a.; --110.51E :MATTERS: Inceirmatusit—Arred. —Two Men named Hea ly Johnston and James McCutcheon were jester , daY r committed to prison, by Aldermen Major, etutrged, on oath of John Duffy, with ineendiat , Ism, alleged to have been committed on the fifth otJanuary, in setting tire - to the lumber yard of Gray, Heaves, Co., in the Fifth Ward.- We may.itere'meritio n that a fireman, whose name we do not , now recollect, Woo very severely wounded at thin fire, by a pile of hoards which fell upon him, m u d though be has since recovered, he will Lover regain for-fifer strength. The following is an abstract of IMlTy's affidavit: At about ten o'clock on an - evening in the be ginning of Janunry, this deponent, in company ..Irith —, left the tavern coiled the Star Span ' gled Danner, and went to McCutcheon's house, on Prospect street..We there saw the two prisoners down in the cellar. Johnson had a bowl in him ;hand, with two bell, of cotton wick in it, while .lifecutcheon was pouring spirits of turpentine from a bottle upon them. I asked what - they were doing, and they said that they were going toffs, a board yard, !hat night. I wanted to knew what they would - do it for, and they said thit there would be a good crowd at the bre, and they might have time to Make two or three hun . eleed dollars, by stealing two Or three good - gold watcher. I told them I would not do such a thing as that. It I had a 'Spite against a mon, I ',would sooner knock his brains out than burn his ;property. Soon after that, they left the house. .IWe followed them up Fenn Street, a good-pieee land they turned down towards the river, to a jltunber ynrd, nenrsomerolling mills. They went and I still following them, to see 'what they would do. They went past some board piles, and Johnson laid a ball of cotton, soaked ;with turpentine, tinder one, and set it on fire *ith a math.: . James . 31cCutcheon laid tho other ball under 'lbe,middle of. the board pile, and set it on fire. They then storied to go up by the way they had come down, and Pa.ssell us as we were standing in the shade, behind n. w'agon, McCatcheon had n five barreled revolver and lootri; knife—Johnson a double barreled pistol, and email bowie knife. The beard pile caught and burned' ctinsiderably. We staid till the fire engines came. I don't know oho owned the lumber yard. A man was hurt very badly at it by the falling boards. Saw both the defendants after thefire, and asked them if they had done it, but they denied it. Great credit is due to Alderman Major, and police officer Fox, together with officers lloyd and Thlmpson, for the skilful manner in which they hare elicited the above information. L;OMITIMITITERS DISCO VCIIED—STEEL Bass Nam Porte Foss u.—Alderman Major has been . for some time past in the possession of informa tion which induced him to believe that there was a regularly organized gang of bank note coun terfeiters in this city, acid police officer Fox has been indefatigable in his attempts to foci out the liotme where they stopped. At last, aided by, officers Boyd and Thompson, he succeeded, and Yesteplay the last named officers, in company with. Meisrs. Adams and doee of the Allegheny :police, went. to the house of a 'Mrs. Gardner, on tFerry etreet. • I • ISo well hadthey timed their visit, that they arrived just as n box which had been forwarded by Adam's Express wits taken into the house, and at once arrested . 11/.4. Garth:ter and a man who would not give his 'Lune, but said that he was a land evitt; and had just arrived- in the city. Some good, and. some counterfeit money was found in the hime, and on opening the box, it ram found to be filled with fine eugrav hip of Jenny Lind. In the middle of the bun dle, three steel banknete plates were found. One of the plates was of the denomination of two dollen., on the Mate Bank-of Indian. The others were for ten and five dollars on the State -Bank of Connecticut. The engraving of the Bank of Indiana, in particular, was remarkably well executed. All the plates were covered with wax, to prevent their 'wing injured. Mrs.. Gardner, and the nameless gentlemen, who was christened Robert •Brown, were com ruffled to prison, as_was a man named .Loder, who, we understand, pays the rent of the house inwhich these plates were found. The policemen engaged in these arrests deserve the thanks of oar citizens, for Pittsburgh would undoubtedly have been, in a short time, flooded with counterfeit notes from these plates, had they not been thua'summarily seized. TnE CONCEItt TO-smut.--Wp beg to remind the lovers of matte that llerr Krauss will give his Mich talked of Concert this evening. We hare the authority of the bent musical critics to support us in saying th at this gentleman is a gifted and nciolopUslie s d vocalist, nod that an unusually pleasing entertainment may he expected. ' DISTRICT COURT. Before the lion. Hopewell Itepburn, President Judge. The case of Carter Curtis, vs. the 'County of Allegheny wad 'called up y es terday morning.— Our readers doubtless recollect the painful scenes which took place at the rolling mill riots, as they were termed, last year, when large bands of men and women, paraded through town, openly avow ing their determination to stop all work at the mills, cost what it might. lts pursuance of this resolution they went to various rolling mills, where. workmen, employed instead of those who were on a strike, were engaged and heat the men, put out the fires, destroyed the furnaces, and laughed the feeble efforts of a feeble police, 'to scorn, Things were in this state,, when the Sheriff was urged by the mill ,owners to call out the military, with which advice he finally com plied, and-the riots were quelled without loss of life, the only, injuries sustained being by the new .paddlers and boilers, same of whom were badly cut with stones and otherwise maltreated. Dlr. Bailey, one of the proprietors of is rolling mill, was also, if we recollect aright, somewhat injured iin the melee. It is for the expenses in curred by the military—their board, while they were id. the quarters provided for them, at a thus when they momentarily expected' to be called on duty, oe., that this suit was brought, the County Commissioners Laving refused to repay the money advanced by the Sheriff. Messrs. Thomas IFilliams and Robb • and Me- Connel appeared for the Sheriff. Messrs. A. IV, Lucinda and Todd and Smith for the Commission. • The case was opened to the jury by Mr. Wil liams,-who stated that this was tin action on the Cate,' or of asiumpsit brought by Curter Curtis, Sheriff of Allegheny countYY against the county, through the Cornmisaioners, in order to recover a sum Of money, amounting to over one thou sand dollars, which he had been obliged to ex pend in 'oppressing, or rather in the p7vention of the dangeroui riots which had so nearly been banghtpith the most disastrous consequences to • gladly of Pittsburgh last year. These distur .binces arose out of difficulties between the pad dlers and boilers, and their employers, the own ers of the rolling milli!. 7.The members of thee, jury were all doubt _lam aware of the scenes which transpired' at that time, since they formed, an important part of the' local history of the county, and'he Wonlitilot. therefore dwell upon them. It was hufficierit to say, that the efforts of the police who interfered for the preservation of law and order were and that several persons had been injured by the ribters, before the mil itary were called out by the Sheriff., in the year 1841 or 42, the Legislature found it necessary, in consequence of the riots which took place in. Philadelphia, to interfere for the protection of the community against lawless mobs, and parsed an act, intended to refer spe t--i, chilly the-city and county of Philadelphia, which ad duce been extended to the county of Allegh y: V- By that act, nay person whose property was destroyed in a riot,-or by any unlawful assem blage of persons, was authorized to bring an ac tion against the county, and recover the full val ue of the damages which he might have swain- . o.' .1 But there was oneprereqnisite without the otasertance of which he could not mover. lf he kneW that there was a likelihood ors ri o t, it was midi his duty to give information, verbally, or in writing, to the Sheriff of the.county, the Me m. Of the city, or otherathorities,of the intended Mag. This 'Taw was a very just and proper env for the cititea who , paid taxes was entitled te pro tection, at the hands of the authorities since it was for that, he paid his taxes. If that protec tion was not rendered, then had he expended his money, without receiving any consideration.