The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 12, 1851, Image 2

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'.l'eppi,it - A.loy Sr Vii!IIITr.
! To the Whigs of Peniay . lvanuc , - -
- -ii,l- 'A STATE CON. I.I:NTIriN tell be told in the CDT
of iategeter.ou IllitllDAY. J0n,244b- 101 l a 1. C. P u _.. r.
pug of ',electing unnaidnuu fur tlic illy,' of f
. tler . lloo a nd
Funntl Ciaemlnaloncr, VA o.4° ' ''',.`" °
'AA4Di. : : , . iliDtgli 31. }1. , ,, L a M nnan,
1 ,- . ili,lP.iilitTa. ".. ~ L Rbotarnon lunei g '. •
%Fru 11.2lipauff - :LT4I . tTD7dll, ,
:.; SgViljn'ile!tgjugnger, cT. Taylor WorlD.
%V gt. J. Dubi. Alell..i.u . C. Drown,
' WcrlieD X.l'mlon. l , Wt.. Daker.
llumuet C.C.:km.: . Wsu.. 31. Kato,
Jllle, Ciart. '
'. . m r7 l i p.i,. ! ,- 46 ,„„ Flu.ruluu D. Melo,
}ldyll' i - Viten.,
D. A. Finney. I .lnitn Alliugr,
il. 0. La-AAA ItAniel ltlellunly.
Jnbn E. 11.111121. . iteorge Neuron. ,
1100.1. mum • . Alex rM. McClure, . "
Jchnfl. Neville, Pelmet , ' Jemlun.
' . . IL ILL 0311311, Ferretary.
Tam BENzeiT's or oolisomenoN
, .
. - In yestenlay's paper,, we glanced at some of
the common :objections En' the consolidatiop of
ear, cities and horoug'its, and we will now endeay
'an to enumerate a- few of the counterbalancing
`tt is'ecSraely neCessary at this time, to enlarge
upon the abstract blessings of union. It is her
e'.y to believe that any mass of population or any
• terrifory, that can be " annexed,P should be allow
to remain: Separate, is is soma! philosophy
l o
and applies 'directly to l the question before us,i -- -
An the enthusiasm it ch is given to the great
confederacy' might be pplied, on a small scale
to our consolidation. In tliitstraggle for supre
me-Cy among the growing cities of the West, we
. would have a power which we now leek. Plans
ef general iinproventent could be carried out with
greater energy and success. andthudly, we would
make a greater show in the census, nudstrangere
woOldlinve 111144er opinion of our importance.
Thefatterconsideration may - appear trifling; but
itio tiptoe. We may cowman it to the influence of
<kers. No man, hosteler unto in his judgment
'of physiognomies, can justly boast of being en
'tifely Tree from this appeal to the taste. ',. The
tailor makes the man," is a wise saw. On the
&MO prinelpfeif it could be proven by argument
that our cities when united would be no grester
than they now are, the influence of our addition
al thou.Couts,-whmi our population would-be set
d'Owti on paPer, would still nothe 'lust upon the
Ishreidest business men. The People' of ;New
York and Philadelpbbi must feel this very foicl - -
bly Or they would not struggle no fiercely as they
.do, about the accuracy of the emmusreturns.a.-.
.i3laccoler,, they are both alive to consolidation.
Pliii4elphis is strivingeothrow heranxis*und
every .suburb, and New. York wiehento annex
Brooklyn and , Williamsburgh, although , oepa:
. rated from bath by water that never can - be
Another advantage presents itself the moment
the subject is touched. When united, we could
have one - pollee, which would be Mare effective
_than under the present arrangement, and main
, mined. eta smaller expense. One Mayor troind be
quite sufficient. A single Gas Works would supply
the whole . city, and we might-reasonably hope
' for -a reduction in the price of a costly yet indis=
pentabicliglat. In fine, every department ofrity
government, and every improvement, conk,. be
carried oain a more effective manner, with less
pressure upon the pockets of tax-payers.
' It can icarCelybe disputed that oar natural
tendency, ou'r manifest' dWiny," urges us to
consolidation, 'mad that the separate Organizations
arc holding as back. A very large proportion of
. our businessmen Basin Allegheny, Birmingham,
.* Manchester, &c. In compliance with the, law,
they vote where their dwellings are, but hare no
Yoko in the government where their business is
transacted. They naturally and justly desire
that their influence should be felt in both local--
. tics. Their dwellings and counting houses or work
sho - ps ore separated only by a few minutes' walk,
- 30B:does not seem natural that a law should 1
place them under the. c,antrol of different munici- i
pal mintinamcnts. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, 1
,espeehdly, are so closely united by the three
bridges end the aqueduct; thatwith those who rest
-, blade end Labor in the other, it requires an effort
of thmight to ; keep from fatting luta the habit of
rep:Ming the awf . l„,o,a single city.
The feet that ., Pittsburgh is separated from
Allegheny, and -, e or four of the boroughs, by
Lott brides, is o positive: bar. If precedents
are of any vale , we mlly mention that there are
'tell bridges nee es the narrow Seine, in the very
heart of Paris. ,The colleedon of tolls would not
be a much gee . annoyance than at present,
and are mayonnbly hope that a " goodtime
is • coming," Ihen the bridges will he made
free: o
' The large a rapidly increasing population
collecUed tiro our three IiTeTS IS united by its
•Mietinlipertant e titerests. That there should be
petty Jettionsi ' and struggles for local advert
. _tags is to be expected ; these divisions may new
, - -• be fon=t bettrecx sections of the name corps:a
-1 - - ;:tion in a greater degree than betweeti different
I norpoMtions ; but in all matters of general and
1 ' vital inportanee, each eorporationis found united
and if ill we:remade one, all would be found tio
i grther when it great object was-tobe obtained.
, -We Iteve thus Skil:lll*T 04CD . this question in
the hope that our eititens might be led to think
', ',upon it, and (Rictus it among themselves. If it
should be found that a decided majority are in
-- .:favor of consolidation, a movement should be
~ 'Made to effect the anon in time to unite its &d
-• ' ittuttaitlt vrith those we expect to reap from the
'„ . • , building of otul,eastern and western railroads. '
L Foe •the Pittsburgh Gaut!.
Mn. ,F,IIII)Ir r J,-,-)1y attention was directed, a
;_few.days si ce, , to the proceedir,s of a so called
township ting, in-relation to the above object
ibeld in Ohio terms*, in this county, sad pub-'
Ilished in - your paper. ' The citizens composing
ithatmeiting,ptissed series of resolutions against
tbeestablisldoent eta haus° of employment,which
I beg leave ihrongh your columns, to review.
Ity' the first resolutiim, they declare their obit- I
Ity and readiness to support their eve poor 'do I
accordance with ancient usages." It seems they:
base a. holy hdiror against innovation. This
the - rallying wry of 411 who have some secret:in-
terest to preserve, some present enjoyment, or
'contingent expeotatibn, and who =not advance ,
anything else against a proposed measure. All I
' who consider themselves interested in maintain-'.
sag existing laws and abuses, not being able to
justify }aria on - the! grout* of utility have re
emirs° to this fallacy, which furnishes no crite
rion tO" 'distinguish clearly, goal from evil, ,
which lends its support to everything; to institu
tions ; the most salutary, and the most injurious;
to the:beat laws,atl those that are most perni
doll& •' If we suffer them to persuade us that
"ancient usage is a guide in morals, in legisla-
11014 or in religion, ?they will have no fear of be-' ,
Ing &lambed in the i , P B emsession of.abuse. Every
thipg remain it is. 'There will be no
morn any; appeal tzggerwral utility. The propo
sed memure of a house of employment, they say,
is contrary:to The' opinions of persons who lived
in tunes past—oar e ancestors—the good
sense.Of old throe. Oar ancestors ; have acted
thusiWe ought, therefore, to do the some; '.'we
do not!_cosue into the world to make laws, hut to
..ctiey those we find :tondo"
This kind of reasoning will not do, in this age
ot:referni and progress. The world now believes
that ”F s zperlence is du-mother of wisdom" and
-*lathe present generation is nt least so Wise as
the Init., If we feel evils oppress us we ought
the_remedies for them without reference to
the date of their origin.
The evils Of the , precept system of supporting
the piier,. must , he apparent to all minds not
Warpedd by prejudice or self interest . The Ohio
township meeting thought that the fact, that the
,Washington County Poor Mouse required, last
';'year;the assessment of a tax of $4,000, in the
connti, far its support, proved the plena failure!
then; was the separate district system,.
which before the establishment of thatpoor house,
and with II less number of paupers than is now
meintaintal by it, required $10,000„ per annum,
Impport the:poor of that county, and even then
'did net furnish the onfortemate objects of chari
witli a comfortable homes There is annually
collected In the boroughs and townships of this
County . s2o,ooo, for the support of the poor un
der the preSent plan. , Every five years, the eat-
:pries paid Overseers and Physiians by the sever
,.ol-slistriets amounts to a sum quite sullblent to
. ...purchase a form and erect suitable buildings' for
the pzer of the whole County. In Washington',
;'county, last year the .the cost of each pauper per
week was nearly SO, emits; In Fayette county
Isomething over 40 centsper week. This theltides
cloddng,ibasrding, lodgrnv, justices and consta
/spivs fees, burying deceased paupers, and the' in
' tereSti of money Invested in farm and buildings.
Lia:fact dl exPenseg•
If the citizens, of Ohio township support their
p o or at less cast the= this, I doubt the humanity'
loMbeiiphuziowiever "ancient" it may be. ,
The second resolution of that meeting declares
.thei,a poor house entries with its name Hama
adneso aUsig degnwling, that the pour
have Preferred to seer in their destitution rath
er shun resort to o boom so otos:ado us to their
.feelings; Fut" This I, o not beliest to be thei
'eatiiiitithiltozerittna lire . May objects of elnitt!
ity; Int the ,indolent, w ; o will net work, ultho' 1
obits:Mire-a employment, hare no doubt would
much rather receive mo ey or goods from the
overseers; than go tti• house erf• employment,
*hero habits of inane and temperance Would
be . Inculcated ; and the objection; I think, on
t i
argument in favor of th proposed measure.—
With those who are reall chargeable to the poor
fund, I think the great ajority would prefer a
Louse of employment do not know what Bye
, tem they have is Ohioownship for supporting
lint the poor,nt I do kno , that in a majority of
1 ,
isownships in this count , the poor are putup at
auction, %end their support given to - the lowest
hidden If the system. it it poor house is more
obnoxious to the feelings of the unfortundte
poor, OAS to be thus mde the object of ifle,
t t ,
and Fold like cattle, th y molt . have nicer dis
tinctions than most p oni.' I, for ono, think
this is a matter of tan or preference solely in
j the opponents-of the r house, and that the ,
poor were not consul before that meeting
icame off. I have seen he workings of the pre
sent,r system . I know f oho poor woman who
was given out to the lo est bidder, her keeper
boarded up a part of - a porch, os her sleeping
place, hz the depth of ter; as a consequence,'.,
both of her feet were f ten, and had to be am
puled at theankles , i another township, I was
'at a "letting of the po r," at which an old man
woo put up; his son bi GD cents per week for.
his maintenance, but th old man stated th at he
did not wish to go to hi eon's house, and anoth
er citizen bid 45 cents, d took the old manta
relieve him from th e e stody of hit son, whom
be feared would not tr t him kindly. All-this.
tr ,,
was done in Allegheny onnty to my knowledge.
