The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 10, 1851, Image 4

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    - - mscELLANEous
biugbages of booth Africa.
A recent number of the London Watch
man Contains an extendeZliotige of a Gram
mar of the Kafir Lan:pray": comprising a
sketch of its history, and a.general classifi
*cation.of South African dialects, ethnogra
phiaakand goirgraphiml. The author, liev
J. W. Apnleyard, a Wesleyan missionary
in Kaffrarnt, is of opinion that the dialects
'of South Africa arc " entitled to a more
minute and extended consideration" than
they Lave hitherto received from. philolo
gists; and that by this means many of the
difficulties in reference to the ethnography
of tho-South African tribes may he cleared
up. _The dialects of these tribes, he says,
aro neither irregular in their formation nor
barbarous in their construction; "on the
contrary, they are highly systematic,and
truly philosophical." Mr. Appleyan clas•
eifics them into two families :
The first of these is denominated the
Click family, from the circumstance tfiat
certain clicking sounds are frequently beard
in it.. To this class or family belong the
dialects spoken by the. Hottentots and
Bushmen, the Korannas, Namaquas ' and
Hill Datuaras. They have three numbers;
two genders in the singular, and three in
the plural : -the nouns have no distinction
of ease; and the tenses-and vetbs , dre form
ed by the help of the substatitivd verb, as
frequently ind.he English and Latin, 4c.
The othel'is called the Alliteral family,
and to thiit'family tielLng the COngo, Da
. mara, Sechuana, and ,Kafir dialeets, in all
their several divisions and sub-divisions,
• minified almost without end. These dia
lects are spoken very extensively, by tribes
that stretch ) far into the inte.rior of the
country, as well as by those who live upon
the Eastern coast.
The grand peculiarity of the Kafir i
guage s designated the euphonic concord.
The various changes of. which Kafir words
are susceptible,
are usually accomplished
by means of prefixes, all of which have a
conespondeney of form and use. "The eu
phony Which is promoted in the speaking
of the langdage by this method of govern
ment was what determined the designation
of the principle by which it is regulated.
The euphony is consequent upon the repe
tition of the same letter or letters in the
beginning of two or snore words in the same
sentence." The following is an example:
' Bata tapenduha lonic obantu, tante.
Then answered all the people and said.
Thus, as Mr. Appleyard observes, ."
uniform system of alliteration is sustained
• 'throughout the grammatical formation, of
the language, rendering it one of the most
curious and ingenious ever known."
In the vocabulary of the Kafir tongue /
, which is greater than might be expected in
the language of an uncivilized people, con
crete-nouns are very numerous, and abstract
'nouns, verbs, and pronouns, tolerably so
Adjectives and particles are comparatively
few • end of course it is difficult to find
words expressive of the higher emotions of
the mind, together with technical terms in
‘• science and theology. Hence arise some of
the principal difficulties iu the translation I f
the Scriptures, -
It may be added, that the Kafir language
is full of tropes and figures; thus, to expreSs
uncommon dexterity, the Kars use the
word int:oak, which signifies literally the
"'flying ant;" and with then, "t,, be proud"
"is ridhl.r--" to eat oneself!"
It is a remarkable fact, that the females
of Kaffraria have many words peculiar to
themselves, "arising from a national cus
tom 'which forbids • their pronouncing any
-word which may happen to contain a sound
- similar to one in the names of their nearest
male relatives."
The book,„which contains over four hun
? dred pages, Was printed at the Wesleyan
scission press, King William's Town, Kaf
fraria, end is nu excellent specimen Of „typo
graphy. -The editor of the Watchman well
440 , ..1MENt :
That in a country which, but a few years
ago, was a moral wilderness--a scene of
barbarism, war and wretchedness—that
mighty engine, the press, should now be in
operation, and should be producing works
so available as this, together with copies of
the sacred Scriptures translated into the
languages of the native tribes, is an indica
tion of good which no philanthropic mind
. can contemplate wilhotit pleasure. At no
former period aid the missionary enterprise
in that, region present a more encouraging
aspect than it does at present ; and the re
cent extensive geographical discovery in the
interiiii of Africa is a circumstance which
seems to call upon the friends of
flighted country, in particular, to put forth
extraordinary efforts for the evangelization
of its heathen tribes.
ItEpeditioli to Liberia.
The brig Alida, of Thomaston, Mc., saib
ed on Thursday ast from this port fur
beria. The Alida is of two hundred and
thirty-four tons burthen, and was chartered,
for the voyage out, by the American Colo
nization Society, for 83200. She carries
out one hundred and thirty-nine emigrants.
From Tennessee, 18-15 free, 3 emancipa
ted; from Missouri, 4—all free ; from Ala
bama, 3—having purchased themselves;
from Illinois,B—all free • from Indiana, 8
free; rote f rom free, 36
emancipated; from the Stffie of Louisiana,
33—a1l emancipated from New Orldan,s,
23-17 free, 6 emancipated.
Previous to the departure of the vessel,
which bad been announced in all the morn
ing papers; religious services were perform-'
ed on board. It was an occasion seldom
equaled in solemn interest. We counted no
less than nix clergymen of different denom
inations on the spot. After two brief and
affectionate addresses had been made to
them, the -emigrants joined with their
friends on shore in singing a last hymn,
and received, the heti - edict - inn. Many hearts
bade.. them a God-speed; . many fervent
prayers were breathed for their safe arrival
in the land to which they go.—N. Orleans
Chris. 'Ad,
A Chikra Prayer.
A dear little bright-eyed child, who has
been lying upon the, fur rug before the
sanctum lire, suddenly pauses in her dis
jointed, innocent chat ; says little Blinkey
has come to town, and that her eyes are
heavy; creeps up to the paternal knee, and,
half asleep, repeats, very touchingly to us,
we must say, and certainly in the most mu
sical of all still small voices," these lines,
which a loving 'elder sister has taught her :
Jesus, tender Shepherd, bear me,
Bless Thy little lamb to-night ;
Through the darkness be Thou near me
Wptchnny sleep till morning light-.
All this day Thy hand has led me,
And I thank Thee for Thy core;
Thou bast clothed me, warmed and fed
Listen to my evening prayer. [me;
The prayer itself dies upon her lips, in
almost - indistinct, sleepy murmurs;, only,
when Kitty, who has come for . her, is-taking
her away to the nursery , tshe says' half
awalteued: -
—Take me when I die to heaven:
Happy there with Thee 4 ? . .? dwell!
Since little Jose Went up ;stairs, we have
been thinking of this; and because it inter
ested tis„vre thought we would jot it 4osvn.
A princely mind will rain a private for.
tune. Seep the rank to which Pnr9denr
hath placed you; and do not make yourr
unhappy because you cannot afford win
ever a wild fancy might suggest. The r
enues - - of all the kingdoms of the wr
expense of one
.uld not be equal to the
raragant person.
If you would know the value oemottey,
and try to borrow home
A ARM', COUNTY ItA 1 LltoA I)—Sraled
9 1 ..171247 1 g1 e prir Crr. 1117.'"or.i:Lti lir`,,
'US. a.' lath usylKif S4stca oesl.for e rtulualion. rtwou.
[i ;,t i 11 ' ... 1 1,t 45 1r. Zu1y." . 0 . ,,. " : 1 ift?„ror - u" . -
Plar, awl Apefq6eatloan az the "1:wT . 1 . ;... ,^.1.
ge,,=lt7 r. ', % V°,s zb,.."!",, - ,,', , , , ,g i rrnrg=
.1 r,'=* . %..lbi7Zy , ,f, '
Yfrlon:W 11.
Notice to Cont.
91 llhlo 110 _And ND PENNI
ROAD—.Bl.l:dgirnle 7,11
...S kl lo7 oLAlcstions tam to
tained'at. the flare in PfttWora.:
lotting. on anOin.dr: 7.14
, r1rx[,;...1..!.. - .=-F.
s s i 9 T o t ,Th ip .
rOtront. nobILW 0000 times.
111110POSA GS for Email,
'ion Bridge over the
/ stroet, tbe Ifl t tb ro lal
i lore ou Pt;:e. ' ll will be ::e'e4 led iti
inter A Co.. Liberty Wert, untl
.ext.. for We erection of ton en.
Bern thexonf totw We name .0
ith ' , orb al.rations ao bidder.
tare sOnwte. er trl
iI.VANI A 11:A I 1.-
roottoot at the other
' l o t f ‘' Vai, P it ' ll:xl. '",-, . ,
pla.otalun. a &sumo ,
of propurato mar be
fur two wool , * Itrm'imo ,
tmou W. Ra , ! . ..l.r .r agh t t...f
p`rotridnt of the Com.
NhON. JR., Prreitleot.
or, Ant._ricarklrond
g a Wire Suspen
' up
estroye. 1., tire.
1 nt the otllor of Jar oh
thr Ifdh day of 51amh
deacrlbed •,. thr
nay intw,vat dl.
mrd of Dl'met.lmetum.
S. landing per str.
0. SUGAR-,-40 hh
e tor
lk. k I
U; awl for I
febt.s JAMES
1,h19. for sale by
lags sale tiv
442.5 N. V. V!
I REESE-150 boxes
of no. nye..ll.ll.ablo for . 7:
. H. for sale Icy
N BONNTltticsi • coo
' purejuier
...a. fo`2,
QI.IGAR-15 0 hhds. pr me tiT, just reed
".Per'''''`'`h'ln'illtließNlSTYl INGIIFWM,
111b25 No. 116 1,,a,
A *RANGES-100 hoxel just re'd mi s t! for
k 6 r 11U111111 1 11/0k. II N. 116 11 earr
nf nuperinr styl•, and min
fthe !attest and new. ely
blh •
A large as,ortment
or sale by
s. a w.itsusauou
MARC 11, B
_--- - ,
BROOMS -20U dozen
VF' , k i t? A Z z. L . N rn E u S...F 0 , '
IV4 - tel,;__
s L•Aly'm Book for Mak
taraham's M.O.:Aro ,
Partaken .b oos , •
1.1141 re eNatioo•l M• 40.4 .,
IVacou•tek or the Prophecy.
1411. , 94, , , , , ,
: Mg= n ,i
I Shrl.;e2ttorir b y y kt• P ili •.1
• Phancto sh: • pew no• 01, 1.,
large lowortmolat of
ttat * thr C..arpet
Intl. the attention of pumk.
Oil Utah..
w.annned Cloth, f.
Fourth to vchnch w
sale •
'4 01LN —WO bush. for
J SbV: .
h as in store, arid 62. do
to ortivo, for rale h,
!. (AIM
tp, fa.utl In the tow of
i tr. Ilpiown of the mn.
erchniatt or Ciminuati in I
M M. 11. JA on
5 Mils for s 4/.. Inc
H. JoliNsTisS
•rry Dmle'r VemMble 1,d1.1
pnalineut Deluge.. and
cretin:m . 4(aq. 26th , lain.
Ire. the ginderlogned. Druggble and Merch...4 thle
eity, hare laml and eold lm • `ear , l.`e o
maat. an article of Family M rine anent. ae Verry laarn's
Vegetable Dun Killer, and we nevi,' ...ore the taiblie that
in crery inatance, an far as we know. it bea given the lent
FaMisfartion to the purchaser. IVe ran reevmmend it to the
nubile as an artle , of great rit e
became virtu, tioleed. are
never anew an article of M icine became en de-eermally
?MOM In mo !Mort e time, ar kb Is Idekred by the fart of
ite ealeueire sale and cone. tly
. inerraeing demand.
. -I re e r d ell 'y e l ly 'r ft ,bl.: : ' Vlirtft? -s, "" i r eTi t :le;air. A.,eat
. Ne ,I"
,Wand etas.). fehln
'-The Tanaellaritqln
in u bia.Stingiw,mt Fr• - ‘l. , r ,
I he .4.1 ..o appli,Atluti to
01IN MeVADES S. L'lt.
Cann' 11,s. n. PatAnrch
47§ECTiO - N
. A1 . 11.5. 4 : 1 1r . giaTrlzh".
L OAF ,.
. S91 ; 111-14 3
' 4lO _ _
1 . 1 hbA, uKsorted num
Nr , 116 , rt.
-7 bales Cotton:
97 melts Fratbrre.
21 do Peanuts..
.10 Dry Apple. ,
4 do do la.
2 do do do
4 do liinftur
1 do Wnol,movi
Kild for ...le by febl7
"Ai ;maw
-,r---0-'l-tfIV--.§SDA A:
facture, constael I
• Wa4r ev.wt
tads. fur sale by
Principe, 'Lep
A. Cf7i.fili , oN A CO
M aas begat, of .11
check drawn by UR in
1753, dated
t F bcou Tnwlnd
L XLV:R ' : 7 IIWIC PTIOr.."
fired . of floury Frits.
1,1. MI N. Holmes a Son& •
and fifty dollars: ham he,
Pittsburgh aod Parkorsbu
orals. reviving much
stooped. fobli
•a_aks on hand and' for
L T fohl7
HaTourrr. BERRY & CO._
1.3 wars on head and for
bbls large No. 3, M
ik i tA CKE BA iI
Jir■mcbasett. ins
Plantation, for sale
m o b LAssm 7 l o
71)0 BUSH. Di
alena; for eat., by
,1) APPLES, for sale by
11.1 tl sl r
1..3 MLekortvl:
Ttut_toi bbls N.
Drums C
4 bbls Fad
W. 6 Y
BROOMS, Gor It.ttlet Gc
it!tt lIKAM.
1 1 Furnishing Goods.
CO.. N... 1;2. ant/ 1,4
m troll) hand tt halt.
00 I)(4. i 7C°
Linen and Hong!
it m u dka Istrret,
Iwor• a folloorli
d Llep r:
andDsimra ,,, .
end lllrd
s Cambrir,
f k r . all kith,
410-4 IkAtou do;
Itsrh 4,.
'Tame Cloth, Damset.
..^.4.1.1tma, Overlay.. Doi
Linen Lawnr and LI
Plnnr end Linen Dam
Linen lan/brie Ilandk,
Allendale Bheello •
(.4 Atlantle `,7he.lnes I
ms Youth; t.y U. Bar
l,weel to I
Tb. Robin.
I'm thinking o'er tLe
!d, New KZ I gland Ilom
l.rdwa N. Knaland,
Abe I Is far Away.
)h. meet menu We flly
! here iire friends of
orw wat. detlirttted to lb.
i Sfl y llaar , on
.. ttar .. Prllt
l're Info ' rni fr .tt ' ll ' i r e t : illt
The Spirit re.
