The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 24, 1851, Image 4

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Aix:dotes of Thomas Pabie.
In Septettibe tiere arrived from
!!tglitlid, with a wife and two children, a
Carver by name, by trade a
Idaeksmith.. From the ship, he came to
my; a tria : ol 44 j We wrought for the saute
em 'arver making homoshoe nails,
and making, floor and shingle nails.—
Paine, Carver' and his wife were natives of
the same town in England—were nearly of
the same age-4-and had been school fellows.
Paine married a respectable lady in the
same town.' Three years after, she sued
for and, obtained a divorce from him, for
cruel nsage :pbserve, ladies, this was the
of the 'Rights of Man. I know
more of the awe stamp who arc tyrants at
Mr.'Paino boarded with Carver in 1805,
and for some years after. Ilis habits. had
now letiome so intemperate, anti his dress
and perso n . E 0 .mean and slovenly; that Ito
MIS shunned by , all the respectable portion
ofq . .tin'owiablisciples. I often spent an even
ing with: aine at the house of my fellow
journean and his Wife; and it was Fei
ck* hat atip:other person was present. 1
Here.l learned their conversation his
whole 'dot:nestle history. ,His parents be:
longe<Withe;Soeiety of Friends; he hell
an officein,the Custom House, bud married 1
the Collector's daughter. He was divorced,
(as stated above,) and shortly after this, he
was detected tin taking bribes from the !
smugglers, and shutting his eyes while they
landed their contraband goods. He fled,
and came to America at, the beginning of .
the Revolution . ; he returned ,to Europe;
was a memberlof the bloody Convention in
France, and toted on the trial of Lords
in. 1793, He narrowly escaped the
.guillotine when Robespierre was chief
In 1801 Mr. Jefferson despatched a na
tional vessel 'to France to bring home the
venerable patriot to assist in scattering the
mists of Christianity, and to preach the doc
trine-of devils to the priest-ridden natives
in America. He landed in New York in
1802, but rum commuted his vitals, and he
died in. 1809. l_think it was in 1818 that
William Cobbet scratched his bones from
the grave, and, carried them m England.
Cobbct intended make political capital
from these loues, but they were seized by
the Custom - Alonsc, and (if fame' speaks
true) sunk into the deep green sea; and
this closed the concern.
Carver broxighta certificate of member
ship from the 'Baptist church in Lewis, in
England; . Paine induced him to burn his
Bilge and certificate at the same sitting.
Ono-night I walked- in (as esual)' with
out kw:eking j Paine was giving Carver and,
his wife a profound lecture upon priesteraft,
Witchcraft, robbery, murder, &e.; piling all
on the shoulders of, the Seotehman's Bible.
When he stopped, said I, Mr. Paine, and
you two by the fire, (Carver and wife,) if
you will listen I'll tell you a story about
the Bible, which happened to one of your
acquaintances not long ago. All were anxi
ous to hear.
Said I, the first night I slept on shore in
America, 17th of June, 1794, I was at No.
8 Dutch street, (now Colgate's factory) New
York; the. house was a small two-story
frame building; and-shingle roof: I spread
my ship's inattrass on the garret floor, and
lay down to Sleep. The weather was very
hot. - At midnight there arose a mighty
wind; I awoke out of sleep; the rain rat
tled on the roof; (my head lay within 18
inches of 6e shingles;) the sashes had
been removed; the windows had no shut-
WI; the fiorld beat in through the 'windows;
the lightning:flashed in one continued blaze;
the thtmder,rolled louder and louder, with
crash on crash; I was in 'bodily fear; I
thought heavtm and earth were contending,
and that the o world-had seen its last day.
I may say; by comparison, I never saw
lightning in Scotland, nor heard thunder;
and ittwas the first time I heard the rat
tling of a .6n:ripest on a shingle roof. I
knew not .What it meant ; I covered, my
face, sat on my chest, with fear and trem
bling, and wished myself at /toms again.
I had never been seventeen miles from
my father's door till I shipped for America.
In half an hour the storm ceased, and the
mote shone out from behind the cloud. I
stretched myself again on my hard pallet,
but fear had driven sleep from my eyes;
besides; the garret was alive with fleas,
bugs and mosquitos; an Egyptian plague,
which I felt now for the first time in my
life. Sleep was out of the question; I
arose at the first streak a day, 3 A.
with sore bones, aching head, and- spirits
sunk to my heels. 0 how I longed for the
heather hills of Scotland; where fleas never
dance, nor mosquitos ever sing.
PI now felt somewhat like a cat, in a
Strange garret. I was Loth -to go down
stairs, not wishing to disturb the family.
I bad a smell box filled with books; I
thought; to pass the time, I would open
the box and !lay the books out to air. On
the top lay a new, small pocket Bible, in
two volumes. It was placed there by the
hands of my:pious father when be packed
the box. (This self-same Bible is now in
my hand.) opened the hook to see its
condition; thinking it might be mildewed,
having been fourteen weeks in the hold of
the vessel. My eye fell on the words, "My
son."' - I was thinking of my father, and
fancied I heard his voice. I read with -as
tonishment hi the end of the chapter. On
looking up, it was the third chapter of dal
Proverbs. ,
During this recital, Mr. Paine sat on one
side of the table, I on the Other, directly
opposite, He listened with' arked atten
tion. Said I, "Mr. Paine,l this Bible is
• now in my pocket; and if you wish, I will
read the chapter." "Do, if you please,"
he replied. , Observe here, that as they had
no Bible steamer's, I generally put mine
in my pocket when I went to 'see Mr.
Paine, for 'in discussions he was very apt
_to misquote the text. While r read, he
listened with his eyes fixed -on my face.
Whenj had done, " Now,": said I, "Mr.
suppose yourself in my situation,
having jest stepped out into I,the world for
the first time; from the cottage i n whi c h r
was born, w poor boy, set down among
' strUkgeis, without: a friend to counsel or
direct; sick, sore, and discouraged, with
only three cents in my pocket; sow, sir,
inspiration aside, do you think that words
could have been put together more suitable
t o m y ease?' you can think as you please,
and'l have the same right; I looked on
that Chapter as a message from heaven—a
chart; compass, and pilot, to guide me
through the breakers ahead: Its immediate
effect was, to! ease my aching
,bones, to cool
my burning; temples, and to raise my
drooping spirits. I grasped my nail ham
mer; and sallied forth in the strength of
this chapter, to breast the storms of life."
I 11topped;' he rose from hiS seat, laid his
hand on•my shintlder, with a "Ah,"
said . ; he, "thou art n young enthusiast."
Said " Mr: Paine, you mill this all delu
sion, and what if it is; it is "ti very cheap,
veryjmnocent, and a very comfortable
delusion.- You burn our Bible, and give
us 8 blank bdok in its place."
Oar discussions were always in u quiet
spirit; so welparted friends.
Now; Miss Reader and Mr. Reader, I
advise - you to learn this chapter.of the Bi
ble by beart.; When languishing on a bed
of sickness, some long winter night, when
there is 'no sleep to the eyes, nor sluniber
to the, eyelids, you will' here find subjects
for thought, and this will divert pain. ,
."—.ll/: T. Observer. . ,
A'QuE NOVON.—Tbe Boston Post
accounts for;' the recent: sold weather by
supping that Sir aohn .Franklin, iu going
t 1 7 tthe pcirth-west pgalige,tforgot to.
shr : front &las after him. •
Lt q TEE lirsitt.—This :'is getting
.eut of ;le d in lazily plactut,'even among
the Me 8. The Scotch keep up the
practice r The custom originated shortly
after th Reformation. When many thou
sands s hod
up at Paid's Cross in London
to sing psalms, the Clerk repeated each
'line three times, for the benefit of thctie,
'who could not read, or had no book.
TO uniamt. rum •
-2,000,000 feet Plank wanted.
RUAB COMPANY. Invite ;loomed+ mein the bret of
April neat. Ger furrdeldrur Ten, 311111 cm ket of Plank 3
W eb. thick e st:el 8 or 9 feet Its leuuth—to be dellrertel at
Uharpabura, if hemp the rimy; or at each places On
the need DX may be upou.
Propueale only be reeted to thePreeldettb U. I.4iiE,
Butler. Butler oy, 1.. a. or to CHARLES le. eIPANI3:Piti.
loargh; .4 any Inquiries for further leformatlon on the
pule ert., may be aditneued to tame.
Propoasli will be fi r ed far the dellrefFy of either Oa.
Kee, or llotalm mehl2.2er
FLAXI:EED OIL-5 MIL City Make, on
hand pnd fur sale by
POI/LIVER 0114-Busliton. Clark & Co.'s
rw'dijard fur pal,. by
_ . .
•• •
11.) E t Si s L I S ;. :il"r kei
DT assorted Spring
A. A. MASON d CO..
merit [ No. C sal 6.1 Market street
KA IS pi+. tiliOn oil I b ilob it colored DeLiiIIM
2 ..! new and yplendlratila Hem, De Limo.
lo il choice ety Is Utinailltiets Mot Opeosklnt
A. A. MeeuN a WA
__ .ci aLi_
PuT.A. , •II-S casks recd and for sale by
mell4 ^'.'.l and 2,:it Llberty 0-
1 1 KTENit ' ER i W [ULF. 011r-120U gall. lil'll,
7711 . In Afire slut for role by
1.3 of a o IT superior quality—a foil assolityn:nt wilt
opened by iambi MURPHY a BERCIIII LLD.
MUKI US A BURCHFIELD hale not reed a Ity.b
rilliplr of t o alaeo inxidr, of all Hip various qualitka.
From 121.,... op to MAO. oirhit
ii ,,,
jr FA} UTTER—I 4 kegs.just reed and for
11.1. , alc Nis, [timbal SIILLEI & RICK ETSON.
LI bilk and Linen Cambric-anew and Itandporne nollo.
'a ln t e ' hi k , ° Pri''''' altVllVit BURCHFIELD.
UOTTHN—IS bales now landing from str.
. e by
' A'''
''''' for
ALIO . Water and Front Os.
iItISAND - .S - f EARLNE--
hhlr. No. I Lend: 2 Mlle. Stearloe;
-4.l'''''''' from ''. AM. * Wa ft :IP:La:FA A . CO.- .
feb22 tiger and Front la,
NO. I;UOAR-10 hhds. landing per str.
....'Je II:Itt Cllnt.m. and for rely by
i 1 11)E}F; VINEGAR-20 bbls. for sale by
11,,,/ 1,112.1 2. F. VON RONNUORST A CO.
HICK NUTS-6 bags for sale be
feli2s 0. F. VON tIONNTIOUST I CO.
iI lIEETE-150 boxes W. It. for sale by
s reb % S.C. VON 55050110RhS o CO.
LIENUINE PORT WINE.—The pure juice
LA of thtltarape.Ani.bletormedicinal_purixow, fa ire(.
-19 Abs quart or 51.00.. at NI01,1:12 a IJAM oRTLI ~,. lea
and Wine. ...Iva ride or the Diamond. ' ifet2.,
QUGA —l5O hhds. prime N. 0., just reed
1....7 per O. mer Schu r lttl &k r ii l a iszle a bi s. ...
feta`, 1 No Ilfa Water 5t
/IRANI.; ES—BM boxes just reed and fur
"fott b VIIBRIlkil..: a INGRAHAII,
No. Ild Water Al.
of rupetioretylre and color, In More and for rale 1 9 ,
t,blA 1 W. MeCLINTOCK•
" !Ws" lIPETS—A large assortment
o'o'l°' In in I rate 'VI VIVTig
00 dozen for sale liv
S. A W. ir.ino..4uuti.
_ . .
i ES FOR MARC 11, at J, B.
nary "Delw3t. Third !Ewer. nrporlte the
At for 'March: .
aptr.lne, do
'ro t a..., an 1...1... li i 310,.r
arlh'e. No.
: atorical Romano-.
r O. P. R. Jun.,:
.11r, Ellin
w novel. ly Mrs Fouthworth.
'U AMERICAN Oil Cluttl2,
ont of well r.r.Fmard Oil (:loth, tO
r domoe. No. ko Fourth It , to whir. we
4 P '' h " ..r-
W. MreI.INT , ICK.
Itill. for sale by .
;1)-4 Itbk in store, and 62 do.
0 . 0. 11. JOH:. S'fON
.TUTS--1S bblo for male by
WO. 11. .101INETbN.
to ttu. PM Of Pent. Davies Vecvtable Pain
talon of the molt prloninent Druggist.. and
f Cincinnati in fd [even
Clactietart. Oct. _fah.
inderaigned. DrocNat. and Merchant.. of this
Trot or
le .71=1 " y ire i ttlittVE:rln r' L
Elliot. and we would aasure the publir that
re. ro for ar we it hot when the trat
the purctuuer. Ire mei ern:manna it to tbe
selide of great mn , rit and virtnr, indeed. we
n ankle of Medlrine became on deeorTedly
short time, whkh is proved by the fart of
rade and con.intly ineresaing detoanda.—
of the feinting pntggieta.
R.. E. * SELLERS. wholesale, Agent, No. 57
We, the
rity. have L.
a t,.sa art
St.ablea I'
int acry i
nubile as .
Tara.l2l,lll .
r P gretis h lT .
...Tl.edZy a
Wood we.
' ION BOATS—The Tanneharison
4-- SEC'
sad Rd
en Albert.
arks Fewlb..,
do , l'emoutr.
do Dry Alm],
do do I.aohe,
do do do ',Med.
do Girmeom
do Wool; no*lsodiot from Kromer Goo,
le by Fehr,' ISAI/111 DICHEY t
- S
SODA ASH. L,r male hp'
.77 111/1111EIDG6le INOIIII/151.
a. and tor
Ski—A superior article of our oWn
un '''''' a ilET,V4,'W,ifi r tdir.
