ESTABLISHED IN 1786 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE YIIDLTALIED DAILY - AND WEEKLY, DT Warn & CO. EIMEI • O111CS• T 1.1.1 STEM, It . = taut TO THC POST aura. • •.• • DAlLY—Yeeeri dollars per annum, payable bar yeerly. Sot Duane if paid In Ammer: • VIEKY—Tsre - dollars per lo Menem. o.oiis 111 be supplied on Lb e following ouuditlarse— Tbree eopies per mamma 00 Ten copies - do 13 Ou Twenty oWes do •71 00 The packet for imieh Club to beaddressed to one Tem, and robe pakl Invariably to draw, No Club Papers mill be wot after the year expire, col...the money la sent for • rinselryl. P.ATEB• OP ADVEILTIBING. . • One Ppwre (10 IMes or Norrpare r or Iwo) ooeinmertiono 050 eachinkiltkreuri. 0 1 15 Do. ono *emit ....... 1 75 Do. two week... 301 1)o. • - Lio. one tomat o. - 500 Do. two' T OP Do. ' three ....... 000 Do. four months 10 00 • twelve • ' tel . Do • months 15 00 '• Etanding Cards, (5110)0 or less, per a110610.-E0 00 ) One (moiler few each additional line. o ne 's i otare,relonweable et . plinceure (per au num) ereducire of the 1ayer.._......_._..0p For es& additlonal mum, inierted orer we month, and pr each sidditioncil square incertod under the yearly rittem. half peke. Ailwrtimements eteeedlou a lOW, and not War fifteen Anew, to be ehargel age Square Mod a half. Pnblicher. not *mountable for 00h al be - Yoml the amount charged for their while:4lm Annotmelng moat.r offlee, to be charged the . same ai otlwr adre,tioitnent. . fo t. . • • • -Adrertimetrwato not muted on' the loopy Sola owleed number of Overtime, will be andlowd WI forbtliand pay swot warted amordlnuly. The tuDideme of sunned mArertleers In attirtlY limited to their own irninellate bucinems; and all adterthmornente far the benellt of other theiras all humbles. leamedlately oonnected with own humbles. and ne ap theof advertlmentente, in length or otherwise., beyond the limits engage - I, Min be Ch.M.' ra Lb. wttal .IoT faiell truculent advent/Ott; bills will be tiePerittel7 rmolmemb .a m id Motet payment it desired. • 1 . All edlettisesurntm for rharitibla Wititutkone. Are min. warm, 0 1 0,4 {)000 aud other public end each cher - mud h.!) peke, tetreble Melody M Marriage not or to b. ehorped 50 orals. loath notices insettnt mdthout charge, nob. Per.r.Ps ', Wed by funeral invitation. or obituory turtle* and when • ao mcortionalrel to be wild for. Peutilar advertimemad oil others wading enammalcs. tiona or impart. ',Low de;igyed to call attention to fattl, Bolted. Concert., ur any public enterMlnmente, where domes are Made for admittance-all with. of Wire prh ..elo4-,ey twtho..detiy - oed to cal attoptiaa to . entertuloee, eaten:owl or Inteoded to promote Ind). Wael Intorett. cot only be inverted with the undentand. Int that the wine is to be paid for. If Intended to bet,- - wined PI the howl rolumn, 010 mane 0111 be charged at the rote of not hew thou lo cent' no, Biehop or AA - idieW to I o charred ttiPbt Pet% Soren LiorprePotitemm each. Petal, About) and Anchormen.' asettleementio sot to be rm e lammed unilet fe-orly mteX, bat to ho allowed n 'swum ottidety (bre. and giue third per cent. Woo the -Mociunt of bill, • wrreor an rm-stextr natty 00 ••• . one 5ane,,,...... Do. web ablitional martian 3 7 • -. aatten.irmteurs nr .ruts rtern. ..Oar &wore, (10 line,) one 1nAerti00.....4.-Za °ant. Do. well iutirdional it:melon... -35 wont. • • All transient sitsertimoneute to be pailiniedvance. BUSINESS CARDS. ALNaiIIAN. JOIIN , A. PARKINSON, Aldepiann, Fifth Ware. Fenn etrePt. between 01lles a 34 Walnut. All Name prompllf utt..d ,1, .. • A'ITOEHBYB: —?c I W. F. WHITE, Attornt , f jt Law=of eir • 14. orrOrent ,tmet, near Yourtlula Azthure DOM Isne. tilarlorgb mei:18:1y N__ P... 4. 0:L. f 2.. VE'rTERMAN, Attor ...,...Aug:glir tixal Ageata, AMES .1. KUHN, Attorney at Law, office, sorter of (Intat street es i gi .u.d rairred h'f • H. COLLIER, Attorney at Mottffice ia Lowrie's Fourth st.., Aareeld. Beira farmed It'fOraletikal with NI tn. boar", Vseie Washington Qtr. (forroerly of the Land Who,) he le Pe. m re, I to give proper attentlon to the procuring of land Werrent, Veneto., end to the t m ereeeetto. before Couple, or r oLthe departents. jar; .1015 F: ' • ' , • ttorney at am' • ce 4th Kt— between Smithfield ad Gnat- Pitt.tmewh. ,iN:~ y ~~R: ~:1XHI:~, ,~. = WATSON , Attorneys at Law, NO:110 Youth rtn , t. PittAbenh. ram blorei.uiWZlVßlF33.l7.l:gdgetii:t.ll.l • tow:dant; (leo. W. Juksov,ritdmrgh. isalay WARD P. JONES, Attorney at :Vela, Fcrtuth etrmt, between bowel e a smith- ... ASPER E. BRADY, Atto a. ey No.eorlnhetratt,rlttnbargbas. rney• M. •IL WILLIAM et Banker! . sad Ex . e i b .. arigaroktr, lforChilast tamer of Weal ADADlAsaalaos made ::2 ' llberal terms, and aollettlana. tamale We Da R. „. D. KING, Banker and Exchangeßroker, rearth stre , t, Dealer In Dank Notes. of Es. Gold end ether.. streks Nought 11Stfl .Id. The btxhrrt market Deer Taal to Metal.. for ADlAlfoll MIS Dollars, tad-11,ican sad llpaalsh Dollars, In Dar jea I. LAIIIMER, SR., Banker and Broker, db, allotaloa the rusk orrstubarsh- AWILKINS CO. Exchange Brokers, &Wl:l'4n Corner of Third sod Market Orals All ntrasetioas at nada. liberal Txtm. MIXES & SON, Dealers in Foreign .1:1 • sail Domestic Bills of Cabana,. Calibrates of Do wel.. Demk base end emotes ea Make. Wart, Hee t h ug . haitinll c oe=s s moile on all llso barely& rale* - - • GEORGE E. :ARNOLD & CO., Bankers: Dealers to kirchance, Coin. Dank Notes; Le, N 0.14 Fourth street. oast Mint to the Bulk of Pittsbragh. Col. 'Mims carefully statcodot ta. mat the proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. RAMER k RAUM,. Bankers and El- Dealcc 4 ln D, F= B and I l k , nnesite_ Othre, earner of hint and Wood stmeta, directly it4osite. the fit Charles Rota. CAROTHERS & CO., Banking House, . :tau %sew street. rittAborith. Commit Money re m! on Dettvit. Collection made on all the Vinci* aces of the United little, WMMi. A.. MIL AIR I D .& Commission Merchants wlBll Droner& :In 113 ti , vend street. Ponontd and Ilttetto rotnitles horn 'SO to 510,000 nitro . . nu band RATERX. NAN. WIC Z. MM. 11A1`% NA St. CO., .Succearnra tn' Boner. Itoonn k Co.. Eta", Ercassill Mom; dealers lu Design and Inicrestic Exchange. Certificates Woos Deposit . Bank. hots, and Plech — Borik West terser of Wood and Third streets. Current Honey Paired on Do me. Bight Clerks for rale. and etlicetains toads on neap IT ail the principal points of the United awes. The hig3ct pprointa raid fur Forelyn and Amer ton Advances malt to copigtonettlsot Pralunedihipped roats on Itheoll ten.. pW. TA Y LO R, Commiffbioner and Bill Broker, 112 Booted street Rtrict , attention tll te . r, to all basins. rptitiltral to his ewe. Pittsburgh sissenhettind articles always an band Or pt."...4 at abort p.u,i a . Not, hoop, Mortgaice, te., negational on faro, aide terms. Atlrauces sonde. if required. . . . BOOKBP-Ltror , AND STATIONERS. Tip _ . C. STOCKTON. latoJAnston ton liaokmn.r, netioner. Printer, arid Ender, me tier of Martel soul Third stmts. ratdar.h. 4 e - AS, B. HOLMES' Cheap Literary Depot, Third elreet, opposite the Imes Neer Mete m wl 40, by exiirese. ed SuberriyAions iv to my a( the UW1.111:1GF or Neirepopere. published atrece the publialiefe lowest wk.. R. DOPIONS, Booluieller and Stationer, . No-73 Fourth dyed, Apollo Bolidlogb MOM AND coNFECnoms. CV Fnnath liole Pi .sije . and kid Nicer and ennfoatlnnar, ttabutah adding Goa., and Fr Confataionam always on hand AU °Nano ponetnallyntaendrd • - CARPET DEALER. iti'di& , liibk - Sinn - ui r actuterarn , in gwrr Oil ciab.4 sou. Ike/ Vxid ii - savbett.,No.Bs . roarth mt ~ r' CON MISSION AND 'FORWARDING. A. McANULTY & ifo—fransporten; cliJll 7 .l7.Vit,glar.Ti l iTZ,Nr h !""' urM* ........ WOW. IWOODS & SOS. PRODUCE DEALERS tu z . C4m=laxinn . 111perharits, No. St Water street, 111 IL JOHNSTON, Forwarding an H Nomadsdon ilerehout, No. 112 ,Seonol otroot. IER' JONES, Forwarding and Coin- At;saindmi nwrban.. Dealer, wn Prettnee and Pitt,. Stanufsetttroratilek, Canal %An, near Seventh arriwgittrboran. KIrAM, JONES 4 CO., Suecemsors to At „ti:d. Jon , * Crmmt.ninn, owl Fonrant Hrr dealrn Pitv!lznr.qh eh Gortl, Pitto burgh., P. • 1):1rat[d0)44:4) . i249:1114 mil ... ~ . . . . . • C.,. SLIACKLETT & CO--Wholesale . Defilers In Forel Int on l Dostitotiellrrigoodo. No. 101 lid drool. ritt.borob. Wall ... L ATIIVINT £OO, IN T4ll - A. MASON & CO., Wholetmln and Retail In V. 4 .7 .4 et .p. MT . 62 Market MURPHY h BURCTIFIELD, WHOLESALE Arid Retail Orr Hoods Sl,,rebnits, corner of Fourth ort4 rtrrrtr, Fitoboroh. ' runfmn.„..-r- 11.41 . 1313: • IE RSEY, Goods: O FLEMING & CO., Canumssion afeerlmuls--11-n. Inaler.r In all Om tale n kitnls nf f W I enlnn, nd m. Na 1 ‘Vnuf otrna, fourth &or Irma Fifth. lilt. DENTISTS. Xra. lIUNT. Dentist, - Cornerof Fourth nd Decant .t. between Mutat Perr7 bad, DRUGGISTS CO- O. 11. IXT.ja, is C. rlamt. -LRYSER *DOWELL, (Successors to k um OCerr k Kijo4.) Wholooolo and Eaton DMir tot conooy of Wend nteeet mad Virgin alley. Ph7aielaooMme earetally peayeaneled night and • I MI. vp.11?!, 1rE671.5a Eltritt Iltenh arngel, ..• - • 01•Und A. F lINESTOCK & CO., Wholesale Dna • , and usaunfgetur , rn cg White israd, , ll , .l bur „Lwr rosuss 0.1 undlsout stssets; b l . #E. S 'LLER, Wholesale Dealer in. • DrUirs. • *lett Dve llsll. Oil. Varnishes. Le., ts, 67 Woad re. t.Pittsburitt:, Prices low. 4611 N D. .11011.0 AN, Wholesale Druggist, awl Deras in Die nun`, Polo., (Mt rasulsbe, is.