,PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUBLISITED Hy WRITE t CO PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING MARCIf IC., .1851 To . . - .To the Whigs of Pennsylva n i a. 41M " ...11 WIATZ 11)).NVE51:70N arlal.be beld in atuo car ter. on TUESDAY'. June :Ist, ISM. for the rms. pea of= etualltlate• for Ma ottleeesof Governor and Canal mer, and abet for Joof the Supnme C 1 . 1 r 1 .. ' • 11X1S1 Y M. 1/111AtElt. Malmo., . • Jontph 11.11mtegin, P. 1111•1 Si V. hreos Mort. ma. G. 11g.1 , 011 Jerre. _,. IVert..ll. Alhorther, Samuel B. Thome, Samuel Bell ' /Jain S. !trna. leathantel Ellmaker, • .1 . T. 'Tarim. Worth, Wm. J. Edm,. , .Alemmler E. Bruno. Warden M. Praetor.. Wen. Baker. . . Thotoaa E.Goehrans Si.'Wen. 'Want, • IlertreJahavon., lbark• B. Iknotenarte James 111.4 ' f , Sherman D. Melva, Ito. n, cv."4 t Id. u. vrmn, C . A. Elme r, ' Jam Allnon. C. O.IA m 4 %W el ltleCuhlr, Jetta Hanaman, George 31ea4sn, ' lets trans, Ales's. M. AlR:lure, - 3 , 41.12 en Netilln, Frans+ , Jordan. , . , .• . i , B. RUNDLE 11A1iT11. nronnotary. 'CAR GAS RE PURIM= AT CICEARER Gas is re,garded as such a blessing, each an indispensable loamy, that although there are generally bitter complaints when the meter is examined and the quarter's bill made oht, no true is willing to do without it. There is no flactuntion In the market, as with oil or candles; no chance to buy, cheap by wholesale, or stand and bargain for an abatement. Instead of this, bowerer, there is from a frightful varia tion in theta]] froin very large to a great deal larger. A gentle hint is then ventured upon, that something may he wrong with the Meter. The min of gas repels this Idea with such scorn that the doubter is overwhelmed; and thus the people have abnoat been brought to regard faith in- meters an part of their religion. It may he wrong . .,to unsettle their minds, Mit we Mnnot refrain from returring•to the fact that faithin gas meters is by no means universal. In Keg land, men of science and practical knowledge have contended long and well, against the ...Mi.. liGßity of these oracles. This, however, is rois -1 • ing a difficulty for which ire can suggest no rem edy..nad we will' tarn to another part, of l the tabled. We find on' inquiry, that the Pittsburgh Gas Company is . bound by a contract to furnish the cite with Gas at one-half the rate paid by private citizens. If the latter could be favored with a reduction, :without nay change in the price paid by the city; such a redttction might very readily be made; bat the corporntion with its vast con ,.vamptiou stindsAike a mountain in the way: A . small abatement. in the price to indiriditals, zeightbring the price raid by theeity:so far below costSns to carry away all profit. • Now. whatever May have been the intention of the a u uthorities it exacting this contract, it is plain to be seen Mat they-have done nothing more theta make the private consumers of gas pay the great burden of the tax for lighting the streets. It is to be presumed thlt no one will • misname thisjastice. The lighting of the streets in Wholly a public benefit, and the money re quired to ply for it should be assessed is 'the taxes far other public benefite. Some of our most eXtemlive property holders continue taburn twelve to-the-pound dips in their offices and dwellings, and when they walk the streets at night, enjoy the benefit of cur gas! This will not do, fellow Worshippers of metres! We must awaken to a nen:mot oar, rights: While on this imbjed, we will quote the fol . lowing' erticle from the St. John, (New Brans aMk,) Coiner. We first heard of the discovery of Dr. Ceener about six months ago. but had Mat eight of Hamill wemet with this article a few d• 45 -8 age , Kumar:ea Ong—We hear that this new gas, Warmed and patented by Dr limner, is now be- ing brought into Esc in Halifax. and Clint in cal, or and brilliancy it lag-really superior to the gas made from coals, besides being less offensive, and famished at a very mail cost. The drug, store of Mr. Morton, and the book store of Mr. I Gossip, next door, are both lighted from a small gasometer and apparatus set op on the premises / orrr. Morton, the whole expense of Which was only nix pounds. The Dartmouth Ferry Compa ny rue putting up a gasometer en their premises / at Inatratreth, to light - their wharves and premi sea at' night; and the houses in the vicinity of I the ferry; the gasometer and apparatus in this 1 case are to coat only thirty poncodss dm gas can be made - by any person of ordinary intelligence , iaterVals lea required. The gas, as its name implies, Is of a greenish tinge,. and very grateful to the eye. . Since 110 introduction into Halifax, the Gas Company have Minced the - price of their gas to ti:o skilliaga per thousand feet; but a far- therharge reduction must take place or the Kern. . setae gas will completely sopercede them. The great gas monopoly Which has so long existed in London, has at length beta broken rap, and the citizens of London now get their gas at five Shit- I limes per thousand feet, instead of sixteen shit- I lings ox formerly. •We presume a similar redac tion will soon tale place in Halifax and else where. Kerosene gas is now made in Halifax from the Trinidad aaphaltunt, which, however, is not eo pure as that from the Petticodiac, in this province. The vein of twelve feet recently open ed in Albert, is now being vigorously worked, hat we have heard .f.hot orders are coming in from the United States faster than theysan be supplied, and tuiditionalworkings are being com menee•l. Dr. Gesner, through the good oftieei of Earl Dundenald, has obtained a patent for his gas from the Spanish:Government:and is now en hiairay to Havana M light that city with his gas undercoat:act.' Asphaltum similar to that found in Trinidad, exists in great abundanne in Cuba, in the immediate vicinity of Havana. One-great ,advantage of the Kerosene gas is, that'it can be had 'an -country boasts and detached residences, without reference to gas works at all, and being made "at home," ft furnishes the best of light, OP tarns ridiculously cheap . as =marred with the present price of coal gas: Allowing-oarreaders to give What =Mit of faith they please to Dr. Genrier'S discovery, we I would call Clair particular attention to the pri- 1 see mentioned in the above article. In Helical, gas in worth forty-eight cents per thousand feet, and In London, one dollar and twenty cents. In I Pittsburgn, where coal achi:l . ..per than in any other'city on the habitable globe, we pay twa dollars and, thirty-five cents per thousand feet! If there is really any good reason why the peo ple et.Pittaburgh should pay nearly twice as much for gas at - the people of London, there would be 80Me satisfaction In knowing it; anti it -cannot be thought unreasonable to ask the Gas Company to throw some light upon this znyateri ,eas sabjeet. - • ' . . "Lanutoo ; the Hcholar—the Gipiey—the Priest." By George Borrc4, author of the "Bible fit Spain," and the " Gipsoy in Spain."' Those_whohare read the "Bib in Spain,"— and.who has . not read that ch.ing book, as wen we that other moat entertaining and in stanctiie book, the "Qipsey in Spaiti,"—val be delighted at the. ammeteement of another work' from the. pen of Geo. Borrow, and on n a-object of a somewhat similar charaiter to his former popular uor.