PITTSBURGH GAZETTE =lll ITT B.BIIHOS SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 22. nr, To the Whirs, of Pennsylvania. A7'..,A STATE INI.tiVENTION .111 1-. 0.1.1 In the city of Aur.,nst,r, on TUE.,1!.1 0 , June VI.. Is ~ I. M. par rt.Hl t f ..61,1..ine ,=1,1145t , . I', the ~.31c..! a Gov,rnor and cmal ' C,Anctirri , iner, .n 4 51.0. f, .1.!1, - . !!f Or $12(1,1.1 CqL 21. OENI3 31. I. L1..01.1, chairman. !,,, , ,,I, 11. rlnnevin. , nrnu ol fd..ll..startly, T41,1'1..7.1n.0n J,n4.••, . ..," 34 ° 0 " .. . }!arnu. I ll.Thlmuz, IVra IL /r!,1411. n!s..l Hell. .Pd!!!.. Brown,. ,Natlatnar.llrnater. , 7-7•410 r Worth.. Irrn..l.llnl.invo.3. Ayantyirr F. }lnfo., 14 Lirdtm V. ITaton. - W nz. flak,. Th!!Enre! 11. 04... 11 m. hi. Writ, 11- - nry Johroost. Jail,. CL‘rt. .1 . 1,Ar1,s 11. kr.ratnan. Plu-rtnan 11. rhelp, t!..nrio!Crarv. I.:Alvin 17. Wilw.n. D. A. Flnnvr. John AIR.. • ClO Dwell, Inkralel 51.1::tirdr. .1 , .n Ifauidnart, 114,r ! ,!..1.1rah0n. IV,!.l.:vans. Aler r !I. :relur..., . .10,1 m C. Nevin, . Vranel, Jordan. R. 11U7131.0 W.WITII. 1,-cretarr. tin our first page will_be found an interest letter from our Washington correspondent Also letters from Ilarriehu.rg and New York, Commer cial new., Sze., Tor Rome Matters and Telegraphic News,.. see third page. • For Mir.culMneou.s articles, Poetry, gee fourth page OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD The work of laying the track of the Ohio and Denn.vylvanin Railroad from Pittsburgh to Mas sillon, a distance of 107 miles, has just been al lotted, by the ,Board of Directors, to Dailey, Hayden, K Co,, of Boston. The. contractors are able and energetic men who have ho I much . experictme in laying railroads in New England The competition among the bidders was great, end the work is let at rates highly favorable to the company. If there should be no delay in the d:divcry of the materials, the track is to be laid from Allegheny, city to New Brighton by the Bret of July; to Alliance, et the intersection with the Clevebtad Railroad, on the first of Oc tober; and to :Massillon by the first of Nov vembor Of this year, .is soon as the road iliXendy to New Brighton a large amount of travel will come upon it ; and its completion to Alliance, a .distance of eighty ine miles, will accomplish a continuous con nection by i.'ailroade of n uniform gunge, between Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincin nati. The delivery of the iron is progressing rapidly, and we may confidently expect the ac complishment of this important connection in October next.' THSTIITICTIVE FACTS. Every observant and intelligent man in the South is satisfied that the institution of demes ne servitude, as it esists among us, is the best possible condiPme in which the African race can be plarld. To test the truth of this opinion, Bishop Cullers, of Smith Carolina, a liberal and Christian gentleittn. the owner of a large phia l/alert and one hundred negrees, determined to lace them in a position of virtual freedom, with every, opportunity for prosperous and sno res:qui management. Ile gave up to their use, for-three years, the plantation and all that was upon it, horses, cattle, farming utensils, and all; telling them that, if they sued wiled well. at the end of that time they should have their freedom and all they had made. When the-times had‘eipired, be found that they bad made nethirti;- that the howl; was all killed for theituse,' that all the farming imple ments were destroyed; ghat the hems had died and were net replaceoitthat there was no earn In the corn-houses or cotton nt the gin; and that they were on the' point of starvation. Ile be came satisfied that they were incatiable pf Shift ing for themselves, and very wiselytnek thee- one, snore under td3 own ebnrgo.—.lfoilte Rep The shove h., g an g the roand6 of the Seethe paper; as an IT mina:tilde argument in favor c the .I.4:team alat the negro cannot take care of him elf. and consequentl:,' the state of sla very is the host coo for him. The teat to which Bishop Caper, subjected hie slaves was wholly unfair for the parpoae intended, althoueG the fileyerend gcatleman, , no doubt, thought differ ently. Subject the same number of white per colis uudo'r . prmisely the same circumstances to the 1:31310 'l./...1 . Q1tad they would fail. It was' a tort of . 1631W:the community system under the most Vsdverseeircutimtances, end if that system will not mincer under favorable circumstances, it could not be expected to succeed under those of a di r tadynntageons ohmmeter. ' It Is n; foul wren to the colored race to say that it cannot take care of itself. Every person in the Northern Statmv, and itt the Southern States too; knows better. Colored persons do take care of themselves, support their families, and:swam of them acquire property under cir cutest:meet; which would deter a white man from the undertaking. Our Southern brethren must —find or better argument than this to satisfy their consciences thdt it is right to hold human beings in :state of bondage. . - Tun narinso Smears read ers have already been informed, that the "rip er '•knocking" spirits have been coaxed into -manifesting" themselves to some of onr cit izens who have been converted by the Rochester miracles. Some of the daily papers 'have com- . . invited rather freely upon the --manifetsations 'and, as .a check upon such levity, a card is pub lished in the Daily Dispatch, signed by threevf the - leading believers (Messrs. Courtney, allibirt.. 'all, and Townsend) in which the spirits are stoutly defended, and the sneers of the press repelled. These gentlemen are well known in this city and neighborhood, are highly respecta ble, and - have enjoyed all the usual advantages of °attention. ~They have, therefore, just claims to a hearing. Here is their enumeration of facts These spiritual manifeetations - take place daily and hourly in the house of one of us (Mr. Court- 1 hey's) and wherever else the person may be, I whose electric , and magnetic spherefurnish the I proper media. They have continued without intercession, turd increasing in interest and pow- er, for-now upwards of three weeks. They come I alien sitting around the table, at breakfast, din- I err and supper,—engage in the conversation.ly I rapping to such of it as they.approve,—and on I such occasions, if we doubt who it is, they spell -out their names, and abort sentences, explanato ry of their presence. When they hats nay thing I important -to hay, they convene us around the table or lire Place, Call for thealphabet. and spell it Jut. In this way, we every day receive mes sages from our friends in the other world. The identity of the communicating agencies has been tined by hundreds of tents and test questions, audible or mental, and unexpected and striking circumstances and incidents. Spirits, trio were never heard of by the •atediums,' come to tell us things ):noon to themtrices and to atone, These unites are made on the table, floor, walls, doors, mantic - 11 --- . e. When, made in one room, they are loud enough to be heard all through the house— causing the floor, tables, &xi, to jar and vibrate. . --It matters not Whether the mediums are sitting, standing or lying, the room in dark or light, or whether it is night or day. It matters not wheth er the mediums are in the magnetic trance, or in their normal state—nor does it matter whether there are skeptics present or not. In all these facts, (and more still, and more ' astounding. which we might name) we know we are not deceived. With us they-are past all con- I troversy; no physical fact in the experience of common life is better authentic led. No crack- - ing of the "knee joint" or "groat toe," or rap ping with a "frozen rat tail" or"mrsion handles." will explain them %way; no hypothesis yet in vented to explain these mysteries,. is half no rationlawnd consistent RS the supposition of spit , Real agency. We know that neither the will nor the knowledge of the mediums have any thing to do pith snaking these sounds. These gentlemen aro very severe in their reply ,+ to the newspapers; and denounce ) the reports as libellorm We think it a question whether the ' protection of the how of libel could be extended to the knocking spirits. We aro told, moreover, that any ridicule -that may. in future, he cast upon the, manifestations, will he utterly disre garded. This closes all controversy, and gives proof that them believers -are in eamest, and will continuo their researches among the secrets ' of Ike spirit world. It may be very trno, that there is no cracking ' of the okncejoint" connected with these rap ping but the Rochester Rappers have notelear ra themselves of the accusation brought against them. - Although the account of their Waterloo jdefeat was published by one of the Buffalo pity nicians, in the New York Tribune, and copied by newspapers throughout the country, we have --; looked in vain for any special denial. If the . goat source of all the knockings' has been knocked into silence by the three Buffalo doctors, is there not every reason tin' believe that all the l' minoilinitnifestations will meet with the same fate. We &noel foi a reply. The census returns discieso the mortifying fact, thst there are in Vhiistis nearly eighty thousand white persons over 2l years of age who GREAT Sanw STORY IS WE EleaL—OßMontlay , • BY AUTHORFI'Y. i night last, n heavy snow . ell in the eastern cities. , —. PUBLIC ACTS. - In Philadelphia it was . bout ten, inches sle4, . and its great weight ca , ed the destruction of ' Paned do the world se,si. o.