I fear itlabut a single eat in the history of the
I wrongs ottbe poor, wh ch is the natural and 'al
most tuastollable eff .t. . of the present plan
of supporting theta.;. : nil yet the opponents of
a poor house object to it on the grounds of its
illhiiirminity! ' ,
The third resolution t: on a par with the
ceding. It says that e taxes would be ieerea.s
ed by the establiehme of a poor house! How
any enlightened body o men could say this, in face
of the eporte from tl e poor houses which are
scattered all over thetate; Is shovel:ly compre
hension. More than o I e half of the counties of
the State have been, or years, provided with
houses of, employment I challenge say of the
opponents of the sysnern, to name one county
in which the taxes hav'e not been reduced ranee
the establishment of:rnew rea therein!—
In Washington county thereto eased now only
1 $;,000 annually , wh o le
me• . years ago,
under the old plan, an with few rpauperit, their
poor cost them $lO, per one .. I also ask
the opponents of the sew plan, to point out a
single county which h to tried th • system of sup
porting their poor at fl house .f employment.
and afterwards discontinued it • gene back to
the separate distinct system! •is resolution
also. states that the Washing.• county poor
house is in debt over $l,OOO. It is unfortunate
• that that meeting she d endeay.r to bolster op
bad argue:mote with.. •
tatem. •ts,—the audi
tot's report.showe the debt erne y $502. This
1 is aemall matter, but it is pro • •r to make this
correction. Howeve •in com• ring the poor
Douses of ITashineto and Faye e counties with
' the probable cseof he systc tt in Allegheny,
we must not otWoh. e fact, at they have no
market compared to :ars for t e sale of their
produce, &c,; and we may mfe that 'the poor
I house and farm will p fitoiiile for this.
1 reason in our county; sides th axe a greater
proportion of able b 'ea paupe sin this county
1 than in theirs, whose abor wo be productive
a farm or in aho e of map •yment.
The fourth remind declare that they "view
it as
whose abor
scheme late ed to enf rce a copartner
ship between! the farming an manufacturing
districts of the count!, to the i jury of the ag-
I riculturalat." Bat in what y the plan is to
injure the agricul list they • o net say—and
to me it does not ap r how it an do so. Pos
t sibly they mean that he man . • dozing districts
have more poor to port tha . the townships.
Et this ea? Do not these manufacturing dis
tricts give employm tto men, omen and chit
, dren who would. nth Me be emgeable to the
; poor fund! How th manufac ming eeta.Blish
ments which give em lopnent d bring wealth
m i r
,to the people in the' vicinity an, at the same
' time, produce paupetism, is a enigma. which
those wise political economists alone can solve'
I have no doubt if ca eful inquiry were made. it
will appear that th manufactutiog districts
hors fewer paupers Min the co lier 3, in propor
tion-to their populati a nod tar Me property.-,--
The numufactming •nd Agri tural districtsl
are dependent upon each othe for theirt pros
perity; we hove no .o • cotton to ailing the num,
nfacturing district, to produ e— and yet all
other dealings are td to be • 'iu-lous to mil --
Allegheny Allegheny county ; mainly manufacturing
county, isle note wader that the",ilLthe
people are not palm-. , instead of the prosper
ous and enterprising eople they are: Atword
I to the friends of the county poor homer; It. is.
I apparent that the op • trienta of the measure are
atwork. Remora t t ces ore actively beitg cir
culated against the w, by either inters ted or
Itoijt.guided men. Tb re always are mormefforts
made by a class of • eti to throw dust in peo
ples' eyes, than th are to open them by the
other. All now dope. do ripen the activity of the
; . friends of the mama We cannot expect our
representatives to ye us the law, unless they
I think that the mejody of the people ere in fa
; vor of it. The onlymode by whicji they can
judge of this, is by the number of petitioners
'for the plan. Every tax payer is interested in
Ihaving the taxes reduced--every tax payer is
• interested in the esblishment of a poor house,
ti .
for this will unques onably abate the taxes. I
I have no doubt "the plc" are •in favor, by a
spent b j r orl oui ty x:ilr f e, a e tin l 7 ' Petit uve ions A fol n i T l;e th la cn w.
I will result in your o benefit if carried out.—
. When signed, let th petitioni be sent to our
1 Senator and Rep entatives, and if the will
of the people is ex reseed, they will do right.
14 ---
' ..Comcoccoderoce of tar ii. Y. Commercial Adrertieer.
1 . .
; Lounos, Friday evening, 21st Feb. 1851.
I - Political mattersaye created some interest
I this week, oßing e increasing unpopularity
ciof the Government d the consequent chances
of a Ministerial ris Co.s. The &mein' statement
lof the Chnicellor 'of e Exchequer was made on
I Monday loot, and has called forth a storm of dis
satisfaction, and a d i ecided anti-progreseive ten
i deny shown by Lo John Russell on a subse
, Tient evening; on a question relating to the out
frage, has further ienated his supporters.
TUE FISA.NC WrAtillENT 7011 1.51.
i , Last year the esti ate of the Chancellor of the
i i .
1 Exchequer (Sir Ch les Wood; showed a our-
I pins of revenue ov expenditure for the coming
irends twelve months, en • g on the sth of April 1851,
Of .C 1,500,000. It ow appears that the sorphis
Will be L 2,621,000, be receipts being L 900,000
1 .
more and the ex nditure £ 660,000 tens than
1, was then anticipate For the approaching year
: (ending . on the sth f April 1852) th e entimutes
of income are L 52,1 0,000, and of expenditure
.C 50,247,010, yieldi g a surplus of L 1,852,000.
Lipari the strength of this tho Chancello4 propos
es to take off the se dow tax, which a mints to
.C1,856,0j0r rath r to commute it fora home
tax, which` will f • h £1,155,000, dm lons to
the revenue upon . e balance being L701;000.
Ile also proposes equallration'of the present
duty on coffee, whi is! sirpence 12 lb, on foreign
a u d-Lourpence re lb on British, to threepence it
lb,, On both; in redo don of 50 pee cent on the
timber duty, and abolition of the duty on clo t
fee seeds. These reductions, with that of the
windoir duties, it it calculated 7111 rlce . the
£1,891,000 surplus to £962,000, and at ba
lance is to be appli d to the farther red ction of
the national debt. . leanwhile the income tax,
which produces £5, 00,000 per annum, is to be
Again renewed for a forgoer period of three years.
The whole schemers 'been received with dis
favor. •
When the lacer
Sir Robert Peel, el
as a. temporary! act
of 'revenge which h
a Considerable peri
tied for three yea
stay, although the
Which it bad
body. At the time
however, the pres
effice,,it was not o 1
years, but an atte
it from three to Si
'indignation prove
Irish troubles and
. the doromment p
was not absolutely
of the lax in its of
accomplished. No
nee a steady ann
000, they are not p
tics which was 01
the grow' of ex
come on for disc
persons are calm
of the Ministry,
Ur. Hume has •mu notice th at he shill move
an amendment th t Instead of three years the
tax shall be rime ed only for one, and perhaps
some comproise . this shape may be accepted,
and may. patch up the momentary difficulty.
But the weals as ofrthe Government in in
creasing to ouch a degree on general points; that
it seems imponsib e for th em to continue much
longer in office a a the present terms. A week
ago Lord John It sell conciselytmouncml that
although he hue m
1 ng admitted the imperative ne.
I .
eit/ for eaten • g the elective franchise,he
, had at present no intention whatever of brng
' ing forward any Itch measure, and last night,
in conformity to this declaration, ho apposed
a propositionbe rig upba the - Trubject, and was
Z i
beaten by a msjo ty of 100 to 52. The propo
sal was to give th right of voting 'to rent pay
ers of £lO iii in =unties, the same as in
towns, the lin . l4t premat being .LlO in `towns
bad £5O in es,
tax was firat prolioset . l by
years ago, it was palliated
esaity, to meet a deficiency
1 d been suffered to go on for
and as it was only inapt!.
People submitted to it qm
-1 unconnientious manner in
framed, was' plain to every
Iwhen it should have expired,
.t Chancellor being then in
y renewed for' a father three
s.twas actually made to raise
per cent. An outburst of
, ted this increase; but the
ontinental disturbances gave
•wer to carry anything that
outrageous, and
. a renewal of
form of three per cent. was
however,. when . the people
surplus pf about .C2,000,-
pared to tolerate an injus
submitted to at the first on
geacy. The question is to
this evening, and many
!Outing upon a direct defeat
` Lich will force them to re-
With regard to the opposition to the income
tax it is desirable that it should ho tmderstood 1
that the feeling is •not against the injustice of it
in this form. A tax upoujo•oporty would bade. '
cidedly popular, and even upon income it would
become so; if it were Calculated upon same rela
tion to the fleeting character of all industria . I re
sourcesi from fixed possesisions.
As respects the variouS details of the proposed
financial measures, it la enough to remark that
they are mostly of en imperfect or complicated
description, and consequently give satisfaction
to no one.. The form in which the new house
tax is to be levied would cause it, to fall in the
most unequal manner on different properties.— ,
The repeal of oh per cent: of the timber duties
is only n half measure, and as it still leaves the I
importation of that article subject to all the oh
, structions of the custom house, the removal
1 of the one half will not do one tenth part of the
good that would have been effected by the remo
val of the whole. The reduction of the coffee
duties is again only an iviVtalment of what cur
Colonial plantern are entitled to claim, since
while British coffee is still to be taxed per lb,
Chicory, which competes with it. is grown in Eug
land. and is subject to no tax whatever. Almost
every feature of the scheme, therefore, is sore to
meet with strong resistance in the !louse of Con
mono, and the next few evenings are consequently
looked forward - to in the political world with nu
small anxiety.
The first division on the Papal aggression oc
curred on Friday last.! The number was 359
in favor of the introduction of the Government
measure and 63 against-it, leaving a majority or
Foreign affairs hare not attracted much at
tention daring the week, although there are see
end iMportant items of intelligence. In Ger
many, there is suspected to be some disagreement
between Austria and Prussia in toe concoction
of their reartionnry plans! anal h isrumored that
Austria now demands her old aupremacy as head
Between Turkey and
of the confederation
Egypt there 14 also a new misunderstanding.—
The Sultan ha demanded certain redactions, or
limitations in the military and naval armaments
of the Egyptian Viet as well as in some LeCal.
of the Egyptims Troy, •• - ..- ‘,.,-- 4.-- --.
