The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 20, 1851, Image 4

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. . omuoass broas, L., t..
1 Marsh is the voice, and loud the war
-Of storms in that ungenial time,
"'lYhen leaving Southern Janda afar,
anti' wakes up our Northern clime:
The long white aurges of the deep
'Then break on every wailing shore,
- And, foaming down each rocky :deep,
l'ftt: mountain torrents rage and roar.
Like rapiersdriren with Tengeful thrust,
Op breast and brow the cold winds beat,
Alrushing hail, or troubled dust,
d 3 ceps the rough road and echoing, street;
The.grotus, ing woods are bleak and bare,
T violet slambers yet unseen,
'Aral those wild fields and pastures wear
welcome tird of early green.
Bit God, with all a father's lore,
tflien earth thus reft of beauty lies,
Re,Sals, in.bhuing pomp above,
e wonders of his radiant skies:
-Loh .thou on night's refulgent arch,
• en that rude hour thy gladness mars
And thou shalt fmd, in raging March,
' The month at once of storms and stars.
the great Orion barns,
.• 'Descending in the cloudless West
Anil rid Arcturne now returns,
gill eve a sacred guest:
Far up, in circles broad and bright,
• ;The Rain and. Lion more and shine,
While Girl& lifts his orb of light, •
And fills'our hearts with thoughts divine
Tptus, even thus, when storms arise,
And 'all is darktuid joyless here,
He seta before our longing eyes
The glories of that lofty sphere;
When sorely tried we grieve alone,
Or sink beneath Oppression's rod,
He 'whispers from his starry throne,
"Look up, 0 man! and trust in God,"
The fail case on the docket was called, and
the plaintiff stood ready. It was a case that had
been in litigation for five years. Gen. Smoot
arose for the defendant, and remarked in en
overbearing tone:
"Our witnesses are absent, and therefore 1
demand that the case be continued until the
next term, in course."
"Let the affidavit be filed, for net till then eon
I entertain emotion for continuance," was! the
mild reply of the Judge.
" Do yen doubt my word as to the feeler
Gen. Smoot exclaimed sharply, mid involuntarily
railed his huge sword cane.
t "Not at all," replied the Judge With his bland
est smile, "but the law requires that the facts,
justifying a continuance must appiar on record,
• and the court has no power to annul the law,
nor an y will to see it annulled."
The Judge's calm and business like tone and
manner only served to irritate the bully, and be
retorted, shaking his etrord cane in the direction
, of the bench "Whatever may be the law, I for one
will not learn it from the lips of an .upsthrt,
dezwilogue and coward !"
Judge Yell's blue eyes shot lightning; but he
only turned to the clerk and said-- ,, Clerk, you
will enter a Junior fifty dollars against Gen.
Smoot, as I see ,him named on my docket,' for
gross contempt of court; and be eureyon issue
an immediate execution."
• Het* hardly communicated the order, when
Gen. Smoot was Seen rushing towards him bran
dishing bit sword cane, all hit fenutnres writh
ing with murderous wrath and pallid as acorns,
Every glance was fixed on the connte
nance of the Judge, for, all wished to know how
he would brook the coming shock of the duel
list's fiery assault- But none however could de
tect the slightest change in his appearance. His
cheek grew neither red nor white, nor a nerve
seemed to tremble: his calm eye surveyed the od
mincing foe, with as little sign bf perturbation
as a chemist might show scrutinizing the effer
vescence of some novel mixture. lie sat per
fectly still, with a little staff of painted iron in
his right hand. •
Smootoscended the platform and immediately
aimed a tremendous blow with his enormous
sword cane, fell at the bead of his foe. At that
blow Oa hundred hearts shuddered, and more
.^son voices shrieked, for all expected
' shivered into stoats.—
then may he conceit.-
it tle iron staff describe
t sword cane flew from
ith a loud clatter at the
. the ball! The baf
wrath, wild as that of
•ey, and snatched his
ere it was poised for
little iron staff cut
ig knife' followed the
slily drew a resolving
time to touch the trig
twerleas by his side.
ime did Judge Yell be
lie stamped his foot
Atm the platform shook beneath it, and 'shouted
irttimmpet teries-• : " Mr. Clerk, you will blot this
-ruffian's, name as a foul disgraCe from the roll Of
itternijos. Mr. Sheriff take the criminal ito
• jail."
.The hitter officer sprang zo obey the mandate,
and immediately a scene of confusion ensued
that no pen could describe. The bravoes abd
-Myrmidon :friehda of Gen. Smoot gathered
found to obstruct the sheriff, while many of the
citizens lent their aid to sustain the authority of
the eitart. Menaces, screams and horrid curses,
the ring of impinging and crossing steel, alternate
'cries of rage and, pain, all commingled with the
awful explosion of fire arms, blended togethma
'livid idea of Pandemonium. Bat throughout $ll
the tempestuous etrife, two individuals might be
absented as leaders in the whirlwind and riders
of the storm. The new Judge used his little iron
cinsiwith terrible efficiency, cripplinglimbs yet
sparing life. Bill Beffum, imitating the clem
ency of his honored friend, disdaining the em
ployment of either knife or pistol, actually
trampled and crushed . down all opposition, roar
' lag at every Carious blow—"this is the way to
proem order in court,"—a sentiment which ire
accompanied with wild peals of laughter. In
leis than two minutes the pasty of the Judge
' triumphed, the clique of Gen. Smoot suffered dis
astrous riefeatomd the bully himself was borne
away to the prison.
Such-was the debut of Archibald Yell in Ar
kansas, and from that day his popularity as a
. man, asa Judge, as a hero, and as a politician,
went . on rapidly and brilliantly increasing, till
it eclipsed all the oldest and most powerful
names. Within the first yearof his emigraticin
be became a candidate for the Governors chair,
and notwithstanding the bitterest opposition, he
was elected
. by nine-tenths of the number of
coteepolled. At the end of his term, ho can
vusied for Congress, and again swept the state
like a hurricane. Ile continued to serve with
imecess in the supremo councils of the nation
until the period of the war with Mexico. He
then resigned, harried ,home to Arkansas, and
raised 'a ,regiment of volunteer cavalry, with
which heated° all possible dispatch in tho scene
of action. '
Tbelrritcr of the present sketch saw him on,
his line of march to coalesce with the grand
army of occupation, and never will he forget the
evening passed by the light of . his hospitable
camp fire, on Red River,-within the limits of Tex
as. The prophecy of his farewell words rings
still on my ears with mournful distinctness.
go.'; said be with a look of fire, and in tones
of thrilling emphasis, -to make fame that shall
• be to-extensive with the length and breadth of
the Einiorr..or to extinguish life itself in a blare
of glory,' .
word--he did both. He arriecd
on the gory arena in time to witness the magnif
icent storm of Buena Visth: rand where is the
true child -of American birth that cannot name
thii..thiee transcendent 'stars of chivalry, who
fell quenched in blood that day f Aye, who fell,
but as they fell shed such a parting run-burst of
everlasting erun oo lighenver the field of glory and
of. graves! Itritden ! Clay! Yell!
anecdotes are told in (itiv. • Ford's History or II-
'Rada:- • .
• 4thi.thwe,tlAys (from ifillito 1830) justice was
administered in the courts without much show,
parade, or ceremony. The judges were gentfg - -
men of earuie and learning, who had thfir courts log houses, or in - die barrooms of tar
ern up for that purpose, with a temporary
beacit.for judges, and chairs and benches for the
lawyers - and.jurorii. At the first Circuit Court
Ws 7 sliington county, by Judge John-Reynolds,
• ;on the opening of "the Court the sheriff went out
itiPithe Courtyard' and said to the people:
"Boys come in, our John is going to hold
Court:"' . ,
— "This ems the proclamation for opening the
.Gout. in general the judges were averse to de
-. Cictlif4treatioils'of low. They did not like the
• .responsibility ofloffending'one or, the other par
_ 'tier- They preferred to submit every thing they
Could to. be decided by the jury. I knew one
who, when asked for instructions to the jury on
point!' of law, would rub his head and the shiest,
of his face with his hands and say to the law
. getitlemen, the jury understand it; they
need ne instruction; no doubt they will do justice
in the case."
Thisaime judge pzesided at a court in which a
Green was convicted formurder, and
,- it becamn Lis unpleasant duty to pronounce Ben
'...lance upon the culprit- flo called the prisoner
before him And said to him:
'Green, the jury ay you are - grtilty of
•Sinus er t and the low says you are to be hung.—
and all your Mends down on Indian
nreekto . lcuoir that itis not who condemn you:
tho: joxy_ailitho Mr. .G. what tithe
. 0 like to be hung? The law allow you
teen maid, May it please your honor. I
at anytime: those who kill the Iwoly
power to kill the soul. My preparation
and I am ready at any time the court
The judge replied, " Mr. Green. it is a very
verio matter to be hung; it can't happen to a
man b .t once in life, and you bad better take all
the ti. e you can get. Mr. Clerk, look at the
altrum, , and see whether this day four weeks
comes Sunday.";
The Clerk looked as directed, and reported
that Tat ,day four weeks came on Thum
len," said the Judge, " Mr. Green the court
e you only to this day four weeks."
case was prosecuted by James Turney, the
.y General, Who interposed and said:
it please the court, on occasions of this
is usual for courts to pronounce a formal
; to remind the prisoner of his perilous
i on ; to reprove him for his guilt, and to
;nn against the judgment in the world to
" Mnyl
kind i
hich the Judge replied : " Oh, Mr. Tur
f r. Green understands the whole matter :
, ws he has got to be hung ; you understand
• Green, don't you!"
5," said the prisoner.
en, Mr. Sheriff, let the prisoner be reman d!
: adjourn the court" , -
°Lorne. —The risito i llirld's l
''faelthe/jpr on the.
. . . . . . .
en stied nicht erlanbt .
n est pas perm de fumes.
None permeeso di Raman.
No es f e mitido
Nao h jr.,14
iTO Liat, : ...3..• • .
2,000,000 f P lank wanted. i
BOAD COMPANY. Inato p until the first of
Tail beg, for furnishing T. hot of Plank—s.
lathes Ithk.k. and 9or 9 feet In o - be delirend at
'llb . X. If taxight by the ra at such Pie on
• the a. may be arra. uPon.
0 may be Oreetal to the President. P. M. LABE,
Bu Butler co.. Po; or to CHARLES P..P.PANO, Firth
burg4 .a and any inquiries for farther intatootfon on the
800 moy he /Annealed to pato
tque Pro
r gaggl k ta recolved for the dellrery gxgo . 4ch.k.
I Notice to Contractors.
oCitNne:"...irg..====re eit'.
burgh. til Thursday. th e NM h der of. Math nett. for
leyino the Truk from Fittaborgh to ?farina. a Agana
' of 107 miles. Pparldsations and forma of proporale mar be
obtabad at the calor In Pittsburgll4.lbr twoweeke mann;
, I=lth:f6 - 4=t.T - X1.t..1 it
r , .... , and addrcrood talilKMlthir ogr a am.
P VI T. burgh, Feb. th.h.1051: - • •
I ll Athefiron. New Fork trilll.oo., AISIeIiC. Rollood
J . publish fora times feb7Ord
l I OPOSALS for Erecting a Wire Suspen
sion Bridge over tilt Allegheny Rim, opposite ?le
e Anat. in the Fifth and
of the city of Pittsborith.
In of the structure recently dthtroyen by Bre.
wlFrog:ads wi ll to reeds.] at the Dace of Jacob
Pah/tart Co., Liberty greet, wail the 15th noy of Hsieh
neg. r Oa erection of the above nescrfbol bridge; the
pat thence lo be the tame as the Monongahela Briligt.
I Irlth Atsratane or mom, mar mas . nst and the di.
6b sprovo By order of tr umn Board s z. fMth , M .
1 .
FAXSEED OIL-5 bbl e. City Make, on
• • • and for sale by ,
mtth4 S. N. tricKzasn&m.
ICDLIVER OIL--Rushton, Clark & Co',3
wed and fm sale by .
richt S. N. WiIIgERSISAM.
ESS SILKS-20 t wo. assorted Spring
I_, Style 1111.511 k. just reed by
<64 A. MASON t Cil •
No. PS and Al Mark. street
-15 pea plain all wool bleb rsolorod De Liam,
2S sad splendid style Berate De Lahore
10 - stance style Oanadinesa 30.0 wrio'd at
. 11
_ edit A. A. MASi N t CO'S.