• :.',e neety-fist • CJIIR CA A . the Spring Garden Pros yterian church, (Rev. [ John McDowell, Pastor, corner of Eleventh and Punticr—No. 21 Mister streets, which fel with an useful crash.: A RESOLUTION for the, relief of Louis KOBSUtiI and his. asiociates, exiles front llungary. The residents of the .eighborhood, suddenly i aroused from their slum Cr, by the report, were m 'iV i h ) cr: ' lts, p i , h t e oi p e cop w le w o o fl baited States sin tliteie iiogl.' thrown into a suite of .. greatest .1'"'" The ' h e ossu . th and hie associates, and fully appre ciate ' weight of the snow cans' the rafters to break in the cringaitninious conduct of the Turkish govern the centre, when the , f tumbled inwards. The merit in receiving and treating those noble exiles side walls were forced 11,twards, and the whole with kindness and hospitality; and whereas, if it muse of the upper timbe ~ girders, tc~ i. upon tun the pews in the .. a body of the c hurch ' , them to leave his deTuinions th . ' Therefore— The pillars and orname•tal portion of the front I Resolved by the Senate and House of R' I resents of the church are standing. Th e gree ter part of 1 tires of the United States of ,lairriro in C ' ort•yre4r the back wall is likewi I remaining. The whole asses:deed, That the President or the L'riited States centre of the edifice is cashed to the basement be an d he hereby is, requested to ..thori, he story, which is but slightly danniged. Only a employment of some one of the public vessels small portion of the ceiling of the lecture room 1 which may be now cruising in the Mediterranean gave way to receive and convey to the United Suites the said Louis Kossuth.and his o.ssoCiateS in capti vity. . .. . . ..._ . F r ingtou Republic. THE PRESEDERCY. We observe, in the hiding Democratic jour nals, a suggestion of the importance of withhol ding expressions in favor of named candidates for the Presidency, by the public press, or in public resolutions, until the meeting of the Na tional Democratic Contention. These expres sions,ibey argue with lunch reason, are too of ten uttered by men who, from selfish motives, desire to acquire prominence no the early Mends of the candidate, regoidless of the obstacles which are thus thrown in the way of party !Ile aeon, and of the jealous es and factious divisions which' they excite in th • ranks of a triumphant cause. It is well sometimes to learn from the tuition of our udversanys; and the suggestion to which we refer natural i ly leads us to reflections igin as to the Opposition. cussion had arisen in the r relative merits of three i‘ named by their friends . residency. Into that dis s entered withsomo zeal, at thedistraCtion it was ads was likely to be fatal to persuaded, the Altos i g ri e , i t ,.. ed rop w os i t t. .4 I t ‘ ? il t i er fri ilaLe i ty of pursuing a similar pone the discussion," said stint journal, '• wait the I Convention, and sustain made with whatever of wing to its aid. Discussion • ly to retort and invective: spectacle is presented of itself to be agitated and Is; in stead of directing its nnn strength against the •eon as the foe perceives t to be again divided, his and can go forth conquer- It; applicable to the W. Early in 1539 a WHIG journals, as to tin gentlemen who had b as candidates for the 11 e 11991011 the Boston At! until it was satisfied exciting among our fri the Wino cause. Th receded from its posi the contention. and en everywhere the propri couse. "Let us pos that leading and influ decision of the Natio the nomination when zeal or ability we can I leads almost necessar I and thus the wretch a great party sufferin torn by intestine Wit t / undivided and uubro common enemy. So that we are united, n. bands will be palsied, ing and to conquer. To this suggestion tore responded with cordially respond," s and Enquiry, "to the ly and patriotically e with the views we ha subject, nod will wee ranlio of the party. lously abstained fro ring question, in the Whig press should h render its most efficie the Whig conventi should be Mr. Webst. eon. We Gee persmo of the candidates, I have desired a differ convinced that we ha all others best calcul of the great cause." The policy here i in by the Wing pa !impending Preside its wisdom, in the' Harrison. $ e Whig press in all guar patriotic alstrity. "We id the New York Courier sentiments thus reflecting . .ressed. They folly accord o uniformly taken of the with universal favor in all e have, ourselves, scrupn the agitation of thin elm full conviction that every ,hi itself in a position to .t support to the nominee of • whether that nominee r; Mr. Clay or Gen; Flnrei ed,that the friends of each owever urgently they may • nteourse. will be ultimately 'emaiotained the position of ted to advance the interests I =mended was acquiesced Ity, and the result of the tial election demonstrated lumpliant success of General eso sentiments are as wise In our judgment and as applicable n has been, therefore observed the preen idential question ii is that the journals with the proviso tha in subordination to Convention—but ev obviate the juit;obj any preferences at t pith:us to that rpirl, j -lion which ought t ' They disturb the n which is the streng They engender riva and keep alive t that ultimate heart eratiou which are They embarrass interfere with the are fatal to mess importance to the We think that prudence. and pa able to elect the ; but we think, also ion and create an fatal to the nomin Administration is country. It is s it has fiankly p unflinchingly adh deuce, tranquility with which it has I dons of the Rept liberality of its fo the sympathising in our land. It is t i Opposition, and i I factions which dr combine in the ea Union. This etre President, or of ' Lion: it is the etr era, who have co sustained the poli their State pope strength of the vice; their lives measures and pol and cherished by ican people. 1 Steele being ou pests of the Whi party, we Catlin I 1 good Whigs in al united that It ma. I unbroken phalan I of the Whig N only be accomp I ferences nod pre I great Whig cans 1 by substituting, I melted, partisan, I have been acc, Istern, steady, a can :thine insur of Opinion. W !for a Whig A 1 serviency; but claim for it fro confiding acqui I the party upon 1 such reasonable to political en with an hundß ceive their dire to triumph in a keeping my for ; directory that . . have 'been abl be now in Stile, general than t For our own Whig success. indirectly, 'to c discourage the didate. 'We h prejudices •tba the expressed party, We de in common wi the country, f work. togothe that Presiders may select i think that thi by the practi 1 I denial in disc ' iduals. W ppolling the C us they were in 16;19. It 1 with re;, , ret,..tlutt we hare : • re intraluctiou of the Pre,- the newspapers. True it i 11 up their respective dogs they hold their preferences 1 the decision of a National n this saving clause cannot tions to the ei-pressions of time. They are Immo t' of harmony and camellia , prevail in the Whig ranks. ity of sentiment and action I. of a party and of a C . :Ol.±C. ley and contention, stimulate 'ons, and tend to prevent lama and cordiality of coop- h e only guarantees of success. rhig administration. They i egislation of Congress, and . 1 of the greatest interest and country. ' ith the exercise of ordinary "orivm, the Whigs will be andidate of their convention; lany attempt to forestall opin. edent combinations will be in and the Whig party. The ,rag in the confidence of the .ng in the Whig policy which Inimed, and to which it h. .• . Il is strong in the prn digtity and impartial justice 'executed the laws in all sec. lie. It is strong in the Wise eign policy, commending it to lions who have found a home :strong in the divisions of the that fanaticism of antagonist Ives good men everywhere to • e.of the Constitution and the • gib is not the strength of the 1 .y member of the Adruinistra.. 1 ngth of the great Whig lead tally adopted and generously y which they have indicated in E and official act,.: it is the • . t Whig parts, to abobe ter are been devoted, and whose cy they believe to be approved large majority of the Amer- view or the position and prov ,_ Adminietration and the Whig but regard it as the policy of quarters to keep the party so be prepared to advance in an in the cause of the nominee donal Convention. This can, bed by keeping personal pre ndices in subordination to the It can only be accomplished some extent,' for the untrarn. roving warfare which the Whir tomed to in opposition, the Id organized movement which 1 the successful issue of a bottle i. no not, of course, claim even tuistration an unreflecting sub-. 1. e have a rigbt, as Whip, to Whigs, such a generous and eence in its policy as will unite common platfOrm, and secure concurrence a. is indispensable eve. There cannot be a party '1 heads. The Whigs cannot re tion from local cabals, and hope Inational cotlict. ...It is only by entire," Wrote Napoleon to the cold divide thin army, ' , that 1 o gain .oicim eo Ta , r It h al y tl e on esa:d b,, tt l t; I o good ones." part, we lairdno wish but for We bare no desire, directly o pouso r the cause or to promote or I • ews or aspirution of nay can. .ve no personal predilictions or are not ready to sacrifice to will of a majority of the Whig ' ire only to remain in a position, ,h our Whig brethren throughout 'cm which we shall be best able to to promote the advancement of ml candidate whom the Whigs Notional Convention. And no odd may be most surely attained '0 of a little abstinence and self • 'ming the claims and merits of in an insure success only by pool !,dittetes to the Cause. Tun \t NEWS NATon rnon E.Uolli lilLAXD.