SIISCELLANEOU , S SANTA FE, °r# , . PitUbmch Oiriottav J.karorst, In our last communication ne g./VC you . a running view of our pilgrimage across the Plains; au promised you in our •next sketch of Santa Fe. • • This . city lies in a sheltered valley, about fifteenmiles west of the Rio dcl Norte, and is watered .by ,two streams of:small mill power, the Rio Chiquito and the Rio Santa' Thae rivers never go drys : but flow from a natural lake or. reservoir, which Providence his placed on one of the hills by which Santa Fe is encircled. The town is entirely destitute of architectural tna ,, nifioence—laid out without order—built without: taste—pond altogether unlike any thing that we - sec ,and read about. The harms . are ,-rnde, imitations of Moorish castlesi, and in - Variably one story. high, with .walls tliree feet thick, flat roofs, mud floors, windows like. port-holes, narrow doors, and I re-place in the turner of each room. Like I Moro (Jostle, or Barclay's' Fort, they are I con4ructed in . the form of a square, with .1 a patet!oreourt enclosed, into which all the I doors arid windows open, anil from which I there is but one outlet. To_ the stranger they lookinorolike kilos ofunimmt brick, I or miniature fortresses, than private dwell- ings ; but, like honeycombs, they are" di irided into innumerable apartments,:wbere I parents, children, grand and great -grand- 1 'children are crowded together. The Alexi- 1 can houses seem 'few, yet the population homing from . them is about five thousand. The', buildings of American residents. are built after-the 'fashion of tbe country, bit, . • somewhat modernized, With large doors and windows; and being coiled with white pus ' lin, 'and floored and papered, have an air of purity, 'sidaPlicity• and neatness, not "inir passixl by Louses in the States. The.Mex wan. cam. . , is certainly preferable to ~ Y our aspiring rick--:can be built for less money, 'kept in trim with less labor, and cannot be consumed by fire. It is also cooler iu sum mer; and vt4riher in winter, than houses in the States:, and as there are no steps Is thelittlo responsibilities are never troubled with bruised Lead: and bloody The atmosphere is pure, and the climate eAclingly salubrious and refreshing. Multitudes of infants sicken and periili from exposure and Want of attention, but I adults are seldom sick; and persons of reg ularand tempepate' habits live to a ripe old am; and ,literally wither up before they, oo to their long homes. When no vegetables, fruit or pickles are to be had, scurvy:and i erysipelas prevail ; but while vegetable pro ducts can be obtained by the people, these disorders never appedr. The winter is longer, and not so cold,liut far more uni . form than our winter in Ohio. This' is I - said to be the most rigid winter ever known in-New Mexico. We have had snow since NoVember, and sometimes good sleighing, yet' the. air has been all the time dry and pleasant. 'We seldom have depression of nind. Elevated seven thousand feet above old. ocean, the "blues" have difficulty in , climbing to our Coed ; and though' they ' -.sometimes scale the heights, and cast their shadows ll ' er us, we are. too near the home of the sunbe . am ever to have the "horrors." • We have no Ileur,ishing garden spots in Santa Fe—no vineyards or orchards, to flatter the palate with the hope of being , , tickled during the long winter nights. The soil has been overworked—lacks moisture- 7 11 • and not hailing been manumit for two bun • Bred ydars, yields comparatively nothing; but the soil in the vicinity is said to be fer tile in a high degree, and capable of yield- ' iug all the products common to your mar- I kit,: yet no vegetables are seen hero save ' oniou4,: beans, fed .peppers and melons. These:are:bur. hOliday dainties; •and While •., yort*,..teking.t.liel qualities of golden'rus sets,zfurnipii potatoes, and roast pig, we are 4&.esiatLut:.on sheep fixings, and goat, delitztelyipieeti with onions and dolt' rot • math,: 'r. • Too:111114 not infer, from the leanness of our Market, that the soil of New Mexico is generally. sterile 'and unproductive. - We have. immenso tracts that are exceedingly rich. The "Valle (le Teas," and the whOle! valley of the Rio del Norte, could be con verted into fruitful fields, luscious vine yards, delightful orchards, and blooming garden spots, by the Keystone and Buckeye ! farmers. The fault is not in the laud, but the people who till it. The Mexicans are ! not an agricultural people. Their chief implement is the hoe. They sometimes' have 'plough, which is made Wholly of wood, and being drawn by two oxen; would scare a Virginia darkie, and cause.a West- ern planter to Split his sides with laughter. ' The Pueblo Indians are farther advanced in the art of farming; and in, regard to chastity, sobriety and truth, a far better people. Though babited and painted, they are not marauders, but dwell in villages; -herd sheep, cultivate the soil, and in fact are the only working people iu the territory. B'ut- their gelds are en often despoiled by marauding savages, that none of their pro ducts, except wheat and corn, ever reach this market. Were the roving bands dis ciplined to labor, or obliged to keep away front the settlements, New Mexico would riacher immense resources would begin ! to - be developed—and emigration, like a i flood, flow this way. Iler hills al,ound with rich stratus and mineral wealth—coal, ! iron, copper, lead, 'aver, and gold, of the richest quality, having- been taken from them. streams are adapted to milling ! ^OM% and her mountains studded with trees Suitable forlumber, and Calculated to yield a rich product of turpentine. Ifer canons and table plains are carpeted with a luxuriant growth Of gramma grass; nieely adapted for sheep grazing; while her vast forests of pinon trees supply fuel for town and country, and yield immense stores of little oily nuts, suitable for swine. But the best spots and choicest lands are those most exposed to plundering savages; and until this difficulty is taken oat' of the way; miners, manufacturers,' agriculturlats and merchants had better stay where they are. ! The principal mercantile houses have heavy stocks and immense business. Oroceries, dry goods, pantry stores, and even household furniture and kitchen and garden utensils, are brought from the States —transported from Missouri to Santa Fe at the rate of $lO per 100 lbs., and sold here and in the lower country at an 'advance of 200 per cent. The following prices will ive you some idea of the cost of living:— Bacon hams, .50 cents per lb.; sugar and • coffee, 38; butter and lard (keg) 02; rice and soap, 25; lea, S 2; crackers, 50; inn lasses, $3 per gallon; • golden syrup, SI ; vinegar; $3; lard oil, $5; eggs, l so.eents per dozen. Parked meats, preserves, pie kles catsups, spices, starch, dried apples, peaches and other fruits arc proportionably high. 1 This statement should not have the effect to draw merchants to this place. ! !! Many have brought stocks in this market, with out first becoMing ,acquainted with the tongue and tastes` of the people, and be ing unable to sell, lunrezliecotue discouraged —gone to the damning " Monte " for con, solation---staked all on the turn of a caul, and been beggared in an hour.' .Merelian • dizing iq Santa Fe is a very tickli.,/, busi ness. ..... . . _ Should this place be selected as the seat of government, which is very doubtful, the entire town will be -modernized—brick, stone, and possibly frame houses, will sup ply tho_PLuto of adobies—the plaza will be refashioned—,_the girerner's palace reined- eled j. iand public building - 6 be put al,. Me dial:ties will then be in great demand. "Even DOW p few married men of each trade, bring ing their fondles and abstaining from the -vices of the pluce,.would find plenty to do and he richly,pompetunited for . their tail. The itratifianur arta aru in. a Tory rode state ' ' ;r~ ,~ __ ... . _ —not a native bleu l e d g e of tools.', TI have' bud oneY elm bunts. The tailor nary suit. The cal pine bedstead, and ' same Material. Thu what he pleases. We have but On; Santa re, and hat it Such as con! piA 'two or Carew 'nd Lives call it " la ens 1 of the building is s ifollors. The .3 1 .exicans a nese and affability French, but not I readily captivated b the senses. They , bracing each oth touching their soul tion with a strange views, but stone, star him with "S ally aVerse to slave liberty, and in pn good patriots; but eltildlwxxl to bow t and follow the vdi no ttMe idea of th nius of American principles of persor [Op n) 1. 'shoemaker 'Ond we ' es 510 for common , 0 for making an - coil; hoet-maker $2O for a °G for six chairs of the carpenter charges just P. frame ' house in all a diminutive concern, t np in the States for ed dollars, yet the au grinder and the cost I ted at three thousand remarkable far polite- more grave than the :is impressible, and as i' everything that pleases ; ever tiled without cm l —never pass without mos; and in &taverna , never dissent from his tow, and uniformly mi l' Senor." Constitution y, they talk much about cess of time may make lavin'g been taught from the ,licrant of priest, e of dia,tors, they have I in c ty of law, the ge demoemey,,or the true al iudei,etleuey. cox, INVED.I RACTORS TO CON et Plank wanted. 2,000,000 ALLEGIJt. • I. no.tucour.orl A,ril next. L.r funziAl 1.1. thick, and 8 ...01 Sharnsbunt. If .tavaght th.t tuna ay May b• aun erop,al, may I. am Roller. Balt, burgh: and “u)" ,u4rect. way Jo: wltlrr,, l'nq...als ' or Iletlorl. I'LANK kora, pr0n.,...A1A until th e tmet •tur. Two t of 1"....1 in lenallt—tt• o. dplitn.l at thr ri‘ , .r. or at , pin.CrAMI 11/4 tO thy 0. %h. LANE. or to &MAULS F rots tor ftkrther F. Cal Ili V.,rrfiVg; inch to;Contractors . Notice ANI) IteAe—s.,w tho Ohio and renn.y burr: until Thumla I*l int:1110 1 nick !min of In: 1 4 10 , ifirn 01.101,0.1 nt the. Oh, in to thr lettnnr. on 01.1di i)ll.;inerr. The propc.n I print,..ll. , rni , :nusl 0.11 1 1 1 511.9rab, orth Atnorlt,n. no Jountsl. rnbli,ll fnirt 11.BROPpsA 141,1ze r enh.nic et ,et. 111 the Fi in pl.= of We aztuln . ...1. l'olnl4, Pro & L.ll..rtr for the ..n.ction pottitru titer.. to 1,, tl •itli amen re , tottni3OroV , . I • f..1,1,,1tf "ENNSI LCANIA RAlL no:Tireit nt 'distance ion,. nod (ono. of pturrimalr. mi. ire fir to, weeks rrerk.n... rum to ioolinnon liolwrts. Chief 14 wait tie in wrordarnoi nith the to the Pre-rident of the Coin -11'11:17.1)61!ri/N • J n., l'rerldruL 1331. York Tribune, Aniericint no, Ereeting a Wire Sespen- Ili< All,theur ftlmr, tti%;.11.