The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 21, 1851, Image 2

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From Slockton. via Randle, Louise, Double
Springs Mocklwnne Hill, Murphy's Diggings,
Carson Creek, and Mormon Gulch, to Sonora.
From Stockton, via Lanar to Sacramento.
From Sacramento, via Patterson's lilisaliapi --
pi Bar, Mormon, Island, Greenwood Valley, ••
Colunina, Vieberrille, S,almon,Georgetown, and
Placerrille to Ringgold. '
From Sacramento City, via Dr Traxton's, Nan
tucket. and Mors Springs, to Logtown.
Prom Sicramento City, yin Baylor's, 'Dry
Creek, and-Jackson, to - Volcano.
, •'Fium Sacramento City, via rerrion, . Nicho
lan's Yuba City, and Eliza, Co yaryville.
— Prom Sacramento City, rim Fremont. Cahhe
Creek, Colusi's, Monroe's, Id's and Cottonwood
Creek, to RenldiUg'S Springs.
From Sacramento City, via Ohphir, Ashburn
Illinoistown. and Rough find Ready, to Nevada,
From Ma sville, via Foster's Ear, to Dowrie
s ille.
From Mn ysville via Vezio City, Hamilton,
and Blind? . 11*, to Toll's Diggings.
From Re' 'Lig'. Diggings, via Weverton. Big
-• tar on the rinidad, South Trinidad, Red Wood,
and Union own, to (Humboldt's Day) Eureka.
Sec. 2. Arid Le it jzrrherrnoard, That the Post
master General r r and he is hereby rintborized
intoto enter co tracts, or to make suitable ar
ra:teem:nits', for transporting through any for
.eign coast the mails of the United States,
running fro and to any pointin the said United
State : Pro idol, That- cacti' contracts as shall
•be made • nder the authority conferred by
this section shall not be for a longer period than
four years, and that in making thorn tho Post ,
autetere 0... mat shall he
. .toatl to select the
speediest, fest, and most ecomonics.l route :
J'rovidertin Oar, That ouch contracts !thrill be sub
ject to be r •oked and annulled whenever any
new road o canal shall be cut or opened afford.
ler, morn economical, and equally an
of communication beta - cen the point
and the point of destination of the
. 'sported ; and that in pooh case a
.nity be awarded to the parties con
. provided further, That before ma
log n spec
Kate mean
cf departu
mail t he
a fair *ude
.ontracts, notice shall be given during
by advertisement in the usual man
ning for mail contrasts.
ed 3farch 3. IESI.
Prom Me Columbus Zeate Journal.
we h., • not had the pleasure of n jaerEsonl
requaintat cc with Mr. Wade, but be has, been a
good deal n public life and has made his 'mark
in the poll leo of the State. Ile was for some
time ame her of the legislature, and is well
remember d in Columbus as a bold, unflinching
Whig, and a man et character am! talents. Ile
has been known for ye ars nil over the State, as
one of the ;most useful and influential men on the
Western, ; an upright, decided, honora
ble man, a Whig without spot, blemish or shadow
of turning More recently he has been upon the
Bench, no consequently less before the public as
a political harimter ; hat in 1845, when the spir
it of defer ion on the Reserve was almost gener
al, Mr. W de was one of the few to breast tle
turrent ant throw himself unreservedly into the
conflict to yhelil the Whig ticket. This aid was
the more valuable and meritorious, from the fat t
that his p sition was then such, that he coulu
have cosi' excused himself from doing anything,.
had he b n disposed to trim his sails to the pot
nine bree e, rather than to perform a prefitless
labor of I e for the gloriona cause in which he
had battl through previous years. •
It woo 01 to be expected that the
,election of
each a n, would-please the locofocos. He is
probably- he last man—the very last man whom
they woul have chosen. Bat from. many facts
known to s, the charge made in the Statesman,
of treach on the part of Whig members, is
wholly undless. We see no reason why any
Whig she Id be accused of treachery for support
_ ing one of - the most unwavering Whigs ever known
in the State.
Mr. Wade, it is tree, is an nub-slavery man,
and so are nine-tenths of all the Whigs of Ohio.
Mr. Wade disapproved of the Fugitive Lair, but
who in Ohio did not Almost the entire tfhig
delegation fromObio voted against it Mr. Co,
win, it was announced in Congress, would have
voted the same way. Very few of the Whig pa
pers in Ohio have hesitated to express their dis
approbation of that law. But the. Edit,or of the
Statesman himself has, on his editorial columns,
deelarel against that law; briefly and faintly, it
is true, and done no if he would like to have
dodged any expression one any or the other ;
but having done it, it is quite too late for him
to charge Whigs 'with treachery for electing a
man of the same sentiment which he professes.—
Aside from
all this, there never have been, to
our knowledge, any_ such relations existing be
eweeti Whigs :IA Democrats of the present Le
, &donee, :...,. ‘ s•ttld justify the charge of trench
'tge might see tit to do.
S• • lit tt part of the State where
~ •
.t:e.l-ritins high. But the whole
S • 'firmly, unmistakeably so,
•. -part of the State A man
mast.:j . 4'i , -
,atitAis see that, and foolish to de
5. Te4:4 watched Mr. Wade's expres
sion td . -, , t; , . , ; . ef.rnither, in some time of prevail
ing not been himself excited
mare : - . - thought the occasion demanded—
more thin4ereotfis in other portions of the State
eympathix - edwitti.: - If we had watched, and bad
found some such expressions, we Should pay lit
tle attention to them. We entertain no doubt,
from nis past history and reputation, that he -is
to earnest friend of the constitution and the
Union; that he Will support both, earnestly and
in good faith; that his opposition to slavery will
be confined to such action as is perfectly consist
ent with the obligation of the constitution, the
relations between the North nod South, and with
the. ind end, fraternal feelings indispensable to
success in' every work of philanthropy. To this
extent we shall ho with him—the Whigs of the
State, and the people of the State, will be with
We find the following sketch of Judge Wen's
lifd in , the Cleveland Democrat, a Free Soil
parer : •
h. F. Wade is in his fifty-first year. 17e was
wais torn in West Springfield, .14.19,., October ;7,
1500. - '
lie removed with his brother, Edward wade,
to Ohio, in October, 1821, and settled ir,A n a,ver, .
Ashtabula' county. Neither had the advantages
of education. They were both tw edornted ; but
Edward Wade met seen after vii' b a cr wy priest,
who hod a treatise on Algebre and some books
en geometry.. These be
. to study.—
Hut the Senator, that s „, hi m ,
saying, with the other l;
Joys, he,.ould never get
the hang of these tb".., lie pee„„emd,
the block art.-,
himself, and taught them to
1 - ,1,3 brother.
fAlylard Wade was at this time
teaching te,iool, 4 ..marding coned, receiving twelve
dollars P mouth '
,as his pay, and taking it out in
cltu' e ping. • -.
'ln the fall of 1823, Judge Wade went to New
York and Vaught school there 'for two years, or
until the spring of 1825, when be returned to .
Ohio. Yjdward at that time was it Canfield,
studyif.g law, with Elisha Whitlesey. The broth
ers'•ngly attached to each other,
an tr
haply been separated at all be
fore this period. So the Judge went to Can
tied, taught school there. and studied law with
/Award, until he was admitted to the Bar, at
Jefferiaon, Ashtabula, in 1829.
The spring of that year he formed a copurt
nership with Joshua R. Giddings, which continu
la the fall of that year he was elected to the
Ohio Senate. Ills course was marked by decis
ion and energy. Ile made a strong speech, and
a stronger:report, against Texas Annexatfon, and
was regarded as one of the boldest anti-slavery
; men of that day.
In 1841, he was n candidate for the Senate
and succeeded. It was, at this term, that he
battled to bravely against the Black. Laws- -
Ilia epeechitivas a strong one, and told upon the
Judge Wade, at this period, quit the political
field, and devoted himself to his profession, until
he was elected Judge of the Third Circuit, some
three years ago.
Ttie Eteeztoss.—Below we give a list of the
• elections that have been had in the Dcgislature
since Saturday noon:
Senator-Renjamin F. Wnde, Whig.
Auditor—John Woods, Whig.
Lihrarian--John Greiner. Whig. •
Penitentiary Dithetor--Chas. L. Eaton, Whig.
Prthident Judge of Bth Circuit—A. G. Brown,
President Judge of Lth Circuit—John Pieroe,
- President Judge of nth Circuit-LR. S Hart.
FUnd.Commissioner, E. N. Neil, Whig.
Superior Court Judge of Cincinnati—George
Hoedley, Free Soifer.
Reg:stop of Defiance Land Office—J. C. Curtis.
Receiver of Defiance Land Office. Hamilton Da
vison, Whig.
Supreme Court. Judge, Rufus P. Ramsey, Lo
„ cofoeo.
Major General 11th Divi - sion, Isaac A. Mille,
Major Genera( leth•Division—Robert B. Har
lan. Whig.
Threeother Mnjor Generals will be elected this
afternoon. -
We regret to learn 'the defeat of Mr: Convert
for Supreme Court Ridge, and have something
to say about it hereafter. The Free Boilers saw
fit to vote for Romney, with which we find no fault.
It demonstrates that there was no "bargain" in
these elections.-oAio State JournaLof March 17.
Market Street Store for rent
ki)ICRENT.—The Store, 118. Market r..q
. gragia
race. !Two , of
/a, MID
LET—An , OFFICE on 'Water,
1y terns Vertrrgtztots. Itrupllzo of
1402,23. .JAB: ,D Water
PITT.BURGH GAZE'T'TE. I Our obligations are due to Henry .4_ swtn..
Clerk of the Senate of Ohio, fora copy of the
Annual Report in relation to the common
schools of that State.