IiTASH-8 casks reed and for sale by
and '_.l LR•rty
INTER WHALE OIL—P2.OO gall. bird.
dA ° tad !or pair hr
)IILLERt RicKersoN.
t ' , "'" f ;NV '. Titi3Fir Per , riaat: —
BURCH - FIELD Laps gin rer'd • irnt.
of Ste shore aawal., of all M. T 311.1.1 quabai,a,
21 rent, up to 53.50. meb4
,G BUTTER-14 kegs just r'e'd and for
rale by (Dacha] MILLEII A 1411:KI:Till.V.
a• aud Lloen Caaablae. of near and liarelaarae
bnles now landing from ttr,
A. and for rale by
,2 bbl}. No. 1 Lard: 2 bbl. btruiv,
I Kodlvo foam str. Asia, and for We by_
WaterY a
and Frnnt
0. SUGAR-40 hlais. landing per str
Witt Clintol, and for gale be
fi DER VINEGAR-20 bble. for sale by
0b25 0. F. VON OONNHORST t CO.
iICKORY NUTS-6 bap for sale by
C rlr.,
rE f !, b lE-150 holm;
~), 7 , . ., . i - I. 6s fiLedale , bj cO,
I MUNE PORT NINE.—The puke julOe
of the Orate. Aultable for medidnalporpo Om tile
by the Quart or Bottle, at MUltllls a LIAIVORT ws,
It'S T..
and Vine Store, earl Ade of the Dutruand.. ifebttS
AR-150 hhdv. prime N. 0., just
"" m "
No- 11,5 W.lo,
P . 'OES-100 boxes just reed and P)r
tic. 116 Water rt.
• f ropesior stylesi awl colors . In shwa ant for eels by
INGRAIN CARPETSA - large assortment
the latent and newest styles In store end fo
rs sale by
bln rte. MeCLIICK.
0031 S-200 dozen for sale by
• (619 11.0.13AUG.11
Holmes' Literary 'Depot, Third emir. orneolir ?le
001 l ow—
ey'a Lady's Book be 31arribr •.
Orabanee Magazine do
leer Mairatine do
lee National Mag..lo. do
W Ind= oz We Prophesy. An Indian tale. By Maim
Rieb n. •
DI %Lay of Ileenank. No. DD..
P field flalk a Illidmical Itootaneer
Heine Eintaton by 0. P. R. Janizz
Beif Dariephioo. by Mr. DUD.
Sbannonarale. a new nen.. by lira iloothzorth.
a larre aissortnient of well reanned Oil Clotho, for
the Carp. Warehonee 1it0.86 Fourth it, Phith
tbe attention of pnrehasern
I RN-400 bush. for sale by
S E'ER SEED-4 bbls in store, and 62 do.
t.O arrive, f Jule by
lICKORY NUTS-15 bblo for gale by •
feblB Irm. It. JOIN JO4.
be found in the use of Derry Darle's Vegetable Pain
• Opinionnr the moot rominent Druggles end
tits of Cluotanati in Its favor
Comecon, Oa. atb, 11119.
the undernlgned, Drupelets and Merehatim of this
I ago
iclbeen segmented with, V
and sold for a Year or two
an arte of Fain.ll7 Medicine konwn as Perry Dart:
f • Pain Killer, and we would assure the public that
ry Indiums, to Gr as we Itepw, 11 hoe gireo the best
•o to the purehmer. We can recommenil It to the
knan article of great merit and rictuu Indeed.e
ew an article .of Medicine besets. No deserredl w y
tin ...hen a time, which It proeed tbe toot ..1
ootles sale and conetantly tocres.dng demands.—
. by 14 of the leading Druggiets.
! gAo tir D. 0. OgIA.F.RB, wholesale. Agent. No. 37
ntreet. febl3
•ECTION BOATS—The Tanacharinon
• • Br/Wm, lilng st Columbia Shingles, st Freeport
beet, et Pittsburgh. will be sold on application to
biS Cared Bulb. Pittsburgh.
7 bales Cotton:
07 molts ..
24 do Peantasi
I To' irtP...t'
.:, .
. 2 do do o o P.m od .
4 do Olomouc-
I do Wool; nolo landing from rt o ,sorr Oro
,ld for/ode b, fobl7 ISAIAII DICKNY aCO
i TONS SODA ASH, for sale by
' IDA ASH—A superior article of our own
l onnonfarture,tonstantl i r r o&V 11 41 1, T 0 .41. e tT
1/17 Ws.t4r 444 Art.
BACCO LEAF-4 hhdn. for sale by
,IGARS-100,000 Principe, Regalia, and
ILroou I .
of gr" 7' f ardiAsoN k Co.
IECK LOST—A check drawn by us in
farce of henry FrjH, Ro. 1775. dated Febrnorr 4th,
~ of thb rlt ), for there hondrod
Infty dollar* h. It ' eco I . from the bltaten
vurkh and Parkerelturgh. The publie are cautknekt
ench check. on the payment ha! le:en
febl7 MILLER * RICKEtTrOk.
11L SODA-100 casks on hand and for
kale by feign 11ENNEIT. DERRY and_
4- 1
LPliiiiillC fr. MURIATIC ACIDS, al
tj wars. band and for nab. by
lb i M
s large N 0.3,
nn,t }t uiinspeetion, for al. try -
IIiOLASSES -40 Mile Plantation, for role
by febl7 JAS. A. HUTCHISON a CO.
— 6 4 r)
1 . 'AD--1800 Pigs Galena., for sale tiy
febl7 JAS. A. HUTCHISON A U - .
. .
ol- 0_
BUSH. DRIED APPLES, for sale by
. 1.16 Water stmt.
linen and Haase Funiklin#l GIN&
A A. MASON & CO., No. '62 and 04
311 V bleVatlOnt'lee•
rOlreo tit
'Roble elothr.
parlualc sad
P eh i Zite th eLVlr i nfr ioL`'siqg
ip n lverx, kusgU6, Sector aal Bird Eye;
141.1:1 /sum sad .Linta
Flow and Linen Osmuk, all leldthc
Linen =le Maktkerelge
. ! " .6.Usatte ' ith=t o Melt plllow: d elag, to :0.
Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company.
ICE following pernons. Lv the term of
Charter of th e PrraBURGH LIFE Lysraaseß
PANT. ore the Ittnetore of the said Owe pan y fur the
Josue,. f. Mon. Charles A. Coltint,
Joreoh N. Leech. Fatattel .11eCturkatt.
Jobo e. Dilworth,Y111Ill"
John A. Wlheel.
At a meeting of the abole Dir tors. held at the °Mee of
C. A. Colton. on the' .sth than
JA3IF, S. 111 JON. was elected PreeLlent;
Saarn SlreLtltlFY, Pr..sident:
Coma. A. COLTON. Secretary:
Joacrn S. LRErlt.. Treasurer.
SAN ort. DILVORTO, M. D.. is Phyale.lao.
The otork.submaiptlon c oke
of the Company t
w o s n
• found. for , thr tireoent. at the twin... of Mama. Wttowa
Co- on ,treet, whore tiste...e wiohloarto subwribtran
the Board:
fetos , 2w C. A. COLTON, S..eretary.
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
frltE best evidence of the success of the
tt Fi l f,772:4 ' l4,l"...W.Pl ' 4l,rp m ,_• !": . ". ..i. 'r dt• Tl ;NiT i O r i
we community, it the 0n1y...n.6 ' 4.21130:° nut of
which has be done: haring tamed ones Nlicles In
a little more than eight mouths: and adding urn S9O,IPAI
g:ltiorttb:l%.l7.l"OPertTibraig,-I..":,,Th'..P,Vleuats ITn'tit;
small rinks. and a large proportion istsc‘l for snit one
Klunber of Policies issued. - - 5,065
Amount of property insured, - tt5,139,496.00
do. guarantee premiums, 57,909.79 premiums, -- - 32,194.24
Itgitarantee stock, -- - 90,104.03
I - MeS •- - ------ • 4,100.00
To be,,,dAdualMlrona the above halals, the Incidental
erl,eoars of tb • office
o city or country merchants:nod owners of dwelling,
and Isolated and ntry property his of
Allis cons
• pant affords wirantago In point of cheapnees. , ufeta. end
security, Infor o i r r o tg . n%l i nan , mt.:cowl: t h is r, 7 , ; ,„ %
.1110Fewa tel ETA.. eanudina all kpreill h ' Z ' utrns. in.
su only a limited *mount Ist any one heality. thus pre
cluding the frequency and renun of large fires and
•iftl en both the Stork and hlutual plan. it not only pow
ernes the e s an mmolation of both methol,
but cantles
luau a ;orticipation i u . the profits.
.It In under tbe con tithe following Directors: --/obu
P. Roam-font, A.. 5. let. John IL Parker, n. T. ones,
''''''' ' ''.e.r' ! 'lollo J o ..7.lfTi r l k }!l l VlVll ,K g ' sident
• -
ORS. _i
A. J. Gll.l.l . 2TT.everetarr.
A. A. C MUM. artaary. (ea::
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co:;Thilaira.
vrka Inner. Jr, demmard,) No. Mfg Liberty atreet.
We tter convenience of pemons rmidlng in the
inter part of the city. the went may alro be frond daily,
Awns 11 to 12 and 2 to 3 o'clock, at the rounting room of
J. Sehoonnmker Co. No
given Herd Wept, where all neo.,
vary information will be and eommunicatimm Pr.MOl
- attended tn. Pamphlet.. explaining the principle. and
benefit. , of Lift. Ina - trance, and binnli.cforma furniched
Capital picric 0vvi1210,06 , and connantly
Pronto divided annually amonaat torte tnatirod for.dife.
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
LIE Ins ce 6.nipartt of . North Americo,
Phlladelphia.--Chartervtl Mi. Capital EAM.P.M. Me.
inuy M. 1551.161.M1.2.5 NI Will mat, InAnn.nee on
building. and their content. in Oh,. oily and ThinitY:uko
on property of ...Try de-scri4lon. shipred Per .teem boot.
sad other Te.pela, either by inland linnopottAtinv or ea the
Arthur tl. Coffin. Pr , t, Thames F. Cop,
nunvel W. JIM, John It Neff.
Edi t Smith. Richant 11. W.I. •
Joh £ Prom.'- William Web.h.
ffamuel F. Smith, Francln ilovkin,
Samuel Bnlok4 S. A 11..tir. Allibon,
• Owl. Tailor, Wm E. Bonen.
Ambrose White, ticons Aorinwall.
Jacob M. Thomaa, Jame, N Dickwn.
9. llorrisWaln, il. [l. tiborrvni,:. , ... el.
Riless the oldest Inanrat, Company. In thrUnded States
and ham Its high standing, tog ex,rienre. atnnte xamm,
and avoiding a ll timlta of an extra haaardono character, It
nor be '''''''''''' ''
'ff" {at.TS l M . 7 KNEr. '4;El:bi
aff-1 No. 141 Fount etreet....
—__ ___ _
American .Life and Health Insurance Co.
Agent for Pitubtagh, SAUL. 1). TOWLE,
Sr FIRS At. lac, ernittitOd.
Pamphlrp dl tv , ......ArT mfi.r.jor.
obtalwsl Ng J•l7altf
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.
$300,000. It. MILLER, JR.,
(Teaklent. —.2s...enehtrY
11l Iron:try• sgwinst all kinds of risks. Yitn and klAntie.
All issues irtll In ltbersdly ,shitted and Prontbl) Pktd.
A hone Institut:tun— mans , . Ihrertor• eh. err well
known In the ndannunity, end who ere thdertutned
pionsptners end liberalny rualtatun the eh:km.ler shirh
they hate Assumed. as olTerirnt Ilse test dnd.rth.n to
who drodre to te insurnl.
Druttroste—lt. Miller. Jr., (lark. J IV. Bolter, N
_Mint, Jr.. Wu.. B. Holmes. C. throw,. it., Sr Jark_edn.
Km. 31. Lyon. Jurors Lippincott. denrne.l.hrste. Jam,' 11 .
Auley. Alex. Nicnek. T1,'... d.rntt
No. fri Water are, t•archouse of .9-Peng t to .
r!X!.!"6"-) .0,4011 y
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y
CII.INOF., Third street. Phihalelphia.
lalertuect. ‘lFrrhareller, and other
Tter "'r iy h' fir ' .7t tra d lZZV r rail.
ale, f oof l
els.. Canoe',
and Frvigbra lan or er.asratse, under open or enema ,
ratifies. as the 'Lured 'may deeire.
len.saat. Tartertn.e.—They aim inn, Mer.haerlise
transported by, bail rx..l tan .I - anal lae‘t.e. and
Stearn IsDale , on rivers and tat,. on the twat hbereiterno
Drarrtnas.—Jet , ph II eduaund A bueter. Jt C
Davit. Ittlwrt Iter, ~ John I•ennwr. easnuel .e.t. ants,
them, C L ei re.
'earl harlutgon. 15.... It Ina,. %Sl
at. Falwell. Jibn I.r 11 lukton. Jan e!
Tle,hi es ri. Jones Druots Henn
Stluan. Hugh etesii. Semi, rtpeuto
Charlee Kelly. t.. Jr.hwon. Wm. lls, . S Thoma 4.
John M 1.,. Wm. O.). re. Jr
Dmr,rnite ihreittana—D T Morgan. Hugh Crai4r.
John T. Loan
tenyisai Preseteric Tnto C Redo. Tire Pint.
dent Joarru t 1 Cow la, Feerrter,
.ir-Orrtal. of-Ito C.mnany. ho Water street. Pit,
burgh. torE2. - 111 P. A. 11 A t'A HA. etzent.
