The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 14, 1851, Image 2

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be,' and thu same its hereby, e4mtinuod in fort.
for the period of one year from and after the
first day of Mardi, eighteen hundred and fifty-
For saliriee to 41e secretaries af.leptteette the
witeih - tees, .01-thiett thousand dollars.;
For salary of • Minister resident to Turkey, °u
' r salary,uf tJle dragoman to the legation to
,-Turkey, twenty-qc hundred dollars. • ,
- For a,alary of an assistantdragoman and secre
tory to the leg to Turkey, fifteen hundred
•• For tilarieUoftchargur dee affaires to Portaigal,
Austria, Denmark, Breeden, liolland; Belgium,
••EaUtes; Sardinia, the 'Papal States,' Fern, Nen'
G mnada, Venezuela, Buenos Ayres,; Bolivia, Gut,'
- tetruda,Ecuador ' and Nicaragua, seventy-air
thousandfirehundred dollars.
'For contingent expenses of all the inissionS
abroad,- forty thoueand dollars. ' .
Far contingent expenses of foreign intercourse,
thirty thousaniLdollars.
For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary
'Powers, nine thoinuind
Tor salary of the consul at London, two thou
sand dollars.'
Tor salary of the cominimioncr to the Sandwich
Islands, three thousand dollars. -
-ISor interpreters, guards, and %thee expenses
of the consulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, arid
Alexandria, fifteen hundred dollars.
Ceor ofEco rent of the consul at Bade, in Swit
zerland, One hundred dollars.
Tor ralm7 of a commissinnor to reti tle in.
China, including compensation un - '
dell the act to carry into effect eertainlpro- -
- visions in the treaties between to United States
:it:him and Ottoman Porte, ea thousand-dol.
• . .
Sur - saltuy of the interpreter and secrets
.43.:!to ; Sill mission, twenty-sre hundred do
For comPerMation to the consuls at tho fire
porta in Chins, rim Kwang Chow, Amoy, Fii 7
ch' w, Ning•po, owl Shanghai. fire thousand dots
of salary of ; the consul general ot Alexandria;
iii 1
cotton-sand dollars.
or relief and protection of American seamen
hiforeign•conntries, ono hundred and twenty;
11r4thousinddollars. ' • '
Tor clerk hire, office emit, and other expenses
of the oMee of the.consul at London, two thou
sand-eight hundred dollars.
.orsalary of the consul general at Beirout, five
hundred ~
For coppensiti(in. oft commissioner on'Bra
%Wan claims, three thousand dollars.
k'or cotaponsatiori of the clerk of said commis
sioner, two thousand dollars. And the Presi
dent of the United States shall be, and he is here
by,- authorised to make such provisions for the
contingent expenses of the commission n 6 he
may' deem proper.
Tux. MIT= suns
At PAiladetphia. •
- or salaries of e .thrector, treasurer, chief
";- • 'the •
coiner, Molter and reflner„engracer, assayer, as
' sistant, assayer and their clerks, twenty-one
thousand dollars.
For wages of workmen,_ forty-seven thousand
dollars.. "
For incidental and contingent expenses,,includ
ing..fuel, Materials, , stationery, water rent, re-
Pim and ITM , tage, in addition to the available
fun& ou 4nnd, seven hundred dollars.
-For specimens of ores end-coins to be reserved
the mint, three htmdred dollars. '
• .At Markllee, North Carolina.
For, salaries, oriuperintendent, coiner, assayer
and clerk, sir:thousand dollars.
For wages of workmen -and watchmen, four
thousand one hundred dollars.
For incidental -and contingent expenses, in
eluding &el:material. stationery, repairs, and
wakage, one tiousand four hundreil'dollars.
At -Yew Orkans.
ror.salaries of the Stli)erintendent, treasurer.
nag tiger. coiner, melter, refiner, and clerks, sCir.,
cut een thousand three hundred dollars.
'Tor wage's of workrama, thirty-three thousand
five hundred dollars.
" For incidental and contingent expenses, includ
ing fuel, materials,' stationery, water rent, re
pairs, new machinerjr, and wastage, in addition
available ftuidaron hand, forty-five thousand two
hundred dollars.
. • Far salaries of Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court, and eight associate judges, forty-one
'theatand dollars.
,For salaries, of the district judges, seventy
thoneand dollars.
::FOr salaries of the Chief Justice of the 11s
triet of Columbia, the associate judges, and the
judgesof.thearimitud and orphan's court, elev
en thousand tee hundred do;lers.
-'For salaries of the Attorney General, and the
• clerks and meSsenger in his office, ten thousand
three hundred dollars.'
Ftecentitigent expenses of the office of the
Attorney General, five hundred dollars.
For salary of the reporter of the decisions of
the Supremo Court, thirteen hundred dollars, if
only one volnine of the reports shall be pnbliish
ed as heretofore; and in rase the Supreme Court
Isbell, direct him to publish two volumes, then
themillt of thirteen:hundred dollars for each
valmne so published.
For compensation of .district attorneys. being
two hiadred dollint each, as prescribed by law.
• eight thousand eight hundred dollars.
For compensation of the marshals, seven thou
sand four hundred dollars.
Far defraying the expenses of the supreitie,
circuit anti district courts of the United States
including the District of COlambia, aisd,for jurors
and witnesses, in aid, of the fronts arising from
fines, penalties, and "ferfcitates incurred in the ,
fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen him:
dred and fifty Awe, and presliiiss years, and like
wise for defraying the expenses of snits In which
the United Staten are concerned, and of protect'.
lions for Offences committed against the United
States, and for_. the safe-keeping of prisoners,
five hundred aid ninety-two thousand 'seven'
hundred and forty-seven dollars.
For supplying, lighthouses, coiii•lning three
thousand and ninety-three lamps, with oil, tube
glasses, wicks, huff skins, whiting and cotton
cloth; transportation, and other expenses on the
Mime, and for repairing and , keeping m repair
the lighting apparatus, one. hundred and fifty
two thousand and eighty-one dollars and fifty
nine cents.
=For repairtiond incidental, expenses, refitting
and improrements of,lighthouses and buildings
—'connected therewith, eighty-vino thousand Mx
- hundred and ninety-eight dollars and sixty four
For salaries of three hundred and two keepers
of lighthouses, and twentyassistants, (twenty-fire
of theta charged with double ' and two with triple
• lights,) and Including one thousand two hun
dred dollars for salary of an inspector of lights
on the, upper. lakes, one hundred and twenty
seven thousand and three dollars and thirty-three
cents, ,
. For seamen's:wages, repairs and supplies of
forty floating lights, eighty-alx thousand eight
' -.fifteen and - fifteen dollar's and twenty-four
For expenses of weighing , . mooring, and clams
ing. repairing, and supplymg losses of beacons,
buoys, chains, and sinkers, thirty-seven thousand
and eight dollars end two cents.
' For salaries of forty keepers of floating lights,
twenty-elms thousand seven hundred and fifty dol
FOI . ,CIiti2ISCS of superintmadents hi Melting
lighthonma annually, and reporting their condi
' - tiers, two. theasand dollars. .
For superintendents' commissions at two and
a half per cent on fin hundred and sixteen thou
: sand three huritireland fifty six dollars and high-,
ty two cents, appropriated above, for light house
purposes, twelve thousand nine hundred` and
eighty dollars and ninety two cents : Prwided,
That the collectsrs at the several ports at which
the collector has heretofore discharged theduties
or acted OS superintendent of lights, shall con
tinue to discharge them and to act as such: Jlad
provided farther, That collectors whose.hompen
satlon exceeds twenty-fire hundred dollars, shall
receive no compensation as Superintendents of
lights, or, disbursing agents,
- . 110SPITALS.
Fur completion of the marine hospital at Chi
cago,_llliaoie, four thousand seven hundred and
twelve dollars. ,
For the completion of the marine hospital at
Tattis,% Missouri, twenty-two thousand eight
hundred and six dollars. '
For marine hospital at Natchez, 3lississippi,
twenty thousand dollars.'-•
For marine hospitatat liCentuckj,,
szereb llkiusind dollars.
' For marine hospital at Paducha, klatucky,
elerim thousand dollars. .
For marine hospital aCNitpoleonl Arkansas,
twelve thou:Stud dollars. I
For marine hospital at Cleveland, Ohio, twelve
•thcaistual duo hundred and nine dollars and five
Far continuing the construction of the custom
houie at New Orlaw, two hundrdd and fifty
thousand dollars : Provided, That there shall be
no material departure from the original adopted
plan or materials contracted for, and that the
main - -business-room shall remain as ( coatempla
ted in said plan. And be it firrther provided. The I
better to enable - theicommissiouers to • comply
with' this proviso, ALA the -architect and author
of said plan be emp)oYed to furnish all the Safari.
.motion relating Mille anatomical Parts of the
Work, working drawings. specification% fze. at a
salary not encoding eight dollars per day. And,
de ii . gdp farther prarirled, That the acting archi
tect islual appointed by the President, by and
with; the p er ri said ;Consent - of the 13enate, and
• no 011ieron anal bo employed at a stilamor
per, diem allowance on said balk* smeePt.: the;
operitrw under the directlcaPt the architect '
.r.dr oisstr.ucticli at thou
booms Charleston,Boith Carolina, one ' hun-1
dred thcrasand dales.
F.Or confinuiag the coaststd the =Alla
" i' . ; f ••.
kiser . Sa edthrie;
thq u - . lii i 7
saad' and i stares for the =commode- j
iof are iZikris A" t he reienue, as elk . (6r I
the-.Plisti Oka and United States courts, is the'
Custatit-hatise at Sievinnah, Georgia, six thousand
fire himdred and Eft;-xis dollars.
