The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 11, 1851, Image 1

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. •
• •
. - "TAB
• _ - • _______
• to. 0. ,:ntirr- LOAXLII BMW.
Ofiriel on 'man - r , 00.1. T 1.11 TO THE MIT Ortlar.
• ,1111.118.
DATLY.‘S , renu dollots per annum, 100A0I. half fearl
Yrs Dormer If paid in admix,.
WHIM LY—Two thOlsta a.a anntim, in .berme. eta
1111.• sun/dial on tit , followlnir bou.littarthe
PM fludeo .1.,
Ton i>.ifies ..... ........ 01
Tim p.u . kot for ...sob Clot. to la eildreead to on e peraot
imam" hi paid hirariald, in &testae.. No Club Papers wi
be sent efkr the year emote., auk,. the money Is fleXr,(
• renewal.
Oa Maas(ld Intro of Non pap .11 or ' Lao)
otto inattlott..- a 0 to
Do. each Additional imartiollo
• (v. othroa wookao ........ 4
( 110. • fifio onth
D m
N.. two rtiOntho 7 00
Do. throe month.. 9 CO
Do. four months • 10 00
Dm oix mouth.. 12 00
Btaralatt Catd• (~lima or loos. tar annum—SS 00
Orm. Dollar for rub nddiUmial
le.. ' •
(Me Name. ohm: re at plineantre (tar tot -
Paml ...ultimo. of lb. owe
For melt adddsmai alum, imarted over one month. and
fir each additional arillare inserted under the yearly rates,
half prim.
, • Adtarti•aneets extroding a manta, MA tart over Illfteen
Dam, to be obansool es a atuero and a halt. •
Publisher. not aotanntablo for legal advert:Dements ho
-700.11 the auntunt ehortted for their bablimtios.
• Abnormal. candid.. fin Mho, to be elsaroad the ram.
'as olltor advertiser... Mo.
Advertiteeum not marked on the. copy tor riwaified
madame of tn
ina.rtifins, lo continued till forbid... 3 raT
meat ameled Ise-motive] r. ,
The Privilege ofaftnutll advertlsonei. strictly limited to
their own Dam...limn fl.:moot awl all odrertioements for
the benefit of other tarots, te. well an PH rertiattuonto not
immediately anntertod will( Door own Intrinem. Imo! all
Marten of advortioeutonto. in !earth Or othernis, larond
the Volta ranged. 10. oharood at the neunl latra For
A/J mid( troutioot Alrertiodtg. bills. will bo agatrately
ronden•l, and pranpt raira..el is
All artvortloemordo tor rharitable Institution., fir fora-
IX‘rder. Waal, trArurtxp. v.l olhor pad... :mating, and
rush 114, Us Lo charged halliwbs . , I.yablo strictly in mi.
31oris, noli.a, to la r!...100.1 10 meta.
Death mares inarrtai without
unto. ereorotaa-
Med by funeral tont:dams or obituary antler., and when
so samialmnied to la nal.l 6r..
Regular adviatiaro, and all When eendins rommunica-
Hons. renuiring notices dtaigunt 1n r ol l attentbm to
Fairs. Sieves, Gmeorto. to. our Pan. onterlanoMords.
here charges exe outdo alanttanto—al finder. of OA.
rate assriallino.--..vory Tadao olvetonal in mil Attention hi
private onterpria., ealrulAto.l or
to prawn.. Indi
vidual 'mortar. ran only la 1.....1rted
If the tuttlordand
log thatthe salon 1. to La paid ho- • If inteadal to 10. in
serted in M.. lood cabana. Itin raure•rill be ober - trod at the
rats of cot lea. than 1.1 coats per Ilse.
Illthop or , the Notice• to be rhargml trifilr brim ,
Toren% Lorna. Petition.. (...lam b.
Deal Kstat. Aron, - sod Auctinolan , mlrortisementa not
to be elassed undor yearly rat., Ind to
e e ollornd a dis
count of thirty them mu/ ono taw pe met from the
amount of but
611,ELT lefia el et ' IN r-Irrirs
JIM. Square. rbtar.(,o
1/o, mall additien4 inoorti.m
nrar.Tfilalf..NTA 10 WELKIN Parra.
One Square, (10 bora) one 1merti0n—......1.0 emits.
Do. awl( Additional Intortion.....-2.1 ernes.
All trouoleat advent... do to bo paid in advance.
TOIIN A. PARKINSON. Alderman, Fifth
es Wen!. Peon Ftreettowween O'llora nod Woltint All
Nunn. promMl7 l aLlidli , 111 .
• . • ATTORNEYS. . •
W.. F. Attonmv Late--Of
ej/ a Ice on Grant Ftreet. near Fourth', in Mahon . Build.
hag. Pittaburgh. Pm • • tochgtly
rte soy a
mat r Law and (Vat Estero Agents,
fe b N 0.107
l ath
T AMES J. KUHN, Attorney at Low, office,
to Tilightinm flaW r eorner of Grout street met Districiod
Pittsburgh. 1 • .
.IL COLLIER, Attorney at Law, office
itt Loirrie l o 11u1L1Inap, Fourth at above Stalthfield.
rimy . formal a rouaeclann. with 11m.-Nourse, EN., of
Was rimy.
City. (formerly of tie Land Care.) he is pre`
tutee tO Mete Proper etteothortortbe prorititig of Loud
Warrants. Pnsious, te a end to the poramtion of chime
belcanpougrees, or any of the deportment. .OW7
11 - A I MES F. KERR, Attorney at Law—Offietl
er 4th at, between tbaltbfield and Grant. PittshtleSh.
LIRANCIS E. F L A.NEIIIN, Attorney atlaw,
:(0.142 Fourth street Pitttburgh. •
nor,., IMAM. MST- X. whose. 4 5 ... TOWS & 'WATSON, Attorneya at Law,
' - No. 110 Fourth street filtrrlnargh.
amannie—Aleamiter De, John Snyder. Em., Her
ron, Shirai/mu A Ott Wm. D. Prier John Fleming; At
...tent; tion. V. Jorge.. Pittsburgh. 0.11 y
EfMAUD P. JONES, Attorney at Law:
Office on Fourth nowt between Wood end Smith
ASPER E.. BRA - DY, Attorney. at Law,
u N 0.99 Fifth street. Pittsburgh, P. •
_ _ _
H. WILLIAMS CO.. * Bankers
end Riehanue Berbera, North YAM eeI...A(IVA. ,
and 7'R r ri dare. rittabarah.
All tratimietiane pule on liberal terms, sad ralleellan•
yriaerptle atten.leA , ta. jaSaly
11..- I: , ...K ri lls;i , x, 8. ,, :i t 0 , L ., - , e , r , a , 1 , 1,
B 1
. F . .,..x i, ci .,. a ., g . Iller , : f lc[r . ,.
tange.thdal and :tilt,. Fned, Ikeggltt and oak..
The blehr4fdnark,t prire tool In 1 ,,,,, i..1 7,, Anu'1ietn4
!MS. Loner Ned Neale-an mod eenova ono., in 10.24 on-
W 3 . LAI:ISIEIi, :Ili.. Banker and Broker,
,1 eh ,eant. Ne co, adjoinlne the 'lank of thltetinth.
11 , LK INS .o CO. Exchange Brokere,
h Ca4t. Ccrer;er of mini and Market etreeta . All
Auction at next demi rate, ~
lj HO 11ES & SON; Bealere in Foreign
yi • and roeltie Mlle of rarhance,CertiLcatee of De.
podte. Bank N tee and Spcie, No. Col Market Atte!. Pitt,-
burgh._ - 145.1.10 Welting made on all the principal citkz
D \ lc
. throughout the .nited Vlat..4. -
----- - -
GORGE E. ARNOLD k, CO., Banker.:
Deal." 11. Exchango. Coln. Bank Neon. Or.. No. 04
Yourt.h carefu l )xt door to nod nk of. Plttebure.h. Col.
I eetloas atteudel to.he pmreede remitted to
any part of tho Ilnion. i
. .
RA3IEIt & RJIIM. Bankers and Ex
change Brokerr, Dealers In Fong. an 4 13ntrmethr
lI ~KNg Exthant, Certifleates 1/.l.tite. Bank
cornet of Third arAI W.. 1 str.,et, dlrortly oppraite
the It. Charles TINA.
CAROTIIERS & CO., Banking Ijouse,
. N 0.15 Wnol sto•ot. Patnion2ln. Corr.of 3lnner.
trio.] on portvit. Colloot.ton, on all ciao orindpol
eltWo of the
AIRD S !PAIN. Commission .Merrhstnts
Ikal and Bill llerkrn. No.lll ,trect, forknal and
ILOal. ,ornrito.• from SIOllo $lO , O , oho. , oo Lem!
aaHueco, Hanna 0 Co.. lisacrac, hiarnamo
deairra in Forehzu Riiniati..Exchailac. o,llth-citric
Deppdt, Bank Nine.. Soui•ii.--North IVrat earner of
Wood and Third char, Comm Mon,c no 'did on Dr-
Fro% tt n i: t 1 . 1; t 117.1" ; :.
The hignent onnoium paid for lorolzin aim American
Adcancos made nu conai on:Imola at Probs.", chipped cart.
on liberal torinc.
W. T A Yana Conmilfsioner and Mil
CI Broke, ananitlrtowill ho
RI , . to i•sitrtuni.l to hi. ran, Pinotiurnh
marinfortorod on hood or wrocariiiiwl. Anon
notion. Not., Itond, Morino.n., sr., iionntnit.l on f ror
aWe Vim, Mini:win mod. irrenuired. try
C. STOCKTON. late.Jullnsta & Stock
oon.. Bonk...Her. Stationer. Printer. and Bind,. co,
• wr of Market and Third
AS. B. 110L'AIES' Cheap Literary Dopnt,
Thirst ftreet, appt.ele the Pc..t Deb, Nor V.I. re
4. by e
daily xert.... Sebecrirtione reeehre4 neY of
the 314.-l Der or !kevri.atwn., pe , 44xed r 'at the publisher': ,
Lib ...HOPKINS. Hook... , dlezi -- id Stationer
AIL. Igo. 78 Fourth ;dutch Apollo!
pAVIII BOWN, JR., Madesale and Retail
BakPr. Confortt.anvr. rciottlt strert. riltslorg.
.411Ing Cake, et.r.4 Fency Con firtiqnary. ahay. 0 . land.
All order. Dunetcull
Ittr Ma
M'CLINTOCK, nufacturerand Ira
„ t. (lotto, Ream Bost him
No 85 Fourth Id.
et. --- •- - -
A. McANULTY &tt CO—TranFporters,
. Yoranlin, told Cotontlt.lpit lletehentm.
Canal IttAn. 40,Ponu tt:wt. ritt.banch. finis
TtloN trexma,
",i ComnitAlost 31errtaalt., No. Gt. Wet" Itrect,
WM. H. JOHNSTON, Forwarding and
rltken Com:III:Ann Men-ImA, !to. 112 Swam stmt..
IciER JONKg: Forwarding and Com
riaLatlan Morahnota.Saal7r. Snail:. and Tata.
bar lanuttetnnal arta ,
.aa. Cana/ Anna. bear Seventh
street. Pittatacrah.
CA. Ii'ANIJI.TY & CO.. Forwarding and
Camuilmfort 3frmhsntr, Comal Hvin . put.b.rßh.
A. A. vaair. ...... . ....
HARDY, JONES & CO., Successors to At-
Janes L Ca. ComatPaina and Forwardfez Sfrr.
n, elleale. Iltbburgli Nlannfmtuned Good,. PUG
_burgh. Pa.
• C. =meter,.; raurs.
SitACKLETT "CO--Woholeialt.
• Dellernin Fort.i4n and nantindlc Dry Cont.. Nn. 101
Arnet. Pllt!bargb. 4•1i14
A- A.XlaaX co-nee/erten vcrlincY &co., m.inaz.
A. ItIASON4 , Wholesnle find Retail
Dmlrya la Fancy sal CO. .
41sp!c Pry Ceces, 12 Market
(7111'1(i' ,Sr., dUIti3IIFIEI,II, WifoLEsALE
';t•.l. of YO,rth
Market l'il.lntrah.
urxisn. nnusa.
CO.. Commission
Mt.rrh.ntv—V.r thr nde Nrool^t, vml
alm.dmmm in All µlnd,. or TnSlore ?Hum.
