The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 17, 1851, Image 2

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To the Whigs
of Pautqlvmiixi.
- •
.114' A BTATE'CONTTNTION trill be held In the City
of manomter, ma TUBADAY, Jane 24th, ISM. for the p e.
Rope of selecting cemiklatee f•rr the rebate of Umernor a u nt
la•lC•octm l" ' '' '
• Pl a ga ' f..t i r - of: t ugi... ,
- Court.
tlMb z lt i llatieglia, tanitt L ei !trainman . ,
Wao. ii. Slinala Sa . T ile' IL ' h j o u rie .
• Barrinel Be IL. John M. Bra n. '
- Nathaniel Ellmaker, T. Tailor 14th.
Wm.J. Kohltumn. Aleminder E. Beaten
Warden R. Itreton. Wm. Bake,
Victim. E. Cothran, • Wm. 111. Walla, '
Henry Johnson, Jamee Clark,
Marks B. Bonham, Sherman It Sheltie •
Colima ram. Main C. Wilma- '.
C.. . Finney. John ABS.°.
John on,
1 Daniel McCurdy.
Bantanim, thorp Memo
Wm. Evan, ' Alex e 11, IleCture,
John C. Avail!, Simiela ordan.
• . IL RUNDLE SMITH, :Secretary.
FIRST FAGE — Commercial—WalLinguln and
IlerritburgCnnresPondence--The Seventh Cen
Imago l'ain—Home Matters and Telegraphic
ForuTH P4oE—The Value of the Clergy.
the Whig Convention, to meet in Lancaster,
'in June next, will have the authority of naming
'the candidate to be supported by the Whig par-,
ty, for Governor, at the approaChing October:
election. It is not difficalt to divine who that
:person will be. But one man has been named,'
and we . li - resume, thought of, as the tthig stan
dard bearer, in the important contest next fall.—
That person is Wu. F. Jonsaros, the present ca
pable and most efficient Chief Magistrate of the
GOv. Johnston needs no panegyric from the
press to 'recommend him to the su pp or t of th e
people. , It ix among the masses where his chief
. strength lies. The people know, admire, and
respect him. Even among our political uppii—
nenis, he is honored and respected, and they
can bring nothing against him; except that he is
Ilia administration of the State gov
ernment has met with universal approval. Peon
silvartians point with pride to the high credit
and character of the State, the value of her
stocks, the punctuality with which her engage
ments are met, andAhe commencement which has
been made to liquidate the enormOusdebt which
has hitherto presScd like an incubus-upon her
mighty resouives. , The stain of repudiation hits
been wiped away, and her future is bright with
the prospect of entire relief from indebted
„Much of this is owing to the ability .t 1
dem which hod marked Gov. Johnstoffs:adminis-
Mallon. It might have been different under
another administration—it was different in for
mer years, when reckless extravagance and vit.
lainous speculation were the order of the day.—
Every patriotic citizen of the commonwealth re
joites at the altered condition of affairs, and is
tensions for its continuence.• Many such in the
Democratic party will support Gov. Johnston for
re-elietion—preferring a present and certait
good, to risking the chances of a change.
The only complaints we hear itf'Glo,V.
ants come from a few Whigs who were .disap
pointed in not receiving offfce frooi'the national
,admitdstration, and whii attributed their failure
to the - indirect influence of the 'l GoVernor. We
have no doubt that nearly all of this soreness is
founded in error.• The 'Governor, we believe,
stood aster aloof as possible from any interfer
ence in the appointments at Washington; and
that whatever he might have done, had he dm. exercise his great influence with Gen.
Tqlor, he in reality took but little part in mat
ters which did net come within the purview of
his official duties.
However, the dissatisfaction from this cause
l ii fast dying away; and from the well known ,14
votion to Whig principles and the Whig cause, of
those who have expressed chagrin, we feel no
hesitation i,lit saying, that we %hall find them,
when the proper time comes, in the front rook,
; battliag for the Whig cause and the Wbig ennai
... —.....-,
7 : 1V,1,41- . ,', slight exception, the Whig party is
lA'pnifiniregitlio the propriety of nominating
Gi4JOiterdM . Po men in the State can so
twu k tas
,eotataeter . .)rally the Whig party to a cordial and
troth s '
__ .eupPort, and no other, we feel en
tireliattre',.... 0 good chances of a. triumphant
• electien. Our opponents dread him at, the Whig
camhdate. '. There is a prortige of success at
tached to lam that discourges their efforts, whie
it exhileraten the Whigs, and half wins the bat
- tle before it is fought. We look forward to an
animated campaign, and a brilliant Whig vic
We observe in elate number of the Pittsburgh
Gazette an.editorial article iuspunging the mo
tives of the Directors of this Road. and charg
ing upon them dishonest andfraudulentpurposes
in the use of their charter, by making the Road
!limply from - Erie to the Ohio State line, and
leavitigthe residue south of Springfield unconstruc
"ted. Passing eller, without comment, the etli
tor'e singular want of correct information upon
the subject,' we are happy to have it in our pow
er to state that be is totally,mistaken. The Di
rectors are perfectly sincere in their intention to
build the srholt Road, and as an earnest of this,
are willing to put under contract and construct
forthwith that portion lying between Enon Valley
and the town of New Castle, providing all em
barrassing impediments ore removed. They
deem the improvement of the highest praetical
importance, and, if let alone, will consummate
It In due...season—asking only not to. be clogged
by conditions which will render it impossible to
prosecute the work.—Erie Goz•etle.
If the Erie editor wilUtell us whatthe -embar
rassing impediments" he speths of are, we wilt
join with him in endeavoring to effect their re
moval ; • but we must doubt the sincerity of the
intention of the Directors to bitild the whole line
in any reasonable time, if ever, -when we see
them openly using the. charter for n purpose
which was never intended by the Legislature.—
When thii•Directorahave built the road in good
faith, we shall not object to their using the power
of making lateral , lines;. but to make a lateral
line first and thus obtain an advantage which
the Legislature refused to grant on its own mer
its, is nn outrage which ought not to go unpun
ishedd. We understand the Senate has passed an
act legalizing this forced right of way across the
State, and levying a small tax upon passengers
and tonnage. We trust, if the House accords in
the propriety of this course, that it will, at least,
make the / tax equal to that reqoired of our own
•Centrill Itailroad. This is only fair.
nig Untormows Stars (. p ast- [¢e Union
town Democrat' contains the particulars of the
first examination of two alleged fugitive envoi,
fwbo hare been residing tear Brownsville.—
'They were brought before the U. S.Commission
er Ott Monday evening.. Fears of a rescue were
entertained, and the military were'c - alled oat,
but there was no show of resisnce. Each pris..
• oner offered eviflence that he been manumit
_fed, and asked a continuance of the case, and
although the counsel for the claimant declared
that the proceedings must be summary, the final
hearing was postponed. When the result is an
nounced we will give a fuller account.
Star announces that a regular business has al
ready begun da the I'ittsburgli and Cleveland
Railroad, between Ravenna and Cleveland:
The first train of cars left Ravenna for Cleve
land on Monday morning, with about 40 passen
gers and a qpintity of freight. A train arrived
from Cleveland the same day. Thiw begins to
look like railroading in earnest.
Tut A PPILADILSIENT ACT.—We published this
law on Saturday. We stated, a few days since,
that the law had been construed us granting ad
,- ditional duties on iron and coal. This construc
tion is not correct, according to the following ar
ticle from the New' 1'414 Exprmr: ,
'A stray paragraph is wandering about; from
the ljartford (Conn.) Times, we believe, the sub
stance of which h.s crept into the Express, that
there in, in litr. Senator Bunter's Bill, which is
now the law of the land, a slight increase of the
• duties on iron and coal. There is not one word
of accuracy in it. The revenue duties stand
• qx
actly as they have been. uniler the Tariff of l
without the least practical alteration.
It will be recollected that, pi tt li ng t h e diocer.
elan of the Tariff of 1816, prior to it, passage,
the Whigs predicted that it would never yield
revenue enough to carry 00 the government,—
for which they have been especially laughed at,
as the result hos been contrary'to all ouch pe e .
diations. Mr. Walker, .the yew Secretary or the
Treasury, perfectly aware that the Whigs were
tight In their prediction, and that the Tariff
of 1848, • on the 80th day' of July,
would nev yield him money enough to carry on
the gove causedlo be slipped—into the
Civil and . rplomatic inn, August 10th, 1846, an
item, ha ting referenim to the Whig Tariff 6[1842.
and subsMntially reviving the ad ralu-mu of
that Tariff] Under the authority of that Unit,
Mr. Walk r revixed in a good degree, the tariff
of 1842, as well as other old Revenue Laws, and
he issued series of circulars, very stringent and
very ext rdinary, under which the Tariff has
been coil ted up to the present winter. The
house of old & Co.. of this city, and a house
in lion d not believe these circulars legal,
and each g out a case against them, the
two cases ere taken the last winter, to the 1111- •
preme Cou of the United States, and the Court
in February decided the cases in their favor, re
versing awl nullifying the lending Treasury, cir
culars whi . Mr. Walker had isnmllsineelB4o,
;mil upon hich he had raised n far greater
"amodlit of Revenue than was in the Tariff of
The prin.iples upon which the Supreme Court
nullified t.ese circulars made evident what a
confused, o 2, of absurdities-the Tariff of Itlin
was, and is and at once convinced every intelli
gent roan in. Congress that Congress most do
something mrnediately. Hence Mr. Hunter, a
Democrat row Virginia, introduced into the
Senate a hi I substantially re-enacting Mr. Walk
er's and Mr. liferidififs Treasury Circulars, ma
king the i.Arnctions under them the laws of the
land. Thu there is no addition to, or subtrac
ticat from t e tariff as it has stood since 1846,
under Mr. Valker's Treasury Circulars. Iron
and coal ar. just where they were, and so is ev
orythloga, . The costs, and charges, and com
missions Os sea to be added to the value, just
as they has been, and nothing else. Freight is
not to he ad ed, as stated in some quarters. In
short; dude and charge. are to be just as they
have always been.
It is calc ted in some quarters that the Trea
sury will h ♦e to disgorge something like two
millions of ollars, which it has collected under
Mr. Walkers illegal Treasury Circulars; but this
is only a ti 'e of what is really the back due, in
asmuch as most of the duties under the tariff of
1846 have 1 .n paid without protest.
GREAT F RE AT CARLINLE.—From thirty to
forty buil •gs were destroyed by tire in Carlisle.
on Wednesday last. Several of the best dwel
lings, R lore wnrehoitoe, o Lutheran Church,
wen• et mnned.
