The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 18, 1851, Image 2

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The friends of General Cass, as our readers an:
aware, have endeavored, afterthe lapse - of nearly
three years, to clear him of the " noise and
confusion " excuse for avoiding an open declara
tion of his sentiments on the River and Harbor
Improvement question. The Washington Union.
of February 23d, published, with a Oval flourish
of trumpets, a letter from Messrs. J. W. Gray.
(editor of the Cleveland Plaindealer,j and 11. V.
Willson, to Governor Wood, and the Governor's
reply to the saute. They declare that they were
present when the speech was made, pronounce
the Cleveland Oerald's report of it wholly false,
and ask the Goernor to give his statement. The
subhtanbe of.ths Governor's reply is dontained
in the following . paragraphs : .;.•
"In justice to myself, I must say, at the time of
the reception of General Cass at Cleveland, I had
not read his letter accepting the nomination for
President, or no opportunity would have been
PENERAL Scorv.—Tlie Whig papers in Ini i- given for the perverse and silly version of his
speech which was published in the Herald on that
nee, almost Without exception, have placed at
the head of their columns, the name of General nee," 'The speech ech attributed to the General, that
&Ott as a candidate for the Presidency. Tile there woo 'so much nothend confusion' that lie
Indiana State Journal, inspeaking of the p could not he heard in answer to the particular
posed nomination by the National Whig Conve - subjects of i dver f ''''': harbor
in improvement, vemen rn t !' and
lion, sera that so far at popular sentiment n
which hishis free
atte t n e tion ter h i a e d s
States,eateheeeetesUpeenliteeleedi)e ni invited,
d t r , o y
that Silo is concerned , there never before w s
such unanimity in the selection of a candidat , ronnettion, at all."
, i and if the name of General Winfield Scottsho il
be placed upon the ticket, Indiana will certain y
, 1-
give him her electoral vote
-To the Whigs of Pennsylvania.
14/. STATE CONVENTION will be beta In the .
Of Laucarter. on TUESDAY, June 2411, Itif..l. for the p
puan of twleetlng memlidatee for the ofliree of Governor
Canal emmnimioner. 7 and alwi for Judere of the &lyre!
Court. lIENItV M. FLLR, Cbafrea I
.Ineeyh IL flanrniv. Smenel Nlellruanly,
hoer 31orton. C. Tlinmnon on.,
iVin. 11. Flinging!. Samuel 11. hmas.
Na than Dell John S. Brown,
Nathaniel Elmaker, T. Ta)ler Worth.
Wm.!. Itobineon. Alexander E. !frown,
IS - order, E. Preston.
f Tin... E. codas. I:t.ktiVitt...
IlenryJohinon, Jamey Clot,
(.'hurler B. Borden.. Sherman D. Phelps,
Oen., Creee. 1.4w1n C. IV ilwm,
D. A. Finney, . John Allimin,
C. O. Luczak., Daniel )Iretinly,
John Nauman, I Georue Mravon.
Wm. E.g.. Alea'rll. Mellor,
John C. Neville, Frantio ordan.
It. BUNDLE SMITH, :sugary
After a long and laborious session, the Cons -
tutional Convention of Ohio bus given the rest t
of its labors to the people.
The new Constitution opens with the bill •f
rights, which is essentially the same as may le
found in tine constitution adopted inn 180',.°, a -
though some rights are expressed inn more laco. -
lc and comprehensive language. The sixteenq•
section ; for instance, stands simply Ots:
Berson shall be imprisoned for debt inn any ci
il action - or mesne, or final process, unless r
eases of fraud.•• In all criminal prosecutions
for libel, the broadest liberty is allowedoft r
the truth in evidenee.
Thosecondtrticle provides fur the legislati
power. " Senators and representatives shall
elected biennially in their respective counties
districts."' No person hereafter convicted
embezzlement of the public funds can hold*
'office In the state. No person holding putt
money can have a seatin the legislature. .
. .
bill shall contain more than one gubject. whi •
shall be clearly expre,,sed in its title. The re
ulr sessions of the Legislature will comment.
on the first 'Monday of January every ~secon
year. The everlasting erection mew counti 1
is prevented by a section declaring that-no ne
'county shall contain less than foul hundre I
, square miles of territory; and nil laws for th
division of the counties must be submitted 1.
tho voters of the counties to he divided. Tb
Legislature is prohibited to grant divorces.
Tie eznective department consists of a Goys
nor. Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State,
Auditor,. Treasurer, and Attorry Gerrit!: a
' to hold their offices two years, elcept the Audi
tor whose term is four years. The Lieutennn
Governor is President of the . Senate, but ca.
vote only when the Senate is divided.
The election of all judges is given to the Ices
ple for terms not exceeding five years; but th
Governor has power to fill vacancies. The Gen
ern! Assembly has power, upon complaint, tt
remove judges by a rote of two-thirds, and it
the same way, may increase or diminish tin
Ono year's• residence gleesa cithlecn of the
United States the right of Slate citizenship: but
military, naval, and other officers that may be
. ..stationed or garrisoned, &c., are excepted,.
All lands and other property that may be en
tented to the Slate for educational or religious
leld inviolate, and the inter-
The General AsFembly has
edeuational taxes, but no
iven exclusively to any relic-
m taken in regard to pub
' the firs.t. Six :ectione o
may contract debts to sup
: failures in revenues, or to
Aherwise provided for, but
it of such debts, direct and
contracted by.virtue of one
General Assembly, or at dif
cc, shall never exceed 'seven
fifty thousand dollars. and the mon
ey arising from the creation of such debts shall
be applied to the purpose for which it was
or to repay the debts so contracted, and
for no other purpose whatever.
SEC.• 2. In addition to the above Milted pow
er, the State may contract debts to repel inva
sion, suppress insurrection, defend the State in
war, or to redeem the present outstanding in-,
debtedness of the State, but the money arising
from the contracting of such debts shall be np
plied to the purpose for which it was raised, or
to repay such debts, and to no other purpose'.
whatever; and all debts incurred to redeem the
present outstanding. Indebtedness of the State,
shall be so contracted as to be payable by the
sinking fund hereinafter provided for, ,as the
same shall accumulate.
Ste. 3. Except the debts above specified in
sections one and two of this article, no debt
whatever, shall hereafter be created by. or on
behalf of the State.
Sec. , 4„ The credit of.the State shall not in
any manner be given, or loaned to, or in aid of
any individual, association, oreurporation what,
ever,. nor shall the State ever hereafter become
joint owner_ or stockholder in any company, or
association, in this State or elsewhere; formed
for any purpose whatever.
Scc. L. The State shall never assume thedebts
of any county, city, town, or township. or of
any corporation whatever, unless such debt
shall have beencreated to repel intasion suppress
insurrection, or defend the State in war.
Su. 6. The General Assembly shall never nu.
th oriz e any county, city, town or township. by vote
of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stock
holder in nay joint stock company, corporation
or association whatever, or to raise' money for,
or loan its credit to, or in aid of any such eons
pony, corporation or association.
The remaining sections are conceived in the
same spirit.
The apportionment of the State for the lien
eral Assembly is to be made every ten yeara.—
The ratio of representation in - the House iv estab
lished by dividing the whole population of the
State by one hundred, and in the Senate, by di
viding by thirty-fire. The Constitution! itself
malts the first appointment in a manner 'which
the Wlig:papers denounce as the most complete
We copy the first three Sections of the twelfth
article which relates to taxation.
Scc. 11 The levying of taxes by the poll is
grievous and oppressive; therefore, the General
Assembly shall never levy a poll tax for coun ty
or State purposes.
See. 2. Laws shall .be passed, taxing, by a
uniform rule, all moneys, credits, investments in
bonds, stocks, joint stock companies or other
, wise; and also all real boil personal pioperty ac
cording to its true value in money; but burying
grounds, public school houses, houses 'used ex
elusively for public worship, institutions of pie
ty, public charity, public property used exclu
sively for any publiepurpose, and personal prop
erty to an amount not exceeding in value two
hundred dollars for each individual, may, by gen
eral taws, be exempted from taxation: but all
mice laws shall be subject to alteration or repeal,
and the value of all property so exempted shall,
from time to time, be ascertained and published '
as may be directed by law.
See. 3. The General Assembly shall provide,
by law, for taxing the notes and bills discounted
or purchased, moneys loaned, Lod all other prop- I
eriy, effects ar dues, of every description. (with
out deduction) of all banks now existing nr
hereafter created, and of all bankers; so that all
property employed in banking shail always bear
a burden of taxation equal to that imposed nu
the property of individuals.
The General Assembly is directed to provide
for the appointment of three commssioneri4 who
shall "revise, reform, simplify an, abridge the
practice, pleadings, forms and proceedings of
the courts of record of this Slate; and, as far no
practicable and expedient shall provide for the
abolition of the distinct forms of action at law,
now In use, and for the administration of jus-
Lite by a uniform male of proceeding, without
reference to any distinction between law and
equiti . "
Principles and accessories in duels arc depri•
ved of the riiht to hold office; and lotteries are
This .Constitution is to be submitted to the
people on the third Tuesday of next June; and
at the same time a separate section prohibiting
the granting of licenses to _sell intoxicating
liquors will be voted upon and, if approved by a
majority, will become port of the Constitu
. .
The reason why the Governor is so anxious to
do justice to himself is easily found. He per
formed the ceremony of introducing Gene al Cass
to the Convention, and while doing so . nd him
that he had been charged with being opposed to.
the improvements of Western Rivers and Harbors,
and with being favorable to the extension and
perpetuation of slavery. After hosing set these
accusations before the General in the most point ,
ed manner, he asked him,.in a style which de
manded a plain yes or nu, to make a reply. Mr.
Cass then made his short and sweet speech which
has become so notorious for its shameless cow
ardice The Cleveland Herald, Which has re
viewed the whole matter, 1,0,14111 es its own report
and that of the Plaindealer. We copy the disputed
sentences from both:
[From the Hemldd
Sir—The noise and confusion which pervade
this assembly still prevent my being heard on *0
important topics to which you have called my at
tention. f must, therefore, content myself with
thanking you for the generous reception which I.
the unworthy representative of the greet Deem,-
critic party of this country; have receined at your
[From the Plaindealer
Sir—The noise and confusion which pervade,
this vast assembly will; I apprehend, prevent
me from being distinctly heard by all percent
I can do little more, sir, at Otis time, than re
turn my thanks for the very warm and nattering
reception which the citizens of Cleveland have
given me.
