New You; Much 20. - The steamer Artie, with one week's later news from Europe, is momeatarUy.expected. The Cresent City from Chigres, %also due. DINNER TO Mg. WEBSTER. BALTIIIOBB, March 20. The members . of,. the Maryland Reform Con vention will tender Mr. Webster with a public dinner, on Tuesday next_ Mi. Webster 1183 ac cepted the Invitation. OEENING . OF THE N. Y. CANAL ALBA:cc, March 10. The Canal Commissioners have directed the Canal to he opened on the 15th April. WIYIO CONVENTION. Loruiviux, March 20. The Whig Convention met to-day at II o'clock it. at. Wm. Campliellwas nominated for Gotternoi., tmanimously. The meeting was large and enthusiastic. The Ron. M. P. Gentry addressed the Convention at great length, cud with much ability. PikILADELPIIIA, March 20. Charles Morrell l baggage master on the Balti more train, while the train was 'ander way last night, in Broad greet, jumped from the baggage car, accidentally fell upon the track,. and wan in stantly killed. :SPIV ORLEANg, March 19 The Asia's news has caused an advance of in cotton, with sales of 12000 bales middling at 101(8;121 'it? lb. LoniaricLc, March 20. The river has fallen three-inches in the last tvienty-four hours, leering 3 feet water is the canal. Mesa pork is selling at $ll per bbl. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. - March 20. Cotton—There has been an increased demand for com Mon, with sales of 200 or 300 bales, prin cipally Upland, at 12€.12ic ,4 lb, on time. Flour—The market is quiet, and common brands are held at . $4,44 4 bbl. No sales for shipment hove transpired. Sales' for city con sumption at prices ranging from $4,44 to $5 for for common to extra brands: , Rye Flour is steady at $3,374. Corn Meal—blinnli sales transpire at $2,75 "e bbl. .• Gnsin—Supplies of wheat are light. Sales of 8,000 bus good Penns white at 102, and of red at 97c 14 - bush. Rye is scarce, with no sales. Corn is in fair demand, at 110 c fur yellow. Whiskey is in limited request, with sales in bbls st 23c. ' BALTIMORE MARKET. _, • J ' March 20. • Flour—The market is quiet, with sales of H S at $4,31 bbl. , ,13raln—Red Wheat is selling at &Sent bush. ' Sales of Corn at 57e for yellow, and 591110 • 60e for white. PrOTifliolll3—The market is firm, with sales 100 bbls new mess Pork at $13,75? bbL — Saes COMO The, and 76 bids Shoulders, at 7c; and of 800 smoked hams at 83€.101 lb. Sales 100,000 lbs bulk shoulders at 60 ^gl lb. Sales 500 kegs Lard at 91171 ; 91-5 ;11, b. Seeds—Sales of Closer at $5,25, and of Timo thy nt-$2,75 Coffee—The market is steady, with sales of Iliciut 101 lb. - 'Wool is firm, and in good demand. Whiskey--Sales at 23e in bbls. NEW YORK MARKET. Nsw Yoax, March p 3 ROOF REPORT. Flour the market is steady at $l5O for common to straight state; and $4 63@ . .4 75 for straight Western. New Orleans biands tend upwrad, owing to the lightiess of supplies. Gram—Wheat - is depressed, with small sales of Ohio at 95 en 100 e 'V be. Genesee wheat is nominal at 11063114 c; white Michigan is selling at 1050109 c l be. Corn is less active, at 660 for flat yellow; and 66., for southern white end western, for August delivery, Prrivislons—Pork is quiet, with smell sales at yesterday's rates. Sales of pickled meats at 8f for hams, and el for shoulders. Lard is active at 81 Id /I, _ Cheese—Sales at 6167}, La according to • Groceries-For Coffee, the large arrivals have depiased the market. No change in other arti cles. , Whinitei—The market is firmer but without .Change. Cotton—There is some movement in the mar