ESTABLISHED IN 786 ITTSBURGH GAZET . PBBLASLIEDB WEEKLY. BY WHITE & CO. [cum. nslcn MEE orna ON sicco Lrverr. Sfis roua TO TIIa POl7 O a DAILY—Fovon pr annual, payable half y IT Eir JA rod In whence. • WEEK.AI'—Twod ILO. pi, annum. In advance, tow Illh onyojoA on 11. fllow:an conifitiotion— Ten rank.. do _ . Twills Andra •I•• -...-..- ....... -,, Tba mali,o tor kiwi; Club to bo adilromed to on.. Damn; and Vila. pall in ndaanx. Ain Club lop will be aunt altar tie, year unUas the =nay Is aelit • kenows/ RATES OE ADVER.TISING cm. solo.," t !Mee of Nonpareil or Meet) t.• on. inwrt, 0 30 - • each MillitonoSituvertioa. 023 the two molts Do tour mouth! .... _ 10 00 .. On 17 0) mouth, ...- Standing (Sala fl• linos or le .s. der annum -SS 00 O. Dollar fur each add Mona' hue °"' ;Ym ' p r :lf l iniZT7h " .• 11.1iTr'55 (par 00. 22, 00 For melt amt., inverted over one month. 'ter each aililltarnal 1und . t....1 tinder Om y girly ludf to Advertitennente exceeding a sitter...and not Orel 0 iv Ones, to be charged a rot., and half. Ftlblishers rot ar....untable for legal advertisement, Fond the amount ohs rgol for their publieetkut Antiontoing model... for othre, to be har..' the out Ober advertlsentents Advertleemeno not marked on the eopy for a • .Or tintutre ortoo rilant will be continued tlll fortdd.amt 11.nt mailed aenordintly. The Dried.o• of annual advertiwri 1, alertly Omt t their own immedhte business: mutall advertisement. fu the benefit of other perraohnewell.all ailvertawments immediately conneetid with their own busime. and al claw* of advertisement., In tenet. or otherwise. hey • • the limits enga,trl, sill lee ehargohat the nosh rate. o all _inch transient .Irertimireg, hill. will Do peps= rendered. and ',moot nt I.deiLlreal All advertisements f et...ratable tre Mies. ward. township, h et other pub. meeting. tmeh bike , be eharged blf Pro, twValde Ark dr in ad Alartiage nob,. to Is - wit h out .S 0 mat. D. 1.4 nollees ineeeted without shame, anises arrompe WWI by funeral Int 'fano.,, or obituary notice., and w loaceniejeade,l to be poke I er Fecgol . wivtrtls... n I all others ...WM= rvlDMilv 0 0.04 or ...Ninon designed to gall attention P.m Sciree. Ceorerts. en, public entrstainme to - - -, Where charge. are noels for admittanee , --ell non.. of 0005 ansortations—every node designed to mil ettentio t private enterprise. or ...tended to prompt., I i Tidosl intereeL mu only Le. Irtwebd with the uncle mated at the surco. Is to De twhl far. will ntended to be hoe rateln the local erbium. the name be dimmed at he rate of not leas than 10 emits per line glehop or lir . holind to he ch.... 1 triple price. Real Ueenla Setitmo. 1 , 7 eaeh Real Mate Agents' owl Auchoneers' advertisement, ot to be elawed wader Ttartyy rat.. but to be allowed a is count of thirty three and our third te.r nut. Rom [he anteing of IOW. • en THI-Vr[C6ir 13/LIIT P.PIM-9. One 4Oarr, tbrod 41 GO . Do. each additional itute - rtion ATTZPVIISOLENTSIN VE'LLELT PAM. Sqll2re ear ls 3. nue rents.. Do. ear l•lftionnl in.tertion....-.V. nada. AD tranaient.advertitratonts to bo void in advance. BUSINESS CARDS ALDERMAN. - • 01.11 i. A. PARKINSON; Alderman, Fi ffd-a'grif;,:=l:Tir ATTORKEYS. W. F. WHITE, Attorney at Law 0.1, - ; IS. nn Grint greet, iwar rourtb. in Arthur.' L. illtrburgh. uarbS:l,-, P. & G..L. 11. FETTERMAN, Atto 11 • Ml>uand4k-al Emit... Agent, No. W 7 4 street l'ittrbur,h. • 6.1a0 I TAMES J. - 1(11 N, Attorney at Law, oThe , , In Tiluhutin aril... of of Grunt ottort and Dinuto.. • rr,/.ittrburrir Aas.ny ik I LI. o ff s COLLIER, Attorney-at Law, o • burrir'a Iluileiuu. Fourth A. Mane Fraillfmlil r ) In iralrlrfl l 4.lggr. Tn . t t ' lle th ; ' ” - L '"'" ll " . ° 4? ' ,l ' : Wrorr eouur.,, unruf thr department, Ira"' JAME'S F. KERR, Attorney at Law-015c1 on 41.11 4.. bovewn ScnitliCcld raa tiranL PittAnn.Rll VRANCIS C. FLA NEG Attorn ay at La •• • Iva 142 !Anent et.reet, Pitnburgb. OWE & 'WATSON, 'Attorneys at La • No. lU, renrib etwet, Pitteburnh. 11[01..—AFEZarnier & Itar, Joint Enyder, Eat: .1,, wanl.ol2. & 014 Wm_ B. Peen-, John Dianna. Al t-Ink Geo. W. Jean., PinAttrAb. janl:ly gi DWARD P. JONES, Attorney at La °Eke rroomyttAneb between Woad and Smi • ; • J ASPER. E. BRADY, Attorney at .Law No. R 2 Fifth etrver, %YM.U. 11. xtlS2Ax.t WILLIAMS &; 'CO., Bank. tri Nor. Tart comer of Wood All trAnmetlow arnitv.ral. terms, And collettlams proginglr attendnl to. _ /2.9:17 D. KLKGl3.ll4iker and Exchange Broker, Fourth th.u47 baltank Not, Bills of Ex. age ,Oold and Ether. Stook, bought end wad. The bland megkot grim paid In plum for &merle. Half Dollars, and Eegltan tr.nd lipettith• nu . funds. .24 LARISIER, JR_ Banker and Broker. W4th street.\n.Gtl, a:joining thu Bank of lith.buroh. EVILKINS CO, Exchange Brokers. g South East Comer or Third end Market glee.. AU cue at moat llherel rate, NHOLMES & SOY, Dealers in Foreign • and Potquelle hills of Exclaunge , .CertMenlas of De melte. Bang, Nolen sod Oyer+, N 5. co Mute' street, MUT h-ZIIM-Cull.rtiono mule on all the principal cities throughout the United Entre.. • GEORGE E. ARNOL CO., Bankers: Dealers n e xteliance. Coln. Rank Note, an. No. 74 Poorth Meet, door to the Rank of Pittabount. Col- I ectkos carrion, - attended to, end the proceeds remitted to .n 1 part of the Dolan. RAMER . S; li.All - i, Bankers and Ex ' ehaage Broken , : Dcalcro In Foreign and Domenic e. ef Eubank a, Cektifentra or Deno-H Bank Hotel,— arrocr of And Word atreeta, directly ..ippwita tb• St- amides ; --- 1" CAROTHERS .k CO., Banking How, No Ur Word stmt. Pitt...burgh. Current Meer re enteil on Demelt. Collections pul e to till Lite Nine tp,d tides of tbe United tlintee. a. SLIM M. A. VA . .. AIR I EI • Commißsion MerAffults Dill Bioko.. !Co. 1!!!!!rorkl ales mut Mate Anemia,. flora Stun w 110.nao ahms n. 4 : 'PALMER, HANNA fc Enecosgors to 1 [[user, Brno .0 Co.. ll . Aarter.b . }olll:ooll Mumma. &arm In arol i ite cati t m atinga Certificates `if 'b i rd tt n 7.• r 3 e - The Warm prtonnon raid for Foreign :tral Goki. American MEMBEIM=II ir'W n ro. TAYLOR, Commis p Broker, In !?..nohl ntiwt. ?trimottentioo ylli to rert el} bwiner. entrwo 41 In la, core. Plueburich martufmtur.l urtirin olvrar3 oo Iwo( or pmeored a short Naes. Ihnoht, Morlhuhrs. on able ter9s.;. Adrsnir,. m. 1... if r,T.t",rod; 0e22 STATION_ BOOEAELLERS AM ERS. _ -. 111 C. STOCILTON. I Johnston & st k o r _ XIV too. reaukdier. &at-1.0,, Printer. and Minder. too riff of Market awl Third strpiro.borph. . - - B. ISOLMFA' Cheap Literary Depot, Tblm dr,t. ate the not Orb, Neve Books vs _ daily eapoto Suiteriutions received to any of the kerezeee asidperv. published at the publisher's fewest 14-1... ItHOPKlNS,liookseller and Stationer, • N 0.78 Vourth stn.,. Apollo Iluildlos•. MERRIL AND CONFECTIONERS. IAVIU BOIVN, JR., Wholesale and Retail Raker .d etrofirt ions, Ft Fourth street, Pittsburgh. &biz Cab, Kiney Onitertionary, always on band. 111 =den punctually iitLetubsi to. CARPET DV A LIM . yv CLIIVTOCK, Manufacturerond or C.rpetr, cmthA s Steam P.m,/ Ttim• and 79 ;LI ni.,Ttta;;l‘rt;il. , • commistioN AND FO RWARDING. A. 31ANULTY h CO—Transporters, &air 6.`;;?:' - naater-Ctroore. T WOODS - k SON. PRODUCE DEALERS inigu •tat Coinmisskn No.'el Water greet. W — Sf. Ii.7IOiINSTON, Forwarding and Cotarnilliloo Merchant. No. 112 Fertatul alert. Plttabatxth. 1(1,1 Ft ti & JONES, Forwnrding and Com ixrGn Merchant, In Predate a a .l vita •burc I.lannfortuml anklet. C 16.11 11.• win. mar Neveuth Arm; Pltteburch "'o O L 'LI. gAIIUT KA_RDY, JON ES & CO, Succossors to At jI,OCP It fn, Fonranling Mn e 'dmlen In.• l'aldournh MnttufArturmi Gads. Pitts booth. Pi DRY GOODS MERCHANTS saarsarrr. SIC PAT... C. SIIAQKLETT & CO—Wholesale• Dealer. Frm.icts mut •Imp:matt,. I,ry Gt+Mr. Nn. 101 Amer. Dittrtmrph. Dll4 eeinuoilee....trima - mtp...- ANTIIONT if. CO, N. ',6,, A. MASON & Ca, Itiholesalo and ltetail neater. in Farley end Staple Dry lircd, r„ )larket "Dittelnl4l. tTRfiIY & BURCIIFIELD, WeoLE.seu and nruli Dry Gtmls Mrnitept, rirnm-OfFourth sad ket .meta. :Pittsburg!, 111:16 111M5ZT..........-0174.1., ft:, nqr ..1, . I. rum.. .11LERSEY, FLE lING it: C 07 4.; Cnimuission 1f eretinn , s—For th . n...11.• rt NMI .ti... Woolen...mut Gnnlo, nl.n..!enhn., In nII trimly/ ..f . Tnllnne Tranrt hrk tia 14 Wont I.lernt. f./usth don r Inna Fifth. Pins DENTISTS. 1 + Dentigt, Corner of Fourth tabur stb Dentur L. brtwo.n )1:.11..ot und Ferry rtra•4, . • ---- - - - - , . - DRUGGIST:I. . . ---- M.. 11. ICETEUL 1 , [IL r. Wurrorcu.. ' WIYSER 4 31cDOWELL, (Succegsnrs to co Kr, A nejr , r.11 , 11.1,a1 3 marl Retail Drug and ptiort Rtx.rr mrner of Illnnd .trret and %isle° •tir.r. .phyriciane prewripl.l.3 carusar .rapomutra fight and . 1. a YLX „I KjDO & CO., Vi holes:I. I. Pruggxsts. c. e. I. Niatft, Oita, D., Stu ff, and Itilytimrn%s— pricw,s of I.), ML.anes ` ' Er .1..,.1 Worm hwNM. .v" et Pilla, n I, a Stmt.: No. fAt. ertrnor a W.x.l and haarth atreet,, l'AtAtture!,. 0µ.,... ,„ill ~.., cu.auu, k . ea, awl forwardvl wall cl.pakti. I=E!ti!MMI THE . DAILY r. : l . lrT.s.livßvril -.. GAZETTE. i ll A. FAHNEsTocK nk co.. wh . ni"s \t...1 auA'i'mnt rtr•-1~ . 1/11 ETSELLER:,, Dealer in Varnigo, ke.. dr, Wood t 1,-..12 tkalv varrant , ..d. I[OIIN D. )101ViAN. ° 1 - le Druggist,. 