Co, ht. Lb the Mark Ole
Would I were with thee
Les Adieux, by liner.
Au extenaive mlleetlon
[lbw, Se.
Alf. • new tmpply of •Ne. Certain. 51... a." Cantlra
Landis. and an excellent i ear .rork, called the - IlebdisL"
a eollertkm of pupubtr an serial 'rungs. t he and
mutant by 11. S. W elk • d W. alavon...- , ronsidered ono of
tbo brat
or ever pub! nal. 11. Kt-F.I3ER.
fabli Golden Barn. NO 101 Thlnt rt.
rilllE HISTORY F PEN DENN IS, 1C.,. s,
I. by Win. M. Thnorkla • and the Queen , .Nrcklare. or
tits Secret Ilistm7 of the oft of Lout+ Sixteenth, by Al
exander Dun., have bee rer'd. and for vale at 1101.. MES
Literary Depot. No. 74 Th n 1 at, febl3
50() bo
6 t :1 1 4 1s Dried An . 1t5 , ...f , 0 ( r . t . 1 ., a u l e a 1 C ,4 .
s2.,,,.. w.:,:r=".;:n b L.`ni l ;:: „` ig i stir.gsg ..ll4-
not the ernintry. Ihe r rang., n. been found to be an
Invaluable turdlelon In 'very family To Seller"' Llver
Pills thountuta are Indebted for relief from Nall and dip
-0000.. There waiting ha'. gained their popubarity try ex
ten.ive experienre. They' have been (fin! and .foutul to be excellent remedies fir the ollwases for which Keller ym
, Tan:mended. We hate frequently nand Mr. • •
Lough Symp. and kranot ilt t. b. a rpredy cum for a tron.
ble.ozo. eough.—Mormnal2i/effraidt•
• aresamd awl odd by it K SELLERS.
(0600 fa Wool greet.
every deseriortionlot77 sale.
;1.0 & W., No. Liberty rtree
,'....llPk.drunTa Tl'
1 1 ..e 1" Le . rt. 1 ' ll *ln. li
fr i '
I fitio•:::
1. 410 house work. Apply
r•' Sone awl 1 , 1 k..
AO Guitar.
116C - XiLAtkof
,to Iv Maud to the .4.
llt at tab attic.. I
ARD-4 kept ft
(r rule I,v
monism. k CO.
.osen 5 Lump, for sale by
MrOILLN • Rol".
\o. 1, for s ale by
w.* P stilloN
'orth Carolina, for sale by
w. A F . WIL,ON.
1 44,7
up OSIN —WO lA,
1 . 11, 1.417
rr Ott-tuubbi.;
) 0W ERS--200 carikS,.
snurnAu laul for pal.. hy
Bk!iNETT. If lJtltl 4111 .
AJP ,.. vlrrior
t rEatifid - Titii
1,41.:111;.".. °
.. IL WI f
tructiou. .06-a
LDINGS—We are Fel.,
I sr... Sur bra., LAT..
Istr.l or but luau, mud hi,. utu
the rumt.ln Puperiutenot HA rent
by J KIDD t 01.1
I One Smut Still, complete
'els and 15 kegs do, for sal:
taßATifl'S PAT]
qtfirr MILL
Ledo Icr• br
ARD-30 bar
5 bbls prime Ti Butter
. le br It. PA LZELL J CO.
" 4
La bond Rod for
NS-100 holes on band and
',1.241 A. CLILIIEKTFOji A CO.
EiyESB .11„
• .tly on bond cod for male by
d MILR—SePt •
• INSURANCE. . • _ -
Pitta___ Life Insurance Co piny: 8 -= Ar ---- A ' T = F ; - , P. -- 7 7- 1_ , R , 1, VO - 111.'!..-:. -- Tl =--- ,e Wolter
E following Arsons, I , v the tern- off water t7ocit r r s ' in L eges;=ri; '. 2 . lti ' :act . t t At' st-.
Ch.„cteo of the T 17 1 ,1.1 I ari!' I. AI D-WEI, i!a b col ,, ltcat , i . .,.. „ l . Ilyd . ropathy tor Profeaxional anLannestic
••. PAX/. Pre the Directors of amid I otn any for the .1. T . .
10.nre•Depractage of II ydropathr. with 11114. en engraved
Arai y.f.r...,
Charles A Col in. t ii,,,,,,,, t ur of igniantant Future.. by 1.3.11.a.1 Johnston.
J ohn S. Leech. Fantuel 31.1110 rltan, 51 11
John It thlworth, Wtn Philltwa, . Thenry and Practice r Hydropathf. hr the 131. 31
John A 0 iLw.t.. Franke. translated from the Mercian by I.lwrt Enik,e,
A , A „....ting of (lit , Alan: , 11,romoro. held at the 1.100 1.1 , I T l t t , - ..).„,
work. for
.. i. by
C A ( 31 ' \ 11 .. 11. -' N ' • l i n ux ....Med Preanlent ' ;WU.eller and Stationer, writer Alarket 1.4a1 ThllM Ma
hAnt IA
t o AAA, 1 Ira I.n.mdent 11.1.13
en On.r A l'oonal. noon tr, . _.... _ e 1.“.11. reanor., IC EW RI/ORS - -The history of Pendennis.
The`oel-1. Intnouri. 31. 1 , - Exarninin, 1110 quint. 1. 1 Ili. ("Mune. , nn•l mbforturw. lio frwo.l4 and LIP
00.4.1. uularriptuor 10.100 of the 13...,..m., u.lll 14. errat, t enenit lts 0 111intn MaUrspernw Tharkeray WILL
found. for the preuent. at the how, of M. 1iJ.1.. 0 tt.w., d 111u.tration•nn w.. 01
t .
' f
two inhume,.
Co .on 0.a.1 •tro, abort. Ogre w . ..lnne to aol-ente rm. No •or M. 11 ..0 of I endennw Ily It .31.7f...4,,,,
have en onhorttsttlin tu.ln ... MnP....11.. A Ertuturuttn Stnr, Ili the author of the
A Di r car of the Ihntr.l I Iluttn lum,
fe1..1,2w 4 . A 1 . 01.T..N, Soer. Di, 1
..A...,,11.0,12,,.....,1”..,....-1.01 V... 1,1 IlooL of the Revolution Ity
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ( The aim,. 1....L•yue1. reraix ea raid for
. 0/ . 11.1..
1; • 1.,..10T0h.
- i•f 1.17 N.. ~ 0100,..1 .L
BRANCH Or VICE - No. r, 1 timi um SIRE..
PITTSBUI:4111 I (,)g ti i ISl: . ti ,
i. 1 . .E At'l I ES, for sal by
Ttlf: best evislenee of the suttees , of the I ....,A il / 24A AI 1 - 1111101 En
, 1 7 1 11 . ., - y5 0 i .p11 . k . ,11 11 1 , ..,, , g E 4 7. 1 . 1.3%.; 1 . 1 . „.. .... , A Te; . ...",, ,, ":„. ' /j t tbin Sinai. •Itn lii bi.b. i1....1 Tdii..W. for
OAM I' n1111101:11
ibe enumnouni. i• 11,.• unturrallelol anunnit of 1.T....r... ,, , i 1 / nuke b, fad: ,
,Vgi b b, b ,t: A ., '.. ...., j.' A t n .r g ' l, l , ' ,, ' „ ' , ' „' .. , 1 L'u n ' t . , l .l 'U\;,l•.::.:t.'eti:r''';'W'r:•ix”, ' on it' Duz CORN BILIJOIS, for sale by
anntal h, the Gann,' . Thr hirnutors nre proud to uth. , •..I ~.. r 0001 It. SIMI VEIL
Unit nearly all the ontoertt innur..l t• of Ihn nh., Ml:kiln . -.-. -
all rink, and a laria. an.oortion for old, one 6 11BLS SENECA OIL, for ',ale by
K" .
. mutter of Policies issueil,. - 5.06.; 4 SAM I. AJMER.
1113 LS PRINIE ROLL BUTI'ER, for sale
Amount of property insured, t4.-i.J:t9,-Itui.oo , 1., i 800 I . 1 4 11111%
ell. -
do. guarantee premiums. 57." 11 0.7 9 I I mu, (41,-12 1,1,1,,,,,..d i „, l . ~,,,,,,,,,,,.
do, cash premiums, -.- ' - -,194.-4,
.4 you-n0n...000 tor sus by JAa 11ALZELI A
do. gunruutee smelt. -- - 9)11,1111.113 r !Ad, No. ea nal, M.
do. Imusen., ' 4,11111.1111 ; itA T IN I/OW I:LASS-20 0,
las. Ni 10, for
To be .1,1.1..t.T1 front the slaw,' loalnure. Die turulental ' X V rule I, r..i.m .1 AA. DALZELL.
"TT; t , ' , , r 1L ,,,, , , L7r ,. ....,,,,,,,,,,..,„ ~,,,,,, ,
,i..,,,,,,,„ . ill / PPE ll A S - 25 lob's, in tine ur,lo- • for sub.
aud sad mutat, pruner,. a ~. helowed th1.....n. 11 : I.• PIA 2 J SCIII.IN MAE ER d. Co
O) ar.m. rah mtagrx ru potnt of He-owe-0..105. sto . , ..., ~,,,..,‘. , .
..... nhtv
In no l linturnner Cnlttnltllt 10 List.
. notitt, ILI li.l, 1.111g.E.,-.3 1, taus, for stale loy
• cr, l , 3 :• ' .nift..cted
. on the Villa:or and greatly 'tun......i nyder.. , fel.11! .1 a4 . IIOIINNIAKEICA CM
...i cation of MM., ..halig 0 , 11 Ma .. . 011 1. b.."... ii , • a A ., • , . A A,,,, . .
• Awing only a Hunted .11141,14 In AI, •Aln 11,011 I.r , • 1 , 1 All /Tit i ,r.r . .1 1 - In etaire awl for sale by
du.. tbs frequeue, , and occurrettey...f In, err: and 1 ~.t . ,, D I AIAII DICKEY A Co.
aka on both 1.. Mock and Mutual On. It Let odd, p.m..
•et.... ink cleesane , and turronna•lntlon ot ludls utelloula ril,k it- V,ii 1.1,k. ~, .4., am! for allie IFM
but etttle. the inann•l . a ortiene.tion in 11,.. profit. • ~,, ISAI All DICK E% .. t.. 0
e. su under the runtn.l uf htn. Icertrao.-John • _ .
P Itutlyerbird. A. J .1111.11. Jonn M I'll. kar ma T Jew.. • ~_,) CASES Ca , simuts :
A k"'"
' ""i''` '
Ph"" .. t•iltf•lnltit`;kVibhi...istit i 0 *
2 eno 4 Phylol Flannel*: Far pnle 1.0
A J MILLETT. aecertn7 . o i 1mi . ...
A A Catalan. Acton" J') F,E I NEI' BORAX-1 11 caret., for sale by
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philad'a.l li f.. 1.1., J aell.all.ll AK F.ll ICO
GENT IN PITTSBUI:(;11, W 11. DAVIS. I 4 4; 1 N - ". 1111 ' . " --
4er% , J Finon). Ir . ch-c0n....1 I No, Nu , Ett a ,' .r.,.., • 1 lom Isuph 1 , , rendn,
Iwo do do APO ,
or the Dell. , omeaulinee of perw.l,- n,ding itt.the
lower vart of the riti. the ngert ton. ni... be f.o.nd .1111,. , lirwa 0 nehington 13. Dotter,
a. I,l.l.extrt Farsoly Fl.x.r.
froni II to 12 and 2 to A o'elork, nt the oaturna r... 1 11
J Suhouninatxr I will .No n' ad Mr.P.t, abate all two • A. e t .. Superfine do.
•Inirrnatton • wi be gnen awl nonniuntentam•onnt .00. dozen ..xtrn Corn Itnenn.
ttetdol to Pampn... et pinlrd. x the P'..A . mPl . “' A n ' l . Ira. , le.,- 0 Indon 1,164, .......1. In More
10, 1 .011,'w of 1.000 In•uniner. and 1.1n.,.k Dm.. forni.bed on • ,rd 1 ,....1 .‘ 7 11- .•; JOHN 0 ATI it tll.
„„,..,,,,,,,A, 4 Liberty at
'- e A rg,Al ,ik ~,, .11,L.A.N.1,04/0 And ,114.311.111 1114,,ALA -
Profit. dividol annuall . ninong.t 11.•••• 111•111 , A for 111.• , 42
... . •
P.11.1 , ..rgh. inn 31. 1,1 -0,11 .. bele Tomah. ..v.l, API I,IIP new rent..
10 1.11. mat , 1..., An I Leaf Lard. "
Marine, Fire, and Inland Transportation ' ' .., hh.l. prune N 11 augur .
100 lat• N .. Mad yaw.a.
Insurance. ; .... lair hattln cw..... 1 a II Alolarmor.
t • ' ' 1..1.01 4 /lour wan ...line nail extra bran.
lilF. / o. ` o,3llli ' Om ‘T .ll Y " I N " rth "' men'' , ,Clts, sisi r , ... lo- - loom sA k Ilthl..Cf RICK
Phihnlelphla-Col 10 , 4 o . atatel Sulml ilthit Ahwt . ~,,,
nt, 13. 1 , 31. 51 ...1.,3 0 111 nrYO 2 In•urano....l . _
b. II d I DE A .' the`f -"An.... mi A'“ .ii ` m l I "' ilv , l 1k P. 1....0 IN ES-A large and splendid :i.ssort
'„'„,,‘,',';',',';',."7,...,,;;*,..,`,\,:li:V"',lTl'S'n'd-lt.rT.l--.1.,V1...,:: ~...rm o i. r ib" . : ' 1 .11.41 Mmial. 11,131fi1t , n...4 Etta. b De I..nuea
And t 0.1,.......e.. Inm. 1, to ....... twr i•rd
"AAA' • I roue). all cr,n) 10. Lainew .0.1 C.ltuterra at moll
twuroon. 101 , 1
Arthur 0 Coffin PA,I. Thema'. I' OM-A A. \l.\'N ACM
. . I •
;.71us:Tt.1‘:toil;I‘"... John lt N.H. T.\JLI IRS . TRIMMiNtia , -I{,eimrd and
John A Drown. 011101:11 0..
amend E Pnoth 1 enrol. 11 .' nix.. IA .1.10... ay. -1.-Twin Nato and Liating A ewt
Samuel Iteml, a ‘11,11.11. , A1..1 l .m 1 11.111.61.• 1,11.. 01,101. anel Jahatan..l Pant and
4 11111.1,1 Ta, lon oin E 14.1%,." , . 01...0 11011.1.. I hut. and 111 n, 10.0t.....1., Witt....
