Att - OITY • . .. •-.- : - - PU BLIC , ers.. 1 . lily, • . ee Paiird duringthi recondlftsion of the Thalse-fini r n e. 3 . , . '''' ' Cohyreete. Poetic—No. l'Jj. AN ACT making appropriations for likhilionses, hnuye, &c., and providing for the At erection and . establishment of the -eame ' and h for. other purposes. Ice it matted by the ¬e and flouts , 1 Riper- t tentatiore of the United State, of Amerfen_in Con- rat res. annembled, That the followineappropriations ere ,!be, and the name ore hereby made, nod directed dist to be paid out of any money in the treasury not trir ; otherwise apprOpriated, to enable the Smretary on . of the Treasury to carry the pmvisihns of this. her act intoeffece l'rorietni; however, If a good title to Apt any land which it may be necessary trifler cannot nos be obtained on reasobable terms, on the each, kb: else right to. such land 'connotlre acquired by ces rion, when the interest of 'the United States de- mends it, it, before the appropriation wOuld by law fo ll,ell, the appropriations 'l i lint4theBPiunrun strait d'i b e nany e aP p t p i limle ail b '4'ch c -to the objects for which they are made, at any time ,yi mn ia. within two years after the trot meeting of dm /5 ,, 5 room' , I the ttritab , h.l lion' , 4 ItryOn - Legislature in any State wherein ouch land may ro d„ rlo.lStatr, of d ro eri c a to 0 ." be situated, snbemment `to the passage of this ~„,,,hte d , That the terms of the circuit net, to wit: et. of th e united States for the eastern and ,tricts of Peun'sylvania shall hereafter • follows, to wit: The April awl Or her tqtms of the eastern district obeli sera eves no the tint Monday or'April and October: arthe abr. - and NOTelllber terms of the Wert n 41 Aran commence on the second Mon- Sl:,y and -November. apt recd, March '2, 'For buoys on White's :tint Thorn's ledges; and COMP on Pond Hand reef, nt the mouth of Kennebec I tab -- river; three hundred 1101116. For a lighthouse on fond Islaadj at the en. trance of Narragutigus may, tonic thousand IMASSACII If Per. n light-boat on the Shovel-Full eft Chatham, teethe thoumaml live hundred dollnn _.- "() CONTRACTORS. TO UMBER MEN. 2,000,000 feet Plank wanted. 11 F. ALLEtiIIENY & BUTLER I'LANis i oat" (AM PA NY. tarn,• pro v en!. nail lbe hi, al te T eel, for furuinhinwo Million awl of Platik—lt -bee thick. and or 9 feel in len n tle-h. at ,ari burg, if bivught rarer. or al itch Pla , w n to may he sacral oleo, far t wale may he throated toll., l'redflant, Ot LANK., all, ea.. Va.. or In Cll A11.1.E.n V. SPAN.. Vith tial and any in a ttiriaa far further 1111 , ,111311e1l ~ 1J 1 1 1 , ' . may la. addrwoni to m ote. Vna wale will be rreaired 9.0 Ilia deliver, elMlak. e lirudork. ... Notice to Contractors. nn AND PENNS) : IN AN I A li.. I y peaponde will he n at I, ado, Ile Ohio and Ilenn.ykania re aa n witi at Vat urn! . until Thunelay. tbe 0.1114:Ay el lar ay th.. Track trim Vittebureli k• Masoollon. a .Iwlniew f a n/ mile, e i 9vitientione and farm. tu prwieeal. Itwiad al the Mee la In...tai l :h. ear te a Pwar.e. the letting. an a pplication ta nadanen bed evr. The propente bole he In w all . priul d form, and vitiate-eel to the Prowaleol of ale 1t• trioY T 1 NM , / intik. I'ol 11013Nedift..1tt , For a lighthouse on Flynn's knoll near n lyl'ilwrzli• 9 t • No th Ameriean. New lork t men,. 1.4.1nw. hook, thirty thouwatol dollars. puhlieli folly anti.. 1411.1 For a lighthouse on Horse Shoe reef Niagara • river, twenty-five thousand dollars addition to ZOPOSALS for Ereeting a Wire Sospen on Ursine aier the Alleele.ny Ma the former appropriafions • . fie% etre, In tha Fifth Want of Ilia r. .1 ill “re of etruentre rewentlr deettal'ed fd. Yale Fora lighthouse on the pier at the mouth of Proveale will le' • Sodas tray, and the removal of the beacon-light f:+r the m•tMn of air aloe on. said pier to Grassy poi n t, near Port:Glasgow, ,any , meo”oe"hla six thousand dollars. eit h 111'11 alteration.. a. bidder, may wieneet awl the di. 1 APprOle. 1 1 1 ON, 0111Ie 11 ,1 A1 , 1 lareatar. " For a lighthouse on the northern extremity of 'Act F. lA/RENY- Free , 181111:1(1, six thousand dollars. , For a beacon on the Sand spit tit the harbor of Sag harbor, Seven hundred dollars. For the completion of two beacons near Fort Hamilton, two thousand dollars. • For four spar buoys at Fire tslaad inlet, .three hundred dollars For eleven buoys in the channel to Commercial Point. and Neponset river in Dorchester, one thousand dollars. For. lighthouse at the head of Ilidmes's !Tole harbor, three thousand five hundredidollars. For a beacon ou FAIV/1 'bar, near Peer Island Bastbn 'harbor, two thousand fire hundred dol.. At lams. , For t.tio iron spindles on.thenorthease ledge of the Grans, and on ifarding'e 8.,t0n bar two thouzand dollar, • BROM: ou.e no. ror a light-boot off Brio ten's reel'„ fifteen thou- and dollars. I=l 'for n can•bnoy on Pea-field reef. off Black Rook harbor, in Long T.,hind Sound in addition to a former appropriation in the net of So'den,- bet, eighteen hundred and fifty, unoinnolred anti thirty-five dollar, For a lighthouse at Fishing, Battery, Chess apeake bay, the thousand dollars. . For a lighthouse on the liOdkin tilloal, mouth of the Patapsco river, in addition to the former appropriation, seventeen' thousand dollvrs -- When this to completed, the isresent light on ted kin Point he discontinued. Far a fog-bell at the Newark lighthonse • two hundred and fifty dollars. For completion of the tenon in 11.:1,-.1:1ir four spar buoy" in the same, a spar buoy at Mill Rock, and a beacon at the corner make near Elizabethtown Point, eight hundred 50001.1 CAROLIp., . • • For n buoy ou_Nliddle GrouriS Shoal. Beaufort ',:harbor; two hundred dollars. & . lighthouse on Beacon Island. six thon , :racoke Channel. fifteen • •• (18.4iir, rnnge fivt , hundred dollan. Itrnime,of POI Clinton, nred tiftyl .1,4141, For a lighthouse at Ilaylg's it nrto[ sand donors. • For hoop attheentrancoof MDT:quite llorFer, five hundred dollars. For a lighthouse and fog sigital at tirarii i na fifteen thousand dollars. For. fog arganta for the lighthottsea at Cape Disappointment, Cape Flattery, and New Den ginnew., three thonsanthl , - • • - I■l For a lighthouse at Crumb°ltik trirtor, fifteen thousand dolLars. . Texas. For a lighthouse at Araneetiltri,s, twelre thou sand fire handrail dollars. For three light house", of We. third stair, at Half `oon shoal, Redfield bar, and at Clapper's bar, Calvtaitoa.boy, fifteen thousand dollars. •••* Sce..2. -And be it ferthir atarird, That if such person as the Secretary of the Treasury shall de- Statile shall report, in any of the .astas herein presided for, that the, preliminary surveys are necessary to determine the site of a prop9sed lighthouse, or light oat, beacon, 9r buoy, or to anertain more fully what the Politic exigency demands, the Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon direct the superimendCat of the sur vey of thercamt of the United States to perform such duty on the .ecaboont, cool the Colonel of the corps of Topographical Engineer to perform duty on the Northwestern lakes_ 3. And he it further rnur+f, That the of ..':flieracc directed shall forthwith 'enter upon the discharge of the duty; and, after fully aseertain ', ing the factisall report : First , whether the • proposed facility to navigation is the most suits ble for the exigency which exists; and, second. where it sbonld he placed if the interests of co.- . .acne demand it, third, if the thing proposed be not the most suitable, whether it as expedient to mate any other kind of improvement: fourth, whether the proposed light has 'any connexion with other lights, and if en, whether it cannot be CO located at to StIiVeTTC both ille,gencral and local wants of trade and narig,ation: and fifth whether there be any, and if anyvehat other facts of importance tonchin— the subject • Sec. 4. And he it"ferthn milled, That all such reporrts shalt as speedily as may be, lie laid before the Secretary of life Treasury, ao d if such as to authorize the work without fortheir legisla tion, he shall forthwith proceed With it, other wise such reports shall be laid before Congress . at the nextensning smeirm; but in pi CMSes where the person designated . 1 - 0. the Secretary of the Treasury, raider the second ref:tied of this act, does not report suth preliminary examination as expedient, the provimons of thin act Anal with out delay be carried into execution. Sec. G. And Lc it further enacted, That the _salary of the keepers of the Minot'o Lodge light shall hereafter be at the note of one t bousand , dollars per annum, and the assisMate fir.: bun tired and fifty dollars per annum. ' Site. 6. And be it fararr enarb-d, That in ease it ehonld be impossible in the opinion of the col onel of the topographi cal corps, td obtain a per fcet title to the necessary bond upon wleich to bU!J the lighthouse heretofore 'ordered to be built at the mouth of the Colloid river on Lake Michigan, said land shall be eppriiired by three disinterested persons, under .04 awl the light hoWse Akan immediately be built, and the op: praised value Of said land shall be paid to, any person who shall make to -the United ritote, Fel In the Attorney General shrill consider a yo...rfe.:t 21 tie thereto. .• - • . Br.n. 7. And be it farther f -narte r i, that, her... after, in all new lighthou,a, in all requiring new lighting apportion., nod w sl/1 lighthouses as yet unsuppliept wi sh 'Jin n i noting apparatus, the leas or Fret:m.ll niitong atoll / adopted, if in the opinion of the /irk:rotor Y of lie Tramway, the public intereot widt h ., o un.,re thereby, fly.. 8. And , be d further engetrd, That t • Oec.retsry of. the Treasury be, and Im is hereby, sUllogistol and required In -cowl a board tot,. convened at an early rt daY nnnuiy lee practinae hie ifiet the peerage of ro red hr. oftirers 9f the nosy of higlr Puck; Iwo ofri earr, of engineer. r t the army, and /melt rtbll off, err Of high relenting attainments Wilyl , ly he under the brdere, or. at the disposition of Ole T e eosney Department, and junior officer of lbw siiioy, to *et flemetory 10 . utI(I hoard, whore dill it ARO LP, filmier fiefttictiiiiwi f, , wri the Trelvory Deportment,. In Inquire cotolitnmof tie ,11 q etrlabliabbient of sir 110,1 abed kiskeit general detailed roport stall program• ma $ lrohlii legislation In nxtinPling Awl iropro. ring our pieeent eyetern 9f ounstructpw, tuitiod, inspection, tind-ouperiutitultmer;. /ion .Tbat • no additiOnal ,rotnyenontion h allowed any petoon servluk, un'oald brapl. 