The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 22, 1851, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED ; : . IN 1786
puma wart.
OmCe ON TIN. NTICIa. flit DOOl to'res IPOIN OMR.
TIALIX—Serrn dollars pet mown, paysta• bolt
Ets UOwsa If sold in sasuotu•
EE:MA—Too dollsrt:er annum, 10 01 , 010se.' auas
ill otppliMOle the frllossbut 0tud10.30.. — .
Tbsers , sTl. IsT wnun II 6 03
Six sorb. s/o
To.ty copies do
Tbr porlot rash Club to be sadreant to otor teTton,
and to bo Onstriably,ln adresuo. • No Club Papers will
.ftrr the srur s spites. maws the money Ls sent too
lin. of Nonpareil or bend
ea I 0
iseartron.. 0 25
nue week-- 175
two week. ...... - 3 00
Po. three weeks.....- ...... 4
two 17400, 7 00
M. throne It 00
• ' lour months ...... 10 00
sir. months. .. 12 110
no tendon months 'b.... 18 Mi
. !tending (Mils, ( limiter lens. per atumm...Ss 00
O. Lollar for each edditimal nue.
one Fogoars, elummable'at pleasure (per are
num) exclusive of the payer 25 00
For melt additkmal square. inverted over one month, and
he each additional square hiscrted under the yeerlY tale-4
Un Ad . e ebargte di a m s d squ are d m tda
ahanl/ not over ifton
poen:hers met seconntelle for neat advertisements bes
pod the amount deoreed for their pnbllmlion. •
A670111:0111, , 77.1itbd0a for oaks, to be charged the mut
as Other relvertieentents.
Advernseumnts net marked or: the mir OM a specified
Slumber of insert/gone. will be coutinuel tin forbkband par
s:mg exacted accordingly.
The rein liege of auniud telvertlsera ts strictly limited to
their own inmentinte stone; and an s d sm tleemet. for
the benefit of otherleereng. well. all adVertisemento not
lannellately enlonectel thclrwen burin:vet and all
dam , of advertlwenenta, in length or otherwise , bar
the limits eurmissl, will
ehaMonl at tho wornalratre. For
an such tr.:punt alserliaing, bills-VW be separately
mndennl, and prompt
_payment In dedreol.
Al advertisements for
Institutions. Ore com
panies, want. township,' mel ether regain meetings, sod
sath to. he cluggrit half prim, payable enictly ln ad-
Marriage notices tore charged WO cents.
Derdb 0711.1m010a1tI101 0.11.0001 r.ll7rge. Mileu ateimpti.
nied by funeral invitations or GLUM'S moth., ad When
muttionantent to le pato! fie.
aolverthers-md all others actalluipcommisnicar
Mom, or requiring mellow deolmod to Ila attention to
Foga, Poiret, re male
nr any public entertainments,
where eharges are pule for almittance-nall notloss of pri
vate assecinnotos—ererr nothe diviguod to roll attention to
private enterprieellealculauni or Intended to promote Ll:di
e-Meal interest, mai ouly.te imertel with the understand.
lug that the 2.aMP L. to tor yell for. If Intended to 'be
rateto the oral coltimm the same will be'cbarged at the
rate of not lens than 10 mote per line..
Bishop or OW - - helices lo a ehmsed , triple
Tarern-Lioruno Petitions 12 each-
Heal Egam Agents' and Auction:
t '
be not
to be clawed muler yearly rate, but to be allowed a
of thirty threoo and one third per mot. nem' the
amount of bill.,
71211.0 ea 111-7 . T.T.G.L1 . 17 MILT P. 011.1.
. One Square. three ....... .--Al 10
Do. each tellitionel in.rtion 37 •
13 it ITALY Parra.
One EOM.. (10 11u...1 onelogertion 50 cents.
Oe. el. additiom.l mom.
All tram:lett wlie ar rtiectuonts to be paid In advance.
...401IN A. PARKINSON, Alderman, Fifth
Ward, Pomo Krzvl. between °Tara Ind Walnut. All
bioloMs prom y,.
i F.-wruTE, Attorney at Law—Of
-0 • ar• ern Brant Wert, near ➢ourth; In Arthur.' Bail&
inn. entaburnh. narb!nly
P.. L. B. PETTERMAN, Attor-
N. nry. lA7r and Vasa/ 114.ste .t.tertta, O. UT it/a
otrmt febl.o
AMES J. KIJIIN, Attorney at Law, office,
Yln l'llataan 11s11, 1.71. , 7 of Ilford Arcot and Dlnnond
COLLIER, Attirney at Law, office
e fn Lowrie's Enildinre, Fourth et: above Ftnittifield.
Ifarift: forum! a coonertion with wm. N0e..., Fog. o f
w.hiaawa City. tama,ri, of the Land 011ieti,) to
eared to give protier attention to the procuring of Land
lierennt, reneione, dry. and to the proem:Mon of elsime
before COURIT,I, or any of the departments. jalT
AMES F. KERR. Attorney nt 14Wii—Offtee
on 4th 4. tonneau fhnitho4l4 and Chnutt-,Pittsbungh.
VRANC IS C. F ANEG IN, Attorney at Law,
Jl2 'a 142 Firtirth Pitttborgh.
envrw 11. rmwr.7. - f- ...... - —..Asam.. WATSON.
Attorneys at Law,
so. 110 Fourth groat, Pitte.bwrwh.
uonrcur.—A7 , marotor d Day: John Enrder, P.m.; tier
ma. Morrison kWneen John INetntwk. A. -
evanunkt; GetwaV.—J sawn, Meet...wt. tekrlT
gDWAR. P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
oak, on cough ferret, between wad sad Malt!,
e .
TASPER —BEADY ; Attorney at Law,
ildr No. kJ Pittk street, tiltebutgl., C,.
R. t z. J. O.corm. .
and.u.kwiLLlAms sc co., Bankers
awl Yotobitoon finibmt, Korth Diet corner of Wood
trac=sltarg g lit.ert Itt4m;, and ottat;ctlems
pronntly to. hair
7 vi - D; KING; BanketandEsehange Broker,
. 'Fourth in t. Deaßr In Bank Notes, XIII of Ex
the eat i ec a rgalt " p • iirOL '"" jlg taAain•sa
• Half Boßara.nta.Mcaldna and :Barbi/ Dollars, itt nan
la.d —
.A. ..IMER, JR., Banker and Broker,
V V .4th at a lin.Gß, adjoining the Bank of.Plßaborkia
ErILK NS & CO, Er.ehange .Brokers,
. Rooth ' t exam. , of Thin! ind Market awed. All
=sat ... t 'Banal rate. . •
I\T lIOLIS ES & SON, Dealers in Foreign
.1.11 and Doireedie Bills of iimhtinge Certifies.. of De
' r dte, Bank.binta r id .y) ! j acket ,tuye.
>II otUo
tIECOEII. ARNOLb - di O - Orlianke — rs:
Deaden Ln Exchange. Cult. Bait N i le— No. 74
Fourth Meet. meet door to the Bank of Pittsburgh. Col
-1 ectioua carefully airmailed to , anal the proceeds remitted to
ear part of the Union.
tun ... .. ..... -.tDIrAILD
h RAMER 'Bankers and Ex
, of
Dealers to Foridgn sad Domestic
f Ear gr. Certifieat. of limmilte. Bank Note.—
(Arm; corner of Third cod Weed 111.1vet.P., directlr °Dwelt. ,
the Si. Charles/Bidet.
4CAROTILERS CO., Banking House,
. N 0.15 Waal etnet, Pittsburgh. Current Money re
-1,4_011 Depuilt. made on all the principa/
Mlles of the UMW elates.
is. atmaj Ont. 111.V13.
B AIRD' IRVIN, Commission Merchants
worst an. IL HAM
ALMEIt, lIANNA CO., Successors to
Hamm Co- Ilasvasta, EXCIIANO. Rto[l2l4
ramler. Forrion mui Unniestic Narbonne, Certifies:ea
of. Deposit. Bank ...Koos, and dissis—North West corner of
Wool and Tided liiirnoit. Alone> , recrived be
point- Plebt.Chockii for rah. nod collertiotia mallows near
ly all thy principal van. of tbo Status.
The higbest'pronsiiim paid bir .Futvian and Anwar.
Advaneeo mode en consign:nom. or Predate. &loped wt.
on liberal teintssg
itt. W. T:AYLOR, Commissioner and Bill
Ihnter, l llg. becondkora. Strict attention' dill be
given business entrusted to his taro. Idttabotab
nianufaelored'ardcleo &war. tai hood or pdaared at short
natio, Notes, kr-. negotiated on favor
able terms. Advances made. if redolred. tea
RC. STOCKTON. late Johnston Stock
.. ton. Bonßeellor, Radnor., Priam .4 Binder, stn
nor of Market .4 Thir4 otroeto. l'itt.orgh. • •
-A S . B: lIOLM.P.S' Cheap Literary Depot,
Thin etroot. oprrolt. ,, l ho rnstrOloo. pook.
is dolt by rmn•t•. ioTirtm
Imeret prim,
R HOPKINS, Bookseller and Stationer,
lb .:t roorn. stn. dfrOo
AVID SOWN. Jit., Wholesale and
Da nn Pt
! Can hrtlcr, Fourth idnua..llttahatgb.
Bake m
and Fancy ronl , dinnary . , shcays en hand.
- . All older) punctual!) . all...dui . •
111 , 1 T M'CLlNtOCK.llnnufacfarcrand Im
,Pono• rcrt., Clnthr, Sknun itnet
awl ""4'
ip A. :4CANULTY k CO—Transporters,
tJ Fortuirlier and m I •t• Mtreltanta.
causr nudit;.44.s Prnn Amu. Pittsburgh. ~
nu ute,-._
... wooo.
an.l Commission 31.irrhantr i Ne, 61 Water wok.
WM. it. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
Contmi,tion Menhant, ND. 112 &mod Mret.
IFR S. JONES. Frxwalding and Com
ad•ston 3nrchnnt.:Vmfien itt Ptah., snell PlCO
ont artklt.. Caosl Eosin. near seventh
erect. stint. run.
A. A. IWO .11: P./OW.
• JONES kCa, 5.„ e ,,,„, At -
Jones A. Co Certi omission and fonronlilor
deter. In rittAhnrOt 31.nbctur41
burgh ..
Int. POW
pC. SRACKLETT & CO—.Wholesale'
• Dealinn , ;ll runnlnn OLlVlDonuntic Goad, NnAML
Arent. PittAnnii h. . . &MI
A., Wan ro..rrrmicetn ns - mnicr
A.- MASON IVllale6ale and Retail
Denlinn in Fenry and Fin!
nc•abil D. 7 ttecela Merchanu amber of rano,
kraal& Pitaburala
ma drram_:....;nra m farad..;- a. lumina.
Merehallti—Fnr the ralr of Mom Ale.; Woolen. and
iron Grodir odro;d r o{ara In all kiud. of Tailor? Trlmar
Mgr. No. 1M Wed rtreet, ta t ell door from MITI, pitt.
Dural, : •
)11 D. Dentiet, Corner oi Fourth
De,nlr at, between* Market arri Feat etre.te.
DX. O. a. grrn.o..l ic X . DOWXII.
McDOWELL, (Sticeolosors to
to Xerr s Kogorr.) Wholloale nod RAtoll Drag and
eon. Roo', rorn, of Wool .tn.t and Virgin alley.
Physielone Vioornptions rarefolig oon,goondod night anyl
J. tat
TIDO Sr, CO.. Wholesale Urn .nistat/Deal
..r, It. POnt, Oil,' Dv , . Stuffs, Ord - hi.. triasornt,c—
etan of Ito. 3•l*Lour's wick-Med Viorsotpre_olSo. LIV,
~.4.1,,ng t3pufr. lio. CO. mrort or w 20.1
..., rr_
t„, 4 74,.. e t j 1, I' itt . b.rgb. °odor, Will,bo --...•••0f0i1Y WA'
.4.-indforwarled with , IflffaCtu • A.,
~...5. mac, - ,6~.m. ne-...~tw.w'~,. t:.
