. insyttllm l`tre If4ll . lMYt Mrs • 4 PART. , In blasts:4So at Florenew , • hot 41, - ,1114,, Young and falri the waxen taper,' •LV . Wunts to 14Mten lona/ , o 1". Budelealy be fall to, weeping, satillurrfe3 to and fro: 26.4 rccarning in 61m toLle 7Lbs bp wrote with soul . Lady, would tbat I. a.slirit, Ta the twlnklltut of an elo• 7 'o'er the wide and weary man.: Onto you moms mold If. tae you waking, be yon sleenlalt , lonely or In modal sheer. t /Quid broatboto you 's. wonder Too trouldpdle and leery to beat. - .11,rethe amt.', Ude TILUoR noment - Slum wtast totplber.lmt, • ~, , Msd your err?, la lore and • 4 On My tone= ram were mst: inn" warm sod saslldnx engem to U 7 bands wore purely prest, Awl "1 felt, In Math ~ .P.4ob Wretchedness Itself Were blest. "ream - 1 goad on yeti In ellenes, ' Vsntinp deeply in my lwart • - /Iviry look sod line of fmture. • slayer. truest art; Sfueh I.wbbed to your op feeling forth lu tears of sweet relief. - , but or soul WAR dark sod stilled. b.erd the Plan. fount of grief: Vainly, until now, my fla,dy tro , e W see that look again; • ttill the nthayrehruntion Intsuo Om* and went tome In rata; • .$Oll a hundred other feces • Intervened torea mine eye. And ruy soul, with sorrow A:lnking. rue. weep, I knew*not why. • W psi, to-night, ntyreit Lori waudrn.i "Prom the doty of thr , day. noionseionsly Ina sketch's.: ' ',Random Ikea In its play o llnddenly of Tao I'l:Unkind— • Alt, some angel, present then. Dth l atbed on me an Inspiration, gyoldol my unwitting two • Theta you were! the halfwbut . lest Waned and tonwd ittotaled shock. and hair so silken. Xethaind forehead. high and wide; Menthe tulle; neterwi etertal:. the gluten that ne'er wrt t a ato. 'iolt—so mclenc. throh, I wept altd.wnyt, at e, • - d.(eia he dray:this yen in sander, ;WU, freglig i anreet and new, • • cto LOB* sudden light and =sin , 'lthrilled his lonely being through. iterwanti a tonnage told him. Elan—the lowed. one—died that /desk And ho Itheir that then her split Flew to bloc 111th lone amt ligb t t. . . inspo L 4 •StICIIIGA.N.—From =essay on lirtel i tt Growing, by the editor of the Michigan Farmer' wetake the following instance of the beneficild • effect of deep plowings .. Lastl• - I li, y r, on individual iii Itillsdale county, a clothier by trade, took a notion that he muss have ara , and made a purchase of one in the iteighboth which was being effectually run down- iII , g a novice in the business, he sought advice f neighbor, who was a sientifie as well as a st cc ssful practical farmer, as to the best mode o ltivation, and was *told that if ho would o • throw away his Labor he must plow deep: II accordingly put his plow in deep *enough t tarn up the subsoil, and thus he plot', ed twnt a cres of a twenty-five acre field, five acres of it having been plowed shallow, before. he made e purchase. It was all sown to wheat, and the crop taken off at the late harvest, the deepiiloired portion averaging twenty-four bush els to the acre, and, the ,thallow plowed only about, half ass much. Three ipamrs ago, an individual purchased a Darin near the village of 'Dexter, so completely *Worn 'poi that he was laughed at, and called - a fool Or giving five dollars an acre for it, although there,wis a good portion of it improved, with building.; Sc. Althoug, so near the market he was told that he could not live upon it, and 'might ti i hell not throw away his labor in ma kingtha attempt. Ile said it appeitred to be na . tarally good, strong land, being- a sort .of clay ii loam, but that it bad been chimed over with one - yoke of bxeo until nothing more could be gotten from it, and it was regarded as worthless. blot he put oil his big team, and pat his- plow iu ten inches deep, oral his first wheat crop averaged him twenty-seven bushels to the acre; and he re marked!to us that he never had a poor crop up on tht farm. , • :theca Mr. Linos Cone, the great wheat grower of Oakland county, commenced his system of `deep plowing; .fifteen 'years ago, the average of his wheat mop has been more than double what . It van before, -h — sking one, year with another through - the whole time. 16412. OF 'FRESCO PAINTING A specimen of Stereo-chroprir, the new mode °rime° painting, soya a letter from Munich, about which,,Germazi artists are now CO E.MII - pine, has just been completed in Kaulbach's studio here from a design of his own, and paint ed by one of his pupils under his own eye.— It is a figure of a Prophet, and is intended for the great exhibition; in London. The figure, grand and - .majestic as it is, cannot be expected to give the English public anything but a faint idea of Kazdbach's genius. As It specimen of this new and ranch extolled mode of painting, it will be , regarded with curiosity. Stereo-anoxic is the discovery of the distin guished chemist, the Mergratl• Von Fuchs; and by Oenumit ‘ artints is considered one of the , great discoveries of the age. Its advantages over or-1 dinsry fresco and encaustic pnintingare greater i durability, and the power which It affords the i painter of retouching and glazing his picture.— The color it mixed with water; and the whole is permanently fixed by occasional sprinklings of water, In which is mixed a certain proportion of ' Ramie acid, (Mara ,path mere.) The discoverer, Professor Von Fuchs, of Mu nich, has had to undergo all the opposition and jmionsies incident to discoveries In genernL— Though now, in Ids old age, Lis invention , is made use of in the new frescoes at Berlin, it is possible that Ito may die without reaping any pezainal benefit from it. On this account his artist friends,-M. Von Kaulbach in particular— are desirous that a specimen of it should obtain a conspicuous place in the great exhibition of ISM. For this purpose 31. linulbach has al lowed one of tin designs to be copied by M. 31u.hr, one of. Lis pupils. It is in size six feet long, by somewhat Ims than six feet wide. 31., Kanlbach wishes it particularly to be understood that thin• is not` sent asa work of not, but simply s nn It specimen of the new invention. Stereo-chronde is, in fact, a pres,rver of the 1 wall on which it is painted. By rte chemical sahib of the solution sprinkled orer the picture whilst in progress, the whole ground on which it is painted, and the picture itself becomes one hard, flinty rams, and the very colors are con verted into the hardest stone. So hard, indeed, is it, that neither fire nor damp has nee slightest effect on it. The most striking expents have been made to tent it during the last twelveyears; and in order to show oar informant the resistant • power of the painting, M. Koulbach laid a spe cimen an the ground, ponied spirits of wine pro p over it, and net it on fire; but after the combustion not a stain or ;war remained on the picture. In a note now before us, 31. Muhr, the (mei or twit° has painted the erscimen Faye: "The picture ix upon a piece of wainscot cov ered with mortar, and the wall on which a ste rerrehromie fresco is to be executed undergoes a certain preparation. Then the colors are not combined, an in ii frac°, with lime And with a solution of eilex; and all the advantages of fres co painting are obtained without . any of its dia . advantages Thiaspecies of painting resists ev ery influence of climate, and may be confidently used Ali MI eltertlal coating for buildings in fitly part of the world. To the artist himself it offers the most important recommendations. He is not confined to time in executing it. lie can leave oil when he pleases, aml for any length of time, which he. cannot do in fresco • work by any rams, nor in oil paintings except ing within certain limits. The highest advan tage of all, however, is, that the same part may be painted over and over, as often as you please. which is not possible in fresco; and, consequent ly, In this new mode the most perfect harmony trey be preserved throughout the largest possi ble painting. In fresco, the artist is the abase o f hi, is m:crisis; here, Le is their arbitrary master to the tnllest extent." TUNNEL. TIIIIDEGII THE CVMDEALAIM MOttiT- Ams,--They had a spirited and interesting time in TCILIUMEE on the tltld ultimo, in a celebration of tile success of the. Nashville and Chattanooga railroad COmpany in tunneling the Cumberland mituntain: , About seven hundred ladies and gen tlemen-participated, passed through the tunnel. heard speeches, ate a sumptuous dinner, drank spirited toasts, and danced the night'. The tun nel is three thousand feet long, and One hundred and eighty-fire feet from the top of the mount , - • Attention! ' Sir Potat o Aston= le moot rapectfolly Invited to the plain. nnearraishod rtatement of John Watt. Lebo Lem coral of an oh( (bomb by Me mOe of the PMLOLLM , -Thu p.iy eOrtlfy . that I have Laren mired of ell .4.1 tlimak Cough. by the o e of Four bottle. of PettaUout. 7.....amgti ittoehml ma a tearoom Met De..rbes, and 1 tool wet .11 boa of getm well. au 1 Ma takeu MI; advice t,f ~,,,,ml physletaim ..ILL nay betoilt. I lam broebted altatot Motantly by the Peroleum. .1 "Owl too, daritto (1,,, ...e cf the Petrotans, d hard nantuner reseathrirtv L..71,— . I Make theft staleoto kaboot oaf mbeitatioa from am. Me to' dO so. tool 'MAT fat the porpowe Mat others who . i . be ~,,ok.rias miss as bettebmt You art at liberty I. pubilati t au bertlficate. - I am zooid citizen of Pittaborgh. assinicraidsd Dm Wiktf-tbwo feat , . lif re-Ideate. at this time. is oa !scam! street. JOHN IV ATf. PIFMCM n ; r .f " .6. , fa jog M Keystr, k Itelhologi. 140 Wood otrolok It, F. 50 u.,,,,.47 wow stssea It. A. .FahiteatOok. & Lk, mar" I aiß Woad sad FAIIMIItiMg D. D. COW/. D. A. lallott, Zoom& Dobitlamiiiiii 04..F.b.kitt. 411 , shoiria. bru. pm- . —ESI o,doe, • . , , 5.31. MM •• l . • fatabalkka .. - DiaalDssizadascadhst-antsbulaid, . ~17 • *rim TO L t :4: MEN. 2,000,000 reit Plank wanted. "NHL ALLEGILEN BUTLER K PLAN UHADCOMPANY. Inv umpomls until Ho• Prot of pril nest, for furulthing vrolllllNn feet of Platt—A meher thick, Pod Bor 9 toot I leoutb—lo 1e dotivrool ehtirpsburg, If Irony/La? t • 'lvor. or at 90911 Norm on Hp resat as may Mr Proposal. may be Allman/I . the ihrvldeut. P. M. LAZE. Butler, Butler co, Pa, Or • CHAILL/Z P. PPAPG. PPM burgh: And Any icoutfleo .0 furtbor information an the Plalcol , MO . bo *damped to same Pro/ovals mill be received or the dellverT of oltlverO ok. Hemlock. olebte' kyr . • TO CONTEtACTORS. VARPOL COUNTY IiAI.LROAD—SnIe a ' ipp 0j....111 , !1 11 IX Me od at the Met tbt fAncol cmIL,UoUirOOO Coentnoe, it , Carrolton, OhlootoUi Thane day. lab tho. of ?..n? , _! ‘ r=f-f.r rie .jhr tio:t 311110. Plow sod neer' be no:raved. net pennon Deno , to the fitting the ton *Knointrr. ot t 4 sr -P o r arl , l ' febletul 91110 A ho Ohl, end buret. until T 1 ein th Tree; et It/ tol.. .1 Weed et lb to the leTtlag.. r'Vert= MEM frithAlltoe j rnx i. publ for .11recting n Wire,Suspen -0-lE,.ci."' zrid i .7 t t,":l:llit Y=l.riti,:ll,7l,}l4t i r.r m ,i; of the ntroetate rintly deetto)ett by Ere. Lo ,ealed Propuvabt will be °velvet/. at Ilse office otJaeob Liberty vuT , until the Ibth day of March uext.PA . the erection of r above descrited toilget the r. 12; fvev.ittux: .1 . ,:54 °erten; savor. Up order f the Board en thereto° , ; P. I.OltItNTo Prea't. Pro. 0. SUGAR-4) AR-4 lauding per str c "" th ' resin L ca. 10..) -1D— VRT V I NE" . E. NUT F. T0J1 0 f .., . sale '4,1 Co. i . ITPILE-1501xl es e by .V.TON BONNltUltlit a CO. WINE.