• 3ltt \ttuLl °l s the city of, ta , .I ' fftlX;tf .loam thr 14114Itt) of IlArcla A Ow RNA, tht,rtht.l.l laid., the I e mule tts th no. 'Audi., 1 7,r, tr" tr:Gtll' 1. 3 tht nder 74' 500 1.:.:11....L1Z1)ric,d Apple., for , vit__l,ll , 7 ,. I Ceb2l 'J.J- 1.11,11 4) tTII 4. --- h ouse work. Apply ranted to do . 4. dl _ , 1 , 10, • It ' li t t i g. l 1 jiiti!„ eo's for e/V r, ItOlii4O.N. LITTLE t EMMiI tNI larls No. I, far :=al6 by r.111L.94s bbls North Caroli n *pure N. y ale b W.ILSO INSURANCE ----- Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company. • ry i nc 1911016 n g persona, by the term , of ' Charter of the PartißUßG/I LIFE EirS/78.1.112 , . P.INr. ve the Directors or tLe .I.lCompany far the' dist year: James El Ikon. Charles A. 6dtan. Joseph S. Leech. Vermsel It(l3ltrekata John P. Dittman, Wm. Pillips. Jolla A. Wilma- At s mestlng or the al.. Directors, Meld at the QM. a C A. Coltn. on Us, :CIL lose JAMES'S. MOON, oo elected President llenett. McCuesse, Tke I•roddobt • • CwaV A. Co.eoo. 6,:sew, Jose. N. Lencts,Tnesuser. • license, Iliusonml, M. 1/, Esandelng Physician. Alp stork the Books of the Moe n will be faded. for the pseseue It the bows of Moerne Wm. , Co., on Wool street, where those trlshlug to.subseribe enn lute m opportunity to done By onler of the Beard: C. A. COLTON. Secretary. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. BRANCII OFFICE—No. 64 thorrartra.o, PllTSßUltalt. • THE hest evidence of the success of the Director* in endeavoring to make the STA re FIR INSURANCE COMPANY wet the vreultg 114 therouttnonity, the uTurarano, 4 amonnt of buelue. whirl. L. 1.0.0 done: barite tseued over 1.00) Polielei In -a 11101 wore than eight montbe and adding 1010 (WA. 0 . 1011 eizt.e. 0.14 a 11 10)100 1.0110.1 for 004 we Vr.r. Number of Policies issued • • • • Amount of property ineured, - $4,139,406.00 do.. 'guarantee premiums, 57,909.7 0 tin. etush premitnns, - - 32.194.21 tie. guamnteestueli. - - 90,104.03 110. Josses, - --- - - - .1.1(10.00 T.. I, dr.lactig trot,, the nhot, bninon., the iln-lJentnt so ge . lZ; n o r r t .tg!:.7inerrttaut-e. end oen,n, 4WeilinST, Ixnlate4 Vol ,ountry propene. It I, twlirce.4 thl4 coal et..raemv....e.., in point of utive t no•rx rafety. .3 hwuritr. kaolin. to no ill.lollMel..lllpl.lly montry. • 12.114w...1 on_thr e q ultahle end g reatly h0w...4 e ) Arm CleknAltintaim Itisio. exrhnling ell 'portal Inunnl, ',lrina only • hunt.' ecnonnt In'my on. luslity. thus pn :rltulinn. the frequeney and oreurnuce of large Ore, .4 ti-n on both the Stock 3 n.1 17urerTtl, h 'ib i e r rns " u ' gt ttr=l'e'iantot of firth turthulp p..t.ion in I.he It I. muter tto. control follovinu lt,n. Jobe itlit.iwrit.lA. A. J. l'acker..s. T. Joust, A. 6 ' 6 ' . Phll J' . . ). l. 4 llVVlll.'.lll. ? :l * ln, hll4l !ident. 'A. J. uti.t.txr. t..4,ntarT. A. A ettntre, Actuary. . .• Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. t; ENT IN PITTSIIUR(;II, W. 11. P AVIS, . t ,d. rtuuoy. or., N0..3 1,11...rtt ,trevt or the hrttcr enoveuleure of peraou, melding In 11 . 0 hnror part of the tilt. the agent ma, tarn lg. found dad,. loom 11 to 12 and 2 ;co II o'clock. tit 4110 rt.untinn coign of J. ;It.h.voinnakrr It Co., No 24 NI .4.1 ttreet , where all 000 I are trtformstum Sill he given alai romuitmlrniXgo prom - b ly tt.nded Lite lbanaphledt explaining the principles and btuelltt .1 Lite Inturanco. and blank forms furnvhed on applieatiom. , Caoltal ttork over $ . 3.0( 1 0 cintl rougtantly Incrergang. Profits divided annually amon,t tho., In.und for lite.. • ditt...bunth, al. 151.1.--.10.4 Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation Insurance. 9.11 E by-on:knee Corstimny of North Americo. I.lllladrlphia—Cbarlen..ll2o4. Capitol V.A0.00.1..A....t1 Jantlary 13,1.51. $1.0U1,2f.t. Cob. NW make lurommee On hnildtngt and their contend, in list, city and oh-lull;; nho, n pnmerly of • .I.,rnpllnn, thipl.l Pr , * 100.1° hr..* and othor edg.el.., tlfiltor by Inland trantpartatlodt or on the I ft". NACCTOPS. Arthur (1.0.11 in. Prrl. 'fborcut. 4" : Cop, Fmluuri W..b.u.,, John It. Nett E.l•rahl P:mith. Ri,hhnl D. W.N. - .1.41 A llruru. Witham Wil,h, ~ ''.1133111 . i F. Swab. FrAnriot Ilwhin.*. Samuel Itrnok% A. Au AHD.... l'lntrh. Tar lor. Wm. F. Ituorm. ATOM,. Mule. tirorge Avinwull. Jamb AI, Thutue, j,1111../ h. Dirkaou. S. lurrlANVcaln. 11. D. hrrehl, eteer.. Thus PI theuldret I POPPAPICV CailllPlLn, lultwUttit•AFtstes and how Itx hl -h rlund iu,, h. es.p , r l . - ur , htnt , " t."...... And xrahllup all rir.ko or au eatm bssahluus rhArrwler. It ne am le necurity loth.. public, ''''' ''''''''''''.." ''''''' hp . JIPS Fondnt iri,l American Life and Health Insnrtuice,Co OF Flit I.ADELPIII ..Igrnt for Pitryblorgh, SztML. P. TOWLE, ilMettiC 14111‘ Pt, stars Ymilhm.W. Piatattbl.l. toutainlng all ntawntlarY issfarsoYsl.k. SPI La ntintirind at the °Mee. .lAtt.dti Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. APITAL $300.000. R. MILLER, :la., —..4wreysaM• CII Ihntiwt awaintsl nll tints n 1 mute. rise nntl All Itasca wall tat Ittweally attptsted A boson.ltastitution--ntattniswl by Ihrertorti saint are well know.n in this communsty. awl who 111. detertnineA Incrnptnens and liberalits to maintain thwehnraister which lb.,' have aniuthea. an, ffering sl. not yitotantinn twtlnwn oho desire to insursat. liiissostntn—lt Miller, Jr, Blank. Ilutlnt. Jr., Wm. 11. ham:, 0 . ILus.wit, tnyi. . Attain.. II m. 11. Lyon, barsie, Asinett 11'- CIASOC nulrit.) Pittrburith. y wtsll Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y t iIkFFICE. NORTH ROOM (IF TILE I:LIAM:E. Mint stn... PhilwAnlphts. VIPs Meri.olll , e. anA nth, tintlwrly.lii town d tans., . insured mtainst Iranor duos., by bre. at. tbn an lowest rate of +1,4,1121. iNAtl.i.,...—They also Insure Verrailr. Varntay i anti !mutat, Itstrtgo or ectattwl.n. mt., opt.. tir the aisurwl may ttalrn. Insist TCA,PORIATI what Alerchenth, tranypartni by IVamtwis Stall mil rare, Cnnal boats. arta matu by tart rt and laity*. tin the mint libt:ealtertnn lhantrows—Josettlo 11. MM. l'itlniuml A. tittlitir, John C. 1 10.1, Itobairt Burton. 'John 11 1r0n... , . Samuel 111 wants. C. 1,1,F. 1,11,1112111.1 . 11n5 , tnn. lawn.. It Pay., .11 lan Voiwnll. Anbai Newt's, Or. 11. V. Intro, Jaw.- , ' teltnonbilus llatittbn.i. II Ant,. Cnytli•. Hew , Mown Malt eran,. neon., tsenall. ninurnsi t barb , Iselin. it. Jitltistsat. It IA . Shun mitts ntolitity Wm. Es Yr. Jr I , IULVT. , . AY ParriSAtitini— T Mora-ant Minh emit, Jahn T Logan. 11'11.0ms Marna, Isnittitbint. Twin. C. Ifi 4 Vlre l's^4 ilent Jiwarti IV (Noss, ntwrsMrY• ' n ' ir .'""' l I. ' itgi ? .f '""'''' Ittt Frmklin Fire Insurance Co. of Ehilid'a. 1)1RECTI)11S: Charts W. ll:it...ker. (1e.,. W. RWharits. Mnedwat 15. lwanly.Tnt.tait *awns,. 0404:nil'. Burl , . isansm I Grant. la,. It. Match. Slwrrts rattserinu. - V. lIANCKFskt. Prrwidynt Axcgre- Mwretary This (-oniony r t'sanett, mitt, Insurance.. twrinn to at went The esuutway hitt. yetwrroil • inrce m an l y funs!. whirl, with dirty tSaittial awl Pnisnittinti, invonttn3. anon{ ampin strtresi..n tile A-tat - wt. The cf the Cn, ....Sanwa:, isn pub balled ingest to the .151 t.l Isere I. follown I %la !Irrtglg , I,,mrtlar tx..sto ittr;.:l Fine. thtir iriricrt.iii - 4tiori , ti•iricil uitietorti tettriotimr him pax! ;4mm - di. ril Four Ilitmlrmf Fitoutnrid Dollar" LA...1 by Vim. thimilit ..Vidrll., of the wiritutitireo of luttiraiim. , their ?shinty pn.,tlun"mevs ."h \ V:V NS: Ae rnt mai tilim b K. mirntr of Wit*" 0111.1 Z.l 11, • 1"IIE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSTIL ANCE COMPANY, N, 151 Market etre.. !Newark. ,a 1 Co. 11 %Vail ,trx.t. N. Y. Ancotoulrurd axnelt , sl,oC.:o*.t.iirollog frt.:P.lw 4O,wr rept protc Auswo.t. The oubp.criter recriv. , ,pllcAliora Cc( 11,oralwe Co Hy.. it, the SLoveruer.e,,fulln•Lstaork C4woraoy. w:o.10 protil• leinK GIULIAom %M{ tbe 11ILLIAM 1:. JON Y.S, No. 1.11 front ..tre• I. NIISCELLANEOUS SLATE ROOFING HUGHES PrsTriehmi of L ( em u')' U.42nal Prn..onings no 9.orra?, lox I•lsve r. i n lli•et•te, andone,. /0 1411.. Ilhrellan. Con•nnati. kr- Out tlmy liavk Attx. LAI•11111,11. of I.llPlafrgh.l.ll./r kg*.nt,.2.o 1. n.. mart. ronom,.. .r 11.11 , 11 . 11 loaf .l 111.1111 8: or. in 1. 1 . 1 tar -t etatrkinarri, in tn.. Cn.1.1.11,L.1.0-11/. of Ilr uir elan. , I. kl‘ll.l. if nut ~ 1 41..n0r. to the iret nun. t.thrt 1•0 •11.ceiruken and pro, tied ib lh•) In dn lb•Ir worli....n,..nurntly Ilk, hat. cu. In.dthnkn in nourlng • prrfccti, ••:. riled ry,f.. and handunneirromplrn , f, r.wonable • PA.. 1. - 1 .nuar• a, any In Ch. *nal. in:f;n ll. l•ll, C. L.rgr.V 4 V 44 ; ,—,. : ", ;Ta '.lr u, th•cnnlrattori•nd e. tn.thrir /.I•le.:.n.l.l.fing 11/. lhonm. 1 1 •rrF, one 1.1 the 1. . pen}. [1133 *b. . 0 1,t •gent . . Onto., clam.. of Elfllt and Canal. 1 1 411111 111 . 11111, 1 k CO fe1.115,121••. 1 ,m 111-0 -PARTNERS!!! P—Wn have this; flay Juke/at/A a.. P...nfuntln F. Morin.... Th. 1...• ."1 "'n -"nu''' a. IVl:rZ.ll7ll7.llll7itei!?,;'g„. Pan H ER S E Y. (U313175,10N mfr.- IciIANT, fur tLe .11• A of J'lt Inn trhurnti.u.stle. and 1, Woo.l fined nt stunt nalm for any .I,..eription of f.. 1 1 ! 1 74 lon ilarbiurrt. I iii 41.' , 1 1, • 41 I .l' Innlust • IRA1:1, 1.1.E111:40. It.K 01. It. K. Author - 11A Su irie llm nano U 411 of m 1317 n in 111. milli-num!. cif ALdr Loaner,. - lISSOI.U'I'ION OF I , AitTNl:itstiii , , Tb m I,retnforr. rairding 141•1.11 1.1.• trcril.vr.. under LL. stylr of eloarklrlt. X ‘Ctut... I,as 14. r. Ited , ma the hr.t day Januar:. 11=4. bi Inutuai Either of O I.c w au).rlr. , .rm will ntteuil to, at burin.-w. and arcliulhoretul Intim {helms/21.111. trro t.r that parrc. hi.. 101 Neel U. C. :11ACKI.f:TT. TIP'S. It. IS II ITS_ ro.t.r..mry N 1:11( Fl FBI—. B. ,Slutellett and William hmtina *s up.ley the Ann .4' 11. I. .ett C.. .1 t. lat..llfl' In It .1. It Into, So AA Wor4 Arra t It pdat 11N. PA NA. ( 0-PAIVI'N EI:SHIP—The Jrntez.+l intr. Co-Putt...v.lllp Limb, theflirns At won R JAMP.S ATKINSON. 1.31 .101 IN kl. lill ALA. EAD PIPE —CII 'lt impruved potent lI Loul Ilydrantm, pop , Argo:lnd, • .r..'"9'll‘r.". Gilpin, an. Allnirrn on hand anal to arrive, tor nab. ). jallenly A Lt . .X.A N Elt GORDO. atter rd. 0111" GOODS—FIRST ' /..