— . o. BI Wood tseeL one &or tlesstlt f Diamond Alkr, Pittsburgh. Q. -N. ICI --- NE — RSIIAM, Wholesale Itrut%ist tad Dr es In Fronds and Aglieultusul Implements. • Nos. 104, sad 1. Wend street. owner of Sixth. — lrgitrginaintsgs • poWholesale RALJN ft REITER., Wholesale awl Retail Druggists, corner of Messy, and Clair sts., Pitts lamb. P. s, SCHOONMAKERS: CO., Wholesale Drug sunk no. • I Wool at. Pittsburgh. (fiaMl. Eaton?. . GROCERS. g 7 L. SII t E , e G r., rpo r , er , m..d Inn sweet , Plueborgh. S A 2 .1 aI c S o li!! V tin l u. sSW le Oro- l : ere In Pt n o tkractumd Arti lrauv elen N0..130 and 1.31 Second street, tween Wool nod prolthSeld,Pineburgb. JOON 6. 161.16 BTU- ... ......... ..... - PITS S DILWORTH It CO., Wholesale P fro t fur 71 rod ff,,d"..,,, c— 0r1===.. -. . d . 3, Wood et...plumburub. " __•-- --- • ' l l , ' E & INGRAIIA3r Vinefla P le. Pounolvion Nerd:tants. No. 116 %Vote ylrot xtrnt..ritc6l s . MATTHEWS & CO., Wholesale F ___ , oragoiou 34.1 Fonronling Morebutto. and 1 Mon IN6loo-V0r0.4, 57 %Valor at, INltAurgh. II ureter!, met, arul ItilEY, wata ra 136 •........., and beard In PneUwe and Pitts hurgt7iiaree—No. 70 Water rt.. ritistinth. UM. D • CT DoDia, DlLit.T., IiSAIAII DICKEY d: CO., Wholesale Oro- erre. Ca IR4OII llerchantr, and Dealer,. in Proßice— ce bil W ; and 107 Itront street Pittelamth. ' . ra, Tiara . . -It.. J. egaarrr.. iF w lcilL hit th. BF N NETI late El:10.h, , Oar her k Co, M.:Wreak tiroe'erreurrmbedart and olararding Merebante. and Deslure in Prather sal latt.. burgh Ilan tare. No. I'll Second et; and 11l That K., between W and Wrolthreld. VIII. ll ranka'a.. -e. w. 11.1C21.., PlTnintioil. klit u alPt & imRiCKET:Si?N, llm.h.telesa.l: t e y warra .tioleAl corwer. oetlberty_ o snd Irate aterta. Prue taaah. Pa Iron. Nana tattoo Yarn, ac.. re ,co early at hand. • • _ ____ _ __ +MN 1eGr1.1...--11.3133 0. Y., .. . Ito lk 1: LS I ROE. Wholesale Grocers and miEsion alorchaota, No. :57 Liberty Arcot, . 4013 : T MOORE, Wholesale Gromr, Roc lying Dirtlllor. cloak , In Md., I'lltraluroll oboto s, aq,l all YID& of Forel., awl Lmolortle Winer mot L 4 lar z No. 92, 4 1 ; troit l y . =„On w rad4 . . ZrYerehT.rtTlbolca4lo:rUf7.n. alrh. 11110BER.T DALZELL & CO., Wholesale 01-PFY°476(=r=it'uAlMirrtir .."7, rottabutals. 1111 Oa RT A. CONNECGLIASI, Wholesale A Ai. .I, , ,nr,;.Trr:‘l , l; o 47 , o°V.nitt="vo. m 3 rl .... ALLI JOAN r. etriar.M. ' . V. el 00000000 .00100 Marl.. ~ ijber" ..BAVGIWALEbur'hY. & CO., Wholesale Gro - W. 51[ Sas. I 8 end ...%) boot CIVOL in tldbllrgh. -• • - is erica— Jaarrn sicsruccas. 3IcCA_NDLESS, succeesors ardi to D. Wick. Wholtsals Grocers, Forwng and GrupGdraion Merchants, &aler , in inn. Nails, Uhl", Cotton Yarns, and P . ittsbarait • Manufactures trenscallf• sraer of roc.] and II atcr strcet, PittaLarch. C LBERTSON & CLOUSE,. Wholesale is and Coonsdarlon Mensbants, Dealers In it, Pittcburgh Manufacsured lattek., Mani' al.urgit, Yrs Ai and . 4 street, Pi jD. WILLIAMS & CO., Wholesale and • Retail Fatally greaten", Iformardlug told Corognissine arehattON and Dotter. , In Cotmtry Potelune Lod Pittsburgh Num com of er Wood an te d Mb eta. Pittsburgh. ROMF=JB OI . L..- -.SAXI- S. 1101.1 ON. it08y.,,,,,..a., NSON, LITTLE - dc CO., No. " 2.55 Li y etreet. Pittabontb. Wholesale Greg,. Pr , gee and sion Merchant. and dealers la Pit.largh Msaufret .. • soma ro.. ..f.JCIUSD /1.0.. .!E I. PLOYD, Wholesale ' Grocers, Corn • mLAns Merl-Dant, and Dealers ha Pyolure- - Doo cal 4 r ureh raiding, front:Dot no Liberty . Wood. and .letb rs , ettt. Pittsburgh. Pa. JO. TlMet. at. r. 1.. JOHN PARKER A. CO., WholevaleGrocers: Delurs to Produce. Forego Wino, Liquors. Old Mote =Obeli{ lost Ttectitiol Markey—No. 5, Cestuntgnal Bog, Liberty 1... Pittsburgh. ~ I SICAL lIISTRIIIIENTS. e-011 .H. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes. Node. and Murkal lantramente. School Pmts. and V.7.•:P.'" 4 -I,'"` ,taithVV.,;:' Plano rune. c lIENRY ELEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu . lrutrumente, and Importer of Italian rtrlnne. e a •I. for Sumas A Clark's grand and quart , Plan., with • • niter -Sole. Attachment- i bment. Ala. fur lAmbant'r MUM. - - - E - NEDY, CIIILDS ,E CO., slnnufactu n, a very ruperlar 44 Ebeeting. Carnet elnith• T o . antkilegiing. Penn Mill, Pittrintrgh. . a 'jo a JON, r. amt... .:E s s ", t. QUIGG, Manufacturers of Spring • , Mister nteet. Plougb Steel, Steel Plough Wings. • Ellptle springn. ILarnineml Imo Azle. and Ogler, In Malleable Casting, Fire Engine Lawns, and &melt rimming" generally, curlier tit Ito. and Itrunt Ma, Pittabn gb, Pe- . ' ' " • '• ._--_ iplill'ES ik ßUßo2 . l ALKA LI mit W f ORK A S i, — B B , enh rt, p a,,,,,,,n4A„, , ,; - al`t,f,,Lric o r l'ra'rebousw., I No. ea rater rt... below Ferry. .. . .PAPER HANGINGS. WeLLT ß.m. E i lt e PiiiiIf.RSII,ALL, 157,7:\.5.c1,rnt,(b. and A.6,ertean C . Tladoss and Borders. rrilolow Mud ' VI re Board Prints. kr. AL.—Writing. Printing. and Ar aping Paper. No. 85 Wood atreeb betweeo You'd , ond D .. ad alley, Pittsburgh. Pa. TEA DF.AT.V.PcI_ MRRIS LIAWORTII, Tea and. Wine Merchants. Ewa rrle of W. Diamond, Pittsburgh. . Wargo a co. a.' dorm. M. A. 11I'CLURG & CO., Grocers and Tel. Dealers. N. 2M) Liberty March above Wool bare. ways on hand antant harp/ arent of Cholnt. Grocer les flue 'rem. or.lan arab. Out Note. M bole. sale a.d retail. Dealer, talpplluil o n We lol.ert leans. MIMS BLINDS. 7- 1 IAiirIITTELT. A. ,AUTLIIMT, rs. well known ‘Yel‘Pit TER~ ELT l'keeTtol!''eal=7 , l`.:3.' It Nadel story. eutranor io the Dtsumd. Weald. Shutters made tooter. sod old bliale nestly'repolrel. SOO it Ste BROWN would most reepectfullyinform the . = or V.-011131011mb% she Volition ihnitrere sfe.intein to order ha the beet Pat warrat...l en , s4 i to tr I t o t Lhe „ :foT .' prirrha r Tel the elock.leolisluti turd Of pared addlfederttbletvf Huron A BleGletl.d, I ouu pre to Anode% their old rtistomers. on well se th. pule st Isrgeorlth even . ' tbdeg lo their line. Ag mey,No. I Wood Awed, Pittsburgh. J. A. DROWN. P. • 3: Hisonro AND Pusmansro. jSEPII PIPER lIANUCH & • ternmea—R,rldenm,rornrrof Thlrd greet and FAA Igam Allegheny hll3.Llma, Eland, Mortar, Lath, de.. or /a, ettLly MMUNARY MWEON I AM LIARDIE, Veterinary Surgeon, late rtuin Edinburgb, Prot-land. would respectfully ar t the public t . 121. h4itti..t.trownslntnt ptinl,ll4.lhie. • sgrhVt, be to Sire nlletjen , sonneution eitb ardie, Horn, sn4 einithlng In general selll H be nulled uu, at the nirniv • nnel street and Pennsylvania Avenue. WOOL iiiiitcrikirrg. ultprry & LEE, WOOL DEALERS and Cntaanteelon Sterehaate for the etde of Aznerevat (heals, :in. 1.19 Liberty et. Pitteborsh. & W. lIARBAUGII, Wool Merchants, t r5 D-1 '74,117.7i.f,gi= fir. gi141 4 ,=", I lia and Klatt, l'ittebutah. • • "EVILLE JOHNSON, Engraver on W - oon, Philo Ilan. (thiri nnry,) Pittsburgh. Pa.—Vtews of I.llqgs, Marhivpri. !brads of N..wspatT ; Tggi„ , ; ,, ,, imb`LlA:Zt:rt'oLV&lL"P'gt..';' ,, lb: first Arle - t. and at the lowest prin., ---• , L . it af.;; al' ~., a. WILLIAM SCIIUCIDIAN'S Lithograph. le Establistanent, Third Wrt. opprulta tha Bust Pittsburgh. Hap, Lettalsespes, Prrtralt, bhow bill, BMWs, Drene, Bond, Label, Architectural awl Marlins DT .y , rinus. Business and Vlsillne Canla. Oc., cUltraycd " dr. On Stant. WA printed In colors. tlobl, Ilronsab ur BI 1, In the mat gyrated style, awl at Ohs cruet reason. atal, prices. Antal, W, W. WILSON, Watchei, Jewelry. Silver Y V mitturr mrinr or Al.k...nd rth Ftrects I.ltUttur,h.P.4. N. 13.—.N 1 / 4 stritra and Cine k 2.1 • HARDWARE WERCHAATt3. OGAN, & CO., Importera and Vbelesay Deale, In lisnlynue Cullen', No. VS/ E DAILY JOON tit 6.IWRARLY. AOIIN FITZSIINIONS & CO. nittllitici.o - mre of FLINT and ti! LEEN tiL/teti.:.llOULtit±. end all la of )lACIIINEItY. take thl• method of informing 1b.... &simnel of baring ouch work done, that Uwe are prepared to It at the loweat pncrible ran, at the lawit. cal ounce. mutt In the beet manner. at thrlr entabli.hment. ..:erund etiart-. ahme the CantCridge.uraribeti. W o rk., Tar , Innis fur Black gmllis and Mud Vnimert.3., mann. faxturt.l at the Mintiest notice. and at the torrent prima.-- Oil kind.. of Jobbing done on abort notion. ambit:3in Jon/ 00. Wholesale Grocers, ANtidnzta . :4 Mt n= , late of Warren, Ohio, wairding Merelmnt, ma Wl , O , kte.erre Che., Butter. trot tad roduot. generilly. Water stre e t. hood. littaburgh. CATOLY. W. warmotaa. 1N & SONS, IVholesale dare Forwardin g Mardian.. and Pasant% b Manufart. for the mole of Klehmund and Tobacco, No, 80 and et ICater WORST & CO.. WhOle fthliv end Comminslonan; ri,hraiitg:t.sna'!honr. y Lw•. Wholesale Grocer, Com BiANUFAMMM 3 48PORTATION AGENTS. A. CAUGIIEY, Agent for the Lake 4..nianc.uee. to Boor•r and the taken.— rattler of Wstor end 21E011111AI Ft& & CO., Transportersanal ranting hlerthants, carrwr of IN-on ntswt MISCELLANEOUS Gas Fitting. . 3IAFFEI'T & OLD, Front effect, between WouLl loth.. the publle tholr toeortuleut of Chand,tior, Pe.lonts, Brackets, de.. de. Theynee preyarml to execute 11. Vitting ou nd IHOPt remonable tcrux. Imeb7ll' SPRING FASHION FOIL 1551—ThiRg beautiful et) le of thanrived tind Yot-Hae hr A311:1 , WILY.N, _ xoth7 romer Diatuon.ll.ll..}. 1,4:* Wegner, Bnechner & Mueller's NEW LITIICIGRAPIIIC ESTABLISHMENT. TLIE ABOVE FIRM respeolullyntvimmer thrir frlrridA mud the p got/rt . ... 