. ,- .., - .",1:11 r *,...
matters, find the reply of the Viceroy, has tweet The nilgna tion or the Ministry has 'caused a
a sadden order for the enlistment of new sieldiers
depression in the cotton market, and there is less
and sailors- . this:movement being supposed to.
have been hocked by Austria out of iminurity .1 disposition to purchase. ' The sales to day are
to Turkey, in consequence of the refuge afford-'1 4,000 bales at unchanged prices, but closing
ed by the Hungarians. j Mat. 7 ----
It is the general Impression that Lord John
From: France there heals. nothing patieu- :
lar,,,except the open publication pf a letter from 1 :
: Russel will continue in o ffi ce as a leader, and Sir
the Count dechambord (Henry :Rh) to M. Bee,.
yer, his partisan, thanking that gentleman for ! James Graham be appointed' Premier. Should
hie efforts in the Natioual Assembly, and plainly Lord Stanley become Premier, political troubles
avulsing that his sole ainbitiou is to re-establish ' are f eare d . . , * •
monarchy in France. , I -• i The movement by Austria and Prussia in levy-
It is alleged that Garibaldi Inns returned to I
1i n an increased tax
, on imparts--goods and
Europe, and is now in Collannildeation with Max
sini at Genera, planning the 'odic mar of Italian ' twist from England and Germany—is likely
liberation. The rancor of Pruisia and Austria to operate unfavorably upon trade in Manches
agaimst Switzerland, for permitting the Italian i tee.
and German refugees to enjoy an asylum within
her cantons, Ls finding :Vent in daily increasing I
Oo the 18th of Fehreat7 a return to the House
Stream of au armed invasion of her territory.— :
: of Commons was printed regarding poor law re-
France, however, is jealous of'Ler •delluence"
in that quarter, and would therefore be likely t o : lief in Ireland. : In the quarter ended December
IS4ii, there were rixs3.lo6 persons on the relief I
interpose, although with what result to the Swiss :
people; may best be gathered from the conduct : list. In the following year the number was re
at Rome. In the present stage of the matter it
I :limed to 2,7.1,279 and in the quarter ended 31st
is said that she has offered to mediate. ; December last was 2539.736. In the quarterended I
December 1816,
the'ordina •,expenses forthe-re
AND ANEa_a Stilt 'actunats. li e f of th e poo r aMounted to e 425,015; in the
A paragraph in one of the letters of the Newl neit year, to .e 302,976; and in the quarter end-
correspondent a - the Times, vetting that 'ed the 31st December last to 1:247.217
: your chip builders kite:stied to propose a chat- ', .
lenge to those of England. to construct a vessel :
Of large size to run a ra „ f o am Eoo,fi,„o the; The protest efilfe French Republic in the
East Indies or elsewhere, has drawn forth n els- l matter of Austria joining the German Confeder-
ply from Messrs. Tether Sx Co.. of Liverpool. , scion, distinctly declares that the "French iov
: that they are quite ready to accept such n trial ernment holds it luivessible that the entrance of
if they can be backed by any gentleman in Eng- 'A
estem . with
land. . all her Bust. theinto Road can:
I . : : else place before the consent of the parties
of Consols woo 9111. REEI, C. -
The last quotations AFC
~,,,i ! guaranteeing the heels of Vienna is obtained."
they have closed today at 96), the market bring . l'resident Bunapart's conduct since the rcjec
dull, owing in some degree to the turserain po- : Son ef, the &Intim' bill seems to :have increased
sition of the Ministry. An Impression boa n!,,,,, : Lio pOnillarity. 1----
been prevalent that the Bank was likely again , • ' ' . I
Seven hundred and twenty seven thousand
toraise its rates of discount from 3 to 3.1 per I
nine hundred ten trines were deposited in the
nt., bullion having still I:elen export:al to India.
although the export to France and the continent , Paris :laciness Rani on the IGth and 17th alt—
generally has entirely ceased. There in a party . The with:Vowels amounted to 313,971 francs;
in the Dank direction favorable to such a step.. : The first cargo Hof the production of French
but thus far they have een•in the minority. It .
is not impossible, hovrever, that they may carry industry for the fiscal Exhibition of London left
their point, unless their elairs should become Pares On Tue.:disyl!for Dunkirk. where it will
snare steady. For toe la et few slays dm cow:- j i.e shipped for Lyndon. it kensists of 1,200
Dental exchangem have been turning in firer p d ..Lage,
d this country. end it is also believed that t h e ' i i•L I, '
shipment of specie to Lelia is now prety well ~
supplied. If this etate of things s
ang Icon thou, ' ht. Lusts soya f the f a r .'" loan o f Umairli
aiteratiee..t. •• It in at trans th t his success has biers great
saide would be no pretext for any
est. Piedmont has given him 62,.000f; the
indeed Siete is at present nothing to war
-1 Enema States . anr.,7t2.f : the Two Siellies, 214,-
rant such 5 step OfilfrC Lea herb coadderable
dullness in: bovines. of all descriptinns some ' ' tl.lf ; i '" mh " rd Y: 51 '. 363 r l the ether Putt'
294,311 f. The investigation into thei
little tithe past, without any very palpable cause. ' sate,
, Lyons plot has led to the traces of a vast eon
and it would les very hurtful needlessly to in
i soiracy whic proposed a revolution at IC:spies,
crease' it. . . . , s proposed
The Grain market remains without alteration. ' an " Rome : -
cotton during the week has been rather firmer. :, seams:nee iii , ulas to 'COPE.
1...::: Our latest dotes from your side are to the Bth ; The s K e
man cerrespondet4 of chi Daily News
instant by the Franklin, whose letters were de- I , an • iet,
,ie Feb. 4,,as refloat:
livered thin morning •. SPECT ' T°2 ' ,' Archbishop Hughes' Mixed congregation in the
' •Exotaxt.--Tera 31tessray.—TheLmadon Times, Church of Saint Andrea della Fratte Merin:sea in
of February announce,' that
Lord John Dos- I number on each succeeding Sunday, as many
Protestants i are induced by curiosity to listen to
sell had tendered hie resignation and held office '
only until the successors of the present Minintrr 1 .
41,,.,,*1',,71:yre=e;L' 4 the un ity I.lhefth"Vi',l;:iittat
could be agreed Timm. We publish below the lli in support of tihi be predicted the proximate
article from the Times. To those experienced l downfall of Prete:: then, saying, that ere long
in editorial labor, it will be evident that it
i s 1 it will have di* have the: world is aim
written with a specific purpose—that the Times, klr e ei l e -T hntahe he .'"‘ i s '' " 5 f the Arabia" and
either at its own option or under instructions,
I Ile meutiened 'le Nino as a ,eglorious but
is endeavoring to prepare the public mind for 1. afflicted pontiula., and alluded to the religions
such a Ministry as' it fornees or is informed milli policy of France, England, and Prussia, with a
probably be selected. We judge that a moire- 1 freedom: which i generally considered to be
Early conserrative or coalition Ministry to in . incompatible with the sanctity of the pulpit. Too
:h enth neiism
!hell:ever many ix arlonable in
embryo, nor should we Go surprised if Sir James l r ° . c ite e 4het , eit a at it ,
geeeeatiy r eetieredtbei
Grahani is at its head. There is no great inn- I , b e i e prea d i i eg pi r a c ar ni aa ni bat What the
probabilitY that Lord Palmerston will remain at l -Yankees will say on seeing one of their natural
his post, unless the complexion of the new Min- 1 sal countrymen don tho_ecarlet 'robes, may be
istry be very high Tory, which is not probable. j imagined from the r.l that they strengly oh.
jeeted to Dr. linghes having asstuned the threes.
, From the London tines. t , brnarr ci. I centered hat, prplo stockings, and gold chain 1
of a monsignors, on his arrival et. Rome: it being
coosidered bene th the :rigidly of no American
citizen to put on any other garb than that of las
own country, a arinciple on which the diplomatist
reprenentatieen of the United State, act, in dr
.fiance of the court etiquette of European Govern
ment, Most is nsible Americans with whom r
have had an op ortunity of discussing this sub
ject, :teem to co eider that althofigh the promo
tion of Archbisi op Hughes to the Sacred College
will Ise a matte of perfect indifference to their
countrymen in general, Unlit nut be favorable to
the spread of Catholicism in the New World on
net:mint of the jealoaey with which as assure!).
tion'of superiority by any clans of rellgionaries is
.. _
regerded.• :i '
07.716YAT10N 07 T 716 571.171011 7419771117.
Lord John Russell has tendered his resignation
to her Majesty, and only holds office till another
Government can be formed. The extensive loss
of Parliamentary congdence.'i or- rather of Par
liamentary sympathy, which 'his lordship and
.hia colleagues hove evidently suffered of late has.
probably prepared most of our renders for this
result. In the face of no much resolute opposi
tion from so many different quarters, and with
so much irresolute support—in the face of such
divisions or those of yesterday week and last
Thursday, Lord John Russell could nol expect
that the present Cabinet would safely rids
through the many delicate questions pres,iiig
upon the attention of Parliament. The Budget,
it most be confessed. bus satisfied no party. and
it seemed only too probable that any possible_
modification of it would purchase lithe-warm
thanks at the expense of strenuous objections.
It is proverbially difficult to please everybody,
even under the most revocable circumstances,
and that difficulty becomes an impossibility when
there is a predisposition not to be pleased.
The interest of the public. which for an ona.
sally long period boo been attracted to questions
of the post, will he immediately directed to the
future. What sort of Government are we to
have? A new one altogether, or- n reconstruc
tion" So far as regards the political principles
and the personal character of the men, there is
no reason why a Cabinet should not be formes!
with Lord John still for a leader, brit with ace
eral new members, Including two or three from
Sir Robert Peel's administration. loud Johu
could - 31141,mm hotter colleagues than those who
have proved such steady though disinterested
allies. But whether for good or for ill, the Wltiz
school is generally averse to coalition. • It is mu
much of an oligarchy almost too much of a fami
ily, to endure the introduction of new element , ,
espvially when there is anything to be forgiv
en or forgoteu 'The Whig4come in and go out
together, andmueb as the public will toadould-,
ly lose by the sacrifice of the whole Cabinet, we
can scarcely hope to see any part of it in a nem
Resides what has hitherto teen the Ministerial PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.
section of Parliament, the Protactionits are the
most numerous body professing a common creeil.
