.IWISCELLttNEOUS TaF. warm; vim,. . . There was wchearleat Ere in an empty room, On a. cold December day, And the biting wind through a broken pane Had cruelly forced ita may; The chill of coming death trwt without, The sky looked gloomy and them., And the fMithery snow-Gales fell thick to earth Meet shroud-for the dying year. And hdies wrapped in warm furs went past', And Met. muffled up to the chin. And the heart of the city beat quiet and fast, And noisier grew the din: And children went up and down the ktrect, And tiny snow halls tos,led, And delicate women and grey-haired men flejoiced in the coming frost. Still by the cheerle.a fire in that empty room', Vn that cold. December day, There sat end sewed from morn to night, One fietivittirrly I",rey: at. rheS)ootne hoot; before the dawn, From a', short and troubled doze, And through winter's cold end summer's bent, She site in that room and sews. She Iheara the sound of no friendly voice, She meet, no loving Futile, Mori. I.niot in,that peopled solitude nu v'rueoe in his isle. She 'rein the gay and the happy: paes„ A tot she hears. the c,ear'eless stir, And`the knows netfone in these laughing groups Bestows a thought on her. And there, from morn to eve, she plies That hit or shining steel, And .F.rudgei the few short moments she gives ~ -To smite& a seinty meal, `To make up, lost time more rapidly Move Ths:e Ilingers shrivelled and thin, For she measures her - life by the yards site sews tier don are work turned in. • I .Ind winter passed, with its frost and snow, And spring, with its budding leaves; -And Time, in his fervid glory came on, With his wealth of summer eves; And out to the open country parts:. The human tide o'crflows: Put Still through the long,. bright Bummer days She vita in that room and sews. Some are up on the breezy mountain top, Some down on the grassy lea, • Some saunter along the pebbly beach, Some are oat on the open sea— And rivers roll on, through meadows green . And.the gentle south wind blows, And wildllowemblossom in shady,. nooks. While she ,its in that room land sews. And her thought,; oh, who ea:A tell her thought.. A 3 the needle goes out and. in; Though calm and motionless there she sit.., Her mind is busy within; • For many a hitter question then. Her ovircharged heart If ill is with :Oiling head, and dazzled eyes, She phals at her weary task. • "If Joy alul Pato, in thi. nether world, blast fairly halanee4 Oh, why net some of the pain to them, And setae of the joy to me." Bat she chld that bitter feeling dowu„ knelt, and I heed her say: ' , The night comoth on when no man can work Let me work while 'it is day." MEAL rectiu7:,NCE OF GARDENING. I _ If th era were an!' doubt as.to the influence of : gardening on the minds and general habits of the working cies res. the simple fact that the clergy, of all dencminations are foremost in . ' the ranks of its pate uns and promoter's. should con vince as of its h eneficial tendency: but a transi tory glance at the inmates of a cottage where the garden l 3 r wetly cultivated is enough ti• al low that 'the to vive.onitanta - of industry—comfort and prudence- -reign over the atbvir , of the place. In a work', rrh ich we hardly recollect the .abject Of, there Viol I almost a sermon comprised 'll a single acute{ co. It is strongly impressed or our memory, toed is pertinent to thematter he . The author, says: .'Gardening is the most ro ion rii, al of all :creations." It teaches fOrethol ght, 'industry, and economy of time. It evert. the mind, in , 't,orates•the frame, and constant) re minds V f the great God whose band is im printed on every leaf, and who, in his bou.tiful goodot so rewards us with the fruits of the urth. To ter,el2 the Cottager to manage his geld n, is trller.d him to happiness. To induce the 'gher clasSes . to love flowers, is to find them in.ocent gratif.teation, and provide employment for thou trtnd.s." Therein -truth in every word of .' "Gardening lathe most rational of all res. that." It is healthful, and every hour ex i envied ' ill it as an occupation is rewarded by the effect of it on the crops. The industry bestowed on a garden is alwaysprolitable, and the profit sweet ens labor. It is a eery thing to contemplate the hours that are wasted by the laboring class es- in those places where there are no gardens, and it is scarcely to be helped. What is a man. to vlo when he leaves his work: It is not to be supposvA that he can sit down quietly for hours; yet what can he occupy hip mind with lie may while away some of the time with reading : but reading, notwithstanding, cheap literature, is ex pensive. He seeks in society the amusement which he cannot find alone, and society can on ly to found tit the public house; then there is a double evil, because, besides the waste of preci ous hours, there is a necessary expenditure, or, perhaps, he resorts to the skittle ground, the baggatelle table, or other ganiblin7 amusements, in which the loss of his frily is far tnerevseri- , Man n social animal, awl unless he has oc cupation, he gets. into mischief. It. is almost . certain that a man without a garden goes 'to the p_tablic house, and be cannot do so without spend utg.money, which would be useful on his child ren'. hack, or in the purchaSe of household comfort.. Many an industrious man, Unused to tippling, has been ruined by his leisure; and it is much to be regretted that there ore no mean.* of profitably employing the interval between bu. Mama and bed time. If a man has a garden, he blends amusement with labor, and profit with both. Gardening teaches forethought beMuuse it is performed with a View to the future. 1 We sow because wo desire to reap. ,We plan all our af fairs with regard to some ulterior, not a present • result; end this gives no a habit of...thinking and of calculation. A piece of ground. is no sooner cleared of its crop than we begin to cdjasider what is the best thing fo occupy it with, and bow soon it will be vacant again. Gardeniag exalts the mind; of this fact there can he natcoubt.— Every leaf and flower proclaims the wisdom end goodness of the Almighty. The man who - can watch the 'progress of vegetation and the et 'feels of the seasons. without being impressed with a proper notion of his Maker's bounty, Must he insensible to everything. Gardening in vigorates the frame. There is scarcely an exer cise so healthful; the whole body is in motion in • the different operations. The digging, hoeing,, and weeding keep all 'the muscle+ in play, and it in admitted by nil -that the smell of the newly tarnedearth is congenial to health; a fact also proved by the longevity and hearty liven of the agricultural. laborers. The men who lova his garden, wants no oth ther amusement, and instead of wasting his sub stance in the very naturd pursuit of occupation for his mind among companions similarly'sitna ted, ho find sercryahilling in his pocket, and the economy of the household greatly ansisted_ by the crops in his garden; independently of which, . theic is a downright enjoyment, in' every sense of the wordy from the - time the ground is dug • Wilke period of reaping` the fruit. The clergy hives seen WS, and are, therefore, warn; patrons of- the science. They, have seen, with great sat ideation, that ta•give a counts garden is to give ham profitable occupation for his leisure hours, and keep him ant of mischief; and they have always been foremost in. the promotion nf horti cultural societies and nllotments;of land to the poor. It is gratifying to see the change that ban 'been made in whole comet and villages by the allotment of horticultural societies nai l th e encouragetneat of cottage gardening. it is also incredible to -witness the improvement that n few allotments have made, and it. is much to be regretted that there are not means taken to in crew) the number of gardens—for there are J. very fen: things that contribute so much to the changing of ideas and. drunkards into useful members of societyns the means they afford of y trtably engaging their leisure time.—ibirti cuariiirAhistuziue. • .Goon Banentao.—The following • anecdote is related bj Mr. IValker in his amusing and in ,' atimetive, Vublication, "The Original, - no afford- ing a fine instance of the value of good breeding or politeness; slon in circumstances where it • could not be expected to produce any, personal advantage: llngliihman, making the grand..tour to wilds the middle of the last century when oar _ -tiers were objects of more attention than at pres ent, on toadying at Turin, Putulterod. out to nee the place. Ile happened to meet a regiment of infantry returning front the parade, and Inking a - petition to seo it pmts, a young cotmin,l evident ly desirout, to make a display helot° the !gran ger, in crosaing one of the numerous water rouses with which the city is intersected. mime-. - Cd hie footing, and in trying to sstse hint:volt, lost his hat. The exhibition was truly unfortunate --the apeetatOra laughed and looking at the • I...glishmatt, expecting him to Nigh too. On the ccattrary, he not only retained his compo mire, _but promptly advanced to where the hat had rolled, andjahing it up, presented it with ati air of unnffected . lamb:maw to its confused owner., The of6cer recefred it with a blush of rsirprise 'lied gratitude, and hurried to rejoin his company: There wan a murmur of applause, Width.) stranger posed en. Though the soeneof a moment, every . eart throbbed—no with admira tion for a mere I'l playof politeness, but with ri warmer feeling f.rla proof of that true charity "which never faileth." On the regiment being Idismissed, theptain who was & young man of i consideration in glowing ternis related the cir cumstance to li colonel. The colonel imme -1 diately mention it to the general in command. 'and when the E nehmen returned to his hotel, he found an aid e-camp waiting to request his company to din ei at head-quarters. In the evening he was Trneal to court—at that time, as Lord Chesterbeh tells, the meet briliant court in Europe, and iruo received with particular at tendon. Of coe during his stay at Turin he was invited eve where, and on his departure rs he was loaded ith lette of introduction to f the different ata es of Italy. Thups priests gentleman+Ki of eran. means, by a graceful mpulse of Ch stian feeling, was enabled to travel through foreign country, then of the highest interest ..r it, society asvrell as for the charms it still ,ilrseess, with more distinction and advantage t.an eon ever be derived from the mere circuits= es of birth and fortune, even the most splendi ." TO C---gIIItiaNTRACTORS. _• TO 11lt BUM 2,000,000 feet Plank wanted. ALLEUIIENI' , i , BUTLER PLANK ItOrD COMITY. snetr tirnproals until the find a April nee. fur fu littlink TWO Million feet of Ilok—,l nein , Writ, and nI y fret . . Iroutub—ne deerrr i t ui,,,bny,i if tineytat tbr rlyrr • or at suet Idsurrtt uu in. rani ar Seas isrerst ssnon• fi r ,,,,ain may be hrteril to the Ityrrident, S. M. LANE. butler s iiy, .0., HR4S CAM- P.:WANG, P,. un burghs nod an,. otter. fur fu Aber information on the ',store, amyl. , add -rYaril b, nun, Proyirsosir atll. leriyed fur the &Hurry of ether Oak nnislt2,:s• • VLAXSEED I: 'awl ead fbr mchi OIL-5 Ws. City Make, on by' S. N. WICKEIISIIAM. d lODLIVER 11L--Ilusfiton, Clark & Co.'s, ij'red and Ihr P if..by md.4S. N. WICKF.RSIIAM. 