- 111 .trphy A flurrldirld wlll thl• olornihn Ivltut their art .upnly "'Pro. try am , In' rite the call of limit cushetuern eltulleu,r,nnurraely. im.., il.attcutiou he their natennive a,urtzurut of new rty f prin at 12,4 ....b. per yard, arlectrd with particular re pre...ea a h. durability of tgelc,r. An excellent article al.o , gfered at ID mull per yard, ',arrant.' Ilud colors. A 1,.. pen two.. ntyler of En nll,ll Chluturt foam 1:74,114 lli:t''Sl.,;r4"..ll?;:e"eld„'"l!=a, tia"Ca'n73:. Work.collara, (lon. .4, and 11l et Ribbon. klutiont Coo, et , Odell RUGS--In mho, and for sale by the rub-. IF ~f tAr tr.t uuallty : Sulpha.. and rl,...elate l‘lorobla Gun, hAlan: Eamt Ssll.o • Sar of I..nrul; mn Arabl, .tun Tartar. Itnll Priuutuue. Flour Sulphur. • Air:amino Senn: Whom Camphor. ' N. Ai ICK1:II.SIIA SI, Wed corn., 'wad and rlxtb TI II E LA 11l ES nil map "If you. want real Tea, r t. n Ilayaorth l n Ten Hone In the lust:nowt I, ' The T.-a tho pre JO rrn. pett pound h - ally gond. awl tiro. , at , nt' , tont AI, ern dun e:Won. Loy pri,J, Jammu...l,l.r Inferior Teaa or.. hewer lota at this ..,,tabll.tecro.nt, and they now nnedl their Tel. elirnet from the anginal barlugproard that T. mot trip In it, tallic wrapper., which. ley holding up tu the AnAl. yuu will 14.1 /a as pra,toe'ne • lady 'a fetal JEW STOCK OF PIANOS. . John 11. )Irllor hI Wand .met, h., tut manned Abney and eplendidunurntartrt of Pisnrt...• open and rrnnly de3l .9 - 11 9 _ Gobi) CAN - 1 , 6N FLANNEL-A farther ty et • tealnftinin ,121i° ,, 1t. per ired i FTel at stem llo of • • ILNIYL 13138(711.17.1a.D., EritlZl Aunp. 11.f1..S or gl.! Hy 31r(1 MISCELLANEOUS AlterrATEU CURE WORKS—The Water cat. Moorish 67.141 fiben,3l.l/. core In Arnericatylltod by I Water Patient .11a14 Bonk of uyaroptat fur Pr/14.101ml and Wornestle we. by Dr. Wets, Rom tie pisetka of llydrotyathy. with Mess/ erbaward 'e.t.d... of illkrort.t .3b/...4. hi Johanna'. M. D. Theory and Procne of llydropathy, by the bate 11. Franke. an from the Herman by itob , rt MAI, 31. - - The abrOVO WOTIIP for Pal , if IC I . '. PTI/CKTIIN. flonkoeller and Malone, corner Slevko.lcnd Third At, BOOKS—:The Ilistory of Penslettnix. fortune, and mvfortuO, 111.• 11.61144 nod ILiA ii=1:::%.,,,'•‘!1‘1';39t.t",.;m„t,',•-„,:'". T,tt-‘;',7,rar.. No.B of On Motor, of Pend. tow. Ily 31.71Lar1. 111.11erillt , A FrIOLIUllil Rory. fly sulbor of the 1: 1413 hook,. No 11 If nil. l'lrtorlal F 1.1,1 Doak of tlw Iterolotion. 1 1 , I:en.ou x. Lasslnp. • book. 3003 a IrN 8. 4 STOCKTiIS, - ' ; \o. 1: Slarket . . _ . . .. . 2('00 f.61:f.61:,tm.,. - BUS PEACHES,. ftra i tt i.: 1 ..( .Y . iv .... s 'beep and 3 1,1.1,111, w f •: Tallo, or 10 it ,„,is b y ( .. f ,, 3 , SAW S. SllttlA KW . ~. . • Ofill DOZ;CORN BROOMS, for sale by "il. t r febl3 , SAM. P. SI11:11 Kit. it BILLS SENECA OIL, tier Nato by I tebitt SAM It..:WIRIVItIt. 4MILS PRIME ROI.I. BUTTER, for sale Vs Pra3 SAW. I`.SIIItIVE.It. I AM) OIL-42.' bbls, rye 1. per steamer I/ eitairmati, and fbr Ralr• by JAS_ - DALZELL. fetal: No. CA Water st 1 4 V 1 . .N ,„.i. r.! b r r i .. i t ja t2 A S.. :S--..: - 2 01 1 l ip. Ai /0, for JAY, IMLIELL. ,--i I OPPERAS- , L 5 bblsn fine order. for sale 1; b • (. 14 , J stAItAtANI A ttalt lOr -..- VIA itiS I.; ItEEN-.-.-30 ears, for sale by .' .1 sclItatNatAKACA Ctt _ _ : . _ rill MI Yr SKED--In tztore and for salt. by & t•DII ISAI.III DICKEY a CO. TAI I SO bhls, in store :unl tot sale by ,". Caß,inetts REFINED BORAX ,I.IN DRIES-- 1.0 t,nnh Urr Praxil, 1.0 41, 11. CJ keg, II g...1.11.1ant 61.11. extr4 Fa.lir Flour. . extra eortt . , ' . Inno I.ava 11 inane lila,. a•rted. lu .tn, ana Cru .6'l, t JOll% II Art A. co, - . febil Lilwrtl et 4 1) BA Itit!MS cf.AivER SEED; • ~,,, • brn Tanotbv Snrd, moot snnr cr,ir. ~ I. W.I. and '..., kegs Nn I Lent' I-Int. ' . . - prime N. 0. ff off., 1,0, 41, 11n15,,, • fo , 1.0! liattlo groutot ii. 11. Jo° 1.416 Floor, 00.,100 101.1 war% to-01.1.. 1-ooling atol oale to 111101 V I I'ATKICK 1}: 1-11Ni:S.1 large and splendid iiiisort• uo.ul of If oid lINnI. Ibroolton. Froikolt 14 Lola, nal I,hrorr,. ff.. I to ref Tani. l'reorh ollfs 0,1 Po L•flo , 1,14 effehmor, nt ..10.1.1) fohl A. A. 31)0i10: 110 rilAiLtißs' llisoimimis--itee6v; , :i ;ind Ithi. day '. .mlkt, E,rtn,.. Pe.1,1141,*, Srlich,Tal,,t,latio and I..Ellng 1',..t I .44 Coat Butt..., Bot, Metal, end Ja1. 11 f 4,1 1,111 . 1 . 1 1 ttrop 11411 Q,, lil.l end 1:1.11A noon Su9..lnArr 1tu11.4,„ A. A. ,1/1,..:, .t I" ' L %.SS--11 to 1.x4 "Ilnught . .” l ii r ! N r. l t 1 ( 0 )I f ‘ r ( L l'y ' 4.1.7 II ‘IIEI .1 A It , Ir . PATENTS OAP POW 1 , Elt —2O I oxvs j tot re.....,,,1 1 rat.. H. K. EN1.1.1.:11,. ..7 „..,i , o f wh,4 th.. ,uult,... ankle mai A. - WI. h.& 4.1.: 111.4 1 0 X 'S ST A liell-211 b..x.etl for nit by .. 4.1.13 \VII. l 11r11.1 . 14. A ell. I lA RD ASP HAMS-1U bblr Lard: 4 1 ..,,,a; Item.; E. emt r ..4 el•-rm , F.,11 Pitt: tot ..el,. by E. 1.13 1.+.A1.111 DICKEY e C.l 'irk tini.s Surrtine poor. for ~, by GEIS ',AM E.:MI:11E1.. I 1.,1 SNI A LN--1 ea,tr;: , thiL .. j,x,c . 1.,, f IN SE El) OIL- - '. 211 14.1, iw'd for -ale by II 4 1,4 1 . 3 A PEI: --IOU; ream 4 Wrapping. 3,,orted: to. .4.. Ilanla are (4,1 E. 1..,. Eh, J. A',IIOO,OIAELL: A.. 1. 1 ( ; 11 : 1)Et:S CUSIIION.S.-11 .1 . ;.. i,i tr i o. f ,: i . le , d „ and ‘.). 11 , ki:ER'S 1 , 1E1113;;; 311 Lind, 11 3 fr., lot I '',, ..,, ~ . J Kinn AOl. i 01' %, ‘..MMONI. A FOILTES--7. cUri...v.. it * 1.. .h.b; It E eV1.1.111. , .. llorvia:— . 2oo 11W , 10 .. U,',,11;•••. just r , • e'd I 1,1 f,...x1r hr Whitt:JOlE I IStlftlltAhl, r,.16 - NO. ll f Wster Ar•rl • I 4 1 1: „ •E: . ...! 1.1 i 4.('. \NS -,1 u2..t. , rvetiveil. 3 1,11,1, ''''''''''"" ''''''' t?A wci.uito A u„, ' -.. .,:. ,, ,L11 , ..rtl ~..- . Irit i.:Sil FR it , . -51 1 tiriltlt, Ty..b.j%ed ;,,,,1 111, IV A Me. 1.I , I:0 6 I 1, ifr ~ONTERF l, EIT COIN DETEUTOR -- 1 (i_ re,.. ~. u,.. bst , ...trltzurol. Set 11.1..1.1-.1 .1 •,.../. ...MA,. ”...1 ...oil r... 1.• 0+.0.•..14) . 3 .1....'.. $....' • ''- 1•1...• 1•11 • [1..6....1 1,1...-.61.6... 5.:....... ar..l ;Lt., I A ...i....t 11., 11(0 1,40.1.1....r1r, -ha , bk , .. w. , N .,i ..... ,,.; 41.1 r..31,..r of flb,Lt ...1.1 4th 4.. uoi LI. BONE - S -400 pap , r,... W. , , , a. ''''..: - V ' t . • , 111 ~. 1 . 61.• .. 6 ,1 - .1.1.1:6$ I ) it I / , - .1 ,, , , A PPLES-- 3.4 ~.ack, ,, , f ,, ,,r ~, , ,1, .. ;, II ", ' '' z ' . i r E,A,II.LASI,I 7. 30 1 - 6.4 k 11 . IT I , : td rA ri xt.i. ~u1.1,,,1. ' 4 l LASS--1 /I all titi... Mlll .111111114 , ,..n hand , , and 1.,....3.1..1., 1.14. 11. 1161-ZgLI. tr. k 1 RILLS. NO. L ROSIN. ju.t. I , uukud i 1-t 91 .„.,,,i th .1,1 , 1... II ..A. 10115 / S feel: A V.I. 1 .r.....-t 11...3 Ant Ett-t .1, I.IE LLOW F.— Fine pair .4 . 1.1t , 110w.. 'wally I JUI or.r. fur .1 , by ECAII , V, ATKIN:AE . 4 k LIEELT t.• 1.4 ' 114 6,1 .1.1.....1 rr1711011.11 SEED--1..5 1 .1 ,1 1 Tilu,,Oly -,, , r:t1, , 1 .. 7 hand abbl 1.. b mi. , fly .II I. ) . 1.4 . 1 , 1 , . , 1.: , . r. C.... L . 1 '' i lINAiII'A RIC ACID-111 1 1 „ lir., ~1 11, t 1;1;;‘ ,1 1t •t 1 . . 1 r u .., " ' """..L' •7 u, , ,..1, , ;.• t . . . _- A 1 AP.DEN SEEDI , —A full and pr,oul a ,, , , 0rt- LllltArnt, ~.,4 r.itul tr..itt [hr 1'a.. , 4r0 rttir.., f.a..1.. vh.4...a10 atbl rrtml. er , 11.. t........ 1 r'...41... f 1t....1 011.1:11th .10.1 PIM It:f4i,4lß 41 441 '.A r 1 ba N:44 licif MI DOLLS Allegheny City Coupon eial poky ti.. i1at., , l v>• able fu New It orlk, twill be C.1.1.t Silt. A. 1111.1. k C.I. 4 4 llFlrl:itif.,-50 1.45., on lian p tly z i , ll: , ,A ., tl , e O hy I iRA APPLES- -23 - 11 1 liuslidi nn linn.l and 9 y f..r •ole I, t) Itll 41,10WN a lilltia,111.1 1• 1:. d til° 25;141.%. 1:AILROA.1) STI.X . K -- 1 F ll'"'''''"'", "" '''' "P ' '" W 1 .1 . 1 1 lIILL 1 flt. . Ev.hun, 1 »1 it DICKEY Cn., A4,M:11 ., Me- I rlubte , AI ho,vr cpf omp•tUr mam , rr.l. rrr 30,1 W.,1,-.1.• 11,11stol-1.L.1 PP: 1,',111 14.10 • ATvNG - 1,111 , urvri,Fr. tor male IID 1.,L10 IA II DICKEY u IX ,. 4.:.01)A I 1.3 , k, for Fab. by 4.0* z 1111., , los: ‘O . l I,IN AGS-4 , 1 Li. i I I.GII, S forr. ,ule ll ilrLI A ov. F:t ; 111,14 to I'lmi I ) .IPU IL TTE--1 a tte• t IJL.SI N 131.Al'K S 11, KS— MturitY Lt. hr.,. r wri•••l wrrY foil ' , WI/ •,•‘• ..1•...1•14 RI the; • an 41.. as r.ll, morn , ...I Dr•rmlet nowm4 Ikitli.6l:cialAM:•' Itiri,lty gurelitielii I 1 los wr. Itastal La If 1 , 1 , 1 , .; , 3“Ln.... 1.p.1 at?. St ,r 1.411, rig i VFW , . twrth 4111 .14 11ark.ti•if..In. • • • ()IJASKS CIA 11tillET1 , iE,t1teiirnItiL Eii.:ll.ll Eini Ir. Orli El., ~; i : mq Clow KOH,: 1.rg..1,41,11 •Itt FRUIT told 14 lintrniln-alli, original Ussig...l trn•linin, • 1.1.. awn mod rlomon 1011 111 , 1i1 , 111 0 •/1111 1. swain, it 4"4 4• 11 ‘ ;.1'.0 . Z. CV 7.:in 1111. rx, stn,. It 81) SEEDS - C:Luarc and Ilrinp Seed. , 1111 . WA quality tor A! Jl'Cu:rll J V.) by SELLERS ' LIVER PILLS "Conlil not get 'llo' *lO ""1 ths'sarrrno urtule, llJan. 0. 1 Mo .11 r 01 1.01.11.- Y...uni sue the out. Liirr 1,11, tlin, I 0.u1,1 1140 of OnHoo q• 1•11.1 lo Hoe I.ldee.l. frritin '""" en., .0.1 1.. iiruggili o.lleidlY inln •11O1S AND ICA ISINS--I•19 Loren time 1 4 • :re) dO 1,1/ 1 111, ion lonlool and I..rionln to 11111/M 14 0 KI liliPATltteli. K I Attl) OIL--15 1.140 host refi ned firr lir J IiIIIIOONMAKEII A 11.101 1:4 Wii.l rtrot. 1 LAZIER'S DI A ItIN DS—I doz. for Kll.lO 11 lir 11.101 . J. Kll/11 k 111. AIO) All krK o awl 25 1111111, for Nab) fn 1111l1W0 k (II illoWn Make, for gill,' )by 0001,14- 011 00. MATTHEW? CH. 1 1 '; IN ESTAIENT—scrmoo in Aih.o., 1,3 ny to I.ale WSI. A. 11 FLEA no. - kW& 111 Irrnnl at. ktuovnith (I'l'rEli-7 111)10 fresh [toll; I s Je ,sdid: 1,,,1 d, jll,l ITOVIVed awl • nian br 0.14 - iilel:ll.l.n a ion_ lOTTON TWNE-2 1 0 1 ILL) enperior nun]. J My. f..r nnk i.f J. hlllll 01iiu No. no .t ; 1 ASTI LE SOAP-20 Canes for sole'hy • 66111 J. Eltili k I,rEitMiLLION Annigiran, for yak. by rib'. OCIIOOIOMAEIIII k ICA FLOIVEILS—For sale In' 1.1.111 . J ECHOONMAKEII & at it LACK 'LEAD-700 Ihr of ouperior tlnali -IJ/ 10. far tale 00 P.ll HELLEItA, 0-1110 07 10,.,1 On rl. iIIOCERIKS. 1011 cn b g irgb,,rig Young 11) . nun inl'lollotik entty• Inotes •00 gun Pi...1.Y. At, t,0044 L Itnliinvon 1.• !Wilton* A 1.114 IVA dn. alti Co 1.11111. s'. Totinero In or. La.e. Price .11011sYnnicil's ff. do. • 15 Thompoon i.l.lllnn I.ititnp, ninre said to rale by .1011 N PARKER K 111. 01.1) LYE WHISKEY. --• 40 bbLor. Irht•krE.2_ . _very old askil fa UAL. Old lionunplvds Whificer, lu gate ond ro isle by I isbb/ J 01111: P all XI a (.1). BOOKS, MUSIC, &c. • EIV BOOKS AND MAGAZINES— Grabatn'a .11alpalne fur !larch. with 141 na,,,re., , !built:unquiet, tor Frbruart: Cultivator. do • Whitt Review hr; DiAclpllnta talon .Merhanle's .11atrasInettio--..