What may they expect out of rho present crisis! spitlNG A
It is su ffi cient to say . ,that they , ' are Protec- ' • 18'
ix hoUrs tu Philadel
stomata, and to all purposes might just'' Forty-sphia.
as well be Frenchmen or rigid Maimmetans.— nifty-Our hours -to Baltimore: ,
Suppose them summoned to Ilex Mjeny's coun-
Daily Linea' B]cpmfml Boats.
2Au - tiles - , -103 miles Cli e n t al.
oils, and compelled to diamilve Parliament, which
they correctly avow to be their solitary chance Two •
—for they would not get a sixpence, of tits public
money from the present liousei-what Sort of ma -
Tt P l i' l x L c A L ' E I L y A '.o , It r A A L 4 T E ITI
count would they . give of themselves to our
Pl'lß o e f ()_ the openingCanal V°Ra aviga
popubsi' constituents?. They
themselves to . enhance the price of bread and
all other food, and to throw away the legislation
of the last five, or rather of the last nine — nay, oa,i, Limo vow Express Negri floats
She last twenty years.
We are not saying what the Protectionists
might have done. Rad they . but followed their '!
ir j :l, wlc ol m : :; toL ,l . , ;:or ' r • ,,,, ir p th i tlk. R :lt i LLEDb ;;;; A .:A Y : Nl 9 l,l lll : 6 , ;: l ll :
leaden--had they taken common, sense, instead •
of passion for their guide, they might Dow,have
been In a position to govern this country.. Pot pHILABBLPBIL
they have wasted five yeara in one long lit of rod
len indignation, and have now nothing to offer Tinto through FORTY-gIX llot
the public but their incessant' maledictions on Cori, to
free trade and its authors. Their fate inn"gen- . or
eral election is too evident_ They would only ..darken ever,' mormitig h li
meet Parliament to be beaten on the address—to .`"^ "E ems st the me n u °or, it:t o'clock.
leave public affairs in the greatest confusion— Passengers for Baltimo
the . na Cam
perhaps to lose the year ISM iiitogether.for the iiveszaialfrratifr,:r:thlancuihrts.:7l3,a,„k,,,rgagthee:...
purpose of legisiarion—perhaps to incur the Cr- fear odn,.) ro r tiZZ. atr ''' t to my, teghty
cessity of another geneial election; perhaps to No Otago
throw the government ultimately into the hands Me =forbade,
of politicians with whom they feel much less Irate Cue earner or luftrningtionApply to
sympathy than they it either for the friends of'
J. P. HOLMES,gent,
Lord John Russell, or fur the admirers of Sir Monona MUM'.
Robert Peel. Or .
D. LEECH ' co.
Undonbtedly there exists abundant materials. It. &rtt l ;l. teftLig od
for the(formation of an entirely new Govern- i 7 1 !12 1 ... h ntri ao to Leckpart, which r [test Ow tier Wtent, bound to that commercial policy which a b ioni k i . r,b7i,mis.
Lord John Russell inherited from his preoleces- !
seri' ' This it not the time - either to revert to the
errors.of the retiring Cabinet, or to inquire very
critically into.thispersonal metits'of this ok that
probable member of the new one. It is rather I
thelime to view things as a whole, and we have j
little doubt that from the namerousludependent '
stalest:den of our day; a Government could bel
formed that would deserve, and generally receive.
the cordial support of those who for the present
are in poorer. Whatever is done, it is most ded
rableolbove all. that there should be union, and
therefore some degree of generdsity and mutual
forbearance, among the various sections that
stand by free trade.
The progress of round legislation, the peace !
' of the country, and the stability of our
tions, absolutely require that all should combine
to prevent even a momeutarysucce, c'f the Pro
' temionist imposture. For the sake's cou n try;
gentlemen, for the sake of the Houle of. Lords,
for the sake of that representative sj -tom which
still gives considerable weight to the owners and
occupiers of the soil, the question of free trade.
! ought not to come again before the people of this
country. It is too serious and too core a point
; to be reopened, especially by the rough process
!of a general election. Allwise men should cow
-1 bine to avert that periVand all wise men sh o uld
therefore combine to give a fair chance—that, of
course in nil that is asked—to whatever body of
! liberal statesmen her Majesty may common to
her councils. -
The great majority by which leave was given ,l
to bring In the bill guarding against further pa
pal aggressions appears to have caused some ex
citement in , Ireland, as was to be expected.—
Petitions condemnatory of Lord John Russens
policy were placed on Sunday at the doors of all
the Catholic chapels in the city. and a vast num-.
ber of signatures were obtained in a few hours.
The Roman Catholic prelates were to assemble in
Dublin to take counsel : respecting the present
emergency in the affairs of the church.
THE VCV.T I.ATEAr YRO3t Clatorr.—E'we'r or TUR
'22-2 e. ■
. ,
loomeolto and 'ordnyn Eseoov, Bunk
Gold e t Silver, Bought, So!dd. Exchanged
No. 84 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
Foreign add etitierican. Hardware.'
N 0 1 ,129 Wood Street,
A (AII athlNVlplrl rtrirk of Folecuaf Axn A MLR ;CAN
Staablo foc the rptiog awl whilth they aims
ta off, to purchaer• at rILICI, that will cps.
fesncatar with nor tho esatcrn
VOPARTNEUSIIIP—We have associated
wlth T1M10.3071 Btu, lat. Cultic"? the hrtoert
Ikeodle Bank. ram will &Tote bin tweeeew w"ti on w th,
blptictoss The style of the Lim rmalra hrntnfc•se.
jaln A. WI LKI.NI3 A
Corner of Third and Market eta, Pittsn'gh
Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New York. ,
vrillleave Sharpabor g h CS r oller ebore) . ..V...e
.. e .. Mar. .3.1 ; after that. ter. Boats trill leaser. 'sect
toorninS and event.. I
Purees.. trill take the rtmeteat W1R(1137.4. ro c its
the PERRY 110US.E, Allekherry IVbarf. etei 7 mornin g at. 1
7!.; o'clock. and eeer ) ' tTettin it at7s oclock. fereharpober g h,
until the eulrett et Girt' s HOP k rePerlred. i
For paanage o other Information apply door'.
P. lII.IIAF.S Mono. oare. 1
Orb—(U. LEtell t 6./.. n0
Cal Perin.
felaaltf ' . i
_. _. !
Citizen's Insurtunel:COmpany of Pittsburgh
alepee Yo. Water atrnt, In theratthu u ue
C..G. Hussar. rteeident A. W. 31 WI, Seel..
Title thmpany la mow prepared to Men, XII trwrcharittl*
In .tote, and In [maim, veesels, kr
An amide xtutranty Mr the ability . and Intraity of the
InstituUont le afforded Itv thech.araeter td the Director.,
who aro all PittalniNh. r II and fe , rmblY
known to the rotuntonttf . far their s.rudener,
and InteirritY.
.Drarerons—C. O. Iluaw et
, T, W. Itagaler. Wm , Latimer.
Jr, Welter Bryant. Hutch D. Kin drawl
John Ilaworth. 5. litabangh. N. M. Kier. , af•Xtf
. _
aa-A. A. Mona a Co. eall the attention of thr Lashes to
their neer awl taattiona9e stock of Spring anti Bummer
LIONNITS. , mehl2
Female Seminary.
ViRS. R. W. POINDEXTER proposes to
gkEnr4.:M A „t t l Y oiNt : l'i.` 4 " -, lt o -
Connon, nnettlieny City; onnuneneing wis irst O
"11161geof ltortrunuouwllloomprlse the um al brands
es to the English Delp anent.
itsrearseis—Rew. Janiss naggers. D. D..)
D. .
E. Pft fr. Dole, Phrnv City.
Pew. Swi,
COURSE OF Lvsrr:renoS.
Ju , no. Di,0....-43.05pb5, II story. Writing, drift,
mek. Jth•
Scstoz DePnangrvg—Flirt Dirision—Natursa n.l Mental
Phllosolthr, libt.t.riv, /re.. otc.
Second barisian—R ill embrar. the untalstudlet.
.Ith thstructl.4e fu the Freud& Language.
&Dior- let Rivlsiqn.
Instruction 1,,
.$5.11t1 per I.ller.
TO LErmunt KEN. ,g
2,000,000 feet Plank wanted.
e pruptt until the Orst
lnext. for furnhhing Two )11flion bet or Plank
thick. rml 6 or It font lu length—to to
itharitabarth If brought by Um river, or at such placet uu
the road at , may toe embed upon.
Prom:malt may to directed to therm...dem, F.. 11. LANK.
Huth,. Butler co-, I. rto CIIARLES MUNI:, Pitt..
!ught 1104 any inqulttiva for furtit. Information t.n the
auteeet, may b. addraraml to •
Propmals will be remitted DJ/ the delherry rd* either Oak.
Ilemlatk. • mchlthder
rIiLVERIZED CORE--Refined and Pre
pared leorreely for Mood.—Thie lue”enparable pure
eantiful article Is sareedlntlf henlelq, delloon, and
rzanalnid. Puddinse, Cake*, ( .lint% tc, tr. le b)' the dlrectkma acccenpany log each packa4n. will be fou:d
meat eacellenl
. ilice par peekazin ac.
• Yor sale by metal IL EELLE/19,67 %feud et.
LINSEED OIL-20 casks Linseed O.
reed and fa eel* by
max 12, FL SI W. lIARHAfIO I7.
'VARIED APPLES-6U sack., received and
jr fir rale by mar 12 E. & W. 11AltlIA11411.
LAHD--20 bble. No. I. Lard. reo'd and for by mar 12 RALOALIIII.
~{TINDOW GLASS 200 hoxee \: endow
free male by mar :a...a W. TiaithACCill.
AI7I.IITE WINE 1 .11 , .Lly.AR :, of
er .superior:'
mehl2 . Urvern. clad Tra Dra/er..
FOR PIES AND TARTS--Pr«sh Cherries
and Plural. tut up in tb , lr own /nice, promerving tb.
°ina' flavor of the. fruit Alro—Coapor's celobratrd
Sheet and aut." !Anal/. ond Fronaa thlaßur. Jelltes.
Blanc Manz, J.c fur •ala
ta d
W. 1 1: A. McCLURG A CO ,2-:i3l-Ib ,, tY tl-
EOR RENT—The commodious three
storied Dwellinc Howe, 00
l sired.. ad,olving the rrsideunis of P.
Leg. l'oaPeegon olvm AOl , l,
JSO. Nict , eItOS3I.N.
QUNDRIES-1 rase dun' %due;
1 1.1)1. Sllrrr Sand;
1 Cream Tort, '
1 bale Lama tattle Ccrtc,
• 1 uwo Lkoborl , Balk Ind nreirrl
so.l for rd. ti N. N. W1c1i.f...R.?11.01,
COM. W.. .14 Sixth Its.
