The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 13, 1851, Image 2

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RHINO; MARCH 18, 1851
To ".• • of Pennsylvania.
ArZ - A.NlAiil . OOlO - P—N111)11 till 1* held In the Chi
f Lanai...ter, on TGENDAY, June 2,lth, 1151. fur the put
pt.op of selecting' candldanie for the anicci of Garernor and
Canal COMialnletter. and al. fur /nun. or the Suprem e Culat. ILENILY M. VELLER,Chairman.
Jorictib fL Fl.. ~1,,. I Samuel 51cMenamr,
F. hincr Mc MOri. I C. 'Thermion Jon.,
IVm.ll. Nlinglal, Nianu.lll. Thom..
rused Itoth, Jur. N. Brawn,
hathanl.lEllmahm, I T. Taylor Wort.
Wet . J. holthutin,, Alentuulex E. Ewer,
• . Warden E. Printon. ' Wm. rll ` k. ' r.
%home E. Cram, I Wm. M. Matta
Menu J‘ihnson, James Clerk,
.., , Cluirhis B. bondman. Sherman D. Pith"
llcur-e Cm, I Rhein C. liaison.
D. Ar FinneT. I John Alllnth
I Daniel McCurdy,
Joni, Darman. , 1 ror4^ Meat.,
W...X , 1.A. i Aleslr Ti. McClure,
John C. Neville, • Francis Jordan.
U. 11 I NDLE NMITLI. Necretary.
The Post publishes some letters to disprove
the etatentent tbat } pen. Case said, at Cleveland,
that tbe "noise antleonfusion" was so great that
he .could not then give his views on the river and
harbor improvemeuts, &c. le this as it rau9, it
is gaite . certain Gelt. Cass could have secured the
passapor the lath bill in the Senate, if he had
desired it.. The bill was killed by the Democra
liaparly, Gets. Cass consenting thereto, and no
doubt rejoicing thereat, and especially graded
that amid the .noise and confusion" he was not
roMPelied to record his'vote upon it.
It is very singular that the Democrats should
labor so strenuously to make out that r their favo
rite candidates are not opposedto this and that
r measure, - which the . paitY itself r e pudiates. The
Democratic party, as'eucli, has bitterly opposed
the iriprovement of our rivers and -Lake harbors.
-and yet there is a great effort made to show that
11r. Casa is favorable to such improvements.=
. The whole object of this is to obtain votes on
false pretences, and is wholly dishonorable. It
wan the plan resorted to in this State to secure
it to Sir. Polk. That was s most vile and pen:d
eicers fmud, which has worked immense injury
folids State. IrGen. Cass is really in favar . of
Improving our Inland' navigation, be would not
harp beenVound voting with the enemies of the
hill in the Senate, for amendments which were
fatal to it, and he could no doubt have brought it
to the test of a direct vote, which would have
eared it.
• ,It is unquestionable, that the Locoteco party
is accountable for the defeat of the bill in the
Senate, and the people will-to decide when they
coma p vote.
"Sramon" as.P‘Dtror."—as we are soon to
become familiar with railroads, it is not altogeth
er unimportant to pay' Came attention to the
tt•ehnical named that will, of necessity soon
coma into common use among us, and we there
fore venture to put in a plea that "Depot" may
be banished forever and ever from our railroad
terms, and the plain English word . "Station,"
inserted in its place. We Satter ourselves that
the. best arguments can be brought to sustain
this inOation.
Whea a word is adopted from a foreign lan
guage, the presumption, is that it suppliea a dofi
•uiency. The word ennui has claimed a place in
one mother tongue on these term!, end in return
we •liave given the French its very oppoeite—
rain/enable. Gentleman; that noblest title of hon
or that can be betowed upon a mortal, is now in
every Frenchman's mouth, and the magic word
home mast soon be adopted also, for the French
langdage does not afford its:equivalent. Bat &-
potties no such encase for thrusting itself upon es.
It was f,rat applied to railroad staiionsin England
end was then adopted in this cosdetry; but in
France aiiion is the word. It belongs to both
langnageS, but is more usedsin English, and thus
vie may almost be said to have exchanged terms:
Tire'Englieh now eleraya say etatian, and we are
• alone in the use of depot. Shall we cling to an
ugly looking and vile sounding word when our
own Itutgunga affords an acceptable equivalent?
Plain spoken people, each as the majority of our
citizens, are constantly complaing of the common
affectation among literary fops of stuffing their
writings. with Preach words` The complaint is
very jolt, and these same plain !Token people
should not fall into the error they are so ready to
denoudee. Let ne therefore Lave the word eta-
Lion Cased in all ollicial documents concerning the
railroads, sad it Will soon displace its ill-favored
eadintesding foreign 'rival.
The Loan= Tnent.—The Allegheny and But
ler. Plank Road Company advertises in our pa
per for,two million feet of plank. Four or five 1
other Plank roads are either commenced or will
be soon, in this neighborhood, and we may soon
expect to bear of a dozen new projects for there
is a Phxik. Road Mania here as well as in other
parte of the country. These reads will create a
great demand for lumber and we may expect an
activity in the business of sawing and bringing
to market, hitherto unknown. Should there be
neither a ruction against plank roads, nor Ray
plan discovered to eupercede them, there is ample
reason expect that every common road in the
count7will be grodedand planked. • Our forests
are already going with fearful rapidity, but this
new market for lumber will swallow them at a
rata which will make all former consumption np
peer trifling, for each road mast be renewed es
t"- few years. We most add also the large
amount of timber:used in railroads, which are
now building more rapidly than ever. It is pro
bably wseless to trouble oursldves with the affeirs
of coming generations, but If the "anbern
linen" so often spoken of could be addrened, we
would warn them that they:will have to manage
in some way to get along without timber, for it
will not require a century. to exhaust all the net
uralloreste that are accessible.
lisitusavuon Merrmts.,—ln Smote, on the
Bth inst., nothing of general interest took place,
except the following:
On motionof Mr. Crabb;,the Senate resolved
itself into Committee of the Whole, on the bill
to provide the mode of giving out contracts on
railroads .terminating at Erie; and, after some
time spent therein, the bill was reported with
stmdry amendments, and after it had been read
a second time, and die title amended as as to
read thus: "n Portlier supplement to the act to
'lncorporate the Franklin Canal Company, and
• the supplement thereto relating to the Pittsburgh
and Erie Railroad- Company," the bill was read
a third time and passed.
We think it prebnble that this is some
tion on. present the right of way across Pennsyl
vania for the hew York Railroads, being secured
by alraud upon the
In the Hinue, the bill to compel the Harris
buigh and Lancaster Railroad Company to fence
their road in Dauphin-county, and the hew York
and Erie Railroad. Company to fence their road
112 Susquehanna county, was taken up.
The question pending being upon a motion to
goiuto Committee of the. Whole for the purpose
of amending by inserting "The Pennsylvania
Railroad, the Cumberland 'Valley Railroad, the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and the
York and Cumberland Railroad Con:Tani."
This lead to a long debate between Messrs.
Kunkel, Penniman, Steward; Dobbins, and 01.
wipe, and
• Mr. Kunkel moved the protons question which
was seconded; end• out off the motion to go Into
Committee of the Whole, :and the bill passed
finally—yeas 114, nays 21.
The bill to incorporate the city of Philadelphia
with =Urged boundaries i come up in order,
.andwas debated to the close of the session.
- intim on Eamises.—As Mr. Emerson wilt
neon commence his course oneettnes in this city.
we have thought it would not ho out of place to
copy the following fromback number of the
llome Journal. Mr. Willis is petal:kip expert
in aketche.s 'of this kind, wad the one before us
will serve as an excellent, introduction of the disc
tingaished lecturer to his 'Pittsburgh audience:
Sits' Millie begins by saying that be had never
iseenMr. Emerson to kuovc him, and that when
he reached the hall the crowd was MO :great that
he was farad to stand with his bank. against the
farthest wall. At this point our gurttioa corn
: mantes
Thealagle look we were enabled to give Ifr.
Einerson, as the applause announced that he had
come into the palpi; .revealed to us that it was a
man we had - seen o thousand times, and with
whose face mar memory was familiar; though, in
fthe sidewalk portrait - i,v by which we had
treasured his physiognomy, there. was eo little
resemblance to _the, portrait taken from reading
hlm, that we should never have put the, twri
geth4; probably; except by personal identifica
, ton:, reinember him perfectly, ,as a boy .
Die playing about Chauncey.
Place ad Summer street—one of base pale little
moral iiablimet with there '
:shirt Oollaritarnel
oveiatibti are '.. -.grazed by the Boston selinol
liejs asliating i fathers that are Unitarians"—,
and therigh he c me to his first 'Mei-Chair about
the time that wi came to our first tail-coat, six
or eight years • . hind us, we have never lost sight
of him. , In the !hits see have made to Boston,
of Late yenta, w. have seen him in the street, and
remembered hti;i n g always seen him as a boy—
very little nape • g that there walked, in a form
longlamiliar,!tire. deity of an intellectual altar,
1 upon which, at that moment, burned afire in our
' boson
Emerponas vo els up to his reputation. It
has a carious • contradiction, which we tried in
1 vein to analyze satisfactorily—an outwardly re.
' pellant and it madly reverential mingling of
qualities, which a musical o:imposer would de- !
spair of blending into one. "It bespeak: a life
I that ill half contempt, half adoring recognition, !
and very little, e tween. But it is noble, alto
And a at seems strange is veneer eruch
a voice proceed ng from such a body. It is a
voice with sh ou den in it, which•he has not—`nth
lungs in it far I rger than his—with n Walk in it
which the publi neyer sex—with a fist in it, which
his own hand a Ter gave him the model for—end
with a gentle nin it, which his parochial and
" bare-necessa es-of-life" eort 02 exterior, gives
no other betray I of. We can imagine nothing in
nature—(whit seems,-too; to have 1 type for
everything)—b -e the want of correspondence
between the Emerson that goes in at the eye, and
the Emerson tat goes in at the ear. We speak,
(as we explain ,) without having had an oppor
tunity to study hi s face—acquaintance with fea
tures, as every ode knows, being like the peeling
of an artichoke and the tore of a fate, to those I
who knoWit, hag eery unlike the eight or ten I
outside folds t at stop the eye in the beginniug.
But .heavy an v ase-like blossom of a magnolia, !
with fragrance ough to perfume a whole wil
derness, which honld be lifted by a whirlwind
and dropped lia is branch of an aspen, would net
seem more as i it never could have grown there,
than Emerson' voice seems inspired andloreign
to his visiblel a il, natural body. Indeed, (to use
I .
one of his o similitudes,) his body seems
" never to has broken the umbilical cord" which
held it to Bost n, while his soul has sprung to
the adult stm t of.a child of the universe, and
his voice is th utterance of the soul only. It ; is
one of his fine arks, that "it makes a great
difference to e force of any sentence whether a
man is behin it or no"—but, without his voice
to make the stand surety for his value, the
eye would 100 for the first time on Emerson and
protest hii on admiration, as net "payable
at siffit."! dit
The first t eaty sentences which we heard,
betrayed one f the smaller levers of Emerson's
power of sip which! wo had not detected in
reading him. Ile works with surprises. A man
who shoulde a visit of charity, end, after
expressing # proper sympathy, should bid adieu
to the poor W man, leaving her very grateful for
his kind feelings, but should suddenly return,
after shutting the door, and give her a guinea,
would prodtte; just the effect of his most electric
sentences. 'You do not observe it in reading,
because you 'thhold the emphasis till you come
to the key-w But, in delivery, his cadences
tell you that e meaning is given, and th e inter
est of the E tease bail over, when—flash t—
omes a singl word orphrase, like lightning after ,
listened-out t under, and illuminates, with as. '
toaishing vin ma, the cloud you have striven For the Pittsburgh Ga z ette.
to see into. e can give , perhaps, a partial exem- .
