.• , - 111, ESTABLIS PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PDOLISIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY. UT WETTE ec CO.. • • (gown 11.11121 re. re. Elms OMC6 TIIIED to,. TO me rorr oma. DAlLV—&eresidoltri it : rontom her fromtar If n•n4r4t.n...", e r aIIDLIZI. m Wea.: CLIZS h. ' , applied on the ri:lowine.relltiocue - 1 • .... 04.1 llkenger . Ttt'entf neelor .. . .. , on e rho reeket Wert:eh Glob to ire rantrotonl to ono rem.. wet to 10e*.41 inesebtbir In earn., NoCtub Paperer • be rent after the - r"nr expire, unko, the money LN rent for • eventtrat. RATES OF 85mnsni0. • • ... . • :04,55,919C( (IC Itro.O :If Noapere . II or Iron , •• . 000 insrrtioa .... ..,.........4 . Lo ': • . :Do. -. • e9rDtvlclltlor.o.l ato , ertlou- 12.1 0000 odw _ Do. ' tiro to ,- ..... ........... ~., ZS t 3 o; Do. . D o. • Om, 0 - .. • . Do. ~• Von mont/tk .....,..... II 00 • . • 90. tlarr. tuontbr ' 9CO . .. . Do! four months ' 19 99 , • D Ix . . •. tiding Cord& (A Barr or lon, 91, corouro-S5 IIC ,;. (hIo Dollar forrechoddiDuoal line. ... • 'O.• Nunre, clinger.W nt raccoon( . (9er tn._ • .. - • Dom) el(l.lcigiro of the _paper ........ ......„...25 00 ,• 1bte..4 , 194.111.9,9911 , 4199-r. losorted aver Olio smooth. and kr earl allitioool skunfe ho ander 160. yearly rat , * . Advartlacemait6ezovisliox a ' , lour, and not over MU:A trifle f••r Told thr amount chargtst for molr:roblehott.: 9 [11:101113404. reorlidater for allten. to be thane./ th e t ame , CY other adreell,•ainate, . • Arleeit/stonenta ant irtorkedn tbe ropy-for A rprolted jes t or Inerelloru. trill Irs motioned till trebkl.aad P.Srs tarot mkt.' arvoistilatly.. •• - •• .. Da. tatelltra otannoolvalvartivers is strictly Ilraltod to their oleo hallos/IMo Iniviosent and all advertisnaleatn !iv llut benefit of other Nemo, ao ...Ater all advertlameats and . Immediately. eonnorted .01114 their own butionevh and all threes at adt•crtlsourati, in /torah othervise. lvrrovl the Leona cognegtvl. lo eharged at the unual eaten. Toe sit-Ruch transient advertivitar, bills oh! neharatelr . readered, and Imunpt d'Air , d• • ' • All advartlerinento the &arils GI. tartito flow, Are Amt. larder: ward, towathltCond rah, habil.: mnothro.. and 'l oth hhe. to bo charged half print, payable etrictly 10 ad. pol ' a„-re nntlrea tole tiaras felltl Death uothm, tnmrt,l oltionit chum, noir., nommlut- IDed.hy funeral luritotionf obiturs noticu, and atun So aecompatmal to be f.a.brb.r. Rftul. mot all °thin a pooling entnroonlea .ft.47£7ofr 1 ;aV0f.a74 1 .7, d a:; ," 774l2el d o l lt.:= 4 rnt t :, Mbertubarresore Malt for .arinuttotom--all tot Mrs of Imi tate meneialLou—etrri nolo, ibmgrual to p romote Wtenon to Pirate eutartniara, zaleulab.,}l:r-illl, to p butt. lidnat Intrrert, ran noir bo Imuteclarith rich. ntalerstemb log Um& the fame Ilk be (C)d)0 th)r. Intendhl Im wiled In the local eolionn. t 33, mill be etuared at the rate of not Imo Dam 10 (42Ill)) rot bur. ; Maher or /Q.. both,* to be elocrmultuipie mine. .Tarernlrecnor Potltiona &brut,. . Heal' &tate Auento' mot ,tnebourre ademal•emente not bo be clamed utaier.youlf rater. but to be ellorrol dim count of tbirtr Dm, and one_ third tor moat- from tbe amount of bilLt Oz. rabartrit to ntnr 1 • .41'005.. • . CM). Aquue, throo ....... 50 'L. Dn. ' emicrablitioont ... .. - trf ancran.smars IY orratr P)11•2 I),) 4), ....-50 mutt. • „Do, . 4 , l,llthomtlan 'Smuts. All trawient al reSti.mumm to I . ' paid In adraner. BUSINESS CARDS - PARK rNSAN:Argiiiiigin, • ilfth 4 "Ward, rem,behieeu (Mara and Walnut MI • • ATTORNEYS. iv; F.. WHITE; Atuir at Law 4-01:. 0 . no; on taunt chest.: twar Fourth . , in Arthur,' bull& initalrOtrargb:r. hply - - , G. L. IL FETTERMAN. Attor- N int at lair an.l heal b,tlt; Agents, N 0.107 4th t_trZittsbrtrzb„ root; - itrAMES KUHN.Aibwney-iit Law, offset. to Tllchinan 11411, web, of (Iribt street tad Diamond , jaltollt H. COLLIER; Attori ic;.v t La*, offthe hsta lo g i r, 1444164409 t.titw , b , ...T7g , li - , e tts• Landn to 1it44,9 ho 11 , 17 ,. Vt Wrcc.n s ., tle.drpartzuratc JAMEST: KERlL'Attudwyrat Law:-Olce :ba 4tb st.,.basreora nuithßektkitst tir4bL trittsbumb. L'IRANCIS C. FLAND3 1 Attornetat Law, ..112 a.. WATSON. .Attorney.i :Y. no Fourth iWget;lll.l,burgb. . • • Ite INCLI,—)111-11.1 et A: Par: JAC. Snyder. K.. Wer ron, llortipoa BCo.: Wm. IL John Fleming. Ar emu:dant; Ike.. W. Jerkeon,Plltsilprih. laa :1y DWARD T. — JONES. Attnrney nt Raw Mint 04 rood!, aroct.:l.tirm¢ {Vat.' Anal Smith JASPER - E. BRADY,: Attorney nt Law Ho. S 3 }'filth arm t, PI ttaltirgb. , warm AN ...- ..... - • , -,•,_ - - V. ' 11. Wlt ' , LUIS . & to., ;Bankers • - and EiehanCv rnirtr.. - Nortb ELIA ...7iii of W6cd and trd.e..cts, litubur.tt-- ' - Alttnannetiorin main au_Uncial tennr„.and'entketfons imnonats. allmnaed nx ~.- ~--,^ - a9:1,.. _I D. KiNG.l3anker and Exe hange Broker, Younth - Arent, .Ihot Nan, ritlls'ef Ex 141r111=rti4t t7tagta:gt,% r.VlLaelicala talfoilasorud Menlinn and ino.netk Dollars , nap. M. LARI IEII, JR], Banker and Broke; , - 49A?rv z tio.folylilitan l ihe Think of rlmboddth. Brokers, Routh rtut. Corner of Tbird will Market Ftrnetn. All xa 01! tart. 'Rend NidellOLDlFSizitiON; Dealers' in Foreign sneDornonte Earhonoo. Coot Wotan of fk :Donk Not." ontl No_ tm Bioko" street, MU -6arffi-115-Clleigiont en all tan principal intler tosoufoout the. United f Ode, GEORdE..E.-ARNOLD I CO., Bankers: Dealers in xcitor. Coin.Onk Nano, No. 74 Fourth Motet:mat door to the Bank of l'ittobtorott.• Col lortiorocarefollt,nottortml to, and the proceedo troolttecl. to KRAMER B;• RA 1131,. Bankers Arid •Bri of ,l/rokeril Delbert in Foreign awl Doto.rtie of Exelange.-Certifioxtee ilerenito. flank Note,— t Ot he lko c razr and 11 . ...1e.ryets. directly oppodto CAROTTIERS Banking Bans*, ..lio.1511"ncal covet, Pitt.hurch. Curnini oner re cc retitle Darnall. enlicrianna made nn nil The principal titles a the.VnlWl F. swim_• BAIRD Commission Merchants atralllMltrotena N 0.114 Etrcoral greet. remnant and Mate atxurit ate :ran 5100 to RlO.OOO td wart. on hand 1111. c. ALMEII, lIANNA & CO.,.Succesgori3 to II Minna Co.. ncontoo. EXCIL.,II Boom., &lamb: Foroiqn nod Ikoo.tioEsthnner. Cornfield.. of Deporit. Conk Notes, and fp. , i.— North }Brut corner of ' Wool ind•Thlrd etrronk- Corr ot Monty rnativnt on Do. EnflOglko r lx; t l:' , C o o el oat t r n il t. l s to u, nade on near- Th. kin Vest pronnton pai.t L>i ..F•Volglf old Atociican Adrineca ma..l inn nt • 11. W....TAYLOR.; Comini4ioner and Bill UR Bra. 112 14....1..rtrrrt. irict,att.ll. mill' be 'env to - 111 laigrt.,ratrwted his ram.PltNbprgh Paantegetami emir!.: >bray] , han.lpr prommrdat Amt. notice. Nara, Nlortom.., . fastm r able teram. - ...I.l•Pnro r,idted. BOOKSELLERS AND STATION - Ell& n! - 0.-srochlyciN, Jolinst Stock , .. .. JAS; D. — 110L5LES' -Cheap _Literary Depot, . Third stied, omme.ito the l'o4 011 ea.. Nora 1k.4.0 pe or red daily by exina,.. Soha.rietiono ter.l.4 to any nr Oat W... M. at . Near.PaZ. ,,, . r.!1+1,131 at the pubilsher's J. ,,,,, Wire. • . • RR -- HOPKINS, Book. Aler and ,Stationer, N 0.71, Fourth rtrvrt, • • BAKERS AND coifitarioa - ERs.:: pevw..BowN,Jß.; IWholaaale and P:etail Bola AndC.F.Elot.. Vault, etrrrt.Plltxlmrgh An& on/TIN . 