The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 14, 1851, Image 3

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    -,-; ~ ; -k.,
-- -
Brennan Stave, Osen.---N. .• fugitive. slave
ease,'! recurred Yestenhti, in' this city. "41ch
treated 'a considerable ezeiteraent among oar
citizens, and is the first which has taken Olen
enc.' ethepareage of the late act of Congeess.— ,
On Tuesday, Wm. Reed, of Louisville. and Pen
• jam& B o st, of the sabl e place, arrived in Pitts
burgh.' The former hii,A been the gaardlin . of
Miss MAL B.Dyed', of Louisville, and the loiter
is.: believe, a pollee officer. ' Bust bad the
following power of attorney, authorizing him to
• recapture: tt.colore4 min, named iVoodson, an .
' alleged fugitive' sterol belonging to Miss By
• •
• Rims all men by these presents, that I, Rhoda
B. Byers ' now of the city of Loulseille,and State
of Radnohy, for divers causes me hereto moving,
have, these in:eseate do ordaln,constltute,
and appoint, Bealamla S.:Rust, of said city, my
agent, for me, and in my'name, to arrest, seize,
' and hold, my dart Woodson, who is now a fogi-,
..tire from' labor,. not my service: Bahl slave
WQ01.1.91:16 is about thirty years of age, about five
feet ten or eleven inches high, of a light caste for
a negro, and thave Intelligence that hods rani
'Ding at large in the State of Pennsylvania. • And
I do" hereby authorize and empower my said
attorney for um, and, in pay name, after he shall
have him - his. posseSaion, to sell said Slave
• . Woodson - inch Trion as he shalreet proper,
and If hei shall not sell my raid slave, then he
, • shall convey Mixt to the city, of, Louisville, State
'ef.Rentuchy, to be surrendered - to:sne;- "Itfireby
ratifying and confirming 'whatever my saidaittor.
l• nay may, 46 in the premises in as foil and' cern
,: plate itimanner,•as if I was present, and to dolhe
tmme myself - -
• [Signed] RHODA IL.IkERS...
' - This power of atterneiwas certified to by John
M. Del* Mayor of the city of Louisville:: .
Bead and Meat, immediately on their arrival,
hid an I interview with the United Statei - Com
missimiet, and told him 'their Modems. They
- had *Mid that Woodson was living in Bearer,
. and Rost wished to receive the necessary author!.
ty for Ma arrest, in order that he might be Inanght
befiire Judge Irwin; of the United StateS cote.
for tthl.
:s „-The.. fa)loviag warraa . t was .thereupon is-
. .
United States of Americo,
• Western District of Pennsylvania," es. f
7. D. 13 weltrer. Conurdasioner under the Act
of enigmas of the .20th February. '81:4 duly
• appointed by the Circuit Court:of the United'
States, for the Western District of Peansylvonia,
To Benjamin S. Rust, by me appointed M
cute this warrant. issued by me in the pet:torsi
atusi of my duties as Commissioner.
Mheress, It has been legally charged before
me that Woodson being a penum held to Service
or Labor in :the State of Kentucky, and owing
astr.h Service nr Labor'to . a certain Rhoda B.
Byers, hath escaped therefrom into the Western
District of Pennsylvania : .Now, to pursuance
the Acts of Congress of the United States.lottlis
betudf made and provided; and by force of, the
authority vested in me as Conunissioner, Ida by
this.wanant empower and, command you,. that
you apptebtmd the said Woodson, if he be found
'alias District, and you CO/1.30 him to be brought
: fattlririth before roe '
Ginn under my hand and seal, at Pittsburgh,.
in the county of Alloghe.ny, this 11th day of
Co *cur.
. ,
With the warrant in his posscrion, Bust.left.
Pittaburgh on Wednesday, and arrived itto 7
cheater about dark. He then found that WOod
son was engaged awn waiter in the tavern krMwn
as the Pavillon. 'He was married to a colored
woman, originally from Louisville, and hadise
chibtren.: . Bast at once arrested the allege:tree
tire, and lunideacangliM, Set out for the stenm .
beat lending. A crowd soon gathered, but did
not. afar the sliAtert rMiatence, when they
learned that the officer. was legally authorised to
_ make the arrest.:
Heirs of ..the_ arrest -was sent to the United
• Stites Manind, by telegraph, and - Best and his
•• prisoner lioniecilately left for Pittsburgh; arriving
here at about half-past eeleveno'clock on the
steelier James .
, Neliom - „ -
wthstri Irvin, ESA:; `the bad In the
meenrizon imatrizsrlittmmothiestion theidaY;;'
or, shttlek the facts relative to the arrest, and
requesting Ihn to order hie officers to preserve
the PhPle Peace, utd• P,reVertt, (Bserder. The
Mayor gave the neemieig orders, * sad his police
were put atthe-disposal of the Marshal, for that
pupae. -
'On the arrival Of the boat, the prisonerwaer at
once. taken to the Uplift Haase, where he was kept
all night
,At ten o'clock, Woodson, who tree handcuffed,
was hionnht -into the moat of the United States .
Cotarifind placed In the dock. As soon .as the
doctrawere opened; the room was filled With spec-
asters;, both white and colored, who did not ICL6I2=
ifost the slightest disposition. thrlohtte the laws
by raising a disturbance, although it. was evi
dent that they were all very much 'excited, and
sympathized with the prisoner ;
75ufge Irian took his seat on the bench, anti it
was announced that the claimant and respondent
were nay fora hearing.
Jasper E. Brady Esq. eh - eared .ibt the' claim:
ant Messrs. Wills and Reed forresPMvient.
The Vower,of Attorney from Miss Rhoda 11;
Byers, to Benjamin - S. Itust,'nbove recited; vane
then podaced outhe part of the claimant.
The fa me! fort the defendant, objected to it,
as not being duty! authenticated, according to
the act: of Congreca. . •
This objection was orcrrulial :by Judie insist.
William Reed,.who bad acted as guhrdian for
Miss:Riese, was tlien mniutioned - ne a witness
CO UT !Mita.
Th 4 3: , staieel la the respondent objected to his
behig *Sr% alleging that be was an Interested
Tfie Sage then difaited to bo wont 012
Mq wait din; when be testified as follows:
I have acted as 'guardian •for the k kraut,
sinew ehe.waaeightyears e9age. My guardian
sMp scommt was settledin tbo month of March,
1849: I wars indebted, to the claimant, on the
settlement, one thousand dollars, but I:do not
enre•her. anything now. lam not respoirdbleto
her for the value of the slate, .
The witness baying thus purged himself of the
. ali.eged interest was admitted to be sworn In
thief,* and his iridence•was u follows:..
I Live known this three for a runroberof years.
He belongs to, and is owned by the claimant
Shoda ll.' Byers. Ilia name is Woodson, And be
• esimped in June 1840. Ile was a youth-when I
• /int
' berime acquainted, with him. I have hired
himas cozier, and have accounted to 311os
Byer, for hie earnings. ' I meld° In "Lonfiville,
Neuticity, and hired him out at,,gnardian for
lifia . .flyeta; I had frequent opportanltlei- of
eeping him, and am satisfied that thacoloredmad
in the box, Is the slave - of - the claimant, who 'es
aped: I hare been in the habit of hiring him
tO diffffnut , PoAollllfor ton years. -
Cross . examined— .This slave was under my
charge. ':I hired him ter different persons In
Loulaville. llelad no regular occupation, but
genmully drove ft cart for the owner's Of 11. brick
yard. ; Ile escaped three months after I settled
• I made the settlement In 31areb, 11340. •
The witness was then asked. Whet Induced him
to sneer In. the cue then before the Court.--
This queritionwai objected to by V Brady, and
ruled mathydho Coosa
.ersataination resumed.—l am confident
thatit has been at least two yearn since he es
caped.— It may: possibly be three years, ea I
Vanttat.rieollyee -date, accurately. it may be
Ares Year* flute I settled, my:Account as gaar-1
than of thecialmant- I am not responsible for
the ialue er t i c .6.0. I hare told different'
pawns that Ito escaped about two years since-
I hiret hired him a* the" elave of the claimant
Re has always been considered a slave in Lords:
ville, and the propertj of the claimant' •
The - case closed here cd the behalf of the
. .
-Jo Peek of this city, Was ; then called u a.,
it on the mir,t r of the respondent, and hay.
INF . been sworn, rate his testimony u folio:ma:
. , ,
I:bare IrevenGy seen the colored man in the
.4824 4 0 e1t1 ism with him; his emu is
Pal: Gardner. I i bare been, acquainted with
hintior the perks' et throe years. I first knew
hini in• the spring of the year 18i8. Ile then
'lived In Pittsburgh; bat I do not recollect how
long. he remained ere. Ito Vs a labarer.--
Somedmes ho acted an exhorter in the church.
Augustus , Green, sworn.--I know the colorcV
in the &Mr.% Gin e is" , Rictuud Gardner. I .
became acqunintel ivith hisO irk the autumn of ,
the year 1848.' I new him by being backward
and forward in theehurch of which he is a mem
, bee.. I - nibsod Wei in the spring of 1819, Ile •
Is what we would.ciiii a 'very block man.
John W. Riddle,sliorn..4 ~,,,,,,,,p , w h i ted w i t h i
the prisoner at the 1 hare known him for ,
about tiro yearn : - Ilbeeame aequinted with him I',
In /Iridgewater, la itm spring or 1849. my Ito
greuion is that I hare kturen him two years.
DsVid.lteetlesq•c Goensel far the Respondent
opened.Wecnse and , said:that ho would not et- '
tempt t o my anything derogatory to the cha
racter of Wm. &hi who had beat prods wad mai
••.:,-' : -:'• . ':' . . , .. - r.c.'F ., - - : -,:4-7, ', ' ::• - : 7 : .: ,: - 11:•2•••••'' :. -•.-.. -- -- 1 . -::. . ..1."
- ,..t;. ,3, ': . :1 :: ; - Siii's .,4 4 ,-11 'i . ..0.:': : • : '* : L.; . = - :;'
- 1 - , , ,...•:i..._, -, . .:..T . " 1 .- ;.f... - : . i.: . ; :•..'_ ai -- ,j;,......•,: - -,:;,.. 7;a! - ...:; . j . .;.: , ' : - . '' ''''.',.::-'.i::'..-j:.,t
a witnenv ; 0 ' e part o i i eClalmant-,. But
be wale Porto remark that be appeared there
alder Sas& us circtinintanCen. ' lle lots testified
that he Inc Intereated in th e re:capture of the
4,,, yet he Impetus here many miles from
home. Who induced him to perform this pious
pilgrimage, is philanthropic journey he was un
able to solve, but presumed as tho slave was in
his custody ' a the time of the escape, ho might
day called come day called upon to render. an account
of hie atop ship. Ile then referred to the
probability a the witness being mistaken as to
the identity the slave. That it was an im
perative obli tion upon_am part of the claim
ant to eatabli h by dirfict, positive and clear
testimony the identity, ownership and romps of
the slave.' :- rid the claimant .establithed the
identity ! T e power of attorney given to Mist
described hi as a light colored negro. Ile
would leave g. to his honor to any how closely
the respondent corresponded to the description gi
venl,,,, of Mtn I I the poWer of attorney.
lie then c mmentod upon the testimony of
Wm. Reid. aid. that MN evidence fuel the
time of the • , po June '4O. while it appeared
from the testi ony of a number of witnesses of
=doubted ve acity that he:resided in Pittsburgh
September 1818. These were facts that re
quired cool anti dispassionate consideration when
i i
the liberZesii any one were in jeopardy!
Mr. Reed ' s followed. by John A. Wills, Esq.,
who commenc d by endeavoring to impressupon
the Judge the responsibility under which he act
ed, from th e act that he exercised the doable
, & .4
functions of dge and Jury. Ile laid it down
no a principle at his honor, in determining the
mate, should . nitro such evidence as would be
necessary to 's tisfy a jury in a criminal case.—
That in the a 2 instance the prisoner was believ
ed to be a f man. This presumption welt as
miled by the tividerice offered by the clafican'
but it must lit , so strong As to leave no doubt of
the incerrectrims of the presniuption of freedom.
The power of attorney descriha the aigitive is
a person of light complexion. The prisoner, 33
'Wan obvious to every eye, Wan eta dark color.—
.The. time (tithe escape of the fugitive sought for
Was axed by tie witness at having occurred last
June a year n o ttwo years next June.