1 - 1111ESS - Bil "S-20 pcs. assorted Spring Style DreartS ks,jaet reed by A. A. MASON A CO.. inchl . No. 62 and IR Market ntreet. LADIES' DRESS GOODS— IS pr. pl!,ln tilk!rool it g a cvlored De Lames; 25 - new and oblondld st% le Ilvraze Is Lain., 10 .. shoieeletyle Ganadlinw: J. , or . .l'd 0 m6l A. .1: 51.60 N I CO.'S. POMii - --fq casks reedand for sale by ! 3111J.ER a RICK RTStIN.. mrh.1221 and =I Lawn% Pt. WINTSR *if ALE 01.1.- 7 1'200 gall. bra. taeb In 4 sS,ro -iti - o , Tt 11.1.E1l S RICK ETSON. ``'MALL PLAID FRENCH GINGMAMS, kJ of a very minienor quallty—a !oil _a...ortlnent Tu. onened by . jrnell4l MLIIPIII a 111 , 1:(1I} 'ELI,. . I 1i , ..F.....\ Ci. lifli.lC lIANDKEItCHIEFS. I . ALA MURPRY S BURCIIFIELD bare jolt reed a frrah v zlket ~t . b . e . a 4, e ii .. . „ 7 „ 1:, , of ell the various Attie, I: al BUTT ,IX Ems: hy jr ir 1 FSTS • PO _N.:I SOY. and Lbw ''''' Zl'lriu"' 51100 _ , OTTON—I IL; Adis. autl fur felat: 1 -. . - iitt,c.gi 2 bble. No. SI 1r landing 11001 feta% iv U. s 6. N .., De 1% 111 CI -..- f,t - di il i 1 DERA . I:N A, : feb23 'R-14 kogs just recd and for Hal MILLER a 1111`KETSON. KET !lANDKERCILIEFS Camb l rc. nf Itva and handsonic lIVECIIFIELD. bales 714,, landing from ntr. e nr ISAIAR DICKEY t co..ister and Frunt STEI-I.IIINE-- 1„,,,,!; r Stearin, ..(M. an) for I.v DICR I.:1" CO hlls. landing per ;tr. cal far Isle JAMES A. II CTCIII: , IN A CO. E( ; Ajt,— , 3(J lib's. f r sale ho VON A 61. *LITS-4 bags for ode by VON BON N HoIIST a CIE 151) loxes W. I{. for sale by I S_ F. OLIN DONN11011:aT ICKORY Yl fetZ:. ILINUINE tj of the .ira L ) Ow Quart or and Wme.9wre. e ORT WIN R.—The pure juie.: mlitable for medicinal puriwr . . l.l7 , 1101:1:16 11A1101,1 . 1 . „ ; " .6.de 4,f the Diam.u.l. ,1111t1.4. prime N. 0., jug recd •7 A !... h N , ;II AM. No. W., et. R- 7 1 17 rwr sulanrr dARANGES--100 hozes just roe'd and for ll n ; • ISt I 1"4iRAIIA 1 1, Vs.,. NAPESTRY - IND BRUSSELS CARPETS Z of au,ner etdlea and 0.40 r.. ino4,, and for ..In by IV IleCLINTI.111:- INGRAIN i.7IIIPET ,--- I arg , • +4 onrtm+•nt j_ (tho lutuul d n•er.t A) lea in ;r:• i :z.t j r_.tif . br 1'4449 B ROOMS— dozen for sale be %h.! , Anntilia. 1 AG A Z ES . FOR 31 . AR CIL at Ar i c z e. otae,. Lar,- D,Dt. 71.M1 me litaliam'o 31, Sartaia'A Lula,' Nati Warnnsta: letuk"l,on. Medal:la:l Stanfield 11 =noonle t felkla NGLISII F A . ini:jit t r saran, 15W—= - 4 1 k1 6: 1 10V ER St 1)h. Tr.rat Indimn Br liven mica, Itrnuanr: P. II Jam, I•pr. by 31r, Soaktlrrorth. - - ND AMERICAN Oil Cintlis, Went of well ....uurtiol Oil Cloth., FIF rutbouth. N. .0 Fourth Ft. to • bob yr of run-ha:our. BUS Lhls 2;tore. and - 62. do It'3l. 11. J(kIINFTON. bbIR for sale bv 11M. 11. JiIIINSII).N. FOIL ALL PAIN :nay he woe of Prery i.ri, Vegetsble rain tho tooet proctoncot broggiecc sod latisti In IV [seem It`i•ovec tn. .N.1'2.41.1 , 0. Droggicusad Mort-tunic of au• 11 Ile., sod tf we. would secure .s r p r u.s. d:1:a knOw• 100. CiTeO porch...T. We son Toccomcsand It to the • of go.. merit and virtue; Indeo. v. cle of Medicine b 00... dosercedi ' time • which is proved by Inc fact jf roitstently lornaolss dernssel..— c leading Drove.. SELCER S, wholecaie. A.7erit. No. 27 1.143 tiffeßOiCY II 4619 CERTAI be found hl ier. °pink, Menzhant, of no, We, I.lto untt , it, tour, en article of Vowotoble Pain In rtoo .- 7 instanro, estattaetion to w. ptit.lsoas an artid, note!. knyor an ,;;; BOATS—The Tunachurison t ,? . at . et t iambla nbingim.nt Vnwport ."1 j Canal Basin. Panthurn.h. SECTIO. Xland Reliance bert, a Pit UNDRIE• 1_77 baler .acka 1 'Lion; Yesd.herr. Pefoutr. r / o " reare., do to pesiol. mT noir landing from trams Gene , lAA: ISAIAH DICKEY CO DA ASH. for .le by MEER - i TONS !UV f. A: —A euperior article of our own constantly on band sod for ran. by BENNETT. BERRY .• %Valor rtrrat. S° As AS L., ca.ofnan LEAF-4 blab+ for sal,: b AVM. H. JOHNSTON, fobl9 Ilarana - dcz feblS (, IiECK favor of Ile ! no s. nod dnll I and I again. recelrin•l nwyd. (Op 74,,1 AL SOU 13 1.4.1.• br 1J wav on he 100.000 Principe, Regalia, and ro of all grader, for salt by A. CI.I.III 4 .P.TELON t CO. ST—A eheeklirawn by no in .ry Fri.. No. I. dattol Fcbrt.rY 4th. le t Sons. of fhb city. con. [Mx Admiral b. hoer. 1,1 from the mail I.l.reeo irt ‘ r " ..n . ...elt . o.: Th the lm j ' a l y lc m: r n ' t .I.I.LEIL A. !LICK rto.N. 7 .- , 100 iNtok., on hand and for 0617 BENNETT. 111414tY at C. I. C mt MUIIIATIC ACIDS, al l' roIia&NETII.IIV.ItItY L-11.10 1.1,1 n large No. 3, .:1141, ir ' P " d "l , s7.( l ! Arm ter,N co. S-40 1)1.1s Plantatii,n. for sale IX JAS. 0. 1117117111511. , x Pigs Ilaletia, for rale by JAS. A. HUTCHISON' ll.nHlF /. A I'PLES. for sale 11 aiiimaitrea. t IN!:ita m AcK ERI febn fit BU ' I 'KW 110 Wag., atroot. . . . Linen tui l dlionse Punishing Goods. A. MMION & CO.. No. 62. and 11-I Olarliot no, kovro romtantly on hand largo Moortment of th following glada. of the twat raanufw. tun, Table Clotho Damaak and Maven' Napkins. Or lays, boy In, On. tc . .. Towels. Ilre• abor. Itiarwfand Dasnult: Lap& Lo s. Rumvogn la. Srotrh 00l E,o, itwn and Lin.. ton, bri m Fluor and I.inon Ilannsalt..ll wi•lthw Loon lAunbroc Ilaralk4Tchlotr, 1104 Allomialic F 10 wtingwlU-1 kkolottoloG fr 4 Atlantic illweling, 40 Inch pillow.taxlng. 41. be, fnB LANDSCAPE PANNE LS-3 doz. for eyln by (rn-hl I J. FWD A Go.. on wo.i.t. tam, in btore and for sale ty lJ umi NA( A CO VERMICI LLI A N MACCARONI— . Froth Italia I Sinowtroni and Vorrolcolil. no hand tool for Fab. I.y the boa or Mall, WOO. A. MoCIAMO aCO 0.0111 000 Liberty 4 tree prime Carolina, fiir sale by febl7 I JAS.. A. • CO.. • XTRA. YOUNG IrYSON TEA—Just opened atLiberty etr.wt. eel, Peen Tea. whl h a ve thitik we tw.3 Pal cannot kr. an wel at the price In Pittsburgh. PriceU. For the r e 12 le 7:1 mots. irzs WI map, and 07% pry lb. whi h we wasrant fully eland, if not eltla'riot to any to bc had at the swum price. Alen, Oolong, Innerlal and liunpowdeor of all grades, for whlth all' we Is a fair trial, and they will moon, mend titenoelv s„ A Itheral diaenunt made to retaliate Rai to famine, laying by the /want!' r A.Si•cLuati CU, fabl T. Dealers nod ()newt, dfeblb 51 VAIL N hi. Ws. VA and keg., fur sale by El= LONG C.IIOTII AND IRISH. 11,INEN 15 rand ptd and tuner extra Long Cloth, :1 - ' . .. ••• .. himh I.lturna: • orLt ....6T " .V.Pl.74.: n nW r rgt.t=72Tln;ll.rt rt. ill i dlOU itit ' IiANDLES-4.1.0 kart, - Prortor & I 6'nbt'. No- L for nd" ' alt. BAG A 1,1:11 a CO.. tob24 1 N., 10 and V. , Wont] tt. _ SALERAIUS-120 boxes No. I; WM. BABA 11l a CO , (0112.1 )C i "li ( l' i iiThLliiiiiii A, AV.— .. Lonea N.064k I`o. rlturoltdr. 1:tO dlakera: no. 1 ' el 't ln m,. sad for nth , In• MM. BlVt1.11 :, tvLßla. INSURANCE. State Mutual Fire nasurance Company BEANO{ OFFICE—No. 54 Ent Srzerr, PITTSEIU Ilt; 11. TnE best evidence of the Fuccoss of the Direetbr , in odbleanoting In make the ST.ITE .111 - 71". 1,714 E INSURANCE 0.1.111 7 .4 NI meet the want" br ie the unveradeled ...fount of bugs.... whicha been dn., ha.ind 1.111 Eli tn . , 5,100 lobo, in ny. little m to ar. the t.,mpa han right nannth ...er t The hir r: uldin Cre 1u 120 , g on, CabOm capital er.„, that nearly •11 the remerty Infured ed the aaf,rt [fad it; rmall nod,. and ...lan, tdo,trtibn in,ured fbr nfdy cue !Cumber of, ['click..., issued. - - s 5.055 Amount of property insured, - do. guarantee premiums, 57,9(19.79 do. each premiums. - do. guarantee stork. -- - 90,1114.1 I. 4.11110 xi To be detturtml itu expeior• of the onto.. To tit, - or n. 4441} illen limn.. oral owne, of duelling . . . . *" i'''''''''' ''''' ""'"" """.".' I' ' l ' ''' ' ' th " ''".. Ladies' Fine Dress Goods, i•..y....y,tith ml 1 nuance, In pint of rhenplirro. onh,. and nn1r1ii. , 1.1. , " , lo ll n inntr.. ,, Colt.nt.r uolll"'"' u.l . , 4 EI',EIY4 . 7.1) AND 011:NEII TII IS MORN- to,ito-tei on thr eittillnl,l4 n.,1 grnitly 11144-crri! 4,4 tens of Clumtiention.of Itiblio. prelti all ..i,..inl hnrar,. he 101.2 = 1, 1 ,1 1n , Ti..il , irri "'nine' dr Lanier. 11.dir dr eurlun inily la linist„l naioni.t In so, iine 1.4,111 4. I lin- 1 , - ''''''.. l ' hw ''''• lc • '''''" —" '''''''' rin '' "T do eltt4lnc the triiiineury nntl oeitrnit, ..1 Inn, fires, on,l . iiriil,i ll ; r11.,,0. A .1. 1 , 1 10/Is a 1•11.. al, on 4411 Oho. 00E1,10.1 NI ounil Ono. It not rail; '‘,o4.- ' i"i'-' _ No- t,4 owl 01 Markin rt. ' Ih.: '''""l'''"" .. " 1 ..'‘'....""'''.' ''' '''''' "'.."'"-• lii PRIM; STYLI' 1'11151';`---Choice NT , ---choi • • •,,,d but meal!.. the . 0, 0 (0 14• ti partieinnliou In the prem... i ' • ' Li- • It is under the riintnil 01 1 br fl, ..II inn n or. " ' ,, - John I Lail not pattern,. nod CA,. nn.rning of Ir. liuther4onl. A. J 4:111.1t. John 11. I;itet I'. Jenne, 1,44 A. A. II .00 /0 4.1 . 0'0. Alonzo A Carrier 1%11..1' Sedgwiel4.,lieleirt 10101.0. , ' Jli 11l TII EI:EOM, 1ir..0,1i.n1 .1 A RI , OIL—S bid ' s. No. I. Win. Strained, A J 11l Ll.= iir.n la,. I ,i 4 1 , 1.1 00 . ..I nd for ...nla lir A. A. Clitllloll, Actuary 4 ,,...7 , ~,,,,„ nri yr. m A rni E w s , I N, -.•— - . . . - ii i a 1 (1 IA /EN SYRUP—In Id& antif lads.. Penis Mutual Life Insurance Co., Plulaa a. ,1 N ' . ' ' 1, ,ile 1., 11 II hl .31 ATTlllir 2 CO. J4GENT IN PITTSISU IR: 11, W. 11. DAVIS, , 1 ,0,,, .-. t• I, e ... V..., tto deri . nrril...iiik. ii , i liilririi ri , r•ir‘ ! 1 . 11 A Mil, lie I lIIES k CO. are are to or then,eit e0nite.....1 ie,1,4 n-1 , 1,1,4 It the , . .... . . c ~. c. , . .. .. . low, i.. 01... (11,, ,i 1... Ino .4... t. n,,,, al.. 1.. fini al 40e,. ' .In all \'•""" "'. • ". l 'i ''''''''''...• . , .1. 1,1 011 LIN. 141 .iiiir 1100 •1 A 1 anal. J. froni 1 I hi 14 ntitl AI ., .i.ce1. , .. ,ii It, odititing n. , ,,i el , At ll titer I, ell, INti-bird:. 4,, Whin:ll,lton 14 111), gni.n androininitineillio , pn , ritid . ••• 1:...1•.. li rriinired• IT n l hiii.ir•l iii "mi ., " r 'in imi ''' il " th ' . l k "'''' l4.... "'"' . I 1 01.1 1 1.: \ SIEV I' -:, id H.]. ned ree'd 6 ' .. ' 111 "."' h " 1 "."' lr '"'" . "" 4 M "" " '"" ""L-1 " ' "" !1 X ....1 per ' ,de )., Bildt n 1111 n a 10 . 0(1.111AM, ' ' ' ,..11,7, ` ,:.; '' :in,-k 04 , f...-Aio.,rtio sin! 1.11,001 h 11, , , , !1111: I 1'.1.1.. 00. 1 It, Water,. Pro , . ,11 'lihrl l '''"`V -di r "."'" r4 i 7 ""'" ''''''''' '" ' ir LOUR .-'2l, blds I.olra Funiil r Flour, for PittAurgn.. l l•ll o:I. I F.61.--...4 Marine, Fire,' and Inland ,Transportation i 1 , ~i Ii ~/ , ,,,, L 1:, ,, . 1.,,,, 1 , ,,r „,,,, by Insurance. j ) 6.1 . ,4i . : i' I.' V.lO 11, Nth iIIST 2 co. RE I nsuntnee Company Of N , ),:t It America. .. .- , ~, I t.I:N I ,k,s.