The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 11, 1851, Image 4

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    . .. ... „ .
MIS(ELL/tPLEOUS. and an outer chest, leaving a spat or two or I
..--------' I three inches between them, Into whit . calcined 1
01Stret mixed with water to about he consis-
temp of cream is poured in—this rather spells
in drying and renders the chest completely air
.Forthe /*Waugh Genii,
. 1rEc—.01.0,17;
Let me sing you a monger the great black crow—
VHe comes in the Spring, in the wake of the snow;
'.•• 'Behold him—his feathers all glitter and shine,
. • An be' lights on the bianch of the old dead pine.,
And turning his bead,. with a jerk and a caw,
; • •, He says, •• lam certain there's coming a thaw.
The winter is Wearing away. 1 am told,
And tam very glad of it—'Qs cold, cold, cold
Vaw-caw, caw-caw.
What a beautiful time is Sur time of a thaw—
. The carrion so plenty,eaw, caw, caw, caw."'
He wislki in the morning along the shore,
For the good of his appetite—nothing more;
And be frequintlyknoeks nt the door of the cell,
To see . if the shellfish thrives right well ;
He'a a bird of high honor, you plainly ECC,
As he etruts in the meadow and over the lea,
He's a doctor, 1. pees, Lithe shake of his head,
: And bo)dingpoti.mollems upon the dead.
••Care-caw. caw-eaw,' •
Ile saykas he looks at the state of the maw,
••i'll make a tong bill for thiii—cow. caw, Caw.'
There's war on the hill-side, among the trees,
For,thesuallows, and jays, and birds like these
BlaTe something among them not just right„
Which, trying to settle, they foolishly fight :
Bat what is you soaring so far and free,
'Out over the top of the old oak - tree 1
There's trouble afloat, you may easily know,
• By the sailing about of the smooth black crow.
.om-cow, cow-eaw.”
Ilh's A lawyer at present, and pleading tholaw,
With the egg in his bIU, and the bird in b
13 , 9101 , 1_1am! he sits on the cornfield fence.
The pattern of honer, and plain goal sense,
With the badge of hia dignity over his back,
Batihine of a mantle of clerical black;
Ile seems to he larking, rrith half-closed eye,
Bight up in the face of the honest sky,
But never you mlnd—he's very devout,
: Yet 'still he can see when the earn sticks out.
"Caw-Caw, caw-caw."
Hes on escelleitt bishop, and so be may
i A fifth for his salary—.. , ,ir'dir, caw, caw."
There's a party convened in the farmer' , field,
They are talking, perhaps, of the probable yield
Political crown in a caucus tort
For the good of the country, all up in n'fret,
Iffsciussing the tariff, and levying tan,
The care of the public is all on. their hacks;
On the stoke of the fence, those loudest three
Are running for office, it scorns to . me.
• • Cow-caw, caw-caw. ••
So-ho for • the one with the stoutest craw !
Hats surely elected—“ caw-caw, caw,-caw."
0, wonderful bird! 0, excellent crow!' (know,
Yntexe mastered what hunt '!"-- re wishing to
As how to lie shining—at of era' expense,
As how to be o the fence, -
Anhow'io be counted a doct r of stiff,
Lend in the chatter, and to 7 in the
As how to be bishop—.with . alary fat,
As how to be lawyer--inine this, mine that.
"Caw w, cow-caw."
Tour title to honor has ne r a film,
You're" n bird above many, ' 0, "caw, caw caw.'
Exavroirn, March 7, ISTI.
Dterett SEstntrsr
orthe Courier des Etats
trees who met with great .1
et Amsterdam. .11er Wes,
piece entitled ‘•Life in
the Part of Mimi, the most
This piece was Tory me•
sterdium.ns it ba . d beefs at
had seriously troubled the
men. This "was the dent
eterdam was. drying its e
representation. .The nett
lounged the second repres
hernia, n deputation of sub
called on Mademoiselle G
"Mademoiselle," said tl
tion—an old burgoitisste
been despntched by the at
ere torment to you a rer
neitly beg you to Recede.'
er, gentlemen, the thing '
••Mademoiselle, you dies
play yen performed yes
• the applause of the ravish
-- eraolsellei hes brok
, ' demoiselle,' do not su ,
— F a
eummeat. 7
"But reflect, gentleme
in Bohemia, wishes to I
"Oh, Ittedmoiselle, h
N `taut what can I dot'
."Do *bit you will,
her .life," . •
• "But yt . =
"Do not refute ; all
the life of Mimi."
l "Well gentlemen, si
)on it, Mimi shell live,
The time came, th
. IBelle Grave cept he
imknotin in science,
• ."death had filled ell
&lily got up and cri
general sorrow, "Ile
Well revive for my
t•. - Amsterdam that, lai
Toasseissettro . IMCDS.—in transplanting
shrubs; as well as v ry small trees, a common
error Is to place 11., o too deep iu the math.—
This has arisen fron the fact that, by receiving
more moisture, the often succeed best in the
tint summer, at the .spense, however, of their
eubsequently health. growth. It is much bet
to plant :hallo* imparting the necessary
moisture by means of deep; mellow soil beneath,
and by mulching a , re. The_ material fOr the i
- latter may be short itter, manure, moss, spent
tan. inverted turf, o mould. A raised surface,
consisting of these oaterials„ to the height of .six'
inches, will oceasio 11o:injury witatever for a
year or two, ended irahly equalize the moisture
of the soil: Mardi used in this way operates ,
beneficially, not and in preserving the moisture
but increasing the f rtilitv ( by the liquid manure
carried clown in so ution by ruins, especially if :
applied in autumn .r winter. The contrast be- i
threat the hard andbaked surface, too often '
' 100 1)°7"
witnessed when th ground is left hare, and soft- 1 . _.. _ 64 ''''.—
cued earth betwee a coat of , manner or litter, Linen and Hot
can be only su ffi ci .tly understood by actual ex- 4 A, ' M ASON
periment. Its adv mtages were strikingly exem- , i-g e Marko
t nt, ke
plificd a year or 1.0 since in planting out abed 1 ta...ammlar,.. )jai of e °nue
of atrawbernes in the middle of an excessively ! Table Cloth, Duna..
dry summer. The roots, after Ming fixed by ' it .. ltizigga . .ll
water in transplan ing, were protected- from n ' inners, Runt. ne?,
dronth by a coot o manure three inches th ick, ; 1,1tZt.,1_,, &;"‘. ‘
and, although the., were watered bat Once, not a ', _
i ttr i t i lwan . rie nan
A ad le Alm.
plant perished. c-a anions Swann
Staking mare in Fame instances.
' i ii ...,_, .„, r ,
to prevent swn by the wind, or a one-sided 1., !57.2.71,,_
growth, where th are imperfect or unequal , Inc ,A-. - We',;, , ,re.e.,
mote. Bat usual , if the shrub is furnished : ,V , t2. l l , :i.l'itt_ ...,. th .
With good roots, ,d if care is Wren while the 1,7 ,, :;,.,1! ',7,,i,`„,, i f
earth is shovelled u, to spread -them nil out like Iss,l.s;_ it h . 's: u teri:
the nrms of an u wells, they will serve to brace q` 1 ,..,e me
on the w r,
it evenly, and pre onto one-sided growth. 'Fix- the pr,,l
tug by water, es iis termed, is often sufficient, Idir Mier, 4 . :..n. Fr
alone, to precladt the necessity of staking. It Ir . 1e,,, ,, ,u”." , ,
. in most. cauvenien , y done by three persons_ Co. nchi; the IM/itch
spreading out the mitd with his fingers; a second i di t,r"" x
~ - , ,lrg
sifting in the earth, while the third settles it by 1 s e sztensirecolOss
pouring water frOm the nose of a 'watering pot- 1 ,1 7,7 - 4" - ,„, Ammar
Although soft at first, the soil in a rear lours • twiny, and an Mel'l
dries and hardens sufficiently to hold'firmly the 1 : .• , ,tr i tru'llt , ,
newly set roots. - - An' additional stiffening, if the ben 'makeover i
needed, may hegiven r .tv encircling the stem _ . .f.Ye's
with a small,
rflourol of earth. • ryIIETIIOI
In transplanting Iron ~ and some other _small br We,- , i• Th
reerei illetory .
shrubs, sufficient pruning of the top is rarely' ee e ee ke rm., oat
given. Climbing react, and those gent-rally which I .Lilerwr Niel , . ".
throw up rapid and vigorous shoots, will make a I
- bu'hel
better growth by autumn, by cutting down to a '. feb2.l
few good buds when set out, than by leaving a 1 4it,LElt'S ir
tong portion of stem and branches, which. in- k thin Conan r
deed:not 'lnfrequently draw so hard upon the ';Sensta word or
roots as to cause the death of-the plant. On l',! : ,' e lr e t otz r' n ,lfirtre
the other hand, we have seen shrnbe transplanted I tin. ttnamada ~,,,:,
in wet weather with' entire success, tiller having I Z:11,,: ° ' .,„,..r=
, grown six inches, by taking op full roots, and ...t o t eee efienteem,
drenching the soil well with water, at the same r,,,:,Th1.7,1,
time Tery,freely ebortening barai the cheats, and Mamma -
maah,— , lia
• lopping most of the leavmk—AlLony Calioator. 1.-.T.R...0,.
HOw TO nave A F.tar-Pnoon Sisrm —ln the
years 1831 and 1832; one Daniel Fitzgerald, of.,
• New York, PAS engaged among other things, lu
lu making plAssf.e.t-of-paris images and other toys,
end on one occasion, when about leaving his shop,
- he took up an iron vessel which be hod - been
using for the purpose of mixing and preparing
'the plaster, and the inside of which had A thick
coat of plaster- of .paris on it, place some;sza
in it Anil set It over the fire tO heat. Aller ita
being as he supposed hot enough, took it ofr,•
but,fisund the naterjust as cold as ,ishen•be pla
ced 'it over the fire—he tried it a second Clime,
with no better success—rough surprised he phi
. Ced the vessel over n third time and heated it
nearly red hot still the temperature of the water
washardly changed. It at once struck him that
the discovery might be turned to some very, isdu
' able account. This little event has since been
the means, no doubt. of saving millions of dol
lars north of property. ile kept making experi
aints, and in 1834 constructed a little safe or
chest, and though imperfect, he felt satisfied if
heconldmake itahltigh,the tsqect of pe.rfectsafe
ty in the utrongestheat would be attained. After
thegreat fire of 1834 he resolved his efforts; and
applied at the office in Washington for a patent,
• but wan met there by dircouragetnebt as to any
benefit to be derived from•the plam—in 1836 the
• Patent Office , ASS burnt, and..Bll that Mr. Fitz
- gerald had' Imo deetroYed: In 1831 'he tried
againOsurnes baffled 'andndrised tostrithtlntin
•Finally; 'Enos Arthier Awl% i ' dectimiedi ' i°°k
hold with him, and a p a tent ITBS
to Make an ii/IMT
V ,
t . :
11 me to
of the 01114 of the l'Arrol
OmontallriliTlL/mr4nr arrolton. liino• out' , Th."
doy, lb 10th day a March'oextfor the it nation. m.o.
a er'vnai4M4'llll,°9-...2.1 t.troZuit,Nlf.r At w-' ,'". ,
{'ISO. ent,icalotic 1 4 tIff wor n tir i r , ani, thr
Yuma. , M the Oforo of On ComMiol. ,itriiii , ' hi ' ..
doryEz i s . li r ii:i; to the tf , iii=r,.. :
!chi:J.l KOUT CR 171E11 hee r .
---r- r t
'Notice to Controoto •
.er„,,,t-..,„.. 1 . -I P 3 .77'.11' ' a=? * "r 4 :`, 'it' r..":f:
hooch. no n !. A i n Mmi.vtliii 03th dao..! 1
o rth . neMc w l r
Whig the Track rm. rittoburfh to M il o,
, i , tiil , 1 .:
of 107 mil. Specihnlionii end fimrint o f 1 t r., i ,,,,
Vi= ^l c t ol % . ..oni AL' lg l i t orl r g igTirr\l'Torferrtii.n.i.7
h. rmlnee t r U . '11•• " 14i141.10 112110.
ohoop-W cr MI ii . the
P l " l 'd . ''' r''''' rod
P'immtiontli. Feb fAh, MAI
North American. New Coot Tribnoc. A reran F
!AT mlrim.l
JoirroAl, miblich font Oar__ did
I)ROPOSALS, for Erecting a Vire Suspen
ivon,v.r. x,7,4...ALT , ,1"g.."!f;•.`,1CZ , 1 i .i ,- .
' ir, k4 I me ionic ore recently deetroi i by fi re.
, -,.....r.0pr.,— , . ~. ho reorimid at lir o.llee of Jamb
PO.IP I . C.A. Liberty street, until Um 'itb day of Mori It
.gtt;'rrirltble;cirto'reitfe'f•ticZot Yello ZLillgrl.4,7
alth math olirrotkom
,sii,bridilla min f
leVrcite2.4.thi di.
117.16°`°" " ' r'' ° F 141 LEN Preci t. pro
XT C. SUGAR-1 0 hbas. I luting per sty.
II t r A ' lu c""`"..,"o,NlT'it's CHIN , \ t Ftl
fi I iDER VINEGAR . --*.b3 lail for sale I.‘,
L..) u. 1,25 S. F Vill Ltd F.IIOIL,F IJo
x l :;ie r si s : , l it o s4 ' l co
11416.E5E —151.1 boxes W. IL for sole 1,2,
— v 2f i Ilirs‘ltillts.T2 ts_
!,-lii, of th °"" q ii 71'wl'I'ai4'41.1111,7VT-ir, z t
awl I;'lsT;Nsirr:'ret.A rral, S of th. n, if.tls
‘TIJOAR-150itld.. prune ' 0., just rec .1
" P. ' -""fsm-YikliktiVria. !'.hi,iiii,,,, N 0.116 St st4r s.t
UiaNGES--10ti luau, ju
lob , by DURIIIIII/611
fh2.5 •
b gperior fryleA and color , In
-1_ ei the latret trevest
5.1119 • .
72 ROOMS - 1 -20 0 dozen for .
rlmoe!Literari Depot
7inderTlTat . iy!a Book fur slar rn:
Grahnos. 'Ann:Lain° 3,,;
,v nate: or the rrnnbrrr.
lirt t , r t m n ,d ,. M
a131",t, , oadrs lartraeli %II: • 11ir !
nit ne
Ma,=b e M n , F
rhannnm ney
..te n tint r EntVT ,, g<V „'.
attention of rurrhmere
VORN-400 bllPh:lor,;a
IL) oas_
• •
Parie correspondent
`6 nis, speaks of-an ac
uccese a month amen
1 exhibition was in a
.hemin," she playing
prominent character.
• h applauded at Am-
Paris. hut nue thing
too eenmitire Dutch
tof Mimi. All Ain
,in at the of the
day when the bill An.
ttation of Life in Bo-
Tiber" to the-theatre,
q'tLOVER SEED-4 bbl"
t, nnirr. for .air by
fkblll _
11.1CV,IilY NUTS-15
be Patrol In the toe of 1
r. .hipinion of the moot hr
)(exhorts of Ciorinnati ininicgl
We. the "atl
Va h n ")7'l
. G t a l.M l n
MlleUV:: ) 7 . .
' 27l..= ',ll7 ;;L ' ur chavr.V
public as au rebel
gr... f
I._so . erzt
nemr knm tr eble
Eir o 7 . l . y e lg y orwhillrn=
Ronal etre. vil
!e Lead of the'delega
perLar., •'ire have
khohlera of the thea
. est to which we ear
-If it is in my pow
, settled," rvlierl Med
,I p r lunn , lrtt , R AtCAu .
ay Alta rt. at Prtrtburgh. •
at the end of the new
play, in the midst of
d crowd. This death,
n our hearts—pray,
.er Mimi to die at the
11 4 OA F suG,
R- lire
her, for +ale by la;
7 baba Cotton:
47 pack, V•atberc.
do I,rsun,
6 do Dry ApPh . a.
4 do do Yearbc",
do do do ta
?l l ft.. I
and for sat! b 1 do y
41 , 17_
1 , b17 •
It," the authors of ”Life
2VC Mimi die. -
e pity on Mimi."
t we beg you to epare
.ce Amsterdam insists up-
I promise. yon."
, •hall was full—Nlademoi
promise. . iiy a prodigy
Int the moment when • hoe
eg with tears . dimi end-
Id out in the midst of the
Ipiness has restored me to
.ht slept quietly.
BA fri C ,,, CO LEAF
kJ • Th... Srgsr, .11
. i . a r 11 . 7: 7f;l7,ri
Plt.burath sna rarltersht4r
. K nitut rrcelvfrbl jue. e.
'AL SODA-100
) 71 mit. by frbLUL
ae bsitd and fur 1 1
1 v
EA pt — , ' , - , IK/0 Pigs
FISII-11$2 bbls .
7 1 lanai,
------------. - -
Pittsbnrgh Life Ipsnrance Company.
tXII; followingt, pernonn. by the term of
PAN]; ara the Director). of Ihn aalleompan. for 110.
r :llfMea 11. limn. othsrles A. Coltern.
Ja.....11 I ) . bewoh. Youltsel ' , knurl...
