The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 24, 1851, Image 3

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    Amur; OF Tam
New Yong, March 22.
The . steamer Crescent City with two weeks la
ter news from California reached her dock thin
evening. She left. Chagres' on the evening of
the 11th instant, at six- o'clock. She brings
'about $llB,OOO in gold dust as freight, and 138
The Crescent City left the steamers Flc'en,
Clyde, and Prometheus at anchor off Chagres.
The Philadelphia left for New Orleans on the
11th • The. Crescent City left Kingston, Jamai-
V,;.'ca; on; the eveningof the 14th. The Royal mail
reamer Convoy arrived -at Kingston, from St.
temps, and sailed for Vera Cruz on the same
, ),s :evening.
The, following persons died on beard the Cres
‘...'"-cent City daring her passage: Philip Stillnian,
5e.,,, Matthew White, Wm. Billings, F. B. Putnam,
go.' Secretary of the Panama Railroad Co.
lts The Crescent City bringe.„,no mails. The
• amount of gold on freight and in the hands of
passengers, is over a half is million dollars.
r , No election for U. States Senator
- had taken
• . place.: Monday, the IRle was the day fixed for
the election. Speculationis as to the uniucces.
\ fol . candidate were numerous._ Col. Fremont
was every day growing more popular,
The Indian depredstioni continue to an alarm
ing extent, and efforts were being made in the
Legislature to raise funds and troops tosearry on
the war. - Authority had been given to raise
company of volunteers to be used in case of
s necessity. j
The weather continued very dry and warm,
and fears were expressed, that there would be
no More rein the present 0 , 01.011, the consequen
ces of which would be very serious to the gold
The health of the State'woo never better, and
but few deaths were occurring.
The Gold Bluff excitement hot considerably
'_,The. expeditions to' the! Colorado, were pro
- greasing in their purposes:
There was less talk about the squatter ques
tion. The State laws having been found lands
Ittate;to some localities; the people bare been
dispensing justice ender the code of Judge
The loan hilt, for $300,000 has passed the Le
. gislature.
The divorce laws were occupying the atten
tion of the Legislature and the people to a con
siderable extent, and the feeling was much
against divorces.
The hordes of gamMerS were dispersing, as
their business has nearly fell through.
Business was reviving; and dispitc the =fa
_ vorable weather, accounts from the mines were •
very encouraging. Kelamidh, Scott's river, and
other localities in the extreme North, seemed to
exhibit the most *heses. The mines, generally,
were doing well. I
• Dr. Banunond, of the United States Navy, is
• The steamers Isthmus and Oregon had arri
red at Panama, the, former, with 300 passengers,
end the latter with 110. The Oregon beat the
Isthmus seven days.
There were na arrivals at San Francisco since
those reported by the last steamer, from Phila
delphia-or Baltimore.
The bark Baltic cleared on the 2nd February
for Philadelphia.
Late advices from Oregon report that the Le
gislature have located the capitol at Salem.
The weather in Oregon heel been very bois
From the Sandwich Islands we have dates to
January 100,, but there in little news of any
There has been a horrible: murder committed
od the isthmus, A party of 13 persons,auppo
' • sed to have been passengers in the Empire City on
bet last trip; were murdered while crossing the
Isthmus, by a;band of Carthagenians andhl egraes
—among those who were murdered were two la
diei and three children. The murderers were
arrested, and had-confessed their guilt.
Sit Fasacisco, Feb 15.
Business generally vae more lirdy, 'and bet
prices were realized. .
Bricks - and lime hare advanced. Provisions
were improving
American flour was iu request and the stock
was small.
Ircgroceriesithere is no marked change to no
Dry goods were active and improving. •
The money market continues as last quoted.
Reel state irns duller, and rents are on the
NEW; YORK, Mach 22
The steamer Ohio, frotri Chag - res, irith the
Collfando mail , 150 pasvangers, and $300,000
in gold dust arrived here this morning.
ARRIVAL op - mr.yaexxirsr.
NEWS. YORK, Ilarch
.The steamer. Franklin arrived other dock this
.• afternoon, with one week's Inter intelligence from
Europe,: She left Cows ou 1-the Bth, and on the
9th, off Seely Island, saw the Steamer Washing
ton, hence for Southamptoni
Reorganization f the Ministry.
The Ministerial crisis is over, and the old Min
istry has been re-organized. ;
Owing to the inability of Lord Stanley to form
a Proteetionist Ministry, tha Duke of Wellington
advised the recall of Lord John Russell and his
assooist.s: and Lord John him assured the Pre
miership of the likelihood of no change in the
The PapaLaggression, it is said, will undergo
rigerous modification.
A new Budget is to be brought out, and it is
probable that Lord' Aberdeen, Sir James Gra
lutia and others will coalesce with the Mini.-
The Raffia wa's at the Cape of - Good Hope is
frilly confirmed.
Llvrarces, March 7.
Cotton—The market during the week, hasbeen
without 'material change. The market closed
tamely, and in some instances a decline of had
been submitted to. . American stock's were quiet
and prices stationary. The sates of the week
amount to 35,610 bales. There has seemed,
dining the past two days,ta be an increased quan
tity offered in favor of buyers but the difference
Is slight. Holders are generally firm.
LLNCtSTEE, rn a., Marc h n
The . Collector , . office was entered last night
and robbed of current funds to the amount of
$BOO. Two hundred dollars of 'the stolen money
=misted kof old torn relief notes $lBO in gold,
and the balance country paper.
Cotton—The market continues, firm, with some
further sales of Upland at 12e . 22ic on time,
Flour the export demand - for flour continues
limited, and only a few Lambed' bblii, standard
and fair brands, have been sold at 534,44, and one
lot at $4,40 bbl. For city cousamption, sales
hale been linked at $4,44r0 for common to
extra brands.
Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Thelformer is dull
at s.3,37—the latter at $9,7u bbl.
Grain—The demand for wheat is steady at
96c for prime red; and 1020 for White. Rye is
scarce, and tins advanced to Cgt for Penna.—
Corn is steady, and is in good demand, Sales
of yellow at f.00 . i . ',40/c 11 bushel. Oats are un
chaProvisions nged.. ho market it quiet with no
Groceries—More doing in Sugar with sales
of 400 hhds New Orleans and Porto Rico on pri-
Tate terms, but at full rates. Coffee isnot so at
die, sales of Rio at lti;4. lit It lb.
Whiskey—The market is steady at 23c gal
in bbls.
New York, Ntamh
Flour—Prices of western brands favor of buy-
sales at $4 ffjfik.4 75. Sales of New
o r i,larist at . - $1 62fi14 75, Wand of Common to
' ,trio:4 state at $4 :14@:,4 Zift - e bbl.
uC--Vibent is selling at 102 for Ohio, corn
is steady` at 654 for southern yellow.
is firm at $l2 75 for old
mete, and t,-.10 for prime. New mess is selling
at $l5 25, nu tr prime at $ll =? bbl. Pickled
meats are sear, e. with sales of Mune at'el, and
of shoulders at CVe , 14 . lb. Lard iS steady at Ste
'to lb : Butter is'l:nn 0b7911 for Ohio.
laid's . s ettee, wL'Jo sales 7,000 pigs, Ameri
via,. for Philadelphia, at Sc earth. Stocks of
American ar e xmsll , nt,4 Are now held at sslEfi
611, tf lb. '
. Messy--lo firm; with P lieS or American dew
rotted, at 1120:110 V ton. • .
The Arctic ims not yet arr3ved,
Xar.roe from • filLer.ilab .
,1r4:75ULL,111.17... ,Teb. 21.1531..
Yr. R. ,t:. Parrt—Tocr )I•Lltrio.• arO uolf•• all abet
Pmt 31.11t11, a. the, or, 1•••oiniog mot• ad mart .
woolar. The half gruF. 1111 A, acct mere croaks airO• ere
• . •
Dime) , &Hr..'
Every OM who makes ore of Tour ViTI rinly Vemulfuga
sad C.ath 511vp..ank. 113 AMIE terms af th eir jund
quaint.. loom a.... ~ • J. 084 EN,
arrlmpagoll Nl.glitleftrez=allartaAren
a th. ' .-- ;7-aanticie,imacraii, ' t6,:ir
m—Losa or Lirr_—Tbe
:into°, came into
It, at about ten o'clock,
It miles below Wheel
injured, and the Low
]rty feet water, her cab
th boat and cargo, the
td nails, will he a to-
Rid that twelve lives
air accident, but could
ly of the decewied, and
taggerated. We were
Aden] p of the accident,
by telegraph.
collision o
near Capit
ing. Both
ell immedu ,
in and hull
latter consi
tat loss
were lost '
not learn
treat that
unable to
Ma. Eli, _ ~..,:c.—On Saturday even
ing, Mr. Emerson +ad the first lecture of his
course. The subj t was "The Laws of Suc
cess." The audie celwas evidently deeply in
terested throughou The next lecture will he
delivered on Tuesday evening.
Toot His SFAT. At the opening of the Court
of Quarter Sessions on Saturday, William Boggs
Eau., of Lower Sc. (lair Township, took his sent
as one or the Associate Jpdges of Allegheny
County, and his Commission was rend by the
riven Hepburn, P re,iden
Before Hon. II
Malllson vs. Rife
tion of S. H. Geyer,
on William 13astinn
Executor!' of ploifit
judgmqpt should to
oermirted to enter t
No. 30—Jnny.
partition of the est.'
It appearing to th
beet' given to all pair
to come into Court,
property, at the vntt:
plaintiff, who, in rigi
eon and heir at law t
declining to take tl
lett, and Eliza Jane
Kerr, not nppe
and 'adjudged, that
public auction by th
ty, at the Court Hon
on Saturday, the •
o'clock, A. M., he g
and place of sale, b
No. 345, July '45. On cue
lattorney fur defendant, rule
Pntl Geore:e It. Riddle, the
T, to show cause why the
•t he opened, and defendant
defense on the plea of pay-
Ex. In the matter of the
e of Joseph 'Hazlett, dee'd.
Court that due notice had
/ies interested, of the Rule
col make choice of the said
ation by the Inquest, and the
t of William Ilazlett, eldebt.
f James Hazlett, deceased,
same, and Joseph K. Has
inzlett, by her guardian, Dr.
g ring, it is hereby ordered
e said premises be sold at
I Sheriff of Allegheny coon
),e, in the city of Pittsburgh,
d day of `May next, at 10
ring due notice of the time
advertisement according to
Jno Anderson vs T
Exporms, No. 114, J•
iff made a special re
Court, and conurme•
cum Anderson—Venditioni
n'y Term. 1851. The Sher
rn, which was rend in open
Taylor vs. lleidlel
'49. The Sheriff ha.
this writ. Return al
upon continued, at p
Breading et nl. vs.
No. 31, April Term,
nishecs, come .and
gantries Sled, froth t
for the reason that 41
per, or,warranted b
may be stricken out,
from answeiing the
answering may be en .
decision of the Cortrt
Junr.—No. 411. Jan.
leave to amend his return to
ended, and the case there
laintirs costs.
Alexander and Nicilroy.-
31. J. Painter & Co., gar-
•zeeptions to the intern,
e 2d to the 12th, inclusive,
ey are not pertinent, pro
law,and pray that they
nd said garnishees relieved
e, and that the time of
arged ten.l . os beyond the
• pon saki exceptions.
137 the Court—lt
&e., on motion of A. •
Painter &Co and 31'
as prayed for,
granted to glow cause
Loomis, attorney for J
for answering extended
Scott & Co. vs. Larrtier—No. 145, April. ..50.
On motion of David titchie, Attorney for plain
tiffs, plaintiffs have I are io take out the money
paid into Court by the defendant in this ease.
Sarah Graham et al. vs. Samuel Kier. et al.
In Chancery, No. 23d, dopy. '4s. On motion of
J. 1. Kuhn attorney for defendant, the Court
appointed Reado Washington commir;ioner to
take depo.sitions on the part of the defend
ant. .
O. A. Bayard TS. Sarah Ann Ivory, and same
vs. John Dickson—Nos. Z. 3 and Zo.l', Nor. Cs.i.