424.0. All colt. punctually ntrentled In, :'CARPET DEALER.. 3I'CLINTOCK, Man I/ fnciu rer nnti Irn 'Awe, nr,earPetf. MO, Steam Boat Trim an4:24 : =7:1V124 4' "-""h""'. - -- . , _. CONNTSSION'AND FORWARDING. L 1 ATiiiagulTY :-..1C0:i-tr:Tf,',lTP"le,nrs." CF.aftc*:,72V.ir4: , ...-Trit7..C:: r ah"." '''' ' & D bl.' LWOotist .k. SON, PRODUCE. DEALERS iin4 comt.wion 3ltnliantn, 2:o. fli Wen' 01. , .t. W M. 11. SoiikstoN. rortsa - ' - n - 4ing and tt. . , ona*-4.,. 3frra,..4 No. in .s r ormt .treet; XR.II, 4 lONE - ii, - PiTr'Crarcing 7.11;71 Coln: . - altrinion Verchantv, Dralen In Prudurn. Ina Pitt. u Innnufneinted nrUclnt tl.nvil 14.01, near. Frventh stmt. PlUotrunet. • . rx.r..nmet. EARDY,JONES R. CO.. Succensors to At war Jorun A en . 1.7./r.nni,lon and Fnt-nenlin g • til., I &alert In l'iltannl:ll 31.t3fActrizel 11.40. Pats. :DRY GOODS MERCHANTS 0 C. SIIACKLEIT L CO--Wholesale • Deglerr Fortinl land tkow,tic Dry I' Arror;;i-iil7.7.ltTiniit. 1.A.`31A SON 1 IV inolvslde nd Retail Deslerit FattyL 4 tAid; brr KTR - Flik - BURCHEIELP, WiIOLLSALE nd D r , 60,..1.1 Much:lntl, corn, of Fourth • 1 , 1,R1X0 Comthisicin Id•rcluints—Toi tht: ea!, of DC , 1,1,t).. Wmlen. and Onodr- o . vo, tleAtor, in all 1,1n,t, of Tailon , Triton nom, No: IIN• Word -rtr,t, Gnlrth tlO.rll . onl Fifth, Pitt. D: Pontist, Cornet of Fourth :%larkot ovl FrrT7 strratr. DRUGGISTS aa. nr , 7l - - Tr_ e len.nru. EYSER. & .maimELL. (Suce"°,.°°Tß , i t''' to Kerr ,e Keyser. ) 1rt,,, '" 31i, "4 new t -17.11 7 /. l * 47 g l War r ,Yiil)! • • 711..:::Z1..1 ' z ' Aseht luf.i '4,stflflTl ffila" 76:7Wciorj,a14.iirnorintfi: Ta:nt, .11ye and-lrotruntento— or Dr-kilo:Wit celelyated Ifurzu /.Ir er no. Wu , I'm. kfrure canur ant haunt sotteeta, l'ittaburch. • Orden Viii to carefully rack ed. Rd forwerged old/ dukatca. • • ...i .. • . . J, - ,... : . . - :' . . -: . -- :". , : •-- : ,71 ' ... . - : .. . ,- A - 'At4a..„1:::". , -",' 3 :-f,? ''''.47---"--:-.-','-t.:7-t:'!':lZ-iri-!.!,"•.Z,:,t-Z,l";z.-4.---..i,,, ~, _~ ~ y .' , ~e'F' : ~ i E ' I~ „~.~ r ;;{. ,~~~~.~ It:11;T D IN; 1786 • • A. FAIINESTOCK A; iWliolepille • Dro and nl:e.rtf3.lurr.,-1. 7 r of Wbit., 1:..‘1 mi. auZI I am,. -me - 1. 7 r 11.,..t burgh. mrh7 1 . E. .SEELEIC-,...- .1.. -Dm etll , . 011 k Vomit'', ie.__ o. A: VC Prjerm o ttreo., P., timed, warrantod. 1 / I . llgalit, .1 .11 Ire tO. Ul IVoc 1 , kr...L. DizzoinAl E EI.I•11 Am, VYhrde ale Drug of 1G n,l It RAU • ITE IVh6l .. Nale and Itetnil JP Drugs 4•,ruro-, of 1.11.-.1-tt ;a:4R. (.1.2.ir.A.1., Pat, rgh. a. 'I IOPIINIA K SCIKkdifiNIAK E o.l...Wltt;lenle Drug • ainut. 14. 2111 , ..1 rt. Pll,lonrjr. ENIA EE. WI I 4..ter, C9lllllligAilin lint. awl (:,•11...r lu I,ocr pmt Haut. corner of !tt ar7., 11.burall. L P. SUMTER, IVholenale op.fte:J •.;.13311-3i.m 3lerdnuotr,so D. 1% SAME! , rr tpl r itjl .4er .1 Art . . ...... ..... . TOHN .. DILWORTH 4. CO., :Wholileale • Orn,v.” 11`1,4n,ath1 C' i `Fm I lerhauty, and tre I ;tzar,' Co., or ll.warth totin., N.• 31 Vinod ft.- •in BIS DGE WfwleFale M Counnif - Airn n.,1,anc..., N 0.116 11 ele stra an 1.1 hi], rs.L l'auburgb. _ pHEY, mATTHEIts & co.. whoieeak Ornery. Corarnksi,,n and Forwarding Merrh‘nt, and el. fir 11 hron Como 5711 aI.T A.. I titt.biimil, _ 'An & co.. 11-601.....1e Grocers. n MerrlisatA...l I 4:11..r. 1•r .1. tattartnrrn. No. Area!, Pitt, VII IC% jOEIN ut.burgb burgh I . j D. CA 'ale * Deelfilit i : Pearl Anh. and bets en Smith i, S. IV, TERMA N t SONS, NV holt:snle tr• lira,. e.nunna•lon and I ,, rwarnini; .31..vir-int.. 4ifet• In all 1• of I.n.lure and l'itAurph Stan trrtn.. .lArlirl, a 1 Agent. lot the sat,. .t Inehman u a And .Lrrnetrhu mPittib.ur b3l ufactured•Tol.--•,,, \.r. SO Mid AI ‘l'st, gaeet. .1, i Q F. VO.. BONN HORST i'',.. CO., Wi,„1„... lo• ....i, Gm 'ra. l'oivardide mud Cmnnl*.inn %mil •ntr, Deal,v 1 lIII,Inn - 11. Al•nfarturen tuul IVe.n..rn Prnduro. No.:' ' rorner or:Front evert and Clan,' y Lane. Iltlabllrgb. • ...• __ IAS. DAI ZFJAI6, W liolt,ak Oro!„.er. Com o/ ntisni.v/ 31 reltait•end 1n,a1.1. in j'n•ln. , un.l Pitts numb m.nuractuiv.--..:50. 7o Iv., ..... rity,tairol. z.p. _ — l.lllAfi. amts. , ... Ls nicer,. SAJAI.I • DICIi.EY & CO., 119lole9ttle (fro .commiApiou 31ml/salt, And bea!erp In PrAiJor -I_t.t:6ffat,r, and 10. fmnt str...t.' IlttArtrult. 'FIELD, late of IVarren, Ohio, on not V, , nonnn^ 51orrhata, and Whol.- ttratern Pot and Wekern Pro.luee Water . ntrevt, id •n• 1 M. H.
    NI IU A. bI4 Po • .14 ...IF Ar too % • - Ilunt,l,l slloo. A 1..-.,, Man. tour% Ituull.ort Pura., In. Arti,rl -Autou. %..rtll. Atofinn. 11 • Are, o• oto t au, • .• •loNattlr nutulal I.xt sto.-1 , • Li, Vol, Slnteoun rtalat. at to F. • II 1%) ., I. II ralurd, IlmatnNolt. Ogle. I•n1nooluJout alo.l ...I WO 1...A1.s !ark... daily al c 1.. lapari. at tl• a al. I..tu, fur thoo ..11% ToLu•I ....011/er nor bin. U., tt• to. ttttt Attar fur tri-arekl,. rem, itaNklr.atalanarlit maNt. nowt L. in the oodieNjot al nu butt, loefura their tlta.utlu%N. RATES OF DISCOUNT. r..kG-1,5 1.11.11 - 1,0. nit ine:wt. .[nnt. N. HI ILNIUS 1. N 1 1N ..4 , flanker, ' : .V.• a: .V.erll et O. 1.-hrrn Ty retie...l elhnerfle 1/. Plater, :a. PEN NNYI.T.I NIA. I Olean h eet Nlaanellou .. --An Hank of iN l l.hallth .... . par, Inner. . WArt.A...._ -. A. End..., Pe.A. 4do par ; [lnane h /1T le,. ... .1.. !1.-r mod 51.1 eel A• .rillrateeh &I VottllC....rll. _AA IN.. of i -A.A.,. par fl', e 11.eolt. It nen - mall._ ..... Hank re Non), et...en-A ..pari. tin /en, 14...1nn...id . hank ..1 N,n-i I. a late rt.-. e•ar Ira-alien hank.. ..'.. .i, 1...5 o: i•neeee,ie A eAhee. ~, , a.. 1.0... Ina A Tenet CA Are 'yea ..4 a, 11,..t tenet. 4.01 ..ler" len•Ane Neale— An Comments! Ifee Aof Pa_ 49r; Lank of MaAellue. ...A.. do Barmen' a 51. eanle , 1..4 ptai , null n.a.. .... ....de Olrarl liateU. , .- per NEII ENiel.ANb. Noten,eitetal . ne: All ...Are. flank, ...... •.... '5 Ilanuffte. k Nfrell Gant. . le. , N ttl, TOM Nleetfanl.-.. Ga.. erne New t n. Cite. ... Slur: ttttt .rolnk BAIA. rokr ,I ountn . . ~ Philadelphia lank.. Pali AIkItTLANI. eneta.rark RAJA . par halter .n Tnulneman . Ilauk. . yrroutArt .. • ...• . Weaterte flank .... . . .. par N 15.11SEY 'et 10 t. 11V AP I. j Rink tefGhaaole.nleurefle. . All naive/et heal, . . .... .... ~ hank of l'hnler County . par .1"11:11INIA. hank of Itahrille ....rA e llank oflhe Valley Conk . A JI-1.1.1.• . Cheater-par e :lll .51 1 Infiell, Ille banana 5, .hank ref eirrutantawn. ~.e Ex. IlAre I, VA... NAra I, . llaak of llell‘ ed.une h.. . ',lle:err/Aral rank of Ternron . hank of L•41.10.n ........ —illerehaeets' 1 Vlach Rank 1, Bank r.f 511.1.11.1..... n. . l e ,!North 11e .tern hank. ... t. 3lort4rem.n Co. !lank .. ) .par; Ilrannhee . Bank.' Noithumberiani.par, NetIVITI I:A tor IN ell 5 A. Carltele Bank (Womble Ilia A- Drilla.. la. naeelsk of 11... N Carolina.. 2 Ile, kAtAven BAAL .. par l . 