The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 19, 1851, Image 4

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    From the Pittaburgh Ch lion Advocate.
The-Sandwich • 'dig.
-- :Prom' Cheerer's' Vorld of the
Pacific we collect and conde • a few more
items eaneerning the Hawaii n Isles.
of the 'missionaries from
Churches, (Ciingregational,
were commenced in 1820.
was regarded 'by many as ant
but has been crowned .wi
Tits lilonns of the inh
.the arrival of the missionari
'lowest order. Intemperance
'less ran riot. Almost eve
eliored,in their waters was m
hrotlfcl. 11Iodesty, even amot
.414; a feeling quite unknown
was 'practiced to a horrible c:
_ of chance,' robbery, munfer
aged -alive, killing offenders
and various other savage us.
the state of society the inl
imaginable; Though much s
he done for then, in the way
mental elevation, such a grey
change has been wrought as n
the agency which could so Ira
of savages into an inoffensive
—many of them fearing God,
able to read his word—must
is a nation hero in a day.
Theemissionaries have now
in the Islands about thirty ye
tal poPidation of the Hawaii
January, 1E49, was 80,641, .1
were foreigners, leaving 78,
The' Church statistics are as
examainationthe past year, l t ,
number on:examination, (th
understand, from the commen
mission,) 37,23 . 4. Dismissed
i. e. of those on examinatio
would my, on probation, 3
number dismissed during the
of missionary operations, (dro
Deceased the past year, 2,:
'number deceased, 9,754. Es
pelled),the past year, 275 W
remaining excluded, 2,206.
standing, 22,831. Children
past year, 462. Whole numb
baptized, • 12,724. Marriagel
past year, (in the Church,)
past year referred to, is 1848..
a very good 'and satisfactory
mere numbeis. Cut of ;a pop
than eighty thousand nativ es
thous are regular commu
is, more than one-fourth of th
nlntion; and, we presume, mo
half of the adult population.
whole population have been tau
the instrumentality of the mi.
read; and have the Bible in ti
gunge, as well as other books
hers. They had no native li
knowledge of letters, before if
the • missionaries. A great no
done, and? atilt bei • do'
Church, and find diffieUlty
admittance, as do others who,
of their vices, could never gain
to -the Church of Christ. Ind
priests ) and French brandy ea
and 'both were forced upon the
natives by French cannon. T 1
of the sins of Louis Phillip
has gone, to his •recknAing. P
all its indulgences, ffs not n
progress in the Islands, as the
pure code of morals were in ad
by several years.
Sonic of the largest bodies o
cants in the world are found
wich Islands. One charge or
perceive, contained in 1849 ne
in regular standing ;*other
several between one and two t
Frombeing the most degraded an:
of savages, the people, under th'
of the ,Gospel, have become a mi
offensive race. They have, of co)
yet to learn—much in religion]
Civilization. They are more Cli I
than civilized. They greatly •
Christian laynien to mingle am
and teach them the arts of civ
But, under the faithful instructi
missionaries, they are progressing
We recollect of reading, a few I
that Bishop Purcell bad said nil
mon, or lecture, that he had lea.
the Protestant missions in the
Islands were a failure. The Bis
less•knew that a cargo of brandy a
had gone there, and took it for . 1
they would be able to do up th
work. But he reckoned too fast
taut missions still survive and p
Hawaii. That the French brand I
French cannon have done them ~s
is doubtless true: but the pries
come to all the advantages Hwy
there by such weapons.
TAnn, or TA 800, is a word
prohibitiim, or religious interdict.
days of pagan superstition in th,
the talus were multifarious, enro l
rigidity, and extremely oppressive
days, places and things were to
was delith to be found in a ca
make a'noise, on a tabu day. If
on tabu day ate pork, cocoa-nuts,
or 'certain kinds of fish, she must
talitt - entered into domestic affairs,
oppressive restrictions upon famil
regulating the eating, sleeping,
things pertaining to the liouseln
cording to the Hawaiian system o
birds, beasts and trees were udop
gods of different individuals. If
his idol of the native apple tree, it
to him, and it, was death to eat of
If his god were kale, a chief articl
kale was interdicted. If a hen, s
were unlawful i and FO of utile
Stones even became tabu; SO that 0
not sit Sownon item. The oyster
of degradation and bondage. Be,
plasm, like that of other false
had long a poweiful hold upon the
the inhabitants. What sustained
however, as ;in most other cases,
ever-to-be-deprecated union of C•hurrle . and
State--kingefaft and priestEraft working
into each other's hands-the civil authority
enforcing tho- dogmas of superstition, by
corporeal pains and penalties. It is the
same compound power which in Italy for
bids a sick man from being visited more
than a certain number of times, (three, if
we remember rightly,) before he has con
fessed to a priest, and received the sacra
ments of the Church; all of which he has
to pay for, as a matter of course.
.—The labors
e Amen - ean
. 7e believet)
e enterprise
ly Quixotic;
The tabus, with the whole system of
idolatry of which they formed a prominent
part, fell into disrespect while the mission
aries were upon the high seas, on their
voyage to the Islands. This event wa s
brought about by the influence of foreign
sailors, mostly graft profligates, who were
seen to violate the tabus, and treat the gods
with contempt. The spell was broken, and
the system fell. Thus, Ile who inaketlil
the wrath of man to praise Him, and over-
ruleth evil, prepared the way for the mis
: siimaries of the cress. They were received
at first by sufferance on foul behavior, the
chiefs replying to the insinuation of certain
malicious foreigners, that the missionaries
had come to dispossess them of their lands,
and make war upon them, "If they had 1.
come to make war, would they have brought
with them their delicate -wives."
itants before.
I , s were of the
nd licentious
' ship that un
ade a floating
g, the women,
tent. Games
• burying the
without trial,
ants, rendered
.1 deplorable
ill remains m
if moral and
and general
indicate that
, gfortn r race
quiet people
nd generally
divine. it
been at work
x. 2 The to-
2,000,000 feet Plank wanted.
ROAD COMPANY, Incite pro until the first of
Avril next, for furnishing Tyro Million Act of I'Llitk—B
inches thick. and 8 cc 9 feet in length—to be delivered at
Blaultriburg. if brought by thren or at ouch ricers on
the nal ea may be agreed up on
Proposals lElf direried to CHARLESnt. S. 9f. LANE.
Butler, Butler co., the or to F. :WANG, Pitts,.
burgh: and any inquiries for further Information cc the
puttioct, may be addrensed to masc.
Proposals aril' be m el d for the &linty Of either Oak.
Pine. or Hemlock.
Islands, in
whom 1,789
'54 natives.
follows: On
194. Whole
t Is, a, we
meat of the
Notice to , Contractors. •
IJ ROAD--Sesled r.nnonsals will be P•MiTtli at the office
Of the Ohio and Humsylvarda ltallmail Comp:tor in 1 . 11,
burgh. until Tbursdny. the 201 a day of Marelt nest. kg
layirnt the. Traek from Pittahumh to Mmodllon, • dietanee
of 10, matte. kipeeitlcatinna and fannsof umv tr
obtained at the ogle., In Pittsburgh. f,o two weeka neevioou,
to the lettimt. 0o application - to lonton W. Robert,. Chief
Engineer. The propnaale must bin aecorduge wall the
Printed forms. and :Warmed to the Preekteut of the Com
patty. WM. ROBUSSON, Ja.. Prerident.
or, as we
[5. Whole
hole course
ipedd 4,1152.
52. Whole
eluded (ex
hole number
In regular
.aptized' the
,r of children
during the
084. The
This shows
Pittsburgh. Feb. 64,1,41.
North Muerte., New York. Tribune, Arnenean Itallroad
Journal, publirh four tlanta. foltt'xint
rROPOSALS for Erecting it Wire Suslien
m Bridge over the All,beur 'titer. ot.tto,ll, Mr-
oh. on
street, in the Fifth War of tite" , ll,- Pituttortri,
In plat. , of the ntrurtum recently dt,troyed by ire. •
_ Prtntrtaale will I. ruched at the otTlee of Jacob
Painter it Co., Liberty dtreet, until the nth .IBS of Slant,
neat- for the emotion of the aturr ttemcrlbed bridge. Ow
pattern thereof to be the *tune an the Slooonrahela
with ril(4l alteration. am bidderr nuy Knave, and
tlot do
rertors apltruen. By order of the lloattl of [tweet...
fetibitf F.1.01LEN7.. Prrol Pro
salt, ae to
ation of less
I Client?, tro
w o e pop
e than one -
Nearly the
:ht, through
I,II,AXSEET) OIL-5 blot,. (fity ~n
2.‘ mud and for Fade toy
. . _
d (WAIVER 'olL—llti.lium. Clark k
reed for sale by
lißEss SILKS-20 rn. ;"so ite i Spring
l t rle Dn. uSil t n.c . ; „ l
Nn. ti 2 and I )lasr,l
Ls,. plain all wu,l high enlori.l
^ nem arid apleadid ityle Item, Do lainev
10 itt,le in. 0 ,1 04
rach4 A A. MASON A (WS
_ .
camkg ree'd and for .1e! by
mchJ 221 and . .1 - 22 Liberti at.
: n t q
m,ha iLLEI: 111171arr.k,.
13 cif a very ritliernir quality—ti
,raanrttitabt luta
0,001 by imeloll • MURK( 1 81•10:11VIE1.11.
.1111RINIT t'IIURCIII , IIII.I. 1,•••• tutv ree • fiv•ti
uppir the ahoy.- iniala. of all the rarinua
rota ilia . ..v.olA 01, 4i $2.2!.
BUTTER—I 4 kegs just rec',l and 1,,r
rate I.F 1t..1 , 41
. Silk and Linen Catabn, of new not hanilo.nie -it 0,
10 , 1„ 111
, OTI . ON-18 imleF4 now landing Inml sty.
1 AA. and Air eale by,
ISAIAII ItlCtikA .1 Cll.
11•141.1 Water and Frint
. . _
lunaric4, to
eir own lan
'nd netrapa
ratnre, nn
arrival of
In the. re-
ruing gen
They lea
ian church
rigid. No.
ng tobset o
re must be
mere whim
Issionane ,
. The
;ng their
RA Lank '2
YSn lamllng from gr. Lit. and Mr xal. I.
',ALA II PletiEV e. •
tf2n Water rr..nt
0. '_ 3 o 11t—itt lid, landing per
? De
fd2r ‘"" ' I2TCHISON a 11.
rINEG A it.-2.0 1 .1,15. for sale hi
lt./ liONVIIIIF.:1* 6 LS
ICKORY NUTS-6 bags Sru Pale by -
tads. S. F. VW , . BON sirousT
IfEESE--150 boxes W. K. for soli, by
s lON 110X,N1101L , F
rENUINE WIFE . —The pure juin.
of the Or.,,,Atlitablr for mmllcittal,,ttrp....l.. G, ,J.
bi the Quart or Bottle. at. MORRIS
and trine v.. 17, the I/Wyo.:tot. 145 , 24
Ql- I (iAlt.—.ls(l hhdo. prim.. N. 0., just ree'd ;
t 3 ter etrearter Frhu Tltlll, and f 2 Sal. lo
6I:It1.11I11 , 0t: a INt11111)131,
N.,. 116 Water M
years past
Lc repe'q
in gaining
on accoun t
led, french
le together,
!defeat,: SS
k RANGES-410 txizes just reed and for
su sale by fIURIWIIDUE 2 (211111011 AM.
fe1,25 No 110 Water at.
IL of anspertor melts and color, in ph., and for pale by
fan It. MeCI.INTOCK.
INGRAIN CARPETS—A large itssortnient
f the lot"; and . nrwret stubs, in Klein' and for *ale he
foblt. • W. MrCLISTOCK.
BROOMS -200 dozen for sale by
AG. „ ?,. Esy 0
Literary Je , 11. 31 . r i! Cil.lo,,,,mat;ilt; the
o a toln, do cm _
Wader'. Ladyi Duck for March:
Urahare• Vagach.c
Wks' Natio:W.sl2ollin, do
Wacourta, or the Prophecy. an insissi•rsi. , By Major
Dictionary of blechanira. N 0.21%
:Warifield Hall: Ilistorieal Romance;
11 ., [ .17 V1 , :or li aton on, t b y. y m a in
Shannon:sic a mw 111;ini, hy tern foutbrorth.
lar, aniortnirntof wdl ,11,11,4 Oil Cloth, fur
..tite Carpet Warrhousr. So tZ Fourth rt.. to which we
Invite the at/motion of purchaser".
(chin W. Y
CORN -400 bush. for rale by
febll IPA, fl. JOWNsywi
But he
eery, with
ade much
tible and a
arm° of it
pariah, we
ly 6,000
000, and
d and in
; e, much
more in
eed pious
,ng them
lized life.
!ms of the
GLOVER SEED— bids in store, end do,
4 entre, for eats by
HICKORY NUTS—IS bbls for sale by
fehltl WM. 11. Joim , roN,
bc found lit the um, Prrry Ibtvic'x Vegctabic Inio
I. cr. Oplcunn of lbe wort promlocul Prtl.l.. ci..l
Merchants, of Cincinnati i. favor - . •
ears ago,
some ver
sed that
op doubt
Med that
• desired
o per in
• and the
o harm,
are wci
- - - • -
rrt. :XI..
the anderrignal.Drutation. nod Skh l,
an, Ihr th I.