ket, and prices nee firm. EVENING BEPOTIT. - .Cotton—The market is more firm, with sales ct 3000 bales tit 11171, 11; for middling low coped Flour—Priceliare yielded ton further decline of 60 bbl on common brands. Sales 5000 bbls at $4 440,4 50, for common to straight state; and $4 6264 75 for good round hoop Ohio. Grain—Corn has slightly declined, with sales 16,000 ho. at 60i666c for Southern yellow. Wheat is nominal, with stocks on hand amount ing to 350,000 La, of .which 90,000 are Canadi an. Rye is steady, with sales of 1000 bushels at 60e bu. Provisions—Pork is dull, with sales 2000 bbls At $l3 20 for new mess, and $l2 75 for old; $ll for new prime, and $lO for old. Beef has ad yanced, and with Rood inquiry from city dealers. 'there base been sales at $9O, 11 for mess, and ss®6 for prime. Sales of Prime mesa at $15,- 50; and of hams at $15e15 50 bbl. Cut meats are scarce and quiet. Lard to more sc tin at previous rates; with sales 300 bbls at 8i rb 8 1 "fi 4 • Butter—The market is heavy at prices favor ing biyers. Clover Seed.i..-Prices have declined, with sales . 1000 bushels Ohio at 8..1 ? lb. Groceries New Orleans molasses is more active, but quotations are lower, with sales of about .1000 bbls at 30i @,3lc gal. Coffee is more active, - with sales of Rio at i„ on time. ' Tallow-Sales of prime at 7 t e. 7 4. Whiskey is steady at 24ic 7pl gal. CESCI.Nt s gATI MARKET. CT:xisNark, March 20. Flour-Sales of 7,500 bble at $3 40 per bbl, with n good demand. Provisions—There is s. fair demand in the market. Sales . of, 25.000 lbs sides at 7c, and 2 2 5 bbls mess pork st $ll 75 per bbl. Sales of 500 kegs No. I Lard at Bc, cad of 150 bbLs at $7 80 per cwt. Groceries:-Tbere is a good demand for sugar, with sales 800 !aids at 53c for common, and 61:70 for. fah., and Ge 61 for good fine to prime cpiali ty. There is n moderate demand for molasses, at 82e, and for coffee at 11164114 c ? lb. Whiskey—The market is atendy at 18c11 gal lon. • • . Clover Seed-11as further advanced, with sales 16 blds at $6 '7s"t) bush. • The river is stationary. APPOINTMENTS BY TEE PRESIDENT, By ondtrith the adrice and consent of the Senate siTEILINTENDrNTNor INDIAN AGENTS• John Drennert, of Arkansas:'/avid D. iditch ell,,of blissouri; and Elias 3lnrray,' of Indians. to be Superintendents of Ind' art Affairs for the Indiantribes east of the Rocky mountains, and north of New Nitric° and Terns. Kenton Harper, Wm. Wilson, Philip IL - Rai ford. Geo. Butler, John R. Chenault, Thos. Fitt patrick, Luke Lea,: Sr., %Peyton P. Moore, Ab ram M. Fridley, John S. Watrous, Wm. Sprague, Asbiuyid. Coffey,' Wm. J. J. Morrow, Thomas 31 0 ,0ey, Jr., Wm-. I P. Richardson, John E. Bar row'Nathan; MeLean, to be Agents ftem and. after the thi loth Juno neat for the Indian tribes east of the Rockfmesntains, and north of Nair Mexico and Texas. Richard 4 1 I.- Wrightmart, of New Mexico, Ara,: Lam R. NV lley, td" New. Jersey; John Greiner; of Ohio; a n Edward It. Wingfield, of. Georgia,, to be AgtmM for the Indians in New Mexico. Jacob 11. lolcantn, of Kentucky, to be Agent for tha Ind at, Utah. .Beserly . Alien, of Temaessee, to be Agent for the In tans in Oregon, in place of Simeon Francis, toed. ressum cures:. James E Heath, of Virginia,. to be Commit. goner. of ensions. connisswycns. Joseph 4.. Ingersoll. of Penasylvanim Arthur V. Hop of Alabama; and James A. Harlan. of Heattuks, to ,he Commissioners to ascertain and sank 'private land claims in the state of California. • Samuel D. King, of the District of Columbia, to be Su sync