Franklin. Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a.
jr)IRECTORS, Charks W. lianekor, Geo.
W. Hi:halals. Thos.:llart. Mr.fdecal Lewd, Toblaa
agnr. Adolphe Y.., earnurl "'avid P. Brown.
Jacob It SnittN Morels l'atrerna.
(Nam.. G. 13ascats, tWeretary.
Tbla Comp.} ce,ntinuse to ma k , Inactrauree, permanent
m limitaL on eyery dearr , ption of Pnusrrty in town and
rountry• at rare i Inw se are von.latent with' perm,.
The Ownranj, hare rrserred • large html.
which, with th r Celan] and Premium!, aside inve ,,, t.
afford ample tertion m o...sum&
• The sans.* o the Company January lit. 1515 . .. rah
'tithed agraeabl to the Act of Annembl3, were follow..
Real FA tg ageL. , 11 947.4.1 a 41
Temporal y Foam
:torts ........ . ..... zs.
r/...7.2.45r.2 71
rr ,
Since their I I no rporntim,, wend of nineteen _years. they
have paid non of one Mallon lour [lunched Thousand
Dollars LOV.I Flee. thereby affordlng eveleoee of the
edvantagre or tortmance, as well UP their ability and die
peeitlon to awe ulth promptneee ell Dateline.
mal • OM, S. E. corner of Waal and 3d We.
ANCE CI33IPANI, No. 151 Mozart Street, Neesek.
. , anal No. 11 Wall Street. N.Y. Accumulated *matte
51.0.13,01 ab divl4the !rum 30 IA per cent tuned per =DUD,
The enbscribceerill receive . applendlone for luminance. no
lives in the Owen. Norersafol I manner Company the whole
Mutts being divided among the around.
daS No. 1/1 Front street
x) AR WY. HUGHES & roprietors of
the Penni Bcderta fronaphemin CO.,' Slate Quamtrr. Neg
rave to inhirui Builders. Contractor, and other.. at Pat...-
burgh, Wheeling. Clerinn.ll. ice, that they hare appoint.
ed Anal. LAVOIII,I, of Pitt...burgh. their Agent, who is now
ready to undertake mntract. for HOOti. with their beat
Gauged Slates..
Cesar. live to k Co.. are In imedun 'of the beet and
t r eg " ElTlt? f.V.872 in
; t c h ;Cpit " Vr t . o rt — h t e be hr.
emmoy none other out experieneed sod e
misters to' do their work. conwouently they here y i n
- hesitation In Insuring a perfectly watertight no 4 neatly
graj h.misomely
at 1121 resteon.ble a prim for
square se imy in the trade.
F.. 11. k Co. particularly recommend their :date. to h.
pot on lath !Indeed of sheeting, whirl, will bred advantage
to the contractdra and fomenter buildings.
heremanes sa to their slater and elating can helicon—and
Mr. Thamu Purr. one of romlumf • mar oleo be eon
"4'd *0 their
and Can.f .
rElateU.s-fr promPtlT reVairen•
CO-PARTNERSHIP—We have this day
...related with or. Benjamin F. Hutchison. TO, bn,a
"1'133:3: under th. trot of ,
CHANT, for the pale of Domestic. Worikn. awl Cotton
da, No. ID Wool AA!. Plttaburgh.
Orden tilled at Abort notice for any deeerlption or Wenh
len _ 1.011
etiPtlna between the eubenihen. under the M T h.
y. Fleming A CO, in thip .lay IKaPtIITKI by mutual
ronarnt. IRA lIKILIEY.
K. K. VLE)IINti.
Ira liegesr I. K Fleming autborired to owL the
name of the late nem In the pettlement of their honor... am
febli .
Tbe partnership heretofore Pxlßlng between the
erribers.dsnder the style of Sharklett k Irtite. was die.
solved on the fret day of Jailuary, MfAl. by melon] mo
ment. Either of the rulweribere will attend to eettlind uy
Om bucklers, and are nuthorlsol loom then... of the Ism
firm fur that pumewe No. lot {Vora street.
Fehr." THOS. It. WIIITV..
NE'FIRM-- B.C. Shacklett aid William
Payne.. ~vneral partm.r, end Betmeshllt .
ewlal ap.l Partner. 111 n adir. th e Whole ale
lary Goal, htulneu under the tem of Me. Yharklett a it,
Randthe ,tore lately orelmord Flow:kir. It White tut
%Vaal str.t a t• SMACK itTT.
febl4 WM PAYNE
40 -PA irr N EltSlll he euliseribers have
enterrd into t. r of
nson (Arty cc )
Isll JoIIN 11 OK EI.V.
• • -
10—ouresT A suramad.lll 11.1. morning roma...nee
renetring their Bret supply Spring Dry llonde. and is.
it. the calla their ru.naner. and buyerit generally The,
invite attention to their rater...ire weortin...nt of new exile
print, at rents per erd, wdecti.d with particular of emu , to durability of color. An excellent article I. also
°semi at 10 c..nt, per )rd warranted (nal onion.. Al,
choice styles of Engli , ti Chlntrex, front.l2 , i In DA mu.
p..r l rard, tamp entirep new
vx .dellitn. Alm, new
nolo and Bonnet Ribbon. Bonnet earn. ar. 41 , 17
DRUGS—In store god for male I,3rifie mar
acriber. all of the hest quality
Sulphate and Sechtte of Morphia.
tium k 0 l
. Rptairn
bugar of Lead:
oum And.:
- Crvata Tartar.
Roll IltirriPtone:
Flour Sulphur.
Alexandria Senna:
lam Camphor. g. N. WICKEILoIIA
fabti corner ww.l and sixth Au.
3711 E LADIES all ,5 , - If you want real
aura! Tea, woto_Marria k Ilaryarrh's Trl% etral• ra thr
*moral fur zl. Tbr Tra thry ' , ell at So rant• pr la mall, verr KOCMi. and Chu. , at 13 orals and $l. aryl
rioua Low priced, damao'.l.oo lorerm,r T. 1,1 Aryl orarr krtt
act Icrrto o iu H«tallifr wraala`rr, whir. by ;Ming up to
you will hog st• a lader roil. febll
John H. Sellor, - 81 Wood street. has
I remise-I • new •ssl splendid ...talent •
of Planer. oneopen and read) for sal, &XI • 1
_of a .. vem..turmiar artida at 12M «ne.
r " d ar'''' MURPHY 4' BURCHTHELD.
to km Bangor, th , taragit , L.'
t handa ./f 4
Nil:4 . lllg ra ' ad th
for inrxtenla * e n tht• treid
the ueth, at. Pm sale wholrealu br •
comes W.4..0 mete eta
Cum Munual. hr Jur! Phew 11. D. .
.ter Cure in Auu.ruzn......1.1...11.•rat.h.ut
Hand Book of Ilydronattir tor Prof.wicand and Lbmeptir
:rar *" rn. of Ilyilm natbi
illuntruLions of Impartant gum,...
Practin• of Il3tlropath by the let" II
Frahrke. trattelattil [suns the iterate)) r.
The above tturke For mit. by I C STOCKTON'.
Itook_enet and :, , tatietutr. ter.). Market caul Tilted eta
STEW BCOKS—The llistorr of Penden' nis.
Sulurkee ire] misfortune, tie friend* nal ht
Ifl==w!llrtt ' ntTMTlTA4, W4h
, moos eodeunle. By tnt.ernaog;rlr.
MaPeeffle: Frumatda Story. By the
.uthor of the
Bolin Busk , --
No.ll of the Pielorird Field Welt of the Revolution BS
Thum. Lin.i.g•
The ut.eve hor.o.e Just receirea
31 ros.
fel.ll .4 .11. et At.
. ...
(20i i BUS PEACIIES, f0r..11- 1,
~ -- -
V .1,13 ..:. , AM 1.....461L1 VER . .
10 n i) , tl . l b s , Sheep 3 bbls , B v yf r T s : l l H lo , )
, yaor
(200 DO7, 'CORN BROOMS, for ,io.le by
re1..13 04)1. I'.. !AMU VER.
it BBLS SENECA OIL, tor lode by
IP Phil 0.051. I' sinurErt.
' BBLS PftpfE ROLL BUTTER, - for oak
Li T L •
4RU OIL-1' bbls, reed per steamer
_Li Cincinnati, and for aale lir J.\,
o. A Water ct.
WINDOW GLASS—'2OO Lzs, 8.116, fur
V rale by febt2 JAS LZELL.
I IOPPERAS-25 btds, in tine order, for sale
L./ by febl2 J .41:11110NMN0ER a co.
rams UREEN-30 eons, for sole by
TIMOTHY SEED—In store and for sale by
Fri A.R—'-150 bbls, in store and for sole by
1_ Phil ISAIAH DICKEY.A t." 70.
CASES CnAsinetts ;
2 canes Plahl Flannels; For tale br
ItEFINED BORAX-10 rases, for rule by
SI ( b
ffiti a E i ' uth Dry oreh,
101 l do dlsApplra
, aega Waahiaticott Co. Butter;
,vi bbls extra Fatally Flour,
30 do Foprellne do;
101 darett runs Corn Brooms:
. • • ,
'Url boles Wlndo,Clara,arAorted, In at.),
414 for rah , by JOU,: WATT a CO,
febl I liberty
. 27 brill Timothy Saul, prime new erns
IS bd., and keno No I Leaf Lunt
, lzhdr pi., N. U. Sugar,
1,rl• N. 0 I , lolaarra:
lags battle ground S. 11. )lolarrem
Iru barb Flour. superfine and extra Fraud..
Landing and for rale Illttl‘VN t KIIIKPATRICH
ki LAIN ES m
—A larg c
e and splendid a seort-Pmtron(oao m and Frx.nrb IleLainta
I , mmlk woerbe Woes and'alon,rtvat estreinel
low prim, .Phi A- A. MARIS CO. Y
1AILOI{S"L1113IIIIINGS--Heceired and
ripened this day
1.-anno. Padding.. Solidi... Cain. tacin and Lamina rt.
and Coat Mu.. hole, Metal, and Japanned Pant and-
Rtun Buttann Morn and Biwa Bone awn,. 1.4.. Butt.,
tehl A. A. A2 4 0:4 it CO.
la , I N DOW OLiSS-,-100 "Ilaught * R "
Iby (0. fur ante by feh7 Mellll..L.q 1101:.
PATENT SOAP POWDER-20 boxes just
eo•4 sss far sal, by H. I, W oo d
atsv , t, .ham genuine may Own. ) , he had
sT A RC 11-20 boxes for yak. by
frAl3 Wlt A Meet.ntli aay
\ NI) lIA S-10 0soi bbls Lard; • •
flank to arrive ors
F,:rt Pitt tor sale by
11.1.1:1 HATAY' Dff!KI:Y A CO
1.60 BB " L t p .. ; Superfine F s biu m r, p f ., ef i olr . by
ULF E &NI A LTS—I ease for gale by
INSEED 2t) brie reed for sale by
A I io3 IC .111ARHAE611
—• ISO reams Wrapping, unsorted.
Ito do Ilardeax• • do
ILI S reeeiredand
41 Wo.J ntllact
El{ S IRBS, all kiwie, 11
fre, lm
. .1E
J KIDD a co
QC .1 ANI MI A FORTES--4 cnritov-,
I: v.: sELLLR.z.
• OFFEE. —2OO big Itio Caree,just rood
.4 kr ale L;
so. no 14".. Amur
Y.COiTell. 3 MA!
IS A. 51 rCLURG R to.,
.1 4 1 11ES I I FIOS---.50 drunie received and for
f- t:, it A. MeCl.l:l'.. A CO
. . _
% Imo o m.not, Ipstruarnt y•t InTmtvvi by vvtovh
I. tvvrtsinl, ale.ettal exped.A.dy, re
.,tvtop,, v np-Invot. Crt011.... WA. and SM. Int
0... O not.
mrno of Harter ...I 4th v..
pi Li, Box Es-400 taper, Wood;
aio • lit.,
• ,It. P iiELLERS
IVIED APPLES-34 sacks for sale by,
p fr'° VALZELL t W.
casks on band and fur
ILLASS—Of all sixes and qualities, nn hand
I awl frr .ale of frbel lL DALIELL aCO
ROSIN, just 'received
43 .82f 1 :, 8 ,..1N, 2; I.
Pi )
V. .. ‘4. Y.Jii•eSTOCK a co.
.4A .Twer Wordlad rua it..
• _ .
BFELLOW` - bW..'i---Fine pair of Bellows, nearly
neve. for hr =CAI FE, ATEIN.. , .ON OK
feki 119 fart street
IIIMOTHI SEED—L' Lhi. Timothy seed,
hsnd ss..loT Pale hy 0. DALELC*
Liberty dr,l-
n„„ Ait 1. - Ait IC ACID-400 warratit
.. (Dra nk by R. E. SELLEIL..,
al aaml
(1 A EDEN SEEDS—A full and good urt
-13 Luau JUSS renetTrd from the towtere dant.
