The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 24, 1851, Image 2

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The Sonora Herald of January 2.5 gives the
following interesting account of the taking of an
, 111414 minas& among the mountains, about the
bead waters bf -the 'Mariposa. 'The expedition
woe undertaken 'on account of the 'murder. of
three men at
. Earage's Camp," - on the Fresno
"A company of sgventy-hve men, well. equip-
Pea. started from Akan Frio, under tbe guidance
of Savage. After travelling some distance, the
company was divided into two bodies, one bating
charge of the provisions and baggage, who were
directed to encamp, while the-others pushed on
in search - of tholndinns. The litter division.
fortyfire In number, controls on the trail till
dusk, when Savage told them be heard Indians
singing; and said it would not be safe to advance
nay further. All stood still, but nose could hear
the ainging except Savage himself.
"They, then crept along very cautioutly in
their stocking feet, and laid down for the night,
arranging themselves in a suitable manner for
• defence, With the first glimmer of light next
1 morning, they saw an Indian on a peak acting
es sentinel. He was looking directly at them,
• and continued to do co for some time. But, as
they remained perfectly quiet. he was unable to
detect the nature of the objects before him, until
the light became stronger, and then he gave a
• . whoop.". Instantly, the Americans sprang to their
• feet, and. rushed • toward. the rancheria. They
bra to climb up the walls as if climbing a tree.
The spot selected r was impregnable by nature.—
Mr. Wilton said that a dozen white men could
defend it against two thousand of their equals.
"It was a vast basin in the top of a mountain,
with walls almost perpendicular, down which
'large rind loose rocks could be rolled upon an ar
my of assailants, so as completely to prevent
them from climbing the steep end rugged aides.
But the Americans gained the heights before the
alarm had been sufficiently gibes, sad then en
sued a most ferocious engagement, which lasted
•• • three hours and half. Forty four of the Indians
• were killed, and the rancheria fired. The screech
ing that followed was described as most heart
rendieg-, ad there can be little doubt that many
• old women and children were burnt to death.—
' The lose on the American side was one killed,
one mortally, wounded, and five or six others
more or leas injured.
"The =aerie is described as the largest ev
er yet discovered in 'California, covering about
four acres with the houses or huts. It vras whet-
Iy unknown to• Savage himself. Several tribes
were collected together, and the number of braves
Or warriors could not have been less than one
'thousand. From four to five hundred were pre.
sent at the engagement we have described, •••
. . .
they mid-that six hundred bad been sent off to
attack Mariposa. The location of this ranche
riz' Liras on the Irlsno, about forty miles"from Sa
vage's 'camp, just at the commencement of.. the
• snows in the mountains. some sixty or seventy
milesirma Sonora. '
~ "After the battle . ' was over, the chiefs from the
-- ' . .:.- i . -,- ' hill tops told Savage that they would have shoe n
..2 . - a better fight, only six hundred of their braves
' had been sent to destroy Mariposa, and that no
~.:. • white man would be found alive there. Savage
'l- -., , says die force of the Indians is much greater
' . _ than has been supposed heretofore. They can
~:. r : - raise sonic fifteen thousand braves, and, accord-
V- Mg to all accounts, the name of braves is not ap
' . plied incorrectly. They say that all the Indians
..1 .- . from Oregon ,to the Colorado are leagued togeth
er, and have sworn eternal enmity to the white
face hence and forever.
."- "Savage lies disguiaed himself so as not to be
~ recognized by the Indians. The- miners in all
F that section of country have left their work and
1 . , • flocked to Agua Frio for protection. Almost or
.- l ery animal on the Toulumne and Merced has
been, stolen, and there is at present neither se
,• ' Mildly for life nor property. A company of about
ono hundred and sixty men has bees organised
'- for protection at Ague Frid, and all are ready to
proceed to battle as soon as ammunition, provi
sions, and moderate pay for time are furnished
. - by the Legislature,
"Mariposa has not been attacked, and the ru
mor that seventy two miners bad been killed on
. t ... '
.t creek appears be without fonnda
. t. .tion.
The'following curious and interesting article
on the mechanism of Jenny Lind's voice is from
late English Paper
The voice of this groat ranlatray ie,Pll¢ of those
wtmdeifal natural gifts which Providence occasi
onally "vouchsafes to a favored mortal. Jenny
Lind posseseswhatmay betermed a double voice,
the natural POICO from the grave - to the acute. a
range over three &UM; and , she has the pow
er and fatuity isf producing a recurrent, or
backward 'eoiceinto the lungs. upon the upper or
lower notes in singing, which is purely ventrilo
queue, of which.faculty her ve.cho' song is a per
feet illustration., - Thus she is able to control her
voice upon the most difficult vibrations of the
vocal chorthi, to be perfect in her intervals, and,
which renders horse :surprising th the perfection
of her intonations, that they ring upon the ear
with an efeet and a charm so indescribable and
punting to the bearer.' The peculiarity : is this
ventriloquons • power, and e wenderful part of
her vocalisation islthat her th
organizatioh enables
her to use these recurrent sounds the ;same as a
person whistling executes sounds by the recur
rent action or drawing in thetweath while inspi
ring. This faculty Jenny Lind controls and man
ages with an e 0. 5 0. a grace, and with such mas
terly &Misdeal skill as almost to defy detection
by the most refined and critical ear. By this re
- current or ventriloqual action she has the corn-
Mond of the epiglottis and imparts, (the calve
. closing the laryngeal chamber when in the act of
swallowing;)'—vibrating plates thrming the
child fissure of ta
the larynx -which I have sted
is the natural passage for thelair forming the
/ 1 3 addition to the command over her vocal fa
culties, she sings front the larynx, while she
throws the vocal force from the lungs and dia-
phragm, giving to".l4theutrength,thefrallness, the'
roundness, the steadiness and endurance of the
grace or - "chest voice." By this imensity of vo
talpoirsr, by the contraction anti dimujtition of
thovocal`chamber, she is enabled to thkill and
revel high into alto, without any detection from
her bearers, of any stop, or any change in, her
voice. Thus her intonations and modulations by
this peculiar organization, are rendered perfect,
- and her-upper and lower notes are given with an
inflexibility and softness of which her dyingaway
"echo" is apractical illustration:
k 1
"Linked ...mess tong drawn out:
Laura also each cadenza, run, shake, and thrill,
'made upon her tones with a decision, flexibility
purity, and correctness that are only surpassed
by the delicate, yet magnifment swell and chaste
dtmintiendo sf her middle and lower tones, which
haS established that *indescribable peculiarity'
in her voice, and emphatically secured to her the
euphonious title of the "Nightingale." Nor are
these all. In her thrilling notes she has the fa
culty of using the accessory.reeurrent notes. It
is our opinion, that the exercising or these notes
and this ventriloquous faculty, by over tasking
her powers, lost to Jenny Lind her voice for a
These necessary notemalthough dissimilar, are
rendered artistically correct and at once strike
the mind, aw,aken attention and wonderment,
both as to the cause and their execution. It is
all-sufficient, however, that a pleasing charm of
an zrzqte novelty excites the admiration, Allri
Calls forth the spontaneous bursts of e nthusiasm
from her audiences, who have placed the great
cantatrize, for these peculiarities, upon the pin
nacle of fame where she stands herself—alone
-:-Jenny Lind.
{ t . :
A Cot-orr.--Since the recent rise in the Nits
alanippi river says the Vicksburgh Whig of the
6th instant) we. learn that a cut-off has been
made at Terrapin Neck, about thirty miles above
this city. What effect this will have upon the
city of Vicksburg, and the lands in Warren coun
ty and Madison parish, remains to be seen. It
is about twenty-five miles ground the Seek, and
only three hundred and eighty yards through
where the cutoff is making with a fall of five
feet. The, current' from the cut-off strikes the
Mississippi shore very near Old riser, and if it
should, as it isdsupposcd it will, go into Old riv
er, it will leave Milliken's Bend, and the bend
. immediately above us, high and dry, amt come
again into the present channel at the rare track
above Vicksburg.
We are informed that the board of commissioners
upon whom has been devolved the duty of select
ing a location for the proposed Military Asylum,
authorized by en act of the last session of Con
t», are nearly ready to set out upon their
mission of examination. It is composed of the
dbUowing distinguished gentlemen:—Gen. Scott,
General-M-Cheif; Generals Wool and T wiggs, com
manding the Eastern and western Division of
the Army, Gen. Jesup, of the Quartertaaster r i
Department: Gm. Gibson; of the Subsistence k
partment; Gen. Towson, (Col. Lamed) acting., of
the Paymaster's Department ; Gen, Lawson, Sur
geon-General, and Gen. Jones, the Adjutant-
Gener2L. Within the next tea days they pur
pose to visit Ilona Vernon, and some other Ea...i
tem points after which a
: portion of the board
will extend their examinations to the vicinity of
New Orleans, and thence up the Mississippi and
Ohio rivers. They will probably be absent .me
fire or six weeks.-241.
Akron Branch Italiroad.—The following gen
tlemen were elected Directors of this Rood on
Monday last—Simon Perkins, J. W. McMillen,
M. W. henry, H. A. 31iller, E. N. Sill„ Jas.
Butler,•H. N. Day.
The following named gentlemen were elected
officers of thir-Ban.rd.—Sireon Perkin , Presi
dent; .T.W 3loldillen, Treasurer; 11. N. Day, Sec
•• .
Wa are assured
that the work on thii Branch
will be pushed forward to early corepletion.
Portage comfy ICAO.
tON CI !
f P w entusy . ;
b lv el ania. ,
June I: th. Ib5L for the v.:
or the filerA rt Governor m.
' Y k' L. j rar.E o tt. ll, M r...
Ddrnuel McMpoadu.
CiThonaccm_o.. c :
dalmutl B. Mown.,
John S. Brow!,
TiTorior ' C. ''' .
Alelludes E. 8r0...
' OVID..
James Clark,
shemsz D. Phelp ,
Edwin C. Wihon,
John ADD. ,
Dzolcl McCord!.
. 'SDr.r. SA4II. r.:3-4.7.
To the Whigs!
orit LILDCAgef,Y.curl 14
Cal Commismoner, silt s
Joie. R. Fhinercia
F. Knox Waco,
Wm. ll.Flingla.
Namm.l Bell.
Nathaniel Elliman ,
Km. J. EDW.°.
Warden E. Pre.ton,
Thomas E-Corktran.
6 V;il 3 , r7es .
C.A. rinneT•
C. 0. t. 013114
Wm. Er...
John C.
On our first page will be found the second of
the articles on ..11dme." , Also, Wiishington,
flarrisburg, and New York letters, Commercial
]Setters, &c.
For Miecellaneoui Articles, he, see fourth
Page -
For Home Matters and Telegraphic News. see
third page•
Tun Prat:saw:mos LINK.—The breaches in
our canal have at length all been healed, and the
'linhis now in goal - order, and doing an immense
business. We understand that both the Canal
and! Railroad east of. the mountains are full ‘af
business, and the amount thus thrown upon
We Portage Railroad, and the canal between here
and Johnstown is very heavy. Leech's •splen-
did twice a day packet line is crowded with pas
senFers. and our hotels are filled Co repletion.—
This is a small sample of the immense business
we shall have when both our eastern and west
ern Railroads ere finished.
The occurrence nf breaches on the Western
Division of the Canal, since the opening of spring 1
navigation, which have been very annoying, and I
have been the cause of much bitter cotnplaint. I
was wholly owing Ito the miserable mn nagement
°tithe present Board of Canal Commissioners.— ;
Under a proper f,upenision there would have I
been no cause of mplaiiit, for no breaches need
have occurred, if they had taken place could
have been repai in half the time taken for
the purpose. J t about that season of the year
, l i,
when the necessi 'es of the case require experi
enced man upon t e line, our Canal COMMiS9iOII.
ars make their neat changes, and theconse
quences are that e line is terribly mismanaged
at the time when the most care and experience
necessary. his great evil would be obvi
ated by making their changes in midsummer,
b When the line is liable to fewer accidents than
1 : t any other tim...
CATER CANAL.—Tbis important
i h,
and communication between
e interior of Ohio is now open
' er to thtitthio canal, and in en
, rea: improvements were made
• sesson;r—the imperfections dis
ectified, and the week places
...d it is now in a reliable condi
:. viptiotabroughout
veniC of 'mad.
•'1 burgh and
rom the Ohio
client order.
this work Inn
overed were
Lion for active
lerrEits—ln the proceedings of
Alleghg . ny,_nt the session held
d the following item:
the Councils o
Inst week, we fi
solved, that the .Committee on
ith the property holders in Re•
reference to paying nr planking
report to Councils."