411,17211,61 Ilk. W ihninen Cann Dank . peritterehente , Hank. Nevin.. Kr, Pahl: _._.. ... ~.e noliTII CAINILI NA Fanner. IA Al Miele 17/...pnr-Ilk of the r..[ for :.,. narallua 2 : lAnn..n.' Ilk of leeseneater ..Bank .4 elnelle ...Alen. . 2 Yemen , flank at{ reedone lA 1 : 11 .... of Cha11'.1..... Earai. /11/rein:hot Ile ill Ce....earlreaaelen . a 31e/imam, Ilk 2 : ~..... T,n. ~,,,,,,...., t,I, 1. ll 111111 lA. Frareitlen Ilk. II vehinctelt par....AucuAse. Ito, A !leaking Ca 2 Iberreeburg Dank Ihenealrelre Rank.. . . ,.flt, .1 Brunarlek. Augunta 2 levenzAter Rana . . . peer, TEN N 1-,ela leP Itane4AL4Coeuuts Ilainle 4.nriAll /Al,. it,, . ......... ..... 3 , lirTannet IlAnk . . par N 12571.T1,Y Ilelern' 11.1 k ..f Pelesl A, I, Ilk. 4 ilentueLn e lenurf Ilia N 510v...rah/de Paul- ..... par. Ilk of leeularille. Thuraurte 1. , %cart lintheh Ilona ,Werth. ret /1k of Nerelleek, t, ' ATTonerne Ilk.ll ill....lear , parineutte. rn Ilk .4 kApturkt I. 1 fork Vaal, . .... y N11.1.11'11 I. ',lief Nan . .. .. NI., of :ante..( Mia-duri... .... All 10 ILLINtele Ohio State Lank .. .. h e ,:rata line k and fennel,* NI Pra.reele at .5 keen .!monk.(....spr lllinois. .. :I Drapele at .1411.4.. .elo 111SilisajN itraterle at Bridgeprele....... AA !Ovine A Fin In, 1,...bki b ItrnOtlll at Chiiirvabo.- in 1 111111 GAN. limner. al Ile..datal .. el.tVanaon' 51....hana..• hank:: Iran et Toledo._ .... . U. Gol craven. ne .k ed. Hank. Bram* At les,illat Uratirli at Delaware... . All tenentra. , Cfanpatet.... . .... Leaner. at Golueulne.. - ..... do Stale 1iana...... ..... ... 3 Itranch al A eleteshula..... ... 4.4 Al , l Ai:, fl.• Pranele At :alma. . ..... did nk of R. N. Anwrica..tortenl4.s Pran II at .5 lanaf444 Int IlAnk or n,..),,,,d0. Topentole brawl. at Pip1e,..... . ..... ..1.4 Bank of %11.11(1,il 11711,1, at Celerhenali..-. ehelllaoTief 11,CanAda, Torenelf.:, MAM,. 0.( 5. 1.1.111:10..... in' Z A sir I..}{N Ete . G.ll ANG 1_ I , lltlik I, at 114.11i1uX4.11.....1,1knNew /ark Val t 0)... ..-..'a ',Anvil AI radix Jolla. PlellAJeGloa do - la Itrularb at Lannuter. A.A. Italthilore .l e . . ..... .. l. Penned. at llotela.ns elle . dal 11 EITKIIN ECI'IIANI/1 Ilraterle nt 111. 1 et nom__ A. finnan.] I 1 Lionel. at Nearark. ... ./relAteorilla I Priet at Eirrik • dole[ leeutn 14ate le at IterleecTeAl . dole.ll.le AND SPECIE V. 5 1.1 , 1 Prat nt ilenettn. ..thelbuleineenr. elpanl.te.. ..1.1,1A1 Praterh at Trot. ..... ....IN do haat 4 Ile.f. Pennell nt ill. Plea-nut .1. 4 / 1 .1....1.1 10 14/ Unreel. at 1e ...,. doiraegl., 1..,,5 , 4, PrAter Is •1 Nora alk .. -A, I r.Aeriekurorn ......... . 14...1 Itrreach At la.eue. .. ....dolTen Tletiere ... . .. . t.a. Pesach itt Peerteluouth.......lo elueurae ... ....... ........ linneh Al 1ia1Au....... .. de. Sot en.ign4 tane!. el Ravenna . do Tete Guilder., ... linear. At Chillienahr.... ...do Nepal...a... linear!, t ta nu, abeam.. ..... eleAleucata.. Ilreen/.h Tainlo .101 . _. Plants, Shrubbery, Evergreens, ex., &e. <4. THE SrosuoillEtt offers for Role I - • an ....vit m ally largo and wall:adrenal 01 , siirtment uf Ornaental NAM, YhruLt. .. '. la.r, . d:verracus. Hlarlr Tha.a, 1/ratai toe, .t, VII, lilliAlln rollection of Everldn.doln. Violin:: sad Pillar lho•es : Ilnelutlinw now var.:, of .rant merit l The es.ortuo,nt uf Ihthlins naltaias one hundred of the namt . atestnad and lint. varieties In rultli anon.— Prior Lists to be bud at the otarnt. WI marlat dns, use sent filth arl All nrdern addre.a...l to l'lt4hurith Kat Oftiva trbe prr.nthtl, attendad I.d. 6.1:2,:a. JA311::: IV ARD/101', Manehrder. VALUABLE HINT TO I)VSITI"Ni'S. V b: .I.N'hirrlr ti:dfllf: nA"I.II , II;LSTM.N.—Or, Combe. in inn valuable w rot Ind• 011 the ..i.b,•tal.,/ , i' tr,t4;,"17:::7;!;*,,t,,^.N,T.',1r..!::;;;A L i g, L ' ll ' 4 . l4.Zll ' ..a. '" o ' f Ily.t.apsln: Afhl hr stain that andlntlngallnlaq ppaa,nr of I.+liritte. in Lainlho. •ho was rwrerely Mill/led •lth ltd. I ennrphunt., finding everytillint else la hdl. had menurne tn ths thudrln dub, ntaddued from tha ntarstaell of liVlOl, MO /111.111., which pm:rost cathpletely sueers•ful." Dr. Ilottablon • 1hd., , , the trus dlnattlrr Uhl, nr lia trla Jolend'n Great It yXr.p.fa Cur,. preparodfnan Kennet. tun.the fourth nlnfnurit nf tha Oz. after dtreetions ;I Dam: ef dir : the craat Ploniolosriersl riardnind, 1.3. d h, i1,,,,,,h. Rt. D., l'hilnislphin. Id. l'ltla Is a truly rondsrftll mumt y far Indijrastiond li. pstads,Jantaline. I.lwar Cs.nvialla. Constipatlun. and Da- Illity, anther rater nnture's nwn tnathfid. hy tustnre;s non ot..nt, the If tlf Irk: Jule, The Ilmtrn: .1t i. llw great aulrent Ho , food. tlw no rlfylng. pre...cringe atitnulating agent of thn 'lomat!. and inte.ttura. Il li hunt It there eon to no ithreytion—no nor VerPkut of fond into hind--uojantrulott of the body; but ratline a fool, torpid. painful • alldr.truellve condition of the whole. dlgratise alenaming. trenkitalf doad. or In -Il+l gnome!, protium, no u m,' attelof. ule, and .henon the elleen., eli.trera, anti debility which enane. But Ihl. runt may he supplied by extruding the digen tine Delwin!, Pepsin. from the atomrteha of animal, re embling wan. [boa forming a Divectire'rhod. prnellel P Y like the natural naptrie Jll/11L-.. in ha elo.mktd la'nera. and Inrutelting n , wnuldete and perf , et stslotltutn for It. The art of performing/ the pruceat of diKeallon art ifielallY haa long 64,3 known to nhyaiologiata. fir. Houghton claims the merit of making the applintion of lino act to I the cure of ll)snerods. Inn prif,t her... Table form. Read t h e relenttllc evidence! harm faeldg. In hi. Irrated work on Animal Chnutiatm, An Artificial plgenlllr Fluid, anahnnuta to the . tlantile Joie, ma In - prepared from the tnurotta tnemianno of mint:mto( tltto e in whit carton,. artlci, of aa dand egg , . wowed. changed. and Mg. - q.t./O. pod In the .ante mar, nor a. they nook! be In the human stornneh. - llonaletnn. ofThlladelphia. renal+, an artirclal di ream« fluid called pni.:4lN. from the tlige.:4re.•tomaeh of the Its. %Weir aff,d. au adtuiral.le terrwd, td; earl ng ails? mum...4,1.n ',wilted, to nature.. own agent. I br.l{,othe prlnriNe. and Sr. the eaten:m..lr/ nil matt, e. 14 1 ,1100 of e . nttburgb.b ak, n" n sn l, b.t . R. t /teltora e.,..l at. nicht: Eneiss. Nin-r Eton, mr. Hamel and *rend N. =E!M!IIIIIM (t".-- n. PMEiBI3ItOH nunzr. Or tulPirrsomron Slarrh 15. 1541. Tbo tnarkrt ye,,ery.Ur no Important rhano . In .5 0 ". 5,61 .5. 1.5 r as we coal woortalri. The nattier Oil,! and plewant for outdoor 0p.r. 1 / 1 .14 ImOno. PORT OF PITTSBURGH given.—Th,, *et! 5 re.. S mrtnl mark. Intl evealt, andrallimr. AMIN %TIE Cole, Dearpr. ttL ga.ltZ4n2m. 8""..r. • bran. Crx 31eK7 s ,r lc tip s yruclward. Brun:m..l/le. t. • 0.2. 1.,1.1, Elizabeth Narlolnr, Dean, Louts,lll, 1. TlVirelni.2illl"rri, DEPARTED. Mt ' eVigjOrT 1 14 ' 1 7 e ' i. Dennel.t. enrlllP. Ip i rkhuon. Lirolorzumille. NinthalL • Now w trrltY;3. Columbian, Reno. NA.hTille. Fleetwood, C0u1,,t..q. Louis Inurnstl, Conwe-11.11Rawnuit. RhedJen: Elizatwth. BOATS LEAVINO TIM PAY 14 . 