John S Inlvorth. Wm. I . lll ll lle ,
• .b.lin A. Wil•no •
At • meeting of the uleue Directors held at the oak.. of
A 1:01100, on the •25th in..
t r Vt=lt7Nlie . l4 24 . ll' ..•; ' ; '''''
CH WA. A. 12,11 , , Secretor):
jtof - Pil F. I.Crill. TOOLOO - O I'
h l. 1, lb D. Etruninina rhtotel on
• The muck Ault,. E 1 plll.O 14.01,a ..1 11. . 1,.......‘• x.ll lw
'band. fdr the ureent. nt the how.. rd II rrellt.. o 4 1
where thin. seihlttod to 1110.. rePee• 00'.
1.. 0 no oplortunity to .1......
11. onler of Ihr Board
fe1d.,21.- lb A et .I.Ttil. ,lerr..Mr, .
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company..,
L k. 0.1,01 ',..- : - .51...L.i.;.t.
Ca.kliCll OFFICE - NO. rei IS MITI , yt KI.TI STREET. 3 . ,
VITTSIIU 111111 00/ 1 1 11 t` Pk:ACHES, for sale I. y
T ITS t..-t evid........, ..r ii,. , ~tteees.4 of tle• ~.... l I fetl.l SAM II SciltIVET:
. i-Drit”l3tP/T11.07M.1t/7.”1V1' 15..q. t db. a ..h. ul 1I) 1.1.1 ' ) : 111. ' 1 1)1111 3 bbl. Beef Tallow. fm
31, the ST ir: •11-11, ' -
the m. sort 1. the ....,mi1e1...1 atlll.llll l a
. 60 .1111tttt • • FA II P. I , IIIIIIEI I .
:11W1'e1t'7•1tZi...:t...7..d1f"1.'.:f1.."11.1"...1:f0r...".'..14.'3:11:1 I u)iii
j Mr/. conN Bituoms, r...- ~.0.• by
e..., to Me (1,,,e, ' The 10n0•0r . .. , Cr•t , .' ,•‘ • i •-•.‘ ,‘ , fetql .1 , 01 I. Slllllllll l .
)1 •. ue3rll .nun. h ...u",....rt, Inron•I t• 01 the ...of , t 1.0.11 .11 1 .. , , , , • • • ,
'mud. r, e l,J, nod 3 I..rue nnlextod. t o , ured fur oult tau. 1 (.., 1,1 0 / .4 1 , 17 , :11 . ,N El. A 011.. for salu 110
5 116 • 5 A ilitLS PRIME 110 LI, ISZ: ‘ 'I s?; 1 . ' E . l ' t l , ll l .' :; E :u . le
Number of Polities issued, - -
• ' 1 4
A 1111 l nut of property insitrea, - ..,t5,1.14.1,•{91.001 1 „ ~.1.1., _ . ~,, i , ~,,,,,,,.: R.
do. guarantee premiums. 57.90 9 . 7 ' ) i f ~1:11 011:--12 1,1.1., re e d per steamer
11.0. e:islt premiums. -- - 3'2,1942 1 ; 114 Iti.....nuathand fqt rale lo' .101 1 .1 1 ALZELL.
do. g;uarantee smell. -- - ..11.1104.03 , 1.1.1_ No 0.0 Water A
do. 1.1,1,5,, - 4.110. 1111 . IV INIII.IIN CLASS -- 1111 loos, I'll°, for
To Le dedurted f n
. the alts. bnihnee. 111.. itorelet.l..l V V .tile 1. , C. 1.11 JAS. DALZEI.I..
~ 0 . .1.....i1tee , 111 1 1 . i d 10I'PEl . V- , .--.." 111 ' I I I I
sttli`r.:.`it:'..rt 7.:Y.7.4.7r':',;:itr.''itn,"i..;7,!:..w Zr:,`:.:,' , ' ( .., ' ',',.,,',.: "'' ' ' '" l i n o " r ‘ " r • " r " e
.1 0111.1.1N11AhElt a tll
L'...TrinZetVlL.!"uln.l‘.....7l:Teei.:ln't..;::,".......tlsd'hr..Y;rl • JAR'S. I; itilt.lN---36 vans, for .ale by
Itahliteted hn the equitable othlun•3l.l, 1nt........ 1. 1 .1 r... 1I . fet.l, .1 St lhaiNAl 010:11 - 0 Cll.
01 L'lnneitUltuu 01 Ittel...ltollnd all .....101 baron... to . ~,, ,
.. ,
tortna 01. • IMOO•I nu ~,,, nt
on, .v. luenLit.• caw. Pr - I I 'l ,l llt (ill i SEEII-111 store and tor sale by
eludtng the fnh.0.....-. ....,1 toe... rence .•1 lan , tn., and • (..1.11 Is AI All DICK EV a Vic
1........ teal. lhe si... I. owl tiotltol rlnth .1 ndt out... v.v..- I
...rot gbe ,h...r.- Dud •er,inni..l..htts ••I 1..1', .3,1' 4 . 1, I TAR -156 1.1110, in store and for ,:Jr 1 0 .•
but eutille,he .ohured . b. h partteltalhqs to the ..tullt, „hi,
it th muter the c..01n0. of the fullout.... -•duho . ~ . . IsAl All NC/ bl a 11l
Jot. •
V., A.l .1.11.e.t..1..11 1 . It. ` r
t e yarher.. • • .
,11 VASE: , i aus.lietta '
,ears,. r. Philo t .t‘1 , •••.• lt ). 01 ar iar . ' • I .. 7 ~_,„.,.., (~ ,•„, ~ „ ..„ „„ ,
It (WT11,1.1011.11. I reht.l. ut . • .
.. hi I)latz 1 • 1. r 1. b.
A J t.11.1.1.."1-1. ,eretwr, • '.L.' Ml' nein .1 (.1.0
A. A. C.r.11.0. /tett., .I LP EFINED BORAX-I 0 rimes, for sale by
- •
Penn hinfttal Life Insurane Co.. Philatl'a. tII ~1,1, 1 wilooNsi.ll,llll a .11 •
. 14 1 ' X ((111 ES- _
A.,,,r, J Fut.,. If ..1.^1...1./ SO ',NA I..t.ert, vtre..l. , , lOU 1.0,0 DI, Peaelleo.
el. the better ....0r.11103,
t el lo , •••.••• fe. lll .nd in ) . 11 ' , lie. da. do Annie..
ow nart of the eq.. the agent ma, 31... be foot.' duttl • ..N. 1.. g• it hOhOlgtolt CO Ilutter, •
teem II to Itt nod 2 le a 1:01.oh. . lan r.,untind t,.... 0 .0 bite . x tea latudy lieu,
3 t0t......mak. r A 1. , . Aq.....1 11 ..:1 :tn.., vb., 311 nee.- • :0 ,1., .....ertlue .10.
sar!lnfortnabon vrtll beg-I...nand p,nann) r... ,I..ten ev.”.. cunt 11...... m.,
1. attend. to houphlote etplautina the prinelp ea ....1 ...Imo 1•01.... t 1 to.low ill-i..... ......orled In•
1 . ... r.. flt. of late Inhalant... awl blau , bum) furn0.h..1.... 0 1 1 1 r , , 'L. , L, Jour. Si A I . T • t tub
fehll tuber., et
3‘Tab..."::!l'"l.ok. °ref 51331. 001 and ...r.Lnoll, ilirre,iftw -
1"1-01. ds:ble. l nuns un ~,,, 4 A th,..r. 111,1111.1 tur Itfe i 40) IL/Hitt:LS i'LIIV El{ SE El 1,
l'ill,burub. 3.0. ••••1.1 , b 1 -.311 ...... ....) lute Timo.llot ,0 4. MUM^ l'T °l l.
1. MI, rohl •:-. ke,... No I Ix, Lat..,
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation I .:., ..1.,,• 1 •`111 ; Nt i `Ra n.,
, 1. , 1,1. N .5 M01aa......
Insurance. .141. I.Elli. h n.uud ,I II llohuoret
" --.'''Y . 1. N" eth AMPri'a. I I
Lan•l.d.. "" l'lt'rh:dreo. Y"'"."lllClA'l'Z' 1711.73a*
&NON. Vet:yl
t reed and for
sn,r sY LINT 43r .leOCK
..... . ,
I s'n,l..ot. 1 '-`,. ,
AniahrM:Te!'blk.-fk.llTlll7.l'icrthnsal... on-anon on 1 ' ' '..- ... _ . - - ._
I. anirudid ttasot‘t.- 1
and ''' •l
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1 - " 1 ..l.t. ' t V • •••,•: Piir.V. •• • ..... i.:::.4.t i ;MiS.; i•,,ii ,rut m -..Joiviu immt ma.
d0n...1m0 por . :ream boato
On PruPont of ....Ts . ~,, r,-A, ,- A , ,
~ , ~,,,,„ „. 0 „ „,„ , .
~,,,,, ~t ....1d Modul.,llactuitnn. ara , Krona. I. Lain, . Nriki k BOOKS.
and nth, ononla, dith, u in at. r..... a l, ns. In. 1., tn -0 .0, i an ' ram of 00011, . ••• or. nos... ta ...v. Allot In nno • 1.1.. - 71.ITITAIT A LKE.
tatatclore . . 11. trne. ... &hin r •
' "" wh k " kr. " rh. f . h l C ,l ' h... k h '' ' A k ''' ' .'t m ;l7. it A r N k :- ' l ' M '. .1 .. . ,, i , Y 0. 1 ...,L, rt .w,.. \;; , ' , F t
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.1 .. ) A 1. 1 : ,n 1. , , ,,, iL . AN NEL-One ettim on hand and
Arthur. fi Cain. l`rt.
' - J ohn 1., ono, ''' " h ' W kh. ' ih. “'" .hh '""' h "' W ' h l l l h "W''' k. ' '1 . 7 ; Carrion nn,lito that It ES. 11. rs LOA, 1,11. an ch. ILA for.. be l aid MCRl'lly k LEE.
Fasaudl . Jon., John K Sod . and 'I •r a r to. partly 1....1 upon th.. lay...wort of ..r.Ol. •0.1 .., ~, ~,. „, ...,„, ~... A .,.„..,...,., p r . ...., ma . I. ....-
Ec.ant smith. ; I...hAr. It. %Ad... ; 1 1.i ' ll.('ItS. TitlMM I N' ;!.L-E'''"iv.". an'
1 ''"'" "'"I l ''' • " • •""‘ ‘""""••''' "' LI now. hL I " 1:1U1Tt",:::.1.-...r.,..1,1 or Encrynn 'yorn.raltr it, ppl. A N R ETS-Siugle and double berEtitenm
ti „,...i ... I 1 1 Mho...
John A 11roorn. . ..111a talo
Sur., 1 Smith. , t rano. 11...kinc. 1 :non, 1,1..........•t. &AR. And 1.... Noo l ; 1..., of Ow tn..... sr is...o„se and sod i s a, t i rk .„.„„,.... , is- me -ii..- and
and ;bat WO., 11... M 0... And J A l'ant and E y A.,..... ronet,i„. ,„i i_, I .1.0,, ,•,,h. mid eantlou blank.. flat i l,wi r k taa .„ .
t ala
Samuel Enna.. . F. ...M. Nittlonto. - -
Char., Taylor. 1 AA at 1, Cony. r 1 d t . Itutt Corn a nd Ittuot. lam. Nu.p..l, Ituttont ' 11..• d az. 0r ,.....,,. ~r n $ 00 ,1„, Dii,,, b,, ' SIR •II 11l N M 1. • RR A k •S• Eta' 1i• 11 sus Xst S
~ • a ..
tt •A • AA Al ‘)....1• • C.l , 1......, thr 1 . ... t. y.,...ti..., At A 1 a o t ..,_ .. • 1. 7 ....1 und, tho tuarosiode en..m of no 1 ....sirs 1•111VI:EDS -Three cases mouths! Tweeds
Aftilli•Tr. ‘lll.r. ! Lot... Istanaall. ... 11, 1.... 1 tn.. or lA a nry. (rot l. Cato, I,n Adams. dr. and 0..1.2.1... 1, onanol• -1112.1 n, i . . an.
~.. _ . It ''" n """ 1 r''''h h ""''I . I. 7 RTITI II A LER.
l a nd, M. Tiornar.l - 4.mitr,...L,.1;.1.4.,1'i51.T.. i l i t' IN 1111 W •11 LASS- iIKI haa • - 11001.7. 10. S ; llonnal In th. Itnador, Tabernarlo. on 11/....1, rt... ~
„2111..,1,01:1,,,T,1,;.11.7=:1...:.Z ',,,71,..17,1,,..,,"4:17,.:, inlll
Tht.,....1,14,,r....,4,714e.,...,a,,AA„,,,,..„ .
0,..,..„. .. s . . , . , ,
.., , lit a Ina. Januar, 1., laht h. 11., • Marro It It
.• I'" W w ' .... 4 ' .l ''' l ' T T ' ''' '''• '''''' " fr' '' m0"1.1 * ' 1 :Jct. r ,. ...1 , . r;, . li. 111.1• KINS. ' oaf, ...,. alai .dm .2.1 tno t., ortlyb eel. ..• uto and LIU M AC-Two tort.; Sumac for sale lor
" •1 Ir•. `" l'l"'"*.'"A'"'• '"""‘""'"• •'nar ii • II ,PATI.N I • NIA{ I 11W DEL --t loat•a jou{ t ,.., 1. ',alio illdlallotra. l'oorth ot „a.. ,a ll ;rd. on. in volooh It br oshialtdd ' so. ;." 1. ,. AftliPllT eLF:E.
una. all tla. p...........- .1 .hr nut. .n ...inn, .
1 ~',A)„,,,j.5.,,t,',‘,",.'njrt..,,1"-nk.'01..4"r,..1.1..."...1.b.=:7.71)'..1'.".re nu e l.ll.. I rn-...r.r. rul der L. hi 1)
.:).11).1.1.1..1t,......).tb.n....1 -,.. Eiv mu 5 ,2,1 1 ._ , ~. ow. wlllo.u. 1..1.1. lint... likr ....... tom It °LASSES-Fins-five brls new crop, per
I W l• Ow a‘l,. Agent. ..,.... ••( whom the ovum. a n.. . •...1 lli Lovol Kahl v. A nrybrarnl.l.o tt 1',....V 12 9-IA:1 ""'"''" ll' I '"'" 4 "" " ''''''" -- 1 11 "I - I"'` 01 "'"' ^.""""' 3 ....., Milton. and - for rale iir
/•24 No 111 Front otrnt. 1..1 :
. a: 1 1 ' I' ---. --... , mo .nn g .... ono of th, .1.....h.a• snit pr..... of
1. . ~..,
111... arra °fin.. .I. bi ..1..,1.t.
--- - . e and Health Insurance Co. 4 X.. 1 . .
1 0 ''''' ;.` . 1 111.11-20 hose" tor sii , i•Y Ib. bor thou' fullafu tamo • now ann F t.. S E i...., , •,..,,,,,..,:n0...1,.,,,,,,t.n,k.,..,..,..,
~..1 1
..b.....1,.,A;0i,.a.r..v,,,,,,tz,.t.ii,n. ~,,.,,..,..,•,...,,,,,,,,„„..,, ,
bx.l,,AN)l..„}liinneA..7.6l6tb„.L.,in,i. WreatLri,sted
ICAN oil Cloths, American Life • Ic,. • ".`' " '''''''''''' c " I '1'717,11. 4 r 'O h l," 't h t t lrl. k an",itt h ru''.o " ?' h ' '; '' ''''.". 'I" r'' ,, 1,'1,,,1",',.,'1i!...a',111,111•:,1‘,1,:',11.,..,,V,,,,, ~,,., ~,.
~,, , ,, ,r , .,,, , ,,, , ,, , ,, ,, ,,, , . ill, i„, „„,„, nr ,,,,,,,„„,, , ;.,,.. ~,
onto. Ito Clotho. Mr U.SNILS 10.112.1ILL.( 1, Water ,
F o urth Pi-. tu whtet. on. ,
...4,./ t o r Atf.!-.,.77., :• . I . Inea, br harp. yet 4 (rum th. ...Myr , (St Meek Ode "ammo...we. a 'l l . one ar . tat :an oa •
.a. aw.i .
.. -
. oa, •••••• l'illbstaboy. Nrnitht , hi. , „,.,1,,,., •,, ~., v. ,, ,
.„... , 'l . ' WI.II . II . '" I . i OnAn fturtal; • favor. mat too. bin: 11l I : '1 . 1`..' II"'" WI 11111''''."" .. i.,,, 1 '" I' '"J"Tr,',•• ,',••,',..,',' • rig() . :..._ rE AM BOA'r BUILDERS. Extra
• ~ti. 0 oh.. s:toir... sot ...s. am-. o • s. t••
W NIrCIINTOCE. 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,,, ~.„,,,,,,,,.. .... af „,,, - if :, ,1,.:.„,,,rar.'„1„r:,,..::.;,:n ;,
i i. , ‘. . 1 , 1 ., t , I . ; : i 'I:I:1112:17,6
„ Il it " „,:::, 1 ,, , I I : :„. : , ,,: ' ,
c r ; ~,- :I , a, : , 1., , ‘l,„„;:s,l„,:si;il..:i...imj;isli,.,,,,..l,lit:tiriVir,.."L.:::::::•: 4, ~, i On-.
- i lien I, N. or dare , )^u ion ren0t.•,......... AI.. Fr , en ••or ,'lilt; , ~.......a., Part i.e., on "...rid to th. 1 10..., OaClund and Onward Twilit r u1.1.1.1 for Mean:.