For the. complctiOn - oF the ceskim-lianse at
Sin Francisco, Calif
part of thiamin shall beet
pended uniesa the 563330 shall complete the work.
For the constructicia of a building for a custom
house, independent iireassiry, and other offices of
4 .
the United States, a St Louis, filissetrui, - io
1 dition to appropr:a nof thirtieth September,
eighteen hundred 1 fifty, twenty-five thousand
dollars; but no part this sum shall be expel:l,l
- unless the same shall complete the work.
For the purchase of a site and commencing the
erection of a mitt building in the city of
Pittsburgh, Penney saute, for custom house,
post hillbe, court rooms, and other offices of the
United States, the slim of . seventy five thousand
dollars, Provided, That the said building shall
be exempted. from( city taxes and all other
1 1.1
taxes whatever, by a act of the Legislature of
Pennsylvania; Arid provided fort Arr, That the
plan of thi building Ibe such that the whole
cest,dboth of site nil building, shall, in no
event, exceed the ap ropriatien. herein made.
, t
Fog purchasing si site end commencing the
erection of a suitable eliding lathe City of Louis.
vilki, Kentucky, for custom house, post office,
court - rooms, and h
er o ffices . of 'the United
States, the sum of se, enty foto thousand dollars
Procided, That the said building shall be ex.
emptetl from city t es and all other taxes what
e'er," by the Oct of e Legislature of Kentucky.
Ancirocidedforth et-I - That the planer the build
lug ing s h all - be such t the whole cost,' both of the
site and building, s lin no event exceed the
appropriation he • made: - ' •
For the construclon of a building for a cue
tom house, independent treasury ; and other ern
ces of the tatted Stites, at cmclanati, Ohio, in
1 addition to the appropriation of *thirteenth of
tionber,eightee hundred end fifty, twenty
five, thousand delta s; but no part of this sum
shall be -expended, unless the same shall com
ths work.
! ...-• . satyr
. .
the coast of the United
-excluding the pay and ra
. e army end navy, and petty
f the navy .cmployed on the
dyed and eighty thousand
For the surrey
States, including e.!
andlnssistants, (an;
dons or officers of
officara andmen
the ,work,) one ir
Bar continuing le surrey er the reds, shoals,
coaststele, and cots .o South Florida, by the super
intendeat of 'the coast 'surrey, (and excluding
the pay'and ration t of officers of the army and
nary, on'dpettyofficent and men - of the naty em
ployed on the wol) thirty thousand dollars.
For continuing e surrey of the western coast
of the United Sta , by the superintendent of
the coast surrey, e hundred thousand dollars.
INDtP imustirwr.
For salaries of e assistant treasurers of the
United States; st York; Boston, Charleston,
and St. Louis, eleienthoteguad fire hundred dol.
' salaries of the treasurer of the
For addition, -,_.
mint at Philadelphia, of one thousand dollar,
and of the treasu r of the branch mint at New.
Orleans, of five h arid dollars—fifteen hundred
dolhirs. : .. .
For aikido.; of en clerks, authorized by the
act of sixth Ati t, eighteen hundred and forty
oil, end of the me of August, eightee'n bun
dled and - forty ei lit, nine thousand sit hundred
dal ars,•the salaryl
of the clerk of the Sub-Vreasn
ry at , New Orle being, hereby increased, from
first July, eighth; hundred end filly one, to
fifteerilunidred 1 Ur's.
For salary of chief clerk of the assistant trea
surer at New Tor , fifteen hundred &Oats.
For contingent 'remises under the get for the
safekeeping, colt ting, transfer, arid disburse
ment of the pub ; revenue, of sixth August,'
eighteen•hundred and fortysix, sixteen thousand
five hundred doll rat. , Provided, That no part of
said sum of rixa thousand five hundred dol
tars shall be expe cled for clerical services.
For componsati n to special agents to exam=
ins books, .accou ts, and money on hand in the'
several depositorls, under the act of sixth An-,
grist, eighteen huidred.and forty six, fire thou.', 1
sand dollars. I
St KELL-5510L5.
For expenses I
of loans and treasury notes,
twenty thousand dollars.
Far the dischar eof such miscellaneous claims
not otherwise pro 'tied for, as shall be admitted
under course of s dement at the Treasury, five
thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the
appropriation she be drawn from the Treasury
except in pursue e of some law or resolution'
or Congress auth 'zing the expenditure.
• 1 For supply of deficiences in the fund for the
relief of sick men, two.homdred thousand
dollars. ^ i
SravITGES G ,E.ILLL e.. 11) tlicili CLZEIn. •
For compensa on of the surveyor, general. of
Oregon and the c erks i nhis office, €l.l thousand
'flee hundred do ...
For compel tion of the surveyor general
north-west of, Azle Ohio, and the clerks in his
'office, eight thole and three hundred dollars.
For compels thin of the surveyor general
of Louisiana: d the . clerks is-his office, four
thousand five h dyed dollars. i I
For the coin don of the surveyor ge eral
of Florida, and e clerks in his office, five hen
sand dollars. '
For corny/ens.% 'on of the surveyor general of
Wisconsin and 1 wa, and the clerks in his office,
eight thousand hundred dollars. :
For Perks in e offices of the surveyors gen
:Oral, to be atitio 'rioted to them according to the
exigondiraof th public service, and if neces
sary to be emplo ed iritrauscribing field notes of
surveys, for the =pose of preserving them at
the scat of goy merit, twenty-five thousand
• i =.
' - T ' ory of Oregon.
For salaries .1' governor, three judges, and
secretary, ten di. wand five tunndred defiers.
For tondngen expenses of said Territory, one
thousand Ore hundred dollars.
For compensa ion and mileage of membersof
the legislative a ecmbly, officers, clerks, and con
tingcnt,expensra of the assembly, twenty-five
ar n
thousand doll
• T 'Lary of Minnuota:
i ,
. For salaries o governor, three judges, and
secretary, • eet thousand seven- hundred
For. salary of superintendent of Indian Affairs
one thousand &Ilan, •
For contire expenses of said Territory, one
thousand do rp.
r t
For cos:Tensed= and mileage of members of
the legislative sembly, officers, clerks, .ond
contingent ex Imes of the assembly, twenty
four thousand liars.
Tentory of Nero Mexico. .
f governor, three judges, and
thosuand seven hundred dollars.
Superintendent of Indian Affairs
it expenses of said Territory, one
For salaries
secretary, eight
For salary of
one thousand do
- For coating
thausand . dolla
- For Compen
:the leeslitivo
'contingent ;ex
four thousand
i •
lion and mileage of members of
assembly, officers, clerks; and
~nses of the assembly, twenty
; ollara.
TariJerry of Utah.
. . .
of governor, three judges, and
, thousand seven hundred dol.
For salaries
superintenden of Indian Arairs
' For salary o
one thousand d
expenses of said territory, ono
For continge
thousand della ,
• Far campers tion and mileage of the member::
,of the ligislati e assembly, otheers, clerks, and
Contingent ex toes of the assembly, twenty
four thous: ad ollars : Procirkd, That the gala
ries specified a se for any of the officers of any
Of the Territori s of the United States, shall not
be paid biany ase where any of the said of fi cers
shall absent mselres from said Territotiesand
their official du - es.for a period of time greeter
thatiaizty thy .
- - -
- -
For surveyin the public lands, in addition to
the unexpende balance of fonder appropriations,
viz: For survec , ng the public lands,
to g:eluding
incidental expe es, to bo apportioned the eel ,
eml dtrico *cording to the exigencies of the
public non s part to be applied to the sur
veys requit 'coition and survey Of pri
vate claim: , to be .disbarsed at nag=
molted r - land and Efteen thousand ,
dollars: . it no lend bounty for mili
tary semi vy the act of the Mrenty
eighth of Aghteen hundred and fifty,
entitled bag-bounty land to dertntn
officers a 'he have engaged in the' , ,
military United States, ,, or by vir-
tue of as t Congress heretofore purs
ed grant ities for military seilices,
shall be it of any public land not
heretefo: ito market, and now sub
ject to irate isle under existing
For cc
of :did
per milt
For re
revs in t
not cam
five hunt
For su lenomonee cession, Wiscou
, sin, at a teediag five dollars per mile,
twenty-f id dollavx. .
For at 1.0 southan part of 3liesouri,
east of— an, at a rate not exceeding fire
dollars per rale; fire thousand dollars.
- For correcti of eanneins and defeetlie linmi
of the`public d private surveys in Sitsscuri, at
a rate not exe g Eli dollars per mile, two
thousand doll -
Fos:. re • and ra-isterreying fraudulent - end
.erroneous wo in Atinumas, at a rate not ex
ceeding four Ulises per mile, fifteen thomand
: ,
survey of the copper 'legion
to not exceeding 511 4ollars
tbous,und two hundred dol-
correcting erroneope sue
ninenta of Michigan, n't anon
gars per mile, ten thousand
- -11,:por o:rending detached erroneous stint)", in
Arkansas,- at a rate not exceeding am dollars
per Voile one thousand five hundred arid , sixty
For surveyinginLoniatana, at augmented rote,
twenty thomand dollars.
For the survey of private claims in Florida,
under the act of twenty r eighth of June, eighteen
hundred and - forty-eight,:including ther . worknow
under eontract, ten thouriand dollars.
For completingeertain surveys in Florida, in
cluding serail work, at a rate not exceeding six
dollars per mile, in consequence of the difficulties
attending the execution of the same, ten thousand
For running and marking the basdand meridk
an lines in Oregon; awrequired. by the third sec
tion of the not of twenty seventh September ' eigh
teen hundred and fi ft y, nine th ousand dollars.
For surveying in Oregon of township lines and
subdivisions of townships, at a rate not to ex
ceed twelve dollars per mile, fifty one, thousand
eight hundred and forty dollars: Provided, . That
this rule of compensition shall cease on the thir
tieth June, eighteen hundred and tatty two.