Ing% xtrm-L Vmeth dcor from Pdl.6, Pitts
•M. o. n. ' tr. c. stenerm.
JiEYSE It . • (Successors to
to He r: a Itryrerd Wltetnide and Retail Drstir and
esCrlptlnacomer or. Bird atreet and Virgin idler.
Phrsielani rrevnationa rarrfultr colatonde =ht and
it- KIDD &CO., Wholesale I .
.17 In fitias. Rod lastralieutc—
,ovrietors or Dr. X' er , ebram harm it,46e. LIT.
dn , MNti and Long dyraN Nay , fa. Wood end
y o utt. ,treas, Ovdars will .• earerallf
with diapat.4.
0 esti, Na at wow ityrut#ash.
L. Sil :E. Wholesale Grocer, Conn;ission
• Hera'. t.. and, In Paper and llng,i, corner cf
ann and Ir. , ?dr.,. P.51..1,1,11.
UA 31 UEI I'. SIIIII 11:II, Wholesale liro=
`J r - a,. Pr , ner. vs, .. ni...ion , lerr.hanta. and Peal-
I ..r. n l'iltrbss •:, 51monfin Itartd .11tIelt, N... LPJ and IP)
..iror.od atn, I. ..In - ,,u 1 , 0. , ..1 anal itisslhfield, Plll,hurg.h.
lan- 1d.,...1,P111,11,01,114.
1 OLIN DILWORTII & CO., ICholcsalo 1
0r..e.,, Proderc and Conn:oh...h. Nlerrhant, and
Agra. Pm 11. rd Pots d.:r Co., or Ilnzardvillr, Cann.. N.
at Wood .- P I...rah.
J. 11UF..0211 ~..1 . .
D.UIIIIII/ ' lt .;I: fe, 1 Nil fl.AlL.A.llr,.kno)::s ' ate.
jUP 0 romr , al I. , ninaPdon Nh.rchatar Na. IN II an.
Ftrt.r.t, and twa •,, art., Pituburah. '
IL. ilin(, ' lATTiIEWS & CO„ Wholesalo
.liy. bruninni ~ and Pura:mint= 31..rchant., and
. g ,, sitn to Prl Mon Cutts. Van... N 7 NVist...r.., Pittsburgh.
... .. . . . . . .
J ,, 11171 W1.41,3i..
Joll\ W .TTI & CO., Wholesale Grocers.
P4.mlrd .Nlrrohnnt,, and IsPal. ri In Produce and
Pstt.tburgh :II afnetnre, No. ?...6 Liberty atmet. Pls..
Lurch, Pa.
. . . .
1 . B. CA FIELD„ late of Warren, Ohio,
It . rn i Z.lif i ri.ti' ` .....t. ' Vn ' aVc i" f2l!.VV:tit. ' r, dr‘o'n-hank;l
- .lab. and Wedern Produr. grnerall). WM, Mr...,
IN.trovn Sniiiht vhl au-I Irool. ll...burgh.
a a. a. a rrei,..{ IL I.ATII31•.
)_,S. WATER 3 I: I : I : Sz. SONS. Wholesale
. Grover, Conlnsho.i. and Forrazding 11.erchud,
n..; in nil
Z LT . t a n n e d . alsl ' i! '' cT ' t. / 4 = f l ' is . Tl
Lynelshtn , 'h Ca No.. Su and al Water
alreet, 111
& ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
on Merchant, NO. =7 Libor, atmet.
Enethfri •
{Five. and Lifi
Z•Ve bTrtr:
and Pittolluml
MOORE, Wholes&o Grocer,
a Udine, dealer In Predate. Pit4l.uteb
d ell kin& of Fortica and Domestic
No. 315 ltbert, etreet. On hand
Imperior old 3ionontathaa WhiqkeY.
low Li mth.
DALZ.ELL & CO Wholesale
rckfirrianlnrcleant , dealer+ la rmduce
Manuracturcs. 3 ..L3 Libert, etr.rt.
lA. CUNNINGIIA3I, Wholesale
..lure,Fonoranling. nal Coromiv , inn Met ,
:•8 - in l'illoburgh 31.utaeture, No.
4. ,2ar,E.i' ,
Wholll S ,144e5a113.11.T.
& CO.. e Geo
-5 113.. i ‘Vond I.ltbsbuuh. •
successors to
D. Whaemle Ora, Fonnuding
March... &min-% lo Imo. Nail, Ulm,
• d 1111.bur4h Slaman,turem
• I W.., stn... Ptl.4l.urch.
j & -
mond Commizmio •
Caton Yara,
clontrr Wmd
- ....... .........
& CLOUSE. Wholesale
I camitras,i•art Alt.rrtatit.. 1.4.1.. n Itt Ym
nth .I.:ll.mfarture..l Artt , /n. Iv. Litatrly
a. Pa.
alGClb Lb
• rore
an I Ptu.l
street, I tts.bur,
jD 'l5 II
• Kr [ILI
rebantn. and
51.0.1 urt.
l l eanlc and
ily Grama, Forwarding awl Cmmir4inn
.nlwr Coon.) Pnxture maul Ill%Aural
er of Wood awl FM sad, Pitt. burgh.
171'171.E & CO., Nu. 255
• L .1111.burgWholmaJ, nrorm. Pro•
len litre!, an., and .I.irni Iv l'iltrbulTb
m .111,11
0 BINS()
L 1.
and Comm( j
YP. ' Wholesale Grocers; Com
irrlt. and , ro In Prdur—lLnund
frontio.., on Liberty. W.X.IL anai Sllli.
it . FI,
1 JUN PAI KEA St CO.. WholysaleCr,wer,
0 Dynlynt in Inner. Yon-inn Win., Innwer. Oil Mean
nnynhein Iml 1L t1n..l WhbLet `tn. 5. nun,
Liberty et.. Patel urnh.
[Nal le INl4ll:llV6*.ilii4
jOIIN IL ".%
OJI Mu., and
,tatlnnerv. 'ok
WeAnn Penn.yl
with ne a nln " 'P
ELIA It Dealer in Pinno FOrtCS
tor Chicken:llf Kann Frt., La .
nnh — No. Al Woul rt-
gilElt. Deal, in Music. Mu
anci Im,rtrr of IlalLus nringf.
on. a Clark's grnnol d 14,1”1, 1un0*.
'Aran Alen.A ton I,clnluna'..
p k •- . ENNED CIII LDS ik CO., lilanufactii
mrs of v.. rturcrior 44 naernort.--Carpot. Chain.
Ilattlin, Penn Mill. Pit4burrdh.
6: 4 GIGO. Manufacturer. of Spring
ft and tee!, illour,ll,trel, Stool l'intfli
twh e In. Atlnt nod
ialerx Nlallr 14, Cartimnr. Fin. Eut.ine 14nnt4. gaol
Coach Trnan.l4. goncrallr, torn, of 1/.4. and Front rtp...
11_11117SISITI Gil ALKALI WORK S.—Ben-
Atti.: l l l =r,
No. 1169,t0r rt.. Fen,
;sod Asy.llr. Ifrmaiwo
, land lonlert,
Sbadr, , , Fer• VlVritar. 6, Ao.— nth... Printtne.
amti IVrappil. 1 IVc.I parr, , L. Fourtl.
alYlDiammulo.ll Iltt,hytaL.
j)F.A TYTL , 3_
MOICRIS y : trAwoirril, Tea and Wine
1.V.1. Slettbannt.i.a... rido of (lap Diamond. l'it4lourxh.
11 - 52. A. 311 . { . . 0 , 11 . 1.01
Av 3,1 . ..,,,, i i, : c, 1: 1,1 .. :„ ! .-;,.,,,,,,,( : ,0. ; e.,r. 1 .‘ :: .F. t, {ll
! IIIYP alwaya on 11 of a lan , aeNortm.n: of Choir.. Ortavr.
,at. and E1nr1.....k „.. .. 1 11.4.—Farrian f. ant.. and Nut... 13. 1,
pal. azal Mall. ... n. .uppinyl up 1.11. Inum u.rm..
_ . .
jOHN A. L'AUGHEY, Agent for the lake
el Erin and !ti,citnntrt Lints to Lloarer and the Late...—
Inn, on the corner of Wator end Smithfield Fru.
& CO, Transporters I v Canal
Ins 51prrban., ratner of I,,ian
Air fltl,!
a. wormier T.. 1 A. aurtasentr. an.
WESTE IVELT & SON, well known
. Venition 41Ind Maker, Iteep contlautly on hand or
In Imler 111 , 0 , 4 firticie In their line,
_At their old
etand. N 0.13 Ft.Cilalr stnot also. at No. Mt Market street.
111 ,
AMMO Mor y . en In the MA:DOTAL Venni. iihntters
tondo to order, an old blindif neatly repaired. spin
. A. B11011r," would nmstrespentfully inform.
II! thernhiir Ulla he keeps no hand at big stand on the rat
a is of the histrinj so d. Allegheny ally. a complete ...mimed
of Veultian blind al Uenitlito tilitillere are m ,
made to AAA
in the toot Orb. Parranteft ennol to 007 In the United
Statea Ills 1111 • can to ftwoora.witnout.tho aid of •
aereis drlper. Il ' ing purchased the snick. Pula and wood
of the cabinet,. blishmentof Runny it McClelland. I am
prepared to Cured their old euttinners. as well as the puke
tic at hug. with very thinzdn their tine.
Admen No. 6 Vaal strot, l'itteburuh.
nithins J. A. BROWN.
. _
Ipf Purl - mut—
Oenronn. Allegh
N. —Lkno,
tn , h4:l y
Pnren lbscr.rt
ritlrlertc, corner of Thlnl wtrert and E
Honer, Leib. tr., f cede.
Veterinary. Surgeon, Lnte
rub. tk-rollatnl. m!PPtfullY
bat hp ba.* rcanumPuevol prar.tle, Ow
sod, by careful attridinn 1•Im IA
arrnr.Ln to Ot te
Pa I, . mind O athtrou nod
n. bllnb;
.qmatit the pulihe
above profredon: I
in to bilrn.
In eormretion
Inseksmithinn in
M Tunnel ertreet
' LEE, Wool, DEALERS 111111
MrrrhAnt, 11, the rale a Aman..
I , r) LlL•erty a.. rictffiburKh.
11BAUGII, Wool Morel unto,
our und Produce Kenerully. am! 'l,m
-. I.4.n.llortinnty, No. 115 1/11,4 stn.rL
Mr 91
. _
)1 U R P II
JI, Cmmtnlv-sk).
. .
.k. _
L Dee.ler, in t
granlinft and Cr=
azi.l Ilt.P.,rtrul rt 1
Is Evit.LE Tot I NSON. Engraver on Worel,
Ig,, 11.111.11. et.. "m t,,
ei ~, eitobeeet.. I'..—Vieve. of
1 1 .rul ding,. Mart,rt.,. Helot. of NPW,Pll,,,Frentlia - pie<or.
latalArattro. Dr, lattelo. ID ..der.: 1 , .....,1r fur In•lrion, in
riell...•nd kaan.-1 lotor.C.ollon stasup,...t.r.. in the first ~r,"
~r art. moil at Mr lorrrat. t,....•
.. . . • -
AIT I LLIA3 sea Lief 13i A,`':::FLithogratith
v i,./...e..mi i...... 'Flom ~ ,,e , ovp.d.• a , " r" I
iroil;,,,vg..'l::,:k-t, r!:27ll.Z.VZ..3l7r,ij.Z'Zit';‘:l'll7..lea::
1,„;„.,.. nu.t ... and Vl•ititt., l'arta, u ttr, ruatale.l nr
drawn on Rm. al printed in tt , l.4a. o told. limn, or
Blatt. in tha tn. a...m.114 style, .11,1 Itt oh.. tarot mre.m.
ebb. rfirek.
Ptio,l ,
SONOkateltelt, Jevrelrv. Silver
1 31illtarr roq.. ,urntr vf StarkPt am
tsburuh, N. 11.-1% and Cluein
Fourth OF
carefully repal
1, 06=ILSON & CO., Importers and
IclAoleml• • hatirdware .41 EFuthvy. No.
ol etivotat••• rah.
NT.-Dent t, Corner rof Fourth
4., between Markst ad Nary ands,
hR. D. H
olesale Drug-
COCK s, co.. Wholerolle
t bite• Lead. 1:4.1
%Vt..' aulLPron% ntra44.4. Pitt.
Pittsburgh das Pipe and Tube Works.