—lt was 11
Streets confer
beets street
sctid.street. an•
!e resolution, and we hope some
, 1 to the improvement of Repecca,
ont of it. This street is oue of '
thoroughfares in the city, and
I ns° tr &Tel over it, mostly of a
r, such Coal Wagons, it has be
.possible in. wet vreuther, and the
lon it are put to a very serious in-
We Lope Councils, however, be
farther is done upon that street
.nd revise its glade. It is alto
in some places eight or ten feet
sed at least high enough to pre
run 'freely to the river. Oar
eit will always be a swamp. This
thing fororabl ,
street will gro
the most gen
from the imm
heavy charact
come nearly I.
inhabitants u
rose any thin,
IA examine
getber too lo
st should be
mit the sate
lens this is do
/ t
Amt. to ov rcome on the cross streets lending I
north fro m he riser. The higher Rebecca ,
street is rail d the easier grade there will he on
the cross st eta. There is no difficulty in fur
nishing mat Iril contiguous to the street, to he
used to der its grade. Seminary Hill, Tre
mont street, stu rgeon street, Allegheny Avenue,
and Bridge et, all need grading, and the ma
terial to be taken from them can be hauled doWn
I. hill to Rebecca street The City Fathers will
excuse us ll+ making these suggestions.
BLAIR CO srv.—A large and enthusiastic coun
ty meeting •f the Whigs was held at Hollidays
burg, on th 17th inst., at which resolutions were
unanimmol passed expressing the greatest con
fidence in t.e State and National Whig adminis
trations". recommending Gov. Johnston as the
Whig nand . .. to for Governor. and Gen. Winfield
Scott as 6 Whig candidate for President, sub
ject to the ceision of the regular conventions.
. _
RAILILOAb 0 RAVENNA.—The Portage County
Whig, of V ednesday last, announces the open
ing of thin important improvement, es follows:
On Thu. . ay. the lath, the new and splendid
Locoutotiv . "Ravenna," Made us a visit, bring
ing from leveland an elegant passenger car, fil
led with t e Directors of the C. ,1.. P. Railroad
Company nd their families, accompanied by sev
eral of th r friends, and some of the members of
thelate C.nstitutionol Convention, who were re
turning The morning was one of the fair
est, balm days of the early spring. During the
hour pre 'ens to the strange arrival, crowds
were co. tautly seen wending their steps to the
Station, d the centre of our village was lately
deserted. The customer, who happened in to
trade, le his team, and forgot for the moment
his basin ss at the - store. The mechanic suspen
ded his ork far a short recreation, and the fair
women cased their domestic dale's at home,and
turned u t to join with the throng to welcome
the first nivel.
About 10, A. M. the whistle was heard at the
Lakes, f ur miles distant, and in several minutes
more th train came rushing to the goal. Three
hearty c eers burst from the lips and lungs of
the bun reds of citizens of Portage, who were on
hand, which was responded to by the welcomed
guests, 1 or did the "Ravenna" forget to whistle
a shrill ow Wye do,'' "clear the track," to the
boys wh crowded around the fiery stranger. We
saw not ne face hot was indicative of the pleas
ure whi h pervaded all hearts.
After haking of hands and greeting of friends,
Col. P tier marshaled the crowd into a proces
sion, w ch marched up to the Square, preceed
ed by e.Ravenna Brass Band: who added much
by the tutrivelled music, to the life and enjoy- '
ment of he day.
After dinner, the Directors treated the yoUng
ladies a d misses to a ride, and some one hun
dred an sixty or thereabouts availed themselves
'of the privilege. Arriving at fludsou, they were
politely escorted by Prof. Barrows, who, with his
usual k rrdness and pleasant address, waited up
on them to - the college grounds, and shewed them
the pre 'cat appearance of the -future "College
trip; a
to the,
returned home highly gratified with the
d grateful to the obliging Directors and
Ittentive Engineers and Conductor of the
rn that the' Stockholders, at their ses-
Friday, unanimously agreed to accept
ndinents to their charter made by the
It Coo, TOLLS.—The Board of Public
hose sWy properly reduced the rates of
, on the Ohio Canals, as will be seen by ref
'. to the list in another column.
change in tolls on Wheat, Corn, Floor,
POrk, and Whiskey is from nine mills per
er 1000 11w. for the first • hundred Miles,
toll a l
erene •
and aI
Iced. 31
mills for any other distance, as charged
ear. Lost year the toll on these articles
.y distance could nut exceed $1,25 per 1110
ave on 'Whisky, which was limited to $l,OO.
ear the limit is $lOO, ease on Corn, and on
i . _. . ..
5 cents. The change makes reductions on
gh freight on the Ohio Canal, . follows: 1
, Flour Ascents per bid. On Pork and Beef
ots per 100 lbs. On Wheat about one 1
ree quarter tents per bushel. on Salt
v three cents per bbl. Limo and plaster
pay much lighter tolls than last yeah.
his Canal will be in good condition, and i f
co are such as to bring out produce, a large
coo may be expected.—Ckceland Herald.
, N w J cascv—The Legislature has passed a
gen ral banking law, a homestead bxemption
bill, a state appropriation bill, and a very ire
portrait tax bill, the general railroad bill was
postponed with nextsession. The committetron
et. 'culture base reported against legislation in
fart of the farming interests, and thus defeated
the, reject loran agricultural hoard and the ap
po*.tment of a State iggriculturist.
• .
YonK Sesaron. -The Washitigton
i. :11 1., e ,p h . , ,, 5 ed e of
o re f p o r ii mm o.i n . te g ti re. ves, m o u f ti O o hi . :) . , on the 1 t :2 , 1 GREI4i APPLES-19 bbls. Russets;
to we present Fugitive Slave Law by a vote of ' th " . ;; „Thle d*a."l' bi AV •• eireleaav -
- Tun New
Whig paper
announce the election of Gov. Sine
40 .r} : , ;;0 r : ,
in the following gratulatory manner ,
u re r p S r Ltut on t bi ora th i e n , CreonlgLe,,stsedhetionsu,tru-
nee all
- ,
We have received by telegraph thegratifying
intelligence that the Hon. Hamilton Fish was !and metal IL DALZELL A CO. .
yestertlay elected, Ity the Legislature of New .
tionorable means to obtain an immediate repent,' SALMON 4-5 bbls. I),NtbrUsTralheBbay CO.
has been Me men)* Ye.'" P rominent amon g , gress usually styled the Fugitive slave law,
York, Senator of the United States. Mr. Eishlt Dail/ILL A CO.
the' modification (Jr amendment. of the net o f O m .. .- A. -
• • . -H-E1T1.,H1bN..311--5 lib's- - for sale bv - ---.
Whig politicians of his State, and has always
proved September lB5O.
Front the Bultunure Sun.
been a consistent and faithful member of the' -
„ i , - , , VINELib..A-ilt-20 bias. (Ci a de p rl i fu E r L a L al k e w by
party While Lieutenant Governer he was as. I
sociated in the admiuistation with our present a Mort iLnv...t.-__
Si A_LI,E;;MTUS-125 boixie.sAagu.lo,b,,,hls. for
Chief Megirtt'ttet who yes then Comptroller of 1 VTEVEeTIYin SllltTurrici Or NIEXIrO.-We Ult- WASI HD-A Situntion 11.4 800-eeper Ur
the Stae, end their views at that time harmo- , derstand thatotir townsman, Brant,. Mayer, Esq., ; uteri ill • mmerans or' maindaenuing bo..
nixed on ell public quoit
Ile was an early has been elected a weedier or the 'Mexican Na- : Y r „„ . `" • ,,' - r - l i ,r A rl ~`c •t h, ,,,.'"o r f rj rcrAn•VW•l r lin e .e. V . l.naltrl
efficient and active friend of General Taylor - tional Society of Geography ?tad Statistics, and i tra... ; • ..tnelatXtr .
lie will render a cordial support to the Adniini.- , that his diploma has been sent to him, with al -
[ration, to which Jere have reason to know his v o a r tr t y ho eo i m a p p l u l i m ii e , ntari t : ,.o l, . , dte i r, f A rr , 7 ,, the m rfod . e y ot r I
election . gives sincere satisfaction. None who Y , oung Mon's Temperance ASSOelatien. ,
are acquainted with his general prudence, tend - , has farnithed us with the rottenly.: lot 'eating I.,,,,,l'illinSonikk'Nt7.l,l)l,l.tialqiiianLeitilltrett'''ldal.:l;'iltsiong".ltriße-omr.
eration, and good sense, can doubt that ale ' table of the population of
en Rep,thli, a Mexi-
.:: J." ~- ' ,.T4. . .."1.1 . ." . i h7",1,0'...r0l the
%",;1 1 ri ' attVi IT!
Fish will pursue a conservative and patriotic ' .able
Dr 16 50 . which bin
been by the ._.:
course in the discharge of his Senatorial duties.
,N,lntd‘x:,ect,iti,.,,G,itbivicernon..rte,net,,troimtlitlehrteio:im:gitr,sgetgrodenot.ute,t:tedlti:ceti.,itt.ritn,i_.:!.,!l:rt.Lrrt,...Kractisrfk.:i. ger ,
i a t e ,,, oL mo o - ,
-,Repultlie .
no regvlttr census lots been made since the days ' e t't ". of . t I V:Mr. 1
Hamilton Fish has been elected a Senator of 1
of the celebrated Viceroy , „1,0.-2 t I Chairta. Faerothrt. Committee.
the United States for the term of six years, to
Who vacancy occasioned by. . . hope that this Ministry of the present able and 1 Temperas and Noblestown Plank
the ''.F thathm °I I enlightened President, Arista, will not fail to di- I
he 'term of Mr. Dickinson. Road Company.
1 rem its early attention to this importmasubject I OTIOE is hereby given to the Stocklinl,l
- election, which has, es our readers know. 1 is hstiot,„l development; ' ii„,sl ere of nab' Copany, that mar it,
wake psytnerit to
been closely contested for several weeks. we. ;
State of Chihuahua 147 600; Chiapas, 144,- 1 '''‘ 4 sar ttrlt t li -", naln X. tt. 4. " l " l "?' ' ' '.ll. l .l: ' '
effected at one clock- yesterday Vie have the '( - 0' I - • 40: I . ••• • -• 'l l'" T ,fh h.,...fter. be
the whole ooKa is
fact by telegraph, init. no particular, 1 1, . Con soda , t 4,3 , Mningo, 11,1,1Sttlunnii- t'r' , !, , to J 1; "", d „ ..„.d w in be graded and bridged ley
I jnato, 713,5511: oue mere, (new) 270,000; Jalisco, St . ly Tat,' 117...1. The Stnekhchlen are requested to Le
We mt. say no further of it, at present at - .7 7 , ,, ,: Ni ,,.. iks; ~; 73,07, ; p r a crs ; Di str i ct 000 , prompt nod rnetual In their minatu.. ,
vised, than that Mr. Fish has just ended a term , „on, M. R. BROWN. President.
Territory of Tinsman 80,171; State; oi m ` 1 .._.
of service as Governor of New York, and nut , midahhcsh. t .. , ,-, ~, • Colima, - k ppiEs.--.21) bldg. Russets and Pippins,
long ago represented fora single term in Con. .1, State 0r ' N ". „ '" 1,..„ '; ,„71113 t 7ti 0 ; f 0,,• 6 '' , l s ': _
, Lirsk to S. V. VON DONElloitnT AW.
tress one of the Districts of the city of New Ipl; Puepula. r,m).(w)o, Queretaro 184,161; ;In) - --- ----
York. We have never, IOIOWD in Congress a! t, . i , ,, ,s „,„., . 1 ,,' ~-.4 , i ~- ( j( 4 ROUND PAINTS, in Oil. neatly put up
ttis Moat.. Ir .1-, ; Isonora, 0.1,0 , ; nitwit
more thorough or conservative whit, vat rarely. i • to tin raw of Ireto to De. each, „mous widest ate
100410: Tabasco, 63.580; Taratittliplis 100,064: t Maxims Omen. Paris theca.
even there, a more worthy gentleman. -.‘ ,st ! \'
era ~ •, -... ~ .. ! n ,„„.y. • Pa ris Orin.,
1 t era i rut., -Ls i, . -.3, t twat., bho, 946) ',neat,
Intelltgenrer.ern de Sienna. Prutenlaa Blue,
i cos,Ms. 3511,024: Territory of Lower California, motor n ew, Ontherturnt.
RAILROADS WESTWARD FROM SEW YO .--- ...- 12- I ?° ln ii. in ' e r ln ' i 7 lli t .'?l l o ' r 9 s it a ) ;ol caster-S f
a ll, ----u- a2l-'1- ii 12tit.3:82124"w""u:.