.plification of it, by a description rather than a '
quotation of droll and graphic sketch, which he ' Ma. Eorroa.—On board the canal boat, in
drew in his ectere, of his first impresrion of travelling from Philadelphia to this city, a few
Englislurieirio the road. The audience had al-
days since, among a throng of passengers I oh
reedy laugh in two or three places, and—With i
servedthree members of Congress. One or more
tile intent:irk to be longer attended to on that I
point quite gone out of his eyes—he was fumbling ! of them were accompanied by highly respect,
with his mantecript to look for the next head— I bin families in appearance. , The practice of
when the closing word, just audible, threw us all , members being accompanied to the reticent cap
into a fit of laughter. " The Englishman," Of : ital by their; families is commendable, serving
see may parap hrase rather than quote, for it is ; to break down to tome extent local nrejuilice,
impossible t recall the subtle collocation of his ( and to cultivate and elevate social qualities.,
r f .
words,) ti f. lie puts on j Distinguished marks of favor and attention were
as many co its, wrappers, and trousers as he , givertthe members of Congress 'by the urbane.
likes, and,.wdle be respects °liters' rights, is I captain of the packet. This I was more than
unaffectedt „ , and unconscione of, the observe• delighted with. When I see the representatives
lion of those and liim. Be is an island, as of ray country honored. I consider My country is
England is. He is a bulky and sturdy mass , mass , honored, and I feel myself bemired. Early the
with his .ClO e 9 buildup about his body, and he ! morning after, passing from the! cars to the pac
lives in, thnak.s in, and speaks from, his---- i ken, Judge B—,one of the meinbery alluded to
building." ''.e the listener, this last word, which j procured et the bar u glass of lirandy and pas
was dug out, smelted, coined, and put away to ! wed among the passengers, in vai .soliciting some
be produced and used with cautious and artistic ; one to join him in drinking is soend glass.
effectiveness, seems an accident of that momenta , Never was I more delighted ban to see him
suggestion—rya new a' thing to the orator as to j completely foiled. No one o the passengers
himself, and which hh came very near not heir- I would drink with him. The J dge, sobs is pie,
ing. as it came very near not being said. ' I belly more faretious than bee rocs one of his
We are gorsipping only—not trying to estimate r position, was unusually silent and looked Much
or criticise. What our readers might not other- ! like a man who hail been rebuked for a wrong.
wise get at, is what we aim to give—in this as in I It was noon or afterwards before be repined
most else that we describe editorially. Emerson , his vivacity of spirits. Next jamming he and
is too great is man to easily or triflingly up- I Hon. ll—were seen very quietly.elbnwing their
preciated. he more studied us well as mare' way to the liquor part of the boat Besides
properly deferetitial views which we entertain of those two members no one else was sera to go
his nature act power,' we leave nnexpressed, be- , there.
cause others are likely to do it better. end be-.: Ano th er mortifying eironalitance 'was wit
cause we t o &tons in ono pcde, nod can let the' nessed: An effort WWI made by these represen
ink dry on nothing. We can only say of this . ustiees and their friends to get up a gore of
Lecture on ugland !lint it was, as all is which , cards. The beat was ransacked but no cords
he does, a c pact makes of the exponents of far- 1 were found. This was creditable tin_ the Mat.
reaching th ughts—stars which are the polo! But the project was not abandoned. at the blest
points of u verses beyond—end at each close of ! opportunity one was dcepatched to procure the
I a sentence, ne wanted to stop and wonder at desired object on shore. but this failed Then
that though before being hurried to the next. the Coneressional party. oft down and apparently
! I .
Be is a sug estive, direction, giving, soul fathom- : abandoned themselves, to ennui Here nee defin
mind, a il we area glad there are not more j sing corrupting. immoral examples that ought to
such. A fir Einem:lns would ma" the every - !be censured by every loser of hie country !and
day work o one's mind intolerable. lof religion. I was pained, moreted and di,
Let us cl se by giving our renders an advance . gusted when 1 saw th e repriseutatives of my
taste of a nd similitude with which he closed . nation acting in this mermen It is devoutly to
his lecture, d which we see isl not given in the •be wished that it will not be long till all such
g i ,
newspaper eports of it. It its one ot •tho.o I members of Congress. will be left at home by a
, Titanic tho glits that would alone make a repu- I christian and patriotic nation, otherwise ,
! Lotion, an a prophetic metaphor of England's 1 our federal Capitol will be in dsnger of becom.
power for which Victoria should, name one of her ' jag a sink of v i ce , an d our oofjpoo) re p resent ,
annual bob; s Emerson. After' some very bole , tines so many sewer conveying this corruption
and fearles comment on the croaking that pre- : through all the land. Washington, the Father
dicta the sp edy downfall of Englund, he camper , I o f his country. prohibited rep p ro p ane v ,,,, a ( ag
ed her te th banyan tree, which, it will be remem- I in his army, was seen in prayer at Valley Forge,
bered, send up shoots from its roots that become, I and received the love:tent when his army lay
themselves., huge trunks of parent vegetation. I at Norristown. • How different the conduct of
"She has p anted herself on that little island," I these would be patriots in qUestion i One of
4 1 2
he said, "li e the banyan tree, and her roots ! these representatives is all the time boring Con
harespread der the sett, and come up on far away ! press with lamentations about slavery. I do,
continents, a din erery parr, of th e teort . d, flower- i like him not fir his principlesor politics, but for
rag with he language and laws, and forever per- ! his immoral inconsistencies , :net public corrupt
petuating h r, though the first trunk dismember I ing examples.
and peri " In his own words, this thought I I love my country, I love our Union, I honor
will have as banyan an eternity as England.' ' I our public men who are worthy, I lose religion
' ' and morality, but hate vice and bad examples
—• , wherever Been. , TBAVELLIS.
.teamship North America, Captain ii.
arrived at New Turk, on Thurediq
She brings 16 dayn later intelligence
Tho new !
11. Blethea
night last.
from Calif.
The into
gene from California . is not of ape-
i .
The election of U. S. Senator was.
take place in two or three.days . at.
• •arture of the steamer. The choico
en CoL Fremont end Mr. T. Butler
Et was thought that the former was
! ,L
bluff excitement still continues in all
• ity. The accounts published, sup
'. davits of those who have been up
end watched the different appear
t• beach at different seasons of the
!stirred up a spirit of adventure to
hardly credible. Vessels of every
are carrying crowds to the new El
expected to
ter the d ,
being bets
IGng erld •
The gold'
of :to inte•
Ported by
on the epo
caeca of
year. hare
an extent
The Alt•
there is m.
Californian expresses its belief thnt
,re reason in the reports concerning
I. of these sands than in those which
ost of the adventurers originilly to
the richne.:
impelled H.
the best standing among us," it says,
to the spot. examined the locality,
I sand, submitted it to the examine
oxidic, and to the assays of the most
hopest chemists and miners in the
.1 have published the result. And
some persons who come thousands
.on indefinite information 'respecting
I and have made their fortunes by so
lily ridicule those who see fit to oat
se, and go for the black mind and
up the coast, but as conductors of denouncing all those who, In the
e risked their money upon an un
/, the purpose of exploring, arrant
~itere, end swindlers. The same,
aid strike at the reputationZof nearly
Imileent men of California All we
I. neither° is nothing unreasonable in
at ass Immense quantity of gold has
the bluffs by the operations of the
°wands of years. The rail is known
i.och of the fine gold, similar to that
g the beach sand. The Pacific has
.Idwastier or. cradle, and the spirit of
has been Irocking it for limitless
"Men of
'thrive bee.
collected .i
tion of the
eminent an!
country, a.l
yet we find
of miles a.
the placers
doing, not
as they ple'
yellow gol I
public pres,
first instan I
certainty f
cheats. Wu
criterion w
all the pr
can say 19
the files .1
washed fro
ocean for' I
to contain
. found MO
I been the gI
the storm
The s..
re paper states that "ti grimt many
have been kept secret by persons
eel; for tome time acquainted with
tics, in order to coo what wilrae the
engross with regard to them, and
selves of the earliest information to
posses7sion of these fruits of nature.
at large hare but little idea of their
! secure the
'The peep!•
The S
I Francisco Herald of Feb. lot, for
following summary of esOnta since the
of the previous stesmei:
lushes the
. gnation noticed in our circular of the
unary still continues in our market,
. changes can be made from our last
During tan past week a alight ad
been made in some few articles, as
'a by' our detailed review, but there
e little reason ta expect any very ma
. .yemant•for some weeks.
will be a
seems to
terial imp
The nn
seartity of rain up to this time
.. • .
has very materially embarrassed the operations 1 niThrsiztvANDA RAni t o AD,
WO., "dry diggings:* The miner§ have Dees-' •
pied themselves thus f in throwing up dirt, I
ig s.. , - ; ; 7•.- --,.....-Et..-^
.---. .1
lffsl. SPRING ARRAME3IENT. 1 , 51
ready to take admntage f the first. rain that els-
Forty-six hoar, to Philadelphia_
reitspdthrtgent,;„fstpnedrsiofiLewlianloc ,
, c e ina ..t, he i,, p l ia th ced at
p on art th o e f 1
the country, a few days ,, rain would enable them! .Forty-four hours to Baltimore,
to collect an immerwel, large amount of gold, , 280 miles Railroad-1103 miles Canal.
which being immediatelY - thrown into the hands 1
of traders, who have givhn credit to the minera l Two Daily Lines Express Packet Boats.
for stores, would have the effect of at' once re- ._ v
riving business throughout the country. s
__,. - II •-.. ,
— . , t•
' ' ' • 1 . , r.,_____,.___.
~.. -,........