80i. .4. Anil Gr forgo? enorarint, The[; ill FIESZNIM :d .t be, and he is herehy, required to cause ; INSIYRANCT. - •'d - 'lnd tram the eagineer corps of the ar- ; ~ - - ,-.7.- - - - - ---_=_.. t ----- -,- . fr.m time to time. such officers .-' mey to' i Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company. to ''Perh:ftud the construction '" .l I rIiNIIE following, pencils, 1.1.- the term of ova log lighthouses. ' Charter Id the IIITSLICRGII LIFR INSURANrk: pploved, March 3, 18.51. i I /.111,111T. are the Illnrlors , rf tier raid Comp., fur the ' " Za.. S. llorm, Charier A. CALun, Jo.terh S. Iterrh, 011111101 Alstnurkan. Joint S tfihrur Jo th. A 11 liAUI. AIm. Phillip', b. Al 0 ~ . tin" 0, the ahoy.. Direct,. held at th.. uth... .1 A Conga, .01 111 0 :nth net .IA 511 h. s 111,11 N, ehArrA Prrrirrut. 0 011'el, Iit0 . 10:111010 , I Iran in, Pre.i.lo. 1 • 001,1.0 A 1 .0 110 . 00. Ssrr..llr,.. J.rAru S 1,00 - O.Ts-nourrr ur r Ihtuurru, IL It , hturnimul 11,3A0 Th.. ~...k. •uhrt.ritAlun IhrA, of .1,.. rump:mt . . v . lll i., ionrul. 1,,r the pre. , nr, At U.*. h..,u.. of 1., trot, t 1 'r A 1 . ...0n h..... 1 ts tr.., 0b.., Our, uirlaus, 1.1 rolucrihr .-ur trtrE un ol.i,riunol,', 0•, ' 1 l't " q'.. t. .YTI. [Pursue—No. 25.1 ACT to amend the act to change the time of hold og the circuit and district court~ of the Unit.,l States for the li,trict of Ohio. I. Be 7 .nartrd by the Srnab . and Mir , 4:i kV, liatil aof Mr tlnitrd Stairs of Amer., a Cr Con • ~1 a arrnbird, That the term of the circuit and ,trio • eouri of the United Staten for the di+• ,et o Ohio, tour required by law to rominenee the third Tnes.lny of May in cacti year, shall rca Cre commence on the thin! Torolay of -oil in each year; and all provisions of 1:11V ti• a plicable ' to die holding of said May term all . ply to the said April term. Ap over!, March 11, 1841 1 1 .A.XSEEI ) , 5 6111, City Mahn, on hand awl for mle n. .Icht, N. N. illl'hi:;0 , 11..01 I' \. ER Of I.—Rushton. t'Lyh...i t '•. Ireed an•l teat. b, N. ,I1M17.1:1-11A,1 ItESS SILKS--2 0 ves. a....rte.1 Sprint: Silk, r••••.L•41, m. 4, 44 i • •r N.. re.: AIM r 4 Maxi. t 41.-4 lADIES' DRESS 1:04.4),5-- Iv. phnn high 1.-on and Ing•nonl Rn - A , In CtLuado A. A gn "Innn•l !pall . M AVON 1 OTASII---`: casks reed and f.r szd, hv ml LIAM RICK eV:4-t,,, I end .-11.11.ilen A TINTER WII ALE VII-1200 ,-311 FTS , IN NIA ALL PIAII ) FRENCH (:INC.M. I3I S. '•,.-,. 4 i',--,,;Tir,,' NlVgi . ,' ;"0,-riINITI• ""` lih INEN CAMBRIC ILA NI , KERCIIIEFS. MU Itl'llt a LIU ItCllFlli.l.l` ha. , i ii.l roo I ',ly of rho iihioro ..nonr, , , ra mil • hi,..4.irix iii. ,iit fr ,iiil.:•ii froiti_Kil,o_rittii tip to 5. , ../ . tiL F . iii i, BITTER - 1i i ... 1n , i : I, (AIi .. .NTS' I'OCREVIIAN DREW:lll},p, 1, Silk and Linn ran brio. otcs er um' 551,15.15 , ~.,. " '""'"`'''';.;3'll',:llN, nriICHVIEL., oTTos—ts h.tes now landing. from ,tr. A'''. 'n .1 '''''' br . 1.:+51011 1..11:1(1:1 * A I 0., %V %h./ iiii•l {i ~,, i -i _ I - ARD AND STEA RINE I 1.51,N...11..711. .: hi h , ohs:solo , ` • - hio•linit livito iitr Vio. sir.ii I l ir riqo:: . . ~....,, .. 1. I , I, 2 , : :. t i 1 ,.. : ,, ; 1 , ~.. T U. SINIAR- - I(/ hits. landing or St,' i P.""‘''''''.33'47ll'At rt. 1 ?I,I.:AIit.,VINEGA,R,i- .ia1,t,,1H,1.:,:5f,,,,r 5ni10.,1,,,y, I 1114:010f N liTs-6 I_,Ag. , for sal" 1,1 V I 1-ter. s 4 NAV 11.0,1101, , i ...,,, i4fEESE,--15111wleq W. R. (Mr .alf• 1,, / coll'S , i`' V. t i.`i CA IN 7. I lititsT .iiiiii 1 I RNLI IN}: I'ORT AV IN E.--The-pur.• jui,.. 1 ..f Ili , ti mho.. nuolt•li Ihririoihri oat pilot vv., 1 , 1 • -ili• b• tho ijrmrt or Itottlo. ni 41.411 12 a 11..11S Wall S 7." 1 Irito• Sttrr ..., ,i,i....rtho livaiiiiinit. I r• /,',. ' V/ IA R—lfil) lihilo. prime N. 1):, jn , t. r,..:' , i i Ir" ' ''''"` ''-'''''''Nnifigc.kja..i'lti.lllltANl. rohi.:sNo lir 5,00r,t • IhRANGES-100 boNos jo.l ir.i!'tl and (or 7 1,i ' ,. 5' uunnm im:/:. i Nit ItAll /01, No. 111 11 rits r ot. ll' 1 .1.1'1 . 1. , 111Y AND BRUSSELS CA II PETS , i 1 it L ''"''''''''''' '''''''''' ' 'inailt.,rl.;;!i:''' amond Shoal. off Cape dollar, icon on Cape liatterns and dollars. to Upper .letter, in Cope 'ridge from the .Imee to Imummi rcen, kind, Lake Eric, INGRAIN CA ILl'E'rti—A 11014 . 1. aFsortment I ROOMS---`O O tlozCn I r.. 1.19 lAGA.7.INESFOR .1. It. itetrree Literary .orael, Ttee.i ,r,t.•raraqe tto.). Mar , 'lr. ‘11.1.11 , Magazin. M.,..arifte. • lA.lime Nat renal hi...inf.. • ter tho . 1.1.1 , n i.l. 11. ielf.rdfnu. Itirt 1.1 51..../lonfra. N... 1,4 11.311: 114....rical Iltory TI. ...If , . Mtu by !Ir.. bill, ffinv nflal... . n•Arl, by MI 1«bla INGLIS!! AND A!IIERICAN Oil Cloth', 4, a large ruaartn tut writ +-anat.+, till teat ate Can , . Wareham...No ,Fnartt. rL,ta vrt,.•l, tr. ✓ "."'"..' U. IORY-4011 iil.l, for oak by tvm II .I.9llNaltt!l LOVER SEED-4 1114% in / br r3S• by f.lOll NU II /1111 !•.]i,, NIJTS--15 1,1 4 1;p0- I. ) 4111 H 414114,/ , / , CEIINA IN Cl;lig V 01: All. l',A I N ., i. 0.14/1. in U.. es, .4 P•71, 1N • in, j lairro th. M.ll:banix t.ltannuali ut f..r , r 1V... na1.,1KA.11,1/rr/If/(/'/. b/./' it,. bay. tn.° seq.... Db ., soh klyl 7'.9 ;$1,2 pr../. an RAI. le Va... 17 4 , 44 I ^•.. 1-111;•-r. *ma v. 1..14 1/, intrry a. or. I.• •01,4•011•15 Ile. purrhs...l 44. pnldicwav AAP:. ref :nal se.4 tsr...• 6,1+ , I , • f • I,IJ .; rn pmalar eg. Itl/.11 • 1)1,.., obi , 111. / 11•Lsbtoirw poi. and ...../tas•Ely 4,44.414 I'r levelstrg Fec by 11. E. eiLLI.K., 4. r.l. Warsl r 4 t 41,1 SECtfO:i7 16.1 lyit. aftl Attrett. Pittnbur.b, rill 01IN 51rPAIWN A olr, I ..31.1 LAM, ,I 1 - . C. , .. UM/RIES -- I 1 - .3 J tr.i , Irs C.4.1.0n: 7 ark, Frik[6.•M 71 do Prnnutx. • ' 1 . , do Dry Appl, 4 to d• Peach, 0 d 0 do do g•-••. I.- 4 do 1/10•1310 Ido µ'.•d: nowt landing Wm, lenturr . 0 ,, r, rm. and for ' rain by (01,17 lAA I All DICIc kW , Al' . Mil 7 - tINS SODA A sh, for sole by ' 0114 7.1,17 ;antitumor.* 11111111001. QUI/A ASII—A supnrior articlo of our own VI mnufarture. cm:ideal,. on hstml muff, oal.• MEN!. Err. !MIMI' Al'/, ' 01,17 Water xt:r...4 - - F aIOBACC-0 LEAF- 4 blots. for Ind.. by fehl•WM 11. JI.11101:.. 1, ..... IaIiGARS-10.0,0411) Prioeipe. Replia, , and 1.7 Renate ....gar, of ullttraslr! . . f , , , , i f i r.h.4 , . T , pp fold) 114 I .11tt A • ” _ . . ^ '.. . 1 (1 i tEcK. LosT —A cheek daimon Il ii„ in X . ) faint of Deur,. Frill. tin. 174.0..1.1.•1 E,lmorteso-411:. . 1,1. on S. 1141,•••• a NOll.. or WI. •II r, fo,,.. o Wnndr , i •n.l fifty glollnr, 1.4 1..,, 11l fr•ro lb. moil 1,0•..... Marburg/1 .1.1 l'•elt.a.looritli , lthr poil,ll, or” cniill‘..4l rwaing rr,Wif.t4 ..u , 31 01.0, •i illo Jr. 11,0 1....• -1.4,..1. 1.1,11 MILLER • ILICKEWON. A 4.2 L soilA —lOO o‘wit• on 10014 and for 1 171 eml , . 1., f.14 7, ~ I0,7:117.1001 . 0 I O CII S i IT 1•1411/itiC 4 if lilt I Aq'll! ACIDS, al ' 1,17 ' 'n 110011001 r",.. 1 . 113,Nrf t 1'. 111!ILIV1 • 411 . .. . lk , I AcK ER AL •- 1 0 0) bbls large ;No. 3 . Mas- IT.& ,arlw,fht 1n, , r1...n.f0r nub. 1 , 0 ) .17 J.At A 11171111 , 0 ,1 A Co ... . AA OLA :•5t.:7,-Lili)111.1. Plannation. for IT JIL lry fAOI7 J AM A I.IIITCII,IWS •ot _ . 1 EA lI—L'aNI I , • igs ' 4:alena,`,for main by I . J . _ 0117 .„ .1044. A. 111,71111150 N A I, P.', fill 111 tt.l 1. 11 1 171E11) APPLES. for ,nll.. by I , ”,..- 61,1111101•11, • I7.1111:AM 10.1 e .., 11. Wnb.r stn. L IrSf [L .. 100 bbl No. i 3lnckor;t4 1 7 noon. cede 0,. --I Ablylealmon: 1.01 Mr Pr 7,1,17 . W.* E WIL!,)N. . . 1t g) Go4. I7 CORN Mc( ' tti for Yale l.y i101:111 X :I ) FtLt ' 0 'INIWIRAM. i Linen and Hottse furnishing Goods. 1 A A, .MASON A, co., go. 62 and fa Al . IlitiltA wnret. krenn ronotanfir ma baud II 131 . , .. rwn.nt Of flu. followpbt S•od , 0 1 ! 1 ... 1 ,1 1 I.,•nt•e•- . .-UnVtalrlll4ht.,oll.64HLlW4 DlAMtrt' 110)4111*,0,•rt•yry .10510*, 4, ,y, 1'...T1A.. II rakollber. 11111; , rnnd 1121tuakt 0101. T, 1tm...i.• /4.W, mod Aiird'l4, . ,100 u 1,4.,in0 rod Ll{N.l, 4 ll l n lo f , fr Vl•o , r and 1.1.00 llante4l., ell widtb, . I.llam Itoun111• Inounkercbien - . , a4.l""ieltilh"tg'Z'Al"b l r"tipg; lan t ctnn rn: Wnw. 00. 14. ~ State Mutual Fire Insurance Corany. nnANcll timer. it'll.' 1 ELI. STak , t. - r. 1.11 - r,t;i: will Tit,: the itiltitte, of th.• Ilia. tor. ent,ti.rint to tont, tilt sr.! TN XI "1 1 11. 'Fifa: IASI!! .1.7(.0; CIO,/ I „„..1 T /0. RTTI. The 10.1111111110 T, T/1.. 011,..,11/1../...1 1,0111111 1 10 11,10 1111,11 hn. in, 1,11..h.ii 1 ITTA/ 4. 1,1 , , than an.l n. 1.1 ~, u. to Ili. eintititillt 11 , nrn htnii.l 'al thnt neat he nil tin. tit,. tit "" d rittit. milt 0 lar.n. 111 ~t-1 hor nvity nni. 1 , „1"..i., - 5,1r1;:" A id,dird vd-diwrt y 515. 1.:9.496. 1 ml do. Ztlarant,' prrnlill F 57,009.70 do. ',ash rrendoms. - - :a194.24 ~!slarnrltet, ,A nt4Z. - 91. 1 , 11.0. 14, ,, 5, • - • - • -t.IrNl nn to 1..• 0t...10 , 1 , •1 trod. th, Ltio talo•titAl .o , ots or ',Mil, 111.1.01311, mll,l col '1o.! and tor,. rt,. ,••,"., 311 , 4 , 4 Als:mln:zo•- • ^.l 100 lA. I n....trAmv l tunaut in MI , r‘oolnl*l. Co3o.lno•trol oon tho• nnol ,to•ally inlpn.rr.l .Inn 0.1A,411. - 0 6 0.1 oof ronls Atn 1111 l In ,r. fono• pre• fr0 , ,,, , t, 4,.1 rurr•tiov oot lin, 1•11c1 Alm”... trto• M.• - lo 3nol ulual it.ot 110 n,ootnni,lmpou lo,th lout ..111.0.1, I lio• In•ouro•.1 Vo tonrln•innlvoto pn , a. It and, 11 , 11.1kr Iliro,,,loohn I' 14011, A.l :•• A C3rrio-5.1.1110, Cl k ,••1... •dx .1 I. kr "1:11. I`lA-ool , nt A .1 CI ,AP.Awr. ArtuAr3 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Ca4 - -Philad'a. C.I 7 ,NT IN PITTS111)1:G11, W.II. lIACIa /X( wine .1 . 1.11 ,1 1, 41 n". , U... ',jai.. In t ~. 4i AI frnni '1 31.4 :cud 1111 l Slllll,ltll , t.• eln• prIc1• 1 •• 141, Man, 1111,1 i, I . ' Marine. Fire. and Inland Transportation r.llri tE I n4tur.twe emnilati) N,,rth - •vitnl 11' rti I: 0.4,, CA.1..• tit• AI .1.4. A .4-IA. SLlturl A.turtl.. Frtn,..• 111.4,1, AA w,. A 1111,11... hart,. TA. Al 1,. I: 1 . .A.u.n. A ttif.r..,. AA . ltstv. m:n. Ow e. 1.1. .1 I tr , st An. A. Sli I ll.' 1111,..1 fr.. 111 AA.A 111.A1. -AA tAIm.A. AA I Its ex.., ..t nr. • ale, "'" ,„ lil En•rst Alm. American Life and Health Insurance Co. {7., , (,.r 1Y Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. saoo,ooo N111.1.1'.1:, .1 I. ; Nri. - Te, - 11,11. .1, 4.... o 1110114 r • (14.10.---, Jr .11',0 I' 11.14,4.-n.. 4 4-. Si .44.4,,,rk . us. 4... r l•rt4l.4lrrh 4,11, Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y Ni , l I'd IF THE IF:N• Tlor•I 4144-1. P1011.141r1d4 1111 15.3 r. 44.44 —II4OHIO, A14441,4,.04.. •141 44141 1.4 /Ir.. Irlant rr4mturn 11 4 r.14:. I•4rr. 440' --11:4, 44. .4 In/ or.• TT Tr %to- tr. 444..• -- I 0,4.14.. 