Anthetwo White. 0.......,...... 1 ''.-.-. 0. 10.1 A A 11.1h.thht A I'll
..h..+3. )1 Thorn..
Alor...W‘ln. 11 I 1 r °" ... ... . Iv IN I RINN' t; LASS--0 1 x 1 1,. "Ilattglit's"
ii r u n t, ~.,.,. ,
Thin 1. the ..I.lext 1114 Ir r mu , .. 0,11 ran, .., tn. 1 nor 1 0101. A •I, lo tor •-de . 5.01 1t,..1t.t.1 A tom.
:I',;t:nYt`;,,',:ti,:,',.r..r;',,lt':ict:‘?,... .. ` ;',.;•7 ," 0t: " : ' 47 ,-, 4 ,`!,. . ," ; ", i ' I ).‘T F:NT SIJ.II . Pow iiEE ---...t) i...:,i.f
~°, ~..',...f.„...r..,,•
..,[l.. mg.. -.word. ... It.. 1... 1 . 1, s ' I .., ilid and for •ale 1., II 3: SELLERS, I.: 0 . ..ul
. t 0
11-1.1 A M ' DAT.. ~0, .1..... of wht.. the gentone nate. nu, Ova" , bad
. ra.2l Ne .1 Aront •trl
; American Life and Health Insurance Co. •• 1 4 1 11\ S STA Rell -'2tl boxes 6.r N• 11 41 1.0 .
0 ' a 1.1.1 . 011 A Its 111,
• 11F Piiii..o DELPIi I 0,
, . , I 3RDAN II lI,V VIS- 10 bbis lotr.i;
Aytut ter l'ill.l. , ,rgh, Stla 0, ff , H I I'. I ~.-k 11,11/ 4, 1.1 um , ow
Dab, Y.: 0,000 .0 nt...... auotbfield I
.!,....... r.r „.,,, ~,, ..,,,..,,,
P. 11 1• 1111.10 ' r... 1 .11 1 . 1 ", a" 1 ... 1 ` .... .f 1 ." I.O rAI‘ A M' A ' `AD Ii" • t. 1.1 . In kI tll DlllirE ACm
rildanwal al the olllor Inli .10
I 1 11 1 . • 11 Li, floor. for sale by
Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. , IIIt I ~111 ' .111 I. 011111 1 Ell
• l ' . I ' .
(i A PIT Ai. 8300,000. K. VII I, LE11,..) .... . llf 1.1. f: m .‘i.T, -I-, ~,... i..r .:, , :,
I) ~,, i tu•llut IN Al A h hlt ACO
, 1 - 111 1n.. , n •nisnt hit tua- ..1 1,, ht ' A. nod ht trou.
I ...un- v. 11l r.....;., .„,.„.‘..., .„., hnut.ply t.-... 1 IN SEED 1 1 11, 411 bids ree'.l for nal.. by
1 M A
' home I u.t....1 -I::nn. , i i., .tr......r. wt. , .r.. vr., iA' ~' a A 0 MAEDA 1..11
. Annan In the ....Imam. , . ....1 uhf nr.. ,10 rm0,..1 lo
• PIA I AI .OO " AA 11 ^A 11 ' .. r . A1 1 ” '.‘ mA' I ' AM ' 'l . ' I '• 0..- ' ..0 o " .•Ali . I) \ PER 1 1 A I fend.. 1 ‘ rapping. as , orte.l.
• - I .ss ea's ....cud. a. oliferlin. Ow two pro., Don to t.--. , Dm d.. ll•rdware 1.1.
• 'h l ‘ riti . 4. 7 . ll" Irilre t'l Jr . ro. 111....., .1, AV 11„i1..... N . I"'. „I
' I I A
0 DA J aI . IIyAINSI A KiED A • • y
11 " 1 . • ' . • ir • "' s 1., ''',""-- '• ''.. '' " '^'. ' /' I lA , KR' t. 4 el' SI I lON s -I list revidi ~1
w a s
„NI Lro..lnnow I.olAng ,ll .r r-•. 'A ir. ' • Janie- a a I. 1., J KIDD A ,land
Adler. AO.l ',mica. The, llkad No , A , 14,1 Ytey..l
011ie, No W . 2 Wat.r ',of rwary.hou . .'l' nanng A ,,, i , ...
, mA,....., Pnt.hargl. '"' 4,, 11 1 k ER - S , 11E11.11.5. 311 Lind-. a fresh lot
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Comp's ' .; KIDD A ....
QFFICE. NORTH 11110 M OP, 'fl IE I:X :
11.V.Y.E. Thinl Mr. 1,1141.101..... t y .0 ANiMt 1\ I.\ Et iturE.•,, , . , - ,.. .,:,
, y i ti i r i bt,rt.
iio is. , ..,.. c - ii,oon.. Thr 1.5..... 5.1 .rher . 1 .. I • i t '
rn't. , r I. 1... 0 mol, , ".” ,, Ir , , r.r-i
,;,;;;-; ;,- • r g 'Hy FI- - 2111 i 1.3v.4 L. Coffee, ]]tat rer'd
'''`l'l:"`,.., ' ,"'t?, ' ,',.',. *'''''. '.'''''' ''''' - '' ' ' ' o' ' ii Atod f. 4 .11, 1, 1,1 1(1,1L11A .1: a 1N7.6 kli AU.
and t7.rolnltlh. -n.
.3:01.0., 4/14, r 1.,..1. ••• mu.. 01 5.•• Iln II Ater mreet
{mina.... ar the couur...l ma,
Intawn it.i.r•rn• - .11... -11,,, Al. , man, 31..n•banyt0e Flt ii.'•l I 11 . .4 . . \ NS- ...lit.l r...• ed. Vd.l.,
trunegyort..l l.y . ago... Mad naol emw. Pared hnt, on I .r, I. ~..,„ „,.,. ,„ ....., ~,
"tram Ns.. on ry...r. sr..l lulu. ..t. 11...nt 100,1 .3.1.• ht t SI ..t I 1 F.. •
• .l'ot 131..-1..,.1
I . . ttoh,trtl. lut It I' s 5.n... "utr.....1 I I ..1 .06. • _
ueurs. t, Llt-r. tlannnl Its .. 1,,:3 n hall .. it.... ll .. 1 4 1 l(FS1 11 3 11., . ... I ,Intro t,.,.,,,,,1 a nd f u r
n i 11,4 . 1.1, P.M AI,
Iland. henclolts. 1,1.1.110 J. 11 J ~ . ~ .• tr k.
_1 ory I
JohnllA -IL 4 r , ,, ~,,,,... '...x . .. 1 . .... - D. , ` 1- 1,-. 4 "II N rE.I:I ELT MIN DETECTORS.
( brb• to r. . .1 . . 0. n. 11 in iinl ,1 1 1- ' I It. 411A4 i ,.
~,.. . „
~ ,,,.t,
John het tor... AL In 4., 0. J. • o n, det......1 extailltlonalt .rw
-111,10.0-10... 131- . 1 1 .. 1 . - I. \ M . r‘m , • II"- i • '.....• .: . : ' ,11;21.,.........e. .1, Pro . E.,. 01.1...1 add 54 la aou
John T 1., tl 31•nxra. Pp-alerit Two , t• 11',..., oe. CO.', • 0 0 Wll- 4 4.N.
.1413 A. .1,44A3,1 ,V 1.. A. 4. h..nrntst, ' . - ...rn.1 nr Mark, 0, Ist...t•
liii - OTTta It ..1 thu ...pan, , N.. to %Vat, .treet Pd.
burgh 1....0 ,11 I 'a M Al . !'" A.A.'” I )ILL - 4.. 1 psts•r.- •...i.
Franklin Fire Insurance , Co. of PhileA'a. ......
01 11
it 1 . 11: 0 T()ILS 1 'hark. , W. lianeker. t:i... . II I ,n 44
. -
7 n rorhsel - - 1-I 's . : llsrl n '' , ' ,. " -" l' '''''"'" T. 4 " m. I )11 lEii.o Pr LES- .., 1 sacks I.'r foie 11V
J -
as ..1d..1 IL Wu. ',tn.., nr501.1.."3 h /truvrr.. , 0.
Jamb It onth, M.,. I . o.Dcw ry 11 DA LZIELL f:00
I'll 1 LI , I 11 ANCE pt. 1•re..1..r0
,• 1 1,,x,r, fl I..‘rxtra. h...rtntnt.- ll 10E \ Ill.ASli -.....1 , .asks on -1131)t1 and for
/I DAL ,111.1. A 10
" Urn'''. nn ""' '..."."°"." "r
'''' ' '.."
'''''' ' r 1.A , 1 , ---- 4 II ali 1110 , and ilualili 4 /q. on band
eountr, at ra, a• low ... a....a whit...vont, _
' l
-Jo i, A ,.. ~.....„.d A twege o,otletret Intl. X ...a a • sae 0. 4.-1.0 II 0A131:1.1. A , .
which. wst,h thew. Capital and I•naniczni. ••...., mween-1
afferl amply oroteeta.n to M., ......1 . 1
. .
_1 1111I.S Nib I. 101 ISIN. ito:t reeem..l
nu ...ult. of the I 3 ant...... on I •non•• 1 1 .1 1, " Ai Pm. 4 t r i ai.4 f..• ....1.. t., It A I All!. hel l (A - V. •I 0
!Db..' agnwahl Ito the Art of A....¢.1.10, were n• tr41,..4 . 0,10. vrure W.r.bana lint 41A
[II -
a-ccures ... . .II p07.4.1l 41 I t ELIMWS-Fine pair of Bellows. nearly
- re-st o.suou • '',;. '', 1 I D ~, s'..r mte by af. 1 1 . 1 1 Y., ATKIN:4ON . A OKELN
1 , - 717 . " i -- - ...... .• • . ~,•..7.:.,1 , 110 ham mare..
Cash, As ,n 4 11 VIA . XI M. 11 1 .11 I . A:I.:F:1)-15 hbi 4 - 1'1111 , 1411 V th,vti,
I_. un 1.11:1 nod 1, Palo 13 II II 1 4 EZELL . ... co.
~, ew, arrow.
/11, \ RT.\ RR' Aelp--14 0 1 Ma, warrant •d
It r_ stibbruss
i ~,. :.: m..dursst
i . ARDEN SEEDS- A full and gocsl assort
i x 11 ...I . I seels, rum earereed (tom the li.terti re.
• I.c ..... ...h.•levnl. nn•l 000,11. nt It.. hu.... , 1 .t..n.
L 3 ••.I 1.1 'nth ,lm,
1.1.1 1 0 S IEII'KEIISHA
3 , (11)
, 1 .. .0 ,,, L. ,. L .,.
~ , 1 1, 1 :41. . :. 1 1 y s ! , :i t i y , t...:‘,. r ur ,
obi 0 ' ll 11 A HILL
A i,
- .. ; ~.- AA i Ira
• I 11..F.51,:- :}ll 1.,. nu Duna and Wl' Mahn Ity
IL 1,1.741.1 /t INO
I k tit, ‘ I'll'lS
NI '1“...1/..1. on hand and
I r - r..1. -- .:.1.. 1,,
1. - 1.1.. mum N A hl/IPATRIfIi
i 1111 ill , -\\D P:\. RAILROAD S'fOCE
F l '' ' '''' '. 'II 1.001 al..''' U l l ' / HILL 1 ()I,
atook niol Exchange Brute,
S - 14,4. 0 ..P0 71
Fins' him 10,01-1401,000..4 po-P.lnf 1411 yeT1 , ..1/,
ha.. 1004 of .. 0 0 NlllO.Ol Your 11410 10 ‘ 11,04 0 01
Drilla, line. toy Fir thrrelo .1,000/ 4:4440 , 4 • t 0.4
mIlmno0:40 nf In4urmunr. a. ..411 .4 thrr soot, and .10.
po!ltinn n 0
ANCE COMPANY. No 151 Mokol ,trot. SCW•rI.
atd No. II W .11 :Orr., V V AntOnoO3o-1
Jirl:lin l'n.m 040 ,or nrn t I4ront 34 r uuoum
The 44.1.44 - rlliq 14111 ro-orr 000 "Ino
in Ow strner Inours.o4. 4 'onom o y. thr who. ,
' ""6"1"'" V Pi... A. 40 1.
N.. 111 Iran .trot
pARRY, i 'I ~t
luturm Po
l'untr•u - tr.. alut (other, nt Vitt,
lorgb. ❑ thnt lon•• nt.t.utuT
uot ALL, I.•or uf i• ev.r
mad,. t.. runtrno . t. fur lu•ollov
P.a . , 111... ru an. ..1 11... .ml
4,4,1..4 ti.. I T.•-•i'2.1.0-. uunlit, ul
tln-tr Inn!. It no.t ,, too 11, 11,1•1.
tl•al .1... r. to olu Mo.' wont.. rum...,,,t1, lety. no.
lu.naation In lionrull• p•rf0...111 • I,.rra
SMI , .4 •ti r
t , 4
r f
~141 Inth lagtrnol oof .11t , 11012 1411,11 .11.autaL..
to, th• nnol iu.r•oof ,nll.lln,
I..feruner• at.. ntat... nu I -Int mu can
11r Thuulan arr, utgin. ....rup•u,,
II ;1117.11'.1171um.1rE F!'".
and Omni
. 1, - telti:; . 4 4 ft;:; ! .:11r ""'"
,a...,;eint..1 with uoo. 14,,,tu0u Ituirbiwou Th. 1.11.1.
'""'s I IIV4(111 . ;:o ' g " .;/ 'll
January ICI
T. for the ral4 .1 I,3nrttr. . 4 0. at..l tt
11... N
I'_l 1,444.1143,441 1 1 e isrelt.
‘1 4 . 4 1
Order , 111 1 / 4 .1 , 3 .4.433 44431, for an, 41..4,10 pet 4.3 11...1
)ets llarhinery • Veld;
rAIH E ).I , A F:Rtill ll' II EItETI oliE
raleltth, 1.43.1reen 11.4 ritleerther44. ttritlrr the 4.131.4
I err,. Ittlethistu 3Ca4 t• 41., 41,4.4414 , 4-411., tenth,
tharent 111 4 4 11E1,1.