T" .
utulersjsned have just completed their
Detder in
Mtnll., 1111, Vorvirthiv. to .kr,
4louvh. Pa. Gondp vr.rrantrO.
1V In
,IT-. Yantis/Ir, so.—
tomill •.l fliamood
AM. W1101..4:110 I)rtlggist
aunt Alrrleolloral lmtirm•nd.
rornor of tqatb.
• •
end e r. vowanufartmlng all AL. of I:AS PIPE, Lo-
romotivt-aarn i ther Iluvr. awl all Fir.
sh!ch 01Ter for salo t Liao lurs.t priry a. 710,-are
prvparer.l to execute onle, to any 1-10-nt, without 04.-
NO.Ol and 02 Water
nirrsilutou. PA.
N/ I
N O BLB—Cio- Flouring
NUL,Aduna I . ll4lrorgla.
NICHOLAS :\I %lAN. Civil Engineer.
Unwed:omm 0001 PllOl4-01 11inIng An.....0,1L114 of Aloote.l. fir the 4.f
Hu ld-
Wato+.l. Work, 11011100 Mt 11,.... May
found 1,0.s:11110 A. 11. nod 0 0. NI.. nl I,E.
Marborr 00-1, 10,0 2 1.0m1k. • An 11.11,•
11 A. M !tit ElitA, Agent fnr Lehman. Mu-
I, bud oafrlr 110 , 0rark00 Comi•anT. 1 2 Wet, Are,
. . _
# 1; ARDI N ER: 'OFF' N. Agent for Fninklin
l'lro Ingura.o 1' , 401.-ay, north rut ourner of W,..11
AINi Third 1000.0 e.
Whok-gale and Retail
sral $L Clair Nits.
W(.:Lp:.;c, BOON BIN DER, Wood Strnnt, Jotr frnin enrnnr of 'MM. • Iwo. te I.
Prep....A loan rt,•rt. crro iptlon of with in.:Ours.
.11,1 thstmlnlltt . Wank rule.] to tiny tollern. nn , l
I.nund attlntantiallt. In nunt1,..0.. or 0,1 ho,k•
Inund cltrrfullt. uy rerntrot. N,on. • pot ~t, In lilt
Vlitt-t• 'Om Eto. Ititt,ll.; nre int 0,1 to rail. hire , 1, n.
V9rCOlll.) & CO., Wholeralo and I{etail
11•. a lbsnurartun•rs. and 11.111,5 , In Ilala, Cam and Fun,
vorsis.r. s , r snd and F}rn...trn-n. l'hnhnsch. hens Shay
oth, a (nil nod naus.lhts• stos.l, of Ilan . Fun. .l, Shay
quality and st, bs Whnir,sh. •.sdi Retail. and in
vltc the att.:upon .4 their...en and s ourchao...ntr.
thrm that th. *lll nn the must adv..
IV M. Diciti 3lerehant Tailor, Draper,
vand 1/..aler In llrwly Mad , . (1,4111 n.. 127 I.aberly et.
J ENIOV A L.-- r Dit. has removed to
lu~.ll 141,
. .
New Coach Factory—Allegheny.
M . A. WHITE 4: V). would re
_ xpectinlii intr= public s the, h.,
and natniiiitt
*tn.ent. Tilt') are now nt..4.1114 Ana Ain prep..! to receive
• k;:. h . ' ltret ' in ' 2inl ' i:!;i .
Inu experience In . thr manufacture of the photi. viork i
num b the faciliticii they entiniltnt the, nri.
einibleil to ilo work lin Mr reionnalile Wm. , with
On+ ratan: nrtlel, in their line.
lIORST s CO.. 'Whole-
Pas ina perteculor attention en the rel.-flora tnoterlale.
ntol hohtp: none but 'rouipeterat vorletnen, trill- hove no
heeltation In naerantina their work. M. lliextere ark
attention ot the puhlie In MO, matter.
N. b. Itepoirlisp done ifi the beet manner. endon the
meet rtagnnable lenrate. jn2ortt
1.".V.k by EMNIUND it 11.111 Ni., No. 1 , 1 Lilyerty rt..
ea. of
Wine )
rteret. l'illebttegh. Monument,. Marvel
Vault, Tomb,. Mantel herr*. Cent, sasel
her Tem alernya m, band. and made u, order .
N. k.. 1 choice selection .1 Dre,u,re en hand. into
4 Irvin set null chauctly Lam.:
• Wholgale Grocer, Corn
and Denier to IT..lure sad Iltbe
- 70 Watt, nL Pittsburuh.
CO., Wholes:110 lirn
au.l Derlore in Uroaun—
..3%3LE-4 J. UtsiNl.l - 1.
'ENNETT, late Eng liah,
wert.Cnutniirsiou and
ml Dialers In Produce gra
tool sL and 121 First Pl.,
FUTtI'FiY S 111:ECTITIELD. 'North East
n[ tin env un•mrot of We \ew Sear. t
turn their thank.* to their rtudntnere end thn nobler utnre.
ell y. for the ham. share of ro.tom e‘teuded to them, and
Invite the lan
or their favor, Having recently
eulaturd and improt,l their mem, then are enable.] to beep
on hand extensive an.ortment oft:trate- buyer.
0111 have the mivantano of plenty of to examine ,
‘ , 4, and make their xeleentdas. Thee degliM Makinji
their enahindaneol. ILI. far ea pmeLeabl, FAMILI
' , TURF:, where vier, article in the Dry Goole line inenled
for the wants of familin, eon he prvenred—and in their
continued effort. to :elect the roc want.. and to Pell at lon
Prtee , they hare to make
withhe interest of 'aniline and in
dividual,. &our them their custom.
ICKETSON, holemale
renters ef Irwin"'fik Wines. and
Litnwt, and siren, nitt.
Var.. an, tc .
VkaboNliliflLESALE 111361 NES..? In)! bo rontinuol I{,
'the Hams tap utair•--entr•nro from :lb arcet. er Iblvuth
low, ream. jard.
Corner of Third and Market stroot, Thn oni, char
tervd Institutiun of the kind In.l . A.l.urg h.
F•ortrr.--John hodructor in ti
V.okuts. AKENIIII.P.
K. Chatobrrlln,Proftomr of Penuntatohlr., Mem-utile
PComputatlon, to
Alex. 31. NVal..Et, Lcrtun•r on CoranterrLea L.
Thor.e dr...lring t r0mp1..1.. Houk Keeplnc.
runl 14 applic.nUon to ere", branch of
nV e r ,e rt r, V.End.fl , are tut 11...1 i. 101 l nod exam.
Lerture cu Cowmen-14 Law every Monday not any of the rv.idrnt Erten.huar
-- WILKINS. N.. 24' st I
.t .01 - tV
head nod .n.l.
,51.410r.iri1t... Curial 1 stul4.l',•natotnc, a.
51a1.11.; Itims, liutm uad I,r To,v,
• always On hand ate.l Wady N .r.1.-r. Of fhe
cheimrt r,11,n1
y S
M 7 ..• A 0
I ‘.
:'• • • , ; ,
• 1;--24;;;i 1
. • ji`4l!
Hon. Ilarsanrik.nny • dark
lion. Judg.!kin.
Una. ItolnnArn. In. li. 1 ,8 r2.W.:),rr. Arehnewt
Job?. Snyder. 1,, I'n , ll
I . lll,l , urgh liank ni1..., A [nth.,
.1. 11. :11/..nlwrnrr. 11111 • g`kirr,.
31F.C.n , 11.•....F.,. !Icon A
tin. Wm Kann., t
T S en
barn. Jct./mai:lnd, A
S. Ltlir,p.
E W. 11.4.!. grateful 1., ,r) 10.. r n 1 ,
1.1))).,11 ) r, in 1.71”. ha.,,.
nu..., mut ettlnnt..l .1, 4. 11..
• •
, AIIINET runsTruitE
• lacturagr. ,t.g Tlogrel
wad_ J. ag . 11. rerprelfullr (inform. In. Prow, awl_
egnadar lltal hdl. gam nnmmeted the Lar:Pal "
and law w , •Pgrt hauagglnghl furnmere in
tide wig. w he i• determined 4. tipagghl thr quagga, walk
•ellwaawn—l material.. Mal arnrkmawhip. and gargawd d
awn, r.. 1 nom the eaten,. by anger and (walk, gig
manufwanrigh I. It enniglrd _e pnalwag •rarranted
lure. glng igg da weri price,
11.. lg. win:drat thv principl• of hlentlfringc thw euggicarp
erg in. nal trill hic own. in gmaltir and prig, angl
Own) • ttn 11314. i the pl,stelq V.irt, ett gegription ggf
furesturr, frt.ra the claropeel plainew..l. then ate; de
agaitt awl rani, that a house. rgr ant part gwr, may la
furnirinal frggin hg• rims), tar manutwaggre.l eg.pcwri,
order. Ile therragng wiled,. an Ingleatittn. Om the nolvan.
tad, a 11110 t....1.)1.1M10ntm,1. knnarn. The fallowing
arlielem eptagglrh in .part,gf hi. .teak. ableh rm.
atirnri nand finial. ranlard In nily the Etot,n
dra.lng. dfninz. ned beThruurn claim. of rvvrr
•ariurr; unv.u.lln.r ns.o.‘r..d. rnhhuu.s.ty anti ualta.
E!I Is eunnurretulrn and E., Chair, he uirr,
ipuurs; Sur:, T.h-ar.., nod birun....l thu
Prernrh and Amer.,. Fattrru... WhahN.r.. hu.l
hulk,' {valor TT Hung Dirk...! various kiwi., 11..r4 TOT,.
and fan,' Inhod ntuoir trau . .l, stud hula..., marblo
tun. mahr,unr, aid
lath, all the
nt..1.1,h4,r11, tin 1.. t trod Prrntuol.r lull/ nod
tur wartiv.hur. n( tad,
gottele. 1.11 and usalur ihreptiurt chum.
hod 1... k M .- 4,
ers ncrovu.. tour! rauls. hat ...Taut, ,nut tutu.-
and ma.. fur chrildruu: ignuer 1.11.1.. tea
mahouany. and puurl
A tar_ worry...or of Curnuuri hu”uturr and Wuub...r
Chair, Cahireet maker, rupplb..llritla all
,teranlnal• and furohloal at the ./o.rte,l
errat..ra prorontit
hariou made art - am:erne'', !tor liln
r , .ure WM.) . Lind.. tittwere ana thell
and and will mt. 1.. an,
nes, Ith the ,t,titneut au;
men,. th., Pea.m nthc... or the o.ortw at the nt
Drawing, Perspective, and Painting in Oil.
I . i.' D. !t. s3irrii liliW propared tol givt•
.Itkin.en', new Firq n. 1. bet, end
fleas, r. ether partaralsn rank
kipren rlllilll4 ,flrrlttena I at the rens•
A 7
. .
Cnmmenesdoo 31m-day. 38., In;:,. •nadiune
thmunda the moth of Januar, Their whole ental.ll.l.-
meta has 1.,:0 thni.n "inn 1, Petal' i ntl., awl their ex
teaolve aterk. anit.untind to fine Ilurrissl and Thirty
n0...1,d Milan., will he ntrered at 100,11. al fully one
fourth tern than 0,001 nese..
The DOLII, Of their Semi-Annual Pals to. any one of the
thou...min who attended the of hut 'tar. •111 auln.
el•nt dua7tee for a call Tim,' linweser.
mention 84 the moots and micro. for'the Iwneflt of
thcwe •bd mac never aitrrolml their attlro.
1141 Cashmeres 75 rent.. tonna prim $l.
MO pieced Cotton and I Vied Cashmeres, 20 mot.. mnial
pris 3 t..
151:0 steer. Canon neu
.nd W.. 81 Delaineo. It and 11 cent..
tott.l Wine VI and 2.:a iento. -
SO colons] plaid do., 40 newt,' uoiml prim
101 etnse-0 and tlontsal Pilka 50 cents, turnal
prins, and.
90 pl. Satin do Chine and Patin. Piia' ants, 011001
mire SI Z.
GO Moor. Placa Pllkr. tw.ltared 25 per rent,
pleceo French Merinrw, SI On; uouslinisw SUIT 4.
Mo l'arametteu am! Lynnene Clotho, tadomed 30
per. MI..
010 pier. Alnanto. all eol
crm. rstinee4 30 per sent.
2.:00 Inn Square Shawl.. which will ho. sold from SI to
lso than uanalmi , ....
