The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 19, 1851, Image 3

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Merranzons ItArriana—Two protessomotthis
art have arrived in this city, and are exhibiting
their astonishing powers every night atthe hdaxa
of some one of our citizens, who is a believer in
' the rappings. The " spirits" are summoned—the .
reppiegs heard, and in every respect these fe
males appear to equal the Rochester Rippfirs,
of world-wide celebrity. We have not had the
pleasure of being present at'any of their exhibi
tions, but have heard accounts of their proceed
ings from sevessl who attended, and hare been
very much amused by their account of what
took:place. •
On one of the occniions to which we refer, the
room In which the rappers and their audience were
seated, was darkeled, and the spirits were grave
ly aummoned to appear. Nothing loath, they
soon made all present metro Unit they were in
the vicinity by a aeries of very distinct mappings.
Ono spirit in particular, Rai bored by a number
• •of commonplace questions, to which appropriate
answers were returned, and everything was
going on swimmingly, wheu an unbeliever, in the
ranks of the faithful, suggested the possibility of
deception, as owing to the darkness any one might
rap as pleased, undetected. Shock
' ed at this profanity, the spirits fled, and our un
- believing friend was overwhelmed by a torrent of
mingled reproaches at his want of petiteness,
sad regrets at the consequences arising from it.
'"The spirits must be mortally offended—They
would runty not return again that night, &c.,
• &e." till he Was In despair at the effects of the
simple remark he bad made Re was Inconti
'nutty banished from the room, and thebelievers
set to work te r propitian the offended spirits.—
With much . difficulty they succeeded, and the •
raps were ojierrmare beard-to resound through
the aparimenti nay more, the spirits were lade
' trod to become reconciled with the presumptuous
Mantel who had offended them, and he was final
• ly introduced to a particular spirit with whom he
.entered' into a iamilar conversation. The an
• enters to his questions certainly did not manifest
- gay unusual degree of mental brilliancy on the
pert of the spirit, but that clay be attributed to
• the obtuseness of man's spirit; when clad in the
flesh, which ill thus rendered incapable of Com
- .prehendthg diem. •
Mental questions were - then put by the gentle
man to refer, and the moat astonishing
revelations were- made. One' mental euestion
was "Is the account of the Creation in Genesis
correct?" Answer . ..No. 4 On several other oc
casions the room was well lighted; and we are
assured by many who heard them, that the
rsppingt were perfectly distinct, and that
portion of the audience who were unbelievers,
could font no idea of the manner in which they
were produced. The number of the incredulous
~was but small, es the spirits appear to be bash
fel, and do not like the presence of strangers
with whom they are unacquainted, but there is
every probability we are happy to state, chat
they will soon overcome their timidity, since the
audiences are nightly increasing in numbers,
and the spirits in boldness.
We hear it currently reported in the circle of
the unbelievers, that a gentleman, after . a long
loan-nation with the epirit of his deceased wile,
erre so affected that he appeared next day with
"his hearse encircled by a new piece of Meek
;nape, bit would advise our readers not to put
.`_'anyconfidence in the rumor.. To speak seri
ously, how are we poor unbelievers to become
convinced? Is not the tale of judging a tree by
its fruits, a pied one, and what great truths
have the rappers ever developed—what good have
they done? They have, it is true, gained eon
. Teets, bat so did Joe Smith, and so has every
• humbug since the creation of the world. The
githbßity of mankind is excessive, and it would
be difficult to concoct a story so absurd that it
stilluot meet with believers. It is not enough
for the believers to tell us that we cannot amount
for theserapPings, inasmuch as this is no evi
dence that they by spirits., ; .
• were very the Ctlterstenkie s
by the performances of Wyman, thejoggler, who
is pow exhibiting in this city, and saw many
tricks as'astoniahing as any the rappers cao per
form, for their lives, yet he}/cam not pretend that
they are performed by supernatural means:— •
We cannot account for them, yet we see him de , •
ceive our senses in the grossest manner. Behold
Mrk Wyman; with a small bag in his hand, which
be crumples up and twists into all imaginable
shapes. ladies and gentlemen, says he, lam •
going to deceive you, you see this bag is empty,
but here, behold, is an egg, and here is another,
and another. How many more eggs shall I draw
Birth?' Mark me well, no eggs can be concealed
about my person. You see no eggs in the bag.
1 put my • hand into it, and here is one, two,
thrte—twesity if you will.
Now, had Mr. Wyman beenthe find who intro
duced this Teat of legerdenain, there are ten
chances to one that he could have persuaded
many that there was some ireful mystery at
tached to it, but as it is, modern conjurers have
become so honest, or so stupid, as not to assert,
to add to the effect of the trick, that the eggs are
laid by s preternatural hen, simply tenths pur
pose of gratifying mankind's love of the marvel
loin. This gentleman also pours forth from
one and the same" bottle, whiskey, brandy,
wine, or any other liquor, capable of tickling
the palate of the oldest toper, yet he candidly
admits that there is no Lilliputian still at work
in his wonderful decanter. Our readers will,
drmbtless,'soon have an. opportunity of judging
for themselves. The power of the almighty dol
lar will induce the keepers of the key to the spirit
world to unlock the door, in order that vulgar
- curiosity may'be gratified, or if not, the "me
diums," as they are technically termed, are more
refined than their Rochester Aston, who first
called the spirits from the vasty deep. In the
meantime it may afford them some consolation to
know that, judging from all the revelations al
ready made, they ere not losing much, the con
tributions, from this source, to our stock of
useful lthowledge being very limited indeed.
A Fauna Arrassnce--Two Germans called
on Alderman Reinhart yesterday morning, one
of whom was blessed with a large family, while
the other was childless. The latter wished to
adopt the youngest child of the fmmer, which ip
between two and three years old, and asked the
magistrate to draw up indentures of apprentice
ship transferring the child to him &until he had
attained the age of twenty one years. A legal
question arose however, relative to the drawing
up of the indentures, which will probably. post
pone the matter for a few days.
Coaewrit.'s Eutortatta.—Cogewill'a beautiful
panorama, continues to-attract crowded houses
at the Atherucum.
Pismo s Corrirt.—A Germin was observed
by some boys, to hide a small coffin which he
tarried under his arm, in a deep gully in the
Sixth Ward, on Monday evening. Of coursethey
were somewhat astonished, and the coffin was
quickly dog up, and taken to Alderman Major's
office, but on being opened, it was found to be.
empty. What the notion of the German was, In
biding It, is of course unknown. but it is suppo
sed that he had stolen and could not disposed of
WTMAII, THE Macretax.—This celebrated /111%.
slain and ventriloquist, will give another exhi
bition nt Latupette Hall, this evening.
. BAN Ore.—A horse attached to a dray, took
fright yesterday, in Smithfield street, and ran off
at • tremendous pace. The dray came in contact
:with a wagon opposite the Merchants' Hotel, and
was somewhat shattered, but the horse was un
injured by the collision.
FINALLY Cdlalintb. young lad, .named
Mack, was yesterday finallycommitted to prison,
,by pa Mayor, on a charge of being concerned in
setting fire to Mr. Thomas Scott's board yard.
PILISCISERII.-o[lo hundred and twenty persons
ire now confined in the county prison, an various
Arnutrrnt, Staclnn—We understand that a
Mrs. Baldwin, of Pipetown, attempted to commit
entelds, on Slonday evening, by taking Madan
tan, but owing to the prompt treatment of a
medical man, who was culled in, her life was
8117111 KART i.:OXVICTIO,I9.—One bantired and
forty persons have • been summarily convicted of
'fulcra, minor offences, before his honor the
Mayor, dining ihe present mouth.
Blurt P&L/kali:raj AUKT.STID.—John Sharp,
I.streit preaching celebrity, ireut arrested yes
eroluy, and brmight before his , honor, the hlay
'iir;charged with disorderly conduct, committed
P.!..N.lectialt crowds in the *treats, to the great
woolodfcgre Or..those passing- hy: --- Poor 'Sharp
lras vey peniten.4.a.r.4 promised faithfully to
quit Ake* preaching if he let off. Ills hon
er, Wffar , k Men reprimant.
. . ,
A special meeting of the 'Young Alen's Teen
,• ranee Association, was held pis nt to a call
the President.
President in the chair--On moti of 11. S.
log, in the absence of the Secretary, J. U. Bid
• e was appointed Secretary pro tem.
The following resolutions were offered by Mr.
. Foster, and unaniinonely adopted.
Resolved, That as the Low now stands, the
•nrt of Quarter Sessions of this county; cannot
.t licence to keep an •Inn or Tavern, except
pen the ground that the sale of intoxicating
rinks is conducive to the public goal.
Resolved, That as any einem may,.by the laws
, f Pennsylvania • keep an Inn or Tavern without
tense, provided no intoxicating drinks are sold
pan the premises; a tavern Caviar is merely a
•ermil to retail liquor, and should in all cases be
efused by the Court_
Resolved, That acopy of these Resolutions,
. - gtied by the President, and. Secretary he pre
cued to the Judge of the Court of Quarter Ses-
The following persons were announced by the
!resident as composing the Executive Commit
Messrs Wm. M. lyright, Hugh D. Kung John
. Kirkpatrick, Jacob Xl • Colliater, Gefirge Dobbs,
Itv. S. Harris, John Agnew, Andrew Deity, J.
'Hare Denny, R. C. Rodgers, Samuel W. Cas
ey, Geo. ll—Keyser. On motion of Mr. V. M.
right, the Committee which reported the Con
.tution, were instructed to report a code of by
awe for the. society, and to report the same
the next meeting.
Mr. H. D. King gave notice that under the
rainfalls of the Constitution, he would at the
ext regular meeting, offer the following amend
cut. ,•
Resolred, That the Eonstitution be so altered
to provide for the election of five Vice PITA
MILS, and an assistantßecretary, and to provide
or an alteration of the day of meeting.
On motion the Association adjourned to meet
Monday evening next, being the regular meet
•g—at the place to be announced by the Ricca
ive Committee. ROBT. M. RIDDLE.
Secretary pro tem.
At an adjourned meeting of the C0M111153i311-
.. and citizens interested in the Perrywrille and
elienople Plank Road,' held in the borough of
*clienople on the 10th insL, the of6cers of the
ormer meeting presided, sir:.
President—Alfred Pearce.
Vice Presidents—P. L Passavant, Jacob Zeig
er, Dr. Marks, John Riddle, James Kerr, Jas.
1 fctatte.
John Lewis, Secretary of the former meeting,
of being present, Johp Kirkpatrick, Jahn Hall,
d W W. Dodds, were appointed Secretaries.
In the absence of the firmer Secretary, Dr. L.
Lusk, of Harmony, was requested to state the
roeeedipgs of the former meeting. He rmpcm
ed to the call and addressed the meeting in a
ery comprehensive manner, on the great im
icrtance of plank road acommodaticoM to this
Kea of the country.
The Rev. Wm. Findlay, of Prospect, was then
9equested to address the meeting, with which he
eompliecl, and in oible and impressive manner
llucidated the superior advantages 'which were
ikely to be derived from the Perrysville and
Kelienople Plank Road Company extending their
charter to Prospect, thence to Centreville and
Harrisville. •
. . .. .