Affidavit of service of writs filed, on motion of
plaintiff's attorney. Judgment in default of ap
pearance, in both these cases. . .
Rooaoo CORPUS Cass—Milton Parker who h.
been imprisoned for some time past on a charge
of counterfeiting, WWI no Saturday brought before
the Court of Quarter Sessions on a writ of habeas
Me:.srs. Darragh and Cochran appeared on
behalf of the prisoner; and F. C. Flanegin, Esq.,
for the Commonwealth.
Mr. Cochran opened the Cllf C. end detailed the
manner in which the Prisoner had been arrested.
Suspicions find been spool for sometime. relative
to a Mrs. Gardner, who is alsolcharged with
counterfeiting, and the Police officers, finding Mr.
Parker in her house, ' T hen they weds to capture
her, arrested him upon mere suspicion. Since
then he had been examined, and committed to
ptisonseverrl times by Alderman Major, yet a
final commitment haillnever yet been made out,
and he was lying in prison, with no evidence
whatever against lam farther than the vague
suspicions or tome of the,police.
Mr. Flonegin said that et that stage of the easy,
be had little to do wit¢ it. He would take the
liberty of stating, bow ver, that the facts of the
case were entirely different from those as stated
by his learned friend-.there was evidence against
the prisoner, and hewas not detained an mere.
suspicion alone. Long before Parker visited the
city, depositions had been taken by Alderman
Major, Implicating h m in counterfeiting. and
developing a chain oftillainy in this line, extend
ing from Philadelphia to the far West. lle hold
in - his hand the affidavits, sad thought that Al
derman Major had thine his duty, and that the
prisoner should not be discharged.
Mr. F. concluded by referring to a decision of
the Supreme Court, relative to the right of ma
gistrates to commit for a further hearing.
Mr. Darragh observed that he had bten sent
for by the prisoner, and bad visited him in his
cell. Ile had some business with him previously,
and so far as he knew him, he was an honest
man. The learned gentleman paid quite a com
pliment to the efficiency of Alderman Major and
Officer Fox, but thought that the charge agabist
Parker was of too indefinite a character to war
rant his final commitment The other persons
who had been arrested at the name time, on a !
similar charge, had beet* examined and either
committed to prison of bailed, but he had been
examined, and committed for further hearing,
several times.
He acknowledged the right of a magistrate to
commit for further hearing, but this power must
have limits. It was n/cessary id (the absence of
;., z
witnesses, or when the was any other reason
able cause, but no m should be pot in prison
in order that testtmon should be Wanted np.—
This was contrary to tie - practice in both Eng
land and America. Ittthe case referred to by
Mr. - Flanegin, he had[ himself been concerned.
The prisoner had bee arrested for a crime al
leged to have been co mmitted in Michigan, and
was brought before the ! Supreme Court on a writ
of habeas corpus. Aft§r argument, he was re
manded, in order that the authorities in Michi
gan should be inform of . his arrest, but the
-hould bo discharged, as
would have time to hmir
nearest mail route, if
on for him. Mr- D.
.etico in New York, in
court decided that he
soon as the authorities
the particulars, by
tL -
they did not at once ae i
then alluded to the p l
support of his opinion.
The.prisoner heul bee•
ring the course of thattl
20 days in Jail, and du
me had undergone three
..d Le NMI not finally
ant, from this, that the
id not warrant his final
was detained on inispi
,e of. hunting up eri
trusted that the Court
magistrate in his course,
loner to be discharged.—
lathe less true on account
t was better that ninety
suld escape rather than
ould be punished.
or four examinations,
committed. It was evi,
tesiimony against him
committal, and that he
don, merely for the pa
deuce against him. H
would not support tbs
but would order the pri
The old rule, but one u.I
of tritenews, wee, thnt
nine guilty persons
bat one innocent man
ed the Court that the
used, bail, the prisoner
y. The evid.nce akainst
Alderman Moinr did not
held the matter:n obey
question of aientity.—
,tter for him, and he eras
le criminal court *as not
Mr.. Finnegan info
magistrate Lad not re
never haying tendered a'
him Wag strong, and if
finally commit him, but
ance, it seas owing to
This was so mach the h
not losing time, since t
cussion, Judge McClure
be remanded to pripon,
d dollars bail.
After some further If
ordered the prisoner to
in default of one thou!.
Toe ettIMINAL Corot .—The March. Term oj
the Court of Quarter enions commences to
TEITCVS.—Two 111 . 1
committal to prit
on Saturday, char,
who keeps dry
goods under false
tea Reinhard, were
Slnyor of Ajlegheny,
Lth of Mr. Ihigsell,
+tore, with ,Jbusining
prieon, ou Satuid
on oath of Hugh
=iler of mat
wan eurowiitted. to
or Guthrie, eltarged,
th the larceny of a
of Imam:hold focal-
—Jacob Getty we
his honor the Ma.
oath of John Smit
intent to kill.
nv cil
uu Suturdnr , by
legheny, charged, tin
sault and battery with
on Saturday, in the la
naked. The Criminal
elan to-day; and many
to be tried, were almoa
missioners were eogage.l,
liable task of clothing the
OUri commences no coo.
f the prisOners who•are
Without clothing.
liGS-~i til,L for sale
detachment of mebs by }s . n JIMNPTON..
left yesterday,
the ARti- - -17 kegs in store and for sale by for Oregon. ' u 4,5 wm. u. JOLLNETON.
Mormtasrs or T
United States Dr goo.
Buckeye State, en"ron
Boor FOCND.—The body of poor Loughran,
who iras drowned in the Allegheny river, about
a month ago, was found y es terday, on a bar near
Flaw Mill Run.
i',sollA3l,—Cogswell's Panorama of Califor
nia will remain at the Atheneum during the pre
sent week. Those of our citizens who have not
seen it, should go at once, 1 , 11.13 CC it is well worthy
of q visit.
LEGAL Pors-r Dectorn.—Some magistrates of
this city have labored under the impression that
until a person examined before them charged
! with any criminal offeqce was finally committed
for trial, hiaeounsel were not privileged to hold
! any communication with him. They thought.
I also, that a prisoner had no right to appear by
counsel when they are undergoing, what they
are pleased to term a private examination, which,
however necessary it may be, in certain eases to
exclude the public, the defendants counsel have
a right to appear, and can enforce their right by
bringing the prisoner before any of the judges
on a writ of ~habeas corpus.
Judge McClure gave his opinion on the sub-
pet, on Saturday. During the coarse of the
week the jailor, acting under instructions, refu
sed to allow a lawyer to see his client, who had.;
been committed for future hearing, on a charge
of counterfeiting. The matter was brought be
fore. the Court of Quarter Sessions. It was de
cided,' that any lawyer had an undoubted right
t, visit and advise with his client, whether final
ly committed or not.
PITT TOWNSHIP Eurrim , :.-At an election held
in Pitt Township, on the 21st, the following
gentlemen were duly returned:
Auditor—Ralph Read.
tivardiri of the Poor—Jas. NteLease. •
School 'Directors—Robert Palmer and E. P.
Jones. :
Suprrrisor— Wm. Herron.
Inspector of Elections—Lewis Fleming and
Peter Conley.
Township Clerk—Afen. Breckenridge.
Assessor--Robt. lndei.
Judges of Election—Wm. Wiley and William
Constable—Sand. Barton.
ELipTIoN IN brur.sNEßOnoroll.—At an elec
tion held in Duquesne Borough last week, the
following persons were returned: •
Iltayees—Wm. C. Miller.
Council—JohnCaldwell, Richrtnl flays, John
Morrison, Jacob Little.
School Direetoce—John Caldwell 3 yenrs,
Richard Hays •• ••
Wm, Oakley 2 ••
Jodge , of Mecham—John Caldwell.
lbspectors of Elections—Andrew Jackson, Al
bert Oakley,
Orrrsrnr of the poor, Constable and Assessor—
Jetat Buhop.
COLLIiA TOWNSIIIP Etccrtox.—Judge 14 Eke
tions—R. W. Thomas.
Inspectors of Elections—Thomas Kennedy
Henry. Menu
Justire—John Stewart
Auditoro-3 ycars, Daniel Neg;ly, years
D. It. coon; I year, Sarni. Chndwie. .
Towit Cleric—Wm. Kerr.
Asseaor---John 11. Ito..
. .
School Directors —3 years. Thom:. Davison.
Wm: Warmcostle; 2yeara, Daniel Negley, San3L
Chathrie; I year, Richard C. Beatty..(l. V. Ra
Chrerseer of Poor--Solomon Berlin.
Supervisor—Tames Blashford.
Constable—Gen. S. Begley.
PEEBLES Towsqwzr ELECTION.—Judge of Eke
tiont , --Daviti Irwin.
Inspectors of Elections— .1 pram Horbach, Sarni
M. Irwin.
(Justices—Dorid Kennedy, A. F .
Auditor—Jonas llleClintockl
Town Clork—J. IL Negley.
AviseSsor—Thos. 3letleary.
School Directors—David Ken.nedy, M. Phillip,
3 years; A. 11. Gross, I year.
Overseers of Poor--John lobs, David Lind
Sirperviors—John MeCnslin, George E.
Constatile—James (.'lark.
tact IVA L.-- E,:./ I'4l A . ..8....N.1'i, W ,
• LOITER ST. CLAM Ton" 14,1111: ELECTIONS. —AT; L.
Election for TuwiLehiF u9lcere was held in Low- ,
er SL Clair Townehip on the 21.4„. which result- T.11:1.1: 1111.,
ed as follows
.1 I 1:111T.I.11:-
Etl ' , IL
.4r No I. r L'l
Fr TEA t
" '
11. Kelly,
•A. Ambler,
-- 'M. Knoxle,.
A. Carnahan,
Wm. Kerr,
Sloaes Chess, .
t ovERFICIMS OF a ir rnux
*Jona `Seeley.
Jas. llcr/onnell
11.0C.51'ALI,' 1 . 11,1,.
•14m. McCormick,"
11. Rabin,.
, WFn. Perkin•
MoSei Chess,
J smith
Wm. Lorenz
'4 Oleo
E Hanlon
J Neely,
*Jas. McGilray, Ll 7
A. Carnahan, 219
Those gentlemen whose names are marked hy
a star, were elected.
be. In hi. valuable writing' , on the .. Phyttolo Fl of Di
, absent. that a diminution of the true quantity
of thistrle jnlm. le a prominent and all prevailing C:viietttl
that 'n dttlagnlehd V+o nn
plaint; finding everything eine to tail. had renol.TY.
the !, a Jai., obtained from the stomacyof Dein I an
iota which proved
Dr. Houghton . , Poona. the true than/airy told, or G...
ic Jules, Gnat Dyenepois Curer, prepared from lien vet.
or the Fatah etometh of Weds. after Oireetlons of Davin
r ol
jt ,gl tad Cheaßlet, by .1. S. lima,
Thin in • truly woU 4 Jerftil remedy fur Indigestion. Dys-.
rigt ' cu " ;;;l ' elle il r jult?e ' TV 'U lne C tre ' l., f it7 " l:ll4 ' ' e ",".
tment: the
e t , Joins.
The limpet, Juke le the irreal solvent of the
st omach pu
rifying, prewerving. stimulating aa,cat of the stomach and
Intestiner. Without It there can he rmOttreetkm—no 566.
version of food Into Wool—no outritmo of the itoly; but
rather foul, torpid. painful. and destructive condition of
the whole digestive apparatus A weak, half dead.
I lured stemaach produces no good Ilastrie Joke, and
the disease. Oita/vas and debility which ensue.
But thia}nnt may te supplied by extracting the diger ,
tire 'niacin!, Pepsin. trim the stomarliti of 31625165 51-
trembling man, thus forming a DIC•itiTO precieely
Ilk, the natural Gutrio Juice. in it, chemical tetwers. and
forribling • annplete and perfect substitute for it.
