tileSt the luttret pine, They are
mut prepared in exert.. nrdern nur SPAN.: 51 5 / 1 11, Jr)
" 4.
Nu. 91 and WI (Yager rtniet.
1\71(71101:AS VIVIAN, Cilil Engine,'.
nnd Pratiticsl .fluent Make.
iil Ili. ('.tent 0111 c ili"lune Much,
nu, fur Mini, itter orke, hotting ' NMI,. de- 31ay 1,.
found betwixt In ANI and hl' Id nt n sidener i Nu 21
RI) A. 7il A DEI RA. Atz.nit for Delawnr”
i 4 nfetv In•urnno. Cutup., 42 tenor
eir A .n.nt for Franklin
Fire ltuitiniun. Cumin,. north eaet minter at 1% fled
and Thin! ennui,
V3l. GLENN, lino litNnEn, Wood litr,et.
T•T Ithm the corner of Thint. he is
poragretl .1... , -rn.thal of Ihn.hin:
hind durnl.lln,. Monk lat.:, nth,' to any pattern. and
hatn,l Mr.." in nunit,t.. ntlJ hann.l twerally...r . rrpaircal. Nana,. put.. In till letter,
Thew alm hate bithlnag ara 1.14,1 to tall,
fa, .11y
XI 'CORD Wholesale and 124stadi
Manofeetunma. and Dealer' , In Hat, C 14,16 and inn..
..rner nt Wravl and Fifth .11,-..tx. wlttP•th,s
vaer mai enraplew ...eke( Hate. en,A, Fur,
ewers nn3llty and .Pyle, 1,, nud Het.). at.n
Lte the attention of their viutomer. land f
pnrehtlerr.. gener
al!, as:urito_ them that the!' will Pell on tha mCe't rnhtn
tageete. terms
11 7 1. 1
.itro r t:
11.310‘ A SPEER has I . ollloTeti to
I.lhert, .mrevt. lelne Pie. N. 103. ()fan. unit .I.rell
nu in II Fame buildlnr.
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
c,,,gpf4t... M. A. WHITE.: CO. would re
sp..tfulit ingsrm thepatalk that they have
rgcted — a, — .l..pmi Legnek. twevnWm! ..11 they
etre., The, bre making and ere preparnt to ren.ive
ord., nr even deeenose
Ac., At.. 0.,:
long ea, ri,-ner !It then mnufagtore b,
and the faciliti, they ie. CI, ere
entil,LA .41; on ti. term! pith
wet• Cog articles in th ..
eir lit>e.
. eh
Payln* bdrtkrOta atlO
dn to the POitYLP'II of urderrn,.
and hal ttu.: oohe dna owb
ndbetent rkno.h, tbrn - .bn we no
hesitation In warranting their work. %t e. tbendbre a.U. the
attention ol they public to this matter.
N. U. I:email:lg done in llet manner and on OW
reauumble term n. lal , tf
J 4111.1,V , T.
AGLE MAkfiLE WORKS, (establisliod
1 , 12) Ut EDIIUND WILKINA. So. 1144 Idlwrty rt.
ea of {Varna atswet. Pittsburgh. slonunrents. Burial
Vault. Thud, Headstone, Mantel Pow., Cent, and
Pier Ted.. al w ark on hand. end made to ord.,
N. It A elodoe seltetion of Idrawdnau au Lund. join
A CARD-11351.
t (l .,,,":t r ir , • ' OT2:::4Z i t n :!‘ihn t 7;t:l l : l .";:To r it:
turn tYlair thank*. Ihrir au•tart,ro nod U., aanry ,
Tr r rho, af fovitain ....DJ,' Ilarra. and
tte the I, of
••1' Door firs. Ila vary ree.llll,
6 , nldrzei aryl ,myr ,, rad nr,ro, tbry urrenoldal In kar,,
00 bond I rel . o extro•ir, a.aortnaolt of liroidn— and ta,, , r ,
viii tiara adrenta, of plenty nf who 1., yrosuino
oondr, and rnnlya tladr Tber design moratai
ti triir fnr ao pyncroo.l,le, n 1.13111.1
o ..ser, Ow Dry Goad., line
Yd.. CAR be prandrytd—ared tiaor
they to mak, It the Inton.rt nt 1,11111. c and it,
di. 14.1.. •Ith their rtz.t.nn
WII.PLESA[.F. lIUSINI:Sr .Flll 1. , nivliun~~l Iv
nran, rtp 1(.1.11,- - rntzavvr itla mir...rt, or thrvuvs.
Own, of Third end Slarkrt strnr, • Thr onl, rhar
Ler..l Inr(Aut.m of tlv• klud in l'itlnburuh.
in —John Finning. Illuelpnl in•rtruct, In Ili.
Nier•r• I of !cravunt..
t. H. Ci t ; s :herno. l'rsf..t.t.r of,Rntili.
Kol..l"vtun, nn enmmoreal !at*,
. .
oonoleto knowloLloo K..oi•oor
torry branch of .1”
rorrstop, an iorly4 to call sad axaut
Ilki Law rracry otolar.r.tordrlg.
jfpf,,,, ,n r CV! nrritleot city moorhen.. jdo:-.
1"43:2,1iy Elbll L'N
w ILK b. VS, No. 2.41; Liberty Nt.,
hema of*,, Ktri , wt. 111.4b11r,11.
M• 111.10 1, "ley, 110.”, etAl I . lor
Al*, 0.6 h he.' made tkrtlr. c , l (10.
010,100.V•hlarbl. .01 at v.., 1,-.10“,
Wit. , A clad, Seloalnla ,floruavings
hum,. ..
it 1 rz, {po 11r1, ted
,r 1 • r
Mfr. llnnuar I.nny
ttr n ea. ,.
40114 Sn, der, . &nu,
Vitt.l.nroll i:adslet , t I: nl lA. .1.
Tltitt ' AZn 7 nt. I.
Jesl.l4. IfL,.lrn 4 ( . 4 Fruler.
E. W. frets itrattful fur the very liben...l patronne
te.ldurinc 'sinter') yen, h.I th''
rttt nipt 1.e.1 toh.. eutruth.l It. W. rum up le the pr.,,nt
ai end eruleavor In '<nth. r enth.fletion h rtt^fter.
nturer. Ware-room. l 7 floc,'
.1. T. W. reapectfully hie friend. and,..,ppa r • Si--
, usthiners that he nnw ropipletnd the larg,tP.,= l / 4
nd atork of tionnehold furnittlre er r lwfore w'eu
11/1. city, wai hob,. determined 111 uphohl The unlit,' wit
wellewnenned materials, tall workman' hip, nn,l uenef
men , : from the extent of nseder r and tawility
wanufaetuting. he le i'nalded pruduon warranted turn,
turn. at the loneet price..
Ile haft adopted the prineiple cal Identifying the ctwitono
ene interret will, hi...ow-rt. in ~maul,' and prim.
lIIIXOLp on hand tlic pxrate,it I,l' every dowwiptinu f
furniture, from the cheape.t and plaine , d, n, then...l ele.
pant not welly. that a house, or en, 11.1 a on, loon I
furnielted lam 1,1, Ansel., or manufactured expreed, to
order. Ire thereflwe nolleit., Itotartion, that the roll ;in
tern,. of hie e.lalillainent may hr known. The following
mankles witiAl.t. In part. of murk, whirl, for rielui•ex of
ole and fnid, cannot to. bur:nu:or! in buy of the Lanett,
Parlor. drawing. dining. and bed-room
rarn,y, n.nai.tina tnal.....ratt). and *ninth.
C..n...rratnlre and kaareloulra, nt
1 . , nrh......t0ta,.Tfir-a,tet.• and Divan:. nl./n• Ina
Fn.nek and, American natter..., Takhrea lrlsed.Not.., and
ladies' parlor Writing Derka nr warionr Linda: Work^abl.k
and fanny Inlaid .41m1,, mode ktandr, and holders • roakkle
t do and walnut rrntn. and Pole,
ratenolon dining ablnk: all .iker or the met. improv..l,
and dividodly Lin. beat kind mad. rani, Petahn.k... and
tier taDh•.e wardrotwa bndrfradit and
for of each a
!arm. anahrtmenk gothic hall and parlor reveption
otturnank and ernol..frnerntary and book ran, !Id.. 'kneel..
are rtret.naknwil rarka, bat glands, and manir
and ens• • for children: jana , Mann, table and Ml, Ikn
malingany. row.trond. and inlaid pearl Tal.lea, kn. tr.