4.0l thry are Avivtl.l to execute. 10 thr err, Ivor only. for ,how Cant, Pals: Diplom.. Cheek,. Thml slot Fourtl n t ntnvt, tip Bolivar Fire Brick Idannfactnring Cojnp'y. 111!!!!!!M!IEMI!= 1:1.0VElt, KIER CO..& PROPRIETOR , lIIRE'SUBSCRLBERS, haying born m, I, wo:that Agents for theabove named concern. will keep comdantly . on Inunl • PU if the celehraMd Flreltrick,CrueibleFiret.:llo,lurnace Ilrarthstindlowalia. TLetan. slap prepared to receive onion for awl Haat. to be pnat mode in sire nod rhape to milt Purehlon . M. whieb *hob ll'e do ip n t oot deem it neerreary to ...mineral. the many tad vantage,. the Bolivar Eire Unekimiorwo owe. all oth... that hate lawn uttered for mile in WeUnited Mater, their sup.- rioriM twing well known to alnico. all ga.rwno. who no Fire brick. The vroprietotw have determined that the brick shall for none of their pnwent reputation. nod that in. ripen, shell he 'inured to make thew better than they hate lieretofrwe Iswn. This is the mil, ..stablichment now manufacturing Fire Itriek at IEJt I JOSP-w, torliij (SEW Nuln. Ur.,...uth nt.:Pllisbu;ih. Amccom) & CO., hove t eceired thrir SprituiHutu, to which they 1,14 epectfully turtle the atteuttou of their ru.lout ern utul the public ',aurally.Gtr_ . Pittibugh Gas Pipe and Tube Works. . rplIE undersigned have just completed their .R. utroolTe IRON TUBE WORKS, - - - now manufseturina all Axes of GAS PIPE. Iwo Ire and other Elmo, and all sire. of WBOUGIIT IRON TUBES, which they otter thr sale at the lowest, line.. The, oro now ',endued to execute Lintel, to out ~letat. without de lay. SPANti No end Pl. Water etre..t. f 0 1 ,4 am itt 11)1 VtLIINIBL Flooring alit o. XTICI-lOLAS VIVIAN, Civil Engineer, I . j Draughtsman. and Practical Mining Agent. ti s lie, antuglitd of ahateln for the Pst.cnt Olney. a...4M. of Marl, nery for Mir...A.-11.a, 1S orks. Rotting Mina. Se- Slay le Lund betwixt Id A. SI. awl I P.M., tit his rethlcia,w. No. II Marhury atreet. Pitt•hurgh. jonlhilly • YA. MAI)EIBA, Agent for Delaware Mu tool Safety Induraned 'Amapa:ay-C.: Water atm, toGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for Franklin Fite. hindrance Company. north eut out., of Wood and Third stn,nd. - V4WW. - GLENN, BDOR BINDER, Wood street; V wand door from thy corner of Third, whore he tit prepared to do ore ry deterlption of Binding with ramtne,i. nd durability. Blank Rooks ruled to suy pattern. owl hound eulnintotially. 'too. in numbers, or old hool.• bound nuefullY. h`Pitimid. Nmmoi fott^l iu r t!it who hare Limb. ate invitol moll. P a ton. t ooolly X 1 !CORD 3 CO., Wholesale and Itetail ILL Manufacturers. and Irt in IltdA Cary and Furs. s. odor . "" ‘ M h e . , ° l,7:7 TV's: r ,Ze d h eVerr quality nod style, oy Wholosnle duo .atoll and in. lite the attention of their etutunien and porehmert toner rdly.aoduring them that thepwill Mel on the nowt Alvaro laueons terms. t0 1 r .4 . ILr.. rt tir I:l:trt.E en 1 O h 3 a . u r j, m a, '" :t e 4 4 .l7- m the sine New Coach Factory—Allegheny. .1L A. WRITE & CO. would r, ays.etfolle Inform the onltlir that the. hue.. or, ',trot Vtderni .rmtl ittlto They ex, now mating nod orn pretetnni toe r. orders air every dt.,crirteon lehit Marva.. liaronche.. linmpee, Ittorton, le.. ae... • tort.. from exterriennt. In the manufacture of thr al.ore work. and the farilitleo they hare. they fort confident they ?re enabled hewpdto do utak ton .the most nte,onable torn nab Mune nantiott article. In their hne. i 4.l.lculor attention to the tteleetjou of mah.ristr. ILosttg I.tit tent workmen. the, hese no heniMtion to w a rranting their work. We-thenftter ask the attention of the publie to iltle matter. N. B. Wepairine done In the ferett manner. mud ou the most reloolmblo term , • Ja , W:tf ATlrruint y_AAGLE MARBLE WORKS. (established IBIS, hy EIWIUND WILK INe. No. lea I.llterry .1.. of Woodrtreet, littaburvh. Mont:went, Ilorlat Vault. Toml.. Ilcadotrmett. Mantel Pieces, Centre and Pier Top, always an hand. and made to order. N. It. A choir , . Affection of Drawl.. on hand. 0.10 A CARD-1851 Aiu rsP ril f & , 8 ,, 11t d CF ,, 1 . E ! I.D. et ,Nnprtll,E. gru lt t i ent leave. al the emninenertnent of the ft Year. to h turn their thank,. to their randomere and tLe put., 00ner Aar, for the Invite rhore of t at ? (v oted extersloal to thm. and Onto the rontinaumee of their favors. Hering neently enlarged and ,na nd their rum. nba-y ore enabled to le, p un hand a eery eaten. , nroaart nient pithead.- and ho will have the advantage of plenty of light to etlfzuln.a fiv ,. 1.1 , , arLd,,fabafahtenttirr./.7taLtani, TbgbitillanmkiiinAa. STlittkt: " as had...evr/ artiele In the Dry 1ia...1. hne. needed for the vont. of (unities. adda le.. pmenned-anal In their tin to wale. the eat gagst.. and tr. nil nt low tdacen. they hope to make It the acteren of Daman. Istoi 111- diTidlini...Lo 631 , 1" lII , C. with ILL, (1.0.11. Inid-The WlllaLkk.iAleli IttehlNkl , will he rotation...l In the rana..op '42lre-entrance from ith street, or through Inver runt. pun. - - - - - - -- - - - - j3ITTSP.I.: ICC; 11. COMMERCIAL Cot.: ko v. Corner of Thin.' and Market akreets. The nip chai red lnealtaition to the hind lu Pittalaut all. Fikerl.Tlr.-John Fleming. Prineipal tualmactor In the tielenre of Amounts. U. ti.Chanaterlln. Professor of Pentananntalp.Merrantile CompuMtlon, te Alex. M. Waihean Eat.. Lecturer on Commercial Law Than. al...trine n ...mph , . knowledge uf Book heeping. and itsspylleation to every branch of bud nee, ale. an ale aant and.raplal penarannstalp. an Invited to hall and +mon. Inn the arrangements. Lertnneon o.lnutertaladLaw veer, tiforslay evrealng. _ Iteferem. to any of the reaklent rat,- tuen-haute. ideiM •.. EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. , ..., EsTAßLisitru 1832. by ELYSIUN I) WILKINS, Nol. 243 Liberty et.. load of Wool .trrt. Pittsburgh. Pa. Stonumenta, Burial I aults.Tannledonee, - . Or. Mantle Plane. Centre and l'lar Talc, Masi, on band and mode b. order. of tlie Mortara, and at very redurant prima. el choice rebalion tar✓ l , rateings on hand. - The ilpeat . .. ..: c: -,- I, Iti . 1 ---- .--.' - 1 . 1 ..----,. ~ v 4 Imam Italy. 7 , ---- ~---- i ' ,•5 , . ~., ----'--:: =l= Dun. Iltamar Denny Tlerugn, Ken. Hon. Judge WIlkIn! J.Mn Darner. Wm. Itnl4noon.jr.. lierr. F., A rehlteet John :Snyer. Er, Cmlt Pitt...bu d rgh Dunk.Ammer it Wn. J. IL Ehnenberger, Ken. 111111 Corr). lcHenn 114-I.:smlle., Ern. Ilimn R F.rirtnt. dm Robert McKnight, k.. Ilegu Jot. McKnight. Esq. Deming-D. T. Mory.rut t ham. Jp•huh. Rhode, A Co Frmt'rg N. I,Ahrop. Eo.. Allegheny. E. W. Prim grateful fne thevery Ilberel patmmann r evived tlrlo}, ulntnen )enrs lu thix haring had the largott nod best to Wren, Itnn. the Penn. , . Ume, nml wlll endeavor to mtnlpr .Ilefactino herenfter. ya 2.4 _ • JAMB W. WOODWELL • C I ABINE'f FIIIINITURE 51ANLI- Ware-romus u 799 Thini street. .1. V. W. respretluity informs his friends and elastomers that he hw now romplenal the largest end finest stock of household furniture ever beton. an in this city. as lie is detennimal uplinid the iptaliti with wellarrosined material, limit workmanstilp, end ni.o, , t th pugnx. atil (Mtn the oat.. of his orders mid foetid) in m a nufaetuting. he Is enabled to tirialure • ttrrio,44 (um. at the lowest prices_ Ito has ndoptrid the minriple of identifi no the eyeball. rrs' Interest with his own, in quality . and prier, awl tee, g'grt:trn?, (m et 0d;i:0'1,1:4":,.?..` and costly, that h re nt( part e.f one. mor furnished from his stok, cu. ninatinactured n t u o In rder. Ile linkman". solicits an instsietion. that Ow tAii, of bk. ermblishment mar br known. The following 'n In mid,. m a ga,. in ram of his stork. which richness of and !Walt cannot be Si in ouy of the Lit.tern esti°, drawing. dining. and bed.rainn char*. of ever, variety, consisting of tsiewool, ...hotand waionti ElLtabethen. Conierratolro and Easy ChairOn)" , of f•vo.ry des criptioni Couch, :tidos, Tete...tete and Means of the latest }tench and Pltti• , i g2 t•ntunla). Nov. sth,W,du.-.1.3. N. , . . n - - .7.1 h Sstunlay. I.e. IMA K.,,,,,,,,,, 1N.,.. GthlAntunlay. - L'ieb Sat tmln,. - .A.ll S.ord.,• f ~non/ /.1,,,-.11; - ellv r,..J... PROM. 1. 1.1,.. rOIR Tile 1,171 - 1, I: W.T. .. .1.... linklink,..Manis,, %art. .M.,t0ta.... f. aturdla, MMTMI , . .1... I ort ........... I .., stwnlw). 110,10 : 4. .11r.m.11. . ..I , atordaY. AVM! A .atuniwi, April It 14. R. LIILBPOOL. Ww.lcrew/n. ll wr. ' tl• ...,,. ...., V .0. ...Wednewday, liar. 1. , a w n.lw Mmotow. .. .... ...IVedn(wla). April A. A Inr-A wmu.i.r. April lz - -New I.ork. Iwwwle.t. .... IL wtww . . Wed wwwlay . April 30, .I , im New ,1 .. . ...Wwiltsewla,, May' I . w.wag.. to lislifax. li,,Mnt. IT ii ew York. CZ .. wmond (lawn. C.-.!:.. .Vein Fork nod flat., Lino—.H. , o. l y Trqa. , F LLIVE 1.11. Franklin. roust.), N. ri). j Franklin. 11).1 . da1, 1)211) Mar II innlahlt hth .lar Ilalohnlat - irth Apr Franklin. r Frankhn M.) I I nnlAoldt, Ilutahnldt. Jun.. Franklin, Itlrt .1' • Franklin. - Jttlp II •• 'Zarb king. Ilutahohlt. .06 3 .4 I rook lin, Jul 'Franklin. • • =III Aug I honhnlitt. Zit Ana Ilra1 k 1) l . i 1.1. '2lll)rp l Franklin. • ) Srni. Franklin. Ir2l Oct lltnhnial, lkth Ilumbohlt. .) loth Nor rank!), •• l.lh No Franklin, I:th II tnohnhlt, •' 13t1) Live I.ban Nortyuir.. IV—No:U.Iy Truu. 10. .111101. Nrar l'..rk Slar. i. Nw0r......... /2.yrtl!? 1..04 ,tan.l4). 