• This, new work has just been published in'a cheap form by the Harpers, and is for sale at ihe Book• Store of ft. G. Stockton, 31arket Street. : Goner's tares Boos, tor April, bas already graced cur. table. Moons its handsome etzgrav lugs, the one entitled "Search the ficriptures,"i in very fine and apprOpti.ate 7 -eo is the 011 e end tied:"who spice firsi." The .!Fairy's Court " le not to our taste. Tire printing of this nrimber . is not as good 119 usual. Godey prints too many tc'plint well. The celebrated British Engineer, Mr. ltobert Stephenson, in a recent visit to Egypt, has sur veyed the country between CairollndAleiandria, 'with * view to the miustruction of a Itgilroad be .twCer the two placeg.;. Another .account stoics that Mr. S..was then On big way to Suez to en . amine the route a for ship canal between the .:‘,Tedilmranean and the Bed Sea. This aurg•ey is said to form Port ,of a conjoint surrey directed by England, France, anti Augtrie,. the former being represented by 31r. Stephenson, France by M. Poulin Talahot, and Austria by 3t. Negrelli. These tatter have completed their labors, onion the completion of Mr. Stellhenson's survey, the route grill It:e determined on the conjoint evi dence of the three reports. • ELLVAntADLY. Qczcz Tarp FROX CrNa.—The Empire City, which arrived in New York. on Sat urday, brought among. her importations a chest of tes, which had been only sixty-nine days from Shanghai. 'lts conveyarme. to San kranchmo cc. copied 81 days, and SE, to tow York. It came Oregory'a g.spreso, and wilt ho presented to 'rre Zident Law.—'flio sonata Committee, in tbo MasattOlzusetts Legie3alura two reported fa vorabii-on 'a pill for. - a: pinrality- 'to elect", Reprtsentstitcs toConstMot, and !'realdential, elections. It is 'soli that th e bill will, in allpro ballUair Pte' THE swam UPON am WEBSTER. - I Not an American citiien but felt , pained when Mr. IVICISTIU WAS assailed by Mr. AS.I.UN ill the Home of Representatives, and charged with cor ruption: and a corresponding pleasure has been felt to find the charge -disproved. We give the following from the Nese York Courier, as the' finale of the whole matter, from which it Will be area that Mr. Webster stands triumphantly vin dicated: . . . A statement which appears in the Boston pa. pers of yesterday, lives the final coup de grort to the late infamous charge against the Secretary of State. The calumny now stands out in all its real blackness, and reflects indelible disgrace upon its authors. To properly comprehend the scandalousness of this affair, a momenthi !retro spect of its history is necessary. t About a fortnight before the termination! of the lost session, a Washington correspothlent ' of a most respectable journal suddenly heralded the fact limit a resolution was about terbe offered by Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, "involving a, high I functionary to the extent of treason, for having received a bribe for accepting the office be now bolds," and that he (the correspondent) "Basing been put in 'possession of the details of the charge, was astound.' at their enormity." Mr. Stevens, on seeing the statement, immediately denied all belief in the story, and all intention of -doing *hot was imputed to him In the matter.— The announcement by the correspondent that midis charge wait about to be preferred, how ever, proved Correct. Mr. Allen, of Maseachn. setts, lose in his seat on the 2.titti of February. also on the following day, end unequivocally averred that the Secretory of State had made the payment of •n large sum of money, a condition precedent to bia assuming office, and that ."he stood in his place no much a hired stipendiary of Wall street and State street as a servant of the Government and the country." Thiir - allegation he most solemnly pledged himself to substanti ate if an opportunity were afforded. Now, the whole foundation of the charge was a letter al ! leg.] to have been received by Mr. Haven, of Roston, soon after the accession of Mr. Fillmore, from Mr. Webster, stating that the latter had I been offered the post of Secretary of State, and proposing an acceptance of the station if pecu niary, assistance could be afforded, which' letter !had been read - by Mr. Greeley. the Collector of the port, and mode the subject of conversation by him with Mr:Otis, a member of Congress from Maine. Mr. Greeley. on learning the charge, et once mode a public statement, that Mr. Web ster's letter was a simple announcement that the drum of Secretary of State hail been'tendered to Ihim, and contained not the ! slightest reference, not the remotest allusion, to pecuniary matters. Mr. Greeley and Mr. Otis now appear in the Boston papers with a joint statement, which may be foimd in another column. showing the utter nothingness of the whole story. The statement lathe more conclusive since the political sympa thies of Mr. Otis are with Mr. Allen and against Mr. Webster. Thus this wretched calumny falls to the ground, and dregs its inventor down to the same vile level. The House of Representatives did itself honor in recciring.the slander with ladle.- mud acorn, and in refusing by an overwhelming 1 majority, irrespective of party, to give the elle. gationa even the formal respect of reference to a ; committee. The Press throughout the country, • with but few . ' exceptions, hare. done themselves credit by promptly scouting the charge, as It' merited. We can only blush that there should have been found men in an American congress base enoogh to make an attack so wanton and barbarous upon the reputation of an American statesman. We can only smile in derision, when we consider that these werq the very men who tar claim to peculiar teneveolence, peculiai con. scientioustiess, and peculiar reverence for the law of God, It is but another mcfnifesfation of the malignity that rests in the heart, -and, the realm that lies under the tongue, of mach of the sanctimonious philanthropy of the May. Tlje cal 'utunintor of a public man is a criminal who-ought •to be brought to a fearful reckoning by public opinion. He not only commits a heinous out rage upon an individual, but he Is guilty of a most grievous public wring in sapping the coati dence of the people in public virtue, and in de grading the country in the estimation of the world. Tho reputation of our,thustrions men is 1 tuitional property. Few things Imre done more to give 113 pride at hnme and consideration abroad. There is nothing American which will i be longer perpetuated then the scroll of ear great , • names. It will endure, end shed n lustresbout ' our national memory cs long as , time letStA. He due of the two words. l's they ! who, without food cause, „ emu , ' to cover or, ed. rill not permit any other I of these name; with ignominy ill a public enemy. i I, thr " . P ,. .1,...i hn e1 ,, . -Lic,h,.. ,, ! His offense is as rank lo plundering, the tedific I ' mrld ''' ''• e —ye ''''', ! treSSUrr; Teo, a s ninth the 11101, : eu. Cr Metter it i f ) Ir-!