The art of perfortningtheprocessor tilgeetion aruncWiy
long been known to Physiologirts, Dr. Houghton
claims thenterit of making the application of this art
liceur of Dropepela In a perfect and agreeable form. I
ad the wientitie evidener
. 11aron Llebig. his
brand work on Animal I.
to says: ^Au Artiftetal
Irlmwtive 161/156115 6/ the thisirie Ju ma
prepared frourt he MUM. membrane of to
etortarli , ` the
calf. In with variant, artleice of ford, PA mesterei eggs
he anfteneq, changed, and ditteeted. net in-the 516, 1111,
per se thef•roald be la the human stomach."
Dr. floughtor• of Philadelphia prer.r.....1111 , 1.1
trestle, fluid eallri Pt:101N, from the Oh:settee irtmusett of
the Oa which - allortle an admirable moody Inc Intlireetton.
curing after nature'..turn method, by natures own agent.
the Musette,. Principle Call and .on the extraortilnary.eb
ender, cvidence of its cline.
1 1108k,h t Sic:SOWELL. Agents.
110 Wood at„ Pittsburgh.
Dealers an liar at proprietors 66,1
Alen, foe sale by I. foilere. Wcxel mcha
- -
I_7 400 Yarnily_Flone
Mt •?,. 3 Maekrret
1;: •
100 prime Nea...area Pante,
e Kele: le
4n Goon Apple,
MIO Gunk. Ear Cern;
200 Short.;
• 100 - ()al,
" T. l'l n' :ijl t ;l4 FON.
Laralvrx and Cominloadoo Slerebance.
pelnlo _ ' 01, 01 Water amet
-1) OM, BUTTER-3 bbl. just ree'd and for
1.1, +ale by
1,10 • 1:114 111.1 rt.
I ARD Ullr2li lII,L \n. 2 just reed null
In .d.b 41y IV A1.1.1,E081, A 101
SGROSS Rushton Clarke & Co.'s genuine
Cod 1.1,er 011, for valr . by J. KILDA Ot,
oh Io On .1.
I3EARLS--14 tanks '(tlna sZrts) for sale by
• a Inapt (WICK A .11 , CANDLLSS.
I?EATIIERS--.4 sacks (prime) for .le I.y
tech& WICK K 51,1:AN111.0.06.
bld. (N. C.) for sale 0(1
melei WICK tr NIWINI11.1:ee.
• • ( . Of) LIVER 011,—Warranted pore. on
draaght. Iltehten. Clarke Natlen, 1 , ,, ...le
A. FAUN 03.0 1 $ K a , •11.
virbXeerner 111.1 •0.1
TURN El) PILL ROXES---Araorted mizen,
tnfori 11. A. YAIINF,ToCh A CII
ek •
1.4 1 , XTRA CT INDIA N E.M P--411/J4EIIOI 1111
7,11ra"-i. o,r
A. FAIINI,ero(Ii
ACTUCARII.I3I—EnghsIi imported, for
jI , ale by math U. A. POilOJ nlyeli a et/.
I[3ILITTY —ln bladders, in tisNortml hized
A VAIINnSToN'K a 10.
1 . 4 1 WEN'S PLASTERS—Large and .nall,
for lale hl 11 A. VAIINESTOCKW... A 1
.`" rem, Elrod and
. .
11)0.:ti reoeived and
.11 4
s. A W. 11)11111M A/1i
11 1 EATIYERS--60 seeks.
11 Feathers received
.ato b y
w. 1100040011
DOLL I.II.ITTEIt----5 Barrels roe d per R.
I lA. Turenn.,, and rer ;ale , ••1•
mar. X. S. a IV.
rriß ZANESVILLE fine
tvarn, F.M PRES., , . mug,. v 111 Lmve
w.t sold port. tliL aftrrnmu.
for M 0.,. apply on I.mri. nw.42.1
1. 4 1 01: SAINT LOUIS.—The fine,
o„ NlonAloy. March ?MIL nt. o'clock! . A. M.
(Mob! or rams., monly on Loud. r.n.L.2,1
I'ATA It Capt. E. W. M. 11.1. (built
lb.mow nod will
,rn SArtirds*. ". , -M
!or frrichAor pt.Po.n.• on ,4 ". M•
0w.112 . .! H. MI I,TEN ItElt(11:1!,
1 / 1 011 N.ISIIVILLE—I'he fine MYFLOWE.
Wavo for eal...ant; Int..rnietlinle port,
on tht• I% NI.
!'Or fn-6;1,1ot jWnr00..1.1 , 11) e l, 1'"0',1•"1. In
.11111 - Act-tIS
Iruoul,r-tenmerti Iklue.
11 leaser, the above nod lOtermr.liateporte."—
1,11 Me.loerehly. the ',lll tont.. at 4 1' M
jillutt SAINT LILL:IS—The new i
nrol epletelitl etc:Toter SPItEItAI. A tt , 711.
11 4 ,4 evonn.c , entoneor, nil! le toe tor nhores---
esol intermealtate ..ort• thie . the :MI, Ittetsot-nt 4
torlaM An, Al
trill lea,. for the 0.0. pini 111 111.
IV, OA 11',Int...lay. the ~ t h 114,41.- nt lo e hn-k. A.
For rrer,lit or onene, Soool. oteleM
I, I OK ST.' LOUIS- The Mot,' :11.1
Seel mooing elenoter
AI 14 n'e the,l-e, nto; .11 lot.
toe.linto per, th lent, rooen nt 4 4,, 1a.4
I re l e/ 0, er le4e-eue. nt , ,14 teas'. Inrlydl
1, I) It SAINT 1,01 I S
g IMO dratorht Stenroes I',lll, ureen,..
hate far the nle , v, no4l nll int,r , '9!
ute , llste ports. on Frnlnt , the 'Slo to. nt 4it M.
freight or oneawe nil , l, en hoe”ler 1 .
1101111 , , II MILK INe. Apt.
00,11, (; LAS( MIV. LI% ERPOOL
111 1 : AND ELS% ISS.- 'rite floe eleumer
I :SEMI-% Mto elled,len. me, ro•
ti. re:
1.1 ular mete, hetures, tine ntnt Matilt, leer
er, Mood., Me.1.1.-.1..). and Pro l .l. nt
For fr:lght or ' , seen., on 410 , 1 0 01
EC; ULA It l• A I: T It
R. TWEE`, l'lTTSlteLtal S
,tons I' wer , Crane f 01..,
r/111 e for . M heellog..eutalle,'ntol
rrSAjot.dat no,l Thurele3 •nt o'elke returuito:
1,11“, eennott tor Custoln, und l'ittehurea. et
ers Tueeliss nod nt 14 , ,gl. t. Pnene,ro
nnd , I , lern van J. pen , ote , s, tow tomato:regular',
liorin, the lon nnter eenkot,
For frelsht or - e ,, r ,. ..1 , 10 l'eer , re"' ,
NEW AREA N( E3l TS - Fi >I:
114.,r and 11.:t rtutnitig gtr. CASH Li:lt,
L It %1..11n.4.41. )14.:.r W.ll-.1110. St.tu
1 - ..rti 111.. Wrl4.l.ttrc, lirktt,rot.
Sunlit]. Parket—lrstst. nt
3 P. NI., for 441‘...11ud tool ettul tort.,
rtaturtlel nt P NI.. for l'optitt.otrl Suttft•l. Itotornlitir.
It Aro. rotutl4h 51..toitts .t 1 ,, ••..,. 1,. .1 AI.. 41,4
Ilritl4.l.trt and Nt Itorllng rsort Nlortdot
4 I' M.
For (matt and parter, NCO, tot Itottrtl. rot t.
roolti sittllN crt t
4 .1 0 R MARIETTA AN I) II ICE • frr..
I N., Pi qvr —The •1,,c00r I•Attl F:1 14. - 4,141
ANL, mutt, 1,11 I. t • t..r alt.t t ant!
me6lo Nu 1.1 11 ez., Fruut . $
.1 4 1 ( 1 it Z 4 T.,
litur .mu, UT
munmuutler. I. nye 6., the nl.euu a..
11. e ,1..1 I. fr.i.cla trt • 4.,
Sl N 1 ,11•11 1 . 51 . 1( Th• f+•• r1313.,1v0
\ I . ,llLar. Will
•• • ro ,•••1,1 \ ro.":11111.
111,1,ein.rt. /..111,11.1.•tven 1 . 1 1 1•Imret •ver, \1.4.151
Jr.. Strul•nrii!e load 11,1z,••.• t aki1. 1
ItrtrThntr•t all•rm•,n m•t3,11.. be,11115.
m 12.1 ..tlnE•ik, r•turntne.
p.m ~,r i 1.11.1 ,u. 11•21
1••• pl. Lo - t., r. I, 11 N. II 1:),I.E1.. ~rut
F.l; I • LA It PlTTSltt'll(iii AND
. 1 1111 F.r.1.1,1 PACK It.T
„„ 1111.1:N M.. Vt.:yarn. 1•1210-
14 notte t.rfttrntzmt 1.44 r.,.1.1411. Itttt, t
Iltl4 ',lt 'tr.] It tt.-..11„. tr., l l a r.l. ltstturrfi •I Ito tt , lt•
:tt lt ' t!t1:1 . •
on ...Or 144..1.. trtti4ltt oil 6.4,1,44.
tutl 4tlol:trittOitl
• - •
FMC 11' E I , N r:sl),‘ y
PACK FT. CINCINN !elm_ ...`1,...C . 17 . 1ka
c kk .k.kkkklk,ll..kt kca:
Ow Cincinnati ikkkr. lk Vv nrkkk.kk trtll lc k ,, n
Nkk 1 , 4' french trkkr kv.kukk. and, vn •kr 10/
mgr., It.Nirtrt.!‘itEltlll:l,
- 1.111%c1/011 cs,
KINi. 11r.
Blank Books
1 1 111; Inrgv,t • , 1 Munk 11.“.ko,
" r " 1: " Ii V it,nnk
uua uu.l MAO.
Hat aal
EIS ,,, Nr i %G , .UII
i J ,
Thad t.
LE- -E,•l.'” ,
•arrtfao. tla . an ,4
Unlit at thr tau, nt 11..r.xna J t II I•1111.1.II•,,
: so.l V
, A1111:T-1:o.,istql 111 . '4 tla 1.••••••11
• K
v:tat l'an..l nn h,•,:.. of W
41 N 1 55' uurtl. • ...pi-nitro; in pvrt atin LJ
loving vnnntivv. Tni. vt
1.-ronno. Ilion I. tat inn. no I vgnortion luhnw
Ihe ono: no .Inrii vt In.
A I l)L.t.): , Es--...2.00 Lhi N. 0., t o r . a h. hy
m,h , s .1 it lit/1114W
if , ANI )IAES--1 . 44 M. 1111.1:
1.1 .. 1 , 31 . ,, Fa .d.. 11"
Illeb, II“ItI,IPS. I.ITTI.Ii AV.
i ILI IVERSEEI)--If1) 1.11 r,....:1. 1, xal, h
k , • mplot S., II 11AI:11kt/011
lIIITMPSEEI , -1.1 lii. for ,nlo tv
IA norm .l ',ion .t . el, 1;1 . 1 i . •-, apa
i IN • SEED iil l,- . It) 1,1.1. r0...4, I, Salo 1 ,,
IA tn..l,k lI ,, IIISAN. LITTLE a (St
ir 'ILI /VERSO:II-7' , h.: for salt by
1./ MHO, 11. , 111, , k. !ATTU: k 00.
i 1 ILF:EN APPLES- Zo I bid. lin lino order
~, ,kktr....'.l kn.l fia ...1.. I.•
tieb.". lIIIIIISON. LITTLEA 111.
;O:k I 1,,0 Sow Wng•nn, Nuital
IV. 1, Et.rukra•. I, by
10.111... N. LITTLE A.Cii•
I AV, OIL -hi ht,h. tin , AV inter Strain,.
f, •t , .1 KIDD CO..
Wterl.l rlrre.t.
g RAS llh.
' .i Kipp
0, I
-1-7 N 4/ Mill.••••-.