• "THICOE TLEI.I Ate SCIENCE OF E • r11 . 1,1•1•L,
and guide to the tumges aud hohito of Slciety,"
By Count Alfred D'Orsay. Much iurormation
put to a good use can lie,-derired
e hook; which iu form& at llolmeA'
winch coo
from this li
Depot, Thi
A' Stier te of Ehltlylle,...l hand hook
'By Countess be Calabrel l 3 For
• r & Co., Smithfield Street
of the *ode
sole by MI
The eat
g3ltrania C
has been let Into the Ohio and Penn
• From the Louisville Jourual.
ioN.—The Glencoe yesterday brought
he officers and crew of the strainer
laming them was our young friend
, ikin, who was socond clerk on the
:met%and math, narrow escape. We
A mer,
Mullikin and found him &untitled,
hands being much Henbled. and from
tied - the following particulars not Yet
Tttr. One
up some of
Oregon, and
Barrett Mu
ill fated ate.
called on M
his face and
him we obta
publishsd :
The explo ion occurred on Sunday the 2d, 'at
2 o'clock in e afternoon, at island 82. The
boat was an er full headway andhati not stopped
for six hou . previous. The larboarsl boiler ex
ploded, par of it being blown in the river, and
the other pa t passing op through the eabin,
boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the Texas
—the latter e rooms and hall attached to the
pilot house r the 'accommodation of the officers
of the boat, earing away the clerks office and
other rooms as well as the cabin floor, and pre
cipitating al on the leek below. Mr. Mullikin
was asleep a the time in his room,'opposite the
clerk's office and was thrown oft the boilers be
low, as were many others. Capt. Montgomery
had a few m . rites previous retired to one of the
rooms in the Texas. but at the request of two
young Ladies passengers, hod got up,to show them
where the J hn Adams was sunk, and was in
fact in the or of pointing the spot to them when
Ida own boa:. was rendered a wreck. Ile fell on
the boiler d. k., while the Indies kept their foot
hold. It wa fortunate for Capt. Nlong-tgomery
that he was lied up, no the room to which be
had retired as torn to atoms.
Mr. Multi - n describes the scene that occurred
after the rap onion ns heart-rending. The num
ber lost can t ever he accurately ascertained. as
the hooks at d papers were all destroyed:- Mr.
NI. thinks tha they willnumber about fifty. Be
sides Mr. B womother officer was lost, .1. Love,
of Portland, ne of the engineers. Ile had jOst
been relieved and had reached the plaids of the
cabin.: Them was three watches of firemen on
board, two o them black nod one white. The
latter were o t duty and were mall lost. Among
the cabin pa. sengers lost, not before mentioned.
was Mr. Oa •s, of hlauckport. The name of
Mrs. Ashler, of this city, given in the list or 1
kilned publis.ed on Saturday was a mistake. It
was a little aughter of Mrs. Ashler Most of 1
the waiters nd both chambermaids (Jane and
Rebecca) we e lost, as was two deck passengers.
About fiftee• minutes after the explosion, the
boat took li , and in twenty minutes her entire
upper work were burned. The officers and
crew. by the assistance of the steamers Iroquois
and Bulletin succeeded in getting the wreck
ashore, whe it sunk. The diSing bell was left
alongside of he wreck. The :safe in the office,
which contai ed from $7,000 to $lO.OOO, most
of which hel ged to the boat, is believed to he
injured and ill be recovered, as well as a por
tion of the'f ight.
Since writ ng the preceding, we have been
furnished by Ir. Lyon, the barkeeper, who ar
. ... .
rived last nig!
ers, on the I.!
which eontni.J
Fowlkes, its
Bulletin, one .1
epee of the O
About two
dent occurred
were It passe._
t with Copt ,Montgomery and oil,
!thane, with the Memphis express,
an account of the disaster by Dr.
!litor ' who was a passenger on the
f the boat, that came to the assist
hours rifler this melancholy acci
the steamer Bulletin, on which we
- • r, arrived at the scene of this .1e
struction of I fe and property—before her arri
val, however, the steamer Empire State passed
down and too off the most of the passengers,
whose lives h. been saved by the praiseworthy
and skilful - in • rpositionof Capt James Lee, of
the lin:spiel •or zt the hazard of hbi own safety
he did not he ,iste\to run his boat sufficiently
near to the 0 egon—then in finnies—to make „a
passage betw his boat and the burning wreck
of the Ore - go..
Ile took the wounded and the dying upon his
boat, and whe the Bulletin came to thescene, in
aid of his nob] exertions, his boat, the Iro,itiois,
was lyingjus above the burning Oregon,-ren
dered every .Ssible aid to suffering humanity.
Capt Chu h, of the steamer Bulletin. landed
by the Iroquoi.—and tendered every assistance
in his power t. the scalded, the mingled and the
. ,
Dr. Willie 4, Somerville, Tenn., and - Dr.
Sanders prpm tiy entered into active and odli.
dent seyvick . relieve the suffering.
e i j
Capt. Mont omery; after aiding to the extent
of his power nave life and to alleviate the mis
eries of the i 'end, aesisted by Capt. Church.
hill and 13031 deemed it best to attempt to Fllie
the freight in e hull of the horning boat; to
this end the olletin dropped down below the
wreck, eons ed to the lower deck, which was
covered' with he bodies of dead 'cattle, horses,
sheep, &c. ac 'vely on fire, and had the boat
scuttled. Ca Montgomery left the wreck in
ate and came up on the Bulletin
'on for the reception of the injur
charge of IC
to make prov
oi3. HOurs after the disaster it
thnt on his back he had reetived
ed on the Iry
env discove
as well na upon his arm, which
in n sling. The coolness and
doubtless did much to in-
a severe irtiu
was support'
firmness of Ca
ogere and crew With pelt-posses
it is belieeed, all who were not
e explosion.
Ithis character cannot occnr with-
spire hie pass
Rion that say •
destroyed by t I
Accident. o
out nn adult= I
from nAcirci i
cuume—it doubtless proceeded
the boiler, or trim the igaortirice
of the engineer! We say this
c—which of these causes we
an opinion:—for there is too
iu the public mind to condemn
don, the officers of an unfortu-
or eareiessnes!
must he the
venture not evJ
much nptitmhi
without investi
nut° hoat. •
We hare not froth any source beard complaint
anelEtinstCaptain Montgomery, and we feel pleasure
tot state the fac —and the mom pleasure, because
intim midst of the destruction of property, and
the loss of life, and the sufferings of the injured,
we, heard no su h complaint
IThe loss is • in, we Tarn, to Capt. Montgom
ery ; the inset , nec of Ms boat being, by stipule
tiqn, void by explosion. His freights would
have amounted to some $7,000, we are informed,
tidet e $7,0)l consumed in the clerk's o ffi ce.
Who they had o a.,
Much at stake upon his care,
cadon, ands I, as the Captain and owner of
th boat 7
scenes of this and melancholy accident—we
do not es!sy to speak of the dead and dying—of
innocent and h'lplmis mothers, children, and pa
rents! It leo d not benefit the injured and the
dead—it could .01 gratify the living!
There ,was, e learn, come 5-or 0 passengers
who. got on boa this splendid boat at Memphis
—we have only learned the name of our friend,
Oliver Woodw. , Esq. He was saved, and went
dtwn upon the 'mpire State unhurt.
Cabin.passen: re badly seulded.--Montgome
, Gosport, la. —Jackson, Grand Gulf, bliss.; a
g rifleman from Newburg, la., with horses; two
g ntlemen from Providence, La.
Saved, unhu HlVra. P. Card, Lexingion,
Q i,
B e late ci o u .., , ; ;. iea
d 0. ;,. yiiyiyckserbzrg.s Soo,3liss:
endersun., Ky. —Smith, Mount Vernon, la
d all the 1ad.1.9.
We have omitted in the aboveaccomst Se ranch
o f the details as lots heretofore been given, it ie
stippos.ed by some that the explosion was caused
by the water pipe being choked up which led to
the exploded boiler. Mr. Lyon ribn called on us
has nearly recovered from his injitries.
during the- .tecond nrraion of the , Tliirty-Arst
AN AFT to founds :Skilitary Asylum for the re
lief and support of invalid and disabled sol
diers of the army of the United States.
• _
Be 11 enacted hy the Senate and Route -of Re -
"'tentative, of the thnited Stetter of Ameries in Con
glens gueendtled, That all soldiers of the army o
the Unj.ted States. and all soldiers who have
been, or may hereafter be. of the army of
United States, whether regulars or volunteers,
and who have contribated, or !nay hereafter
contribute, according to section seven of this act
to the support of the Military Asylum hereby
created, shall under the restriction and pro
visions which follow, be hemben of the said
asylum, with all the rights annexed thereto:
Soc. 2. And hr rt further etketed, That, for the
'good government and attainment of the objects
proposed by thedn.stittition aforesaid, the gene
ral-in-chief commanding the army, the generals
eommanding the a=stern and western geograph
ical military divisions, the quarter-master gene
ral, the commissary geheral of subsistence, the
paymaster general, the surgeon general, and the
adjutant general, shall be, re offino: commission
ers of thesame, constituting aboard of Commis
•.ioaers, a majority of whom shall have power to
establish. from time to time, regulations for the
general and internal direction of the institution,
to be submitted to the Secretary of War forap
proved: and any other net or acts nece,sary for
the governments and interests of the same, a.
authorized herein.
it furarr marled, That the of
ticerP of too institution shall consist of a gover
nor, n deputy governor, nod a Secretary. for each
separate site of the osylom, the latter to be aLo
treasurer; and the said officer:, shall he taken
from the array. and appointed or removed, from
time to time, as the interests of the institution
may require. by the Secretary of War, on the
recommendation of the Board of Commis-
Sec. 4. :Ind L, d curd,.: .warted, That the fol
lowing persons, members of the army asylum,
acconling to seetion one, shall he, entitled to the
rightsand henclits herein oonferred, and no
others, %ix: every oxldier of tun :truly of the
United States who have served or may
serve honestly and faithfully twenty yens in the
same : utol every soldier and every discParged
soldier, whether regular or volunteer, who shall
hare sufferedby reason of - disease or wounds in
curred in the service and in the line of bin duty
rendering 'Jim incapable of further military ser
vice, if such disability has ma been omasioned
by his own misconduct Procioh,l, That no deser
ter, mutineer, or habitual drunkard., shall he re
ceived without such evidence of subsequent ser
vice, good conduct and relermation of character
as the comniissioners shell deer sufficient to au
thorize his admission
Sev. 5. .-ind /e n forthrr raioaral, That any
soldier admitted into N, institution, for diPabili
ty fltTnfuremnid. and who shall recover his health.
so tts to fit him again for military service, the
being under fifty years of age, shall he discharg
ed : Proefiled That any peneioner on account of
wound , . or di.abilit3t incurred in the military ser
vice;mlthough he nmy not have contributed lathe
funds of the institution, shall be entitled to all
the benefit,. herein Pruvided. upon trm,ferrin t z
his pension to said asylum. for and during the
period that he may voluntarily continue to receive
such benefits.