3000.yanIr Bonnet I:ilia:no .t 8 and It onto. naval
prim IN la 2L sent..
Fort mint,/ Odin.... at OS4 ten.. unreal prim
Ita, ewe.. Enall.h and American Cullen, at 8 and In
erns, um al prim, 10 asid 12). ants.
NI ease. lileoehr.l odor.. 2 COO 4 per yard.
2do hale. Its,rts
Alen, I.tuvo. Trlmminm, litedery and
Oloter. Linen.. Cheraw. Cloth,, Ca...insers... Cordn.d. sod
4.yether with nn tunnels.. variety of other g0r.1.,
all cif a knell will he Marked Down to Lower Primw than any
of their jitt.ll.ll. rn
11„., ,nrne an eal, rall. I. many of their ehrice.t
m..i• .111 weal w. 1.1 Imre ,final at find
A A SIAS•01 • 01.
tat° 1.2 and 811 lark..t rt.
g.bywn Cnrr. Ilmnnlo In story and al ralo, by
janP JIM!:
LU\DItIES—:{ brls froth (toll Buttcr
3 1,1. Ego,
1,3 fonrk!psfird corn Ural;
•, r, .3rk • I , atiarrr. •
lal• I:je
lO , rl ArPlor and l'oeth, roc,
Mcorrmut- br .1. u t1.1.1A Mr. ACO
I mt.. nod SPERM OIL for role
11. v. sni.i,tnit, wr..i
:It U C K 'WHEAT CA K ES—I f rim want gond
10 litirkyheat Cake', u.o pabb;Cp kfTerreoring 0..
inetntl, for val. bY , 22 , It. {:. SELLERS
V: VOLV ElLS—Colt'n and Allen'it, for male
Mmrket Ft., oerorr of Fourth
.1... , W. W WILFON.
i i BEEN APPLES-10 brim prime, reed in
I,lgnott omit, awl for rale by
1 EMP--110 bales Mienouri clew rctted. in
Jittor. Pm! for rain by ALEX ANDY,II 011/IDON,
134 Front at
DittiMS FlGS—lnet re
/ IL"n lead pvr Atmr and
II LIU It N . ING GOODS—M urphy hr. Bureh
iltV 11,14 have cm hstut emorttrient of . Meek Ittutra
...C..t. cloth. Mous.- dr Ilmohtl
xtuo flni•tre , l Alpaca, sad ‘.ther stylreof 541/Yrlling kTRICLO.
IiACON--3000 lbs. Sugnr Cured Ilarro,
"end r" f`".
. "l °b y.l. A. DILWORTH A.CO.
for sale by
GOLDEN SYRUP-10 bbla. for 'Auk by
A CAR -18
amig OCEAN sTwa gam.
TLe underuntnl or otter Tfltek ere it1 , P0t0 , ..1 to ,31,
('• American TTeaver.
DATKS OF YAll.l\t'
.E . v .
Mara, GthISAIYnIA3 ‘ l . O . " I.
. PAhltint ,
April WI Wed tit.,..11 April 911.
r 1141.2 I •
. MR,
unb , - •• 7,11,
mln, J 7th , W...1n...1.0 •
Snlunler. - Ih
.. . . .
Not unfit), A . 41W...1.1...0na, Aog. L TV ,
S.-amnia,. .. 117110 Wraturt.l3, • Z. , 1.
~ ...w, . 1 . 4 o - ,a011,1t...111.....01., . a:.•iof . WI
' , turd., ~ . r.t 1311 , 111,100.t.h. 1 . - 17110
taw tomb, . .. 17111W....100tta1a, flea 1.1
tntunny. w..,. 11th W.tltort.low . - 1701.
t a, Imlay.
t.alunlnt.N.,. W_10W....1 L0t...1w . Nut. 17,11
.lay • • .2 - 2.ljW.‘hot.owfot, . .. ,11,
~,,,,,. Doe_ . G1iti.,.....taTt13, . 1.0. Wllk
,Itirola, .
,_ -. Nub lan li. tila.. - Zeit
f ~ ,,,a1 tin,-114,411 inpa. '
/MOM LIV". 1,01. I , ol'. 'lli 1,1,1.11. .
.k.i. . 'sc. Y..rk . .........,atunia, March 1
t'anaklN 11...,t, .
.- . Satuniai , March ZI
Ama ....... ....... ....N...• Vork .... ....... Saturday. ADril U.
I. or. 3.."txrun
A a sow Y.ll, ...I, r4110..1ay. Mar. .2,
l' Root. 11..1 ta.nla,. April H.
Atria N . York,. April r..
Amcgira. 11..t0n W...4ca , 1a,. April ;al
Aria ... .... ........... Near Irkrti. W,..lnroatai. Mir
l'a ,, a, to Ilaltiax, Loot., or New Y,.r1.. L.:, ocanvl
calm, L'Sa.
Nrte .r.n- a.. 1 II wrr lA, —11.:1!,4 trip,
I rankhn. Falurday. I. Pph.. Vran Alin. Weir. Lay, 121 h Mar
Humboldt. Mk Mar Ilumhnhil -. PIP Apr
Frank Inn, •• AO, Apr Franklah - 7 , it Ma,
II umbakll. - Al Ma, II utala.l.ll. .. alb Jun,
Prank hp. " - ZIA M . ., Vranklin, •• J.l Jul
Humboldt. - •:.•alb Jr,,, Ilutobuldt. •• :401 Jul)
Pr:palm '• 261 ti July; Frau klip. • • a:th APP
II u mhuhlh - •23.1 Auu. ' II tunhuhlt. . :high , Ph
Frnph.lph•, Alth Paphl Franklin. .. .J.,el , 0.1
Ilumbpa I Ill: , hl. SI itinhnhtt , •• Pah NO
Franl:m. •- I'.lh o.l.Frunklip. - 17th her.
Humboldt. - 05th 1t,,.
Ocean S . /..v, Nari,utirn Irqo
11..C.11.41ara ~,,, .. ...i min, MarrA 21
11..1n0./1, ..IN•‘. 1 . 3111 1. •
11,nimult V•wr .. I. 1.•
\ ens Ilthand ILt:
•mt -,,T
2`. h
...I.lllTO.whel Ch A lrle.tou .1n the brood
Y. 4,[1“ rg.
l'Autero And N,A-Alwrn pArtA of A. 1or&
MA. AI, And t 'A, A-
The ItntiAb PA .. !,, Af Inwo. I AA... A•.,. 4 , 4 A , uni
Ar• ttrucomirl, and Al 4 r. I.,‘
1...10 , 11nA 14Altalrn Atabru. ,hirt. Om-
Juolnt. Milf.:lA,
TiA,A, Ai..., mud pArl of 1 , -.11ma4 but4l. ,rs
41Arra) 44 Mr. Snlen, New. AtAl I tAI,
Ana ...Ant, An-14,4 dA$l), except 51..uds, AL A A..: ,1.-
pwrts. nt Iti r. a.
Eant.—lty Iwihr , ra . Mannar. Crawford,d Jrfferms.
er , untlev, Al extern part of New Turk and upper Ca an roia.datil•
Amara at 9 r. a.; wrot depart. al 9 k. a.
Sorriar..9 AND IVLarLy.a.—lty trulduaton. Pa- ilra.r.n,
Payette. Mmarrart., part of Wratajorriand tannin, Vlrtadram.
Maryland, lialtnnorr,lVardalstetan ot>, Nnah.inual I‘,t
-,14 Intl! a Ohio and Indiana, Krinturky. 1111nola.
arc, Alahama. Ml.onuri. 311..401. Arkatiam, Nort.t. Caro
eiroyatM. Inuiriaue . Florida and Texan. daily. Ant...
at ar. at. 7.11.1 M.mart. ai r
t , mls.valr.
V 11.310, Paris, Pa-, lillsda, Core. I'a_ ll,rl-
ont. Cotton. Holum. and Turnara Irma mu nun. y.
Arnim at 11 r. droarta at; a. at
N , llCrit at'cr-ri an.—/11 [ Clcreland. Ohlo.—
Ikairrr co. Pa- Trumbull. Portag.r, Granys.
An Ltabula,Mrk .1/ ay no. Molina, Cu, aboga-Punanitylgike.
Itlohland, Loran., Huron. IltMara. En,,, PanduaaY. Wad.
atri I.urnr month., tihM; thr eatrarar northern munmo
nf the Ptatr. of Indian/. amt Mao, 31t ;minding al! rhi.
wan. t PM, MIA arlreon•ln. daily Arrivrr at II a. a.. dr
aun , ad r.
Errrsxmo.-11r .41 h
u. !In,rcrt, tlu,
nn ,l ,.
r. "^ rr:
511sexa.—Ite I , er, reille, Iv ration!. Zrlteottale. Porter.
rifle. Ilaritn4ort,..od New teal, Anlves Tupelo;,,Thor...lay, and estordapt, litdettert• lostt.l•t •
edne•dr,• met Frets,. et 7 1.
etur4ttort's uod Ala,
on taltelf t,tl. Amite, TuerdAya. a, at r,,de
;or, (trdatrAttar. tud :Antonia, t•
SION.UN - It s Boehm:An,, Lou. (IrKeteport.
site,. Eltsehet.hare tiatollte'e. a...raw., (teller,
re.o. t.'AatkAtetun. l'eert -0 1•41.. Vat At. Lhrnr, ( prer
am. ,Arrtler runda,• and Ita.snalay.. et a a
tta els Mitod,•• and Thurelara. et 9 . e
\ --II: allter . • Nolt:e•tottro., Can+,
Iture.tittattro, tlne•tTeeL l'ultreAtet • will. ra.-
11etteut .Is rriv• • ittzula,• •tv I IturAti•t•. at II) t. 1114
der an. Mantle, • and TtturAda t tt , I a
I. AAA. taw. t,. r ar (lartt,L•ritt.t. Moot
titer, Ita 1.1, ~.,In . ArriveA_ort
Crvlal etc v. dttttarle eattodu, tart t. u.
tattet.t•-t..-1, Anrim. `snit, %beong:lto. nod ..irette,'
Anteer en edueultt, at nu.. depart, ett (tot,:
at fi A. u.
1.[A.4 atl4 - 4.—Py Ixrargoi. Arn•r• ”n ,
P. 4.4 .J 4 ,4440.44 444 i rsturde,, 4". k
IG4Vor4I. IlreJrneek, 04;
l r
PJ-4,444441, 1.. Lcrlo u l.l4, 4 Lll y 4,44 4.1.41 ‘.
e;q4r4L ' o ' i tn44:444 144 614,T1;.:.VJ: ' • 444.4
14441,4, e14.41r 4144partur4.. 144, tn 4.4
.-4141,4"14 4.444 - 41.1, mall•. 1.1.1 1.. 1111 /...I.llllc.b.lrial
1441.4 re Molt 4.l,4Arturv.
.11 r inz rt:TO:rro. nr
ijk,LmEs Si .Nl!.. ranker,.
.V., !,, 1,,,, ~,,, r.i S. rTI r, In, a 'l.! /Laren... Ilffs,v,,
Vt...-. ,, V A.v ASI 1. I,ranele at tiate•lll... fat, edle . l. f a r Iranrh as It .mne g - . n
!7 titan, an% Ida
tar. trastelt ut on,a. . de
Mor. at., Man oi an.-- ltraia-13 at Ittentanoro._. n.
Itauk e t t'Drnereorri. par rite Itattl. Cinril.... le•
lllar, DI Sladl t America.. par rattant•rvinl 13..taitrlanalid..
:nlkl. DI North se Idborto • ,Der- 1 rAuklill Vat, ... d..
lank of d'oun•rltanted. dean Lahr,. Hat, .
nal, ed nonts i eta n•lntp...parti el,.• 1.. 4 Tri......,
Itank en Mr l toted .It 1213 e +tan n ~, .r., 11.,....
'1 onortarn,dl liar, ed Itt. dtaril... of 11.,,11e.t, ..
letranl 1 1 a. . .• I.
l'.. - t ... 3 1 54 1-.6e1l
11 , 13,1,1, Rant ... par a:hod.. Rant. .. , d...
Stmt..- 4 Ito A Ha... it., N 1.3 %tett.
Moedlattnad - .. do'
Sleo awes.. Van,. ..... . par i 'ut., ,
1 . 11.1•1,11tia F1N...L....pa1-1 Slalt VI. IND.