Lilo following resolutions were then moved,
a ttled and adopted:
, 1 Resolved„„ That as a continuation of the Per
rysville and Zelienople Plank Road to Prospect,
Centreville, and Harrisville, or further, wouldin
to the amount 'of travel on the eiffirti road,
deonsequeolty enhance the value of thcS thck,
e would most earnestly request the stockhold
e of the Company to-make each extension.
Resolved, Tharthose'persona immediately M
ioest ted in such extension, be permitted to take
a ek with the :erp munderstanding, that in
e the road shimld ' ot be so extended,'that
ey be allowed to WI raw their subseriptioni,
d have the amount pelt in refunded.
Resolved,"That the Commissioners of the Per
sville and Zelienople Plank Road Company
bp instructed to procurea charter from the Gov
enor, as soon as possible, for said road.
-I Resolved, That. n conlaittee ofthrke be ap
tip"gfeliba welt on. the. raeefiliefiritlt - held on
8 i. th e ilith init -„ , - /th „Ifirrryivilli, to in
t rat that meeting that theTerrysvi ll e ,and Ze
llople Plank Road Companyintend to com
mence their road - where the Allegheny and Per Company have terminated their grade,
arid that the Perrysville and Zelienople Company
soon as organized take immediate measures
secure the commencement of our road at this
ace. The following persons were then appoint
s for that purpose. Dr. L Lusk, of Harmony,
Francis Wallace, of Zelienople, and Robt. Allen,
ofProspect_ '
Resolved, That the Commissioners be instruc
ted to open their books in Prospect, Centreville,
d Harrisville, with all convenient speed to re
c ive subscriptions for stock in said company.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meet
'.g be published in the Pittsburgh, Allegheny,
taller and Franklin papers.
Resolved, That this • meeting do now adjourn.
In pursuance to the constitution of the Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Society, the execti
die committee of Said society met in Harris
rtgoti Thursday, the 27th day of February,
I 1. .
Members present--Frederick Watts, Joseph
Ingersoll, Algernon, S. Roberts, P. B. Savery,
A rebate Mllvain, Col. Henry Shubert, A. 0.
Heister, Dr. Alfred L. Elwin. John Evans, Dr.
Jahn Irwin, David Mumma, Jr., Hon. William
Jessup, Finlaw M'Cown, .1. S. Haldeman, Isaac
G MUClnley.
iOn motion, the Hon.:Wm. Jessup was called
tq the chair.
On motion, a committee, consisting of Col.
enry Shubert, John Evans and Finlaw lirCown,
vrhe appointed, to report at n future day, on the
stiidect oit was
a model farm.
On motion,
Resolve ,
(Resolved, That Wednesday, Thursday, and
Fray., the 22d, 23d, and 24th days of October
n st, be fixed en the time for the first annual
ifae ibition of the Pennsylvania State Agrimil
t Society; the first day to be appropria
te the judges for the examination of all an-,
als and products presented for competition,
the second day to the public exhibition, and the
e ll
to a ploughing match, and jiidgmentthere
u On.
n motion, the committeel on the first annual
bition bad leave to report at a future day on
th adoption of rules and regulations by which
th public exhibition shall be governed, and as
to the place where it shall be held.
. a motion, it was
esolved, That the president of the several
co nay agriculturil societies in ibis State be
to furnish Dr. Alfred L. Elwin, of Philo
de phia, corresponding secretary of the State
society, with information as to the existence of
• their respective societies.
On motion, it was .
.desolveth That - each of the members of the ex
ecltive committee of ~thia society be and he in here
by authorised to receive from such individuals
wbo desire to become member, the sum of one
dolor and forward the same to the treasurer of
the society, with the name and address of such
persons, who shall thereupon be members of the
oi n
'ety, subject to the payment of one dollar an
on By , or upon the payment of twenty dollars,
m mbers for life.
motion, it was
esolved, That in pursuance 'Of the constitu
tio of the society, the last Tuesday of each
month be the time fixed for the meeting of the
utive committee, at th e house of Mr. Herr,
in l arrisburg, until . otherwise ordered.
n motion, it was
. °solved, That the thanks of the executive
co mittee: be tendered to Professor.ll. D.lllogers,
fo ids presentation to the society, of ;Professor,
Jo non's Agricultural reporten the province of
Ne Brunswick. .
motion, it was
olved, Thee the proceedings of this meet
in be published, under the direction of the
ree ril ing secretary , in all the papers of
• State favorable to the promotion of agricul
ter .
he committee consisting of Frederick Watts
en J. It. Ingersoll, appointed to prepare an ad
s to the people of Pennsylvania, reported the
foil, wing, which was unanimously adopted by the
ex utive committee:
That business of life, which directly occupies
the] attention of three-fourths of mankind and
intimately concerns all, demands the active ki
th:once of-every conscientious man. Therein no
art or science in the whole circle of human
knowledge, r Bich presents, for - exploration, so
exFansive and interesting a field as that of prac
rical agriculture, nor oaa whose. discoveries al
ready made have been so little infused into the
ordinary stock of knowledge of those who are tic engaged in its daily and universal opera
tion. The farmer knows the necessity for plow
ing his land, but he does not think and sufficient
ly understood why he plows it Viand the latter is
qur as important as the former, that he may
.kn w how to plow well. That manure will en
el c the soil is a fact; but to beim what it is,
bookand when to use it, and how it contributes
to ho growth of plants, is that kind of kmwd
edge which is only second to the fact itnelf. The
er hese certain amottnrof knowledgeef seed
tire and dewing; but if nature's operations in
the germination of seed and thh growth of
p to were to porno extentidund intalliz daily i
obserrations and reflections, Ids vigorous and
ever acute mind would strike out some new path
in hie own pursuit, leading to that profitable re
cult which tail only be attained and relied upon,
when it traced to the blended some of
'theoretical reason and practical experience.
The appeal which we now make to those who
r are engaged in die business of agriculture, and
I to all who appreciate its importance, is not that
you shall for a moment - relax those every day
occupations of active,life to which you are ac
' customer!, and whikt, proverbially, you puratte
with vu much industry; nor do we ask of you to
delve through the medium of books and latest°.
ries into the mysteries of agricultural science:.
but we do carnally solicit you to unite with us,
in the effort now being made, to establish and
cherish that which may be justly deemed the on
ly means by which the farmer may be made to
keep pace with the rest of mankind, in that
march of Improvement of which this age has
been prolific.
Agricultural societies, because of the influence,
they.have exercised, and commensurate benefit s.
they have bestowed upon every community
where they exist, ' commend themselves to uni
versal approbation: the light which they have'
shed, and their capacity for disseminating it,
seem to point them out as the only active agen
cy by which the business of the farmer shall be
93 caredtor, that he may derive all the advan
tages which shall be developed by time and ex
.penence. Let no man wrap himself up in the
selfish security of his own knowledge, or console
himself with the reflection, that his influence
would not be felt, but mt* let 'him manfully ;
step forth, with the determined purpose, zealous..
ly, to. aid in the prosecution of a work which
promises PO much practical usefulness.
The late Convention which assembled at liar
rieburgh, has taken the initiatory measures for
the establishment of the "Pennsylvania State
Agricultural Society;" its constitution has been
adopted, and its officers elected. Upon those of-
Eters as ah executive committee, the duty is de
'velved to "keep smelt general charge of the af
fairs of the society as may best promote its in:'
teresta." It is in this capacity that we new, call
your attention to the subject, and sek you to unite
and co-operate with Its in the measures which
have been adopted to insure a successful issue.
By order of the Executive Committee.
Nrw, Tor m, March 18.
Major Noah, who has been connected_ with tho
press for half a century, died in Tomcty, this
Hstusnrina, ' Parch IS.
The Free Banking Bill passed thaSenate, this
afternoon—yeas IS, nays IS. I,
WASHINGTON, .11arch 18.
The decision of the Secretary of lthe Interior
against the assignability of land warrants, was
published this morning.
The Secretary of the Treastu7 halordered the
preparation of a circular promulgo 'ligt the con
structfon of a supplemental reve ue law, by
which freights are not to be added to the yal ' na
tion of merchandise for dutiable bmis.
About fire o'clock this morning,;' the Spring
Garden Presbyterian Church, corntof Eleventh
and Weston streets, fell with a trementdous crash.
This accident was caused by the Weight of the
snow which fell through the nigh . It is said
the building was badly constructed. toss near
During the prevalence of a heavy snow storm,
at 3 o'clock this morning, a fire broke out in the
Assembly Buildings, on. the corner of Tenth and
Chestnut streets. Tho lose sustained is roughly
estimated at $BO,OOO. The elegant!ottorama of
the Bible bad just been placed there, and the
first exhibition was to take place ibis evening.—
The Panorama was entirely destroyed. It was
the property of Mr. J. lasso Williatoa, an artist
of Cincinnati, who has exhibited itwith great
success in Cincinnati, Washington,. and Balti.
more. This. Panorama was valuedat 4420,000,
and was not insured.
The Assembly Buildings ertendedfrom Chest
nut to George street, and' was occupied by e,
number of tenants in various kinds of business.
NEW rOßJE,arch 18.
Last night and this morning, we ere visited
by a very severe snow storm, and ninth damage
11119 done to the north side of the ci6t'.. Thelide
overflowed the piers at Albany, Washington, and
Greenwich streets, driving a large number of.
families from their hooves, who have forced
to take shelter in the station houses.
There were paid from the C. S. Tre , this
morning. $lOO,OOO being the bale e of the
'lexican indemnity.
Loonsvnas, h 18.
The river has risen 16 inches in e last 24
hears. There are now 9 feet 7 inch in the ca
nal, and 0 feet on the falls.
The steamers Chief Justice Marlhall, Boy
State, and Empire State, passed up ,this morn
ing, and the J. Q. Adams this afternoon.
The Madison Belle, bound for Henderson,
struck a snag near the mouth of Salt river, last
night, and conk. The boat has since been rais
ed, and arrived here to-day.
PHILADELPHIA, 31;arch 18.
There has been but little business doing in the
market to-day.
Cotton is held firmly, and farther sales of
Upland have been made at 1201210 14 lb, on
Flour—The market continues quiet, with sales
of common shipping brands at 434,44 /1
Sales for city use at $4,44e1154,50 for common
and good brands and8 1 1,62 . 01€11344,87 foil extra, /4
Rye Flour—Sales of 3W barrels, at $3,37}
Coro'Nleal—The market is ilull, with sales at.
;82,76 IS bbl.
Grain—There is but little inquiry for Wheat,
with sales of 1,800 bushels prime Pennsylvania
red at 98c 'ty be. Sales of white at 102 c bai
Rye is scarce, and in demand. Corn is scarce.,
and in good demand for shipment. Sales 4,000
bus Penns at 60®60ic, afloat. Oats are nn-'
Whiskey it in limited demand, with sales at
23c in bbls,•aad 21621i0 in hints.
March IS.
Flour—Prices have declined, with sales 700
bbla Howard street at 54,31 1? bbl.
Grain—Sales red Wheat at 950100 c 13 bush.
Sales White Corn at 58c, and id' Yellow at al®
37c bu. Sales of Oats at 40c bu.
Whiskey—Sales at 23c in hlah.
Provisions—Pork is held at .$l3 for old, and
511,50 for acv mess. Sales or Bacon Shoulders
at 7c, of Sides at Bfc, and of Hama at 100 V lb.