This state= t was fortified by the circumstance
that he settled his guardianship account two
years ago,. in month, and that the clove es
caned in Jun following, about three months
thereafter. T ii testimony of tho witnesses ex
amined for e accused, showed conclusively,
that the mils cr, was in the city of Pittatturgh.,
in September 848, which went to show that he
could not have soaped at the time alleged. -
This fact,' connectiontrith the discrepancy
'in the descrip on 03 to his color:. destroyed the
evidence of id Sty, or threw such doubt upon
. it, as to com ps his honor to reject it as =sada
factor), and in nclusivc.
In propped* to the magnitude of the issue,
and the Iree^ .. " - ^.. of the conhequences flowing
from stringency of the proof
requieed .ho natural presumption of
In rhen the charge Was robe
-hem T felony, less than mur
der 1 i, the issue was one of
freed, tat for a term of Taira,
but I was' one of freedom, or
slaver, is. honor, in a criminal
case, • , jury to acquit. the pia-
Oner, Id to the legal presump
tion i a it was, overcame by
odds oubt, so in this ease,
he el m same degree of cer
tainty. en the. qv utence, or rather a higher de
gree, umsmuchlas the issue was not that of dm
prmonment fora term of years, but one of sda
very for life.
Jasper E. B y, Esq., on behalf of the claim
ant mid that h was well aware that an-yaltor
ney who ap on the side which he was
there to. advoc , -placed himself, in to say the'
least of it, an npopular position, but thatthe,
fugitive slave . w was panned by Congress, -in
compliance wi the ,protutions of the Consti
tution of the 17 'ted States. It was-held to bo
in accordance ffith its provisions, by high legal
i t
authority, and =a the • duty of all officers of
the law, and allcitizens of the United States, to
carry rte previa' va s into affect. .
This was an of progress, and we had pro
gressed rimier My in Pinnaylvania upon this
subject, for in 1826 our own Legislature bad
passed a law, as stringent in its provisions al
most, u the .F gitive Slave - Law, by which the
S ui.
whole power of e State 'was placed at the dis
posed of a man • 'c an Clasped slate, or his
authorized age ' Justices of the Peace -were
required by the: law, to issue warrants for the
arrest, of fugitiv 3 slaves, and sheriff's anti con
stables to meat e them under ernes penalties!.
Those sheriffs ar 1 constahle4 in so.ilohog,could
Call to their aid and assistance the whola.power
of the country,. eon indeed by virtue it.ztto, pro
vislizor-of ' thal ant, but' Of "their 'own official'
stations .
, The case before. the Court, in his judgment,
was clear of ditEculty. Here was a witness who
had been the ardian of the owner of the al
leged fugitive. e had hired him outreceivei
the hire, and minted (or it.' He had every
opportunity of owing him, and perhaps had
seen'- daily in Louisville. Ile swore positive
lj that the man t the Bar, was the property of
Rhoda Byers, hi ward.
,The defence a peered to rely upon the fact
that the witness, Mr. William Reid, hod stated
that the, fugitive left Louisville, two years ago,
next June, and at they had proved-by two
respectable col witnesses that they saw him
in Pittsburgh, i September, 184$—that he
had lived in this city or Deaver ever since, but
his- honor won d recollect that Mr. Reid
a n ted mit tlet e t . hew .t K:cterlialmn
might be
three.wa s two i r t etr i :
honor was not X fled, from the evidence, that
-Woodson was th 4 property of Rhoda Byers, he
would be the ha i l man on earth that would salt
that he should- e remanded to his mistress.
He had nothing to . do with the hardship of the
lair, but an a sworn placer, was bound to ad
minister It as he ound it.
;edge Irwin deivered an unwritten opinion,
Baying, in stebetance, that no question which'
. befcre him, lin his judicial character, could
be ef Moro Importaitce than that which involved the
liberty or bonds of a human being ;It Wee not
only in itself of 'tat importance, but it bad be
confefor reasons ono well known to repeat nub.;
jest in which not only thiieommtuaity, but the
whole Union felt a deep interest. But he was
happy to say thatithere were very few in this part
of the State what the-fugitive ver their opinions mightba of
the expediency f slave law, 'who
were disposed to 6s-tenet the execution of that
laW, The Constidation, and laws on this subject
t i
w recognised of 'only
.were'a -obligatory upon
Coterie of Justice, but upon the people to enforce
whatever right th e Solemn enactments created.
The ,maintenaticei of these 'rightly-however at
variance with our celingt,ThrOuldl he upheld at
all hazards.. The Judge entered el 1..,,,e-into a
review. of the sithj t. Ho then eommented upoti
the testimony. o evidence of Wm. Reed, he
said, was of the oat Conclusive nature, no sat
isfactory an hunian testimony' could could well
be. li Ile had known the primmer from his boy
hood; he bad the p,ontrol of his person - for - his
ward for, at least ten years ; he had Hied with
friar and he had h red him from time to time,
and he swears tively to him Identity. The
witness is disinte and =impeached, and if
it were possible fo any man fronicirmunstancei
to have had a od opportunity of knowing
another, the witne a Is the man.
• -
Alehntio of don however, is attempted to bo
thrown 'upon . his emu by the defendant's
witness aster the 'me of the alleged mane, if
they are to bo bell , and there is nothing to
discredit • them. ye was living in this
the tell of 1848, anti if the escape took place leas
than two years &gel Mr. Reed's testimony would
baredicen wisteria' y shoken. But in his mom
examination, he ma he was not certain as to the
dine ,Whither it was two or three years next June.
If a Well-fononletrietibt existed on this point, it
would operate inffor of the rapotylient,par
ticularly in a case ectlng hisliberty. But the
erehlince of his ids tity is of such a controlling
Chareeter us to aged no room for - doubt, .cou
pled :With his non e unc ert ainty as to thetime of his,
escape. The testi ony of the witnesses for the
slavo'would only b i entitled to weight if It
mained untontrove on this point; but as the
time of the escape e not fixed, it may be recon
ciled With what th have depoiod, leaving the
posititie and clear Tidence of Reed as to iden
tity holds examined nin thief =contradicted and
unshaken. .In mho nil of the Judge it was con
clusivd; . The'priso cr would therefore be de-
Livered into the ens yof the agent of the own
er;andaccrtificatii ould be delivered to him un
der thaht of. Con es. - The following order
was thCri wade ont: -
Uniledl'Slaito of A 'co, . Makin
' POarylvania. . . .' •
ln dm cam of W son, claimed by Rhoda D.
Byers as a fugitive ftem her ' eervice, I do certify
hand a having heard' a parties •abovo named, It
does =Pear by prim to 'my aitisfaction,. that the
said Woodson, Keit and arrested in the district
aforesaid,' was held o labor .bytho said Rhoda
IL- Dycira; in the S t to of Kentucky , under the
laws of the said Sta 'of Kentucky, and that the
said Woodson doth, ruler the laws of said State,
owe labor or service the laid Rhoda D. Byers,
and bath escaped fr to the State of Kentucky,
and front the service of' the said itbodillß. Byers;
wherefore, the said Lode B. Byers, her agent
or attorney, bath au ority to use such reasona
ble force and restra at as may be necessary un
der thecircometAnc of the cave, to take and re
move the Said Wood on back lathe Slate or Ter
'tory from whence a bath escaped an aforesaid.
And, in =mamma O ,t he act of Congrcsa of the
United States, in an li case mole and provided,
give the certificate to the said 11Loda ii. Byers,
.er agent or attO ey, In order that the said
' oodson may be, moves' to the raid State of
Kentucky. '
Given under my h d and seal, at Pittsburgh,
tithe eminty of legheny, this lath 'May of
—b,-A. D. ltibil. : THOS. iItIVIN,
1 District Judge
rYe decree vim pronounced,
over to Boat, and taken up
I 's office, Um crowd slowly
As (Bann tho a
IVOcalsah ihul hand.
Signs ta the • •
+spends& but evincing, the utmost, gamin:low
tp the' lad. Mr. Sproul, Clerk of the Circuit
United States Court, at once beaded a subscrip
tion poper for the purchase of the tegitive, with
d handsome donation, and over one hundred dol
lars was raised in a short time. The agent at
itinerant:tit' eaten hundred dollars for him, but the
price was afterwards increased to eight hundred.
Several subscription papers were circulated
mound town, and it was evident that if 'Woodson
coulde retained e few hours, the requisite mini
sumc uld be obtained.
la . short time the crowd bad altgether die- ,
and very few persons, either white or
color , except those who had business to attend
to. we' to be seen in the neighborhood of the
Court douse . At a little past five o'clock, it was
deter ned to take the fugitive to the steamer
pais ton, which was up fOr Louisville, and be
Was eel en out of the Court (louse, handcuffed, as
before.; The Marshal's police were aided by the
•Mayor's Officers, beaded by High Constable.
Hague, and the procession when it started con
sisted of the officers lone, but a crowd gathered
mg, until, when it reached 'Water
ore probably betweentwo and three
'us following it. There wee scarcer
erson to be seen, however.
upon had steam up, and was ready
then the fugitive arrived at the
here was a momentary pause. The
hen went on board, escorted by ern
fter whom came Ole Louisville offi
other pereons. He was theet taken
bin / in a few; minuteeithe Nat: Will
o . the stream, and depittesii• , ' ' .
sled tbii first fugitive lava case In
t the' lightest riot or confusion
mited by it. •
....oirsmtmms n .....
; _
• W,urnmoton, March 13.
, •
Smarr —Tho following confirmations took
place today, in Executive Sento=
S. C. Goodrich, Conanl at Paris, in place of
&best Walsh. Hon. Robert C. Schnook, Maio.
tie to BraxiL Mr. Clark, Secretary of Legation
t 4 Brea John Howard Payne, Consul to Tunis,
MM. EaStby,'Commlssioner of Public Buildings.
: There Were also a large number of confirma
tions of minor officers. The table was, indeed,
cleared of all nominations, excepting the Super
intendent of the Custom house at New Orleans,
eild this could not be taken up for want of a quo
Major General Scott will leave this city on
Saturday nem; for St. Gauls and other points
South and Southwest, for the purpose of locating
Military Asylums, as provided for by iin act of
Congress of the last session.
The city is remarkably quiet, 'as compared
raith r itscanditiirn Oa few days since.
Shortly after meeting, the Senate went into
executive seseion_ There being no quorum pre
sent, the doors were reopened.
A reeolution was adopted.requesting the Ex
ecutive to , furnish, at the next eesoioa of Con
'gross, all information, relative to the claims in
cured during the conquest of California-
A resolution of thanks to Hon. Wm. R. King,
for the impartial manner in which he had dis
charged his duties ae presiding officer of the
Senate, was adopted.
Mr. King responded by returning his thanks
to the Senators for the many.courtades extended
to him; after which he pronounced the Senate
adjourned, sine-die.
NORWICO, (C0121L,) March 13.
Herat M. Witter, .Sieeellger of the Norwich
Bank, was knocked -doWn in the ladies' room of
the Norwich and - Woreetter Railroad Depot, this
marninl and robbed of
.$40,000. A reward of
84,000 to offered for the recovery of the money,
and the detection of the . robbers.
• PH/LA/MUT/IA, March 18
The Fugitive Stare Case was decided at mid
night last night, when Judge Kane granted a cer
tifcate to John Perdu, the master; and the par
ties left at 8 o'clock this morning, in the train
fot Baltimore.
l'irw roar, March ; 'l3.
... • -
"' V s lieleathertmplea‘el r iy - suiled for Chagrin
to day, with 250' passegera.
The Asia is nett due, with coo week's later
oAriees from Europe.
i-ortarnau, !Mar c h 13.
The rtsidence:Of the Messrs. 8111, in Henry
county, Ey., arts broken into and robbed of
Lounena.r., March 18; P. M.
;The river is stationary, with 8 feet 11 inche
the canal. The weather is warm.
The steamers Gladiator, Den West, and Dick
inSon passed up to day.
Mess Pork—Sales at $11,60 per bbL
Plita.anatents, Marsh IS.
Cotton.-11olders are firm, .with sales 200
bales, principally Upland at 11a113 per lb.
Flour.—The market is quiet, with limited sales
for export, at 51,50 for good bian4s, which In
the general asking price. Hales for city an, at
$4,50a0, for common to extra quality.