—The pure r juice t efartnedleinalrarkwa.... %T 31011.A1t , a Ira the Ihuntmd. VAX+ . . S.. prime 0 ree d ~cCts • 11.. end Sr' sale hr N 0.116 Water st:_ CENOINE POR or ta. oq art or Bottle: uocil Iriue Rum cart side QUGAR-150 hh 0 per tteancr Schoyl _____------ - I.i ERC boxes just reed and for 11wrat" 'ir t :i i alfill'st. ii SSELS CARPETS lco ors, In rtorr and for ra!tl2 W. MeCLIMIXI, d VIANOES-1 00 fti E TRY AIN A. of cmperl. et 11.3 faall I - large assortment I w-m`c"t" bJ roK INGRAIN CAR • a the Utert toul ozen for sale be I k if ARB AtGll. ' ; 31 A IC C 11, at J. B l'a.po. mol ,trA•t, orwrne th • tiRO63IS.-200 fiiito nook 'Graham's M.p.h. •aartaher ati Magnakm hproll Ma..• \Carport. or the Pro I:khan:Goo. Dictinuary of Meehan Slanfirld Ilan: a 11l 'Brom Shoot., hp_ll =ry non, • CMS aircr. au Indian tala. V"+! 1'.1,..1%.. • !ar l Ugi 3lrs Srmslho.rth. A_MEKICAN Oil Clothe tot =en vv.oned OH Clite, • li, N0..44 Fourth pt.. to shirt: v I r .""". W. :th,cuyrocK_ NGLISIE AN - a I=l7 ....Mel 11171'.!"'"'P'l W"'. . the attention. of for sale by craf. bu. IL), WAS bbls in store, and d 14.TAEfi --- Eij 1,, ) to arrive, for tale by fools W.M. 11. JOHNSTON _ 11 ICKORY N 1 TS-11 , IA& for kale by Ai. fahla • WM. It. JoIINSTZIN -- -, CERTAINIT ifltE FOR ALL PAIN rntyy A. N. roam Intl., 11, of Perry . Detehie Vegetable Para i er. Opinion of che newt _prominent Drogghttr. anti Merrbanta of Vißrilll:l ti in it. favor: Ctactx•Arr. 0,1:Y41,1 519 . We. the uwder..ien. I. DrtageWt. and Met-chat.. of thir j City, have been neriwal ated wtt, an.l rot.' 1.0 lo ot ear or two r7,; ' ..lft . .rel'llVifill:r.l i t ll3l ; rl.WT2ll7.l"re'Ve.p.l="; in e very tortatwe, to kw . we know, it b.. elven the hew ,diahrtion to the pon+lta..er. We ran rownenntend It to the ra:•be'r':.l.leV;V•loti'.:le ,l'o.l'e.l'lrlt'se'llel7,,..::•7le,rl; Ito St go ehort • t me, whirl. la proem] hr the fact of Ito eaten-ire ,t ,. .1;• a eonstantli tnereaging tlentan.bt.- 2 1 P or 'd ell 4 e l l:y o lt. h }i ic RlL:l7,'lto'lewal-e, Agent, No. 57 Wt.! street- • &bin ----7---7 - - 7. 4 SECTION OATS--Tbd Tanacharisnn out tott.ueo. loi it atCaluttiliia, iiliingi•t, at 4.4•144 4 uu A1t0..., at Vittolii ,li , will tO •014 on eptilltton to JOHN Nlel'Alittl4 4 (X.I. folil3 • Canal Non, PittAurgli. OAT SUGA —IOU btu, a.ssurted rm einu,7 r^, for onio by 131CRIlillIall , , N tIgi,V 1 = - SUN DRI.ES- - 7 to Co in; •••7 ki. Fe llioroi . 24 ' d AoO I'.n t , , li du AppluO. 4 .10 di Nadu, ''• 1 1 t O. .4:° ''' ...sad ro O rsst by W o•Ii.lr b-ini.,lrTHavivr...(g -50 TONS St PA A Vo l tiliCi r p:: d :L e i l anitia „ . 0.0111 ASH— A superiqr articles of our uwn ° ''''''''''''''''' '4--"itliv;'..4.7l.itilr.e,i,,J. (e. 1.17 Water stnort. FrOBACCO :AF-4 11116. far sale by ' l• foblb ' WM. 11. 41.11INSION. QEGARS--1( ;NV Prim:ifs!, Regalia, and 10n. " . . "'.' r , ' 4 ' 4 g ' ''' ,;::tiratra t &na r 03. roblii ... Ci 7thilEei heck drawn by us in fitor • 0. 1. dato.l Frliruerr 411., Pal. on N. It.. this oily. fur three bundred nod fiftf doll loot titan it... wall bltweeh. Illtslitrogh at t. Tlia public aro coulloniol against wee 411.T.h.VITIVAL.;01;7' - -- • ).; 1 QULPI AT raeks on hand and for! BENNETT, BERRY k CO. CiltiATIC ACIDS, nb _____ —. It A . l.i i ,. .! il .. I LASSE*-4 tAP.irrr. itnaar 1. CO. bbls large pit,. 3, Mils ', Ede by 0 b4bAls.9-PAiiilniTtioun'',7orl CO. sal e -..-' ~, , AJ. by fe1..17 JAY_ Al. HUTCHISIO .t. .0. jEA.I)--ISO Pigs Galetui, for sale by A febll J AS. A. HUTCHISON / Co. 1.14 in BC SII. IMIED APPLES. for sale by W i ,V , , • 11C1111611X1r. 11 , INOIllt A5l. 1111 IVsktrr Wert. 'Ms N 0.3 31nckera; run. GAGA. COR.N.BR.OO3IS, for salt by 7 ItUttEllitlDGE d yr —lOO, 4 fel.l" DOI IMO fi4 , Linen Al. ,i....tre l .t zr e reat of Table Media, Damask end iiiiiianc' N :agnir I sl a, ,.._ll7lr;:`iZ Fagan. KUNO.. nodal! and DIM Ern Mau lanotatel Linen ennihrier; Floor nal Waco Datenak. CI vbitha Linen Cennlnfe Nandkerchkta toa Allicalla Rbentlogn 104 Benton da oet Atlantic nations, 40 Inch pillow ..4.n. PUS EW MU 'IC--Where.are the friends of 140 - IN lei Youth; ,y 0. Darter. rs. canctlnn Snort to tell Yon. 'The ROW. I'm Glinting' 317 New, kinnl : Indio:tot Nen lil Ailie I Lowe is 1 01, meet moo Gad iildlit. MY Home's on Ko l lre Y n " g P e irg i t. " " istwd I .1.1 Lo Adieux. b Al erosive 1looAla: now • . 7 , ib s L%Lvro :7 P , !- i..5 b ..„; friiiiii§ by Wm. X) 1 a nerret Ili. l.l " tetar er y " lanno n . S(H) bui --- House Furnishing Goods. SON & CO. No. 62 and 64 fo=irg zair, „h4t'd der earsted to the How, • 3 ,,, w d ,xlsl.l. i2EM E',E= v. C. rOtICT. Pee lir CI. Bark... Ide. 11111ack flake? :Pond and Polk. relth ltud.—for Guitar. 21E!=1 • poly of .New Camino deem . Cool i ies xeellent new work, oiled ./felodrt." ipolar and Amid opium hannoulagd I.. e r W g:lfs7MY ..""u":ll".""xtgl:ll.,'''' . , 7..101 Third st„ I DRS OF`PtiNDENNIS, Ni. 8, not the Quey's Nethliisee, AF or g.:Ug'Tlt=i'Ydiene.VSg I rd b')) bele DriedApelest for sale d DILWORTH FAMILY DIVINES—SsL )tour—Tho inrious rordiriuen 11r. rthwr.ore beronalog very popular through. Ills Versuifug' hot been found to be got k.1:1.11..tr4001,2i Jul Lase Levu ukJ awJ fouth to b' medic:, for the diseases f, _whirl they lir , We Loge fregugutly used )1, Seller's mud hums it to be s oreeilr cure fur tag). —Moo fue relgymik • roil it E. SELLERS, 67 Wool iitrrwt, QiCiTER , t 7 LEES C. {.4 1 Pwilery. on Ni 01 l la thn mum ireer.... ewe. Theme gn trl', a. recommended. übu gh by 71. 1. '17,27 u s" C l ' I N- I fi ZI I ZT.I . , I. ~.......4. i bIR rt. .a This I. ALI I .../ fele IVIS i &I 7 I .tb f :S h ' TAT'i",-, XTF: of ;..rer; description Cu. sale A. mretu so A ZNI., No. t..6l.ibeetr eT•I 4 - , ho bwret. spiost and Man, AIN, Bare/. Cn.a zed Moms. The beet vevrement the ea,. rola." . • wanted to do house work. AVON / Ise, keg; for sale by itou eoN. LITTLE CO. O-49 box.. 5 Lump, for dale by SIKIILLA t UM. UN) 1,1,1,4 No. 1, for sole by w. V. W 1. , 10 N LlOforsalt, by w. P. WILSON. POWDEItS-4:01 caskk /6r VW, [al:turret nr” , l and fur rah. BENNETT, liEhltl k Cr I Nil ISUILDINGS-'r—We ite'prepar raralrh nud tent apparstor for brmttn,A ibilarrr by strata or but AA., caul have frtAn the AartArrcperharcragth. run pin WA I Pr., ATIONbuN (rhELY. 1..2; Gbl4 lI RAT .11 uP Atnal I 1, Vuebfiln. s PAT,"otn UM) KIDD aIV A.,811. ~, j. _ ' o'r ... - MI hl .q.ll coMPleth' 1 VirliE• ~.;,,, Smut ana, .1.,1. A CV. MILL - 41.4.1-4 K....' d o, for rule 1..121:----1,, and 15 kegs 4 t co ' 1., or, born, K. ~, 'Abut,' ' '.. . R. Butter, R__.. bbls .prime C't 1 iiiitrEm:ir 11. u law , ' "t"' - ss s.""" 1 . 1a 7 4 Witl taxa fIARD b Ui r I 41011 I RAISINS-100 boxes on hand aToi br -1.6b24.1 • e-cuumwrsosaakll piitsburgh arlrllßfollowing perso charter of the fl/775/fri PAS); ate the.Directom o 44 noon. Vmles A. Colton;'. ohn A. Wilson: • Al landing of the abuse Dlrectonn held at the cam of C. Colton. on the 0 0th Run JA)1123 N. 1100 N. man elected Pbesidents aura.SCl.lll.. Preeddenti Crisattat A. Cbtru. Secretary: JOSEPH S. Ltacit.Treasurer. sowsi.lllOsoarn, 31. D., Examining Physician. The start antsigniptlon Books of the Oxmliani nil' b . found, (nettle present. at the I/011M of 31rainit, Wooers k Co. on Wood street. 'ahem those wishing to subscribe CAB babare °Pr'rtu ny W ogo ro . r ik the Want • - • febVi2ar C. A. COLTON, &.e mtary. _ State .Idutnal Fire Insurance Coinytany. BRANCH OF - FWD—No. 54 ParrnricLo Svar.cr, PITTI3IIUIIOII. TILE best evidence of the success of the blrectors In endearming to make the STATE NIT! - EIRE INSURANCE COMM Nrsturt the is of the community, In the unparalleled amount of buglor in •A which has lot donee hosing booed little morn than eight months: and, adding over slo,ooo that to the Company._ The libarters a re proud to Pay. that nearly all the proPerty ins rib ls of the safest kind In mall and • large proportion 4l tof f for only one umber of Policies issued, - - Amount of property insured, - $5,139,400. 110 do. guarantge premiums, 57,909,79 do. - cash prefinunnr, - 'do. . guarantee stock, - - - 90,104.0:1 do. losses, - 4,10001 To be &darted from 00 above Inalam, 160ineidentel exman-gof the °film. Tartly or countsr merchant , and rumens of daling nd, and Instated sad inuntry property. It is hollered this sun. pant afford' , adranthar , In volot of ch1•a1m..,,. • orcurity, Inalior to no bum's.", ComlnY nionetctrY. Conducted on the equitable and gmatly limprorul el of Classilbation of Risks. excluding all special havarthi. miring only a I iro RAJ amount in any one Ilion la, angling the frequency and occoneure of largo Crrin awl alsolon blab the :noels mid Mutual plan. it not only p 0... .gaca the cheapness and arcomasulation of both methods. but eolith. thy tomml to a participation in the motit It la tinder the 0001.0,1 of the folloatna Ihnotorig--John P. Rutherford. A. J. Gillett. Johu It. I.llrker. Jones. Alonzo A. Carrier, A. J. mu:Tr. kw.ro.y. 4•b'7A. A. CAOIOIIOO. Actuaty . ' • Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a. , GENT IN PirrsuullClll, W. 11. DAVIS, .111L(siev J. riuncy,jr.,domaccil.) No. ln,s3 Lliorty e.rref. or the 'better convenience. of persons 0.144100 In the loser part of the city. the 0,..,nt may also be funnd nn th e 1000)1 1 to 12 ad ' to o'clock, at the „minding Prase of J. ochatamaker2 Ca- No 20 111.01 4reVt. • Ilen • earl informattoi be Kisco and stmutonicatiourtouropt ly attetatird to. Pamphlets rapt:doing the to - toripo . ‘ .10 benefit. of Life Insurance, and blank forms fundehtst t nodal sterk orm 12011100 and con.Mo ay inctraring - Prdita dirlded annoalir among, then. mussed for life. Pittaburah. Jan n 1.1111.1 -tang Marine, Plre, and Inland transportation Insurance. • AIRE insumnce Company of North Americo, Phils.triptdir-jthartendl7ll. Cava:di:oloV. Accra alinary 11. 1001. pl.Wi3sUd. Will make tiontunro buildings and their contents.ln this city and shinny: .1.0 ;giroperty of every description. ihipped toe. F1C.1110., , and other vessel, eith, by inland traneportatno or on the A RAIL -3 / v st t hl he l a tts. re II ed 31senti eillon, 1 lance proposals rosy bo o eeks previous IS. Inter Chief .ntnneo with the 1 nt of the ltone Pasnlent. ram nanri 4L"4YI nturcnum. Arthur (1. Ootard the t. Thule P. Pel, ' I Futhuri W. Jonr.s. /*Alward :mitt, .li ,h :l ' a l r ', i PlP:wd. John A. Ilroma, William Wel.. eel F. smint. Prunris llnskin , . Puck, N. Anuln Alllinm.. Ch.rim Taylor. Wm. M. Ponta. Alubnw Whit, il..mur J.r.ob IL Thom.. Mm, N. Piclumn, N. ?Joni. Whin, 11. IL nherreni. nrey. Thim l*the oldeMlnmrsuct exp elCgmpa in tlihUnin.Jhtatch •tl from high rhunling. loam rnmem utnnir men, ml aroMmu 01 riAm or hn cztra Intannlnus rimrnrier, L it .1 be oanfhlvmd nA al!Vrina anille N rip . to {he , nub! , WILLIAM P. {Pont No. 141 Funt strm•L American Life mid Health Insurance Co. ' OF PIIII..kO.FLPHIA.. • .... Agent for TittFburgh, 5,1 ML. ,P. TO IFLE, OM,. t',' illth et."shoie tollthfirld. ratriphlk. containing nil tureraary Information 0 tili it be olotsinvl it the olline. - otf —____ Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. I ii:APrf Al. $300,000. It. "INII.LLER, Jo., , Pre,ideni. ---,--. Seerplary. 111 Inner scuJngt till kind. of emu,. Tl.' and Slar.ne All lo.Lov , will I.e letrettJly ILl.t.ted auJ awny?, 1.1.1 .0 1,17.0 Inf tiluthtn—manag - A 1 by Ihreetor , who sr.. we I 1 1 known to the nomuiuult,. Ind : otho .oro deb.111,1!1 , 1 i hr I fr,,2; . n . r... ,14';:r:z.in,!::r,nn:.rr , be•=4. 