The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 18, 1851, Image 3

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DISTI!!GVISIILD Analysis : The following
memberi of the; late Congress arrived in Pitts
burgh on Sunday, and took lodgings at the St.
Hon. D. It. Atchison, Mies.
lion. J. It. ttnderwood, Kentucky
Hon. A. C. Dodge, town.
Iron. Jeffersim Dnoia. MisiissiPPi
lion. James Whiteomb,lowe
The Honorable it. P. Leteher arrived in Pitts
burgh, on Sunday.
Diansortsuen Antursts.—The Monongahela
Ifouie has been crowded, for a long time past,
with members of the late-Congress. Among
those who arrived since Saturday, have been the
folloiting gentlemen:
Hon. Thoma 4 .1. Rusk, Texas.
Icon. Sidon Borland, Arkansas.
Hon. WiWan' k.:Setustian, Askantßes
Hon. Jacob Thompsim, Miss.
Hon. Oovorrjor French, 111. •
lion Jahn': licClernand, 111.
Jima Joshua R. Giddings, Ohio.
Hon. James . Bowlin, Mo."
The Hon. W . B. McClure, President Judge of
the Court of Quarter Sessions, and Simnel
loner, Esq., together with Messrs. Boyle and
Mitchell, County Commissioners, met yesterday
for the purpbso of filling- the vacancy in the
Bose!, occasioned by the death of Mr. Benson.
Five persons were nominated, awl the gentle
men present proceeded to mark, when it appear
ing that Mr. James McCune, of the Ninth Ward,
bid received i nn the votes, he was declared !man
m'ously elected.
TiL NORTiI BRITISH Bevan, for February,
boa been received bj W. C. Wail, Fourth etreet.
It contains nine original poenin
PiktENT Fl ' rthttlCG oa 31CILCHAST,
few days since a newly invented flourmill, pat
ented by .1 Clark, was put in operation, at
Messrs. WilMarth & Noble's Steam Flouring
Mill, on Liberty St, in this city. This mill is
but Lao feet high and 86 inches diameter, and
can be hauled by a horse and waggon; and by
'one process talus out the different, parte of the
giallo, completely separated; such as extra flour,
I supeifine, middlings; shipstafs, and bean, each
running at the same time from a different spout.
The flour ground in this mill is of a very-superi
or quidity, and its great value 'and utility are
sufficiently evidenced by the certificate of such
— pelienced millers as Messrs. Wilmarth k No
ble, which will be found in our advertising col
•We tronld advise our friends,-who wish to en
ter into o speculation to call and.see this-ingeni
ous insention; which promises to be so benetici-'
al to the community, and purchase State and
County rights.' It may be examined at
& Noble's Steam Mill, where hundreds of
persons from the city and country hare called to
examine it since it has been in operation.
boat, belonging to Kies's Line, arrived In Pitts
burgh on Friday from Baltimore, with a full mar
-- go. This is the first arrival by canal this season
--Gawk of ifonday. •
The above should have rcol •'fresh arrival at
Baltimore," Sc.
COOSIVELVA PAZWILAMA.--Thia beautiful panor
ama is as popular as ever,-and is nightly viewed
with delight, by a crowded audience.
Wyss TILE VENTRILOQU/ll.—We copy the
following anecdote of Mr. Wyman, the ventrile.
,quiet, who is now- performing at Lafayette Hall,
from the Philadelphia Saturday Cornier: .
Steamboat _4 drentln:e.—We were told of an amu
sing affaii that came off on board a steamboat late
ly. Several of the passengers were looking at the
engine; whilst examining the same, some part of
the engine began to streak—the engineer heard
and oiled the ecreaking part, then another part
wreaked still louder, he gave this oil, and much
• to hie astonishment the fist defective part broke
out in u still mote disagreeable :wreak, and all
the oil had no effect. The Captain coming up at
this time, and hearing V.he noiee, cried out, why
do you not attend to the engine ? He was an
swered by a burst of laughter, when -turning
round he beheld Wyman, the ventriloquist, who
was amusing his friends by his peculiar. powers.
The Captain and engineer elatiped,swnsrlag that
if' they heard the boiler explode 'whilst Wyman
was on board they would not believe it.
Before the lion. Hopewell Hepburn, 'President
Isaac Walson, et cixor vs. Bailey's Executors.
No. 13 AprE Term, '5l.
Offnaotion of Robert Arthurs, Esq., rule to
show canoe why the judgment shall not be rein
stated. Reisoes filed..
IL B. Ithey Si Co., vs. James Soickton, No. 53
November '49. List No. 171:
Shale? and Staunton for plaintiffs, Williams
and Kuhn for defendants. Jury discharged, and
case continued.
Watson's heirs, vs. Wm. Efclibaum. Dunlop
and Black for plaintiffs. Williams for defen
This is an action of ejectment brought by the
plaintiff's to recover possesion of about two
acres of land, above Pipetown which are alleged
folio between the Second street and Braddock's
Field road end State road, not now open. It
appears that in 1509 or 'lO, Andrew Watson con
rtlYl to Win. Eichbaum, father of the defend
ant a strip'of land above the ground claimed
estemffmg from the top of the hill to the river,
together with a piece of land below that, be,
tween the. then. State rend and the river. The
question turns on the lokation of the then State
' road, and the property is now very valuable, be
ing worth about ten thousand &liars,
The exami n ation of the witnesses was not con
cluded when the Court adjourned.
Cokartatmcm.=The number of persons com
mitted to prison during the present month, for
trial at the ensuing Term of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, is sixty six. One hundred and fifty
eight were committed for trial during the month
of January, and seventy seven in February.
. Maiscions Dfiscutsr.—A young lad, whose
name we did not learn, deliberately broke the
futerdngs of the windows of Mr. P. Seikert's
grocery store, in Bayardstown, to pieces, on Sun
day afternoon. A warrant was issued for his ar
lice yesterday succeeded in recovering a:boese
which had been stolen from Mr. Remington, near
Reels rocks.. A colored man named Maher
*, IVA took it, and traded it off to a farmer residing
in R'sshington county, for another hone, which
Mier he Sold to a Mr. Jackson of this place.
McPherson has succeeded in making his es
BiLTLIO AS OFTICSIC.—Tiro young men; whose
ULU! 'Nadia not learn, were yesterday arrested,
mewed of violently aasaulting police officer
Moran, while in the execution of hfo duty. They
were held to bail to answer the charge.
CIIAYLGC or Assox.—A young lad, named
Black, was committed to prison, yesterday, by
the Mayor, charged, on oath of Andrew Arm
strong, withhnon, alleged"yyn been commit
ted In setting fire to Mr. Th*as Scott's lumber
yard, on Penn street.
A young matrnained 'Edward Spurs, was also
committed, o ebort'time ago, charged with being
concerned in the same offence. •
VAGHAST ASD ;Jut:. COW B. —NO less than
eeeenteen 'spuds and druid:arils were brought
before the Mayor, on Sunday morning, and dealt
with in the usual manner. Nine made their ap
pearance Ice at the morning watch returns yester
sops were brought before his honor, the Mayor,
yesterday, charged with passingeounterfeit mo
wry. M, however, on investigation that they-did
tot knew the naCS were bad, they were dis-
Tam IVLATHes.--The weather yesterday, and
on the previous day, was wet and very napless
' ant.
O. I. LARD OIL—A few bbls. just rec'd
N . "
' Tr= tbs manufactory, for which I am the eeirscect.
....a •111 warrant It superior to an, Mil orferni in this mat
- *WI . , corn Word and Sixth Ms.
_ _
REFINED BORAX-15 ,cases for sale by
PONGE-2 strings finest - Mediterranean
. 1, nds 7. FCIIO.3N3LAILER 4. CO.
LANDSCAPE PANNELS-3 dos. for dale
Imdal J. KIDD t co.. co woat so-
Ladies' Pine Dress Goods.
00—ftrun.., Tiamn, Lento to Lath., M 00....
La'avd. de. ac--.90t0e rptiot fay ao4 , n 1 1.
itten.. A .A. MA. , 4IN t
Not ao4 Nlancrt
SpjilNb PRINTS Choice and
IremitlfarrAttnns nal tide mandril&
BALnvonz, March 17.
.patch from Camden. Souitt
the death of General George
A telegraphic de
Carolina, announce
lllarrishorgh. March 17.
41 relolvtiouto thy to nd
The Rouse pwo
own onthe lath o
PM I MPH lA, March 17.
arul bell all ,lay The New
We have vai
.rk line is down.
Lllll.l MARKET.
1.11,11,Y.I.P11“, March 17.
ny has been unfavorable for
ad lnit little bas been doing
The ♦enther to
out door businegs,
in the market.
tel request, tr.ith sales of
r export, at $4 44 bbl.--
,umption at $4 44,17.4 56' for
!t bonds, and $4 69 and up
:l4 fatal. brands.
Flour—ix in li
standard brawls 1.
Sales for city con.
Common and seta.
wards, for estrn :
'teady nt - . 0 Mil.
es hate declined "td
Is on Saturday at $2 75 "fl
Rye Flour —ls
*ith sales I,WO bj
barrel. I
with sales of ishi
97 l bush. Sal -
masa, with farth.
ontinto, in limited demand,
nt 102, and of
of rye at it o. Curmis in de.
ier sales of yellow at 1;0 cent.,
limited demand, with sale; nt
Gi:2lle in hhd,
Western due rutted at *l=
Valiskey—ln in
23c in 1513114. and '2ll
lictrip—Smles o r
50 too.•
ce is scarce: sugars are firm,
I.plies and small sales. Sales
es nt 22e 1 , gall.
red is in demand, with further
15,371 it ha.
rk and Beef are firm, with
ion is in good demand.
me sales Western at
with increased sn
of Orleans moles
sales at $5,12i1
easedl sales. Bf
B.m..nnonc. March 17.
le weather checks outdoor lasi
of moment was doing. It has
The (lieagre • •.
near, and nothin
been raining all
Macrotour., March 17.
300 head were offered to day,
, d at $3,1260,25 on the hoof,
5„.. , 8 net, and averaging $3,65,
290 of which s.
equal to $6,25
Nnw loan, March 17.
sagreenble weather caused the
quietly at $4,68(y . ,4,80 for Or
a 4,56 fur common Western and
market to open
leans, and $-1,5
s less active at for Yellow.
grains. •
ork is dull nt $11,75 for Old
7 for new. Sales of old Prime
Lard is stendynt 7:!,.c. Of pick
' have diminished.
No sales of othe
Mess, and $1.3;
at $lO bbl.
led meats, mac
Lead is quo
Whiskey—Tl ,
for drudge and
at .$5 V cwt for Galena.
le market is steady at '2.31(;i;24c
NEW Yong, March 17.
e disagreeable weather, nothing
erns done.
i 's have declined ic.
Owing to. tit ,
of consequence
risen three feet In the bast 24
een raining all day.
arket is quiet. Sales 700 bbls
The river ht
hours. It hoo
at $3,40.
Whiskey--S l
1 ,
es a 18Ic.
Provisions 'othing doing.
Groceries a les 150 bags Itio Coffee, to ar
rive, at Ilk. Sugar is firm at Co for fair. Soles
200 bbls 31 . 9 .at 310®320.
amr 24 by 3S Pliny. Ptl. ,
41 : i4 4
4 ,Y1 by 31.
a, Yeeiory 'Payer.
ulle Cram, Straw P.,r;
'4, l '" As ''''''' Y i''''l7L.ll4-11r".; tale
1 b d , I , os
In a
kJ 12. bbl, Lurov• N., 3 11.. Al.-keret,
.4 ti.rev. 1 rime Carolina Rt.,
.1.1. P. Dew ItottA 1. 1 ,
lb 1. p $l, balm. Lod,
%OW It, Bar L.A.
ed number, -
I .' 1 "' .01
1.,.,7 1. . ,• ;. 1011 ....., •
.... 1
.c. . 2
Holm • formic by
1 BACON-5 5 lih do ds pr d une 1 5 14111 , L 5.
5 .--
it. r sal. by Ilnoll.ll A 110 Ed
I liC ER' BOOKS—Andrear's Latin English
ES d. CO.. are prepared to i „l e l , t.csicos u., E A Andrewo, L L D Royal E, ,
rf: Lwil%l. ,
. i. The World of tbe Pacific DT Itav henry HL.e.
.. , M trL r r H L : ll ; ,'- ittZr 2 B 1 ":P lti l e - V. ^ =7: l f I.Fraci, By Omen Asruilor. 2 'obi 12 mo
y repsired Ifob,E. i ,an.
i ___ s i; f , bms lust reed
,s,.. }telletill , • F.. 1101111.12 rory by lb, scanor of Roils
L'RBEIDOR it INGiIAII .0i The LAT. nf tis. Jamr• Quinn By Rev Jelin T. Wright
Bo 11 0 % ., to•r , rt , Jan moeived arkd f'r'etsby It BOBBIN
10,21 71 Appoihr Ijuildino 4th ,t
extra Family Flour. for [
B 0 lON BONfaIORYLT ACO L IN ~EEr, OIL-5 bbls Just received, pure
isuatry OH an,l for laleary
oxen for sale by 1 RORIBON,I =LE A CO,
) NON BO‘NI(OEST it CO feb4 , So .I.a. Liberty arr..
boxes, in prime order, for ma bushels Pried;Xeaches, for sale by
L 501.1.11 A BEANI , TT 1 0 . .JIJ feb2l ~ 4 b DILWORTH ACO
--" 1 7= beanrid. and I A Fir. nta: i
'Alt') TO BUSINES - S. 3IEN—A young,
IV INI) o.4 V GLA6 s S' O7 - ‘ l , th iN kl uo h N x s s it ' o ' ;L::r d a ' iii '' ,00ssl ." :" b ` u ,ris m ''',.. t' ° :4, l '='.'ezar‘, lb p , n
---- al' tro ft ro l ,lk to eight thousand dollar., in ono.. to make
- , t4treon in,niment- [MI &fn. hk. Limy. buainvim, on a partner
ir, Pittnbumb or vicinity PlOre address Poet OM, Boa,
iedlum and Single Crow - alt.:4n
vnotantly ant hand asiil mit
rgn mud general assort:Tsit or
am, anti Tra Paper., Host.
ir par.,. manufacturer,.
er oo short nater.
or of Penn andlrirlo
No. 1, Wit, Strained,
—ln bbls. mel hr. Ibis,
STARCH{—WO boxes, hest brfinds, in su.
gars tor hr W3l. DAGALEY k CO,.