44 . •bolemle sod retail, at t. 13. Mrl Moro cam t
Wani arri Frmt.
3 - 00 0 , DO , L t LS 4 I 1 e
b fh %u ke t u .,
G> r;nl4' r " . IC3I. 1,1111,1. k
C ILEESE-50 boxes on hand and the sale by
I)RY A PPLES--2 1 s1 bushel. on hind and
Inatalulrata all paal up,
AILLt co.
ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., Agents for Mr
rbanier Iron Worts. hare Iron 6n saln f uperll
Mrll 4 :njo.r.l..rrwranti. Wartloue 11 o Water.d
,;, f
BATTING -I 5 bales superior, for sate by
‘,ZODA ASTI-31 casks. for sale by
frblS t V. RTLSON.:
IiAGS-40 doz twilled, for tale
N_J by liblo McGILLS ROB
4.: EGA Pprincipe, for sale by
4•hl0 maims* NOR
B urrEit--1 bbls roll,
0 an pa. kni,
10 keg" do for sale by .
iturclorra. Gave rocclvr.d a very fun MPPIT a .bs ,,,
guAlt. •hieh they ran aell at lower priory than 110.4
cn ue
generally told 01 OA, Black Flitorrd and limeade of
ootne.l. Fey lox. la'
R IP GI N(3 &Burchfield
R 5 hare csi bond e largo lot of Drip tiloghltam. grhlrh
irr pelltna rrstly rrdomtl price% north mut rtiroor 416
3lar rt greet, febS
no l.riA Can Oil. new crop. Itloir'x Imet
lb. Engll,l Ihno , rien, iumritrai
85 brln Glum -•
the Blue Vitriol: For tale by ~
!Al J. KIDD A CO.. CO IroW st.
FRESH EllUlT—Penchen ond Elnekberric,
Iput up In their own jolt, and herniates'', yelled
,p,4,,,,in.tug thilr original flavor arid IYeehnes....
Al. Cherriel and Plum, put up In the Annie manner to
phi c 4. tarn, On hand and tor Pale 07
. 010 201 Lltwrty strret.
IRD SEEDS—Canary and Hemp Seed
c,f gOallly for mle by
alone without them' ., O J..9.1t.51.
Ilt Ft Er E , uattta—Vourm are the Mgt I.lerr Palls atm
here 1 eould not got aloud Wlthreut them. and ever
our that make. one or them opeaka lu the hlabert berms,
urneudatkut. buun retlartfully, .1. iilthlt.h.
44 -Prepared and mold by la E. SELLERS, 67 Motatiwt.
1.11 ..rid by drorttri.t. auwerally
- plus AN') ItAISINS-149 bone; figs:
003 narlon. o.
bond mot We ..1. by BROWN at KIRK PATUICK.
• _ •
1 ARD OIL.— 15 1.1,1, best refined Whiter
10r al. Mlt J eettooNmAß ER
24 Wart now,
d I - CAZIER'S DIAMONDS--1 (Mi. for salt
II 4 - f. 4., J. KIDD 1 L.O.
I A RD—SO kem+ and '25 bids. for rale I/V
t A sToR OIL-9 lade Bluvr's make, for null
' 1, 1 0.1 IMATTIIEII'e (11.
. .
FE INVESTMENT-49,1'1661n Alleghe
EJ u 1 Count, for p;tle '
10,14G1 Wool 4,4.!.. t we
LITTERNth, fresh Itell: ..
kca, do pt'waived nJ
tL,r sale , (+la 31r,i1LI.S l ItO,
g 1( orl'ON TWINE-250 lbq superior qual•
11. /it far vale 1,,
J. }ODD • Cei~O
No. 00 Wool at . m,-
bASTILE SOAP-20 ei16.41 for sale by
ft. 1,111 J. RITM.i M.
IT Flit 3IILLION—Trieste, Chrneoe, and
American, for Rain by
- - --
run • J:SellOONIIA . E11 I CO.
U LACK LEAD-400 lbs of superior quail
ty. for tale byFELLER.,SLIO 57 Wood Janet.
rn chnstx Yng yabn and k
15 rally ou
da ll
du., sod
Brio 1 . 010 , 1'
91 Loma Ilmorll t Babinec!, s'. Tolmao.
111 do P. ItoLlolati t Co.. LS sod do,
du Cublmmaa'a ToLarao.
15 or. NM,' Pero cod Harwood'. 5 . 5 dn.
15 catty Loam Jamas .jr. Baden Leaf 14
Lump, to ctom and for cab by
fans ' 301151 PARKER t CO.
01.1) 1, V p E or. W 8 111 .
u. Wu, 4.lid mompri:WorT Old and chain"
witty i. . 9 j _ JArt, in glom nod for
Graham's Magadve for March. with 144 looter:
liortieulturiaL for February;
Whig Review dm
Itittelplib: a take:
Mreharde's NtstotaiLke ;
Wotan :tor Israel. b time Aga.
Horne lnfinator; Isle for atothere and daughter,.
Mother's iteminyestre. b Uwe dyad.
SelltDorep tion: or the blttory of the bum.
Heart: by Mr.. 1.1111 K:
01Pra. a ousel;
lien) dmeatou. by G. P. IL Jame , Ent
for ittia• at HOLMES' Literary Perot. ettPwlte the Post Of
• febll
10 LEDER takes pleseure sn.
non.. that he ha. past opetud • lot o
choice. Karma of the jest
make of
Nouss .k Cum nrbi New York, which, with those
on band. form the mint ales - mt. varied, and exteluive stock
offered in tth. city.
Among others, our aplendkl C ortam donblecormd Plano.
Louis Xlhe V MO,t and tort Importantrzent of the over
(iA.•IP ATsrt'rre.ntpeo Ix
Sediso Anal:mut Name.
extensive lot of New `51e.41e. embracing Jenny
sod Mo oloeat new &up, Folkm.. {VOW, Kr.
4 SlllO OF TUX GOLDEN MAKI% 101 Third H.
rAl'Eß—Folia, Packet, Commercial nod
Quer. Poet and Cape Paper. • large somas of allago
m. ruled and plain. blue and white. for eel, on liberal
1,010 at jail/ W. FL MAVEN'S
ES AN'D DRAFTS.—Engraved and
Sterrograpb NOG. and Drafty. of meet beautiful de.
• In thee, or hound In looks of 'rations alms. For
male a t W. S. HAVEN'S blank Wok Moro,
im2o Cor. Market and &mod ats.
' [American. Journal. and Poet copy.]
INK-L-Anaold's WritingPhrid,
v Coping and Red Ink.
HAMM'* Chemical Fluid and Red Ink.
Ilarriso n's Columbian Int—red and blast.
Hogan Thompeon's Commercial Ink—black, 'cutlet
and I.
Fnmch C‘rmine Ink. For gal. by W. S. HAVEN
10 A new clanked dlndlonary of Greek mod Roman Mee
MrioterP4tltla ELTTAIr m .p . P 4nl tly 7 off!! npo the
by 1 , 1 illiam o hmitb LL. D.. relltorof o the Linkman. ofUn s.
and Roman Antiquities, and ofOreek and Roman Biography
J Mythology, reviaed. Nth numeroue coneetion. and
addition., by Cbaries Anthote, LL. D., C oil of Abe
tireek and Win Languages In Columbls Coil
Ar t tz.d I';g7r.g:rutgW's.:‘l,tor'bTli . dl.7 l l .
rate of Plumblandi Cumberland. Pull boun d . cloth, Nth
No. 6 of the Life and Conenondience of Robert Sam
Wee of the Qn, of Scotland. end English .Princeseee
connected with fib regal aumeanion of Oren Britain, by
Agned Strickland, author of the e Lives of the Queens of
Eo ilg n itcli v n ° 4
Pope 7 and if, C 1.1.1, an Wren. della
.. 0
ST I n If 2 t i t? „venADA .
Tbe above laiiike nine=l:lnd l ic'er We:by •
lual R. C. AWN, Yo.l M.rkrtß
• • •
klsmon, No. RI Worst street, av
witd no+ open for nal_ ,e a halve:a h nd
toleettil Rock of 6, ON. 6B and J cvtaivi
!moron., froth 800 manufactory of Chtekering, Boston. to
which he the &Manion of purrhaerer. neva Bta.
moor. ',availably sold at Boston prinui, without any calm
JotOW Waara taken In tope tofmrot &
H. liftitalt, ‘".
Aural foil the 1 , 3 i• of Chickming's Pianos for W.t.
No. Wood 0.11,et
Urrek and Roman Ilk , by. Mytholon, and , ; l l 7:
'n.Pb ll' . 'only
b. 14 ‘1 "D trolo /11 1 :" ' Ib. °1 = k rl. IL
L,",,„yrt.."A:104' -•• 7 •L.
Lives of the Queens of Scotian.] and Etiglinh.Ptivexeses
ay Adorsktrlekland Vol Ist.
Llfr ami Bort‘ePondenew of IL &.tithey. F. 414 by
his The the Re Soother. A. 1 rob
The Beeline of Popery, and Its Canary, An Addreoun dr ,
l on ivered in the Broadway Tabornael, on Wednesday even.
Jsou.ry 15. 15..51, by Bre. N. Murray,
.inst on-rived and for We lo 11011CINt.
70 Apollo Building+, Fourth'et.
tt,Lately Meade, A celehratod doett !row -
opera of Jerson,* by Obeid
Mother, thou'd faithful tr,orte; a new soon. by BC Foster
Far she sleeps soy Alin. fair, by at. 0, Poster.
Com :thee this hood of odor,
mittens came, or Trwneadillo,
. . .
Ire mar be bany yet; rout& the Doubter. of 6t_
Oceab.P.uriol, • favorite and touching Wiled.
Thou host vounded the rydrrt that loved thee.
Dan litolt, or del:it you ratoember sweet alto,
Soime Mika. by.* C. Porter.
The oulehrated Itlta Douro.
J .
Jeanett and eationt—compine.
Tale, Quadrille.. by Mrs. Erywet.Won Polka.
Betty Polka. by iturymuller. Chit Chat Pnlltn.
IN. Polka. Itatcheinee ruin
L{lly quadrille.—reryeaal tan,l cart!.
knelguol Pnlka. Allegheny Cotillion.
A new edition of Itnotru'e Id,teurtirno 1,% Nano, with
Ni whlltionaJ var.. of te..• I
Clara', Cate<hi.m for the 1t.....
Itorrow'; how Eurte Prim herrietq Wed‘y by
5 II —Nwery tar, rtnek of New hewn. attiring, so-]
M epee for weir Iblit toot. ”01
i , ‘ Literary Depot, Thiel Ore.. rylweite /D
Veen °Mr, es lan
Wm. !neuron.. • f..r Nl.ther, sp-IJlanchter" Of
Orsee Aco lat
Ifother, tteeninvtoo Of Oran. Anllnv.
Mazne Jantrtvy
%VW,' Alumnae for OA.
The ?k loth< r' Rororoproce. • novel By Ors, Artalhar
The Lutterell.: or two twarria,-,—.• novel.
The Ladder of Gobi—,an
To Lowe end Lored--• We.
Carolina of Ily G. W Ileytioldx
The 14sotelieonfo.tional.
A [recur* en the Jextur". no I.rrOrr:.
Dr Reply h• 13,01, thigh, on the Deeltne nf
finale Journal. No I of new enhanaw.
Niro. • novel. by ltw,utito. of - The Ogilvie."
No 1 of 11... A merle.. dlatolosted edition of the WaveVlY
New Books, just received.
THE bards of the Bildt , : by George °MI-
A, iss. I vol..llhan.
E.t.a 011enJuf: Ma¢ • yr...v.4yr exhibition of the
'irvert c y:mxtlroar.tor . he,ipory,
;t:=7." - “"" "'"
The Vnutb . aearnual. Hannah FlaaeGuuLl aol .(Alarm. sm,l Count, CLarina D, Marin J Mellutnh.
,n 1 12m, mu,
M. - retire. liorrnept.une , a ...purl to - nee durum. "
ny 1/r11". Aguilar.
flaxa4n.. Euginfre' Jpurnal. ;let
11.1, rus Itglignary Nlerbanleaan K. EnglPreling. No
n. v.' for by HOPKINS,
7 , 4 Apnllo Buntline , . Pncirth tn.
conk". and critteal Latin, Emend! Lexicon, Rousted
on Ivor lAtin•Bortnan Le con of Br. t mond,
ettlanlslitones and correction. frt. the Lexicons of 1if.6101.
renroleti , &bon. , thicotto.. by E. A. Andrew., L. L. It
T. MAND WM.1.0 rne MD, the perronal eta,
ratiee tel 1c... of treeel thronah th e Satchel& or Ilan.
ellen Wands. and other puts of halyneida. By Rem. floury
T. Cheerer, author of -The \Shekel:a his Capture" With
fra nooses IllanfrClß: a lop.: m Motoeinthience.•‘•
By time !toiler. Beni
1. end o- oak by
.1111 IL. C STOCKTON. 47 Market is.