General of the Pablic lands of the State .of California- Iliplionie'Lastrapes, to be Receiver of Pahßl Moneys et 9pchiasor, Idedsiana, vice R. Menge - riel, whose' term of oilioe has expired. =John N. Edwards, wipe Receiver of Public Dio:- :keys at Lalamaxoo, Mioldgan, vice Horace Mow- er, resigsed. Thomas V. Newman, to be register of lb Una office at, Washington, Mississippi, his tax 2 of offic r . g c , Mving expired. Geo Was hington, tuhe g eg i i t er of th e Lem Office, at Bt. Aliblathaa, Florida, vita '_ 11.13ixemolis, whose termer - office has expired. r 1 RS. anx Corn Hopewell Hepburn, President Before Hoin Judge.. ' The case of Andrew Watson's heirs, TO Wil f Bata ricbbanin ectruent for two acres of land justaboes Pi' tett, has occupied the attention of the Court si ce Monday, and is not yet con cluded. '' ) Buocessci A CIDENT.—The wheels of a , large of coal, passed over the legs of eal Lowell, in Temperanceville, crushing both bones, and mang orribly. lie is now in a very dangerous COll "tion. coal wagon f o a poor fellownj on Wednesday) ling the flesh Cory.—The next session of .urt will .mmence on Saturday, Tea CRIMIN the Criminal e and we regrel is a very he nine prisoners a very large :n following is w tried: to say that the criminal calendar y one. There are now Ferenty o jail awaiting their trial, beside. mber who are out onhall. The ist of the principal oft - micas to be Highway Burglary, Assault Riot, Larceny, th intent to kill, - 4 BarrEar.—A man named Tur plaint, yesterday, before Alder against an inhabitant of Tent h.). he alleges, heat him with a injuring him. ASSAMT AN ' ner, laid a co! man ldeklaate peraneeville, poker, sererel 1 , 9 IN ALLEGUENY.—We -heard Ten Srann I friend, yeste which we pub el In apes dition of most er principal r sons who bay. gory, co uld 111 crossings, Mg whatever passed by, wo •y, make a very good suggestion .h for the benefit of all concern ;ng of the muddy and filthy f the crossings in Federal and oth • eta, he observed that those per ! • been reduced by poverty to beg- E. Ice a good living by sweeping the the London fashion, and collect toll the generosity of those•who d induce them to give. ---%4 1851. TilE.. n , e 4 s o r m an , d , fa , L A t ri , inr i i , i . nz ur str ir Fa . T.!l. s E , R . , Lentille, Wellaburg. Wheeling, Ilridgeistrt. CaPtlna. on. , Sunfish Packet—l Pittsburgh ens, MrslneklaY id 3 o'clock. P. M.. for Wheeling and Bridasport. and eserY Saturday. at it P. M.. forCaptina awl Snail:h. Returning. leaven Sonft.l. every Monday at 10 o'clork. A. M.. and, Inid,port and Wheeling rrrr y Monday and Thnmal.l. at 4 P.M. For freight nod parings apply on board, or to meta JOHN FLACK. Anent. L - 1 4 011kARIETTA AND 110 C- - „,, INGI`ORT.—The fine atearrier PACIFIC, oa. awls, aril leave for the above attain. tor... Rate ra.rta every Thureday t at 4 o'ebark, P. M. For freight or parreage spell on roisrl. f ret o T. Mral k SON. =rill() No. ni wsos. sod a sm. , so , 'UDR ST. LOUIS.—The splendid : rev steamer STATSMN. J... ormley. .....? ... 1 commander, trill leave for the above and Inter mediate pule on this day. the tith MAL, at lii A. M. For freight or paarrage. apply on 15.001. or h. inch; GEO. It. 3IIITENIIEItri Er. kirt. ..._. . . _ . 1.111 EMMA R. IVIIEELING AN I 111. SUNFISH PACKET—The fast running' steamer WELLSVILLE. Cant E. Young. wil I ruts wr • roEular .packet between Pittaburgh. Wheeling, I HlMgets.rt. and Sunfish. leaving l'ittsburr,h ever) Moods Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, do 3• afternoon for Meliorate. Struts...llle. and Illidgepor t. and every Thursday afternoon for Strohm:Gill, Wheeling. ILURAIY & BURCIIFIELD have 130 W Hridgernit, Cortina and Sunfish: 1 - eturnlng, lesiesl3rldg 0 an as.rtment of Black Thlbet and Cash= re 1 ... 