7 1r 2 :. stun dentre to he iusured. -- Butt,or-,—lt.. 111licr, Jr.. Oro Clark. J. W. Butler. N. llohnre, Jr. .Wm It 1101 m,.. C tit Moran. W. Jfekfl. Wm. 31. 1404. Jnlnt , Lirptut , tt. - Ir, , liard , . Jame, !el' Aulev. Alex. Nlmtek.. Tb,...,Ate (Miff., No 1,2 Ws tkr otreet, (nutehi.rtu. oe Siang & Co., hp :lairs.) InUoburgh lut-Llt 1 , Delaviare Mutual Safety Insurance Comp'y tIIFOICF.. NORTH 1100:M OF 'l'llE E.X CILANti E. Thlnt etrett. l'hUtulelptos. Ist IstlLLLNel—Buildiu,,, Alercharell , e, mud other ruuertr• in town and nouutry. ittemn4 00010 "I lu.s.. or isolace by Are. at the bore,. rate of Tr...doh , . t 31402.01 Is3rx,er..—ThrY . 1 . 1 .... ,. . 0 ~..,.., prP . '''. r iutul Freight, foreign or eteotvi..e. under 0t.,. o Fpr , -1.1 puliele, us oho .moot may .1.±11.e. 1,000 Twavtrotertnos —The , abet insure Nterehaudler etnanaportna by 33 nyna., Ertl! roit , l ear, Cunt.l I'm, ond EteSti. lust+. on titer , and Iske... ou the our! Itherul term. Bt-toc.4-Jo , pli II ,11. FAxoutul .0. :.ouSer..h , ho C Duni.. Itulei.rt. Carton. 2.0.1. It. Pourn.•,. z-sruuel Edusm, George C: belper, I:beard IsurltuuJosi. P.:v . It Doyle. Wit thus Folorell. elobU Newlin. br. IL 11. Ittoton, !ex.+ C Ihml. Theuphilu• Pould,nx. II Jour 1t0.,t, Ileur, ;Inas. tic eruLT., lik,,r, Fernll. rpenn r Mel b•ato. Chart , . Kell , . J. II Johiou, It tn. Ili, II? r'. T10.uu.... John SAlert: WEIL Eyre, Jr 1,11.L 0 1 ,01 al I'mzuow ,, tt— a T. )into an, Iluvh Crue. Jahn T. 1.1.,..- W0.1.u. 31.nnia. Prn.ident_ TX". C Ilan. lin prod dent. Joonot W. Cuwri. F. er..tary. l'irtlrru't of the C.tut.sul, No. 42 Willy.. art, I ore burgh._ paai.t.tri Pa. 31 31.1 , 111. A. Agent. FlCAnklin l Fire Insurance Co. of Phdad'a. IniIRECTORS: Charles W. Baneker, Geo W Ittehardo, Tlongllurt. Monfeent IL Les!, 0,40ur agoer Adohe E. 8r1e......unuel ti rant. 11•Ttd 0 hr..s.o. j''''' i''. omit,. u T;l7.:ltt. ' PgV. ISANCKETL kre,vleuL coaLts 11. 11470011. Fieretary Thin Ce.turciny euutinne , 14, lost , In.urariree. rertutnent or Bruited, on every de,eripttort uf Pro,perty In town siel country. tit rates w. low as are roisirteut with' ecurßY Vie compani . Lave n.Lened e. buy," nentogrut fund, whkh, with their C 301.1 ...1 C'reutioroe.,,Lll' Into t.!. slant amble pmtection to the we-lured Ti,.' sweettr of the Lint p.rty, , on January lot. 11.0,.... pitto 'lobed agreeutly to the Art of Ar1c.1,1, - , .r.tr 1V110.11.1 ,1 . 1 I lia . _ .. 4,3.".,",'1N11. I. : i l i " : S l i I , i l% ," T t ot ! l( '' ; ' i i ' ', trill: earn:, 11 •ral ndul Fir , dt• BE , LLI , r‘V nr . 1 1, -- b -Fin r 4 e .,Tii i , i - , a T l K l L S , el „ l:i s vv:i ,i, ii i r i a , r l (AA: I 111 If dtr • ---- r 111111:11 . 11Y SlP:hill -15 1,1,1 s Timothy , e•. 1.. V...1 . ..5..11r.: :1 11 on 1....1 alal tar .at. by 11. DA it J. t.,, 11,47siji=7.MI:;.5rigVI.k:LTIVt7etli71=1 I Lil-11, ......._ 1-1 , .. , u..L. bY VII: tneroldY Ydltddrdllnit a•ldalrm ot Ihr ! FIIARTA Illi ' ACID-- li RI ll,'. warrant ,I advaatap-r of Inhxran, ha nor.li Sc thalr alelllty stal diN. 4 ii. purr, '.•r ca a, ' n. F. iniLna. , . positini In meet allh pr.:n.0.9...11 Ina•IlItI•••1 1 s : P•lxr ~1 11 1 .dd1 .1,11. J . diAltlllitllt COFFIN. Are, • Ottler E. Fa corn, at %tool mud 11 , 1*Ld. i g i AUDEN SEEDS A fttli alia paid ss•-sort. --- - 1 111•ndrot at 'la. itlAt rdr-...1‘...1 (nun 11, , F.a.:lrn altrd, t•r +Or alrardalr nLol trieg. al Ila. rd..' :l add. rOOO, of Ittrdl awl ~ , , Kth I.llprt. tvl.l I • •• ,:. 'd Wllll FltSlla 11 • 49( )(II ,1.,,./0„1..,,,L,5_, id.k131.t.e1f,1i5:,,,t'1t4,4:1:11,1:r•t1.1. tel•l4 II 74 A. MIA. a 1, I, i I lI E ESE—:iii 'mimes an band arid far sale i l.v 1, r,,,,, It. ll.t LZELI , a a • I )ift•Vr A '„ I' l. 1 : 1 '1 1 ;- : t/i '2l ii i i„ l ira b i "l : l a l i - Tar ' . _ . d kli , lll AND l'A. RA11.1111:16 STOCK_ A / , Intruldi allyval on, far .1 ... .; lei , i., . .., tr. e•trld ..1 , 1 ilarlauj'Pr. dda• I liAlAll DICKEY it 10.. A :rents for 'illy -1 riaanie'd Iran Work*, hart kr *xl. Id ruperlar .714,.•;.,1,att.uidrdal, oartfult..l Mar hoary 111:W81 0 7;a:hi ' . . ' ... Bl9'l'l\t? —1 I , lloes vini ati- 11,( 1;raa ‘ li C. .t:y awl, . _ L iDA A SII —.3 I 0,1,, far s W ale bv I - 3 (Ala .1 tr ILFON.; . .--._ g Mt' ON I/Alis-4n 110% wiliciL far iale A / ii i frblo _. tlrdll 1.1-. 1. 11.1 F. 62 Et: ARS-- I iikraas-4tirineitie fiir vale Lc , .. . . . ... ___ pUT TER4 -_;',his roll. . In 41' P. t'VONlN7hl:i:ll.ll6l:i'r a IN. - . ()LAIN BLACK S 1 K S—M l'ltnllY it. 11 llrxrarira.n bare varrlor.l a very full eupplT af at*ll , o.rddle, which tor, ran ...11 at laver prier:. Undo tnry ~ grnerally cold at: al,n. Mat+ Fhtuhd soil I:raddal...lo. of oridr*l..4l., __oar. I)PLIP .1 llNli IlAlitS—M tirplis & BurchfiaLl . hay. 00 lineal a Innen lot al Drip tlidurbanva chord 1001 r.ilinq at gwatly mluced prim, north t....t ....Tr. , Ith .I,lMark. A ..... . frba . . _ . . T i lt , pli I.l3 T lE,.lllusirratta'; I (111:;'Inll C ASKS t e i }ln, C l l leh Ena•Orda wartdall :al I,rLd• Illor: • - 2.2.110 Its plot Vitriol: Far it na n ldtba 11.11.1 .1 th i CO_ (.41 iv.. 4 ,1. jrItESII I' RU IT--Beitc4s acid Blackberries I na up In their 'turn 111 c, awl harrniliehily sealoi. RM.,' pa -Arming their oinrinal Nato/ and tr. - Amer , Alan Chilled. and Nano rut ar in tn.. nun , . manner for ''''''' I.'l'. 'ill h'"'"'l ''. 5;1 1 4 " . A. 31111.ritc. 1 CO. PIA .21A Liberty street. 12 lullSEEDS—Canary and llemp S.,,gi, UP of tbr lost quality 1 1 ,,r y b radlo• fri •ll .• 11 al. A! 11 . 1.1LIIIttl 11'a. Q ELIAiltS' IA V 11l II PILLS- -"Could nal get ' 7 M'n° .:'hoot thrill... We. nen Pv Mr . 11. Jan. U. MI. lia. It. I: svuvo-s—vour. ore Illr only Llror 1,111 :lint 'el hoer. 1 ....11.1 ot rrl • t., wlrout M awl rt rep Aar l ill,. usftker na. n al 'bran h opeaL. ti in 1 t„,1,,„.., ~., “, mendatmn. Toure renwettolly. J 0111 . .F.N ri,Prepan.l-atl .01.1 1.,- It E. :13,1.P.1tt 4 . 47 1t‘,..1 f.t.. ml anld hy .irmagtais h.:lei-I.llv_ int:. - _. 14e1 }'estate TrinpTLli HA NC E E MUTUALBENEFIT LIFE INSUIt- T . s v 'ding fn. r. io per ern , . priTat Vii f r • The suleicrileir will mall, inn iniorance iin Iu the 10.1 . 0 ouneeidillil Insurance (N.linpan,i, the • hole mai. being divided Runner tlin WILLIAM P. JONEI , .. Arent. No. 11l Frinat MISCELLANEOUS SLATE ROOFrNG. i ItY,,IIUGII ES A. Co.. l'rorrietors ( if p •AR the "AM 11,.. rtnneyironta Slate tivarrsts, INetz leave 41 Inform Builder , enntrart , r, and nitwit, et Pitt. burato. Wheeling. Cincinnati. fre that they hare appoint .of Ittelniecif thtie Arent, who iP 000 . h .4 3.lf LE tt . 11.11:X.g:Xe rot l i;rait. Pc Itnoting with their lee , !, llautted Clatea. htollo - .11 1,10 . h Co„ are In p0.......4.n of the 1,/nt and tarcert Slate touch , in the United Statee-th. "plant! of their Slate. I. equal. if not.nperinr. to the leot W. 1.1. Sluice-they employ none other hot etpere.no. l and ors , - tint elate, to do their work. coustettiently they lyre no i hesiMtlon . in (touring a pert., ly water-Cala roof. matil and handeurni,y,, the trade. at a. re...amble a Fri , yet Y h trade , 'l..'intl. particularly remrnmend their Slate. to he put on lath In of dieetinc. whieh will hen( wirentare to the mutrartnre and nanmef Intildingf. Referent . ... to thrir slate, s nVineenrr be ee.at.-atl Ole. Thom. Parry. one of the . ny. may al. been,' Zlaraf. day -at their 'rValti7.llVtrirl'/,?'&71,r ' 1 .1,76.1.5•1T•At:.L . L. - -- - T r-t."- , • cO.-PAR;rtirl:Si„ll.ll'7.l%;l, huthvit.nthlt,dbay, nes. will ' l7e math:ord . . f ''rn tCgto.,• a ‘ riVer the; firm of ' . - JAM IeI A. lll , Tellir.OS 1 CO. • Pittetisrgh. January 21.at.1KT1,--AT 2 olim --..-_- --- —,-. LII. A ITER SE Y. CCOI3IISSION CHANT. far the nail of DomCptie, Woolen. and Cotton 11, N 0.1 2 ,) Wail etreet Pittahurgh. Order. filled at abort notice for any deuription offeh Wlar.lF Iry Machinery. ' • IE CO-PARTNERSPIP II EItETOFO II . II rirriest+ting between the sub.rther.. under the ef Or of , erary. Fleming A 0,0.. thistr dtcsolred lb, mutual enn.ent. RA imiter.v I , A %DREW FI.FMINti, , 11. K. FLE3IINII. Ira lined or ft: K. Firming to authoriand to it.r the name of the late ern. In the nettlement of their twines , . fetal VISSOLUTION OF .PAIITNEItSIIII '— The partnership heretnfoie lodating between the en teribere. under the style a Short:lett A White, 0. die sol.e..l on the Itnd tiny of J. 11.10 ,1,5 1. IPY utuinal en. the Either of the SutOrrilx, .11 athOld to aettling up the Levine.. and are aut homed o u.. the name of llie late firm for that purpoge. No. 101 11,7.4.51111 c , rrr. 5 I iti... It. 0j11151,... Febroarr 12, 'LI - XTEW FIRM — B. C. Slamli,lett and William J.4,-111;-.P111.1.1.'11k_"'r:Tr!'liVirr?".'iril.:..i'i.diat'air g.I.":1'.V,;1:;::a.:. n , T 'al unl-4911:truan.s nailer Ino'fatn.of 11. C. inmeltlett A Co, tUht..L.t...7,!°`'-'1 --`."'"' "Vt`l4, attri..4 . ''' febl.l ' Al-PARTNERSIIIP—Tbe imbseribem lia, enterel Into Co-rartneryWk,Tinteittb,fAtvp of Eesif”, At 'won Al/logy. .lA , IEL 4 AiK.II%IIN, ja.ll .1011 N M. UK MN. LEAD I'IPE--Cainell's improved punt. Lend l'lnn for 11, dranth • Pump?, A TlVl ' ale loam'. . kArtern , to. A a . l in f em on Land no A d L AnANDrr nat t P l nb l , t U N , 1% arr st_ Si Pft,ii.,,,lihtl, I---I.ltYhLlfi3Olao--7—"Frilng—i 11.r.1.1tbornTin„Stl,...I.,::, --- --L-f *.- ?" ,•.‘I• of .Ipring Dry tlowle. sod In. remelting t e r are.•' . 7l , 4 ,a; rn . n i - . 4 ,,,,,,,aeranr. They Zit _UelletttnalVto.fl'aeir enteuelre neeurttnent of new atria V ' "l'v. " "'V "n" I'.".‘"' ''''." Vl ' l l' lrTe g ; r :a elvnee to durability o r f color. A r! a arr ' sn ' ted fes ' t color , Aiwa 'it.'" " "'" Y . , ' IrelleLoglAsee. front 12 , i1n 185: end. , chork'yard,'4lr of of ' tnetu entirely new ‘lesinne. Also. new fot style. , liree7i Silks, Sirinn Moore de lsdnel,ll , oraniVh;" ' L ' extrow. Novelle Work Co late. Cufb!, Chltnlortle , e i ..., , ,if U tunl lkomet Ribbon ! Ilona?! laps._ 4.. _, . iiitUGS--In otoro and - for Kale by the Rtile miter, all of the twat 90.alltv bulpbste and Seetato of Morphia. 4' Into Sheller: Elton Sans: Sugar of leend: Ulna Arabi.. • errata Tartan ' I noll nritastottc flour Stleenn . AirtalliC Seam: f., V r :1113 C.Uripilof. 0. N. WICISKIISIIAM. corner wend awl shah sta. -••--- - - - ' . V 1 r' r. .LAWES all nay "If you want real Mad Tea, tutu Morrie & Hay wortli a Ten Stom in dm awnond tor It The Tea thPy ell at 50 mut, pet pound ~ rewilY te'rr toa. and those at 75 'lona and SLAM deli. deur. woe prinal,daroarred or Inferior Teae nre newer kept at Ulla eatahlialsonant. sod 'they now retail all their Teae dirrit . ..4r= t i lle , l , oltual cheat, h”ingrireel th Tea the Tula. you will rind in v' a P trr7t . rna hh a b ewiN ' T lj ei l l ' . ' 'l ;e t it7 ll ' -N- iitirkocK ifiFtilAi , i&.: 7,,-- -' .--- st elohn . p. o n!ellor. 81 Wood 'tweet., has " vv* A.'e..."' ol SlanOZlL:ol=o l 4l,4:llVon:ln v egi 1 I i' V I 111001) CAIIiTOtiFLANNEL--A flirthnr .. _a ertiopli .af • eery' io auperr article, at. 1244 eentee r. l . yardrrWa at NU. of HOIIIIIII .11 AUBCILITHLD. • MISCELLANEOUS .ATER .CURE 11, --- V11,8.5-,The Water 11 cow Baaaal, hJ Jod Ebel, 11:111= ird74.ll2M i r b gf.,, WL. ejarn'ltio..t ' - `01 . ,,. 1) 1; p W gt'eo of lir tlroanthy. lifteen rop r ol.l lllufit.llo. iII3pOTWIL Edmae,l Johm.toca. SI. D. Theory • awl Prattle.. of Ilydmpollo. 