((tr. hare Ivan arqualntrd tazth, atul add tor-n tear ..r wa
. :I;tlble ri da . l 4. 3l o ll : ll F l: Wil' M"6"
.r, and we •BJuld swore the turl Ale that
•aary Inntanee. v. (I.IM we know, It hat 1.711“. the la,t
astlntattlon to thn purchnaer. W. .karr.atnuortal {4/ the
PUIPile AO an artla's , r/r great merit and virtue: nebtal.
never knew auartlele of Medicine latame
iwqoutar In okro short a tltar. Ix prated Pad a(
ellanalve usle and r.nuttantly •ka•nataina a dmand , • -
81rnal h IS ar the Prtnntl.,
For Fain by It. ft 5E1.1.1d14. alo.kralr. -eat N... cm
Wool I
A SECTION ii()Al'S--'lll4.
and Italian', lying et enhtmlna. ra.part
and Altt.rt. al l'lttabarah. will be anti on apahratian
1.,/ , A1)10: A 111.
- . _ _
I. 7 hales Cotton;
97 sad. Poath•rx
%I do Pram Alt,
6 do Dry AVIA' ,
4 010 do
J du
eorLy fildn drum,
ra. and f.a. rale. by frbli Jew!' Dmion• a co .
50 T° l
8"A A rTa l it r xt r iViimtm.
(g (IDA ASII—A xuperior article offiurown
3 ~•
Watt., ,xnwl..
lu thi
ced with
ued. It
or to
febl7 . .
FiIOBACCO LEAF-4 Idnis. for salt, by
ECU Itegalin, and
1.7 iww3a &Tors. °flail grade, for "dr bi-
4 A. (111.11}:1480S A CO.
lIECK LOST —A check drawn by un in
N .1 favor of Ilmary 'Frig, No. I:SN, dotal lef . lorm.Y 4th.
1,51. on N. Holm." t Now. of Otho city, for Hon.. /noire.!nd fifty dollar, tux boon hurt man tbf, mail blurtl , lllybu rg h end Porkoryhursflo. 770. public on rant/ono-of
ogoltod,romlvlng ouch rhofl. the ',lmmo/of -bas M enMolmod. f0t,17 Mll.l.lflt t IfICKRTSON.
(IAL SODA-100 clwka on blind and for
4.7101 a L J Nbl7 ISENNETT, JINIRRY a co
c, wept on hood and for Ade by
ha i rge No. 3, Moo
1%17 JAS. A. 1 161115.0 N A CV.
Ar .. : LAss r E t: , , s t _4o
.300. n. III:TCIIII3ON a IA)
EA D—ISOO Pigs (ialena, for %a.. toy
f.toti JAO.O . 111. T(7111SON • 0.
/*7l BUSH. DIUED f:l,r sale by
l 11 , BURIIIIIIII/1: 3111• Al •
110 Wracr_ftr..L
Linen and Flom Furnishing Goods.
AA. MASON & CO., No. 62 ud GI
• 51noloPt *trod; If.frpo constantly an nand a Isms
ant of following good.. of ono onnnuf.o.-
MN one
the des
ieds of
Table Cloths. Duna* mut Diary,'
Napkin, Overlays. -Doyle, dc.
Towels. Ittellahen.
-and linnunk:
Diaper, Russia. sancta Bird Ey,
Warn Lairsts and Linen C•11:1brklr,
Vl*, and Linen Dams,. ail • 4lthn
Linen Cambric. fisinikercillef, •
164 Allgndshl Sheeting, 104 radon dr;
64 nUagilie Stiettbag, 40.bach &o. 4 1 0
Pittsburgh, Life. Insurance Company.
THE following persons, by the term of
etatrtor of this P 71758271011 LIFE ISSIIIANCE
ysp.lll7: ere the Directors of I.En said Company for the
first year.
floor, Chwin A. Colt+,
Jumph S. berrh. 1+,11,111.4 Aid.'lurliArt
Jobe S. Dilworth, AVIA. Phlllipt,
John A. Wilw,o.
Ala ateetiner o the abnee Dire , tare. held at the °Eke id
C. A. Colton, on the 2.5 th hut:
JAIL S. 1100 N. waAelectol Pn.ident:
Saara. llcetraaAm. Vice Pmident:
Ciiktux.ii A. C.n..r01, Swa . . , tarY:
' , mt. S. I.c.tctl.Trrnaurrr.
• e IntwutTit. M. D.. Esamininw Physician.
Too pnwk .ohscrintion liwk• of the Comnuir will he
found. (..r thp inwent. ut th.. hone.. of 0 OCPUTALAFON
Co- on ..+I rtr,t. whyn• thoen Ifi,hitta vu ibe min
ha , t an onnortunity to do wry.
Dy ardor of tho Ikant
C. A. Oil:TON,
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
BRANCH OFFICE—No. 54 StollTuriel.o STazrr,
toot °Videllee Id . the ell eCeW of the
Direeler. In elsrlenyorlne In mote the 5T.111.:
PIER t.r.vril.l see tFt,l/r.liVr wet the wan. or
tenount of 1and...4..
which had 1.4.1. don.; having over r.. 0110 Pollelem In
o 1118. mint. thw eight month, and adding not, MAIO
thathal 1.. the ...wean,. The Dlnrterm are Pwnwl 1 ".)•
newly id I the en l.l4und e ..r the Ynt...l kind ea
otnall nod a lan, swddertien in.Ured tor ...IV our
Number of Polieies insner 1. - 5.065
Amonnt of property insored, -
do. guarantee lerernitung. 57.909.79
eahli premiums. - 32.19.i.21
ito. guarantee stoek, -- • 9(1.104.03
111,11.5. 4.100.110
1. , I, thdurtotl front the alto, 'memo, roe tarlilentsl
, 1 1e11..1 .1 nal,
Tortttintrt not own,. of thrithith.,..
and holatotl and ...tit, hntpi.rtt it tt• Itolteved llth non-
Pant niTortht tolnuttnati. In Point or titt ttlnit:h....ttahlt • tind
y. tnforlor I nt.ttran..ttotinhan, .1$ Mu onontry.
Cost.iitood .11 the ottutt,th and ',Truth tittlttin , d tUttoht
of ClitrAthranun ..1 ont hiding all -pirhil lintahl,
curing only amount in any thun pm ,
t'hAtill tt noue, wnn-rum
It 004; and
alri ott both the titorli toad Maud plan. It tint only pm*.
rsrett the ettenittio.. meal so , ounntitlation ft( loth ntelltuil,
tout entalom tho itittutnl n particlthitioti to the profit.,
It it. tinder the ntntrol nt that follitwinF lilrorlottc—Jobn
P. Ittsthortonl. A .1. tiillett, Jahn h. I ark,. C. T. Joni,
Alonzo .t Carrier. Philo t Nalttlittlek. ilobert Klotz
J. P. ItLTIIERFunD. rive/dent.
A. J. 1111.LETT, neeretiln-
A .7. Contra. AftuarY•
. . . .
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.
(rice J. Finney. Jr.. ilia - raw:FL) No' . Liberty Fltel t.
er the better convenience. of persons rinititing In the
lower part of the eitt. the agent may ithio be found daily.
from 11 to 12 and tn at the counting man of
.1. nebieititualwr (A.. No 24 It owl etreet. where all nen,
earT infnnnnuon wunn , given and nen inutile - attune prompt
,lNAntiblete espleinina the prinelplea and
benefit, of Life ^"{n nee. Rln blank tonne furulahnt
application. \
Capital oeck oner tiiiin.nou and con.truitly inerenelniei—
Pronte divided annualle amongst thiew tieiunal for lir,
Jan: '
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation
yti E I nsurauqnComrancr, r Nom It liner ion,
rhilv , :trAir . — i llzrqvc37, , l u T:l .l l . l.:Ar ri c . lll. A 5r.... , 1 n t
t , Valii4, .41 QIN( Mrtterel, all. MI viriul4, el.
proprrty rrer: tlerrriptlon. r brocr
1.11411, pith, by ttilAuti ort
Arlinir tl CE , flin. Tllnmu I' 09,
Sarno.] 1V 3410.. 3..11.4 II N.. 11.
EJ...,J $m1:11. 10.-tool 11. Wrwl.t.
. 1 1.111/ .1. Iln,wn. 1Ve1,1.-
Sarn..l V. :m4ll,,
2 , analel Au.:llrt Al6llOOO,
Ty tor. 11, I.
Amin. 111,11,'. .:• , /zat
Ttont, N.
M..rr6 It. !Awl-rent, ,4 ^',
Ltin El/ it, Slat,
Inou tt, Ae111.1111,. inli, mr•ss,..
and ns..l.lttui nu ..xtra I.:manloun ••11,ructry
" %Wall% 1 7' 17 \';'ll. ,
,n:1 No 111 FrS.A.An...l_
American Life and Health Insurance Co.
11 ,
Pdfxbrirgh. 'lift,. O. Ti'
,; Firth
ho.rnlntion m.r2
l'amphlel• .-"nizont
the I MI.,
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburg-h.
A PITA I. $300.000. • H. MI LI.EII,
' 4 lll,W7l•wW7,Clllriiiil3=r2 FIN and
All lii•unis will be mitt protuply
A lin•Awr • lioa i ,:
tn,. tw ImM, alp! who t ikwrwitwll ll , r
who ilowltr
... . .
.. , ..q - ll NIIII.r. Nr. 1 1 ,, , , 111ar1. .1 W. Ittltlet. S
11,,1m, , , Jr.. Wm. 11 11 , 4 m,.. r; 11at, ,, , 14.. Si ........,,.
IC, Sll.yort..lnlaro Lippitg.l . 4. limr, Ih...sit., Jutr, NI
Ant. , . AlAot Nlntlrk.rti,o. ~...i.
1111Iro, N.. I, IS Itter %1t...4. (warelkotts... of : 1 , , ,,,nr S .1 ,,
Itroattli.N., I'lttAl.tirith Itallly
DelaWATe Mutual Safety Imam:ice Comp'q
. ()1} , : rf , ' E, , ,N ., " , (111 , T11 11.1 , 14 P.kl , I , IF 111 E EN.
1 rt. 1N•1 , .,i'1..-1111iiliiIIC., M.-1,11.Vt:11L, , , and . - .117
5 " V0 ' 1.rtie.... " 4 " 11V1,,,7 ' ,!!rt r nE . ... ' .77r7 , :t. 1 := ""' '''''
M.:Nit 1 , 4.1 , ', —lll, M.. Itt.ur. 1.,,,..1/.. Car ct 0...,
antl !night, 1.-t-i•os or •,.., to var. up.ler ..}...t, 1.• ~,,11
1N1..1P Iir.••11.01 /1, Mt.. lo.nn N1er , 4,41),11.•
"° 1.-att....,111,,, itt,,l t,,....... 1.11.ttra , .•1:11.-ral,.
//N.L. - 1 ,, , , --.1..,,1a II 1. ,, ,1. Idn.lns.l It ~..,4,, . ..L11.,,,•
11 , x,,t. it.. 1.1-1 Iturk. , t, ,t IL 1 , ,,,.., ~..uttr,.l LO•Nr.l.t.
“.1.,.. I . 1.11.-.. 1N1 , ,,r1 I , Lrli,:tt.n. 1, , ,,A.. IL It a vb... II .1.
liana 1 , 4...11, .101111 : , .../.1,,t. 1 , 7 IL NI i1ti..41. .1.1 , r , t
11•011. 11,..,111, , 1 . .t/Ltir, I/ " 1tri..1.... Ilernr,
Slnt t n. 11,-I. 1.1.;.,, li -o r
~ • .,..1. j•perh-, NIrItrNILL
Chlarl•-• Kelly. J .• .!..11,. , ,,.. 114, Ist, I, 2 71.. - Qta-..
.1.4,31.4.11..2-... Wm Ip.r. Jr
111 - M .
111, . . •
'An T
IV mu ts ?W./ 1143 T, Pr.-1
, of th- 4'..capmn, .1: 11 al, , In-et.
bunch. I' i M Dr.llll. Avribt
Franklin Fire Insurance Cu of Philaira.
hittECTulis: Clk:grl., W.
p IV Ptr. 1 , tr1.. I. I,wl,
I...tfer-••• wrr
.....31tlrv. 4 rnte-,s ,
Tim tn,,,4114- . •
ir e•tpitol
4fant 4,1 e
TM• nomell.. 1 11,.. ~ ..tounn.. nn ..I:".u.r I' I 1549..• pub
1, 4 11.41 rh• ..r
1,2,-t0t.497 7 I
Nom, donor. Itontorroo . oratloao. • pornot rof ultontoono
11 , 1V.1,ti uward., ono. 91111 onto Poost• II oottolrool Tl/011,1tIti
Ilan Loon,. tor Fir, 110 to.loy all.orolontt oortoloontoo tlon
nolonntouton oof Inournbono. soil no Owls - totool oh.
16" n
" h ' :1 1 ; • I ' ;; ;.71't • •
vial E coorno, oot It'oool awl Zol
ANCE rtiNIPANY. No Al I f 8,1 , 1 Stn.. N...n.rk.
.. awl No. II 11.11 Strpel, N V. A.amulat.l evortts
$1.041.,.).111.141ng fr , rn 7.0 A,. IA ,nt pnr rtnnum.
Thn nrv:r• upph , 41.14., G.; lu.onance f`l,4
lln, to thr al,nvo InAuraniv the whole
P.ll. 5 , 1 , 41 nrof.n, the n.•.orml.
keA Kiel", I I UGH F.S & CO., Proprietor of
lour, Bow, I.l.nnly'ransa
lottans Builnerp.l. , antrato, and ottwn.