-"eoger or ha rdly ` fr i'''''• I more teielled than cevetonorieor. ' ae would propose to ! ! Q . There is no surer mark of a base mind than "li'''frri•74l.` sad f oe!' " '" o ' he habitual imputation of selfishness and te a double blunder—He makesk. • T ' iality agitinst public mn. There i 3 t 0 MOre Ger • I . " ‘l ' 'n'i h'37.1°3 the d e s - ' min inder. of popular corruptimp, end no greater hindrance to national' prosperity, than the gen , era' belief that political eminence can only be • attained and maintained brick.. metne. The ! almert uniiereal distrust of political integrity is - one of the, heaviest curses of France. It ex- . tends to almost every statesman in the Station, iinil has done so for the last thirty years. On account of it, no man, whatever hi, abilities or publiC worth, has been able to retain. for any length of time, the confidence of the people.— I Hence nil lofty enthusiasm in, their behalf has I been checked, all sustainil exertion been dis!! ; conrageth and made impotent. The activity of ! public men in France has to be spent; in easing their Mtn position, rather than in loyal efforts for the national advancement. Politics being' regarded by the French people as a game, it is not strange that French politician should make it so; and the constant incousistency end tergi- venation, and treachery many of them exhibit, I show how well they are learning to ploy it. Let 1 all faith in public men be destroyed in our eau I country, and the great stay of political virtue among the people is broken. He who wantonly does anything to extinguish this confidence hna committed a wrong not ,eagily expiated. In this I case, the miserable abortivenese of'the calumny does not extenuate tin guilt of its authors.— They have obtained all that' they earned—gen- ; real scorn and reprobation. 7 . ( From the Boston Atlas of yerterday. ) MR. ALLEN'S CHARGE AGAINST DANIEL 1 WEEST.b'R. I . In the `Magnet ilnd an aOionat • artist named L 1131lotyp has be inventor. , Mile those aroma' hi• s . hut in p • • mos remarkahl gath from the desliiWestk a process of p .. 1 plates, with ugth has proven this told comparing I Every color is variation of tint. type Imo been t , preusions fur fou son, GU =I ace without causing the pictures ma) mn only be rem • ink, ouch as wo rl, the plate. Api t time than a eo inihntor has but I be able to ope : ntously,• an Journal far February, we if a new discovery ovule by an Hill, to which the name of n given by the friends of the l a the enthusiasm of Mr. Hill and r has caused them to be too a triumph, this is one of tie discoveries of the day. 6e "Journal" that Mr. Rill, wlio 11, New York, "has discovered acing impressions upon metallic eolare of maul," The inrentov y copying colored engraviniv. e copy pith the original. repented without the slightest The durability of the 'libe led by the exposure of two ien niontlis to the direct rays of the of about six hours per day, y perceptible change. In fact, be called indestructible, as they yell by the most vigorous scour ' d destroy the smooth surface of I tare can be taken in much less I. mon Daguerreotype, and the 'little doubt that he "will soon' i te iu diffusing light instant', kept eecret because the tliscov .re his reward by a patent. Ile The process is erer wishes to se Slip it bears no is essentially di e following seem 1 manner in which teresting : "Some two ye with a slew to t , gnsphing in eolo: ofl my esperim itselfwhich grea t' nature of the c thing was practi : figured dress, w I then repeated from that hour ued to repeat it i always foiling, ( reasons for bell theory, that, UN t oar the impressio I at length co derelop&ig power I and found that a 1 arsenic, padmiu . . slum, and sodiu ized, bring out shade. The s I eral gases. The from Dcgnerreot abandoning the pettedly, form ' without much h purpose. My a 1 when I foimd on 1 same proess, wi lowed sinei, nits have forty-five s , the several tol e gree of brilliancy goerrentype, an and blacks." .emblanee to Becquerel's, and sercut from Daperre's. The it by Mr. Hill himself of the be attained his object, isle- . rs ago, I took to experimenting e great desideratum of Photo 0, but with little faith. In one tnts, a phenomenon presented tly surprised me, and in the e, compelled me to believe the iable. One color, the red, in a developed as bright as a ruby. e experiment, and failed.; but, til a few months ago, I tenth:- every form I could think of— t never despairing—for I had ving irrthcf correctness. of my rr certain circumetancce, there to ed plate a latent-colaled inlay, menced experimenting on the f the vapors of different metals, large number of them, such as , zinc, selenium, bismuth, pota.s -;1p w e d latent when image properly i light v a paonra 1e result followed the use of sev . impressions differed so little cS, that I was on the point of pursuit, when 1 ono day, unex rt singular compound, and, o of success, applied it to my rprise and joy were unbounded, my plate atrue Ifillotype. The h some variations, I have fol ys with good results. I now ecimens, all of which present , true to a tint, and with a de never seen in the richest Da this is true also of the whites In concluding t i we have not yet 11 the defective drai Yet until this is d istare painter Wi all those who bar of the 'laws of however, of a gre as we sometimes tolerably correct notice, we may remark that . l'teard of any attempt to remedy ii: Me of the Daguerreotype.— one, the slow pencil of the min. continue to be employed by . anything like a just percopthin roportion, We have a hope, t improvement in this respect, ee a Daguerreotype which i 3 VERBAL Acccal nal,'" with a grea! diocretion, sears word ecgittn. Aft; says vcr.