—Tlio position of G . Jaunt, the Senator elect from Rhode Island who was nominated by the Demo crats, Ind wa elected by Whig votes, is no lon ger doubtful, if any faith is to be placed in ver bal deelamil s and written pledges. Mr. DES JAXIN FINCH ono of the Whig members of 'the Legislature ho voted for him, states in a letter to the Droll voce Journal, that while the ques tion of electi g a United States Senator was pending, Gel . JAKC9 addressed the following note tho Ho . William Sprague, the substance of which toe .iimmunicated to Mr. Finch and others, befo • voting for him, and on thestrength of which the • voted fur him : " Hon W 7. Sprague:: "Dear Si : In reply to your inquiries, per mit me to coy I um in favor of the leading Whig measures,and porticularl that of a tariff Wot Wall afford ple protection to the manufactur ing interee and labor of the country, and, if elected to th office of United States Senator, I will cordiall use my efforts toe:Nu:an them. Respectfully and truly 'yours, . Charles T. James." •• Providence, Jen. 30, 1851." Mr. Finch further states that "in an inter view. with 6 • James on Monday, the 10th in instant, he gully cotffirmed the'dechuation made in the lett . e , end gave ins the most positive as surance's that he was a Whig, and that he should i act with thWhig party in the Senate of the United Slane." . This would seem to . settle the questioa an to the *ideal position of Gen.' Jams.. - . Approved, March 3, 1851 [Pt:nue—No. 27.] AN ACT to authorize the Secret ry Of War to al- , low the payment of interest to the State of 1 Georgia for advances made for the uo , of the I United Statea in the suppressiOn of the hustil- i itie, of the Creek, Seminole: and Cherokee In dians, in the year lEthi, 1837, and 1836. Be it enacted by the Sniffle nod Mots., of Pep e rentatiter of the Coifed Pram 4 .4 tairtot ox Con- I ;pt. assembh/, That the Secretary of War be, and he• is herehy, authorized to allow to the State of Georgia for advances made to the Uni- 1 ted States for the suppression of the hostilities of the Creek, Seminole. and Cherokee Indian in the years eighteen hundred and thirty.mve, eigh teen hundred and thirty-six, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and eighteen hundred and thir ty-tight, interest at the rate of six per cent per annum upon all coma allowed and paid to. the State of Georgia, or that may hereafter be al lowed and paid for any moneys advanced by the State for the purpose aforesaid, from the date of such advances until the principal sum or sums were or may be paid by the United States: Provi ded, That no interest shall be paid on any sum on which the said State of Georgia did not either pay or lose interest. Approved March 3, 1531. LPunile—NO. Ca) AN ACT authorizing the paymmit of interest up on adz:times made by the State of Maine for the we of the linityd States Government, in the protection of the northeastern frontier. Be it enacted by the Senate and hence of Repre iensatives of the United Stales of Awl,. in Con gas assembled, That, the proper accounting offi cers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to liquidate eta settle the elaim . of the State of Maine against the Uni ted States for interest upon money borrowed and actually expended by her for the protection of the northeastern frontier of said State - during the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, eighteen hundred and forty. and eighteen hun dred and forty-one; and the cute so found to he due to raid State ,hall be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. '• Sec. '2. And be it fqxtl,re roaet.d. That in a.• certnining the, amount of interest as aforesaid due to the State of Maine, the following rules shall govern: First. That—interest shall not he computed on eny cum which Maine has not ex , !tended for the use and benefit of the United States,.as , evidenced hy thr sindunt refunded or renaired to the State of Maine by the United States. Second. That no interest shall be paid on any sum on whirl the said State of Moine did not either pay or lose interc,t as afore:mid. Approved, March [Prime—So. 29.1 AS ACT to ascertain and t-rttle the private laud claims in thr State of CaliC orals. Be S.lidie end t t !' /,',ere. sentatirmnfj.kr Uni,ed Setae. f /f . . rieZlw Cvn -I,cis asscrtß,i, 'Ma for the- purl•se of aseer laing and nettling private lind slim, in the State of California ti commission shall he. and is hereby eiinstituteth which shall nnr•ist •d three e a mmissioner, to be appointed by the President of the United State, Icy amid with OW m l e i cuand coasnr+4 . of the Semite. ahloh commission elect contra+. for three years from the dote of this met, tmle=s sooner diiicontirtued by the Prosiihmt of the United ' ' SEC. -2. .4nd br irforA,,, ,, f, That a se,ro tary, skilled in the Spanish and English luuenm gee shell be appointed by the said commission ers, whose duty it shall he to not as interpreter. and to keep a record of the proceedings of the h n ned took, to be tiled in the office of the Secretary of the Interior ou the termination • of the commission. Z. And be it further enec:../. That olll. 00,..ty, Mid 014111 contain a ileruignment of the claimant's title, with a transcript of the re- . port of the Board of Commissioners, and of the documentary efidence and testimony of the wit- ; nettsen on vs Well it was founded: and much petition, if presented by the district attorney in behalf of i the United States, shill be accOmpaniial by a. transcript of the report of the Ibiard of Cum minsioners„ and of_ the paper, and evidence on ! which it was founded, and shall fully and distinct- I ly set forth the grounds on which the said claim is alleged to be invalid; a copy of which petition, if the name shall be prevented by a claimant, shall be nerved on the district attorney of thu United Stator; and, if prevented in behalf of the United States, shall bo stirred on claimant or his attorney, and the party upon whom ouch vendee shall be made shall be bound to answer the name within a time to he preneribi ai by the judge of the district coded; and the tu. , wer of the claim ant to such petition shall set forth fully the-na ture of the claim, and the nein, of the original and present claimants, and :drill confain a ile raignment of the claireimt's title: and the answer of the district attorney . in solinif of the Vrikrell • States shall filly and dinti*,,riv n:lr . grounds on which 'the- _lain: I , be invalid, copies lef which answer shall be served upon the ndectrpe party thirty days before thtenteetiow, of the edurt; and thereupon, at the tirst term of the court thereafter, the said ease shell stapil for trial. unless on cause ehown the same shall be continued ly the court. Svc. 10. And to if firth, enacted, rhea 'the distict court rhnll procerd to render judgment upon the pleadings and evidence in the ease, and upon such further evidence as may be taken by ord e r of ttiC said court, and shall, on application of the party against - whom judgment is rendered gratit on appeal 'to the Supreme Court of the United StntArB on such security for costs iu the district and Supreme Court, in case that judg ment of the district court be affirmed, as the said court shall prescribe: And if the court be satisfied that the party desiring to appeal is una ble to give ouch atcurity, the appeal may :.e al lowed without security. SEC. 11. And be et turgier Ti o ,t t he commissionth herein provided for, awl th. dis trict and Supreme Courts, in deciding on, the va lidity of any claim brought before them, under the pruvisions of this act, e h all be governed by the treaty of tiundilloupe Hidalgo, the law of na tio., the laws, usages and customs of the govern ment from which the claim to derived, the prin- • • - eiples of equity, and the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, so far as they are applicable. Ste. 12. And he it farthrr 'matted, That., to en- . . . _ title either party to n review of the proceedings and decision of the commissioners hereinbeforo • . proriiirsi for, notice of the intentlowof such par ty to tile n petition to the district court shall be entered On the journal or record of proceedings of the cominis,ioners within sixty days after their decision on the claim has been made and notified to the patties; and each petition shall he tiled in the district court within six months af ter such decision has been rendered. Sec. 13. And he':!' . ftirtArr mseted. That all land, the claims to which hare been finally re- jetted by the commissioners in manner herein provided, or which shall be finally decided to be invalid by the District or Supreme Court, and All hinds, the claims to which shall not hare. been presented to the said commissioners within two years after the dotuof this act, ahall be deemed, held, and considered no WI of the pub lic domain of the United States: and for all claims finally confirmed by the said commission ers, or by the said District or Supreme Court, a patent shall issue to thoclaimant, on his present ing to the General Land Office an authentic cer tificate of such confirmation, and a plat or sur vey of the said land, duly certified and approved by the Surveyor General of California, whose duty it shall he to cause all private claims which shall be finally confirmed to he accurately sur veyed, and to furnish plats of the same; and in • the location of the said clqms, the said sorVey or general shall have the same power and au thority as are confer; ed on the register of the land orrice and receiver of the public moneys of Lonisiana, by the sixth section of the act ,to create the office of surveyor of the public lands for the State of Louisiana," approved third March, Otto tiloaSe.t eight Lorelei:it and thirty one: Provicial ehraus, That if the title of the claimant