10 aro Dealer ill 0;1•. r— !so. U 3 11 - 00,1 ,we dux f In.atv.l,l titt3barp.ll. .N.IVIC6EI24IIA3I,II,:aIie Druggist and Deal, 5....N1A quaArrirnltaral Ifia.lo4 •nd oF. Wt+.l an., corn, of ,1“11. .... . ....... ..11T1t. IBRAUN ILEITEtt, I ' L lialoarde and RPtiiii Dretagl.ll, ir.rorr or Liberty and r t at... Psi, iurei. I. JJSCHOON MA KER & c0.,-(yh o i c , a k g 0.. Nro. 21 .1,04,1,1rta1t. dL. SIIEE. Wholesal e G rocer, Cow tniqsion oj/ . ,llrrehant...nd draier In Paper and Elm, ourner •4" Penn nod Inns Mn, ir, Plttplkurgll. Q....tut:EL P. Slll{l VEIL, met.. Protium , and Conani,rien M....chants. and I. rr, In Pllti.burr:t Alennfivtur , 4 Arliek, 1 , 10 endl te....lstravt. twt.r....n W. 4.1 au , l rmlthf Id. I . ll.lpnrch JOH, M1T06,11 • CU.. 111111.W.111 011 N S. 1)11.WOIrf if & CO., holesule (Irwers, nn.l Comnli.ion ! , Irmlanntx. nuLl Au nt. IT 11.23,41. ilk.. C0nn...,.. alWont' at.. 1911.1 , ury It, igut1.211.1.L.1 BRIDGE t INGRAHA)i, Wholesale limerr, , um! 0.3n1,..1,,n Myrrh:in.., N... IN Watt. e.t.a. awl 1.50 I'irsl Atr,t. Pit .burgh. %.11ATTIIEIVS & CO., WiloiCS,llo 11rar .... am PorwnrAing NlcHianlo.noJ gent. ti.r Brighton l'utt.on 1aru....i7 stet n4.l'ittnLurp L. JO. WATT 30. AOHN WATT & CO., IVholeNale Grocer=, ()rnmi..cion Slerrhant, agAl Dvah.r. in Produeg gn.l dinryti llguntsrtun, tin. gge. Liberty elnvt. bomb, Pa 1 J B. CANFIELD, late c,l Warren, Ohio, .3.0....DZ:in i- 1=7:.:r.." 1 .!'i'1:::: , 7'n - t . ..., -. .'‘o r t h a ti Pearl Anb. and W,lorn Produce nenernily. {.ter etreet, between ernilbffehl anti Wot.l. Ititutourtth. B. 1,17/.1114 a \1 LiS. WATtIII3IAN SONS. Irolosals: I. Orornr,C.Erminylon and Porwanling sforrhau,, 1,1 1,7 nch rgh 11ancalneturn1 Tobam., and n 1 11',atnr Atreet., rittAburgh. Q. F. VON. ISONNIIORST s: CO.. firmer., Forrranling no 4 C.Anolir,onn Menb sots. Dvalers lu Vittst.nryh Nlanorn,tur, vaul Westrrn Protium: No. at, mrner of Fn.nt greet not Cbute,ty Pitf..butgh. J _ AS. I)AL7.ELL, IVholesale Grot,r, Cow erlan Minch-Ant, and Deaf, In Produrn and Pitt, burgh m Slanntacturo,—No. Wtter .1,. • 14.11 PVT. 111.1.1 PERT SIIAII DICKEY CO., Wholesale Oro ona,emned•ndon Me bait and 14••.Pra In 1 Pnalttm-- .541.11'nter • and 107 Front ViltAbur.r.h. aat. B. .11Mr-I J. laill.ll. NGLisu & BENNETT, hoe Eltglish. Gallach, Wholrenl.tlrnet.r.. IL ., .a.tni.ok . dl and orwardhm In Prud an, and I•lttr bun!. Manufartun, No. 122 ,00ml and 121 Flr..t I. Ixt.vyrrn Wad and Smithfield. Wla. MILLER. Pllll-11 , A LIVSVI,N. LLE I ,& I{l C ET SO N„ 1V laolosa le Orna4ra. an.? 11111..1,11 of Ilran.lle,.. Win... maxi ra.taa, of Liar:, and loam 44+.1... burgh. P. n, Naile,Cattou Yam nr. , cranatantlT In hand. 00ast lealu-......1/aira aNina. rA N. GILLS it /10E, Whole:sal° ❑J.Klr l ra and Coirnxtb..ion Men.h..., 1151 rtmet. urgli. .ItoBERT 31oonE, wo"lo,d, Jartir,ma 111.4111:r. .1. aler 1 1 r..11a, INualal,l, aaufacturra and all 1;1,1- urr•t,t, met 14.11,,ta. , Wlnen antl Liquor, I.oo.rtr qm hand very itt.r.k of ,uperinr old 111.14,, which "rill be odd for c - 4...1.1 1101.1ERT I/A LZEL ‘k Tirocora Ounnzirolon 1.1.erhani......1.r. 1,41u , 0 and Pitt.abur:l2 MantaLacturr, 1.11ar; i!iltabargh, cuNN I NVE AM, IVh,;G., be :h. Mntmartun 341 WY. W 37.1111 W. IL DIXIDWA.P.D... I.DALIA.L.F.T ILIGALEY & CO..CU 11 - 1a01t,...a1e Gr., •an,t. 19tubur4.1h.. %7ICKJOU" DTA and OainmL,siou Nlerrllani....lealrr. ma 1,,u, i.kll/011 Yam, anq Thautifs,xlrul pqaturo noinarr of Woc4 and tVau, ctr,u. CULI:EiZT:-.ON ei/ k. l'utebur“.. , 1111 . \i'ILLIA3IS CO., 1 1- 11o,caleapd • Retail Family Gr.-cr. Forwa.rclulz 111=.111,11 3 efrhavlo, anti 1.)....m-s Cult c try MmuLoctures. conwr W , ‘. l Fifth _ OBINSON, LITTLE d a co., N o . 2a5 Lthertr Wl.l.val lair e N Grocer. Juland cCtitniaajt.lll draleni. u,l2 eutufreturea. aola run, o 4& FLOYD, Wholesale Com . .an llercheum, and Dmler. in I rorture--I“.und archfmnta.,,, au LiLerty, 1 Firth stract., PittAhurul. CO.:Why IN ale wr, In 141. , nr • '•';"" 1 OnZa , Pli =I I, c.l, I • - f •'''•••1" • I.,;1 ‘3, -• L-," . !;,:: • .•••.,, 7..:.•••• • rvial V..... _ ,-.--.... . . MUSICAL INSTIWITEN'th. -, JOAN R. WrILLOR. Denlen- in Ilan Forte.. tutuMusi , al instrunone-, ..4 , 11.,1 I an 4 nernarrnt for Me, P:0.136 Weston, l'nr.aylvania--No. 41 Wool st. JENC:T KLEIi li, 1.),11 or in Music, .1 , 41 Inrtrument. and Intlan,r ft h Walt ': ' lffan ' Tlla rk c IV;;t r : Ali UrTtul:l='; MAISIVFACTITBERS. ENNEDY, CIIILDS & CO., Manufactu rpry or very AtIP•6O( 14 SY ertina.. Carpet Chain .ttint Twine and carting. 1 . ..t0y 5 (111,1,ttnhurall. .• • . ONES QUIGG, IVlanuf acturers or Spring caul Blister Ph d. Plough Ft..el. r'te•el Plough sin 1.21110ne Parings. ILaminerni Imit Axles: aml deal 3lfleable Ca.tings. Fins Engine I.entio. am, Coach Trimmings gruerally, awn, tt.m sot Front sto. Pttburgh, Pa. ITTSBURG ALK ALI W ORKS.—Bee pet. Berry t Menufactan, of &dm !oh. Blvtl ac rrolnlent. II Moriatic nod eulphorli• AddA. W orehow. , No. 03 WM, rt below Ferry. ' PAPER RAAIGIIAGS. WALTER P. MARSITALL, Sucerfsor to SanoP.l C. lllll—lmporter and Real, in French and dmorieut Paper Hangings.and llonlom. Mad, Yin. Prints. tr. Al...—Writing. and Wrapping Paper. No. Wood Alp,' htta. , n 1 onrth and Diamond alit., Plttebargh. TEA DEALERS.. MORRIS & T. and Wine :th•rehltr,Lt. Ettxt of th , l , utinttd. Pittburtch. • • NVAI. A. M'CLUI:I3 & “rot,rg and Tea Denier, No IJberty W.. 41 have ahrapt nn hand n lame araurtment nf Chnl.n Ilrorer. lee and Fine T,,... nla.—F.rign Fruits aral Aale and retail. Dnalen mappll,A he Invert TRANSPORTATION -AGENTS. TOIIN A. CA UG HEY, Agent, for the Lake Erie nnd Miehimm Lin, In n.veir.l the Lakes.— t ee on the miller of Wxter snd S mit blield LEECII & CO., Trap qportenti by Canal YW „ " " A7rrthm ": corn, 44Penn VPSITIAR B LDSIDS SON. well known • Veil Wan lIIIoJ Maker!, kt op ronidanLlT nn hon. , nr nAce to onler the beat artidle In their lino, at their old stand. No. 13 St. Clair ntmet; oho, at No. to )(ark. etre, and story, entrant , In the tho, nond. Venltlan Sloitten, made loonier. and old blind.. repaired. . or 1" IA. ROW N u lit rntoNt rexpert ly inform lIM/ the public that he heelecon hand at Iw :dr/ ntention the neat olden( the Diamond. Allogheny..ity, eir ;de se of Venillan hhnda: MA. Venitian Shutters are inade to order In the tent eyrie. warranhd ed Ind to an. In the United Rate*. III• Blinds can he •rithut the aid ,P 1 delete. purcho•ed the stock, tee,1,4.11‘1 wood of the mbinetpfltookb.o.nt nonuse 4. )144.'1 , 41310. lUM prrpewed to furniNh their old cunt.ain., • • Ile at large. with every tiling In their liar. Aprney. No. ii tVnol etreet. l'ittsburgLi. rileh:b3 J. A. ItIIOWN. PAPKR:HANGIIIG LOD P:L&STERING. lOSEPH JOHNSTON, 114 , Vesi.lror , ... Tn. • t,f Third onwt E A .I common. Ali , •uh , n, • r:;i• turll4:ly. A.RITETER.Thr 7 / SURGEON. DA 1I11A1t1)1E V , eterimar Surgeon.late !rta l'Allnburgli. ,4 lly vaunt the public: that be r. ,r a n " lure pmftwioll: and, by t•'" I I:ll.rusted to awnl he lari. paTe en ., Anti n wi ., th cinen b ,t .. l lion.. An,.ing and f l Tttn!l h 2tree atti n t f :a 'l „;;V:2;l![ " .. , Z;t ' n " e ' ‘"b,. ISIERCILIL'TS rOItPIIY ez, IEE, who, ]lElLllla :1111 Comb.inn Merrhants for thr eal. of Amer wan o, m un 0001, No. 7 .F.!1.11.115. dk. W. HA RBAUGII, Wool 'Merchants, Deak•re. In r war. a-nd Prolum and For- Wi and Cour.b.l4.n 31 , rehnn.. N•#. 115 }Int s.t.lvet, I ns;Semnd . - - I • GRAVIIiG AND LITTIOGILATHEFIG. EvILL , , , , dOkINSOX, Eni:ravor on Wood, Plillo 11• U. 'thin! xv.rv., of 1...14m.. D-114 .••i•.ro DiVl4llll. l . rielf•vt.puplAnp ... -l atipm,C;Pop, Pt. •p . p the 13ipt Ftylep .f N. Inmvt .tr.• . . ii(q11:1:1131 N'S Lithogrprh- Mr. MUNI. , It LAI 2ro.lyut liment. 1,1. , 111116.01,411,1 /Priori., It ntrl t.sunw Card, ,Ignts•-.1 nr and Itt 14-gort, or Flbwk. In the .Pprov4.l rt and ta r.u. ble prire, povia**4ll • V W. WILSON. Wlttelles. Jewelry. Sit ,•r Warr, Pittsburgh. )(11ttnry f Pittsburgh. 11.—Wnt.thci .roar _ . HARDWiI MERCIIANTS. OOAN, WILSON linpaters and mWhol.sis Ilardwart2 anti Cutlery, :C...11N , l street, rittstmrst. MESE ............. G. otitiatit. QIIN FITZSI3IONS CO., Manufactu fry rem of FLINT and ORELN GLASS. OLDS..and all kinds o f MACHINERY. take this method of itifiirmins: those &aim. of 'mythic =eh work dote, tbia they an. Pm ' , arid to do It at the lowest possible rams, at the ihorti P• t m mmstr raen' a i b n o t v h e a t LCt a m a a n ßr r d in a s tM taw il s s O sa m t a Gass W m r n s. ives it fur Black Smith tad t h e orbactia. mato liGituniii at di. shortsst totter. and at lowest prim...— All kinds of Jobblian team on short nodes. sushi Ulm * kr! . • TharhiTlTat;i to .... "' utP tiaa Fitting on the ohnrheat.m. h., and mn.t man knahle• Onch7:ll I'IZING 'FASHION FORIASI—This . 4 2 bnataltol nt., I. of 11x4 ranairert and for Pale by JAlirla WILSON. a.h7 Wuxi FL and lhamno.taLlley. Wegner, Buchner & Mueller's NEW LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT. "VIII'. ABOVE FIRM . .speet fully announce to their frirndo and thn Dahlia mmerally• that not nn-yarol to nterute, nrrt etTle td their art, all ordars t.,r Show. earth,. DO,lnuo. Chock, Vottlna and throh.ainnal Cant, Slnto.Chart, LahelN '1 han. o.h.bll.lLment nt.No. hot alftrltat otro.t. bataren Thin( and Fourth rtn,O. otahr. surt./ Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y, J GUI, CU.. .. 6 6 '36116.1...-.6 6 IJMILION". I GROUM7S. GLOVER.. FIF.R & CO., PROPRIETORS. 