` W.,menuf 1.hu1.. by lima. Air. 4 1... Ilouw Inlinetn, tale tortootherA and danhhtehn Iletanupeno, bo Gra , Ahullah 1,4.1f-I ,, ertinn: or the hietury of the human Brain by Mt, RM.: olya. a nove Io a l t l ~n. br P. It. Ism, Of roe ht 111./Lllhi . Literarylle{•n, onno , II" the Phsi fell It! 1,1 NEW PIANOS:L i m" I. It LEBER take. ples..nre in an. pouncing ed Una 110 L.. 1 ., ,•14.iry Itanor of tbe relebral wake of NVINT A CLAMS not 110011.0, tires ore. which. with taupe /0 fur:utile o i l,. vark,l, and catvurlre ta•k erer in tb.h. Amnon other., z.t...l.lerulitt7 octave double care.] Plano. Lou, XIV rtyle l with the rtrar Improvement a the or Iw ~ 111. nt on Lbli.n..etn..ttenent LI X. R.—An rttr.ire lut of Son Mn-br,..rnt.nuin.r. Jrnoy awl the ehoieu,r new :tong. Pola.. %Value, kr. I 01010 OFf tlol,llEN ' llAltr, 111 Third no. JIA l'E -Folio, Packet, Cointnercial and Ituarto 14a anit 171 r. Rato•r. n hr. , . a rOPPIY Win robot autt,plain, 1.100 and In., for rale on liberal Wrap: at .19 IV. 8. HAVEN'S oT ES AND I/I tA ngravol and Stereocraph Non, nod Itrano, nf,tntv &- Iv. in ur bound In book. of 'ad. , rla a. fur W. P. HAVEN'S Blank 11.4 k Slur, lanai .Vor. Itarket Smyucl et, A mrrimn..fonronl. and J'tot rOl y. I W 1 9 1 1 NO ) 1 1 , %Vr flog Fluid, 1 :Von- oq and 7‘da o ,,;d Cot Ink. }burble,. ttulorultian Ink—red tool 1.1.u.k. Manna k 'flinmmon , Cornntervlal Ink—Mack, rearlet, ard 'red. , nuelt 174rniine Ink. For role by _ . . CLASSICAL DICTIOICAItY ; 1,7 A to, eitt,iral dirtintrtry of Crerk and tionnin Ito r o',T; Ly \t Ilium Smith I.L. rd ' ltoruf tat: OictiJoarieltdlinv. Ch%rles Anthnn. LL. D., u Proma.r . ..tAtari, hey.ll.edin4 1,1 Itir l ( Cothbrrt ,out 1.A.. Ca r of Ilumband, Comt.vrland. Wan.' cloth, arab I..rtratt. No. I, of the Life and Corml.ndt'n , n of I,4 t*ft So. Ea= for sale PV J. ! , CII.O4INMAKEIt eren of 1110 Que..n.of Scotland. end Engli.h Tarim" , viith the m 0.1,0,0.1,100 of Orval Britain. by n.-4Strickl3l.l. nothor of 11, of the linceor 0100/00. 1/.1. I and it01:010.0, on Addre.l • •101...rnark.. on Widnes...loy rei • slan 14.. Pal. by tlurrat. I/. 1 - .04 iu.l Awl far • mle:by H. STOCIVN. No. 47 %aka a. „ riANO FoRTE.Y.--1,, us 11. hl .100 be. recvl "••• arul (4.03 fo.r 00a, 0 large an.' tr.II• 04 ri., 11. aO ,l Yn•in the maniitactorr 0f liblakermil, 11 0. ton, 10 lJrh altaielliat of purrlia...r.. The.. Ha. Irani-Way 044 rit Dania. 0 iediany eJtro , ru 60, art.a awl In all 70 , 05 waxnnt...l. ti Ott. 01.11 •1 ra -their full itilor. • 3 B. 5W.1.1,11. Lir the fae oi k.rioz'a for 11'et1. IS.. No. SI NEW BOOKS. SEW CLASSICAL in.. F m j phi. tur ,,, Y. AtO :tub, numb Uoroal upon the Diotionar, of Crook and lA. man h., sl,tim.43. Ur 110.. erotth. L. 411. " - lull Liz C. A tilbon. Lives of the of Frutlaui +tut Enclii , h Pfltirer.Are. It. A on , .St r0.1.1.n.1 YGe L.O. and Cornou.nauletteo of 11. :'outhor. 1.111...1 1.7 to. um. the Ater 41 C.A• 1 , ^ l . 710 - ttt.".. Tb.• 1'•.1.',v, Riot Couvo. 'An Athlreu , lit red in the Itrotohon, 1nt...0n...1e. t Wedne.,l3l, even. M"" il. 1 11g•KINS, 11e1:1 Atullo Iguil.llnen. Fourth to. EW MUSiC— Im ehalahten. trait/att.! darts from .SrAi . ..l the 0p,,, lotherobolert faithful - tome, pew atinF. by y e oletha All, (au. by 0. L. ELAter. A hflar tlha•baut ol wine, noth•ny root., hr Traneratllln It,. owl IMP et: frhul the Dau:hb r. ot Mark. f:11r..1. •la.ror tb• And tonchinc Thou brut wounthal the at,rtt that 'Great th.. twit. or don I tourcnte.tober aw. et All , . za,na• hyt. e. .It.velAtmle.l Fs..Ara. Koh,. Faohh.n It'll. Volta. !tura Muller, Mt Chp.l Ir. ItAtehelnes Mika IMO Ana.lrilh—tery.rpoy atal tattr• lha- licet,tnol Polk. • Allegheny Ca 1.. A nr‘a Ilunteu , blatrortha. bar emu. alai , hag, I,ea, lerowatta. etann. torte Prtmer. Ilerria,al loatal JOHN II lIELL.IL tlaarl S. 4,3 lar, at,k of New el•not artilio F. RIO nal he OW , and. EW I:OOES n A . T1 1. 9 , 1 :, 31 . E . 5 . 7 •• 1,1 - 114, far MOthiT, nn.l Intunlttor - ,. VT 0r... Ao.lnr It, Onto , AnOtntt. llnnkro , Slannatur for J•nourt . 11h, :L1an0.... for 1.1. 111. SItT tote. lirnot.AnullaT. Th.. 1.1111..0.11.. I'••• or n. 3.--4. . Etorll‘.ll 1.. Loot tot.l to I. lutol—n tent r.trontre of Itroio,toolt. Itt . ll.W Ileynoitlt Inotot C0nt.......1t0ta1. A hoot., t•Iltl.. 3,0111. 114 Pr. Vern. ~, In 11. on'. 11.tolt It. Holton o O n Int. rtlinit of VT..l...otontut Jouritml ?To 1 of to, ',turn, att ••. tt to 4.1. ht t.. ant Itoi No I of illnuttontod ot 0,1111.111 .3= New Books,just receive. d .. • . . • • T it E. ill! hy fieorpo i.lll, a yrnatrtanive exhitillan of the for bra:lm.y, In an.l ar a nestle...les n....1.+.11,ir arnl...lC A 1 .01 1.1n.n. tun.. t art.nal ht. ifaxamil t r i...1 , 040.1 v.. 1 1.1114. nartar .n.l ...inn.. Chan, U/ Marta J 1,”1.111r. n..n....awl 1. - 11t....a. influent,' hr,t "''' "Y: awl itn,.Ervene No= a R. Ap.G. Food), NEW BOOKS! PREAVS . LATIN. ENGLISH LEXICON—A A r, and reltwal Latin, Lexicon. fnundol sr larcr thrin.rit :than le.xems William Freund. Ina addition , and mr,rtiour In to tile lo.Nit,ll. Ile0110!. o-n.LAII. I, I- A. AsuirewY. L . B. Ina i,thrin was , dt Tito trtrth Leing prrwonal air- rdtravr I through the Saralrh or Una- altno IYlthdr. and rAher pada of Putt-that. lO Myles. Wens Lisr,s-r, author of `The W halo and tor easenr,' . With 'r lo ss trig , • Tux mathtela • M.A. 11, •••ine.en , • — lino.. Aguilar. Ithwrlc.l and Srf sale Is; in1:1 11 • STOCI:INth..I: - 11arkrt rt. I`o. m 1 Athletics. ropy , • IJ.iPHU:LANK BOOKS& . Pap.. a ail and o - turlita, ruird and Plain. blur and whits , Mark of oTfl, 4 , 1110 , i.4 • , 1 hand or made to Yuler at •rt-netirr. ,thlthorm —l:ogthh, Freud. and Arocrieart. fancy and yetfur W. S. HAVEN, Stationer. h Markrt at. miner of ilet'und. :JOBING — Ev e ory de - fmanner...4 • W.:, lIAk am ! Iv the to Third W., tretween Market and 11 11'f EltY—W. S. linvr.N„ corner of !.ward nod Market its.. In. for W. as lira-, and mm• 14.•te an sit nf U.., Anteater, ar hat ever beam sod In lb, snarler. ltrychanta estl , plinl with eve In ry artlrle to tbs. II ow th!nasr7t. ft/tumble tentut lsO v SfOCK . 6F . 91 4 Na..lok Third ~5 II hi,thtEll now reeriling n leedi 1(4 •41'1,71.: Plato., made V,, lter.. , ann , ng 11... m. • rnlrmlnl • n.'lArre earvad Psaiso .r.f ildtert d...,iptinn of extrrith aud too, It I. mode trz Itt,,i t tt ttlt Itt south. the t rt•ttlkof 1.. 1 A X ll • Ai At-, .- or fa.himuthie and ythatlar ass ~ . 1.41,ivr ea, WM of lira , tustrum , atm. Tiollua. thutrr, Itnthas.. an I err, metes , of nntrirof 1.10 VE\l'W now ork, [Nino , or Fire. hen of • Physical de.wrthlion of the lrerne. errnore's ettrteln , of Winne ads. , the New England Of , loirrithjar. 21, Nsr. a. •••11 worth reading. tiorklNs. Jai° Apollo Buildings. I;.Nt HAYS, II IBItEllfS. lIOIAN AND .;‘ IIIitWITONY. and 1111 l Black. ecarlet ...13L Carmine Ink. tthatai:. Fate , Itha,thoth and Lanadotia, Jo-Y:4th, ; Aral Mrdsrv , 11155 1 and Ind 10.04 1 , 1. 11 , ~rfer try desern euherre. Pratt's, thr, a., Lens . A. L0u..'... and other mintulactsinw of rteel I Pen , li. 1 0. M. r'ssittie o , throre,th to A. 1. Marl., A So , I.l , thand siold P. or, wills and Myer earwr• thg ,t n rrnaan . a Ihth thawing 1 . ... , —..0 , V0 , rh0... 100. ylsaut. rulauthl., ent er rot at. rota! and el, hint Ilthrir. rap. duns, ml inethnm. I`,,rlorathl Ivan!. fat, I.x. I , laln gold and 'Weer, t rulaee..4 rob!. nitres and law, f4,1 , 1'. , 1 OW. , Kr+ , anu rci1...1.1,1111,, eurner , .. and tor faun bath, l'n•husrui of all rise, eustable rot drnii,,hart, Sr , anti tht.lonsn... Yrenah note other. stamp , on hand, Ma t th r, and Pattr.rmlytdatn. .0 , ! sdirend , ',Wed,. tor 1.11, tern., •Lot , and ei srharea. d lett, ethrl ,:,..i,cownn. aluit awl hisie; l' lalri anal plain . edbedre ru. TY),... InUl, 1.100 wrung rand: bras, tlis., u. roa and I serkey 1•1111p.,, , 110,, ILI,. this , hrs. Fn.orls tool Englith misting to and ,sal yap,. 11111 l paw nt ail erds.d, mil and white potent blol. I nae prat s. Ac. be earn, with all other article. to the Stationer, 1.1 nt and rtwpte, tro , ..ther with s large taraurtment Idmrk h n our end ntrusuratultun lackA of all nutumon forma roily::. In cr... •14 le of Lindins. and lalts•r of all riam and qnliti. for •31.• at ryttur,l rater, on the row, reason. .1.1.• tr., at W. tt. lIATFth'S Blank floodand Statlrtherf Warehouse, Earner id Market sail Beyond stele!, =Eii= . TAN DISH, THE PliltlTA N, a Tale of the AiLwrieatt Ity Eldred tirrOwiL TAT 111. to r, of the Iklorinntion of the. Sixteenth Uvular): J 11at.r1 , 141 Albion, D. D.. Prealilont of the Theolo- : lienn . , and lee l'oreident of the Tniarlatnl by 11. 11 late, It A, 'trinity Col Caml4l , l, hooluelt), Ilx tibtore. Anitultilica, and DioltraPhY• „ The hy f , dty top.rarhil). II) Lewin The ahore grorkA fur ante 1, It. C. riToCKTIA. Ilooknellef and elatloner. Comer of Market and Third rte. )(IVA - Ng .lAPS—Peltans Out • hue Map. are row ln+le In helot , introduo,d In all the leallny. tires nod 'New lurk. We hate obtain iigeoe) r attar rltt,thoryli. mad inti teaches, ~11,+,1 commit leorm amt examine them. :4„ —me, of the Wehltrit h . : aMT Inches. 110 Ew.tent d„ do North Atnerhw. 70 a hi .1 Jo 14,10 , 1 Mate, 711 i KJ ,1•1 Enrol, 70 x xi o Amt. 70 7 , , do t+. ho t,* Africa, 701 hi prov of Op, t. - 6 , . $l4; or lhe lind two Ilea& tlaie, with key. $111.• Th•er.l4o. Are .4.11.4 In armsrue) . , of the primary, arnnoner r a n i d high rehoulm of the Unln.l Etan, For rule nt Pithilrbreo prlow, withoutladdltlon of freight at the EDUCATIONAL WK. O ATIIItE. will) Corner of Market and Voialli nt, Morris and Willie's Home Journal. )U l very :inturdn'y iNe n w Yos `'Cur, at Two I,llari vat., paynble in all CO rt M' , ad , ann.. or Anract—.llllre of tilP Ilomo Journal. No_ , 10; Fulton .4,4. New Yurk. Nevin!. •..laio.—To all whr. it .nnecni: Thur may nett 4 that J. 11. ',net PL,I , [II. 111.111 V A II stow. flour Joe. , and that all receipt. Mt. by him ill Mu ,t for caul paper will la. duly acknowledged by us at the oftleo hatlican. and d I. expnealy stool. all euleeriptioni ace payable! oar year Itt W. ya , The new T011...v.11i nowt:nonce on the Id ufJ.u. , received by J. 11. llelmea, Thind sire.... uppoolle the 1., Oil.. 10 Editor...1d hoprlllllB ‘VILLIn, lelara tu'll.lstiarteltCoelliTuerdok,pins, large oall I • it. lIAV NYC, IVandtou+ yan.lo rot. Markel aud Nationd .