GE . 71.1811ZD Hy WHITE t CO
Y MORNING, MARCH 21, 1851.
of Pennsylvania'
'ION will be hebl In the CS:
June 24th, laal. fur We
for the otbnes of Coeernor and
for Judger of the Matdero•
HY If. rULLER,Charman.
aentnel 31ellenamil
C. Moment) Jones
Samuel B. nom..
John S. Bruen. •
T. Takln* Worth.
Alexander E. Brown,
14:m. Ilakg.
Rm. att..
b= " e•
Francis Jordan.
llt-DLL MTH. `Lk . tart.
the publication, to-day, of a
tg articles, written for the Horse
bjoct of •• Perfecting a Home."
I good taste, and sound plac
id the information he imparts
will —.— ,zresent utility to every person
who inten loon to 'elect and prepare a home,
end the d
es afford pleasant reading to all
persons, h
Iptieater they possess a home or not,
who deligt in homo comforts, and rural plea
sure., P it in
is soon to be the centre of a
vast syste of:Rail:roads and Plank roads, and
great numere of our citizens will select their
homes in a beautiful suburban and rural dis
niche arou d us. To all such, these articles will
impart p ctical knowledge of great value. its
the Home eurnel is published only once a week,
we shall b able to give the article, regularly as
they arriv , and to find a place for them in our
Weekly p. er.
r l ,
mx or rnx ~Tansusn ENTOY. —On
[mat, Amin Bey, the Commissioner of
of the Ottoman Empire, took leave of
ent., and read to him a short address,
e expresses his gratitude for the kind
which he hno been treated by our go,-
. d people, his admiration of the polit-
the Suite
the Prem
In which
and civil institutions of the country,
of our commerce and resources, our
In civilization, industry, wealth, Sc.—
des by saying, (in the language or the
"the only painful emotions which I
•kaced since I have been in the New
those which I now feel in bidding you
The President replied in r, very
r. appropriate manner.
progre s
Ile concl.
have cap -
I% orld
warm All
:ey has collected a great deal of infer
I: t cannot fail to be useful at home, an,
ell supplied by the Government am
Amin 11
motion th
hoa been
by privat
of ethane
of the etis
hope that
ere long
citizens. with valuable books and doe
ictX.ast has already caught the spirit
went, and this systematic examination
tots 'of Western Civilisation affords n
important changes for the better will
take place in the great Empire of the
no or Beerier.—There is no virtue
..ended than brevity in speech and
.d none at the present day treated with
•mpk If a Governor of a State corn
s annual message into a half dorm
II columns, the wonderful fact is en
.ll over the country; but notwithstand-
Imost every - speaker and writer in the
.•a to be haunted with the idea'ttat
her than depth or solidity is the great
This has led to the cultivation a most
, g skill in the expansion of ideas. We
/tilin our school boy days, told of the won
tr of gold—how a guinea might be
into an almost endless wire or beaten
leaf that would corer a pasture field;
: triPmg, compared with the ductility of
. plate idea drawn out by the pea of a
-_ yitst, or hammered out by the clo
ll.fiistinguished orator." No wonder
nit is of Hoe is taxed to build more
m , presses, or that a type setting
becoming a philosopher'a stone, or
.31 item of Phonetics are invented; for
9 require all the power of prudent
4 !ford outlets for the escape of the sea
hick seems every day to be fed by new
swelling torrents.
.e e tagnetic telegraph was invented,
a gl. tam of hope o.llt the cost and
•f tee uasmitting misiageswould lead to
ion in; the news , literature of the day
cony age a taste for brevity; but im
.ha. f 'allowed too close upon the heel,
y. We began by the employment of
1 r
, - tare present words and now it in al
..idered. A necessary qualification in a
. wapa gar reporter to be skilful in cot
the ' , eon:ly messages sentby the eastern
c re/porters. This may seem strange
uesurtheless true.. Almost every news
• , el) by - telegraph in Pittsburg, op
. 0 daily papers in fewer 'Words than
in the me esa,ge. The reason of this
more con
ing this,
land see.
length rn
a comma.
quence of
that the
repid ate
machine i!
science to
or words
and more
there was
a coed .., 1
and thus
but it is •
pearl's in
are given
must be
of limit
I. at the telegraphic reporters are man
education 'who ban learned the art of
on. in writing city report., and hare
improssien that no set of worsts
convey an idea in a direct manner,
'oan be c.rrect or elegant English. For instance
1 when a , w building &Us to the ground and kills
1 a body o workmen, the reporter tells us that "a
i building hich has lotely been undergoing the
process o erection was discovered to be in a fallng
condition and a numbed of men who were engaged
in the w ale of erecting the building," &c., &.c. ,
It is not always that the newspaper reporter
a l
has the me or the el:RI to pick the facts out
of these asses of words and thus the press is
made to ffer in the way of space type setting
and fi y the mystifica ti on of renders , for this
vicious , d annoying babit.
But a %bough this habit is the result of affeo
tation, a desire to appear elegant, the art of
condens ng a thought into fewer 'words than the
wrriter ould employ in ordinary conversation is
very di mar The operations of the telegraph
again a ord us an illustration. Private messages I
sent by rsons not in the habit of telegraphing,
generall. contain twice as many words as rteces-
city req ' es, and the clerks may often be seen
reinonst ling with people who will persist in
robbing themselves by inserting euperfluous
words. We call to mind an amusing controversy
which occurred some time ago, in the O'Reilly
Telegrauh office, in this place. A simple loOking
Irishman, in the garb of a laborer, walked in
and ha rd to the clerk, a message which, as far
as we c n recollect, was as follows :
" Ab ut two weeks ago, I was in a town they
call M rietta, on the Ohio river, away below
Pittstmfgb, 'and I sent word .to you to know
wbethe Barney Murphy was alive or dead, as he
was at oath's door when I last heard from him.
Not a tof an answer did I ever got, and I've
come et to Pittsburgh, and I want you to send
ins wo here, in plain English, yes or no, is
Barney Murphy dead or alive?"
" T 23, will cost yta
said th clerk : "you be
ney M. hy
The nxiou.s friend od
scarcely contain his intl .
ment 01 . a message whit
: 7 - at deal of stoney,'
better write, Is Bar
Berney Murphy could
1 , • . Son a this curtail
hail, no doubt, cost him
Listed that the fact of re
former message should
lerk aielded this point
'mit oi ten words. Still
au boa 's labor. He in',
I:§:M no answer to
be mel oned, and the
withou going over the
the po r fellow was no
.. IV at do you me..
when , tell ye I want
by asking if hea alive,
know whether he's dead
can't be deed, end if he's
, t alive h
to can't be alive.'
'ray with your et
Who would kr
be accountable
I'll town tell y
; Pp you take ma for
ow -what you meant I"
.! for that. If you get an
:a whether Berney's alive
cried Barney's friend,
l• tell ye, no more of yer
• a Judy of tpyself to plaae
more bother, tell them to
orphy dead or dire ?"
w. young mal
;oohing eyes, , 1
. I won't mak.
iSo without any'
▪ ord is Barney
'odd be well if
ry words cool.
I.nd no oppa
dulged, noy •";
—ion is to work
e evil has bee.
affords the o i l
to thin k that'
this propensity to use uu
be confined to those who
. - ties Of study; but, alas!
.nraged, by men whose
• d mould language. And
.me so great, that its very
.ly hope of a cure. We
thiii reaction cannot take
• ere are few reforms more
of sense would hull with
• edistely, for
fow that tam
Servo ClatOLlNA.—The lion. Joii R. Pols
srrr, in a letter to Col. M'Cny, of Georgetown,
South Carolina, takes strong ground against the
secession party which is now endeavoring to launch
that State into the horrible vortex of ruin. In i.
regard to the right of peaceable secession, which
is claimed by the disunion party, lie says:
“But we are told no revolution is contemplated.
South Carolina, in conjunction with other slave
States, or alone, merely intends peaceably to se
cede from the Union! I have looked in vain for
any sanction of this sight by the early expound
ers of. our Constitution. It was advocated, in
deed advanced by none, and expressly repudi
ated by the wisest and best of the statesmen of
of that epoch. Such a doctrine would have de
feated the end and aim of the Constitution, which
was to form a more perfect and permanent Union
then existed under tho old Confederation. It
teems to me preposterous to suppose a single State
to passes a constitutional right to secede from the
Union whenever it may think proper to do so, with
out regard to the injury such an act might inflict
upon the other States. The old and well consider
ed maxim of common law applies to State as
welllts to individuals—" Sic at,, fm at." , ahen-
um lanial." Mrke use of what is your own in
such a manner as not to injure another. As
well mig.litit be contended that a man has a right
LO set flr,tto his own house because ho is divest- '
lofted will it. If he were so ill advised, hewer- I
er, ae to . ezercise this abstract right over his own
property in the midst Aili city, he would be re
garded as a violator orlibe law, and be consign
ed to punishment for the crime of arson. And
what comparison is then in the degree of crime
between the conflagration bf the most opulent
city in the.uniterse nod the overthrow of thin
groat republic, the seat of freedom, the hope of
the world, the foundation of our strength and
safety 7 •
THE SECEET ttsuor.—A law has been curried
through the Senate of Massachusetts, by o "co
alition" majority, which provides that every voter
shall seal up his ballot in an envelope, before de
positing it. The Suite is to furnish the envel
opes, which of course will be exactly alike. The
great object of the common hillot is to insure
secrecy if the voter should wish it: hut the tick
ets of opposing parties sometimes vary in size.
color of the paper, ke., and thus the judge. and
inspectors, and EVen the bystanders. can often
tell to a certainty what vote has been given.,
This should not be. There can be little doubt
that external influence is brought to „bear to
an improper extent upon the votes of men who
are in a dependent position. ,This Massachu
setts law, if properly arranged in its details, al.
fonls the only sure guard to the secrecy of the
ballot; and must find favor with all who feel
strongly the necessity of Preserving the purity
of elections.