R A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. Wholesale
Ifi,".... b .ri=tra.."A f tiZe r :ilf W lli La d iTia!
burp re. uirb7
LiE. SELLERS,. Wholesale • Dealer in
b . , prz , !;.,',",.l"''rff.t.thlt..N=h o 4 , =igi:
Pries. lois
tiIOLIN 1). INIORGA:. ~ Wholesale Druggist.
..).1 under in Dye Rug& Points, 011 Von:Soto, Sc.—
, ea Wood street, otos &sr South t C Diamond Aibl.
SN. WICKFACSII.43I, Wholesale Druggist limier in Sonia IV Sarkultussi itubl 4 = 4 " , a ,
O. 161504 ISo Wood ores comer of higib.
iruuiloCieas. .:. :* —7:::::, :trceiniiiiit:
ARAUN . 11.111figii . ."Wilolesale and Retail
Druggists. sorts, of herty and Ft Clair et, Pitts ,
urgh, Ps.
..... 4 ____ ,
I SeIIOONMAKE A CO., Wholesale Drug
el gist", No. 24 Wood ob.. Pittsburgh.
ago as.
JL. SIIEE, AVhole*yile Grocer, Commission
. llerchant..ddiskitln Paper awl Nog, conker of
Won And boon strorta.l._allbur.h.
, i; VIM, Wholegal.: Or
.rt t ii:il m o s T b Zrl.^.T.lSV;
V 4 .ralimitntirla. httebargh.
t Til S-., CO.,' Wholesale
~ Corumlolon Merchant, and
r ' - or lbstardrille. Com, :so.
ss P.—
1.3 8.1 co
rn in yhtte
- .a burr.l Miuurartg
4011 N S. DILIVO4
Ortrprs, Produre ul
gents dor ilsdard Powder .
31 Wood st.. Pittsburgh.
nountwool -.-
URBR/DGE & /4GRAIIAM, Whnleenlc
13/ Oro no% aoll COMM' • In MerchaoL, No. LIG Wot..
t.sad 150 ,ratstreet. yltaboroh.
.I ,d
F, 5 ;-- S S CO., Wholeflala
~., Forwardlng Menchultet, end
an:LA.SIU at.. st.l.ittnbargh.
Gnaws, CatamWaken
s Mr Brighton Cotton
JO. mum
jOLIN WATT & Wholesale Grocers,
Oen:rim/on Membrane , and Dealer,. In Produce and
rishurgh Manufactures. 'O. INSAI Liberty street,
burgh. P.
I 11. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
!!.....aTt - tuAt!=t= h ZA:o= ll
Pearl doh. and.Weetarn Produce generally. Wirier street,
between scatthaeld and Wo.A. Pirieburgh.
JS. WATERMA,' SONS, Wholesale
• tinkers. CornmtainOn , sod Forwarding Merrhants,
Ted VeleV. l an k ril.. o eL P iatr '' tre d solo of
Lyncleburiih Manulacrinsi', Noe. scel Vaud.
street, Pittsburgh. • - 1 •
• sale Gromrs. ForinuMing said Comsniroion
ant... Mailers in l'iltidnirgiv Mannfacturee and 'Menem
Prpluce, No. MI, corner of l• nt stmt =dams:my
JAS. DALZELL,. V holesale Grocer, Com
te nals..iss Merchant.nd Dealer In Produoe and Pitts
..lib Manual...i.e.—No, a 7p Water et., Pittsburgh.
;End; TO Water 0, -,
Tau. [gr., macr.r wax,
DICKEY & CO.. Wholesale Gm
errs. COMIIIiini01:1 Merchant, and Dealers In Pra
Wlater. sal 107 Frrel street Intaborgh.
RM. VIOUSII • J A.ll. J. p"....2.11.17.
gscusu BE,,NNETT, late English,
o.n. g bes WhOPMIC UPW , l,L i oniiiiimaiin end
orwardina Merchants, anti Dealer" in i'mailer And Pitt,
burst, Manufsetuiro. Forotol st. and 121 Flirt
botliren Wml arid
mum, suciLevioit, minimum
ILLEM, ItIcKETSON,. Wholesale
gsfs. g7 7, 7l:;Unts;: * . f rriZia"'Z i cr Pr.!
tont.h, Iron, Coitori £c, k, comilontir
, band.
aOHN 10 . 0111........1.125 .. iYoria.......wittera u go
MGILLS A ROE, , Wholesale Groeers and
Cooterilsedou Merchants. No. Ira Liberty street,
011 a - F."Zib - 4-----
OBERT 310011 E, Wholesale 0 ewer,
Acetifying Distiller, ( dealer in Priclum. Pittsburgh
&newton, and ll a 171.1 s of Forei. and Dinnestie
lure and Liquor.. No. ,3 5 Liberty street. tin tiniel a
t large stock of sure r old liOneeigalicla Whiskey,
b WM be wild bre foragib.
ROBERT DALZgLI Li , CO., Wholesale
and ri?u=V:=4 m. .'" i ro. L YPLIZIZ, P V ' T.
Grocer. Prettier. YoFrarding. and ectiuniseio” Acc
ent, and Dealer to Pitt burgh 51anufactares, No. 320
Liberty street, Pittsburgh. . -- -
MTI. BAGALEY , s: c 6.. Wholesale Gro
cers. Ntr..FS end Iln Wt.' !tn.. PlMtorah,.
7.,Tntr - tT.irtri .. . . 1.... . ..n 'an alilani.v..s.
WICK . & ll'oioilitollESS 4 , successors to
1.. k. J . ..i). Wick, Wbokr.nle Grocer, Forwarding;
and CorrnaLndon hlrrchnntd.drnte , In Iron. Nunn, Gin,
and Pitted st ar Manufacture , . neurrally.
corner at Word and Water de. Pittaburan.
d. un t 0.....:..:..._:a1nt . ........ ....... .-.......1. n. ,lor4i.
Grocer, and Com Ae.ri dlrrr.L.t.... Dealer. In Pen.
re. and Pitt...burgh dt uturtarrd Arnett.. 195 Laverty
street. Pittrlntrylt. Pa. •
._ ....._
I. P. 1/1111.3.. ~. . .............. . .... —M. Mr,
.. Jr D. W1LL1A.3 . 11 . & CO., - Wholesale and
• retail Fatally Gillen r... Furvnrdlna and CA.:omit:don
ereltantr. and Drakes la onntry Itc•ltten and Pitt/banal
Sdanufacturra, corner td: Wood AM Firth toe., Flrttturntt.
211;ItiiTit....-ASSIL. IL I.MIIO ,
1 LE ,k, CO, No. 2.55
t. l ”` TniP...l2B= CM174,,g7,
-dr If. It FLOYD, Vholesate Grocem, Cum
. minion Mactuntd. d Deak , ” In Pmttuar--itouvd
Unit Ball:liar, Itcolln at Liberty. Woad, oud Illmth
Meets, Iltdsburdh. Pd.'
TOHN PARKER CO„WholemtleGrwerm
0 Dwlledd In Prt - duce. i , aViZO Wint, Ltquom WI Nips,
oattabrla attui IteatEttal Into—No. 5, Cacottsdrist Ito,
, berty . Wert. PM ,
Tu t . teriComtaleeke , Mer
JOIIN 11. 31ELLOD., Dealer in Piano Fortes,
el Slade. and 3lusiral tortrament, Seim! Mot.. and
Stationery. Salo agent f9r Chirtwritnes Piano York, for
Wedeln rennnirania--, hl %tont
WIVItY Dealer in Music, Mu
sical Instrument&
C. k. lenpnrter of Italian string..
I{y fat' s QraW r.=
Io LDSCO.,CO. Alanufactu-
Iwo. of rem 1 , 9{,r 4-1 Stmettn. ttarpi .
n Twine u.l liatnn.. 15.:10 51111, 15414burtett.
. . . ..............
ONES ViiiGij lifonufacturen. of Spring
• and ElltstomT444l, , 114ngh Stool. S.l l in o uth
I, mut Eliptio $OOlOl.. Itamturrett Imo !tales: and
dealrrs to,C tinm. tin Ermine nod
Omen Trimming. genem It. cmner of .114.4 and Front
yofkissußoli ALKALI WORKS.—Ren
llet. Berm - t 1.55, 5114antimumn. Sm.
tm Pomlent, aml eulptavic MU. Weretton..
No. Waler
... ..___
WALTER P. 31 ARSUALL. Sucee.or to
Samuel C. lOU—lmporter and Dealer In Preneh
end American Paper Bonier, WiltriOVl
blander,. Ere Omni Printp i te- Aloo—Writtoo, Printing,
.wd WroPPial , raper: No Woo.' erect. between Fourth
and Diamond Allan PUN orgh. Pa
TEA , •
MORRIS & HAWORTH, Ten and Wine
31 orshants, Ewa We of Lim Diamond. Pitimbormh.
WM. A. m'cLr -
I'm dio
have shiny, oo hall a I
low and Vino Tea, Moo.
ads and retail. Dmilom
G & CO., Grocery and
ror.lun rt rnilts m/ Nuto. Am
Whol ,,
• prll,l 1.1“. logroot tom.
TOIIN A. CAUGLEY, Agent for the Luke
Op. Erie and llDebit. Woe. In &ay, and the Iskee.—
Wine on the corner oft at, and Might:Ad on.
EILEECH. ,k :c ~ m
and Forwarding . 0
the 11=1. '
Tramportern by Canal
terrlunto, xaer of Penu strett
A L 'ir/STAVIV ''' h
SON cacti kroarn
Vet/It/an nu.a mmrtAoti, hand or
• to artier the brat attlele In their Hoe, at their old
a(and. N 0.13 ht. Clalr.lntint: alio. at Nn. Mnokot Arent.
meennd 'tory. tro.. hi Ilse UN/bout. V anntan Sliuttara
ma& to or der. and old L lode u. atlo repaired. alll 3
111 A. BROWN*O Id moNtrespectfully inform .
the pablle that k no hand athts stand on the
/or the Diamond. Allis/ Y My. • itIMI/Die allealttmoot
rientdan blind . akteDenitlan Shotten are made to /mine
Irat e, m bedted equal La any In the Unitid
Rat 111, DIN& ean be remotni without the old of
liCtel• &De, 11001 LI y tehiont the attiek.tonla, and .ond
of th e cabinet a:dahla. got of Romany t am
sll Piw b =1;11::. *di pot'
k m r eo,r s ko. 4'.7 4utsh• .
J . A. W N..
corner of Third street and Ewa
1.4.1331=-1/cesd •
/111.30 , 13 T .
N. 11.—LIme. Nand; 31
Mcb4:ly ,
mgartil d ir.
ADAm rims Veteri l
nary Silrgenn. Ist,
attwurZ p r lr ttn.. 4 7:L l ttZte l d
In connection with -.mei. llandir, II ite. chncing mai
IllaektiniUang in ' , III b c carricil ne. at Ip• Dance
of Tunnel stincet and Pc nay icania Avenue.
- -
AVoot,,llnkt , cus and
hooh fur an into of Amffirao
1,-ty 2
I UGII. Wool Merchtud.s,
od Produer orbondl, /out For
• •lfendoton, No. 11:. , S a l fdt:oct,
00 No. 7391 ,
S trel7. Inn
}Moue 4
varain. and COMlTilttin•
..1 116 P.cond Anret.ll I
...._ __ .. AN D ... ,
EVILLE Jon ,'cSON, I:noavgr on Woad.
Phil° Ran, Ithln Ann.) Pinmhinvh:Pw—Virr of
Tiding,. Machinery.; I Is of Nexonwlwr , " 0 .' 9...4 ' Pw brog Iwbc , In whom Pale for Ihrlrionr. ro.
.. , "...dwcw.rnethns; twine Stn., le., in the tr.!. styk•
at art and at the love, pricer.
le Poviwt:
Pittn hunt,
Billh e,
eads, than,
braving, nurir
drawn on nun.
Mark, In the
able One.
Fourth drop..
carefull y reps
: 10.1tCHANTS.
N CO., importer', and
n.nlirarn and Lutlery, N0.1:49
irtalemie Deal
Dal Amt. Pitteb •
-14 eery of FLINT and (111 tILAFIt. MOU Ltni. and all'
k oda of, SIACIIINEItY. take thin method of inlitration
thuw dealeona of hoeing snobwork don., that they are
prepared to do It at the 'garret onsalble rat, at the abort
est noUce.and In the beet almoner. at their evtabllshment,
neoond street, above the Canal Bride...near the Una Work,.