10.0, '1J4,11.1.1i..4 rran.r. ..... I 10 11 I' 14,4. 11 St, trt 14 4,14... n ra , r- arrl '4:44 ..n ,1144 111,-.4.0•4004. i . II J.. 10.4 br.rdr.• 11.4411, 110.41. 4;r 4/J. 14,4... rrorn.orr 1 414114.44, 1 1 04 II „. Th4.0.•0 I IL4rl . J .1..1.0.4.:0 .1110 t. 4 44. Jr 1.41.7,A T, •1r4,74.n. litsJlt Craw. I „ mi 11 tt 441 4144100 1144.-1. r•01- J 1, .4,11 I A SI ',All: A. coTst Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philad'a. to RECTI.IIS: Char], W.. W111.1..r h 1••• 1.1, 11 ..1 1 ;1 It3ve khy.w3, Ow , !Omar , ' 11, , ,nwl to, !twirl° ti11.r.1.1.t 4 , 1 • I with vrom , plr./.. , 3111,141,11, 4.1 1. 1 ... 11.1 1 1• Ell 114 n3:11 . _ rrtE Altrrum. ili - NEFIT LIFE iNsug- ANCI:II N.. S soil No II N Atri2 ~ tor r , r ~,,,, .llsolo.l aros , o, ltk+ 411 I' No 141 Fr ot t. .311SCE1,1,ANE(.)US SLATE ROOFING. Al:ItY 11114MF:5 Vo., Pr" ,ri..i/tr,:tl I tt nil lent erh "M. mint h, • • sr • • - I nnhe II Inn!, . I. I 11. , 11n, , lu 1.•• ti le vent. le. n•al. tom... Oahe rnr heir, Willi 11,, la hlmne t. llvr~-•,31. if tel. •nrrn.r. thr an In r 14,1 trxt, . he then 11,1.1 Wm, .f. all• I II aI, 1,1 :' har r . • "" r," , • ~ '4404 N,rPlat: "hr." .. . • Prt I (111, Illy Jlu. her. ti Ti.. law. rr A ,‘llh A 111'0111,0N 1. 10 / A I tn. I It A II I:II ti EY, (4PAIAIISSI(IN SIEII- ‘‘,..1 tIII. Lamy. ew.;.•• 111,1 w Any. I. 4 r • te1.1.1 P. 'liE Co l'AirrxEitsiiii . iisitrrnvoits ; I A , ~, I N... • It K. I. 1,K , 11 Ira I nr I . lenvlng• W nutlinrir...l It. Low. ti t .. elt:. 11/Itt Ihr. •••IllernAnt thrir 1.n.1 lettl7 I'Li !Tito: (IF I'AILTIF,KSIIII'•• Ijr The. wrrtnervlnh 1, Info ..‘1•111., hehlenn lb. •1•••••nhrg. twirler LI, le el rhurl.l•4l. A VIM, wvtillt- An the de, of lanums riwileta/ nan w. f.. hither ..1 Ihe will pealing nn the huwo.w.. nn.l Inn now Ina-kr. Ins,. I hr 11,. late. Pr," h. 01.1 Ittl N wcnl Wr..t. It $ll ACK J.I:1 • 1‘. Tllnr t: 11111 TE iNj EW Mis :• 7 1.1 , •1:1‘.1t and William 4....m.rttl Jur...n..1111 , 1 11..11. 11l i.. sto4l gw,rl44 , r, ill onololue I 0rt14.4 11 I' 1.1. ol A 1,04, ,1ine.4.1. II i• 4-11 AI (.1.14 11 1 1 1,11,E. g 10-PA ItTN E Rtil I I P.-The Aut.-rib,- limve 71w: .1 .31 JOIIN 11. Oti *l.l . . .. 4..11 , 1z1N(i DRY “001)S--FLILST SUPPLY, A Ina,lifliil.l .....I 1111. rArrtilAti ~......nri. iii•Orlng (1..• lir.. •......I. , 11.ri...• Ilri .I••Al•. Anil irir ,t , i th. /Atli, INA.. rua......., An.lliu•c•ri r. 'yin. 11r. Thil. in. 1..• Atirntl.... to liiii, r,ttir...i,• a...kir...tit nI ?WI/ 6 11 ir priftll..l i . ,,, ~1.111• pi, 1..1...i1ve1iAl still Pir l l' . .. l Ar ra , 2...2”...1.110r of ,liir. An •W.. Ir I. Al, . „i1....1 p i , In ........ tkr ,:r. wartiolti.l f.,, nil., A.,. rl...ire :Je11... Pt Knell.l. ellinttr, frikn 121. In I 'll• 1 per ye.i-11..Alny of .I..rn renal, mier.1..1..... A 1,....... ... Ai 1.. 1...... :rd....Atkin.. Il k ,. .1.. L..ine..llltrArii tiii. AO.. nlvil Ilnnn.l 11i1it...., Il.inni... Car, kr I )1:1 ,, Jl i .'; - :-- . - „ I 1;1 1 5 , 1 , ...... n „. i . 1 , 11 , 1 , ..i .i f: , , , r sale by tlt. , ~..iIL. 15tt1..11... a n•1N..1.-.... iil A1nr. , ..... • 1)4. Shiill, /4........,..11i, • , ~, i . ,,,,, .•..... Arable: cream Tartar 11...11 l' 11 • Flour ....liillorr. • . 1...1r1rti........1.. , 1 .11ne 1,110,.. , , 1111•1,1.111.11 , 11.1.: . like . . , rtnir vrii..l Anil ..‘ll. •ip. • . . rpm LADIEs .II ,ly "If pm want r{ , :if ~...11. . .., v . t.• m...,,.. il ~.r. OW- Ira 1.1.,. tn the 1ii.10.... flk .1 . Ili. .........., • -II At i.O ....11• pi r,. I. r.... 11., A., .....I. Anii ........ Alinit. And SI. Arii 60,, Ikk iki•Aiil. i1a1cu.i.1.......1. . Air Tea. Ariir.rirri,..l . 11, ~ ,. I,,nrot. arol It,. ....A 'rt., All 11... r l',. kir, t 1....... I`. ArivlnAl .ill. rt., I,IT i” r, I• - •• , ril 11.. •I'i-A ..111 tril I•iii•ii In lirAll.. irn.ii..... wt.:. li. , ii, 1....1•11.11, opt , . Ow 1i...1.1. i.... A di tart t• A• 1•...• ..- as .ir , r••II ... 1 .11 !! NEW ' STOCK (lb PIANOS. .....--.. Ilp"?0 .l.k.n II Miillor. I I Irir.l sir., • ln .71=7 i r '. .1 1 7 h =7 . :11 • 7r, , i,in. , 1 7 . - lr l IA001) CINTON FLANNEL— A , IT.. .. lartlt' ,, r NII of is•• rerr • •uperirtr N -00.. nt 1,2,.....,,,, ,-r raid, rrtA , lkrtl At. itArk.r ' - WA _ MIUIPIIV .2 111 , Ill'iallq.i. - - • . _ 0 rEtICE eII.EIV I NIA GUM--- , LIFt. ret.,•ivrr.l I. .fru iz.v ilar .. t h 7 ;,1 1 , .; t; g i 1 , . k...r mu ,... ",..1. , 1 m h , . 0 , 1ut .p..... 12.L1 or. e 11,. fpm limn. +Nal 2.. 1..4 for rw,li•rank (lie tsriath.•kraurlno ttinVeth. tr. For r. 21., re1.01..211. I. - :,::,.t__,',' : :,,.,, : . ....y . .,':7,1:. Insurance 1•1111.‘1 , ELI'1111 S .t 11l WI. P. t. ‘l. t It -0 I T 1 rs• s, I.nti t .1. =2il==ii!l MISCELLANEOUS. • Water ‘Watrr Cum In Ann•rww.relltenl by n Water 1114..nt liww nc,a, Itydropathy lon ProlimAk...l awl Dusuef. by DT. Ilan, Dotn.rtle met*. of IlytlngtaLhy. with M... of Important rtniu,ta. Ly Llwanl John,tom. I. D. Tic abov.. work, Ihr •ale by IL C..HTCSTI I,....kerilrt and Statimwr, tvw.n.r Mark t cod 1-I.ln • - EW WOK g--TIo. History of Pendegnis. 11.. f nod mishit-tun, 1,1. inshas awl his sirstti Millterinins'iltheksray. With Witt sittlittr lo two volumtst. St.. • a llw Ilisthrr of its.nitsnms 11, W. Alsitt, tilt. A Frisinviti•...stutri. lit lb.. [l,O thstlts hit II a it. Pictorial at the PT 1-.A.4 apt n•citml Aml far ral.• by It C. ,Ein'tiTtlN. I, is Mark. oa. (1 I( I BPS PEACHES, for sal , by SAM E VER. ) , 1: i 1 .,, lsSlian: i7. 1111I1 1.1,1s ,,0 111; ( 2(1)0 1 107. CORN BROOMS, for sale by 1.1.13 SAM. n111:1E118. BBLS SENECA OIL, for sale be I n 1.13 SAM. I' SliitlV ;It. 4 ' 11111,5 PRIME ROLL Burr Eli., for•sale 1., 1,1113 SAM. r.SIIItIVF.R: t ARO 1111.-12. bids, reed tier steamer mod for rale ba JAI?. 11ay.1412 14, itTIN Dow (; LASS—_' O K O lan, 8110, for toe by 6.111 . 2 JAS. DA121.1.. g lo •ITERA, , ,,!--'2:, Idols, in line order, for sale febrJ J. SCIIAIONMAK KM 500. I),llllsititEEN-31) cans, for sale by SeIIOOSMAK El; a co. • WITIIY SEED—In store and for sale by 11.., 4Ltl ISAIAH 'MCKEE tW. T A 11--1511 kLlbad •+, in storL , l Aii t l inl , for salr, by CASES V:vsin,tts ; •Jlvim , ) Elnan , !, For •nlo by yam. WOK a I EM I DEFINE') BoRIX—III eaxem,' for sale by t 5,1.1 . 2 J. A 9). l/rs on d., do Apo . kola. M Tddimitau Co. 14,1.1.01 m reutlly Flour. 10do sup-oMury :1 Coro grout., ..• • • . • 1 , ...0 Inner Windom. !ills& tient . ..ell. in yin JIAIN WATT A ISIS Liberty et • VIM ELS CLOVER SEED; ~ I.lllne N. U. Nllkkll I.rlo N. U. Kobuk, lAN lvtttlN grkund N 11. MnlkArk, 1,0 ,rlr ruperkne extra Arniklr I,r •elr I:II,U1 N k KIRKPATRICK )PI I. AI N A large andsplendid asset awn: tiol.l Nlednl. Dud Fnqp-I2 16. Lain ;.1.1 fr.. I, le . .tte. per lard. • anal Latuvtrnint eadnurrviat ex trrundy eltshl A. A. 31AttON A OLE rliA lIA IIIS"P I NPAII NOS- -Received awl tho. Felictm.Twirt-Ital.lo and lavtlut; Vt , tl an.! , 14,n, W.I. and Japanntd rant and Inetn.n.. Horn awl Mart: Itnnt• SOPirfuler Ituttnto. teld A. A. 3tArttoN 1 CO. W:%, , IJ I AMV , t. L .Mini AS:4-- b7 Ilje K, ;;1 , t I .. Aujill 'E s" N SOAP POW DEit—f!O boxes just I oat.. hr tt. I:. SELLEIM. LI Wat tl • tr.., grnutn“ 11111:11 am Att.,. 11.1. FOX'S STA RC I I-20 hoer for rule hy ,1.1.1 I 1 lt, A. Ajt.el.l 1:0 A CO. II AR! , AN It !IA bills Lard; t... nn 1,1 Vttl- 114'n' ."."" trteEt 11 ALA II DICE F'l' 1 11" lIIILS Sorrtino 11 0 Ll'E S US- -1 rare tor Ily I 11 .1 't•llrwlNTlAK F.lLafto I I N SEE OIL— DI hrb. reed for rale by sA 11 11A1,11111i11 lIA PElt- -100 maw. Wrapping, a,snrONl: owl in,nnrsr. nv frt.. J ER A CO d tiAtEit's r,ei,1•41 and • "'" J MD k CO. . - ER'S HERBS. all kind,:. n frn.ll lot I. lUD A O. r t Qi r A WIN I A FORTES-5 • IL E. SEI.I.EIL;. itIFFEE—'2O4I hero Rio Coffer, f ont mr'd • for 111 , REI:11.00 A I Is N atrr 1 4 •RF:S1.1 PECANS-lußt remirril. bbls fyrrla out.: tor . r.e.. A. Mr41.1 . 1:11 a CO. 144 Lartrt. ortrrt. 1. 4 n.E51 I FIGS-50 drums rrecivr_4l and for IV A. 11...CLURli a CO . r g ‘ot . ,;TERFErr COIN DETECTORS.— • 10 nt. tortrotro . nt yrt tr..•rkt..t by .110 , b • ..... 1,11 rrruonirlf Wranit'4,otiorly.r.- . For IT ILIO Corner of Murk. n0.1.411.3.8;tr 1 1111,1, Ul IS F.S----40 11 palwrs A 11.1,E5,-11.,,,,,9.1::141.•,.. byo 11:.1 I:1..1 SI ea+k, on hand and for nkt.rxi.i. A 4 and qunlitirr, nn j d NO. I ROSIN, jolt rc,Piveti ".1 I.a p.,1/ VAIINF , T2II I K 2 CO 14. ourlier %Vona! and Vint nb, I .-Pine• pair of Bellows, nearly I ) lA:A ATI:IN:AIN 2 0K2.1.Y. 112.2A,..1. rip! Mo 41 . II 1 . 1 . 1 0 T s thy ..eo4. 1 -A Iml I: DA 121wA1., Amt. riciA RTA RIC MA 11---100 10, warrant •32. 1.1 It f . .,:IELLEItt. .k I:1 0 EN SEEDS fall and good assort -4 piA rA..••••••1 frAgn the lirlern /Atte, Al• m! n•LA4I. at A.Ar. clAn..r : 4 ti Ii•LS AlleAheoy City Coven )( ft n• AA•AA.A. p2,2a. 'New tork. b , 1,14 WM. A. 1111.1. A CV fIEESE f,obox.n+ on liana and for sale by It. DA1. A 111. I' IR Y A Dill bushels un hand ansl p -‘l.- IA 21•10 • 21t1(12 tkliti) AND PA. RAILROAD STOCK— ' " " '.Jvvnl. ill ""r 11114. A CI% • • • • anJ holooss \ I II DICKEY & CU., Ag-ent. for Me- I run nave Iron fur Nilo Fl.ll.Tillf nnnunuru.l, wArrunl.J. Wateln IL: WrJer and 113 A TTINi; -15 bales ,otperior, fur sale by N G." VMAII MCKIM' A CO 0 1 r,‘ Alll- 31 easks, for sale by CI fold, W.J g yrcoN ItAGS---411 dor, tnillod, for sale X • 1.4.10 i melat Ls A El CARS line ul l'prioeipe. for sale by 11 ',1a.% m001.1.s n RUE 1171 , .1: ) • t. ll.r pat kni t Utu•tt do fur tutle by WON BONN Ilt IlL••.T k CO. I•A S I LK. ;3--M uprp p 0 10, rt-nt•iml a vory full ourply of übove buts llwt ell,!' urttru Mau the% Mu. ••••14 to. an Ilrutuutt• uf - - I ) RIP U INli IiAMS--M imply; & Burchfield h,r. on h3ml • htr, ltd. of I Itip 0113uhaw, w hirh .V.... 4 ,1 1, 44 vr..atl, maths,' ,41n.4. inalh ..a.t rorner 4th nr. , 4 tl.rhrt .treru. (eV . - g) CASKS CLORIIIE LIM E, Mnspratta'; brk Cw.tor Oil. mot re , o. U. , : 1,001.1. ar.sOrtrd; 141. Olu, Vltrint: Fn....0.. by J. KIDD A CO., Or) Wool 4. j RES!' FltUrr—Peaelles and BlackberrieA thnirnwnjuln , . and herrnetivally 0r Lot, On howl .4 In to).. lo WI. A. )1:(1.111:11 A CO 1,-to 1:56 I.ltrolo etrmL -I 11)1 1 SEEDS—Canary and Hemp S ...,eds „. Ai 6. 4 ',l, or =lv In 'WM. AI 5113.11111.1 • CO, F.I.LFIRS' LIVER I'ILLS--"Could not get *Rh .... t tem." ista. sCenntolloille. Jon. 0. s'E "Illy ... raw Allot roam gel mama •itbiout lhe Li m.and cool ...... that trnA.e. u.n of thou .11.,0nt On. Inglnnt lento 01 J. 1110:0N. le,unt rp.p.rtfully, ej nod .01.1 I.y IL k: W.. 1 n. 1.1 ,rrsondly. cO5 Gti A til) . itAIStNS-1-i'.l boxes 1.. ~•1 br 111:11 , 6f1t. Kllll I . ;Nl:l3i I ARD nll, —l5 hbls hest relined Winter, .1. Fl:ll(OitiMAK KR t CO, 24 Wood .44.1. t LAZIER'S DIAMONDS—I an,. fore If 1.. 