'MITE SUBSCRIBERS . haling been sr A. Akente for the above named ronn.rn. will keep tonatantly on band a calmly of the celebrated Bolivar Fire Itriek.Cratelble Fire Clay. unwire Ilearthmatelltawalle. Thai' AM ale prepared to reedy.. ordera fur add Brink, to he made In rise and Amp.. to lull purchaser. which shall promptly fined. • We do not de.tu It netawaary to enumerate the raspy ad vantaue. the Itolivar Brick poerais over all °therm that have born offered for nate in the United States. their imp, dimity being writ known to almeet all pernons who use Pin• hark. The proprietors have dethmined that the crick atoll lose none of their present enviable reputation. and that no moan,e ahall be roared to make them 44,1 better than they hare heretofore been. Thin I. the only ertabliehment now umnutheturing Pim Brink al Bolivar. BIER t JONBS. esnal Radri. Seventh et. Pltniburgh. AMeCOILD & CO., have received their Sprig Style of Ilan., to whleh they n•- epeertully Invite the attention of their custom-A rea and the publis anna•taallY• Pittsburgh Gas Pipe and labe Works. rriiE undemigrA have:just completed their atensive IRON TUBE WORKS, • alld aro now nosnufneturins all of GAS PIPE. L/a cannoned and other Flue, and all .ho of which they offer fncrale at the lowest price.. They me now prepared to execu te orders, to my extent, without de. No. Vi an EM AN and In Water nCit. ewt. f.,4 PITIMBURIIII. PA. At r IL3I A RTII E NOBLE--City Flouring V Mih.. No. 5.11 Litwrty roc or Adel. XIICHOLAS •Civil Engiieer, Lticaunhtntrim. and NUMMI Mining . Anont. Mateo ight. of Model, fon the Malerit 011totilonims of Mae d. nery tor M hart, Water Wort... Hotting MILL, ac.. May I. found intwitt 111 A. M. and 6 P. M., at din resklerv;. N 0.21 Mari ory ntroot. Pittolontat ,Canitdly• I) A. UAI)EIItA, Agent for Delaware Jlu .ii tun! Safer, - Irounata. Coturany, 42 Water xto.ri. GARDINER COFFIN, Agentfur Franklin - Firr InFssTame Cummoy, north east tmaser of Wo.l and Thinl • TM.t GLENN. Boog •lIIN Deft, Wood Areet, V Fe.... 1 frt. - tho• corn, or Third. •herr h. pnr.trrd to dn.:very I.wrlptinn 4 Binding with mottles,. nnd Innak &sae run./ Prt.” othrtnntlullr. Inoss In numbrn., or olld looks ) , ound Name.. put nn gill h.,. Limbs,: err istrlo,l to call. Pt - kn. 100. 'CORI) & CO., Wholesale and Retail Mnnollacttob rY. and Dtalrre In run, bf and Path otry,4, IhttAtt:mh. h.rn ..3.r a fnll antlxfinmphle it.n k of list, Ca, ban,. an.. at •••Yry ,allty and •by le. by 11 .Irvin •nd 3.1 tu rn, ‘1”, atb.otb r en.biny, theca Wet Wer .111 3,,q, IV lk i !!Ly T u at . il4 l ,r 3:: E5l.OV.Bl.—Da. SPEEa hiln rt`MOVvil to it Li, wily gin.* L tole. POL 10.1. Of or and 11. in Ili .inn. building.. Now Coach Factory—Allegheny. id. A. CO. would re .otor, tfultr Inform the ptd.r that thar r...G/411 a thor , nn laenek, twtwo, )'Nord and kandukkr ttr..ts. Ih. on..non makhri hid arc rto t it. ,A l :l7b, 7 ' . ar k e . Iret! L tlaiTtil i i n g Payiu 4 particuLtr attont inn In rrlection of motor - Wk. and boktuk none but rtaniktont worharn, thwt Lava no Itontation an warranting thwir wnrk. Ike thorkforeaak thw suouttnn M the. pontle to Mit mot., LL ttkro..rlng done in the but manner, andn the. nowt ron:onatiln Voss, uLur AGLE MARBLE WORKS. (ustablished 1k.t.:1 hr. EDMUND WILKINS. No. 1 , 4 Liberty 81, brad or lira! Attket, Ittrt,borkb. Mot:intact:lD. hurial kkults, Tonal, Iteadatmora. at, ,Ifautel Piero; Con. and Orr Tot.. ninny* nn na a, and nod. to onlrr. N. 11. A choir. ftieetil. of Drawing, tin hand. rain t I.•are. at the min.. ....cement Of the t he I'..r. ' v: tuf 11 , •ir thank, to their eu.dtnner. and the aner. cl the h.rge of en.tuni egteull,l to than. and the eontmunnew of In. .•.or. u n•t.l+u_Y.n•J. l their favor, Haring reeently ,ular:ed tortoni their regm. they arernal.led halo* Moral • ten eatenve g,...rttneut of 1h0.1. nod buyer,. ail! have the ultanta, et plenty nf light to exandna nuke thelr aelentainu /bey deglgit thou eah‘t.lieha.nt. me far g, tsmetleabla. • FAIIIITV s ewers arthle In the f i n G.l+ line. neegh,l lot wan, of f.authel. ears le• preAtr.l--ntal Choir egerta torelert the t.t,t mad, and to Peg at thej h. , he to make g the interefl et' twain. and to. hrtilual,. fr.r 111/ hi wit them ruahms. W1101.11. 4 f1t.h: egutintigd in tbr r•ego, elatra—entranor Ingft th are, hor thngigh rneg tang co3t3TERcIAL CULLEGS, Conn, r.f Third and ltlarket siren,. The only an, .r.. 1 I mdltution of the kind In PlthAntrgh. Parm.rt,--.lohn Fleming. hinelpal Irtftructcr In the Ifelenre it( Arrounta. 0. K Chasol.,lln. l'enfewor of Pentnnanship.llcroantll* Compulatlon, ac ales. 0. Wato.n, Lot.. Lorton, nn Conone,Jal Law. 711.. J....lrina * conntleto knotolobto of Wok hcopina. and 10 stool:cation . v e ry branch of La o, a 1.., an olt sot an.t.tartl tennannahip.ato Invited to call and exam.. In. lb* arrant/man.. I,cturo nn Conunrotial Law //very Mond./ ovenlng• Itoferrn, to any of the rtablent city tortebant*. IdeM EAGLE MARRIP WORKS. ... EsTABLIStIED 18:12, by EDMUND •—• WILK INS, No. 24 Liberty st., 111 bead of Wm..? Ftreet. Iltreburgh, Pa- M0n.:1,4.11:4,U/ Vatdra,Tortibennorp, dr,. Mann.. herd said and Pier T., t..., cm hnnd said mode to nrd, of thr oh rout 3hubl, and It eery r.duenl );14,44. A ch , i, #.l , finn olf Drarings on • -, ' ' P,Tftl ..,-------. ' • nn orel ~,---- .a. , from Italy. REVKKENCE.A. Ilnn 11,,r..ri)..n., • Clartr. Tlenun Wilkln• - John Ilarnee, Areldtert John r^ ,ll . 4 SW, Brokers. litlrl.twgh H . Hank-k- ri Ilabln. do. .1. 11. 11111,aar k Curry. %V ikon 51.11 . ..m1.111,5, 1.1. m. 'loon A earacnt, de. nol,rt Itch 0 1 0.41:M. M k Co. Jae. Ilrliol,b1.1:P(j. llrtolog. 11. T. )Ivry an A Co. S.'Lothroo, lle ham. Jcin A htla Itlvales Fruit'," I:. gheny. IV t , els :srateful 11,r Co.' very 111.a.ral, n is,l.lnring, nlnteen prars In thi. rlty. Latin bud the and 1., , rt Job, rntrurtcdt hh.rare np to the I.r.4.ent Unn , nod vrlll endeavor to rend., katiafaction boresner. it IARINET FURNITURE NAND ;j 5vi ii ,t button,. IVan , romns 97 *U9 flint .t 3. --pL ea mivartfuy Infonna Ma the abd • Tinuorne. that he li o now eurnoletrd_ the largest , and fluent ot.wk ,dl...u.whld furnitOre ewer hefon• mm Ip thin mty. nn Im IA determined to uphold the quality with well.w. ,,l.-rt workruamllP , amt nerowt d Ingmt; and from the extent nt lila order, and facility lh manufacturing. he lo enubhd to produce warrarit.llUrnl. tun.. • 1 the lowert prict.w. . . . • 11,. I Inn adopted the principle of identifying ti. ruPtota ers. int erect Willi hie an. in quality and 'prim. and Maas c 011 hood the Dry...test variety of every deiwririlion pf fornflu re. (rem the ebeariect and plainest, to the moat eh. mint tulcostly. that a hour, or any part of one. may he furnitli ell from stook, eir mpirtufattutwd exPreuly order. Ile therein, an inspection. that the adcate ',avec of hi , ietabliehment may he known. Tim following aki.tele. , ..onst , A, in part. of his rll , elt. which for riehn Ca of nicle arid linirls riming rurpayaed In any of the FLern Mie. Parlor. drawing, dining. and f;d.roont'elialra. of ever, etwoiellng rosewowl. mahogany and walittil, lAnnfiervalnire and F.a,y. Chair., of ere,. de, Courhett, Sofas. Tot...a-Intr. ond titan.. a the latent pr..nrli and Amerlean pattern, •What -Sot, and farler Writing Desks of carton, kinds: 11 oak alai Intro lutatd irtande.llllo.lo Anode. and holder., toDheeariy, rte., wainnt eentre and ta tele.iim dining 0,1.1. w: all aireAnt the moet mil .t., al - If the Lind earl. Petninok.. hall and pier tahle, vistedrolcA.l,,Al•teadc and Ica-bonnet , cad, 1. gentle hall and parlor Dceldii•it 0 . 0 n,1 1114. eel Deerekiry and Ned, hoarilit Dre ..ereetis. towel racks- hat eland, and sait-temoon., erlM onto for in paper mach, lahle an.l tea air, malctsny. .4. and Inlaid pearl Tal.lei.A.r. Sr. t r. lac, wen-tr. ,, of Onnnoin Yornittire and Windcor nC.,Linet midzere aupplhAl with all articles In their Nraml.atm and Ilbt.le. fnrnl4mj at thn atiortext All order, prom Par _ . . - - - • OUNTY LANI)S-CArr. CHAS. NAYLOR, Atit.rn, . N 0.163 712inl rt., rum., of Clwrr , , . hariug mad. s.rranyem..t. e.O OA. rum)+,win Und. ulllevra and nallpo. thrir att,l xttond m soy other 1.4; g....rnment or any of It.. ' , Tart, rnrut. rensi.l tba Cuarta at th. City of Ire.'7:dtl r Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil. A L I it. I). R. SMITH is now prepared to give f thin 'lL.l.ll . eiurn 1.tt11 , 11:1“. Pintht•ttraen and thAtro ../ it.trtirtlon. rem 4hi, ttn.l • .le nt I tt , tt. ritutra., at..l tint particular+ cart ha ta the mums. .I..r..;azzam or lir. A.l.llroa. 1. ‘r... J.. M... S 311 T LKT COLVIN, Coal Merchants,. In Dry Gonda. 9r,•11.... Iron Anil Natl. ~ o rnr, of 11, , ,1nn! tt.rvet and.llln,ts. Turn Pike Pond Trowrnn colthraml,•S .................. ............ DIAICAN. 111/4-, 'PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS.- CUNNINGII.OI4-00.. dlanufortumr• of Wtsnow GL, 2.1 „Nlarkrt Ftreet, between Find tmet &mad, 111bburch. Pa. 1 rti• ,nlar nttdttlnn paid jo odd size& dlnd—Nolens In riad,. Lc. GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., DEA LEAS IN EXCLIANGE, COLN, BANK NOTE; LC. 'l ,, urth K, nszt to Bank qf Ilitenergh. nn d. .1 tvtlmtnl nn jelrle of thy En! rb. toe/ und mnl/1 on roollraMlon. fetanUrrT 1 1 1,PLOUIL—,40 bbl, Ilaunsey & Scutt's Family .11: /or role by yar_bb HOWSON, LIME it W. ~:,: ~ . Gas Fitting. MAFFETF S., OLD, Fl , lll/ otrert, I,twern tFad and Mnriu.t, PittAbunzh. Would Invite the public to that, ame.ortteentbt chundetiers, lirndunts, Bradyls. 