Twee boon for Mark Emit'. and Bloat Furnace, mono
facto kind. red 1. the ehortest noce.
bort and et
noncethe ',we'd eta
All 0
of Johldan dune o tin
Gas Fitting.
'• • •
11.14, Pitt,borgh,Pn.
Wou ituite the public to .. ld brit
' 1 tuw.r:mrut
Chandelicrt, Bms Ilrodds.
t They ntr t,t;{:a,% to execute
. Fin/. un the ttrr
nd o.rt twn.onable term..
17 lwautiful style of Had tyll ,s l 4 ,7l s uMilZ:t br
nu.b7 turner Wood sud Iliamuud
Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's
'OVE FIRM respectfully anmeince
to their 'friends and the rotate generally. that they
prepared in the hmt atyle of their art, all
Their 8,4,1461:me1d bi at '.` s t : tk. 04; Market street, holier.,
Third and Fourth idreeta. up Ittalr, tnelMlf
Bolivar Fire Brick hianufaCturing Comp'y.
JAS. atoren....-a. u. can n r. s. manna ,
T 111: SUBSCRIBERS, having been ap-
Agent. for the above tistui.d poorer, will
keep constantly milord aupply of the celebrated Bolivar
Vim Brink. Crucible Eire Clay f urnace Hear On. and ion In.
They am also prepamd to remlee orders for said Brick. to
be made In File und date to suit purchuom. which shall
be promptly Ellot.
We du not event It nor... eery to inunicrate the many ad
valnces the. Bolivar Fire Brick. plowees °err all others that
have been offered for hale In the United State, their
rierity signoribeing well known to all petwons who 'nae
Fire Brick. The proprietors Lave determined that the
Brick shall let none of their present enviable reputation.
and that no esprose shall be steamd in wake them even
better than tibel have hervtotbre Wen. This la the only
radahlishmont now manufacturing
Ii Fire Brick
A. JONES.. at itnilvar.
nieL7 Canal Itaaln, Sereuth FL, Pituburgb.
& CO., have received r - r,
erd and the Wei rn
generaill. fob=
Pittebtugh Gas Pipe anti Tube Works.
undersigned have just completed their
.o •
WT m other vii. in
a a l l l l
s or GAS PIPE. Lo
which they offer for /Mil' at the lowest p They ore
now prepared to execute entree, to any extent, without do
No:PI and 11 . 2 Water ttrak..
(chum PITTSIIVItti PA ,
y !dila So. Ca, Lawny cer of Adam. PittalatraL.
Pranchtunan. nod Prartlcal Minim: Agent, Ilakra
drautthts of IhaloPtTur the Patent Odic... der-1p of Mechi
l'otall'gcNi"x7.o')l..'Sri."..,7V-pi.';11.!...', hie n•ridanoe. 47
}lart•nry alrmL littaburnh. .p,nl4:dlrt
YA. 31 I 1 1 . 11 RS, Agent fur Delaware Mu
lam] safrty InFurant, Cotantutl, 4 Z tr.trr tttrtw ,
GARDINER COFFIN. Agnnt for Fninklin
ettmrtnni• ninth mom corm, of Wnoa
al an , r
pr,a.nst ludo eTrry den-riptirm r,l Binding with nrlttnant.
Ivrtund carefully, or n•poilenal. ?em,. rut.o In wilt
Tboft vim EtaTrrbialivg invihttl In rah. Pricy. low.
. . . .. . .. . . .
Al'e°' & CO., Wholesale and Itetail
Stonarsetarrei. sue Anil., in Ilat..Cat. and Von.
er.rner of 1%,,4 and Fifth PIMP.. eitistursh. %Chem lbeT
offer a full and mmplele atak of Ilea, ('a For, i 1.,. of
every analitt nal At - le. by Whole.nle and Retail. mat In
‘l. the attention of theiI•PtIOCIDOIN and purehamr. arm.,
ally...ming them that tit."' wall aril on the mwt advan
tsgenua aims.
DIGBY. blerollant Tailor, Dratirr,
V nal Itexly Made Clothing. In I.ilwrty et.
lta in the 1..1. aug.ll
NeT Coach factory—Allegheny.
:N.l. A. WIIITE & CO. would re-
Vl:et-Ml.lle inform the publie that It,. hat.
erected vb.-5, on. Larnek, hetvreen Vekleral and eautnekr
.treeto. Thk ere now making an.l 1.,tv.r..1 to receive
der, he every cleverir non of v.hirivv. t.. ,, as Cei.,
flut.v.l., atawls, from th.Jr
too,, ...Peden. , in the matalfwcture e , f the alvna work.
and the tamlitten limy
th e.'hav Met 1,1 enoCalent the, am
to do work op eOO.l reavouable tvnuo with
thom wanting artirh, in their 110..
Paying yvarticular attention to the e4reth at of material,
nod havlng tam , hut entur,tent. norktnen. lb, hat.
11.0itation In warranting their murk- It e there toreaaa. the
attention of the pubiie to Ilia matter.
11. IL Rep:drive done In the not manner. ant on the
mod reaar.nabie termv. ja3l:l/
BAGI,F; MARBLE]WORKS, (rstmblishod
INS.:V by EI.MTIND WILKINS. No. 1,1 LitwYtY A ,
of Wood mtred, Pitt.buril. Monument, Vorial
Vault, Tomb, Ilrad.tona., te4 31.41 11..., 1.....utra- and
Pier Tom, slwaym on bout. and nude to onter.
N. D. A choin,rotlertica of Drawings . hand. jaln
4- , -,-
A CMCD-1135L
& BURCIIFIELD, North Erwt:
V reenter of Fourt2i g ,Antl Ilarket
It, -.ave. at !be rigamcntema•lit et the %err hear. to n-11
turn their thank In their ruinwaers and the put, went i I
all,. for the large rim.... rtfeurtinn etteutltil them. and
invite the nut ilt 11.0 , tlonr favor, Itavtintntiv „
enlarged and imrno tit their nig, they areenabledb.k..t,
haul a v.., ententilve antoetnient of thud,- and Itutura
sin -hat. the advantage of plenty of light 1.. el/111•1[0 ,
Waal.. anti make their relnetame. Titer trialitniet
their ortatilothuient. ne far 'sr praelirattle. a VA , IILVt
EMMY.. where every aril., In the Ito line neeittol
far the want. of familia, tan be prneurtaft—atitt In their
&rationed effort, to *elect the tend rei•als, atel to relict,. b.w
tbey bogie to [mike it the litterrot of Lana,. and in- I
div to, favor t tenn,rills tin it rashim.
te,,t,-ThoIVIIOI.ErtALE h. rontinned '
lb. newer uD antra—entrance/ tenon 401 OUP.. rr 1.11m.b
luvr.r two>. ILO9
- „
IrrTsisuitoli CO)151E1ICIAL 0,1.1E01t.
ll'ornyr of Third ao-t Markot Raced , . Tba only char
ni In.lllntion of the Ylnd in Pitteboroh.
FAMl.7l.—John aletniva. Lotrortm. In the
&tepee /4 •,n.
it. K. Chatoberlln, rodenoo . of Pcnntrlanahlla Mercantile
Carritnitalloo. kr
Ales. M. ltalAon. Ear. /n^lorry tm ClktillTiefrilki
Tl o oe d,nrint, ooroplett. knovartitto of Kock litvolost
and ita atoplicalona to every. branch of 'twain, ala/
glad and.yaold potanuohlyt ax Isotllod Wall and exam
ine the arranges...ult.
on Commercial Lau eyery mo.:dar
(1. any of the roOdent Illy merchant., 1.1.T.1
-- - -
41kENT/11;11,111E10 1532. by EDMUND
IWII.KINS, No. 245 I.ilwrty XL,
head uf IVgarl •treot- Pittalaurch, 1,
%Inn um , ni•. turfs' %,.11tA.T0.n41.414n..,
Sr.. %hustle. 11:4r444,1....nt, end 1 4 1 , -, 'ropy
alas,. tnil band and made tx.44rdrr. Id tr.
c1.44.4-44.4t 31arlilon. sad at Tr, ndurrof
iduv•. .1 cleder Atird,on elf Dra.ngs on,
Sf ATlAtr • ri
flu ,4 , 414 14-41 I k .
_______ s,_,_,
(mm 1.11. 4 •4 . —•----",
L •
• I I.I
. t -d . 1 .
IL•rmar Denny. Clark Tiernan. RM.
lion. Judge Wilkln. 'John llarper.l"..q.
HAfhluaon, Ir., K . Jserr. kkg., Arc.)Meek,
John Snyder, R.,. Cub. .4 P.m., Ilnkers.
Illtrhurgh Dank. situnrr A Ilahm, do.
.1. 11. nlammberrer. Ern. . A Corry.
IVllron 11.1nd 4,9. 1.1. than k Sorgant. do.
Ilmbrrt - Medi night. Rm. Urn Itagaley
Jas. aleKnliehr, gm. Ilrmlng. li. T. Slirrn k
N. Imthrop. flan j .7.llle ' rdom " V b'
K. W. feel. grateful fik thy 'err rktronag..
rely"s during nlnte.m yearn In Itm. "f haring lood the
largest and 1... rt mlo entr , st...l to hlr earn ur 1 , the tfre•ent
time and will endeared. to render anti-fa...lron herfaner.
) factor,. Ware-roon. (Y 7 di VI Thin! stnet.
.1. V. IV. renpeetfultr lotnno• Ills friend. ond s.4r
rustomers that he ban now r!..mplated the Inrenti..s.,
and bytes( stn.. of 1/01111411/111 ft/Tall, ever bet,. n. en In
tl,. city. an elefermlnod to 11010111 thepulity wlth
ell-,....0ned manorial.. best aorta..HP..lo newert
4.1 ,1 1arel fnm the rflelit I,lllil , 1,1 , 14, nod (minty In
manufacturing. he is °Dahl,/ lo Prodnen warran.d furni-
Mr, at th.. lowrgt priers.
Ile h. saloptrd lb. rf identlfring them dorn.
ern' Interrnt with bin "Cr.. in quald, and Pl+, . 111, 1 kola
alarm)) s on hand Our greatent varlet) rd every de.wripti , ...
furnitatc, from tho chant awn. and plainest. U. the west
puttd that • bon, urnor Part of one , mar he
turnb. an L. from h. stork. or nianufartund evar...l, to
order. therefore tostawtionjinit the 'Oran.
taaw• of in e .rtablishment ma, he known. The
article. ronnrt. in part. , of his stork, arlinh for richnrse of
.rtla . and finish tannot raurpagewd in •ny of the Eutern
Parlor, drawing. dining. and bcd.roons chairs. of every
rirty. consisting of rowrwoud, malvdranY and wainnt.
Eirabothen, Connerratoire , and Ilasy Chairs. of every den
tription: Conches. itohas. Tetris.tete and Divine of the latest
nch and American patterns: Tanhven. IVhat.Nots. and
parlor Writing Drake of varios kind,: Work Table.
and fancy Inlaid stands. mask stand., and holders. marble
lop. mahogany. nasswood end walnut email. and 111111, 111.
canmeton dining tables: all staroof the most irnprnsed.
and dwridadly the tans kind 11111111, card. Prroldoke ball and
pier table, wanlmbes. bedsteads and waabstands of garb
large aswortment: n'othir hall suit parlor nieptlon chair,
ottoman,' and atrols. seer tar/ and.hook cacti, ride boards,
doe petrel, trowel.ravka hat ntatals, and multle stools, i•riton
sod rota; fur chlldn, paper macho. table and tra pop,
nusli4gany. rowwood. end Wahl pearl Toblei.lte. kr. At.
A larg4 ansortmEnt of Common' Furniture and IVlndsor
Chairs. Cohort Plakrra rupplied .11P all prtlel. to their'
titeaslmatn and lintels. fornirbed at the shortest net.n.
All ordern pruntptly ',nominal to. .1 59 -
#°UNIT LANDS—Corr. Cnts. Nati.on,
Attorni, .1 Law. No. 16.1 Third FL, vorunr(!bekry .