-.- ) Mann... 4 at th.l oda° : Wm ; ni Inland ,-- Is.. la.okin , A nnul. ron.Ood on Yon•lirnlnrot. and fur
eby - 1 -'lv S4r- thorn mut, or .1i...10 11.... Marne., u., , .......1....1., ill. FLEMING A CO,
N Nr. 11. JOHNSTON i .AM 1. filllil A Kit i
. „; ,A. ,„ X . , „ ,,,,,A ,,.... i „ ,,A
~„,, 12. Wood Axel
--- . . I ...... ltuntritle.. ht 11, iirm,t 1.4.1.. r. Pada.
,i,,. ~ 7,e,!lterrlnr.lanifirenee Company of Pittsburgh. , l i t 11l ~ , , , a .., , - ~a .., u.. , ,•.,., ~-,...,,,...,. • ~,,,,,,.1.- 1 1 -1 1..1 TEIERS. 16 sacks now an from
~,ss . i I.rn•ltluut. ---,n - snuortarr I ..J.
8300.000. E. NII l• LEE, 3 . • 1
, L 1 E'S.' l l A LTS-I ess,• h•r midi , Ity
J ,CllO4O NI AK LK aCO • M`.1,,;‘,1.,1,‘,„'1.":“.'r.M.„'",..`„.1."'.1.t.j.., Ch " "" '''''''‘'aaeo i',• Materna 11.A.a. 14111.1 1. a 'RA AII.T.A • 1 ~4 , „,.4 . ,,,,,,,4 4, 4 t ,.
1 ii it alrtllr•-•••.r. ra° or. 1,0.1 IIA All
„‘'Tj°•.„.lllNes'.l,;-;: I , Al l'lonnitren..".ll'r Va" l ib " . 7 l l : , .... '''''''''' i 1: r. 5 t1,: : :";' „ ,• . : 1 _ , ,i7 .. ... 11 4 1 N S n E Elt 01 L-•-• 20 lir I: rAiii•;•il,,fii•;vnsitt,l,i,,,liiy l i r',. a l. 4,„ /“ ,, ,, ,,,,,,, 0,
ii, , , , r. , na .., , , , , , ,i , ii , Aa.an_na
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Ai i. ....,, , ,,. , , i.i .., ,, ,., , ,,, ,, ,, , , , . „ t,i,,:•irtr•,-i,ii'..".,...1,..1,1'.",tiv:'-'::::,..,'','•:,:1'-':;e:,•'''‘'',::,•:.;:‘,,:.:l'•••!'l„`.,:s'r::,d'iat":l,t7i.:E', 'ow,
~... t 0......-...
..,1 td ortolo7 , , tr. ‘,. . „,
~2 1 „ „„ Wator and Front ete.
t ' "l'i ' an ... tat i * .e. , e te...... . • """'".."' ''''" ''" . 'n. 6 1 EN hi At )1 L.-Five brls received, fur sale
‘9 l. n ' '" ? '''' llhN. CO" . ' I. "11 . I'r' ..... "'' '."' " h ' kr. ' ' ' rk t •h 4. 1 I t .l MK -111 0 1 ,1111. Nl, ri pping, 3 ,tiont.odi i ' 4 - 1:J: r.. .iii,..., ir,,,•Ti,.• i•._,,,., lor ...1.1., the tu.,, , • mai pra r nrtor. . noel.. .fl to d .,,r, AIM V Elt L BAEN ES.
_R ALL PAIN may • re:t."Lt5"..,r0r0it5",„,a‘':7,1,,•%1..,;•„`",:;•••".";.."...r . • r i r ••: • .r . •," • , , `,:f. , Ir."- 1., Ilavleare l' AI. ill , ris lot I. ea t o i
- D ' ' '' ' '' Ce ''' '' ''' M ' C '' 1 "rh"."'" ':' rn "." " .i t' i. Plank. JIV noir, s r• 1 ti • it' ''', ''''t.•ta • J 5C11.14 .N Al AIRF.IIVO I '„
"""' ' ''''''''' I ' " . .1. 1 .' 6 11irl t r Mit'......1.1n.k.P.''''•'111'.'..11'... ... .... A hrunt ... i I)r TT FIR.-Eive brlft and ten jars prime roll
Nlt -A rry, tarn. oh,. or Now Ito u r. arm,. .1 I''''
. 1101.... Jr 11m 11 Holm,. ,
~.. „
~,,_•,, .
: in, r: mi'''''' l'''''." '''
' b"L"'""--1. -"lh'
.• 7 '''..'. 'I".• W. ll'''•'' .. (I I MIER'S CU si i KIN s--.1,, , t r,...,,, ,,, i ~,,,i -,11 t,....,,.,, r,,, ,, ..,,• mt...., ~.:•, _. , lii,ALus,mus ourni-ENT.
, ~,,..m. (let '211h.1149- 1 Wro NI Lyon. Jam,. 1.,,,, , .,,, ,,, y. - r , -• '''.. m ~
.11 I r •or. to " P P lIII.' W' fare, w 7 .• hk.ak 'Zll . lllNElt k.DATINV •
i,..., . ,
ii'‘ONTAININ" •'''' Ni " Yi l ''' ' 4l '" AC O. 1101. ASSES.-Fifty bd., to arrive.
1.„..tit,1.„.....':.(4,d; I , A.„1,n`.....A.t..... ,:.',_11;,?`.;r1r.:1,i.:::„: ~,,,'„,,,‘„.. „, ,„....,, r. ~,,. ?•h., . . . , . N. ' • ta. M .r.• . t. C .;:irt i N.,
.. , 1 , 1.11.....t . ..ii ,,, . ,
..# 1
M "'"' •Ti '' ''''''''' ''''''-°"" .... '''" ' '''' 11l n r .01.) h. .1.....). 111RIA Fit I DAILNES.
. e known co Print Paoli, op ortral,,Ertobur. _ _ I""" l i , i I .11, V. It S, II I,IIIIS, .11 kind,. a fresh lot a fii, 1+,•l ad... . . _.-
•Idi•TalT thr p u hlit.that ' : - I I . ' II"I".I I I I.I . 7I . .. ll 'l ( " 1 1 11 ,. 1 rk "'"''' W ' l ' mk k " . ' lik 1: F I'S BOOK KP.EP I N 6.-A. supply
.• . l'i" •.'.. thit 1 . - 1 : DelaWdie bilatnal Safety Insurance Comp y 7 J Elba. tOl 11., Intbunt, • Tair lot ti.,00, and I .I.t.r. Ia 1 tool, 11, . •a. Lan
, can rerommeod It to the
';lure. 4.-... rn.d. „ r „. ..... ~ r . , i ., ,„. , r ,..-..,,,,,,. I
_..11 y ~i, non . Erak Keeping mod Illanat... rec k , by .
1 A. virtue: I n dent Ito , on, K. Ora, A rail,
FFIC E. NORTH 1100 M °V TICE EN- '' i lit A`A 11 1101. I A FORTI:S---fi c arboys, ;t , to,r;',.. • ''. tr...`11.,17,;.„,„„4„., - t
c a ll • t_
i . breasss so d", our 0 CIIANOE. Thlrl .11 , 0 0 . 112,1011".. It lit r.t.t.r.n.;. ...„.•ii r o s ro,. • al, oraiis s • snwarta, attain.. , not .
i.l:L2r=il..,byl...„fnet. L A I ,
~,,,,...,-..,rii.:,,,,a,.....,.....%--.11.%.1.1,u„,. 1...10,.......0..,1:,.;„..2,,,,...:. ... r
iii,,,, , ii ,
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4,,,,,., '1',...'...,.1.•,75...1.1,,i,,1,-,7,"i,,,..1,1,......••::.,U.,,,,,,,",,t,,,,,:,...,•,,•,,,,,
~. .........„ r t•lis. ,a n i o ,..t .st ,', 1 111 ,.. ". y r, l i t ..d E. A k . C. d I fi l!. , S An - i., 1 lime, Lund red b. j ust
Tilt, •DAI,IO r rho .t• tr. .... 1.0 Y ....-1 Ao tho; an. orot 1 .I.YA . SIMIYER a RARNES.
velmhaak. A g ent- No. 67 i antrie'i.iiie.'l'•t"..t.r.'l%,Mr--'T.1.....',‘ a r d a i.'.....:a',..7e n 't " : " ••• ‘ l• rar•-•- i 4 „7 . • , 1 1 ' •aiii 1 i • 1 " "81r,: 1. ', • ,,,A N • 1 ,..V1 k ,.. ‘ 1" i t P . 1 . .1,.„." 1 .`,,7, 1 ", ."„IIII.„-...,.,,,it L. its
~. i
i, 1:IdA at ;AI, 1.,., .:,... -. not., 1......., , 1.,.. i\ I Cril /"N EL,tNNELS--A farther supply
. 1 polio,. tut tho sdrirol 2.2, d r -. -. d :' H " ; C-1"'... 1=:,•!tr•Z1‘,',:;::.1,'....11".u. " ' r"- • ”....!
. L:K • • -•
''. -:•‘-•'"''''' • .•' ''-, •'• 'h^ 1 • t '''' ''''''• ''''''''"lf,.Tti•liil.tiriiiciii3:l.n.
Tie Timncheasson • Potro ila..•at.vto..a..- 110 0... 00 0 .. At-rd.r. 1.... F EE,. rE, AN, -111.1. radetre . , n , ~,, n., ~.. 1. t o. •o.inr. .. , ~„ , i , ,a 1 I
• ', 1 a.:11...r0t et Erooport . 1.10100 , • . • ~ .
,•,..., ...,.,.
r „K ra tian in 1 .rtram I.l..4l2:dl",:foZTto'll°'':•• ' 7' l ' .''
' '''''
10-0 I' '' ' '
0 " "
'"' ..1 'l`l'' I"w . I . "' : 1 1‘ . 17 - -‘ :' ,7. l' ' - ' •:• 4 l'• l'it.'r 11 ^i''''' , itt• th- Ptt.b•v' I role , i• , --ms- 'rt.- , •• rs •,-, ••• o , -it vt -i - vt •••iit l ,1. 1 11 EN i 'll LEAF -Fifty bundles French,
Jr. Idhort, .torl- 1 p n .....n....
ItrAS ' '\l:'EA k lll.N A CO. ' rater~ - J..-.. 1.1. II 1: A. , 1.,1....!..1,-1...:::::17.,,...1,..:
~. ~...- r-AA..I a r th- Iron 1..1w...c.0. , . awn,. human.: 1 r ~,,„„,, „,„,.,,,,,„„,,,,,,,c,„,,, ,,,
1 ii... J.,..n.1.1. No lof ...... v01... 7 ,
.... i 1 ,
"t" .l ""'"'"IW-h"W'h .",...„"..'th;tra',...h:'l2n.Ani'T.l°.,'..-:'......, 1- i .A ., 1 1 11a . ,` ,, 1 ,, ` ,. '', 1 1 1 l II 1:S1f 11 , i ~----' 3 1 I drum. rva•Vi red and For ; (mt....n0...1 h• Ihr autb.• LA Ifi. i i i .i...; w •",:a7„ ,;;.„2.L . .,'.., - ,';;;;;;:.••,`,,....",,•,',.',;•,••,i,7,..,','.„",•,;:i.,!,.`,.',J,',,,:-.,;.• ~. . _ J .0.71100. MAE Elt k 01. •24 %lout at.
11_11-01i...4--: - . brls Rose Pink:
bloc - iiiifiirtera Dom- halo Colwell. John ...Arlin. In: II h In . ! ... i.;
u.n.,, . A Alrel.AßY. A CO. An lof the Autonrau 111......10111. of the annlr See 1.0.. a onl -- w 4 -
N•is..l. , ..., ,
Kll.'r• k r` l A'A la 'M. • "M''''' Th ''''''‘"" hk '2r.k 1 1 ,11 ' 1 h .;...t....; Alo111•1°. 4 110 NTEIII:EIT COIN WiTcTuits.- ~ or 0..1-ot thin, mtl, nort.l for trim, I : .110 linineo, an t .rted,
"- '''' ~'A ''. ' rtan'etn'l'; 'r:f:.,.,,.,::;,.'‘,., it- I,r ,T 1 ...... , g ~,„ , th „
..,., ,‘.,,„,„,,,,, ,„.„„, ~, ~, New Books, just rt'eeived. i 1 ," '‘‘- ', " ' 'w. i ......,,ame me Inllon arid Orr,.
Wl ' - TI " ... """ "- l'" h "' I. " hI "'" .."‘"" - Ear orto by t ain. J .1121100NMAKEK aou
I, Joh., 1.011,.. Wm E t , jr •-• o . 111 1u...rt....mgt.... 0001
. ' ..
' '''''
'''''''''•"''''''''''' 'lr. . T"E 16-.l ' " 1- III " ""(1? " l•Y C " . " rg:.: 4 " '"" i I ''' T """''''' i ''':" ''''' ''''''''''''••"-:"1•""••"•••Il '1" EIL 111 ELIO X -Trieste, Chinese, Amer'-
, Dorn. , FT lunuornr. II T Alaroa 1.... , rat.
~,,•,,,,,, ~„
......„,,,, „.,...,,•,,,,.
,•,,:,......„ ~•,..,
John T Leapon tan I 0.1 1...... II Al, ..-. ski Sur... t...... at• . aloe oi mt.... tit F.... 11.1, ennllll.. frr nalo bf
.11-1,.. Muatia. 11.-alont Tito. I: ll•ata t ',1,. .'" '‘ ll l'' W k h '' '''.' •“ .....h. ' "'''''. '''. . .11.00 N, I anOA, olloudart. .1. • Pr. 100 . 100 r‘bOoth. w , di'" or i'ore lir• - •••. - - I ''''i "i'inn w` l ' i' ..''." '' 1 " . " ... " . ...... '''‘.'" Im .'''''' ' I Jri CHOW:MAKER aco
. 1 .0- .1...ta... M l'on..‘ 1....., or!, . , ~,:. nl.l. --- .__'_ _ _ ---
r., ....I Airy', t •...I Ath st• I 11.11.11,..,.......1 far beginner. ie....V.a...A:47 , A ..... arennlinn 10 an...OT, 11 0••• • relar In • ..ry .... . ; A,
4 5 -1 1 "-''''',V_. 1 4 . ,• . ,'" rn " . 1"....',11A51.eri1iA"....Z.a..11•a;/‘ ) %1 I li t t N.. vs. _4,a . .• ~r . NV...a ' ' i tii„..,',... 4 .. ....r.„ - ,, - f,..,,",,-,tr,... -. -..., - a.." .. . i.....c,,, n , , ~.,„ „,... ~,,,, ,„.„,. „ „„„„ „.. ,„;.,,.,.. ; 1, , SsENT lAL 01 LS-1 can Oil of Sussaras:
i•ox hen cias i a.,ist vr,+J i ...e.,_ T.., A. 2 ~,In. 1.41 ~1 1.....nd.,r. imu oil of Rater:my, I ran
&Ai IT , ' Th''''''
l'' ' n'nn'l
'if ."' ' ''' ''''''' ' '''"'""."' '''''''''newt, 1... u ''''' A. oon• Inc. , .0. • , f 1..u....v. I rom Oil of Briylta, 1 t,,,. cA, or in,,,:
) 11,./nt. and Crain.' Omni. 11 / •na J 11,1.1...1e. rhobleu.. au-al.l oon .. r,1 .. . u' ' ' ''
len i Franklin Fire insnrancp Co. of Philad'a...
'IWIA'1"11'.11 1 .KFT. 11.00 ' ,ac
[HECTORS - l'lmrles W . Butieker. oco. , . iti sva.xrus. I l'i' Ti..".....- ' Prot.-hi., 1t.,-,ow Ad.vtion- too.. 1a . ,..,... of al, Sow., i a p.l I ...On of 11. e., /In , re.-TvAlgakilb,r, k CO.
. .r. _ . Tio •lothor • Itnnunpna,.. a ••••01trit0. Ilenno In 11,...1 tehe. Burn.. • urn..., 7. , , ,
~,,,:i..i...:...:,....,::.,,......,,,,,„„.,,z , i I ,„ . . . .
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I. , 1,..., Tin.. Illrri M0n... , 1 7 .. 1' J ,.. ..';'7 . I )1111 ,. .. , 1 , 1 ., A ItPLES -^. 1 ,tieks
I fi i •r i. 2 i i i ; 1 , 1 ,,, ~.,..1„,,,,-,
~..... I , a rr. , „ s a v 5,.......: Joon.. ilr.. ' 1 i.",?!.t .. ..t.i r 11....7":•,' ....• -...• 11. I• r 11r, Id u Ka , . 1 i )1,1 Is.:•LAN BEI. m- Ton bitx.e. Nu. I, for
1. • . so r, ...,,,,. , , c al.. JSI llooNlllk 111 A ISt
tilllar. E. k INIIIIIIAM ; , aer,r„ :
„,,,t1,1,tem.,...r,,,,,,,•••,,,,Arr:a,•,•:, Oran , Inv,. - I • Dolt., or,•nlEnonnoci. ~J. • I .__
Th.', ..... non , tr ....10 A ...1...... a...0r t a. n . tan 1 A 1111 01 1.. Lard Oil of a superior quality,
i,,, ar th.l,, ~,I our o wn , co +NJ, r s aschEll. Prooal.nt
11 . 11KA I: LA 1.11-:'.11 c ny.k." on limo' itiol h•r : .1"...T . ,-- aso .so t e s ii•msits,,
-, ve• ,, •• tio.ims.• F, ~nn, , t 5t.1... lb. 1... In, A tri..............,,......., A , , ~,.