-- 10 0 loon , . in prin.. onler. for libllinlelphin---ChArtexd 179-1. capital Vinil.fool. A,ell Tunry 13. Il‹.l. 514 , 01.4ie's fill. 11 ill ID r‘i... Ininirsi, en 4_) .:„.. b, 10 li LIS il 2ItEN N Gll% building. , runt their cornett:4oin tin. rill nn,.l rleinitri nl4o 0.1.110 10 000 , 11.1. And 111 I'll.l 41... piniwnir 04 , n•rs t l,,,, nlic'll• 'WM .. ' P rr `"'". k l', e .. wrn IVIV IN IA i W Ii 1., A SS-- -I Ili , i I bxs. nand sizes. ond other lVflel,. caber li, inlntel tran4i , ortallon el on t 0 . 1 ,,, e F. VON In IN N 144 , 112 T 24'41. ". i,"l'.A Ilell —lot) 11,ix1•+, lood brands, in etorc , Irind ler ialr IA 1111. IIAtiALEY 0 CO.. So 4 11 inn] in 1111.1 ,t EMONS__-:ill 10,1110 for sale by 1:\411.1211 4 I . IENNEIT. • 3 )1 ANu As i i TABLE coy Eit:...4--w. Me m , noloet 0., do- do. mitention of thine vri•hing lo tun i.,-li. hi I,ex ...ire A...rt.-fit oi 'Dille 010 l Cunt, C4n h.1,10 1,, , il . 1 i . 1 .1 I I NE A 1.0E5.--75 lbs, pure nrtiele,-1 I I 1,, lole by 0 12. It. I: iil4Ll.F.liiii. I, i i. NIA lAN I . E BA. \ls 511 1(11 --,1 few j 41,4,4 o,r role .11011 to KAI lin A IRVIN. t..lda Ina t"econil .it. 1I DIA. lll:Tn.:it-1 hid 11 , 011, for oak by trbh nun v. n ti - runn - s a 1 II - SUSDItIV:S— , . Arthur 6. Coffin. IT , t. Thamn. P. en, linmo/.1 W. Jrmr, . 1 .4,11 It. Xt•ff. 1:41u-trtl omit,. Ilishard 1.. John A. Tlmnn. William II ..I.h. Swum' F. Smith. Fnuon. Ihoninn. Samuel S.Await. Alht.nin. Charles Taylor, K. nowt,. A tubnn.... Whit, Jnnoh Tholnan p iann.- N. S. MOM, Wain, 11, 1,. stn•rmr,l, Thin in Ilouran, ....turslll ll . dn . I' llll lll l 'tut" and frm hlvh .11110.4. i.nnt xy...ntan.. sunn, wnn. end 01.111i11,. nll ru.ka of nn estrn I.runr.l ,, u• ter, it maJ A. " `.;;;;thr. ,44 141 111,111 American Life and Health Insurance Co. OF \ Agent ,for fl. Sml. Pamphlet, mnlalnlng all lame-ne.m lefi•rulatiml I , e obtallied the mlt uttf ' • - Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. A PITA t. 8300,000. 11. Ili 1.1.%11, WI torn, mrainq nll kip, .1 l'in. and All ton, will 1.. I I ~ .1 1 .1 ! A horn , ta•Orull , p—tp . atia.,l 1/Iro-u.l• kn.. .n Ulu....lninuraw.. mu, u dot ..I I,,rnpinur. srul turun.ritanl the rhumuter WI, or..nrue.l. tk11,11.11: pn.turlzou th.-4, who , dc,itu in lA. n• 1.,. Jr Wark. .1 W. lhalur, !nnn.. urn Ito un. !woe- Auk/. Alex. Nienirk. Thu. ,AW. 11,! Weari gr , vl. • • arrhum , n. r,nr .% Co. nn rtalr‘.llllW,l.unch. 7.1-11 r Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y 0 r r E, ,t .t"rti .try,t, Ftur r ',NM,. In ....II 2111.1 wul, . . rt... n-YrrnYl Inn... Ts. tn....1,m0 , - , lrr 1 lry p.r..rry. 111 I:nr. nnrl ~yrrn) row, Sirnriz IY , nl , on runny an.l rut, on .In.rni p.n.. Murry. Iroly.r, 11.55.. t., John 1r.0.n.-o. -.1n., 0nr,..... Leuy.r. Folk,. I Ihulunnon. lono. Ir Nonlin. i. 3f. 11nYn.u. Jam l. .- Ham'. TbrY.;rlrrlrry II Jon , - Sloe. Hugh Orns,. rirYorn.- SrrTirl. uny.a. • K.. 11.. .1, .1. Jo..p.m. m IT 7. T10n0..- John 1-1•1:ery. •1 II r 111,11 inlar T. I..onnr. Wltuur ant,. Inoordent 1 ie.. Tr—. - dent. Con r..yr ca-11.1. No 4:0u...t..1nu.y. Inunh. tor=tr I' .1 NI I Alr4. n ll:A. Scr-ru_ Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. iii1E(7 1) 11S: eharle , W. limrekor. Th.o.:ll.ert. Ilooleroi I; 1,. O. Toth,* aro,. lion, lievit, io ow, kNr - K I F., Pero , hit, ti iieeret, TO.t Irani— 11, .• In. t•rei -rer • eir rl. :hi. re o• iiho eh I Thr tioorton, iri‘e • ht Winedwith their l'a,tol orel Prl,ll.llei, alined =tile hi the ....i.e., • The okhette of the lit enpettin ...11 JW111:1, I oh lished 04-reirahly to the Aft or+ , ris Si , •1 1. I I' 1 , 31ort.near. ... rt.ll:4rtatr Tryrar.T Ca,h. thalr inernpra - aranla. a mric.l , , p r have aid as ard, ova 11..pri-..f rtaav-a, ialvenutaz.•• 11,•uran. , a. • 0.1:11, J ,t I • nala - - BEN I.FIT LIFE O,IITINI. N.. 1,1 MA,: :gr.,. ••• • TLLtArggitrecisor: frAgt: t :A: t.. 4.. ,gAtm r nt•wa Ullk rtalwpt*.r Atg.A. AL•gt• r ttrat: livs ILI di+ larlyr ru.-rr—ful I I .1P• Pn'6' de& N. , Itl 11,r.; MISCEI.LANEOt 7 S SLATE ROOFING. pmtin nt 1 •i. ta rtni. rory i• rI • 1. It Ir I. anun d elmr.. tpnoorn. In the nitot lbrttnon, • tholr nlater rqual. It ant mu—rtt.P. P. lite tort 56. o—they employ ctn.. pthrr tot rv,ortrittroi op! pr.,. lien' plotter. trt tlu Mira work rt.:lto., tt,l boort... bettitanon titantrunr pornoti, • otertt.ht not po., orttl henttottuely rntnidttt-I. Pr , '" I— , N u., op any lit.' 1 , . 11. Op torto-ulorly rrontpturFul II:-nt nlahtt put loth mrtostl ....hp, oho!, otll lop( plr aunt,. Lt Iht ettntrootnrr ana ttot DI nof Itutlnt,• kelemnorr rut tint, fin.. antt hint t•nst oton —ant Mr. t , • , • ~ .,,••••.t, • Il lit ,••• ••••,. , tsitod ari t tin, —at thotr,an;ril'r on-atttr 'o •t .14 Canal. , O-PA ItTS RSII I l•—• 11 t hi. 111“ • jlat,es .. c .1 .Ith I,rl,azniti 10.1%. lk• rout:nu...4t M , A. II wol. I r lll , , lir. I T* Pll.l4urch. Janus, JA !, I I m CIRA HER SE e())1311:,-1(IN CHANT. fi.r tb. Kale 1..12,1 . 1”pt , 0r.A. Ordcn .t no.ti, for ..•• 1 kn Sladinn, b. 1,17 HE; - lIHE CO-PA iik:RET4 rslrtlye thr urvlrr rt. 1....: ~ firming a Ca... I* thlr .Int .11—.4.6..1.9 mon , . maltreat.. 1141 11/ItrhY. N El, NI I NH. It K. ht.t.‘ll Ire Herr., hr It. I-I Elrthlng authrnh..l to an Ow 13.110. (•1 Ihr Ish.ltrm thr Ir fox pISSoI.t:TI()N oF PARTNERSHIP tr!!!••rrably h•ga..•frarra tI. ru oranl•ran. m!, thy rat. , •g ratotl.3gft hit... anraratt• rani, ..n the u hr.: !tat J!!!•!!ar! 1 , 1. 1 •1 1”•11aral Eithrar Ihr the haraiaraara. anti ran. ntol...m.ral !...• th.• ant.- • Crm f• .r that putp!..... N... I.'l , t ••Iratra•-• 1 It rallAgt:1•111% TIC , .,' It. %VINT!: I=3l EIV Fl Sharl.lett arl.l l'ayn,. a• p.00.r.1 prolner. itl.l ....11.F . E. 11. I . 1•1.11 Al I' 11 EILS I I I P-•Ih.• I.A Aul , trd 1,0 n....1k3v , 1r1; A aim,. A Vio)y. gmt, Amu N,•! , .. .1i oil II • PILING-111a OM —E I IIST 1 • 1'1.5 . 0 --%lnrids Ilurel.o.ll •111 .1/.. ...omen.. reroirliso fo-.1 I.ry .....Ir. tte. and No, er• !... Tlo • invite attention t.,_ltsro monrto.. n 1 .1 1•1.• Prt...O. I..tt. reel . ant.. 1..e..1 ..111/ parllcultr o olterot at Wren.? ryor 1. • arra...l 1.....1ddr• A t 0... r.rle. of En,rdli 1 'II. N. o Pet yarlF od Oe. en.ly .1'.11ni.1:.P.0b.We'V't.'r'......1f•51if..".;',7.7 ( L t. !;7,,'`,"1",:...!‘";;,:;': net.. and Itoorno RIM.. I t A 1.1: n d..tor.• and fr Icy' the 0de...a1l of 1. o Slphate nod ..1 Al• ryd.la 11 u 11.11,11ellor. Edam I.lla, Gum Arable:. Txrlar. null nrcrin.t..nn: Fl.or Aleaandro. .tuin CaMt.hor. •;.111: and girth xta fj111}: LADIES all Har ry " I f 11,11 want ri.al , gool Tea. tr , .4 , . Mori. 0.1-11/ • Ten More in Ile pawnor for 0.2' The Tot 11., *AI of rent, ,r , yvery . c00d..... 1 those,( 75 ....no. and SI. ore dell damaged.... inferior Trot lodd at Ulla r0tat.11.1......01. 0.1 lb, on. n.. 1 411 their T.o. direct fn/m the nr.111051 rt.c.da. ..11.0. Teo nil nsit keen in Metallic rrrap,r. v 1. 1 ,11. holdinw 11.0 light. rot. will ...no, au lull', sell Id 1 NEW sT„„R OF PIANOS. John 11. 31..17... W0..1 •treet. , noteireal• new ml noleorlolna..rtment, of Piano.. rww open and r• ad• her ord. .1,11 • I GOOD ' ,ply of a siety• furrrinr artl.l.• IYard, rece to ived at snore ,d Faldl I.lll'll I" l III•ItlIllrICI,Il PRUCE I'IIEO'I\U M- . •111.4 r..l,eivP.l 1 71 f r o . Bangor. Ale.. ii,,. h00d...1 a iire %air Ore. • lame lot of MI , plemood owl lion,Whitt thr ow hamr. the te.th. de V., .1.. whole :oh. lo o. h, SE ICKEICIIIAM. Each/ 0,.0.1 amr 1 , 101..1, TATE It I'D HE %V Olt --The bitterlv Cure Manual. by .1.1 Shen. II I. Water tort in Amer./ 1,, stl ater Cotienl Maud !took ..f tor Crup-.......a1 :out Iwmrrtir Tnule!t7.• .11Vier. of 11yd0.... 1 1 1 , /11l fiflown ilhotrallono honor-lava 1. 1 blwanl John,ton, M. P The,ry a/11t Prarltiee of Ily.lrniedl, the late II Vraneke. tran.late.l tron. the I.y art Ilaitle, 31 P. The above work.. am pale by 1. I'. STOCKTON. Mot...ller and cod Tan. rt.. febld . tifir NT EILFEIT COIN , ETECTOILS.- I. WO inly in.trunient y itirentnil whreh counterfeit colt:inn enrtalul.l but a moment. PrieemSLY, mull 1 yno y„, male at the Watch anal Jewelry store non. of Marto: ond Ito MISCELLANEOUS. suN - DRI.Es-311 1)1.1s. LinErel Oil; - R Rutter fur.." kencs y 1 ..r &atratu.r. 1.1 Lemons: Inl"Ntrulm 100 dottut Common Rm., WO hut!, Ilned : Applet au 11.1.1 A. Itirkurr Nut, bale fur Nth. lo tu. I/1 I J It e.k N El.ll. FrorLl,t IV 0. I LAIII) OIL—A few bbls. jusi ree'd rs,anlhe manufactory. rnr which I mu the only t. nngl will warrant it tuo•rt"r t 0 Italy taltrtglln thin mar :, N. It' le1( W..t0l and Stith .b. BOICAX-15 rtiEeS f”r gale by J. ."!(' IlitONMANIilt a co. • - i't /NI E"--.2. strings finest M..fiterr .002 n, l•.r.ah•hf J 51.9100 N N1...1: NI: t'). prime Rim I.b.dru 1,,1,14 P, ANA., common rho n.r.brd pan, ~,,,orior 1 , 7 ,.'..1.11 llnmMou.: I .1.• ~, I,sthrr. e., nm n'erri r.. I (NSF: Eli 61 LL-111 )Ile rer sale In laaasest, ro. I/1)1.1. RI T' ll—iibblrl , r rldr Lr koniNiN. LITTCY 01 Gar .111 e. iti,BININ. unix A is v. kT(' ma hand :an 1/1 , • I .4 I , ral ;mnia Irtrattarr, I a—a, r'• 11 , alatarar rev , ' ranal Our., l. .In.lnalarl ..f .aai rat..l Ealarlirla lord arrra. •ranrad daaranl , ll , ta ,araraautaa.i. 11-or , a , r Fin. it r, atito, aar Mgt.:,••r•laar raral ram-aqui., rra,asarra,l. NI rata- or altla Ala.! Slaark,,a JD E.% ,11 , . hs I irik.E I, I -- Ili hulk I.lr 2 , c.- 41 , 00.1: A • F. I ). \ PEE, NG! rtitcr Hang. S .1 L I TSET IL lE—ro ert , lll:. 4 . 11 : Ii I I ; S 1:-. 1V II IT E t 1. , : 1 1 11 . 1.:1: 114 im E:.i.Ett,• ER" nooKs--Th., b‘• grw.,l• aniline 1.. IS r•t It, thr autl.l.l. 4.1 •• t ..t The 1 . 1,-t0n.,1 r‘,.1.1 ..1 thr 1te , v1 , 11a1,, , ,,, 10 ET" , A !it'll 2.. N I. 11. Lan!. ‘l,l 4 A )). b it Stat...rt 11.1 Ll'' , I ca.. , ,tl.• Iry , ell I 1 \ .2" )•ri. fklr.:{Te A I% 110,NO 101 . IP ‘II.K •I nl ream. NV rtri.ing, an,rtetl ••(,, • I Kii.ll a `II I 1..1:'S 11E1; RS. all kind•. a fr... 1) 1.4 .‘ , NIMI , N I Fl ti hitg. ititO it.t 1:111:11%./: IN.:1.11.11. N. , iv, ii li Iq:ANS .; '‘'‘) M.1•111,o A 11, Zo. :At arumr awl fur , A 11.41 A 1:41 1 1 11 g 6 Illt) ANI , 1;.\11.1t0A1 , STocK__ Y . 41.1 Co hao, I',Arr., !..\ 1.111 1,11. K l ia r Me. I,l.Anari. lombit 'Air •dar4o.r. ‘% 11,%A.: . : ‘i jot I I:I 6.11110 A c0,k... for solo lie t. . a I'. ' a 04 doe twlll.l, to.r mole 111 , 1: `F11: • V Its. lII.InIII Pprincipo. for mtl.. Isr AletalLl..... li` TTEI: to tr,by A VaiN Oa ',HURST A CAI SILK ti—Mt erne I:, ,o or" a. hate ter...101l trri full rtapply a.f . above b rata rrii a , I...trt AbAta itfr gra.. rail, at. a 1... Wart. bloaarol Anal flroosair ,l.•of . - Ikl:IP 4 p ~,,,,. tot llorol r. tort, lot of Imp liitgal.M.. Irllkell r; oLI loot al ;no nil, n,1.00l I.nort. north raot no?), A ' 4tly (O 1 - . cAsEs y1,01:1111'. LI NI F:,.Ntn.pn,toc; . I en.o ; Intr oIuC 1.,1+ II . , 11.4 A . MI ltn.l 4. Nl' Itial•kbenio, 15' ~, mn.l L. rn.0.,11, .1 ',s.•l mu... mann, for "" M1:1.111,0 a Co 2:4ll.llwrty ntre..t. 111 It 11 I 4 1.:E1 IS—Van:try and Ilemp Seeds t."'"" "tv'q..! • * KILLERS' I.IV ElCPll.l.ti—'l4•l‘llll Imt get Fenno/400110. 0. Jon. 10,1. C'h.. Llvor Pill. loo— I 40,411.1 oaol Jo, Mono 01l hoot them. and every 001 i rn .T.OO/. 