111 .9-14.1 em, 10, A . . 7.pksVlLLE—Empre, 4. • FOtt Lorm—The the Altur Idadem, t'ata CwhrAn .ill InM 111.1 alwAr thiA day at 10 o'clork. A. u. 4th June . 2tAJuly th.Yl.l kt it.h t Ner 17t1. 11' "Eib ‘l 3 -1 . 11, inLIMAL-41 bhJ. [camel-v. biNg.l...r , 15 , 1. inuou. litter Fon, Ill; IA Mut+ wham.. 1....7 , 11 7',, e zu bulk 11,4. 11,11141.),J Wlut AlrOutllu, 1.1.1 u applet II welt dr5,81 llorbriJ, J lutrxuu 17x mat, II 4 tmlb. 015, Wtlerulunl' 1 lot m,.. , ,11 A 41:66.; ...4uul. Ilinthant Jk. buouu. Klur Jourt: 47 u 15.51. t Nob!, .1.11. Slunsbull: 11.15.1, 02.77777 k 47, 45 e.t. ulauwar, II 5 eun•..ll, 2 lid 1..,1 bbl. • vleu, 111 dn ruqn, :to In nn.l 'tutu. 7 It. bulk,. 1 .1u4.111u1 ttunl. - 5T11 11 .1.11111.1.77-I.rt l'arzuJJ 7 7,1.1. rlovvrored. Y t 17 11 k . 1 . 411 414 1111.71. lard. Clmrk a 111.1•; 1 I.x Ann •1.0.11 g Ar J ef..r. hint. Md. IhaA II VI, .1:1M) Wiltumrth t Nuble: 4'. 61, ouuer n6...:51, 21 out, J 6111r101, 3 14. I 1.,. IS 1., button, wner ul...urkl. I .64115.1 1, 51.1 , .. b 1 . 1 . 1 .R1 . ..V.11, pr, o bulk ru , u4. nw,. ~stunhy. 31,7 7.. Fritb.r, Mar,11•11. r6lAs - -1,11 Nlmt i. Frl.l>i in, olAtn NA ri —Ten Curl.), No Intmn, b 1.....)11 A I)» I 1.1.1 win, .1 fr, , ntts, A (),2 L A 1 0 :)»rri) ^ 1.1.1. tall .41. 3..11).r. A NilvlA) lAA trA)IA. A lAA .3 cA1...) I LA. II ilArlinct.AL AO tr.)) ham.. Ihoul• .1) t.r. And I.n)At 1: blujA Alloul•Irr, A i. 13.4 mire. 1111rAfr 119119 N ATI— Ibra Nirt,r,[ll-12 bhl4 c.f., oil. 19 an 14:3 C45 . : , L1.1.4, 1 , 111. 11 Sox?' 4 ,, e ng r: A gret,4-14 b1:14 whip! . 1. It 4 1r4de. .10 lard ml. 5..114, t 5444,14: do 'a i.- t . .r .1 • V orlod k C... 2 hke liraff Inam • .; Toudlo 2 do du. k Duncan: 8, .A. 10 1114 boot+. "41 rolb loalbee. 1110 bulk oboublerk 1.211 , do dd., 1.41, 1,14, oil. 2.25 has candbd. 120 111 dd. 11 1.11. ta".....:‘,"kkrart47"4"‘Ttlha°44u!k'''l7l4l4W4 A 541974. 11114., 31,4114,44 4 el. 1,11 194 S to. 4n/C —19111hd• heron rhonlddir ,41. 4 k bblo t 4 blot,. 1.1 blolv Lobo., 10 I r. bun.. I 4, do.. 122 to.o bacon ham4.2l 11014 tobar, 11 orad .2 142 barn. 2 0 , 4 141dr,44 14 2 4. bb lo .144.1,4, 114144) Ilay, ' ko K 9 I / 4144 9,41 144.4, da do ar01,4, Clutlor turn; lob. tuba-co. 2 1144 .kr0,.1.4... 3 1.14 14,4..1 .1 llotall•no n h er,., 41 ell 14-41b04. ondi..l 14, 4 Phd. Intko-44.1,J 31a4ortn: 3 bk. Ind, It' Ilnodbuo k eke 1,14 craw, 444 likuu. 14t 1.t1..111,.., King 1411e4c,k :11 1... IIFt, l rt. frath , ro. 1/ beech Alt b 1111 I,,nt. bid, a 101 do 1.4. Clark It 4.11: 10 VA haFu. alllugt.nl PENNSYLVANIA S A TTRnAD. ~:~ya SPRINti AnItANGEME# 1:.61 boors to Philadelphia Forty-four hours to Baltimore. 2.40 sulks Railroad—D(; miles Canal. Two Daily Linos Expresc Packet Boats. vv ,mot, 13.1 i TO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND NEW YORK. 4 )N the „r c.nat savizaion. Tut N [Az kapt,t, l'a4rt &wt. rill let.. 1 . 14 , na, Itallnud 4. HOLLEDAYSBURGH, 'll:ere NEW PENSSYJ.V.INIA IZAILIZO.III, r.. 1 i1.111,13fid r..u t fiur fi, PHILADELPHIA. Time through FORTV-S. Hour,. • um new, 3.10 0 et. rg..141,,0, rlibxtruolo. runrfort ..10.1- t b _..1.301.r1T'..1...• 1110ttInet. •r 0 ....:ouin4 Passengers for Baltimore, lames' of Car. at lintai•hurr. take the V-aritaarct Cum le•elerel , rtaw oltne t la that elt, telerhty atr 1e.,. Nn thnrrze tar handling lingstige nn thin mutt, The Ita - reaael ce,— thee the atunt ennafertaLle. xte en.l deeinel•le naar;ta.e . 0. the EeLateru 121Liee. Frpr Is ai. .rlafarnlat,.nt.klo. 1 . . 111.1101 Li. 7. 4 '11 t 41r lit 01 . II I. let livlnnst t+ nr”,11.1 t.• I.• , Ix.rten lA. Um. szt•tzr• Put•lbor.A. kehrztarr rol Foreign and American Hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., No. 129 Wood Street. u. VE NOW IS IFTORE =TEMea 1 IA 11.1)W A 11E, th. rprina [rad.. aryl which they art pewylatetl to.otter to t•nrrha....rn At ...at, that will romer. f.torably with ahr of the.a.tern raw, 1/ont,the ,;114 lq , rrvn E.rrhav,e, Bank ,Votre, Go:d linuglit, Surd ExcAangoi EXCHANGE AND BANKING lIOUSE WM. A. HILL & CO, No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh tttPwLh tutt DEM.I7, ,I, , OPA HINT:RS][IP Was C bat, sociated I IL: with Tut..tr.,. tit, la. Ca4hser ill.. rot. n [..rho .111 per.onal talentl.ko. the bt , iimr , A. The et. l,utfo. a. bervltali... 111.1 UII.KINm A EXCHANGE AND BANKINGHOUSE A. WI.I.KINS & CO.. Corner of Third and Market sta. Pittatigh - Citizen's Insurance Company Pittsburgh 14 , NCOIIitAGF, 1103 IF, INSTITUTIONS. A OM , No. el Water avert. In It...wand...now of lilt A NT. Ilvegst, Trrvhlent.....A. Ho:Ca.:hr . ', Contra,- t• mot, proonnol All otembandleo In ohm., and ht trawl., • Or. An amide guarani, ler the ability and Intros-Ur of 10, 'tondo.... is 'nednintl In the obarart, of It, Ilfrortnre, who tar , all tatlvorsePttlrlotte4. well and favorably known In the on:mutant', fer their Tendon,. lutelligrurr, un.t ntln Innr.votet-1.. lltte , ey. If tn. Burnley. It no Catintrr, Jr.. 11 +ln, line., lltogh Iv Kinn. /Award Ilentelten t John Haworth. C. Ilarbauttb. 0. 31 him notXrdf Attention! Sr Prrim kr•ttlYTtn, 1, tnm.t rmrpretfully InrhrJ to the nmsarnl.),l rtatement of John Watt. who waa marg.l of an .14 rLoyA . the tim of the Ilarnotrets May eertlfy that 1 have been cured of an old ..clsrnlo t'onah, by the use of Four MAO, "1 Pelrolentn. The , snub attacked um n y ear simo ball Doretuhriband I had 1..1 all h 00.4 of getting well, an I had taken thr Woke of phy althbut nny hynett. I wmp benefited almost livtantly by the Petroleum. I .nntthed tub daPino Coeurns/ the I bankr these 42 04111.1.1 without rust aolieltallun from nn)" one to do a awl aolely tar the purjaa that others who mar he !suffering v may ha brooded. Von are at IlbertS to j0i1.11.1 lhl, rernflente: lam anold eitigen of Illttahnralb batlt: r , 1,1•41 thin) rev.. Ily rekldener, at tht tom.. on Syund stn,t. JIIIIN II ATT. Ilittsremin. February 2/, 1,51." Fur Mellowell. 140 E 2 , 4•11.ry, t. 7 IVt.ryd 11. A. I'nbmrturk.A lb. {rm.] l Punt M. Curry. U. A. 1.1111.1 t. .t. ~h Lod p. P. Schyrorty. hr 111, N. M. KIER, , Vann; Illyyrin Syventhei-a-PlY4bunth. LOO/C-.HERE, ]!Y FREEIFID I RE YOU FATTIER, Inboring for the lo I n oror ? rtof rannily. hr e nrnth rullering treat Warta) Tee lire -m" Are you e rotTertsta foul. dl . to whirl, Re male. ere grnetally no. , Dr. S. D. Howe', Shaker rer.eintrll , le;lL ., o 111 tvrtalnly eon. you. l;al TLt „" ZII O 11;11 ' lhnt t' . eaparllle, preperal by Dr N. 1 , . Mow, •been• the 111 , 110 A of 'a.. .manually author Loon. ellavaa.a. to which the lumen boldly ere nuallnnelly eubje,t. than any other preparation of Pareeperilla ever yet brought before the Thl.. medicine har eatnbilebed Iln Llch tatattutlot , by 14. nut:wrong and well atteetedrum r. it is put up In .putrt bottler., and la the =IT I ,, i'ealeatilla that act. on thr Liver. litcln.), end Wool at the same which render, IL alloorthor Leer* valuable to every one, perbeularly to ll:melee. Ile sure awl enquire rot Dr. S. D fIOWE'S 1911AKER SAI:I4APAILILIA, and Lakeo Other j • riee It per l.POttli--11 hunt, f..e Sal t or coin ' UIL . 