I. 1111 /11.1. A. , , ....I un nand 11... nth. by
1 M. ) ‘1 1 . 11 . 1 • . R .l “ ). ' , )''' "'''' ''').. ''""'' . "1" ~' ; :" ..‘"1 1 AI 111 DICht:N A Cit.. Wator k Front ,rte..
NEWBOOKS' ~., n that ha. ata. tn., II • ...rod, ... at. t r..
l'N'iWf .'ll d t:l f t'Lllt'l U r . 1 ..4,is-.1'..11.,,,%.1.",.‘,..%''.":";(5:-',7;ti, InAoranno• roman,'
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"11, fur .. 11 ' bv .lom. s. 0.- , i ai•ii , ' s••• , 1' , . 0, ..•• - 1 ' i , ,n. t. ' i 2 !If. .. Ls, NI 4 I 1 , 0 , 41 N.
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It M. II JollNF:ht• I 1.1,1 am t ... ' Mt. to 0,. ...o, _ _
I If. a nartr of th• Company on J AtoOrY I , I.).A.11"I ' 4.; „„.,,,,..,.. t:, It Al l A 11 , 4.11 , 1 CK A t ... 1• Innt. 11... 1...1.1.1.d ~...r. 4 , ‘ „,...,...1•11•00,n.
'rineipe, itTpdta., and : Itsbnl , n ool-ably ✓to 0, ,t at I.°mM! . •.n.,1'. 1 . 1 .1 I 1..,.. '"o•i'w n•••• 1 "and lint. . 1 . ' /....-aolata. relaeller, 0t.,,,,... 1,1 t. A CLI•In w.. I. I. p ~ • „„, 1 t UTTER.- Thirty kept and six brie fresh
1 .tsi- Row .1. re...teat, . I ) butter tent rnrrit ...1..... 1 fur 1.10• 11 7
l ' ' 1 T''' ' '""' "''''
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"7"1- '...1'"Za...1!;...711"..'0L11111.7 ....''."'' '''' 't'!.‘...•"...;::;'...,7,..",,....!,.., ......-I.„ , ... 11.1- i „.lo J). 111 LIWCIII ) 1 11 1 (IL.
1--..11.:14.111;;IT..: kO. ' Morgage. . ti,..•47.4, 41 llt E1.1. ,1 ‘ 1 si Fine Mor ol 8e11i." .. . near 1 • mat ....ssa root.. to.-1 tt,s sat', e
sr.) Ed.. .4 .. '
.1 V a.... ta ....1. la. r.A' AUL. A Tli I Ni../i, a .11: P. 1.1 a laan 1.1.0•1•....1 00T pan- ot 1,1, ......
.11. Re._ 11,,,,.. . ~,,,,,, •
_ . ._ _
check drown by .in i Tornio., Iv, ~ „ lEt first •11001 , T Ebrovor. author al • T. 111... and Kr Cara.
n . 17:4. dated Fd•ruar, 4th. 1 •, Ar ......,, , entuatme• ~
~,,, p.,„•,......,..,„..,...„.,..41.....,......i,:1..,,n„h,..5.,.,1%,r..., 1 S
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Tr -Tin SEEP- 1 5 1 ' 1" -11 "" 44 "'" i ' 1 I " k km " ' kkh "" " • ''''.".l .lal F t I ..,,,,na. fa... N E,It \ !SINS on consignment for sale by
• lot fr.a t. mail blorron i t,,,,..)..1 71 ir ~,,,,,,,..., ~., p, 1, 0 . T A g....hat 1.....-1rt,....J tor:. r . :” .. m " 1 NI , All.oer 1 All 15•011., 1. v...
.., •
' 10)1 iiitowS a KIRKPATRICK.
h. The n ubile are rautuaned •
Su,. their ton.rryarataan. a r -ri..l of p.n.... ' oar: lboi r..t.. 1.21..0. coo' , 1 n .,„,„. 0 ., E.., ml anon... 0.10
. I '' • '' ' .l. ".. 11 . Cr - ". 1 . ."' • ''' '''' I ' I I : ' ''''' 'III' iri BeTIFIRD WHISKEY.
, ustio, , t e ..... t. i 1 •re. Alaeo•I•i ail. ono. ....wd:••••"'• ; 4 , I ,: ta: ! .
„. „,
~.. ,
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tasks On loind and for 1 iiimoitsa.••l him... , si , s - ,1 s• D.-; ... ,,, t , .*. .
~. 1 „: , .7. 1 a
J 6,ll) . .stitt 1,11 . 1•. I r oca . .. ''' • W '' .4 ..h.....t l al vartt,T.: of all elev. sod r o salitai. ruled at , t „ 1 .„, t. ,„ .
~., , t „ ,
.., li, ~;„ 1,b, , ,,,,,,7 1 . - '''"`""' `V,l,litN"i!l'ltrEfirdt CO."'..
lIENNISTr. BERRY A 01. I ‘"'''''‘'...'' .• m'''.." 0."..1:"." -.. " 1 11.'" 11-I-"
II BTATIC ACIDS, at i mot iim-• s ~,,,,,,......, u ,,,,, „,,a ~,, , I I
,k it i p E N sEE I ii .a. a . A t u n ; ,„,I ~.,I to emrt• ^ Mani. I:•var , •• , ,:i.iir f 4 .. - W 0..: 11. "I \ 4 ''''' 1 4!. I. 1 ° ' ....,1,1,0.....1:L.A.. T. cr, . :. 1. ,, t
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, I .. W a ', \ t i)L A SSE'S-2 5 brls Sigma House, St.
•. a II 1.01.0. 14 rant ...pot nntiod. and far pale by
•--- -- - 'A' •••••••• .nA reeeeved Ira. On. 'Raider. ' ll - 1 . , i "1" " .". - '..0 "14 Enoch 1.1 Ana Oran. fawn oral I bap, vont. lour naoo.l. . '• 9 1.111 F.lll DAKZELL A CO. Lilerty lame.
BAN RV'. BEKEY aCO li ,-Ki1i,,,,,...i1,7,11:„.,1,.,..11E,,5:11',1:.1:k..1,.,1:,.1.1,1,1,N.1.11.1,1-. • 1,.,.,!...,,,,ii'.,;::i•Lif,r,...,71-,14....,!:: 'm.o. si ts. r o e ms. ~vers st ~,1.,z.77441„.",,,v •
nr..,,,,,,,,,,,4.,...4::,...,_,•,,,r..._,..,,,,,1,4,. .
~w It KENSIII ,I 1. 1 , : No. pro j a n.T.f • ' 1 . ‘ 1 .; " L l: ' ;!` ". ' ' ' ' '. 'l !"'ll',... . 4- 1 11E - A - SE LARD-Twenty brlsHrettSe Lard
1 Ida. large . I ,;ti. 3, M.- 1- N.. iiibi N.. it n i.ii -to-. • i A -onioostot ....ii• " . I ''''''' l ' d "'". ... c't . 'lV;. ' • P•'.'i r r . ! iSiii ' lUlt M .'"' •i r II „.1.„1,,ibi yobj..b. by
i .,,,i.obo..inithyn, from ty‘ it. b. i ....r o.nt 1 ,1 . t 1.' 1)1 .. ..... .
. 1,4 1, i l . tOK AND Joit iltivriNt;-Every de- ' ciLlili I. I. I
IN Ii.LS A lie r .1 "" • ` • Cnv °'''` '"" • j p ( ovistiss st L.-est int:ninon... Stnen....o. Car.l and . Aaatut.• IN Pro-rw •,..-11 A r ebt az -1...1. A .;.• ;,..,......0 ..nit S. AW. HARJU CGII.
1 n A r 5 . .1 .. . laiTClll4.O tOl The ent..•-rd,r .111 n.......apwdea•atea , , r '"'""'n''' "n •1, 100 .......,,..,.. ~,10.1, m 'N.. 1 • ,.......,h . ; „ R..... 1.,....,,.,.,.. , ; , -.4 . ~,,,,, ~ , ,, : s-: .... ~. .-4 .0 1 ., - , ... • , ms , -'...... :• -, L,',... - •;, •,`7,•:i• . .
-1,,, ~, ,t, ~,,,,,,..• •,,,,,,,,m,,•..0,,,,, ..enton, . Iw .. 1.-, .
~ , f. lAA . Nt'M A HILL aot • „....„
•,„,,A. „
nt 1% ri. 11AA RN. I. Ai 1ia..1. or , - -a•ra , r A ''.• w-ei Vi. • A', ci r .• . i ,•• -•--Prime Cineinnati LesifLtird,
t. Plantstion, for Pak i PronbAavoi,lwvnied aw0m,1 1 1:;•„az:!,..,.
„,,,,, A . , ' luiTibn • f 4,14., A l'lntd st_ Con.,n Mark.... Ferry a l.. ...nor dr 1 ourth is r'...0.1. or • 1 I . °. °Y rut u. In lc,. Inr farially Inv. )....t r... , rit u rn,/ , ..1.1, ,
co hy
J 4. A. 1117TCHISON kCo .•,., :.,„ 1 ,1 v ,... ,„.. k ;;;,... 4 1 , 1 IE l' i S E - :',II boy,. 41n band and h•
•r ...It'll : ~,, -
EDA 1.7.E.L1. ato • ' - - - ewe an natont Ind Pena ...i. lay, t . • , ..• • • • • , 1 .:
~ .r..., 1 ,1 . a .. whr 1 4 1 . : • AtI. '__ .
.____AyNt A 31
_____ _
iiail`llo,-101-11010 by - 1 ' i. ••• . , i ; 6,,cf ATV'S ERI -IV .S.II s v ks, corner id "I, • ‘, '.."4"...,,17,„'",",'.,'.',":1,1,•117.,1•,,:,,.,i,;,:ri., ~:a i. 1 , 1i;a: ; ,;,...'i , ,, , .... i
~ A, lOLA SiZEIS-3 ... 1 tierces and 300 barrels,
-11,1.1. . 11, for tar by
JAS. • 111111111000 N A Co__ .
.. NIISCELLAINE(MIS: kkl. y ..k pl' 1..F.5--2. 0 bushels on hon. to , " • .71 sonsa and Market .... ha. Ear Fele wot lar, nod mm
1r Jti r,.. , •‘ 1 1••':i1'cfi'.:„..,,. • ' . ..i '.. 1 ., , sta.: -..,•••.... 4..0 :I" "' II ' "lll''' . - 11116NYN A HIVE PATRICK.
' 111 r ;", tal• I.• 41.10 1101.11 A. • KIRKPATIIIIiK ; ~,,,i,..,, ,„„,,,..„,„, .. 1 t ., • „., ~,,,„.„, ....„ „ r t .,.... 1.1.101,. i ., . _
ED A l'P LES. Itir sale by .
_.. r . _ _ . ...D..] In tisk mart,. Slen•hank supplied with etre, •• irdae ~„,,, .„,. ~.,..,
~,, r .., . „...,.: ~..!...„.
~... Fri mt.. i. i . , . .
.. . , .
tURIIRIDIIK A 1.1.118 AM i \ 112 - •artirl. In 0,11.. tho oral fan raid.. .nun InIA lir. Inc.., .1 ,, .1 „.. 2..,
~,A . 1. . ,, , , , , ,, ~ ,., , 1 „ .„. I
, 1 , 1.... , ... ,
110 Water Ann. SLATE ROOFING. ; 4 4 i I 14 , 1
~' A Nll PA• RA ILROA I. STI- , . .„., „ . , i _ .. }1...1.4 h• 1, e • o • ' . 11
~,„. 4,„:,nti:.-,k,„= 4:0rcba,..174,,,,t0.,11,,,AALagrett tzi
, , --: 1' ""'*'" h ''' ' " h. 'h.arl.'i 111 •
AIN - N,
;i. 3 IllorKeritt; lIIAIIIIT, III:011ES kCO . PraPprielors 4 i ~
....,111,h: ' b.. /Aar/. 1441... Prunizylr•••••.: ...100. Q vurrol 1,, ; :aro., An:h....J.lin, 1,...t.e.y. I/ at the tiahlrn Ilar. ho. 1 , 11 Third 0..in31..1 U.LES II AVIIL'S SHAVIN'i l'IlE,A;L11.- ...i. 1 .b0 T , : 1 , „,.. t o
,t .: , .. ,,, m v • J. A , e1 , .., r. A , l V.,.. nad pe ,rt,.. lltala% . o . f, „.. th k r
11. ELLIIEIt to 10. nnolling • frt.t. hd.
1 i
.0. for c ule by , be. to Intano limper , Controator.. and adia•-r-• se P. , - •ISAIA II 1111'R EY k i't 1., Agents for :11 no 1.440,..,,141.11...10,1,7,,...,,,10..t.1,,,,.N0.cn1t4,e,1...,.......
.....,,, :,.,....
~, , ,,, , ....1 " 1 ,.. ..!, ,% ''',,,,V ~,.. ~,,,,•;;,•,„ ...,., •!..,",...A .. ,!, , r,,, -- ,,v .: 7, .'. ,',-4.'....^- ''. l' •5 ' 1..1 ^ l c., - .
m ,, , ,,,,,,,..
NV • Y '1191.1.111.1 1 Inman Wheel., . 12000,0111. Ar. 1.11•1 111, Ita••• 40,0••
"n' ' I''' . Wnr''' 'n . " . '"'" '' . 1. ''' ''''' .6 " of 11„. Orb., droeriptur, of oxtrrior and tour It lo naao.• ~,„....1,,••••0 a 0.0.031 T • •••0 1..• 0. • ...• 01 ...... Il a . • w . .
I by; "d
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" I' ".....'I.I: •w ..• ..d W. ' "'l .. ' in W I'.WZ.'„" ltt • Hunan All,. In vonno In tho rotrn of Lm 111 and A .„„„„, p,..,K,,, d r At „1.r....1 -1,. „ „, .....„ i t ~.„ IN DOB HANGI.NOS.-W. McClintock
SIBIIO4IIIS, for titto
_aDRURIDOE A MllllllOl ; " a u x .. Slat, . ........ 'li k t . Alori, a 11. lot of 11411ranalale anti poptdar /bk... ~..4. i net ....,1.1.. o• final a on,- to al.- , rd- ...• 1•0•1•1.0• a.t . .3....,•t0t1a...... - 1 bin A tory 1.1.10„.
- p t ... Mo.. A• ~ 00 in p0•Li , ,;.a.i 3 0
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, t1te: , .... A . , a ,r 0..1 • • Ar y l NI i ___ l 5 il ,o, „, :t.i . ;, •„ ir, i irri.
ti 5, ±r,t ,.,,.1., b y ',
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W FlUllißilii'g E lG°ds ' I V."' 01 "'""",''" "1" - ‘'",'"' IC,` •- i ' 1 ,!, c,` ,il 1.,. .1 K , ,-.. 'l t . , sit,ash,
• Ir.i's ••• ira • i • tii -airll i cis,. isti sr •• .....emsi. , ' '
k CO., No. 62 und IA ',lwo-wiry emploi nom. other a..... ri,•••••••1 a n! a n,
~,,,, .Par .., Pest amen 1. Jo t1...r wa.r. runnn.i.n. I , _l. ~,, ' ' , 1 . 1 liC
ENV BOoKS.-ilDmi,,,lf.
ir T , „ „ : ls. •irli l • ~,,iot. r,...ovse .....1 soi sr.: s „ i..,•.1 .. ti The Old Printing Establishment, .
' t, ti, •il .• s 1 4 4 , i 'i i 11l %. ASII--;l1 onsk,i, for a n l e b,
'",•,, ~.,,'„,„ 3 7 4:,.'" it,T., ~,,,,,-„, tint---ors
In m. 0.. a porl.oll. cat. nh i t t . i t rnr :i2,:, I „ . • , 11 al' WIL,(IN - a
I LI Coamoe. or Sketehea of a Phyelcal d• n ' ' th ,' j,...1,,,,../V.rt.l.rnate's.n.'".'olk2;V:hll7",rt.l.....'kt‘ldhCar..,.t.X,l"pn'..'•,..':,...;:,..
..1( ATE .litlitmhol tind Siekton • s, and Blank
osi hand...A/ woiPlA•wid• ." .. 1 ...."° . i• . I ' . 'r • a Orrin IN II.%IIS• - -VI .lot twilled, for tale 1 w ar ' k o k ra kk a . ....,Stlotch , of 511neenda. tho Novo Fregland UT that un t doaron , oat ..... "ll' , 1. 1 Wl° •`o 1. 1 ." 1, I. °' A Rua end ',alt.., na,..1.,....., .
Mn.o a. ss t is thr itsar
...1 their Slatri wo he 1. b
l• .II k 1'... trat.c.•lnrly t 0,,,,,, 1 .,,, i • , .. 1 , met-Hi' , 4. Roe 1 t,_ I ..1 11. too ne . 0 .......... d an, 010,10. C .tl.. 1L.. , EN 11. pr o n-n. to .noculn root, .11. of ...d.