Lcerrans ON WOMAN.—We acknowledge the
receipt of an invitation to attend •• Mrs. Coe's
Lectures." We believe Mm. Coe has - taken up
the defence of woman. against the wrongs im
posed upon her by her social position. That
there is room for improvement in the prevailing
system of female education, and that woman, in
her legitimate sphere, may FORUM a much high
er position than she now holds, there can he no
doubt ; and if Mrs. Coe advocates such improve
ment, without running into the vagaries of the
•• Woman's !tight. Party," we hope she may meet
with success. We have been told by persons who
heard her introductory lecture that she is very
correct in her language, moderate and persua
sive in her manner; and is blessed to an extra
ordinary degree, with the glorious gift of cIo
to his very- late arrival, last evening, Professor
Emerson did not feel able to commence his regu
lar course of lectures, and therefore read a lec
ture on England. instead of the one which had
been announced. Writing at a late hour, we
have only time to say that the audience was large.
that the best expectations were realized, and that
Mr. Emersim has already not merely pleased his
audience. but won their sympathiea. The fret
lecture of the regular coarse will be given on
Saturday evening.
The following, which appears in the .Votto.,o/
Intelligencer, of last TucsOa), firings to a conch,
410/1 tiro spiry and curt correspondence, between
Chevalier linlsenionn and' Mr Webster. The
Auttrian Gorernment very wisely swa2lows Mr .
Webster's mealy and republican talk, and signi
fies its desire, notwithstanding its evident morti
fication and chagrin, to continue its friendly re
lations with the United States. It submits, with
a wry face to whet - it cannot well help. it will
take care how it stirs up the growing western
giant again.
Tut 11TH NIATICII, 1 , 351
I have received an answer to the despatches
with which I had sent to Vienna the note that
you did me the honor to address to me on the 2lst
December lost; and I hasten to inform you, Mr.
Secretary of State, that the arguments contain
ed in your note, have not had power to change
the judgment which the Imperial Cabinet had
formed respecting the mission of Mr. Dudley
Mann, as well as respecting the tenor and the
terms of the instruction with which be was fur
nished. The Imperial GoVernment does nut cease
to entertain the opinions contained in my note of
the 30th September, and it declines all ulterior
discussion of 'that annoying incident, unwilling
to expose the kind and friendly relations which
it desires to preserve with the Government of the
United States to the danger of being seriously
disturbed by discussicuss which' could have no
practical result.
President Fillmore declared, in his message of
the 2d December last, that he was determined to
act towards other nations ns the United States
desired that other nations should' act towards
them ; and that he had.adopted as a rule for his
policy, goal will towards foreign Powers, and
the abstaining from interference in their intents'
affairs. Austria has not demanded, and will
never demand, any thing but the putting into
...f these principles; and' the Imperial
13 serums: sincerely disposed to remain in
friendly relatimv with the Government of the
United States, so' long as thelinited States shall
not deviate from these principles.
Please to accept. Mr. Secretary of State, the
assurances of my high consideration.
The undersigned has the honor toacknowledge
the receipt of the Chevalier Uulsemann's note of
the lith of this month, which has been submitted
to the President.
The President regrets that the note of the un
dersigned, addressed to the Chevalier liaise
mann on the 2lst of December last, was not sat
isfactory to the Imperial Government, and that
its opinion remains unchanged respecting the
mission of Mr. A. Dudley Mann, and the in
structions with which he was furnished. Ile is
gratified, however, to learn that the Imperial
Government desires to continue the friendly re
lations now so happily subsisting between the
two Governments—a desire in which be cordial
ly concurs.
The President is also gratified to learn that
the sentiments respecting the international rela
tions between the United States and foreign
Powers contained in his last annual message,
meet the approbation of the Imperial Govern
ments; and he directs Ms to assure the Chevalier
Ilulsemann that he intends to net steadily In ac.
cordance with those sentiments. .
The Government of the United States is as lit
tle inclined at the Cabinet at Vienna to prolong
the dismission of the topics to which the Chevalier
Ilulsemann's note of the 30th of September of
last year gave rise
In his reply to thatnoto the undersigned stated
the grounds upon which this Government held
itself justified in every thing which it had done
conneeted with the mission of Mr. A. Dudley
Mann, wed the instructions which were given to
him ; and he took the occasion also of declaring
the priciples and the policy which the United
States maintain, as nppropriate to their condi
tion, and as being, indeed, fired and fastened
upon there by their character, their history, and
their position among the notions of the world;
and it may be regarded as certain that these
principles and this policy will not be abandoned
or departed from until come extraordinary change
shall take place in the general current of hu
man athirst
The undersigned renews to the Chevalier Hut
s...on the expression of his sentiments of re.
The Cl:mealier J. 0. EirLIITNANN,
Charge d'Affaires of Austria, Ilashmgton.
At the District Convention, held in'ltichtnoud,
on Friday last, John Minor, Esq., Vl5-unatit7
money uninitiated for Congne, Delegates wee
in attendance frvita all the er.uT,ti. of
i e.rrr•puuderto. of the Dully Pittaburgh thutte.)
Ilnaatsacin, March 17, 1851
We begin to see light. The House this morn
ing passed a resolution to adjourn on the Rith of
April. Thin will be the ninriy-ointl, day of the ses
sion. It Sean with great truth said this morning,
that the present law reducing the pay of mem
bers toi; 1,50, after the expirations of one hun
dred days, amounts almost to a constitution
al prohibition of longer sessions. - From hab
it, or inter-nit, or something- as influential,
they manage to leave a day or' two before the
reduction would take place, those nession except
ed, during which our man rules the whole Legit,"
latnre, and refuses to pass n necessary law until:
his own measures are adopted.
The-House, this morning, passed a bill which,
on account of its general interest, I give you.
A supplement to an act passed the seventeenth
day of April, one thousand eight bands ed and
thirty-two, authorising, the Governor to incor
. _
poste the Liggett's Gap Railroad Company.
SEC. I. Be ji enattal, 4,, That the president
and managers of the Liggett's Gap railroad com
pany,,for the purpose of constructing and com
pleting their railroad, and improvements, be and.
are hereby authorised to increase their capital
stock to such extent us they may deem necessary
and expedient, not exceeding nine hundred thou
sand dollars, or in lion of the same, or any part
thereof, to issue bonds or certificates of loan, and
in such case, the directors shall hive the power
to give the stock over bonds and cerficates thin
issued, such preference by mortgage or other
wise, the original stock of the conipany, in the
amount end payment of dividends and interest
notexceeding seven per cent., no they shall deem
expedient: Provided, That to the extent of any
sum of money which shall be subscribed to this
increased capital stock, the company shall be
taxed one per cent, payable in every case at the
end of one year after the date of such subscrip
tion, to In appropriated to a redemption of the
loans of this, Commonwealth: Providtd. That it
shell not be lawful for the slid company, to
evade the payment et any of its obligations Ay
virtue of the plea of issuing against the party
who luny sue for the tame.
_ _
This railroad extends from Providence, Lu
cerne county, and connects with the New York
and Erie railroad:at Greet Bend, Susquehanna
county.) While this hill Wll9 peeing through
the fiery ordeal of the Home, although its oa•
titre and tendency were Minded to, not one of
those Locoforos, who, when before the people
dwell on walling so strongly ns the horror they
have of monopolies, and their hatred of corpo
rations, raised his voice iu opposition. - As you
will observe, the hill authorizes do company to
borrow 5900,000 and issue •bonds or certificates
of loan' on lien of the whole or any part thereof,
and yet those wino twually take. fire during an
election campaign. at the titre mention of corpo
rate privilege., came tip to the support of the
measure, and it was carried with but rigid die.
ing votes.
The bill may be all right. Of its provisions I
.lo not intend speaking: but I wish public
attention to the vile byporrispwhich is so chit
racteristic of the conduct of,the Locofoco party
on this subject. In theory, - doing nll in their
power to wreak up monopolies, 'in prartte,--
their votes,-they uniformly extend' and patro
nize them. They have in fact created all the
corporations. save a very few which - now cover
our state as with a net work, because they have
always, with one or two exceptions had the pow
er in the legislature. And yet the people per
mit themselves to be annually galled by their de
ceptive promises, and, to return these or others
like them, who are always the willing instru
ments to assist in building up what they profess
to believe dangerous to the liberties and institu
tions of nor State !
Another move woe made to day to endeavor to
break down the present State Printers. In the
old Keystone State, what n misfortune it has be
come to be a Whig. The uncompromising spirit of
loeofuism will not be satisfied, If they see a aidg
miser prospering. In a trice, the aid of the
party is samtnotted—the word goes forth and he
must be drvtroyed. Such are the very urgent
reacotet which are almost weekly producing these
ebullitions of feeling from spasmodic Locofocos,
end which from it, well-onderstood nature' mul
-1 not fail to defeat theinselves These eminently
pure-minded and honesty-loving locorocus_nee
rushing on their own destruction.
The Senate, this morning, by a vote of 15 to
12 passed the bill to provide for the payment of
the first and second regiments of Pennsylvania
The nomination of Wm. Lam, as an Associ ,
i ate Judge of Allegheny county; and at John
Torrey, Wayne county, were confirmed.
The bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania State
Agricultural Society passed the Senate this
i morning.