—T he "Commercial Jour deal of haste and very little upon our plea in favor of the r quoting front us, the Journal • This is all ea. l right. Depot, oh' rhitam which hel j both iroirh word, I derisea from the I Moreoter, the here been antaim: non of them than are used about 'ras, sipia rialLmr, em ear dtp.lle, c. or our critic has ma', English of a Errol ration of both. I .ited, if the critic had ftat a d ch he denounces as Irma, and recommends as . English, arc with the advnumgc of being tin. the Sou's-nal trill reed our re- I nd then , refer to rao,:k7r books, he will Gad that we are ste- I t nutherstire usage, and that Bled the definition of basis"— ld calla depo: is called a ata , d and in France. • If the editor of marks carefully, and to neirvimperi Mined by the me we have not "be That which he woo too both in Eng' nt, in sarcastic italic with clamation point, that rtafiurt French words, nod the. con- • The announce the triumphant and deyit are be • eluding assertion French word,' us in shame nt o of this they mere bor, in his haste the following sea It [station] Iml more used in En, be said to have e • t r. a "hare made English of were intended to overwhelin r own ignorance ; but instead r prove that oar critical neigh• to catch an error, overloolied •nce in our article: gaga to both lanystaste, hut is . limb; and thus we may almost changed terms 1 •rrect. .11arge proportion of used in the vernacular come tin, through the French, and 1 e number. It is nv thorough other word in the Language, l ept in so lately that it is still ful ,writers. We, no doubt. Iblaiiiera, and if the editor of correct us, even thougl be instance, display more sharp -1..y, be will have our sincere lin not forget the sage advice "Be sure you're right, (bets go This is strictly our oldest words to us from the station is one of t 1 ly English as an while depot has c itslicised by ca often fall into rea the Journal will should, as in thi: aces than courtej thanks; but let of Col. Crockett: ahead! —.-The following letter nays ommercial, from the lien. • A GREAT LEtT the Held York Daniel - Webster 11, with a brief preface explain itself CoL Jam • Tappan, a venerable citizen of Clizacester now &f yrif of ore, recent- er to Mr. Webster, reminding as sixty years ago, be (Mr. pupils, whoa he taught school Tho Gloucester News pub- ly r.thiressett a let' him that mono tV:) was one of hi at New Salisbury to prompt answer to lab old Item Mr. Webs friend and,early lteacher, and remark,. : "We f doubt if any lette that Mr. Webster has writ ten to public bodis, or any of thousand great and noble acts of his life, thomore credit upon. him than th i ts kind letter atuigenerons gift to his aged and imfortunate old schoolmaster." In which aentim • t every man with a heart Will cordially agree. hat a quiet and unintended rebuke of those w o would make him out to be a man corrupt a . heart and unfaithful to his public duties. T e letter, though it makes no allusion to the fa . contained a $5O note. _ VASIIINGTON, Feb. 2G, 1851. -I thank you for your letter, hear that you are yet among ember you perfectly well as a font years.. I suppose my- taught me to read very early, a able to reeollect the time read the Bible. I think mas c.•triiett school master—prob ree or four years old. Then . You boarded at our Louse, , think, lie the family of Mr. , our neighbor, the lame man. to you knew in ••New Solis to their graves. Mr. John of Benjamin, is yet living, age. Mr. John Colby, who sister Susannah. is still living. ad" is Mr. Benjamin Hank", th Read" is Mr.• Benjamin k of none else among the Br- Id probably remember. • led a checkered life. I hope to bear prosperity with meek with patience. These thinp u. , , far better thttn we could Ares. We.may pray fur our my pray for the forgiveness my to be kept from tempta kingdom of God may come in . sod Inv will everywhere be i is we hardly know for what the Divine Mercy. Our II cai-- •th what we have need of bet ourselves, and au are oure his ;Ming kiadness are upon every moment. in. my. goat old matter, for which has awakened many as; and with all good wisher I r friend end pupil, , DANIEL WEBSTER. 31r.:Jinis Tor AN. Master Tappan : and am rejoiced t 1 the living. I rc .. •., teacher in my mother must hay.' as I bait) never when I could not ter Chase was m ably when I was t. came master Tappl and - sometimes, Benjamin Sandbo I Most of those vtit bury"_ have gone Bandborn, the so ' und . is about you married my eldest On the "North It. and on the "Sit PettieNt. Lthi int:fa-bons-you Ir. • lion have Maier.. you have been abl hest, and adversit Lure all ordered fo I order them for on I daily bread; we of sit* We may Owl, and that the us, and in nil me. .doer. Beyoud ti good to hupplicat I I I only Father know Iter than we kno that his eye and us, and around I tilattl4,7yotl your kind letter sleeping recollect • remrdn, Yo the ilentered in Essimid.— , ,in one of his recent lectures apt. Wilkes,of the U. S. En to the • Aetartic Seas, has legant Gold Medal from the t, as an acknowledgment that sco . verer of a disputed coati. le saw the volcanic firesburst. lee and snow, and ponying eternal barriers of the frozen. American' En( Prof.Silliman stet in this city, that jlaying ilipeditio ust received an 1 , Govcrome he leas the true do neat, from Ichich ing from a land of their lava down the zooaatattut We are authorized, both by Mr. Oti., of Maine. • and by Mr. Greely, to state that the converse. ' tion between them, which his been referred to ' of late in the newspapers and elsewhere, related I ! entirely to the rumors and. reports which were in Boston at that time (July lasi) in relation to the formation of Mr. Fillmore'', cabinet, and whether Mr. Webster was to be Secretary of State. The object of Mr. Otis in calling on Mr. Greely was solely to obtain reformation on that point,,and the information giten by Mr. (freely had reference to that point alone. Mr. Greely answered his inquiries by stating the conflicting reports which were in circulation, as said to come from Mr. Webster and others.— In this way Mr. Otis may Lave confounded us coming from Mr. Haven what was said to be re ported from others. Ina few minutes after the conversation commenced, Mr. Haven came in upon other business, and Mr. Oreely did inquire of him respecting the rumors of Mr. Webster's appointment as Secretary of State, and Mr. Ira q yen answered that Mr Webster had written that the President had tendered him the office. ! Mr. Otis believes that Mr Greet, said Mr. Haven, in addition, told him that Mr. Webster hesitated, from the pecuniary sacrifice he would hare to make, and that he raid he should ;write to Mr. , Webster, urging him to accept the place. But Mr. °reel) , has no recollection of this, CO coming from Mr. Haven, hat thinks that matter was alluded to incidentally by other persons, who afterwards came into the office before Mr. Otis left, and that he confounded the one co:recr eation with the other. The only information molted for end received, had reference solely to the fact whether Mr. Webster was to Le Secretary of State, and Mr. Otis so intended to be understood when he-made his statement in July last, and in his more re cent explanation of that statement' There woo nothing in the statement that could be by any ingenuity perverted to the purpose of showing a proposition from Mr. Webster to Obtain money, or that could be used by any one for, that par. plate, either according to the recollection of the conversation by Mr. Otis or Mr. Gieely. the the above statement, it will be seen that the statement made by Mr. Otis renld furnish no basis for the late attack upon Mr. Webster, nor does it in any degree justify or eastain the et traOrdinary position taken by Mr. Allen in the late attack. . I.IOSIESQM.V.V.