, leaving tnailr arrnnitron.nts the trerpore, will
t,rnrurr Boma,. Land. , for after, nod noldlrrn. their
widows spit rbilitrvii. end will .11.04 to .of other lios l.l
tone, mons...toil with 11... gorprotornt or 11,0, of Ito Derwi
..WA, the I' nn.loo old, Or th e Courts at th e l'lty of
Wastalntrtoo. ' nillidtt
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting ill Oil.]
1k,1 . 1 ,,, :!) ,;,, 1! , ..5 , :.1 , 1 . 1 f ! . .11 ,.1 1 1 :4 4 . 1 1 :11 , 7 , tr1 d w r a , r , ii . t! i tc ,, :t:.. , i , 5::: „ .
t.r t de 4..liglitf id nrt. in bin rm.., li, 31i.inni. Firslfe Si
Atltionoo's urnbulLling. First string. lotorror Wood and ,
Merkrl strin.rn. !Juin. of IrvtnirtJon. from Os to Vi. .oil'
fro. 0,. fn 11' P. W. Chars... itrul otliar port:contr.. eon to'
known by CPI illlg (Niflornion) 01.11.. nnans.
1,4„ ~,,, ta r . fileosro or Ur. A &limn. ' PP2.1:.1 If
: .
'PPR", ?NMI' .../ API. Putrol.
smipLEy & COLVIN. Coral .Morcic,cb.,
„„, i,,.„1e,-. to Tn 7 Omit,. i1r0.n.rb..... Iron sod balls ,
POMP, of IValottl. strniit slut 'Nesbit:igloo Turnpike. HAM',
TlPlprt.ll 11l In iol9.l.lwlroli '
.. _
w. inientxtotsa.... ... i............. ..... .. ....... ......i. urns..
taralanal 311n.rhIn0
tr.. rucr•roki nr
Iloldl.llrroup. or
the rtturt renuon
. , .
P. flrViol,oll... 1111.•101.
%V. CUNNINGHAM k 111.. Mknurtalumtv , nI Winnn
(mkt, ,No.' 31arket VW!. au! Peron,'
HtFlonrFlL YA.
Partirulnr st.ntinn pail to emltl ,km.. Akn-14.1.r. I.
Flint Mau. L InIM Nettle. Ac.
oewelry, Silver
nn. of Sh.krt nnci
"mrl,- mod Clarke
.5 „ 71 0... ll_ oral Or ONO: qf INtafmr.A.
Noe* ..1.4 I/narlo ....11...1.41.0t •11 part+ of the rt.G..n.—
YO,eloi 1 ./ 1101 11 1 .111.n1cl ,A n.nolo.lrm SAG , . +l'
. _
I . I LAIMIS(' 1N SI, ' • LL. Attorney ot La.
ipy 06,v Male C,AnO•//11.n D.rlAlaina Orpo.:1111ms, Ark.
a slexota of Ihnds. Ar 001./.—Ainoth=tiav
iff .... 9y o r, F m n !NTs
Tlar uudernotna Mother tesat4 are oppolotal 4. mat
Wed t wrtla 1 '
Saut •
, .
Saurda,. Jun. , 71. hr odoesday. June iiii•
snto rd 3, • - _IA Wetlovlklu). :th
} , nturdny. 'WI (II Welluef.h. , Jul 9th
Fatonlzt). ....' likt: ' l '
llV.lnulay. •• 1-41
aturdn, . Augun WI \Voluvrlal. Aug. I .th
Salardsi, - , I , llh 11' .. ,. th
, nturdne .• lOh ‘Vnlnelder. Oral. Al
.. ..- . _.._ ..
Front at ..t. bet o red Wood nod
Saturday. SIM.. 1:1111 li - ndsle.lety.
I+alunla, . - : 7 th 11...1urm1a,. OA- IPA
Sutordly. 11.1. 11th il'mlne^ln.v. :
...II; t lh i.
Satinla>, 1t . ,.. IIIIIIIN•dnraln,. Nov. 1:11,
.. 2 . 2,l,lytaluralaf .
Saturnia,. IN. , '4151.,..turL1N,. Dre. 1811,
LNllunlAy. - ../.11 Satunlay. - ItTrlt
T6OY LIT Ert Pout rum. THE VNITtli MT tTtli.
Aga ..............Ya[uNal•
. . • • •
.: Ir Y0rk........ ...11 . r.Inrrkl.r. 9 t 9, 3,
Camuln. Lk.. , tti Wolne.ll.2y. April 9 .
W.,lto,alla), Aptil ZI.
America llogtor. ",,,,,,,4.3.. April Mi.
Amt ............. .....—Nrw York IVnlnewl.,. May 7.
1'a....u, to 1133.11 fax, IL.ton. or Nt.v York. 1.Z.5 : second
ral.ita. f...n.
Nem link and /Tarr.. Line— Mt nIA y Tru.n:
ISUrt Sli. 111.K.Z.
kiln. Salonlay. N. 1,4. Franklin. Wc.F.l . ar, lab Mal
nihol.ll nth Slily 11.0.1411 9111 Apr
11.111 i. btli Apr Franklin. •• SW'
.• :01 alny llurntol.l4 •Ith J 111 1"
.tile. '• Franklin. - July
tn 6.1414 " 2,11 i Join. ir
lklin.`• 221011 .10Franklin. •• :tithAng
tuta.l.ll., •• r. 3.1 Aug. llnnllnllll, •211hr 4 1•1
nkliti, 4%010 Franklin.••• Oct.
016.1.11. ••loth Oct. .• lath Nov
uLlIn. •• 1,11, Nov. Franklin. " 17111
1116.1111. •• 13th 140.
Orems AT , Gow Nari,mtion M.—Monthly Trim.
ton Prl[l.o4.
New York
, relyw _ctxxxsx
roltingtm....r.... ror
11,-ruaann \2 York.
111,11,ta it—
II rukuutt
U. S. mall Ftrament 4,.e !...v York [An IlLb end 15Ltt
of ...II muntl4 f.r Cha,rps.
Stranl•hip babel ha•re Clhare.v on the W. and ILthof
tack month.
-- - - -- - - -
iil,Tl3ol.—ii) Ilyien.laire. l'halrile•ralitir, I . llllailelvhia..
Nyie lerk.V.aatere, Cep'', awl Nan here parse of 111. lark,
lallnware, Navy Jere,. and the ale Nye Enalanzl azalea.—
Tte• Ilre.i.ll I,i in,... of Leayr i'inaila, lea, fret* awl
Near Ilruniailek, daily. Meier. al. 4 r e.;,., ~..
NIATH KOTIS.I.—Ity illneaville add Ilona., , l'a..
larltaline the emote, of Itralemil. l'aivar,a.l , ell,
tam Junin!, l.reoinina, alitele. aletiaan, 1 , . 14rYy.
Tl,ll, llidan. and Ivy, et At ...itmerelatai• ela ethane.
nlurraverilly. iialen; ei Koala, Nee Al.nandra awl leak .
min vaunt,. errtvea daily, except Honda', nt d,. • ; de'
pare. dell; at IN v. a.
Enia—lam utler, l'a., 3ley. 17raeferl. -awl .leffernin
meet., W B enerejiart cr New rer I ern and um r lanada.daili •
Amine. nt a 2.. a.; and .I.•parta al a A. 11
r,t 1 . 111. r, ANO 1{11,0,41.-11, 11.. , 6111.:4", i'... .r , rn.
FA) ell, ,0•11.•rwl. Van Of We.d.tuareland meaty. Vlreies.s.
Slaty !alai,, %Villain:1110u Cut ,Innitl,era and 1, eat
re pay,. of ilia.. nai laillana. Stint,,!,. Illinala. leatn
.".A,..t.=.l;7"''l7'!iAtl"' . 7'';r:aa,lin .7. t12,d4...7.,.4„
..:and drparts
qt ,'• r. V.
r , TIMIECTYMIZ. °HIM-L.lly 1'a,ttr...11:13 , 3n. ILvin I,m,
l' r 4. Va..
~Carroll, 11.;13,anil Tuwanwra.
Amara at II r. .lelarta at 7 c.
N.;can Wm - a.m.—Br Ileavr.r. Pa-, and Clri viand. litno.—
ll.lnrr C., Pa- t'..lll3.hiarta run. 1.311.
)l.”h tabu la, Mark.% a, - 31., ru, Cu; ab.,a. St. no to
Lralt, Erie. 11f
and Lt,..3.3.3t33, • lb.. ..stn.m.
of lb. slatt, ojl.phana . 33.1 IIII.313; : It31;30 .11
gat:. low, tto.l ..3,34.11, daily. at jr;.
µarty at ti P. at.
KrITAVO/4.-117 , Flutrimbatx. linunuo. Srtinatlald.Tatvn
tuns. Frt.... ial.itnlotta.. Arruaratta. Clar
ton mai elearitald enalntiv,
.t i p. stsrl 1 .
Ittarrn.-1, IYrry. M rat.l.l,
sillr un:i Neu Aratt•-• Tu.a•tut
Thula.... and raturdaya. at r • . J•tatrt•
11",:ltuttlat als.l • I
ntat •. at 7 A.
l'inle.ll,..tal Man
onaahrla Cut Atm. Tuaaday krukr, at a p IC;
part. %I ant sLatuntat a. at u a it
s.-Ithurhanan. Stn.. t't hum M•K•aurrt.
t`nat tallrt, Khuhrtntown. ihautt.l. , .. 14.1. arr.
latat taboray.
tan. Pa. Fain., and Thunalat . a. at a...h
-p.. It.aulava vat Thur-ala • te
I • -1:1 a allrr, I-trarn,
htti ,ttat•ant. , wa - • • I
Paa 'tan, a. Amer. T4ur-.1.• at l
int a.
:1 , 1:vt: /1: and ihtmalat •... at r u
I tan. t - lly n. Man.
tourn. Fruut fart. Iti, I- air.... \a
. u .
,P111.....T4 —HT A n
ins,t an
a•tunatau• and 1 ,410 .
ht. Arn....t.
via —rty Loon, Perry
. Arnie. nn Erlday..t
sa - Rn 411 , 1
f• A r r 8:::11 \ID, " 11111 ;017. I bou N ;
beie, ttoqr dri.lrtur, lb. Irt
1r o - ,k Is dad% muR 1.• La/ br , ur
thrtr drpariux.
N. itoLurs S SONS, I.l.ltAr.m.
0, tvlrrioit
rES SS'," 1.1 *NIA Pr*. h
Eat., nt .••-.,
.+r'ltr t C..n,a
00.1 ‘lnn .1 Y,-.t, a
nook. ••1 . 4 . o•int,,•••III, BALL. l'l6•3Uall .1.•
11.nalk. 4 - f N.rth —,taT 041311 x, Ik
Ca n . 1..
141. ,r run I,lle, 11.., ,
Pat, 14
I'rtin. ll • ll M-•-P.r ~,•• , “ 41, •
k ,111 . mn var 74,114, L.- In. 1 1',20 4 ••• •I•
n ‘ nh .1 the rooted MAI...a I •11'...ste•••• nu, .1
p.. 1110111 nl Mae 411,n ah•
harmer.' A Meehan:l.e nig ••••r15n...11 Non,.
talrast innk.. par, 1:11
,Lank. . • P..../.11 solvent.
flaunt,. l II•eh Rank. parr!qui' hank .parlltear Ynrl. Cat; .. par
tal•vtantrntina Sulk 3.arShruntry .
Placladvirhia Vara . 'at; SIA /IV 1-1,1.
Snuth wart siarataltlrano, . Pl ,
Tradeernan'r Hank gea.r;ranntel .•
11••••••rn Bank.. . ..part N. JA.IinEV A PIMA'. ARE
th a n ..ft`ll..anlerrintnla. 'al 1.11 ',sent ha.,
Rank er Cheater C.,ant, _par 1110.1I'l 1 V
;WI INn -part Dank of the lallk, • • !k
flank hf Del . Cl,ler. pas Ilk .11 Itvenntervi 'a
11,••• ./ertnantevat tnr . f.‘ hank.l sh .• 31,0.1 k
11ank...1•• ••“)r..•selab.... "a: Vint.
te 11triann
hunk nf lev.tatnwn , - 111erenan . A 11,1, hank •.