Grain—Wheat is in limited demand. Sale
of a cargo of prime Puma red at 98c, and of
white at 161c'per bushel. Cora is in good demand
for shipment, and prices hare improxed. Sales
0000 bushels yellow at 59f aGOe, afloat. Oats
are in steady demand at former rates:
Groceries—Moro is doing in groceries, and
prices of colree,sugar andplolasses are well main
Whiskey—le in limited demand, with sales in
ban at:23ie per. gallon.
Flour—The markeecontinnes active at $4,50
.$4,66 for common to stmight western and
state brands.
Grain—Corn is in . light supply, with sales at
Glikeffo for yellow.
I rovisious—Pork continues dull, and prices,
if anything, aro easier. Small sales have been
mode at $12,87, and $lO forold mess and prime,
sad $13,4 4
. and 511,25 for new. Sales of now
prime mess aro 3500 bbis at $lB "f? bbl. Lard
is steady tit 81®81,:. for prime quality. In cut
meats, a fair business bas been doing at 8309}
cents for hams, and OMu for shoulders.
Cotton —Prices are ognin declining, with
,snlel 1100 balsa at 11611 i-for middling up
lands, and 111® Ilf for middling Orleans.
Flour—The market yysa firm, with a fair bull
nem' doing, filaletr.SOW bbls at $4 000$4 40,
for common to straight western and elate, and
$1 026:54 75 for good round hoop Ohio per
• Grain—The Woe of wheat favor, livers.—
Sales 4000 bushels Ctuuntiou at 190 c. Corn is
very. firm, With sales 14,000 bn. Western•yel
low at 67e. 'White is generally.' at' Ctie per
Provisions—Pork is lower, with sales of old
Ohio mess at $l2 816512 87, and of new at
$lB for mess, and $ll 28 for prime. Lard
is steady at st. For cut meats, the market is in
favor of buyers, at 8 for hams, - am! 6.1 for
Tobacoo—ls in fair request at 11/0120 for
fine lientuelFor leaf. ,
Iron—Scotch Pig is firm at $2l 50 per ton
ititli usual credit.
Linreed 011—Tlic market ia Arm, nt 80482 c
for 'English and American.
Feathers—Sake of western live gems at'4oe
for prime.
Hemp— , The market is very. firm.
Wool—The • market. is quiet, and stacks re
duced.. We quote at 42.e,550 for domestic fleece,
and 36R.45 for polled.
Gricerieil-klugai is doll at &lees:, for Or
leans7' M.:daises is quiet, at 31io for Orleans.
Coffee is steady at 10.1€911} for Itio.
Wfilskey--13 quiet at 236, - '24e for drudge and
Flour—The market is Eimer, with wales of
800 bids
.11. street,' at $1 27, which is an ad.
Grain—White and• yellow corn Is Balling at
Sales red Wheat at 9136200 c
bu. Sales of oats at 08®40c; and of 8000
ha. rye at 0766t3e.11 bu. •
Sugar—Sales at auction of 900 Midi Oilmum
sugar, good to fair quality, at $0 00®0 1 cwt
l'nerisions--The market is active. Old mess
pork 1. held at $lO, and new do. at *114 . 50?
tildes amounting to 1100,00011bs bacon, at
BiRBl for sides, and 70 for shoulder.. Sales
or :150,000 1113bl:ilk shoulders and sides, at Cell
1.1 lb.
,Sules 1000 bbla lard at ao 11 lb.
• Whidbey—ls ealling. at 11.4 e 14 gallon.
Coffee—The market is. quiet. ales of 400
lb Rio at 1001t1111 %4 b. Stooks on band are
estimated at 9014) bag..
Ciathxnart, March 'lB.
Flour--:Thero to * moderate request, with,
sale, it $3 40®3 45 11 bbl
%lake), —listen of 1100 lads at 171 1 6 ,1 7 i fll
gallon—the imarket closed with a better feeling
at the letter prices.
Provisions—Sid es 2700 pen sides, in dry salts
at sic - 0 lb. Soles 0000 bills mesa pork, coun,
try packed, in fine salt, at $ll 50 lb. Sales-
500 hilt No. 1 Lard at 7 1 , terms equal to cash.
firoceries—There is an active demand for
sugar, with :sales of 300 hints at 8.(60f, includ
ing low to good and fair qualities. Sales of 100
bids molasses at 31c cash, from the landing, and
100 from Wire at 32c 14. gallon. Small sales of
Riwat 1414 lb.
Clover Seed—ls held at $6, with Small sales
at $3 75 14 bit.
Grain--Tbe market is doll. Oats are selling
at . B3e3k; corn 861440 c; barley 60(462c, and
;rye at the name figure. Wheat is nominal:
Tho river has fallen 18 inches in the last 24
Ventrilognism,eaking Automaton, Life
Fi ?p gurea,. and MAGI C,
Thursday, Friflay, and Saturday, ..Varrh 13, 14, 15.
AdtaltUtnre only 24 mut,. Chllilreu3rith MCI!. yarcnti.
IS ctn. , pc....konn at Bti o'clock—la oununcnce as 7N.—
No Porto
n', eat on account venter. lace small bill .l
Thursday,' Friday, and Saturday Eveninge,
March 1302, 14th, and nth.
Acknowledged by all to be flu best Bawl that ever
tinted thin ciy.
Neer Fours, a Ire, Needle,. John, Burlesquer. Yip. tr.
In the emu. of the week they vill lettodure the
&Ill=neUtitfteetj..oFt ' &70. ' 4%1 ' Z A'RA
Sltf(Tatgrt ttroa o=aoOf
&km 4 tt3 amt. bnlt prim.
recta= COWLES, Arent
Young El
fen's Mercantile Library Aesoci
PROF. RALPH WALDO ZPIERSON. of Marro-rla l otta. has horn prcroired, by the oboes Institute, to de.
liver to Its clambers. sad the citizen. of llttabmwh Avner
ally. • aeries of lucturrs very lately prelnent snd or.
Interesting subjects.
The muse will comprise Bit Lee:arcs on the Conntor or
Ltrz. embradur the Cilociter topic. • •
I. Introductory: Leas or emcees
I. Wastes.
litrar .
6. Wonsan,
• The Lecturus vrlll be given on Tuesdays, Thuralayi, and
Saturdays, anovenfeely. commenting on T.hursdar even
hig, March =h..
The place and that/ of morons will be hereafter speci
Tickets for merubent. (tingle or Cr the tourro.) too be
obtained of fin Llbratiati, or of Messrs. throb, Wilkins.
Ticketst, Cannalttea
for citiarra. isingle or Cr the mune.)) to be pro
enred al theint.dital Book Slam; at J. U. licholenle, IL
Ilichardsorru, and F. IL Baton's. meta
0008 WE LL '8' —
op;r e e..ti gli tzgax.t i truncum.vG. %!:?,T, ,. ;
Eit4 ‘711:0 ' 0, Rivers. Vatt7.l=7
Passing directly throngh the tarots of Pan Praoriero,
hibiting the Willa Budding* Interior of Gambling Ta
tonne in Panama. Old Relio,Chnrelinx Convent, Religious
Prormigion; Holiday Wrote, Interior of aurae, Crosdnu
the Isthmus, Cha e rron Inver. pith Its beautiful nernery—
forming, altogether, the most Inatmetive and tateriatlng
exhibition over nfferetb
The publie r en tma ree assured that every sketch
. Inala
Panorrova was on the ;pot it rorretemt; nd a
• k of art It hue !' ' .:4l l nt,s.. children under 10 roars. half
farming daring the 'reek, [oollltnslng
i xi-open evel7
domt °p.n.
Qr•=at,' , lVnlaaarlar and Yata-aaluar,rer:
rissing at 3 erlock. kliband arranalaxv ., Bl
wi tT ry na 4' th aorrl bib th or m... boalla a/1114Iva should., thial..lcLa
oPEAUTY.—It is universally conceded:that
beauty In mere common In this country than In any
r. whLe at iL. same time It is mid that In no other
Country Is It lent at royoung an age. Now this true to a
.ant, but Umtata is often caused by leet We
saY ball, de nut negleet your personal appearance, but
mad the inllcreing, nod ten mod not hog ,gent Memo—
Thews arlleha •
high po scie
itny. c. propositions, and have all at.
Aloha pular Hanel a Perth.. Chinon> l'oveder, tor Imparting
ho the moot bllliouceompleglen a hullo:a whlterirets. Irk
norldng Mould a person bytkore careful than Lbe use of a
powder for the skin, as Enallrof them weld very injur
ans. Hy Mom worth-els eompoundot In awientage mem
nerrd contain. no ingredient whith can peradhly Indict
utVliartel's De te•tory Powder for removUnt ssrsas
on. hair. }Shat is more uneightly , thau hair ut on torts,.
or mom of a lady.. mi. ankh, will remove It In a short
nrrirnirjl'itirAglrtf,jlini="tAll fiis-unts•
=.l/grxr. ePatlenr!aort:r. it,M=ll
abetter nuke, and more ellnetaally than any dy,
Ing at the same time Indeltlble.
Jules Hanel's:glaring emkto.—lt fa TWIT plourore to
shave with this comm. There Is none of the smartingsen.
sedan usually experienoed In the lISP ef nowt roam On
the contrary. It 4.111 el the Nun Annoth end soft as traln
fent's, and met liable to broom chapped.
Jules liaorti Roor Tooth l'este.—Next to the hely, we I
think the Teeth wen. Intended as the gnomon Ortlanont , te ,
the .lo human loner but when nechotol. nothlng Is so diOntti. '
to tte ' terth q : '"4 l ' Ve ' r tit M elst i r. k ln rtro . % b a l or tim ' e "l 4 " l
the unman.. •nd •
JULMS HAVEL, Perfumer and Chenarl,.
Mr Chesnut M. ['idle.
For sale wholeade ant retail, by 11.. A. Futon-stock • Cr,
rcad Fellers, PittstUrgb, and J. Mitchell, Alleatoory
ltr. IkA
Of. Forty Town lots in East Liverpool, 0.
recent unprecedented rale of Lots in
the above tbliVing T 0971 /UAW: INV) . VlllllllFted
I= 4 4lVd . t a lt " in a ttl=T d ay o n q
hie peopertyl lota as above, and nbara then] Tor eon.
at on and tonna that cannot fall to Into! the views of
those wishing to purrham. Itts nrodlras to sal' mything
of the tomb. of tha Town and hiniiptiets (it Larlua born
irohltient/y dearrileal rootut advertlartnanta)
that over One hundred Intehave nalintly cheneed bands.
home.been purctiotal by Wove wishing to proetini a desira
The above iota &remove the meet eligible anddeldrable
in the place. aod e principally located in tbureeentre of
those recently
'For ibformatiOe; apply to the proprietor to Liverpral, or
I Juan Met*, EN., Fourth .7711R i' el l iteiti LT
East Liverpool. Feb. 2nd. lvid. frblidtprirt.
- 1 Jail/ OIL-10 bbl. NQ. Ilan hand and
i_j for role by ' , WALLINGFORD & CO.,
metal lei Water Onset.
BLACKWOOII, for February, and the Art
Journal, for January, are fur rale at .
TAB -2 bbl. reed and for gale ty s RODISON, LITTLE • CO.
mA m ezEREL-2.5 furEs:l,l!.ry
-1 ISO doz Delbrorro env. Corn Ilritnru•
100 rido Staab!, M. L•sib.:
lia Window OW, wanted nren
SOD trip Nails, •
IS grinu Banner Brants;
100 bags Rio Oaf, -
With • Kenrr•ll4sortsocat of Oro...eller, for valet by mebS ROCISON, LITTLE a C o.o
DRIED PEACIIES-550 bu. for sale by
2.5.1 Liberty 4.
NEW YOIIIK, diarch_lB
r,toun._4oo bbl. Itamsey & Scott's
pon . mi—o casks cr i a c t) , for l ie g by s.
DRIED APPLES-71 rokge. for sale by
BACON-183 in. for sale by
HICKORY BUTS-8 pkg. for sale b 7
Saw Toni, March 13.
QALERATUS—I4 casks and 23:boxes
U yniked. tor isle by
melt& WICK A kIeCANDIZa9.
It ROOMS-188 do: (Corn) for sale by •
_s.ths }FICA k IicCANDLEPB.
WRAPPING PAPER-3416;nm Crown,
V► Mot& Con, MAI= .4 Cop, for mile br
mels • WICK & AIeC.II9LESS.