A of Common Furniture and tt
Chnlrc. Cal.inrt maker.. rupplied with add article. in their
etramhnnto and Rrtrlc fornl•lird et the'aborte,l nrtio,
promptly attended to. leg
Attorney atl.Law. Nu. 11 , :: Third et., turner Of Cherry
ry, baying adulr arrangements far the purr., ill
pmenre Ilnonty •Lantl, oltr,aand soldirra. thetr
widowe and eltiblren and will attend to et, other
munreted with ' t be govertur.rnt or any of Its I,omrt..
melte?, the renew. °Zoo. or the Courts at thr lily of
Washing.n. itt27Att
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
-‘,! R. A. SMITII is now prepared to give
000flf inetchon • few pupils In the dilfrn.nt branches i% delightful art. at hi room, In Messrs. Sraire
Atkini• now building. Fire rtrvrt, I.4 , turren Wt..) and
Market,t reeLs. lion,, of instructinn. roan ';:! folol.and
fn. Flj r. Char,. and other particulars ran
known by elditng (alternonni at Lho mom..
litter to ler.Gatuun nr Or. Addi,,n.
dWMI COl,l,
SMI-TLEY SCOLVIN, Coal .31ercbant.q,
And IN.:tiers of Dry W. 1.. Orn,ri, Iron nn d N n u,
corner of WAlnut ntnvt and
.11 whin.... Thrnplk,
TatKran vine nelt,Jawl 1.4
W. CMI-1,411111 .J.
D. cy.r.yrndtat
w. Cu? ;S a CD.. 31. urneturrr. not rs - nt.•
'Not; No. Market ntrert. Dlrt and e...ror
Dltlnttnrgh. l'A.
Particular Attention pad to old nice,. Ai.o.-Nya,,t o
Map lan, a,
No 74 Fmrth 1 . Ln...a to flank of riUoo.o l.
No. sod • Bran, Tolleftcli nn nil partx of Ow Union
diocks onneut end aald no mounimon. 044' .1111. T
lIA Itltl Sall SEWELL, Attorney at lel
el Olio Rat , . Cfnmipslorraf, for AQI‘.
nnwledeementx of Bede. Ofline—Fourth stmt., at.,,.
,” m14+1,1;4 , 11 ol3r9rerarlo ore arepototed
I ' iltlin, Lire—Alsvrieve RAnner.r.
FT,. NE'. 10611' .1.
‘V . .sit".ta, . !darer, r.l l l;&i.urda). 3 arch till
11....1......1a, . - 19th . Sedurttn, .
;11..1n....tat • April ..N, 1$ eduervlay, I pril 9th
II .dia.....1a , . •• lt , thiWedurada,. • :full
.11.0n......1.1, . lin, iln W 11'...1 ue.1.... Jar 14 th
,a 1 a .. ..
. ltlo % edu....lny, . 2'll h
Sat., . Jul.. 7thllYtdia.v.tla,. .lour 11th
Satur.ta,. •• 21.1, Wtaluynlay. ” 2.5 th
atunla.,. Jul, :Ith,'Wmluentay. .fuly Ott,
Sat unto . ••latlOlCe.larsklal. .• 21.1
S S a at nda, .
A . uKu[t AI 11'.41tutder. AT:. th
turda). ll3th Weducalar. Wit)
y, 011
I VaNtn..da,. Pop!. 7,1
aturday. , Sept 13t4 Widnetday. . 1 1 11
Salunlay, - -21 th Weduedal. tkt. 1 .
Saturday. Ikt, 11th %Vedurvday. .. 151.13
Euturthri . 4 25t/r, Wodnowlay, . 2911.
Saturday. Ni,.v ' 1 111ill - e.ltu,dal, Nov. 1 . ...1.11
Saturday. - 2:2.1 I Veglu, , day. .. IkAlt
aturday, Dee. etbltiaturday, .. _ 114 v. 1 , 411
Saturday. . 'Meth Saturday. ' .. tach I
Otrutrti Trips. .=
1,011 1.1,01100 T
. .01.
.00. UNITT.D y_
New lurk ...... h 1.
Cassula !Seaton Naturoa) • Marehla.
' , Surds). March
America o atinslar, April 0.
A;la. ..... ..... . .... Now I'ork ..... April 12.
rnn 1.11,111 , 001-
. ........
ahlu n' etf. NU . . 1 21
Mallon Wedneslay, April U.
New York . April 2 0 .3
..... ...MeduoaLay April .
.... „New York 11etlnealas-. May T.
1/.IIIT ax. lamton. or Now York. seroml
N. ir Harr,. Lir, —NrAilay rnM.
Franklin. l•alu ri 3 .
rdsy. , Feli.iFrankli LL n. W AVE. rtr l ilay,l2lh3lar •' Nth Marilluml.oldt •i RD Al',
1 ninklln. i• AU, Apr Franklin, •. 7111 May
llunatuililt, •• iki May Ilaaa. l . l Y. - .th Jan , '
Franklin. •• illiit 311 Franklin. _•• :Al July
Ellinil..l.ll. •• 21 , 111 June Ilutabaldt, .i• .14111 July
Franklin. - :Pith Jul, Franklin, • • Milli/111g
Iholioliit, - :Al Ann. Ilunilwililt, - 2411 1 , 14
Franklin. '•allh Pep!. Franklin. .• .J. 31 Init
Ilumlipliit. •• 131111/m_ Ilumbnlill. •• PAP Nor
Franklin. •• 13lli Mn,, Frinnkllu. -111.1 i lAin.
Iliins6n3ll, - lab Dec. I.
(k Akam.Yarigalom (.11..—Montify Tr(ps.
FOll. tRINZ,
IGkxhlnginn fur !NOY
New York. 11,CM
... York.
..... York.
I. S mall e . mere In, New Turk ..
on the nth :and 15th
es.-t, month Sr. tlikgrer.
Ste-anythlp lead C 4.1, 1 ,11,11 on Ow in and 15tlan1
evil mans..
Et....rtnn thnretuburt, flausaberslosr.
Nro 1 I.rt. I:n.tern. Contr.. and Ncollaorn ports of N. Ink.
lt.lnnore. Non Jr.*, . and the ala New Lnnintnl I.ta6ow—
he'ltritol. Inn, of Lower Canasta. Nova SraLLa, and
New' Itroloorick,oholy. Arrit r, ati r. Itopart. at I P.a.
\unto—lty tilairsoll6 add 11.111.1ar mare.. Pao
It window li...countieo of Ltradiont. Cambria, 12t•ntrr,
Jun.., 1., owning. 111nhm, NL:hoan. 1,16 r. ...wry,
Inn, ~,, . Pad Curt nf ootrunreLont. .6 Lheimore.
Morn, ..Cllr.Salvto Itotola. No,ondron and Unit.
atm nonl. Armco c1a 1 6..a , 1n NiundatN L 0., do
parts doll, at It r r.
Nlrris.r; Craw Air& and Jrffer,rn
Meirkliti part Nor , York and iiiiiirrCanadt,dany.
Arrives al 0 r. and de pat+ct U a. U.
SKII,II4IN %sr, Iti lirnrn.
is, its.tarriort. pare Plaitna.
Mart land, Latina., ll'antiln.An City, Anuthrimani
rra part.. rf awl Indiana. isenturky, Pr tiers.
A latanns, Arkatlear, North Car".
Ilea, li.+fruit 4. 11 1.1.. Florida. and TeSZP, daily. Arriv,
at is P. M.: and &qa i-. at d P. Y.
F•rtl Uerm,—Hy Voye•tt, Larcrna.
)I , 4••ns, P... 11,.11.13, %, Jon, rnns,, Ham
nrmlt. ll•.1.••••..tnd T tar roupLiev.l)lll•.
Arrit skt II P. r.: departs at 7 m.
1‘ , .G711 Wr•rm.....—lly Beaver. •
and el , v , land,
4 1, 111.1 1 .u1a..ta11...1% ne,ll.,lioa, tu) s how, Zake.
lo.rain. Huron. OtlAww t.antlualy, IV 1.
=al 1.0000 countres. 01t h. I In. nurthern
M onanties
lb. nav, Indian; and I Illnni.. Inrlndine all Michi
gan. ood 11'4aronelu, daily. A rnyea at II A. W.: d.
Darts xt 6
KrrruviNo..—P.T Skurvtuirt. Srritmtvkl.Tvrvv,
tow. In..i.rt. Kinttiminnas.
lon. and i'learllchl cliuratiev. chit). rimiol or. 6..mtbni r. Ar
rive, t.t r. devout, at Vr. u.
Maxera.—Dy SV..xfor.l, Zolineup,. Punter,
ina. 11 , tuaurg and N... Vnoa,P.
atal enturtLx, at • v. Mbuda, • mot /MO, at 7 A. a.
yPturnam . • 11311, Plulprynill.. amt Mon
oup.altola laty. rrkvea 7 uopla) k dd.)° ,
pat. W...lnr-aLnp.. and P....1n1ay,. at .1 n.
Pan , PnaN.-13v Ilurhanan. Ptroora hum rEpoppunt.
