HOME MATTEItS. , PROIMPSOft EMEMION ' S LiCTERMI.—We his' the pleasure of attending Professor Emerson's first lecture, on Thursday evening, and were truly delighted with it. This gentleman's reputation had led as to expect much, yet we were not die appointed. Tie cannot Fay that he is an orator, but ha is 'an eloquent lecturer—that is, iMapeaks in a simple, unaffected manner, what are evident ly the honest convictions of his heart. halal- Isioned language, and violent gesticulations, are out of place in a lecturer, and Mr. Emerson, with great good taste, avoid. them. The style of , the Forum, or of the Legislative Hall, would not suit the calm dignity ewhutial,to him who comes to instruct rather than to charm—to appeal to the reason. instead of tn the imagination. This gen- - 'tlentha'sa text lecture was on England, and from its commencement w its conclusion, ho complete ly enlisted the sympathies, , and commanded the attention of one of the Inrgeat and most intellee . trial audiences see have ever seen in Pittsburgh. .The lecture, in composition;" was chaste and rust "oral, marked by nothing of that transcendental iSM which bras been attributed to him. His thoughts frequently rave to sublimity, yet never sank, to mediocrity—there being apparent throughout a vigorous'originality, which WILIs en ..ceedingly pleasing, the more especially when it pia conaiderx.l that the subject 1711,3 one of the most haelmieil imaginable. Our !ceders will recollect that the first of a se-_ • ties of six lectures will be delivered by this dis tinguished gentleman, at the City Lecnareßooto, this evening, on which occasion his subject will be the "laws . of success." We need not urge them to attend, Since we are sure that they will not neglect this opportunity of enjoying a rich iptellectrufl treat. PROTE.9IOi 31trenatt.—This tin gentleman left Pittsburgh yesterday,d is and gu we ished re gret to say ,that hit departure was causedby the Mums of a member of. his family. Oar citizens would have been pleased to hear him lecture, after the conclusion of the caries of addresses which Mr. Emerson is now daMering, but we un derstand that the Young Men's Nereantile Li brary AsSocistion have made such arrangements that Professor I. will probably soon revisit us. r ' - DlSTltlet C0172.T.1 Bereft- gen. flopewell Ilephern, President Judge. As of, the Counsel in the cue, of The argument...-. Watson's heirs, vs Eichbanm, were yesterday. " • . concluded, but the Judge has not, as yet, we I believe, delivered his charge. The case has or '', copied all the present week. Tax Aurctrusv Itoosen.v.- 3 Ve learn from his honor, tiro Mayor of Allegheny;that Mr. John Parker hais positively identified five hurl ! deed sad ninety-four dollars worth of the prop erty alleged to have been taken from him by John Themes, who is now in jail. Mr. Mclntosh has also recognized upwards of three hundred dollars worth of leather and shoes, and Mr. Longmore, leather dealer, has discovered articles taken from him, to a considerable amount. Swouls "Eso., of Lower St. Clair township, vol. yesterday worn it, as one of the Associate Judges of-the Court of Quarter Sessions. WEOROLOGICAL TABLE Reported for the Pittsburgh Gazette, and for the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City. IfEIGIST OF TOE TnEsidoxriza. from }torch 16th to 21st. Dale : Sanrise, 9 a m. 3 p m. 9 p m. Daily mean 16 _:, 55 63 58 56 58 16 — 52 61 64 57 59 17 48 47 53 42 48 18 37 42 40 36 • 89 19 81 •31 39 34 34 • 20 30 53 38 3434 21 32 46 •, 52 47 44 TEMPERANCE CORBEBPORDENCE. Prztsurr.cu, March 13, 1841. Dear General—ln the name of the ladies and gentlemen of Pittsburgh and vicinity, I cordially invite you to deliver ,a Temperance Address; this evening, in the First Presbyterian Church. We all hold you in grateful remsiobrance for your noble exertions in the great canoe of Tem perance. We also appreciate your talents as a citizen, statesman, and soldier. • Yours, In behalf of tha Temperance community, WM. LARIMEB, Jr. To. Gen. Sex Royston. STEAMED BEN FEJOUCLLI. 1 March 16th, 1850. j My Dear Sir—With pleasure I acknowledge the receipt of your kind and highly compliment ary invitation, in behalf of the ladies and gentle men of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, to deliver an address on the subject of Temper once. I beg you to be assured, as well as those whose organ you are on the occasion, that nothing but the urgency , of my wishes to reach home, directly, prevented a cheerful compliance with the request, presented in a manner so cordial and compli mentary. Should I enjoy. on nny occasion hereafter, the pleasure of a visit to your City, you may be as sured I will be proud and happy, if it should be in my power, to render even the slightest aid to the holy cause of . Temperthee Its beneficial effects upon mankind cannot be toohighly appre elated, nor its influence too ardently cherished, by the friends of humanity. In haste, I am, with great respect, y AM ou S HOUSTON. To Gen. WrcivLst LAILIMEII, Pittsburgb, Pa. • MEETING OF THE ALLEGHENY COONCILS.—The Allegheny Councils met on Thursday even ing. • In the • Select Council, Mr. Dalzell, in the absence of the President, wos called to the Chair. 1 Several bills were presented, and the Mayor authorized to draw warrants therefor. It was resolved,. on motion of Mr. Marshall, that the Superintendent of the Water Works be instructed to examine the improvements made in stop cocks and fire plugs in the city of Pittsburgh, and report to Councils on the expediency of adopting them, and also to inquire whether he cannot adopt some measure in relation to watching the basin, that will save expense to the city, with power to act in the matter. Action concurred in. • • It was Resolved, that the Committee onStreets confer with the properiy-holdem in Rebecca street in reference to paring or planking said street, and report to Councils. A report of the Streqt Committee, relative to the opening of a sewerlietween Washington and Liberty streets, was laid on the table. The Committee on Streets presented a report, recommending the paving of that portion of Bank Lane, between Anderson street and the Roque ' duct. It also recommended the construction of a sewer from Liberty to Withington street- It Was, on motion of Mr. Marshall, Resolved, ' That the Committee on Water be in structed to examine and report to Councils, at the nett meeting where water pipe is required, the size and amount wanted, and the probability of its paying. Action concurred in. In the Common Coudcil, Mr. Boyd, Peesident, took Me Chair. A petition, signed by a number of the citizens of the Fourth . Word, was Presented praying that the Councils cause Bank Lane at its . intersection with Anderson street, to be raised. 4 Referred to the Committee on Streets, with pow er to act, and action coneurrred in. The com mittee was -also invested with the power to cleanse Strawberry alley, from Sandusky street to the Diamond. A petition, signed by a number or persons lit• kg on James street, praying the councils to, re pair said street, wag referred to the committee on streets. Action soneurred in. A petition nos presented, signed by a somber of citizens of the Thin! and Fourth Wards, pray ing the Councils to procure a reel, and suitable hose. The petition embodied the following reeok Resolved, That fhb Committee on Engine's be and they aro hereby authorized to contract, forth with the lowest and best bidder foe GOO feet of good leather hose, together with a cheap but substantial 4 wheeled ase corrioge. .Referred to the Committee on Pagines, with instructions to report at the next meeting of the Councils, and action concurred in. Messrs, Robert M. Reed and George Dreher having resigned, the following resolution was passed. Resolved. TRat the Mayor he and he is hereby Authorized to issue his proclamation, to fill the I Cottot vacancy occasioned by the resignation-of George IFbeamerl Drafter, of tit! First Word, and R. M. Reed, of Flour the Second Word, and any -other potion who may I Obis. at resign before our next meeting. Grace Mr. Parker offered the following resolution, 25e5.29, which was adopted, but not concurred in by the The 1 Select Council. summimmo... Resolved, That the Committee on Water liturkti.. l - tB. AppLEs_..o sack. reed, for sub - ; by be, and axe- hereby authorized to contract. for, ll m. taoe. 01111,IVER. and put in su.h water 'pipes, plugs, stop cock Cl 110 'C's-3110 bill for sole low to close eon acc, as they may in their- judgment deem ex- al ra. L> eAME P SIMIN pedient in such ports of the city as are yet des- , o t w it ., and that the bends of the city be used - Eirf , lU tee. (fresh i•for sole bY for the payment thereof, , Inchlo .M.NIUEL P. SiIRIVER. A communication from his honor, the Mayor, d.P ITEISSED-15 bbl. for sale by ir&B rend, asking for power to procure warnbotw ja metro J. KIDS a4;O, 00 Wood st. se.t.tioben rcoonrcbain were present.l and acted on. An Act relative to the collection of water I rents, was read and copies directed to he for- warded to our Members of the Legislature. , The following reiolution offered by Mr. ll'alk- er, was adopted and concurred in. o Resolved, That tlle Committee on Surveys be 'instructed to report, the vropriety of laying out a street along the lorth side of the North Com mon, between Shanspin and Fedeml streets: h --a•--- HIGITRAT ROEVIi6T.—The Allegheny Enter prise of yesterda , states that on Monday a gentlemen left thi city to go to Pine Creek, on on the Butler of about ten miles distant, for the purpose of get log some money. On his re turn home, a little alter fig ht foil, when about eight miles from tll e city, he was attacked by a negro and two wh to men, who demanded his money, supposing hey were going to make a handsome ..haul; , ut to their saordshthent, all they could find on 'is person was $2,05, which they took and de ted. The villains have not yet been recognit .. ' PASSES:O6II9 11 THE CANAL. —The Canal packet, Indiana, w ich arrived. in Pittsburgh on Thursday evening. bad one hundred and forty pas ungers on board. This is, we understand, the largest-number of passengers who have arrived on any boat since .e canal opened. Tne Pitscoassi +it is somewhat singular that, notwithstanng the panorama of Califor nia at the Athen a has has been on exhibition for dm three weeks, the, diences are still as large as ever. This shows the estimation in which it is held, and must ~ very gratifying to Mr. Cogs well, the artist a.d" proprietor. There will be an exhibition this afternoon, and also one in the evening. AN Linamir.