to such lands shall be contested by any ether person, it shall and may be lawful for such lierson to present a petition to the Dis trict Judge or the United States for the district I so which the bunk are situated, plainly and dis iinctlv ;outing forth his title thereto, mud pray- ttez thz said judge to hear soil deterl;llle. the .00, a copy of which petition shall be served ninon the adverse party thirty days before the time appointed for hearing the same And pro- That it shall and may be lawful , tlir the District Judge of the United States, upon the hearing of such petition. to grant an injure- I tion to re,tram the party at who e instance the claim to the said 'awls li u Lee it contirao.d. front saving out a patent for the same, until the title thereto shall have bceil finally damilodi a copy I Of n Inch order shall be transmitted to the ems tuia,doner of the General laud Othee, and there- up., no patent shall Issue until such decision made, or until sufficient time shall, in the ~a miss of sail judge, hove been allowed for' staining; thesem, soul thereafter the said injonetiou shall be dissolved.. • Id. 0 further roue:lA That the I prna~ -sus of this act shall not extend w any town let, lac ea lot, or pasture lot, held under a grant frau any incorporation or town to which lauds may have been grantee. for the establishment of , a ton t.. by the Spanish or Mexican Goverument, or the IticrOa. nor to 0.14 City. 1 or town. or village lot, which city, town, or vii logo cal-tod tie-florcilth nay of July. eighteen 11,111,1Vott and fin t 3 ; brit the claim for the 00ac I shall bo presented I,3 4 ;the iorporate authorities of soil toy. 11; or when. the land on which the said city, town, or village was originally granted/ to au And the fact of the existence the said city, town or village, on the said.seventh July, eighteen hundred and forty-six, being duly pniysd, shall be prime fatio evideuee 'of a grant to such corporationt the individual under whom the said lot-holders claim And where any city, town or village shall to in existence at this time of passing this teL the claim for the land em: bractel within the limits of the same may be made by the corporate autlionly of the said city, town, or Tillage. Ir. An , / b. a t e eitee. reacted. That the G.' • nal deereee rendered bathe said commissioners, or by the distinct or Supreme Court of the Unit ed States, or soy patent to be issued under this act, shall be conclusive between the UnitedStatel and the said claimanta only, and shall not affect thr interests of third pers'ons. • Sre. In dud ta rfuelLer eausteif. That it shall be the duty of the commissioners herein provid ed for, to aueermin and report to the Secretary of the interior the tenure by which the mission lad , o vr'lleo 1, 3:1-1 those held by civilised In dian, who are tog:iced in agriculture. or late, of any kind, cud also those which are ~ccopie4 and ctittivaLoi by pueblos yr ranchers Crl:. I And a lore,. roarted. Thateach itaintni.piiier appointed under this act shall Ire allowed and rod at the rate of aim thawiand dol lar, per annum. that the secretary of the, cots tnivvionery shaft b.r alloired and paid at the rate of hour thaie , arat dollar, per annum; nod the clerk. heroin provided 1., rholl be allowed and oil at the rote of OM, thousand flee hundred dollars per annum. The oforivtoid salaries to tenor trim the day of the notification by the ..0011111..11.0, of the first meeting of the boar] Srr. IS, Ala to a further enacted, That the secretary of the tattoo.' shall receive no fee en• crept fat furnioilting certifie.l copies of any pane? t. 4 ao,rol tool for i• wing writ, or F 11441.1111. For furniehing 1.11111 1 Iwrier of any pflp, or TeCard, h., Ideal receive twenty cents for every Inlindred Wards, and for ioaultig writ-' of rutqauna, fifty cent* for ~.101 arlotiteis; which fees shall he equal ly divided hetween the said eecretary and the a•iistant clerk. • • Arprlved, Nl.trch 8, Is.ll • Ti, tit baattiv paper announce.the death if captain Ilene) NI Shreve, who, during the ad- Ininktratlem , of %dams. Joel:ton and ran Bu ren, filled the important post of U. S. Superin tendent of Weviern river improvements. and lay the vtenin aineglataat, of whit:l.lle woo the inert, u.r. retort holed Neely to the tinfety of Warttern commerce T ,, Imo, says the Republican. be. I on " th,, inm,r of Iletnon.trating the Faction- Wily or territtating the Mlaniusippi river with a.teamtveit, lin cononatelvl the firxe steamer that ever In•croded that river; and Mad° several anal valuable improvements both of the eteam engnos and or the 1101 and cattail... of Western ..tennitmats ' Whilvt the British were theatening New Ilrleans in fa, he wax employed by Gen. darkeon in enteral Initaaralous enteriaritef, and durin3 the hattle of the bib of lottery. err veal one of the field pieces which deatruyeal the luta:mating column led by Gen. Kean. II A., MILS von Iteeonttn , .. -It 13 said that the lust ,Iny's debate and proneetling, of the Senate, will itinlm toventy columns of printed matter in the Union and Intelligenter, equal to $1,500 for the cost of pubtiehing this one tiny's proceedin , of tweulpftve hours, VI two newspa.. peel. • Filter —Lnet night two wooden buildings on Ontario Street, nearly opposite Mt flotooeputhle College were horned. They wrro owned, and 111“, Ilr 1111,11 tes.ophst by Mr. Frank: and were tio•nred for $9O O , llot other wan occupied by f,;. E. hone, an n tirocery Store. Their lons In about s.l4,ll.—ltootratito f Murary. TI,Nn!,-- . 111 0 Atislin that.° Ossetic olij 3 it cost Ile. Brooks is !linking arrangements xi no eixrly day to set In Moth. it xlthi.g expedition against the Indians, Whose continued ainioyantosx and outrage der ren der It neriiiixiiry to adopt tonne such decisive ineitthres. e r a tonalnu the frontier to their moray. It In emote:op...l to place the expedition under the command of lien. Harney,he co who Itiwt,left fu Slits Antonio to emit, with tmmanding gen r eat on the iiiitijeet • A Co N1,11.A1 o 01. tosu [mils ,t name tu eon )1 t;nucu.--lion. 15 illium Valium, who was, on the 10th im“., fulminate.' for Congress by the Whigs or the Nashville district, in Tennehsee, Itngi It few [lays previous shut. Thomas Davidson, hits been arrested and hehl t.. hailsn the SIMI of tf.:20,00U, with two ~,.;ettritiec each or $lO,OOO. Callum Olio, to have meted on the Ikfell6LTS; 1111,1 Davicivm had just been released from the penitentiary for having slept lien. C. some years ago. Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street, • • IiASI: SOW IS fITOKR A fall n,14 cr.:1,A... /awl: of AW/RE/GIV ANL AMA/I/CAN II DWA_ItE, fh,. , f ,c7ag trade. and which ttal aro praffind •;, • •• h arah wa • riucas that will COMPTON .1111 Roy at tba eastern . Market Street Store for sent F OR RENT.—The Store. 118, Murket itrtel, the semuil eleue hum the corner of Market l q ton of 106 Penn et. 11cLiaes Ism Puts to Nate Vulg.—The rapid ity with which this litraluable medicine has become known and a ppreciated, can only be sow unto' for ou the ground of Its real value. It has only required one trial to estate 11. h its claims to the title of the only medicine for the cure of Liver Complaint The following letter. from a Druggist to New York. shMes the manner In which these PHD are tenanted in that section of the country: Manna LAIC, laqnset b lZe i r . o . .. , Dr. .11eLant—Dear Sir, I hare wad out all your Liver Pills, and am an: lone to hoer another lot immediately. I dould here sold much larger quantity , If I had been per. rialed with themi Tbe inhabitants aver muting to Doches ! wr for them, but whether there are any there or not . I do 1 not know. Piaui, semi me another supply lausitelllately. F. &WORT, Druggtst J. KIDD & No. 00 Wood rte Fnr an , by m 1,... tkvbr . Attention! 0 . Pogue Arrydnew le most neglectfully Invited to the yield, unvarnished statement of John Watt, who was cured ot an sid fhtigh by the use of the Peraotrun: ° TtiLs may certify that I hare been cured of an old ' Chloe/0 Cough, by the use of Four Bottles of Petroleum. The cough attacked ma a year age last Bs ember, and I had ic) all hones of gettlng well. as I he'd taken the advice/ of ...sera/ oh/ addle. without any benefit. I wee be.tlnal ekltrine instantly by the Petroleum. 1 mooched op, during the ma , et Me Pwrofrun. a hard rubstanor wing bone._ I teaks thee. statements without any solicitation from any one t" do nod solely Fo the Purism that others who tnay be suds log may be benefited. You are at liberty to publish tidy certillcate. lam on old citizen of Pittsburgh, having reildtd bete thirty.three yearn My residence, at this time, Is n Second Street. JOIIN WATT. l'lrtsuguart. February 21, 1651." For sale by Keyr,r A !1 Lowell, 140 Wool street: E. E. Sellers, 57 Wood shed; B. A. Ishnestock. 2 Co. corner W,sAl and Front street., L. M. Curry. D. A. Enka. / I,l srPb LY.ulsloss. and 11. P. Selsartl, Alleirbsul,nlso LT the Pre - S. M. KILL, cans) Po.sin.rioteutb st..Pittsburub. Domenic and Forevgn Exchange, Bank Notes,B Gold 4. Siloer, Bought, Sold 4- Exchanged EXCHANGE, AND BANKING 110 USE or WAI. A. HILL & CO, No, 64. Wood Street, Pittsburgh. SE. ON J•l4a_ Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh j. 4 I NCOURAGE lIO3IE INSTITUTIONS. el v g m m No. 41 Water street. In the trareboure of C. t% Cl, Honest, President A. W. Ilaage.S.tiy. Thin Cernicoiy noo prevail,' to loom. all merehatollee in qui, and In treneltu. eLtoels, to. An ample gaurauty for the ability and Integrity of the lrdllotlon. le at!dnied In the thwarter of the Ihreetors, eLa ere all citisens of Pittsburgh, well and faemablY koloorn to the vommunity fur tboir prudenco, Intelligence, arel Integrity. Mammas—C.o. Moe, Wm. Panaley, Wm. Larimer. le , Walter Bryant, Thigh D. King Edward Ileaselton. 