Lurch. W bowling. Cinrinnall. . thwt al, Lear amonnt
w.l Atra l'ittatoura h. tlgar .I,cnt. who Im nn.
ready to undertal... immtrarma 1.1 ItntAnn with their Immt
Ili.niern .1 . an. In num./Inn of lout and
lar,st Slate Quarrln. tln. !Inds, nualn, of
'lhrlr Sian, in equal, It MI, nor. to Inna elmh
nmplan Dr.(' nth, ',II • ‘,13 , 11.101i anol
find •Inln, rrurt. thr, hnve
lientanno In ton/ring n•rtnnl, zslot-tkr4lif rni. neat:,
niol burnlntno.l, - frnms.hln n gqin.
lnarn aan, /II the tnnlr
1 . .11 ,rto ularly nrnmenc.).l tbcir
rurrtr INI, ittro , ml „ t.bit'lJ will
a. it,. rtas.trartr.r. nil imnr r.,
I:.1, r. a. le ttlea dime. and •Itaine real
)l, Tblann• a the ••1.1(1,...11, In., a 1..: od:
edl:tel and dm) tte:ir aa,•nt • :One, ••••rdier Et,. •1
Canal. PARRY. 111 . 1111 E, A Cal
Garniale fd rar
fe1..1-4.f.m•.::::11 •
!Cr NERSII P filly :lay
.111: Ivu F 11:1,1:1aert Id:,
nr, rcsll opt:lir:d d n:mmi
uteler the firm a
. •
11111 . 111,0‘ 1 (I;
Jununry 21-1. I' 1,2•11 ill
N" 1, 11., • 11.... I,lt.r.urgl,
1nirr.1.11..1 a , I rip.. a
T i,F; I:TN EI:S1111' lIr;Rr:TUFUII r:
~,,, Ih. ixlrr ,111...1
I et:11114.1„
11: A 111,k.I.1:1.
Iro 1: ~,,,, .. tab.7ll 1'..•
~,, lai. Oa , 4.1 IlKlr 1.:‘,.111.
I)v.:so )1,1"111)N )1 , I%llil'Ni...lLS/11P -
Th.. pAr10..r...1t.,. 11.-retaar. vslelitor (we., 111..
r1,en10.r.... • tnl. , Slaw. I, Irti S l *to di..
11... lir, 4., .1 JunimAr, 10. rata uAI
.A r ow an. 1.11,0 intliill)4 11,/
tl i• 11,111,4, Ala Ar.- .ta15.4.1 . U. OW kw mune aOw 1,.
11,01 1111..1
la-tiv, ',l
EW FIRM IL :‘3lt/iciklett and AVilliani
1.3.4 nr. v ,vral 14.tuwnly, 141,
nvl ,-111 Wlvlv4l.•
tam of It. I•
, 191
iuI'ARTS blttill I I'-Till' .I:svriJJerr. 111100
91021 .11,11 N 31. 1,K):1.1.
DRYPRINO nuoDs---rinst sDDDLY
t --31urph x A Iturellll.l.lvoll Ilia morning ..Lew,.
noeiring their hr, Ann,.ly of ,pring Dry flikale, and in
Ole the eatl of their ruktoruer, and boyen.-eiterally The,
(hail. attention to their eat/took.. aneortment ,if neo .1,1,
print, at 11'i node pad , ord. ..1 , 1 , -1 with partleolar re t
maulto durability of odor. An erdo.llent article Ie al..
offered at lu rOnte per yard, warranted (met ming. A 1..,
rhoim. etyleA id Logliali CllllO,, [non 11Ilk to 1,, mod.
pe.r ~,nl, nom, of then, enure!, nevi il,lgue M.o. new
pg., A, y' Urea 8111, Spring Mon, de lain.., itarare de
Lain, Needle Wick Collorr, Cuff,, Chetialtelt, Ar. 11.... /
ode und Itpuo, Itil.hon, Itotinet Ca, A. fel.ll
1 11
J!!! . (1,---.. ii 1:1 ,, ,, , to , r; .. .ft - . 1 ,,, fz Kale by the soh
_ -Sulphate arial Pertate .1 Morphia.
Ginn Shelia,
Epinal rate,
Sugar of head:
Cron Aruhin
Cren, Tartan
(WM Itronelone. .
flour Sulidlor.
A lecandsia ..11nr,
- Camphor S 1, WICK 11111 1 11 A tl,
Se 10/ enruer root sal +tall, gte.
THE LADIES All Hay " If you want real
' It greol Tea got., M‘iirrix A 11, worth e Tea Store in the
Diamond I, it.° The 'north, Fell at . rent , per pound
IP rmllyeery peal-awl thoge al 71. ern, and
$l. ore .1 , 1,
tin.. 1.0.. wiped. Inferior t/-on urn new, kept
at thiseatablieborent. 1,114 010) itoW retall all their T.,..,
din, (rum the ornal /lied., ha.. Proved ( bar Tea I, M
not Leen In %Utile Wrl.pprrr, •111.14, 1., bobble:: opto lb.,
light. you sill foal la o. ,idolik 4,1 tt /NI, , rail. tobl I
John 11. Mellor. kl Word Are, h.3:=l"'"
a near and aplonalld a...ornuent , , ,
of Piano, now open wu rend, tor aole 1114 /
clool) CANTON FLANNEL-A farther
yup er et=l,. ,d o . f t a ,, zr Kuper' arttelt at rlti o, ~.
46 r , ~,
• kll.llll l lll' A DIJIWIIPTRLD
. _ ..
(.1 TRUCE CHEW INC: I ;UM--.1014 reveived
1. fnon Bangor, 51... thronah no. hand. of a INA 1 . ..
a large ht ..1 . thig pleaenot ond agreeable/ entaing 1
Oulu. erhlrly IP ume4 for ...TP-411.0M breith,Fk.w. i i 1
the troth , Ae. F ar gale wholesale by
sach4 lama Woetl tad AWL Mb
=EI /I
4 4 7.4
J • .
s, 141 rpm,. elreet.
.•1.. %high rn.n pot, prier, .an the n
!Pori froiond awl Il .. yorado dn. of
I'l i I ;HAMS-1 . -Murphy & Burchfield
p • Lir, tut rd Drip nlnwlianr., which
.llbor ni arra!, noloord pond.. poi rpm, 10.
opd llordod fplOi
iiiCASKS CUM I DK LINK, MtiaidittLs';
I ID brio epotor 011, pow crop. Rime..
lb , . Do tipelloh Eineripm. idooprDol:
51,7ti. b ./
. 1.1 Wool of.
ICU T--1'..9.91)09 and Illaiikl4ries
1 pot up In 01.43 00 0 , 1 “ nfer l a fi tnywnueutally
" . I'l‘ .. l . 'll ::Zi 2' .l " :. l =: . o l pt ' irup%7llri::l42l l 7r lac
pier ..r tarlr. I. I.
"" 3I'CLIIIIO a co
• frl , 9.r. Libor .Treat.
1111/ SE EDS--i dinary and Rem Seeds
of Ow loot citottity for Ipalr b> I
r 01.4 WIT. A' BCCLIIRU erd
lELLEILS' LIVER I'l L LS—.CoUld not get
Ithool them."
APConnrllt•llle. o..htn. 9,19 rd
Na.g Ara (19. only I..firtlr Pub that
t.-11 lien . I rola,: 1.,1 Along wilhood Ib r yp. p pd
n. Op, lank.% nir It
thmt iteake In Use hlatteet tam. of
ehnun, odutlho Yount respertfully, ti Rms.
aeg-Itr..par..l and odd by K. nISI.I.ERS.ta
druogioto treorrollY jr:lb
• ilr S N RAISINS-149 hopeii 1 '
391 do taliin, on
hood and for Fah. hy BROWN t KIRKPATRICK
I Alt I Of I. -1.5 lads hest rellneth Winter,
toy rd. , I.y J. ~ ,[ IO9NIiARFA. a 03).
24 I% 4.1 !dive)._
4 LAZIER ' S DIAMONDS-1 doz. for sale
I I.) I,la J. KIDD &
I ARD - -mil kegs and 2.5 bids, for sale by
A A 9.1,1 n lIRInrO & ATRICk
g 1 A STUII (II Blow:x make, for only
.014 RUM'. MATTIIEITR a co,
-99 County Cooppn Bondi, for MI. lir
1.111 11, 41'..!rl t
I s ii . a o p
L y e t
Hirt:TER-7 lihls fresh
! Roll;
21111rgo AP, rethiv..l and
for solo by &hi /tOO.
l'1"I'ON TWI lb I
superior qua -
for rule by J. KIDD a CO,
A , 5; , , r , 1 , LK 20 case:oftum•----.ll‘ity°6lle
IT E 101 I LLI ON Trieste, Cljie—:ethseD,&
Atoorirpo. for milt. by
ItN I i lA I,LOWERS--For sale by
11 bhlll J. SCHOONNIAhER ;CO.
II LACK LEAD—iOO Ibil of superhir
.l_f Is, for rate by BELLEFL`b
I 1 11 111 .1'AM:8.
(Al half chest., Young Rpm and Black Tthto.
, catty brhaea o, 0.. Imp. and (hut Powder ,
Imaxt-t Rtmtall anbilLNlO fee Tobacco.
ID do P. Robinson &M.. A's and Mn do.'
.90 do )Nlhlnno. feet Tobacco.
II: tn.. hazel Mire and Univ.:gin. re, .1,
It. tatty hoxt9 Jana' Thomann jr. aoldon Leos
D Lump. In More and Mr We by
drip 9 JOHN PARKER' & CO.
b RY . aEal ro WIISKEY ,
wt MAO4 1 WWhaaraL
'Y laerysT o ,
dla a n al d o ft d a ek ta a l
II14.41:4 4411
11 414:1(IXTT.
NVAT ,.. .E 5 1 . 1.
0, F , 1:1 1, 11L 01tia—The Water
\ Teter Cum In Atoorrreeoltleat to.
.M. D.
Hand Book of Ilyilmpathy terot
use. by Dr. Wei..
Domestic metier of lirdmpathy. lab elle.,graved
Illwtntiovs of Inkyortant. eutoecta, by yder e ed jeeoetoo.
4 b ete e . tret. "A lePtettfiront' " the ll' Ottmen 'a P b
yi,L.' b rt " nt
The above wortu fur eale by R y nyckm,
Itookreller and Stationer. corner Maria . raectitiA rU.
NEW BOOKS:—The History of Onilennis.
in fortune. and to4fortunes.466, frionals and 64
.auMe2T; Tl i rrro b l r ' l ta • With
k1114111:7. / 16 Prart r taTUr'. /1110.211...5:r6:
Rolla L4.,101.
Ile Il s o . f 6 thePt iorial Y 461 O.ook of ibe Re7olation. By
Tl: n abo•,. au' tifust receirMll md 'for 'at.. by
r^ o77
6,47 Market R.
200 BUS P fi s ' ss ' it lama.
lk l -F
. Itls y SSheny . nod 1 111110 Beef
lefT . nyon . for
DO?, CORN BROOMS, for sale by
11.1.13 843.1. P. 601016016.
6 BBle.
P. SENECA OIL, for sal n b lUUV t.
.4 by Pbl3
I ARD OIL:--12 , 4 :!1111s, reed per steamer
Cinvianati, and be 6 0 = JAP.-DALZELL.
.tio. G 9 Wider 4.
IVINDOW (BASS --200 his, Solo, I'M.
7 V nth. by (AM JAA. DALZELL.
ir , OPPERAS--25 bbla„ in tine order, for sale l 1 4
PARIS GREEN • -30'eana, for sale by
Fr 1310111 Y SEED—In store and for sale by
'TrAll-150 bhls, in store and for sal e by
j 11,141 120100 1/101601 4 CO.
2 CASES Casainetts ;
sty :rsso, Plaid Mantis; For pale br
1 . 11, 0012 .7. ScitoONMAKEn C CO.
bush Dry Peseher.
100 do do Appl,
.10 kr, Waahlocton Co.Battac
foo bbl extra Fondly Clout;
'.93 do Suprrllna
i 'axe damn extra Coro Droocur.'
1000 boxer Window Illasa wetted, in elan
1,1 for ode by JUIN w.trr & CO.
.: Liberty at
brie Tirnothy:Seed. prime new crop;
11 brim and 01 keg. Do 1 Leaf Lard:
111'11"NP.'1.r;I'e'la.(44,"g" •
:011r1, baffle. ?round S. 11. )
IWI I,l* Flour. mop:nine and extra brax4,.
Landinc nod boo sale by 1100 W N & KIILKPATELICR
iNlSl'.tild ttnd splendid iir art.
and . Pre r neb De Wore
lolTrT h "If wart Il m r Lai n.s sail
C. 22. th r. ;70 ' 011!.1 . /f 17 4 r
Tkl\SSliNOS=llereived and
bpent..l [bin day.
aevas. Problinga r , elicia...Tarint,Catin and Larling Cool
nod C....8utt0n.. 80, fietab mud Japanned Cant arid
Strop Dutton, Dorn and 111aelt Bone boeireoder Dutton,
frbl A. A. MASON 00..
W .N , 1:1 ‘, 11 , y , L:l u g .
''" s
11.11 TENT SOAP l'()1V I)Elt.— 20 boxes just
r,c,ned nod for rab. by P. SELLERS, (C 1C 4 ,..1
of bolo tb.. arOrle evt alub, be bed.
boxf, for sale by
- 1.1.1 IV M. A N1,'1.0.1b11 01)
.110) A N 11,k MS--10 bids Lard;
a 1 ..aek 11.1*. to sTril , ^.