A Sege number of men are engaged with great ' (EXCLUSIVELY OR PAS2EN4ERS)
success in the country adjoining the Klamath' TO PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE AND
river, especially on Scott's and Salmon creeks, , NEW 'ollli.
ilal tributaries. This prtion of the mining re- :
N the opening of (lanai Navigation, TWO
&II has, as yet, been b t little explored in com- .
l t ) natty Lin...N[ Kap, + Papket Boa. will leave fur
orison with - the mom', Southern parts of the J. , 3 1111{0.111, thPlx, .o Porta.: • Railroad to
State, andwill doubtkiss be found to nhound . HOLLTD4YSBLIRGEL
- .
in "in placers" fully equal to any hitherto ---
. , as the
We mentioned in our last circular the report Two Itundrvd mud run !mile , ,meet ! . '
or very valuable discos ies of gold on the sea ; ,
1 _Time through Fr:Tv-viz fours.
the richness of the depo its, but also discover ma-
coast, near the mouth f the Klamath river.—'
Further investigations c nfirm, in a great degree,
, r ,,,,,, to phile,tehdan, SIO tare 51 11.......0....,.. 1 - 9.7 ,1.
ny serious obstacles to rendering theta available i ~4 7 :1C , 14,„t hi 1 '1 . "",,,1,,.,"'„,;•:. " ..„",7 • zz , ."1. , .. , .•l sm. , -
at the present time. The "Gold Muff" is about :_swiets leave every moruininmisehi at Debt weio,k.
thirty miles from Trinidad, the nearest safe I '''d ,eery """'"“ ' 5 0 " . '''''" Lose.
point for vessels to discharge their cargoes. The Passengers for Baltimore,
road between is of an almost impassable nature, On ntrintl of Can at Ilanishurg. !Ike the fork .ad Cum:
terriwad Itell-,rl. (now finkhed, duvet to that cat, teighty
only practicable for mules. four miles, l'lme. SOUR hdure
Considerable difficulty also exists in bringing ,No charge for handling Baggage on this route.
into operation any really efficacious method of 1 .1b:. 3 ,1';;;,.=; , ,,,.. , ;; ^ „ . ,, , ,,,..,,, , ;;;.t;„ t, , , :1: , ,, ,, ..0rt e ,, , , f ri.:,...b...
separating the gold from the sand; the weight of I Coe tins, VT intalliatits morn,
the latter, which is in n. great part metallic, pre- ; J. P.i HOLM ES,
or to I Agen
D. LEECII & Cf t,
venting the ordinary Virginia rockers from , 3 1memnabela if ee
, ' r.'
working successfully. Experiments have beer,
cant Emirs.Pe etzee•
tried to make the extraction by fusion, but a. nq e the let o t jov th e t.,,,, e 0.,,1 . ,,,,,, r • r r. a
I whether they can be carried out on a sufficient- ,74 ro n r g V i tt,t ^ r .L.''' ,. ..l: ".,, nil! .hurt.en the Um,
ily large scale to be practically useful remains to "Pitcsbu,h. lebrnnt y 19..41
• MONTEREY, JunuaTy 26, 1851.
Editors of the. Poetic News: •
It would be fain in me to attempt a descrip
tion of the excitement which has prevailed here
for the two preceding days, caused by the an
nouncement of the discovery of a ?let gold mine
in the vicinity of " Pacheco's," county of Mon
terey. The facts which led to the discorery are
as follows: It appears that some six days ago a
Mexican who had been sojourning for some weeks
in the Mission of San Juan de Baptista, started
from thence on his 'fray to the "mines," hilt
when adjacent to the mountains, near the rancho
of Pacheco, it struck him, from his past experi
ence as a miner, that the clay, or as it is better
known by the term of dirt, closely resembled
',that of the placers. Ile accordingrilialted' and
bommenced to "prospect," when in the space of
an hoar be extracted something about two ounces
lof pure gold! The lucky !iambi?, after staking
, out a claim, returned once more to San Juan,
for his mt.*, and to purchase provisions. The
facts soon got wind and rush took place among
the mission inhabitants that would almost rival
your "black sand" mania; horses, mules, and
even the ignoble tames were pressed into service,
and San Juan stands now 'almost deserted of its
' male inhabitants. The fever his spread to Mon
terey; companies are being ,formed, animals
bought or chartered, and nothing thought or
spoken of but the .-Pacheco
Market Street
1: street. the mrsaid dear frog
sad Liberty •tr 0,...
next. Inquire or
Attention '
R 7 Artmeman ts moat rreicctiony 10iitl4 to the
plait.unearedahed statement of John Watt. who v. cured
.of an o/d Cough by the nee of the Petvourv:
. Tbis may certify that 1 bare
~,b re
..n cured of an old
Cbtordn Cough. by the um of Fa so me. of Petro...
The cough attacked me a ye. ago 1. - t Divember.ltatt I hod
lent .11 hopes of getting srell, .1 bad taken Cured rice of
mem.' physki.o without any benett. 1 vu buneemd
flaunt Instantly by the Petroleum. 1 &wheel up. durom
the nor of the Petroinm.ohorisubsteassrysesoiliner tow —.
I make these ltatti.l2l.4 Viliagnit any r.olfeltazlon lento kny
one to do ro. and solely far the porpoise that others who
may be autlrring may be benefited. You axe Ai liberty to
publish thi. certiE.M. 1 am so old citizen of Pittaborgh,
hoeing resided here thirty.thrre ye.... Sty reahlcarr, et
this time, le on Second stmt. JOIIS WATT.
Ptirsation. February 'deb 1P51.•
For gala by Keyser A. geD;rell, 140 Weed gybe., P. E.
Seller., 57 Waal alma: B. A. Fahnestnek. A Co, mnxer
Wand and Front Meet, D. 1:. Corby, D. A. Einot,, Ja.wph
Danglaas, and 11, P. Schwabe, Allegheny. also by the pm-
Irriator. h. Id. KIER, •
feb=blerff Gerd Bag,. tieventh st...Plttobargh.
at-Parma:Mt Aar, ern ItturmiCaltrurns.—Although'
lona knretrn M a amereign mmedy for ebrordc cases of Hu
patbi derangement, the proprletma of Dr. McLane', Laver
Pills were net prepared fur the follnakug gratifying eel
deem of Ite capacity and aurally, Got.. to Agee and o.'
vet, and Baia. emoplalour
lentiaPtrar.a. Noe. 2, ler.
Ileker. Kidd d. Co.,—About one year am I am laboring
under a very severe atteet of Ague and Paver, but by the
me of 31clant's Neer Pills, I am soon rentomd to perfect ;
health. I behave them to be the best medleinsdor 111bor. '
camp:slum that has ;rota born oCerad for ,ale Iu thin wo-
Lem of the mentrd. JAMPS
Formle by- J. KIDDI CU..
melattdtalwdi 'No. Cu %To,' et.
_ _
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
• -
A full wad canal:Ult. atock of FOREIGN AND AMERICAN
huitwlaw fwr the orpring and which the' sr* prorwred
to Offer to purstutmen. - wt maws that will nitapart
fwvorrably with why of the twatiwo <Alm
Pornethe und Furagn , Exchange; flank
Gold .1 Savor, flought, Sold F. langed
WM. A. HILL & CO, •
No; 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Drffir, O. Tn. 1.41,1175. m14:4
110PARTNERSIIIP—IVo have associated
x_./with us Tnosirsan Cee, lits. Cashier cf *be Farmers
li)s.pogte Bank. wbo oill s terotr.bls personal attrut!on w tro
busbaris s. jtl3Tha
et;•le sbo firm 1V111.211111 ILA
11.151N1 Iseretri,n,
• S
Corner of Third. and Market sta. Pittsb'gh
Citizen's Insurance Company of Pittsburgh
.L 4 001cre No. 41 Water .tr.elu the'nnithous. C
C. O. Result. Pre,lLltlit ....A. 1r MM.. Sec").
Thno Conn Any tan , prewar...lto nnura annrelaealho
in star, alai In tranntu, an
An ampla guarantf Sro Oh. at/Int and Irani:lit, of Una
InsUltstlon. 1. adanled in th. rbanalar of On. Dffaat* it
g00.r, - .`l=n l lly
ad Intel:any •
sta.nns-1.. G. Ilnany. Ws. Day.lay, I{'m, Latimer,
u ff ant, Ilooh D. Kink. rdvrard
John /lamorth,n. - I.Larbangh. d. X. SW. ntAVAI
gorFa 1;851. ._
Philadelphia, Baltimore. and New York.
will ham, Sharpsburgh It miler abOrehon
march atter that. two D 1.1.3 alit hate teary
morting vad evenino.
Pas•encere will tithe the rtromanal VIRGINIA. (oppo.ltr
the PERKY ROUSE, Allegheny It hart) rte
rr at h.g at
14 o'clock, and evert est.nuirt at tioChck,fcrEh ' ar n psbu - rgb.
until the culvert at itlrty's Eau in repaii.ed
For pas s age or . otber inform:emu app onongahly to
Orto--P..LECCII it CO.. Canal Ratio Flour,. I
K HESE r 11.17 FRIEND!
4 RE YOU A FA'pIEB., laboring for the
aup7ott of a Wilily. and auffet'ing from general de
lilfdr and low epiritc. ))o that Lila altrio..t ...ems • burden
use 1.h.. 0. Howe'. Plaker Sarraparilla
~, ton a math., attp.sring fromdisease, to whirl) k
raals. are generalle aubieet. nar Ur. E. llowe's Eleter
raruproilla—it will certainly eon- run.
Call at our &pot, or on !one cf our agent., nod get a
pamphlet, malls, where yuu will Cloil that the Phaker
sal...rill, prepartd by Pr. S. D. flaw, ha. teem the
mean, of permar.ontly car Lag more &rases, to wk.') the
I human family am cont,nnally culucct, than any cther
preparation of Svaaparilla . ever, 'et tunnalit before the
Thu medne has ectablialoal Its high reputation by Ita
trumeroo. and well atte,rdeures.
Ili. put up In quart bottle, and is the only Fareapuilla
that LOU on the Llter, ittineya. and Blood at the tame
tonlll, Vidal miller, It altogether meet valuable to eta°
(MN particularly w ire a
mire and enqu fcr tDr. S. D. TIOWL'S SIIAICER
SARSAPARILLA. and take ho tare.
Price litre bottles tar
'For sate
DR. a. D. /IOW': CO, Pronth ton.
I Tolle.,
Cinannati, OGIo.
To who= all y order. racy addreaced.
Alto, for 1).32.eJ Jones, J. rot:ram:raker Co- W.
Irma, It. IV Mem., J.'ovrn.ond. J. Malt, W. Jerk
A. .1.11 Palter..v. and E. O. Sk.
Chanel)). Mellon It Knot) Cadia.
European Agency.
The submailacr !ahltLn., Q.. , nrinetpal c.thi LA
Breit Dtatain. France. and I.4.rntany. dunta., tto anctuths ni
At ril. ?lay. and Alta. , i Itaviha l'ittaburzb un ala. , [..
17th. and 0111 be ta Lai ata:nd .a ..,,,., ar 'a Du
atneta character vbirh ma be contalad to hi. •-an.
ean7 , thnriT.,.. JOH a D DAVIN.
=ll.artstust ,
1, this Intl., rotottt,l sani fur.vNed ft, of tworto.r. fn.
this &net.
A Mato , k can tio attention tl the !siva to
th.-irnew and bzhionael sue'r of tipring and Suanntr
tVndnesday naorninat '2 rket. WthUtll term. Of
th e em of John Irnin
ionmal lake Om,Ci , , Itnmalmy , to,rnio, at
100',1,1‘... from r• , ,M.dov. of Dr. U. IL U:4 co
et,et, A 11,412,0)
1.." that trel• LINE. re a`eoevee , l rreten.:v of Fftelleal feast.,
e• eetoe... Ite full ap.ereet.on.feereth farelltee, rarre. • laeseee
ttataety /.1 lertla tee ta 1,1 alelOsta and
to tate.e....,. at aa eue=
reels rea-t.elor Lit.,
arrlea,mer et ell•erhe.e.n mag i ea,' in.;
Crate! .O...etaeraer.a.elerearaLare.' Ileaauagelteeo . .Thll
CeOa )11.tle.e.
eerp,. Clark'. Farr', ii . a.-re.leurae. wale,. and all ce
eatarnaolttoe..,attes are Yrn us, var. Calm' •:al Vat
l'aeire.od :alum i.aals .1 Ina at-tux - v.l fro.
tKe Je.neata. yr 44n... azal re-eceelaritv .tte,eneteue,
the al. ereleaea ol tee. taa, bee reoloi
uteeeel. J .11.; 101 l kI.L a 2. l l rarnertor.
n...L1:11f *n of rer uftM
II EDW ARDS it!'etl. have it.4ocinh.,l with
awn,. ruaptif...rturil.... L.4.-.112.,•, Mr. I, A
) 0418us,.kr
A. the O
aarm Mur.7.l, C
4 E-1VE:...514:PR
r-uL, ',yell:At SCALP; LA E
13,5. dr %tater edt-ons,,. l'n.