11. 0., Idaho. ler.. ol J. 111/EI.:N. 100,004 nod lo g ft.. JR.I FIGS A NI/ RAISINS-1.111 boxes fig, gigs do rolgho., nn - - BROWN a KIRKPATRICK. I=l A RI) OIL- -Ir, 1.1,1 s hest refined 'Winter, SCIIO4I,4IIAIt XII A 04, 1V44...1 t. I I LAZI EICIS DI A MON DS--I gab. 11 . 1:1 G. 1444 J. KIDD* . 111 1 -- ,, i1 kegs nod '25 lobIR. for sale by f.. 4•1.4 111411 r\ ' ASTI 11: 01L-9 1,1,1 m lilow's make, for sole h. 1.1.1 SIATTIIEIVA A 4 , AFE IN EsTMENT—S9,OOO in A Ilegll , ro I,mA l 4,4,44 114.11.14. lot .444144 t 4) 11 11. A.lllll. I. 1.4.14 4,4 W.O-41 a. 44144. re ills. pi E K. 77 bble frostk Roth. s I. ' 4'4 Ell'ON TW INK -2511 lbs ritiperior J KIDD j Co. tlu - i S'l'l LE SONP--20 ells, for side bv .1 101 , 1 , A CO 'Chows.% arid y A mk.riyan, fir Pale by 64.10 .1 SCIII)ONNI K KR* CO. A itNicA FLOWERS—For anlo by J. erllol/NIIAIZEII. k CO. LEAD.-71)11 It s ofst;p s e i r , :r Ei vali - P.bio "4", u - _ L 1 ROO:RIES. half rlErnt. Vounit 11rJort and Mark Trco. . . .. • .3111 i.,... .1... ,iO., 111.. and 1111. "w d..r. :xi , ti 01.... 11.1....11 A Holdniiiiii lllii Totistim. It' di. P. Itoliiiimnis A en.. L'il and ti'm In. 1:. or. In.. 1 . 1 - 1.11 , and Ilaraii.da :,..I.i. llk ..aiti 1..,......1. .. ... 'Nonni...Fat Jr. .101.1. in 1..'n0 A Luton. in -ton. :in.! u.r •iilii lii /me.. JiIIIN PARK EII a 1,. g k 1.1) 1% II ISK hbikey...very 014 nadchair.." • Old Nunonvibela WhiAkry SlDtt• sad far I .101 JOllll I'ARKXII. • CO. BOOKS, MUSIC, &c EW BOOKS AM MAGAZINES-- VI Graham's Magmlne fur March, with 144 pages: limtkulturist. for FebruarY , , Cultivator. tr. Whig Review dm Meehuue's MIIO4IIII, N0..4 Waturn of brae!. by time Aguilar. Moine Indic:sun, ndefur mothers 1.1.i . a.1.h.11, Mother's Itenmramoe. br Ora, Aguilar SeltDeoeptiom oroth, the history of Or human Heart , by Mr, Elli., Oliva. a novel: Henry fimeaton. by G. P. R. James, Est: for aaleat MAME. , Literary fined., ogyamte dm Pont Of- • fel PLENUM) NEW PIANOS -17. IL h. I. EH ER takes pleasure mooring that he has 511.1 oyemal lot T I choice Planos of the eelebnitid .o.e of SM.Dranna, New York. which, with those on baud. forui the most elegant. turicd.atae.U‘dvt. 4, -. 1 ever oti.rvtl in this citr• t imouga.th.r..,,no splendid octane double carved PiStlo, 101.11i4 XIV in, le, ith the new impnmement of the over strin, he 1.0,1 and mead important Improvement, to be found only boons Clark's Pianos. Alm. two superb Attachment Pianos. extensive lot uf New Mush, embracing Jra4y icmti'n, and the ebuirest new eon., Polkas, Waitres, de. t+ltiN iIF THE GULDEN HARP. IVI Thin] Al LIAPER—FoIio, Packet, Commercial and tlmrto Pont aml lbpp Poor, a large rupply of all qua- Writs at util9 1V..9.vEN•4 . . TOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and . 1 ete ew nw !• , oten and Drafts. of most beautiful di-. "b"", or Por ~alw. at , tT'Z " 111a v ulfto ' k 'i ttl. lmyl (or. Market and Second sts. American. Journal. and I,st eon.y,l • 1111ritiTiN11 INK—Arnold', Writing Fluid, Cop) log and 11,01 llMberfe Chemical Fluid and Red Ink. ,k4on.blan Ink—ml and black. Iluaan k TliompAou'n tkaucurrclal Ink—black. markt.. and ml. Prrin . ll Carmine Ink. For cab. by • W. 8. II A EN. NEW BOOKS CLASSICAL DICTIONARY; $ y A !wr elawdeal dictionary of ()trek and' ((annul hi, LL.. editurof 111:usetionerIen ofUtwk an.l,ltothan A n 110 olden and of tireek and HOM/111 Illobtraphy or 11,thokgy. re50....1. with nunterouo oarreellonx and eahlltion., Thor l ey Anthou, LL. D.. rrufeenur of the r: 1; . 1 ' .. t o ' n 'r ol ' lN l : 'n 4 u ..7ifS:n l nt lid 7bt ' rt ' .Z . s i Zth ' ery ; edited by bin thr Roe. Charles Cuthbert Nouthey. M. A.. Cu. rate ..fillumbland; Cumberland. Full hound ninth, with ,rtrait. No 0 of the Life and Cormthoodenow of Robert Sou- L' ire. of the ith,n, of Smtland. and Engliah Prlnnruwo contlo.eted with the mad aueermion of ltheat liritain, Ll A.e4 Strickland.autbor of the •• Urea of the Queens of Val. 1 The theline of Popery and IL. Qum.: an Addrem eretl in the IhNedwar Tabernarle on Weds...lay esenlng. Jan 1,. 1 , 51. hs Ho,. Murrai..l). IL The xl.we honk, Jug thealTad, and for vale:by .1. 311 It. C. STOLIN/N, No. /7 Market AL - • JIJt NO FORTES-1 N 11.--- M Wo..datrevl. haa aml Tom t.pi.n for Palo, a large and well, I , Moek nr Goat.. 11 4 and t erlaro nonforo.4. fn.m the manufartory of Chlekerinu. Batoo, p. vt - hkla ifirltert the attention of porebeavra. Theme I.la. no. no In aold at 11.oton prim, teith.ul ony ezfrn Aar, fur framy.rfation..r sod In all ra...e% wan-anted. ma.q. Iu Pif!INJIMINI T V. Ityli . f . r . 11 , 311t1 . ue. Ant.tt for the sale of 1.:M.4.111w Pismo for West. No. al fc.axl atfeet. NEW BOOKS - - - NEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY of nod !Inman lllomaphy. ''. r7.1 d N . 1 4.. a n 01 ' . 1,.. :y rn' l ' l77Z * f+Ma. len,. of 50011.1.n.1en.1 English hinepws. 11y !woo.. I , trirklon.l collet f or owl Commnpletwo of I . .. Soother. F...111ed by I'su ooh nt,".",;;,,"Td0. Ilvr el tho llortolsoo . lialwrnnrlo, Wodn4-41ny r , rn. 10g.71.n00r, 14. 1,1. Itow N. Alum,. b Jrul r , eoirol nud for gob.," IL HOPKINS. .Ipollo Fourth a._ EIV podz. : 7;1;87 , 171 Eluell frEnn SIMI., 118 ok'n faEthrid 8, Enc. .8 nnr.r4ng bv 8 C Yoder Sin 8.411 +Btr ,4 tut Alb, fair s C Yom , . r 1%1.0, Ihl. 11884 . . Lap, ,nt. /mm the Dauttrrn of St. !dark. n favonte and Inochinn 11.1. Tinni bunt notinlo.l the rinrnt th at load Owe. 1,..n 11011... r ‘l.lll fan rrmrlatwr anent *lk.., I`ulYn, G. .C. ,101.ratol Polk. In72 . ll. " : ""' Ari„lr= " ln. Pn".. p t . k ; It•rw nwtrilhw Itwrieurn rolk: " Attrgtorwr Ahr relitints aII unteu'r I,lWrurtinwr for haw, with +la wi.littnnxl pawrot wf I. leowww. ronwhirm frr ti r no I.,atto Solo. Pruner. itrs..lved tsvlay hr H. MELLOR, hl 1Ve.,.1 vt. N O—A very bur, vial sr N.. Nan, amviss sod ..-10 t.. osev, f. 4 .ale this .eel. v,ll . „ VFlc•r AT HOLNlS' il ai, I .W y TTlrd E fh. • TIMIS. Infilwner, ATnlo far A•ahm Awl 11Aught.r.. Ily " Grnrr Agulfor '. 1 1 Intbrer i1......t...e.e. Ur FA Agr l l l . , , 1 1, 1 1,, .' Ilaevlor f,Januan. 11 hi; (11r1altar f, 1.1 lb, 'll.Lh e.K.....,r.c0.i.nn. - el. n!“..... ASMI/A , Th.. 1./It 11., laltr , / mam.c.—. u1,....1. Th. Ladd r ,6”l , l—art I.ll2Alarlt rig, l': Loy.. x A lo t.r. Le,,d-. 'AI. (.'.v01t.,., f Brun , , ,IL It, 1 1 W Al r , ysold• Tl, Itnm 1. Crn.frrrl,l,l A 1A..1. , the J , +,lt. lir Dr 11.1, frr I:,r. ' 114 pl, to th.l., Hugh,. , lhr l/...,, .4 1 1 r-A , aut. r, I 11..rt - W.l.firtml. Ar 1 ~r now •olrr, or.. 4,r1, hi tfl. anthor .l U Tbellgflv - 1 A., 1 allkr Aturrt,n 111mAltritml ethtton alb. War,lr ' lotv.-1! ir ono of th. test thins, in the world for burn, IhLry—Thonaarid. arr 1 early runnel by Lai. (hutment. It nor.. fail. in ort•iria relief. , F. Tumor. 111,1, owl all kind. of Son , , it hes no ,nal If Molloy , awl Sur,. knew itt.aluein raw, of :,..lien or Yoe. vicar.. the, would alwaycatinty if. In ruck ivy., If Laved arncnbn. utdirootionr. It give-. relief Ina ter' , fe• hour. Around the boaa, directions for intin. McAllister'. New Books, Just received. . ittrumnit fur 2 , rofilia, Liver ClaruplainL Fn nivel...Tetley, ..., , (Milldam. icald IlvW. Sore k:,.... (4, A4,re nm.a. S:,r,l, of the Itible. by George I.illfil- Itrouchibs. hervour Affortiont. 1`.10.. . .1b.., of the Shine. . . ' 11..1 Ache. 'turn% Cora.. all DISOILIW • of the Skin. !Wire ...I 1 hoit Wiclarl. bolo.: • cc...vs-mire exhibition of the L i' P " . . 0 " ...- '' ..1 "." 4 L " . L. l' . ' ore ' Rll ` u... ~,,,,,„ ~,,,..., y 0 ,...,.. 00 „." ~ ~.,...., ~,,,, .„, . nen,. 011. w. Coll tree, Croup. tiwriled or limit.. linwrt. aewbouira .04 m. 0..... Ili Mabel 1 . , ' , float Lehr. Ague In .. Par. Ac. I yol I,lno roue fr.. the Reurtmo 1.1144, , ~..,,,, n ,,,,,,,,,,,„, I „,, ~...„, The. .v never. porlts, a Medicine tactught &Vire thz ~,.."'"''' ""'”. "' "''. j "'''''''' 0.:11 . ;::::: ' . h rti ' 71.... ' t!V.; `i'77,'''Vi:`" '117,,,',1'`,7,,,. .--;i:.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,.,,,,..,,,.,,,, 1i ,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ~,,,, c,,,, ha. lovir to of it %peak* warmly in It* praise. sine tuo lwen cured to a of the nowt raittful rhenutatinn, ~,,,. -- . . .- - abe , OT of the nil., • third of A f1 , 11 , ....11V 'can in the 'We. X fourth of • ...lb. In the lientut. ice. If It do. nut r...T;;P:.1,7,=:•.r%t1i0 ''—'-'- it -. do no . th-- ar other ...Ile. , of the wonderful heathy, pkwer ne, ti n. calve. we u,. the follownew ecrnneate. tn. • ecyortahle citizen of 11suifinc,,k tti.rnebsp. in Chic county - .. INili b.... linglbrer.na lIol•KIN • 7 , 4 Aran. i1.11.11/1, NEW BOOKS! I {F.WS . LEIVIN -A .r r.l Lath. br.1.11.11 Ley2rbb. from Ilir. , Irrorr, . A Alvlrewx. I. 1.. rim r bring ber.Y.tukl b....1...ru..L1 tl.n.bith :sandwich or ";;,:a Nishlertreeet.. Berl. co.. Marelt :14,.1.11. blee , a, Hitter A t'• ,--I desire to Informthat I . a. entire) cured of • tree, ruin In the los ,tut t, by the mar at tirAlli ter • All bleattni Salve. which I buret/seed from : " OV•Tm 't •t h . " 11.,1,.. '" . "` 4,:ra, '" 1 " ir7J ' a t Lt. h u! retuemg, b uhleb aem maurribed for me uy ptlyetrisnt and .aber tame •Ithout maim. ant teller. mad at lard made trial of I'M. salt, V tth • ramlt favorably telmal et.- .. o , r , ~,l, tretati .tt lam now math-At free [p.m the pain. Lod moor 1 tould • pearetul am! .vreet elver I have abo nail the 'run a l '''''' ''''''''''' n "'" ' '''''' '" l"un' , %tr. e mune tor tutOb rho and “bereumplainte. with aimilat Itt Grua Auaular ker.1.4 , 1 and Mr rale I, kl' SIN* 4(1..,01. 41' Martel at. happy reoulta. lour friend. J.. iII,DIS.C.II rt:b "' ~h.L. le. Pot. and Amerieao nip, JA It Fltl lolcA I.I.IaTKII . . bole ru:kulutr of the shore 113.11 rim... IkkrEit.lll..tNK woks& sTATIoNEity ...... Northamar - Phtladeltotoa. I'.'" Iqta I :::AZIiNITI FItNTS IlEll MIX. „,,,, .ri.jr,24 all "'... " .."..... mi" .1" 'n"' bin.hi Autam II Ibervaraoa —lt A. bahurth•-k A Co., corner of frost m e t Firat ste; With Jaeken, No ttlu laterty etret, " ' nk l ' " '' l . "`""'" M ' " '' un, on land nr n ''''' p. I. 1,1..,•..m. m„um. „ -t f Martel .Irt e nd tile Diamond. ' ale. °ono, of (mut, and rtullbt,tl %M.: J. II l'aeoel. mr '''"'"-r' En ' '' ' ' ' I. '""' b '"" ' nn .;,",7,, L ' ',."„'', '"'" ner ~ r w.i..E ,-..t 0... n •ta. I , lllb U ant, tort uhl at tbe ,r,.,.,; ' ,, 11 , 0t 1 ,,,,,', ~i' . .- . .„'„.. . !auk fume In Sulttbfeeld etret.t, thud dam front ammat. 1,1 . -- -- - '' '"'. . -''' -.'—• . lu klleuhenr eft, I, II I. Sebwarla anal J !totals., ) ••••xi... ram I) ou li AN 1 i .11.11 i P 1 - 1.1 N 'l' INI ; - - - -7.:,...-'y .1, ; 1. 1 b ; . „ ,:. r, ,, e,t,.... d.t1t „.. ,, ,,v. 5 bz , ,.,, , ,„ ; .,,,.„,,„ 0 , p 11 41•,,, of h0.g.1.1. Commercial, stratntrat, Canal and ~n . ,,,,A ~.,... A. , 0„,,..,, ~ (1,. ~„, .t . 7 it,„„ 1..1 manner. hr 1 R"' '''""'" '''''''' " . "1 • 717A. ''''ll'.N.''' the ' l i TiastET:th ". . fr* lttrttria " l ' l ' ll i bra .l. l it7kZe r. be. " ter j . °" ,ned k rr "' Prioturt , ll,—. bo Third al. between Market laud Fere, lel, 1. 