00...0n0r Fort Mot for sob. by
0143 1001411 DICKE{ 0 LI)
)O It i o i .. ! ,: :f o r SoiN•rtine
11 LI 'F. S)IALTti-- I lltNe for-wale by
J. SOlll.llOll AK t:K ICU
INSEED OIL—!U brie recd for sale by
JA. e. a 00 ll.Alliiiollll
)A l'Elt -1010 reams ‘‘'napping. amsorted;
1 , 0 .1.. Haware d m
.1, . .1. f.o rd llooN3l A KEA a ex)
1 HAW ICS t't;tilitoNS...-.Just received and
fcr 1 , 0 J. KIDD 2 CO.
UI nte.l*tinrl
oll.lli EK'S 11EICI4S, all kinds, a. fresh b
and ft3r uln 1.1
A tv A . 1r !1 ., N10 NI A FORT
'or FEE— '2llO voir,•e, jut rpe't
an Ilnr.u•lp ItCHIIIIIIk1F:
N. 11.1 Water rtreet
11.4 1 IIES L II PECA :hist Ted, 3 Phl
11..1 ALCIA,III/ A CO,
1-4berty etre,
1141:1 . 1S I I Eli PS , -",11 . drnn,. YeaelAr.wi .
11. A Fiecbt P, A CO.
. .
tcwArtment yet Iperufiei by whkl
r•Awderled •wo ,ertalwlr deter.] .Apr4113.10).1,
hut ‘lwwwww. Prwew.3l-14. 14,Lu. and 14.60 V.
xl I% rad) and Jewelry 4.ww
Fr•l r. 4 ILK
iii)xES--41k1 'lapel"! WO.Wi, •
• tap,
I Fll . 0 ; P LES--
[IE A I 1,./ Ca.k. on hand and for
6.10/ iL TILZF.LI. a CO.
LASS-4 if all 'iv: rind qualities, on hand
•r.,11,..a1e ny It DAI.ZEI.L A CO.
I3lt I.S. NI). I. ROSIN, juet received
lor cal. by II A. FAIINE.STOCK R CO.
~onmr iro..lana Tina it,
1-10 ELL( liVS- Fine pair of Bellowq, nearly
nal*. by WAIVIC, ATli I N,ON OKEtr.
110 first unit
rill Mt ir SEE!) - Timothy
hind arra Nir ralr by It loiLZELI. 1 Co
in Liberty atamt.
IV/ *arrant
I tmmt for mb. by It. K. +ELLER?,
Wool rfamt.
1 A N SEE I/S—A full and •,00d aseort
em omf Mmla. juri mceirol fromha - aa' atern elfin.
fir m
holoralr. aml rrtail, .t lb. unit stare roamer of
ilcr.l and ar sLath .trort.
c()(3/1 DOLLS Allegheny City Coupen
1 . 1 oe. Its.rst payable In Semi York. will toe
trot. A.,111L1,* IV •
BEESE-40 boxes on hand and for sale b r l
JIM' A PYLES—tall) 1, -
t , rale by (Alb 0801
( - lino AND PA. RA,
II InAtmlment, all paid up.
p111 .. ,511 -31
' '
I, T. 1.10
Eli I OM
IV) 1,1
In k.•
ro, March, with 14.4 pm,
liorticoltmlat. Ibt February:
1.510, Review Ms
Diselplim a tale
Merhanie's Namable,
Womenuf Israel, by A rse Airedim
Monte 'niftier., talc for mothers amt daughters:
Mother's Recomnre. by Orate Am
Seltbeeeptiorm o the bietory of homes,,
Heart by Mrs. Ellbe
Oliva. a novel:
Henry Smeaton. by G. P. IL Jame, Eltg;
for We at ilutatEs . Literary Depot: opmedte the Pont Of.
fun. fetal
11. A 111113 RR takes pleasure In m
Lemming Umt he has just opened a lot
awl,. Mame of th e criebrat matte e.
Nimme 0... n and Donn., New look, whirl, with these
on band, form the most elegant, varied, antleatenelve stock
ever otTerml In this city.
Among others, one splendid 7 octave double carved Plano.
Louie XIV ATI, with the new improvement of the
the latest and most inrportant imiworement, Lobe
fmtLonlr t aluangaark'it Mum. ALeo, two superb
LW- 11.—Ao ertemive lot of New Made, embraehut Jenny
a,lnd's, and the choirmt new 8011al, Polkas, Waittes , 4 SION OF TUE GOLDEN HARP. 101 Third at.
riAPER--Folin, Packet, Commercial and
Quarto Poet and Cap raper, is large 'apple of quo-
ea ruled and plain, blue and white, for rale no liberal
ten. at jal9 W. S. ILA FEN'S
VOTES AND DRAFTS.—Engraved and
4.1 Stereograph Notee mei 1,4._ beautiful de •
entna ahem., or bound in boo of rarinua Itur
aale a't W. S. RAVE. Blank Book Store,
/4WD Car vltut. and Second 6111.
!American, Jourtial. Mul Poet r0P7.1
1, 1 V - TIN° INK-"--Amold'e Writing Fluid,
fibb4iv i eVfmti Flulti ' s!nl Red Ink". •
ilarrieon's Columbian Ink—rol and. black.
Rogan A Thompron's Commercial Ink—black. marleL
and mi.
French Carmine ink- For ale by W. S. DAVIN.
A new clawleal dictionary of Onsek and Ilommt blo.
Uggi ,°,726 ti - Va=ll 7 o . p•P' R ,rl' 7 at b alUrol ' ogy the ,
by Wi th am Smith LL D.. editorot m:initionatin of Limn
and Ilona,. AnUo Pities, and oftireek and Roman Biography
)1 reelect'. with numemus correct/ono and
add one by Chart. Anthort, LL. D, Professor of the
Derek and Latin Lawny,. In Columbia Wks.
b 7 Pr. NVitCr7kty It ' jtx " rbe a 4rttlf,
rate of F lumblamh . Cumberland. Enured cloth, W.
No. c of the Life and Correspondence of Robert Sou
they.ea of .
pd the
author of the, regal "
tares of the Q f Unit
ueena of
1 V he /Melina of Popery and its Comet; an Address deliv
ered In the Broadway Tabernacle. on Wednesday evening.
Jan 74 DLL by am B. Iturray. D. D.
The above booke But received, and far War
IL C. STOCTON, No. 47 - Market et
Masao., Roo et Wood ams hat mad
s l e?and now open for Pale a larg e
racketed stock of A, Oa. bird o ortotro Pis
un, from the menu Cory of Chickering lloaton• to
which to Invites the attention of porrlibaera The, Pia.
ona arc inrarlably told at Swim prier, without not , cc , .
..horepe Am tran , portation or riale, and in aliases wartainted
Old loon* taken in part isymeial i lgo
I tpeguilztlue
Agent for there's of Oak kerin ' or ' ' ' ra Pianos for Best. Pao.
ho 'Wood nog•t
lkonum Bloorniphy. Mr:botany. pod G.,
9 3 L ''' I l l 'i. i..T " rirr l a o ::1 d 31Mo1 0 1 1 :y 14 117ra
anTEPPa b C .
lAns of the Queens of Pentland and Pauli n:1 Princesses
respo - otlen l % of R Souther Edited
s. hr
his RIM the Rev la C Southey, It. A.I rot
no Moline of Popery, and Its l'aurat-s ,Addrese
Ilrenotl on the Brroadwaf ou Wednesday ecru
January 15 INA. by- Res. So alurnal f U.
Jiool meowed mid for sale by
fel.3 7', Al.llO Buildings. Fourth
N EW KW lA/51
lamely Staid. no. a eel. brat...Jolt:en from
opera of Jowanods. toc tott odor
tlotho r. thou rt faithful noun pool lo3. UJ ' A
C Fowler .
owny she sleets. to, Alice noir. by d U. 1,R6
I'd offer thee this baud of ann.
(tome maiden. Tnaormilllo.
Ite may Is happy yet from the loaubtotom of St Mark
tiorno Burial, brat - orib. .rd tom - lung ballad
Thou hart wooled the .pint that lured the.
Ina Doll. or don t I Pal aqta•PLlLer oarrt then
kairt.. Polka. hy C. Fads.
Thr ...lota-M.41 Polka Dances .
Jonnett mud deanott—romplet.
F.iry quadrille, by Mrs krt.. Vadnuo Polka
Belli Polka. be }turf Muller. Chit Chat Polka.
Iris Polka Batchelor's Polka.
UR) bluadzilles—reryease and pretty
Roo, Quadrille, Roslgnol Polka. ot Reuben y
A sew ettotkon
or lisalsou's Id , truetiomoo fur Plano, with
Dix additional pages or new lesson.
Clarks'. Catechism fir the Piano .
Purnoe's Nano Forte Primer. Received haolay for
JOHN II IlklohOlt o It {Tool rat
70 it— Pt very bun.. stork 'd hew Plance artiriPy sod
trill hoe open for tolaisieek
Lst,nry Derwt, Third , .treat. otoPuttlu
no Poet Odle,
Home In!ut., • Tale fyir Mothers amyl Daughters. By
Orate Aeolis.
Anthers keehyriy•kr.. By Gran. Agrillar
Itahßon' !if arulite for January.
tritlg &humane tor
The Mother's Itkiroropenee. hotel. Br lira.. Aguilar.
The Lutterellri ..r tiro mania
0.. uorel
The Laylderolayllll--an EnAllah gory.
To !nee wail to be mete!—• tale.
Carona. efltriraikarirk. By G. W A. Raynaila
ItiyallYli lkihrekilnoyal.
A Lauer try the It. or Berr
I), Berg', Bottle lay Ilyiktory Watch.. oil the Beeline iyl
tint;.;ti. t ',lime.
11%, *
pvel. 0, with, or .The
ho I of the• A ru.rierm kltutulnato.l eral,tiou of the Waved
New Books, just received.
rlicE Danis of the Bible ; by George Gillib
lan I vol
rvelf flliendoxf% twine ft Vrogreede• exhihillnn of the
Greek (imams, ale.h.-suvl tur bteinarr• In Greek. and
haffk <ltemise. for forauff.nues tud aglefree. ItT MaLd f.
Kethlrlek. eul. 11..Tn0.
The Yonth , C.efunwl. lie Hannah rhurg Onniff 11,1 fame
Clufnue au.l C.onnfer et-trfs. Ify ffhLrfa J .11c.finholf.
I a.. 1 1 - 2rno.
The Shaber, •..fuel - 11farge Influence
11, Oren. ./hcnilar.
mech.-tn., Mai:fain.. sal Engineer,: Furl
.014 n... 11,1
It, N. , . luctlona i r e y Illrellaute,are railirie;logs No
7 , Apollo I.
tuoua and exilic,' Latin Enkh Leek.. forundr‘l
e lamer Lalin.liertnan Lo es.n of Dr.llllllato Freund.
alth addlns, and cot - Rearms frnro the Lezietnv of lierener.
ttcheller.Gmrae, by E A. Andrea, L L. D.
Till Inc. %OKI, or MC I'ALITSO., being the pernonal ear.
rally? and molts of Inv?' through No Sunda-kb or Ital..
shaft Hand, and other park. of Pol Elev. Ileury
T. Chary., author of Th.. Whalebtal Capture.. WIN
Tot moron', Irrymtrcase a asit , zl nO b lonar Influence.—
BT ''f
1013 STOCKIVN. y 47 I.l.rket
Cheockle. Post.. and Anaryi.un
s, ni e 0 tins and 42.11[1, ruled and Oslo. Woo
Coolo of eveo. dolorlption on mna or color al. 'hoot Hoax. • mad,
. • s • .
etatonerr—tagliin, French •611 Ameriean, Wry mid
staple for mile by W. & HAY EN, Stationer.
aid Market rt, onrner of Second.
. —.....--
11100 K AND JOB PRINTING—B;ery de-
PZJITi:g . = u me.VWrror.,'. c .; 1t..!
hest member. by W. S. HAVEN, -
Printing Min, 00 Third bewail Market. nut Ferry.
67,TATIONERY—IV. S. liereN, corner Of,
kjSecond and Market sta, has lior main no lane and wn ,
plate an assortment of hear national" so hat twat been
olirnial in trur market. kirretannto oupplied with every
article i 0 [hit line on the mon formai:la term.
Enr. u-P. ....,:g411 1 47, lot
Inthe richest doserlotkol cif exterior and tnna orlare .
It Is mad.
[ t he
Rorer„ styla. In v.. In the reign of Lod. XIV and
XV. AI. a D. lot of fashionable and loopulaz
and . cater., ardectlnn of Brans Instruments, Violins.
0.., Melodeons, Ind every 1.017 of musical mere..
BOOKS.—Llumboles new Work,
Conon, or Nkolthes of • 1 b, - ,1 a 1 dtecriptlon of the
I ,Moz;e o tk i l4:h . .7 o. of MinneeMe. the N.. Englewd of
31erhanie., and Engineer, Dletlnhary, Met No.
n' TZeZeTr '''' ‘ro
Tt c .IPtIPEIV:.4;
0.10 Apollo OpillingA.
TIIOiIPON'S oot ! Block, RA.I, Scarlet
~ ...-
canals, Fate ea. Ilrookman and Langlion'a deflect..
el Monnw s Murk and Red Lead Pendia
Inkstands of wyery dyseelptlo,thllott a, Cameo. pmt's,
Lee) s, Kel Irisg wo s, mei other manufactures of Steel
'Wood:A Es 1110 , 1taxith man s
Istansen.or to A ti Layley A Cat
eel, breed Bold Pens, with gold and .110, eassLw
Irlustman's Fhtelleh Ontwltur Paper-antletharlan. don
hi. elephant. alba. , oluml,l, on r royal, peal a nd ,d,..
pliant, Bristol hoards, eat.. , nd medium
Pmforatal tent,limey In •n tan r, plain gold and silver.