- ADRIA:4. Feb, 2S, ISSI. 'lndian and negro. The littliane have generlly FOR RENT-A Dwelling ',louse on. 7 : 17, 0
To irr Editors of ti.e X. J Ee•-nny 4.11 .
been ertunated at about 4.l.lothlaki. 1 Mint tirset, above and near to Smithfield. It ....P,
I h e r put Itaturrs. large yard. tenth house,,A tVIII.ww,
Gentknaen-In a tour recently matte from Nev
Market Street Stare for Rent , ',,7:,_.",, l ;raVi,='" '`.TUT:'',V , lth it . .m.
York. vie Buffalo, to the Fewithern pae nt
F aith. th ith l ui " in- ', Fllll R i ll N T .-Th, SC.wee, 118 Market Tr:. m ehtY.l.-1
1 ''''''''' 1" '" "'''' " d Lb t e V V.e. ' . l/1 (LIV . GTON.
Michigan, I have taken thet nen / . Darlington', Fotteth sto,A, near Waal.
to the progress of railroad!, from New York nem t we...vend door front !Ire earner ..f Market....o.
westward. I; awn, 50...! rore,mlon g iven the Inter April.... s wEET ou--2 tusks superior, for sale by
There are now constructed, mid in pros of h.'",,,,Ar t v m DAVID tILEEkt, t cect.).2 It. E. SELLERS. NI Word st
construction, three great lines front New York _ . Dal Non wt. ,-- -
--- . _ i LCOIIOI.- 12 bb's . for sale by
to Lake Erie. tha Dr.. AlrLtst.'s Lista 111.1.1 ll• New Vol.-The raold -A, nt.'h= R E SELLER 6. Wombat '
.• . _
The route via Albany to Itaffelo, ts comple- 'lt , ` , • altsitlot , tho t o •le , M.2. , ,,, tar.ltotte 100 , lecorte•keese ri , A NNERst 011,---10 lads. warranted pure,
ted, except a portion of the Hudson River road I :".. !;',.' . .' 5 7 . ,''' .. '„',!• ';', h t•
„t r. , ::,...,,,,.-1 ( .. ,.: - :',:,t:r,..::..";',. Il_ fo r m te by t nehtta R. 0. SELLE.R.S.
and this will probably he complete' nem no- ;,....„.„ h„ „„. ~...„.,1, ,..,: x.,
..... , ,..i. , .,
tummy pEcTo RA L. Starch Polish, Soap
thrum From Buffalo west, to the Loan 1.t.1 , ~t tiver t ..n. r leo.L .1 lee I,,lbrairm biter, from. I/rue:a:M ' header, and Efferwerchat Compound. n.r rale br
Erie, ninety miles. a lama i , ‘ now in active pro- o. ‘ou 1. m .t...... the partner r te.
el 0.1, the., INtir are • mr,,,, it. E. SELLER.L7 %mai .t.
tress, and is expected to be comple•ted next an- n.,...,,i in ihai ~t the amen, i LeOl.lOL-2 5 Was. for Rule by
tome. , 0, mows Loc. Los ',... `. V . ..a . raelelt J. EIDD A CV. Mt Woml rt.
Mar,li 'lb. 1.7
The route by way of the New York and Erie ; ter 11. Lau. -.11,.ar ear, 1 have ....1,1 out all pear Laver 11.,‘ NI; LISI I YES IT I ANIIED-2 1- /blils. for
Ea , ilroad is expecte , Ito be ccmpleted so a. tot ; .„., „„, sn , 5 „,,,.„,,, h. ,„ „„,,,b„,. t, i,„,, r ,„1),,,,i, i l'a tale by . tarlai J. KIDD k tad s -
o - pen it for ruining MIMS a bout the Ist of June 1 . eot 4 h...., ...Id n muti. heruor quanta,. It .1 hail been pro.
next to Dunlirk, and. is to be extended to the ~,,, „.„,, ~,,,,, .. 0,.. , 0i . ,0
0,0,,,,, . S PA . N . 1 , 1l IV, til'r IN O-50 bias. tor sale by
town of Erie laefere the close of navientien neat I , rt e tt.....1,,a.h..,1,..;thne a, 007 there or nt. Idu I ..
pARIS IVIIITE-15 bbls. extra O ne; for
fall. It is uuderatoml two onto will be made ..! l''' ,,, t' , --tt•t tar attotherrune, re
F SHULL'. Druagl.t ral e hr melt= J. KIDD a CO.
from Dunkirk to Erie-the one front Botha° on r
ss... ~ J KIDD 1 al .
‘,.ir ‘,..N 1/ CRUCIBLES-HO newt Cro sale by
the common gauge,ttutl the New YOrk and Erie! h .. ~,, „ s „;,. ~ se m need a c9 „,„.he. J KIDD A Co.
once broad guar Front Erie to the smte lint' _ _ _ ~... .. .
of Ohio, the work is progre , siog, moderately, Attention!
there being mane controversy es to the charter 0 ,...,...., . 5r,„,..„.., m,.•,
” .,.,.., .. m.n ,„,,,,,, b..,, , ,,.
and this embarrassment will delay the reniple i.iso, u.,15rap.1,...1 etetetnent of Jan Watt. who. ...urd
lion distil next year, moat probably. • . t , ..,,i ~,,c ) 1., the lawn( the rrrat :Ara .
From the state line of Ohio to Cleveland, the " fi•••I no, tertify that I knee hs„, e , cured of .. n u
work is under contract and is expected to be
~ 1 , ..::! , . , :: 4 ,0
.. 1 . :: , ' ,. 1 '. , n ,. ...0f %m t. . Ile , ott.s . ,, , r , l',..u m n i hir
completed from Cleveland to .t...tatatula before : . I'.
..' ''' ,, t , ' - ' , '
~...t ., • , ,,.... .. ea .. „
~. . .
~,,,,,,, ,,r , .,
the close of navigation next fall. This will leave ~,,. rs , ~!...t„.‘5::..`nth...,,,t, ~...:',,,,... ~
..• .::,,,,,,,,,
45 miles between Ashtabula and brie, the eta. , ••• ni ,0•01 , 1! by me Petroleum. / •-, .P• itNnett
stage traveling.. next winter, between New I orb ,„. „...„, n , i 5,,,,,„..., %nee: rahrlaray e......!.1.n, War.
and Cleveland, by either, of the routes above tern-' I ma'... th...... eist..„.no withont nay sobettallon,trora en,
dotted. eeo to do -,. ani ,oiet; tor the purpnee th at uther. eh.,
The roots from New lock, via Philadelf.ilia and ' ..nt,.,?:','!f1,':::7...,,,,0,.-,..,, to ‘ s) ,, a n rs , 5t ,„ 1 , , ,, , u ,,, r , t0 b,
Pi ttsborgh, to Cleveland, it is career', will be i 1' . " ... ..,::: - .... ,. - „, i. :' , ',,,,.:‘,„..... ' ,. ' . 7 .. : ~,',...•
' completed and opened for traveling by the close I ~,, „,,,, ,
..,, ,_,„.,,,,,
~,,,., ' JtetlN Mall'
'of the year. If this expectation is realired. we , 1.,,,,,,,,,,. i,,,,-,,,, G. 1.51 II
shall have a railroad conamonication tram New ; r..... 5„, „, ~,,,..,. k 5„. , , - „, - ... „ i,,, „.,,.,,,
~,,,, „ ,
, York to Cleaveland. on Lithe Erie, for hest win. ' ',it..., s: it ~,,,i .tmet. II A Fahnewtork. t .... men,
tees use And the routes between the same o ',: l ona . . y r oat dee., It SI Corn. It A EDI,,ll
'ts (New York. and Cleveland, I via Newyork tt alit 0 r ...thwarts. Allegheny. a 1.., 1., the pro.
and Erie Railroad, and that via Albany and lila- et..., e si Kivu,
rale, will have hut forty five miles .5 stage trot. .' ' .s:•-ics :r I,lilil La...Se...nth wt. • etu.horah
elling next winter. This will Ire a east improve- i. , r ,t, Lg., Forergn Erehartr, !taut, Nan.
moat over the condition of traveling the present aor.: ,s• Sam..., fo,ught, Sold .t Exchanged
tanner.A? 1-ilm
Of the three routes above mention from Cleve- . EN; • 11,‘..t .,E Ax II BA s KIN 6 Hou sir.
land 012 Lake Erie. to New. fork, that rift Pitts-
Laugh nod Philsdelplita, will be, according to WAI. A. HILL & CO,
statements of present lines, about ten miles the
.shortest. The New York awl Erie will be the No. 64 Wood Street. Pittsburgh.
next shortest, end that tin Buffalo and Albany t e.ravrieer:r 'Aloe ru or tuts Dirt...SITA. MU, J
the longest The latter road, however. is •
t' Citizeks Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
most faverable in gredesand eurve;,,. The rein
' . ' t• i e b I 4 • 11 1 .4‘ SCOUR.% GE HOME INSTITUTIONS.
Vane auvanAages are .1,, am t ..e. t ree rOe. e..
from Cleveland to New York will bi k colattertor. 4 „ ~ , , , ,,r ' . '
for the through trafic. t' o . tieo.m. ere•elent...... A. W 51 tam 5,.. t . .
From Clevrtand to Toledo i s tintheeid or Lake ~,T.;',',',....'';'1„'",,,,'” ",,','„.T..„."'" d .a. . en ' '” ""'''
Erie) there is some enibarralsment in regard to .
~,,,;,;..,,,.,.L:;!,...v , :. ,, , ,, ,, ss, ,
~,,,,,v.1.,,th,,fry,,,.,..,. o f
~, .." 1 ,: ,
b an. A eotnpany IS organized. hones,. „ k , ,„, ~.„ ..„,,,,-...',. ,!:;',„,,,°..„.tcsir i . : , ,
and baS put the line from Toledo to Fremont, a .e.2.ot.olla,mmlavt.l I,r men. 1- rubor., ...Mom,
distance a thirty Miler • under contract. which' n,,,,,,,,,, , 0 .; l i„,„. r . Wm, r .„....,,,, ~ , s , ~,,;,„
is expected to he completed before the elate itt,t....iiy,ix,,Ert:17,r1.174.t ! , ,... i .4e , L ,),....f . wart 'lntr.
navigation nest fall Tr will have twenty , lr'' .__.'
five miles of comely - 1g from . Fremont ALower Foreign tuid Amerigan Hardware. ~
B..dwkil to Nlit„peoetile, on the Nlanstield . _ iLsoN
CO., Railroad. By thissrailrood, and the Cleveland , LOG ?I.IV, W s .
No 129 Wood Street,
andColurnbusilnikond, a communication is open
ed by nalrond from Monro,ille to Cleveland, 'A HAVE NOW IN STORE
watch, though near ,lonlik the ,distance of the : t ( 0 1, • ,,,toar.ityt.• rue: of 15 , NEIGN AND .4-YERICAN
line along the shore of the Lake. is greatly pre- I
IA RD W A.11.E,
erable t o the stage Thin will open a railroad s
communication front Toledo to New York, for 5nie,,,.1;t:,:r.q.,,,!.;:,:1.Z,L.rtr.,].., ; , , 1 4 . ,: • , 1 ,7 1; . i11 , 1:. i .a ~ , ..,, ,, , . .,;,, ,, ,•;,4t, ,
next 'winter's use, with ouly twenty-fire miles of ~,,,,,,d, , , with sat of the eastern rine,
coaching. via Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, and I „,,,.....ammaimmmasitswilli
Albany and Buffalo. DIE%
There is little doubt the entire route on the .
south shore of Lake Erie. and all she lines above
~,,T:.',,,!',,',...:;.r.f.5th%11,"han-.. "„, b .`;.`r., d ," ° ,. 7 a ... 1 . ° .' 5 h ; •
alluded to will be completed in the course of the ths . ,3„,„ h, „ . ~ .. :.. .„.. k, ck „. h.5.t:‘,`.*:‘,•,..„7,,,,Tn L.,,
: next year.
Froth Toledo o railroad is now in operation to
Cold Water, in Michigan. ninety-three miles.-
'Thirty-threei miles of the distance as owned by ~ Seal Ash St aural CITU'I I.AR IA tae,
the Erie and Kraemer). Company, end lease,' PHILADELPHIA MOURNING STORE,
to the Michigan Southern Railroad Company. -- to-- - .Mud , - . . ,,,if auras, l
It forms a junction with the tatter company's
Fifth that: : t hose Cite... Unit, W„st Side.
road at. Adrian. The Miehigan Soothers Cam-'
pony, have twenty-four miles that will be open- iyEsoN , SON W:::11,1L7,1,,,,,,1,..i..ftti,13,....ni1k5y,it,",
' ed for use in two weeks from this time, mak- ,„, „11142.V:),',:',.::ri-I-V.1....,....itier v. pert ..f
1 ing their line across the Peninsula of Mich,- itl.o:lt tr , t f1: .,, ,,.... L hl. ACE q.t.., M ose r,.