1.10 J. MP a CO. I A 10)--,S,0 kitgiiand 25 bbls, for sale by I[4 14,0 pitowN A KIRKFATRICti. A STOR 01L-9 liblit flow's make. for: e ('O4O MATTIII'AVF it CO. 4.1 A FE INVESTMENT—S9,OII9 in „1 t'•innl'- c'""'" "ig!T mi m wom i•V,VII!!,I_ p UTTER-7 bbls freshll4 , ll; an FAH: tripl tit) jud (.I, d lir TUN TW IN tiuperii.r qua' 11%. for air lo .1 1111/11 & CO. Now W001...144. AMTI 1 , 1% far sal.. bY CO. i:lll l tiLlAiSN:=-tria ' sde," Illient.;a., and yak Iq t• 1 , 10 J 5411thRI1IAK t " N r i FIA-IWERg—P ATO;II+.k e t b i?t: ' „ R vo 111 1- " 1( LEAD-700 lb:. o f ii m: . p s oLi,Lr E 2 .4 u . a •Al. 1., • Wood Atm.. Q- meERIEs. • Vol/ngl.l 111xcl, di.. I mp. avid lien Powder. • Itoblopon I , do I'. lloWn.rn A 1,0- no and t' do. flVul.ine., fir T01,,r0. • 1, gr. /.^ , • 1 1 . r1 , And I.lllmood'r reoi'do. run/ JAW, Thetu,d/ 1.111,...211 ' q,rr lv .10111 PARKER k (lis) RYE W lIISEIEf. • ill bld.o.plin• Rye ko'l oti Hothontatkelo HN lVtasker P , In store sad for IMP JO' Ltsan JOAJIHIN a co. BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. Iq.EIV BOOKS AND MAGAZlNES— iiralumes Magatdon for March. with 141 pa,,t; fur Febrawrr en'Scalar Whig Retie. I/1X IJfe's Illaclsllnta Wee: W.llO/1 4 Israel. by Orate Aguilar. • ludnenctr. of kw tautliers and danahlers• )Mother'. Iteentonewee. by Grace AmlAr. rielCllereplion, or the lattory of the human Heart by Mrs. fah, Oita. a novel. Henry Cmeatton. by 11.1'. K. Jame, Ken: c.d . 's! , at 1101.31ES' Llterarl 3elto, nWSneite lb. Pnet 00 febll pLENDID NEW • PIANOS— Kl. 11E 11 trio, wittattllT Iv w e that t t ' b e ; 1 :1 1 0.01Ti 11 f171.1 , 0 4 N stews Punt and 11Lattia. ' New loot, which, with Ulnae en hnd, Gain the In , wl elegant. tartetL autl eaten:lse stnek ever olTentl in thin rite. Antony nt hest, one .pleudid m are doublo tarred Plan, Inuis Nil XIII, with the new provement u 1 the over the labwt and unatt itntatrtaut Impruttement, tn o.ingi only .o. Noon. 4 Clark s Nam, par superb 4tollan Attachment Plants bbN• 11,--An der 1101.1 New tlusie., etulwarlus deux" nSturs, the elod,wet teew 0.-no,. Polka., 10110,,.., 4 i'IItN Tlf 1101.1.1,N 110111'. 101 Third st. A Packet, Commercial .11.1 Quitrto Pont and Cap lance eupply of all nun htraled and Slain, dim aud white, 1, rule WI sat aIV M.S. HAVEN'S N_ OTES AND DRAFTS.—Eng-raced awl Stentogrardi Stc, and Draft, of wort beautiful d0t.... t.... in sheet, or 1. tal In hooks of TVIAOLIS For tale at 1r LIAVEN'S Wank Doak Store. jant2lll Coy. Market and /tetrad PM .r America. Journal. start. etwiy.l W, R.. „ 71 11 , 0 , ..- 1 ,rnuld'll Writing Fluid Ilibbrrt'ol.l: , Za d l Flub& en;d Rod Ink. t , lumblan Ink—red and black. IlWlen F Thnmi•Wn's eommircial R.e.rlet. Vreneb Oartnlno Ink. For pale tor 21C. S. NEW BOOKS. CLASSICAL incTioNAltli: b . 7 A ue• rimeical dictionary of tirrekyaud hommo ro7.lYl,;irToW7re. ' n sal liTzr:kro,":LT; Lied u' rnlo `L« Witlintu Y , tnittt LL. D.. editor tu tne ukthAlatiee o houum A utiuulth, sad ° and 'Callum Mott raphy und !Olythohty. Yrylevyl. with titltlinflilln correction.... ...Pillion, eharlee Authoo, LL Fr0fe......r of the Greek And in leumoaae , eolutoMA The Life uul Convepontlenne of Hobert tAmthey edited by hie rota. tho Rev. Charles Cullay,rt Boutlyey. M. A.. thy roles Plynol.byud; Cumberieuml. Full bound cloth, with pori. No. 0 of the Life sod L'orn,hundruon of ItoLert hou. . 1..1re or the Queene of Scotland. and Iltutliell Prlner,we eenneeteel with the mval of (IMO. Urania, Ip Agne4 ,ttirkanl. author of the Liver of 11.1 qui+•w •.f ,•a 1 11.: Recline 84 NprTy and Ho Caorr, Addr.u. drlit ' 1Z81, ' 771(77. il, t tiTu nu" ;:l;! • U 'd'.4" errelml, nnit for olr:by jan.lo R. C. KrocrON. NC. 47 Markel C . ANO FORTES -11111N 11.011 1 MIA., pin HI ‘Wilotl rtrool, stol wow ,Ton for ,nlo. s loop: mot well ...lortollrtorlt or 07. "" °rt. , "lY 1 rL " lorarioldy K./.1 at II•wton pricatl. voitooof orto colon rl.ror Ant ni.p.alatvw, ryi , and lo nil rovo. warrant...l Old tat.. ,mrt payment nt thrlr fall voloo JOHN 11. MELLOR. .ky.olt for gm rale. ilakkoring. Nam, for te - I4 N0..1 11 ood NEVI BOOKS A NEW CLASSICAL DICTLONAItY yftra n rty " 7 ' ma of si,by And 4 kytnulogy. By Yin— N. ll b. 1 .. lb- 1.4 vinyl by 1:. Abtbun. s.. of Ibyt Q. ~ of linatlnad and N.FINb .fml64 by hi. rot, tin IN,. 4/.11 6.411.. y. If. A. 1 vol. Piro, mut. Ti,,- lbylibu I,lyrry. And VauN+. An Albin. .1, Ilven..l In Bryn4IYAJ Toberuselp, or 11'odurythty tyro. luc,J.ntury lb. 1,1, by lb,. N. Slurratt; li.t / piciN,, hu rw t rrlytyl and fur rale by 4141 75 Atoll° Yourth .1. . Earia .M USIC tYi c i tteoLera*fJea au na h ebred aura IomSKP_ Sto p thou'rt faithful Lit we:anew roue. by C Eater. threellt .hr .t•.•1.u0 -*lke flur. ;1. C. / l oner. C.l.•fire or lb!. hand of mlua Coate tuataras WS, Trauradlito. mar fn•m the thing hien of Ft Mark I Burial. a favorite mod Thou hat utualed W..pima arta loved rhea. Hot Blt. or bait rm. rettiember avert Alter, . . . I.) S.ll rtmter. Dux., Jrnewit awl lesnott—,eopl•te 1,11. a 11 , 1 t, Polk. hr Ihirytuulter. Chit Chat Polka. 17 , ==M . URI Quo,lrlllow—vqyowy i•r•qtr• g•—•Awwlrlllwo. Itwolanol Pwlks. Allow hour Colillbov. A now wllthwi Id.truollowo for Plano. with ,swow of new 1e.w0.0. Out'. esto..l,Lm Re the nano. I . i/LllO Forlo Prisnor. Reorlvo..l .tlathJ 7IIIIN IL MELLOR. tI Wool ert N R.—A very largo wcwlt. ‘ , l New Pwwww arrivlng end .01 lw °won for vale thl• XTEW BOOKS AT 1101.1ES' Lircrwro Iwprt, .trow.t...wwao W MO PIP • Ihnne Influeurn. a Tole hn Mother. And Daughter. 1 3 7 M r./ e tanner Mnthefnllerran n n... ..ItrJen ..liar. hanker , Mazznne for J.D.or7. Whir Alfnanne fur 1 , 1. The Molhre• Mer.ornfenro. a marl. °rare A rnll..r. The I.unefell. or Wm. anarWann The lerhier of th.J.-sn .1.57 To Lure ..1 yr to fernel—a tale. Iluraline of Wan ...wk. 11,11 W M. n•mnistA The Ihnns.h tunfeerumel. .5 I,...turr 11.. Me Pe. Bern. Ileple to th.len Wyche. on the Weeline of runrowntlesa. Morn , Journal. Nn 1 of new welnme. Mee: a the author r ~f -- The Ctrilelee." lin I af the Aunrnsu Innulleareel edition.of the Wseenlr New Books. just received. P • PILE Bard+ of the !lib], by George Gilfil- A. WI Tnl. rros.i.r ..:bibilkm or tn. twrk Gramma, dr.1.,m1 for Iwginner , fioelc. and IV • t... 1; of eavretr , for orydert.n .01, Fly A.n.lsrl C. h•litlrw . t.. 101 1.4. plus t l liu 11,1outb'searntial Ilvllnunah Vlsgp.ioulli. 1 rol ChArna.• etaartnn II; Sim, M rmu • 1. 11= Dy A.3lar. )1 , ..-lizo. , ..ti I , ,Gioxy4. Dorksl..r "'“.4 11 , ree , DietD.Dar".. , ( 4 lerloynDY. and Eneincrsi r. n.. ::n Jet, D.,41 D.r t,v ry'J : 4 4,17 n Foorth NEW BOORS! ANDREWS' lads, ENCLEqI LF.XII2I/N—A rooe awl critical Mhz, Enzlarh Lexicon. rourale.l e; J. c l/e,er Latin. Gorman 4,eirenn of Ur ti lillam / round. ailb alblalooe and eorrectiotaZi.4n the Loalerfte of theme, lienree. by E A. Arelrewe, L 1. I% Toa let yap aoeya or T. 'antic: leiuct the pereoual bar nytY/ r 4UJ reenlte ortrawel tbnytoth the Ealeltelth or Is. 41.11 lOa ra, and other Feat. of 1,1, web.- Roy Hen 1' Cheeeer.aulbur of The %Late and 111.1.10 or," 11Ithry Tot, lig,.ra ugrgar, • ...loci to Ilogne Influgorn.— Ity Ora, gguilmr mat Mr rale br .1•13 N. 1.. STIM'gToN, It Markel aL Pog, and Antgtiratt roP , '• BLA NK BOOKS&STATIONEItY Paper of all .ixes and nualltigs, rctlell and plal. blot •nd Itool. of ergry dr.iptiun. on hand or [nide to noire at !bort Doti.... StaU.neri-I . IngIL.. Fret,. Anwtiran., he, and Mani, for Agle IV. 11Alp EN, jal4 31nrket rt. corner of Sorond. OOK INI I JOB PitINTINO—Even - de. to of Lrgal. Cotorognial. S4stotnat.llargil and 1-toad Printing, eneentgd M.. ' , hurt notice, and In the bg-t amott. Irt W. S. MAVEN. • Printing Unice. 50 Tl iN gl- bet... Market Atiti Fem. JAI% TATIONEItY—W. S. IIAvEN, corner of Secontl and SIO.I-1n0.:0..., h a p fo r lar g e sod nano D ime an Koartno.nt nf. ftney astomerY 01an oprnmf in thl, market. Nfo.rhanta supplifal with crory Irtirle In OIL* lin. on lb. mo.t. tavorabln 4rtn, ;OS NPAV STOCK OF NA NOS, at the tloldrn Ihap, No. WI Third A- I KIIKIIKIt Is wow reerivlug fretb 00 of rlecnnt Potunr. wade by Non,. k Cum, No* hark. antonx then, is o n lendld 7 octave enrol Plano of Ilte rich.ol.d.,rripthon of ext.rior and ton.. It LA toad. t 1 the 1000 a, In vo.gue 10 the rob. uf Lonla -XIV and 'N.V. AIN, • nor lot of 10,blonabh• and PoPolaf awl an .00noine fol.rtlon of Bra" Itortontornt, ofolina, Guitar. 31eltaloc0ve and .ser, variety. of t nuncal otrroloto .lalo EW 11001(S.—Ifuniloolt'n new Work, Culne, or Sketch.. of a Phyr,col d.,0110001 of lb. 74.7t r r0i0.0 St...tclaw of Ition,oo4 . lb. N.• Dnuland nl tn. I sol. 10 t oo. IK 000.1nodr,' and Kn o in..rA. Dictionary.'.lra No. Dopcot , Sorenono. The^. arc aril north marlin, For .odo 1,, It. HOPKINS. 100 Apollo Ifuflditom • A ItN(ll.ll'S,' 1100 AN AND TIIONIININ'S, D ud Ilarrnsais Black, 1000 Voarlet and Carmine hat tioands*, Fabtto. Itrrokm and Lanz Jacktons, and floornt's Mack and Itol l an tad Inkstand. of ...try dt.cripttou, filUott . t. Cobra's, Pra . tt's, Ltrf . s. LOWIRTS . P, and Aber manufaccurtm of Merl Pet , 11. a 1. M. Etnitts's tracers', to A. G. Rafter k Co t trltt,ratni Gold re, With told and silver amen. Whartutan . .. English !Praying Papvr—antlottarlan. doa ble elept,mol. att., rolumbl, ennte yal. royal and tit- Ph lVenlVll. l = ' ;l;n7ia d ,Ma r ;r o , t :; " l l r i tTid and atlrt:t, m,l,llret and fancy iota, aold au. strips and emntra, and Iltluttraidts fur fancy loamC prtpartd paftliment uf ail Stars, suitable deedx. thart , and .111.1.1na.c Frtnah nob , pap, always on hand. tht mod. &Oral& st)let. tint. and ;outran, plain, Olt, emit* etc! and vilt.trnd, suitable for tails, partita, ntddlaa , sad innuting. Fnmeh note envelope., plain and tattooed: letter ravel. brown, white land nod nhzio wilozNao en. veiny., bolt, blue awl •bib. 11 aro , : ••fer eon, rarinun pattern., writing rand; brass tin. oven end Turkey boxwood sand boxer. °online preeerz, bru.her, Fnmelt and Engll.llpying books, and oil pope!: thnne paper of all colon co , red and white Pat.. , Mot . papor. awl Or. The above, •11.11 *II other article, In the StationerY of both fancy and guide, together with large anwirtmeut ot blank L.A.. and moutorarolum look. of all common form. or PS. evcry rtyle of binding. and pap, .1 ell oizer. o r a l etudili., foe rale al minced rater on the mud moon. abk Lerma. at S. In' OATEN'S .070 Tz nit Ilook and Stationery Warclioure, orner of Market awl Sieutal PURITAN, 01 Tide of k the Amer/ran Revolution. By Eldred lire, tam, lictory of thc Itefonliation of the Slateenih ()rotary: by J. 11. flerie d'Auldgne. Prendent of the Theolo. cimi Schad of Ilene., arel Vier Pn—atent of the Forte R ro ncellune. Translated 11, It. White. It. Trinity Col. leg, Cambridge. hentorkr, Ilidory. Antiquities. and Biography. 