0 '......, .F . r d. F °L t ..... s na ... ,,, n. mai. 14.. sad Uslf a.... white Mist. brad, and boor) T.' "el'', ^.,- F‘ . 1 . ..4.... P..^... ,. .' . Nankin colorol Cotton do-, unbleached 'Cotton Lola and '"r '''r ''', . ifri`'-'i M. R. IS ELLER. Agent. Half do.r black and white spun Eillr do. ' ILI EGULAR PITTSBUIfGH AND _ NAL Silk. and Lb& univrs. Common anal super Mohair and Silk Alma , 111 WHEELING PACKET.—The splendid 4 Cotton and Merton Undershlrtx Infants' do., Oc.r. and II : ne. Wk.. , etoouier DIURNAL. Uonwelt. ma. - . at loves* sash prices. st North East corner of Fourth d ' tor. br mi.' Performing ghee reriuhir welt. ma.- b..... Market abs. . meta) ; thin silo and Wlusding. leaving Pit.burren at 10 °clock . every Monday. Wean...lay and Friday. and •returning. CI U3l OPIUIII , --1 ease for sale by .1,..,..NV10r1i0n_ every Tuesday . Thursday and Saturday, Or mehlo J. KIDD k C°- 6 ' Wocd " t I b' s ' ;:fr: ' ...a. "r fr lllll . a=rergalt b"."' . Agents. V. COTtil S&'ISFF--500 lbs. 1 ( Garrett i z ,, r ,.,..„,') or j ItEiIEL A R W EDN ESD A Y 0 rode try mchlo - --- - —. PACKET, CINCINNATI. fitorain John,,kal ...: D RIED PEACHES-200 bu. for sale by 1 umainghstn. fable splendid boat arrubuilt by mehlo ~:r. r ogym, P. s u ßt yr, ' the owners of the an !Kase Newton. and others. fur "..:- I the Cincinnati and Pittsburgh Packet trade , and will Ica., 1.1 ICKORY NUTS-30 bbl. for sale by 1 M A " N % „"7l°l o l. 7 ,,M ( ''"l"'" u- I° P l ''' of the 1..7,,M.- mehlo SAMUEL P. SIIItIVEIL , tur'33 . b' if. irrlYrifigaßFl ER. Agent. --_—_ j. KM N,,. ° ro a W lE, r ,g " g: I. C.. 1 REEK APPLES-100bbl. for sale by A Whin SAMUEL P. SURIVEIL sco.—The commercial emporium 'a admirably represented in Cogs nomma, now on exhibition at the .e hole painting, indeed, is a one, and well worth seeing. Sas FsAic of the Pacific well's great p Atheneum. most beautiftt! Attention ! Pun= plain, summit of an old Math .Thl. may' Chronic Cough.' The cough an= let all hope of several hltred almost instantly the use Of the ma. them itatoment of John Watt. who erammei the mm of the Prrsotxt-at : fy that I hare hoes cured of an old Iby the sue of Four Bottle* of Petrolmm. • • mu • rear ago b. December. and I had I. Ulm well, as I had taken the advice of without any benefit 1 wks benefited by the Petroleum. / empAerf up. during • vas. a hied naufance . henc.— cots without my aollcitation from any. solely for the purpose that others who may be benefited. ion are at liberty to Skate. 1 net an old eithm of Pittsburgh, thirty-three masa My res/denee, at JOLLY WAIT. may be autfraM • imbll.b this • baying naiad • this time, is ma Yrrrasmum. P. !per A SicDowell. 140 Wood leaven R. It ; Street; R. A. Fahnertock. t Co. corner arced D. SI. Carry, D. A. Elliott. Joseph P. Schwartz, Alkwbenr, also by the pee. S. 11. KIER, Canal Bazln.Serenth et— Plttabrush. E=IMICE =SE Doug Won and teb2-nt&-vnT ...Swarm. Rau to.. 1.1., Feb. IS. ISM. Mani. J. Alibi eS ft...—We with to laform you that we bare Dad allof irony Worm Specific you left with UP. We wish yon to ag us Nome more as won as possible, as it has given gen , satisfaction here. We hare many calls i far It since we out of the article. It has suenreded all other pre s in this county, and for this reason we wish to keep a pply on hand. It a M. A. Psyrresoct.