Nl ""'
INEfi.VlL—rot biol. rporivirw. fur oak by
It.lll:,tA. !ATTU:SI S I.
liEt:P-5 to. S. fsr .ile by
lOLASSES—'2S iiLl.. s. II.:
V 1 ln m
..1 u In
znti to urrit, otil lor
I. IS A nimAsA
or.ll, Pro/11 . 0.
I :Vsil prin.. large litekerel,
itlEI , Fit I: IT -72 : 5 , lac .•
NN". 11 11. „ I,r
~ F:
ISS A lit (I ET!. , 1;11 JAr.. ISucitet.6.l
g .;:dt ht , x , = %v. City'
it Ifs „
a/r A N.l
S I...EDS.. ;211 I:int :•••weas,
I. • ."'" I, ,^
ivrrElt '_, Id i. (Call Ituttr r;
h II a., 1•n.n141,
B \ 111 \
11a a 1,1.
e~.\l . ll\n:; Iw, r„r t,,
.\ u.''s
t• 41. uu i 2;; h,zrr rui
If•K t llr4 iS!,,ESr
I r itt I , m / . 1 . !"
r It. \ PPINI PAPER- •*3 ri•nrns Crown,
n0..1.1 . ,, K.
AC}: Ho!. Nn. 3. for s,,le by
B 1( 21) , , , . to . r n l . .;brtTry„ and II ie Art
Ch. , Pon um...
1 , 4,',1 and fur ride by
11. mrl.s -11011150.q,1.1171,.
\ for ~,,h, by
bbln. iu More And for mule by
'IISAIAII 1,1131 i KY 6 IS'.
jeb2l st,j4 Front..
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
VTr h ipn.Vat.TlVir.
4.,1 ' for ARIA upon ea n4 LAy term. Vor J . Z 114
arPIY 0A1111) At ' IIII4IN.
mrlll4 114 14«cs.ntl Cl.
.1011 SALEA larg-e Brick Dwelling mr4
1b,..., and Lot of (Iroond.oullank AI If
~ 1 a
Peyt by 120.
ote. Comm, Lollar. Inthe city would foul It couveni.
.41 •o—Tau du feet feet by NO. on Rebecca nteraL
tot loin, and term, apply to
tnebl4 . BAIRD Second at
-11‘74,0it R ENT—A Private Dwelling ,• or •Avl,
Shagla pbasantly locattal on Federal at.
1001e,o). Enquire at Mrs. $OOO.O Book tlmtr
Ati.vhenr: ur af IV. P. Mama.. Wool ett .t* .tarot
hot Pnt.bunsb P.O. mcbl4:ll
1 'OR SALE—Two etude° LOTS, pleasant
ir .ituattd for private reoldenn.x fronting on Du.
n'WV.i'l Pitt aY'lAflllA
oe f;.tfr7. glelzl Z
term, nOrir
tnehllank C. IL uANT--or
J. .
_ .
TO LIT—A 1% AItEIIOUSE, situated
Water al, tetwern Market and Ferry atrre
°Wahl. for the PriAttoe hairline.. For Lerma.
meta , 'No. WI Water at.
For Sole.
ai N2K OF It1:11.1 , 1 NI:S. on th e, •rner of Wash.
loatou nd Penn .tr,ot.,and frond. nu the Penn-
Irani ConaLlo the Cit,' Pttebn h. The Lot frnata
toe hu trod nod fort, tour Set on P on etreet. and one
hundred nod nine feet nine hu-hea on %Vadat:lt:ton otter , .
n. "" tort rainier " LAVII , 0 KEEIL 11.01 Penn at.
Land for Sale.
k TRACT of :I'-'1) Acme: one Tract of
- II 1111 Are, 00. Trart of 14 Arrrec gm.l twn Trsrlr , or
....Arr,..nrh. All the /dare 1.0.11. mon. or le.n. tummy
arol rale Illy. smol luratA Iv 110 eo.. 0.,
will I.- wlld. U. 'roll forfkirth , r
i.nnicularn Itsquire Wll. 11. JOHNSTON.
mrl.s 112 5..0..1 .1.
I.lllfi Pis ern, g - routol att.arlaml. xltualed
VOR RENT.—Two Rooms hi the PostE
Oftin• Hui Win.. guitable Artbas'a ItcomN
in IT, Ar..
o . , ,,a t ' e z n r, L n evr " ,,, f ' il tr t tr ivr a ti l n. Lh:
" """- K
It. ILAZZAII. 164 Se..tul
.•rnall frame enthage, with
sem.l fruit low.. • y ileginaile tior
iij,iitlLii•niiii..ituetl;l PLAWraniC4l {rt,e
, n
Alrfr...ral rm.! Tonnra.ntn fur rdnl. •
.Alin.. for ealr II lot. frontlun nn Ilaneort ABTA. arm) 3
(fowl), on 1,1 rtrret Tett.
feldfr.l. or II II l'aleb "d of Merkel and tat .144
Desirable Residence for Sale.
911 E subxeriber, intending to remove 11. few
ohad. for eels the prorty in
.:Inn. final Itestrel upon tlel rer - ond pe barrh
Iv Allle•ny alsviiitig. 4 double one. and built
of Orb& 1. Sarin and emnrnorllnut. and h. teen ',mutt,
t.., , •111..1 and papered. Thu lot fem. tar feet on the Ca.
nr. rtilis Ix, fa uwlrral &MI righ,, had
dut redl4 ter.. 4 - on.ledrht ellolre.brublery and hard.. The
nu, t0n1,1 4 0, ..,no.dr o g of n priente echool hr... 'fable
•11 , 1 te.rrlne. le.n.e. nee 1. - ,ernrently boratet The phi..
hoo I. ple l .ant. nod the
Al-Wire hnope lll Idi netonllrbh., ellorti,
pier. Ihe legheny. re Ilie
wirhtn a 14, mint... n n.lll or drive of the rI ngt) prop.rt,
Punta... are n fern,' In Al. Miller. No IT) Ith
ore., fe).l,lllu MUSE, Ilnmpf.s.
1, 1 0): SALE OIt ' RENT—A corn fkrioble Inrp.
I and . otunted 414rellIna• bow, and hal : 1
an llnetunt, In U. 13)rlath Ward. of ltd. 4•II,
lb. 1n....-oebron. fine nem., the 1441. fart, fret ou Cb.l.
nut '"." 'P'
mw"u4mt Z;l7.waTiAm.
f. r,rxtrr of Werel and meth etr.
Ilt RENT - Timt hug.. dwelling bourse =a
w t stenore tn. vanlen. nod On).1. Sl
A, 1,1 thit ure of the Isle II tn. J. firtton.
-.44 .1 ..•i fr...... 1) Or on the beet of
~.; . ,.4 . ' ,
h.r LI. L II }CAI., tinardlsu, fL C
11., Fort PiltWo frb1 , 01.14.0
11.fA ittb, MILLS. FAIISIS.,IN 11 LUTE
large Flour fu 11, and n Sew 11111 on
.0001. with n.. lon..., in art., 'rarer. A 1..,
• .0.11 t 5.0.001 Fort.. ,n I..nartatrarou Ott. Prier *OW.—
lko,!arta of ..m.. 01. Mr 4.1110 tons tnllur
11.••••,. for 1.1..100. .A 1.,. on. of INr arm, .0
..Ino into/. 0 toile. Ialow: Ilrarrr, for ,ror arm. Al.o.
~ 10 11 , for nem A 1... farm-..f 1:11,01.1 lAA
for A 1... <l7llor 11.. and 'AO
urra tor SI.. tar Nor, nen,
0110. r.. Inri
an.l Euquin.-
N 1. 1,1 1.. fl rin - rErtmAN.
L V IIL RENT- .told on Nlark.,t
c. r4 „ r a Annie.l. :Lan inE
'-' 1 . 0 7. ;:i . 1 " ' Ku"'
• • -
Fl l,, LET • A Warebottst• xittltitAnl
running ihn•uich
fs, Yir.turrupi..l
t oultat,N manufselurivA,sto.
IA EA L EFI'.~TE FOE E.\LE—Tie under
fr , r AnsbufAr ,
hnmu.,:.n. oar
Loarran cburvl.
,n•A IL a Itti-Ait,AAA An.l
Arie. A 1,1 which
I.• ..13, • ,11 th atwl i•rolStable iry
....Wet.. Ml* [Art.[. Vertu, raw,ornble,
P , A2.Autirsalaro AD.I trnnk eatutrrnf thr.under.knett. at
4,11,411..1,..., (rant stml, 1%14-
ure.. Thlrd suA FrAlrlh •tr”.lA.
,no N othe..• in Birtn.
0101141 NLANANi P. I.:ATtiN".
ria.) LET 1100, and I.ot nithat,l=7o2
nu 1nnn...1 eirevt. Want. Vow tern.. WA'
'Hill tr. MIMI Nth. LITTLE &AN,
1 4 1 01: SALE —The ,ohnoriber offers for 2
I k,o. I tirgt• acul 1,11 Will Brick Rogow. with fil•
Kowa. n
Ohm w
Oawr.,oorhl rifthi.eiif
el. P . rw uth sn.
on ow
ow lot or Iptil tiotri
.1••• - •••1•1•• rt.fittlato I.•••rittr
Oh prts, t.l • tit truter •th F x.4.1
tt 1.,t •.f itn•util 1•••• !I , nolow oor roollo4W
rI:oo 0w...w0w 00l ..... t. :boo o.pwo•itr
t/i. War,. r•tt Asetiott.
• • • • ••
ti n unnunlistrir
I! IA nn. nnntun that thr rygnpintn
1.:41 7. /It4l.ol, u ;:;Urtti r :f.
n-n 1 non:- tin. tr.t I.nqnll,u ,f
)It \ l'(}1: .ntrwriber
. •
, • . .
•to. ...• r . A 11,••••. w• .1 ,f thsThe A.m.. I;
!.,.. ..0 , .I.nrk Imildtse. m torn Wets nrJer. The, Is a
-,7••,, L..... stsa•le. ...I rs.l vs.:. I. he ground.
'vat... tyro u-r.. .B..lllmpruv.l. , notmiltinw Crery
~..., , t. a ly.,st: .1,.....prin. Lowe mul yenta, hp...
1 . .. ... i, ,,,, el,.l•ksorvor ils,in.l. JOHN GEBIIART.
. .
i R E N t , lro ntury 14 Fp
I Hoc,. ' , la 1141 rtr.t. e.. a,. of
J 1./.1..LL. stn. r
1 4 , 01 i S.l LE OIL ON. I'ER ['ETC A L LEASE
- for rneti. or nn so-proudo Spring rn
I.tnn (pint hr WO fort t nlg,, ad. 121 r Ninth Ward Engin. A 1...... guars.
i.nolord to. Car..., and Allr i then, and
:WO.) g Sint Ltherl.r. IS) enrint
AI,. 1,44.. 11... t ro.ntlr F rn Vr oo onn Orr.R. Imptr
estiord Rgihina.l lApd. and nintaining
4! ',in. 1. 5 0..11/..lff JAME:110'11)1RA.
rico El' Ittrge Mrtnyion 11.111ko .
1 •,) amnia nt nttarhed. otnalnl
jar./ 11.,upy, JONES R Ull.
/1111 LET -.Th e Thr e e St o ry I.lwPlling r.