Cud bliza . botblamm. no.tra‘o. Pmlnromal
Den. I ., Porrlopolp. baot 12t , {../
tun, Pn. `Amre. Panda). and Tharpbo. - .., at 5 A W A an
pate Morals,. and . 11.urnlaka, al
IlrruAs t, V I.—lty IValkerr [ulna, Noblettown, (7andt.r.
Burzettatown,e(o44 errok Pattereoub, Mill. Int. •
Botha,. Va. Anipra Sunday* sibl Ihurolly, at PI A n.
departo Moudal • ant Thunpla, at I P. A:.
P ...Ply, , Won. Mon
tt...op. VimukOpt Nunn,. P., nurs 3. -a. la Mtn,. no
Front,. at t$ 'A A dt..... - LA Putunla , A. IL
nmaa•-r ..—lt
. I.turno. North, Wa•luacton. an.) ApoD,
jb. a, er. dopartr Alunda,
.1 , A Al
—fly rem. Artlr, nu Friday. at
P. X ,atl3/111/). M.n c. X.
I'UsL.L.I , —llp IVriford, CreaCovek. ngle.
14.4.1..., H IntA.Ato.n. [r.. lurtudinz Warren And Pram...
roulau.... dad, at: a.OIS. e.n.1,1, .1 GS
11.3111m1A4 Le In Op. .• Lour
thAtr delortart, 1..11Pr0 thr k. 1311
•WeVk I tnuAt Iu tla. On,. tall An Lour
tA.fAr.. tLeir depArtur...
N. 111/1...N1ES & SONS, Bunker,
2{,, (.7 Afdrlrt O. Gdr,ern Mint and Annie att. /11/..R.;;A.
PeNNSII.I All LA iliranell at Mann'lion-. ...... .h.
Data tit lettabiarith-.-.--pariflrancli an Wt.., .. .. ..JI ;
Ell il.lll, liana . I,l,'llrain•li al Nt.sila
Mer.and Man .if do .....i.arilitnticis at I.iiiiiitnnein. ..i.
, 11n0t...1 cviiieiv• . in. ~ay Bank. llinciontal . d.
I bank d North Aniurka.....totr lkausnarelat IIL-Cmcinnisti IL,
I Eat, .4N , rtli*ri 1d...rt....par Franklin bank- ..... ..- . ..ili•
i liana of Protta, Irania.....paril-nlatatn. bank--._._ . do
t i n . .., I, no I "wln'hil.-Sar inn. Life In.. •
4 , ,...1 , .
Bnd id tint I: ittl..l eta t, t_ 11,4•ris leewr... flank ...,
Connnerrial thinl. id Pa ..P." IL.+l , a 51. , i11 , .. . •••• d•
: Itarrd,d• elorlinnir, Ilk par "wall Int.,
• lima. li/ink ... . tut- NEW EisiILAND.
Ken-in:ton 'at.), . t•nri All fad vied ilanke.- . ' . ",
\ Ilni'm'tia,tl7.l.t'it ! '"'... r. ,r 1 , ...y.;nr - t, ‘"". a
1 • Mai anuerining Bank.. r dlountrY-.... • •
U. •••••' t .
Phihnlidelale Enna ... earl el Alt% LAN in
Muthwerk Bonk.- parillaltlinore pi/
Era.losmatin Bank- . per;flibntrr.. .. .. ......... ~
.1 11.ntern Bank.-- ....... ..par N .11..ESI:1"4 DELAIVAEE :
Batik of Cliatri , rnhurgh In All ...trent Lanka_
I Bank of 11/ii..... Count,. Par, V IVOININ•
Hank of Ihintill, ... {aril:drill of (lin Valle, _ ... '
Rank of 1 , 1. t:,., Chri•ter_par,llk. of 1 Irk•bne. Mello...nil 'i
Itai i k il G..rmnuto. T. . parillk. Bank, an., Nidlolk-- '.
Bank of -Lomb ..... !.:Farrorre' Danko( Vireinla :.
Hank of Letriatown --131,rehante' A Medi. tient 4 .
Bank of Midi( Inton.. .... . 'li, North Western Bank.. ..... . i.,
%Inn.. mery Co. Bank_ . ear Brannhers
Ranter NoktbutnLerland.har; NORTH CABMAN . '
Carllalc Bank . lalßank of Cap. En,
Cnlttralila Ilk k Eriddn ..:..par l Ilk of SL a N. Carolina_
To, Ivetown Hank .... ... c lient al Ilk. IVlltuingNi 2
kit.ton Bank. intrieldclinntil Bank. 2
Erie. Batik .. ....... • • !el NJUTII CAROLINA.
, Farmer...lß. id Burk. Ch. pia- flk of the eil of ti. tkirolina 2
I Farm,' lilt of lanindsr tiar.ilank of South Carolina-- 2
Fanner.' Ratak of Reeding t•sr,liallk of Charli.stsin 2
Farm. Ilk of Slinylkilit'...p.rirrluiterid A Meehan''' . V , 2 1
Franklin Bk. It addriktoti Tea' A neon. Itneik Rankine Co
Ilarrialaird Rank i Rank of Auiroda 'I
Ihinnailal Bank : i '' . l lll'. of Ilrunrerick. Atrveta 2
Latteenter Italie ... . ... ...-reir. TENNSSEE."
Lancanterrounty Ilauk.. diariAll lailactit bank ........ ......
I,l,itunit Rank_ . . ... lIKETUCIi V.
Miner.' Bank of 1 , 11,111 trl Ilk of Ro.tittiskr. Lintlnvilln `,
Ilonnanalirla liana- .. -him Ilk .4 Loolnillo. notraton ‘,
(Viet Baruch Rank iiiNtirtlirrn Ilk of Kentucky '.
WyiardneßL.r illierbarranneSouthrrn Ilk nf Kentucky ',
lurk Bank .......... .......„ ..I MS,' 'TIRE
1.1,11 id No., .... .. ..... (111 L 'detain of N1i.,0141.1
01111 e. I.LLINOIS.
ilfiln State Bank ..... . . ... ' n .lttate Bank and lindai•hai...: ii
Itranrli at ,liin.n dilltaiin of Illinoia. ..1.1.
Ilranrli at Atlinno do IVIRNINSLN.
Branch at Itridnatiort . . Ail elation A tire Inn INn. dike e
b ran c h at Cbilltnitio. ..i.. lIICHMAN..
branch at Ch.eland ..... ... dolFariente Merhattlra' Bank 3
Branch at Td.nln. ..h , Corrrntnent Stock Bank-. 3
Branch at Dation do l'eulnecilar Bank A
Branch at Irdnwarr. do I nattran,Cotapany
Branch at il(ilum hue-- An State Bank..
Bra:nit el A , htlibula... .... do CAN ABA.
at Sabin do Ilk ofILN. Atoorlea.Toronlini
Branch at Manefield do Bank of the Poonli.. Tidnnton
Branch at MO, ..... ....... do clank of Montreal •
B ran c h at Cimino:ol.- .. -An Bank of C. Canada. Tomtit, a
Branch at Col um hue ..... KASTEN N KNCHANII E.
Brandi 10U . .. Hind. do On ban- Hark liaTtad.. ...... ,
tisane, at Cadla do Ott Plilladnliilda d........ 31
Br a n -I , at Lomat, do On Italtlnnore do. . —.. .' t
Brandi at Stntibrurille dn IVESTeIIIN EXCIIiNGE
Brandt at NIL kertinn..-....hi Cincinnati ......... ........ ..... - I
Branch at Nyarare... ........ -tin Loulaville
Branch at Elicit do St- lan's 1
Brandi at: pring - bald do COLD ANI) SPECIE VA I.CE
Brandi at eland, do Doubloon, Etatioh........likoil
Brinieh at 'Poi, - ........... do 1,10.1 1n. , /
Brandi at ell. Eagle, old. Ill•i0
111,1[101 la 7,01I91•111,.. --do Keel,
Branch at Norwalk An rnmivrirkmEora............ 7.30
Branch at Piqua di t 'fen Thitler 1.N.0
Crawl, nt tlidnrae.-.- fod
, N nark • 1 Eaton. ....... --At, Soterrlgna...... 1,3
1 ) , ~., di in Ratentin ...-....d0 Tenth:abler* :1,`,"
j... ~..,,t Chilli...thy. ..... -do Nainiloons - , W
i h .,. „I, ,'t Co, shona. ..... -do Bootle 2.1 e
Bi n , (rh ~ Toledo do
Spring Bonnets.
()Ur,,,,Ffil TiTikif is received and
, 1,..
„:„..,',„).- r ',,,, Rialtrv., lu put, the folltn•lnv .4 F
:tri.';„,,...fii,,... , Quaan*. (Pall.
lo af4 Venn.. La, - Star and Tont ,
)lillan Ula. ' 'RM . Stud and Patin.
Engll,ll Chap. 'Flu t;el Straw and Patin,
' PV.:. ,* (ci '" l " ! l l "'mn' ' ':n:!r:a'tisilV:.. a. , tlu.