—We lire grafi .etween one and two hundied w enjoying the.benefito of this to say - that the number of cit. is email. Wiky do they not • ly Tax Anneasos fled to learn that apprentices are library, but regre hens who subscrl subscribe more li BY IiELEGRAPH. ARRIVAL OP THE CRESCENT CITY. 2 WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. law Sons, March 21, 1 . 10 o'clock, F, M. 1 The steaxoerCces' cent City hrrived this after noon from Chalires, having sailed on the 11th. She brings $519 in gold. T/00 There has bee a decided improvement in busi ness in San Francisco. News from the mines continues favorable. The Indian thine. ,fficulties in . California con- ;11 eto election for Maitee States There had b Senator. FROM THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.. English Authorities and Kaffir:. BOSTON, March 21. milton. from the Cnpe of Good .0, with forty day's later intelli- INPOBTAN War Between th The bark fl Ilope,`has arri grace. The Kaffir C iefs had rebelled against the En glish authoritie• Later accounts state that the Hottentots werw also wavering in their loyalty, the war being;tinned between the rebels and the English or, five allies—in which the Eng lish were always victorious, when action was had in bp fields. Accounts were daily reecived of the murder of the farmers in wit quarters. f L ,- ing levies to e scene of war. The Colonists ,Sir Harry B ith, the Governor, was forward were aiding hi in the suppression of the rebel lion, believing it to be their only means of safety. It was thoug i lat that the Governor would coon , be at the head pf 10,000 men by the first of Jan- nary. • i The Saffira, i 3,000 strong, attacked the Colo nists, near Fort Ham, and were repulsed, with the loss of 109, killed. On the 8d of January, a strong force of Kafiri attacked the Fprt, when they were dispersed with 20 killed. : On the morning of the ith, the Rebel Chief Normans, with his horde of Kalbre and Hotten tots, attacked Fort Banfort, they were repulsed, and the Chief imd his son, and a number of his followers were killed. BE i,t. NTH OF GEN.BROOSE. , . BAL7I.IIOIIE, March 21. A telegraph e despatch from the Tier Depart ment, at Was ington, announces the death of Brevet Alai. G "George M. Brooke, at San An tonio, Texas. I We learn (hat Mr. Secretary Corwin is still very ill. 1 Davn.moar., slnrch 21. ' The reboot er lowa, from Charleston to this port, capsized on the 9th, off the Capes. One seaman was drowned ; the remainder of the crew escaped, al:terlitaring tnifferely from the cold. ,The vessel is a:totid loss. The shipßabenria now has ten feet of water in her hold, and, it is believed, will be lost. sml.o. .TENS,'S LID AT ST. LOUIS. • ST. luck, March 21. The ticker; to •Jenn * y Linde third concert, brought, this ,liorning, an average of 3b premium; nearly an thweeats being taken. • Lourstmar., klareh 21. The river is rising slowly, with 8 feet 8 inches in canal. I wwwws • • PHILADELPHIA MARKET. I March 21. Cotton—There is a moderate demand in the market, will some further sales of Upland and Orleans at 120114 c on time. . . Flour--Tfie demand, both for shipment and city use lo Lmited, but prices are unchanged.— Sales 1000 bbLs at $4,44@4.60 for standard and good bran and $4,7505 for extra. Rye flour is doll at ,374 11 lb. Corn M --Sales et $2,15 7 E I bbL Grain—Wheat - is in better demand, with miles of 8000 to 1,000 bushels prime Penns, at 102 d for white, 97 ®37i for red. Corn iglu good demand for shipment, with sales of several car ' goes yellow rie6oc 1i bn, Oats are selling at 43c 9 bu. Whiskey-,-Prices arc steady, with sales in bbl. at 210 7ggel. MINIM NEW YORK MARKET. Now YORE, March 21. NOON R POUT Flour—The market is steady at $4,44e.4, - 50 for commo State, and $54,6204,75 for New Orleans. Prosisio —Are dall, witk. no change in pri- Cottcm— sfirm,anddcalers generally awaiting the Arctic' news- Linseed it—The market is dull nt 78c for Ear" are firm at 19@n12 !pr Ken- ii firm at $22, 6 mouths =WING HEPOH.T. have advanced Ic with sales at. is heavy, but without change. ire,Booo bbls at noon prices.l .is active. Sales of 8000 bit. Jsc; of 2000 bu. Ohio white at .000 bushels Genesee on private Om, with isles of 11,000 bu. pt Are vritb oat change. DALTI3IOBE DIAILKET: March 21. et Is unchanged in every respect, and •all. The mail generally 1 CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI, March 21. The demand is fair, and receipts light. DO bbls at $3,9001 bbl. y—Sales at 18c 7 ..1 gal. —Sales GOO boxes at 7ic7F lb. .ms—Mess Pork is in good demand, 1 400 bbls at $11,75. Sales 30 hhds I ; es at 7c. Salon 660 bbls No. 1 Lard at Flour— Bales of 6 .1 Whiakt ; Chnean I PrOVIDi with esaH bacon. M. 'tl lb. The ri howl- er has risen 22 inches in the last 24 NFIN' ORLEANS March 21. is less attire. beaten are awaiting the a news. 4aa advanced. with safes of &000bbls 7H B4 , Cit 4,10. T .t 'es—Prime Molasses has advanced to 9d. Sales Sales of Rio Coffee at 101 ^ , e 11,. , rket otherwise is unchanged. I i ..... ---... , 0, - -1 C"; MISCELLANEOUS IIiNIS6N 11.A315-93 for sale by 'mrlll3 J. D. WILLTAII4 k CII N DK I ES-1 , mrto 2 - :,buxt , L 1 J . Candi., 6,1. xale LT • J. D. IY I LLIAILS I a JULVERIZE D CORN—Refined and Pre mret rzprooly for Fa . ..l—Tbk. itiromonnady run • no beautiful ankle N entreedin4ls healthy. delbioo, and n antral l'uddlnca. entre, Custard, Kr., .te nand.. 1., log each oricalo. will be (wood For Pal,. by mel.lll R. Willi 'lt INEit IN bl i ,Al. ; ot , superwr rau.i..s"id„ritZa,rs "" m w,. Oroeers and lea lbsal..r. VOR PIES AND TARTS — FreAh Cherries owilviev. pre" rvio, the otimd4,',"frb„nbbe'Plinut!'. Also—C..oper'n mkbrat.,l She. t mai And 14rorin, nod Ftvorli Gelatine, for J 08..., Marv. Mang«. . - for sale b/ mebl2 .M. A. MrCLUILII a. CO rt Y LI 010 . 411 ES - 1 ease Gum Stelae: I KN. Silver Saud: I Cream Tartar, I bale Larne Ikdtl Corkn • I ewe Linuurter DAIL inint reMeed and (or vale by , N. WICK/31811./01, mehr2 corner Woul ami Btxth sdn. I I►ItIED PEACIIES-1114 sks. for sale by 110 metal WICK a McCANDLKSS OAT ., sacks for sa le WICK ANI/LESS lORN-32 bids. for sale hy racial WICK A MoCANULESS. B ROOMS -RIO doz: Corn, medium: extra: for sale Ily mehl:l J.• D. WILLIANIS A CO. WASII WARDS — W. O doz. Zinc., for sale v b) mobln .1. D. WILLIAMS kco bbls. for sale by metal WICK k ThCANDLE,S. '% TISLiOIV GLASS— boxes i ; e i mb wm iiu ra d - IcO dl the for by (tnelllll It es Iu tfIRTISS.`" r ‘11.1.113.A5' ALE--300 Whole and Ilf. Bids. 13 inFun, .11.11 conntant arrival" from th e Brewery. warranted Prat quality, for sale by metal 110BERTSON a ILEITKRT. QTRAW VRAPPING—From the Virginia to Mills. rowtantly ill More and for "ale al umbufactu " e "Z 7. ROBERTSON .t ILEPPE LT. (aCYTIIE RIFLES-15 gross (warrun ) 1...3 In dole nod for mle by T. WOODS SON. melt!! N 0.61 Water el. 'VANS & CORN— - . 5 IN,. White Baux: 100 bu. Shelled Cons far rale by rarbll T. %Via:IDS 0 SON. GI Water Ist 1V1 i t . .:!...Pf b 1 . ..\ , 11.1 t0 t m t: i l , l , l_ , N;I: A lNl3 l 1;& P.,Elt— pieta' W.V.l;itaYlll.7.. b y • l ' . WAIL PAPER—Prices reduced at the 1 m,h F i rterr Paper Hanging. Stare No. 55 Wt.! Pt W. i'. 31AIISII.M.1:. FIRE BOARD PRINTS—For sale hy mcbll W. P. MARIWIALL. WINDOW BLINDS—For sale by mein W. P. NIAISMIALI , BACON -5 casks rec'd and for sale by mchll , J.S. DILWOILTII A 00. 4 LOUR-100 bbls. reed and for rale by Enchil J. S. DILWORTH WLL BUTTER=-10 bids. for sale by team J. F. [MINUET!' A 'VII.ESTNUTS—a/ bbl. for sale by I.j mchb) SAMUEL P. silitivErt. 13OLL BUTTER-10 bbl. prime just recd ut,al for yab, by . SAMUEL P. `it GIVER. yortb, Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, &c. MURPHY & BUltelIFIKIA) ilaVe orien an rueortinent of Mark Thihet and Caihroore 6 Merino Lon,: and Hair %flit, Lend, and Nan eolored Celina doi nnbleselied Colton Le lig and , 'laird black and iehite a -'. end° Silk. and and *Kier Mohair and Silk tenon and 31erniti lin,hinhirte; r' do , loae-t prim, at North cern, id Venni. and fI - . _ . . .. . .. .. . UM OPIUM-1 c. for enle bY .. . J mehlo J. IOLP A CO- ai Wood rt. - -- - - COTCI.I SNUFF-500 lbs. (ClarretCa) for Sjut , . OF mr1)10 J. 1i.101.! CO . joRIED PEACIIES-21.)0 bu. for Sale by meblo eAMUEL P. SUMNER IIICKORY NUTS-30 1,1,1. for tulle by mehlo PANIVEL I. SIIIIIVCit. 1 1 REEF APPLES--1.00 1,1,1. for ' , ale by i mehlo SMIII , EI, I'. SITItIVEII. li l T A ' re 11 E S , JEWELRY, SILVER • wArt E, Ten Were. Brii.aunia Tea .o.ettn. be•l file, , P ato - 1 Fork, krone. and Bolter Knives: Table Cull , r,. • fimmt onalitiel only;) Lamp ofull dr.:env-ion , for Churchev. Store:, Wats. Hall, nal Dlreillogx tloo Chan doliers. ' ) as flrae.ltett. Om Platurec Nloitarr goal.. a ail lauds; Gold Pen,. Wailers' anti tilia Culn.rs' Diamonds. Lc- Se. 41.17,01.0. my otnre I. undergoing ',lnd," in frnm , en,. tattlers will find rni• In the rear of the .tare. tentraom in front.) with a large er!vek of the shore good, and at on u=nall. tow prin.. Wsteh repairing 4kop ma tho 4P, u 1%. nml li II otor.. . ~ON, nieh7 tarn, Fnur . t.l . l and Niacin, .t. 'PAPER lIANGINGS--SSPItING SELEC TTAZa."-T".10to VT7t, b ioh 9 l - ":d iifttnntl lA.yI ; V:4 ; to gold.tduna..k. to tot and Isla t 1Cea.;EAV.11.42.4171rn Ia mc7 W kFETY FUSE-' —156,000 Pet Bacon, Bich fun' k c&, taskr, • arnaritnl. f,aale by tarn; J DILWORTH a Co. d,ICLOTII SOOO yas tloorOil Cloth, haavr and mnilont., from to S raN. • LIN of the newr ne d rattencia. whkh to goal al low at wholvaala rartera mat., and retail le than any nthrr hnnonla the Sty'. We Inv itn the atentank of mirellaw-ra to the mho.. stock. at 04r warn moan, 7. an I.t .nd J II I'IIiLLWS. . A Ittt lAG F, OIL cum i--On hatTl, 3 a article. far AILle w hark, 114ot holeaslo sa low Ito earn,. awn.. mrh7 J. a - It.PHILLII, i n 1 1 0.04 ot. lUST RECT FROM PIIILLIPSVILLE Prt,47ry.