Cbronlcht Pint. and Arterken •py.
a iz of uuelltles, ruled told Oath, blu
Sfounorry—EnziOh, FITTIFb awl Americto, fancy and
staple, for role br W. S. FIAVEri, Stotkater.
felt , Slarkrt at. earner of Second.
. acrintkai nr i` N• Commercial, Steamboat., any and
boad Printing, eva-nted at abort notice atab to the
beet manner. by W. C. HAVEN.
Printing OM, CO Third it.. between Market ad/ ferry.
"TATIONERY—W. S. Ilikrva, corner of
t Sol and ?larked thi., Mr oda at large sal rom
p eta an aseendotent of fancy stationery no ha. over been
opened In thb, market. Ifirehanhs supplied sith eves?
artiele In this on the most favorable t.vms. ath
at the Ordden Ham 00.101 Thin!
XLXIIMH Is =iv remisin fresh lot
P a i n' t n otT's t. b a y zra g •
.7Ct . 'A r•TIPI ano
of the rloheet description of exterior and tone. It Is made
in the llamas style, In To q ue In the reign of Loot. XIV and
XV. Also, new lot of faehinnable and rovallor Untie,
and so extensive selection of Drees iretrussente,
Gaiters. Melodeons, and story variety of muted osetrhan
Otte. 1110
EW BOOKS.—llumbolVe new Work,
Wixom, or liked.. of • Physical Ilmerlytion of the
}oo r" nie. Sketch. of Minnesota, the New England of
the Wevt,l mi. mo.
r Myr-bank* aml Falgill4,lll' notional?. Prt No.
Bascom's Pennons. 71moo are well vrorth matting.
For vale by N. ItOPFLINP.
0.10 A o 0 to PolLiinga
THOMPSON'S, nal Iletrritmcie 1111,ek, Red, desert
• •• • • -
” 043311 ~ Faber . , Brookman sad Longdores. Jentsoo.,
and Monroe'. Mark and Wel leoel Pencils
Inkstands of miry dawriptiora Mott's. Cohan'., Pratt's,
Eery* Lantan . a, and otherfacture. of Steel
Peng 0 to. 11. Smith's lsocre m oor to A.U.A. Bayley & Co.)
celetindot Gobi Pero. with gold and slime m..
Wharttnses English Drawing Paper-antlquarian. dou
ble elephant, atlas, eolunoblm, auPer myal, rw/.1 nod rie
yhm,h Bristol Boards. rap den, and tnemum.
Peer...a bourl- falter he. pope., plain go er arid silver,
. 0 ,1, 0 ,ww4 aold. nilrer and Story colored paper, gold and
oolored strips and oonters..and lithograph& for Laney wart-
prapared parehroebt or dl Wars, suitabls for deeds. chart
,. and t renal. note paper, Owl.. on hand. the
most desinible otrlra, pia, and materna, plain, gilt. emboss
pod and Sneered. suitable fur boils, milk, weddlown oral
'7 "d"
rench note antelope., plain and eintwassidt testier coml.
opee, brown. white and blue; laid and plain adberive
bolt. Mon nod whit,
wi a kra, wafer cup& ration,. pattornra wrihng sand; brass
brae.. and Turkey boxwood sand boxes. copying presses,
inks, brushes, French and Poralish copying braiks, and oil
paper. Wane paper of all oolorr. red and white patent blot-
Ilh all other mtlr. tbe Statio Live,
blink[fng lm pen kNrea, to
Imre and Ward, towether writh a large ot
boobs and memorandum rarks of all common fury.
o f rating, In eorry at, le of binding, and paper of all Mass
..,j g oad., for sale at reduced rat. on the moat remora
able terms. at W. H. HAVEN'S
Blank Book and Stationery {Tambora..
noir , Corner of Ifarket and Frond amts.
IC7 the Amerlean Rerolotkul. By Eldred firtyram. Ego.
C o
b L I
_of lb.. Beformatims of the Sixteenth Contort:
f„ O lefl r o P f . P gsts ' ilt o o f f T. T ja
ntankelique. Trawl:rad 07 White, B. TrinitY
Knntorkr, Illatory, Ant iquitiv and Biography.
i g eirvtol by forty cogratlng 1. By Leyte Collins.
Tim above works for tole by C.
and Stationer,
Corner of Marini and Third eta
OtTLINE MAPS—Pelton'e splendid Out
Hu.. M., are tow briegtatmitomdit . all th e leading
, fat arc ew Estaland and Nr• lock. 1$ e hare nbtalle
,i o r ay tir them Iv litt , borah. sod intitai teacher.
axtd rrhool ormnaltt , oe to rah rod...nil. them.
N o. i—Mop 01 lb. 6r-.tarn lirtah.phrer, S . : x 03 . Itch,
2 do Eararra do do
3 4. North Morrie,
.. - . 7O 304
I do Driiteel :item, •
4, de Europe,
o trio,
do P. Americo d Africa, 7 0 °6° 18' ,4 .9
flit. of the eerie, with key, SOO, ur the fleet two Remit
;Mere Mato, dh key, AID.
Thee mortar , . ou stied in artvraer, beauty and MoretP•
ne , o , edepted to the watt, of the y, primary, trammel
.pdltigh Bauxite of the United Stater
For rale at Pubtleliette prim, without addition of freight
t ont° oe-a of Market and Fourth ef.
orris and WilH's Home Journal.
(MUSH ED erery'Soturday in New York
City,.. Too Lotion a year, Payable to all clues In
Coseneems n'y aorar-Okla or the Boma Journal. an.
Ia Fulton erect. hew Tork. Derember Ti. 1114,-To all
It mf r matur. no. may minty that .1. IL Mum
t o ant, auised to am. sio agent Fte idea. a wnynee
Ilona Femme, and that all rarelpta Wren by Win In MP
meat for paid paper atilt* acknow , laltped by no at the
lart aana'd and °Atl:
T i tllea in e n :;lonte4rll b oota j orce me the l i en ofJance
ary B° .k. oir7., " 4 "
'- de.2S W Maar, enorrieters._
N V E LOPE S.—Just received ,
a large
E orbehlne sad whits Envelope, of all
Co It. rtrm"..t.'
SEW BONNETS—Murphy h Burchfield
bare open thla romanalasOf New Apritzg
e tt b nUnd '"" e" "'"' Jennal
lAA, and &Ream, Colollg Alprhsa Maw,
Cilia. Pearl, Enebnadere4 Aaneeinwa ye.% Vm/Yk.
Veda) and l'earL Eng!lph Lula. chip and Dunstabl. Mao
lin., and
Itnnnete,_of a vatte.l7 Mr .
A r . w , M " ed r 7.'74
i ta„, , a u r g , Albeen. China Pearl. Lee... Le.
I.ZINCE the inoduetion of this per Corn
pournl. Count. and Cold. are mired In my Rho.:
tines. Wewill warrant Dr. Keyser's Piectoral Syrup' ie
cum raw, of Cough.. Colds. Bronchitis. idannizitia
time onikat a cheat.. rata than .y other medicine es..
Medicines all sicken the stomach and produce names whiti.
I. mune disagreeable than the sough itself. This is on,
ated io this mixture, Pubis ayleatant soothing arthi ,
and 11 will corn or Mc wows will Pe, reficluirti I 11. .1 4
&nen to favor of thin medicine In our city, from our cieru
citizens should ...Ines any one of Us ettgacy. IL Is the
prescription own regular physician. sad bus Leen used Ic
him In OW rain fin• number of icor, with ti'
most horde moo-w.
. .
(%)ISI33IPTION—A lady from Steubenville crates, thes
her daughter had lawn .minted with aymogb and esavics
glen. night sweaL, hectic finish and all this Warmth , :
ratilVslacSfe'n'tlilery that
t ru kir ti l iot hr ligitict
county who had eunavid with At n iutea ' aTal Chronic Cough
for eight can has ban
al lyentire relieved and the cough
removed the use of half. -cu f lotiks o f Wm Per
Pool BY , IL A gentleman fr ' irna 11111ols, writes
that "he knows the Pectoral Syrup tO be a fnr
he ha mad It In ha own cue oil In the axes of members
of me family stab the moat pe: t fect somas.
It to am OP oz Court= HEOlzl.3 ROll MOM—It lz
p~t up j , n . half pint battles at 50 mots cab, or es bOttlev
Coven, would do well to keep a solpply of
ter medicine en hand all the time, as It Is one of the mat
perfect and cfflacious retnedle• ever diseovered for all
cough! ateditlayases of the lungs and Incipient °mamba,
CA LTION LITRA—Many pavans will try to
you tit
buy same ane of the various tantrums, but do not herd
them. If you want to get well boy Da- Ku= 's Peoronsi.
rStarr. and take .doable this will corn lon. It has In it
ote of the moot pluals and herbs of the nateria
medics. and le compoonded by a person skilled In the I t art There eon be no deception In this medicine. It le
Pracred in Your ....RI, and the praptietor has notes,
nertilicatee from pavane In one on city, Mating IP
valuable propertia, which will be shown to any hereon
dal.. of seeing them.
Masts West. throughatit thetinlail Stata toxell this
biceilitim- WVo dlscouna will be mode to thaw who will
hobo an Interest in the imagine. It wlli pay • large prodt
to all agenta.besides, they will he doing coffering humanity
forby placing In their bands the vi nst.. medicine
I,ong dliveasee the world has ever produeed.
For Itale, wholesale and retail, b d. - KEYSER 31cDONP
ELL, Druggists, 140 Wad areas Pittshursby Pa, to tam
letters for agencies most a addressed. Aue, for sale by
D. 51. Curry, Allegheny city; P. Backer, Jr., Brownsville:
Omogo Baird. Washington: John 11. Buchanan, Kicker,
(home Keyser. Moliecoport; J. IL Vowell, Canonsburg:
and by merchants and thwarts treenail,. Pc. .
(.IELLERS' LIVER PILL—"The very best
tyinll roe In PM I.
KAIVAIFILA Corr Horn, Ts- Jul. A, 11541.
Mr. R. E. &lien—Derr tin Lill Ask to 'get timt it
Is my opinion_ Tour PHI Is perhaps Um eery .be mu now
In UV oss LIM nu, amp Vsurp
AntIMIllon• PEI. It r o
1. 1 lo . o n n o r i gett"
rI.LL [mm in 4 l own 14 and
experlem7and Team the el:
PV,"= . 74t . or fr iends and madman,
P. lA-4 am permitted to Moo the original letter, hot
not to publish the miter's 00100.
Aki-Sellere Liver PIM are the Original, Only Tine tual
Minolta, All other. ere counterfeit, or Mae Imitations.
Parchment. molted that R. E. teller,' Liver Ills az
th . y " eet eta n V T w t c«i ' gif=gzap, ' i:
aty Ita mro . tatint and vicialtY.
IELLERS' IT - SITES PILLS .supercede all
others. Charleaton.Ta So
. pt.. 1856.—Mr. 8.. E
Nee '—Sour HMI bare become to popular In all thbi ro
rl7:TorarcoArtlflnatTaTilrh to
7r d Am ip , l 3 l,l l / 1 1 . a rc ' th 7
[Evtraet of a letter.]
Von-hewn mrollect that R. FL &Ikea' Liver Pills are the
oriental sod only true and genuine Liter Pill, and mop be
had at No. 07 Wood street, and of Drnuteta VlienliT In
the two eitim and vicinity. ' Jaw
kJ Preparedunder the Immediate are or the Inventor
and atabliehed for upwards of thirty years.
Thia elegant breparatlon nroutmeraled In 01 cases of
bile. aciditimt, lodigartion , gait, and gravel , a the moat
rate. ewe. and of form in which Martumist ray, and
Indeed the only eme •hich It might to be exhlbitol. too
1 - 0 1`..""'
4'o"r . Z. th;,'bo.dl, 0,,,.. b1e Ilk. t r it:27,°ll=na wit n ai
Mooing the mato of the anitach.ll4 coda [e.t.a, and their
known to dm it grevents the Rat of infants
turning mum In all it acte:as • plemring aperient, and
• peculiarO adapted to fraud.,
I jrS Humphrey Davy uncoiled that this solution Gams aff
able enmtunations with uric acid alt. In cues of out
gravel. counteracting their injurious tendency.
wheo other alkalies and even Plagn air itself, had failed.
From Pir Philip Crampton. Barg. Burgeon Gatend to the
Amu in 'Moat
-Dear Plr—There Mb be no doubt that Araguaia may be
adruladvdertel more safely in the form of &concentrated ao.
lotion than tn entertancm for this. end many other reamina,
I nf opinion ttud the Fluid Mammals ts • very valuable
addltion to our Llateris Modica PHILIP CRAMPTON."