MACKEREL -138 bbl. No. 3, for tulle by
rj-RY HERRING—:NIOboxes (fresh) fur
&ale DT xneb ) -WICK & bic•CANDLESS.
13,1131 01L-14100 lbs. in store, for onto by
ULAILET WINE-14hbds. rdeau.x;
. Nedoc
15 Mann Ilvt 1 3 / 1 / . sune 11:Ine;
In Mort for rale by'
~,,, b 42° X "
/111.11:11k RICICgreoN.
arlo rt J ppr T, n ll. the Poet Office.
coal, fee Sehruary.
Ithrtory of f4dennls, or Thukarey, complete.
Manned HMI, • tilmarkal Itconanew
Iltiaton Shalumeare, No. tid.
NoDwjes hon e or UN and Adventures of Percival MU
berry, written by himself.
Dore and Ambition, a Novel by Ma author of'`RoeMnd
bitvbielpid Mow", r ?ketches of Sesthern Life.
Diettonary of htecheni .
llotmehohl Words. No 42.
Dr. 'follicles Works. "'Munk..
kßi'llA YOUNG jtYSON TEA.— luat
M.0 0 Y.1,`; d :tin, 0 117,11; 1 1,71 - :„',77,:r t z=j4r,„,,
cannot be surnamed. at the prim. Pittototrtsb. him M.
for the barer grades 74, 01S, to. 001 "14
we warrant fully equal, If not somMor, to toy to Imbed at
the same orke.
Alm—Dotting, Imperial, and Gunpowder, of all grade&
for +bleb all we ark le • fair trial. and they will seems
mond thernentrea. A literal dleenunt made to retailer.
and to families bahln6 by th" dnentl ty, ,
Nit. A. Sit-CLUNG k GO..
meted Tea Dealers and titneemt
polvDEß •
LAX) kegs Martina, earn quality;
SOU Deer
'• frtao KY "
VEATSFOOT OIL-2 bbls. just reed and
„LI , for silo at the Drug Ntoro of
t 0,23 • corner Wuxi awl
FRUIT -5 bags Pea — Nuta; •„,
3 *" OHM Paschen non lmdln¢ from
6.111.} Arlo, and far rule kr -
frh2n Wert and VIIInt
MED RPPLES-10 bu. sup. ll App
12 ny •
a:chi MILLISH a k
4BL wub ILvlloary. In More end In, Wt. b
-129 bblc taro? Nr4,. 3 Mu. Mackerel:
Herm_ prana /11..;
bre, nottpd Ky. lieml4
fop Abut, sasorloalcmmlwrr.
tt% tVrnt/b7l. r 4
For ad br
Atcha Jasaz A. auretauf co.
7po . e . ito the Poet Moo.
Bow Books! New Books!
FOR RENT—The cOunuodZ rt u — v
ethrenq,t. a pv n E7 ghrdroceof
ht AD - I.
'ROIL SALE--Two choice LOTS, pleasitrit
eio. am 2% firt frrot.. and . 9.1.1 Ott
1L 4l7:ll7'n' tn
C. 11. GILANT—or
pOR RENT— - "
it RENT—A small brickcncA
ct ror r 7 b i gUrh , a n itl i cW w "g s c"clTer . L l Victiat
cc, aull n thnthed nth, Terms. RHO twr J,ntr.
A Lon — Elmht Amyl ur land, situate on the Turtle Creek
Rood. snout 18 minutes' walk (tom the market house.
Fir further part leniare spelt to
o THORNTON A. SIIINN, Attorney at Lew
WI street. ale,re Smithfield..
l 0 LET—A WAREHOUSE, situated pl:
a rosrt. we,
i N , 1 , : „ 1 - I“land F Feru .
quire a n•ViIarDALZELL.
Enth9 •
No. tIN Water A.
Delightful Summer Residence for Rent.
nitl4/Dard,o oontalnlng fa - tram/a of ground. 1 ,
eon a
good stahle Annexed, sitingrd between Rutter
and Pike greets. Lawrenrreille. 10-the forks of tha
Li my and Cemetery roads. For Information apply to
MARY REED. on the premiga,
Or at the Moro of IL Mont, Fifth Ward, l'enn at..
_m0h7.14 near Earl/Iw, Church.
For Sale, •
[MAXIE OP lIRLLDLNOR. Olt enruer of Waal,
n and Pann 11t133.114 3131 Yoontlng on the Penry/aaaa•
ayloonla Canal. in the Qty of Pittaburgh. no Lot fronta
hne hundrod and fatty /our Fad on Penn street, and one
undnal and nln• fart due Inehes on Wuhlngton atread.
to 3 13.3,3t3 . 3'13 alley. Inquiry of
Laid for Sale.
0" TRACT of 320 Acree: ofie Troet of
103 Artes ortu Tart of IA Arm,: ao4l two Tn.-. of
hU AM. carh. tho above laud 1/1 mon, or lert Improv
es). of firvt. rate quali t y. sod well located to Monroe rt... 0,
.1.111 be nl4. to soft ourchirterr, very low. For further
Wirth/Wm Inqulrog. WM. 11. JOIDISION,
ItL 1 .4 ...N. En... 1 attached. edtvated at a .
nul.3 HARDY. JONES t CO.
j'OR RENT.—Two Roos in the Post .-n
n. 1 :41404 suitable for Amens'. n00n...Z . 1
Alain ice. SMALL. STar.E on Ittl arra. next titm tbo
"':;tel'%7'"t'"l74"llr:lld. new team with
2; l c.ib;
co . 1 Lt. 1/17243. it4.tnd obroot.
1:OR RENT—A small frame cottae, with
4 morns on first then% illtng room
a node, tchen In
giont, 3 mall room, f lu 4.001. with hove garden
awl sertral fruit fromdel:treble melange
small situated near Minersellie. Paw:Won erg.
1150. set real small Tenements for rent.
Alan, Ihr sale II lot, In:aging on Ilannock Janet, and 3
("'I""" toot atneL T e r m,
'"'" :1011cf r1 (11 " RRON,.
febW,lin ors). P. Cain , erg. of Market and Stn en.
Desirable Residence for Sale.
HE sabscribcr, intending to remove a few
-In %eb O tljr tm,L1.7"61% ,arn lur ,ale the mnziralr,
Allegheny City. The dwelling. • double one. and built
of brink. is large and cornmodlone. and ha loon recently
repaint...l and repeat. The lot Ronte My fort no the el
running back Iwo hundred atulelebty ten nod If 101 l
out with taste, aattaluing choice obevhbory and frulL The
nut-buiblings. mud/ding of it private eeloool
TM stable
end carriage beak nmecnicntly Ircatod. TM- onus
tali IN r
ot , and the Wiry Eallwilliou arid.. shortly
I e plarfal root, Ile Allegheny,
'. 1411 Wing the property
within a few minutes walk or drlre f the city.
Yard:wore refermi to Alea. Miller. No.lllo 4th
reef. 111011E1 ILIAMITON.
TOR SALE OR RENT—A comfortable
0 11 n - tAattrat2l, rtell:l7t6VLl bo , n o r diVeliT,Sieti
The botuat oontadits ere menu the lot le forty fod on Caste
nut street by one hundred inf de , yl : ll i,„
l ' flaqi i 24l l. llAM,
feta, corner of Wrwol and Moth rot.
7-1 0 R It ENT—That largo dwelling house v . ,
w oo eatensive g,nramle I:sl.tdcp, and rtable
aUsehed. the ...Waft of Lb , . late Wm. J. Tortoni.
v.l on vtreo. l'oeseeelot given on the Snit of
For Mom, apply In L R. 3l'Aboy, Guardian, re C. C.
u, Pon t.
Tutu_n, at th e Pitt Work, feblS,4ll
V FOS SALIC--Two large Eltur 31111. nod a S.. 31111 on
lb. Realer Cr.), with lb« neneesary water rower. Alen.
well Impro.ed Corm In LaarenWneenty. Coln. {lpl.
Al.o, • of Ile acres, on the Ohio nrer, Inn:eV:111e.
twin., Deaver, for Itteu. Alen. one of 140 nem, '0 the
IPhlto river. umiles below Hewn, for Pat per arm Also,
lea) .errs for SIS per aeon. A 1.,. farm. of 1511, 1:10, and 101
for tas per nem Alto, 173 sere. br 312, and 91 acme for 115 pt., erre, Ingather with Mutt call,"
...Lars and prima. Enquire of
AM.,. at law and heal Senate Agent,
fable No 107 4tll,st. Pittsburgh.
Ili OR RENT—The store on Market oh., r..•
11,. now menaced by C. 'reamer ea • Variety .
esaetwion' Ira on Ist day of Aprll next mil
ma „. 11'31. IVCLINTOCK, 83 ttb .t.
FPO LET—A Warehouse situated Ite-,2
(went Wind and 31arket, and running t
iled fron t Vlrrt to Seennd 'Meet, recently orrutded by
Salfe Atkinson. Iris aultable fur mannfaeluengorinte
", 11 11 1.4 [Kers for oir a large numher of valuebte
StunF lohr, and romavery dvenralde then for monde,
tort, In tha Itureugh of Birmingham. longed near the
nue Publk lbbool Melee and Enr,4.l Lutheran Church.
..13i . e .,1 2 1., 02 . 1 .. fr0wth of Birmingham In population ,and
wealth. end the snalwastka priel at which
bets wlll will render them hare and prottable In.
vestment Title perfeet Tenn, farnrable.
l'orrtletilars and tern.• enquW , Xtbeunderelmtml, at
-the ollor of Gear,' on Grant atnert, Pitts.
'burgh. between Third and Petirtb overt, or nOlllll.l
sad N. Pattemn. Cejn. (heir oillrea In
Ingham. - }at, MOSE:St , . KATUN.
Cer-0110 !louse and Lot situated tittrA
j. on Beam! Amt. Seventh Ward. Fgt. term', tINI
surl l yto • • itoutros,l.lTrLt. 2CO
ya 3 . 2.,3 lawny et
F 1
4 40 R SALITho subscriber of ford
••l• •ba ve and built Iltirk Finn., with tvgr z a
arta ut uround.ituat.rite
Fllllllll atz,ot
Row.ithin Um*. nt:lea of this . Yosseusioo gmn on
tho IA of 4,1-11 nest.
Aloo.• ' , cry t.drablp lot of crnond. eontsdnlnsr el, Four
AAcme.with • 1 , 111113 a of racelkut thereon , situated
ear the abet,
Al*, a lot of Around 44 fret ti 'orb..., by' 1LI) fet,
In.; the reridvnex. of M. A. T • no r. the eltY. 01 'Pe.hA
the Verentli Ward,. Pen ylvanianeAr
Ael , rte. l'unak,alon
Oren Immediately.
It In now nertaln that Plank Boat •111 annyttete
art the ahcea Prorert ly In the ;Inning anmtner. For
further Inkrination. • ply to DAVID IlEkL}.ll, Fourth al.
mod, near the !trot de,wrihnl property. tf
aIFOR RENT OR SALE—TCo subscriber rel r
win mil or rent hie eery d rn4 rable Cauntry Heel
re, Allr.Theny rtty...ltneted en Ohev Len , . aanlow
Allegheny Arenue, weet of 'the Cul:anew. The house Is a
large tloolde brick b u ilding. annplet•onler. There L. it
eerriene haute,
two and tr od water co n tai ni ng nnela,
whith CODIPIit” •
two erne. Improyol, every
descriPtion Of frau; the. a spring haree smoke house.
l'oveminn glwaa whenever dralrwl. ' OLIN IiEBLIAILT.
F OR R T—A two sto
jol i ql kuu ' 00
U tir&VR . V t D A7.2gr° of
• • •••
) Dwelling
. ..q
zil: ` ,L P'' '
UAL t" 2
E A . " - § i'
t al leas, ann lot on
c ;on: p ng l
ic roc n :1; : :
idlmmo with g.1...4
oNTe th e&i. d 'ila ,
,4 1 , o n ...II for c10nt.,03
Jl ately oppoolle the C t e i ntptl ! .tri
rfkiLET-A large Mansion
A a, aviea v f La.nal att.bgiuty!'
710 LET.
Three S dr}
RI , . on tlf:lNt.kkh,... Vtu t ile P j inr.'l" ,
.1.10 It!qulro or J. ;It. FLOYD "'
Ro.nd Myra:
LET—one Two Story Bi
vl i keTotn4ot ItiZn:Zi e r:',`,P A'
JO liN IV , ATT & Co
t ,
L .