1 Nol7l ,11r II!
je.bie 11ingoon. and no , orormtlinni.
d n in,i ;ins. and When. Os. Lot none
g ion .41 tin. 1.1.( April. In g uirs of J./ R. TIOTIE
/alit Round Cloorh
Ir) LET—Ono Two Story firivk !louse. tnil
.:T.1.0n.. 4 ri•Ani, lirrore Arrntsr. Mitarn. j a
ril hem low En q uire .or
4 .12. JOAN WATT R
VI LF:9'--I{oomg nod Steno Forcer for
ATKPO.IIN S 0111:1.Y,
1 , 1 124 Tf , nt et
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Mannfae-
rilll E ondorsigned !wing agent for the own
' t'or oLn,, mlrtzt.or of town late th e town
Cl :1...1
1.11.. n. Mart c..nty. 0111o,rwIth ont lout. mot smell
a b. Aldo ('anal. and lb. llblo end Ihvn
ay 'rants 11.11r0.1. non only P.L.lng l-bmOgh
11, MI, affonls. prag.. 111, b.rt opr.rtunity
MO; perron, ratio tnny 1.1111 toreca, MM.
oho-wring silmo..f. ear dovrlptlfilt. Threbundnore or all Ito. corona of lITInc. lb.. supply of coal far
NO Inc sl.aor p.arr, vrrnt quantity or won] brought
P. this inarkel. II thn rarlfttn.r. fortranoportntion of
Iluf,u,t urtlel., all rceit.lne to mote this one of tire
n,t winw 11 foroo.l.ll..blltnr nanractnre. of Iron.
Incle.ntor derrnilnlo to n•wlM , b now offo..t .
ol in .11..11..,1,r0. rountrt.-
impo,v.l farm+, to the ridnity of the Canal *MI
hallroad. olroofferml--e trael of Mb erre. of excellent
Ilmired kW, ina bctwwou the Canal and lialindat, end
•nt half a front the lath lot of &vet
• rvlolnma Ito. Railroad thlwd, el a
onX or/veld. of 'even
Ihr truer and on two ride.. ettwts of the town. lin
Lob keeper, and torrehoolo will do well to look at till. b+
for they ynrrhecr el.owbere.
• t•Mllun of Maudlin., in the hart a,ricoltue.i
. reitloo. me . - 11 Q-... 4to Rey In the ounnty, FO
knjorn that it II doomed onnrewmtat7 to do more then refer
to it m all who wl.h to make goad inve.tment, to
re 11,0.1 ....ono. red,,,ty. nth. sputable and
Jeered. Iron. Andrew 11' I‘e,nds and
nf will Ore information
enoerrumg It. mei any rnoulrien will he anewenvi by op-
Thom. IleCtillough. Kent Jarvleortho loader
nl • d
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
E Iln 4 lernignoti Administrators of the
I entari , ',l Thin ow deneueti, offer for pale the
moire civlrr.t•te of ilu aid Thomas Veltman, consixtink
of unr 'fa-oot lut frol.lng Liberty Acre. running tack
utt,,,,,illiochr. to • ton fret •Iley.
I Vern Claud k 13. 0 ,0112 the Manrinri
in , frlttur nn LllMrtf stteet ;II fret g lochs, and on Chem)
twt 9 Indult. running luck foet In alley, Iritn
the 43.111140 •nd .table. rouneci•Ll, fronting un KUM nii.l
nik<blirt , lola 'moth. pn Chill., alley. rack righturn
feet trutittlittut running bark 414 Ml.'l parallel nab Plum
alPot pretiatrly wlll be add at private 'pain. by
applicant, to thr toultactiltertn or If not mold beture tbe
of %larch,. well be offnred of auction. at o'clock. P. 111., to
i t tght..l laddiert.. Apply tr.
It. PA ur
Ib. CANI'h ELI.,
1511.11,4 at.
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
recent unprecedented sale or Lots in
the a 1.,. thriving Town haring nearly exhausta4
I v. , 1101 out. and the th.mand PIA] rlll3t/111110/4
the Insu4l,rald btu 1it 4, 31 IndllOed to lay out • 3 , ortlOn
proycrly town foto ita a 1.., and olrefw them alt
prir., and term. that rannot fall to meet the wlew• of
pl.lllng to numb... It i. nordlefa h, PA, anythiult
ot 11 ,,
1p..-at,lont,f the Town and 11,wm:to tit having Iwo
lu e w e , witertlacturntai other than
onei- one.hunthvd have r.7vntly ehanr , 4l
purchanctl hT Om, wok., to procure a &nim
ble home.
The ab . ve lute ar amend the ttu! ellnlhle and dretrable
In tb.• and are prlnevally beahnl In the cents, of
goo.. rte....11y Pohl.
Fnr, Informationprorriaor In I.lTerwil, or.
in Jaw. Blakely. Leg., Fourth at reel. I . ll4buruh.
Llterynol. Feb. 2rni. fut.KldwtrK.
qf You Want eal Good Tea, ---
sTuRE.Ir.t Sine of the DilUllorld. Linne.ited or 1,”
feereerlTreen amnerer kept at flits ettstlelleelennent• •
relipterior Grr.en Tersl b1 , (,i.73 rent. %t
ai•ry Impurtexi, $l.llO
tee retie, steel run6h IlAreerve.l Marl, feeeekeeTfee t.
flavonell f01e.;,. 715
Tint In Me nnly at, it ratteleterede that Len., tee neap pa.
ckely.tlen sm.:kiwi of Murk ]'.an that .r , L to P.M.
nnel.ireinnet. a.
IL I. 'B
i-rrEttLA linod nod
• DES] irtT.
mod 1M vivo
ID 1 " "
)4."."11-4; bnxlx (purr) for stile by
WICK a 51,CANDLess.
iitIED APPLES-71okra. for sale by
JJ ...chs wicK i MoCANDLEa.
• •
Forty-six hours to Philadelphia.
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
280 milet, Railroad-1M miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boate.
NEW 11)RK.
N the Opt. Dint: lir (:tnal Navigation, Two
Nati. Llnpn NriA prep. 1 '0 , 4..1. Ihmle. •111 be.L“,for
tw,town, them,. by 1,314,, lbsiln.ct
TLere taking the
Two Hundred end Farty.Dve t 011.% dlr.., to
Time Llll'ollol FORTY-SI :( iitturs.
Yen In l'hiledelphie, CO. Faze to Beltituan.. ta.75.
The Care an Olio mute are now, and of the won nprov.
ed en/name:don tor onfort pl o d-sett.ty.
„,Perket• leave o'er,
proei.el) Endd
sod every owning et the mo l e lima
Passengers for Baltimore,
In arrival or Can , at liarrinburg: take the lurk &IA Coin.
I.•riand Itallrfaxl. (pow linl.h®ll to that HI, ,Inahty
four tulras.) Time. FlII:ft hours.
No charge for handling Baggage on thin route.
The 1ucre...41:1.44 'make• this the mt.., mmtnrtahh•.
sae• and deafrahh• routrouvr In the Enoteru
Fur .t...aste ur 114.rmatino apply to
.I. 1101.31E5, Agent.
. • .
Or t., 1 L. LEECII & CO.
Canal Detain. Prini
N. II: On the of July. the l'eunsylrenin
will lan not.itoi n Lotkpurt. nhleh tr , 1 1 , 1 t.".. the Ume
through SIX bourn
Plitaburub. February ill. 'IA •
- _
Manufacturer's Line.
sll ,l lPi ti 'Elt ARE IlEltEllti .. lNFO . R. un 11E1)
11. at,.
o in INrilitioo to carry n Hein
uunntity offreight lo and Baltim, re. traland
othe r r reuu llar
hing, In
no.a+ limn, and at Nor rel.,. Is. nu,
nlo, to-on u.5.1r for mrtlinu
Vreiglit to Lthilnorlll....
nter Street, Alesm,drla re.r.i.uroh. Huntingdon. 31dt
Croet. New flanaillon. MoVo,lown. '11i5411.1. )111111n.
Newport. Clark, i'vrty. Ilarrulirr, Colon:Ion. nod 1.11.41 v
er Int,rwedlato ...WU on the Pent..., I I' ma Omni nud Port
tto.. Italino.l. Having roan. haul. of Iron ...cured hum
ho Joniata pr..nintnen and nvulArity rhipmento, .
the afttrot.l4 poluta, at the loo,t run, uniy la
rpm. J mini! t 4.1. SCHTT, I,oprielor.
aroluoue. [Monis 10tr...1.
mo111:13( nett of the iNual. ..-
• ( • • •_ _ _
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built
Coaches for Hollidaysburg,
And from thrher 243 Nib", by the
To Philadelphia, New York. and Baltimore
Tote Topf.l,l :tn
vrtil ET., I, I
. .
hstran to leave al ant tinter, ahraya fa r
o ?hi
la thy what d-ret., yori•ttable. tx ro e vo' • r 4
%ha ilvaynt3era for ithlo l .n. "' ta o•
te °"' .. '
Railroad at a Ilmohory .lov.•t • 14 the a
a o tnyti hf the ' i h r7:l
that pia.,
N. 11—Tbo cultltte /tit tit. tuattr
ettotrles 17 I. 4tt It rt.., tarttet t itott , ,,ll
tit It. met. Iltil P. D. Act
TERE,3I. IN It/St:/S LS to to, rr/htte.
1 ItINtIIIAM. Itu•ttt..— tat Ittlt•lturch to ill tt.rttt
Ittt vat/tattled owl, 11. .a ••U nr. ttttn/I•stib / tV itlNt, II Alt
Bingham' Transportation Line. •
8 5
THE CANAL beifit: rom ~pen. ‘‘,•
.1, to ttn.l G.r. I,•lttro .nd
mhar,... ow, be,
1 trlghtt. alttas • , Pr, tat.. clovrt.4l r...,111,..1.10
1,..111, maul Mo-r.4.1a.....u• 1 , 1111. , v-datiti I 5ra....1
.a.-1 and v.-, wrtly•ut 20, .I,ar, 1..r.rar , ..
nnntig fr• Dell.
1111 i;:\.'l l\l-A t'•l.l'a:cl 1'.,.
Cm,.•rn.: i
;It. . 111 a. . ,1
;+ , , r1;1ak1.,.,~'1l
111 \I:IIA\1 ~l Ir•n'ti• 1
JAW 1 .I: 'milhl r.,
I~t+•.•n 1'.n~:(li en.l . q•, rnma•lrl.i&
- . •
:tit. tr.!. No•rth ghltint—r•
JANIL, PINt/111 , 1.,••• 1.. Vest .1
Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal .
T 'IIE PEN NSYLV A\ 1:t i'AN A 1... i;1
P 1410,14 lINIJIa 4. et..urge, ral., •1,
. ,
. .
1112,10 310.1,100 . 0110.11 , 1 . 7; ~•...114 1 :: L . .:
t ' i ' 41711r.1 . 41 ' 01 . 1t . 11 . 1.40111
011.wrI1 to WA.
Wl.lflua, Anvil,. Alum. Vry , te ~,,,
, • •
It I. -bawd that then- npviiing rains. aliJun are risneh
low, than nt ans prirrinua es-sevo. rliiinsert t••
r rr
1 , • 1 r
Lc. ts t Itt a uttinvl.toe
A.N Tti. ..N1 .1 N I: FA.171 . 1:1.:11.5,
err timpar. i 0 tun, nintrarts u - .ben.
fu. Pltlaleivhia. this eennia. iarne int• nt beast
on an-ormial•tiuo term, dm at tnry nur mina. teittnint
natio. way Appiv i•
f•tittlil4l C M• A t nt.r,
txs 1 •:77.7:—....,••
Pittshargh Transportation
I .rAmss 0.0,s soa R . Pas.. hoshitruli.
lASI Y.: , A Ca., Dep.. Jinni! unit Cherry runs..
and No. ' , oath Vosirth stem I. Intione 11arkni rut Cheat.
nut *tenets. Phllndelplina
IrOUN SOPS it CO, 70 North stmt.
IA VINT; fully ermyktuei bur arrange
rata. wr will St prnpared anon the urnnlng ill the
burghlynx. Canal*, Li rate> Itrigitt to Just ft , .
flattlinorn. Philartelphin. Ns, Voi Itratiro. Vim
elmutl. t,uissille. St. Liitri• and all the I'>,tand Wm..
low., rah+. and sotti inortaliStuta•lt and cure th an any nth.
er Lin,. All a... 1. •tilppnil Line urn fully nnrml
by 'antra., aillsint any rhiirgn toowner , . ItruttAAMm
not7l, ntfuntd - by ernY-trithne
All'neratuunirations ....alms • ragent*,
Kull Cry , t'ineinnatli and Iniiirn a
°shame. St Loula rill most will, rinultit uttentton.