^ . _ She above I. of the hundreds of .10,11.0 corornour cations which proprietor, of this medicine are daily is caving. Where it has been intrisinovl, it tombetome the most popularTedr In 0... Yors•le by :' - alth.L.A.o•ll—. I GLARKB Patent Combine Grinding and Bolting, or MERCHANT MILL. kir, • abargh, Pa., Mara 14, 1851. rTHE PUBLIC:—We have now in use, . oar II ¢l¢ 311110 , two of "Jam. 31. Clarke Pa-. ten Cogyped Bri . ndlair red Bolting. slarchanLY a log ' ef&elPfor gring n avel Oliall• ri , ?tufting t?: " Brau and Shorts. The Int le rfeetly adapted to IM ow. doing the work .L., ZU as well an an turn burr summand ennui:ins:mock lees power, making t ornlealent. In a klerelmot Mill. to nearly one run of bn snares, that will mat ear 01.500 to 12.000. The latter. a Bran end Offal sebum. and duster , pro duce. an profit of about trade< pfr med. on the value of the Carats the Mill. Tar maltufsering the raw vain, Into row, 8 dnee the remit tpealllr• reducing a goal article of superfine Fro. , and 1u .. 1=1.b dustings rantla enortdir , . Is ie eluanl %ger Grist =la It in' tileVelagoLitt. __ • • • • %TOL\ ATLI a SIOPI.X. _ •Wr th e mad • ormatiree In the "Pittsburgh City Elowing 31111 e, dertrehlet with ;.•kienm slut. amily. ,Ituse , l Minersvllle. Potent:lnn ImmetllLtelf. oeverel mall Tenement, for rent. . Alm, for Rale II into fronting, on littnecok etreet, end frontiog on Pent street. Terme raey. jo y s pli cy to .gThr i fehDltlen nr 11. P. con of Market and stll en Desirable Residence for-Sale. • .. 1 TAIIE rubserilier, intending to renini, e fov tulle. Into the country. .iffere fur rale the property In L be now rondo , . finely haw.' upon the ...mod bank In Allegheny City. 'The dwelling, a double one, and built of brick. In large and commodious. awl hio teen mmutly repainted and pap.,rod. The lot !mot. fifty feet on the Cie nal, running lock two hundrwl and eighty fire, end le laid out with tiode. containing choice ..hrtilibery and fruit. The sindsting of a private school hour, able and rarrlaae honer. aro conveniently located. The ARUM. Plca.ant. and the Wire litistwnelcin Bridge shortly to be placed ore r the Allegheny. wlll bring the Firl3l..rt, within a feW minutes walk or drive of the city. ere referred to Alex. It. Miller. No. EIS 4th street (,hiG:dlm MOSE 2 VF SALE OR RENT—A iomfortable twte4 i„ and pleatantly situated dwelling house and lot 1.2/..eisiut street. In the Eighth Ward. of this MO'. The lionee mobilo,. flee morn, the lot Is forty not on Chest- nut stmtt by one hundred In depth. Env ire of S. N. WICKERSHAM. &bl 9 corner of Weal and :Math stn. FOR RENT—'fliatinrgedwelling hove i;rn with extensive grounds for ganlen, and st4le atiaelted, the maidens, of the late Wm, J. Totton,alt-...... I nated on tille street. siren on the first of March. apply to For terms. L. IL M'Aboy. Guardian. or It. C. Totten. st. the Fort Pitt Wolk.. rentsitArn VALUABLE MILLS, FAIBIS, AN D LOTS FOR SA LF—Two lame Flour /1111. and a ..,LAW Mill on the Beaver Creek. with the nervitury water ro power. Also, Al, well improved Ennio In Lawroe ensiuntr. trim SZ,eno.