SE4I. 41. And br el f„rt fa, r .ncarted, That the i '''''' "'" y " e! " a ` " ; '" ;m s '''' ;N. " a left*" us ' W.
provisions of the foregoing sections shall nut he , ," ,,,. t h ,:
, 1 ; ,, ." ', O " ..r. ' a L l i Z i =L aa t ,;;: s 5 ;;:, a ; ` ,. .: , 7: , :"''' `s it
extended to any soldier in the regular or lden- Sri sti.:2 ; ; ' ,. are our ot do: ar um. It has .unerTlwl '. el l l
teer Lserviee who shall Lave been convicted of i other preparation. In tin. moot, 'and an Una teemou we
fedora, fir other disgracefel or infamous crimes ' n,.1, ca k.op a ...POI, •Ii haul.
of a oivil totere. since Ire has been admitted in 101... It. Ait A Party...,"
the service of the United Staley. Ti,. ate,ve ie one of IF h;odreds. of mallet. common,
Sae. 7. -la./ L. nwelni, Thai tor the ea.... which the an,,rietory of tln• medicine are daily n
, support or tin.,.i..1 ~,,titution the following steno ce ., " , e. "here it her le - rn , 11 1 r` 4, .."• it b , “ Ire ,sae it,.
hille set apart, and the same are hereby rep- . l ""' I' molar serums. . l.-
" n
, I Pnr .1e 1,, J Lila/11AL,
proitTitlfed : Any unexpended Imlance of toe ' , , , ' -
' Sei a lw ne • - No. rio teas.' W.
appropriation :made Nbirelt second, eighteen bun- ; a ' ; ' ; '''
, deed and . forty.snen, now rernaining it, the . Attention! _
Treasury, .for the benefit of discharged soldiers . 4, P.. tut. Arrystiox to tort reeteetfolly invited to the
'Win:Oiled by wounds, the suet of one hundrtni and '''."' " t ''' . '" . ' . 5t..... ofjohe Wha' who was cued
eighteen thousand seven hendred owl ninety •11.11. 'an
' ''''''' . tee '.... '''' hh " rh. " hhrh ''
,1„11.,,.1 nin,,,.,.„ tennis, 1„;„1 h e th e r „ oi , ~;::,1,;:::: rich. 1,, the nee Of Four Bottle. of Petrainuto
emending gthieral or the army of the U. S in Mexico. I The tyomh attacked me a year son tea December. and I had
during 'Lemur with that repel. h... fir the benefit ; lost an lades ..femette well. ac I had taken the Wets of
lobe..tidier, of the United States Mility, regulars ; "-`,., i'li.i 4 dfurt without an) . iwtneet. t W . . Lcoehtrd
and volunteers, engaged in that war," but taken . ',, ln '''" '7" u " , b r the P. 1 .14 In. I ... h . h P. d . hh O
possee.inti 4. fas fields of the United Stmt..... and '''''..".' Th. Ith''''';;"u; o hu'd"'"&";'";"..."".""''''"'—
. I make thew ytatemeuta withont any solicitation trouts.);
placed inn the Treasury -, all stoppages or fines ; me to do so, aud mete for the Pars w others e that othe who
adjudged against soldiers by sentence of courts mar le suffering may he bereflael son are at liberty to
martial, over attil aliotVny amount that may ; faith. tr. ear-Uncut., lam an old citizen of Putsbutah,
be due for the reinthors ent of Govendneut. or ; mom. , tr•^l'A Lea. thirtr-three re*. Ste redden., M
of individuals .. all forfei rem on in-count of de . ." ti...- bon ''""".' .treat. JIIIIN WATT
section: all moneys, mit e ceciliug twothirch. at ; I " e '"'''"' '''''''..) U. IS:A *
the lialance on hoed. of th ho=pital fund, and of 1 t'sr•ale hr Eel ter a Nlch;well. leo Wwd street: it F.
the net fund of each mill ry station, ~,,,,,, de- I seller.. a: Wood etre., 1.1 A Valineelock. A co. corner
1Ve...1 and to•nt .react II Al. Curry, I, A. Elliott, J.eph
ducting the necessary ex ss of 'the year. and
of deceased Novo., and it P Sch,wartt. AlLeaheity. ale by the pro
soldiers, which Ika II a .ay hereafter De. ' fete' 1... T r
anal Inson.fferenth ft. Pittyhurch.
nneltiiminflor threeyears . ecinent to the death ;
of said scildier or soldiers to. he repaid by the l European Agency ,
coitimi;sionersof the institution, upon the demand The „euheenher Inty.nds I - Dillow the principal cities of
of the heirs or legal representatives of the .le, ; ""'. "' sin. Fr ' n ''''' t i ,"F r '''" ,,, '• du. ' . ." .'°'
~,,e4. :Ind, 1 , ,,,id,d, abo, That from the first ; 77 ' th r . ' n::: ' ,;i1T ' ll; ' ; ' , " — Z;Z: , , , ito l ::, °° ''..7—i'at'
day of the !month, nett after the passage of this ; One.a charm-ter which Mae
rtnafidal to hia air, -
not. there OAR he deducted from the pay of every 1 ' euff,itoartr JOIIN b. DAVIS.
non-etimmiSsioned officer, musician, artificer, and .; =th i ..,- nate A metnets —,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 ),,,,,,u,,,,,,,
private of ; the army of the United States,. the I Mr this paper received atal forwardedlrreof expenaw. Roc
SUM of twenty-five cents per month, which rum ' this office.
so deducted shall. by thepay clepartnient of the
army, be passed to the'ermlit of the commission- i
ers of the army asylum . who are hereby also ;
authorised to receive all donations of money or i
property made by. ny person or persons for the .
benefit of the institution. and hold the same for ' r r itE ME3/BEIt S '4 the EAGLE
its sole and exeltiSive us... , nied, That the ; a stscrianceC'gni'd!. val"?..!".Ntoelf.
at the VIGIL:ISr 11.1 . 1. L runctu. attend -
deduction of twenty-fiv-e cents per month from the I
pay of non.comthissinned officers. musicians, arti- i ;; Cr?Sti,.. "% tTig r o " a t c - it ." " ' l er order
fiver,, *in ' '''''
ficers, and privates of regiments of volunteers. , ..'hi , . e. SLADE. Pee',
or other corps or regiments, raised for a limited ! Investments.
period, or fora temporary purpose, shall only be ;
made with their consent '
I (TO( ) ' l ' )° - LLB.I-'II7SB — URGII CITY ti,
100 idien.. Bongta..l Honda,. Hinton Cf.:
SE.' S And 6 , it furth., enoctsd, That the ; - mu do Cat King
commisonuners -cf,this institution, by and with • . mu do Yin. 1.4.1 - -
, du Nellie Quarts Sort '
the approval of the i President he and the same ; lor , nie r., A. WILKINS A M..
are hereby, authorised and required to p'rocure ! i." ,,, eon:minim:l end Merkel d.
__ _
for immediate use. at a suitable place or places. ' WALL. PAPEIL
a rite or sites fur the military asylum, and if the'
an Fresh Assortment of Spring OoOds.
nece,ary buildings cannot be procured with the 1
baring • THOMAS
. P.,...LMER : I:l , _:.liti . ly . r .,,, eeei sing,
site or sites, to bane th e same erected,
due regard to the health of the locations, facility I ■'''''''• ,th N, : . !: ,, ,,"' ,N iTi i i...; 5T ..:d ...
of access . to economy, and giving preference to
~,,,,„,,,, ~,,,,,
, rnd y onr ,
.„,.. pi„ , , ,,, , ,
such [daces as, with the moq convenience, and 1 i„.„ ,„,„,,,,, , ;„1,1,,,,,,,„,,,, , „„;„,,,,, , ,,,...L"
least cost, will necornmodlte the persons provided 4"Est eix,vwx,s that hate a.......rnd oe thy, e.erket
. . . tr,r e I,,ee, t...riod Tb. pati.rne us
va t
11.1., the
fordti this net. t , .11 i., tre,unerly chart, nod the rotor, le pon e , a doe..
Sr. , . 9 . A are I, , 1,,14,-, ,n..r..1, That the ; odic). • !3,• • ,? ; n7;`, , ,,,,,M • 4 4 1 ',7:1',..u . r:tt , t . h=
commissioners, with the approval ,if the Secretary,4
jltticlnt.l ran If lonnedlir o eichc tha.n r. de7nption :
of War. prepare the necessary roles :tall regalia- ; L'',' ; ',, • 7:,:',7, • l''' . ••••"... •••• ' •l•
..: a 7.r '
t i °' r ` n. ih " g''''''''''' a said 1 "'" i " 1 " T HE KICKLEISURYS ON THE RHINE:
and MP, OP same to Le fitted and furnished to w • M Tharerar. Prn, 2! , ,,e.
for the immediate reception of those persons , I b.. (V•ruiril WoallenJe. by Frank Voile.,
provioled for in thill art, and that the Secretary ; l',''''.;= •, ,, t ' , 4 m•-b.-il l iNE m v s . Lit .., 7, , 0 ,.
of War report upon the execution of this duty ;it ' n 1.17 Thiel AL. Opprolle Lb. Po.d 0111e+•
the next Session of Congress.. k 1 .sc, A 7.1 NES FOR APRIL.— •
Approved March :5, Iso',l ,y g ..i., . 1-W.'• boa, tbr Aorlt .I
reloutl'• %legal» do.,
,rlnni , d.. do: Vor xale at
HOLMES' LAterar beyrot.
j .1“,1,1: Thad 4t. oppoote the Poet oilie.
I ' EAO PlPE—Cornell'a improved patent
4 1..... d Pit, for 11( . .1ra4 . t .. 0,
A llfita t te It •.
tletertoi, ex_ ,
,A II ..., on lomd sod to Arline. fur Mle by
,_ 111 Front stn..t.
[1 . 1 . 111.,1•-Nu.
AN MT for the settlement of certain elasvev of
•, private land claiins - within the !Milk or
the a Baron De
_Bastrop Grant." and for al
lowing pre.emptiowt to certain actual neuters.