'WROUGHT IRON TUBES, A CARD-1851. JANES W. WOODWELL BANKERS =ME PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH IS, MI MAILS, &c U;RENTS TUE ;rum SELPS. r vrasria ern!. lown'trus tilt. evq,. TES O ~ A ILINU. J •r tc ' U"' ; ' sxratunla. la: L : , t 1 ~X,' , .4hl ‘r1I3:: Aji 30t'IW‘1.12 :. '_,ltt.Wl‘Vredorwiay ls*t* V l t t h.tuilni , - 27thonvday. June 11th3aturday Jun, thWsorNle), , 4 , Saturday. Vetl rdteday. h atunlay, July 7thjirslotsday. July ' , lt Stanyday. •• 140.1WediudaY. ' 2 ' 4 Saturday. Alwyn 'ld iVotlneslaA. Aaa• t'th Satuslay. i ,. ..• 111th Wodnelday. - 2 . 1, , tusluY. .. mu, Wadn,day, SsYt. ...,,,, FAturda,. - -pt. 11th w,...d. , ..125, " .... Saturday, L - :rah Wdnesday. 0,1 -1f„,.....,.. Itt gli,;z?,::1:;:: : 15 4 i: Zlaturday, Saturday. 4 , ur. nthlWrdni-sll,. Sur. I, tit Satuslay, 1" . 02.111stru.sla,. - INAIz Satunia,. lec. Othi.Satunla). 1)..e. 1111.11 Patunla . y. .• 2 .043 SatuslaY• - - -VII Vu4ard Liu.— Welly Tripe. „, V.O CI LIT k /1: 'O:l. /0 , 114 ,.. T ... 111 .. .! ... 17 . .................................. 1. l'attaaa 'Swank,. .aturdny. iLsrch lb. Afri........- ........ Nov Vtak . .atunlay, I.arriCla. Amtwira i.lkxauts,.. t‘alunlas , April 9. AsfY I 0 11. Li% zero..., Rooton ... . . ........-Wednewlar.ilsr. 14 .... v Yu.4 11: . 'I n ` nl : . Y• 9 .!'” , 9'. wn , IVednemtol ' AP Ari nt ttoiiro2.tzu. New y,k New Sort 135: Alm lurk ernfl /Lure Lin—_VourlAly Trips. LILISZ SCR alt.C. LEAVL IN Cr.. Franklin. 1 4 atunlay. Pi, 14. b. Fraklin. iVed*day.V..th3lar Ilumbohlt " MI Mar Humboldt - gth Apr Franklin, " 4th Apr Franklin. " 'lb klaY Iluml , oldi, .-." 8.1 31a, Ilumbn4l4 " - 40 . 3 u."' tirggii. ,, " 1... ..11 , r1 i 11t l' i ranl i M i. . : gl i. l . LII , ! „ r o. :. - glt July Franklin. .... 17th. , !ng Matt '. " .. lt i k A Z ' t. F . " ?Arlin . '" " gl'hl Z P' Huriabradt, " 14th ' Oct. rt r umuoull. •• InthNor Franklin, •• 1:16 Nor. Franklin. ". Illh Ikr. Humboldt. " 131 h lA.. Ocran S:ear. Sarigution (2,—N9n.Vity Trio. PO. SII.CILN York. York. Wekshington Ileenkuan whi.tun Hermann t ro ALI/011"0. U. &lila' I , ta.lell lese C e New York . ow the Ilthandltth of each month. for Chum, - 101 11.6i•VA • NIT 1151. litomoshlp'hatul loaves Charleston on th• l•t sod 1104 earl mouth. . ARRIVALS AND DEPAR.TURES OF NAILS. Eurrcas.—flyAinennbory.Chatabershurg. Yldladetfhb. New York. Eastken. Cent, and Northern partsor Delays,. Srw Jrrsey. and Die A. Yrlvlnees of Loser Canada. Nos 'aria, and New Brut:Linda. daily. A1.,-,1, - at I P. W.; Departs at Norm Eaterraw.—ity Malt-stilt. add llolllday-aburit.• Including dip .aunties of Itradlurd. Cambria, Cent, Oh, ton, Juniata. 1.1..10tt. mu,. Perry. Titata, Union, tool yam of Wenmureland. tla Lteeltrtore., Road', Naw Ale Jai and Indl. ana county . A rile, daily seeet !I nada To, at 3a.wd &- tarts daily at IS p. w. - . Butler. Y 0... Meter,. L'eawford, and Jelfr,o. n counties. %ester,' part of New York and nets+, Catwtda. daJls • Arrives sd9 P. U.: and dcparta ru eoveveks a.. %V.6ltington. ra,tt.z. Sornenwl. part .. 11 Ye.dmf ,, land eaunty..Yirgtola. 31ariland, ttaltunore. Ma.ldng ton City. rim thee,' atplDt,t. rrn part, of Unto and lioltocky. C an, alatkasna..ll4osat,i. N.trtli Can, Georyna, I.ouvdetta. Ylorida. and Texas. daily. Arrives ata P. le.; and departA at 0 r. a. Varr narenn. Ilarin,rto• norm., Pan", r..11.4101a, I, Coy, V.. Jr& rorni. 11.7 M , U. Carroll. nolo., os! T0...-arawra. coutitles.ol.l.dall Ar at 11 r...; der..1.4 all s. , Norm Wpars..—lly Bout,. anglbosnten..l. 1W0L1 . 1., enltintlolana. Trunebnll. I,ll.lawn, Geaug Axle tabu 131 4 ,.0r,1% no. Mellllta, anga.Statagn 1.4 Itkhland. Unraln, Ilumn, "I,w, etunlurl..y. \V.A. tuul Lama •snrnllev. lb./ tn.rtln.rnronntly of the maten nf Indianawl' Lill. In*, 4.1 1160.1.4,(II). Arnr.a at II A. Y.;d. pier. at 6 P. Y. Sharpftturg.llouotan. Ykrin,,ll, TIN tau, tkkisoinita:. Arma,n,. t Wu.a.l. turEeW fantralnq. dedir....M I , on ~U nd./.. rire• at 7 P. u. and Je,.rta r. s. Size-ctn.-11y llat . liwil.urg and N- vr Lod, , Arm.. T0.,144, Thumlay, and ratunlii, at aa, ; &part. %limb... May. and at at 7 a. Y. Hod. hdain- ,ll ^. and 320 . nuandiela Ity. Arm. at 6 r 4.- part. Will...dal, and Nazardapi, A. X Ilw-lianan: tint , t's dun. Ma - K....p...1. Cold Vali,. Elazid,, Ro•triiier. non. Coutiktdirii. k.wt • Lit,tr. 1.4.a...r Pa. Arty,. Tiandar• and Marshy, at. 6 a at- de part• • and 11211,12. VA.--)ty wills, N aleateniti. rand= Ilergedido,:n. Cr..,k Pata...n...a1 . • will. Pa.-- Bett.any. itrriir• ;Laid at 1J dry,. 3liwdai • nt la. la. dartni. Niunlora-1111... 1:. .y Pratilddrt Sren,i, Va. Amu, am F. 147. .1d r. ;.n. ma :411:17.11-. at OLL LI4IIX. 2.• and Pa. Ar Y. rive. on IVedurrdare. at I r...,11..rartr Muudr; ig,414 . 1t P. a.: deNrte f•rs Vatunlay, et • I•l•Axx.ux.-11, fra - p,t, WWI*. troorts. 1-, . NEM= . 14,1,1, dreakmck. Oat. Walt. %1 ariatt ay..] Vecare , - uat In In .I,arla at C. a. crs• U. • ba ln the Uam bait an 1.1.,r our:attics. Arra — ree daily. 3a " lenters de • the dui, meth. befi.r. their depertur, lett .eekly mu tertare their clerartur, RATES OF DISCOUNT. 'MM... o r SONS, Rankers. N. 11(ILMES 57 .V.7.7.1e. anrn Fla PENNSYLVANIA. Rapt of . par kieloknan Rank .1,10 .. par' brand Mkn. cr.f ..;fart Rank of i'onnunrnn par! Rank of North A tann•-• !lank nf Nurth'u Llt•nrtin-ppar. Yank et Penn .} Pruuin nn. _ pap top.. Rank of tin. Entua.l Staln, pAn I , .cnnuaresal Itauk of Pa_..part Earn.", t. Mechanic: Ekpari Ginn] ..- Part ErtnatkAnn Ikank SlauuLac. a A1.r.11 Mnnganlnn , Dant— - 17;1 Tradnatuan'• Hank Wkniem Bank Parl par Dank of Chwubwrnhorgh.. Rank of l'hrntrr li•unty.--1 - .1 Hank of Daurslln ...... Bank lot 1./.IIA, ChrstA r-pap Ilauk 'of ILpruanumr flank of f•tlyntatrult kn , Rank of Lowinlnven •-41 and narrlAr.. illrancr4 at M.5...1144c1.-. . Hrs.. it W4-mr.r ilirkur.ll Way Houk. 1:14.744nk1i .1. rrkstr.l44on.innatt.l4. M. Dank._ -Jo 411.41.1. r. In. 2 Trn.t or.ra :Hank of_ .14. Icmall N. d 4-4 „ NEW 1 . :N ..4 I 21lolretit T." 1 ,fia. N rk lltY par - MAUILAND. 'utz 6 TrV... JIAIi Ali)! "telMti /Bout albs.... gt. o lll ' llVa ' .;.` l 4 l ;klic " . 'i. . hank rf Vw-muk 111erchathe k 51,11. Hank North Wextern Houk. 4 NORTII CAitAtLIN . A. ftpkok of Copo Fear 41111( of St of N. Carolina.— Womrarrohtl llk. Wiltnihs'y 2 jll4.rchinte Bank, Sew 1.. n, 0)1.4011C.1.1lOYANA. Ilk of the St. of S. ()trolly& 2 111ank corSouth Catollne 2 Rank of Charle&loy.... Slaat.fre Xl•shullsx' Ilk 2 h o ok of-Maldietown. . . .... tri Montgomery Ito. 1t..._.r0r Bonk of horthumberiand.pari Carlisle hank Columbia Bk Bridge Corwri Duyinatown Hank part Pardon .punk part Erie F.mers' Bk of Bucks Cu.per• Partnere Ilk of Laneartermar Partnere Bank of Beading par Farm-Bk cfSchoylkillOo.par Par-It ['roe. Waynesburg- Franklin Bk. it vhmaton pit Harrisburg Book. Honradale ....... ti hal:gaer Bank tar Lettratner Cortuty Bank- .par nonf Bank of Bot4rilln Mnogahea - Bank pa • West Brunch Bonk d Tork Bank ti 8e1ief........ 01110. Ohio State Bank ltraneh at A Akre ........ -do llntrotth at Atbeur- ...... d o Braneh at IlridOpo . rt- Itnanelt at Chilloollm do Itraneh lerelatal dot Brawl, at Tolodo. d o Branch at Intyton Branch at Delaware to Brawl, at Col umbua ..... Branch at Artatabola-......dn Branch at Palette do Brandt at Manalield Itrupth at lUploJ do Branch at Cinelnnall..... do Itrartektat Col um b01 1 ..........1j11 Brandt at Worthington do Ilmarh ...... Branch at Lanraater..- dol Branch at Pleulsorrllle do Branch at Mt- %ernma--.4 Branch at Newark. do Branch at Ely do.- d Branch d at Marietta— do Branch at Troy do Width et Idl. Pbourant--.4c. Brant+ at _...d0 Brant+ at Norwalk.. ..... Braneh at Irittua. Ilraneh at Branch at Bantu do Itraneh at Barron. ..... Branch at ..... .do Branch at Cuyahoga do Blanch at Ttded, do . . . Athrturta In*. t butting Co iNant of Augusta. .*- . Ek of liruarelek, Athrtutx 2 TEN N Y.S.i NE. All polvent honk I '' Ilkof Kentucky Luulfellln •1th..4 . 1.u15r111,... Tbanton ti Northrrn Ilk of Kentucky k. Southern Ilk of Kentucky!. mirsouiti. Ilk orStsto dlisslurl ILLINOIS Sten Bank and hrinehm..-1.0 . agk " IVAUTaI . i lianne Fire Ito. thlui . . . . traryt,•ll C ee n t2;l;7l' Bank i l i t t =el . l=k Hank-- I twaraoce Gumpan, ..... 3 Vyy tlank CANADA iIk aril. N. A merlea. Throat-DS 'Dank of the Proplo. Toronto:. s Bank of Montreal Bank of U. Canada. Tomo to EAYTERN EXCHANGE. On New Zork (pram) na I On Philadelphia ..... /On Baltimore do IV ESTE N EXCIIANI4E... Clorinnatl et. Look 1101.0 AND tiPECIE VALUE DOUIPI.I., SpsnlA Patrint ...... —15.50 Engly.nrd F-Nalr. nen .In ire T.n Than,. 7.Sn ............. :0 11 , Tc ... N X } - 41+41A ..... .... VALUABLE WWl' TO DYSPEPTICS.— .I.‘ nut, MAME ON KVO.IGIST.M.V.-11r. Conti, In hie rain:U.le writhuts nn the of IN. uretion. - oierry,w that duninutinn of the true quoutAr „( .Itiler. pouninent 10.1 prryulling canoe of 0te.0,0, nn.l he atotre thot profrnor of London. wur. O'LOr,'ly uttliettul with (Mr rontoleint. evernjautt else Ito full, hod 1,./111.4P tan the Gutrir Jul n. ohlainFtt-frorn tho plumarh of In.ltut an. haul, whirh on , rtel completuir oucroasful." O Ilnoulaoh, Prrms, the tell algoolltr wr Gloat t t , Dretwo..laiutor. or thr fourth etetnnel. of thr h nller lion.n leehou. the enwl Chott.l.l., 1.1 S 11..ug10 Inn. M. 11-1.1.11n.1.1,.1.1, . . Chi i 4 a trill, %roil& rrn...ty 111.14:1.1ton. Ii• 10 ` t);., .111:ce. " '" n '""° - . Thu thwarit . .l.l , lre . 