Sant wart; Ranh ... . tar Itadlimetre oar
trad. saute , Ila.
p ar I tall , /, . ~
11....ter1l Van It . .. an ,e .11,Y:sq.:I .1. I'IrLA 3AN 1
N. of l'huneloaattorehr I t , All topeonl leant, .... d,
13.1 k of I. 3 lteenof Lionel,. ~. % I I:1.1 NIA.
Itaul of Dant ;IS.. ,uv, !lank of Ito % all, . t.
'tank , 1,1C.q.. t:ht.or..par 11l of % tern.. Itirlentood 2,
11. et tf 1ta1... parllatek, 1), . aorledl . •
Pant ritest, -arell ', Lana. , ' 1 3 ,a1e of % ,t,rtr.
3ank. 14 t....• 1,1, , ,,14 ....,... .. 3irrch , i N. ,, -h 14.,
ISt:, rd , t1.11t.1. r... .. . N.., 3.-1. ra titer, .
tietnte-no. 1, Co 1,1, tut I lintedlo ,
tattle of Northein.lwrla. t nr at ent 1 1 I 'A Re 11.1 se a.
7 ,
Colutulda 13. a Ilrelue Is•dtst , ..I at ri N t 3 ,, , -1..,
Iht, erstou It la,. . I par...wet rrtal %Du id Hunt.. Ir ._
la. a lin.. .. Oro rattly' Itag,. n. hero .
l'nr3,, nttl 111 . 3 1 ItelLIN I.
le art.r. Illt . pd not,. 1%, Ilk DI the-al. DI st. eared.,
ranetored 13. et, Lane,ter
, Stilt, 4 'aro.. .
Barr , orllank on 11...... p2r,1%-.. DI t'ltto lee at,.
Sam 1, ---. 4 .4.1, , 1,1, ,,, I.ll . latitert a tl. ire., 11l
! I •dar Deo, 3 nrd...1.., II: ' , LAIR. , %
i rarst.los Mr, 3., oteloll 1,, , ....M. , " 1.. ~ W.... , , '' -
littrrt•lenetr Rant. ... .411ag, ter a arnt•fa . .. 2
11....1at. 1b... .... ... IS , ,lett td rent... a. Allan... 2,,1ttnt, ... --Dart TENN E 5....
Loofa.. el Dards Itatiel. ..rl.lll ....... treat .
Le lotto. Lead; . .. . rear, Ft FAT% 1•4 V,
Mown: Ifentle of.P.t•eall. I t 'll/. of tenturt ~ I rattail, k .
1 1. , ......ateLa 30,1 k.. .... I•tr Int of toultrille. Thur.. n . ..1
11'.., Idaltet, Itarel. . e t 3 . ortt.rn Illt et Jlenitor,,- -,
II ',neer 13..Witted.tarrotrar tr....kora Illt of II •ata•F 2 S.
I,s 311M1N 11, I: I
14110 Nr.G.,...... ...... . ttlllk of Sta.. , red Sltaa li nirt 't
•el 1 1 11 , . ,1.
Oho, mate lean 1...... St lin. tel ron lerdneltent,j.
Ilrnnri. 4 Akren,- ..... .. do Iltent. 01 1 1nt0... .. ....... 7.,
Renter's al a thew-- ..... .. tied It laelltnlN
111111.3 ta Ilrulennort. a Fern In.,
C u. Dtto ,
Branch at lletliettG... ...... det, MICIIIIi % r
Ilraarlt . Cloldlaud ...ii:camr.' Alrrilar.lri Ilan% :.
111 - norliat T 1.1.1 1 ,............. det nen ortannot !nail 11a01e.....,
Ilranet at 1 3 , 14 11......-....thoroutn•ular Hank-- . ..... ... D.:
Ilrartelt al larialare. endlteturaproelempan,
Ilranct at OA Oa 1)11 . hantate Bank
Ilrni-1, at Arbta Inla.. ...... dr, 1 . . t NAT,.
!atter, al 1:t1Dol . -.. ...... Ald Ilk of It 1. .Intents. T0n...,
Drawl, at Slunsteld. ...... A, hael. ,- ,f U.- Prop's, Tort , uted.
Brunet as Itnele-
Ilranol, at l"arrle uati Ito Linn, oft .1 3 ,..1•• 1.n.1”.1:.
Itertarli al Irelar. bus.-...--eled 11.AnTE10 Sdlelllelt. le.
Illetnet Kt Slaxll I.“liin....rl,Cht St.• 7...1. tprene t.,.... :.
Itraort at f 3 ntlln . ...... -alt.., ntietele-iplaa do
Itranch nt I..nratart,.......tlodtg Italtinetn, tl. :..D.. 'A
bane's at Floul nvlllo ...r lo' WItirTEILN VII '1 1.C.5.15.
Ileaurli at 31:. Trottn..-.....10r10e-iontn , .. I
,111-anols at Nava t ttolt , etn , illo.
llntnell at 11,4 do, .1... 1...•
llranDL ad Silnitenteledo.......l,2llloLll ANSI SPECIE A A IX Y.
Brant-hat If ariottn. tin !footle... Straattl•lt.. 1-12.
;leaned, al Cr,, : ..- . .... do, do 131n0t..... nd.
Ilraneh at %It VlDa.ent. Aol rani, old 1".
Benue!, at Zane tetllle.. .. dale-a/ .... ....... 1 , 1‘•
flrlln•it al Nora allt ...........11n,hrelrii. kal'art... . 11 ,
/Ir-anl, ,el 1 3 1enta drolly f, ................-
hr.,, , ?,l:rnnelt sn. Itulrutouth......l.ll.llnolue.. ...._
flrawli at/:ben .
Brun!, at R....Tinp.........1renGuib1i, .. 4X.
Brunel, at 1 71,111..thet. ..... ...1.1,,,,1•enta ....... ... ... etstg
Branels at Cuyahoga. tlet Ducat! . 4.12,
Bennet at T 01,14... __D....1
et v ,, , or Allegluini
- .
NO the llonornltle, the Judg f the Court
or General qtrr I , olons of In anti Mr
I.e. 1:,4"1))iioia, fif unz
1,1 J. C. Bryant. of Ili,. Tinirivililp of
Slimier, In the ...only shirr... Al. Plirwaith—
thrit your to Lath prorldril liinirolf with inittiirisio
fnr thr pfrrannffrlatlnif trayelirtii uffff f , friff , r•et
dvrifflar in isfnr.iialti, mud pr.)" ,
your Warms will la. tn grant Wog n
1nn.... of ii....enoinni.nt. And your Iwtillnn. 1, Os in
duty U,uuJ. will
W., the Instyrilstss. sss•u•sd Ills township gsforstaid. ebr ,
svrtsfs. that Cho shay. Wait., Is t 4 sossi rsdasta fur Imo
and Issugsfristd,.. and iv doll provldoll with
vs. dud ...n.sedus.nes.. Ids the arrdmsedslatllds •41
.4 slndloyl trasolls , rs. ul.l that ssss.,h Ids,. Is
ds, .
sn. WI,. Mathew Wilahl. I'.ldlrsndsn.
J. lit Varskruldrn. I% PI. Wersdp. , irdy•
Willirtm. J. d5...p10. R. Tholds,da, nod,
• •
rtheAlonorahle the Jutipm of the Court
t "n .
ills petition e 4
In n
•nhrllllun Slellpstosrs, Pins. td.roshd ,
dowdy oforrsall. sfielsolts.tleat 'our 15 ., •
nn, tr.jlll ittosbded hint..lf,with matorials f..r tits ore...
nssintl.4ll4 travrtlvr• and °flirts. ne Ids dssrldinv
tedret.l.l,ldrs.sald. and kayo that your told.drs
I.lesswil CS. ant him os limns, to Idst.p....d.dis house 0, ro•
.Alsl s..dr n. In dull is , und• Wi ll
Prs). ,
W. the roloteritterr. Arles thr Innorbit , .forrrtiti•
In ..41.11, that [lot *lwo potitlotior l• torrl orptito
I ktol am! to terll vitt. boo..
rm. awl rortrettiturcs tor llo• onrortituothillon nod Itolriott
. .
.tran.,:era and travellers ana that nahl wen.
A. Marad!. John Martin. N. 31ariner, J. Enni.. tint
ria,n, 41... ;Adi,. 11. Otani. lorael Jon, Nitre
henry Moll,. Philip M. Eteeirdseoi.
atalll,3 •
Ijro the Ifunornble the Judge,. of the Court
of Oral LI
enettarter heraleina 44 d. - Pette, In UPI for
t County of Allegheny:
The petition of Dnyid Fattan. of the 1.-vent/1 Ward.
PittAurgh. to the musty hunihir
that 3 our ttitioner bath prorhiod iiinto4ll with mat. end.
for the amuntnodatlon of traroleo. and otbera.atloada.ti.
Ina-house to the Want aforeaald. and pray, that your Tint
hoalit to plmaael to argot him • limn.: to hot. a nuhi , "
ner of rntertaltunent. And your petitioner. aa In dttir
bound. Will pray.
We, Om anl.4llwre. tilla.oa of the Want afor.o.l. do
rertiry that the al., vtlmm.r 4 of ctatl MT. , . fin' b..'
tato and ternteranee, and le well provided with hnuee
rm. and wasenleneee tor .la , aertdannalatanianJl. l
of Arany-ors sad trarellore, and that ney, tarn 1. nreve.
OteNeeme, 0. Kaye. J. 11.1.1..1. Clark,
N. Tlintopem. John Md.. I'. Ikan.r. W.. 11., 11.14
Mrl.rtnnt. 11. mclika ,
, 4 11,1eC0R.1) de, CO., have received jim i l
tb , ir ecrincr - s4O. of .Itaio In•lebla th of
e} -
ppartili .1. the attention of thair easUso
en and law public rearrstl7. ktf.a
liriniaaranti 0 iarrirt. 1 1 1 , ( .orrn.iaindesii.e. of the Dail> i
l i itapi.uriih Garattn.)
Mardi Ili 'KA. / --
rinse and iloliiiiitful ft, nut
, arCh 6. 18iii.
"."'"'h""i the
i Ertl-Wire auxin. •It at Me .renal.—lkitetian tf '
~,, „y it, ...j l ,l t.t, Sisnilai I 11095 N.— A , l it
n. at .11, Kennedy' .t
..'''', """...""'" d ''''''' 1 ' letrortratatiOn hater,. Gtr . . Scott and Chect-nor
L'i ratinl beat. around alit. lin.. 1
owl. tiaiiiorrilinc tiatimlny. I . 1 / a rty.
:7, " 1:. :L i t 71i ' a i ' i ' a . :h u lh ' a ' : The Senate spent three hours to day upon the
~1 eater In tir ri , ... : dominations before it, rejecting Hugh N. Smith 1
tented , •Iccrcc 4 untie... : an Sai‘iraitary of New Merino, and confirming ,
no, hr river were Inrze. but ; hatch of about five score of Post Hooters of the
Wd. iii i itannit for ea,tern inferior sort. Contrary to expectation 'nothing
''' In ' "'"r "' "rfr.4 fr"' m'
wiardone on the resolution for the benefit of
I. f•eles er' e n, t h in in gti.n. I . .
al ..i tom sitar, in deny teat i itclue and his confederates. The rejection of
3 r. Smith was an act at once outrageous and
it M. tn anti, in pelts— ;
tie is the same gentlemnn who spent the
an IA an.. for anent. :nar. - ... Mean.
i iii“:.. nail inita :ii'.ii ,,,, i' 1 fijist Pia or seven months of the-first portion of
~-,,, ~,.,,,,
rw. %I livr y.,trnlnv
i41.11.L7 cat.l.lurst,:
n;1 4 ui.trll 1..1 n , 11.4 •.
,r 11A:tool « to" o rd.. a I.u.
4.1 oil,' tl.tsnla. prero
1 , 1.441'11—Th0 arrirals
or!, al; that rum, fora not
Salo , n fort -spoil
whorl' at 57...1,44,37 444.
oI $1.44; tAxl to,al ral
N.. Sr ? 4,b1.
GILAIN hsvo n.. eltoret
IT4to rohnA rato4 from tir.t
r)....5e.2, Lori, mro
‘4l:ol:4:l4lliS—Thero voo
ol roll prim,. Sole. of 44 blot.