•.in the event of the final adjtelication of the title
vC the paid He Itavtrop in favor of the [cited
lir ley the Sconote and How, of Rine
nenteetoree of the rutted States of A ',term. on Chn
;trent athenobted, 'That in the event of a final ailju•
dication by the court in favor of the United ,States,
on the-. Baran De Ilastrop claim in Louisiana,
under the Oct of Congress, approved en the seven
teenth June, one thmennd eight hundred and
forty-four, entitled "f An act to provide for the
adjustment of land lobes within the Mates of
Missouri, Arkansasi and Louisiana, and in those
parts of the States of Mississippi and Alabama,
south of the thirty-first degree of 'porth latitude.
and between the Miffsissippi and,Pertliflo riverv, -
the register and redeiver for the...Ouachita Land
District, Lonisiana,ohall give public notice orthe !
fact in some newspaper circulating in the vicinity !
of the land: and within twelve months from and ,
after the date of for publication of snob notice it
shall and may be lawful 'for any original claim
ants of the classes herginafter tnentioneff in this
section of the present act, their heirs or legal
representatives, to file with the aforesaid re
gister and receiver notices' dOscriptite Hof their
claims, and specifying their precise localities
arid area, with the testimony in support of the
FIRST. All bona fide clainiant, by purchase from
Du Bastrop, or those holding under him, whiTe
the land has been occupied and cultivated for,
twenty yenta
SECOND. All bons tide claimants of head
rights," fur not exceeding six hundred and forty
acres, their heirs orlegal reprecentalives, where
the original claimant came over and settled the
land under the contract between the Spanish
government and De Bastrop, even though the
land was not actually sold or conveyed to sorb
original claimants by the said Be Bastrop.
Three. All Isma tide chtimant3 for not exceed
ing six hundred and forty acres, as actual settler,
prior to the twentieth December, eighteeh bun!
Bred and three, where they have held such con
tinued possession rut to show that they identified
themselves with the ownership of the land.
And furrier enart.l, That, after
the_expiration of the twelve months aforesaid, it
shall be the duty the . register nod receiver, !
pursuant to such iTtructions as may be given
by the Commissioner of cue General Land Office,
to make a report with the notices, and all the
testimony, to the GetternlLand (trice, specifying
nil such eases as in their opinion came within the
principles recognized under the several heads
mentioned in the roregoidg section, and which,.
'according to these principles, ought to be con-
firmed, and such as in their opinion ought to be
rejoided. '
Sic. 3. ,And be it farther enacted, That it shall
be the duty of the Commissioner of the General
Land Office to lay \ the report aforesaid before
Congress for final action thereon. and all claims
recommended for confirmation shall be reserved
from sale until the final action of Congress on
the report aforesaid, and all claims reported as
rejected .6311 be treated ns other public lands.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, 'That the
Claims numbers forty, forty:four, forty-five, forty
six. forty-seven, forty-eight, and fifty-cue, favor
ably reported on by Daniel J. Sutton, as register
for the district north of Red river, Louisiana.
and entered in the first class of his report, dated
first January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one.
but, on account of being within the limits of the
Bastrop grant, have been excluded from the con:
firmatory provisions of the second section of the
act of Congress, approved February twenty-eigth.
eighteen hundred and twenty.three, entitled "An
act supplementary to the several acts for the ad
justment of land claims in the State of Louisiana,"
be, and the same shall be held confirmed, in the
event of the final adjudication of the Bastrop
claim in favor of the United States as aforesaid:
Prodded, That this confirmation shall only oper
ate as s n relinquishment of title on the part of
the United States, and shall in no way prejudice
or affect any sal6- ur other right existing at the
time when the survey shall be cxecuted,of theclamsi
hereby conditionally confirmed, and, in the event"
of the final adjudication of the Bastrop Grant as
aforesaid, and upon the return of approved plats
of survey for the clahns specified in this section,
relinquishment patents shall be issued as in oth
er cases.
Sec. 5. And be it rurther enacted, That, in the
event of a final adjudication in favor of the Uni
ted States of the Bastrop claim, as contemplated
by the first section of this act, every bona fide set
tler on any part of said land, at the time of the
extension of the public surveys over the same,
who is a man of family, widow, or single man
over twenty-one years of age, and an actual
housekeeper thereon, and who, but for the res
ervation heretofore made of said land .for the
claim of the said Bastrop, would have been enti
tled to a right of pre-emption under some one
of the - pre-emption laws, be, and he is here
by. authorized to enter the quarter-section so
resided on, by adjoining or legal subdivisions,
so as to include his residence and land cultivated
or improved, any number of acres not to exceed
one hundred and sixty acres, upon making proof
of such settlement, housekeeping. &0., to the
satisfaction of the register and receiver, as in or
dinary cases, at any time within icyeir after the
public surveys are so extended - over said laud.
.ipprove.l. Starch 3,1 1851
Pl' I/ 1.11, —No. '2:i.
• AN ACT for the relief of the American Culonixa
hei, society.
Cr a rn.q.d by thr Senor, end House of Rein,
,rntanre, nr lhr Unded Star, or Armors in 'eon
! yr,' arn,rnsblol, That the Secretary of the nett
sory he; and is hereby, nuthorixed and required,
upon equitable principles, to Fettle the claim of
Ithe American Colonisation Society for the sup
jport and Inaintanence, in Liberia, of the Afri
eans regaptured on board the barque Pons, am!
i,for all supplies furnished them of every descrip
iition, and to pay the amount which he may find
o to he due to the mid society, out of any mon
ey in the Treasury not othei 14-Me appropriated,
provides! the -.nine shall - not exceed fifty dollars.
per head.
Approved, March :2, 1851.
.1 Market Street Store for Rent.
IVOR RENT.—The Swte, lIS Market
gtri,t ..votta .14.4 form tee comer of Slartrt
head gicon Ow IA of April
Inquirr of 1.21.111,
mettl:; • Non IL
aa-A A Al as," a Ca rail lh. att , olam Or the Lad,.
Elea fa....t.wata1,1,. lac, .4 il.rata and Natatay
MTNET. cuchn
Boys' Wear.
• •
It BURCLIFIELI) have rec'd
INK an lumortanant of the al.ueznoda,dgpw,,,i,
conupting of plaid and plain Cassfingleu light
do.. Tuned.. Merino Caudtuanu. and leatta, , Watat , d Rand ,
! rarioun kinds, all at layout prime. mrhl7
LAS.-511:LPIIT A litltritnaLL Invite tlaa attention of
p.m. wanting Mourning thrlr nasorttnunt of
lnkalln, lk.lll finiehu/ A igetrra., M.o,uede
Hama., A.
neehhia. S. 0 4 . - 42 " nok. r*. un
.11/ hush. hrimi Applrg
o n hid,. Cloy., 14,1:
Tiniol.l.) glad; in rt.'irullor sale by
iientiv • Librrty atrveL
itO L L 111)rrElt -5 bole, title by
No 11l Vinland 114 ISecutul at
1,4 1 E A E RS- Um. prime, Corinth! by
n,cniv e. It. }JAR : HM.I.IW
1- • -
LI I iviS-4 bble. reed and for male by
tochl7 A. IV. 1 1A1trali1111.
B.ron N
to bbl.. Lard uICI . I;
^ Laul:
bag. Pra Nut,.
i and 1 kAt Pitnood
1 eu•k
.19 'arta
10 -
7 " Raga:
A •
" Applem
..sies Cotton: now luullog frun'
uan.t. ISAIAH DICK NV A ' C";tie.. Aral"r.
""""urt..1,17 • Fr ont and IVatt.rta.
%YEE!' POTATOES--tiO bbla•
now landing
In. oar Ms, flower, and tbr pale b
Wa I ter and Prunl rte.
•• • • - --
d hales to arrive per str.
end for b,
- -
1 Va. Manufacture. of the beat brand. flx br
mehli INA/All DICKEY t
Special • Meeting' .
1, to lost .Itt Um torture Doom of the 2 1 / 4 4:02111 Yreab, mean
Church, Fifth abort.
Ifhb • special meeting of Ma Amodarlart. calial for
, 174ugoc or completing the organtratlon. nod a loom,
Tlto untittlars arr partloMmli o rze r .V .
M &pr,htri
MASON'S BLACKING-25 gro. I :Or gale
by mcblA J. KLDD l CO, ft) Wo pd wt.
New Boots! New Boats!
nidmf : e Lora Ilattead: milted by td. Ao. lienry
Bookrie. or PILIFT and Adversity; by Cathari ne Sinclai author or - 6lr iidkadd
Ileum, - tea
Moorlatal (kdtaite, by the author i
Creams Tbe thekilp.q. Pried: by -. 4 k
Elarivw. anthem cf the Bible in :Tun, and the iliplara in
Let History of the Bailed States—mond
above 'sorb , past need and for axle by
IL C. trIOCKTON, Bookseller and Ststkater,
tachlb narner natel and
_Third eta
A Syllabus or the Law of Load 011 Ice Titles In Peon:
%divan' by Joel Joncu reed and for eel. by
mcfilb ta • No. 47 Market st.
New Boob! New Books!
4r.'117,1,r 4 r.,"t r rr1."4 1 (1 . K• &swarth .
eLlo ' rnly. or SiSta. In the Oo eves/ion
Lou'. La lislllerr. by Aleit Duro.
Col:omelet by Oen. balsl-4 vols. in I, t o .4),
Laren.° the &hoist. the Olpvey. tho Prlyvt, by (leo .
p:eitlev MUiro A r i at E tt u to lion. , Men intendp
i liVr n eettore eon alvo be hail of P Ile N A-NIARA, Ab
letheny mehls
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
meARY. bound In short...H.l2pp quarto—pH& 1.1.5.
& work bound In &wilt calf, embossed back end iddes
very elegant-1110
A lartre poop!, of the above wort reed by
rochlS JOHN H STWoolst
is received and 1 17 .
pox the fulloaritez 4 A
opened. fOOlptikirte. 14 .
Chi QueenaCean
White arel Fellow Laee, Star acid Tulin,
Millen Chip. Jenny Emi and Satin.
Enitlieh Chip, Fluted Straw...rid Satin,
Fine Straw axed Diamond, iN..ri mid Loop eatin,
Florence Crimped. American Lace,
Enitliati Pearl,
.. Mixon., Itundpirian Waal
Flu '
Spilt Straw, ted Manilla
62 and 64 Mute 0.
- --•
reed per
k Lulstrind Ent,
lack, and fancy calmed Crape,
.-112(1 pion. white, blat
IRISH LlNENS.—lteeeited this morning
L ther lot assorted grades Irish Linens.
mchls A. A. MASON A CO.
FOR SALE—SO dozen Good Black Ink;
White LoulersOle Lime. 104) nmall Wooden Howie 100
rum Purple and ef olio., Carpet Chain; 2:0 nice Temper
ce Certificate, a large Temperance Chart. and
Maps:• cmall erapply of School Bookie Writing and Letter
paper.Quill.and Wafert, 10 dos. lewd Pelican 30 grane
Cr.). Text. and Pantaloon Maim 60 of the Great Fire at
ifittaburgb: and a few other articles for sale cheat. for rash.
ISAAC IMMO& Agent and
rachl63o Comml.dnn Merchant. Fifth et.
SW EET OIL-350 gall. for sale by
curblfi J lUD at CO.