1 ., 1.0 tuna t solvent of the fnl. the tot. lirrin~•. nno'rniuletlnu aunt of the elomcrl, awl nh•nt no'. trlihoal it then ran boon dh:r.linu—nn ram version of fond inh, nutrition of Lt... led, lint rather a fnuL torpid. painful. and destructive ermdition of the whole dig apparatna. A weak: holy deed, nr in- Jutn.t 01 , 71,313.01 pr1 , 11.1,* Dr , gokl ll.tria Jul, end hence the and debility which ensue. int line went war he hy extractlng the tie. htl r n i g m' iirr . .. j tt l ;fairts ' a th. tilll l ,: ‘ ,TH ' s ' i! ". Fl:l l l . l. nj iT!! ' s 7; Da n e the natural lannt Jule, to ILI thy:ldeal porrii7;:iind forni-bing a complete and perfiict substitute for It. The art of performing the irrIXVMI/10( tligrorlon artificially by Joni, been known In Physlologions Dr. Houghton , criaitro the nitwit of snaking the lapplaation of this nrt Ole cure ..f lirakepsla. Ina pertiet and as:nimbi,. form. Rend thy scientific evidence! Huron Lb:big. In Ids eel, [Tided wok on Animal L'henaletfy, says: eAn Artinclid trigve Hull. onaLagtins to the Gastric Jul, , ma s be to...panel font the "gum. turnibrana of the staniarli nt the calf.... irkt. nolitrlll articles et Iced, as went and...iv-will he sollened, thanked. end digested. just in the earn.: luau. nor eathd, they would he In the Lumen stomach." itrllnogitton. of l i htlaildphLa, prepares Dl, artificial di . then.!told calied •nom the diskstive stioneeb Of I whkh affords an admirable remedy for yuritni after nature's owtsnethod. by nature's own want. the digketive prineiple. Call and see the extrnonllnary ra entitle wino of its DoIor.KEYSER k 5.1..(10WELL. Aseents. lk.a/ supplied a It -, telt-iit peon. Also. trust l'ltteburgh. ,preto Also. for wale t. kellen, ceal mclin 1 L L EI)I CI N Et••;.—" E I - 1 ALL OTIIRIL PATENT SlEllisi/N , Eit.- Eitniet from n 1ettyr,.10...1 •• SleCosst:LiVal.L. PIA, 21, 1.11. .1,7 r. R. E. Ahdieinea an. unlike all o:ltyr r Patent kledielnees. tn. then no.. Ix-rot:11 omre and room ppniar. The half ;in... , Nils sent u. • Doe wreks itre nearly all gone. Livery one who mak, nf your Liver PHI+. Temtif , ,e ; and Cough Syron. speaks In strung tent. of q.milth,lour, .1. GIMES. rrarTluseri riusfilySdedie-Ines are pretaind with gn-at rare. and of the best materials. by IL E.SLLI.ERS, N 0.67 Wood l?. 1 of brit...tate generally. (100, WA.NTF.D I'U 1311Y—` ytee of' iheifestern itaubc and Stock of the Pittsburgh Banks. be ILa ICINti. tt iorior lot of 3Hokum Caper, 27.sta;irAl. d it2v;A:s•-, metitl raper Store, car. Markr. t nod ivound eta. J .. .. iu '+.:Y~:ln lac dirJ~>+~i,-~i-~. COMMERCIAL P/ITBBVEGH MARICEI. o!ncr Mrreotauu G 4TITiC .11arch la, IhM. Tbn In I,in n , y of the rather yest.rday. pr..tenkil ^far.. to any Inr, extent-and there .ra..nn material than, uat41.1.-an.. Ilneiue on the 'wharf ams.ra , ..Y n i nd Lb. rs.tvi,tt the curie. artieles at *extern prudur tam vete fll. The twat ha. ai a atand far ,avetal day,. a ith a , tificitnt depth in channel fur all the purr., trade. FLOUR—The market coirm, dun, util {Vie, tad dotentranl.' The mart a i t, receipt,/ yenterdnY wcm rltt erofren .I , lplnent. Puler 14 175 bhlfl an the wharf at 5.1. Z. wad other fealcA in dlffemnt lots at .tam tte nate vales at 1.1.17 k 1I.:11. gnod • and extra reality brandt at [licher now RYE FIAIVI—FeII. at City Mille. at tr.. 25 It WI , . ( MAlN—There haft de/line In some deiaTlPUttn , (Vheat It new tanehmeNl at city mill, ii, far 3lndlterrn" nean. 70 Sra ext. and Ti!,, far whin, and eta at We 7t hu.— Italt•gof lito ha mItTIII.I turn on the wharf at .10e. Hal, of fioo from canalt.tot Oast.. at 3.,a1 qi ha. YUII'll 11A ItitELS—The pflmriefor. o f the Aly mllle am Itte Ca- 40/.l SEF.I/S—Sales of II 1,1,14 char.,. In two lute, from cram nt s ls W. 42 'r - bus itt Tam, lots nab...v.1.11K. made at a roduetitn. Irk an. rrtner. M. beer nltto rah.. of do rr frem tint hands. but may quo , ' at 1 4 t , Mouthy fnan not hand. tan, Iv 1,11.,d at It'2-T( and ttax ra....1 at $1.56 1t Int-161.C., twing buldtmt lo LIPOWN hIIKETISUS—We further retluethtn In Pith , httnth !Town .Hello Y , lu "0. Nitthtlntit. I'ILMI 6 IONS—IIacun muGnn.n Ilrm at full prim, m) for plain Lamp. srmtrxn cum.' Mfr. awl stmuld.r. V lb. lard ban d..eilmal a ramie. with ralm of a fufr aro , l, at 7Se it Ih• and of Prirrm and alai,' at V.'4, Nrryr•.e 4 , Nn chaixn loather ortirlm diT CI MIT, 4 n (air m• Lu.inrw &WI," th« fnllgoning flgn,n—N 0 nu,"ar Im Inns . 1 1kailie; nut,ar Innt, clo 11 gal; ruff.... 1.414 1.1.1 runny %!iliOltn• vtl,, Her, in lien", . 1 % , 6- 1 .?.. , NIL. DIIIED PRllT— Int . re nano forwent tparlnftly. •lIR Inttl.ratt. role. form Gr.t Itanolt of 81.3101,37 for penrinn and i r for argil,. Kate. of pray bet Iron, rtnh at 61 - 45 ,11..nn In mall tot.. and of, at 60 mutt hu. --Saturday, :mu. 22. - top?: !allil MSNIS=I ._riday.April J. .-Friday, !lay N. ...Friday. Jane 13. Twos. —The llotorstotrwte the flit loot eayw—^ttur market ham undergone 'inmates:Ml change Moro Illy but n•lant I thought prletwt rather bet , ter for Lug, and Cortmeo Leaf at the elem. than In the early tart of the alma: and then. •sta mattlfeatly more eattit and ertratima to the market The Irwrowtlene of the week amount to . Z. 11) ht.!, Ti.. regatta of twee are llght Every Jay etrenwthene the °pluton that the crow of Via pail .will fall lel.. the estimate heretofore mule, awl I thluk !tore are coed resents for bellealog that peke. will Ike blither than the awartit rurront rat,. It may le set will the promo,tn of the oral enor—elmoll they he to. vorahle-- materially istlert the market! I think not, and am the ,Iniple reit..n that the twura ek utt !moat. tooette ar with the hatateW eetolow a/market will ritt . itle,al for nettial rwmturtiptiont this detanoti moo. Le met I, tlo. rrolk 1 It ta I. plawted. 1141..M . 1ra 4,111111. followitty Sr. awn) ratula of We Lux:nem uwal the. Ilahltutnv arILI 4.1,,10 Rail tor the no , oth c 4 I'ol. 1 0 30. Tratloportatino eaot aptly in naltita,,, ark, , 19 4414:1.15. fork, tfr. 14. 414 - • 1141 1. , 414 4,17:11,1.;1011: I...rra+l .4.111 r, 617 tot/7014.d and Awn.. 1511 441 r. 11.1 Lamm, • Ztt , .1 Tolaro, ui 144 11un.112intn.s. i. , ll.nrat I imu. r. r TL , R 711141, L.r the monLb bsva I swll y folio', For Yr , lzll , 4.2,fi Vrin Fteut. ... , Sininiti Z 4. . of 111:,730 UIV main gem. and $144 TIN.- al,. -.4.4,34 , 41 WItI •4.1, trtaritlk ..1 :344.,..1.4.41133. an ntrn 03.• ..3163,4 , 16,141ng .3.1:44.:45 74 4.41 the 313.4. 4 4 ,1113.4.0.1 93. , ..40 43 4.44 411. 14a311114,4..4. Itrasu.l4. PRICES AND SALES OP STOCKS [..rCLD A. WII.IiISS a co.. EXCllAtillti EILOREILS. (Unser d 7un1.n.4 Stral, YerTsralcun Merril. 0, 1 , 41. oTer'd • • ' • L 4.00 1 , 3,L0 ea,tx, 1.4.:11J 'two t.Ne. 01.1+ , 51,N2 25,1c1 I n 0.1. 11 5+1.10 14110; 1.1 1.r.2 MIRES .11:1e.dwiss .... 'Ay 16,4f/ly e:ty naf .sn Ph' asoo an j oa,„ Itaat of Vltoahnn‘h..... _ Harahan' and ,loona. hank Fanon: ... . Mtn O PaNnorpn . loal,gheno tTe4 te. ..... .... liana st hrt.h, . In.smin • tinntlr • r.t1•0:...1•10: u.tortzlt.Onemn....l. 4.1.•11 orkg , .... ' ,iarL Vrttira.l rl• ...... Ilarsue 114111.Akv . . Plank Mari l'lttAttorgli A (Cliff Atitortrisu In. City A 1..1•• It4lj • C.i. A .t thin Imp . • SAILS OP STOCK S.lotro, 0 A. INnon E. ...... lOW do N. IT,4rn 140 .14. do An do PORT OF PITTSBURGH flircn.—Th,rn 10 inch', In chanotl, by metal mart. Tart rvening. ana ARRIVED. 3lachlAtan. Wes, Desire, Remit, Genital. Denier. Rani, Rennet, lirmnurille 4 I Nl.'e. /Stant-en. 14...teret Die .J. WE, Itendrick.A.n.,lelleeeyert. het •tene ...IA Arth Itnet :Ist hie Pmehten. hlizahrth. Key hm.. State. Steno. Hibernia St.. '4 Itstriselor. Mahn. Dexter. ZA114,41114, 4 10 1QIIV i.lllil. Duni. Zanesville. Pc,. Ilene 6.1114,1, tietteece. Mere. St Londe. Dirminghann. Cincinnati. J,_.. Eris, Etc., Wheeling. DEPAIITED. Mt.:lllcan. hob, Betsy,. Il at ..r. n Nr Reavrr I.lttc. Parkirtvon. flrwrtv.flie. Ifendifrkm.n. 'l'D.y. t 4 hrinr, hailrS. V f l af,rn. Miro. rrain.Slintints .11111:1 Donn. • • e.f.r.t..•. Cincinnati 1.1: DAV. 1 , 41,1 Arh. IMPORTS BY RIVER. CINCI I .NATI-1 1 ,' Perte—Zll7pelt hirrl./..n, 20 tants st•les: 7 , 0 ,ss bulk 10,11. IN Ithl - part. St:llers A NIE-oln. 4 111, st.plet. 2.10 hair. 4:: sLs dn. Forsyth & Ins and 1•1. t+lcs It, tit - -. 111 A Co: L tants sugar. Ann- Amon 15 1110 hop.. 421: sits haley.ll .1,1111.11 c, nowt taw,. In Lags. 61 to dm 2 AM, OH, 1 h. msls, WO. Its/nu. IV Illtuthinnu 26 his lolwrn 14.11A (211a VW- Ann). II It 1 411 - 01.-I,nott, Itus Ian!.::,: ..... It A 1 11 Idols tol , ntss, I,lnrt. . • ITr Is/ t•, 111 tes hat.. (lark k Thaw. 1.. 2 ,II Meklelen h 14, 11 Il2 rhe ,4 4 ilil.l-1.4 2 4.4 •Nall.ler‘. Kier.( .I , ,th, ..hetll.l. r. J 51.1,1" J 9 ,loeuati I .OrA/.01. lautrro. 1411 .t I.l2rettr sr.J. 1r Barker; Rater .t Forryth, 22 1.1,i eAndleo, I.lll.ltatn, 6 1110. !.Imlthlerst. 141.1.,:,1e, Sellers ,1 111 th. haen. Bra, 2 11, te, 11 1.1.1 n. h.ghrue, 2 h., 22 11.11 sod 1.11,1,1* vent, 7 e.lo.r.taell. LI/ barrel, "and 1 tlo shnethler, k. Co. 111 bbl. run, Nser.le, r.. 110 leather. Isk 11 Childs. bale. .1... ekinn. nark, 1 I.a }they Mathews .1, Co. %WHEELING—Pim DICRNIL—= 301A8 oppleo, Corry Smith: ,7 1.148 ••IL:•Loy, 14n Mill, a 11fr.k....0u; 15.1 , •uur louronl. 