WaVr exert
LEAF-4.blids. for sale by
l 5
;-100,000 Principe., Regalia, and
P•frara. of all artali, for axle by
N. CULlsrlrrgfri Co
LOST—A check drawn by no in
UooOy. Frits. No. 1:55, da.d Yrbruarl
Soya. of tx at, for throe htmdred
• Um, been fret from the mall hltlreen
d Parke h
reburah. The public am mairloord
I Trl7"' sT
1T L ! ,7 0 f b r.
DA-100 casks on hand and for
ft till
Ittj II tram
f II
1.) fsre'r
I n 1. I
owl Orly d.
1,3 rale Itt
band and for calf , A.k... r.r " .
ERAL-100 bble large No. 3, Maa
wn. lavecta,a, fdr nil, le•
JAS. A. eirrcm.sox A ~,o.
" r ' l - 7 -49. b ia l' s. P a l . a ilg.7,l, ,o a r CO. 'l e
5 7 18 00 Pip Chilean, for sale by
USH. DRIED APPLES, for sale by
Ile Water atm..
1 and House Furnishing Goods.
MASON & CO., No. 62 and G 4
t etre., keep. anntantly on hand a lure
f the following ;Tod'. . the Imt tn.:loran
I Oa. Darasek and Diener.' .
• Onolim Dlolual lle• Cr,
lack.... Man.' and Illadan•kl.
Ltwein Sentch and Illnl Y.l,
soda and Linen Cam brier,
And Linen 91.19•Ail•Inp nlJtlde
Lin •
• srUnelat
Tabla CI
Flour an
Linen C.
104 All
6-4 Anal'
edale tlheollogN 144 4100.041 ais
ko Shertingoq 40 boob pillanw:pialow, Le. 44.
.CAPE PANNELS-3 doz. for sale
(meld) J. KIDD A CO.. re wool n.
bzo, in store and for ride by
lan Marraront and Trnnicaill ; on hand and
lon or retail. Vll. A. IdeLIAJIW *al •
256 Liberty Art.
J pbl.
Vb 7
tor r.( t rav or t
lay tres prime Ae C . u
A r . o n l v in Te , n ic .. l; :q pin a l . e
t .',.' 1411 , ertr .n. 4, . •,:,7 ^,„lrrmae v ,
YOUNG HYSON TEA—l ou. us i t
%kb w a . t t e:Z.: in rittsabt,...,,rt. wend
I, ' &' ' ''
" Irf.ifr -h .17.1, if . 4 ..n" 1 .
~LI at .07 ._,_,...' V
nM 1it,,,,r of an inid... t
L. ;APT.: tr Y: r i n til . rod , „.—
..36"..r1at V ' b'Y ' the Ad. A U . I ii'CLURO a CO,
V! \NFL,
1 a °l:°`'
For thelow•
.3734 P. lb.
to ay to be
which all
mend m
sad to 670 71
Tes, Dealers and 11rocero.
PPAL VAILNLSII--Bbls., lif. bbls.,
f ' 3 ' ..tik b y ISAIAH DICKEY
p U3I COra-
Li sod t fa. 0n...,
Sao, •
-16 serr aFII ever estra l a n ,i nt Cl
u neh rw A .
of the moat ppm... 4 onnelf•rture—..just °pew.' st
1'444' A. A. MASAN., A co . s. SI red C 4 Market at.
Ara tile ttotto ) . C ., Alld o. ; : lil . LLE , S--5 , 0 boxes Proctor &
1131. BAGALEY • ila. -
N.. lb mill p {Pool U. •
IY and 9n ircx.l
. iN Norfolk Co. Cbocolat,
s —AlnuntratVlllti.o .
In inod 31 %went
_ . .
Ali 8 bids. No. 1 Leaf Lard;
° . r 3 l'ir• BUR"BRIDGEIII Wa ;NU ter stm "cj
No. l,
OM, I UTTEIL—Ten brls Roll Butter
'7.6 "6"d fr'"l° s. tw. HARSAUOII.
10 150 dot. Deforest's Allp. Cori Blooms
100 min Omni& Sale 1e5166.1
ILO 11116 Wlnd mitnied rls.S
WO kepi
. 16 Boma Bower,
IIA rr, Alto Coffer,
kW. km. asaortment ofk6. .6616 67
HumskiN. urns a co:
illo.F TOBACC-2 hhdr for oaie
. wit. a. JOILIOTOIf.
State Mutual Fire Irmo= Company.
BRANCH OFFICB—No : 64 . 81grrniumn STREET,
TIIE best evidence of the success of the
Director.lo endmenring to make the STATE MITI
FIRE I.V.IIIRANCE coitio.ta - r Janet the ermts ur
.the mm .nnity, Is the unparalleled ammat of bumloema
which boa boon done; haeing batted over 3.001.1 Parks to
a 11t re m,. then eight mouths, nod adding over POP.
thatto the Company. The Dlmeters taw Mud tool..
that nearly all the property Insured is of the safest kind to
small hats, and a large Unalohbut hasolear fpr oely une
Number of Policies issued, - . 5,0G5
Amount of property insure.", - $5,139,-19601
do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.70
do. cash premiums, - 32,194:24
do. guarantee stock, - - 1tt4.(13
do. looses, --- 4,100.00
To be deducted from the above balance, the locideldal
waren,' of the office.
To city ormutray melellatlts, and owners of dwellinem.
and is:dated and country pruperty. It is 1,011.0 this tym
pany It.TordsademUmes to twist of cheapness, 43.4.1 y. and
monthly. inferior to equitable ox, Company In tins (votary
Conducted en the ands - 1,1(1y implored sYWeot
of Clusitication of Ricks, excluding all special Indanlm, In
suring only • limited amonot lo my taus tonality, thm snot
eluding the fmaueney and occurrence of lamepros;sod
also on bath the litocla and Molina plan. It not olds
11 3 :r ' tl e tlot ch Uitr n te.l d brPatltTo n n ' i r ett h . p m n)Ot d'
It Is under the control ottne following D
P. Itotherfard, A. J. John lb Packer. S. T. Jmea„
Alaimo A. Cartier, Philo C.
Robert Klotz. • '
.1. P. RUTH W.RFORD. Prraident.
A. J. uibbt:rr. ecareMre
/I'. A. Cmaatat, Attrlnrr•
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., PhiLld'a.
GENT l X PITTSBU Rol 11, W. 11, DAV IS,
(•ic” rinoenie..dwaresed.),Ko. tla3 Liberty strtat.
the tatter rooreolente of persana re.iding to the
lower part of the ray. the agent may aho fatted daily •
from 11 to 12 amt to 3 o'clock. at the meetly./ room at
J. Sehommaker A Co_ ho '24 It and street, where all 'lna....
nary Information willbe given and Mil/ tuunivatusix. prompt.
ly Mteulol to. Pamphlets extol :doing the toluciples nod
tailed. of Lifa Insurance, and blank f.rins bullish...l on
or dgUrs ' iock ever $1130.1K10 and constantly increwing.—
Protite thridnd annually amongst time luaured he life.
Pittaburgh. Jan. At.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
yflE Insurance Company ,ilNortliAmericn.
ltalsitlphia--Charteredl79l, Corital gAnn,lloo. Aggett
6uildiannul , la, IGI. 1.0. Wll make Inpuraner
and4lietr mnient, In (hi. e!tt and glut
on groper', of every do , erition. .141.1 1. , 7 Ft ,loll,, Vi
nod ntber segsebt. gelfh, by inland trnutlngtialuti b,
'Arthur O. Collin. Pre , t. . Thomal P. 1`44 , e,
Fatinuel W. Jones. . John It. 2,111.
I...dorani Smith. Ilichani 1). W.... 1,
John A. brown. William N 1 rbh,
P.m..' F. Smith, Francis llookin•„
l..analiel Ilra. , th S.. Atutin Anil...,
Charles Tackle. W. 1... Illoam.
Ambrna IVhit.e,
i1 .n e0r ... g0 , ) , 11;1 , n , uz1 ,, 1 :
Womb L. Thomas,
S. 11Iorris Wain, 11. I). Sherreni. S.r'
Minix the nitlval Insurance Com pan, in the C !Atoll y.
andtroin Its high 111S10111‘t, long rapPrionre. ample in...,n,.,
and avoiding all rh.k s of en extra lisranhoi..chararbr . . it ,
' "pet i te iLI.Iti ;. " .1(=, '.41,LT 1 " •
m. 2.1 No. 111 Front 1.11‘,.
American Life and Health Insurance Co
Agrut for Pittsburgh, 5A.111.. It. TO IrlfE,
Ofllre. E. Fifth et. alokve
Pamphlet,. ormtalnlng all m , e , ..arY ittf"rmatmn
obtained at the ether. ..117
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
cAPITAL 8300,000. R. MILLER, J R..
t 4 reetary.
Insure again,t all kinds of riots. Firo and Nlarino
All Wm. will I liberally adjunleal smi nn,n,l I , abi
A nano lustitution—manned by Dire,toro grEit,
known in the nommunity. amt who are .lotertnines
promptnew. and liberalitr to maintain thr ehararter
tb..y have iimumed, nee i.agt protection to 1b.,.
wlrt, desire to be infured. •
• •
Block. J. IV. Bntbr. N
Einttneo. Jr.: II tn. It. I Iwo., C. Goo. B.
. Jartwo
Km. Lion. JR[ll,l4 Lippincott. f.rome Joon .
Autry. Alex. Nimle),Tbuo. Vomit.
OOSer, No. 02 NVater twarebou‘o of Soong
up plain. , Pittl.tursit._
Delawarelintual Safety Insurance Comp'y
ellAtiliE. Third Philadelphia.
Issrae —llnlldnacn. Men-handl,. flee. an hr
prOfrrty. In tow n '
nt! country. Inevrod againq . or
11 t C by 11n, at the loe.est rate et prendurn.
erlNtexontit —They al.. teetels.
sod,l or orastal.e. under uteu cr
gel.enea. so the .surnl Mae deelre.
1,13.1 n TltalealeAttiloN.rher .Igo (Renee Iterchand,
trutsre.rted by Wagon y. 11311naul C;.nal Ned, and
htelun htate. on river. ant takea on the Inner term!.
Dtarercone—Joarph 11. ?eel. Mantel .1. Sonde,. John C.
Davis. ltnbert Burton. Jobs It. Penrose.: 41.nthel Edwards.
=Vot . i . nliV. P i r t;hte; " ; l e
Theophilue raulllng. June. Itrenke. Henry
.... blush Crig. them, ,pennny
(71thrlee lieMS 4.11 Johnson. IVto. Ila,. Itr Thomne.
John Selleiy,}Viu I:yrr. Jr.
DltirctO. Prrrenuthit—D. T Morgan, Hugh Craie,
Jnhn T. tittetp.
)I.tatiet. Prynalent. Tam. C. Masi.. %gee revel.
dent. Jnentst Cr.nea. eeet , % t , tl
tgbu 'nay.
. _
Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Thilad'a.
I) I
, t 0 tC , :„.2 . 0 ,.. f . 5 . L 0. C1 . 1 , 7 „ 1 , 0 m mo l m V W.
tagner. Adelphr E. burin. Samuel tit-ant, !testa S. Itn.eru.
Janob It. Y.rnlth.3lorne l'attureax
• ...
4.11A111.1 , 1 . ItINIK l'r..2.4ent.
CUARLS.% Sern..rf
ThlattOn,,n, motinurn tr , to te I nanrannr , . portnatona
nr 11[113.1. tot vvory il,,iptiott of Pror.crt! . In toren ah.l
noontry, at rater low ma Ivey wlitowonirit,
hn Vorwany haw. tr4a.rv.,1,3 contin,ent
whirls. with ihrlr Vannal tool Dbecuiura,
1011 Pie pnWnetlon to the nn.un.l
Tin-mm. 1.0( th,l'ompan y. Ja1n0nr1 ,,, n 19 ...
viaagrovahly of wry,. (.41,..•
MMortseal u-rn .11 n 11.17 ., 11
T.4nrn a . , r I, nno. • •••••• •
Place o,lr Inoberciatioti. a1 , •1.1;.1
hart lull upward, tJ oar Your liatltrarrbr.ußau.l
Ibllarn Um,* bt Yin, tberrby aCantina arYletrrc ~1 11,•, of ItiFaraar, os •.•:1 a+ ability 1..1 di*.
Pwltk.° I
ra,sl S F. 01 IVaul
- •
ANCr. COMPANY. Nn. is%harlot Stn., Nerenta.
and N.. 11 Wall Sue r-;' Y. I...stimulated IK.
sll , ooo,the l ding frron 3.0t0.40ner n.nt nmht per annum.
The robot-rib," recin"e Pldn.thmt' Ino.non , "
liver in the atone nacren4bll 6 nouninre Cm,yaLoy; the whole
przeda bring dlytdal gennau the o.nared.
Wll-1.1A51 P. JONES. Anent.
des No. 141 front rte.,.
ARRY, ITUGIIES S.: CO., Proprietors of
the Ituch liah.m Peunsatn.usra I , date kontrete I. nett
re lu iftioml Builders, Contractor.. anti Ober,. Vitus
bomb, heolut. Ctuetnuan. Se., that th, hate •Idsotut
ed Auk, Laronuv,rA Pittsburgh.their Agent, art,, to Ism
really to undertake content Sro Itoohnd with their lett
ally Slates.
CAIST.IIO/Iff.4 t Co., uv In, tevAet•tion of the Iten and
Incas's' , Slate klWak r tes In the Coiled titates—the quality of
theAr Slates is equal.lf notsuperior. 10 the I.ett 11.1 st,
`lintel—they etnpl, non, otto.r Cut caperlsnosl and prao
tlzast slaters to do then. rousNawntl, the, hat,. no
hesltsCam In insurtus a perf,tly water-tight ne , f. neatly
and handsomely cosaplrtsd, at as retssonable a pens, per
squius. , any the trade.
P... It. I Ou. twrtatularly rernmtuend their Elates to to
put on lath Insuad ot %herding. which will O.lV.L.Sycy.