4694 -. Nn. In and 9a Wrg.l sa .
febla i '0 boxes for sale by
asaiusilt PENN FIT i 4 1._. ,
‘I3IANO—iNIiTA_IiLEbOVEItS-IV. Mc- .Q . 11. MOLASSES-,- " TS bbls 13 half do,
Icn.t.r-k '' , t.. am •t".th'" °fP'a' 'lP,;l,"gf: 2. ~,"Vg" a ' j"`"fLiirrkill:947llltrd."
. i um. LEAD-4350 piuso%it Gallen., for sale
eTs,lt w li b a L° S3 iiiirs=r°'°° a ° ° ``°°
Ltd„ . - , ,
‘LOCEITE 'NE aLOES--75 It., ure article,.l . l by rersss DIINY. MATTHEWS k CO.
AY twee (AZ a
R. `''' " . I QUNDRIES-7 00 Ilai prime Fedthers;
'a» dot ars d :,odic.ra ,gg
DV bal. best tiW.9
AO bag Dry Berri=
Car bag plirue aalerat.
9 bbir Allan: In Warr and for We by
o shams 14, Isle. Apply M BAIRD A IVIN. l
Alll 114 lircond pt.
111011, BUTTER- 1 661 fremh. Tor male by
fet.l. RILEY. MATTHEW'S A Co. feteArl
SENORES-- 1 NIAN t I . I.INESE -2 tons for male n l )
to flume. prime Moe; J BIND A CO.
. 10 roll. Culflah: i L.! UNDRIES-10 0 doi sup. Corn 13
[ ISo 1014 Dry ApPle..l . I i. 7 4 1,1.14 Illelory N.M.
I YAM Comm °Craw,
WO lbs reflOrd Saltpetre: "
LI trm i rial . . c •ra t' to h, e ;
Co 6 ItA hope,inr Feniberr. '
IMO rearas 'rapping Paper; 60.000C.ommon Sega.:
ZO or lax urr.' 1 Its lump T01..4 , 0: 1 • ' :LOW ILA Deer Ilnir.
1 cosalf Roll Brlmatunr. 211 Las Foa'm Mareb,•
1 do Chalk: 1 10 010'W...1'• Pearl dot
1400 DA Red Sole Learner, • 3 caws now, Rim floor for n.lll
. 1000 IL4 do Light
.11,11,r,i,n,:fr nl ,o for 1 . . 1. D. WILLIAMS AW.
MS)111:.-11-131,1.1s for solo by
febl.ll ROBISON. Ltrrl.c e co.
ROLL 13;UTTER- 2 I.ll)tri fOr sale 14y
- -
CLOVEIOEED---,75 bus Fur sale by
far.; ' ROBISON. LITTLE k CO. :
laTATCHES—Received and on brd; an:
T V er.oelleALroortnitlent of [lii . l , 4l . ond Silver r d ;
a n :
Read Tama do ilq
Aral others o celelystod Eaglieb
d and
b itaiters II -o a rt ,,, if.—..
Primo oot/ 1 i "1,, ~...tioovA es iusii.S. Jilvoili
Floe Wom b yet ir
mundacturl to order and rarorialr sorrels/al.
WA very excellent vitxt of rola c1n,:? . 0;. 1 71ge.
ftbl 1 ror of illi and 3lork Ards.
Itt-A.N.---10 bus White for sale by ,
rev'. .
LAMP LACK—In bulk fur Tanner's,
bble fo sale by J. SCIIOONSIAKEI4 t CO.
Ines nit
" l agl" .
1.7 PIO
At de by
1 V.. de b
• MI 1
V Fresh I
foreb sale
T 2
____ by ta
RICE --_30
. Gold am'Gd
‘IO,IIETEItS--A full aaHortrent for
ADIS - J. KID / A CI).
E-123 Las, in store and for mule by
11 IRAI All DICII d. CO.
k..111. Maccaroul and V.,m1,..111, on hand and
ioyrsmWl, KM. A. McCLUIDI a/
,10 tree; pritne Carolina, for
t''4s I.llaTty Wert. a sett superi
which we think wecut th
rnaaeed at the price in Fittahu ws Nb. I
armies. '
which we warrant nt filly mau>4 if .0i
I.nd at thn tame rim.
• g 101,11.1 and Unnporwder of
k tali trial; tt 1 they
w ire,. A liberal clipmunt made t
In buying by the quantity.
Ni It A.31 . CL17110
Tea Dealemand
Olvo I
trttoTrrl't •
tuo the lu
rti I 0
1 ° V, II
;r• hi a
awl to ••
for Wu by
ad ,
0,.: ;. ",::=",t5r.‘!-,- - , - -V,::..`1fi,.'44:„ - ,. -1 ,,iu1 . :1ht.',,7:
th e otry. Ilut Versoifuge h... ta,,, hot&d us tnn
vlciblA mod nine in every family. T o ~.,ii,..„. ~,,,,
Pills filo Js are indebted Dm relief frroo pain aod Ai r
~..,.. Tin mralicloVale malord tit«, innularit7 I, ia.
ease I !.',77,.;‘,11,10r1:=" V:Wi:Ta`".,„
....,,. ~,, w , b „, fmnomtly. used nr Seller's
"'"" V - ii and know it lo Ise a nerdy Cure for a trou.
gresoM p : f h r : 2 :
~ ,, , ,g9 ___i' - ; ZY,Lr t y:______R k'"l4._ ill E. SELL'
fa no r
are prep.-
11 turitleli and erect sp
tr„r„ jsZl Rical. AI N., s. .
N PAPER-15 ]ells. Cincinnati llam
tar sale by
caL-12 Lb's. receiving &cm steam
No. OS Ws.. stmt.
g sIiESTICUTS-12 hu. just ree'd and fi,r
ljag bj
No 116 Water erreet-
Leaf Lard
LAIW T -8 bble. -
Affor raleby 3 I".°
8151113R1 . 1? „ !!! 1 * . l.r .. 111[A r
frb2S _ .
BUTTER.—Ton brls Roll Butter
a„.. ltCell sal for sale by
3R-:150 bbls. in store and for sale by
0M.% ICog gt nom go,
odaABLE MATTS--In store and for sale
T at
th"CP."V'nt.qteiTLINTOCK. ' lou r rth
1 Me inites the at
!, tiq,:ork of thane wishing to CLINTOCK
funnleh. v
to his cOok or
It yo. whioh are Joel received from the Inantafacturora.
.11 3
A good anannoment e n b.• found at the Carnet Ware.
hodee.No. Voorth greet.
kI:TS--A very large assortment of Che
f 0111, Tufted. Thrum. Sheepekin. (Me°. Jenny lied.
J use. I=lll. and Skeletonl tte. In store and foe main at
the Cartel: arthoune. No. n!Fourth at
. .
‘,l II
he ET
enNG S
of .— pu W
rrha M
rre L b
Imp. at No. lin Fourth ettnet. [lnch,
t i tiliAlt, MOLASSES & SYLIUPS--
i { t d.e e lm n Ii
tar,. Loaf Sugar. 9 mud 15 The:
. 270 ru,hed and pondered Loaf Sugar.
•Clarified 1...k.f Sugar.
GO WO,. S. 0. 6,war. •
I 40 F 11 Syrup Med:nue, St. Louis:
Holden Syrup:
• 44 ...rlarlll,l In oUre and Ihr nnle by
to<l.:tWater cod Front ets.
-4,..1 of the following trod.:. o ,a
ITA u7i t t;Ta d iZ,PaltY_ r l c rarlt
J Leula Napoleatrtuth , and, Cultura, untls •
3111 Inc. Brow's. and Applique (lapel,. and Shover. t him,
tette, Mack Chardilla and Lo re Ladies' limkfast
li ' rre ' ii l ai r. i f dre ' rr ' ll ' iir row d
I ‘ . - tri i = mt l.= i' a r re.l l tf4; : ! . .: :
tonot end Stria. ltdutugt am! luserUngw—together with a
tosorttnent of Prrnell A. FTb s =d .t it , 4l;l . .lwee
meta No. Llund 61 Market . tt
D RAW LNG PAPER-30) Sheets Qmper' " "' 1 "' "I. by
BmCON -16 easks Sides rind Shoulders.
ed by steamer Ylessrnger Nb. 2., for•ale b
rri OttACCO—lfi kegs Six Twist;
_I„ , , Y) bnscs Gratzt.
• r, .. Itnunld:
.31 - Barrow,: foe Yale by
-1.7 76 rad. nod
:A l
Dried And...
' :10 blile. arsa kegsNo.l LAM:
U tentm Relidus;
IGU rigs.
Timothy 5 .. d:
6,0 Clomir
10 or. tanks iiirret 31eleas Wine:
40 Ws. Llivii-ed 011; on bud soil for sera
eat.o tow_ prircs. meil tbiistont of
AR - OWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article:
Ae: t White. Bane& Grem, ad 'Alm=Lae Blu.. to
th' "o" ot. 311711.111 T d
1111 Y BERRING-300 boxes (fresh) for
JIJ pale Pr Incl.:. WICK K NIeCANTILF,i.
VIALM 011,-1001). lbs . . in store, for sale by
NaILKIL a inctirrso.N.
CI.ARET WINE-1 - Flihda Bordeaux:
- oichl MILLER. At ItICKETe.,N.
_ .
15 I h,L linut Saturn. Win,'
• In ntore for rnln by
nseb4 SULLEn ItICKETt.N.
r , NMI YOUNG lIYSON T} .—lust
COnVa " . tilln b 'tfi,V= " ' s;t7l:T ri" f Y =
- Z;a u k m cr the
L.t . , ' sU ' ..rtt t l:Pir .. .V .- ;at;
Ike • groat fully ual, if 130 t tugi. ,
the oame
11.—iiolong. Imperial. and Guuls" , f&r. of 01 Crnags•
for uhich nil we ask is • fair trial. and they mill r•goru .
rui throsselvvg A dimuunt made mretailers,
and to twain,. buying by the gusutity.
7771. A. 31cebtliG 011..
mrll6 Too I)tadets and Grocers.
S,lalU kegs Dilating. carts qualltr.
SOO ilet , r PATIN • •
lis. " 11., rale br
J. 0. DILWORTH it (..1,
EATSFOOT OIL-2 bbls. just reed aul
1 1 fur rale at W e D7g `bn of
Wl il and S lut 00.
bags Nuts,P
3 Dried nnie Inullue frisa
AFls. iu.n: for ride by
1501011 5(0000 t l'O..
feb2ri Mat, and Front RD ,
111111EUI soy. Apyles;
- le matk.i
nichl 3riLLue d ItteErIVON.
• •
LOTIIES' PINS-1U cayen Eastern, for
male by feliai .1. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
F ISH -10 hlf Vas No. 3 Mackerel;
11. " I 'd i : r.
bb4l gale co.
?RATING 31ATERIIi.loS--Printer'ii cop
y.- and nonlen Galley. idler nallers..furnitura, rear
Lox wood .11 hickory nuolna, ...air, du.. an.
trebly nualeri rules, AC. AC. For .de q . 8. ruvrx , i3
Muting Mee. 3rd. Lctarcan Market and Fon-, co.
feW3 Arocrioan copy.
WOOLEN TYPES--From the manufactce
Y Y ry of Walls a Webb, furnished at sluut notke by
fob.) W. S. lIAVGN.
'POE SALE LOW—A superior toned rose
': :wood Nano Forte. For term. enquire As No. I/ Dark
von Dow. DubLurou eArret, frDM:4l2w
r,.• INC WASH BOARDS-20 doz. for sale
z a . by fetAM J. D. WILLIAMS t CO.
S-2 bblA tia:ql. Lard;
2 do htertne;
;tweet Putatton
6 bane Ornohltt_.
do Uri ea=
j do do &10; anh
10 do Feathers;
.re ;
ltl bal"
Cot '"' DICAY
L'ALA lVater and Front sta
Asia for ?Ic Ly
-3 s , ription . for arks by •., febls J. KIDD .b. CO.
TIN LOU p r —JO bids superfine, in store and for
'AL ssi sy febl4 DUEY. SIATTIIEWS &CO
IFIANNEIIti' OIL-25 blils. in store and for
45 Water street.
I !NG iIIXTCItI'., Or sale by J. KIDD it L'O.
(... MUT MILL.-One Smut Mill,-complete,
1. - J for ealeTws by 0.14 It. DALZELL A CO.
- 1 Altl2l--30 bare els - and 15 limp do,'for sale
ia tq.
, er ,
Liberty street
, -
11 OLL BUTTEII, 7 - ,. 5 blils Kittle itArtiffer,
.11_1 on hand and fvr ,el. ti.e I. DA LZELL A CO.
1,1.3 Liberty street.
1 ENS!! ItAISINS---;00 boxes on hand and' .
..., N... ~,,,,, . A.. CULDERTtkON K DJ.
P. LE., CHING POW ItMIS--200 casks, a
jifi t.Tir r ' '''''''' ''''''"llo; F.% ItElNry b i co.
i 'I if ociiiT.A.TE of everydescription for sale
._) tq - 11 I). A. slet•Ltiltti A Z.:0.. In. ....o's3 Liberty stn.,
.jubnieb. }renal, be,eet. Ppleed and I lain. AD, Baker's
I, 1 Chum - ante, C.eens and Brun. The beet usnortment
10 be found is. Ole el , , 1'
I fi',4UNIJDIES--4.10 bills. Linsee Oil; '
d --
• L.' 'iil _ : 117:tlitiiLl
'MK or
1 boo,
... two
bo boles Purr ralzrear.