1 1. E S 11A t!EI:S Slll VINO (71tEA M.— . sT ATI( Elt .S. Ila ES, von), of el Mayen. le the num who do, not aplYmiat" Mt" lux. , " ,y4dayl topi Marl.at et.. has for tar, amt rota. of an "hat , an , 'h . " . d" ta• "Ina" nnt .- plata so yy,rtno.tyt of fan, atatioary•, avar •elr, hem. llnt to all othy.,. • xmlf you _randy ny ahanail ITS thy. naarkal •uppllayl • Ith ea,' maim. rlyallnyyly Moron„. uurahaaa a 0...0 Joh.. Usual•• arbade thtx hue on the my, fanynd.le terms. yap, Almond Ptanyal,y. Aro/yowls' :quahog t tram, It I. tsh arly ltuya.,ll.l. 11141 wordy. daverilye the tavlin, ol ER' ST 04 (IF I'IA NOS, • p..r«,,o—srh,,, laatfuY•4l xha•lou yorlth ordinary ..yato-- y at the 11.//en harp. No. 101 Third AL. upon maltine trial of thi• for the Ily.t time. It tr • nay Ll. II h hit a 'um re,crin, r.,1, 1,4 .. " ttlat,•lrt ‘ jr.th. l' r e f '. ,aut Plato, made by NV.40,•0 31 . 1. ES HAVEL'S PH/11174h !REAM IA ex,edlndly . d d,..nyyy, py.„.„ ‘ „, a:content, malaria, the •1111,1 amt flout wary te0.111,4111 selye..l da•aripthol latior aal to a. Erb made • at t al t' t•iiirtn • It and h> its ea IL+ .I,le. io woutyalo tha ratan of n Lyoule XIV ; au almlrahle t.tv•r•tin• dy„ p,, „r that unpleasant 1.111 satt belay: .1 tha ram •Liely mu anJ au yuya Yeely—lnay Ihnuu leintrtitutdds. %Yoh,. t'n e• " a t a " . " r " d . nrr yy nll yyy r ,. aayrY wur tlentlatorn neau Jot, Haut bY Shavin.: Cream. may Caro , Ito. rahlyeet and at hlarrinn *lnds Immedistall all, la u•ye, without the akin by,yrolay. rlync,l. And thdie who r:ls'l/(h/KS.--1.1111111,it : a DPW Work, aaft'lT "a" an. other. • "l air. ' daavtit•l•• the tyarrli.cy: '" l : y7yru t ry 171:nkr.:: will ptva, o r the beard. irnleh my, Ad. na dyy, o.h. a ea.", Pay mor , Sketch, of Mlnnyurota thr Nen ilngland of or ro „, „( tho ,ot liana!, !ala. Oval - am, drlightfulpitinvidlon% e 1 . ,. MM.." , and ltalitlna" ,. latationna r i• 2141 on. umay,stalayl assn ddll. by the that e{f11113. , 0 or all arnaley. teM•ed. Sarmona are worth muting. ealaulat<4l to molar n,ratlou eha•lng unpleasant, For rain It. 110PKINO, and only by ' and will b. aufroalalad by all sib° malt. trial of them. Jntu ' , Mho hulidintra I: LES HAVEL. Perfumer and Chemist. It NOLIr S. 11111BEIII:S, ['DIAN AND anJ TltltM"'": . ". attli II 11 4.k. '"• onaVt. aloldirak, and John nonrol, and J. sod eartni, pl.. !WTI, ell t'ata.r . x. Ilrookman and I.ancdon',. an ndd Monne , lllet A II MI dud Lead Pencile. Inknae of ever, deteriptlou, Innate, Cohen', PratC, To the Headers of the Pittsburgh Gazette, 1 1 ....,.. k"1 1, .. Lenten', et, other MATIUNC{I.II, , .11 . a nvil : ~p,,,, ,, ,,. ....,,, ,,v i t.z x :.19 ,.... ;11 , :,, ,,,,,, z ,,.. 1 ,, d , :ite ,_,. ,„:::,,, ),Co.) 'pc lILIC ATT liN T i()IS; in resnettfullv i , - .1.4 to the follow. a truth.. set forth in relatinn o tn . Whet-Mien , Nuallelt lintwlnn Paper-antiquarian. don.. one of thein"Vrlin t , Pm ! k r en ri. lee o f ...tem tirtte" , bit e i n ,n an , A ti a ......,, re and rorn i . r „ . ,,i in,,i ~,,, 'Dann r at ed Board, cat , .lentY and medium. Tear fir Once Ode great nmately eras Invnght before the Perforated board. fan, 101 l raper, plain gold and silver, : !Vi, the mile, and rum et diwww . . It. nee. the .„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e d ...dd. direr ..ti fpn l , ...."1,,,, rene . r . ~,,,, and , t cat. Imee. Ihiflß then. heroine fully appreciated V. f. the ~,,,i ~,r i ,.....1 n e, e -.nd li{h.,he ib r f. ne y 1,,,,„ i communi.ty. nr.2 we all.. that the it itil, tried the ~,,r „ ,,,r , ,,,, par ... nen , o r all ...,,,... en nahl, f., 4,,,11, r j,,. i nu.' reriamvilt It, tent 6111.0 rpm.. it NI. the rem edy I,f a day, cot np for the POIP rune.. of matte.; money; `netand .I.l.loottor h'euelt ie.^ taint. alwayn on band, the P nn ~,,,....1.... ~,,,,, a nd ne n e rn,.. plain, n il, ern ,,, . but on, which tee eoncePre nc .i.lll continue to le u.ed when t. 0.1 end ulvered. 'nimble b,r hallo, partly, .. c gain .. ....i , ~ 1 i! , ,, : i .h . 7 . 7 - , ..i.".=. 1 ` ,..r.;',.,L.,„, : ,,,, ; r,, , ';,,:na,,,Tdr, 1 ...11;,.. ,.. 1 "2 0 ‘ ;,ii: ~,d,,,,,. heir. Noe and:white. . el., that we write the truth-that we ~ Te l tinc miry. 7,,,. ?? 7 rn j, '' .., '1 , ' Jt ' ... ' t...1, " 10 '71 t2.7 . 1 bro l t. ain hel. "' l ' an m al d''' phoit te 4 :ll:e ' e r iv7.7. l" . ' o bt en a te l Ti n tro e n. :'a llia a' r . . n' tir , i ' ll!t a p t , w i re ' n h :e ''' wri .n ter ab 'd ot l t a hu tn g eTt. „ en . r „ n y er 0 ,.„ ~,,,„,„, nn tn.„,„ rmnn ,an d ; t„...., ; lated to deeply.. thaw who may trust our wo ono ut rourt. hero „a nn , .r„ r ,., 1,,,,,,,,„,, 1,,,, e. ,.„,,,,,,,„,,,,,. e.. den,. loor etatentent, The tuck an very apt tcatch at i .,... nr ,,,,,,,, 5. p re „,.l, slu t 1.•,,,,,y,„,, 0 , 11 ,1„,, 1„,,, n , n , ~,, . any thing that powttle, reper (h. dineave . A en., ran fr.... r. ,,,,j 1 7 '".. , e ,, i 1 i k .° Yr 4 e .' .-..l.'' ' ' ' .' ." .bll. pre I". : l ' eal ' iLi nn n ' t: ' . ' :a r o r tTaff ' tlsrun n" Tric, " :e °, l?rn ' V.l2l l re i. ' Tlt. al ' ove: with ' el(oll ' ... r i article.. the Stationery I:no, i I" d° 'hi , • e,e re , e " . ” ... , rn, i, t'i nd the tenth in relation to ledt, fun , root maple. together with a herne uteortment ot I "nr u'n'ed , ...." h e tn "• ' other to e ee nee . f e e it e relut wenk ~,,,,, An ,t n ,,,,,,, n0 „,„,,, i„,,,, „r a ll n „ n „ non r„,.. m , i tat..Mr exe..,iinp any 'lngle Article In the meter. med. f rutin.. In et., Mlle 4 t4.mu.....t paper , ell etre. Ira : ' lain • nnr"rtn'ie e l 1 .... -4 . 4 .th.meOwmeweittined ::eni naltthe. tor ea. at retlioed ran.. lin the mood reitwon. 1 in ..nr en. ...I nei.hhflenseeL lane ...P ie ... Int . ./ in ea - W. S. HAN EN'S , vor of to Petodetn. obi^ h . r. e .. n lnnk n on , An ,, e nn i nnere wnr .,,,,.„,... I Ifni,. the prod tyro monette. two a our turn eltlien, nolf, c orner o r m nr k r ,. nn ,(,,,,,,,,,, re ,,... , who erem totally blind. bare been m. o.! Wright. Se,- . - TA N 111 SII, TII F 1 I. the Am.nom Revolution. 111 Eldred lireyton. Etut. i T1... ) . .5,..„7,;th,";;;•„',..,"„Tz t0;,,7;;;,^,-,1r„„t. 0 %.,V T . e . ,.. lion., or the R e f"rnlntien "i . M e ' iet ` e.nth C..nr ' ' ,1 yet Thew. INC. were cluZI after they had been &ban dnon by J. 11. Merle If A tihmue, 11. IL, Pn.eldent of the Thr,i !- I t ' al br • I vet mite rue horeleva. Th.. 1 . ..1ent0 will eurr. eta] school of i tteisev i lt Ld an i d N l : i iro w t . ete ,. !ll/ , C . t.t . of T thr ...c, lid. Pike. n - . ...,,,, nee ,' ~,,,n e ,„ d i e „,,,,,,, n0 ,,,,,,,,,,,, , hvatterthim , , ran` I - "'re... - r in•t `-`. • i Pike. Itheumetinn, tient Neureltri, brupttnne on the Skit., letif ;.fl i:t n i . , .! i t:rt . tei tn „.. Anrn , nbn. ., ~.., 1 . n . , ,,, , ,,. iI. , Pimple* on the lane. Muir& Fury Eyre , Ringworm, Tette, iteall tired. amine in the bonne and Joint, old !ono Cirrus Iwtrated hj forty entrnivinFm. Ur l eer:. l'ollin, I Won, Anne Chmnle lough.. Aetlna. lironehitla'and all The abort. work,. for vale by It. C. STOCKTON. ' p n ,..„„ ;,..,,,,,, ne o r a rbron, astute. , erni , r , re . 11...e11er and Stationer, dn .,: .. .., 00r ,/,.. ro , lt Pm -3.10 Corner of Ilarket and Third ode. Bum , sad Uald, dimes., of the Bladder and /Ude T ., - clUTl.l . lsi E 'MA I'S—l'eltnn's splendid Out Il' u 1 ir1, 1 , 1 ,..:d 0 ";,, L. ',','',„'`, 1 °„,."„',,,, i .„''','„',,. C .,.1 . ,....d,,,,,„,":1,,, 7 '...i lice Mem. sit lard luting intnwlneed in all the leattinif In moat of the star diem., within tt, pant , oar with the et. ook In New Ern:land and New York. We have obtain- .not perfect eurreut. Certillcatee that will aetnnish are it ed the ...n, - for them ha Pitteburnl, and Invite teacher n the hand, of the pmprletor, who will take phaeure in ahoy, and echoed commitee.. to .11 and examine them. Inn them to the alllichl or their Mend, f„ I_ll.p of the West,. flotuirnhere, till xII Inciter!. 1 wh A t„e, o th e r% mar try about their medicine, the • ..• dr, Eactern do do Petroleum iv the pireatest Itemmir of the a.,.. par.. 3 do North America. e 0 x Se of high oVindinti in the profewekm are bettinninc to tier It 4 do United UM., 0e s 2 in their mactire. Thow who el nett Indio' on with doubt to do vorot, u s .1. 1 and uncertainty, am v. illlng to award It due pn, and • ti do len, it IYu I comoderation. ilefore ...te pear mile ound. all will lw • .. ~ Aerc& Africa. 0x al compelled . acknowledue that the Petroleum L. Co .teat. Prier of the arrive. with key, $26. or the lint two Ilemie I set undicine ever dlw,evert•ei. For !Ili wholeeale and ne. : Mier.. slnfe, with Ler, 010 tail. by KUVUER A 31cDOIVELL. 140 Weeal et Thew , mare. , nitrivllmllnito - ParneY• bennty ...tele. , Alm-K. E. Sidle.. V; Wood meet; lt. AL enr. D. 1..... 1 tetopted In p w......., o f ... n....,„ arantruer Ell Jtewpb lacuithm, Allegheny City. Al.. by the pro -4111 ithal echo,' of the Unlttal Slat,. pile., S. SI KIER. Canal Barth, tteventh etre.- Pitte- For role at Publisher'e prin., Irlthollt addlthin nt freight h n ,„b, ..„, n A F A h n „.,,, a c o.. we ,„ .„ .1 ).,,., ..,.... therm., et tan EDUCATIONAL BOOK 2 , TtiltE. ISIO J• 11111 Corner of Market and Fourth et. - _ Morris and Willies Home Journal. 13U BLISIIE1 ) every Saturday in Nero York i_ City, at Two Dollars a I eat. la/ .W. In all ....., lo 11.1.116 0, Covadidna or AnmeT—Ontre of the llama Joannal. No. 107 Fulton onreet. New YOrk. Deeember 14. 1850.—T0 all n o i „m in w ar ronterrn: Thin may i•ertlfy that J. 11. Ilumacit an t an &dean for 3ltimus a NVII-ndeni flonne JULANtI.. and (hated' nicrlptii invnin by him In pay. nimn for Paid paper will be duly ineknowleddad at the °ti n re tof publication. and It la rev marl; adnirsind and paler that all nanirriptlona are payable nate year In .i. rn.4l, Ti. , now volume will rot/menet. nn the Inn ofJanu. Putiairlationa received by d. IS. holm; Third street. oa re the Pad. Ofllm. 310111.18 a IcILLIS. dripi &Mora and Proprlonors. . . NVE LO l'E S.--Just received, a large gv.otitor tonllee in e:d4rhlt: , Envelorws, or eh lia V Ulu"' Warehouse len3o Coe. Market awl Steaeud sterelr Xq' EW . BONNE'rS—Murphy & Burchfield pare u pon this marnlng Revers! axe of New Riming u., eausistlog of English Itrighton Chin. lintigarlarb Mae. A l b . nd imbi, Embroidered Rutland, 'loamy bind. anel , Coburg and Milan. Aliterniv Cony, Chi. Pearl. fitutuoitiored do. American Pearl. Vandyke, t h .4 x l,, cc d liar! . Roth. Lutan, chip and litundable. Alm 111... n and Children's Bonnet, of a variety of Idyl. ._ F... .uperlor colored fnurlish n......, plldn and railed lured Chip do atc Inw as tViSi ,Id..L. Alma. Bop and Inc onto' Hato, Coburg. Altman, Clans pawl. L•shorn. it, O' MEDICAL COUGHS & COLDS CURED IN 46 HOVELS ‘,7, INCE the introduction Of thin new Com- PoUnd.Coochn nod Cab, are cured In a very abort time. We .01 warrant Dr. K ,. /.. ,, e^ cure tat,. of Couch, Cola, Devine-hid& i.adan.ltD. Io le.• Ume and al • cheaper rate than any otber medicine eve th!coeer,,l. • IT HAS AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The old Col.]