[„eta' .I.:AV 131.1NNETS—blutphy Burchfield b a ,e open thin morning revered 41.. Ant N. fibrilla of ugli.b Ilrbibton Chip, ll.wat - hua aryl m 1 Napier. Embry.blered Rutland.. Jany o,hurir and Wan, Alearina Vote., I;hma {Marl. E m broidered dn. American Vandyke, ,!1.11 Luta!, thip'and Ductotnbtr. ti/M, ,11,..c. am( Childret , 1 . 140nn0t.., of a varlet, of style,— Alau. cur iof o rion . : r l , T u. ..9sl.l „ ila nerniti A le,l4o lo ng.t7llLNal;t4l.Nibuta,'i.lh'cat 141.41.repte1..V. 6113 CLencer, 4;1.111 • - COUGHBEGCOLDS CIIYMb rsr 48nm:rim ‘1 INCE the introduction of this new Com -I.3round. Cs.usho mat Cobo are curet in very thud time. Wee call teltrredit Dr. Korrell Pectoral Syrup 1 p ..... of Cough.. Cold, Bronchia, Lalguitith , in b. time and al a cheater rate Than nor other ...did. ''''.. deorivend. - IT lIAS AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION-The raid (Xllngli 11,..itinen all nicken the stontarlt and Pr0d0r 4 ....... 1.k.h In wore disagneahlo then Ito cough Iterlf. This Lc obvi ated In thl. Inlzture, fur It 111 • ideaucint This article and it will cure or the money tetlf he ref on& .1 ! The 1 arnm In favor of thin tordn-ine to sue city. from our own citizen+ rhombi minima: eny one of its ellithel it I. the preemption of a regular plothion. nod but bean wed to him In Iti+ own practice for a number of par, with tho utoet her.. 53,13,... CONSUAIFTION-A lady from Steubenville write., that her daughter lad been afflicted with areoula and ex p.:tor allow, night ...rat, beetle fever. and all o the tibtr,ring :Kt U rrL r y " nll::• ' l7ritZ ' i. t' l f, h - l e o rtila ' a r n VlV ' an t l7l " trrt; eon who nal -uttered with Asthma awl Chronic... Smith for eight ye hes been eintmly of and the rough mat ed by the u.. .if half n aloneu of bottle+ of alio Per. total 0,1•110. Age othnoeui emu, 1,1t14 IllinoLs. with t h at elae Lunar th e hetoral Sand .he • ... 1 . ,1,,,, " r b.. b........ 1 It In hi+ own race anln the caws of member, 0( hin family with the runAl In•rfert nurcer.n. li In urg or TOL Cil.3[4, Slanier.o. now MrowS-It ip poi up lo luta pout holllce at Al mute each, or ea WWI, farlD: Zio. L'A..csovr ftrou“sarmm would do well to trey. • thPPIY of lid, medicine on hem' all the time, ao It I. one of the nowt perftet nod efliesemun rem.iliew even .11c.ored for all cough. and dineacet of the lunge and Ineltdeot rtassurvation. CALTION EXTRA-Stanypentons will try to get you to buy tonne one of the ration, tortrunia, lout do not hoed there. If you want to get well huy Ds. Karats?. Parrout "'late. stet wont other. thin will cure rem t h e. In it game of the ovaluable plant+ mad herb., of wisteria in“lica. nod_iv compounded by a tenon Allied in the heal. log art. Then• eon le no deception In thlarnedkine. It la ',pared 10 your own city, and the proprietor hen numer ate gerafiraten from persons In our own:City, aitelglog 10 value:able prtnertlen. which will be Aims, to any person denim.* of aeslog them . A.irare IVANYth throughout lion United Staten to mil this medic. , Large [Dn.:unto will be wade to thus who will tote an intirt,t in the medicine. It will pay a lam profit to all ammte.bollden.thoy will In:doing maiming tiumthity a eervire by plad. in their Maude the greaten medicine for hung .11...., th e world ha, e'er produced. For onto, wholegale and retail. by KEINE'. t IlellOW: ELL. bruggr•tn. Illi Wood etreet. Pittsburgh. Pa.. to ch.:. nil 1,11000 tor agerine t moat le addreased. Al.. for role by 10. NI. Curry, Allegheny city'. P. Brooker, Jr-. Ilmannville , 11.00,0 I N. traniongtoom John it. Buchanan. Iliekory: tieorge heir,. NlcEee.pert4 J. D. towel!, Cannuntmeg: and by werrhantv mei druggists anmertill. 1. 23 `FILLERS' LIVER PILL- - The very best 1.3 sin now It, me e . KAN vWII4 Corer 110D01, Ya. Jan. a. ISDI• 011. fL E. liellen:.- Dear ;Dr. I will slab. to you that It in itty opinion your Pill In pt.rlaapt the no ry hest Pill now In ea sea Liver Pill, tub' I. curiae:tell by none a. en A uti.Bilione Pill. It in rem Ifighly_erthemed in onr mate oony on a family pill, and G. fact oupplantinu all other" l e mon rpealt from uty nern experince. and (mot the el perieme of many of tor friend a aral canto:mem. Your. rerpeetfully. P. S.-I em permitted to show the original letter. but taut In puhlith the writer' ,. nom, Zir'".l...llere Liver I'lll. are the 1 triginal Otay True and Moulin. All ...there err counterfeit+ or i on. imitations. Porch.: rn, n collect that lb E. Seller , ' Liver Pill. Ore 0,, nrminel nod fool, true sod neonine Cher Pill. nod way he load at X. :,7 11 0.4 ntrect, and of Drunici. Mt. ”11y in ate tern vale. and vicinity. 1 ,12 - 0 QF.LLEIIS ' LIVER PILLS supereede ell 1 I.y other+. rhewle.bon, ha, Sept. 20. 1 , ..0.-str. R. E.I 1 4 NANCY SA'f !NETS FOR BOYS' WEAR. 3:11.1 , ---XnUr NU* hay , become •o popular in all thin re- , i Durohy A BurchNd invite. the !Mention of threw Ora, ,-.1 countm .as very mach to nuperranle all others an a ~.,..tlng 0.4. for t ot e wear, to their annortmcnt of the. Liter or A ittl.thatou.. PA Your, au ... i • ~rat other ntyles of med. torso. , " f..r thin burgeon, Into I Ellnot of a letter 1 .lAIES A. LEWIS. I ' Purchanern retollect that II E: Seller , weer 1,11. are the i ly()01..-CaSh 1111 . 101 for Wool by ermined not only true and genuine Liver Pill. and may he „Lio, mug Pill A LEE , 1,,0 Liberty . rat LA et N 0.,: II mai:dr...4 and of Broca.. generally in I .. the twO C . /tit'. nun •trlnn.• 3.10 lIROWN FLANNELS - One case jest re• SIR .101LN 11l li ItIIAY'S FLUID MAGNESIA I_,Peelved.,..from monllfacturnr3, Not 0. , r , i3::• ,, 1ii . , Lys. I Prepared under the nunadiate rare of the Inventor o mto ~ and rtablietied Dr upward• of thirty Year , Ilan elewant peetaration in ncommendeal in all meet of 1 11."" FLAN NEI,-41ne case on hand and • tn., . idillen. Indigention. gout. and gravel, sr the wont for nab. by fell. NitiltPllY A LEE c.c...., and effectual lotto ill which Memo-Pis may. and . --.-- haired the out, our ot ahich it ought to he exibite. me- LAN KE'I'S-Single and durable lied, steam had.: all the proierticn nf the !10gr0..3 Dug M griwnsl , boat, crib. and wearing tannin. for, i ne i '..t.L o . oo LEE. one. nil Lout being le hie like a. h. forns dangeroop roller, 1 g.lO n the towel., it ea.:wall, cur. bethtlourn without " ". "..... tarring the mat. of the .:r5mn..........4. pots., and their . I ft INV F.EII,S -Three r:mrs a.vsorted Tweeds Tarlton., are Lnown to do: II prey... the Soot of Infants i I fo:t neehred from manure:lure, for itale br turtling Poor, In sit avg. It ort3 r ar • pl. out. apenent.mol . mato MilltPll i A LEE. it tectillarli sulaphni to Draa/c.. - _ ?it. Humph, Davy test mi. sous.. for.n.s..i. i li :41 AC-Two timc Sumac for sale by nth combination. with uric tool Palls In gasa of gait ono I i. -- I f at „ SIURPIFY A LEE. In uric:. tendency i x. • w 'r' llZ ' iolti. b r '" ,o l lail: ,, rnol '' eren 's l ae: U men "r la ibl j . U. bed WI. , . I NI OLASSES-Filtv-five brie new 01•911, per Enoi• sir Philip Crawl:too, Bart. Surgeon lieurral to the i 1 ~,,, , ?lido ~,,, . 4 .. r ,..,,, ~, r y ' I/ ',land - A -1,1,. r .,,,,,,,,,,,,. to .. 4 . m. , ..,,,...,.... '",, to "' r .1 Ant ES DALZELL, . Water en .d.... ' ... ' d .."" re ' .l".l ' m U. ...r... may 4 . ....`' ....... " 1.. " . fiIIOBACCiI -8 loos No one, ti twist, received ion= thth in ettlxten, for thin. and ma other newton, . . a l, t o I Jon of opinion that the Flak' Mauro:via tert very valuable I ler ntenmee brditsul...l . 4 . l2 A , ~...LL ., ..,., w ,.,. ‘ ,,,.. addition to our nst.,.. sisal., PIIII.I l' ch..impn.b '' , P. 1 ., --- - L.. - - .- _._. _. tbr Jun.% Clark. ~r A Co.p.r. Dr Bright. and !D em .l ll attune nwl Herbert Mato. of butane. etrongly re.mruend riro S'I'EA3I BLOAT 'BUILDERS. Extra 1,,,,,... 1,..,.....-,,,, 0 . 0 , 0 , 0.. 4 t„a to n.,.,, a t o.aft, and , ttttby liahlAnd orni llowthl Tcrilln..ultahle for .team o.meement than the will. sod freefrnut the dau,r annul. I.a.t licvnitag or Awning. reclirrl o.u „.ll . e o . nn i ,C E rte n ,,o4.rd eo f ov ink the con:taut goo of rods or pm.. p .air - 1,.. I, to:talel Ito , Isotniter'r ocloroorietnr • wear. ce ..: Igr.4 Wood,t.. ` 'i . ri ielf a_ Jill U.'. W." Front,..- I li`EATIIEItS. In sacks now landing from Isi'ALLIBTER'S OINTRIIIiT. : IL Pteautertieneva. tor eat,. In' ',Al:nil DICKEY a CO, i lON TAIN 1 N ti 11.1 Illercury, 1101 . miter I Am. , Water and Front ota. e/ linter-al. 'rite tlll,, , ente tectimound Pena ennui I.y the i ...blots.' Dr Wn.....ter tb...11. the author of the great raw. , is 4 received, for sale I EN" ECA. OIL,- 1..-- Fi ve lid. i work .: uthlel -Me American Precti, of Medicine and to b y d e .2. - , offal - TER A BAILNE-1. Lindy PhYra,am" - . - "`".. L '' ... "”"'' ''..'.." ' la ".. 1. .'” db.... ; it rrrEit.--Ei , e bd.. and ten jars prime roll arid, h mutt... arta., - All Healing , ontmenLand he, butler. „ ~ ~. , ..,,, Iwg ,nr.cribnl cool brunt it ill nveral emcee in tat tha t lei SIIRIVER IBA ItNESIk LL i havf. no benitation in vat Mg or rend, i. that ; s L L troo e * :,.. "' , " it h a k t ir R ... ' ,, 0 . , 4 ; - ,e' ' ' n n 0 t'd 0 !” 1 .9.X.,.1 " . 11. 2, 1 y''o'n.„,l I N ,... ;. .",.., I. A 55 , 1•:.... „ 5 : - 1 , 1 , 11. 0 v . 4r 1 17 , , i fi: ., rt i, r , r i i , v . u. n... 1 s.: d.. 1 1,, the wort. ere tod only hamlet, 1 to ' , I. of "'''''',,•'''' '''"••• ''''' .. "'''" l Y ''-'''' ll '';." . ' l l 4. ' .....t ii) u rt " s Bout: KEE 1 , 1 NC.-:\ supply ~.,....., ....1 i o 1t... clod, nn ...lend it a+ a cncetuund whirl. ha. done 11010/ e... 4, erul which in elapnni to the 1 t' Dna I M.A. E...1.0tz rawl Ulnok lino , 1,3 rre. ,.. ,_1 by . Twee ,i a gnat vanet, of caw. Though I have never nob, It. 1 . ST(II.I..TviN• ''''' r r"'""'"'2 " '''''" ' th" 4" nr "" i ‘ "'4l. 1 'lli PE. \ CIIES.. -Three hundred bus just_ rms.. rt.:ant for the iron bonen, eoreeientinun tureen. character orate propretor or thop ontstinent. aunt the value tin s an d r.,.... a ,.. h t rat to , 41,w...rt.:donee me to, -a, don+ mach o'garding it d...,, ;nu EIVEn-a, BAIINES. Now York- April'_ ley.. 14 . REACH. U. D. - lid , O'l"RiN tfrunn-It 1. no, of the admen'. the amid forboro , I IL od thealcor g.•.•. a Pti3 . p line. i ii.rilam4l,,. 1.11..3--Tlnkuaalut. aro tenth' mind Lir till. Ointment 1 . 00 1 It nevlatle In in.n4 retied par e rmor.. Ulcer...and all l o odrofSore, It hal noeluni . IP it ENCIT LEA F-Fiftv bundles French, If not a o+l NOM+ I. .•ttlue in carve or $ a ~,, ~... . 0 ., , ., ~,,,,, o„ . ~G. ~.., ~,,...,,,,, , lire,-..... the, would dear.s apply It. Int...tents:, I ~ ~,,,, 00 ,,,,,,,,,, ,„ ~,,,,,„.. ~ 0,,,, r ,.,1,4 ~, , ‘.