I - shots,
gun one hundred and seventeen mile. tu Sturges . .. ;,.„;.,. , r.„... ; : i i int ,. .t. , , x ,, i ,, tz.:-;
I Prairie. a - - gme awtit 1
The work beyond Otis point is in progress, an .. •• au wool ,NIOCHNING Neil:m.4
thetwenty miles which roach the Mote line of .-: t5,,ertz.;..11.1,,,,,,.,.,,‘„ , -.. 1 , 1. , , , r ,,, ,!; i 1 . 1r..
Indiana, will probably be completed and opened . ; • mesi 114, , , ,
for Use in July next. At slits point ea
. ,1 , , ,. .0 . ! ,. .1...
I . c ul , t i h o„. I
..... A ,.. l , lltu r rt.
the Northen Indiana Railroad,.tbeing n continua- ~ `,IZ„ '. ' , Mow. de 8.,
lion of the Michigan southern road. I and is de- - Nato's: , Met , . I extend to Chicngn in Illinois. One • si,do or 1,...,1101
I hundred miles of this road is in the state of In- : r,e , ...1., , , , ; • 5 ,... ,
,liana, of which about forty mli, is nearly ready .. •„!,.. ; ;,i
~,„7,1,,,,,h, I .:
' for the rails. It is expected to be complete! to ": i t , a ., ~: 1
, the state line of Illinois by the close of thie year b '' .----i
in.:b.:443i M 7. -
This will have thirteen miles to be traveled by - - -
1 stage to Chicago.
" T hin result will give railroad communication i'lJ i, L , . ILO,SaSl,N,...G.,:lnietor,i.::,l ji ix
net vrinter, from Chicago to New York and. Till ,
~ 7 , ,•1,1 11.- Ci •
i G.
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, complete. with the : ''' ..... It it,,,,,,5i Ei. , ld Does et me P...101u-
excePtioo of thirtY - ciAfil mil' , .ln't 'in N"' V " rk ' `"'L,-. 1. 1=,:!.:rguc „,„ . ~,, by the author or W
and Erie road, and via Albany and Buffalo, nuts : Is it...ks
the exception of eighty-three mil,. We are... i 1'0".,,,' T r '',,,`,,T1'.",,,,T ; ,11,'„'",, a , 1 a r .; ' ,„„ th """-thran.'"nst
therefore, closely approximating n continued iv', a hoy . . 5,,,.,1.4,6,;:ycex...,.,i..zt,0r ~,t5ty,...,,
communication by railway. from New York, ; „arid ,' '". ho 4; Market rtreci
weetwanl about one thousand miles -prod In the
course of the next year, 1185'20 the line will no isi I'N DRIES
\ .7 h.s- en ii.ceths., X". hte.M. IL S 1.. Itsklas,
doubt be completed to Chicago, and probably to tho ~.s ., 0 ,,,, 111 ntobl. welt 1.0. F. I. autemast
slississippi. at Galena, :distance of near 1200 ~,,,
~,..,„1 11:11, ,, ,, . ., ,,,1 .::: b t. , it :z.f .v. ,, ,,, ,, ,, ,, , „
miles from N,.1. York. This will be a vast re- ' ' s i, „ h „. 2 7.„,..„.',1 1 . r .., L,.,., 5u u, ,...
salt for the time and capital employed, and could , J.: , , •t
.1.b.te.t.... I ,1,0 dram* Emu
LO ea.ew Fin Crackers.
not be an rapidly consummated, except for the ' - 7,, r,,,. ; ;;;;,4~,,,.
great facility the formation of, the country pre- J .. Lemon Suirmr:
l '!:: ''''. ' s` ;',,,:;Zz .-.. ,,, ~,1 . .. Tuavtoli.sshust
seats for building railroads. e 5..., ~. 'Lawson Ire :reg... :to - Prma, :ranee:
This great western hoe must hire a very large '.114 , 1 , t , 1: .,,., 1 , 1 1. , 1 , 0z
,r,.,, I'X . he1t1.45
to - Hrstil t'anas;
traffic, especinlly in passengers. The extensive, , a:,o bar. /Isla. 10.'12 tklarf. 119.!.1 , 0tI Pyi . ncipe Seer,
fertile, and distant west, once shut out by the ; u.s,,!f.r.:;:s.Rheer.,,,ti.iss), ..„, a1 z ,,, :.
frost of winter, and restricted by the harards of 1 ts l
sr bi ,„,,,.),, A.,1,.,, : ' 1 1 „,,,,. i i:„„„...
lake navigation in summer, will lie brought into , x tirt..:A0ikt;,„,„,...„;,.., too WI. ll ij amnsar i.. azal
a neighborhood intercourm, easy and cheap, at ' sone its' whitig.anti 1)13...Fillillell" Al ,s.
all seasons of the veer. The railroads will form th .l,' o , bb2,1:1:,:;;;;;,..'Al I 1 m7... C h „,t,', D a Tth '''' ..
an epoch ip its history, from which to date its ' lant lot., Du
be. I ' '..o ' ' ' '. l" r.;.V.r.. - andlee,
advance in commercial, social and political inter- all - rod's' I c ur i e, Cottle haar) •
course. Two days by an interior land route, I s 0 suer brut notries,,.,ltirl,,,,.rro.alitlril. ore
from New York to the Mississippi: Can y ou re- ' r..,‘;;Ti'i'laslingnla'r&taliestieg and Twiorwith n o g P e; . :
elite the chang so rapidly effected! How 0001 ~,,, ,‘,,,,,r,,,,,,,, or ~,,,,,,, ~,0 am i v i 5 ,,,, , , , i. : 14 . k .„T.
the influence of railroads in binding Us together , E"rt',',ht ',-, Second and 161 //runt Fn.
by the ties of cheap and mmy intercourse: Stalli- . m.-- - -..--1-- -
fication must bestir herself, or the chains will be .
too strong for her to break. , FANCY AND STAPLE DRY, GOODS!!
Very respectfully and truly yours. GULTON & CO.. Suceessors to Jena
It JERV IS s lit. FALAI/mot 0 0., rte Cedar and Yo rk e streets, New antto Merrimac. 'Minn, New Eitz,lto their
motet,. dock of Forrtgro mud Dom•onle rimy and Staple
lilil 1..nul •
The Richmond Times explains the law passed Th „,,.,,,„, I , „,,,, 4 . ~,,„. ~,,, 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,...„, r „,,,,,,,
by-the legislature, postponing the elections -in to ..rep ; . t.,1,1, ,
. .. , . , r, nen
, tt . o4
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, amtine... , l , earth.
Virginia. The Congressional election is posit - lie- ;•:;`,;,`, `, ,°.,',•„`,1,.ri,a;,. ;..4„,. j,.„„,Y, Iv= „3,,,p,„,!
ly postponed 101 the fourth Thursday- of October r ea . ,, ~,,, ,r ico, .. a: L l:t w at) . ,rie r,,, ,,t , hatxti r err: , nentuetlto , r.
on which day members of the legislature are lilt.' .....„.1 ; ':,,1„7,'„ r o :, r u .„, s ~.,.„.,.,0,.„.".0.V.0..r.15rh., e 110.,..
to be chosen, under the present constitution: but o, , seolon el me ...Inter: nod au are renoliad to rya, no
Irene to wake It the of evert merchant to favor
but if the new constitution he agreed piton by the , „,,,,th o,, as pstronnae JANIE, S. stogbroN,
20th of June, and ratified by the people on the JASIEJS W.) DARKER.
fourth Thurso:my of August, then they ore to lot ! stn vane Myra., Is:d.,-;eartiffoL AS " ' WELL
elected under it on the fourth Thursday in Octo- ` i ;.„..,t It 9 _
2 'aide. N. O. to arrive this day,
bee. If the new constitution be not agreed upon i :" .. ";. 0 ,...„, hr hh „..... ; , k w.11,, ...„ . „ . „ ii
by the convention Imfore the 20th of June,
1 VI,OLASSES-140 lib's. N. a for Sale by
before the Ist of August, then the popnlor vote, , , ..,,,, R. SW. lIMITISIAIII.
for Its ratification, shall also be taken on the 4111 I
_,` , IL A, ~ .. .
1 It _t_to lib's . prime, for sale 1 , 1
Thursday in October. If not agreed upon be- l ' s. a w.italtilaUdil.
tem bids. (freslM for stattii t
fore the Int of August, the next legislature is to ;
provide for taking the popular vote on It. The '
101 l also provides that the next session of the 1L14.-4,::...,-:::::1,
e a W. 11AltAtUt.11
general legislature shalleommence on the second LA01,r,i.,T1,,,,,,,,,,t.,,i, 75 kgs. No. I Lard, in
Monday in January, 1852, instead of the time , sc :i.., ; '" S. w 11.0tDXWIL
now by taw- I I 1)11.1 ED APPLES-130 bg. prituo, for style
I _
_by metal r. kW. IlsitllALOill.
• sum WATER conv6 ON. • 1 ROSIN -100 LL's. to arrive to-day, for sale
The citizens of Fayette and Greene connnes Inilea s a n ittatutitain.
are requested to meet in convention nt Meson- -,,,‘-‘,_..,-..,,, bi l ls. womingt „„ )
town, in Fayette county, on Tuesday the 22d of ri•-• 1 ~,,,
~,, . to n. arrive , to
„c„.„, 0 ., ~ we Y. aW. .! BALoU.
April, liar the purpose of forwarding the improve- .•.. , „
Mont of the Menongthela by slack mace from ; T AN N 1',1t.b,_1!,?11.---10 I.4l.t.,le,,.,,..titilkiAftourii.itale
Brownsville to the Virgina line. It is obsolete- ! __.-.' l -, - - - - r -4
I} necessrry for Fayette and Greene to move in ,if tOD FISH-T-8 casks retell and for mile by
this matter, and move with eteogv. which will ".. -,1 °,....” s. kW. II AItIIAIAIII.
give encouragement to the V r-giiitin. to secure 11111 --- lAL BU r ER-10 bbls. for sale by
what is now within their 'trot,. ,aad of such vital 'IA , „ . 0.0 W. itaitaaffilit.
Saba Fleet and LIS Sesond at
Importance to Fayette and tivcrne. Then wake m...- - 1 . - --7--- - ---
Fayette and °rem. eountv (boys and g o in- UP NDRIEtS--'
to convention with a d e r er .; r oti on to l'ana l t 1 - 1 1 moo rot , t, hall Eullvr:
have done whet is the 1 • •• - • ' " '.-
."''''' "" u.'""..
'artlem.r interest of . ....s int.briant APO...
large a portion of Peyote and sal of Greene.l t reel“ ilry, .
General Moorhead of Pitt& h x01,,i, g una - V•Illid i'lwillitiii just reed nor canal
her•of other
Will be ' l " a r . g senr i a ''''
1 N'''
"T''" ''
c' ' ''lll4l' `. . 14
Pu'l` "
I mee.: li Its. ,
MANT CITIZENS otlayrr. - .. ( -- - : :- I IN;SEED 11-25 bblettveg and for sale
March 18, 1851. '
. s _ s ro c 2.4, SOBIEOS,LITTLE A OE
LET—.ln OFFICE on Water. be-
rtTM "1- 1:2`7 a al
achy . I;V.,:;‘ ,:r.
W h A ,i, l : L w.. l . :APE ,,, R ..7: L r : ,, t,rizt b a-fgor m tr:ln.t
FT a1:46.01 , r ihdla. Yarlon, and Charnher, at prima
rnnen. fmn ,, n`i rem. .16 jp.r place. for Rata or
rnehl . MAIL,IIALI. Word ort
-111 r w 1" 0 - 11 55
.t ° e.AtiorleteighC:t,;;;ti,° sul"r!
t rim 41 be paid. AP PlO. ta i L t a; o l . !
the Ilanitn. Home 01
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
retd.r g n, F.., March 14, 1851.
yp) Tll4l 11111LIC: , —We hare now
1410 stair, two of "Jarthe4
' 1;11 74riT I P SLilfre4 o . l . F 2'n
r.{lhrr 11.1. tue (1110 t., or ousting 111.,131 - auend
4 nrt , -
The nr, b twrfretly aJaOW to Ilr tun , 'kit.: the o
ordinlty burr stanr.andrequirloginuteh
waling It eqiuraleut, a Ileretunt to near
l l to y
Ih l o ()ltil l et=m7 '
Jur,. ..rt aal profit nf alvul Min LI, the vial.
of the 011110 tn. 11111 '
For mr.nufzeturius the ray mitt Into lb.
wort rp....1.1. producing , •
. rt awl ankle of ouperliue Flour.