That hotly adjourned whilst debating a bill to
provide for the publication of the Geological re
port of the State. mai° by Professor Rogers
be bill to incorporate the Nese Brighton and
If armony Plank Road Company: and the supple
meat to the act incorporating Freeport.
strong county, into ri borough, pn•ec.ithe Senate
this afternoon.
The Revenue ComminionerP hne adjudged
the following valultionn :
mere!, over IRIS
Incrense I by BORINI Rev COM )
Total :nerease
Of Irliieh Board added
o by 1:oord I
Philodelphio city and county
Increase (returned by Coon
ty Com. i 7.406,::98
Inereme (by }ter. Com I 1,600,000
Total increnee e,905.398
We give, below. the first of a series of articles,
by an esniment and practical architect, which,
we believe, will minister tonne of the most urgent
wants of our country. Comfort and fitness in a
hoi.,—the points iu which the English so far
excel us—will be the theme of these articles, slid
the aim will be to correct
,the common errors on
the subject, and suggest the ! needed additional
information.. The first article will sufficiently
explain tho tone of the writer's mind. lle is no
ostrich writer, half the time off the ground. Ills
views adhere to the paths of the universal want ;
and we confidently hope, by aid of his practical
good scow. and definite comprehensibleness of
detail, to`strike a new level iu American Home
Life—(bringing some homes up to the mark, and
some. down to it)—which shall strengthen the
right of our paper to its name, and secure to us
the thanks of the home-loving and moderate.
minded. We emphatically commend cur cor
respondent and his views to the reader's atten
Now is the transitiiin state of the young year,
when the cold shell of winter is timidly put Off,
piece by piece, for the velvet robes of spring,
Many families, like birds, will shortly beseeking
their nests—some, like the cuckoo, will.conant
themselves with the vacated habitations of
others ; some will seek more folly to follow the
bent of their own fancies, and will build for
But,dis man hm not the unerring instinct that
directs the feathered biped, and may, perchance,
in Ilia effort to give himself a local habitation, do
wrong, I venture modestly to put forth the fol
lowing notes for guidance, in the hope that they
may prove acceptable:—
I would o distinctiOn between Hover and
How ; those who are now seeking houses,
hope. be able, from what l am about to say,.to
make them homes.
Houses may tell very well in advertisements,
and my professional brethren know how to make
them look sweetly pretty upon paper, hut, dear
friends take care. that you thoroughly satisfy
yourselves that you eon make them homes, be
fore you commit yourselves to a choice•you may
afterwards repent.
Supposing tlmt•the search now is either for
situation in which to locate,' Home, fora House
already built, a description of the desiderata and
the excellencies of a country home 'will furnish
information equally useful to those selecting
from the different places presented, and to those
who are busy cogitating the building of one of
their own.
All who build, desire to build well 7 -and though,
perhaps, the sum to which the expenditure is
limited. will not permit the embodiment of all the
excellencies that form, in their eye, the beiu-ideal
of a borne, still, though cheaply, they desire to
build well.
But there are really very few who understand
in what the excellencies of a house consist—their
ideas, at the highest, soar but to a point beyond
what their neighbor, who lass last built, has
If, mistrustful of their own knowledge. upon
the subject, and desirous of some better advice
than that afforded by their carpenter, they call in
the assistance of an architect, their minds are
generally so obstinately settled upon some
rudely-digested but pet plan, that the . profes
sional adviser is Obliged to defer to the opinions
. of his employer, and pateli Op something by
way of a compromise between what he would
propose and what his client insists opon, or
else risk the withdrawal of his commission—and
this, as architects must live, he is not desirous to
length, ,erna plan ferthelenee and the
character of the exterior are settled upon, the
drawings and working directions for themechan
ics made, and the building commenced : and it is
then—and when the bnildinggradually developer
itself—the gentleman begins to Wish he had giv
en the subject closer attention before for even
he can see what improvements might have been
made, and how much better it might all have
been. Then he probably blames his architect,
forgetting it was his own obstinacy that denied
him who might have been his adviser a voice,
when it could have spoken to advantage. And
finally,the building is completed, to the but cold
satisfaction of the employer, who is only glad to
get so much trouble off his handa, and to the
relief of the architect, whose professional pride
(if be have any) and personal feelings (if he can
afford the luxury) have been perpetually morti
fied and chagrined, from the first pencil stroke
upon paper, to the last nail driven home in the
finished building.
And so, until the public generally shall have
been better informed, will this state of things
Many useful books hare appeared, instructing
those about to build how to proceed ; but there
is room for ten times the number yet—and archi
tects cannot better advance the interests of their
noble art, than by attempting to simplify and
elucidate the leading great principles of the
science; and these known snd admitted, the
utility of the profession will b , snore justly appre
Scientific disquisitions upon the peculiarities or
the history of various styles, of their origin and
uses, are net what is wanted now; but plain,
practical statements, essilyundentond directions,
evident reasons, common-sense determinations,
are what tdust be presented for consideration and
And now, to guide those friends who contem
plate erecting a Home, let us sect in what Consist
the excellencies of stood house. •
They may be briefly stated thus
Convenient arrangement;
Facility of construction and of repair;
Perfect protection from heat and cold ;
Adequate means of warming and ventilating ;
Congruity with the scenery around.
. .
In these may be summed up all that has to be
studied in the contriving and the buildings house;
but before discussing the points that will present
themselves under each head, the situation for the
house itself must be touched upon.
Think more than once, before selecting too
(large a tract of ground. Space is desirable, un
doubtedly: but a ramble in country lanes, and in
woods skirting your place, is as pleasant as if in
your own grounds, and enjoyed at a far cheap
er rate.
If you really, soberly understand farming, and
wish to devote your time and attention to agri
cultural pursuits, well and good; purchase, then,
just so much laud as you feel you can control: or,
if you have wealth enough to permit you to play
rat farming, and to raise potatoes at four dollars
a barrel, when you can send to the city and buy
them at three, and tb cultivate other charming
crops, at a like scale of expense, get as many
Inroad acres as you have a mind to; but for the
particular spot where you mean to place your
house, choose as follows:
Rather prefer a quiet, smiling little nook with
a rolling surface of natural grassy slopes, tend
erly !shaded with ninny trees, than a rocky, bare,
quasi-picturesque territory.
Notice particularly bow you art sheltered, by
hills around, from the quarter whence cometh I
the wintry wind, and so prefer rather the gentle
slope of a long hill to its summit.
filany will tell you, it is true, of the "fine
views" you may enjoy from thence; bat distant
prospect is monotonous—l repent monotonous,
though in so saying, I hazard the infliction of
the title barbarian. Saving some certainty
beautiful effects of nrealehioro-scuro, which light- I
en and quench the gray of thedistant mountain, ;
the view varies but little, however extensive may
he the panorama.
It is the fore ground—the fatailiar objects near I
the eye that are varying ever—change of leaf,
growth of twig upon twig—budding and fading
of flower—constant shifting of the margin of I
the near winding brook, that make a coup d'oeff I
that 19 never monotonous, for the relation and
• the aspect of each atom is perpetually varying.
Apart from these artistic reasons, ther are
others of very simple and matter-of-fact charac- I
ter, that
would lead to the preference I advise.
On the summit of the hill, water is difficult to
be obtained without great expense; on the side
it may be found in abundance. On the summit,
I stone, and rand, and timber have all to be slowly
and painfully hauled from below; on the side,
perhaps all of the materials may be almost at
I hand, end, at any rate, are more entity reached.
• • Say, then, you have 'Wetted a few acres of
lend, prettily wooded, and on or near a good,
country road, and you have stuck a peg into the
earth 0,1 the spot where you house is to be; you
I have been moved by the arguments I have used,
I and hare wisely determined tolnake the summit
of the hill only a barrier to guard you from wind
I and cold, taking your place for building at an
humbler elevation—to which determination you
have been perhaps aasisted in coming by some
ones applying to those who perch themselves on
; a mountain's peak,
"Their pleasure greatest teems, I wren,
In viewing landscape—to be.seen."
i The stake that marks the spot where your
I house is destined to stand, his been driven, of
course, after due deliberation; you have probe
! bly had sonic idea about the kind of a home you
intend erecting, and have pictured to yourself
how the window of your library..will_mp upon
that pretty sunny dell, and the curl of theatres=
you have the good fortune to possess running
through your place; a stately tree is not far ofi
and you think how, on n bright day, you will
step out from your window upon the grassy slope
end stretch yourself beneath its limbs, and build
: castles in the air, no less substantial than, dear
reader, those we are fabricating now. You chat
I your eye to an opening in the belt of trees that
I skirt the side of your grounds nearest the road,
and you see at once how your carriage drive will
wind through there, and bring you to - the level
flat, that you have at once decided shall be be-
I fore your porch. You see that there is a plenti-
2,037, 0 99
23 , 4,030
3 0 2 232
b 39,434
1 '7,311+,
ful growth of trees towards the north and north
east, FO plentiful as to allow of your cutting its
margin back a little; for, you remember to have
been told, trees on the north side of the golue
must not be too near or they will harbor damp;
they must be only near enough to screen the
The shnde trees, too, will hide your kitchen
offices and humbler buildinga from view, in ap
preaching the open porch; of your house; and
still walking on and admiring the many pretty
vistas that-open upon you 69 you change your
point of sight, you mentally resolve that in such
a room you will hare a prejecting window look
ing three ways„ that shall command views as va
ried as they arc pleasant.
Too delight in finding that the level hat on
which the house will stand, is large enough to
permit glorious verandas en the south and west,
with a splendid "Ombra" or shade room on the
east, which, open wormy breeze that blows, and
covered over at the top, will make you a charm
ing place fora nieata in the afternoon, when the
summer tun is looking a little too curiously upon
the exposed sides of your dwelling.