—A letter. , to a gentle man of St. Lords from Raymond de Montesquieu, in Paris, states; that his brother Gonzales is in bad health, midthat huts now in a hospital, where he was placed on his arrival in Paris, sulfering• the UMW contli*Frn -- of mind in which he was when he left this country. Raymond erpected to leave Paris in a few days for Spain, as attache ui thelmbassy.. Ile had not seen his brother since he departed from St. Louis, the physician having interdicted any interview. between them. European Agency Ttsr mtilascribrr Intel:dr hirthhg thr Ihithl7,l dtl•a of Great Illiudo..rmneo. and fiertriany, during hho xnoutto 4 April. May. mud Juno nest, 'retitle hattburh , ch. Mhrth I;th. and .111 le pletoal,to .aural to any hhobri*r of h by' Antos char:Klee which amp by contldnl M hi, care. taxantunrl7 .10111: U. DAVIE. ;Ram= Azaw.a.a.--Advertimaeota apd autweriptionse far ibla paper received and forwarded flared est.., fn.. fhb office. *A.A. A. Mason t Co. cull tl;uicotlon of the Wks tu r d their new and Lehionable stock or Cl , rthg and 'um." BOxiltra Market Street Store for Rent. FOR RENT.—Thu Store, US Market .1.• street, triers:tod dour Chou the corner cf Market YweWon g'-thaValinza. ftzt,„h2 ° 100 rout it. BY TELEGRAPH FOREIGN NEW§ ARRIVAL OF THE 'STEAM SHIP ASIA. ONE WEEK'S LATER INTELLIGENCE. • Nclr lons, March, 14. The Steam Ship Asia arrived to ,I,y, bring ing one week's later intelligence from Europe '—having sailed from Liverpool on the 1.4 in stnnt. ENGLAND—THE MINISTERIAL CRISIS. We glean from the London Standard the fol lowing items: . The country will he a:wry to learn that Load Stanley has tailed to forms Ministry Ills Lordship hail 'Valli epee with the Queen at Buckingham Palace, yesterday aft ei when his inability to complete Alllllll.l ntion was made known to her Majesty, and tin e.reunivtan ces which lead to this result. Shortly after the Royal Despatch was forwarded from the Palace to Lord John Russell, at kis private residence in Chesham Palace; and in all probability his Lord ship bas been again commanded to reconstruct his Cabinet—though we do nut find any intima tion in the Court Circular, that his Lordship had had any interview with her Majesty in the course of yesterday. Both Houser of Parliament assembled this esening, when it is confidently expected that Lord Stanley rind Lord. John Russell will be per mitted by her Majesty to give a full exhlanatory statement, as to the part each has taken in the duicharge of the duties imposed upon them, res pectively, by their usi•xicious Sovereign. - In the Howe of Commons, last night,- Lord John Russell moved , the further adjournment of the Home, as the Queen had rent for the Duke of Wellington, to take his opinion on the present position of political parties. Ile expressed his desire to maintain free trade; and to extend the franchise, and put down the Papal aggression; but stated that Lord Aberdeen and Sir James Grnhatii deemed any legislative measures, on the last named subject, superfluous. This was the point In which the negotiation failed. The in terregnum continue:, and may endure for a week, or even a month, so far as present appear ances are concerned, The Papal policy of the Goverrunent has pre vented the fission which might otherwise hero taken place between the Peelitm and the Whigs . At present, all parties are annoyed and irritated —the Whigs at their defeat; the Protectionists at their administrative weakness, and the Prel ims at the paucity of their numbqrs The Duke, in fact, old as he is, could bring the present dm conlant elements into play more suceessfUlly than any other man in the Kingdom . New negations respecting passports have been issued. The committee for the regulation of the Span ish debt, are still actively occupied in the exam ination of the question, and with greater sincerity of purpose than on any previous occasion. DIME] The news, generally, from Ireland is unimpor tant. Mr. John O'Connell calls upon the electors of Broghecla to turn Sir Wm. Summerville ontof the representation of that Min,. and to demand his resignation. There is very little sews from Rome. The Pope lac amnestied three members of the En-Roman Constituent Assembly, and others hare been ob tained tit fill their places for the intermediate pc . tied of provisional liberty. The Turin papers contain a rumor that the Northern Powers "have adirossed a note to the Piedruuntese Government, demanding Ott explan ation of all the Halton entigtvaits—the entire prohibition of the liberty of the preat, and no immediate nedonciliation with the court of fume . !r is also kAted that the greatett activity pre in the Pietimouteso war office, rodthat the nit..t extensive preparations mere making for the defence of the country. The intelligence. from Paris :9 without materi al interest. The Monitenr denies that the President In tend, to hold a revel's- of 600000 men ou the llouletutd•. .1 rumor to this effect hoc been eirealate.l General Auptclt ie gazetted for the London embassy, NI. Ntanaeholci for : Sroden. and NI. Sartige. for the L State.. I t)o :.. 4 unday a ohononvlnation was made hj - the stedeuG.cf Pork. They deposited comas at the foot of :he •o!utan of July. Monday was the anniversary of the Ilerolutitra. The ail.- ' nuon and pn , sed ~fl with the utmost trim oteity. The Commies:ln on the bill for the credit of the Government. of 3.21ii.b01 franca to defray the carroordinary.erpeassa of the French army of occupation in Italy, recominemln its adoption by the Assembly: as it ie impostible, nt this mo ment, to fir a time to that occupation.. accounts received from the ItepartnenTs, it appears that the a:minor - dory of the Revolu tion of February bat passed 'oil . without the slightest disturbance. At Orleans, Tunis, and other places, the nuthoritir- refused to allow the banquets got op by the Itcpublicon ,- to take ploce. Itumers were iitill prevalent at Vienna, of an Auairian Expedition against Switzerland IMEM • The Ministerial papers contradict the late ru mor of warlike measure,. They state that an understaralinr, has been effected at Dresden be tween the Agents of Prussia and Austria. The rotation in the Presidency of th 4 Ezeco• tire, ha, been conceded by the late power. Prussia and Bavotio hare conceded to the re ception into the Gertuunie Confederation of all the Austrian provinces. Austria engageg to de fend