Capita to Invest
,A .
BC Nl.tis MAN, who ha a cash capi
n!ltiii..lo filtd.V.J. tail a.ll translated :a tn.
nitt • • 1.9 littistte ep actlvo iarturr Iti Kann tiu•t u e..
tdritsily r4utfr , V . o. eaticr nnimtukiit t.r Litsiursourinti
Caqualuntradatt.sos rrni awn.. rOJI No
Irat•tidegb sill rexitr luansillats attsullxi. sod li
knat ttrintl? narltl,!.,
To Contractors.
t)B.OPOS4Ls win 1.2 received at the of
f.., ..1 NI II rittttbilr i th. up
t: the trap
. ad khe mud Stator, on the
P a t wilt the. T.niptranott 11.4. td,Nt.tilettns Plank
Past 11. n Sir dila tirsdlnit sad 711uurtriuu their Briiiinit
ou t, t., Wai t Ls, , on tbe IVisditidtoti
Turnpike Sin. far • Bridi, Crtler s i. Cate), tint!
tbr. Nolte:Casa M. VI. BROWN..
srLut;t' Pr•sident
- NREII.: lIT ON BACON REDUCED.--The I =....fry'tt.`,.."14:u" 1 , , Viirt....7;;;;;;; ,T,
I , nutttiranlit Ilaillataa Cana, are no• tarn tair - r. Piir fr•Wlm iwi'd f'ti3flti.` W3I 0 SCAltir.. a
-min liti:talciplita f 4. 4.113111. to WO C.
suchi., .31rFADEN k COVWDK. ACi, 1
1 1)IRINTING PAPEIi--A ruperinr It of
1 l UIII cti I NTZ.ES. — Mtt ftlitll & Brutit- I ' p.tuPi. tt.dontt rapt, 272:f7; and Iturtrelal. •:21=
I_l rnmo Int.t, the eft...tutu t 1 thc Ladiea to amt. tufa i., 'att. kt ,
~ . W 3 II AVEN'S
an, beautiful eitef , if Ltaht mutt lirob Chintzy, i , a3t nt b• I arYr Mora ...It MarkYt and Sow) yta
...II ed. rhU, 10,.. alt. urn ell. (207=111,. Mt 111tworal - - .
•ttypli ,I , lit: INO 130 S, ET.. yet 11°4 t-ttrf inll.--tairny lat 1 NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! '
ye Bonn. Itilitvim Win...GU, .
___,,, I
AltE IA: 1,.11N ES. Light and Dark. 1 " t ..,, , ..`,7;rt'o'ut''':ttto 'h i:4"tiri7..... - ----tb. itm.t—py G..
anriudirot . tow p..r,....t, z.....uN1F , ..P.t../.1.t . t . 'Burma. atitht , r of 11., ..111ble to Orall4 '
o for ebildr,ti r. , ',1 awl oilltn, tem hy I Ilarkateli NI. 310011111. fur Ward,
ine3ll2 3 lr !WHY 0 IiCItCIIIIIILD , Illar....atoid. f”rt.brtt.rr•
..:. - ---- ut-ttpn
NOTICE. • ilatzarine. No 2
I 4 E t
I T te T E E O II .I ut S o f C :l l lc . , ltits - 1 1 / 1 . 4 . ?,, , .. 1 ... 1 , 1: N 1 r 0 . r i i .. 5 . ik T , 1 .,. . ,R ;f 1 . 1.: 1 : r t i t 0 y.. , 1. N .c . rt1 5, t . f ' f i r I ..1 1 ,1 t h c(l?t u'o tir f q "s:l' o ' f rr'S‘ SI Iri7 c.itatt roe tta :7i . 743%.t.
tt";olio';:!tri:h7;'4'ir...,',,,.., Al* i.,;...,"7,..i . n . ,",t11.!', , 1' i r,;;,T,t , ,,u p u ",„:,, 1 i, - 1:t . .'1nt;:;.;'.. , :!:,,,,... ,.. ,L7 m P 1 • U.
4 .„,,,,,,,,,, t,„,,,,,, tt rz , re.,,,tzt , 4 , , , z , q , •...;7; E :,! . , ! . .i. , ; , ..itht. , . „„„ , m ,„,,,,,, , 1.,,.. atori iti . thy Itelain of tieltrife
dectiy I lit CI P. IL Jante....l:,
lerlil3 ,, Gt A . Adnatuirtrator
frill ISANKI:I I,* . aMI Unlit'. ME , relittnts' 5 ~.1 3, 1 T,,5 , 5 , .t hi t, .71 : t -L , : . S i ark,, , tk . i i . ; . -. .7 8: pr. , , . .i —.
i 3la t ituinty. ft,r March Attu— t it.i. krul ~.h,,,,,,it .a. ..„,,,,, tut 15 .1 tt.
Itt n of Luill , l.G.. by 1,1. r., 'wit, Tor lain at 1111L3.1, Lae- ,
nay Dalai, Third 0 , op‘lv.ite thy Po. INTIre '
- I' EA.II.I,S -1 . I rusk. ( tirst ttort.) fur stile by
.. .
8 R003,,—,,i,auz. Corn. medium; -----
t, EATIIEILS—rt eacks ( prime; foe role by
nicht:l l t. ' ' ;', o ,r,Vilcr t bj • I "' main . Wlek A .In:ANDLIttIi.A
1 --- 47 .-- 21 - 7§) „ ~,,A iliis _ it2y. e,,, ,, ,.. e /ir, f .. ,,5m , rrAlt: ,, , , . bbl. (N. C.) for ale by
V ' TY "'
j ' ' LL I . M t S''' C 1
- 8- Esi f oN ii A
.11.5.--t!.i :or snot b e ' 1 ) )
- ; t tt ILLIA3I 4 & _. dnotzht. itu.litun, Clarke k Co, •in t.c , ttler, for pale
nithl3 CO. • 'bi IL A. 3 A lINKATI.N.K A CO..
-STS;DR/ES— I flbl. Chestnut.; c...t, Firti and Wand oh,
' 3• tt ll,kery Nutt,. : t
ri m jf7NED PILL BOX.E.S--Amkprted , toes,
tv....m.. btaa.rin landleK fur Cafe by
nichr , I JU.ti I LLI AM., A ezt I Itir fate by N. A !kW:F.:in/0i A CO.
S Market
er of nark.%
• Ist nf
/ACM 1111.1:£11.,
,ID6 Pnno
Female Seminary.
kl RS. R. W .
,P9 . I):DEXT r„r me .llFt
mrarmn propoes . ee ty
C ommo ,Alle,heny City; csuanencln. un the rkr•t
d'itttnel:Aol., inotroCion ulual branzla
i . ;
el n titeitngll.ll Ihparlment..
l i ,
t x R . .rn. D. 1,..4
t s A &AMY 019.
Ilee. P..
JOrton Dte•r.t>. ° C i r—l i'SE,O ca F ra i n -'I,S I ' : fl i rA rT tor l ) ° ; ''', ;rltlng, Arlit;
i &atom Intr...,llria-rTfirre .arid Mental
- 1 1 Irsil;:mh - Ir6sLet , r., . Ithrtorir, kde . r for ,ale s., mar
d b', ,i,,,--m, ll e
imbrute the urinal glurlita.' •
w9tls In.truttldn9 in 0. , kstntit Lana-nap. 14 1- E ATEIEBO - 60 sacks Feathers received
nod or mar 9, 8. d W. II \URA I'I.II.
lERJ.fsc , l 41 - Alizt , „l.l
10' __ ...-,• -.-- - . _
1,,,,, p,,,,,,,,,,, .. . ..,5L.* 1,•,..1.., !I j)OLL 11l rr Elt --;7, Barrels reed per S. B.
' ' ''' L ' .. ..;i ' ', l" • ' • `'' ' '' ''''
in,r,i. .... i ' I t Te'""" ' smi
A. a W. it AtnAutin
, uanr h,
at,. ...
'"'r tnifll ' t ‘' ' il„ Alt1)-20 Ids. dr 100 kgw. No. I Lard in
1(1 - ELY ERIZE 11 clillS--Rolined nail Presl.l-.4,'"." an, fee rule by , ,u, Aw, Haim ,t,,,,
so, b e Tft 'i lfl i r l ' ir " tle .. .l. 4 l: " .: r treed F'" ln -- I T y l' h i elt i rlsr rn or.r b le:L ) 9, '' fnd ° ;" pii',3l ,--- s___3 bbl. for rule by
ram - nu:cal. Pudd.ouw, Cakes. estatanla, d.,... Le.. Inatl., 1,9, 4 neh , NI SI If. 7(IIINFTON.
lb. dlreetmnt stc.tapan; to each package, will tat fasted .-- - '
too!st usr.ttbrd- 1 . I;tul Per.P.' l9 fl , o s .nt 9 . I A.RD - 17 . kegs in more and tor Bale liv
1., ~,,ti 1, mthl. IL s. St,LLtItFl. F. 7 W..,04 R. J m ..b.. W9l. 11. JOIINSTs./ri
. _._,
11 . INSEEO Olt -20 casks Linseed oil, - C . , lIEEN AI • i'LES-31i bbl. fur side by
ip A ret'd and Yd. nab" 1.,/ 19 AA ., It'll. II JOI IlssTO
mt.' ,t. E. d IT. IIAIIIIAIIfI 11. .'-
111IIIILI 11'PLIIS-00 baekti receivc a and I kill' APPLES.-2.iu lei. for sale lit
ALF for .10 by mg , 12 0 wale . ITAILBACIt If. I_, a, atm ii..niflNsrov.
1 AIID-20 Wilt,. NO. 1. - Lard ree'il tied ftir lClioltY NUTS-17 libl. fur sal 1y
La tale t ty mar 1 . 2 Y.+: W. HARILII2II 11. li r ...h . li b( 11. JOIINST4 , 9:.
. .
w ilouw ti L.A SS-2 1 )0 boxes Window 0"r
~1 0 LEAF TOBACCO - 2 Mal. for sii.lC
E nets , ' WM. IL JOIINST , 0N
T Illa , s, to
Leer and earunn..brando, reoW and _ -,-,-, , / - - ---
for ,ale bya,r,
mar 12 ''' ' S ' • "&&" 6 " li. i Vik Jtil. 1 ED-A SALESM AN in a Dry
iliTitlT E WINE VENEtiAII, of asge ri or
rn.,..",'9',.„:„1.4,;,,)..X°1%,1,7,1,tr:11:11,L701.9,,,n„,...., will &bod
,LT, , , s e tale , 1 .., r r " ' lo' q r ' I
A. r,;t:air6;',v,!'" - -cia
-.,.; '''''''' '''''' T" '''''''"r' lIITA TCIIES, J E W ELRY, SILVER
FOR PIES ANL , 'I AIITS-Frcsh Cherries T WAAL', 're. Ware, Britannta Tea !wt.. twat . titter
aid Plum, put up as their ...Inlet, mu.serrlna the , Plattgl Fora,. btwont . Jull butter ittr i os a Table ,i t..l.•ll ;
brudnal darer ol - the 11,1 t. Atgo--Ctopee, „ 1,..1, A t.ed irai.a siisiiii , •• , o
'.' '
a2d Inwellitcr ' 7'sta ''' , L it. " .-
I , htet awl thou Itlngbom and EIVII , II th !aline. 1.1 Jelllet.. : n`''''-'" • :• .--° ''k newt...hal e , .,,. . ~,,, - ~, .. et n il
Maur , lanue, dr fbr mi./ br ' b ' '' ' ''' ' "'' I'
'" ii; • ‘ au " rOlaet. =rs . Vta'usond. ,
usthlt - 4‘' W. A. Ma:LI:Ili:A CO-.121.4 Lattt y . i 1itt11.,, 6 ` 44 ''... 6 .
ia UNDRIES .- 1 1.1n,1e Gum Shellc: i ' 4
- kill - tile ow ' , ore la underculng reps]. In front, clue
tom , ra esti nn I we us the rear bf Ulu %tore. teutramt let
I-) 1 bbl ?User Eand, irout,t with a ißrifir ktilfi, of the abou t ~,,,,d,„ AAA A , AA
I .• Cream Tartan met.