-2.600 yd 4and s qr. °met - 2001101b, • Lot, rate awl retail, at So. 7 awl Wood Ft. guch7. .t H. PHILLIPS. fODFISII-15 drums in store, fin. solo by 1...) arh4 MILLER A. IMRE:NON._ it OPS - 1 5 bales first sort Western N. Y., ILIIn go,. tdid R'r sale by meta MILLER A RICKETSIN. ii,.CONOMY CRAB CIDER-20 bilk. in " Lj no ' c '"' hi ''''' frr '1" b 0 MILLER 2 analgr... 4 ),:. (IASSIA-100 mutts just reed. for sale by I.) . mcht MILLER A RICKETSON. Fr ABLE 31ATTS -- In store and for sale tli kthe Carp ,t Wirrhourar of ro,14:1 W. McCLIN TUCK. RS Fourth .0. 11UGS.—W. MeCLINTOCK invites the at , 14:=5 of .Ihoaaufi r,er.„l;l4utfrr.ftnbr=to ht=c r. , ...k of rneha TItANSP.AItENT WINDOW SHADES — A wad seanrUnent ran he found at the Carpet Ware '''''''':,;,l3, WFourt h".".'l .W. MrCLINTOCE. fsIeTTS-A very large assortment of Che .4hti. .isililiarr'iljetio'rno NiTtliinhiriec;r:ojd'R'ris'Sr"Li thelNltWarehotoe. No. Al Foart. , !4_l l, , LisiTcK. sit EETINGSi--Wh. 31eCIAINTOCKtilft,vbites ret- In. at No 4 to 5 ,unurtb etreet. I‘,,,ILGAIt, IWOLASSES .. SYI 2 IIII , 71,1 j. e017,1; . ...z1 1— "' '5" . '''d ' .. 70 .- erunland aul powdered Lfal Sugar, At .. Clarttie..l Ix." Sugar. 4f ' ; ' ) Itit N4" Mtit 7 teri It) - • B. It. 55. 1 0, hol , tee, St Lout", It, .. y °olden Prup: 1 .. clarifinl .. On itorr and far .ale bY 4 JAMES A. IR. TCH Ib, IN A CO., Iva for and Front al.f._ Embroideries. I:ECEIVEp th P f E i l i t IKPRESS, a large an edlea' Book. J•enneb. winaJtMlo Wb ryJmght Cutbi and. Collar. Cull's and Collan T.l oo dabbr" M. I i -N, pC i sad la Napolran Cuff , and bar rtes: ntants . .C C a a n t l a d Wal•tx embroidered inen Cam !mu Handkerchief. Enullah Tread Lana and EA a.. cone! and E.... Main., mut • g raiu vf I.:mbrolderol and A. A..IIIASoN t CO. 13..113 N0...1 and iA Merkel K. • PAPER—AO Sheets csupert _ • ACON-10 cusks Sides ere Shou rs rhl If rred by slcartler Meus.r.gry: A 1.1,1N111 .1 i 4.ode 1 by c m‘ TOBACCO --1 5 kegs SIX Twist; - BRA'S :kI r II7I6 I ITItICK mehl . . sIINDRI ES -72.3 itt. :::: e; ke h a l s .. S i o 'd . i d Lan A 7 1.' MO Was.* ItaislaM 160 ° Figs. M bb). . Timothy Seed: 40 o Clover e ill or. auks liweet, Malaga Wine; 47 bbla. Linseed Olh on hand and for sale by meld' IlltllWN a Krill( PATRICK. p,XTRA YOUNG IIYSON TF.A.--Ju si, Qpened at MSl.llwrty street: a very on,,erior Young peon Tea. which, we think we rap waf wsth oufalvitoe, cannot So oturpasmehat the price, In rittaburah- rake .1 ) . For the lower evade* 76, te.N. 60, and :WV , . e er r. , wk.' , we warrant tally equal, if not anperior, to'any't oto had at tbAl:.:f-WrZr. Inweria , and Oonpnvol .0 f JI grade, for which all ' we melt la ' a fair trial. oned ' ll;e ‘ ; I t , ill setae. mend theineelver. A libensl dierount made to retailers , and to families baying by ak, quantity. WM..A. Mrel.Cllo di C 1., Tea Dealere and One wra. .. - Paper. YRINTING. WRITING, and Wit A PI >ING ream% 21 by 36 by 34 Print!. p a wc• " 21 liby" 2o " " by 21, 21 r :12, 24 by 34, 140 " /11 1 2 1" bIW. 140)420 enrwo Etrax I' per: 700 " Medium " " >follow and :Howie crow. n.tg. The lienund,oed 0040 rovetantly on baud and for ea evr baog. nag,. a larva and wooers! war.rtypent •tz n.)..d, Coy, Lotter, Hardware, sod Tow hap.rw. Wor , . d, tr. A o w—reltlog of all rlzet, order on mwmfaetarer, Priollnw Paper made to order on Abort .Mee. .1. 1.. SU F.E, • 61326 • corner of Woo sod Irwin 1;:iA to INO B 4404 b L bml 'reel r, - 2 1V ,, e fr ellbolidla, by. ow. or hot water, and have ela. pored IL 11. 11 illlsmoc, front the tool. to auperintend Its von poottfoo. ya3l twelve. ATKINtoIy: a loliFtLY. DRIED RPPLES-10 bu. sup. D. Apples; nrh4__NllLLElt k RICKETFON. IiUGAII. IIOUS} MOLASSES-40 bbls. I J St. Louli itretnery. In ',ton. and foa aala by , nn..bi MILLER Ot It It:I{ ETYON ',I C IC DRIES-- .... 12 . 1!4411.. laser \n _J Ilw. ilnrkrn.l; vrirue Catnaps _we. 16.• /A, 11ui..113 1 ,0 ! ,01 ft.. Bar .',11,..g• unnllwr, FrAthrs,' if F., A iii.11111,!IA rfr._ - tp Aeo bd.! prime Ruins; .nd ..lo b 4 -Jicull.LyTt; STEAM BOATS DUI. ST LW'IS S ILLINOIS 111 'AT;tor a 111 ""'." . nta'rtlio,.l.l "r i a•'^a r II MILT 1,, 141011 NASH V ILLS--fire h,,,.opaz ..amer son,ro. II Irate tor " " JOIIN 11.011(. Atrrnt OR ZANESVILLE —The fine MPME,.l'ox,ton.ter. will toara Faro, and Intermediate Krt. rho ato rum, at • F or rrolght or proomite. apply rto 1.01 , 1 mrle,P2 VOR SAINT LOUIS.—The fine, , n 7 5 .4, A. NI vorcr..i.hcpr 5 1.01 15 . 5 H. ...ln 1:0Itunto. A SII ILL E!—The lust 4 ',mo. I,•sor for the abort. and Intermediate porta Sirlr"gtl7lll.r, the in.L.nt 1 I'. M. t or toolt2l '''''''.. ;EVlrri t' \ll..lI O T! I. A, A so.„tr. (FOR SAINT Louts—Tim ,ow ..11nIrgallil steamer FEMEMAL ARCM. ..en. Mamma. ainutaala, will Wave far ala,va , ----:-.- , owl Intortntallale porta li, this Jay. Ma. ../ah im•lant, nt .1 Wel..k. e. m. For frrlahl. nr I.w:we. appl ‘ 6n I.atnl. or 4. ineti-M .1 NEW Ir\ JONE.a. A,......t. 1-1 0 it 1,0121: 4 1 . ILLE—The allb.li- rra, ii 1 , 41 ..-_a ...7 Mtl otenatar NA V ItIATOIL Cnl ,, •W Ma., ~- .it , . 1, -a rill lean Cvr 11‘a nlxarr and all Intarnualttt. 1.10 un W.lnvalay. i In. that Ins l, at 10 tivlcl.. A. M. Far (might or wawa a1 , 1.1Y tsa ta'ar•l• Earlvln , l A lOlt. ST. LOUIS—The new 1111.1 Lr in i runidnustomn, EXPRESS, Ile.glett, funstor. will Wes, Els no. above null tat Intor , --s.so thio ofternoon. nt aolook For freight snonn.o.. en,ol, on Ensnl. no.IVXI FOP, SAINT LOUIS—The _ 11.311 l draught Swain, PAI IS. mrulrr, kayo Mr al...ry and 011.41- mnlito man on Friday. tho 0. 4 I'. NI frricht nrrwan , arta, mehl9 D. WILKINS. A - - • VOR GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL AND ELLSVILL— , o flue rantrr. lEILLE. Wm. SlieddKru. th will run a, a regular packet t.dxg , n 1111 , city and Well,llle. leav ing crory Monday. Wedneaday. and Frida,. nl rhv For fr;lchl or lumen, npldy o,‘ 1•30 EGULAIt PACKET BE- La,TWEEN SUNFI6II.—, emr NWT SO. 2, A. tt. Crane, tauter. will leave Pittaburgh tor Wheeling. Caplina and Sunfish. every Jloncinv and Thumlny. at 3 o'clock e. returning leaves Suuthth for Cantina. Wheeling and rittehurgh. ev. err Tnewlay and Friday. at 10 o'eloek.. A. N. PILAA.er r r od xhlpi. , etw ran depend upon tub toot running regularly during the law water rew.nn. For freight or nualy on hoard. . mrhl° FOR 1851- FrHE new and frlFt running gtr. CASHIER, J. e.Maass. Mitsterlletrular Well.4llle, 14morilln,Ilsbuto, Wheeling. Iltio101.M• om/ 1 Isotrrofloth Parket—ltoncto/ Pittsburgh so/ cc) M - 4411.441, at Is o'clock. P foor AVlorclltor nod ItritliroMort. stlsl oms, immtcolt/t 843 P. for Carotins mul Sunfl/1 - 1. Roston - Mug. lenvo-4 gunflothevery Mond M ay at 10 o'clock. A. IL awl at Ilriam.port t/nol Whososollng •mcrt onday me F. 4 I'. M. For (might end peeneee nrel) on looactl. ono 100 melt: FLACK. Amositt 4 OR :MARIETTA AND HOCK tinc stesmer PACIFIC.ItIr I /Ito. mast, Ittllll.4coo for the aloomo otodlnos— s o l trrmoodlste (worts /me, Thorley. at 4 occinck, P. Ilt '"ir.Vil.'T'ot turhlo 61 VV.ter no.l ..1 Front ..tr._ VOR ST. LOUIS:—The ryel- r auder. I•l4ve tor the nlon and tow • A.. I•te Oslo. .lar. tho bth In.h. at 10 A. M. For trtight or pa.nolr. apply on 1..wr.1...r mo MEM. IL MILTIINIIFIIMEII Act. IEGULAR WHEELING AND . SUNFMIII PACKET—no rontun,-Er, mono., WELL.% !MAI. Capt. V 111 . eA run N. r.-..volar •par Pet hostr.rn 1411.11r1.h. Itridgeno a rL nod Suntrh. leavlng roar Mo.lar Allem. , for We11.r111,,tr01.11.111... unf Itril,rou I. end err Thur..lNy nnorn.. n I n Su.uhrurill , ., lhnlinn. mud `lunf..lo n.turnloa. port Nlol ,unto.h ovrry Too.lnt F atter-noon. For tr..i.ht or pn....ngo. Mill ou or la W. It. %V 11ME.1.E.M.. , 0nt. I.)E IlliAlt PITTSBURGH AND It N I V i IIEELING ILMIKM —The rp1rr01vd.14V 4. ......4 to.• park. rteamer MUM , . AL. mon. for. I. nod ,rfortnin, hot- rroular I..t.rron this orti - an.l leurtnr. Pitm•horw.h nt In Jrlick 4U.T4 . 11z In work.. For frrlcht apply on hortnt. or to AllNI,1111)NM illt 17.00. Agent, JIEGULAii ,WEI)NESDAY 1.1.41:627 CINCINN h iluinitinin " the ownr+ of lhe ntiwizniir Ivaar the elnrwinvtl arvl Parktv and will leave ii;;;T i v , ‘ , l , ..ivpiitT , ln. 11711[1.1:mai. to of the 0.. Eng. mrlN MISCELLANEOUS 11 r f ,,, . dl , la r :Li... - 0 m NG L , 1F.1l ~,i iß. .dE , . .::i T i, T . T t . Whole u.. 141. 1 :1, -"motel. and 121 Fird Ata.. bytne.-n ' W71 117 . 1 an:Wm:it-Id I`l.l.l.urnl, au., it . . . ril A ABLE I T . J..; LOT 11. - S -L-A , % ... , Lry i lort:e , rd .- NI 1 i • n dll drd .n.-1- ,-1,7 J. 1 11. 1.1114.4.11'?. ... C•LOVER SEED / & TI3IOTIIY SEED— /c.14,•.r . , ~ ,„, , Tim 4 / 1 - - In •t INT.) and f r le b ow-h l . - - . J V DILWORTH xN. 1 1111 El) PEA (' I I ES—ISO bu, ( prim , I fol . ' LP taln by I rm - b 7 I .1. C DILWOHYII 1- IS , 130T4V11 — 111 caikw i.. I for tale by nn-h7 J S Di LWoRTII a I'd 1 !- TOBAI'.I2O- ea 1.-m...,x - trx4's and S'al 40 catty Lowe !111, .;11 ... ... 1, IT "I' " chili - J nDI I.W411:111 a . CO 111 11. K i NO, Banker and Exchange llro- . t ..,,... lon I-• 4 tr.t 1 !..•,. .'..; - 6 ,:' v;1!,! ,:;‘,. ,t.''. '. lg ,:.,.. ~.., ~..,,.:: ;.. ~:, ....t .1 Ids - rate, Ittl l l 1• .1.• ,a, Ir; On• hldhnat la .I.Vd premium in Car hand. tonuddrwan tilt, mi-nn BLlnk Books. THE largest Stock of Blank 11,ad,,, of er. .. ...,40.1n0. In all st Ors nt binding, to tittered al' a t• . Oen loro-d. rate* et . o HAVEN'S Ills nk eat Mo. renter Market an Md Soremal re eta 51erehottileIre menetteel to roll end examine ott• Medi. Inn and Den. Itlenk Work, etttleh are oilered at I,wer prtees [bah the , bare eat, tweet reed In title c•Itl • ror ' p.. and A moriesn mrr lit II A ... 1 , 1. , 1 - LE I n t , ' ,5 ,.. 3 . 1, , i .. i .. .; AZ I iNI - 3 . n f.) , r h . , 11 , , , t r r , ‘ ,. .: . 1 . 1. re ut,enrr Deot. Third theta, I'l'll't 11 1 011. SA LE—Exeltanize Bank Stoek, LP mate 11. It. KM:. Fourth .1 VI:MERMEN, ATTENTION 1-IVIIS leit • • at ottr stare per salt-3 Fleltintr N.V. one t.r then , 17.7 !we!. long. •taf two welder one. net will he et9l et • • .enter., p..t... owner le an 11, 4 1 lady ol 72 Y. , wha 1, destitte, end wlthre to ol.tate tneatta In take herto her Itannyln thu Elate of Indlant. J. 0 11. PIIII.LIV. to Ne. end 9 t'ottl el. i f ; Altl'ET---ltteltlirell thin day, by Lerch & ' Ce.'i Cnnel Line, . 