Pot- the purchase of tree-hoses, leather, wire,
and twine,' two hundred and fifty dollars. "
For the hire of two carts at two dollars per day
etich, for two hundred and fifty days, ono thou
.sand dollars: -
For manure for the public grounds, sir. 'nund
red donors.
'For the purchase of trees for the mall mid oth
er public grounds, one thonsand dollars.
For expenses of enclosing and preparing public
grounds, for nursery , seven hundred and fifty
- dollars.
For the casual repairs of the Capitol, repairs
of water closets,. cleaning furnaces, !to., repain
ing stables, and various other appeadages to tius
Capitol, four thousand five hundred dollars.
. Tameable the Clerk of the House to cause to
be erected itt the basement, under the uut
trance of the Capitol, nearest the House - of ftep
resentatives, o suitable furnace for warning
and excluding the dampness from that part of
the building, the sum of five hundred dollars.
For improving public grounds, north, "tooth,
and west of the Capitol, two thousand five 'hund
red dollars.
For compensation of the !seaters - gate•keeper
seven hundred and thirty dollars. •
Foi compensation of tiro additional watchmen
ot the park, three hundred and sixty five dollars
each, seven hundred and thirty dollars.
, .. .
• For compensation of the messenger attendant
in part on the main furnace, three hundred and
fifty dollars.
For compensation of laborer employed by the
Commissioner of Public Enildings, for cleaning
rotunda, water closets, &c., three hundred and
aixty five dollars,
.For compensation of the public gardener, one
thousand two hundred dollars.
For compensation of sixteen laborers employed
on the public grounds and President's garden, at
forty dollars per month each, seven thousand six
hundred and eighty dollars.
For =hunt repairs of the President's house,
garden .and laborers, graveling the walks in
President's square,, &c.,
five thousand dollars.
For purchase of ks for library at the Exec
utive mansion, two hundred and fifty dollars: to
be expended under de direction- of the President
of the United that
For lighting' Pe nsylvania avenue from the
Treasury Department to the Capitol, and com
pensation to two laMp-lighters for the same, and
for lighting the Capitol grounds and President's.
house, twelve thodsand dollars: Provided, how
ever, That no coateact shall bo mado far a longer
term than one year; and that the Contmissioner
of Publio Beildingi advertise for proposals for
furnishing gam to light the Capitol, President's
house, Pennsylvania avenue, and other public
groupds, after the first day of March, eighteen
hundred and fifty two, and that a contract be
made with the on offering the best terms,
under the direction of the Committee on Public
Buildings... .
. For compensation of four assistanCarnw-kcep
era sit :the Potomac bridge, including oil for
lamps. machinery, firewood, repairs of the north
ern abutment and other casual repairs, five
thousand dollars. .
For repairs or the bridges on the esitern
branch of the Pottimcc, psy for draw-keepers,
oil far lamps, and Machinery, four thousand dol
For the support,care, and medical treatment of
twelve transient paupers, medicril and surgical
patients in the Washington infirmary, two thous
and dollars. .
..• . .
For completing the grading and planting with
trees, and enclosing the public mall, from Third
street to the Potomac river, thirteen thousand
For continuing the improvements, grading,
and planting with bens, the groundi south of the
President's house4en thousand dollars: Provided
further, That all unexpended balances of moneys
heretofore appropriated, and herein appropriat
ed, for the improvement of the public grounds
in the city of Washington, shall be expended
under the direction of the President of the United
States, in execution of such plan bi plans as he
may adopt.
For supplying the sufficiency in the last ap
propriation for improving New Jersey avenue,
south of the Capitol, accorditig to,the grsde es
tablished by the Corporation of Washington,
four thousand dollars.
Fro' completing the improvements of New
Jersey avenue, north of the Capitol, according
to the grade established by the Corporation of
Washington, from north Ii street to north - F.,
street, Including a bridge over the Tiber, in
addition to the amount on hand, ten thousand
dollars. .
To supply deficiency in appropriation for con
tinuing the pavement around the Capitol, one
thousand dollars.
For extending the gas pipes, 'and providing
lamp posts, lamps, and burners, in front of the
Executive buildings on Fifteenth and Berea
teenth streets, and the north front of the Presi
dent's grenade, six thin:sand five hundred dol
For grading and paving, with' round stone,
Twelfth and Fourteenth streets, from the canal
to south B street, nine thousand dollars.
For gradingand improving Maryland avenue,
from Seventh street to the Potomac bridge, six
thousand fire hundred dollars.
For grading and paving, with round stroke,
Seventeenth :street, from Pennsylvania avenue
to the south tide of New York arenue,.afiti con
tinuing the sewer from its present terminus, at
New York avenue and Seventeenth street, to
Pennsylvania avenue, five thousand fire hundred
For filling up, grading, and otherwise improv
ing Franklin square, five thousand five hundred
dollars. ,
Provided, That before any thing is expended,
or drawn from the treasury, under the lnstseven
items, proposals in. detail, describing the work
to be dohe, shall be published by the Commis
sioner ofßublic Buildings for three Weeks, in
three neWapapers, one of which shall be else
where than in Washington, and that the propo
sal. of the lowest -responsible bidder ahall be
received, upon which a contract, with security
for its performance, shall be made by the com
missioner of Public Buildings, for the finishing
and completion of all Ur - tie works, and that the
Secretary of Interior !hall revise and approve
said contracts.
For painting the external walls of the Treti
em7 and Patent Office buildings, five thousand
For compensation of the Commissioner of
Public Buildings, two thousand dollars.
For completing the east wing of the Patent Of
fice building, two hundred thousand dollars.
For the compensation of two watchmen to be
employed at the Executive mansion and grounds,
eta salary of, five hundred dollars each, the sum
of one thousand dollars, to supply the place of
watchmen taken from the Ezecutivemansion, and
employed in the Executive buildings:
For completing, cleaning out, and repaving
that portion of the Washington city canal•which
passes through and along the public grounds,
twenty thousand dollars; to be expended under
the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury:
Provided, The Corporation of Washington shall
expend a like sum In cleaning out and repairing
the other portions of said canal.
To complete the grades of the city of Washing
ton,-four thousand dollars; to be expended un
der the direction of the President of the. United
• To reimburse the Corporation of Washington
to amount advanced to complete the culvert and
Mating of Fifteenth street west, in front of the
Treasury Department, two thousand three hun
dred and nine dollars and, ninety cents.
For the compensation and contingent expen
ses of Auxiliary Guard, fifteen thousand dollars,
which &all, from and after thepaasage - of this
act, in addition to the Captain, consist of thirty
men, fifteen at fire hundred dollars each per an
num, and the 'remainder at four hundred and
twenty dollars each per annum; the same to be
appointed ',by the Mayor of the city of Washin
For refunding to Charles P. -Montgomery the
duties paid on u bell presented to him at Genoa,
for the new church adjoining the litterury insti
tution of St. Josephs, Perry county Ohio, ninety
dollars .and eixty cents.
For salaries and commissions of• registers of
lend offices and receivers of public moneys, one.
Lends.' undtwenty thousand eight hundred and
twenty dollars.
For expenses of depositing public moneys by
receivers of public moneys, nineteen thousand
two hundred and streonty five dollars.
Eor incidental expenses of the several land
offices, thirty thousand one hundred and five
For salary of the recorder ofiland titles inMis
eonri, five hundred dolldi's.
For Compendation of secretary to sign patents
for.pnblic dandy, fifteen hundred dollars. .
For cirque dr:inning and ;asking the boun
dary line between the United States and Mexico.,
sad niskit4 the r*artMtious conicapisted by
dalgo, and for paying the as
of the commission, one bank
F'or thecoilllegtion agrie)
thousUnd flee haidred dolls
the patent fund..
For the warden, clerk,
two assistant keepers, four
of the penitentiary of the I
seven thousand five hundred
For three inspectors of sai
hundred dollars.
of GOldolnpe
ario of the officers
red ,thow•aad
JunlA statistics, fire
is, to Le raid out of
bysician, chaplain.
guards, and porter
istriet of Columbia,
Ind fifty dollars.
' penitentiary, three.
For the support and maintenance of enid
tentiary, four thonsand and esenty dollars.
For support, clothing, an medical treatment
of insane paupers of the District of Columbia. at
such place or places as the ecretary of the In
terior may in his did:retie 'deem proper, ten
thousand dollars. . . .
Forcompensatiori of the walcinci. is the Fres
iilent's',house, five hundred dollars
For compensation of John P. 8r0...n . . secre t ar y
and dragoman of the Legation to TurLey, for his
services as acting charge CoLfoiram at different
periods, five thousand one hundred and twenty
two dollars, which. if reeei -ed, shall be in foil
payment for all his Ferries, in that character to
this date.
For compensation of Tin odore S. Fay, secre
tary of the Legation to Prussia, fur his services.
as acting charge d'atTaires at different periods,
six hundred and eighty six dollars and_ fifty-four
cents. which, if received, be in full pay
ment tot . , 11 his services in that character to this
date. •
For compensation of Robert M. Walsh, se
cretary of the Legation to Mexico, for his ser
vices as acting charge traffaires, eight hundred
and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three and one
third cents, which, if received, stall be in full
payment for all his SeArices in that character to
this date.
..- • • .
For the payment of the claim of the city
of Detroit for paving in front of property
belonging to the United States In that city,
one hundred and ten dollars and seventy-seven
For compensation of Benjamin Runt, - cemetery
of the Legation to London. for his ,services as
acting charge d'alfaires, two hundred:and twenty
eight dollars and eighty-eta cents, which, if re
ceived, shall be in full payment for all Ida services
in that character to Ills diite
To make good the interest on investments in
State stocks and bond for the Chickasaw tribe of
Indians, not yet paid by the States, to be reim
bursed out of the interest when collected, twenty
two thousand two hundred dollars.