.FITZSIJIONS & CO., 31ainituctu
itth"!; ° LINA EV%Firlit'l!‘'Zl'h ) !.2l,Uf9'LludlV 2 !
throe dplierma of hallos stt , b, work don,
prros o r t •at to do It at thy been saat,thle rat., tit tha, ort.
I=kdlire s eVatr:tra n ==47e, th » l' a . ..l. lll' .V .
lona Do Mark Emitb and Yoram - wk. saano
lartond at lb. abortent coll., and at Ito Ina*. pnoc...—
All Mod. of Jobbtat dmu oo abkal ootk ,
atrial Lan
4 BOOK KEEPER, nil . con colo r sr 11
'7. mororrno.t . sro , bow of 1 ' ; I • A e
47 ... in ''' .. 10,0 0:3 . cum "1001 o ' ll::712. ' l
Nt7i . p.TliraZ'''.'l4. '''' '''''''"''' tt47l7,.'''''"
DMA/ PEACILES-1114 skis. for sale ty
m 0.1.11 Wleli 0 glee.tlaill.i.l.B.
134.41) APPLES--:.1 , :oloci;i:•;golr 17
bohll WICK 1 Mregli e 1.1:,.
O ATL i ei 1 flack, fur,r11c0Rb,,y,,,,,',,,,,
bbls. for mile by
W HEAT me hl - 1 bbls. fur calc by
kr sal. by Oiteblll VUBLICCSON . 2
(ig FIIRAF ALE-300 Whole and [IL BLIs.
kJ lo w m 10, C0W.. arrivals from ln. Drx•regy.
wammdrat was/Ity, fur slit bi -
FLUDIXTRON s ftlll . ll3lT.
STRAW WRAPPlNGFromtheVirginia
censtsatly mar sea for sale at assebeeta
rers' prices, by IIOCIERT.€4.IIt
caCYTHE RIFLES-15 gross (warr - rgied)
In stare sad Ibr We by t. icslordx soN,
small 61.1Vater ea.
!, AM. White
ICU 1:m.1641ml Corn for ra.•
ombll T WOODS 2 &1!i, 61 m am" t.
Y Plum the OHARA+ RUH, ShmLovrinafor pals Ly
Avhil W. P. MARSHAL L. •
WALL PAPER—Prices reduced at the
V Eastern Pam Hangings Et.nw, Sn. 84 Wool H.
VIREa/ARO PRINTS—For sale be
m. 61 1 W. P. MAIIIHIALL.
—FlC' by
HACOIi-5 conks rec'd and for sale by
Kuehn J. 8. piLworan 30.
FLOUR -100 bble. rec'd and for sale by
mchll J. O. DILWORTH CO:
Old, BUTTER-10 bbla. for sale by
mroll J. S. DILWORTH CO.
- - -
Two Hundred Carriages at Auction.
Fifth Semi-Annual Trade Sale at Philadelphia.
Ills SALE will take place ewe.
2r WEDNESDAY, Mt , Wltt day of Dart+.
aft,',lll , 3f, and will easel all ot en ,
tont. Th. oullartion eattanew at loast too hundred
Dammam, •
l o n ¢ofd
of which will be towanaidland, nt • au.
to ICU .111 le /.I ' ll r itw r igtniTlftgl k e ' r =I " !
Waldeolobrltr throughout the Mat, lortuding
tlor Co.. J. D. naughty. John !Derrick,
and talon .
It will ho //nal In all tearoom as regard. stfle, nish. mai
du d dilty, to oar made fur onannorm or to Order.
Sgr .urrhasero from • Datano informed that o are Inrmed at the rah •
.Au tottitirofy td.b. Mum on the aDom dar.without ',grad
to the .rather. ALDRDD Dltd,
tucha.3t Auelloneer.
Hosiery, Gloves, Milts, &c.
open an worth:tent of Black Thlbet and Cashmere
Allderloo Long and Ralf do.; Black,
Mist. lend, and
Nankin enlorol Cotton do.; unbleached Cotton Lola . nod
Molt do.• black and white anon Silk do.
Kid. 6lk. and WI. thorax
Gnomon and toper Mohair and 0110 Strrrh
Cotton and Merino Underthlrun jam.. d o , 4 04 i.i .00
gt torost oath pd., at North East corner of booth Roil
Market sts. no-1110
LOSt. - - - -A Illt,iBB - KEY. — Any person find
h titanin pirate burn It thi at the Gate °Moe.
t:ill SALE-20 bbl.. White Louisville
' ljnor; purple and relic. CarPtt Challe,•• qUantllr of
and .cheap Bandy stistsirss se dot. Lead Persil.. and'
:,„ 1 1MoMe.g:,`Tg k A,1,11 0 1. 0 140=, I` t or,..`t
, xi .rrhu,. Plotorm bibbett'• West Uplotorfelt Beta ,
won all our =union, and the cao4 of our nereeklr, and
guilt • variety of Ustrue Ltetwate Neorepapers.
malt= Conunladon Merchant. Vlrthrt
6 .1731 OPIUM—I ease for sale by
whit) • J. KIDD A (X).; rA) Wood at.
CfaTCHafsfiif . L.soo lbs:(Garrett • s) for
'llb.L- yodel° • J. KIDD* CO.
TIMED PEACHES-20U bo. for Salo by
. ..
HICKOKY NUTS-30 bbl. for ink by
Y - -- pi:EN APPLES-100 bbl. fur
nle by
t k ,N mail° SAMUEL P..SMRVQM-
GiIiESTNLTTS bbl. for fc(111 ‘by
ljiOL'L BUTTER--10 bbl. prime just reed
mhlo aml Da enle be SAMUEL P. SUMTER.
It APPLES-2O Sacks recd, for Bole by
mcblo SAMUEL P. 5110.111.11.
aIORTS-400 bu. for 'yule low to clone con
gronrnt, by SAMUEL P. SIERIVER
IttiCE-1 0 tie. (fresh) for sale by .'
tochto PAMOttL P. slinivEn.
Si UNDRIE.N--- .
IVO On, Tamily_Flour
No. 3 Mackerel;
CZ . Natio;
SOO " pima Narhannork Potato..
ZAI "" 110.
it) . . Omen Apple,
E4O Inisb. Ear Com; .
'Or . abort.;
lOU, . Data.
60 . DO.l Arai. for tato by
T. truftDa a SON.
Produce Dealer. and Commission Merrtiaut,
•_.._.'hia No. Si Watt.? stnel
t . .. - .
IiCISL . b BUTTER-4; bbl i. j4:! ) go' b i o ll s od for
,11)0 • 01. Water st.
LARD OIL-26 bbl. No. 2, just reo'd and
for rale low by , NVALLiNbFORD .t. Cu.
—i-LCOIIOL-15 bbl. for ottlo by •
mcmo ' J. KIDD a CO: GO Rt.
HEMPSEED-16 bbl. for Pale by
mettle 3. KIDD t W.. cp Worni in.
LACES • WANTED—For ieceral good
EslekmieN Moat Kamm Astra , . Vsnbowe pea.
00l am
rtd. 'MP/aces for a ouratri of LOYLIt
arepcm, maas, chambermaids. art mad dry sorrain.
mid rams and atris arosiMid lisrallios or botch , . Oni.
, boys wanted. and all Mails of agswirs aUeu•
dad to at short roam, at'
MAO 11110.16'
archlai AP= Itabitlago4o Ma. PIM it.
Large Sale of 'Valuable Household Furth-
Ewe. •
TiIURSDAY, lath, at. 0
.q .a. A. M.. at the maiden.. of WM. EBBS. on the
rood Rank. in the at, of Alleglieuy. adjultdrig the rwni .
deuce of 0. Lathrop. will I. offered for .le the whaler
at Ma flisonehold Yurdture, rouniPtluff In or
Pier Wawa. 31ahogatu Oreuch) Mum. Cent, Ta
het.. Pier and CAA Tables. ladle: Work
otaud; PIANO. of flue tour nod lu good order: al" Chi
a. taat.Cia,ottuutaatt.airaudiilea, lard end till lamte‘
pet, and rut,. 1 lar,elzbt day tushownuY eloek , f""'^ -
tietuer.s' averetary. 1 lar e v mahogany took
hat rael, urab:ella stand of eloth. .lole tward. he&
I , 4ads, tuaho6an3 yleyd wardeutax, I
eheTal det“13.... Le .1
loed.) with the u.ual novitly of Chamber..! liltebeta
Furoltunn etuld's Vallata.
Peltiell'a , Pinot the ahoy.. llah.yeauy Fueulture v. - ramie
the rel.-heated White Co.lValrott l•hiladelphia.
wad o• I. 1: 0, 4 order—Noioe of it a mxot atttritaa, 'being
the be,a lot at Furniture en:. ortenal west al dm mount..
at pail., sales
There will BD,' be n dd to the .ale hild rate Family
Carriage. nod I owe
and a burnt) of artirk, pertaituog to the ...Id..
VOTICE.—The steamer ASIA. in Julylast,
brought trout L . Cciorati. Ml Kto t Churns. Lotl I
000ne , 1 Aleeph Duo. of th; ' phose. Notion it
hotel , / otton. Want If .11141 maid atm. md•Vallsy aye tiot
redeomoa by the 3Uth ult_ they trill be sold ot Ot4Llie axle
t pay fivlght tool chant... WM IL OCAIfiL
.1 toehl
pRINTING PAP,EII--A superior: lot of
Double Medium Duper, 271Z7, end blvle'rlol.
ices ode at IV. ti.IIAVD'S
avellb Paper Store. cot. Market =el &roved Doi.
rrivd-by Goo.
Dorro.4iut.l . so: or the
fxr throb.
The Cultivato,
Inctlonaryoi keel:mule, .'n. 24.
Crulth.n; In the LW. %1.1. by P.
lllstory u( rt.tennln ,by h:4l;e: PU'r :jl7 —'. . 'Pk4e.
Prawn;lLvi a Jilenitr rtory Irthr ftrinal . :l(Onargn
I Hy N. R. Jame,. EN. =clan
5 GROSS Rushton, Clarke 4,Co.'s genuine
got Liver o n . for sale by J. KIDD A 61.
memo • 6U W.. 1 .L.
113EARLS , -14 casks (first snrts) for sale by
wait, ..IVICK A McCANDLESS., (prilne) for sale by
...ha— tttiK a McCANDLEiS.
riIAR-78 bbl. f"..."VC,lf,orintle by
1 n. 61 4,,...., ,, ,, jpeli A 514.C.L1DLESE. _
VOD LIVEIVCAL--Warranted pure, nn
l_.) drnuOrt. ituratton. (Uri, A Co,'Nks bath, fur ~al,
neeo corrior Mist and W.. 1 sta.