11KiTAS11-7 casks (prime) for sale by
B. meta:, J mu a 6)
ItrIIITE GLUE-5 this. (Cooper's) for
v sale by meld!, J. KIDD A CO.
urrrsmußGll GLUE-3U bbls. (best) for
Node 10 . flit]) h C 44
QUOAR CURED IMAMS-10 tierces Dull
eelebrated S. C. Ham, on hand and for Id
IVATED—PIaces and employment for
v V ...rend good took keepers:school made, a mill,.
several warehfinee men, a:dr.:men. and nice young men ot.
clarions ages. with wane experienee In hardware, dry mod.
and grave, nor, Serena a... 1 garteurrs tan find em
loW meal cud na. or 1.,,, with lamiurt, want plarr.—
teener, chatribermai4le, rook,. et...roars, wet and dry
and women and girls for all work. prickled on at.
mehlto' fit' nary., and Intelligence 00 ke. lath rI
xfi Parlor Chandqler. and Brackets. of the latest style,,
also, two and our light tirstamputal,Pendenta. at ea...tern
Price, W. W. IVILSON,
corner of Fourth and Market ies.
IJl ., ,...irurenta . I ari.l . l . :l n lo p tintl7iori A l i atu t t. ,. for Cl=
patterns of Oro trr Table. 'tall. otolt ' Ztudy Latop.., Si)
of the untiralled manufacture of Cornelia,. A Co.. laud at
ea.tern nrlree meta:. - W WILSON.
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
a - a. located In • flourishing and Improving kart of_ . a .
toe eit, which in doing • profitable buelues, is of
fend for rale upon roar term.. For (Unit, particulars.
FOR SALE- 2 A largc Brick Ds - ellin g
a • Hon.., and Led of °mutt& nu Dank Law. Alle-
uhrny COI, very raw the Old Allegheny Bridge
the Lou, is In gond retalr. an.l.t he Int I, dufeet byllk.
Person. , doing bu510....1 In the Ott w.nald and It rader...n.
eta. •
Alen—Tarn L 01,2.5 rert by IVO, 00 ltehorra street
For ~r.ev• oaf lersuot.t.l.lT
turlll4 BAIRD IRWIN. 111 F....-ond
1.4 1 01 t RENT—A Private Dwelling, or 5 : 4
Rootua, lot-stied no F.o.ral
Alleooen klr•• 8,0..0til Book or of W. P. .111aquit. W Ft: or 3,141,,,s
Rol ara. Plrtnburoh I'. 0 ao-611 . 1f
CLOVERSTED—ri bbls. for sale by
mob WICK t 31cCANULE39.
BUTTEkt-;:6 bbl. prime Roll, for sale by
olchl.l WICK a AIoCANIII-EM.
.l.k —l.l kogo No. I, for sale by
1 , 4
m-611 WICK a MICA
OLASSES-400 bids. N. 0., oak cooper-
Age, for Fade 0, rochll J. t R.
LARD -0.0 kegs No. 1, for sale by
130TASH-10 cooks, warranted pure, for
- We Or mc6la 7a R. V 1.011)
EOARS—ISO,OOO C6nl. Ohio, for sale hi
11.77 mchl4 Ja R FLOYD
BItOOIIIS , —2OO doz. Corn, for sale by
mchl4 J a It FLOYD
. . .
) I.IES'rNiITS-311 bu. for sale by
mettl4 J. FLOM
TDIOTIIY SEELI - Li' 50 bu. for oak by
mehl4 J n eLoSn
FLOUR -100 bbls. superfine, for sale by
N O . SUGAR—I(X) hhils. for sale by
cLIS 0
PCR11111D01: /t 114 11 1111 W IIASI,
ater rt.
Lfor OIL-10 bbl. No. I, on band and
r sale by WALLINGFORD t DO.
lath) AS Water sthset.
WOOL WANTED—The highest market
v prke. In rash. will be mid for the different Fad.
or 51 . - sul. by tuehla P. a W. ILARBA I.lii._
T 0 T I C E.—All persons having claims
/ N .ussinst thw steamer SCHUYLKILL. will Plea. Ons
writ theta to the subaexibera ton nettlevaent immediately.
as the boat hae passed Into other hands.
melll4 WALLING/VW/ t CO. 98 Waterer.
. _ .
rpm SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
road Sneß. Dank ofPittabils . iin b e i nAilashage Rank;
.r - mrh la
itIGLASSES--300 hhle. for sale by
D ICE.---4111 tierces fer sale by
VI, melt/ BURDRIDGE a Isungs)l
LOAF SUOAR-2011 bbls. ais:43 Nos., for
sale by nobly UDR BRIDGE a 'NOMAD
I 1 RANGES,-100 boxes just received and
\Jr for sale by RORDRIDOR a INGIIRA3L
walla 116 Water athet
store and yor sale by JASIES DALZELL
toddy tvi Water It
It t ACK EREL—' , ..2.S bide. NO. 3:
his JAMES DALZELL. 60 W ater st.
I I RIED PEACIIES---300 Isl. for 1 1 :11Se.lif
mdsly Is a 19 lIARDAUtiII.
WOLK LEAI'IIER ..250 Sides roe sale by
CY mail.' P. k W lIARNAI.II( ,,
Sx K S ODA- A 511,20 B asks urtx's brand. for
sale by niebbi S. t W. WARRA DIM
I tRIED APPLES ~ 150 litl. prime, for sale
.11/ by rashly - S. aW. lIARDAIRIII.
I;4' I IAX SEED - OIL-21SW galls. for sale by
rashly R. a W. lIARRAUGII. •
IVA LLOW —3O bids: prime, for sale by
11. owita4 ' 1 a W. lIA It lIA Dll 11.
it/ IN 1)0W 11 LASS-4100 hoses Window
Obsas, assorted sixes and satins& brataD, nod and
for sate by tachll s, S. k W. 11ARRAUGH.
. __
ttEDWARI)S C.O. have aPtioeinted Ivitlii
them, In the nianuf•rturitor basins, 31r. D. A.
it, The too/n...4 will be ronauchki under the Orin
.1 xinvAitue, MORRIS d co
!O. manufacture:lt td EXCELSIOR
EVI:.V. dr.. No. SU Water street. PittAborgh.l%.
To Contractors.
JIROPOSALS will he received nt the of
eve of 31. R. BROWN. Liberty street Pittstruenia. un•
the ilrth inst.. for all the Ore.ding and Slummy on the
Rut f. toile* of the Temperannerille end Nobler.. Phink
Raul. Also, for the Ora/ling stul Slummy on their Broneh
Road. IN. mile, to Col. Wm. Lee's, on the %Vuitton...l
Turnpike. Also. for • Bold.. our Chortler's (level, near
tbe.lsohleetown Road Brill,. 31. 11. BROWN.
InehlUt • President.
10 n to Phili
P.oo47 lolelo .ophil.
foro tallrood 0
Mae Com 7 0
are 000 mining
6 F 111
~ / etsto
r inalln i t . he attention of the
b Lmllea to Anne new
,Nlt4.. "' lli; tire'aolroLoijrtgbn and
en7rnlttl. h. . l' a t tritt ' lTlnr . al
anoyt of e RING BON,rfllt. I.elllog very- low — t o me at
37% rents, Bonnet 81LL.... Bootwt Cap& ar.
. mrhl3
LAINES, Light and Hark.
Ineludlnlr a few plea. very I.tautltul French. nod set
Ai_ ,Tr cblldreu. reed aml.lllt, low by
BANKERS', and Hunt's Merchants'
Pit'ifhM A lso—A uew and chew
ra cy
Depot:AlN o r.. o7io= enTeteola UL "''
. .
B ROOMS --100 doz. Corn, medium;
WILLIAMSra, Erale Ly
roebl3 .1. D. WI W.
. _ •..
lITASII BOARDS - 140 'doz . Zinc, for sale
v by opitlll J. D. WILLIAM:IA
lENIhON HAMS-93 for sale by
niehEl .1. I. JIM.
4411 N DRIES—I libl.Chestrtuts;• WILLIAMS.•
Ilh-ko hobo: •
1.14 two., Ctenol ry o
Caudle,: 'for sale by
Female Seminary.
S. R.z i ., A im r DExyn proponea to
entmer of Waeldnanol Aron ud i.amt
Common. A Ileghrni Cita; COIIIIIMIIMIE 011 pal, flan Mon.
"f i l ."et= of Inetro , tlon rompthe the ennutl branch.
" i n th e Dnatleh Depatment.
Itereasarco- -Der. Jamra acelerra, D. D.,1
: Dr te . e. T eD Y L?w po lfttD.D.
JMIGIL Dll.llll.ra—Otrograph, IliMorT,wriik,g, Arab.
Sr-atoa Dfritiee — Nntural and Mental
Phlletionhe, Chnoletry. Rhetoric. kr., for.
Nannd Liramt—Wllletabrane thaninaletndlre,
with loath:Leib. In the Plemrti Lanamae,
TERMS OF L'arßitl7o..V.
U ' Pa P ' • '" Y•11. t r. P4 lU .rt...
3 .4°r
Irotrortionkt 0h
DRIED APPLES--ril sacks for Bale by
0,64 rapreaele Foat.—Thir Ineomparably par.
bseatifnl artiele ethoodtnzle healthy. deliclov. and
.. , erbarob-ed. Pudding., Cakes. dr... made by
the dl - retione aceompanylng el. park... min be found
Wert ...Eclat /tare per pa ar rkainN 15 rent..
For eaL. by inehl2 R. E. SELLERS. & Wood
W IT E 'WINE VINEGAR, of kupt.rior
Cider V inea-mr. on
annn ' a.l..l7 -"'"" 1"v31 '" A ' . . beet
00.. •
Inch 1 . , Worm and Tea Dealer,
OH PIES AND TARTS—Fresh Cherrie:.
• 'and Plum; ant up In their own pair, preweraing the
o •Inal flavor or the fruit_ elms--Cooper'ecelebrated
(("beet and flood I dnal... and Freud] tirlatine. for Jet iimr
lane flange. so.. for nab br
techl2 •(FO. A. SleCLllßlittn.,2Alaert) mL
4.II. I NDRIEg---1 ease Gum Shelae:
bbl. Silver Sand:
BOOK KEEPER., who can come well'
neaaamended. on hear of a slinathm. A Meal ad
arT out he given to a ecaprtent perean—none other need
721T r l'oe C t111 " ce. fr gl ' To. ' 10. A lZ27l . . ( t Poot
DRIED PEACHES-118 eke, for sale by
OATS -64 each, for gale by •
lORN-3 -7 2 bbls. for sale by
1) mail WICK k McCANDLESS.
WHEAT -23 bbis. for sale by
inch] 1 WICK t SIeC:MLESS.
WIN-DOW GLASS-2,300 boxes, embra
cing V,l'e "
1 lIIRAS' ALE-300 Whole and ilf.-Bhle.
tj m dive. with cowman wrrirwlm from the Brewery.
warrantwil newt quality, Az male by
TRAW WRAPPING—From the Virginia
nun, mamoor in store and for sate at otanufartu.
rl.,' orient. ROBERTSON REPPERT.