19 the Carpet 9mb...et of %V. Me l' . NINICK. No. 75 Vourlh et.. otdetdialna In port the fol. lewln9 varletire: Ilrneta.le. Tweet,. Imperial Throe Ply, Tsprelr - T Vreittan, Plain Nenltten, sal superfine Intiniln t'artette, of the mon nntlerti 111 lee. tad , ' It,i °LASSES—DiII bbl. N. 0., for Attie by ..v • melte. lt. AW. IlAhltAttill. CI ANDLES-50 bOX99 Mlttlhil t.) W 9 elan . lOU - IPleelt ' , rattle by WM, IltlIllet". LITTLE A C ,, . i , LOVEUSEED-50 lm. ree'd, for vale by 1t....' methet P. AIN II AIIIIAINIII. I ,titi).--.:l 1 ) 111, No. I, iu Al"!!. for wale by IA orbit S. A W, IIAR114t 1 ;1 1 . - -• LINSKED 01.1,--1.0 bbl. ree'il, for rale by „,4„., turnisoa. LITTLE A Co. II LOVERSEED--75 bo. for gale by I } melte Et tIlliON. LITTIA: A CO. L 1 REEK APPLES--5 0 bid. (in fine order) 111 'net me'd and for ode t! llit6 1 1091.N0N. Lim.): a CO. IV 4k l GON— 1 htTLe Note Wagot,, euitablo ...IZ ''''' '''' " ' IITIIIISON. 'Arm,: 0 (,). r A 1H) 01L-1 0 bbbi. fine Winter Strained, IA fiat male by J. Waal A CO., meld NO. GO %Vowel etreel. COPPERAS — S S bblr. (ill plod met I,er) for mCVi l''' J. HAM , C No. no \Vole' elm. I. UGAR AND MOLASSES— rnghg:un MA. N. Molmr,c, ingT.TlYi . O.:EGAR- --50 bbl. receiving. for ,all 3 by mrh.l ROIIISII9. LITTLE t CU. ft TED BEEF-5 to. S. C.. for Fah! by I.llllthlN. LITTLE. (1). MOL.I.SSES--ti bids. S. II.; - zse .. N. 0.. In nak MAIL. la .oro 6and'lo e rrlva and for r 'el ' 1 • L. (4.' 4 WA ! I r ER.MAN A aONA. narlls all A 41 W atmr. and bl.: !rout a t: _ F isii—, 1,, prime large No. ll Mackerel, Boston Ineportiow nog., 10 - U4 ' ll l. ll '. 4 07 ;PTIVINi A f N op ati O IN T.E O ~ 1) 1111.3) i'lli3 it- 11 72.5 1,11. Ap f ples; or Kan - KN. ° PraeLtai bl narbs I. I+. WATERMAN o $1.00,_ rrANNERS" 611.--2.5 bbl. for sale by 111. moo. 11011101 N. LITTLE A CO• TUBS Sc, BUCKETO doz. Buckets; le . Tule, lor aalobY tn,IIL I. S. W ATERAI AN A aONS. . . III. , ASS----3 50 LOSCa W. G., asAyd, City and ILPas(ilrribr"'"' (C LI4.';';'.%('ATKIIMAN A FONr. 131itOONIS-7-120 doz. fancy and good mum m r ,Al cg Corn IlroouoL for. 44 a'*. by L. B.WATKRMAN A SONS. LEEDS -DI Ilbl. strictly prime Clove r S ta4a eed; I.J 0 bage t 000, L. $. IA ATKUMAN A SON:I. ...• . It UT'VER—'2?, lib1.11: i II kl,lwuttie,rti,v 1( 041 r, . mrbs 01 . 4 01 Walt, wal 02 Front .1. 11/11:0SH eas . ks 110400;moor:1 ""l'lli:i.irit;?aifetbr BACON—IS 3 pc. oi l f sale l ikoi 1r na.400 IC . C A:ol.El' 5 , lIICK'ORY NuTs--s pkg. for sale by InellL WiCh 6 SIeCANDLLAS. _ :S-...11.,E11.A.FU5i.-14 casks and 2.3 boxes pal rrrtard. for ash. by • • • • • 0 ,0,5 I% ILI, A M e tANDLF , A,_ 111 1,00:l.,1:5-138 doz. ~,,,.),.17.1), tr.:11,1,11,-Ir.. '" _ W- irs,APPISC I 'AIIHi.-345 reams Crown, '"""' C '''' ' ' ''''''%'aj'il ';lik?V.:110.1,. web: , , ii Ael tEREL-13s Idol. N,,. 3,. for otto by t ,,„ .1 ? . _ . wlci; .t . !, 1 ,4,1::i d i k. . rt. ULACK WOOD, Sr o February, an the Jour,„o,..ur .. snow' . aro for oil.. a nnotr , op o nabo Or Purl 1'11M...._,...._ 1 WWI 1 TA 11—.2.:, 1,.41 r,e'4ldifOl...4(t)t,r Pell 11.., Co. 1 . 1 X li""' I. 1 .. ..i..../ 1/;:j.L.N.:'o :1711;,alo bi - I '‘ 1 . ', 0 ,,., 1‘ ...., I.; l' ' : .--- . 1101.11e0N, LITTIr.I: 0 eil. I iIAII--151) bbls . .. iu store and for sale by 15.0..til witglizya CO., Irlaa . HOUSES, FARMS, &c Drug and Prescription Store for Sale. PRES(' PTION 'sToRE. 1 .4 7 , Ina 11..0114.1. MO 1,,e 11 a doiu¢ n I,unln.uu , 1-1 u Fs., further var.. , I 1 a , •• '""•• 111 i .1: 111 \ V IN. .4 , 1 , 1 r wch 4 - - - O il SALE—A large Brit.k 1., ilrmu.l, nu Hank • klt;nlULukl."6",..",,!':l`,-.";•.r."'.,:tt"tit:V DW I, t 1 1 , 1 .• Vernon+ utiln un. ea) w - ouhl rind It r.nn‘ era- Al:U.—Tyro ,a 1 ItAarrs it -, r prl terms t,t4,1, tt, 0/I.lil 4 11.41111) .4 IRWIN. 111 Arecald .t. . . . yoR RENT--A Privnty Diveßing, or ,- .V' . r rule Ilvlll , . t..1.....V I, 1 4 .. / t1r11 ,,a 17 1 ,n t.t....E.... /1111:5171:3y; 1 , 3. ' 4 V. I'.. !II r , '' ,.;1:L1.. ,1..1 01.... r n0 1 t,1 , 14 It. 91 , . 4 . I'lllslntr.l, I. of In clll.l_ • • • 1708.,, SALE—Two chuiec LOTS, plemant j• I, ',austral for print. Widmer, frond. nn rot no Way 1.0” n gin Pitt olrt, and Evario ally IrlAr« , dean... 4 (St fron t. and extoodLark Ia a 2,0 LMt alley. (Sr trrma, amply tot r 111.11114 m PE NNI%. X WO LET--A NV AREHOUSE, Hituntell on Wan, txdewn Market land Ferri j;:fi audat.l.• for the Protium. Inuin..ex. For Ulm.. ntdro .l f 19 JAMES PALZF.I.L. N. (..4 Water AL For Sale. Tim UNITED STATES 110 T E L (IF 111/11.1.1X115,0n the corn , " Of Watt.-;,1 i 111,14.0 and l'onn ttrnoto, nod frontion lb. Pron-Ax... oyltnols Canni. In tlio City of l'lttoburnh.fron nn r..hundred awl forty tour fnet on Penn ortrn.t. no d o nn.l nine fect 010. Invites on It nplington tn. L '"""" 1""i' 0 1 , AVII , OREM. No. 10.1 Penn Al. Land for Sale. 0 1 , It o : TRACT A„, ~ Tr uL , 3 n 2 , 1L ri c ers: one n o a n t t. o . o T T T:i . c r, t , , / .. 1 so i.-ess ,•nd It All the slew.. land II mom or lea , .Timm. , '' rd. of 101 l rote nudity, and well located in Slow.. r,..0.. and will le. RAJ. to eult purrharrera. crry low. For further veartienlara inquire of W3l. 11. JIMNSTON. tuells 11: Penrod Ft. rr , 0 L E T—A BRICK DWELLING, 70 I with fit am, of ground attached. ritually , atiela Gokatirl: trichfl 11)t RI/T. JONEU„ A CO. ,14,0 it ItEN'F.—Two Rooms in the Post 2 ~ Ofilee Building*, suitable forrAttistrett Rom*, Odliwa, kr Alro a SMALL STORE on Third stmt., next door to I. a 41..1 mantel, Is , fittlnur. and anew frontto Ith lan, rlAn. window: furnished without ex , to tensiut. I:. 11. 0.01ZA31. 10,4 o.nennd *Grad r.Oß RENT—A small frame cottage, with 4 4 410.4 .M..t thad, ler, dining room end kitchen In lowntent; 'I entail parr. In garret, baths large garden `andeererst fruit trAea. a very dtwirnble rooldenrw far n ttnell 14.111 - . situated near Slinerrvillri. PU....14011 Oven 11,14111.4iP1[4,. Al'... eorvral mall •Tenement , for rent. Al.. for ealedl lota frontlna on Hanna stnwd, and fronti. on Pentstrtwt. Ten. 1..1..aru . ,.i. N. 1:3C0Im or II I'. Cain. nor. of Market and sot!. Desirable Residence for Sale. THE subscriber, intending ;I to remove a W ninc to e in. Ow enontrc. raere to property r pale the pperty in ,„ ~................,,,,, ~._..,., itlern the ..anal lank In Alter:hen, "ill. The dwelll.. a double mil . . WO lenit of brick. In len, and conanandirue. and has been newt, li rep., u.l and paperid VW lot Wort, fifty fort car the a. .1. ntnnrou Irta.l; two hutalod .adc,,rlrty thre. a nd ,4 j 44,1 ~,,I 0111' haat.. rootainlrin rho.. shruld• ry and tend. The not-hurl 1,,,,. rt.ta.•ll4ll“, of a private achrol honer. rta .le rroll .an /omen, nre conveniently Ica-aund The tutus' tour r• phawinl. and the Win. Sualoterion Itrialue rliortlY u. In p1ar...1 ot er tire Alleuheny, will Inny the property wlthis, n few nutiot• wall or dinv,4 the city Pun haw re are referred to Alex. 41 4111er. No I, th lonwt A 1.1...1 lin 010 0 E, 11A3111 , N h -i; SALE: OR It Kyr --A sinifiirtable ess:s 1 . 7 . , ) ,,., i.,:a,..r0t1y 'en...A:dwelling hospre and let ~,l''' e t 1..4001 •In.t. to the Ku:loh W ant, of tine In, :we., 11. leer., "-outrun' Ater... 13,0,e 1011. forty not ou Lhort. . u‘ -a " ' l '' "" handed In .l l t . b if tiVINVIIII 13 M. I 1.1,1, ,rner uf Wrald and Sixth ets 1 !( /It RENT—That large dwelling house =tft le a ttla .Neater trnrunda for garen. and gable ::',A , d 10 ,1 of the Int. W In J Tottorr. Gil l - tu t.l.. on 0,11,1 at r 4.. Por.serwrou given on the Art of Marwir For term , . appl ,' to le I: :tl'llhoy. Guardran. or It 17 T 41. 1 00. II the For i Pitt Works. _ let,1"lApll _ 1 ' .1 LU .t 14 LE 7 F,,it t lir —T.. , lay, Flour 31111, and a Saw 31,11 on th• Itenter etek. retth the nerweettrY water power. Also. n well unproved Ferro In LawrenreteruntY t'rlee f 9.0 0 .0— A Iwo. a Varn, of il• aen, on the ohio Haar. tun, roily , 1.0,,a nearer, far a.,,ori. Alen. one of 14" arr., on the tad,. Gr.,. 0 nille• below Erwrer, per 0,12 vor were *leo, rJei scree for $l3 la r arm Me,, laze of IN% 1,13. and for ra ... Av P 23 p , r arro. A 1... 173 sere., fur 31.• and dl nerna fer SI , 'wt . acre. Perether with many other: of ran. n. lopa and pm. , Enuoin of • IN I. 0,01 1.. It FETTERMAN, Atter - tarry at o.aw sod Reel Eetate .Anvil.. fetlps,, 1117 401, .1. P ittaburrth 1,41( 1 I: RENT—The store on Market st., :7,,5'',.; ' is.. rwetn.,l hy I'. I.l,ter nw C a Variety Etirrer 'Re , i n:vi "l-1 'l"' 4 .0,e,, 41 11YrVf.,..540. q.t. LET---A Warehouse situated Ise- ez4.l . t Green W mai rani Market. and running through A.. hen. Eli, to oon.nd ntreet. reoentlY tied hYewe 3w male S Atknown It la entlahle forma ewun ttufacturinitoratre '''' frlt ' , l""'.. L''''''' Wll 01. ATE I NSON k 0111:1.1. :WA' , ESTATE FOR SALE—The under 1' ..,:sed offers A 0 Gs , a tar, nonre/ rrf •oloat le 1,.. , :r0d g el.. ar•l worn. r.. . , 1 , ..,rah1e •11..• for menu... ter..., the 1....0.011, of humus. ham. 1 , ... , 1 pear the now Pah r ,eloo,l Howe. sent Enzljab Lutheran Church the mind crovrth rd Ihenrinuharn in p,ulation and j,-7.: ' :111 . 1 . .. ". :::1fi. v gi1 ' i h n'lTe l t4i:Wri nlie bi t:nti rb , " ;: ,l .n " . ' i • n b _ -ff,r,'..;,‘,..'11'" Far ....r.rf.c,'. '::'.7:::',u f a 0 471 . ,',: - ....r.,..... ,he an.. of tleoryw F. tintonta.. Fr, , An Grant street, hi. 1 11,11. between Third and Frenth street, or of William ',mote. and S Patter., tr, Ewi a. st their other. in Ginn. tchnit,ta,.., Mr/011 0. EATON. V l) LET—On. , How.. mol Lot sittottel TV'. I . on Bertford rtrect rwv. nth Wand For ternPrVr. , ,trplr . to 1:011100N, LITTLE a t'vl ...we r- ' • tl.'d , Arlen, et __ , : olt SALE—Thu subscriber offers for ,tin. I otth• a laz, and writ hint 1111,k .. flow, orith n.• 4111`1 [nun" fOA n 1 ground. filnalul mato fourth .4mq...0w Lana, within thnu Ono roar licuarotat.n glary on lb. 10 ..1 (toil ...0.1 •or, roA r in Alw. alot ot altottrat 400.0 11 0w1.... 1, 11,1 Wt. ',pan ,. tho non.lrow of Mr 11, nu io ttos tho e'oontl, arl. nu, ',isnot A...1u50 Itowwn mon nornultatolt rl It to nou ...rutin that tho 01.01 110.1 .111 enlnfOrto o early In IL, .-onlng taunter For Y L : - ;;}. ' ; . l ' , ‘ , o r . ,:aoo, v' at74l7ls,sl.n 0;1 DAVID imELEK, r-orm t. I,sis 010 Prot tharraloal propurty. tal.llOlf .Vll 1: REST Olt SALE; The subseri wit! .011 .0 iii hi. .Iwou/$l. o.runtry •4115 i tloto.. anawloto city. tuanal on ohnt War tonlo.uw• alletrbrn, A ~,, . owat .