313T11 1,11111.11011,1 , ...... Neu \ nrk . . ‘ l .t , 2, 11.nnatm. . .. AP. , 1 7 . . ..... May 1. Hermann Nor lark. . Frkla, J.... 11 sgml nteewers 1.4.1 e 1 . 4rk , 41 the Mb 4 Chum,. OH MEV, Slennl4ol ,Y P. , l I ..... 1'11110..0u on the 1. t and 13th Doh month • ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF MAILS. !:.,clO, —ny Oranlvr•bur.r. v I.Y..tuvrn. t vntry y.rt. or ynr.t. ;ma Mr Hs N,w I.loulaul .14atur.•- Th. 111 - Ilvvoy,..ut cr.n.da. volia tylvl r. liry.wirk. Artit•v at r. v.: Depart. at 1e.. , NOUTtI d.i rft Arily.tukv Orr nr11411.-+ t ruv,.rt, uutru, lun. Juturan, 1,1,13111, :UMW, Nlels..ll. I.toun..nd mrt f 11...tu.,Intut, iv Lit run... Mum., Sydrny Yyr ttud...ll...andna nd ludi. 1,10,111. Am... 4 daily, ...rep. Mundmr, Mt 3,x X.: J.- at 11. v. u. bar =lly IYuttuv, 11..rcr.r. erry.t.rd. and Jvlirry.nn u,unuryt.. IA urteru y..ttut lutt mud tyy.prrt, v. v.. and &Tar, .1V 1A1(4111.X.‘ 0.3 P II ',TIAN.- IVantlitlSOC.ll, Farm... Sumer.... rat V...ituvrl.ltyrrl runutT. llm II Ileltnaurv.lVryvtuno..n l'ur..Vouthurner.l.erl• Yin part...f X“., ky, Trnur. Thy...arrt, 43i iy .1 M.. 1.f..1 llst r x. • • - • ~ a Vs,vro. ront. rn l et u or vn , On, Xx. tot, t tartil. littltnt, ant! l'lt,trirtmwrta• tt, at 11 r. ti,x.rxtt V. 7 t. . , . N old!, tervor.-14 Tn,teer. Pa-. and Clorodund. (thin•— itea, 1.,. 4.•..lnaddanu.. Tentnhutt 0 . - anfra. doldalmla.Sturk.M or. Medina. Cu, uhara.SKUUMM; l toreon. lin,. inlay.. - l), 1% test 11,1 11/01.4 nnsolde, gold, the extreme n,rthern cutlet., of the :Mate. of Inthan , . nrni 1nd..., all an u denm. ‘ll,l Wt.ent..lo. dull, Are.... :a II a a.: de ue,. r Rents,. —Me etntrioturr.lione.n. iirrtnafietl.Totren turn. rn..r.rt. latutumr,, Armxtria,, tdar knn, a nt' eriiel corm.... daily, ...old en ,Munin, .4. At me. Mratt..— IV.rthrtt. rune,. Illerm.hurg , Armes Tuteula,.. it:nerdy , . and ,aturdma. at s depart. Slotalls, We.inn..., • and i• rm., a. •st 7 a. • Veto , nu t Kurtuntdo inat Finlee rill., and urn nen:ahem derMe. 1nd.... at 5 r raft. M 1 N 01,10,1 —l4 Iluchanan. •Mreet, hun. Ninkerernrt, • .1 It.tatetta•uen. t:atnl.l•,. Rr..trar e r. tw.m. ti...adku It. Prer,,..h.e. taint ...Ay. trier - tn. Pa. vela, runda, and •. • m Mondat. and •• erne, • ear. in, 'I tun..., 10 V . detu.r. M• oda. • und I u v. e .11, Clunen. Mar.he.t.emt.. M... hug, r•nd•fr,:t Armee WI r. ors pntorde• at 0 Antrim. No rt h. ntni VV. AVM V/ 00 liedzerada, at % r tterartr 011 Sh.poia, at Leu . onre , Frrr). AMT., nn Fr.laY• a! 5 e. udrurto !,tura, , 6A. Pt ken, 01,1 e. Wentuni. Itrealneek. Proett, hit.eumn. nuthil.hd Marren and enango cis AM.". dally at 7A. a- ...I Jernetn (3. 4.. 1.1 the dad, utMle tan. le in the 17ttee hu it befuhl their deradlum lit the tri , vie.k.l), Wd tunila. ult.% le In the O N re an bout bercle the. •lerz.nre. RATES OF DISCOTIST .4.44 , 76. DADA rna tar - rarrarrtodt ctxrdra. rr !.. II 1a,31F.S Siti tsfd. IVt hkors Ar.. E.; tt, ter It L. (In-., Poorai ond F crta:ra. has'rar.ot DEN NIA, LA ANI A. Pr.. it at 1a,..i11t0. .„ ltan,ct Potrahoreto hor•Booncl. at M o•oloo . oto /...kohatro, Itana of clo paClttano to ..t. No., 4 ,, M.:, .4.1 MAD. el 410 . [4.1 Um., lo at I ooloto,toon. do Rank tof Comolor , par City Moat. t. incoonatt ...-.D Bank of hoorah Arnold, .par (Yeoman Int lik,Cltn onnatido P.ank ofNortlin I.4l.orttro.par l•ranklln !lank . . ol Bank of Poo., Irants.- per laafalctra BtnA _ . -..• • . Dank al Drain 1 . ..p10p par'ol. I,l'r Inc A Prarat Co .do It , , the Conrad Pluto. , Ir. carat , r......, -, Bank 010 tnuoporraal Boot IPa parillnot of Moraralloon. .. .. Jo Darrow , A Mor lonoao,' It k Pnl ' , mall Non- cl., Otraral Itatok. ..lot. SC PoNGLAND hooralnotton Bank . par•AII Foldout Detpk4 L Manuf., A lA. o it Bank part Nall" 1 kIR h M0r0i... , Itaa, .. paroNotor, Atoll:By. . _pr 8.. i i Bank . par,Countrt . t o , h. Iphln Bank .. .. jowl al ABY LAND. eoutlonvk Honk Irartllaltimure.... tar tt=o:n i ll 'A - . 12 r ri ‘• : ' ; ' : ` ,1 .. . , i ; . -, L.,:%viit . ;.' !tank of Chan.horooloor. ',AD raolscnt l,nkto.. .... . t o Bank of Clo. , rar lloanty part AllitllNlA. Bank of Man ri11... parlllank ..f the Valle: . 4 lank of lad ra., • Cheat/1..4..18L of Virginia o. (tank o .f oraranototoos I. par;l Bonk, Va. Norfolk 4 Bank of • iott t .hur: h t o ll• armor , 11.1,4 V trgonta % Bank of Iraa otoo u - 1 Morchanto' A aleclo. bank S Boni of th.lollono. 1. ' I Noorth D crrarat RYA ••••• 4 31D.DD,D,..q. CA Dom, .pAr liDoileb... DA n k 1.1 Northonoloorlatal par. Ntllall CARMAN A corahlo. Ito. .. l.,ltronk of Car. Vent. • Cor.limolola Ilk A Brod. Co part ID 4 tat at N. l'araltna t Inralconotn Itnook tarr..han, orrial IBank.ra, Wolialuten t FNVIDD IGnk . .. tow Mora Newborn a Kra. flank .. . . . `, rolUall CAROLINA. IlaryO•rac Il k of Book. OP Par Ilk of thr at of P. Corahlin• .; Farmer.' kof laottoa.tod toarlllank rd :tooth Carolina a Ya na ra,' Bank •dltonolinot part Bank co( Chock nor... .. .: Ya I, o•I M n .. lk 111 Coo roorilloontora' A al...hard , ' lat 1 Por..a Draw M ~..Odra,: h. O Et BD , I A ~ Bratsk'. Ilk. Dadoinottoon t no oAutorato In. A Banking eo Ilararatouroc Bonk . h o Donk of Amino. ~ Ilonoalnlo• Nook '.,11k of Itruntntkk. Attg.tti.n , La neuter 1,0 A . . _ T. 4444 Talk NI*DB.B. lamooratorConnty Dank clan , All rtotroott bank . , ..... • la tottoop Bank par E ENTI.A 'ls tlitiory la:. nf Potts, lilt 411Ik oof lionlocky. 1a.u1 , 111.. 4 t loco..theta Bank ... pat ML of laounorillo. Thondoon o o tip ft linotrb Bank f a lkortho rn Ilk nf houturay 4 tip... 11105 ilkoolatrrapariSlouthens Ilk of hmtno•kp 't V0rai 1 i . !4,,k, „ ,,... _ ....,.... 41 31 I,SOI/111. 4 13. of Ftst.. of Mitanurt `r Dart ILLINI PIP. 011 in Sta. flank t o nit. Bulk .d branches-o. Itropooll at A k Mil . 110 Bank of I 111n00t.... 0...... ...V., !math at Aranora.. ... Aloo %V Fi r. PIN. Ilronot. at Ilnolactora ... 010 Ilarine A ?I Ind Co. oollka .:, Itraoloolo al I lola-orate do, NIICIlltiAl Brooch at Cictointal ... oloolFannere aleabonioa . Bank a Itninch et T..lraloo oln floorroonent :flock hank..: , Ilnoort. at lotyto, Po itlthoolar Bonk . f Itraurh Al I%.lwann. 40 luottran, Coupon, • Itraton at I 'plum by 010 Otato Book Branch nt A •Istatoulk 0100 CANADA. Branch at :tale.... ....... _do Ilk 0111. N. Atom.. .Torun. , Brash Al Illoortlrlol Alla Itattk of the Pconin. Toonoutos Branch at 1th010,.....-..... do. Hank of 31,031 , 1 il Branch at Coto t.. 8.A.( U. Causal, Torn.... lifttilrh .1,41110 , u,- do D tnTERIS F. , X11A.N..U.'. nr.rh at lt anliltagl.,ts.. _oh, lta ' Now •l wk o:prrinto ... to ItrionD at Coallz .... 010 oon Philn.lnli.lus tlo S lirat::..h at . loano.a . olo , r , :10 , On IlLtltlon:ra .. dra.... .. ... . ‘• - tan: Iv nt at nl ot ill I 1 It CdTIT N CACI! ANIIIf. 1nt...1b at ft I 4n4411 do (NW Dm4o I Irnorl. nt .mark .1114,13‘ , 111. , .... trnt,l3 nt Myna .In St 1...n1m 1 4i...tint nprautfinkl..., _.ln 411,1.1, A ND 'MIK, VALVE Irani b al ttnri.tta. do. 1.11.100 ma. kliatural. tAt , ;ranch nt l'n.y ,t. d.. Patriot—. ... 15.5. . . ost+ at 314 l'h woont .....100 Lt., 010 l in,a. tram-hal 1 / 4 oncoorllloo .. .... 01.. En., new ......PAID iron, .nt Sr'.,olL .... . do l•nclorickool'ora.... ... 7.1. tenth at 800. oho. lon Mater. ''t - : . 1 :ranch at fort h.. .. clo • ruir..-no. . .... ,n:ranchSenn,.l2 111 1.111 1 .11 .110 5.4..4.4=4 ...... ... . LA:. tran.l. 41 RND4DIA . .1.1 T40.11(1442. ........ . J. booth nt Chillloatloo• .do koraolontra . .... a•So Fonda at ia; n 1 1 ,4,4 dooltuontc 9.11 Irmo. It Toolralto . .. oho , ___ _ Spring Bonnets. h tpo • Cbir. n: , l lellom I. `lan Arn Jonny Le I nd end Soon, Flutod Meow end :ratio, Irrnr non 10, ann. Ann rinin Isre. Tar - -Ir 411rtn1 Ilk A A. \IASON A Co. rel.Cr 0, nerd IA Market 01. I LACK 14ItESS SILKS.-7,lust reo''l l erw new.. A. A. 310nrS, A CO Il.l\ It 4 . Monti another I, , roestr, r.solr• Irrelt Linen. A A MA's\ r VC . ;4311. for ,11.•lv oelr , 1.1 rl5 CO p(ITAsli —7 c.l.+ iprimel for sole b)' meld, .1 KIES , E—ro idJA ~ ~C Oll, Inn'ed ,, for ", r IVITTSBUIII 111 I boot) for no ILI:, .1 KISS A I'll U.iiAlt 11 RED HAMS-1 0 tierces !hit o•ivt.tatoti r. C Sons. en band and fer ran Is florid!. W A 1,1.1,0.0,10; A 14 keg , s No. I. for sale lo; I WIC! , F \ lerrasilll.l:` , IA 1 (11 ' ASSFOS-100 blrie. N. (1.. oak oe.lper ..: ,s 1” l.r etetCl-1 .1 Alt FLATS. i A 2 11. R1L - ketrs No. I. for sole by . 14 terhil J FLOVP 1)0TAS11-1 0 cooks, warranted pore, for norlall J. a 11 PLOVD. AS ellANDELIF:1;:! ; AND FIXTURES; I NI h.q.,- 1'i0....1,11,v And Iln•okon. of the lona , rt, ale, Ino and une light ornamental Peralettlo. at ..leen It W . ILSIIA. r Foorth . and Market al'. or nor) Surfer's ion lataPer.cb oro, SOIAIL LAM) I..IMI'S, CIL% NI/ELI Eit:.;, e, strAmt.o.o, Hall, and Inrelltn,o. Alva now al:Olean .. Idol the enter Tank. ntantl. and Stairlll.anss. nll of the unrlo,ll.ol nroorrl... tore of Cornell. . anal at carders .nee, W. W WILSON IiVA NT 11, TO BUY— Notes of te rn y V flout , . esl Strwk tit tho Patel:won by et,l 11. n. KIMI. ()RIM l Nil saperior lot of N.-Ituna roper, ...irt:r7; and Irrnla. , lnl• An'o Gar •alo at W ILA V ro`r*/ Vr monk raper ;lane, Cor. Matter and )o,ood de. - r.111t1:41 I . lk rilll. r‘trion nel.l 14t0..n.1 Plorrnrr. Parrlish Prnrl. • lt.lna•lrr Aacnic..—AllrettJuaentri and rubncrtpUon.