~,,,,,„pd vold,,Jlver and fon, r , Jared Pale, geld nod
soloral stem. and awn, rx,"and lithography fur lathy boa.,
orplowd,,,an hoient of nil AU`, stiltable for deals shalt.
nrs'entell=tTgiji.zzl,',°:;rd,M,•:•lt7,7;;;:°,o.llr,",t ,"::
sal and silvered. suitable So Iwlts. warn, Is ' aminvs ;Id
- 0y,.. envelopes, phlo an I embeased, letter easel
ons s. brown, white and I.lto. laid and plain adhesive . o
p bp, butt, blue and whit,
W.f ac wafer ends, varions Inatome, writing and: brass
Oa ranee and Turk, Inmererl sand Las ~, MPoo) in., prow,
Inks. brueben. Freneb and Englith coming banks, and oil
t r., Ram. paper of all eolore red end white patent blot
7i,!. * lnerar n itt ' a i lll . 4Ve; artieles In the Ntationery Line
both fane, and staple, together with • into. aanortment of
blank balks and memorandum hooks of all common forms
of uling. In every et, le of Moiling, and tan, of s
and quaint, for wale et Pslum,l Wee., the mor aine t nap.
able lertus. at 11 8 HAI F:N'S
Blank Beek and Statham, 14 arebouse,
man Corner of Vlarket and Svond streets
, TANDISii, THE PURITAN, a Tale of
LT the American Revolution. By Eldred lirayenn, Eno.
Illstory of the Reformation of the hixteetillt tWotury.
by A. IL Merle d'Aublene, 11. D., Preeldent of the Tlssolo.
giral ttehml of Oeueva, •2141 fre, President of the Baden,
lKe vanilone Ttatalatssl by 11. White. It A.. Trinityl`ol
ge, nail/Mee
he Murry, IP History. Antlaulth., am! Iflography. II
Instrated by fort, engravings. 0t'41•111 Oath.
The above works for wde by tC. I , loChillsi,
Belkseller and /statiner,
Jalo Corner of Markot and mint eta
UTLINE i lAPS—Pelton's splendid Out
Bp Rap ow. ans belnyluttraltresl 10 hire leading
s i t i lls In Nei Enviond and New lot* Me obtain
ed the /map, far them In Pittsburgh, and Invite teachers anannlttnee to tall and examine them.
No I -Map of Ow Western Hemisphere, 12 xB2 Inebee
d do Eastern do do
I du North America, 70 0 (4
4 do Unltol elates, 70x el,
7 ,Ist Rump, 70 a 82
• do Asla, xAI do 8 America& Africa 7U
70 0 Al
Plin , of the aeries, 0110 her, SZa or the act two MVOs
ph,. Asp, with key sin.
These and en:na r i i i , ,......<l .ln ^a z t lr su rtf and zr
osi7Slinia s.P.o.n. r in. Unita' A't..... l' , -
For Ws al llttblidler'll priers, ultimo% addition off eight
jardo Corner of Market awl Fourth at.
Morris and Willis's Home Journal.
FEMU - STIED mery Saturday in New York
City, st TWo Dolt., • on, .., , nlin in nit .....i. in
CONNUMON or AGMT - -0111ee of the llama Tomnal, Na
107 Fulton etrart, :try fork, Devember 24. ISSU -To ell
whom it may concern This may wrtlfy that J. O. I)ol.kra
4,,iniy auttioriPd to set aX t (em Stomas %rupee
No . Thp,,,,„ and that all Peeipls erten by 1311.1 Inca
t:o , ml for said paper will be dalr acknowledged by us et Um
Moe of publlratlon. and It Is expressly agre e d ~,,a ~,,,,k,„,
stood, that all robemiption• ore pax am,, ~,,x , ~,,n , . ~.,
Yawn The new volume will eotranetwa on the Ist of Jmus.
am • Ituf.lirtioo.l received by J. B Holmes, Ttdrd area,
°lndn. the Fowl Oaks 11014118 A BILL'S,
d, Editors and Proprietor,
ENYELO PE S.—Just received, alar - ge
rvity,,whlte Envelopes, of all
" ' ' A'. B.IIAI l' l r'v'S t " re v
, , „hamar) ..111,09*
jan,3o Cor. Market and a
Pees 2 nrl 0- '
~---- -
FW BONNETS—MTlrpthfield
„." mr. , n11.1 . 7g several mom of leen Prying
oiennelA mnolisting.m . tflillYin. Brighton chip, flung:tn..
POUI •11, o pi r, null
Itutlanda, Jenny
Lind, end Allionv, Coburn null Algarine Conan,
Mina Pearl, Embry/demi da. Amery Pearl, ram rf
Pedal and Pearl. Malt& Lutan, chip and Dunrb. Apr;
Mines ad Children's onnets o f
Also, semen° , Enillab a(12101b, plaln and a%ed
chip do, as lo ni 3i rents. Alo, Bova and in
fants' Bala, COM. Alt.,. chh. ac.
lUSIC, &r
• .7. &
SINCE the introduction of this new Con..
Waal. Cousb• utui Colds are cured In very Ghee
time. We willwarrant Dr. Keyeer'a Pectoral Syrup
un , mare of Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis, lasiKunitla In
time aml at a cheaper rate than any other medicine et,
Modtranee an sicken the atomach and prod
tI moo die...x..6b1., than the nough This it obs
al.rd in tide mixture fur it is a pleasant soothing artie,
and It will mire or th; mow, , e 0 lrmeLet / The e.
In favor of dila medicine In waterier. from our owl
ritlrrna Phonic' nonrinee any ore of Its eflicary. It la pnweri. Ption of reimlar phyalcian. and Imo teen une,l
tOM in his own prartire for • number of year, with
moat heroic outnwse.
ININSILMIPTION—A lady town Steubenville write, age
her daughter had Iscu antlered with &mug/total enactor
ration, nicht sweats, beetle fever, and all the illetresein_
eimptoms 0/commutator, amt that alter taking two hot
tieselm was entirely enrol. A gentler:Luau In Washington
roonty who had .o ffend with Asthma and Chronic Cou6rl
for eight years hu boontitydy relines! arid the norgl.
removed by the use of half en a
doom of Lollies of this Prs ,
tool Syrup. A gentleman from Peoria Illinois, write
Cat ii
he known the Pectoral to be • geed article. bir
he has need it In his n Mile Syrup
and In the cases of member
able family with the most perfect sumo.
Ir ot 00, or rim Contemn Idratniem not crow}—lt i
L a r t s7 ,4o. half plot lottlm at 20 cents each, or als.bottic
Coma, Sroaratomm would iirt Swell to keep s supply
Ude mistletoe on haml all the time, as It Ls one of the mos'
pe r
and efficacious temedles ever diPerOVerol for at
muche and disown. of the lungs and Incipient Ilinsaispeges
CAUTION EXTRA—Many immune will MY to get Yoo t•
bay moot one of the various rewtrums, but do riot. heed
them. /f you want to get well buy Do, Kmagn'a h as
STIMP. nod bike no other, thin will cage you. It has in it
RUMP of the moot valuable nlanle and herb,. of the materin
medico. and la compounded by a perms skilled in the heal
log not. There ran be no deception to this tuvelkine. It I.
prepared Lo Your coo city. and the proprietor him num,
ous rortifimitos from pemotur to our own city. attesting lb
valueable propertim which will ho shown to any proem
Animas of amino hem.
Aorms Wsimgn throughout the United Stater to Noll till
medicine. Large Dramas will be mode to threw who wiD
take an Interco/ in the medicine. It will pay a large wont
to all 4f.t..besideol, tber will be doing sa&ring hmits.a/M
• venter b y plod ng in their bands the .trot =wham
for Luew aware!. the maid has weer r_mdpne . d.
Far role, wholesale and by KEIRLIt
ELL. Druendrta 140 Wood street, Pfitebargh, Pa., to whom
all letters far sweades meet be eddreaneel. Al far ealt ,
D.ll. Corey. Allegheny dirt Par
. bunker, Dramamine".
(Wage Pam/ Washington; John 11. Dacha/ma, !pekoe ,
George Keyser. McKee/mart• J. D. Vowel/ Ganonsbark
and by marehnids and drug ins generally.
{,ZELLERS' LIVER PlLL—•'The very best
AJPill no. in we I"
K..switt Comd Florae. st at e
J.. 4.
Mr. R. Bellers—Dear Sim I will state to you that it
it my opinion your Pill It perbaps du eery bed Pill nor
la use or • Liver 1111, arad Ii summed by none re no
Antlalions Iy le Ted- highly
med our cum
=unity ea a family pill. and is bet suppl.tlng elicited
I now speak from
noir enperinon tad from the ex•
;embrace of many of my friends and customers.
Yours remedially.
P. S.—l aro permitted to show the original litter. but
not to publish the welter's name. -
eilencitcrte Liver Pillwato the Otisti.l. Only Trne
Murano. All others are counteriella or hese imitations.
Purebred, recollect that 11. E. Sellers' Live- Pill" are
the miens/ .d only - true and ,nuine Liver MIL and
WV be trod at iio. 57 -Wood mud of Droned. Mom
rally In the two cities and 'trinity. laZ
ELLERS' LlVff. PILLS supercede all
itothers.Cherie:man, Va., Seta. 1, 1/....1.-11r. IL E.
esln - c—Vour VIM have become no phpular In all thin re
fryni.lrcrikrlll'llrc2err/Tilr"b an
Evtt.L.t. of a lener. I J.t.o
Poreharen. recollect that II E. Seliere Liver Kit ott. the
bed rat l and pally tree and Rvpvioe Wv<r b. nod y
t •
SI 11
I_7 I'mparedunder the immediate rare of the Inventor
and ertabllebed for tionird, of thirty years.
Tho eleuant pret.ratton I, reeortunended in all nom,i of
File. ad/lithe. Inilh:ettloo, gout- nod Oral'', n. th' °. " 6 '
rare. ea.y. And e11...10af form in whieh M.nesia mar, and
Indeed the only one in alikh It ought to be hoe
eee,ing all the nent , ertini of the Sfignegle nown general
one. without being liable like it. to forco danqrrous ronere
limo, In the. bowelx it eltertually run, heartburn without
Ito tiring the mate of the enla. polar And their
carinualeA are buoy. to doe it prevent. the of Infant.
turning num In All cane. , It art,. a viewing Avenel.. and
peruharly adantod to f00t,..
Pot Iluniehrey Nit y' ter ibol 11/At eolution
bona, aA
nlAe combination/1 with urn. rid rall./1 no name: of y.oot And.
gravel. thereby counteracting their trndene,
when Oh, alkAlleo Rod even to tornla iteclf. had failed.
Pont tilt Phalli llramplon. Part., Surgeon tietieral to the
Army In
Dear Sir--There rain be on doubt that Mauneainnu, Ir.
Wooled/Mined loom nifely In the Ono of a nonrentranal
hat MU than In antietan, for 0.1., and many other rm....
am of opinion that the Fluid Mat: man very valuable
ad dition to oar Mated., Medina PHILI ia P
Mr Jain, Clark. Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright. ad 111.1
it uthri. and Ilrrlert May, of London, strongly rivolonwnd
Miteray'a Fluid Mausuala.. helug Infinitely nom. Pare and
Par 'en lb. the eolid, and free from the danger attend
tall Bor. Wandl Front ant.
ITALLISTEI'S onsmimarr.
(101 c TA IN INO no Mercury, nor other
Mineral. The following talitimambd was given by the
liratad Or. Wood, beach. the author of the ;treat tordi.
fl wort el:Mihail Anterimn linctlee of Modlci. and
amily Phi
^Daring lawn We armitdotial nith the lugrnlbvG
artto-la root I
ra MeAlliatcr i a.All-Indlng Bantment. and hoc
mu prescribed and toided It In veral eat. In soy prlrate ,ol
gior ,,, t , ifi d ing 11
whaler,: that BA ingnallen. ortnitteed as thee are. and
. 1
mied as dimmed by die pummels. sni not only 12110
bat of great value • twiny truly Scientific Remedy of great
pow,: and 1 cheerfully recommend it ton compound
•hich Mu done touch pael, and which La adapt/al to the
cure ot great variety of mine. Thouyb I bars net,
either renmanendial or frit:AWN' In the aide of secret nu.4l
- mganl tbr the trill, honiat , coriecientiou, humane
character of the proprietor of thit ointment. and the value
of la . is dierairezy. bilge me to any
Lbo, o ' ,ll . r E h A Unl i t!
New 1•ork, APril 1010.
ncaxa.—lt le one
yearlyf the lewt thing, e worldOi
m burn,
d b thy
It never rvile Rivin.t relief cu
re in
lr Tumor,. (acre, and kinds ol me, It Lou nowynal.
II Mother. and Nur., knew ILI value In cares or ewollen
hlr, Itreart, they would alters apply It. In such raw,
If uted acmnling to direction, kt ',iv. relief Inn very tow
Around the Loxdireetiono for using MeAllirter's
Alintsunnt for Scrofula, pre
Liter Otonhtaint. Er,olpelkat.