CYTHE RIFLES-15 grota (warranted)
In store and for sale byT. WOODS t SON.
mobil No. al Water O.
:ANS &
bbls...Whlle &arm
10 , 11311. Shelled Corn; for sale be
mehll T. ICOI.IDR, A SON. el Water rt.
From the Clinton MID. Ptenbroville, for rale LT
ntchll ' , I'. NIAILPHALL
V(/ALL PAPER—Prices reduced at the
• K1..111 Paper Hanging.; Store, No. AA Wbod rt.
1 4 1 IRE BOARD PRINTS—For sato by
mall] • W. I'. MARSHALL
D ot i. el l t V l BLINDS— For sale by
B ACON -6 casks i - er'd and for stale by
FLOUR -100 bbla. reed and for sale by
corbll J S. DILWORTH A Cs).
J l . tiplg iL fr oß s T a u le a. b& ,.
Two Hundred Carriages at Auction.
Fifth Semi-Anneal Trade Stile at Philadelphia.
FrIIIS SALE vill take ons r.
EtiNEI , DAY.IIho darCf
the CIII.V12,1; and will excel all ra 11l ex
tent The colloctito.r will embnwv nt least two hundred
Carriag,. a 'stetter of which trill he seeond.hantl. of a ru-
Detior make sod in good order. The Neve NI - ark. 'noon of.
wWeb will 1.. warrante.l,/ will I. from maker. of totknow.
rt.leltra, thertinthout the Stator, includlnet. Dunlap.
Flarler .t U. J. I) ought',b John Meniet. and othare
It will be equal in all an regard', style.rnieh.relti
durability, o. any tivile for cuatinners or to Order.
Efal-Ptiretwere tenet a distance are Informed that the tale
till p..sofirehr Oft, place on the above day. without ' , ward
to the weather. ALVlthrlt
tueltS.St Atirlieneer.
Hosiery,' l Gloves, Mitts, &c.
& r.... B n U t ! r C u ' i ll .. F k lkL b.. D t,. h d ar c %n m c .. ow n.
NankNlerirt Long and Ilse do.; White. Mixt. L ' e ' a4.l. and
in •-ntored Cotton mblrached Cotton Lolu and
11211 do, bla'k and white 'nun Silk do.
KW. Silk. and title t:novaa.
Cu:ninon and tuba., Mohair and Silk Mont
Cotton and Merino Undo.tart% Infanta' do.. and all
at 101..4 rank prints, at North PAut corner of Fourth and
Mark, rat. Ineblo
g 11.'31 OPIU3I-1 ease fur sale by
tnehlo .1. MD it Clt.. to Wouvi at .
QCOTIIII SNUFF —.500 lbs. (Garrett's) fttl.
I 7 +ale by nobly J. 111 110 e Co.
n LIED PEACIIES-201.1bu. for sale by
mrhltt SAMUEL P. d1111114:11.
I-1 1 C N S--3 5 1 „ ./ bbl. for sale b~
if 1 KEEN APPLES-100 bbl. for sale by
m.-b SAMUEL P. 511111 VER.
*IIESTNUTS--20 bbl. for sale by
_ . .
ULL BUTTER-10 bbl. prime just reed
14 ant far rale by SAMUEL P. 0111115 F.R.
. • .
• I
. •
DRY APPLES-20 sack,. reed, fur sale by
(jIIOILTS--300 hu. fur sale low to close eon
1, murut. be IWIIIEL P..911R1 VER.
" •
Ii ICE—III ten. (fresh) fnr only by
mehlo ,A.3.IIJEL P. SiIP.ITER.
(.31ciliti ES
-400 Family Flour
50 No. 3 .1.1rtk.,1;
- Rosin:
Prte k
m Neshannock Potatoes:
pe eo
n Appb.s.
.5o bush. Ewi-rsatit:
47:27c1 "
Drt.diAPPle''PMVSD7a. SON.
ProLlum Dealers and Commission Merchant..
toehlto No. 01 Water stn.,
12 OLL lit/1"f just reed and for
.ka sale by 6. WOODS 2 SON.
oachlo 61 Water rt.
I AltD OIL-26 bbl. No. 2, just recd and
....f z,r le l o w by ITALLINUFOItIi & CO.
bbl. for sale by
m.lllO J. KIDD 2 CO- 11 , Wood at.
HI:3IPSEED-.15 bbl. for sale by
ruchlo J. KIDD L CO, tir. Wood st.
NOTICE.—The steamer ASIA, in July last,
brousto from Cincinnati. 131 Patent Chum!. mut 1
se..mstaned to Joweph Dona, of this plan.. Notho I.
hereby Olen. that If the said Chums and 6allsr are not
orol,ine.l by the .ttla ult.. they will be sobd at.publie sale
to Ply
f h, rviaht and char Ora 11 - 11. IL 01.21F1e.
meet, orpiriv t!.• Port BBB,—
rrogro: tbo Frhge , or—the Gip*, —thr Pro Kt—t
&roe, elathor or thr in "
Ilarpcy \e. ITS bar. Bo - 3larrb
8h;10. " A. n a.4.
l A b p h • Morhar in' Ilagssitio.
The liortirulturird. for March
The Cult/rator.
itiCti;;;;-loTilectotnie,- No 21
Croixlng In Om [Aar War. by C .1 Pen rw,n—c,rorlete
Illatorr of ren,bottala ,br nuts., --rotunlete.
lienry I..meaton; a Jacobite ewe, the 14,01 ov , rgt
I fly 1' 0. Jranra. lean men.
5 r :. [{ :: )„ . .s n. s ° l 4 [ l ll ;o h r t,nn .. ,,C , genuine
Ichto to n0...1.(
PEARLN-14 caFirs (firsit snrng) for 'ale by
14 1 EATILEIIS—e sacks (prime( for sale by
mote( mess's Mrt:ANDLESS.
lIAR-7, bid. (N. i_ 7 .j for sale by
Rohn IVICB A vreANDLE(.....S
. •
( OI) LI% ER 014-IVairmited pore. On
detssi.l Ka-bton.(•( ark. & tbr. In tx.ttle..- for • al,
tool, I cortwr 'Pleat
rru fiN El , I'l LL LOXES—Assorted sixes
for nab. b. )Ii A. YAIINESTOCK A Co
R v01.,41. for sale by
ACTUr A 1111/Al : —English imported. tiir
Durry--In bladders;lm assorted sued
ll )
web, rale by
B. A. FAIINI- , Tth:li • IV.
WEIc'S PLAS' k.R.S—Large and
A art ...Jr by OA. FAIINESTOCK 00.,
melt , eorner rtrat and
IJI- -
DES— ',IX' PRX lIIDES received and
for male by mar A S. & W HAKIM Eillf.
IEATIIERS-60 sacks Feathers received
I. and for +ale by marl!, . 4. AW . ILIRBAUGII.
DOLL BUTTEIt--o parrels rec'd per S. R.
, o ra i n
. 4.4 W. HARBACO n
R1.:20 Si lUD kgs. No. I Lard in
A ntor. era] kr nal. by t
S. a t(. lIAKBAUUII.
RGOS- -3 bbl. for sale by
Meld( W3O 11. JOHNSTON.
LA RD— -1.7 kegs in store and for sale by
GREEN APPLES-415 bbl. for sale by
melO W.ll. 11. JOHNSTON.
D R fo
Y APPLES-5d bu. r sale by
HNUI'S-17 bbl. for sale by
01 , 10 LRAI h ' y TO R A 9 3 ,t -i i 2
j tg i i i (! i 4f o r N sale
WARE, Tea Ware g ' Britannia Tea
Table Seat Silver
Blared Pork, Spoon, astellßutter Klltift Cutlery.
(n...m goallesssaw.> Lampa of all lltYfriPtiOUll. for
Chun:bee, Stan,. Boat; Mlle, and Dwelling; Chan
dallero, inteketa, Oro Vilture, Military tbwal.. of all
kind; Gold' Nu; Maslen', find Cotten' Dlarno.nda.
- .
Sy - While uty store Is undergoing repairs in front. cue
tomer. will I Ind me In the rear of the store. lnallttler II
frnt., with • large plocklef the above goal, mod at un
tonally low prior*
AllieWate . h repairing ohop on the wand story.
mels7 rorcter Fourth sod Market. ate.
DAGEI) BLANK ,1300K8.—Tile Sulweri
bee wee Id rtepeetrully call the attentionof Merril.
sore.natnt Ofllees, and all who toe Blank Books,
to his large elrck of Blank I Wool, which la made of the
beet Linen yk per, and boudd in the mad tutedantlal mate
ner, with the pages numbered in beautiful type. All who
ld' , oneu II their own ipterert, wUI please roll and en.
amine my .0 ark, which will be befered at the lowest marl
ntrh7 No-17 Market st
i. ?ION: —Will I* ter . ..Lied. by finrt canal arrival., a
71.7 ZI:=1" 1
together wit h , lar iot ofeneap Venn and Common Pa.
meh7 hr WC..I et
AFEI 'l7 FUSE--150,000 feet Bacon, Biek
tAJJ a. Co.'. make, warranted, **sale hy
J. S. OIL% Owrn to co.
L ill, C LOTLIS--10,000 yards floor Oil Cloth.
lls. .0 6 rani, will, of ttr
heaw y and rae , llum,
newest Patterns, which will be wad Iss low a
astern u m krt, and mall lower than an z other,.
the Ibuttc;
sit,. IV,. Invite tin. at.."^” .Aprii"
oust, a oar ware room, Nn. 7an n
i nc
11 — ARRIAGE OIL CLOTIT—On hand, a
I.) large aprortarrd of 4. 5. and 6 dr. Shrwliwir.
and Flirortol Bart Parrot Carriage oil Cloth, a splendid
arrJrle. for Ask whalewile so law as rwAtera prices.
wwhl J. t 11. PHILLIPS.. 7 and V Rood
qir Fator, —.2.010 rd. and 6 qr. Orresloll Cloth. whole
n't.l at No. and ViTood
meta J. lt U. PICILLIPS.
MII oprtt At t 4 . IIII:N.Er [JAM
if Vfltf.rf, glyttut a full Att.l
~ • ~
und,.r W I.wr, hwlf
egro ne tnewl nkoln err., trung dg w.wk. rornearkwins
al 3 twnwetw•nt will
IdimTd e
withhoi,,, r 4.1r0 n lb plrwne.. and
tnlo7 tf
I bale Lax; 11;t& .. C.tukn
I Ewe Litiootice jovt rei,lred
)3. N. %VICE-kit:4llAM,
ron;er iSaui ;Cid ilia;
Ventriloquism,§ ,, g Automaton, e
Moving Figures, and MAGIC,
Monday, 75i0d4 and Wed ricdgy, .Ifarch 13, 14, 13.
mnt, Children with Noir parrnu.
la ewn.. on., atel 2 o'rfork—tn comment",n
IZAMlllent max.ount 1.1 urnther. small
Young Men's Mercantile Library Amin-
tta has Twen procured. by the abnre Institute. to de
liver In Ito member.. and the citizen. of Pittabutwh goner.
ally. to pwsir s I..erturna rery lately prepared. and upon
Interesting •übt ,, ..