—. The learned gentleman then proceeded to com ment on the duty of the civil authorities when they had received information either of an actdal,.. or intended riot. ' There was no doubt that before the passage of this net, it was the. duty of the Sheriff to sup prase all riots, but the legislature went further— it passed a law, anticipating them on the prin ciple that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cute. By the common. law the civil an tharittes were invested with certain powers for the treservntion of •public order, and in case of an actualliet, might summon the posse cemitatus to their aid. Here, however, was n new (see— the liwwent further, and autharized-naydirect ed their interference, not drily 'where actual vio lence took place, but where danger was anticipa- • if ,any citizen had pod ressop for supposing tbst his property was in danger, then he might moist and claim the benefit of this law, and it wan teals the duty of the Sheriff* to protect him k w; i sijorsens .et an his slot h shoo f he ofPitt didgottlo se before oe t ta qitii , lttmesh`L'aitlvrntdd meats of the people . Township, and as probably come t. late. But this a went still farther, and tnide the I in'tructi°'s "County, or tl e Commiss i 6en. ioners. for they repre- . . nsible for - all damages sustained, owing to the neglect or seated the unty in the cane, .to their delegates to said convect- Resolved, That we object to the establishment of a Poor House and Farm for the Townships in inability of e Sheriff-or other of f icers to prevent 1 correction with the Ikrooghs, for various rea or quell any 'ot. In ease of the Sheriff ns neg- s o lecting his uty, when wanted by any o,' d hu t chiefly, beta swould create a new citizen I sod additional obstacle to the consolidation' of the I city and suburbs under one municipal govern who had a ell grounded apprehension of et riot, then thi County Commissioners could re- I meat and increase the loran ntfln" " i " '""n " ? ' 1 affairs of which the farming interest. already cover from h tn, the damages which they would be compellet to pay the injured parties. ILI com p lain ' and an account of which, petitions are was uunecess . ry-o recount the particulars of tli'e-i now before the Legislature. ease which n w claimed their attention. They I , and Farm has proved advantageous to the city; were familiar with the history of the past year: and could not but know that dangerous riots then took -place. They mint lit aware of the fact ly under country government, and the boroughs that workine . who came hero - from various Places. were forbidden to work in the rolling , 1 ., Resolved, That as the New City Poor House a similar establishment for the townships would ' I probably be advantageous to them, if exchniive and city district were excluded. 'Resolved, That a common asylum for the des= judicious than a eoarleetiOrt of the country and suburbs in the erection and support of a third es . .• . . • . mills by deli sing men, and were beaten and Allegheny Co nty boil le-- , ^4/ either fro m octet- i and another for all the evuntry dish-ire, would be abased. Thi woo a h""'ntable tact, which all Idets7exo:tet:shieven'th"a'n'tithae:l-esoelitatthseyeltoe'mn'n::li'm"o're ally being pr sent at the riots, or through the public newsp pers. It was openly declared that no stranger hould take the place of the pad dlers and boil rs who had struck—that he should taldishment controlled sometimes by country. 1 d employment in thin ninrket for not stAve to e rioter; hadassemhVr together hers, and marched through the went to the mills and insulted im workmen, at the name time in y to a great extent. The most tta were made—the very air seemed auger. All thin would be made nem, 'maim naked them if, under his labor. T 'in great nu streets. The and abused _luring proper diabolical titre loaded with t apparent to t the circumetn establishment: apprehensions they did not e: They then. how matters s more—that th l to preserve pu. witnesses of it who constitut rettore onkel with thir del i ices, the papprietors of the iron were not jusiitled M entertaining ,n 1 irreperable mischief, in case 111 is the aid of the authorities. rent to the Sheriff, and told him clrid. nod they. old him something ordinary police forc e wits unable ic order, and that they had been utter inefficiency. The citizen, 't !the posse conduit. could not and the Sheri ff , in liceordnuce s, and with 'Acknowledge of thr .edge of the cesvary precantions, by calling . The learned gentleman pro t out the differences between the 'll,l the act of Assembly. fads, took the out the militar eeeded, to poi Common law, . .By calling o! averted- the V bad saved roue. ed bloodshed. I to an expense knowing that t of the county, Moneys to repo as to the justie, officers, adtnitt ring the disple preferred that 1 before they set no' question as t the military, the ..Sheriff had twatenml danger, and no doubt • property, and probably prevent ' In doing this, he was subjected ( over one thousand dollars, and e money was paid for the benefit e bad applied to the Commis him. There could be no doubt of his claim: but these county ing its equity, were afraid of incur ; surer of their constituents, and should be legally adjudicated l ied it. There would probably be the items of the account, but it would gimp] was entitled to If he did not them, the weal pay the damal Casio,. In l'hi 'lost—square o f by rioters, and the. Sheriff we and if it were force he was co private funds. become a ruino. stances of the necessary to observe, howeri solves, bad actu. amount at slid" but all his clien lawful interest 1 A dismission tween Messrs. ended by Mr. .N ed four counts the facts, nhd o debtedness. The defendan the declaration, the argument li drown, so that eat. be whether or net the plaintiff. Irooter at all. sneered in this suit, he warned „. of a Stephen Girard would not . s which their verdict would oc ndelphia, human life had been er square had been burned down .nch would be the case hero if . not sustained in doing hi. deity, ecided that be should pay the pelted to employ out of his own The office of Sheriff would then .5 ono. These were the circum , se, and this much he thought it i y in opening it. Ile would r, that the manufacturers them- I.IIy paid three or four times the for the suppression of'the note, asked, was the principal and the money he had expended. las to the declaration ensued be •mis and Williams, which was cConnel reading it. It contain !threespecial -tints setting forth 1 .. g ie common count of general in- demurred to the sufficiency of .‘.ttlie case was transferred to .t, a juror having been with it is postponed for the pres- A9BACLT AND Charles Lougbe l yesterday eeut onth of Mrs. leal a violent assault on her, and on t Gallagher, Who be able to apper Was committed i ATTEIII - WITII INTLIIT TO laLL— aml l'harles ' Mundy were jail by the Moyor, charged, on Ha Gallagher, with committing and battery with intent to kill, to person of her husband, John as so severely injured as put to before his honor. The an ' ftault Lower Saint Clair Township. TEM PE MANCE Temperance As. a meeting this Copt G.. L. C orator, will add f.errcaa—The Young Men's iation or Allegheny, will hold ening in Dr. Swift's Church.— kburn, the 'popular temperance • a the meeting. Fins.—Veste i steb:e . of Mr. D between Seventh fire and wag bu were 'ave.]. • .y moruing about 5 o'clock the vy's (Baker,) on Coal Lane, ml Washington Streets, caught .t to the ground. The horses MAnner flocs citizens of the who are in favor 311:eT . LN0.—A mectieg of the 7th, and Nth warcin, and all .f erecting 15qMarket Hoe in as held in the 'Sixth Ward h Bth, 1851. the new School House, M On motion, Uri to the Chair; and Little appointed (in motion, a ci ed, to draft a p site of the sense Little, Wm- M were appointed S I absence, reporte, solutions for the . Believing that lures should be Market place for wards,' Further:we be; Lion requires it, 9, purchase of n pi in the Sixth War House thereon, a: Rr.soieed, That appointed by thel tures of the citi , wards of the cit • pose, to bepresen Councils of this c' after. A. G. McCandless was called 3. M. Dickson and Thos. M. ,ermaries. mmittee of three were appoint amble and resolutions', expres f the meeting. Messrs. John fathead, and George Chester id committee, who after a short the following preamble and re onsideration of the meeting. it is due time that some men taken to provide a convenient he accommodation of the new eve that our growing popula .,l we would recommend the e of ground east of Logan at. for the erection of n Market soon as possible. ere be a committee of eight meeting, to solicit the signi ens of the Gth, ith, and fitly k. of Pittsburgh, for this par ed to the Select and Common *ty, at their first meeting here- R•solra, That the citizens, than ket house, on the meeting in this hl Reualred, That Common Councils yet earnest' mice and vete in plated in our peti Messrs. Win. Si 11. Win) eo Grge Moore, an committee in sc. t would be more beriefkeial for e erection of the Central Mar eite fixed upon by the former he members of the Select and la the new wards, be respect , requested to use their influ ovor of the measure contem- oorellead, C. 11. Armstrong, Wilson, 11. Rea, George Seitz, G. Chester were appointed n ordance with the first res, lution. The following is Select and Comm°, a copy of the petition . to the Councils. The undersign , burgh, most resp. honornble bodies wisdom may dire• citizens of the city of Pitts fully yet earnestly onk your take such measures so your for procuring n site, and louse thereon, in the Sixth net., (or the accommodation reeling a 41arke Ward, east of Lo: of the citizens of • e new wards, and at the same time, we ask your . onorable bodies to take such action as is nee . .ry for the improvement of the old Diamond Idarket Howe. This we ask, confidently hoping our petition will be heard and answered, beli9ving that the rapid extension and fast increasing population of the new wards require . a new Miarket House, and all the cir cumstances and tur rmiations thrown around,the Diamond, demand its improvement. And as in duty bound your etitioocrs will ever hold in grateful remembm ce. Addresses were °livered pro and con by the `Chair, Black; Woodwell, Dawson, Bruce, Moore head, and others. Rf.rolved, That le proceedings of this meeting be published in the post and Unrette. Ott motion, adjourned. .1 O.i A G. M'CANDLESS, Per. .1 MI. M. DICCA .1, Tam. M. LITT f ' fir. , Prn TO SHIP SLEETING. At a meeting of he citizens of Pitt Township held at the house •f Mrs. 'Murray, Penns),lra ni& arena°, on Sa ray, the eight of March, Jemes S. Craft, Er 1., was appointed Chairman, and Samuel Barton ecretary. The following p. as candidates for c, rsons were then nominated e several township offices, Treasurer—Wm. , Viley. Township Clerkles. Brackenridge. Auditor—Ralph red. Judge of Electiont—Wm. Wiley. 1 ,, Inspeetoru—Pete Connolly, Wm. B. Hays. Guordino of the II our—Byron Bart. Superrisor—Byr Burt. School Direct - Or for three yeorn)—J. U. Wil Boma. School Director der. for One . Assessor—Wm. Al Constable,.--Sum 1 After the nbore cell was rend from lel Burton, Jame MeAleeee. nominations were mode, be citizens of Ohio township f delegates to meet ,at the •doeoday, the 12th of 'March; 1 ct of a four house, for the • for o convention Court Hoo'se, on W. to consider the Nutt Boroughs and TOP'. I iem and E. P. Jon represent Pitt To The following resol, isidond, and !hips; whereupon E. D. Gar. kg were elected Delegates to ..hip In raid convention.— 'fattens were then mad, eon i adopted a* Um watt. 311.1 . Pometimes by town intittence. Abd, Whereas, In compliance with the wishes of the citizens of Ohio township, this meeting has chosen delegates to the convention that is to meet nn next Weduesdny, and expressed in the fore going resolutions the senunients of this township in regard to poor houses but there are other subjects of considerable local importance that call for public ntteotinn nod thorough reform. Ar9l, Where4l, Though this U 170,4141 is goes ertml 6v tine Intro C.OllllOll to country district+. its inhabitants hr their pursuits and near vicinity to the city,.are essentially ttilivns people. Placed between the city and the country, the city district is affected by the policy of both ; but is not so much involved with either us to prevent /I dis passionate view of questions' concerning the colo n:inn good. Interested, thdefure, in the welfare of both city and country. and IN the friends of both, the people of this totthip take this occa sion in express their opinio is on a .. . . .r 01.1. fin on a few subjects in which ;dl our citizens are directly or indirectly concerned. Therefore, Resolved, That, in our opinion, the numberof County Commissioners is um ' considering the important and varied interests intrusted to their charge, and that their per dons is too low for the services of competent men. A Board of six or seren,Commissioners, elected by separate districts, with a per diem of three dollars each, while in erosion, and limited to two sessions a year, each of two months' duration, would be a salutary reform. By this ! dart, each district of the county world he fairly repremented, and it s , peculiars wants, made known and attended to.— This, or some similar plan, would probably re concile those'parts of the country which have heretofore strugglisl for a new county, and it and in duce them to remain contentedly in old Alle gheny. Resolved, That the history of the last few years demonstrates radical defects in our various municipal government', now eight or nine in number, and, without a speedy union, soon to be increased to a dozen—and proves the necessity of one city government for all, whose whole police. acting harmoniously under one head, could be promptly brought to any quarter of our extended town, when popii inFrslitement titivated the pub lic peace, and could at all times, by its homo geneous organization, better protect the persons and property of individuals from the outrages of robbers, tronalerers, and incendiaries. Resolved, That the interests and safety of the people, of both town and country, require that this change should 'be effected before the lotions Railroads are completed, which are soon to con nect Pittsburgh and her suburbs with distant parts of the Union, and rapidly increase our popula tion with a good and desirable necession, if our local governments are good, but with a horde of dissolute and dangerous Characters if our local * affairs are inefficiently conducted. ' Resolssd, That unless such consolidation take place, besides the expenSe of erecting and sup porting separate Water Works, and separate Poor Rouses for each of our sitiea, separate Water Works, Gas Works, Poor Rouses, Tons Halls. and other public edifices for each of the ran of the large town, adjwCent, will have to be provided and supported at an notations and unnecessary expense, besides adding greatly to the randier of office holders., whose needles, increase is al ways injurion. Another reason in favor of one city government for all the towns at the head of the Ohio is. te danger of contlictitig claims, rind occasioning vex thins expensive litigation: la and the almost. certainty of adverse wad un friendly onlinnes, is an additionllzlmiinitin to our citizens. while yet compa ar ely united ' in nein! and buslnnss relating, to rivet the bonds of union by a legal and enduring connec tion which would make Pittsburgh one of the chief cities, of the linked Staten, enhance her character, improve her credit, enlarge her re sources and secure ' her people the blessing. of an efficient and res Ortilitile goverisinent. ,Resolved; That a tapir's Court is require.' 'for the prompt con non and punishment of offenders, to diminis h the present enormous ex pense; of the jail, Rai to enable the judges, hur -1 ing ciill jurisdiction. o clear the dorket with proper dispatch. Resolves!, That the seal and powerful influence of the conductors of the public pre.s induced' the people to undertake those enterprises which will coon vastly increase the business and popu lation of this:vicinity,;and if editorial corps will exhibit the some united spirit in aid of such necessary changes as the present altered tannin stances of this community require, we have .t doubt that success would again crown their efforts. BY TELEGRAPH Ci.*:(IItESIONAL. WASHINGTON, March 10. SENATE—The following confirmation., took place in the Senate to dap:—Ogden Hoffman, Jr., District Judge for California: T. Butler King, Collector at San Frantic.. By the law of 18,111, the ruileagenf California members is limited to the nearest route within the United States. The Douse notwithstanding have allowed mileage.for the late erosion by the session by the Panama route. Senator Gain has submitted his case to the Judiciary Commit tee, and it is understood they will report against the I'anama route, and against the construction of mileage of the extra session, othertvise Mr. Gain would-be entitled to St 1,0011 for mileage, since December. Father .Ritchie's case goes over to the next session. t - Mr. Cass defended bimnelf from an editorial in this inorning's Repihlic, in relation to his let ter to Mr. Kellog, relative to the !Liver and liar her hill. Mr. Rhett defended South Combo from false and erroneous statements contained in General Houston's letter to Gen. Hamilton's letter pub. Belted in yesterday's Union. This gave rise to rn exciting debate between lihett, "Houston, and Butler, which was terminated by o -joke from Mr. Hall. • • A communication was received from Messrs. Gales and tieaton declining to publish after this session, daily debates of the session, which was referred. The Judiciary Comraittee reported adversely to al!ovring mileage to Oulifornia Senators by the Panama route. The Senate, after tin executive session, nd journed. r¢n.an"ELrmn. March 10. - • • • - . , The Bon. Henry Clal, arrived here on !n Saler il day, and left this o ing for New York, from whence be will sail for