1.. the late II Franeke. tronslatod from the lirnuau 0, Itobort Itaikip. M. It. Th ß . above od. for !ale br 11. C. silk:K.7ox. Slallouer, core, May,. Lod Thlnl XTEW BOOKS--Tlie History of Pendennis. II fOL.ftuon Ina,fortuorn.rirod. hi. rr,T f mW,7uTt . ...4. ‘"ol, N 0.4 of ton Ilixtory of Pendeoul... Ily NV, %Thad:rimy. t. the Mallrolll,, A Flano.ela Slot, /IL acithot of Rolla Itolvt. No. 11 of the Plet.ial klokl mole of tiro ReTnltak , i, Ilectrou S. Loe-ting. ff ""'" Jud r " cAr ' d. " A 11.617 I. No it Market..l. . , ,9200 I.JS PEAC H ES, for ,to‘l.• B hhla SAM. I Titilow , 1.0 go11.1:11.1S"'21,‘I'" :S hits 200 110'/. CORN BROOMS, For B:tie It) SAM. P 61IRIVER. BBLS SENECA OIL, for ;tan Iry frbES P.:411111ER. • A 1111 LS PRIME ROLL Mil rEtc, for sale ..t" by 1,411 SAM. P. Hlllll V ER. I Alll l 01L-12 bias, rpe',l I,er steamer ilorinootl. am: hr haloJ CO. DA 1,1E01., 1.1.12 No. 0.11.. ot. WI:N i l/C h M 17L.1t F•b;i jl4}litifor MIr tOPPERAS-251.1.15, in Lille order, for sale it ft by 04,1.2 J. SCIIININMAh EP. k 113 AltIS GREEN --at) 11, r alaa J st•toxis si Eh A. CO. Yir myrity SEEP --In Mort a n d or oaf, I.\ 1 • 41.11 1,11111 1,1,0.:T A C.F. - . TAR -15111111 k, in store a n d for 'tile hy rebll DICK EV 1 Co CASTS Cn.inetta ; -2 emo.r.°PLaitl Flavu..l.: /or •alr • 11014, ,IVP.P111" A. Liu: EFIN ED BORAX --111 may, for sole by I It. 4hll J SCIIOoNNIARFR c • . turclittlEs 1 lon bowh Dry , 1.11 do 1., Waghlos.t...n :04 We, ....ea f .linen eaten ..ora ,0411+1. And f.r SOIL 10:10f Ito, CAI I d 40 BARRELS CLOVER. SEEP; he!. Thoolhy Sort. 11 Rel. and IN try" No I I..cAf LAM: prirm. N 0 Icol.eln N. O. 5141.v.f..•.-. rir brig Pattie , g enurkl S II 11n!a....., 1 , 0 I.olg Flour,opertn..lo.lrxtr.i trend.. 140.11, an.' for •al., %.y MOWN A KIRK PATRICK (.1.1 .ce go:OW=3% tw'the term of F [GIP LiPE INSURANCE the r...Acoroplor for the ItE LA I NES- 2 A large nnil . splendid as, ort m.amr Frruch t >' tier nil wool I.aitin Cov.hmen. ,trem..l..L low prier.. G.hl A. A. MAzOS A U. • TAILORS ' IMM iNGS—lteeeiv'etr_and optnrd &tr. Cam', SpliciA,Twint.Fatin .mll , 4xt Maul, 3lncal, end .r.paraved 1,0 nu , :qr., Bum... 11..n1 :au! 11t.mr ,uiprtuirr. tett A A - MAH t'O. I‘T fNin..l\V . CLAtiS. 11111 sl O 10, sir Fan. tr. fi-hr 11r4i11.1.1 1 JATENT SOAP Iti.llVl ) Eit —.21/ 1)0%1,0 just re,n , -4 and 110- nE. SF.I.LERS. Sirno n. L 0f.0.0‘ the onoo,ua xrncle may alv.-n, On hot 11,,NON.'h ST.titi.'l I —'2l) I ) ,,Ar, f or Fah' by I' .taA3 Is it A. wimu no C. cri. I A 111) ANI) 11A)1.--1 11 lAA , Lard; iA t.. Fort Fitt: Le 'alt. I.T 2,1.13 ISM 111 .t 1011 11111:.: Sll,rtilte•Fl:37,,f.:Trutlte,„l.,y A I.TS-1 I NSEEI) 01L--I!it iris rec ' d fir :ell 5.5011A11F 114:11 . . - . r u ppi,4, a 1,47 ""f..1.1 givtulEs ci:sillONS—Jurt rt,.ivr , l and t..t- , J 1 Vat. frIA Nn.“. -711 .th ER ' S 11 ERRS, ill lt fre, I Leta, Una 1.11. 2U.t A'NIMONI.‘ FOI:TE:4-5 0. sui.t.in; • , OFFF.E-2 00 hitg•v. lii, jo,t. rt,'d II.• arol fr.r to' 10 . 10000 , t: fob:, 11.1 - - 1 4 1 RESII Pi:CANS-10,e n. 3 bills r.... 1. A I ' ' ,.; ,t 11.1. n .!:4 ~ ‘ i o( riGS— 50 drum, ~..rived for CI lOU NTEIZI'EtT VI.AN IA 0,01 r trow.or. p '.11,11 , 1, !I whol rf/ rAF. c•-totioo 411. oW. to nil V, 11. It tool Jrwolr, el-r , of W 0 0 11..5411‘ , .61 of •n!..10. nr JILL BUSES ..4tto, paper, Woiol, • pa L ..r. It.FL 513.1.5110. )lli 91 ... APPLE - 3 , 1 I, roe I,w, 11. r/ A ct/ LASS-- 1 1f all .C.es and qualities tio luu NI I And f r nale 01. A.. IL 1.A1.1.13.1. 5.0 r! - '1", " =EI 1/ - BIOS A N D_HAISINS —149 bnaehg' htold and h , r mI6 by DROWN k E iuxrAl RICE A RI) (II Ithls best relined Winter, r,fa nde I , ] J. 6CROON KER k t!o. I LAZIER'S DIA3IONDS-1 doz. for sell J KIDD .1 01. IA Itil—N) 41.114.1 '25 hi& for bo: by A rem,' mum N Of I:it:3'l'6n IdAs Blow's runic., for rob' )11 Ebb% RUDY. MATTO EV. 6 Lb.. C;, , ,AFE IN V ESTNIEVC:49,6OO .theglo, o>c. '"" C "'"'""""''' r uCO:1111 , 1 , 0 :4?, CI Wool übor, ' •4 , o —7 libls frt!sit Roil; r 114 BIIVI rit do PoIld: . ~.....,,, br ;3 ,, : ,, k e g0 Jo _ jpkt 1.,,,,,d and !del.:11.1- 4 2 1401.".. d Iti • TON TWIN E.-'250 Ihr stij,rior .01,1- v . / liy, 1, .31P bF ' J. KIDD A CO. fad./ Pio. tki Piood .r....t. A , AS'l'l LE SOA l'--20 eases for sale hr 1 feblll J . Nlllllk el, i.... . EILNII 1,1.10 N --'rri,•ste — , (...ifict;Vse, and V Arrwrienn , for .ale hr frblit J SCIIOONNIAKPII 2 C , . - • ! i ItNICA FI.()W FIRS-For sale bv •`u feblp J. PCIII.2IN3IAKEII 2 ("0. n LA C6I.EAIb•-,700 lbsuf raperior fIu:LH . 13/ ty. for r.al - b 0 !.,13. E. SELLEIL 4 . P. 1,10 ' 57 W,..1 ,tp.ot 111 ROCERI ES. • . ji - T ., b n ir r h,h, vosn II peo atul Mark Trap. ..:f. lt Lo at g t e, Jturo ll ki . tnbindotn I t mp T. oalwvr l n i . la',pa , . Ili do P. RObiTUPEI k (b.. fig and o . g.d, 'Zi ill. , ettbinm.s4 Tobgceo.. ,' • • I,tr. Luse Prix ind.llaitragra fig do. 1:, r o t), 143..4 Jan,. Slumtpooo .Ir. Golalen• 1,2 f % 5 1.110,p,1n slurp and fond , by . . J(11IN PAIIIiER 2 CO. g ILI) itYE ViIIISKEY. . I,_, 40 bl.l, porn Rye iTtikkey_?_"tery old and eboirr.” 60 441. Old WooPeshela Wblgkey, to glare pod for lab by lamaki ' Jon24-resiza a OD. . ENV BOOKS AND 31A( - (:rulguu'l Shone for laret, with 44 1 Pat.ViS 116.11cm:turfs!. for Februar): Cultivator. do: Itig Ite,l,or Di.etplinz a tab., • )Ixigealm.. 1V...10( Inrm.l. by Ora, Aguilar limnll utlm.nre: tale tor Digolhet , mud daugut.rn Motile Ilreumpeut, t 1.6.1 of thy hum. :pm... by ti. 1 . . It. Janu, L .. at IS.LN I ,- Literary 1.,p0t. rrt • PLENDLD NEW PLINOS-:: _ 11. K I. Kit pfOasttn• in am ol wing tha t he ham tat opened a o f hu re Hamm. of the ectel.rated ak.. 0 .k tithe and Dom, kw. New lurk. a hlelt. aIW thore land. form the tumt mato:awe stock ufforod thi. cit.. Antoutherv.. at enDlendin douldrearre , l Mann. XIV ..t) watt tht• new uttworemewt• of Mt , t+vrr tr httrrt and cant Introru . fot•ul call, - on Nun.. 4: Clark'. Dianro.Dm two moped. s , ka Attachment ame , . 1.1 IL— An eat...roil.. Int of Nt.rr MUM, embraritut Jenny . K. of., and the chain, new hay, Polka. Wa/tten. Ka. IX DV TUE 11,11.tilr.S HARD, 11/1 Tidal I. •.1 --FAD, Packet, Conunereial and , quart.. Nut 111.1 en, Paper. a largr SUPPI, gull quo lit .n. tn.] DIM, blue and white, for rah. MI to UP at p.lll . W. S. DAMN'S TOTES AND DEAFTS.—Engraved and graph Nolen and Drafts. of tanit twealtful 111 in sheet,. or bound In hook' , of various Arr. FM. W. 8. 11,1 V KIVA 111ank loath Mare, atiV lAn,rtean. Jonrul:tnatldl'ltlnat 1 1 1 1 , I Wting V CoNinx and tint Ink. lit,bert'r Chenttml Vluld ind lint Ink. larri , otel l'olunthian 11. X—rod RINI Nark. Loon A Tto , ttipnni. Connuerrtal luk-I.lark.Fwarlet, n.nrh Caroline Ivk. For oule NEW Bdolo. Imrrius CLASSICAL DICTIONARY I • A io.v.• ..I,..i.7.l.llrtiotinry 01 Creek [lll.l Roman. mythol..,) grography, 1. 1 1) h. , • 1 °Po. the IWI °I nn.l Unman Buhast.lly m 1.111, 0,1 00. 111r.tu 6,11111.1.1.. the Dieliouarion..( 4 .m .4 .1 11..inztu Antiquit it., and .141 reek and Rowan 111ouraphY .•.1 n••14...1. with numenius au.l Anthon. 1.1. D., l'in.f.x.A.r 01 111... I..ngung, In Colombia College. The Lite art.ll,rn,t.tiklon.. of 1104• rt Southey edited re.n.ll, hre. Charley thithhert Southey. M. A.. Cu• vof I.luluhlatol:Cumberlskod. Yull t I ritati. with I..rtrnlt .1 Ow Life awl Uprrrrtnwtrnrs• of Robert.. S. lime of Inelunette of rtnotlatut. and Ennliall rtnima ted van llin rrtgal rtirrtanni or tir4al Britain, In zne4 ntrinktand. author Inn ..I.lros rti llnurn4 nr briiilll. haw,. itrt Can., lltlrrtf+ draif In tln. Brtanirra, nn Wellnertlaf s.;lrtrtlf • Jan B. Ir;.I. her. N. Burn". I. B. Theandre prtt ,4 . ..1nd fur 7 . 01 . 2. y I: B. ST. reTIIN. No 4; Market ft . . _ • 131. \ FURT ES—a. l oll 1 NI rt Nn. alWrnni .trent. haf tarn!. ‘rtl and nna "nen far rah, a larrrt. And tr 11 ,Irnnal Nunn of 1114 7 nrttary. frtnn On. mairtsfartor) uf fnnnal. Li a Inch hrt-nl thr attrllort nuffl.art. tn loarialW rt ad al Innt,n. prim,. without notrtlfrt. inrtrnannlnrnntrtn rira, awl In all nun^ warra rt nted. 11.11 iannn I al "" alfo We 11. tf : Awnt for bn ..II thirkrrtnn' INrt rll.arl,.fir nal. -- --•- - NEW BOOKS. nt L.,{T,iffil.t4rvill.N;2!\,,Thß:„.,‘ll..t;l,l',L,'S.il4.,F,l.L.'rlo.ll,,,hicAtLN,.E.,s„l,dc,. t ..c EW I. LA S*lt 'AL I 4CTION ATtli t .. t- ...I Com. ElugmlltY , 'll Y , tmlo3T. and "..'• . Ibl.tli;atq l liMpa ”P ratloti ' l ' . ' ll•3[ol33LlTlllNi In all rams of '. ..W. 111 0 . '.' ' ;'. ",' 1: 'l ; , ; ',nl l ' g 'ol' ' ' ' ', . l'. l' T nl Z r e '21',13.,' rt t . i ''1';',....,'"... - A t'4. 1 ,1T':,',17 `11'..-1,73,7z;;;;..%::::. - .7 ., 1 ~,..,,,.,1,. r Antlign ' r '. . I Indeed Cie only one in which It ought to le. exhibited. pow Lis. , . f lig .1‘..-na of fe-olland and English Prineiwww. , „,...da i , a ll t il l properti.. of the Moowia now . ernemi 'fly Amow Stn....fend Vt. Lllit. , ' 1 ore. without !Ant liable like it. to form &morous amen 11, 1,, eta, curia-p.. of II 0.,u110y VAlitel 0 2. tun. In the bowel.. It elleetualir , cur, In artburn without 1.1. o, 111, , Itra to C fonlllol. l l. A 1 rol. ' , To . Cola i i n , r i.,l),• 3 ... 3 3. of 11..' oranack,na ...Oa, WY, and theft The Ro t h. 'd 0 ..1 . .. , • and It. l'au.. An AB' de . I mrhonatem ahl kmorn , toil's It prevents Ons foal of intent. Isser. , le Proadwift l'.o.erretel.., no Wednesday eveir I turning wait: in ell cam. It art.. • viewing aperient, and nog, Jonnar, 1. , , Is 51: ha Km N. Berm. D. I, ' i. prrollarll molded ....ro. Jo, nswii...l and for .rde I, B. I 11.1KINA , , Mr Bumph, Davy Rumba! that this solution forms wil y„ l ;, 711 A 1 .410 1-11 IIIIIIna , Coortli . tilde anoldnations with 1131 , mid salts In casco of goal and IVI EM ll SIC— gravel. ligrebi counteracting 1131.1 T Inflation. tend., IV 1/11$lEl i i when other alkolic. am& earn Nlngnerla Itolf, had fatal. lit trimmV.... ,. ...r.1.i..... - 1 Prrrn Fir Philip f . rartipton. Bort, outgo. nem . ral In fats .. 1it`1,,t11'..:1',..710'f,',..."':-.3-'..7 t r. , 1".b . ,, . ",1 % ." "r --------. , A-,'i.1,0..,-- - ~.,..r...,!..., . .'7,:..h,....1....„'.. a new song. by 0 C regter. i -lantr f."1,- . ll;ere can hs nn doubt that Magnesia mar be wlinlnist , red mon. safely In the Berm of a ameentrattal so. 1 Y .1:". ' 1 ,1 :1 Pier the. betel of minr. ' Italica then la 'tutelar., for ad, mad many Miler rewantu.. ent.• maidens tranr.f.r.'lreneadtilo I am of opoilon that the Fluid Magnate I. a very valuate ttr ma r tw ham., y.i ham the Daughter.of M. Mark. 1 addition to our . 11a4rtn Mcßee- 1.11 I 1.1 I' CRAMITON... lmean Burial. a favorite and tonehtnir 1.11.1 l Sir Jam... Clar k, Mr A. ooper. 17, right. and M,113. Thou Inwt oon.l.st the ..i.trlt the , I It his' Cuthrlwendllerbert Mara. of Londn. strongly Fn lien Indt. 'it. don't Sou ' , member "ere , Alia. %lomat a Child Megainna. as being infinitely puree aafo knol Ono , ITika, 1,, 1. C Irol, on, to•IiIrot than the solid, and fret (non the danger altynd- Ttocengraosi Pelt* Bina, log the enitetent no• of wale or 'wt.,. ...irstrdt and Jo areet-anopirte For mil. by the inowrrtrr's acal propfirlm'a ari*. Ivry Onolrill , . 1 , , Mrs fnoo.o. Foshlon I,lka t IL A. F.CIIN EST.( K A CO. lk tt, Ilka. 1., Iltiry rouller Chet Clot I,llm. . 'all Coe Woad A .Front 0t0... I ri•• Polka Barbel, I Polk . .. - 1,111, Otoalollea-orr..ko c o.