1.6 that contractors and orrucrt of IPl3lllllDri ,
Itell , rences to their datt, and rlallnk can I...wen—and
Mr. Thomas Parrs, one of the compar.y. mar alw, he e0n
.01.1 Jar—at their •trentls °Pico. rnin, of Etna st
and Canal. l'AltltY. CO.
thd,lste Itt•,fr promptly mpalseu
Fria..llllaw:lluk .
10-PARTNNII:iIIIP—We has, this day
11,jwwwlaitn1 with I,njamin F.llut , hloon Thy I.liA.
nwea will br continued an herrinfwrt. und, the firm ot
. .
JAM), A. 1M1T.2111,0N J. CO.
llt A •lIE It S E Y, COMMISSION 31E1:-
CHANT. fnr the rale td*Domr“ir. Wootre. &WI carom
d, N 0. 1 .29 Wt.! atrert l'lttaburgh.
Orden. filled abort ootke ICr nor drseripti. of Wool.
len Itschbwry.
Psl22.lag I,twern tee ihe gt, ,/
r,i. Fletnlm, t C. tlll..tar cli.m.lvl.l hi mutual
IRA it E.R.-rn •
. .
. . •
It. li 11.EMIN1I.
Ira Irene,. Or R- K Fleming 4 tutla.rir."l to use tbn
name of the late firm In 1.4. arlllemeut of thrtr bumlnea,
MtI)I SSO LUTI 0 N OF l'A[tTt\FlßS] I P
Thu partnerehlo herelefore relating te . tn.ert tbe under lb.. nty lag or Nharklett WI., rr.,
.11d1 on the trot Jar JonuaTT, le4l. by mutual
pelt. Either Either of the nutecribers otterut eettbust ny
the beeriness, and &reauthorized to une then.. of thole.
hrm fro. that ',erre.. No. WI flizei..,t.MtriTtlKLETF.
February 12.'21. It. WHITE.
FIRM—I 3: C. Shacklett nnd
Pajne, u general paefliere. mud Beitierniu ai
pcialaN 111.1 purifier, •111 entiliaue holeeele
Drytitirele bifirlume under the firm 11 11. C. fintieklett 6 Ce
at the attire lately cerisphal by Sheridan it White, No lei
Wt I street. It. C. HIJACK LE TT.
Lhll Wtt. PA IN K.
c4PARTNERSIII CLe xubscribern have
roterml hat. Co-Part/an - 31a, , undrr th. 11rn) of Yrail..
kJ—Murphy Ilurrhfirld all! this InornlPg runltnenee
srelvlng their test /oupply at Sprint lay thAllia , and la'
ite the 'all of their eu.d.umer , and boyar, genarally They
invite attentkun to their lo.ortniant. of eta .1, 1.
print., at l.,ti mob , par tord,,lael.l.lll/ parttrolnr rt.f.
areen• to durnjAllty of rotor. An eamllant Ankle to 1.0
offered at 10 cents per yard. warrtant.l fant eolorm. Ala
ahnlce atyles of Enullnh Chlutsce. from l2imlcty
per sari. tiny at them entlral• new drolgor- A 1.,. new.
eat ftyle• Dronetap, tlpting of de Lour., iiNaltgr de
LAlnem. NenllA Wart Collar., Cott., ChamilLettA, kr Ilun.
tell and Bonnet Ward, Deflect Cep... , trill
I) RUGS—In store and for sale by tho sole
scrawl.. all lend
the best .10.115, •
SolphatA and Seetate of Morphi,
tlurn Shellac;
Ilpaotn Salem
Alone at toad
limn Arable;
llrrarn Tarim;
Ism Ilrhuntour:
Fleur Sulphur:
Alexandna Senna;
Gum Camphor. S. N. wieuenniAlt,
febtr corner m 0.11014 elsth eta.
j_ LADIES all may "if von want real
good Yea. ifo Ilorris ilaywortlia Tea Store In thr
Diamond for It. Thal.. they aell at Cm rents per panel
Is really Teri Bond. and thom at 71, re tit. and li, are deli
rious. Low urinal, dammtsl, or inferior Tem are near h apt
at thia eslabllahment, and they now retail all their Tens
dint from the original climb, lumina Proms' that tea • ill
not tart/ a' Ileall{r. wrapprra wI.IOO, by holdlngaP to the
light, you will find L m porous ap a halo'. roil. 01.11
John 11. Mellor, at Word Mosel, ha
as Pianos. new and anlrmildamortimhty 1 i
of . now open and malty km war. .141
j 1001) CANTON FLANNEL - - -- . A farther
N_.lllsupply of a very superior srUele at 12!t soots r
ran.d, rocolad at store of
Qpituck: CHEWING (11.M--.1 rpeeirPd
10 from Bangor, Me , through tbe hands n Yan
kee., o larue lot of tltno ploatant awl agreeable Clue.lng
Own, whlrb tined fur rwr-otenlng tlor broth, cluandok
Ihe teeth, he. For sole slkol6 sale by
N. N. ,41CKEILS.11,131.
V V Cure !annual. by Joel She. M. U.
Suter Cure fp Arueriruo,Mod I. listrr Patbni
!land Book otllydropatby for 1 . .. , •rionAl pod loone , db ,
ure. by Ur.
'Doutertle practkr Ilydropatby..iUt drtreu enurared
Illurtratloorpftruportant subJect Fblrraut Johuatotb
. •
Theory and Praeriro of flrdot , hy, by the late U,
Pronete.' tranelatod from tbo tierto‘o by Robert Beltte,
)L D.
The OLKFre works for rale by I:. C.STOCK TON,
tkektrelbt out Elsaloarr, coma Market raul Third eta.
uTbla 4 the only instrument rcl. inrentid by which
coanterfidt win can becertainly cl.l.cleil it 4.,.! y
oxisililt but 1110111 MIL AL: u. I •
West the Westland Jewelry tis,
6M -
corner _ 31.1.4 and titi ata.
S UNDRIES --30 Ltda. Linseed Oil;
25 " INtorl
Baize; debt
15 boxes
kev peeked "
GO boxes Pure Pulerattoo
14 " lemons
3XO extrzertnimebeet,
100 dozen Common
GOO bush. Dried Pesebe.
" Apple.
4 bbl,. Hither,. Nets
meld' 1 bole Shee2t Iteltar. for sale bp
J.H. CANXIELD.I43 Vrout st.
NO. just'd
• 1 LARD OIL—A few bb ree
than the mannenotary,fur which I inn the nntragent.
and will warrant It xuperiur say oftemiln thts mar
fele26 coma. Wool oral Nlatll Oa.
EFINEI) BORAX-15 eases for sale by
feba4 J. KCHOONNIANKI: .5 M.
PONGE-2 strings . finest Mediterranean,
1 , 0 far sale hy J.
feb2.l I 4 C,11.01.1N!.1 N ER4 SR.
Ladies' Pine Dress Goods.
Tiuulea, Berme Uinta. Mona Jr
Wane,. Lawn,. Ac.,—chol.cejnug id) and very de
elraTvtatterna. 3LCSON CO..
." 4. G. and GI Market Al.
1 1 - g PltlNti STILE PRINTS—Choke and
- 7 beautiful pattern,. reed lidh murning t
(424 A. A.LI. ,
. . _
y r
ARD OlL—s hhls. No. I, Win. Strained,
1A Ju+r eved and for ftl• trj
ZOLDEN SYRUP—In bias. and hi. bbls.,
' Ls kttil' l ' b' MILT, MATTHEWS i CO.
lIA Ilia, II UG II ES ,t, (20. are prilmreil to
do M & a I kin SLATE ISMEINO
A 1.1:X. 14.IJOHLIN. A 1. .: cur. Erne O. /5 Clm3o.
. .
At WAtur Wort, Pittpbumb.
AZ-SlAti. Roof. promptly rt.pxl,l.
OLDEN SYRUP-5 Id, lolds. just reed
Gigml fpr,ale by lIIJILIIRIDUE A INtinAll.t3l.
Po. IPS Wpt,r
lug LOUR-25 blds! - estra Famile Flour, for
g' 'tale by 1,02,' It F. VON PON l; HOPP T (
BROOMS-- 150 dozen for zale l•
it. F. CON DONNIIbP.ST d Co.
t ± :GEs_wo ho.. n b .il i al cer, for
izroad.z „7 t.(4+l9 Se
anti st,
IV IN lOW 0: LA SS— If Lys. cbccs.
TARCII-1100 boxes, hest brands, in store
I - 7 0.. Mr rale b, WN. PAO/MEV • CO..
N.... 10 0043
kSIONS-400 boxes fur cale by
- .
Clialork Invite, the attention of thaw , wl.blha to for
ht. mooortuomt of Table awl bon.,. Cov
er... N... Fourth rtreet. feblu
4.IOOOTRINE A LOES;-75 lbs, purr article,
- 7 lon sale by fern. HA. ~ E LLE.IOI.
144 1 .N. „ 0.: I
G 1,13 111 &.•..u4a
OLI..BUTTEIt--1 1 btd .. fre . oh._ . b Ly
-5 b.rre. primr
to. t lnlam
1W km* Pm Apple,
lae. C. eO ulna Chmr,
04), lb, ...1...rt0r Feather,
. . • .
:IFlmnot Wrapping Pape,.
sri qr brn.urer. I lb lump T,.1.......,,
Lra. , k 11.11 Braurtnne.
I tin ilialk:
1500 IL. /red Srdr. Leath,
. . . .
1000 Ibn do I.tght tl , a, in ntow and Cot
WATT k Or.
IN SEED OIL- -10 Ilk for sale by
.II I rek:2 1141111:A,A. LITTLE t on.
OLL BUTTER— 2 bble fur sale by
ft nee= nonn,is. 1.11 - 11.3: A
g 1 LOV ERBEEIL-75 bus for style by
44,2 - IcontlzoN.Lirfi.E a cat
lk F s —ll.4 , rived and on hand an
i* r3l3Aient aA3c,rtzornl or 1i31.1 oil Slltor W3teln Guf
nv,l tomuula:ture.333.
Lorywrla II untJux: ea.3t3/
31 J Isloaa IS
heat Jr,tur..n
Awl °the, ,133,1/4l.rated Enclleh awl Ci.ne3A brando.-
I,43‘cry Ina. and atvur3r, and anralulll3 a:alarm/led.
~,ntAnut3l nATual
tnaiggfartur.3l 4,31,3 awl rarrfoll.
EA A 3, r/
Ith ..n1 NI/uk,t .1,
IDEA NS- io km, White for gab, hr
6J25 tint.: a co
A3ll' ItLACK.-111 hulk for Taticter'4.
j 1.1.1. for .d.J 5.111.10,01.‘11.Y.11. 04).
-- 1 . ):1 PER HAN NGS- -lipid Paper hangwith ththl end Veltwl
Ititwaiii. For pal.. or
T.nts.s As M..
~ I ytII.9'NF:TIIF. -:i0 Lags, crude, for gale t.y
F 4P15 W IF. WIL"C ,
131115 NWEIt'S WHITE GLUE,-For
ral. h,. 461% .4 1:11 , 11 • 0 4 .
rillEttlio.7llE,TEltS..—• .1 101 l a....ortmPut for
•role J KIDD
EW BOOBS -The Ilistorr of Bondoura..
111. f•rtu••• &AA fulrf•rtue., Invade , nut hie
1, earl •n. 14 41 011.0, 11.1.ey•m:Th•clera.
g nat • by the mutt.... In t•• volume,
411•. 11,{“, nr Prx..l.lani, 11. W. 11. Thxlen..
, 1•11“114, • Franetwia :ft., 0 7 the . the
11.11.1 Ito•k•
N.. a:
fil•tre Marl. 4
Vx, sr A"" i' v " : 41 1 ;
ik, b k
AHD AND ilAMt.—I,O b
k lt
'r r it r."
0(1 13 I f ilS Superfine F e ln , u m r. l. nz a s i a v l; . ;lly
1.) LITE SMALTS—I ea.o for sale by
1# JY.I J. SCII(I1NS1•1[1 , 1t aCO
INSEF,D.OIL-2t recd for tale by
14 . 2 '. S. A W
' PAPER -100 reams Wrapping. asOrted:
r+.l.• 1., Glh .1 SCIIININ MAN Ell 01
I 11.114:1:.'S Cll SUMS S--1 Mt 11,VIVed and
11 J KIDI),A Co.
kb.N., to Wr...1•115.
{, t , A REIt'S HERBS, all kinds, it fresh lot
”n11...1. and Get rake I.t
J. KIDD ro
. ,
1 QUA NI MONI 4£OI{TES-5 earb,lcs,
.1 - ‘ K. E. 14.1.1.V.11P.
lOFFEE—V.OO bags Rio Coffee. just recd
n- Ink 1. 0 tunniatwiE a INORAIIAM.
No. 116 Wolt•./
PECANS- Jttst received, 3 Able
YY rash rec.u, slots rot I•:. h r
W. A. MrC7.URI7 A CO,
. .
2. !Awn.. ',met.
FIiKSII FIGS.-50 drums received nod for
W. A. V1e.C.1.1;1,1i k
_ .
4)1110 AND PA. 11AILliCkAD STI.AK--
Isrlsbulest , all paid up. H ral. Ir,
it HILL A Cu.
HULA t•tort. and EXA hang. !trotters.
DICKEY &CO., Agvntm for Me
eltanles. lino 11,1, Lire f, rile id insinninr
nunlll, ant n...ted, n tura ntrd. IVlde b
L ouse 112 Waterbln and
111 -nnt mt.
AT:1:1 ,. N6 —l5 o
laden 11 , 11;p A c;i1 . ,, i i ~,
i;r;, . i f o r ,}:
I casks, f, silk by
1 - 1 ll' WILSON.'
g BAGI , -1..(1,,, twined, for oak
by I,bl° 11.:11.1.4 1:11K
AWL -11010 Pprinv ii••• • for Kale In'
Sli.lllLl-. Irol.
• .
UTER —4 Lhlc roll,
br oak Ly
e F. VON noxNliorrEr t co.