'Hoer' h Ilerbangh. K. 11. Klee. an.3oldf IVAN Tgll--A Situation as BoOk-keeper or V Clerk In • manually or mundseturlng home.— unacertlonahly It rermars 1411 be Livn. A Ilny d am...ea to Cr IL cur of licallb L km, .ill meet... tam marrra Young Men's Temperance Adsociation. 9IIIF. SEQPNT) REGULAR MEETING for k . this iiii„ ..win to held in the .9mad Amebae. It. f•nu«l,Ch ner of 6roithflold Fire. and '.tryiuWkT• C. T. Eliti EN, wrltd addrem the torrlin. upon tlau ..,I,ttn. It aw—tho ',ow, of the Ourt under It— an•l the manner of Its earcullon. 0r A. It., of New York. n .enticaan of rep. tlttnn. en .IfortiTo and doqoent wkivo ,- .0 In the can. of remwramx, ke es{...Mc%l 1..0 . lkf...r. m. wrjoirr. mele.V.,:t Chairman Ex,cutie,.lbmnittre, TI !emperanceville and Nobleatown Plank Road Company..„. VOTICE,is hereby given to the Stockhold t7,oof , b tio th at „„ cyan Om, of the etock. on the i.e %,nose ' in uct, roll all -.r rcAnth hereafter, onttl the leholellark ;eat nu f--en the will be graded end bralVl be Joi. 101 k Thu S thole tuckhulde om te a t re requeetwd lo be 00.0‘11n.Vd!"'.""4 Preeldent. PPLES-20 bbls. Russetsnd l'ippins, be r. VON lIONNII a ONT e-cp. II ROUND PAINTS, in Oil, neatly put up tritn ran. of I Z. to Iu lb, each. sm.r.F .Glen Mann.. Greco, l'artA Orel, - Mack. Othr, Terra Se Sienna, PrurEari B. Lwr 'law, Cumber Burnt -13. A. TAW:I:STOCK it .. rrner !inn and Waal ta. FUR RENT—A Dwelling tiouse on 2 Thadatove 11,1 near to t,nlthifkahl. ." het 10 , fitturee. Ise , . yard. ...W. house. la Will to V.rate, I w. AI. teyarnelen given itanudlatel, tale oYlron emu. 111.1 In the Math Ward. tete,. Pena street atul the Alleghenyr. ti PAIL nee LINGTOh. al Darlington's. Fourth street, near Wcael. etel,:etlf QWEET OILY eusics superior, for sale by IJ Lath , / It. E. 5EL1,1:115,50 Hind aL cf.001101,--12 bbb4. for ',ale by E SELLERS, ST Wmi al r INA NNERS' 011.-10 bbb. warranted pure fur rah , mrh22 R. 6. SELLEILI,. YPECTORAL, Starch Polisb, Soap I_, Powder, • 7.1 Eger , 0070 Comiound. f 0 sole b 7 4'l Wood 0 tortat q l LCUIfOL-25 [obis. for gale by :XII. 00071 . J. KIDD - co&.. ;0 Wool NGLISII VEN ITIAN RED—'2O bbla. for JILA .gl. 1•r ruch22 .1 KIDD 1 W. seAs s isti w ITI NG-50 bp 1 : 1 10 D r . tu e ll , ebY W111T . E: 2 1 , 5 bble. lxgli p ft i :1 6. for ND( , 7 , I{I:CIBLES--100 costs for o rerge by b IvEt:ow:6mM kilii:CW•1 1 :• 411 POST Of TICE DIPARTYLNT, 1 • March 14, 18:51. • XT BEING DESIRABLE to Pubstitute locks and loge of wrote other kind for thaw now In nee for he mall ferries of the V ulted States, steelmen look. tual keys. • 10 , propreals to furniob the same, .111 be rocetred anti matetdored at the P.O Um. Department. until the lot' day of J et nraneatThe different beta sill he eutsrillted to conito.ton for otssulttation and tenor , Cism this re port. -.morass will.. mem as practicable. to entrawd into ha furnishing sorb het, and keys for four yoda..lth the right on the part of dn. Pratt:meter General toss thetae twins to extend and ~..ntione the contract In fur. for an ablitobnal term of four para. by giring to the contractor • tituot boll.. to that 0ff..., not guar. than nine nor less a than rut mouths before the termination of the arid tent, of four Yoe , . Wuh • eta. of procuring the hod look altho lowest price, a. , kind loot Is prexribcd sea otandant the Ih.partutent r.. 1, Mg La a seloetion tho meeheniral skill and Ingosto.. It whirl, a fair ...petition. t Invited. May develop.. It 1,0 a proper to date. m that a look eultable for the mall ',stn. should Venn the follundusAustlties. via du rability. uniform)),, !halloo*, and tattoo h. For tlan_ porno. of displacing tilutnlt attrourlF all Ne road I.olt.• and toy. now 133 me. about thirtythousand nes Leap and twenty thunrand key. adapted thereto. will I la requiredfurntohnl_ l2 l the nontrector .111110 esrett months after the eon.. shed] hare leen starred trinn af r.nrdo the annual ennPlY tetli depend oo sorabitity of the Lets add keys adopted. es wells. the Increue of the mall earth, out it will probably orator named In annum( three thourand of the Lamer and - one thousnd of the lat. I ten I No lock will bo coneldered if it tee like any alrreadY th general or-,r with whom the contract may be male he allowed to wok.. toll. or furnlelt any Ink or key. 'duller to Now. ountrected Mr for err *other P.n.* or nee than that of the f7ot Othre f.partment. The kind of I.xas adopted must be patented, taut the unto,• will he required. on entering Into contr. , . m duke auebramont of hie patent far the elands.. nes and bon. oat of the Department, If the Yolitttlader General Nall deem roots roquinqmont eeeenttel to the Intsrestsof the ...r -, In cs. of No failure of the contractor at any 110. to 1.061 fitithfhlir the tame end condition* of hie nantract, the Kat master General shall hare the right. bookie. • rm. , to the per.l mtnedy beroltiniter mentioned. to tmnul or 4 end to ctred stwer with any oNrit port) . or ,tarties at be may aft. for furnishing similar Woks and upon the proyouele and Apr..intone offerd. the itetmeater Oeuvre! may deem itexpnaitint to relent for the tbri.ugh mall. the belt of one . b...llhr the way malls Net sher Ito reserve therefore. the rigid or row tn. tine with di .mot ihr such different kind. a hake as lot may erlect, and also No right to Mont all the e,erlinem awl proposals, if he amen that couree for the Interest a the DmitettnenL The party or swirlier, eontreeting w requiral to elveturl. erlth ample me ourd 1. In the hu nt of thirty thousand Lo a faithful pertarostaw of the - contract. The 0131.11,ct. le to euntain World... for tbe duo and panes ineptelbm of the lock. aml keys, and ale. tar snarling estalust Ned twrainit 'l lnto V.. ss 7.Tiretil'Z'ul'iliTlt:;:e."Aliaeouf ttherttg°l.oolme.l:ll'Sbrldrt. If • hid should he ttereld.d IN.will he onfiblered If not acoana panted with ..O.hdartear Boil.noeof the truetworthy char...et...of the bid. der, and of Ids abiliw dawdle Lkfl'--An OFFICE on \Valor, he- eV, tdolTrn or vWr „,. fia Chambare. at Inia.n. "n'' : "r" 72," tPt.! Wornt oIrASTED--41,000 Allegheny Co. Coupon V Bond,. fill an onler, Por whfril th4.lalataat mar -1 roT Apply' ' VT ".. ' i l ii.E r . ` kl. l4 . CLARK'S Patent Combined blinding and Bolling, or lERCIINNT MILT.. March 14. 1851. TIIE l'lll2l.l4: — We have nOOO in uve, I 'ln our Plowing 11111., Iwo of "Janie. M. Clerk', Pa -6;10 I'ornl.lord r :4 l u. ll ui 4 rand 11 , r1tIntr, or %Innimut Flour t;Sarn"Trfi".ru..llllnit't"ltVir 11"".1 Wort , . a..a I. perfectly a.Thent. , ll Le ILA tt , r. in;; the nnrt n rt. ..11 os onllnary,burr ?Anne, and requiting much Ir. I . making It unultralettt, a Merchant 3,1114 to unt , lT .4n— 0n nk•tn, „rill, or nbout want /..nocnt. d oo ' th: ', ntitte th. I Offal. IMO/ thr MIII. 01... o*w gran% Int. Flour. It dope th. rt ,r1,1..`111.. prothontat *,.l•lartlrle oupflne FlOlll, 'no ‘ll.,llnn anynosll:... , mlAnnl. It er bi worthy n".tutrintt,r3ml.7,l=l.lil=ll.7z4o. flu..ritt4urth City trYta Cwt. A J. Mmesttua. CLARE'S PATENT PORTABLE COMBINED Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Kill. IVINti ure tioNed the entire Patent Bight lc of the Unftw tt i State, for "June* M. (Park'. Patent ri toting, or Merchant Mitt" and 11171, lasing ht up Gar asses 1 n ul l no ohleh Ie C r l ,kr . L e tl . ' ' 'l ,... gres 4 t !teist b nol' s l i o n h : c.. , 73 " 4 :n l ;ostEO "th w f b e th th id, Pa ge b . L'l ta , b „ mains of Waking eters per*. purchating_County isarms itiohte, manse a bandsonte Galan*. This Mill is pern4l,ll' Portable...a only ...Pie. • Maas o morelseat Inn,turtles s q uare. when in operation. and is of ,diviing nod bolting front net to ten bushels of wheat per bone It ran be propelled with from an one hone tanterup In soy pi-Ater detwed. Call and See it in operation at Meyers. Wilmarth hobble City Flouring Mills. htlawtY street. Pitt,borah. 1. Nether. Ease the ti g ht of:me w : A : . I : w arlt:tr im B7 mA y. sw y E , and the Machine. fo r 1411, hating purchased „ f oa arely. All letters ptryt_p•td will be answered Dr Y• higt.htwlme.T OTICE.-:The steamer ASIA,in julyluat, l ~ ' v , T7 brought frau Cincinnati. St Patent Churns, and 1 to Joseph Down, of this piton. Notice I. hereby g iven, that if the raid Churns and Taliw are not ntleanmi by the JOUt ult. theg will be mid at public sale to pay freight and champs WM. B. Et Allll. toohn . . __ • ALCOHOL -1J bbl. for mile 17. - y mcl3lo J. KIDD Jt CO., E 0 Roods Ladies' Writing Class. I To , Paper Xartafacturera II K. CMAMBERLIN will •re-oren las La- PEN TONS ASSORTED RAGS, for sale 1.1 dies , Writing' Roan. at Plttaborgl. Commercial Col. 1 br ftlEO. MALTROUSE. . leg, wmer of Market and Third 'meets.) on llondal.. :Cosondadon Wool Waft.honne. March 24th. where he •111 be prepared to Glee Instructicaut , foetal/At Perry s Building.. In the Art of Penman.hlp. to ;melt a+ are &afro. of ob. //freThe Ithatert tnagh price mid for WOOL. talnlng an ln.ant eploolary hand. Hours of Instruction. CARPETS, .. from 2to 4 o'elewk In the afternoon. ofthn C OIL CLOTHS, 87. c. RAZORS! FIE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed Agent for the sale of ILCIIIIIST'S AMERICAN RAZORS. Theere are the beet Razors which pare ever been offered to the public. The manufacturer misfires the public that the hief im p rovement necessary le that which protootee the durability of a fine edge. Baring ostadned the b.. 7 err steel with a comma. ground blade. and Ilms the per Ilar proem they undergo in tempering, together with the Meat care bestowed upon them wellnetting _he can 'tithes-oi l/deuce recommend them. Sif satiened is he with the superior excellence of this Razor. that they saves , * nor ranted, and if found imperfect in nor raped., the saws tr Far Ba l e, Rasp! tMi , fateeect mtlateation.