Of course you hare noticed that the spot is
abundantly supplied with good water. Perhaps
you have found some plentiful spring in the bill
side abpve you, the superior level of which will
permit the luxury of water carried to every part
of your house, bed rooms, bathing rooms, etc.,
and that, too, clear, fresh spring water, and not
stagnant roof-wash in a cistern; or some engi
neering friend has shown you how, from your
never-failing brook below, a hydraulic rum will,
at an expense of a hundred and twenty dollars,
convey its liquid treasures up to your door, and
into all your rooms; and, you think of the pleas
ant splashing of a little fountain in your plant
cabinet or ombra, until you can almost hear the
tinkle of the drops'as they patter id the ruse,
briming over with its sparkling contents.
Von are not going to "lay out your grounds,"
as it Is called—at least not yek—you think Na
ture has done very well so far, and that ill you
will venture upon at present Is to assist her;
and so you devise how a parterre there, and
a clump of shrubs here, and a little clearing of
the ground generally, and a week's labour in
clearing out the too luxuriant growth of under
brush in your woods, will do all you care to do
at present. So all you undertake just yet, by
way of preparation, is to mark out the line of
your carriage drive, and to have the stone you
collect off your grounds thrown thereon, and to
hove the earth turned up and well dressed, that
you destine for you Dower garden, and lawn—
meaning after the latter is made, to let a few
sheep be your gardners, knowing that the ex
pense of an invisible wire fence wilt be &rims
than the maintenance of a man to mow and keep
in order, and that your sheep will pay for them
The fruit and vegetable garden, with a small
sheltered patch for herbs, you place near the
kitchen and servants' offices, and are not very
nations they should be in sight: for horticultur
ice as you will, a row of bare bean poles is not a
very sightly object from a window.
You have now turned over all these things in
your mind, and arc ready to hear something
more about the house; so at this point Ivrillstop
for the present, for I can scarcely go farther In
my capacity of architect, or I filial! have the
landscape gardner step in and any I am trench
ing on his ground. G. W.
New York, February, 1861.
RAt Ilegue, the rettlenoased eof Mr. A. Mame, Etas, daughter of Me.
obert Team
The Mende of the family are requestrd to attend the Co.
neral. foam the miaow. of Mr. S. Morn, South street,
We afternoon, at 2 enlace_ m0h2.1
t.WALL PAPER—Largest assortment in
the West--eatudados of remelt sod Attgettean Pee
t. egter fee: Mlle. Yvtars, and Chamber., It sakes
y . eg Gee G. 03 Gt. mate to s6 . .peyytece,tby "ale by
tee 621 W. Y. BIAIIBIIALL. 115 Weal et ,
W ANTT- r -s Hu S2, O OOO tegen . Co. Coupon
tee orkMle bat= Otttat voo, at
th. baatatat lime of %%IL A. to t 00.
Ladies' Writing Class.
gri K. CMAMBEIIIIIN 'rill re-open hie La
• die: Weiflog 200121.114 fiftotorngt.CA...d o lCol.
VE;e2Tl7l7h i enn=ro i o p4rsTr3, U rit * h.
= 7 ,;
In th e Art of Protososhltr
k o , ne sour ma
a Ob.
I:,°4*c= 2 l: gthe afteramo. metal
TILE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed
*Wrist for the Rah of
nape .re-tfie beet haloes vbieb hare ever been odered to
die public. The manufacturer minxes the public that the
chief imprusement neeineary Is that which prcanotes the
durability of • fine edge. awing combined the bed
Ter ol
l with • coneave trniund blade, and form the perm
its/rm.. they undergo In tempering together the
great ade bindweed upon them in metting,he with owe
ddence rroomminsi them. Eu well Wished lob. with the
superior excellence of thin Razor. that they are gash via,
roared, and if found imperfect in any respect, Me mousy it
We plummier every Bator to give wubctio
For NM, by the dote. or tingle ow. bv
aortler Market sod Fourth at..
rpo HOUSE-KEEPERS—Orders for Paper
i 'm u dVir qlgrac.?,"assrad`fst.
bbd,. N. 0. Sum;
300 bbls. N. 0. Molasses •
511busb."DrIed Apples
1030 lbs. 171.=
40 bbls. Linseed OIL
40 to. pew Rim •
trade . ro N. Y 4
18 bbl ,. Penh 801 l Honor,
40 " Timothy' lerod: In store sad for solo by
osehltl Liberty street.
Valuable Real Rotate for Sale.
E SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on
ravorable terms. the following Real Estate, in 17
Clty of Pittsburgh,
No. 1. Throe valuable Met brick dwelling homier.
on Famed street, between Ifyitet and Ferry street; the
bate being each 19feet front by E.O deep.
No. 2. Contains 57 feet front on Third street, adjoining
the Third Presbyterian Morett i on whkh is erarted one
etary b dory briri k c
warehou house, used as inlothni ollive. and id cme
two ck se.
No. 3. Two lot In kalistxt, Beiver county, being lot.
No. 3 and 4. being about 100 feet eptare,on which laerecto
ed one block of for frame dwelling., and one mparate
frame dwelling. all two wares high.
No. 4. One lot 50 feet front on Beet street, opposite the
above, and extending to the top of the hill.
No. 5. Two beach lot.. each 50 feet Brut, 11.11 d running
from the road to law water mark, on the Big Beaver.
No. 6. One valuable water lot. IVO Met on Wheel Rue.
with ten share. water power attached.
No. 7. One lot oppatite the water lot. 60 feet front, and
ertendlug to the top of the hill, on which is erected one
two story brick more and warrhotme. MI by 50 fern alw,one
frame dwelling. two notice! hi h.
No. P. One large lot in New Brighton. Beaver constr. be
leg abut. 0 40 Met on Bnnadway. and about WOO fort deep,
dcontaining 13i acre. on whkh are erected two large frame
dwelliora ato.l one .mill frame hoom, need se attics
TOM property Wu formerly occupied by Mr. T. C. Gould.
and very pleasantly located, bder Immediately opprellte
the Voltam Bridge.
. . .
So. 9. Cm* wamr lot. Immedlately below rallaton
being about 100 fret In Imgth, extending from Water
rtrort to low water mark, or lowing Imth.
A pp . % Vc:o9rgioL dil f be lt..Mk e lO C ir b TIM
andmmkebstrecta. Agent.
1.11 PL.Eltlrtu,.
toch2l IJournal Jol and Post copy.]
kj DIMS, composed chiefly of Vegetables, will reatore to
Immedlate health. This Powder le Invaluable for the CUTS
of the numerous ilbsasers to vehkh Cottle and Home are
subject. sic Blander.. Inward Strath. Hide Bound. Itam of
APPetite. Mese Diatetoper. Horned Dlstemper Colt. ,
elan the losing of the Cud. and Rheumatism, commonly
caed Stiff Complaint. which prove. fetal tool many valu
ablee hones...mad prevrnts homey hum beaming stiff or
blind: it
ICeuies off all groo hurriore. and nutlike the
bloat it le oleo an oaf. and certain cure for the Heaver Li
ao for Cough. and Colds, whirl scam to be the oriels of eo
many fatal diseases; Itwill also cleanse the Stomaih and
Maar from Role. Worm. kr., and again restore thestomach
and bowie". healthy action.
For tale, ortioleeala or retail b
metEl coer Math and Wood eta
County of Leicester. England. Ile I. 19 yead of
71.71,• I nortaiWgZ.V.i .1704 ° 1=Vst r ' tat
heard of by his Motives. is It is feared he has met with
some sodden', or lost his life. soy one who cm give info,
marlin) that may lead to his dieeovery, (whether dead or.
i n mill greatly relieve a dirtreased sad shall be
rewarded for his trouble, by addressing • find toA.literon.
litretown. near Philsdelphbs. Pa. roch3:l2t
E:tmitors' Sale of Real Estate,
ot of nuance
ofl.o. e
lot trill end
the City of Pittsburgh. deed. on Moutlay. L lTais day of
April. UZI, at 10 n Mock. A. M., at the Court llonse. in the
City of Pittobtargh. by, public 0011000. • thinable Lot of
el rotutd, altuate on Quarry 11111. near the Nth Ruin, lathe
Sixth Ward, contaithog nearly 05 II ACRE.- being 0.01 Or
.I d piece of grvuod filch was held nedivided by the
000 Martin Lowry, end others , which, by virtue of
C o preocedituth 11:1 Partlhon, in this Inthrict (bort of
the County of Allegheny, 50. 60 Jthuary Teem, lath. wee
rsiged in severalty to the helm of the saki Marlin lam
e d eed. by Enethe end bounds. Ac... as by reference to the
luthialtion and pith th erttento annexed, and other pro
methium in the ow had. will mow fully and at laggeen
ter. It 1. unnemaary to 11%1119WILle the advantatethof
th above property, commanding, a• it does. . beautiftil
of the city and the two then, being easy of ac
me foe . private emblems, awl abounding in excellent
stone et for building porposee—vo they are well known.
For a plan of the pntheety and further informathan, apply
to Meth, . Mitchel and khlmer,
of and Counsellors
a, Law, Youth stmt. or [neither of the undersigned. Ra•
endues of the last Will ath Testament of Martin Lowry,
N —The adjoining Lot, containing about the •
quantity of lama, la laboa for eale• ingh4Oulaar
- - A Blast Furnace for Bale.