1111,1 4 IN., nv , 1n..1. IV ILl:lark. loblp L•rni.l. 2,inglair: 131 d/inv. ikusr. , ilarbakurk 5 el, appl. bhrivar. bbls T ultver. NEW . 11 : 1, E.I.Nn—Ilh P.:hmtt. Ar and 12 rrke v J rsk.. 114 1.11..keu 1. Ks, J Evt. 7n. 1,1.1 r mu,ar, hi do M Uurlirid,, Ingram:o Ma, hm:..l..nts, IV 13:1‘,16). Op 21 Hid,. Heal Us 1,14 ham, W II 3111,...n1...rr: kyr., 61 1.1..1.:0 nh.l 6 lath/e Clork Th., 3 4 ...0A,' .1 T.. 1 W..... It. bld.. Inurnt I Pi:J.J Nu:2-15 131...1 tobwoo. J A lo Arc 05134,34 . yflow,lso do hour' rel nn J In.worth, bill fruit trr3. Nolmo A Co; A., nro. rk• , onl. liilJJ br , 1 1 3 ' 71 bws d , wk gun. eisc: III“Ars/A No '2-1 la End, Ilakon A lOdwyth: owalba. FoltrowtrwL. A Inc Al 0b0,k,0, , .1 Scott A C0..14 n OO do. 31,1kaasell .T , do do. I-Joilwrt Slaidon. :IS lin .1.. I.Cock,Low: 111 d. ' .Ir Park, 4 m T Arbor/co .3 Or bble, powlo I,oloit a Co; IS ork•ohoul.bww. 14017 A 1.1 4+l ham, Own. h Thaw; IS Md. J 141 , 1wolo , o: 211 do .41.1 1:ono , . 3 lrliulro 1,34 tool, J Irunlnll. do do, whew( hoot: bbl.. ',coon own, almowl. 1 . 41 1314.—Pn Ilswrsr.,—/14 I,aron. W A 1: 31 , Cutrboon. 7 1 , d1 , . sort, 31 II Mown: 1,4 boll 01100 Noon. earo,o 31 4 - KrAwbt: 2.5 4, Iltdo, A I , ,,rryth. ! '' .;l7rtt re. '" i'firti I 23 1,1,1 s toolwows. 4obiason't. Little: 142 u.rk, 0 - 11 , 7: , ; , :tic 0 [ . 11.11. 4 . JO do wool, 2 Law low.ror..lllwy _ _ . ••• • • • • 11 EAIOVA & BENNETT, In Poginc, hale It 2 : 4 .0en0.1. 14114 IUI Lastaßsq. Won 4 dta rd, rittuttulzl, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE Corryppoudeu, of 1.11 1 .pall) f•it6bur:L Ga.tte. WASIIINOTON, March 13, 1851. Adjournment the Srnatr—No quorum—Printing mannturml—n,mured auk or tic.p. ns a, n 0 . 1" the Washington l* ,, ion—Gen. Cu ortinguishod,— Must., Douglass, The Senate assembled this morning, and went into Executive session at half -past twelve o'clock. There were not over twenty five Senators in their seats. Mr. Berrien enquired as to the'very im portant point ore quorum, nod was answered. by the President that he would count and ascertain. But before he could do so, a motion to go into executive session was put and carried. I under stand that one or two unimportant nominations were acted upon. When the doors were opened there appeared to be about twenty Senators pre sent. There was manifestly nothing like a quo rum. Nevertheless several motions to print doc uments were proposed and carried, which were well understood to be so many props to sustain for a few months longer the sinking Union news paper establishment, no all the printing ordered will be dune at that office. Among the docts ' ments ordered were two rep , voluminous ones, namely Owen's geological and topographical re port on the north-west, and Captain Stansbury's reconnoissance of the Salt Lake country. The printing of these documents may cost an im mense sum, and they may pour a fortune into the lap of the favorite to whom the work will be given. The utter want of principle and positive indecency exhibitgd in creating such jobs while two thirds of the Senate_ were notoriously ab sent will be apparent to every one whose atten tion may he turned to the transaction. Connected with such proceedings we have two rumors of some interest. One is that Major Dotmelson, of Tennessee, adopted son of General I Jackson, has, come on here and opened a nego elation for the purchase of the Union. If he ob '..tain it., it is reported, he will continue it as the democratic organ, but will bend all his energies to the task of conciliating and reuniting the northern and southern wings of the party. That the concern will hare to change Itwula l have no ! doubt, Mit I doubt whether the Major, adroit as he is, could make much !out of it. The other story is, that owing to the failure of all the lichemes of supporting the Union from the trea sury, and its growing unpopularity, the daily pa per will be merged in the weekly. edition. It is almost certain that 110 ' sty political paper can exist here independent! of the patronage of gov., eminent. Up to the recent sten , gle over the River and. Harbor Appropriation sill, Gen. Cass is elated I to liave entertained sun nine hopes of the dear , oolitic nomination for tl e Presideney. lint his I unfortunate aisle of inning that affair liai I destroyed his last reniai ing hbpc. (tae of the ! most able and popular .le ocratic leaders of the 1 north west told me to dray, that he had no doubt ! that Gen. ( - ass would publish his withdrawal from , the canvass for a nomination within six weeks. lie says, could the rote be taken to morrow, I every north wire= State would go Whig. 1 It was most an. to . witness, on Monday 1 ' last, the fretting it\nil fuming of the General, over 1 i the articles la the tepublic smoking hint out of ! his hulas . Doug!. s, Houston, Chase, and in deed all his chief competitoes and opponents watched the old ge tleman in his painful found- I erings with faces d stoned by the broadest grins. I Houston especialiy rat wriggling biluse:f stout i in his chair wit h unconceaied delight. They could all see that t sir f i end and rival was the victim of eirmna.tances. They toes that the shaft of fate had t n oticed him , in the shape of Mississippitmag he at least would be out of the way. Strange at a man with the natural acuteness and sa tin ivy of Cass, and with all his large experience, c tnnot understand that one ounce of action, of decided, honest action, is' worth tons of words It is deeds not speeches that challenge the ispecit, and secure the admi ration of the peopl, , s Cut llousunC+ to Mounted !Urn earulina in a }ull.l 1,17 H het] letter to G.. James Hamilton, as au nri ' tocrnry and oligarchy. ()Id Sant fairly opened eves and mouth with aston ishment when he he trsl both his assailants pro nounce all his state vents -false, and intentimml ly to. The fact is, he hero of San Jacinto, who . is playing most actively for the Presidency, thought a little good roam] abuse of Solith Caro -1 Hun, just at this erisia, won't] do hint good, and could not endanger his prospects. His eonft, Ision ' tameness, and want of point, showed con-' ! elusively that he was not informed upon the sub ! jest, nod could not have written the letter which provoked the controversy. It was now Cassis I turn t 3 laugh nt Houston, which he - did most , neat uly and without any affection of maguamity whatever. This pussage will hot c Houston more j in the South, than any which line lately occur red.JUN 11,, I GL..; 4.:,,11,1 • n 1, 1 , 11 45.1. at,ou 00 94 90 09 AO ,0 1 4.91 .9.1 '&1:11 Ilsmusuenn, March 14. In .the House, to-day, Mr. Walker reported from the Committee on Corporations the bill to incorporate the Citizens Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh : and a bill reincorporate the Western Pennsylvania Railroad Company. - The bill to provide a !louse for the support and Wssboarrosj, March 11. Ittr.,l employment of the Poor in Allegheny county, reported without amendment. The rumored sale of the Union estab 1.. tment seas reported Broomall read in place a bill to incorpo is the town t a lk thi s afterno o n It is 'very coati- rate the German Roman Catholic Orphan Society dently axserted that the whole thing is 111 set- of Allegheny county. IT tled. According to We account which sounds Col. Robertson, a bill to incorporate esteem or the -most plausible and probable, Major Dionne'. to . rs st eZr w f:zy t, over the Monongahela, between eon and Gen. Aathstrong have bought the concern , Mr. Bighorn, a bill relative to the settlement for SIIO,MM, possession taken immelnately. The 1 of the account of Alfred Sutton, late Prothono antecedent. of both thtlee gentlemen are such as tars of - Allegheny county ; A bill to allow Daniel to entitle them to the indulgent considerati.m of Nesnly nod others, trustees, to mortgage real democracy at the outset of that lalmur of love estateti pa in o n f Alleghenythe ‘ .aoat county; Jes A o bill . t: c r o e n g . ul o a n te . which it is said they have undertaken. Gen. we ' illth ) .. This bill authorize g s and requires the Armstrong was an old Indian lighter with Jack- State Treaserer, on January let, 1812, and every son, and if I am not mistaken he was with hint ,ten years thereafter, to procure a copy of the at tho at New Orloorm. The old hero 1 venous taken under the authority of the United .ignalized hit regard_ to for In by leaving hint 1 Stat''' and to classify the cortntie.s as for; hit swum. The genuine and orthodox char.