1 t out on 1 • 01 an t..l of rhentto. • 1.1.: . rod 0.. a. l an a-o , . . - 1,4 , , ; , .nr. ➢, ~, r : 1. - • , , 1. i I4 : Ib il l y m7 d .... M. 011.1 ., and Fnal - novn .,. .21., A ,, ~.. n 0,. . , ,, ~,,,,,, Jo , 1, ....r• 5h5 , i.:... , ..• ~,,,, f. , ••• c,,,,,„„,,,,1., - ,,,;,,,. an d Ft .aml.7at Jc,ollintlou a nd U, •k
Ito On. tontrac oolo•noroal 1.211.1.. . i u. 2 Et, AEs_. m a 1 pre ~,, . t . r. . .
r., . , ihr , ~,,,,,,, ao .l ~.....00 . 10, a n ad. Inon..1•,•1 1 •OA. , to 11.1 1 .1.1, . 101.1 funol, ,ory art... in tbr blank Drod....
r•rret , la• ...• t 0 th.•ir Aan.• awl .1attan.,...1......,,-n.l I ~.." 1,1, • avast the Om lavontion thou... trot /0.. •h, .., r . nd r ,,,„,,,,, r , ar „... 50 10 , rbor ,,, a , ...., „
"'""" ;"". l ' s '"'"' . '4. "'"' Th... k " " I 'l"ll',4Vf . . ! ;!.7„..7,'...,,..„.-‘,.,, .„ , ~, ....---„, ..,,.„ . , ~. ,
1 Mr Thom ,Earn. ano ,0, roMlani. Ono .1.0.1 1 out. . For eatio 10
euttnt gar d o ter t -atll2. o nu .•ny, 1 011,...., rm. r . .. 1 Inn. an .• • I ••ll•Eit___.l 11l A nal. 1 ~, t ,, _ A C M. Dultlincr. ' 0110 •rt•o .01,031 , 00 - . l J'n % 3 , ' ".0`..•. , , , 1‘t - •OD , .'" ""Ur an 't'l r inaTa. :If n tatiourry Wareham, cornrr of Mark..t
10111 t, a. CO n r, ~.. wan).,,, ~, ~... h., .... ea bkk..r.- I. th, 1••• w•et it will pow ~,,„ ~,,,,,, . rr ...,
' i B . BN6tirS, 1111111 E Krs, 1101 II AND , .1.0..10r On 1.........t.1)1.',1:,..1,1.11.1,:11,,...1.;!:1:01t.1111& & ..1111 yr...tin...ln, .a n o k 111.1,i. N.... 1.0 Mini et. jag
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..1 . ...1:!t00..- 3 11:
111 11 11.1 . ..0 Di ES. WIN /IS. 11INS, KC.
co_pAßTNEitsin p_wo 1.,,,,
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IN :::,:KS e : , , .0 , ,..t i1 ca 5 ! , :c... ,, , ,, , ,.: ..
s c . °. , 1
,T.,..ll,lNnlrlraN:S. amt IlatTll.o.o Mark. Doh CO-Socarlot nr5: .. 12 =- , ... L . ,, :n . .,, , , : , ,, ,
..... .
r i ._, S w Goleta.% ealve.a. Boa-Amen and Larfodneia, Javkarina. : noopmanda , ..11. - 1, • 1, ..••• 0 . .' .1•• r , arP l '` .. wi. A •',Urn'iii - up •.i. lot ~ii . ..c, ssus. mos.', :csi. u tul intra .
: n. Imo lar:i. 1 1 )1 .' 1 .- M o nfor • Mork and 1.01 Ins. Pound. ndoutal..l to n.n.lor th, ....rat. 43 of anat... ut .. a.eut
-Ine i l e 7'll rewtan'tilthava"iZ.l,l%.'irnil!l4.:l;;'‘,`..VT.',ig,l:, 11.... 1 r..a.1. M 1.1:17:•' 4 1 ' ..a 2 . . ". a -7,7". •• • i 1": A l a .7•17,.;:.,..%:!-.7.'i';.....'n th f ...I . ;:ii '7 4
~' n , l t. a . m .
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~1„,„,1,....4e...1,,..rnAt,1ti.„ 5 , 1 1 , ... , ..11 ,„ 1 a e ., t . rx , rai i r .
~.;.; ,;:_;;:,,...•,,,,,,,,,.,:rn,.::-.:ni:;,,,,,:.:.i.t. >. I„ ~,, do. and ..........01.1.istni . .
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1., Clu.a.ut itrveL 11 1 - ,
~...._ .• _.
)11 It A 11 EII SE Y• 4."MMISSIIINIMEII-1.1 kiti I' lit NI MANI S-- NI orphy iv. Burchfield Wbartnert • .I;.e.
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1311•, Tidr 0, .1. nf 1 \nonlctt". W. 1.0.• ftlll ~.....n i I / 1,-,,, oil Ikain.l a kr, lot of Pr, .iiiatithanz., whirl. It:ft y:.;
,7,-,,1,;:;.„,,: ; a y, 'del a L T an'd In n lLa .'' '' Mar.. Annonotly C., IJ. do Mad.. Wine.
. nn ) rolonsl r rno.... north oact Ito' , a. I lot nl few loa
yo I.l•tn .1.1..1 ollcoc ' ....0 do awe. Malako Whet.
" ''''
i " I "''
' ' ' h . " r ''''''' ' k ' ' 1 • id I• T rho Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette.
~,,,, c10...1 Al .1,0 tad, fir no ) doscrtntari.. .I.° ...4 Mork,•t On,- - emb.....1.1.1,tivrr and b., co onsl m o ... ; ..!: do Dry do. do.
1. 0 . Marblnrrt 10 do Phort7 Nine. -
4i - i !A Shi S CLO EIDE 1.1 Al E. Mintprst ts'i, 7,,,,'",r",„1,1`,1,1','"",1,r,r,,rii:1„"1Z1Tinna,"..t!,1•Pr,".a1,11.,'''. i i tiunu , ATTE NTI( , N i , x-.1 ,,, 1rtah io . 11..., Tinnlento. Chant.
;Fr 1E CO , P A RTN ERSIII r 11-Ellrl'coViillE IA , 1 ...,, ~,i „ t .,•,•,, O il. 00 0 rO , O . filo,. 10. at ~r , , ~,,t d n ..... Fn... turo pith,. alow1y• on hand. ,th A e .
,f rer ,.
, V, , f . ` , n i 1 . "..,i,...., 11 ' . . n l o %tore an d for r a le by JOIIN PARKER A CO_
rt... boo,. the o olnecihora owl, us •0 t to of ..,,,, ...,., K .,,,...., f ...„......,,...„,,,,
1 rmy. Flynn. A Ca- VMk i lar dir t 0,1:. 0 1. , 1 mut.. -
~,,,,,,, ~,,,,...,
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1 runn•nt. I l l'it i llt : .4 : t.l.q11•1/. ........ Ind,V,rictinkul.".',Atiralkl.'"l.7lol7l.a:parrhValk.'.7,tlll:;;" o'n. 1 ',
~..,101:L1L.,10..,,1nA‘.... Al , gi . t
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T l•:;t: N O l rr 6 r i b il
..' ' K .llOll i CO .n'' ;Tr. , at. • 'l:a% ate len vela,. i plain and eyntauaa.l letter nivel- , peal, DT the r, Ilef mad run fdi a 0... It ,ree t a are, •
ne• Pollak, Walla,. Viola. I ILK. FLEMI si. A„,, .J..... nu Int, Alt
*late and Floe: hod and plain' Oland,. en. to have. .1n,,. .1 , 0. bor.., cwt semi - mom ttf the ....* °d T'"'', "..‘•.. th. • " : " ...d w. 4, ,06., 4 ‘•-•
, 1,-. err or P. K FleMind la anithaariraA 4. ~.,, th. 1 • ••.; • T 1 -Trachea nod 111.klienties ~.o. tom blue and whip.
1 4 I.E. II i• 11t, l' • , , .
~ : `.T.i7j I ''' '' fti. .. I -..0n ,,,,, ,", - a", huh ''''','" , r,:',„",,,';‘,'"„:',l,',''', , ( 14 a .!,`,;' q.,.,%,.. Enllrier Laura no the tnnat favorabir
helr!hu•lpe.. nal. W dere: Ira r ru t , TittIOUX p•ttrynitwyttitig wed: m , iitor.. yYrimn iw s it , i , i , .... i..7 . 1 v . „ , ,,, , . 1 :::::;, , ,,,,„-„-,„;;,„,,,, , ,,„ ~ trona at tlin 113.0. IlmOrnf
1 .k r d l r, t r i f ' h.; ' kW; h ' kk W ' khk krnk ' 4 . „.,..'.."' r,""...‘rvhi'nh.;1:A7•1:417:::1V11.4?=r,,,a,'.....". , o n . mow. mol, lo'kel b...... 1 '„‘e,,, b0 , 5 x•rr , 1, ,P zn . ',";;,.".1,,,"•:1;?0•X, ~".•,,,,,,,,,,. ',in ~,,,,,,,,,,, . t-• ~...i ~,,,,, , r. GKORG/I r. ARNOLD A CO,
No. 74 Fourth street.
li T )I SSO LUT Ii / N (IF I i
.y 1 'l - ?.,','
borne 1 1 i___
~,,.y...ut:.".c,,,,b,..-7er,o‘ ri l , l3ins , pin
. , r , e 4 flle mime m anner Clr i nk. irr.olo-0 1, 1 mien and Lo up .- „.,,,, n
1,, top
u, n ,. ,
Thr par tm.r.... h.nraforo ulna borne,. tho r . '. r • '"""r.„;,4;,',''.,‘,.':..-.11-.‘.10---`-" - -;-- - ' I ' .11...1 issoiir rlslommo t• o••• amati-•a to ••sriti
'll °ur nant nun. hat. 1.... n tor-iott, e. 11, ........„„,„ , i n..
MM A i M.CL " RW k ".' • I II.;" I r k.: ' 11 11 'l‘ 1 otal axe,. that lattair to -non. all Imam , Fr it SU BSCRIBEIt.INVITES TfIE
~, orrPorrn. unclrr the rt• le ut /hark.. II & IVlsitr. wn•.11... ~,,, • 2,11.11.rt1y atrert. .11. .....vr. Irith all °tit...rt....110.Y In the Sta marry . ne, i iy a n o, ,
0, A
~,,, A
~,toad on Ihe Ant rtar Id January, 1,1, hi 110.1.1• 1 rno- . In, .01 rtapll, Ingrther win. a large nnwytt.nont .1 i nnupc.lo. l n. I , 1 ) • 1 , attention of Inorrhant• and then ta.. Ithe large end
a en t,,, t. ,. .
~,1 . .. A i td h . . ...r. A,l.,ll,,er;Au!,a,t,airtoril..,•jr:,
../..11.At1tin...1,..,th,t.,04,1,1tin,..0100bt:. 1.11,1ft1u1...5h}::,E,1?,:1--11,i,!:,1,11,:.iiry,%,110A.,1
m. 1 1 1 3 i. , m ,
11 p ( i .:1 0 ... , 11 . 1 1.1,.. - • bol. AM M.)11..1.1.11alnyll boa. of all maim.. firma ' c,,,,MA, ae,..w.n,h,...1.!•:,,,i1iw,111,i,„-„,,b,.../.„..,.•-„,......Anat01,.17,u,,,,,,,.1711- ,1,,,,,;...74.,-,,,,,,,i...,,,..t
~,,..1.1,1=7,,,,,nrinz,,,t;yd.c.,•m5,,h,,tr:n., .....11
In every Ittylr Of Witting. end paper rat all ek•••• 0.. o , ....a . 1
liann for thaw m ar... , No. Pal Woad Wm. ..11.1.1", tur Hale •I rtdured tua r ta.4 oil
A lle A r l re r :V Mean. 1 . 1,..7.,.,,,0,:,,auth.,,ta,..,...,„........A,......
n1.11,, .... ,1 . , .k ..,, a ,r . , . ,: . :. .r ,.•... 1•01;• . .;• . a ., , , ,, , 1 ,L a . t , . Ca , t i u .A ...,f ,, a1l Aar. and:prin.., eon:dual) . or. band and 6.r
II C. SHACKI.FIT. . . . " b4 '''' ..t Blank Rook and Stati•U;er Wan•hontae. , hard'. ba. to.. 1.101, a ....nal./ t., na....., ila A., .... anti a . nu= F. 11. EATON.
- • V W " " W 1 1" ' , II I Vlts' LIT ER PI I.LS-"Ci odd not get i 1 t • .1. torstossio. -sm.., .m. t.,0, s. so ma msur. 1 OLD PENS. We hove now on hand a
.... i i sons ...sot isms , "•';", i a .,-, , a , a ":,",•;:71i,---'l,-17,7-„"; ~'"'""• :,r; "-, ~';.'.':,...,,„..,..„,....,,,,.,0,..,,, ...,„,..,,,,,„,„,..,„„„,,„ I
, , I Ur, rtook of the bort tad Pero COn tlint"wiing
' 1IT,'.1,11"11"•111,0-,....0. I1I• • .te.1'41.1 , • • cwt. ;it t. , t n ist'..l.i , , a i ltie 0. 1 uur r...... 1. •.1 .... dr is• t old.. .O , OT t• 1 ...T....." . non. laranufnotort.•- iet Now Not:A.lnd wad.. expre•olv U. oriwy.
.In ii K ancr .--Yours aro the only LoAr Pills that •
~,; , ~,,,, I
~, „ Br ~,,, ...,i ~,,.„..,,, ... ~,,,,,,,,.....ilt,„ on. °mil.' arta I. I" .1' 'nob'. 1""I: 1 Oat Pencil C., anti Pro;lloldera. Silver
...n herr I root.] not g ot a lon, ni ...„„.. l b ra .. an d every 1 ii 4b,,4 m„, 1,;rh.,,,„„':.1,n ~, ~,.: ..,,,-(1 , ~.•.,,';.r",„ : •
Ire Plain Jnrarnnt...lf n ' t •-f01 c 1 : 0 , , , ,, ‘ 1 ,, ‘ , ....t , 1 . 7.....cru51ntd„ k,,,,...„ ~.., y ar ,...,. pr„.,...1„.„.1.,.„, v0;4 „,, ~,,...„
ono that mak, to w, thom sprain. In we b w hort terror at
Jll Merle d'Aubigne. O. D.. PPoldent of tl•o Tow.b. l. our nwy awl 10.10100.••••• l. br 1 7 1.• •01. I, In P• r.,•• her „.. wh ,,,,.., „.„ r ..„ Ar Ar ~, , , , ,A vr.t, ,... t..,11 , 14.0.N.
" E b i Art.' Col 0 0.n.0. owl' Vire tin...talent ad the Soeiete v., ot tl••• li,ind•unn " 'Lie,: '
"7,17dr,.'1'.% alndurndrarrylt"lNELLEllli,j6l!lrt6l et-, firt. - 'T ••: yrsolitim by II Whdr• II A . Tritilti Col- n Ain. Ow. V". I .° I °."A' . • I'. 4 i''''' "°-..."..".• • "- ---
." " d J: ' " u ''' M ' '''''''MY I.l ' -r r.r.t.lll:it''''• I ' o 001? cal ' l 'l4 hh " d i " 1 " ''.....' "'pt.' ' -Wl ''' . '''... I lit AN I 11(,7, COLLECTING AND EX
-11-4 IG S AND ILAISINS-1•49 boxes iv: lanturly,lll.llldory, Andouille, and ➢ploaralaitY 1 1 •w'
I Z'' I'. ...W . A. I . hllrcke'l'..obr'r, t'''„riaTir:l:ll.!l:. "i111.7=1711.. run. 1....1. Ow, 0.,...a.. or a s outh o.ot ,r, IL., 0 ..... IJrIII I. bt.,l 0 FR•t. -N. ID 11.1ICS A SONS,
..Ito. :
1 1,, are 1a 1.....i . hut Iheu• an. ea..... 10.110. and en, 1 , 3. Kr, : 1 :••et. I•lle . bn a te cA ott A wd ,,A l
, t , he r, i: i ttrot
and for vale by BROWN A litlllltrATlLla.n Ikwrilia•H`f and Sndli.''' i t . """'"" ''.."''..rr . c r U n r7,1 . 1 . .:1 1 , 1 1',C 1'.a.:1 ( 1 1 ..:;:‘,.Vaie..11: ', 1: 7•;ilwir.lll•:]'l.4.T••••'ti.erth'e'r'^‘,',... ' ` ' .i ' '.:•!..llfall •!1v ,.', .‘ B ' flt
b00r. 1.•, „ _ ...RI Corner of Thal. mod Third'. , Je , Three i . iau w•
a.• a+ bo t a.le., The I'. trate.... wAI ...o. 11.........tna bob, end Time bilk neteelateal. All
I ARII 111 L---11. 11l Irt refined Winter. _------
NI/1 A RUBBER. PAS AS rE. 4 gross of that
1 A tor .ale by J SCHOONNAKIIII k 01, QUTLINE MAPS-Pelton's A ple wild Out' I '. 4 lr. t r Y , i r i i r , h •E • :: • ; ; • ,, ,:•:7 , l , itff, . t l t l i . .,li , mitr .„.4 l i i ii , t , , , • - • !,5,,i7 0 1 , , ..;,:•.. 1 „..,71,.. r ,." .