$1 the 1.7,11.1.”13.. Th. bow.. Ito a taro, thutsl.s 105.4. Luthittut nntult to. 6 n l of Thor , 1, • unmoor know. otal.l, am! aotol nab r the around.. I unntrw tut. mew., nrll Introool.containing own' sortni ton of rrn, • •unno Lunar and onnte hong, Itoonwton niven whom., tholunl JOHN .;LIIILULT vaL , ltf It N T—A to.. story Dwelling V I • .1.1 1 171-$: - D:iArt , 00 . 1 o'f 0 - )F , Olt SA LE Olt ON PFift PET liA LEASE. —1 0111 roil for caobotr 'rnn Oro, '2.4 fort front hy 100 nut to spring All,. tals rrina la Ins.-264 nut on 1.1 , 111.10 to 1 1 11 , 110 ALvt.l.:oo Lc! frontina: Fenrumott +taw.. Inuit , Mato)) appetite the Croat - al Itathwal la utsl rontaintn, .11$ men, I,antal'tf l .1 1M 111 1 trll.oll/1 • TO LET—A Inrge lllitnsion House with - TM . , ZI ArT,I o f Land attou'ltrol, oltuatod 01 Oakiand. 11.11 1 -$1 11411111', JON o.s co Am , . fr(i l.k LET—The Three Story Dwelling Tr . `, mos, No 111 W,lle otruet, at yo . rarost nrcuplol ~,hn Li*ln,tun. furl rontalititur tun 1a...M .... " thninar rroon and larlten. on the tout floar Itwo-oolon given on the Int of• Aunt Inquire of .1 It floll cnorsii. lr) LET---One Two Stiiry Briek [loose, ir:Ci ountagning 4 rnntro, 1 - 41 Crotn. Aornue, Mforro- . a In IttaKl hunt fror Enantfo of 1,11.1 JOHN 01 ATI /t 111. /PI) LET—It Power and Steam for mwttanical rurirw., /lututtro of 1u,101011..0011 1 IWoN 1.1101.% . , futut fn Hare Chance for Capitalists and Manufac turers. II r undersigned ireillg ngi.nt for the own- T or.. oft,. for bole • of town lot. in Ilio town I Mr ark roomy. ohlo. • ith out iiiM. n ofmin!l th« L ailra. now ;warty mitonlotmlo thr". o . it. Mir boor ...tato Minn!, horlim, tho bioit otephrtunity 1 lamb ollorml, norsion• tam tri hi mini on. turtnimif thtoot einy thundenr• ohittio.. of mil tho ninth. of litho, the .OpI , IV fool tor themn mirror. the Moat at of .i.. 1 lirrititht aita mark, a. vr.ll the tio'llithi tor tramtmthatlon ot mthittoctithoil artroli... 411 vointorm to rionto di. IMO fq the moat iloorabli. pith, for mitatilirbin. ninoittarture. Iron. Woril.lsitton. 1i0n...1M all Myth.. blob I. • 10 . 1. 01 In tho lk mo, nom., mini...roil Iron, its Ito , Molnar of Om Canal and h a iirom,„or, .... trart :115 iv,. of osoollent timbirod hind 4 11 to: hoilaima Om Canal mut Itallruinl. and rilmot hail - a toil.. Inini the latter. • lot of 0.11 ..min rex*. whioniria tilLail 11,11- mlutL,m , nulio of whieh tho thart moomr. on two. aide. ntrooto of th• town. 114. kootim. reiro'hoot. will dit roll to look et Oar be. toro . 0 1 yurthme hobo. Tlio position of M1M1111.1.1.1n the heart of en eyrtetilturril ,rton, not mirmbood by any In tho munthri It that it I. dornitil truntionambY to thnn brfin . v. It to Mild, all who with to mate mmil itirmthamtla. to roll mot o..initoo timperty. labt nn l ham ormlit alvon,ll deafrml. limn Andre* W. Irootn and Jmihn• 11thrm. .of l'lttthurrthi, irlro Information ronvorninir NIA soy erii,tarle• will be anarren.l Oration to Thomm McCullough, Kent J•m lll ithr the iimlor rignell Ma.rlllon. 51amIllon. Yob F. '5l. ,1011V10. 151.10:01m1. Very Valuable City Property for Sale. TIIE undersigned Administrators of the eaten. of Thome , Feirman.‘berawel. offer o,e pale the entire al rend,. of the fah' Chrome Cairruan, renainting a rr ., .t 1 bel lot fltklralla4 on 1.0.:117 •trllet. running 10.1 ee fool 5 loch,. to a ten 1,1 alley. the tavern ..taint known ne the :Maned. Hen. , . (muting on Liberty evert 31 1,1.11 Inele, and On Cheri Mier 61feet O lorhee. running bark 1/3 Ira In an allry, with the grain& and Auld., nemeelud, (renting on Plum seer ;:3 4 incl.". Alen. three, leir fronting on Cherry alley, each eighlren f„,./ front. anti roonnia 1..11,111y feet parallel with Plum alley. elLof which property will be well at Prill. Ante 1, ,°,rP4f;r'er'l'lllr,.."(!li:M . r l l74,t:'ertlt l .n.""sktnho l 'ubtirL:l! , . , Lfe,'tt the higlient biddena. Apoo to II CAIRN; AN or It. CAMPBELL, fiartitn'Ll 151 Liberty • ADDITIONAL SALE . Of Forty Towri'Lots bi East Liverpool, 0 ryilE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in the abet e thriving So bath: lye Dear allsootml wooly latol old, mad the demand ovnlinlol4 the ontlerolatmd tomo been itottuned tot Mr Mae theml.. of protoorty 10 Immo loto uo about, oat Illters e for Node ut prorro awl L•rmo that coutod fail to meet the ileum of the temlttoo tot Bonita*. It ix totoolless to ray 1 0 0 100 ol the be...t00 of the Immo anti proomeeto tit 1,100 loom deorrilo ol In recent aul•vrti,mentr, ether tt.•u that over of lomodnol lota bare ro.nerttly elotomal bonds. 00 , 1 been purelomed by thoott vrtalsluo to proeura dealt*. m„ Thuabov. htMareamonst the mod eligible amldeelrable o t o otol are Inintipally hauled to the relate of In thine moomily Fur lotormation utmly tho promdema in Liverpool, or t „, J wat et Blakely. Fourth otmet. littottur,olt. JOHN BLAK ELY. , 4 „,,i.i.cr,01. Fob. MAL 1 1 .01. feba.l.Matßt. If You Want Real Good Tea, (10 TO MORRIS & IIAWORTII's TEA ILI FTIKtE. En6t lid, onf the hhhhoh.l. Damaged ..t It, hehtr Ten , an . th.h , kept et tide e-tabilehtnent• h.perlortirehn Teu6, 6016.175 ..m. "V Ih. The .ery be6t Impoltdl.lll,l f , trott6 anti hmtglt Ilsvon6l M.A. 606,76, - 0 5. . Fi[le hnlol 11.6n..1 Ithwk, 600.76,..1+ V. Thp, bc hr .MV stwe in P.Guryh Wet k. 4., Air male rn— eie6ly the wore. kind nr Black Tv., lbnt hr.uml In hu6. ~.d. Ireland. 66. ifel,6 cOLL BUTTER - 1 few bbls. an hand nor male by fiNtll.l64l 1 lIKNNKTC. ~,,,, 1.22 h. 66.1. WO IM I met et. I) , add Hl ED Pfa Ai..3 1 ES --../1I I 1111. for s:tie by I IIOIII,ON.I,ITTLIIite r : 6 t, •• O. 1 L- I pOT A SII-6 enskm (pure) for Ktio by i xurlii WICK a 11[CANDLLS$. lilt/ ED ,APPLES:::*Q.Ltr. f0 ,,,... r :Ile by TRANSPORTATION PENNSYLVANIA EALISOAD lEM= SI:11Nt; AI:II.INGE3IENT. 11 rorty , is. }tour, m Philadelphia. Forty-lour hro, to Baltimore. Railroad -1(I 3 miles Canal. Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. r, I . A 4 5EN0E1:: , .., TI) PH I LA 111:1,PH MORE AND Ix the op:fling:4 ratial Navigation, Two y Dully 1.1u.e Ntw 14., will I. for It 1,,t1r,..1 HOLLIDAYSBURGH, ' • NEW PENNSYLVANIA. E.M.E0.111, Trn Hundred Ind Fe.M.n... n, p :es ELPECLA. Time din ugh youn,ix I.'nrr to Nalladoll. la, Tbn tnn am nee. ao.I of an 11101,1 approv n.l opnrucnon Jalnrt 3.1 I,cr nnllllo/V. and evrr) r....laitag the Num. bout Passau, ers for Baltimore, tub. Vurn• Aug, lu urk C tit), uu.:ht} llur• muffling Itaggage ontlii4 route. 'mak , Ihu• rur.t,tutfcrtal , lu. ow to Ow 1,11.4,11 ,rtuatiuti apply J. I'. HOLMES, Agent. %hp:mm:4l , 4u Hump, D. LEECH k CO. humus Penn t.trmt. or July, thou Lock,rl,u ill Aortuu t.tu• Lime it lary anirnl of Car. A b.rlan4 Itnllmui. 0 , four mi 1..., Tim.. No charge far Th. Inn....vd e.V. F4.r pi..., or In N. p. un tI, l• wlll 1.• dni l to tbo.n,l) - h l'lttohorgb. ufactnrer's Line. 1851. ARE lIEREBV INFOlt11:1 ) raniga.l o•ntsn.ly ratlon. faralltia. I. carry a larga In l'hila,lelphinenol Ilallitoon., without .hort War, taut at n• I , ox rt., en Loy ..11111 ) Pr.its I_l that Ili. lAS , I. tam faU trara , aala ,, a• cab , ravular ioentn Igal, 01. lgge. male . carrying Ilair;i111, .11:14. u. llollidnyolgorgi. Igo.lgg.tolgor ,l g. flu:aim:don , Ntill Iton. ggleVeynown. I..wg.gt.n. M MI.. .117. Ilurrgp.g.. l . gt ultra. nogg ull g gth.g gots on Ilog Igen ~ I vngtgal.m l nogg Porte gg in, return luctigg ggf tn , u neeure.ll fn. ;au,. nod regularity iu •h:ggrotn., to I, at the Iggvgg. rage, gun , . Ign mll,l J. MlTefir.i.i: Iggeg 'Tr, Igngigrugtur 110rr..... Igilgggrtg ggingeg. ,31t. ARRANGEMENTS. Si....rini rangy., lVsy Fmight ... ' Wni, Str.r..t. Al, er....k. Nrir Ilintul Nroop..rt.l'l! , rl..'n I e 4 10..111.915ran r. i .4 .r1:111rorui. lin the imalnla Dmi the. p!..r.,5i.1 Intl L. 1.1. 18-51 :\Y PENNSYL%IO.IA DEES TO PHILADELPHIA. s' T A!ID TELEGRAPH f Splendid New Troy Built .es for Hollidaysburg, TEA . ONLY 36 .1! GOOD Mail Linet them, 213 .110 , .. 7p t Me 'CAN I RA ILROAD Ind Jrr NEW PE To Philwdelthlia, New Ytmk, and Ilnl Tott , •31.1 Hort: 1.,.•rt..F3 will les, I,,ry 31; rollw. P. tl : Y. 31. %1.,. Tlll, diret,.tn.l nalt, te, tle,..tern Into , . 13333 , D, - r+ 1..0.m:A at Ilarrithur. a1it33 . 1 3rrit al ”I" ()tat it N. it c.Dly .Inc, 1., Ow .W.we Liill•• null, et Chart , : 110 , 1. N... 41 , Wr....1 1.:W..1m , u,h6 W Moo. A,t El A T. N r - i i . i : ,; .(T ; l i , plAi N t:) , ll ; :t u t .,, OLll , A t. l.l . ' ~ M , l jNr . 1.11%11 E BINGHAM. Om 10 sitii , fll Tax 01,utg.11 will non oftsm he transtutod under the ids Isi ii,f, ;', ,• ;11 -a r m. a Ductal an rat APPUCATIC.I or THt .--.-- " Bingharas' Transportation Line. ; SILVER PLATING FLUID. i mo-oohor o. u.o. =W00..., or Me fr•Mrnod- Fti ma . - 11.- . a a - E B5 1 . -4 '..'-''4' .:-...,.. . Flints FLUID io ettutposed of pure :silver; 1 has ben need by house kimpere in New York for the BETWEEN ' last fire year, and is brimming a nen.ssay article in the PITTSBURGII & TILE EASTERN CITIES. ' doat , nio ”coooaf. aos r. , .. , ~„: ,- .. Min.... re story. to original scanty o tl plahNl tumid, mull am Castor, rrll. CANAL being, now open. we ar e ova- • (-asi,ll,-”,,,,,, vaas. B a sket...o,m ~sat ji a rsny.s yarn,. di to receive and forward prmsiatl, Produce and '. lon.. Military Etipuirt... a,. or plat-. with pur , " other on !. erehnnillte. void and sO.l- . Ems, Boaper, or Dorman miser. The warmish, . our. for Its 1.min...0n into ILTLTV famil: - . I P 7,. “'" 0100 ' " r. : 1°.".°1 'l." '''''' ''' ''''''''''''''°' ', ' l 7 :-:0 ',1 1:i eeu per botUa. A libai-aldinuoutt toJewelers ' t - rodure ALIA 31eMbas.di , sell; Le meelvol and fors-nob-a , and Emmy aow ' sil Minters_ oast and amt. withost on, ehArge for forwasildig - ,r .01- .1, sato . by . BAPS J. 1111111T5 A. CIL. Noamom r:lt. r hea, or -tog 103 I- wham strut L New York. Ittlis of Lading forsremlilL sand all 1111,1/0111 4 faithfully I - . t.'"...a."°'2LT "'""n'' I''. A 4l °"' " ii..7l "i kl ' ID t . -111 ' ! A. &G. A. ABNOUX, Viirrier•lLLUrt...and'.Ulsto•.....n.'l°..ttsrd?rmgh. liRAPEIIS & TAILORS, No. 303 Brwad lIINGI IA %1 and D8.,1, Nlarn• tt st, I way, eurnor of Duane strmt, abowethe Irving Muse, Istw , ti Fotirth and Fifth sty rnlla.igl.lia. •. me York, rmaisetfolly Mille the attention of frionde and JAMES WILSoN.A,mi.t. , thwtmlEe to Un,ir assortment,' new s ' , RING 1;00111 , .. of Ni. , 1.