I ItcPcuroo.l.3,,, r.,..ivr4 a rovy full pop Ply 4 al.*.
whirl. the, or .01 al low., price. ij i •ri lb. arr
al; al, Mark and Droradn do of
I ) RIP GINGIIAMS—Murphy4, Burchfield
hat, on hand • largo lot or Drip Islnicharini. whkh
oiling at irniatly rwduniiiil prkwPi, rum th ...115$ Mr../ 4th
sod Marikrt xtriii.L. frbi
irj CASKS CIDRII/E LIME., Isluspratbe
20 brL.C.tor Oil. new ertp. tin. , b•il,
2 , K1 u,. Entlbh Knu rbo, trelortel:
31,14.1 , (11kiv;
. 2:4/o lb. Flue Vitriol; For ' , Mr tr
J KIDD a co. fU Wand rt.
• • •
ILA I ItESJI FRUlT—l'eaebes and Blackberries
put. np in their men .jut z . awl hermetically 'waled.
lsy pnoserrlns; thole ssria daye.r and ferobnessa.
Ales, I,'h lee and Plume put up In the tame manner tor
at On band and for rale ley
VIII. A. wo.trna a co
r„ba :as; ranartr street.
Itllia SEEDS—(lanary and hemp Seeds
or the 1... t quality fur rale by
~ WM. Al 1 1 112LMItel A CO.
. .
EI.LEIIS' LIVER PILLS--"Could not get
alslooe without thesn...
ll'llssnnellerlllse. O. Jan. O. leis'.
Ma. It. -Yours are the only Liver Pill. that
here- I rout,) ant *set alma Without th em. and every
Ilia) make, ene Owns speaks. hi llse highest term% al
entunsendaslon. inure re...eel . ..Mrs J. OILMEN.
andas-Propartel and auk) by It. K. HELLEHN .87 IV rod
add by le•Mrabsia generally.. tall
1:1 4 ;S AND ItAISINS,-149 boxes figs:
803 do Iphtr, nn
lassul and Ter nub. by BROWN t RIIIRPATIIICK
I 1 Alt!) OIL— lb }dila beat refined Winter,
/ 4 f..i 'AP. 1,, J. pCIWONATAKER a co.
p.). '.3 W.A.I n trst„
d I LAZIER'S IIIAIRONIJS--1 dor.. for sale
N 111 IT frbh J. knit, It OE
i A ItI)- -,SO kegs and 2filli ils, for sale by
i./ robin IIItOWN a KIRK PATRICK ._
if 1 A ii'FOICIOII,-9 bids Blow's wake, for sato
`A FE I NVES'fillENT—s9,ollo in Allorghe
-3 or CotrAtr Couto:u llondr, for role br -
W3l. A.lllll, a CU.
Pala , 14 Wood It. abssys• 4tt,
tP LITIVIi,-.7 bbls fresh Roll;
lY sin roll. 1;
i 20 ksgs dujust TYoPirell and
a., tai. br , felii MmillAd‘ k HOE.
11011'0N' /IV' NE:-256 Ills superior Anal-
IL . I It, niq FlLfr 111
.I. IDD* (
(onto. . Nb. 61.1 Wood
-- --
I AS TILE SOAP—'2O easels for solo by
1,4,10 ,
ER:III EL lON✓--Trieste, Chenese, end
Atneriran.lfai neie hr
LA2( .I I..tAbL-700
57 Wool otra.t.
XO haltelusto Young Upton .d Mork Yea,
IX catty boxes do. do., Imp. .4 O. Ponder.
111 Labs Huns Olt Addmnu Ca Tobsooo.
/V do P. RbbWon • Cu., S. do.
In do CuLl womb . * Talmo.
15 bon y xes I . rico am/ llororood's b'o do.
IS base. James Theenpson or. (leaden Leaf 'l5
ID Lump, Is acorn ml 4 for Ws by
1.9 JOIIN PARILytn • CO.
titre Whilknr,."vel7 °Rand choice."
ponngahnla walker lormee and In
lanY JOHN inllBlll. t W.
with 144 Pttft , ..
llorticultutitt, fur rebrust7t
CultlTator tlax
Whig fierier ticx
1.11V4 IMe-Iplio: a lake ,
31m-babies Illattstr.lor,No...:
Women or tenet. by time, Aguilar.
Home Intl.o, rate for toothent zatl daughter , .
.11t.thet's Itecuttlmare, by Orate Aguilar,
lor the hittory of the human
Heart Sr Mrs. Eilite
s novel:
Henry ttteitton, by G. P. It. :huate.... F.wit
for Wde at HOLMES' Llterwry 1.401, oppoolte the PatOP Hf
11. K
thatll Eli Ink. Pire.intir 101
Bonnet:lm hr hai 'net opened a lot of
choler Piano. of the e.lebratel wake of
onA OA. and braitan. Nett York. wily,. with thug..
on band. ferns the mud elegant • varied. and eatratire etuak
ever Wren.' In thia
Among other, one opirndld oetaredoublrearred Piano.
NIT idyl, with the new itntrorrwent of the gi , er
Ark., the shot and 010 , 1. impart...hnprovement, to be
found only on Nation A ClaWr hatnn Alm, two Tutirrb
Atta..itrornt Plano,
I.—An extrwilve ha. of NOW Made. rinbraring Jenny
Kind's, awl the flaw Son" Polka!, Wallies. dr.
4 OS THE HOLDEN II All P. 101 Third H.
APER—Folio, Packet, Commercial and
Quarto Pod and Ca Palw. • larto. Purply of all Sue. jr, ruled and plain. blur and white, for tale on liberal
ter.. at saIS W. S. HAVEN'S
.j Strrroaraph Note* and Draft, of snort beautiful dr-
CVtl,.. In sheen, or hound In hooka of ra don. , Hire. Fur
ale at W. S. HAVEN'T. Plank think Store.
yang Con Market and Sorond .ti.
. .
American. Journal. and Fog ennr.l
INK- I, ? k irnold'ii Writing Fluid,
Chemical Fluid and Red Ink.
Ilarrl,un, Columbian 1nk—,4,1 end blark.
Hogan a Thummanie Ck,rumertial Ink—black, .earlr.t.
and rod.
Crook Carmine Ink. F,, rale Or HAVEN.
17 , A new elardcal dictionary of Greek and itrdnan
ffrohnlermy'nVlretnq and
ru= r itti: 1;14 at . 111)4173ut ,b ,.!
by IVllliam oeun.•t
1.1. D., ...I;toronm. victionariem of
and Homan Anti,lti,m, and of and Roman Idugrai , b)
and 11 ,tholodY, reviaod. with I.II,OeIVWI vim...dint., and
addition , . hY Clmrhd Anthon. U. Profer...wr of
Life Latin Lang - mm-61n o f Collo,.
Th. Life and Correvouden, of lilwrt. Southey : rdited
by bi..m.the flor.CluudrqCntlitwit .‘outhcy. 11. A.. o ,
Loof i'lumblan.l; eutnl..riand. Iround cloth, ital.
. .
No. It of the Life and coeure of Robert :Rm.
the t
• Lave. hf tbe thteenaof Socd .1. end Engtieh 'Theo.*
notatet...l with the renal en `erniott of gireet ftritaln, by
Acneri etrickland,tother of the - I.lyee of the Q 1.1 1 4 1 -11 .1
. .
lan.' I. (N0u....r: n Addre..l..ll.-
inn '
IL. c Fir 1170 N. N... -11.-Markrl
11.DIA NO FUf'IES—/nlls H.
Mrtana. No sl Wa..l Areet. hae ree..:- Jlia9
wad now open lar eat, a large and .
aelertAal eturlt ..f f!, and n-taxo Pa' . I
nno•fortes: the manorpetory of Chlekerlno. Reetan. le.
aldell he Inallem the attention of' pan.haerra. ll. nman. inaarlably ar.1.1 at laedon leitheur any e.rlro
r.saror tr , :nqp,tah. rll/.. and In all ea.eve warrantd.
Old Piano, tnaea In part payment at their fill .aloe.
JIIIIN 11. 311'..1.1...01i.
A,ent far Ihe Fula nr I:Metering , . Plan.. for 11e.t. Pa.,
4.14 So •trevl
llnadaand honnen iliallll/1.1, Mrtnnityfy. and aLo
adarlay.,rol I. ..A up. die 16, 11 11a:wiry of airrak cod Itlt:.tlN'Nta •nd MI ninth's, , th ,culth, L. 1.. b
Itedladd toy C. A nthnia
Llaaa of tho. Qom, nr lailatland and Etntliah Plinavavaa.
Annad,itnrkissal" lad.tat
1.11.- and thrfampanadand, or It. thautlnay. VAR.I t,
ha- aain. the Ilea. ta. C. fowl,. NI A. I rid.... anis
Th. laarlina of lantaary. anal taaidad An AAA,. A..
in 11,. larondway 'Fish-marl, Waalnaaalay raid,
La. Bale N. Murray fa Id
Juiat naval - ad aunt fa.r IL
feLal Aphilia Faurth at.
N tt from t..t i a!l / 51ct
tfvnia ' T;a l a r "` • •
Moth., thad . rt falthfal ome: a raid.' daz.ahi S C Faater
Ow Moil.. ma - Alit'. fair, hr;C a Fion , r.
Wier thre chic handoftliilla.
COMO niahlana came. nr Trara-ndillo. '
me, tappy yet. 'mat l*ugl.frr. of Mark.
Oman flarial, a bte..rile on.l touchina
Thou but swum - bat the .pint that Itatal Moe.
Men Bulk or don't tau nattranher evert Alter.
:kartr latlta. by a. C. l'aeler.
meet labrabel Polito Mattee•
.h.snot w i Jeauntt--rbettpb.b...
Furry QyU drlllrs. Ay Hr. brw,t Fashion
It,ttr by Illaryteulbq OW Chat
In. Polka RAWlvelue. ,
Lilly 4naatrille•—‘..ty and lw.Y.
Know 4tutrlll..! 14•Wrual P.111.A.
A w,• Ifuntryfr 1.. r nano. •klt.
flarl4 • CoWeLi... for Inrc ham,
I""'"" flew
II •••rt 'yrs , Itork r.l Nom Puma , 313.1
-abuht. rom-lt
hattorn, 'a Talc 4a 11,thag an, baual,pro.
. . .
Nbaber', Rao..raw, 11, Brae. Aguilar.
f.r Januar,
The I.uttarall. .B, lit,.. Aguilar
Th. 1.44.r111ng10h .
.o-r "c'"
T.. Ina.aial
L'Aurultee. of Bruu/wtet Ily 4. W
A tut. 1-13 thol.,"1• I. br
au. Iter: 11,1; .1.. 11,h,, II 11.,
. .
11,13..1..vma1. N.. 1 nr new
tb. xzt.h, — Tbs. 0,11,4,
New Books, just received.
MI I F. orsthe I,v t:et,rge Giltil
§ .k TZsuo
g •
no.k tiraansts....Aru..l f.+l. ••••13avier• In Orr,. rept •,•
Il.ctrirk. I v. 4. IStre. trio.
Th..lcouth'efurtum.l. 11, lltumuli F1agc.i....1.1 I v.-4 1 kmo
..11 , 0131. nml Charm. 111 Munn .1 Mt-111. - at..
I gml mu.
ro.. M. Av. , and Ena:orerirtM. N, 7.2.
Jun E.,' V.r rale t., IL 110VK1N.,...
, mpion• and critical Latin : En,ll.b !esker.. 4mr31.4
o ' n I
rkbyller.,:or , r,.., by K. A. 'man., L. L D.
or rot rhEnT, bru.¢ the imr , a4.lOs,
rsto , maul ml,llOOl trktrl thmucts ase ,authrlell
l.ptn nawr p•r , 1,,lyno•!• ity Rev flonry
1 be•-v , r, author of - ill. 11 W. and Capter....' Wit
gratin* ,
TT Fir •ccourun.: • *rquel to 1.14.0
Agullpr and I,rr CA!! hy
,•13 It C K TUN,. 47 Market.[
l'a,,of all altwa anti qu.litlry rul.l aDJ
an , ' .1".
tt ~, i , —1:n01.13. Frettrb and Aro.limn. fancy itrtl hr W. f. HAVEN, 6tatkAte.r.
1 1. .t. ontmer of ttatttild.
00E .1N LI JOH 11itisTiNo—E,,, T
tcr1141. , 1 of Legal. Markman-Isl.lttrunttnat. Oval nthl
I.rtilttng. execut,l at abort ne•taer, amt to lbr
brat manna,. W IAY EN.
UTATIONERY—w. S. ll.tvLs, corner If
i•rexind nod )larAet on, hii• fist. rain no largo and rntn.
raw . / iiistionery 1.
nen•it In lino nvialvt Nlerchant• with •rery
lielo in tiro on the mixt
I 'at the huh Thlnl .1..
I KI.1:111.:11.. remil•ln• n frr•ti I
of el...ant Pinny, in.h. ‘i••• • 1.1-0x.7
mining them. • inslonnlid : mr•.4l harm
of the rrhe.l.le•ertntlon of witerior and lone It isle
In the at, I, In ronue lot 1.. ri.1,1• of Lool• X t%
Ali. Tn.., lot of fa•hlonahle and' popular Nlngie,
on extensive of M.,. Inarument,
91.1.•1r0ni, and trer, varlet, of nlu•nni wmhnu
NEW BOOKS.—lluntholt . .. new IV,.rk,
Connor or nettl." of et Ph. eirol detelipttoo of the
hoymre stretch,. of Mint..., E.Ml.nd rf
the We oh 1 rol. 1.2
ll...rare Fortnum. Thrme are •ell ma/11,.
Fut oule • It. 1101 KIN,
DIU A 1.11., 111111,1ln,
TIIIIII,4IN'S. and Ilarri , nn . • lIL.eI. Ktml, S.-arlot
rartaln• 111 k•
i/ontat.', Faberk, Llrmiknian and I-ganglion'.. Jaeloon,
and klnnnie'a Mark and 10.1 load reiwila.
uludand. of ovary dmeripilout Coheti'%, Pratt',
' .e•.r
‘iT' wsuufature. of Plan
celebrated told Nu, with and other man.