Mr J..% Clara, Sir A. Con t., , Pr. Dright, and Men,,..Guthrie and Herbert Mayo. of Lend.. atrangirearinimend
Mural Fluid Magma, being infinitely more cafe and th an the solid. and free Onto the danger attend
tofg'`torn .
..TV ' Th. ` r " no t -.
loft Car . Mord t Frontal.
M'ALLI &TER'S oarra T.
cONT I N ING no Mercury, nor other
Mineral. The following mettimonitil we.. girth by the
•hrated Dr. Woo-ter Death. the author of the groat medi
cal wort eutttled "The American Prectier of Medicine and
Family Thraldom."
Maria, teem made acquainted with the higrediento
Ideh tocuTure Met All.lfrallup nutmeat, and har
ing Pi - merited and te,tod it in evveral meta in my
at . pirate
12nTi t at
w [Mem: that kg M og that
ar...Brom combined aa thez are. and
°cud' br Preetniator. are not only hathalowa..
but of great value. levee a truly lltientibe Renualy.of wrest
tw.wer. and I cheerfully recommend it as • mmpound
which hoe done much geed. and which I, adapted to the
care of • great Tenet,. of owe.. Though I hare Darer
either rceamimemicel or engaged in the male of eecret meth.
Humregard for
the truly honest, ratowientimm, humans
character of the proprietor of 'hie ointment and the - value
of Ids dfecerery. obit, mu to our the: much regarding IL
New York, April K. BRACH. D. D.
Dmiews—lt to one of the leer things In the valid (exhume
Pitho—Theneanci• are yearly cured by Oirdecieut
It rierer falls in aleing relief.
Tor Tomei, Ukrro. and all Undo*/ FM,. UNA uoequal.
If Mothers am Name knew Ito thine theme of &woollen
or s o , E r ..., they would *testa apPIY DI towhn.rtte
if and aremeling to directions, it der re lief to a eery fcw
Armed the box am directly. for using
fastreent Pt &tofula, Lther Complalut. PAyalVlass, Team.
Chilblain. Scald Heed. Sore Vane:, SOw Throat-
Bronchia, Nersous Affeetionc. Weans of the Spine.
Mead Sethi. Dor., Corns. all us.
ef the Ohio, Sore
Up,. Pimples. Se_Rwellitur of the Limb.. Sores. Rheuma
tism. Pins. Cold Asst. Comp. ennelled or Broken Broth
Until Ache. Ague 1a the Moe. ae.
thugs Rutdies'EAths.
Therese.. OPT, pothers. t i meecine brought betas the
rut bite. that hth in so short a e won such a rethatatino am
nr World Salm Almost every
person that 1.• main
wsrmly its praise
Ooe has horn CIIIVI by it of the most painful rheumatism.
souther nf the piles, • third of • troublooms pain la the
min.& myth of • anen t. in the limbs. An tilt don not
eive Immediate relief lu every case It mo do en MOM,
hes.appliod outwardly.
AN another evidenee of the worsderful beading /.. , T
orood by this salve, we subjoin Um (Moving certificate,
Ana a respectable eitiseu of Maidenereek township, In Chia
county , -
sialdencreek. Bertha, March a 3.1447.
dlcsast Ritter A Co-1 desire to Damn you that I VW
entirely cured of • severs thin to the lothlt., by . tlth Om of
McAllister's All-Reating Salve, which 1 purchased Dom
yoy. I au:renal with (ofor about twenty years. and athight
IRO unable to sleep. During that time 1 turd yatholis
remedka, which were prescribed Art me by pbythians sad
other persons. without remising any relitE mad at last
mod< trial of this mire , nab. meta favorable bsycmd ex ,
pectatiou lam DVII entirely free from the path. and enjoy
as sight a praeofol cod tweet ricer. 1 hoer aim mad the
save store for tooth ache and Miler complaints, with similar
UPC/ maths. Year friend Joss, llothrtlaCit
Sole proprietor of the aloes medicine,
Principal OCRs. No Xi Sloth Third act PD
dorm Prrrearn—R. A. famestook On. farther of
Woof and lint sue; th
Wm. Jackson, No. PPS Lthertr germ:
N Max. jr., norm, of Market street end the Dimmest
who throe, a Fourth and Smithfield et, J. IL Cassel ear
ner of Walnut red Penn stn. Fifth Wendt end aohlAt th e
W. Moen in Smithteld street, third doer tram Second-
In Allegheur city by IL P. rfelsart• and J. Douglass;
by J. G. meth, Birmingham; D. Negley, East
Liberty; Illkeeland,Melthatthst J. Meth:Art*4.3,3loer
tiothhela city; thd J. T. Reath&
Where Is the aim who does not appreciate the lemur}
M eany Mare! If my Mere he. we do org add.. our
melees to Lb.. Bet to all eth os.., we 101, If you wish to
relvder sh”lng planura MM.; box c.f./Wee Ilene.
Almond Pistathlo, or Sharing enigma It Iv ut
terly impoodhle to Ond words to describe the feeling. cif •
person--who has been used to Mating with ordinary
upun making trial of this for the best Woo it is a combl ,
nation of wonder, admirallon. and pleasure.
J ELLM MELGLEAM le exceedingy
emollient, ren derin g M
g e !GUING
st i ffest and moot wiry hadd
and pliable, prolmingan admirable lather, and to lin ea
mond} nature allaying the Irrltatio. and Promnelnit
that unplemant and MIT feeling of the .kin which Is so
often eaterienced sire
Gentlemen mine Jed.; PlaringEtween, miry fare
the coldlotand mod planing winds tonaldialed} eft.' En
me, without the skin teeming chapped. ' And them who
once oat lave can Patel} ray 4111 use wrote,
ter; ' rpm ' r " rvrar=r= ' attefiTi=lt P wll[l . ;
diseolor the heard. which mod emiw do,giving • sand a y
or rusty appearance to the edge ef whisken,
Jules Motel's Sinetringereand ire della h tful preparations,
compound.] with skill, to the utter exclusion of all articles
calculated to render the operation of shavingunplcasoat.
and will he appreciated by all who tank. trial Udine.
Prepared only by
JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
1h Chomut street, Philadelphia.-
For aide, wholesale and Mall. h y IL A. I ahneetock A lb.,
arid It. E. Feller.. Pittsburgh; MI Jobn dement, and J.
Mitchell. Allegheny Qty.
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette:.
VIUBLIC ATTENTION is respectfully in
j_ oiled to the gill...wing truths, eet ihrth relatbn to
one of the moat important remeelles of molern theca
PETROLEUM (IR ROCK OIL: it is not More then one
ye.. ago .1000 thin great remedy was bronght before the
for the mile( and cure of /lamas Its great powers
Co heal, hare. limo then, become fully erildesio , d. fb the
community, and we allege that the longet it tried the
tn4e certain will its great Dupe thread. It Is not the rat.
mIT of • daY/ IfoL 0 0 kir We role Inwroie urinating Money;
hot, one, which we comely, will continue to be Lard when
all other nortruirm hare Nem forimatth. The Pei releum la
Natural Remedy, elaliorated in the depth. of the earth
by power and agency that laughs to worn all human
It l ne h ir duti t . , lstr: t we write about 0 tinedl.
letuc to u t
de7leweethose th e
may troZ:uzlio= a t c tt i mirp
deuce in ar etatements Ike sick are rerf to ' nthch ot
any thing that prod.'s. miter from Mamas they eat
hard too highly wrought to mower the ohleet of gull.
lag l y egiting tome of them. New, we do mat/deign.
to do this we are maims only ' that the troth in relation to
our remedy should be told. In onler to ethurelor It a repu
l a in dlng any rlnglo article In the =aerie wed-,
ha. Pa unvarnished Mete—farts that may im sacertalned
in our city and neighterhuial, bear ample lostlmony In fe
ror of the Petrleum.
11.1 thin the p«t two wsitisha two Goode own <Weems.
cho wen. totally blind, bare been reetored Weight. Sem
arol. wee of bOodnolo, In the State of Ohio. ha,. Dees
rte elm. the mooed' grolleMan In Beaver county.
are out the« are eases near home, and may
ou bp awe who bare doubts on the Inin.
loot- The« easel were rui,l after they had been abandon.
by physicians to hopeless. ' The Pets/Mum will cure.
when toed wording to dlrectione—DierrhorneDyeentery,
Piles, Rbeumalwm.tlent. eurahrlm Eruptions. the Skin,
Plinldre On the face. Chionkt Sore Eyre. Ringworm. Teller,
d Remy petits in the bones ami joints, old .oreo, Meer,
Wens. Ague. Chronie Coughs, Asthma. Ertinchlas and alt
szssiosi of a chronic nature. Wilding to pp,
duns Cnimtillon.
Mono and Scalds, diseases of the s/01 Kidneys,
Chnopedlamle, Corns and Bunions
In fact. i dle as 00.1.01 . tratrthatt tr.thr, and haa been tried
in meet of the above diseases within the peat year with We
moot perfect oucoms. Cornet/odes that will astonish are in
the hand.. alb. proprietor who will lake pleasure in slum.
ing_theni to the 'Elided or . thelr fthaulso
Whatever others may say about their medkines, the
Petroleum Is the greatest Remedy of the age. Physician.
If high /landing In the profeasien are beginning to u« It
n their gracile.. Those who at lint 'Wk.-0 on with doubt
and uncertainty. are willing to award it dun praise end
conaideration. Before another year rolls round, all will be
compelled to acknowledge Unit the Petra:urn is the great
d medldne ever disowned. Mor eels wholesale and nee
tall, by KEYSER * MeDOWELL 1 4,0 Wood id.
All_ E. Seiler, 57 Wood street; D.
Elliott, Joseph Douglas. All City. by the 710.
1.14.• 0. 31. KIER. Canal Ruin, Serenth etreet, Pitt.
burgh, and B. A. Febnostock Co., Wood and Front eta
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T Wffi, DIGBY'S Cheap Caah Clothing
Store, N 0.138 Liberty street.
t oroprletnr of the above extobilehment being desire , .
of diepoeing of the b. 1.00 of him lender Met, to make
room for hie extensire fnr SPrine, ehortlY id' . 0 '
1.• determined to offer greatly tedneed
pees., fur eaeh. All there who want te rm, feedlionable mod
Well made einthiner, will find it many to their advantage
to favor him with • con, 13 pest Wenn.. will be enered.
ew Books Just Received.
A LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto
!". btog.phr vol, Mtn 611111.
rood. Mon:dim. for tho uao of parrot, ant botch...
and tor yourtn pontoon of both sorry, wowed goal dubilab
cd antontanoe with a nnolunon of dm Ornate and novae
tieproanntalinn of the dtate of liintOtran By to Mar
Len. 6 BI„ late roßertanoutont or public lostrortiott 1001
I..hrot. mon
Abbott's Now Book —llittory of Mutant< Roland, 0; John
$ C. Abbott, with doatathn. BBlibrm with th• 10=er
•°, l l- 4 1, 41 riblra ,, hWAVI:Writilg V= ft .
lilltEE PLY CARPETS—W. bleClintock
t o 000 ,par,-LI to toll Bac tamest emortanut a Um.
yo, Carp,. eon allerol in Lino nruart, abd of the lab.
00 . 4 lich are
ry om t h o Dop o rtora mad and af ;mod f actories L d it tby irect
011/06 Cal al toe Carpet Wardroom. tie. SO 1000th at
E.V2LtERSL-Juk received. nil addition
.a bL .nuisk• Con• Ravolw-ok . sli? A1132*.
sale INSEED O OlL—?U casts Linseed L Oil,
.1.41 medrta a for by
L 11. • s• W. HARE/11011.
LARD -20 bb157i , , 7 0. I. Lard, reed and for
ale by mar 11 S. • W. 11ARBAU011. •
mLL BUTTES-10 bbls. fresh Roll Butter
reed and for We by
LINSEED OIL -10 I:Mk for nale
febll 8. t W. HAIBAVIII.
B RQO3IS 50 dozen, fors.e:l,;..blißsarom
DFRIED APPLES-6U sacks received and
for rale by mar I 2 S.* W. /LIIO3AIIOII.
lIRLED BEEF-6 casks sugar cured,' for
JJ luk by Ibbll 9. & IIdRHADOII.
I[TINDOW GLASS-1100 bas, assorted
• V dm. far ale by 6bll 8. W. HAERSUCIII.
LARD -55 bblB, and 100 keg . No. 1, for
br febll ' 8. IW. ITABBACGIL.