To enable the Clerk of the House of Reprmieu-
tatices to pay for reporting and publishing in the
"Daily Globe" fire hundred and thirty-three and
one-half columns of the proceedings of the Goose
of Representatives for the last session of Congress,
four thousand and one dollars and twentyfioc
To enable llintlark of the House of Repro
sentatives to pay for two hundred end sixty four
copies of the "Congressional Globe" and for two
hundred and sixty four copies of the Appendix
for the first session of the thirty-first Congress,
at three dollars per copy each, one thousand five
hundred:awl eighty-four dollars.
To enable the clerk of the House of Repre
sentives. to pay for twelve copies of the ,'Con
gressional Globe and Appendix of the second
session of the Ihirtieth„Cougress, at three dol
lars per copy, thirty six.c4lollars.
To enable the Clerk of the House of Repre
sentativei to pay for five thousand air hundred
and forty.copica_of the "Congressional Globe"
and Appendix. of the second dession of the thirty
first Congress, - at three dollars per copy, sixteen
thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.
To enable the Clerk of the House of Repre
sentatives to pay for reporting and publishing in
the "Daily Globe" eight hundred solutuns„of the
proceediugi of the House of Representatives for
the second session of the thirty firs -- t Congress,
at the rite of seven dollars and fifty cents per
colcaun, f als thousand dollars.
To enable the Clerk of the Rouse of Repre
sentatives to pay for binding five thousand five
hum - lied copies of that-Congressional Globe" and
Appezillii for members of the second session of
thirty:first Congress, three thousand three hund
red dollars; the binding thereof to,bo in strMg,
substantial Russia leather, backs and corners.
and at , the rate o—. - i.sty cents per volume.
For salary of the clerk in the General Land
Office employed upou the Chickasaw business,
and hitherto paid out of the Chickasaw fund,
from March first, eighteen hundred and fifty-one
to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-two
eighteen - hundred and severity Risee dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary to pay him
at the rate of fourteen hundred dollars per an
num; and for any service which thel principal
clerk of the private land claims may perform in
relation to the Chickasaw fund, he may be paid
such compensation as has Peen heretofore allow
ed, oat of any money in the treasury hut eater
wise appropriated, which is hereby appropriated:
Prorcdcd, honorer, That such compenSatlon is to
cease wheuever the Secretary of the Interior
shall direct the services to be discontinued.
.• . •
For salary of a clerk inthe office of the Sec
retory of the Treaeury, heretofore paid net of the
Indian fund, from tirrt -.)larell, eighteen hun
drelMfil fifty-one, to thirtieth June, eighteen
Muni:red and fifty two, or eo much nA may he
neeetrary, at twelve hundred dollar, per annum,
sixteen hundred dollar.,
.. . .
For custom-house is Oregon, ten , thousand
dollars: Proridtd, That the whole cost of the
site and building shall nut exceed the sum heel- I
in appropriated
For a cast iron fence, similar to that recently
put up arociufi the War and Navy Departments I
from the corner of the Department of State to
the Presidents's gate, three thousand eight hun
dred dollara,ler so much thereof as may be ne
cessary for lids object: to ;be expended nndec the
direction of the Secretary of the Interior.
For continuing the construction of a marine
hospital at Eransirille, Indiana, fifteen thousand
dollars: Provide , That the building is to be .
completed for tb RUM now approprirted. • I
For rebuilding engine house of Columbia Fire
Company, on C itol Hill, twenty-five hundred
For defraying the expenses of settling land
claim. in Calif 'a, per net of third !dnsgh, ,
eighteen hnnd and fifty-one, fifty thousand 1
dollars: Provid The whole compensation of
The law agent halicwit exceed six thousand
dollars. I .
To A. W. Bab it, as delegate cram the Terri
tory of Utah, or mileage and compensation,
two thousand fur hundred and sixty dollars.
To W. S. life ry, as delegate from New Mel- ,
ice, for mileag , e4snd compensation, two thousand
four hundred d sixty dollars. •
For compensation to John Rion., a deputy
surveyor general of Wisconsin and •lowa, fice
hundred and sixty-seven dollars seventy-three
cents, under hi r . , teontract of twenty-second June
eighteen Mind and fifty. '
For payment Il the salaries of the clerks in
the office of. Indian Affairs, authorized by the
act of twenty-seventh of February; eighteenhun
dmi and fifty-one, fur the remainder. of the
present fiscal year. and for the year ending the
thirtieth June, eighteen hundred'and fifty-two,
ten thousand d liars. •
For the pay o the superintendents of Indian ,
Affairs, authoriied by the act of twen ty-sevelith
February, eighteen hundred end -fifty-tine:for
the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen
hundred and fifty-two, four thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For the pay of five Hakim agents and their
interpreters for New Mexico and Utah, authori
zed by the act of twenty-seventh February, eigh
teen hundred and fifty-one, for the remainder of
scl ,
the present fi I year, and for the year ending
the thirtieth J ne, eighteen hundred and fifty
two, thirteen th usand six hundred anti astral:
dollars and sixt -viz cents.
For raising t e chimneys of the soutilisao ex
ecutive building, and repairing the steps to_the
western portico thereof, to be expendait under
the direction of the Commissioner or Public
Buildings, three thousand dollars. ' .
For the payment of the money to' those enti
tled under the fifteenth article of the treaty be
tween the* United States and. Mexico, ifiencluded
February second eighteen hundred rind forty_
eight, according to the provisions of ;the sixth'
section of an act entitled "An net to carry into
effect certain stipulations of the treaty between
the United Statrs of America and the republie of
Mexico of the second dated February, eighteen
hundred and forty-eight," the SecreLtry of the
Treasury is hereby authorized to sell all the stock
to be issued untler the saidsizth•mmtion, and to
issue it under the same reStrictions,' limitations,
and provisions as are contained in the second
section of an tint entitled VAn act ;authorizing
the issue of Trtiasury tiotesand clean," nndtip
proved July twenty-second, eighteen hundred
and forty-six : Provided, honer, Thai this stock
no issued shall not bear a rate of interest greater
than five per centum perannrun; and that it shall
he redeemable in ten years from thisldate.
For improving that part of reservatlon Boren
teen lying between New Jerees , avenue and Sec
ond etreet, east and north of , , Virginia, avenue,
two thousand five hundred dollars.
To enable the Post-master General to purchase
for the use of the Post Office Department the re
mainder of the equate on which the General
Post - Office building is sitnatetl, three thousand
,e•ren hundred and seyenty-seven dollars ninety
three cents.
For surveying the public Made, and private
land claims in California, in conformity with the
provisions of the act of Congress authoriting
similar surveys, twenty-five thousand dollars, to
be expended under the direction of ithe. Depart
ment of the Interior; out of which tune Is to be
paid the 'compensation of a surveyor general,
whose salary shall not exceed four thousand and
fire hundred dollars per annum Provided, 'That
this rate of compensation shall continue for the
term of two. years end no longer. , •
' For defraying the expense of taking a ;emus
of the government and treaty parties of tho
Merokeee west, two thonsanddollars,
For compensation h, thhee opeeinl Egento, and
the necessary interpreters for the Indian tribes
bf Texas,ineluding tho purchase of presents—
authorized by tao set spproved thirtieth Suptem-
bee, eighteen bun rel and fifty—for the fiscal
year ending thirtieth June, eighteen hudred and
fifty-two, fifteen thousand dollars.
Sec. t. And be it furthir enacted, That there
shall be appointed., and Raid in the manner now
provided byAnw, two principal examiners . and
two assistant examiners of patents. in addition I
to the examining force now employed to the Pat- t
ent O ffi ce.
Sec. S. And be it further enacted, That the
-third eectiondf the act entitled " . An act making
-appropriations for the civil and diplomatic ex
penses of Government, for the year ending the
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty
seven, and for other purposes," approved the ,
tenth of August, eighteen hundred and forty :
six, be and the same is hereby; revived and con
tinued in force for the fiscal year ending the
thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty
Sue. 4. Adt.& it further enacted, That to as
sist the Third Auditor in more effectually. car
rying out the precisions of the Bounty Land act,
and other pressing , business in his office, the Sec
retary of the,Trensurs is hereby authorized and
directed to appoint an assistant chief clerk, to be
chosen from among the experienced accountants
already in said office, who, with the present chief
clerk, shall' have authority to sign and attest
such otEcial business as said auditor shall ap,
prove and direct. '
SEC. 5. And he it further enacted, That, front
and after
4 .
e. passage of this not, in lieu of the
•compensa on now allowed by law for. his see
vices, th shall be paid hereafter to cl; of the
assistant a deputy collectors all Principal
appraise 'at the ports of Boston, • New York;
Philadelphia; Baltimore, and Now leans, two
thousand five hundred dullard per um; and,
to the assistant appraisers at the por of Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, shall
each hereafter receive for his services two thou
sand dollars: Prodded, Thetas° entire expense
' of collecting the revenue shall — not be increased,
the Secretary of the Treasury be, and [he lel
hereby, directed and required to cause such a
pro-rata reduction to be made in the number of
persons and in fees now allowed by law to offi
cers employed in the collection of the revenue
as, in his discretion, may be just and expedient,
to an extent which will provide the additional
compensation hereby secured to the said ap
praisers and assistant appraisers; and the COM-
Tensation of the collector and inspector of the
revenue at the portnf Milwaultie, in Wisconsion,
shall hereafter be the same as that of the col
lector and inspector of the customs at Chicago,
Illinois, and the same shall be paid'ont Uf the
sum appropriated from the collection of the
revenue. • • .