THE UNDERSIGNED offers for Sala his
BLART FURNACE, althatad in Chas cotssr, Gremno,
and known ea the - Allah.. Furnace." with all the out
boildinga SAW and HEIST MILL; and
It thing see
unwary to carry on Live Smeltingof Om. It has lAA*
ACM* Of land rittLaLl, with at much 0.1'8411:01.101, as
resold neessassy. which ass be had from 7ss Mt Pre
ern,. It has the mat favorable i s to the South. for
LILILE 4011. taring the ore within oneinif to me tulle l. to very large suarditiss, cass to mins, and yiekting
Rom 50 to TS per cent It le one mile sodthe
Etowah Rollin. Mill. where ready We ess Sr found Mr
ICS priaduct• of Fig Hetet and Le two miles Rom th e
Western god Atlantic Railroad. ssiet is on. of the lima
of maraca.. moron - tins the Teenessee River with the SIM
Ikat d. width Mc rio lines of railroad. t rough out from
K. bunted and under coutrass, passim/through all the
=l;r l° P . fg " )lcileg=r7, • ' 1:11::
now In foil Mass welled by water power, with • fallof LS
Meg on a never failing grass , as in th e moat health/
part of the South.
Lettrn may to adduced to me at Etowah. Cass en,
or I eau lc seen at any nese on theprredera
All-MONS Frage., March I. 1101.
Young Men's Mercantile Library Associ
• PROF. RALPH WALLO Eirnsoy. of 3ltu -
iM, has been prorated, by the above Institute. to de
hm to Ile member.. and the cannel. of Pittsburgh maws
ally. •atim mare
mtb of Lectures very lately prepared, mini utgn
interer tectit.
The course at I comprbes TerviatreS on the Orrearrt
Ur; embracing the !Wowing topics
1. Intr....lector - iv Limy or nicer,
S. Toomey
I. Poeta
4. ettrras.
O. boaster.
Tbe Lecture. mill be glrrn on Tuesdays. Thundaya, anti
Saturdays. ancormively. at the NEW LECIVRE
ROOM, ilret flour of tannin". Iltaamie, (entrance on
Woad etreet. romoleneing on Thursday evening. Karel
:firth, before II °Meek.
Coarse Tickets 5 25,
do. do.
be gent and lady..-....
Shmtle do. to be bed sj Me door AO
Tickets for member...Nale or for the connut.) can be
obtained of thi Librarian. or of Nevem Berth.
and McKnight,
icke Caaomti t(teeine
m T nd a tt th r e ei ncpa , Book l S o f e o r r r. . 1
Jo B)c db epnrf*
11. Richardson* and F. H. Eaton'. tech.*)
by W. V. Wallace.
Inky Pdoet like to err: comic an.
Can I forget Neer Englaml:
t o ttw r na z an i. g u r .1f:op , " Parry.
Voice of by-gone days by Foster Annie linde.
LILYor the Loth Child: by Weselbur,
Kind Worth. by On. MIIIomI. Onme Sick Polka.
Itatchelor'a Lament by the Hutchinson, Olivia Polka.
tirand Polka de OMrart by W. I. Wallace.
With all the late popular :on,. halter., Cottllintuk Polk.
mk Marche, VSASLUOIII, homing, ar., le.. ineuethin the
Enatern 011.1[5.
Sem Jhane fterirod terry awl. •
A very large and new s tock of
To armee thir week. of B. GS. 6.k,thd octave.. carted and
.l it i ,,.k.l aryirkg in price from Via tu Atha ow° man.
k.rand l'uknua, from the thole celebrated manulth.
toT ihe above. •fu an general atock of Nthaic and
Musical Herd:lodize, foe Fade bb
N. Ill.—Tent Piano Corker to hire. Old Naomi taken In
part form , . ours. rachth
street, opposite the Post Ogler
e Warwick Woodlanda by ., Frank Fomether
Caroline of Ilthumtek. by Reynold..
Manneld Hall. a Historical Romanm--complete
The Kleirdebargs on the /Mina by Thmkarey.
Lout. La Vallierei ar conclusion of the Iron 31mk.
The Queen's Neolthimi by Dunce,
thablosaomt Wedding; lliwitratml by NAY.
Port Folio of aas Student; do. do.
The City Mere-bank do. do
Berth a Humorous Novel; do. do.
Reveries of m Old Math or Hints to Young Wt.
Oregon del California
Gentlemen's Etiquette,_ by Count liOrsay
Ladies . Etiquette and Toilet Book. -
Llttellt &Awing Age. No. 327.
Lmength , the ireholar—the Olpsey--the Pried—by
Borrow, author of the -. Bible itt koala^ New supply.
llvper New •
onthly. for Muth
Dlackw W, l Februa ry.
ksiere. No. .
Appleto bha n's Mechanics' M 34 agazine, No. 3.
The liortieulturist, for klareb.
The Cultivator. ••
Dictionaryof 3lschanim, No. 24. •
Cm:axing in the Lost War, by C. J. Peterson—loomplete.
Rime, of Perelman* by Thatharey—complete.
llii . nri k. gpe t a , th i n; • Jr .a ribile story of lb.. itethn of Ocorga
imidon Art Jo=..foi . February.
Boston Studmpeare, No. 33.
Nobody . . km, or Life and Adventunw of PinliVai
berry, wtten ity
Lose and Ambition, •Novel by the author of 'lib:eking
comdatippi Scene. or Sketches of Southern LE.
Household Words. No, 43.
Dr. Hornet's WOryl, complete. mcb2l
Rockingham . and Domestic Qneensware.
u 4b Man
RAM Lmaourolo.hokinglam nd Yellow Caw Wu.
WParople Rooms. No. lbl Fmarth street, near the May-
Of • Moe. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Our extensive Works enable us to fill order,promptly.
A competent designer being constantly employed, also co-
&bin us to keep pace with all the neer and troltre.letlhes
of the day.
Water Urns, Python., Pltchom limey Tor. Dessert Nett,
Flower Vase, lloblet, Mantel Ornaments; Medklm .od
&off Jars, and articles for dm:needle we. in great variety.
Unites respect.fielly mhadeti milactf
LARD OIL-40 bbl. No.l, just rec'd and
foe pale by B. A. WINE:MCA A CO,
mach/ comer Fleas and Wood .to.
OTICE.—Tbe underaigned has withdrawn
from the Om , of - Iluusen. Plunkett a Ilelluluht."
slng disipxml of hla Interest 111 said firm to Marko T.
Ihmeen. CHARLES .11c8N1011T.
e buess sin will be conducted as utast by the remain.
tn t Th li=j. March lOth.lBsl.—{inctsZt6t
bbIe. Fresh Egg;
100 [Joe Omen Apple's for iwk bY
mekal T. WOODS a SON.
-ItL'thn'N'n to hl7 }ony
Mr. It. E. &Ilene—M 1817.
y children, Ilk, others, hare been
euttiat troublacerw cough, sad having wed dldrvent
reinediee to very little purpose, I erne Induced by edree
temente about your Cough Sang, to glee it a OLE .1
to es, and also bay daughter several
iftge t urtg:Z f entt y lt h has neva failed to that.
1 hare ressomeaded it to my neighl=and dO Innot
coneclarkealy believe that it Me bat tough
that has ear beta offered to the public_
. Parente ahould not prretlrthar children tn"TutVresin
ceogh, when they may be cured by a IS ct. kettle of Mkt
Prepared end roll hT
and I)rneelet
meh9 67 Mood tt. merely.
DRIED APPLES-81 sacks for silo by
To Paper landaetarers.
44 34 2 , 4 t
CARP — M, 041.-011-111igr&c.
W. IffeCtUrrocg
Is nos mostardlr neseiviog Ms Surma Stock of
Cam arising in part the toiloerlog
Cot,. Royal Velvet Pile Carpet S. s dk do.
velk do. do. Bromide vams . 33 „. 3 InPlietxT Err.
do. losamits extra fine do: doe do • ..,.ossosn ' orror h' i oottoo 3 P dS l
/3.34, 341. and 24 t imitran; 44, 3.4. .4, 333 s •
0.3 3 do; 64,34. 54. end 24 wool mud cotton do.
Extra Chenille Eons fine do; do; ruc k rpm., d o. , 33 ,
do. do; roam= do. Chenille Dom Mats tufted do. do;
.bap .Lo do. do.; Adelaide do. do; TT ro d o. 3 , 3
Crumb Cloths-Felting do.. Bocklna 124, h 034.
Oil Cloths, cut twin any Mae ha room
5-4.74. 64.154. 64: and 3-4 Oil Cloth,.
-AW—Stair Rods. of all elms Carpet Bind LIM Cu
rets Rag do; 64,44.and34 Ilattluits Table ersch
mid Diaper; Hockebort do. Trepan:mid Windom dch
Buff Windom Ilollanda Venni.. EMMA' Rinnsisiel Plano
Covers do. Table dim do. Stand dm; Wanted Table do.
flaying Imparted and purchased our Mork dimet Irmo tbe
most celebrated Pantries, being of the latest and most al,
lore, me are powared to eall to our
Mends grenatomers '' at prime 0.1 'MCI they cam bey amie
ard in any of the Earns.. CUics.
We rordially invite all to call and candne our stock It
The Carpet Warehouse, 85 Fourth street.
mchl9 N. McCLINTOCK.
IN PURSUANCE of a Resolution passed
X anattltoonaly by the Ea& Fin C. 310.1. at Ural/
meeting held In Tlallant Ball, on the lith t..,t.ltay brew
In , Infer a rewarl of Two 11undred Dollara for the appnw
benalon and conviction of Ma= or sermons who owl
lire to their Engine House, on ),the 15th Mara,
1951. NM. (10139L&N,„Preddent
C. Sue,, Jl., Etweretarr. ntehl4s3l. '
bbl N. 0. llolssira oat cooperage.
rk do. do eypreet cooperage.
30 bias N. 0. Sugar.
150 bad prime overt Rio Coffer.
30 keg. a Twist Tolacro.