ILeglIal..1aull? " . I/1 n n, at ian n. .Nl ea.
, V4u k hal 1 . ' 1 ...
Pplit qrs.',
i. A. MA: 'ON
5 1 , 2 etr.ll4 "21! 1 !'' 4.
LACK 1)1(1:SS SILKW.:7,-Just :,."; ,,e'd P er
~ , -,eiwrior black ldt4lfing NHL, e r ,,,,,
h0.,-1,0 p.o o r rhlta, black. and fancy eolnrod . a , •
mrllls A.. 1. 11ASON d t "..,
IZISII LlKENS—Nereived this morn 'ag
k ann Our Int maaortad prsolva Irish Li. 1111..
mei .15 A. 0. 31.150 N A CO
LI IV NEI' OIL - 4150 gall. for sale liy
1.11 meld:. J 015110 CO
pOTASII-7 casks (prime) fe lsole be
n 001.15 I KIDD t ill.
. - .-
••1111 If ,ITE 6 LLIE-5 Ws. '(Cooper's) f,r
v sale 1, tothls J. KIPP 0 CO.
• .
IjiIEY . ETSRU 1:.(3 It 6 I.IJE--30 libls. ()lest) fur
1C414. I, renthlS J KID P 0 CO.
4pi.i t UGAR CURED HAMS—IO tierces Di . -
Pt Id'. oolabralaal b C. Hone. on hand and for 'VI , ' tr
narthls WALLINIIEI.II.I) 0 Co.
I dIIID-14 kegs No. I. foroole by
4 nteh IV WICK A Hrf'ARDLES. ,
Iti °LASSES- -4111) M.N. N. 0., ~k cooper
1Y & age. fnr Rale I, v ruchl4 J. AB. FLOI D •
1 illtD-2.0 ke 'es N o. I, for 6gtie by
i 4 mell4 '''' J AIL 1 , 1,10
. . .
301TAE11-11/ casks, warranted pure, roe
1 male Isr meal J Alt FLOYD
flAs (ALIN!, EI.IERS AND FlN'lliltES:
I. t ft Parlor Chand-Poors and Itrarketa, of the lateM , lllo.:
also. boo Batton,' 4' It 0rnan......1 Pendent , nt
. ...odor!.
PH. , IV. IV. 11ILSON1
tachlA . awn., of Enurth mm! Market pl..
anditi 1i... , : , 1...:1 , 11 . , 5 ...1 1... ,
i ll A L. N ., 1 , ) i.: fo L r, l l l l , t 5 ,,,: .
..,, s teen kee, Plans. and,l
tifisl talltorns nr Pent .r Tabl.' atm' V 1 ......
of t 1... unriraling I rn.anrHylon• of Cornoltits .V . I.V. and at
....torn tole,. 010115 1V 15.1111:SON.
.- -
IV A...NE Ei) 'EI ) it V; Y—Notes of theilrestern
T 7 Milk, and sce.ek .i Opt rlttsbunib ii i . biak i ed;F
..,, o.
P lN'rlNti .uporior lot of
'Roo , 1, moot.°
%V. N. ILAVEN - .$
incLS Paper Otort. cot. Paket and Second V.
Bump= alkostetz.—Advertivarato andsubatalPth.
Pc IMa paw rreeirad maul flawardal rnsof expense. fro
der •ra,
truce Itersantrur GAMUT
Much :a. f
erslThe weather yetterday was rem gime-ant...din a new
wenw fate amount of latelnese was doing- The river
matinum In turd :midget/le order. and the ahlpment treat
of drl - tnett, and the warkma artdelre of Pittaburgh
facture hue been beery.
PI seemed to lea slightly Improved feeling
In the market. and the few lathe that carne to our knowl
edge Indicated o Muhl advance, into on theitutrforZau
bble al $.1,15, and orate-, emallurhge at 1 , 3,18(3e1) 'P bid.
Hales from More In dray load lore, for cur o,m, at V4 37 g ,
3 . 50 P bbl.
RYE PI OCR—Is nominal at 1C3030a3.11.5 , F 1
ORAIN—Tho market Is without any permatble amt..
NJes hare been moderato. at for whent 4 6s(4og72e, ryr
65e, barley We. corn 413043 c, and tags at :Aril bu.
UROCEItirS--A fairgeneral hut has been doing at
full primr. A role or 23 blob N 0 pug. at 6, , ar,
A sale of W bbla nuilasaca. (typrest packages) at .14c. 2 , a1
of prime (oak bbls) at 81 A AS5el7 gal. A salvor 100 hag,
Rio coffer all2c, 4 ma, Pales In smelly lots at 12W124r
, • •
InAt Ofi id) mats western cured. at 64 for
ahtiulders,:id - forzlile, and Pi for hams items In aepar
afe lots any held at /die? lb. felon from smoke [intuit. are
'dirk. azimuth:la yraterdar io mmo 10 . 000 0 11 ii` di Tie . and
isidirsi”:e far aliouldera. side, and haws
HULK fiIEAT—AVe haves sale of, Italdsai Ds shoulder.
of good qality. In dry salt form the Illinois river. at'.
4 mane.
fALLOW—;,aIe of 12 hesd at fa 7 4 a.
IA nab, on tbr dmrlinr, gathm, fortmtlfled. wording to quantity and
kwEDS-wr beard.( no role m.y hug:, ext.nt; and
of inc. r•lrr from Grat. hand+. Thu holding r•trr is otore,
are. for clover: $4,24.fg`..440: 1.2,50(41.70, and fax
•t SIAS N bhl. •
Int 113) FRUIT—FeIe, from sabre et for
in email lot& nod brie for apple& From trat horde
4 -0 0.1 meehes einuld command $1.17. end apple. 7:4 10 k .
1011—No 1 mackerel are held prat.r firmly at $OlO
Shed at VI:IL. H bbi. Other deevriptlon. .re un.
LlLS—Small =let of Linseed at 90y: of Caolor at 1tY,0031.
to i 1 quality. and No 1 had at Cog }4
14A1til--Wc note further niers In bbls and in, at :NOS
tatunley. Slar =
...Friday. bleach 21.
...Friday. April IS.
.-Fritlay, !day IS.
. . _
li . • •-
IiANI/Eli AND I:olONS—..:•alea of nrangre at 12. and
of •roous at 1112 L r Loo. The orange. Mu, quota era
sHII Fla.lly. of early gathering.
le /elk/wing etatement of the ultml.•r 4 h., rut and
lon a the peamon or IVel—M. her
rtempllnt front the of [An, ergaiyed iu th••
I and le tbvrefere Recurale-.
No how , A• rt Total ❑L4 fin
par k I ld g
-5 3m
h .......
3 3 ,
.. 1.2n..36
Total. .• 22-11.!OS 1 . 3%4 5.?.17..5; 10.7.;
,tition b. tha above. u eonoideral.le number of hops
. Lr I'TTYVIT And other, not ineluilmt In this %tau
t/L.-mg tliy parkin. ,ttron. prim, tange.l in= $2
. 25 V 101 C., lenrtu.e nl r_Ots. ”ser then ut...,
tut At this place aunt. the tea.,..t et . Islu---,1.--
und it nlll,O lent...ible to a,rt.rtalu thk_nunthr, nt
.14 ink ITV.;ktrme. hnv. The rituratit, is ,otn , what
than our 'it.Ttzrr... *hoar Perhnov bbls • tll
j rover lie'amtvuut. There M &No a lirgv amount
.rut vhO:lilder• but...en uvablv. to nt.
,c exact figllil,l.
W. Peso P:ol3l . l4ArlitP6N In 11,1 f. In thin surirkel
titi.rp being now °firms; .ir ritber
The. Iwo., {lime arm al+ thicn Us-NM-lb Parits. [Sitar-
FV. ' •h
• •ale of 4:.,ui) IS4 l'olar. hr. rreent srri
iamb. tin prits..rsa•
of erwrmnut] 11 loin Oil.oand balnlowo
the Unltol Mote;.tor the k Marrh 17k
New 14.1fortl.
Slow Catifurtsis 4, ;Soo 40..
Corte:. . 2,.•10
Lanta.ter .400 LZII,I SU
Brig Fall.taff, fr.. t m Fatal
F. 1114. Splcati.A aVoi
Itt,s..—Ther..• wen, ti tett, s inch,. In eLannel.
Li:: maa. last vvrnii, anti at a plena
AliEl V ED .
Slichloan. Irate, Deli',
birrtiou. Dem,. r.
ilysti, 11:
J. 31rEt..., Dorgaric...”, Mego..4lwYrt.
t t•4u.• l .mill. I:ir .
onrei; I'lo , .
Slirhi,c.n. 114.,..r.
14,trur, Gordon.
Atiuntic. thalkinr.w.
J Mc Ilructrsdr.Jou, llrKe.tarmt.