- 1 Iowa: First class to include countits containing a ter of "Mr. Arnodrong'. democracy is furtherat. I population of not more than :10,(1110, and the As tested by time decisive cireumstance that Mr. :iodates to receive $BO per annum. Polk appointed Inns 'Consul at Livetpool. and 1 Second class—Those counties exceeding 30,0(1), kept him there four years. , The u lutes to receive Fq-10. Prolit. "I the I the hin d elutes cou . nties over nO,OOO, end place are over twenty thousand dollars per- Mt- ; not over 1011,000, theAssociatt Judges to receive num. A. to Major Donnel•on, he is even a more i $ O lOl . ' .distingui.ltel favorite both of Gen. Jackson I Fourth clues—Those counties over 100,000, the .and of denotegioy. Ile i., the adopted ~.on of : 'abr.). to I ' $:3013. All 4) remain any ne w and "- lila IliCk ory. He :was his private secretory. I t. , • is h o tt , n , F l ea h b e lti or f m o n r ,d ten th y e •ears. As., xoci l a f tes an sim a ll e b w e7la7s t i y - When 31s. Polk mime into power, an attempt tied in the first . class until the next apPortion was made to place Mr. Dunnelson in the position mem which itiWhi ' °btnincd, at ilix'r's expense._ In any county where the President Judge of the That failing, the Major obtained the much bet- district does tot reside within three miles of the ter place of mir.ster to Freesia, n o d in 1849 , , s i e u lt i. ofiustice n , ti o: u e . o: c h in e. o l.g c om ,, :aVu ro dge oi l l r s e h d al to l, when the temporary central got crreoeut or the I reside g no u t exceeding three miles from the court German empire was set up hi Frankfort, Major ! house of said county. D. was transferred thither and was paid full i 3lr. Hamilton uttered a further supple.tuent to mileage and outfit, as 10. would hov e hoer, anti- the act incorporating New Brighton, Beaver let to reedy 0 hail he rereived the mission to j ''' \ tr tY. v on Hor n e, a bill to divide North and the Talker government tt, att .wiginal appoint- I south Wards ' Meadville, into separate election - al . T, , . mutt . The Adair was so arratmed th at l beim, districts; For the relief of John Nicholas, fur : , Mr. D. received for We change or credential.dainatics ; For 8 divorce' fur John J. Low; Foe EXCHANGE...IND ~,1 1..1..N NIXt7 ITOCSI, and the journey from Berlin to Frankfort about the relief of Archibald 3lerriman, an old 801- ' \VAL A. 1111.1. & CO, ,t;•20,00). It will readily be conceded that be- .d er For the relief of William Henry, fur dam- I twee. two such fortunate gentk • I No. 64 Wood Street, Pi'asbugh• , nun there can I ' 3lr. Rem', for the relief of the Erie Canal Com- 1 [Gr.- - feel ‘1.1.41.a., e,,i), i .1. t. , ....I ,I• . . - . be no greattlilheulty in raising the needful. But 1 pony. ' Citizen's Insurance Company Cl Pittsbar!:h' - notwithstanding the easineas npon this point, ', Mr. Dungan, for a new election district out of ; „, 1 parts of VettallgO township. Lawrence county; I le„ ots, o ; e 4,a; It .t..r ,11,t.10 tr.. ree r,w , e ..J r il. Were are reasons for very serious doubts of the success of the new proprietor.. , L., ,aid au, j. , T s : c lueorporate the Lawrence County, Agricultural L NI.,. nr „,.. r. i .,,,, : , 'INCOURAGE 11031 E 1 \. - . , TuTu'ri r:, :•, 'Deaver ~,,, To attach parts of Darlington township, , Thi.1:4,11?,,,,,!.!...Z,.,';':,;,;1%, mean still to conduct the paper as u political or but on the principle of , county. county, to Little Deaver, Lawrence Thus ~r.,,..,,,,...t , :.., m.. ~,..r. ,a.l Ird•-i, V gan of We democracy, lit' , ..-'-di . .L . .:.! - ; . !:,': . ',p,!,';, - ..,..,'„'.;Tr.'“,.!..,7`.;12 ',.'T:.Z ,„,,m„,irdo g all the measures or the compromise. i Mr. Scofield, relating to foreign judgments. toT a . f .t.s' O l, ' ,C U . L .itl2l:l) id the:: rroJedci, infutlete.-.. ihat is to say, they are about to rush into the I Mr. Bigelow, to divorce Philip Gangwer ; Sup- arLat,._ln., ~, Hoe...e so ,. ~,,_. .. v .-. L0 .,.. r0 ,,,,,. . pletnent to the act relating to inns and Laverne ; J r . . ii Ali, ewe,. .111,4 1,. 1.:. i ! .tft , :ul,l :1e.,/...., it., midst of ib.t controv,:my which Las distracted To Incorporate the Nei” Verandria Female J. dm Haworth. e , -I. ha,. at,,, , .:• and destroy,' their party, and brought its :50 ml. 8,,,,jp,,ry , —,-- To prevent the forcible entry ism :-- ,_ .. • , . il..korlng for the LOOS HERE IIY FRIEHD! led organ to the conintien in whieb they found school houses and other public buildings.- ni,. e 1 , 1,111FP I I • • • la the Senate, but little business was transac , iBE Y- "d- Mr. C n nninghnot mod in Place a bill to 1 riot . tA.'ne'llits. .711,1T 1 4.,';i12.:1:1 t,f_r...,'..r,T,',..i... - airier. parts of the county of Huntingdon to 31if- ' by. s. P. tioj.OltisrE . ,.r.,,L o to. to you • 3 other, ro. , rta. mo m di, k..., tow hplt a lio county. 1 ato. an. e..m.saitr i ruleect. tie Or. S. U. Bowes ehoker The Free Banking Bill occupied the attention , F:x.,7,p1.11 . 1e—n. , _"0l t" , -rtaly ,,, Core ,0, , a. . - . of that body during the greater part of the morn. , r lt r ,t,A Alr e ,. ti: ... .!,., ,,. .. , 4 1 1 . .zf h... .T_r i ... , .. n , ,,, .f ,.. , , , , ,, , , , , ins. They have nearly - lunatic,' the consideration ! ..trarin ot . as pretet , V I:_y Pr.jki D . .. 14. 1 7, t,..., me of the bill—have actol upon all time teethe. on- t1;',...,,,,,, ',..7.11?,...,. e '„} m ,,1,... rm 5_,..±. ,, , e,1: • ,w . . J. ; . ' , taxi :, 1 . 1,_ eept two or three—and will pass it probably in er..naratiou of Sae..swill& ever j ..i Lem,. tigx. 'um , publie. two or three days. , This snalleine Inu cstablisied ',ta high revelation by Its lt bl eat up In nears botfek. ez,114 the eel), Purim/1,J% Board, and to provide for the election .f one that ocu, ea the Liver, Kilnep, In the House, the bill to e abolish the.Catml , numerous and Well er.erb.j,,,. Mel•sl ,d the ",one x Superintendent of Public Works, was killed this time, •il . t:eders it slur-war e,,toe r nitre valuable t o ~,, morning ' lr. Penniroan made 0 long and very ..f,.,, t0 ” , :t.rui ,i fi; ,, n14:1. 0,... Ix i10w.,3 num En I • 1 ;defence of the bill, and took eves- FAILSAPAILILLA, not tote no - iih... • . god- kpeeed in ,___ ..., these papers of h. i . , Price SI prr bottle-6 btille"Tor la. . - ownSion to deal heavy blows Fur saheb f o ith_th e /'mare Iranian and Penn•yieenia DIL e. D. BOWE etst, Prorrietors, Statesman—which had spoken harshly of him, To ert ,„,„„ 1,1 i ~, I ~,,, I fg„7 . 172, 1 ,, , 1 , 4T . ..Pi1• Ohio. and this measure. Alto, r a t e by J. 0. Amery J. tiehormeo k k, ajk,...14 . , Mr. Scofield retried at some length, and with _Th-,i,„,a.-..r , ,e.gi1x..i.. 2 -,,, , ,,, , F i d,,,,,...,......- - „ guard deal of effect upon the-House. A f ter he 0,..j,...1iedeb., rise a .er, tatavilZll,i_Jii,"p,,Ta finished, be moved the indefinite peep:m=6A of jiZ z ildij;,=l, ',- , "0 E. 0. -"let., Bt.- As a business speculation I look upon any at tempt to galvanize and restore the t;ilittil news_ paper to be perfectly desperate. Whatever may have been its paw pretensions, it Cannot now be considered the organ of any thing. In truth it is doubtful whether any puny will ever be able to to sustain a political organ at the capital. The ruednid times are changed when a party with a majority in Congress could dispense jobs to its favorite worth fifty or a hundred thousand did. lars. Newspapers at Washington an elsovrhere, must outs tire by the voluntary support of die people or they must die. There is no more difficult and responsible post , ll id er the government than the conductor of the dnewspaper organ of the ruling party. • ' Every body has . signally failed who hue undertaken it. FROM P7A.SELAGTON. Supplement to "An Act for reducing the in terest of money from eight to six per cent. per annum," passed the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and tienty three. See. 1. fir 11 enacted, ,s'e., Thaisin lieu of the penalties contained in the second section of the act to which this is a supplement, that on any contract made after the first day of September' next, only the excessof interest over six percent. p6r annum shall be ferf,eited,'one half to the Commonwealth and the other half to the inform er, as is therein provided. Sec. That after the first day of 'September next, any person or persons, corporation or body politic, contracting for the loan of 'money, may agree in writing to pay for the use of said money to the person or persons from whom the said loan is obtained, any rate per cent per mourn agreed upon between said parties. _ • See. 3. That the net to which this is a supple ment, except so far as is hereby modifiec‘ be, and the same is continued in full force. The first section was lost, - and while the House I was considering the second, a motion was made to postpone its further consideration for the present, which was agreed to. Mr. Bighorn made a very excellent speech in favor of the bill,-which was characterised by gent clearness and force. Further discussion trill he-had upon it, and as yet it is impossible to conjecture the final fatt, of the bill. The proposition to ha te the State subscribe for slo,issl worth of the stock of the Sugar Valley and. Whim Deer Turnpike Road Company, was lost in the HouSe this morning. Quite an anima ted contest ensued - upon this bill, wadi( was ulti mately defeated by laat six votes, it would b.ave pasted, had it not recommenced a• practice through which the . Comnionwealth was precipita ted into her present difficulties. CoL Slifer, of Union, pressed the, bill with great real and effect, and brought all his Person al popularity to bear in its favor, but be was not so well sustained by the friends- of the bill on the other Bide of the Rouse, and defeat was the re- The Free Banking Bill is enjoying almost the anti time of the Senate. That body is making sloe romess in the bill, as its enemies are re tarding it at every stage, by the prqpositiou of amendments, on which animated discussion gen erally ensues. The bill will pass the Senate by lour or flee majority, and probably by a larger vote, if some amendments be adopted which will recommend it favorably to some Senators whodo not