ItFootman'. Eniabh Imaarlng baber — aldblaarlan• dom
ble rb•phant, WM, rolumbler. aup, royal, n.yal and el,
plumb Itrbool Board, cap. derny and nudism.
Perk - mated board. limey lox iwper, plain gold and Filter,
gold, ether plitl fancy colbre,l paper, gold and
t.dored . atri . p , a r tild n;rzre il 111 . 111:;r d fazy ,
i:r. "' ..a .' n , llonnia.c. ' lrenat note imper. alwo on hand. Ili;
moot daMmble et) le, sites awl pattern, gilt, malt...
aultable for ball, partly., wedding,. and
French note eurelom, plain and endgame& letter envel•
op., brown. white and blu: laid and plain ailherlee en
velope, 10. blue and white.
It af.-1, wafer etir. 01.11.113, patt•rpc writing .and: !nailtin. iamia and Turkey Imam.' maid boxe,eopi nig pre.,.,
k.,bruahr, French and 00.11,0 copying book, and oil
naperi paper nr all colon; red mud whin, Pan. , hint
klnF ,11 knit. kr.
The slam, wit), all other artlclem In the altatknery
Nara, fancy and r•Mple, bawdier •Ith a largo nt
blank bruin. and Inemmundnia amok. of all cinnamon forum
in 'trio or binding, and paper of
and qualitler. for *ale at radioed rate.. on the [mot rearon
able term., nl W. S. HAVEN'S
Blank Mink and Stationer, irarelmize., •
nola tkarner klarket and Second atrmd..
6iTAN DI 811, 'PILE YURITAN, It Tale of
CY the ADV.ricall thlred ilraiann, Esq.
1' 1 , 0 ., of dm Reformation of fise Sixteenth Centiim
by J. aferlo d'Aubigna, l'ar.l.l..tit of the Throb,-
School of Genera, and Thar Prendent or tbe Societe
Erangelique. tran.lated by II White, 11. A., Trinity Col.
lege, eambralge.
unllky. 111..nry. Antinultlek, and ningrapby. 11
lamtraml by Poty engrarlng.. Is.. is COllll..
Th.. lfluwo ....kb, for ogle lo 11. C. ST,CIiTON,
Barak r.l ire and Stationer.
trrniwr of Market and Thlnt nta.
/ciUTLINE MAF'S-I , elton'n plend id Out
nne Nato aro ram helot, toar3turod 11 , 0 !h. letting
rJ Itt. '' Zto S te7ht i n n tt i n ' os " lta " Olit.7.,7, " .i ` ;'„, h l7'teLlt:t;
nod sclon4 mat mitten.. to roll nod nantn i ne them.
No. I—Map of thn Wentertt lino:ant:dote.trd Inches.
ilantrrat do do
do North America. :0 a 84
4 .1u l'ol.l Ittatnn, 70 !id .
. • •
p r jo, o f the eerie, with key. VS: or the brat ton Ilrute
with try, $lO.
..I . h . e:e n l d nutpe p arn unrivalled In arrnme . t
NM toll to the wants of the .Y arro 4 l:r7 gra t' or y.
For!doh saed , of the Unitod State,
For lade yricro. without addition of freight
shorr i .at the 1.:I/WAT ,. 1: . /N Al. /OK STORE.
na of Market awl Fourth at.
Morris and Willis's Home Journal
IS p o l o :1) x ;;Le.ry
rear, parab l e
Now York
y. a t T a ear, a rate in
COM/IMMO Or OGrOCT--Offiro of the Honor Journal. No.
107 Yultnn otmt, New York. Derentlwr 24. 107.0.—T0 all
h o . it may ecumern:-Thla may certify Oat J. U. Ilulatra
Udll/y sullimiyed to art am saint f Slounis IVittles
non AMO.. and that all 'voltam given by him in pay
ment Orr MOO yap-rail! be dolYarkoorrhalgtd at
o ilhe. of publltatk•n. and It in osynowly agreed and undeo.
Flood, that all eub,rtptiona Paraldo one 1 , 1., In ad.
vanre The new volume wall commence the Ist old..
ary. Sulerriptloworralved by J. It, Itolmee, Third extol.,
oF . Vg! the e tot " I/Mr:ati L i' l i3 L p ' ;ie tun,
t 4 -14 E LOPES.—Just received, n large
1 oanUty Of boo. hiva sad white En"in.", of all
uowotull sow tirOS at
ic. 11A1,"$, tatkaisry Warebouv.
Coy. Ilfarket and Naned gtreetr
w SONNETS —Murphj , & Burchfield
e.o. open Ulla moaning eaves.] MOM of /411/ *Ups
tg*tel, madding of )Ilalgalttot Zrararnda,
670. Vej i nlrenn,lttoria and Milan, Algeria+ n beatTge. "
Mina Odd, Embroidered du, Amerban Ilaarl, Vandyke.
Pedal and Pesal,lbnalleh ehlp and bondable. Also
)Ibana and eblldren'a Bonnets„of a vadets otaty
•Alea, ance'dor Ek_albb banned, yddn mad oared
bydpdaou lon cent. And 80T....*
uar, cows, nben, CM. Nadi, y,,,bar.,
( ii g INCE the introduction of' this new Con,
AJpoand. Wye. nal tbkla are cured in a very Alm
time. We will warrant tie. Key 2wr's Pectoral Syrup
cult (4114 of Omaha. Cold, Broad:Wl, Lalangitla in le.
"M " 4" rt ...hvaPer rote Mau any o th er tuedlctne eve
tiLw•oved. •
• .
Alollrin, all sicken the stomach end PrWu."' wlon.. ' hfr)
I, More dimuunwahle than the sou -h Welt This is obv:
•IL.I In !ALL mixture. for it IL.•plea•unt soothing articl:
dnd It Bill cure or lA. money Le rrfundest ! The uy
en, In floor of this medicine. In our nit , from Our ...
citisenr should ounr nny
Idea Itnefliesey. Jt to th.
prL,Lcription of • ruuular phsand tn. lan toed b.
hirnln hl• own yr:Loth, for • number Llyetro. • cth th.
tcuet bonne surnt:so.
. . .
1.1) fn. Steubenville write, tba
her ttsughter bad bona afflicted with iwougb and ...rector
lion. night mere.. hectic fev...r.1\13.4 all the distresgint
rtri. ‘n A t j ' et t tl ' i!m na ; r n t e)Vwx‘ s trog i tt " „
ow., who n ' tut with Animas and Chronic Cougl
for right leers hot beets entirely and the coon'
removed br the 11AP of bairn dorro of 1.40..4 of ally Pee
tore! Syrup. A gentleman frt. Peoria. Mimi, write,
that "be luow• the
Syrup to he a gmr-I of be he! toed It in 11. own qv end in the ours of member
of bin family with the twat perfect tIta.T.A.
ir lINC or r. etitrprxr 3ltotem. NOR .01111—ii
forup in half pint lw.ttlet at to rent. earl, or nix bottle.
for 82 :Ai.
Cutargr Itrogragegra• would do well-to topolY
thin medicine int band all lb. live... It I, ono nf the riot
period and ellirarion. lima,
ioa.,t •
for al
nand.. nod did , sge• of the lung. and inrinient I 10, 4 3 04 , 9 6, .
CAUTION EXTRA—Many pendos will try to got you t.
buy tome one of the 'mous nonagon. but no not to
tbetn. If you want to get wall buy 1,... saga Prrtuao
Stall, and notabl e 1-11L1 .111 our, 100. 11 ha. in
novae 01 the
to valuable plants and herbl nettle tuntoria
ntedlen and In
per.on /10111n1 In tbe heal
Inv art. Inert tan be no demotion In
l our.thlftnindi It b
vrepan.d In your own rity. and the proprietor lnnr
eurtllkatea from per:4l:l4 In or own al y. n:L•ding
alucahlo onvertleni which nhown to any tom,
drolrou. of .neing Ilona
AGENT:: W txr” throughout the United Staten In thi.
nuAtrine. Large dilwounte .01 I. mud,. to thus. who all
take an lownwl in the inwJkine. a willlaw., a lar, vma ,
La all agetite.lewl&e. Wirt le•dninn aulfentig hntnanitl
ry', by blacina In their hand., owatent nwwilrin•
!be 1.101,101,..a., the world ha• ever prtelnewd.
For male. wholeeale and mail, I,y ICEYSER t MeDOW
E 1.1... 1411 Wood atrect. Pittaburyh, l'a.. to than.
all lvtter. her ina•nrie••• mmnt,e addrraw.l. (Fie hi.
D. M. Corn. Alli•glwn, ell,: P. Brock,. Jr.. lir, rill,
dam-,. L
iwwaird. Wr,hlnOwi: Julia 11. Iltlehanala Wk.')
George hepwr. blrti.weborz J. D. Vowril • Cannnehure
and by inen-liniite eibi dribr,iete iren,all,.
ELLE RS' LIVER l'lLL—“Tlie very Lash.
131'111 now in Ever'
. .
Mr. It F.. •
tinar inr. I will rt.. S tu ',Ai that It
upon)r, onr.llll nArbsii,x try brit {Nit now
In dn. no n I.ln, HI). an .1 Ix by• Antiit;hon. II 1• tort hlchll toinainnal In not non
WWI" 1..] I. anal l• last atapplantinA all Ober,
I MON xioodi trout ur mn.anod loom the ea
pone:in. i.l motif of friend. awl ruato a nnon.
1 , —I son inotaltint to ihno original loin., hub
ant iu tie v ann.
xrn 11rigitml. unit Tr.. mini
All othen an. countiolrila tinitanon,
. . . . .
l'Unlawrn, 1.,..11..t.t that It. E. Frllt.ts' 1.”..r hilb Yr.
11, urn:lml mml tonl, tru.. nod ete.nuior 140*.r rill. ROI,
tot I. 11/14 31 Neo. (4 W0“1 . of Drugui.a• g..m.
rally 111 1111. two rale., and wink,. la-" 1
ELLERS' LI VER PILLS supervelle all
0t..r.. et,,,rir.4.u. v... e. 3- si , . 1 , 41.—Mr. E. K
P , a. Er , .- Your 1:11. hay. 1..-cns... s.pul,r In .II 011. rt.
t . ''''''' 77:t i :;,- on 4:. °"" ."
... - .
. . . . .
rk4.11.-cl. that IL 11. h,..11,ra' hirer tht
arional atal, mai genuine Litt, MIL 4,1
had at ••• a , tl .thdt.t. um! af Itrugght, gehtdrally
the la.. and hthittitl. JOU
( ` tlK .11)11ti 511'1111AYS FLltt ft 31 skft.7lLslsl
I 7 17.1.itn•1 conets the littnisdiste onto of the Insentnt
ILL s•tal.lislonl for upward, of tinny ykats
skannt lrvparwtlnu L• n , nnotnornis.l In al) 1,4.5 01
3 , 1k11.... 414./11,,,11. itnitt. anti arktol. not mt . ..
o•t, rid s ett•olual Linn •• kith .Itaatt,la mat. and
Ito 1,1 the in slink It onisbk k Iv-, ••s•itiv oil 11.•• prnperties of te 3incursia now In 4T...rat
'i.e. will...tit ?wins, 1.1.1.. like 11. trt toms dancer °. man-n
-um- It the latnela it sllertualir cu Item-flown without
itititrlng etstts of ml.. p.n.s, awl their
corlstitunts ore known In it, It proven. the fosal of infant.
tnruttia no, in all root- it as a pleek•lnt, otneriwnt• and
1. tteentiarit tutanted .%111dtv,
illl4lll/1,, to•tsfl.4 Eliot this volution forms Rol
tilde nontl.ttttlont wiflt urn. acid salt, In camas of avast and
Kruse!. then, onuntstraetina. ttmr twit:Lows tends-wk.
when orlon. ‘ll,lll. 1111.1 estki had lull-sl.
. . . .
From rr Crampton. hart.. riurvr.noihateral to the
Arm) In Irotarot
slr—Therr. ran Isr nn dont.) that Ilo.7.nrr:a may b matntintrrorod mom rafrl, in th• form nt • mneentratord so.
Intis,” tbs. In rutotatx., fur a 1... slat man) other masons.
lam of opinion that the Fluid)•sla rti , ,luable
addttlou to. our M• 41341 MaIin . CILANIFTI a Or."
Jwt nark. :7'l, .1 Cuoper. Dr. 31/4
.luthrt.. and 11,1.. rt MAL.. I,ndou., rtnu•rl , rrrnonnend
urra, F 1, 0 ,1 alogt•afa., tr• bring Intinit•l) morn Fare and
than liAr errh.l. sod In , fr. tn the dAnger attcnd.
Inv w rongsnt no. or arm nr
For W. 1., 11.,ntirator's and proprwtor's aorenta.
It A FAIISE,TiteIi a et)
rail Cm. ticesl 6 Frnnt rtr.
'ON 1 - .% 1N 1 NO Mer'eury, nilr 'other
follovlnu leTtlmott , n l wn. FiTnr. thr
e l .c.bruted lir It Bench. the author of mech.
work entlllot - The American Prentice of. Nl...Heine vol
/will!, Ph, Tinian
male ant unlnted with the Inerrlllont,
hI l no, .w tle.tllioter , ..0141caling. Olottnent. an/ h..
no pr....rrlbed an.l 141.4 It it. eareral man. In my private
praTticT. I h. ho.u.atnin In ..1111ot certifying that
it I. euetable rontalrung no mineral ruletanc.
Tana,: that it, numlnorTl thrr nee. trld
I r.+l/4/ tho propriTtor. rue not nly hamahat
hut of s truly neientlf.c Ilesinly of gloat
nal I ehnerfully mconsenend It no a compound
atuch ha. dune mud. and whoa atlarrted to the
can of a caat Tarat, of Though I hale unser
other [ tried or enexent In the Tau. of aurrt
Tuna Taant for the trail, honest. connclentinu, human.
charactne of the protulctur.4 ..... tinent. and the value
of hr. 4...0...ry.0h11, use t, ray thu. much rematling iL
Fork. April r.t.1.4f. • W
111.0.-11.n.r•Rocipt rrr ...r1) err.
rev, trl• 4frlr,
1,1 rear,. Clrrnt. earl all kind. of
. . . .