— Also. .a Fur. of 110 acre., on tl.O tibin eye., ta te ,• m il,. below Dearer. for Sl, ?el. Alan one of 140 scree, on the (Iblo river. ti :pike below Bearer. kir cr2 tier acre. Also, Ott acre. for RP" peracre. Also. farms of 150, ES, and o'. titres. for SR+ per acre. Alai, 115 nenw for and Si acres fur 11. per acre• together will, loony others of Vali. 0113 sites anif prime. Enitein• of A O. L. B. MITER/lAN. Attorneys at Law and 107 4 Real th Ea Iten. Pi A t gent, tsburgh. fel,lll No L r. RENT—The Store MI Market ..eupied by C. Yeager us a Variety litnni: I,oeseasion Olen op Ist day of APS] neat 141, . (eh; WM. /FCLINTY/CR,SS 4th st rLET—A Warehouse situated be fawn {Noel and 3liaket end n nine though Ingo First to Seeiond ntren. neently occupied Oral!, t Atkinson. It is suitable for mmufacturing or stn. . • . Enl'h TtglFE.. ATKINSON d AEAL ESTATE FOR SALE—The under algn..l offer,. for Pale lartn• number of valuable u lot, and mane wee, derirsbl.. Ault Cr manufr. torlea. in the Itorough of Ihrmil.4bara. loesbd hiar tbe new l'oblle School llowe and Lutheran Church, The rapid growth of Birmingham tn Population and Gurnufacturing wealth. and the rraanoal.le pnnw at which lola will hold. will render themand profitable In vretutent. Title ,efert. Terms favoralde. For partkulan and forma. enekuireof tlxualorgignnl. at the ufhtv. alien:, V. , Gilmore, Etwi.,..ou Grant aunt, burgh, between Third and Fourth rte eta. nr of William Symatea and N. Pattervant. • iughaen. .la-^9 MOSES C. EATON. .121Pnell4:etniA9Tt situated 11ais .nl4rl. rnr Goan.. aPPII ILAION. ertT CO ,'Ut'. aW e FOR SALE—The subscriber offern for ~ o 5 • largo nud Veil built Ilrkk with One 1;1 o more wren nf pth ground. ritunied nu e Fourth etreet lI r . within thme miler of thirdly. Poneenrion given on lb,lit td April Alen. n v..rydenruble Int or ontind. enntsinirec over Four Army, with n enlu. of ~rrellent linter thereon, situnted ienr the ahoy, n Ml of gmunti 4S hot II ineher Le IS Lot. 31. the reehletor of Mr. S. hear it, citE.OPProif• the Seventh nn Areekbe. Porntesion ti itumtnintrle. It il ly no n.rtnin that the Plank Itns,l min berumple , . Imo the alKne property envly in the earning rummer. For further Inforinntton. apply to PA IILELER, Fourth et. rust, near the (inn prnOertr. REE LER; iFOlt It ENT Olt SALE—The suhNeriber will wall nr rent. hi% vrr, desirable Conn', en,. fn .Idegla,ny rity..dust. , l on ohs° I -van .red ' • %Ileghtnr A % oddly, we%t nt the ( . 130111100. The honer b • :am., double. An& building. fu clemple. order. Them In • •rleade bnu.e, stable. and gorwl ..4e. on the ground, uhieh eng,erow. tun srxed. well Improved.cnettaining rwcriptinti of find: •1n n. .prim: bonne d *mote tin.. Pconsw , •sin given whenever deuitu.l. .101 an INCIEBILUT. 11:1TAtf. _ '7 OR It E N story DwelliogfP u ""i I VAtI WLt:L i,wavrri 4 OR SALE OR ON PERPETUAL LEASE Pelt for cash, or on perpetual lease.nne lot on rstreet. 24 feet front by 100 feet V,...liming alley, ad o.ltutur up. Muth Ward Engine Ilene, Al, Muare , hounded by !Abort,. CarOon. and Allegheny streets. nod Swill.; Alley. h01ng . 261 ;net on Llbert,, by to Spring Alley. Alen, 1,511 fret tomtit,- on Fergtoon strect, Warne , Atte' oppeelto the Central nallmed Do. ..and ennta Intnn 15 acres. baul)/ahrtf ) JAMES O'HARA. TO LET—A large Mansion House with trfr, ta,,, of Land attached, situated at Oakland. jala HARDY. JONI:13 k CO. esoooe 71 Ilene, LET—The Three Story Dwelling ea, No 171 Wylie street. at prosent ;.:',;l Johnhs 4. Livlngaton, and coolandog tan parlors. room and alchen. tou the first floor. Preareelon given on the let of April. Inquire of J. k It. 1.1.0111, jab, Round Church. LET—Oue Two Story Brick Rouse, onthining .3 moms, on Centre Aram, 31Mers-1,,.... Ally ood. Itrnt Inw. Ewq‘orr of .10 jolt: , „ Art , k FPO LET—Rooms end Steam Power rnoobanienl putiomm Euoulre of SCAIFE. ATKINSON 2 OKELY l yt Ilt/ Front at Bare Chance for Capitalists and