11. i o .rrate.l by forte engraving,. By LORI.. The above work. for solo by It. ILI ET(ICKTON. 'Bookseller and Matinnor. jalo Corner or Market and Third at.. i qckUTLlNE . AlAl'S—l'elton'fi erleadid Out Tine flop• are enw being Intrzzlneed In all the leading re on]. In Now England and New tort. We hare ohmin. ed the nerney forthon In Pittriourgh, and invite trazher. nd schoolcommitte , , to and examine them. No. I—flap of It,. ferotent Ileurlopherv, 12 Inches. In Konen, do do 3 do North Amerle. at at 4 do United Ran, 111 a a:: 5 do Europe. Adolo x 'bi 70 x ip do 7. awereaa arri , a„ to Price of the eeri., with key, $ . 25; nr the drat two semi. phere Map., with key. 110. Them map, aro unrivalled in onmtat7, betiotT end zbreP amttl the wane P . °°'"Y . ""'"'" For lade at l'ilblkhret priers. withont addition of freight charger. et the EIOICATIONAL BOOK STOIIE. zeal° Corner of Market and Fourth It. Morris and Willis's Home JournaL )ÜBLISIIED every Saturday in New York City. at Two Milani a year. MiONle in all 0z.. , in own , Gootoistoa or AOClCT—Ofilco of the Home Journal. No. 107 Fulton strreL New York, December 24, 1450.—T0 all whom It may mmeern : This may certify that J. B. ilmairs pi duly outhorized to art as agent 'for aroma. at W 110. Jnpnart.. and that all nweipto Oren by'hlm In wont for .eld peter will be dulyarkunwb/hred hy at the ogre rat pub o il aril Itr 400•1. that oil Nuhrerintionr we payable rm e r eor t o al. ce .cu s Thw . pew volumr: i .lll rollmop...cop the I.t ofJanu. j' r ec.4 " n r lf t Ti/W b k 0 ail k titliN. .Edltora and oTorrietnol. ENVELOPE S.—.l alt received, to brge nnontity of buff, blue, on& white Envelop, of all oin, ...le at untonally low priers at , —ZII - , S. lIAVEN'tt. Statiunare Warehon.e. jart3o One. Minket and Secratid rlmV NEW BONNETS—Murphy & Burehfielil bozo open this morning sereral maell of ate. Spring NEW condoling of English Iltiahlon Chip, Illartgallan. Pearl aud :Napier, Embroidered Rolland.. Jenny Lind, nod *Brom, Ooborg and Lila. Alarrino Cotten, China Prarl."Eintroiderral do. Martina, Pearl. Vandyke, p • dai o nd Pearl. English Entail, chip arel.Dondable. Alm Minn sod eumu,o , , a000et.... rat •v.tor or ark,— au c t:lor nolotxd Englinh Bonnets. plain antl Milted colurtal tip low am :GM mnta. Also. /Maud lis Cbbars, Albow..Chlua Pearl. Leghol'E, tc. 14b13 Irjr, 7 COUGHS & COLDS COILED IH 48 HOURS. CI INCE the introduction or this new Cons. ' 1 Gent; ceo,:t t and Cld, are cured In a very gttort time We •111 warrant Ih. lieygges Pretnral SYroP b eon ram. of Cough, (kit.. Itrentehitia. lu ton , time end at a cinwitwr rate luau any other midOu. el 1. IT !IA: , AN F.NTIIIELY NEW ACTION—The Coital Iledninm all aicken the' Munich and nominee tiaumez "big} 'ibia,wmi.le than tbe mingh itgelL Thhi ohm and in thm thiamin, for it a nit-want 'bathing artich aml it will eurt or 144 wog, t o bc refunded! Thn art • dente In favor of thin undigine zn our w iry. t our w. ritirena Omuta eunvinee our one of iwosmer. 14"'"tit'u^unt•wro 1 0 , phy,ician and hap lawn aged hy ivn In lA+ own praehre for ... nujnho. yea^. tlo too. hentic CONI,II3IPTIOA lvty forma Steubenville write', that her daughter had been nthiol with all, Won. uight nowt, bootie and all the didn-oth two Go county who had onfemt w ith Anthtua mil Chronic Cough for eight y ba.. then wutinly mitered l the cough removed leye une of half of, hunt., this We torn! 1 4 Yrnp. Agentleman from Foul. writes that - lin known the Portonil 11, rep to be • 110.1 when, mt hr Igo iomml it hi. town caw and in the mama of mend., of oL. family with the nnwt perfeet lv Wit or rue Cuttrog Iti•UPSli. Sul u l in halt lint Nolen at Mt oeutn each. or siap it fur 1.2 Corwvar SlittfltllCLVE[t would do well to k•w rittirlY thL. on baud all the huh. ro it ig one of the tuiwl perfect nod etliturioun retuollim dlwaverol for an no.hit and doerwea of the lila. and liolphut t tuhre/Pagu CAUTION ETItA— Shiny in-rwito n try tol,o. No Kilian line .4 the varinto hut do mg boat them. If you mud to get well tiny It. tt Svat P. and tate Mher, (him will run you. It Ino ID it Incof the moot t tdualde atul herb. of the materin medic. and ix mnipoun4ol hy A vermin skilled to the heal Inc art. Then 0.11 he no deniolion in tho molimne. It 0 parpared iu your own eity. and the proprietor 11. , minim .. certificate:, Inim twreo. In our own city. atn-dina it, valuralde prnpertieg. which' will he - shown ant tenon dehrons of helm., thou. Anyvva W tarea throughout the Undo] S•alea to .11 11.0 medicine. Loge dinhouutg will be made to (In., vho will Lake MI 111114 , 4 in the umbel.. It will pal n rat,: profit to ally gente.lnmide, the., will bedoing nuth-ring hunonity rervioe placing in their harnin the arwahmt nmileine for Long dom.* the world boo pnalueol. For sale. wholegale andretail. by KEYSER I iletniti • ELL Ihuggiog, 140 {boateLowl. l'ithhurgh. lib whom all letter, li, nurnehm tund.lw. adthernell. mle by I. NI. Curry. Allegheny city, Gomm Baird. IVoshingtom John 11. Reywr. NlcE.gmoirt J. It. Vowell. canotgliurg, and by men-liarin• amt droggieto , t seraily. pal KLLERS LIVER . I't Lt, --•"r he very trot Ill'lll now In Wit !" KANAWHA llomm llncx4 Va., Jan. 1. Incl. llr 11. IL Sahara— Pear Pir I will ntate U, you Hint it in my opinion our PIP In perhaps the rery bent 1111 now in 41,47 tla Lisair Pill. and antl.llilkimi Pill. It In very Muhl,' .Ntivined In oar inanity a. a family .111. and is hat eviaplantlita all other.. I man 'peak Irian my ml, raperiniv. and finial the {marina., of many H 1 my friend' , avid container., 1 °urn nispectlailly. -- P. 8.-1 AM ' , attained la Allot' the orl,lnal letter. 1.111 nut In puhllah the name. Wiriaellen , Pills are the Original. Only Troy and Ail ether). are eountertelle or tau. Imimtlean. . Purrhas..., rrtvllrrl that It. ItSrkller. 1.11, 1111. n. thrl' and only lave and arnainr 11.1 r, 1111. nod way Imo Inal al Nu t..." 11m.1 ,11,r1. an.l Ilrusantr rally In lan ring • utall anal, . .1:12 11 IMLERS . I,O:Ei PILLS surcreelle an don of muter... - , n 4 vrrr much In nuve lxunr rrn da a. o, 1111. Your, ISt tract of n lrllrr.l JAMS, .1. IS. 1 1 urrhaorrr ratallart lb.!: 11. 1 1 , 1111* nrialnal aoal nub Inv and /...nentn• 1111, and war la . lead at 5n.1.1 11.0..1 mina, al.rl arurrall, in the lon rti , and %aunt r jai.. Q -- • - IR .101 IN MURRAY'S 'FLUID 111 AihNESIA lln•pand er It,. in rwn. nf the Ititentur owl und li for upward. of thirty ynarn. Thin ntrgnhit, ‘lfnmarathni navantnettiled in MI ~,,at. amt the 1n . . , ante. em,. nd t.tlhrtivil farm fu which alahttinnia tna/ • and itabnal the e arly Win to wlrirh it ought .1.. raliihitml. tnn.- nII pn.pnrtir. ,L the Magnesia Bun In araieral tog.. without .hring habin lit, it. In awn, dangeniun with: in !Mark it rlirettnuly run.* limartlgum without Injuring the c.., of ahailanli..cola. paw, and Hush . eatt•mhttn kunau In 11 , 5 it trot ran tte fed of infnnh. turning mon in n pleamm: nt , rinnt.nlal I.twritliarl, adopted to frnialro.. Sit Humphrey Davy thud this :nlistinn fonng uldn'cuinbinationn with urin arid nun, 111 oak, grarni. tlinnshy nritinterartlng Hair Imurintia tilt .lini ‘laxtieain hml VT,. Sir Philip gurnrun Gomm,' the Amin in ',la nd: liar Sir—There nu In• it dual, thrt hhaamenin Ma) he vitninixtrnd mom anftl. I, the . not of a woe/sr...a mr [Minn than In sitt.tnung, for flit, and many other n•annhue. I ant of 0,11/10.4 that thin Phial Ila n nainnm It a run' valuatiln addition to °Ur Ilan•rin %Minn 1.1111.1 P Janann Pir 1.,..p0r. Itriglit. mat thithrieinlll,l,l Ala et Ingidon. rmagrametal Marra'', Fluid flaminat, an hem mon. mt.. and n•nriiintit than the *M. mid 1,..'e (rum the dmiam alt. fi r th.. , nintatit ur. ul or pg., • • lyr nl. 1,, tL. Intt••n.r. an , lnntrnt•lnt , U. A. iIISE,TOCh A 1 It Con. 11...1 a Flynt ot M'AILISTEIC'S 01117111:ENT. oNTAt NINII In.r other Mtnerell Tl 3. f3311•33,1n33 Imtimonlal 3.•• 333•333.13, t 1.33 •brat. 33/ 1,r.11"333.31,t 134-•,13. TIP author 33f t 1333 vrett 333•3313 rzwl work eut4113.1 - Th33 American 1 . rart3 , 33 11m133-in• Family Illyncl.lo. - H b•et - aving t 133•31• a•qn•lnt•33l vllll th• 333,333•133,13 which cnolproAnYtlc.lllister • /311311,t1IngIlintu• nt, and 13•• tag prroo - 3 , 31 and 1••{3331 lo ••••33.31 333 033 33r, a, Ir r "r 3333 “ ;1 1 3 .' I ' 37 ' ••1333.333,3 tlmt It• 151a.m.1333r33, r.31331•33.:•33 ' 13.33 . 1333,3 ' arj:33 ' n.3 ‘3•33331 dir,l•3l T•r• vro.tor.•rt not harn3133.33. hut nf a:l,st .13113 , 3.1.3in= • truly r•-.. 33330, 1,3,33 . 331, 33r33•3 3.3wer awl I e1...1-folk r••• 33,33•3131 It an. .333 3-0 , 33,•• , 331 13313.33 h h 3.3 3,33 331 ,- ,3 v 3•331. 3,1 3.133,3 I- 3331•ptc3) 133 11.. run nt PIT. 'aril) of en... T 13333,13 I 13:3‘33 3•••• rt3,31r31 333 f Ihr fru, 13,-3. • 333.3.333-33333333, 1,u313333 331Ixtu••• 1331 11113 ,333r33-3.33r 331 11, 3333,n33,3. n 33313 31•,331,.33 341, 313•••••• r 331,, 33.33 t 33 33.33, thu• moult r3333:3,13333411. Nrw York. Mn)3 . 4/.3 1%16 tt' ItY.AI2II. 13 I, hens,--1t i. one of the be.t thing. Intl,. world Ur burn, ar- , -vii enrol In tine , hutment. It nor, (att. ;n airing rrlud. lor Tornur., aro! all kinahof Fort, it Itwsnoonual: If 310thrin and Nur , . Ina. N •altue lu,va rf nwollru I,ore 1b... .1; nand alwaYraff4 it. ill f orhr 4 el". neon ....lionu , thrertlont, It anna ndief hi a very fr. ‘ ,our.. Anrund thr Mldneotinna fn. Wing 31eAlliy4t e r Oininicni for Semlnla. COMninin,, Ted. , (11111.1n1n. neald Sono Eyea, Quinn)", Sure Thfuet , Itronehltn, Nrrvourt AlTeetbaw Palm. Inwane of the Spine. Mad .trbr. Dumb Ilorn, all hbarnwe of tithe, nktn. Li h m o„ .11,sWelltng of the reda, , illnumsw, 011 Vent, Olen', Swellud or Ural., Ilreaet. I,uth !Übe, Ague la Ywc. ac• /Fun lA. Rending 4110, Then. sae, never. ,wrhape. a Nlrttadar broncht before tbe ' 47r:llaTe b Inv n that h. tawldtnalof Ftaab... warm), in plane. ono- ba- boon min.] it the toned mleful anothe of the ilra. a tlant of trutildr.orue Ira the aforerth of a ....Um,: In tlsr hall, do. If it doe. put iirVi r r , b , e ue r: r die c s in rani, ewe It tan do no tudur,. Yof nXthor folders... of the wonderful henna, Pewor by thia wilt, nol,pon the follnering rtln nlnt . nopretablr ritizen )Laidrocreek fawn- shin. In lbw rounty.