* ~,,,c, ICALLISTER'S °ENTICES'S. ,:•.... g..0,.ii. , llnalcloA Polka .Allea - honc Cotillion. c ; \ONTAINING no Mercury, nor other ' n''' u'll''''''''''' l"'""'''. r"r "n''' ' '''''' L3linerni The following testimonial wag gi„n I, the •,* •.1 licond 10 , • - • 'd 1 .... l''''..... '- ' ClarC , Catalown for the Piano. , herded Ilr Wonder Bear, th. author of li,, great Medi Born 0.. liana leo. Praarr. Percival St I, I cal te.gk , rttlitlat 'The Amerman Practice of Medicine and d • .1011 , II NI EIJAnt. II ind .0 I hall_ I•hisigon ' , s , 1 11 -A irr, 11rar Mock of Ara-4 1 1anor arra., sod t -Bovine Iran made areinitlila 4 with the lOgralent r . 1,11 0. ~,.." 0 r sal , Oil. wok , ,a.ll ._ 1 '(roll thlinvi•r IleAtlider• All.ll.lo.lrotthottoent.aio r .,ba, , - . , ma yr...riles! aml ...dal It in several caw, In niy ,, p ze r, Ni:w rN)K , AT 11 1) 1 ' 51 ES . /hi htrJ ' fill ii'':;ll:l'io...':i.i...7l'rib.:Z‘:.'=lttaloin!rutt gio"...rol7oi,:la,ee it . i ''''' '''''' ' ' '' ''''.". Th" "'". n'''m ' u ''' ...... n.r .fir. '' ., -" e rq u if, '" fo ` 7t , T. ,-,11,72, r 0,t \1 -•".4‘..v. ' b . ut of ;nal re . for. I.l.lr7g r a truly Brientifie nornolr of Kra IC ron Induena.. TII.. let lleilor . I I,titebter*. EY u., , hrrrrrisr ~„.„,r , „„,„. . „ It rs r ~, ,, , ,,,,r rrs ome , . Amulet. Mtstirrm ilremopenwi. 1101401/ .1.11,11,?. , wined, I. f n..... n ,uro med. and whkb lan ulepted to rot Asa of a great ctrieti of enees T 311313•13 I have never .an. rs . 1 ., " . Jar lor .1.01, .r. B hikt Almon.. ter c'd I nitro r,. -d or maimed Its ilic ado a ...-ro -, •t ~,‘, , -,”•-. r., -. . 1 f.ir the Intl, Prnost. onnaorntiour. humanf Tbo 1 1raher , Ilene mlecre. a ...lid Ily timer Aguilar. . rbararter •il 0.. proprietor of COI ointment. and the tall, .11,.' totterell, or Is.• fnarrina , --A not , 4 1 e Ladder rit Col.l-an Engleb rii.r., °flit. ders..rr....bilee sue to ,oi . thu• much regarding it I.lfni. ant to In 10114s1-0 la, . 33,1 e 3,1, A oot 22..1 , -Pi. • W. BEACH. It it Caroline ••1 Pron.-wick 11, I. 11 1 II flarnokl , Ire kinnitah Confe.Wonal Banta-It to on. of the tw.a thlnits le the world fArburn. • A 1,-tur. on theJrlenal. Jr...n• Er PT n•TT , ~/W3--Thno.uar aro , regl, rural b, this tenunent "r R '''' ' ' '' ' '' " L' ' ' '' ""''''''' "" lb. r' '' '''' ' 1 " '':: . .'`,,lr''..,':-.1.`t.f:.';.`..'",..71",:i'l ki0,1,1,1e.,,,.. it h., ...,„., P,,,..1-...... viiothcr. and Nor*, know Itivalue in ense. of Sandia, ram. duornal..... lof sea ~lunie . . r 33.• lire... 111.1 would alwayanginly it to auctianwe. 3311, e. , ne ,-1„. i, the author ...1 - The Ogilvie: , _ ...„.. _ ~,,,,, , ~.„,,,,.„,,,,„. „.... „,,,,,„_, m t .( in a r. m .• 3 3. , I r.I the kincri-su ditioMmtal ',Mgt of the \l's.''' 1,11 nn' a . • y„,d. ~ ' n ''' komp.! the 1. t lON. direetionf for using McAllister , New Books , just received.' irogutent tg g. refit,. lA.' touipLuid- kr, Awl.-- Tett., chilblain ,eald lieset. :ore Eye, quinei. hon. Tidied Fru F, 1131 - d , ot the 110.1, be lieorge Gilfil. ix..toloctr. !sena. 111ectmna Pomo. Biwa., of the eidne re 1 Ark.. Intro.. Corns. all 1n......• nf the 010... Bore lc. 111 I ' I'n. t id, Panpipe 00 ensiling of the 1.410 he, mows. itheume art tirodarf Iwing a liregroedve eklobl , .. 1 . 1 ~.... , i, m 0..,. ...LI 5..... t...,....• :welled or Berko. Erre t L cr-ino. 11411....igt0.. begionsr. in .'Nor l.r.-... • .. ( 7 ,i , s , .. s, , r, , s ~... „. ;3iln Me iir--1,33331- . 3. , . 33 , 34 r•-• I 3, 1,31•43 111, . a . Caine broufht before the 11. 3,1111) - 1 tr.a..l It, Hanaah Ili could I.• 1 I.lnri.. 1 , 1 r",rt . 5",,...,..,..,: ' ,,r,V,' ' ers tii ‘ t,:wou 'mei, • n'lmaton a. thara, and I ~.oto i Charm. 11, Marra J 11. f1i,,01, c?;‘ll,..t. ' ; ', ' lll llcalme or 11,0.1 1,1, atunet ....cm 11.1 r -n. 0 , .1. by ma., trland it *P.S ll ...•rmir to it• redo h. e•dt,. r'• 10....enp0 , s...qtiel V. -111'.. 1011.10. , it.. 1.9.• ueso rund lo II of the nue' 'painful rltrutideno. 11% iloo , I.atolrf a 1,11.411. r • f Ili. ,11.-. a 1131n1 of a traulAroono• pa' to the " - 1 " ... ' "......".• 3...1 E "...." .-. 3..... " Al .""" ode. a touch of ....relling in the hint, gr II hat.., tad ob.r 01 c'..'" . '. 33 iN, inittudiate hot In oven eve. it 'au di. rota,. 11, tn.'. 11,11.1 Ar, ..I‘l.-letitie , and Engiltrecng••'" - twine onpliedotit•ordlt 0., oda I r rale A, lt 11111h1Na, ~‘ ,. ,,,5 , „ „,„„,„ „y th e ~,,,,eyni healing tweet yew '' M" . "3.`","- ,'..alt ' we...syn., ,01, mime. v, rubpan the fallooring certilleale. NEW BOOKS! Inaa 3 r•-te-toble eit.n..o of linidenerrok town.lnp. in this &XIII \t I. *TIN. ENCLI:II 1.[311 0- -.% , o f 10-(, Berkmro.. March 30, I'l7 1 blew ant erita.. , l tatin. Enelelt Igairon. I,umbd M. - . Et o i , r A r t o I a.... . Intorm 'in t..( I no. A a.,en. polo In the hark. 1 , 1 Co toe 1.1 '' ''''''''' ' ' n"" "''''... ''' . ' ..""r 'l°l'o' ''''''' t ;,:V;i 1 ,1,,17 1 ,1, - 1,-11.-• :..1„..011i,l, I .../,-1-1 fr. ~.t,...1.1, , ,..... md ...01. , •ti. 0.e..n. lbs ketto.a,..l Wcnar, ~. i .u,,,,,,,,..., 1i0,,,u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..d.,„i0,, rao , I.lt , 1,r11.1. 1, "1" , - 11 1 . I 1 I' . 0. .." .4. '" . 11 ' .k •33A3a•• 11. •I.W II ihlring LIM( 111, I tn..] V 3313,3.1 T," I C''' " '.. 1 . ' flow) 'tli'''''.'-gb1.t1..r..e1ueb..1.7.,..7;•11V.. nutalter , w huh awn. pre...rib's! lig me he PlOvhdano and a1".n..1.,:0i5r1.."::.1',.1..1,arts i ' d 1,1, new. s, si. 15 , 11 ,- ; 1 0.- i . r.,1-.r.,7.,,br, Z71,1.0,....4.,r.5.1/1rfr.,!,.!rt,rnty,,,,,,,,.,, T .1, ,, ter. etillitg of -le 11 hat, mar ti. , t . aptr , " Bt. i mww t -a 0,t.• c • • I perm.. 100 t now ran., fn.. from the pain. rani en.loi la' ':::-.1,-- . - - , --- , -7 , , - - 7 .,-; ,, „5.11, '^'"-n- -- 1 :',1,;''..".'',‘`,L",';':::7....`!:1‘1-1,'..",.7.7! , 1 1 . - ;!.'; ,„, titr , ; , ' , .'tl'o" , : l, Vit ., 11 1 1;r1,r," """' ''''.:-..,'",1'i11:-li'TON:I47 Market .'t , harm ' r ,nit let, trieili ii, Ito ‘,. . 1i ,,, !; , 1 1 1 . 1 ,,,,...111 . ~,..,,i... p.,...,.. and to.tergan e d.l - - . 1.1. k 14:11.111 , AS K 110.)KS&S'I'ATIONEI:r , . ,„„I„nt s .J " :• 1-P.. d . ' , ' , ' Tit: 4. l l l ' :L ` ni ' t7, l4 :: l2 .t: ',' , ' .r.;.. . ' r''..,,w.T%Vi:NTl.VllteliN 11 , PEE Bill 1 Ic" , ‘" •'"" t " ' ,0•I ' Il.-- ''" l-I "'"d plan, '''," , Aakat, of hrciimino--IL A. 151....t0 - 1 , A I,..agner a stet who. .. , , lr,al and Find 'lei Wm..loctwin No gli, Lii. rti ,tort. Mat, B.A.* of cirri - dreoritYlim. 0 band nt "......... • I. 11 lima. Jr.. 'writer of Market stroel and the Inemond. order et 'bort mdm. . ..., , aim , ~merit Fourth and tnitlm..l4 ,ti-.. J. 11. Ch..s..t. aor. ,inuoter, - / tizielb Cre o . ll . 0, C.c.... , fan ' -- ier of Walnut nal Penn ..t... 3'lllll II ark mlid ad az th, •te01.., 0, ..le to s I s I ,:',,, " , "V" ,„ N• ,11 1 ,,„ e w... ,.., 11... k. store in rmona.i.l atrorl. third diwr tn.. 0.,,,0 I.'''. ------- ...-. - '''''.-r. ' . ' -- I '" All.. ‘ " '" '''. 'l "' l' .-."..."''' "......"...' . ( f itI'.ASE LA 111 -Twenty brio Grease Lord 110 1 lb. AN OJo P BIN I'IN , L er) .• .e.._. ~- •d, to - Jti eolith. drugo.t. Itlnnin•lmm. I , Neelri. Ead ., i . ) ~..,,,,,, ~, f.,...,. t .d esr a..,,,, yr,,,„,„,,,,,,,,, ~,, l..l•,,ritj.,i,sll,l7lll.V.ltleilik,w.g.o..rtizi,t,l.,.l...r.artidu 4 1 ,... .. „... .t .:. .. ,. „, ....,,..... 4. 1 /311 T 3, -. 3• ].. I, 11atl (arid 1,11,11 , <. rrocutol al rl.l l, 111111.7,!T,,, l,(1• I hum ovine, John Berklor. li. over. l'a, doliti 11 other., . I ' o mann . r • '"11 . IA for, ro,. • ~.,‘..,,..,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, ~, kit.,, „,,,,.h..,,., „ till . 1 1.... AFI. A I I 1)- Prilflo"Ci ' ll - e:11 % 11% ' I l i A- L u e i r A ll 'E LIt "nr-cl Cando.. 1 Ohs .Ze. Shim.[_ betweou Market and Fere! 1 _I Out op in kegs for tamely tr. fest rec . .' for ad by A , 'LEBO & CO. ...” ~ ~,,. , S. - ', )1 LI I.ES BABEL ' S SIIAVING CItEANI. kan 1v..1 a, i • I' ATI( )... r.,. i- - .:. ~ it 11 EN, ....Two - of • 'rte.,. ft mao :h0 Lt t.r.: ,, 5:A . 1 , 7:1Zi . 71 , ! , (i'.71 , 1%1 0 LAS-ttt'ES --. :: I ti - erees and :WO halals, 1 '"" '" "" U" " b." ''' "t'. " I"'"""" C"' ." ' :.'''''lb:tr' B'l l ' I' "rlO-: —l.'l.- '''''''.. ' I"'"".‘"ars''''' l i l l . ll ' lA . l '.. ..c f' ffl7[l:l !' lTlLlCE ple, . e-ortiztent of Cow, ...Ironer, a.. hit, ..ver w. it . w .,,, , ,, , .. r r „ ..urr. ~,,,,,,„ r ~,,, ~, ... rt. ol" .." 10" """'" "r""' .o'l'lol ." '"".rs '6'; ''' l''''l ''' '''''''"'.'. '''''''''‘"C"''' . I". • u‘ ' ' FINIIPFP PI 1 - 1. - S ' l )- INO It XIN C A Itl i ET.. arie I. ,in this hoe no tho 1•3-.1. 1•••m31.1.. 4 mai. la. rr ,t, . . s s , u . r i ss ,i s „ ~,.,,, ~.,, s ,„ r, if a ,„ „ 4 , a . t. . . 1 i • • ' ''''''' ' ' " ''' ''. 'fl . 1 II 1 •lf Mr 1.11.01.• k Inc,. pundmw re to the largest and -1,,,, , , E 1 V sTocK OF I'l A Nt,IS. , a t th...e.1 I. tt Ilarp. No Int Thlnl et. upon mato, (mai of in.. for the hod oule, II tr a ocullf. , ..,,,. x„.0 ; ... I ~,.. r„r. ~,,. „ , , ..rs„ man ~ r _ , -” 1,""""''' ''"; ''''.ll,oo • '''''. '' I "/Vl';''''-'ll"llll..l.l.!!'";ril'eani.".'ettl..Vi.'i...,„-,,,,,01, I eaAler ' „ ...I:n. l' ll ' .. 111 itto ' all to'n " II at. oraine nor ' ,Xk 4. ' e l,l I'll,'" ' ". "I '''' "st ' 1/4"0, . . .111.; , . ,10Mring the still., ma) nos 1 stew beard 0,0 . 1.1 No /.7. Fourth dreet ant li , Must stree . ''• ~ 00."'".."'"'''' • F ' ' ' "" ' n ' '.."' ' .."01 I." ' '''' 1 ' l l' i . l i...rA... n.iuri. o al..omeno.t.. ( Heel. ....1 i., u.... Jaw n I mce - tANTMK. '''''' "` " " l' ' '' ' ''''""lrs' 6 " ` "" .1 '''''' 11 ''' o ' 4 ' Zr:.J..i. oI oat um ' altartrt tto•terltatle „ .afl per, none . 1 , 11 , 1_ , 0r ‘ ll , rer.. , ~,,, •: .. f I:. ~ , 1 1, 11017,112111.,01,,,,0,...1..11111‘1f,...7,XL.111411.1. ~,,, ..,. 0 ~,..,,:.1.,v...,,L,„.,,,,,,k,t;,..E1t1fz,,, ~f. the .I..in im hid, 1.... , II ,IN DOW BANG INGS.—W. McClintock 1 i ,41“-• .thn, wishing loPurrioge a vrrf' 11. 4 . 1 . 0 . siiiwit. -tn. tot, 'viatica ol Brass hrdrumente. t Kilt , . . „,,,,,,, „„i na n i,.. Ham l'• Sham.; Cream. out, lam. ..,ortment of Satin. 'Wain. Comet, of the newest and ....."'" • .. 1.1...1... " . ' ..".'' " .. '' S ...'"."" ' 4.. """ -'1 ''' ' ,... 1 , 1 ‘,, Ito: ...Idiot and nowt pieninu so.d. immaliatel ilne r it. 7.... t. stile., at rednold Pr.. , Coil at the "Af1. 4 ) 1.1 " .. '" .-- 0 t 0 ..k. loarmunt , illeppd .waditer ahoy Inn, lin. A.. E.,..0111 ,troof POW.. p tl '; E 11, In II /I: S.- -Iluml - gilt.'. . nr - sr .- IVn - rk. " ' 1 ', .. 1", . ',', . ' c . 11,1 7 7)-c.lllO-..,,r.).-%.7.00,,. I . , one groat AdV11,33 , -• , I 331 3. ester t. 3 etl.ree n . The Old Printing Eztaidiahme n t ,-.",' ", , k -,,h- 1.1 a 1 ' ).,.. " , ....." 4 " ..4 m... tal nr th.ee ono wear imtil.k. r. -I. in. 1 , ..-f toot It oil' oot ~ .1 .1,,,,....,,,tir,,,i,,,,,.,t;anzi1.„:1,,,0i1in,:,....,-,17.77,,,,,,,nh,i,0..:,,r,ei0u a ~...1, 1 -111,‘,T,,,,F,,,.T.,71,1tn:uti::;...0w.1,,,5..binu1e:ft. olio, and Blank Jule. Ihners Skeet.: Crvatit•ote dollAhtful preforation i.. , t 4, 11st 1...., , 5 ,„.,„,,,, i n ~,,,. ere , at s h. a f.„„ga. compounded with 'MB to Ow iforr ..acluoni, of an Mirk- i c n ,,,,,, 5a i. r.,„.,,,, an , ei..,,in Boot Joh Printing And lkwAi. taloulotod to twister the °penme of 'benne mild...an , I Moiling owl furnish evem erne, in the Illank Book. and wlll be nopreglated ti, nil who Mel , trint "f them• ' Parcr and rtatiottery line. at the Shortiwt notice, and on n. trt. l milr by ... miet redwinolde term. , I P P. .1 I! I .F.S IIAtEL. Perfumer and Cbrml.t. . " Blank End, awl Stationery Warrhons, corner a Market 1.