this...m.ll2re against the suspicion, and jealousies 'of foreign posters. The en:miler States Continue !heir opposition t o Austrian proposal, The above news is eonEruaed by the official Ureeden Gazette. The Berlin correspmleut of the 22d ult., confirms the late new., of the termination of the Dreaden The Gazette publishes an order from the war office relating to the command, and all eztrordi nary contributions and supplies for the nee of the army. The Newe Preuthsche Zeituog states,-that the Republic of Plenary tithing of the Cengtens, was held at Dresden on the 2.3e1 ult.; and in that-sit ting the kingdoms of Germany supported the Austrian proposition, and the smaller states op pose,' it. The kingdoms of Bavaria, Wirtem burg and Saxony, bare moreover protested against the competency of the conferences to pass resolution• tending to restore the old Fede ral Diet, and no resolutions of any kind bane been adopted. A fortnight's term has been hoed for farther and more pooitine declaratious. In the Ilerbegivitia, the officers of Omer Pa cha crossed the linventa near Kernises, on the lith. All the insurgentsi retreated to Slestim, where a battle was fought on tho;9tb, in'which the insurgents were defeated; and the- Sultan's troops hare entered Movtitn. r The insurgent leader, Kars.sh Pasha, with 200 of his men, surrendered near Oastert The chiefs of the insurgents hare Red. The pacification of Bosco is nearly comple tert. 'A telegraphio despatch from Zara, on the 18th nit., states that the insurgent chief, Karish Pacha, has fatten refuge in the Austrian territo- LIVERPOOL MARKET. LIVECAOOL, !itarcli 1 Cottons—The market continued firm at the railing of the steamer. The accounts of short crops America, and the light receipts, • had eati-nd on advance of id. Provisions—Prices are improving. Beef woo steady, but transactions not extensive, for want of assortment., to operate upon. There 'bring no Pork in exporters' hands, holders ask an ad vance, which Ins checked business. Bacon to much wanted. Several imports of Lord have roused a reaction, and it Is now quoted lset I s rid lower, with a moderate demand. Grain—The trade bee been exceedingly dull during the week. }lour—Prices bare receded Gd, with Baler of Western Canal at 20@plett bbl. The "tale., of the ao,hamouut to 30,260 bales. The Barre cotton tuarkrt on the 27th ult. was quiet, with sales up to 2 o'clock of 1,402, at firm prices. The Canada had arrived ant when the A.la left. LIVCRIVI7L, March 1. It will be seen by our printed report of Fri day: last, that cotton has taken n firm stand, without any further decline, and that holden: were holding buck their stocks, utilmis they could obtain an advance In price. We close the week with advance eifgood onlinary.and. middling fair qualities of American, and on td on other kinds. Dimon Is much wanted. and first arrivals 1011 lie taken eagerly. we note a further sale of 900 boles St_ Louis flacon, to orrice, at Sin per cwt. Checso is in actiste inquiry at tta Into ad Vance. Tallow—There is no change to notice in this article. Indian Coma io supported at late rates, .nth a fair inquiry nt 31e 6,11,1)32s for ',white, all @,3le for yellow, and 2.3 s 6de3Os per quarter forntia.- ed. Imports continue moderate. ... • iron—The market remains quiet. Scotch Pg owing to the unsettled htate of political affairs, has slightly receded. There continues to be a great disposition to speculate In this article._ The present make is considered to exceed the ac tual coneumption. In Stntlerdeldre and Wales, ; the makers are generally well 'employed, end maintain the prices with firmucts. A. consider : able ainount,pf orders from the United Stater ' t'usti Canada, has hcen received by the last steam . cc, and nu alteration of prices can shortly be ex peeled from the-present rates. Merchant's liar, I delivered in Liverpool, is quoted at La us: Nail 15st. 1100 p Etl,lss; Sheet £7 los; Scotch l'ig, No, 2, X. 2 Ils; No. 1, in GigLsgol„.C2 • ton. Cofee is dull. Molasses is active. LONDON MONEY MARKET. Lomas, Feb. 28. The Market is steady, Consul's closed at %ten ttS,l. The Batik of England has reduced the rates of interelal on-Stock loans, to 2i? cent: while the ininnimum rote or commercial securities still re main at X? coot. American Securities were without change. Pennsylvania lives at 84et85. CONFIRNIATIONS BY TILE SENATE. WARIIINUTON, March 14, 1851. Thomas A. It. Nelson, of Tennessee, Commit sionei. to Chian. John A. Bennett, Consul to Bogota. W. F. Boone, Consul to Realijo, NiCaraglat Allen F. Owen. of Georgia, Consul to Havana Samuel Ethic, Of Tennessee, Consul to Tat - Cllllllllll, Mr. Clark, Secretary of Legation to Brasil. John F. Watts, of Ind ana, has ralso keen con firmed, as one of the Associate Judges of New Mexico; and Andrew Rathwell and James A. kennedy. as Justices of the Peace in the Dis trict of Columbia. Wan. L. Hodge, .assistant Secretary of the Treasury, haabeen appointed 14 the President, doting Secretary Of the Treasury, in consequence of the sickness of Mr. Comm.w who is still con fined to Iris chamber Iti“” • !sr.. .'.NEW' HAMPSHIRE ELECTION. Boston, Nlarela 14. Full returns lune been reeeivel„from Tuck's (Ist) District, and he it elected by'h majority of :759 votes. The House of Reprensentatires, no far as heard from stand.:—Whigs, 116;-Atwood men, 20, and Democrats 81.1. Last year, from the Same towns it was—Whigs 80, Democrat., 188. For Governor, the popular vote in 170 towns as—Sawyer, 17,0517 Dinsmore, 23,3957 Atwood men, 10,4111- The majority for Dinsmore last 1 - year was 4,21 JENNY LIND AT NATCHEZ. Natchel, Mitreh 14. Jenny Lind gate a grind concert In the .Meth. .•list church last nigh:. Tho receipts amounted is $6,6t01. The fair. Swede gave sway $lOOO Zro charitable purposes. She left for St. Louis this morning, amidst the greatest enthusiasm. DINNER TO GENaUITMAIsI—SAILING OF THE'OIIIO, tcc. Neu. Orleans, March H. The steamer Ohio sailed to-day for Havant and Chagres, with ihO passengers. - The dinner to General Quitrann, went off qui etly. The Bonnet Carre Crevasse must give way soon; also the point 1,5 miles below the Caavent. The river iv almost up to sthe high water mark. PENICSYLNANIA LEGISLATURE flenntsnincau, Nardi 14, 1531 In the House, this morning, the bill abolish in; the Canal Board, and providing for the isles tion of a Superintendent of the Public Works, tone considered, and killed by anindetioite poet pone:neut. The vote stood—for .postponement 51, agninst; 40. .01110 LEGISLATURE nAuorr:NG3 TOR G S. SENATOR. CoLts!nrs. March H The I:allotting for C. S. Senator wit, reeumed to-doy. Fourteen ballots were had without a ebe.ce. Ou the eighth allot, the cote st6cAl : Gri3SVOid. (e - hie - - - l'ayne, (dem.) - ' • - 38 Vaughan, (F. S l - - lu 4 Mr Griswold was Gann withdrawn, and Mr. Ewing nominr.led. On the ft,iirtscntb ballot the vote sta,d— Ewing, 40 tlntliti . , • - - : - 41 Mr Ewing wu, then withdrawn. sad Mr. Car wia numizatc.i. iin the elel.eutls lulot, Car 38; Sutliff, S. Mot;ons Feremada to &tenni, but were lost .r—ayes nays The Convention then took n recess until this writs:won when three or more, tittsnccePtcul hallottioßt were thrown. PITILADELPITIA MARKET. riIILiVELriiIW, )lErch Cotton—The Arin'; news has affected the market favor/ay, imd the market is firm, with .e 1 sued sties. Piosisions—There is no improved feeling, un der the steamers news, prices are generally , vithout change. Flour—The export demand is moderate.