6 du Plug do
ED bores Ps and 1 lb Lum various tomb
600 do. Window alas, City p,
and Coutibllbriultds
61:0 dozen CoroJgrooma (largo.)
60 We Largo 6io. Sfarterol•
1:0 blibblo do. do.
ISO bur Dry Apple, ID store and for sale by
oiblg Liberty Street
`OAP-114 boxes No. I rec'd• for sale by
ILSREEN APPLES-20 bbl. recd, for sale
by mehls S. t R. ILLRBAI7OII.
ORN ME bus reed and for sale by
rabl9 S. t SS. HAREM:IOW
-644 mks tided Posetws
110 bhdo. prime N. 0. Mogan
tOO bbla Plantation Mal...a, to
meta , RILEY, MATT
DIG METAL.-440 tons for s
r• mcbl9 . RRRY, me= +
PRESSED SPIKES-160 keg! (improved
Or sale by inchlli RUBY. AIATI6 Sr CO.'
6 bbls Fresh Roll Butter.
10 b. do. do.
LE Liusred
' 9 bbl. Pearl Ash.
bss Extra Cream Cheese.
160 do Cam Brooms.
050 bus Third Apples.
600 bus Dried Peaches, for Ras by
mchl9 J. B. CANFIELD.
BLOOMS -2 O-tons Soft Tenn. for wale by
=Bl9 7. DALZFLL, 68 Waxer t 78 newt rt:
VIIEESE--50 boxes for sale by
rURNPIKE STOCK—IIB shares Steaben
y vale Turn.. Ptak fm de br
R. =Rpm . ,
r j OR SALE—A LOT OF GROUND . on the
Washßurton Turnpike. three miles from Pittsharsh.
pP2 feet, on which ls old Stare Bowe. • •
111 FE ESTATE FOR $ h T.F.—The Life Di
late of James McDonnell. In • let of ground cat th e
sa neon Turnpike. three miles from Pittstangh,on
Plyla erected • nee two eery Story Ldthrelllns, itho
ply to the aubseribers, at the .bee of Mur . phy it
H lea.
J. 9 . Bomar.
GUNNY BAGS 100 for sale by .
=bllkat WIT. BINGUL.II & CO.
15 earks Dried Anil.
10 libla Ore. &o.
5 IW packed
Elte. prlmeTl7-*
Wind. Wash of ell ood
t bbl. Hyde Nolan. In
mchl9 R. DALZELL; Liberty it.
SMUT MILL—I Smut Mill (completo) for
ale by mettl9 x ALIZML.
-150 boo prime 810 CorteK
100 hL ch. Y. IL. 6 P !my.. and Mack Teuc
1 auks
No. 1 Cadeah:
50 Ws, Tanners' 011.;
GO dues Tobacco, extra Pc for .51.151*
mc6l9 J. S. DILWORTH rt. CO.
TIOVIDER-4000 kegs Hazard's Blasting;
loco - do. RH* tavola
metal) . .1. S. DILWORTH a CO.
Bozketz 10 dos. Tubkfbr
PALMER, RR IL haring ed.
completed tla
min and addition to Ids atom trill mown tab
morning. March lath mend=
Straw Ramat and Hat Wandiattae,
No. 105 MARKET
11. PALMER-offers for sale, at very
kmrrel4 • fall amartment of Ittlynar cod 3fillto
/ONAIL, amigo and Ametimmt_vtaln and hoary
Stmn. soda Chip. GMIN =one LelmtPart us
to.. es. Le.
11.17S—Xeres, Youth?. AM Aeyrs! Lecloartn tsoev Atad
Ohio rtrsts. stn.. 0n0... blenlll, and Vann Leal. la.
tante' Leghorn, Bell& Straw. Chtp t lmp haee, and Hair.
Nine' Mosey, Jenny LIML, atal other Amato, imattial
ety of Mara and material.
RIDDONS—Bkh Bonnet And Bout plant &an and Ter.
frier, Ail widths and <alarm tattey these tandem CAVA
mad ON nhit* Bilk Canoe& Nell,.
6741;IFFiRLILIfLVGS—Cceds, Tan*, Blanca* BeticlL
Peleirges, Le, &e. •
FLO RS'—French and American L'gripg, Inman sad
sews., nch and nasal styles.
plea. lira. de Rhine. Florence, and °tilot . styks, domed guAlitte..zul
se MS—M.I.W Qualities nod col4rrL
Also—lnch and 7°t. pricod Parasols &col Umbrellas,Band
Le- Le. metal
wm.. DIOBTI3. N0.1.361.1111tT BUM.
A my lame and vervarlos Wok of Fashionable des%
adapted to lee:elem. s Rear te coutp . Mne the
newest stylat 10 American. Englieh end French.P.W.
metes ever eplendid meortment of Wertinge and Cloths
of every feshlonable *bode and clop, whlett*rwitl.
lance and well manufactured flock ref EE.! NAM
meta* one of the lareest and' best selected
smote west or the Allegbessinc all of which the Proprietor
is determined to neer at nut pekes ea will convince all
Cho faror him with a coll. that not rely the mat taperer
lothing Is mid et Oils establishment, but alas at the low
"'AY) orde i n t n e lh. T.ilootug line execttolL sensual, la the
tA,t preeible manner, and et the Mertes/ rectreer. .
Conellng . • No. ljust :wed and ter sale by
mobil an! = Liberty se.
1.3 10 bbdo. Plantation Sugar
400 bblo. do. .11olases. Oak tooperoge;)
In tune mid for only by
PEARL STARCH--50 boxes for sale by
is MA . No. I Winter Ptralnol Lard Oil;
20 tow Juniata Illoocrue
1 tank Mr. Pork •
Baron Musa. Sbounlers, and Wes In numb b
• 10 bbl No. 1 Mackerel; for male Wet by 0u.4
malls Claud Bunk
LARD bblo. No. 1, for sale by
1 0. SUGAR-25 hhds. for sale by
100 dam Dongiunt Houghton HWni 024
100 do. Collin.
IN/ do. Fire Ntn , l
a do. Pada.. Q.t. , . Rah "
For tele by
otehlt • A. WILKINS t CO
corner 'Hard and Matti Hs. '
Fresh Assortment of Spring Goods.
THOMAS PALMER i s da il y receiving
JC. from the Fastens Mei, at the old Amid,
Bentsen Third and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh,
ILVEITIVArvaI moue ..took o f th eir O t ils b'"U tei
cotLelJ oar the
*ll l°W pee= d has . te r , he alrlt7e_ass P irrs
bolty, iseserpamel. • svEn 11.1 =IAA u= r the b oos
stage. Tp this attractive lot of veil. of width ...ant..
.i g en t ,r 4 L, fo t n . and_ by . at tiara desotiptioa.
and la use keepers
folly limited.
ifhe b ;r 7 ' Wordla.j . K F P l:laretet.
Diction:l.7 of Mechanim No. 2.5.
. Honcived at noLmra tai
mchll Thin: Pt. 01
.Ppadie lt fhe ". 7ost D. Me.
1/0 Lady'n Book. fOr AMU:
Orabam's Maculae do.
darialtie do. do,. r
ITOLMES• LiteraryFo le at
meta: Third .t opposite the Net Waco.
LEAD PlPE—Cornell'. improved patent
L 0441 Plpe for Ilidrants.
A r d ttt= nom",
%Astern., le.
MI .Io .ou hand and to orrice for .1. br
134 /root stmt.
ROLL BUTTER-4 Ws. for rale by
me 1317 8 0116 first and 118 Scam st.
FEATHERS -1600 prime, for sale by
I: meld? &it W. RARBAUGIFL.
EGGS -4 bble. reed and for sale by
sachn & & W. ILASELUOR.
Fem liettemy.
MRS. P.. W. P aIe OINDEXTER proposes to
,en • ISEXLVARY 63r the Um:Wm a YOCTVG
t:lfflE4 an the corner of WalblartonLotroat UM East
day.ecconton, Allegheny Cltn annenenclng on the Mr. Mon-
In Aotil.
the Coors. of Instruetles yin enamels, the anal brawl
. In tbe Patdialt Department.
Itstrerecte—Rem. Jun., Rafael% D. 1)..
I Dr. Thar. Dale 1. epte
P. Ihrilt,b.D. AaWier" •
.COMISE OF ranarno -
Jon= Drpaanam—Goography. ltatorr. Wrttlnc,
-Btnoa Draaarxtor—)tat Dirteion—Nat nut Mental
.madn":l•VieshP-mUn u tal' ill' b thth. tr -s t - IA.11"
nth Instructions In the irreliCh L•141111r.
.fizotr Department.
Ist Divicken &OD -
instruction in XnSio------.-103:0
oven se thi ATIMX-EVN
Boys', Wear.
•Osiirttbent of the above - 0,45. stiepted min(
17_ ,, :re =rtgApL s a . e xa lltsd e 4 , tal i ttLater:l, 4 ll,th I notta
of various kind., e lowest brbwe
CAS.—blubstit t BintrOnKu invite the attention of
CrtositraoltottlVatte.Zl to "...%•!..'lr.n"
ac. metal'
outs Seem Should..
10 bbls. Lard No. 1:
linesoe Lard:
g burl Pm N "` ;
13 - and 1 bbl. na.33.11:
1 east Doeteaw
49 socks Vestlwr.
11 4 1
- Dried Peathee
9 bales Cotton; now tandboc tram s 4". !ho
tfoot:: braid. b, InAlAtt DICKEY 4 CO..
Mehl, Trent and Water sta
SWEET POTATOES-60 bbls. ti ow landing
from M.. Martlower. and Go Pla 1.7
Worm and From sti
VOTTON-90 bales to arrive per str. Gene
and Lay Yale by
Manufactra*, of ft., bc , 4111.1.. nn ..r. low bi
znebl7 ISAIAH DIC4EI a W.