7 . D. DOW!: t CVI. Prnr , th. To whom ell nnlere t o I Colle, Moll. Cincinnati. Obto. ar be torepard. Alec, fur role br .1. A. June, l d &lnalomeker a Co.. IV. Inert.. It. IV. Meutte, A J. M. tgrl/11,11i. J. Mohler. IV. Java. Z.j"ll2l:43re'attllepriarr, IV. It. A Co.. tillealina: Patterene. and Clehavlller Malian • hone. Oahe. nelaalearT ADDITIONAL SALE Of t Forty Town Lots in East Liverpool, 0. TILE recent unprecedented side of Lots in tin. atom.. thriving I'm. Inning nearty exhau.trai vr , rlmtal, laid nut, and lb...lnman:al mill continuing. the uneb.r.lgnral haw trevn Inditred not o r.n - ttott of hi. prnperty In town bets a. illaern, owl nth,. tlinm for Aida at print. and tenn• that rannnt fail tn moor the of these triahing h, porrhan., Itt. medic,. to as, nnYttitrig of lb. nt the Town and fit haring I•r•no rutamently In *mint aderrtl.ementai nth, than " ,nor non Lundred Inkr barn rnrvntly rhanamf hand., and lona purchased by three On. , r , ^ • I.n. 7'h. atxrte It are among the tont ellglble and dealral..le O in Ow plane, and are prinrimall, toratrd in the , rrrartitly •PPfy thsproprisfst I,lanryanl, or mJam. Inaltnly. Lat., Fourth nsnet.• Vittsburah. JrrllN =MIiM 'LOUIE-1!q ItarmkryScott'. Family 114 " k" mia ROBISON. urn.** cu. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE MON WASHIS63TON. learrespindrEcr of thr Daily l'ittqmh thartk,l WnstuNwrox, Nlareli 10. There is said to be many a slip between the cup and the lip; it trite old Fa in. 3111 d gond one in its day, and one that wears its age wen too. The application is this. The pirates and their nutneruu, train of free companions have not got Mr. Ewbank out of the Patent Office', nor themselves into it, nut% ithstmuling their confi dent belief on both points, one week ago. I learn In-day, from a source which commands any belief, that Mr. Ewbank ha' not been removed, will not be removed, and has never stood in any dan ger of removal. tt. . is trite that the President and the Secretary of the Interior have been inundated with complaints and denunciation.s directed ngaiust the Commissioner of Patents, but they come, almost without exception, from trespassers upon Patent Rights, and originate in the hitter personal hostility which has been ex cited among this class of persons by the steady refusal of fir, Embank to violate the rightS, and destroy the property of inventors. I•mentioned, in a recent letter, ft particular case, in which the agents of one of the most daring of these free looters (I think the epithet ix not too harsh) gave public notice, in a Washington letter to well-known print in New York, that unless on given day the Commissioner gave a dycision I against the proprietor of a certain very important patent, and in favor of thenmselve•, they would 'let slip upon him the dogs of war. In the ELM of this impudent threat., he went forward, .lid his duty, and defied the iyhole crew. They raised a great hobbub through the press. and tiled their charges, These charges butte been examined, and the report to the President Ilpoll Otero iv, that they are frivolous and contemptible, and not worth refuting. Therefore, the report that Mr. I 1 Curtis, nr anybody else. has been nominated in his place is a fabrication. 1 It is stated that the treaty now before the Senate, in respect to the affairs of Nicaragua, is the old one, negotiated by Mr. Strider, in Sep tember, 11,49 In fact, it has been before the Senate for a year punt, being submitted imme diately after the Clayton and Bulwer treaty Ara, ratified. But, in truth, I am afraid the game is up with regard to those fine - countries. the .lie jointed Central American States. The British have taken and retain quiet possession anti the Mosquito Coast, the best part of Honduras, and. ' from the best and latest accounts we bare, are ! appropriating Yucatan. On the western side, they are bloelmiling the ports of San Salvador, 1 lloniltum.s . , and Nicaragua, and have had the ail ; dress to set the people of those States to fighting I with Guatemala, another State of the old Con federacy, about the causes or that very blockade. When all parties are completely exhausted, she will take them under her august and disinterest ed protection, as she has done theAloupitos, and she will then have another inamdficent dependen cy on this continent. stretching front the southern liorders of Mexico to the Isthnuo of Panama, and probably including that important passage be tween the oceans. These results will be mnrtifyi ng to are national pride. end they will also greatly retard the development or our commercial emu.- gie, and grratnees ; hint they are tent the led.. er r . mitt Theevent,tf the L.. 1 three orrouryear, have lholvo that there no erten', froth there ten.len- t•ien but by A very rernlutnarrertitin of the rights of our own reinitilie in tini determination of the Central American yutainn. anil it appear, that no such demonstration or what we Are entitled to iletnanit. an.? to itn.i.A to ininte The , einlte f the Sao .I, m i, only the prritl.l to the Ittpropeittliett 1.,.e et- of ever votaniatoling point °II in. eligible lino or co m munieMion either by railroad nr canal Itttdreen the Atlantic. and Pacitie. The rltiytnn trente, which, in Mny I:c.tSerenteff eußi n ,ensntinn of jcs exult:U . l.n throngitnnt the cettntey, has been repudiated, after ratifienti..n, by the itriti,h The &lo° certainly ought to go home. Two hour• weir idled away thi• ramming in mere im• Or, te, the• :,en rite thnt the river an , l 113T:.', spy, ern, tion bill lael been toi,repeeee ti t e d Ly the 11eta,1,1i..111,4 ?AN,. lie tool; tip the articles of the Republic /111•1 proird by a ntaeterly et - incl.,. that lit* your, hml been frank and clear en the utteetion of Internill Im provements. including three partieul ar appropri• atione. He showed that he had t a lk e d an,l writ ten in taxer of them, 1 4,3.i,P11. of very great •moMe and conftn•ion, and voted in direct oppot.ition to the said lettere bad speeeltes, or dodged with ,ingnlar dexterity the vote. which would have decided til l question.. .li,ene,eil in them. Ilewas very etaere inklee.l upon the Re public for its dmibts Co his coneieteney or sin- eerily, and then tent on to prove in the moot ootiorniitory n. r, that the diepithlic hio inio•h Letter than he did him- Slesars. Butler anllieu. of South Carolina, nest took the floor to place that import an t and fidgetty little State ..:ritet and to notice the allegations in Sato Ballston's letter to II ; ikon. just`pohlislicl. Your roter. most knots that the two General,, llooston, of Texas. and Ilamillon, of South l'arolirm, hove had,. — sharp correspondence . ' io the newspapers, all atonal. the institutions td South Caroliow The find llenernl! says then' in tin tin:. in minding Sonth Carolina. hecatete she cannot help fretting and finning ; making bervelf ridiculous to lice ,istcr St,des, ; being, ns she iv: nothing Letter than a done Corpo ration of planters. hank presidents mid