If Ts and Num-. Itnsw Its 'slip. In ca.,* a:Iwo:14 rs
the, v.-144 d,, s •t•PIS • Itlsstehr.....-
if u.. 1 uss.ellul. to ...11r. , 11./nt It 01, rslo-f in • ~ry test
Ar , u ta.l the 1,01 .an .tirretfnn for aqua Mc.%Diner',
~ tntfortti f,r frrofuLa. romp:amt. Iff,•i,ll,4.lrtter.
Sort E))... 4.1111,. P. , 11. Throat.
I , roorlsit.s. the Spin,
tube. Porn, Coma. all of lA. Skin.
Nun,. . t•••11tng of Lout... aoro.. Itta.urna
ttfla Ifr.saft
There na• nater. perlsat.. • al...itatne Idhua Lefraa. the
that ha... tat thnat tlnte won tunta a'Tht.... tn.
ttc.teniter • ANAL-Alm: ur orld tt , alve. Alunat evert
tier.. that haa math , trial of It opeaks warmly In It. pritine
In.. b. barn rum! hr tt Id the 111 , .1 iuful risrumatnro,
another of the nth-, a thin? of a trnuldeantne halo In thi • thtzdth of a awaiting In the nabs. itr lilt d 0... not
"`" - it """"'".
a- a:natter ettleure ;ditto aronderfitt Mt.. , Pr . .-
vacal In tin..l, tie Ittlnnin the tnnln,. aernnentc.
Inint tr..pretat inticennt Matilener---ch tonnttop. In dna
Meter Ritter 1 c:—l dieter in Inform teat i niat
entire', curet .4 a ie. ere min, in the luck. be the un ,
log rah, which I yalrehaeril from
.on 1 Ruffen , ' with for nit twenty yeark mnlat night
unable in oh,'" 'ninny that time l tined "ilium
rentelay. •1111 h were mem-rite,' het me by ph, eunane and
r Nirnme. • Klima Meshing an, Trial" Kiel at lart
mate 'eta' or thi• ulye. attli • natitt fleurnble be, find et
tatinn. lam rent entirely (my. tenni the pain. alai en) ,
night • bearer.' ain't evert el. en I haveyain, need the
eaten saner fur faith win' and nth. r contplainti, with !011ie"
happy nyultr. %nu* (natal I.wl kli w[ tnl
J.OIES MeA1.1.1:1'1,1: •-'
nentinett( l y of the tinellettie
A. I•1Ln•-t . .:4
L . ,
IS nml Viral ..; m Jack.n.
L. %Alio.. ,r, ,, urn. 4.11 klarkrt ana the
mrm.r of Fount' Awl SmtIVALI
ner ,J 5 Walnut re .1 Iron
_ll.l :rl.l 21 , lAr
that aldire ,mtthf elil Lurl.r
In Alla,lan, rity. by II P ,hwarla read J
by J II S tl., dragnst. flirmanamm N,lr, FaAt
labrelk: II Ffraland„, n..
lle.arnrn .1 alr small, S•re. flan
nnnaarla . 'l3 /Layman 1 fn., and T.
imw arciltr, J.. hn 11 rklrl . Braver. Pa,. Julio Walkrr.f,
Eltautoth.. d In. Inaarr. 1.11.J11
4%, hen Ow man who .1..0 Ina •;an , luau,
, an raey abate: If any lbr, wr at, fat rin,. mar
Than. not In all oth,.. wt. if ~,n 1.,
render .harina a plraeurr,Mafrbaar Isa Jlll,l ilotcrn
Alm of 'kabala, v Aml.natal Sl.a s Cron., It k. ut.
onnarraabl. , red I+t J.... Cm It
st. of a
-aim ha. tt La .haring onlinam
awn maklng Ina! of II,!. far t his plraoasrat Ilmr. It In rult/lik
nadao of wander. iration. and
1'1.1:+.1,S I 1.114:1:8 adm
Slid VINO CRl:alf 1. pamrdlualr
Ili t 4, Ara 1{ tLr atln,t and my-I will br a ad onfl
nod fnalok. n.ln , hna analrable aal by 11, ra
Irrtarly 11 1 .1 nature allay in,th. irritation. and
amdro.ani and allll Ihr altlrb
oneu ra,..nenma aftrr .haalux
o.nllrmen Jul, I 'm
men may
n a y, nntring Inda Innardma l%
u4r. •itlant tn. alai braannaz r10ar,..1. ml I h a
an. rani, lay . an) olio
anat advanLaar—arlarli will br
Ir.! by thaw. who wrar •biskrr.- the tan lint it wa .1 ma
.11-rolnr branl. whirl m al all log a. rand,
rl, ajn.wraurt In ..I, at 10 a
Jo fu b...llolml , Itarltm erra an tHigli MI pat Arallana.
nanoanmlr.l with .kill. la Ilse an, earlu•i,al
mlronad In rl.l.lootiro op.'rano. of :hating
..1 r
by all oh.. make Itial el It.. a.
Y J I 01.1.1: , HAVEL. ryth.4 CLamlal,
Pal l'hernut
v a r wh.d.lale and renal, br II A. Val, nrouna ,t
and 1 , e.11,... Pitnbur,la pad Jahn ,a rnmn, 11141 J.
lila-1,11. All...away env.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
131.ittLi AI"fENTItIN is respectfully in
soa to tho Mllowitot tort/ • in Mae... to
one cf the moo Important rrm. , ,li•A or ml time"!
till ROCK ink it ta t d athan oar
years,. since thin grunt remedy ,
WAS hr our 4 llt Lean the
public, Mr the 001101 and rum of a
to twat, haw, alma ul.n, lmormne fully r 4 ,orryi n ,
outounit,r. and we ails •o that lite to 0,0., n L• lrletl the
non. venal. will Ita great fan... spinal, It n m the
ir of a day. got np far the Ade vurpfi , or moan, t money;
Mit. ono. Aft.l, we contrite, will root' on .to ~„.„Iwhen
all othrr mammy hare bean forgot. The Petrulcom Is
N o , oro i Ilemrdy, etal,rated In lb d A " epth., of the .arch
hr o power and agency that laugh I to a:orttell human
m,mpetlhon. It la our duty, when rro write about a unull.
eine. that we write the truth—tho oar norhmo ro k o ,
hord to derolv,• lima. who may tit ed our wont or put eon.-
den, in ou statement,. The alt' r are re, opt It, catch nt
try thing nod proton...ldiot hunt alma.. A story ran
hardly Ins too highly wrought It ...rt... the orooor or , o nb
int; ur htimhuuutun setae of! hem. No, we do not &Are
to do thi.,• wu re th troth In Motion la
out nonedy nb o ould 1.” told. in order t o
Avon, for It n repo.
tattoo to excuudlnfl am 'I ogle article In the materia uoil.
a. Main our art,t.bAl ft rt.—rm. 4 that may heau.ertaino4
In our .ley and nrinlila.e.,o,d, bar &mph' hottmon, In hs.
Tor or the ',Angela.,
hsithin the rasa tar. of our
who were totaill bind- have been nadored - tosight. Ser.
m ea.oe ,, of blind, In the blot, of Ohio. have been
of a gentkumii in Bearer. vomit y.
There are ,dhere. halt these ace 'maw near home, and euol
lw referred to id a I.rione who hare dont. en the nun.
prt, Tin,' cares were etin‘l atter they had been abandon
ed 10 phydrians hoprlea.. Thr Petrvieuni , •11l
nerd twnor ling to dirwetion.—Glerrlnra. DysenterY.
mAlent,NeuralitM, Erninaon the Skin,
on the tare. Chrtene note E'er. Itlngwonn. Totter,
Brald ne in the honer and point,. odd ..oms,
Wens. Ague. C hrmile Conghs. Agti. tn.,. Itronehlthi. end all
Pulmonary atieetb.n. of • rhivole ,mture. tending to pm
duo. Conant:l - Aglow
Worn. and Seakl‘ dieesaes of the Illad.ler and Kidney.,
Chapped Postal, Excoriated Milo, Own. nod Duni..
fact. It ia • naLAT Van C. 41. 10.110. T. aref btu been trirEL
inn d nf the n di-eaaw within the past ht
with the
most perk, surress, Certificate:. that aid astonish are it%
the hands of the proprietor. who will take pleaeure alma ,
i n
tin. to the eluded or . their Mond,
Whatever others may ray about their niedk the
Petroleum. the greateit Remedy of the all4o. PhrAICIAM
of high atandini: in Mu profetwion art beginning to we It
in their praetiee. Thu.- alto at brat looked on with doubt
and 1111reTIAltity, ntv willing to INWZIq it one 'gab. and
cotolderation. Before another year wale Mobil. all will to
coninellot to acknowledge that the Pt troleuni is the great
eat medicine ever illwrnen.l. For Yale. wholesale and re
nd], by KEYSER .t MclllaW ELL 140 %food PL
Anic,—.R. E. holier, ill It s oral str, et: !if. Corry
Elliott. Jteaph ikuglas, Allegheny I:7if Alta, by 1.6 pm.
Prielor, KIEIL Canal litutin. t,rentli street Pala.
bu i ril4, and It. A Fahnesnwk tt. en.. Wood and Front its
Winter Clothing at B. minced Prices,
T W3l. DIGBY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
Rot, No. M. Litcrty stn et.
t r o ri a 7 ,,r t . ;, f o tt i lo t above ertpl tria
iFrnt Arlir de
rr et.
Montle ratriol:p=hrtne o
clan,has determined to oiler thorn ' at:lure-1y redne4 ,l
Prite • fur ...h. All liar... who woad grad. hohlonable and
well made Clothing. • 11l Gad It p rrotl3 to thrlr tidvanutge
to favor him with • tall.. crent barc..dmi will be orteml.
New Books Jruit Received
A LTON LOCK E, Tailor and Poet; an tilde.
trlapb.r.:l Totor tbroo. min
nd for orr*onr of Lott ""
lel lot ben,
ed arcortnitot with • nnrouou ' of rbt ' neat< nett Boum
of Reptnentallym of the Stab of 113obl,:an. By In May
be, A.ll, lota supermarodent of legate lostronlott. t vol
12mo, mut.
AbbaCe Nor Book—flinary of Widen:le Roland, by Jobs
S. C. Abbott. yin coat...len unLbratwin the lamer
'Glam. of BSA popular tarturleel aerie, Bat rate ly
tall R. HOSKIN/1.7a Afollo 6aildlppt, jolrrib rt
me prepared turn the Isnot ass Blount of them
!p ly &wen, pow °Beni le Wit taarket, - ned of the latest
and most sevestat arto sad worm, e.bieb are comet
Into the imparter. sad mat sneared feeterin le the
Cub. Call item emit Muslims. No r 11.11rotath. pt.
New Music.
1-4 RANI) POLKA DE CON- tt - 11 - 4
ontr., Frauleio 3.t0-
A 1... a great lariety of new nanpeeltions Gy tho ntrie
And all the late noPuler bp.," by Lb,. esstem
anUtkhen,retvired SIM far rale bv
• 1. te)R.
Aput fur Chle J. ke l rin lE.l. s Platnw. -
rocba SI Woo-tt
vEwMUSIC-11'bere are the friends of
toy Tooth: by O. Parker
I,...:Zumrthing tweet to tell lone •
The Robin.
Vou thinking o'er the Pay. dlarT.
dly New England Unto, a new eon,. dedicated to the
Labe. of New Lupien, •
310-1 Love 10 far Away.
Oh, ntebt me un the.3tlver shore.
d Ntgl!L
Me Homes on the Prairie Loy—Woodhull'.
to b C. roster.
I've Ott in y .Vatlve belay, by 0. Parker.
The epirit Dove.
10. hi. hi: the Black Shakers' Song and Polka.
Would were with there--for Guitar.
In Adieux. On Dort.. •
'An *sten:deo Aollmtlen of new Polkas. Waltzes. Card.
"n ,
Alvo new Fupply of .New Carmine Forr!." Pontine
Landis. aud an excellent new work. called the •'Melodist.
e o lleeti.,nof ppular and 'oriel mug, ddrt . Pfdtir d wi
eml on add .
10-111. Cal 11. u . Webb and W. 3112.11114—iCrK11.. o f
the beet works ever publ.bed.
febll harp. No-del Third " 1-
. _
IVni. M. Thackarey and the Queen , Neeklace. IT
end liDtery of the Court of Innis Sixteenth. 01 .v
-shod.r Iluntag. haveb , en reed. and for sale at 110LIIL
Luerary Depot-No. Ir 4 MIN r 1 febld
bushels Dried Apples. for sale liv
5 01.1 fel,il • J. :A. DII.WORTII ed..
wanted iro da lAntse work. 'Apply
st odlre. feb•-I
A ILD-4 kegs for sale by
II A fob= ' lIOIIIOON. LiTTLE it CO.
TUiIACCO-40 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by .
dletill.L3 11011.
It'f AIN CIIIN'I7, of differ
sItOM'S FLANNELS, it DomesllieArtiele:
01.0 tin.-n, end 315.--aiine blue, to
end at the rd., of
fehd NIVRPIIT 0.11(3 clump.
) I It tI , N . f . , : f pl9 .. for .
L Y",
')ALAI OIL:—Inn0, or solo by
vue b 4 3111.1.1-05 d. RIC • FT3ON.
A 1L:11 I LET WI N E—l 4 hhdn. Du eltOS;
tuch4 3111.1A:11d RICK IMON.
• _
R INut Saturn,. Si lue:
• 20 -in by
mrh , MILLER a ?ACRE - I:ft/N.