IrCRNED PILL. BOXES---Aisorted izee
j_ Gar rale. 1, B. A. FA lINESTUUN A lll.
u4 i.:1"1. for ftal.
CT I;CAl2ll2l—Eiiglisli imported, Mr
141 A
ask by ruclsS IL A. tAkis.4l - STUCK US.
JIUTT ; iiladd — erggTiassuried sized
isoka:les. fur '
es.ll . s • O. k. nnsm , rocK Co.
WEN'SPLADIRS--Lemge tuid-
A far sale by It. A. - a
.Pb 4 evraer lint and - Wand es.
IJIIDES—Ind DRY HIDES. roeeived and
for ale bj mar 1 S. A...W. 011.11A1:011:
,'sacks YeaThera;receired
I PAW for We by werh KA. W. lEAI:UAL`O ii.
1 S
W r it DUTLE , R 7, n3: re, per B.
, S. a W. 11A1111ACCII:
_. . •
kgs. No. 1 Ilrd in
marY.°47 and Y or "1" bg. W. HAM/AI:6W
Wegner, BnechneT & lineller's
THE ABOVE FIRM respectfullvanitounce
LD owr rri,,,a... H. , P. 1.1 1, 5r...414.0.4 th.)"
err rrepotrnt to raceutc, fa thr fin' .rart f tot.lreat. all
nnkrol for She.. C an t y, UM. •Dlplome.s. C hart,. darling
aced l'rof..,.lonni CarJo, Mug, Charts. C.a.'. Jr. ,,
Ilt•Ir ...I.lo.llolcorot i• ...1 Na, it Mart. Atr.vt., between
Thin] nail I...urtt, 5tr...4....up s l
,Jr... mc.g.l
EGUS--3,1,1)1. for sale by
law.hg tV't. 11. JOHNSTQN.
LARD -1 * bags in store and tar sale by
g IREEN APPLE.S—AS bbl. for sale by
Lit saslsi • WM. II JOHNSTON.
I IR)" APPLES-50 bu. for gale by
Ur wmhS W31.11../01INSTON.
LI ICKORY NUTS-17 bbl. for sale by
Ail. ...ohs am. 11. JOIINSTioN
O) TOBACCO--2 hi .1 fora
LEAF o i r ITithti • W3I. 11. JiII ' IN . STON ' .
,3 8 • 1VA 1. N . : , 1T1)--,.. ,, SALESM AN 3 , AN 1. b in 4 ..1 . 11/r.. -
tt-5er00v . ..,u0...1 ..), lakquire at. thl. orlim.
11.1. land for rwlo ST
JA , ll'.s .
rac67 111.smou.1 alkT
W.l. v r ti f z l E ‘ S , l L
t l , "!; 1
pi..l or 6., :lac., TANIA. 3 Cutler).
ia airilcarifyliaco. for
11,11,. aa..l Chan.
Fixturm 51111tar,. 31 .
taidt: 0.14 hal,. sod alas, Cott... lAstßoo..ll..
ir t r"ill.ilo int Mu, undaranlng 2,raltr In !mot Ms
towort .111111.1mb la the ur the rhur, ,utraner. In
!rout, .tth a hurt. rt,..* tha that, aural, and at 1111
G.-1% ;loth .14op an th‘.,tr , nnd ^h./.
W. 1111,0 N.
huh: rur‘h•r Fourth and Mara. rt.
DUEL BLANK BOOKS.—;rbe Subueri
womUll norpwetfall?eall Ito attenfloa N Revel.
mut, thareo, and all who um , litanit
to 44 lame neck of filant M•rck.. which If temle t the
leen Lnang
and bound in the, moot aut.:um:al mac
u‘r. with the µagel tkambered beautiful pr. All ob.
w.ll ernvitilt thelr ..wn Interval. will pleowe.eall awl ex.
minlna toy .1 , . k, which will he offorwd at the lowsicash
price, h. h1,54.30‘..N.
_ _ .
Xhfh7 No 47 Markri
JIL 'HON.—WiII • rurxirwd. by Ent raaal arrival;
and chorea Mk , at a Ervada.4lEutnm PAPER
LIANGLVG.S. in . ....k. tvcl...:. a. 4 4 ... rat.arr•-••
to.retber wiM a large :ct Lbeap ... 6. (1.-nomon Pa
pars W.LIZEI:. I, 31d1181IALL,
=ch . .'e4.l 4 ‘aal 4.
Bolivar Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp.y.
GLOVER, KIER & CO.. I . fic.pßizTocs.
poinlad Agrlv , Mr thy store oaroad rarern.
keep rupstant/i - outland euppli of the lilt.. /law.,
Ylrebriek.Cotwllde IhroClay.lornow iliaribilwal lowan.
They axe am prepared to neetto Oaten for tall ii *, to
be said. MA,. tbzwe to milt ••11.11
0 abetbe Leinlibtl7
d l
ram nd.
%redo not lt noriwiean . to atiower.e the anal
vantages the. &near rum Drub otaiwoi ow, ail ettaw:tbai
hare bringi:el for tale ln the CpUttr: tt
Atrs. eon ,
rkeit Well known to &twat all taemoui he wee
ilre Debt. The proprietors have Jab:twine] that Ilia
Brick shall hew one of preaant twilabla rartontloo.
and that no anent, trail l opared to riato thew earn
tango also they have haretonwo Tina ie tha.ool)
oweablistunact now noinufarlunue Piro Drink at Doha.
1(1E2 Jiil.2:;4,
nd Canal PAO. 11-vanth a., 1122.1nr211
SAFETY FUSE-150 , 000 fNt. Bacon, Bick
to sCo.'n me, vtammte.l, narlo
nwh7 J.:, 1.1 I.N u&,TII
Gas Pitting.
& °La.
trou'd the publlc
e,unttortit of
ZWlTT:. '" org li e
tt. and uln‘t rrainnable tenxtA 7 itmlartf
A iIL CLOTHS-10,C00 vard3 tl.or Oil Cloth,
hevey lonti medium. from .5: to r. . soh, vi , .. or tn.
astern pattrn.. whirh IA Odd to km at whotoxalo .
cittern mato. n,! retail lower than suit other hon.. In the
y. Ito Moto: the uttentium of ,orelooem to the at.,;,
stook. at oar wort momO.aMt 9 1 ,0, 1 ft
-113417 ' J& 11. PHILLIP...I.
lar,....,rbrtmealt of 4,6, and 6 at. 61:04tiaa. Tr,
FLL ,n
[vela 1. IL YIIILLIPS, 7 anal i 0 Wood
Vactury--,a44) 4 aal6 or. Orem eil Cloth. a hole
toteood rotail. et No. 7 =I a Wood 44.
mob: J..k R. LLIPS.
9r ABLE OIL CLOTIIS—A very . large as
wettn•ntSr u
Table Cors, no hood ;ad for ••I• at
No. 7 nod U Woo S d steret.
tub? I st, 11. CHILI-11•N
Lin Close *col:
4 Timothy Jest teed sod for este by
matt • J. lb I)ILWORTII B CO.
71 iiiEG
jay L a,.. 1. 6 1173 DILWOIIIII . II , I
DOTASII--11) cagks No. I. for sale by
. meta J. S. 'amoral! .t..v."
v 9 tem, extra A. and ti
to catty home ratsa I; fur sale by
mad J. 0. DILWORTII a 00..
11D. KING, Banker and Esaliango Itro
1. ker. Fourth it . deal, In Weatern F 1111.14, Sight
dr • to
tamer. trdh, and mat, erdlertions In the
weal at low rat,. and Is now telling the higher; market
premium In per ftrnds for'Argrrir3,l andel
Blank Books.
THE largest Stock of Blank Books, of ev
rrr ilev-dptkm, In nil gibe hlndlne. le 'Morel fur
ax the lowest rata, At
W. [I. RAVE:eeI blank Ikuk Sine,
per Market and beromi sta.
Merchant...l are' requeiteci to roll acht examine our Medi.
nni anti bend Mink Mori, *hleh ore offered at Utor
grins limn they have torn Men .1d iu eiri
Into and American cohT : l
otiA —Mu;pr att' s bent quality and
high atrennth, for c.alic at fur 2. tone or n pwrNw
for by iruantlticz, by
U Liberty gt
HARP"'9 MAGA'/.INE, re;
• a. itootm•
mehtl . -orpoalle
Olt SALE—tschange Bank Stock, by
• meted 11. D. ma. Fourth st.
1741Slikat)/EN, ATTEN T rIpNI--IVIIS left
ot. ode stum Lte talte-3 Vlshins_ Nets, erm of them
)erd luott. mei two stooller otos. They will IA told at o
verihee, at the owner It no sod lady of years, who Is
destitute,nd wish.. to obtain steam to take her to her
essay 10 Ito Mote ur J It. PHILLIPS.
mend No. Loud V ITodd
k l i AltPET—lteecived thift day. byLeech .t
Nur. at Ow Canal Warrheuea e( 31 , -
C NT1a...11:. N. 7. Fuerin at.. roulprlnlng In peel the, fel.
Inarinn Tane.try, Intiortal Three Ply,
Tapestry VenlUala, Plain Vrnlthin, and superfine Ingrain
(hrprl.% t.f lb. mat tandem It 3 len. Melia
OLASSES-- , 211 tail. N. 0. tor hale by
I . I.ln P. • W. a...cancan.
C AF[DLES—vO box.
" ra;
R.OIIInU.N. LITTIA: di co.
ZED-50 1,11. rr:e'd, for-0,a14.,
lik 11A11.11Attill.
OLL BUTTE:It-10 laths. fresh Roll Butter
. reed ns4 far onle 1,
nebe. . _ S. 0 W. lIARBALUII. _
cIitEEN. APPLES- MI. reu'L fur sale ur , rads'. ' zi.-1 W. IIAILI1L1;411. .
bbl. Nu. 1, in fume. fur:mile by
sorb& P.d
LINSEED OIL-10 bbl. reed, for mak by
=DO 1108.180 N, LITTLE k CO.
CLOVERSEEII--75 lat. for sale by
bob 60111.50 N, Mink OD.
REEN APIFLES--50 bbl. ((in fine smith.)
jun M,,end WI. sal.l,
roeh6 ithnises. urria. A co.
1-1601 C-1. large New Wagon, suitable
r7fur Farm.... for A.,3e by
melte. 'ROBISON. LITTLE k CO.,
1 ARD 011,-10 tibia. fine Winter Strained.
]_/for sale ty J. KIDD &CO..
loth] • No. GO {V...1 Meet _
1 01'PERAS-25 Mils. (in good order) for
~,,o, by J. bj OD t CO..
mehl No. GO Waal n•tyret.