Orta at %Jo',
4,:0. of tool .1o:or Kt
1114,4 N-4 4 tort, 4.1413
end rootomo
k,rral otol hooli,
OFool.ler4, nol t .f 1, r 0.4,•
halo.; lots• nr,
the late Congress in Washington, laboring to
N 0 .uvrir. in int. e • procure the recognition of the territorial gor
'o"^.'"',.""and''3l' er7lllleld teemed by the people or New• Mexico.
onol '
and his awn admission as their .delegate duly
‘mi.ti”ii of dtst,{im elected. Ile:found all his efforts vain, and when
he discovered the uselessness of continuing there
4 tt: nhautar. ttet.idt., t.. 1 1 , 1 , 110 , 111 Laid and candid address to his constit
" ` 3, " r m nears, in which he showed that the opposition to
.• . .qt -
1,11 curt 9 tit n his and their rights proceeded from slavery alone.
st alt.,. and snit. 'turn I It will be reniendiereil that the opinions then
%WM 1,11 I.l.l.tuttl
- 0 t promulgotted by him were fatal to his ho if
mit - named at ' he retaintal tiny, fur of worse the ft:Otte and
n'r. deapicable spirit of Northern Bunker fienaocra
ci•neactmi Imo first
cy bound tie neck toAe ( . 011112111111Itt of its :tooth
. ern musters, while 'tlitteiwere doubly infuri:
attl to find a man bold enough to defy their big
otry and atropine, while asserting n right to n
. . . al
DI:11./2 14.1,
011,s_, L.. In 1.1.1,N" I l ift
01,1, "ii nt 91.1
1/1:11.1, FII I I I
1,010 00/.
.1.1. • .4 4: ' ,l.*.
110111 \ 1 0 IA /MI
IT..tTIM.I, • .) nnlo 01
I%:ll. l : l martm.
aml from • n: ,
sell from whieli.their Totes conMineil with those
m u, it of serfs could exclude
Smith Wita rejected. lie nominatiot Secre
s iisre Ai
ttz tory of the territor y. a responsible and honors.
I • tile iitotion, and the same influence has Iqt...sin
feat. I predict that the ctiti•tituents of Mr.
tr, - Smith will ta.ltie rare to give him II -tittle. quite
~ .. indite...led ' rf •tavery it hireling. in or
mit the.kpante. lour reatlere way think I
ii,. ,„ ~1 „n.
"Peak a litM! reughly andwarnily on the eta.-
Geer eoui ..•• hat 1 never tattlect upon •tidi
• tut t evatuple• et the narrow touted pro.crirtion itf
• Ars-
whirh prevail , 011 this Ital.
, itr ing que,tion
indignation nni
n.ii ra• var., t
-:•.11 An. the :rt.( re•tillitinii originating;
1ir...a1l r .13.1
„in the
- • " ----* ""'"'" = " m " L- ' Senate, creating the how tan: mink of hie, et
PORTOI' - pITTSRURGH. ~itutokant General of the orinY. This e...lotion
at a .ten.l. passed the Senate about ten dart or a fortnight
Etyma -;here Ittre o 1., o islet,. / a cuantan, 1, before the teret•teett„, of tie ..ion. etth ‘,...,,,,
tni.l,lm.rt. lam ...mon,. xnrl
-ant to the House, v here it tot k it. posit,.
a !oily it among other bills and resolutions which ebuld
Mn.iii,sn. RA, . only be reached by a rote of two-thirds. It
1i,,.. r, n. H...., r
1,..t., li,, nr.,vrn,.ll. war of coarse under.tood and intended that this
avo, 1 ar1,0,,n. 1nf....111,
./ lien., liendrie,on. MeK...,... resolution should apply to the situation of Gen , lii.dwn. no.stoatill-.
Pa.., twonsav 1,0, Nro, ~,,
Scott, who has for thirty eight years enjoyed the
• 1 4 ~,,
I on .:nnan. Bum 1u,1,,a. 11000001 ‘ fall legal rank of Major General, and therefore
Wn.ho u n.”. .tin” 1.'.,.i rill.
has gained no promotion by his numerous and
14.1 , 11,1.1. . distinguished services since reaching that station.
Anr! 0-.....1,.a.rr 0 inn effort was made on the last day of the ses
ta.... norm-u, 111,,,,11.. - ; sion by the whip and med.-sotto, of 'othir shades
Anaat,. rark.m.ut. rn.,! . ...
' J 1.1..•,i,0n. 110 , ....,,,t in politics to get up this resolution for action.
11,- .•,...n. 1:..,n, 11....,. e.n.n
but the democrat; opposed it anti it waramsue.
crstful. I take occasion to say that I think such
r. , , I No ...1 • AIA0. ,1001 compliment rune! not :A.1.1 a leaf to the laurel
crown which adorns the brow of the great sol
i', !TM Lt. .t t 1 0,. TIII , 1.11 .lier, and that the establishment of this addi-
M 4•11‘11.1.r.--1' .1 Pin 10, u .
~.•1.•• A CI --1: tonal grade in.the army u-told be inesn,lient
~.r... ... J. lo 1 ••
CT 1,11,-1,31 Aa.1.,-....n 'c 4 V ! Pot tile circntrt.tnnne remind, n,e .of a v,ry
ii„.'N oin alt.-Th- tln....nat.r..rt IL.. ram 11111,L....1 ngre'''l" in
,Iran. a. th, .14 . ` On Tuestitty evening last your townsman J. t'•
, 't:. Kennedy E.Sri., Superintendent of the Cen,al,
IMPORTS BY nrrEa. 7 ': , Thee, gave an evening entertainment which was
maa, ..;.1 Et • .-- ;•.-r r•., Armt,.,-.1,. /111.1. ,P.,r numerotoly and hrilliantly at tontle.l. A IllOng
),11.4 1 I:A , 0 • . .A• , , 1,....... 0 1.1, 4 . in116 1 ~,. •• other persons of distinction were several men,
i.„,., ~ o m ,„ a y. ,; J ., m.,,,,,, li t0„ 5 h.,,,,,, ~ laws of thr sent itud the two - preceding Calc .
A t.I. ..1........,,,, •, h.... N,0,,1,, , 1.
0,,, , g', IIT tiara on -, 1 . , ,g ,. ., ;nets, and Gen. Scott. Governor Nlttrey. the able
Secretary of War in Mr. Polk's :administration,
st A nTr , ..Ail.i.n- Ix 1,.., 50r . 141 1.t7 , a. t was a guest. The diameter of the Et-Governor
' " ''' '."' ' ' • ',.'" .1- : "'"'"! ' or . 4, 'r!''' Ka-Sena., an.l El. hlini•lei n. litnt .4 a;polititail
I i
;-,.”,......:, ..
... ;., ,........, , -:: ,, i 1 1r I.nutt, mad Ito m ttl bas hy 1., 1, ~.,.1 .I.,g,,,djir
-'•.,- ...^) ,:' , 00,114, done 010r0 1014 i'll .2. /1..n..ct.r no 1 i.i.
. ,
01.1. .1...fn. I i.,. ..era-oni 11, 111.111 o ere (14,1 ,ode.,r. t'iippe.l
" s " ..r. ''' Ile an• g•vaci".l.. ,livl .1, , oily nitiht . ..l.. '
• •,
i.~.i, ~
~.,,. .~ r+~....
n•-TooOlAlttie, Cr.N )litrey replied in a tntor
loippy a .-
wl "A.:cafa: rein. Ile raal that on to
.' •l -- lh • - ••••, • ,•• ora, n• ra , l‘0.•••• .01- J.• au them. Ile 10.1,0,001 they 1,01 been ain , rovt• 11
h.. ~.mi. • ..•,..t.t... , t -.,...•• it ~.. Iv J., withttut I.ttiutt peattliorly 14,ants but he 0-
It i1.1,..1 A ~. 1.. .. , ...1 At , I•• .• I•• ~.n.J.... 1 ,a...,l 0 ith peentiar melt at I talt,.r.tellon
i':•, , i,';• : • : , • :••• t 5',..!..,.:.: - ..." .. - i.t '. .... - " i"" I . chief' of the utir ifritartheeni.. Ii he cht:ll.l eat
ter hist,elt Om! the: e he had Jrtined:the 011,,,tt0e
it •al•o0 •• •, ..h, • ,*:.•,,, A t., ... ... is... 4.. • , h ~f the ih.otttoy. he -knobl la 11,01 , :y gl-Ittif
- t
'.ii "..• .. r, ' . ` ' ' .. J' • Ve.i IJI•CAIieI.I.I .C.Niiit/r 1111.1 ittwsr %net,. Itten
..1... • ..1 ~.,.. .. : ..: th ...t.t. It; 1.1 .....t.,. reflected ttphit hint flits the Itrilliatitty.tti the
it, i‘ s • lr . t•tt: tt..... ~ , ~..- L., h,...t,..... . ,lehtevemento ol those whom ilto then lib. good
.'... : • :' ,: . ;,1,.. : '' :::: .'..'• : ;•::' ::: ,,,:.... i '..:72:; ,;.'' f.rtutte to 11.tve on.ler .11..., 00.11,01 i. 1)e tilt,
. 1',,r,: •r ': •t : 1T 1 T , • '.. . ,. ,.1 ' :•; 1 ' ' :! . .,:,:' . 2 : r. : r:,.1 . 0 . '..1'.., : 1',..... t .i m'''/'' 'll . ille:il l•l'l“n W.' nig ''''. S '''' t t ' .I
'''.'''''' h ''' .'' ' ''''' -'. '•• .."..,''. .'id he tlet , l ,:St i eft, ,1;,. ,• i.utt thltitst 1‘ Li the
-tt,r•t I 5.i.•.• r•le 11.... • _•• iIl I. ....,-,•. ,•••••••r. .• ti..... I Alum ~,hirer st 11,, ....1#••1 the 111,:lo•-t rank 1110
,root t 1.0,1,.,,, ~ I ~,lt , ~.I to -0.• it , l toon, ,
~„,„,r,,,,.. ~, ~,,,,,, ~,•1 , t ,,, r „.,,, ~ ~ ht., 0'....b4. ' -eroh, coll.! 1,1 , t0n- ilt Bridgewater. and 000-
~ ~!,',,• ;to r
ht ~,•,, o • 0,,, ~, , ~,,t , r , : , ,,,..,. I t bo, t nor was. her ~ .hlerrttio.ol by 0 roar
itt . :titiatttv.e, utal ant ,lope.
thot. Stott re‘potolt , tl to the ex-Sevrelary in a
i manner whirl, showed that eeery tri:o of ill
feeling heretofore ttnolerstonel t., pare 0 .6.4 0 .1 b e _
!We'l till - 111 was obliterated, an.! their recoucii•
1., r • I r tr It tltlintlt Ort I.
1 1 11 E 114 ..1113.• - C1* , %4"1.1.1
Frt... tit.. I .th 114, :t. trt,ett. xi Ito M
AI IT LE •t , I. •I ( 't,Ll .Nlervhant..,
.r..• . 1
)/1 " rS1/1 . RI ;I/ ( r 141..155 A ( 11,K
, n
Alto—Mal., in
Oi Forty Tawn Lots in East LivdtpooL 0.
tt.tinlll Lot: in
the thrtylog hat tn.: (.Warl, et hatt - t.a
latd ont. and the wand !W.II entsllllll.l4.
the (wen 1nd...+.1 to la. nut a port.= ut
hie ne.perty In In. to nhote. aml utter. for aale
twin.. and l• wan. thatfatl to meet tho view:A of
rlghlw: to pmehr....... 11
It I. to any nu3V:lng
dlf I he nr the Tnwn net..
prtwnerts ..(lothur
attllle!ently dr . ..rib...1 In net.. ailtertmrtneer than
that nne hundred low have rernntly rhan....l hands.
purehwwl t.t thrwa • 1.11111.; ti• prneure a denlra.
hie Inane
Thelsl., late areamenc the meet eticthloamlilemirshle, tl, and nre pne eifmli, lent.,l In the moth. of
Informal lcAt appl r In Mr prnprirtnr In Llverpx,
to 'amen Blakely. . ,i,urtlt r4r.i. ht.lntrgh.
STOCK ' , ARM. +hunt.... 1.1111. Itenver
fAtetntare .4.unty. lA, on the "tier+, Ihtnner..,o
tanning :10 nen, Iy nil. , front rule nhh , nn.l
lurtnln hallrn.l-..... PM...rah nnl cluneland Men.
It In ty..11 k the MaT , l Iron, and ha. hoen t
eupu•l n• rnnt. fur the In. IlArti rent, The land
t• tom 1.3 1.01 ate outer. tlenleulahul for theop awl
r nlr. It In ...nun. 1.011.. Bonner ereek.