ffiannfic- turem lIE undersi&rned being agent for the own etw. offers for sale a number of town lots In the town r oX l lataillon. Stark county, Ohio, with out Into, and small bringof land adjoining end near the town. Massillon. hsing situated on the Oi,lo Canal, and the Ohlo .d Penn sylvania itallrond. now nearly rnimpleted. pandng Ostvinptis 11. this real estate affonia, perhaps• the bent opportunity lately offered, to pernono who may with to nonage In mato ufacturing of IllialtAt net deneriptinh. The shuudanew.d elmapriren of all thr means or ilring, the woolf end for fuel for ste.o power, the great quantity of brought to thin market, as no II as the fatilitien for transportation of manufaelm , d articles. all combine to not. this one of the Wool, &sit-able polou for e.tahlishiog manufactures of Iron. W infixed of ell ikwription..elit , Ia eew aQotd ed ie the Wentern rountrf. Several improroli farms, In the vicinity of the Cinsaland Itatirmol, are ainootfennl—• tract of 375 screw of excellent Motowni rd, loing between the Canal and Railroad. and about ha .et mile from the latter, a lot of AMA ...v.. acn, teljo elan the Itediroad Depot, along ono tide of which the tract p.n., and on two elder, streets of the town. Ito krepern out merchants will do well to look at this lA fore they purchase elsewhere. no position of Mvoillon.lo the heart of . agricultund region, not surpassed by any In the couretry, Is to well known that It 14 deemed unnecessary to do more then refer to it to indoce 01l who with m unlike good invent-ninon, to nil end examine thin properly. Title intlinputable and halo ersdi- ghost it desird. Ibm. Andres W. 1,1,061i1l and Joh. of Pittsburgh. will glee information conrerrind It. and any erninirien will 60 ..erral ap pile.. to 1 . 11.111* IcCulieugh. K. , . Janis or the under ,nigned et Massillon. OW ItillT .1 A RV'S. Feh. Very Valuable City Property for Sale. eTundersigned Administrators of the e r of Thomas kairman. deerawcd, offer for tale the ro n st. al c-tate of the saki Thomas harmers, corethrting of one fel t lot fronting on Liberty street, running back fo, , t f, inches to a ten feet alley. Alto, the tarern stand known as the 31analon House. fronting on Liberty street 31 feet 6 Inches, and on Cherry alley 63 feet U inches, running back 93 feat tOisnalleY,.itn the grounds and stable connected, frentlng on Plum alley A 1... three lots (hinting on Cherry alley, raeli eighteen fret frontl, and running bark sixty feet parallel with Plum mile>, all of which property will be sold atprivala rale , by application to the I. ulverthera; or If uotrold before the intla of March. will Le oliren.,l al auction. at o'clock. P. 11.. o • the highest bidders. Apply to IL FAIIINIAN or It. CANIPDELL, 161 Liberty FL AM:MORAL SALE Of Fotty Town Lots in East Liverpool, O. TOE recent unprecedented sale of Lots in the above thriving Town having mealy rshaueted Dreviotioly Lod out, and the demand fti II Motioning,. tlie undersigned hut been 31:Wood to lay out a portion of Dropertyin town lots as above, and offers them fir Rale at prime awl terms that =not fml to meet the riots of ul thoaembhing to purchaar. It is nowileas 10 ray anything tbe loratlon of the Town and prospects (It-having both eunicietilly described In meant advertaaanrnts) other than that over one hundred lota hare R.rently changed 13.. b.. ALA tewen purubawd by the. wishing to promo"' 4 "..." DI boo., The elm, h. are among the meet eligible and desirable . the place. sad eoldare principally located in th e centre of how n