1,111.14 F 1. 1 ,11,14,
11. K. F1.C.111N.1
Iro er IL K Flefult, I. Itutle.me4l we 11.5 4.1 the 14th m fir et .44,11.3..434 t •4I thetr le,entee
1.11 ISSOLUT (IF PARTS Elttill l'
Tb. rarther44l.4t. Iterrterere I.tln 14.4414. , ra the
/u eerther, otrrler the .1 4 43,/larfllett IS ,1111,-.n.. 11 ..
r.lrrvl tan the lip, 41, otr JNlalta, MO r,ll.
reat. 11111ter ..r the enleerilerr wlll trll4 to reltltott
Iturtnree. te.4l 434. tattherlred le rt... tits Inittri• ol I Is In.
Kral for 1,0 tearteee ,• 151 Vrerl rtreel
It C. 4441f1C111.Krr.
TII4I, It 11111 T,
11\L` Tel., A.s ...ler. Arpl n..
oens. And 11suItaal artn.r, ...11LI.
la, ...IA rum pr A ..
the F.. lA.. ....pp. I. A AS SA. It.l
W0ra1.....1. Is s' s.llAll.l.crt.
111111 SA AI 'V A 1 As AS
W. PA ITN ERSII I P-The ,obscril,ti.
Aiktt r V4ti, e"
J ‘ll, ATKINnoN.
,n3l .1„11\ M 4)10..1.1
1 EA') PIPE inprot 4 14 . 0.• tit
A!4 4-00 " 04 00 1au:Atr ;=,:r.;7..,!; ,4 .;:'.';. , z ,
I.7l—m.rphy Burr. thiii morning iainimoiiio
lneir fit-A rtirinu "oral.. and In
alto the rail of their martotorru riot iiityor•uiuierail, The,
Invite attention to 'hell raisin.tro ....attn. , . of tau •I 1
printo. at IV: rout. per yard. uriernal with particular re.
oven, to iliiralolity rola, esoolloot aril. it alui
°lion , ' al boom por )ard, warrantrl taut eoltru
rholoo rtylr. of Englinh Oliintreu, from IV. to 1 0 4 ,r t.
Por )wrd• many id Mona entlirly now ilofign. tioar
net. and Bonnet llllilinn„ltrinnot a, fell
I)ol.lGS—lft 140rdstile for kale Ivy the ,ill,-
FA-Tibor. all of the host unelitl
ulpateil . S
h land
',war of Iowa:
tiuM ArnLlr
Omani Tartar:
nun, Sulphur.
aleraniirm Ar•nna,
!inn. tiampluir. S Willi ERSIIAM,
rimier ."4.1 and
THE LADIES sitV ''if you want real
Tea, pito Morn,. Ilaywortlia Tra Store In the
'anion , ' for it 1101 TM 1a 60 rent. per r40.. 1
r ,l and thiuo at rout. and 41, urn ilell
- are
Ire7r r
not ka, will nauinvyrurrl that Tea will
Ilaht, put will End . leAs P rfri7;: r a. l ! 'r a b frig
John desiller. II Won! 00, I .
kid 1 1. ..4.atut 1,1,4 u ' i ft
of Plano.. now open awl ruh'ir ' fo:
"PO , 'A ...7; .r 7 ..iihrtior article at 121. cil r t t o mr
Tairdi e frrnii at at.
hillitilLY a BUIICW/ILLD.
I SAI.III 1,11!KI.:1 A g ,.nt., f or y
Irrrn fo,r ralr of impel
,salte lAtittmt rot'. mrrontt..l Illicatrr and
pArt . \ 1 :IT, Igth•K ,uporior. for Kale
pfait to lAA' All ItICIOA . t CI
.ISI I 0u,k,.. for ~t h.
IV a i I'lll , ll,
• - -
/11 vr.r. IN It AfiS--4 ,1 dot twillM, for r.J
• Ho
4...! El ;AIRS-- I, 'vol.' l t v
171 4.1.10 Mr4i11.1.....
I 'TTEI: I W..
tt ItOSNIltiltST 112.
1,111.A1N S I LK S--:.-Miltruv
g 1 , 1 trt 11/.... rt....v.-A rrryt .rntlAy t,l
twt, than thoy
At nr.ll, attll a. tivo•.l Itrovrttle .1
I k::: UI 1M Murphy Sr. Burchfield
7 ~..-..1,1111.1 n Ina, 1,4 t.t lorllt . thrtetottt.
.trr .tt grAnt y rtaltiAtrti prior., rt,All wt rttrrtr . t . Alb
serl IlitrYet
I 4 SKS 1,14 , 11 I DE , Ell l lF.,.lll , uspnatm ' ;
1,.. Enn11•11 En new
onrin, annrin
Jon Inn Pnr rnl. by
.1 K Inn CO ...l
II lES II Pit U IT - and Illnekbetrie
In then awn fun.. ant Innanntnnal I y na(ln
In ..4 - 4,0nt4 anartn.4.1441 , 7 4 .
In. I 'herrn. and Plan,- nu I °ninth. Funn manner fi
nn I. ann nunt a
Inn lant, ntnnt.
$ I,ItII,SEEIIS.J,-,l;anairy,. Ileanp Sem'
A' 51 . C1,11“, a 00
EI.I.EIIS . 1.1 V Ell PILLS-- •• Could not F.
anon.: wltn , u,t On en "
I/ 1 , 1
r rt.u.n. Ynorn en the only 1.1 nen I9lln 11,
...II In In I ntal.l unt alum, or Rho)) t
in, alul
II uI enfinn on .4 Unto onnal• In ale Inalnad Unann
rn .... nn ,n nu T.: nnpnet In I I .1. OILERN
Un l'n ...hi 1,1 II 0 fo; %%nal r
pn.l —ln In .Ir unnint• a newt all) not
IF IDS AND 11A1 SI N S - A 40 hi
lo nces
lo nn I :non fin .ale 1111,1'1 a KIRK PAT RICK
I It!) (111
:11 I fin nn.
-tr. 1.1.1. best refined Winter.
J 51'11../NMAKER
4 , 1.4 z, ER's MANION DS—I •l o.'
.1 KIM
1 ARI / —440 kegs nod .2-5 .111.1+, for sale
, Asp,ll Idris Blow's make, for
It 11105, MATTHEWS A
`AME INI INVESTMENT -40,000 in Alleg,l
11 ....gni,. Mood, lor nap lo
WM. A. Mt
1.1.11 64 W.lOl
it I:TT ER fretilion.
0 •, J.
pool.. 1 , 7 1,1,7
g N N E-250 Ihrt superior! qua .
1 I it y. 1.0 - kIDII AI H.
- 5,1,15 Wool nowt.
if 7 AST I . L E SOA P-21.1 vases for coin Ity
5 , 1.10 .1 KWH 74 70.
• AUirtiran. fr 'pl. by
frl.lll J FLCHOHNMAKER A 170.
BLACK LEAD-700 11;13 of superior qual
u f ` "I' Ly
57 Wool Moot
'flu If ehA.M Imang Hymn and Mark Tea+.
6 ""
le do I. iteibii.nn k Co., Ws and P . . dn.
.do Cubloe...+n inbarrn.
qr. Mxu. Prieo ems' liarraxl's 6'. do.
ld cart, butto..hmee
13131 Thau;:poii,rz.
jr. Onldev teaf !G
i,, In and for Pidu by '
gye Whialtry,_'!Yeryobl brbd
- bid,. Old blo i rjrhels ral i eppi&Yryl a
oo for .
sale by •
_OUSIC, &c.
Grubssn's Muni for Hach. with 141 put.,
llorticultutizt. foFubrutiall
Cultlwator, do
a Lim:
Ma.lite. N.. 2:
Wnrarpof larud. Ly tiro~ Aguilar.
linmelttrum lair for atothrrA and
Mother'' , Bawati.4.l . lnr. In dram A •uilar.
Self-Dretralort: (It the hlxtorY ^l ' lb" h .m.^
Ileart: 1y
1 1-or a wort:
ILmrSuleaton.“. P. It. Jame.. Em;
6.r ,ah. at 110LMI.:..1 Literniy 1,4. Of.
1. - 311. A L It ft takce pleasure in aii
iiiininv that lie h. , . nit veil a lia
elver Nitwit of tie celebrated make id
. `" AA V 1...." New wt.", will,
havl. neva tlie ait elegant, vim... Lauri exteneive AseiV
ever in thin :w oat .
Atlanta inlet, one oittaie dial ciarawil
leviie XIV ett le. will. the, new 11411,11,01nelit the A
wring-. the panel and wive important lone., rinent. tii
Wunil iinly on Nun. a Clark, hate, Ale, in...meth
.Titian attaeliiiient haunt
LAN. eaten Ave lot af New Sled, enitiraelint Jenny
a7.0.1 . e. and the eholetiA yea Sm.,. I,lkwit. Waltz., he
SIWI OF THE (itrI.DEN 110111..101 Third et.
A PER—Foli. , , Market. Voinmereihl and
Quarto Nut and Cali taper,' taro. 'Amply rif all qua
r mint blue and white, fie
hem" at 11 11. 11.1 V AIN'S
voTEs AND t, tArn,.—Eu g r.,ol .01
. itterrotentai Notes vita Deana, of nowt leauttful di-
It7:1 tZ u nt r ..tl7lVS "'6""'
nu 'r For
Blank Itteik
MIS) env Market Rua .1 An
lAvnerltan. Juninal. nnit envy j
%T N e rn i r“; Writing
o Icol funk.
IlibliertVCln ', in n i ' ell and Rid Ink.
Ilarrinon , and Mart
lliwan Thinniveivise winmerrild Ink wttlet.
, and red
' Vreneli Carmine Ink i'vr IA IV S 110 V FtS
k A Dow rhux.4.l.ll , o.ner, .4 I; nrnit and
f:A h „Lr o rn7 k t... ‘ L rt.l
by W= illi I.L D 4 nlinst...l uo, '.1.1..nan0 . . , . k
0. 0 1 Ku... Autiquiti..n. and nf 11 reek human Iti.rnphs
mot \ Irthuinßy. r A 4 r o hno.,.wth 0.0
tllunn Ch Ahlhen. 1 i nto
" The 31 1 ; 1 4 1 1 ,1 :17;Z:r1 I F TC IAV . 4 1 :4 1 A1:11:1 itsA
thr 1.1 , , Cantle , Cuthlwrt Sntithev, N Cu
Plurnhland. Cumlw.rlnn.! Luna rlnth. with
Lrrea of the quern.. nf Itentland, mud Envlhh Ptior••••••
eon...coal wltn the re,' lutrerrelon ..f. Oteal lu
I,arignirtlon.l. author of the I.ue• ..f the 4u.. n• of
El/eland tut I
rll,l.•ltn. nl 1 ,, ,,en.1 Caiown: Addo•-• Jelly
«red In lbw timed., TT 1.,,.11 W•altna•clay 6,1.111,11,
.lan 15, 18111, be lie• N.. Murray.
Tfirldoet• Inork• tun reorltnl, and fut oale:Ty
WOO e.WTIK - IN/N. No .17 Markel -I
---•- - -
lAN° FORTES—I 11 1•1_
Myna tin. 81 WOW •ererl, had ro•el
trawl ,VI Or
Otr aw • and well.
eelretrcl na•k of ON and 7 twlar•l
analutton. foot the manta/ton, al Chirkrn.,
whirls lar tualha thr attennen 1.1 purelnia,r, The.. Pla.
nrl are Inearlably •olal lOwnan wahput ana
nartnnurlutontne and
at all rap. •••orrantl
OH h. , . lake?. In twit sot men, at their full twit..
.IiIIIN 11. a14:1.1.0n.
AntanT, lb. •ale rf ehlrlterinu • Vrinew 11 ••.1 Pa.,
WWI thlkorat ra
.h 1 •nd N1111).4,40 Ily to I.
Lore sad P.llOl Prune....
lly Vol Irt
The enhl l'..roopet.leune of II ;heal., lo
ho teh the 4i uthol
Ito th.ellto of /Ng...0. 5114 Av. Addroe ,
Imo, to Ow Ilneely, T•hertmele. ..e
Jszoor, le. lo 11, . 1 1
atutf, ode lo . 11
Illohlin,, heath •1
ly %Alen. n rrlel•raL.Yl dlwu Tim
NotLr .O
ylyvy, %a, Abr.. la., I' 1.-A.r
I•I ollry Uwe thl. ham, ol mm..
11me Walden. ',Mr rite.TIIIIn
ulav Issy, yi I . fr..] Illy• llativlA-r• .4 IlyrA I
I%van num.!. a Caron.. arr.! um:holyt
TI•Ar IlaYt •ktin..411... •,ArYt tl,az 11...
r•tt 1101‘. or y oti r•An..mlwr .aeyt thy. ,
Skiry.- I , kA. SI; Verder
Thee. lel.ratoyl Dam,.
Jyanott Aran.AA-.Yymplyt..
I. arr. quewlrill.-• Mr, Erny-I
ter llury t'lrol t 1 . ..1ka
Quadrlll.• 11,Ary;n4.11,1ka 0.11111,,e,
/t .. I lit.. .11111(,11 , lan 11.11.k
ClarA'• 11, 11, ill..
I.IIIS II 111.1.1:0; •I •I
• -A tyrtlnra. ...I.\.
N Ew .",ES• Ilt , I.slEs' , ff
rt Lit.rai Tbly , l YlnyA
1.11.1.... A l'Atr t , W.A., Au , l
tns 11, tirA.
ranert . l, tltrke t.r
lee,e A ImlstAr tor 1,1
A terti ,
TA. 1,..,11, eeArrieur,li--• tvorrl
Alen 1.A.1 , 1,,
T.• nod to lA. A tali
l'Ateoliter • , f BrunrArerl ller 11 I.r Al 11,111,1.1•
The. Reier.
A 1.., er l.n 1L..1,.,ett• It e ,ler
11,,e• 1,0, 1,, 11,11,,,, tht, to
\•,: I now •••I4 m.•
.r 111111esin,-1 e.11[1:311. th.
New Books. just received
THE Bank rd the Wad, I.v
Ix. I vol. Ltsul.-
••..•• adatf, t. "
•o•I •• •
F.r•lnrl. 1 ••.I
• T. ' ,: " Tl ' :7 . ZZl.r k tql? "' r b
• t-,
"r\l...'rrtT7l7:cartne Enginrcr• J , ,ntrn, I tr,
v0.1...r JUN/ rr(VITHI
I...ror'.ltktwnt.r, and Eltartnr , rln.