• hr thim aper n v vad and fur•WaNcd &Ivor PITTSBURGH MARKET. °thee Pgreariczau GAILTIR Much 21, PM. Ilaritte.ti on Saturday tray annually very Utak. Sod nothing cd Interert. that •r ruuld hear of, trattrldual is the utarkt. Am to quatatlnna therr are noanarkrd chem. its n. notler. FDA IL—The market ennUnuas dull, without. hoarrerr, nut further derlints. Tim Jules from And boa .on t.4tnr day urn. Ilnl4d,.nt 1:43,1*:. Fran rtinv Wet erre slan nonflnnd In nivel panels fur city nun nt 5A.P.:413.37 i 11,1,1. II ItAlN—ltn , elpta are ineolprp. nal the market moth:men . 14. att T. Pale. hare la•rn to s modrrate extent. at R5(k)703 7:k tor a heat. 5:44 , 5e flu 70. 40017 r tar corn. and 33(4.11 for oat, . - OlcialAlLltie!-eitrar. Coffee. and malaria, are rheetre with no Imni, fretlad report. Fur N O suers we Vitae n Wls. In mall Into to city and eountro.7 - e.ho ha sow at ItiVel9hilitloe. (Niffeeile atationary at Of molahira Mee are renantal to mall Into at !ttp.3-1Ni , 0.,e. in erTfloou end osif BACON..--Ilie notice a enchains' Crum. at full wife*. Sake of Meru and eltr eared here been nut. tfriaSi . fns plain baron. iNGeffnei NA , . P. and .boulder at w o o yi lb. Poop surd hone are steady at Inealo4 in tea. liAgAr-Salea of IS DM, and NI kegs. In different Into.. tot latter Scum Wog Nu 1 In aegis IIUTTAR—Tho market by been rather dull. oarin the low rates In the can. We nuna choice roll at 1:14140, and enteleatid prime mantle , . at lUS:4, 'A D. N.'S nominal li/eSt A IS. market lo dull: and earl little .IMM. to.. mote ntintlnally at lilifies'aSte nor isroino.r to prime qualitiea.• CIA% kit , ;+}:}:l,--liopylles are light, and prime maw,' no•ttl,d fnm3 stare, 801 l $5,6?145,75 Cram fir.t Land.. LIiJAV —eat." 12 tads mutton at 7r. IA D. 1,1:11:1) Laa fair demand In= Prot tia.dx sl.V.lrgtri,%7 Tyr I..sehex and 756180 e for arid.. Mitt ; l ; OF PITTSBURGH Itrers.-111,v wen, 7 feet 0 to rt12[1154.1. by pi, mark. last ..rollnl7. and at a .141. ARRIVED. Itol., Itr.str.r. tiorrlrm. Iteay.r. thortra. halritortru. I.lrcrorturvill... J..Me11.... 11.14 Hr-tam, NlrKeraroprrt 114alm..rarr, %t oral 111114 i. Iliromp,lll... Nr..2 Pereblea. lirryrkurrr `rut, Starr, Cluclon.l. 1111..nrir Itatrtulor. Ciortritirnti Nis. Nrre I.lnrittnall. 11114 NO Oran? F•uotrir O Noma', rem I/ Y u.. Waloarl. itrukry.rrt IrEPAItTEII ,lir-locur. Ik.W Eltraver. I,raaterr. I ...rdtm. 11..arret.. Atistrtir.. Parkin?... Ilmyrtarallte. J. MeKr...lletArtekroar. Mr../irreopart. Shrirorr. Y. Nr.rrtotr I,l.tortu. Worrquarr.l. ttstrrrn.viller futret.eincintuti r tate. Dean. t. 1.1 ill ilvenkr. ltt I.oolr. t'ntnrart 11uukL St. Loa.. 11.1r41. Sastrtilt.r. `.urn., lionntz. I.pyirnratt•. MAW., I.ater.Utantrillo. • 31.. are. Irlitrearling Jr 'ln, last. II ord. irrtuarrettle Mao. Rau.. Lottlatlic. BOATS I.P.AWLNU TIIIS DAV 'LAN l'_ , OlLLP—Ealww... i• w. NUlSll—likrt lio 2. 1111110:1:1YIRT—Well•vall , 11 Y.1.1a I.l.Y.—Rrre..lllu. r•INCIN ATI —tir.Tatarrrr. lup, rm. LIIYOR3B BY RIVER. Ip 111:13.1X0 —Pao J. Numnx—... ill. apples, Tlottroto Wtsosnl; 1 mono, Kramer A Mahar In sto atiotlts.- tlurk 1 Thaw: I trunk, ll • lol, V/ jars butt., E Man, eurrt a :•mitb. otnl o / Ibis. IS sks suntlo. II Johnston. CsAmt - 10 hb.l tobartst. W Dint losur hs• I .lo nay. II Is tbssotorth, Ha, • 1 Johnston: 17 sks rtorty tlour barrobts I Ils beet. 11Ilmarth t Noble. 100 clo dour. linos. fit. do. Corry A S10100 . 3:I do do, Ol .31 Ws ..1.1.h.5. II haw, do 4.0 hbl. Ito 0,T,, toot,. ntsetri I'INI INNATI-lrra [Krim, —1 Lk 1ea10.4. Ne Fad., 10 blds alAm, 11 Ealstootora 1 On 10 do c0001.1.. 1 199 34 do haul., .F. 41.4.. N lout. 3 .h. rtor.. ..1.3 .Inn( (not. J 42 I.IIA. II Belk :1/ du Alcohol, .1 1.1 ottaion 3 hlrlr lokrote. A. (:orlon:'. has lAsaks. Bell 1 Li. .to to+ hams. 49 do /boulder, 11 Grad 6ll< •=1 oron. that. 1, 1,4111 bads bacon. IV Illtolhant 4,1 lard. tlri'sdro A Cor.Alo 10 I.blr alcohol. 4.40 comakrr 11 (0 art. On,. ClarL 1.41, art.rao. 1 (tom, Idol( 101 a.... IV 119100.1 rl I.ll+ A hirkr, ,J A AOC whisacv. It 310 ore. ,I+ do. 1 1 raa A II:eland: :AI .1.• lead oil. IV Holahan, A Co, :+1 1.1. (+Moo. hln2 l'worusl. A CO fd Idols tohacro. Co 4 clop.) char.,. 11014 S 11.111,: 9 e.t.a 1 1.1.1 has trradttura, 12 awl lard., 1/ Loorh 6 (Nr. I.ol.lcalr Canon, .1 Vuller. do cal. Mn , ., Caldwell. loodlrr. 11.Tatten 81. 1 0A(A1... rT 141110— Ilut NOll7O. Rzrza-4 1 4 rao. tram..., 431140 lanl.. 4 troltr. 1i Illarhant 6 On I NJ bids hint: 22 Idol. Loren. At 1.011 1..4. aids fare. tl Iloltuno 1 Droll tlorms 41...10. 54 Mrelltrhoorr J. .1...1'1.9( A Ttaw 2.:( do do. 4: lola+ do. Slcl'ufro AC, rest. , 42 tr. ( da. N 1,114 4991nAs. 2 do 01.11... 11 (lima i Or. 21 14.1..n0da0(+, Rom. liirkratruic 01 .In whiskey, Johs, l'o raor ). Oa hs. Oidre, IPst.r Forrtth: bas Aatlior. IV ( - _llll.l, olast 1,470400. I.A VA 0 rrri:-. 111.4(.4 , --7A 111.1. Karol.. 4 1.1.1 s lAN Ito. ha:0r...1-ham, 11 fur, 1 .10 doer Aldan. t/ 1,0-11 0. 14: 554. Id 1.110 1.14. 119) du 1..r1,111.1...1... d.lo laol. Ito, A Jon., r+s. hants. dr. qh dors 001. lad bull .1... J AOllll. 'XI •loodder.. loon. 4...0t 9. AI IL 19 • 0+141.4., 11 ':rail ..04(.4.4.+4 , J 011,1 k .. ' 1.0 • It. fruit. 1 told .I+. II 1 , 2 A +andl.... I In tot+, l .r. 11 A Faltnmor I 411 tor, II 111344.1.0rts 9.1( ‘+.101...0. pl. )lao, LOOK HERE MY FRIEND! ARE Y4JII A FATTIER, labnring for the inplwrt apart..(! n eanilly. and rullorinit Ivan general . de -1.1..1 and low :pint, eo ine shinet wawa.. a bur Jen, tow ir a. It Ileee'i aiteealatrillw ire iott *Mother. anitorinir Inwn thiewai In ern male. are penotalli eulweet. tzw! In. a. U. Ilhweie aluker rareaparillail 14,11 Pertain', our. ion. Call at our dope, er an one Cl OCT area.. an.: PI • pamphlet anti.. where tnu will lintl that the abater liar a0,r111,, r tit...oared by Dr. N. D Mte. Lae lawn the ineaoto .1 terningeottlrannnw•triore ilheillaw, 14, the human are continually ~Wart. than aer !Aber errearatteu eareapanlla ever tat twonitht.bellire the pI Alec. Thom nealwatio hoe eitaldiehod ite high reputation hl Da ounireeui and well alhiititleures It le put or in !pent hittle, and it the Indy tiarrapartlia that arta ots the Liver, Kidney!, and at the Fame Woe. *tool! rood,. It want:ether mute saluatle to every ote, partloulart, to f r entaliw •tire awl 11.7 it enquirwl elnk. Dr.Dltlnr. HOWE'S aIIAFAR Prow SI ter botti:—a tattle, tot . Cnt t., 011 n D. HOWE CO, Proprietors, 1 Cnllnnn Oneinto.ll. olan. T...lnan all onto" may addrannnt A In.. for 1., I A. Innen J nehoomnaker t enn W. Mark. It Wenn, .1 NI Tnnn.nud, .1. Mnblon W It, Mok nna. ralabionti. A 1,111"0„ nit, W. It. n- Cl•llnnd. Manehnatnr, 1 1 I,lnornaalll, Jan 1,1111 Wholin.r. .1.11 I . 4l.lnrann. and D. 11. Winuan, Clan,' Melton t Anna.. Oafs. on.niallwT 1111411-10 (fresb) for Kiln by mrlElO AMUY.I. I. I Alt bbl. No.l, in vtore. for slik by Inchr. P A W. lIARBAUniII. 1,61 ERfili SE—s bbln. for sale.oy ) mr1)4 , 1 WICK t MeCANI , LE?e , it UTTER-6 prime 11011, for sale by II gor Ali WICK A NIeCANIII.F.Y..t , FAJARS-150,0 00 Com. Ohio. for sale by t tinehl I J. A 11. FLOYD. p Rooms ---200 dot. Cora. for sale by mr1.14 J. a 44. FIJISIE (13 F:s•rs trrs— 31) tiu. fur sale by mrtil4 J. A 11. FLOYI.. • "TIMOTHY SE ED—T , II bu. for sac by m ,.hli J. t IL FLOYD. FLoull_ll,o 1.1,18. superfine, for sale by 66.611 .1 t Y.. PLIIYI. V O. SUO A 11--1011 hbde. for sale by 11 • nll nmiuMlLa 1111111 A M. m.nla 116 yip., A. I ARD No. 1. on hand and for I.y WALLINIIFOItD r t e Watnt( V 1: 11'AN'f EII-The highest market :O kri!. .. rf 11..,1. hi yorhlt at W. RA 1E11)1(4111 OT IC persons having claims 1 . 4 10 R SALE:—Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail ' mut StonL: Hank of Plttahttraht and Ftit.hange Banat meta 11. tt. K`,ol. Fourth at. bbL. f t) y 11 ICE-40 tierces fcr sale by mohli OAP SUOAII-200 bbls. ass'd Nos., for hr tneht.l 111:1111IIIIMIE & INC II r.Am. ES,— itx) boxes just received and .1 X JI fomans k mehli 110 Wn.r edffiert.. PLANTA:HON M °LASSES- 6 0 0 bbls. 111 .our un.l f,.r sale by • JA NI allt m. 1.14 Water bls No M Ac b " hr. L far tale hr nrhlt .1a Sci:.4 Water et. ) "11 ; : n l e ' ll1 1 : "Ae"ES—") a ° k h' \l : . f lZ r aß r ll a Lti b 7 4 L OLE I.EA'EIIER--'2LII Sides for sale by A W. 11Aftlialltill IA casks Kovtz's brand, for 1. -0 , hr (Hx. W lIARBAUOI 1. 14 1 kNiriDOIL:21i) r11; .7,iu. r. At :L l I:7is)vGLAnatl l,oxeo'W-ooluu' v atornl an,! i... brando, rec . ,' and f..r .ale bt meta! W. 11.41111A1:1111. Co-Partnership. , HE DW A 11. CO. hav e Associat4,l with a them. In then moutarturina Inolneas lir A. ain The lattln., 0111 ho entk.lorted mai It , the arm of 1:11W &Intr.. 51011111$ A ett NiI:LS(OIZ ROBES—EOM A mo, M 0N .(1..-Tii:'', C i : i. ATAZfriPPTIVA ‘, : -r ii. ' 111;1.35.1 . 1V: 1' .. 1,1'- , , de, No. I 9 WM,: OM., II LOwlrgh, Ps. • nlel,ll-Ins _-.- I,ll:EifillT ()N BACA/ REDUCED.-1 he ll' Pen ' , lvntw o Itallnoul l: pan . /Irr MAN nowilll. 1ber ; •: ,.. .7,1 , ;1.i1w1•1ph1A lwr x tla ,11111,1., , A, ; ,,,,, .‘,„._, - I - • i i(i It CiIiN'IZES. - Sluni•ltv & BURIN M It.o Inylt•. the MU - Talon o the 1.,v11••• no none new wo• Inzutiful el f La of Light an,) Doll. Clalulle., yu.t n ,wOwl Thar brae nl•owiwn 0,14 Morning., u n . wl.lltw.n. , •:l ..,,,p . ly of . SNITII NONNET . 