0 LET—Room and Stl , 1
scAnVV r iA6 & ORELY,
119 FrOt
'Rare Chance for Capitalists and tianufic -
THE undereigned being agent for the own
otrj3 ro ff
tiTeri'4. t Lig
Flr „ p. , tuvontittinglo 7 at'ac. , T.2lll'eollio:rltiolT.
fl.'lggi'=' ,ll ;t7 r gxvitvcbtesr l =trgit i ;
lately offered, to cement who may wt. to engage to tuna
nurturing of abooet nor denerlpth. Thu abundormened
rap of nil the means of tiring, the sunaly of cool for
ortfur ear. power, the great quantity. of wool brought
to thls market, an ar tiro fad for tran portollon of
manufactared ortleler, all emote. to me. lltio ' k ono of tha
Wastveoye foe ertabllorting Maoufsetures of een,
001, Cotton, ended all desert:Abu! which I. aow Whorl.
ad bathe Western wounter.
found haprorml farms. In the ylelolty of the Canal and
11•11 rood, nre.aboulferod—w tract of ala hwm of exponent
Mattered Not. lying between tho Canal sad Itallroad, Sod
about half smite from the latter; a lot of about seven
noun, adjoining.* Railroad Dept, al./fluoride of which
the tract vacs, on two slim , stroete of Ma town. /1 0
lel keeper. mot mambo:do will do .11 look at gtda
roe theT porch+. eiteWhere.
The , potllett Of rho heart of . sgriealturnl
region not eurnarael by auf In the country. lo re. troll
known that It derosed unnereuary to du more lb. refer
le It to lotion all who wish to utak. good Incenttoonte,
n ot nod ...Inn this prop,,rtr Indltputoble and
eetneealag IL. and a , of l4tdbdryh 111 al r. ny ...trice will be mower.] by nty
glkolloa to TU.. McCullough, Kent Jot-door the under
. V:s d ll7ll. M .Tt i o.V . IM. , LATI(IIIT.J.dHLyiII.
Lx, srocK FIRM, eltuatral In Little Hawser Townabith
wrcnne County, l'a,, on the web, of Little Dearer, am.
twining about NA acne, Ile tulles from the Ohio and Perm.
eylverne Itslimed—the I Ittaburgh end Cleveland - Otago
:bed panting through it
Itist weti known ea UM Mervin Pad has Leen ea ,
cuphd ma Eileen farm for the 1W tturts Yee.. The lend
Is aow In End rat. order, and well caleulabal for atirep end
cattle. It la well wane,' by Little hearer Own, end
root no,pfalllng spring,: a m bout 17110 sen 2 .. under fe re nce, the
number dude. ;Reich tree, near the home. /f .g.
glint MY actan a valuable lot of houtehold and latehen for.
ulture, alert a but rate ranking MOTO and farming of
pkorghe'ke. kr., ran be had with the
=lamb mime
The building... the OM arc, one brick boa., 40 feet
moan end two etnriax Mob; rellar under the whole buyer,
w ith partlUon well In the center. The boom le well Ankh ,
al din n 1 l atyle; the roma arovery aniveulently nth.
culat will three d, three In the lower *tory, wiree tint
with throe lary . F h tNna nom, bye rnornnlu n‘ , up ,
bric.mogr, L.": trate:l
kite len ate,
high, alth /arm , tentrY t end meth In (rout feet
fmme June, at/anted to kitchen, 22 by 18 feet, two
orin. blab, calealeted lP• work shop or bed nanny, with
wen in front tan rout wide. ltne flame . wore! hewn. asabove how°. ell by al bet. Ono frantearrl 02
hullo, roar the brkle home, 16 by 12 feet,mot ten bet
high, with lover story 7 feet high • anti the walls made 'of
unn a : snood and tteeer falling steing of min water running
theough the lower rtury—the upper ream well calculated
for awke. d abed annexed he 'weath lieu.: a brink
bnurae one creme cacrlake Louse. 24 by 10 fact, ten
una,.. a ub robin. collar underneath; one hawed I,
holne. about Ira tWa flora brick house, /11 by 16 fret, ooe
aud • bore.. rial. Kish, wild • nerar 1.111.4 spring new .
the Ile bane. log tone
saw the brick home. to by.
in n to4va and alalf Wein. high, with !nick chimneys
= o f= lLTrg. Og.rtiV`,-; owe
bwr UPPer W tower Nall one el'. and entrlmm at one csal—abi th
ldes lu
21 feet k lwelre Got hull tai vre:tal t.' l 44 o toitr ca!"rltek"none,[nmlaA
tzt::113 1 -. - ;„,f^ - ,hp,'"'PA,';l4;
reeks In Am, fur t han ane7l •...a ,.
humus extneatal the shore hone., 13k by 21 hobo .04
6'2llb#.laPPZl4dutriltiTh_7 fr"'".hone, fur
iyrm tiO4olm " Ilull on their...doe, rho
illti4reaTern= 7 4 will " : " tr . teafr
meutit of Beaver . (Seek. and b miles below Leoatual.
D2Au7th./N.Lic7IANGE, COIN n&'. NoTE,. tC.
71 ibtet tt.ttrt b Dunk pf POutyoiS. •
NOW at)! Dralla =Mewl on 1.11 osrUof th•
tuts !cubism; sold hWtts,
4 1 01 t ZANESI'ILLE —The fine
ENIPR mantel. will tens
4abnd!Wenze] lale port.ltlsafrrnom. lB4
at 1 ..'dock.
L I OR SAINT LOrIS--Tlte swift ._
and rplendld ondeurier DIADF3I.
vaaande, 111 here for aKert. and int,.
unallate landienza thir day. at 4 o'cloqt.
o r
frdt.nt nr P.A...., apply on
_ .
volt 5T.1.01218 AND ILLINOIS
fr. und nnifortah:. rte.
/AM:TU.IW liartertan. inanWr, I.arr.
far the tarn,. and ler.rm..diat.. pyrta ihia day. at 4
For frri,l.ll or grarrage.aprl, off !cant. rt. 1114
,t7440R CINCINNATL—The fine,
!alp . now. and 9.lodid %Wainer PAU!, _
Inl/ERNA. pt. H. I , I,ase
re on Thund uvlt Ala I) l'itlk I o' k A .
,kjct th. ' "
For (might or mv.a.e mud, ,o m 4112
A It. Loo is—The flirtrunninr" , Wainer y
Captain Chart., lorard.
tear, for day above and Intermerliat, nor,
et N A. S. ~ or, Ild a d a y.
n , 1 1 2 12 ._
AND WELLSVILI.K—Tin, Idle reamer.
iNEILLE. Wm. Stiedden. nduArr. will run
ar a rarrular ;via:kat 1...tar.,n thin ray and Wrllaville. Jr.,.
lorr , Pi.ohurdll every Monday, MAU, Way, and Friday, at ,
ra. .1.
for freight. or faaalae, appld on board.
THE new and fast running ',tr. eMiIIIER,
J. 5. Menn_4s. Mextcr—Regolar Wedleen!, Sten.
henville. Welled..., Wheeling. Ilridgepact. Cantin. and
unll,h Packet PitGburgh every Wedveaday at
o'cleek, P. Si.. f,r Wheeling and Bridgeport, and ev err
clora at P. M.. for Cstina and sunflah. Iteturning.
leavee llardi.h every Monday ta 10 o'clock. A..M., and
Hrichreport and Wheeling every 31enalay and Thumi ~ at
11.. M.
No. 1011 Pruct
innnaton.innr, will Itzyr for tha aboynanel in
tersonllst. tnrt, army Thurnday. at 4 °clock, P. Id.
Yor freight or manage apply onlnr.l z ,T!.
WW as
F 4
No. al Wa n g and 03 mo SON,t
ir did rtetn. vot:r PITT, Miller. matter. a 2
11 Iravo fur the aboreatal Intrrmedialr porta
...a this dor, at 10 o'cloek, A. M.
For - fmight or p.a.., arYiT . Irani.
1 - 4 1 01 i ST. LOIIIS.—The nplcndid
3 . near steam., FTATESMAN, Jae. ormley,
nworoandrr, will leave for the al.ove end latex
to.-dlate ports on thi.. day. tLr cr.L jorr.... 10 A.ll.
' ' ' • " -
wriEt:Li t seNnsit--The •Wr 1,
.o. Capt. :3 leare eh, r
vry Torrday at 4 ‘A.lork r. v.
F r ': ;t204
upEGuLAR :151) 11..11UNFISII PACE/CT-7hr Gut runtitos- - 41
iteautre. AVEL1,13V11.1.1.1. Unpt ) nun.:
‘r tn " ltit
aflT .. ;runTin for
win Prager. 1.
y Thunnin, alb moon for StinthenTilli.. It InT•ling.
ilridnepnrt. Cant in a iTrlnflTin returning. liaTrT 11 11 , NT
port and Stinflah yryry Turadny nftrnno.n. nod Suntrh
ta , enl, or to e'rm. "
Packet 1.41:11.NAL. -T—T.T"T
r, zli . - ,i ll , gra wi a t r ,4 l , yeiln , Tplity and l•ridar. and rrtnruing.
Ter T11t,143, ThunTlei and natuntaT.
In each twirl, For (night or p.m.:, o hoard, orb
noln LftriZlll. Anyntn.
rtnlnv hain. ' Thin opleallal tanit w e.
the owner, of ttn. sti-.llnrr !Tame Nyntnn. and Of )1411t, •
the eturinnati and litn.burgh 1 1 .1.-et trade.. and • 11.1 leave
rarT.f..A o V,nTlida r y_ n ftir Onetn.nati. plary of th e NTT- Fair
I %ll'l, `o -'"`,"T.T•Tattr;i/E'i'Var?;;",!...,!
Manufacturer's Line.
185 1 .
sthat 111. ~. ,.1.11, E ; I I
I. now in bill anti rtollitio. to carry a rutlndr of canon
I n l'hiladOphln mot Italarnoro. nothout
Imnal,i,pirt, In a. ohc.rt time, au-I at a• log rah,. ao any
othor ',ar R,.
htn3 M olal ,r ..L, h.r, oho boon madr for rarrrlog
Way Frrßa/t Blain, Joht,uorn,
tinter-knot. filintlrualott.• 51111
Crook. %el. Hamilton. %let', town, I, oohto•n. •
Stoop/wt. For,. Ihrrhlnirr.Colcunkra. and all nth.
in.rtnethalo ,ointo no Li". Pour., tvania Canal and Port
o, Railroad. Ifirrinu rot urn load; of Iron norun,t ftnm
.h e prouthttno. sod ro.nlailly elopmento. to
the nfan,al.l point, nt fho lourot may
LIMO. J MITCH E . LI. SkYlfr. Pruhrletor.
mrLl ::U%l arohnuw. Ltort r .troot,
homnd door vroht of the ['Shalt
<_3S a .
Nail Lines of Splendid Now Troy Built
Coaches for Hollidaysburg, i fehlly
And from thence 243 !film by the furphrs Self-Sealing Advertising — Envel-
us 4 7 , ...... ~..... a
....• ...-. -,..- -a 1 O. 263 MADISON ST., NEW YORK.—
, ill Th. subscriber. In eolieding the patronage of all who
To Philadelphia, New York, and Baltimore. i , 'TN, :zir'P':, , V.:1•11 - 74:7;ti;J:L I I,n=4!r,'In,1,r,;
i ~..,.... of ~,. hes mtablishol their superiorttY tn.
Timor. OSLO 3G Horns e
' pond all question. end he eonfidently refer, to the ...lino.
Coaehm will leave Every Morning at e o'clock: 1 ticlak, I, pond
of throe bonne., men who have 11,11 thew. envelopes,
P. V. and ti o'..Lek. P.. 11.
, and . hot rapidly 'normal. Wes. as proof of their excel.
Extno to Imre at .y time. .1.3 , A In rrodloma Thin . lenee.