„., t• I ~..10 . . J ',Cate o \N AKER 1(1i. gt Wical tt.. lo.urn. ---,-- • .I II COD IRS-- 5 lois Ito," Pink; ' Ara. I the 1..:‘ V.. dire. ono. f..r lining SlcAllinter a , iholn. , ol fin rn-rwhilo. r....r t,utplolot. Er, nitala, Tema ' ...: rat the Iln,nre, rotnorod: CI ILI r. maid it,..ei `ore Eye.. twine, Sore Throat. I lu ca.., Clint we Yellow and tinent ' "Idn Lis ... . . I li - ` Phi . I • r...cic 1 .3 .4 lo J SCIDION BSA KEPI ACO oriel Ache. Bur.. Corn, all Picea..., of thekin. eon. 1 ' ERNI ILLION -Trieste, Chinese, Ameri ''''''",l:`4-;, 1 1 1 . i'',':''.'::',.;":.::.12 . '':.;'1=.., R ,11 . ,•,..."":1`. 1 ...,....11.i.,i,iv....iiii... .0.,.i..h, 1 1"::'.:1t 1 Ach , .... 0 . 000 rntle,'. Fan'. Or .. .I SCilte tNII AK ER A (X, Pow. . Neochnor I..efir• Ye. • wa r vent, , pertint, re.ll.attelne brougld in. Dre the I, 114' SSENTIALt.iIL.S.- 1 our Oil nf S.qmafrAs; i:ns.: " .oro tm:. :s: •I:eo: • toss woo +orb a repUtrdt... 3. 1 a A .1,,,t,. ihl of Lavender. I can Oil.of Itnetnaryl I ran D. 0111..1'. All til de or %lurid halve. Almond. every 1 ....; t omt ., I ,-. 0,1 a 1y.,...m05; 1 0.1 of Clue, 1...r...0 that ban made Irmlor 1$ -feel- warm', in RP Drat. , , cud 1 hos Odor !lon, jwn r.'unltnwl for Koh, I, o n o .. i ts . $,..... n rut,l 1..- It nr 11, 01.01 inlnful rheum-dime. . Jam J :CllOO4 MA A Cal. . another of the pd., n third of s toms .0 ilain in the i.. .tie ; . f ourth pr s *welting iti tho Mole. ar. alt doer not o pIiFSSIA lc BLUE-Ten boxes No. 1, for ....... Immediate reit, In evert ea-. it ems do on injor, r L ...i. 1., j ot, J SCIIOONMAKER A 01). lo mg ~11,1c14.....1+11, • 1 An 1.4.11. ....a5.... o f tee ,sndernii emsioss Power r.... LARD 01L-LartiOil of a superior quality, me.....; by thin valve. we roblona the fallowing certificat. I con..aantic on band fir 'He br r ,, "° , t ,,,,..r ' . '''`""" "`""' '''' ''''''''''''''' w° '' ' h'"."-hb. - 2.1 ,1 IS'AIAD DICKEY A 1.1.1.. Water 'A Etna st.. - - - - All 0L A SSE S.-Twenty one brie primp .0 j`tmar lime, M01e5...1 , 4w , receirrtl and for pale by lath L. S. WATEIIOAN ot SONS. CEZZEIM NMW BOOKS. bI.FAHC flathormek. Berks.. Martha . ..lSC. Moen , Enter a un.-- , 1 desire to inform you that I a+... entirely rand of a revere rain In the into be the um of YleAllnder , All Malone hobo. winch 1 pureltased from I sou. I rufkred with It for atneur twenty Teats. and at night as nt.ably to sleep. Inning that 01/31 , I InVII 'you-hors . I ...b...., • whirl, were preeenlad for me be phyrdclans and I o r.. ther J...rrork.. without mc..itlngany rrlia..fa . 1 1, .... , made trial of thls rater, with a malt Caeorable beyond en. '4 I .roZ.TO p! "n t:r1;V.T .. , 1, ,% ", :. ft- p. 11, ' ;,7 1 . - - 1, 7 in r . wise num for tenth ache am. othernmPbsintl.lmtb 0 1 1 0 11 . hippy results. Your (newt. .1 ANIESAI en Ill '. ..411 1 1?" '”"'“ ' Sole pmprietor of the above medlotne. I I r'in ah . 1 1 2)7Z1.: , :44 ) -FVFNAT •r ; ', ilk 11 .b eilt? P"- I Aor-wrs tw Pll,OrlYill-R. A. Fah.ens k A .., corner of i i Wont and first rts: Wen. Ja c kson. No. 201 Liberty stns.,: L. Wilent, Jr.. men, of Market •Irerl sad the Dymond. i :Jen corner of Fourth Owl Omitheell ...: J. U. Cassel. con li, of Walnut mat Peon on.. Fifth W ant: awl ~.4.1 a the Fmk store In Swill - Meld stmet. thin!,. *wood. In AlleFhenr city by H. P. Ochwarta and J. Jimmie.: I til REATSE LARD=Twehtv btlsCr6tse Lard L i O. Nriith drumnet. Birmingham: 11. Ncolm. }Ant i .... - Liberty: II Howland, McKeesport: J Aiesander a :mi Mon- ~ W norit,sl and far rale*hr ongahela city: N. 11. Lkowm. A Co- &all. T 1A.., , /all F- A ACJIMIHAE(III. l=e7l'4l:llj.grttil'itlA:l4.l4"n, I . l . 4 .' ...h ' e ' s ' it l . ,Ile,11;:•Ir- L i E AP LA RD-Prime Cincinnati'Leilf I,:ird psi no In trAs for fanallY , t. mc'd for artakl!F i JULES 11.1LIEL'S SIIATING CREAM.- i , 0 icst. A.ll. eC1.1;111: Lc,. al Where ls the man who doe. rot floored.. the haul. MOLASSES -14 tierces and 300 barrels, easy rhartl If any there I, undo end add.. oa I. I , . Ade. to them. hat to all ~them. we say. of you wish le 1.. 1d... ..1.e..... ' 2l le . ,l*.l . ,!,, , Fif i re o lk ritic . K. roader ehneina pleasure. parthawe • 1.,. 44.1 ales Moor, - IL Alum. Pistachio. or Ambmelal elisslnr. Cm.... It Is Wt. I Orly Innarnhl. to thed word, to describe the teas. firms of. PrIIIIES, I'LY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. boo been urn! In11111.11:11: onlinry ..01- W. 3leCtiotrek invites pun-baser , to the largest and 1 liPra n uTjrn ' a b trial of ton for the end with.time It Is o oorshi. l' ...Meted ....rtruent of Three Ple and 1a... Carpet nAtion of womb,. admiration, ant pleasure. ever brought to this market, .1.1.1 chOaper 0...3 - of the J1.1.F. I lAEEI.I , ,Allot::' Cltt-tfl Is exemdingly eantern ,tike. Wo invite all to rail and eamnino•Our stock 1 ..nellient, modems: the oideat and vi be airy 1.....1 mil , at No. So" Foutth sty ot am! :le Wonl street. I .4,41 pliable. prodammt. adalrable latber..4 by 4. e , . Jam 11 - . MrCLINTOC.F. i ""4 m" "'"'sn""l''''"U". ''l Pr'''''''''' l i ‘nNpow lIANGINGS.-W. McClintock . 11. rtnplea.otal and . 1 ,11 of illy skin which k , so i . glen es..neneed oft. 1 , 11.i115. Offal tn thov,Lthing to purchase a eery handsome . 1.1...1311.4nrn leiali JO , . flout) , Fheemno Cream. nem, Ave ' as....rtment Ld.f Sari, Dela., Damask , of the 0.04..) mod L ' :; ' .2 1 2,441t. Tgli . ,!;•ll " i ' lfo ' .l ' 7l ' .;tn! '" l l2 7 ,' llio n, . l :fa rot ' . 1 ' lsT.:... ' , l Vl ' sf iZ a rral ''r r . Co" ' "." C'''' J ' at i. l 'L'.. 4 t 1.... II•• 11. If* nate tafely ray , :lines. use any oi r li. 1 ._ .._ . - .„,„ . n . a t ....,,on.lrloch wtil be erpeetall. apprs.-la- The Old Printing Establislunent, ~..11, Op. who •••ar whisker...-. the C.rt that it will lad • , ~ ,Ilmoi. the 1...1, which 114. 01 maps will do. wiring a mody ', I ,, ATE JOlltialils, F. 11.1 iFtoOKIOICF, and Blank rusty aplears... to the nlere 4,1 th, whlekers ' ihmr. and tPstlonerr Worwitoo, m. J oh; ll.el obasingerrna. en.drlioldful preparation.. 4 2:. 11A 1 I:N is prepamd M ea , uto ever,. styl.of Letral. I noteponinted with .111. to the utter etchni 4 ,4 4 of all arUeles ' coanneeejal. Cann:. nod obeam Boat Job Printhig and Hook I ~,!.Mall t „ render 11, oprnllluu of .ILariNg allpl...eratt. I 1,in.1,,,, lend foraPh ewer, nstlele in 1110 Monk ' , n I nod will le .prnsated by all alio maim .Ird of Hum. I'e and ....tattooers hoe,. tile rburt.,t nob,, and on hnpared only by the emet term. JU I.ES HAUEL. Pert... aost Ebeuilet, 1 Itlank nd. mid blationOry 11 anti..., curter of Market 1 . -. Chesnut Ftrrrt. l'lntrlrlrhla. ,n.l Son rtets. For . eele. do n , am , feten• br R. ,A. lebt 4 e.tmll ,n, . 1'.11.1114 OM.' Arid 11.11.: Ittiralery, No. 50 Third at. Jag 3611. t &don, Pautinliiiii on. lonn :'argent, aud J. , --- - : Stitched. 1 Ilegh.ny City. ' g_p ILANDIES. W I N - Eti, GINS, &C, p p :.e. half vil'.,lA,anise Brandy, - Pale and park." , ITo the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette .: 1 5 .ke A or' mkr do 4 . ... - ea , isioa , iinti. I I[IIIIIILIC ATTENTIoN is respvtfully in- : 'to do. ,t., 5..1 nowt eelobrat.sf br..111,1%. 5 pliw.. Holland tii.....8..1.1in...1u5h0r ' and -ri.h.• sited to the lidi.lng Mal, art li.rak iti 'vial. lo ; pouch... Irrsh mid Sown... Wort IV baker. .....4 the moot itoportant mutant lanes: . I .. dr. Jsmrden It 1.1.71' ItiO.Ellll on ion ii I.ilhi It 1.1 not lElfon•_llE,n nee ti . y . hid. Ft. E. d„, d„, 1 2 ... r a , nom thi, amat remedy seas hnnsold Leto the ! 3.,. 1 r. r.ska Port . A . 1 , 11m, olda., 1. the relief sod rum ~I dimes. It. snot pont, , .., do •14 14 . Mine. , tee heal. hazy. dun then. t.wosne fully h ated by the I .1 do sweet Malawa tabu. , num.., . und we alley. that the loinsee it is tried the t '4' do tory • do. do. j more fermis. %111 ila rn - al fame spread. It i. ant the mo l . ' •10 do ,herry Wine. , It of • ,lal.ka NJ tor the .de purloin of maklug mod,: , :Al Inner INlrtlmilt Ch.M. , I at, one. hirli we ....erne. will coati.. 41 be ltd when , In stnm and tor Oale by JOILN PAHA Ell it CO.. all ether rentrums have been hog... The Petrel..., is mat :Oil Liberte street. . f0„2„, 5 2 1t....4 2 . el.lorste.l la the depths of the earth i a power spa seen,, that 1.u0):. to ..,s, .11 human' ( I OLD, gILV ER., BANK NO'I'ES,'SIGIIT h I....m.tithn It I. our dots, •Iten we writs about a tuna ' 7 ..4 Thor Drafts . the East and IVest, Fhwk.s. AC, etas. that we write the bulb--that we say .sling tale.- I bought .4 at.l. dem. , those . 11 " 0 .1 tr.' , our wont or put mph- 1 me„.sod Marine Polities I :sued 4 , 11 the moot (storable . denee In or .late dente. The slek am very apt to ralola at' h . .. ..2 the Esokio, if., of auv lIIIIIK Ma , J.r.21V... , rclir I from alma.' A story lAD (ID ilhIE r. ARN , n.o a CO.. hantly be lou 1dg1,12 •110.1rbt to anew.[ 0, object of gull- . ~.„ No. 74 rocrit_, .oool_ ,„ oe h a m1,.. , ,,,1ng rouse of Mem. Nor e we do not desire ' • „,h, thi, we ... anxious only that the truth In relate. to rir 1 1 1.1 SI. , ESl:li l BEI: i N V ITES TIIE ~„,1, ,I,,aw 1... la'. In ..rd..J . la room.. for It • rol. I dion tar eseveding any siugloattlele In the materia and.. .tMeithm 44 ussolin.. am!, otheM,ln hi ,, 6.... ...a ~,,,,,,.,1,,i hrt„.-f,,,t,,,t,,,.., 1,,,,,,...,rtai0 n t , we 1 aasurted at.. of Mowry. (dove., l. ad. 51,1010, and hour etty mid umahhorhool. Mar .4ple test.... In fa. ! Vranera The above articles In hill., Wool. Morn. and lur of 11,0 PeJr.leum. [ton. of all ,lses and Frew,. ronotautlY up limia tm , Mf Within the oast teen mon., tvr.4 of nor own dupl... 'ale low IA t5.,23 ' . Y. 11. EATON. '"'". "'ill. '."'l. h"" ""1' rn."'""''''. S'' '' ( 1 OLD I'ENS. IV, have sue on hand ri• . ral of Idsodoes.s. in Ito• flair ltd Ob. burr I..en 2 I eon , A 2 ,,t,ap., the ease of o gentleman In Itearernmoty. ! large st,wk of the lest (MIA Pens fromthe Lasingl here are other, but th..r are ea. , . [tearl,ol222,llnd amyl j tualinfachoriee is Ne• lest.. nnJ made espreeply to on/er. he n.fern.l to by nny p.n.. who bate doubts 011 1 tw , rub.. Abm. elegant th,1,1 Peued Cass awl Peolloklers. Silver awl. 'I bone. , we're mind alter tbe4 . :iol le. ahead... 1 Pans, In every stalely : l'nrrtll.l .... I'm. llohlem Feral do ...I by blipdrian. as bory.lem. The I Meuse 0111 ran.. .M 1 Mr.mle. a1,,,M , a1e sod retail ed New lurk prima. . t. hen tord aceonliny to direction.