— for sale. e or " ag ".R' ''.. W. W. WILSON. mrhltcorner Market and Fourth N. rIIOUSE-KEEPERS--Orders for Paper nansrers no be kft at the Wall Paw Stare of mch2l W. P. MARSHAL!. S 5 Wald et. SUNDRIES — . hhde. N. 0. Sugar, 300 bush. Dow 0. Moles., 50 bush. Dried Ansi.; 100:11be. Flag; bbl.. Linseed OIL .10 tee. new Rine: 70 kegs Nn. 1 Lard: . In bales liar. waterer N. 04 111 LIM!. Fresh 801 l Butter. 4.0 Timothy Seed; In store and fur side by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, 11,lberty area Valuable Real Estate for Sale. TIIE SUBSCRIBER offers (Or Sale, on V favorsble terms. the folio.. Rent Estate, Ink . A M, of Pittsburgh. ar t s nNe.n6 N vket a nd r d e l . tr , n . lots being cash 19f et front by In &el , N 0 .,. • Contains 57 feet front on Third street, miloloh. the Third Presbyterian Church. on which Is erected one four story brick honey, wad me a printing uece, end o n e twu story brink warehouse. No. 3. Two Into In Fallon., Beaver county. being lots N 0.3 end 4. !wing about 100 feet equare.on •hich Detect. el one block of !title !Mine dwellings, and one separate frame dwelling. all two Mori. hiwrh. • • No. I. one lot GO fret treat on Back etreeL ollpoidte the above• and estendlog to the top of the hill. No. 5.• Tun beach into. each 50 feet front, and running From the road to low water mark, on the Big Beaver- No. S. One valuable water it. lOU fret on Wheel Race. with ten 'harm water In. , at...hot No. 7. One lot opposite the water lot. tel feet front, end extruding to the top of the hill, en which is erected one , Oro story brink store end warehouse. MI by 50 feeh *Boone frame dwelling. two argils high. No. K. One large lot in New Brighton. BaavereountY. ler Ina shout 140 feet on Broadway. and about WO feet deep. duelling,. tne!:n‘a noun, ou h 4s ch ni a e n. h . T ' Vu t Z e t '7l f orce! yield property wee formerly eorupled by Mr. w. C. Gould. nod I. very phouiantly located, being immediately opposite the Feltnr! Bridge. N 0... One water lot, immediately below ifslleton Bridge. Icing almut 100 feet In length. and ritetuling hum Water etreet to low water at. or to tell% The above property will It .1.1 on ac e favorable APpl y at the Book Store nf It. C. STOCKTON, corner Third and Market omen, JOIIN FLICKING. Agent. meh7.l • • !Journal and Post any.) (a,MITII'S MORSE RENOVATING POSV. 1,7 DEIHL, neap.. chiefly of Vegetable., will restore to Immediate health. TMs Powder to t' reloads for the care, of the numerous diseases to which Cattle and Horses are eubjert. Si,. Olanderalnward Strains, aide Bonnd.Loste of Appetite, Horse Distemper, Horned Dietimper In Cattle, al. the liming of the Cud.and Rho:matins. eommonli railed Stiff Complaint, which proves fatal to no many vain able horsier, and prevent. horses from hemming etiff or foundered, it carries off all grues humors. and purinee the blood: it is also • sae and certain cure for the Burma , no for Coughs and Cold...bleb seem to he the origin of aw many fatal ilissa.e. It will also clean. the Stomach and Maw from Beta Worms, ac., and again rertore the Immesh and bowels to healthy For rale, wholesale or retail. by S.' N. WICKERSHAM, ...nor !Seth and Wood eta Information Wanted (IF WILLIAM MORLEY, of !Rookie:7, I.C , ,unly of Leleater. England. Ile La 19 years of agge. f. fart" inch, high with light hair and grey ore*. 11+1..11 PhiisdolphLa in Jour hot. and has not Am« been beard of by to , r , latieen. .to it in (Eared he has met with wuse seridont, or lost hie life. any one whom, gine info, mum that may had to his diwoeery, (whether dead or aliee.) will greatly ndiree distresaed and ad awl rewarde se d for ht. trouble. by addressing a Ilne A.Errro N e, Nioelon. sear Philadelphia. Pa. meh,V):llt Executors' Sale of Real Estate, AT AUCTION. 'IT'LL DE SOLD, in pursuance of the I .nt Will an , l Todsment of Martin LOWY", late of t7ity of Piu.nhurgh, deed on Moder. the 7th day of April, 1051. at o'r. , ok. A. NI., et the Court noun, in the City of Pittsburgh. by public auction, valuable Lot of nate on Quarry hill. near thr New Basin. In the Fusth Wad... Winne nearly LINK ACIII4 Intuit pa. Of else, pia. of coined •hlcb 0. held undivided bY the L. o en, a nd others, and whitia, by virtue of ' certain pervi.linzs In Partition In the District Court of thr Couuty of Allegheny, Nu. lei January Term. lain, stas soolgued in ACT rraity to the hid. of the *aid steno Lt u r,. deed. by metes and loud. to. as by reference to the Inquisition and pl. thrrenuto annexed , and other rm.. readings In the case had. will now fully and at large at. It i• tsrmesv,aary ta enumerate the .17...teit.^ , the above property, erimmading, es It dors: • beautiful proep.t or th e eity end the two riven, being easy of sc ores for • pneate reside., and abreindlogin czendlout stone fd for toillalng the, are trell , ktidw. to For plan of the property mut further information. atoply M. ,ors. Mitchel and Palmer, Attorneys etas Counialiore at Law. Yourth street, ur to eltherel the undershmed, ortiturs of ltic last Will toad Testament of Martin hoary. .1 .10115 I.X/LWIC K LL. JOILN NE :1111T11 s.—The draining Lot. containing about. the same quantity of land, la also for wale. Aiiiast tinume for Bale F.ll 1 E UNDERSIGNED offers for Sate his BLAST feIt.7IACE. infested in Cuareoesdln Cnontna." known .e the -. Allan.. Furnace." with &I the out balding, SAW alai tiltIST WILL; and roe thing ha . -y to carry th e era... Ulna or oroo •It he. Of Laded attac on hed. with se Muth more adMnlng ma elottLl tee nonswary. whirh Can Le had from 75e. to SS prx acre. It has the at flew-able location in the &stun for making Iron. hating the ore within one-half to one mile o d. .„ t yd,w.titles, our to min, and yielding from 50 to 75 per neut. It is mile and • hag fr om the Etowah Rolling Min. where • ready male can be finned for sit rassittete of Pig Metal; and in two miles hoist the n ...to and Atlantic Intartal. whkb le one of the lines rathoad• meow-dug the Tennessee Myer With the taw now& which has Ws lines of rennet& running out from It. notated mod under contra.. peering through ail the Im p want 'fowl. and Oh, to (twitch, where • ready tale I. hwind Ste Pis Metal. ala.tra.ry. Hollow Ware. in It I. n o w In fell hien worke by water power, wtth • fell of 15 n,, e s, on a n e w, falling A n war, and to the moat healthy part of the :tooth Impels may t.e ptireftwal ns me at Etowah, Case co, Oa.. or on Ie ‘"'"t soy tit., o THU pre ineL ALL MM;ENN Young Men's Mercantile Library Assent ation. EMERSON'S LECTURES. rkiIIE DISTINGUISIIED LECTURER, PROF RA LPII tr.a.Do EMERSON, a Massa. setts, Wu hr. procured. by the mbar. Destitute, to Ce llar to Its Members. and tbe ails.. of Pittabtagh Itonrn ally. • aeries of Lectures rem lately prcpurd. and upon Warrant. aulorete. The coon. will comprise yin Ler:on , on the 1..‘ , DUCT or tort. embracing the fulload. Myles I Introductory . Laws or Macro_l. WL41.131. a. E0, , Y1. • halm. :P. 1.T.U1l 6. %moue. The Lectures alit b. given on Turaday• Thunelsyv, amt tunlay• sueorearri, at the .'Ell ear trerviag W 00.41 . drat door at LA/AIX - MI LlCunaos, tentraote on ood Wert. calumet/cum on Thursday craning, March drib, at li laefora b o'ckek. Couree Tit-tea ..V.M 5i d .;; . ... ',1 , ,',.. er.:',illarg. - r.d,1_ . ...,' ,.- - - —.. Ticket. for tuanbern. teingle or for tne - eouraey) can to obtatord of thr Libman°. or of M... Henn. Wilkins, sad Tirtl r t ht eili= "'' ample or for the course,) to be pro ored at the pedieipal hook atorac at J. P. Ileasalden . • i t. litchmatmotet and Y. IL Eaton', uerb2.o FEW MUSIC ! ( 1 0Isit: IS THE -- by W. V. Wallace. CALM NESS V. 4 1 0 : 1 4 uuut loverneu. by John 'tt Parr, Matutua Is te , eery particular. Vulceof byione t t tafic a hl A r unie Laurie. VlL . ZYtt h r47l, 7; Ng. i Polka IlatabeinPa Lautout by the II tuauagoo. Obi la Polk.. grand Polka de euvoerh by W. V Wall, With all the late pupular Poolga, WaltuU. Cutilh.pa. so, Nlvehea, Varlatiutu. hand.. au. de- buurd in tL. halkru New Max rturtrul etwry A very large and new stock of CIIICKERING'S PIANOS. To thlt id 4 6N, ey..w f octa , e, mrvnl hal Oahu var Vin price from to SSW. Alpo, t.o mat eLecent tawal Puna, from the woe oclebraled maltufse -11i;. Orr, nib • full d .room dock of Mole tad Moekol Zarltsmllmjl4l7lri .bi nmum. Womi N. 11 —ham 1 , 61. Forte 2 blet. old Mama acre In mcb2o • NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! A T lIOLM ES' LITERARY REPOT, Thivl thele r.t A fhe Wanrln'oectletrol , s by , Frank Forre.ter. Caroline td Itranrairk. N 0...-. by Heynolda • atanneld flail. • Ilistnrteal homance—comPleue• The Nickleborite ..0 the Ehimc be Thortarey., /style, La 1,411 mm: or COUCI4RIO9 of the lion 1.1,5 k. The Queen's Neckitu, by Dumas. Polly Prablo.e.ont . . Wedding; illusUatet/ by Derly. Thel'ert Folio of a Sledkal ntudnut.; do. do. City Merchant: ilerti, a Ilinnurnu.Noveh do. do 'Weer'os of ate Old Maid: or Mots to Emma Men. tnegon and California. fiectisuosia Etiquette isy Count lEorway. Ladle? Etiquette and Toilet book. lotted/. Listed Age. No. LIT 0300: the embaler—the Hlpau—the Prle.t—by Oro. Borrow, author of the “Hlble In Smuts." Nee supply. author Monthly, for March. Illaikomal. for February. Iketon Shattopean, No. XL • ApplHortetou's /l St odestae. The iculturist, for arch. The Cultivator. " Dletincary of Alethanke. No. 24. Crolnian In the Loot tree, by C. J. Patencra—contylete. mot o r, of I....tennis, Ly Tharkarry—oxnplete. Ilenry butenton ; a JorteLlte gory of the 11e1¢o of George I. Byti. P. It. Jam., Esq. London tel Journal, fur February. Ikellon Shake:scare, No. :Et. Nobody's rim, or Life end Adventures of Percival 1/ad here., written by btruxelf. fore and Atubitiou, o Novel by the author of "Bucking. hate" . tteenex, or Sketches of bouthern Life. 11,,q.ehold Monis, N 0.13.. ler.liollick's Work., complete. Rockingham and Domestic Cineensware. WOODWAITD, BLAKELY & CO., NI-tin ,,riwto.n. of Rockingham and Tallow Cane Ware, Eln, Ohto. Ed-`Lmple Kamm No. 104 Fourth street, ono the Kay o?. OM., Pittsburgh, Pe- Our extrudes Worts enable to to fill riders promptly, A eprapetent designer brin no w le orat e airo en • able, in to keep pace with oil the now atal Improved sty los of the day. Water Urtis. 