— thddenererk. Ilerke co. 1 0 11. )fern. latter !I,lrt. to Intern))am that I wat! ystirely ruse.l of pave, pain lb. , hart° t.y the vow of de/tllover'e Albrivalinw whkh I neMl.e° l ftme I mtllen , l with It lor about twenty yew, emi at Mglat vas unable to Iturins that time I trie4 tenon. whivh were prwcribed for me by ph)wint° end alter gweems. without "reviving anY ut to t mule Mud of line will!, with a result favorable leymul relation. I era now entlrel, free from the raln. and minly ,t night a twao , ful an 4 sweet d. , p. I bare el., toed the .000 otts, 1 , ache tuhl other row w nhoilar !..PI.V 'vault, lour friend, Joue liovoist .11 J A3I tleA /.I.leTeAl . Sole ensprietor of the nleoe Principal Onion. No I!`s North Thiel rt, Holadelploe. , PRICE TIVIINTIi-VIVF.CENTS 1.1.11 latt_ Ann?. In lerreel son—lL A. Fables:dock emmor of 1 Vocal and First elk: Wm. Jae Lunn. No . 240 Oreet: 1.. Wilma. Jr_ sooner of Market etre. 411 i the I/mit:vett oleo vomer of Ftmrth and rlunthoel4 .1,1 J. II tzer of Walnut 1.1 Prettn et, Fifth ll'ar.ll end °,1.1 at the ilont, store In Snothfirl4 street. Mtn! dime front lteeond. In Aumb,., vitt sdt.t.r. I kuo,- /A": br J,li. frith, drugmpt. nirmine bent: It Newt,. Keg Llbert, II Itoulanti.tlaim,ort .1. A lextaoler 1,111/.!lon unwahels city Bowmen A Ot. and J. T. 1/0!,,m, Bemnavill, John Hartley. nearer. .o , hn %Valk er. Jr.. Elimleth; Buntsriaht k Erwin, Horhe.fer. tall:4lY 11111. E S IIAUEL'S SII A Where is the man • lto doe, mt en.preeiwte the luxury ot an musy 'have , If any 16 , re we 4o not whlreet !me. eel,. to Ebert. Mit to all others. we ml.ll 0 , remitre shatim pleapur, pumtan s box of Jule, Hanel). Almond l'ittarhin, or Atuhropial ALavin. Crean!, Isla et. terty Impuwilsle tirul wonle to derwmbe the feeling, ,d u terann—w ho ha. teen U,Ned nhmelng woh Pulp- - ,M mating trial if thi. for the fowl Mae. It is e tit' 1 ornollient- rendering the etiflvel and °sort • ivy. leant wilt nod pliable, proluelny~lntlmblo latter, pu,l by It, et halm , annyitlj". the irritative. and tor mottle:: the. nonleaenut and stiff f.wlntw of the atm eltieh I. A, Olen experieueml after eharing. t;entlemett trine Jules Hauer, thevinc etwant. may fare the wohleetate' moat farming wtrrele Immediately after Its toe. •lthout okin lemming rhapped. thole* who .wee w it. we ran safel, my. will never nee any other. One to ateet..alvaptawr—whleh will he mperielly enamels bet by Moe whb wear wblttere—le the fort that Until not th e beard, whirls 01,04 walla will dO. giving e moldy or mot? ememranre to the mium of the wittekpre. Julen eharlnstermumteredelitthifulpreparationa. votnputooled with 'kill. to the utter raelmion of all artlelve elentate4 L render the operation of ghee'. 'topic...aut. ,tel !mil le appreciated by all who make tr6l of them. JU prep:Le-4 ottlY LEE! IIAUP.I. Perrot:l,l,AM elsenahlt, I2Ullseennt street. Philmlelphla. For .le. wholveale ant retail, I, IL A. Fohneatuek k Co_. taut If. F. eellerv. I.llothunts: 11101 John rarweut, sod J !Meisel!. Allealten, CR, To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. 11)1J1ILIC A'I"FENTION is respeafullv iu- Itl to 11,0 linen., truth., cut Girth he relation 1 ,, ne of 110. tweed Important n.rovll. • of tonlern Into+ . Prs.r.ol.r.ust Olt ittalli la not more than ow year an , alma thia great. muddy :a. lerrnght Iwo., the Na the nalef awl eurr dew., It. dn.. pea, v to localo bon, nine , . then, Lonna fully appnwint..l hy runomanity. awl we allege. that the longer It L. Pavel he 1001 , certain will It, gneat tame apron( It I. not the ram ealy of t da., got op for tho uole. outvote of nialteng bat on, which wr conerlvr, will continue to wad u lon all othrr metro:v. hay. hewn In The. I.etndotem it • l'ant-al_ltrnenly. elatatrated In hoe depth,.ab by a ' , darer coal adrney that lattgba to nom all fiteumn rompelltion Ii he our duty. whro we write about eine, that au elm troll,—that r eety ontiiinu calm, !sled Indere', hum , . echo may tend our word or pot erode dente in or enttentrut.. he ark .are •1•17 MIL to catch at any thion that. haternice. relief from down, A eV, eau bnally le too hin ro bly wught to answer the ~Merl of dull Ina hootbundloh come ot theta. 1100, an do not el , ire to do thli we are tutaleatto only that the troth in relation to t.ur nasale about.] be told. In onier ha It a rp tattoo lar rareediust any ot - tale article In hue manna noel tea Mho out arniclith [tr.—Lune that may lee towertaiwel tee our eity tear ~cold. te,llnomy in to. I Ina of tte Petroicout Waldo the haat two tooth'. two id our own ce110..., who were totally have been n• el eddhl Per oral reata ,, ol J. . I.l ., itulorac. the; . rt.!, of e n ho i let. , leare loco sal arel an " . .e:o '' .!: ' =r 7:1:Zt " o ‘ 21 referntl to by any herbal, ado, hate doubt. on the rule yen Thew lawn. Won- rum! :tact they fend dby lonelebula lanelcw. run. Ynea.when vo accurhinF dinwthispe—lnarrlnea. wont, Itheouvellarrt.loittt. Neuraldia. Ernothithou thr Pkin. `Y d 1 on the fact, l'hronic :tore leenasorm, Tette, scald howl. palm. thr lone. and toilet.. °ld corr., Ulna, I Pena, ALM, Chrowir l'euthh, Arthoot. Broorhith. atol all Poltnnuary affections of a chronic antnew. tewlinu to pre don, Contomptlon Pune. fowl ratsl.l...liwmara of the Madder and Keno, et elhapped ilandc. Exnerlauul !erupt.... Coro. awl !indoor. Intact. It as a or, L. wear, And ha. 1•.• nonwl to mad of the above elteraw... weltlon the haat y e:ar erthe the the perfect Frienat. Certllicatea that h i at an- In the hand...l th.. t,rentvetnr, et he , will Lake telt-num in nine... end their. b. ho afflicted them frodulet h a t e .y e r oth e r. may our Heart their tonite Ito.. the relndeuro is the;pa te. Itethely of the age. of !huh haunts,: theet,n , frealcon aro leginniud to ow It it lhrlr p reo .th... aim at that Inkedon with dyad. andum...nullity. are willing to anwnl It doe tend er con/aeration. l'afede anothrr year rentut. all otll I v pellret m vekonwithar that the Pednintlnt t. Ihr gra n - eanothrine ryer eltworrlad. tor axle. n Ittilenle and at je.151.,11 .lr Melte tIVELL. Itil Wtutt at Ain t 1/1 Wcaul stnwt, Corry. It. A. Elliott, Juochh Allenheny City Ala, by the hnu ba rter, S. M. 010 E. Omni Bann. I... Tenth 'Pawl. NIL.. rut, and It A. fah t Went and ennt Yeah Winter Clothing at Reduced 'Prices, T W3l. 111GBY'S Cheap Cash Clothing Starr. No.1:10 Liberty ntehet. L he penhriataror,the itloye eetabllelinwat balmy darirous of abroelo“ or lb.' blm, t , l kb. erlntor stArk, to maker tonlO far bit attanelva hun-ha.. far rprlna. abortil rite. Lw Elatarmin.l nr offer them eta.lly nelunad Prk., =eh. All Ulnae ydrr ventPr..4 wall or I:lathing. ril Mal It OWir Ibtor him erlth a tell. twat ban:alum gill be lleeM New go* dilst Received . . A LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto-__ bloorapht. I ea. Ihno, moo. ropulta nduratlon, for the me or mrroo. end bathe., eml tor young permont of both nem, pn•yernl and publish. In ercerdene , • Id, • reo , loooo of the NMI. Uhl limbo of Repreventetnes of the Mate of 311ehicau. By In May hew, A. ft. late ottperlntendentof public iustructlon. 1 not. l'hara tutu. Abbott'' , New Ikok—llbtory of Madame Roland, by John N. C. Abbott, with regimental , uniform with the former velum. of ltd. popular labtorkal olio. Yon rate by MY • IIUP6thS.7 , I Anode Mad tam Fourth st. • . r REE PLY CARPETS—W. McClintock. I. now prepared toned the largest amortment Of three • to t Carpets now iambi In Ibis market, and tel the Went ,ttitt n od parents', which aro direct Dom tba Importent ZIA snort twproy44 fecttai, Iwtue Unto. CO Um. Cal* WldehnlthatUn'lM , rwarilt MISCELLANEOUS. R E YOLVERS—JuSt re,•eired. II n~J •IN-sEED 011.---_4l casks Linseed on. 11, C., • A WAIARDAI" , III-_ 1A 111)-2 " N.. I. Lard, reed and for sab , b, tnar HAI:BAUGH. - OLL r,‘; ed hJ ? ? 1n br mchn INSEEII Vll 661 for .al •Lc IA frt.! 1 D febil t. W ) 4 1:1Eil BEEF - 6 casks stnrAr cared. for Jur oa4 td - f-All o.k IA 1111t6Al I , , x i .. A , i, yr , s , T-teil it. LA itll--.55 bid., and DIU ko,r4 , No . I, r o t tale by 0,11 S. 6W. slAr.nAton (11.0VERSEEb--55 prime Ohio. fir j fetal S 6IS 11AlittA14:11. A N.C." Tar for sale by C; IN * GIIRAM j_tiLACK.t TABBY VELVETS of a very au to' r‘r , nr au.lar• Itrc an :year to be had St the 'dare AltnrllY k ECltelin a lt N. E. oor. Fourth aad Market nn 11. 4 1 15 E GAUZE FLANNELS--Itiurphr 6arebli.l.l e lomat aloortment sbove : 4 1sony, Wel.h. and alomelnic do, al.. Wide ilannela G. Shroutlia, .lal.B QUPEIt FRENCII BLACK cLOTITS— I 7 Murphy h iturehrt..l.l.watosr vFporial attention on the drpartsnent of thrtr tav , lneNk, and invite prmau aatut elathA t.t" an, dd , crlptiuu gire thorn a call bernre jath A r Eli All FUG E. N. l‘fc N CELEBRATED. i4ou 11, yak I, J. K IDD .t co. I VER PILLS. Du MelessE's CELEBRATED, I A.lO 11. r rale by Jala •J KIDDA IN, V 7 IA le CORK: . .4----15ist gross fen attic by Yla l a J.KIDD'S IN.I easeA line, and I bale extra I..lconv. fur rap by . jalN J. KIDD 11 CO 14 1 FSONI SA urs—ls brats for sale ley NJ Jals , 3. KIUIIA CU U N U R I E S—Fifty barrels Family Flour: I fork ono.alloo Weir; for .lo: ba.belr Dry 4 - ‘1.1.. I brl Kew, yurt re,lverl and Wr rale by lull - JOHN WATV it CO A RRY 'S Tiucorit MMUS for sale by It. jp tee E. kE.LLEIL. Wan.] rt.. Adr aurl , l fur .. h. .O. per NALL. kle2e 14 1 A NO . SATINETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. MorVbV A Ilurrlicield lovlte attwatlon of silo.. 41.4.4 for 1,. wear, to thrir ar.orttneut.of lta•Ar and other •D uwd, adaDtr . Nl for Oh,, porlarne-. Paa W ° Palk (':" P gitl f :ify N A V il i r, b l Y n LibarrY rt . _ ROWN FLANNELS--One case just re- Ifineiresi front manufacturer.; au.] f r Pale by o MUI(1 . 111(d LEE. up F:1) FLANNEL--One case on hand and a a pale by ~alO 310E1'01A LEE. le N K ETS—Singie . and double bed, steam hen_ " crne, awl Lwilniblankrt , fur rale by • jal¢ muumli k LEE. riIIWEEDS —Three canes Isorted Tweeds • ,uot rwraived Darn manufacturers for rale by IDEDEY d LEE. UM AC— Tw,, tons SUM. 61r sale by :7 Ja 1•: a 31IMPLIE f LEM. lOLASSF:S--Fifty-tive brie new crop, per Ftl, T OBACCO -N. I•xs No one, .1./tx . rixX, reeire4.l _ yr° STEAM BoAT BUILDERS. Extra I H., r r .ak Ixnd end Flounnl Twill, suitable for o tlrri . A "'"' T r,"•, • CO. riniATIIEP,S. 1G RIA7IOI mini landing from , sl.° PRINET _. 11":,:er sod Front o. - 4,a ENECA OlL—Five Ws reVeireol, for sale t byI.RNES . . . Ip UTT I.rls and tot jars prime roll LP Idol,. Or foully to, for ord.. by arts NIIuIveRA BARN R 8 tft. NT O. MOLASSES.—Itity Imls, (n arrive, VV !r. 13 (MK K .1 1 : 3 4 1. 