Bank .4311.1111 , 4,w at. .... Nurt Is II eetern hank .
11,ntqestrart fart Ilranehra ,•.
14nk maul ,nr , Nvat II CAP 11.1t.A.
rar•ltale Bank .• tal , ank sit'n- -
••••••••••hia A Dahl, lka.onr;111 Sh ..f
Itsul ......parrnmanenno Walnnar'n 6
V•aalen Hank.,' , lernhant , hank, N...% In.rn
Erie 11.1 k . hf•l'All CA1.01.1 ,
Itarun•rs' nf iturk• 11 , the rt yr Van•lina
Forme,' Laney., parllink of nenth car,l•nn
Farman , !lank , ' of t
Yana Ilk ..f ,Isualklllo , par,llanter.' li...hane•a . Ilk
Var A lan, Irarneetnira•lltlir.ol.l
Vranktin Ilk. 11 aaltitnrtet, r•nri ncliala na haulm.: en
11..rri•I•nrg flank ~ Its:, ..1 A•••••,..ta
1,,a„ I. Ilk ..f lartainwh'l. A in,u/ta
I..araoler Haul, T PIN N F.SiEta.
Laneaatera,uncy Bran). .tar: All yr.lveut ..
le , lnne 'Sank . pnr; VNTI!1 . 1: Y.
Mtne a n,' Bank of l'nlll , llle Iltk ..f utenkh. 6.1109in'. 'lr /tank ~,,, tar.r.l. Thuratnn •,
Weat Ittnn-0 - 0.1.n Ilk •,) hennsek a
10 ' ,mann 114.1111knAgarre(ar :‘ , ...11,2-1k ..f ken? lava, •
. ufelate .1 Illernurh. .
.111 1 •. 111.1,1)
obi. ale thank ••• ‘.• nate Fla., an:ll,raurbna_ho
Bravo+ a 1 At ' flank of 11111•4. t• ...
Branch at Athena An , WISCONSIN.
:Brawn at 101,tgettart... ..1,111.10e A Fire Int 1•1, rhla 6
11,111enthe . ...InIII
iirhre 1, at .ien'hant .InlVarnterr . Meehan., Rank
1%11.41 at tot•vernanent Snack Dank
11ranel, at Pay ..... Ilank .....
Drawn at Delswarn l' 1 nfturnaue ("nnapany., ,
Ilrauel• at Colunabot.... —do State /tank
!travel, at Solnalonla—
!travel, at Salem _.. .1.9 Ilk ef II N. Anatrlca-T , ronh.6
Itrne• at 11anafle191 ahnitank-n1 theln
Brunet, at Ripley . .1•••IS•ok
51,ntn•al.. . 6
Unwell al (lot month_ .... of 1 1 Canada,
Branch at o,lontl.nt . .1.. V.ArTLIIN 111.1 . 11ANts
Brno. Is at Waratinnion. New %, , r1
la ln
larale It at 1,11 d ”lo n Mandel:A
Man. 1, at Innewat. r . llallonorr •l ,
/tram 1, at Stelthenville . ISTI.ItS V.Xl'lll‘lll,
Aran.h at 111 Vernon. ......I.•!floeinnsta . . 1
Ilieneh .t hl ) rls branch at Ilea ark • . 1
Ilien•ell et Sprlngteii 1.11.1 , AND evra's VAL , t:
xt , lnrieltm . 10..uhne,oe.Spannt• .
braneb at ill lalen•ant . .1.• . . r . „
Zaneavthe.......l , thn, le. to • . nian
ilrn at Enatern knr•••••
l:nnc l al
Itarenton Ten••••11.1‘, a. , A?
Sennett St rl.llllentne_......h. Snoella•••• . , .hso
Hearten al Cuyahoga .I.llnarnle ..... .... 1.1. ,
Ilrn Deb . T01egi0....,... .....
4201111F.11 ED TiU 110 kW/ 411 , 111.1 i Elt. ,
Pirrnov.". 31.rrh. 1 , C.1
Unit.4l Mlnl..l f . , .!
r.~~o• i i..~m ~.
Ik.. tooo. WA. lay 1 1 1.1
. 11 . 0,
P11.1.0b 1, urub oft,. 0 . .
Alkßl /0ut.../ . .. 001 • 111 N ,
1.11, t us) 10 1 1 101
1.1111. +r.1 . 10 ,
Rant of Plet/11,11 fp, Is
Men.hnoth' au.l Maud. (WA
Karbaugo Ben k ...... .... . .....
Yox..r , 1k igAlte (tank
Wank of Brow .
1.411 t
Monnnnahen. IlrOP!
(11.1 r Itrldge
Hand St.. .....
Williamrport ItriJW
_ •
IR.B.ANCX 41•'411.
Wertrru Insurn...
Asenelsted 11,1.01
Mt:Air &lo
L .. •
- •
...... • .
W.,. Pa 4 , 1..1A NAL 1.,05.1.
Verne k
/LI:oily Ifl.*l 11 1
11.14.1 ..... .......
Clorrlnn.l A 111.41.0 gull 11..1.
Marlow 111.111 , 01'
1 , 11.1 , 1 l'lnok 14.1
lid« rand 111/41,1'01(1)
A 1/o. ko.
Ykyette 111.n1. 1M
I . lll.4lmr*lrat:47 , lgrl
North .
1 . 111•1.orgl. *l4. 141x1,
311n1n40. . ......
W. 1.. naught:on— . • • ...•
IVA NiTi , 'L l i , 11l , Y • Notesal
II v Itnn...rul !..1,1, - cf-thr 1 . 11.. 1, unt1i It
yin NTI NO l'A PER A xtipf
Double 51mIlut,n foyer.=Cl% .tul - Ir
.r ... 6 ••• W. S. if
~‘onk P•ocr ston. out. Alukatand
amain , Atoll U.
1..4511 1.,[141,001...
.14ed nraday
.Saturday. Mar. 2!.
-PAturdn), April 19.
May 17.
( ' 1
2 1( '2ll
4 101 4-114
12:t ••'
Of • I
~ r
1Y! 1 .
411 411
' lll. MI
1.1 II g.lq
't I
) 44.4
,411 AO "0
1 3 , P 4 41
!..... 0
t/1 :
2,1 N.! .
4 i 2
, .41 .W 1
11 .
2 :
00% f. tvrn
i n .i l
II hl'll.
t•rinr I t
172 . 4. 5 ti'
ott .t
' Dtttuntk
to 'Not paper nr-rived an.d Grwitrdea Repot<xP•nw. ,*".4
()rec. Prrrottwot OATren t
Slareh 22. IKSI.
The weather yesterilof su rime and delightful. ros.l
Lu.ineA , i‘ renernll, quit, active. Our moan! liner wore mum Wrung tluus nt. prevent, and the impart. and
exports of meerliandise thrt.ugh that channel Is ttn
F1,01)11—Tbo reeriptr yesteNnr were Mwthu.t.. awl
out much war "'Toted for nal.. on the *hart. £3,12.%i pat baud 1r about Lb.. yrra r eut rulitur OrWw:OthwwWl .
nome couelderoble . lOW hare been ew,ld at town 6,rurel.—
Sale+ (rum store St 13,254= rill"
We beard of no ralr• oft)+, flour. es.widiOW ftwm
it Ida.
GRAIN—Prior, n uPchau,l. Ih.wIPW have b"'n
raM,lfnlm 71, no in quality. ry.•
la nailing at 40(4 , 41.1., anal .nts at 3 . .ka.ltc Oran
Grot hand..
0110tEltlii-S—Suuor If any Wins. ho a little firmer. mud
some houses 11.24. /I°lo In, at • 11-.uAlon higher. We ,outitt
ne °or quotation, Itoweter.tit 11`... too about the ruling
with malts In small lotA: Sholossto continues motif fin,, of
34, 4 4 /i( - 4 2 . 1 •1 in rypTVt. amCoak turCeues. Nalco of Rio
eutleo stl2n. imabout not ruling rate.
l'ltt/Vl3lOllO---Barun enntlnues firm at fully nuoud
rotea. Saha lb Matta western rural. In la. at. 04 roe
shoulder% 74 for slilemi and al. for hatioo. llama in Pone ,
ato ani general!, Mold at Si,. 10 0,. Sales of , I I Y eon" ,
aro Lusk , the .Into sotto with westorn. Sobs of ii : blil.
and ;ill burs lard. 00 tf num! Other mrticlea under tlti.
twat are unchanged.
SEillUt.--Sales of IT Idols clover wool, to arrive, at 05.1.14 e
Closer Is hold In store 'at SCOpti,2s 11 Ltd. She demand
prineitully for clover, we hoar of no rates of too or
Dßlllll,l2lUlT—Thent lan fair ',nest from atom at
$1.40441.4i fur Smottes, and Sae for ontolota. from trot
ham!. we quote meant at si.nial.37. and attl`ktt
tae Si Int.
1111AN14.-111th Hula surollea
hose born not 0,110 to at SI .2.5001,21 1113 n.
OILS—We notton ur ooalotot for l'astor oil to
gal. In lots of sto 100 b lob , and SI for single ill.'
would retnark that %Wetly iitt I tutor oil
• Is not mold for
dewtbs. SI gal. Sales of LlnStod at Woe, and of Nn I
lord at to•
ItAV—troloe loan Isogon at $13a . 113,:al 11 ton..
OLASS—rfor Window lilan the eutsmit robs are. forrite
Umtata:Ai follows: n by lu0.1,,11; 10 by 12. 11.1,50 In loy 11.
anti talus din In tonnoorthon.
Country broad, ant 'told at lower pilot, but no mill,
no chant, from Cute last n.lairti for following ere the nor
10 1,) 10 52.50110 by 15
to ..... ........ 34:5
10 lo
of eno.lll, or mould
121161 2118..2381 of dippnl 21901 4 D.
Sr bane. Mar .
Tier •+ .: nl n 1 pneltnen the , re,. (nod:nye ha , n Irnrnn
lloht. aunt tunneartente en the rononnuently dull.
Teaurr. 'se Se enter .1 either in-sOrtral. 11. e
en,ll--1 rer loud le firm at u 5141, $4.,
(44-il: l in for 1,!o, noun,
111'ae—)panel doll. nod but little dfirpneltkru no the
Sur holde.a, to operate 6,a the sure. u.n,1.0 Soles tr.
YT of 17 Irak, bur. roan leave.. 11.:7. and :In Ivry interir ,
It 17 1 34 ten. 14.- 7 norte as seltlnu rates fie rentOtrion
/4.a., f r y:l,l6,yd at. Sn Otos., are! rattel fr,let,r
I/Lo-71w arra/ rain ..steal were 1.144 %Inhalant
atvi El-14 extern Irlidret .44 and 44 I.ble Irlnharra. eo
n...verve st 34,73 fir 144. 4 1 arket dull. nod- no enuturn Ivr
at Itr the Millere' I:4shanue of 1.0 , 7 rinv
lu ut bum:. te an-. au ner qualstr. tin 1.4 et Ain • ve
elanor • Ira, sna, rm.., of 4r- - Aviv. elnnue. at 4 7'
uu - 4 inert al 171. and I, narks ell :':tint.: le rune—to env 11
nnarlet I • .13/ . isnunnol. nn.l ree nn
tire tnl
the gross ot 0666 14001. Ida 1$ rut, toiloart . $6Ol Irrr
en-4.+1.4.11n Inerrd. at Ir. Kt/ narta all ,
tor .vr us ae, at Ur - . nod rke, In-ur Irv,. en prr
erriasnet. at.4t.t,
ten-v.lle pan ne
al/clar to a trarra menu at L.
114c4.41.-1,1rm.1. , -0 ton ehnlee rentorkv Farley at ' , re 1'
bola.l lot, err- -sute at :novae,
Itens. ran seeu, --Nr- retro of .4.1., IV..
It or, at/4 01/14, at rt. 4. I/ lon IS,.
'lts.—Sale t • do, of n 4 ‘lll tint at 3 , ..rer Inar 're
Iwn flint a. dtuv add 04-ell malted .4..,44r.
II tr.