I. the moat dime , . omfortabl.. aml expedition* l io nt The Ulna - Inc are a fenr of ths reasons fur their pools
the Eastern eltle.. Panengem for Ilaltuann. lave the leen,
zadm......1 at ilarrhharc dint t to. th. at i onto( the Corset 1.1. On the place orenpll.l by We peel, a perm., mar
that plain.
have ton ru3n., Lavinia, nod whim. mnapiruoudy arta
N. I.—The onl, WU, for Eh. a`..... Lim, under ht. i t. r 1 1 , . 1 1 I . i '
ch..i..,, flood, N.. PI ll'ood ,nn. t. 1 . 1,1,1,e . -1,. ~.".,' ' " [ ''" "".. • ''' r '''' " r P •i". than . ff ''''' in n P . '
"•. s'eort r ocalmt hated.
mob. . WU. AlooltllEAD. Act . ~..1. The Envelop., cannot to oyenol without bring do.
,•: ...t rn ~ ,,,, c,...,a. ~.., el a In ~,,I t hr...
TEREST 1N IILVG11.1.11•S LI.VE, to nty lumber. • 4,1,. Conn the nalscarrtam. of a letter,lhe mud Insurealts
(kl l in:F. BINOIIA3I. We N.D,. at Plttaburch willnen- immediatemWen to the remot e insteral of being burled
Rae be Ownanend tinder the at, kof -Wot. Bingham 4 mond. In the Dead Letter Othre.
Co!' (metal lI.It itt,i,mAit fah. The Envelopes are furnished at almost the•sarne
Prim a., plain no.,
Bingham , ' Transportation Line, ..6:P,..,'..-eg2tl::,'.=„!:oTgatl;"A"lzz:h.
g. 18 5 I z--t----'E' '" arrilueing 12; . 1. Ilrt et prima fur Dm, engraved on
n • ................--.., , I,rao. and which will hat for Tian; and of Eirn.oY.,. of
BETWEEN the usual , Ise, • either sidle or buff, of cool Pane , . atal
PITTSBUP.OII & TIIE EASTEIiN CITIES.. ... s. . b. v , ~,,, .....a . .zs - --... - --
Priv,. Prim... lf Enreturra ehyle ..
LIE CANAL loin.' now open, we are re, • ai letten or Ime. 5.1.00 ohm,.
tly to meet, and forward pomptly, Prolum tuul j 1.1/ to .in %no 1000
-34.0 C
Thantlise, rent and least. .30 to 40 0,00 .1,.
Fielgltto always at lowest Wm charged by reaponsible . in LI in ...... -.- ...... ......, ti,to l dt.oo 10,00
Lincs. , into W
. 10.00 Vital 13 00
,Prialuce and Merchandlie win ter eceived and forwanled , so 0 . 100 .......... •-••••...- 12, . 50 . 1 11.01.1'
....., ~...,/, , thou , ~,.... ,b,,,,,,., ~,,. y 0r ........di 0 , ..,.,,.1. 1 II hen It D net onnventant to forwarlone of order
sincing freighn rosarolanlo. or storage. 1 per mall or cayman. a rerun-nu. to mq•etabl New York
MIN of Luling forwarded, .na al: dln ctioro faithfully 1 Hun.. will
aoThelmit. All orders will Meet with frt.{
attended to. Adds.., or applv to at Walton. if addremei. it M. 3112111.1 I'.
Wll. RINORA.If 6 CO.. Canal - R.ln. No. t' , 3 Ifadoon Ktreet. ew Tort.
Corner Liberty and Ways. , ea- Pittsburgh Voters will he attended to tenumtly, If Pert .4 the abates
BINS lIA If 6 DOCK. llti Market .1.. of Mt .. sTv. Sibeil 4 Mott. 1 . 11 Wall Strrete ref of klertra. LL
betwten Fourth and FIR!
Philadelphia. . Jerollman 6 Co., 134 Witham It.
JAB EN ICILSON. A tumt . . N. It -Ruete.. arla. emboseal la (Thu,, from rams
No. 1. , Earth II ,tvet. Ilaltimon Pie , et 010 .. 3 Per tbenvend. frem:am. -.-
dA3IES BINE/LIAM, No. 10 W., ...
rnela • _ :‘,.,,, jorq, Professor A. C. Barry's Tricopherons,..':
MEDICATED COOUND, infallible• '
Opening of the Pennsylvan.ia Canal. ,- or r,..e.i.g. inelmyrating, and I..antlfri ng me her,,
lIE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL will be ' r " .. '" th. tb ' .."'"l. ' •tldr.f..^ 4 ,ll -•'''.'°.' n f U. ....,:- 1 2 ,
and curing eruptions on Ile ' , km, dlwasea of the aL a,
opened for the Season of IS:1, nn tho :50, loot. and I (11. d, and tutegulnenta and reheslng brui.
Tml.eriben. will then be pmwtr , d ~ .. .w, womb. fn. ; ae.t. sprain., e With this Preparation “tturre is ncrouch
Philadelphia la Pitt.burch, at tot following rano. via . word s. fall.” '
The Ilmt
p r
mine America. mwlioal men
Dry Molt, Bats, tarn , Shoes, limantie. PI. of the highest
w ho prominent oticens of all pro..
am. Looking Onuses, Cr OW. 11 100 hr. stoat. and ladies who have mod it for years In [holt does.
llardwam,llrocerim, Balm of 11,11 n, Point., elan ram, and numerim, adralt it with one
to that for'
Dye Stuffe, broke, Stationer,. 011 Cloth, imparting vigor. c /ma, luxuriance. and curl to the hair.
It ritlng, Printing & Wall Paper. L e ath . eradicating aced and dandruff; healing "mond,. clad.
er, Co ....... i. , ./O 1 be. v....1...n.1.4 .tini., As. and
anat.! of
Qtlectuttrant .134 Coffee fs l c. " the skin We Fiends, and the 'Muria; It has tn? Canal
(hewn Sugar, In hhda 'Sc. . . ng tile of
of comPoniads Istiv_eMined in Wenn , .
Indlittga, Anvils. Alum, Crude Brimstone, li emt, or used In pirate praitke. inetwaeaeas to
kr GO, U . . eiSeleum. Barry s trioopherous I, untivalled.
We onense cash sales of the article . bare enabled thc Inventor'
to ettPPly It at 2:, te em per bottle, which IA from LO to 103
It ls hoy.ert that Wean opening rat, which sm marl
In wer than at any met lotus seam°. will Itolum Phippers to fi r ;l - I-- than u , o prk. or. n, other vn.p.r.u. for
e ir now in toe. tne scientific treatieo on the halt
pall...mite this mule to a grader extent than Dauer ( .'. 1 m . ~,,j , ~,,,, m i
II onus & hetet.. • fur leech 6 Co:, hfne. 7.. ' ‘“. ng .......bin dtn-Ut nn . f.r 0 ° •tti
ore mad pre...nation of nature a choiceet orenL In
Donut. Ilnernams A Co., for Union Chic.
In which each bottle isruclowd, la alone worth the.
Insuungs'6 Duel, too Mio W • n t, ' b in . : , The entnit) which membranes whkh constitute the
Learn & livriss., l't . Pe nn. 4 001,, an ' . skin and the hair, inws ita sustenance Dom thin
. _ . . . . triple coveter.", In or close. All diseases ~f the hair orb
qv) MERCHANTS,' MANUFACTU liEliS, • eine. in the akin of the heed. If the rang of the scalp
withlo,cell. or If the loped and outer fluids do not circu
it /c._1i...., prepared to make contrarts ta bring out I , fre e ly through the smell resod. which feed the root
front PlditolelPhia. this warm lan'.. bd. o fliesv. , r ,, ,, , ,ebt. , mol.ture. and impart life to the fibre. the MIMI ,
on Trommolating terms. and y. nt .ery low mtee. wt.. , urf. dandrull.
bi g of the hair. g - raTetimal, dryners,
"P' l.7. l :Vilr th*
w e'7..k. M I NI t 7.IY 6 CO. Qum! Bonin. I sm and harshness of the ligantertm. and soffit tualdnos, Lathe
y be. etiolate.. tho Ain to henithhO artion with
W Trimphrroun. and thn torpid •eawd.. recovering (brit
, .....-- - 185 I ,- --LEIMEL, artletty. •111 annihilate the theca, In allaffectionsof the
L.Z.U.....;.......... 1 Akin, and of the uubetrata of munch, and 'wenn...math.
Pittsburgh Transportation Line. . trrotays., and the effect are the MIK, 1( to open. We wk...
the mus.nlar Elm. amt the glands. that the Trimpheroun
.1.401FS O'CONNOR A CO.. Canal Des., Plttshurgh. has It. apocillo actioni and in all stamthaas. and Injury of
SPIER. JA.NIF-U 6 Co., Depot. Broad
Chem, street., throw armor. It l, a vorerelgn rentolY.
and No. 3 South Fourth street, beta., it )larket and Cheat. Fold In large I,,ttb a prim f.S owls. at the principal of
nut streets, Philadelphia
a we, 137 Broadway, N.
York, and by
principal merrb.
tYCONNORS,St °J u in North street. Itanituore. ants and druggists throughout the VolOal State mel Can.
AVINO fully completed MIT . arrange- I °a _ '
men., we will be prebend upon the oseolnu of the
VI, Dania Canal,. to earr. Omight to and Dino Pitts
burgh, Belthnere, Philadelphia New York, Ikeb.n. Cin
cinnati. lottliville, Cl. Lamle' l all 11/1. Pool and West. at
lower rates and with mom dl.patch and cam than any oth
er Line. All me.d. 'hipped by our Line are fulls corensi
by Innurence, without any charge to miner, a Protect'eu
not really affuntol by twv miter W,
All rrmuilimmillona Ltd re,r,l t., our...leen or a.rentrt.
Hall 4 Co.. Cantinnath E. IVobb, hottovllle, and 1.4.xe A
Osborne, Cl, Louie will eet wtth pr.unt attenthm
11.T.N. 11.utur Line ho. ..conneetion whatever a ith the
Plaila.telphla and Pittsburgh Tr:110,41ml. L3l.t. of At
tune 6 Co.
, 4 85. i ~,,,,,,,,,
Merchants' Transportation Line,
10 A. 1 1rANCLT O A T O RE- a I a I I T I I . N o .
PRI, burgh. -Cn .o
, I.i. Peon .or L
CHARLES RA YNOR. Central 131.1 4. Vogel ,tort. I'l.ol.
We ore parpareal to merle , a tor: amount n.mhandf...
and .lure to alitp on the r pen., of the eat... to Phil..
dolphte. and all lub.noullat, pia,. at low. r rate, And to
hue Otne than In an, pm, t0tt......,..
Sir N 11. The lurreowd !loader of Truck , protrted I.
the l:atud Conunouloner, for en rm Ina u- Nat...
fl at State liallroul,, Will pnu mit am teM ..1 del lay 01
Johnston, Ronan, sburg or Colombia. t i tan , „ .
0 t tIu.INL 171 A .
. i 'anal Ra Co do
.' 185 1 ....._.......--'-..-- --4
To - Shippers of Merchandise, Produce, ac.,
To ANu not rt, 141/1..11111, Itllllll.llll 111' • V.A.
HELL:INCE I'l rfSittllil 111 TIt.INSI'OIt-
T.ll' It iN LINE.
ATI.ZINS 6 CO.. Proprlet..m. N.,. ...,..-
Cantuteroe aim. t. Philad. It h..,
11E1.1. A IdISIETT Igo 10... Car... Ila.m. Pittsburgh.
JOS TA 1 1., PG .4 "0%. 1,, n, Itallonon
We ere prepand, 141 We ore"Mtn: ef the Preen, boots
CAnnt, 1...a1tr...,..r at a. low rot,. sod gi,..
altlpper. u; mush ,I, -patelt and ear, a. NO other Lino.
f 1.11.0.
. _ _
okHouse, p*
Power for
J , ll VIAM.
I.6ontvneor, ln John 31rFulru .
Penna. Rail Bond Co.—Central Rail Road.
V HE subscribers hating beeuuppA ri t e d
Ihlprlno agenh. for the l'eun,ilntlilur Cetatnd
goad. Inform the public that we aro wow prepared to
pnaluce for eblptokyt toot maim
op:alLb, of the canal.
Wads via tide mute will bo carried ttzreugh in Cre day,
rk t .11 c.,osionotl to uo to forwarded [roe 'of ontirros
ar rharea foe adraWoow
rum or =oar arr*ru PRU.S.DWIIIIA am trrnazon.
lin Oecds, Hrti. nom Rooks, litsdesm r ,c tii „
a 5,,,, rmits, Feathers, 1 sznithts, bit," graels.4l,
thshilery, Wal, Se. Sts.. ' 41,,W p 100 5,.