7pltoou, Iltohersaancy, Toys, I)eitlistrtgeb, Flower Vases, Goblets, Mantel Ornottienta Jiledligne and Bout' Jon. and articles few ilogoostle use, In groat eanotr• Orders rergriArelle rofird eL mehaktf ARD OIL-40 bbl. No. 1, just rec'd and IA for ram by B. A. VAIINESTOCK k mobs.) corner Vint and Wool eta NOTICE.—Tee undersigned has withdrawn from the Ono of "Ibinsen, Plunkett &McKnight . og illocenl of his Interest In said gnu to Charles T. CIIARLES kIeKNIUIFT, The btorluess of the One will tw continued as Insist un der the style of lIIMSEN A PLUNKETT. Pittsburgh. Marsh 10th,1151.--inichoret EGGS AND APPLES— • :Xi ilk Freak Kggo 100' ^ One Ureeo Appl '' taah2o S. f' t ' "lll.N y t SON. ‘l n ELLERS' IMPERIAL — C4JUGH SYRUP., —lit. cheap, anaLlo . t , a n t. , atjg r f d hgl i M ' t. E. E. Sellerr —My children, like other, lia,rt ßi . h n ee n: a ralneet nentbletionie roue.. rowdies to very little jol u trit, tlatonenta shunt Tony 1..t2 Taught...even! t Iva it t0 u t . w . 0 , tif .. 1.7 11 % . ;=.. cr , re 1 hare recommended it to tel,PoiF , ,bot , i, and d 0 most enturienelously believe that innthe_o.t . mos that hat ever been offered to Parer,. ehould riot permit their,ohl . ldsokl to bo a tu. nae o ltato thi, cough, when they 001 b 0 =tad by " ruP '.„l it 11. E. BeLLERS. ' V= •— ; """' ij Woodit.. and Drualrbt anarally. DRIED APPLES-81 sacks for 4. _l9 by mthll WICK KcCANDLUK W. McCMITOCIC Is now constantly ree,ivite x his Sufi. Rock Cf 'ARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & TRIMMINGS; Comprising In pantile fallowing varieties CARPETS. Extra Royal Veleet File Carpets do. do. Tapestry talcßrim do. do. Demmels extra super. 3 ply: supertlnelPlll ngrain and fine fled shim: annenon do, cottforida, 44.34. 54, and 2-1 twilled V 4-1, 34. 64. and 24 plaln do t e-4,34, 54, and 24 11,0 amt 0514-1 do. RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS, &c.. Extra Chenille Itusag fine do.: do, exto tufted do, foe la. do.: aummon do. Chenille Door Mats tufted do. do, diver skin do. do, Adelaide do. do: Thrum do. do. thuimb Clubs. Felting do., Risking 114, 64. and 24. ...LT-1.0 Ala-Sheet 0i1 44, Clmml.3 -l oths. ro 041 t to tit soy aim hail or room - STAIR Cloths STAIR RODS. BLINDS, TABLE COVERS, &c. Ala-Stalr R. 114 of all sizes WWI. Di_eldiSPs WrtCar a ets Rag do, 6A4.tandl4 Mattimpelp t le i tger s frash ru d erWM. l iki "d a i i "%itts Embled Mena Covens do. Table 810001 do: Wonted Table do. 1115•1131(impartedand purchased our stoekdireet fromthe most celebrated Factories, being of the latest and tarot OP iatased styles and colors, we are premzed to feel to our friends and mamma at Pairm fee Wie M Mr, l um be 9,,,cb e'eonfr al q i f rt . eft oil Of:ell'and onr Stock at The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street usehl9 - W. McCLINTOCK. - - - - 8200 REWARD. • tuiN PURSUANCE of a Resolution passed nani ' mously by th e Eagle Firs ComPaDY,..t. !Dal , u na h , 1.1 La Tiaant In u ll.oa hetrtDiort .. tber nem. a reysara of Two Iloodrod Dollars far the SDP. - liension sod cant•lrtioo of thr person or pimp. who .et o'lo th'fr '4II.OV4SIOA,COV. melllMt F. SIAM. 31— Sprretooo. i i , UNDRIES— -17 attl bbls N. 0. Mo!magi, oak toopergge. 00 In, do. cyproto andotogr. 00 hhtle 50. 0. Sttintr.' • i 150 boo Carg prime gram 1110 o 00 doge 0 Tvri.. Totowa,. 5 du. Plug do • nO braes Ps and 1 lb dram trgrion• broods WO do. Window Ulan, City and Country brand. 0000 dom. Corn Brocal, (1..10 9 .) 60 bblo Largo :g. a SlarkereL (1.1 blf bbl• d o . do.. ' . 150 bug Dry Ap JOHN WATT gale C o., & CO mbla Liberty Rawl. `OAP-114 boxen N 6. 1 recd. for gale by i. y robl9 , . 8. dW. IldltßAUlitf II REEN APPLES-20 bhl. reed, for eale Vir by mohlg 8.1 W. HAIIIIAOOI3. 114 . 0 EN MEAL-40 bun reed and for gale by . k, othlo . S. AW. RARBACOII. QUNDRIES -I_7 644 wk. D 0.41 14600 , 6 110 0144. yerne N. 0. Nagar . , ' p Yhaltatloo MOW.- so arrive tor ule by 60106 11,11E7,117.41UNWA CO. DIG METAL.---itons for sole by_ metal/ IEY, MATIIIEWS k co. PRESSED SPIRES--1.60 kep___(improved) tormae by tmcbl9 . MIST, HATT .378 b CO. UNDRLES— -10 p. d b ld& Fret o. o h 801 l D -d otter. . ' 25 Ws I.liireed Olt LI) bbl Pearl ArD. • 50 las Extrp Cream Cheese. 150 dos Cnrn Brooms. 2)0 bus Dried Apples. 500 bus Dried reaches, for Plde Dr mchl9 J. B. CAANITELD B? LOOMS/250 tons Soft Tenn. for sale by iy soda,. J. DA LZEI.L. toS n•Wr *TR IFlrst vt.: fiIIEESE-50 boxes for sale bY mchl9 JAME S.DALZEL URtiPIKESIOSK 2 4I B 7 hrcs:uben - r ,meTu,,pik,st„.kor ;:: uii. 3. S. BONNET, mr.11177621.1PT FOR SALY—A LOT OF GROUND on the WuAbinplort Turnpike. thrue miles from Pittbugh. I A by 72 Pee, Gm which is an old Suer Howe. .1. R. MURPHY, .1. S. BONNET. Acripmes. VFE ESTATE FOR SALE—The Life Es t.. .hunew McDonnell. in Lot of gmund on the 1 1.• lngton Inroplk, tin., miles Dom PittAbough. on which 4 erectode new two awry St/mend Dwelling. AV ply to the ant...write.h nt the noon r 110 itutir I. S. BONNET, mch ithlG}crlLl. UNNY BAGS-400 for solo by mehl9t3t R7l. BLKOIIISI L CO. SUNDRIES-- • 15 racks Dried Appkr. 10 bbls. Greta AO-1 pliclual Butler. `di keg" do. do. do.; 15 554 prim^ Thnory S% laded. Uln of •.1 and tlrc Yle D 7 mcb l o bbL Maple oEssolto wdoft R. D LZELL, Liberty et. • ‘2IIUT MILL-1 Smiit Mill (IT= for, br snail° ---- - - SUNDRIES-- - • 150 bogs urban Rlo Pam 100 bf. ch. Y. IL. O. P.. Imp, akd Mack Tess. 2 casks superior Sladiso - , lu No.l Codfish; .. L.O Lists. lancers' OU; CO tones Tobseco,stra S'ic Pa sae b Inal9 J. S. DILWORTH & CO IDOWDER-4000 kap Hazard's Blasting; RISe4 fords Le metal) J. S. DIbWOHTEL CCL B UCKETS AND TUBS— • AO do. Buckets. 10 dos. Tabc for nAbcb___ JAMES DA.L.'L iskchlo Ite•Opened. up 11. PALMER,. having completed the re it,. palry additlam kle 'tire. yin rroperg this morning. finch nth. mehbat Straw Bonnet and Hat Warelone, No. 1O MARKET STRUT lI 11. PALSIER offers for. sate, at very low rims, • full assortment of Straw and Mello. " 33rbllrlah ' —Foreign and itincticalblan• arid Wry Straw, Braid, Cltds, elms, Melon, Lam Mar, Pawls. Leith TS—Slaeo, 50u1.% oir t. ll , lar fet tPo im de . Fln s ta'l..rsh'o ' eu tr =traw. adv. Oi rrip, Lam and mix'. Slimes' 0 limy, Jenny Lind, and other Pas. In 'crud vari ety of Ma. and material RIHHu llotuxet and Scarf. plan Sittn rad Tab LACEI widths and colors tater an d =dPO lain sal Squeal wh Mit and earl. Netts. STRAW TRIMMINGS—Curd, Tavel. Putiona. Brad,. r' rgrh a f7.4—lneilch and Amork. SPAM bunclus and oeparam, rich and noeel 411 m. BONNET SILICS AND SATLVS—GIacso Om. 4. pies, Oro. de Rhino, Florence, and other style., warted qualities and mac.. • SA TlNS—Anworted qualities and colons. dim—Rich and low mica' Parasols and embroil., Band. beam. dr- do. incltlS • UST REC'D AND NOW OPENING AT ey MI. Dion's, N. 113 Lamm Mtn, very large and raper.. stick of Fashionable Clads, ar adapted to tlentletrate• Wear for Parham termarlsing the need styles to American. Kruglish am! Wrench UMW mem; a very splendid atonement of . Vertings and Clothe of every fashlonable shade and radon whieh,lngethernitt. Z3 l 2llllltV Vine "d l g'k InMt i sel= Is —.l‘ocelft lb.t Tel F= Veli of ?le e i rirr:ll ebo Amor Mot with a mall. that not roty the mint superior Clothing iv mid at this establishment, but alto at the low e.t price. In the city. All orders ln the Tailoring liaeesemted. mama, in the best possible manner, and at the shortest notice. - ambit . W I L... NT k E i R ., !.:A o. 1 R.D .. 0j .,, L;j9 k,r t . 11 1 )11 1 ) ; J. L. HILLER a RICICArgir. mehlg =a and =latterlYst A.ND MOLASSES— " to XIX ' Pl't!'°° Vot,ar"e; tOoPrINI. In ono. sad for solo by MILLY.B. RICK)TSON mcblB )KARL STARCII-50 boxes fur gale by =Mg HARDY. JONES • CO. • St:Yr - AtIES No.l Winter Btralaea Larl 011; LI) tow Juklata Mormar. bbly. Mats Pork; Rama Ilmma,Should +5, and Salm to 10 bbLe. No.l Marken+. far gala low by 0111"4"' BIER & JONES, Canal Hada. LARD OIL —N bble• No. 1, for sale by mehlS JAB. DALZELL, Bg Cater st. 0. ,, SUGAR-25 for sale t Investments. 000 DOLLS. PITTSBURGH CITE 6s; lOU shunts Donlan Houghton mu.dng b 100 do. Coning 100 rti°4-4,... Rack A. MAINS k CO.. cornet Third and !target Mg. WALL PAPER. Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods. TIIOMAS PALMER is daily receiving from the Emtern Otirs, et the Mal stem. No. 55 MAim STMT. Bettreen Th ird and Fourth struts, Pittsburgh, G.pp rayrefip=rjas'''l4l rc Ilea patterns are entirely nen ,' the bitty. unsuetatiel. l elut e iurn aprarTa in th ' e f prime ram.. To this attreeti let of panda& which ewe ft . - ba foemadby debt thsa deseripUota ottn Manna awl house keepers IsAiirb fully Invitee. --a— THE KICKLEBURYS ON THE RHINE Ur L. Thackenn 141,11‘" , 1. 461 0 1 , r1c11 . I s 'in .d. ..tndw. s p n yLr . snlik'drrrestor. r at o 1" 11061F.S . Literary 'Depot. trichl7 TNN ,L. °mai. the root tnce. I‘ ,,p, ? gNE 3. FO k R . fm AP A ! . II...