Havana on Thuisdav, in . the steam ship °corgi - Nme.Yoax, March 10. The Steamer Georiia from (Theme has arrir ed with half a million of gold, and W 27 passengers. ?Ist, Pons, March 10. Among the arrivals from California, by the Georgia, is Rota. P. Ohms, of Pittsburgh. BALTIMORE, March 10. The annual commencement of the University of Maryland, took place to-day. It was largely attended, and in Inrge number graduated. The National Intelligencer, of dais morning, says that the report of Mr. Ewbank. COMMIN— !Iion, of ,Patentv, being removed, is unfounded. PHILADELPHIA M XRKET. PEISLADELOIA, March 101 Cotton—le held more firmly, but the demand is limited. Flour—Limited sales at $4 O OO per bbl. for common shipping brands, but po sales for export have been reported. Prices range from $4,50 to 6,00 for common and extra brands. Grain—Sales of prime red idlest at 100 x. The last sale of rye wan at 05c per doodle!. Of corn small stocks are:offering, with sales of yellow at (dOe afloat. Sales 1000 bushels Penna. oats at -4:1,1c. Whiskey—The demand is limited, with males in WEL at 24e per gallon. NEW YOliii:ifARKET. Ni. Yuen, March 10. Flour—The market opens Send) , at $4,436 4,e0 for State and Western. ' Pork—The market is quiet, at 102,75612,87 for old mess. Ifickled meats are firm. Cotton—Priers arm advancing, with silos 4000 bales of midling. uplands it 1I 761 lb. Flout' The market im stetOly with males 6000 bbli at $4..44050 for common 'Western and Stite, $4,6264,81 for New Orleans, and $4,75 06,98 for good round hoop Ohio. Grain—Nothing done in Wheat Comm held firmly, with aalea of 13410 bnshela yellow at 65 11, 1 . .. fine j, bu. . Provisions—Sales of old Pork at $12,87 for mess, and $lO for prime; and of new do at $13,1 50 for mess and 11,25 for prime. Pickled meaty continue iu fair demand. Sales of dry salted shoulders at tti , and of plain boom at 81 ? Si. Lard is 6rni at 81. Tobacco-1s in steady demand, at 10(0 12c,. for Kentucky leaf. llemp—la firm at $1:15 ton for American dew ratted. Lead is firm at 51 for little.. Linseed Oil —le more firm at.7lle j 4 gal. Whiskey—l s heavy at 231(ii'll41e jr , gal Coffee—la steady 11. 6a 11 , for Rio. BA LTINIIIRE MARKET. Bs4ristotte, March 10. Flour—The market is dull, and sellers are of fering at $4.37, without finding purchasers. Crain is dull, with sales of wheat at $5O. Pric for red, and 1000(112c for white. Sales of corn at :66.59 for white and yellow. Sales of oats at 4UOr 42c: and of Rye at lifle bn. Provisions—The untrkut is firm, with of 11111 mess pork at $12,87, nod of new do at $14,41(1 - r , hbl. Lard is selling at situ 9i to Ih in bhls and kegs. Sales of flutter at MIS 12cr and of cheese nt 7i6r-10c Coffeu—Sales of Rio at IOAOi Ile 1 4 Whiskey—Soles of 2d(o 25 - (4) gal. CINCINNATI NIARICET. 4. 1,,NAT1, March Fleitr—ltereipt. continne very light. nod pri cer are first. 6itler of lotl Mils tit 3,47 hbl. Wltirkey ia very dull at 211 c j-' 1 . Kith elinine tendency. Clove teed—i`rices Jinve ntlvrtnced. with rotes nt $5.:10 In. • Provisions ---The market is quiet, but fir...— Sales of 1.•10,0011 fhb binion shoulders at 14 lb, and 100,000 Iby sides; deliverable in 3lny nt , 74 , It. Sales °I M) bids So. 1 Lard at be The weather is iilen.iinnt, the river has fallen 2 feet since Itibt report, hot is noon stationitry. MISCELLANEOUS Ladies' Fine Dress Goods. VinIECEIVED AND OPENF,I) TII IS IfiltN s. Tleetn, Deno, .1.. Lain,. Mon, tie 1n... Lawns. Ar.., At...—...1k0ir... 0 .r1n g nnd ..irablopattrrna. A. NI kNIN (Al. 1..1.111 n 1,4,1 •t. _ . _ . ! PRIM; STY I.E Pl{ I NTs_cb„i,.,. null lr,li nnni nnn ' n ' rn.*l th '" ";,""V n 4.4':! r• . Is A co'* ONi.; CFA all ANI I I LI NEN-- " I- ` n n• nr or lb.. MOO/ 11, 1 1,:f ft' inanufactur.—juat At f'..1.:!-1 A. A. 11.1505 A CIO 'S, ra and 1,4 Markel °UM) CANDLES-50 boxo9l Pro c t or & rnbl.?p, N,.. I. f.. 1. !We hr 11W A 1.1.11" a co fr/v2.1 und S4ALEHAT . US-1211 boxtoi No. 1: fnrmks I,r WM. RAO I,PY A (11, ntpl Wev.l fel.ll VIIOCOLATE, - Ilatern• No. 1 nee , w - • nr , enre m 1 , 1,,n , and foram nr 101. IlddlAL111" 01),. fe1,21 le and ix, Wien) nt lIEIKMA\L bolt, for oak b ' y A Ir. F 1111.0 Ult---50 Allpertinc.-71 4 bbl, tine. 6 7A , iu.r. , anal for ',tit. A, • g A NV lIARRAI.III 11 F: ItEEF-10 en,k,...S C. pri,.,l Beef. lA., and Akr -.Alr Ay IV S HAKE:WS AND EXTRAcTs_. t.,7t 5-14, .1 < 4 1 4) IASViLLE LIME-50 bbls. reed and 11A111141'4:11 XTIII, 1 , 11 :S---Just Liberty it. " t 4:rurert 113 isTo BlikT IT—A , upOy of D IllArmt Inn r..,1 Exprrr, 6 / 1, 4 ,4 1111 -t 11,4 'I LC, A ClA.;2:rell,.el,tr R. fre4iNopply In.t reed Wit A 11,4'1.1 . 10i A 4,4. TEAS: :__n kJ half loon; L1A , 14 Trni. c. A (11.1tERT , 4 0. A 01 . 91 141 BACCO-2,10 bozos Slamkiknrtured. Tu t' hwy... vim** bratulej cots tkan'l •zil fur •aie by 64,24 A ITLIMITT.SON k ro . _ I 1 AIK EltEl,--100 b 1,1,.. \o.::, on hand t • A. CC IN IlArriNG—y went ann d for rAlnl,3 1.1111(!:1 lctirs I: 9 / f•I:J4 %Vat, and Vr.nt .t.. V,ll(\ g LIM SHELLAC _ . tiboo,lto. f..r 3 h 11. i,, 1, EL% f 1,1:, NI; NE:' , E-2 ton.. for ,odo lky ii,t6ll A Gil 111 4 1 , , 131 nr d i , kno Mroll.l- 4 & 11.*:. INJOKS--.lrolr•or', Latin F:0,./i , ll I.•xler.n E A A r•lr•ar., I. I. b. 1:,,,:,1 Tl. 1.1...111,11.1 11.1 1 1 3,1f1, Pe Iter Ilmr2. Prior ver 12 elm Inst. • TP. P. llll 'n 11l 11 1 . 2,•• krtullar. m.. Fr.nr.ntan untlwr Bolla Tbo 1.1, of hr.. Jouo.o goinn 11. John T . Wr0.:1,1.. J r0b , r i.,..1 tbr br It 11 , 0.51 b.. 7; Appall,/ Ibill,lln o . lth •t I [SUED 011.—r) blds jEu.t roeeived, pure Li country ill:. and h. ..010 LITT'LI: a co. fob., 1,..1 Libort, /tr., 50 . 11.' s "' uTZ . ,Vo l igu ' e 'b e 'r o b . Y TO itusisEss mEs—A Q. ...tire twillort mho, 1,,,1 J 0 of IML-burch..with Pti ~ttuus 1.1 h .ass ,o 0I fro rir m Oa to rot). thnown.l J011,5r,.. onaiouy mak,. on limo...oat. mad .1.., ob.!. tam. to 10btit,,,0.0.. rittrloyr 4 ll or vicinity Vivo.. ,01dr0,,,, 001,e Dot. ho.l. feblltlny ( 31OLASSt:S-2.1 Idds, 13 half do. 'flu LEAD-650 pigs soft Galena, for sale by fy.bl..M M(ICY. MATTHEWS t CO. {,..:W.C11.8./EB-7110 lbs prime Feathers; 311, do. pro LI Corn Ifrisoar. UOU bran! W. Allots 10 On. Dry Merlin. Mr bin prima lihderntar: Alum: In Flo/vend for rido by MATTHEWS l Eh/. UGAlt—lii hlld'm prime N. Orleans; 31 bbl. warted Loaf, 11l do Croolcd nod Pulrerisol. for ruleby J. D. WILLIAMS I CU. fet,2o . 5 corner of Wood nod Fifth rh, mOLASSES-7I;, usurp, 5 do Iln Io Ulen Syrup, for Nth , by c4a, J. D. WILLIAMS C‘i. S 4 u N 111 i I E S-111() do i r. Brooms; lb evils Pohyob: la ba. rialeraloyo 50.000 Common Seg..; 2..000 Ilse Doer Doh: 3Y On. Fon'. Slant,: 111 brit Woncr. Pearl do: C 3 * J ho? , Floor; for W e by frb2o .IL WILLIAM? 4, O. FISH —lO fill bids No. 3 31nekerel; 15 qr do do I do, lb I, Ito do 1 ib q II bid,. No. 1 linltnon: for rrde by J. U. WILLIAMS Al CIL MATERIALS---Printer'sp ',ll,7ol,f:.tg",T,J!!:l7: trrble wooden rule.. la. Fnr sale at PW. S. HA V .r.I.N'S rintlaa Mara. :bal. talarPrn lis r W lt.t and F. G.lO, Amerinn ropy . «7 DOMES TY l'ES—From the manufaeto- Cy of WrIl• • Webb. foralahrol .t hart anti, by Si.S. HA Vt. , . 1,4 1 01 t SALE LOW—A superior toned rose .ooo Plano Fur', For Irrms..flottlrr, at No. 9 Jark nan liner. /Inhin.rtn ntrert. Allnrhany. I/INC WASH BOARDS-20 doz: for sole by fetal J. D. WILLIAMs k Co. S UN DRIES--2 MAR No. I Lai :An Rerior; . . M do ve, kap Gmundmil, I du Dr d y Prarh, do o ANA,. • • ls In nrrjrn .framer Itk. Vs. ISAIAH DICKEY A 01, MC) W.t., and Fr.... 1; UIIGICA L INSTRUMENTS of every do -1.1 •rriptiou, rm. sAle 1,7 1,.1116 J. KIDD AL . CO. , I - /I LOUR—! 111 61,11 sunOr fi ne, in :intro and for xle. by . (Alt !MEV M , ATTHEW: , 6 (NI r u ANNERS' OIL-25 111.11. in (:torn and for JAMES DAI.ZEI.I. CO Wm., 'tn.. WEET POTATOES4s now Inniliroz 17 (nut.lr.An.. and for We by NAIAD DICKEY Ar Wet, and Frpnt. DDRIEShu. in store and for gale Ay HUEY. MATTIIMS A CO , frbVi 77 and Water 1-k ONEY—I bbl .. nperinr Strninrd ibsney, In more Aral for Pair sr L'26 Icil EV, MATTHEWS. A CO. I A.IID OIL—S bbl.. No.. I, Win. Strainsd, , 010 ,,:trniEws A co._ it OLDEN SYRITFLIn Lilo. and hi. fnr oh' by ILII El. MATTLfEWS A CO. feb . -13 I JlAliltY, lIUGLIES A: CO. aro prepared to ,bk all kin& ELATE‘IIOIIrtNII. ALEX. L.W.1111.1N. AT.t.. our. Etna Pt. A Canal. At Wow,. Worka. 4.1-€.1a17 , Roofs priltilOY rnagrrtl• [fob:, bbls . . just recd l_,E 4.ta z fur 'ale 11CRISRIDGE \n I7G YYnfrr rt. FLOUR—'_'S bbls extra Family Flour, for .ate by • Iptd:. A. F. 0071 11007,110115 T B was ROOMS-150 dozen for nide by • 8. V. VON ZIONNIFOONT t W. iIiANGES-100 boxes, in prime order, for V sale by YNOLIBII t IMINCIT, kb= 3= &wad, sad 161 11:14 HOUSES, . FARMS, &c VIOR RENT—A small briek DVELL FN. HOUSE, nultaluing tam parl..m•mht latch n. four rhatabeng m r lb. ope thn VI I T4 b Vr funk lon k Amu'. about lI minutes' %Mk from the mar Ant I ...or further larr nl•.lr n. uNS. . l a to to n m , utrorth Arr. SotfinlF WW. LET—A \I .t REHOUSE, situated 7., 4:4 OD II atnr • Intannu Markel and Frrm Ann.!, Ituiable for thy 'Fr...turn Inninen, For term... itrc `ll` JAMES' 111.1.ZELL. So as Watt, et. Delightful Summer. Residence—for Rent t TIIREE STI)RI - FRAME FRIFSI:,...;r, ft WWI I ronttitninut two nom. of ,M:l4, tool intitil. un ln toti betwoon Matt . ..wt. tt E t '' it Os etoEtt. tat torinowl: Ur nt the .tort• td 11. Itotton. nnt.t. owlt7wl two, twrinet For Sale or Rent, I, COM MI 111100 S and «,d1 tin ishod tb.. 001iel "'" 114.rnvy at , Law. ,I,lr. 5! lett, N., I:nglann, ww-LL.l.4a ,t For Sale. I TE II ST A T Es EIoTEI, I BLOCK itF I11 . 