-• No , lt. Himont -tn., Paltruoie. . the nm,..,t ratter., sehmh IN., sum prepared to Kind, up JAME:. 11l NIA li AM. No 10 5E . 1 0. , in th • I sl timun. r und nn woot fmlitimalil. st,ir. ot it.. it richt • - Ings. of .0.1.*L11 InVportati , n , oli-ga, light -ilk" ter %mi.: iit.rk do inn aim paturrus of Parts Eintiro.lories. T1. , -re Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal. . ~,,,,,,oth, ..,.;,,,. ~ b „.1.,•,..0 in thh n.no.oclawot- rylllE 111::s1NSY LVA NIA CANAL "rill 1, f i 1.u: ‘ ,1::,. ( 7,1,,,g1A:V- f i . , ,, ,, , ,,, n r:J.,,1;1 . .N,V,,;,r1.„ v -, „ ,. ,,t;,,; , ± IL . d.,...) fid thoi-ts., L 4 1.:4. -in Ili.. E.dt. 11.... and ARMY and NA VY . I NlFtql.ll , made to oinisir. wMt ALLLII - w-nbtris w i'.l 11.- II J.: an•rsrat to i•-irri om•I• frau . „ sr , ~,,,,,.0. 1 n ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,..- Millade: ph. to Pitt...burgh. st tie fi•SowiiiSt mti is• ‘ l f-i. mrangers who vidtLhi.. no trotsolt-- mill Mot at this tutalw Dm .1... Dd., i an. IU, , p. nn. IN - Bahrnent every thing to tin, MA , atid a .mane Twfr''‘' '' 1 t 5,.... Ll-ang ‘ll.--•-. AL•., . - .11:W. V 14, Rr, , ~,,, ~,,,,,,.. , ,r° Hard a aredlows 50...V.1....if Nl,lln. n nontret NV.I.I,TCOATS,-11m, elegant ..h.'"Nhi In , muff" Biol.'. mat ii..er, .61 tl..sh, that wore so touch rulutin.l at Cad.le Gordon. haro bison It siting, Prinnut a Doll l'ap , , Ltotlo a waribd thr grit an-mlitia. of the Amerlean Iniditute at •r. d.. . • ... -- • -•-• • ;:r. is 8. , I' l, `• , thoir tan. Fslr. PhD-Im. Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. Miring, AnwiLs. C 0 Aliini. Crud. , Ilthnstout. tide s• - . . S. MILLS, No. ti 11TLANDT ST., TIUE-1 , , ,,,, 11,y,. 1.74 . (Ep tihurfa NEW TUBE. l, now opening ono , rd It Is h.t,,1 that these earniou rte-l i whirl. are math , D j•-,lqfp.t ttis&l.„l-141.es,Evrag=er,s11"aStilt.',I,N.1) ~,..,,,selit, I " "r 1"" 01 ''' 0000'."..r."'".".'" "an. ' '"r r ' ' 1 `11."1 l'S ' onst at El:th o u( iii LE SlANTlLLASStartrinfaysn . ' ols ' ' '' ' II" ' ''' ' ° '''''''' ''''' " t thP° '' '''". r. 1 - .--r , .. lb 1. .it I • 14. NI -I Iby ohs twast me st . t. ,s, , i.,,. 1 , . Lisiwt. z o.'s ~..s.e. ,• • . ladn e .14 , MD' . ets.i . , Dm, so. a a Ist Itn. ID we..., glue. i. IALL Li Lie,. • ~ad t s i utionirrly sidsatl to Mo timmr tras. . 10-0....au 4 i 1LL.... I , 1 . 4:1-.1,311 , 1,1r.t., ' Am, a vpry splendid 4toek. of PAliAs../Lr AND UN. I.tw. A 1010.10 1,,, i 5,.,,,,,,, d 5. ,1 1 i,, ur s ,, , 81ib.1.1-ka. itioisilking of fringsid and plain edged .Itoll d silk ,hi .1 Turk :Mau Parauds, and emton and Ging .- `!Mtn Uralirelli.. All of which will be oars...tat ostreniely • rill() 31E111'11.\ NI'S, )1.1 .1 , ; 1 - l'.'il.'T V ItElts, 1 !.- pr..... w. vim -chilly Inst. our wootoro friends to el- Ito- , ur atm k lief ire purrha'lnc. 1. .' -1, 4 4 e .9 ,,,, 1 . k..:''.. '' ,l, -... l" lif. l l , ''''' 1 'Lm to-VIIIY bIIOW t-TANI.M. for eshildling Sit. wla 101111 fromPhihnleithis , 0.0 1, aim , . tar - , iiii• .-1 TWA, 14.LIaltILL ... , : , _.. ~..... L'__.__ ,"...,.. .41 wweimoodotio, b•rin, mid et s. :srotas, m ittit,ut r -- , ..1.. , put .0 in fa-`i' l .mf ' , ... , .... -1-.1. • tf2tf-:._t riwhlpsittm faiths srsy. AbEly lo SPRING IMPORTATIONS. 1.1,11 lit 17 A. \ 1,1,NL LTY a Mi. Canal Amin. C. 11. ILITCII t CO., 4 L ." 4 ..... -, ...j z .., FAIL - =" - ' ,7-, IC4 :") 4 L..........--., s. I:r7 IV I LLI AEI ST BEET, NEW EBBE, Pittsburgh Transportation Line. AVE now in own., and arc constantly re , , ito-nn, by oits-uners. Um most satensireamortnient ot ' A""S ''''''''"' 1 " 9. ' '..m.l "L''' n 'i ""'"' ' t iitmstuns ^ 1411CNISIIIN( 1 GOODS rum ImEim .a..,,,d, SITEIt. JAM Ttf a i - , , .Is Towd un I eherry str , . I.‘F. .1 II . t a t,' and riehest stylossif Bravat,tribirhs and N... a comb Fourth •trewt. Is moon Market and Clusit- ;"P •.' '., . . 1:111 on., Plitiaditlphiri. 01,,, llmi,ry. tosarnders, Under Carnionts, London 1 Ties. $0,10., (tiled Nilks. Prmslug Downs. flandkerchiel , ' 0 1 CONN(111, A, ID. :ii North stri-s-ti liallininre. 1 Shoulder Bran , LIM, Ctillarsomth a etuiety of other ur lIAV IN I ; fa l lly conipl i ctcd „ our , an rr , atiz o c : . tv....,..,.0rrA!,t0rn,..n.tr0gv,r,00c,..{01).:1..+1n jz , , ; . .. ,„, , , t110 r t TA1 . r . 11 ,. ...111 . i•'l7:'c'°°C7l.l-I,l;'itgs"sr7in't 't- ' .. UM ' in-Zs:lilt , , mohoil nif.stuinef - nr fffwE feldalant. 1 , . , 0 c r , f1 , .. ,. 1 i ta , 1 u tim , ,, , 5.„- . . ,. , 1T51 , 40 ,, 1 ., 0 n Ui . 1t ,. a Li ~N i ,. ., . .;, ..1 , . .., ..r 15, . 1,..,.....,-i,0‘i..,...,1..1.1,, i, Superior Black Writing and copying . Ink. ''..7 1 ' . ;‘,,' - ',..'“A1T,.',:',",'1,',.;;;,i'v,.. - ,',„ 4 : ,^,t.''',:„"'..t,..,"T.,',.7, - ;.:.;.,"..'i ; ONE'S E3IPIRE INK, Si Nassau twreet, bY lmsiracww. wino, arm char, 1. nano, s anitaction I , New Y ork. not -0.11 - s nt...1 1.. at, othos LILL, %ITT MIMS TO 7. TAAII4.. All n•wilounivatimt. , 0 t.1 0 .",..., ..„.,,i5.... ~, a g e nt, . Tia . sts, pe! , dot... ...... $l l Nii (1 4 ,.f... per dos-. hall A lAL 4111,[1,120.1. E Webb, L.inoislile. nut Lowe a 1 I {art., tO , ... .. ..... tbdsieno. rd. Lowls will no. t with t•o MO ant, On .ss „t, •• ...... ... Ull Inf. " ...... - If .... N It par Lnio hm norminomion mi lostmor with Uwe I On draught, per ga110n.........._.. o:•nts. Pliihnlelplua idol I,otlough TrammirtalDi. Line of At. This I. the limit aftlele mariaffarsd• It lo , w. (r ,l l -- atm a tl.• r,.,, U a 0,,51 CoPTING 1 NE-anil will Ind unite. umuld. • presUpiLdo or dere, and aummows nil the dualities Dwain = od los a mod Writing Ink, suitable for the l/MIL and ad -4- s 5 I F.7, - ,F.;--7.1-::-....- - 1., ...lily 1011,410tmsI pen. - - Tao undorsigned is atm. - id -to furnish to the trade ol ' the, pm ,Eimrt or borne oonsituitition, at the ahoy. werY low an,, pot up as per..onl and LICIiCI,4 In_ eels , i , f th otty fr, of churgo No charge (or can,. B 1 ~r hogs are dhargisl extra at nett coot. TIIEODIIIIII. LENT. (obit,- UriNes.° st.. New Trirk. , Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising_ Ravel , 63 .1 1 1 s o t: K s * ST_ NFIV TORK.- 14411.°1:1...2..0t00rth0ArD. to ' sonottLe tno ' vaitoroaco of all whO- S rm. Das adeortimruent, feels none of tlat !Imitation T.llll whwts • now article 0 brought beforn the public. 'The ests-rumer of pure ha, established their supeMit,. be• oral all quest sm. anti he coutdoutly refers tote Untitut. 0 , of O, 0.. busmen, monwho base used these envelop.. and to his rapidly itureming sales. as proof of tlicir easel- Merchants' Transportation Line, (k-IA I.F.NN."I,VANI CANALS ANT/ IZA11.101‘113.) 14 4 0 E PHILADELPHIA - WITH. i/UT 111.1,1111•1 1 1N , i. A NIeANULTY A CO .I.`anui 11 , A11., I,usi YNOlt. L'eutr.+llll. l .L. lll- .. I •LnAL to 10 .strri Ity .111 tto 11.1r.....1A, .11 J..1rn,L , .4 I I ~ l idaysnorg Cana:J:l.m , - 1851 g.,t --- To Shippers of Merchandise. Produce, &c., TO MIA lIFILIANCE TII.INSPOR .. TATION MN 1.1/Annwr , .. •tr.s 1 1 1s115.1rIplt , 1111.1. t I . nll 11 TA Vl,ll N. ,015 1,1tt,5,. 1'51151. 11.5 1 1 ,5.:11: .1 55 , ri• 5,51 ehi ,1 . ut , ll, kltpatrt. Awl LI,. a. , 5, 1,1/wr f. 1, 1 ..! /an iiADEN & ,urereol,Jo!kta ['wen/ Darin, !',nn Str.a. Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road. 1111 E , suh,rihers having turn appointed nhinuing a,uh 4 fur the 1 , ..n•n1. , a1 ,, Ceutral I:ail 14.1, Wham the publie tint ne t are non 1,4,14 In re eere any turrehanlite rnalttn , for shipment ea:t utt nueuing Me eanal. tiot.ln via thin nuU nlll he carried 0,1,101 in ft, dap. n.S all n 41,4011,1 to 11A will Le turn allied Inn of coma ton or charge fur ad.an,nr. RAT. OT rdradirr DICTWILI mrdetreon. Dry titd.ln. 11 , mary. I-411dt, I..d.tilerd. durnildlrs, btu,. dlidliciurn, Saddlery. W.. 1. dr- Re. . -- t‘ Wulf, Hard Ore. 1411rillffilE !IT. 1; rwrrip. I :dot, Dye Oil n o Idddlirr,Clover. and lo Bart.., I:4dd. Pork. add I l.ard, Lard Oa, T.d.ared Icar. Oran. taud. un- 'OlOO h) Tar. Mal. I'd..4ll. 6 rriddis - 1, hou M.-F.IIIEN COVUDE. FOR SALE VERY VALUABLE AN oc l) BESIIIA To..TILE Ix sii( VAII6I. rltunte•l In Lath. healer whip. harono. routzt,,l•a.• 0. the .1,11“ If Lath. Itoarer. ,v.la• talnlta; about :Pa urn, 11. utile. trom the Ohio and Panto hranta Iltalsral—the Ihtt6buralt and l'levuland a 1.16.6 IL..d paraing th rouull 11. It in !roll known sa tho thyrrin Fartn. tool har Iwon or• rank.' an n ,hoop Farm far the e mirs thirt),Yoam 11111 1 . 64 I. tinyr In aryl. rato nolo, awl a nll Icalrolnhyl tor 41 , 0 and • attlo. It In well anterol'he 1.11 Ito [tearer Pro-k. etal rerc Intl taeroplalllna rponttr, ahota.46tl array mall, fono..tho 'nriTr'ytTl'anr.'clta"";::::l7l7 t.nc:1j.'.1'',';'•,:tr,',:1.',.1."',;`,,..."7,7:1',1i; Ifll.llll maul., obolee peach (tot, nonr 111.• how , 11 ap• pilot for roa. yal ual•••• I.a of hour...Pohl mat 41,1,111 h fur. allure. Ono a Ii rata topknot ntooe nn.l farmina °WIWI, totat..ol, plottal.r. to, 6,, ran Ire Mal roth the larm at Intrlorate pray., Tho r e 11111 on the low aro. ono hr`ea boo , 11l 1 66, toplare Vat. 111.0tv Mal" roller motor thr a bolo Pon, 0-10. partition wall to tho oat., The boast. I. volt Marb ly! and In a.... 1 yt!le: toe room. nro tor! onovaletaly rah kit 111111 In the lon, !dory. xll.lt throo tio• plan-. rot ! Hall thno lara.. i rook lon run.< toe n.....• at the uppor I . !curio... attach."' a. lore I boo-cr.LI I,t lv Wet, two rumen huh. with inra. halal,. lanl tr.r, I. 0 • Prnt 11l hot v. Ido.— oue frame I ~,,, re. ACctorl tc. hitch,. 1,4 bt la 1.4.1, two el orb.. I.lell. L ill.`onleo for ll 1,11. dot. or I.' aid , hcoych io to cat t. . too , toot., a cyrt locurr, ott• • yolocca to the nlr.tolunire. ,p an, 1,. to Pat. one Oran...opting hottae. notr I loc 'rink hour, Iv VI 14 10, atot to 1141 1.ic411. asth lower oory '• Pet 1.41.. nod the tenll• made of .1101, n .r.••I cot.l ~,,, or haloo4o oh, f -oft le r torrttnnitta 1 t broth: I. tho 60. r •thrr- I 1..• ..ppor rt• n. o.cll valealatol fa . i f.. %, 1 . 1 .,', 1 •':„V. ' .: 1 r. ' .7 ' .1 " 11 1 0;. " rr0c t .. " 1 1 Z. '' 1...1, ".. 14 .. 1 1 :7 1 l cc . ;•• `,el n half etorio• lat.!, 0 11 1, 0 ... rot .111; 4 rprla; 'Tha ah 1 , 100, olo• am, loth -tr , hoop . 