A_/fl LOVER SEED-55 bble prime Ohio, for
ode by febll 8i W lIAARAVOIL
TAR -50 brls N. C. Tar for isalo by
IitLACK TABBY VELVETS of a very 6-
i*rk** awltr ta'
jolt N. E. coo. Fourth am Matkot trs
Burchfield have on hand an aesortment Wide vain
gum. Welsh. arvl dossestkt deg arso.erusele
fur mains. . salB
' Murphy k Barchneld baton medal attention on the
a e department of then Mennen, and halts neree
wanting clothe emu deetnytton to Mee them ladl before
burchaalnie. • jell(
ets Go wow WO gross for see by J. KIDD & CO,
300 glum for rale by jab ILTDD4 CO
171 A L CORKS -,1500 gross foi sale by
QPONGE-2 cases fine, and 1 bale extra
corm. for ids by j.lB . J. KIDD ICO
PSOM. SALTS-15 brals for sale by
ialB J. KIDDa 00
UNDR IF.S—Fifty barrels Family Flour;
L 725 bris superfine Flouts SO Les dm as W bm6eL>M
MIDI., I brl Eggq jO, i.d.od Ibr salsOr
RWadARR.I"3 TRICOPHEROUS for sale by R.
E. SELLERS, EWadrtoole swot for MAME
23 cents per bottle.
. 2t alurphy Mo jurc t hlekt lethetlio
tr attention
rmtmmt of than
:nd other styles of = mito
trd of,jllr
WOOL—Cash paid for Wool hy
Jalfi MURPHY r LZE, IMP Mery at
BROWN FLANNELS—One ease jnet re
helved tram Caumfsetaren, and for W
jtub e
14.410 E.
RED FLANNEL—One ease on band and
fbr go. by . halo MDRPIIT LYSE.
BLANKEt—Single and double bed, steam
b.t, emit, aid eastinitisalkets an• We br
jal6 . MOKPO.. *.LEF
FIVWEEDS —Three ewes assorted Tweeds
; l et 'Mired maginfactUrnp ut thq
Q ; UMAC-1c; tons Sumac for sale by
11.? jaltl lIIMPITY a LER
LVI OLASS 3 T— ... Fiftt r Embrla now crop, per
►nOBAOOO-=8 bra Noone, 6 twist, ' , mired
.te.ass aninsoi l sr u ft%N. l ea wa,e,
i k.). Oakland awl lioiardTorillY,sOltable 4a item
boorDertioc, or A grzclo g , rya-rived on consi g nment, and Art
1o:dojo', by
WEATHERS. 16 sacks non. landing from
ne ''' ° `" m " r ttisn DiCKL7 04
I+o9Wster =1 front eta
SENECA OlL—Five brig received, for sale
by d 811.}1111311.11 O.
B UTTER.—Five brli and ten jars prime roll
f' naivi., a BARNES s.
0. MOLASSES.—Fifty brie, to arrive
for tale by 4145 dilliblat t BAINES.
of DN Book Hooli . os Blootejo . to told
l 6 ilic.
fIOTTON FLANNELS—A farther supply
VRENCII LEAF—Fifty blindly! 'French,
J 2 Flamer, Drrich. Gold rod firm. Lrat far tale bf
.1410 J .S.CLIOONILILICLEt CO. 24 Wood It
CIOLORS— i, S , brit Rase Pink; —
Pm sale by PO
ITERMILLION—Trieste, Chinese, Ameri
eoan, and Imperial Terndltlyn k lat o ta inm a
SSENTIAL OILS-1 can Oil of Sznaafrao;
taus CU of Lavender . 1 &rtiVil of Rosoasim_l ton
of Lemon; ea OH a- Borpabot: 1 Lex W °pre&
and 1 bor. Odor Room jort scatted to aide by
pit° COI3OO:MAKEM. & CO. •
PRUSSIAN BLUE—Ten boxes No. 1, for
oak b 7 Jalo J SeIIOONMAICES k CQ.
3 ,, i ,,3 3 LA acv I SE l .—T i nty one . l t plng
lITTEFL—Thirty kegs apt' six brit; fresh
jjk butler just maxim! sad Pr male
OAR-21 bhds N. 0. Sugar for sale by
cat BROWN a. ICIRE.PATRXE, 114 Liberty . U.
XEIV RAISINS oh consigementfor sale by
450 IND belt RtetLead44"blakey uk stare aid Ihr gale
.Jgnll .LOLLY tAaEr.a a co.
AJOLASSES.-25 brie Sugar House, St.
kY l i b L " d ' B OW r.m.dese'le.;4by.
gtt —Twenty brlnGreasoluirl
arktneetred fbr sale by .
8.114. H4L1111.11:41.4L
LIE A.F LARD—Prime Citurinruiti Leaf Lard
3o rat up La kcp far faml.l7 wirretat,..ra
MOLASSES -34 tierces and 300 barrebo
prima comerace, 21bbas B. IL Irt Web)
W. McClintock twins voirebasen to the latest end
hes oelected ssiortment of note PR and MUMMA
ever brought to this mast, and duvet than oruVrie
ewer= emus. Re Unita ail no oil sae3 exam:bag. stook
at Plan Fourth West sad TO Wood Week
jai) . W. MeCLIMIOCK.
v v ften to them waning tontartuam &very handsome
amorn o mot of Sena Dena, Dt.salts a the" menet and
atet Mies, ai reduced orint. -Can aa-Ine Carpel War.
house, No. 53 Fourth 10.11X4. •
T Old Printing &tab ens,=
ATE Johnston and SucksosOtt, arid :Blank
B4OR end StatitmetTlVarebottpe.
et. LIAV&ti ts premed to execute elite Wool.
auneretal, Canal. end Meath BeetsJoh hint:lllg anti Beek
tundthet ehrthettlth. eettry Wide In th e 1.1e4 Bo*
Paper end fitattottery Ilue, et the *hottest Wipe, and
the meet resseetable
ItinLnß thica ;Lod Book Modem No. 60 Ttdrd ot. Jo 9
as be( pipe Ertody,"Pale and 'Dart"
15 mks & or, COW do do . Pale," yarious that.
10 do d mart celebrated brands.
5 pipes lloklard Gin. "Dublin a Aachen. .rd . 01/31."
puricheoru Ilith and Scotch Mart Whiskey.
2 do Jamaica Rum
10 bbl,. E. E. do. do.
cir. mkt Port Whim
25 do Madeira Wine.
3:1 do Sweat MaLika Wass
13 do Dry dq do.
10 do &berry Wine.
25 boors Bordeasix Eland.
In 4.0 Lod for We by JOKE PARKER CO.
purl ' 331 Liberty street.
.4 Time ttraftsoil the Eset an& Wed. Rea.. to,
bought and told.
te rm
Elr ., s eand Marto. Ponies lamed. o the mon favorable
t the Banking House of
GLORGE r,...ta110u) a
!tuo. 74 fourth street
attention or mayclaxau yews to id, lugs and
rhaw . g."Pbet key or =7l., "' Slk. ". Nb U 'ot " Aberib t
Oman, of WI shag :ad mines, constantly on baba bad for
da lo• by ' • lx12:1 Y. IL EATON.
(LIOLD PENS. We !um now on band a
V.." large Idea of the Irv; Gold Tens from du loading
inenufraveriee In Nen Pork, and node erpracely to order,.
• Al. , elegant Wild Pen d end Pm..Helder, taro .
Came In everyvariety. Pritoutdne Yen Holder% Pearl do.
Ail for rate altolcrale end mail at N.. York peke,
CIL&NGE OFFICE—N. 1101.317179 t EONS, No. 17
krazneet, Pito-burgh I:rehear+ n ell the Euler.
end Wooten+ cid. for m l e. Collo-13mi o
made In all thc
Principal placer In the Union. Notec on all polar= Raab
tattoo Med. Notes sad .nrutelated. • ptl4
LNDIA RUBBER PASTE.. 4 grois of that
ruFerb snide for toots ao-I.4re, recolering 0 , 40 Yr.
y • liter proof. nod pliable- no . piece f cloth. Vole
utlcle eavontrd to answer the rums.. rello-viented. of
the money refunded. Fre sale terholecale 7
.nag W 994 9 i 7 r.t. Pei) J. a IL PILILLIPA.
TEA WAE.E,—Engli,th & American Britan-
Os Too Setrg Plated dos Plated nuked qualestfelo,
holler" eked Tray.; Plated Cm; brat quality:teary B.J.
tato Handle Table caum. mher FtWO , Pr.. Wed Red
ter Itelreo Plated sod German filher For owl fipooteg
Table Maw Tea Trap. of fine Itirsolndleasa manletagitere.
highly ornamented; Plated Trays of bowling Sattanue.
A wry eugenic' Peeler fbr clawing wed Se llsang plated
aro Bevalles for elevate:lg. Chamois Moe I g gth,,
garPaillecrgeow—Soyer'a eelebrated kyle. Rite.°
about the also of a bat, which will wake coffee, took yea
flout org y, g e any Wog else Ina fee minute.
For sale by W. W. WILLSON,
MosietAncl Fonrth tda
fk CASKS NAT AGA . wrNgr
iu BO bre Lerms, prime order, on consignotren
YS 00 bd. Corer beed,gclear;
bbts Sonar;
3O bele nwar:Ar"'“"'"
m toen Lod: •
15 brls Roll Butter:
100 boo that;
50 brla Tlmollei Seed; on hand and la ado hj
1411 144 Llbertt.streer
hundred aid rni Bed inzra.. l .
pairs Crib Blankets, niperior article.
=0 do Edition Ikea Blanueta, ribbon board.
l'Ot utZer,on,Bl,V44lll"'
bb Blue da . do do
3 claw lama Clanict Clotk do
Ido Dearer Grey /11.1. do •
ti . =parka Black Preach Broviclotli.
3 de all wool Tereeda. warted colon. •
3. do Jeans, warted eolors.: :
do Catidziems, black and ruin
1 do Eatinetta, black and weer atiza
3 do 11211. Twilled Medici yard sal.
4 do tr. tamed do do
The abet deanibed wads are all on coodercticbt Attu
tp.llo[ll deandtbeiszerb cart arid sad ars ibr SO. to
liberal tams to to tilde. at way Om
6411 IXL
- 31 - EDTCATT --
- Than anmore than In hoar,. ala earth.
"nom ate unnmet of In '
T HE VIRTUES of thin reinn.rkable retne
do, and the colastad appliontiat for it. maw yenned
ear. ha s lodged bat to ha . tt pot up a bagel, wait tot
b'4l.."l4lVoll6l"letb"no, adesa ,1".•11.14kc,..
t 7 at • depth of four hundrva fen, I. p nasda =‘,
teat ..ocs„ without ay analog cLe.nav, 'but Nat as It
ISavr• from Nature'. Urea 'Jargon : That it natal=
Prn•iirf u=To y .'" Trealeto7tl,ltl_ l••• '' •
of nature, whim, If known, mica to ot'vag.=
in alleviating re:Tering, and rencsins the bloom of
health and vl}mr to many p sutler,. Long Infme the tgo
prietor thought of patina It up in butt.", had
Nan for the cute of diem, Tbo conetgat and dalleinn.
Mil. calls faro and several numnstle corm it las per
formed, la •
application In the Indleation of Ns futon, popuiga g
gide spread appl cunt of dig.,
Redo DA wish to make a Lama: parade of certificate,
Intoan coma-lons that the Medicine 0000 men work its
the favor of these rho afro, an 4 with 'to be hcale
Whilet we do tat claim for it a ouleerval application ha int
r gigue we unhveitatingly nay, Out
in a number of
Ch dl
Digage It I. unrivall.d. Among thee any be
ausgrated—all dievesee of ' the mucous iragga, ouch as
99 a ir psi
r) Ylv i tE4'Stt t a p t i
Meade. NeuraiN . Pals,• Rheumatic gdziv; - oout. Erg o, Ner
less. Tatte r Raggorms, Burns. Scala lingo; Old brq
Or. de. In non of deNlity, resulting from ner,
long and.gtettnoted nen of dievag. thiv mgkine 1111
M i n rain It will act Ite inceral TON/C and ALM
=NB in gags can, imparting tag semi
oneraT to the
rotfar4ntlng erz...oua he al
00000 gip]
that misted every other treatment. get :nil under the use
of the PKTEOLILIDI for a short tune. The proof nen b.
giren to any pereon who s dt
• Norm gvtiu without the 1411113Gre of the proprietor.—
f•la thB.. Meamil Ravin' Rey,' th
Also, by IL R. RELLLENH 57 wcval
ad bIgYNER
t) i n earner Rood 0000.1 and Virgin Allen who are
norbily hla regularly appointed Agron..