11 Lemon.;
at, • Czzz , m Chnzzn.
100 dozen Common BrnoFM
SW Idn.h. Dried Pesch., •
4 bbIL 111cMi7.cotA
.. i.
1 17 r . -4Chdr.41i1.11,143 Front
CO7IIINEAI,--A corona best quality, just
" 4 l .'W I. ' . "' t° b) J. SCIIOON3I.I.KFit
L'OE-,11,1,1. WIL ite Glue: •
1-P rr ,. ,.. ,:44 iu - ,u,,n,,j. soor
- ,IAR a v.• rale by
4 QUISE 7--,,
- VILL Ll. 311: lnl
r 0 bbl- mod and
JLA for sale by •[ retail 5& W. iliballAVOlL
PILUT !in. '4 A. S. Ora. master
will le.are
ay fur %Mewling . Catn-ina . and .unfinh.
..ery Monday and 1 human', al 3 elock e m... rrturning
1....... Sunfirh fur Cantina. Whewlinit n.I itittolturgh. ev.
er y T....1ay am" F Ma, at 10. fi n I. M. Prunn.ngera
aml . .hippro ran depend upan th . running 1,01.11
dt.'"A!ih."1,',7,•71t,',.47. 044 - on ton.r.l. niel.ln
ItiOPTN.TTSHVILLE — Tho tine ..-
nasnaer 7 , IAY FLOWER., ma.ter.
an I Inae for the aloToand intwnnedintwpart,
'On Ohio day. the 10th. al 4 P. M
Forfreight at puss... apply ) on boon'. nr to
orbit OHNTFLACK. Aont
J ap
anleadhl g , ram FEDERAL
.Llowman. roam:m.ler, will leave far alm , e*-==
wwl luternr , liate p'nts no this day. the lath Instant, at 4
o P.l. Fur fmi,thlr? , , rnaf . e is ap i tgl_!. , t4 . l , zl::Lur to
KIrUR LOUISVILLE—The sulen- 1_ aaa
.ilti steamer NATIOATOR. Cart- IF Dear, • 4
w lasso for the aborn avd all Intertuedlato
porta on Tuesday, the 15th at lU n'elork,
- Fur freight or pa.wastß SPOT in hoard. twettl 4
FOR ST. LOUIS—The new and - -
Wt running Ammer EXPREFt , , Hazlett,
miner, will Rare for the alswe anda. k
11 int.--
m.415W ports this aft.ratnn. at 4 Writ&
For (might or aptilr on hiard. walla
1 - 4 1 OR ST. LOUIS.—The fast run.
tilon, new granter CaPialw
soil. will have for the atore and mil tater
mediate ports thy, day. the rid; instant:at 4 !l.
For freight or paaaaFe.aPPlT ow l.sw - d.
1 01 t ZANESVILLE —The fine
steamer E3llltEtilt.,Cox, mutate, havailZgil a .
or above sod Intorlowllete port+ ad. wnorrown.
t 4 o'clock. •
Par freight or passage. apply no board. m' 4ls
11-1 011 SAINT LOUISTIie swift
11 •
udder. slendid Annual' IAI/101.1'ochnto.
rur;!get:l'ogn!'atl o'clock.
For freight or posaane. apply on hoard. rod"'
-MT - R.—The fast am! romfortahh, atr. -
EETWOOII, Inekerbson. master. will leave
for the above and harm... Hate mots tins day. at 4 P
For freight Cr IRO , ' pity on loard. mobil
*Nu WELL.I 4 VILI.F.The fine steamer
IWrn. :Madden. inane, will ran
o n
as. rnnulor packet hetanani this city and Well
, lat•
aver) Monday. Wadnaaday, and Fold. y, t
For Wight or paaaane,PPlY on 1..4. 11.70
lIIIIE new and fast running car. CASIII ER,
J.:+. MeNln.Ltn. Nlaxter—llegular Well.,llle. Flan
bt•writi., W.. Unborn. Wheeling. hcultrePort_ealditt. and f
hantixh Perket-1.7.• Pitt; hur . g. , is a ej:ir . y .., :4:ln7fty ,,, a r t ! Land for Sale.
i:i.,`,=;. 1. i? ,1 1.. f i1.. az... 11 ,,‘%: ...I Saarld, l A. ONE 'I'IIAET of :I•20 Acre,: orm Tract of
every 51. , neltny nt 1 o'clock. A. NI.. and ,
4 1111 , 0 3 1. r n pad IV hrelhu every Moak,. Inkti Tharnday, nt
...1. of hr. rns. qualm - . nod v.. 11 lorated in Monroe .y.. 1 1..
For freight and puma , apPly on lawn!. or h, l aod.trill le eolel. to .olt parxse....... sr , ' 1 .. v. For 0111110,
ench7 .111 IN FLACK. Amt. 1 1 1 I Y \I \I. II .101INt.TON,;
part . U .1,, Ineoll, 1'
111141 '
'OR MARIETTA AND HOCK- mr,...,, : .... . iv, iosot.d.t.
INOPORT.—The nue xtratuer PACIFIC. I . L . ff
1 i rit; 0 LhiT —A lIRICK DWELLING Fcl
ii,us. nuader,wlll leave for the alma e end its.
term...hate porL. every VI ,, at 4 ne10ck.,1 1 ..31. t
.w l ith .1x a, x ..0 .g r, und atta.-hed. xltuated a
.. E . ,
For freight or 1 11 . 0 . 1 t, ^ EP' , '". 1 ,...iv;,;1% . tu..11:1 • II ARPY. JONES eC ,
mahla No. el leo., iiod 011 Prop,. • .
1 ;'OR RENT .—Tlill Rl/011,1 in the l'o4 w 7:,.
FOIL ST. LOVIS.—The splendi d _ l , ' Othoe Bulldtga. aaiml.le fa Arti,...ll.comaXZ...
''''U.'" 'TATL'MAN"" ' "'''''''' i " ...J;:;e1;t1A1.1. Ttll . ll .tt Thlnl 'art... next .loor!t. , the
ixantaander.vtlll leave for lb. slam , and tuft.
mediate porta 0n this , day. the Gth hut, at 10 A. 3.1. !Itaartte IKE, 4,u11Lerr...., Mal, and a non rout with
' haat r1(...11 ` tolenaut.
For (might or rsows , . °Pl a y 1. " I...rd '' W ' :"' '''':•' '"'"' 1 1 . '" 171 "' :1 1 .aZVI. 104 :iron 1 t la
curb: GEO. IL MILTENIII.IIO.II.II At... 1.. , kb., ^ c a l.l
IaIE6ULAR ItIIIIELING ANL) firie, 11.?012 RE
NTsmall front° enttage,,
ja SUNFISH PACE ET TI fa running J.,tr . ,,,.fAt t 11. 4 —a tml Paor: larne daang room and kitrl
te WELLSVILLE. Capt. It. Youna, will I ,taa.att.. 1 .01011 7, 11 V in :Yarn, %Ph n large
~.'..',,, l ar ~,kt . , h.,. e en,h. Wheeling. , and se...ral frult tree... tt err, ,I,lrabla
, re.lden...
Britiaport. and Saao llll . leavtag 1 1 0t.hurgh every tfonda, l II anal)..auatya ulat .lm. t.... I
. ../.e,..u.
re . .T '. 1' " ,u f0 e., , ...i r ‘ lt . '.."-" . l rat '. '-a.tu''ll7.ntiellttitviLV.'n'iV. ' ''' .ll ' ,:x t tZ,l .tnal 1 T..„.lneot. for rem
-B r y,Lne i rt. ,apintn.ana r P untarn returning. leave,. llrular A 1.,. ........11 1,0. fronting .a. Ilnort , k , ttn....t.
pmt ILlA,Sunfiph every luen.l4x , r c i t7.l.r . noun. 10,..1 „, /411..L‘ , . yaa.t...”, ou Kat etrnet 'tem, etul .. „ V i 1 ;! ,, i 1111,
= r ail. o ' r tr . 'd' rfeb . -ST .m. ll l .lll ' . ' X ' Vli;ll. l .r.7lt7signat- . febt.. , a. ,11 P Eau, ...a. ..f I larket mal
DI EGULAR PIT TSBURdiI AND fr - , Desirnble Residence for Sale.
it wuKELINti PM:Kt:L.7Z , 11 L 01 . 1 1. 1 1 ' r
1 311 E ;I ; li
•te.. , -t . n..ter, .nteroong to remove
PC. ~.o%;` , " g %." g l h T:i. Nr ettitlar tr;weeklY trip. tn.lwanal . ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,, , 41 „, ,„, ..‘,. ~,,, ~,,
i ylaa day and Wh,ellng. Iranian Pittalatraft at IO 0.1.0 . 01 . '4 • 'il be nos ~Ider. Illsol y 14.-a11..1 arp. the,
every Mouthy. li etlmalay and Frldan. and taturnlna.. ,a Ail...tliyar City Th...1,1110n. n :0,0.1.. rys., az
i rn r,... %M oe n., enery Tu,..tay,Tbureanr and Saturda, ~, x r ,..k, ~ i„,..a yal ~...tayoVhon.. oat ha. 1... x. r
I i"""
n2 1 . 1 " . 1-70 YMIE V E. t' . 1".;;I' ' ' ' ' nn ' i ' r ' , ' ;:t i iit. ' . ' l, ' .3l - Z.: lat Y r ' ;o . r....lx7;:lT`lVPV, ' al ' .
" . A.
. ota . al ' li tn.te.rrutaaannehona..hul. l . o., an.l Yr,
.... „._..1,47 . c' s . rW ' a '' a n ,, ' . ' lt ' al ' . ' lX '' 4r ',,, l ', ! .',7l`' i. 4 : ',l . ' ii ,
Itrvainghtan. this xplendhl Wet waa w bullt by 1 77;
..„..-.., Una I. I..otsta.. ea.! . th... „ V irv n na.l..n.lvt I , l4ltlar: i n
1 1h: ' t..l7rTnn k fl l a b :d Vo7l; ', 7jra l clci ' jt =i..! L Vel ‘ .r ' ill IZe t;',V,r,:',.,.. ‘ ,7,.2 " :Le0 " , 1 ,;,..i5: „'.., . ~,,t h. .
every ' Weduenlay for llnetrmti. in plao of the New Eng. p urr .L n .,,,,,,.. yet.ercdt. Alex ill
, 11 , 41 , : , r , i c i 1
land No. 2. For fn•lght , prxectar. apply on 1rd...... to , ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,
tar. G. 11. MILTLNEERGEIL, ..
.1., • 1111i. SALE. Olt RENT—A comfort:tit
...,-.... an I pl. nAnntin .1...4 Jw..11 , 6a Id ._
Lox° CLOTH ANI) IRISH Jades r...\ I.'l CI, •Lrlll on.. I. in tla 464lith Ward. nf 111. en., .6.....
It, c.ars au... and rm..' extra 4.64; Clint, . The Lt.., .....N..._n• tot In Vuti fet ten Chen ,
1 I . A - - Irinh (Ants. nuts ur. tI, une dr.( in depth Favour , - of
Of the most appronell tnanufertnrn-jurt 64.-ntal at 46 N 0 ICI: 1iF.4 4 11,4 NI.
6.4j4 0. A. NIArON A (1n,Y,4, IL: and 64 Nara, tsr nt, .. r 4 in, or W ~.I and rtarn .4
. .
VI OULII C... , :i I LES- -- 5 0 boxes l`roctur & I,OIiEENT- - That large iln el ling hjuse 1.7 r• -•
.I. Oaantde's Nu lel, ararill 1 s.ll. ....u., , ...,,,n.i. in- 00 , Ieu. 4.1 III;
Ai NI BAGAI,IIY A. CAI. ......1...1 the rennienne uf the late NI ta J 'rot... l
it-,6•14:4 Nun. In and 1111 lt.nt nt. un6 .1 on ilia .1,...t.. 1.,....,.....” ,;ilt.ct on the hot 6:
- - ' 'A•r r h•
6.1 . A LERA.TUE-1.2 0 boxes No. 1: • lqu ter... 'dlr.' t• I. It 4 FA./ r. dust-Jinn. or II C
r 3 a°
1 . 411.. GIA " GAI ' I4 I lt, '33
tot In.: aril
fe,,,f44 lb .4.11.10 W.,..1,t. , ,
T 40: r NI.F- nen lan.. Flour N11,..161 n Paw WI en
g i iftwoL ATE. III:031.k. 1....-
1 - 'T.T.` - ? . - - .',';:. 'lb' 7 !''' ' ...II In.n,red 1 , en, ut Lan, .... end. ' Frun Vann , -
In'6, !arm ot (Le Aibli.t... 11, n
L) du. r ir. 6 o,l' • 1_1.'.,. 1,..6ner....r, tAll 6. i tarn Ale ,
k 3
- - 333. 1 4 1 ' 1 43 1t..1 1 trZL . F.V.rt:" 3 . 33 3 l"' • 5,." 1.,, s l. ' Cr A`r" A'd . 1...1."' 1.,, A .A. I I " ''''
fehJA ia a ,,,, ~a, ~.,, „, , a.. r... fn 4,.. r. r tree Ala, 170 mere. foe M.: st.,l -...,
..rt, 4 far Si:, ~- nen, 6,J. thee atth num, uthres Of V ral
GI EIIIAN CLA - Y —11:5 las, fur .•al.: bx ..s. 011tcl. ant t r.e. Idulat , 6I
W k t•, cr1i.....A• N II A G. L it FITTIIII.I4AN
6.1,1, A AA '‘.`". ' A ' rent 4 • ''''""" ‘"-"
..\t ' , 3 1 3 . ',. : 5 ti '. .r '3 1 . 1ttt 33 . 3 [!::;. - th
FLO Ifft---51.1 bbls. superfine-7 0 bbls. fine. : - 4 - 161 , , it,E„NT.....11,..e.,re on 'Market st., n. , , - ,
fr i .e . ..: '' ‘nd
" '''
s. a w nArttAr , .ll 1. ''"..' r .. '"V.. br c. t• 704.1 •'' • %.r. "' ''''',E,,,_
333' {t •3" ^33'3' ' 33
' "3 1 .3 411 ‘ k 3 1% ... 1 3 :11 . 1n111. , 4th ni.