Groceries—Sales at auction to day 0f369 hhds
Porto Rico Sugar at $5,7006,95 I ,swt. Rio
Coffee at sloiGllic 11 lb.
Wool is firm at Sac for common washed.
Nr.w Yong, March 18
The weather today is very d'imigrecabla.
Cotton—The market in more active and firm,
with males of 6000 bales.
Flour—The market is drooping, with sales of
4000 at $4,0004,66 for oommon to straight
State and Western. 'Stocks of New Orleans are
light, and prices firm at $4.6801,87 7 bbl.
Grain.—Corn is easier, with sales 17,000 bus.
Yellow at 66/ bu.
Provisions—Pork is dull, with sales of old
Ohio mess at $12,87, and of old prime at $lO.
New pork has declined, with soles of mess at
$l3 25, and of prime nt $ll 'l4 bbl. Prime
Lard is steady at 87 1 lb. Butter is dull
at 12-16 for Western dairy.
Tobacco is In light demand at 9i€6llc for Ky.
Linseed Oil—The market Is quint, with sale,
ttt 78c gal.
Whiskey—Sales at 213-1 for drucl i le, and 24+
for prison.
Sr. Louis, Month 18.
Grain—Wheat is heavy, and prices tt yid down
ward. Sales GOO bushels at 60®76c bushel.
Not much doing in corn. Sales 5,000 to 0,000
bushels at 34Cat40c t't bush, delivered on board.
Sales 6,600 bushels of oats at 42043 cents "i?
Flour—The market is - dull with no change in
Provisions—The market is quiet, sail holds to
are firm. Sales of No. I lard, in bbls and tier
ces at 71. Bulk meat is without change. Sala ,
of 10,000 shoulders in dry salt, at 41; and of
ribbed sides at I” V lb.
Whiskey—ls dull at 18}e19 cents tel
Lead--Sales of upper mines at 'lft4 60 ?
The river is at a stand; the weatb er is clear
anti cool.
Freights to New Orleans, are—flour 65c; pork
7,5 ; core 130 1,1 cwt wheat 16c 14 wort; lard and
bacon 54.1 c; tobacco $4 50 p7hint, hemp $7 j 4
A few dnytiagn, a negro in Paulding, Miss.,
baying committed an outrage upon the person of
rt white lady, and afterwards murdered her
and her son, the citizens turned out en mane,
and arresting the negro, burned him Dam
hot grgoghtStattmer PARIS, tireviale:44ESl
matter, will lotto fiA. the Above awl all lute
oveligle p.n, on FM., the Met inot.. nt i Y. M.
Forto fo•lght or puttotrupply on board nr
rhlg U. WILKINtI, Agt.
nIVER.—Tb e eplendld osimeng, 'geom. jiMt
er CATARACT, Cattg. R. W. Mould. (built ex.
Copreulr the trade,/ is nor rreelvlog freight. and tilt
barn ltively on 'Monday the th.lth !mt.
For freighter passage apply . n board, o to
bare fur i i ht t a n Zi R a, " " k :itatTgg:AtES2
on thlsibtA r the Igth: at . 4 P. M.
For hrighg tgiottge AWAY on board, or to
otchl9 JOHN. FLACF
and vplendld etestner FEDERAL A Itell,A..flad
Bowman, commander, will heave fur &nave
mad Intennedlato porta on this day, the 19th Instant, at 4
‘41 11;111 . 9 '. l'"
rrdala s. r .Armnviar. , :z 6 -
did etemocr NAVIGATOR. Capt. W.ltean
l Imre for the steno 0.1111.11 Illintllt‘ther
Kft.. on Tneeday, the Nth hut, at 10 o'clock, ft 01.
Yoe fmktlll or Itamene apply on boned. toehlO
OR ST. lIJIS.—The foot run.
F . 7
Ww onew eteniker EDITOII, Captain DI. Lam! yY~i
son. will leave for the above and a/I Inter.
mediate porta thm day, the 19th Instant. at 4 It u.
for freight or pious, apPly on.tworl. -
F o ''' -- -
4 ORST. LOWS--The new and
10 fact running steascertHAPllESS, Hazlett,
macter, kill leave for the neavv wad all Inte
mediate ports tht, afterboon,at 4 o'clock
Vol' [retch( or POMR4 •PPIT ..board.
A 4 - ‘0R ZANESVILLE —The fine
EMPILESS,eus; =stet, will learnl
or above and Intermediate ports this afternoon.
at 4 o'clock.
For freight or pascaffe c applf on board.
~Lj Tr.
mad Irplendkl Ammer - DIADEM. Cochran.
tommawier will leave ahcrre and luta.
mediate landlnaithla day. at Ao'elock.
For ht or puma, apply cm board. mehlE
AND WELLSVILLE—The Sot almoner -ae1131 . "
EILLS, W. Sholklen. master. will run
read. packet between thl. city and Wellmille. Iva
hll l lkbinitaVetT Dolalay. Wednesday. and Friday.
For [Mew or Panne. *DPW ®board, ja3o
JLlstesmr PILOT N 0.3. A.. 8. Crane, master,
will here Pittsburgh for Wbaelin.e. Oslithur raid Punfah,
slay Monday nod Pittsburgh
nt 3 o'clock P. retureleg
leaves Sunfish fm Parties, Wheel Lug and Pittsburgh. es-
err Turedgy 0010, 01 10 rfel r. Prustrigars
.04 erne this boat musing luguisrif
diaries the low sister saws.
For freight or raukssie. fOPtT on hood.
isat , .1851. • .L417r2
T ilE s. n rm an l „f lt runt r l t i 2m.. str i4!2 l , E 2 i,
hanrille We 11.10.013, Wheeling, Bridgeport. amt... 1:a .
Nuntlels ' Reba—lama Pittaborgb very Wednecday at
3 o'clock, P. M., Or Wheeling and Frlidecroct, and every
flaturday.ot 3P. M., fort:Wins and Eunfleh. Returning,
team Swatch every Monday nt 10 o'clock. 3.11., and
Bridgeport and Wheeling every Mcesslay and Tburolay, al
a P. kl.
For *eight and passage aPY/Y on beard or to
meta JOHN FLACIY, Agent.
ISMPORT.—The lino reamer PACIFIC,
master, •111 leave Mr the aboraandin
tertnadiate porta emirs Thuradar, at 4 o'clock, P. M.
Far freight or Ammo APPIT oti boor , . or to
mello Na 61 Water and MI Fronts,.
VOR ST. LOUIS.—The splendid
2: now Ammer STATESMAN, Jas. Gamlen
commander, will !ogre for Um abate god Inge
=dige dot, the ilth trim, at 10 A. M.
For freight or polowlir. orlr
SUNFISH PACKET—The rut running
steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. D. Young.
run 11.11 a regular pocket between Pittsburgh, heeling.
Bridgeport. and Sunnit„ lealing , Pittehurgb every :Boater
arternonA for Welbrege. - Stextbgelk. u ttlX , lrvitn=
" rtfi r geport. Caana.nd; returning, learetErnige.
port and Sun every Trawler afternoon. and Situnth
Md tt r na [rb6l . P' W t". ll. ftVbratreMi l ?
11, WHEELING PACKET The rpleadld
r k e k tt pe etlal k agi4UlLNAL.V k rlL
Ihle city end Wheellarr= Pitteberal et 10 delaZ
eveß Holeley. Wednesday, wed hider. end letereitsa
leaves Wbeelhag erery Tuesday. Manley end Elands
or F.
oghant. This eplendld boat was built by
the tamers, of the deasoer lease Newton, and others, for
the Cincinnati and Pftlehurgh Packet trade. and will lease
etery Wodneeday for Ciitehuostl. In place of the New rma
land N 0.2. PoPthelAbt ortweaoe sonlv on board. or to
mr3) lb lIIIAINVERGEK, Agent.
/FABLE OIL CLOTHS—A very large fe•
oortment of 'realm Covent. on hand and far sole nt
No. 7 sal 9 Ward street.
tutii J. 211. PHILLIP. ,
jot reed aoci ybk.
garb: —• 8. DILWORTH ROO.
DRIED PEACHES-150 bu. (prime) for
, tele by Duclk7) J. 8. DILWORTH • CO.
poTASII-10 make No. I. for wale by
mem J. S. DILWORTH k
DO but: extys Vs and rr.
. . •
40 catty b.. extra .1a pouads f , ea!e bY__
melt 7 J. S. DILII Mall CO.
Banker and Exchange Bnr
ter4Yoarth ta... dale tr. Wean. Yuat. t v t it, ,.
ae:t at ITar —.. ra ' t., E"krn arld ie c. LT ' pay m lrf o rh ir.. : ' h . l irheet
m at , a b r , lrt
Ptaaalam In par fund, toe .itnerl
11HE largest Stock of Blank Books, ofev
.lwtrvglwnel Arles of binding, f. offered G
; I LBLall t ic Book Store,
Merchant. ;qr. requeatiM to WI end trai.c d ttin d
and Dora) Blank Work, which am ) h o d).
pricca tr th o, un t
ta t a beg er n ica re e . , eartr .in acid la tide city'.
jA mired and tor sale at J. B. TIOL:010%
Lit.AJT Daiwa.
mete opposite AA Prat OAm. •
FOR Bank Stuck. by
onb6 11. D. KING. Fourth of
at. our
Ibr male—d Flthino Nela, one of thwm 127
mune long. and two moaner mum They will bo add' ot
Tina, OS the owner Is an amel lady ol 72 Sean, who to
destitute, andwlthoe to obtain means to take tow to her
family the State of I llama. J. & It. 1 1 1.11b1.11 1 8.
man) Nn. 7 and 9 Wend et.
ARPET—Receivell thin day, by Leech A:
c0..1. Canal Lbw. at the Carpat Warahonas of W. 31c-.
C ran. "- astd , l
NTOCK. No. Vmarth at, eamprlstWart fat.
T k' aPtUry r" Vealthaa. '"ra llalVVer T rt ' etherhae Th rn- 12 4;
Carp., at th e meet coaling rtylca, eaeh'r
MOLASSES -200 bbl. N. 0., for sale by
mat 3 S. & W. lIARBAUGII.
CANDLES -60 boxes Mould;
15 " Stan
IDD " to M; f or brJ
CLOVERSEED=SO bu. reed, for role by
mehif ' 8. AW. HAWBAUGIL
LARD -30 in stoic. for oak by
mmn E. k. W. ttennava u.
LINSEED OIL-10 bbl. rec'd, for male by
pLOVERSEED-75 bu. for.uale by
GREEN APPLES-50 bbl. (in fine order)
mtjuh6-d reed and
1111100 N. LITTLIC A CO.
WAGON -1 large New Wagon, 'suitable
for Fuessce, for gala by
J4RD 01L--10 bble. fine Vater Strained,
for vle LT 116141
mob' N
COPPERAS-25 bblo. (in good order) for
by JACIDD & Co..
mcbl No. DO Wood comi.
to SOO bbls. N. 0. !dolaasei.
hhd• cli: gun., jest nneeleinff, Per sale by
ROBM'el, & CO.