411roxv. —linlestontny or 1,1.1. lortts snort nit, re.rtifned
at Ins, 1./.1. raw It Ine al
Imr,s Far rr - anlea to day 94 alarut tr. /6/ a514...1 talr. 1.64, II 111.11 1 64 1.1:r
r: are t enotnurne• dull. and ealev an- saint
sari, 14. flue s torl Iv., In erronli 1.4 a 11.1111r..e.tet I••
.pal r.l Ivo - et Jmlrr rstonr,.6 al -1. noel J,+,
Lily al r_. ..... en , 2:o 1 , 14. al
iv - 10, .If mese mod earl ne enter reported
~..,0t410.4',4. ;um Its ormlnty. surd•vene at trona -in to ::::.r.
Itt gUatits. 1-ur in.lter- 11 , 4 rin. 11 . 61 I/16/ al i'lt•
ti .1 alt la,. $l.-44.11.... and 14 A.,-
Irn,tvuen, day of rdiln to-se tort al 111 - 24
41v1 141.1- vow, •1 le 14.1 in, toot idol
.hl ruts,
no vale. 4,44 Ind olt.le 6116mal Irtrln •
: 1 6 .11 t / 1.11 •orl• • 1,1 .gel 1.14. /at
, t./ 4$ •nd tinn, ay. lad. So lan I'.e
. awl 4o Intilr
and Iry ouvl at 1,
Sr n-I.lnrorrel rel at $1.,e41.15 - vr Ilevo. In re
trol fn.. .Her .11.. Vlnr 'loom!, urea et $1 1.11, .7.4
enor 1.. , 1 nni at VA.:AI./LP, 'ol.o. 11-other, at :Ire 41 t IM
oat at :Sir - is Men ....I.t 11101 , hu lullou at TUT: L. .
evinatran-T" Ner I ortmna- slOproents I. folios.: (Loot
•J'r arrn.e 3.144. lanl atul Aaron al -els. 014• ai r 1,1161
t0 1..1144 it -t-rtt re. reheat la, 1 1 bn: hrrtntr
t: rtrn4. Lenel 11ev.011.
. b t 0 'of ben In clannol. n.
Inrlal malt, InAl. nent.. url 13011.
. . ‘11:10,-sna role, 1....,
‘tlwnt,e. 1,,,....n. trr...v•sill ,
1,11 ,,,,
iltick. , •e ntwt , be.a.,.,
I la, ..•-, ..,‘. ~...,
i J‘• •,..... k 1......, It n.. 111..
i ....,•,. ‘l.llllllO ,u. 111.,
1 • 1.......a..1.
V.11%11.1,1: NIA,
Z Errmrro. r•ld
4 . 1 , '1N• _11•--parr. k
1.01 -riur.,
,I 7 yan 4. - the tvthath f rtf,flls4,fvf
t., th/th r e,1e,11.• ra,v V IV lull ••.
.peee, fur th. I..ethe 1,1 Illthet• ri,••
• 1,1.11 •1. •"I 4,••• 111,1. a.Uro
Acol . 1 , , :.:.r , It
,etter , nr-tozetn. ht • ore .... to wit...T.1 , 1r I.• the
furnt•hed the ht , 1 •ttle !nut ttur turtsithr,
Ilwr iitiourw ar. I.♦ thaw...o
w tilt 7 hiiit Whw nit rig, LI iw 121 n .Wlflrt in
thmt whi - iitwhitlwlttwwt••
lwiw. Ili r • hirli feet In dlaitietwr. ith II Sot t
Iln roc+lru.i,l plnn.
nrvl go. 11.1 Iv. nrl ....moll Lr the
711.• ot-tcro :lotto, to. •ttor Cart a x tionl I
Ittattt I•tot• rottl I Ittno. llit•
F .1,• ..•1,1. s Thynu , .linr vg knit. Er
•It 1 , 11 r 1111
MO I I • IC I I.'o,
1 • 1:•11 ., 51 . 15 -1•45 .. .... , 0 54, ;in .11151515 5141,0 1.4554
5250 1514 1/ 1.5 , 415 .11, 55
1,1000, :5.155. 01510.. 1ti05154151, 1.5.. 2 1.10•. ,*.J. 1
1,5 01,0. 1,1r..t 1000- JO.l 4555.5151. N1*51555 Inn A. t *0.0., 0
1554 50.1. • 15 1 , II Ornil A 1,..* ,1***5555500 5 00
*I) 5 15 5 1515 A 15. *15115155 10455511. I* Ilru• 1 5 .• IS i 515 n**lo .
A1,,.,' 11550., • A I .. ta*10.0055, D IY. N* 015.05: 1:5 1.11%
15500-. 5. 0 .1• 1-50 20 b&J *541141,5. 145,1 i 51(.10005.
;55 45. J • 004,4115 4 510 541, 6.5 15 , 40150 55 & *t*
u, 1145,r .5 4.04, *l5, *I I uk. 15.1•115110, 51•1504115,
CI9l INN.ATI—Pen II a I.f.r 121114
M 21 lc. Itsorin, 1114,m11 t l'ar,
0i0.k.,..1 h1..1,10.. 14
'I, W. Irmo, Illnohnnt, 1101 1/1,1, Inn!, 62 40
1..0l oil. 102 log f10011f... / 1 .110r4 11i1.1111.
!WIN N ITI - Artol:Roorv-1:1111ill. Lawn,. Id.
W IliuvLam h 11.: /r.: Id& 0111.4,, 11111, h Woke l
oar. Jo •10.1.. .1 Ilyer,I.:1,1,1• alebol, II A FAllloo.tork
111 1.,,1... ogdon A 11now•lon;11., toolwroor, Whey 1101100.0.
t 114 WI Itl. Niro, 11/.11.1,11 h llorodr IL
Vona, Jr, 11/ elk.. losron.ll
4.11 A Co; r.lo. 1,n,..11.11' II 3do 11.plor,
W Moon .; lots leOlo., JI (reoonor. 1U rand', 15 la
L do. lo loloorro. 1.a4 0,111..11 40n0. , Co: skA
5 1,1 , 1. 'wart.... 11 Pagalo, .1 Co. 2 1.1,1 s alcohol, 11...0ey
IA lit:M.l,lM PYR emplv 1.1,11 1 . A,l 1VT..1,
111,14. npi.l,, .1.• N1rAlple:111,xo
glivower, 14.1,th. T x5,...t• A
0,0,3,.•, • .
w ELL, 11.1,1:—Prn Rllrn.,-.11.1,1. hullo, I 410 lonl.
n 1r NI. Ivor. 11.1.1. 3 11.1,1 boll,. own, aboard;
rgr sor whonl. ilumrtli l No1.1o; T. orwlwr oarthrrnrwro.
ork• o, ow non; I owl:sn, A 11 hooler. 1.110 nano,
torrn-Ir flour. Int of ruarkrlntrn.o.norw
7.1NF:5111.1.1 , --Pra Eltrert,.-11 S3ll.lntreo.
111,11 s. f , 1.1,10 emu, I sA reallwrs. 2 blibi ‘s. BMW
Ot 2 MA. butler. NleVailtql A l'or , Kln. 111
1 l o l k l .
I) 1 0 ,..1A 11.;21INA 1..1,er, I1•1. l 4.11 ?r..1hd.7
it.,2,in . II Joll.ltl, foisr o, ‘l . a
Sohlr; 3. Inwhelsu3lA. 22 .Ite corn, I Inrn.l
RE YOE A FATHER, laboring for flip
...ppor of • family, anJ et:goring from ...ern] de'
Are you a Mother, eullering front illetiaa” In whirl: re
rxl::arfml6::tll74l::mDiri,,t Li. lioarriii Maker
tiaitot our dpot, or rot one of our agent:, and get
mnp gran, when. you trill god that
I. n Ser.
mm itta, aa pre:panel by Dr. F. D. now, lien lawn the
re r, pinnanently curing More :Deem... In tehleh the
fautily are nulgret. than any other
re:gni:Dim of /in:rap:nine ever yet
Thlt TrdfriTS. hit!. enabllehial its high %Trianon hl Its
nut:term and well *nettld run,
It put uP In quart leittlea, I, the n 417 Yet .. . Purl ".
that wt.+ op the Liver, Mau, w. and Into., at the ea,.
note, renders it altogether re ' , gloat.? to rterr
o ne. particularly to hitrothai.
ei , r . eit'i en:lntro mr Dr. F. n. How SHARER
PAILSAPAII MLA. and Lan noother
bottler: her
Nor rill. b
fl k
I Cell o e, wn m u ctoelunatt. iillin.
to Photo onle Inn: h. tehtml
Air, rale by J. .1 Jeuet, ”olventnater
Dinek. It. M. Mean, J. M oil
h"4""hi A i
' IV: " 1
Hie . Jae. Prli
l'artere " on. kth mon—.
Clairevillet Masan Kona. Cagle. egigtglAnt
election of Senator in Oh in—May.l,l4mgal, ti,ngtor.
on the Boureq 1.1111 Ar
praisintlit I art--Tr.a..ury ninth ottlion thereof
Our almost extinct vitality was to-day momen
tarily rescued from the ocean of languor into
which we seem to be sinking, by the faint excite- .
meat caused by the very unexpected election of
a Senator in (thin. The report that the combined
powers of the free soil and democratic coalition,
in Massachusetts, had filially effected -a more
perfect union and were prepared for success,
and the fact that the Secretary of the Interior
had a second time disappointed the hopes of the
parties who had laid their plans for dealing in'
the land warranis of the latest issue.
I shall dispatch these mutters briefly.
lion Itenjamin A. Wade, Senator elect from
OhM, fur six years, is a regular and undoubted
Whig, as much co as Mr. Using or Mr. Cordin.
Ile took the stump for Gen. Taylor in ISIS, and
what is singular, a 'owed in connection with the
present result, he opposed free Soilista with all
his power. But at the same time, his opinions
and course of action mast he sufficiently decided
upon slavery, since he is said to be an unqualified
opponent of the fugitive slave law, and to have
been a vigorous advocate (or the repeal of the
black laws in Ohio, statutes excluding the eti
deuce of colored men in courts of justice, &c., in
that State. Upon the whole, the election of
Judge Wade has probably teen a compromise
between the principles of regular party adhesion,
and exclusive attachment to the single idea of
resistance to the overshadowing inhlnence of sla
very. In a patty view, the occasion may be im
proved to remind whigs, who are whip, and
nothing else, that by sympathy with that great
movement fur freedom, they have not only gained
another Senator of the United States, hut they
have finally rescued the State of Ohio from the
Bill Aliens and the otherred mouthed Locofxos
of his class. Through the Fame influence Ohio
will be found on the side of. the Whig candidate
in 1532, as in the mean time both her Senators
will be found voting for. and carrying river and
harbor improvements. and most other whig prin
ciple.--notsithstanding Mr. Chase's figments of
-old line and free drsiorrory. - The democracy
per xt will have nothing to do with higt, and he
very little with them.
From Boston, we hear that the Democratic
Anti-Voalitionists have taken a very violent dis
gust at Lien. Pushing's leadership, and are ins
piwet to come up to tire sappoit or Sumner.—
Ilut he will not be elected, mark that, and the
only thing and the great thing the Whigs have to
fear is, that the Olt, will go off upon Marcus
Murton, or some other Democrats of his stamp.
and carry hint in. IS Ohio it sae absolutely ne
cessary to get the Senatorial question out of the
political contest for the present and next year.
It(Talt, it would have added strength to the
Hunkers. and distracted the IV tugs, and must have
operated injosiously up'.a the Preablontiul elec
tion. Bat in Massachusetts it will be vaatly bet
, ter for the Whip to prevent nu eleetmu if they
can .lo so honorably. because the ,Free. Sellers
; • ill toe outraged a' the treacherous defection of
I their Democratic eontederates.. and the lat
ter will he thenceforth dead nod damned for one
quarter of n century. I.
Pod:tic:oly, they will he
expelled the State. and that will he a noon gro
ivy an,l siiisfaricry Bunt ,h•r ore creep
snaking. want. romM.l-ootte and .hara:tertess
eery does not infet any Stet, of the Unice. than
the same ••Itetnecratic entexte, - which nestles
met clusters nrounil the federal Mimes in
Massachusetts, and whirl eve , ,Stat,!.. One mono
in that State.