4,t - '. R. vat lAne Frni ni.innn Linn whato,reir
Phllaslnlphis t a d PrOAAinfgb Inaarpurtatlnt, Line of A,
kins t Co. fetcsi
. _ .
wq r" 7,l 1851
Merchant's' Transportation Line,
v t AN tl n a AND It AILROA➢S, )
"T 1fF.,11.101 . 1N0. •
C. A. SIrANCLTV, A eth, Canal pm.. S./ Penn att. ,
l'ItAltLF-A RAYNOR, Cunt.' Musk. stn., PHI.
We are prepared to S Insp• amount inereluali.
nthl talon to ahlp nu the npenina of the esuals In COItu S
nnd -
any plan, at lower rates. end Su'
lisni time than in any Rennin. rvisatin.
Lir N. 11. Min Itiremand numb. Trnekr provide,' by
the Canal Ciinunlarnitier• for earryina nue i•I1 the
State Itallroada, will pry-vent any tausilillity of delay at
Johnstown, Ilolldsciturra iirCAnrahisi. this mu....
4: CO.
V.nal Its Art.
. .
1851 *4--
To Shippers of Merchandise, 'Produce, &c.,
a'n iara — tanal I rime non, PIMA., TEM,
ATI:MY t CO.. PrcOnt.r , ..
Comarlry Anal, I.l ‘ ll . l
DELL n 11.1(11.a:TT, Ai' alfi. Canal ramln• htt , hurgh.
JO:. TAYLOR A SW,. acent.. Haltilnare •
Wo are preynrial. on 11, a,a•ulna Ow l'..un.ylasola
Canal. to motraet far Frviald Re a. kon and
ahincra a. wad. d.apat,ll and rar.• as any .1.••
OVA DEN & co vVi
In John NlrFulen
( * mm: 1k n, I'vin Sired
Penna. Bail &ad Co.—Central Rail &ad.
HE sittieritier,o having here appointed
shippng •gnta tor the i'ent, "r r.titrul
r.g, talon, the publle that ure uow ar. , 4 re.
Ml,' any merrhandlie or prndgier-lor ,hintfient r-ut nu the
opening .Ifthe canal.
Om& TiA Alll4 route will 1+ roman tbnottcb in five data
tut .11 mn.len..t or will 1.1. f.t....lett free of
inn or eboulte for 114Vaill1..
OF rauconT Prrittn, V1111...,1•111‘ AND r 17 1 ,1111 ROIL
Dry 1/unite. MI/A, IltAtiunarr. Cutler: ,o`onf..e.
tlnuary. Fruit,. Feather, Furniture. bruin,
Orl. Se. St.ntl lino
IlanDam, queensnure. , lrew;tru.s. Ityr Mot,.
Leather.Clurter, Flan, Timothy tool ,other it,,,.
Re.gor It Ilk..
Itr.rk. flutter, latr.l.Urd OA. TtA,:textr.
entree. Talluu . tinin ant/ raa.,, 'IIN
Nlarldn ltlual.) Tax. l'iteh. 1t0.:111,1, , Clay.
ium.x. dc, /Ale itn)
janltU MeV ADF.Ii A COI ODE.
♦ ST(teli tnnabal
In rein.. Coma,, the
ta.ning about iltattnieca. IS tntlcc Cron I
ityleaUlallnead—thr al
11.03.1 pinathin thrunith It. • - I
It le well known on the Nlarain Var •
tinnind a e iltor4. Farm for the bud 11.1
le now In tint role order, And, ell rah.
' , WI". It le will wittored hr Little IL A
taiiriirdelllnei opting, about 271,..1
tiV77 ' ffi t lle
arlln a number chair.. ;teach d tree. near
Idled nor Ronnie valuable liof h
niture. atan a fleet role 0001 b
Irov/irk 01.01 r, Sr. /kr, tau be Ia
moderate prime..
The building.. int Ow
annul. and two notice hlgni nicer unit
011 h partition wall Intl,. ctern.r.
ed end In pool alb I, the n•int. no. v.
rulutul. three In 11.1 lower •tori. wlth
with tttnie large Franklin .tortiii. Ini
towb. Ohio , al Irliirb kny.• rnru
talchen attached brick hook,
Idith..dth lacit• pantry, and prin.,. In
Ona frame how., Attached It bitche
ittnrlnit high, calculated lc a work
p.rrli in !root ten feet wile. One I
tathrd loth, above hew., Id by y (0,1
hunt, veer the brick hon.., IC by 12
h 1,1., with lower atory 7 fort Incl.. a. a Ruud and nefer atding
I brutitill the hirer attry—lhe onteir n
for alma ~ A oiled annekeJ Air • •
etunlte oine-frante currier. tam.
T d hie., 0,11,1.400. cellar untlercci
tuntre.alaillt :Al rude fr..zu brick hunt,
and it half .melee 1.11/11, with a nor,
Ili lam., o a ne lirwed 'tar tll
Di 6 , 1. mi. nd a hall rhea high,
end aurnere for gicalt.—wa4on Phut nu
'ram.. lurk turn, OU by 47. feet. la '•
their 1.. act., 'dia., and entrance It
•ne frame ittable.alteelnal
Jl feetibatilt• tect Intik with .dalle 1. 1
I' 1, Con
, lwCo 1. l
Z" 0- ;: I"
poultry. 1.. I, • 0.1 a.r.ict"htwn""
r i er ter. , etinl7 r. 111.1, - ,
01 glum the 'arm. and ate. all ne
tuAbtjah 11011, uu Uht. I
month of Ilene., 6
Beni, I,ernAlitp.
Little 14..5,..r.
11.• Otkit, and Nun.
I latvl
and b.,
thj Land
0..4 far *L.A.-awl
ar na.k. RAJ
a... owl, few, the
PIO ata , ut 'aiLterea
wire aratual
the h , ..1.a I rigr--
1.1 3111 i kltdll.ll Nab
J farm
a.tli farm at
net boar, 40 bag
the whale hoth,e,
wore EnboE.
ronieulentlr rah
i.r . i e .
in rla e h e v r e o l. t ne fe u .
V 3 e,
two ahathe
nom 10 feet wide.—
u e I nKtl:7.. ‘ nl
whoa hover. 34
(Invfrtm ton sprh
h.., And
the lorzdh, .00 of
h tod
how, brick
"1 o, If , lir!, hen
tlh ono' hvw*-1 ing
, o eh liutu, by
, h brink chlurneis
b e: etc Immo
Ihrpr tarn. rri,hr
thane v fi r
rho,' ,rO. n ill:
pt,nl,•. VIM
{11611.10 .....
, ar 1103IAS WHITE, . BONNET \NB
FM:MILER. No. 11 South &vow
Mout. east side.) Philadelphia. fcht,triv
AGA LEY, WOODWARD & C o .. wh o l e _
_Er sale Mroccos. No. M Marked st. Philadelphia. as'
IL C. 111 . 011111110"
R ' EALE), BUCKNOR & l'o
CO., bucco
Cononlasion Merchant, No. 41 Northh Water 'tweet.
.n. 14 North Wharves, Philadelphia. and
ERCER ,LANTELO,.GeneraI Coniruis
1. sion Merchants, Philadelphia. Lllcral relvancia
nosh. conslannoutta of Prialoce ternerany. [jannal6m
111:11.1311 w. rorawurm- ...... I.III.IIGATCAT.
W. POINDEXTER & CO., General
pruoints_sion and Forwarding Merchinisand flour
k ere. No. th - 6 Market street. PhWadelphls. J •
To Southern and Western Merchants:
The snbeeriber mentally Invites pub*. attend. ,
4. m extensive stock At i ! , :;rf nnn
and if.;=n;e4.l;
t'r term
fall " t hi lVaiT ' aitre.leen awarded by the Institutes of
New fork, Heston. and Philadelphia., the latter being the
only doM.m 31taltde ever awarded kx.r perfumery either in
hoes or In fb country.
Ilocsou'a NLIALLI, P.M° 012., (41mactml, hose,
and Ambrosial.) unit:ere:WY mitnowitalited tuberttartiorie
tiny Flaming Crow In this country or Europe.
tha.uniUte rot Suarom—lteantlhllY tranaparent. and
p7ming highly Saponmenne and emollient propertiest
.• (Inurunn4; Ambrosio] Shaving Tatlct Edits.
er Flominot4nnt,
St-vcrtrt. TWIZI• EMarw—limon.l, Paw, 31illeflenit. don
rn (§ "4 . " "F.
P.rotoas ' roa rut Ilaancrecturra—ltose, Jusmin., Bow
w,.1201 t . stsditte.lier
Cie ratrum, Jeno y L ind.
o C r t i • u lunat. and many
Tons, Irsamoi—flarak IV:te r r. n r.ti de T . ..liette...drature
flower Water ,
old a orrst variety t.f Colognes am t
der Water.
011."ITZ.117 rsanu"L''
tn., dais itteS. 'hiukt a
and r. a
117L . 0
nine. and Jenny Lind " -- • dn-
Y l l t gq i a
01.mptolIC 111E.K ArioNn—ilnis.Unir Root Tooth
I aste, Clummal Dentritme, °Matta...Troth Paste.and Tooth
C..stance—Tegetable Cosmetic Coon. Amandine for
chappml hands. Odd Cream of Bits, Cream de Pens, lip
Salve. Itmoberry Creta. 1.
Depilatory Powders, for removing tUnprfluoUnhtill Pearl
Vintnure de Rea,. Aromatle V 1... Vidor'.
Ilnir Composition, Preston Salts besides. a great variety of
other article. ttsa notnctuus to in manny in this Weer-dem
The subscriber hopes to nutinMin the rnmtakm which
eatabliehment luta ompairwl disnown w a 'm agi,
Vol first rate article, and win ei ther wholesale ish (lux
,„b s , loop wish to vnienuim him, or mall,
on as re...noble teaming any retablishment to the eni4d
ibtemssor to and farmer D lr et ailiclt a t . m iu l i ttgtT td
ill Chesnut al
Mr. dada's Perfumery to nale. by all the princhad
Drum:bd. In Utrcoootry.
Vi9!ff. WAKENLEr & CO.,
No. 79 S: MI (Into Ili) LANE,
Threr opposil , the Old Stand.
Ind, In
awl Prnmerl—lielavy and Light. Wntd. An-
Shal , ..r. Rork. M...riuo and .C.otton, thxne,ie and Fnr.
Cdr—Sntln. &Mat:tine and fan., of all
t. I f % and quanta.
rfr urvl rl/I—Favr, Fllk. and illark t. 5 trry kind.
tIP art and , r,n4.,--Or all Linda. ,
and Satin. /lorry- Engrola Sladra.,
Italian. ',inn. Alta•rt Itaralperm. TwillPti Indian
1 fawn Lilll , ll . Catut.r.e, k..
tixlxand Engliatt, new at, In. toonn,tlr
K Silk.. Linen. Thr.".L and all tly• latest of
Vrenr4 and Etsvll.h Iruyortathm.
11 , cnery—Shal...... Merino. Laretlin %Voll,Ellk. Linen and
Al^rno, 0.... m u - Velvet. I'ael.ere.Engl4ll. Frettrb sod
Beare. for cent:ea:leo and Ivlie ariety ul
brill 1.01t1•'',
nr,ul.l r, p+rt.'. l +sr yt. , • , ...• , • •••
KJ. •Lirt, 1ire.e.% . 71 , 4 . 1 a,
31.1tIrn I.4ue
--•- • • -•.
ii :•,l h. c4ivacruni. tr,,
THIS FLI• 11l 14 colniasiwit iir pure Silver:
uicd t , f hoti4. Accperi in Sri, Vial: Sir the
is, tic
of is iirmining a occercazy article , la the
.10144, ...inn, An' pernai .Mll. ill a tivr rr
44.4., curl, as Cnxt4r.c.
1444,.. Carrla, and Harts..., Vara,.
.1111,lar, liji[lhosst, S ..r plat.. 41, pan. sifter an
Gonna:, NIT, Th. warrantee. I. init.
nritnit 1.,r 444•Inct.riresnti. r, Mold;
i.,4.4 A 111c.ral Jlwnird to Jevele,
2. 1! .