'VIM PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
telarmo the autmcsibers. under the ,Lyle of ••WhIM
Planing Muhl Is this day dixeolrecl by mutual
et All ungniatuut Maxim,. of the atom drect
otled by WRITE 2 JON I. w ho will evollnue the be-
ittelle at Um old Magid. I. M. FAINT.
Snalgeannto it, Feb. Al, I tMI.--; melMuf
2.00 . 1.b1e. N. O. MoLameu
,10 Suva: Yu/I yyrriYlve. turlNale by
VLNEGAR-5U bbl. receicifiii, for sale by
RIED BEEF-5 tc. S. C., for sale by
OLASSES-,25 Ibis. S. H.;
/VA_ 25004 - Or oak In
cora and to snit, stol tur solo by•
mob:. &I It tll Orator, and 62 Front A.. •
F ISLI-40 1,131. prime lame No. 3 Mackerel,
to .
" Baltimore IlerranL7, for sale tor
DRIED FIIUIT-725 ha. Apples;
• 875 reacher fur vale by
metal 1.. S. WATERMAN ' S SONS.
rrIANNEILS' 01.1.—L25 Md. for sale by
rI~UBS tuuctiETs--co doz. Buckets:
• • 10 - TARA. Er ralA Ly
ULASS--850 boxessW. G., aaled, City mid
Country brands, for We 13r
mr1,38. W ATERSIAN BU\B. -
BROOMS -120 doz. fancy and good coins
EEDS—:IO bbl. strictly prime Clover Seed;
'l3 tl -. bag, Timothy <3vit.
mrbil L 4. WATER3IAN A 80
UTTER—.2.icbbl.lloll Batter;
3 1-15 trio Pialril_ll4 . te.r, for
,a IB S 1.. 4:1 mil. ATERMAN a-80
inclM - 81 k fit Water, aral 029rarit rt.
casks, llama;
\ : dreaule by
meh:r WALLEMIPOIf.I) a CO.
,ARD 01L-10 bbl. No. 1, on hand and
o 4 Water Arad.
rkbPOSALS will be received
until tbnlttli for the follemlus Plan, wee
su test to tliol=ti f o b ter.meany's Pm'
/1 . .
1 s t") - ittuo of ~
.4 " 1.:th i 41 " : " . Lt4Ww.
grfrra t
~ A,-
Committee on Extension.
l'irontrom GAF Wouns, Mush Sib,
4 - .), — LA — CKWOOD, fur February, and the Art
Jut /outrun, for January, are for oak et tiotmEs „ .
atehn %pante the Post Ofßrr.
Fl' AR-25 bbl. reed and for sale by
111 ACKEREL-25 bbl. No. 3, for sole by
IV mein nolusos, LITTLE CO.
ItO dox.llrArresro top. Corn Broome:
lon ride Fpanb.b Ado. Lembo.:
LSO boo. Wootow Oho, wonted Aro,
• -
lorog No
15 _
With Kern-rot ....moot of Orono.leo, 'fur sole by
1 1)IIIED PEACIIES-550 bu. for sale by
rorhS, 200 Liberty st.
FLOUR --400 Ramsey & Scott's Family,
cur esli- br cnchS nun sot. LITTLE tCO
pUTASII—O casks (pure) for sale by
trirtiS Vricx 2 SirCANDLeSS
Wiji)S-183 pc. for sale hv
mr)ls WICK & 'lf c.CADLE.B.S.
NUTS--R pkg. for aide by
fiIIES - Turs--.11 bags for sale by
men i InICR & 51eCANDLE3.
CTTER-1 bbl. prime Roll, for sale by
mebs WICK & McCANDI.E2B.
ii.I.ILEIIATUS-14 casks and 23 boxes pal
17 i'mril•AL, Nal•• bY
BROOMS ---136 doz. (Corn) for sale by
mrhs WICK k McCANDLE..9.
117RAPPINCr PAPER-348 reams Crown.
V -I-
Ae . h. , EREL-138 Lbl. 100 . 3. for sale by
11 1:1" IIERILIN(I-300 boxes (fresh) for
A.IID-14 kegs No.l. for sale by
4.1:63 RICE d ft eCASOLK96.
• Temperance Notice
inc l'etitleaug for the ennettnent Of &prohibitory law
non net the sale of batonkatior liquors in Allegheny Cour ,
tir to
(lb: o
'Moos woo bare not their petitions 'filial by signatuitet.
are rottownsol to use every exertion during this week.
oseitottiobp A. tr. MARK.tteerertnry.
ALAI tlL—ltion Its. in store, car'snle by
=hi num k mcssrsoN.
CLARET WINE---14 Ude. Bordeaux;
O) bars. - • Nada:
roa.4 MELEE a lucsersoy
-15 Mut& Kant Seurusli:pw,
.t 1 N. - - - iu star. for Paltbs
m(4.4 5111. LEN. a MCKESSON.
New Books! New Books!
_ .
. an,rt.opprx4te thr Pcot Office.
..ullon An Jannal. Cue Erbranl.
ot•l`,Adnatis. Tbannni, mmpine.
nratf.,l4 Irinnir4.lo=nice.
. • . . . .
Noleald'.lH.e. or I.lte and delve:Mores of Petelnd MAE -
Oen, untten by bluleelf
Le.:re sod Arnhitiou, Novel h7 the author of "Rocking
ham:. 4
Mi,lseimdrerenea, or .iketehes of Southern Life.
!Hellman - of leleehanka.
• • . .
I luueele,ki tint% ra.
Dr. 11.-Ilisa'sNyErtx complete. itebl.s
XTRA -: YOUNG In-sox TEA.—TactVon'TnodAtZ.
41 17 . tr. nd rw ",4 1 '47. 4 ,
a errata fully Nr3/111. I/ 130ensperior,touky to slebail
' linfarial urled thew
fur which all f r yut le fair trial - and trill recom
ltlelld theuiselviae A 111:rel tbeeinust mule I to retailers,
'ld to t"'"'" t i ring by
11%?'.47.47.61eUR5T t CO„
mrdn Tea Dealers and Grocers.
Wail tier Illastiasti este* quality:
2:a.i ••• Kg. for aide by
robin • DILITOITII a lid. •
‘TEgi'FSFO.OT OIL-2 bbls. just reu'il rand
A. far sale at bhe Drug Ram or • •
fels2B enrner Weal and &alit eta
bnks Pea Nuts;
4 Dried Peaehea non Lauding limn
stiamer Aria 11[111 fee onto by
fet.24. Water sad Frost eta'
VEATILERS- 7 10 sacks now landing from
rvainer Slk. .24 hr sale tre
DICKET a D 3.. . •
\law and Front oda
COTTON—in bales now landing from str
ret,N IA
Water and t tan
N. I LAnt 2 bblsZtrirtne, „
landing trAilfz. plek.y
Water/sad Front ft.
WINTER W HALE 011,-12W - it - AL bl'd
r,,, i* ,7,7""!'` . . 41 :,kfcrax0,
of a wry eurreior fulLaaretuseul putt
npoml by [1.1.41 3 Ultrlll BURAINICLP.
I ll13111•Illi t IIUIiCITYLELD have juil T.0.16.f!rh
•0001, of IFo 0b0...,0,1% or all the various llgAlleut
rem 11.3 i mut up to 13.50.
EG BUTTER-14 kegs just reed and for
iqIk and Ijinun Olanbrie;nt anyrand hazdscame Kyles,
at TkriOUß Irtia., Just I.l . ttPd b
yo - h 4 uuncitririo.
4.IPRUCE ZIIEWING GU3l—Jugt. received
17 from Pangs, Me., through tbn handsnt .Ilya Too
ke, a lan-, kt f Milo plesaant and agereatir ebeetlek
nun,.which WI uned for anyatenbur the breath, thanabag
thy ba th, Le. P. yak abaler . l; h tw icErnßui.m.
barb! ~ , ,anea Wood and Fittb ata.k
FLANSEED bblq. City Make, on
b cT i for
10 - I.II.IVER Clark & Co.'s,
MO , kn. We hr
nimoried Spring
JJ Stylo Drovo :On". jurto , IT
A. A. MASON .1. CO.
=flit No. sad 04 Market gavot.
it IT? , z-be.nU wml t b tktok..realD•jAh..lnr. •
now and splendid otyk. &Isar be.Lalon.
In O
" KA,. igtl le Ilanadliat% lust. own.' At
tarla , A. A. 31ABONt CO.'S.
POTASH, --e casks reed and for sale by
ovtl 221 nW =3 Lawny' .L
CODFIS4-15 drums in store, for sale lip
HOPS --IS bales first sort Wistern N. Y.,
lo 4nre• owl for mho Di?
tIASSIA—IUU matt just reed, for aale by
DRIED RPPLES-1 , 0 , bu. suy.P. Apple§
=rid, mu.ttiz nicKersos. -
"Ha ''' . I° %Tarr'
• inch•l
La,nre N, 2 AM.ltkv. narLer.l:
si itcrreo
I,lr. 11.4..1 Ay. Ileasy.
1,4 o,..ialpas 1.24:
um b. M b Lrad,
mosurti.+l uwaberC
bMs. N. 2 Malec Tor 'who b 1
Alli c KE3l3 , l • E i tt!R or.?L il!,te rewel , l
Vonnn,Manat•lalk, In tho Vinous . Co .en. 11:11k.Ranl.
on I.lborlt .In•et. 75r•krn. 15 non.. T.. twEnd.RW.
End at 11o!
Tn tonuoince et 71i o',Lx•k. 1.1511 M. •
BY nancuLta REetrzsr—mus NIORT
.Monday, Tuesday. and \Walletdal' Evening
March 10th. 11th; and Ith.. -
lortionlors pee provoloooo. Doc. opc.o ot.OS o
clock; tocommfoco at o'clock. Cooln of ado..
cloth \o half Ccl,‘`.
PRE-Ilftif MI? IVI7 IV,lnrctinv tenting. !larch
fir both Laolien and am •ill pre
armt to the 1..4% the author cf the I,,l.oripnal rooutt
drum, a' fplerulld Cad &on:: and to the Creatiesaant
beautiful Aiher hhp. Conuodrutici trill to received (ea.
eleeed It. (itar. Chart. liotel,) until 11 - cdoeiclay
tern.. at o'clock. A unzumittee aill.he ceb•eted h . =
the aculienee inehlOtt
Young Men'a Mercantile Library
PROF. RALPH IltiLl/0 /fl/E.RSO of Massa
e towns. hes teen procured, be the above lustitute, to de
liver to Ids the Citizens or Pittsburgh gem ,
ally. a suits of Lectures very lately prepared. ant updu
intemeting subject,
The course will ampere . rile ws on the Cornea De
Ides, embree.bas the following term,
1. irrodroryi Lows co ermilds.
teriori. •
fs. egos..