COWL' to the land warrant lrusinewh
which Le a matter of ew e-vier:Otte. cen-tetinence.
It will he re4.oll4teted that %111. :titer the bounty
land Inn of Stiptember !stir pained, the Secreta
ry of the Interior decided that no war rant nor
certificate of location cent.] he 401.1 or rntigrte4l,
and no tight or claim under the law as,ignetl
tilalter the i,og of the patent tic 44,1 for the
parinular trawl .4 hind 1,4 4, The deuteron er.-
each some eut I/11.0 anti prne r rt 4n,atief.tion.
Iltirtng the taut .44teurtirof that,rret, irrupt
made in that hotly itt pot a t.itTerentenli
stment,. upon toe hier. The HMI, pastured ri
remolunon mining onan'mourly that the warranty
were intended to he neurg..44l4le. It tingered ;II
the Senate until the tort tiny of the ete-tion. and
nat. then pa`
by that hotly by a inte of"
niajrnity. with a eitifltt amendment nut :erect
ins the principle. hot tittle wantitig for the settmt of the Ilsttmi, and the rein,
lution tioott.mtforturistely fic'esl In stew of this
tihnse.t tins, Ilion. opinion of ronksiss, applica
tints has Tern maths Its the t'onittuisslotter of the
General lens! tstitcy ter n renews!, tie decision
of Inst fall. Ile 01 essne-ts Ist, renteesi, and an
sispesl eras ttkiten Is. tin Sseerctith lln :hitters
tiny last, Mr Sliest i shs - i ere I tt,:a
rottlirnuititis thestriAln slessi•istn i au I ehtteilnit I
thst 14.3, Isy tihs conutt oe
tion of tit; :1 , i , /,1 5 13 ti ansl not lsy !
I. isrettnnestil !sr sitsion. st u ors ssessslshl -dens
lion, Hsi sleeisle• on all l'lss is.' risisseul• that
latitl.W3lrents camaslto ahmt.sitthitt. Thi, I
...1. , the ni:ltter i.e Inc present Thessitte of i
sum - runt, will go ott, is, tor t'ln t
they !
rentson . in the hands sh the eritt • tesl atisii• I
d ett et. until next rt titter. wits, t'.• s. et' ntl•g;i .
thittlitolly. in :In atithstraimite instener i declare
the intention of the tell of tieptetnlser 2St In, I ! , 20,
to he that that the scarrtrltu may he sold ns soon
as obtained.
The Staa - rettry of the T ri:asia j - ham that
the net est - thlishing the I - We .if C alwition for
foreign merchandise awl the appsialnietia of ap
praiser. at large. dee, net the allow. 'avow
r I .c o al i ce t ' etc a t else la anerei, este, e.
the pritcticc w Melt wits 10, / 'y C .V 4 1 , 1 --
lon 1.1 the ;taproot , Vet", as asic ' Tag dun plaice
Tillere and the tlow when. Ihepprien 'a ,00,1,
ti he taken as estalMshe I Ile decides that
freight, on - not tai he incliad-sl CI , ,0,, anal
charates which 4to latti.o alp that Nat . ,. It
was priAlial-ly the stappamation et it la - viz.:lnt. ma
irian awl coal were i-i be elicit to the marina'
cunt hciore the assecsment of the linty. which
gave currency to the tiles that the ditties ow
those articles were to be raised ositsiderably. — .
The idea hat ma foundation. JUNIUS,
- , iiitom ReiuussuaGa
Nturch 1N,161.1
Mr. ilinilett this morning prertenteil the pro
ceedings of n meeting in Butler onool . y, in favor
of a law to restrain the talc of inwzicating
The same Senator read in hie place a Will to
incorporate the Harmony and Mercer Turnpike
and Plank Howl Company, which was, on hie
motion, taken up and passed.
The supplement to the act creating the new
county .of Fulton nbui
the Free !hulking 11111, by the follouing
leas—Nlestis. Carothers, Carton, l'ounitie
ham, Frailty, Frick.'ilueruttcy, lit , lett. !loge,
Ives, Lawrence, Malone. Myers, Itobertsou, Sa
very, Walker, Mathias, Spent:cr.—lit.
Nays—Nicene', Itailcy, Brooke, Cralth, Fermat,
Forsyth, Fulton, .fonts, Keitiglincher, M'Clas
lilt, Paul er, Santlerton, Shinier.. -12.
So tilt bill at length rutted miseathed, the or
deal to •Lich it 11,t,. for weeks. he. subjected
Von will oliserae it wan not e. purely puliticnl
question. Nlessra. Ilrool.e, nib, and Inuoig
-lood.or-- Wigs - rote.! Nny, awl Messrs. Froiley,
litternsey, 'loge, unit It's—hucolocos—voiod
' The tone of the lower House is changing. I
fear. into coldness. Severol, if not all, the La
can, presses rind politicians have endeavored,
and with n good dent of iincee vs, to creole a pa-
Mien! prejudice against the hill, awl its passage I
through the lionse, is therefore, a matter of great
doubt. .If the friends of Free rsanking had pass
-4,1 the bill in the lions,: nt than beginning of the
session, its runcinient into a inn Would scarcely
have been n matter of doubt. The feeling was
riltogethti r fII its favor al the %line, but nanny of
the inewiliees ore gradually yielding to the out-
side Intl hence, not or the people, hut of the Anti•
Orions 'Upon who., favor en lintel: of their future
advance wont depend,. '
The hone,. now ant that it will he reserved
for n fu Rue LegiAltUre, o, grutify the strongly
expreas ed will or the people in regard to referiu
in our F leaking kijotctu
The following bills passed the Mauve to day:
To authorize the Commissioners of Armstrong
county to sell certain real estate.
To incorporate the Itfiller's Run and Cross
Creek Valley Plank Road Company.
A 'supplement to the act incorporating the
"Erie Cemetery" in thecounty ofErze.'
Bill relative to the Sunbury turdWe; and Pitts.
burgh and Susquehanna Railroad Company.
To incorporate the Butler Cemetery Associa
To erect a separate School District in Douglass
township, Westmoreland county.
To erect certain sub school districts in West
moreland county into separate election districts,
to be called Jones' Mill District.
To provide for the erection of a house for the
support and employment of the poor in Bearer
To extend the time for the completion of the
Hollidaysburg and Bedford Turnpike road. - -
Tv incorporate the Front Run and Blosaburgh
Plank Road Company.
To incorporate the Youngsville and Sugar
throve Plank Rood Company.
Col. Robertson read in his place to day a sap.
'dement to the act incorporating the Pittsburgh
and Braddock's Field Plank Road Company.
Mr. Leech. a bill providing for the re-location
of the public buildings of Lawrence county.
The Revenue Commissioners have fixed the
following valuations:
Pike County,
Increase by Booed hoer County Com., 100,000
Potter County, 645,510
Increase of board over county corn., 4,291
Schuylkill, 3;972,011.1
Increas6 over 1848, • 637.673
Somerset, 2,833,318
Increase over 1848, 196,011
Sullivan, 350,2;4
Increase over 1848,
Warren, 1,196,i76
lncreastrover 1848
Ineresee over IS-IS
by Board Wei. Co. Com.!; 851,98
Total ncreme,
Increase over ISIS
increase by board over county corn
Increase by board over county corn
Increase over 1848,
Increase over 1818,
Thereoros no return made by the Coon.
ty Commi,ioners, and the Boned,
hove added to the valuation of 1818, 787,771
Or tlrEssr.
(Con. , ,pondenee of lbn Doily Piti,burch Colette.]
Now iralK, March 17.
We are now in the midst of what is known as
the equinoctial storm, and more dreary weather
it has seldom been my lot to Witness. Durin,,
the entire day. yesterday, rain fell in torrents,
and, by way of a change, it 1141 s snowed equally
as fast to-day, which has the effect of retarding
all nut-door business operations. as well as to
render the perigrinatious of pedestrians exceed
ingly unpleasant. Than far, March has been
decidedly the most unpleasant month of the s.-
Notwithstanding the disagreeable state of the
weather, several Irish Companies are out on
parade, in commemoration of Ireland's Patron
Saint. In the evening they give a grand hall eml
supper of frasrtle Barden. at which several velug
teer companion of. Brooklyn and Williamsburgh
will unite in the celebration.
A bill, making several material changes in the
militia saws of this State, has just passed the
Seit,e. It preside, that all able-bodied wen,
who we eitiaots. tetween eighteen and ferty-fi,
setsof age, shall he the militia—that the asses- •
sac. ef each ward in the city, nod district iu the
country. sloth make an 'accurate register of al.
who are liable to do such duty—that no parade
shall he held, and no tines exacted—and that en
couragement shall he given to uniformed, drilled:
equipped companies, all of which, collective
It throughout .the State, shall be designated
the •• National Guard," with privileges and lot
uninities secured. The object of this is.not attic
to hare the militia in readinew: for war; insur
rection or iuvnsion, hot to rely for the protection
of public 'order, in time of peace, on volunteer
associations. In this city, since the militia fine
was raslored to seventy-five cents, our uniformed
corp. have nearly quadropl,d in number, and the"
d.scipline of our citizen soldiery has greatly im
provM, ._•• Ott, volunteer is worth two pressed
wen." says the proverb, and it has certainly beech
fed no regards the militia of this State and
city. .
it is stated that the .snit instituted by N. P.
Willi,. against Forta4q for trcsault and hatters.%
committed several mouths since, in Washington
Square.) is to he called up for trial in the
course of the present week. Both parties are in
The Empire City, which left this port for Cho
+. last week, carried out among her passen
gers five female teachers for Oregon. They were
sent out by Governor Slade, the General Agent.
of the Boar.] of National,Pepular Education. These
young ladies were , front the, different State 9.
viz : New York, ref-Mord, owl Maine They
were aegunpsnie.l' by the Hon. R. Thurston,
M. C., from Oregon. The Cord nil previously
sour out 119 teachers to various parts of the
Cass. and Senator Fetch, of Michigan.
wore publiely received at the •• f (Id Wix-irnm, -
taturbsy evening, haling just arrivisl in town.
from Washington. Loth gentlemen addressed
the meeting oluring the evening, which, by the
WAS. was v e ry aimmiely nttended. Mike Walsh
and 1:.I Straltan also held forth, and were_ lomllv ; 1 „
clormsl hy the ° unterrilied and “unwashed" rsr h""
stating that consid
olentomm. Messrs. Cass and Fetch have left for front Se ' th'''ll"l.'l
- si n,lbany. ecahle excitement exists in that place in i•Oltse
'tomes of-the arrival there. on Sunday morning.
The easterly wind which prevailed for the la,t
i of two gentlemen by vessels front Boston in Tour
two days, lons brought into port a large number
packet dtip , „ from European and other ports. hours, with a statement that a steamboat, with
of one hundred armed men and some Deputy G. S.