Sac. G. And be it further matted, That the dis
trict judge of the district of Texas be and he is
Ihereby required to hold terms of his court an
mually at Austin,. Tyler, and Brownsville, at each
et which places be be enthralled to appoint a
clerk, and the marshal and district attorney for
said district shall attend upon cab! county ; and
the judge may order transfers of eases as In his
judgment justice may, require, and direct at
what' places suits against parties residing in
particular counties may be bronght.
• Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That so much
of the act of thirtieth September, eighteen hun
dred and fifty, no declares that "the compensa
tion of the watchmen in the various Departments
of Government shall be five hundred dollars per
annum," shall be construed to include the
watchmen of the navy yard at Washington.
Approved. March 1, 1851. ,
MAIICII 14, 1851
AND ,b WM:3I.IIIC BlLL_—This is the bill
of the most general interest of the appropriation
bills passed tAy Congress. Although it occupies
much of our utimco to-day, our readers will find
it well worthy of an cimminntion.
The Semite have now got through with the
nominations,,! and there Is no location in our
tetqwaphie despatches of any nomination to
supersede Forward. We think it probable
that all tho rumors to that effect have been
founded in error.
.• I _
TUT Neer ATTII nIREMENT ACT.—It is said that
this 'act ha/ been construed in . PhiLadelphia as
calculated pi impose an additional duty on iron,
as amens an bo a,cci-tained, equivalent to about
7a per Pin, which will add, from this source
alone, to ilt2 national revenue, about 1f500,000
per ammo. ; The additional duty on vial is also
:aid to be about 60 y eents per ton.
ThigHwillibe a relief of some importance to our
iron men, ld may enable them to maintain their
p6siCOn uniil adequate protection can ho Secur
ed. We wai publish the law in our nett.
• Wx. Bsrlsqsr, Esq., the E , eniur Commissioner
of this county, died at hie residencein Allegheny
on Wetlnesay evening. lie was a worthy man
nail a good officer.
The Neni York Express, says that the report
that Mr < Slarkoe, of the State Department, has
been nominated for Charge to Copenhagen, is con
tradicted . .
The Nai J iona Intrlligtncer Baja, that the ttate
meat so positively made hs letters from •Wash
ington, and etensirely repeated in the Northern
papers, of the removal from office of Mr. Earbank,
Couunissir ner of Patents, is unfounded. So, also,
the statement that Mr. ASILIIIULL has been appoint
ed Connotes of the port of Boston.
The% hington.rrespondent of the New York
Erpress, mys that there is no truth in the etate
°tent( in tile Tribune,) that in the Post Route
❑ill an item iCas slipped providing for a contract
with Josiah Show .k. Co. of 3359,000' for a tele
graph line from the Mississippi . river via Santa
Forma the Gila river across the continent to the
Pacific oc an. Neither the clerks of the Senate,
nor of th House, knew anything of such an
icsswriandsase oetbs Dap Pittsburgh thwrts.
e 1 I
pastaisguan, March 10, 1851.,„
This morning the special order of the day the
eupplemtt to the ten hourclew wavtaken up in
the lious . Whilst the bill was under conside
ration, hfr. Bigham moved an amendment, that
neither this bill nor theBd, 4th, and 6th sections
of the ac:, to which this is a supplement, should
apply to Allegheny county; upon which a spirited
debate misued. *Messrs. Bighani, Boberston and"
Walker t4ok an active part in favor of the amend
ment, as appealed to the House to adopt it, as
desired tYit very large proportion of those es
pea:illy interested in the measure. The amend- I'
meat, however, was Icat—yeas 133, nays 93, and
,thelill passed to third reading_by We following
vote: 1
Bo , .
Y 5181.25.5 1 9. Armstrong, Benedict, Bigelow,
Blair, Bo ham,. Brindle, Demers, Dobbins, Dow
ner, fora s, (I.lerke,) Feather, Fegely, Freeman,
Frets, abe, Gibbs, Griffin, Gulley, Hague,
Hemphill, Jackson, Kunkel, Laughing, Leet, Lil
ly,l 'Meanly, 311 dean, Monroe, Morrie, Mowry,
(Wyom ,) Penniman, Iteckhow,. Rcifsnyder,
Rhoads, ' oss, Scofield„Scouller, Shull, Simpson,
Skinner, Bowler, Steyrard, Struthers and Dm.,
Speaker 4 ;
Nars-Messrs. Blaine, Bowen, Broomall,
Brower. A. B. Brown, Jos. Brown, Dungan,
B'au 3 r andinnso)Fiffe, Fossier, Hamilton, liart,
linnsech, l er, Eillinger, Leach, Linton, Maclay,
M'Cluslchy, M'Lean, M'lleynolds, Mowry, (Sore
erset,) O'Neill, Packer, Patten, Ilkley, Biddle,
Roberts, Robertson, Slifer, SMith, Van Horne
' and Waixer--33. _
. The ITI. is as follems:
„All AC . supplementary Conn act entities "AU
Act f ' the relief. of the heirs of James Cald
Well, maimed, and relative to the hours of la
bor i manufacturing establishments:"
Stc Be it enacted by th e Senate and House of
&Fres ativei of Me COMMORICeaIM of PeltraylPa-
Ilia, in tem' Aesenddy nut, and i';is hereby enact
ed by to authority of the rune, That on and after
the fourth day of July next, no minor child shall
be empjoyed in any oottori, molten, silk, paper, -
~ or flax factories in this Commonwealth,
for a lo nger. period than ten hours in any one
eecular day, nod the person or persons employ
ing Bei minor or minors for al i
onger perrod
than alrresaid, shall forfeit and:pay tle3 sum
of fifty dollars for each awl every offence, to be
cued for and recovered, as provided in the third I
section ;of the apt to which flinch a supplement,
and forp the uses therein specified.
In the afternoon, Mr. FUN prisented peti
-ions Or the repeal of the Ten liar Law. For
the eroetion of a Poor House—and also to pro- .
'hihit the. sole of intoxicating liquors.
Mr. Ingham for a Poor House, for a law to
prevent the sale of intoxicating drinks, for to law
relative ton bridge opposite Birmingham; against
the passage of the proposed amendment to the
charter of the Lycomtng :Mutual Insurance Conti
pany; for the repeal of the law of this session
relative to the collection of tolls on a certain
bridge' in Allegheny county; for a. general bank
ing law, based on State StocU . Rir the erection
of the new county of Gingen, out of parts of
Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, mad Westmort-
Col.' Robertson, fora Jew total (lop in Alla
-gheny, canary, and to encourage sheep InuthanO.
Tr for the erection of a Poor Howie; Sr a change
in the mode of granting licensee; for the repeal
of tho ten hoar law; for tr Free Banking Law,
mid for the new county of Oregon.
Nt r . Walker,. for the separation of- Pittsburgh
and Allegheny cities from the county of Alleghe- i OOL WANTED—The highest market
ny: fora plank mad from Elizabeth to West IY, Pri , , in c.a. win 0. Id an- 0.• dm•mut p. l .
Newton; • against any alteration in the charter of ' A ' " A ' Op n'hl4 P. -
the Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company : three
remonstrances against the erection o f
n County
Poor Mouse.
Over three hundred otherpetitions, memorials
and remonstrances were presented and appropri
ately referred. -
One petition asked for a tax on all unmarried
men over twenty-five years of age, the tax to be t
one dollar for that age, and one dollar more for
every additional year. The petition was refer-
red to a committee of the bachelors of the'
The Revenue Commissioners to day fixed thb
assessment of Adams county at 54,671,000—an
increase of about $228,000 over the present val
uation. They unanimously adopted the returns t
made by the County Commissioners, thus endor- !
sing their official conduct. Such an acknowl
edgment to a faithful discharge of duty, is not
often found, and cannot be too highly apprecia
in the Senate, Mr. Hallett presented the prn
ceedings of a meeting it Bakerstown Allegheny
County, for the passage of a law restraining the
sale of intoxicating drinks.
Mr. Hoge read in place a bill to incolporate
the Citizen's Cemetery of Mercer, Mercer Coun
Mr. Walker, s bilPrelatise to the sale at the
real estate of John Stuart Riddle.
Th 9 Montreal Herald thus describes an Mien
tion for crossing Lake Champlain at Rouses ,
point, by the Railroad, ia.plaeo of a permanent ,
The engineers have shown the independence of
their resources, by a contrivance which, though
not a bridge, very nearly approaches one. On
the Vermont side a very extesativepier hassbeen
made by driving piles of some thousands of feet
from the shore, tosuch a distance from the bank
as to reduce the channel to the width of 400
feet. A large vessel has been built of such di
mensions us exactly to correspond with this 900
feet channel, and upon the deck of this vessel
iron rails aro laid. Thus, when she is swung in
to the gap, there will be the continueus track re
quired for the carriages, as there would be if
there were a bridge; and when. the trains have
passed over, there will be again the 400 feet of
clear water Way for the passage of craft.
Market Street Store for Rent
FOR RENT.—The Store, 118 Markets
etreet, the second dear from the corner of Ilethet
swot Liberty etteete.. Preem66oo ei.e6 the lee orAmil
ue 10gotre of
- 106 Pen i n t
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A full RA4 complete MCA of FOREIDS AND AVERIC.AN
Ealtable for the mmHg which they are prmamd
to offer to purchasera at masa that will compare
favorably with any of the mune= cities.
Domestic and Fcragn Exchangr, Bank Notes,
G01d . 4 . Silver, Bought, Sold 4. Ezchanged
WAI. A. HILL & CO, •
No. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Ali- au.rrn 0. Ton ntroffrre. jalCul
VOPARTNERSIIIP—We have associated
NJ with TIMM. Rau, late Cutler of the homers
Thl.4 te Bank. who will devote hie perwanal attention to the
buski. , The .tile of the tem rental= ae heretofore.