Young. Itrid,ll. g.
41..,111.1t 111.11.1,11.
I'INCINNATI-111100-010 % 1110 0. 0.
lA.I 10 , -1..001 01 nAtO,OOOl.
Krt mar Sr trr-10 bbla arld.key.
B A Valine,mek A AA, Thl I,bl. are aar lard, J Brun: 34 cal.
Ilea anal aboulklern and teams, filer A Junta: 3 Imply tbstx
110144: 311.11 B): 20 Ws liquor. %V 11 Barium 3,Baker
lon, lb: 3 bx• rod., ~....uncer, 24 Ells 011„ Ilatale/
A On :Al dry blara, Il D Adams,lN bbl. krblakey, .1 Barker
A Co, 2 bbl. hams. Cold Moor; 24 1,1,1. sod., T cllhrer. :Al
IoS/ toloalVlA All A Liggett: Al tea augar rurt..l haulm, hu
LW. lard 0/I. t.:114r.
ml 11 tat,* Lama. Al No froth.
era 1/ 14.,1t A C. 4 10 hasJ. do leaf lobar., 14111tran
Blnaham, 15 bbl. dried v 1 ,14,.. 24 do eta.. 10 Ida hemp. 2
trunk. 13 ra.k. bar., 1 lux luoka. lul bale. mdtort, 62
Ibarn'. ,
/I (h . AIT A On 24 blots ham., tO lihd4 bannu,
21 do tobarro, 0 lutes do, Id laler hemp, Clark A Taw;
lull. loather, 11.11 a L1t,1.4. 2 inulea, Irwin k. 40. 1 lux
41 pattern.. 1104.1: Idol. and v. barn, D Leech A 124
hbda do. 10 Lade abbacy, owner aluard.
IVIIBELIAII—Pta bitaa.44.-5 hbds tibutou. I do Mom.
II Orel' A OA 2 cam", paekage.. n Ithtllllobacto. /faker A
Vornyttn al nrlan ti J Irwin A Sm. I boa. P hi Darlt 6 do
J meta dnrd fruit, 11140 k McCandless, (4/ do
Carron A Meliultbt, II bbl. W II Jobonton: I do Smith .4
:Burial,: Al barrel. ablaker.4llllar. larkemom pi barreL.
Cover k tibluver, 32 do, Ilvisourt
NEW 4IIILEANIS—Pra IluonuAß-111.bbla molar,, 111
bag+ colt, 0 llerrug rte. hl Mlchleirru 100 bbla molamos,
1110. y, Maar., A Cm '3-rot Meal. Llppantott A Co, A,
bbl do Ward, W 4.14 501 bblroolaures, Monti:
A CmIVO hkl(l,ble molaaara. J V NM; 20 hbds
It 11 Kin 20 do, N Watrratan A B. 12: 24 bla cuttoo, 11
Brat,' A Co; V Idxds rota, J A lon.
Bra : 4 11.05 Warntr-4 bbl. meal. I do Glans, Curry
Smith: 17 bblo mulastt, W Can 44 hhda mogar.
ns r !: . ..12 1 :. 1 1 1' ;olfatallr•! ' l tart r u l nr7C4 A q . " bl7::dar "'‘ ,
o Ildtrooerg, 20 blab 4mear, J A 2A do.
Arirer Baru, 102 Wl+ anima, 1.1 blots ougar. J A
Ilulrhbon t Co. 3 1 rook. George Lodlle; 27 on.
fraptruo. 4 elumenturgrr .k LBO Idol. lard, II liraff
or; culton, Hanir J.. , Cm barTMl 4
A Iladvirm 61 bales cull... King Pruunck A Co.
I'INCINNATI—Pro 111=1170,1 2—C4 bblo ham, 12
rolls leather. 1 box, do, 18 dem.. dried becf. MeV/Wen A
Cot.Bl.l^-al 1181,8 ham& aLI do 100 sot. 21 'do. II Graff d CV
2 mak. oadre, 1 box tlO. J Walker, n.B
I tie o boo, do drivel
beet, 28( 81,18 dried tonguns. It 11811 ell A Co. 13 kg. 0.118.
2 box... 120.1t1y 3080-8 A (8.8:81 81.18 oil, W Harken 15 81818
Irmo. A-K10,.8 2 er,km wlvr.2 18ml:el:all. l boor. Teo:11011i
A Cerrind, 33 lox, tiger, 60 Ilk% 0011- I do fetthen.
W Ilagaley; 4 8818 nil. II 4. FlimerlB,ll3 botdB. 12 81..
drivel beer, 18 do lum.. 12 do .1111111.1[III, I Md. Sellum 3
egr ' se ° F o llt . . l l7/ oo tert Euipion: J Irwin it oon, 48 1,148 18n1
oil, b lA. tor, I I, luuko. 11' 110.11A88 1 bz Mt), I Jo
e, ni
olnurx, 10 Rd. oil. 84 ml dn. I , Leeelo t Co: 4 Lb& Inher
1 10088,81 Idols wham., Clark t Thaw; .3 mks .1r8...1
veArlo,.. 1,1,18 Iluspeed, M T Blorgon, 3 boxBB, June.
11RE YOU A FATHER. laboring for the
eupport f a family. and angering from general de.
/ MO law o
, Plribt. ao that life simnel enema • hurtle,
nue Dr. 0. P. Mae', Shaker Samapuilla
Are lother. offering (nun dlaeasea whrch ft-
Mail,. are genetalir aulumt, u, Dr. 0. D. However Shaker
Samparilla—it will orally rum "U.
Con our me. of our agent., and got a
pamphlet. grad*. when.. you will find that the Shaker Man
raparllla prepared by Dr. F. P. Howe, ha.
of permanently ruling mom diwerurt. In which the
human family are nobjeala.thau any GUI,
pmparatmn Fareaparl/le ewer et brought before the
Tidotonlleine ha. netablPhed Ito high reputation by Rs
numeroun and well auntie.' cure,
. .
put up ha Quart bottles. ens] Is the only to t rsapszill4
that act,. on the Liva.r, Kadnet g. sod Mood se same
tino....hirh renders It allorether mon ralusble to rnrr
nue. partletatrly to
/3" otter and ..nquirs for Dr. 14. D. !LOWE'S SIIAKEIt
YADAAPAI[II.LA. nod take no other
krfre St per I..ttle—S W. 1.. for 15.
. • .
y r „ , r m a h i
DIL N. D. IIOWN k 00 Proprietors,
I Culla, Hall, Cincinnati,
ncinnati, Otlo.
T „ •"mall carder. may by add:lowa.
Alan. for .. •
.On hy J. A. Jonas. J. taehnonmaker & Ca.. W.
nark,w w . \ Dan, J. M. Townwand. J. Mohler. W. Jusk.-
~. p at , hurch. • D. A. 0111.0, Allegheny ear W. D. 11,...
~,,,,,,. ~,,,,, 'kr P. Crocker, BrownavllleLJ. Paull
Cr, ~,, m., ,.. . I. 11. Pallet., and 0. 0. Montan a ht.
C1.Jr..111. Malan a 4 .... €. 4l = ne.aalltwT
Citizen ' s Instaanoo Company of Pittsburgh
jrl, NcounAGE no! ,
oeu, Nu. 41 Watxr nt,.......1. the rrarebotiro of C. 11.
1 ANT.
C tl. iii:qNlr. Pre4ldent A. hm. Sec'
Tho m Compari) l• now pr,Rrd tn Warn All m he
In ato and lu traumtu. yawls, kn.
An ample aunrauty fur the ability Red Integrity of the
Ineutution. rr allutolcal in de, shorn
Of the Direettna,
Ow sr. ail , of littalmwth, welll And favorably
known in the communally for their wader., latelligetwa
•ua luleartty.
. . .
Dm:mons—C. ti. llkt,ry, Ilagalny, Wm. Lorimer,
Jr. lltl.r , Bryant, Ilugh D. King Edvsztl llvaseltnn,
thmortik Marlauith. S. M. Kler.
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
biddable for the erring trae. and which, ttrey are prepared
to offer to hurehesere atofrmose that Will pompano
favoreLly with any of the eastern cities.
—__ • _
BAISIKERS - .. :in.] hunt's Merchants'
ll•daziuee.4a tlernie A len. —A t' sod cheap rat.
twu of Cowart, by Urn. tend: (..r rale at ItuLdlbe . Lit. •
nary Depot, Tided rd. ophterits the l'hast
_a.,._ _d
thy tIT
Banat_ tH11..;.0, March 20, 1851,
The Governor this morning nominated James
Miles, an Associate Judge of line county, and .
John Dawson of Fayette county.