Chlinigin, Scald flea& Sore Eyes. Quincr: Sore Throe.
ll ronehnis. ?/errout AfteotionA Di.NOLF. of the Spine,
Head Aeba 13.121 A. Corn, all Intrust,. of the Skin. Son,
LIP% Pimples. S.teelling of the Limbs. Sort, !Mount.
Ism ., l t . , l 42l ,. ..eir ,, lci u, P h or: l, ll } Tont...cre !led or Broken Itretot.
Pr.% tO/ Rohottog /halo
There was netor. perhort, 3letliolne Itrought b-!on Otto
another fif third of troutorwono ~ m op In the
OA, It fourth of swelling to the limb,. Sr. to do, not
W l TOTi=„t=fly! ' ry " cwecon do no 'M u . ,
A, nowt, etidenore the wonderful healing power t•os
se.tett he thl, ealte,rutojoin the foTtortn,
front rOttpretable riff.. of llnittencreck township• in this
31 .ddearreek. Berk. at. 31toehnit,
Siengrn. Ritter to inform Jo o that 1 arm
eottrely rimed ,f a severe pain In the back. by the u.a., of
MeAlll,..e. All.l . lealing gal.., which 1 ...ha,' from
you. 1 puttered with it ihr about twenty years. and nt night
wo., unable to deep. Jiuring that time I trivet variou..
oord', which were pProribed for me In' phyairtana mut
ther pernon., without receivingary relief. dat
=ode trial of this mire. with • 'vault faeoratile an t.I ru
lactation. lam now entirely free front Itoe path. mol
nainight I 1 peaceful and rrlreel have ib..
ve nun for tooth orheand other. colt jainta with dont.,
ball) revolt , Your friend,
JAMBS 31 e.t1.1.1. ' 1 • 11 6 : '""'"'
ofti ' " fr h P '!4".'4,l l -,•; ) ,r ; . b . m?ritecb ,
Acrtm Prrommum.-11. A. Fatinentoek Co., coroir et
Waal and Finet Jrult.eion. No. 240 Liberty atm.,
L What, Jr. corner of Market stnct andthe Diamond.
alto corner of Fourth and ft - dill:rid al, .1. 11. C.a.v.el, ren.
Oinof Walnut and Penn at, Fifth Wart: and veld at the
k store to Sonthflald atroe, glued door from hereof
to Allewbeor city by 11. P. Schwan& and J. Pougla,
by J. U. knith, droggrat. Birmingham; B. Nead e y, Fier
Brioroarilk: John oarkley,Bearer. joho.Nralk T. .er,
Elisabath;lkyntright t Erwin, n.
• Where is the man wbo don not wreciato the luau,/
o ra.ry share? If any there be. we do noh address our.
selyee to them. But to all ether, we my , if you wadi to
render sbaelng a pleasura Ptitehate • boa ofJules Ifituers
Almond Pistacht, or Ambruslan Sharing t'sentrie. It in in
herit. Imptreible to find wends to deeeribe thr helium. of •
Pers.—who hen been need teetering with ordinary' soap—
pon caking trial of this for
andt time.
It Ina /achy.
nation of wonder, edmiraldent. pleasure.
JULE.? HAULM'S SIIAVINti CitEAM In taneedingle
emollient, rendering the stiffest and meet airy beard soil
and pliable, ' , redwing an edtrilmble lather, and by It, re
treenely mild nature allnylog the iernatioth and presenting'
that unpleasant and stiff feeling. of the shin which in An
often empeoienend inter shaving.
ten wins Jule, Hanes Shaving. Cream. may fur
tha ,aadssr erst most ;descry, winds Immediately after its
eine. without the shin becoming chapped. Aod thos e wh o
once mie It. 73 east rafalf4A : Vl u tter Wet any ot . „
laYry= th/7=ll?t%lnot
discolor the hard. which newt Wane will do. ng a satoll
or runty appearance to the edge of the whinier...
Julee Reuere Shining theamnatedelfiettrylpreparations,
erynpuundel with nkill, 411 the utter exclusion of all stud.,
calculated to render the operation of ahaving
latil will be appreciated by all who make trial of theta.
Prefared mil, by
JULF-9 lIA UEL. Perfumer end Chentlnt.
strinet Philadelphia
For sale , wholend re
e and tail. by IL A. Yalinentock A C 1,..
anJ IL ti Sellern, Pittsburgh; and Juba :argent, end .1..
Mit...hell. A Ikabany CYtr
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
uittic ATTENTION 'is respectfully in-
Ilnl the fallowing Volta.. sat f.,rth In relation
one of the not lumemlant retordlex of modem. tione2
PETIIOI.EIIaI Olt BOCK till: It la not im n• limn one
year ago Pince thlr cast remedy wax brought NI., the
' , oldie, fur the u4ur and run. of dim. . Its cost power.
to heal, haVt. anew then, lemon,. fully
hy the
omouturoty. and so allege that the longer it Ix tried the
more rertarn will Its anxit lame lititnnit. it in not the rein
exty rd a day . got op for the eole plirmle or touting Minn,.
One i .alit we rameelm , trill outdone to le. mad when
all other isoetrorna bare lan n forgotten. The Petroleum I.
Natural Woody, elaborated In "the depth, of We earth
byat power audacme, that laughe tones nll human
It le our ditty, wlm, we write shat o tordi ,
n, that wo write the truth—that we gay nothing avant.
lilted to deceive thole who may trot our word or put
dela', In or etatemeuta. :he Molt are very ant to cab I. at
any thing that prourtma relief than Jim., A Starr ran
banny le too highly wrought to answer the obyeet or gull
ing or hunaboamna sune of them. how, we do not denim
W do thix, we are anxkom only that the troth In relation to
onr remedy should Le told. in order hi for it a repu
tation Me exremling any gnat. :ugh le lo the tnateria
lea. 1.1,11 n ouvandehed facts—Lmte that may lemmertained
In our ally and neighlmrhool, hem motile terti..ny
In L
r of the Petroleum.
Within the poet two mot:oh a two of our own Mire.*
who were totally Mad. bare Leen restored to right.
mai mow of tilindon. In the State of Ohio, bare tees
client And.alm. the COM of • gentleman in Beaver con.,
Thee. ass other"; Lot thew are ca.M. nr home, and-Inar
Iw r ,r,,ve by any period, who have ea
deuhta r.n themle
tort. Thaw Pere, wem ourwl alter the> hod tern ahamlon
14tm4um will cum.
„h„,nit anconitne to direetionr—lharrhom.Dyientery,
Pilm. Rheumatism. Coot. Neonate i. Eruptions on Um SCin,
Phapl.... on the fats, Cbronie Son. Eyes. Itirmworm. Titter,
Wen Bead, Patna in the bon., and mint, old corm,
Wen. Ague, Chomir Mauglie, Artily., Bronchitis. sod all
Pulmonary effectiona of a chronic nature, tending to pro-
Share ()mammal:Mo.
Chßurr. and N ipp l e, Madder and kidnep,
apped Hand. },Punted p Corm and 80ni....
In fact. it is e tiat,rnarveligat amend, and hoe been tried
in noel of the nhin ilinWnin Within the put year with the
nowt perfort no-rear. CertiOnstra that will aelonleh oix , in
the haude of the prnprirtor,rho will take pl.:wore in 'bow.
Is ll'h "" a:v• t ; Ttlig"otty'en'ai="l'elr malleints, the
Petroleum Is the greatest Remedy of the age. Playeielana
of high standing In the prollmion are hmirodog Iteelt
In their praelire. .Three who at Ilmt 100k . ..d0n • id. bait
tall uncertainty. am willing ha meant It due ;maim end
runalderation. Refore
year mita niond. all will be
compelled to aeknowlelhm that the Petroleum is the great
est medicine ever dimoverval. For vale. wholesale mat re
tail. by it 31e1X)1VELL 140 ll'ood et-
E. Sella, 57 Wood glnet U. Curry. I). A,
loleph Douglas. Allegheny City. Alpo, by the pro.
prielor, .11. Canal Benin. Seventh rt.... Pitt ,
burgh, and D. A. Fahnertoelt k Co, Waal and Front at.
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
ATWM. DIGBY'S Cheap Cash Clothing
Store. No.IZO Lawny. erts,et.
the proprietor of the ahne.regtablighmen I 1...10g limirntlo
oof alanoxing of the Wan.* or UN whin, surk, make
raw for eatenelve purehaays for firing. ahortir to at
rira. ha, determined to offer them at math
rrie., for ro.h. All Ulnae who want zorl. faAhlunable and
well made Clothing, will tot It greatly' to their advantaze
to favor bin, with s call, a.* great bargain,. will be mr,ed
New Books Just Received.
ALTON LOCK E, Tailor and Poet ; an nuke
tent-N. 1 nal. lhno, nun,
gatintar Urination. CO? the nf Novano and tdnehere.
intd )oang
, p i t h of both neg.,
the nod
in or nordatac a with • rgeolution cif the Seams. And Moine
of Itepratatigeg of the State of Michigan ign
he, AM.. late
of Puling
12tno. raw.
a Unitl'4la Brok—tllnney Madame Roland. in - John
S. C. Abbott. with engrating. unllorth with the Anther
rolotpon of Wl..popular hipturiend rearm For nal* by
inn It. 1101thl N 5.10 Apollo twain., Ihurth
rr RI% PLY I . .tIiPETS—W. ItleCtiutock
in now hteneknrd to Pell the larger/ amanthient of then.
call Cartwta now. offend In thl• market. and of the lateat
and wool approved fun and pattern, which are dirnet
truth thw Importers and mad apploml foetal** in the at the carpet 14 arebousa. Eh Fourth rt.
300 grrnf (or rate b) jells J KIDD k IX)
• -- -
VIAL CORK S-1500gin;Sfol salebv
tal9 J.
ISIDDir. 00
PSOM SALTS—Ia brats for male by
jalS J. KIDb t CO
Q,UISIDRIES--Fiftv barrels Family Flour;
102:. Grl. soperf. Flom: '55 brls Etta (kg 00 Dry
A yp ll ie 1 tal Eggs; just mcgi , ml au] Mr We by
- -
ARRY'S TRIeOPREROUS for rale by R.
FL SELLERS, ISuel sole Ntera for l'lttaLutt.
25 mole per bottle.
Murphy dt. Burchfield Invite the attention of tit.
...Bat Wads for hi), waar, to their atairttnent ut th
and other h-el of 1,04il• sdatind for thhi Pumas. j. 16
Cash p , l t t , ,i i tv fo u r v i t V L o j olb r y .
Ltbertr re
ROWN FLANNELS—One roof just re
.l.yeeived fr011:1 nianufarturerr, veil for aide nr
1.11 ED' FLANNEL—One en,e on ham: and
I,t. rul+ by 'al,. MURPHY .t LEE.
ll •
LAISiK ETS—Si ugle and doulde Led. eteani
erib. and nz.tirm I,lanke4 for Rain hy
lal6 MU lIPITY 2 LER.
S—Three c:tsr, assorted Twee&
1 . 1. ,,,, tue•l re • I from mauarartureVA.M..l
45 UM AC—Two tons Stamm for sale by
J llOLASSES—Fiftydive !As new crop, per
Ream, Wino, and fa rale by
J. 4 WES DA LZEI.L. Ge Water et.
• •
T ußAcco—S hos No one, I; twist, received
/41'0' U'i1"' % 4 3111.11)W7.1.1.1.. 4,1 Water nr.
t War, I,lLbuld and 11 , owtml Tvrille•matable rot elr•arn_
last W. 1..; a Ayala, rerv i ii4 . 4 l i . easlt i nt bre ,
10' Wood ...met
11,i1EATHEILS. 11; I,lek, now landing from
IiAI alt PWKEY It CO..
Water and Erma. sts.
Sll'lr:C lor , k i i i ret , e E i ß ve ± d run. , fo r
Es fetle.
B.' fi' UTTER.—Five brie and ten jars prituaron
eg" r ' ' .... ttilltrEE k BARIi ES M.
10. !MOLASSES,—.FiftSr brie, to arrive,
fur rale. t1e2.1 - srirarim . S BARNES.
_LP of nun-. LW B
: erplez antl.Blank rwe'd by
noln • IL B. bTOCKTON.
t ItY, PEACHES.—Three hundred bus just
J, matt. Sr " a " bY SIIRITER t BAIMES.
IoTToN FLANNELS—A farther-supply
IM OWITO .MI4, a an kaglif r ianot w ar c id u l n.
1 1 1 11ENCII - LEAF—F l in t y bundles French
( 1 01.ORS--5 brls Rose Pink;
. Me Bronx, wpmrld;
10 awn , Chrome Yellow and Green;
For mde by pap' J SCllooNllAliEllt CO
VERMILLION-4Vziesta. Chinese, - .
V rain; nrul.torperiel Vermillion, for sal. by •
SSENTIAL OILS-1 can Oil of Sassafras:
ou of LaTender: I ran Oil of ni,,srnarr._l ran
to of !ninon; Iran Oil of 'Brgamot : 1 hoz VII of Clorcr,
WI tryl, Oil of non, inst rrnriv,.l tor rale br
lab) `id 2 CO.
D 1 USSIA BLUE—Ten. boxes No. I for
IRL 01 L.—Lard Oil of a7superior quality.
.o.lo_ IS %Ili( OWE F;1 .“`‘‘. g L Slant
Ai 0 L,l SSE S. —Tlventy ono hrli prinw
Sagor mad 00 gale b,
111 LlTTER.—Thirty kegs and six brIS fresh
Jill butter lutt rreeient and fur tul, be
4.113GA.1{-21 hlids N. O. Sngnr for sale by
kJ no= BROWN dF I RKPATHICK. 144 Liberty 1.