directors, railroad manager,, and finally cotton spinners. The majesty of the people, he =are, is not known ! there. A tyrannical oligarchy rules the State. And nattele more to the manic purport sap Sam- ; Sam uel. .he reply of Hamilton is very long. and not paidicultir nonfat or spicy reading; Now lthstt and Butler take up this petty new , paper wrangle, Lying it into the Senate and there deliv er eulogies over and upon the people, the insti- stitutions, the soil, climate and productions of ! SouthWorttlina, interloired with philippic, upon ! Houston. The latter replies in tolerably g,14,41 humor and with motifs point, and the orators hav ing 'dotal Ont.. the 'natter blows ever. This in all well enough, but it may he asked what ban the Senate to do with the articles in the Republic or the letters in the Union' Why should the people pay nizty-two men right dol lars a day, and a naineless and shamelmet amount or ronetnrrlirc rnilruyr, to babble over ',tick • trash an this? It is whispered that tim treasury has again been pillage to the extent of that ennitruetive mileage for imaginary journeys. Itintra' tie probed. .11•Nies. FROM HARRISBUROR ICerre•pouJntee of the Dells Plit,etryh 4:1,11 , I UOMMIEM/I , . . Or. Carothers reported from the I %nominee on \lee an,) ipllllol,oly. of the Senate. With a nega tive recommendation. the dill n. re , train the immoderate 11, of intorienting Il. t itol, and to prevent the unnarranlahle and II npr...)kr.l ee , ert to lirearma along the unfinished portion lt he Central Railroad. The attention or the Senate woe :ie.:or:le:I al most the entire morning loth n direnolott of the Free Banking Bill. %% whose 1011..mlitivtig were propose:l.'earli of whirl 1 . 0!0.1 forth .41,111' Meat, and more declamation. one to allow the parehave of I . S. Stio•k in ailditioil to Stote Stock, woo It:at—yeas 111, toy , : IS: the of the hill generally voting in favor of the amendment. The effect of it vvoold have hoer to kill the bill. Another Inotieit to refer the1o01.1:: the Committee on Itankn--tin indirect mode or demputching ittensiirr--.1,1 , nl,l voted thorn. A long debate envied, in which NleNsrs.Cralib, Walker, liege, Myer:, honiginncher, and Foryyth pnrticipated. In the Finale, the following bilk paced: For the relief of Lawrence Titlinferti, late Treas - er of Medford county. To incorporate Use I .it.h.h and Clarion Turn pike and Plank [toad Company. • To ineorporato the Torentuni and Saxottaburg Plonk fowl Company. • A hill relative to the Danville and - Pottaville Railroad Company. Tn incorpotnte the Kittanning Mutual Ingot ante Company. To ineorpornte the Monongahela Mining Corn patty. --••• 1 To authorize the Meadville, Klecknerrille. and Edinboro' Mani Road Com Pally, and the Mead ville, Allegheny, and Brokenstraw Plank Rand Company to unite their respective roads, and to change part of them•into a railroad. To incorporate the Prompton and Cherry ; Ridge Turnpike Road Company. ' For the relief of the. Robbstown Bridge Com pany. Supplement to an act to establish a public ferry on the Allegheny river, at Tionesta, Venno go county. A bilLin reference to the Courts of AlleghenY • county. To reduce the erpenses of collecting State owl County Takes in Beaver and Venango count., ties. A hill to extend the provisions of an actrelative to voting nt elections in Adams, Dauphin, and other counties, to Washington, Wayne; Fayette, Somerset. and Sullivan counties; and relative to I ertain election districts in various counties of the Commonwealth. Tn incorporate tlie Hyde Park Academy, and relative to a reboot district in Indiana county. Supplement to the act to incorporate the Spruce. Creek and Phillipsburg Turnpike Road COM patty. TO incorporate. the Loretta Turnpike Road roppany. e Zo int iTrporate the Kittanning Pl.k Road To locale a eleeet in Ilrookerille, Jetteron county. To facilitate the painage of coal and coke boats over the Monongahela navigation improvement, with nn amendment which reduces the penalty fora violation of RI priivisions to $lO. The bill fixed it nt $5O. To open and extend an alley in Alleghenycity, and relative to the grading and paving of streete in said city, not to a street in South Pitts burgh. To ineorporaje the Mercer and Showman Plank Roil Company, in Mercer county. The 'Senate has paimml the'rupplement to the art relative to the House or Refuge for Western Penimylvimia, and the bill to authorize A. K. Lewie to sell certain real eNtAte. Col. Robertson, in the House, offered. amend ment ton bill to authorize the Canal Commis doners to pay to the authorities of Pittsburgh the , expenses of constructing the bridge over the on Penn _street, in the city of Pitts burgh. The amendment was declared out of order, and of course no vote was had upon it. The Revenue Commissioners have fixed the following valuations Reaver, $3,609.585 Chester. - - $21,899,432 An increase over that of '4B of $499,684 Cumberland, - - $10.597,808 . Increase, - - $813:793 Dauphin, - - - $9 . .784,403 Increase, - - $1,320,397 Delaware. - - - • $8,578,163 Increase, _ $728,436 The above are the amounts returned by the County Coinmiooioners. Drusisirs. FROM YEW YO [Corr...mm:lmm. thr Maly PittAtergb Geaet..] NEW loan, March 10, 1051. The flow Henry anjr arrived in town this af ternoon, and was most enthusiastically received 14 . y hundreds of people who assetnbled at the er when he landed. He was escorted from Philadelphia by n portion of the " Union Safety Committee." lie will visit the Henry Clay hall thin evening, and to-morrow, it in understood, that he nil., leave ilithe.stcarashiP Georgia for Cuba, where he intends to remain a short time to recruit his health. lie looks very well con- 1 sidering the late trying tittles at ninshingtOn.— Genet,' Foote i. also in town, and will probably visit the ball this evening. Mr: Foote is at the Irving (loose, and Mr. Clay at a private horse. The health of the city is gord, (bwrc,ing small pox =t om! newly arrived emigrants;) and the beithe. necoriling to the City Inspector's report, were lase week or which 04 we re men, si men. 12h 1 ,,, y•, and 04 girls; 219 native., of thin century ;I I colored; of consumption, small pox, :mid° of measles: An English mercantile firm received orders from London by the steamship Pacific, to havia clipper ship. of 1100 tons burthen, built in this country. This is a handsome compliment paid , to American ship builders, especially so, corning frond "John IluiL" The admirable sailing goal- 1 sties of this class of vessels, seems to have waked up oar trans-atlantic friends, and the , receipt or such an order here is a tacit acknowl-t edgement of the superior skill of our ship wrights. I nety also mention, an another corn pint...tory circumstance, that 'the, British goy- I eminent hss chartered the Anierienn clipper ship Itottein, to rimy troops front London to i:onthay, i n extensive fraud .in the Post Office in this city has just come to light, involving a hereto fore highly respectable party. It appears that on or abort the