The whole speech, as reported in each paper.
contain! but four or fire short paragraphs, and
the only approach to an answer to the charges is
a general - reference to his past life.
But the Herald sustains the two reports by still
better evidence. Its report did not contain one
paragraph in which the administmtion of Mr:
Polk woo alluded t 0... The Plaindealer seized
upon this error, saying .• It is very strange
that the only seniente in the whole speech on Which
Whig scrutiny could hung one word of comment.
should he entirely omitted in its first portico •
[ion." The noise and confusion paragraph was
not meddled with at all.
With all this evidence on tjecord agaimit
.General Cass on the 10th inst.. made a personal
explanation in the Senate in reply to 311 article
in the Republic, and denied the charge in ones
tion, in the following language:
•• Me. President, I said the other day that it
was hard to overtake falsehood. It travels fur
ther and foster than its refutation. Mr. Jeffer
son mid it was better to live it down than write
it down. Perhaps it is, Here is the old charge
that I shelters,' myself behind -noise nod mu,
fusion:" and, by the by, Pceilinot use the words
without laughing. Notwithstanding my solemn
contradiction in my place here, notwitlistatelinii
the solemn contradiction of (Inv. Wood, who was
the chairman who put the question in toe out 'd
'which this story arose, here a prominent A:I
-ministrati.m paps comes out, and in the fare ~ f!
these facts, repeat4Allis old-story with no other
view in the world but to injure me. lime let me
d o justice to a distinguished roan who is not in
his seat to-day, and whose name will go down
with honor upon the page of history, (Mr. Clay 1.
After I huh concluded my speech on this subject
he came up to me and said. with that spirit
which belongs to him: "Well, you have cleared
yourself from the charge of inconsistency." -
Now. I ask buy Senator on this floor if he In.
lieves I ever sheltered myself under the word.
•-noise and confusion," to prey'* giving my
opinions at Cleveland,, or if he sees any incon
sistency between my declarations run! votes .
this subjict? I? he does, he will oblige one by
stating it, that I may remove it. I pause for n
NO reply being made, I take it for granted
that , in the opinion of the Senate, three charges
are unfounded, and hereafter I shall leave theta
to their fate, to be believed or not, as falsehood
or truth may prevail."
It will be perceived that Gen. l'ur , 'does not
positively affirm that he did not use the words
•• noise andconfusion," but denies that he shel
tered himself behind them. This attempt to es
cape is rather desperate. If the words of the En
glish language have nay fixed meaning at all he
did shelter himself •• behind noise and confusion"
even according to 'the report of his own party
organ. He probably thought the lapse of time
would enable him to throw off this disagreeable
weight in order that he in better rndi
tion to enter the race for the Presidential nomi.
nation. He forgot that files of newspapers are
kept and that plain language on au important
subject addressed to a large Assembly, sby a can
didate for the Presidency, cannot he utterly re
pudiated within three years from the time it was
employed. If our Western river men could slip
round all the snags and sawyers with half the
success thst-Gen._Cass has avoided the giving of
any assistance to the great object or river im
provement, they might be content to let the ob.
emotions remain as they are; but as our pilots,
notwithstanding their expertness, have no such
skill an this, the conduct of Gen. Cass will not
be forgotten should he again theist himself he
fore the people as a candidate for the office of
The Aria arrived as New York on Friday mor
ning, the 14th inst. She left Liverpool March
The only news of much interest is that rely
ing to the attempt to form a new British
ry. The resignation of the late• Ministry had
of actually been banded iu when the announce
., eat, copied from the Times on the arrival of the
.uropa, was made public. It had, however,
eon unanimously resolved upon in council.
On the following day, (Satnrday, February
2d,) Lord Stanley was sent for by the Queen. to
one a new Ministry, but that statesman apprized
Ter Majesty that he was not awn prepared to un
dertake the task. '
Lord Aberdeen, whp also declined, and Sir
amen Graham, were subsequently rent for, and
i fterward Lord John Russell, and it was under
ood that the two latter were endeavoring to
•nstruct a coalition Cabinet. In this, however,
icy failed, and Lord Stanley being again sent
•r, his lordship undertook the matter.
These movements transpired during Monday
Thursday of the week. Pp to that time, no
ahinet was announced, bat it was understood
,at Mr. Irlsraeli had consented toact with Lord
tauley, and was busily engaged in preparing a
de of political principles. Visconnt Canning,
o Earl or Aberdeen, and Sir James Graham,
d alto been communicated with, but 01l had
.clined co-operation with a Protection Minis-
1 Thursday, the 27th ult., was a day or great
chetuent, In the evening, at 4 o'clock, Lord
•coley waited upon the Queen. and declaring
5 inability to forma Ministry,•reiiigned thmlu
hnposed upon him.
At the Litt hour to which our ailvitea, yet in,
rftet, reach, Sir James Graham had been in
Pmmunication with the Queen, and had correm - -
'ruled with the Earl of Aberdeen, Mr. Cardwell,
P P d others of the more moderate conservatives.
ilt is understood that after Lord John Ittmell'a
fa lure to reconstruct a Cabinet, Lord Stanley hod
fa 1 permission to form a protectionist Ministry
if le could. Beyond Mr. D'lsraell, however,' he
co Id not secure the alliance of a single conserra
ti • • of note, because protection was 'to. be the
av , Wed policy of his prospective Administration,
an; yet ho entertained no purpose of dissolving
P. liament so as to strengthen it by a new dee-
The Queen is understood to be nyeree to •gen
eral election; some journals assign as her rea
son that it:. would interfere with the World's
Sir Jamesdirahato is opposed to the bill intro
duced try Loid John Russell to restrain the ag
gressions of le Papal See. Ile represents the
Peel Section of the House of Commas. Each
party had its consultation dienets--if we may Co
pall them--the Protectionists, the l'eelites, and
the free tra4 Liberals. •
During t 4 early part of the week, the Queen
Lad cent ,fol: the Duke of Fellington. It iS
setircely ,probahle. however, that it was for ally
purpose connected with the formation of a Cabi
net, and was perhaps rather 11 compliment or
mark of respect on account of his years and ex
We have received the proceedings at the open
ing of Parliament on be evening of Friday, Feb
ruary 21, which we give with a slight abridge
ment: •
The Nlarquia of Landsdowns said he hod to
state that the attempt in which Lord J. nurse]]
. _
R. CD gaged:on Monday last, ,had failed before
that night hall passed. In consequence of that
failure, a neghtiatinn had been entered into with
Sir J. Graham, for the purpose of ascertaining
if he was prepared to undertake the formation
• . .
of a Cabinet. Under those circumstances,' he
had undertaken it. but had communicated to her
Majesty his inability to succeed in his attempt. •
In this important and critical state of affairs her
The sale of season tickets for the great Exhi.
Majesty NV. desirous of pausing, and informing •
herself of the opinion of others, before taking talon of all Notions commenced on Thursday.
other steps, especially of an illustrious Duke. nail jon the sailing of the steamer 2500 tickets
the Duke of Wellington—to whom she had had had been sold. Persons are not entitled to free
on another occasion to refer in momont of lth admission on uccount ; of their being exhibitors,
. . .
lead Stanley
titt then matte .IIS NOl cal CUL, a
said that at his first interview with hfir Alajesty, 1 for die of explaining or keeping in or
he hod advised that an attempt be made to form j dor their contribution. The executive committee
n Ministry by a coalition between the supporters ! have decided that no free admission shall be
of the late Ministry and the followers of Sir Q.
nntn ,
Peel. lie believed that the cause of the abrupt I- . r
resignation woo not the division entice motions of , Tuscany him sent her special commissioner in
Mr. D'lsraeli and Mr. Locke King, but by their ' the person of M. P. roridi, Professor.of the Qui
difficulties with respect to the question of Papal versity at Pisa, who reports that seienty packa-
Aggression and the Iludget and the failure of ges are on their way to England, which,-consid-
Lord John Russell to reconstruct the Ministry.
ming the limited boundary of the brand Dtichy,
lie had earlestly made an attempt, but !wing ; . . ,
lender , 1
i s considerable of a contribution. A Manic to
failed to obtain the co-operation of the
of the Peelite party, he was convince!! that the Me, made of hard clone, the property of the
opposition in the House of Commons would be Grand Duke, whiCh the commissioner says cost
lillll,ooo Dances, and eighteen years of hard la
o to eable Itis Alinistr,v to bear op I
agniteit„ and he n had accordingly made a oun '
1 bor, will be a feature of the Tuscan collection.
nicatiou to her Ala:testy to that effect.
. .. ... . ...
. _ .
If he had ,Ileretded to the attempt he should Prince Albert visited the building on Thursday
have cotoddered it his duty to repeal the income tnorning, and of course expressed himself highly
tax, and to bring in mrastires or the relief of delighted with the arrangements of the interior
the agricultural districts. but would not have of the exhibition rooms. Ile seems to feel a
punned so rash and hasty a course with refer
deep interest theconcernsf thed'fiee end it'
once to the Papal aggression u+ had been taken in ° e '
by the late Ministry. The noble Lord ant down Purposes, ..
amidst land cheering. Eighty-nine packages 0f .., goods arrived en
TIT Earl of Aberdeen maid lie had linen nankin Wednesday morning, from Boston, in the - ship
to unite with Lied John Rn...iell for the pinp.iso Rio (3 , n , 10,
of forming a government.
After a few w r , i from Lrl Si7inley. their
lee lob t niijourneil.