11 1 Corn 1S
W. rcecinnti •.. ^ •
ion rale hi ;1.144 I 4. AW. 11.1.1111 A 1 - .11. IFINO 1,E . 1 . —A w,,, , ,,h, - T,,.,. ..itua,,,,j b„. ~......
FPI ELI BEEF-10 casks S. C. I)rin.l Beef, fi k , ... ss s "ss ., sn , ' , 50... , =., nT. ,,,, thzoftt..E.l;,.
_Kir reed and nu` rale Id 3 f
.6 3' N ' 11. 3 : 3 5 '"' 11k. 3 .6 .3. 0 3. 1i 7 1 '.' ; ' . 1 . 77 . 1'4554,...„ . ,
febrd S. SW. IJAIIPACt 4 II *,.',,,,, 3 ,„,..:,,,,,, , , 33 '. F.',„,,,,, ,1 '' ' ' "- '
A hone Intnl e Fr.. Wet., An. pot ur In lbe estel I* EA I. ESTATE Ft 111 SALE—The under
lent manner of the rhakersount reed and fur sale he 11l ~,,,,„, „ff .0 4..00, 4 lane „„,f 4 ., , f f r,,,, ,. fen,. A , • 110 • I '' ' 1 " A 3 ' A I'.l. . 06.115, I.lf. Aft.l aMC• . r. dentradte it. 4.4 oinaulf...
E X TEA V lUS—Ju st reed nt liti Liberty Pt_ v 0 'r 15 " . .i.5n ' .. h ,r , r 1 ,.. ", :r11 7 . 1 ....:10 ' .. : M. ' ii : i ,' T.; , = - Cg h`
I ho b "'" Ei fi ''''''' r'ifV`'.r.'NfoCLLlTlO 5 CM. I tu"l';;;firelt';4„;',..7ol4;.4a4i'T'VLLT,.:l.. rg:!".,i's:,t7r;i;
- fetal
, „''''''''' 7 d r" ,. /* ,, '''"' , .r 3 n1;t 3. 1 3 . 3 0:: .. '1 3 '1 3 i 3 1;. 7,33‘3.63.."...1.:3"..33f:36t3h1?31 Pn''''' 43
BOSTON ISISCT . 4 3 s —.l supp ly t. anurtoll 1 4nr partieular , and te,,otteof the updernt.r.d. at ,
Rutter 111..111.1d ree'd I, Ex..." by 1 the gel:he:tr...., 1.,,11dny., I. . 6n drant otn.d . , li fts
febli4 4V NI. A lletlLl'llli A C51,2:4 1 61.1 - ty fx ' , s‘ 4s .- '• , '' s-- .. , ss" , 0 . , .”.".. s‘ ,• • ••• •". , s • ot " ~t sm
• rymtuen and N 1,...
1 . m46 11,....t thezr nine, W 1...
OCOA SHELLS—A fresh supply just rri , .l j ‘..h!ss• ..., stosEs c KAT",
by 1re1124 . 1 44 NI. A NleLl.elti: A 01. I FrIL LET—One II nnd iad 61111:141 4 1 !TS'''.
TEAs! TEAs ..!_,,ltsi hair ene,, y.,,,,, g ',„ 1 0 "..113 ' r ' l ''' .. " 3 " ';:,7,11'!,Z , V,.,f11^17, '.E;; ; ."'
Ilynon, Imperial, and Bleck Tea., or all gnu., on ,,,25 .;,... ilbert,t
mot and for sale br . .
(.4,4 A CI:11.III4RININ aco ;VO II SAJ..E—The subseriber Iden. for ...^.ll I
1 1 0BACGO— . 2. -,0 boxes Nlanufnetured To- !. ",:`,.!: ", , M.:.,..1,7!i t !..1i 5 ..:!;• r ,'‘ 1 ,,,'NU.,17;4 ' i11 ' ,,,,,, fi. ;„
J. harm (Ades b a r
an hand and for Pale t. , 11..1.althilahr , .. miles of thin nity llonontuou 01 . ..11 nn
64614 A CUI.IIIIIITSzIN i F/1 .... I '.l ~,,, ~,.., 11
AI., a nen Jente.l.. lido( Inland. untaintou one , Four
liktiAtiKEitEL-100 bbb.. Nu. 3, on hand m:r....., • to. .. •,rin,4 of exerfinut *a., tberr0n.1 , )141...1 !
IT an{.l fur male 10,
e ,24 A. cuLnr.wrev , A I'o . Alan. 64 6f around 4n fent 11 inch, In 15 , feet........
, in, the 54 feu, of Mr. A len, ear . n the e 11, ., '1 , 1. 011, '
/Of ..f..110 IVar.l. nn Penn, 11,6111 Aittllli, '
'33 It en ln n In, nedlstele
. eertalo IN.! the Plank Volu .111 , euntllte.
i FZt. ° ;;l' d ,,7:glt7;.l:::;i7,t , r4Tit7it'itiiiV r T:;:rth E 'lT_
rosul. ne.r tile hot d. e. , .1.1 t.n../ et• ta.:2l,itf
t. l O II RENT( FU 1i SA L F.—The sub...nil. , vs's.
alit .....n 6r not hln tern denim.. l'ountry 1...6 I'l
ee. In Allend.nn, ea,. , 11.1iNlIni I. uhu. lane an. 1....•
Annul..., Ann..., and ut the t 4/10M..11. The 116‘... in
htere dual.. brick laillilltt. In near... order. Tht en In •
71 r S 3 1 :3 3 ' n.„ h ti: 3 ;::::t. 3 .., 33 a l l ' r,: ' . '3 . 3 .frIVIt 7 r!t ', ft.Zilrnif‘: ',%17
And 6f feult. 1d...., w nrelnu fauna n.A..\. 1.0.6
P.a..n inn. whenever deeln.d. JoIIN lIIILIIIART.
1 ,4 1 , 0 i,,u it ,
L, l n t F. , „
, N 1 , : , — ....,. ..k
r t: , - ,: ‘,,, 5 . t. ,.. . r ry Itivelling 1 - 41:',1
laIA ,ANIES 161,12161.1. 1 - 0 Water at. 4...1
Inifet. No. I
ment ar.l furl it by '''. - IS.t:ITII V l ' re i lall 'n t 1177. ' . ''.
f.14:1 . lixtrr laud V ront .t.
liV i b ~
J - 7, F ,,,D 5,5a15 . , , f: for
' ...
GUM SHELLAC-2000 Ibn for sale 1;y
1,14,2 . J. KIDD 1 Cit._
PAYER CORKS-2 bales for sale by
frt.22 J. 1(101.1 0 tifl
MOLASSES-7)bbls r.:PNV Orle Et m:
u do Yugar Ilow., .
11.620 L
0 An
1.11...V1P;511,1.,.,,, I
Orl •ans;
S UGAR—IO hbas prime N. Orh.._
Ithlv vent!. , ' lArat
In h Crugh.,l
and Po gale
J M1.I.41.1:; J. 0.
corn, of t 1 two' awl Fifth et..
New Music.
1 R AND POLKA DE CON- Triiii4ja
CERT. •as ,141 , 1111 rd Vraulatn
A l .lrlth much dlattngulsh ,l ,;VW.l 3 / 4 = l .
Also. Trent tulelr of m~ [13.1,16 1 iti0n3 by . the
Stab Or.
Mal all the bite popular )lode. losuud by tip...eatery
publishers. rrt•alr....l and At sate
11. MELLOIt.
Agent too Claleterllat.,,ar,
XTENV MUSlC;—Where are the friend; of
i l l my Youth; by U. porker. ,
'vs Somethins tiwoet to tell lion.
The Roble.
I'm thinking lier the Day, 3lary.
aiy..fie'vrw,,,kiv.fiiinsi;ilatime, 11111 f .013 g. deillcateil to th e
Fla I L et
me for Assoc.
lip.,. w tti§e t tgi t s on the Silver nose.
,Zl . 4l6nin4s on the y . i i:alri oone e r. lsoe—Woodbury.
I've loft ug kliloge, by G. Darker.
ere week Shakers' Song ...thin..
'Womb! I were with thre--for guitar.
Lee Athos, by Hoye.
Sus extensive collection of new Polkas, Welts., Soria-
Al. Inem supply of iiffeer Comb.
work, gall.] the "Jlelidist."
eollectkin of yopul?r and soriliti wings, bermorilsiol and
febl4 ' golden fillip, No.lo 1121ru et.
tlf , F b .Y.,, 7 tilar.T. b ,
exandor Dumas, love and ' be au's l Otbk
Literary Llepet. To. 74 Third at, fehl:.
500 bu r slgh) Dried Al,pftn,
6 •
n y l
GIRL wanted to do house work. Apply
11. at this , utilee. 041
LAI" -
)-4 kegs for sale by •
UCR3` 1011130\, LITTLE A C.I.
TrOBACCO-40 boxes 5 Lump, fir sale by
feb7 110 E.
Luau:mom, Hutt., I •
Pittsburgh, February k.
e Company f. , r eroctiror a Dridui , over Coe hirer
r3r th oognbel. emanate Pltteburgli. In the County of Alle
gheny. hare Ills day declared a dividend of /bar P ,
turAx mouth.,payable and after the 10th March next.
inchanorate - 1 JOHN THAW, Treasurer.
oi 3 ll l 7 ' , K ., N o "N i l t. lL r t v u h n en de i r , sli l s ly serlde l e . s .
eral huslmws Collt,u,r and Conveyancer. He IR a ttend
Po Hie I-Alerting and ',curing of claims in this and adloto
lng elate, _and Counties; selling and renting pn , r) ,) );
drawing df deeds, hoods, mortgauesottel other Inetrumente
of arrinuit. All business In his line attetultal with
're:.: t ie :Ir. .P L :. ' "as:er. &want Camy.b.4l, Jr.. P. e. Dace
leit i , , L...l i John Morris... Esq.-, Wm. artlandble, tan.. beo.
ocei!::.;rth Joseph Weave, ran., Fourth ettwit,-
or'a OM, now,w..r.T
:d A71.)31 I STRATO S .N6TICE--LPttern 7rf
Aduduntrsu,,,, I.‘, the iitate of Th... MeJteneri,
ia-ranne indebted to mud Estate, will make •InsMillible ',
went, and Wow having claim* will•pre , eut than duly ou ll
tbenticated. without delay.
WK.-export, Feb. 77. id. feldtcw“T _
Plitlitdelphia Carriages For Sale.
. 0 ,4170 - TIIIf SUBSCRIIIEIt
fo)P , - , r ) font renetird from P hiladelphia.
ht.:l - mg Stock of Carriage, and 4111 keep em meat,
liana at his Carriam. Ilepoottory, near Alen, 3le7arl.d
I'o.o - n. w 7
f all kinds blrh be , ;111 " sTaT=T:,:d. lumor Wm
they me um oonabt elsewhere.
Frona the experienre which he has In the Waimea., and
the menrral satisfaction
he ir
pat heretofore. tu %how. who
beet avow t him with their patnomge. o f
a.surel in •
saylrm that he ran offer an ammtnum. to eomPe.t.'
any In market, both 00 reganla quality and
wishing to purchase, aro ret,rred In the ow secs, of COT - t+°
Carriages read by She hut emownt
The euhrtnta.r, cats -Wag to rontlnne In the luisinee• of
belying azuk Felling Carriages, keeps on band none but cm..
JOrEell MUTE. •
tom made Cartiamat
"Drag and Prescription Store for Sale.
In a llourhtang and
:II). Ithlel, ir tint.: a rnAilaye
firr •N• opou terw filrther partyula...
al,l4tnhl4 11111
114 1 nil IN.
1 4 1 0 It .SALE-A large Brick
lion.. lot .A Grnund. Ilnuk Lane. 11 a
lien,. City. ,dry On. OM Alingheur
i nr....1 n pair and th,. lot a, fent by 1-.1.
Penen. d, , ind Innate, in the nit, would anti it ...Dynes.
fnnt hr 100. on Re 1.... stn.,.
Esr etnl. termr.opr. „J
mrhiL IRtR • it* . rb
VI,Elt RENT —A Private Dwelling. or
I,.ted .
Vl r et,l=T:
hoz ) di • r
P 11 rechlldf
Alrl +tr.,
l,m ad,miti; h.
1" N.
VOR SA choke LOTS, pleas:int
l. ly , Ituntod for ',lrate
; n.fidedd.ea, arn-
Tilt .l
and t ine
T ." ; . . "''"" r".l
. 4 ' i ; 7; l4re . Vf , lfnmt. n %eed k 12
alln, For term, anni, to F. 11. GRANT—or
..1111-lut I NI PENNOCK.
FOR RENT—A email brick DWELL
ING 110ESE.1-untalelna two parlors and kltrh.;,,l
no. Pau. ehawlynninnur ra et the
no. and • attic. T. run, $l.O Ind ,
Al.—Kiel. Arr. id land. AIWA. CM the Turtle troll
Plank Howl. nhhtst If , ulinutp , walk from Itli•MArkahowe.
E"""ab"k„;no• haw,'
tert,s, nued..ThmithtletrL
rylo LET--A W A REHOUSE. situated 7 :77;
J. on Water 4.. I..t.tnn Market .1 Ferry st..n.,
mutable for the Produne!'or tertc.