VINEGAR -50 bbl. receiving, for sale by
DRIED BEVF-5 tc. S. C., for Bale by
mma 110B120N, unit:a NI
MOLASSES --25 bbls. S. 114
• ZO
cora and to arrive, and for a4bN. O. to oak bL64.., y
=ebb SO A SI Water, and OY host vt.
IISFI-40 bbl. prime large No, 3 Mackerel,
to Baltimore eastoalrewou lfortinfr, Yb n rigyde by
mebb L. 11.,WATY.KMAN SONtk
11 RIM.) FRUIT-725 be. Applete
mehb.LAS.5 Peacbeg "fur Kab. , bY
WATY.RMAN sotitt.`
TANNERS , OIL-25 'GM. for solo by
/I - 168 S r ` tic i; UCK E T S-450 dos.'Bucket — o;
• Is " Tut.% fontal.bY
GLASS—+ISO boxes W. (1., am'd, City and
(3,7antry h mnJn. f.r de b
1.15 • 1.. B. WATERMAN A SONE.
BROOMS—no dot. fancy and good corn
mon Corn linnuns. for ode
8. WATERIIIBII 8088.__
1 EEDS--20 bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed;
O mehh 0 bags " " Timothy Seed.
13 ,
b UTTER-20 bbl. Roll Butter;
a .. Land kap harked Better, for
L. 8. WATERMAN a tkiNta
rolhs 81 aBl Water, and 02 Fro nt 0.
_ ..
B ACON -4 ecuike Ha •s ma;
1 nimler% lora recf4, for pale by
mebs IV ALLINUIOIitu a W.
BACON - 183 PC. for ealo byl.l
fl ICKOlp' NUTS—vrcktafL3feeAtily,p.
6ALERATIJS.-1.4 casks and boxes pul
for Jule _
BROOMS -138 doz. (Corn) for Bale by
WRAPPING PAPeN--348 reams Crown,
Iknable Crown. Mediu. 021 ow., for rile by
Inch 2 wIL li 2 11re.1.21)Lk.23. _
MACKEREL_ 138 bbl. „No. 3, EL; saki by
mill!. ' WICK 2'MrCANDLI: BB .
k tALAOKWOOD for Februarir andtha Art
tr Juulary, aro fur sole at
neta opposite the. Not.Offler.
A R-35 bbl. ree'd and for rain by
MA,MEREL-25 bid. No. 3, fur sale by
ISO rareroreal.4 nip. Corn Ilewmr
itaa panish Sale Leather
150 nu. Wialow Ulm. v. - v.4,1.1p ,
au keg. L'italaa,
lagross Boanet Litman
lOU bria Ittah Wats
Wit% agataraa Sama vi n zgar r a hico.
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
lo • tiourishilig mil immuring Mil
6 t70 , h kq , 1. doing • inurltabh• buninens. in of
lerral nu. rale up0n..,l term. I , rer furthr
apply to
mchli BAIRD IR IN.
114 nenund
ALE—Alarge -Brick Dwelling pv
Howe. and Lot of tiround. On flank 14•12 e,
R hY City. yery pear the Uhl Allegheny MA ,
The se le In good reyeeh, and the h,t le do Fed. try LA
Perm. &lag. butlettse In the 4ty would find it convent.
At r i -- T7,...L0te. 'ZS Wet by 100, on Rebecca street.
fiwb"P and W." lll " lo ' A ' ißWlst.. 114 Sea., AL
OR RENT—A Private Dwelling, or 54,
Itmtne. Demeanor located on Etelertil
All'eate"Jr,. , lb Ire at Nre. 1.1t—c;010nt,T7.77,
110 X INA. ritt o iLlin b p metaf
OK 4 tENT—The commtiaious three
storlol. Dwelling flown on Liberty., oPtilsOila ,
nrwq, ailjobaing We reoltleneo of IL age can,
Itwi. Neuwied. given un Ist April. Apply to
'NO. He ll . CROSSAN.
J'OR SALE—Two ehcice LOTS, pleasitnt
‘laY. beta... Pitt rticet 101.1 ETILIVA alley. There
Lots are ?A feet front. and patriot back 2.10 feet lea Si feet
they. Fo r ttnn" , al`filY to C. IL ONANT-..r
T? 011 RENT—A. small brick DWELL
m tal
e no , nlng two ration, wod Web- "`'
no, four am , the Darla:cone over the kiteh,
Terms. SPY) per year.
land: us on pie TuFtirenw
n.n . lealk from the market noun.
ply to
. - MINN. Attorney et tern
nrth etreoL obore Smlthnold.
REHOUSE, situated mr,
Market and yerrl rtr.trja
51 4BbigaL
IL 11LCCI. r ..._.__ sa li, on the comer of woo--7 . 41
mum and Peon irtieett. frtiathig on
pyleorda Canal, to tbr City of Pittsburgh. The Lot froulP
ova hundred ood forty tour ti-rt 0 Penh etreet. and oros
hundred and rd loot olue lorbes Waphingtou street.
lo o f fet oiler. Inquire of
toehtt. No.loo Pena pt. •
Land for Sale
,ONE TRACT of 320 Acme: one Tract of
'lt" ye den. one Trlut of t.O Anna. awl two Trorts of
Acree each. All the olsore land to nave or less looms
ed, of first rev quality. awl 0011 located to Monroe ro.. 0,
and null be sold, to snit purchaser.. very Inv, For further
particular, Inquire of WM. If. JOHNSTON,
112 Bee, ond st.
with ALI =es tif {trot:mil attatted. altuatcd
I n cti HARDT, JUNES Al M.
'OR RENT.—Two Booms in the l'ost Etg,
, ltElice_flaildlosa. Imitable for Arsirtter 800nt4
. c 0
• ,
6. A , lels o t‘ t iL „ lALL
, LTO . lt r i. en fled street• next door tbu
large rho. Irtnlvr; '.‘ fur . 4;r4 in glintlf 4 t .' re,e ftout n with
feh•: E. D. titirt.A.M. 1641:and sheet4.tem't.
- -
FOR RENT—A small frame cottage, with
4 rooms on End floor: large dlidng remnnt' kitchen In
basement. 2 small roans In garret. with • large garden
and esvend fruit trees, a very desirable resklsnor for a
small family ,
situated near 3linersville. Posseseiun given
Al.. several ?Mall Tenements for rent.
to sale 11 loin fronting on 11annock Argot. and 3
fronting on Pent street. Terms ansy.APlfia
, RoN
feb2(l . .lm. or It. P. Caln.ear. of Market and foth rt•
Desirable Residence for Sale.
THE subscriber, intending to remove a few
mu. Into the moutey. ffer, bee ode the property In
.11 he now milder. finely bested upon the amend bank
in Allegheny City. The dwelling. a double me , and built
of brick. is large and cusunnellom, and boo been recently
inainted and papered. The lot hon d fifty feet on the Cr nal, ninon, back two hundred and eighty live, aml la
oat with tent, amtalnlng cholciehrubtary 11111 i frult.The
oapbuildinga consisting of • private school home, stable
and carriage Muse. are conveniently located. The situ.
tlon le pleasant. and the Wire AuspegalertEridge Shortly to
he placid .over the Allegheny, WEI bring the property
Within • few initiates walk or drive of the city.
Purchasers ere refund to Alen. If. Hiller. N0.13P ilh
itroet. fetal:WWl !TWEE [CAMPTON
VOR SALE OR RENT—A comfortableL
ju and pleasantly situated dwelling knee an 4 lot lb
ThChestmt street, In the Eighth Ward. of thle city.
e home contains 0 ,- .1110111/4 the lot It forty fret on Chest.
nut atreet by one hundred In depth. I:molten(
.feblS corner of Wood and Elath abr.
VORHENT—TItat large dwelling house : 2
with extensive g ro unds for grAli, d stable
attached, the residence of the late Wm. J ttl .
Totten, n al
cated on 11111 street. Posscsaion glees on the fret of
For tonte. apply to L. IL 51 . Aboy, Ounitßan, IL C.
Totten. at the Tort Fill Work., febllo or
FOR SALF-eTwo large-Flour $llll. and a Paw 51111 on
Ibo Beaver Creedv, with the torresar, water tamer. A 1..,
• well hartoted Font In Lawreneetatunty. Prior VOW.—
Alto, a Farm of lla aena. uu ILe Ohio river, thaw miles
below. Beaver. for slag. Also, ono of 14/1 actes, on the
Old. river. OGA. below Bearer. for 332 per arra. /1
elf/acres for $lB ar. Alm. farm: of VA 155, andt
arras, for 425 pre men, A 1... 175 arm" for 312. and 31
nem. far $l5 per act, together with may others of ear1 ..0.5
..0.5 rlrra and wires, 4:llquar of
N. P. t 11. L. B. FITT ERMAN.
Attorneys ELL.. and held Estate Atrents,
6670 No 107 HA st. Pittaburgh.
POE RENT—The nova ou Market eat.,
aerated C- Tager as a Vatit.ty Eton,
1.011.V1012 Kirep op lot day of April neat.
feb7 3PCLINTOCK. PS 4th It.
rro LET—A 'Warehouse situated Le- •,;sy • 2l
af., l oirgtwt7le,'"ld'.o 6 `"l:" 4 f.'l", `"o `, l l,7V;Bila
toter i s suitable for roulufact Wing or sto.
r.tCOI.IFP, ATKINSON A 01811010.
suassl offers Ibr KJ. a large number of va/uable
toTtest " !ta l ll:e . ttrxory th rnAtt 4t r I t r r ' tt
' lll l , ,.o rw bl t k d '''h ut " , o l 4 tr TN L lVna } irrltit L rn il'"" pt:ll eh t ' on%d
m.tuftett/ I rtng wealth. cool the ryas
safe l ' m ' cos t ' tt return
lota will he will render then, a safe and ',tunable in.
reetntent. Title perfect. Terra favorable.
the r?W'f 11001.,, amt Vrt:;nr,"'4....l7gtlftdrinst.,Pllllt!
heirah3eitweon ' s Idol awl
a t streets, or' of w Mbar/
Syronow arel N. ratlerwol, 104',, at their offices 112111-
lughnm. MOSES F. KATO..
r 0 LEJ—One !louse ' and Lot situated 2
.sa street, Seventh Want FoT trans, '
f to 4..11
VOR SALE—The subscriber offers toll
I: sato a large and well built Brick Rom, with toe
or more erre, of ground. chunk.: on the Fourth nerert
Waal. within llnve mitre of thia ear. l'osareston given on
the lye of April neat.
Ala, every d p ealrable lot of ground. contalnlng ovvr ra g ,
Acres. with vring of exnellent water theroon,
near the share.
Alv,, a lot of ground 45 fret II In, by 151 five. adjoin.
I 0
the re.idenoe of bee. A. Toner. agar ihe city. oppoolte
i e Seventh Ward. on Pentollvanbe Avenue. thawveuston
It lc now 2vrtaln that the 1 . 1.1 E Road will to mandate
rVeri:Z=7.7l47,l, h^.ll.—ArßiTromhyz
meat. near the Ong thvetioed a:rot:rev.
we in Allerben eell or rent his Vtry
d i.! on Ohio
(bigotry Rio+.
Allecirevy t ' it ' br d I
largo d o u r to briek r oul!dinc. iu meoldeo...iNier• • iiera
carriage lion, stable, and good water co the grounds.
which corupris, two aeon. well lin urine& containing aver,
, loscriptimi or froiO shin • spring house atol mote hot.,
Poisewslon given whenover desired. JOHN OEIIII ART.