11. •••ll . lpg Ter, .1,, 37 , ~,= Ito net 1111.bou , Itoln tenlw, . • -- ---- IQ AItEGE DE LAINEIi, Light and Dark, 1 JP Inrlu.ltnw u few pier.. very beautiful Vreurb, and ml "'' ln: -117; r"''''" r'''' .VIEI ; It'llaianir FAA,. /1111 E BANKERS', awl lima's Slerehanue Ilwenaln, fle Much. Az _A .w and 51”.P..rdi . [ion of entnnolo. ny Om k•-awd: w rale ILL lit/L.IIES Lit, ran- [WWI, Tidal 0., opyosit, Itn,y ctfnce. ZOIhI.I a PITTSBURGH GAZETTE FROM WABIMGION I Corr......tulonre or the Dail) I9tl,bur,;ll tiazetl, ANIIIMITON, March 20, 1851. th. PrnAtun qf Land Irarrants—ProbaLlo Drpreciativn Eireann qf Senator, —l.inpv,rm m Waxhinobni. The pension ollipe, at this present time, is a great national curiosity shop, and like other ex tensive museums, it is not maintained without a heavy expenditure. In the branch of business pertaining to the execution of the bounty land law, of September 26th, 18:10, sixty fire clerks are employed, and I ant confident, that had the 1 matter been resolutely pressed upon Congress; 1 an additional sixty five . would have been author. ined. It would be vain to attempt to describe within the compass of a letter, the details of the duties to which these clerks are assigned, but I can soon give your readers some iqa of the quantity of work before them, and of the pro gress they are making, in disposing of it. lip to the 24th of last November, over SI,IIOO warrant, had been issued under the various net granting bounty lands to the soldiers of the Mex ican war, which had been in force about three years. The business of the Pension Office under those laws, is now nearly concluded—not far front a hundred thousand cases having been pas , ed upon, and about ninety thousand warrants granted. The latest law, therefore employs al -1 most the whole force of the office. From llctober I st, 1850. to March 20thL days less than six months, there have been t . iiielved and registered, in round timuliers, 100,- 000 applications for bounty hinds. They ave rage aloud sixty acres. The office commenced issuing warrants about the middle of January. which is a few days on•e two months. The total number issued is in the vicinity of eight thou sand, equal to an average of 140 per day. lint I understand that they will be issmst hereafter. at the rate of three hundmil and fifty : per day, or over. The machinery in the different offices, which the ramified operations under (his t:, em brace, le•ginning to work smoothly, and with in iine year the country Will he 11001/0 with, say seventy five thousand land warrants. not trans ferrable, mat to be located at once upon the !alb lie domain. • Whether the Department, or enthathe Gov ernment, will recognize any male whatever, of dealing in !liege warrnnt.l, so a, to nett, them available 1.1 warrAntees, through the ilervices or prufeorionul agents. remains to be seen. But 1 have 110 tlott,ht that the Secretary of the Interior and the rorinni,sioners of the twirl ogl e r, have had the sanction of the Preiddent, and their col leagues in iidlniniitration for all they:liar c done. and that their Jeerer , will rianitin law for nt least nine month, and perhaps until the whole body of living beneficiaries under the law. have passed away. lixperience under former ler+ has shown that the original warrantee, the actual soldiers and their heirs, entitled to them, will not locate then,. It IS not necessary to invinitigate the mimes, hut they nerve !ive Nettle,' upon the granted them, and they will not Servitor Soleil, of Nliehigan, it, hio recent very searchingispeech tin this suhject. idioweil that not mnre than 2,400 individuals. o f the %Mogi enti tled under the Mealean war bounty art!, hod themselves entered and -ettic.l their own lands li e a ls o desribe/I in some detail, effort:, of the British Government, to induce it- diseliarited.ol - to settle upon the ilee f ferli!el,t.ol -1,3. free Itr.ente Mei 111,i ey. added to the land They oil fwiled: Very few of warrantees under the bounty Intidnot, The h•iendii of MrjSeward in this city or.• highly elated at 'the elections at Albany. se much eo, tint they tired guns from the Vint try this anent:ion a responee. The i•Uninn ' , arty - are down , m 'the movement. The liev. Mr. Leithart, N who haa rtieent , returned Frani threie year, entire in the frigate 4e °' Brandywine, on the eoart Brazil. boo teen or ro l" aerial to the U. S. receiving shin North Carolina •.ne lying at the llrooklyti Nary Yard. Engineer'llit, ia of no tire to well la detached-froth the Navy yard waiting, or derv. The oture.hin I,,ingtun n ready for diet :L•vu ant , ae .r o . The ideam propeller Son Jacinto im it s 1 w ' rn3 " . ' thirdre 'dick underOing repnita.•Thr atorerbini •re , '". 1:••lier and Fredonia are fitting, fur teat. Th aaoitalile ta • ,a -staler., • loop 07 war tierniaatown waiting for CZLi 1 land nil-eel:it a' or (:ode-•iiiami dealer , . their l ing just sue:Tlling the war of I. 11. Itvtuallyenterol their iamls. They sub! their rights for tt All this shows the usele , wie, Cte inTolicy of ;t.-. tempting to protect the citiren against —,pecui lotion;' ore absurdly odious terms for the rapid and easy mole of buying awl selling property. which, ietivell in unwilling harnl , , no tu , e to any holy nor to the community. Many lloinionels Meek 111' rentaiv vu the market. Ii it iron: e -00,; thd therefore ovlitoble t, • ongrtht, settler,,, twice will he kept op at itineit half tie firlt iioet of the lands they will Collier to voter. Daring ate! enterpri•iintt nilientnrer, lioweNer, may en ter the market to purehrini the warninti of the lateet ieiate. relying iirent the honor of the partic to eleente after the location and iiiiate of the patent. In that eiteeit ie pleeiitile the cart-eat 'rice for warrant, of IGO acre, may range he wren fifty and seventy five dollar. during the =II We hear to tiny: by telegraph, of the election How IlannNob :Lo Senator rem New York; for six yea,, and the probability of Vie election of (tor. Briggii, of Mniniarhirietts, to Foe eed Mr It•flttnill. if no election hat taken place it.the latter State bi day, it is ithaleit certain that a Whig will be chosen. before the end of the sion. Thus the thee , Suite, which hose Lora so long hung up in limbo. with regard to their Senators, will all he happily ilelivert:l out of their .utilintions and troubles. by the choke of WhlgSenntora. How great is the pits, that Ninsybtania. New Jersey. and It slitware, shauld hive each loot the chance by an withwliy torn of Life wheel, of securing represonntiteo 01 the tame stamp. You will penreive Lp vlrinul novount, now well authenticated, that my statement concerning the return of Mr. Forward, front Copenhagen, was entirely correct Mr. Doer, of N. Mr. Hilliard, of Alabama, will succeed hint. It is expected also, that one or the other of these gentlemen will go to St. Petersburg, in place of Honorable Neil S. Brown, who has solicited recall. Mr. Setrahl, Mr. Bell, and n ttmall number of other members of Congress, re main here upon their old .tompin7, ygo undo. Governor Seward leaves in the morning for New York. Hon. Pre-don King. , of N. \ who fell and fractured his knOP no two mond, ngn, has just emerged from hi, room, and may be seen taking the air on a rnnny morning/upon crutches. Ile will return to tin , hanks of the icy St. Lawrence, no 00011 an the bones will tier inilit OILS. • --ono- FROM H/LIOII3I3ITRGH leurrogpanclouro nr Ihr 1.31 y Pittol.urgh • _ . Hatiaisnenutt, 'March IR . In my tail number I left you. dear friends, The .Appropriation Bill was reported this morn- 1 upon the ground. .iii;. idea, return with me ing, and will receive the action of tlw House next , to the hove, and we will see how we can or ;week. But few provisions in it will he contested, ; range our home 'and as the bill is resale the spreial order of ; The iftvangellictit of ii house comprises not Thurtidny, the VII. anti every succeeding day nu- ; "'Oy ai... distribution of the riainui anal offices, 'll disposed of. the Biome will soon ;lend it to the J but the occupation of the ground also UllOll which other timing) for its concurrence. . :itisto be 'built. The bill appropriates: More 3 plait may be very well atvanged in For Common Selwyn] purp,e, i'llii,iiici ,t.elf, ,tt liras the convenience of rooms, putisa- For militia expenses, exeloding •ialariei ge.i, -mica a;,, and domestic aixotumvelations of Brigadier inspectors. - :OW rtr, cotwOrtied, anal yet lie very ill arranged for For the payment of the iliter,i next Au erection upon a particular spot. • •• - Su. inauy books that give illimtrated de..crip • .. .. . . . „ . Fu T.7, r t dr,„:, 1 ,, 1 f e , 1 ,71 / e /r , ) t . ;.,„, r ,fi,,,,,,,,ert)rs , , Ron, of ,ills.. and eottagrs sadly fail, when • reader end,•arours to practically carry out any / Z i a / n l , /r i , / , / ,; / :, / ,7 t / .:, /. ,, e , . / ,/r u l ,',, / ,L .1 ,, 1 ,1 3 :1 1 ,.. I fs 1 . ,•: . , ,. i ; l, i n ee , i . t f , t , l , 7 y d , t; i i f e ls r : f ,, o t r 6 li ,, e t fi e u i d g s h , „„ h o y w o re w r hen s ui h tn i., - /fi ' lditiu " /A/ /i4/1.2 ' "/ 31 ' 1."Pri“". I ." ,rottnd routes to he fairly mapped before him, pairs :titer lleemober 1.. t, IS:Al. and fir pencils his plan thereon: or when better For ordinary repairs to he insde otter 1 I ' , ditto still. lie goes upon the ground itself and and pins O, first o r pe "" fib ” /. 05 51 ' out the outlines of his house, he generally has to Fur motive power 4,1..13, , for th • e year fir,-.000 ! thactdou and change hi - , much of the design in i ending Nov. stub, :,:.I. U. , hunk as to involve the trouble of beginning . In addition to the a mount , I lpetpri ,, , it i e 4 ; l • 'almost Is :tor, as in fact it would prove ultimate-! to this porposr l'Y l i '' :" °I. ‘1 ". 