11:DINGh. on the corner of IVatth 'neon hot' Pettit •treet.. RIO ft . .. Mtn, on thr Can .y It nitht al. to 11. City of lhat.horOt. The Lot trot. tote tiontlroel atel tort, tearl. et en Itoon tare, .11 hott , tr , l ntot tont. fret tone melte. 11 rt:hinttlott itto , rl. to a tarettty fret -Oh, Inquiet .4 ti Itto l't ..... at. Land for Sale. f „ 0 , 11 , t , .....cr:14 1 :! : n. :I 1.. utel Itod .nit I.x c, lan—l-. • t.r, further .F • ‘t II II ..oirwroN. 1,1,16 • I PT" I. \ 1:1;11% I .I VELIJNG. g;Tly jd .11}, •is ,tultl.l ntE l t 6:4:1°4. a I ~t~I ii I:EN T.—T‘k 0 ROOM, 111 Punt !Wt . , Arti.'l lt,onnt,E: Al.O sTrigE flint etrus.l. .Innr 114., Cul r• or," front with • t, L•neul.. 1.1.2/ F . II 11 177,M. 1 , 1 5e,,,,1•tr...1 For Sale. otftrs fqr sal, the follps.”l,, .alitat•le prorwrt, In A 11,10.30 'The TI r, nl,l Hi , fn.nting /..../ /./ nll , l 1111frrt. fr..l • • IL. - 11l nI•I 1.• t. •mrla, n•mIL I .411°1.41..111;d. nil,. I, ‘• •am Ira •n IM. I.nm.. nrh nlwalt 21 I, 1.1 , 4 11 . Im. ga /Int I 11,... hltmut It lib Fralm• Ilall/1ii15,...111.. In•rel4 LI, \., 1.••- , . AL,. Wl', LL.B. - SI 1111 . 111:1/. . - . ! I MZ 1 ti ENT—A suptil Innh. ehttago. with 1 ' ' 1 inn, rt. t•n Fr.t Il•r•r: lar,r •finina 1n...m..1 4ltelleriln a...1m n 2 rtall Innan- m r• 1. uWI n Inrar annlru nu•l rs rr al fruit Is", n La % •lesirahlr rsmslem. n•r s rtunll In. l 1 , . Ltimttl mar IliorrsAtlls hnornssrLal gntrn j"TV, " -Tr ,I mall m.-nn r•L (..„, i . 1.1•..r. , r •., , :t. 11 mln frnslum: ms lIno•nlek . stn.,. nul 3 Imam, SO I evl trot un rnr, J ., , , , ,y , . 1 . ,,,,,,. fr1•11111ro rr II Train. on - a ..! , Inr:ot nr..l SLII . I)esirable Residence for Sale. t.. 1,41m4ve a foie mti.t Ow 44.44444:rr, 444 1 , 1 4 - 4, Pd. prop,. in 144 . 1 411,141,44 1 ,!...11 n 41444414144 one. awl 144,411 441 brim— 144.144 r, 4.44n05i4441,4, and Itn. 1444444 n 1.4 nit4.l 41.1 1.44 ni• Igl4 144.41 114. Va. 44a]. ritnn )1111,4,4,11 .44 t 1 1 .44, and,. laid $444t aittl. 4.444,14114, 441144,444 •144,11.44, 41,1 fru, T 1,44 na44 N11141'14, 4.414.4,144: 441 .4 ,441,444 4.144.41 1444,444. and rarrt. ar. 444.nr4n4.4114 1.4,4.1 .1444.- ,41.444.1 r 4,4 r 41.4 11 ,11• 444 14r4,144 ,44444,44• rt. I.' ""' "„4.1.41.r11'.11'44.i1440, 4 44 1 . 4,1441,4 1 4 1 01tt A I: , EN T; } ; ,; 1 . .. h 0n1n,r14 , t1 ; 1 : : 7 , g •.n I.IIWI . 111 tho. 1,1.1.t6 1 ,4 ard. 441 1141. Lill P1t,..1,1•1 1 , 4441,1 144 41,14114 114,111r4.4 4,1 • lt IChElt,llAll. G• 1•14 1 4 11 -v ; ENT That lar2 , ,lxvl::ling h , 01,77":: ,12it •vr•—t !h. tirn ••I T "... rjr , I L ..ti box,r'fleicir =57 , . ti.ra,l, a:, V. a. r 1,140104 nn . E . , late! rtna,..+44 . la tw+ hr , Irn, I in 0.. tra.at (.r tbr •1.. rr 1 , 1.1 111. al .4 ~11,1141. M. II LI , TS Y 1.•• •nr. • f ••••.1. M• 11. n n • I: .•11..in,..1 $ l• n thn +rm. I.r 141 n.• .r. • 1,7 ••••,.• lin,. .n. 41'1. nr..l . I' A.... I. I: {'}7l7:l:\l !• I'l7 111. 4 I l'atAl.urzh. F 0 .1 ; 1, , I . : :; 1 , 14 , 4 ; 0r0 , 1 7, r ; 1,1.1 v. in.i I.nilv rvii 'lin n I or parti......t• ~, i1.../r ill Ivry, LATi II awl Lot • n Vviinv ani Fl. torn,. I`. IpAt SA I. Fr- 1 : 1 10oiler.for hirvrml v Itrarl.{bar al i I r.r intim n.r....i 1..41.1A...1.41th.. I. rth 1. lin- 1,1 .% bra, ns al. •• - ey rn l / 1 /. f int r./ I/nil:11111[0:0V, Vl , llf n o r i, - Al.e,f lot, 1 dr, 1.• 11 'Mile, r, t r oll,. ing LL.I. A. lan Lb. ael,natf,' AL-1 Plaft, If anor .tr, Lon' ~....•rien 11111/1.41,11, i• ~.11.4611 1.0. F . t 1.41 . 5 f 11.' . °0 7 1 1.fr4. r .!, ' .g '' , ' , too, near Ole kr-1 01...,.r0rra ZIJIL lt.N T IFit S.ILE T he , ul , scrit , , .111-1; et. , le-trAbieCount, 1/..-1- Lir, knob), I nel. I 411,10 Lt. in ...M0.,. rd. r. The, ar:lace boar, flaftln. and Los, wocer ,a. the an,n.l., • Ir• ff , ..lPr'fr• tan en-re, •yl I Iroprnte.l.l.aftainftl a esfrr dr. r11 , (1,•n fa fruit. 11-h. adoth,. boo, Dorf frnoke hoop. , alsyn to sr, .1. Jlllll .1E1 1 11AI:1 1 , . _ 11 4 1 0 it 1: T—A test, Dwelling flay farnol. - I.nuln, In If, JAM', 1/../ q I:ALL L. elk Wider at ... ,111 a . Al l oli SA ' OR ON PERPETUA L LEASE ill a.llll.rfa..ln. or cal ~.rurktral lot on 'eon arrnet. tq.,F.l t (1.1 ell Al Ina r to r.f,rlng ful ',.l,u"nt r'f , rina A brio, 244 r•el., , n lalfertf , by l'sl to rlprltra MI,. I,Loo front., on 1,m5...0n rarret, rand In, I L -,, a d pot. a rn i eontkfnlng 4.+ JA O'HARA. • • 9 1 0 LET—A large laneolti llou,e with 2_ 7:4 INI uerer of Land fat - rainy!. •11natefl Offkland. .g:F4 1,03 itaitny, t..s a CO. ••••••• 'llree. Story Dwelling :7 .. .a >l., 11 lV r lie mr....L pn.eol nceup...l ;Lc.. John II 1 .1.1 enownolg.,..n donna lithe n•f. thl. the Ilk nf .Ifall 1 to, ulre of • It 1 1,1,1, • lain hou 1.1 Church. • LET -- Ooe Two Story Mirk llouNe, containftl a n•an.t..o n nirn A,IIIIP. )linon "E del • .• /ZI•rl Rend low/ Loquire of .101 IN WATT .i. .L - 14 , 01 i ItHS'i. The Store, IIS Market 1.7: •Irnik, fneon,l,l.o r from the er,rner Martel :re' fool Lif•nrl, aften 111. 1.1,4 .Iprilr.4. , Inautle ..1 Di% 1., Tao. lon Penn -• 6 IIIENT,. two a ery eottx enient r•T 1 • •: MIT:SI,. on ahoy. , I fool , nnar 1 ,, 1- idosi,..hi Poveamon Layen nth. lint f••••••• ne•II kin, to Lois. fa r one nr rano , Ikrar Yarn. Lora 1)n mei ohr Alb Onto Etver. In the VlOlll Wan] .tpply 11.11 n 11(1.1 SATAN. In4altr or \J DAN 1.1 NIITON. Tnurl rL. rm., %look. I And ParltHsT,t, l'ronte H wi oe e,•; , ' bull,lln a . 1•011,1•Ln • , atiorto rtn , rll ao), Mark /,1701e,1y L. Amin.. •••••• ror hepir 1,, to MI,. k CO dr•La .fifo.l.ll..rll,,arnet. LET the Store Room NO. 74'4 kr1.•, , ,r1i1.2„ , hthointuo the J. retry hl 1. Ilolmd4 A iot:...re l lrdok ' t ' r,,, " h . :1;11 ' 71 n ' Tdo ‘ !;;;I:f: 1 1 131. room 1.1 Inrala d en /hon. rot,lr% 1 ' o:o 1 Ipft Ith.lnors ,0 0 d tho nil vll rolnpied n lino king nod P.. ohororo • Ala-. ond 1 to orhuro I oho, or x t., A he nda. 11:11 Edorlob otto h 10. hot In n‘ •oon r, wroth, pen., ~,, the of o• ouhol Enqn 1 o• of I %WI 1.1 , 11 N rnrnor of Marko nod Yoh rt It •drort • FllO Lril Stpatn Power for I i 'l tt..irtn in] ` II IIPE, . 1 1'10 1 ,1,11 , , A OKELI • rdit ee Rare Chance for Capitalists and Manufac tarers. e .... , Fr. , E 00 , t,.4-ltino , l 1 .•• • 111Z agThi ihrithr. taNf'lls . ~ 1 ...0.ni t , •l- ...1,. a mtual, r.,1 wan lota on th. tnarn i --- M 1 ...'" , " , "tmk ...,,. “lat... Ith.t t, and ..1I 1717.,..1,5,,,,itir,,1,ai.:.r1,,,,,a,,,,1 ~, , , , , , ,: . ... 1 , a,, , , , ,,,,: ii ..,. 1, ,:,: t, , , ,, ,, ,,, r . : :. 1 1 „ ., , , ba,,,,...,,..,nh,. , 1 n. 1 , , , ,.. ....1 . 11 , , ,, , 5 . 1 1 . .. ! r p i era.. ll I,: 11.. , uaL , R. r e t e , i,..Ce , . „ -, i C u eftr i , a1 .,.. .T , 1ai1 m,f. !::.. , ii. ,,i l. th,. r..al ,s. at, a1T, , n1., ...„,,,' ,h;,.'", .., n ,, n ,'",: h '':" ~. , „,,,,,,.,„, ~.,,t• t-r th• P. lat., iva.:., ..a • tattal ha.l latl, ..1 , ,,-,1. h. pr. a. al.. Ina, ' :.1,11 1 , • ‘ 4.1!,(a," ' ; .r t: . ra ' s ' .. ...,1. it,(,,ren 11,.. sal, Om a.. ar. ~.... ..1. , 1 t" r.s. ntartortna ..1 1.4..0m may drarript,,,la Ti - n l. , aa h,n, , ,,,,,,C ..,,, ~,,, ~,,,,,,,n, ~r h t,...,.. t. , r •1nt , ".1.m "tn." elleApre ., ...f all I h.. na , 5 , ..,f lit an,'lla.. • h •.i ( .... I t. , r . .1..." ,. .•f ''"' '''''' (nsl bar ..ana,t.m.r OW i-... r 013•11,11 . U I '' I 1.1:10 1.,..h..h, ..• .• to, in, markm ma r , ..11 a. tha,,,..t •It t s".. t• tl, n.. ' "., a" """•' - „,,,,,,,tutu .•, ~rti,t.... nll n,;” m5:,...r7.;;;'r.;','1- ..., "r `"`'-. 5t.11,1....ara1.h. •.Ini. t,ranall,l , - 11.antafwtur,...4 In.n. - I /11 retahh.r.l.rnt I, v. 1 11,11.1,11. 1V,...1. It , n. tu1 , ....1 ~( MI ,1., r.11,,n., arlaarla I. tang a11,,r , 1 : a IT('' ''' '''''' '''' - 1 2 ' , ..,"".'n....n,..., Ibrylie.., 111 . 1.. , 11..... ,1,,• stat....san. Cut Ur, Con Ihr , • "'..^.“ " . " . 4 . "."" ta.rata. I • n tin. Tlellllll M th, , 1 . .51 5. I imam , . 1.r. , ,,,.. 4. at 1... r... ritruatur,.. Itru., MMainea, 1 1 .. II 1.... , ""I' . r l M 1 ." , - II tag hot... t • I'l t'.. I 7 I qtaltroa,l and it0.,„,.„.„.,,,,.,.,am...... tit , e.7l..g. P 31,11, I/3 4. `,11a..1.11, ,tualt h.or it.l 111. Itr.M thr 1 (014.1. n ' l.?,. ,4 .1,..ei :e'en i....e.,. ., ) ..'r• F" '• ... "'"' ) 4" ''''''''' ',...'"4.. .'n..... ' .. q,... ft.. 1, ....1 X,. ......11. •.,le. Mlrlaa.btme II "lin. U." tr." , P"... , ...I on tan . - 'tn.,. tMe town. II.