F 0 It it E N T—A two Fumy Dwelling Eg
3.l l C °° ' I"..fairs
will yell-fur cosh, or on romans" lease. one tot En Myra. 24 fret front by 100 to Spring odley,
Joining toy Ninth Wgrd Engine Ilmyyr. nonoor,
bounded by Liberty. Chinon. end Allettherty streeta. and
Spring Mk, bring Liberty. Ly I= to Spring
A liry. APO. 1,001 feet fontling on Perguyon ogro.t.
linbly opp.wite the Central Railroad Dt pot. and nottaining
15 now. IgtollAf I JAMES OMAHA.
'0 LET—A large Munvian House with
Lra sores of foal allarbgl,ritruated to Onkland.2
0 LET—The Three Story Dwelling
Iron', No 171 Wytts tArt,t, at propent neenriMllut
Iloine p
gi"fl. tbe Int ,t ArriL tannin, of J. • . R. VIAIVD,
lath Round Church.
LET—One Two Story Brick House,
rcnlninlog mmt., ad Centre ATerma, Miner. 6 "
floaulL. Ileut low. , k lpoire of
Ale JOflt WAIT 00.
rvo LET—Rooms' and Steam Power for
nceh•ntcl k OISELS.
I•at . 119 Front et
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Manufac
HE undersigned being agent for the own
en. alert for tale • number of town l
nt. in the town
Tlanvillan. Stark county. Ohio. with out lota, and small
hIo (hoot.
the Ohio nod
Imtvartia Railroad. now newly completed, prating through •
I, this real estate atfult. whops. the last oPlartnoitY
lately offered, to poisons who may wish to en4nete to liloo
- of almost any detcri The &bend...and
ohs...loss of all MM. of livitub too supply foe.l for
fuel merle ponor, the gmat of wool brought
to la ar,. well OA the facilitlas ma t eaun of
m oat desirable
amidst. •11 combine to thin one of tho
Woolfdesirable poinWl for eatablishing manufactures of Iron.
Wool.. Cotton. Indeed nfdl deocriptions which I. now afford
ed In the Itatern counter.
Aesetal improved farms. In the vicinity of the Canal and
Railroad, are alsoolfered—• tract of 375 acme of excellent
Umbend land, lying between tho Canal and Reamed. and
ablaut half a mile from th e lattsc • lot of about seveut
carat. adjoining Um Railroad Depot...bog one tide whith
the Lean Pantes, end nu two Ades. Amite of the town. Ho
tel keepers and merchants will de 0.11101,30 c at thL. be
'7lthe of IroVflitiltn7l . n the heart of an win:drum'
region, not summed by toy In the country, la so well
known that IL le deemed uuttectamy to do mat than refer
R to Induce all who wiali to mob. 'mod Investments, to
call end examine this property. Title indivputablo and
long credit gin]] if deduct. Um. Andrew W. Lama m.l
Yakima llama. Eau, of l'lthrhatch. will give Informatk
concerninc it, and any Will he rammed '
plicetlon to Thomas McCullough. Kent Jarvis , -
mod at Massillon. ,WWI
Massillon. Feb.
Needles' Celebrated
Th Idghly medicated {Auden. have
e r°7,:a"rt.`ZahlTv;;PC'g ß ,
stheustuale and Stsvnatberduc raster eve.
dame hal of
been the h
sugibmitted, htat czni
h ounce, co wheat
ave given the
testimonial. at to their superior elfin., ove.
The Ingredients of their compmition. very carefully And
cornett] wildfire:rd. render them peculiarly applicable to
persons muttering with pulmonary disease_
for panto In the be/wt. frum protractnd colds.
•hoopina cough, end local piano In the various neuralgic
dioesses the 'fatly, their beneficial character Is Island
quistion or dispute. As • remedy in Lu . tutor , , their Pt,
l ejlor b iti o b i o r n r , aBn t it ., l7A n igiLett , fons, • ;_i , l , l ,,,,, l4ritent ‘ et e.
iar weakness end palm in the. hock end elide, remalUng
from 1.3,C10 Mold., diem. tif the kidneys. Se— their am
ru ri nVlTlfo Va ' ; ll 7peTiVt ' sl 'b runi be Zil °AT Al,`"l,Yr
W te plimtlgn . To an a.. rail with rhnnutic pdus, th"Z
ant‘tit' are ncommnmled, alts* tho
ele benellelal enacts will ha Mond very decided.
tor aide, wholmalis and rekoll, AT
aloha l bt. FA.LIZIII. UT Wood ot.
If Yon Want Real Good Tea,
STOKE. Eart Edde of the Diamond. Damaged or ior
fort. Tin are never kept at Ode ortablishment
h6orfor Omen Tr., 59(076 rant. tux
Tto Tory beet Impnrtrtt
Strong and rouyth tlarortd Mack. OMB, A.
Pine mild intoned Mack. , 4471k.b.
fie le the only Yore is PittrYsrphttu l, knga fo rile pn
el,ly the mono klod of Black Tina that aro Yard ebls in lay
out', lieland. /a, if
W f U, BUTTER,--4 fawbbla. on hand and
or eek by ANeLlall k BNNNLTI . .
I=l &coed, sad 151 Erse et.
FEACIIE.9,—MO bu. for sale by .
1.) •
OfASII . --47-aeks ctiOrc) for sale by mcL3 ICK F NrCANDI44,
IpTED APPLES - 7l sal
Ituntfaeterer's Line.
s Ei
tt iZga i t . tHE 11El m tE13 INFORMED . ,
is now ill
Opera win fartricw in ram lerinl
ounntity of freight In Philadelphia and Paititoorr. .4‘).00
Irultst,irnino, in na chart time, anal xi an low fate, as nor
her regular Line.
Vitrln 4 _, l g a iTtrlTlglrriir! . 7.i 6 on ' ent ! , rt ). Ai%T.:XIIT.q.I
Wan, menet Atexeudria. retersouno w :nuniingdan ?Inn
Cork, New BleVe,ton a 1....W0n% hilltio•
NewinfrL Clorra Yerry, Ilarti.bunr.Cohnnbln, alai nil oth
er intermediate points nu the. Pnn, Innis 1.-Snal and Port.
awe Ballnewl. Miring return heals of Iron nectar,' nun
the Junin!. yr...gannet and regularity In 'Momenta, 10
the eforerwid µint. at the 10w... n,lea, may ha relied
11{..• • J. ITV eurrr, Previa.,
WerPhouse. Liberty sreet.
mail :tf v.-and mr.vt of Cho Canal.
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Boil
Coaches for Hollidaysbarg,
And from thence . 243 Mike by Mt
To Philadelphia, New York; and Baltimore.
tar Tatisikile• our 30 novas,
Courtier 'Odense Kvery Morning at 8 o'clock; 1 o'clock,
P. 314 and el o'clock, P. M.
Extras to leave at any limey always la wellness. ThIS
in the wed direct, comfortable, and expeditious rows to
the Eastern Cities. Yawns.= for Baltimore take the new
Renewed at Harrisburg direct on the Ararat of the lksrsist
that plate:
N. 11.—The only 030 n• for the above Liw nutter St.
Cherie,. Hotel, No. JO Wood Ferret. Pittsburgh.
meld W. it stoonttnan, Ast.
TEttnn IN 111N(111.4.1f'S LINN,. to my brother,
OK lIINOIIAM, thebusinere at Pittsburgh aill here.
tter be transacted uoder s the style.L- Wm. Inaghato
Cc." fzuebl 1 . Bauman_ .
Transportation Line,
--z-d 1851. EftE3A
2rIIE CANAL being now open, we are rea
dy to receive and Cunard promptly. Produce and
ebsodtzo:east. and re",
Li Perishes stares, at lowest rater charged by responsible
Produce and Merchandise will be welted and forwarded
mod and sorb without any charge for forwarding er O
vando.: freight. commingle, or storage. •
Cilia of Lading titrwarded, and all directions faithltally
>Beaded to. Adderruer apply to
WM. lIINOHAII A CO.. Castel Win.
Corner Liberty nod Wayne sta., I'ltt,borgb.
BINOHAM DOCK, 183 Market at..
between Fourth and Fifth ste.,PhiladelphiA
NorthWl LF
Howard s Ap. s
treet. Baltimore.
meet New Yea.
Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal=
7lo th carry ° l'th got h Vltire n t d
Phlllubdphla to Pittsburgh. at the following rate, sir
Dry lioodn. Cap& oboe, Doegete • Yi
Ilartlw o ' . k h 'lleTtrta . ol'iltiaraTFitiaZ "
' Plltgn&tlrint i l2rgsig Cloth :
tee. .100 lb,
gmermrnre and Coffee tee ••
Brown Our., In hbdr.--- ZS<
Whleegs, Alen, Credo flrlutotone*
t that thnm operin rate+, width ter mach
lower limns my prey tom Boom. will ind 'him., to
ratronlan this rm. M a Arcater calret than fornmrly.
llamas A Lam for lowch A Cob L.
DemAyillairll62l9 A Co, for Union Linn.
humors& Dons, for llinahrun's Line.
Cutts A BtrtrA
feblthlm fur Prana. 6 Ohio Line.
k Aft.—we prpured r, woke eoutrsets to tiling out
from Philadelybin. this ts.utert, largo Coto of Ochry fteights
very low rate, without
(S. A. SleAlc ULTY 0), Coital Bashi.
Fist • 1851 Msiqmv;,
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
ITMiss O'CONNOR A CO Canal Basin. Plttalinegh.
SR,JASI2N Depot. Lewd and Cherry dew..
and No. 3 Smith ninth stmt, between Market aml Cbeet.
nut streets, Philadelphia.
WOONSOIitt C tXI., TO North greet; Balttmote.
11 AVING fully completed our arrange
...toe; wa will be ',rewind upon the rimming of tho
I ennrylessita Canal, to nary freight to and (rem Pith.
bomb. PalUmora. libiladelyttfa, Kew both. Lou.. Cirt.
einnath,Lontettlle. Pt Linda 4.1.1 all the East and West, at
lower rate, and with mote illitiateh and earn than any oth
er Um` All mi. , ' I, one tine are roily co,eo.‘t
inentante. without any thorn, to owner, a pretertiort
not really al:forted by any Giber Lino.
All ,1111911t/iMaioll. addreawd to otitaelvem or silent,
Hall t (Inch:math R. Weld., lamborille, and Lowe t.
thborne, AL Louis will meet with prompt attention.
itariN. H. Our hoe nocononction whatever with the
Philadelphia and Plttaborith lininewrlatlon Line of At
kins t Co. •
1851 gi
Merchants' Transportation Lino, -
' CI. SIrANCLTY k CA, Canal LOA, 401 Penn Arne!,
n.tiNOII, central Block. Broad atrret.Ptd/1-
4 qiiOro proparod 4. rrocl. lar,,,a =pont mereherallaa
u ie n i d p r . d .. nz tot nn t
to thorn at i tt; ..o n r aL m ala to. Mi
md t
tem time Men In any proZum renam.