111 1 0., c I.lntuol cl hanoc hank I.aos, to 4 tcl h. a,. an hot la.th, throvhao4 thn.r In opte, ra,. awl h ie. 01 ono ervi-cotablor ID lower . rtorr . ano Iran.. vtahle. ntnt.,l to Inroo hnro• vol.) 4 I fort. (ache 6... , 1.14 h. v al. onlly tor oatihe on•• Inane torn. 4.. b. 111 a , tvol a. vat lo,io p m . • m „„. :,,, ~ .1, ... Iva t., .41 foot. IN hor 1.141., c10y.1.11 al, rheor. peon. v It c h j ••coter--npoer an, I..rroe fornocrlo, It are, annolot to the /Oro , . holorc, 1,6 lo It thrt. Ana a frot Itlals. *all opt:rill U e .vutor, one Iran hem,. for trattr,h) • init. ancl . toot 111,h Yor P.m.. apply to lola, II oh. ••., the hremiy•o. aO.„ • 111 rho. LI, k arm. Ruh arra all tawayoorc ....on, ion then 0. Alava). 11 IL e.. 11,. l'abit , urgh Ihnoll eall.c. fon.. 'Ole ooth ldim of IltcarerJnir Clack. and 6 talhys below Leuutal, ' ta TIIONIAS WIIITE, LIONNET MANI FkiCTI Yin 41 ,attlt C. r. 11111..-44 *l4/.4111411n01.41411/.. AOALEY, WOODWARD I skle Nn. EALD. .Bc,:(•gi'scit: 1.„1,„„„ Cu 41 t. mmi4.1 , l errhz.l4. No. 41 N..rth 141. r . P 140. 1,1 N. , rth Whrtryr, 4„rl' ERCER ti ANTELO, General Comis /• Mrrrhnntr. .Ihrrel rultralerg oma- ro moricrunrort of Prrldure ,orrelty. t pinl44lfrrt W. w. f , 1,6,31 . 1C SALTIR C. irtriornm ti W. I'OINDEXTER. 4c CO., General • Commission and Forwarding Merchant , sod Flour lwa.erw• No . 2711 Marks! •Ireed. Philadelphia To ,Southern and Western Merchants. 110USELI,'S PREMIUM PERFIT3IERY. The subs:ribs" . relpertfully 113 . .14V ruble' nitrrujon toln•ettr•nsi‘e stock of Perfunicry.besps.atringt reams. de.. to whirl, =even sa,r and two Golden Medal. hare. w hin 1.,1 , 15 earr. hero swank.' by (hell:outo , s of N . e ' s cork. Km., and PluJalelphia, the latter being the li•dden Medals ever witard•al for perftlinery either In Eao.pe or in this onnntrY. Ilorort.e. ha mum. F.surrm Car.. (Almond. Rose. and Atobn..l3l.)unirenolly acknowledged toberoperiorto any liaring Cream lo this country.. hump , 111.1,PHANK ton r•WarTro--Ilenotifully transparent. and po•-•.o•ing highly Sapmarcous and emollient ymmertiO4. Ssi•now . ”.u. touipouroh Ambrosial :basing Toilet; Mild.. ry :quo inn Sono. ;: " rf '.o- l "':keTo°sliPlntl•l. all 4 mn•pseent (hire ia.liudoor, arm Cirea••hn. xtuk, ,11.7. TUE ii,NDECII,IIIII.4.-11,... .11.111111. .met de rename. •;ersurdni..lenn, Lind. Mous•eline.Joek : ..• Magnolia. clernathe. Ilmat, nod mint' oilwe wurieues, In .l.re lilfera'Dt psrfumes. ti %Sitter, Y.O Jr °mope Flow , tt aver. sod grelt variety of Cologne. nod Laven• der:l.r:re tr MO, ran TIM It—Genulne Antjone Oil. ilandolin, Eau Lo•trale, Compound 5)0 .tar row. lisir liquid and in Powder. snd EbilorSrulc•rti ri ' tune. arid Jeuny Lind Ponmales. 015.1,141.r.1C PrarAnsTiorde—ltalssmlc Elixir , Ilia. Tooth 1,10. Charcoal Cklontioe.Tooll l'ar Tooth Coawrrna-1 ?getable Cosmetic Cream. Ama6ine for hands. Cold (.ont of how, Cream de Parse, Lip Ita•pberry C'reani. Se. licidlaniry Powder.. fur minoring sup,ttuou•hair. Pearl Powder. Vitmh...n. de Rom,. Ammatir i mega, Victoria H a ir Composition, Prrstou ta..ideorarrety .lier artieler. b., numerous to he I.3alni in thi•ll.o.ol3oC - The suie.erilwr hopes tn mall:L.ln the reputallooothich 11. t f ;• ,,,, Lzb r ilLh o m . e r t „ t , rate. b. lUl4 . p , rt r u g g u g I s le. may slob to prdruolse him. either hamm y of . a . wron. emy establtrit Iv In Krated l•tate• ALI!, Forces,. to and fanner Ornwtor of rho-tgboratory of . 1 • 111 Cheroot Mr. hasher Perfumes IA for vale by - all the Prpc , fril • Dror.miotr In the count,- NEW YORK WAXEMAS & CO., • No. 79 A hl (late 7(1) 51AIDEN LINE, NEW YORK. Directly °ppm-de the Old Stand. IANUFACTITILERS AND .1011(1E11S of 11. I;EsTLE.tre.s.‘"Punsismst:-.l.nrtet.As.. - oto 1;;EP...T,L..` Wrol, a4la, Huck, and Coßnn,,DontenUe and ITT ! 6nk., Mink: Bombazine ani fancy of ail I'''')....7=Venr,;.'2l.'anor ilk. and Mark oen•ver, Lind, 1 l s,l7ltalian.7irin, vial ll:iratLa, .T;Aleal &dia. 4r. 4"A'''''''''''''Clri4l"&'-111.." hLOmentir. ' • S Limon. Tiirrad. aud_aill the lanadoit "irt!'•;:l,lß n afi. l n ' g t ,'.;l7;lir r', ,l= l .'n IttiA.Filk.ininvn and Gan n t,ttltft•rat,t.:f.aeru—V•iivolnli4•l4nuarrilimilinh. ErFnch and add., /Rams nth sann varletraf 11;•1:, 141;.. a all a nalitivn.l partn-ular annotirro onr 14.mentir Knit Inrn•hirt, Rrainer.. Ind Rion,' WAKERLIN A. ell 1,1,4 ;a k . ”aidon Lane To THE 110Uar KEEPER+ OF TIIE .liN ITER ATATE.4. SILVER PLATE QUICKLY RESTORED The following eren few of the Moons for thar porn. lard, 1, On the plam orrupled by the seal. a perFon roar hkee nano, hosinees. and addrevo en...P1c...n . 4 and I, Loeutifull, etnieoo-d. eolore.l or plat. thus ationlioß Po , fed ...tint, rm.& 111. Tho Eneelotos cannot he opened without living de- Neither wax nor writ, are require' to era' them. Ott ripen thr ratoartie of irttor. the hellnses itnutediate ertnen to then nder, instead of o; 1.06 , 1 monh. in t he Isdler Thr Envelopes are furnid,l at atoned Lhe WI. . " I! . nr•PilTl ' .:; : rnallell a meet elio.olre ads...rtioemnt. •ur.. attro.et the a...0tt...pt . all throttqh whoa Lands it ' ll.rrflowind a lie of prim, for Dire. engraved on bras, and which will 1.0 for year, and of llavatori, of the eel whit, or huff, of gt.srd paper. and . suado ns •I+ - oe, nal, own., eddreen. Prin., 4 Ihu. I.Prtces Enrel , pts wade or letter% or less ire abort. lo to 6.1 I at to ill 3000 10.00 400 13.0.1 00 to too 1100ds.0 ' lillu When it la not convenient to forward tunount fuller 11pd. mail or caldem, a referLenv la a re3pertable New York lions.' will In. ALLITICIVOL All orders will tpeet with pnaupt attention, if addrtodel. - Itl'llY. N0..10.131.11,0n e Turk. Onto', will be attended to promptly, (fen N ow h doers of 31resra. Niott. 'Ai stn., or of? Reset. Ile Jeroihrtan*6,l34 William at. N. se Card, Card, onabaseeil colon, from same DI,. at 1110.00 per Lboumnd. - _ DICEIMIII Professor A. C. Parry's Tricopherous, Etit 31E1)ICATED 170:111'0UND, infallible , for renewing, iigorating. mailnaelifylng the hair, - nod the wort da m ndruf. and all advt.:rm. of the .ralp, nod mtmug eruption... the skin, dmense. of the mos , end integunamt, and n Hering sting. rut., Lrel. 1 sprain, ne. 11th thl. Preiviratien "them I. no such We as fair . Th.. tinfjounnale in America. medical men a the laighmt eminence. prominent tatin.us of all prof., I and I Xdb e who hare owti It for years In their dr,. slug ern m. and nor-erten, mludt It Wall Ooe occunt. that fur impartaisrsigor. dhea, lomartann, and curl to ttio hair, I eradicating emir( and dandruff; !maim: n - ounds. curing mail ems. ming.. So., and. I...lrking dheasen of the +l.ln, the gland. and the ruurtlea. It lias no meal among the intiltitudo of naupounde nth erthaNl In the pul- Ile print. or oral In private prartinii le elnmpuess ea well n eillmen^y. Trinmherner unriTaliei. The Ice e en.. medi.aalma of the article. hare enabhal the Inventor m ...poly it at 2:3 ern. rm . Witte, which la from 50 to 101.1 ttet mot IMA amo thu price nor other.orenaration fur the hair 110 W In tee. The ',lentil:le treatise on tha hair and the skin emhmoing the vat unhle otimetume for the cul and pm...nation of fnatere's chmoest ornament. in in at, 1,1...ach lmttle L. emiteed. is atone north the tummy. The affinity between the men:lima:ars hit h nonstlttite the skin mad the hair, whlch drawn its sustennere [nom thi. mirelope, rm., elm, All dim ..f the hair urt. ciente le the skin of the 11.1 tel. If the Imre, of the amln se .,.T ee ,reth or If the bloat end outer fluids In not eirco. int t...4y through the small vemebt nhteh feed the rrnd whit ao m.tere, and impart life to the fibres, the n , ult is moadreff, .hodetror of the hair. graventm, and harshness ot the ligarntnts, and entire/AM.., mall, e a...n mar hr. Stimulate the akin to Isealthlul action with the rumplo.roun. and the torpid Yelrele. recovering their eel .bier. tv, I annihilate. the I.ll,nar. In, all affeetions td the ti . tal of the substrata of moseles, and Integuments. the thee.. and the effort are the same.. It is upon the Arti, t tot OM, mid the glands, that Wen Ti ph..l•ollm ha....peeltle artier, and in nll affection. and Into y oremm. it to soweeign Terntrir. large indtlea, prin. It meta, at the Prleelfai a nt . 1117 lirondevay. Noe York. and bn the principal mend.- as and drugtsts thruttrainut the Celled at , and Can ada. dtetft.tria _ . Sellers' Cough Syrup 1 01/GE l't EIiCE, of 3liddleport., I Tr! a tl yi4ro whirit trat pna crkotti,l t.) hie er,.l tnutt.webt fbr Puny, ga4 bett,r, but anti tharou.h 1,, .1,4 tout niallb, whit:L ,a,,,lit'ft"tl'l'e'i!tat': :14 Yo.Er, Chikblb brnOtb , ft. in 1,1*(00101. 0 i houl rtmrul the , ,yror^. hilts wb") 10:111.11:1;I=Ttlta..1-rat:(1userl'Ir'itIll'etla try nill,tl Pr+bmx,xl am! m. 4.1 LY FT Wand rt. 0) d ,n..ra'.ly . Iv the twOeitlmil,naTicillitr f.l L II ADIES' PLF:ECY SILK GLOVES, and A ..tb.,iv ki0 . .,1 Vint, filoTett—ast ageortrtictit to be MOILPLEY t BulicanaLD. ST. LOUIS 1 )...\\:!!! ~ ( :„ . „ .." .:1, „: 1 : T, I A, r 1 , , ,,r., A , L0 u rrz...7 , at Law. A.; mnull rm-ALlA,. , zrktr 11 lIIIN IL RANKIN, Att,:x•ttei r. a.pd Conn / •14.,,t t.,.•.. ,• I , , ,nut - N . late I, • • l'it,h h 1 '''. lr;f2rr b tt n‘ :- l'A_`..T.."-:,; 1'i1 . .. 1: . V"•}.,,..,,1;%. F .,,,... ? .. I . L Mill., Ni's . .r. 11.... A . Nl;i:Lru. ..Ic;lat I', Pnisci,, . I , capl...*A . ,:d A co ,nglitay ... BOSTON AMERICAN HOUSE. . it • fiv REET, BOSTON. T HE oitirelv re 6~ILe CCU men , m :hr.. hundred .na eftriMo6 ar rr ~f* muo, ttww of the travelling .tn t cr,urpaw.slavuenuinnees of thla th., numerous Imprtme meta, ait ma.l.. , :tuvot ntunerly ZlVeta s •Il ederrt, , ot. Sull4-..1! b, . ,xpenw has teen iparnt evn.i., any apartenvut perfect. Thournau %.1.4 sl:rmly to ordt r . gat co , t .,.rt o! e,pw.-Lally the Drawing M., will be f.,10.1 tt of the tn,t. beautiful tuannfar, tut, Th.. B unn, n amed e . .../Lwiou., and the hours for n.ula will it nertmred at the ennvenlenew of the earl) and tat.. Every tlerartun.nl will to conintt,ll In an unettertiona. 1 4 , oi.mrr. eel tho lilmeelf that the I An,rican shall'h , trul> the Tr, eller's Otto, mT LEWIS RICE. v. v, .74, : c .