. Redid... all sicken the stomach and Pnulonenn....." is more diaagr..able than the cough I.elf. Th. i. i.hv sled to this mixture. for it is apleasant soothing =tic,. and It will rum or W moues will le refonctel ! The es. donee In favor of this usedkina in our city. from our own tiff seas thou= cousin.. any one of its effiermf. It in th and hl Kr= "r i r t ' a P lt ' o ' sv r t: p"'?tt has t.hlniriao, and u yett ' with lb• ''qj..\11:741 1 :171.7.`7LA lady mom Steubenvill writes, thus boy daughter had been raided with arcough ' and espertor &Don. night strnals, bottle fevar, i and all the distressint Ts ' f..tre es of e r' ntrreTE P' reli. " l ' ge t' n ' t lentan 4 r War.= h' county who bad sune ' re ' d with Asthma and Chrouir lough for eight years has Imen entirely mileved and the rough t r , o4 ., r .i sov . 7: „ h o y p. the use o t ti , li n a , l , l grzo i r ,, , , f .. b l o .. ttli i s ii g t t . ..hl . s r l'ert . : , that knowa 4 the Pectoral Syrup to b. s ousesd article, ;Or he has naul it In his own rase and In the of Member, of his family a 111. the most perfect sumo. Pr P. o v r. or rug Cemrialr Msoldna wow anowo—lt d. put up in half taut Walt= at 50 rents earl, or six bottlft. for V: U. Comm= STOIICKLIPU, would do well to keep a supply 10 this medicine on hand all the time. as It is ems of the most perfect atel efficacious yeruedies ever dhmovered fur all ;=1 " Ilut buy wane one of the tiostnim, but do not heed them. If you want to get nett buy D. Karma's In emu,. and hap no other. Chan ts ill mire you. It bar In It wane of the moot valuable plan sal herbs of the =sacrist medics. and conu..unded by a moon skilled In the heal ing art-. Then• ran be nu cleu=tion in this medicine. It I , prepared hi >our ovra city. and am ontorletor has num, coo certificates from ...oils in our owe city. =feeling Ito =durable properties. which will be shown to any twowsn. drutrona of setlng them. MM. WOll.O throughout the United Stales tout' this medicine. Lam, discounts will he made to those who will take an inter...l in the medicine. 11 will iny a lan. P.M to all agents.besides, they will =doing suffering humard= fmi, by placing In their hands the great...l mentor or Lung theme= axe world ha, everperdured. For sale , wholnede and tail, by - KEYSER d .111MeDOW LL. Druggist, I 10 el otreeL Pataburgh, Pa, to •hon. . tters for agenci MIA be addereseed. Also, for sale tu D. li. Curry. Alleglumf dty: P. Itrocker, jr., ItrowtomIlle: 1/..orge Runt. Washlugulm John IL Dueler.. Hickory: 1:coro. Eacrr. McKeeeport • J. D. 1 oaten. Canonsbmir. toad by merchants and druggists ErnendlY• JaM 1 ELLERS' LIVER PILL—"The very hest kJ Pill now in use!" 04.41014111 001.31.11 , 000. 4a.. Jan. 4.1951. Mr. It. E. Sellers—Dear Sir radii .toleyou that it I. my opinion lour Pill to perhaps the mry hest PM vinw In um as laver Pill, and Is surtanoinl lay imue an an Anti-Bilions Pill. It In very esteemed In on , eon , munity as a family pill, and L 4 fart supplanting oil others I now epeak (flan my own rape:ince, and from the ex. perlence o respectfulr.). Yours ly. 41.-1 gal permitted to show the original letter. but not to nalalan the trriter'n name. trioSellern' Liver Pills are the OriginaL Only True anal °Moine. All °them am counterfeits or Lam Purrhaerna reoulleet that It. K. Sellers Liver Pills ale the oaf final and only true and genuine Liver pill, and may he had at N., 41 Wond street. and of Druggists gene rally in the two cities awl vicinity. JIOI IELLERS' LIVER PILLS supersede all'. ts.othera Charleston. ha., Sept. Mt, Iv-Ml.—Mr. It. E. _ mix rrEIV BOOkS—Andrew's Latin English Limy or A1..6111101. Pill. Y r surf to aupr our.. L.on alp Lealayn. By E. A. Andrews, L. L. D. Boa] 11 - me— Ev tract of a letter.' JAMIM. A. LEWIN. .eep. Purrbacers m y that It. E. Sellers Liver Pills are Lbe ; The Island World of the Pacific. By Bev. Henry Chee. original and only true and genuine Liver Pitt and may be , ver.l2 ato. had at No. %Forel etreet, and of Druggists generally In The Women of Israel, By Orate droll.; rob 12 'no s the two tilt and vicinity. join mus. Mallevilln: a Frannatilan own. Br lb. author of 11 . 11 . llt JOHN !AU ItltA I . 'S FLUID 51sosesia nous.. Prepand muter the immediate care of the Inventor The Life of Rey. Jones Quinn. ns gew a. Jit a sil.Ati . ight an votahliehed for Inman!, of thirty years. duet reorned and for eale by . nil, elegant preparatton ir nvvmtnetaled in all ewe, of 1,1.21 Appollo nolldino. 4th at. t" t, "the n' it ' LINSEED OIL-5 bbls just received, pure mt.. ca.., and effectual form in Ouch .11agnerlis Indeed the only I'm, whirl. It nught it. 1.. exhibited. pc... CountrY 00 . and for rain h 7 w.artn all the pent . ..rues of the Jlegursia now in aeneral IDOBIBON. LITTLE A CO, e, 0110 , 01 twin? liable like it. D our, dangerous none, t fella No 2.52 Liberty atrect- Lions In the btmelin It effectually cures heartburn without , Dimming the mots of the stomach...An- 1. 1 . 11 . 004 Ark bushels Dried Peaches , for sale by earbonate. are knnaLl to dm It prevents the (coil nf Infante .35, 10.21 J. S. 111LWORT1lot CO. tutning sour. In all rases it wet,. plexelne aperient, and ysvnitarly alettMlM female, CILSCS Eastern. for llomphrey Da." mantled that this enintlon fiumneni. j fra,, J. M WILIJAMS le 00. uhle octobinaumo. with uric avid mil. in cm. on , of gout and gravel. thembY them in/umoue 8 MOLASSES-25 I,bla, 13 half do, °ll...rat/tithe/ and even Magne.nt itself. had failed. Battle thvoind. laadnie 114111M1111. Empire State. for Fmm arc romp Cr...o.r ' U. '. ' l9 tam rty 111404 , su tnwrris a CO. Army in Dear Sir—There ran tv no doubt that Magmata mitT N - admirtp , Mr..l mom mfely the Lena of a onncentratral ice A . intkm than In substaneet for this..val man) Wier mama I of .I.inion that it Fluid Manneida b. a very valuable addition to our :V Medi.", PLUMP CRAM PON." 44 US DRI 00 'he prime Feathers: Sir Jam,. Clark, mr A. Vvinter. Dr. Bright., end Zan, doinaid Corn Broomrc tine:lll...milk !Awn Mayo, of lemelos. strongly reournmend LAO has henfbnand flurra,`• Plaid Meanest:, a. being Infontely mom side and ill has Dry nerving: cenvenlvnt than lino edel. and (Merman the danger atMna - SO hos onme Salerateng nor Ow e.,synyat,l 4.41‘ or poly:on. 9 hbla Alum loan...rand for rale hy lor sale Ili the inporter , and pn.prietcw's agents. 1111E1. MATTIIEWS k 00. B. A. FAIINE,TOCE A CO. i jail Core Wood A Front sta. M'ALIISTERI OLISMKENT. coNTAININ(; 1.0 Nlerrurs, nor other Mineml. The billowing testlmomal Om , 1, 1 111, ebnited 3.e. Wooster hew li.the author of the areal meth. 'nal work entitled -. The Anierietni Practice of Moilicthe xnd Family Physician." 'Having Ivan made worn:tainted with the ingredients which commac SleAllister'y All-Heeling Ointment, and bar on; presented and tested It In several cams In my private , Stiallooo - (hal IL. tnarodlent• entalineL ay they am. and dimeted try do. ororrnoa, .io• not only na.nle.a but of great •alue.heinit a truly Seientifie Iteannly of gnat power. and I cheerfully merman:lend m a erantnund which hole done moth good, alai which In adapted to the ear of a goal vertety of rases. Though l I.ly. never other reenniniended or enantgrd In the .ale of seri, mrdl rine,. regent tor thetruly bone., unweientious. humane diameter of the proprl.l.4r of Ode ointment- and the value of Nee.owny.ixe me to ray Ibu• much ermrcli.g Il Vora. April V- . 2.1 , 4e. W BEACIL D. Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, A T WNI. MUM'S Cheap Cash Clothing a 'rn.ptiPri N e'l . ,nr l l, 6 ( I te:l!:,c 4 ,! ' ..e ' ill,liclimerit being desirous o f ,o, t aotln g of the balance of his winter stock, to make rums for hot extensive , purcbaseafor Spring, chortly to ar. ~.. rive. h.. lietervolowl to otter them at •arSatly issluowl prices id cash. All those who want guar. fashionable and w e ll mad Clothing. Will Sod It greatly to , their Stlesotag. to Wm. im with a call. so great barge/or will be offered. is2l , I_ , New Books Just Received. LT N LOCKE, Tailor and Foci; an.autn- P b al te r . . frttiCatlon ' lr l. the • tto ar a parents and teachers. and ' for ynoug iwnwma of both seam Prenarsd and Publish . pi In accordance eith a resolution of the Senate not llotow of Repmentatires of the State of Michigan. By In May hew. A.M., late sone:inns:Went of pnblle Instruction. 1 sal 10. souk Abbott's New Pook—liistory of Madame ROLM. be John B. C.. Abbott. with engpswings unifbrm with the fbrtner role - meg of this pay IN historical ee Vor tale by pin IL HOPKINS. 'ln Apollo tittildhigs, Fourth et. . , . . sivil ItEE PLY CARPETS—W. McClintock i is lel prepared Was!l the largest aesortnient of thaws , pis Ckrpste mot°Semi In this market, and of the latest and most apprwr.sl styles and patterns. which . are direct• trout the! Itute3rters and mint approx.' factories In the Union. Calla{ the Canut Warehouse. So. 8.1 Fourth R. labia MISCELLANEOUS: - MIIM (I'4 RAND POLKA DE CON- - : - jri IF CERT, as ysytoesne,l :tine .11,111 such d tin uishe.ppla , tbe We C0w.... mim " nsfsstl by U lso. • .gres.l. vanety ur nay compositiota by the name &labor, •• • • .. 4111 the late Teton. Studs. Issued by the essient publishers. received and fur sale by I 11. NIELIAIIL. Aplst for Clctering's 14anne, B 1 Wood. I\T EIV MUSIC-15'here are the friends of 11my Youth: br 6 Barker Pre rometbing 13... et D trii Vow The itoLin. Pm thinking o'er the Dsr. Slam Bly New kW • latati Home, nrw eon,. dedicated to the Ladies of New England. Eby I Love is far Away. Oh. meet me on the tilver ;;buts. Il•el Nicht. hillnicie's on the Prairie Lea—Woodbury. Llly Rbey. be S. C. Viewer.. left m) VUI .byi G. ne Sirit Mee. loudhi; the Black Shakers' Song Polka I were with thee—for Guitar. Lee Adieut,'by Bore. An ext.:wire collection of wow Polks.t. Welter& TO. Ron, te. Alen it new ripply of .New Caro:tins Sacra.. Cultism Lanai,. end an excellent new work, called the — 3lelodixt." Oo aellectlon of popltcr b rd social range. henna:deed end tr n e ber g t a w b oll[n . 4 . er pabilobod. ft. fe1,14 Golden Harp. No.lol Third st. :riff, ILISTORY OF PENDENNIS, No. 8, by Wm. M. Tbadurey and the Lbmenb , Nealbre, or le Some. Illybory of the Court of tool Sixteenth br AI. F ;11 '1' 1;rary D"'" DobotiN f t . f,%Wd - 1:1' " 4 l '''''' " VDT 8 500 -bu r l :ti le Dried Apples, for sale by, .T. B. DILWORTII k CO. AGIRL wanted to do house work. Apply el tole ofbm. fetal i ARD-4 kegs fur sale by _I /- fob= ROBISON. LITTLI: kW. Fr OBACCO--.49 boxes 5 Lump, for sale by Did DeDILLS A ROIL 4.ICARLET CURTAIN CIIINTZ, of differ ''gt...l" .Idth '' .04 " b o rn. VA' Villotairritroo.f SOWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article: Alm: White. Barn..l, Urret, and Muteßtu Blue, to at the .store of febA MURPHY t BORCIIFIELD. I IRY S IIERRING-300 boxes (fresh) for wk by mrbry WICK A MeC.ANDLEAS. DA L3l OIL—lOOO lbs. in store, for sale by txtrE4 MILLER 2 RICKEESON. CLARET WINE-14 hbds. Bordeaux; boxen Neclor. toch , l " MILLER I RIC'KETSON. HAUT SATURNE WINE- • 15 trade. 