J d t,n talo AJ It 1101.1..1,,
N . l AT,. r,,.1,11 1., TIToN— A
e,tota• aritirul L.llO. 1,01.11 Lv.V.. Tdavtml
L.Lll,G.rsuatt L. xn-vu alum Ir.t.L.
.11111.1.11tion. awl r,rrvoltv.v. frum vf Ge.nrr.
Gent,v.. iL Avulfvv, L II
Tua LLLATTI vrou.6 vour,nri, Irina IN . Pr... , v. ,
rr sad ',malt. travrt ttgrnmsh the s4kerhvfrb Ilwor
ab.ln ither pvt. 1,1.....11L 111 IL. Ileort
T therw.r. auLtmr vf awl ho. (~..e.."
" 42 7 = r tre0
wrinvlns , tro
rc.,, 01,
.k PF:ILIIL.I7 , ;K II( )OKS S ST .1 T It )N ERN"
l'ator (4 all sima attl rultal and 14 \M. tall!
Want Welt.erere de.t,t`WW, ham! , mal" t'•
nlee al •Abri teak.
Stawatert ireneh Atn,o , ..n. fan, awl
WV , ter W II a V . mamma.. •
int. Market .t , renter al ta-enn-1
3 00K ASI, I 301. S l'lZlNTlNti—Every ,I,
iirriintrin , tne..l. ~.a,nnimial. ,Innnibiinit. entinl mini
Itrwl liniiiiii.. .1 Own" :intim anti in in.
iilt niannnr. 0, t% e. 11.ivk!...
Printing imi,.... 111 'Mint nt. taitinivii liiirkni uni Fnrni
Pt.. •
TAOAN- { c V S.ll A V PA, cra, oid
- T
1 area ml and 11.10.1 11*. boa for .1+ ees lorn , mend root
pint. an somortnecht (that "sooner; -oo.disa ever bea •
oraned In thi• Market. Morella.. atil`Plad
vioi , to tro Brio on the most favorable term.. yols
• •
e "nu., No Tthrel
II 10.1711E11 tan.. avast stew foa ) , ; 41
of elesmut Plana, male bv Csina.
Nen York. anoong them, thlemlvl attar carved lan e
ni the nelleat dearipaonideistenoo no , It it on
,o the Heaeave atria. Ina ogue lotto. aitan India sevl
\ V Alas a new hi of faebelmoble and popolor thaw,
and an exhibitive! aalectleve of Inas , loatrument,
thiltar, ltlebabton, mail ovary varlet, ocl tiocal mareheiry
illre Ithe
• .
NEw ttnil,“ll'a near ‘V
Contuive, or nketches of a l'hy Oral of the
amnion , . Sketch.. !a. Paslareil of
the Ilat. I •ol 1, mu.
Byrne. 3lecluentra met Engtneter , Inetionerr. 31•1
These are wan worth roosting
For at, it InteitiSe.
A tali° Ithilango
1iN01.11113, N . AND
Tlltaitheol i N'A. and Ilartinon , roar, H.J. atterlet
s. an Carmine Inko
llonlevia', Briaktnan and langclon'i•
ve owl Manna , 111 It .ml Rat latsil
Inkatatida of ewer, ileaeripbon, Coben'a. than',
d Lev bent's. Loonon, and other me...rotor.- of
IN.', 0 t F. 11, Smith'. tgoosavvor In A II [barley A Co
Mehra , ' Gold rem. Ith mild and Alter mare.
%%bottoming Retaliate Lerma lug Potoire atitieloorion. cleol
Ale elephant. atlas, ialumbler. ou,r royal. royal and el.
phont Brat.' Ilesinla. "Cl" dent sod nealluen
Perforobal 1.074. raorr hot r, ruin ...1.1 aol Olver.
e mlaosal gold. alter met Noe, eolood m. 1.1
nokirret •0.1 crnera,..ted htleonroplia for fthey hose,
p ,p s ,reel parchment of oil atitalcle for dead, chart
s pa a ml diplomas /ramie tale tether. oast, on hood. the
rmal cleoiroble and pid.1...r1.., gilt amt.,.
fal ollvered.oultable fit' Nall, north, weddion• and
opf . !:71:2•: 71',
aTrlee....ln4u:et7W,4l:Plettle'ni lealterna writing asucl. brae.
On. Oaf- IVO lurk., tax good oses.l hoar, nip, MO
Inks. brualieo. Vrenrit sod Ettglatocop, mg books. NI M, oar. 1111.111 lama of all rvb,np ~
0 obit+ patent blot
' VU,..4 " ,:;.., 1.1'
vvitll ' all ethyl: athletes In l i r 3th/leenrrt
Goth foray and 'lapin , norellier .111, • orig. osoortment nt
'blank biak• mot tothoeroodunt books ok common forma
,andultug. In ever ",halt e 1.1 binding. and Polar of ail vise"
gantlet..., for redurod rote. on lba ttttt reavot
able term, el n II A YEN'S
Blook Book and lltationory %I malow,
no th Corner of %aloft Anil :Arvind street •
0 - 7 the A lll.ritlll Ilevolothen Ity V.l.l”.lllrny.“*.
ol the thaformotion of lloc tliativitati I's tetury.
1.1 .1 II 31..rlo..1'itabist.... Pnalclent of Ilic Theo!.
mast Seloal tienago, mot I tee Preaklevel ed the lab...
p;vaogrlipto.. Tr...lola' hr Id 11 line. II A.. Trio., tot
lortrst..l 1 y
I f l
rt a ,
vlngn 3011iat Ity l o om l
ond Biography II
, enors
1 - 140 stare work,. for sale by
Bea - dialler soil `t"u"ner,
jalo Corner of !darnel and Thltal ohs
UT Li N yi . l'S—i'elton's splendid 0111
My, an. eon Ivelnt4 sll I.ntlini
L, den N.* Enoloo.l and .N , or lark. 110 let, "taw
ageney for thew In 1.311.d.0rgh, and
and Pebool .1.11 and exam... them
the Wei-orn Ilevroaptiere, ie2 • n'2 Inaba.
71 Jo 1.411. - rsi do .1.
3 die North Antartoo, 70 ,o ff
4 do Ithltal Vont,v
5 do Plump, 70 v
lisle d , l Aolo. 70 • 10
IN). 7 do S. Ausarten a Altera, 7. v at
y en
o the Lt
with key. 1130, or the Brat two llama
1 11, o, ol e Mo f
n, wil wi l r s kcy,
anllrl SlO.
oe l te ' o at 7t r 17: 1 , 1 42. " , ` , '
dntnptnl to
wlti4d. of nip l/1.11.4 M,.
roe ruleat ruldirlmeo,a(11 , P..11110111 addition of frright
janlll Corner of Mark.' oral Fourth .1_
— Morris and Willis's Home Journal
VUBLISHEI) orpry Saturday in New York
City, al Two Volisra • "pear, asynille la all t.e..e In
is rant ,
cosionnstow Or 110ther—0111th of Ito , Homo Journal, No
1111 Fun= 'tree. New York. Demtalvr lyLo.—To
wI. ham It mai ortnnarn: 1014 rosy certify 111 st .1. Ilotso ,
duly authorin"! to art an agent for 11onsfit 11 Ithlar
11.10 e Jorrstx, and that all revelpte given by him In pay
ment for raid paper 1.1.11 be duly acknowlalgad by no al the
2.llodelCcal'ihr puhlkalMo. thud It la
wlll to .'"' Oo P rcri "." tio ll e l va b o '''" u n'L th on et i l' a n :A i r of " J iun a d tV ' tt ' :
ova.' &Mora and Propactora.
VE LO PE S.—Just received, a large
c.antityr butapir i, rl_,7ElL Envelope, of al
""" %V.7S.IIAVIN'S, tliZtlast7 Trarehntaw:
PIO° cot. and Pernod attnetr
EW BONNETS—Murphy & Burchfield
1,,,” open dbl. mornilla IWTen4l mass of how mina
nromiatia, of
i hngliek Ilriahto . n Chip, lionnanm,
China prarb Embr 1.101 and Alla.m,
oider. do. American earl, Plod)
Pedal and Pearl, English Luta. chip and Inuirtablo /11”
Miaow anil Children Emmet, of Toilet, of styles
Abm. marmot color,d Eng l i sh Donuts, Main mid mho]
load Chip do, m low ar Mi cent. Al., Br* and In
tants' Ilats,cohurp. Alban, Ltdna Peal. Leghorn,
Ml 4
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale
pi:Escilirmos sTcntE.7ls7
red 1, u ts.rtn. further
I.or Id Ow
LI Ne ~t {Lk w
nt ,
turn. Wr ulll,nto 1, li.•• InA 1..ral ra,• tr.
in fr./
tam. and • n: e1,...,,n r rat , than n> l 41,r
I f 11.1, AN ITI I N ? . .I.K NEW .1111115-. The nl.l Virtul,
N1,1,•1/1 , .. nll -lr Art, Ow Alrnau.ll anal profit, nats*,,Tll..ll
i• than the ra•uulf TI
~.1 11 SW, 1, st t• a Invent nrlirlu
n.l et u :II rung.'' Ow r... 9 win I. ',funded • VI , "It
,1. err 1.,,,.1 .1 111,• , 11C111.. 1n 1 , Tit,. /pun rtrr nwn
•InAt1:1 voril til. , ntt , an , 1t• 111
ell'on,••• It 111
41 rTaular 1:, •rana. arul I:, 1...,, It
laterla. :fern t• 1,11,,.. tot n lineal, ffr'•• u,fh
ta fn on afoot., rill+ rt.... t hat
hor .latlALlor Ita3l ntlhot...l all It a ' , Awl. awl ...i.rotAr
:•1••••• 16,111 •Ar..ntr. iv all At
niplont• ...1,111.1 p.n... and that Nner 'xi. 1.4
11... Ow ent..l. aolltlont.t. n•lottgle...
. 3 Cot 11.• hut...W.,A a Oh A.l bor. nn.l I 'llrtor
ft oar• too 4...3e. n too 3,1 1.1 eonA:11
t 13.3 half a .1 .. Aro of I..ti I. • of thir
toral rut.. gout:. malt trAto .... u rif..
'lint know. t/o. ropAro aoral for
Ile 13a. 13.3.1 to 10. It ram n in the eau •ot
ot h.- !ono!, the tutor pot.- t • u..r.
I. rtta l`nraso., 1.3.3. r/. rsan - N—lt l•
forop In hall pint 1..111..• relit. rm.!, or Ha
-Lon‘,lll./ •Ir• well to kern a ..PII 331
tl.t. tn. d'eltir on hand all thr I• Mb.. of 111.. In tl
tin.l vtht mm•i, , ~,,, ur...1 for all
ono ..1 tron.a. hot .1.. not
11.... tel ...13 u not 1.• la. 11 lot PP I.r.ler.r. • 1 3 ..nrrat
maimA,. slut lake no olio,. 11s14 .111 ourt It Urn •to
. of the oval ...limb, plant. and her, e.f wort'.
nn.l c0n....”.1.1 It, the 1.3n1
ma art. 1 A w l.. 1.... , 33.31.taat 3n t n1.3.11Atn... It
repar..l ,00r ou T 1 MIV. 1, 1 1 Om for
•••1•1 ....rtrtiratr. front yor•rot• •II •Mr orn . 1... Mt...tow it
alurnble proport.... 1..11 n.ll ..h.ort. to an, porara
.1. •11 on. of ....Ina m
A.:Mc, k'.Ml.l , 111,mrhmil ('n ..I h tato. to ...II Ili.
laar3.3 .11 ~,, "too will 5n0.1.3
Int. no totoro•I in t ••••••ileme. 11 ,11 pa. n larar nn n
to all an.. los. ill 1...10ing 71111;ritor humanit•
••• 1•••••,111: 111111,r the An niodwin
for Lona ha... rr
For and n. tail. lo It 1.1
Itrowa3.l.. 14.1 ...I 113.... t. 1 . 11 taloo, 11n..10 V1 ,, 1 ,,
1. 1 1 lettrr• for 'wt..... Inuft fu.r.4 .1
ie.., Ita.ol. 11 n,1.31,0n. In. 11/Ina,
Itar r hanaca. 11 Ho I ,
r l
tl,lTrhnan.. •Irtig,-.. aenrrall.
ELLE I tS . 1.1 A itry lies
I - 7 I'M vv..,
K r 4 1ikk,..4.1k...1nn 4. I'.l
Mr It E I ..,II I.• •nu Mint
• or lll. I.: , I'M no
nt.11.1111...0. VIII Itonr enn
loom, , a• fn., •upplnnlllor n11.:11o.
rk..p. et „Mt
I' •- I Wupvnuitt „ l t • •Ituei the ..r%smnl ner hut
ihminp „1„ r• r. 111111.1. 11.
Yonelin „ „ rek„ll.-ei Ihnl It 1'111• r• 1 . 01.1 are
the Ynailnyl i „ pl . , true „IA .:I' lllllll .' 1 • 11 er
„ lon I.ntl nt • n d: mu uf Il.lltrimt• V.A.
rkoli 111111 P 1,) „I. • „i 1 •1.,11i. 1.1,
ELLEIZS' 1.1 \ER I'l LLS stiverv. , 11 , 1111
t "
.1 AII En r. il LEWIS
rYkk.k.let 11.. It I: pk.• 11.„ lAA., I.lll.the
ntyl kku„ nn I •• , . ~,, • Ir. •...L nk, Ink
1.1.•1 ts•• 11..4 .5„.1 ..111 .1 1.r.t...5 „
It ./01IN NIL 1:1(:11'.. NI AGA lk,hlA
Ir•ninrel unA, man.“ 3, ..f tly• Ii nk env,
nted „ r ut••• , . l- I 1111,11
I'lll. .l ' l.7! ' " r t 't"." "
I ' „ An wu„ pr. Tenn , 1.••1 • I minim
-it Ilimml.„„ v•thnt 11
IMP. •••.„I.unte... „ 11/1. .1.1 NO 4r r in.- ..1 g.„.11 1111.1
.ye„ nu Mu: ni..r ‘r..tru „ .- 1
" r e ' ,,,:tir V5 '. 5575 1 r:
Ihnt „ 11 r. .t.. tu
I i ul t Op s u„.„-in tun, I.
t " r
Op, lIu• I'lllo 1 19„ „ • ‘. rl Inhvihie
•„ 1441 " r
Mi •1n t„ PLIP .uty r un•r• •nte ]ll.l
0 •• Ikl.nt Ihnu ilk. • 1 1 t.l 1„1„ 0.. lovr nti..l
i ' :'-nl.• 1
In. n ' • l -1'„111e.e 1 1, „r 1 i.
ti ' S
, Nl' \IN] \I; 1 M..rotlrv. 11.,
,I. i ' ' t
~,...,. ~,... , c.,
~,,,~....,.~. ; .r..