An effort was made ti proceed in the Senate to
consider the bill to repeal the anti-kidnapping
law of Iki47. , A two third vote was necessary to
impend the rules for the purpose of taking up
this bill, and it failed, ais follows:
Yeas—. Messrs. Ruckalew, Crabb, Fgr
non; Forsyth,' Frailey, Fulton, !loge, Ives,Jones,
MeCaslin, Muhlenberg,:t'acker, Sanderson, Sta
rner, and. Matthias, Sp< ker---15.
Nays—MelMrs. Broo •e, Carothers, Carson,
Frick, Guernsey, lia.slett, Xonigmacher, Law
rence, McAlurtrie, Alalone, Myers, Robertson,
Savory, and Walkerld.
The bill to incorporate the Susquehanna Rail
road Company, engaged the attention of that
body until the adjournnient. This bill authori
ses the construction of ,t railroad from a point
commencing at, and connecting with the York
Cumberlanttßailroad, , ar with the Pennsylva
nia Railroad on either side of the river Susque
hanna, with a right to connect the same with
both, or either, or mid railroads, and ranning
through Millersburg, Datiphin county, and Sun
bury—from Sunbury to a point at or opposite
Williamsport, Lycoming eptiuty, on either bank
of the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and to
a point at, or opposite, the borough of Wilkes
barn., Lmerne county, on either bank of the
North Branch of the Susquehanna, and to con
nect-their Railroad with any railroad construct
ed or to be constructed in the counties through
which same may pass.
This is a grand scheme, but it was presented
in this shape no as to obtain the votes of those
Senators and Representatives, through whose
counties the road would pass. Without such
foreign aid, obtained by such means, the Legis
lature cannot be induced, I feel confident, to
authorize the connection of the York and Cum
berland with the Central Railroad, and without
which connection the bill in not worth the paper
on which it is printed.
A bill now lies in the Secretary's office, which
passed last winter and incorporates a Company
to build a road from Harrisburg to Sunbury and
from Sunbury to Williamsport. But this bill
requires them to construct the road on SG' - side
of the Susquehanna and hence the tax has never
been paid and the charter:never used. And the
company now proposed to ;be incorporated will
never iirt this hill unless they are authorized to
connect the York and Cumberland and Central
Railroad ut a point about fifteen miles above.
Harrisburg on the other side of the river.
. .
Your readers, 1 presume understand the ob
ject of this bill. This road if built will give Bal
timore a complete railroad communication with
our great thoroughfare and enable her to take as
much trade and travel from the State works. as
the inducements she can offer will enable her to
draw. It will make the distance between I'itt9-
burgh and Baltimore less than that between
Pitnsburgh and Philadelphia, and cannot fail to
direct business to lkdtimore, which Would other
wise reach Philadelphia, nod, what is far more
important, would otherwise go over the Public
IVorks owned by the State and of contra pay its
quota of tan iota the State Treasury.
For this reason We proposition to build a road
which will give Baltiniore this advantage over
Philadelphia and We State, is stoutly resisted by
all those who luny appreciate the duty which the
State owes to itself—to protect itself.
This promises to he the most interesting rsil
road ylestioll of the erosion—and attracts the
more attention, because there are several bills
on file intended to accomplish this object, but so
tamed and so skilfully interwoven with other
objects, as almost to escape the eye of the most
attentive member.
Sirs Iltnrolus, ?Int Is
In the house, nothing was dyne but pass.the
bill incorporating the Pennsylvania Btate• Agri
enltuturoelk. A very long debate ensued up
on the erits or the bill. which tinnily received
the unlniuntus .. ,vote of the (louse. lie. Walk
er and Idr. llighatn bop onstuintd it, nod did
. thentreles great credit.
The Revenue Commissioners will adjourn to
morrow Annexed is thevaluation made by them
for each county. compared with that of eighteen
.huntlret and forty eight.
110. )3.3,1x
.N 1.3
Itcrkr r
I.r it r.l
( unit ri
( arhon r
( oltunhet
Dela wnre
Lyeoming, s.
Ilsnetatic no, March fl.
The Committees are beginning to act definitely
on all the hills before them, and have reported
against a petition for an appropriation from the
State for the Lawrence County Agricultural So
ciety—Favor of the hill-A diveree John J. Low,
and against the divorce of JaeOb Leers—For the
relief of Potter & Smith, mall David 'Soviet, of
Crawford county: of James White; of ..Keorge
an old soldier against, the application
for the relief of William Boller of Thomas
Reese and Henry Kephart, of Indiana county. of
Samuel !der, and of Archibald,Merriman—Also,
against. exempting Erie county, from the provis
ion., of the 48th and 99th sectiens of the law of
1850, regulating Banks, and against the repeal
of those sections prohibiting the circulation of
small notes, as applicable to any part of the
Mr. Hamilton rend in his place a bill to erect
a separate election district out of parts of Brigh
ton and Ohio twits., Beaver county.
Mr. Linton, a bill to e xt e n d the limits of
Johnstown, Co as to embrace the borough of Co
Mr. Vim Horne, for the repeal of the 14th see
ttprt of the act to reduce the number of super
visors of Catawissia township. Columbia county,
end for other purpores.
Mr. Hemphill, to incorporate the Clearfield
and Caledonia Turnpike Road Company.
Mr. Shugert, to repeal the act regulating se
questration itt the case of the Erie Canal Com
pony, and to make it the provi.dons of
the act relating to execution,
Mr. Scofield, to authorize Recorders of Deeds
to appoint deputies : also relative to the Warren
County Mutual Insurance Company.
The supplement to the Ten Hour Law, in which
your citizens are so deeply interested, came up
in order, this morning, and was defeated, when
on its final painage,
Mr. Bighorn made some very well-timed re
marks on the subject of the bill, and the injury
to Allegheny county and the State, which would
inevitably result from its adoption, and conchal.
ed by moving that the House go Into Committee
of the Whole, for the purpose of general amend
ment ; ohich was lost by the following vote:
I rnts—Aless ra Armstrong, Baldwin, Bent, Big
horn, Blaine, Bowen, Broomall. Brower, A. E.-
The bill to manner the county of Montour to
Columbia.- was taken up and passed through
Committee of the Whole. A motion to proceed to
the second reading of the hill, was last—Too.
2t. Nays 15. The prospect is that this iniqui
toes measure will be killed in the Senate. If
they do it, they will entitle themselves to lastim,
and honor.. it will he refreshing to
that at least one branch of the Legislative de
partment of the government will not be hallo
enced to the commission of wrong by the suE , -
gestions of the politically corrupt.
Lrrtra rnov DANIEL. ItLISTIEM Tn TI 1L MAT.. I
liunvon, Marel,2l, 3 P M.
The followingjetterhan been received from the
lion. Daniel Webster, in reply to the relmlotiotrt
of the city government relative to the late 31ay..
reante in this etty:
W. , SII I NoTuN. Slareb 10, Ix7l,
Dear Sir,—The President has had the pleasure
of rerei,ring your letti,r of the 2fitit of February,
enclosing official copies of the order and resolve.
lately adopted by the Iwo branches of the govern •
meat of the city of Boston. It affords him great
satisfaction to perceive that such measures have
been taketiby the authorities of Boston to give
assuranceahat no other outrage, similar to that
which w, he presumes, the immediate cause of
their adoption, - will be permitted to' take place in
your city.
From his earliest youth he has been acctirtont-
W to regard, with the greatest respect and vene
ration, the city of Boston and the Commonwealth
4, , la•machusetts. - Ile has been taught to believe
their inhabitants. almotd above all others. the
iciest. of good order and good government—in
telligent enough to appreciate the advantages of
the free institutions of their own choice, and ea•
noble of solving that great political problem of
the computability of freedom with order—of lib
! crty distinguished. from licentiousness—and of
self-government, the farthe;d removed from the
danger of anarchy. 'That they were especially
devoted to the Union of the States and the eon-
I stitution which establishes and still maintains
that Union, and that their patriotism nerer fail
-led to counsel them to fulfil nll their obligation.
muter the constitution, justly and fully, and in
the. very spirit in which, such obligations were
entered into by their ranowned ancestors. En
tertaining these sentiments, it was difficult for
the President to credit the accounts which were
received of tho outrage on all law perpetrated in
Boston on the 15th of February last. MIA a pri,
otter. in lawful custody, within the precincts of
the court house, in the centre of the city, and in 1
, full sight to the offices of all the munincipal no. I
t :1
thorities, had been at noon day forcibly rescued
ty e mob of one or two hundred persons, from
the officers of the law, carried out of the building
l and through -the public streets in a sort of tri
umph, and enabled to escape altogether without I
an attempt on the part of any of the authorities,
or any of - the citirens,topresen-e order and main
tain the law, or to pursue and retake the fugi-
tire, was a statement that seemed to him too ha-
probable to be true. -I
OF WATCH 4 . .,.
Valuation Valuation
4,11851. of 1848.