Cyr N. The mo' number of Tracts provided by
tho Aznal o.runaiodoners for . any our Looln on Mr
M. Iterroda. Pmtent any enorthility of delay at
or C C .V. ' ;Vr ' Ar.T7II%.
lettls "r_
To Shippers of Merchandise ; Produce, &c.,
SO AID Mg Ituntitaz 111 1. TM,
ATKINC, t CO., Ittl , prieteen. Market, and 64
C.MMPITV Strwl, Philadelphia.
DELL, t LIGGETT. Monte, Canal gad. Plttebnolt.
JOS: - TAYIAttt e EON, Agent!, Baltimore.
We v. , month tart the opentot of the Poonsylranta
Canal. to output for Freight at se km rate, and Kilo
eitlpperit as mach dopatch sod ore ea any other Line.
Snow/on , bJobn 111cYa4en
Canal Darin, Penn &red.
Penna. Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Road.
XIIE eubseribern haring been appointed
'hipping aurnt• for the Nano lwartin% , recqtral
Inf.. the public that nu an , nor t.r.;aft4
mire any norrhandiso or produru for ehicruent vast tFritha
openh, ot Elm camiL
limb via this route .111 lw rarrtr.l 11wougli 1n five dale
.11 cww,tlwc..l us will E., fur.. an1...1
lon or ch.-, lot wavancrs.
11ATLY Dr rkennir BMOC. reuntnruoun cin /171,110.1.
Dry Opole, lirto, Fh, Ilcokn, Slat:ovary. Cute Centro,
douary, Fruit, Feather,. Furniture. Dron. Molklu,
Euldtery. Wool. no. c. 11,00 It le° U.
IF Querurenrc a , Ilrocer:on, Paint, Dye StulLt, Oil,
Lentlaer,Clorer. Flux, Timothy anti other Dram ceelj,
0. , . 0 100.
Ileeon, Dol. Pork, Itutter, Lon), lard OD. Inhere° Le ,
Coffoc, Tallow. Ornin and itnee, filk 'D lOu
Arnow, Ilarbla (rough) Tar. Piton,, German Cl,. y
Jetal MaaDEN a COVODF.
STOCK FARM. situated In 14111 e Beaver Township.
wren, 1.10u0ty.1.3„ on the waters of Little
l'lol Xrealitl '" tr VALI '"
14am1 pout 11,070. IL '" " ""°
roll b0,.0 ear the 31arrin Farm, and Las been or ,
en pied es a Sheep Farm for the lost thirty /ear , no 6.1
now. to Orel rte,and soil ...Imitated for sheep and
cattle: It le watere y Little Beaver Cook. and ser.
eml never-falling springs; 000 ut WA aorta under 11.00, th.
principal port In mildew and pasture, arid about 60 acres
In wmiland. Au opts °schen' of choice grafted fruit.
with A number choice preen tree near the hour. If at ,
piled for noon, a valuable lot of household and kitchen fur
pure.. whist ram cooking Korn Lad farming utensil,
wagon. ploughs. kr. te., can be bed with the farm at
The tinkling. on the form no, Idiot boor, 40 feet
Nunn, an l tau stories higtr. luster the whole hour.
with partition wall In the center. The house IN well hash
ed and In gold stele; the rooms Inv very conveniently sal
culated. three Mille lower dor ,
. with tbreo Ore Oars, net
with three large Franklin ann . ,. five rooms in
!tory, three of which have grateN for mai. One name
kihelien attached to trick hour. 24 by 10 feet, two atones
high, large pantry, and pored, In front 10 fest wide.—
Otte frame house, attawbe.l w o rttchen.= by IS feet. two
stories high, ealculided for • shop or bed resale. with
north In trout ten feet wide. One flame wood
Man! to the above boor, 40 by LI) feet. One frame spring
hour, near the brisk house, Jo by 12 feet. and ton of
high, with lover story I Wet high. and the walls made of
Rt.. 01 , 10 ti end never fallingsming no
m f evaterrutraing
throngb the lower rtory—tbn upper mo well salons:4Q
kw story, .t shod annentd for a wash house: brick
...mike bonne: one arms rartiaiU, hour, 24 by 10 fret.
t o
fret high. with potato...4ler undone:alb, uua hewed log
hon.. abent rode (nom brick hour. IN by 10 Krt. ono
and a half stones blab. w
o n • never falling appear neva
I N hour: one hosed harbour. near Ohs brisk house.= by
IN feet. one,
fo r a ball stnriea high. with brisk ehltuneys
and ream r gra/u--Wagon abed on one .kirk
una tante
frame bank barn. GO by 4a ford, la fee high, threshing
floor In uppai story. nnil entrant* al 0 0 0 end--stable. In
lower story: one frame stab/e, att.- hell to large 41.1,60 by
feet, twelve Gad high , with stalls for rattle; one henn a ban, 4C. by feet, twelve text high : one frame slurp house.
180 by 1:1 foot. IN Kat.ttigh. divided Mu stern pens, with
racks In the eenter—upper story fur 00 1 , atie name sheep
hour. newt to the aborn house, 13e. by 2,1 fort. aral 8
feet blob, with racks to the reenten one frame boom. for
otary. 10 by N feet. and S feet high.
r e n terms, apply to John non, uti the mad.% bn
will show the Farm. aml wire all nernatary information, or
to Abbot) Kull, an the Pittsbuntli Read, 4 Lair from the
mouth of Ilaaver Creak , and, mites below Lamm..
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
undereigned Adrainistnaore of the
ratato of Molnar Fishman, dm:cared, offer for sale the
LT.!: fLi 4f,
US feet 6 Indies to • ten tel
Abe the. tavern ifrand known ILI the Slasizion
fronting on Liberty stroct n feet and on Clerry
theB2 feet 9 inchco,ritonina bock 93 feat°. olley. with
the ifrounil• and stable oonnoilasi, fronting on tint alloy
St feet 4 I MAMA.
three , lot, fronting on Cherry alley. earh eight.=
fert front, and running hack alaty.4.rt parallel avlth Mum
alley, all of which proprrt) .111 b. wad at private mat!. by
FveKb. In
the lihrlseel bidder, Apply to
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0.
lIE recent unprecedented sale-of Lots in
they*, Town having nearly eatcanntod
T. ;enviously kid nut. and the demand Mill written/nth
the nderelyrn,d hap been Ind nue to lay out nine:ion of
tee property In town late above, nal ogee, thew Ite Pala
at prin+ and term that cannot fall to meet the vb., of
0,0...1401w-toloar..hOOP. 11.111Efl, to say auvilang
or the loran= of the 'Awn and omowdo (it having teen
clemently dew reed in relent advents) other than
that neer ono hundred lob have recently changed hen*.
dbeen parch...a by them wbhing to Mean a &able
ble home
The abort lob aro among thn todstuthellontal des/tables
to toe plane recently andsold. luo yrindoolly booted to the *lntro of
For Inihrmation mat thateopvielay tn. tawepoet.
N Jones Blakely, tan, 'mn e.
011 mew,
rat Idmpaol, Yob, Zal. übsdayegt„
Ladies' Dress Gooda
4111.11 Y VDDRINIFIELD' have ne
• i'oletnnei Dianne Do InDoes
Wal•tol 004 french Moan doi /te.
also *smite attention to then esnenlre a mt.ent
or I...nbotoo'dsk. /Noma Aiwa axt Mouser,
tern OU Cltantser. and smolt. In mural. uttered .t
TACTITKER. No. 41 South Sorotia Struot, ta y„.
taut. out Aide.) Phllatlalphla. SIAM y
AGALEY, WOODWARD £ Co., \S hole.
Pale Grauer. N. =. SlatluAst— ap4l
. _
ISEALD. OCK & CO. Tobacco
Caakrabaduo Merchant', Na 41 Nor - U:ISM., rim.%
•Id North Whorrelh Phi/oldharts. 4001
MERCER A; "'INTEL°, General Commit,-
elon Merebaabl, Menl ddrdnedd
tads co ecarddrudidds of Perrldor sg Dardralddir
W. kkibbiERTERS (Xi: detl [al
• ear:mire/ea sad Partreral ii Merateutts end Mar
lie. .=6 Market street. Mt elate. Jr'.
To Southernand Western Merchants. Lt OUSELL'S PREMIUM PERFIIIiIERY.
The.subseciter Lushes 'phblie Ikthostkva
extensive stecks(Pk..hass,.. ,BassdtblustagerrstrA
!h i t: gi l t *even Silver ad hro G or den
0..0.1. tksw,
six 7°430.07 as - anted by the Institutes of
NOO , the latter being do
grxr:l. 3, =ur arkted for perfsmer7 elthsr Ia
Ithrseu's Umrstur.s. seavita eri", (Almota.
Ambrsalst) ontrerso.l37 . sekhoisledmlto hasuperior to
0.37 Sharing them to this eowarr or Eurpw.
iNdortutos Yon Youltro—Heultlfolly Wagon:went, and
ry Shoving goon.'
elcksownto Tamer Eatzs—Almotid,Owe. 7ltlkarvrs, Bon.
T 41 42ta10 - ntf&rale 'au' l } . 1".4" '
Exdodeto not too i llisogiac—Rtor4., Jnotd.„._
nun do Carotin, ionoteum, Jenny Und.
at = i tgla ' lol% l Wg lt' TVA:= 4'4''''
Tong, Waroos.—Florldo Water. Bon derou UW,Orsolto
Flower Wotwr nod groat voriotrot
der Waters.
• • •
OiIPII , IItATTOISLI MIL THZ liAll—iieiMine Boars' Ofh Authott
. Boodollon. E..ti Lustrale, Compound Ox Mu ,
roar. Ilalr Oren. Ikuld wad ha muter. and Chnlotme, SW-
Oh, and J41:31y Lind Pomade,
Onouludoic l'aernartdosn—itslanote Calif., hope Tooth
Pant, Charcoal Dentrinne, °dotal., Tooth Parte,ond Tooth
Cosornts—TexreMble &emetic Amandine for
chapped hands, Cold Cream of Ulm. Cumn de Pores: Up
hairs IMspberty Chem. trc.
peoilatory Powders, tor mai:whoa rupergnotniludh Pesti
Powder_ , Tlnabrre ltougv. ArornaUe Timm:kr. Vletotia
llalr Composlnan, Pmton 3Llts,
MM.. a gtrat variety of
other ortleleo, ton numerm to be nomad In Una advertises
The t
soloserlter hom to remintain the mutation which
thin establishment has d by dispng of nothing
but Bret rote mild, isequire
mod bo happy tofond& those
rho maJ wbh to parcels, him, either whalevale or retalL
gle reasonable terms so .r vdabliampa t askitai
tueeemor to Ord rumor Dtreetor of the Isdorrotorl4 of
114 Chesnut st
Perfumer 7 131 for sale by all the principal
Chnstaists to the eountri ,
_ A. & G. A. ARNOGIE,
pRAPERS & TAILORS, No., 303 Broad.'
Y wpf : owner d u i/Eno:vet. tottAa c l f rehur Home.