— ;iales eOO Lids standard and good brands, at $4 4-16$1 60 per Md. Rye Flour and Corn Meal—Are dull, with a decline of 12.1 c on the bti. Soles of the former at 143 :174, and of the latter at $2 81} per Orain-Wheit is dull with sales 3001.} bushels prime Pennsylvania white at Wile, mad some or dinary southern at lOUs per husheL Rye is worth Cain is in fair demand, with sales of bushels yellow at CCM, and some at adost. Sales of Panisylvanin Oats at 43e per Whiskey—The market is dull, with saki in' i.bls at 23e, and in idols at 21€421ie per gallon; BALTIMOREIRKET Floor and strain—The Asia's news unsettles; hreadstuffs. Flour irdull, and holders are uk lug $4 37 per bbl, without ending buyers.— tiraiu is without chnage Prosisions—The market is limn at former prices. Coirec—Lialeq 3,010 bags Rio at 10i€411; per NEW VORA VARKET. crEmo atroeT ro% Nsw Y4V 31nrch 14 Cottoh--The Asia's news hasimparted strength to the market. Prices bare advanced with sales 8,000 bales at 11. f for middling uplands. Flour—The news by the steamer had no effect upon the market, nod prices are steady. Sales 5.500 bbls at $4 40I:4 58 for common to sraight state; sod $4 5061 75 for western and south ern 'common to 'good brands; $1 C*4 81 for N. Orleans, and $4 tI2C - al4 70 for liatiana and Michigan. Sole, of extra Genesee at $6 377) 6 00 jet bbl. Grain—Wheat is nominal. Corn is steady and firm, Orith sales 1500 bu western yellow,, for de• livery in August, nt Gdic. For immediate de livery, prices hare slightly advanced, with Wes of yellow ut 676vD.87f ' - y3 bushel. Other grains are without movement. Provisions—Pork is quiet. and prices are en sier, with sales old users et $l2 75, and old prime et $9 147610 El bbl. New pork corn meads $l3 37€613 44 for mess, and $ll 25 for prime. Pickled meets are less active at 84 for hams, and tic for shoulders, which is a slight dCcliric, Lard is Active, with sales of 600 bbls at lb. Supplies are diminishing. Coffee—Continues firm, with sales of Rio at. hell}' lb. Linseed Oil—The market continues firm at )eeterday's prices. Lead is rather dull, at $5(35 121, V cwt. for Americen.• Whiskey—sltles at 28€(.24c plloa NEW ORLEANS MARIMT. New OrleanN idareh 13. Cotton—The demand io limited, with sales of 1300 bales at 4,Q10i for middling. Groceries.—Mdrket7 dull, stiles 300 lithils su gar at lower prices: Soles off' Molasses at 26 eill6ic p 7 gal. nud of 'erg choice at 25e. Coffee —Sales of Rio at ittkvio lb. Flour is in goal demand. with salt`; 10,000 bble nt $3,62a8,75 for Ohio. Groin—Corn in dull at scie ? ho. Lord—Sales of prime keg at Sic. nr,c - ncr Accoomrs nom =us cos. We are informed that reports have been re ceived at the Department of War, from General Gnoont, which indicato an increasing boldness on the part of the predatory Indians, who, for the past eiglittani mouihe, have given so much trouble on the Texan frontier. • The Comanches, especially, have extended their inhursion to the neighborhood of the millitary posts, and have manifested no little boldness m encountering some of our scouting parties of nearly equal force. • . . On the 25th of January Lieut. Waist. of Ford's company of Texas mounted rangers, with twenty-one men, fell is with a band of fifteen Comanche warriors, when a brief conflict ittok place, during which, and in the pursuit that followed, four of the enemy were killed, mad as many more wounded ; bealdes which, most of their horses, and some ether articles, which they were forced to abandon in taking 'refuge in the chapparal, were captured. This party had been watched for some weeks by thin company before it was known with certaittty that they had com mitted acts of hostility. The horses captured front them were ascertained to hare been stolen; end a Mexican youth whonr.Wy hid made prsion- Cr two days before, and who had been released during thefight, reported that they bad commit ted two =Leders while he was with them. Two days after this affair a party commanded by Lieutenant BVP.l.[Sani, of the same i company, en a march from San Antonio, five miles west of the linceit discovered a „party of fourteen In dians m the right of the road. Taking eight men on the hest horses, be moved rapidly after them. They retreated for some miles ; Lent find ing itimpossible to avoid anengagement, - they at length halted and prepared for battle. Lieuten ant Boraesom orient his men totlismount and secure their horses, when the Indians instantly charged, engngeing him simultaneously •in front, flank, and rear. A close and hardly contested fight. almost hand to hand, ensued, and lasted about twenty minutes, when the enemy broke, leaving four warriors dead on the field, nod carrying oil seven wounded. On the part of the volunteers one man was killed, and all the rest except one, wounded—including the lieutenant commanding. Among the articles captured. in these skirmishes were blankets and knives, which had been given to the Indian agent, en the oc casion of forming a treaty with them. Some weeks before a large party of Lipman, on a pred atory excursion, had been discovered emdchased by Lieutenant Klan, of Captain )leCuttoex'm company of Texas mounted volunteers; and after wards the captain himself followed up the trail over a rough and difficult country, and captur ed caveat horses and mules, and large quanti tire of butfalo robes, blankets, saddles, and. bri dle., most of-which latteiartieles had been stolen from the citizens. We understand the officer, above'narned hare been complimented by the Department for the real and spirit displayed by them in then —Republic. "mesa, non co.. 0., Feb. IS, 184 f.. Scam!. Kidd d Ck We wish to Inform you that we bare mold all of your Worm Sperile you left with ow We wlell you to nem" to some more all min ae possible, m it her Oren /poem] malefaction here. We hire mewl call• (or It alum we are out of the article. It hat eupurtiellul all other towitaratione to this county, sthl for Ws mescal we wish to helm a eut.hly cm hand. The &bore I, ow of the bum:hob of Phoney comm.