Hoe are now ba•lNlttnViive Ifwcoll we I
~,,,, , ', , ,,1'S 11001. pr. .1, key, t boanar Poe. 1., •. lanai-unro.. I.ter. a 11„ amparh article fa, hour. sod alin, reuderlou throe
I ''", ,„ ,-„-,,,,,,,,,,,--' --,,,
~,---,'',' W ",.. i I ''''' -'- '1 ...1 1 rh,bZen'e;fa'arlti•VriPit..7l7.l";l7. ittil rorrio " fla . h•; ; " 1 ''',...',',l.,MA.7.!;.rCiMal.l.r.rtirou'eray. 71 . ."!1!Orli;VIrl'At"......nn ' al . Ili' ' a'c1a.i.1.",e'argt...,,4.17,,..1X.',', a'... t a'orpoui'''... 're f I Zer th n'ted .r . b al . •
I . 1 I,AZI PM:, I, Jsolviv p.,--, .0%. ow saw „,„a sc oot reistito , te col ...I imattitos Iltv. N. , i .„ 1 „,,,,,,,, a d.,...m. ot a chr ..... r_ , houlin. to pr... Or nuonit ...f....11..1 For , rnie s - h01.....1e and retwl, st
I o fe. J KIDD Jr CO N o , 1.-11. p .11 t..e•tern Ilendophorr. h. xN. Inc.!. 1
1 A 11l
keg" an u d i, l o l ; c i,b , l t a, for sole by e as Es..tern do 'I. end 9 Wavat on.. Ila 11 J k 11. PHILLIPS,
1 lltirnr nn.l ....all, Aiwa... of the. Plead, and Kidney, ----,,, ~,,- -.- ---- ------,--
i_A f.. 1.10 A N KIIIKPATIIIIit. i 1:: i'l 'rfirdo,..Valu7• 70 a 64 I . Chapteal Mod-. I:trona/a.] blppa.... i .... 1 Itowaimo TEA IV It 11.1,--En glis h ,k, American Briton
- A do Lim, 'll ft 1::•'2 l ln 1,1. It 1, a ••r.E.I: 1•1‘..t./ 31. 1•1,010 ...I hm. born Ira. n i a To. Sots Elabrd do ; Pleated Parket a, Catillnytb4o,
i 1 A 5 . 1 .1 qt 1111.-9 hhls Illiny's make, for side o do A.A. 0•70 . In ini.-t (a ibi...bow d0bi0.......0.1n the ~,,,,, i v, •Ith tho , Su... Asal Train; Plated Ern, heat giant, Ivory rha•
A: to 6.1.14 MIRY. MATTI! EWA aOO do, S. America A Abler% I mort p•rf , •rt ....e••••••• wi• that 101 l autounl. are ie. ay., Handle Tata& Ai:lt/Ivry. Fairer Yorks, spools, saa Rat
- Prlvo to( tbe•aerlea, with key, a•Lai o r t e I g t ‘tro H ern ia I t,1,V,ibe0,,,,:•,'„„0w,r,
, 1 , 7 , 1 . t„ii." „r •r i 1 r ,74 1 , 1 • !,..„ , :: l'h a.wini In Am.- ' ter K0k..., Pinnal and livrman Silver or. .I Spoon,
' Tahle Mat, Tea Tr.,. of Ma' lowitincfixt. nmobtetun.
l AFE IN N • EsTmENT-$9,000 in Alleghe- o ho. Map ,, , with 1t ,, , ,1,A M d
~,,,,,,,,,,..., b...,,‘ ,,,, ~,,,,,,, ; Nt hate., nth., sateciiir, st. i near mrai/iso ow ' 1 mato, ornantot..., Elatnt
, T,,,,,, or b. , ,,,,t,rui P arini".
.'.; n, 0 , . , . , , er ,,, p , • ,, 11 ,,, A , .. to , ~i . by T r :; e rea OM tu the ne.. of thq i , .. , .n. g**....,' ' !Vt',7,:.'';,",,",1:41',r,, i'.". it h r - prstro h ;Zr's n a r r. , T..kft. ;Ato l l. ?..."U l t:IT1 Ir k X' Wi k ..71 . ,: k 0 1 ,::,`;1.7. -- 11 - o;.' vi'.la lo lpl'U'
• WM A " 1 " k " 1 ,1 ‘ m " o d'telab Whoa& of the Inand Stan,. .
6.411 .. en tie,. m a., Va.. , who aill b..1...'al no •Ith dootd , 1 .,,,,,, k ,
li , rrr EH - hlils fresh 1141::11171"- .6".".1-:'-:
sti'ttiner's.l'atqlrcabl'4gu'l,'ArVio'N'A't it. l :eK th z , "; l l 7l :!''''" . r0'"2..1.'",=,"`'ii,r;.•12,',.`..,-`';..°.77,J,,.',,` ,'.'.'.1.1t,1V:1,,^7..' ' ~,,...1, , - ; ;;;,...1.1.,, , %. „ ;1-„--,Y,;33 - ,.;;;.„,,it bj,,,V2e,ti k k t t.i.
l• do TAR j• . 110 : ei•ror'r. , H.rk.''' Wk, '4.r°. N. , nawae t a.ll.ll to iirklioii 101, that lb,,husut I. 014•1•0.30 5t....1.......r.. ~.a. au, thing else iu a few nelnat've. i .
deu.0v......1 For ...1., wholeule ate' n- ' Por ...1,• t. • -
.20 Item n du in.. rreelveal and . Norris anli Willis's Home Journal. 1 Vs l , l . 9 7, firme et ar
..,, . „...
.. .
..,, W. W. WILSON.
for uelr lay fol.: • . 51,111.1.. 4 A Mgr
I gOTTON TW INK-256 Bei suiterior qual-,, ia: n... 1 Ar.. •P Al 0. 0 . 11 A Cor-Ilarket and Fourth PP
mi n. ; t i y i,,A i n ni N e e ~....
I ''''' .°r ' l n I. , a r f'i iii 7 sP. s ß 4i i ' Li.l"B•ii."‘ i'''s‘.:;!J•lrs.'''•••••l',;'ll-.';:::,A.ii:::•1".i..::;•-17,. ' 1 ';'..,:: `, , 4 „, ~,,. 't ,
i (, \ CASKS M YES -.: ; --- A - ivi Si: ' ... - --
/ I. Wor .air by J. KIDD A 0), :Al lark Clover Sea'etl' - .y r' c; ''''''-''''''''''
( I AsT 11. E soAP-201',Die.. for sale bit ----.
13nUalli.L.liSt.11 1.1 . I nn mj iAr ve . ry .
, S .. . Ar tu
__, i, moo sum:
:am lark Mot". prime cooperage..
1, " I ' l ".trll"'4'l7'l":''''lt'llr;'"l'l„,°7 ' 1"4 ` . ,„. 1 y,,' ; 2. ",,,'?„'' - Winter Clothing at Heduced.Prices, •
vr Fulton Ore, New Yok. per .4, 121,1/.-Vo all , _
.P 1 larlaln,nail Owl.
(A I, Lard. .
8 ) j . P..i r" i• l ;;l LIAO; -Trieste, CI -i t - C
-1 n
l e i t:t l :, ch t:ird mil.: l -,:it;Yar-v.r.: vrlit en' dni7u 1ver17 4 1:6:41-A. ii iii; TNV Al. lIIIi BY' S ('heap Cash Clothing . 15 brtt'lloll A n ti,
Amorloan, for rain by „ d i, o f p dbileatunl, 1.1 It IA ...cooly saved end tandor. t., St. 1.1 Liberty rtr,t
po l dietor of the ex. e e.taldiehinent. I.•ing•teurnhe
A i".": di l ' i t :• , .. ci. ' n . :: N : .c...,l l o' ll 7 .oo. I : nt... L ita r.b.,
h anall :.:oo, fm . :e ._o hy
feldo J PCI11)(1•11AKER A 01. "tont that all !lobar ' 4 :vll /I;M' P V ' olt VI: ?rt . c't ',ant k
k it. , :ic, FLowEits_F„r male by r iirr,• tultr i r r .,,,Xsics. Stultuls aw bLIS.
fehlt/ > J. SCIIININII.Ih FYI A CO. °
'7 17. ; M . rzi r ." =,.„.1 bv J. It mi.- 1,,,,...,, ~ , , , „ , 1„ 1 1 7,7t ;.' 5 `,..1',71,"."1',',71,:-%tr': '2 ,= 7 ;;' , iry re; '
~ ,,,,,n „ .., 1 .„,,,,..,,„,„, rive. hem &tern/hand to offer thon at RUT reduced a. 51
- _
1444 iberty attn.{
•• prima tar reale. All [biter who tenor t urd. hohumahle and
BLACK LEAD-70 0 lbs,,iiTrai- srs it a ssar Clothing,
..vlll god It ...madly to rhea a dvanta g e btlndred kndßal P. larke geed &A Illsoksta.
Pr for role b> F.. SELLERS. Pain Crib Illanketa,Nprrlor article.
' al./ do Steam float 11 t. ribbon Wond.
.1-91iwitart"IltY-45;111-SFj_ioand:416,..hreellatelVnevedltate' a s, l ol g al e l 1° . 1,..;,..._'" th° ." '''' Ln i" g''" b'r. ld " will hs flrr•wid•
. o °' r i. I,ll.ll.U.A•47 . ,.EdatbiatlY4l aeay . 47.hottar..._. - New Books Juit Reinived. - 10. do Drab do do do
J. 030
______._.______._-ir-... ....----1. IA) 40 Dine du do do
SEIY BONNETS -Murphy & Burchfield :Irani. Mack Ulaultat Cloth, do -
Fan Beaver Ora, Slifnit d°
. have open Ms esorill Tr ei= i 3f .I,lzia 3 do reverter Mark Pnanch Itradelaith.
~,....rxr.,riar,....A.,., Ratatalithilatir 3 do, all armel Tweede, amaorted oa tora
5 do Jean% meenrte.lndon..
au. , au d Albert., I..annm• and; /Elan, Alapottle_ , ... do 'Cakatitnerva, fault and 6 owilf.a.
au, pearl,
Ent, . Satinet...Mark and Arty mlartL
- g,,,,...!: -1 , ...e.-„...,,, of ata .do White Tvitled Flarmel. yurd ielda.
MAW , ...• .i - T. Wuj a • plain and salreil 4do Crum barrvil do d•
id pads ors aft sts wswfir..... l noel
Ill 'l" =,i, las torus %yenta mso, BOY. n a nd /0- 'tufo. 1134100.fitTORTS•••1 4 and wan, and are for sale on
libid•-111411.0obUTI. Anaatn.llllPeoel. latitairn. At.: Liberal term. to the trade. at Inanattrant plow
Mu do H. 1.111.
urge assortment
,rtore for We, hr
W. 51.1.1L1NTL.C.b..
o v
C 11, at .1. B.
I. l , ‘ ;t:Ti4ok:
. argi BIN
Vhere are the friends of
}nag •nd Polka.
IT • or
'New Carolina !tarl . .l.' . Cantles
e •t moo work., eallnd thn 4.aleknbat.."
Ar d paled WOW,. hannonland and
el , and W. Waoror.--coneidatral one of
... po 1 Med . 11 ' E.LEBEK ,
holden Harp:No.lßl Third mi.
10.. and tbr , Qi i ir , ,..,,:‘, i7;t 1 17,' a
s o ; .onLZ.Xl,lrol kraierte at 111 . 11.51V0
:it Ird O. _
_ . ,11 , 23___
:Is tried Apples. fir sale by
I .1:. wc,.!. , .
Ln o--The ruin. Wallin., of Br.
IIiWV beef/tang ,Itri 1.4.111..,r7u1..-
Ili Verndfotto b. , bt7 i ,:; fCl i T r ; 6 ,.. ,
Ileac win.' tbelTy utlatt,..dbfot;
.ar.brZrio,fnfAll:i rr... .. 4 di' ,
le .r.47:1dr=1.-forr%le'll'thel nr..
Cr ."
"It r07,:!:,,T-A . r:..3 . . - ` .. . lig...
v iny Erleo , atEn.
67 Wood£RS,
--- _ _
by WM. A. 31 I.
.rtile&Lrllch. Z. ,
to be naval Iratha ei y
73, at (Lim office. _
I ARI.)--t k,
_---- _
- C
i r i .
../0 b At , N
of oven , description for
:LIM s I p.. rtn 236 Mem etm . t.
Phan. Ali.,
.41 Urea.. t.—t. aportm- 2 ut
- ----------` lGaltis--FlllTi'l.
L.. 1 , 1tIN( i • 1)11 - ,
cl—Mun.hl k /litrehneld It.sll thin. foornirn.cona.....
- i ~.4„.1,,,,,g 0„, fin,. no pi.ll 'of 0 pput.... , 1, , t0 , : r .:..,...! , .....,
r fur auk by , nu. tb.41.11 of their ...Men and h..) ,
mnn t
n. l o i nw ii ,
Et lIIIFON. Ltrrce &W. I melt.. atlenl?n to their •nt3.0,:ie,A7d,,,,,,h4..,,,,,0.rt,.!,
' Prth"- ''
r.' TrZIT.r.. An ennellmil.nreele.i, nleo
19 boxes 5 Lurnp, for male by I "r",,'',.,"i t 0 r,.;.„t 1,..,. , O ni. warnnOo , 1. , '''' nt i. Ala '
Maull'U" KU'''. I ~1;;. : 47,. - n to... of Etigllnh Cbiutnee, (m a n: . 121.t0 117..:...1....
bbl 4 No. I, for oak by I 0' , ./ t 7:',i W.": `,:1ifa'1',,7.1;,'"',V„:::,! .r.s.. ~..
sc . ' *i '''''''' 1 7, l .eaa Ne... 111. ttork 1,11nr... l'aslD. Chrolnlette, ite,,,,litr.
I t , I ,
,Io North Can,lia,
vi s a by '''" B '''''' R il ' h "' `"".". e' c . ' ,
sr. aI , IIIIIIGS-1a store and 1, , , , , \ 5a10 by the nu lo
P°Wl)EitS—.2l)° 6 `. l ‘*. .." ;.`, 1g:r,:',1,;:l et t :1,17, - 7`„P t :.e;,•etA '
1 1 "•'''''''a r a l lti...44.'e r eigt Pi ce ""'"h'"'' N •
Emta tAlek \
IUILDINGS—W e anl prepar- s, a , of Lend.
Gum A robin. j.
. A 0 rreef apparnitiN for biotin+, loran e r t-i tni T..... - •
I by iitoorn or bot via, and bay. e g
o- ROIL Itrooptone
zo,fr-nn the etot. 43 snyetio4n4 Its relti. ) ' lour itulphon
WAIVE. ATE IN.',ON a OKEI.Y. ' Alennulrin nennn:
ATENt CO3IPOUNi ) WASIT t.,V.:' c '''''''' nf'sner.•Word on .. .l%inth et.
11., for man br
„... '' KI°D L '''''' rpm; I.ADIES all ,Aa "If pp
want real
lome Smut Mili, eunlplete, F a, , ,k Toni
tboirty A I ~,,n-tli'l Ten Store In the
_febtr It. DALZELL i co. 1 , nzn ,.... .,nd f.r tt.” The Ten thoy twit at Di een. per r oant
Birds sad lus.kpeAgai.zuEdbeLe.4,7afoar,,r,jaale., , or , r;t9 no7l, and the. nt ,5 rentft And.r. nre . t .t , , :t i
‘ i . ll. :EL
. 4 _ 1 (7 . :' , “ Z1. 1 ' , " ;:e 1 ,.., ' . n 1: d' ,.. ,, I I!. n t
~.) a 17 14 :e , 141:1..,... i t u a b 1 i . :I 'n b i! '" :; l tq ri , .
~T !,t
, h ,
-. ... _
,t — git,--5 bbla &r . ime It. flutter; b a le. )au aie nai1...a...a. a Indy ~ veil. ..f.1 , 11
ror rate br DALZELL k CO. 'NEW STOCK OF PIANOS. . ...-
Lab." , "l!"'-_,
.corga ...r stoto,r, el .p rw nd o.e . ,/tz u... •tonr i ... - 7 t , . i
of Winnos.tionr open and ready Ear ode. 4031 -
fl - IXID CANTON FLANN}:Lf- -- A farther
11....1107 . .aL .. ' ,., 173 ,,f 7terh , t .rude atl2.g, cents per
P. du house work. Apply
rir BACC6
NW; ,
IliligN l-10
L au;
filTilLloo bi
I 1.41;
prvrriar .rtla
to enrol.;
11. WWI.
.11 Wll6ln
tr bal.._ .1w
Ord. kibr
LAII Dl-5)
. fe_
uoi BU
bbot, bwd
SIN S-100 boxes on hand and
(a.t.:40 A. CU LBIOLTSON A 03.
otmosnaur kor ado
- - - -
Velma.) . 1..',l
XTEW F I RNI—IS. I`. Shark lett and ,Wlll in to
N 1.,,,,.. ‘ ,....,,a ortnere. sfol Ileo)onal , Illea , .a ,
;,7;:t.1 1 ,.',V,L -1 .',:i.r.1.?;•a , .." 11 :..:::;I:T.::: , :l ., ; ;4;,-,..!•:,
.1 ib„ o a als,. .000,1 1.1 Shoe 1.1,at V. 15 . 11114.. No 101
%Vona Faroe). 11. V 1111...1V1.Y.TT ,
Vela I 11)I. PAYNE.
il,o-i'Aft:Ii:FRSII I l':-Tha anltarri'hern have
7T6',,tri',',7,`,fii`':''''''"'"'"`t,PT'v 'Yg.:IIV,. " 1 '—'..
•!}',",',1k'mA.T,7,' , ''.. , 5; . '." .
„,,, , .
1 I EA]) PIPE-=-Cornellya improved Tin
I J_A Lew) ripe for Ilp u le , u n u r. f.:.
!qt;rra ct' lllir 111111 e!
Cieteron,ke ,
1 111.' " A) 6 1 11 7 ” ''''
AdLtl.l)lrrA27l./.1tfl'Irl)1111'11.14 If , Woter et.