-Meltrout onwst. Philadelphia. and hweand streets. , for m1....11.10.'n4frn.". b. D• A' ('Phil" At , . Printing 11t1w.,,r0 nr , . - .s. ni..1. - T. Nn. to Thia .t. ja.9 '...and 11 E. Fellers, Pittsburgh, ana John Magent, nod J - - • , , . • .., e.. 31itchr11. AllAehrny City. ' p RANI)ILs, B !NU , . GINS. uA... 1 - ' kg , half ~,,,.....Cogniae Pinsruty.:Pale.nuil Eark...,„. ITo the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. i 1•:;-k..1• ( . , ... , •k• • •, , , , + . , ..., ,it:.,,,,,,,tt,•,,,,:iir.,,,,‘17 . 131UBLIC AI:TENTION in respectffilic in - ; 5.1... Holland 111 n. .1 th.toin. Anabor - and - Feb." .1_ riled to the following truth*, met forth in Jeloilon n, :I puncheon. Ind, and renteln Mull Whiskey. '74,111tE0135\ I Toh nr l l ll " C ' lr ' l ' l .. e . l l t , l r e " nlrotre ''' :kin me gdo Jamaica Kinn. lo Md. N.• E. .1.. do. year .sin (Inc. Otis great mainly we. brought before the It , or akt Port Wine. b •or the ern , •nd en, of dl Ito great pewee. 117. do Niadelra Wine. Et ' , It'clitri,Thac.. and then. bronze full, arprtiemßal by the .... do Sweet Malloga Wine. r,llomuity,. and we Idle, Oust thy longer It le tried th. .....7 .. itr, do. do. Inure nett , . .lll Bs moot Nino Fyn:M. 111, not the mow . 111 do :Berry 11 inc. • IN",f . a,. • 3 33 311, tor the pole pomade of making money:. .d.... Boors Itordi-eurCiend. ~,_ _ , ........, 11 .„ I but. one. villich we morel., will onotlone to 1w used when In otor. and for ml , . to JOON l'Attn.kit tar., all other sordron have been forgotten. Thn Petmlento 11 I 3.3•3 • 331 Liberty Kr al a Natural Itenosly. elaborated In the depths of the calk I .by a power and mien, that laughs to Fermin all human i - , BLD SILVER, BANK NOTES, SIGLIT i re. It is our duly, wl t i , .. , ,, , vr . e ,, rite n t , mt l... a Y , = . TlnVrafts on the East and Wert, Stock.. Ae-, la i re.l l ' . ' , " : twe '" l:o r tlita t e ' ;h r u u m ' n "- T 1 4 ' , . mtf. r '.. o ° , * P ' l ' a 0011,. .. : b 7l ' n h t l' ln l itt ' arine I.'ilkko issued nn thr most favorable ,lona. 11, ‘ or rraternrOla. Ihe mirk are . vrry apt to catch at I terms. lit [lie honking 1 1 1 , 1 , iruf ,.. i„.... a.50i. ,,, ~ c, ,,. , any thine that prompow relief from dish.,' .Tl,ll, can i herd, los too highly wrought in snow, 'h., object .1..11. ~n :..:‘,. 74 Fourth street. logo, loimbugging Pomo onlyem. :woe, we do not drain. , to do 011..• we ere anxious that the truth in relation 4. rt -1 11 El SUIISCItIBEn INVITES THE at remedy mhould be told. In order to ^fell, few It a repo- i tmatinni,f,errlo.l3ortray.„ing,,,bartat..rir_ittglerrariplethiuri3O,,,,,,,b;brom,,,,,,,terfra„mt.ed. i ,r, ~,,,,..r,lttbuitl,nln.,o,tif kmue,r_cihia,..n.ta„nn,lll,lothr..rr*.c,u,,,to,,Bri.,„.ll,,,rmege 5t0..1 • y, . Drawers. - The shove articles In eta, Book 31erina and 1 " r m e l r o 1 .1 , 1 ,' 1, ' ,.i.e. "' i n" t ' i ° : ''''''''''. 6" •"'''''' ' ' ''''"'mn' lo ''. , Cott.m r. of all etre. And pria, amstantly on band and Br ” 11 ithl i n thii 5.t two monshs, Ben of our own citizen., i . 11 ." . 10 .. hr c.= ' v. 11. EATON. ___ whn•" ' r" '''''"'f ''""''' b"- '''' ""''''''''''''''''` "'"'• 1 G 101.1) PENS. We have no‘i - on hand a , coal ran. of lii oilness. lu the &ate a ob., h.,. barn h. rnseof a gentleman. Bearer county. , lan, 'leek of the teat Cold Pros hem tno leading 1.71 r!dgfr . l.ut those ve ase. near om. endManufactories n s N ,, ew i l"ir , „ k ,, .. nod mail ... !.forlyy m. , ord . er. „ 1 r e t. " Mto th b' n s ' : r err= ,),T'T:c. '1 1 .2``:7,":!':.',1:: ! c.':4''' 4 l:.:.!'';,;;;l..t;'.'`l.'o=i „, . it. l ,-11.0t,1 1 .-1.-. p 7171„. -„,, by ph, denials to. hopeless. Th.. 10.0 - ileum will rote. , All for role whol,..ale and, retell at Nes lora 101 ,, ire, 0 . s . . d... 7 r.,tr,- ,---,,, - - -,''''''r ',lz egr%.l.."llT•L'ir.°47,. - - -,:.'-0,..'.',.”:;',..z..' .b,...,,.,.,.....f. i.,..,.zn,:,..:,.,,,,Ti.i.r: ,AAN K IN". COLLECTING AND EN ,„iii 11 ,, pair, In be Iwnea and juin., old acs, likferc l CHANCE tiCEICE--N 110Lstp.h A SINS N1.:7 %t e n., Amie, Chrome Cough.. Aothma. Bronchitls. and ail . ,k„, 5 e r ,..., pi,,,,,,,,,,h. Lydian,. bn a tlin Eaotern pulnioner, altalsone of a chrome nattin., terang to pro- . ad lf ...lent riti, • for igle. Colleetions runie . all thd dna. Conmitoption . ' ormanal thaw.. the Lupin. Not, on a avout flank, Burn* and Mad" , . 1 ........... ta. a.. ""nitift . nn , K'" ... P . • •. ilisnniuted Not,. ..1 fin, hill, negotiated. 11111 Chaop•al liana,. Ear...auto! NIPP I ca, 0.. , and Bunions 1 -"--- 11l NA. 33 I* • 13CCAT ITIITTI,I3. ASI, 1334 1./A bonen trial i ll N1)1A. lIIIIIIF.It I'AST E. I gross of that in most ream Rhine Bowsaw within that past roar with the mart perfect Mons,. Certilicatew that will eAteiti*h are In . „ ... t .1. : . , 0 "" I ';'' l i .• tt ' 1 1,! " .,. 1 : '-' 7, 1.' ,1, ' ..".. ". . 6 (Y.1. 1 1" ' 411' r e; the hands of the pn.prirtor.who will tat, pleasure In allow- ~ ',..a., . 1„. .. g. 5 . r, r 1 , .',.,.r, i nn' 1. ^' i I r ~,,,,,,,,,,,, it tug thine to We er, ictrd or their friends. tho mom, ft tundra. 1,, rain airJrasle ans/ rellir 1 11'hotral.r alt Mar Fay about their malleines, Ito. . r o ~ ~,,,,„„, ,‘„, I,1!11 .1 AII 1.11 I 1.11 . Petodeum I. the gtwalest EMMA, of the ago. Ph, rid., , _ _ of blab standing In the prof...ion are beginning to use 11 I /11E,‘ ‘k A 111; in their praAtier Thom who a i t , ant nrifeu en nltl. doom. i -Engii.h .k• American Ilritan- Ma Tea aeta. 1,1..1 do / 11 a1 , 1 hula[.. Candle.irks, :.?tudairtZti'Llon'.'''llefttertViliarre r%4l".;;ro'lL•lntiTn'll.ll.lld;rlirinei 1 . 11010 ,M 1.01 .- Tni,t - Pi d- l I ro- i. 1r;..1 , inalO) loorl ..I.:V -ootioelloti to neknowledpi mat thy Pldroloune la thr great. .....a.."'T -H- r0 , , , ..r: , "„;;',;,„,,,1:,).;-.„':r„'":„ . 2 . 14„,,,,.„ , ,. ad medicine mg, disagreed. For sole, wholnar and n- ter h l,l te. l I Inc: , mo u.' lt .., , ~ • taillby KEYSER A nowe.i.t... 1 11, Wool M. Takla MAI.: Trl I , a, 1 1,1 1 ' , r , ..”'....: . , ..,",!.g.c .. ,..'........74 .- . 1111.11, A Jo . E Fellers, 57 ITand street; 11. NI. Curry. I/. A. 1011 . 1 .4 "........_","..„. ,5. .,.. 'l . , ~..,,, 1,,, ~,,.s . , ,-,r ds .,:,_.= Elli'dt, Joseph lkmitle. Allmtheny CI,. Alm, 'tore(. the nro- lAc r) ` o l..rn. ' . tirt,i'l.:!;B:.'n'n.d'llit A gi ra iL litt ' e ' rtoc 'si k r Lr.,'..'rt.,:eln',ll,-,!',2:1.1"., 1';'„:".. ,, ,.--,; . ,,F,-" b h:::::„L'',.7: 1 :::.• r 13 : . ,::', ' m k, , h' ,3,. ' -I K . l lth" , about the rite el a hai. I. boill will nuko coif, cook I k k.l. , a 1'... minute, ..w , ............" a,.,''''' - 01, In W. {l'. WILeiIN. For sale 1,, _ Cod 51,irket and Fourth et., ig 1 C \Slit; lALAGA \VINE; t p '.1,,.. In mon, it prime brier. on musignmenk iii , I,ro Clover I.4,l.prinic :Coand, Sneer. C beh llidos,e, prime cooperages 1 0, 1,1 , Linea...! Oili Ikeys lank bd.; FMB Birth,: lot, to, lace go brio Timoth' Ferdigm howl and OA rede hy , BItOWN ft KiLEPATItICK. nail • 144 - lAberty ' , tread .. -NI E RICA N WOOLLEN GOODS:—On. ht:ideal and 9E) pr. large •3. , 4 Bed 'M.B.A. ..., yeur. Crib Illankytm,ouperuir label., '.5/0 do - ,learn Boat Blanket, Ohl.. bound.. , Pll 330 limy Coating Blanket., heavy. 1110 du Drab do r do do :at do Illue . 11., do f do 3 eine. Mark Blanket Cloth, do 1 edo Ilnever Ore, kilted. tb• s 3 do super - um 11IoeL !'ninth Itrealch.th. 3 do all mad Tata, aiworte.l ',lora 3 MI Jest, aoortad .dot*. .... do Ca.wonoree, blrak mod Euler morn I do Satinet,. blark and orrY micat• • 3 do 11 bite Twilled Flannel. ratiowide. 4 do Cro , barrod do d Tho noose de-coral Parka are all on roariglontolL from wartime manufactur ra rad and wrmt, and nee for all. en 'lbw:alarms to the ;ran., at manafacturers' DOA. ,( dsli /.1.1. of ‘ l sSkrtrlron nfunr,cta. thr New rttgima %,t. 1 1,1 1 . 2 tn. nncl llnclev-Pre Diet icuari. N._ relvol ro ..rolotts The , no , s, ir,orlllit ifio P nnliSn. I hINS, pow Apollo Ilultdines. 1111113E1IT'S, HOG A N AN D - /I yuoursoN ;4. and ilarrOat's meek. l:d. Peseta 001 i e..rtulot . Inks C.lnt V. Fat. ltrakroan and JewWww, ana 11..nn00 I bid Isisd Termini. 1.1.-Inuds ~f (A., description, r. Cohen', Pref . ., and MI., ninnufnetores atrol 1..w5 I p 1 C ) ,ml/11 I,orretnor lo OS 0 eelsl,ratol IoSI Ton.. with imdd nod rilmr nits . M hart:ma's 1:0011o11 bro. - low l'aPer—antlquattan. doa ble eh ellant, arta, eolutal4r. nopz rot att end ph l 1 11 ::1711 4 1cT1i1 and emi.diol.l.lllver and 11. n. mlnfori mirer. gold and minred .1 in and desert.. and litiloorsphs for (sort holm. prcosn.d inimhmnot ol all .inisble for dents, chin . ). ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cannom ' lo n r Nut., parties, ww.a.ngs atul Fmn. not.. envnlnnem Thin and rrohmsni; iriim nos,' mi. Von slate mid had arot plain adhesive ma. 1.1111. Won and whit.. fi son, I. st, rum, sniino...patterfi, host, 71.7.5 .." 1"M. r .ind gni Ink'. th.ut Iu o f n fl shim Iwteol 21:ntn.MnluC !s1(11 all other articles In the Ptatlonery Urn, boo, fansy nod rinple. together with • las, arnorttnrat of blank and no tncratallan books of common Mao. o f ro i l ,. 01.000, of binding, and PaPrr of 103.sism and goalltlo., for .file fit rodorod rah.o nA n the mlwn reason. "1 Manic. hook sod StYtin ' orryNl oE N ' lin.r. nnl Comm of thirlirt sod Em od titans. 'l' AN DISII, rplIE I'UItITAN, a Tale of J Merle .lAulllwoo. U. I!...Pnoolent the , Tileol , T ' r r a n r7s o lt..:l " l l 4 . It a :MYl7l: l . d l . l ' . t st amt.rldGe. t,'. limincted In fort, en:trash:mi. By Lewin Collsw.. Tlie oho ,. work a hm sale br it. eTOChTI)N. BOOkAPIIOS SOO Statinner, Comer of )Isrkef sod Third xis. LI NF 'll IPS P ' It m's spleudiT Out it!trod ner‘l la all the bodingt. N os.ls. .. w ' Enulara stal ' New Yor. Ws -ha. llntOre obtain. 11.001 l is. Pltt.bargh. k and I. lln '''` No llwanille , to call and enallllllo Ihrm.. N o I -Map of he M Hemisphere, S 2 lash,. - • N..r1.1. Americo. 70 Al • J to at.ths, 70 WI rope. 70 ti 2 4.1 a, 70 70 7 I. • Muerte:. k 700. l Le/. the DM two Ileral. Ours Slap.. with ker. I.ln. Tile midi sllnd in nruney, beauty awl dinir 110P0, SOO mlniand the rinds of Me Triomf.). grill..htes. and high vehool. orthe Urntrtt S Sor .ale I,l,ll.ll,ll;rk.ireizZto;gl,Bl,4l,l,l4llll?[..frelght l'orne; 0 , 41 Fourth at Morris and Willis's Home Journal. Itl l lSll [ID ... ~.ory Saturday in NOW York ill. al Two POW, year. wiyal.le In ail ran. la . I.isSm--I.llllr. of ths llouir Animus'. No Int IMO.. tr. , . Ann lurk. Ismoilom 03, In:/0.—To all Lon It mot 000 0 001. Thin nos, 11101)) that J. It. If out. authorlre..l to act eto anent fir Mom. 1 %Valves ,1„.0 - Jom....L., sod that r. br hi. la I.Y . f o r rant paper VIII INS ILLllyarkuork,4,l b y st t he Tobi Mo. lona IL IS Im:wit Naomi soil nods, f 0 that all subsrlptanot are payable one ear la out an, Thr urn . valuate will rattn. .on the Ist of Jean . ar, Sutormtionanwolvest by J. 11. Holton., Third stroet, tiltPOO 111 S,. k Editor. and Proprietor, ! "1 I I ; V E reeeireil, a large 4 ionanfal of bull. lave. and white klni.loper, of all for rale at uwa•naik - low priers at M . 1 1 . 114 V enitinnur ir•rome;•... porn Cm. Msrlist sod esmoil Infests . N ENV BONNETS—Murphy & Burchfield pare open thin month. MVO,' ISLWII Of BOW SpolOSI of r.oylksh lifigiston Chip, shim ly,erl and Nspir, tr ot hi n d . ,40 011.orn, Coburg nod Alilso. rhino do. American Pful,:f.te. Penrl, 11.10.11 Luau, oiin aro . Alno M and Cp . poln....jit s V . IIShIP: e Ales` n 1.114410 I F. 4.•11 . 