1 ..... 1 .5.11
"- " 'I" r.
Ime 1 ..t2T!.,..1 • It!. f“,
taleth , r•• e - :.••• •••••/.1 ,
rr-alte. 1••ar
n a n e n
T‘i arm I •••
are, llrrt •l•. /aee • ....I .l .r
I, rr Mere , ' orr.t 4,1
••••11/, 1...a.r11. •• • I;
17l ' a
br 1t •1r0..e ., Da - tam:l.4,e
11.111:1,'S 511.% \ I.TI
‘.ll, .1/•••• • • .10
A:1111,NI rrea/
Lnwa‘ t7l,:atia of 11,. bit ts... a,.,
JI II kl Kt. • It. a•I
,a 131.1. •11 vlturr.l.•
nnl,..ont ..”11 a Oa ••.
. - .
ehl.t. i '''
'o - ' -- , ' "an., '''
.' It 1. w ,„,„„ ,
t 11
..of.. the heerd• " lo• t• ne - I `kJ. .ill 'h.."' ihe A 'del , rr.olitte. ...hoe .n.l hawk •Iltridery, No :0 Third rte
r .1:1V.71 . . ‘2 1.V1 ' 1ie ‘' .1............ 1„ . 1 dr0tie.05rut...t0 I) it ANI it Ks. W 1 N Ks. (;1 ss. Cl'.
onmottrul..l •oh ••.... to iI, otter .A.-1.1-.....•.1 ati 0r..-1... 1 ) ~... h . , „ ~,,,,,,, ~...,,,,.. ma „,,,...,,,,..„,,,, .•
aleolahul h. erode.. 11 , enerwt...... l •11,...4 ..T1.... AM i . ~ ..1, , , Awe euk •nn .1.. "Pale." enriou• slur,
...I will he alai. , 141•41 A , Ail .he ...Ake tit,:.l I ..... .1., and mout mlelowitoil Idasolu,
ikl Mt. - I,lllinu Anohor - aml - FM."
.O .l‘l •kr lid , 13 .• I • defull" , liml ‘.......'- ' . ''.
' .. '' . ' :::1:. t ui ' . 1 . 1 ...11 - isl. end Motel. Alorl Minukey
• 1, lo•Ar•ist utr•••1. Plohelelhllin . .1.. Jltuuti , -4 Num,
V. whole...le note, •. , . ~It 4 kshil•-•leek A l ...
and II V. A....1en. Pat-hot:I. ...... mho ;,,,,, „.,
~„,. , .
Alllelo.ll. 1 0, Alwleirs M.o.
'A. .1:. A..... Slats, M In..
To the Readers of the Pittsburgh Gazette. ~: de I.r , do. do. u
1 )1 . 111.1 4 " ATTENTION i. relw•lfilllV 11. ' le de All.rri Wllm.
I 11 , ..k1 id. the 1.,,,..T. ilk, ....1e..... lern. to nhal... t. 1.. d.r.......1 lir tali ht JOIIN PARKER A ni.,
4 1 he t0...1 Importat t. ''' 11.. , uo•lurn limo.. .1 hilwrle utry..t.
'''i.;•l elite
41 tin It e mli t.l L. It I. mu fled. limn on. ' '.‘ •
~,..„, •,.„ .0.0. tn.. u .........1, km. i.,....ra t.. 6- ., 0..- A I OLP • SILV ER., (4\\N NOTES, sit - 111T
1 1 :1:'..:i.V . .:17 ::1:,'..'.' ti,..":,.. i....,'"..;:..:':,17,,,,:.,.. , ..1;,..' .. ..1 VI I ' ihr'' i 1 ,.., 1 ,,h r.. 4 ,,Tn..7.7., 0 * .r. ''', ~. v.r- ,4 .u. , - , W".• 11","1, AC,
~,."u , .;j' 2 ,. ~" . ..j 1 ' ;:, ' ; ' ,. ' ., - f
' i... ‘ ::. " ..1,, ' „ '' .;,1". f1 i ' ji. " ,:,,i ' ;Z:. e ‘ n i' '
1.,n fi it r0 ... ....:V1 , • = rin k e .., 1 , :01i , 1;;... 1 .7 t i5eif ou the meet. far orable
d... 1 n .Itay rol h.. hd the ^ohs Ph,' le -, inlik...• • .......M• II Yklltllll C. •AWNOLD A co,
1,,a t.,,.. ~.,..h ..., ..,.........11.,..,,,„,," ~. ~.. ‘,...1.1,.. ~ No T 4 Fourth Ferret..
7. " NU ‘ t ' orel th ....1 ... ismreted di. tin- 4 , 1 M.. of the mill
s„ ~ ‘...... ...1 ...... n ett le.. 15.m1.. 1.. uowro run I. ono.. VI I I II E S lI.ESC It 1 11E It I NA' ll'E S TllE
.4,... , 4, 1, L.. ~.. ••14. la A1...111 n tn... ~.thin id uterohnon. and Where to his lame and
.0..... Owl it e xr.w. ito. truth M 5.. ., •... m.0t... oshokeels t •• 1 •wornul sou, , lloulory, 111.
j er,,l,lwil w er_e , h , irtu .s . sat
I inel 1............. Mow. •ho ...m tru•.....r •owl ... 1. , ....he f.r•l•wriu The ti1...e.• arele• lit e. 1c.4
i , 1. b 11 nd .... ,
Gin l
utt. M. 0.. that ..w........• ...Oh i 10u......1. , -;r... „ .4 , ;i:d......;:x mle hki In .011
:',.'.'!•'' ‘ 7. ' . ". • ‘ 1. "1 !:::- '. r !. : ' : ,.':.. .: ' •••:-.• .... ~. ,', 1 , • ,,, i 4 OLD PENS. We have now on band a
o..i , :ti:s- '''''''''' ''''''''"' -", '"." '''' ''"''' '" r ''' . "'"" '" l I larue utook of the Met 11.4.1 Pon. from the leaulluif
odr "'mei . " . '"''' l '" I ' l. 1. ; '..'",.' "....." A " "," "T . nomufaelonou to Now York. sml imulookyremly Monier.
Wed.. , " • " .. "`""k' ""‘ • """i" "" "..'""""""' ." 1 .41wk uleeam ....1.1 P.-toil 1 . ......• mild retyllohlem. klluee
los u 115... otteseohloul met. - laotu ihut ma. 1.,......rvati0ul (~,„ ~ ~,
,•,,,,, ~.r . ,..1 s ~,, , , , ,,,,,m . ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,, ~r , ~,.
M ..."- ••111 il" . ' ...‘" 1.1 " 11 " . "'• '"*.' " fl " A. l '' .. "'" . A ` All for mh. she...wale ...I rotaif nt New York prim... ,
ter ..1 ... Petrwleuto IN 11'.4V fI.WON•
14 al. 11..• rn•t Iwo mood,. tmo et our ....11 ,1111.11..
. 1..... 'k ''''''' ''"". ''''' '.." " '''' '" ''''''. '..' !IA NIiINI I, i'I)I.I.ECTING AND EN
„I ...—. , 'mom..., la ... id. .4 c 1... ... 1...., ~. . . .
.. , , i
~,,, 1
1 ~ 1 1.. c.. ......,Ir ...nt1.m..1.1.,' . i lIAN O /. " 1 11 i 1 .- -- • . 4 ” • -rl , i• 1 .4 •- 1
Thum see ...led, hot thew. rue mi. . ..• .... h0n.... •tol to.. I sr.", stmt. l'ettuloorult ruell•nue on all the lilite th ei .. .
i u . ~.reeeed ...hi nit, i.e.-M.o. eho W... •Idoldu on the uol, ....1 ii..torno eine. for sale. lA. , ll.clumu mode in a
~ ,i, ...................... ,n,-,- .1,.., It A rl 1.4,1(kikA11.1.41. pr0 ,, ,,...i .1.,..... In lli.. i:,..m. Not,. en all
wl hi oh, ulolsh• no h0pe1.... The Petroleum ...II core. .1.........., . Nol.• au.l Thor lone heithnahs . 101 l
.....-t1....• lharehd• 1., uunter.
ri:r... " 1'1'.7.-•n.1....“.....7:1'.'..'...'. N ' euentell. Yr 01......." 10. e Wk..... ' II N I'l .k. itti lIIIEIt PASTE. 4 gra. 1,1 Ono.
, 4 , 1 ii..„,,. ~.- . on. ~. nil te..........1 „d0...1 leer... F is t. .. water pm,. ....1 . ......1.1.• As ik ~ k trY, f cloth. his
W• 11.. A1n1...1 . 111 - I,Alirtkg, Autlitow Itomt /um mei sll e w wsrenoted to stone... lA A purl.. re...rm.-rd. ".e
1hi1.........r , alleettouu ..1 s a.m..... ustow.. leulltou t...em the moo., mfun.l4.l I ts' -de .1,1.
l l.s aml retail. st .
d.......,.........01.1. . • and o M.., turret . I 4 - A 1.141 4 • 1 •1 1'i
.1” the 111,1 h r .....1 Elan. , • • - -
'""d:' d''''""
• ' r1 1 1.1.k WA It E-- EngIiNII A. American Itritan.
1c. 44 ,4 1...1.. tdieurtated Nkki,.1.... 1 ...rit• sun houlonu
In .." 4 -• "" " ...“' "."'""" " t . " 1.4 . "I' d I '.' 1. l". irt" , . ma 7.,..,... Ph0....i 4.. lilaml Undue.. Candloutiok•U
lit nowt .d the seine dowswo. utitl.... ti... ~,,.., ,1 roe with the . i.....11er. :sod Tn., u . Plated he.: turd quality leury ILO.
,„,,„, „,...,,,, ,„,„..... ....Mlles.. that lid...hood. ;tn.., ,„,,..11,,,,d,..1,,,1., Cola, , . elle, kirk,. rpm.", and lint.
the h•te1.....1 me or 4.....1..1.• ho•ill t•kd Ph oeurii 11. eh". ler It mire: Plahul nod Otruotu kilter Yorke and Wpcutin
IllAk t hit, lk. the Anted... or their triolol.. „ ' ,_ Tdhle NIA,: Tea Tr,. of ....oulltruiluithailt (enure,
litinlmer ...11. ts inn) it slid" , lio'ir I•i." 1 "'"'". 4 "" lOuldi oroshwoltud i Plated Toe,. of boautiful iwittertu..
r e tmletam I• the kirmle , llet"edi of Ihe ao. Phi ...Ham A ie., vinwrior Ihkr.ler for el...stunk MI pollehltsit PIMA
of birl.....elion 111 1 kir pronwnon are Isogiholun to um It . 1 ~,r „ .„ w r „,,,,.. p, ele•uinu Oismok, Skin!, Feather
In thole pno-thie Th..... who al Art look..) on sills doubt ~,,,,,,.
MA ilnirerilithil A. Ikrk. • HAWK liki All.ll II A kl , realm end , a,„. • -y„ a w,,,,,,,,,...._,,,,,, mi u bw,„, e d 31 50 0 ta,..h,,,, ,
mmideration Ind. , ...oilier tier eons minol. all In
he shout the eito ol a Init. eilzieh will make mfr., rook beef.
rompelluil to seldio , wl , :sliie rs l , ll2t r I: :; t i e s olymilt . he t !
n' Steak. an nor.. or nu, 'Mow elm in s , koke w tntratz• ys.
Inn, to Xl-lrlildll A• kir let 4
11.1. 14.1 M'in up I ''':,,.","!" t 'l . - Cor. Market and Fourth eti
Alw.—ll lik•llem. 197 Woad utem. . I. M
It II A '
Elliott. Joseph hooklike, •Alleitheny City. Alm, hi ihr pm Ii I . N - .f... .
C k 'K. S M t L AGA WINE;
m u m,. w, U. 1111.11. °swat Ilsuln. Meet° h etrwel. I'IILA 1 p ~ ~ ~,,„,„",, r ,, or , , on n 0,,,,,,,,,, ,, ., , , ,,
burgh. And it A ralmottkok k lie, IV.ual athl Front qu AO hole . 1 e...1. rein,
POO - - ., tons tinkart •
. Irk 41..lawiosi prime cooper...Rl -
,m hole Limwral Oil.,
la. ker. Lank
IA oil. 11,1 Butt,
1.... tutu lieu.
AO I.rls Ilinothr Fmk on band and It,. •al. by
141 Liberty .tenet
Winter Clothing at Reduced Prices,
T W.NI 146111'S Cheap l'a,h Clothing
toro. No VA I.llwrty
I he proprietor ••1 ontahluttno•nt 1. hoz ,loatrn.
of dia,oalna of the hainom hia winter Mock, make
room Z. 1.% eltell•,TY eurcha.•a for aprina. olortly ar.
rlvr. ham .letarmaital In oil, them at groat!, nalurroti
Prha , Air emit. All
will hurl
v,wi snrod, thAionablo. tol
atoll mad , . Clothing. will hurl it arrattla to thou. atitantago
to favor hint with n rail. e..." great barghina `Atli t , otT,^-1.
. _
New Books Just Received.
j)LTON I.OC KE, Tailor and Pact • an nut,
bloarlrhy Iwl I.2maa:mos. •
. k ,laular hlurwt.i..n. tor the um. of parrntn and t , sehrrw.
.' for "tong perwAi. of bath Armee , . preravd and publial,
.1 rovortlancA with a rrw,lution uf the `Naar. nod Him..
of the Itnte !..11rhiotan. fly 3 1 33•
h..w. A, 11-. hilk. pufw,tlnt,gidunt of public inftrua.tivii. 1 Vol
A lolntt'a New Ilook—litrtury of 3faclitravßolatrl. by Johli
N. with r•tignaTlnio unifilrtn with Uhl MM."
.volumwa of thig popular natoaral aerie+. For gala br
isa 110211120, Ni Agana Itailaings. Fourth a.
lEVOLVERS—Just meek - pd. an addition
, nl of u...uvtur ~.n.