„en...Any-holm: nu , . tho
Finches) pnt t on ten.. Avul aboul nt. nor,
3„ ',pl.. “17.11n1,1 ounfle.l halt.
with n nunsher e 1..« nowr Ihe If oh.
ror n lot 1...n0/1...1 and Ititehon fur
nthin.. Move and Yarn.. utennti,
n o 4,... be T hal a ill. the• [A r no
the form ore, nne brie. to fent
.01:V 1, no I htelr, un.b.r the to bole how.,
nob tn. - tit... v. Ai 111 The w.. 11 1.01•11.
nl mot tor., noun. en. ter. nun...Wendt
three .1 , 1... lunor n...r. ht.
Ili: tat, Franklin file heels.. All the II p 1 ,41
threo of bare ono.. fur runt Its, (route
1.14.1, . 1,1 . Inrue nu.l purel.ll4 front It. fe.l whhe
mune tom,. ntleel.e.l allehon. L. In huh, in..
none.. Wet...talent... for a work Aug., boy room, ant.
u h. :.rt.rZ
the brink hot", to by 1 . 2 fe; , ! . ..t..
inarr h., 7 hut ltialt. and the ulnae...l
• .. ••••I n... 1 never Initirut•VrltlY •urt rnllll l na
/War., prlgt, —OW Wa,ll
for rtorna... •101 l annes...l Cr • wa.. I ..... re, •
unuke both, one hanlant bonne. tYI hy frol•
mo o oitli bututue rollar nivierneath one pa-al
al ttttt h.. front brie'. bon,. I. by 1. ,
mint ia bah phut, blob. with n never Who,. helm, near
the lon., me hewed Ing Ilona, near the brink lulu , . t n .. Li
I, 11...L0ne mule half niche. 1113:1h with brick eblrnr ,
tome I•ank lone • lilt " 7 , 7:rt a .u.l l Vl " l:•e nu lll " . ‘ Zna.trt;
• uPrwr ntury. end entrant". at ono erelotaki , In
lower +torn one frame abln, stlarbod tn. large baru. , nl hr
a PA. Let blab, with for rattri one frame
larn. IR 0....Lim...t00t Moto ono ft . ' "" r '
Int. by tun... Intr. aberh , n.
n"... .Urrk fur Itnr. one frame Fhorp
huh., ...a.. la the e 1.,. Lon,. {all by 21 foot. nal
fott Mob, [oltb rulis In the mmor unti frame home, tor
poiltry. by e hal. and 4 fort hint..
Y.., Wh.. pry., IA John ul. on the Mmiti/Mt. mike
oLll /how limkona, nod eve all mmmary lotonostloth or
to Oa the Fithiborgh flood. 4 mil. ItOot the
LSDof Motet Ct./. 4.0 d tatlmi
prove.l powerful enough t.. effect hi+ de
etttit , •.•,n 4n I.Veittitg It n nu.vL..•l tir.,t the
tt.! tr.emlly t.ttnter-e. roue tt,i. 11. e
wate....megetittettlutt cott-te.l Mr. Marry t..t.tbe
tltQtinctlit.lte.l c'-lttteern, tintl .11.!,Scenet
•eattott cflll,ll..tial altie, to .1
ti,,n lives e.ntrletv
1%111,,,1N. Manch 7, ISM.
1 r q h Ilas.• So.
roll r i I) r r ,"r,. .7!. —.t:,, r•..r lr , .I'~.
Front an inspection of the general npproprin
tion till :ts published. it tippet., ritat
the item tt1:•57:.,001 fir the ennstruction of
Custom House. fie. , nt Pittsburgh was not Arnck
ettt. I remarked that the fonitnittee en Fi
ance reetuurnenthst the onticsion 1 this appro
pr:ntion on the ecore of eionemy, and the e:en
ate concurred. hut 1 preen:me a Committee- 4 , 1
Coufenenee restored it.
thi , ie ail intrr.•.ting 141%1 mat.. the f.. 1
sythpsit, of its cohtent,
Per Diem and Mileage, $R.{:l.l 1(1t1
I 'lerka and Contingencies, 402.000
Lihruira, I :,1101)
President's Salary
State Department,
Interior ''
P. Office ••
111 Ni
I14,1)1 N 1
-"r -
Foreign intarcourae,
Relief of American iientnen
•alirond i
The fiair
Judiciary Expeni‘e..
Light lltame.,
Erection of Custom and
" 111 N 1
18 - 111
I_.l 1 1
/1 111
I'ollll I I
Toast Surrey,.
Sab Treti.ory XllOl Mkeol
laneoue. 70,1/.10
StIrVC) , of Public Laiele,
Et pease% of Territorial
I'. buildings and ground,
n t iVtantlington, 812.000
1; en rrti I Land Office, • 1711,000
. $4.307,0(0 00
$6,N15,004) (N)
The aggregate amount, of the hill is very large,
when we consider that a great amount of appro-
priations usually included in it, is now em
braced in other bills—or omitted. An enormous
increase will he observed from previous years
in severalOche above beads. Thus for a Ha
nlon of Congress of seven months a million sad a
quarter of dollars Irro allowed. Neatly three
hundred thousand dollars for the direct expen
ses of our diplomatic representation ttbroactranst
certainly be considered attrawagant. Then three
Quarters of a miyinn fns the support of the Jo-
i diciary. system is a great advance on former! the timA' for coinpleting the •flonitisyshco rg , ..
years. -Each one of the following items is nazi. Redford Turnpike Road .Company.
°suly heavy. . Mr. Kunkel, from a seleet.-committea,_ report-
Beside the half million here appropriated for .
t . re n uce their road, and in favor "ofpel
a - ed , minst compelline the Pennsylvania Visi.k....
Light 'rouses, a special bill gives enough more the ilamsly, Portsmouth, Mt... Joy and Lanea
for the support of the system to make eight 1 Railroad Company, and the New York and
th; i c r ov v,il tics ker of rt.dcruizned. sl i squebanni •
hundred thousand dollars for next year. Nine ; Railroad
. Company, to fence their roads with
hundred thousand dollars for Government build-
ings inlarge commercial cities , will • make the title to certain lands bfWashitblgtocn°comit.yag
'plain farmer rub his eyes. Nor does this over., Col. Robertson, a supplement to the act r;
grown item include three hundred thousand dol .l lating turnpikes and plonk roads. •
.. .. .....
lag, for the Patent Office,. and improvement of
the Capitol. The coast survey was denounced
as extravagant when it required only one hun
dred and eighty thousand dollars. One hundred
and fifty thousand dollars for territorial Govern
! ments is entirely in new item.
! The amount of the appropriations of the am
sion were considerably lessened by reductions
and the losses of bills. The River and Harbor
Bill and that for the.payment of the fourth in
stalment of the Mexican Indemnity having fail
• ed, calmed a diminution of the aggregate by
nearly six millions of dollars. Then the fortifi
cation and the ordinance hills were also thrown
out; and the exceedingly plethoric estimates
from the Quarter Master General's Office were
much cut down. These omissions and reline-
Ithin, however, it may be fairly presumed will
I not much affect the expenditures or the state ofthe
'Exchequer during the next fiscal year, for t:n:
item.. will be likely to find places in the deficitn- •
cy bill of next session. tint the west of the In-1
terior will certainly feel no irrecancilerible grief
at theme reductions in the general expel:dill:ire,
however, hardly they may bear upon particular
branches of the pablio service, mince Ut nod
such inveterate hostility to the disbursement
even a maple of millions for the promotion •d•
objects e 5,1101 to the preservation of their pt.,
perty nod lives.
The Senate jet muitinstes in session. It bat
several foreign treaties to pass Upon, among
one with Portugal for the settlement of
oar clailim upon bet'. It is a small affair, lind
not worth hali the bother that has been made
nLnt it.
The nomination of lion. T. li. King to he 0.1-
lector of San Frattei,o has been again eubruitt
e,l to the Senate, having fallen, through the fail
ure of the Senate to act upon that class of bu-i-
Ili,. :at, It tra, pre..ented nt the regutlar
learn that the popuietion.of Teinieetiee wilt
Ire ,oinewliat ,hort of it million. I had with
oilier, allowed it 111.011 t fifty thOefollei over did
number. I itad that Middle Tennesee which
1.10 exactly hall the population of the
sum, has iraine.l nary nit thousand which is
epud to between fourteen and fifteen per cent.
Th e st a r e will loea one or two representitives
in 'otizress. Jrsar,
IC4 rreernolence of the Pally pittaurgh Gasette,l
11Aaatsurac, March 6,1651
This has been a dull day for the west.
In the Senate, Mr. Crabb reported from the
Judiciary Committee, with n negative recommen
dation, the bill to regulate the fees of the Jo:-
flees of the Pence of Allegheny county; also,
With a negative recommendation, the bill to
amend the act to restrain disorderly' conduct at
public meetings, it.. This is, I believe, the one
which a good humored house passed, he other
day, but which the more staid andaijoher will
conaign ton merited oblivion. The bi)b.Proposes
a kiwi of legislation which is us onuomious nr
Mr. Lawrence repotted from the Committee
on Claims. with amendments, the bill' to oflow
compensation to Amos Addis, for his invention
relating to the constructions of sehutri in dams.
The bill to consolidate Philadelphia City and
County into one City, was reported in the Senoth
this morning with amendments. The Committee
consistmi,of the Senators from the City and
County. A minority report was presented, which
corers about SO pages of foolscap: Two or three
pages only were rend, and the whole document
ordered to he printed. This consolidation
is attracting a great deal of attention now awl
is to o.oor n iittemion of diflicidt The
Lib...foci: men.: I b.:a Philadelphia County are
mole: a idtilpe to sitp!.ort. thin bill and are com
pellt4l to do alth,igli many of them are
~i. Tins it will not
They efl./1 ry re 3,11!
r, trc ..r iailitical friend. to vrt
11i:utast it, wild', they con lire np to the left,
their pronii , e—not its .pint-6t, voting for :
theinserive, sp./thing, I do not kni,
that the VV iris. vouldinurit by the utile:
of lire city and t nitaty. t The tnajoritv now i:
the two i• WO-1 friainently with the W1C...,1
admitwe ibuit it to he a doubtful district, the ' Whii .
have the 10-. a to loot, no they now have but for: inendwr , cht whist the Locofoco
he, se eln fn.ta the County. wier ciinsolid
ti;:n their ve chanties for gaining eleven would be
aw:.l a- that of their opia,nent s for gainin g t, : .
four In:tonging: to the City. Thera nrc, however,
other i l ueotiono which e.t.a- into the uotaitlitti,
e‘tet.t. un.l c u.e6 mfky result
th, gel... or
Some tte the tiet4tl, ~ t the pie-tent Ittea;ture or
%tory ottjedittnette. 'rite ttrevai,nt upint
entettz the Itte , t melt ed the litte , e nguine.t thei
ceneittuttenttlity toe: upon tire rtitittiett a tit.
tett:e.rity on Cat- t•tettt, tatty depend the Pit, t.
th, bcd.
The Free Itankitig op in the Somte.-•
It was.leicate.l at v..tne length this mornifig:—
The Ju t'ontmatee have • reported in five:
or as eracaotionality. lint this question wait ...-
gaol a; some letl.l. :IS late in the Senate
"tic stone, hat tietlduil. Development, lately
toteie leaf tau to ,Ippete that at lea:AA,. Whig,
will vete 11;,,t0t it —one of them, of eaurse com
ing twin the ,4t i t hilatielphia—ntohlong re
cegni,..l It• the peculiar representative of tte
Banking ititeretts. 111 concoct mealy 4 the pre -
ent Ilan:, oppose it, an its adoption ISM prob.,
My destroy the monopoly they have teryears et
it.? et!, and the contest will, ere long
' begot., i:
cave be not taken, one hetneen the ca-pitalitus
anti the people. The letter must triumph in the
engagement. To the Limits who oppose chit , re:
ham. let it be toad, !h.r would better yield the
point when they eia . r, 111.w:tett theytnext.
The State Printers have been Knottily abused,
and most unjustly treatell, by many et the Loco:-
of the :Stow. They are doing the wed:
their contract carefully.
!tail iivino down their iiiiarruptilousaissailants.