We neweet pattern% which that are Papared paaln! ' ..P
In the beet manner and mart Lank:nub/a Mlle. at thea
hoctal anederatepezet. Freda Clo th s, Cambneres and Vest
g.. of hand inaportatiormelegant light Mika dm Vera , :
dark do. do.; new patterns of Peri. Ibrataarkletim There
are threw Mallful artists empkTed la thiamtablbdunent-
Wm uf cut WAYS , one to cot PANTY, mai cue to cut
AIEfTWATN. Zeoh department I. =Wee I. 'Omit - 7
AltblYand NAVY UNLVOEIId taule broader, with men.
racy mat deopateh. and tta the Root 01 , 1119001 :manner,-
Strannors who visit this nateopadie. add And at this ease,
liabroma steep thing to their to and • most perfect at
la always IneurfaL
PILASUIDI WAISTCOATS . .!.:Thtwe 'elegant wateteonta,
that were so mart eatnanadareastle Garden, bane been
&wankel the dna premium of the earner/cm Inetltute M
their tale Fair. 7 r fetadase.
Shawl and lgantilla Ward:muse.
. N Stdife.) , M YORK, 13 . 9 allt = kig
esigEa Efl u AATtifr ear be of rit '' ?Bed_ . Aleo LACE
MUSLIN .04 all kthar e of SILK ALINTILLAR marinfact.
red from the laPar Parte WIMP& received
the admen
and particularly adapted to the Aminittrade.
BifE h aitw.=t; f= " ai l td ' ltalMnEl •
and eilk and Turk Garin Parma , . and Cotton and Ging.
bat. Umbrell.. All of erbkh will be olfetial at eatramoily
low pricee. We especially invite our Warthro Mende to ex
the our Block bifort pundaring.
Aleo. WIRE 111 O.W FEARDP, arbildUng :Rawls and
MthUllas. put up In mare pir tramapArtation.
C. B. HATCH &, CO., •4.
TAVE , now in stork and are constantly re
t en tqllLtilgThili ' 4 ' 00;8 Tel/eh:an ottrU
'itat 6 ,7f..l°,'"`V.,'ll.s th. tfle, : rt iC ( fr er":Mr. ) ,
Tie, Rota, Med MX, Orewdne eh.l.leu pturn. Linen Onllan+, with a variety of other sr-
W. 1.. liarto their line or bnoinmia All of which ON
redil at e xamery prima' Char Western Mends tire
Invited in ine oar nook febannt.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
JOKE'S KSIPIRE INK, SS Nassau street,
0 New lurk.
RLTT Men TO TXt TiXt/t.
quart, per I
00 6os. pir dos...
hub. 4
S ns. ..... 2.. i••
Un drsoebb Per galloo..—“-.% neon.
Thicts the be-t ante. rievuufacturod. It tows Preel.r—
is a gont 031 , 11.511 Infi—mu' will not corrode. mould.
precipitate or dreg, and p05....a1l the .I.llties requlr.
ed for a 1 Writinivink. suitable tor 'the Quill. and ad
...My Warned for the Itvel Pesi
The undersigned Is preparwl W furaleb to U. trade eb
Eh.. for expert or burns consumplJon, at the above very
low prices, put up as per ardor, ond delivered .aajt .
of tbe nit,' free ofvbar. No charge flw cues.
Or lens are eborpil extr a at
rtiAlr t 5 Naasau L. New Took.
Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising7Envel
WO. 263 ..N.D.Dis c rgT., NEW YORK.—
II The e utwertheu In nolielthog the riatronage Of all who
may eiv thLe eriveribettienb fowls near of that he:Ration
with sbleh • new article it brought before th e publiu The
capable. of year,. L. estabibled their atirwriorl ,te tz w t:
rood ail , and ho ninfelently ream. to the
or of thus bookie. toot who have wed t 0,,. e seams;
and to hie ',Willy iace.ilig eats. as proof ofteir wartibe
leo,. [ „
The following tie • few of the rear.. for tbeltsiink•
„„.., '• - .
let. On the place occuplor tor gale ekaa, . PerSolll:o37 .
have tibi name, built., and ailitreaa.4onaPieuolta ll
ir ao
beautifully embewerel, colored or plain. us affording per.
Vet security agidort frutol.
51. The Envelop. cannot lio cum:eel without below ile.
'tr itZ t4 bielther warno r wafers are regular.' to weal th em.
41. h. Upon the tulr.rrilige of abater, the real truntreelte
immediate return to the render. 1.1..1 of befog buried
montharo lb! Dead bettor titheu
Stb. The Envelof. .o fornhhed •t almost Cho mom
peke Fiala our.
6th. Loeb letter mailed Is • most effective adarrtlaeroeut,
nue to Attr,e. the attentLoa at all through rho. hand, It
' l l e flaring Il a list of prion. 04
s raved b
brad, anti ',hien vilbla. for Team, for;
the wool ekr... either white or buff. of 1.1 Oaper, sad
made above, with ban, address, 000.0
rvale.J Dim Mica re Erttlftr.ll wade a,
- • .
1.9 to 30
30 to 0,00 WOO 7,b0
40 to Co
Otto S
0 O
W In
When is not convenient to forward =aunt of order
per mail or express% a:retire.: to • respeebable New York
Nouse will be ennielent. .111 orders will meet with prist'
attention, If wiLliensed. MURPHY.
NO. IllNiMadison etreet, New York:
Orders will be attended to pow:opt!, V left at the awe.
of Mewrs. ill bell a Mott,. otapet. or of biers!,
derollninn a 134 William
N. 11.-11nainees 1.10010, endionird in colors. from may
Mew at 010,00 per thnurand. . feb=l..lm .
Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherops,
111 for renewing. theism/riding, and beitutifi lag the hair.
remoring th e wart itaridruf. and all atkvilaris of the ' mea l y.
sal curing eruptions on the "Sin. diseases of the gands,
tectselet and integument, and rellering sting, mats, WIM-
P', de. With tide Pen - Anti. "them Is no such
se fail." The &atrphi In America. mai:Ural ram
of Pao hishcd. eminence. pnwninent dd.= of all prof,
pions and ladies who have and it for "ear* in their drer.
aim, rens, and nunarier, admit it with one ward, th at for
Imputing ew e r. sines, luxuriant, and mud Co the hale.
enulitating "surf and dandruff; healing rounds, caring
onaturions. sprain", stings, he. '
and tricking areal. of
the skin. the glands, end the mrsvica, it has po pot
mining the multitude of comperinde edverthast pots
he prints, or mad In titivate practice. In cheapened , SA well
es efficiency. ilarm's Tricni•herOUll Is unrivalled- The Im
mense cash sales of the article. have enabled the itrentor
to Flipp!, it at. 2.5 cents rwr which , le from 50 to lOU
per sent Ito than the price of any other nreParatkm for
the hair now to use. - The ecientitie treathw on the hair
and thn sictn embracing the valuable dinutiory for the col
lars awl pnyxwation of nature'. theic.t ornament. In
in which each bottle ("enclosed, Is alone worth the money.
The affinity between the membrane" which constitute the
skin and the Lai, which draws Its wantsmentro from this
teipie envelop, la eery elooe. All Wirdes of the hair ari.
ulna. in the kin of the head. If the pores of the scalp
are clogrel„ or If the blood end outer fluids do not circ
late freely' throach the email eeweeb. which feed the ran
with moisture, and impart to the fibres, the result hi
w l. dandruff, shedding of the hair: graple, dune,
and herebyee of the liftmen, and entitle baidnewo, aethe
wise mai be. SUmulate the akin to healthful salon with
the Tvinarlitirnos, and tbe torpid risme, reccrtering their
activity, will annihilate the disease. In all affections of the
Ain, and of the substrata of museles and Integnments i the
4 L 7c74 anttlo b rev . t ere the 1
that : h epn i ct i th e b sitin.
hes Its Niticifie aZon, and in .31 allecticam e and Mut/ of
these enamel. It Is e sovereign retuo t t-
Fold to Ls, bottle , poke 23 mute. at the irintlpal of ,
flee, IZ7 linsalway, New Veit, 4.1 by the principal mem&
ants end druggLets throughout the United State/ and Can
ute. deek.lne
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court
t ,, , r ,,, O n 7ll7e i t= 7 ELenstotir of the Peace. in Bud for
The petitionof James blilliken. of the Borough of
litinalailh, it. thecounty albreaaid, humbly alteweth—
that your petitioner bath bromide.' himself with materials
for the mmodation of travellen and others, at his
dwelling how, In the lairough alinneald i and brags that
your honors will be plowed to grant hlmaikense to keep a
public house of eutertalument. dbd your, reUtioucr, ILO In
into bound, will pray.
• We, lhesuberribers, rifleman! the baroughaforceald s do
certify, that the above p Winer ti leo! Wood repute far hon.
eery and temperer., and in well prorkksl with house
room and 1 . 0121,111,11,11 for the aolsommodation and bsdniulf
ostrange. and traveller.., and that such tavern is nmew
tiro. Crumb:loloz, John Walker, ...
Fr Samuel McCune,
Jame,. A. thin, Thome,. 3leems, Johnßrahma, Wm. B
Waiter, 0. :freer, Jr., 01. Mau ls& 31eElhenny, J.Dough
errs. S. Warren, D. !Warder, 11 slcOirder•
Sellere_Conah-fip in I ll inois. "
JURGE PIERCE, of iddleport. Iroquoine
oonuty. write. meter data of January 17th, 18.51, that
he bus been troubled snore ar lo pith • cough for ocuccul
rwre. which last year eardined hint to his bed. and required
modieed treatment tor three mordlut Dortna the rammer
he got better. hut ctillthecoUgh cautioned hu dirt:era him'
11,41rerra8142°,,ii:;;V.1%,11.,=.b7e the nc rd
wChUoin brough6 woo him bun the Raba of Ohio. 31o. the e
he n had found the LI - roper preat me in Metal:Ml.7mA
when o f (rum Ohl ,, took 'Men baths with
Kim (4' wh nurgegrlool arid need with gre a t
to Word wad.
rrepored end add by • IL IL 21ILLLELP.=
L 7 Word et
&LI by druggist. genera ll y In the twoeitim wad elelLirr
tiADIES' MINTER HOSIERY, of .varions
kto-11, Inelndini pow article of Wt.! Auld .913 k. to
114 U. .torn o fG•b3 mulinry a Etincurm.D.
munral A BULCIDULD 6 kteD , Iirt wrortmcnt a 0.
word. bo.Bllk sad Cisme 3Lerion do, wad Dorm"
and Lamb'. ' .I Drawers. feta
- PEELED PEACI.JES--A small lots.Ncired
Gar rale bY .lo3t. WM. A.
IDE SHEETLNOS-4101a5CkCeDert., ntid
th"°l7'''"' 7VAdji.3l.l-3
Lbr tio tre otore.uotlt..tost tortor
mit! otznoto.'ott ..SOITIOent PC tau . .. kW .11.11.0. Prot
tw to three_ onto gold, bkutied oat uutJotchmt.
ilknoroooDloolloo, nom tobloolotbs, tat4.44Pon'lotr r - 7 .
"WS &nen W( and =mob. us/ boast...l4U •
k _
a,r kinds of Winter Moveu—eo one to to
ual ot the Acre of
Pb 3 AIIIR-Plrf a nuacnrFain.
QTAR CANDLES-30 bxs Cincinnatima
-I...)nrafoctle. nu band and ler sake A ny_
ROSII7IOO b fo i r v nie
TAR -100 bbls North Carolina, for sale by
ssbl7 W. t F. WILBON.
114 0 AF SUUAIL-100 bbs, assorted num-
Lem 1480 bt 881.811100118 INGRAILLW,,
_ No. 110 Water 84.