Jal3 A. WILKINS it CO.
Corner of Third and Market 513.. Pittlib'gh
Citizen's Imam= Company of Pittsburgh
Offiewlio. 41 Water (Rive, in thpwarahoom of C. IL
C. (1. Ilraarr, Prwaldent A. W. Moltaa. Bed.
m Cord powy Le now yreparal to lucre all mere
In etore, ant hi trancita. rewels,
'Au eimale.gunnuity for the ability and Integrity of Hm
ltullma. la allorded to the character of the Ibmwtore.
who are ellcitlierie of littsbargh. trail sad roma - ably
known to Lbwmitasocialty fur their prudence. lotelliireoM.
Drecirromw—C.o. armory, Wm. Barialey, Wm. Lorimer.
Jr.. Wolliy,llryont, Hugh 1. Khiy. Edward Ilroseltow.
Jahn Haworth. B. Ilarlimogh. B. H. Flee.
14:4,34:Vita.11:1111: 1 . 1611
1851. ..SPRIN;3 ARRANGEMENT. I 851•
Forty::eix hours to Phlladelphia.•
Forty-four hours to Baltimore.
Mo miles Railroad-103 miles Canal.
Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
gN the opening of Canal Navigation, Two
thewra Esg:4l Parket Brats will leave lbr
low. by Se 'eßalva4
There taking the
Two Rdidted and Party Are miles tuna to
Time through roan-5a Hours.
For. to Philo&JpEli. BM Pore to Baltimore,
The Cara on this route are we, and of the mart aPiID9 9-
cd.ronstruetbin for comfort and eeety.
:„Poretnts irate wen' morning weriaely Eddit o'clock 4
and entry owning at the same boor.
Passeigers for Baltimore,
On arrival of Curs at Ilarrieburg, take the Fork Cum
berland Railroad, (now finished, direct to that ott,. (eighty
foot tidies.) Time, POUR bo,vt.
No charge for handling Baggage on this route.
The !Bewared Sneed maker tide the wet comforted,
care anil dydrable rottte:tiqa m the . rwtetn Cttiw.
For pottage Or j Lir ton to
J. P. HOLMES, Agent,
D. LEECH et. CO.
Canal 'Milo. Penn erre-
N. B. On the Lt cf July. Hie Petinayloania Railroad
.tu be Beebe! to Lornlille. whirl( it Hi all'ltoti U. °
through CIX bouts.
Pittsburgh. February 19. '6l
INTYLVisnso doon.nenfinuiceConionnos.—Although
long known as a sovereign remedy for chronic cams of Ho
wie ueningionent, the proprietors of Dr. McLane'. Liver
pine were not preproal for the followbur gratifying evb
drum of fts capecitr ant curstile weer. lu Anno erol
rer, and Bilious complaints
•MLiptsoaorito, Nov. MI, 1647.
Mown. Kidd g O.—About ono reef 020 I no. lebiriOn
voider every severe Work of Anne sod Warr, but by the
cave of McLane/ Liver Pine. I we nor manned to perfect
breath. I belie.... than no be tr.. beet medicine for bilious
roniplaints that boa ever been enered Sro We In Ws len
libu of the country. .7111176 FLIARPE."
gar sale by J. KIDD k CO.,
nirb.innwlern No. 60 Wont 4.
European Agency.
The robemiber Intrude melting the principal eider of
Groat Dritain, roli an
nex d Germany, during the month. of
April. 01.1, and June t. leaving Pitteborith on Dora
17th. and .111 be pleated to attend to onl Wendt. or • lAr
times character which ma/ he =Gad to hla cams
Janialtmrl7 JOHN D. DAVIS.
=unison Amts,.—Advertlaments and subsertytintre
to this hater remind wad tbresetel heeof enersr. from
ibis office.
//" . A. A. iwan a 12. n con the attention of the Ledike eo
their/new and le.sblertnebio etook of Epilog and SUMO..
Doren. mchl2
CM Thum.lay, the 13th lost, Rev Jong A. km, Aged &I
Teen and 4 months.
The friend. and .2.lzatanons of the totally .re moped.
folly minuted to attend his Noe col at 3 o'clock this day.
(Poldoy,) fnm hls late residence o Fountain street—to
proceed to the Allegheny Cemeteer•
SAINT Olt IItELAND, will b.
t • on 9undsl' entn6• gmebed I? St.
N un ,
tnat • vi u, fta tbs bourtit of IL* (mph:m..l.olu.
Drug and and Prescription Store for Bale.
looted In flionriebloz gad Improving part of
it 7, ',bleb La dollop a profitable boaincu, le of
Lord for sale Wei play tern. Par farther parLirlalara.
aPillT??..„ • PALLID
Ili /Se IRcoWIN.
nd et
T. SALB---A large Brick Dwelli7n.
Ilocce, cad Lot of Ground, on Book Lone, Alto
r.7o,Vll:f.7.o.TgPlidaltineraratia by 131
holmo doing blttincos true city would Lad it cooYenb
cat. Alco—Ttro Lott. Zi foot by 100, owttebcco tired.
sti2l4 "43'"d liAlitA t litiVlN. 114 &rood .1.
YOR RENT—A Priviite Dwelling, on cr4
blink ROM., nimonntir Bontof on Pedant at. =al
eghony. }Moulin at Mrs. Banta'. Book Store ..tuta
Allegheny:. no
of W. P. I,l•Youtti Wood at: no address
Box 0 09, Pittsburgh P. O. =hitt(
2EII Property for Sale.
A STEAM FLOUR MILL, with threez
run of stone, coaehlocr7 ...It .., t...... .
[ ground. and • good mei bank ou e plan, Atn
tea DI Kon3rllia, deffureau county, 0., four Wks (me the
oblo elver, to 0 good [thee. grcarWs region. Tenn. eeer.
For further perGicaters cooture,an the remiaea of ?am.
.... Yougol.or tu NATILLIIY.L IIAUTON,
mehledeetedi Brookville, Jefferson couty,O.
[Wnehingtou Reporter war di--..b. dd. o+3ml
ILOVEBSEED--8 Ills. for sale by
UTTER--6 bbl. prime Roll, by
JUP metal WICK a 31cCAND1.ESS.
LAUD -14 kegs No. 1, for sale by
AILASSKS - 10 1 1 bbls. N. 0., oak cooper-
A ass, for sale try mrlll4 J. .t IL FLOOD
LARD -20 kegs No. 1, for sale by
I.IIOTASII-10 casks, warranted pureNfor
1 tele br =lilt J. lit. FLOM
QEGAIIS-150,000 Corn. Ohio, for sale by
10 =Ol4, .1. aO. FLA)VD.
111,R00315--200 doz. Corn, for ask by•
is • malt J. AIL Hon D.
PIIESTNUTS-30 tat. for sale by
sorll4 .I,knAruOli.
TIMOTHY SEED—SO ba. for sale by
achl4 . J. it R. FLOM.
10LOITR-10ibbblo. superfine, for sale to ,
NO. SUGAR--100 hhils. for Bile b
Bum _
A.l . 313.101.1=
AT oTICE .—All perionis having claims
I'l etruluM the memor SCIIEYLEILL. rl7l pie.* Iluu
+rut them to the euho . for fettlement Immodia4ll,
m the boat tom promos! Into othor Lomas.
mohli WALLINGFORD t CO- SS Water st.
von SALE—Ohio and Pennsylvania 4411-
.11 mad Stock: Baukof Pittsburgh; undlithangellailk.
rochl4 LL D. XING. Fourth et.
1 OLN SS 1.1 S- 7 31.10 bbls. for sale by
I NA_ tactile EL - R.IIEIW E INGfIR..III.
11 1 C n
I F. ; ) c ° t rres E f t r u i• I tiNannAn.
LOAF SUGAR-200 bbls. ass'd Nos., for
sale by raelad SITILERIDUE
ORANGES.—foo boxes just received and
fur sale by •, 13:01113.1131,
116 Water street
moand Mir sale by JAMES DALZELL,
mehl4 6, Water - at
MACKEREL-2? , !Va.
meLli .1.131 ES I.)AL7.ELL. RH Water st.
. _
RIM) PEACHES-.ioo bu. for sale by.
almchu! 0 . , 4- W. lIARBAUG
APPLES-1501m. prime, for sale
by radii{ S. W. 11ARBAC1/11.
EATHERS -10 sacks reed and for sale by
SOLE LEATHER-250 Sides for sale Isy
=dd.& 8. k R. lIARBALTIII.
--6101).A. ASH-20 casks Kurta's brand, for
A. 3 dale 6f mehl4 R. d
B UTTER-20 bbls. for mato bS•
No 145 pint end 116 Second rt.
1 1 , o , vc i zra n m i e s -tra,rrE •
2 Geese. Lid:
In becom e.. Nan:
11 " flaaanet;
I bbl.
Fweet Fotatom
1 reek Bowman:
• 49 Dark, Feathers;
- tilneend:
132 " Dried Peach.,
32 Apple=
9 Dales Cotton: fn arriveon eteamer war
deo,. for :oda by ISAL4II DICKEY :I OL,
41:0614 Front and Water et,
FLAX SEED 01L--2000 palls, for sale by
mobil S. E W-lIARDACyII
rrALLOW--30 bbls. prime, for said by
racbti S. At W. HARBANIEL
GLASS—M boxes Window
ttx was 144 mchtiviv" amt
Co-Partnership. •
Ei.)WARDS& CO. have associated with
them, In the inaunfActuring:buelneen t )Ir. D. A.
IS 'bite bunnese will be ecnlurtn.l under the Ilrzn
of EDWARDS, 310111[1.4 kW.