I erreic)eatentay, in beuLlittg yuu the reaolo.
tiou adopted by :Le Hews., in rebitiou to bridges
over the State Italirand t7attala. It i.• us
such public and torso hriagsts on the Pennnylto-
Pitt etionl nud twilwoys as were creetetl at the
expense of the Commonwealth before or at the
of completing the said canal anal reitirnye,
,htnaltl he knitt repair - hr the Common.
wealth ; in iteintrilanet• itith the provieions of an
art eyt,t Lei!. •• Act provaing: cr the repair of
Sri.lace "ter the and Laiirtettle of Litt.
Ita,C4 oil We ieth of March,
i ryas
M. Ratierown presented a petition (rein
sundry Otte. of Allegheny county, praying n.
change,in the mode M grunting license in said
„,y a l.m. torn law to tax dogs in said COM,
I V, awl for the encouragement of sheep husbacd
remonstrance tram citizens of
Alleghouy county. against the passage
of the proposed amendment to the charter of the
I,yeaming County Mutual Insurance Company:, from citizens of Allegheny county, for a
space] of Free Banking, based upon State Stocks,
awl for the issue of stool) notes by existing
B an k. also. from sundry operatives of
glieny county, male and fetnale, praying the
repeal of the ten hem- late, so for no it ielatt, to
i their ONVII C 1,11105. • Ilvornsse.
iiMatlAßLltatl, Nlarelt.7
In the Senate this morning, Dr. Carothers pre
etited several petitions for the erection or o
Poor Iloose in Allegheny county; for the revival
of the not rel Dire to a bridge at Birmingham,
and or the passage of a law to prevent the rale
of intoxicating liquors.
Nothing else of importance to the Wert occur
red. The session was mainly devoted to a die.
ctnteion of the constitutionality of the Free.
Banking Bill. Mr. Itililettberg had the floor
this teeming. and took ground against the-report
of the Judiciary Committee. who hod declared
in favor of the constitutionality of the measure.'
This is the. last hope of the enemies of the bill.
All the,ohjections they bad raised to Free Bank
ing were dissipated into thin air, and there was
nothing left od which to hose an argument
against it. The people had tlisilaie4 in its favor
w i t h i,i,t a hl e f orc e, and the ground was well
nigh yi e lded, when the idea of its unconittitution
ality etruck their brain—revived their expiring
energies, and now they fight as bravely as ever..
The discussion will be continued for some dam.
although the Senate hue-passed one hundred hills
Ices than the hones. Btu gran peptone -most
odD-lie hurried. Doing no would .thitorAbzin
het a rloose . , from . the 63amittee
=louts and Bridges, reported a bill to extatul
_ _ _
MeCluskey. a bill levying a tax on doge
in Allegheny county.
Mr. Bighorn, to incorpornto the Western Penn
j sylvania Railroad Company; to incorporate the
I Pennsylvania Mutual Lire Stock liusuranceCom.
puny, and n bill to provide for the, erection of a
Poor llous.e in Allegheny county. '
Mr. Laughlin, a bill to erect the village of
Shippenville, Clarion county, into a borough.
Mr. Hemphill, to incorporate the Clearfield
Bridge Turnpike Road Rompany.
Mr. VatrliOrn., to peoride kr the erection of
a Poor House in Crawford county. •
Mr. Broomall to authorize the Courts of Com
mon Pleas to decree a . sale of lands in certainroses—one of these cases is where lands ant tenements belong to a lunatic or habitual drunk
ard, and the Court think it to the interest of ouch
lunatic or dronkard that they should be sold:
upon the applicution of the committee of such
lunatic or lirctqkard, the Court shill have_nower
to authorize the comMiuee to make sale of lands,
Mr. hied read in place a bill to incorporate
the Canal Bank at Crier to incorporate the Wa
terford and Brie Plank Bond Company. , ;
Mr. Bonner, a further st4splement to the Con
nelsville and West Novften Navigation Com
Hr. Packer for the preservation of the news
paper, of the Commonwealth.
This bill authorizes nod requires the Commis
sioners of each county to sulaseribe-manually for
the papers published in each county, not exceed
ing four: to keep a regular Me or them, and bind
them'at the Owl of the year.
This is an admirable till. The system has
been tried with succe, el_•etchere. and should be
introduced into our own - State.
Mr. Hart read in place a bill to authorise a
general .•yetem et banking, Eased on Statt.
Mr. Sec.nelil. a hill to revue the charter of the
Warrewand Pine Grove ilaiirrind Company.
Mf.. Bigelow, a supplement to the act to enable
" creditor, to attach legacies and prripnrty inheri
ted in the hands of executor:and administrators
awl for other purpose, It provides that the Isi
and 2nd isectior. of the above not, of July 27,
I - IC. shrill not be construed to apply to leg:it:len
I nr laud' devised ho or tinder the last will and
testantent of sty person who died prior to the
pussnge of this net.
Mr. Ilighara, from a select committee, made a
very long report this morning in regard to the
publication of the theological Report of the Stotp -
by Prof. The report was not rend,
nccount of it< length, but, if frorn the pen of
j Mr. Ilighatu, cannot fail-to be an interesting rind
able document.
The House had nutler consideration the hallo
abolish the prrtent. system of managing the
Public Works of the State, and provide for the
election of one Superintendent. who is to have
sole control of the Line. and to appoint the sub.
ordinate Oliver:. Considerable discussion was.
host on the question, but no action was taken.—
All admit the present to he defective, and dearly
all ngree in the surpassing weakness and stupid
ity of the present board: !Mt come object to the
ssletails of the hill, while approving of its general
features. DrtV V..,
ternen - remiloac. Of th, Daily Pi.burgb Claxrtte.)
\FI7 Sonic, Mar. 3;
The finale at TV.hington is the all-ab,orbing•
topic for discussion among business men and po—
lili eines to day, and Lot for the failure of the ap•
propriation for the "Collins Line of steamers;',
every body would he very well satisfied.
passage of the Cheap Postage Bill, gives. very.
general satisfaction.
You will have stern that a Lill to elect a United-
Statee Senator, ho avain been defeated at Alba,.
ny, by Mr. Beekman. of the Fifth District. :la.
reasons which year readers are .loulitiv, act
aware of Latin e flat_ The prelara. Dies now are
that the choice of a Senator in p l iaCe of Mr. Dick
in.,. cannot be unole,luring the present,
of the Legislature.
A man named Town.and hal been at retied
dare my List, elmv.o,l with oi/ohinitig mohey un
der fah, pretences by i,wing latter l y tickets for
tatiomccs to the World . , Fair. The concern woo
raped the “IlforlYs rain bet Union Comp.:by, -
awl it thal they were doing a thriving
busine-n. having alr,ily l•taine4 .cans
The ticiieat were nolii each. The cxamin-•
nthmt of the emoi i Law f-oinc
Itanhva weer paees ininithAeint•
new nndan• inwir oix
.41v: vartnit-,L
of tit4!werld. aii.lition tue nientiwt
eti in toy In,t. It fine ,tc211, , 11i; , called the "Bro
ther Jonntben" ha. liar the (-ail
rornhi trek, ,Ite• or the fieete,r
eN,I2, . - et
in an I i:l7l:Lt
Money is in 1,,t
, ttottg!! to noti,
specie in tee Itnnk, aiht Sat, Tree.nry ye,nee
ohy a. ~. :epnrvd v,:ca tilt prcri.ln count
'* . ', , ,C•111/..t ril
a T r ,•rr
: 4 113,tetutt a deert..3, trl:o3t.itittl :
Brokerl 13,1.1 tit °, dm, ett.taish w makeati3 the
The value of
the .azar 3.3 ri.t.l la_t year.
"file loth:, col:l.:cunta:trio: Fehronry yere
t.o:LI ~r ent,:rt, from this port do
nn Fehruary 1 1,4 i 17, accicet
during t fie :Mlle ',riot( Intl yt,tr.
'rue v:i:ort of 1.1,0t,t01i f;oot thig port I::
Great liritatt and I ry'..oni t;yptymber
f„11:oe, flour: •i•Nt 1:14.
W i,enp .;ttd 21;:t.f.37 an C.v...
rat: 8, nthn..onoc, tleprevoyl„
f:e an Le e : .re :tot:et:rot:a.
meut nwl roupd State ,eenntirs are Well
aintrl. N chance in l'eeney:,tair, or-ether
fi u.tera eeeentielt wort'u,o,intr.
. A.larte failure—the Emplre 10111 nt Ctlea
aollounced here ye,terday. which Lao involve I:
par. hero.
The large and reel known Auction firm or'
Austen.. and Spicer hay, Si.itttlided palitlEnt
Jay. Their friends however are coining forward
and it t, to' be Lope.! that they may be ebb, to
gut through.
1:7/7 .1.0
iar, known ar a ruvrr,lgri ?war., t r. chn.nic
~.,.;,i,ran,mrat...Dr. :,1,
wrre neg rl far thr foiintr", r
dm, rarati,r ,arcr.o Asyrrunl tt
I el-, and Italioi...wr,r4,
Co.—A:vat ,ottr a, u,
o:ttloor 4 Tery 000t,troo eotta , ok ..i,otot LAI, I.y tltoo
otooe 0f Mel, .too:Oot Ptitr. Ittoo• to,p, 3,..,7,1 to
iotalth. f looli•otto ttlent too to , o :or•t ttinoileitte (4.r
toortiolalout that hat .ter loooon olferM toot WO In thoo,' ,
lion of th. noutotry. JAMEtto SHARPE'
For Pale by .7.IiIODA C0.,2
• tia (r)
European Agency.
The sol...rriber siaiting the principal rit "n
GrTit nrtah.. Frnisee. anti tivrmanr. during the moint:.• cf
April. )lap. awl June next leartag llttrburnh on Start h
lith. due will la• ploaiarl amend any agencies era Le
iia character which mar ta cenlid , l bix care.
jauVlittarli JOU!: D. DAVIE.
Attention !
Ala - Prat. - Mll - 11,11 ,. . 7:10c2 re.sportftt;;,..i.riteil to th e
Main, unrarn...1,1,....tur.....( Watt. wt.. was.
by the the t 4:
TT,le mar eertif, that I Leee leven .n
rrym.nie Conch, L. ere m'e Fleur 1.11.1ee 4 l'rern!eum.
The enat.llat,eked }11.,,,,17 )47,1,n I,,, rahPr.s.v4 I bad
, well, se I had takAn the 2o:iv!. el'
ph.,,iian. sithent an, leqte,}l:. I LL; alrtmet 144,6:17 Lc the I . J-r..4hed vp,
rye nrr ee' the /wreieara. n 441,114-4,,,0ner
I wsle the, nate:nen:, te.hont any ftpea an,
- ...Mr t.r IL, Ulla others 'et.,
may h.... Wren. may le. beuented. Vt , u are We Javier In
th.seertltrale. I am an old cletwn of Pletet.r4h,
re,d , l here thlrer-thrce yearn. rceident,
:hi. time. Is 1.13 l‘ere.rel street. JOll5 WATI.
Pzeifaracn, Febre.ary Cal 1,41,e
in: rale by li....yrer '1 I;O: Wnw
strew: 1.1. Fahnexnnk. 4' CO., meu,
elrentn Cluny.
Innnglam, and Allenb.oy. nlnn tb,
fent:Ulan:2 Canal
• • -•
.Plants, Shrubbery, Evergreens, ece., &c,
Tae Su DSCRUIER office rut Snle
no. unt.unity larch rot nen olootot
forthmeat at Orottlowol Nunn , . ohm,- ...,,,,4172,‘,.
V to
rile ntbioe coiloence tt EN or , l..eonri, o• - • , ,,
in; extd M. Iteee. (ninti, ton ~,,,n o. , f 1. , .
menu The omottostut ..f Intbilan C(11,.. w one buto.lrot
of the Mon eßteemni tan too., varntle. L. oultivenoo,—
hien WIN to be bad tt the pcont. on Innekot dsyg or rent
ini .r. ,l ol yew ~, enitin addrooNni to Innoburth /WI Ofien
.-n trbti:l;g --I"t". .PAlt t k; IVARDROP, 31t.nebentet.' '
Part= Wa-nted
4:ERSON havirig ~thoroug h Jaumidede - i. , C
. arthi busiug•so, 111 Its bnandust, 4u4 .
us Imam • maser la au estabtchat• butsseds,
Cm cC • or vpirtva at Quo alsee:
N. IL No
_ra,vl/1 be remisAL. • . Ma= ' there n..
TN, :57,31011,111it
AL Liti