--Diantho, 1 2 ,, , ~ ~ , , ,,7 W. 11.10 IL:a IN. I'M,. Rbournallmn, Wont. Neuralgia, Erto.o.llloo.llla,klv, I - _ . . , I. i to refs,l e n t2 , l:::ferie; l i ih . ratle ,.. no . L. , l , :ye in s. l. li , u ,l gar ., ...,,......, T u elte , r. , t 1. A N li. INI ; , c 01, 1• ,i; ell lc ii AND EX- Wens, Ague. Clime. Coughs. A. 11.. P.n.nehllls. and all . I'IIANIIE 4 IFFIC.K.-F1r1ti1,11..,A.1...,,-.,..L.i.1.L.... r. 57 •ulutauary affection. of a chntnie aattem, howling to py, .‘.,':F 1. ..::.' . ..... 1 . ' `' .....j. 4. . ...h,7^ , ...1... ~. ,„ .11 the 41 urn Vottrompllon. i 44 I Tit ~,,s. (..r ram. ts, e 4 t ons M. .. t.• .4 all selerat sun. Horns amt Fwahls. direttres of the Illa.bler and KLlneys, , 1'ir.„,"', 4 1!r, • ,,r,.. 4 :.. 2 1. 47, 1 ',;',',,,21." 2 „.. ~,,,,,, jab& lhapposli•l&eutte, 1.4-,tratted ...11.14, la,rus .11 Hanlon:, l , t .... ''.,. ' . ' - • s XT.% , f 1.1:1 "4 4 4Ll'l'ee'lrs'lstlit 41.1,..'7.21,the":7,.:7;1',,',7,1d. I NI/IA Rl' It lIE II P,AS'I'E. 4 .- gross , 0,0ere.0.10,1,..0,... c•itincs. 4 test win sAaieh sr.. i; 1 ,I 00 1. 0 tb . 0.00- " 0 r , 1,-. 4 -.. , 1 04 40., "`: . '" k `''.l', ` ,l; " li7r; ~,,,,,a, m . 0.. me.prieter. who will take pleasure In rluor. I . .r 1 . 1.. 11 . ..,....,,,. - ,,,'1:::,1,,',1 . 0 %,t,',.7: 0 ' it, 0 : 10 %:.17::: . 0. 0 0/ 1 . 1ii i ; . ‘ 1 , .. 0 "4" 110 , 11010 10 the 01101,1 pr their Metal.. %Abater. others mny my about. their Mnllehms. the I 'II . ' ti,,Am ., TrI“" AL '''. ' AI ' . " '''''''' . • 111 LIM Vetted...el. the greatest Illontaly of th. on, Physielan. eA • "'• "'IA . ' .. d 11 I t I ol J A 0 2 ,, ,._• . •- ~f high statallog In the pmelwslon nip begiunlaw to un. it Iyrk w a its r,,..1i)41 V. katerit,all Briton- I. their prsetim. Th.. who at tlnt blotted nu nine dotted i w. ~, ". :,---, , , ' l - 4 7. ~,;;0 1- 1 , 1,- , ..1..a0.11, a rk, ,. . 310 Unerrlaltily. ara .illint: I. 000111 It due prone and I Ma se. mA . : A,.: ', '. 2, 4, a m, Ivory Bab oomdderatten. lief...other year mlls mond, •Il will le 1 FtIO II4, amt TrA r t , ..,`,`" '',..1' 0 ,.. 2 .,,,,.. ~,,,ne. and Ilut "dawned 4, acknowl , ... that the 2..2.2.01,....2 I. 2, 4 , 2 ,....2. anee Ilamil.• lobo' 1. .. 01 ' . ''''' - .0 4 2,.„, - t,....... and Spoor. ert metlicin, .000 dirown.r.4. vat :,:tio..ttoi,d, ....t 1, • t. , g0t... , N... ‘''''",.''';',•!',i,,, ~, „,,i n .uo maunfamtare, tad. by I( EAS Eft t'4 DOW E lA.. ISO icc.4 1 1 ism , Met , ''''' , Ir ," 1 - 2 ; . ',,.., - 'y ..,.. ai. lin afa I pattern.. Alr. „ --11.. E. Sellers. 57 Wood drool: D. -11. (Tory. Is A. I 1 A“h l, "'".."."."'', ~...f. , ,,%1,.....' „og and'. iolishlag Pi.. - I.lllott, hanpli [Machu, Allewheny City. Alm , by the pre. I A seof satnri.m I: 0 1e' ~..,,,,,,,.-„,,,,,,.. :41e., Veother riel., S. Al. KINII. Canal Hann. Seventh street. l'ltte- • 'an. prL""r' '"' I.IINII, MA II A Fahneetork ok Cll., 1V04.111 and Front r. I Pun., Or. nr.t..l Manie iiiit,h.a, jam i aa-pon 11tra1.1 , ... -- ~,,,,,.^ ~,,, ~,.... ,_,,,,..,, -- - - ------ I ~,,t .-c., . .-., 0 --, "."" - , - ., "°1:1121 . ..,:00. ...nem.. by l'or. Ststaet and Fourth rt.. 441 c.tsiis 1.1.LA1/A IVI. E, 1 k y,0r, , ,.• 1...000. , . In Prime ord.' , nn rnnrirlizne.J4 AI I.rlo Oa., 5.. ,. .1. ',1L0., In 1,1,ds ,t1. , 1•1 ~.110 ).1.10 , 114M.1 -4 . prim.. em.pera, , Sri. isr..nel Oh „0 14., lant • I:. Md. 14.11 Mater, .. bus Ind, 2,0 s Timothy w..... 1: no b.1,11d and f.n. .3.1/... by 111114116 2 l'ilklipAlAUCK 2,11 • 1 - 44 Lftwety errewe. . - - - ..i,)IEIIICAN WOOLLEN GOODS.-One ~,,,,,,,, so d fin, ~,.. !..rge sited Bed Monks.. ' .S. pairs I. ; 4it , 111.1...... suleras krtiele. I ..4i de 64.4311 Il.e. blank. Jr.. ribbon bound. 1.1 11,. limy Cooling lltankrts. beery. - lim .1.. limb .In Jo .I„ 0.1 do Blue de do do I 3 cams Meek Blanket eitithi do 1 do Dearer they Mixed. do _ 3 doeoperior lon- French Treadeloth. 3 do all wool Tweeds, laseurtsst tnlom. 3 do Jesan. asaortedenkeni. 2 do tNissiturrer. bloc I. and fam^y solar.. I do Saline... Mark and car. raised. 3 do White Terilkd fl.nel. pen! tide. • 4ln tens. haerod ' do do The at. e dennibal good , acv all en ennaizinitnt from x.irinnit inanataelurrin. nut tad nenl and are for sa/t. an Moral term to the Wade, at Manahnli l rMV Fir.' daa a 1.131.- • Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, T WM. DIGBY'S Cheap Cn.h Clothing Iv film, No. )"+t Liberty rtivel. 't hr proprivt..r of tit. estalollfliment t, h,g driiirrio. of ne balatre of lax wintfr .hick, to male room Jig hie rrlrtlalfr poriliaiwil for Spring. shortly to sr rico. has art.-v.llml to oiler them al itniatlf rciincrd vie, Mr eaeli. All 1b.., a !If, want Rural. hohlonable and urn mute will fled It krratly hi their tulf ants, to hirer 141111 with a call. as areal Largaitis alit he t.flerc.l. Wi2l . New Books Just Received. L'FON LOCKS, . Tailor and Poet; an auto biottraphy. 1 vol.I:boo Isnot rupular frAltimtliii. for the urn. of parent , and tesehers. .!:114=11fit=tn'fbisp 7Zo..itrx.fd.rviltit utßoprerentatirel of the Stste ° l , l nichipsn. Ira 11., A.M. . tate Putwelutontbrot of public iostructloo. 1 rol 12tuo tubs. Abintes New lionk—lllstory of Modaine Roland. by John S. C. AbtPitt. with engravings utaforto with thri Axton IttiS7raV'? , ll`,Vn=hrg• ft. rIIIt HE CAIIPETS--IV. McClintock hi now preporpa to oil isrged suroixuent of three now control Insdz =Pk., nott-of the latest .4 1 0 lot il7: 'ni"p'Vrirt'S ptrjt=7"&thortrt: latest Union. all at the Carpet Warman/v. NcZ. Youtth rt. AMP MLSCELLANEOUS EVOLVERS—Just received. an addition,- n="Pir of c °" . " ""°'in•!iile,Pg INgEED 01L--20 ea.4B Linseol Oil, LA reed and 'role by _mar I'4 s . s W. II tA ILD—'2 WAS. No. I. Card. reed and for A 1. 1 mar 1.4 n 11101; I.IdU'I,;TE:I 1 0 111.14. fresh null Butter ne-te. 0. W. 11A1I0A1'1111. LINSEED 01L--1.0 111:ils, e for sale fir fihil.a. W. 11.1.1:fiAlli 11. it I{oo r I) dozen. I El k. ) l'l'L . ES ar 7 61.1 narks received and ". )Tl : e i :.r "Ei r.-1:1 -4i t '-'"' s.l " e r n.aTtlin f l or ‘l , I,lllow I . 71 A lull kegs No. I . f or 1 . 4 .aan b r y 0.1311 e. 0 M. 1110110 ell 11. WV EL SEED- -:.15 Mlle prime Ohio, for 11..) ' ret.ll SAW 11A1113AtId11.• • '1 1 21.11 - 50 lirls K. 42... far for sale by. An, nu naluno c d ISitirr.kv B LACK TABBY V ELVOS of n iery sa ePrlor qualar, fay bore wrar. to be hal Itt'the 0/6re SIURPIEV t BURCIIVIELD, our. Fourth mud 31.Ftel . ata ._ _ .. . • .. . _. VINE GAUZE FLANNELS—Murphy & I ' Burchfleld have on hand nu uoortnanit of shove awl!: ,1.... Sasour. W....1,13..11..11,111ef1ie dtt ale... irldo Ilasttleig .'or ehrouding. jalB - • - UPER FItENCII BLACK C LOT HS -3 Murphy Mulehtield 1...0ht0w an,ritlon on the .11.ort. &oriole". of tneir bu,inev. and WOte irrgola vrantmg cloth, of anf de.criptinn to give than, s ewll be lbre ourrinving. 4- ITERSIIFUGE, lift. Mc LANE's cEleußATr.n. V iOu arm+ for ale by .J. EIDD CO, 1010 Wor..l d ott IVEIL PILLS, De 111eLxXx's CELEBRATED, 4mu nr Yeti J KIDD &CO VIAL COIL K.S--15 0 0 gross foi nok bT V 1314 J. KIDD'a k.IPLINUE-1t elows tine, nut 1 bale extra 1.74-oltrAr. !di.. by - /AIN J. KLDD &CO 4 , PSO3I SA LTS— I brills for sale by la J. KIDD & CO N DILI ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour; Jl , ~perms tLwr. brbt ear dc, &1 blutelY D. 7 rA I MI Egg, yty.Yt rind Er cOr nF JAI JOin 0051 & CO AIIIII7S TitICOPIIMLOUS for sale 11. E. E.I..LEIIV, L 7 Ka.. agent Er Pittsbalvb. per bottle. detr, ,-•- 1911tliTTillt.—Thirly kegs awl eia lids fresh 111 butt, toil lir-tit,' lad for gale by la 10 J. $. DILLIVORTII CO. . _ Lit:AR-21 hhols N. 0. Sugar for sale by • ictin HR OVY. KIIINPATRICK. 144 LibrOT EW RAISINS on consignment for sale by .1.11 .Irir; SHOWN 6 lIIREPATRICR. n Eci•IFI El I NVIIISKE-Y. ir 4:•0 LW, Itrctitlol Wblskry i rird tar salt Isnil JOHN me a CO. L. -=i-‘25 bets Sugar House, St: -LTA. roceised, Sal far tale by L 05131411 D6.1.1.4L1. a Co., Liberty aretiL MEDICAL. PRZROLEITIC. OR BOOK OIL TThere ore more things In heaven end toed.. d•Ttutu nwmpt of in,." T"• 'IIITUES of this remtlxl; tole it.tne P i= . lets slot illnwtione. for the boned of to .- cr ' • The Pf7TROLEI.3I pot-arid frt. a welt Oda roten ty, at a depth of Sum. hundred feet. iv a nuadulters hal article. without any ohetnieal cat Jtont ant doom Imes Nature:a lirrat lalratte).!. • yit mipertlto reaching a number of di.varec. L. re. longer .1 matter of uttetainty. /here are thIL r in the mt. mr , ,svf which. If . I..nowu. atishe .. Vert maul. 41, a t a ting oulfenud. end maiming •Ive throat of health and Tleße e 6 .3%. I 'low the pro ~..„,,.,ho ag ht of putting it up In • copula ion for the cure of diem... The monaural. tatty lames nn m at. for it, and a'r 'k remarkable moot It bar! pee frmed. to a run. Indimtitto of. is Rat., t..Uarill and f application in the cum of tf......ac0• tr e 3u lot vrt•ll to make a loon tared... f .• rtifotalutt. we t h ermeieuo that the medicine ran Rep mit 1 1 1=1 ititterm . of (hoer who cutbr e and wish In he 161.11.1 we do m.t riot'', for it a urtivorral applmation la • .Ibr son we unit...ltalia:oy mi. that ...W., Uttriralled. Anon, there may ha' enittiteraterl—all di...two of the nom.. sum es CONSC 31 lith. On in early APTILNIA. aml diceawo of the air LI% - KU COMPLAINT. tharlm a, I.: ewer of the I:ladder and Kultmt ... Prim+ In the Bark or Nemo. oh.w. Soundut, Nisi. Client:natio Paw ('out.('outErSalle eh,Triter. Itingeormo, Burns, rirahlt, Orat,s, Old amen. e. Ac. In cases of debility. moulting from weptantre. hmu amt Undreamt eate of aces. , Otto rodielne will .ring relief. It will set ea a general TONIC and ALTER ATILT. cum. Imparting ton. end 'nett'' to the whole removing obotruenotio.opesina the ofutatith function; an kh cause ditrace end Motion constltutille. mud, airing luereasod sal ret.voteueror to all the RRygssl Ide! 'Dm proprietor Ituo. of emeral can tr of 1.. Z. that reriget every other treatment. got well u oder the nos of the PETROLLU for a short Um, The' !woof es given to my yo, w n n who detinto None genuine without the Miniature of the proprietor,— Bold by the proptielisr, 8.31 KIER, Canal Baal',, near &math graft. ' by It. 0. SELLIIRS. 