11rat IL:aurae Whra .• In slam for rale br met& • MILLER i FILMSET:ION. JIIG LEAD-656 pigs moil Galena, for sale felo.l MUTT. MATTHEWS (XE (TATTING-19 5 lutl . es , No. 1; ,Alt and for aalP by DICkEY t CO, fet,2l Water and !heat Ka COPAL VARNl§li.rggsd,Vr GUM SIIELLAC-2000 lbs for sale by feb22 J. MOD k CO. PAPER CORKS-2 bake for sale by (14322 J. KIDDt GO. hILle ?rleane; t.ba , Y.^t:Wrlllhin;to,T SUG AR-10 likids prime N. Orleans; • ai t.Lls warted Lon; 10 do Crushed awl Pulverised. far isle 1.4,20 enra.l. D. WILLIAMS CO. wr of Wood mad FIII6 EVOLVERS- 7 Juvt received. nn addition -1 , al rvipplr of g•nrilne Itevulre ll j, sbo Allen ON '. evo febll . W. WIL,.. I INSEED OIL-20 caliks Liiiseed Oil, sn't.l an far rate by war IT.. S t W. RARBACGIL bids. No. I. Lard. reed and for Ltale. by mar 12 S.A W. ITAFIBACOII. DOLL BUTTER-10 bhls. fresh Roll Butter xst.rved and for tale by she S. t W. HARBAPOIL LINSEED 01L-10 bbls, for side by rel,ll 5..11 W. 1TA.R13.41:01t. B 1100:11S-50 dozen, for sale by s.. it. IfARDAVOIL 1 ) ILI , 1.2 %., 1) , f i o I I ' ES :17 1:0 , s s tz . e . k . rr i efAe A d vo s i t i nd I )I1IELI8}EF--L casks ougtu cured, for ARD--55 bids, and 1110 kegs No. 1, for BA Palo b, Gl,ll tb t W. ILARBAUIiII. 1 LOV ER SEEII--55 Ws prime Ohio, for sale tr) febll SOW TAR--.sobralCC. Tar for sale by AIS BURDRILXIE • UW11111631 BLACk. TABBY VELVETS of a very so t)P'"'"a"'"'.'' N. IC. cot. Fourih and MarieCst• R IME i; UZE FLANNELS, Murphy & Hurrbli..h; have on hand All aA, rtmr lit of . above vOthr. zialon,. Wel.h, and domemtic dualmo, for Shnquin.. iada • QUPER. FRENCH BLACK. CLOTHS ' y Murphy a Butchlield !mato. espulal attention on the aline det,artateut gu their !inea, and !tuna peraona a.tina el.!. of muey dtaraipOurt to Ova them a ea/I before porch:ulna lail V ERNI I ITC De. ler...l.NZ'S CELEBRATED V Doo Moe for pale by J. MID/ CO Wool Pt - . LIVER I'ILLS, Da 51eLsNE's CELEBRATED, 300 croa. , for We by .IS J .1 KIDD .1c CO I 7 lAL CORK S--1500 groxs fel rale by Y ,ar , J. KIDD &CO QPO NU K-2 cases tine, and 1 bale extra I.7eoarre, for ado by jala .1. KUM A CO ' PSONI SALTS-15 brals foi sale by VA iart J. Flab &CO `U N LI 111 E S—Fifty barrels Family Flour; 1.3 25 bele ruperarte Flour, 1.1/ brie flue dr, 50 bushel. Dry Apples I brl F......r. just received and Mr rale by All . JOHN werr & co The Old Printing Establishment, ATE Johnsum and Srackton's, and Blank )f -_A Ito. end Stationery WarelmtUsh W. S. HAVEN lo pm used to execute ceery style of Legal, sommendal. .final. and Steam Boat Job Printing and Book Banone• ..“ ,glWsh every articie in the. Blank BOW. Pater .dal Statfrery line, at the Modest notice, ..1 . the scHt reasonai e terms. tmuk Itmok add itationery Warehouse, corner of Market to 4 Second r . meta Printing 0, lee anl Book Bindery. No. 50 Third at. ja9 3 RANI lES,WINIS,,,GINII 2 e, ,VS, &C. 5 liimks, a l or , ck do do es I. —orl.ous k iintht. It/ do do and cored. eolebratni Swamis. 5 pipes Holland Ilin. °Bohihm Anchor and "Fish." 2 puncheons Irish and Scotch Mull Whiskey. a do Jamaica hum, 10 bbl,. N. E. do. do." Si or. rusks Port Wine. 25 do Madein, Wine. 111 do Sweet Lela. inns, 21 do Dry do. do. . I 0 do Sherry Wine. 25 boxes Bordeaux ClareL In ,ter, and for axle by JOHN PARKER 1 CO., sant 33 1 Liberty street. OLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, SIGHT , ~ d W St : A MI 'id Marine Pnlichu Lamed tho most ter m, term, et tbe Deakin, Hour. CO., UEOEUE E. ARNOLD Jag No. 7.& Fourth Reuel. 111.1SITWRIBEIt INVITES TILE attention of merchants end others Caleie lwate guooru4 work of Ilowlerj Mover. ahlrta, and Ihrawers. The above articles In AIM. Wool. ?Wino. and (Neon. of all etre" nod prima, constantly on band sad for wale low hr no=, V. H. EATON. GOLD PENS. We have now, on hand a largo sleek thn twat llold Pens (nom the leadft tuanuihrterties In New York. axed rude animal/ hn nnleh el. Cant Oold Pencil Que. and Paolloblera: Cases la every variety. Porenylne Yen Hoidens Perot do. All for rale wholesale and retail at New Yoria_prtnna de: N. W.MILSON. IiANXING, COLLECTING AND EX CHANGE OFFIN. HOLMES .1t PON No. b 7 t Imre., Pittsburgh. kixebange 00 un thatmbrb and Western thin. fnr Collections made In all the ntinclpal Weste rn in the Uninu.. Nohrs cri al b i d sol . Tent . tr i n i ka ilumunted. Now. and Tlme•bills ne _ _ INDIA RUBBER PASTE: 4 gross of.that superb article for laws and slim..rendering them per- If tester pro 4. alai pliable as a tame f cloth. This article is warranted to anew, the pnryrora represented. or the money trfundtd. For We arholesale rad retail, at 7 and P Wood street I is.9l. J. t 1•IIILLIPS: PEA WARE—English ,k American Britan ji. la Tes Coot Plated ito; Plata) IDA., Candlestick, :molter, and Trap.; Plated limn best quality Iron . Bal. once Handle Table Cutlery, ;Diver Yorks.:Dawn, and But ter Knirea Plated rod Darman Silver Forks and Smour. Table Ma.; Tea Trays of One Birmingham manufacturs, highly ornamentr4l, Plated Tome of biutitiOnl patterns. A tery rutierior Powder for cleaning and polishincpleled wan.. Brost., for cleaning. Chamois Feather Boaters, lr liacitenuts—Soyer's celebrated Magic Kitchen, about oysters. of a thing which will ke coffee. cook beer steak. or soy thing else Inaw minute.. For sale by W. W. NILSON, Ja•23 Cor. Market and Fourth sts • 1 0 CASKS MALAGA WINE; tioho. Lerma, in rime order, on convigninenD lid Closer Beed. .3.111914 togar. thilare44. 041 p : rime cooperage; • 0,0 to, Lan': to brie 801 l Butt, too tor; cat, W toils Timothy Curio on bond and It, pile by BKOVI'II A KIRKPATRICK. m3l 144 Liberty drawl AMEIiICAN WOOLLEN GOODS.- 7 0ne hundred and fifty pm large eland Bed Blanket, 39 pain Crib Blankets, euperior article. :}OO Oteani Boat Blanket., ribbon bound. 19 Oo *Bray Coating Blankets, heavy. lW tin Drab do do do 60 do Blue do do do Sean Black Blanket Cloth. do I do Beaver Cray Miami, do 3 doauperkir Black French Brtadeloth. 3 do ll wool Tareml, eariortnl rulora J 3 do Jeans, metaled colors. 3 do Caselmeres, black and Dotty colon. I do Fatinetts, blurb and grey B do n one 14,illmt inaam l .7antnidu • 4 do Cross banal do do The More dareibect goets are all on consignment from Me manufacturer; east . a00 . 1. , = .e rl Me for rho oe Mehl ter= to the trade, at mina dee FL UM MEDICAL PETROLEUM, OR ROOK OIL eTbere are more thin -e In heat,. en 1 earth, - Than aredmentr of In phitoot TILE VIRTUES ttf thts re•lotatkable rem° dye end the conataut epplirato fie"... loons propel• end, has Induced him to hate it put up in tools, with la bele sal am-Miens- for the bencht of isolate. The PETROLEUM I. sdfn , t, ,•sol in tide coon . 11,11 t 4.1:fletl f intr e enr ccsa L„ . “. ini " .ri d vi n :A r Tt. flow , from Nature's Great Lebraturi: hat it coutaltia propertive reaching . et number id di.. ace. , longer a matter of uncretaintr. There are MU, th:11611 In the er. mane of tiathrv. w hich. if known, might of vast rueful tie« in ellarviatiog aliening. snit might the bloom at hcaltbssmi Timm. to sunny a clatterer. I,nd dative the pro. }victor thooght of putting It up in Null, It baa a reputa tion for the cum ofdlaca.e. TI.. mitotent t utast!! Metro slug roll" for It. and severalremarkaLle ru.ca It Las per Ihrmol, lea cumiodicatioa of im future popularity end wide reread application In the cure of &deo,. I We do riot slid, to mask. masa: ItaMdo of ecrtillinshi, we art cottecione that the nitsticine rim eon aurk its war l i luta the throe of thaw who miller. root aids: to to healed., Whilst we do not claim for it o max.-pot application in eel err dtware, we tualmaitatingly Pei. that to a n,tabs of Chronic, DSC.... IS unnraliCil. Amon., these May be conneeratat —all &waxes of the Mural. tiwues, euch CHRONIC BRONCIIITItI. LX/111 , 1:11.1 1 11,..0, (In its early staged AniimA. and all dlansea of the air I. 11• RR OOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, - Piarhsea. ltiersere of the Elethier and Kidneys, Paing In the liackrisr Cale. Norton Nettralgia. Palsy, Rheumatic Painc, Omit. t.rydp. aloe, Triter, Ringlairtna Clutha, Scald, liriiices. Old p.m, ars. ae. In curator debility. monition l hunt expoerttr, t h o gg reller=actosa o tre r nen! Trt~lC ant ALTER ATL I VE !AWL cmos, imputing. tell. and 1 . 1411 . 5. Y to the wbo e frame, remorlog obstructisina. openliiLi the clugglch fimetiom l / 4 1rhich raw. cum.,. and a In.keti coustltutiott. and tiring Inereaard and renewal mirror. I. all the organ. of life The proprietor krone aexeral cures of PILES, that tattooed racer other treatment , get troll under the wer L PETROLEUM for a abort time. The proof can be evert Warty remota who t he it Nooe genuine without the siguature of the proprietor.— Sold by the perprietor, R. EtElt, Canal Ilacin. near tie math atrert. Alm, bySELLEIte. Wood at.. • - and REV: I EII Illaltt ELL. corner Wood street and Virgin Alley. who are ' recias.llr Ids regularly appoluti,l Agent. - PROCLAMATION. K"wr-bil men win, are itick and afflicted 'with &wave of the Mahler and Kidneys. •it h rheu m.," palm; In theyr 10, the yolotte. aid t he running tr, thatan Le cured by taking the PETRO LEUM. You may talk shout Its ?wing a magenta,. much as yau please. but this does not ...left , k[ for... knwhum. In the tam or an lamest community, that it Las virtues which are not nmtalned in any valley rrnuty. The man who Is nuked with nedn. and suffering from Ravi", van. for LO Cents. get relief froM nut of the enumerated above.. Itradert It mots very HMIs to snake tt trial This retro leumiguo mlxturo—no compound. put UP Sr the purpose of imposing on the community: but it I. a romedyelalatrec ted by the toaster hand of nature. and bubble, upfront the boo. of our mother earth. in Its orignual purify. tool of fere Wondering buxom:it, a ready romidr, a certain and cheap tour. It ham marl/41m alter other undid., hare failed to render any M.k.f. worst cured itheumstom. of It standing. and of Wm nd await painful character. It has curnd Cholera Mocha, lo_one or Inn don-.. It ham eared old C r at Dist7taa, in which every other .emetly As; has been of cm avail. As. local rented) to born. amt molds, It Is better thm any lad comtount. or ointment that we know of. It will chtlbiame mod !meted feet, In ofw applications: undou led tealmonl ran rnish. ed he truth confoltnd t lx the above stair tarot.y call ing on li/aMtitilt M. ittER. Canal Eaton. beet nth sines; or either of the agent, Keyser a McDowelL mintier of Wood ..tr.o.t. and Virgin ropey; It E. `Sellers..? Wool street, D A. liAloit. and D M. Cam. Alleghen, city. on. the a 1,1 3 , 1, Rintrimism cmum. riQE UNEQUALLED SUCCESS which btu attended the use of SIORTIMER': , ItITEMIAT COMPOOND AND BLOOD PPRIFIEIL in •thettmlir curing the se rttrrnt and most Inveterate eases of INFLA)I ARTORY AND 'CHRONIC I• a refill:lent guarantee and recommendation to Muer all who ere elßlfl ted with this dreadful disease to try ita • Ifondreds of mom ninny of tlom ritisen• Lon!, and others hum abroad. have been ntrml srithin the last few months lo dentt .lit. Louis alone. while letters from agents abroad show rd,e, that it Is. perfornm., the at on e wherever tried. Men; of there were chronic cares of inott standing. and all hope of recovery had been given up.