A. & G. A.. A.11.1i0172L
I RAPERS TAIIAMS,• N... ":.13 Broad
! • ip, norner .if Now, it-net. al t. thn Irving Won.
I oil, ti-ittieothtily tutor Or attention of frientic and on..nnt.n.nt win ?lilt !hit urap., , , of
IL- non tot notii.rn, nI. not tho, orn tio•hoo , 1 'nat.. ttp
ht. oth, otot noot fa.lotiontio tlo
itoo, lahot elecont kohl
darn ih. tow niittorhitif Pat Ent tiroithrinit. Then.
hr• tit artott nit:plot o din thit
ditiotrtment otectrihte
tool \VI l'N tiont3ls rondo to order. with r.flll
itrivatch. mud In mot aptinot.:manneh—
ittrannent who rizetroptillii, lid at totialr.
tont:tient nanny thing to their Ltote. end • atrial perk,. nt
t t . . ll ATittronis.
that wen ni mails 6TW en.le hard en. ha , !. horn
asanted Ilir nrot nmmittni of m. Amerima Ininatute at
the:, tar Vol, • • fetilthint.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
• (up ytairn,l Nr.R WORK. L. no" epolpa ,, n.•
61' ,
'IISIAN and .01 kind.'( 011. K %lAA 111.1.A5. mantas... 4
ro, 1,4 m. llr 1.4 fmr144,... t0r...m.11, the 44.4.tw0"
4.1. ',Aril. tgarl, rulgor4rl 144 the 4 , 141 - 1.4 . 1 4 44. 4
r 144, • yr, rl•lrrrdl4l 441.4rir of PAIIA"01.." AND MI
-111.0.1,14. redr,.4lErd 44 trlrgrol al"! plain ..1,,..l entlAn
rat4l Turk ..tin ran.-J., nod lAdton nog rilur•
t. ,a 111.1".1 1 .44. All aw MN. ofte""14•1 oxlremely
dor 0,14.444 1 , 44 elporirrill grl rnat r-rtern friends,
•311111 , urn ei
... IrrOgr purthxrin:r
d144.4.111/(1: /IV rT A N 1 1 4 rethidAtina
1, 1. and
llawtgart. tot ur , ea". for hunnportsttion.
11.1TCLI 3 CO.,
IJAYE note in store, anti are ~n 4 t antly re
...trip= nr otentm.ra.tlion,..t ..xten..ll-A.,ortrrivnt of
eno.rneot4 1..14 end rieta....t (.`r.T•ta. , Shirt,
oilorro. 11...ferr.St19.13ders, I nder Gartn..uta, Lnrult , n
Ilaulkrnlact ,
t.hatader Dr•rer...tilt • 1 .147
tkles to tiwir ~ f In of.v hirb
IM gold .t tb. t,ry pre., Or irent.,n.filerhl..n.
havitnt tn.-x=3lpr our Olvek feb.M:4ll.
Superior Black Writing antl T Copying
TONES ESEI'IRE INK. r. 5 Nassau street,
11. .
• I I
On ia;iglet, re-r o 1, llon ^ een vv . -
. FX
Thia Is the beet article tmenttlarton,l. It floes freely—
!. gveell:ol`llNti K—an,l will hot COrnkl... mould. or decoy, seal poeae,...e nll the qualetle• tequin
her a .reel ICrlting lake stniable for the Quill. and ad
mirably nolapted for the et. 4.1 pro. •
Th. ntnieredgned impanel to furulah to the trade el.
thee fire export or home vonennaptlon, at the above very
hoe prime, pat np ax per onion ar. , l tleltrered In arm part
of the Thy free of charge. No vharge ter CA(.S. ram
keer are charged extra at nett reel.
. .
1,1,41 y R 5 Nassau at. New York.
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Ravel
_ peao • .
INi The subieriber. iu soting the patrotun f all wb
1113 V fee tbft .Ivorn.tuesit., Arlo t o
of Milo ositelloy °
with whkli now nrtiele Ls brought tiefore the Tbs
experience tif jeery b. iltalgiolinci their Fuyerimily be. unit .11 , 10001 nm, aro) conatidently refers to Or testimo
throw business mon wbb hare ingot thee. envelope,
and to lon locreaming sales. as proof of th eir excel
Ist. On the place occupied by the seal, person mar
hose Ms name. businewa. and address. rouspieuously and
teautlfully Orals:owl enplaned or plain thus aficsallng per•
6. seeuritesnst rraud.
The • Kose doers rem. to open./ without being de.
rd. Nsither wax Ivor wakes are required to not them.
Sth. Upon et.. to/scan-lags of • letter. the real insures/to
Immediate return be the sender, lusteu.l of belay buried
month. in the Dead Letter °Mee.
rth. The Envelopes are furnishes/ at aloud the same
rrhe v plain ones.
Rita. Lark letter mailed is a mo.teffeeti se odeertiasment.
sure relent the ettetitior; Of all through al....hands it
m lkrti:flossinn to a list of prices for Div; engrartal on
brass, and whieh will toot fee rearm and of Esertoors. of
the etre. either white or buff. of good paper, and
urado aivre„.sith name, address. Se :
.. . . .
I'nkys •,i' 1 , ..5. : 11 . riess of Emr<lnprs wade as
31 lett,' or Ir., £.1,001 rah...
..:., to 30 - LA1111)(k • 114.00
11) ~ ill 6.oCruit 7.. , )
.10 io ~k , . b.tlo ~,,,,,, 10,:.4
✓ 0 to so ...... .'..... .. ..10.on .1,.1 122
~0 tv 10,... r ....... ...... 12.01WA..0
. .
...,..... ......
111,,,r1 It i. Ma enttr.nlunt to Itverant amount ...f nnier
per mall or vApregm. a referrn..• In rmtpeemblo Nevr Vnrk
llouxr will I. ftlfliesent. All °mien. toll ino.t wlthrwompt
allerktitm. If adtlre...a. Ir3l. MllltrltY,
• .
Order. wtiendwl protnrtlr. 1( 101 l et the +tom
nr Sievers. $ll.ll A 51Mt..20 lAnh ntzvet. or of 31rt-r..11.
Jerollmat: WAAL. 134 141111. m et.
. -
Card& erob...ued ha color, recta ruoe .
at $10.03 per tnumml. blim
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherous,
31EI)ICATED COMPOUND. infallible
for renewing, lurimn aleseautifying the hair.
renaming the wort desir (.and feedmie of thy twa/p.
and curing ens mien on the akin, ,Ilse - .o of the glands.
inuaeles end lute,dinente. amt relieving cute. bra.
me , elemdts. { With thM Preparation - there Is no such
a ,. f o il: , The prig journal/I in America, nualleul men
hf the highert endnenee. prominent eltimens of all prates
eiototend ladies who have mini It for films in their dm
tang nem.. mot our...nee. admit it with nnetemord. that for
',ming met. glom, luxuriance, and eurl to the hair,
aa ,„th s ri n r evert and dandruff: healing atonal, cllla.
P.. 10, le.. not mielving diem.•s of
the atm. the, elands end the 'mks., It has no equal
one the millitude of emnpounds advertised In the pub
licln emote, op tont private martin, 'nehmen., Resell
es entrieney. harry Tricopherous is unrivalled. The lut
men, nvh ica of.the
here enahlod the ventor
to .upply It o 2:seente per bottle, whirl, la from 1 0to lOU
per vent Was than the price et my Mbar javparation fur
the hale now In me, The netentlitc treatise,' on the hair
end the akin motes-Ina the amine hie directlots fur the cut
.... a nd preservation of uature's einintnela. in
la shirk each bottle iserieloned. II Moue worth the money.
The the menthrenee which oaristitute the
Ain nod the hair. which drawa Ito safteuanee from this
triple envelope is very elnee. All diem, of the hair nrl-
glum, In the akin of the head. If the pins of the Pull ,
am clogged. ur If the Wend and outer folds' do not elm.
late tool, through the snail mash, which feed the root
with molaturo, and Impart life to the nisei, the result is
emus. dandruff, shedding of the hair. grameures,
stet handinion of the ligaments. Mal ettlrebaldnes. is the
mee noir le. Irtmulate the akin to healthful ertlon •Itlt
the Trlmaddiernua and the to id weasel,. rani...rim; their
artl.ln, utoltillete the diem, In sill affections of the
skin. ind of lb. rulwtreta of IMIACI•1 , end Integuntentm a the
pnrer. and the meet aro the name. It I. upon the Atn,
the muscular thee, mad the glands, that the Trinophrrtma
ham Ito :marine notion, and In all affections, and Oniony of
thew orgame. It lan a sovereign remedy.
eohl In Mega bottle*, prke mots,at oho principal of.
for.lhmul•ay. New York. end by the prinsprol mend,.
tuis and druggists throughout the I nitemi mud , . and Can
ed.. dtr2t.Tro
Sellers' Cough Syrup in Illinois.
J1.1)0 E l'ititef:, of I r.iltoire
eaunty, writ naler Amu. of Jenn••Y rtn. 1,1 that
1,.• I•uti Irouble•I more or Jew! with • rough fur .•:%•ral
yeAr, which lite. yr•r WWWWird Idmto ilia br. 1 .1•4,,01w•1
lorwoh`i'l.;l7.`VV•'4s three mouth. Uurlvy ti..vmmrr
. r„ sh • 4,„ IwIte•••1 by th•
• i , Wirniu• by th o
Chopin lawinolat wlth (Iwo; the i r i• 1• of 01
Chapin bad t 0 .”.1 the Sy rn,of wfwat u••
wLeo ino•int Imaz Ohl, toot tlftewn bntties .11h hinwa
ro'n'ejei 7:llVtio%lgldeZV."
I•two•re.l ...lin,
s-4.1 drownist• gotowwlly In the twoduesno4
zi Winter OloTes—au amoruzinitte bh
7<tgl . man= a ataanuartze
PAVID C. TUTTLE, Attanw* et Law,
, akd Comsat...toner foe Penney!Takla, Et..Lotda, Sta.
r...cruuk.tkm, t qwwur Lrwre.r.,2. . . 0 ,......,
40im - H. RANKIN, • Attorniy had Coas t :
ta.lkk at I kot, and Ckottalaticookr , tbr the Iltats•a,l
I Trlvanitt. Ni I.r .=,ri7 tlat, t, or .
F Pittot
31114rTItiarldli: k 'I,CIon. Job K. Part. &wells t
Setup!, Mclbrd t Co, -.... atgltly
THE undersigned having eatirelT fe
toil,..jrnla nt eil the et., o..tensftreertalikJ,
~diteining in all stout three hundred and Dirty
pied, 'meld resPertfullf give muse untie L neer Mai/
fire the reception and econnimoillUon ot the laseeltles
e V
made which have been made CILIMOt preperly ginet do
an eilerstierginnit. Potter it to et* . ei =pram bu bent
spared to render anpapartnient
The furniture WWI made cameral to order. nstra
cwt. and certain portions fit, especially. the Dratisig
pad., will tis found to be of the meet beautiftd
lure. The Dining mane are twpasiotis. end the bow. Ibr
weals will be an arranged too
the convenience of the
early end lot,
- • •
- Everrtletiartment will lee eithituettel man troesitetilloht:
ble manner and the iworehtor blevialt that W.
l ow ", elleMetraly the - Traveller . , xpm
fehltswJkwilinT . • • LEW'S
prcufhatedyfor Clanzwatkation tf Ote AI - alien. •
(he Lime. Asthma. Brunchige. 1141:261, ti c
the Brrezt 'e Lim= mud dive elictibu J Lte
l'astonary Oros.,
TE do not wish to trifle with the lives fond
health of the afflicted., but we sincerely pledge MIP
eel yew to make no assertion eA In the 'thug of Oils Medi
eine, and to hold no hope to softy:ink Ilvmmlly, which
far. will not warrant •
• The Wev of belmad. and the Pine and wRd Cherry, are
celebrated o,r the mire of all diseases of the L.goi
and Lire, which arc so fmrfully Prevalent In all hrwthern
latitude, Truro o cranlifttatiou of ehemical extract% prei•
cured from this Moot euidAhrete Tree, Werraa'a
s or It'. enlatl,l is elderly formed.
xv - Widar's Italtem of Mild Cheery is a flee .rxtat.
srrtop•strall otlrt•ly of IVIld Cherry Bark and the
I'citoitie Moe., the latter inifortett exprusly Ear Ibis
P01150...1 the ram medical virtues of which are also own ,
toned by a new 'bemire! preees, with the extract of Tar—
Muir rendering the whole comtwincal the most 4rtaln and
drew‘l''.. reined; evir dlrsvvered for tho
Ctlgit ill
f ltrON Cured by Trlster's Cal
mof 11 ' iLl Cherry touter ease of Jerendalt If
trig[. of Concimptian. ;kyr of Ida brut here and Asters ha- -
ring died of Conatoutition,l Is truly wvntlerfnit
Pmvatir RIOSt, lionalitou sot, Sept, ' .1.0.