NI EW ItAISINS on consignment for sale by
.ot deal Ilitillra 1-. KIRKPATRICK.
a, a.,10 I.G!:: 1v. , -t Itectified IV hisker,ln gore a.d for tale jatal 1 Jolla PARIC/Ili 6 CO.
X/ OLASSES.-24 brill Sugar House, St.
IV; L.ul.• Ilelln,rs..luA re,lvr.l. and for sale or
.Ir, alllda 1/111.2:1:LI. 0 1.1.1.. Liberty street
I REASI LA lift—Twenty brlsGrease Lard
sad for sal, hy
.y EAF LARD—Prime Cincinnati Leaf Lard
'AT" I. k m" t o .
OLASSES-34 tierce and 300 barrWs
I•rime rooprza,, 211.1:1.1 F. 11. I.r •ale by
V. punkt:L.4.ra to the larpmwt arid
beet eelected ...Am-intent of Three Ply and larrain Carpeta
ever brought to this market, and cheerer than any of the
eaaterti IV. incite all to call and examine oar stock
at No. Fourth aireet and 79 Wend street
aasorttnent of.Satlri. mow
Delain, ' llaLseta, Of the tam
Pl en JatP
t t n 7 . ' t ' ..arFourtr•lge ri t. "' C'"
The Old Printing Establishment,
IrtiATE Johnston nndStooktnn's, and Blank
8, , a and Stationery Wan - hnn.e.
.S. HAVEN peeled,' e‘eente every min of Legal,
t.nannert•ial. Canal. and nento &att..), Plinth. and Bonk.
Ittrui.4l every eirtialo in tin. Blank knok.
rap, nod .atationery line, at [be abortn4 rudiee, and on
Ilif• Men rexolnable terang,_..
Blank Hook and Stationery Wan hotsee. onrcter of Market.
and Sm.tad streets.
inutitin °Woe and 11.1 k Mater, N. ral Thad oL marl
JI half pipeaCupdae Brandy, ..Pato anJ Dark .
ta a or. ookv .lo 1,1, Dario.. skint
ID and wood eldantl bra nd a
!7611.1.1 rlitn - liohlln, Anchor and .. F1.11"
pnnotuous trlnh and Sndrit !dun Iftarkor
do Jaandra Hons.
10 Idol. N If do tr. ,
or ~k. Port Mine
llaloink Wipe.
Malan, 111.rn•
do Dry do. On
10 do ,10 rry Unto.
2.1 Luxor Itonloaus laaml
In Alm. and fur win br .11/11N P IDE CAI-
InnI :1:11 Liberty 'Anat.
L 01.1). SI NCEVES, stuffy
Air and Tune Draft. ou tlu. Earl uul Wo:d. Stock,
boor Lt and
FlreNnut )Irvine Pollelex Lortted on the moot favorable
L.rut, at tlir Durkin. llou.rof
11E1/111/): AIINOLP CO,
.tatt No. 7.1 truurth strnot.
attention or turrohattLa and others In hia /113 . 1., nod
ser.nrled nto.d. ut Motor), Ulna., Under Sblrta, and
Drawer, The above article+ In nat., )tool, literati, and
Moron, or all .It., MIAIIIIII.1.11t!) on hand and for
male lon Li tutr..l Y. IL LiTON.
if I ()LI) PENS. We have flow On hand a
1 1-3 large Kurt of lho bot 11°141 Pont fn. the Notating
nasunfaeturi,. In Nen York. 01.111244 n «aortaell. to color.
elonnottir.l,l Pvtuit and Pon . Savor
Due.. In every Por , upino Pen Ifoldorn Don't Ja
.411 far :air wriudeasle and renal at sex lorkdoiroo.
CIIANIiE OFFICK—N. 1111L31P-S A SONS.. No. 1.7
ket 11reet. tilDhurnh. Lachance .at all tho fladran
utol ean, nd rale. Cotleenan4ataxia In all the
bent 11.04+
INDIA PASTE. 4 gross of that
annnri. ration. Lo. hots and rho,. render - lu Mon Dor.
1, , water torn!, nod pliable nn • ploro. !. ! loth. Tins
trticlo 1.4 ‘1,11111.11nl In an.wer the ~urtarvat n.proaoranl or
he :Instal rofun.l.4 Fur i.leral.• and retail. at .
and Woo.l etn..a. I tan', .1. t.o
TEA WA RE—English At Aillerinaft Brittu.
nia To. Se n ta
h Plaw.d .14.: Plated na.drots. GandkaLtok,
nun,. and Trap, ; PlaNd Fru, tarot qualat /vory 11a/-
1 • ' , a11., Inca, S-arnl. and Iliut
aLlo Lan; Inn Tarr nr tlu< Battu/n:l , ammattufaratur.
Manly ornament...l: Mated Tray. Loauttrul pattern,
A .rry ouptrior Paa.t..r for ri..atonc and noltenhar . pLand
warn. Drueht, for elouniun. Camara, tkin, leather
Durtorr„ Ir.
Aer.Fn eplebr... M
nho. thp •pf ahl. ~ whir will um!, cuQ.ginak boa
-1.43k. nrnt. n, nr am thin,: In a 1•••• minute,
, .. . • ... .
tv. D..
1% 1L1 4 ):`,.
For -01.: b,
1,1.• !larket and Foorth eta
/ 0 .7, t -iSi f iS
, 1..1 L . 41:.1 .,,,,.r I
..0,, F1N E
, ' nnc ;, ,,,,,,,
LO 141. Clover „m.& pnto,
..: hi,d. ,0 ,, ,-.
, • ./,.31.r1. ‘1..1,, , ,,... plll4z. 0. , , ,, ,,,,:c;
~ brl., 1.1,,, , d oil;
- 1 15 1,1. 11 , 11 that,
10 :: 3 1.r7; 1'.7:'...:0tb7 . 5 . , •.1, on hand and ha .ate by
144 1.11..rtr on.n.d
11 Lit I CA4f WOOLLEN I.3(X)DS.—One
• 4 - t hm01,,,,t ..1 11(1. yrs hair
dud ilcd 1314aketos.
.:... ' t:: ''‘'lT ..'all'titti,nl'.'t'll.b::rt:`,!,"..,lii`2l,,..t.
(.01 do licar Coottnr; Blanket. 10-a ' v , ..
Ilmo do Drab do ' .do 'do :
rd do Pine do do do
D'art. Illanket flotb, do
Ido Ifearar Gr•Ly 311i,41, 11o•
:f do 0111%0.'1, I .!hrl:Ftrt...ll Ilmewleloth.
1 - 1 ali load Tlrrea.. ami.rt,,l rubor..
: 1 do •br'ana, ay.r.1.1 oolorx.
2 do en , 0 4 :nr , .... Idaa pod ford 7 mlort.
I do- Fatioetto.llArk and .rdY .4.. d•
4 do do
Ct., bo IV bite
rtoi T vll l,l l ,in..l, yard do wide.
1 0
• The abase dwai hal Rend, aro all oo rocudganstot train
llanala terms earl sod weit., sod are lOir, Nit as
i term to the Wade" at soantatcturme Pt.,
8 ars.
EVOLVERS-,Just received. an addition
ll al "crldr bf ...null. (WIN ..
I,..nOerx w1...b 011mia
___ _
ol,rni. febll IV'• IV. WILSON
EED 01 L--”i
i el.sks Linseed. Oil,
.a se.t and fur Kale b,
ob.' W- . S. A W. lINIIIIALGR.
. AlLD—i.ii4bl, No. I.Lard, I f
recdand or
1_4•.i.. by. .ru I. ' * O. OW. ILARIIArOII.
II OLL BUT'rEI2---101,10 s . fr 4,11 Roll Butter
xi, n,',l sold f..r Pule by
Web., S 0 W. lIARONeOII.
JAUNSEEI) OIL---Inhale, .for ale by
s 0 'li. HAILi3AINIII.
8 11.)3i5__.,,,, .1..”., for s a le by .._
iebll 0..1, 11. gm:uncial.
. lIIIED AI'I.II,ES-60 sacks received and
I )
7 Cr o Kale hr Two LI S. kW. (Lk/MAI:OIL_
ItIED BEEF-6 casks sugar cured, for
rale h r &bit . A. 0 it. ITAIULII.NIII.
ivINTN.)%v iii. Ass-1100 ,locs; ar.sorted
v V sios,. for ode lay &101 l 0. OW. IIiRBAUGH.
LARIL -15 Ws,. and lOU kegs NCI. I. fur
oos l o f,1,11 . bl. 0 ir: nAnnAutai.
CLOVER bbk prime Ohio. for
_tale by I , bll 8d K lIARRACCAL
T AR--°
hrls N. C. Tar for sale by
P"'" "alit,'
lalxN. E. onr. Fourth and Harter
nurch6eld iltal• on hand an sAeorlsrlent of above imO,
9xxon .
y, Wll
cl,.aud tlomevalte ,ItG also, Wide Flaan.
r tittrowling •
1.7 llurpby Dumbbell bestow especial attention on the
alum department of their businms, and to persons
ng.dolt,. of ao y detraiption give Dam • rail before
T Roo for sale by J. KIDD k CO, mils • so Waal at
PONGE-2 cases fine, and 1 hale extra
loco Law, ce tale by jal9 J. KWD at 00
"Mori are Mom thin. h•hrar;n'ar I ear th .
...Than are iimunvit of In 1411..
THE. VIRTUES of this remarkable-I*ms
AL d r...d. Lb. constant applicatkm for it. to the'PtOPPil
sitar, has Indneed hien to rot er it pn iottka.,ll2l La!
Mir and dimetiorts. for the be noti c e thlie •
The PETROLIttiII b precuml Mai a 4:11 it; tlitheconni
ty, at citerh,o,f Sour hundred feet I. a i tar, unadnltoml
PrOPectini reaching • number et . tag tni
nu. is allerlanny oQrrinq, . w t of tt re t.
' L . tb. user - l i ,
,Ivalth and rigor to
mans Culitorer. Lin , • before Uor m
mMlutoxi! t . ci ,f tzt HAI ; in b.:tilos...a trod .
Min Posit. and weevil nur=lr4:4aleil-7--
formed. 4 a enre Indication rum, futon. poPulatity east
Isktc epread applkation in the
11, do not tth to mate a 1.100 parade id repellent.;
laro coneriona that themedichi e can Ova i work Ito Ira
nto the furor of thole who mulct, net nob to to
II Mtn no do not china far It a unitero/ arPrecoint
FhyrUts'llcaee TiThirilttirit)r:ll4l. th ;ttitZu a "
MTV IltN.l,ll7lZ.W.CtStra4ll.&lTrI
tarn l ItTIIII . I. and all gr
pt," and .Kidneys. Paim , In the nark, Side, Nerroin t
kI 47 "TM.
l t.te. for, Its. Trtoo.L ywn The
1,41f,,!.,,,a,,!04,,,72.i.,...Lnarfze5?1,.7xtrd mgrs of daarate. 15,1 e. and ALTY.Iti
to the
whale keno, reme7ing sod
firmetioto, nhicli mune dion4 and a micro conshltn on.
and girinF Increaml and renewed energy to all 114 orms
of of 114: :Oho poPpriitor knows of Octet-Al curse of P I . it.
at wonted itrery
foran get well under the now
of the PLTIGULEIIII etturt tiluit The proof mat to
alren to any perom 'rho tleatoni It.
Gold 19 the ottut the idguature of the ProPeterof•-•
1L ]I. Canal mar Peerntb . tr
Also. bp IL E. hELLIIIIS, fir Wood at.
sod KEYSER * 311)0IVELL,
114 rd %M et and N 4-1,. n who
hir wrote
appointed Agents. ."'".
L - NOW all men who are eicleri d afflicted
114 . with disease of the Rhiddre lad Eidu e n y s . wo e. jhe t e
matte w
ilds 0r,./11•,...1.1111t40, obi sorth.renul
LIZA. t o
may 11 / I .'Tba uflt/V r a ta ....., "° I' l2 l
as jou please but this does not null: it. ' so
in the We of an hottest community. that it
• huh are not
andy other remedy. 11/t=
who is racked with p in .suffering from Blew*.
far 10 ante. get relief Iran 111 s eutwoosaM
Reader! It costs eery Little to make a txh.L mb,
red by the muter
of n
bosom of nur Mother earth. In Ito original purity bubo ,
and of
fej• to antfering bummity a reedy r e medy. thentha and
It has cured Piles. after other medirines bare Wed to
yews.. no. :TIDE it has eared Ithennutlare, of lone
Manduag, Choi the worst
one mat Minna cluratter, f/
has thudra Mabls, bY one or two doe, ij, Ly e
cured old cams of Durrhoea. I[l which seem- atm .ffmsdy
beers'of no mall. As a heal remedy in Innuu asa
sedda It la better tbenasy zarelfeal compound. or olonbeet
that w. know of. It will eurr chilblains seal frOdad
in a lbw aPPIMMieue undthbted Mtimony an be furbish
ed of the meth con tabus/ In the aboth clatesubt, by mit.
log on SAMUEL AL KIER, Canal Bast, Pereutli Meta ,
either of the agents.
berm dt McDowell. corner of Weed 'Werth and Übe.
alloy; It E. milers, 51 M (Jed street, D. A. 2.111 a, and D.