Wster xL
Delightful Summer Residence for Rent.
~ l th Gunk') ineannsind ner. of germn,l..g: , l
Alain anto.a..A. 101001,,1 hntanen Muller "
and Pike Td the had, of the End.
'ANT, and t= 2 !..r . 4
Or al of Ittn Milt i u ' td l . l FilatVatr he ri n .
hear 1 .,, .10,C4Chend1
For Sale.
rrHE UN I TED AT ES 110 T 1iE7.7:1
111,OrK lIY 111 . 11.1,1Mi5.1m tbe
loom un.l Penn otr , ..h. mud,on Pour
hnl2 Cnnal, In Ow Cite,f Pitt•lplirwh. The Lntlfrout
MP hundn4l otxl fort, I..ur fret ~ t• t Penn Are 4. Of.
nia.l gm, fml ttiug , Wrolltugton
1...un at.
Ftrr , c..l,l In.l hY IDa Inn to Spring nller. .1.1•
Spring A 11,. 1.-Ing . 1 , 4 lA, by 1:1 to Stun:
t.wt frvuOv .ak Forgupcn parrxl,
,11.1 , 1 y the ( . ..torgsl Illotnwt IN rot. antl oantathOng
45 nen., bzolW.4l,oi JAMES O'HARA.
.LET—A lar ) ;,± Mons-ion House with re- A `
. 1 •eon , r of Laud ettarltrd, ,:tum...l of Oak
1.13 11A.1110". JONES CO.
0 LET—Tia. Three Story Dwelling 741
Iloune. No 171 Wylie k.trowt. prefool ooraiOwl ;-_!
r h i Ci ..I;t1 II Llomw..Oo. •owitwinlnw IWO
dining cm • lto. Orel floor. Powwwwion
glroo ma the Int of April. f0w1...! W FLOYD.
Itoucel Church.
I LET—One Two Story Brink Route.
ntalulow 4 room, on Con& Avenue, Ntiamm .c ,i,
• I • Rent low. Enquire of
LET—Rooms and Steam Power for
r‘ (WELT.
Front . et
Rare Chance for Capitalists and Manufac
T HE nralor,i4ned tieing agent fnr the 0wn
lit .-31.- n number of ...Inn In. In the loon
horilluth Star'. etrunty, i thin. with nut b.,Whit .notll
WW ent. n! Intel f auditing andar the town. Xlatedlltax
Wog odualld en the WA.. tin nnl. and the Oldonud 1.0111.
rdivattin Ilalluatd, now nearly unmpleledi thrilugh
it, thin real exlnt.- elm.. Malan, the he-r ontetrlnuttx --
lately nthred, to uneenn. who ma) wiell tomtit/me in
ufacturant ..111111:30“ fitly . I ...erilitinh. The wintoliu'l , "ila
ey,enunn., if all the tutortn. a Ileum. Oa-middy .1 Ned fur
fuel ler .u.ain rower. Or urea(quantity of weol tdeught
to thin marked. to atoll um th.. !aniline. fnr trannotrtation of
manillas:U.lnel !mink,. all unnldue to mad, thisrutte of /La
mint dndrahlt- pon t . ter etdahliellint: umnarneturnaof Iron.
AI dl. emu.. Indntelhfall tinneripthins 'X'.lll'lltitrltAb allunl.
..1 In Ow luednru enuntr.•
1 tweeral itohtured farm, In tin. vicinity of the Canal rand
lionirmul. bre al,..derntl—n tract of ::::. acre. if earrllent
; ttrahnr. - .1 land. Irian betwenn the Canal nod Itallrmel. and
' xlpfltat half n mile from the, latter. a lot of Oxon! ...l en
~.n. ulminitmlln. 11ann...1 but., along of width
1 t te " l ' it ir'" ent 4 l ! . ' : . : 7 l . l . lt ' r i eni t Z..-al i rd . „t 7. ll .L tnuo " 7 : .%:l ' ll;in I l..:
1 ": i1i ' v En t . ....1U ' .71 } X;;;!.. 7 .71?......rirt th.. hnart ..rau agricultural
T i nt
of .. - 1.....1 1.1 aur ill the nouttlm . I. en ....II
known that It I. ohnnind nunoc.....nry
dom.., than mild
In It to ILl'llirn nib oln. with t.. make 10401 in...-ant. n.. to
n,ll idni ram:nine ad. tdoet-rty Title indi.yutalde and
lung nrollt gle..n. If .1.-.rn.l. in.. Andy... W. Lenunln and
I Judd. Hanna. 11, .. 1 lid trhurgh, will dire tul. dinatlnn
111111"1,111t14 d and an . ...,161 l.'• u .11 be aretweu.l I.) ate
plitan.. to Thmans Mt-Cull...ugh. hnnt Jarvinur We undue
alx-ned ai Xl.....dinn. DWItiIIT JAlt , l,
Nlnutill... }Or .. ',I. rtddlidlerd.
Needles' Celebrated
Li medh otod tdoeter...h*“. been towle thr
more twenty oloe thvy hove
re,o.tooon. a, the tooet ettnev.o•
Ithemuncle nod l•treuntlendint Plo,ter ever offered. Pn,•
•Irini, of the hidlieet ...h.q.., to -whm their
Umt ba• been •dhruduel. h,ve oveu tur, tlatterol
teettmontolo on In then- ettherlor Mon over all o uter
ton td.
The togredlnote of their mint...alien, very corofullt oud
eorrnal, emotartel, oiler them to•e0 1 .n1) oho ll eahle ,
nnd.nnf witty allutonary di-enee
, $1 orloo• nettral,o
diorun4 In the I.kly. their houeneud rharneh•r le nail
1,13,41,•11 41,•1 1,13,41 , •11 or d.totte.
,A• r0u...1t vikattol.n^o. the:: •ui
,liontwor.l noplionhoon. each
• Iwo 1.-11 full) corrole,raned I.y the many eon • etkwhol
„, nnen noe, and 1 , 111130 ill the honk nrht reeoltlii4
1.7;1 " :
~,„ esperleoctd eore nthl relief trout Weir
' plerVr. " Tin r"
t rh zuritt, " ll ll ...2lna u e: , t ' l r eo P t . ::u U" 7.:
I that their l•enetkiudeffert• nail hAtod .11 tneidn-d.
par wholeraln nod retail, fir
meld , 11. i'..lldll.l:Kltn. LT Wood et.
If You Want Real Good Tea,
: 4 11)11E, Font Side of the Diamond. Donnexed or In
n, r Team MP, tiever kept at thin entab/Inhotent.
:luperlor OnerrnTesn,sdtfk:u unto 11 1
The very ImportuL $l.OO o
SM. and rough Ilitnorml Black, IttrO7sc.ll m.
Floe culla flavorinl IMO, :4047d ,
Thin la Mr way tit.rt to l'illeurolt that kn , •P for t. l l
ednely the,aute tint of Divt Tenn that ern um et In Lod
mad. Irehunl. jfeled3
PUTTER-1 few bbls. on hand-and
11 fur sae hf
Manufacturer's Line. F.1(11:1111. No. 11 Sotith Snanad Steen. (above 1
t. eaS side.l Philadelphia.
AF....t......--, lB5l . ~....... _ 1 ,. --‘,....
~,‘“,. . „
_ . e15:11 . 1
4giii I'PEItS ARE lIEIIEBY INFORMED i ][. ..iliALTTlliraijijW .................
I_, that this LINE. nanpansl entinly of Section Dune. , , _ ~.., _ ': 1
.“• •-. 0 ., . 0 4 -
is nnw in fun ratan. with faellitias to ran,. 3 I!lr. ^ I rain brown.. No. slasket st.. I•biladelphu. 31 4 1
quantity of
in a m n. l'hiledt !ph,. and Baltimore. ri.Astif . , „ ..,...,..,„
,00 s 4, 31nev. in am .I.ft time. and id to hart rah, ..3 SOT ! , , ~,,,,,,
.4. •. V.1.711,_
" th e',.. r . r r y f". h ' n ,' 1. „T4,..,,,,, „.„ , ~, n .,,,, ,oe ~,.ter ra: 1 R EA LD, BUCK-NOR & CO., Tobacco
tt'ay Frvisid 0., Blair-eh., .lidto.tosm. llollidaYfborg• I Ctmeitirsimi Merchants, No , 41 North Water street,
Mai., Str/eL Alevandeis. Peh.r.hur.4ll. II untitualan. 11111 , arn :0. IS Nortlt Wharves., Philadelphia. ttost
Cre-.1.. NeW amilton. 11. A.., i.u.n. L svlsnAen. Nlttilin.. - - •
Newt., Ciao.... 0.. re.. Itarriet.o,.Coltanih tt.lllnl all nth- I X,,1 EKCER & AKTELO, General CO.D11" ,
or 000..nne.lii. t. , 11,t. 4.a W. Penitnylvania Canal end Port. IV A Finn 3lerthants, Philadelphia. Literal advances
am. llailsnni. Ilatitn, return h0..1. nf In , u secured fn.= pppi t . n s,meinnments of Produce generally. Dano:4lSra
the uniaa. r.nlipta... awl recularit, in
me . ' h e to 1 .
the afus-rod ,Int..
the Pa... mu., me.' he relied I - sedtrrr. w. - 101 202........04100. C. LIT2cCSSON.
UP , C , .1 NIITCI.IELL SPierT. lll,ibrietor. : : IV. POINDEXTER. & CO., General
ll .r0..”-. Lib , . slnvt. , • Commission Vrw inn .Irrehardsatal Flour
m/.l,lStf e.,s , uul .1..., a est of the Patml 1 ' ' Nn - ,' 11 kat stl:eL Phllade ' lphia. jy .. ..5 •
SE 31M1.r. AII 11. \NG I:3IENTS. -. To Southern and Western Merchants.
.___- - . "I .-' ' ''-i ' ''' -',- -‘ 1851 -.. 1 1
a , _. tri. ThL .. 7 4, bscf , l ,
“ , , e . ,r ,o = ll 4 .l . it s vitett Int . lo r lie t, st=4
VIA THE NEW PEN Ns Vl.t AN I A µAi ' ‘ ; ' ,... " 7oVrOeti seven Silver and two tir•l ' de h n 11infala have.
021'1,j' :{II 110 tits I'll vii ILA Li I:1. l'lll.l. th I tt o t r h , .: . l i t cis yx p .= p srAn . let t l h br i t he =s a l
GOOD INTENT AND TELEGRAPH , nob (lohlen Medals ever awashd for pe;llamery either In
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy Built i n rr.rf.... i g i rj::•ln. , .c. , 0.., (01.001. 00,00.
Coaches for Hollida . and Ambrosial.) urdeersally acknowledged to he anterior to
ysburg, 1 our Shaving Cram In this counter or P.. , :n.
-.lnd from thehrr '2.13 .1111 ex 0, 0 if, I OLLIWC,Nr. Mt Snarl:to—Beautifully tranntarent. and
pcn.ei•ing highly S.pronrenus aridemollient pmpernew,
,8..k.1 I.ltt)A I/ :Sail aosous (Ipound: Ambroalal Shaving Tablet; Milts.
c we4 ' 7 4..,--,
s.f. -.=ie i Svrearma Totter
SoarS—Amond Rone. Mlleffeur.Bo .
-4da.0.., i : pet, Pistachio, Flask, Patebotudy, Omrdbus, Floating.
Fralinpanmt. Olivet 01. Windsor, and Circassian.
To Philinlelphia, Now York. and Italtirn - o. •
(11n ore, ' 1.17.1 , 11, rot age IIAITOMMIIII27:1.—Hor, Jastain. Ikue
Tier Tar.or“. e•ow ~.. Doer:, quet de Caroline. Oarsmen., Jenny Lind. 31rute.tioewiork
, ii i,,,,,ii i ,. , ,,, :iiiinnii . in ~ n . niii ,.,. i n .,.. ii ..„ .. eit r ial.. gonlia.Clcmatite. Citronelle, Rowd ,'
, aml man
oth r vari li, eties, in all sixty different perthmes.
I'. M.: and a ..'el.wk. P M.
.. i.
iiin , n in nrni.jinn ,, Thi .
n ,Ton_r.LlVArtus—Florida Watrr, Fan da Toilette. Orange
is tb e
most direct. coo/L.1,4b1 , and expe.lit io coon. to :i:. "-,',.' i. ','. at'r , and a Fry . .. variety of Colognes and Laren
the Lantern Citie l',newers for abble., take the tow 1,..,:, n r" ,
Itallrowl at Harrisburg direct on the arris al of the yarn at flit. P. l .l.4lZ. ' F " Zult=e. i)reWt h' . Zlit n prot . ll . ll d' qa ' r.
tv.11 , : .. i.b0
,0,,, .
~ , ,,fn uiinii
uniii.f St vin.,
. row. Italy Dyer , liquid sod In. powde;, and Philocome,llici
; sod Jenny Lind Pomaes.
Cherie. Hotel , \r. 41, Wood "Owl. Pittsburgh. I 01,11,1 , 4471 C ITCI, " .
MAI' AI. 0. SIOOIIILKA D. Att. , Churned Dentrifice.Odontlne.Tonth Paste,ml Tooth
i hoiden
11 AVINY; •LaSII..ISED OF RALF NI.Y IF !, o.,, lVr'"ZelrtnlAc Commtle Cu. Amwtiline for
i1110111,11E'1n1iNA3i1Z.1',.,',..4..LT.4:i,','4:4z,:71,..""r:; s i ;sg".lZ.47lVig:t." u ""' C r'''' d* P"' "' 14
after hv transacted tinder Om 1.1, 1,. 4 -{1 ni. Ringlista I p Depilatory Powdrs. for ge. mneingsa.uousha Pearl
kuclal I W3l. isIN6IIAII. i Pow,ler, i inalgro de Ru Aromatic. Vine , Victoria
Hair Fompowition, Preaton Salts, besidee a gnat variety of
Binghains' Transportation Line. other arich,s, too numerous to 1... award In this alverdse
n'Tt • ' scriber bones to ma/ tal
: ~ lB 5 1 1 4gtH -- - . . a& eatZiolintent h. soul 4 n' T "t"l'l‘ki ° 2`" h g
• • 1.•••••—•-----..
but nod rate inlet • will ne pappylo u turnlm th i n,.