; Lord John Russell at a few minutes after five;
The Queen held n levee (the first of the sea
-1 rose to make his explanations. Ile referred to I son) on Wmineolay afternoon, in St. James' PE
the cirrnmstance. of his interviews with the lace. Her alajesty wets dressed in a train of
Queen. and stated the jaa h llttY taatgrea an err ; dark blue velvet, trimmed with cable, the body
thin queYtionY, among whirl: was the Papal Ag
gr„,j„t: sir J. Gmht,„, nnl the Earl
of Aber _ ornamented with diamonds. The petticoat was
Been thoueht any upon :the subject lof white satin, trimmed with tulle. Bend-dress
mnnt-cess cry. Roder these circinnatit s nees tot A.I- of velvet and gold, studded with gem,. Among
inistratit n bad been formed. and in this dithy the distinguished •'
p persons revent were Mr. Ab
calla' the Queen ha the'
ll morning foe the of I;am in the American
' Duke of Wellington to take his advice no to the Minister,n and Mr - to be pursued. This being the ca se In. ; Itaneroft 113 rk. the Secretary or Legation, the
olive that the if 1,, ror,b, udjou ru. former of whom had the honor of presenting to
I col Be then reviewed his career upon the I's- the Queen Mr. Butler Ihmenn, of Rhode Island.
pal .11,t1,111.6011 bill. the soloed . ' of free trade, the ; „ej Me. pterhned of N ew y er h .
aat e ttah""ar th e ' ttlea g e - "" ''" adaded h 3 . am mating his determined adherence to thoYe ; Joanna [Millie the poetess" expired on Sunday
im I ,
1 earning. ns
itant, nt the very advanced age
Sir J. Gera horn gave au itcconnt ..rhi•scrap lif She lived the greater portion of her life
interviews with the Queen, in tainittatty with with a :maiden sister, Agnes—nlso a:poetess—to
Lord Aberdeen, atb the view of forming a alit- whom she addressed her beautiful -Birthday
istry in conjunctton with Lord Russel'. Ile '
hail long been in other with Lord J Russel Land ; ilaem. She was burn at Bothwell, within ear
he trusted he might 11e allowed once more to call shut the - brand waters of the flvde 'Walter
hits his noble friemliespecitflly as with mea ts ) Scott IF 3. a devoted admirer of Miss Bailie, but to
several main • t iteftions of public policy on never auceeeded in drawing her into society.
which tlmy
timee co were of the
rat same to opinion. At the ' the English tragedian, h‘e
sante uhl
nil, J n 1,11011 a imai rate of the stage, Ifinebetli ;
deemed 11 , 4 V o • pr,-erx e th e t ;„,,,„..
„,„, was Id. closing character.
and esnyfitoto - ot ; of the etiontry. nor could he L c ; ales Frances Kdenhle Butler to in Paris , but
an as-mit:fly Silty to the ' , eh-do-tit:al titles nv- • has tort with only rolernble Faeces, in her Read-
sumption tell. even with the trosiifications tits: wegs She g„„ i nn „ „1”.„, speed n f ew
his IMble friend bad indicated.
In thi• alone... the Kail:if .‘toralecti entirely S.``.t'riami
etlineitle.l. The eircum,ance wa , , i theretre.
opernble ehjerthw t te hit jehrtien with ihr 11,
hie lortl. thangh agreement on ether WU.
perfectly I.tttl Laughter.) The melt.
taken iv the Pt:pe :tad l'aialtnal Wiseman were
extremely otlensive, anti detnateled same nutice
from Government, Omagh he iii. Oct think nc
hid legi4ation nerec.ary
•It.,lltory ,t , ver,3ti,to the lloume
We give, brief extra,- froins n ni e gLou-
On journals 111,011 the present singular state of
Fru , . 14e . i,on•i,. P.m
t now. therefore, becomes imperatively neces•
sari to terminate the protent crisis by n return
to the most practicaMe.of the combimitions al
ready attempted ; mei to 11111 he whatever .5111,1 ti •
ces or monies-iens as are is - loins! le give the,;
utmost possible strength and effect to that tame i
bination. Tintis pot It moment at 'which any
sort .if petsimal reeriminatiou world Inc in place.'!
The emharrassments of the plot week have been
ton great, the strippagc of the whale business of
Parliament at the outqet of the aession is' to,le
plornble, the ditties of the immediate fothre, es-
pmaally in the present year. are too pressing for 1
us to stoop for a mothent to the imititication of
any personal predilection- The only question
senrth asking. aim, we have now eon/pieced the
round or all the known cornhinntionspf party is,
Hole ei fly t/J,no t Gorrrlrrn,, o;'.” efilrarn,
r.:4 •
This is not a time at which any secession of i
Parliamentory at a stand,
Legislation is utterly
strength can with impunity Le thrown away. It t'
I in consequence of the wont of a 'Ministry, but
is understood that the members !,f the Whig ad
ministration will meet this morning. in tbeirpri. the House of Lords had entered upon the pro
rate capacity, at Latealownehouse. to Consider I tented question of intermarrisge with a amens
the course that it becomes then! to pursue. since i
they are thus thrown back to office by the failurett wife's sinter. One entire evening was spent
,in the discussion, the Bishops almost exc!usive
of all campetitors. But me trust that tt will be '
admitted by (hit, who ore most anxiou s to pro- ' ly "peakin.g upon tine `o"(inn•
mote the stability of Ore Government, that a ! The Bishops of Norwich and St. David's
mere repetition of the performances who'll ter- I though differing from their brethern in the in
minated last week will be hailed with no aatisbie-
terpretation or as to the bin
riot by the country. It will lent,/ the abrupt r - ding authority of
wenotion of the Primer Minister wholly mimeo!, ri-
the rigementh r chapter of Leviticus, joined them,
ted for, if. within eight days,he is to resume 11, on social or moral grounds. in opposing Gas bill,
place in the Otiose, of Commons. or if his Govern- ! The Bishop of Exeter quoted theological argu
ment bad suffered nn defent or had berme in. ! ['lents act New Testament reprehensions against
sensilde to what it sufferald. Too much sensi i t t
tiveness then would only he lidlowedby too much
Tin! Bishop of Lonthan, who once wavered on
indiffe,ll, !lOW :and the tramoiction would mots
~. ,tieh theological question, now thinks there exists
with the world for little more than , I piece of
yrr ti,via
remove these tat i at least on implied prohibition, by analogy, a-
Toiresions, another vigorous I gains( brothers marrying their widowed ;6sters
effort should be made to obtain for the Adminis. ~ ir ; .1 , ,,
t r ,,ti on th a t increase tit strength which it re-
A Bishop of tines Church of Ireland, Dr. O'-
' I IT I life n oth i ngiv hopeless'
quires. 0 I/0 1 lell e .so i
Brien, regarded the measure as contrary to the
I as to attempt a return to the past That ever. '
I shifting sphere effaces it it few hours the traces spirit.of the Bible. and as certain to bring gin
of what has ceased to he, and the seat which is I not sorrow into many a happy family.e
once left , o•amt let , alt-rode “unll , k'd away. Not : The Archbishop of Canterbury considernd that
an Ildlire..., nut a meet ittg, attired . ). 3 journ al, 1138 , .
0 W absolutely decided by (
'the .130,0101 N Atria
simdfied the faintest desire tr) revive the identical
and i f cosNVili lb. As the question has excited much
Administration which expired loot week;
att,,,tion and is one of deep intermt, we ,quote has 'clestrayed the last illusious of the
Protectionists, it bits neire clearly demonstrated i tram lain remarks:—
I the necessity of uniting the-great divisions of their
succevsfill opponents
•, The chapter began by condemning the ree
-1 tires of the nations by which the lornelit co were
Fon , sl i lie .I.l,:m ot y Climbed, ! •
surrounded, as displeasing to the Most, High.
Two cginset , still remain—the re-construction ! and not to he suffered in a people which Ile had
of the late administration, under nn :Mier, mad i chosen for His own, chosen to preserve His name
still , 0 ,,,,,, ~,,,,„1„„s leader, or the anion o f / and 3 knowledge of His laws In the world, until
all the liberal statesmen in the 111103 e, WithOlit I that fuller-revelation of Ilia will which wan here
the encumbrance of those pledges end prejudices I after 6, be made at the appointed time. "Ye
which attach only to a porti o n of the late admit, shall do toy judgement, and walks after my or
istration. The only politician whose ability and : !finances for lam the Lord." After this sot
daring might seen! cap.rble !,f restoring the .01-', con beginning. - the well known prohibition,
preninyy Or the old exclu,ive alliance would find • Were eo3lllerlae,/,! 1110 principle was first otat•
insuperable difficulties in a task Which we I ed. “None of you shall'approach to any that is
have 30 reason to comm., be lit inclineci to tin- i near of kin to him." Specific canoe followed !
dertake. . ! which would violate the principle; cases, first of
' s / constinguinity. nearness of blood, members of
One other combinnti o n remains . audit is,that ! the same family. 'Chou shalt not appronch
which all impartial observers indicated Imo art; thethy fathers sister, thy mother's sister; thy lath-
first as the only safe termination of the crisis I
er's brother's wife; they are thy parents near
The country most be satisfied by this time that I kinswomen.
the statesmen to whose patriotism appeal!! luny I Though there was no nearness of blood, there
probably Inc made are not unduly eager ffiroffie e . I was that nearness firkin, which (no was 'mown
It remains for all who may be invited to unite I to infinite wisdom,) would render ouch alliances,
for the public good, to show by their conduct its permitted, injurious to the welfare of famine.,
c0n,,,,,..ti0n,, and personal feelings and of the community. Then followed verse 16th
weigh less in their estimation than the oppo'rt n . which settled the preeent question, “Thou shalt
nity and the duty of performing an important not approach thy hrother's•wife.. Between the
service to the country. It iv not our province to 1 sister of the wife and the husband's brother the
suggest the claim, of individuals. There is ample I annlou was so clear and plain that what was fort
room for selection among candidates qualified for ! bidden in the one case, must clearly be forbidden
every department of administration It is to hel in the other. No possible reason could be . as
hoped that nn tinavoiilable delay will he incurred signed why the brother should not marry the
in sntisfying the public Ilinxicty. ' j brother's widow, which did not equally forbid -
Fr.rn the .Ibornmy : I tivert.,. ! the sister from allying herself with the sister's
widower. If they waited till the instance were
We are enabled to state, ill the :now positive 1 ~p,,,,ific.),ty named
t. o which . .
ch the prohibition was
manner, that the reason why Mr. (Hailstone re. they
wo.ld find
Posed to juju the contemplated Cabinet of Lord !of connexions which were most t - ' r° I
Stanley.was tint in conceirenre of ant' than_ 1 - r boi . revolting to al
14 were specified in trete, and 16 are left
e p hillition
. •
,ou a. mg,. , Out of the thirty prohibited do
greetnent 1,0(1.1331 the noble lord and the right !
implication and analogy - .'