11 110,16 CY 'WOO Jaen Morwl Chip 110, as low en reolkBOYS 4.4 I. fas . cob.g. Alba, Chios Pratt. loshorn. le. fsbl3 COUGHS & COLDS COED DT 48 HOODS. (al Nei'. the 'introduction of this nett Cont. 0 couctu. um, ot. or KO) osetais. an tats - .4_,,ti , 1 . I , time and at a cheater rite than Mal other luf`ft"''' eyes ""'ol mm. nil thRl. eeh ant ld.e.t.tob mlum to morn dimarentsttle tha r n the ecugh This is obrt a nd In dal. misurt.,,for It Is a il l be scribing. rtrl. and It will rune or the mon, will be nefunirtif. The #.l dear.. in favor of this medirins in our vity, (Mtn our owl C.llllll, any one of Its efanorY. lt lt" presrriptlon of a regular physician and tuts teen toed Oh 10 his own pmetitte ou'ruter st years. with Oh' [mot heroic PUMP,. lade form ittetthentille writes, tit.' her daughter had been atificted with avomith sod eVlstwbo 6111. A. beetle (era, and oil the distreacn t tl uff ee A' centlr In n county w Ise ho mat suffered with korona and Chronic Coral for eight 'var. ints been entirely oral t h e cma, removed by the use of half biltoen of bottles of this Par tont! Strut.. it gentleman (atm Peoria, Ills. write. that know" the I.,ebral lt, to be a goad arMell , be hal it.vd It is his ova rave and We notes uf or hip i t with the nowt motors, it 050 try thitartat 51tnitavra mew attowar—lt put up In half pint bottle. e fra vents each, or Fla bottle for SL fat. , troutertv Stoat...eras vomit do well to keep a supply o this numlicine nn hand all the time.. It It aye a the main perfeet and eilleacious remedi.... ever di...ne ot n.] for al "' n h t ! rjrN " trYl77, " Wan iu , ' Ve s ns od o.s t t".ll.lhtor; tog buy .once tom of the 'orlon. nortrunts, but no toot them. If want to get won buy Da. limar.u's Par-notat. Utflos, mid take an other. U pto will rare p.n. It boo In it ;4- „h'::44`. l :." , rr.Tli' ing art. Timm eau to. no deception to this runllmtat. It I. preitored In t our owls city. and the proprietor has numm onm eertillent., (rum lemmas In our man city. attesting In watuouble prattles, which will be shoot. to any pvnalt deuroilt Of Seeing them. Wstersn throughtnit.tiot United Illateeto ootl thl nodi..itte. tear, dlsv.tutlts will is. made to [how. who wit , take au intered in the medicine. It .111 pa, a Large P.M n, to all imentecteddes. t hey will be doing nuffvrinst humantit verf lot laacing hand+ tbr gnatt. ee tor Lon; Moran.. the world has ere ,. Portioned. For sale. vitolemalemud mall, by KEYSER McbtlM CLL. Druggiets. 140 %I orstarvet. Pittsburgh. Poo to al.pu 1.11 later, for 'actotvivs Must he Alin. for saheb` It. 11.1 urry. Alletthent P Itrocker, yr.. Bro. nostile George Usual. Wmilinatoot Julio Dutbmtan. hr iim otr. Jleliet-ttmet J. Iv Vogel!. Cut...bort toot nivrehants and druggids Ktmeralli• LLE ItS' I.IV El: I'l Ll,--"The very hes 31411 now In, use!" I. INAVVIIA 1:11007 Ilona; Co., Jan. 4, UZI. Mr. R. 11. Fellers—Dear bin I will stale to you that I Is toy vpinlnn sour Pill I. perhaps the ,rp best Pill no 111 UM a laver 1•111, and If surpassed by some am A Ittl-litilon. Pill. It I. ter)' highly efteenteel In our eon moon, to. a (molly pill. owl 1. foot .014d...tit. rdintr I now npent (tow (mill. esr.riSk, no d •Oh. e ,eos.s. or twiny a sly friml. and customer*. Vow, rrqwettully. P •1 nut perm:llB2ot to rho. the Wit-In:II 111 not pnl,linlith , nom , . 1.1., Pill. orr the Inirinal.l)nty True on 11Inunn, 111..Stber. are counlerfoltanr.l,, Itnitatlnn• .11....1. that It. 0 Mien. Liver 1 1 111. at p 11, nrlool sn.l re, onl, truro .1 Lir , Pill. Lai Wont .inner. vol of Drum:mt. irn. it nnul 1.1, . - - - QELLERS' LIVER PILLS Nupercede nil .Iwrs. Charle•ton, &pt. Inall.—Mr. It IR Sellerr --lour Pills hart. 1,....0,mr r.. 14 , 1 , 01ar In all Chi, re tig:•;.•':A.nntiTlTAr:ttUrllilrh " lErtrarl of t 1.11,1 JAMM I..rphan..r.rrenlb-rt that It F.. Fellerre Lir, PA. ills etre th oriciuM mkt nnl, tru. end genuine Lirer Pill. wad tn., hal at Nu and a prn,,,lnt. ,nerally thr ten ritlr. and I-Owl, Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices, AT wM. Chenp Cush Clothing 2.lwrii, N 0.130 Liberty atn+.l. o f 'i jr;,,ClTtg ri' o ' i ' lt r e t ti S a i t;Z . oVit " W h lt ", 0505 tf>" ~rirtrt. (Iv .ll or him with a call. I:grmt barualwo Rat New Books Just Received. ALTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet ; an auto. Panora,. and trachor. and lor youug Isdlk sex.. prepared and publlA loacnoranro with r,eklutlon of th, Sman. and Ilnitae Repre•entativ... a s Yuan or Ydiebbtan. lon May .; A• M., late ,uperintradeut of rob& aaaraenea. T o Pip. ma, Abbotex Soo 13onk—III.tary of !lad.. Roland. by Jobe O. C. .1.1.41, with enprae:ona tringlto n a. F or illt the Wow salamis of Wlx Mpp Iv Stl sass st. • frilitEr. PLY C.IIIPETS-- I Y. 3teClintock pmparrd town tbelaiTret. a/earl:aunt of three Corpa., VITA'd ill Ws -tile. and pattern. Welk the are dlrril. Mud an the lonsariers sod most aprioral facto ri es In the Ilzriou. Ca ll az Cu carpet warebouae. (o. 86 Fourth rt., t 51.1.9 11E . VOLN:F.ItS—Just re:4iv....- 1 . an additiqn , .I'PtY of o.. l ninfla• o.li. Ilevolirno n1:0 010130. .'.'!- . '!"‘ W. W. WILSOS I . .-- INSEED 011,-20 c;t..,k4 LingQ Oil , Iss,l mat fur 0•1/. I, 110 , 1 . , 1 , . s. 1 W 11011B01:111I. AEo—`2 o bid.. N. I. Lard, rod aridtor IA Arne b, mar I.: s. A M. 1101111000 y. POLL uurcEß-lUl.lds.lrosh H 1111.111i4,r lill. rrs , :d and Inr ...b. by S. 0 W II knIII i ll .11 1 1 : 11 / . . ; i t! , i i i 0 ,1 11:- .E s l _O , 2 1 .0 0 1 e , I a ~,... ,k r ,,,, 0 , , 11 , 1; .. ; ii, 0 : 7. ui or d 0,11 '.A M. 11111f101:6 11. ur 1 1 -i: . . . I.I.ItOOMS---5O dozen. for sale by 0.0 W 11A11.11aU011. 1 0 _ 1)1LIE11 BEEF.-- 4 i ca, - do. sugar 'nerd, for sale by • 0.011 S. a. ‘c. gAnnneuo., -I'l/.1 NI/OW I ; LASS-111141 by , . :1144.114.4 V7' Ki.. 1.-, for rale by 1,011 S. a W.IIAILIIAI , IIII. A iii)---:/.. , Idds, and 100 hogs No. I, fur 1A nal..: ! rr. 0.1:11S.1 W. 1101111.41.7011. - i VIM VER.,SEED --Xi Idols prime Ohio. for V, j /al, by .1",1.11 r. , A W lIAIMA4IIII. I\.ls-50 brls N. C. 'Far for sale loy jalm " ilv ItIMIMi F. A INOMII..SI_ 1iLpt.:1,,C,,r1(,.:1:,11.8451.)::,1,,...E..L„„17..1r. , :' ,,e 'S l ( o il d aArn.i•rj.,suer -1 n‘l,l N. I:. coo. Fourth awl !lark. 00 'FINE GAUZE FLA INN ELS—MUrphS & Ilurrhtlehl bn‘s en hand an assortinentor.alsno g..,XXIK • ~ manor. W.. 1.11. and Unnit..tie ‘o s .ahn. M Ide nannsts En-Shrouthan. jalS -L,',llPf.:ll FRENCH 'SLACK C LOTUS— , i s i t:r n : 2 4 In ud r n i . .. ; • b lY.4 ' .7 " C:7 '. : 1‘ ,lio u to rk':l:'::l"7:,Fr'Ti r i t : ol than ' n 'T u IL L I '. " r ' , l, e. Nn. V EICAUFUGE, DII. MoLoyC'S .CI:LEDRATED. If PI M N , for sale by J. U 1 xol KIDD A CO: W,l nt ~ CUZIEMIM J al% 1 1V ER PILLS, 1 1 r. MCLANES CELEURATEU, I A2uo arena fur role by tnIS J KIDD *CO VI A I.l2,ORKS—lrino gross tio ;aIe DD *by CR V fain .E I . - PONOE—.2. enSeS tine, - :Ind I extra iisis J. EILD & LI) I,3rnarn, for t..L1 , . In 11.,d 1 j , U\l SA . LTS lri Leads for sahebv EA D a_4o l ... .. . . Q L!N OR I H-S—Viltv barrels Family Flour; 1.. - jtr ,l db , +utertio.. Fbatr. 'JO brim nor dot - 50 butsbels Dn . Apol, I hel 1-4,.. ,u,i re,,,..1 and Orr nnle by OILN W All* cf.) Jail J ARM'S TitICOPIIEROCS for sally R. F. . SELLERS, AI WA.al .I. ' nJe anent for rnref -I,llo.eents per bottle. de% VANCY SATINETS FOR BOT - FWEA.R: I,' Morph, A Itorehbehl Invlle r ake attention of thein. ndin,f oral for loy.. , sar. to then . areortmamt of these and olld , e idyl , of "I.KIA ntatoted for Ltd! purpoe , POW W ,j( ?•l6 Cash I Tt i t ' lliti r ic l a V'' a l r, b l 2' 3. l torts". Ft - - - _._ . BROWN FLANNELS--One ease just re -15,,,11,- .1 from manufactun , .. nesl for vale by Jab; 111.7111 , 11 Y A . LEE. II ED FLAN NELL-One case on band and tor psi,. by iris: MURPHY A LEE. IA LANKETS--Single and double bed, steam i V I.At. crib. EMI emtind blanketnfor ..ale hr CUPfIY a LEE. TWEEDS—Three rises assorted Tweeds P r"rr '' ' ''" "'m '''''''''''SlVllA LEY sin, :i;aUMAC—Two tons Sumac for sale , by . , .., - 7 ,. .0.16,_ , , . 31LR1 lIV * LEE. ..... NIIIO,LASSI,S--Firtyilve lirls new crop, per', earner Milton, nod f ,, r nald b. . .1. 0 JAM E.S RALZELL. ES Water Id -- Pr °8M...C0--8 hoc No one. b twist, received IL f or steamer Ileilltant. and for ~.In be water ed. J"' JAMES IiALf.E.D.,6I . I ' PrO STEAM BOAT BU I LBERS: Extra 1 11 onkland end Ilfreard Twlllsootitable Pre IFtento l e:re t .l l :;;N ,' . '''' ' l"ing. ""I'NI.IIt7P.N7V.V3MinIr 4)f," lls W,nolfter.l. _ - 1 4 1 EATIIERS. 16 sarMi now landing from -IL:. • Fron t ,t. "I„ENECA OlL—Five brie received, for sale s by dr2:, HMV Ell lIARNES. hrl and ten jars prime roll b3"t." tAr"r ""..""li VERa BARSESK IV 0. MOLASSES.—Fifty lols, arrive, 1‘ I, gab. by y 1,4 aural Lu L:a UAr.a. t FF . 'S BOOK KEEI'ING.—A supply • of burr. Ilydy`a. 14y , epInc and Clank ANA" reed lyr unto It. eroCittoN. RY PEAeI I ES.—Three hundred line just 15 n-reived and for .141, th..doSURT-VElt BARNES SUTTON FLANNELS—A farther supply • fthr ".." VRENCH LEA —Fifty hundles French, brim Rose Pink; 11.4 Itronai. n , YdYrtrd: Yu r,•• Chraor. I,llydr and lirrrnY • L S yaby J 1.-CIII)01:51AKER &CO ER3I ILLION Trieste. Chinise, yty oyl V4rnaitlltYo.l, , lo by Jab. .1 ,C110,"7.141,141:11 &bid 1 4 1 SSE NTI A L can Oil of Sassafras: eann oil ydlyat,sly, 1 ran MI of Itrwred.ryt.l urny a .1 I.4danny yy I cn lid of 11,r4/1101: 1 foe VII ofirioToo "" "I"AL'a.l4tkEt t CO. IP RUSSI A N BLUE—Ten boxei; Nn. I, for 2 - 'ol^ ht inn , SC.IIOOS MAFr.R & 00. - - I ARD OIL. —Lard Oil of a superior A..r.n.tantl, on ham' for rale by i nn' I.ll'ool t 4 111., trite 1: Crud .4._ NIOLA SS ES. —Twenty one bets prime ITN eny, yr May W N101,....04.,trd re•Yrivell and for $41.1•T y.. 10 L. S. AV ATM-MAN a 11021 S. n UTTEIL-Thirtv Imes aria six iris fresh Ji bo, o mrry-rittdcand 4u. dal.. by /aliy J CLlVolall a CO. t: A I hinds N. 0. Sugar for sale by ; I 1nt417 11141i1d 4, a 14111}41.ATC.W0. 14d Liberty et. ; % 7 EW RAISINS on consignment for sale by 1.11C.4141 , 1 KIILKPATRICK. I lIECTIFIED WHISKEY. ' , t 14.9ityddllykkey,Ity Atort-aryd for =I, 1 01111 JOHN PAM:C.I4 MI. fit 101, ASSES iris Sugar House: St. • •,1 a'l fur role fr dy Liderty 'street. PETIIOLEIIII, - .. . ot. Reck OIL ..Thete me more thaws in bravo n and earth.' ,- '7 alma re dzethitt of it:Vet:ahem hy.'' imE, VIRTUE:" of this remarkable reme di. .4 Ilm traithtant application roe ihtathe lamed'. ' lor, boa itturnl hint to have it put up in bottles, with 14. • behL_ and direct:ur.. for the Intebt of if , . puhlk. The PETIttII.EII)I IY fm f wal ha this conn:l. ty, at a depth of fkmr hmelml fmt ir o n pun.. tuathltetaVl. ~.„I„,tykk, without thy ..leemical elir...p, but Just ao it. dolt it fthm :Cature's Omit Labrator, !, That ihrontalith ~..,,,,,. reaching a number of diva e t I. no longer st . !act, or uncertainty. There we map, thinth in the at- . rat. of nature. which, if known.. tinalth be of ran useful- ' health in alletudlng 'cuffed.. tual nntc ring the bloom at health and rhnrc to many aaufferer. lon...bean, the Iwo. „..,,,,,, thought of inallll4 It up in bonne,: had a mutts-, non for the cure of anent.. The couithnt and daily haetvw 0,, ,-..u. for rare several rerthetabn 11.: hrio per ..rated.. is a indication of It• future popularity ea r • we W l,,prewl tsp.licaticat iu the curs id dune, . . e to not with to make a long Inns.. et mrtilleabn, we sre coltAtiv.. that tin rcedimse ran nem. work lie Ica , Into the Cater of [hoar who nit!en- wad widt to be he • Whilst no do nutylatm for. It - i untrernal appligation Me .i i ery din..., we uttheyitatingl! th.s; Oat in a launder 'Chen', liivams it is unritAll...