I bale net. l ee Curio I u l: s jltr i A ls..7h l' rem.s. strip ahoy on th, woad story.
1 [WV Lbunarler Halt ,sort re.uired W. W. WILSON
and for salt by h. li IVItrItt:Itt11:01. , A ,..,,7 .. corner Fourth and bfartel A.
snrhl2 . eurner Wood brut Math .t.i. -
•ABOOK KEEPER, who can come well IJIA G El) BLANK BOOK . !.. 7, ;lll . e , Si f ib m s e e , r b i:
1 ~.... ~,, Ti .
,:. :-..,, i w . ~. bee
w ho U,., blank Ikaska,
1 AYAIT:-',,--,7---:::,-.7".1"V''''''''' '',' n .u.7.-1 - Si i lame m'. alta:le of Mauls Stork, whsrls I, allrade of the
teljl ' E A ' ''' ‘ . ' ,."lr -. ' " t1;,c,.., ~ - ' t /..,,,,, ./b .er, end bound in the [melt aubtanl2al man
bidl i'betti&l ' el . ,llo " l ISo.IOO. t ''
'' r... 4.
. rujilite : n '''' ,. “ , w ' th the 1.1,...1 numbered In tvautlfurtire. All who
- 1 - 1 1 1./En P.E/AC, -. /lE - S-- . 1 - 1.8. - k, ft7l . s ' alo by I;:iriarVit'iriVi'''sallh,.wlitc°l4."VlVll7elil,7.llst''Yloctlielirojrsis'":t'lcat't
wiehll W:Ch A 31c , A9.111,1.:58. . Yrtl 9 ' 9 . ~ No. 47 Pdarket et.
1 liilEil APPLES-r+ I sacks crow sale by '-- — 7 --- , ,
Inehll Il 11l A sIeCANLII.J.Sb.
' a'F --- 110"S.-IIIII be .tensed. by brat canal arrival., a
"A.TS---iv4 backs I ., st t.ttlo liy
13 mehll - new and thrice amaOrtiuent of craneli atid ilasteru /t4PX/:
II 11. i J. Iltt A Nisi._-__ , HA NbINGS. In gold, donut, temlet . and glaia ratter - as,
together with • largo lot r i f v e A lr i tr a tap
m an Ai tyliaiton rat
()ORS -2 libl.. Cwt by Pev ,
metal W it-I( a 31lot6NaLtitt. i ma: ES Wood at
WIIFAT—`2.I bble: for sale I.v
luau WWI{ MA'AM/LEO:
UVINDOW GLASS-2.:',00 boles. embra
v), eine ail tbe Ait, In general tlae, now. IT . Fere and
for attic be In,nbtt I RoBERTSoN klt I MIT.
SIIIRAS' ALE--.llXlVaole and—llE*Dbli).
in ante. arab nonatkotarrivals from the yre.ery.
arrarstell fleet quality, for gale by
Q TRAM , ' `WRAPPING—From the Virginia
17 Mill, emt.tattUy in kora
ROPIRRTSIN and fur< at ntantartn
-. • „ rm .... ~ k RiIITLIIT iI .
''' torttll '
-- -- -• •- - - -•_ - - -- •
Q.CYTIIE RIFLES-15_ gross (warranted)
I.3 m lrt h altre .d fur sale by •__ T. W - 1t . 1 1.1 t 5 .. ,, XN.,
B EANS, tb. li s ;: i t t. S.7 i. ,.—.l . - ":" .
lOU bo. bliellod goes; 1 ,, r rain 1 7
mebll T. WOobe a SON, fit Water at.
Y Front Le s elinton Milts. ntrobenville , for stem by
mchll W. I'. 3IARSLIALL
`TALL PAl'Ell—Prices reduced at the
V V Enatlrti Paper Hanging" , emr , No. S-5 W O .l at.
whit Wl'. MARs.nALL.
11;i1.1tE BOARD PRINTS — For sale by
t :nett I W. P. MARSHALL.
WINDOW •BLINDS — For sale lit
melil I W. I'. MARSHALL.
1 1./ ACON--5 etl.sktl reed and for sale by
I_, mehll J. S. DILWORTH A 30.
1 FLOUR—M bbls.ree'd and lbr sale by
OLL BUTTER-;-10 bblo. for sale by .
;IA mehll. • J. FL DILWORTH kCO
Two Tharulred Carriages at Auction.
l'ifth Semi-Annual Trade Sale nt Philadelphia.
Tills SALE 'will take place on
IT E.SDAY, the day nf at
CHINES): JICSEUM. and will excel all others In ex
tent. The reflection will embrans at least tau hundred
'arriseen. a parttmx of atteh allEbelleemad.hatitt. of a su
.lwrior make and In gurel onto The Nen Work. (nun , of
which will be 'warranted.) will he from makers of aeltnow
iniged eolehrity throughnut the stut...t., Danitir ,
riwiee co.. .1. D. Doughty. John lertick and otinTs.
It ennui in all ooto-000, Oregards styl e. Habil. and
durability. to any made for customer. or to ord.r.
rir-Pnrehruera from a till:so:mean. Informed that the sale
eritf porfriee/y take u the tars day. without regard
to the weather. ALrltEll M. 111:11 . kNr1.9. , ,
rachn:bt utter
Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts, &c.
'11.11:P 11Y BUItpIiFIELD hare now
iete,."..';r: 2 7".ffriVn i o l 7l`cn i itt;ii.V
,n 1. In eninred Lucian Ao., unOnnutml cotton Loh, nod
bark ova 10. spun Silk 4 ... •
Sal, mid Lulr
. . . .
Comm. and and F:lk Mrrrt.
Colton and 31,81. n Uoth•rxhirtac Infao:s . ke =tall
nt rashat North Es q. corber of Fourth mud
Market or.t. mean
iy OST—d BRASS KE Y.—A ov
Ina it von 0.3. . leave It at tho Lita. , tte
hula dr SALE—'2o bhh. White Louisville
LitotT purple and now Carpet Chaln: • dosnUtY of
...and cheap Family I..hclor. 0 doz. 1... ad Pend's : and
pourer. "role
,Ice Marriage tam bitkott's Cotattertat
tar, nll our In.mlng, and rho moot of our wevkly, bud
quilt r..Aer of thatat,
mclll.(r.:it . 6rnmilllion llriChant.-I^Kill •5.
fICM OPIUM—I ease for sale by
tft m.-b;0 J. KIDD A CO.. ill, Wonl st.
Q,' curcit SNUFF—SOO lbs. (Garrett's) ftir
C . 7 nle Ay tochlo J. KIDD * CO.
1) R1E , 1 , / ,,, i1 0 'il ACII ES— , :it ,, (o o l , lu. , f(s7 ,l ( , :Ab i ! .. by
t i10c ;, ,... ? Ay 111 , UT S—Tl t gl i, f i lo: , grA .
, b r y ,
CI . REES APPLES-100 bbl. b.r sale by
k.., weblo SAMUEL P. SIIKIVER.
V I! EST St 1.. TS-20 LW. for sale by
IL/ mrolo f: AMU EL P. stlarekrt.
t it oL d L JiLl' , 'l;k: . R-1 i i bbl prime lust reed
. .
s.saleEL P. sliders.
ri. , vhlo
pItY APPLES—aI sacks reed'. for sale by
y mcbtO SA311.1:1. P MP.IVER.
Qilolcrlie--3..70 bu. for sale low to close con
c sbremest.. to SAMUEL P .!!PAVER
HI ICE-10 to. ((real!) b•r• sale by
"-.• No. 3 Ma.Aerel:
it ar
pnma N•alunnrot Potatrat.
ki :4
"Iltarn Araks.
nu.. Ear Corn;
" l'ond
A'Pl" 'T '' (Vl.l l ;ll t i. T 4 SON,
Prt4ore Dealers an 4 Cormalation Mrrcbar.l..
' nt. di Watts atreeL
OLL eurrEit, bbl. just rec'd and for
T. WOON 4 tO:N.
v 1.14 1I Water V.
.%Rl.) OIL-26 bbl. No. just rac'd and
L/ na1e;1..... by WALLINtirIYAD & 00.
1..1611bL-15 bblludo by
J IPI• Cll . . at.
. •
itr EMNEEL.---1:, KM. for mak ior
J. RI CO.. a:. , V:tal et
I )ILACEt Iv A NTE F.r I•everal good
raliatin. K.-.+ ra B.4.haLat: man.
!a- • .4 Mati.• 441: and l•ra,men. Iltatlrramat
Ma... a 4...4] PulLr, ea..l llaar. mat a l'neller from En.:
It tat Alto—:S•larea Pr a nun. bar of 1.,a. of all asta
Ilnum chstnlwrtnal..l., •at sad dry mar , ..
aml atanen mad airla ptmairti far lamllaa. or tiaMLy. on.
rt a • 1..,.. 4d. ant att.,
dr, toat Al., nut., 4
11.110:1 ,
kn.+ It. Agvne,kkut k .
Large Salo of Valuable Household Furth.
ON TIItTIZSDAY. ?IA !ICI] 13th. lit 9 ki . .
U. S. the restieurs. Wlf LBWS. sol tas
Illnk. in 11. lltr cf AllOght• ny..l,etutuir. the htrr
dttrs. wf Lot:to - sp. Lwow .111 4. tor.t.le Ii v .Mir
• f hl. Ilttuswlntlut i °mann:. rftmistong to p.m )latutel
Old r .rasa.. Mat:tsp./0' frenea t Cam,. Center Ts.
1.1.111. I,rr and l'lrl lothrst Work
stand: silt 4 St. of toe moo t5...1 Ingoad rder. si.r. Lai.
girandwlrs. lard and crt:
lore ar
pste mot ruM.. 1 large el,ht day o bete hr
rts - m. mots' rettretary, / matuttmtnt I. k
at.e. hAt.rult. umLrell. Iran& oil sloth, .3.1. twsl.
sterols, 51100 J) e-nct walnut. wahlrot.s. I mazflue.rwnt
choral dress - mg Klaus I t - oSr'staft)tilttlniittades tfM
-1.1 Iss.f., sits tloe marl supply of iltatniwr arri
Furstlittrs, (rib. raltd's w to Ti,
prtneirwl P.M.( the above lllnaweany Furstlturs WWI made
the cel..hrated White lts Walnut :treot.
and Is in 'dal onlerrse or it -a recent much/ow. (slag
;Ls tlf FunAtufn ever offer, west of tbe mount...
at ituhltr sate •
There .111 who be madwd is tbe rr.let a era raU ramtly
Crtmisoe. Lane sad In mud order. nth farts
suet a vamety articles pertnaulm, to the rahle.