- •
NOW all men who are sick and afflicted
Jink. with dlaeafe of tha Bladder and Ridoeya olth rhte,
mane pains In took or limbo Odd inintsoldeores.runting
woo., se., that the/ eat. bt cured by taking the PETR
EM lon may talk about tv Lei • metrdlD,iimineh
Uto yop but this den not makelt rot forge pme.u.,
in the Mo. of as honest comountly. that tt beg
man s which are not tootained In nay other remedy, Th. man
who is rooked oith yain. and waning Brno ow., oan,
for 40 mute, get rebee float any of the the eumaerated
• linden it costa . ..err little to make trial. Ilia Petro
tonna is no mintnre—no wtopound, pot op f o
of Laming on the commthuty; but ft is a remedyelabora-
nd by the matter hand of nature. and bobbk. fxm to.,
b... of ...other. earth, in its origintl rnty, and of.
foot to suffering humanity ready retools, a tomb, and
thesp core, •
It has cured Mk.. after other'medielnes have
t o to
render any
It has timed Itheuraatiof long
standing. and of th e worst and wen gainful dimmer. it
has ethed Cholera limbos, by 011, or two darn It Imo
m i ned old eases of Diarrhea., which aiel7other ..atnalT
bu been of no avail. do • kcal remedr in baths and
'mkt.. lilt better thanthy medical compound, or Mohnen
that we know of. It wil e and (notedt
in • fry appithations und l
ou ar bt n
ed testimont ton be r.mi. /a h. ,
sd of the troth contained in the above statement, by esti-
onof SAMUEnents.L M. KIKR, Canal Basin Seventh 'korner
Keyser d McDowell. anther of {hood steel and Then
.ney; IL Z. &Bern GT Foal street D. A. I.lltot, and D. IL
Cum. Allegheny elty;gre. tbs . ....ntv. • .
FA:1 1 :1 1 1'.1011410::ffilij:1":41
but attended the neo of MORTIMER'S BITLIIMAT
curing the enema and mold le:menu. awes of INFLAM
MATORY AND curavic RIMIUMATINIL In muff demi
auneteee and recommendation to Banes ell wboate afflic
ted with this dreadful dines.e to try It. tiztoes.
Menden& of tests, many of them &Irene of St. Louis,
and others from abroad, have been cored *Rhin the last
I...months m tbocity of ht. Louis alone. whits letters from
w~enia abroad aeon aim that It performing tho same
er tried. Many of Mow mo m chronic men a loon
gargling, and MI hope of motet, had been 161,10 op.—
While others were of more 'went dale, of the eente Inflam
matory lona eery severe. All, howeeter, yield to this non
dared rheum of this medkine, and thonearule
canlte temente, origin meterioyment.of health
can but odeem thee and proprieter, I
• • • • - • • •••
. .
m l t t w Lasr y
ap pMlicann m n hee s e b x l p y e effect
o a
. nth a c t a n r o e
of this dreadful disease. By the application of siCatulii
liniment:v.l,mila rallef, Lo some eases may he obtained
br • short time. But all the while this disease Istrdog its
k rmiy, timrs permanently_' n the system and
sooner or bier
noun dreelope itself in a mom dresdhil form, and after
a few periodical returns, it !Miles into a chronic forms
which, if not mon arrested, ruins the Individual the Lie—
This). milted by the h"of the fast in all muntrim
and more frilly desiond by the history furnished of
late to the proprietor of this compound,. given by merest
hundreds of thme who have passel under his Intrordlate
ke slid treatment during the Imt few mouths.
PURIFIER. is an Internal remedy—monnenees Its
dons where the Mame Brat originate. and 10 ptnifring
the Mord. woes through the whole system, neut./Heaths,
Impure or eaurtie sediment. hich has settled ulen the
membranes, mocha and tendo w ne—retricree it entirely from
the system, and Pastore. the indivblual to perfect health.
Le! them who are afflicted not deceive thenteelves, and
put Hi the um of this medicine ton long, or mail their
limbs are dislocated or rontraeted to such degree that
- they are cripples for life. 'IT he experknee of InandreAs of
thousands dining the past, as well as a. multitude at the
'Mum& day, dernoustrates th e holly of ...petting parer
omt relief Has external applkations.
The proprietor of this valmble medicine knows from ex
perience, that no co:Award application can priaihty effect
permanent mire whom this disuse is Emily fixed In the
perin. Ile can and dova prepare and apply an embroca
tion In very to ram , which will re .ikf in e hour's
time, but this will not effect • per Si manent cure. on
ne tine
tore of thls disease is sorb that it requires longed Mee. and
an internal remedy, to produce the desired effect and .3Ior•
Oman?, Rheumatic Cumenned and Blood Purifier is the
only remedy that has ever boenHammel, either In
Amerka or any other country. Mot. will (Mali:mill core
this charm.
This medicine can b had, wholesale or retail, st Ea 73
Third street neat to the Post Offlce. Pittsburgh,
Aloe tweak in rittaborgh. by I t Empire: Wm. Thorn,
J. 7).Margan, Seifb. Wickersham, and J. A. Joon,
Pried per T.WIK slx bottles for $25: or hi) per deem.
Pamphlets can be had grails of the emelt .
uovp3- FL 11. WISHART, Agent.
June Roes'. the discoverer *d role proprietor
nnver mem jpopular and beneficial medicla and also
o • Inventor or the celebrated instruramat Par a the
bongs. In effecting • cum of Monde dimmer,: am a Met •
dent of that eminent physician, llsotor Chyme, and•le •
krwlnate of the Unbrersity of Peptu7leatalwasad for thirty
Tears Mace has been eopeas,wd In the investigation of dl.
and the application of remedies thereto.
Ibromph tits nee of his Inflatiog tube, In counectionwlth
tas PmPhrlactie Syrup, and other of his remedies d r ea df ul
gained an unwalMled endnence let curing those
and Wei maladiesc Tubercular Consumption. Cancers,
lboofula, Ilbetimallera. Asthma. Fever and Arum reverser
all kinds. Chunk En - all those obstinate. dim
eases recall. to female.. lodeed. every form of disease
vanishes tinder the um of his remedies. to which hurnanl
ty L hen--not by the ime of one minpoutid only, for that
Is intotoratlble with Physiological Law. but by - the use of
his remedies, adapt." to, and prescribedloe, each peculiar
.. .
- Dr. lime's Tonle Alteistire Pills. abet u.l, are hararis
tap adineeleolgod to- be orlon. to all others.. • Progs-
Unvor Ilee• pill, inasintieh they hare the bowels per
w,,,evlttertiplires Iment=corttresea also
eea r is Golden
ls sufficient to establish abet has been m bat na
id. la the mina of
the most skepti.
The allot. are Malted to cell aPem the .Ren o PriT
ewe Bings) one of the bodies pamphlets. giTioga a d
ad smog. of each remedf... offigleatima..—
• Tea lode by the
agents. as well as by mon dragi
aistii throughout the moat, ••
T. Peboteanakera Co.. 21 If oaf at. Pittsburgh.
.1. H. Timms.; Dmaighiti " •
Lea 6. Beckham. Drogffist: near thn Post Offiee.Allegbr
ny el..
=nit. komon ValkT, /tickler. Darlington. Bearer comity. Pa. -
•T. Mama Bean%
. analgailf •
tl oo t. TUE AFFLICTED will be found in
Dr. Deuttt Keilinger's INFALLIBLE LI:31110M
or Enid...bleb hastens:et the test of darn
o a f ay petience, and bon Winston doubt. been the amain say
ing the Ines of lbw:mods of Individuals, in daunt erery
elam cod thunder of Women We feel that we banard no
thing In hying that thL, b the only Bodkin, that ham been
offered lathe glinted, that
ehat the bald Mr. does, In every aeon of the 'word,
alt han cured, and in capable of coring more dingoes O.
an other medicine offend for eae, we are not by whom
mede Id, or by what name.•
th tiatr&Al e= e nalmizog of the
yearad i fts ; sl o y f
honed Ind rein,
lit e ;erne of
o ve r genenlly, 6 as the mart. sirremble
Fondly kiedielne ve offered for rale. or used by any of
them, The Eau Ewer EL Grinnell late B.C. TN Ifni Rob!.
EL Morris, late Nam. Urn. John A. Dix. late U. B. Sena.
tun William IL Fatter Esq.. Editor of the point of the
Theo sad • Dist of ot her shin. of New
rink, who have fully tested Its merits, have permitted the
yonaietor to refer to them.
As It I. well Bunn that Patent Nedielnee are tot Renn
et/ Parfulnel 67 the learned. wealthy .ed polite odd..
we of undoubtedly • Tight to Del ourernes highly urn-
Revd. Shia Wonder worldnoCimipound ham been nearly
more years bane the ontale. In lint Mends are now Its
strongest and beet. Fhb oust undoubtedly Is strong and
tuurtneing proof of Ito mina' usefulnesa and moan.
It le a amen.. nmedy for
el nervous dime,
=c minx nodulous towelling, none., noise,, old
sores, and eL the tons and .rho. that Deep to heir to.
Over 1,000,C0U bottles hare been sold without complaint,
g;e l lttj ' , rUi•tsVe ;zerc?-7ftr.3",44t:,
offend. and In onr prejerno,tbe rhougest pirsible in
. .
nu. medicine. in nature's remedy. le prepared from veg.
debt, for internal an well ea external use. le. arta direvi•
u lb. 4*. rr ei=:l"4 "ps,alll=C4h7lehaV7l
•Il =die streak., dieraer• or Bee Kidney e: and
Weaknre In male o r female, from whatever mem it may
have origMlited.
Fier y reL Pittaburgh, by K. Felber. liner, Xidd k
!Dur Ogden p u tuowdem and by the retail Drugging
—generally. w i t is up In four. two. and one gaining led-
Om. jpoefm
Oompound is 'warranted to produce the within de.
serf eneent. when owl for tankioir bred, tea rakes,
bustle cakes, to., by which a eating Is effect.% in the
flour of shout 13 per cent. ,
So Man Bunn—?o eseh round of dour add taunts.>
IVIs Of COMpOttati and the was' quantity of adt, miu
ir th i ' ittontourbily together *bile dry, (thin make') plan
Aced Maur that you toth re, aside and uee at leaurat then
add sannuth add water as will make the dough the usual
Waage: knead it well, and let it good Ilfteru minutes
befcce taking—one or two boors will do no hurt. Biscuit
it be Weed anal thinoer, and baked at once, but
raid° no hurt to stand Mean or twenty minutes. There
le no danger of getting ho much of thie Compound to the
bread; it elf not turn the bread tallow, as micro'ne dors
when used to rime.
you op: put the nabore.Coutround Into tea can,
dings, Johnny agree:nil:an oaken. inner cakes, corn
canes, oorn bread, toworn Need. bisenit, batter cakes, boat.
wheat canny apple dumolintre, tat Dan, and for all bogies
received alai for male by
R. E. lELLERS.L7 erred et.
dm Dollars reward will be paid to toy noe who w fi
txatte , ule a epot of paint. meen or dry. that mount be a:-
with nalt . • hummed Chemical Soap. I beret/A
mttsfaetlou of saying to the people of this Olmo that Pit
by homßdement cm It. now stands tsrl.
walled th fo eztruilim grearoo m. ylteb.od.
?MM. or any other try
kreway r
ambetame. from on Muds °term
Whw'ool/ I .llaM earMla. table ',raki, , . monno
shawls. Whoa' bonnet.. de.. without insorme any Wog
that Imre-water will not Injure. 310 re than one th ousand
Demoos ItCrlllforent parts of theeumatty bare told me they
amid het be without It If It rust al amis. In trying thin
Fry 012 more thals:lllo , ardeles of light elltr.:atiwy alp aca
sad calbses. / bare • only bumf Ibur Oen . * of °I/W.A.°
MINMINasuI four of ealms. Illoh changed the owolt
therefor% before potting It notUght drees. try a sanapm
of the draw frrst- I mate this because lam detlemlntst Do
to tseammend It toy stremod May t know to be strictly
Orders hem country merclelots and renr u aTlll7
sanded to by the:subeerleer.
. deal 67 Wood et.
4 1 bed not men it twine bet= I felt Its benefand elarecti .
R. R. E. SELLERS—Sir Sufferingfrom a
cold and wash. for which I tried uosny tee/pee,
te( Wt. I mut presented alth • tattle of
11! ‘ 8:11ers' Cough.llLeture.. 1 think It • duty which I
awe,. Loth you nes t the indite In grnerel. patideely
udaft, that I had lan uwd twice before I /alt Its hews.
Nat effeds. end fonder dte Divine blewansilval ccounon
to fonds the tattle. I tawdry also, es II lutslus wltrww w d
Id mask properties on friends of mine; .M 0 al partirsdp,
who b.d • trying Week on her /unite. eructs inland w ith
rUstreeenag tough. Verily the only MI! lamina. Others
houghs and colds Olent the sufferer) has deercucr a nn nw ,„ ‘ „,
ne in 7.. E. eeum• cRsiaTIV LD, wylie
ri =hfitil 4 t;. 6 kl..E E-ElAritti, No. a; Itht
and mold by droughts reidutllT. Jali
Aaaltknal pro" " i r.rdm,"+= ugud 30, .
s r .s. roe .o j a p.a, tinut j o lth wal a
VAI. 4 dM It hod tbe denred effect I nf curing
me of • conch ttio ,r ti n b r oa th ilzedZl cl ever being well. Y.
bad wok t it vu in mypower' to
but received Warne= until f most pith your umber
'I feel fully eatlefed in paying to yroll•
and. recomonmeting It to the public a. an Me ben mWS.
does that, he. nor been prepared gm the erne to 'chick IC
ls intmdat. JAMES %SMITH.
?mated and mkt by LE. MUMS. IST Woad M.
Li tonal* meta WI rive ■III. :