ER' BOOKS—Andrew's Latin English
1 I.mimu. ny Animas, L. L. D. Ithyal 8
Th.. 1,4,,aul World ..f 4.1 the By M., Rep, CA,-
12 . 1 ". nnr ,
ri... 11 uatrit Py tirmti , A,,uilar: 2 role 12 run
mu, pi,: By the author of Huila
uf itam.r Quinn By 8., John T. Wright
Junamt /or salt I.y R. HOPKINS.
01.1 ;a , Aspullo Buildluga
INSEEII Mils just received, pure
IA Country and Or Ws b
r. y •
bg et:met
I..itok Dried Peaches, for sale by
el% 1 , 4,21 .1. S DimvonTil • co.
LOI'IIES' PINS- --In eases Eastern, for
I asi. L. OhO, .1. D. WILMA SIB aAI
11. 310LASSES-2A lade, 13 half do,
a !SAW,' round. from stns Embirr State, for
lu D----651.1 pigs soft Galena, for sale
S UNIMILS— . 7 „ .
00 „ H11,1
n Feathers; W.;
in inn brand W. as:, •
40 1.44 In, 11..1-rim..:
has prime;
MA.. Alum: In Ann. and Or Ws by
1:111,1% II.4.I7IIEWSACV.
B ATTING-1 ; , hales
m. JO and l'cr 1.112H6Y & lar g".
64 , 24 Wt. 1.1. mod &runt st&
Iv ci 11. tlNlSH T: gr t lagbr
d I SHELLAC lb . s for sale be
ti 1,1.= J. KIDD &IN).
p ipEit CORKS-2 bales for sale 1w
°LASSES-75 bids New °Henn.;
IVJL .Io [ln.,
du lidden Syrup. for min try
S L . l. A It— i4lltiltis prime N. Orleans;
ro.a..ortrd but
10 do Crunt,,l and rulTrrizrd, for eel,
.1. U. WILLIA3IS 1 . CO.
lola/ corner of Wood and Fllll2 sta.
11EV01.11:1::5---iirstreceiv<KI. an addition
-11 211 .upply KeraliCe Coln. I,volvvr2v 01.0 Allevis
5.1)11 IV. W. IVILIzON'
00 rcsrEi, OIL-20 casks Linseed Oil,
.r.ll for .nl.. 1,
libl, No. 1. Lard, reed and for
I mnr 0.0 N. lIARDAVGII.
OLrs.eL DU TT ER —lO 1)1.1s. fregli Stoll Butter
10. d and fin. r•ls
m-ho S t F. HARBAUGII.
LixsEE,, bbl., for tale by
frl,ll c A W. IIAILOAT:G11.
dozen, for gale by
1D r.•ola
lIRIED APPLES -4A. @acks received and
99 f. ..alt mar 11 C. .t W. lIARBAVIII.
Bitia ,- ram ,l .4, casks sugar cured, fur
..alr r, rA.TI 01 it IV. HAIM/a:GM.
IVl , 'l/OiGLAl:tll2(h,oed
~rony s i.o,os
,W.i t rn mz .
LABB--55 hble, and 100 koge No. 1, fur
1....1, r, 1,011 5... k W. ITAftIIAVOIL
(' , LOVER SEED-55 bid prime Ohio, fur
Nj nate be feLll $ . 00 MAILIUGUIL
iliAll—Jso brls N. C. Tar for sale by • •
~.n. mammon a 1 AnTRAM
-I..rior qualitf, for to to be Dad at th e store•
Mool.lls wear.
3,50 . N. FL en, Fourth and Market eta
. .
. 4 ‘ . 1 NE GAUZE L ANNELS- 31urphy
Hart-114. , ..1 ha. e cn hand an amortment of above Reds
41',.1.1t. and Valestic dcr. x4O. WaieFlannla
_7 31urph? < Burehtehl to,nnw c.prcial attention no the
al, re der:tr. - I,W a arpl 'write persons
n, tHnr h.,,1" any drwriptrna to give them a rail before
I• 18
E 011 ;E , Da. MCLANE's retain - wren.
V ..10 far mslr by J. KIDD L - CO.
rd ,
• • to lVond it
. .
. .
.1.. gr.... S J KtDp
1A L (I.S,KK S-1.500 gross fin vide by
,:,t. J. KIDD d CO
11 StiE-2 eases fine, and 1 hale extra
1..70Par, for otli• by LOS .1. KIDD AI CO
PSOM SA 1 : I'S--ISPuriel!, by
N S-I , i Barrels Family FlOur;
1.12.5 .11,..rtne Floor. 1. , t , brIF Coe dix ;41 bw4)wl, Dry
A iv., 1 1,1 Juo 1...,..1v.0.Jahl for tab. br
"10,11 .111/IN WATt At co
The Old Printing. Establishment,
g ATI.; Johnst,,,, u q d Blank
EA wnd I% %rebottle.
11.1 VEN prepared ttn•neco.• very .10e c.f Legwl,
Cannnonnal. Canal. Ittiti SI•111r1 Iklnt Job Vrti2t.lng and 1.14.0 k
I:ll4Jing: end ftirui-h elrry in .13 , w0k.
M, t. and Stxtioner, Hue. wt the khortrAt notim, end coo
the :nowt mnmainble ton..
1•001.usc mar. and Ilook RiedarY. .No. 30 Tblrd at Jag
I V haft pi,. Colllll.l. Brandy...rale and Bark..
a or. do du vinra.
lo do. and rutrd nd..tratnlbrand..
010...13n151111, Ancliar" and
‘.unch..6o. Irvb and 31011 ‘1111.4,..
.10 dansalm Her,
111 lad.. N. E. do. do.
Jnk., l'firt
• lladrin
0.0, to Sur. Slalura Winn. •
do IN, Jo. du.
In do churl
11.11.} Flordeaux (UM.
In storr and for rale by JOHN PARKER t CO..
jenl 331 [alert, otr..t.
ir no.l rims Prell• 0,0 tho Ex ti aqA
hooßht ond 'old. "'mt. Shook , . to,'
od ou thr mott rnoorable.
E. ARNOLD 2 Ll)..
No. !'north ntreet.
aliention of inerrhanta and ut.borm to 14 large and
1 a•tdorl,l itnek of 11,,Iery, (limes, Under SIAM, and
Drawrrs. aboTo ankle.. to Silk. ITwL Merin, NW
cotton, of all I , itra tll4 nekr, comtantly on hand and for
vale low LI E. II.LATOS.
I OLD PENS. W., he, av now on !mud a
N_X•lnry Mork of the 1/old 14. fioin lb. leading
manufactori., to pert York. and land , . exi.rnioir to ordrr.
Also. eleraut Odd Pencil Crows and IN.relloldrr.. zither
Cam. invarlet). I , n-opme Pon Ikldero; Pearl do.
All rho .ale anol r..tall at New look nrleve.
li.ll .1r ILSON.
rket mlnst, l'ittst.nrah. Exchan.:o an all the Emtern
and cltiP, , for .ate. 11.‘,11. , etiotte made In all the
principal p' ane a th.
Nate. on a t l .Ireut Banta
Not., awl Time I , lli. n..g.tiated• .1a1.4
- _
DUBBED PASTE. 4 gross of - that
ruperh artialt. for b... shnra. rriukring trf.e
-kllly wri.r• pro , :f. and plial.le a• a piet-e. f rio th. Thlg
article. rearrant..ttn an.Wer the pnrt.o• reTrexented itr
the mnney tar +ale whol...ale and retail. 7
.1. t 11. P1L11.1.11.d.
rrEA American Briton.
nLiT r pn Set, 1120,1 oln Plated fla•ket, Candlestick,
Stiulfriv and Tra... nu, quality Ivory [W
ane. Ilstalk Tat+, tVrk, Fpouu, and
t , r Han". and , iceman t!llrer Forks and spoon;
Table , lata: 1.. a ft tine Ilirmingtiain manufacture,
Llnhly ornanuntml: Pls.! fr.,. beantlfol patterns.
A Vr,Plarrefinr ihard,r for rleanlug and Plated
• Ora. h. , • • fir cl,aninc. Chamois akin;}'rather
I4Alor, kr.
nefon Ilsenranao--Soyer's celebrstml Magic Kitchen,
about the ..tro ors hat, w4ieb will make coffee. cook beef
monk, nr any thin.' el. Ina ran minutes.
For wb hl W. W. WILKIN.
Coe. 11ark.tand Fourth Ma
brr.ll:inver ;Fed, prlmr,
kW, hinans,
2 , X.1 brl. M0t0..., mime coomrag.l •
15 brli 801 l
bus Oata
brill Timothy' E...<1; on haml and foi .ole - hyr
11110W.N KillKeATlilea.
j.ll 111 Lltwaty garret
hundred and fifty prs Ltrue sired Bed Blankets.
el pairs Crib Blankets, superior millet,
200 do 2t.eam Boat Illankela, ribbon tons&
13) do Gray floating Blankets. heart.
lin do Drab do •do do
10 413 11100 do do do
CIMS Black Blanket cloth, do
1 do boo. Grey blood, -do
3 do superior Black French Broadcloth.
3 o all wool Tweeds. assorted colors.
C d o Jettruo shunted colons.
2 do l'aesinisers. black and Wier bolo..
t tbstlnetts, black and pry mtool. '
it do White Twilled yard wide.
- 4 do Qua blond do do
The above decribed.gunds are all on condgetesent. Donn
larlom manuhatoserkeast and wind, and lb salt as
IlbStal tams to tJto Mar. ai poonftro' prim.
...theft aft naaa (hitgs in Irmo. n uei earth,
. t rt mar/table reme
dr, M*. constant soalleatton toe,. t o the promit
etor. boa Induotd him to Lave It put up to Lade.•lth Ist
Lela and din etiov.. for the Imucht td tt. tn d,.
1..k."rimu.L.41 la on.rueed m a a..,1 In WA crown
ty at a depth of four hundred f.rn. I. raz • tt r t ,„i t yli„ .ta
teith,ot cherate.-LcLo tat . Lot rust sr 11
Omer from N tan re Great' Latratom 1 tat it oonnune
propeftwa rearheon 1311233 ueseer. rnu Leger a
mat. r uncertaiut). Th eta ant tam, tl tog,. tai the ar.
cam of rattle. wineh , if kno w n. coal:[ I, ot eaq
alfteiatioa eufttrina• nee. the biers ot
healthand error to mono a tufnecr . Inc.
prletor of putting it pain Wale.. Leda n pota
tion fur the carrot' th..t Th.:. t n1:11:11T /11.:Tria
ring cells for It and v. rat ternarkabte rue, n hut per
famed. t a .are itatteatton f lo- futnre ,auta t ,ty
. te ' ST. " :l ' . , :r. ' it:ot " : , . l :. " . ' T
p are evetrelour flour then/mimic, eln rent. weft Its way
Into the Later of thore who FON•r mud web to le healed:
hflrt ct do D. claim rtt a 111111:: r-1 , loat. t m r „.,
ery dlas. ni...allow' ree that to numb, a
S onia
I.lltosees it ia tinnealled Amon . throe may be
coon s
dlrcaurr of the loon tm, Udi
CLLUONIC PILONCIII7IS. CoNoL311 • 1 It (in Ile early
te-age.) ArTIIII 4. end ail ,Ihtearea of tt teoug t n. 1.11.
CONLOLAINT. DI t‘PLP , I 4. 1 w e t . ,D I ttameer rf
Bladder and Rhine), tone In toe P or "Ale. Nemo
Diemen. Neuralgia. Pathr. I:hetre am I Duna .tient.
.o r E
e 1... Tett,. hinge -oral, Iturn, `odd.. Prt....s. Uhl oa,
/Lc to In cam. dt tatty. n front or
long aml protracted cane, of drawn. this zwor.ltet.
bring relief It 1.011 nit to. a general Tirslr rat ALTER
ATIIY. In an& care. linpartlog toneunt energy to the
andframe, sesuntso, or. MI,: tlin runagrWW
twaetlows, whiph ‘ll and brut u netuntution
and trimin; Inermared and tone ew energy to Al tlle
of la. ornament/. Enna, of unroof coma or PILIII
that neleted evert - other treatment, get wed under the ow
of the PLTHOLEI33I for a short. time Tin' anal cm int
given to MY lArt:On Who: &furs It
Wone genuine without the Mg - nature of the proprietor
Sold by tit. SrOOtletOr.
I KIER, Canal (win. near P. 1 1 etreet.
Ahn. Dr It. E. ht LI.P.HS. 57 11 tot et
fiNTSE.II. 3.11/01C1.L4
corner Waal rtrett
lm - ht Alley. who aro
hit rwularly ampatp,l aiP
Ir Now all men who are siek and affli c t e d
v with diream or the Itimbler and tildrepc with limn.
msue palms 113 bark or limit, stiff muita obi at, running
Wren, te. 3 that they eau be eared by lakine_ttie-.PETIVI)-
LEU3I. lout ay talk about its bill', no -tram
you pleas, but (hie glom Mt mote It ors Melte prorlatm.
the Mee or an boneet ennunuaity, that it bm virtue,.
which am Oct nmtanuel in any other manly. The man
who is rarke.l with In. and autf..eine from diem, ran,
fur m ats, get miler rem. any or the 111, enumeninel
header! It cola very little to make a trial. 76i. 14iro
oly " ; —" Lrtt n uT. l" l:!;t l ir ," : t e ' .l *
V,PI7; iteniZte U r ' .trod of nature, roil
6110011 a of our tuother.carth. in Da original pacer. and gr.
km to euffoting humanity a rt.., ly iLaalvily. a certain ant•
C n.
It Ka cured riles. aft, other tuediriner hale Wird to
r,.o4er any relief'. It has r und itheutuathoo, of lonir
at.dlng. mul of the worst and mewl painful eharneler- It
10... eared Cholora Mori., by one or two 4er..x. It has
aural oIA ram. Dlarrhas. In whieh .eery - nth, .etonly
ban loon of 00 avail. fix local bum nod
scalklm. It is In.lter than an y tutatind c"lntontuk or oluttnent
1140100 know of. It will cur, chilhlaion and fru.d...l Pet,
In a It , . application, - un,loubled tlntottY can turnlali
ed of the truth efail]iatal In the utg , re rtatentent,
in, on NA 31Utd. 51. lalllll. Canal /twin. t . te,ntlt strre or
either at the 0,11110.