The bill was defeated byllo against Iry
honoraldegintlemnn MI the subject of free teats - Ito
Lord Staldey was !thin! willing to put that
tion in abeyance. The sole reason was a differ
ence of opinion between them on the subject of
-- -
the Papal oggres,inn. They were not two min
utes together, before they severally snit the utter
improbability of their coming to an understand
In connection with the Papal questiqp, • see
have a very 'important announcement •to make
—one which deserves, as it doolitlessarill receive,
the most ecrioce atkation &ibis Prtleetent COUP.
try. A meeting of Raman Catholic members of
Parliament—thirty six in zentaber,-4. 1 jtst been
held in Dr. Wiseman's house, Doldeit-square, at
which it was unanimously resolved—Were being
literally not one dissentient voice—that the Ro
man Catholic Members of the House of Commons
will oppose in the most strenuous manner, and by
every constitutional means in their power, a Mitt
istry, no matter whet may be its political princi
ples or policy, which preposes in any way to in
terfere with the recent Papal aggre_ssion.
It is with great gratification that we are ena
bled to make another must important announce
ment, in connection with the Popish question.—
In We highly probable event of Lord John Rus
sell returning to office, he is not only prepared,
but resolved, to introduce a much more stringent
measure for checking the aggression of the Pope,
than that which is now before Parliament—e
measure, in a word, which shall he in accordance
with the speech with which he prefaced the in
troduction of the present bill. 'I he noble Lord
now says—reserve being no longer necessary on
the subject—that he compromised his own- views
on the question, in the bill before thelegislature,
to conciliate some of his colleagues in the Cab
We can further add, that Lord John Russel,
in the assumed contingency of his resumption of
the reins of Government, will call to the councils
of the Sovereign such men only as will, by their
vary names, Word a guarantee to th e country
that the new Ruisell Cabinet will he thoroughly
Protestant—. Let. Lord Jnhn Russell only do this
and also concede n moderate measure of Parlia
mentary reform, :and he will yet become one of
the must popular and powerful Ministers of mo
dern times.
Trinidad is announced as Rending a host of all
that is elegant and novel. She has been alloted
1.)(X) square feet.
"a lean' the Nlcittra, which rehmtly
from the Clyde to California. a 'mall itt.eam
glue Ica, mauled near the hatchway. It le in
temletl,,te weigh the anchor. pump the chip, hoist
the tommik, mild do any other hard hauling that
nosy he required, in addition to hokting out and
No less than MO head or rut cattle were meat
Into Perthshire to the London market. during
the week ending March Ist, by a mingle railway
train They are valued nt C 20.000, and tench-ad
their destination in 2-4 hours., while tint drome
mysteni would hare taken mix week.,
Dr. Jacobi, the celebrated prafeseor et' math
ematic, at the Berlin Unieervity, terminated
long end diatinguiabed career 1,1 few days
The California fever lists got to Norway. Two
hundred and eighty five yonng men. many of them
noel to mining. have just smiles/ from Christiana
for San Francisco.
The liippopotartes has caused on increase of
i'. LCD', in the last year's receipts of the London
Zoological Society, in Regent's park.
The chip 'foam cleared out February :21ct in
Limerick fur New York, with one hundred and
eighty three ensigants.
A company of the 17th regiment leno ordered
out Of chapel Loughrea, in eonrequence of the
Hight !ter Or. Derry'q maiinadversionu upon
Lord John ILursell . s hill.
Th,• Roblin papers onnounre the death of
Sim. Xoverh Wiseman, mother of Cordiord
market Street Stare for Rent.
F OR RENT.—Tho Store, 118 MarkoCl
treet, the wood door frtnni the eorner of Sluket r: •
Awl Liberty rtreere. the Imt of Aprilen
next. l. Inquire of
DAVID UltElib.,
ILumumf tottntrAN — ddrcftlemenU Ind .I.lwriPti...
fgff tIW impur received end fliffmrdedirreolt-lf.m,
itam cCor
JIG-A. A. !duo. a Co, tall the attention of the. Ladies to
their no. Gad faehionable stock of haring thd Fthithoor
Ee Optmed.
ve IL PALMER, having completed the ir
is,. Par* &URA:Fa Co hI A ,to , , eropeo
mornlw. March Ilstb. mehlS:2t
OST.—A NOTE. drawn by Jan. Robinson.
Role county. 0. lo favor of !Yule,. A Dickson. for
Dollars. having been log, the pohlle are cautioned
esmort buying the MIDc, as pa, ment , tr i. hen;
j t } osrd.
Tensperanesville. All. to.. Pa.
New Albany and Salem Railroad.
EALED PROPOSALS will be received at
the Engin...Wirt/30w. In Illoomlnaton. on Thursday.
the 10th day of April oast. for the Grubbing. finding and
drdng of about 45 In le tf the New Albany and Salem
Reflected The line to extend* from the East Fort of
White Myer. throtmh Lawlence and Monroe vounUes, to
tlonport. in Owen county. IL/td embraces the usual varieties
of workcommon to such mails. among which are shoat
70.000 yards of rock excavation. 16.000 yards of 0111.1117
In piers mid abutment, and 2.200 Ilneal fiat of bridge toe
penttructom on the Howe and Burr plans.
The payments will he 70 per cent. In oath, and 30 per
cent. in the stock of the Cumpetty,%a e ld Monthly: a, per
cent. on each Minute. in stock. will retained to secure
the completion of the contract.
estlmatm, plans, and .peelllcatiow. M.Th. seen
whooffice. six day. prior lo the da C h ef letting. Bidder.
are not known to the intern of Compan will be
expected to furnish te.thmonlide of character. a. contra,
tors. By order of the Hoard:
exchlStwanT JA]lluo BROOKS. resit.
Straw Bonnet and Hat Warehouse,
- R H. PALMER offers for Rule, at very
ori, a full awl - Snout of Straw andvlst 111111-
/tOA - Nit.T.V—Forelgnand American lob pn and fanry
Straw, Braid, Chip, ()imp, 51111,,n, LIIM, Italy. Cantata. Leg
horn, 10.. 10.
Idn Hrrl,l lynx l'oadho'. and
, 110 ys' lepalam, (1117 ate
=.. m e . htup A irti=. PC!, '.1:111,1Ir.
31Lvave Llipavy. Jenny Lind, and otner Zama, In great vari
ety of that,. and material:
R/LIBON.O—ItIch Mahon( and Scarf, platy Satin end Tat
fvter all coking fancy °mum and Crapt. Cana
LACES—PIain and fond whit. .41 otflond Silk an ,
Cotton Netts.
FLU ll ' En.":--Vreurti and Atucriean Sprig, bunches and
veywran... rielz and novel rtylea.
BUNA ET SLL VI A .I"Lt SAT/ NS-41lace, tiro. in Na.
t;titt n ijol co M l ' o li g . nnr'n'a,
TLYS--Aasorted qualities and color..
Alen—Rich and low priced Parsec:brand Umbrellas. Band
Rose, Av.., gc_ mrhlB
. _
Wit. No. 13 , 11.1intiv Bram,
rry large end auperinr along of Fashionable Gmals,
phtel tientlemen's Wear ror Spring: nomprialug the
uerwt. lay!. lu Aropinan. Engliat and French Cued
m, • very apiendM aNiortzurnt of Pectin gs and Cloth.
or e svery faaltinnable blade and which. iNther with
I .;alV. ar tra-s n' o n ne n t o an " d LE b A e t Y •Nec Al ted
wed of the Allennenikee a alror ' w . bleb the ' Proprietor
is determined to offer at such prin. ea will convince all
who favor him with • eall, that not only the moat uperior
Clothing la wad at tale establivhment, but thin at the low.
eat Prises M the city.
All order. In the Tailoring lineesernted. sensual, In the
bon a eoalble :nanny, and at the shorteat node,
IFOrron4d to Ore rotiaraction, or Ow unary returns/
HIS FLUID is composed of pure Silver:
has Men used by house topes in Yen York for the
lu.t tier years, and Is ht.-coming a nemesary article in the
domestic economy Any person ran. in a few minutes. re
store to orialual beauty old 'dated bowls, such Castor,
.Candlsticks, Cake Bokets, Carriage and Harness Furni
ture. Military' Elimnents. de., or plate with PM , ' silver on
Braga Copp, or trertnan eller, The warrantee 6 auf
telent foe its Introduction Into rem
Prior 25 cents r. 7 bottle. A liberal diwount todeanelers
and Fancy Gumai• dealers.
For wale hy
103 Fulton xtrort, N•w York
Patent Combined Grinding and Bolting, or
Pittsburgh, Pa.. .Varr.s 14, 18,11.
TILE PUBLIC:—We have note in use.
In our Flouring Milli, twn a - .lamps M. Plarler Pn.
lent Onnhine4 Grinding and Uniting, nr Merchant Ilnar.
lag Mi 11.... On. I. lIPPIi forgrludlng Middling,. nnd thr
nthnr CC nrluding the °Rah, IV durtina tbe Clan end
Th. first Iw perfectly adapted In Its non doing the arnrlt
cell as so unilnarp burr alone, and nonuirtsis much It..
ptwern making it euutealent. In a Merchant MIII. ha nearly
uni h r: l tt .t aL r buz . atre . s...thaA r ee rott na r y 111.520 .. tn
du.. an actual profit Riout furl.r.txr:e ' rl. to th . f..attTe
of the Onit front the Mill.
For naanufacturin, the raw I^aiu Into Flour. It doe. the
work xpe,ally, prmturiroz a 4x•l artiele of supreme Flour.
and havlng the duating apparatur mmbined. It to worths
the attention of 11111 era doing. . tnerr4tit humineinr. and for
llNet Milln It I. unexcepcionable,
W 101.411711 t NOBLE.
We, the undenigneel. neerarlres in the "Pittetnlmb City
Fleurinc Mille.' certify te the ateme.