Lettuce will he itern TcP , U3s..ThursilaY , miiil
Petunia'', enter/lively, tommesirtng 'ear
Thursday even-
Mgh. .
The rinse and time or meeting will he epos+
Ticket for nuontreii. (single or for the ',nurse.) can be
obtained a the Librarian. nr of Ilerrh, 1r ilkine.
and McKnight, Committee. rP•
lute. pie eitiaerna (Opal.. or fon tbe course.) to h e
lurol et the principal iffrec *ail.
iticliardroten awlF. It. klatori4. tech: -
OF •
1. .01.. at the .4111EN4 fill /31"/L.Of-I'GS, Lox.
m &mkt, .1110 g a full and complete modvirulati.o tithe
Ott., Villages. Oars. Riven, Valleys, Mims, MetionSik,
ush= dlreetls through the Ozer. of Smi Fruncheo,es
m lteldnit tbe Publb Ditilithors Interior 01 °ambling bee
bnq.lo Panama. Old Rulas.Clatuelms.lleuvents,hrligtous
pr.:m.4mm liolldar Feats. IWrrlor of Churches; Croudng
the Isthmus, Chasm. Mier. with Os bimatitul
fuming, altogether. the moat Lt.truetire mod Ink•ininng
exhibition eterollered. - -
The public may rest arsUmd that every ,ketch ip this
Panorama RAS taken on the ITM it moo:Ruts; nod inl
work.of art it has no musk •
airkiltalation rent, children under 10 Tom, half
erarOnen every evening during the week, cneemehditc.
at Tyr preeterey; doom ohm
fi n. every WalziWav atni SalnNier fter
noon. ennitoeneing at lio'elock. A Morel arningeninet
be made with rebook children should see this p laud_ !qua
edifying eshibition.
New Nwic
CERT. performed hi . Prinkin Stu
pe ositts such distinguished applanse,at the.
lan enneertc compofail by W. V.
. -Alio, a gnat variety of nen comporitions, by the mid*
'And all the late popular Elas4e, issued by r theeristatilev ,
publishers, received and for sale bf ,
Agent for ChieterineMlinani ,
nich3 Ad
FINABLE MATTS—In stwtiri;nd toi: sale at
I. the Carpet Warebncixe of
rnelti IT. MeCLINTOCK. S 5 Fourth
AIeCLLXTOCK invites the at
e, Wain° of thcee irlehina to fundeb, to bit Anchor
.ufs. which !midst repriced from the mertufxrtirride.
meha -
Nn goV i =ent cau to found at tile CadAt Wain
ruebn % 'W. MeCLECTOCFC..
1 4/1 - -t i liTt-A . szy laTze assortment of Chi.-
tureN. and Steleusu *Z.. , I le k s ' in'eu .'4
a ‘ tr t er r ealse
the Carpet Warehouse, N a 85 . Yourth -
- tzsch3 W. 3teCI.INTOCE,
40 the attention of non-Jonnern to blannortment of Short
lean at No. t 5 Fourth ottrot. Imebt
to 30 boxes D. R.. Urge It SeL.-nr,l) .4 15 Ib.
90 LtIA small
Z.lO crothol .4 non - demi Loaf But-. 1
Clartfk4 Loaf Su atat
-14 hhda. N. O. eugan
UAL3loltoot, .
149 .• a. 11. Syrup MoLvans, St. Lnaly.
0.1.1 Syrup:
44 eluifted II In store sad fnr We br
mcb3 Water and Front ata.
WmarCEIVEI) PER EXPRESS, a large es
tment of the following good.
ire flook-Jaennet. Swiss and Muslin French Wmnett
Calls and Collator, Kossuth Cud - and Collar; Valenciennes
and Lents Napairan Code and Calla. L. Npoleon,
31aline, lirassela and Applique Cop,. and el,en, Chimer
worm Black eh-twills and Lore Veil. Lartleentreaddiat
Cana. Infants . and Matta embroidered Linen Com.
brie Elandkerediefe,
_English Strad Lame and Edirlags:
wan and rat. Edaingt and Luartlutrw,Gerutbar wild •
general wourtionat Frendi drobroideml and Lao*
Goods. A. A-MASON dOUL. , • ,
ineh3 No. Ed awil.64 Market st. .•
URAWING PAPER-00 3 Sheets (sttperi
m:4ll.ll43 for .14
I SACON-1G casks. Sidua- and Shanlance,
ree'd rtesnarr Mewl:m.l-
A No. 2 P
YOMtile by
T OPACCO-15 kegs
71 Lox ,,rixt'fy i st;
Ir I =s tur nu, rb
kJ 15 nseks zn.l 30 IN,. Ihinl iplann,
....5) bbls. ann 50 kenn :55.11.5n1; ' '
.alO bow; Ita.Wan
. 150 - Finn. . •
a) bbl,. Tirnotbr 5.n.1;
50 - Clover . .
10 qr. nuts Sweet 11 , 45:5•W1 , -.
10 tibls. Lln.serrluil; on Innd end 0o Wallr ..-...
12.000 ra. of Catawba Urals, Vines, or one unl two
years' growth. Mx sale by JOUN STRAUB.
Brewer Canal Bank, Alleateran
near the Water Works:l • '
/111ESTNUTS-12 bu. just reed and for
!eta , No. 13t3 Water newt.;:,
bbls. No. 1 Leaf 'sad;
a brit. " " just. reed
W nab. by BERBIIIDO F. t ISOM-104, .
kb2ll No. 113 Water street.
ROLL brts Roll Butter
nwiTed and for
T AR -150 bids. in .oiie and for side 1)1 ,
, smAirraciisx co:: "
rat 3 Water& Frolyt MA,
rt2llO,N-35 bales for rale by
Vland kkEi.. D... 1. DT :• •
MACKEREL—Nu. 1 in qr. bias. far sale by
LARD -15 brL No.l in store :tad for sale
Water &Fro:Abb.
pOTATOES-100 Mil& prime Neslasirmock
b 0 RM
For de by T. WOODS .t SON'.
rob: M Water anti 6:1 Frvnt 10.14
SSC. HAMS—Evans & Snifts. and TIN:
Aridrst Begt7imlobrafN nreinnoll Pont Cared
am.. for role br 1%31. A. ‘loCIA:1:0 k CO:.
&b=7 Oromrs and Tea :
Fox SALE—A good SORREL. MARE—er\......„.
rail o6, 4 •m;
fell= rankor l'lrst and Wrod sta.
Western Insurante.
SHARES of this Stet: for. for. sale z d
Ij A. nuxt
GAS STOCK-15 shares for sole bP
BANK STOCK-10 shores Bank of Pitta' [ .;,
3 " faelninge B'k;
Er we by [reb27.7¢tl • 1111. A. HILL it CO.,'
GREEN APPLES-23 bUS for Bale by
(der: RIMS. 31ATTILEWS .
11ELET) Sw—iffsdirreaCa—a
ti Rm. Currd Bert for rzle bf
31. A. MOCLVIU3 lc CO..
feldT 256 LlLenr ri is
COll FlSll—Superior lard Grand ; tank
Cod 11413. for node by
10127 . WM. A. 31.CLIIRG A CO.
Needles' - Z - el -7— ebrated
Thera highly medicated ;Modem hare 'been madalve
more than twenty years, during rhieh time they Wee
Weed a petmanentyntatbm, as the nuot.ellitudans
Unman:talk and ntrrogt re hening Nader ever °Renal. Pine
sidatisot the highest eminence, to allow their gvlDprnh
tine has 'beim animated, have given the nvet Paneling
testimonials . as to their superior virtue over all other pion.
ten sold.
Th. inihmitionta of their nom potation. very rarefullfard
awnetty ma:alined. render them peeuliarly applkablato
venous wafering with paimonary dinar,
...For p p:ino in the bro.. moulting. fain prutitaint
lit ' Z P itt , t}e n ta ‘ PfaVir '
question or dl. ate. AR a rtunnip in Itayego. lMifSW
Tioarze n r f a u ll u ontoraill a a
' for weakness incraiZt I thillinek wa Y .ttlet mould.;
from severe otoilus.dirwitwo the thine-, Se., their i,
riVittlXit r ol i a* b 7= 4 l.l7re ' 7Xtti= heb&
application. So iamb on staler pills thureatie pin. these
Platters aro recommended. with the et
tha thole beneficial eCeot, will be Jounil eery cioaleit..
onle i Wholegale anti retaiLhf
ID tit.LLRP.
BROOMS --10u doz. extra ju — sireceiied by
feb2f. J. g. latiOnTit A C.
io universally conceded that
beauty to more ereasoon in Ste stouter than' to any
ataeyOrbite at the None tette it la oil that in no olluir
cowry is it lost at wormingm see. doe th is is true to.
=UM *ltem. but th e tow is ohm neglect. We
.7 - to all. de ise twice! your Pandowl olds:mum, bog
toad tho following , md. you tad not Ise*. ~ loadi—
ng/et artkirs aro iwi r eilliZo krepwwilow, and bath Atm.
Wood • high 100pu1u...•
Jules Ostlers rerstm ur Moses Paid, lohltrthie
to the met billloon amp...on rod.c.t.
nothing should persuu he more eare.ul than the tat .
powder fur the ski w ss moo of Mope pea urarery
me My Chive.* ewriii, terwMpountial
wet, wwwwiagio no liunTaa'.L ".° tsetUp begot
J u k e d e oere fkolleraT Prosier. go. ndlooing mina
oat halt. What Is maw uswitthtly th t aro t . own Ne bo bow
or mom! • lad. Ties article will lt o
Unto without theme eLtuty.ettsystAtuiroutout
j0h ,,,,, e t ...table tnlom hie wGI Liwilnlia
twoliwiT Impart. t 0
. 7. latqw. r. rzhatr. a beautifully
t h t,=in.. • .ott r l too ' re "" elf= l ; tint TO ‘h• ••h• •
y other Ore. be
ng nt the suns time
Jule., Masters roaring team—lt Urea:. uhistass&
than with ads mum. There is nob. of the Wiliwitismist•
uon ...arks.< Ito the ow of moat so. Ott
themotMAr it kern the Moo etoooth mat MO. Yalfr
WWI.. and wet /table to Lome. rhopool.
Jo e . timers lbw. Tooth hist...,—"ho... hhit.
think the T ee th were ioteteled t hotgiomet orostrunit w
the buxom OK. bot 'Pitt Okit ketiLi; 11 , 1111.1 J nag Wirth
,Toutts Oe. Stout
Nn' ciao finuirilhesith Wtr
Baum fad a .b , " 1 . 1 .a. j. U" : tt .wWd Lr b : h'n rwt•Li "l :3 P ; t ; 'l4 l l _r ;' it.4sh 'd endtw ChMi* k '
Me J.