Hardware., Ct.erwrar Gravrict, Pahl's. 'DP, , htas. Oa,
leatter,C/orar, I7as.ll.roottir mid sibs, G r .. 8 4 ,1,,,r
Weld lOU.
D.... Rte. Auk. Weld Oil, Tobarro I..rd"
Oarfee Tailor. Grain and Mn,!,, ' 10e 7 lOO
lab* Marble (tougb) Ter.ll.ll. Andh,llenns W o Clow.
Iloaex. tr,
e. ht lik
jush) . MgrelDLs a C.1.110.1:-
• .
__,,',,, ...' ,
ItAI'ERS et TAILOItS, No. :303 Broad
, y corner nf 1 , 11.1 V etreet, ad..., the Irrlng
York. respnrtfully invite the attention of friend,: and
the public. to hair asw , rment of miss SPItINII 004./Ini, of
the newest pattern., which theyprelnt l to make op
in ttoi mannermanner and moot fa shionable style. at their
usual tonderateprice, Fooh Clotles C.a...siinerrs amd Vest.
in.., of lateet importstiolug elegant light silks for Vests:
dark do. do; new patterns - of Paris Embroideries. There
are three skillful artlat• employed in till , estoblishment—
our to nut MATS, one to rut PANT. end One to cut
iVAINTtAIArn. Eaeh department is complete In ftself.—
ARMY and NAVY UNIPUIL3I.4 made VY only, with sten
raeratal despatch, sod In the most approvod :manner.—
who 311qT.1.11, will nod nt this vatal. -
hohment. every thing to their taste. and moot perfect Ct
s always Insured.
P1E3111.71 lAIFTCOATS.—Thive elegant walstensts.
that were w, much adult,' at Castle Clarden. haTe Ivey
uwan.1...1 the find premium of the American Institute at
their nee Fide. fehltnlm.
Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse.
A • (Up Statra) NEW YORE, In tiny opening one of
e lardest and richest avortmenis SPAIN.; AND
SUNINIER 111.1 1.0 o.rer before ,rovlrrd. Alro LACE
MUSLIN and all kinds of SILK ,lANTlLLAS.manufactu
nd from the lat., Paris faAloria, rectived by the etramers
and particularly adapted to the Smog trmlu.
• Ivry splendid stork of PARASOLS AND CM.
I RELI AS. omolettnu of frioded and plain olded cotton
cod nod Turk Satin Parasol, and (lion and (ling.
ham Umlovllas. All of whirl, .111 he °Renal at extrrotely
, low prises. ospurially do l. our Weatuni friends. en•
1 amine our trek hofare purrhadod.
Al,. WIRE SlloW STANDS. 4,r exhibiting Shawls aiul
Mantilla, put up In r3lOO for tratotantation. foblldf
C. B. ILATeIf & CO
I_I I AVE nowln store, and are constantly re
m miring !earners•theuttst expoolsettoortownt of
Gent emen s
I.OODS ever Lou. Wiens!,
umbracinu thu londt and nrhest Myles of erave., , ehlrix
,!Lore, Ihwi.dy, Suspenders, Under Garromda. I.ondon
To'.. Stork., Druolnd Gowns. liamikerchiefa
Hvould, Itrar, Linen Collars. with a variety of , other arz
ticlr. peculiar to thole 1100 of hu.ine.,.. All of whirli will
he /1.1/II at 111, very loar.ol prieus. Our Western friend, arc
invited to examinevur mo.:k fulduldm.
Superior Black Writing and Copying Ink.
'ONE'S INK, 85 Nassau street.
ey Nra York.
Intl eittrEn Tim rm...
Si Z. [kV ......
....... On 4 oa. ...... 311,
On dmught. r,ntm.
Thin 1, , the manufartnrod. It linen,
fa n 120PVINt. INg..— an d will ma mnelbt,
pmspitatz.r.lim te- n .n nll tin • twit,
e , .1 for n Wrging Ink. euitalde r.r U., Quill. anti a ,
rt,lrably ntint , te.
tn Imtared turni.b the trade el
-1!u r far e...r.Jtostie mrn,tarsi4lon, nt
1.5 prier, put nit nt (mini, nuot , l , linernd in any prat
, cltr trey rhar, No charge for ca., Itorm6
or kegs am charged extra at nett pmt. •
5 Naman nt— v
(NATI, y.r
I tn. •
- - - •
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
pill; underoitancil Adniinirtrators of the
I estate of Fairynan. demaamt. o der for ,ale the
entire nal of titi. raid Thom.. liurnian.PolotlAlll.
of ono .01 feet lot (nulling en Ellorty rtroot. rompine. hank
OS feet Inchei to a ern feet alley.
Al,.w tavern the tave etanit ku..wna, the Man... How,
fronta l : anElbert y etreet o+t iodic, and ea Chert )
All, A,. (opt 0 loolion. roptopp Kirk a': I. loan alley. vilth
the givnitol• and tatileeouneeti.l. Cnintin g Plumalloy
gl feet 4 turbo,
Al„.. three h.. (muting on Ch.. each c
jp o o, an d eon ., Lack net payollel wits Plug.
a il p e ,,, c ty will In ad.) It private iale.
apeheatlor. hi the q r if net ...Id e
f Morel, will lon ot sal o'plork, P. St, t
e he hi g lo, I.l.lerc. Apply to
FAIRMAN. or . f
.tagli•dtmegi. 111 Liberty rh •
EMOV A I..—Eso Lisa' BENNETT, Whole.
Ilea) r n Prirltare, hay, removed
to No, nod vta., between I Vivid and
4 other Auld. of Winter rtEt•ortmeta. tot,
In.l 01 ES' W INTER HOSIERY. of various
Muth. Ineludlog a new article of Wool andSU, to
hLeal a t the Allyir
,v Hi !AMA A BIAPAIIIfI.O troop loolonffyrfa the
a„„ A Eilk and Gans,. sleriuo do„ wad l
and Lamb), H... 1 Dr awer ,
• febil
11 ot received
for 1131. A. 11eCLCitnatct
VIDE SII EETINGS--Housekeepers, and
thowicpuv o rartn , for lion.ekeopln g , will
;,,,.. r ,t,DXlc ,.. ltld .n ti ore , corner of and i
to - Eleree yards
tile :.ant of = t lt tl?.te'4l"". tnun
illurllns. linen tabliclotha table
dram...rut cratth. ut . tl hottaek.. pin g toralriru.eral".iy.
CANDLES-40 . bxs Ciusiunati
4,3 manure , on ham/ loul for solo by
C' - ,.iiILET CURTAIN CIIIN Ti:of diffei
riv sititia, and at loNoxt . v . rireN reed ,t. the
. ntor,of
-311,1,1.1 l 1 111(CIIILELD.
ItirowN riA.NNELs, aDomeAic Article:
Alm; White, 113u,d, thfro. 11.1 Ilatariun Nue, to
17fond at the ctn. of
Cana! Ga in, Penn &reef.
Sellers' - Cough SYrap in Mini&
JUIHI E PIERCE, of Middleport. Irmiuoise.
h,l7:M;, w u r •Vlitr=h."l. 4 :tr 7 4 ,, .. l' A''CLt'2:
years, •1 but yrs,. c0nan....1 Ohre to lily tA. and rtoil
l niedkal trrattnent for On. ruont.l.. During the eticnto
On yot better. but rtlll the ron4b onntl.urat to Metro., him
45 ...._ 113lou ' dtr.. ' ir . lk th srflrm n. nraVJO r 1177
of , uniplo wit. him from the Ytato OW% Mr.
fvtit i MolnPra th i C aij i n=.= l M:l
tVg..-VOterrlir hL.M.Vr.tZwitO gnu
Yrviare.l and ryw by
bo t ld StobralUY twr, PI 44(r
FAMKEI. `wand SUN,. .Wl,
tvuL .
r i leLariNun. frILI Cr I
Inc tod.
fbnitlf GUM
11 AGA LEY, WOODWARD & Co., Whole.
JUll_ rale Groorn. 2,11 Market d, Philwielphly .0]
R EALD. BUCKNOR & CO., To bacco
Commia.don 31Z,Itart.. Na 41 North WC-, Ftn-44,
all , :4). 16 NnellpKhan . , Philadelphia- nog'
VI ERCER & ANTELO, general Conunie.
IT". rion Merchants. Phlladelphl. Liberal athan..4-4 -
mad... on gorigyunrnto of Praln, generally. fjanSt.l,an
2,01.7 r. INMITTITTII WALT.. C. Lyn... Nona,
KW. POINDEXTER 4:: CO., Genera
.• CommiMnn and Formal:ling Mrechatu and Flom.
7, No. 276 3lnrkut greet. Phllaile/Dbia. iT22,
To Southern and Western Merchants.
not Pularribee non.retfully Inritn puldie attention
to It ...emit, strokrd Ptdfamery,Soap,:havina Ceram.,
and , r 4. le td d o,l , dea o 3ltatak. have.
N.... York. lkoton. killk. " the r lsttee n Cin u t t f the
c;v4e award.' for reek:darer either In
nor to th 4. Rot MiItITALILDTII./ITTO CRUM, (Almond. Hose.
seknotrlettsed to besunerloeto
any Sharing elosso rountryne Enron.
° +.seeing hip meat".ram Enaen.o—B•sullfully Idatutddent. toot tde diatonacrou; end emollient neoprene.;
m•Ponaoroua compound; Am tweeted Sharing Tat e t; =lnk
erltharloa Sono.
o"cortMar Ton:or Floros—Almond, Moan. }finagles:ln, Moto
sot s Fiatacia.. Ms,k. Patoboualy,. Omnlinno„ Floating,
n i s, =nt, ?lire oil. Windsor. mal
tar IlartscracuLtra—Hoor„ Jannlo, Mons
d.• Caroline, Ileraneum, Jrnny Lind, Mnuaelltsr,loclt
ry Lluh. Macao'sa fllomatito, eltrnaelle Wont, and DM./
other varlosi, all rimy differs/. t
Tortry WAT,..--I.l.nitt. ,
d lclo r wc a. W ., nar . r, and a rood vvi;ty rdiaa.._ros,rissessThlletieend°"Larnests-P
rnsr, Bair Dyes, liquid aild il,,..Airl
- and Jrany Lual„Ponstasloa.
Poo fslaal'llsals—llaloale Elixir, Maas Tooth
armal Lcut ptico , Odontine,Tnoth l'asste,and Tooth •
Comtrytm--.Veetahle Connote Crest, Anyarulino for
chapped hand% Cold Cream of Ito., Cream de Pry, Lip
• Emir, lia.otiherry Crean, lie.
11PMletory Poirdorr, for mmarina auperDuctua hair Paul
I'„,,d, Vivaldi'. do Doug,- Aromatic Vlavar: Victoria
thin Compmithm. Pre.don falter. Ina - idea • ureat isridtT of
other article, too numerous to be tamed to this
moot. sftertJsr
The rutorriler hops to Maintain the mutation which
this mitabllohment has ardulted, by dirpochair oktothhig
lot fart rate nytlcico, and will Le ham:, to f thwie
wh om may wioh to patronise hint, either orretall.
on mum:talc Mruie a r any cotahi-Dinent the Unitml
• durermor to and former Director of the Laboratory of
Mr. Bar th ', Perfumery to for, rale L 7 all the principal
Dromdom in thecountrY.