& ration& ntliel the proprietors of ads medicine .e dilly re mein.. Where it b. Leen liitroduoel„ It hoo become the must popular remedy in are. Formic by J KIDDt CO., no. co woul On Tneaday, Wench Wen., by Rev. J. 11. Byrne& has. ern B. L.turYga, FN., of Greensburg. l'a, and Erna E., daughter of J. N. Bytnattes, Ern., a Elleidlle. Allegheny /Oa 1(..11,c5 On Frllnr, the 14th lon at. 3 o'clock. P. 11, H. ••ter= .n the Ce..th year of Us ago. 1 / 1 1 funeral will lake pl., from hie late maiden= in Henchc•ter, on next Sthbath afternoon, el 4 o'clock. Carriages till be in eolith; to Federal greet, lathe end of the Fridge. knierbeeno and Allegheny Interpriso copy ; Special Meeting. V IIE YOUNG MEN'S TEMPERANCE AS 1. SOCIATION mcet on ittaNDAY LVESING. the ChotheL, in th e t w ctute Roomthe Secout gresbytettan ch, Halt Ao This la eperlal meeting of the AlKristioa. ogled f.ar thc notpoee of completing the orgegingtion, nag gitoPtinn Byrage. The =embers toe gsrfletatirly no‘neetad to be eltetrl. Ito/11.1a lillaDLY. =chi& Prveidpnt. Books ! New Boots ! VOREIGS REMINISCENCES, by henry Eirbard Lord Rolland; edILII by Ms abb. dear) 11 ..rd Lord LlolLomd. Jane hoverer% or Prottperity and Laver/Ur; br Catharine Etnalair, author of - tor adward Graham.' - I.tolottay ae. dloorleal.Cottaae; b; the author of .Ifary Barton. Layman, 'tha Ochotar, the dips'. the Etietth Gm Euro, author of the koala to ayuln. atal the taipcce la ,48.111. I oi.lrt. 1111d,th's Ilistor; of the rotted States--armati knee. la. above works tug rood maul for aaht It. C. etTOCKTI.Qt, Itootaeller sad stationer. corn, Shale:and Third ate. I 03E&, ON LAND OFFICE TITLES. S-lEle of the La. of LAnd 0111 T Jt , v u. 1 Jc•st, mid and of oe,l7l,,L th' C. STOCKTON, mrhls• _Nu 47 Market 2 New Books! New Books! 110LIIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third 4 ! - S. strew4opsamn. lb, Poet ()One. /Imam. No% el: by lieo. Seawortby umaub and Cahrarena Sighla In Lb.,1014.1 farm'. L lall.enr. L, Luat.a. Lemuel% by tin. Sand—. In I- Prim. Lavvugrv: the xitclar. telc Prve.t. OY Goo s:new, tic--I.lAcc; br Aim DurnAs - Old )1.11: Uinta t,lt,ungtrAtod rag Msitr ,ry-Theal,TO sa. W Led of P S. MO, AMAI;A, Webster!l Unabridged Dictionary. EBS'fEK'S UNABRIDGED DR. lON- G... wort Lenrui 11.... a Intririanj stn wort A bLrwr •bwOr a LI, work rd by JOHN IDLLI,OIi, of Word L. Literary Notice. r vHE ANNUAL CONTEST between the j_ Frankl:o at.l 'Literary tineietite of Jererso• .111 take plate to Providence Hall.. the evcoxtxg vaca , en fie' D..cstutr....— . lll l v moral cauxs exert c. great ex talc to-oce ott na.cal ammeter then rhysl=l, 1 • Tb.: put/11c tre r , spert.l.l.ll 1te..1.t0 atteta. H. Vara. H. K. Cavern., S U. IV. Mit... Spring Bennett /VTR FIRST LOT i, receded :thde iur1:......d., C01:141111,1g. in part, tla• tug ity tiav lbi.nl Chip, Nuances Van, White and iellayr Lam, ',Aar and tulip, Intl. Chip. Jenny Lend e.d E. Ingindi Clip. !lilted Suave and Y:in, Firm ntraw anal qamon.l. Pearl anal Lucy bathe. kl...rence Crimped. American are. Ansi/111Year', Hungarian Mixed. trP,.., 'nat./ blar.illa., ;211k A. A ASON A Cii, inchlS ISt an d 61 ILarket ot 1.1 LACK DRESS SILES.—dZi reed per 1iJ3,0 - 7, - .:,—z.b.tig:"l7,!' 4 '94. tachlb A. " . 4:jr ' u.. ' CV. IRISH 'LlNENS.—Received this morning anethyr let ...fled credit lrlrh I.4art.. inell.4 A. A. 11.1.,i/N A CO. POli SALE-30 dozen Good r itinek Ink; White Lot+l.llle Ltnr, NO ...a!' hl on. 1:. cuts ?look .6nd Valley Carpet Cbal. rd. lenaptr ticum Certificate.. • Larne Thskeeranee Chart. and 'a . ..n. 1 •all ..1014y ef I.l.olltuela 1001104. a/41.th. rarer: Quill. and Warn. 10 de., Lead mantic be groan Vast. and Pantaloon Mole. CN ut the Urns 10. a+ Pittaberes; and • fer ether .000!.. fur .1. clirap ISAAC MOM'S. Aunt and mehl= 4 Ou!umbel. 3L:rd Fifth ASON'S ISLACKING—'2S gr.,. for ,al , . _lv'. by meh7s J KLDD A CO.. w Wool rt QWEET 01L-350 golf. fur Nale by 17 u.lchls . . J . . _ • eas - in (prime) for sale by rachlS J. KIDD • C.,. . WRITE 1,615. (Cooper's} for es!e by nub. J. ICIDD 0 CO • - - - • - DITTSBUItIIII OLUE—JO bblo. (bent) fur L *al. by enehls J 1:100 a Cu. SUGAR CURED HAMS—ItI tierces Duf 3 •Id'a celebrated 5. C. Ila i T A LT , lnaiktd , Ly mehls k ter. ANTED--Places and employment for en - N.l : snn areh e pan, Pond :al ' es " crre ' n . : amr " n i se 4 ; leae l 7i .. s ,:rt r g ua 54...;,;rtilne4.5 r l i erletse In ttnrdwar . r. dry su 3,..541..: and s one or two. wantrd RM . a number of boy. of all ages Howe I.lmm ebambertn.ls, ea cwt r t.Nacatnstreas , .. wet sn.t LIT ap rf r ire ' ar i 'um" li r ri a til "' trtrhls:llt. &timer and Intelllonee Otter. Yttlb et. 4,11 AS CHANDELIERS AND FINTURE; %,,A !auk,. Chandellato and Bracket". of tho latett alao, too ani ono light Ornamental l'anclent. at luCC imtlo: day, wittel:t regara to tht ..i.LreLD leillt.%2:l:eS, utell,st -•-- Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, &e. • 1:11tPlIY BURCHFIELD have now v Enron apuortnnoot ..f Blank 'ChB, 43lPbstme I'c'to.n., 51,1m0 Long lalti lialf do.; WWI, St lnt LL-Jd. and Nankin colcrod Cotton do.; anblinzhed Cotton Lola and 1104 !auk and utile 'pun:l44, Kid. d.lk, on.l Lola Ulotrt. (Antnop and mop, Mohair and Bilk Mai, cotton and 3.1.11n0 UndoDhirnn Wen. dn t .AcJ and all at lonort cash trlcnt at Nunn East vorunr kourth and Marko , . AG. totlalu irlU3l OPIUM-1 ease for bale by chin J. KIDD It CU.. ou Wont! st. 4 CO Tell .S.NUFF--.500 lba. (Garrett ArforlJ We . by mchill • J. KIDD riRIED PEACHES--200 bu. for sale by 111 too SAMUEL D. SIM:UNTIL NUTS..—ai; bbL for sale by JL tun6lo SAMUEL D. SUB, VEIL GREEN . APPLES-100 bbl. for sale by mall° SAMUEL P. SIIRIVER. g`9IESTNUTS--20 bbl.fur'eale by nada° SAMUEL SIIRICEIL DOLL BUTTER-1U hbl. prime jun ree'd ROLL Rd. by SAMUEL P. BITAITEII- BEY APPLES-20 mulct reed, foOsale by 1.1110 S.A.lllir.L P. EIriTFR QI.IORTS--3t* hu.for sale low — tio close eon- LI Lltitlent, by L'AMPEL P. SUMTER. ip ICE— I O. tee. (fresh) for solo 111_ AIL nalt. " YAIII.T.L P. 011.8.4. SUNDRIES— • 40t , Mk, Family F 1040: ao No. 3 Martrrel: .Z. Tar. 6.5 Itnai 100 r" pilaw a4 N4ebaanoek 140aL, 40 Gram Ai . td4r WO bag, Ear Cam: • • - . " Shorts 100 - MSc 50 " Dthd Alla.. ssl^ T. 111. 1 0I* s SON. Psodure Dealers sad Coutsalsss. 3L-rehaat.. blO N. 61 Wat., street. .. . ,- 131 - 0 - LL BUTTER-3 bbl. just re , 'd and fur IA .o.•br T. ITOuDis It 80.1 . mclllo al Walser ft. - __ ._ . N o. _ LABSI 011,-26 bbl. :1. jut r e cdand for salr log by WALLIMSFOLD It CO.-- mrbh) _.— i LCOIIOL—IS bbl. fur sale Li .1-I.mehlo J. KIDD a CO: (1. Wont mt. ITIPitPSFI D-1.5 bbl. fbr sate by i _t. F .tdo J. KIDD a C0..4 , Wood at. NOTICE.—The steamer A SIA, in July last, brought from Cinelnuall; bl I'mert (lours% mad I 101.. r. costal...l to Joseph Dogs, of 11.4 s Ora, Nonce to Y giros. that If the said Moms road 1 alias are nut ed,..j. he ab a ant 01t. they will be Axil *I rabbis at. th P.) freight and charge& WM. IL piWV X. - ~.. enelth YEW B 00103! NSW BOOKS! , T 110L5IRS' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street, oppoette the Poet Ottice, p