„ 4 9 ;rittie La. ik r. i ! t Vii mot rrynnly.for Chonrari'lion of bit Lunar. Affection ... Liner. Arth., Ilron , i , ir, Paint or Iliwinc../ LI., ifrr:st t r /..,,r. and , too 4.0; Ct lit= of thll Pnle..tcor, Orcanr. 111 TE de not Wish to trifle with the lives and IF health ..f the talliet..l. but au eineenly Pledge or.' ..lrea to mot, rn, toccertieu ax to the virtue. of th is meth be, and to hohl nn boun to nuffering humany. which fa,t.• will net warrant. The Mo.n. tif Ireland. ILIA the Fine and Wild Ch. M... itt.tly eelebrand for the cure of all thecae. of tbo I.oolrht old Liver. width are ~.'rearfullY twevalent in all Neel.. Lnitude, From a curolduatnnt of chemical extrhote. pro rural Imot thle 31oh- and thaw , Tree, Do. WterM'h 11h. [IAN( or trlta Corner I. thirdly birmni. Ye-Wietar'4 ILd/orn of Wild Cherry . a for 'mum 0,1•1 1 000. ratipo.ed entirely .t Will Cherry Datk mil the rinine ir,..n.1 1 , ..,..(the latter lowurnalovi/rreviliot this ' luriara.l the rare medical virtue. , of which are afro caw -1,1,1 by anew ehrmiflal pence.. with the extract of Tar-- thug r..ndenon the whole romportml the Mo. , ...In and efllmeiou. remedy ever dinrotered for the • coselnivrioN OF TILELUMIS. IlliitEDlTAlll. CON.SI.IMITION Cured by 'Modal's 1101 o , o f wild Chera7.—Tha following rwee of Jeremiah I* . rnm... o (Inn.omplinn. (toe,. Iti, brnthens and a... ha ring died of Confurer.tinn.) Li trolY , onderfolt 11.r.mthr Ittth.r. Ithroiltork re, erpt.lft..s o . .1..11- rant —l/eur Sir. I tot, the liberty of odnirinit you of the .nelit I Lwao dertewl tools the awe of Pr. Wi.thar l a It dram of Wild Cherry. I wh., prostrated by that terrible norm.. IL' mounipto:n. to May lark_ The attack wax truly h.rrifyit. to me. lee f.ve of our family, (my brothe. and ,Atera./ hal dial ~11,...n.urontion. I was afflicted with . r..arly all the worst tvatu, , of the dia , ..e. I hada dintrerit iwa eunnh. nod .....1 , 41,11 , 1-a . arrnnt Jest of bh.si. hate r, r. ~.ere unite. in th ..e4} e d.i all chest, 041 chill, alter. :mune with int.b., of heat. I wa. under the t-are nf a skilful rhyairian. from lbw , tem I WW I taken .1,1, ouLl 1,1..0t .ix weeks rinor.leine then el.nut 10.101 e.... 0t.3 toy friend , toueidenal mY c.•. h . 1..b 0 5 , f .r hoot le stud our id.siciarie shill: adrlwht - o. b., of IV inure. 1,100:0 of will Cherry. Withwut My aooub,h,.my (other urneursal It. laid commenoal admht i .... rinu it to roe. sod from the lint day I nommen...l Lek ie. it my Lealth itunr,etl, mid in two hembh from the Lme I eoramen. , ..l ii.tug it, I na., ahl^ , to be out and oser -,, toy bo..ine , . and lab , . winch Latill continue to do. I Lave Laken four N.J. of the mr.ligine, mt now oottdder royself perfectly well. JEIIIALLII L,ltillltlle -1: ; ; ;; ; 4:A Cnowa Po:sr. 1.1, Co- b.. June 15.':f , Jona IL Par.ti—Dear Ihr: In July.',la.. I who att.. tad 111 a Lac I.e of ttodunl.... -. ....ter. 0 hieleft me 3o a very debilimted-atate. 0 bro. iu the fultowitm w inter. 1 lee , ta 1,.n with a ,11,r1 11-1 '... I. which re turd arse to 00th nu "s -tmt.. to aiTt me th, obi...anon. of a curtEritual ...I-n.{7 I lahnn4 under a a,a,:re ~,i/Ll.--t......terated a ~.rent , 'eat. and was troublei with ~.:d hot and untbt .o Weat , , 1,.41 frequently raL....1 111..0d trom my lonza. I cwrILTILIffi in Chi , state. gradually, inLino. mud. , the Mwshe. bora :atm.., 147. when I 5.... a..,..” -'hatted with fever. M r ..P iri.,delnell,l of nir life. and DIY Pb,lCiatl , thought 1 t mid fords , but . shnft time. fly extrentille, ,arn'elal. I y toy LI./.(.. Wen. con•taritf, ...AL and e1nku.41. 4 1b...11 . . Under the, ciretunitai. ,, It tour he tnnlY said 1 ' , or n Brims: al,elenaL I toady delctmmed to quit taking lII' ,:mine.. t.re...ni.. 1 b, 1.1,,,c1ar,..mi let by. Ici , .r ,• i'•"! • ..... ~, v.. i!.: c 1,•,, ....,51 fr. , ,, O. • nr, nett that : . 00, t. 1 1.11, 1 ,: t.... 1 •r:I iL I eon .lar , . a ..I,lnal ....every. 1.-L.lOl.- I.rd IL. 1..--.. 1z../uLlw. at 211....o.1wfwhich um.. I n., ear , ..l• etni ent,ed .0 , ...0 1,..01th elr.- -ince. and .-beerfoll: ,4- 05 11 111, I.bam te on 11, ,, nt:l:el , .l u It, dz.... , 1 the r oech. ml would,, -1, the.cfmneuring la, th.-, le,:. i • be dinvour.nal it le. ~e tht,lA , :len ,le Toil airein to 6 re: but tar-eserer , ~. I 1,,,e tll,ll, awl 1 bare no doubt I.ot 1111143 ~,:Ir eith reorwthl Iwubb. a, I have I..en. 11....,-tlully NM, -- ~. Jiie.r.vit,ioKEn::. 11111)=.1. Tll :16L (.I mi Front lira Itaker,Fltra.rft..ll. WaeldurtanPulAr. FT. N . ll,flrl.lr. Er.:51ar11..-1 9 - .Iletrra.titartfrrld ILark4.-1 thlsurlionttlti l 7 fortning you of a tai•t rvlnerkable rt.rer.erfsamord tao by the u.o of Dr. of Wilt Cherry.. In the year 1 , 10:1 no taken nigh an inllainatlon of the' wldeh I !abort-; orator far 511. when I I.rtrel ne.iy rev:oral - ed. In the I.llkl ...Isckell with ulenluty lutist. is - M . fur thk •ract of three I c./1 , I wa•e:ktf.n... l to lay 1.1. 7 trio; all kind• of cuaticiae. atel Ever, - .•rae , , o f rtlthopt r.t. and thu.. 1 rte.ariel notl t:to rthater of 1,1, eller. I heard of Dr. tar'. ka...on t.l Wil.l CbaTi. 'no rooted r. else it teal. theugh I -had OVI.II no all hop, of rere.err. ..n.11,.1 prep...n.4 mr•elf kw - the :.banne of exalt e the', roliolatinur I rt.. .utluced hl make ore 01 the 0,11,10, klllee. halrate Cherry. 16.. uGvtruir a.- . 111, Ohr.+. ye..trrof atnietkJa .1,1. and after havlu• +rent Lau or Cor Inz.lred •le , a , h. no rnrhore, and the and ,herr 110.1.yrnred qua, nag, I 5ra.e.....0 reev.red to enttrr hea:th by the ble..,ing of lied and the uri. or 11, 11,0: =eor Cherry. M.., the blerrunr of 1..1 re.l ni,a 'the proprietor. of an .alualie • trorlhane Wt. , ,r. of WiLl Cherry. Toner WY. 11.)31x. by J P.A..r. to Sanf..rl A Park,' Fourth Walnut strmt-... Clorinuan. an i•.. ... 14,er - A AgeDt for lb. .outh Ind Wtrst. V. w hoct ors.tcr. mu.c W saldrrssed. J. Kidd & Co- IL A. Faht....t.... 1 . .1. A. Jon et, L. Pitt..-1.0r. , b1 L.,. A. 14...1.11.01. Allecheniarr. T. ~.htz,t.D: I. 11. tiolootnlrst. 11. 11'r1t 1. tir.rnihurg: e. Koontz- INIMOI,Ch `colt R..." 1 S Nun. fluotinc.l.m: 311,..Ors . .11ollIdsisburz Illldeltrand A C. 0.. Wright. Kitranulricr: a,. a Cu, 81001..,111.. A. It . i6ma S. Son. WaTumbrlrlr. `l.4'ar4lc.l s Co. N. Cs:lender. >1...1r111e; Burton Jr Co. rn, iir...hzurt Y IcaLer. Erlty 4 Co. hot. S. Smith. Cone r. .1. 0. 50wte0 , r . ....r.. Warren: F. L. t C. C0t1.1,..0rt CrGokr.r.jr.. Eros - D.:TP.Ie. feb1,....12.1.1u1T Needles' Celebrated • CO3 The POUN I lIE I re highIy)NILOCK vta,tera hare been made for more than twenty )tnrn. during winch Mae they have .ntin....la r,rmanent r..httlation, the moot effitarien. 11l coot and rtrengtheninu I.l.uterever offered. l'hy• of the hightel entinence, to a hoot their enmpnwl . . ton ha, bevy Fubcutb.4l. hate given the rao4 !tattering as to t,betr ,ureriot virtue over nil other Teta wild. The ingredient , of ttuir ctutttmaion. very carefully and rrectly emnbinal; render tneru apylleuhlu to vernal. nuffering with pulnumary 411..eme.. For pains In the brew, re.ultinu from protractol cold,. whooping cough. and let-.tl j , 31,1+ in the surto.. neurahne In thy their trttrtleiW charnt . lnr i. tap.] quellen or tll•Tute. A. a remedy to Lumbaga their t.Thuity over all outward t.pplicatione, euell aft liniment , . ar., h. la.en ;Idly corrohurated. - b the matur. ,,, tll.<.d. tor weatneur and rat re in theb.-wt. ride, resulting , 01 lothleyeb Sr.. their ett rriority over fi a t,.h pl.ter. been amply tested by h ex pis. . cite. tin rebut f ro nt their ',pi:rationin dude . auch. emtltr with rhutuntie the. hlnstert at, n.rhmmen.l...l. th......nfitint aunt - nom :hot their lomellial effvet , to bound see)' duelled For .ale. wholeeule and retall. hr zurhfl It. E.. rF.1.1.1:11.? T Wood Kt. Closing out the Entire Stock. i!IIEAT 1.1:1110AINS.—A• further redut.- X_P Coo to [merle; The fuleour7l..er. wieehlog to,-tlono out the balance.: of leoe ..te.w.k Fanc,, ueed 1.177.17,...edu ley the 1 of April tee,t, would nee ran Um agentiote ' of hoe old els-Walter , arid .de uuloe. who aro 113 woo , . fe ....Igo.dee at l peer cent. le.eew leaueer prima. To :poi, wt, ler e eroonteno7Leueinree.ou 31arket eetreuet.. wautel leo opportunity. eve .. will elt7x7,•• of the 1.1 aucte or the.ducl. leo te.ro., with loan , of the eet77. \cf loothu. wool-lea oi L or 11 oeuleFe euvl hoe. to •et^e lout lamb, trade, juedel Now' Vter7t te oe. >lark, tt.lll.loleuse; -•- Sf l l; f I b 040 PRIIiaffTLCIZ IICASKETS! BLANKI;TS!! 311;1:PIIY. & BURCHFIELD bn, •aki:aud lietlan. of all tho m n.ll, of exktra , Ase and qu ai allt), G., ..4 r..luml r,bl 4oLD LocKETs.--11,t reoviVed a large pply of pl.ant 0,,4 Watch. • um! 3Lut.tture Co!'!t Kuitable fur bag uerot)kr, 10.4 W AV NVOSO . ; I ONDON.TAPEIiS- - a) ti , z. : ,, r , ale LY LAI t0,...-.: J. El DOk CO.. ii ' HEAP WALL P.111:1:--Froia o IA cebto 4-j o-Tl?" : "" °l° '''''''' ' '''''' i''',l'osii.tr.t. 18/RAPPING AND I'It.INTINI; PAPLE: for rel.. I, t..td, 1,1, I , o 1/,11.41.1. • WHITE FISH— VI! 1.i.i,, ~ ..e -,h, by r- kl, F ntrary 6 CO 1 , 4,11 il I AMPIIOR-5 bbl , 1., ,ak by 1 -16 W ITLAYIIEIII',I -.' bob. 64' sal, 1.1: -. —_ if, OPP ERA S_•--111 Ilk for •o lit. he l/ ~ blo 11. P. ..i1.1.1.).F.1 , • 1.11,1 , 1 - .7 1: 1 A L j o UlliC S- I" '''''''''.. I t7ii ‘ ,l3.l:EV:z vspi Ii.II OUSE PE I.A INES--Prinval ;mg bolitl •,y ro:nr, lo I.lrpott 1 .1rpott Nlnelp i,l ou, rePPP , P LP Fulp xi pf , blo MI lit III" 6 III'IIIIIVIELD. lik,t II IT t: 11031 li-M A IW. FLA NIVEL— mi 1.1 111 A I:I Klitt ILL!) FTC ,11:r...; a .4.1 at t,O, e,1,..,. ~,, I, wae II:, •-• ao 1, , ...a. TLPP kart a 1... 1,,0 , 1 Iduzenn-• BR, -, 1 , -." and Plaid bsmem,aale ne l. /,r ~,,i,,,,,, ,ri,,....v.1 ,t1e1ti1.,. , . ; i OPS—i bales tor sale by. • • 1j .Ll 5 li 9. IL JOHNS - TOY L A ',LAD 0 ii,_24 r ~....k., I , 4- :•air by CI f,.1,15 .I. CULTIERTSO‘.I 6 CO. . _ . 1 riF f :I I ) II PEACIIES-10/A l o i, f r 1 , 14.1 . f21 0, riIANNER'S OIL-20 1.b4. , , for sale by -I fehl 2 3 ,011OoN51 & CO. I OVERING'S CRUSIIED A POWniftE.D 8..4 SC4:6l:—licl,tcor.,.4ont!, in F,otF WI for .ale by fel/1,4 A- CULBERTSON 4 CO. - p , . IG IRON — lea/ tuns for tale very'low to , -lorre copaigsaarnt. hi . f,42,1 J. S. PILITMSTII &CO. ~ EATIIER..IS-1( I unding Irma ' 7 " A"' '4 tr " 1.,i1d /I bleraY kOO.. , Water - ma - ft= 44