oppose it bitterly. The Revenue Commissioners have sxed the valuation of Wayne County at :31,371,750 Increase over 181 S, • ' 122,33:3. York County at • • I 0,6 1G,397 Increase over 1848, 619,326 Wyoming County, 851,780 n soon came. itntler.v. 1:11ett ba‘ing I rihe.l Sott!) Duff Green was discarded by Gen. Jackson long before the end of his first term. It is true that Blair kept his place at the bead of the Globe for twelve or fourteen Years, but it is also true that in making his journal a procrustean bed for all politicians of their party Blair and his associates wined 31. Van Buren. • The . humiliating and disgraceful six years career of the Globe's suc cessor in organship need not be here -mit ten. be is enough that the task 'is greater than can be discharged satisfactorily by any editor in the United States. The absurdity of the ef fort has been made manifest by many recent oc cur rences. I anistruck with the deserted aspect of the city to-day, very few members of either House remain, and the paucity of strange faces shows how large a part of the floating population of Washington is made np of persons drawn hither by the proceedings of Congress alone. Mr. Ew ing and Mr. Schenck, the new minister are yet With us, but they will leave for tLe west in the morning. Gov., Cass and Judge Douglass nlso leave at the same time, but in:opposite di rections: Gen. Scott is about to set out upon a tour through the west for the selection of sites for the new *military asylum. Justus. PROX HAITHISBUBOH. (Correepondettee et the Deily Pittsburgh Gneette.) Haantnne - ann, March 13.. Petitions in abundance crowded in upon us this morning. The people appear to be.just wa king up to a knowledge of their wards, and their prayers are almost as the sound of the sea shore. To insure an answer to all, we shall be compel ed to have legislative session without end, from Which. I unite with the people in saying, may good fortune deliver no. Mr. McCloskey presented a petition for a plank road front Saw Mill Run to Phillipsburg, Beaver County; for a law to tax dogs in Alle gheny County. for a law to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors. Mr. Walker, for a tam on dogs in Allegheny County. Mr. Bigham for the same object. From General William Lorimer, Sr., for power to settle the account of Abraham Sutton, late Prothonotary of Allegheny County; for a modi fication of the license Law. Mr. McCloskey rend in place a bill to atithor. ire the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Turnpike Road Company to change the location of their road to increase their stock. .In the House, the bill to[repeal the usury laws was considered. It is as follows: tucrea,ed by the Board over the re turns of the County Counuiesioners, $1351.37 Qrr..RNE. VOLUME LXIV-NUMBER 192 the bill, which was agreed, to . .by a vote' oft. to 42. Thus ends, for,the proscut at least, the effort to onpeetede the weak, ignorant,, and inefficient Board of Canal Commissioners which new mintrol the Public Works. It Was amusing to sec the horde of office-holders on the State Canal and 'Railroad, who were brought tollarrisburg by the agitakiou of this question. Their bread was almost slipping from their fingers • and,l with an entire absence of selfishness, and pruninted purely mod faddy by the most elevated pritri4isui, they left their proper places, and hastened to•darken (he doors of the Capitol with their hungry faces, and to annoy the members with their piteous COM plaints. • • To-day the first Bank 101 l pasied the House. It chartered a hew inotitution, the Farmers' and Mechanics' Wok, at Easton. The Rouse has a Locofoco majority of twenty-fun,' 'Thisnnrjuulk was carried by a majority of fie, How these Locofocos do bate heartless corporations Their professions of hatred and hosllll4 to these insti-• tutions aro villainously hypocriticaL Nine-tenths of the banks of the State . have been created by Locofoco Legislatures': and yet none so loud as they in denunciation and abuse of them. It i s time the mask should be removed, and thembited sepulchres exposed to hill NiOW. - The Revenue COMMISBIOOCIVI have fixed the 1112260 D of property in Allegheny county at $21,008,220, which is an increa!icipver 1848 of '51,281,8.52. The County Commissioners return. ed $23,137,904, which amount the Revenue in creased by the addition of $840,316. .• .SECESSION AT THE .SOUTH.—After a temporary lull, the cry of secersii'm boa again been raised in South Carolina. A letter to the Washington Union From Columbia, S. C., . says 'Secession determined on by the leader,: and the Union rays this assurance has been confirmed by South Car olinians of' high character, who profess to be ac quainted with what is passing in their State.— The Charleston Mercury of the Bth inst., pub lishes a letter from a prominent Alabama politi cian, from which we. extract the following: Every man who has looked philofophically upon the present state of affairs, must have long since Made up his mind that there is no hope for the Sloth, except in South Carolina. Virginia. who should be the Southern Vanguanl, is timid, and will not lead; and the 'other surrounding States must have some one to folluti. None will lead but your brave little State, and if she does not do it, and do it soon, all is lost If elm fal ters, our common enemies will be cncouraFed, and wreck and ruin will be our doom. There is no possible expectation of culiceclist action between the Southern States The two attempts at p convention in Nashville, conclu sively prove it. It is synonymous with sulinds, sion to place State action upon such a contingen cy. Let South Carolina go out of the Union by herself, and if the Federal Government dares to raise her hand against her, the slave States will bcceile in a body; and fly to her resene. Indeed, when one bold spirit acts, the more timid wi11,!,, likewise. It is my opinion that the , South will 'never do any thing until some State , withdrawn from the' Union alone, and the fears'of the'others are piloted in their disappointment as to wan Cowardice is at the bottomof our recreaney. All feel our wrongs, and but few have the spirit to resent them. Every day that parses schools us to submission, and a year or two more will make us slaves. If South Carolina Las not degenerat ed, let her act without , delay; the hope of the South is in her! ' Blatid t i ritaber. —lt is estimated tmethe woods forets, and phuwations uf Greet Britain coat, - about 3,900,000 acres. The iwwsout of thither" commuted antamllo is morpose,i to 1, w or th $115,000,000, of whiet scat the solute of ::00,- 000,000 is home grow; a„ rivet $35,000,0thi im ported. Fr -'- which hase J with 3t ha to, fur it •im other on vriffib to . . . Chronic Comb. by the tve of laar r lkittles of retralrum. She raual uttackal me a yearyn Sart December, and 15.1 Itmt dl boat s of Fety y nrl4 e. I trad_ taken the salrforof . .a.vtral ph ..Iriarrs rrithout or bar:frit. 1 Ira, bamebt,l almost la.taritly b! the l'ermlrum.4crvgAvi ay. &mina the rg.,,r Petrarunt. a Atm/rear , : aursetl in, lune.— likuks thaw atat.arruti without .y . reticitatau from air to do sa and palely fur the perrae that others uha may Le staffing may he benetand. ten aru of bla.rty to publi...h this orrtiEcare. Irma :mold tither of PittAbta . ol, haring rtr.illr,l herr thirty.thrve. ytaa. My re.-Htenvo. Ulla UM, is ma Sanaa street. .1011. N WATT. Frrrsommia February For Mie t , r 121,,,. A AIeDT; ~11. 14) W..... 1 0.31,4 R. I:. Mier& 1.7 Wm,' Ftn , t; IL A. Fa ß l/1 tl rr lnel. A. (.7. , . mu+ , Wood exidFmnittn.,L, D. AI. Ctirr IL A. 11111rm.J. - li , Dttvgla., nod 11. P. ekhwart, AII , , lay, olgn by tbr Im. Primr. P. M. Klllll, feb2.s4kra . Cansl.l3.ln.Eav 11 M., Pittasurg h. . . PERNSYLVAITLA 0AI). 117.47. 1 - 77-7 ,4 7'f:.."-9 ISSI. SITES% ARRAN - 6 Forty-six hours to l'hiladel 'Forty-four h . ours iu lialtinu 280 miles Railroad- 7 10 in Trio Daily Lines Bap rtss (KX4LUSIVELT FOY: TO PHILADELPHIA, HAL NEW YORK. I N the opening of Canal I.N. the Lim., Nrw Exprrys Pante J9stow v. thence by Portxgrl:4lllr. - HOLLIDAYSBI Then, Inking the NEW PENNSYLVANIA Two liondrrd .4 roily-11re mllvs /llnxt to PHILADELPHIA. Time through FoftTY-six flours. Faze to l'h SIO. Fare is I.lll.timors., The Cars an this mute an; ur.w, nod or tho most a e on :. , ea ronstruelltn tor ourofort and sato.r. _Llsnekrto leave eVery mornlnz pn. ,- 1,,1y at Eixitt o'rlnck. and every ea.nin4 at the mint: bout. Passen g ers -for Baltimore, nr.iral Id Cars .t V•Prk and Cr,. .erlanl Itallmo.l.(nrnr tinirlmt,ltllCCL to that ty t.,ur mils.) Tunr. So charge for handling Itaggagu on Ibis route. Th e Ms the zunet, rontf, , stkhle. ,lielryl,h• tne For pauws, or infa tinn J. I'. IfOL3IES, Agent. lournmaltela D. LEECH ,t" CO. ltn•in. Penn etrtt. N. n. On ate Ist Of July, 11, Irnnoylrania Itotlnwl win he finished to IK.r.uport, whiell will oh...ten the time laymen *IX hours. htt.bur-,11, February • Foreign. and American Hardware. LOGAN, WiTSDN„.S.-- CO., No. 129 Wood Street, IIAVE cow IN FIORE i A full andeontp:et.otoek of FOREIGN A_ VD AMEX/U.IY • HARDWARE, :imitable for Wu npring Iralc. aud uh“..11 the • uv pr: - to ofer to urctn-.roof r tiny Lmrably .sy of I Domestic and Ebro -n EAthan Gad Silrer, LA,tiy.6l,Sd ( DiQra- NF 3IENT. lial Packet Boats ; Es.) MORE AND g Lion, •Tw., mute will !easy f, MEEIII