TREntercz Sons,
If il. New.,
A. J. Slerratt.s..
Grinding and Bolting, or Merchant Mill.
tA VINT; purchased the entire Patent Right
of the United Sta... for - James M. Clam's Patent
r i aldtml r irirtdlnc. .11etehent 11111 . nd now Irrlna
prepansl Csorntr and Mats. !lights. like.. the fhll
flt op for nee. 1 take tide method of.lnfermlng the gul•he
that I ant able to offer the greatest Inenntron of the
Inti one ninth Is rum u, toot with sum.., and ableh sae.
e the means of mating every person purchasing nt
and State highs..highs.. exalt. • handsome fortune This Co V ll,l l
Is pert:m.ll portable, and only oecuplet a stases! four hot
three Metre* square. when In overall*. and re eapable of
grinding sot loin. from flee to ten bushels of abr. pot
hour It ran he propelled alth fmtu an one home power up
to au, gear, ri, ,, tned. Call and la, It In operanon at
Sle.tra. IVllmaril, A hohle's en, Flouring Mille. Liberty
street. Inustargh
I. further.ll•se the rtght of James 11 Clam's , 11 , 7
AGICIIt. , E. and
the 3laehlnee Orr ads, trail[ a purrhasred
It of N. Snavely All Lettere poet rails ill he 13111.1Fr1.,
Promptly 111011 AS 11 CLARK
lINTER L-kfl.D OIL-19 1.11 .- 11 - 217 7 .1 — . L.
IVcruktinty A No 1. part reed ao-1 for •ale by
mr1.1% 1n and 22.1 Übe.,
y 10 bLdr. Plantation Sues.
btAr. J.. Alolarres. oatk curperage.,
to 3.10r0 and too raL. by
PEARL SIAM - if-50 boxes for sale by
mob 1, HARDT. JONES 100
-23 Edda No. I Winter Strain.] Lanl
101 tont Jinn/Oft Ilt.ortx
Irldr Mn.. Pork.
Rantnllarn, rhoniden. and 2 1 4.1 e, In rtnolte hour,
10 111. Nu I ylsetrerl. for .ale Inn by .
C.. 1 11.1 n.
Alta lilL--L il bbl.. No. I, ror /RllO by
ILA mrhlS _ JAS. DAIr/1:. Water rt.
T o.ldols. for sale by
/I • uteltl% JAS. DALZELL,I3B Wart,. Id
, •
Ou dn. C
Fire sgg uO Steel
4"Rick ..Fur Jule try A. IrILKINS W.. mrhl: r.rwr Third sad Mall. a.
Fresh Assortnient of Spring Ooods.
II11143:11AS PAL3IER la daily rfveiving
I Cram the Easton. Mit, at the old stand.
- • ,
Between Third and Fourth streets, l'utsltryh,
Large neer...ions to ha ',recent Murk, of the most beautiful'
PAPER HANGINGS that have appeared In th 4 market
for • lons period. The patter. are entirely ba, the
csyles peculiarly chaste, and 010 colors. lu point of dura
bility. uneuemosed. From 10 cents upward, the pace..
range. To this attractive [0( 01 good, of which a loom ay.
the Judgment ran be formed by richt than dcarrirtion.
the atuntion ol merchant. and bow. keepers tore.pect.
fully Invited.
br IV 01. Tharkeray. Prim. 12 , e.
'he Harriet Wo[kiland., by FrauleForrester.
Dictionary of Ilechaoln. No. 24. •
Received at 1101.11 E S. Literary Depot,
narlil7 Third rb. otnAAlte the Poet GIB,
chador'. 1..,,dy . c11,,0k, for April;
Graham's Ilapaslue to'
Pertain'. do. do: For sale at
1101.11F4 4. Literary Depot.
otchlT Third oPtacdtv ten Pont tar.
LEAD PlPE—CornelPs improved patent
Lead Pine Rd. Hydrants,
A TlVl ' gu t' fic Rama,
• elpterno,,a,
All Aso* on band and to arrive for pale br
mchlTlf 134 Trent street..
Bop' Wear.
°uweala rmament of the abom goal& nanytm to wining
ear. conag of plaid and plain Caa.druerm, light mixt
do- Tweed, Merino Cap lump, and Jelin., wont , dgood.
Of varbaux kind, all at lowest prima. • meta;
CAS.—MrarIit it !WICHITA. Invite the attention of
pereona w et anting Mourning GOWN 4 t tir eacortment of
Ilmahasin, Bombazine tlntahmi Al Mona de Lain,
Barer, lc. mehl7
-25 hhd.. N. 0. Sugar;
100 hide. N. o.3lolaamc
40 bagn. 19
1. 2 bi t e. I malt Roll nutter.
, - Tiftwanb. Dried Applet
30 bide. Clover t l / 4 .ect
Timothy Segal: In atom and for pale
Liberty .tenet.
R OLL BUTTER--5 bbls. for sale t,y •
alchn s. a W. mtallAuww.
Flnf and 110 !howl et
14V S—
ATIIERI6OO lbs. prime, for sale by
tnetll7 < W. lIARBAUOII.-
E_ uus4 bble. reo'd and fOr Rale by
nwhlT 8.1 W. lIAMIAUWW.
5 casks Bacon Shoulders;
I 0 Lard No. 1:
Urcass Lank
10 bags FosNut.
- ond 1 Dbl. F1ax,...1.
Ista•k Beesax;
40 sacks Veatlenc
10 ""
4 " Ult a ornat
132 " Dried P ,
32 " Apples:
U bales Cotton; no. landlna front dr Slap
flower: fur salt; by 10,01.111 DICkF.Y t CO.,
• Front and Water NO.
1 WEE? POTATOES--60 bbls. now landing
nottiffret.lirCKET Co..
tochlT (Unto. and From sts.
tTTON-9U Niles to arrive par sir. Gene
vs, =al for nde by
ivy s'n Mthufseturn of the best brands. fur tale lon by
• ip ASON'S BLACKING-25 gro. for sale
br mehth J. KIDD t CD., al Wood st.
New Books! New Books!
nicura Lord Itutteed; edited Ly hie by
bred Itottwed.
Jou. Buonie , PiuMeerni Und Ativeridly; by Catharine
Sinclair. o r of &Irani Orahann .
Muer," On
Moorland Cottage; br the author of Mary Mulct.
Th. echolar. the Olpmey, the Prieet by UM
MOW", author of the' it Spain. and the liiplea
Nol. bt ilildreth's ilia ry or the Molted Statea—vevorld
The above work,. Jun Aland for pole by
C. bTOCKTO Bootteller and &snarler.
mohls corpertlarketasol MAI su.
• whom of the Leer of Lend Office Tithe b Penn
sylrante; by Joel Janet: reed end Ibr Fabby
orealS tin 47 M
, IL C. TOCKarketTON.
New Books! New Books!
. .
Ktreet, oppaatii the root Mina ..
Seaw o ozi i,gi..
Vallierr7 Dom..
Ctioeuela azni-1 vol.. lo 1. Prim har. ,
L.e.a.r. the se the Ohoieti Ore ""t•
a nela.en's Nork b Alex. Own.
Reverie. of ea lialti!or Mots to li ` ouror 31ra loteriti
n5 4 . 41=.• • ion also be hail of P. a..IIaNAMAR &Ai
leahany. oichla
Webster's nabridged Dictionary.
Satoe w 55.50
Ork boom! 11 WS: %l l fte;o7i=l tark P anci
''''.. 67 • l rr:u" - PPll`Tr%.above work reed bv
.1 , "rued. .morbina. In
ATboni Cblp, Queen's Own.
M bite au] Yellow Lyre, Star and Tulip.
31111 an Chip. . ' Jenny Lynd and Satin.
Enelieh Chip. c Maud Straw and Satin.
Fine Straw and Miettiond, Pearl and Loop Satin.
Florence CrimPed. American Lano.
English Pearl. illonvirian Mined.
Albone. Flu.] Manilla
Split Straw, pllk
U'l and al Market et.
is received and ~
ran, the follow lug
IIiLACK DRESS SILKS. , —Jlist ree'd • per
E.rym.--moperior black Lulstting Bilks.
100-I P OO piece. *bile. black, sod faro ye colored CM.
1 RISII LlNEkiS.—lteceived shim morninr
another lot rowurted atadra 110.0 Linen...
inchlS A. A. MASON A CO.
VOR SALE—„O dozen lima Black Ink:
w t ° Crd i . . " V;11., 11 7.t
ante Certif.-441c a large Tennennee ' Llart. and r`ooa ,
Maur, a atruoll oupply of School Book; Writing and Letter
Pod` , 1 101110 and Wotan, 10 dos Leal Penelbr. tnt
Coat. l'ect. and-Pantaloon Moll, 50 of the limed Fire •1
Plttolorraln and o few other articles for Fah , cheap fur nod ,
ntehlnfrta, Conunbolon Meretrank Fifth In.
SITEET UI 3511 gall. for male by
turbid J. KIM/ A CO:
POTASH -7 (prime) for sole by 1. KIDD t b..
A JE— r ! eiers for 1 v
rOl5 lxL:d O.
YITTSBURUIiL GLUE—:dO ( boot) for
.ale, mehls J KIDD A 3.13.
QUGA-It CURIO tierces
FkJJ arid'. nelebratedn. C. liana, on hand and for oole hl
coelolt. WALLlNtllnnth a CO.
- WANTED-- "laces and employment for
v , wornal good o.k krePetw.sehool nuatero. • miller.
reroral warelantoe no 0. todeonton. and nice young nun 01
.101.11. Ron. with ou oxperienee In hardwan, Or aunt',
and anowry 0.n.0. rend rood traNer.r• c pplulmrot cal an hod eur
fur • umber of bar. ll o k ill . .n ."' w l . P 130117 :
keepers. rho. a, rook,. aratontranw. CO MI dry
nurww. and women ,d girl, for all murk, provided on .1..
plying at ISAAC .ILAKItt.S .
tarhl.nZt. Ago y and Intelligence Oen, Fifth ot.