Peal—Dear kir: I take the lllkrty of adelaing run
Id [lie bructlt I hare derivwl Goa th e i use of Dr-Maar'
Baleen. of 17iki Cherry. I was pi•Ltridsd Ur that 5.,61.1.
ovatrim, Cum - notation, In Mn; la , t. The attack walk truly
i.orrlly in, to oh. for fir, of our Caron, (my Mother. at e {
-iaterid had riled ref Llynstinty . tion. I yea afflicted with
twarls all the runt feature. of the diamocel hada dlstterti."
trig notch and expectorated a goat deal of Ural. birth.
fever. *et ii're min. In le sido and cheat, cold chills, alter
natimt with t.whea of brat
I was under the tarn of a skilful phyaitian, hue lbw
time was taken aWk until about fix weeks erne, being
•000 about iielpicat. and my friend. eonahlemil toy Cot
Ilopele..s.f.. or at lewd 1, ond mtt yhyalcieta's skill, advised
.he u. of W btar, lithatn of Wild Cherry. ITU.: 101
knowls.l,,,lty Lather procured it. and commenced admix,.
t 'tering It to nie, fond from the first day I evacuee:and lake
.1 ni) lic-alth improved. and in lax, weeks frt. nu
In. I esantoi.ostsr.l I.SIoc It. I ens able to be tat sal osier
wemy tuulnees. and labor. which !still <Sitithme to do.
have tat...four 10 , ”Jeis yf the utediana, and now . aniridat
00,11 pirfortly well. ItifIRIOU.,
• CltowN ',INT. Late Cm, pave Jti. 15, 'IQ •
Jon., D Nur—Dear Hr. /a July4l,lo. wax attacked
pith n fever of typhoid character. which left not Ina eery
.tat... when. IL Its. folltArliikt what,. 1 Iran ta
ken ith a •cterr whit+ redur,4 •me to poets an en.
ts.W. as to Ass no. the tipacaratic.f s'iindaniust consOMP
the. I ialsinal under a erre, cough.—emectarated Sprat t ,
troubled with coid feet nod night sweets. 4
liltod from my tangy. I ountlntid
in 111, eta., gradually eltikmc under the diem, until
latmar, 1,7. Isla., I uoLla attacked with fever. My
deatiaiml tit rot und myth ought
maid •tarrive but a abort time. illy estremilleit, espsd,a•
It .3 !wt., ern witecanth cull, and atimkot lust their feel.
Under th-e rive unortan.w4 It may be truly said fres
tiring atteleton. I finally determined to null oulllng me•
yreeeettod by yliyaielaw. and try Dr. irlear's 11.1.
sgro of Wild Chevy., am, teem the tint .11 - n* that I rom
-111....4,1 tot:: as - it. I Pao wradual rat-every. I mill.
wed U., o mouth, m thc end of which Uoml watt rue
• 44• and veal health over Sir/so, and cheerfully re- ;
vuumetail the Ilahwan to all thee rained wlthllitleaccw oC
tho in., and would ..17 tin thaw commenting ita n;', rot
tri 1. dourouragoil if 100 ..r three L not offset • .
.urts but tiereerere. at l have done, and I hake no doubt
but nine cwww nut of ten. sill he hies.' with renewed
health tut I Imre teem. liertoetfully.youre,
INTIOTAOT TO vnortz 1111.071 - ..." aria =Yams or Via thins .
Ful,c , t, ztre.t. New Yoe:
From be. F.,.ker. Waehinedot. Oauuty, gy.: •
rmaaratth, Ke. Mar 14. '410;
. M.`,FrA Etanfard rake th ee
laoppoatunlty ofj
mlng you of a mart re Deeformed urea
by the oar of br. Wiatar'a Dalesto of SCAB ca.n7.
In Ile year PAO. I yr:, talen .tile on Inganutloctof the
r,0we1,,. %ht. b i Ta1..)r..1 uthl , r fr , te. week, when I grad
ually ree,n...n.l. In Us.. 1.11 of 1 araa attacked! with •
•try . erated It, Y nta.o toy longt.aoo tbr the
t.. , e tb5..... ;e:t., I 00.0..11,4 to ray bed. I triad all
aindo of reedtelne. a n d ever.: Tarl.., of all. without tom.
a. and Mtn. I wearied e1..0g tht winter of 164,
ob. n I he.ol 111...tztr , 11.d,dn of Will Cherry. My
hirod, t.or•u,- , I toe to Wire It atrW.thourh I had given
./p alt bola's` re,otr,, nod hat yre.parrd myaelf Ac. the
image t:.
ano,er I......4i,..heiT.olitdtatlces I we.
mtunil to.mak, ot th.. evouin, 13.1Sittl of
Wild Cherry. 'rho tn, 00... truly aatchtehlog.
thin year- eng .. .otbr.og. cnd alter having
four or fir.. t. no rotowe. and the
k a .,“ amt Enrol reep, , irian., had Prove,' no , t - ete,
Ing. I wan o*tored.h...talre bralth by the ble,thag of.
,13.4 and the ow. of 1.61,at0 of Wlld.Chtrr3.
May the 1.1,..5in3 %la Droprietont of Bo
adtaable a medicine a. 111.4.4..r'e lialaina of Wild 670r01.
Wx. 11. Bale.
Sold by J ~auford .1 Park.) rohith
and M'alnut otvet.. C.hdr.n.,B.Oh kr, General Agent Be lbe
Nnuth and 11 . :ret. to ...II ..rder, ertuNt be addr.....1
' J. Kidd A. I , J. A.
I . ltßlourgh; L., A Beckham. Allegheny 081
1.. T. IVAtmrloc: L. Utvoutnrrn, IL
IVeny. Green.harg-. e. Tname, Fnv.pruT I. , :mtt t Bilmtm,
Itedfontiteed t Ann. Ilunting , lotnNlrAOrr,lfellidayabOng:
Ilildetrand .I. la.aßha, J. K. Fright, KatantnAg:
Keane S Co, Son, Wayne.o.l3;
Begaralnd tCn N Callemb.r. Intetzo I LB.
Cr,; Graham A Yorker. ?Breen Jaturs Belly & Co.
ler. S. Fm 11.1., Gerry, J. O. ‘ittmin..rton, Warte".., F. 1.. 4. C.
S. inn, CC , 11dr71,1,.: Eton - m.l'We.
feblßlLtalinlT -- •
Needles' Celebrated
./ Thew. highly edirated pinetpro. haler Teen 5.5 •
snore than tw..uty Tears, during which lime they h.
re • permanent reputation... the ntebt eneseiO at
Ithentnwti, and fitrtalzhenni,,Pla.,n, ever °Saud. Phy-, .
' , Hans of the• hlgheetrtuinrocr. to whom theft entarnai-
Lion ha. been Foto/Wed. hare Oven the moat Caldera;
te-diroonlalt as m their sui-elloe riitue..rcl nil other
tort .Id.
The ingmlleuts of their rempoaltion. eery ramfully mat
rorrectly combined. render. them pecaliarly applicable•ta
pemons buffering with pulmormu dt.eare.
For pains in the tnast. resulting from
n. leolde;
cough; awl pam. tta , rariona neuralmt
dlw.rtaes In the bolt, thelr I...nefleial character hl boreal
qmetion or .ll.pute. A. a mantle in lotbahaa. their sw
ieriority over all outward applintion•, Putt a n liniment,.
ae., has beet, fully rurrob,ated by the maneenresellected.
or wealenei.s and poln, in the hurt andolde,rewnltirrn
(non seeere .tram., the kidneys, their me
iwrlorite whomo all oth-r planers bag been amf,ly their
liunare:e re exirerlemed cure reßef fro
p,lienllDri. To evt an slider with riumnatie pains, the. e
plmters • ',commended, with the mundent am - Unmet,
that their het...ll:lnt •Mort. will Sr Int. , ' arty - detid , 4 -
For sal, wholesale and retail. he
meliG It. E. I..r.LLEIL•4, 67 Wood at.
' closing out the Entire Stock.
!ItEAT HAV.GAINS.—A further redue
e_j tion prim-. The sat,ritar wishing_ to doge out
t Polar,. of suck on Pau, anal Stalk:ell/cc firoods by
the tat of April Drat, rocld r• - •wctrully cald thr attelttlDn
of his oid costoiller, an, the pot,ll, who spoilt want t
0,0,1 goods ,t httl per rent. bedovr former
.prion. To a°,
{Krum Wishing to rototur nee 1,,, ,, 1he5s ern Market etewt, lbw
scold go•.I vpPrtouity.. ho a 11l dispose at the hal,
an, of the etmt. on Inlwral term., with a Setae of the atop.'
which he Lea vecupitd fur over 11 rears, sod boa an aao.
lent family trade. WM, IL 11AftWARD,
-"s - .
sEEDS-1 , 9 h o t , l4 !; !,,ve h r • Se l r ., l , ; f
up a 'lt I.D Kato on hand a mol aaaortmettia
.r.t Blanket. tit tho JIM rvot houlltiminelotang law
hair of txtru also 00.1 quallq, or hilidt 60 .'"1
at reduced prim,
TOLL LOCKETS.--duet-received a Large
of elegant 1104 'Watches and Minlaiara Came;
tustablv Iloir. Or.
ONDON T kloz. for sale by
frt.2l & CO,
ci.HEAP WALL PAPER—Frotiio:l.4 cents
kj Il Y !'"b'
. .
• —Mr. rid.. Ay W. 1' }I.IR-SIIAJ.!,_
lIITE HS . If-92144. for
L. 1 ale by
111 ISAI. Wat DCd Y &
t C
iTAMPHOR--:i Was for rule by '
13015"11 B.IYBERRY-2 blilis for male by
fol.lo It. S. SELLERS.'
for e:ale I v
VIAL gross for 'sale ig :*,
&hie c.
It.'"OUSE IJ} LA I NE:—.lrinteci andAdid
rNan, iv gnat rattrtr and at-variad• priers to It ' '"
at Att.n , or fAtti 31t01HY .t lit ,11.111/1/11.1.
3IURPIIT & BURCHFIELD anr helllng pod. sr.
ticl. AI" lov 44 1,5 ra.utg twr 'ant, 713., b.. *I
band Moz.arkte Blue, limn 1.4 I , l6l.hrtme..d.
Vlaonel• rarioux •
110PS---13 bales for sale be
4t.15 %tn. U. Jousrrox.
Q,ALLAD casks for sale by
ICY 1,1,15 A. CULBERi.°O7.: A (4).
pRIED PE.1C111:1 , --lifi bus for sole be
N for Nab be rr A t S eo-
PJa; TaN-11 . ,67011; for ;ale very low t„
„Zr “' "brbm.“' ' by
. s. an.wortru
11 4 11 EATHER-10 Isaacs now Innif -r 'ula from .J . '
A. steamer A.++, .m Ibr ma ' . -; 7,
207:71 10AVIrl DIMT 111211, -
ifaa.asnas '"'6l
Non- York 2tkre.