IF.Lars d COYLE,
Cm. Match F—ts Aurt'm
NOTICE.—The steamer ASIA. in July last,
Lrouglit truth awls/Lath II Patent Cburnr: and I tw Jaw:A homt. of UM p 1.,. Not.ll.
' , rat mveu. that tf the said Chun.. sod alt. are not
• • .` -•• • L • ' •
" k by
H. A FA II N k 9_l
I Ain' tiCA UM—Engl
. importet, - tr
ma kby meh4 It A VAIINE.STuCK A y
Jour' Y —ln bladders, in inisurteol Nized
-L- grtir ''s lur
B. A EnnsEstocx a co.
WEN'S P L AST fill.r.nrize and • ,anall.
YJ f. oalc by A. A FAUN ESTIX.7i
Wo.yl sic
iTIES-100 DR A Y 111 . 1!E * S w. received
AFETY FUSE-450,000 feet Bacon, Rick-'
forl Co.'• make. warranted. foraale '
Each: J. &DILWORTH k W.
1 L CLOT I IS-- 10,000
. yards fl6or Oil Cloth,
If beery arat medium, fr..rti .1; to 6 'spin wide, of tbr
neseet pattern, • reta ilill Lo ra ma ny! w at wholesede
eastern make. and ower th other houne In the
city. We Invite the atuntion or ntirchaort• to thr above
stork. at our .are moos.. !it.. 7 and 9 Wotel
toch7 J. a 11. PHILLIPS.
!arev, a.eortsbent of 4. 5, and 6 gr. Meeting.
and Figur,..l Rack. Patent Carriage Oil Cloth. a ',detail , '
article. for esde • bolenale ao low as eastern prices.
mch7 4. & 11. PHILLIPS. 7 and o Wood a.
of Facinry—t,ooo ;dr. 4 and 6 qr. Oteeooll Cloth, ar tuAr
sale and retail, at Na 7 and 9 Wood at.
.nr.h7 J. & 11. PHILLIPS.
ABLE OIL CLOTHS—A very large at.
vortatent of Table Cover., on head end roe We et
7 and 9 Waxl ntreot.
• -•
's' closer
just end and for nal, by
mcb7 ' J. el. DILWORTH CO.
RIED PEACHES-150 bu. (prime) for
13 sale by f metal 1. S. DILWORTH a CO.
110110TASII-:10 casks No. 1, for sole be
.1 Inch? J. 6. DILWORTHk
_ _
, boxes extra Ws and a'n
e, ,men "Y
). P g. u lVERTat
D. KING danker and Exchange Bra
n!, ? kner,,,n= 4 -64e`er.T.w.,ZrgliAT"git',I
went at ‘ ,pw ratee, an , Ls now paying the hiabeat mtrket
pr.llll um In par DJ for Amerman silver. mei)
r HE largest Stock of Blank Books, of
.i r tiolrge i Vtrs n bthdfi'"
W. 8. RAVEN'S Blank Book Stare,
corner dlarket and Becond R.
Merchant+ am mdamted to call and exam!. our Modi
ntn and I)rmi Blank Wort, which art offered at /mom
prises Wan they hare, ever beet sold in this city.
[Pont and AMerloan ropy.l • meltd
H ARPER'S MAGAZINE, for March, ro
il mired and for sale at J. B. tIOLIIPS,
Literary Depot, Third grind,
mend nliPscite the Post Odle,
FOR SALE—Exchange Bank Stock, by
mews n. D. KINO. Fourth st.
.aorifce, sa the osruer I, an Noel 194 72 re br
m. wh in n
destitute. and whkes to obtain rm.. to take her to leer
family In too State of Indians. J. LI. PHILLIPS.
niche N 0.7 and 9 Weal rt.
PARPET—Received this day, by Leech
it-pont,Otr.,-Toew`ti7,boir m ori_lvt.e
TlLrittel , Drulteels, Tapestry, Imperhs. .b•v. P l 7,
Tapestry Venitan. Plait Vealtsan and supsrtna lagralt
Carpet, of
the moot modem styles. ' yacht
OLASSES-,200 bbl. N. 0., for sale by
mess s. a IT, lIARBACO 11.
CANDLES—MI boxes Mould;
s• at: e
mess/MA CO.
I LOVER:a:ED-50 bu. ree'd, for sale by
rncht3 8.. 0 W. LIARBACGIL
OLL BUTTER-10 bbls. fresh Roll Butter
i3~'led and lot silo hi
ch•l H. a B. IIARFIAT.:011.
fv REEN APPLES—SO recd, for sale
br mr.116 S. A' W nu-mu:on.
1110.-40 bbli No. 1. in store. for sale by
I,s akch6 8. It W. lIAREADMI.
,E 4 INSEED OIL-10 bbl. reed, for sale by
, LOVERSEED-75 bu. for sale by
URUN AICIP ES-50 bbl. (in fine order)
oit au! fur rale by
1139 N--1 Lars
, New WaAon,qsuita.ble
AM-) 01L—IA) bble. Sue Winter Strained,
o f +r ule L> J. KIDD A CO.,
N 0.50 Woal .trept.
ir '0 PPE bbls. tin good order) for
wit. by J. - KIDD Co..
EA.? W cod stn-et-
rrliE PARTNERSIIIP heretofore existing
twayek the goeberribers. under the etrio of -rm.
,a1c1.," Mooing MI le tbie doe diseolYed bypuut...)
rom-et. tinEnlshed buelnen a the atom. nom teil/
by Vt - JONES. •he motto. the btk.
noes, at the old stood. J. G. SAINT
JOILN W114 4 1E.
Sot...mono, bob 20, mrht:tf
i7 se! bhls. 0. Moloner.
w • . -• .
" r w visloc. ! Bale by
mmeter. " utTLE t CO.
VINI:GrAIt—LO bbl. receitir.g for sale by
In ch& ttonte.oN,
I RIED BEEF-5 tc. S.C.. for sale by
lOLA SSES- . .5 2
....on and to arrive, and tro. tido A.
L. S. WAtgft.).[AN a SNS.
mob:. su SI irate r. and M.! Front at.
F isu —4O bbl. prime large No. 3 Mackerel
11.e[en Inypeetion:
10 " Balt:roc, I ferrinc. - . for sale by
L 0. cc ASERMAN d SON.
lIIRIED FRUIT-725 bU. Apple:
1 , 75 Prsch ff.r by
bbl. for .le bP
. RemisoN. LITTL} on
rr: BS & BUCKETS-60 doz. Buoket3:
10 - Tuv for
4 I LASS—::SI. I boxes W. G., ::'d. City arid
Comary brand., to •ale b. ATEP.3IArA
n [ROOMS--I_'t) dos. fanny and 'good corn
JUP mon Corn Broome, for pale tm
ma.M5 L. el. W ATI:RM AN
QaDSZa) bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed;
664 ' LO. WAIL - FULL:I%3 *
CUTTER—`_'O bbl. Rell Butter
5 and 5 kes, Packed Butter. for
.scU SI A St W.:, .4 CI Vesta sr
_ _
B ACON -4 casks liams;
3 elder
Ebouldem purl r.ed. kr No by
Inchs %VALLI NU PiAlb
LttD OIL-10 bbl. No. 1, on hand and
p. br WALLI"4I°.:,
ZIP_LACKWOOP, for February, and
""""'"' " ""`
oppasllo lb. Pot O.
rrAB-25 bbl. recd and for folk by
tn<l.3 nours.N. Lirri.L: Co
ICKEREL-7Y bbl. Yo. 3, slr eale by
J IM d,a. Doto , ret , mp Corn Broca,
Oleo Epanith Sole Loathe,.
11.0 baa 0 =dew Ulaas, aatorte.l mei
keg, Nall.,
"'''"""1, OMIT 1 1 .r141.%
ItIED PEACHES-55U bu. for sale by. 1
HOMBON. tract co..
• "•..5 Liberty st
1 -I Lolilt--Ratbbl. Rata se y & Seott's Pam il Y. t
4 , , 4, 3 PUS 61,-- stringsb nest . lednertan _en,
fir ..,, , rachS R0t11,...., LITTLE l CO. i ' 2...b'..% "'.. b'
std.:, " 1 1 1 --6 casks lieut.) f.'s. sale by ; I , A.&l7liiii..,'A PE l'A N.N ELS-3 doz. ifor sale
' l, . '''`'N.k . ..' i by
_ ... lmcblf . J. KIDD .t C4_,.. on Nr.d.,..
It ItIED APPLES— 71 pkgs. f,,r Said by Ladies ' Fine Dress Geods.
BACON —163 pc. for rah , lA. VIL I Ntl-14,111a^.. TlOO .., nereey. de Enloe, Mouo. de
meh6 W ILK / NDC.ANDI,I . S. nos.. 1 , ..nwne. ,. . 6 ... Ac .—lesion Prins ;i5 , 1 , ....unggu de
, tlreble p t., .
H ICKORY NUTS--) 4 ekc. for sale hr I f0t,.'.1 Sr'. O 2 and C. 4 Market ..t.
non:. wietra MeCANDLI: . ef... '
1 , lIESTSCTS-11
hag for nale,br
1,,. ass,s - , Vlcic 4 stze.obt.ts.
BUTTER -4 bbl. prime Roll, fo r sa!e by
QAI.RRATCS--1 - 1 casks and :13 boxes pal
17 •eriz.-1 Kr Nala br
mchS ..- ' WICK 1 SI(CANDI.ESS.
1111100 „; 11 ,.s r.3-- 13:3 doz. ( Corn) for xelc bT'
IlVrt r ..:l,l' , l:l C ,\ ,,, .t , y i ii.j i. E . P.--3 .4
C . 1 .8 r t e , an n. 31C: , , , ruern,
meter,Wl a CK ilcCA!71:11.1 , &
ACKI::.IIEL-13ti l ei l 6i N i.4 3 ,i'A f fq. s z '-' 3:.i. e by
l or D 1. : „ .
) 1 .! E lilt G-31 . 1: e. bo a o s e i ll ., f7T . 1 }, ) s. for
.1.1111-1.1 keg. No. 1, for sale by
Temperance Notice.
IHE F/tlENliti or TEMPERANCE. hfild
tug llelltluns fair thy ertßettrent of n prohlbitury law
n. the sale t,f Intostrating liquors In Allegheny Cuun.
ty, are requested to hand In the pentlons loontedistely, to
t.. 1,. NI ewer. Nn. Sodthflrld street.
Tha s s Rehr, bane out their petition filled by Riordan,
are nyuested to use every eßertlon during thil week.
A. W. SIAIIKS, Serretsr,.
IIEiIALNi OIL—WOO lbs. in store, for sale by
mela4 31(1.1.1.Ill k HICKETLION.
fLARE'r WIN E-14 hhds. Burdettux;
1,) al Loxes II Ned,'
111S hint,. Haut :dome Wine.
2) to stun, fur sale by
meh I It teKETKIN
New Books!. New Books!
I llstur f reuueratia. oy Thackury, °mulch,
hutollettl Hall. a Ifistorital lturcauue.
ltauon abokapaare, No. 33.
Nobtaly'a sot,, so Lift Adveutu rth al m.
na of Pe.g.
berry, written by htowlf.