• 11001vELN . r t.„ m., wi,), to yetrontee him, either wholesale or reMIC.
I'ITTSBU lIG I I & Ti I E EASTERN CITIES. '....• re o ‘Ottohie tertos 1 . attY e.abli.hment to th.. u n it,'
...tales. ZAVIER RAZ '
Tit E C .1N AI, bei 0 '2.. 11 0V: open. wo Ore Ton- i Fume..., to and rumuer Dirret of the Labo I''' '
If 0. receive awl Froard ro:anti!. Mod."' a" ! Eak:lii: notnit. " . "f
3 erehand and wrst.lll Clacsntit at.
Fr e iont. a lw a ia at Fa e ,d, rates charged by responsible 1 Mr. liatin's Perfamery La for ale by all the principal
I Druggtats in the eUlln , rr•
Pr.eluce sod 'lei...handle , . will be reeelvel and forwarded .
ead ant we-, without .y ,'tare 1 , ImTordllm ro' 11- , 1
ranch: freght. r.P1111111./'.II. IQ' etorage. NEW YORK.
i.,,,..., lading corn - mm. 4 and all rection.. faithfully ; • .
Ni n tn),. Canal lianin. i a, t
A. & G. A: A.RIiOVIL,
corm, Liter, awl ten, a...:..• Pitt4horgli. i
IIINI:II A%I .0 I,04•14. ii. Nllrrkct d.. i TIRA PERS S. TAILORS, N,l. 303 Broad.
1..D..w0 Fourti. and Fin 1... Vtitladelphin. I Jur a-ay. corner of Duane street. abe,ve the Irving Hour,
.1A 'IF" AVIL.IN. Aaent. Neer York. r,...l.ectfully inulto the attention of fiend:. and
Ni. I.': North ilowar.l etre.. Italtiroore. the public to their ttesortment nf now SPRING 110000. of
JAM 1,- , laNdlIA3l, 00. 10 11 est •1... .. , the tiewent patterns. which they aro pretwared to mate up
New York. . in the beat mariner owl mod fashlarusble style, so their Illtkierll4. prices. Fresh Clotha. l i g h t
s i lks and Vest.
Inge, ot band importation". clmonat light silks for V. 10...:
dark do. tio.: new pattenan of Paris Embroideries. Titer..
are three kkillfu l artiste employed iu Ude retablisliment—
one to rut COAT.S. one to Vol PANTS. and one to cut
WAISTISOATS. • I.:,0.11 departrnent bl complete In HAIL—
.III3IO not NAVY UNIFORM wade to order with semi.
racy and de.pateb. wad in lb . het approsed . :nowner.—
Strangers 1111, thin g hi nietropolty soil find at thin
Itsinnetit every thin to their .646. and a moot perfect. 11l
in :away+ insured.
PRE3IIUM ITAISTCOATS.—These elegant waistcoats
n th :LT:7o7e ' ll ' ; ' s ' i h t 'b t ' i ' llu r' n d a 4 o t f L'7 , ti lLtr on, i's:. Ago.
American Inetttute 01
their tarn Fair. '-'
, .
I Shawl and Mantilla Warehowe.
1 A . Itip Stairs.) NEW YORK, is now opening ore
1 t ... larged and 'rust a.....ortments of SORING ANI
SUMMER. Sit AIVI.S e'er beforeraewised. Al. LACt
II I 'SI.I 0 and .11 kind+ of SILK MANTILLAS. mannfactu
red 1000 the. 11olt Paris (whim's. rem:veil by the eteamer
with ‘Part I , Marl, ....h..1,1,4 to the Spring trade.
I .t 1 ,.... 10 err, splendid' .101,1 of I'AItASOLS AND I'll
111tr.L1.A.,. coasistin: of fringed and Oslo 01.11 rotten
awl rill and Turk Satin Parandln,and uatton mind Gin,
ham -Umbrella, All of a litch will be offend at extremel.
iww p..... Ws, egrweially invite our Weatern friends to ei
amine our sto.d. I.ef an
Al.o. NI I 01: SIMI,' STANDS. f , r exhibiting Shawls . an.
linstillee. put up in rases fur trans - purtation. felll.ol
Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal.
la St.
l'rantlng Wall 1-4.yer.
0.5.ven 1,1 . 14 ............
lCbstatgs. Alutit. Crud,.
1, rat , ... .1,1, or- Inuch
r than at rt. IL .111 I nalnr , pet, to
~..tronts. r ,, tt• great4r extent than I
II ta.--An A 1.L1 , 11.
In 'ILI, S. Ca.. 1.. r .
Il1••.1: ta.H tao's. Pio r Liirr.
LIMP , a Ilt tat... Penno. a ohs, Una.
L contau to to bro,
fr.dn loi• hose
Ida na,',.nontotatla , t.r,o-. and at ..ry low ratos. without
LTY 1 . 0. Canal aadn.
Pittslsnrgh Transportation Line.
, , ITIINN..I: Ott , astral Lariat. P,rlphar,l)
Ell. J A la.-b., adsl Ahern
and •• J`.'h, Market and Chest.
nut Inhot.
d, (A'S N. tit :1 A 1'.,. Nora 1. Ilalumore.
pt l 4 ]
.!!, Ihr
freada to and frein
Past , ,ndre. I hthalt 10,4. 11.....t0u.
°Lunen. LLut, - .llr. It 1...0d , and alt It,. :oad tl.e.t. at
er Arrii Urth us a... h and Late on"
er Lir, All I , •or hoe' ar , foil,
, :'.allure .ut as, arde t.. Lan, ra. a prut..ets.a
to., ',all, a1f. , n1. , 1 un, tate.
All odnza ata. 7.0 r. arra' Pa.. TO Tar TiLlat.
11.11* t'... e,ne
n : . t. 'A .11.. Lou1,1:1,. anl Lowe , Quarts. per dat.........111 1,0 fits-tor dor
ro.• t I r,..”.t atteutu , o. Nat, .. ICO 4 or. ......
• sti
000 1.14,.. u.•ronne,tt ... whatever withtho Hos. " --• • 6 2/i ore
Ph fi t,ilad A elp l,. hia and Potel.or.,t, Lao. a A. on drsoolad tor cent,a.
Thi• It the ankle toanot.a - turo.l. It flown fraoly--
- - -- it (YRYNt) lNK— mat al not orned, :nook!.
‘,5 preato.tate.or due, r. and all the dualities requar.
mirably adat/Al for the part Pon.
M.erchants , Transportation Line,
e a nil k prepared tx. forukh to the tam&
then Sat eady.rt or home mindauptlon, at the above verY
(VIA I'EN,I L A N't t aNa 1., N LAI .
\N I. L 75 4.. l_al:a/ 1 , 4 7.13 ts?' °"° Id.. Now Tort'
tII t aA'a caul., Murphy's Self• Sealing Advertising' Enve1,1.,1,1.
N‘, ere tr ow , Iv, a. hr., a,radd merely:add, opes.
•;;;;., =' "-d'd "d • The sub.-lila, In poi:chili), tile Tatman. of all 'who
c,,- Viral u.
~arc,,are ortroL' ',, t Trod:. yr.l'Lle,l tnar re« till. advertlaemnt. feels andle of that hesitnthwa
, 0 0,, ru at .11 which a ne e article ia Lanucht. de•fore 110 pUblie.'2it
tote I:rain-al.. a .11 tonvent an. t..,obihtl Lf de L, at EXprlss•llce of Ters hr. avtabl
rout isheal their s
to tap lL eriOntY.
J„loteuren. 11.41da, el.dr • or .I..atolde . 11
pur.tton. and he A
sio n atal
throw toodueon taco who iLSTC Gael the, ortreloll*
feLLS , and folds increwing salon. as prof of their eared.
- . . . . . knee.
A t 8 5 1.11.1412 g area few a the lentanne foe
(ln the plrtee coeupled by the seal, a 'person [nn..
To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, dx.,
rt. . IL VIII,- liirr ,NN • 1'44 Pot Wrlllitr a:air-A fraud.
NeE pri"r situ izt; TB AN :•I'olt- EnTelo,f cannot be operad without bring do-
TATI(IN LIN E. Nettler woo fol. Jurors, ara n'qulred to s;•tal them.
, Sth Utyn the uthoarrta, of a letter. the:cal ineurraitm
ATEI ad , A .1. I.n.nrs tvr, 5. , 'dark, and .4 0 „,„ t
Cut:omen , . Phtladei,lon mouths In the Dead Letter tulle,'
BELL a I.ltdiET adetitn. canal Pitt,ur.h. fah The Enrelcua's are thrulshod alnaoat the male
T I 1. , t ,d,. haltatt , r, pram as plain oura
W.' l'n lranlatd h. L.+ 0., mat 'ta r advertisement,
0 . 0 b * atm to attract the attentdon of nllthrungh whtde hand. it
.t,lpyre , mull h ant taro ot• nn, edor Line 0 , •0
_ _ . (idea _nm ThL e —tl; a lit a fo r Din , !engraved on
.bkh 71 11 h.% ) ear. .. ,o and;of I r ma.orm of
JOl.- , ,f 1.1,,, "'"' "'"'"- t ir.,-z.zi -,c;:-,..-,,i1i,;;;-;:kr; for halt of goow e
BIeFADEN & COVODE, 1 „„„ a „...)„,„...;,,,,,,,„„,.,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Succe....ont to John alcFaden a Co. j r.ces of Lim. 11 . riees of Ahretepts node as
. .33 letters or lea, ' -.14,00 aura
(.:”lioi 8.13,71, Preen Surat. !33t0 3u
Pe ntin Dail Road Co.—Central Bail Ftiall. ' ;!,,,"`, - ,`,“.;,1 . 10.00 USW 1 - 00
111 E eubsorillers lotrinn boon appointed .en WO ...- .............. ....1 . 4.0::,..0 • . it.o,
~,,r 0. ,,
n ,,,,. ~,, li ,„ ~,.,,,,,,,„. or ~,„,,, „,, t r iihro l It n0t 5, r0 . 0r, ,... te . l . to to forwani ta4u , n i t:l , oarl i. ;
I ..i, nn'',..-I'''. that ''" `'''' "'" lk " l " st ' "- Won • will b: ‘P ntstlelent. All 7nalett 103 ' 1.1 with y tempt
...lee any menbandne or im.dure li.: ohipment ea.4on the
attention, if
oa , I.
WM. 31URI'll ' I',
0i..010g , f t‘e eanal
lirk.i• Vln 'll, note V9l , earried through In five dada n 0:,,,,,,, , 0 ,,,, bo
0 . 00 1 n. ,,,r 0 , l o l oo .l. l !" . 4 4 . l r io t e, N , t e. tho Yt oe ,.. oo n' h,
n a "l' ".one ,l ‘" ." will l '' . f"r"'''''' fn. 4. ''-'"' . Of Nleaar.. nibell .L. - littti :en wtal .4:tee. aof net... If.
Ica or charge 1, ad, one... Jendlinan A Co.. 124 IVlllizni et.
N. ll.—lthstneas Car,ls, embossed in color, frain time
'et , 01. rF.111 , .11t r.11 , 7.C,1 rurt_trr. Pm, AFT, etri,ruct.n.
Pies. at 1111.1a1 per thonsand. fe1e`....2..13m
dy e '1,....i... ilrt, Sive.. 6,•.1et. Station., . CotherY• i 'onto . -
ime,. Fruit , . 4 . ll tii. rs. r` i rt i ' tnr '' . l '' n `'- ' ''''''' Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons,
:1,.r., ,-1 P., M.,.
lien l war , Rticei`^'''''. Or'''' .l. .`• P'n' ... • l ' , ".' rnff. .'''''• ' Olt MEDICATED CO3IPOU ND. infallible
Leathee.thoter. nat. Timothy oat other i.rivn ,ceds. '
ar. o,e'tl low. for renewing, invigorating. and beautifying the hair,
Boom. Iteet Pork. Hotter. lent. Lanl tel. Tobarro Leaf. , remeriog th e ...rt. dnudrt l f•ith„.. l niknifiwtioret of the neolta
Coffee, Toll., Orem
ban, o o ~, an droning eruptions en the Ur,. else... of the glands.
Ash,. Marble ttougLi Ter. ittch. ILein. tierman Clt
y. muw , e l. nod integineitente• nod reacting ottept.eett, brill-
Born, sum („-,.. ~. 1 0 0 nen, , oralnn. ae. , f i lth tide preparation . `there Is no much
Janitu Mr.VADEN d covottn. We
no full.. The fleet journals in AMPlif. medical men
of lLe highc.4 eminence. prominent citizens of dl profes.
- ! sloes. and thee who hare ono' it for years in their done.
, I Fit1,11.0....1116 031tioursrite. adroit it with otiesetard. that far
FARMS FOR SALE, ..5c.. , . . ion . ..ring neer , nioia. lorariano. and curl to the hair,
...:_ ___ _ _
i enutuelorta swab., stings. 4c., end
alarm. of
FOR SALE. ; the skin, the glands. and Ile 'tun.seles, it has no equal
antong the Multitude of compounds Raver - theca In the yob.