► OL L BG TTE prime, for sale Ly
T. 1.11, w
N. , 10. 1.16 d and 11.1,...mal
INSEED 01L--1 0 taA., f o r ~: 11 .! l
o+ll , n II kßilAUcti.
11.1 CLAN" - Itt bbd., prime, f,,r sale by
I. MI All II 01tItAl 011
RIK/NIS-4o ,I,,zen, for ,ale by
p f. 1.11 F. AAt Il Ant:Anal.
tit IEIO A 151 i bus Khoo. for sale
Iq 1.1.11 It 0 11". H01E11.11,111
FAA REEF —4; eu , ko ~igar cured, for
y mi. h. y 1.11 II Alt HARILIVAIII.
7! : 17 1 117 1
I .%IZD —55 lads. RIO kegs No. for
femi 1 IV HAIM-knit'.
LOV Flt SEED —55 L 1,14 prime Ohio. for
1711 ' ,::;87g1:7
'I 4 A it--. 50 heir N. 17. Tar for RAT by
1 ~ r l~ ttl~Itlli:l 010 k .tililtAM
K TABBY VELVETS of a very Ra
pp pkri, quelitt, Gar b,, , . had at dm. Flom
N. V. km. Fourth Ana Market Pt..,
. -
t'lN}: i:AUZE FIANNELS---:%lurphv k.
'lluralliallal lima. whand ma meanriment of above liaand ,
a. anal, Wel..h. end &awed.. Ill( n.lm, Wide 11.mineb.
a. a . ealarana.i an, . Ale
. _
, illurphy x Ilnmhti. hl ht.tdovr ettnerial attentionon Ow
d.ote department a thew tontine., and Invite person..
of on, th—t-rettl lon to Tice them a call before
y Nx,r , "! fcr E,
.1. K IDD * Co,
I 11 ER l'l 1.1.5, )leLoar's CELEBRATED,
iFarlry BIM ..I atop &co
A . I ,RES--15(10 gmnr fn
j naje , by .
I'ON'; caste fine, and 1 bale extra
for +Nt.. J. KIDD R. CO
1 4 , SAU9'S-15 I.rak for rale by
.1 so' .2. KIDD kCO
11.7 Nl , lll ES—Fifty barrels Family Flour;
1,1" , •tsyrfin.. Fl,tor. 7,11,D Dnr.ll,, 1, 7 1,be1. Drr
11,1 1 11.1
I."' . o Art - CO
'FRICOPIIEROES for sale by It.
,11 E. lIELLEII., aver, for MUD: arch.
or r 00111,.. de2s
m t ,r,hy hurrhtlehl Invito "the a those
%rear. their vont - Luna a U. , .
0.13,pt.+1 for this wan... /./6
AV 4 ' J 4 C3'h paid
if:lTYl2tlt: by
liberty Ft.
ROWS FLANNELS--One case just re
from, •nd for •40, by
I Id Ell ELANSEL--t)n, 1ISI • on band and
forma t. mld MURPHY d I.P.E.
Nti k ETS---St n and double bed. ,team
f k
• i
f liTti ! iiY a LEE.
1 1 11: EE I Th 110 , es agsortea Tweeds
li. 111 , 1%.41 from manufdolumm. for mle b,
611 * M Al * - TWor Sunnutfor sale by
‘ 1 i iI..ISSES-- Fifty live 1111. IP.M - Crop, pc
l k ''''''
r "'''''
- Atik:ltzl...,-, „- .
Till ,i, Ai CO—` I.x.s No on.. ti mint, received
111 ',7 r ' r "r""''L lAVFA r raltZ.lll.. CA t%tt.r„_
.1 , , . !-.1.E.‘ m iu IAT Br 1 LDERs. Ext.,
I u.,,,, 0n41n0.1 end 11 ,, 5ran1T.111 ,,,, t 114,16,, ^ ,6.1
I• •I 1.... -. ...1,./ ...- Sumo,- rr•-......1 ot. e..tortelltswrit.
t d f.. 3.
!.-, II4:WWI% VI.EMINti 4 Cl).
1 . 2.1M. , 61 qr.,. •
' l i 'icA'r 11 Fits i,; . .ark,. nos” lauding from
I '.'"' '''` -' I '; . . 4011 nicii 01 ..
' '".l ii at, 6221 , 11 -9 4, 1 1 0..
SF., N4".A"IL-l'i‘el'l'7l'"l.fiie
ill 1 - 11-111. E 1. ., 1,1. and ton jars prime roll
- I il .i.r . r ' 1 " , ''''''" I, ''' ' L. ` 'll i ad miit a unitNEsw
r '; •
. I' , ES Fiftv Iris, to arr .,
.i.. Alinmt 6 I.IItNF- 4
I1 1 ,'S 110i 1: K EEgl X li. —.k .r l ply
n, ..t i..n . 1;...t k...i.0,,,J Wank 1n01,... , 1 ,
11. V , 4 1 , 0e14T 1 0N
' t
11l 11l l'E %i'l I Es .n.,, hundred Imo just
1 '' -" $lll4ll Ell A 11.111 NF,
' (' l ri•D .N FLANNELS—A farther supply
1a . 1... ....1.-, o .11.. artmle , 1 . 1 r.....d 1 ,1
~t . 1
' ' r ' . .klrljl . llV it ‘ IIIFICIIFIELD
i; II ENr II LK.% V -Filli. loirollos French.
i t . a..,. put.l. .0.1 mit, 1,61. 1, •ale 1.,
.1., 14.•.N11 SliElt a Co. 23 Wm.! .tr
g 'Cal) i 1 Lt.
- .5 i.rl. It.. ~., . • Pink; A
I, .... us 1,.,,e. e......1...1.
' . I , ~I, I, t"
77, - ', ''''''''.; 1 . 41111o ' lrigh"):114 CO
.;, I I . F:101ILLION —Trieste, Chinese, Ameri.
'''' n • ." I " -r "" V '''''''' .lt4 '. for
1t m 1 .31 !: I l'y A K ER t CO
r . .. I 1, , :•.:4 EN TIA LOl I.S—I inn Oil of Sassafras:
i 1,4 oo 4 Lo.siAsr. i ma oil of 1r0.... 6 11 - ... 1 ' ,, rk
:. t.. .1. own 1 ~ ..t 0,14 Tl.rein..l. 1 1... , ‘ OH of t lon - ,
;', j ''s ,1..1' '"— ' '"'' "71.'iM":',111,,,k co
1. ~111 :,,1.,N 111..Cy—_, ; „ Intro N.,. I. for
1 .... to ,TI.. J •11.,,11 4 KEIL lk 01.
I. : 1 k 111 1.111..—10 rd Oil .1f a superior quality.
' i A 0 ,..n0, ..” h6n4 1,,br
. ' ...1 , . T.11..,11 011 hEI 40, . Wawr S }mot gts
VI 111, A SS i1! . .. W t:, one in,, prime
5..., ii..... u5......,..., , i5t tverlr,.,l 611.1 :',.r...... by
..1„ I. 4 . M ,1,,,
)• 1
~.... i II iT . TEI:. , --- r ii.,r l y ,, k ze
r i• oil six brls fresh
h.. , / , .1.. s I.ILWORTIS a ell
• I
.. , I 1..11; -2.1 hlols N. O. Sugar for sale by
..-• ' ~..:1 111,10 • 4 1111:141 1 .\ I 1111:141 1 .\ rli
rni. 144 I-1,1,1.1
r., It, ISI NS on co ,iviniont for sale by
lint-M, s 1.:11114 PATRICK
Ili .7. I.W. t... 1 14,,,..i 0 .i..kor,nl own Ind for Fah.
10,1,11 .2, .11111,1
.IIN ..tILKEIt 2 CO.
~-o. .
'..” 1 fl III :. \ s , ES.,. I:.', I.rls Sogor House, St.
.."'. ' -1 /,.. I ' ' "i.'.'... r .t'ilVir3llLT ' l% `l,-2.;,17,—,
it \ r‘F. LA 41,1—Twienty brls Grease Lard
,•,11 . t••t • s. Sw. lIA RBACG 11.
. 4 1 I E.IF LARD—Prime l.trieinnati Leaf Lard
jrnr "'. In "' GA lamur Vki ‘.'t".`37:4 itriet d itif.
IR, and 300 bamda.
"" " " gi
N, M.pu eltassra t hs rod
N es , ertmeut ttl lit Ph and Ingrain Carpets
Mar le rh• I,er than no, .1t the
trz sa,ent sews 11, t ares all and ranueur our stark
et • : a r. I ~.rth .ttas t
_ t MeC . I.INTOCK.
I‘:s. DOW 11A Ni;INGS. —W. l‘leClititoek
v .• t ha— letrehaae harabL....
..f liatea.ts. ef the lessor. and
The Old Printing Establishment,
..V14:1,,1ni,t.•1. and Sim:kb pn . ,, and Blank
.r.l. or
fitly . pro t.rpm siae%l R.l 81ank...,
00 iron Crih !Bank., orh , r .rurio.
'J. du Skatn Boat IllanLvta, ribbon hound.
1 1 l
do Gray Coa d une Blanket, 0080 0 .
Brah o o
GO do M d oo de do do
0 pa. Black Blank. crow . . do
I do Bearer "vy }eared, do
0 3 dosup.rior Black Veroch Broadcloth.
810 all wonl aomrted Dino.
r. do icon., colon..
2 do Canilmor,. 15Iark and tam, color.
.1 do :int.ltketta, black and izt , ,
II d.i IV bar Twlll.lFlanncl. o.rd wide.
4 do ern. barrod do do
The aboTe drverilwal art nn madonnenV from sannon... met and we., and are f0r,..• on
tenna to dm trade, at tonantacturere moan.
13. LIM
."Thr, my mu,x thing, n io trth.
- Than no dfrartr of " •
THE V IIiTUEb of tiliS rent.trh.thin maw
dr....1 the neumtut ar e:ten:nu to the propri
otor. t. indm,ll.l. to ha, it
tl.~witlr V;
bola sot direrttoso. he ltreLerwtt I i,
The PrricoLEum penennal fr. ro 111{A coon:
ty at a depth of four bumlna/ fct te • oto umultallora.:
„ a l „Ale,. wlthout any eheralod ot not If r e
theis (roar Notunee boat Labraton: • 1 Ind li,Amtaine
nnjperlier n nntmbor ..f thee.- e. /1 lcuwer •
matter of uzavertaint, There an. nom, on o ,. 1,, on.
ol“ of oaton. , which. if knoal. cotyht t set neeful-
Mtti1:aVa.4.1..14,Tf,." = 1" . '.:, .; ','1, r ,7-` i ,' % ' ,..!., " :,.... h' t . trp ! ..,- "i
prictor thoucht of polllnz Or In •.n 11,41 pun,
tool frr the ow .ofd ltme.. ne,-tant aud dad c mem.
formal l, fo ru n: and eereend n marttlde con, it I.
formed. it • r anion ..f it. tut., ts.,ularny aW
wide eproad appllcatio. In the con. of di,
We do tod aoh to tut e 1.1, ' , toad. .•.Lriiiiryt.A.
we tur ouneciont that the mo.helt, . -en Nor,. tta wty
lt° the fari.r of tho, .4,4, to be bealeal:
•e. dr. not cla.m for st a imitor-t: tr,licati tn ea i
er, iacace. unbtetallurl, •a:. tbat In n.umLer .
Chronic. it st ouristlled ' ton, thenr nos L.
enumerated-HO! •d• the m "roc. taleh
Clll,toir 11 , thrt al jerp,N. oar ],
irArO.l ASTII3I.I.
a nd
dre.t-o- •.I In tie rat.odee. 1.11 •
Ell COMPLAINT. loCc11,1":1A. V....e_wt 11.
Bladder told Etlney. Pn!ne it, the hoe er Side. Nerrotto
Tot Nannaltla, Pak,. 111..utnanc ETTO,
rho. Totter. ihnuworot, hum.. Sealdt. Rod till wire,
de. to. it MO, cir deldltto. roetOtirnr frenn Or Or
inll,Oi otaltrtne - wlll
bei lnn nrt rolle anJ d
it will at geheral To iNIC AtAi .y to ATlrt in Foch will.
Impart:rut non. Ind enemy to the
whole frame. rernurinc e,enon: Out:A-jab
fu rti•:ri ..11.eraw. and t bn.kon cnuatitnnosa,
Rod along inreettol and lrbea.teenorrt v: all the organs
of life, 'flee pn.rnet, krttro eccend run, of LEE.
that 'twisted every otlor tontment. ...I1 under tlw
of the PET1101.1:1:31 for a r.bort lune. Thy pr,of can be
onto any person who deeino It.
: t one
11,0 f oe wOhaut the Armature of the proprietor.—
'4" by
Yn M. W I( Yb iE Y 7I . , Canal MEAL. near Aeronlh rtreet.
Ale, by It. E. SIed.LERS. it
corner Wool alp.. 00.1 I Irrin . • ho arA
northdlr reruhrlt g".".
r'NOW all men win) are sick and affliettd
. erdh Ai.elr• of tit. Illakier anti Ktinort. with rhert
tun.. pain, in hark tr. limb, ttift t t tort, running
uleort. dt-, that tors ran tk• enrol ht takina the PETkik
1.1X51. lon may talk alout hriut: knottrumou much
at you pleati, hut [hit floe. n.•t make it •n for we then.
to ttie faro nf at, honrd that it ha.
whirh are belt nintalo , l in any Othor I , tanity. Tit•• man
who it racked with pain, and traferuir. from dityaro, tin.
for Nu roots. get rtu.•.t from any of the Ma enuraeratt4
. .
moth rem' little to mak• n truth MIA Petro
'cum in no mixture—no rtnhoond, hut up for thu I , llllvre
of un,,,in,t on the rommuntt v: but tt t• n remedy elabors.
led by the mum, hand of unin,..nd 130,14, up !nun the
hunntu of our mother curthJ to th,on punt,, awl of.
butnnnity n rehdy n rennin smt
. . .
oh., ettro.