first of January last, a firm in Philadelphia remitted Reinling Railroad Bonds, to the extent of $03.0f10, to Europe, which was stolen by a clerk in the Post Office, named Vassar, who immediately sold them in Wall street The parties received a letter from Eu i rope recently, stating that the Bonds bad not come to hand and an investigation was inimedi -ately instituted which fastened suspicion so strongly .m the Post Office clerk that he con fessed the crime. The young man was induced to commit the theft from the fact of the amount enclosed having been marked on the outside of the letter. His father, who is possessed of eon- siderable means, offers to make good the lose, but the clerk is still held for the robbery. An important derision was made in the Su- rem° Court of this city lastw-eek, in relation to I rent estate owners, and builders. It was decided I. that where the owner of a lot agrees with a I builder that the latter shall' build a house on the bd. the owner advancing money, and to give n tel when the house is finished, and take back a mortgage is a contract within the lien law. Money is in active demand, and the rates of paper are a shade higher 'then :they were last week. The n-cent failures have made the Banks awl Visc oun t looses rout lOUS. and business notes are more closely scanned. Primo paper is-quo ' 1141 W day at by./.7 per cent and call loans II per cent. ealifitruia,eotititmoo, to !supply us with large amounts of gold; about one million and a half having arrived Within the Last twoor three days, and front private advites, them will doubt less be a corresponding amount received by the next arrival. • The Stock market is very dull and there is no malerinl sar 7 ation in pric, since my hu , t. A failure occurred nt the Stock Board on Saran - lay niternoon, in Which the differences are quite large. The Stock in which the party concerned default ell sr. Rending Railroad. There was an average loof full 12 per rent het4 : cen the market rate, and the ratt%the stock was purchased. The firm alluded to bp Wheelock a. Brother. ,A branch of the 541110 house in Roston, failed about 10 days ago on Canton Company. The total amount of specie exported from this port, for the week ending Saturday woe 091. and for the year lot :52,1010,9411. Specie is still going south, about *900,01)0 having been shipped to Sew Orleans on Satunlay. It nary be remembered that repre•entatliMs . on Ibis subject) wore some time sitter addressed. to President Taylor's administratioredly the Eliglish plenipotentiary at Washington: A amt very Ineh, or satisfactory legal argument, signed by Mr. Clayton. was received in reply, but it contained a clear admis,ion that the privilege of icarcerating:Briti,ll .iildect s on account of dis conloration of the scarf skit,, was not one of the . 'iglus ceded to the federal government by South .! Carolina, in the constitutional pact. APPOINTMENTS lOC THE PIIF.SIDENT, The application of Mr. Consul Mathew to Gov, rt.„ me m 1,4, ,sel r,'uvol cults ernor Means is the direct logical consequence of John S. Pendleton, of Virginia. Co he Charge ! e1'3143" lett e r . 'The Fe'l , ral •I'.l Hairs of the (*eked Stew, to the Argentine authorities have Abandoned, under i.Pri‘s'ident Fillmore, the position which they took up under 110 , 1; d ahZ. nnirm,,D. of San rrunci. „ o. . in I Pt , esitlent Taylor, and Sir Henry Bulirer is en smetcrladdah‘noriafttoszin resorting to d:e S . 1 diplom atic be Judge of the District Court of the United ^n Fed in a ••long mid Active correspendence." Sta ri tz , f e o e r i t i l n o w • , n r ...r o tt f ieLn el il i i m, stri n ct t, r;f h l e 'i n d o if . ..trz o il iaotof lustier of the Supreme roan of the Territory New Nlexico. , ; , In the case of America, the indipity offered • I Jelin S. Watt , . or Indiana, to ho 4 ,,, n __„" s4 " . '''''', Itous by . the South Carolinian practice, in the 1 I.luntive ~ r th e Supreme C m ". of tie T e rritory r '' . more inexcusable, liecon, the relations of the New Alexiee. - HO, countries are ant governed it the common 1,0 1. LIO.IIW r, to be Consul of the U. S. , at Illy of nations, cr by a •ii le treaty. but by a S.11111l•ber% in the Duchy of Soso Nleininger ~,,,,,,,,,i on of irootio,,, o„ , l.l,yhniotiele9 of cora , Itildburgrihatinen. in (lemony. toenail intercourse winch t, -e, a sanction M IL Jon, Brooks, of Pentriy!cortin, to i.e Con , most beyond that of international engagements. col of the Unipil States at Itellamt, in Ireland, Nor Tati . it be orgiqUagait,t us tint we hove not Henry A. Homes, 0$ Nlitenachueetts to be the ro ,„ e ili en: ,i . We lied e n - Axel appe e lico to t• i ;riAant bragotonn nod Secretory to the Leptio of the United Staten iu Turkey. I tourer tothe . i loaned that no . iiirisdirtn n ter the matter re __........ , la Orcimin.,—..pray. Mitt C." ta i d a gentle- I sid e d in Washington. We now betake ettranlveu man the oth e r miming... "wiry CO, ladiesn r , fond i to the government of l'artilizia-a novernign or ,dr.,,,,,7' . -H o p )14.0,V... rep li ed mi„, •, ..,, 1 rtate. in every incident or s - orertm,imty—whid, it tot perfectly natural and proper that a ' lady :• Itril4,,ennottr,:i".:unthl,r,r3ili....ri,ll4iratleVl;ln'tnegrfue're' weintll shontlil like a good orfcr, ale" The ins a ~,ne v t. urging upon u.—reaeonably, it may cription on the block of marbl e which ; be. but most illogically—the perplexities which Is to:be given by the State of lowa to the Wash- . mist carer if we litteinj•t to treat with en hau nter. Monoment is as follows: late.' member of t!)•• roieratiOn on the soma -lowa—lfer affections, like the rives nn her {noting as with Mexico or Chili. borders, flow to an inseparable Union. - . I* k • We were sincerely desirous that the ..long and Toe 11 manta. DRWILI.O. CA mE. —.ln the /loon , of Representatives. at Ilarrhdinrg on Friday net , 'votive' enere`Peedenee should produce some in n hill Woo introduced to &yo I telligible result, even if it do not bring redress r e ; Ur. Willi.. Wetlierill. of Montgomery c ..... ity from lii+ wife. -- n" , the! we ere the evict inclined to imitate n On the someday, in the Senati,a rnetno . rie was ,; few or, ou r tru '"ut l u"tir eoemletrttrive. wit o rult received from the relatives of lr . wellierill. ' their bond.' "yr!• the dispute, declare it iftvnln ble, ana enncluit ,e with ,imu if we lnte eravity, that iit must end in a war. But cannot obtain• against lila application frii• a divorce. Mrs l l; i eth rg :, _ erill, although the motherof 17 children, i., :, 1 , eTI by her husband with infidelity. reparation, let uer sat all entA have the rmeation - placed in the proper light. Mr. Webster's ' ttophistry will doubtless be exerted in mystify ing it with greater success than Mr. Clayton's; but we - trust that Sir Henry Bawer .will_ drive. his correspondent to a.point beyond the !Oda-. clout quibble that the subject of our cotapitlifff. is nothing more than agile of load police. ..... . . . Nonrn (:A➢OLINA.