Curry. Allegheny nt, the the agents.
Rinnarxrism CURED. --
h....mada the um of MORTTMER'SfIEUSLIVr•
thring the mvenwt and mod Inveterate rases of IN FLA
gammen. and rthonnuendation to Mdure al/ whose, alllko
tad with this dreadful /Mem, to try its virtues. r
Hundreds of ewes. many of them cltiren. It Pt Loaf,
and oilier, from ahrean. lure tern thandw Rhin Ilse lad
few month. In the city of SC Louis don, while ktfertfrom
thongs ahem/ show alan that It is Po Caution the some
Wherever tried deny of theu .
r were eh rook , ear.. of . kins*
Vrilliel"fbetdwa.rel trm'ortv"n.t'dliri,lnfbrh's
ma rcpt. laaam
toryntonn. sere Aeretn All, hove./ r, linlif to the won
derful virtu, of this medicine, and thousand, AN/ bthe
realisoi lenellia and arr row i u the enjoym e nt of health
mu but eslemn the ongimol dim /serer and proprleter,•
Musty... of menthol
It If well known friau the experfense of Ilia s.t. that oo
001,ram I,4thcato.on en no...My effect a permanent cum
lif tab dreadful Alamo, by th e sulaballou 'db./Ml.of
niment.. partial relief. in some am, may be obtansed
fur abLrt Lim. But all the while this disease L. o r Its
grasp awe rmthe Ml> in the eysn en, and sooner or later
will again develops Molt lo amt s .mhandful fon. and after
pernshcal returns. it methinto • cherthhe lamb
which. If ant MOO sthestot mum tbe Italie/dual row files—
Thie rented bi the history of th e past in nil
and mom fully drosm , tralol by the bodom
lot.' to Ow proprietor of 11. L. nampound. as Meru by eererel
hundreds of Miro who bar e mowed math his Immediate
re Ore and treatment d mine the lane nor mon
PURIFIED Is an Internal recoody—commenere Ms open- _
transa where the ti ase trot oda/notes , and la purtryloo
the blood, beam throughtbe whole system, neutralism the
impure =caustic sollotent. hin, has settledavow th e
membranes, muselm s thainoul I w eu—ransom It entirely from
the system, and neateree the hubsidual to perfwet health.
Lot those who are aliffetol not dreeii a thenuelres, and
pat off the use of this modame too long, or until, their
linito are disloestol or re/M ed ewl to theb degree that
they are nipples far life. The a:perk/lee of hundr e ds of
thomaiell during the past, at molt as multitude at the
Poore , dai.denionstratel th e fully of en/retina verna
l. at relief from external applications.
Thepmprietoe of Ws tamable medicine knam hem m
perien.s, that no outward application thin poseibly effect a
permanent cure where this disease It toady told In the
=.•elirre tell wW
cute s l l,..rffi r' cle wilt:gee . = ron'' bmea
time, but this will not effect a permanent thret TM na
ture of this disease It such that It requires length time a ssid
an internal moody, to pnalthe the Mooed effect. awl
Rheumatic Compound and Mood Pun/kr le the
Acoo remedy that has ever been d ” cod, either In
mericaor thy caber mintry, that will effectually oars
this /them.—
This re/Wane can be hal. wholesale or retail, at N 0.73
Third street , next to the Post Mee, Pittsburgh.
Ala" Su {rale in Pittsburgh. by IL beeper, Wite: ThOrn,
J. MT. N latershthe. and .1 . A. Jones.
Prue per Mule, six IMO, for gag MS pro dome.
Pamphle can be bad grab or.
of tb , '
weird 11. 11. MISBART Agent
R. 4 no /l
oN the &goner. and note protnietor
0 these
popular Net btandielal roolleinert and also -
he• icerenter of the aelsbranal lattrnmeN for. Indating the
Lungs. in !frettng a CM! of Chrenle dteessen, was no
dent of thet eminent phyriinn. Dor.. ?bye.. and la a •
Nnaluate of No Union-AO of Penneylesala and for *Air
Tenn. KUM ;ha. been etwagol in the inserttgation of dile
andarldleatino of remedies thn:utn.
Thrnahh the one of iodating tub, in ronneetionvlth
PlNltYlactio Symp. and other et IN rented.. he ban
rained an t nperalleNl eminence m raring thNe dreeolthl
and 41x1 maladies: Tobesonlar Como:Nation. CAZOMS,
gr.rontin. libeentalhon. aothma. Fever and Ague. Fenrs of
all kinds. 14an.nie EryoNelae. end all throe obstinate die
tt7obrol"lllTlrerbtlefTe burry WlZlfilrtird°
y hem—Nt by the to. of our rontigurei NIT A for that,
ialnemaied_bie eith but by trte ono or
darted tn. and preernbed for, each Pernitat
teem or dh hie
Dr. lON'e Tunic Aiterabee arben Ned. um Nair. •
14y neknetelnlattl to W supenorlo all NI., an a rale
No or live • p il l. linomuch AP they leave the tone tor
feetly f.. No moire... ea al. bin Golden PHU are ad
mit.% by the !malty, to poems reenliar properties, adore
NI to kende dbenoer, but being lea
~ that a bare trial
te aufgeiNt to establish what has teen raid, In the minds of
the rtned okeptiral.
The algid/ xi ore invited to mil upon the urn- and 'me
erne (Nadi) one-of the Ikccoes pcmplaletn,ignirinz delnll-
141 aNnent of each remedy. and Ita aPPENNa.
For vale by the fallowing agent., N as by mestding- •
gig. throughout the cougtre:
J J. gil h 7=ftr. fig i "4, sl l lglieTlr. b ! , _ , Fgh.
A. Toad
trt4ggist. near the 1.4 vutee.anegno.
nr eity.
Joseph Barkley. Darlington. Beaver Nutty, Pa •
John Elliott, /amen L.
T. Adams. Bearer,
an g I 2-41
EOR - TILE AFFLICTED will be found in
Dr. Dewitt C. Kellinwera INFALLIBLE LCalkaNTe
lagic Fluid, which has stocei the [toe of thirty Yeats et.
EV'tttliVolill '' ul=ti l i n a l eid ' 72 . ,
_ ti lt '
ha °Lt.; '
..,... and chlortnt a disci.. We feel tom we hamtel no. '
, t , t , , , Lng I v la dl r gla c =La d thzgy e t;te;l i kin e V i ta . ne w b c tlll . .
it to sot for.
It h.enre akal Dateable of caring more WI
~..,.. t . than
any other m
. 1 . -,. offen fortede, , tre awe not - by ha=
made m old, bywhatooo.o.
Itsa and con...lng proof of the a.m., we eny
that a the athlete that ln the brat of
&patent Bad rie that has eve Wens Path... end reach
ed the praise f the elite generally, as the moth. sgtregaie
.Fandly Aledill.ever ear. for wale, Or Wed by any of
them, elm
11. Lord.. r' .l 1
. 11- ° W l *.rotr,rl?' Lir.11.1:11:: : .
..i.uo„..g.til.'rgier. Ent, Editor oV 4 the Spirit of tam
tr ig
Thome, sad • of of oth er' dial:thrashed tithe. of New
reek, who hait: folly tested ite Merits. bore permitted th e
proprietor to for to them.
As Itte •1•1 known that Patent Medieinei are not gener
ally patronised by the Lamed, althy and pall. _les,
we ham ond.I.MITO debt to oeel ourselves highly prie
..., Th. Wonder working( paud has been anti y
d eg.. -
yeses beGue the public. Ita gfriend. are now Its
ertrongeot end beg. This most undoubtedly Iv strong and
eeneineing Proof of ito general tawfulneso and mnetlye
aoadtlex Kiser...reign manly har all merreas dise
theutnatic mune, errant.. reeding", leonine, brisee, Old
eamw„Mul all the , poi. and settee that girth I. heir to.
thee 1 . 0, ....1.tt1es here Lehi old without ..Plaint.
and ham pi.eforted each a...Lehi. come,. after ell other
remedite bare failed, WI would gagger belief, had we th.,t
otrored t and in our pmeeelon. the
poorible nob
This thedh.lne. or
well as
I. porpturd (tem veg.
e{a hl , for intr.. at well as Paternal me. It m ote lime..
upon the di•mtal part-glelng It health and...myth.- •
It ix a rum
me for Diarrhea. Waoolta, 88... Mate and
ell oistem.lie ofirelloott. di.41411.14 of the liklnes3a, Aral
Weakness in mole or female, from wbeltorlT tams , It may
bar. originatd.
tor min in Put.burob, by It. K Pelle, Bow.. Kidd a 0.1. A Booed, et and by the Mall ItrugYithe
generally,' I tb, out op in four, two, end one ehilllng• Lot.
. j... , tati
Compound be warranted to onaltite the wi th in de. .
Nen .1 *.a - rCIA, whet u•rell At making bred, lon rake,
boeliwitrat mt., ke... by which seating Le, fleeted In the '
litunnfahoukl3 per eent.
To Maas .11txto-K, mew of flour add two tea
tr 4 h tl i trtu r „ ( 7l . r'trig'llo.':. t..1:11...e r! . (mt ir .;;1k c ,!4, --„...
MIMI &ma that you nu oet aside and um at leisure, Wen
VI ,rxlii.t.llrittri.-.o:l",,ri'r,t.,tit72'otighTt
before taki.O-rate or two lema fill do no met, l 1.11.4 it
shoal' be totted much thinner, as. baked at ottre. tut
mll do no
or . fate., or twenty minutes. There
t a no deeper or eemog ben moat of this Compound in the
Mead: it will 000 Lunt thee bread tell., no reletatus, ..j....
wheo meal to ......
di! . .?: ' ` t rlt 2t17 nCr -',1"" In `l7 - } -hr.d- .
,„,„i4n bleed, brown twead AVA th it ' LLtTe -' w, c 72, It t
i .
wbmt rake, apple slum Plin., INFA ].1. • <l.l Sur all baking
Pntlem.. Juthtteeelt. autt for ralo by
se. . C. E. PELLERF, IT Rand at.
Li 1L . A . 1. r ..!;EN'G r..... E TO
netz O T . WORLD. Twenty
pne/um a [lot of paint gr.. or 1,44,%,.rZ,",...hi.:.71.1
warted with Hain, Bower. Chttatealbfesp*. I-Ir.7l,:tote.
~,,,,,,ho n of earl. 1.15 the memo .f Alda ni time m erne!, by my own Improvement . it, now mu.
ril in this counter Az extracting
Gram a ll e Pitch, oil.
p e l. or any Whet gamey ....e, tram all liml..f Rem
demn*. or halm' clothing, mrPtho. table cp.... merino
1.11•1•11,. /34tiMe btemets. Le, with.t in... .y thing
that pute water will ...jure. Morn than one Wow.
porn,. it, different Parts of the country bae,, mid nos thay
L uld nu t be veltho•t le if .it erat 31 a raka . I a trying Ws
..„, pon o , nt . Inane.. article. of debt Mks, 1,1(1124,1ipar.
~1, = ..1 tot .f Z i gv.,;.,Yril =7.11'447 -'.,
grol,74,,N74.Dllltilt;',l—t thttd-3-14"
to tce.nnsend It .y stronzer tban ' l know tube:Viet?, .
• . •
att ° Xer r' ed to ft"' loy• r u h...;, ' sti t' keer t ' ' UV ' . ''''''
"It Prd.,....0,.1-,.rit,T,,,,i7
.7 Wo. si
.1 had not used it wrier bottre 3 felt its bearteial effects,.
aA 1 R. R. E. SELLERS—Sin Suffering front a .: ..
1..r0vtz,,,,,..„,::..,,,,,,hig...ti1l I
,thrrl 111,
y wripes..e,'
- K. E. fellere Co"oult atm .',. r rt . b n it;k i;'n,lut ohor
~ .....7.1 4 : 1;11 ' 1 0 t?: , 1 a n ' : ‘ ,I ttt Vit.wit e1! n1 .7° ,- r . ,17 tr, I,t
u-,,,,,z .•
~,,,,.... and (under the Nein. Wean., had no oreadatt •
to bomb the mitre. I tronfy Me a no to imsineMtnestml
.I', ota,,ie: proiettiet on friends .1 to aw, ono sr, particular.
;i'res Fond
ol 7t.)-tiYt.''%.l''nl'Y'ttrotthr lungs. `.i..-I'—i'd .
eoughs .1 cot. MO. the oulh•relt ha;d,. - Ztr,,...,, (.1 ....
.to .. h. E. &dem' Cougb i atitture... . •
AI./ TAUERALD, 1... t. Wylie 'L.
111-tt=hd ...,Id hy s ii i . Er '.lELT..rft.s. No. IT w,,,i ,t.,
and mid Id ...gist.. generally. •
1114 •
Atiddlood Drool of its oto ram.
14. it. B. It%
had 1:0130 I woe rrOommeuded to tole yo r eOl l
6 7tat0. Wm, r/ot friend W
for this plum Idollt hafithe der/red et ' kel r ot=
me of much t had I:lmpaired
i t , :taord almost ear thing that it rat In toy arer to
CArlt'Vtl;u'ip'!' I*(tfloulPlTtiVeghoott"l7 t
to g
nod roma:mm.lldg It to the poblie as one of I.IIA cat met*
dam Mat ham mar beed pm:an* for the ea for arleb.
L Intended.
.1.d.11111. SUITS; •
Prrtaoad and .old hf LE. 816 11:ERS. 67
VAItIX, _IM arta h o' 4
%.I➢bt br Usk) & Harr*