The enema-will comprix Lerlorem no. the Crooner or
Ids., embracing the fo ll owing topic,
I. Intre:lnetorr
3 EPONallIt
4. Pon ors.
Cr3r3 mt. • •
IL {Sesame
The !Attars,. will given hr. Turdae s. ThurAlay", AD]
...atunLtea. surresaivelv. mentueming onThunvlay even.
time of meeting mill Iw hereafter iwci.
Tieltt.t.t for members. tidal:le or for the tiouri.e.lean be
obtained of I he Librarian. of Itle.ra Wilkina
and 31eKulabt. Ottoman,
• . • .
ilekete ' rr ettasenr. (Rinvle or Pe. the eourv.l to bepre
runel et a.. prluri)el Book Mere., et J. IL 31cl'adlen'e,
Weer,loon'e nod F 11. 1t...... meh7
TABLE OIL CLOTHS--A very large as
." Portrnent od* Tatar Cavern. on hand and for mle at
7 and V Iload
lac , Clover SevA.
Timothy lust roeti and for sale I,
mehi N0V0187116 C.J.
LIMED PEACHES--1:.() 1;u. (prime) for
,xle I.k !m.117 .1. S. I.WORTII 6 CO.
7)oTAsil--11) casks No. I. fur sale by .
l oh rAtra and 4..;
ratty ostru monde: f, Fate b
t0..117 J 111 I.WilltTll A CO.
t.l). KING, Banker Lind Esehange Bro
. ker. Fourtb nt.. drab. ill We!tern Funds. Sight
on the EAnt..rn Ober.. and mnliwtonlb-eclung in the
•,:st nt low rotes, nod it now ruyingh. hi g h.t
br,tulotn in funds for Arnrricanillver. mrbo
Blank Books.
HE largest Suck or Blank Boot., of ,er
rrt ttiroctiptic.ti. in all rty lea or bindln.t. u 011,...1 for
ta, at ilia Intatrt nit... al
A VES".. , !Gant Rook Store,
enrurr Nlarkrt and Stroud ete.
{lerrhantr Aro redneetral tn ,all And orastatinrud
tun And 'hull Blank Wnrkr. aldeb arr otlrrrd (rarr
than thry hat , rt., Ir.en roI.I in thl city.
[ Puri awl Amrrtrao .1 thrldi •
. .
AltPEIt'S )1413AZINE, for 31arell, re
rriv.d end tor qe at J. It
Literary !Advt. Third ettArt
mehd ortArdt. the Poet Ofllrr..
Ii"UR SALE--Excloinge !Sank stork, by
tuchd IL IL KING. Furth .1.
1 4 1 1S111l1{31EN, Arl'ENTlO.;!—Was left
` Z r Td r ic " c r :atT.;„ ' 4 l 'Fry";,g e l:TlT'sl 4 s
vet-Ibn, the resyner rived lady 01 7:1 P.M, xho l.
destitute:rand t's .41, to obtain mean, to take her her
fatally to tho State of J.& H. PHILLIPS,
turlr; :41. a.l 9 Wend '•
RPEl . —Received this day, by Leech
-,CNrpet Warebouro of W . Mo.
sarietleK ii ' pe " .tit7, 'l rtnt=rer " fri;
ropeatry Veultian. Verala. aud •rflue Incraht
of the tuna modern %Ole.. ".
:NiOLASSES- -200 bbl. N. 0., for sale by
AN DLLS-511 1,, osea
ko - iiiir:rd; for Yale by
mato) ROBllblaN. 1.177 LE & CO.
i I LOVERSEED--;50 bu. reed, for Bale by
IL / mehe. S. kW. lIARBAUGII. .
ILI REEN APP.LES-3il bid. reed, for sale
A I , y t.,..h1i S. 1 W. lIARBAUGII.
. . .
LARD— 10 bbl. No.-1, in store. for sale by
nen,: . A. a W. nannanon.
LINSEED 014-10 Lld. rood, for mule by
ne - n , ‘ nonnols. trnin A CO.
LOVEHSEED-75 bu. for wale by
I . IItEEN APPLES--50 bid. (in fine order)
eyed end the mak. by
I%rAGON-1 largd New Wagoa, suitable
Furmc, for tale by
I Kul) OLL-1O tine Winter Strained,
mr l
ode ty
GO Wo o
' , OPPERAS—gri bbis. (in good order) for
mit. by J. KIDD t CO
mchl. ?in. 14 Wood ,tract. •
;Am bbl.. N.ll. 31.,lagees
10 !ltd. Sugn.r, lust receiving. for vale by
tnehr. oItISON, LITTLE. k Co.
El; ‘l_ll—Lo bbl. receiving. for sale by
J) RE 1 ) BEEF. - 5 te. S. C., for sale by
OLISSES-25 bbls. S. II.:
I~cfs, N. 0.: in oak bbl.s. In,
e.ofe and 10 arrive. And for .ale b.
NO 0 hl Water. and 62 Front FL
Lid. prime large No. 3 Mackerel,
Iketon Ingpectlon:
to Baltimore Herring: for dale br •
rnebb L.:.lf ATER3L , IN t SONS.
I , IIILIED 11:1 7 IT-7:25 5
, A r Et l es; f
luor dale Lr
sh", I. 1 w ATER m.A. s. •
FrANNE.ItS' 01L-25 bid. (creole by
..owbr. 1,01110 iN. LITTLE CO
TUBS & BUCKETS—tiIt doz. Buckets;
to Tau% fursale by
f 1 LASS-350 Loses W. G.. ass'd, City and
la Country brand, for MS. by /
melts 1.. 8 MATEILNIA.N 0 CONC.
ROOMS-1:'1l doz. fancy and good corn
et - 1 - O „,`V Br"-.'". for T FIRM AN 0 EONS.
EllS--2t I bbl. , trictly prime Clover Seed;
UTTER-20 Idd. Hull Butter:
..1 5 leg. Parked Putt,. Its
DI., L.: WATEII.3I2II 80Ne.
. nl K. ales. and d 2 Front Ft.
ca. , ks
lust. reed, fortsle by
torbd I, 2 LLlNtlioltiv CO.
BACON— 1;43 pet for Isle bc
_meld 1 - 11eCAND1.4188.
K I ) 1 1 , t Y N ÜBS—s w p e k K g. , for ww
,e s A I N de ,
A LEILVITS--14 tasks :Ind 23 boxes pal-
I 7 ost •
or f pal.. b.
rut . :ls WICK d vLS
BROOMS-'—l.t. , doz.(Corn) for sale by
It ICK hiscAstu.E;s.
itb.,l.l,7:(l,Nlinl'ai'Ernlt--3 and , 40 reams Crown,
meld. If !t o Caq;tll . B.B.
ApC m li c t: s llEL--B› 1w141 ( . 1, N , 0 ; ;. , ! t , ,,, f , (z - u sa , l; by
1 . 1 LACK W 111.4). for February, and the Art
IJP Journal, for January: are for *ale ht
emegife the Poet ogsy.
'PAR-25 bbl. recd and for sale by
I_ nobs 1201.1180 N. LITTLE:A CO.
ACKEREL-2:: bbl. No. 3, for sale by
to 11.0 dos. D 01.011,1.1/ cup. Corn Brobto,
lOU aid, Spanirb Sole Leather.
• 110 btv . Window a... Added .ixo,
:Ago 6,, Nall.,
D 1 ;0 5
With a general n.o.urttronit or Urnretigs, Ihr sale by
tu , b , ROBISON. LITTLE 1. W.
D RIED PEACIIBS-550 lat. for kale by
11.011ISON, LITTLE 2 CO.
norbs Llhrrty et.
easks (pure) for sale by
melt]_ leK ¢ 11.C2N1/LediS.
APPLES- -7 I pkgs. for Kilt. by
tnehs IW% MrI'ANDLES:f
‘ I OLIFISII,- 10 ' d Ming in store, for sale by
I ash: 11.1. En d KICK ETBON._
H UPS—IS b aby first sort We-tern N. Y.,
mrtof ''' 55
' All! LEI: n KICK ETboN
-1111.,11.11 ii
l'Oti.Nl CRA Ii t (L bbls.
1 SIA--Ii HI Mat jU,C reed, for sale by
nleh4 LI.Elt t RICK ETHOS.
ACKERE ,--\u.1 I in i s tiri l b i lo k y y s , al i t .. :py
t - , UICF fo,,
. A.I2D-15 brla No. I in . store and for sale
-8 - 4 b '
fetC , Witter/ Flynt ids.
pIOTATOES -- 1 (01,1 .1a. pr ime iceShannock:
~,, ino:
- , r0i , 0a. , N
LI iVaL:I,TiSt tZTA..
HA3IS--Evans E Swift.R. and Trow•.
1,1,4,1 Reno y'g celebrated par' nne Sugar Clll,l
Ham& for sale WM. A. MeCLURU d
rooerx and Tea Dealers.
GREEN APPLES--25 billn for sale by
feb'7 RAI EY. MATTHEWS k to.
11R1 F:1) BEEF-Evans it Swift's Cineinna
_Ur U Su.r Cum' Dref. On. R.lli.
fete: Zit Liberty rt.
jr 1 01) FlSH—Superior large Grand Rank
k..) Cod FiFb, tar pale b,r
4.027 WM. A. IfeCLLRO t CC,.
BROOMS -100 doz. extrajust received be•
febDl 1.0. DILWORTH A CO.
COFFER- 4o bags prime Rio, for sale by
felCI J. 0. DILWORTH 4.
12.1V0 root. of Catawba Grape know. or ~o 0 erid two
year.' wrowtb, for non by 4011 k; STltArkt.
. febMtf
neat. t h e Wa Hank.
ter.Worl Allegheny,
DrEAUTY.—It is universally .viiecled that
beauty Is tonne tim e )n thix ca.notr if,. ha ant
while at the s It I. sold that in t. 17.
country nit h q at sal young . aeo. °A. tre e
certain ..ell, but the lass uoften ea.. packet We
da out
3,414bge.4 trl2:Crwtrltrliact"Fr'..a!!
these articles era, rein:Mac preparation,. haft an .1.
3.1 • high 1131arlty.