4414 XCS).. DIV 111/ S, Molt
d _ __ _ EACELqOR LvetiS.
. Capital to Invest
ABUSINESS - MAN, who has a cash capi•
ttd of $l.OOO to $5,000. and is well aninalnted in lb.
ear, wishes to beentne an setts partner in some business
already Wabllsbed. either menantlle or manufacturing.
essumnnitatiens. wltb real name, addressed to Dan Nnip.
Pittstearthwill rendre Immediate attsntlon. and ha
kept stnetly .nlldentiaL mehttilto
To Contractors.
M. PROPOSALS will be received at the of-
A m of 0. BROWN, Liberty street, il no- ttsburab, n
the 5)121 Inn.. tor all the finding and Masonry on the
tirst 6 miles of the Tumperaneerill• and Noblemmen Plank
Raul. Also, Cru Um Grading and Ilaainrr on theft Branch
Rued, ltd to 10, to CoL Wm. Lees*a, on the Waahhenton
Turnpike. Alen. tur • Bride over Chartler's Creek, near
the Noldeatenen Road Bridge. IL B. DROWN,
mehl:266 President.
•• Permelivanfa. Railroad Corotanr_ are now darni , alf
oto Philadelphia far r.. 0 renta 100 Ma. •
mehl3 MePADrdit COVODP.. Mag.
%%gra Fab i thttte ""'" , tzar:
calved. They hare al., open thla oredna. an alltional
foully of SMIND BONN RTS , owning rea7 kne--toran nt
37Y, cents. 'Bonnet Wbborus, ikenetaNkpa. &o.
lye Judi. • (ear piece. rare bellaillal Franc-14=4.i
s Gar children, ree'd and Pathos; b
ine r
ltl3 MURPHY a umicitrinn.
lIE BANKERS', and Runt's Merchants'
Maaaairkee, for March. Also--A ma and cheap edb
P t l: of Lamourto, .1., Geo. Sand: fbr RII3I, at 1101...14.9 . Lite
rare Depot, third cap.!. the Pad Oface.
BROOMS -100 doz. Corn, zoodium; •
ems v,lll.slilsVeg.
WASH BOARDS-120 dui Zinc, for sale
by mehl3 I. D. WILLIA3IS LCO.
VENItN 1aL113117.7
S UNDRIES -1 bbl. Chestautn;
~.3 - Hiding . " Nam
inehl3 -;.. bone, Etn7l.lil2 Candler fur rale hT
Female Seminary.
NISI._ K s
s;.Tii,ApgNropLx-ziElleS. pmanaemrseLl
Nerirat the ouster af Washington street and Eut
tinaaan,,AUegheny City; oatunoladatt an tha tint Mots
d l l : t ige of Inttruetlo nill cow prise the usual brggiett
gs ha th. English Peng ,
lituntunnso-11 , .. Sgurkdgers, P. 11. .
Dr. Thas.S. Del ,e Arathens CO,.
- Rea. E. P Pwill.D.D.
June ini Dlguggsgsr—Chsogragh T. Welogr. Writing. Agith
_ .
meth.. ke
Finca Dr.rmthithsr—Fire Dirithes—Nethrth and Menial
Philonaphe, Chernister. )theterir, Le e *.
S.cnetei Dorth , es---IVlllecotnans the neasletudles,
with imgttnpuns In the 1-each Enron,
7cir,:m15 , 1.....t.-- • .....
lestroetim. !Izmir
mettl27dt •
RULVEItIZE D CORN—Refined and Pre
yured Expreatly for Vo.ul.—lbla hounaporably pure
beaallitlartlele is exeredivaly anatar.
oraidal. lhaddluot Cakes, Curtards, au, Made by
thedlrectbula aosuapanyhay each partake. Ul m be fte.d
moat est...lieut. Price perwasp., If °rota. •
For =la by mehl2 It. E. SELLEII2,I7 Word It.
Urorrr, trod Ten Detlers.
FOR PIES AM) TARTS--Fresh Cherries
.=.l us., oat up In their °roil:dm pnneerind the
nr.dinal divine or the fruit. Also—Cnowea nehbrated
Sheet and Erred Idnalue and French Gelatine. air ne. Je ll ies,
Muir Mange.tor eale be
tnehlii WM. A.NcLGCGFQI., ze Liberty et.
1 S UNDRIES-1 ease Gum Shelae;
L LLL Film gainl:
1 ^ Cream Tartan •
I bale Large Bottle Cork;
I cue Llanorne Balt jvat received
and for aldo by . N. IrleNkR911:01,
Lac 111). • corner Wood alai SION IV..
: I BOOK KEEPER, whe. can Come well
t ' r - wiTit'Vf,474" d t;.`'`. h 7e r tg:gr ' sr l' one A l o l t737 ) : 1 ;1
'Ltdr.l'exie-aTte.reef'' r'"'" d
. An'2'll7Pall'et
DRIED YEADIIES-118 eke, Cur sale by
mehll WICK L. McCAN DIM&
'BRI inM/ APPLES-81 sacks for sale by
chll WICK eC
OATS -64 tiisckB fur male by
2 bbls. for Itllzb3o,
VVELEAT-2:3 bbls. for sale by
'I. INDOW G LAN--2 100 boxes, T
b ass tbsst rBl to
lilliAS' ALE-300 Whole atoa blo.
I.3iv Om, with coaptaat &trivet tram the Banter,
" =OM ar7t
t ntitliiTEON REPPtRT.
QTRAW WRAPPING—From the Virginia
1.. - 3 Mill, constantly la itiaw mat for sale at VlSeUfactll
rani pram 14
.111)11.E1ITSUN rt REPPERT.
SCYTHE RIFLES-1s grams (warranted)
.to,. and fur oak by 4. WOODS dr SON,
mebll . No. el Watt, et.
S bhL, Drrtug
10U bu.lcll.l Corm format. Df
mehll T. WOODS 0 S3ON, CI Water rt.
rrom the Clinton Kills, Steubowille, for sale by
- VITAIL PAPER—Prices -reduced at th
r-se,ru layer Hangings Stmt. Nn. es Wad 4. •
mrtal W. I'. MARSHALL.
1: amen c ;
WlNDO .th ly , BLlNDS—F,rpst=m.
BACON—S casks rea'd•and for sale by
mchlt - .1. 8. DILX Dant /. DO.
FLOUR-100:bbla. rood and for iale by
metal , J. S. DILAVOUTII k
ROLL BIITTEK-10 bbl's. for 'sale by -
trtrhil J. P. DILWORTH tOD.
Twa Hundred Carriages at Auction.
Fifth Semi-Annual Trade Saleat Philadelphia.
lIIS SALE isn't fake place 'oncli+Frig f ir WEDNESDAY, the 26th day oT March, at
CHINESE MLWECJI, wad Anll eritel all others to ex
tent. The oallortlon will embrace at least two hundrnd
Chirrlsger.a portlen of which will lie secood.hand, of • 7 .
„int mate and In Owl order. The New Work. (tooth f
ahloh w/11 be warranted,) will be from makers of ankshir
kedged eelehrlty through:Art.llw slates, • including Donlan,
egler it Co.. J. U. Itoughtr• Johlt
It out beual in all =spec% es regards strip. rtnish,and
durahlllW eq , lo any insole fur eu.soreers or ho order.
tnrl . ureliasere frosi nattitnee are 'newton] that the ale
rantlirily lake rime eo the &lure day. without regent
to the weather. ' 11/tIIIENEdS.
niehelt And:onto, '
osiery, Gloves, Kitts, &c. •
URPI.I . Y ! e lClll:l..T .b .fry t haven m
rostMerino b,ng and Ilalf dn4 WNW. Mize, L.,d, and
? ,, nn ith r ,
and', do; unbleatud COll. LoJg and
KW do
mum Futile
KIA, bilk, an.l Liede Otkork
Comm. and roper Mohair and Silk Mrnl.
Cotton and Memo Undershlrtor. Infants' do.„_&c,
at loured mall prim, at Kurth Earl corner of Fourth end
Market rachlo
GUMe by
OPIUM-1 ease for sal
tackle .1. KIDD 2 CO, hi Word et.
COTeli SNUFF-500 lbs. (Onrrutt's) r
rabc bynacblb J. KIDD & beNS.
BALED PEACIIES-200 bu. for sale 14
HICKORY NUTS—SO bbl. for safeby
GREET APPLES-100 bbl. for sale by
. _ .
CIIESTNIITS-2U bbl. for sale by
=chid SAMUEL P. 811111VZIL
thr BUTTER-=lO
RY APPLES-20 sacks ree'd, for sale by
SHORTS -3W bu, for sale low - to close eon
vueut,br &IMPEL P. SHRIVEL
10P ICE-10 tee. (frcill=ale b e h rm
ICO Ws. fluallr_llo.r.
- N. S Mackere:
" Rohn
100 " prima Nesbannork R WANK
40 ' Orent ArPlosi
SCO burl, Ear Com
- Otte. • '
• Dried irpleig
• T. IV -;
Plo.loel Deakrs CmnmlN
metao Nes.6/,
- DOLL BUTTER-3 bbl.ju.t reed and for
11., 6616 as T. DS SON.
Eneblo I 61 Warr A. •
LARD 01L-26 bbl. No. 2, just ree'd'and
6, ale los by IVALLIbtiFORD 201).
mrlllo •
LCOHOL-15 bbl. l'or sal
.LAmehlo J. KIDD a
HEMP I jb. or -
macro J. K I DD
N.!TICE.—The steamer AS I
4 , mvuot from Clorinastl, 11l ,
b l ' : '" Ito W frke41 . 741 1
rmi re ,,, TA ea. t.h. t t
bf ZOth OIL they (.1 J...
u. fof (Meat awl dune. W
mel3s I
Street:opt...irate the Peet Officee-;
Team: lb. Behole"-the UlteeT-4.l.ellieel-by O.