WATti:t. A;U t lt
i N2.;oll , l l i.F i rc—The Water
\is.. Curt In Aiderlea.ellitet ' lla; • 'Water Patient.
m n d.11,,.d.; of Matron:oly try Pruferdanal and Domeatle
us.e. by In. tVeira.
ladnedir wartime of Ildropalby. wall fifteen engraved
illustratadts impurtant snidr.. It Ittrard Johnotnu.
NI. 1 , .
?beery and Prartlre drortathe, by the late 11.
Franeke. translated from dn. tlerutan 1., Kober* Haiti.%
nhove work' , fer tale Id It e arrtM'ltTllN.
and Mallow. , e.dner Market and Third rta..
• -
nlbfhe Ilisto
e. frle ry of Pendentlis.
I,rtune. and orinnendo and Ida
flh~tmtt,„. s Z,,jthda„ Pendent.. 11, %I A Vranednin Merl. ,lie
Lelia Ite,ka
Sd. II ••f the Piendnd Field o f the 1:.-sdlution. Ily
ll , a•u Y. 1..44,
ung Hymn and itaat Teo.
" and Gun POWder.
1. 0 1;.,, ittl:111 RoblnmmX: Tnltnnn , a , ud .
10 do e.
Ltobb-11:1„ b o ,:g, , .
1S 9r• Ixrsn Prop and Ilammoi•n Vs do.
Lanita l Th°
br U= l l .
, •
fie-Atlantis N1.C.1111. 4,1 March. with 141 pa r wiiiii
'lactic.,Rutin, fini
fulls t.r,
Whist itiivtow Sic
fac i a Diariphoi • tali , :
!Writ.lea 31•iteshie, N 0.2,
Women I. (Imre
11.klau 14Intim , lair au. iww iar. •liiiirw
Motkpe. bi
fdi liiwaptinui or Ow blatory lb. Lumen
liwarti by 4lro.
Wit rt.
iinwatumbi I I'. It Jam... ENE
for salt at 1101411 /I.S' Literal, 1.'44. optweilhi 1,4
61'LlN I
E)1ll E )
NE k N en FI I
tt . a l
eln on ,
K 1
tt Ut V—
Nsr n• ''r t M . L" .b. with
on bond. Wm Ur.. not., elet:stt, anti ttatent•ltektwk
•ver °dotted In Otto HIT.
Antony other, tttttt .plendid nelove.lttulde carved rionb.
Igneut XIV tat le. with Ino nen Intltntventent ol the over,. the lott,t and ,. 9to,tV
r lutpor l . lont Intonmetn. nt.
lirtaCZ:Xt"ltlttlotT. "‘""'•
rxtrrvlve In, of Nen Mottle. embrarlng Jett:),
ond bialy, bine
rol.l anti %lob,holet.on II:N'S .a 1
tern. al J.O V. AV
'IIEB AN I) PRA rrs.—Eksgraved end'
treotn•opts Note, and gnarl, ocunott tle
2 eirnt " S.!ltkV Iktok'STie.
Fad,/ Cor. Market end nerontl
Alllf rkart..,4lUrnAl. altd PO.{
%y BATING I A L rnold's Writing Fluid,
ch,.l"di Red Ink.
ItarrlA.u , C ql
olumbian Ink--ntd .n.l
11..T111 A 11101115.111 ,1 Ctannterctal I nk—•ltl.k, orarkt.
Pv' d r . ` l •
F,Deb Oolitic.. Ink. For sole
- •
1.71 A Ent. elo..irtal illtillotmrt a lintel.: and Ibtuuto
I lh-
Vt:e". "'“A"1".1'"411i."'"1"...1.1tY ' rnl '. 4 " VI " ;
by u r. 32 , :5.T , 1 ,
nl 1, 00 .1. A ittiqkatirm, nod of t I mei,. and Homan Ithimphy
tt tnl klytholOto , rTNI.I. with notnenn. n. me oo,wl
tra j , l l. l , :zr i t l ft:t7r of the
k Th. WI , rod l'orrevontlenne I.l.lGobrrl Slutlnty; edited
It, b. m0u..111.. Kr.. Cullrbini tt.nothet . t.. ett.
1161111.14.1: C11T11114,1111.1. lull IKtond riolh. .111,
IXt r .
Life viol I:orrecttrattlence u 1 Holy,* Stan
. ;
th ,,
1.1•.. , of th. kNertll Or Scotland, and Eng l l. ninw.... ,
onaectril Ruth the ,111,1...11,11 of Iflritaln. h,
Ag..... 4 Strieklagal: author to (le - Live, of Ow 1 4 ,1 ".... °I
"r1V1V1N:e1.1.4..'.1 ,prr a
mt in tha l ll.,l l ray 7. 1
oar 1 , aunft NG ..•
.Ine P d , g i . .. n 1 ..
j a a C.. 1,1. 1., It-r. ~.. Mutra>,l l . 11
Theal..l,l+ , ol , ,nat ta. , 114.1, .4 Ing ..Irby
jan."lll it C. FT01:1 - 0h. ,n. 47 3larkrt rt.
.. _ .
1 . 1 3 1 ASO FORTES—.I t, It V II .- . .
..., 1 1 , L , u .1 . ,, N r ..,' ' l, r t,.? . :r. ri l r • h ..r . r, r " . r li . 4 . . • I
“.,‘1,:',.47,—::,it'..:1:;.::11'n.%,1,7..,1, : L .k l l- , .;:ar L b. or 1,7 - 1zi.,1 1,1 trr. •
-I,lrd .1,4 nf .'„ 6L. 1 !..", and . wt.. VI- . ~,..• ~-„..... I trigin..,bily Trne and
annfort.... fr , tn th , nianuta{tnry nf Ch„.k,rng. IG-dna. t, ,-,,,,„ ,„ nu , r ,,,,,, „.......“ , 4,..,. „r 1 ~,.. ~,,
...htt.l. ht. Inv.. , the att....thn, of pn.n-harn. Ti,.-.. lha- , n r,,1,....„ . r , r ,„„.,, t ,„,",.. ~. ~,1,... 1,,,, ~B, ,
7,7„7,),,,,,,--:47.,:t.1,:t.u.,41.7.,t7....,,r,,...,....,...:::„.%7,t7 . ~,., , ., . ..i. : :, , , , ..,.,:. . , „ 5 , ,, ,, . ,,,, :, ,, ,, , , . ., . ...,
~,,„ ., t . t..“ . . ,..,: i ,, ,.. .,
t i ;, ,.,.. :,. , , , , !1 ;::. „. ,
lilt elan, taken , . part pa, nh, , lnt their 11.11 value r o, s „ ~,, I „. r „,._ „,„, I „ ~,,,, ' ,
JI lIN 11. 11 I CLIP/1.
A ' ..”‘ (r '''..."' " Chlr''''''...ri'n'''' W ''' . ' 4 " c ELIA:ILS ' LIN' PI LS P.lll,C,Cde
h.:. 7.... 4.1 W.... 1 atm, , -4 ~I. 1...A..-- , lr
. .
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
1) Sun & Piti:ScSIPTION SP ISE.nY • owl "1,2.
I , .1 a ' ,Waal ,
toruo forth, part.. ,
applr at Ow ottler.
• • • .
INCE the illtrtuitlNl.loll of EMS jilt, t.l taunt!. Cattalo. nal u.,. tore en. 11 In a t err .Itorr
tune. tr , trrnnt lir. bet ter'. I,lnral `)rlatt
ens. annex of Chttalat. Cahn.. Itranelatle.
Ma luta at a • lantar rata dartrat' alba! wean-ate at.,
IT 11 /0 AN ENTIRELY NEW ACTION—The 01 , 1 Cough
Al.lnto t .l,ll tle NIAI tlr.
tr man. tthttaal.t. than 111.• ana,h Ita.a. 111 , . elttl
attel In Otte 'mature. tar a te a Warrant ...lan, larlielt
unlit will aura lla at. nar tat 7 r,ontabel The tee'
&Iva . Itt i,o•ant . ( run ,
tour nvr. ennr Ince wt. nu.. .1 it. Oren, It Ale
1,. ef rt,ttln, t En, I..ett tt..l
Itlul hit A. n nett,. ter n nnurber of 1.11.
I . IINSI'MPTIIIh• A lad. (rein `rant...tit ilk. aril.... lII.'
her l tratathtar lawn althenal atilt a ,tanth anal espaelat
ahan. atrettra. hart, foe,. and 111 Oa. di.lnntita
..lnll•nalte ai r na•111,11.11.111111 th,.. ALL r tn.. 1..1
11.-.1.. 11
rtts...ulirelt reel. A rehllennt.
1.1.111111 •nIIIA.I till o.lllllla 1.1311 I bra., au.,
r.r ntata.l llta na.l half .I , t.tet , hf I,ller of 1,
..Ali ',IA, A aeullaratii tram la ... 11.11,41.
LeL tam. the ^ v••. ,
la. It In ha ott ans... mat at tha eaaeattf mem. ,
of hontlt the lA..
It 14 oar ar Tim 1,1 tt t ntr0.1 . .1. art,. [anra- II
tall half athl I.Atlen nt eent. en. h. hr *ix lAtttle.
trti,,,triu Innnth,. troll le Lee, .trpl r
toding not.l .11 Line. nt it tam a the
.1.11,1. 11.1111..11.......1 111.. 111116 .11.1.1 .1.4 .1.1 , 111
I•ALTII4% 11% 1 RA tlnnt ttt 5 1411 t 1411•
1. 11
the • m 1 ( tn.. • ant In t. Ent l'n h I , At n't
pi Ine no. IA se.r
tt AI rata ant II lata in
.11.1 . OS the tk , I nntl the °otter.
In 4. t Olen x 1 •1 Et n.r..n Alt 111.1 11111. lien]
Into; rat- 'p.n. eat, 1. tort tleverthal lel it,. ithAleAtt. It 1.
prehArt n, tnr vitt . nal the rrhprlet.. hn.. mane!
ortA eertlfir-Ah. frn.n pert,. in nor sty. httettinv
AnJuerthlt , properttett. tt. bleb %111 he rise* 11 la, Ant jterrot
hl hen.
W • •.t 111,m:bout the 14,,,1 •I V.0.411111'
lAAre 1.• utwle thrtee 1r h., all
w. nu ihtereAl tr Att 11. tont... tt tr. n lame 1.. 1
toll . a ..111 ruflerinz
.• rr Ire Ey us Ilreir Entn. Areutett Intnltetn ,
A. Lung the 1, . t. 1.1 ever
1 :1141.1
VA! Ante. toile...le tenl rt.!nil. In 11 1:111111 At 11,11111
ELI- Drur.r.... I OF 51 tArt Are. t. INttslatrAh. 1,.. h, tt Inat
ill lellert. E. mt... Al,. for .tole le,
Ii 51. Currt . A Ilelthent rart tor.. tr.. Itrolt -4111.
'hard. 11..tutllnlarM
tAthz,. ./.1, II hurl
nterehntet. /1.1 rattert
r ii ~yltn
un! Ilt
IA I a E RS' 1.11: l'lLL—"The very bes
I'lll 4141 , In utte ."
n Corny 11l' -r. J. 1141.
51 r R. F at.- ar r'ir I .111 *tate It. nn thstt 1
l• rityrrrotlnn I. Er 1. tote., rho rA /..-e Ws
in true L. • Lt.. TOO Nita I.
Anthllohr.t. 1141 11 vt ry Itfigh It "teen... Ut `.."
`ninth' at. n nn , l 1,1 Attrytlnnhnit All other
Attenk 1,111 tnr et. termer. tat.l Innal thr et
EVOLVInt,S—Just received. an addition
,4l .jtply ur+skrto.l.7rtt ,I2.rtsrlvrtw. Allrtis
W. W. WIL.,rtN
01,11 - Burr ER-2.54,1), Ear sale by
• a t - ty ti.tan.tuan.
G N.143' Vint lort 116 Sremsd R .
iI N AEI) OIL-1(11,1.1s, for FO, by
4 1;1.11 S. J. t% .11ARBAtil:11._
'FALLOW --11l d.b. ; ; ; ; ,
s. p rime . . r or ',LP by
1.... ii s.. W. 11 A RDA I:I i IL
3 11()° ,2, 151) d '' ''''• rur :L o A 'I t ' t . ". I O . AIIIIALIi lIAIIOAIU II.
I ) I . 1 , "i! f. '.l‘lll.llA*.' -15'k
i s m ; I ''' ; ' in„ f •T;il ' 7i 'l'
I) I tEII E 1F tea,lts uTtr.lTl,f:r '
L,,,,.''L s.ll.l,,i•zt.;ii
IV 1.•:\:j."G‘,V.••.;.‘5ib1...At..1.1.1 151.0
Ir 1 ' - l q ..:lt ' ll:ZUTl L l 'd
A Rll-55 bills. awl lOU kogs No. I, for
lA rot." is 1.1.11 A E. A IV. DARBAUCII.
d 1 LON ER SEEO- 55 IA& prime Ohio. for
I ' .‘a• ~, 6,1,11 r 0- fl IIAttIIAEGIL
I ) I I I i f . .. 1 . 1, I I ' E A I ' II ES—ls , tiL . r
i for
„smile O. I A I " A- , l
/`IA It-50 brk N. C. 'far for sale by •
1, - •."" lit atutitout; .0 INC; BRAN
1.1 , L A l'E. TA BOY V , IiI.V E'V I S of
i sT b ry . st- ,
.; ...
T r '''' ''L '' " b ".?l"urtriii. -` 1 iiti l ltell . klELD.
Al, N. It. our. Vourth end Bioko! ale
!we-OilAd hole tat lABLI no wow-Burnt or shore g o;
~.. Sosony. Wol.h. and tkutertic Bo; also. Wkle 11.terolo
tor ...,Itnoutßor. 'Alb
I . aunt" , A Iturrlsfirl.l Lenoir orpocial attention Au tbr
aLAr th. A ßlutrut of floor burioorr, oul invite
'',,,,,,,,,,. oth..
Aon rb or . 0 , re
drription IA g iro them sell beton,
, as
7 Awo ,roor for val.. by " J. 011/11 A CAL
AI, Al Wood at
4 ItA , tAor , for sal.. 1,4 A IN J KIDD ACU
\. IA L CORE S—l 51.)0 gross fo; sale by
Jolt J. KIDD A. CO
Q PoNGE-2 cases line, and 1 bale extra
I moo.. for rid. hr DtIS 1 4 J. KIDD ACO
V I 'SI INI SALTS-13 btals , for sale by.
1014 , J. KIDD
i,,1; N D It I E S--Fifty barrels Family Flour;
. y 'ln Ole tuprrthio /loon -..r; brio OM MI 10 easheis Dry
"Z‘i` 1 bri Logs P " t r '''''' ' ' . ./ d O I I ' I r OVAW k CO
. - _
3 A lIRY'S TRICOPLIEROUS for sale by H.
E. SELLERS. 17 Wool 0., solo corn! for Citt4L'Aß ,
05 rrut a per 1..01, dab
Nittrphr k liurrhfleld loath. the attentinn of throe
anttna ...In for ten? wear. tn their tursortment of three
alb, a..ele adapted fdr tide Part9r. 3 0 h.
111/0( .. .1 .i LT ; enalt
FLANNEI 4 S--One ease just to
-anufarturenk, wad f04n..1.,:,,k,1_
LTON LOCKE, Tailor and Poet; an auto
/1-obbni2=toi...l- t. aod U•,
andtor ytwoof peo °oth onev, wer ' orod and publnlo
n 1 in •60:111.1! with nod utlow Ditto. noun. bad Wino
of hoprowntarro of the htwto of Malign:, By lnt 11.)-
1,4 11 A: .:.. Into oupwrinteadoot of oath. Watson/ow. lirot
1 snow
'At, •ti lkottlLlnarf ofhtadosof &thud: b .14ba
' 9. oniftsolngs Oviform with the toren
olman* of tido Donator hilortwol anti`foetal* b
lW y
L IfOrKlhh, .11 Apollo Balidinp, VoarM
-The. err more thing. in h , .,rrr end earth,
•TChan nro .Imraild of In anis., 1.7. -
TE VIRTULS of thinreloarkable come
dy, rvument. art.ll,nt4•o I rt lota
torn induml him to t bottle, with la:
Mb rat dirtnlk.ta. for tlit. heurf.t
The rEI . IIOLI . .tiNI lo pmenn.l from . w,.11 in him emu;
ty. et • deptityf four ha:4ml u untuluttera:
r . J m r
without no: fat juibehi at
!lola at
Nature% Lebtatt.r, "flail It wantala
proarda malting r, nand., di
'b Ati .
17:{If ile'r"1;ii111;
h.nltl. and yiLni to nuot, n•utforor. t l.l•Ows. the two.
hriTtor thong Lt of ratio, it • no in
t.ou f..r rum of iem. ,
Kini roll.. for It. and' pos.rl Hirta II
itintlonhosafarity and
ntd.lititait ..f
Nl. a,,• .0 eerti46,tee.
me ere tiiP% the tnedtTiti... , t , • ..t, 71 1
It. the Invor of 1b... who ...If,. ..1.11 to le hold
11161. t do not olnito for it n uniseriol appliratk. in ea
.11,row unnerit. a.alf .I.i. tat in m number
Clanta Va..... I. Among thom lay a
utaranl—nll dand... of Ow mono.. tfaua...lll
le Ith. t7.17,,1'511 . 8111:5. fin roily
5,f1111. 1 .. nod 1 .11...n0t0 of tlo. joangTe, Ur.