I~ASON'S BLACKING-23 gro. for ago
ho tatal3 J. KIDD a CO:. Gd Wood a.
New Boas! New Books --
Richard Lard Ilolland: . rdited by bL am beard Ea
ward Lord Holland.
J.. Bourne, ar Petoperity and Adown‘itr.l, Cathode..
Sinclair, author of " Edward disbar,.. - Raids"
firow.” te.
hloartand Cott...! by the author or Mary Barton.
leirrnirro: The Scholar, the Olte.y. th e Priest by
Barrow, author of the Bible In Spain, and the !Apnea. In
' Vat's!. Ilthireth's Hlstory of the United Statcs-4.cond
The alone omits jam teed and for by
B. C. STOCKTON, Bonbolter and Stationer,
e.ratscorner "hetet and Third eto
• syllabus of the of Land Once Tither In Peron
rylranlc by Joel Jon.a rte.' nn.l for 001. , by
inchiS N. 4Tilarket
lye for !Web) .
New Books! New lks)ks!
street opposite tbe Poet Otlieo.
rtler. a Hooloroto Novel: by Geo. Seaworthy:
Oregon rand California: or flights In the Gold Region.
Louise to Vanier.: by Alex.. Mono,
Golesorke. by Geo. Savd-4 rola. 1p 1. Prier. felt
- Lovelorn', the Scholar, the' Mosey, the Prieet Ey Goo.
The Quectea Necklace; try Ala Doc..
KIM-11i. of an Old Maid: or Mots to Young Men Intrai
upb St
//11T l'he ' l 'r &ltre out Ilea he had or P. S. MeNAMARA, Al
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
ARY. bound In abeen.l4.s2aNnannln''Prim :Sa m *tat bound In Rusin calf, enabormi bank and
ir i ,
sp. pp. ,
bonl Chip, - Queen's Own.'
White and Tallow - Lase. Stu aml Tulip.
3fllltur Chip, /emu Lyra and Para
Kunst, an ' Fluted Straw and Salln.
Mao Strawnd Diur.ond. Pearl and Loop Satin,
Monne. CriroPed, American L...
English Peut, Ilunmutur Mixed,
Albans, Fluted Manilla.
" Split Straw, Silk
61 _
A. A
PM .
BLACK DRESS SILKS.—Just recd per
E 9rl
yerior black Lalstring Silk&
Ino-100 Lite.w black Cnlx.
.4215 A A. 3 !KIN t CO.
TRISH LlNENS.—Received this momiag
A_ areal. lot assorted masks Irish Lturris.
=shit A. A. )(AEON A CO.
I WEET OIL 350 gall. for sale by
• zuchls J. KIDD t 00.
ITASH-7 casks (prime) for Bak by
eehlsJ. KIDD 00
t S m 7 ms bB.
50 11 ir „a tid o. or
tab br
PITTSBURGH 0 !J i b . la n beat) ,. tar
SUGAR CUREP lIA.MS-40 tierces Duf
!Ad'. celebrated 8, C. Mann
_'ent band cad far ads br
enehlt. WALLINUFOLD I< 00.
211 D-14 kegs No. L for sale by •
°L4SSES-400 bbls. N. 0., oak COOpet ,
age, for malt by atilt J. tS. FLOYD.
L 29 kegs No. I, for oale•by
J. d R. FLOYD.
!cov*i:imairml , Tw-,—rva•
Parlor Chandeliers sod Brackett of the latest after.
tn i!i'id,- . P ., iiithk.f.. , • rirri!..l..l&rdeede..-e. , ree • . •
Orimnentml and Pimln Suspension Warm for Multi,
es. Stec 114 and D.lllusu Alm. new w e d neon
Aral patterns of Center IMA:m Mand e and Study imma • .11
V LOVERSEED-8 bbls. for sale by
NJ =tail. MCI; s McCANDLE3S.
BUTTER -6 bbl. pritee Roll, for sale by
SEGARS-150,000 Com. Ohio, for Rale by
metai i. & R. FLOYD.
ROOMS-200 doz. Corn, for sale by,
. roc hI J. tIL 'Stara
CHESTNUTS --30 bu. for sale by
.thu, ' • .I..t.ILTLOYD.
TIMOTHY SEED-50 bu. for sale by
saehll J. A. FLOYD
FL°llRloo , bblg. superfine ; lo r t;tl o .g . s
O. SUGAR-4400 bhds. for sale b
116 Walwr'et.
j ARD OIL-10 bbl. No. 1. on hand and
At elys 98 Wales Oreet.
WOOL WANTED—The highest market
prim, in ma.- wet be paid for the diftetent o,edeit.
"cif try nehl4 9.a W. IMILBAUGIL.
, 146 T ()TICE .—Allpersons_ having claims
a &shut the steamer ntll plum pm
sent them to the nabstriben for rattler:mat thamedistell.
to the tent boo wail into other hands. •
mehl4 WALLINUFORD CO, 99 Water et
- POE SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
OLASSES-300 bbls. kir sale by
RICE -50 tierces fcr sale by
meta& IIVILBRIDGE k All.
OAF SUGAR-;-200 bbls. ass'd Nos., for
sak bi =1.14 131.TREIRINE
WANGES.--.100 boxes jist received and
sobbli lb Water amt.
Mare and for We LS JAMES DALZELL,
mettl4 138 Miter et.
MACKEREL—'22S bbl r. No. 3; j
" for We by
mehliJAM:9 nAucsiz. GS Weer rt.
DRIED PEACHES- 7 300 bu. for stifeTt t y
mchl4 It. lIAIMAITOS
SOLE LEATHER-2 O sides for Pak by
SODA ASH-20 casks Kurtz' brand, for
see br mibl4 8. k R. lIARBACOLL
DRIED APPLES-150 Au. 'prime, for eide
lyr man 4W. lIARBAVOIL
FLAX SEED 01L-2000 gulls. for sale by
1.614 t V. HAIIIIM3OII.
TALLOW -30 bbls. prinie, for sale by
racbli S. 6 W. HAREM :GO
WINDOW GLASS-600 boxes 'Window
Glus, mobbed liMl and estrious Grande, .ee•d and
ka sale bT metal. e. W. IIABBAI:011.
Co-nrtnerehip. ..
LEDWARDS k CO. have associated with
u thaw, hi the lannufert'ciring buchwer, kr. D. A-
S. Tbe•budnerp will be conducted under rho Inn
Et,X . .CELSIOR. WORTS.—Emcsaps, Mei
. a co., mannfactnrcre of EXCELSIOR LOCUM
RESJ.LArPoRM scALES, MALLEABLE N o by Water arced. Ditteleurgh, N. • ,
I 1 I If I . I IR,
Pen=a Cowry are nolvanylng
0e&1 cants IV)
sfabli 11c1/ADk.. a (*YOWL A
nab Write the atheuelob bf the Lathes to POI. flO.
Wu! style. of Light and Drab Chintzes, just re
ceived. Ines , aMO .9ell moredue, adankag .
gZsibls. Boar/ rt="goVeitTatTasi.°."'''.
bachl3 •
I AREGE DE LAINES, lit •11 Dark,
ine.h.s....a t„ ta a r... r rov, d ..
Cad,:itu b.,.. inio gu b lrus an eb, mai wt.
THE BANKERS', and Hunt's Merchants'
X=.4 l.. if Mach. Aire.— . A .a ne:r t
I=7 DM*, Third Z. oypotite thil".PorteCidlor.
REAUTY.---It is universally conceded that
booty Lemon canton to this oreotri Cora in has
while at the maw time it Is saki that in Oa ober
country ie It lad at n, rano; an are- Now ddo to trot be.,
eaten extent, tot the losa w often awned to ogled. Me
ray to ali. de not ogled Your
rod the following. sod low rod nut goo! lootar-
These article. are nekontin: gotoro‘dutdo tow 0f... et
tained a high Fornhirttl•
Jules Hanel a flet or Chinos rooter. for hemline
to the mat Who. eanyiegioo relate shnewees. la
nom., ogeread e nay= to mon enrol than the we of
f orf the sk se muffs tsos ,, ost so , vsvtlanots.
imore ;credo to coorealed
innmm rer
pw.fge jagregien which gelatin: bo - 4 ,
uo Into,
larolhotory Corder, for rooming trrooe,
cow hair. Mut le moo 0=1 , 07 sto. bar upon iSiy.„.
R arms of • Let,. This eon remove a
time witisont the use of any sawn lostrotowor
oleire /Ware Vatetable Liquid ilea Do,
nroady impart to red. ebite sof hew. 4,.' uf a i f ;
Miry, mown, ar oilmen color. It 'ail toe the hair to a
shorter tima and rote oily doe. aor other dm hr ing at the woe time indellible:
Jule* Howell gaudier Coln.—lt a em u, 07fr000to to
dove with this cram. -Theo a.a aof the. oiarting
taloa namlo7 hOith , we. of east sopa - pp
t b. :e rog it lame the sad ratooth gad an art!.
fors, and not ilable to become charted.
Jules Caters how Tooth Pargeo—Not to the hair. we
Wog the Teeth were luta
trotter greatest orna ment
the trimmA Mem DM w he n nothing It d
~,,,erstoqukairtertto Tooth Poste .1 ' !IVA
gamtod.h.i.Vahlimm., ate ono Moe kola&
beam HAti...Pal •f 4 Chariot.
121Chsertut st,
for age who lrea r OtH Mal. Or & ltd
Mani.% &Co,
10 .
lad A. V% litttbdrldie Not J.
is received andig
part, the folletriai