711,000 ly morn satisfactory if he did. I SAO, 1 .. from In, : \lel]. then, first, bow to plarethe house. The , Fo l r hu lll';',i`'7 . l ;7 / J p ,. / .7;,,n..,:,..,! . ;It 000 ' first thing to he secured is a good aspect. . For rldmilding towing path nu,: roa,l , In England it is verycommon to face the build : ing, not due north and south. east null won. but bridge or er the S , itsnuelroi n a s t • ....MO ! to place it diagonally, so that the sun ehrld in a I larli'.l Ferry. For the payment or debts contracted for : greater or less degree, have access to each side repairs during the fi-.111 3 earzndiug , or the house. Noe. :oth, ISIS,: , 11„5 . 2 I , This plan has advantages. widen might be Col- For repair of road and farm bridges en . lowed in some cases, here. 1 canals sod railroads belonging to the Asa general rule, the entrance hall should I Commonwealth, "" WO not open towards the, but towards. the -d Frt. the completion of the Western Re- I east ' matt or 'l est ' //.' 1 . /// s n," , ' f '' il:e n :or k tliltv i i t '' sh.l " ; 1 'ovule, - 45,000 I Rarity obliges the necessity _ The Canal Commi,sioners are required to put 0 , • . 'I be i ng c hosen, take care that the hall door is l under contract a railroad to ovoid the inclined 1 serceneuchraevr,rolauggehir i t c t l w o , cici ,,i l d t m owLni t s h. the . 1 planes on the Portage railroad, the marimum I .north . n / open/. fle d, the entrance of th e ! grade not to exceed seventy feet . to the mile, I though the door r,e ope . commencing at any point on the east side of the Allegheny Mountains, west of llollidaysburgh. co ld 'r will be greatly , prevented. ! toe ' kitchen and necessary domestic offices ' and terminating at any point west of the summit t may jut .ott towhrlo the north and stretching tn. of said mountain, and east of Joh nstrumi. As 1 t . w o r ! / ,, r ,. // : :,,,,, '1 ,.%,„ 0 g r r. m 'u ore isi :i n :im s n sl ie a p e o n in ' ts f h o e r . soon as the route is determined, raissioners are required to-pmeetke7beeacnoanisCat: the Compass for the main building. , 1 If Four destiny in your country home is going lion of said road under contract, and enntide.' l to be that of a-mere idler, or a seeker of re% the same without unnecessary delay. • ' . ' . VOLUME LXIV---NUMBER 19 The Governor is authorized to borrow nn the faith of the Commonwealth, and of the revenue hereinafter mentioned. $250,000, and issue cer tificates of loan therefor, redeemable in thirty years from date, for this purpose. The following revenues are pledged to defray the expenses:—The tax of mills on the Pennsylvania Railroad, as per Act of Assembly of .Ipril 13th, 1846, and also the difference in the aggregate cost during the present year, of defray ing the expeases . of motive power, repairs of road, and all other expenses necessary for the successful working of the Portage Railroad, and the cost of defraying the same expenses when the planes of said road shall have been avoided; and after the interest on the above loan is annu-• ally paid, the surplus shall be invested, together with the accumulation of interest in the said loan, or any other loan of this Commonwealth. If void loan cannot be purchased at its par value,, the said investment is to form n eluting fund for the redemption of the principal and interest. The - Auditor General is required - to examine the number, and certify to the State Treasurer the balance remaining over and unpaid to John 11011nes, of Pittsburgh, President of the fund in the case of the State of Pennsylvania against the Wheeling and liehnot Bridge Company, end to pay the balance, should it not exceed $2,000. The Committee of the House reported this mor ning against the appropriation to the Western Pentsylvania hospital. In the Senate the Committee reported with a uvulaee recoummulaiioN: the bill to Divorce Elba and James Dunbar the bill to reduce the expen see of collecting State and County in Venango and Braver coun ties; tLe bill relating to security given in cases of appeal ; and the bill to divorce Mary Ann and Abraham The Senate did nothing except discuss and vo ted down a claim against the State for damage: , on the public works—pass the hill to incorporate the Somerset and Johnstown Plank Road Com pany, and to legitimate Robert Robinson and others. FROM NEW YORK. On Pally Pittsburgh thartte.) ila= Since my last, we have had little eLe but rain and snow—quite enough to last the month of March out. In some parts of the city princi 7 pally on the West side it good deal - of damage 'ioo been dune by the great rise in We tide—in the lower part of Washington and Greenwich streets which run parttllell with the river, an•l ado, sonte of the croon streets near the river, the basements of the houses were flooded with writer awl in some imaance+ to the depth of four feet. which drove the occupants k mostly poor people.) precipitately into the street♦. Night before last a hundred families tont, refuge in the Station houses onnl with tin it frlend=. Considerabln damage wan done to the slipping in port by cha ling and from their moorings. Sono of the -old salts - say that it was the severe, storm that has occurrent in this vicinity in a ma many years. On Staten Nand, Long Island, um other neighboring places it was equally severe No enoonels atteniptend to go •out tin era for twt day., and there were only two or three arrivals It to feared that we shrill hear of a good MM. shipwrecks on the coast. Speculation in real es tate is at present running high in this city, awl enormous prices are paid for desirable locations. A great sale of corporation property (about !ilk lots.) woo counnienc<4.l yestenlay, and is now go log on. The prices exhibit a y!ery great advanw ver the sales of hest year. The property tiny sold becomes taxable for the city. The proceed. go to the Sinking Pont for the liquidation of ale City debt, on do the proofs - 44 of all other mei iil estate owned by th orporation. about it 4 htnl 01(1 city revenue wee t to the Sinking Fund la y ear iI, o ~ity delli slltlloo,ooll, and 00 sink mgrfund norrullt... to . '1,(11K1J11111. .1 spy Fesoiori . f thy. City Legislator• lia• been ealled • and the irst mooting took - place 10, Pv , ning. .1 smries i 4 reiolution, men. adopto inviting the LegishitUr ',lnd Site authorities t pqrt.tke or the 11,1qt,ditivs of the city. :Ind , ... ~ . itto..• v.i.• ai.;.u10 , . , 1 to carry them int., el r,...,. Among the deathc in this city last week arm a colored woman who had reached the age of Itt•i year, A con of the lion N. Trist, (who is a d of pint, whither on his avas to the asylum where he is engaged, was ovartaken hey a train of ears on the Hudson hirer IWlroad near Fortieth Street. yesterday. during the snow storm, anal seriously injuried by the locomotive, lie is expected to recover. A report was current yesterday of the death of Major Noah, theeditor of the Sunday Times. who has been ill setae time, but it was contra diet.,l late at night in time-to prevent s the an nouncement from lieing general. some of the papers, however. poildished his obituary. and all that did spoke well of him. be may re v er and smile witll his accustomed good nature, at th• real of - his f, lends in hurryinghim thus t: eternity': lad I hear that the veteran editor has written his last article, he was very loan this morning, and his fdmily and physicians despair of his recovery. • The Major has been connected with the pre,, about 45 year., and was always an active politi cian. In his younger and palraiest days, he es. revised an immense influence in the political !side that he espoused. Tide was partieuLarly ' noted as a paragraph writer, in which style he exceiled, his concise and vigorous style of com position was exerted in opposing DeWitt Clinton and the Eric ('anal about 30 years rinse, and he very nearly defeated that great project, a circum stance lie has since often saidhe regretted, as the results which have so much exceeded all his cal. ' The stock market continues without any ani mation. and there is no desire on the part of the operators to enter into large engagements. Money is increasing in demand without any apparent came except a general foreboding that some evil .nms hanging over commerce and monetary af fairs. . . Thii apprehension will it is thought, be remo ved if nothing occurs very rhortly, of which I cannotjee at present any serious indications.-- Capitalists are easily alarmed, particularly after priceS lime been stimulated to high points. sale of $lO,OOO Pennsylvania s's was made to day 114 Oal. and 111110 Mad River Monde at 87. The draft'for $9040011, on account of the Mea icauludemnity bas all been paid out of our Sub- Treasury, leaving a bat mee to day of $,.509- MI,. 