*1,673.224 *4,444.584
24.008,320 22,716,168
2.071,238 2.02.8,744
3,609,58.5 4,287,571
22516.613 21.771.128
2.27.90 12.597,807
1.1 1 12561 1.171.236
61,791 3101,349
16,0410.12 16,477.776
2.620,121 2,4156,971
1,1121,;1,:, 875,100
2,07,999 1,617,727
.041.876 5,068.296
21 5 .099.422 21,399,799
. 1.633.883 1,632,5151
I .115,792 929,203
1.817.609 1,8116,719
4085.177 4,663,593
2,984.165 2.09.0,606
10.595,8118 . 8,782,1115
9,781,403 8,412.641
8.578.161 * 7,849,727
145.574 :145,574
:3: 8 48.226 3,427,220
6,2.10.930 4,848,480
11.939,842 11,300,139
710.205 uew county
2, 882,8+ ;3 2,402,187
r.. 16.1,63.:, 5,343,1403
2,534,692 2,514,692
980,058 934,958
2,709,302 2,719.584'
311,615,081 28,612.763
2,801,620 new county
7,868,054 7,209,288
8,833,6311 8 ,367,110
. 5,176.352 • 4,912,175
575,2201 3,z,..T.,05s :
239,11. k • 524,884
1,446,214 4,1011,754
4,071,073. 4,121.114
1,566.116: 1,561,361
16.649,664 ' 15,861,891
13,714,65!5 12,596,627 1
4,434.205,, 4,198,609
3,057,400 3,053,417
136.589,627] 127,1183,229
670,402 670,401
6.15,5110 641,206
5.972,005 .8,334,:327
2,032,818: 2,637,807
120,254 264,8111
2, 607,459 : 2,421,096
1.597,193: 1,659,052
5,862,023 5,736,542
1,275.221 1,275,221
1,176,756' 1,152,468
9,267,720 , 1 4 ,169,688
1,371,750 1,249,427
7,663,037 6,131,284
1,019.417, 883,780'
10,016,197 9,997.063
- 1111 QIT.SNC.
It was with feelings of great relief that h e re -
ceitied such explanati ons of this strange occurence,
as showed it to hare been an ehtire surprise up
on the citizens and upon the authorities—an aft
of successful- temerity on the part of a very in
considerable number of persons. which only
needed to have been apprehended the shortest
time beforehand to have been prevented. The
i'resident is confident - that the great majority of
the citizens of Boston are entirely loyal to the
constitution—that they view with just indigna
tion all such outrages, and all attempts, whether
by writing or by speaking,, to incite the ignorant
and unthinking 10. such acts of violence, and that
they are now ready to discharge the duties incum
bent on them by the constitutionAd the laws of
the United States T faithfully an earlessly, tin
der all circlimstances, whenever called upon by
the propor authorities.
The occurrence orthe 15th of February is cer
-minty greatly to be regretted, as it gives octa
-1 sion to those not unwilling to seize upon it, to
question the disposition of your fellow-citizens
to comply with the constitutional obligations in
I good faith, and the history of such an outrage--
I spread far and wide—reaches where an explana
tion 1113 Y, never follow, and creates ill feeling to
wars those whose only connexion with it is that
they Were'residents of the place in which it was
I ferpetmted.
But if, as the President doubts not it will, this
eventshall arouse the attention of allgootl citizens
to 11 sense of the dangers to be apprehended front
the inculcation of such doctrines as have been
spread abroad in the country, tending fo shake
the authority, of all law, to unsettle society, and
to absolve man from all civil and moral obligt,
tions, and shall put them ou their guard against
the furtherditinsi 00 of such pernicious sentiments,
it may in the end be productive or happy result.':
and certainly the almost unanimous expression
of indignation which it called forth among our
citizens. balances, to some extent, the ill effect,.
flowing from it.
The President does not doubt that the people
of lavachusetts perfectly well understand the
difference between the just discussion of political
measures and opposition to legal enactments al
ready made and established. lie is quite sure
that they regard the law of the land, not as a
sentiment of opinion, but as a rule of conduct pre
scribed by the general authority, which all are
bounds to obey at the risl: of the penalties attach
ed to its violation.
The President directs me to tender you his
thanks fur the transmission of the resolutions.
I remain, Mr. Mayor, with great respect,
your obedient serrant.
John P. Bigelow, Mayor of Boston.
JCNNT LIND.-It is stated that Jenny Lind's
series of farewell concerto in New Torkwill com
mence at Caine Garden towards the end of ApriL
The price of admission for the best seats will be
fiont $5 to 4gt, and good seats will be offered at
$2 each. Besides the addition of Salvi,
who has so many admirers here, there will be
an augmented .Orchestra. „fenny Lind,. Benedict.
and Belletti seemed a trio worthy of all the hon.
hrs they received bete, trot the addition of Sabi
is a crowning one, and will command general
approval. Barnum has been offered a profit of
..C30,000 jn Europe for the last fif ty nights of
his clairMr upon Jenny Lind's set-elect, tuft he
Prefers to keep the nightingale upon thisside of
She water, and we are gild to hear.tliat 'she is
quite remain,
Brown, Cooper, Cowden, Dungan, Evan., (Indi
ana) MC, Gossler,dlaideman, Hamilton Hart,
Honseckir, Kißinger, Kunkel, Leech, Linton,
Alnelay, MeCloskeyarleCune, McCurdy, McLean;
Mcßeynolds, O'Neill, Patten, Reid, Biddle, Ito,
bertson, Shaeffer, Slifer, Smith, 'Van Horne, and
Nays—Me-Sari Binh, Borham, Brindle, Cas s i.
day, Dobbins, Dorton, Downer, Dunn, Evans,
(Berke,) Feather, ftely, Freeman, Frets, Gabe,
Gibbs, Goodwin, Griffin, Hemphill, Henry, Ilup
let, Jackson, Laughlin, Laury, Leet, Mc-
Kean, McKee, Morns, Mowry, (Somerset,) Mow
ry, (Wyoraing,) OlwMe, Penniman, Reckhow,
Rhoads, Roberts, ROO, Scofield, Scowßer, Shu
gert, Shull, Eikinner,:Souder, Steward, Trone,
and Cessna; (Speaker} -4b.
Mr. Robertson. then', addressed the House with
great force and besought them by all that should
be dear to every citizen of the Statalts prosper.
ity, to pause before they passed a bill the neces
sary effect. of which 'would be to drive capital
from the State, to.diminish her means and crip
ple her tax payers.
The question being on tbetnal passagwof the
bill, it was lost by a tie Dote, as follows:
Teas—Messrs. Benedict', Blair, Bonham, Brin
dle,Cassiday, Dobbins, Dorian, Dunn, Ely, Evans,(Barka) Feather, 'Fegely, Freirman,Tretz, Gabe,
Gibbs, Goodwin, Griffin, Hemphill, Henry, Hop
let, Kunkel. Lvet, Lilly, McKean, Monroe, Mow
ry, (Wyoming,) Olwine, Penniman, Reckhow,
Ross. Scofield, Scouller, &insert, Shull, Skinner,
Sender, Steward, Thomas, Trona and Cessna ;
Nays—Messra. Armstrong,llJahlwin,Jlent, Big
ham, Blaine, Bowen, Brownell, Alexander E.
Brown, Joseph Bmwn, Cooper: Cowden, Dungan,
Evans, (Indiana) Fife, Haider, Haldeman,
Hamilton, Hart, Ilausecker, KBlinger, Linton,
Marley. McCluakY, McCune, McKee, McLean.
Mcßeynolds. Mowry,. (Somerset;) O'Neill, Pat
ten, Reid, Rhey,
_Rhoads, Riddle, Robertson,
Shoeffer, Slifer, S mith, Struthers, Van Horne,
and Walker-41.
Thus is disposed of, for the present, a question
which could not fail to interest you deeply,
your welfare, an aiommlitiity, was to a great
extent dependent upon its, adoption or rejec
In the Senate. Dr;Carothers, from the Com
mittee, reported the bill tOfieilitale the passage
of coal and coke boats over,the Monongahela
Navigation Company's Improienient.
The bill for the relief of the Ralstown Bridge
Company was reported, witlva 'negative
mendation. .
The bill to ineoporate a company to construct
railroad from a point in. Cum - heel:lnd county
to Sunbury, and thence to Williamsport awl
Vtrilkeshsrre, was discussed in the. Senate nt
great length and passed by the following rote:
Yeas—Messrs. Bally, Buckalow, Carothers.
Carson, Frailey, Frick, Fulton,Cuernsey, llaeleu.
lingua, Ives, Jones,Lawrence,McCasallu,3lo3tur
trie, Myers, Pucker, Itobertmou„ Sanderson,
Shimee, and Walter-211 •
Nays.--..Mepsrs. Crabb, Fernots, Forsyth, Ko
nigmacher, Altalone, Alutdenberg, Savery. and
Miathin.R, Speaker-8.
-•- - • .....
BOUNTY LAND Lew—nrsnracnon. -
DePARTNEST Or TIM inattlo7l.'