1 7 :.. . t i t!, l`doko . reed - IL C. t.q. CK TON. huudred bus just xl ITTON FLANNELS—A: farther supply cSo.d.r. a rufwrior arti4le. ?not ret'd by. LUIZCIIIIIILD. Ii•ItENCII LEAF—Fifty bundles French, Q+ oloßs-5 Iris Role Pial;; :70 Ito Dndvdri tiidort , di lU q.t.,. Chrocut.Yell , * and Green: Vcr uk by Jab./ ' .1 t. , CIIION3IAKEII 1 CO ATERMILLION —Trieste, Ohinese, Amen y eau, and Itur,erbd for:,vl. by Jolt J SCHOONMAFEJ: B CO In, I , OILS-1 can Oil of Sassafras: ii ran. a Laveii,l., I eniu Cl rdw or mary: I can in of t.dnon I ran Oil id' Derummot: I box Oil of Clore. and I I+llol of 1r.0r., ft , r 11.10 .1 SCHOOSMAREI: t co., lIIIIISSUN BLUE—Ten boxes No. 1, for • .. 1., ) Ain • J SCHOONSIAK ER a CO. FARO 01 L.-1n rd Oil of a superior quality, S Prete NU. • •11 L A SSE S.—Twenty one hrls prime • Fume Hoe. . Mulasseo.•ju.A. W ry ATEIBIA erWeI nod ST SONS. sal. male. b a • urf FAL—Thirty kegs and sirbrls fresh 1,11 net4r jte.t tweiTeal'and tor rale by jalo e. DI LLWORTII lA:An-21 h !Ids N. 0. Sugar for sale by 111140WN a KIREPAI2ICK.I44. Llberts EIV RAISINS on consignment fornale by 11 d.C7 DROWN A KIRKPATRICK. 11.1"ligbFLI, F t. l,D t Aar and for Pale !' I.y Jnll . :l: r t'A.ltKr.ll, CO. lads Sugar liouse, I.v ji Losi. a..1,15.u. Jll. rrrell,l, and tor Palnby nd , RIME:RP 11A1.7.114..y. CII.. LlbokY I.R EASE LA I:Al—Twenty brls Creme Lard ronivni and In rule by S. lIARBACRII. lat IRAF LAItl-l'ritne Cincinnati Leaf Lard put up In keg, tor y u.nja,t reed for paid by McCLUIIN t CO. 01ASSE.`,;—.3-l o tierces and 300 barrels, .nTEPEE PLY ANTI INEILAIN CARPETS. IV. itreanteek par.-town+ to lb. and betel en...anal of MIT. Ply and Ingrain Car yet. a bronobt thi,nou.t.l. and eboaper titan any of tbc artorrn e invite all WC-Altana eaannuo our vtork. at No., I....urtb Amt. and 10 Won! Atreet. %V- McCLINTOCK.. 1 INDOW HANI;INGS.—W. 31cOlintuck °ger! t-b aI.ILIn 10 purchaye a vety bacalguttle manortat (h. tleamt and v 101 1.1 ,. Call at .1.6 llarpet War, tom... So., Fourth -- - • The Old Printing Establishment, ATE John,t ,, o :910.1.5t. , At0n . g, and Blank Malt nod nialiodwr. 11ommenddl. Canal. nod :lent 10 'at dot. Pryntd, ra..l Kook Binding; and it the Mud; read, Paper and sterl .4.'4 0, 4 tonne. and on onelt...nounbldernie. Blank 11..0k nt.l Slnli.onery Wan honee.n.rnera.rllordel nun de, onal Are.. 1.11. Ihile and 1 1 .• , k Eindery. No. 1. Th.rd .L. 9 Li I N b L) 17, eel, a, qr. rel , .• do ae 'A 10 do to. and moot reledratnl brand.. • 1, pipe, Holland 10.0...110h1in- Snob... and . .11,11.' . non-isd... Inlets and Senleh 910E1 WhPter. • sd du Jaton:rm. Rom, 11. LW,. N. E. 'dn. • 1 ;in,•1 1 „t 0 ii 1S do Saved d'am.4 Wine. 1 21 do Ito do. do. It .10, :herr,. Wine. 21, 63,, rordeatts Clarvt. In 011,1,1 and 10 .• dr 1 .1 AUIIN PARK ER & mut =1 Liberty aired: 1 01.4 d, SILVER, RANK NOTES, SIGIIT Tint. Pmfla 011 the and Weel• de„, lenight atul enl.l. 'anal Marino Polities .Inetod un the tort fare...31,1e term, wt the Ilnolotd of 11E0E6E F.: ARNOLD i 01 , .. dm9. Pundlls elreeL riItIEsuBscItIBERiNVI TEs.:r it E attenticm of inerrladd, and 1.1114,5 to Li) Int, and we I .1..1. .4 11111,.. 1111.1er Shirt, And Drawer... Thent ...Ude. In I,lk. 1...1..1. Merino. and adidir, all F1T. dd. ..., dn.l pm ...4,4.4..01y on hand n ll . l nv ld low 1, notll F. KATON. 1 01.1 1 PENS. W.. barn mla an, hand n 1 lan, t'..111 14u , fnnn the lenliuy 111 anufa..1...,... In Nes - V,,d and to Abu rlednl.l 1101/1 Ilen6l Can...root .'llOOO Can, In ..nrt.t. I',.mnpine Pen Ilot irr n Pend J. .1 II ant mt,,l nt N..n book dr= t.INKING, COLLECTING AND EN eilANnr. 1... 1 No. 6! . ? ?1,1 dr,t. 1 1 1:14...rdh. b,riudide 1 . 11 1. 1 1. 1 . ,11 nn.l rale. ..dr. In all an. Iddheindl llnidn. Not., nn ..lvent Bunk.. tldrounted. 111, MIA nr.ddiad..l N:01 A iintilEn PASTE. 4 gross of that. t sr 1... d. d. 1.1 0 0 0, _I., ..• I rinth.llln article wan-ant...l ..• X 1 7..prer.rnte.d. the mon., 1.01 and rrtad. ad. I a 11. I.IIICLIPS. - rinA \VA I:E .kmericail Dritqn j Tan T., S..t, .1... C.audiretirk,. Strulrr. an.l Urn.: qu.llty'k nuce 11,0,11, Tnhis N - 1+.¢...; ...I But t, NM...11141d 4trrulau 1,1,r Forti - am' Tabte 11014 Tea Trn., of Cue Ilirminghtun manna...tar, urnanwnt...i • 1 . 1..,1 Ira,. • of I..rautiful patLe.n.. Afrery .pen,.r der cicsuing and ptlohlutylatal for rl. .tui:l4. Chamois Feather . . llinatinm—Soreei ciebrat,l 31agic!riot, alAut Aize of a hati abich swill snake cidlfee. cook boot. deal, oyat,ra, am thlud eine in a row urtOwtom. For by W. W.3dlLii4)24. 1a1:3 Cor. Market and Fourth ats 10 CASKS NIAliAtiA WINE; Lae 1....c0d0.. to yricae.ordor, on cord; o. en t ; bri. Clover ix...a. or.m. .35 laloio I. prism coop:raze: I.ris I,a. Lard: 1, brim Roll Butter, 7 Itio bnt 0,t3; brta b , ,1: us hand nod LWOW!: sa3l 144 I.ltortr +Load SIEILICAN IVOOLLEN (1()011S.—One /1 bundr,l nod Orly pra 'noon Idled 111.1 Mantas dun rain Crib 11Woket.. rup,dior article. 9/0 do Vd.eaut 'Vat Illanktis. ribbon bound. no do Gray Coaling I.llank..s. ti any• 100 do Drab do do , do ; 50 do da do do 111. k Blanket Cloth, do 1 do Dower GrYy 311,1. do 3 do tperior Mark French 3 do 0 1l wool T.,.14, aziorted coldra. - 3 do ihnne,; areorted 2 do Cavlroore, Llark and Omer ml , rz. 1 do Falluell.,ldnek and rreyrdlited.'. to Whi. lorsel; TOrd add*. 0 do Crdoo toned do dp TO; shore L-arrllod gouda are all co roLolordeent horn i.l{ollll soorlarartarcra s eoit sod ve4 sad are be .10 on lips r de9al ter= LO tbsuwe, at taantilacturenr mice. • FL'US. r MtliW',AL PETROLEUX, OR ROCK OIL ...fliers , are more thitu-• It lea, si earth. - Ilan are itoviinli( to • VIRTUE:, of (hi, remmlable reme de. and the constant applicane, I mit. to the pninri induced hem to have st put op with la hell and dirretlonn, for the lenott th.i The PPTlliirEtrll Is pasted front a Ng, to this noun tr. at a depth of Loodn,l Lot ~ unadoltira. artiol , .. itlioni an, , t ' int ,ust it Inta s (10.01 taltatt,. , ,at it contains rriperti.• reaching si number of no 10n,, , er nutter of tincertaintir. The:, are mar, it in the ar au. of nation, a hii If k n ot,. usirlii cud of t o t ) oral ri,titin., the thann of health ami • iri,tt 1. , wan) a roe. loon iiefore thane . Orht , thou Id of pidgin.: it in I.mi,, is • reputa tion ir the run , tbei•ivitrint dad., ine sea .ins, rails writ. and ,r,,ral n.morkalde n.i it 'hit lair formed. In a PM< ([ol,ltioll M future ' ..parity and apidirati,da in the ours , id dine.. e 'lid wi.di In mike a hog parade of ivrtitealea. we are that the ~,i nt-foe MY noon •ork st• way into r ho favor of alio.. w a uger, so u l roil. to to healed: 101,11.1 dn not damn it au niverral alldhationin eel e unt..snatintil, [AV. that it, • mania., of Chronic Diseases it utirtrall•il. thew. may he enumerted—all ilientee• of Ito. rnoilto 11,sien, PltilteflLTlS. (1.)NS1;311•1 its early A,TIPII.t. and all di•-aegis i.f the nit asst.,. LI k -1.11 Plarlera. linieser• of the tad paituo tti the Dart or oide, Servo. Neuraliea. Pains. Ithcrintatio h-thwit.Erttdr• ear, Tetler. S.M.- firth., Old wire, Ar. ar. In ea...-. of debility. , mealtime thin espantire..or Woo and protraehd eau,' of di.,wase. this niodkine brine . relief. It will art •-• • st•neral IT•Ill and ATI{E- in such nun:, linfinrtinn tone and energy to , the inhale fiwtor, retnovina oletructioni, the riltlaFPth fiiwrthan, which none thick, and kr brolun ontriittnum. aM giving inerewd and renewed energy to all the orean • ` 4. Tl•e Prortietor knownof acrer•l to of P1LE,..4 that reninted erere other teranne ein t. well r the yea. of the errizocrtal for a abort tim e.' Xenon lobo destreo toxic withna, th e r l rvarnre o lthe nrriprhitor. Sold by li•toarienr,". ' i .' I I MT:IT! =` :7 `.A Z I ; 1. K r ocl 1 and KEY:D.:It a M - 1,14)V1 nOttier Wont street and "1 irtiln Alley, • ha are nor2ally .reoloted..tcroot. PROOL.A.IIATION: NOW all men who arc sick and afflicted ivwith diYeay• .4 the BlalJer an 4 eL, yhyu tnanr Imitrr ba , a or Inaba, runnlaS alverr, .40., that tht, can I,e enrol by 'Aim, the l•falltr LEUNI. au may talk alamtllo leine a tn.t, much you air., but this duk, nyr, lanky it 1... c It so pn,lum. In 111,. lam 14 an lauayst rommualty. that it .Imam whirls erenof rontalant In any ntLer remit). Th.. man who ratted rill, amt anlTYrim, fr , ra east. 1, 10 rest., get whet(Mat any, ,r 111..aumeratml abot, • !Loader! It rat, very little to Mate a trlal. Thin retro leurts if no mixture—no romjuund, not pan „ impoeing on the community: but It le • remedy elabora. ted Ay the nuvter band of nature, and bobbles un horn the t 4 onr mother earth. in ,14. crtimnal .nnt of. fer. to /Miming hutuanitY a ready rrmedl, an d cheap eonum! r , . • It hns ile, after other psedleines bore Called to any liet. It has rood Itheutuatlntn, of longg tandisnt. and of the worst sial pawl painful character ft has turnl Cholera Slorhun. hy one or two do.ww. o ared old ease. of t!iarrlr,a, whietz every other .esue.lY bon keen of no avasL As a heal svmedy In horns and wad , . It I. better t han any medical remyonn,L.or ointment dot w know .4. It will cure ettill , lesso atellhatal bet, i n a 1. 5 applienhon, undoubted ts,tiosony ran tw furnleb. of the troth rmilaits.d in thr above elates:neat, by rall. Ise un,SASILir:I. M. KIER. , Canal Dzoto. Seventh er n es, or either of the peen s . Kwyper 31rDoell. corner r.f Wood :fart and VlrMit ally: D. tartlet-N.57 Wood ettavh D. A. EJII.A. nod IP it. Curr y city. are the surrnta. REMOKATLSIff CIIIIED. IrHE UNEQUALLED SUCCESS which • lute attended the on. of •MOI:11 - 31r.In; RIIEIIMAT eO3IPOUND AND Suet/It) ITUIVIER, in carine the seeerert and lntxterateinwm of NFLA3I. MATOItY AND Le a nufllcient Znarontn• and remmtnendatlon to halm,. all who.° aM ie. unt with thin fill di.len.w. to U., ste •irtnea Unwind,. of ntnny them rinaetn, of Nt. bonds. and other. , fobs, wzol. !my. Leon cured wßhin the last few months In the ri2 . of S 4 Louta alone. while letters from tire ' re ' vVr ' 4• 4 ett s . b Tlastrol " ll ' l t . it n i ece rt."=" sanding. and all boa , . reeommy ha horn given tip.— '. While others aeon 01 more tarns data of the ante Milan, med.., form. Tory noon.. All, however. Yield to the eon - • derful virtues of this medicine., and [ammonia who hare nation] Gs benefits, and are now In the enjoyment of health c an bot esteem th e oriuirml dbroterer and proprietor, • heneartor of mankind. It is well known [tom the experience of the. pad. thmean2 out., annumation ea tipawibly ed., a texmattent cure of this . -ine. By tit, arpinntito. of °amok:din* h e lms., partial relief. in some MA,. ttla)" be obteinen . fur a rho.. time. tint sill thaw bile this dam. It fixing IL graspattar pe el rmanently n the eyelet. and mutat or later BI sgrain devop.. I itself n a more &metro] form, and afar .. a for melodic. return*. it nettle,. Intoehmok from, whkb. If not n_ntt nno , n , l. rulns tha indi v idual for life.