%_.• Parlor Cbantbncriand Bracket, urine latest otylow.
ohoo. two and ono lig t Ornamentid Pendent,. al,notorn
P ries , W. W. WILSON.
nrelil3 norm, of Fourth and Markot oto.
kJ , 0 nme , n , t . .a i l i and • , J , n . S . um7 . lw
, Latrt ,. 4%fu1 . 2 , n ... reb . ...
tositrerro of Center Table, noon! and ;lady I•' .1l
of the unriralled manufarturer of Cornell
us a Cu. and at
....tern oleo.. ntellls 0. 0. WILSON.
c uyVklfikED--4 bids. for slain
rrtela . l4 WICK t MeCANDLK
BUTTER --6 bbl. prime Roll, for sale by
awidt - WICK .k 31rCArrIlLESS.
LARll—l4 . kegv No. 1, for sale by
IVI OLASSES-400 bbl.. N. 0., oak...cooper
.o J. Nre. fur NOP br walla J. a IL FLoTD.
L.11211—'20 kegn No. 1, for sale by
[octal J. a IL FLOYD.
POTANII-10 casks, warranted pure, for
pale b, 1.4114 J. a IL FLOYD.
{, EGAIIS-1.50,04.10 Com. Ohio, for sale by
17 melll.l J.. It- MAD.
BROOMS -200 doz. Corn, (lir sale by
1nr61.4 J. k It. Fllltn.
/ lIIESTNUTS-30 1;u. for sale by •
1 i mchl4 .1. 0 R. PLOY!,
TIMOTHY SEED-511 Lo. for sale by
tnchll J. k R. FJAAD.
[;'LOCI-100 tibia. superfine:for sale by
mrlll.l J. k 11. FLOYD'
T 0. SUGAR-100 Mids. for sale by
mchll4 1101V1er . o.
AIM OlL—to 1,111. No. 1. on hand and
ff.r Rale by WALLINGFOItp t CO.
mehs VR %Water tar,
1 7 001, W .I NT F.D--Tho liiFhest market
prin.. In ra.h. will be midi.. the iillTerrot grwliw
of n Inchlt S. t W:11ARTIAL1111.
OTICE.--411 persons having claims
• sainst the nts.arner 2913 , 11rYLKILL, will pies" pre..
twnt the s =
to the autiwrriber, for nettlement Immediately.
w. the hwat ha. 1ia,..71111tn tither hand,
ntehll . IVALLINGFORDiz CO_ IS Wetter rt.
FOR SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
trod *tortc. Danker rittAtarith, astd . Exchabt, Mutt:
at,bla IL U. KING. Fourth at.
li I CLASSES--.'o) bbls. for sale . by
..1 1 twilit BURBRIDGE A INItyKAM
1 11 1 (ml:h1:" ti l r'e' f f ili r na m r.l ' DO ' %la INGILRAM.
.. _
LOAF SEGAR- 2 00 bblx. ass'd Nos., for
sale by rnrlll.l lICRIIIIIDGE a ING ROAM.
.IRANGES.-100 bore!, just received and
orchid . 110 Water atre.t.
turbid GS r st.
Iti ACE lEREI-•—.,"" table. No. 3:
i.i.rale I,
rttehl.l JAMES DALZELL, CA Water .1..
111 KIE I) PEACHES-31 1 0 bu. for hale h
A mchla S. a IV. lIARBACGIL
QOLE LEATHER-250 Sides for sale by
L uschu F. 0 W. tikillnAnat.
{„,IODA ASII-20 casks Kurtz's brand. for
sale by meht4 S. a W.II A BRAVGII.
I iRIED APPLES—ISO bu. prime, for sale
II JP by mehl4 K. a IL. 11,11tHatli 11.
L'LAX SEED 0 - IL-2501 gals. for sale by
1: tot-blt S. a IV lIAREAUGII.
'VA 1.1.01 r --30 bids. prime, for sale by
I aaad4 a. a W. GARDA hill.
WI N DOW GLASS—BuII bores Window
v 0h...., evoinr4.l Mu, arid rariutt. brand.. r ,..,,, t . 51 1
fur `ale I., tarhl4 e. a It GARDAEGG.
Co-Partnership. -
ItEDWARDS a 4 CO. have as'soeiated with
a them. In the mantaactoritti bttsiber.. Mr. D A
hlti. The lu:tint-as sill b. • conducted uoider the firm
of ' EDWARDS, 001101$ a CO
I. 4 EXCELSIOR WORES.—Eowaans, M on .
PArTa:llTi .rrTtigrj r. r .:11 1 .5 1 ai.47.11 1 .n 1 . 77. ' 4:
isa , . r. v. A f f .. ii .t... Water stareL Illbibur g h.V.a.
To Contractara.
ItOPOSALS will he received at the of
fir, of It O. 13ROWN, IJl•ertyntrovt. Cat.ahurgh.uw.
tali Inn., for all flr birndlov nod Ila,unr3 on the.
lirft 5 colleao.f the Temperan.....lll.• mod Nob Ilan).
14.1 to.. for thy Ilraillne and ) Ilunr Drawl)
Otto.. 10 Col. %I In. .41 thr I 1 aphingu.a
Tampa.... At,... for s Ilri,t.r ovrr Charlit.r'o Cool, zwar
the N‘Adastawn Road !Irmo, )1 II Ilkl/WN,
mehlaXt It ,Itlvot,
Pennarlva.nla Rallmnd C.warany /ff. now v. - , Ing
n In l'hiladr•lplaa for t.O trlds
tnehl3 SIeVADEN
YIELD invite the attentlon of lila to µMe lIYIV
brautlful nylrfruf Light and braD Clklnt.f.....,iPtt
Theyy hay.. Mao ni.on morning'. an 1 , 41;11 , 1.1
1~ 1 1 0f
AREGI: LAINES. Light and park,
In , ludinc fvw TIT) . beautiful Ffrneh. and w4 Par, chlldrro. lord and Polling low by
1111 E BANKERS', and Hunt's 3lercthants'
Magazine*, for )latch . Ilea, and cheap
on or Colonel. by 600. Vand: ter stle et 110L111{.?
Drn , . Third santsats the Post Otter.
13R0011S— , 100 doz. Corn, medium;
me 111, 3 J. D. IfiLtxtliVirl'a.aT
WASH BOARDS-420 doz. Zinc, for male
by tschl.l J. D. WILLIAMS a co
-VENISON lIA3IS-93 for sole by
lenry !kutr.
hosro 1....kri1l CandiNs Mr sale by
nwhl3 .1. D. WILLIASIS .k CO.
Female Seminary.
%IRS. R. W. POINDEXTER protomes to
g?tig:',7tL E '•
C..rocnou. 011.1ihrny Lik,: t. un ' the Ftrkt Moo-
"itr Lourae of I npl.ruellno will min prim. the tonal branch.
re In 1.11.• EngIDA Department.
IltrtatyrTm—Kev..lame., Rugger, D. D.
hr. ?hop. F. Dale.
Her.P. Sw
E.. Pill.D.D.
CPURSE OF m'srkrt-riok. Alt ,p heny Clli.
. _
• . .
Jr,,,, D,..r•an.e.”—ty,hy, 11-etory. .... Writtn^ Artt.b.
melle. ae.
&matt DEPAIMIL3T—First Diritirat—tiatoral and Mental
Phthm.phy. Chend•try. Ithetdrie, Ar_, Jte.
. i i h r , , , lai t t . , : c r:firdri T, W t
h i I: elek ,... b . rade the usual et ady,
i eh Landuage.
Junior D.Tart.^.L 5,1,00 pen quarter.
:Hula, ITT. Dirleinn
Inetructinn .Mll .0C 10 00
IHIEL APPLES-81 sackn fur sale by
mobil WICK & bIeCA:WDLEDS.
DEAUTY.—It in universally conceded that
beauty Is morn common in this country than in any
er, while at the same thine It Is saki that In no other
country is It teat at ~ y oung.n age. Now this Is true th •
nertaln extent. but the Ims la often mooed by neglect. We
oar to all, do not netthet your pervonal aprearance. but
need the fallowing, kod mu need nnt lark steal.,lookii.—
The. articles are triennia" preparations, and have all et.
taitmd high popularity.
Jules Hanel it Permian or Chine. Powder, for Imparting
to the most billions complexion • radiant whiteness. Its
nothing should a peeve t more rareful than the Inn of a
powder for the akin. as many of the.. .41 an: very_ buin+
;;;; aN ' co C ti= I twwd n ' wt=rirtVg eau " ;:oZtry le=
au injury.
Julex Hanel, Depilatory Powder, for minoring surerff.
oualiair. Whet is more unsightly than hair loon therm.,
titoms of a lady. This ankle will remove It Ina short
me. without the nil or any sharp hurtroment
JOhni limier. Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye will Instant.
musty impart t auburnhite. or gear lode. • beautifully
black, brown, orcolor. It will color the hair in •
shorter time, and more effectually than any other dye, ha.
to at the amt time Indellible.
4olee Hauer. littaring Cream.— non reallr ®nouns to
shave with this muck There of the ere
elganienced in the we et innm On
ths nontraty, It leaves the stun ammth and at main.
hove, and not liable to became chapped.
Jul. lianas Ikea Tooth thute.-- - Next to the halr. Ire
think the Teeth wen Intended as the greatest ornament to
the human fine: but when negketed, matting Is on dionnot.
rm.or so ottickly seen. 111 Iloonjouth NA. 'du woart
y m tb.p,...1 7 whiteness, et the nine time keeping
the rum firm and healthy.
JULty lIAUEL, Perfam.r and Chemist,
la/11.mnd at-, Philo.
For male nholemde and mall, Dr R. A. Vehnestnek &
R. L. Bellers, Pittsburgh. ILU J. tdo•hot, .1= 1 . 7
-1.7.0n...-e,,,,0r for Vend—This loccanparablY Putn
hcautilt/I ankle Is exceedincly healthy. delicion.;
ernootokaL Puddings. Cakes, Co.tards. t r. .
N. direction. amolnuolin¢ esah park,. will be tom
too, excellent Prin. packap.. cents.
Fur nail bY mall:: R. E. S woad st.
A R., of xuperinr
nicisl2 t:no...n. and Tea Dewier,
OI: PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherries
•d Plum, hut up hi their own prow - king the
encinal ttanor of and font. A 1. , .-I , par'smiebntled
Shad and Slant Icinglas. sin, French liebotluc. for Jellies.