Pessins Orrice; March 50, 1851,
• New questions haring been presented in Ilte
execution o f the Bounty land. act of Septentik,
28, 1850, and some of the rules and erg:l4l'o6a
heretofore prescribed either misinterpreted-or'
disregarded, the following Instructions;
eel by the Seeretary‘of the 'Neville, are issued
teethe benefit of nll persons interested:: - ;
- 1. The' act of Ilth February, 1547, having re
strict.' land bounty for services in the Mexican
wile to the non-counniasiened officers. musicians
and privates of the regular army, the claims of
commissioned °Dicey/in that service are, for the
first time. recognised by the act of 28th Septem
ber, 1850. It was not , the intention of that act
to bestow , bounty land on the who/. array of the
United &Ur, ottiercrer located, but. only
.on those
whose service was conneeted with or hard a direct
reference to that war. Nor can the net 4 pro
perly construed to embrace the officers and em
ployees attached to the War Department in Wash
ington, their service not being ofthat kind which
was contemplated. It is not necessary' that offi
cers should have been actually within the limits
of Mexico or on the borders thereof, provided
they were actively engaged in the war and
redly connected with its operations,
2. In the war of 1512., troops. were frequently
called out by State authority; and not nomedi
atelyvnintered in the service of qteUnited4States.
If the Federal Government paid each :trotipi
frota the time of their enrolmeitt and beforetliey
were actually mustered in theeerrice of the Uni
ted States, that payment isettuivalent to a recogni
tion of their set - vice froni the date of the enrol
ment. The time
,for which they were paid by
the United Slates furnishes-a convenient and
practical - stantlatal fur eittirnating the period of
services. -
11. The-conflicts with fhb Creek Indian% which
commenced about sth 'May, 18.36; and ended
Seth September, 1837„are considered as einbrac
ed by the net of 1850;. latgir bellies of troops hav
ing been mustered in the United States'service,
and several engagements having occurred, atten
ded by the loss of 'Many lives in battle, within
that period. The' disturbance on the 'south
.western frontier in 1836—in the Cheroke country
in 1888 and 18.37—aml the New York disturb
ances in 1818 and 1529, 'are not considered. as
embraced by tbe provisions of the net of Septem
ber, 1850.
4. It has been settled that Indians who. were
regnffirly mustered in the service of the Thdted
States, and formed a component part of the-line
oT the array, were entitled to the benefit of the
act. In the cave of the Cherokees, who have an
organized g overnment, and it judicial system in.
operation ; affidavit in support of an nppl'-
cation for land bounty must be made before one
of their judges, 'c hose official diameter shall be
Certified by their pi - Lucien' chief. The Creeks,
having no judicial officers, the United States
agent in that nation is authorized to administer
the necessary oaths.
5. It has been heretofore; stated that eteaen
stem and artificers were net entitled to" land
hounty;" but this is not to he so understood it'
such teamsters or artificers belonged to the line
of the army, and were regularly detailed for that
particular kind of service. ' I •
D. Surgeons employed by a commanding, oft}
cer at a stipulated rote of compensation, but not
commissioned or belonging to the line of the
army, are not entitled to land bounty. •
7. It has been decided by the Department that
the substitute performing the military service,
and not the employer, is entitled to the land
(musty; but when the engagement is pertly pt.,'
foxrned by both, each is entitled to his share, a,
cording to the period of service. '
8. Where the declaration of the claimant on
oath, supported by a regular and autheutic "
charge, is in conflict with the military rolls, tine
former, ns a general rule, will be preferred: and,
where the roll, are altogether silent at, to the
claimant. the .pusitive fritinteny of officers and
soldiers with whom he served, and who?, names --
are found on the rolls. will he received as evi
9. The net of September, 1550, excludea all
per Sons who have received or are entitled to re
ceive land bounty under any act of Congress,
theretofore passed. In all applications hereafter
presented, reasonable time being allovend fur
them instructions to circulate, it will he. required
thnt the claimant should state in his declaration
that he hos not received, norms entitled to receive
such bounty.. .
10. The llepaittment has decided that widows
are entitled to the land bounty of de - ceased slal
diem, 'if they were widows at the passage of the
act of 2801 September„ 18501. Thin is. Gushily in
its -general application; but tti,ividow.of an of
ficer or soldier killed in hatile is entitled to the
m•zzimull allowance or one hundred and sixty
acres. without reference to the.periodef her
ban]'s service, and, although a married Iralluann
at the passage of -the act, if unmarried the date •
of her at plie.ttom, her claim is valid. •
IL The dezals of ;Inducer and soldier may Ire
proved try satisfactory evidence; amt if such offi
cer vie soldier should die after the declnnition •
filed at the Pension Office, but before the issuing
of the warrant, it shall be competent tar the wid
ow, or if there be inn widow, for the minor
children, to apply for the said warrant, and re
ceive the same, on lilting the neeesSary proofs of
Considerable anxiety prevails is some quarters
in regard to the execution of this law, and much
impatience manifested as to whether applications
forwarded have been received, and whether the
warrants are likely to be issues!. A few-'expla
nations will probably suffice. Up to the time
the present Commissioner entered upon the dis
charge of his duties (the Ist of December, 18:50)
between thirty and forty thousand applications
were received: but ns the force employed hid
Ibeen engaged upon other branches of the Sind-
ness, nn spectal acknowledgments had been made
td claimants. Early in December, a printed cir
cular was prepared and dispatched, by every
mail acknowledging the receipt - of claims: but
no it wars impossible, for ohvions'„reasons, that
this circular could be forwarded to previous ap•
plicants, it was necessarily confined to future.
Hundreds, ignorant of these facts, hove been sur
prised that their oirn applications vete neglected
when others subsequently forwarded, have been
acknowledged by mail. If those who - and their
claims prier to the tenth of December, will wait„
patiently, they willin due time be advised, either
in the form of a warrant, or by letter assigning
the reasons of suspension or rejection. Up to
this period the office, with all its force faithfully
applied, has only he en able to issue between seven
and eight thousand warrants on declarations re
-Ceived in October and early in November. Some •
time therefore mast elapse before the numerous ,
claims which arrived in November and early in
December can he finally acted nu, or of which
the claimants can be informed by theusual print
ed acknowledgment. Up to the present time
about one hundred thousand applications have
been received, and coma- day's snail brings an a
increase, naming from five hundred to a thou- .
sand. Tligntfice is now issuing .between a thou.
sand and twelve hundred warrants a week: lint
more than eighteen months mtult elapse before
the claims now on hand can he ;disposed of, or
matured into the form: of warrants. The nu&
her of applications having increased so far beyond
what was anticipated, in order to satisfy the pub- .
lie demand additional force was asked of Con
near the . close of the late erasion, and the
request would dnulitless have been granted bad
•it been made earlier period. If granted
hereafter. the work will of course be accelerated
and the time of its completion shortened.
Singular misconceptions exist as to the time
necessary to execute the law._ The ride of the
Department is that each claim Phan be anted on
in turn, or in the order in which it is received: • a
and this ridelms teen rigidly and impartially et- •
forced. It would be tedious tend unnecessary to
describe the process by which the claims are can- "
ducted, from their first reception and ocknorl- ••
edgment to thf final issuing, of the warrants.—
In order to guard against error and itOpositicn,
they are carefully registered and classified, and
subjected to a separate examination in different
hands, no advantage in any respect being gained
by a hurried and ill digested method of proceeding
With all these precautions. errors will iniavoide
ably ocean but means will also.,be•emploYed to,
render them harmless.
All persons interested in the law, or desiring
information in rrgarl to it, are requested to ad
dress their communications directly to Itt' office,
to which they
- are referred, if sent to any of the
Departments. J. E. HEATH,
Commotter of
PETITION AGNINAT Scono-Larrucc.-J-A Dr. j
Wm. Turner, of New York City, has petitioned •
the Legislature of the State to.pass n law. 'nal
ing the use or the lancet in disenaus a penal of
fence. Ile says he has practiced medicine for
half n centnry, nod that his experience convin ,
c.s,him that the habit of bleeding is destructive et
b en ith and life. We may put down -Dr:
Turner as a
- eery modest member .of the Eiculty.
- -
The (11 , ,errancr of Me' Sandath.—ln another
place, mention ix incidentally made of the .fort
that Jenny Lind declined toleave here on • the
Sabbath. We think, however, that it deserves
especial remark.—lt iv equal to Lefty
it in a practical fact.—Arrangements had been
made for her concerts at Natchez and Memphie,
based on her departure from bite on Saturday
The boat, however, was delayed: there wax yet
time to keep the appointments, and lesmon
day morning.. Thin she at once refused todo and
declined to hold any coat ersation in regard to the
peconiark loss.
_4 is true that the concerts - will
he held, bat on different days—nod' after one
&appointment, the audiences will he : much
Crum: City. - • - ,