Lute awl Auah!tion, t Novel by the author of . Itooking.
Mhulasipai :Scone., L
o r a. tchas of Southern Lik.
Dloolonolr of Nlrrha =.
llourohold Wort, N 0.13. -
In. ilothrlie Works, complete. Deb.2s
IA opened at 200 Liberty street, a very superitc Young
ity son feta which. we think we eau tar i. nntilldenne•
eannet the rice, Pitteburgh. nice IL.
fer ties lower groan LS, `add ,
we warrant fully tetual. If not tuperfor, to any to What at
the eauie rice.
AL.—Oolong. Impetial, and Gong:lade, of all grade.. I .
fuy w Web all we ask le • fait trial, and 0.,' ecnc
nzybetneelvra. A liberal discount uvula to retailers.
and t tsmilica buytng by the quantity.
Tea Dealers and tit-nears.
kno 111.1}og, ertrsi
bULI Deger RIM "
EATSFOOT OIL-2 bbls. just rou'd end
11 rat lath , at the Drug blurb of
DRJa earner Wood etod ,Azth
VIWIT-5 bags Pea Nute; •
stnier Atla. an% a.....'"4" 1 "' ". ''' '
kiim .
W.ter mut Yr.% gig..
U : GAR--10 Wale prime N. Orimma; .
V . iI.STHEILS-10: backs nuir lauding Irma a
2: Emaker aria for 14. by 10 do Crushed Plare
' Ir.. bbl. &arum& LW: '
Ni ;
• aea
/BAUR DICKEY A CO„ •14 curt firr4, fay Pa
fiS2O Wget "Ad Pia= tel. .Totk.9 J. D. ICIILLIAMS & CO,
• carrier of WWI uol EIRE rtr.
OTTON-18 Indes nal%
'landing rivia
C and for sale LP deray
463tWater and FrOtt.
2 bbla. No. I Lyn]: Las. eldsaine:
la.lllac frno fornitk Ey
feb,hs 'UA W., and Front
cri , h4 3111.6:1: d RICKTTSON.
er7 f" " !
MtR H 1 BIACIIIIEID Lan jun reed !fab
Upply a the at rte (.??../ 4 of all du. rurimm qmi m iUmN
frum 12N rents up to .
KKEG BUTTER-14 kegs just reed and for
we br lmehl7 MILLERS RICEMION.
-111 Silk ad Lloen Cambric, of nea and tuandsome /dales,
tn,h4 D.
m tg;
sneetenlng the Erealh. 11..01,55
ke. Fur 101 l .h 01551, I
- ecner Woad and Irlfth,sts.
T a liaXSEEll OIL-5 bbls. City Make. on
J: brad smd for role bi
lODLIVER 01L—lti4to;n,Clark
rred surd for MO by
DRESS SILKS-20 yes. usorted Spring
Dn.. Bitt Ju4t re°
sie64 Ns. OS and 64 Ilukst
15 re. plain all wool.high colored De Lelnee
25new and splendid rtyle Demo De Leine.
lU choice et, le Denali nee last oyeaed
mdt.l A. A. MAS O N 6 CO.'S.
poTAsu—s casks recd and for-sale by
Inch 4 end st.
/ lODFISII-15 iliantei More, for sale by
TIOPS-15 bales first sort Wrestern - N. T.,
u In Anne's and Kr sale Ir'Me
ECONWIY CRAB 1,1115. in
" Yrr
CASSIA -101) luaus just recd, for sale by
mch4 !Oil ER a RICK ETSON.
BBIED lIPPLES--10 bu. sup. D.Apples;
1 , HOAR HOUSE MOLASSES-40 bbls" I'slney. In Vas"; Bela
kJ 120 bbl.. Large No. 3 Mau. Mackerel:
24 tierces prLtne Carolina RICE
50 bales 11 4r Rotted Ky. limp:
IZZO ylqs Galena.lead:
WOO 14. Ur /cad:
55 kcal t§h4t, sesarted numbers -
2On Drime Feathrm
25 bbis. No. 2 Romirn Fnr 4 nle b. 7
Needles' Celebrated
Them highly meditated plaster. have been made le'
m"rs tbs.
in ;a ' , an, during whlsh flour they have
gainedpermanent putation, as the mold edit:scions
Rheumatic and Strengt re hening Plaster ever ogered. Phy
elitart cf t.he blebsnt eminence, to whom their esnamsel
don dos. hsen !submitted. hare given the mast flattiming
lMonial• a. to th ei r upertor virtue over ell other plat.
er. yin.
The ingredients of their coralswitisn. yen
corretly combined. render them peculiarly anPli-multtls
, era me entlering with pulmonarT
Far pain. In dm breast molting from protracted cold..
whooping wash. and loal mune in the various neuralgic
dleame in the body, their beneficial character is beyond
quettlon or dispute. As a remedy in Lumbago, then. su
periority over all outward applications, such m Liniments,
ho. has been fully mm. orated by the manyeureseffected.
' or I•••.ktlen, and palm in tho hack and nide i rmulting
from ...ere strains. diseases of the kidneys, do. their etc.
rurindr:esie'lltrotr: th g4 l l=dbe . Uct , Vd'47llfre"ethlyr
application. To ro om, e , suffer with rhumatie pains, these
plmters are reecrumended. with the coultlent assurance
ttird. their Leneddal eds. edit be found very decided.
For rale, wholesale and retail by
mehti It. F— ELLLEIIS. fot Wood at.
CO. I LARD OIL—A few bbls. just ree'd
,N frog the manufeebry. whleh lam the WIT Weak
end still warrant It funerior any Oil offered In title ma.
kek 0. N. WICKER:OI4I4
febNmetier Wood and Sixth sta. .
If You Want Reel Good Tea.
ETOII E. Emt Salt. of Vb. o , entond. Damaged or lar
(mar Tem are nee, kept el Ode ertatliabment.
Soperlor Green To.. le./475 moistl4,la. ,
The very hen imparted, 11.00 • ,
Strong and rough flavored Bimk.
Vine mild favnted Mark- 7047 are.
• Thia la the reel y stercin Pillrbetroh that Mw e for ale_pre
ramly akkame kind of Blatt: Tem that are mad in Eng
.iand. Ireland. as. (feb2s
e 4 by 34 Privdos NV.:
ZOO 91 hy bb
bIA) - 1S ty; I , lty 32, 24 by 34,
400 .• Blue. Alto . tlib4 4: l 3; ww.
12tw ClO,l Straw Parer: •
4410 ••
" Medium " "
ged 11,11unt end Single Crownßng.
The undereLyned Leore ma:Witty on bead end for see
Rnohanse for Rai, large and general umorlutent. of
Ruled. Cap, Letter. Hardware, and Tea Papers, Itonnet
Doanti. tr,
Also—Veltine of all ;Met, for ;net . manufacturerm. ,
Printing hue r Made to order on short sti r.'
J. L. 5117. E.
5.521ier of Penn and Irwin ate.
11, , w bble. on hand and
fe sate by ry NGLi6li 2 BENNETT,
aml 11l First st.
ICON PA PER—)S hdls. Cincinnati titan
P.m. for sale be
r e b,a, scalouNuAKEnt CR
Extract from a letter, dated •
31eCaMM_IsTrO.r.. Feb. 21. 15.5 L
. f.. E.. N.:n.B: —Yoar ere dell's all other
Patent thry srolsemtvg more and more
repelss. The half men a-nt me dee sea, ago, sra
arly ell cone
Evarr our who wakes: of Tour User PM, Teradfult ,
and Cough brrup. speaks Id stradE terms of theft...pod
.lours. .5. GREEN? ,
Arne's Fatally Veil
are prepared .HT. great isra,
add of the best materials, by IL E. SELLERA. NO, ST Wool
snow, and maT be had of uruggi. =morally. (fetal
bbls. Linseed Oil;
lb Dozen
kri s ., picked
t. box.. Pure '.Walstur.
14 Lemots,
an extra ernm Cbacmc
10.1 dozen Cammon B.rtacox
GM hunk. Dried Pcset. , G
. 290
hlas. IlickeTT
1 tale !Omen Pelt.; for We bi
J. B. CANYIELD.I4.3 F...n:ut 4-
.Dr Ws.
Ladies' Dress
1.111:11.PIFY a: BURCHFIELD hare now
o r ..e—ee • inlles of Drasl .irtZx
Darrell rord , nn 1.1'9 'er!
an.° torn. eat:wino to their extevaive senartitent
bond..., mfr. Engtian Fnntsand Chtnna, Pains
tem int Dna., arni alloala In nanatal.oCerad at Ow cash
Pr tfeb26
C.:CIIINEALtI --1 careen beat quality, just
r , and tor pale by
b2e J. J.CIIOO.NIIA KIM 100.
GLUE ---1 bbl. White Glue:
a. •• for rabl by •
110,•]1 .1. ECHOONMAKER e CO.
EFINED BORAX-13 cases for sale by
feb26 J. [CILJUNfAEER t CO.
twauttful rattern• thiA mo atrn-
A A. q. 4507 ., &CO'S.
Ir co, auntr and tuner ex VAL:g .
Of the. runa 'ppm, e.l Inonnfortor.--jua opened at
ta.2.1 MASON & Co7.,aloncl 64. Marta at.
MOULT) CA _N DLE S.--50 'boxes Proctor
Gamble'. Nu. 1, for aale ha
to 1. BAGALEY CO.,
reb2l o, IS mai :0 NYN.1.1.1.
S iLERATC:3-12.0 buses No. 1;
frh2,l .DV L V Dad A._
YM boxes orfolk. Co. Cho laic,
130 II alwrt . No. I
Ilmtna;. In Mum and for role dr
11741. 13A0ALEY & CO.,
tent If and O.) Wood Ft
GERMAN Cl,-125 bxs, for solo by
W. 11% WILSON.
ft•tln .6 Wood 4-
, r fi„,7t) bbls.•finP,
1,... cr. d w 0n i., .. Corn , ilirr i t i iii i ac t ;d 6 ird
n Ell BEEF-10 eatlis S. C. Dried &cf.
ryeAl cnd foe Yale by
40324 t W. ITARBALTLI.
I_l A litrum lovotr, Fmcb II wb, tc., Pot up
re ""We
21".." 1 " .r& r 1 " f r li ‘,' N ' Aligle; Z.
I OUISVILLE LIME reii'd and:
1 , Ynb , by [retail kW. HARis
fit XTILI PIUS—Jug r at 256 Liberty ht
LA SO boars Mon, thr 3 ,,LuRc CO.;
(~ ,,r7 and 7 , “ frnilert.
OSTON i'l'--:\ . tupply of Boston
.I.J/ Butt, Bitratt )utt Itrprett, by
11. A. tb.Cl.llb 1 t. ltt.. v.t; Liberty
10CUA SHE ELS--. 1. frt -sh supply lust recd
iv b y id.b2ll %V! L A. 3tc..LINO k
TEAS I lair chests Youn;
ilytorb ludbeal, nod Black Tr., of all odd., o
hand md for Alit by
PrOBACCOt.:2SO bOlCh iemufnetured To
. s, brro. (cheer braadsJ oe hand and for ralph
a~a.o. C LIIEBVION 0
Ik,kICIiEREL--100 bbls. No. 3, on hon 4
sl.l fvr raJ..
&CI IIIt1:114.)N t CO.
B ATTING -19 hales No. 1 . ;
Crtra Tamar: on eolailaz
el,sa and fur rale by y ISMAIL tOCKI:Y 6 CO.,
rb.b. We ter ant Front Ma. .