TIAN E REMOVED (rpm No. 22 s out h
1) LO3l HAM attlang
n (h. T tut. cid cot .luecl Ow 15 110LI.YALECOBACCO
•.. ail In. lark 11• hen. weds ectureete with
or.erel f the uee.t n niqz.l.l manmeettuers 1u the Rate
of Irelum. er.,l t.l teete . .4
/ 131, T1 1 1111 . 41 , e1r 1 1 , Cart 1,1 I.lk1 . 1k und 111,1ar. Itepotte..l
Oman, F 1 \ %PI • 1.1 tl L OI I ACCO.a 4. t TolA4, 4 "ef
I : ' ll ' rn hr'"'" Z " up,,r . "
t . 1 . 0 ..vtue 104 . OW of Mae InPORTED
kAVID C. TUTTLE, Attorney at Law,
soid Corriaamnorar for Niro9.lrazd at , 'ht. Louis. ?do
mmu romptiy arowerrd. oetWY •
01N lt. ItA , NKlS,..Attorney and Coll3l
- wile ! ' al
,hos.,-,c,1 Coromlerion., fq the Stale o
Wrazala 31cChar, John Fn r- Pox3e. i rgatlia C
Snopte. Mel,nl 3 C, ' audltly
THE a ndersig,neil having entirely 2X 6 1%0
bd, no d thc ext.:wire
ment, containing in 1011.1m:0 dhow: hundred and linty
noon, would rwer.ettalir inre ochre that It Is naw may..
for the reception nor aecommuliition of the Us - Yelling '
A e en c od e d notieeof tho orpacciaTootownienees of tlihe
Univ. La dromed e,
Iperfluonto. thc numerous haprose.
enema which Mere L 41,1 made
to Le properly. green ha
an adrertleemeoto 50D0.1t to PIT no oiPertee has Caen
spend to rendor nor apartment perfect.
noturniture war male exprrealr to order, rumness al
mid. and orlon: onetime et ft. expeniallp the h eee .l eir
rooma, will be found to he ol moat teeth rot Manna.
tom. The Dining 1,473n0 topliclouo. and the boore for
meals will he so arranged auto halt. Cho convenience of tho
early end late.
terry deportment will to conducted In en theoreptiona.
twinticr, and the proprietor pledgee Memel!' thee the
American Howe ahoNletroly the Trarollees Boma.
folah:LawdLwfanT LBW'S RICH
Tre. error rerodSufiw Vet Datt:r. Ai212001
Ile Lem, dailowt, !Smock/ix. Itar-Vor treriknerr
the ikmat , LL - Pll.l. and oliace offmany sr . ! As
Palmawry Oriaint .
IITE not wish to trifle uii:ll the lives and
health of the aLlaietol. but we nitre - rely pledge oar.
.leer to woke on aetertioit x! W F e virtu. of thin moil
eine, and to hold no to td butuldtifl'i
facto will not worroot.
'the Moen of Ireland. atatile hoe and Wild Choir), ma
malty oelehrettal for the cure of all diotwees of the Lung.
and Liver, whirl, are en o: tally prottileoi. in tit Noyth er .
latitude, Foot n einiblention of 'diem:A:al extract. • pro.
cured Conn thin Mo.- and then. Pt- %Volutes Bate
stir or Wrto CHMor i. rhieny fereaey
:G3-IVietar'e Italyato of Wild Cherry it a lota IMLELL
armor:, weopowid entirely of Will Cherry Bark and the
,ieoulue leeiaod latter itiportoil at - avail, for that
porpow.) the rare caylWal tirtuee of which are alto mole
Mood by a new ehornioal iemerew. with the extract of Tor—
ii,. rerolerind.the whole env:voted the mod certain and
eMeaclous reetuely et er itiyoetwetil for the '
aam of Wild Cherry.-11, following ease of Jeremiah Di
4rigg. of Cottostopthm. (Eve of Ws broil," . 7 4
ring die] of Cutteuntption.) i.. truly wonderful:
l'ariatar Ruur., llonleum R. Sept.
J. IF Psita—Doer Sin I take ch.. liberty of adrising lon
of the benefit I ha, derive' irt.nt the 000 of Dr. )vi.tit.
Balsam of Wild Cherry. I ou. , prostrate] by that terrible
wove:, Conga:rap:Jou. ill .11ay lows.. The attack was truly
horrify log to me, for tue oar f.: - .1117, (nor brothers and
+leL•n) had died of Corot:nip:lon_ 1 waa aflllctod with
noorly ail the worn. butup, :Le I hada distr..
log cough. nod 00,...0.eatn1 n gout deul of bioul, beetle
er. 0,410 min. to the gidt , and ch.:, cold chills, alter
nating with Ruche of loot.
•ao undei the mre orr, phyriehm. from the
, taken stet until rit weeks Finite. being
then about helple.,.. and my frzendt conelderml my rase
hope:et...or at lean be, end nue nb,.irlau'a *Atli; 011.151,1
the are of ltd,osn ~f thhd Cherry.. Without my
knowledge. my Nib,, pnwelort It. and commenced admin.
tstering Itto me. and Iron the Lest day I COIIIIIIOIOSII tak
ing It my health ituptuv. , l. end in two weeks from the
time I commenced using It. Inv able to be ma and error
my business,end tat,. wittl, I Fall rostrum to do. I
have taken Tour bottler of the medlrine, and now consider
myrcif perf,tly 1..9)81Ct1, L.
/th r, •
' .4 1 7
Caown Ponrr. fake Ca, la.luisslM.lll.
Jowl D. 1 .—1/ear lu, I was Juloselord
with a fever of tm.linid en:ranter, orldelleft. me in • Yel7
dehililitd'Ftant when. le the Yellow;ng Pi
k L.° with a worn. cold. which ruduced unt. nth cii•
wilt.. to give use the appvaronco of a conflrmod PonotiMp.'
nee. I labored under ascent, enugh=rermeetorato t t arreat
"that. and was trouthilnit) cold net and night 'realm. 1
allo frequently rui...;l blood from my /untri I imatillacd
in tit& 'ante, =dually tinting under the diseaseomtll
Janney, 1141, when I P . , stain altaittOtel with !blur. My
friends derpaired of my Ilfn. and my gbYukhuni thought
mold forwite but n short time. Sly extreadthts, tupetini-.
ly my feet, rem a:natural; coo. and aimastbertltetr tbal•
Ma. Under the. eireunLtanool It may ho trail add! woo
• tiring rkeleten. fatally deter:Mond to quirtaking not.
dielnes prescribed by yty•iriuus, and try Dr. Wishes Mid..
tam of Wild Cherry. and from the teft reek that I cerna
meneed takini it, lean date agrsulual net:perry. leoutht•
nod im motto months. at the end of wtdah tdme I V. MT.
Rohl health ever ;int,. and etteetfullY re
commend th e !f'l'ea to all those anieted,with &sews of
the lung, and rould toy to thou. commencing its we, not dieenuraged if two or thred tootles do not eroct • •
cure: but pererve, et I burr don,. end I have no doubt
h t ., nin e err e , nut of t.n, will be Moored vith•ronived•
health .1 have hem. it , !tp. , ttnily your,
DINFLII.NT SO 0000 T .1171.1,0 mm azstasis Of nu WIGS
From In. Iniler,Vpringtel . .l . , — ll .: naLS . aginn County. Sy.
lirri:rormn, Kr.. 1147 14.'11.
3lessr, Stanton' S Park:--I take Ude orporthAlty
fanning Taub( e roost remarkable sum rerfornand upem
oat by the use of Dr. Wirt.", Balsam of mita Cherry. •
In the year 1840. I wad (den Olth o 0 lonsmationof the
bowels, which I labored under for six week. when lima
; ually meostrod. Meths fall of Intl I was ...treated with a s
j sesere cold. which Festal Itself arm my lungs. and,for the
' spare of Wes years I woe rainflued to ray bed. - I tried nil
kinds of medicine, ml °eery 'misty of aid. without bear
11. and them I 00er1e..1 drop nrdil tLa 10h400 or 1841,
.40. I heard of Dr. Wlends ((.10,1. of WDd Cbers7. Mr
'made persuaded me to atom it atrALL Monet I. had given
:co all hopes of recovery. and hid rd. -pawl myna for the
change of another world. Through thMr solicitations I was
isalmml to =she use of the maims 13aLtrin of
Wfld Cherry. The effert eras truly restonleting. After
three years of lepetion and so/leder,. rod after heeled
- spent four or floe lonalred doliam to ns norms,, and the
Lest mud mat ewpectable yhydetum laal peeved umentil.
lug. I mum= restored tO drams health by the blisling of
(lateral the nee of Dr. White's Balsam of Wild a.m.
Nay the blessing of Sled rest upon hhe proprietors of .
riannhle m rmattrine ps of Cherry.
• ft Doors respectfully. 'A.
Sold by D. Ddr.g.(sucrwswar tutl:nufenr ;Par . il ie ' roarth
end It'd /Idea shwa, Cinsienmi..)lM., ttrurral Agent far the
&oath mad West. to oho all orders must be whiremed.
J. Kidd 0 Co.. B. A. FaLeernek 0 Co.. J. Joust. L., Dittaburgld I..cs A. Beckham; Allegheny City; .
le T. Russell. Wasting - tem L. 11. Denis, linloolorn. IL
Welty, Groenebunn Kona. reaneresti Soot: A fillroon..
Itielford: Reed C Oro. llorgangdour3th. Orr, Ilollidarsbung
Hildebrand d Co. hallanen .L K. Wright, Mittman:run
Esau k Ca, Drookeilid .1. Wilmo d nom Way . ..bums
Itekeraled St Co. N. CalLhilre. Meeuleill4 /Anion
bib Gramm A Yorker, Merali Juase Belly k Co. Bub
lens 0. Smith, Ikasen J. o.oummertuo. Warren; T. o,d D.
Jones, Coudersport: I'. Crook en Jr., Dmworrtle.
teblbaldw(iet)T ,
ie HARRISON SEWELL, Attorney at Law,
1191 Ohio State f or War": De fun% A,t.
w•lralgements nerd, ke. 0111, — .d t i aV,
Closing out the Entire Stock.
I IIEAT BAIIGAINS.—A further reduc-.
CThe Alii , ,re-ber .in lung to elate out •
;b, balance of hia Stork of Faun' and ' , POP Dry liatlO by
of Aril 003,5, would n.epentfull, cull the alter:dial.
1' Idx nl.l euxUrnert :tad tb oul , ll, who are Ia 0050 Of
4vxxsx at fifty pc 0-nt. lobur fvrmar rho.. To sny
trlthiu, lu COMLOOO/ butiotoe. 31arkatatmet.tbla
• ..Id he a g 0,., oppenonltt, u. ho udb dmpoe of the
at, nf the Pock on Iltoral irrnox trlth a 1!i of the riot.
uhkh Ito Ilan °map.' L., a tvz 11 ,, Eun nod has au ciao
lout fatally trade. 3r. 11. GA int A RD,
tanal Near York Store. 3larket eL Plltaburtt
S Er,IIS--.11) eltrX:er
feblo 1 0) T";;lt'l',\l-Nd.zKr
! r uiiVA•PrucK.
13 LA N KETS ! BLANKETS.! 3llllll'llY
j lIURCIIFITD I. hat. , 'xi band, 11 , ;x1 tuportrueutof
u . .llllaolteta. of all the diZarent
.tueliti.~,iurludlultw G , .
Pale of extra tire and quality. all of toltich art how. °Copal
It t , loued mine. feb3
- '
OLD LOCK ETS.--Just received a large
tOhir por of elegant G.xl IValchea nod 31Pintare Quite,
fur Da6 - Ueratnx , 7..llnlr, Or.
L OISI))7 :t k APERg--ZiTZz. for Katt by
fan ; a. ODD a Co,
WALL PA PEI:-:-Frorn lt 1-47C - 41 - F8
In 2:3 celltl/. lane ....t,rtzuest. r -4.1 e 1,
P.bia w. r. 3intritALL.
—roe t r
YII.IITE 1,h1 , . tor ate by
ital nd F
aront CO.
.11.1]1;E):1'r-2 lbr Pale by
btu •
11'11011—;.; !Ad:. tor lc by
1,145 for soleb •
( tt. k?. SELLERS.
(.1 . /Rli 6 I lit ,1 7 1 t4),.i :or frnle by
- II oUSF. LA IN ES—Wrinted and bOlid
,00. r.. srsst ss - sts pm' ILI sat - 5..3 , 11ms Is Es
woe nt sots of 'etas M1.4:1,1 4:IIIii:CIIFIELD.
? 'lil T ); 11031E-MAIT FLANNEL—
y mulivnY a nunenrinty a,a f,nta g . aOM ar
tnna 0,i.• of :door< 11.3 los s.• cos prs They aim
e Ulu
H01..5.-5 bale forulo b 7 ' •
Q,ALLAI) caskff forrl , ile by
L 7 felll9 A. r1 , 1.E11 . 51.A' t co.
11 MEI) YEACIIES:I'74OII bol e : fur ' , ale by
TriANNEWS 011,-29 Lbla, Ar safely
~ a
IRITTC( 7 -16Q'tons for P:
feVL1 .1224177244 '37
e very low
6 nTir tam
Z' r.4atCrr Ldb,,,...1 r,l ' r
t` 4 `'
.'i , re iZeit.ll