.:!..I..'tUn",l'.ll":(4).Meng :o=l°V. -."?:"..114,'
Gr. Male IL I. uorzootttiosaablr.
the PI tt Tel CU
' Tsoresx, Nom,
W. K. Nut.,
lvrte eat..
Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant MilL
IRAVrehasedtbe entire Paient Right
thb riiited 0... 2 for .. .lune. M. Clara's Patent
' inert literati., or Merchant MA" ands now lelng
KV37.'"" o ltVlLi an4 = li 'frl
that rilL7.l , o° ofTer thr . areates o t is7te r taitorfof the aae,
and one wh . irti ft Intrw to meet with ewe., and whie:ls
1571,17trtentUfts'it, IW:Targ= fert " tr r' rs n a
I , wrfeetly portable. arid snit ovopiee a sta. of four fiwt
tree. leb...ra, when in operation. and Is capable,of
grinding mitt leJting from firs to ten bushels a wheat per
hour. It esin be propelled with from an one horse poser up
to au 5 isimwer derired. WI and mes it In siwration at
tirliroarth ar•NohleasLlty F 1012111215! Mills. Liberty
street. Pittsburytt
b•forthec. haec Nn right Of Jam. M. ©art'. SHIT f ill.
"'"1 an o
d t
All ho Machin. for
00 sale. having purcl.m. l
1 i !,;',”1`.4
VOTloE.—'f he steamer ASIA, in July last,
to pay freight and eharara. 1 . 31. SLAIFE.
tneb s
- •
; Young Hen's Idercantile bra,ry Associ
ation. ,
PROF n.lLru WALD() EY .RSON. of Ma..
tt. hue , twat prsored. by the an° e Institute. to do
herr to its members. and the eitlaens of Pittaburgh senor
ally. a 00,100'01Lecturer mery lately prepared. and upon
rub eets.
The co urse anb wi l ll nitopr o i ntr. Lee... on the Poxart - t ea
t \Castro.
11 Erosoo
4. Wain.
The Lea.. •11l be given on Tuesday, notrodazt, and i
Saturday , num ssirely. at the NEU- CITY LI:CIE:RE!
1W0.14. ant door of Ltr•Ttrr. littbotra. on
\crawlstrict. ...nommen. on,' erecting. d.tanh
WU., at , a bib.. 5 deloek-
do. du. admitting 0 ,,r.t. and lad>. ...... 3 . 00
Flog do. to le had at the door
Tickets for members. faingle or for the rmAte..) ran he
dbudoed of the Librart.t, or of Lawn.blersh,
wool McKnight. Committee.
Tleleta for (sine. or for the course.) to lw pro.
enrol at the principal Book awes; at J. IL Xeradden'in
I Inehannon n and Y. 11. Eaton's. meta,
. .
rta ti
.11 1 OA.
lid I d 6,
Ladies' Writing Chm.
ft K. CM.3-MBERLIN will re-open his La
u,. dice Writlnu Room. at Yitt.burgh!Commercisi
leve. (comer of )Istket and Third streak) on Mondst.
Starch 24th. nhete he 11l ho prepared to Klee Instructions
to the Art of Penmanship. to such as un doniro. of ob.
onnnn; so el
epistolary hand. flours of inxtroction.
from 2 to 4 detail , . In the Inermno. mrh2l
IlillE SUBSCRIBER lin, been atpointed
ligent for the rate of
Th...r. the Inent Hawn which have ever publicffered to
the Nadia. The manufacturer assume the that the
chief Improvement ocremary is that which promoten the
durability of • tine edge. cbined the bent gl•
ram meet with • onneave ground blade.sod from the taw.
liar proems they undergo In tempering. together with the
great care berhmed tip= them in vettmche ran with ton
t:den, recommend them. F., well mallard In he with the
erali.deon.ceofthis or. that they are each gree
t. perfect to any revert, the with
We guarantne every Rarer to give pert.ct talinfactlen.—
For eale. by the doom ur ohmic uto i le .
corner Ntarit.U;dl'.7nrritt — its.
pitotk-K.KEPERS--Ortlern for Paper
'lancers can tol left at rim Wall Paper Eton. of
....not W. P. , 1551 . C..1 at
hh,,M. N. O. Sugar,
WO MA, N. O.
I !de
GO bomb. Drie App
lOnd V 55. Flaw;
4U 1)1,15. Llomed 011;
r vs. cew Ulm
tc . 1.7 , N0. 1 Lard:
t ' 7ll . ;0111171
40 .1 T lfi X 64.
imothy lirmh In Mara and fur &Iv by
I_x hy W. V. Wallace. ' V l ltii.„.' 4o sl - 1
r. i . zlLlk74 . , i sel , , d rmie ' , nog -,-.' ---."-
Wanttll a tiosenteaw. b r John l'arry
Mamma if Ito ,•,). Pa...rttlad'• I
I,.".yrArrroal Mrd:'44'kVzfor4huAr,"° "06' ,
num tiottle: br Mr. Alitard. Homo:Sick Polk. I
ll'rrnbdeirglLMTMrl'kila It,V,vr,'. on.. yolk. ' 1 :
With ail the late popular Sono, Waltim Cotillion, pulk.
as. Slarehen, Variation', Hondo. Sr., dr., fanned In the ;
ESinton Citt..
.Vc. Nark rreeiral tarry intl.
A very large and new stuck or
To arrive this week, 91 d. i, ,Cis.
and 7 octave. carred and
• ~,,,,,,. ing prwe nto IV:Ou. A 1.,, two Ina,
Uitlrentiorand Plano. from the woe relebrattal mama.-
Th. at.° . with • full and wet:Loral stork of Nlttalc and
)inalral NlerrehandlacJ for ash: by .
ON 11. MELLOR, 01 Moral lb
N. ll.—Two Piano Fortes to tdra. Old Plano , taken In
PLr(1.,^...f2.-• -- ..—
Valuable Real 'Estate . ' for Sale.
III: SUBSCRIBER offerm for Salo, on 7 4 ,,,,
irt.yorfig=p o , . r !unowout lleyl I , ,tote, 111E1 .
\O. 1. Tlitte9 tolulble tlrer goer 1 , 114 dwelliun to on o,
nu !P.M ole,;:tobiet,77n
..ligicet. w,d. v.,rry 0 trort:toe
l"' 4. el'•_Pfllrtalttor:7 r...l n geni.n tili;l Prole PIJoi Ina
the Third Preobyterlan Chuneh. on whin!, le erneuyl n one
pge gory brick house, wool an a tainting orriee, and one
b'N't '''';7l;.tkivrtlrnii.,.. nearer 1
0„.. 0 .i yra 4, being a bout, wo 0:e..,;;;Nr0,",..1,41.4 ll:
eel o . ne block of noir frntoe dwelllupt. idol 0 0 0 0 oelp.edr7to
'lr. 1.w1;111,1i V L:,ii . gilo hi ltt , ,orme. o r pooto the
°'??.....'..V -.lggrott;u:.rplU'ff,o!,lPr." t
.1 .., .n.
boon there ni to low wster mark.. the Inillester. n'
No. O. one valuable water lot. 100 feet on Wheel floe,
with tell
. ehsree water power sttsaled.
No. ~ One lot opposite the wateglot. dlo feet front. sod
extendlne to the top of the hill, od width It erected one
ren, gory Widest., and warehouye:lbi by NU fool: alroune
Ml.*lCliiratrgritiOhion.earer county:be.
lug shout 140 foot on Illnodway. and shalt ZN) feet deep,
fonts/04114 save on whirl:tare erected Iwo Logo troop
dwellirom And PP small trams has. Used so an alike.
MP property was fbrinerly
.pernpled C. OPAL
y n d l e riff pleasantly Waled, bent h....,.,...,70, , ,, ,, .
1 th:J,,,,,11.0,' ttitgioLlmadollstely,bel, Fang= II ,
beim; sinuTle Port tri len se Prte ' :ll.l4t fran Water
I strfaT b l„,„ ,;.„"go, willtby!stil44lpgairavoriale tem..
1 . triter& 4=4."*'' 1 . 01111 iNkfail ' , r "T"
metal Vold:nal Pool topy.l g'''''.-
. .
1 - J DEAS s etnaposed chiefly of Vegeta leskaill Maturate ......- _
inemedlate health. This Powder is invalltahl& (111. th . ‘ ... I '
of the num. , . &teases to Which Ca.'s and Wolves art . COGSWELL'S'
intdecL pis Glands...lnward Strains, Mae hmtnds l. "' i i
ITttilraroPl=`,.arge DMTru, l 3gt% , GREAT .• PAN 011AAIA
called Stiff
C a of
movess fetid
Ode one
and prevents homes from 'becomin etWl °' '
blo od; It carries al alliv.das hereo .J pures the LIFE IN CALIFORNIA
blood; It le also a safe atal certain cure 1h the Meares al
so fur Coughs awl
It which seem to be the orilan,a ~ AND THE ISTHMUS OF DARIEN.
many fatal diseases It will also clew.. the h 1..... ""'
Una 1. .. BM.. W.... &Could id We t.1.00. , .1. I TIDE MAGNIFICENT PANORAMA it
sa nr, ,,,
end towels to healthy aetima. tow op. al. the ATIIE-V-Er.V Iit.7I.DiNU.S. LrenTY
lor sale, wholesale or retail. by
4ra.r. a:utast(
8. N. WIC'KERSIIAM. — _ ..
tal ostler Firth:and W . " . 4 '.'— ,
Information Wanied : l5O bags prim. Rio Cuff,
giF WILLIAM MORLEY,J of IliavkleS , 1
lo ht ch. Y. ILO. P. Imp.. and Black Tt,r,'
2 casks superior Madder
I _JP County of Leiceal.. England. i 110 is 19 years . of i 10' ' . . No. 1 Ced6ein
7f), l ft7ilii.Zi h uill'it h .l=l! b lit,Vt r' V,:i. 1 to bblo Teams , Ott:
CO boxer e a
eaten WIC for sale by
beard of by his relatives. A. It le [. .j i ve he isitgmet with J. S. oiLwoRTH s,co. •
some socident, or bet Ids life, any 0 who can give lotbr . 1 M chl9
-- ------"-- -
:IrviinrsililrbisrennntriraleTeha*"= 1r th .,7:11f2; ` ,. rlt U,CE ETS AND TUBS— .
rewarded for his trouble. by whirr.. a line to A.SCrrost. ; LIP rot dos Bucket, 19 dot. Ta;r i . i ts . 4 . tit L , .....
Niectown, near Philadelpbts. I'., mehat.s._ , todbl 9
A Blast Furnace f o trafe -- - 1 Re-Opened. .
'INGE UNDERSIGNED off rs for Sale his ', 11l 11. PALMER, having completed the re-
DLXIAY , OO i n Altoona" in !.13[0t11113,1. Goons., ~ 11_111., ottry,st
1e 111 .
to WS . tom. ail , j c er d inate
Pl= SAW and 1111..reV1 Ill ' : 1 d :tther.f.Mtit'nu!:- . 'n'-'7-" . 1 . ' ,. :— . --- nY f .Cl_r_nii - p ; ,ck, - r - e,T - Fi for
reentry to carry on the Smelting o Om. n has I.lou . lir .1. ii I - 2 ...., .- . .
Acres of Land attaelted, wlttras mite more adjoining as i Meisin SAMUEL P. SILRITER.
-- --_ --...--
we vn t ni e. ' IT I n ica ''''. l.lll Inee v t b fa k r b ura c tle t rrs ' a ' t on ' Ttl n th ''' e eons , per
,' 4,OiITUKTB—::uO - I,u. ter sale lov; to' close con
matins, Iron, having the ore within nerhalf to one mil. 1s . 4lgnment, by ' • SAMUEL P. SRRIVER.
o il. In very lar, onantities, easy to tim e and yielding I . melilli
fro..fio to Vi per ant.