117111 TE iX)PAL VAILNIgai-25 gals for
sale by fa= J. KIDD t OD.
C7SIILLLAC-2000 lbs for sale by.
T L :1I mr22 J. KIDD k CO.
TIAREL' CORES-2 bales for sale by
X far.. . KIDD t GO.
OLASa.:S-75 bbls New Orlemas;
itt do Up i r , ib I
,O • CO .
b y
fA J . 1
440 ) 1\AS CO.
Ventritking Attamaton. Life
Moying ' and MAGIC,
Thurgfry, FridaiandSaturday, //arch 13, 14, 15.
A:anutiance onIT Acne. Childret sKb emir
IS mat. ' Door. °Pon al 6!.; *lock Icansonnee
No =nr:n.ct on Aroma n 1 neaten LSire small OMO
THE welupms ridiitharr!i.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Eveningi
March 13t14 14th, aid lath.
Acknowledged by all to be the bat Band Mat ever
ririted air riy,
Now Boom , . mem, Permlies.Jokes. Hui mines, Jim te,
La the raw. of the work they ornl lytirdsro the Mete.
Led African Warn, HAT. PLAtin.lo fCt b 4h:
Alio. the Inianhable burlenne of the .11. ACE SHAKERS.
Chun:e of programme dolly. Ann ofiriar
dock; Lowert corinnenro 7L 1.4.• of drab
sion, 3 cents. Zio half price.
nachlaint U. W. COWLES. AiPLAC
Young Mena Mercantile library &mei.
e wt= bee been prieotech bf the abate Institute, to de
liver to ha member; Lod the citizens if PlOsbeirob EMow.
ally. a mine of Leehires eery latelnittharel. and op=
lutenothig 'abjecth.
The course will corarbe . Sts Lee:aro oh the Co.= 01
erabeagt the retorma topic.
1. 7iit actorri Laws Or
3. nr.tort.
4. Pow=
b. CrL131.3.
d. Wormire.
71, ,botibtm. win be &en on Turri:sys, Thundirfl. end
E., Unmet' fiM.eideelyi. commencing on Monday *Tarr
ged.a Dram
and time of meeting nib 'be bermifter ibbetd•
7 •
Tickets for member, (single or fm the conim i ) min be
obtained Of the Lamina. or of Meru llcrah. - WP.ltittei
1 mit McKnight. Committee. - '
Tickets for citizens. (sinnin or for On tourot,i'M sonr
Trat the ptindbal Hoot Storer, MI. B. Mei ecien . b. - 9.
•hanisinar. mid P. U. Eaton'. mega
now open tbe nu—vie rm .13FILPLVGS, Los.
full and Cvmplet. reprowuntUon *Ma
Mica Vlllawe B
OKlly ag ; rilverr. 3bore.llUvbrakekw.
Ittltl o sts . d the IntlZ of G note
ambling F mble 0, fi:
100.10 Panama. Old Ruins. ' Clinrcbes.Convents,Bellgioos
Proweviona, Pelts, Interior ofChturbes. Cronin.
tbe Inhume he Elver. with Its beautiful wenerp—
Girmlng. altogether, the mod truarnelive sal interwitsrut
etbibldon ever offered.
Thu public mak rarer:wed that every' sketch In thle
l'enorams wee taken •onthe Fret It repreventa wad LO •
work of art It has no wing.
Sir lotadealon yenta children miler. 10 years, Inilf
averyat lid yyiedrey~y:: d errniog during, • the week, coutrowerinit
ever aote NMWetar and Ea:n . o.7 tiller'
on.wownwarlng st3Weloet A liberal arrauxement wilt
hr made with whoole chiblren should Foetid, pleaslogand
edifying rablitlldon. • (=tall
Ceram, t Prtractou IcantomOrnct.
Besetrae,Yeb..St. 185 L
TdHE STOCKHOLDERS of die "Cleveland
end Pittebnegh Itattroad Company," are hereby it.
e to Meet at the office of the Compeny,l o n o ilierrea d V:at
Lritt tilt,"=;.% 3 lrge . ll= l, , toVA: '
preamt February 1851, anthorittng the annetruo
don of the Akron Itpaneh, and for otheypneponas. -
• •
Music. •
CERT, a performed §) Fennlen Sto
Al. lice
so • area ' variety of mpeted bo
new =arrant/ow by the same
And all the late popular Moak. loaned br the !Wein"
publbibere, =rived end for role by
meta 81 Wood w
Agent for Clackerlues Mow..
t. •
TABLE MATTS—In store an far sale at
Carpet We:rehear* of
I ITGS.—' • ; MeCILINTOCK invites the at ,
tentam Of those swathing to thrash. to Ida stockof
to oheh arejust remind am the /604111.C24111111.,
sh 3
x A. Food aseortmett ron be found at the Carpet Warr
house, No. BS Fourth erect.
MATTI . —A very lazzato of Cae
friellardia Oral Aster= kiturin t rtme r ,rt tore ant/Trial.
the eatzt Warehouse. 86 Fourth W. Ft
toems.R. lane LT!! Euro, 9 lad IS 9114
90 L 1515.
Ennand and ponCeTed Loaf Swazi
. Clatined Loaf Sum;
50 Ends. si. O. EngEr;
4a) EEL. Molivoric
140 - S. EL grimly Denims. Et. Linni
a) - 4n4len EiTnss • •
b. ,
44 gitorE 5:19 y
toch9 Weer and Front BM
4 . E ., CEITED PER EXPRESS, a large sE.•
• . sortment et the f.h.b. vache
a' thook,..ennet, era. and Ilnetin tench Wroucht
Cuffs and Cohere Koseuth Cufe.deoling Veleneknere
end Lenin -Nettolean Cud, endlanle f
Mall.. Brow.. and Appllene Car.and hinerea l =
nett. Meek Ch.M. and Lore Tear ladles' Breath.
Cap. Intents' Cap end Warta embrektered Linen Cam.
brie Enellth Tread Lae. and Eden= Jr
court and dwiss Edgings .d Ineettlude—tagettnr alto a'
genet. auro rt ment of Ptench lembtredeted am ew
Oda.. A. A. MASON it r
mehd dtct end G 4 Market
RAIVING, PAPER-300 Sheets supen- ,
jrar quality) far sale by J. KIDD &
ehl No. GO Woal Meet.
Bmehl,ACONl6 casks Side! and Shoulders,.
rae'd by' stentner 3feasdavaftl/2.lB;ttork
TOBACCO -15 kegs Six Twist;
'N/ boe Oruita:
15 - Itma
-5 orb and 30 bb Drid4 Arpl.n
bbLd. Ana 50 kap 1 na=
lie furs •
btls. llowthy Ser.t
10 tc ; w . Li=e c t ,, lltlTOri
N.. ) 12.003 roots of Cattwbh Grope Viorrolf: oho =1 0,0
Mr.' growth. for gals by' JOUN h+ RAUL
hen:tr., hoar the IP24r
CV HESTNUTS-12 1 bu. jwt ree'd and
feb N• W.ur rtmt
"eke. •_„ f; ‘ ,„„); r
bblg. 1 f.;,-tr s.
L. L i ard;
bY 4 r % e greet •
ft e2S
OLL BUTTER.--len bile Roll Buttei
received aroi...N . ma. or S. tW. !MEUCCI!.
T AB -15(' bbls. in store and for sale by
Water & Frant
vp2•po\—",s .leaf. •I. .
vl COPAL VARNISII—BbIs., bbla.,
Uf .nd ke g s. for Bale by
rrblN 'LUAU DICEn CO &
L.A.RD-15 brie No.l in store and for sale!
ars ' 15.11A1l DICK} *W..
Water* Vented. •
pOTATOES-100 b Is. prime tieshantmek;
60 It6d;
For wale tT u T. WOODS b SON,
feta% .1 Wmr and 63 rezetets. , ! ,
SC. ILAMS—Ev. sd: Swifts, and Trow
• bridge Ileatty's ette rain! f1n4 , 5).4 Cm
""n reV-7 bY
Trete well In ttarner under the muldle.
GoIC7 ' liter tint inrel Weed
50 SHARES of tltis . s.v . k .. f t u . r uit sol L e k at o . 121 .,
GAS STOCK-15 6hares for sale by
W . M. A. !LILL CO.t
BANK STOCKJIT:hares Bank of Pitts'e;
4 , Exchange B 1;
;41.27.1t) 117.1. A. HILL k Co.
V MIEN APPLES-25 bbls for sale by
.kw feb . .Tl RUDY, MATTHEWS& A.O.
fIIRIED BEEF-L-Evans & Swift's eincinna
,jr tl Sugar Cured seer for asleTsy
kb: 1146 Liberty' st.
FlSll—Superlor large 6rand Rank ,
Cat FRIL tor-laste br , WM. A. MeCLIIRO A CO.
It ROOMS-100 der: extra justreeeiced by
_l_/__ C-On J. Pt DILWORTH a CO.
prime Rio, for stile by
/ .I . OFFEE-80 ba
ARD 131
cr 121.1ma11, and rj;
a. receiving from steam-
No. 118 Motet Om, r.
• 0 .1 3 —;
EAU TY.—lt is niversally conceded that .
beauty fa more •• ....on in thla matztry than In any
r, while at the Mr. •ell It mid thee Ma CUM.
coutatt7 Is it Eat at an young m age. Nov this Ii true Ms .
turtain extent, but the tae le often ceased by neglect- We •
my to all, d• not neglott your rereonal appearana• blit.
mad the following. mut you need art Lab •Jord
no. articles am ertentito Mertaalbotab loot ttt.
tabled a high pepubuity. . •
Jul. Pemian or Chlceee Powder, for Latpartimg
to the aunt billtous complexion a radiant a hitenem.
nothing 01.11 a person be mom careful then Me me of •
powder for the Min, as nuart • of thooe mid art very MOW.,
ause- -- Ily Chinese powder ta compocattled in •eciemhfle man.
tart, and containa no Ingredient which cam possibly
ulie flan•l's Depilatory Powder, far mateving , r pert n .
ow is hair. it hot mare unfightly Mom hair atm the bre
ar . arms of a lady. This a rt icle will ramose it Ina abort
Wm, without the me of any ciusrp inetrument.
JUl..timers Vegetable Liquid hair Deo will inatanta.
nrously import to red. white.
gra, halo hesoulahr
Mack. brown or auburn color. It will ruk:r the hair Ittr •
Monet time:and mom effectually than any other dye, in
I at the ammoniate ladellitle.
gales Hauefralurting lerat a pleasure to
Mare with this ern.. Times ill mune of eh; smarting MT
canon usually exicrionced In the trte of most soaps. pa
the coalmen It Daum the Fra satcnth and eat as min.
tants, and net Hata te. become chapped. •
MN UMrtllt Rose Tooth Parte- - Niet - ti the bale.
think the Teeth were intended's& the groamt ornanseat.
the hum her. bat 'when maglerted, mailing he os
hag, oe em.lntalY Mem use Teeth Yana toll Items
Ul , l tetth • pcarly whltenese, M. the tam time teeplatt, •
the gums gem and hea/thr.
JULES LlfatEL, Perfumer and Chaplet.
1M Chanute-. • •
P..4rWal • Vbakni. •41 , 1 b, yabanpm,,;_ki,
Ind IL E... Sella % Pit:eat:oy and JAditchall, 41 , 11= . 7 ,
dt.y. Pa.