• I ;1,.. n , It,. r. 1,,r1„ haw., Lar , l. Lard (lil. Ta.lnem, la“ - tat k , ..n..r... to,,..laanta will' ~, u.. 11 h, 1,..t. at 1 ht. 1. , -- , ...M..... Taltr , ..6rain and 11n.,. Lak• ja lOU i , tor.• tial purr ....e5.... / ‘.11,...,. Mashie ,resny,h, Ter. Ht., Itogln, German (Ila, Ttn. pnailloniuf )l aaallltan. In the beart...4,01 natleultstml , 1t.,n,...1.., Mje Inn r"M".. "M ."Pa .al hy any In II,” ....Intl,. .• ~ .", ~,,, MrYAGEN t COVODE. tianwra that it 1: let a...y...7 1.. qt. In , . tlOO, 4, 1 .It to Ithlnro II arhto art. 4, mai, a..... 1 1a.mr" .. ..' ". — ran and rat. nn flak ha.,,,,,. Ti an,,,,,ztat.le mat I j.aft mMIt nll+tt rr e.,..ne. a..n. Asi , lra• h 1....1awal ..so 1 1..11(4 K.n.,..f 1 . 11 , 1 , ta.h. will hive Inb.r(na.." Itaa It,tl any ran.. a oil% F. an,a,..r.,1 1., ap. pin-mion tnTh :now MrCullouM. Kant Jarr1..,,,..”4.' men , •4l at Mar ilh,n. . .1411' !hi HT JARVIS. . .. _ . WINDOW OIIASS--D.H./11 itXrt. USed sizes. fell S. F VON lIONNIIOILST • W. 1---taitOll-1-100 Gazes, best brands, in store And testa by W.ll. BAGALEY & CO.. tetC.l Alas. Dud 211 Wood it. =IEEE STEAM BOATS 1,11)R N.%SIIV I ti;.; ll Al A V VIA .AV El/. 111..1.1.. l, AA 11.ir ola th.. I 111). Al •1 11: Ar pnr.pacr.. Af...1, 1 , 1. I...ard .1.4111 ill )1: MARI Err.% .1 N 111)Cli• -1 rill IA MT Auto .21 AA, A.r ANu,l it " neLln ' so. ot Wat T er and in l'ront are. t i ll lit ST. Lot 'lS.—'Tito holliniftil Imre, herr, and eplendhl ntrnm.r I . Al . l.Zr— h l, rapt It. min aloof Ttooela% neat. llnreh • I I th. at It/ olelok. A For rresda weal, mph!, nn hoard nrehlh Itlllolt I.OI.ISVILLEA4.. & FT. tort rutaran ' , leaer A NEWT(lh.l'aptalli Cloak. I.g rn raol. will leave tor the aleo, nod lotertnethoh. 1.r4. pn Illie day. at 4 P. 31. frehthr or y0k.0., 0 11 Notril. NASHVILLE.—The Tien q dirt FRotroor FORT VITT. 11111•. r. roluifor, will 'rare for the et.ore end intorno , liate pdtta on OA. dr, at loo'rlork, A. M. frri,:lit r 1224.11. r. rd• • M .., D. - NEW ARRANGENIF:NTS 10It 1 I F; new and fast running ntr. CASH !Ell. I. s 31..1111, NI nat , r-1:a k.rular W.. 14,111, S rt 1 le. NV,.11.1 , a r,„ II had I ra, • 14 . 1.1..rap0rt. ant! Fun Fall Park.. t —I,. a.. I'rr tabu 3 1 .411,.....1a, nt , 31.. 11. r 34 haling and Iltielgrport. and Sll It ' , lay Shh” M al ll; . IL I an Eat . 16. and tt n fit. 1..41 Stattl4t oru. a. ata r and 1I I rwl .at -I I'. 31 roart. ntal 1851. • }..r frolgla .111,1 nl.llll ri ,111111 `I• melL; .11)IIN Aunt. 111 4 1 1.111. ST. 1,01 . 1 S. —Thll t. , 1,14•11411(1 .11 1'ATES , IAN..1214.1,,rnkler. 11kr the.22l,l.inter u”.,lll.v 110. 11,4, . 111., nt 10 Ftkr Irrialst 34 , 1,1, 1‘.1,1...1: It. Act. ball( ST. I,llll`-'l'llllnlllolllllll fn.t mrtent, 1 1 1,111 . 11.1 i 31arghall• LLfF Ca m ' 11111Miltkr. I,lltr 10r and it." , 11 . 1 ' 1 1, 1 : . 1 1 . 1 . 111 1 1111 . Mnr.,ll ttt 3 r r 1 - .0111 , r puma,. eqq.ly c.n lokattl. IDcLS IV ,1 OR G LAS 4 ;OW. LIVERPOOL , AND Z E.. , V 1❑1.1.E—T1,.. xtramor trl Y. 11.1.:. Wm :I.l.m.mmlor. will Ir3vt. t M M 1 0R. ZA N ESI . I I,LE —The tit e ll vii d eF.4 7 i ur oho...and intilagnallate thta rut Par frai..at appl A~Faili I.A PACKET FOR 2 ._,, NVIIKEI.I,, rwxyisii.—Th...c r ta2. rapt., S. Crain. w him. aa Tunalt o at .1 a'vlack r. a. . For friiiirliCor on to JOHN FLACK, Act 111E6;1'1.AR WII}:ELING AND r , I A SF %Ili KT —Tlio fort it. Joni r 11. Yo., will roiritlar poi lietwiiiin torl rtor, 1., E., t1,.11x1.41., nod oi or, Tloirilui lor 0.1,‘ , 11.1:41. Irnior nrioriiiion i and riunitiih oirri Fmk, nft.nunn Et kr frolirti, joiroinizo.appir or to !frl,,, NV /I WIIKELEII. • 1. to-tr part. -tonno.r I . .of!: /• rldrzottor lirr rrintlar trd ookl trio. I•rttt.•.l ‘lll,llntt. I•ittaldrrtrlt nt 0 , 1..: tloroln Wodtt.-rtlnt nod Fridur, and ,turoto.. - . Or-Onte ovo, Tur-rtnt Thor-Inr nod rallirdet •ttrrl... trr,III or parrn,..autr on lArtr.t, r nnl` AI:11,710 INIt I. dotrylltr. ; ir .1 It NV F: I ) NESIIA 11 1,1 I. rt. 11NC! ' , NATI. Jrtotodhrun Thsr . .0...4 Iron!. dr 1..11. 11.1.V11/rl , of IL. -trnno-r Iran , Sdn zoo. nod otlo-rr. for tIo. hod I . ll.l.nrch nO.I Idarr • vort lor Cittemnuti, Om, O.- Now Kod -1.1101 tor fn-orltl • r rtarond. nordt on Ind.,. nr turd/ Ii It tl I LTt.NIII:IttIKIL. trot TRANSPORTATION S DIN! ERIMANGE)I EN TS. 8 1111: NEA"I,:‘ Nl4 It 111.14. in V/1 nrnvrs rn THU. DE[l , lll,l GOOD In LLA T AND TELEGRAPH Nall Lines of Splendid New Troy Built Coaches for Hollidaysburg. And t:orn 21.: Mar, hy t e NEW PEN NSY LV ANI A RAIL ROA I/ ,~ e~=~ =-==~: N.,v . 1 ork. and Italtiona, / 1 11, T 1 1111.14.1 • 1 il,ll Ext., !..1,1 , ..! 111. UM' . .,n. • ... 1 , 1,11 w... TV, • . " ..irri . li.•., , ntr rn in, ,I, ~...1 ..,..1.1,..,.41,,.. ~.r J. . 1.1 ~.. ....z ~.1. dr." . SO 1.1 .1.. V....,?..m."!..... 1 . .....,,, ..., I!...unpr. 1.16.• U... It., . t.,„,„. .. . i ,„, 4 04. .. . !"3.!,.....1 nt 11..re.1.1..., .1.v....t ~!! 11.. ...r,11..1" !I, ...,...‘ , 04 .. „.„41.0 .1.,i ~,...... 1, .. , 1,1. ,r ~1..n..........4.1. r,.nto. V- n • ~,,, ~,,,••• ~., ~...• ,L,• ' ... , r' ,... Ur , r ''' . nl. irr the 1.... r 5r..... man..1.1."tur...1. 11 H...... fr...lv- .• ••.1 ...1.1 . 1 1 ,, • I K. :!,..1 !..11 via ....1-4,1... 111.•13,4, .r, %, ...,.1, %I. t_. ..;.;-TT.:,...r, ;;,.i,i,..:11'•i:,::1,!rh!.",",',',117.:74'1c: 1 i '‘, 1 1 .1 \ - i l' 1, 1 I rA. 71 1 1 . !1 ' :.' I V i ,I l A ,1 : 1 :. , 1 ,1 ; .:.\•• T:.."1'1,'1.:::;11.';, 1 ! ~ -. 1 . .. ;;; - col ' ;. • !..rni.l. Ir. th., ~,,I, ei. M.! 1.. tra....,.... • . i..t..r tt.....,:. .r 11 11 to 11....:1,, .1 1.., ',rt.!" • . pot ..1..... , r 0 4 , :ml d..1i5.1,1 In Mu" Nat tn . .. , • l, 11. 1:1 , 01.t II , 10. ,a , fr..e. of . - 1:ar,... Ncirhargr fnr ca.... 1. Itanvls ... . ---- - •or 0.i., 4nt cLaryvti extza ...pat our, liirtghams'. Transportation Line. ' TIIPAD4)11I1 LF..N . T. 1111, - 55 'N.,!...au .I-. N... )rk.., n... , ,rk: I,S 51. 3 - 4.-- ----1 Murphy's Self-Sealing Advertising Envel, • 1.11,1,.., ope. Pirrsitr w; II e. THE EASTEIZN CITIES. V( ~ 263 M A I.ISoN ST.. NEW YOIIK._ TII E c•k N A I, l , einz .1 ,, w 0 1.4 . u. I , ar.• r , ..1- ,'I 11. ,, -.1..-,...r. „,••••,,i,nz thr p, non 0'3.11 Tr 11. . ,' ~, '.. '.., ‘ '.." P n.. l .th . 'ltd... 3,..4 tTI iI ::::,,rl'": 1:!:::.: '.:(.'17."..r.':;1211'1';'4ef d'l'..".ll‘ll,"Vii"i. ) ,, L.' II t• 5.14 .•, ,I .1.0 ...I T 3 t. , Ohl 1,' , 1 1, r ,„ 13,.n..1.:7 "'".....' " f ) "' ' - " W q" ' 1 "! .. '' ,, r''' ,-, rit , “ • t... ~."., ~,..1 all ,I.,•ti n 1,11.. v.... 14,110, r.. 1.., to t!...1...1t0n 1,-...1.!, nt..l , 1.r. - 1,a1..1., .4 VI 1.. r.......,..1 rola 11.,...tr.1....1 ' '., 1 . ; 11 „, 1 1:" - ST' 1.1 . 1 " i y......• !T...n . . 1 ... 1 , , 1, .." .1 1 - 11 7 i T. ,4 4 , .... i . , 1 , ..1 rt,ri 1,--1.. N., .1.1 3," r 4`ri ..... •I' Irrrirarr,lo, rr .1- ,'„.... ' '.'..' , '.''.....' !an.. .$ '•• lreu.i. " 4 .-. 1 • 11,11 • ii • f. 11 :4 14 4. 1 4 . 4 • •• • . 1 ! 1 1 . 1. "1 1111 , -1 11001,1 1441 0 1 4 null ' , about bevy Jr INei , .ler au tt. r nn. r.-ftured ....al them ..th I pot, the u....trnae letter. real nr ureaft. atedinte edt urn Id the ...and r. underl or dein, durinl Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal. ,tn the trttelot— tarrdrnal at a t m,. th e MOW Yr! E PEN N!.. V \ Nl.l tde e• I, letter t e rri n e. a no, all, advt.:U...mend a. lle " ''" stft.. to attract their r.fit. ni aft tnontult ho, Land. It 1 In. tellom tn.,. t , a.,.1 ,tor I , lu, 111, hich har tor t ear, and 111 i 41,141.440., ht ; 1,41 4 al rite, either wfitte r 1.11,1„ ,4 trasl paper, and a . r ~ .. Pro, . d / ,ffersq,orr mad, as u s entar. I . rinfilt: A all I at-r. Leath ono,. t.ro Whet, st t. 1444 v 4.141,040.1 10 I 14.1 ,. ..,1 ardl.nnt nnlar addr. ea. 1 . )1 '" 311 - ftt l qi Sc. .2.ft Medt.on ',nal, ;ter sort. tn•lrrs a, tneti.l,l t. yrnutp, ft I. ft tthe awn, Hawna.ll ‘l4 It, 14 ‘1,41 1 , ur C.... L.: tt 1411.111 1 / 1 4 .14 " t ;It:11147; 1;4.4Lif'117:117.-'6•'-"d ••••••"'.1141.104117' Professor A. C. Barry's Trieopherons; g bi r t 1:1) tlO3l POI: N I inf a lfi n and eurni, eruption., on the akin., of lite ,1111101 1 . net Internment, alai nu, •ttnu... turn such aa. sprain...de It rote this preperatlem - there Is . no such nI WI." The first dteurnalntn Am ntedleal men ..I the I,l4hett ....sinew, Nunn:tow dttrens of nll prof... ...nu, and ladle. ho hunt. umed it for rear, in theft- dr,- . 