67 word e... KETS.M. k 3CD I.LL, comer Wood greet and 'Virgin A l ler. who axe tuarTtlly ble rognierlr appointed ageota PII.OCLAMATION • KNOW all pen who are sick and afilidted with dialoe of the Bladder and Egger., with their snatsc mi. In twk or4lnsba. stlif.imet%oldessearunitung 1111,11 t. if that tiler ran be cur. by taking tha pug°. LEU3I. You mar talk about Its bring a.nostrusehas mush ts. Tau plea, but this does not nuke It arc for prcelains. the two of an honest romihnsdty. that It has strtnn which are not onNahled in any other remelt. The matt who Is rsolust with jpain. azuLtuarting fn. &sane, ( 0 , pen ,rotjr, get relief 6011:1.51.137 of the Na i nam envd= algae. • Roeder! It cogs very little LV Mao • trial. MD Petra ' beam le ree mixture—no comp...abut ttP for the paggete C. of ion.vgotz the cuttialuntlty; Ma It is • remedy damns. b" Ind by the taster hand a nature. and bobbles up Gems the torn of our mother math. in Its origami purity, and vf. Ras to oared. homanitY • ready tetooly, o certain ma:: ctospcuir. It has cured Pik, after other tritalears hat Lila tn.. render ay relief. II by cured Rheum/align, of long standing. sod of the worn and wont panful ehanwter. It LSO eon,! Cholera Mortls. by one or two dn., It hare ratted old cases of Diorama. M which every other .rose} has hen of no emit. Al a heal remedy In burnend • Zg ' re l' ltittr t lt ' ff " Irslll7L a rqd l grairt ' s :237111= In a few applications: utautatted toodisomay. can be fumble td of the truth cootaliked In the shove etactuent. by nal. tog no SAMUEL EE , Canal Ilsofn,Perenth ternals Or • either of the agen Sl. ts. M re, • Kerner A McDowell. toner of Wend street and The& alley: It. Y. Pellet, Si Word Street D. A. hallo, nod WAIL Curry. Allegheny oily. arc the rent. ItIEEIACATISM CURLED. TUE-. UNEQUALLED SUCCESS W 4111: has attend.' the ow of MORTIMER'S IC COMPOUND AND BLOOD PURIV/ER, In effectual/ rY_ltlitt - VEftIite.,I7I,I7IITAVI7sT:i:P NLA ;-• ' anemone and reeraumeudatiou to induce wh O o Vea tot with this dreadful dionve to trr virtue, • a or grode r esee,grany of them ettliettl of F. • t. thabt • nd others from abroad. here been cured within the Lent tow mouths to the_eit of at. Loam alone. while letter. front seems abated chose...en that it to performing- the wherever Mod. May of thew ware ehneolc eases of LOOS'. etamtitm. std hope of re had born given T Whilte• others were efthore ntseot date. of the acute matory fere, very severe. All, however. yield nthe wen derful virtue , of thin medicine, and thousandswho hare realised its. tenunts. and are now to the enjoyment of health ran but esteem the °fistula di/voter, nod, Pornaehor. • [overlong of mankind. t It is well known tam tho riperienoe of the past, tha no outward auntie/Won varielldr area • Partemmt cote; of this dreadful aware. Byt he application of stimulating liniment, matte' rellif. to Male tto. , ..t•T ate... - Pc • chart Owe. But nil the while this disease tralling Its tr sooner ar later ingl",to rmanentlJJ il?tethalein="fel . miodicol returns. it nettles Mtn a chronic forra..: which. if not soon &meted, rains the Individual for Thle to enfted by the histogy of the past In all monnias, 533.1 more fatly demonstrated by the history furnished of lote to the proprietor of this tontyotual, >intern by Pinata . bOndmln of thaw who has paved under his 'immediate. notice and treatment during the last 4w month, MORTIMER'S RILEUMATII: COMPOUND mod BLOOD . than Interval rent its eperee... - ,' [low whore the dims. first alginate. nod to PeelfTifig...:' , the blocal, proem enough the whole plot., nentralLnat the Impure or mustioseedimera, which his waled mem l b.- , membrane, made , and teralons—mmoree It eottrely team tenethe t and restores the indladoal to perfect heath. ,•-". Lot three who arellieted not ameive then/wive. sad' e f t medicine leo long, or until their err Ie th dil attars...a' to such , at , degree that. t hey ...Ta rr' . .fre P f ! r..,, A ge l welt ' P.: a to It l itude at ger '. / present day... Harm len the lon, of ex pens. nen! relief Iron ease applications. 'The promietor of saleable medicate knows than a- waren, that no out abpliestion an possibly egad a permanent ewe whe this dice., ls keenly 'Med to the •". l'ot'll'reirly'rorute"d gr; Urn, buy this will offal a permanent cure. The ne-. tom „ r tills disease ir ch that It minim , Mona tiMe t an interim% remedy. 1.5 penance the cheated effect. and timore's P.bettmatie Oompound mud Bloat Writer Is the Am.remedy that as ever been diecovervd. either In Ameries or any othe country, that will effectually ram thle &lease. Thin =milder can had, •holeral. l or retail, aria Mini street. pest to he Peet Cllftee. Pittsburgh. AY for 0,10 10 Pit burgh. by It. Emerge. Wm. Thorn, . J. h. flormtn, S. N. 1 leaved., fuel J. A. Jon... -• mph }lre per bottle. nit bottles he elle or 1.40 PS daft: Pamphlets can be hu. gratin of the agent. _ ported . R. 11. WISUART, Agent. IMPORTANT TO TEE ,AFFLICTED tsl CitOS E ' S'C'E LER RATED REMEDIES. —Dv- Jame Bees. We discoverer endetale proprietor et ilt and Ls-needed medicinen and ale Ill ' itel . ..7ertiorfifTh ' e 1 leloatedlustroment Lniaatbig the Loner. in ellectine a cure of Chronic diseamesi OSP • SW • dent of that mtabion phyboixo, Doctor Phy tee. and b • great.. of the USILVF rsity of Pernetylvanlnaml for thirty. year. raw., hoe ben lunged in the investhretlou of die- • rate. and tbeapplimitiou of temediee thereto. • Through the nee of intlating connection with I , hie Poiphylarne el and other of bit remedies, he Me paledan onparaliel eminence In curing those dreadftll noel fetal tualedies4obercular Conromption, L'ancers,' telefult. Rheurnati. Asthma. Penn and Agee. revere of ic E N •• all Lod, Chronic and all those oltstinsts din • • ewes reviler to fan los. !mien& erery farm of diocese: • Inrushes under the 0. of tile remedies. to which bun:uni ty Is beir—not by the nee of one creepound-ouly, for that Is Incompatible with I byßinheicol leer. but by the Mee or his noodle., adapted and prescribed for, each reedier Torre of dowse. Dr. Rose. Tonle AI , tire PBle when used. are Inearla-_. i bly acirsoorledged to rapider to all other.. Ma barn.. s We or neer pill. inannorla ea they leave We bowel. pm.. t Getty free front SCOUTCSOSK as elm hie thtilden Pills an ad, . mitt ed: by It. [amity.. PO.. mexillas ropoothso. odor , oot so (emele dbcaanc but being sanded that a bus o Is aim[ to establish what hose been said, in the talrelsof,•• the most rkepticaL The afhieted an Invite] to cab upon the agent, nod pro- earn 4grathq GOO of the Doctor's pa,..Web,rlTingsdeliit- .• daccount Of tech remale. and td applikul. ... • • ,: 4 For rale by the following as.,[ll, an well. try 3...terDS : ', got thnmetiout thcreountrr. J. Schoromaker t 0,11 Wood et-, t en., ltlebuzgh. , ~.i.. J. 31. Townsend. Bruegiet, eft 31erke lee fi. Beckham, Druggi!t. near the Poet Jon Office, Allitibs. tty city. • .• • - . eph BarkleT, Darlington, Bearer cocrotT. Pe. ' - • -, John Elliott. Lonna Valley. is • - - T. Adams, Breyer. auglibily , COMFORT MID RELIEF•• OR TILE AFFLICTED will be foluad.nt. • Dr. Dr lIIC. Kellingeo ' r 1111 1 . A , L.LIBLE LI)/71891,, petit..., and ham beyood • doubt. heen c t he mooted alto mg the Urea of thou-ands of 1,41014001, ha Lame! entry's - class Ind character of disease. We feel that we bazant thtog In saying that UM bathe only molielhe that has been alfcrol to the afflirtal, that arm. in every gement themanl a whatitis sold for. It has cured. nod Is eatable of eUring more &Sestet than • any other nuolleine oncost for sole.. earn not by wham. made or !old. or by what tame. As • strong and convineing proof Of the above, we sty • that it Is the only article that by appearol in the bum of . ut c , sa f t r till .. n=l t hee s i, v , ej al been patty , tired and tweets.. oily Medicin e ever Off . got PlT Y :are, or ' IV by any of. them. Melton. limos 11. Oritimll,_ !OWN. C. The two. , IL late Mayor. Hon. John A. Di. Well. 8. Baia. • Timer,illiam 11. of Miter of the ISphit of the • and a loot of other dolinguiehol citizens of New • • York, who have fully tested Pimento. hare permitted the • • tmtniond to refer to them. • As it is.arell known that Patent Ifollothea are not ally patronised by the learned. wealthy and poll. circles. • we have ondoulnedly a tight to feel ourselven highly prto Hewed. This Woraler wetking Compeued has been nearly • onen years before the public. Its tirst friend, an now its Yr/ingest and bat. Thla mast uodoub.tly II straw and hquabiting proof of Ito grueral usefulness mad multlve alities. It Oa sovereign reowdy ter all narrow rheumatic r.alca. (alum/ swolliugs, sprain , were, and MI the Woo anal ashes that flesh SAivit to. Over LUOl,laal bottles have been odd without ounplaitd. • and Ler, , perfected such astombldnit moo; atter alto ther • edin have 1/Pled. could /dagger belief, had we out offerol, and lu our pcomosion. the etessageet possible cal dew., This margins, or nature'. remedy. is PreParol oes rtahles, for Internal ed well as e..mal ere. It acts If upon the sliscamd pert—per log it health and strength.— It o a sere cure for Iriandea, Cramps. Bilk.. (hobo, ets. , all spostoodis adectino ,, ,dgesscs of the Kidney , : and Itrulthew iu male or female, from w hatever cause Mar hate originated. For sale lu Pittshurrh. by 4 / 1 8,.. Feller, 1100000 . Kitll c a ., 0 .4 do e r, goowdem tui by the retail I , rtuutta , penerallr. It Is put up in Litl7. 1.00. end toe ehWlng ilea tateJgal FtFFERVESCING COMPOUND. 'nil,' Compound warranted to prole , the withlu sk arn J egret, when used Po making Mess!. tew In • Leeks, held gam an. by which a sating elected th the. Pour °reboot 13 percent. • To Naar itme—Towarl , mood of flour odd two tea woo/train of I.l,mpound aml the tonal quantity of gall s tag ;hrm there/Whit together white dry, (thls makes i t M,.l pared neer that. you can set sable e a wee leisuo , 4 dough the ono oJJ a• muuG cued water n/ rill wake the t.OOlO oe h ten• eamog—tute 00 two hours will 44 no Mart Eigettit osdd t .• towed much thinuar, and baked at Once, but ' mill de no hurt to atami linen. or orruty nutea. There - Is no datwer of getting ho touch of this con.vound In the bread: Ii will net 001.1 the betel y elle*, as r alenitos dal'.; . 1011.42 Ur.ed to ein.e you nu put the Move Coo/ Pound into tea oaken, toad- . diugs,yoliney cake, lmlistiocaken, ginger rakes, corn Moot cat., eon/ bread, brown how& biscuit, batter mien• boar dympling, put piss, nal for all baking punsow. Jur t recultal and for *ale by IL E. I , IILLERS PI Weed ' TAKE NOTICE. d II A LLENG TIIE WOI{L1). Tweuty. ) tire hull.. reward will be pall to any one Who Will- , podine a el•dnf Point. iron ne der. thst cannot be reg. , - • tracnd with Iluita Improved Chemical Soap. I been the • ' article. or .aying. to the people of this Ware that Ws • article. bytni own improvement on It, now a.m. ' ;‘Tari r.z " , .;trtll ° 4 ' , 'fi.rgrZM . jai. 4 4'44t . : tlemen'o or uothlog,