It Inky ournt riloa. after other noatirinea have filled to
re der any rolicf. It ha. rured 11/trim:tatlqn. of In •
atanalint, amt. of tho wor.rand 01,1 natant rhan.rt.m.
boa 00004 a n den. ]loran., by ono or two lbak.r. It btu
roved old row, of Myrrh.", in whirb evory eghoo.oaa,
Tao tar of no avail. .0• a lora) remedy in bunas an.
maid.. It ia I.rt t, than any ntodloal r.onata•und , or °int:moll
Inawe know of It will yore ellilblanr , awl froxtod fee
In • few applirat look: mobotbnal tvrtunany can Ix. liarttiall
rd of the truth nlotalood In tho e.t.a., alat..m.nt, by can
In g on SAMUEL M. KIEIL Canal Itavn. .wreath •.ollreo 0 1
rither of the a:fent,
Illoyaer .0 alclroarell. rornor a 10,4 ,trort an , l Vinyl
alter IL K. S..llyra. 51 ]\ - ...1 :trail; It. 0. 1:11rr. and D. 3 .
Corry. Alloghont oltl• o ro flo . lk , ol lll .
h....tended the u+••of MORTIMER, RH EUSIA -
ERM 1 , 112 5. 11 AN It Id NW bit RI VI ER. m -
rmind the gewr.nt and intot ineto..•.i-f IS 'LA) •
M ATOM' A!. It 01100' IC 111101'0 17'1,M it ...attic-let t
guano .• and rvirommettilatinn ,
ha are alllitn
4.1 with WI. dreadful dos-are to In it= s
llundnido of 04.0-.. many r 4 them ..1,1,1,* of St. Inaba.
nod others Irrim abniail. Moe 1... n Ohio llso last
Irv, onth.. In the etti Lou, alone. white Irtters from
agent, abroad show al .o that It It perf the mate
vhendrer trhal. Mani of Mono 10-0. • /indite id lung
kanding. and all hot.- 01 rennet-) ha I 1-0 dlr.. up
It bile other. were of 'mini 1-0-ent date. •.1' the gent. Infiam
mat.,tom. tert vier, All. Imam., y to Ils e 'inn
derfal ration of 11.0 meihrino. and Mon.:tad. who hate
reitilini 9n t.ownt.:vel are now In the en, 111,1) of health
an hut e.teein the original mil pniprittor,
hen of mankind
It 1 . known from the e.. rho,. thr Milt no
nun:rant apple ton 0,011.1 y elf. of p.rmlimnit
of- thkdrendfill Its the spiilmo id -tsmulatlnc
lihlnients partial rellef. Ilt,w , 111.• eq..... mai he
for a M n ort Mae_ Rut all Olt while Mg. t Iff
0 Sting IC.
t0 1i7X. 1 1071 at; .
friar tiorMlical it into a • !mode form.,
whirl,. If not -won arrgniti, ranter Mt individual for We—
nd. i. terilied by tho liotion of the pa.. .0 111 routing.,
mil won. •lerminiitratol by the 1100., Mrnblied of
hit 10 tbennii.neltir thi. ...impound a. mien teseral
handmili. oft at,.. 020.01 and., lop
nob, awl during the tat fee month..
MORTIMER', 11111-35N1 1T11: OM POUND WO 81.0013
PURIFIER I. nn mt.-rani rem., —inmniroo itanyirra
lios abet, the .10.-nae . Nn ondinata. nod to ParIITIOK
tht n blood. pan., thronell the triode...t• io. neat-tabs. the
in. pure or ....lir whirlt ...tint upon the
membrane RI loroloo-- ..... it entirely !mut
the •)11.11. and rintond the otind to
Lid timer who are 1-1 iidt .1 tel..- diet :001e,
it 1:3 . ~,7`i " 4111
they rripplea fir lift. The .-1101 - 0-hor of handreds of
thomand. daried the ag a ell at a multiunit at the
pronent . ca-mou.tri%. the foil. 01 ea peeling pit-ma
nent mbef roal AN.111,11.301.1.
TM. protini-bcof Mi. valuable nartheina knots fmrn at
an.thl VULM•I+I,II4,..`O effect a
reirmanent rum ben thi. 00•-•ini tirinli 11.01 in the
gy rit.sts. Ile ran and doe. 01-gpare auil no till an embrom
tudi In ten salll l.lll nitirf in ob. hour'.
1 iini Th !nt " 4
onlylutenial mui..U. to tondo , . rho
hde , Comp...nal mil 111...1 Purioer the
niniedy that I.n. ever n diondennl, tither M
America or ant ,ether country . that roll eOO-luntlY Cure
Thin ninlieine ran he hod. hologalr N - 7 3
Third rtnot. ~,-Titn the tar,. l'atMurzh.
Al-o far wale 110-1010,1 i. In %Ern Thom.
J Mordnn. rod A. don,.
1 a ph hittle I.dth •Iv i. WS per damn.
Pamphlet. ran 10 loot de f me went
rad,' It. ii. II 1011AET A^ n ont
y win lite, the oliweterrer and vile Pronrietar
three Heal I.:pillar and 1,. arterial el...irate, and
the Ineentor the relettrated inetrunicnt for intinting the
Luna, in rfhtetina a rare of Clintnic a eta
dent of chat ...teinent ph, eician. Leer or a
eliadnate Lbe niticriatc of l'enne, Irani, and her thirty
'rare nvry bee Iteen ip Ow. int entigatirn of diet
ewe. •nil the applteatinte ef nitni.tiert theritti.
Thniowla Ihe nee .d Iti. inner,: tithe. In teautertinu with
hie Priphylartic Sirup. and nth, of hi. hr hint
gained an unrciralli led eininenee in curing tine. are,. Ifki
and fatal hint:Wert Thiel-rulerfinuennittlium flan ,
Sernfulte. Rheum:tat Ael/inta. 1.e.., and A vie.Fracrit et
all kind., lihritnic fr,dpe Lae. and all thnee ..hetinate
rms.. peenliar ta hal:dee. Indeed. cierfeft.rin nf diera. •
titit-lat, under the ttl hi. rentiehee. witiell hrien• •
le heir- not the nee ref rine, e , turtittind nnlY. far the
le incentipatihle with Ph, einit.cloal Law. hitt hty the inie
his n medic, atinpuel 1.. and Itc..criled let, rxh
!nem of
lire ittw.i. Title Alteratire Ville. • hen are inearia
ackratielettre.l tit Int Hater, sot • pur
Lite nit r pill. ineimuch they lento the bowel, pit
hell' free fr,rn ciatict nee.: •- al.. hie iir.lden Palle an. at
ruittial. by the faculty. In ter -e.. tee - Idler Itnitedf ed. -
! lie% an ft.m.h, diect.e-ti tent .tatitdoel that n hare lid
fullicaint to estaittiiih what lean leen vi,l. in the mindf
the awed .keptical.
The attic-hid are mailed to ndl the idient. and
cur. 4 :iratiet .tisit of the reeler:. attipht. ieltig ade •
eduitititunt each ri upely. anti it. applicaticti.
For hr the (Attiring ni,eine. a, will ne hp nett dru•
gets thrnuatieit tbe ottani: ,
J. ilehordienakttr tig in_ :lit Woe! ode liitt.boesrh.
J. M. Towneidid. Nitirt.ct
Lre A. Iletaham. neer the Poet iiflice,Aih,,b
vJ /. n •.a t
Elerklrp, Darlinct.n..ter ronnf
John hnnein
a onla.dt
OR I'llE AFTLIPTED will lwr round i
.I.r.ra Ko
tc. llin:ire. tu
r.1131.k: 1.1N131F.,N
tat:la i ja Flui.l. which lote..l.ael thy :to./ o 1 thirti
pt./icor/nand hem lei on.l a door/. the Meal. of sa
the ha.. thotown.le ot aluiret err
cla, awlia
el of I\ toel that ire hararil
thingrai in, that tln. 1. \ toed Wine that rise lec
iiilc.l to do. otr, dor, lks et nn...y.1 the we
what it IeL.F.
II Lan min.,. an.l I. ran:ll4r of coring nor.: 111.owew
ally Other medionioullorial I, /ale. we inn. nor by. who
Made nr whet nutne•
A. I\ stn.: and ronrincitin pria of the atolo, we'
that it le the only artwir that hae appear...l in the form
a patnt Medicine that by ever leer. pat
y. and naief
nil the y praine 'Lori.. conorall.. thy. 111,-t wrre.wl:
Famil Nit/licit - se ever oflrrral for or any
them. viz:
The lion. Mow.. If. Grinnell. late il.l* . Th.. Hon. Iho
It. Mord., lan: I boor. lion. Jobe A. Inn. lat.: I . reit
tor. Wililmo 11. Porter.lolitur of the .pint of
Timm and w hoot of other deilinuut/li.el nanny of le
York.. who hare full \ teet.el fta merit, lin e pormitte.l
proprietor to refor to th. m. AI it In well known that Patent Aludicimo are nor con
ally twtOonluul 1,, thy wealthy and pont.. rin:li
ere hare unilottbloeli, dal to for' hoz lily yri
Thi.l\ owlet rontr.auti.l lin. ler,. pear
1 aevon 'rare beton. pohlie • Ite tr., are now
and heir. nit. uoot undou1:10.11. • /trout,
I el.•ineine: Pr... 1 of we non.ral and aanntl
qualitie.. It t. u.reninet tor all norion.
rheumatic rain.. aernfulou..woilinc,
roe. and all the pal, .1.1 nolo:. that 11...11 I. heir to.
's lheri,ollo.l..lm,[ll.• hat, leen /old without complaii
and here dare
utioh witni.litner run -. aft. r Oh
Ounoiltor bale wield Saucer 1.:11.1, had Cr .
otrenkl, and in tair the ets.nut powihlt
ThLa row - Heine. or lint nre , fr 11,1,, nrefwr.-1 from
viable, for Internal a. well e we. It arte.Cor
/lam pou the part —.VP.: 11 health atel etmoiith
It la our , (Cr liilwrhoa. etionp.. 11.11...0. Tri0,..,, a
1/11 .pniunl•lat alloction.. .1i e tio
eakmee in null. or I.:itiale. h. to whrt.ucr raw.: a a
hare ywuntsahel
For war in Puhlitir.:b. hy I/ F. \
lir.len nod lo 'owl
. 111,0
/....nerall, It ie i•ut tin in ton,. o ../1. re •liillion
Ilea ,
F t }TER ESCi NI; (M PO I' rr,
cn.roo”,l to iirrluA• the w
lien etlret, whim moit for inakism Lrowl. tea ia
Hbucku heat rakes. . %Allah
our of shunt la ner
To 31r. Pukka—To In. II ..1. 1
:117:,V1:; r r2T;) " t0• 1 :al .
lank' Amu thut run w.t a Oil tire It mare.)
W ow murk ra.kl water ar will make the Minch the
thickruww; knead it let A tai tirtirm min
befrAw bakinono or tir loam. u ill do to.i.
whould rulm.l murti !humor, miii laked . hrw.
will do no hurt to akw. Oh,. or twont, miuuter. 7
t.. mtiell of !hi.
larna A will of
tutu the krea.l •wieratur•
wimn meal tr. ram. •
%Au mut put the atrue Cumpouncl tntn tea raker,
riO•r , irtrigtr • :ker. ormai
mkt, rot, hremi. Loud. liiwoult.Latter
writ...rale, apple ilittunlinuu, pot vier, awl for ail b,y
ikurpeiew. Jur". rerwArit arul tor Pale 1.,
lIALLENGE 111 E; 15 . 0111,1). Tw,
; nye Itollar. wnt In. to‘id to any Gm. wln
pnlattiew ..pot rww gr.wn or dry. tlod ttoryt 1
nacto.l with lion:. Izoprove.l Chenii;ol he?
onti.fnetim or r-a, inA Ihr
by my trip, 1111pruVelltYlla
Tnll4l thls rountry tor ox tor. pawl
Mort, oral., Miter grew., • freq., Itiotoof
tlompti'e ladiew gre w ., n,
ntisols. %ado, temnets. de, without input, nny
that pun. attar will not llore thwn"..n. who
porwone In different part. of thy moot Imo- told me
would not ho without It if If met SI a wake. In trying
Sowt , on Moo , than :IA) ankh, wt light watio, al
fand mlllore. I have only (mind t+•^+ of 1 ".
alparaw,e.nd fonr of rah - en, on which at eliancol
.lerefore. twfore putting It rot nal? dre ,, twy
1 the dr.sP tryt. I .I.+l,• I .1.1c4.2 - nin
toreromnavnel ft any strvogwe than I \o.:• to hg rt
Orden, fiom ronntry tnerchante
attended to by the:subernlxer.
dent) 1 lied
-z bat, not vstnl It twiner btfont I felt eft,
lyR. IL E. SE I.LEILS--Sir: SuflPring fro
1 rota 'tint notth. for tor bias I trit,MUJO
wtthnut obunnlnit nrla.f. a'n• It•nnonntr. w 't - h • b. " .
'lt Couch Shan....' I think It a duty lel.<
nat.. both ,on anti the roblio In -etturnl. to canlll,
nanert, that I 1,51 tnn. , t it twir, ben.rn I trlt I t..n
nntl pan timer Ihn Int-ton N.-na nal lettl nn
flnltth the bottle. I te•ltry almn attl.. 115,155 son
lia murk prnnentlet an frknat of ruin, on. Jn pant,tls
wAu had a trylna attack on Ann tuna,. arntannartirtl
Pubnnlnscntitth. VentlY thr nttl, tr." I•nnlantna Orb
rtnt'rhs and fttitl• aftert the tufftrorl
110 II ~ NamSv
" E illrr 1:
1., Wylie tt
rtt... r . h '. j•n " r •- NW al
and nnltl br druott. 'morally
1311'1AZ I.IL CO t.A.i I Silt
Addat... l vnwl 1v a tf: , , , ,,..,:r . ffr•••
Mr. IL E. Sell.tx.—B ,l,,
had muah.l I•l,lrecualunru.ltti to 11-e ,111...1.1,{1.0
Yiru P. L r ml youpg friethl MI.. W.
fnr Una Owe. bad tb..k.:1"..1',:ft , t-t of r
T:allt.,:rln'tn'tmel.. byttZrlV '.ltltt
but recir , tl nu r benrut until I n ' lrt tt%J: ' t
,„urt. I fully /4tt.h...1
anti revornaurtnlitht it to Alt.,
owl that haa t.ttr itrrn prtlart,l fur :Lo
Intended. J
Ihnsared rnld by FELLEI:: :5' it
ii . ARBONATE AMMONIA, llarteth
Li Oa) Ms fa arlat by ULU Saila a a=