It. is one nall awl a half from the -- -- - ease - 11 *--------
Etowah Itollhof 31111. where • ready x can be found fur Straw Bonnet and Hat • w are onse,
all Its products of rig Metal: and is two miles from the •
IVestern and Atlantic Itailrocd, vrhk 1 IA one of the gin. No. 1115 MARKET STREET,
of rallyseads ounoecting
hirer with this tea iii,
Mood, which lice sis lines of rails. Ja running .t fro. 11. PALMEIt offer , for sale, at very
o. Einfolied and under wand.. mood w h er e ugh &nth , im• ; ~ low Priem, • full assortment of Straw and NlllllO.
portant Towns and Cities in eh...gin wer • readY sale ts ; ory nods. Ain
bound for PIS Metal, Medd:wry, llt low Warn. &c. It Is 1 BONNET. , -Fonl•rn awl American plain atid fancy
now in full blest. potted by water sec, with • fall of 11. , Straw, Maid. Chip. Wrap, Milton. Lace, lial, Pamela Legs
feett on a never falling stream, an In the most health,' bor./ft_ ae.
part of the South. HATS-Men's Youths% end Leghorn, fanry - and
Larissa may be addressed to me 1m...C..10, Ga. plebs Braid. Straw. P601i0116 Manills..l Palm Leaf.l-n r,
or I can be men at .y time . rim remises. ' isles' Legh raid, Fos, (.111p. Gimp. Lacs. and it
TIION AS P. STOVALL Gime,. Jenny Lind. and o th er finauSln great astir
AturnsiAl Fr. sea, /larch 1. lea .and colored White at. d material.
tudr..d2lawntm ;' .."RffittONltlch Plonnet .1 Scarf. plaits 0.10 and TOP
NEW BOOKS! BOOKS! - I frt, all width, end miry leorY thmee sodetwies„Cals ,
L ACES-Plain and ligunel te red bilk and
AT ITOLINIES' LITERA Y DEPOT, Third cl;;;;;V"iNiums.vG.,;,Tas..,l, aut... nol/..0,
' street. the Post Otilm ' Fetches. &r.. ae.
e Warwick Woodlands , . by V k Forrester i't, IrENS-Freneh and Amnion Sprigs. bunches and
Caroline of lirunawick. :so. 2; bylgey 0014 end novel styles
Stanfield (fall,. Historical Roma oe-ctarien, "'/Vg...i-14ltifLKS .I.V /1 SLITEVN-Glate. Cdo. de No•
Pb,, Itirklebor,sit cm the Rhlney b Thacia.Y• ~ pl., Oro. de 'thine, Flurent, and other styles. assorted
Louise La I alliere: or con.duslon of Wm Inns Mask qualities and
The 40000 ' • Necklace: by Du .0.1 fiNS-Aseostest I t un'ttles and colors.
Polly Peabinamm's tfoldt.:llln tented by booty. Also-Eleli and low prierd Paraeole and Centrellas. hand
Port Polio of • Mehra/ Student; do. do. mettle
. -
The Clty Merchant do. Jo .
Dern: e Humorous Novel. tio. on. IFUST REC'D AND NOW OPENING AT
Reveries of an 01.1 Maid. or Dante to Young Hen Of WM. DIG BY'S. No. 1.1 , 0 Lie.. Stk., _ .
' Oregon and California.
G e nd e mett'a Etiquette: br Count 'Orsay ' ''s'T i'''''
'TV '`l g 4 rifr 9 grlTl ll, ?X ' Z'
Ladles' Etiquette and Toilet Rook tt trei.islybl'ZWAilgetirrin..""E.,ensfi. French Cassis
I.lDellk Living A,. No. , E 4. ' m res wtery eplemlid assortment of [..huge and Clothe
e ,1 ...... ', th. .b.i. '‘ -th° C i f" . --th. 111..-4.1.0 "' nf o ev . e . ry fashionable shade . ..! 0.,i0n sitica.ins.a.r.nif
1r.,..,,,',110,"..,:,,r‘m4,,,h,,1'i,n.ihr0rk 1 ,7,..,. e
.." N.• 00000. L.. !5q .. .., nod well 0,,,..Nr.,, , t sta. of READY MADI.
1 , LOPDINL maks. , one of the largest mid best selected
Illackansel. for February . . . ' stneks Pert or 110,. All all of which the Proprietor
newton Shaken...a. No. 34.. 1 ,s L.termitcl to cr . ,. melt Pries ., . pill oat... 0 1
Atopteton'a Mecliani.' cheats.. N o. 0. who &TM' him with a indt. that. not only the most .m ,
The Horticulturist. tor March . ' Clandow le mid at this establishment , but also at the low-
The Cultivator. . I .1 prices In the city.
Dictionary of Mechanics. Nn. 2 . Ail nid In the Talbnine Ilneeseruted. wt usuaLln the
Cruising in do, Last War. by ..1. Peterown-comtoen , I to-1 possible manner, and at the shortest optics
" t i'n' ey "o tt f ir h k .n tri‘ a'n a ni'' b ti nv' " :;I; "' rag i' ll ' Of Oit.rne , 50 '1' 14
1 ' 11; -rs " k ' '' '.• n '' ' 'l .'M ' '''''
1 ' ': WINTER LAKE OIL-19 bbls. J. L.
'Ammon Art Journa., fur . Febru . Contains'. No. Lind reed and for eaten, . .
Horton Shalom., N 0.33. . i V • - MILLER a RICK ETSON.
Nolssly , son, or Life mod Aar, :errs of Percival nsg - , „„h, 221 and.= Litertf .-
1-eery, written by litninelL
Lore ~1 Ambition, a Novel by the antbor of ...Rocking- i i i ,
Atuedaslppl Smut, or Sketches f Southern Life. I. lo Muir Pima.= Fagan
Household Wont, N 0.4. gat tads dn. Molasses, look connatsg.)
Dr. liollick . sWorks eomPlete. tore and for rats by
''''''''' ' in
5 • MlLLrit a, tuexrrsoN - .'
Rockingham and 'Dom stie Queenswaxe. . 1 - 11111. -- 'IIL biA.IICII.--Th 6 - 'noxes fin by
AV 0 . 0 ,. 1) ,t i 0 1: , %;1 , R a D L1 8L .,, A .
. E . Lj y, & ..u . ..C , 0 ;;,, 1 1 , a0: . • or,ois 11AILDY..10NE r os e .
1- 1 7 ITIAitifg ---
Kan Lwrarsoi.. Ohio. 'l. 2.r Ws. Su .l Winter Strained Lard OIL
tierSsunple Rums, No. let y . street. near the Mar 1 . .S1 tons Juniata Plooms
or's tem. Pittsburgh. Pa. ' - bldg. Mors Pork:
(tor ostensive Work, enable i to Ell onlers promptly. ll ' acssn llama SboulderLand Sides in amok! .near
A S o mpetent designer being eon zanily csogrred. also ere PS bbIA. No. I Meeks:eh toe sale low be
able, .:0 keep pace with all yes tete and proved rtylca ' KIER ,t, JONES,
of the day. ..- • .
Canal Ilattn.
Water U:110 , Sp:tww,Pitchr Taney Toy,. DreaartSets. tochlS ---_
. Ir nyn'vt'. mmik"' and
I iiiD 01L--2(1 bbls. No. I, fur sale by
..i.en . Jo., a n d .ticl. for Jam Sic me , in gr'at s ir L A I.&s. DALZELL, 01 {rater.,.
Orders errpectfalla .^.,,d. mOttArtf . me hlS
1 ARD OIL-4o bbl. \O. I t just recd and :V O. SLtAit-2..5 1111115. for sale, by
j_j for ode by 11. A. VA BESTOCE. it 00., ill . mrlinl .1 AS.DALZELL, ss ws_v72,t,_
=hat enruer First and Wt.! ALA .- --
- Investments.
Xt O'fle t.:.--.T he undersigned bat with4asvn ;
olunln'al.'l`h°.‘l":Tt:llliubt=i'hfllTPolPt;l'itTrVi:: . 1000 too .nom. Doogi,od Houghton 511.1ng C.?.:
Damen. CHARLES McKNRIIIT. DO do. Colton:
The toothless of the Crm will be continued] .... Ito do. lire Steel
Art the dyle'of 1 113ISEN & PLUNKETT. . 2 'do. Pacitc thou. Rork . .
Pittsburgh March 10..1.31'.--ltneh.ret A. WILKINS. & CO..
__ • _
corner Third and Market nit.
-- - - --
is 4 Al Idols. Fresh Etas. WALL PAPER.
100 - Aim lire. Applee, for tale sr • .
meta/ T. WOODS 2 SON. Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
li -it Is cheap. ea. to take, and highly efficacious. j_ from the Doh. Title, at the old stand.
At.near Cr.. March :Z. 1847. ,
Mr. E. E. Sellenc-My children, lige others, hare L.-en NO. Zo - ) MARILET STREET,
"W.." t'''''''hh"e `' . " .ht. ' A "'I.. owl .".„, er... i Between Third anti Fourth strros, Pittaburyh,
' ''''
h":1` h'n". ' e. 1 ""
t""e'd " utter Larre worm .to la present stock- of themu. beautifhl
e VO "b". 4
"".'71'u'1'a?1:0‘'t:.",;52.:.:i,,.:41,'•';,,, ' PArER H.f..' , :/..\ - Gs th.t b.— appeared In ablaut.=
ritlerr l ol tL o t:s? f arTlfhts: vet vvr (*Host to cure Mon ''' . I" !efilrl i T ' litts - V ' r ", f 4;—, aldr—VZ- .17 ' 1 0"'
I Lave nsvonmemled it to roy nolghbon, and do melt 1q? . ..„,,,,,,.. f r ,,,,,,,. p' ro ' a . ~.... unnarliv. the priers
romelenclously believe that It le the tent mutat medicine ~ , . .ta , 4 . - o To th ..,
a ,„ , ,,, 00aa a ao‘ot , of arioa , a moa.o. ant
that hen evert..., offered to the nubile. e t uI , z t can to formed ho sight than doetelPtiont
A"'"""' '' ''
*' ' ' • bunts nd boa,. kee T. le respect-
Isaretltel OtIPULI Da permit their children to eutler fro I the ...Von or aare u Pt
eon., when they may 12 cured by •24 ct tottle of chi.; [tier rolled. _ . __,_ _
St rup.
Prepanal and sold il, F. E. stu.sns. • r . KICKLEIIIIIIY.S ON TILE RHINE;
~„..7: , 51 .cad a 4. and Druggist generally. br W. M. That kemy. Price. IV..
. t e {reran. Ni todbutd, I y Frank Forreste
Ezeontors' Sale of Real Estate, , bleoonary of rleitamirs. N 0...
AT AUCTION. ' , y...trod at
. mach; HOLMES' Literary Depot,
ThIPI at, opposite the Post Offlee.
A1T1 1 1. : !. ,, y . ..2 . !..1), ,,n i t t1 ., r l tl rr .Vr. ,,, alticc
. tt e h: ,
the City Of l'ituhurgh. dee . .. on Monday. the lth day of ' I.i .1 t15dc . :T . e, 12 ',1 1... B." , fof, April..
April. 1,4 i... ill rep - lurk. .4 IL, at the Court Ilan,. the •
' .;a7tirrs ' 7.17:.'°` Z. " : For sale at
City of Pittsburgh. by publte auction, • valuable I. of f HOLMES' Literary Depot. nnate no gusr , 11 " j . :AT , the . n' w Ih ' ih.l"t Loehr •.- Third q., eptoslte the Poet Office.
;Rath it tad, rontalniug nearly I . AL1.14 being art( o , f ,
:.'"Kr.grril:!''''.":.%nr,,.":.'l"":VlN,'°7l,47.", 1 I, i i i) PlPE—Cornell ' s improved patent
....Lta prase...ding. tn Partittno. In Me Term ISM,
enort of , I.J Loat rir., lb , fledrants.
the County of Allegheny. No rxi Jenne,. Term. ISM, waa ,
amtigned to eery-rally to the bore of the stud Martin Low- I illia.:ducts,
my. deed, by tonal and boudill. to.. An by tvferenee to the .., DI - dr./lie HS.,
11241Si..kial and plan thereunto annexed. aml other Dn.. 'Cistern , ar
reedimns In the ease boat. will now fully ..2 at large itp. Ali sires on hand and to a il i zi v s .. i rasj oßboN.
1.0 It h. unne.s.avary to enumerate the advent...SO(
the atove property. commandlog. . It beings beautifun 131 702540 street. of the rity old the two neon. a.' of o.
Ire. fur • private maid... and al.ninding In exmllent
.tone ~Mich
tut lotildM2 purposes-ma char are tell lomwn. ; .
Per • plan ot the property am/ further Information. apply , -
to Mee., Mitchel and
toot . Palmer Aron
he r • and COUPOribllri Female Seminary.
at Law. Vourth ete, or her of the undersigned. Le-
erutare of the last Will and .Testament of Martin Lowry. %IRS. R. W. POINDI:XTER propose's to
...I SEMINAR): for the Education of 1 . 00 - G
dec' d JOHN OLN% ELI. L.l , El d onooe corner of Washington
and East
•' -- • Common. Allegheny oty; ooromenting no the First More
N IL-The adjoining Lot. cootainlug about the some der ~,, aro ,.
ouLtatty of land, I 5 dm for agile. mehglataw I The Course e11...tic...11 et:Maori. the usual branch
- re• to the 1.3.11. Depart....