Bone , &r.. for .nie
niebl WM. A. !il/./.1.1: RA: a CO.. 2L6 Liberty cs.
QUNDRIES—I ens,. Gum Shelac;
I bl.l. Sver San:
ChummTart d an
I hale lArrr Bottle Cork,.
1.1 5 u tin. 110: in.t remind
cud Sc o sale by 5 . . IVlCliElt. , [l.l3l,
ioebl2er Wool and Sixth sta.
BOOK KEEPER, enrci who can come well
menendedanin hear of • situation. A liberal sal
• err will be girco to pp toznyntont perno—hone other need
pill,. Cur nderetekas ill be mulled. Address (mat
pall) Yin Box. Nu. 113.5. ' .. n hji r et
1111 Inchll '
k oh m s ec .. t fo x r m imi rss e .
tnehll S-64 toleka for
i" tale y
i/Cli l S_I3IrtANDLFA
ir4ORS--;; bluls. for sale bv,
I =all IVleti. ).Ic.CLNDLEaa. ,
IITIIEAT-23 411 s. for,gale
V mrial 1 . IVACK a 310....LNDLEM.
VITINDOir (.ILASS-2,30. 0 boxes, embra
ALE-300 Whole and !If. Bblo.
in .tone, eitiarenstant arrisals from the OrteretT ,
narranbel tirot quality, for sale by
/1011EatTSOli ItFPPERT.
`` l CRAW IV-RAPPING—From the :Virginia
t 3 Mills. ron..tant ly in store and Inc pale at manufactte
m prim ll a by HOMATSON ILEPPEEIT.
RIFLES-15 gross (warranted)
I...7 , r c„ g f re and for sale by
D EANS Nn. Dt Water ae
.d: CORN
-5 hble. White Been,
100 15 . ..5bei1:41 Corrn * for rale by
.4111 T. WOODS A S4IN. GI Water
} } { "!: l :b l e N „ . li G u bit I!l ' l ß lx. l S '\ b7lll N l2 v ( il I e PAPER
-tar bit IV. I'. MARSHALL.
ALL , PAPElt—Priees reduced at the
v Fauteria raper, Woril at
linßE BOARD PRINTS—For sale by
mein II • W. P. lIARAIIALL.
13...1111 W. P. lIMDHIALL.
B casks ree
ohII :Tdsenlfn
RTII ab,:w.
FLOUR -100 bbls. reed and f 4 sale by
J. 0. DILWORTH & en.
OLLIIITTER—IO Ilbls. for sale by
mrltll J. S. DILWORTH a Co.
Two Hundred Carriages at Auction.
Fitt], Semi-Annual Trade Sale at Philadelphial
Te HIS SALE sill- take place 0n,45711*
W EDN. 1 , , :MU, day the :M day of 3hurin, at
t:IILVESE AfC,Alf.lf. and will exn.l nther4 its ex.
tent. The rullection will embrace at leant tan hundred-
Carrlama. a portion of which will he sprotal.tatid. of a Imo
tenor make and in t. , nd emit,. The Ton Work. Imoott of
bleb will be warm:a...ld alit he from maker" of
1 J. u imohe Ah,. .noo n-.
o k t , a
-lagler C._ th h.lamak t y Js s
II 3leiekso Dnap.,
It will he coital Ito all reearda etYle. huialhaald
durability to ear lun:le Oa. euatomere or to order.
as - I'urelita,a from • •Itatanea are informed thattbe rale .
trill padarwly ha,. ',alt . / on the shave dar, without retard
to the • eatitar. AI.FILEII.II. IaItKNESS.
tricha,t Auctlouorr.
Hosiery, Gloves, Nitta, &c.
drnV ;Ile, 11,21,=.;
Nonkin rolorod Cotton dn.: untotrarlod Cotton Log end
IN( doi Wad: and white Ppon eel, do.
tilt, end Linle GUM, ;
Common mol fop Mohair ,Cod SI MM . &
Cotton awl Vert. o , lllrtn InLto.n' do_ deb end all
el lourKt Psis, at North maws of Fourth and
sbuko mrhlo
IUM OPIUM-1 ease for sale by
`lf ..I.llu J. KIDD & Krol l.
61COTC11 SNUFF-501/ lbs. (Garrett's) for
gal,. by J. KIDD I OE
DRIED PEACIIRS-200 bu. for rale by'
mchth ' 00.111:01, P. SHRIVED.
NUTS-3 . o ,m eg i, fr si salievby_Eit.
g REEN APPLES-INI bbl. for sale by
ir 1 lIESTNUTS.--20 h 1. for sale by
onrblo SAMUEL I'. SaItIVETt.
OLL BUTTER—PI WI. prime just recd
JA, mt.! for I.y SAMUEL P. SHRIVED.
VIE eTsrclrt, by
‘1 HO hu. for sale low to close eon
.!rntnret. by S.I3II:EL SHAITER.
RICE—'UO (fresh) for sale 'be
ix • inehlu ; P. rtiIRTVER.
11771 CNDRIES.,---
PM%2T;,'}: _ •
ri Ta,
Prime Nerhannnelt Potatmn
hu•IL Par Corn: •
.21.0 thort,
hat - at,
hrie.l Apple" for We by
• Prod nor heavy.. and CominiarJon Merchant,
mehln No. LI Water street.
OLL BUTTER-3 bbl. just reed and for
incblo Baba at. '
AR!) OIL-26 bbl. No. g. just reed and
A for °
anle lon by WALLINGFORD CO.
LCOIIOL--15 bbl. for Sale by
memo J. EIDD A CO_ 60 Wont K.
HESIPSEED---15 bbl. for sale by
001110 J. KIDD'," C 0... lil Wculst.
VOTICE.—The steamer ASIA, in July last,
tin".PVlT.'plehara74: . L I •
her....r that if the roldTbn.rna and al
rethouted . h. the 3th till. they will tozlittt e tztitaaile
to pay fremfit and charge.,
ntcb l,
1 . 11001ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third
10',.`17.:,;1117,4,1';_PV)s.ITr.;7—the Prleat—loy
aut . h.r or the - Bible in Syain
Hay sera 1100 '
0 !.1. 1 h 1 5. for Monli. Olackn'onl. fur .
A T op lHetoni cu N l l nfr o m n ef,or M a a h inc. No it The Culttrator.
Dictionary of Mrchardr,, No. 21.
enticing In tho fat liar. by C. J. Pet , ri , on—romplete.
Hintory or Pomloonig Thnekarey—roninlrh,
HennSmeaton; a Jacobite Flory - of [lief:elan of George
1. By (i. P. 11. Jame,. tcaehS
5 GROSS Rushton, Clarke s Co.'s genuine
Cral Liver OIL fu. ode 'by J. KIDD
nicht° fu It akl FL
EARLS—I 4 casks (first Hurl.) for sale by
FEATIIERS-8 sacks (prime) for sale by
TAR -7s bbl. (N. C.) fur sale by
' t 101) LIVER 011 e — Warranted pure, oil
assoest. IthAton. Clarke k in Inttlea;for rale
rnetto corner Fleet sal Wood pt..
riIURN ED PILL BOXES—Assorted sizes,
.liis role by It. A. FAUN ESTOCK K INI.
portc4. for
I A(..TlL:CAllll.l:ll—English imported,
_Ea Mir by rnehti B. A. imixr.srbca 4 co.
PUTIL'Y—,-Inss,bladders, iissorted sized
mooe by
11. A. VA FINF.STOCK A co.
- I'4 l WEN'S PLASTERS—Large and small,
tor Rale by B. A. rsustsrom: a Co.
sorbs ronwr First and Wutal
IDES-101 DRY 111 DES received and
it 1 , ..r rale by our 5 S. AW. HARBAUOIL
piiATIIEI2I3-60 sacks Feather's received
end for cale. by mar ' l . S. AW. DAIWA Ulill.
Dolt, BuTTER-5 Barrels reed per S. B,
Tui.earo ra mar. H,, an.l for gab. by
I:4A I tD-20 11)4) kgs. No. 1 Lard in
noes and for Nils tee
EGGS-mot bhl.
for sale by
11" M. 11. JOHNSTON.
lAD D - ---17 kegs in store and tor sale by
nich% 10 NI. 11. JOHNSTON.
REik AI i PLES-45 fur safe Ly
mehc WM. 11. J01110 , 7 , N.
RY II'PLES---50 hu. For sale. by
14 11,1 NUTiI--17 144. for Rale" by
moh, WM. 11. JOIINSTON.
0 1 // 0 Li:AE ftir sttle
Mohr WM. 11..1 1 /11NSION.
`VITA TC 11 S . .1 E V.
• IVARE. Tr, Wan.. Briton:tin Ton SAM.I...t Silver
111n4..1 enol Butter Kok., 'ln/de I :utlery.
Olue4 ounlithm Lmnto a nit d•mor 1 1. 111 . 1 611 '
Churehlm. 11..,t., 11,11, nod Ihre!lingN Gas Chan
daliem. Can I . l rookom.ths.l.l.xturr, Military I of all
kindle Gold Peso: ant ICa a Cutter.' Ommmod.,
0-13 - WI.II. :11)- tier 1. omlor:I. Mori:, In &no 4 en,.
trmaen •01 lid mo In Om roar of 1.1.• /d.tre. ler:franc* In
frrnw.l 'kith a larg,r fork nI the afore good,. and :Wan
ton:al Cu ly Inn prim,.
rovelrin,7 .hop on thr neoond .tort',
melt rornor fourth and Mark.; it,.
hl . ll ' /•roc •tor plonkl ' Vork, which I, tondo of the
h r .., Loom Lound the nowt rulwthoUal auto
oer, with thr pa, moo berwl Lowolifol type. Al who
would rOtlnlit thrir intryen...lll plea. call mad ex
amine ply •oocl., whidi will Le offrnol ot the lowest etish
R. C. sTocKyox,
No. F 7 Market ot.