%.l, Among them may ha ' enunterated--air disean , of the L 111.10,11 tal , llll, 'nett an CIIEUXIC iIittiNCIUTK I,lthat tIPTION, onlie mei. na , 2l ASTHMA, and all ilL.Auweof the air loathers, LIL• LIICtIMPI..I6IST, 111 - SPElt , l,t,L Inarlyea, in,....... .r this Madder and Kidney, rains in'tile Sack or Slde, Nereroa In ' . ..c , NcuthlSth. l'alc.y Illtrumattc Yalna, Gout. Ertnip. ' eta , Tette Ringworms. !turtle. Scald.. Prove, Old sorek • .I ‘ :tlatad i' Rr=fd d t, ' :A r :if r atl ti .no ' . ' IL'ia,. - =r;,iii - ATLOto intim. It will art as a grueral TONIC .ISt ALTY.M. E In such thara, innartiLit tone and eiime , . the hole trMne,t , tuurring obstructsona, otsuing. the slugpah fothllons.whkb c.a.. dlosnwe and a broken encatituttrot ! and wising ittercuol and renewed otntht th al ' h. ' . of lie! The proprietor knot a of yest.rat cur. of I ? .lrA ' ' '.., that -niatod nye, other neauyonth pd well under then.* of the PeTRULEIIaI for a Aunt time. Vie prod can to oven to any peraou who dealpyt It None ,tIVIII/0 wthouh[he nettsture of the pthprietOr.— Sold by the 'ode., . S. 51. KIER, Canal haaln. near Sete th Kraal. Alm, by H. E. SELLER.., 57 WUnd , at., ._:tal 4 llhinhlt it 31•DOWELL. toe.allr '''. " bi. r:7,4:gi! 4',fr.',';',l' . ,„• rn. . PROCLAILATION. i r NOW an Men who messiah and •itMeted with il.alse of the Madder and t .. 0L e ith -• moue pains in tuck or limbs, auw a,. that thi./ eat lie.mlnd hy taking the hits .• LEUII. Vow may talk aJwint lit tem.- a ....rum. h the please. but MU does mot mate it sister p=o la the Meo of an lamest emanounity, that It Los vlrtne; which ono mot contained In any other remedy. The man for W racked with pain. mid solierintheism disew ran. for Wren. get' rellef nom any of enutZ . rated -- neaderd.lt made very little to make trial. MI% Petro lento Is Metnixture—no compound, put op fie the Nomimposing on the mranmanityt hat It is a. remedy ell.. ted by the mast. hioul of nature. and Lubblerup Dom the - Norm of our mother earth. In its original mutt, Cr..e ~,,,,airering humility wady remedr. rert41,11.90 • cheap hom cured Piles...ler other MedirliPm Imre failed lo ....ad., any- has cored Rheumatism. of loug µending, mid of the worst mai wart painful character. It has cnotel Cholera Iderhos, by one or two doe. It has cored old cases of Diarrbiell, In which cram other ...dr how been of no avail. As alort.. renimly In Mum -end .raids. It Is better then any Medfral nu pounds or ointment that we know of. It will or.. ettilbledoo and frosted-feet. In a few applications: und.bled tevtirrinn y can be flunbh. ...I of the troth mmtained In the above smtemeut. by call. in on SAMUEL M. KUM, Canal Ruda, :hien:tat stn. or - either of the agents. xryler a McDowell. owner of Root eirmt and Virgin Lt. Seller, 07 Wood street. D. A. kilfrit, and 11. N. llorry,Allenheny, city, ale the smnits. . 10:61331ATISIti OTTRED:.' • REF: UNEQUALLED • SUCCESS '`WhiChld ha. attended the me of 310117131F.1t'S 11112111111 AT..... I IIPOUND din 111.000 PURIYIYJI. Inellfertdatl_y, Mcuring the severest and most inveterate awe INFLAM ATORY AND CliltilNlC ItIIEUAIATISM, is a sulltclent: guava tee and recommendation to Indoor all whoare \ with this dreadful .1)0.000 to try int virtues. llmulrnl of 9:111.Y 6t lauiL and others from atm:oh:hare tees .nerd within th e hut, \ few months in the rity of St. Louis alone. while letterer... a...abr.i show also that It L. performing the ntale wherever trbod. !deny of these were throttle eases of lona .; standing. and an bop. of recovery had hewn given ap.— While others wore of more resent date, of the. acute MUm- . matory term. .err revere. All, hemmer, yield to the you- Meant virtu. of this nualiclne, and Mom:Lode who have math:milts benefits, mod manor to tiro enjoyment of health ran but esteem the original dilL•roin•re7 nod , benefactor of mankind. It Is well known from the experience of the Parka.. outward application mi npas.lbly 0(10:5 'permanent eve . f nits dreadful diserww. iIY thooldilteation Of stimolaWai liniments, partial relief. in some caw. map ho obtain , d for short time. lint all the while Ohm dim...eft fixing Its • g ram r um permanently in the " n um. and ,comm or lat. ' will NV. demdole itmdf in a Mora drepdful form , and after few periedikal returns. It mill. Intoa chronic fen,. • T if not mem armatol. ruins the ind ) eld nal five 71110 I. verified LT the bbtoryii bt f the p.m in all colonial., wl more fully demonstrated b y th e liory furnished of Into to the proprietor of thls as glum hr eerrN banderols of those who tote eareml under immodiadw, maim and treatment Amino. th e la. few months. RILEUMAT.IC CoMIPOUNI) and BLOODY FUMY! La 1,, on Ird.anal it 4 ,47 , Nz ItlT2ZOtaulth;mdll=rhe7;.;."?;.`",-,l,,,lo.dro•Vallseg the Impure or caustic sediment. widen hot settled upon the membromm muscles and tendons—removes it entirely bona the eyatem.nnd restores the Individual to forfcet health. Let there who AM alleitsi not demire themselves , and, rgea-dirOCa Is mmliei/te leo loon. or until their. o rr _ h ot centmetat to sorb s degree that: • they are cripplevfor foci xpe of bundled]. of thousands during the post, so ll to a multitude at the pmseut day, dentoniaml. the folly of nat.:Ming tarn „ e The knowa . pretence. lost no outward application .an possibly effect permanent cure chore 51,11. dbware IF firmly toed in •tho 9,*.rglrwrarst‘iireoreillooT"honri • tut s nil) at. effect a permanent mire. The tore of W. ilLaciase vs...that it seqnin.ionger thao,n2d . internal mmedy. to produce the desired elk.. and /dor timoral. Rheumatic Compound and JUDI Purtlier le the only remedy that h. erei been dilli eher Ainerirs or any other country, that w effectuay car. OA. , ideal, This medleine ran be had. arholienle it No. 73.' Third stmt. next to the Pcsl. Mire. rittebarah. : Itiir for sale in Pittsburgh. by IL Stuyser. W. Third, J. U. Norm K. Wirketahani, and J. A. inters. hire per trade: six bottles for SX:d or SIX Per doing. Pamphlet:air* be had gratis et th., .•I etnl It. 11. ICISELtFiTs Agent, lIAPORTAHT TO . THE AFFLICTED.- It. ROSE'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES, PJeanJ•n Rosa the discoverer and pile proprietor t popatur sad beneficial modicinea sod airer the i . rrutor of the. celebrated instrument for inflating the 1.1)In. In of • cure of Chronic diem., ass a 'bye ' dent of that entifuht.phyrician. Dieter PhYsia and . Is a unfiluate of the Univerrlty of Prianrylvsnia.srul for thin,' tears elute km been eheassed, In the Investigation of die : .; and the application of ' Tits thereto. e a, Tbroush umi of his inflating tubcin ounnectiormith his Prophylactic Syrup. and other of his remedies. he has gained so nufarsflelot ceolnenou lb mobil those dreadful sod fatal coal:idles: Tubercular Conrutoptiop, Cancers,. iicrofula Ilifounatkr, Asthma. Fever and dam , lerorr all kind, Chronic thlelpelss, sod atl.thoue obninats dhr esswe peel:Mar to female.- Indeed, awry flora of dish* :1 1 . 0 , 7g1h " : ' ." o h ?ian. "=e irrn al's h ttn bilonastatime frith PlipiologieulLaw, but by Wit UAL Of ht• resuchmadaytol to. Sod preeeribed for, each•Vernilar • . . tarra of tow.f.w. • .. •., Dr. Bore r Tonic Alterative Pill:. when wed. son 121T1114A . bly acknowletifol to be euperior to all others. ma s pn.tgw• , Bye or liver toll. Insomuch as they hare the Wig' e Wper feetly free from costlyenern all also Mr (DM= Pala., MI- ' mi.ea. by the rwu1t,..1. , ..' , . P. - rull..' P." 0, --% od.r , ' f t 4.1 In female diwwww hut twine wattefied that a tarefrial le funklint to tortabllsh what hao been mid, In the miodx of '-, the rant ekeptlral. The aVleted are Invited to roll noon the agent. and pro. 1 , rare (gratho one of the Doetor'r pato phle, Nithnt • de.A. n.l amount of ...la remedy. and Ile aPPlteation. . For :ale by the 141.11100 agent', ar well 1.1. by moat drab riots throughout the country .• .1. Sehoournaker A (W.. ord rt-Tithbontb. - .1. 31. Town..end. Drugglwt. 45 Martel ft. w . ' Lee A. flo•kbaci. Urns:girt: war the hot Ofllee.Alleshio or ,itY. .. Joeeph Barkley. Darlington. Bearer county. Pa. . . John Elliott. banon Valley. - r. .. • . T.l.t.,l,7nilyteeorer, - -..7'• • . . . . _ COMFORT AND RFT TFT TOR TIIE AFFLICTED will be found in tree ywaitt C. INPALLIIILE LIMMENT. be)lame viola. which has stood the test of thirty yams Wee a nd has. beyond edoubb been the means of • bag the lima of Unateends of Individuals, in almost ever? -i" elm, and character of item, lI W 1,1 that we haserdno, thing in nay Ina that tills la the only medicine that hubs.' offend to the atlliet.d. that does. in every arta of the wool. whet it le add tar. It has , cond. mat In =beta.. of curing more dine. a then to , o ,h, 00 ,..h e in e °Mad Mr rot, VP roll , not by whom " Ale or sod, or by is hat name. •ntrang and etwainelne Proof of the ellore, we Tay that It Ls the only article that has appeared In the Sarni of • Patent lbelteitie that bee ever bean patronised and receiv ed the probe of the ellaiontera/ly, an the mat eirowehle" - • Fatally Medicine ever tarred bar rale, or wed by any off ,. The The lion. 3lnren 11. Grinnell, late 31. C. The lion. lioht. IL Morris. info Mayor!' John . A. of late 1.1..5.8.10ne tor. Will Porter. bee- Fahtor of Oa Paint off, the Timm. Rad • bat of other dw,tlngulehed elthens of en Yore:who have folly tested Its merits. have permitted Abe proprietor to refer to them. AA it iS well known that PAWS Medicine. are not genes , ally prdnanlted by the learned. we end polite elrclea. I we have undoubtedly amid. to feel ouralves highly pelt- a n o o nflw This Xender 'corking Componmt h aste n n ca rly ev yam, befare .st, trawls ere [Manta strangest and bat. This moat undoubtedly in ntrong and einavingiog Drat of it. gannet usefulness and seat g gen; c l is ° V. 17,1 omit r. k j. "giri 74=1 sown, all the bona and aches that flesh In'TIMT in. Over 11 bottles have ban mid althout nanophdat. • and hare perketed rad. adonishlng curer. after all other remedies have failed. as-would etegar belief. had we not' °Road, and In nor piewavion, thy etrannat Pattible nab den., This medicine, or natnre's 13 prepared fro= •WAV Du ILY . PELLERS, LT {Goad gr‘l77A . l lIALLENGE TO TILE WORLD. Tw=l, lid too Durbin , reward will be paid to any mite whO v in ia e d t u rv c i t w it wpot o p lmp t. o g v ro ed e Chemical haotp n nuha be wt.' dos • advfaction of rrotig to the mole of this Oleo that tlila ticle, by my own improvenumt on it, me Mande unzl. , railed in We minter for extracting Tree, ter, Orb, WI. Paha. or any other groovy frutriamire, from all mnireof trerei tletuere• or bullea' elotlaing, anota, table spread...noir. bonneta, no_rwithrmt 'muting .13, thing that pure i trater will not haitik,—.llors thaw ono tbouiumd• prow in.. ha different pe of the country ha tohl nu they woo not be without It lf It coat It amine. In trying thia Smi on mom than flu vtielm of light ifilimiarithwitP , P....! and ealkona, I have only found dui...cities of oft. two. of alpaciusoind four of collo°, on which ofivoged therefore, before you th . It on a light a. trl'W =MP.. of the derail /Init. I state thir because ileterrained riuntamend it our Arcot, th new to be strictly true. grim from oountry me, ami redr, tsTiti7 to by th