, To Paper Manufacturers. Rirtancra-stet. Jame* Rodgers. IL D.,',
Fin): TONS ASSORTED . , RAGS, for sale ' Dr, Them. F. bale,
Per E. P. Swift,D.D.
. . c AI/egAr. Fay
toehlgAt t'''''''''''ll'Z.7.ain'arairf,.l.'' .IC3I. Ittrtros.r-Geography, Lbstorl. Writing. ArDits
242-The high.. coah price pald fur WO. /I. .tie. ae.
„.. ' gr.. Dg i t i tt o ptr- c tirt Ilintie , , , -;;.;attind rd Mental
CA_RPEIb, OIL CLOTHS, &:c. ,-,T,i'D...,:-1;iii.,„„'i,,„.„%b:1„,•:.0,,,..u...,
• with in.trurtmu. m the caner Language.
ounatantly readying his son. on.. 41
orris Junior Department..-... ......... ...... ...... .113.00 P. Quart...
Is row orris - • Ist Lieut.'s.- RAO "
- :.v. - .- low -
CoutortAtlclttraut the following latiet le.: • Instruction in Murk
CARPETS. _ _ __-„,„ ---
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets: do. do. Tale." Ranßoys' Wear.
.ug do. do. Itruvselw, extra super. -plc: .perfitie 3 ply.
do. Ing - ralm extra Dm. doe Dne do-. eouniicon do.. nanny do.; NI URNIY & BURCHFIELD have reed
44. 34, fen, and 4 twilled Volition. 44. 34. .5-,.. and 24 1 ....ortment of the abeie maxis, adopted to sytring
plaindn: 44,34. 52. and 2.4 wool and ~too do. wear. c0w1... of plaid en err. Camme
r.. light tat Let
BUGS, MATS, OIL 121.01115, 2.. do- Tweeds ..Merino C.sim and Jcans. •orrted goods
a Tali.. kind% all at lows , t. Pries ., - torb l7
Extra Chenille Ito. Ilne do.: do., extra tufted do: fine
Ms Jo.; common do.. Chenille Door Mats tuln-d do. do: 1.103111..MNES tt MOURNING A.LPAC
. hoop skin de, do.. Adelaide dm du_ Thrum dn. dm
Crumb Cloths. Felting dm. &eking T• 24. na. and 34. pi_,...c.• , _ , -,-_. , ..1.. , Ar..._ , ....,...!.;, , , , :,.:, ,, ,, , ,.. , ...-,,b e
_._..........?4 , ;,•;
Also-Sheet Oil Cloths. cut to Ilt any sin hall or room i a ,;;;=.7,;":6,1, a - Z.7Q1:,,;,..,7,1,„a ac if,7,a;,',.caa'io,
54,74. 6-1. 54. 44. and 3-4 1111 Clotho. 14re,... Yr. mchl7
Also•-istair R... 14. of all gem Carnet Ritslingu Li/dear
.. Rag dr.... 0.4.44. and 54 Matting , . TahleLlneuw a Cra. S 5 t-4,44 Bacon Shoulders.
and Daper, Iluckehurk do. Transparent Window hhod., .10 bbl, Lard Nta. 1; •
Buff Window llollatobe Venttiau Minds: hmbresed Piano 3 .. Crease. Lard;
Corer. dm Table do: do. litand do, Worsted Table de. 10 ha. Ve.l Nuts:
CI - nod 1 hld. Plasm.'
flaring dal
pu reluuted our stock Alm. from the I cask fleswaat
m o o mebrated T.tories, bet. of the lap +t mad roo. ay. .0 se.. Feather:
',rood styles and color, we are prepared to sell to our id - Wool; •
....Is and co.tomers at sralor , ut 1.-se ..; J., .... le path 7 Rag,
nod to ong4;,f the F.difrrn t dos.
We conlially Invite all to call and examine tor Mack at 4 .. Gin...llx
l" " Dried Peoeheu
The Carpet Warehouse, r 5 Swolli •tro,t. It bales Cotton: now fond!ng from , tr. atop
tnehl9 W.' :11eC LI NTOCK. tIONO , for talc by IPAIAII DICEEY l IX/-
Front and IVater at,.
' 1- WiligiT POT ATOEF--60 bbls. now landing
' 1 Il .rids. ' t ''''''' ' ''''' '"iZe.di . Licit Ev C co.,
`apt her. . Water .d Front ets.' -
1 N PURSUANCE of a 144011010 n raged.
hy o In¢ der a tld tvo art of Two Hundred !Johan ter t pyre.
henrton and c..nvietiori Ilia per!. or ;.:i..c:n ae •
S t l o
Lm t•.• their Etigine •
1•351 mo-
C. Scam. Ja. Se!xtary
Ara leAs. N. 0 Mohtare, •ak ece•persze.
IQ do. do. eyprea.lcouperage
:II !Aa N. 0. Fagar._
O. VP:4 W.T.
t• tees
Plait .do.
6 0 boars L's and I lb Lump, various MI ell'
COO du. Wind,. alaaa, City and Countr - v brand,.
WO doz. Corn notar. Oar, I
lu bbl. Lame o. 3 Maek,el
Ou hit htdr
110 ha. Pry AO lea. In afore and far rale I.
30IIN WATT d: CO.,
• Liberty Ctreet.
S°Ar-114 boxes No. 1 reed. for sole to;
nial9 S. a W. lIARRAUGIi.
GREEN APPLES-20 bbd. reed, for sato
0 ruchl9 a. a W HARDAUOII.
I I_oliN MEAL--liq bus reed and for sale by
toms 0. E W. lIAREAVGII.
IJ took, Prie.l Peach,
p .N. J. Sugar.
11% bt t ia..Pl r art "
flan 510 b..., Innrrire, for Fab by
tnrblo 11111:1'. MATTLIEWP .k
METAL.-44 -10 tons for stile by
turtll) RUES% uarriusws a to.
-DRESSED SI'IRES---IGO kegs (improved)
for gale by snehln Idly. (' . ATTII.Y.WP k
. .
k3 5 tads Prv.b 11011 Puttee
10 ban do.
2:k blobs 1111 do.
bl.. Pearl .o.h.
:Al ba. Extra (Aram Cher.... •
1141 ohm Corn Ilrootas.
b.. Pried APIA...
bo. Prnehe., for rale I
mehl'J J. B. CANFIELD.
CI L0031: 4 —'2 50 tons Soft Tenu. for vale by
J_JI tnettln J. DALE/ILI, UC Water It 70 Elr.l
CIIF.ESE-50 boom for sale by
whin JA3IES PAI.7.ELL.
TURN PIKE STOCK—IIS shares Steuben
T""-*"" Si rk, for ale
1 2: It. MURPII
jiltitt SALE—A LOT OP GROUND on the
Waelnunton Turnp o ll , .... three mile. from Plttaborgb.
hy Pvt. on which Inu Oid
tuchlitalndwlrr 4,12pn..
■ te.- of June. SleDonnell. Ina I.nt of nr.oud on flit
X LP (yowl' Turnpike. thn, rnlle• frau Pltt.burgh. no
which t h e..l ne. tun gory Plot.. and
ply u. rub.ertbren, at the ntnre NAp
J. i10.71,6..,,L.r.
G U r. N.N ta I 9 I , II.I(;S---40 ) ,, fr .
r: C”.
i- - • •
n U S I) It IY.S—,
i..j ' I:. aadltradlol Aryd...d
1 "th = n il.= Batten • .
'X keg' do. da do:
lb bbls. primaThadlbt
am ,
Illndaw Glakb or all alaealmd doalltim
1 bbl.llaple Ilolasend In non. and fdrlale by , '
11001119 R. DALZELL, Liberty et;
LI SiCT 311L1,-1 - Smut Mill icomplet!i) for
0 .1 1 by 1001110 ' . it. DAIZEI.I..
OWDER-4000 kegs Ilpsard's Blasting;
Rao - do. RUIK fords.
=kW J.ll. D/LWOHT I / 1 CO,
Far ulr bT
-160 0 lba. prime, Cor sale by
meta: S. 1 Ir. 11.% P.RAI:GII.
ti 'TON-90 h,j e s t 4 arrive per Str.
uTebr d br
i.. Manufset - [To lood brandr,f9r ode lore by
15.% tAll D1%‘1.5 CCO.
lki A.x N'S 131:' ii.ING-211 . F. for sale
• ro- _corms " • :LEWD tCt Wood st.
NewiTiooks! Nevi Boa
r. L,-,: • ,iFI.I3I , I,NIEfig. p S Ntr4,..) - c ll.nry
Ic. lit vas ed q1.....0n. bear) EA
yard 1.0,,k,i 01. i
Ft, talle , : . t , orl rrocrll x and Adr&sltE lo; Crjanritur
..,... lir , 3 4 ir lilirarl Grabill/4' liolldal
Moorland 'br Alla author of Mary Il.i.rton
The ell!, the Olproy, rho Priert i bzNe.o.
ilze. hoe , . .be Me hr r nen. and th e ii mos no
ta i":l o .4el- HI • 's [Votary of !hell:ailed Etatesraecond
' 117:; alt rks Ai mid and for .ale
c ° . ETOCKTON, ktmAroller atj
mehll, corner Marliet and Ti
- - -
A Syll4bnAKlM.Lan 111 Land (Mee Title, In Penn
'''fArfg 4.7 6l ll77 l 4rT*.XTON.
. I,No. 47 'Wag..
New Booliall Neiv .looks!
4 T 110LNIES' LITERARY pixoT, Third
'it= rrgii:balt ail:, .
. s.. ,i.r.ritir ..
OT,Nlllll3.l U Californin: or bight.. 111 the 11.0.1 aegion.
1...ut.e In rnlll.-rr, 1., klel. Vora.v.
Cottoneicg hi 000. 0.4-4 ,oh, to 'l. Nice. (.I‘ , .
tavola - to: the i...holnr,.tlw "tn.,. the Pricau by Oct.
o g0t...W...0.00a, br Alt x.Dogma.
ltrrrn.... of an OM Mal& or Ilia. to Young Ohm tore od•
int: to Mat,
asi - The ahoy, ran I.les he had of P . 0 IIeNIASIARA, Al.
leahroy. mobil
Webster e Unabridged Dietiortry.
IV Ei l l,.. i i;En: i s , U - i :111i:4 . 1 , 0G t o :1 , ) DIC,:r..
Satne work ta.un.l in 1t0...1a calf. ..n.1.0.61 bock
very elegant—th).o . 4 -
A ZS: "'tlY " th !)llll;ll " N r it:(Z4 l3 % L.
--^"-- .
I LCOIIOL- - I5 lAA. for sale b
mall° J. 511)11SCO.AWocal al
EAUTY.—It is universally Cu miry! ttat
t va.„.....
butt la mum e,.1.13171011 In thia wont an In ally
ir. while of the alum , time it Is Laid M u tg.intarther
r ., to clO!(Ongu'gel''oftTesillt.; n 'i l tre..o
~ to ail... not twalod. I uur I I ap ,
Y tha following. and you nerd too lark gor
Th..a. artirl , a pr..paralion, ran i lmee all at,
tained a high Fwpolarity.
Jules Ilauel o Pennon or Cluguan Powder, Mr ha
to the moat 141liour ample Mot a rollout whitanctql
nothing rLowl,l a tenon la. tome ran. fat elan dn. W. of a
powder foChineLis. ae many ot thew. oold nee ~,r r lh.lwri"
ona , ly , vougter lenompounded lo swimsuit,. vian•
tor, - aud eounous 00 goureettent a hlat too weedily incite
J h uke theuel's latllstner Fotodet, foe motoring' .perthi•
atm hale. What in morn unteightlY thou Mar Mem tr Mee
21 0 tonrl. tt f ou . tTill'o ;RI ! ar ' y atrpn i n=ut t i''
Jul. Caner.
to e table Mould lisle Dee will Instant.
veeringly Impart to er whits, or vele hair, a Maid/Italy
stok er br. or suborn <Mon le will color the hair to a
stone time. and more etketually than ugy other dye. boo
log at the name time lodellltgle.
Jules Hauer*
cr e w Cerium—lt to really • planetary to
Mare with this crew. Them io now of the smarting nem
sakes usually eapelienont its the rue at moat Asp. chi
the atteary, It knives , the tam nolooth and Soft se Mina.
Outgo. and not liable to broom. chapped. -
Jule* Hand's Hove Tooth Pasto.- - Kelt tO dm hair , we
t he the Tooth weer Taboo
ea I.lto 00.4E4 arnatnent to
the human fores bat when neglected, nothing to no &dem
Kau. ger no quality #O4 3 7 y nto. 'Torah Paat•Nrili impart
to the teeth a pearly whltettem.. at the num tam keeping
the gond Gm mud healthy. •
711LIdi HAIM.. Perham.? and Chetah;
I,AlCheenot seelllllB.