The Empire State, Montezuma, and De Witt
„ mon. front fdrern ,, oh which arrived nt , ht. Marshalii on board, had sailed from Charlestown
„ re ° V at ., hundred " Nary Teri on Saturday evening for Bed
! ford or the vicinity, for the purpose sot'eapturing
sengers. On Saturday four packets arrived from
fugitive slaves. Offnhe arrivoil of the ton ix pen-
Rio de Janixro, all well loaded with Coffee. One
of timm, the Ninr i n. •• completed the voyage tlemen tit New Beilfvird at Intlf-tutst I yesrerlay
and from Rio. with a full cargo both ways, in the morning, they commotnicated with sonic leading
extraordinary. if not unprecedented, short time
citizens, and the hell of l-ihertY was tolkid
days, having sailed hence on the in order to mill out the citizens. A large IlL,elll-'
11ecember. binge gathered at Liberty Hall and the informa•
The Havre packet ship Argo, - which teas 11 " n W. """"" 1 "" ie " 1 " 1 " . . th ''''
stranded on Rockaway Beach, last summer, tins A large meeting of white soul colored cittletts
b een go , tor, and was towel up the city on Eat- was held in the forenoon. which was rehires osl
m d ay , sh e i, badly strained, but will go on by Rodney French
the dry look, and Ito thoroughly overhauled. There are between six and seven hundred col
ored person. in Neu - m any of whom
The new steamship Brother Jonathan sailed
h em , for Chaeres, to-day. with a fair comply fugitives, and they an' 101010 their protestations
meat of passengers. that they will allow DO to to be carried
Om, of the lao-gest sales of real estate over known away from New 1.1,1,1:Ty 1.".
in th i s trit. cummrncex to_dsy, cons i s t in g of tone o Marshal hit, recently !salt 'appointed her Nets
Ihslford.—Mr. Won itas.clis-wle, is stated to
hundred and nine lots. Anthony J. ltleecker is
the auctioneer. love declare-I that Ile \V: , rrst any oug.tivo
Trade, generally, has not tnetlhe erpectations elate at the o'l,4l'l' o
boes ""PPost" l " the
of dealers the dry goods men are r- ~termer was to Le ol a prison ship, hut
taost. They linage their basiness is mot up by 'he I'd not he " . h ""rd
the numerous lag auction sales which take the laoist moment, the wltole so ..ry Cl her sa•iing
place almost daily, and the competition or
in and n"nda"1,"'"1). to l '" 't -k
tern speculators, who are offering their goods in was ,•,"';''`' - '" r • "'A . " 5 " th"cn'tt'"l , oir.
this market below the cureent prices. Thu int. the .""i• 0111 ) . t"r the omt
portation foreign goods, last week. was :erne "' s
—reaching.. up to F6.133%7,60 packages, an d in ,
value sl,oso,tifiS. The markot is dull, ana A •Mintrri , roam., sar.--Thr Inlsrnalionar
nearly all descriptions of domestic goods are. Magazine refers in warms terms ,of 000nno-s.•ln
selling at a reduction of from If./ of a cent per • I•ion to at series of :evil tot on the Ur,on,
yard from prices current Slx weeks age. Po:-- that have recently appiotrivl in the r,•haan` of
sign gomlv are also (with few exceptions) National Intel!' gelteer. the has. resd The
at depreciating priers. The total value of tiler- articlesX - eferved to, With colis.o, 0,1 s.he
t':halulhe catered for consumption during the pleasure in endorsing the Fltee lateral,
wee k is 51,513,151 ; withdrawn from w a r e h tots e i tional.x They are not duly 0 wish ma o ter•
$126,1157 ; entered for warehousing. 5175,:117. ability. but they are Inc' It% Akoo t 'I 0170
TIIC total, number of deaths this -city, last , of the laws and the con-iiiitt'•••'. viciitv'd
week, acco rding to the city Inspector's report, sense ofiustire and of enligUnie Pto''vathzra'.l . -
ITIM 37.1, of which S 6 were men, 70 women, 128 which together With their to..;ty o••
boye, and SI girl,, render them itmothg the he •I •-ol
Nloney is a little easier than it was a few days essays of the d.j. 01 ,1
since. but there is in growing stringency which in howl .. 1 . 1 the I . l ' 6 ' l a•v ' o ' o 00
gradual and its influence in, felt.- in various ALI - lo• ina vi s!.
branches of trade. The sticks which for n year . orienting further.i w,` .•I•see• • •
past have been extremely excited and carried np I lending . o *l O." .;"'h '-
to high points, arc not so buoyant, speculation IS I the 13_ , t Itveam-fit , yea- I , sve 41,:•e-re , l in 0000
paroilited, ns the least change in the boormarter. N oi ri,vold "•-•o' I
Which holds out any thing like the threatening, of it , 0 110et, ,, 1 0 ,11.0 vahnhtte•l •,00 vhav,
on storm, repels. the spirit of speculation from don; they would ran"-Is, by the
arena where it hots revelled fur the last twelve tosto,nlinarr re""" rer- ,•“ 1 . inf'nradinn which thsY
months. Several of the leading operators in Wall 'evince. by their 04 tut, ancot
street hat. charged their tactics, preparutory to, sentiment, rand unicorn, .oial.tati ? " to oho, ,ve•
tbe expected change that may occur :in vat- i rid purpose , . it they lark the pangrat att., and
nos. fi ery onc e * , of phrase, :nod :aolroffi, „ ormon „,
The subscription of a million of dollarsto the spirit Jutho% have, with then
1101 a Bank of North America bas just been coon- . n obler calmness and uniformed muslor, a- Ist
pletod,mill the books closed reparatory to the wider sweep, ammotlr apprehension of ran.,
commencement of business. , l uenee,t, and statesmanlike aim and as ka •
The total exports of specie from this port. keit ! , city. The diction of "Juniti,s.".' was cadmium,-
week were in the which arrest attention, its glitter and steer 'it
11,:3139,4)00 W‘A , in silver. The exports of the year and by it freshness; four it was in style, titter al
1051, that far, amount to 5,1.11lekl."1- that lie ens t ' emotive. and since Lis stvi.
Foreign Exchanges opened firm Teethe steamer has, by imitatios, become familiar. ibis for tli,
Pacific, which sails hence for Liverpool, on mystery of thetrhuthorship only that Lis wof
Wednesday, nt the following rates.: Bills. Lon- have continued eminence. As morterials
d m , toe j nid 101, union Paris, 5,10(45071. history, and rts euggentire pude, tot policy, w,
The Lewis County Bonk is msleemingita notes have in American literature very Imo works s ,
at par, at Alhany and Ctios. important as th'e leading articleo of Joseph
The u „h dreit ,sury of this city is 'till malting les would constaute, fitly arranged, 311 , 1 Oleos
p a yment, on oteconnt of the Mexican Indemnity. {rated by sash notes as Ile could madly o f
The aggregate disbursements of
. ta,st week reach necessary now, on accost of toe time since soma
I:1,300,00, and there remains I'10(4000 of the of them were originally printed. -
Indemnity data not .yet presented. 11,14delphta
The :mir Bank of tbii• Republic (par red4mp_
ti9n) has Kt 10,11..4 temporarily in Prime's
'all =trees. .1: F. Williams, Esq..,
formerly of NCR Bedford, mad bite Cashier of
the City Bank of Bo , too is the t:szihier.
Their is nothing doing In Penni, ss, and Ohi o
lh•nna. 110:1.1,;:vild very little in any We..3ttrn
Stork=. U. s. we. of ' , ;7. Fold to-day nt.,116/® -
Ilq Ilhorh., of 'l7. tt1Y771,6j. • '
h.. 1.11,13 Athneate.
. One of the mix , ionfirles to Liberia lately made
an exploring tone of too hundiethand fifty-three
miles on foot lute the interior, lie passed
through about' thirty vil6gee of the Goulas,
Pep, (Wok,. and Conde.. la his report he
" Such a OlMiry awe passed through in
that missionary tent. I have not seen surpassed
in either of the fifteen West India Islands
which I have visittsl, from Trinidad to Tortola
and the Virgin,lslanil. It i, 311 elevated moun
tainous country, Ranges of mountains, entitling
most generally parallel with the line of coast,-...
from northwest to southwest —rise up before the
delighted rye of the traveller, convincing him
that he is no longer iti the. land of burning sande
and ileleterieus such are encountered
in proximitf with the slarei..tint in guile 'anoth..,
Cr region. Anil Suck are the grad.] undulations
of its surface as would greatly facilitate the ob
jects of ogricalture. There arc few, if any,
very steep acclivities--nothing like the hold pre
cipitous mountains of tom Eastern states Beau.
aid and extensive valley , lie at the base of these
mountain,, which gently slope down to the level
country lying between them.
"Itis a well-waierril country. During the
eight hours travel which we were frequently
obliged to perform in a day, ore never 'walked
more than two lioneu,.con two and a half at one
time. without corning to some beautiful stream
of eon! and very pure water, either a trihutary
-of the St. Paul's or Sollie other of the many
smaller streams which illfer,Cet thht Afric i'm
nnnn. And here it ninny be proper to add, that
my attention woe di Meted tO =Milt:l6OAI Of
the adaptation of these streams to the purpose
of maeldnery,isites for mills. &iv, and I hesi
tate not to offirmi that. within the tiaulah coun
try especially, any number of the most eligible
situatiousmay be found. where at any titne du
ring the year good water power may he obtained
for any of the purposes which an miterptising
community of agriculturists mid mechanics may
require. My journey was pertormed in the very
Middle of the dry season, and yet we found
plenty of seater in the different stnistnis.
9,267,72 S
1,098 040
1,6412,11 r.
Skr), 177
221 Ss 1
'2 SIR2,K2
It is well-timbered land.. Through an ex tett
wive forest OS' acres of ?tithes which lay in our re
turn Couto, woe so struck with . the gigantic
trees of immense height which reared their tow
ering heads and nnite'd their luxuriant foli-.o in
forming above or one dv:tse and rich canopy.
illat I called the attention the (altered minia2w
tees of the Liberia annual Nlethotlitt Conference
who accompanied Ire, to this evidence of the
richness of the coontry which God. has given to
the Africans, and to which their exiled brethren
were invited by no many:powerful considertitipcs.
I measured several tree, and toy journal kept nt
the time with scrupulous exartiteSe, records
twenty-three, twenty-fan r. and twenty-five feet
as the circliniferener of ni:loy them Wit feet of the ground. Let the remark that ram
variety and superior quallty of the wiowl found
in there forests: and indeed all along the honkrs•
and around the settlement of Liberia. from
Grand Cape Moot to Cape Patinas. nr Maryland
cannot he excelled any where within tier tarrid
:one. From a species of poplar; soft
tu all the - , f.i . %clench the white pine
is nsed in America, up to the Pak. r ariety of
mahogany. a beat:tile I sy.isies of hicknr .- . very
alotodant at Cape th- 1,11 wl,
brimstone. susceptible o; a polish ior virniture
of surpassing beam}, :1,1 :nanny others. no al
most miles, supply tei•Ly
3( 076 f
It( , '
•. It i... :111eXt-Pedin,j. frrtih. ~ ,il, rhe im
mense ortilergrowth i.f -.loath :aid vimi eiierw-i
-vim trout the -:iintit. 3 i the• Virevt. • i iloct,
iropeneteible with., much iiiiivit.aild thsaaith
which a f o otpath only ii inilibit3 the tr., ilier, to
the Inert proof o 1 'hi iiiit gram-. ri v ot3,
fruits. Nines of the trories ci ,,, r , .. , h"er. ood
may be roiseil with itiie i rriiii3 of Comparative
i ease, a rapidity of gth
row. nol ariaboxila i nce at
most increilibie I ha,. ~Duti racy 4 *L . 4r the
hranche, of, a cetinti triiii in a Cott 7illige,
1 as they =prom! birth !roc. tin.- main trill :, laden
with the Mill, and , iiiilisil by Mrlievt titirlis. Cu
p re vent their being iv ..3311 down .liy' their own
weight, and fonti.l, ito measuring., that the .tree
covered a apace of tio itaifiiii diameter. On en::
omitting, the staple, on the ripened bolls:burnt
into maturity, it RAY fount a 3 good and equal in
the fineness of its fibre to the notion of any . coun
tny. As, to colter. I will only borrow the words
of die report as o. comment on themnelvest —Cof
fee of no quality superior to the best lava or Mo
kha is rained in Liberia. and can Inc cultivoted
i with great en.3r tone,y oitaht... It is 1 country
1 where totaircn. that ,reat articleof commerce,
may be cultivated in any quantity with trent
•• Butrhe region in the nicininV of Liberia is
one of great mineral Rea'tb This remains for
science fully to dt,t el.!, but ire Illa confidently
arrive at this cortedo
eltn from what confidently
been dis
covered. : Of the gold coast.yur romfnittee
say right when they liFsert tlett •• Engiand has
received altogether :i.,2llo,lintiftiln of gold from
Africa. Liberia is :ohiteent to the Gold
But I would speak of what is better than gold- r :
iron. And such la tin; parity of the iron o re ob
tained by the native: , of Vrina immediately in the
vicinity of Liberia; whiell they describe as abun
dant, that they have rw furnaces: they need none.
All their .rude ogricultural,and warlike instru-'
meats are made by them ait . ore, so' pure that
when beztiid it becomes at once sufficiently nat.
:ruble to admit of be*: wriinght into anv rim!,
ar (omit. They make knives. bill.linaits: wsr
cutlasses, quoin, hoe.. a.c ; out of thir ere without the pelierwel smelting.