—The official returns of the census of North Camlina show the total number of white persons in the state to be :43.776n free centred, 27:567; sieves 289 . 455; theme, 63,4611; dwellings, 106,084. families 10/028. Death tiering the year, 10,278. VOLUME LXIV-2-NU3IBER 190 BY AUTHORITY lal= Ptoo r d during Me second n-onion of the Thirly,,irsi Congress. trym.u , -No. !A .\n-1 ] nAt 'T to amend the acts regulating the ap prai•unent of imported merchandise, and for ~Cher Napo,. • Loaned by Mr S. -note and Nowt of INO-t -rrniacOon, United Soars f Antrrictsdn CYR gress ann.ndded, That in all elves where there is or shall lie imposed any nil valorem rates of duty na any goods, want., or merchandise, 'imported - into - the Uoited States, itehall he the duty of the Collector withill whore tp,,t r i e t the same chat! he imported or entered. to cause the actual mar ket value nrwholesale price thereof, nt the peri od of the exportation to the United States, in the principal markets of the country frorn which the came shall have been imported into the United States, to be appmi,d, c.timated, and ascertain ed: and to ,uelt value or price shall be added pll costs and charges, except insurance, and inclu ding in every rase a Charge foe commissions the usual rates, , the true value at the port where the same may he entered, upon which du- - ties shall he assessed. , Ste. 2. .Ind le it for Mer marred, Thst the certificate of any one a the appraisers of the United States of the dutiable value of any impor ted merchandise re. IQ fired to be appraised,shall be deemed anal taken to I,e the apprnisement of such merchandise required by existing- lays to be made by such rappraisers: - . . - - Anil where inerchall- Aise shall be marred at port. where there are .00 appraisers, the cerlitianate of the revenue of ficer to whom is committed the estimating• and collection of Julie. of the dutiable value of any merchandise repaired to be appraised. shall be deemed and taken to he the appimi.ment of ruck merehanallse repaired by existing . laws to be made by coot revenue collie,. Sera al. Awl I, i 1 fit,ih, i narfrd, That ihere shall he appointed I,y the Preiialent of the United 'Stairs. by and with, the mli jct. , and cow, sent Cl the Senate, Tour appraisers or mer chanaliae. to he anon,' an anonal salary each id two •tilott.r.nal fi a e h'orialred dollars ; together with their sound travelling expenses. to be reg ulated by the Sceretary of she Treasury, who shall be employed in visiting such ports of entry in the l'aaited States, under the direction of the raid siserefary, no may lie deemeai useful by him' for the 'comity of the rerenne; end shall at such ports'afford such nit and assistance in, the ni,- praise...lit of merchandise thereat as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Trea sury to protect and insure uniformity in theicol. lection of the revenne from customs; and Where ' ever practicable, in eases of appeal-from the de cision of the Ilniteil States :appraisers under the provision. of the sevainteenth section of the tar iff act of thirtieth August eighteen hundred and forty-two, the collector shill select one discreet and experienced merchant to he associated with one of the appraisers appointed under the pro visions of this out, who together shall appraise the goods in questiou; nod if they shalt disagree, the collector .hall decide between thorn; and the appraisement thus aletermincal shall be final, nail deemed and taken to be the trace value' of said ' goals, MA the duty shall he levied thereon, ac cordingly, any set of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. 5r.,,. 4. ..4a4 1.- , Mueller r nattni, That this net quiff take effect on and ;after the first day of April next; nil all acts anal parts of acts loam. sistent with the prorisiomi - ef this act be, width° same are hereby. repealed. Approved Well ia, le:al. i . Fro. Intellivoncer TILE LATE ATTACK UPON MB. WEBSTER. We have very briefly given our own , dew of the late Wanton 30.1 rear, :I,artlr on Mr. Web ,ter, ),y One of the representatives in Congress Prom hie own state. The generous spirit of an enlightened people has never• more signally man, Vested itself Elam on this twca-ien, in . the gen eral expression of the sentiment or reProbstion at' that The nu:moron which it wai attempted tx stss tatn the Charge or Mr. AUen are, we have no doubt, substantially no staked, it: a more con densed form than we have seen them any where else, in the felltra lite paragraphs fawn an East ern paper. F. 31 THE 'I'Ri,V[IIE%i'E "The charge brought by-Mr.. Allen Is trant . mined by a particle of evidence, •tend his own witnesses testify agoin,t.hina. The degree of foundation upon which the Free Soil Represen tative re:ied for this calumny appears - to he this. Mr. Webster. in — enruing into .trie Adminis tration, Made a great sscrifiee of his perional., interests. Ile surremled a professional income worth four or five times tine value of his olilce. NI, Webster is not amatt of fortune: be had nothing of reputation to gainin ally race, and the crisis at which he assnmel the' Department oC St Ile was one from which the boldest man night shrink. Ile night wr l inure C.PUed but the whule country seconded the wise choirs the President had made. Mn other man was thou;.-ht elf and Mr. Webster yielded his periontil inclinations an the congratula tions of all parties and all sections. some of Mr. Web-ter's friends, it would op meat-, appreciating the sacrifice which he had placed at his di.ipit,al a sum of money, equal perhaps to a th 4 r.l of that which he eat riticed by taking office. It was done without his request or suggestion, and the. Boston Doily Advertiser says that to thie day Mr. Webster has not been made o.,potioteil with even the names of the men by whose honorable liberality he has been in part remunerated for the pecuniary isteritice which he mink The thing was honor able to the men Who did it. It was honorable to the man who had inspired such attachment in' his friends: and the attempt to construe such a gift into corruption 00 the part of the givers or the receiver, is base, pitiful and malignant. It will find no iiyinpaitty among honorable men, whether Sir. Vi eb.tee's 1, osuts nr his enemies. The fame of her great men is the most valua ble treason; of the nation: :mil Le i. ho attempts to break doyen that Woe, athl to tarnish the well earned reputation of the forenoist men of the country, should he ti'otittitl as a public enemy.- SOlerit CAROLINA NNo ❑re xr London Nlorning t 'llernOele of the 29rh of Feb etnlty, hag an article upon the controversy he- Cleeen Great Britain end Sonth Crtrolina, re specting the imprisonment of colored subjects' of Great Britain, ,Vo . to which we lean] that a coreesprindence has heen opene4 between Mr. Secretary Wel,ter and Sir Henry Ilniwer. One or two extract , from the Chronicle's article will show that the matter in tvking exactly that coune which was predicted at the brat publica tion of the enrreFrion.lcucc betwebo Governor 'Means of Mr. Mathew.