10 111 ILO • iNE AMP and . refined and refining ease; you will probgbly desire your choice room to be a sort'of snuggery, hall library, half salon, and wholly comfortnblei and no you tribe a sunny southern aspect for its one side:. and, if your room is verydarge, you divide its unity somewhat by n bay window at one end, probably the ea?terri--itt which, when the noonday blaze is pouring on your extosed nide, you may cit ensconced And read tymetly, and with untroubled eye, in thenhade of the re cess. • Your next thought naturally, (I hope not the t) wiil he of your dining room. Now, touching the aspect and posiiion of said dining room. I have a few words to say. . If you are going to be an early-feeding, unlit ting-after-late-dinner family, let the room look east, nod for this reason. In the middle of the day, when you sit down to table, a room darkened to exclude the son, is both inconvenient and un comfortable for purposes that, like carving, demanding a steady light By noon the sun wilt be off the eastern side, so you may dine in com fort, without interposing, a blind as a bonier be tween your table and his scrutinizing glance. lf, however, you make the lite afternoon ar early evening meal the principal event of the day a room with 'an end looking west, through a bay in which the golden, glowing light. miff stream cheerfully in, richly touching up.the crystal and thn china upon your table, anendding . =other depth of mellow beauty to yonr apricot and peach, will, I think, be found umrepleasaut and so the question, touching, ns I conceive it to do, upon these two points, I wilt leave, if youplense, 'open for your consideration. You, of course, wilt provide a little gem of room, if octagonal or oval. orunaintly cornered, so much the better, for the lady of the house, and whether boudoir, hook room or work room, as the taste of its fair presiding deity may deter mine, let it have the sunniest aspect, the most charming prospect you con giie it; for there•will the taste that eah - best enjoy tlte enjoyable, in outer view and.inner elegance, mast congregate. Place it south or suuthavest, opening into a plant cabinet, or nn oinbra, not, I think, directly lead= ing on to the main piazza, or its sweet seclusion would be marred: but yet in reach of all the agreeable adjuncts to the house which you have • been able to attain. The room answering to the salon, drawing room, or hest parlor, I find very difficult to treat, to nay entire satisfaction, in n. country 'house. That n large, rheerful, gay and airy extra room is desirable, I am not disposed, of course, to deny; but a room opened only occasionally, filled with finery. which is covered up horn vul gar gaze three fourths of the year, tiCCULY to sae too party-idi and pretentious for the country.— Still. n room for the evening accommodation of a large family, and for the occasional reception of company, is at least a convenience: and so, cau tioning against the vulgar error of sacrificing all the oornfort of the other rooms in the house to the attainment of It :11,0Wy parlor, and not for getting the remarks made about the library, we will consider the provision of such a room a Ile cresity, owl lewd to the good sense and taste of its occupants to appropriate it properly. Make it a large. well-lighted apartment, facing. nih or weiit, with windows opening upon n spa n+ piazza: it may he os tuite_with the dining iorn and but not, to toy nude, with the lintry. Any restore that will break- the regu irity of outline, n o a projecting how or bay ioduw, will take trout the too'cltgracter it the room, out 'he dt.,irable, not ou3y on that necnunt. hut from the increased cheerfulneai. of internal aspect it will hnpart... In all peal houses there should be o gentle tirYSSing root°, 11111" the hall'and the din ing room but yet No :cunningly contrived, as. . while perfectly tatty of access, it is, neverthelena,-- retired, and its entra n ce secured front olaterva- • tion. The prinriral ..tairt,se should be roomy and ca.) . rat tevent. I w o uld advt., that it be rgli •thetigh connecting, immediately with, and not is the main entrance hall. as the latter could then give an area itrmhstrocted space, very desire , hie ir the a-n in holiday times, be filled o itiorei and frolic toting people. Tho tint-Lnviing all . the stairway reading to the eltionlier . story, lie-so arranged as to come on the ,a m,• level ay. the floor of rooms and paa 7 Faig-eii over the kitchen, etc., no it 7411 then htii, hanily to the Fork. or aervants' otoircase, and to the bathing rtionoi, etc. , . The sleeping apartments I shall hare a great deal more to ~.:IV about in future numbers.. At' - present I ant only corking to show . sunierules for the general distribution of the ports of .n house Ilium the - plan: and. as the chanilierAoor .tou,t greatly resemblte that below, I will only obserrt, the bed rooms should 1 e spacious, welt lightee p :. and ventilated, and all hare separate means 41i . access to the corridors , ;•that tireesing r00m,,,-tin— en, loset , , house maid,' closets, bathing rooms, etc., eh' . should he thMlght about, and that the ,ervants' ..tairway and passage , out, if possible, to be entirely dittinct front those used by the milt.: I Imes a few more general remarks 'to inukc here in resmrd to the rooms already spoken of, and then, ttfterdiseu,ing the hestway of build ing, of warming, and of ventilating; and after spearing of the different Style of architecture. suitable for country i'esitlences, to secure Con gruity with the seenery , around, (see the defini tions in the last lumber of the desiderata in A country home,) I propose going through each room and portion of a dwelling, and all tul-- julacte, in detail. tlainkingthat, after havingented down the memoranda, a general view r 'of the sub:. jee4 would be likely to bring to mind,,the practi cal,' and. it may be, the somewhat technical di: rectiont I shall have nigive, wattle better under- - 1 stood: . The height and proportion of ,roonts must, in a luea,anre, depend upon the :die of tho . bnildinE; there are, however, ceredn reettictimis that may he stated. . • .. A dining room, to secure the comfort of the diners:should not be ever less than sixteen feet wide, though, provided the fireplace heat the cud - and not the side of the room, if needs must be. less width will do; but fifteen is the minimum even then for servants to get comfortably rotund between the table and the wall. The drawing room should net be a square, but ruttier long than otberwise. The fireplace should• he at the side of this room, unless its positionin reference to other rooms opening in connection with it, would rendert.his position 'objectionable: As a rule, endeavor not to bare windows at opposite sides or ends of rooms, (unless only-one end be kept open at a time,) or they rilLproduee cross lights and 'some unpleasant phenomena of, hhadoms and reflections, very tryirig to a fair face and a cheri;:hed picture. The aliEulnte proportions and heights of rooms have caused a good deal of argumentation: nod writing amongst those learned. in such thjug.,,; but as a general rule i may state to you that the height of n room to produce a good effect should never he le, than three fourths of its width; or, 3S a still hotter and more tvinsequent guide, it should ho Ono third of the sum of the width and the length added together. • Thin,. in an apartment +intern feet hy.twenty,, by the first rule, the heighwouldbe twelve feet; and the rum of the width and length being thirty As feet, one third of that would again give the height as twelve feet; awl by either rule the re sult would be the proper altitude for imai a aired, apartment There rules, however, will tint apply to long galleries, corridors, rot., of which the propoftione are generally as varied as they are arbitrary: but no a basis for determining the proper hetyht'ef rooms, 119 usually proportioned, their guidance may very safely be [nested. The kitchen and domestic. offices _present too Important n subject for attention . ; to he other than thoroughly discussed." I shall devote con siderable space to their consideration in a futon. number. Their general position has been des.4.. noted, and my readers must content theinselve with the promise that I will return again to din portion of the house when some other tnatteia have been dwelt upon. u. w/ Aurna mime I I ciiims.--The New York Tel lione•says that the ,Wppoinnnent. of ,‘rehhishop Hughes as a. meMbeil Pt the, lege of Cardinals, 1134 riot been either formally or otherwise announced to his deem. in thateity sod that it is not yet to liecormitlercal as baring,' taken place., The elevation of Bishop Hughes, is, however. expected, and as it will he the crei= Linn of the first Canlinal in this country, it May . be reprdeilai e . rl.lCnee of the increased la ert.4 which the Pope is taking iritheatfaliahnd pro , peets of the Catholic Church in the United States A. , an ecclesiastical body, the College in divided into three classes, to witcCardinalsEich ops, Cardinal-Pricihyterii, and Caritnal-Deacons, mot their office is to counsel the Fylveiniment of the Church, to preside over such ilopiatments of it as they may lie appointed and to elect from their own number a Pope. Their Creation and promotion belong to the Pope exclusively. The. immel of those who are'ehosen are read in the assembled College, where they receive the ri2.i hat, and the•title of "Ni • Eminence - or -I f l4 race." 'VIRGINIA has been appealed to by the venera ble Mr. Cheves to lead the seces,ion movement;: `She will be ready to do rn whenever she thinks: there is just cause for abandonhig the Union.- - - At present ihe does nut feel herself ngTiered by the action of Congre-s, and her . beanng. South Caroline nu warrant for her amriNt, expectation that etc can be, drtigiged into. of folly which she utterly - condemns and .esebass: ' —Richmond Moe, t6 l : • -