EIL PLAINT. 1.1 n. vi,Teive of lb*
Medd, kat.o,i. I,lli. the Un-'. or :Side: Nervous
hound:dn. Vas , .
,1".. itio,..en".. hurl, r..iddr.•llrulat.,., (Ild una e.
ho. kr. In mei of flThilit,. rraltuig. (nen oi
long a nd,PArnelMnalieine lll
fTuernl .. lolNJC end Ahtlilt
A hd
e nd which renew
an d seta analn • trekrn ranehtutione
end giving he-rmeel and reta....l met, tr. MI the orizan•
of life: The pr” know, DI 1-eceral eon. of PILES,
that reeiehet ~,mother othe treatment. well ,under the nee
of the VeritOLEVM for 6 flirt lila. The yroof can be
given to enrporiOn vain .I,lre, it.
hone genuine without the ehMeture of the prrprletar.
SoLI hy the proprietor,
8.11. Coon Beein. near Seventh
ALen, lay It. E. F.ELLEIt... %eel
corner Ir.eeletnet end Alrxitt Alter. who an
n0v.2..d1y his tergalsrly appointed Agral,.'
KNOW all men Arlo are nick and afflicted
weh db.rnae of thr !Warrand Kidney n rbr.i
mar mina in bait or lain 3 , 4 d, oil win, running
ac.. that they ranhr , und toting the I.L . Thtb
LEUIi. Yon on
tilk. about IC being a annrunbas math
y plea... but thin •Ikwe not mak, it ne tory.. Eubelanat.
in thin is 'f
howst zninnaliity. that it lot virtu.
which a not anntalard in anT other manly. The man
who C tor rd with bal and autferhaulnan dinne, eau,
b,r nu ma a, get. robot' in na top of tilt lib enumerated
Reader! It co. very little to Snake a ow. Thla Patio
lento h n mixture—no compoutal. rut on for the toupees
of lemaxi on the commouttyl but it is • remedyelahnne
tod by th master hand of nature, and bobbles up truant the
bosom of tir mother earth, in Its original purity. nnd
fent to nu ering humanity a real, - Manly, certain and
Itelm ,an
unsd Plies. after other inedklnes hare baled to
WA , ' a y lint It lets' cured Ithettruali-m. of long
standing, and of the worst amt most painful character. Jt
has ente tied , . Nimbus, by one 44r two ,14...4 A. It lima
col Wsa...en of Diarrhea. in which every other .ernedy
h. been 10114,5i1. A. a fond n.tnedy in horns and •
reside. It la better than to y ontopound. l4 r ointment
that we know of It will cure and frost.' feet,
in s few appliestiove maim:bin" tegtimony run to runtish.
td of the troth ronmined in the above etatentent, by el di.
I 40: SAM 4,4I, Iii14:11, Col.! Booiu. sus ,uth rtrrot: or
rither of the agent.,
horn. • Nkliosell. 1003 - ker , 6l , lVood itort and Virmin
alley: 0. E. Saler., Wcod annul; O.A. 1:11iot, um" D. 51.
Curry• kilvehrul r:t.t. air the ?Fr?!.'.
idittifilferint tuRED.
1100 alt , nd..l the ow. dl 3111t,TIMEIV3 'IIIEI4I'4AT -
It, COMPOUND AND RD will etTortually
. T uring we're win 1. .0.1 Inveterate re - 4.e . •of INFLAM.
MATtlliY AND " ClIhd,jl 1:111.3151ATIiM. st icorfident
ausrantee end renonmendatmit to nalLlo44 all who ore nine
teal with the 41nwliol dis,sse to try its virtue.
!Insulted , . of ea. , . man,' of them c10x4.1, of St. Louis.
and other 4 felon atm.". have been cured within the last -
4w months eity of St. I,ouis alone while letters from
u lf la R
standing. and all hope of ornery had been Oren
It bil e oth e rs were ,o more tweet date, 4of the scuts inflame.
mat., lona. veer smote. All, Loaner, y 1,4141 to the won
derful virtu...of
al and tbuturande oho have
realise.: Ks benefit sod am now in amertiotMant of antith
can but. rstoem tbe origitud disomerer and PMPriemr.•
bonofacter of mankind.
It is vell.known front tbo rapprierto• of the teml....t.hat
outward amdiralion canysmitly effeet • pertusramt cam
of Ildsdrealful dhow.. the arrllmgon of etitordatling
O partial rlief. In MlOO 141.9404 0007
Or a rhort tune. lint all the while thie di.ease 11.alnylte
P.* bULYY permanently in the system. and rootlet or latrr
emaTii e nirn. drrednal farmhand after
:wri7lll.l}l."-!..."1`!::‘:.,'.`.7.0111),„'1t1i?i,,d1..7., Ink 17.22
verd by 11s: hvtory lithe pa, In sil eonntrleh
and telds is
m, fnlly cootottransl the history funtiehni of
late to tho ornpriet, of th,. r001r00 , . 1 .....iY... by
hundreds of thre... who late p.m.' under hie • Inunediats
mains and treatment Junin; the few mnoth.s.
Itll (XOIINiLIND and 111.001/
PCII JIt LFIEI I . IA Mr internal retonly—enlUM44l3rell 144 01204
4000 •
the nest t.tionates. and in rutifyintr
the Word. fames throne' , thnwliole system, neutrallniw the
Impure or rauette oninnent. lyturh imp mlllOl
tr.'n7b7:.Z.Zl'r.t7r.';;tl; '.'itrErtl.7ltflu:h7',,,,z
who are anaic ' ted 1,44 deceire utem.ecires,
patrol' . the use a lone, or until their
Thal. aro dislocand ectitrrt , 44l to such • dmnue Alma
01,01 an. eripplee tor lite. The experience of tonniinede of
thous. during the rest. a. 4 It a multitude at the
present. day. demonstrates the folly of expretinn
aunt relh f (nun rxrerual
Th. propri.tor of this reluohle medirine harms maser ex wirure, that nu-outman! npoliention can lawaibly •
permanent cure where thiF din. , Is firmly flaw] in the
Ntroo. lie ran and .loes megsre end abtlY mania
tom in - Tars acute m-we.wlrocli 0111 pee re ef In one boar's
ru"g.oOfliths al.l.el7llh:t
an internal rentde,to produce the de4.ired ellect. and Mar.
timore' , I:henna:4 l lr 151....11101 0/1.1, Itiond Purifier it the
. rvonedy tl.4d bus ever
wil l end either In
Anw ma or any 44144414 country, thst will effrettudly . tura
This medicine can Is had. wholeasle or retail, at Ko. Ti
Tllitd.steeet. nett to the Pia toLee. Pitt4,burult.
1..1 4 sale In Pith:bon:h. hr 11. Smreer.4 00 m. Thorn.
J. U. Nlorrats. k. S. Wielonhani; and .1 A. Jonas.
Prin. 1:4 pee bottle: sit bath, fir St:4 or VP{ per dozen.
Parobble sem Le lust end. of It.h tweet.
novmd IVISIIART. Agent.
J noor. the di-mess-et
tole preprictor
o thp
. most popular and ben. beta] undiemes, 0110
the. introtur ht ~...I.brat..l in.f.nuntut for Inflating the
Imo, In etTeetine a cam of 01110 e diaea,sw. ass a stu •
dent of that eminent piny Dtstm - Fht'slm and in •
araluate of the Luitersity of rennAyleania.and for thirrY
Tea. Men. has 1.4.41: ety,sust In the investigation of dis
se. and the atudtreilon Of remediex thereto.
Thronat the u'.,•( h. Inflating tuls.inconnection with
his Prophylactic , Syrup. and other of his remodlok he has
sodanUmaralletn l eminence in meting those dreadlMl
sod land ,oink.-: Tub,sYtalar ltuarrys,
t4,444n4fu1a. A.thota. Fever and Aune, Years. of
I 0 hinds. chomm Er, and ell Moue obrtikusto dig
tseuliar to 10 , 1444-41, et ory Gwyn o£ diems*.
vsnidow under the use of hl• month., to which humani
y is heir—not 04s. tor 0110 fur ih•t with Phy slolosiral Low, but by the use Of
hi. n noslies, adapt. , " Li,. Kul on-seed...l fur, ear.k
form of. disease. i n
Dr. RoseN,Toule Alterative rill, when used. oru inner
arknowll.44lmd t, 11 soneFo.r 10 all as puma- '
tie or liver pill, inasmuch asthey leave the bowels pen
body (me from nst,,elie., his 1,,,1,1411 MID are sd
roltted. by the tomilty.. to po—ess tsouliar miar
ted to f•miale but being I.atistasl that a bare trial
b sufficient to suablish w Oa+ tem mid. In the [abide of
the most skeptical.
The afflicted are Melted to call ttion the agnt, mad pn,.
eon. (oxalis) one of tbe Doctor's pamphlet, giving a detail
or a each moody. o.uil It. arrheation.
For solo kr the f voce. writ th , br amafb•
gists tlarottelsout tho eountr,
J. F44.4hootunaker a Co- IVt.a et .4, Plltnburg l4 .
J. )1. Townsend 45 Market
ILee A. Ileckhant. near the Pod °Mee. knrrh• -
rir city.
P...4 . 7rreoHnty, pa
T Adam , &are,
OR THE ;kFFI,I4I'ED will be found in
in, no.occ. K..lhrmans I NFALLIIILE I.IINIENT.
loin Fluid. w hob lumste,t the tot at chirty yearn en.
prrieuer. sod In., 1.......n0l • dont, teen the mortar of tar
ing tho ii,•• of 1111,...0nd, of individual, in almost emery
el., mat ehare...ler of •11,(1,...r_ its I loft we hazard no
thing In my ini :that thw hc tho only medicine that ha/thews
offered to die adlitied, that dns, lu every wow:oldie Word.
what it Is add a o. .
It has camil. and Is rarshl• of curing More diseases than •
any other medicine admit for rale. we rare not by *horn
made or mid. or ht
As a rtroun andy wha
mortnring name.
Innof of thy allow, we say
that it icl the only article that loo.m.tewred in the boat pf •
• patent Itslicio - e that 1.a.. t•Ta r 1,1, parromiwd and renelo•
ed the nrave at the elite generally. as the mowt agrevalde
Family \tedirme et er offend for eal, tor used by any of
them. Tin
The don. Mows 1.1:11riont IL t3IC. V.C. The Ilan. Rola.
11. Ha t t , lam Nl,or. How. John A. bin, it, ~....:". SeD.
tor. ttAlliaur If. Porter E.l- I,istro of the nniiit of dm
Timea awl a hoed cf ,:thee dn.:n..441 , 41 ed.o.enoe of hew
lora, who ha,. fulls Imo.' in. mend.. hare lermittowl the
moorietor to who to flu in.
As it Is well known that Patent Medielioca are not gener
al', natroinsed lw 110. learned. wollth, aml void. timln,
we Mire umlouldedly a rioter to fn 1 noweito , IlliallY rite
Thw Wcosd..r ...Meg Cotorsodni ha! Leen 'rattly
servo year. he4oe the 'midi,. Its Owl Ils. ad. am ma its
strongmt soot hid. This nowt mniouldedly I. tonal,' and
convincing pof of im general twortulnew and pastalis•
qualities. It lea woterrlull wound,' for altTerrona distwww,
rheumatic twin, scroll - dom. suctio:a. gamine. loonier, old
wraco.,and •11 die mune and miter that Ilm.ll la heir to.
Over LOMA. I...ftles Moe 1.1, ..gli Inthollt 11.11hant •
' and hare perfeesal. surto moollidlmgafter all Miler
reordies hare nuled. a. wowld ,:awcer belief. hm.l w• c3 ,,t.
„ f r,,,i. an d in our wwow inn. the oirona-s.i-mc.silile eat.
d en ,.
Thht undieliv. or mdure's reco.d, ic awi'nfld-fmm rell( -
rubles. f T 111..11110 11, Weil ... I .I. mat a-, , It. arta direct-
I l a a , :aputn,hyrt - 7, - :;l=',.•'.'';',.. l :,"ai' , " , ' , lit t t.lMg tb .; - ,;< - 1
all smut:motile affection, diseawrs of tho 'Kidney:: and
Wrakonw la male or female. from whatever cause It may
have originated. -
For rale In 1 . 4.1,m1:h. by It. E. Seller.. lecoors. litchl A
Car., and Chiden !rim der and for the retail ilrraggista
g e n e raitr. It la mat up in tour. two. and Pte shilling hot,
Ow,. . mult.lrn—
Ctont•orcrtd u ararrant , ml toprtalueu Wtlrlthlo
pers tikru. . when u.d ensklog brrad.l. • calm
buckwheat mkt". At, by shish • rava. b elletiled to the
flour of olamt 13percent.
T. Mass Bar-An-1 0 each tentod of tour add too tea
paw"' fluor Tsai you ran st sable and oos at lekurc4 n
told an nxtkb cold water mak,. the, alou4h the oinla o 1
thickueon: kload It 1,11.
let It rtaral hftreo minutes
before. laklog--”uo or two hum, will do hurt. Ilucult
Ahould mixed pool. thous,. and ht. kw! at on
T he*
sill do nu bort to '4l,nd fifteen. it
twettr toloutr.o. Thee*
d n og.o 01,0tioe ba , touch of thiN Oonpruoaditt the
br k sd , kt vat turn U.. bread yo.llus , raltrat. dubs
he0 . .4
put the abovo Crunanund Iv
raker. ourn bread, taus u tarml. bkc,..
rakry.,•Pl‘l. a.rnfdir., Col
pun..., Jut re,ive‘l eal fur ' , air l.vl
J. k:.
M ' 'Vr '' M
toe LaMar, reward will •Le pal,llto any one w int will
pnrlnce a *rot of paint. onto or dr tY' that ... 4 t... 4"
treated with lloit's Itaprortrl 4.7hrstakil c•up. I hare the
l'wtir , aititht of taring to the people ofl Or, rdaen that MO
article. by my Own Improvement on It, to u motels unri•
Tall.' in thierountry tor extracting grew , tar. runic. .th
fent all Itlntleof gen
hene'Art Wlfulfe7 A7trll:. u tr7;:iable • pasta, menu o
Mania ladies' lo mat; Ay_ wlmout I:ven.r. ..)" 211
that pure water will not )Won. , t.'n , ‘ t ' .....U.°
permuctin'dlfferent parte .of the ninn y } h.,. e tohl are they
wanW not be without At Wit net at a irk,. Iw trying tha,
Soap on More than WO article. of halt clik....atlnsialpacite
rout &hoe% I hate null Om., ter. ' l''' ..4. .'-'''''''''
of alparu,ata four of caner, err which icharuted the mon
therefore Lahore putting It on a light are., try a wimple
of the dri-sa Bret. , I RateMtn beraticejl au, 4etertained no
to reruntnaend It any ctroncer than 1 Lunt. to by strictly
true. •
Orden from
to rom country nierchante 31 , 1 pcllare_proorpily
attend by the:sub:miter. • It. t.. 1.:. pp
dt:.i.A.) 5. _ ilon_d A-
gpx.T.irßS' COUGH YEUP,
.11.1 not noel it twin. before I felt kr beoeScial erect-I. ^
%I It. IL E. SELLERS—Sic Sntr , tringfrnt . n a
ly A, oat and (tough. Err which Ildrinli u ...he. rec..ewt,
a tth.t ohnousrig rad', t Initxt , ..l l, t l . im a Wale of
.. lt. V. Seller,' rough-1110ton.. 1 gunk IL a duty whfrh L
u tk .t Alt ~..0„ r
od . 2 31.1 Or j...t11,,11,.1,u.rjr,.ter11,,X
eial enorta. Ina; tutto t er t 1.1 . 1. ' mein* I& toOldul no recticlon
top otch the bottle.; tt± U 4 alto. m nt , rtett witneeacd
Ile goalie pn,rertleiwifricnie' of nil , on , to
tank lore
who Joel a trring mark en ni? 1 7 '. * ' , ' : , ...r.r.... ~b,,.
illatrei,ing rough. tool; th e no r . - P .
coughe and cola* affect the potterer) aardertrushal ...get,
tra 1a...1r E. Seth,' erg . gtlittMa . , ~..„z , . n ., 1 . ,. CI.
I=it'..l'llitilh;V: Pe SELLERS, Ito LT It'onl it.,
pi mat raid. by druggists gerierally. •, , • All
-17 Additional moot of Its rower Wyatt,
YaL-Enie, Va,
R tdototouEr. nt i r .1. r 1,
I .
Mr. u E . Sell,E—Beim sbieed for uartl
to oh Iwnrnto=t w ly g r,„ ll o; yr .l t .
Wt tide t l7ll
" It had d 4 oC<t az
ol`rJ2'l:'9:l7"V i
w ,1..0,1a
e l of VglC. ° r1:11 0 1 :17 01 4"
11. ronoconniodtris It to the o pablin ow a du! oent W elwd ,
does that WO e'erbee¢ 7001.004 Lt. tort rot •h"
L Mazda& . • ' JAM E 9 H. 0112.1 E
Etvintrod and soki Ity — En E.IBELLCUE. - Ai Mond A'
ti.LRBONATE AMMONIA; llartahoni.
ld Kona *cols b 7 Lia4,l SW= a =UM
21 1 1111
10 to* &sotpad
al4- calk
s 0.,
f .1 for all Wang