— K bile others were of more recent date. of the wore !edam dstory form. very 00re. All, ho ,, v e r. yield to the won • er virtues of th i s medicine.nd thomands who have • realised Its tenets. m a ei are now In the rojoyment of health - can hot eitrem the original discoverer anti po.Prictor. • benefactorof mankind. It Is well known from the experience the past. that no antward application ea opnesihly coot 0 I , ooonnoron cure of ttii. dreadful disease. By the application ety.alatja,f llaitrient,,porthol relief. to m00. , -0.10.0, may he t‘htsined • for a short time. But all the while dile Bring It. RrasD en s r re permanently In the sy.tem. stullsooner a tarn ell agatu deride, *Leif in more dreaftliMm. Sod after a few periodical returns, 0 Kttles into at chrome Polo. wthkit. If oedema arns.ted. ruhm the individual for life.— This I. verified by the Inwory of the past lu all countriea and zoo, fully ilranongtrattel by the htetory furnishal of I late, to the proprietor of thin commonly!. a• o by several' I gl Pd' ;ol l. d o t f re t t h s;t7el7lt h ri ' n7 the lasi ender W. immediato frw AIORTIIIER'S RHEUMATIC 11!Nit and BLOOD PURIFIER is no s eise fir roomi)—,olntn,loo.o Ile opera tions where the disease first ororinatel. 010 l i s purifying the blood. paases through the whole ev•tem. neutralises the import. ac sediment. which h. .401.01 upon the or s.rumnbrure muscles and teudons--retnnves it entirely from die system. and rritteree the holividual to perfset health. Let thorn who are allileted not deceive themselrew and put off the use of this medicine ton lone. or until their limbs are dislocatod or contraeted tosuch degree that they are cripple, for Rte. The note:tient a -a of hundreds of thousand. during the past... well 00 londtitude at the present day, demonstrates the folly of carecting tient relief freth external applirationa The prop ri etor of this valuahle medicine, known from ex perience. that no outward application fi rmly lailY,er a Fe rman cure whe re thi• discasc i• fixed In the system. Ile can and duet pretese and annir ronbronn thin In very acute cant, which will give relief in one boo,. ' time. hat thi• will eat effect a permanent cure. The na ture of this disease hi such [het it rennin...Bulger tiro std an internal remedy, to produce the denred effect- and ilor (Lame'. Rheumatic Compound and Blood l'urther is the only remedy that Imo ever ben discovered; either in America or Orly other fantrarr. that still etontually cure .•lltto disease. ibis medkine can he had, wholesale or retail. at tia Thins street neat in the Post Other. Pittsburgh. . • •••• ,• • -2:e. • • . • hire FS pe . r . bottle, leAtla. far S 149 per dolma Pamphlets mu be tart gratis of the are... nowie.d R. H. WIRELA.RT, Agent. IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. PR. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —Da. JAM% roar, the disoovcrer4 solo on/Prieto!' IMP most popular and heneflcial eine, and also the inventor of the celebrated Irottrumcn Our inflating the In effecting a tuns of Chnude disettat, wa 0 sift' dent of that eminent physician. Doctor }lt'll, and is saw/nate of the CoiverdlY of l'eneinivaniaand for thirty yema sin., ha teen engawed In the frivestigallon of &s -awn and the application of remedies thereto. Through the use of bin inflating tube.in ronnsetion with his Prophylactic Syrup. end Inef his Vertiedica. he hes gained an unpara/leled eminence enrimx dretultul and fend maladies: Tubercular Consudiption, Cancers, Scrofula. Rheantellan..Astbma.. Fever and Anne. Fevers of all kinds. Chnene Er, stelae- and ell thler- et.thale ears, peculiar to feomien. Indeed. every form of dieetwe 'undies under th e v, of Ids remedies. m w hich heinumi. ty Is heir—not by the voe of one asespouti only. for that is incescopatble with Phi slolwrical Lew. I t by the use of his remedies. adapted to, and prescribed r, each reenlist form of linear, Dr. Wee's Tonle Alterative Pills, slumlnvaria bly acknowledged to be superior to all o her, a • pnrga- Use or liver pit, Inasmuch , a they Iran the bowels per fectly free from cos ea also hie tioldvo Pills are ad -htd. by the faculty, to mama peculiar propertie. wine d to female dieser, but boing sativflat that a bare nisi Is sufficient to establish what has been raid, In the minds of the most skeptical. — Thealtir - ted.re . lnvitnl to calt npon the agent, aml Id& cunt Agnate) one of the Dretenes yetrophlets, airings detail ed account of each remedy, and its application. For sale by the following agents, ad well as by toort drug gists t hin e the coury: J. Schumunaker Co., td Wood et— Illtslntrgh. J. to. Townsend. Druggist, 4 S Market et. Lee A. Beckham. Druggict, near theiPost ny city. • Joneph Barkler, Darlington. Dearer county, P. John Banat. Mugu, halby, T. Adam. Beaver, auglßally COMFORT AND RI LIEF EOR THE AFFLICTED will be found in Dr. Dewitt C. KelDogrel. INFALLIBLE LLVISIENT, agle Ilukl, shieh her Mold the lava of thirty years ex 17111714 .' es a ol k ii..= .. . k ra`;klr2,,T; 11""`"," clva and character of dlw!aae. Wo fuel that wa hula no.• thing in no tug that thin is the only medicine that has Lawn alarm' to the siltirtrtt, that doe, in every rensitaf the word, what It la .41 for. - - • • . It tme eared, &Id Is calublre curing more diwlnses any other medkine oVreal fale. we care not by whom made or mid. or by what am, Ae •strong and emovincig. proof of the tabor, we, way that ft Is the only artkle that Mp In the inn, of • patent Itollcine th.at ha. ever toot paravolned and recei, ea] the prob. of the,ehte generally. so tbe moat awreamble Penally lanlicirte ewer offend Ito role. or ownl by any of them, riot — The lion. Mnlire H. Grinnell, late M. C. The Ilan. Ita.. 11. Morris, late Mayor. Lion. John A. Isis. Late C. S. Sena, tar. William II: Porter. Esq.. Ilditdr of the eplrit the Timm sad a hoot of other distlnguldsol cithensof New York, who have folly tested merit, have permitted the proprietor to refer to them. As it Le well known that Pateut.3ledlefnes are not gener ally patronised dby Co. learned. wealthy .am4poll. circles. wehave undoubthlly • right th b.i ourselves highly per. nmed.. This Wonder working Cobpound has been nearly years benne they üblic- 14 fhwt friends are now It e and best. This mart undoubtedly Is strong and qnvincing proof of its general usefulness and sanidiva ualities. his asoverelgia remedy tor all nervous discuses, eumatic. pains,mrofnlous swellings, swains. booboo, tad sores. and all Co. paths and sellrs that flesh Is heir to. have, bottles bare Leen sold without complaint, and perfected much astonishing cures. alter all other albs have follesl. as would stagger belief. had we not offend, and In our p.eessiou, the etranged amoilde evi dean, ..2',,,"';„"didn'.., 00. • • th r 0t01,.1 ^ r r ill!. • • 110 ' , u di.e""!P.4.22-6-7vi"'i';4 ,ii,".ttlitrr. he„=',.. , .tb. and ' g " ., gr t: i d hia.:t.roriAT.o.° or R.m...id,.747,' ti!rlZ2rh' .4"3.lll4Ahnxburo. wh"'". t 0., Er:47Br` rrML", 64,1,14 one rall1110; ' ,V 1•01,40 FFERVESCING C 311'0 ND. This Compound T to, vitro usr warra d uhl tral ' , rah., thin within dr. rc I, buckwheat Wow, ite_ by whirl a rating i% rflen‘l in the Soul of shoal. 13 pert...tr . - To Max rarh pound of Lour 4da two VGA a— %tot (gr,lf:LIV the ato m yr ' AV; maker v pert pnr t d dour that ,ou ran set wide Atlll use at leisurr,fr Inert add a+ much rola waYr will make the dough Mr °moat thlelnewr: knead It writ, and let It stand Moen minutrx t u ddna—on r or two too.n will do no hurt- hiaruit about& he mixed much thinner, and bakud at Doer, but will do no hurt to .0004 tiftrett or twenty nil 00100. Then d a m., of urtting too. tnurh Ms (2.otur,,und dots bread; It will not torn the hmul )I.llow, to ...drrahi when used to ezrem . . . You ean put the aboae Cowpnund In. tea en/14 n. pod. 4lnt,SahnnY indlan.k., ginger mkt.. r;'.rtt mr.al cakes, earn bread, brown bread. lacult, hatter eake, beat ea/tat. apple dumpling". pet I.n. and fret all baking Pakrlaaars. A. received and tnr fadeby . • It. k:. bELLERS. LI Word rt. Y~~:~+~+pL ' ~ CIIALLENOE TO TILEWOtILD. Twenty 1.. Dollaru reward will he pald to my one whii will protium with Of Paint, green or dry. that cannot be e truted lf oit's Ire Chemhal Sogi here the eatisfsetiou of allying to tiu people otthia plait that this artlele. by' my cam improennent oo it. now Annie unrt. allel in this country for extracting FM!, tar. yltrh, oil, paint. or any other dreary Imbalance, poen all kinds of gem dream's or Wl,' clothing, eatiamt, pad" r. .„ 1 „,,„ 0 Muth., bonneta, Or., without injuring any thin that Pun water will not Injure. , dine" than neumeral permits to different pule tf the mutat,. hare tole nd me they would not be without It if it mot II arab.. In tryind this Faso on more than o°o %thicket of light mike. eadne, alone. nod albs", I here only found three mem, of silk, two of mimosa, gat four of ealiro., "bleb It changed the mkt; thereto!, lA.,n puttied it on a light dress, try asample of We dress Int. I 'L. Oh. levee, I pmJlLlAntined no to recommend It any stronger than I keno to Le newt-1y Orders from country merchant. and .pollars promptly atteralol to by ttrejtubseriber. It. it :2 SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP, .1 - had not width twice beGue I frit Its heestrial effect,. S u 13: i'Vjut T b:Mot owe to both rou tut thl public In general. to poeitively dalassert. that I bad not wed tt tyke before I felt its toot effect, and 1...kr the hivino blessing/ht.d no okasion to finish the bottle. I testify also, to to liming witnetoed Its magic protorties on friends of mine: one iu particular. who bad a trying attack pat ber hum, serous tallied with^ distressing tough. Verily the only true liseumpli t . (shs ts roughs and colds affect the sufferer) tpl3,l,,,,,l,damougst tutu •11. Y tellers* Could. 31ixture.' It. VITYGERALD-17..5 Wylie St. I l =and b. jthil4hriSit'LlirßELLEßS. No. ST Wood 1t... Mad sold by druggists generthly. jolt SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP— to Additional moot' of Its power theme. Fairfield. August YA 31;1. E. S.llers.—B.l.g atktad T someJline with a bad cough. I was recommended to use your Imperial Cough RYLD&U"; 'll elan of 'CIFTo.g" moor • ugh that ITad despairtd of e'er tking jell. I hail mo d aimed every thing that it was la my lutwor to gal,lug welted no benefit until I tact with 1 our Meath. ble lough Si rap. I feel fully saUstiol in saying to too, and recounnetaimg It to the public as one of the best meth k i ttst that has ever been prepared for the tllre for h It Intended. JA.511.4. ZIIIITII. Prepare.l and told by Il E. BYLLIffi4 Si 'Wool rt. Ma "ARBONATE AMMONIA, Hartshorn. N.,/, GOO /In Sat We by LAI] Altai • ILITIB.