— Thin Is re ti tled by the libtoryot the Pad In ell in...lige, and mom folly nemonetnall by the binary furn lehed of late to the tam oft.. militated. nn given by carrot hundreds ofa who horn -red under his ituranhate notice end trestmer.t during the hat few months. alt)11T131E1c.• ittiEt , m..tric COAINGIND-and BLOOD' . ..' FtlilElbit 1A an Internal remedy—rommenna its opera tkein ware th e direar. slat originate.. omi in purifying .4 the blodi. pan., th nal aI, tie • it hole•v•tem, nruttalisee the impute or muscle ..enamor. winch has eettlni upon the .1 membrane., marl., ond t , m..—rxmonx it entirely fans the m stem and redo, the individual to reefer' he•Jth. '- ... let them who no. ankh d not .1....,,,, themselves, and -j put off the um of gni , med. iin. On lona. or until their Emile am or tents , -led to suet: a degree that they are rritmlix tor life. The'ente,nesue of hundred. of thomande dorm 4. the prat. a, well an a tuultitinle at the I pr,,, , ,,t da y. &Ilan:kg - MI., ttrn folly of expecting perma- tient all. f :Mai extern.d applomnone. 'the primeletor . ..11.1:1 , Tolunble nedletie koMira Dottier- p, Titan, that no rutward urn:loot.. nut PosatblY , Er.. ,, • Permanent eon. when • thin disease i. ir. - mi, Mt. In the rata . lie can nod does iirepare amt Uncle an saloveo- ... lion, Tea. vsna ea....-. whirl] will give reliel in one hone. time het Gin . will no , effect a petunia , . ewe. Tine na- titre of thi. dam', i, cud, that it requires longer time. and '. an martial n mealy. to pada, the demrod effect. and More ' timore'• t i dy Ccmpound and Blood INnitier is th e only remedy that ha. en, Loon dbeovered. either In '. America o oar other moat-7. that will effeettadlY nun this awes, TWA medicine ran Is Led. Wholesale or retell, at No. 73 Thinl street. iamt to the rpm throe. Pittsburgh. • . ; . Air, for bale in Pitt.burgli, by li. Stayer:, Wm. Thorn. - '. J. P.Mnagan. S. N. Wickersharn. and J. A. Jones. Prim h 5 per he !Li Ltatire fur szs; or 548 per damn. Pamphlets on be bad malls. the anent . novnal . IL 11. AVIS:IA.IIT, Agent._ DEPOETANT TO TICE AFFLICTED. .. , PTi. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES. —na Juno Ito-a. the illiWararar emirate proprietor ese l ma yopular and IsneBelel medicines, and also .. tho inventor of the celebrated Instrument Mr it:dating the Longa. In elhoting a core of CArnale dimmer. was • etas- .. dent of that eminent obi-Mart. Doctor Physic. and Is a iaminste of the University of Ponnsylvanimemd for thirty loath Ann, Liss loon engaved in the itinetlialtliOn of dis- ~ ear. and the applirarr n of rem.tties thi'reto. Through the use of 111., inflating tube, in ainn T ee ti on with 1. his Proplaylartic 4 1 yeup, oral other of Inn remedies.. la b. Milord an unparalleled eminence In curing than dreadful , and fatal malastir. Tubercular Consumptiort. , Cancers, i Scrofula Rheumatism. Asthma Fever soul Ague. revere of l all kind, Clamor Ervaipelas, and all Moro obstinate die ears. unde r to Emelt,. traced. ear? form of disease remotes the aa. of big !muesli., to w hitt hurnmil. ty In heir—not by the use of one nunimond only, for that in Inrompatible vita Ph, El...le:deal Law. but by the use of his remedies. adapted to• and prescritad.for, each pmullsr . form of throat., Dr. Ithart's Tonic Alterative Pills when wad., are Inmate- . .. hit acknowledged to be eupttior to allothers, as a purge- , tine or liver pill, inasmuch Sa they leave the bowels per , firtly free from costiveness.; as elm I& Gulden Pills are asl.. ndtad, by the !malty. to insigne peculiar tempera, adap ted to female diniume but bring retained that, a been trod -,' ,Is sufficient to estaldish what has teen mid, in the lamb. j • Or moat skeptical.' The arnleted are Invited to rail upon the agent, and pro- . . mar (gratis) maenf the Doctor . . pamphlets. giving a detail. ed account each remedy. and Its applinsthm. For sale the following agents as well as most drag- Adds ohm nut the country: _ J. &Moo maker 0 Co.,?) irtnd ra t. Pittsburgh. II J. M. Townsend, Druggist. 45 Market K., w Lee A. Beckham. DruggLd. near the Poet 02se,Alleglia T. ny city. Jonieph Antler, Darlington, Bearer county, Pa, John Elliott. gnnou Valley, 0 . w w T. Adams, Bearer, 11 w w • anal:MIT I. . CAIFORT AND RELIEF • . . FOR THE .AFFLICTED will be found in 1 , Dr. thoeletC.Kelllncm's INFALLIBLE LDI/MMNT. orMagio Fliakl. w bids his stag the tent of thirty p... ex- 'axiom..., and Im. beyond a doubt. been the means of sae- log the !seem of thotomnds of individuals, In almost every r clam and ehuarter of disease. We feel that we haunt n o- thing In Paving that this laths only asedleime that has been offered to the affhrted. that dies, lu emery rep. of the word, what It to sold for. ,_mi It hastened, and locatable of ring more diseases than any(Can . twxlicine oficml for ale, we nue not by whom monde or enkl,. by what name. . . An aStrong and convincing later of Gm raga, ni atif ~ that It is throaty utirin th at L.I.R xpm , sr‘ll In the 'form of a milord Medicine that has ever been patronised and reniv- O rd dm praise or the elite ceornny, as utt agreeable Family Medicine erne offend for vale. t a r n ed by any of them. rim. • The lion.. Mew. 11. Grinnell. late 11. C. The Hon. Roll. It. )lores. late 'Mayor. - Um.. John A. Dix. Into U. S. Sens- ~ tor. Willman 11. Porter. Km., Editor of the Spirit of the .. Tim, and a Lod anther distinguished citinme of New Work, who have fully tented its merits, hare pi.rtuittal the Paprivtor to eel, tit them. Mat i e enu that Poirot Medicines an MA genet. ally patronlad by the learned, wealthy and polite. circles. -ore Lure undoubted li a debt to (.I °waives highly to, itegtd. This Wonder working Csdopeffral hasborn nearly ~ even years before they uldk. Its tat frietule ...spew its ntrungert ends t This mort al undinattnlly Is eetno* eat. 11 e,atrjOg pond of its gene, lollies+ cod mnatire .., oualitirn. It a a Mtraign nan .1 . all nervous din attea, rkw - inastle mina scrofulous,. see nv. iyeallut Linti•en, ,4 4 .; on., and all the pains hath that desk is heir to. titer iderEIMO bottles been tell without nomplaint, and bete pethrted inch stdonishlan curse. after all other remedies bare Wad. an would stismer belief, bad we not offered, and in our trearmden. the strongest eel- , denre. • ' • This medleluo, or nature's remedy. Is prepared from yea , etables. for Internal al well as external nor. It eats direct. ' ly emu the dimmed part—giving it health and strength.— -. It Is a anon curer 'Myrtles:Cramps. Ilitiou . sSlohe, sad aII ApanalCaiin allections, diwaars f 4" the Kidney., and T . Weeknere.ln meteor female, fixto wheat - re canto it may ... hair 0nii.,...1. For ate in Pittsburgh. by B. E. Sellers, 51,,,, Hod.. Ca. and Ogden a Paned., and by the retail DlTlCainta tire,lL is pot up In four. two. and one shilling hot. .• a . Janina:ea • I 4 IFFERVESCINO COMPOUND. This 'A tAmprraud warrautml to protium tire widow da. ibed effects, *bra arc,' for roekurg Lnad, tes rolos, buckwheat cakes, Aro by which a carcu, is rMle In ll,r Mutt of about 3 cp— per coot. 'Chas ItarTarach yoza.l or flour odd two tea Natal w paPu Hour that -jou can art aside lot Oar at leiscim) turn add vruucic void water as will pucks liar. dough the u,sat titteknesc. horrid It welt and let It stand Mat., wciautc, is tune lacking—..-Pr two hours will do nn hurt. Manila should La nunniritual thinnrt, and taaked awes. Lug will do no burl to pion.'(Sikora nr twenty Wow,. nera tc etoolanger of arthrtg too touch of this Cotrporunt la the bncci. it will not lulu tho Imadyrilow, ralrratus dors whou mood totau tc... ,acc put e the shoreCompOVAti lab lea cakes, pan}n n, Jobn lq .ale, lad tan cakes, ginger tutu., tern mad t., rora Lord. row a Ipread. tdcwrot,batter rates. buck w ra heat ukc, apple dttlunlluto, pot plea. Rod for all baking Parkestccrtvcd aud for sale by Ft. h PELLIMS. LT Wept at. TAKE NOTICE. 7 - • ar ALLEN :I TO TILE IVOULD. Twenty •111 hr P. 4.1 to Puy ...Who udl rneltiae qr.: of paint. proca or .try. tltat cuanot. ha .I\- tract...l. Ith I tntut.tej Suit. I hare the ratilfactinn of ..artug to lir. ....o ph of lbw Oa.. tharthis ashele. by tgy own futvrUlrni. la on it, now rtasuir wart. In thir runntry extrorting ureue. Lir, rack, nil, mint, or any uttcr grvary aul....tainc..frout all kisulsof urn thuraru'r or ladu.s . clothing. arirrrtr. tablc rprcadr, nu.ritu. ladlo. ',much.. uithout injurtog. All thing that pun, nor nt.ti of ore More Mau orin thousand lau , is In rtigerrut parts of the country ban.. told bar they nould ncy k without. it If it eaut 4I a cal.e. Io UTlng flu &all Itt9ll. a u ankle.. of light 'ilk, ratlns. alparaa ar t y calf ut 1 horn null' frond lofcre t.utfing it an a light dm, try.a maple of the .lreas Diet. I NU., thin begun:. lam tleta•Mhard In recuunnetul It toy rtihnuer 1 know to 100 strictly five. - attra ° l7l to fr ry th'e'3utrbse_nr 6.theLLtg""7 de,A, STIT.T.TrRR' COUGH BYRUP, "I had not used it twice before I felt Its beta/TSAI effects." S u ,fre , r . l,l fx:ln withtut ra te r s' relief. 1 wan tuesented tIlUt. "Isettle j 'll', s "11. IL Fetters' Cough 311stom." I think Ws duty erhitle.l s.:7rt '" elTalltt elalet&and (under tuu okeeinallat ...i e . to bubh the bal,tla I teeter so:,, an to hating Vitnestasl p.roper7t.ii• Ca friends of -eve Vattieular, abn had a tutu; attack on her laugh uI a umnaptmed- with • distreuing eou:h. Verily the only true Esenlaplus (where ...auht and colds alTeet the sufferer) haedesuentiodadutuaant It. ' , ellen' Couuh M. LeiteLo, I {Sill eL Mit burgh, J.. 14,10,1. Prepared and sold by SELLET ...I. No. ST Wood et., Lei sold by druggists. steneFally. , *l4 (aELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGLISIittf-P-- 10,kdaitt oral mot of it.;gratti.onro. ' 31, It. Sellent,—Deintral t ' rt• 11% licit ei r t alta lbiL tool rouglo,l -au reeronme • to Nye your tro PrriniAO. ryntp, by my yotrog Wand Ten:MO.4. your agora for this ooty Vet% I dip,' At hal tar deritall tract ttf mr.t.rv..2% .7111:411711. -0.U. thd, t.c.ived no la•neft wolf 11 Vet lth yo ttfns is Ir fa - taloa. Maga :loop. 1 fort fully rallor.oelo toying to Yn... tool trantintraltog It to tan yulaln as one of tnolotit Aatatitat boa m w born prepared for Moe-air for watch It :intruded. • JA311.5 It. 9.131T1L fraParanoal mkt hi B.R.SELLER,. 67 It udat. ho, Harts na. t 00014 At ids* (all HMV • IsZtUra.