- 11ralunee Magazine do Bartalras dua Far We at 1101.11 E. intrs.u . Depot. Third at-. v14.4t. th. LEAD I' IPE--Cornell's improved patent Lead Pipe foe Iledeante, A irrrile Ra.. m . . - . et:Z.lloa .II All Alm ou halal and to arrim. Am gala be • ALEXANDER donzo 134 Yroot gree N: t. RCIL OLITTTER.--5 bbl'. for sale by B. a W. HARBAI3OII, meta: N 014.5 Pint 0z11.16 liebnct.t. TII klit.9-1600 lbs. prime, for sale by mchl7 S. & W. lIAILBALVIL GUS—I bblo. rec'd and for sato by men~rS. ir.uar.narron. Female .Seminary. RS. R. W. POINDEXTER proposes to o,s SEMINARS for Um Yeluestkm YOUNG MRS. on thi corner of Washington street mid test Mtmmos. Aprithehr CRY; commenting ea %be DMA Mom' " VI:6 ' XL of tro Demean rimemitte the astral brat:Lite . in do ErmalshUrpe!rtment. Ruramistr— Fkr lter. Dodgers. D. D.l Dr. That V. Dale, Arifohcap City. E P. B•Ift.DJ). COURSE OA' IN.YMUCTIO". JiMtcet Ihreirmisr—grography, History. Writlott. ADD. matte. Ite. kmtMet DttlITYLLTT—Pirsr Division—Naomi sod Mental Philosophy . , Chemist:lr, Ithstork, se e ter &sold Metre's—W{ll.3h.. the meal Mottles. ettlh fmtniethsse In. the I reach Language. • TEEMS or ivsromrrox. junks Deratmettlo t . . _ Dtriri . .. ........ tent. on SAO peer lo _ . . . lutroettoa tsiMuzle.. ....... mettl.26t AMUSEMENTS COGSWELL'S GREAT PANORAMA LIFE IN CALIFORNIA AND THE ISTHMUS OF DABIEN : THIS 3IMINIFICENT PINOILt3IA is TRI open at the THEN-Elll I II 1.1N,5, Warn 1.,h15.1.1 MURPHY & BURCIEFIRLD amortaleot of the aka,. cpt , 6 1, ..Lar.,11h , .Pr+hg plats . o d 1.1.1 a Ca.nm.n 11,1 d do, Meals. Merino C,..irort , .. Rtui Jwao, vmds of estionn kind, all Sr lowest prim.. mrbl. BOMBAZINES & MOURNING AAO- L - P t [Wu:lmm , tb, Mention of Vaa ' 71, t =l . l=frrat o s f . llarege, te. tachl7 sUNDRIES oaks Dacus Shoulders: 30 bbls. Lard No. 1: 4 - Orrate Lard, Ye. SotF 13 bays 1 cask Deerraa: • 49 larks Etathers: " Wool: 4 " Ole n¢ Driedl.rsehes ApyLen: 9 Wes Dutton: Dor lacunae Dom do. M.T . r.r wle br ISAIAH DICKEY 4. (X.E. 0,01,17 • 'Eroot and Water rts. SWEET POTATOES-60 bLH. now landing from .to. Mayflower, and for sale E ISAIAH DICKEY S CO., '4 Water and Etost COTTON-90 haleX to arrive per str.fiene so4 for ask , by 16A1 , 111 DICKEY L 01 M ANUFACTURED TOBACCO-150 . taco. Va. Manufacture, tbo boat brand,. fortale Ittatbr mcbl7 lAAIAII DICKXV d CO. At A r SOW . S th l i l j,LAC J. for ealo ‘t • New Books ! New - Balks ' • FOREIGN REMINISCE N CES, 1 rat ITT Richard Lord Holland: wilteiby his eau, Loam L 3 ward Lord Milani Jme &inn, or Prosperity and Airwreity; 61 Cathirtne Pillallll, author of -61, kldward -liolkh4 Bole," Moorland Cottage: by the author of 31,47 Barton, Larennun The &bria. the Rinser, the Priest; try Cob. Barrow, author of the Bible in Bpaii, and the Gigue. In CoLirt. Itildreth's 111stor7 of the United Statee-wood series. • The above works just reed and for sale 61 - IL C. WTOCKTON, Bookseller and Etationer , =lan corner Market and Third At • JONES ON LAND OFFICE TITLES.- iiiillebuo of the Law of Lela Me* Title,O Per o.olo^l•' by Joel Jooe i reed and for elle by TLC. STOCKTON. mchlS No. 47 Iderket et. New Books! New Books ! A T HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT] Third ' l T t ki' PP ' n `% P l t ir'' rih El a r agli thnoldiiebtio;. LoOlee Le Wham; by Alex. Laws. Coaroelt4 by Geo. 13.11-4 the le 1. Moe 50c. _ lekeragnx tba Scholar,. Wren., the Po.eb bY.leee The Qtoiees.Nectlatk Di Ales. 000100. ' Reveries of an Old Xsiot or Glatt to Young Um lam& Ina to aLtn•y• Nene eL ote ant also be ban of P. E. MeN.e'l. ARA, When/. Olchls Al . • Webster's Unabridged Dietionsiy. BSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTION ARY, bound In sheerklls2PP.orgoe.---Prior Sarno work hourolln Hunan colter:ll.ord burls old rues, my elmout—SlON. A large supply of tbe 'born work roc)] br nwhls JOHN u. MELLOR.. 5114.1 rt. Spring Bonnets. ir OUR FIRST LOT i. received and v• 1 ,.. en.a.A. yea:lean. in put. the awn.* ..tf.. Aiotil Chip, - queen's Ova l . White and Yellow Leta, Star and Tully. i Milltio Chip Smelt& Chip, ' J riol ' e p tl ..13 L irtVaral ud .... Flue Straw and Diomond, Pearl and Lamp Satin . ; Florence Crimped. , American Lam EriEllslo Petal, l i =ta ' rillra. "4 Aflame, SpllVtraw, illillt A. A. MASON k CO. toch" 62 and 64 ldarlsetat. IL-1E.., LACK DRESS SILKS.—Just reel per $ Zrpresms-ssuperirrr bleak Luistrine 100-100 • l k • s. l =ab pl,shit, blaka n A o lASl%' . a p,e ra •p,. RISR• LLNANS.—Reeei,k,d this '!xicitnitig SWEET OIL-350 gulf. for sale b mtb i s J. KID k CO. __..-------- poTA . I.I!-7 casci (prime) frof t r . w .. - w lil i. Ty. GLUE.- ., .): ,, bbls. (C . _oop_er!sr , :for j KIDD 21-92--.. 11010ITTSBURGII GLUE-30 bbls. (botrt) for JIL we Dr toclls .1. KIDD A CO. SUGAR CURED HAMS-10 tiercOe Duf frld'n celebested IL C. Ilats. ftwr mcbls ALL . LARD -14 kegs No. 1, for sale by mcbli sum .4 McCANDLBES. MOLASSES -400 bbla. N. O. oak cooper -01 see. for mile br meta 4 .1.. t R. VLOTD. LARD -20 kegs No. 1, for mile by .elll4 J. A IL FLOYD. MIOr ASEI-10 c a I ks, FLOYD warranted yore,. for .1_ ~,J .2 D. l CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES; VA Parlor Muddlers awl Worker& of the lark drier. also. two awl one tight Ornazwewal Nemirow, sd ceders( ILWJN. mehLs turner of fourth wrol blart4 rte. SOLAR LARD LAMPS, CILANDELIERS, Ornamental and settersa of Center Ta wd ble:ht.:o, szel Study Lerwei, ell of th tags AI , nr..ndixan e watershed stearderture of and ILL rosters priors mehlS , IV. W. wit..sos. (ILO RSEED-8 bbb3..for sale by melt& WICK It SWAN-DM& BUTTER -6 bbl. prime Roll, for e n ale by mega .. ' WICK a 11cCANDLEMS. SEGARS-150,000 Coin. Ohio, for', sale by malt J.tB..I"LOYD. BROOMS -200 doz. Corn, for-talO by malt J. t YLOTD. tIi.ESTNOTS—Ytibu. for sale by I melat J. kR: FLOYD. • TIINIOTHY SEED-50 bu. for sale by meau J. S R. FLOYD. FLOOR -100 bbls. superfine, for sale 11 tor-hl4 J. .t R. FLOYD. NO. SUGAR-100 hhds. for said by IllaLtlllll6lE • INGIIIIA2 nichl6 116 W06,...6. LARD OIL-10 Lbl. Dia: 1, on hand an far We by WALLINGFORD a (XL, Vtebs as •treat WWWANTED—The highest market prior, kraut.. will Da paid for the, different grades ord. by turbid S. ir K. ILARBAtOII. O T I O E7—All persona hating claims them Ole Mesmer SCHUYLKILL, lOU pleivre st.th.them subrlbez=llar: cot lomedlorly, 94114 WALLINGFORD t CO.. 9A Water At. OR 'SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania Raj road Stock Bankofllltabarylo Asehang9 TWA: r a.in4 ll t. Kt tat. Foorth 0.. WL.TEs — ztx'EAltifzrEsaale,r. DICE -5V tierces fdr sale by mchl4 • BURBRIDGik A ItCOIIRAM. LOAP SUP AR— bb ls . nss'd Nos., for ado by - mettl4 BURIMIDOI. k ORANI:MS.-100 boxes just received and kw ails by ' BORBUIDGE k-rsoll - ILA3I, meta{ 116 Water Meet. PLANTATION MOLASSES-600 bbls. in store axut k n sale by JAMES DALZELL, utetli a Water .1. M ACKEREL— ^ I, 1 h ) , b1 . !. No. 3; tor by. metal JAMES DAI.7.ELL. 011 'Water at. _ DRIED PEACHES-300 ha. for sale by itasnis S. k W. ILIARBAUOIL SOLE LEATHER-250 Sites for sale by =tat S. k IV: IIARBAUO IL SODA ASH-20 casks Kurtz's brand, for sale by malt S. dr W. lIARBACOII. DRIED APPLES-150 ha. prime, fi,r sale er menu E. lIAIITIAVOTI. '• LAX SEED OIL-2000 knits. for sale by .—mehli S. At W. lIARDAtOH. „El 1915MillIMIFFM. conirmla WINDOW GLASS-6M boxes Wlladocr CI LW, msorted Mrn and earibur braoar. reed arta for vile by mettle e.d W. IIAItILLIIGIL. Coatrthersl6. 10P ,EDWARDS & CO. have ansociated with bro j o u ntle= ir tikAA ea ' EDWARDS., MORIOS d CO. WCELSIOR WORKS.—Eawants, Moe acyam o nfacturera. of EXCELSIOR I OCK.e.. HRS. P L A TF ORM SCALER .VALLEARLE PAST MRS, dt.. No. IN Water rtreet, POta waled, I'd mehldlat VREIGHT ON BACON BEDUCED.—The. :e`,=.Vphr:rtgaggito * g.'"`'' llu cw.hl3 111cIAD 4. CUM- AO, LIGIIT CIIINTZES.—Mintritr &.Bnicrt if be nabautiful Welk. the atteutke of the Ladles to sues user styles of Light awl Leah Chlutte hred. They hairs also open this Monaing, ea drivel 3inapplf or SPR/liil BONS/ISR. Whop is low—sou. at 7% ants. llama Elthous, BotusittAtu... VIAREGE . DE LAMES; Light and Dark, Including a t. planer rer, beautiful Prima.. .dot , . for thlWratt, reed arta walla,. lea IT ..ch" MURPHY A. OCKCIFYIFiLD. T HE BANKERS', and fitint's :Alerchants' tta yr..t. kr Mach. Almo4-A m ew R ml clo,p —7tet.;:ctiAb./..GZ:Vtl.n.7l°,e'L''/"" REAUTY.—It is universally conceded that . beensr Is more ortunieri In into country thanln any While at tee same thee It it seta that lo no Obi . Country to it ton at 1.4,3 - 011[w ao nay. NOWoat eettain extent, but the nee u orteo eau by lect- We nee my b all, de not neglect To. Penettt , •5.41 . _•1! the following. ace,P• There bibles are wleounc Pttparittlon.CrtJ hurt Lit at. der.lsrafur Impartlos, Jules Meet oleo or Chinese to the bort hlllboe otentrttou o pco7 ._ th l na rZr totible "'.3lpat6l4"latters Depilatory Power,renewing supereu. ow hal, What ts more unsightly than heir upou the bet or arm. of a bay. nit article be remove ale a short ittnntlturtit. '''''er4jllfritociLh4°P"turort'ren:";:ti"betol'hoolf.i'kUr.u.°lltihk.llll-bolob4rlthlLe bfrr'strUtrdrit shorter time, sod more etteetuellY then any oe r y. WV:LI= ' Et t irs=ti.--It 11 rtaily• 11,pleana. to share nib this m.o. There Is thane of the Paurting...- .. w . eeperteneed to the ofemeet run.. on tea s, it lestet the skin smooth end tuft no an to• tears, end not Hanle to doom, Joke Boob knee Tooth Paste.—Neat to the bal, ti think the Teeth err Wended so the greateet Ilrassemt to the hIID"n t e te, but when neglect., nothing . is ot ditto, qu ietly ben.. 11y none Tooth Paste rill impart e petl i rturintenele. at the root time keeping' th• W . " 1111.X.8 ILZWEL, Perfumer and Cheese, 13/ Chesnut et, Phila. for ale cholteukt sad retail, by B, ~,d It_ betters, Pittsbergh. and J. Mituterlt. Allectuny .55.00 a:•v -(WO