“i Joleo 11.04 Pend. or Mae. AM imparting
tti the moat billions completion • radiant • hitenesa In'
nothing should • person he more int that, the UM of •
wetter fur the •• many of thuoe 33,41 we ',cry lulu*
2.711" x: to:l7."7=tv
nlr,ljanel). Depilatory Powder. ter r '
.mot tog ampere..
onto hair. What to tam maw/duly than hue upon thee..
or Rel. of • lady. This .-twie will rm... It in short
time. without the we r.f anJ sharp inatrument
Jules Ilauers Vegetable Lenai4 flair pr. -11 l inatanta•
ftapart to nat. white, , r kray hair. heautifullY
black, trown. or auburn rotor. It will color the hair In •
ohwter Uwe. and more eilertually than an, ether 43,
g 1 the Fame time tralellible:
ules Hauer, 3. 4 having Bream.—]t Lo rally
share with thto cretin. their Is none of the amarting sew
ion usualll expetienntat in the sue at neat Kara un
the e,mtrari. 3t leave. the elan .maul .4 •41. . Itr
tent's, and not liable to taw..
Jules Itanel'a I:use Tooth Pinta—best to the hair, we
think the Teeth arere Intended u the crate. ornannea- to
the hum. Owe: hut when nezterta, nothin
oa g to
ldw ...nags,
3-I , n , e b . r of4o th ott s l p, ek .r ly iv ace . n b ..3l , y)t , er , Tsat e
the gums firm anti heal nrgt
1,11(114,11.1t A..' Phil.
. . . • -
For =de wholeNslo Andre.l. hr 11. A. Fahr.e4;elt 11
and IL IL lie Hen. I 111 boryh. And J•lnzbeny
citr 1•11.7.41
ART) 011,--12 bbls. receiving fremsteani
"c"`"'"'"d rdr " Id b hmEs DALZELL
Water MM.
1 11ESTNUTS-12 I u. just, reed and for
Ly • 1111:11111111k1E t 1NG1111.151, No. 116 Wator 'rend_
ARD--8 bb s. No. 1 Leaf
Maw We 1,7 3 k" : BUICIIIIIDO E tINOLIRPI 4 , ned
GrbV , Na 116 Water street.
OLL BUTTES.—Teri brls Roll Butter
erteivoi and for gale by
T O.-150 bbLi. in store and for sale by •
11 : ?AlAll DICKEY 2 CO..
firb Ira, A Front grt...
TABLE 3IATTS—In store And for sale at
the Carpet. Wantonme of
meh3 H. MeCLINTOCR, to lamb st.
UGS.—IV. McCLINTOCK invites the at
tention of thn.. nori.obloir to fumti , 4 to Ail ofnek of
o whjoh are Just mortred from the Mam‘fp. L -j‘,,,,,,
- mrll3
i A poi ateurtment eau be (mud at the Carpet Wane
houre Nu. N 5 Fourth etreet.
-tr U-113
VtITTS--.1 very large assortment of elle
kV on, label. Thrum,
_Sheepskin, Cueo. Jenny Lind,
Jute. laullbs, aml Skeleton Matta, In Mute arat Up tale at
the tkuktet Warehouse, So. 85 Fourth_ et
(,;. I .IIEETINGS.-I%'. MeCLINTQCK --- ittrites
tb. satmati. nf purchaaers to bil• anwalzattat at abet.
in. at No. g 5 Fourth street. • Dadt2
Aj 30 Anne, D. It. Imp Loaf , Sneer, V undid be;
9U bbl.. small
27rwhed and powdered
0 enari Lod Sum . ; i
fied uar et,ssn
Lei hit. rt. U. Siturni:
aL bblr Motive,
I W S. H. Syrup Matmenes, 1. 2 r. Lords
e Oold. Syrup;
44 clerined in rt. and 4u ride by
ruchil , Icster end Einar
large'aitlo Boo. of ao th e b Se u vrandNngbo french Wough
Cuffaand Cullarr. liwuW Can and Collars Valeneiena
MLen's Napolmn Cuffs and Wham Louis Napoleon,
Malin, Brumes], and Applique Ca and Chin,
Cttss; B w lank Claudine and Lore 'ells Broatlast
ana. InfenbelCaps end Wedatr. embulderrd Linen Cam.
brle liandkerchielu Enpligh Tread Lies, end I.4elove de
met and Swine Edell - rs and lamruna..—t.ovt-ber wan •
general autortineut Prfteh Esubruideml awl Lace
4.. A. A. MASON At).
Ineh.3 No. 621rul .14 3larket et.
RAWING PAPER-,300 Sheets (Imperi
l" or quality) for sale by J. KIDD a (*...
No. YO Wool Wart.
ACON-16 casks Sides and Shoulderi
m r c r 3 i d by steamer I(eAßengv ii \L;2., s 7 . 3 . oji t e D bi
TOBACCO-15 kegs Six Twist
~h 3 bold 0=44
_ .
IS ' Ronald:
Harrovrc fur rale LT_
75 Parka and 30 hbl, Dried Apple,
th/ 111.1 50 helm No 1 Lint
300 ham Ratak.
150 - Pigs
20 ads. Timothy Ern]:
10 qo. twat , Streit Malaga Wine:
41 bbla. L i
Oib on bond and for aahs_by
QTAR CANDLES—AO las Cincinnati inn-
Ajacture, on baud and for wale by
jan im WALLINGFORD ;_o :
'SCARLET CURTAIN CIIIISM, of differ rot widths , and at tiw.e price, reed at the ewe of
IiROWN FLANNELS, a Domestic Article:
Aloe, White. Barred, Green, wed 21161.11111111 Mae, to
ned at the mare of
ILERRING--300 boxes (fresh) for
J tale by mehb WICK 2 neCANDLKSS.
ALM OIL-1000 lbs. ip store, for sale by
NE-14 bluis. Bordeaux;
-1 15 Weis. tient Pat . Foe Wing— in store. Resale Dr
owned at 256 Li'tiny street, a sm . superior Young
n ea. which. we think we ean say with confidence.
cannot surpased,at the print. In Pittsburgh. hien SI.
For the lower grades 75, ti2si, 5.04uP/ : 7
we warnutt fully equal. If not supShOr, to any to be had atl
the same pries.
A46—Oolong. Imperial. and Clummanler. of all .radea,
for which all ere oak Is a fair trial, and they will mem.
m. o.] the... 4.1. A liberal dlmonnt
,matta to ntallen,
and to (amlllu baying
bl ;t7ll q .r. ' a i teTtUßGl a CO.
mrh6 To. Dealers and °MET..
t.O6O exte.
SOO - Deer
2:0 " Kt. - for rale by
febO3 J. S. DILWORTII l W'
EATSFOOT OIL-2 bbls. just reed and
for rale et the Drag Store of
El. `RoodKEß:lit/M.
rorner azal 813U1 Oa.
bags Pea Lute; . • •
3 Dried
iiissier Asia. and for sale by P'e'r-h.' .
tsb2a Water and Front sta.
RIED RPPLES—IO bu. sup. D. Apples;
12 . arc. rh4 311LLER a RICK KTIIOII.
]oats Eetzbery. in atom and fonts& by
k7 123 LLB. Largo Sia 3M. ILatkerek
24 tiers,. vitae Carolina Rice; -
.50 bales Dew Ratted Ky. limp;
1:J00 Inv. Galena Lead;
MA/ lea Bar Lead; , t
35 kegs :Stint a.niorted ananere,
ba Kisser Feather:, •
bh. !Co. 2 Wein: For rale by
JAMBS A. 111711411150 y k CO.
ACIIS--5 hhds prime Hams;
5 do do Shoo Merv, in 'tam Lod
N Eli' BOOKS—Andrew's Latin Engliali
Brie. Andrelm, L. L. D. 7tnrY b
The Island World of the Meier. By Rev henry Mee
or. I.
The Women or Israel. Py Gram ...iptitu: :Bola 17 u‘n.
Wallerille: a Frano.oalan glory. Ify th , author of Buns
Bonks.. •
The Lit: of Roo Jame. Quinn. By nor john T Wright.
Jug remised and for We by R. /10PEINN.
fekr.:l Appollo Bulldlnea 4th at
I NSEED OIL-5 bbls just recciyed, pure
Country Olt. sod fin. /We
feb9 o 35 Liberty street
350 bushels Dried Peaches, for 'sale by
frith ' J. C. DILWORTH 4t . CY).
active blmitimv man, native of Pltutursh, with an
arynnintan, mho ran command a olmh capital
of front nix to right thousand kilnumionv to make
an imMattnant:Mel devote hio Comte !maims , . m a partner
No.Piimburvb of vicinity. Ileame addrera Feat Offkr Boa,
No. MM. felattm:
if lIA)TIIES' PINS-10 eases Eastern, for
‘_,) Jmle by feba. J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.
1, , 11. MOLASSES-25 bbLs. 13 half do,
• Datle thumb& landing from Ann Empire State,' for
Did LEAD--650 pigs /loft Galena, for sale
by farb, RII ES. MATTIIEWb t
S UNDRIES--700 lbe prime Feathers;
SW dnz usil Corn Erbibm
fAX. , Ina best bntsd W. Uls
lus Dr ikrdne:
bxp prime Sab-ralsm
9 bbbiAltssi blvt.os, and (rye by
- -
ik.t.tNk , NESE--f.! tons for ( sa j ls. K lL
-400 doz sup. Corn Brooms;
I hble II(ikon.
Ip casks Potash: •
'lO lus Saletatwk
50.000 Cosmos Pegs=
_l4Oll. Deer Ilan •
bas roes March;
Is bas Vearl tr.
" r 11: 411.111 r:,
F ISII-10 hlf UN No. 3 3lne . kerei;
do li
bbls No. I Salsamj.fg t
pIaNTING MATERLAL.W--Printer's cop
ft, a . : ° V,I" . " " and at'
trrblo woudon rules, Ao. f lor kaltost
Plinth* O. 3111.betwes0 Market and rem st•
fetai Amerio,n
lITOODEN TYpES—F . roul the manufacto:
v yry of Irons ilebb. fursmbeciat. sttoft not/00
SALE.LOW—A superior toned rose
_ Iru m l Plano Fem.. For term, enquire at No. flJadi
M Row. Ilatinon strr.t. Allexhent. feb2o-42w
INC WASH BOARDS—as doz. for' sale
by feba, J. D. WILLIAMS k CO.
S UNDRIES --2 tails No. I Lard-,
• ^.. do - st.rsoei
•li ‘lo,d , dtirld Potato,: •
0 bAtmGotnAltiotat;
do Try Peachein,.
I do do yApple, - -
10 do 101disetr.
1$ bales Cotton, to . I,Trire on An,Anw
Wat, And Front RS •
A.I. for •de by
f bffr
miption, forAale by febls J. KIDD 4 CO.
bbls superfine, in store and for
Ede by fly auEr. MATTIIKIVB k co.
FirANNERS' 01L-25 bblk. in store and for
1 . We by DALZELL,
114 - wr Stint.
D RIED PEACHES--500 Ito, in store and
for rale b, RIMY. MATTIIEwe • CO.feb4l
77 and Water R..
superior Honey,
iv one lad for sale by ,
tem LR, KWITAZWB t Ca,
=:..• i