Foe sale wholesale and retail, 5y 11, A. Vabneitoeit A Co.
awl la Z.. Seams. rittstrarttlin and J. Mitchell, W il loiny
n i , r...
-VENISON lIAMS-93 for sAle bY
niebla WILLI ANIg t CO. _
SUNDRISS--1 bbCdtevlllOtri'f.
3 - Hickory N tile
. .. g bl3 i ' ''. !.I.)rr TINIVIT.V.VIII
ri.a.„ ,CORN—llettard and Pre - .
We'd /trip:Moir for Foof.—Thiv lueurn3arablr pure
s bessitittil article Isvisoualingly heal Co( .kileiollo, am)
nenonntical. L Pudding,. Cate, Ctllardv. ke- !te.. made br
ir,...p,tyuvp.nrgrit.cearbkmclif..„..g.. I. k....
For wle t.r 'malt'. It. :. tiVILI:II.S, ..T WoOd ft.
v quality. 'farina...ft ppm: lee( tib'r I mmo: et
nand ane fur sale by W. 31 .A. Me CLIMB u A co_
arm.' i/ morn. not Ten Dealer(
FOR I'l ES AND l'AiiTt—fresh Cherries
cant Plano, put up in their off junv, preserving (be
invinel Moor or tbe fruit- Alv—onpo re celebrated
.beet and iihnd Icinglaes and Fribell lielatitie, At Jellies.
Ul' Tjl3 ",
kc llt r . vi i ) :. 11 . urn t co]•-•::.o m.o.
_. _
QC IS DRIES -- I ease Gum Sheltie;
I Li
'L'a rue
• I I,bl. Silver land, ,
I Cream Tartan
' I bale Large tattle arks
I fun Liquorice Balk fug recelved ' '
ember Wont endrilstb sta.
DRIED PEACHES-118 aka: tar sale ;by
4:tdal WICK d iIeCANDLFSIA _
griAtS - 6 - 1 seeks for sale by
IC inchll WICK i 31,..i..t.,_ssncitsic
(10R2 , 1 . -- , 32 bids. for sale be
I torthll WICK It IIrCANDLE.Sd.
B ItOO3IS--100 do - n:Corn, medium
r..° ; • '
maim , . n7n. 40143,ia1.
vir. ly str.Bo . -VT)S--1 J 20 1). 41,14 i. ,'L i i:k i e, , ,,f.1 0 , m10
IiVrIIIIAT-7 3 bids. for rale I,v
l' V mtbll - WICK t. MCCANDLK. 4 -4.
WIII I ; , DO l rr u . 11!...A5— , `..1,3 1 t1 1 : . ) 1. , , n 0 n . , •,; ;‘
for ode bil"'lmeltlr. I n ~ ., «.
lIIRAS' ALE--500 Whele and 11C. Itibb
In atom with constant anilvail from the Drorem
ft " t
aTRAIY WRAPPING—From the Virginia
constaztly in jorr
end for sale at resnufaelic
rev' piles, by IitiIIERTSON REPPERT.-
QCYTIIE RIFLES-1 5 gr9sa INet9T4ntedr
0 1.Lrire and for sale by T. 11.(q dl tve..2,...
5 hblx. White Peen.
rdo br,
LOU bu. Shelled corn:
mebli T. WOOL. CI Watir st.
From tba Clititots bt
W . V ba .3l t ill4RSe. tor ale
lIALL. by
WALL PAPER—Prices reduced at the
EaS4l9 Paper licgiac Store. No. NS W6od
mchll W. P. WIT-SHALL
For sldebl ,
IiViNDOW BLINDS--FC;i• side by
casks reed and for sale by
metal J. $. DILWOUT{I k 00.
Lol.llt-100 bbls. ree' d for este
111 OLL Ibis. for sale hp
AA, - metal J.LDILIVOItiIt CU
.1. for sale
• OLL ftErTTER-10bl. prime just r:
naul for sale by SAMUEL P. OSURIVEE
mrhlo •
Hosiery, Gloves, lilitta, &c.
tfOir.. NMl ' rr LoTknilaMllXN.biteb*llitg i.,10 re
.N:Lnklta rot o•sl Cotton do.: nnblmsbeal 'Colton Loth ' rich
llolf do r blsek end white spun Silk 4.
NW. Silk, nod Llole Gums.
COMM. glad super Mohair lad Silk 11111r7 4 .
Cotton .o 1 Merino Cadent:len lnton.s' d0.,k0.; ands
ot loved each prkss, 0 North East corner oPPoroth
Market. sta.
11 - 1 UM OPIUM-1 ease for sale by. •
1_1( rhlo J. Kl9ll/ k (N). SO wood R. •
Q.;_rli SNUFF-50 0 lbs. (Gar'retes) for
1.0 b T mdao J. KIDD at C.
RIED PEACHES-2 00 bu. for tale by
ICKORY 'NUTS-30 bbl. for sale by
, mehlo : amt.% P. SIIICJVEA.
GllO APPLES--11)0 bbl. for sale by •
sorhlo . S.UIUML P. SHRIVES • .
W7lllg..llTesE jLta";l!itiTra"SaYrta. beat SIIVER :
Plated Forks, ono. and Butter Kolcon Table So .h
Rion. /mantle* onlya Lomjo• of all dearriptionit /
Rhumb.. Storms, Mee, and Dwalllnew, Ras Man"
Has Dragnet , Cu illturen 11111tary Ormals. of all
kbmlO Gold Peng Wasters' and
cutters' Dism,:t!,
cc- km
la.-While 0t Aare le r undergoing repair/lin trad.
tomes •111 find ow In the Tear of the More. (entraswe lit •
front.) with w largo atone. of tha above goods, and at nn
urally low price,
Liw-Isiah rnpairing /hap m th i n.m W ad /dory , . ON ;
gip; . WIL.
. mveer Fourth and Market eta.. • L
TION.—WIII be neared. by brat mans' arrival.. •
and r . bonee wan/Intent of French and F.a..tern PAPER
ILL'VqI.% GS. In gold. thustatt. bognet and plan P 1
.. ..../ether with • large lot of cheasSatin and Comm . Pr
IMWood at.
AI'ETY FUSE--150,000 feet fifteen, Rick
k7 font a Co.'s make, warranted, far tale 29 -
melti J. u. DILWOI3TII t CO.
COL CLOTff S-10,000 Yards floor Oil Cloib,
en , . Ct. G l and w 44, or the
newist patterns, whkh wdl ke sold as low at wholesale as
eastern make. and mtail lower than any other henna {nibs
eity. We Melte the attentlon of pneeliserman the abase
MuCk. at.sur ware mama, and39,2VEripitimaps.
, CLOTII—On band, n
artLOr'.g g‘i
tf 4 R": . :075 1 1 Io 1
enZ : r. 'tbth. .
Meta.' J.& 11.1 , 111 LLIPS. wad 9 Wor.d st. •
Fs. WI -2-000 yds:4 ithl 5 qr. GreenOLlClatborliola
" en'l No". PrfILLIPS. .
CODFISH -15 drums in store, for sale by
Hbalslrst sort Western N.: Y.,
la eWic end f ~ l e
° F.IIILLER C atenerFo. s.
LCONOMY• CRAB CIDER-2.0 bbls. in
awe uta trr Aide by
C CA§SIA-1 00 matts just ree'd, C tor sal
N. e by
T A BLE MATTS-1n store and for sal
the Ciarpet Warebovs.l _
I=sha _ LeLLINTOCK. So Fourta et
AUGS.—W. IIIeCLINTOCK invites the tit.•
tendon of thoee wislal. to furuigh; to bit stack et
fu g ,,_. which pre just received from the mahufsclurert
• meta
A Foot! assesttneut eeat be found at tbe: Carpet Fare.
s house. N. Si Fourth streeL
LIPS—A very large aseorbment of Che.
tbo Carpet I. aretto ud
use, " No. Yourtn st tnn, Mot., to eton o for de a
S3IeCLINT —*— OCK. invitee
t... 7 the attention of purcbswerstobis ...sorb:aunt of numb
ing* at '.o. F:, Fourth stroec itueba
^,oto bean. D. R. large LEaf Surr, 0 and 15 tar
YU 8104. mull
. /1 " ernahed arld rendered Lad Engar:
60 " lanifie4 Lear Eng.: •
- '5O hits. N.
4 - A/ bbl Molaasen
140 " 8. 11. Byrnp 31olarsce, R. Louts
11.1 " Golden ByEaln
44 •• elarthed In Ftnta and far sale bg
Water and Taman,
XECEIVED PER EXPRESS, a large a.. 4.,
eortment of the following go..
leg llonk.Junnet. Snisa and Muelln
Cults and , Coll.. Kenn. enffsand Collar. Valmcianne. "
and Kula Napoleon (NOS , and Collar. Ix.. N.1.19c0.
Magni, Ilmenel. and Applique Cape.. and E.,. chime
untelq.Diaok Ill.filla .1 MI., Yell. Ladles' Breakfast:
Cope. IniOnt:Japs and Waintc, embroiderol Linen Gam- ,
bob Ilandkoralef. E.ll. To. Loom and Edging. Jo
anne. and *Wt..% Edging" sad I neernlogn—l,lothee with .
general of komell tionnoddered and ' Loon
aoxele. A. A. MASON A CO,
mols3 No. eland 64 lineketit
J 3 0 qu 111 T) for tare by
_ _ _
YEACON-16 casks Sides and Shoul
”r"' Njll. ' "a‘i r ll r k'rlkin CO.
,Tc,BACC4IS kegs Six Twist;
,S 1 born limb.:
15 " 'tom.Ill:
1.11 fnr .tee by
BROWN at Kllll(l.NtlaCr.
-1,..7 73 Fades and 30 bbln Dried Apple.;
We. atm 30 kens No 1 Wed.
Ve) burls Rabin.:
.31bbls Timothy Seed,
30 .. Cover ..
10qr mein featMalan, ITium
• 40 bbln Lioeeed OiL orl
and Cot rale be
mehl DP.ONt N .4. KIRAPATIthaft.
I r ' i l XT RA YOUNG ITYSON TEA.—Just -
A opened h i ck w e
strftt. a very soverior Tom=
ramso Tea. w we thlok we nen ray wit 1 imellilenew e
be the prim. to Pittsburgh.Priem 11. t.
For the lower grades 73, 0.:34, 30. and 37V it Is e which
Ire worrnot folly moat, if lot eute•nor, to nor to Le had ate.'
the came peke • -
'LI .—etolon Ito riot
Id• ;bleb all g t . re 051 le fair atPlyt,,o;:iftim.,...
mend then:oar to. A libteol disonont made to Istallera....
and to fuoilbot boyitut by the quaotitv
a. D' 11M t IlePLtlire 4. C 0.7" A ' •
tnchn Ten Dettletwand caser. -..- -4 ,
______ _
--- V" — • Paper. . _,... , 7 -
_i ----- . i r
Plerk.R. Tt by 3 Titian Fors. . S .
- '43
~ 2 , 1:' : :. ,- - ...., -- • -
v WW aaa rr
0411111, Towo l ii i . , ft . Patter; 1 : ..! •
r i ,: ,, Vll l l. I ' E L and Itil , ..;C:turtThtZ: :-
x I a Dune and ge ' it vaortreot of
Rol , tte Hardware. and Teo Porn.: Dooott.
Uc' to--I , k It; f IZsitqn ' for paper zoittLeto
Pelotion rme to unkr Ito abort notie. 'vrs.
J L et
fib.y. , .. .rso of Pest sod It In
„- - -
r ... .141E1 )IN6S---We urn
ed to ,n .. • l sop:Lento. t‘r heoLoT Wt.
lon mall bu lo • e or ha vat., sod hove es
intnrd D 11. IS ' - . het-tat to soperlntend its
',talon ' A134.AT1U5"..1,4 1. °KELT.
~ili6U Rl' LLB— 1U bu. s
Sj Innis &liners. in stare sod E tut
mcbt . SILLLR
19) bblx. Large \ .7 Alamo Tho
21 lame, yam., Carolina Mort
baka Hotted Ky. deny,
1:40 Ogg (WO. Lead;
• WM L. Dar Lod;
Itego Shot. lataortod Humbert,
tabors tolnle
bbla. No. 2 )lOdrr.
~,ba • J.LXIZIL 7
ItACON-4 hhds team II
• 4°
1 Apple
tct'rrn c
'S-40 bbls
IlLtO \ W .