`VERY VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE , lie Priny mnd io o^tte Practice. In cheaPona emt .011
I . eflide .. Pams wricopherous is unricalleaL The !ma-
Sit..Cli. FAI6I. eltuutµl in Little hearer Townshl
. 'hienna . sake of the article. hare enabled the inrentor
Lawrence County. Pa. on tin. waters , Litt , . I l e.' e r , r ' n. to oupply tel at '" cents per bottle, which hi from 60 to 100
tinning...lout yin, acme, 1.4 miles from the Ohio and Penn , . , ~..o , ~,,,, th l o tho orioo
pr0 ,.. tk0 .. , foo
zlenni: ,.„ ltannel—the httaburzh and Clerclithd litag. i l'e' L .
the hair now In use. the scientific treatise on the hair
il d i, ' .lll.•lr r:12 , 171 " ;;Pth; Slarrin Farm. end ha. , bere 0 , i and the skin embracing o the a alu r :t, ,, le , directiont for the col
copied as a til.n Farm to - the In.[ thirty r , .. , The lanni L ur :::,T o t ,r e 7ir b1tT,,,,1 e ,',= . t o ~,On o W ` l;e '',, ‘ „ L tn il=l,,!; .
he il? . I n oe. t ` te " rth ' r. n , nd Lithe"lie",._''''.",l,'.chr',,p and , The affinity between the membranes which constitute the
e"' .. . l ' i '' .."" ...“' r ''''' " ."' T '' ‘.‘''''''''' . 0. ' ,kin and the hair, which draws it•
es from tide
en.l . ..failing gyrig , : ~bona 2:olars end e r force, the . triple envelope, La rely eloae. All diseases of the hair cwt.
to port In nie"". and
~01 i ` nd " t ' n ' '''' front, j attmte in we skin of the head. If the pores of the sole
ni ....B An "i'f' l " i 't th '` r4 4 ` l " 4 ` . " ..14-4 fruit . ' it11.,...1`d ar if the blood and outer fluidh du mat eirmi
"lth n,nnt' r ' 6 `i,k ie l' ... ' i ' e .,`T" " 1-1. r,. i , 1 , 11 "' '","L' r. ~ " ' Pr - 1 late f-tiely through the email teethe which feed the toot
O'd ice ."'". 0 ..'n"ble 1,, o ' `'.....'. wn.. ''" n '''' n 'r with ' moisture. and impart life to the thee,, the result Is
rin n. '• "l'i . . " 9r4 s<. se. If , L `,, nd .1',,., 1 ?,.. , .ri 1 @curt. dandruLL ?holding' of the hair, grarettees, dryness.
..V ... i n"''''' ..... ..., '"'' '-' .."- ''''.... • " funs " and harshness of the Illeornents, end entirebaldnesa, ui the
h o ~, , , e „ no th e Om, nor ," o b r i n i, ~,,,,,, 4„) & e t r fie! may he. bttranlate the .kin to healthful action with
'' ' ' ; '' l, ' IT"" . the Trlcopherous, and the tornidreainda. reentering their
iam- tori
ae and two ses hih; cellar utalerthe whole Lona,
actirity, will annihilate the dbwasr. Inall affections of the
with'inrtition anti in th e center. Th.. hone,. in well finish- I
, amt us
...,,.., x , ~,,,,.. the ~,,,,,,,, ar „, o „, ~,,,,,,o k e r i, ~.,1_ n_klti...rin ... dt d .f t th h,, , ,, s a u ,, be t tra ..o ta th of e tts .. nse e l... - s a i n , in n tegusis pon
th eu e tn . . k t i h , e
entand. three In the Inner sn.ry. 7ab flan.. Ore plan, stf. ri""
with thee „ i 0,.,,,. g ooo ki th ~,,,,,,„ r ,„.. e .,„, m the upper the m , _n_Lculo o _r lihrn... , _an ‘ d_ .. the ... glan_da,tha . ..i
_the,TekO t j i l ,. imotts of
story. tl,n, ~1 which pare gra'tes for nod. One frame T.: . .771...k , -,,--,. — :;,,,, - 2.... - , - :,...t,.....1---•
kitchen attached to 1.00: hone.. 24 by IC L•et, two 1.111,9 , ''...;.:',.' r , : 1 . 1 . "..,„ 0 -. ' r,,,,,,0,„: . ',,,,,,, 4 1, ‘.,,"7„,...T. It the o m eoy . o ._. of ,
high, nob large pantry, and I , oreh in [mar It, feet "is,— I doe 137 Broadiea), New York, and be the principal Inerch
One frame limo, att., lied to kitchen...l: by Iti feet. two •
ants end druaglats throughout the toned Staten and Can
ctorles high. calculated Mr a work-Loner Led roomse with!
porch in trout ten feet wale. one noun• wind honer; at. "'l. , _—__.
__ = _„-dae:„.„ . ..i''' . __
to the chore Imo, 4o 1., ...5,i reet.', one frame spring , , „ , , - . _ , „ .
lean, twos the brick house, Iti I.y 12 foo and ten fort i 0 the 110110rAide, the Judges et the uourt
Ittiat. ~titt. lon cr, *too 1 leer high, and the *alio' made a I ' Jr ° , 0,..,„, r „ig„,,,,r 5,,,k,,,, o f 'l O p re o, In a nd fir
, n,nei o •-....1 and homy ntina, , prit.., of soft we,ieriti, nnthii 1 Cotinty of Allegheny. •
throimb ' the lower 'MU — t o .' olds , room wen emeninnu The il.etition of Jaanas Milillion. of the Borough ..f
for storage. A sled eunesol for a win house: a liti , k tattto.ait. et tht• county afon,n7,l. Istiothlr eh". Kb—
...die how.: one frame ranlate hounc. 4by 10 1.1..... ten th a t ~,,,,,,,iii.o,,, herb fn. 11 himself with malarial,.
fort high, with p.u..i.... frothy underneah; nue hewed log r e , do., a e of traroller, end other, at his
hone...about : , (1 nein from brlek hoit:e. IS by ti, feet, nue 1 ,i,,,,th o g b een ., in too , torongb afresaid, and plain that
anti n half stork. high, wi th a never hang spring' IWO' ' 3 .„.,' 6.1,,,,, will be vic..4,41,1,14.t him a liet.D.M. it, tot.p a
the i1,...,)1113 ber'Ort.ti !t,h ,, t,e, 111•31. the brick ouse. ter. Ly 1 publie Lew.," or entertainment. And 10orlictinener. im In
Is feet. one soil a half stories high. with brick ' ehlmn, n d o t, 1 . .,,,,,,,i, will pea...
and :metiers fir gr.on—wa,, ,, , rhea nu one .1.1, tic largo
name hank ban,. 01 0, 4.. ,Let Ia feet blob. threshing .
ti. , or 1 , 1 tipin, Mot . , . andel - dram, at one ,Ini—ntal.les lt,
lower ,torr, one frame stable. attached to torn born oir by
24 feet, twelve ti ,
high. with .inills Ore cattle: one frame
4, ts 24 1,0, twelve to-t high; one frame 'divvy huse,
lob by 24 frt. In feet high, tit Idea it. .bOl, 1A.,.., with
mek, In the ceuter—upper •torc for Ills: -or fr0... 1 .'1'
hone, anc.,..4 to the above hone, liltt 1., 24 wet. and
fret high, with ntek. 10 the eeuter, one fratze him, tor
poultr,. 1.. 0, s 1., , t- and ii feet 1d...1..
For terms, apply O. .1..1.1, Hull, on the proudee , who.
will .omt the !Arm. and give ell o . .. Amery 10 . 0. Inti.rmaton. or
to Alitzh null. on the l'itt,barJ.ll l:. ode 4 2.11... Ult.'
mouth of heaver Creek. and :. (1., blow N.,11.3 . •
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
riIIDE untiorsignett Adininietratoni of : the
ent..te of Thomas tairman..l.-ixonol. odte for sal, the
enur real o.nde. of the maid Thom. Velma. con.d.tim,
ot olio e . feet let th.untig on Llis:rty •trtvt, I,lo[llllll been
'es ioet IL. luche,s to a ten feet alley.
All,. the torero rtand known at the Mandon Hem,
fronting on Liberty sire, 41 f. et 0 Melt., end or, Cherry,
411 , o 2 fen:t Inches. running heck ttr, feet Man oiler, with'
the 1.:n0v.4.01/d stable ,11,41.,i. tiLlithlj, DU Plum alley
43 fe,t 4.inclie,
Apo. three I,t fronting on cherry alley, each eighteen
feet front, and running bock sixty feet oarell..l with Plum
elle, ail ~f a hleh proper . eill be ....1.1 ateri. ate rale. by
avian...Om, t... the n0t.,.-riberni or it not wid before the 'Xith
of Mareb, alit le offend at exactin. at . 2 ot- beck. I'. M., ID
IL , ' high., bidder,. Apply to
h. O.tII,MAN. or
1,. CA)1PH4.1.1.,
1:,1 Liberty ,
Of Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool. 0
ryit H. rt,•nt ttlillrel , ,lCLltOil Nib- Of 1,,,, in
jii, , j a...t0 thrittnu Toon harm: zitacli rthaimii.4
t 51... ji miotinly 'nil out. and tlo.,lcio.ind .1111 motioultig,
.1.... on. cr.n.unnl 100 Poen induct,' to la. out a portion of
hi, pro. rii In towu lom .i. at..,.. niol oilcrn them for .alc
at prim Itll.l lettllt ltilll coosiot fail to moot rlir row s of
M. 0.... 0111114 tto port 11... II , ......11..... to FA, auithinu
..f the wation of tho on at
pnopocto (It laming Loon
inCtime tit .1... i-zit., litnmot a.liertimuictitt) user than
that ottr one itutoirc.i lot. imi., rimutl) chain,' hood,
....1 I•min tinninamd by if,,,,. woluou to procure oaletinic
TL,' ic.lota are:moo. lb.. nio.4 cfluibleauddnelrable
tr. un. oho and are principally foisted in tha centre of
thoon mmoitly .14.
F or i,,t„roiarion apply to the proprictor In Lisnrpool, or
W Jima Illtikely. lir ~ Fourth armor- Pitntiargh.
L s ., Ij'erptiol, Fab....ind. MI. .. fobialuartfic.
Ladies• Dress Goods.
1 41[1111'111 . & BUIteIIFIELD have now
j, opim--new et.flo. or 11i.., E 11.,,
A 1.21 1 ,1. P.PU. ,. .. BMW, to.. Lein,
Demeek S Watere.l.‘,l Yrench 114.1.. th...: dr.
Thejthenito latcntion to Lhcir ..xtrtuare lan.ortrr.rot
of h -. is styles Ertellel Priw • Asall elprezes: I , lm Pet:
tare "it. ties, a+3o. Fewe le eentral, oared et hen eete
C. B. HATCH k. CO.,
. -
AVE now in store, and are constantly re by rtrarner, the mon n:
~roen. / ..}tIINISIIING GOODS ey,hof re offerorl.
enlbra.rinn the and rirb,t 1-tyirs Cravat.r.eShlrte..
llotdery, :3uetmender, Under Garment, Lund.
t+tock, (Mod Silk, (lown, IltadkrichieL,
r‘hould, lira re. Linen Collar, with a Natiety of other sr
tirle• p.-rullitr to their line of buldne.,. All of whirh will
ht- eo:d at the vet, low(44 . rtices- Our we frivnall
lunitx.l rxamiuo nur Ktock
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
'TONE'S EMPIRE INK, tw N., , au street.
to : , , es Ink-
f.llewilw; are a few a ow nmezne Cie thar TwPie
W., the oub-orihere. eltimne rr rite berough nforemid. do
certify. snot the above potittont•r of Croy repute. for hon.
tody mut temp. - after, nd le tell proTidad with boueo
room and (04...frac , for the armummulation and helftind
of etruouvrit taut Mechem, and that such.tarern Is netts
toe.. Cunningham. John Welker. See Samuel 31,4:1ane,
-Jame. A. Ekln. Thomas lift , {ll2, Joist ttraharm Wm. It
Sianopo tt. t•
nre, e. J
)l r., M.
itnley, hour!. S MatinleY. . MeElhenny, J. Ihtugh
arty, S. et
Sellers' .Congh Syrup in Minds.
UDGE PIERCI., of Middleport. IroquoiAc
wet. , under date of Janunt>" tb ISM. that
Is, tuts bern troubled tuure or lees with a cough fur ecrentl
h l ,' = ' St d e r a " Tx ‘ el
Le g l ot triers, out n ut
ull thero Wrue
ugh eentinabd to Allotrr.s.tum
1. Int end night . vhirh wee null rAcvol brmmt i y , the tr . of
ohetl es
of l'hUnln Igtt t lght lane tram Z . be 011ZO. Mr. L
Ch ou had found the byruper peat uge In hie fan/ly, and
w hotimottug frunt Ohio.
taken bottles with Dim.
uo yllou ef which Judge lherre obudoed and need with grunt
[ N nebt, when other memo /Idiot to afford [di
Prepared .4 rind by It. smuras,
bold by clrcigglgte guncrally In the twoeitles and Yteinitr
l a n : l ,l,. l7 , l . u n di , hit new article of Woof ms h,
vt arm. - A: Dutturrtan hewn en tuatulawnt of the
wve y,/de. 811 k end Gnaw Merino do, and Merino
end lamb's Wool Drawers.' Feb.,
'IIIEELED PEACIIES—A sin - all lot - r - ee4,
for We .ort XeCLUS(I c.).
NVIDE SIIEETINGS--flouser grs ; and
rby IratEr7pl!.trtht=ek:e.time:. of Fourth and
Merkel areet.., on wr.ornoent t t Sher i lo n t
i Nttr.
gli,%,• ' < ' Llr is •I I °ZhtzthtablefrlatVt:. cede cli.wer, towel•
Us; drawn and 'Croda. and bouxte,plow g ods d enerslly.
o sad
ther of Winter dlort•—on FLEECY 9ILhG
w.h.ortment tow
wind wt. the Acre of ..-----
. uvrtruy a BCUCIIFIEL.D.
`TAILtas Cincinnati ma
ylcturt• h`r 4 " A 6°. VA b ILINGFORD &CO.
11(:),IN'Llo61:4;111 No.. 1, fu;s:le y by
AA" `FAIT . W11.40N..