- -
BONN. BRO. 84 -ea, -
`h AVEREMOVED from No. ' 22- Saudi
• .
Make vlreetllo the new vrareboare . ryi. Nona
• here area etextortieg the WHOI XSALNTUDADOD .
BCSINF.I3 In a ll Its varieties, hawing =de ecutracte vrili
reveral awat.protelDrat toraverlvettelers NI the etvve -
.3 ; 1.1.1 e Vire Nrated ' 3
t k . , ,rd. r :lr a erta . : " lVF L lF. --,,, .......... 4, p
sownl'. E:rILO=4=I4ZnIC"IATU%' i
Co 1311:111111Ye, or ell Lively. Me ere aloe Sole Am. Ili-
Grener's FINK SPUN NULL TULIAIXXL bray "Nol3weei
every etverlption: Seim- 1.341,101 Itronls. Pipvs Ae. Al of
Ihr MK], erllele. v3D113.33.L1 . verevertederiag terroa.
. N. 11. We aft 1.4 rreclvln - 10 , 000 of O. IMPONSID
PRIN , IPI: 8/XlAlt.v..Neele ' 36.1 Nati. breed. Extra.
'leather'', fet3l4ellse • 110N1AL 1111 ft • CO: . .•
• .
)AVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Late: '
i aml (Mcomictiorter Mr P e nt e ttranit"N.Eoutc. MO. ' . i
Icammunlcatione Prctoptir rotoresoL ssoct=tlr. • I
101 IN IL ItANKIN, Attorney tunlVeruii.•
eN nut of Eat. and CoMmtectotrer for the PM!, o .
Yoorwrlvardo, X. Molt Sto. Otte of Plrtsburtt.) .
Erfermwee-11Peborph: Elm. W. Yonwd. Hampton t
miler, wcomcrte a McClure. Jut. E. Pate, littrells A
&mph, McCord L. Co. ` auglkl y `,. '
lIE undersigned baying entirely T e. rgiz
built andettlarged the etgere et tenths un.litsts• gll+
tee rat, containing In all about three lanndent end
room.. would respectfUlly give notice that It le now reset/
for the monition cod aceotamodatlon of thte Mantling
community ..
.th extended noticeof the nnsurpareed eenrealenoes orthis
'men. is dventnlwywrfluouly as th e nameteus Improve•
merits which lisenbeen wade caned propmly given in
sr wirerttsement. - to limy, no et pen. has tern
emend tormuter shy apartment prefect.
• The furniture was mule expressly to order, mantle.. of
cad certain poetens of It, especially the Drawing
rogue, will be fennel to boot' am newt beautiful matinise.
to re. The Dining rooms are eapatthe, Yid the bonne eth
ea eats vitae 60 arranged me to suit the misrules:ire of
early and late.. •
' Ern . , department will bs_noiducted In an =excepting,
mannerodul the propnetor tilluself that the
Ilttretienn Ileum shelpbStruly the Traveller's nom.
felsk3amlawerciT , LEWIS IMP.'
or.imudsoir Cletaaatptlan of A.
Vac Litur..tsthno
13mm dlousoistir, fixing or 'Kama 9f
, .* ether affectionz of Via
Pulmonary Orpcmu
IlarE do not wish to trifle withllie lives and
hillth of the d/Illetath hut wa eineerelf pledge , our
e..lTes to mete cm execution um to the virtues of this meth
ethe, end to hold no hope to suffering humthity, whieh
Clete will not warrant.
The 3lnce of Iceland. and the Pine and Wild Chem. ero
imitly celebrated for the cure of all aseasee of the Lunge
end Liver, which am so fearfully premien! In all . Northern
latitude. From a combination of cheinimil extract. pro
coned from We biome and them! hme, Be. Wisret's Bet.
t is or Wan Omar it chiefly formed.
/Et - Wider, Bales. of Wild Cherry de a fine tutu
amitmerr i eteneweed entirely of Wild Chorri Batt arid the
ledasel Moe. Übe latter inaPertedMriewili for thi!
Puri...) the rime medical virtue", of whieh ace elm cane
Lined by a new chemical proem. with the mimed of Tee—
thes rendering the whole compound the most certain and
eflemious remedy ever dieenvered for the
.. of Wild Cherry.Ttio ewe of Jeremiah Is
:Ant of Conituraptiost (Svf oViis brother* alai Mottos b..
tog diol of Courtuaistlon.) l )logy wondorfah
LiteetaDon coo Sent 27.1.0.
.I. Iti Paiii—Dear Er: Linke the liberty of iolciaing you
the benefit I bare dori.4 heart tho nos of Dr. Ichitaes
Moo= of WiLl Cherry. f ws= secatrated by that tent.,
*nag, Cocuoimption. in Blaylitet The etat was tinly
horrifying to inr. for Eiro of one family, (my brothers .od
Aston) bad died of Consamption, I wat atb en. with
nearly all tho wart feat.. of the Dee.. I had a Detre.
log rough. and exportented a grout deal of Lkoid, Beetle
fever, torero Orbs In the aide and ehrot. Cold oblik,alber
noting with booboo of boat
1 eras umler the ooze of a skilful abyrlrlatt, from the
Ume I area taken aka utrlll about AI rivets el.,' hero;
then about belplora. Oaf my friends. aumaterod my maa
_ .
the 'inn, and tetpuld any to that COISMIB.I3II . ha use, lx,t •
to ton dinenurannl If two or three Lott:. do not ' a
num but perterer, an I have done, and I bare no. doubt
but nine 01.4 Ott of ten, will be ble.ed with renewt.l
bealtti an I have been. rom,L
IParr/1117 TO re* AsrlacrED wma 'Am..... 4 ...xi-spa
Fro. Dr. Raki,, snrlu 2eW. Muttlagtort Coutty, Ey. I
Satsumas.. Kr, May 14.
Meant. Stanford A Parke—l take this opportunity of irk
forming you of • most remarkable cure porformed upon
me by the use of Dr. Wistar's Balesitt ef.KDd Cherry.
In the par MO. 1 wm taken with an intlamailonof the
towels, which I labont.huder trt MI reeks. when I grad.
mdly recovered. In this GII cf IMll I gal attacked with •
.wvere cold. which veered itself upon nor lanai and (silts
space of three years I • - eis conatimi to my bed. I tried .11
libiUar of medicine. and every variety of aid, without benr
fit_ and thou I wearied along until the winter of LOS,
when I bard of Dr. Wieter's llalivart of DIM Cherry. My
frieuds persuaded me to give it • trail, though 1 had ere.
up all hopes of recovery. and had reepand myself far the
lunge of another world. Through their.lietlations I was
Induced to make via et the gamine Dieter's Balsam of
Wild Chem. The effect ern, truly nertordstdrig. Alter
three years of .fiction and mattering and after haring
Vent - four or five bundred dollars tom plops., and the
bad and mat respectable plivittana had prtrad
ins, I wile moon metered to entire health by the blaring of
Geduld the use of Dr. Wivtark Bahama of Wild Cherry.
May the blown= of Gal rat upon Mei pr Drietors Of So
'valuable a melicine as ' it'bdaik DOltw, of lylbt Cherry:
Tour , nwertfall,
• Wm 11. Baca
Paid by J. D. Pant. (suttees, to Eanford A Park.) Yount:
and Walnut *trade, CinelonatLehio, timeral Agent for the
South aal W. 1.. to whom all ordene =net to addrreeed..
J. KISS A Co- D. A. FaLnestork 6. Co. J. A. Jonas, L.
Knot, fr.. Pittrtatrgh: Leo A. 1 . .6[13Am, Allealeaug Ca
L. T. Iturdell: Washington: L. lintratann, If.
Welty, tireensloorg: E. Hounts.Soutersek Scott • Ulla:ore,
Belford; Deed d Son, Huntingdon:Mrs-Orr, tiollidayaburv.
Indlonat J. K. Wright, Nitta:ink,
Aram A co. firookrillA A. IVllenn C MO, .Wagritdburg:
Haar/Ind A Ou. N. Callender, Meadville: Barton dr Ce.
Erie; Graham I Porker, Here, JUL. Nally Co, Dnt•
I, E. Stunt Bear, J. O. Vurrou,ton, Warren; F. L. a. C.
S. 2 =4% Ceeka-ete , Cooker, Drornseilln
Ohio Skate CornMiViolll,2 for tAkInF liono~Urn. Ark
noirleftrmente of Deeds, A. (.41. —Fourth maw. arms
Mmthfiekl. larkdArref
Sliming ont the Entire' Stock. •
('!HEAT EARGAINS.—A further 'redue
1, Um, In prices. The sulwariber wishing to dose oat
the balereo of his otoek nT Saner and Staple Dry Souls by
Ilia lot of April next, would re,pretfully roll tt eattentem
gor his hl motor:ears Lint the public, who ar Went o f
ood gases at ally per eent. Delo. , former 'siren To any
person wtohintt to eornesenon brutniesron Markle Mired, this
could be • ItowinPleortunity, se be will illoperie of the bob
roaof the facia on liberal terms, with a lease of the store
ch he bur aceriphd for ores 11)iano, awl rase
lent family trade. WXI. UAII3LAND.
iais:* New *ark Store, Socket et. Pittobwre
SEEDS -40 bbls Clover Seed;
fublO GO `. 'ra olbr 40,1 for far b
. _
BURCIIVIICLD have on band spood osanatmeal
lanketit of all Mt difiervtt quand.,including tam
t f prime.
.I.aUts. oil of *bleb are 130.1 r Wand
reduced •
yOLD LOCKETS.—Just reeeirell large
..PNT °C eiGr , aat Gal wanner cwt ditrantare Carr.,
table fa r
fieb4 Daguertaspes. Bar. a.
LONDON TAPERS-50 doz. for stdo by
felf—.l. J. KIDD 6).
GIVAIL 141111{--From 614 ceote
s''' f th'r" r Z . IISLSIIIL LI..
_7-for ado by tubl2 W.PMARSHALL.
WHITE FISII—T2 Gbh.. tor sale by
L. 1•11 Water atol Front Atx
CAMPHOR—:: bhls for trale - by ' •
44110 R. mums,
DOWD BAYBEIthY-2 bbh for r.ale by
COPPERAS -10 bbbs fur sale by
IL E. =URI:.
tr E s . ale be
MOUSE DE IaINES--Printed and solid
oolore, =mat 'Tadao aral at Tarim. ptiras lo t.
at Fon, of !obi LI A I;PorRY 4 BURCHFIELD.
uda lurrlcr
or inTFIELD sun veiling • gart
w.inu.1,11.. and.] febe.o
balm fur sale by
--- L .1
M. 11.
- - ---- -
Q, ALLA') casks for 831 e by..
DRIER PEACIIES-100 bum for sale tv
feblS w . CULIMILIYON t 10.
TANNER'S Ahls, for kale by
frbl2 2.*C11110:531
.a CO.
,- Foo.Aß—Knumtkati r on Mal u/ for sale ka
1310 140. N. --160. tons for, talc "In Ipit to
dak. magsatment. .
Mate J. s. ramonnt a co.
FEATHERS--10 soaks now load i ng &Wa
x- stnaner Asia. ad On T u l a
!Ow oat
bta At.