1 1041 111..141 Dart, trims( it It Ith . uue treord.that for roarttlir air, luzurtannn and curl to the hair. 4 ,14144111.111/1 scurf and dandruff, !walnut. wound, curing adraur. synu, stlnuo. Se o and ,eerie . Itinquara the the gland, 'and the mdse., 14 to 110 equal amour a 4.ettd nf da.mpottuda tatrertited in the put. Le treats. ttaal In private In rhenpneer tut well entrant., Barry'. Treennlternua unftralleal. The ..111. wear...n:4l tale of the artlql... hare enalltal the Inventor LI sort.), it /0 541 t h e per bottle, rthialt l• :rum 10 100 ttre create, Than the prive of ane other preparadext fir the h.ll. now tee a-, aelenr treettia,. on the hair and tin. Attu embraetnu the valuable directions far the cul tu nd prearrututts naturea choicest ornarpent. In T h e .eil enol Is anew 'worth the Monet T ale netitean the membrane., which constitute the 0011 /4110 the ham a [Orli drawn Ita austanatua (non Otte [repo. enveldfa.. Ter,. rinse. All din...a...0f Si,, hair on. tnnate tu the .4in of 'the bead. If the pores of the malt ure the Hood and outer fluids do not circu late freely thntuult the MIA. ,eatud. whieli feral tho root with mutant!, and Impart iefeurtle film, On. result is trurf. handrulT. shnltting n e t t .. hair. ...err nes, dryn , and hat - Auto, of I hr. liu,tn mid eoftra ena. no, le. rtimul,. the sidts to healthful action al* n et ts Trienitennar and the toft.l,l racorering theft e it, . II / 01114 /01101 4 awn., Ind l afftalinus of the 0 4.1,11130 .1 the sul...tratn of murelea and intetynnicat, 1.r. , ..tx and the, lleet ore the ,ame. It Is upon the Ain. nod the ulandt. that the Trieuulter,• ha. th. erct.. actian. in ull affection, and injury 01 dna, urge:, it is atrerrlun ramedy. rul.l larre bottle,.ti ro .L't no at trio principal of fice. Eff Itn,luar, 0.,, York, nod 17 the printlial inertia ants and druauLde thrttuulinut the halted btu.. and Cmrl,a dardltfint Very Valuable City Property for Sale. TOE uniler,igned Administrators of the etdate uf Tie mar Fr0nn,..1.,a.....1, offer for utile the enttre 4 , 010, 4 4 1 the. 4.1.11 it.,,.. rstirman. reentsnau of one It, feet lot frentittu .a! Liherty street, tavola, haer, ltu feet a Ind,. to 0 74.11 1 44 •1 t Mu., the tdrern qataLtnotau n• the 11n11 1 14411 i . i4411 41 4. 4 frwn.: nit 1.11, et ` rff..l nat.. Inchon, and 7 ... t e herej. ull. feet 1 1 inehea„ runtonu hat, teet to ra j ; 1 'wth the gran., tot 'table enunn rainfronting en aut alt, r.tt ft. t feel ' 72 ... '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ro • "" t)il"'"'". t ie •••'•••• • •• .• t • . 1 1 1 . 14;1 . 1 " 11 ' 4 1 r r o It. ludder• Apply ta it wl 'b.,: 1,-. vl,tc34, ,arraa•ya ti..• r•mr• t•• a ,;.a.:.•2••al• t that. '111 , 4,4. I, 01., lit . 1 11 . 113 , 11 a A I, .1, I T... I.lllr lim,i•am • Lill, r1 1 (1 NIE1:111.1 - NTS. NI.1NUF.1 1 "111:1-:1:S. AC —Wo nro I.n.rnutl to Mali, vontruct. tu tt,nu, out luun 1 hit ioto ot tr, niuttininicolatli, Ivry 1.1. onto, u rorluhtuno ..nth.. ti• •• tlo. l iNt I.Tl' C.innl s 5 I Pittsburgh Transportation Line. J Alias dC.IS N all a Cit. c r ..] m t .', J A MUS it Co.. 1,0,t0 Chorr, rt anal 3 South h./Ith A:net louwoen Mar4ot azi.l Chem: nut e,..l l llllitilelplila. 01. 1 1/NNtiliii A Co.. iu .Sorth taro, &Ulm., I_l .1vINI; fidly inn arrang., I . Dull, ye v3ll lir tutchitreit uiout thr 1, 1 1,11111, 1, 1, " Penriot Cann', to our, frohilit rind trout hurahi 111111 tule11 1 /.... w ,11 ek. 1, ° ,1111 . 1.111- Loutortlle. St. Lout- nu.l nil the l'Aut unit V 1 ort. hurer rah, ntul with more ilt,tholi 'union, than ant .J..et Lino All ohtNo.l la our Line are (till, rotereil , Inouranro. without eat charge to ouster. a prutuction niot reel!, uf!onliol tit an, other Line. All reutrunthiu. uh:rooti'l tu ouroo:rer turent, 11s11 al Cu.. On ntlio o:snub. L. 1 , ol , h. 1,0.1 ahil Lour it holtio lurt,t nith priiruht ntleutoin 1•Iile.l.II. Our Lino hno nocvit nerut , t, vrhteser vrlth the Iplux mt.( 1 1 1t4huruh Trail:lout/Wm, tune of Cii • t• 8 5 Merchants' Transportation Line; IA PEN ,l l"l.l.,:hi Ctsi thS ASIt 11,11.100111, i ) 11 1 012 Pill L.k1)E1.1 . 111.1 1 1 11:1•X'T-1SIT1.1- tit 111 1 ,1111 1 1 1 1 N ,.. 1 1 .5 th - .1 , 1 1 1.T1' ell . Oulu! hurt., SO, Penn tare.. 1' 'IIk II ILA N, Cent:. 111,1.. Noewl otnret. delphio We ore pret•or,l rvet•ive amount tnerrharnliat , ond ornd ore to .111 t, on the ,I•shibg ef the eon:AA to Hada deloloa. owl oil intermediate ot lower rot.. and in len, time Ilotn to so, [TwVI,I. Get- N 11. The meretue.l mind., et Truett. rm ri.k..l by the Von. Cetntohdetter. lor .tor Iteot• on the •••tAts , 011 peN•ye, out teedtbdit, of join; dotoodon lh nhord h 1 . 1 1 ,111. t 1' .1. AtrANI I.TV n tNI, i•tood llopht • 185 1 _ _ To Canal Boat Owners and. Transporters. t vir! . .• ; ~ ,, ,- . i , . :!: 1 t ,. ..1 tt,!, ,1it,rjr",1,11:,1,/,..,r,t),1r1...tr,...1,1,1,,,J,,,.r.11:t1. in tit nrnk i Part] vri, 1.-tni....1 Juhniitnn ii nnit Init.liorgli , turitiir the nntimin - n.,no. TIM.. triminlit,inn ii to Pit teniri:ll. . ....1 linnr.. - !nom l'ittoiiinr,li to Jiil,n.nie it., ..... • 11.11: I:It .1 r 00 1 , 1"1 . 11. (nr 11,11, ~ 1,/ 451 To Shippers of Merchandise, Produce. &c.. • RELIANrE HyrsiirE;(;li TRANspoi TATioN LINE:. ATRI,, or.. IToortriur, AlArlet. And : ni ll ll3l, 871.1.1. TAYI,I: A 5... Au•Aom. 1., rn McI'AD . EN S dOVODE ffMMI=M .ann. ~111 n et,11.• ta , ..111 l• 1...1.• • • I GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., BANKERS. IN EXCHANGE, COIN, DANK NOTES, .e. So 74 Awl). at.. not in Bank of Ilade,h. Not. •114 Draft. collerted ea all pada of thn bought and acid on ranunlasloa c..h7:ddlrT HARRISONJ SEWELL, Anomie at Law 'JP Otio Elate Oammtiodower tor wtakin Ition, Aak miof Prds, k dace—sV trect .i.V PHILADELPHIA •_ _ _ 1 11031.15 1111'E, BONNET 31A:cu. 1. .1111 7 1:ER. 41• ,outit riorocol .Strort. Oavove. ortout. on.t &bl:.:], vr. nw.w,a7l.. ..... ....... .. 211.1 . 12 11.110 A LEY, W(HiDIVAtit & Wlp.le -4:ro,rot, ".al Nlark,t rc, I % ll . l .lyhis, aryj 1/0",.111.s, EALI)„ IIUCKNOR . h. CO. ausaan 'MAI , l'phaeco o JI North anul I ANTELO - General Commis fu.,T r.irm Nlerrhant Lid Aoddranc,• n& on ndt.luarne.nt. a. of 1,4 nr, crum‘ll,eral ijanA.dedn 11.41.ZRT 1.1174.2,131. trk—mavrox. W. POINDEVI'EIi & CO., General • ( I .nuniv.lon and Fckmardina M..rehuda and Flour rrm. N larkut tdrovt.n. 1 1 2.5 - To Southetn and Western Merchants. 114. 01 , 5F.1.1, S PICE3tILI:II .PERFOIERY. 4. The antra-rib, reef...tro ll y birtles public attention toll. exu.usiro start of Perfuntery.tionps.Sbarttf Creuns. ke.. to w hieh sever, Miser and two Golden Medal, barn. within the 10.1 nix sear.. 0,11 314/0110,1 by the Tomtit oft, of ,S. , se York, Roston. and Phlleslelphnt, the latter bring tun only 1.1.1 en Mosi‘Ln ever awarded. for twrfumery Other to E, nis. or in !Ilk enuntry. hot'lm.t.',. Tatra stud. , 114,..17 CELAN. (Al b mond. R, and Amnisinl.l unlver•ally seknowlnlged to beauperi oar or to any Phasing Oran, In this counta7 or Europe, lumens's, ron Sittrrso—lleautifully tratt , Parents and po..sessing hiyhis rat...nu-mu, and etnollient proPertte. Salsumeroos ronlpnutal, Atubrosial Sharing Tablet; Milita y sllossing 1,1111. Fr...11/INI Tottril Shunt—Almon& Eon, Millelleura. Mu nn, l'i..ehin, 1.1,1.,: Patehounly, Ihunibus , Floating. Tr...parrot. (111. 011, Iriruhstr. and Cirettssian. 1,10 Wr. P.l: run. 1140Kutrturts.—Rm. J11$111iLt• 110 - ....., .1, Caroline. Gem:wont. Jenny Lind. louseeline.Joek. e, Chilt. ,11,11,0114 (lemon.. Citzmaelle. Itnant. and many oil er sari..., to all si tt y dd.. at perfumes. runny it sres.s— Florida It tier, Eno de Toilette, Oran.. Elrwst , V , lter. and • 'rest variety of Colotrue• and. haven- Par..1710%S ruastalionnios. Benrs'oll. Antique 0:1. Itatrlninte Eau L.A.-ale, tfielneillompound On Mar ,,, /lair Dye,. liquid and In powder, and Phllooome,Riefr nine. and Jrnno Lind Pomades. lharsartioas--Italaamir Elixir. Itnese Tooth Pus.. rhortsnal Itrntrif,.., Oduntisu. Tooth Paste.and Tooth Corstrrtcs—Veietable llasnartie Crram. Amondlne fur el.,pped hands, hold (lrrant of Thewa. Cnsam de, Porn, Lip . tiolve..liosph.rry Creams .... Detolatnrs Poi.ders. for ' , swirls. superfluous hair, Pearl I, wder. I inohtre de lino,. Annut. Vinegar, Virt.ria (lair C0n ( 0r.11.1.,n. Prrston rah.. ' hesides a errat variety of ocher artirles, tsu, nuturrom, to ho umnssi in this advertio., The suilseriher hopesln maintain the reputation whish lb.. establishment hoe anduirssl. by dist...lug of nothing but find rote anis., and will le , happy to famish them who may n 1.1, to ;mind.. him, either wholevda or retail , n o a, rrasonahl e trrula a e ony rstablishment in the Li ultrd ZAVIEIt HAZIN, eurt.....r to and former IlLreetor of the Lahorat...ry ELIGENE ROUSELL, (1,. lid Churiut at. florin'. Perfumery Is fur sale by all the prlneipal Ilrothriste In the root:try. - -,'•-'r NEW YORK. • A. & G. A. ARNOITX, )11 A.PE ..ri-.,,T.,,k,11‘,01tt5;:c0,:,,tr :30;i1 . Br i oad : st• Vork. reepootmt, attontim of friends shit ti.. pulillo to thole mieortmetit of now rPRINIi GODS.. of the new..., potion, is hula they aro polaris! to mato up h mann, and noel fashinuablo style. at their u•tial motor...mins. Froth Clnebs, Casiiineros and Yoe, ins.. laimt husortatlousselogant light alike fur Vests dark Ai do.; s pattorn.nf fawn Embroideries. There sro Or, skillful artist. tot to this retablishMent— ono to cut UATS. one to rut PANTS. and eine to cut it A IrTeitATS. departmont it maple. V and SA11" N I male orilot. with scou rs, and h! mid to tho mist appimeed ranszore whit volt Till. niotroloilis will find at thin ustsb b.litziont Wing to their tool, mid a tin. porleot tit r ' I 7 I " VAISTINIA —lm o ., that wore . oi eiltinnol at barr. /men the nr. ,r , t10,111) 4.1 tit, Awerirmo at Moir tate L.... f.. 1,1111. Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. 1, 4 1 S. 3111, LS; No. CORTI.ANDT ST.. IF/ . rt Sta,... NEW lolto. 100 now copunding ono. of lAro. Fool n 010..., ~, r nswilts '4' SPITING AND •Ira+l. Alto LATE frr.:ll 0,.. Pans Sohlov. rTA.1,..1 W. ntentuntn non! onortnotinrl, n•ln,orol No The topror, t mob, • V•no. n 00-to nlo•onlisl Oon, oof PIItA,ToLS AND I RI: r00 , 01,n, of friwoll nod plain vollon olk and Turk Satin Panools. Awl Cotton Awl ITOw. , ThAto 1 4116,0 m, All of a t o ol. lseb 0111 lA. offorod at airsnw3 I t, . our Western blends Lo ga aaouo oor t..foro (Is, StIoW sTA ITS. for rshiEitlng Spas IA and Nlnnolla.... pot In ra.., tran , ,oatlon. fol.llAl SPRING IMPORTATIONS. • • e. It. 11A11.118 CO CII 47 OTREET, NEW YORK, I .IA V ETIONE and arr. e/m.t.,ntly to- ntontlnorin. the cool cAtiosairenAsAlnisnEof GIKIDS ot, Is-fort. taros!, rtrl rnrn, oho. o. lAT—I mrh.st o, los of CrATAIAAShIrSA. silk., ITn.olng Gowns. Ilin , lkerchier, Erans, Iwo.. Collar, aft IT a Vail., TTher to OK, line of husars,, All of whi. h will an .1 Ow rer, prios. Our Wrawro frond. Ain loAtteLl esToolos our folsAITOn. ' Sliperior Black Writing and Copying Ink. DIPIRE INK. sT Nt.,au street, II FAIRNIAN.br It. CA MPIIEL 1.. ..,....! 1 ,11mr..:' , 1 I. t . 1 , t.q" ) •1 1 F. :Nl 0 . V :, \ 1.. — . 1. ; ' , :: 6 , i s :s it,:7,,,-1.1,ENNF4.141,11:11,1,,ie tA.., . 1,-.:rlrpt .t.•..1 1 .1.1•.....'V0/!..7 6 L1 , .1. l'itt•b.trall atail. (1A DI F:S . VI. EEC Y SI Lk ll LOV'ES, an ii ~.11 „ . n 0 , . 1 .1 ...1 t ~ :f r t, Int, 1,!,..re---an lin•orttnent to be MURPHY a BURCHFIELD. IA PI W INTER of various fj imtludtog a to, acid. of Wool 'and IBIR. to lt.ol at He tat., ot 31 UK I . IIY crttelivirlt.). 11:1:1NO .0 el )170N UNI)Efi,9ITRTS : ➢tut t In.. I:FIELD ku . en ruuurtanent of the Gauze 31erinv Axel ithrico 1 W.kol hreaers. feta I LE I➢ I'E.ICII ES—A snTalIT---,t. re7elved fur .ale 1., ie.ll • 11'31. A. )leCiailtfl t La/ Sii EEl'l NGS — llousekeepors, and y y th. o . epent, for tints et rod at end vik, 4 hoe I, in. 1.1 gore. tiorthenet eorher of Fourth end 31,1:et aeiortntent of hheeting 3 1cellue, born fill, rthere rants obi, hirarhed aim) unblettelog Nruihne, Horn tablerl.,l hi. table hare,. t wel. .Irupern mid era,lL anal leitt,elreekina aeneri9lT. I'.lll'C. N F trxa ijna Cincinnati ma tactur,.on hand and for .ale L t WALLINGFoIiD s co. CA ItLET itTA IN CIIINTZ, of diffor -1~7 wattle; at low .etet the gun. of ehl 31 Cg PI I 1 - - - IZOWN L:l\\'}:L , n Itonici.tie Atti@ei Aloe It lute, hum.), hreen. afJ 3lasertne Mae, to I Imow at the atetv er Lela .31 till PI 1Y A IICIICIIFIELD. Sellers' Cough S= cu p Illinois. jj71)(1}: I. [ERA! Aiddlerort. Inaluaise cat,. wrap.. ureter hoe of Jae nary 17th. 1331, that he 111 e leen troubleniore , with • cough Ear haratial bl ill leg rear erica caill him to hie bild.sarequirerl ear, . haring the atunther hetreatment air three ru , he got tette, lint therouLb continued Ndletere. 41m I r lac end night whIVI chi, relieved. hi the nee Of ehrb a gm:lint by the nab.. tilt..thi nie,:hi ettli t*tir:m the ate, atoll.. ll Chapin had fOlld the S,• great toe in hie tertuly.ittal wLen mining (roc, Ohio, filteru 'bottles With . .r.hi,hjuaaie I Pier . ..ol4=CM end urea with that[ Cenetit.w be other MHOS &Del to :Mud relief. p r ,,,,errea :od Bola by IL E. S6LIJZFIJ3„ 5T Wool itt. • Zold by drysyists luayltyln Cho torocttle mad Ykiattr 16113 BALTIMORE BONN, BRO. & 00, kItAVE REMOVED fmm 2Co. 22 South Cherie@ striwtoto the new warehome cm the NoTII tvitEl t we ed Cil t ILL!, tAlt Bikitb ax.arra hen. theyomducting the NVIIOLSNALIVVOIIOOOO Wo rant prmnl runt Minn of eginla. tor a regular euoply ot the ell. mew.. Sleeking Hied, 1. and Is lb` • end n'• Bell• of I ironia.l and b 11,.by relehnd.l sun eared; p tali g:.Tr'idpe,l7llolllMßV, and IFS of all ' aind. are Wee Sole teeny I' r • /I b \ Hill L TOBACCO. I .mf T tin ef l of t,. eMl i no. lying Retie, of nue ympokT PHIS t ~1:1: La.,le arid Herim bratuLa Palm. YD Balite, re fetil,llrt, BONN, )IP.O CO. AULT S ENGLISH GARDEN SEEDS, &O. .." ler,gned llorteultinist s and Seed,' o l f itr.h and eleinity„ that t to inform hey would delhtht the ut so. 14 , a- t 11, rir..tier. artvla e rl the ue. of 111-tar'r Ilalrnal of I , IM Rarry. pry treorrl.l,...my father proeur.-1 it. cost returner:red admim eterina it Ir•rnr, atol fe.to r.t slat I ronotutened tr:..- 4,0 it toy Is. alth ant in ran arr.. hem the / renme - real men.: it. Ia al 1,4 le' out and Pier ree o on 4 nhlt u. It I .111 rontinne de. I ,ate te%en f .4r La thr Ll:a:rein., and non i:under nryaolf ur:l. J1.16.)1111.1 Cr CI et t CI.0" • !'MITT. LSAT, . JCIIN 7, 07,,„.7,,.,7 . fty.r r.ld, 7, i,lt t 7 nicx.r. I vs. ta nal,n m Anyll m. • 1-1- the tr.- • u.r.t,,,lct,c,ump. ~ an WN4 .• , :th •.1 7 , tn,-ht eirdatt. I •m 11 , 7,e I .matitt,v,l n thy Ill': matt! ntd:r7,1 , 77. • twy , sti7,7l fotyr, 7n.r7,1, de, 4.7,14 Id , m t 7- ”t. thot.gh , 7 7. my Yyt. rdm , ,,tl.i.t thefts:-4 ,d. I. n.l, ,I . Ll3l . !.. nadd I,• F• I AnNil, ti, emit taking ma 7r•tt,t:,. nr.trrtt that r trat cur I. u. i ... i um] ch.twfully luct,t I 1.. n:1 , b-,.. 1 11,1,1 Ulth ‘r.,!.1 '4l to [l,, 31‘.t. two 4: C. 0.,• du no: eff,i Me. I).Te no .I.la with rcnewt4 alts , ::nri In. Dr. I{. Manft.r.b.S Pbrke—l take tEir yy,..,..-tunity of !n• 3vo .r 1 a my , t — ryfr-wybrnbb. ywrfrmayed nonn , n. by the 11.0 4 ab W:ble.burry. lo the year 1`.4... I • inlbzimaYlual of the b.., which 1 1ab0y....1 irtyn rerod. In the f4:l of 1,1 I with a otrore cord. vrithil Ito, ailfur Ili.. •of rtirwe VAT^ i ~.nt:ed u;tried MI iitd , of nowtleitt... wii.irrrry Knott. of ef.l. without bow, t. nr..l Usti, I it oar:, along hoc vii.tcr of 11 , 10. as I hoar) .if lir. It of Will Cherry., 01y itit'Odt 'tom:tatted eti. W .ie it li trial , thou:J. I ityl wit all holy, of riwwit ow-1110.1 yropor..l zwy.elf for it hang , . of an , itlior Thrt thoir.l.llritst.or..sf writ indite...l to male tow. ot the oritti.t, Wt..tar'w Ifttltara of Chorry. the raret rut tru:v wwtoni...hitig. lnn titror 'cart LI aCticti. an at,: •wiftriag. and irtl,ir harintt -owiit tour or fit.. boort...lt...Var. to no portro.i and u oc anal 14..1 t ruled ttutttwl:. waif. I ita.t oun rtntored I:e.wirit by the I.!etwirit cf ...land do. awe of lir. li."tittr.r . , toi/tassi Of IVll.leherry. o h o 1.1,.,, tt 0, of rot!. utwri iroprietorr cif to valuable a trityitotne trl . ..t.tr't Iftlitarit IVild Cherry. lour. ro.tptrtfulty. N ,u. IL 1:14N.L. Nra r Eunf.lrol a Park.) FOnith %rt.! n'alnt:t Ci art r.vnLi. liananal Agent fer . tLe niuth and lle, to Irliinn a 0 mina 1. alirwtad. J. Lila! //..0. Fal.naolock L Cn., J. A. Jon,,, L. 1., .1. 11,1.Inan, Allegheny elty, 1.. T. Ilua,cll. 11 1,1.:n...,:nun , 1.. 11 i 3 nicutnarn. If. lirren,bora S. finn,t,., ,Inn, I:llrunne. Ileal,n1; goal &Sin. 1 :r. Or:, llngidarvanr:, :Ina.arn.na a C.... Inliann: .1. 11. 11 nalo.- iintannt.g 1.1411. a CO, .1 .1 non. 11. aynatburn: 1 1..Faralnd N. Callnnaar. llnt.nn a C... l:raLarn haat,. Olarrar. jay,. 1 - :enT Co. - Ewa: r:r. J. O. Sununcrom. Nararrn P. L. a n. Joas. 11azdarq.nr1, P. erooker,jr.. grvccurg 11.1,11.3awaniT Closing ont the ntire Stock.. RE:IT BARGAINS.—A further reduc -3 hy The sub.a.riber wishing to eh.e. cot the hall,nce cf his stork of 'Esn,, , and Ptahle Dr, Goods by the Irt of April next, woqh.l re,orrtroDr rap G. .tke.toft of IN std elPtnnti et and oh. pul , lir. oho an. In not of p 4 goof, at 11y per rens h ,FAr fonrp, .:Irete. To sop ,reou wi , hing to rttrto.n... t twner , c4:' , sJelet,tx.r.t.tl.4 00004 6. a 0.0.1 opportunity, a, he pr.. or the •nr , of the stork 00 , hberzlh om-. with .:rue of thirst,. 00.0 " VAT.."' J. 111 .• S bEtn =lli -40 1,111, (il,ver S. Itilthf...trklCK n LAN k ETS! BLANKETS:': MURPHY _UPR 111:itCHFIELD hay. o Lanq a cow A.Aorme ut n... 1 II ,f nli 1.1, .Itrf,,,nt qualitl,,:in,!.ling a ftw of extra Os, an.l,uallt3, all of whith are now offnxt at tr. - Wm./yr:La,. 101,1) LOCK ETPL- 7 1 reerired a large uthi '"" 1.1 , 4 ION DO TAPERS;-50 doz. for by I A J. KIDD A ILEA r WALL PAVER—Frera 6 14 unite a large aril'irqu,lit, Pa- hy P. 31 ATIMIALL. 171lAPPI NG AND PRINTINO PAPER hl_ n -bp.: W, r V H • IITE _bbls, for sale by IzA lASI bICICEY a CO. V Water ant Enna an: ii.tml , n(fic- - -: . eri .._____ , bbls or ta e,y .... fehlo R E. SELLER,I, [...WW11 BAYBEtia-2. bbt:: fer sale by IL fetan I, r E. su.k.r.s. ______ . . . . . g I OPPERA.S--ly bbls Eir saie br. 1„./ s•Ein E f .:LLEILF, .. . .__ -_____ 1 7 lAL CORKS--H p 0 gro,s i;lr sale by .• twin E. E. Er.i.rm. NOUSE Di LAiNES--Printed anti !Kaki . 4.• . -, lnr , . in ~.^,-1( vArin:y and /:t . varion4 prirert 4. t 4 Mt. _ 41.(nre . .!4 . A. 140 _yl.:1:1•111" 0 11 c_Rctiyi E_LD. , • TE 11031E-31A IIE FLANNEL-- VI mrr-HiTtBURCI7FIELTP a g 4 ielr of .bola to bras sena pr r klr v =4:LtiaoPlaidg.m o 1 1: tl.