Keyser A' McDowell. cvrtu, :dr.r.t and Virgin
alkyl 11.13. Pellers..s7 Ilona etrect D. A. E.111,t, and D. M.
curry. Allegheny city. am tip. agent..
by attradrd the 5101ITI31EIVS IIIIEUMAT
• COMPOUND AND CI.ODD PUI: IFIER, in vileetuallv
Lutog the ,o,verrft and 10D4t Invot,rah• root of JNFLAAt,
.11OltY CLILONIU I:IILUMATI,. , 3I. to A MSltscii.sit
ituarnoter and moommemLotion to halo, oil h0t..., atilic-
Ltd with t ie drefulla I diva. to try 0., virtu,.
Ilurirodt , of cm it.,. muny of tbem , :tiltilrp. , ft. Ihrottl.
-artil other* from alaccul, hove he'll cur"' trltiths the lost
to month. in the <RI - of St. Lool., alone. vrh:le. htter, [row
It la Irrtorudvg Ilia rome
',ten • urea of lung
ding, sod all ho` of rrt,,arry ho of there rrrm d
• b , .en
WWI,. °there o err of MO, rwrut dote, of Oho orate Innate.
tdatory form.
v, re. AO, however. yt,:1,1 to Melton.
drrfol oirtuert or tbi. and tloohooolt oho have
mtdiard beortita. and am now m the toporment of hcalth
rbut va or m
of t..nt
onhiod the orhtitm.l. tlimovrmr and proprietor, a.
, . . . .
It in well known from the ea re of the put. Matra,
mtlirard application ea tmoneihiy kn., a permanent rub.
of thin dreadfni dihenee. the pPlieation ikfidimulating
!inborn , . jurtisl teller. in sox.env, :nay obtatund
for • short time. •Itut ail the while this dicer.. l he e
!Wow its
wrant , Wpm permanently in the system. and sooner or later
11l awartiderelnpe itult Lu a more drbalful Car a. and alter
• few writ:anal returns. It settiea intoß chnanin fob..
which. if not nnnn arrented. ruin, the individual for
Thin b baited by the hlwlnry of the pact in all rountriw
and more fully demonntrated by the his fumbled o
lat e to thipmnprietor of fhb+ compound,. wiren serer. I
n once rdn of thrice wh. ha. p.vebt under his iminedtate
n and treatntent dwrinc the bi.t menthe. _
• -
. .
.llORTfltElrff RILL 10IATIC tffidlPtilTh 11 and BLOOD
PURIY1.1:11 ie Interned remo.—cotanteuees its opera
tions where th, .
dhows. first nrieltiata, end In outbid.;
the bk., pules through the whole evident. neutralises , the
impure or ea tic sedlecent. which ho. upon the
thlicaneo, musele.e end teudenc—remeirex it entirely from
e system. sad the Individual In N. , . health.
Lt those who are alff iced not deecire thankless arid
out off the tine of Ltd, medicine tio long. or until their
limb.. dish:stated or .ntrectxd to xurh a degree that
they are erimplei.tio life. The extierieuee of hundreds of
thousands the pa. ax ea a multitude at the
pnwent day.ffccuoustrabo the fatly a expectln4 Tom.-
vent retie! fn. external application..
The nroutietor of this raluahle medicine knew. from ex
perience, that no outward application X. possibly effect .
yorm.ent cure where this disease is firmly fixed In the
system. Ire can and de. prepare and apply ember...
bon in eery acute eases. whiett will cite relief in oriel:toot's
time. hid this will ant effect • yermaneut cure. The na
ture of this diseape such that regulree ltinxertime, and
an internal remedy, to produce the desired eller, and Jter
timere's Ithenniatte Compound end blood Puriffer in tha
only remedy th chess veer been dlsroterrd, either in
Nis disease.
Asnerlea or any country. that will effectually en.
Th . ler an Ir 11,1, irbol,sle or ',gall. 'at IS'. 73
MIN rant, nrzt 10 the PIA
Also for oak in,th. In 11. Smrser, Wen. Thorp.
J. U. Slnnan. 1 IVieker.ham. and J. A. Jones.
Prier f. 5 per bran.: dr Muth for $214 nr $1.5 per dozen.
Pamphlets earl to , bed =art , or to. 11.21q1 L
nonfood ' IL LI. WiSLIAIIT. Agent.
—Da Jetta: Ito.. the disenferer and vole proprietor
iece rood popular nod benefuud modiclort. mid deo
MP ancestor of the oelebrand instromeut for Infedliwo th•
Lunge. In eil,tior a cure of Chmitic eliezeacc, was • eta.
dent of that eminent phosieLin. Doctor Physic. and is
angluate of the Creirersito of Portneylrania.and for thirty
ear , has tau. ..4 - .4 , Q the orecellgatiort of
exec, and the amdiration remolio , throne,.
Though the use of his iodating tube, inevuncetion with
his Prophylactic Syrut and other of los moodier, he has
gained an unparallelel eminence in .I.llla thecae dreedful
and fatrJnothalic, Tubercular Coneuniption, Cancers
Scrofula. Iliteumatlem. Asthma, fever end .opue. Fevers*
all kinds. Chrome Ery 1 , 4.4.1^ and di those obellnate
OLP, peculieu- tri female, ludeed. every nem of therein.
vaniehee ueder the to. of his reundies. to whirls human'.
to La hotr—trot by the mu id one compound only, for that
inomeradible with Phodological hr the um of
his remedies. adapted to, mud prescribed for, each peculiar
forth of dime., .
bil=Tonic allorath PtII wh I -
i7WILTiaI In nra,n,"'as ar - in
tire or ham pill. Insomuch 5. the lo re °‘ the laniela ri pe:- fme from mativenerg as aloe lii, coon Ptila nor ad
mituai, by the faculty, to proem vanillin. properting adap
ted to female dioramg bill be 1g eatiofird that a bare. trial •
to aufEident m catabliTh what boa loon paid, In tbe
the moat aker.ical. •
an ti Th e kto ore inti4d to call upon the igen; nod pro
cure larasi ono Of the Igetnea panophlrto.giring a detail
ed amount of mieb niturdr. aitito application.
For rate Er tbe following agefte, as well se by Man drug.
gists throunhout the ministimi
J. Sehignalakor l C0..114 Wood rt.. Pittsburgh.
3, M. Tognmlidabruggiati 4S Market at.,
1,,,t. - Bael.hinia.•Drugidet. near the Port °aim Allogbo
nr city.
Jcimph Itszkley, Darlingten. Dearer county. Pa.
JohnEnnotr caalller.
T. Adam. Beater,
VCR THE AFFLICTED will be found in
Dr. Dewitt C. Hollinger'. IN FALLIIILE LINIMENT.
)Igoe fluid. which Imighg. , l the of aunty yearn ea
perierase. and hrg..14.30nd a doubt. been the tro-nrgyor mim
ing the linen of thrai.arqg In•II•kluala. let clnulrt the
risen and charsgh.r ..1 aggs..... We 11,1 that Lagar] no.
thing in gaying that thin Ir fluty wed/rine that hag bevn
offered to the 04 that tb,g, In once; e•goNeut the word,
• bat It ig gr , l4 for.
It hag eared. alsl Igrapahle of curing Inure dlgesors thin
any other median...T.l,l aale, lc...ltrt. not by wham
made or gold. or by shut haze.
As •stronzar.droprintang prt...t lb. 'may
that It UM only artiel.. tluth., aNwer../1 lu the form 4,f
srt pat
rale, or 11,41 L., any or
711 a How 3lcews 11. Ileatol/. late M. C. 'rho Moo. Rohl.
I.lortia. hitoe Mayor. Ihni. John N. LW, late U. S.
t. Yeua-
TiWilliam H. I,litor of th e setrit of tha
mex alai a hurt 14 vtlow doMnwahlol.l ritizema of
- York, who hay. fully trawl itA Wont, hay.. iwymittml the
I.Mmictor to refer to than. '
As it Is lennwn
that Patent Medicine. ax not Renter.
n ll 7 badroolatal by the framed. wealthy and polite circles.
we hate unilouhtedly a tinht m Oil ouraelte..l.lslos
Henn]. 71,1, It i.uder aniiiine Compound has - been nearly
sewn years before the public,. Its 1.4 friend. are nay Its
strongest and test. Thin tooet undouldedly rtronu and
convincing. intior of Its reneral awfulue,i and iranatl‘e
qualities. It if , a autexign remedy tor all nervous
heumatic rai scrofula,. •prnins., old
sax...and all the ns.
pa.lte, and ashes-that reah Is heir h..
Met l,taitl,l3l)o Isaties hare let sold without e+uunlitint.
and hate perfected nuell astoninh cure, after all Other
rcructlles have failed, SA would Hal.mer belief. had IVP nut
offend. and In our rooculon. the stnntgest poseible
This medirinw r or teen... remedy. Is prerired Ryon wry
tables. fa Internal ito wcll ro. extern.l use. It arta dlrert
ly unon thy dlaewed It 11.111 and odn.tigh.—
It ta w sure nee for Idarrlow. Cramp., 1111 km. Chun., ar,l
.11 spasmodic tdiectlow+. dlrease, of the Kidneys,• and
Weaknew In male or &male, from whatevor It may
Irate originated.
For rale In IltOtrurah. by R. 1' Nlee•re. 1i1,1 , 71
Co. awl °Oen tinowden: tdol by the retail Drugs:law
glwerally. It is put up to four. two, ud .5..” FLlllloa hot.
FFERVESCINi.; 42 )1 PO UN D. This
COIDICIII . /1.1 If warrantwl pnaluea tbe within de.
rtlevnt. when wad Pw making bread, Wa rakes,
, buckwheat cake., Sr . by which a raring 1-I,Z r ewl
'tour of afoot Illywrnent.
To ld.taa Patuo—ln ,wch rtind of Maar told two h t .:.
trtr Ib b o a ' re u tZ trar'ra 0 4, '' ,71 `1 ;;LV. •
pared flour that jou ran act tor at loionne,/ then•
odd mach cold water ea willmak e the dough the.brual
llikantwal itorwrit well. wet let It jt, bfiren minutes
before baking—one or two hoot, will do to, bort, biscuit
should be mixed much thinner, and bated at once, bor.
will do no hurt to stand ffeen or
of minute, „Thera
l a ....Winer of getting tw, much of lb IN COY:4.l3ld' in tba
haul; It will Dot tun. the hood enh•ratus does
when 11111.3.1 elor,a,
Y ran, put the alure Compound Into cakm., pod
-llng, johntly raker. enkrs, corn meal
take, corn broad. brown bread, 616.0,, batter ha*.
beat , ra k ea , apple dumpling., pot met awl for all baking
purposes. J rrrviltd and .0 by.
It • I . l .biii.Ltne Wood at
Dollen rewanl will be paid to an; one nitwit!)
Md. , . • mot of paint, green or dry. that etionot be ex
tracted with Holps Immured Chetniml Step. I bare the
ratisfactima of saying to Me mottle of dd. place that Mil,
ankle, by toy own 'lmprovement on ib now . ualled to this timidly air extracting MI., tar. Intcb , oil.
Paint. or tiny other peas, autetanm. Enna oil Moils of mci
tlemmer or ladles'. clothing. commie, table 'spreads, merino
shawls. Mcßee bonnet,, ar.. without Injuring sor Mind
that pure smiler will not baj
ure. Sloe titan one thowatopnd
persona In different torts of the country hare told me they
woutd hot be without It if it emit Si stake. In trYing tht•
scar on more thariigal articles id Dahl MI kr. satins. alpacas
and calicoes. I have only found three Verve of milk. two
of alparack•oil four of ratio:ken which it changivi the color, bekwe putting It on .light drem,
m • - sandile
of the deem first. I Mate th is NTML . Ima d e l i
to:recommend it any stronger than I know to be strictly
Orden from country merchants and pedlars prninfitlY
attended to by the.subseriber. It. P.:et:LUIZ.
dead Zi Wood st.
-1 bad not wed it twke before I tea Its Der cEthsy.effeti."
R.. R. K SELLERS—Sir: SufferiAgfrom
..Yl , l and cough. for which I hied mipro,
lithout olds:Mug Mier. was precouted witti s l.tlie o I
it. E. &lie& C4usli 31ixture." I think It s duty whioh
owe to both ton and the oublk in
it lwke genrai,4.l. t r.Nhavek.
oltrote. l i i nir j uVer u iV e
to tiniell the Witte. I tectify log xi:new-4
U., magic: properties on friends of wise: on, in particular
who bad a Str i ng attack on her laws. 'AT, 1.1.11,4 .Z
tliarlMlD, cough. Yen!)e Ito calif true r:seuutirius (where
coughs And colds affect the ourorrr)
mil in ...IL E. &Ile.' Cough rills.rure.'
4 AIg,FITEIidLI), Wylie
hylt. SELLw r
- 11" .
sad sold by druggists generall E'ond
. Add Aloha! proof of Its power tutore.
M. R.N.
ruolde ite etusuat PO. 1e47.
Mlera,—Melus aldlotod Per r+ m" time vith
bad oaltZu recommeodel tie, your Imperial Cough
mp, my non Mend Me. W. Tomphou , your esord.
for thia I ex It had the
erect of mirtog
Me of &mush that I had deepairtil of.uor hems well. I
had toed al.rt every thing Mat It v. io porer to
gm but rocoirod no tomtit until 1 met's r val coo
Cie Couch SyroP. (eel fully ratiefied iu re ealiou to you.
sod commetidlog It to the public as too of CM belt meth*
themthat bug em be plopped ia th e rm. tor whiria it
is intondtd.
.131 E, alt/111.
Proved and sold by A. E. SELIERb. 11 Wood ).4
''exaoNATs .6.3 1 / 1 6111A, Uartalkorzu
Musty meg WI AMP =IL