I_ TR/N.—Will Le o.weieral. Ly Ono eenal trriwalr. •
how and rholcw a...orb:tient of Fretch and Kuters. PARER
HANGINGS. to cold,Looluk. Log net and plain Plater.,
toortLir with • larzw lot of obese Satin and Common Ca AVALitlIt MARSIIALL,
ch 7
tjAPETY FUSE-150,000 feet Bacon, Birk
lord et Co.'. make, wartarartl. fro mile hy
J. I+. DIM% Wall A Co.
OIL CLOTH-10,000 ystrii fl oor Oil Cloth,
hvavi and Mediate. front .4 to 11 iarde wlde. ‘4' the
bewelt p.m. whlett w ill le , e,id a, low at trlaleralk Ito.
emtern mate, and retail lower than am oth , r house Inkhv
dry. I% e Inrltk the attention at hurdle... n loth@ above
slack, at ohs ware mien, he. 7 aal 0 AV, ekt et.
. 1-1,, F 1 = 47 m 7 1 , ::; , : . •,4z 1 .;TA7t11!",..
article, for .ale wholesale ar. low ar 'eastern
cartel' ./ ..t 11. I 1,1.11 q ,. 7 and 9 %Vender
Factory-2AM id, 4 and 5 qr. limn 0114Noth.nbolc
ace and 4, at No. 7 wag 9 Wcott at,
AM THE prnatrus. OF DAREIIM.
oion at 41711X.EVM Lean"
Young Men's Mercantile Library hood
I: I ma Lae been eneetenti. by the aboee Institute, to ele-
Meer tofu member, and the cats,. of Ilttetnergh gener
ally. • eerie. of Lectlares eerfletely e , rerore.l. andyme,
L'AZotingsubeete. •
e o n 's , oil] menpriee Sin leeetnree on Statement, or
Lat. enthroning the following, topers
1. Introductory: Laws or erect-,
tt. Mamma
3. Kona.,
L Porta
The Lectures will be given on Tonerll7i. Th etralaya and
I , atunlays: starrewirely. et the ..V.£ll CITE LECTCHN
yBOOM. 0:10. toot Of LAI,TCTIN licntatto, tentratee on
otel4tlet annratt a tz on flannel as oecnint Much
Ticketa* $2.00 •
do. do. admitting gent. end PAM
Single Is. to be had at the d00r....-...—.. 50
Tickete foe members. (single or for the mune.) men be
obtained of the a labranian. or of Messes. Kerala wails.
and McKnight, Committee. .
Ticket. ha eititena, (kola nr for the coarse.) to be Pt ,
enreet at thaprinetral gook Stormer, at J. 11c1MeJacn
11. Itichardeon'a and F. 11. Eaton', noehttl
Ve.utriloquismo,Speaking Aohonoon, Life
Moving Figures, and MAGIC,
Monday, Tuutday and /Vedneddi,'.Varch 16, 14, 15.
Adomt,,,, he fatly. '23 mats. ehildrth with their limo,"
.5 than a op, nth% o'Nock—to onntunce
No pgrtywewt scrams al weather.pea: WILLI
CLOTHS--A very large as
portment of Covers, on hind ooJ fur sale at
and 9 Word strord..
. a laws Clover Soot
Timothy JJantro , d sad for rale t,
tocb7 J. N. DILWORTII W.
.14111 ELI YEACIIES-150 hu7(prime) for
JUF We b I cod.: J. t 4..
POTASH-10 max No. 1, for lkile be
J. 0. DILWORTH.* tO.
DO box.. extra 5, sad S'a
40 ratty box. extra !X panda for sale by
mete; J. S. Dll.llOlllll a CO.
tieU. KING, Banker and Exchange Bro
her. Fourth sh, deal, in Western Fentle,hittht
re - 14 ott the Enetem Cate...had melee colleeth•rts the
vest at Pre nit.. and is new my lug the highest market
prcteletnitt tea ftztele the dtaerima ailser. malt
Fr HE largest Stook of flank Books, of ev
th damna owesttiraion. In
s ell Myles of LitutinS,
Ba at n
W. S. HAVEN'S Blank Book Atom
rum, Market and &road eta.
Sterchanta aye reourated to roll and examine our 31ati•
um and Ileml Blank Work, orblobaro Rend at Bawer
priory thaq they bora ever born ould thia ' clty.
[Boat amd American copy.l• .0116
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, fur March, re
eeita ad for ale te
rvr re.11..11021E1d,..
Babe. ort , o4.the Pet i t Oil ' M.'.
11%21 E,Exchan i te r. Bank Stock, by
at onr etonefor rale-3 netting . Nett, ens of them 1.37
pude law, and tau mailer ones. They tell! he mid et
eacrilice, as Oa Genet le an asud lady olpmm, erbo
deetituto, and 'ebbee to obtain mean!, tc; . take her to her
family in the State of Indiana- 9
mcbG No.. 9 Weed At.
• „,
AllPET—ZReccired this day, by
W e-
Leech &,
Co..grunal tine, at the Carpet Warehouseuf ~ M
cli[l[lK, Nu. 7. cu.pri.lug in art the [W
inging raileUeg lirnmelt y Tapestry. Imperial Threep
Tapotry Venltinni . Plain leultigu and sopertne In
Cittitem. of .the rant mulern Ark..
OLASSES-200 bbl. N. 0., for male by
-- • - - • •
CANDLES -50 boxeu Mould;
15' .• 54551
, n ag " itorhV, tifigc b i co.
'0 bu.. rood, for solo by
S. a W. 11.1.1LBACGIL
LARD -n bbl. No. 1, in store. for sale by
toebß 5. k W-,llARBAtiall.
LINSEED OIL=IO bbl. reed, far sale by
melt , ' ROBISON. LIITLE t CO.
I, LOVEILSEED-75 lib_ for indo by
REEF APPLE S-50 bbl. (in fine order)
put reed arid for 2.21 C by
10)81SON, LITTLE & CO.
A, ao\-1 fit l y New Wagon, st.!itab"
m4r foe e MIZON: LITTLE tef).
OIL-1O bbls. fine Winter Strained,
.14 fuipale by J. KIDD CO,
mcbl • 60 Dm/ etreet..
COPPERAS -25 - bids. (in gookl ordpr) for
mrab. lr by • J. KIDD I CO- •
No. Go Wool street'
bbja4i. O. MolpsneC
b. 11.
.10 obdr. Itot
ItuDIS'ON. LCITLE rroehing for rale by
• CO.
VINEGAR-50 bbl. receivin. , for sale by
meha ROBISON. arts * co.
RIED BEEF-5 tc. S. e„ for.eale by.
MOLASSES -.-25 bbls. S. II.;
" O.; oat bble„, In
s.ore lattl to arrive, &ad far we by_
cocas 60 til Water erld Ed bloat et •
F ISH -40 bbl. prime lama No. 3 yaekerel
D RIED FRUIT-725 bu. Applea;
875 •• 'Pesetes AT gale by
rIIANNERS' 01L-72.5 bbl. for
meL5 11011ISON. LlTTlata CO.
T UBS .4 BUCKETS—T o d9z. T lt.: , cLeta b,
mas • L. S. WATELSIAN tfil.r.Vl3.
LASS—ISO boxes W. G., ased; City and
Camtry bramtp., Ibt We by
meta • 4 S. WATERMAN it SONO.
R0031,.5-,.120 doz. fancy and go - 0 corn
/Coin Drama, far rale br
=ha mon
SEEElSTLYilbl:strictly prime Clover Seed;
meta • 6 L. S. ICATiItIITS a ;Oa.
y o UTTER-2t 3 )
81 tBl Water, mud Pn3t.t
B ACON -4 entks g d zul ,
:thotTi s! lers just tree, for pal. by
met 3 - AL LINUYORD co.
ACON,--10 pc. for sale by •
mehr. WICK L-McCANDI.L.S.9.
- HICKORY NUTS-8 pkg. for sale by
rfteitS WICK 31eCANDLti:.4q.
ALERATUS-14 casks and 23 boxes pul
tyrisect, for ado. by
. • WICK t Meek:VDU:SS.
BROOMS -138 dozl (Corn) for ahlo-bi
mebs WICK 1 SIeCANDLEsq.
WRAIbvUING r;.:ms 'ORD,
VIACKEREL-138 hbL No. 3, for tale by
mas . wwKaMecANDUnt,.
p LACK — WOOD, for February, and the Art
JUI Inurnal. for January, urn for sale at.
- at. recd and foisale by
T A 21172.3 ROWAN. LITTL2 1. CO.
- - - -
XIACKEREL--:25 bbl. \o. 3, fo runicily
150 dok Deforest' sun. Corn Drromk
• 100 eldee l isp Sole Leath,
110 bkk Window Glass. tunkfte..l kiffik
keks Yyln
ttn7;lllr Be ' tft i s
With . 11 '.'"n" no
' DRIED PEACHES--550 bu. for gale b
onelts y
ROBISON, WT ix co..
• 2Z.S Mort, rt.
porAsit—ti casks (pure) for vale
g 0 RIED APPLES-71 pk for oulu by
rochs MeCAND Ek_
C ODFISII-15 drums In store, for suleby
HOPS -15 bales first- sort iVeNterriN.
in store and for kite hr.
r °r rr'd frr We by
tIiSSIA-100 matts just cared, 'for sale bY
.CKEREL--No. I in tr. fr gaff, by
. DICKEY . * C..
LARD --15 brie No. lin store and fur sale
Watcr From Ma.
POTATOES--lbbit..prifne.Neshann ock .
reb., _V . or pale by:
tc:_a r .e . r l d CiolB trlgN4n.
(.1 C. HAMS—Eranm.t-S-1i
- vrt4 - 3 - : aWI ow
iiZ: d ia ' l bn - itY" -'ant c °" 4
Dr dray. nal Tea Dcalin
_ •
feb27 HUEY. starclims E. co.
Cum, 2"rq.'11."17. gccirto CO
cc 6r Lera d
it CO.
C r :T . 3 t
./ C i
DROCIrb3I2-106 Jul.!
r ecemed by
s tco.
d'"iiiiiEL-tol bags prime Rio, fo sale
eiATAWIGRAPE V131,%f.0R §rti.
u r n ;10. c, ti b " " Til
MiRLED PEACISIL3—'4OO nu. m Rtoro c Land
Ay tor plile.b7 RUM, MATTEII.IrB C
77 aard 7t. Water st.
ONEY--1 .bbl. superior Struined—tioley,
h. acr e and for we