Borrow. author cf the -Bible in ,
Harper's New Mouthly. fur March. . .
Blackwood. foe Febvutzy.
Appleton'a tletteuve.Vie: ?..
'The Ilortlenttuvist, Ihr Match.
. • ,
The Culthutor. • " •
Dietionav7 of ifectuultra. o.
Crulaing ln the Lest Biz. by C..l:Pelemen--eotaplote,
llbtory of Pendesustr ,by_Thaekateyete.-
L 11mB p.i s
, bear . , : a 7E 4 0 4 0 Artery of the of Brie
-m GROSS Rushton, Clarke & Co.'s ~,,oenuine
Cod Liver Oil, Ibr sale by J. EIDD *
tachlo 0.1 Waal IL
EARLS-14 casks (first sorts) for sale by
FEATHERS --8 sacks (prime) foe sale by
tvelta , WICK SicCASDLEM.
AIL-78 bbl. (S. C.) by
metal IVICK s McC.LNDLM.
COD LIVER OlL—WarrAnted - pure., on
draught- Rushtol i Clargt=klearix sib
vyrner Pint unt Wool sta.
mem -
'PURSED PILL BOXES—'Assorted sizes,
far role by B. A. FAIL:a-STOCK A PD.
" :I )s. .
A (,J
de by B. d. ifllkil:Tat'K
INTY—In bladders, in assorted shed.'
m. P iis ki4r " ie , by
124 kw sale br B A. BAUM:3IOCE.
metal '
r Yirst awl Wood
LIIDES--100 DRY HIDES received andk.
.11 we by - ma, S 8. tW. II iRBIERIEr. -
TOLL BUTTER-5 Barrels reed per S. B."
T6 """ r0 " 4°IId br E. &W. 111RBAtoli:
LARD -20
ARD-20 Ws. & 100 kge. No.. 1 Lard in',
". a a SUILILBtI3II.
ruar. EL
EGGS-3 bbl. for rale by
, mehli ILrousgrox
LARD- I 7 kegs in store and tar sale by
ineh9 ' WIT. 11. JOUSSTON.
I IREEN APPLES-55 bbl. for rale.
gy APPLES-50 bu: far sale by '
HICKORY NUTS-17 bbl. for sale by
meD9 acct. U. JOIINSTVN.
OHIO LEAF TOBACCO-2 hhd. for sale
by meta WM. U. JOMSTO3I. •
yv WAGE, Tea Wale, Britantda Tea Getha,beet Barer a'
Plated Forkit„ Swag , 2.12.1 Butter fluireu Table Cutlery.
taunt qualitin oulyti Larore of all dna-intim*, tar •
Churches. fit ' floats, Ilalls. and berelltrou Gee Mane.
defiers, Ga. Bret lias Firtetraer, Military GoW.s, of •11
kind.; Gold 'Pen; 0 rs' sad Glam Cotters' Disulandi. -,
Ac- kr. • •
Wkile my tam is undergoin epodes ha ham; au!,
tomer, will fed me in the near store, (entrence In
foetal ult:a • Urge Rook ar &awe Vide, and ef tati
uao. ...i,
/6 1,
larNatatt ' repthing rho on the mond . ' , '''
mall' corium Fourth and Guist eta •.. -
be tionld respectfully di the ate/mike' of Marcie
anua Hanka Public 0151., and all .ho toe Bleak Hoak
to his large steak of Blank. Work, which 1s mode of the
best Linen Perna arid Woad In the mist eulieleatial mac •
tier, with the titan noinbarad 10 tuantlful type. AU who
would consult their own interein c wlll plasm call and es- '
=dna my 'nett. WM& Ifni be oßeoe at the kneed teeth
price. • • 11. C.WOCSTON,
atch: No. 47 Market FL,
'PPM—NM b. neeePted, In• Prat canal lustrals,s
pew led eboiee saremeut. of Yrrw..b sad Eutent Ph i
krAAGINGA In pAdoisaisik. 'Wq! , .! spit Plan P.P0.4
toottnalrfth • lugs tat of ebesp_eson Ournagal Per '
• WALT= P. A L L,
li W0c.10..
SAFETY FUSE-150,000 feet - Bacon,
be " m l7s trA b int a co.
mch7 •
OIL OLOTHS--10,00OsitoorOilelotb,.
heavy and roalivan,troat to rants aldet'or the
venal pelican. vadat will be tut 10. at Intakes/a
etistern make. and retail lower Wawcnz other bonne la tie
city. We Melte the attention of to the abate'
nark, at ant ware maw, No. 7aCC 9 Ward et • ;
a? : • J. t mums:
asstirtment of 4. 6, 9.1 fg. Eba79l9, ZgltC
.91 F l / 1 .9.9 But * Patent Canis= II 1.11124' •
article, for ale wbolessle u km as ...ern prints. , • ,
moh7 J. 11. PHILLIPS. 7 wad 9 Wad*. .1
_l5OO )er quart
~wthW r
Fastiirr.-2.600 yds. 4 and 5 gr. OnanOil...
sale and rata% at pi. 7 and 9 Wpal _
• IL
mach •• J
. -
UNABLE OIL. CLOTHS—A very large! sr
y ysortment of Table C 0,.. on band and for ma. t 1
and 9 Wad amt. . •
il bap Cksver Sad:
4 Timothy ,
DRIED YEACIIES--,1,50 bn. (prime) -for.;
nile , n7 ( roch7). J. 8. DILWORTH t CO.' ',
pOTASHa-10 =eke No. 1. for sale by - •
mai; J. 8 =WORTH t
90loset extra Cs and rig
• • 40 catty boxes extol 3i pound; for sale br
meta J. S. DILIVORTII t CO. '
jiltD. KING, Banker and Exchange 800-
ter,_ Fourth et., dials to 'Wert.= rnn MOS
tree son tho Enstern Cittat. nod makes collectionn lit tbe -,
'rat at low rates. and Is not ming the id aorta
M.Scm in forlonits for Asoertain silver. meta
iHE largest Stock of Blank Books, of ev
.112r.i,.. .u.tykm or tdadiamr, Wan* ta
w. FeWATEN'S ELI& Hoot Bon, '
Sierchants are repuesied to alt arad t e=l7.ll.
Um mad Dead Blank Warta mrtdra are offered at laser
art= mama they hare war beam add la this may. •
[Port sad Araerlema copy.] =he
mined ad far isle as V. IL HOLMES',
Ltbrary Ulmot, amt. •
mete *Mae the Past 0111 e.
OR SALE—Exchange Bank Stock, b
. ROG. Patcrth
at car came for rats-3 Ylehla vrn. am of than 117
rands Ira& aad two smaller oar. 1 - bar Ira mw at a
raertfar, as the mar Is soci !lard lady ol ft rem. who la
destitute, sod Ida. to obtain mama to take/ter ta hec
Wolff to the fttato of Indiana J. oIL PIIILUM
mete No. 7 gad 9 Wooi tt
CARPET--Receited this day. ,by Leech & •
c 0... Canal Urea, at the Carpet Watehoho of W.
hrOCH, Nail Fourth et, catapristatt let PLet the ,
iovityr tatielies: Braseila, Tapeatt7, ampereslltreaM
Tapeatry V natal; Plata ateltlan e axed =pert= 1
Carpet., at the moat nude= dyke, me ta -
MOLASSES ---200 bbl. N. 0., for &ale by
CANDLES- 1 5 1 2 bo!ev
mchL I°Q
CLOVERSEED-50 bn. rec'd, for sale by
mehe S. & R. TIARBADOIL'
GREEN •APPLES'-30 bbl. reed, for sale
br mend 9. tw. lURBAVOU. -''
AND-30 la. No. 1, in store; forsale
mme : A a W.ITA AWIL. • *-•
REEN APPLES-50 bbL (in fine oriel)
"tat " 6'.4. 1 . 1610N.11771X k CO.
WAGON -1 lar . g New Wagon, suitable
ear Amsce, Lima am
ARD bbls. fine Winter Strained,
meta •Na wma sum.
` I OPPERAS—`4S bbls. (in
tj by J.W I DTv i g-, r) f°* :
No. 00 Woad argot.
303 IN. Pt. O. Wham ,
hba ' "
DRIED BEEF-5 to. S. C., for Jude by
m7assEs--25 bbla , 8.114 i. • • •
oak bt26,
th Mt" '
'th4 l.. ' sVA r r.naLts t rove, - '
Water. and 62 Yroat
F l9ll-40 MIL prime large No. 3 Macke:A.,
Bostan 1
10 Baths:. 11=r_ it; Cvaletsy
D RIED FRUIT-725 bu. Apples;
0 WE-
irrIANNERS' OIL-25 1310. for sale try •
L oohs aransaa. I.IIIILE a op.
T ugsBUCKETS-60 d0z..11,
ro e,„4„ 1 ,, •
encla L. 8. WenltliAY SONS.
GLASS. --350 boxes W.. 0., ass'd, City wad
Country brood& fortle Lot '
_ _
W, - 0 0%.15-120 dos. fancy and good COm
on Com Brame. fOr br •
IZICh3 L. e. WATES3LL'i h. BONS.
QE.EpS—D3'bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed; I.
1 " 7 ;odoi 6 b‘lP' .L.;WATIZEMISINrt
!ITER--30 bbL Rol Bitter,
tu• 8. WATZLI 3 1.101 t. 107
Ineb3'Bl tSt Water, ard ta,Fraut et. •
8 AC0. 7 -4 casks Hams;
meM .u.drarat ror7
la by
I)w son,
'le by
0, 60 Wami st.
A, in inly last,
Hat atra% and 1
V Abee. Sofia
Mai* Boci