Yr-Alt-100 bbls North Carolina, for Bald by
0.11 SaiA_R-100 bba, assorted nul7o
twts, fur We or Boßnalooz t 11CURAIIAM,'
to LU Na UB Water
BONN. RllO.. &
tirAVC REMOVED from No. 22 South
Charleiatmatyto the nrw wareholaw. on the NORTU
arta, thrx intend 61441444,14 n the WBOLE:ALETOILaCCa/
in all Ita 4/414-tias, hn,aZlnada 001 , tire0% With'
of VVial
in.rionVlorl._•!;2:;'ol;3"pf;:of tI:roraIbnr171,0:':111;
Bin:/a and Inn nntinorea Y. and VA Belle
of Wlrainla.Tn and l a 11.44:4711441.,'44 run'-unnl:
Ealandalals reach Savored rcuival ,ltmaya. loiret ' ted aral
laanretiehlala I.h. of tarry eneritto. EMOKING RAC
CO and SNUFFS. af all kind, e aro aho Sole /wants for
Graaner'a FINE SITS LOLL TOBACCO, Leal TohacT of
..t . .4;474J , ; '' fl i e ;Ira rOfif4.4 l :ll d n ' n Ur.'d.- 471 1 7e: 44.
tine 13l . PORTED
BalOnana. f.41.41;i;1g' BONN. BRO. t CO.
enzannadentiona n rocantly at,a-nred.
01IN 11. RANKIN, .Altorney• and Conn
." tenor Ed Law. and Comudvionri fa the State o
S. Lnuis. Me.. ( Pitt..lnWgh.)
1i,40,....--littabargh: Mon. W. Forward. lialopinn
311:asalle.e. MrCluna. Jahn E. Parke, 11ina.1.4.
IlcUrnl At Co. aturltly
TILE underNigne.l Juicing entirely re-=
beet and natcnsiTe establld,
mrat, mnnAnunc In ell nbiltit thin.ehundrrd and
wonld regontfull OTC untie.. that it Is nov ready .
thr n.c..rtlob and ak,untonntatioa of tbo trivollioc
An ex tradcd anticenf the uneurru...denurettlences of this
llauv deemed surcrthinak as that nue:wrong. Mirror ,
meats whirl, hare been made cannot he properly given In
adiertimment. Sabre It to say. no rape... has been
enured ncader any arartnie. perfect.
The fu [tore was mvie exprensfy to ardor. ..Genii,. of
met, and certain r..rtinns of It. eepecially the Ihnninit
rooms aill to found m bo of the most lanatlfttl manufac
ture. T he Din h e tone ors eapankas, and the Gan for
meals till be Ina arrangnd as to .nit the murrain..• of the
enrly and late.
beery departmCnt will he conducted in an unexceptiona
ble manner, and the oroprictar pledges hMypplf that the
American Ileum shalPbe truly the Tmvelleallome.
fehl.lainthartimT LEWIS !LICE.
7 1 1 Pre, ronntyAr (7..n.riono(ionqf fle Lung:. .lifolona
11 , Lloo, .41011.1. 111 ins or • t)ao.-or,z
the Lon,. and nh. r officiarts 11l the
bruoo ,
117- y i u r a o 1: 1 11 0
rely,. to make no a...Th.41 at to the obtain of thb. ni...h
eirie.and to bold tot. nulTerirm'humanity, which
fact , will not warrant
The 310. of Icland. nod the PILP and Will Cherry. rare
irattly eelobrat.4 far ti,. run of all ditim.of of the hum,
and Liver, which an. 0. [...fully on,almd, 11l ail Nortt-ro
Ltritodeg. From t combination of ohoutleal extract,
rand from 11111 lI on Mod Do. ACtsttni BM,
eta or Wt.. Omar, clang" - frrmed.
jti r , Whdar's Balsam of Wild Cherry n Bar 1111'...,., mm 1.0,1 ...Indy of Wild Cherry honk aml the
genuine te,:..1 '1,.. (We hater till!
p0rn0,...) the rare
.1 101 irtu, of which w MN., con:-
Mood by a now cinndati proceto. with the eatraet of Tar—
thru. renderina rho 1011010 mrtianind the m.m.t curtald aa , l
oitimmloof.remody 0 •rered the the
11EILMITARY C.N.,I:3IPTION Curoil by Tilkir".
mof ltlhl Ch..rry.—Titu 1 , ea. of Jen:nit:di h.-
Vt.:. of Ctonoompti brothert and sista! La.
ring died of Cwri.tnonaar..) to truls worgirrful(
121.,1 3111.1. fin. (I tun en., Sept. ^. 'a.
J. 1)- Ibtex—Dear fir. I OM. the liberty of
of the bolt I fared .." I from ilt, no, of Dr. Wiwiart.)
Italmm of Wild Cheery. 111,11 P170. - 4 , 1C01 by that terrible
,Durge, Commmotion. in Nay bat- Thu attack we: , trati
hortJ, Ina to me. f, Eve of our I.lolly, (my brotintret arul
fbgen.) had died of CtmAumptin, I waa• loL.I with
all the 001.1 tratnr, of riot I Lada
-tnt Taal, and expectorated a mbt ileal of blood. L. eC..c.
' feier. nerov ptin. In th., Ale and then:, 0.1.1 nitt
•nattsm with 110.111. , . of 13,1.
1 wax 001110 roc off flltlful OhY , ietan. Onntllte
time :1 veto takt-ri ilk or.t3 nlamt t enke mater Leto ; :
then 01,01 helph,.. 0011 my friends rwrallerod
hoy...leart rt at 1.1,1 In*omi on. phyeirinn's 11(111: 0411,4.
ti.e • d Itatma of Witt Cherry. Withoat
tnowl..‘l,. my father in...curet it. and oumsnenetd admit,
L.'4,1101, It 10 Me. tub fr. ,otile 0001. 4.lhr I .00:143r0eVa.
in.( It 11l impro,ed.. and In two weekt . !'rm the
time I krammneod tom. OClej ,
0,0 my 1,11010100. and L
hare. taken tmr
tnyfe(f . perfectly
"I 'V
Jour D. PARS—D.,
with o fever of tpptoi
debilitated slate,
ken With a seeere
'tent as to give meth
tile. I Lakeired unties
deal. and was truuble
oleo frednentiN rniao ,
in this state. 1,-nuina
J....T.1547. when
frimada despaired of
could eaFrive but
171sT Amt. Weis cow
11•1og ikoleton.
their. rres.eriboo ly
..031 of Wild Cheer)",
treand taking It, I
uN its use oio vaunt
ed. and enjoyed goad health ens alum. and cheerfuliT rt.
0)61.111,1t1 the Palette to all thou, tiMietrd wltli dhiewee'et
live 11.0, and areal.' Pay to e re:unite:elm: its it, nei.
to be diacouraged if two three bathw do net rate" a
cure; but pr.ol , Ver 1 ha we done, and I hare nu duuld
but tithe ewes out of .a. nil be blevied with fen:Tied
health .1 here been. lie.pethally your,
From Dr. Baker, SprinFEeld. We:At:nut= Conti. iie.
Unmoral. Sw.,3laT 14.'40.
Means.. Stanford P. Parke—l Mb: this opportunity or
(orating you of a taw.t remarkable maw performed upon
me by the are of Dr. Wietsee Ballwin of Wild brrry-
In tat°. I vna taken with an lailatnationif the
boweleuthich I 'stwed 001.0 f v sia wen...when I grad.
Dally recoventl. In the rail of latl '1 leian attached with a
rave, mid. which wet.' 'twit upne my loom. and for the
roam of three years I was warmed to my bed. I tried alto
Linda of medicine, and every earnty of aid. without bene.
Et- and thee I weariei along until We winter of 1900.
when I brood of Dr. Wlitar'i lialawn of Wild Chen(- 117
Dien& pelsnadel me in give It a trial. though I hod 0:000
up all bows of remvery,.and had prepared mY mlf f , the
change of another world. Theatah their rolintatina I war
induced to Make nee . GI the ktartnna halo= of
Wild Cherry- The effect was truly astenithing. After
three years of Clinic, mai sulk ring, and - after ba
rent four or ere hundred dollar.; to no purpow, the
Wet and man reapeetable phyidclatm had proved un.arail.
log. I was noon reetored to entire henlat,by the bleeelmtwf
Upland the or, of Dr. Wietar's Bakal. of Wild Cherry.
Slay the blewing of Cod ruat ntain Ithe pmprletore of .
valuable a medicine as Wtstar's of Wild Cherry.
Tout" teepeetrullY,
;11"31. it. litscr
sola ST J. D. P.c. (eureenor to Sanford & Earh.)roud&
wail Walnut sired, Cincinnati. Chin, General Agent tor tho
South and WtAt. to whom oil °dirt, moat to, addrraa.d.
J. Kidd A Co_ 11. A. Falgaghet A Co.. J. A. loner. L.
Pitgrburgh: Lc; A. 11,khaeo, Allearlany Citr.
L. T. Husain, W. 111007010 L.. 11. I.kwia, Colnutoin. IL
Welty. Graexdbudg S. lizamtz.Sodgdat Scott A Gilmore,
Dediont Bawd a Soo, lluntlngdord3lrs.Orr. .
Illklebrand & Co.. lndano; J. K. Wright. Kittanning;
Evans & Co. Brod:1111, A. WilsAn Coo, Wayndburg:
bleFaraltol .1 Co. Co. Callender, Meadville; linden A C. , .
Ede; dandy. A Fork., llereed.Joraes Edly t Co. Ent
len S. Smith, Barra: J. o.Suan.merchn. Warrurg F. L. & C.
S. Jones: Craderrporg Crouker. tr.. Browns Me.
lablaultirthdT .
11.111.RISON SEIVELL, Attotnec at law,
4.17 Ohio State Ceramtaaloner 1-rkin x Dentelhoete. Aehr
antrlavt,ententa of lketLe. Si. Oftee.-I.•cu,h
Smithfield. • ea...1A...1'
Closing out the Entire Stock.
ak.EAT t-arther reduc
kji iil/11 In when. The eule.crilee al..bim to eke ,
the Wiper of hie etre!: of :,•
fey crA:l
the lvd of April nelt,4 r , ,i‘eettu:ie ,e.l: the tat,ath.a
aueromera or,,tllse .pal“, on, jr. o
,e,:at angel, at tfty per cent, tehree Mailer price.. an:
pene.o withint: to comm., had tie.,,CO 11)111 r. t, a,*
.0.1.1 le a For , dolqattiut•itY , a, be .011
sore of Lhasa...Y.oo Mena terot , ..with the pi,
which ht! Imo fey .0.011 • ...Ira. mil mo
feta family [rule.
jannO NOW Yee§ 0,01,.. 74,-Urs l'atehorc
SEEDS-10 MAS Clover
~7 SU" lib. L. (16 ,
feblo • Iti:.0117: L . G 1 1tE5..4.11:16N.
C - 11
111ANK.ETS! 111.,ANKE'fS!!' 31Piri
a 111.71ICIIFIELD ha.. horeli, geed eaiortment.f
Mankato, of all the different. malithe.laritatirr: a
.pair of extra slat , and quality, all of hail am upar
at reduced prices.
d! OLD receiveti n lame
Ppp' r
Day: lecant iud Watch, 1.1 31ini.thre
YILS ... ble . for uerotyp,lL--ir.
Ls3ipox TA.1 5. E115U - tio . i. 1 - ,77,,iie hi
V ILEAI' WALL 1'A.141.:1:.-I'nitni; 14 c.c.lit
k) W' . mot, a j wrge ~......7,1., 6.r ,- , m fr...i...
kid:: O . 1.. ml.ll -MALI..
ND Pr 1 \ IIVGI 7 .A PE - 1'
Writ,---,rq“ A
t L:. 6- - v, C ‘ NIJOC.rII.SI. I .
IrilYEitql—:2 1.
ohlm 10 yule
:dell LOCKEV a. Co.
. , bl , ~ Water mod 'Co. et • .
.AMPIR.qI7 1;611 , fo'r sale hy ; •
lc. m. cEl.clai,.
pOW'P 13.1Y131:111:1--:! Ws-fOr Aule by
, tr. E. stu.r.i,-...,
------. 111 - 1-
cIopPEILIS.-10 ~• h fer;se e IJ .
Li Ishio .—r- IL.I,FMLLVIIS.
1 - 71ACCIjitit S- 7 -101. 1 u grciss for guile. by
MAO i 1... 1.: , .= em.ber..i.
it 1 fit , SE 1)E LAIR ES- . —Prinwr and solid
it7 o l.7=V r V.r .' infi l liV.inincaiietn. '"
.Ii ir II IT F. 110.11 E-MADE FLANNEL—
, 31cradic u lICRCIitIELD am mating a wad ar
tiec of at...” ea km an 2:. neuln per 3 ard. They halo al.,
on hand Nlaaarine Blue. Gre.) ac. 4 Pla'di tmednaue
Ilannelonf TaTiD. nriena and 0na1d!..... • 1.. L.•
II? 'i bld ' bales
saleliL-,..-- U. JOIINE.TON.
(.1 ALLAD OIL-20 ~-,l., , ,ki,firr sate by .
13 febl4 A. c"CI.BEETFAIN A C. ,
DRIED PEACIIES-100 bus for •
feblb . A.C:C1.Ch111:..):5 t. z..,
TA - -
NINEIt'S OIL-20 bbb ,, , for sale by
- febl . 2
LOVERING'S eltUSllllCl'ol'slsElthll
SEClAR—Kentrorutrstly cra larva alai kraal.. Tv
: fete.% AJCMDEJ...TatiN A L.
Y— 6 tons for Bak verijnar
L Bard con.aismment, by
rangy . J. s.lorvironTrk g
FEATHERS-10 racks nor fro
simmer Asia, end -
f. ' -
I Li racKice
Was= sad ftsota: