The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 10, 1851, Image 3

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Ratiii WALDO E LIMON. —An advertisement jilt
our paper announces that this distinguished lite- t
racy gentleman has been engaged by the Yon•
Men's Mercantile Lihr.,nrw Association to 'diva
a course of lectures. Of late years, Mr. Emer
son's writings have been very generally read,
and the mass of our readers arc no doubt well
• acquainted with the pc . culiar character of his
mind. Ile is a . vigorous thinker, writes with
great force, and by the best critics who
have heard hint, to possess a trip, high degreeof
eloquence as a lecturer. lie is' a thorouchtran
stendentalist, but far ,upiiiar to any one of
his class with who, works we are acquainted.—
We are very glad that the Library Association
have effected this engagement, as n course of
lectures by such a man ns Mr. Emerson will have
the effect of raising the literary tastes of our cit
izens which are apt to sicken and droop under
our close business and money-making habits.
The lion. 'Moses rlaniptou arrived in Pi ttAnrgh
on . Friday evening.
AUCIVALS Or CONC.ariSMEN.—A tarp 'number
of the members of the late Congre ss hare passed
through this city since Friday last, and, several
are noii stopping at the Monongahela House.—
By-the-bye, the arrivals at 'this popular hotel
average upivanis of one hydred and thirty every
ing Of this society will be held this evening, in
Dr. Riddle's church. An address will he deilver
ed by the President, It. M. Riddle, Esq.
Our city at this. time is quite alive upon this
momentous subject--no doubt produced by the
stirring appeals made to our citizens by that most
eloquent advocate of this cause, Mr. John
Thiaisociety of young wen is intended to assist
in carrying on .the work that has . been to well
began.. We would urge atria attend who can. .
COGSWELL'S l'Alilla.S.JSA.—This fine tianerara
of scenes in California continue to attract crowd
ed audiences at the Atlicnieum. All our citizens
should see it.
TIM WARBLU.A.—thi4 talented troupe have
met with great success here. We are pleased_to
learn that they will give three more concerti,
commencing this evening-
Tax Ea:MM.—The term of office of lion.
Judge Kerr, Aesorinte Judge of the Court of
Quntter Smnionn, ozpired on Fridny.
. Tat CANAL—We are happy to announce that
the water was let into the Cnnsl yesterday. front
Sharpsburgh to Pittsburgh, so that the °miima,
ication between, this place and Philadelphia
now uninterrupee.d. l brisk spring trade is an
ticipated by our merchants, and th e canal basin
will probably be tilled with boats to-day.
THE rltnpanp.NEw Mannwr fiorsc,3lany
of our citizens have been4for_ a long time past,
urging upon Councils the propriety of erecting
new market horse liuildin,r.os in the Dianiond, in-.
stead of . those which are now there, and this will.
evidently be done before long. New buildings
might be erectedthe rent of which would speed
ily pay the cost of their eon struction, and some
gentlemen. Who are most interested in the scheme
have employed Mr.J. W Kerr., O celebrated ar
chitect of this city, to draw up the necessary
plans and specification.
We hare had the pleasure or- cramming them
and were very much struck with thole admirable
adaptation both to the ground, and it, the wants
of the community. .
The plan romprizes two buildirigs,one for .
each side of the Diamond, each being one...hun
dred and seventy feet long, by seventv-fivetide,
two stories high, with a .basement story half
sunk. The building on the west side is propo
sed` to he arranged entireiy formarket purpoS
'es. That on the east :id.: is intended to contain
a market room sixty-five fees-square, at each end
in the basement and first story, together with
rooms for the Mayor's and other city offices, in
the middle. Iho second etory is arrranged for
councils chambers, committee moms, and a ball
for public meeting,.
The plans con be aeon at Mr. Kerr's office on
Fourth street, and are well worthy the attention
of our citizens. •
Dzsrawr caw. -
Bete the Hon. Hopewell Hepburn, Prdiddent
In the case of Hugh Keating' vs. T. .i.Mbore;
the jury brought iu a verdict for the defendant
Armstrong vs. licit, et. al, No. 118. Oct mo'r
- tion of H. W. Williams, Esq., attorney for del
tendants, rule to show cause why the vicit of,
sci. to. =trill subsequent proceedinggehotildnot
be set aside,' and the mechanics lien upoirwhich
said writ was issued, stricken from the records.
Reasons filed.
Wilkinson vs. McFarland. On:motilin of John
D. Malip, Evil., rule to show , ,,cause "Why the
bill ot costs should not be paid, or an attachment.,
be issued for the same. •
The .Coramonwealth of 1 3 enusylvaniii vs. JOhn
McDonald Glenn, Administrator of Jos:• Taylor,
decd, Venditioni exponas, No. 125. The Court
. direct that the fee of the nuditoi in this ease,
be paid out of the money: in Court. _
Marcus.F. Irwin, and Walter H. Lowrie, Trus
tees otAnna 11. NleSelvey. vs. Samuel and Anna
B. MCKelvey. No. 159. In Chancery, ordered,
That . the said trustees of Anal 13. McKelvey, do
pat over to the order in writing of' the. said'
McKelvey,Anna B . the sum of six thousand five
hundred dollars, and such other sum, otepams as
the said Anna may, from. Line to time, by any
instrument of writing, under her hand, direct'
and appoint, out of the trust moneys, belonging
to said Anna, now in their hands.
Forsyth vs. Fianna, No. 592 July Term: Mo
tion' by Mr. Mellon, plaintiff's attorney, for a
new trial. Reasons filed.
Turner and Mead vs. Oliver B. Shaw, No. 245,
April Term. On motion of lion. Charles Nay
lor, defendant's attorney, role to show cause of
action, and why defendant should not be dis
charged on common hail, ou Saturday nest, 15th
inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M.
litpoirraivr nu/A.—The case of Sheriff Curtis,
U. the County of Allegheny, will be pied to-day.
It seems that the Commissioners have refused to,
.pay . hinffor the service.) rendered by the military
in the riots which threatened to be destructive
to lif e and property, some months zigo, and he has
bfouglit'snit against them.
Tar Ftrrn Parses-mita —The gable
end of the Fifth Cresbyteflan Church. fell, on
Batarday afternoon, with a tremendous crash.—
Mr. J. P;Smith, awl the sexton.' Mr. Mulligan,.
had been immediately Mader it a few moments
before it fell, eearchieg amidst the ruins for some
documents belonging to We Sunday School.• Some
of the citizens on Stain street, who live within
reach of the wall on that sido, apprehensive of itn
fall, have removed. •
BLUM SWAT MAN t' KrrrANNING.—We regret
to .learn that Mr. James 'E. Brown, of Kittan
ning, well known to moot of our business men,
was knocked down, a few days ago, by a ruffian,
who struck him violently on the bark of tho
head. Fortunately he escaped without any
serious injury, and the rectal has been, we un
derstand, arrested, and is now lodged in jail.
Juar Discruincen.—The (band Jury, in the
United Statiis District Court, were discharged on
Conner 03 STEALING G. 3111: COILS —A man
named Jeffries was examined before his honor
the Mayor, the Saturday, charged with stealing
a number of gamecocks from Mr. Ephraim Jones. I
After the examination'pf a 1-rfr , ,o number of wit
nesses, ho was hound or. in the sum of one
hundred dollars, for hi. a Nuance at the next
term of the Court. !
Attests 0113.311.113,1 Id Sr.'s ENDEE FALSE
p ßET rxeks—,A somewhat singular trial took
place, before Alderman Ma or, on Saturday after-.
noon, in the-case of Oilman v 3. MCWhitllley. The'
plaintiff had paid the dere slant ten &alert; and
given his note for ninety more, forjhe good will
.of a grocery antiliquor store, on riospectetreet,
kept by hire. Ile had cot veyed t¢ the plaintiff',
all his right, title, and. in4rest in the premises,
and Stipulated to giro hrm possession on the
twenty-fifth of March, at he seine time leaving
the intipres.tion on. Lin mitt that he had a lease.
It appeared on csantinnti n, that the defendant
had no lease, and all the p aintiff trou:d get for
his. one hundred dollars wept] be the occupancy
of thniremises for six darn, until the first of
On refunding the ten as
tke ntite .lleWhinney west],
re, and giving up
yeeterrlak evening,
f a. small itable in
eyed to haVei been
Finc..—The alorui of
was caused by the buruin,
.the Fifth Ward, ,Lich is
fired by an insendiary.
!proprietors of °mai
vehicles, wore taken
illy. awl fluid for not
their licenses.
FISID.—.I number of t,. ;
buses, carriagor, and oth
before the 3fryor, mt Sant'
attending to the renewal o
Nrir LITIIMITLISIIIC En mamma:cr.—We call
the .attention of our rend rs to the new litho:
grapbic est sbildnuent of ileisra. Wegner, ittiech-
Der Er. ?dueller, adverised in another cohunn.— ,
We hare examined epoch!) ni; of the' work turned
out by them, and it certain (
iis equal to . anything'
of the kind in the East. ho office is on Mar:.
ket street, between Third' nd Fourth, where we
/tibiae our citizens to call mud examine the iv:e
h:am forthateselect • • ;
NIIIXTAIST MOVEMEN :.—A detachment of fifty,
United States troops left Pittaburgh on Satur
day, on the steamer Puckeye State, They are
on their war?. Oregui and will, we understand,
boooon followed by atiother detachment.
Snow SToll3l.—Wel were visited by a mow
storm, on Saturday, which as, quite heavy for a
short time. The tlaktis of snow were larger than
any which fell during 'the winter, but melted as
soon as they reached lie ground.
osaw loan, of about
thirty-five yearn of ge, who .erred his coun
try faithfully during the late war with Mexi
co, and whose body'' , literally covered with the
numerous woundi h. reeeiv..l there, commit
ted to prison on Sato ay, on a charge of drunk
enness and vagrancy. Ile receives a handsome
pension from the ...ernment, which he drew
only a few days ago, it lies already spent.
days has been very c
r he weather for the put few
old and disagreeable.
Yorts, March $
The Empire City from Chagres, arrived to-day,
bringing later news from California.
We learn from the Pacific News that the Leg
islature is -rapidly and judiciously framing ap
propriate laws for the internal government of the
- Tho canvass for United States Senator is as
exciting as ever. The Democrats- have four or
five candidates in the field, and their opponents
hut one. •
The Miners are prosecuting their work more
successfully than for some time past. As soon
as the products come into Market, a great revi
val in business may be looked for.
President Fillmore's Message was well re
ceived, with the exception of the proposition to
divide and sell the mineral lands, which is de
cidedly opposed, both in and out of the Legis
The Journal of this morning publishes on au
thorized statement front Messrs. Oreely and Otis
relative to the charges against Mr. Webster. It
is to the .effect, that the conversation between
them m July loot. related entirely to the rumor
relative to the formation of the Cabinet, and
that Mr: Webster was to be Secretary of State.
Mr. Otis believes that Mr. Greely sold to Mr.
Havens, in addition to stating that Mr. Webster
had been offered the office, that Mr. Webster hod
hesitated, from the pecuniary sacrifices he. ould
have to make: and he said he bad written to
Mr. Webster, urging him to accept the place.
Mr: Circely has no recollection of this, as
coming from Mr. Havens.
•., • .
The annual %ommencement of the Jefferson
Medical College was held to-day at the Musical
Fund Hall. The exhibition was attended by the
largest and most brilliant audience of the season.
The exercises', which were unusually inerest
. log, were varied by the choicest music from a
full and efficient orchestra. They were com
menced with a solemn and efficient prayer, by
the Rev. Dr. Ely.
The lion. Edward'Kin^, President of the Col
lege. then conferred the degree of M. D. upOn 227
young gentlemen.
Tha class which received the Diploma of Jef
ferson to-tiny, is the largest that ever graduated
at one session by any medical school in the
United States.
The Senate, in executive session, yesterday,
ratified the 'treaties lately negotiated with Por
tugal. Switzerland, and with' Mexico respecting
the Tehuantepec route from the Gulf to the
.Pacific. •
The treaty of extradition 'Tsrillt Mexico was
Cotton—There is a better demand for cotton,
and the market it firm.
Flour—The market continues inactive, and
holders generally ask $1 50 14 bbl. But there
is no export . demand; and very little for city
consumlition. Rye steady at $3 50 hbl.
Corn Meal—Sales are effected at $"2 871"trbbl.
Grain—Receipts of wheat by canal, are bo
'ginning to come forward, and prices have de
clined. Sales of 1000 busheLint 100 c for prime
Pennsylvania red, and 10.1(.3 ; 108 for white.—
Corn is in steady demand,.'at 591 c afloat, but
there is very little offering; Oats are dull at
foitner rates.
Groceries—Very , little .has been doing, as the
inclemency of the weather prevents a number of
vessels from lauding their cargoes.
Whisker—The market is dull, with male, in
MA/ at.„liii(d;24c, and in hints ar'2ll6“22ie
NEw YORK, March S
Cotton—Sules of 1500 hales at lle for raid
dling upland.
Flour—The market io firmer, with sales of
4,000 barrels at. $4 4-15,1,..1 50 for good state
Graiu--Corn is held et 66c; with sales at„.6se
-, t) bushel.
Provisions--Pork is heavy, at $l2 75€02 87
'for old mess, and $9 87gl0 for prime. New
mess and prime are selling at $l3 44, and $ll 25
tl barrel, with sales to-day of 1800 barrels.
Hemp—Supplies are scarce, and firm.
Lead—Sales 10,000 pigs Galena at s4®s 11 1
' Sugar—Prices are is lower.
Flour—The market io steady, with males of
500 tibia Howard street at $4 3: - .E) bbl.
Grain—Sales of red Wheat at 97fii . .98c, and
of white at 102e113c 4'l bushel. White.coro
is selling nt 60c, and yellow at 59c bushel.—
Sales of oats at 40.€,C1c.
Clover Seed—Sales at $5 18 11 bushel.
Provisions—Are firm as last quoted. Sales
of lard at 84 (19} lb.
Groceries—The market is quiet, at old prices.
Whiskey—Sales at Zie. 1l gnlloo.
Ciartxsart, March 8.
Flour—Very little is offering; and there ore
no sales except in small lots.
Whiskey—Sales at 2lic 11 gallon.
Previsions—No sales worth reporting:
Groceries—Sugar is selling at C®lil; c and
ogee at 111 II lb.
Business Is unusually quiet to-day. The river
has fallen two feet since last report.
.ARE YOU A FATHER, laboring for the
support of • family. and
. suffering fr om general de.
noy mid low spirits Shaker . hfe almost seems a burden.
r Dr S. D. Ilowe's anuharllls.
Asa you a Mother, suffering from aloe.. to which fe.
males are genendly suNrwt, the Dr. S. D. Rowe's Shaker
earsaparilbs.—it will et - nab:Sr rum You.
Call at our depot. or nn one nf our agents. and get a
ramehlet. gratis. where you will Ond that the Shaker San
samehla, INA prepared by Dr. S. D. Howe. has been the
moaner of permanently curing more diseases to which the
human fatally noll continually auNert. than an other
prtharatlon uf Sarsaparilla ever yet brought be the
This molleine has establhhed high rrputathm .by Its
numerous and well attested cures.
.•.•.• - . • • •
•It L• put up the
quart botte, tad an d e only Saraspluilla
that arta on the liver. Kidnap, . filocal at the name
Ume.., ethic/a renders - It &Rowe... , mar. raluablu rr•u'l
oar, particularly to (modem.
11.5 .at. Anti enquire for Dr. 0. D. HOWE'S SHAKER
S4ItS.4PARILLA, sad late nnotber
Price SI per bottle-4 bath., for
for Pale by
DR.D. HOKE Proprl.or,
' • I College MU, Cinclmall, Ohio.
' To whom all orders may be addpeoed.
Also, for gale by A. low. J. Sehnontriaker A Co. W.
Blank, IL W. 3lrana, J. M. Townnend, J. Nlnhicr, W. oki
wo l'lltaborgh; D. A. Elliott, Allanhour ME W. R. Mni
Slatieneeten I... Crocker, Brownsville Ju. Paull
Tal~reAllWhorli Ma l e A KnoP J.
x. 000 atterwm. and E. 0.
oraltdirllorir wT an, It.
TO thelionorable the
thn of Judges of the Court
Dement' Quarter Stations of gm Peace. In and far
TheVtitllnlf e t h a ' T ' ir Faann, of the Seventh Wand,
Pittaborch, In the county aforreall, -humblT sheweth—
that Tour petitioner loth provided bimaelf withmaterial.
for the arennuandation of travele•and others, athiedwell.
or-P. hem. In the Ward •frevald. and pray/ that Tour hon
-0111 berpleaaed to avant tint • liven. to keep • public
hou. of totertallunent. And Tour petitioner, an In dutT
hound, will pref.
We. the stileverlbem citizens of the Ward.aforeeald, an
rearthat the above petitioner le of good repute for hor ,
sets and I.e.:TP..lnm, and 4 well providoll with house
room and convenienres Inv the aremmodstion and lodging
of strangers and travellers, and that said tavern is Octet
Robert Net, C. McNamee. D. lisne,.l. Iterati, J. Clark ii.2Lom John White. Y. l(m ,
ry.Wan. LLone}
New Books! New. Books !
.tvect. oppradte the Port Mee.
,msou Art Journal, for WebruarY.
Illatorr of Peudennis. by Thaekarvy, complete.
flail, • 111.torical Romance.lirotou hbakcpea In.
Nobe Lit ,
A. or Lit, No.
mut Adveuturea of Percival Mer:
berry, written br Mautelf.
Love Aral Ambition, • Navel by the author of "Recibir
hlirelcalypi Nom., or fiketehm of eoutbna Llfv.
ip e ri c r o ary of Mechanic.. No. tn.
Itourebuld Word., No. ON.
Dr. Ifolllek'stY orlm, complete.
ostd at :SO illTe h tylt;t:t. a very:Tel:ar e
n lt ' t .= ,Tit dus h' prlige, l'l n alm i rab. PrieelT.
Wor the lower grades 76, 60, and 37.4 e. 'f iorl,frh
we IfILITILZt to sot ssostar, surto Lc bad at
the =Kr'
Al pos. Imperial. and Gunpowder. of L/I g fades,
iby which el Ira ark Is • • LIT trial, and they will ream.
lava themieleea. A liberal discount Asada to Mallon,
and to Wallas Dunn by ar , sm.%
A.ll VILA co,
Tea Naas sad Groats.-
IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undereigneti
le the leearlypotistitated Adruipietextor et thm LAW.,
a .o .l.6l7 ,zi lj i eNn i l:te,g;heltzuep .d erig...l.:ll.lelh. iv
crafter arein ' , 4 add LW...a-. td
u;rlvullz „ , tr. jui...s.t..Pa
the easlocelher. ° "";;.` 7'ii (4 t1k1771,'Z.
url,b• Alltairks.trater.
.1 S HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned
j l'onnal.alonent will hare their Ilnof open for the ant..
ription of otuel: to the Perryevillaand Itrowington Plank
C o mpany, namely: on the MAI, and nf April ru
stling. at Um .leave Plankertnn, In Alleghenr
on the IMb. at Janie,. Macaleer's Tavern. In Perry/mill , on
the and . 1.3.1 a April. at 3tra i.vrepue,`e Ta‘ - rtt.
In Allegheny city: and on the 2411, arid nth. at Mr. F:hre
Tavern. Pittaburgh: at which that" and placys Mtentlanne
.41 be given by the Cnntuai,9.lnnen, (min 9 o'clock A. M.
411 4 P. 31. Ott each day. .TII4IIAB lie lIRACKEN,
.10, 4 11191
.10115 It. PLMTCILER.
113:31 , 17 1311111...-
Very Valuable Steam Grist abd Saw NUB
IWILL SELL MY MILLS,! situated n ,
directly nu the Monntitrahela Elver: (known
the lilahuntaille titionn 31111,1 tour mites 0bi.... Eli.
Vs and four milesmaul idOnoilgahrla City, in Colon
toirucloiti,Xtuillinitton ~ Tile above property it in
peal running order. Thu were built in 1.42. There
la two run of atones. and pourer for another run. There If
one liomroy's Corn Breakers in the Mill. There lc M
tgged dwith tiae 31111 a five acres of Inrint—a very meal situ.
add, fora float Yard or a Illass Fatablislunent. Tlientani
alio Limo. pact Ilourea and a new &oldie and about eight
acres of Curd immethately In the roar if the Still, The
property Is located In a irrry null 'settlement, and is hot a
iten to the Pittsburgh markete--only IS mite , by water,
eye! 16 by land. Aci noopeets the quality of lb. /lour. Ihe
fee any wishing to ',online, to the City Floor and Flour Slei.iehants lir...rally. Title .liiiitepulable.
loos ...All be haulsil the lot o f.\ pnt,ur issiner.
Terme made Liman by the suliierileir, hying m, the pm,
(ureic. ti nabob!. Y
Stray Cow.
AME to the subscriber, in Itehin
lJ tout:whip, abnut the heglontna of Febro
ar,.. lhal mid White 31110 COW. about Inn or "7'
CirTCP ,ear. old. Th.,. owner I. requeated p.. puns ,
tY. nay charge.. and tke her ceder. or .he wil hr thrum...a
of according Eight lan. Illlt;11 QUINN.
Eht and • half mile. (rum Illtaborgh.
inchl-wht:sl • near thr late 1!. K. Ewing'. tirl.t 31111
ig A3l. I'. ROSS, Attorney at Lan, Office
t. 80.104 Fourth atn-et, noon Grant, In Lamartioohuith
111.7, Pittatura.h. arNO:nlyB
. A. COMM.. 11. BAC..
VOULTER St. 11ACKE, Wholesale and Re
..) Druggiet, Corurr or Wood and Third street., on
der the St. Ch.,rlre Hotel. Plitshurgla. myI:TeIyS
LEX. W. FOSTER, Attorney and Coon
selk,r at Lar, To. FA Fourth street, twar tiruot st
ThlUhr b.n0r16,41,u IyS
Farm for Sale,
LEGIIENY COUNTY. 1`... about 12 miles frcau the
ittm of l'ilMburgh and AlleirtienV. and 12. miles from the
line ofltailmeul and Ohio Mas—conta
t ining st.rri ,
TWO ACIt E. about ally arms cleared and under good
a high state of culivation; the rwinaluder la
I :',liii:feen%l. There arra number..f never.faillng Sf.ring.
of goof water. The improveinents.arr, a god double Log
limns, a o.o‘i double Barn, withlather'out-building% cdso,
ayoung pple Orchard of geted fruit. Jut boct.t ,,, . to
ea: and A a af quantity of Marine Peach Tmrs.
Terms and conditions of ,ale made knowp by applying,
on the premises, to IVIIatIN ?WOK.
Tz'XICUTOR'S NOTlCE—Letters testa
mentAry the Estate of Ann Sill, of 31eKe.ea.
port. Alle.d...ny County. iltiva..l. hare twvii grantol
ri.ilaing in Elizaheth townsh.P. Pe*
haring claim. agairt..t cud r.,int=te,l to
make ttn.tu known without delay. to
Administrator'si Notice.
VOTICE is hereby given that. the tinder-
Lfignrd I. the legallr at.pnint,7l Administratrm of the
tr. of Jamea Roth weIL Alleghero city. do'd:
therefore., ell per.,ne kp , owittit theM.el , e. indebted h. raid
EAtalle are nqueatnl L.m eke inaravaliate sxy mem.. awl thnee
harm.; elitinas againit the same will prrAent them. Jul,' au
thentiman.i. for rttlement. JANE In rfllW ELL.
Administrator's (Notice.
itETTERS or Administration to the Es
nate of Darld IrKer, Into of n flume towurhip. •l.
s to.ny County, glawenool. lure Writ grented to the sub.
ncriber. All yorrouor Indebted to tali o..totr are rrum•aud
to make InittoniUtte payment and thcmr having claim.
against tbr am.: will promut them for tottlemroi to
Mitt. townphir, fehlOweatt Allmtnietrat,r.
XTOTICE is hereby given that the -under
foriirned Comm'Ppione wlll lutee their hookp pno,l
Um stnelt to th , Purry.rille and Ten.-
mtple Plank /6.1 Couloony. on Ihavlay the 17th March. at
the houw , of Joao , Plankerton. in Allevhen,
o n end
on the 10th at the
ow of l'eter Mono
awl on th, fi l th
and Will at the bow , of
of t
name rvunly an.l on thar2l,t and =I at the hoop., of Mr,
Sweeney, in .kllegiseny (fit,. ea width da, and Diu+ , at
tendenee will he Oren fn o'clock. A. 111-. till 4 r. Y.. ro
epeMs rly 01;0 HOW ELL
10 the Honorable, the Judges Id the Court
tiourral lluart,r t,dodono of the Prase. in and to
e County of Aileuhonv•
The petttmo of Daniel Sartre. of the borough
t , th. Um roan*, akderaul. humid, shotretis. tyour
pstltioner bath protiabslttinmelf With tua.mal• for the se
comma...dation •nf travellemi and other.. at ht. , dwelling
boo.. in the horolmh aforrol.. and pray. that yhur bon.
on. will be drattridin • hoeure to keep • I. o hite
house of 01,0 rtaluumut. And m one mtltadsor. a. Its duly
bun od, a ill pray.
We. the .111.-item, saiden. of If, horonah af deßaisi.
do certify. that the *tenet potomner le of em‘i Mind , hd
honesty uv ami se nell provided with house
ofand mnrentersme Cro the arecturnodatton and lodging
of stranger, and tear - eller,. and that ...aid mrorn 1. necei
'lTTlab B. Davi, Jas. H. Chin. Solomon K Same. John
il'aliter. Jr.. John lleatutm. Sanil McCune. :Maul ACmkoe.
Kibbe ransom. lieu Conum4hant, Henry MottlnlM • Km.
Duke, Jr,.,,
A l
0 the Honorable, the Jtuiges ..f the Court
lieneral tJuarter Smalons of the Comm. m and for
t County of All,hend.
The petition of Benjamin San•hury. of lost. SL (lair
hl, aritip. in the ..linty aformaJd.' hutnbir
that your tetitioner bath prorhlrd hintaelf with material.
for the ammennindation of traveler. and others, at hi. dash
hnd hoofs. In aformmd. and pray. that moor honor.
will Ia phaaed him a than,. keep. pu1.14 1.1,000
of ratertalUlL,lll. And 'our ,n.tdiourr. a. lu duty hound
will pre,
Irs. the , tll , seriSsurs.sitizsms of the I.osnshis.s.foreper.t. d'
cs.stlfs Stet tfir ryt.lttnns, Is of krssl rsqktst. I,r hon.
rsar and sevs;srrAltsr. sr.] •111 •111, hems—
;ll.. arrointn , slatlnn nn•l Irst,lna and SravellerS,usul that iutid tas...rn Is nem,-
J . ohp.3lcEllormrk. Jr. 3luaes Cher.. 11 ante
Art... N. J. “Itmer. J. Boyd. J.,. Carter. B. Hall. Irti Has,
pay, J feb tanr3ohn Hanlewbelt.../. Cart•r. Jr... 1
)I.S 11E11E131' GIVEN that the undersignell
ciraanilivilotoire will nti.en Pv•onv for valmertistiou of
nick to the Birmingham:d Woli. 3larailanilseil
and Plank Road l'.iinpaar. an
t.a.nitianve of an Act of AP.
FulTbiy the fifteenth dr.; of February, that
vahl Punka will be. opened on Thitiinlad. rrolay, ud Sabi,
day, the. Third. Fourth. and Fifth day.
the °thereof LARI3ILILJr . In the City of l'lttebovniar
at the onion of Jnav Mc/ica. in the horinigh of Birtntifiti
ham, at he holt. of Joani ti.Pßit. ill Millais% townelinv
and at the bona.. of Last Yet. lo Fide) vllle. Wavhine
ton county,at which dim, d planes •attendanne will in
.ivra tenni ft oielock, a. M.. tin 4 oielf.ilt. P. M. Levifio
EM.. will attend at klalerell/e. on behalf of thy uv
0. 11. Oft3ISLIV.
JOILS Neff El.. 'Ciniiiaiationers.
lt M. NOBLE,
• ••• - •
FARM FOR SALE.—A Exam, situate in
North Huntingdon touushin IV, ordint/.
coutainiugl3l arnos of glad laud. bound. . . sof J.
cob Sam, Mrs. l'ainb.r.and others--sbnut 1" :WIWI tlearnd.
Inlgnne in bOOOY n0......r , atitlnn one 'Alla o the Yougtilo
gheuy (lack %later. two mile. fn. the Pen sylvania Rail
Load. and one mile from nultsonTille. Img. •11,131enClevo.
sid. of a tarn "tory Le. Inselling Honk. bon Baru. In,
frame ntabb., and moo/N.oor. buildings. . Id& dr , benl.
Odor Presx, de. Title tod,nutable. For le &ennui, ou
tho premises: of
nol-21:vrtf.d.' If.OBERT S. IlY1:1I.LEY.
Military Bounty Land & Pension Agency,
spectfully inform those
erred in prncunng Bounty Ltmde
By ' lartew. all who ham actual
wars since 1790. nr their widows or
titled by ltrountmLand, from 40 tn.
Mrin of-Serelcm and as the
agenst.the la-ander, no ismer,
7 I It M tht
individual claimants moat set., tb.
orbs agents. The one will be rot
other to be oncw.t, rrquim , Ober
nompenastion. Attempts to Inn..
will prom in the end abortive. Tn
On. the entire business of the SOIL
enutemplMed by . Conn - rem, an.
department, is on; mom nims.r. p
'' t e' agaV i f ' o ' r i thVgso , l! "' :Z. 4 To '
the locating of mkt warrant. Were)
nwing to the mblier ajudicinusyl ,
nomination or tale. ltd. Tn obtain a
together with a dearrinthot ite , lmait.
enabling him to form e.imate of ita
Terms, which will be reasonable, made
Address (newt paid) if. M. lI6PET,
Pl I Clarion county. Po.
o.—Write the name Of your Post OM
Rat, eery logibir.
WDER- .-
5,000 keg+. Hlnstiuw. ettre gvnlft F;
SOO I.r '• •
EATSFOOT bbl 4. j u
_LI for rale at thr Drug s urn, of I
4h2ry eorilvY 'Wood am
bags PeitNutsv
..• Irrird PraAch.4; nn
steamer Aria. anti for sale by
frb2s Watrr,
FEATIIERS--10 sacks now 1.
.tea msa ' " ' a" r ‘ a.aa gtfall
frl2o Water
!OTTON-18 bales now huk'
lJ, and for I;br , by
fel; . .Yl . Wa4r ;
2 bbl.. No. Mead: 2 Lt d .. Stnt
landing Iron, sir. Asia and Or ule
feb2 , l Water;
wriptlou, far ns,b. by . fi,blo
FLOUR. --00 WAS r
S suriinc, in i
We by febl4 lIIIY.Y._IIA I
PrANNEItS , OIL-25 Gbh, in
we by JA3IEB
IJ from etr. Asia, and for pale nr
51,26 0:9
DRIM) . PEACIIES-500 hu.
for fee RIM', MATTIi
P 1044
1107NEY-1 hbl. superior St .
1-k I
a n`foie ma f"
Mils. No. 1, Ile'
rr" uW
fo"'4' ll7lEY. MATT
GOLDEN SYRUP-1n bbln. ••
for alle by RIIEY. MATTI
13:11tRY. 111/GRES lc CO. ar ,
j_ do all Undo of SLATE ROOFIN
=psis:. Roar pram ptl y A reparal I
OLI3EN SYRUP-5 hr. bbl
owl for we by ECItatIDUE I
fob 24 No
"L7L0131i.-25 bbls extra Famil
by fcb2:, El P. VON BON
11.EROOMS-150 dozen for sale ,
.fttab 0. 7. yox Bccai
OR RENT—A small brick
~N HU. V ntaing o y DWE LL
ea. our Oellember, .
ov o r th n D.A.... p r thr kfth
rn, and e 804d.,4 Than. SI , U per ear.
Al...L.—Eight 1,1,4 of lend. situate on the Turtle Ch,ek
Plank 'toed. about minutes' wedk from the market bn.,
jii t gTO:ll/ " NN Attr,rnop at Law,
torha . nt Fourth rtreet, above Stolthesel , L
ri l l° LET—t\ M AM:HOUSE, situated c.n .
[ter Letween Market and rem titrrt,r
am obi.. for the Przeln , F., term, In..www
. ttleh , t w No IN Water st.
Delightful Summer Residence for Rent.
.-11 b .liarden encash:ling two sere. 1 , 1 4nrund.
1 , 11:1, — V.7 L .Z...%, ^L vNt:. ' .11Vi;: ' 7 , ;, ` ,!!. of the East
Liberty am( Crow.. r roan, For Intortuatlon ePt. l ,
MILS. %ABS REED, on the'preun,..
(Jr at he atom of 11, Moot, Fifth Iron!, Penn
toehT:nt nor 1:win0:1.0121...h.
For Sale or Rent,
I L COMMODIOUS and finisl.rd
STORE HOUSE, at the outlet Incite on the Cm
nNEW' BRIGHTON. PA.. arlantNt to trourallon
fora family and a Gower, MI ContentiOnary entabllth.
ment—pro,rtr Inuit clentrahlr
Dwollinu noun.. and netothuity t...ton•
how, Enquire of B. B. CHANIBELI.IN.
Alton), it 1.a1r..
m.,...a.,, O v r s addretti by lett, Nen Briohlon. Pt.
For Sale. .
BLOCK OF lEWILDING:I. on the fawner of \ Les h
an.' Penn and fronting isnstins Penh
113 'yank Canal. in Ilse City PittYlsorgh The Lot hnnty
nnn hundred and forte Isnir feet on Penn ,ttrs L and nue
Inindred nod nine feel nine Inrhn. on il'taltitll.ooll armt.
to n twenty feet, ntley. Inantlrts of
ItA Ill:ft:IL
well/ No hot I . • nII at.
Land for Sale.
NiNE TRACT of 3720 Acres one Tract of
N 1 , 0 Art., nnr Trot of NO Arm< and twn Trart, of
A".• enrh. All the nhor.. land In nuort,nr Ir.m intrro.
..1. amt rate duality. and wull Imated In 1100 rl`em..t •- •
awl trill he Pohl. to milt purrhsotera. ler. kw. For further
partleularn inquire elf
meth , 11:.! 5M1430.1 ri
,rat, , at of around attached. liitunt...l at
t 7. :k3 11A RI/V. JONES A Oh
yoR RENT.—Two Rooms in Ole Post Tr: . ;
011 Ire Building, mutable for Artl Ranno.k.i.
. .
Alms SMALL STORE nn INN rtrrrt. forxt dr.rtr to lb.
Otnr, rountem Iju fittingr andn r :evr front .1111
Inrce lr
sho furnnihed vrltht n, to tenant.
feb . 27 E. D. OAZZAM, ou &ram! rtmet.
For Sale.
THE SUBSCRIBER olfere for ale the tr:".•
tilloving valuable property In Allrg6tny
ri T ni tt u lln s u ni r i l b or lirlck endendLot, by 110 NO,
Common, nun n...ruplud by Jame, 111bron.
tuo4ry Brick 'lnure. and n 1.7 .
Curnnson. nun urcu i ntr.l - I.y Fra n :k t ik ' th f u rn m nt.
corn, South Cummon end
tlrr Ta , ll.nt LOA,. BMA Laos. .nth al..nt 21 by 1t ft.
to Towpath of Venal
Aiwt. in litthilitiruh. n Lot with Viwargi
tiny ttrtwt. twisty Marliut, fg 110 Vivit to linen al hi,
}awl of Lot ho 134. [(pi:2,lNi ti /?,(tilt:
- 4 1 0 R REST—_\ small frame cottage, with
4 :vow on Cy,t anon, lor,oi dining twtim and kitchen In
mrviiiTenti mall
mall mituntan n. at. Mli.p.r.vlll
ALso. w're•ral small Trnouent• Va. rent.
AI., for .41.1.• II Int- frouttr,al llwenrklrret. and 2
2 t 11VITI ;'.II 111.1. N.
6.1.20:42 or II I' o.ln. ...r ~( fkrk.t and Ith R.
- Desirable Residence for Sale,
E subsnrilnw, inteinliaz 1.. TOMOS e a few
mlles Into m , off
the oot. er. for Pia:. the protein, in
l it , he now retitle, fawty 1h• tank
In Allerle n, CU, The Awe Iling. diorite her. and built
of linek. 1r (ante and nintinoilietia. an., in. hewn mei MI,.
repainliil and hatientl. Ti,, Int front: tint feet and.
ranning bark two hundred rant eight, fit, it
out with tart, wintalning shruhliery fruit. The
ronaittlng of n titivate honor. ttatilie
of carriage how, are conveniently henna! The eituw
a 'in i• rilentant. surf the It ire Siitventliw Hedge rhort/r tri
be plihwid over the Allegheny. .111 tiring the property
within n few mini., walk nr ,friee or the eat
NI-chewer. are referroil to Alex. 11. MI,. No IT ith
tirewt 11N MIMI'S.
VOR SALE OR RENT—A eima.,riable -
ml pltatanutly situated dariltna hen, nil Int
Chestnut stn—l.ln the Eighth It ante nd this ett,...
The Loner rout/wt. Ott. rrrnr: the lot 1. forty fort on littera
h"dr'd In
'" a "i N. MFejIgIIAM.
fehi~corner of %tool anti Sixth Oa.
1(01t RENT—That 741 ,
11 Ith 1.111 •0. 1 . Cattnntla felt aarlen. antt kW. r.ft
ukehW. the rrratertre ,d the late Wm r l. Tutu.n, alt
on 01111 ettert Pootrat,n 10t1 . 11n4 110 Ern
For tcrroit. apply to 11 1F.11,. Gus:,ltan..or IF C.
Tot.n. Fort Ititt frbl,lAl,ll
r r LET—Two offkos on the lower floor =lit
..rner Market and Water ntreeetr. !mating on l
at, LE T—Two
nert, lk
. . •
A 1..,. rut.m• %Ire itt the Above. an the reettful
trtth Crum tr., rtreut.
All of the-- ruutnt qr. tuitatle fur I nournnee tlttler,
And ..tuuttlf th the mt.n tax urnl.l. plaue fur luirtntu
on the wharf. VOLLARD 31elAMINICK
Y. VI ill ,%1.1: , -1iiro Litt, rlinir Min. and n
tn. iferirr ri with In, 11....^P..f1rl :tier riirrr.
r-II trill, in Irwrenneiriniiii
Alan.. Farm of ll' , rinvriin fir , r.s.r. min,
lain below I,nsrr. tor VI, per ninno
nal nerir Sl'. r acre Alm, (Ann', 1,11.
nen, fir perl7, arm. MI.. fir }I::Irr ri-rn,rtinrhur *lll, nor, el •stri•
nos run and nrimf L/Ntlir.
• I. ti Ff:TTKIIMAtt,
Minn,. at Lou al Fifa. Aiwnto,
1,1110 N. 107 ath .t. filitoburwh
OR ILENT , —The store on 31nrket nt _ 77zt.
X nof owleo, Fr l'enawr •. • Varwir
/CF. 140 Wth
riio LET—A Warehouse ttituutt_vitmt;! ,
twiwit ord soul Marki.t. •nol runownw thmu:h :701
fr.. Find to ,ft-041/.1 .trowt. twrooraii wori/iiii 100 o•ww•
t Atka/win It ronnWiLl. fm/ir•ii.
S.CAlfli. /5111.1.1
:lAof,. 1 , . on/. n Inn:. i/f roan-111.
inalidlhoi aiiil win/. v.v.y in,itufwi.
t•/re.. 5 the 11,much of
now Public till/co - /I llontow soul I.allioreinet.istrh
Th. ro/pl.ll pol./10/0 end
fisanufacturlnx weidth, ft:.prief. ioll!.11
I.ot• .111 v.lll r.noltor . mo w !. prillt•Lii iu
vowinwint io.ofionf Tenn. f••orniole
he off -
sr yi third.,el".
- .. .
, .....
1.y . n....... at.,l S. Pal.rnal3. Eves. at U.., 1.111.... in'itral.
Joshua. lout m,,,E, w IiATtoN
T . •
LET--Ono House and Lot sitaatedt7, , !.
nu I , dfurd atrk•L Srventh wapl. 1 ,,, r L.rat, g.... ' .
apply toitonv.v , . LITTLE LOl aaaa-
JaZ. ,, j.s., Lliwrlj Id
VOR SALE—The eut.ceiher offers for
L we • inr, ant well train lhirlt ILmr. wltllls,•`try , ,
more arrow of wrnuml.•ltuatfol otrtbr Fourth Atnotawww
noml: %MII throe mi 4. of 1.11, My. l'owww•han gle•tt on
the 14 of Aprll
Alro, • err; tle•irxhlr k:of round. rn•ttlning neer Fr.ut
• - lth npnn: of excellent water therm.. xitunt....l
now thr
• - •
s lot ..f ground to feet II tnolve. by 1.0 adjoin
ing al. recdenee nf Mr. A. Toner, near the city. optralte
the Saeolh Ward.. Penaoylvanla Arenue. Itearveion
gleen Immediately
It I. en• certain U.S the Plank goad sill he' movplete
l iNTri;ll4l.
, ;;IP.
mad. near the
Or deaminr.lttroperty . 112,Z31tf
Oit ItENT Olt SALE--The subscriber 7 , 4!
sill .11 or mot hi. very deairahle country j'a•t•
• ener. In Allegheny tat Ohio Lane
Allegheny Avrou.. west of the Common. The hnuve Iv a
large donldn brick building. In ent.tklet , oNrr. Then
earriagv hog, stable. and grad water on the grausal.,
which enatgriv. tare. 5i'.,... ittlgratni.eontalnlivg,evert
, leomptlon of (Flit. alto y houvrt.and gmnke bon,
l'oagevalon glary wher.ever desired.
I' OR RENT—A two story Di-elling
—4 will *ell for lash. or onperpetnet leave, one ratan
'eon et..t. 24 feet front by 100 to Spring alley. ad.
unto l
Wherry. Cno , rn. 00A All brnf
Sono,: Alley, Ming Anton Llhart r . ay lqnang
Alley. A 1.441,10/ feet (muting on F IN go nark,. haute.
diately optarsite the Central Ita4lread pot. end emtalnlng
nor-...0h Ljan.3/..1.1.1; JAMES 011All.k„ .
LET—A largo Mansion Mum:
acre, of Lod attached ettnated at Oakland.
jal3 HAUT. JOII . E.S A
TOTO LET—The Three Story Dwelling tr,
!Irma, No 171 11",11. inre•L at prevent °mop.] Va".
olio Llvinn.ll. .0.1 onnta/nlng two
dining rmal and kleh.n. on the Ord flour. 1.0.A.A.10n
0,11 no lb. 1.1 of Aprll. Inquire of J. &IC FLOYD.
Jolty Round rhumb.
0 LET--one Two Story Brick lloultn,
mulninlng 4 MAIM on tints
r vre Itoati. Resit low. Esquire or
FOIL RENT. The Store, 118 Market Tzt,
treet. the seecnd door Moto the corner of 31firket
n. 11.11,14 street, Oren the 10 nf Aprll J'
neat. loqulre of DAVIIO (111Y.F.8.,
• --- 100 Penn et.
M Lill IN,,a
County. and
FOR RENT. two very conveuiont
DWELLING HOUSES, on flint etrn•L aliw‘•
uJ nrar N entith.field.' Polol.Biollollellon 111. font
of April next.
Alin, to L.,e for one or moo) ear, p.n. Istrlte razor
Lot. on an.l.nrpr the Allogheny River. in the Ninth War.l.
or /tEN..I. DAJILINUTti,
.t read and
EOR RENT, Two Btory Frazinl; Ifot - ise
sml Bark building. with tun lota, mituate nit"
. cal
ford atroat. 011th Ward, adjoining L. abr . ..
Ear tam, npoly to Itolllai r iN LITTLE t CO.,
Ismllo. from
O LET, the Store Room No. tL 1nr:r 7 77.1
het strrehedailnina the Watch and Jewelry
11 1 V. W. Wilson. and recently wettpled br Mears...a"
N. Holm. A
RD the
and Earbange
51,1. man is located in the most central and twat business
point In the city. and well adaphal for a Banking and Ya.
ellen.. (Mare, and Insurance Office. or !astute. A splendid
new (mat, with Engllelt Platt Glana will be pot lu .41.0 U
11.4 the weather permits.
I,wwaisinti Oven on the that of February. If wantrd.—
Enquire of W. W. fill...AN.
.11.7 enrner of Market ansl Fourth streets.
ding from
:Y o CC.,
ad Pront
g from s r.
El k CO
Croat OS.
TO LET—Rooms and Scum Power for
P ' rv iatrVYTHis.eoN l OKEI.Y.
1..11 llg Front st
k C/1 . .
And Froot St'
---- -
of elf.ry de
Rare Chance for Capipthate andMannfac----
Istorr and for
lIE undersigned being .gent for the own-
° fur sale. be
• number of town Int. In tlm town
r o) . ll .l lans r,
illon, Plark o re i irity, tiblo, without lots. and email
being anl e tb t e?7.4l . lo god I'emr
eylvanle lisalroad. now onraly completed, plowing thran.Rh
It, thls real notate afford.. ;sorban, Col heel opta.rtundy, persouserho tn.r end. rnoor..
,r ac turiug of ;almost no; denerratinh. The abundant . ..end
ch man
carinee of all the motto of bring. the supply of coal for
fuel for nestu lamer, tt. greet quantity of wool brraalat
ants awn., a. m the facilities fareropo of
manufactured article.. all ...pluton.; to snak this non of the
moat des - trot - Jet . ..dose for establishing manufactun.s ire..
Wool. Cotton. Indeed of all dmerintiona width I. now oillord
ed In the Western country.
Pereral imprised foram. In the eh:Salty of the Cant and
Railroad, are oleo offere,l—• tract. of Mb acre. of excellent
timbered land, lying between the Canal and Railroad, and
about half a tulle from the latter, • lot of about wren
an nnra.l. Detrat, along one aide of which
ti n , tract pmeea. awl nu two alde., otreet. of the Wen. Ito
tel keepers and merchants will do well to look at rat.
p, e , theypure.... elsewhere. The widen of Marelllon.ln oho heart of on agricvlinral
region. Dot gumed, br.7 Um
thanknown that deemid unnerenary to do more than ref,
to It to Induce nit who wish to make algal Inr.¢l.l. to
roll nod ea...11.16ra property. Tido hadisputable.and
long credit Oven It &find. thin. Andrew W. 'Amara era ,
Joahua Ilanne.. Coq, of Pittsburgh. will //TO Informed.
concerning it. and any enguirles will be answenal by ate
;Motion to Thomas McCullough,Hent Jambe or the under
egned at Manlllon. DiVitillS JARVIS.
31mallIon. Yoh. 11. febl3:6wd.
I n to ad for
M., . L
rodr CO..
REul Fnt
In ntnre all
Elk dk CO
fined honey
n: -stained
i tal bf. bl Is.,
I.}Ass a co
prepared to
i d. rtgr9flin.
I Ifroz
t red
WINDOW ULASS--1000 bzn.ans'd sizes
5.b23 s. V. vox nostitioiter
Flour, for
STARCII-100 boxes, best broncin, in store
ood for male by WU. HAGALEY CO
tob:H Non. 18 nod Wool et
E Im:tan:T.-l2 s . nue altiander PACIFIC.
BAAL', Ms.., will Iva • for the ahore Kroll,-
to'runaliata pink avar, ' llturvla4. at 4 tocta. ' l• I'. AI •• in•mr4 Jot, • ~.-a.t.
For freight ur pnAno, iippl, on 1 •••al• I.' PI litiou 1 th..„
T Irintli• A t'A P AS; ALEY. Wlfiilllt Allls ,A 4 0.. %V In.'"
tnahlet Nn..11 Watur awl ':l root'
1 h•lt‘ta... 0! ' , to 331 Mari, •tt Phil, Into', ano
ii sT. L01 , 15.-Thi. beautiful n - 7 ,- , ~.,.
larkr. lir, and dl.ll ateamer PA I. L.,, - !.. - , 1 -•,-4 .,, ,1 P ' .. •Xv , • , , ii in•ir
:IM•hrhiA Capt. II C. 11E11. 1411 1 1 011 ° 11 ' p E.lLll. El ili :cull & I:ti.. • 1 Lauer
Yin, e• on Tuid•lar nett. Ilarela 1141. et In n'eltwk..l II 2 s ..,., Mer - aio• .. 41 Nor',. li ator .(toot.
l oh rh"ll 4 lll'hrl.•••kru ' , PPM '''' ''. 3 11 1 - u '''''' v r pal A.. 1., Sorth Ml,O-0 .. Plilledol.
• . Inn nilgl
7 4 NOR CINCINN'I, LOUIS'OLLE . fr. , I. ii ERCE It A A N'll - '1.4 ot' • i.. 11. .--
IE kFT 1 , 415-Tha tart runionir itrainor 1,,,,,,, 4 . 1 ~,, ,t.. r , ~,,,,,, ~„.,. ~,,,, 1 ,, ~,„,,...
:I AC ',EMT. i•.. i'antaan timid , . 14raol. wIll• - • • ~, 0 1.. oh a d0.d........d... Pat-loot ~. n, r, ~ ! doto dr.:.
jr.? , Sr , the alto.. rod Intormod.ute taw, on this . 14 ,•
~ „
,„,.„,,„ •
l i; ;It• 4;aiklit.ttr nkna.r.L. nttplt "'I '..." 1
iAlit NASIIVII.LE.-•-The ~i,.1.- , 2 • 1, 011101-i. tt and F. a...taint, IP -1,111, nod Flour
t AS 115
~.._..-• . lin I, ar.. A "7, 11.,-, 4 • la, 11111.1.1,1 a 4.23
„..411 ' , Amer PlillT PITT. %Mors maid,. d tV • rA-.4
l loada fdr ifs..alto•eand at...Tin...llsta polit - To Southern and Western Merchants.
se ti., !1•4. nt lon'alork!. A M
F„,...,..0. 4 , 0,-„,,,,, a ,„..,,,1, on hoard at , u' ! 11411 SELL'S ITEM11:31 I'EIIITIERY.
X F•l5 . .IIZICANIIE3IENTS FOR • aII Tl.'' ""'''''''' r'' ." """' 1: , . ,0 4 Idd Ite dth naon
. 4
....--;4 ' ' 18 51 . 1 .,... , , -.5.„„;, .1.•-kb.,:,;,%••,.r,;...''",,:; ,' . 31!,'..-.-i
• ..‘
in: nem' and flit ristinin t t. ssir. CASIIIER. 7 . !?‘.. l :::''4'''` l. !.!'‘" .." 1-1 hd I. Pt.'', t as., in
k, tI 1' 1I 11 • Maiter--ll.,tildr Iht Ihodile, nt,hp /, ~.-„, i or ., ~,, . ~,,,,,,, p a . ~, , ,/,,,,,,,, ro „ ..
1 'm ,11.. M .III• orn, It houlinut llntlid . hur , 01 " 1 '!'""' 4 ' And IiIII•n•la' ' ''lda C.. "'' , i'd h•Id• 04 1.-hlurti•
I' . 11, - I..nFt.A Pt/ 441 , ure1. •., 4 , 1i.u....n, ..I 3 ...1...1... , .„ , ~.)., .„ L , I , .
~„, ~, ~,. ,„,„, „
~ i
I' II- Cru Mbar-lino autl Italkon.rt. awl •0 r I ' , Anal, I . 4 .. 4 , ion 4i.,......._ p. a n, h... .
a: P. M . for nunth.h. Iloriirnlng. It avid
a m i'•l ..idd n"'h • , , ',_ ' •'' ball(lu d• m 4 .1
Murder at lo n•rha It. A4l . nod 1144 , 1kentdd and 14 heollito 1• 0 " .... .1. , ' , hid.' .4 . ,....• "• '''''' ' hiuhd lout,r - Pout,
ad.: 11111.0/10. 1•4,1,-.010: dint r.....1rb.,.., 1...,. , Illila
edurd Monday and 111.0.1. At I 4- It
r . n i,
l'hr fre..41.4 and 4 , ....tagr .1.1• 4 " "I' I'"'"N. "r • Ill •s. g. I..sysi •.. s,-.lluss.n.l li.i.e. 3111ent in• 144 n
nu-147 1 .11/111 11.11 . h. Airoill ' I- '''''.! • .
onet. PoOnhlo. 311 Pat, .. . . ..t, • 0r.....1 ta. 4 htnk.
011 ST. LOUIS -Tin' •plu'llltl
J 1 ”...,,,,,,a,,,,,,,,. 111 .....1... 4 and 0, .....,..
o•rk 4.414..0. a., rot /I i•hrra, 41110-.14,,,,,
•''''''''mq , S TAT"-hMA‘. da.. 41, Itlthih L-P f, :tr' , ..._,___,l .1....1 .1. t prr.lill.. e...,:e....31.. J. 3.r, 1.. n I 1,..t,. , ,,.. .r.., ~.
...And..F. AtII I.A.F. f, 'IP. ithoht! and ans ....
tit-dm. 'cr.% 1111 511,111. 110' 'Ala Itt.t . 0 111 A 11. ' ..11.• r darleo.4 In all oi 0! .1 , -Oon-to .47 1 t 1.4.....! :,.„,,,
~„, ,
lot (alight or paaaava anpl I' "n haard ,'" ' 501121 11 0,110....-/1.11,1n 1. Mr I', 121 . 'l, t .. ,
nudit .111.1 II 111 t.TIEN 11:1144 PM Act I 4 'o h/ . w a t t ., ~..,, a
.............,.. or i . 4,,,..., a nd h at o h .
ti 3 OR ST. LOUIS-Thu s.islondislisr- ,...:„. .._, , 1110 111.1110‘• f , l' 111 Z, 141..Intann•
Ik‘t •t••olnor -Plll VLKILL. •Inr4hall. .....r-,34 o'. Baralottou. hait Idairt,le. I dmp, kuntptduncl 11[ Mita
Irahrolr. rt.ll la..- tor nhorr And Inter A r. , A. Ilmr la Id. 'rad n/1•1 to ph•al-r. and 1,1Atm,.. 11.1
m...ltnit. bort...Al Ilii• tlay. Mar, Ith.. Ih • . ' " In ."' '''' ' 'Th 4: ; ".1,1 !.. " . " .. m' 1 ' t 14n i• 'F., tr I td, To4ll
l o re
fridaht or harm,. ittod, .. '..rLI. M.l'..
""'l"."' ' '. ' " m i'. 'i. ' ' I
, c-,.., 5nr,...,1 Itentrd dr. .1011101 no , r... 1. nt..J 1. , t
AND zA\ r,v111.11-1h• fine tounrnor •--3,1 - t. ,1 3 - 4 ' ' I ' .. "'" -A.. ... lA ' . I .... 1 1 . I .... A... 1 . ". lAI
/1 11 :V tl/1.1.1.- ,in allaublen.9,4tor. •111 lonv• ---4 -- '--------• ' -•kt 4 'I u thl•- , haiel• '•! ' ' adint • I LP- i. ' t...“' .' I ..t.... I. .I.
14r kantd011.!(141• dad at -o .1..01, 1' 11
14' .lint. kr . 1.....1. /-.., rd n ntovii , i11.rr"...... ha' , 1,4,1
Fur Innulit or nni•au•. annl• uti I'idira
14•011 ST. I. 0 1.1 1 S.- The ling• . n•- .. .. , !!'`':'"tr. . ,. . l',.,!; r u -,:,'; . t. '. .1, ' . 1 -. .1.,;:', 4 -. i . „'.: 7 „ ",.. .1 - 1,'''' . ., „ ,1
. h• alarm, r VIAI 4 I, 4401:11. 11,1•41. ma•tor..._.
~ !
~.- 2+ 1, 13•3 ; no ni • 1
will It * 4 .- Ihr Ili , dltui•nd '0h0 . .. diathnor ,• . ft.. mit.••••ita.r 1 , ntat It. nthlintpn the r• rutatit ..(hone
ha Mond!, Oa 1, ut 4 th Id ' tho i-taltialauto t het. A...tau...1. I, 41.11.11, 0
Far radvltt Ar ith•••4•• ?pp: , uti h nal 1,12 1 ho fn t n.le mon 1!.. anti • .II Ite lout,' tu Inau:4l. thu a I
- _
1 011 ZA N F` , V I LLE -Tbs. fine
1 " ~.. mai 4./41. pt ita.r. doze hon. • dlo • ..11 , -1.-..-• or a h.'
- ' !tit roadnnaldt. h rin• at nu, • -dahltvid I tured
rterudirr MI h 111.4a.1 , 11. trm..trr. Frill It . . rt...-. 7A•lhtl 1,4/I‘,
Ilabo•onittlddervudllato,rtathiati4l4,nooth . Ihirihour . and hornier Dlr. •etui or the 11,, of
tot 4 iiclituk. 1 1'1.1.A i 1:0! . 4 1.1.1.,
For frolkht tr nt,...,,re. rood, nu liunal ~...!, ' It, 111, .1.... it
.r Haan, lh rtom•l7 t• for ,I.- 1 t hll M- prituhpal
lik,, I ii 9 II I I I: 11: 1 11N1 1 1 1. 4 1 1 ... Y11 ' . 1 11 11
Thr rt 9 r 1 1.t .,2Fh371 " I"."'''''
' "'"
I.OT .n. _tart.. • Pannt. iii Ilt aso ..• 0.0 , - -, _
et or,- Tur4iny ar. J , .:huh r . NEW YORK.
Fur trol r rld Id pe•tooro, appl, on huard. or In 1
ll t k:f,! , '1.41: „, 1 . 5; , i i 1 T EF T, 1...1N , I: ,\u
„ s^ 7 ij ktt i
„f i ns s.. 111 Lolls. N„ _ (
..tell ,
n.Olll, , EU...11111X. Pant 11 V...: . ::,.. '" •4 4 :11- a•II• I F 1414, . ad..., ot Ithlto •t....1.nh0td11.4 la ... : 1
14 4. n .at.r1 1 1 ' ;u ‘ 47.• '. 1:. ' 1 , t17..!::1 ' .),..!;Vr ' ,17 4` ,!;:., " '17,;',,;;,',' ,',.",„',;"..,',. t r ,',.;l:7;`r'';:': ;;;;;;;',`,' ,!`“ . .. s : . :i'i ! .',:', :;'1; , ": ',
It n„ kr 14 t •ni,ll. hI L , al. to .d.. niol 1 1 4 , 14.1.• • dn. , , n i'!" , P 4,00 `• • 1 ' !II It' ar. 1.• h'' ' • I'd It• oh
Ithal3hl•trt.l' tdinr.... I •! 1 returning. lent.-- hadtith h•tad do , ' o - th- p•!...- / a •11 4 ttlt• ' tuo, P • t•-. 1 i
Jll Id u'L.,4t: III'!s m. .lliii AND , .. , ,-1..,,T, ~.,, •,..,,,,-,., ,- ...,:,•!... ~,, .....:f -
4 wiii. ',Liss, 1. 0 . 1,...T -11, •nlnnd. , l ' .7!"14- , ‘I•‘II "Idl ' Itl I • ll' iIIII• titan ' t dr , out.
1 •,r pru-lo t •tkant. r PII il \ IL., ..10.11. matt - ''''' `h ., 3-1 1' 4 P.1 th Il •ou '' .ssf
hr. I% not. perntrinu.4ll-4 rt•intlar Inna lad. t 4 it adint-i7 •
thd ottr and A 4 bontina. lento Ihitahlirkl. at 1 , . ord., •-' ith it• •
401.4 itorldar .M. In, -In t ' , l'd I,l ' , • khd ".'"''''''. ' 104 ' NI b
th .4 l
v ' i t . r.,.
11 o . l n
."r 11 1,1 ni
..'l.'.;' ''.l
.;, r...... 1-,"
' Tl•, , .\', 't011 21,1 : i:ll 7. ,2: ,::,,
11E6I LAIt 11 I.I))ESI)A y ~-....,.,,.i" :I I ..
t• IttKFT' I INC,A 111 Panatn Jultn --''3 Shawl and Mantilla Warehouse. Ir11:hmiI 1 hit,looo;4 :, 41.1011111 ..
1 N :1". N 1 1 i L'''` : 1 , 0, ', 1 111 t rri, \., irr .;;. 1 .
the ay nt•r, Id" the ..1. Ant, 1F., - ... '.....m tow. told ....0. , 1. .. ,
,ki, , , , t , r : ~ i ~, 1 ,, ,„ ~, 5 :„ ~,, 5 ,, ;.
,?. i •Ittl Ihrtihhrt-I. 1..111 trado. nod .4111 I. er• . . •_,
F., , .., _, ,
.., _
~,,, „
~, „ , , ! ,
rid,. 1i odio 114. Ad i hor...unti. 10 ;dare ~ t lite St . Id., ', i•,',4, , ' 4,'",',4,'.. ,,, ,'• ,_ ',!..`,..
r., , ,,, , ,,, u , ‘• ' i. 1. , , ,,. !
lA.O 'Au 2 P" , ha' l , l + 4 "I! l'u•i• 4o •11l i 'in '•••' •1 "' '" ll ...1 , 1014 A I,llos ~1 ,Lli M 4 1 ,1111. 1- 16.01111w/1. i
turas 44 41 MILT} \Uhl,. El. t tott
T s fi r3 A ii . n N El S z P .\ (: lz ll ,x l N : : - I k :1 1: : 1 \ 0 1.s N ... _ i . . r , , , , ,..,i, , , , ,',,,,; , .. r , -; ; ;;: , , , ,-,... n , 'i.'::- ... '2 . .,...'‘Y:' .. 't . '-'•''''''•
. . ,, ,,., : ,,,k. :: ‘,...r ~,, t, ~1:1 i.. ~.....,
........ i.
i . n .
n . :., ": : : : : `. : ::1 "i r ‘ : " . .. :. ‘,:: ,. 7;::: j . . : : \::,
. 1 :f.:,- .41 4 -. !`, .. 1
1 1 ,,._...... :..:.0 , 4r; Alm, wiEF. i-ii , ;4 .2-lis 1 - "'"'
-- - -
- .
~„vt y ::,; n o rns n, PIILLAPELIVII A I. 13. ILAICII A Cll.
GOOD INTENT AND TELEGRAPH s - o '. , 7 u ILI., it g7TiFrr. ~,t. Von,:
Mail Lines of Splendid New Troy . Bailtl Ar I: .."'' 1 " ,1 " , • ~ t 't ar•••
Coaches for Hollidaysburg.
.fed 1 r 4an rLn:r. '213 NI/ • .1, 1... II -
r"- Ith• ••• h•tmh..— ht. h VIM
eknuan, uhr
Now Y.rl4. 11:41ii,,,,,re. Superior —• •
wnting and Copyi
I ng Ink.
i TttkK•it
• II ' "r.• k's M. , rrmq. s' 1 \ 1:M11114:
M.. anat. n
• In 1••• - 4.13n , -.ihi
ett .Ih, • r tth. kri• • M t 5, •
•L . . .
• n!, th.• TI 11,. t.l,
I bar,. !, • 1.. 1,41 —t.
. 1 , 1.% i\ (i lI I\ •
BingLains' Transportation Line.
. . • •
s 5 L
J.E.TIk • (MO.
PITTSBURGH THE 1:.1'('1:14\ ('rms. 4,, 263 M.\ TsTr\ v Of:K.--
c.IN. \ mr.• .......... ;
, il
Lrul:l, nyt,l faAtlyfull,
1 F‘—„,
Opening of the Pennsylvania Canal.
i -~.. i .r., pr.
. . .
I.• r equ:14.1,. 4.... 3t: ..., .... ~.1..
Wrtt'll, 1`r...t0, 3 yrati I 11,,,1,•
• ' trt -r I' 1 ,,,,,
T ar. t1..."3...r....1. r 1.i . •
It 1,4.1. A, 11, 114... ra , . whlrh are morb
14.wer hAn ,11t1.1 - • 11
1/1 i, 11 V1V1,1,1 5 r.•. rr i.lno
tt• I,,tem •
. .
rl l l l A \F S, M.\ NUF
nre pr,nre.l rotstret• en ,
hk• mr,
I , llFttio vcn,
fk 211.1 t I' 'l4 \ I.TV : t t• ,tl.l I
185 1
Pittsburgh Transportation Line.
t ... , eNN o u 1,1.133:gb
311E11. J 1111'3 1 ."n 11.13.1 4011 111,1 , Orr
and No. 3 Sam lo 1,431-14 •Inr• . 3 113.4. t
u t.jCl/ t
3 541113 11. 0rt4.1.1,11111,,,,
. . . .
Al /NO fully corplvted arranc,...
,yon,.. .111 prouraol upon tho nueloug of lb
PottArtranin[Cancil, to r, fnoulit *TM from PO,
butch, 14•Junnoro.. orr Nots .
sittutai.l,tesktllt. St Dud tit , t and sst_
low, rot.. IRI with utoro.lopoloh ond'enro
All thane n,
er Lino. A roo..bc •abloood , nro noorol
by h•orunro. rithout ohuruo
U ovnorv. •n und•otu.n
rral!r olfolotol no,,bor no
All Yrritnnhlrallos. csyr•ely., a.rem•.
Bali Co.. ClYwln.ti. L0ut..0111... aud 10. Y..
00I•orny. 11,11.1 uili n 11. prrut o
tri -N.14 Olur loy.. ha, t1..4,1111.,11.111 linr.ryr with Ow
by.l 1 , 1101,t1r,h[11.13 Llnr nr l•
.I,(7dL r i *
• .)
Merchants' Tinsportation Line,
. A MeAN ILTIV A (la. Canal Itotain. VSain. Fenn Ore..
P VlTl r eat IA YNcil. Central Mork. Ilmad 'anal., Male
It n nen prielssi to rewire a lark, atnottnt mereltandtan
.m101..111.. l . Alan nn the /awning of the num!, to Phil.
I f
delplas. knit . I Intertuasinge plows, at lower raMs. arid In
I nes
time than In any prnslons .on.
90- N 11.. Iv livens:est ntnither of Trunk. prOTill.Nl by
the Canal Co rinneekatera far rarrylnk anr heat. nn the
State Vann, le. all! prem.nt any tawalldllty of delay at
Johntt...n.ll,lelat short, or Co:tit:ltem thin eeno•on
r . C. A. IinANIAT VA I kl,
feblh • oktnal Owen
.' '. :a 1 .1 1851
To Canal Boat Owners and Transporters.
WE wi , ll tu t itra,t for the transportatien
af 10,Wei Ito, ot Merekandlae, At.. for day. lA., (tat
in thr week) . etch way 4,am...1/m:tea - Ix and l l lltstairkh
Anton the ert mug FMN , II,
Thrttel:gt; , n 0 ,- AlLt . 2;t7l , to Ittsltztralt
~. :, 1 . htlura.
' ' 1 S., '''n'iZ;7l'.l:''''VtfTll.
11-1.13.tnwl t..r ADAMS A CO.
------ --
-- d_. --- — ISS I
__ _ _ ~....
To Shippe l rs of Merchandise, Produce, &c.,
~. Ass re.
2 : ( 1 .
. 7Att i
T zt,I.INLTI I IIOIII 7 N vettt o .{..
ATKINS k CO.. Croarlntora, No. (A; Market. and hi
Commerce attt. / .1 . , Phllatlnlphla.
BELL k ETT. Agents.l.anal 10010. I•lttaburalt.
pi, TAT la In 0 cON. Agrnts. Ilallimrn,
We on Wrens!, on Ow eoetina el' the Pennerlyanin
Canal. to etnorart for Freight at . If.n rate.. and alt.
attippnre an m ,eh .Inateateh nod core as any ottno Loos
• ---e--
,:it,,—.....,,, to.lnhti MeFmlen A i o I
Foluth st. note t 1 ml.
C'ann! Basin, 1',1,14 Streer.
Penns i •
Rail Road Co.—Central Rail Rciad.
stilpwriherN having Io•en pp.sint4,l
ohluning /WPM,. tor the Penn, loyina renttrol
run luform the public. that we ore now preoured
ray ineooluoulize ur Inoluee fur eo•I 4,n the
opening of Oho ranol.
Goods rie thi. nute will veal led through in lire tlo. •
ifet all eutun,ned u. Le fur. ank I ner ot routut{.
Inn nr ehero:e suit once,
furls or 'Row. urtortr, rint6nructl. ANO pxyr , nrq.,:r
Dry G.. 1, nil, :quo, 11.oltp.,tntiottar,c,alprv.0.0e.
llnunrJ,l.ruttn. halltent. Furulturr, br”,
mlgLe. 6,
il . are,Clorlem,(immries,.l lo 11.4.
Ter. r Timuth,e
lint+to.ll.l. Pork, tAttor, W.I. lama
••, V 1 .)
M.rbk 1, ..h) Tax, I, b. , hlr.
Lkme,ll., ;o - . 4
ADES /V eus ,161:
A,' 71 F•irt., 1, ..
Nolen and WILD , c.11.r0.,,11 II O 1 t!,.. I 111..11 •
tf.eks tom.llt and ntl4 .vt 17x.1 .
HA - 111 SONSEW F;LL, Attorney at Lao,
ObloStite Compliklion,r 1.0001 De4ationc Ark.
morktlvonn,nte at been., O. Ullm—Fou oriet, nbor•
OnattillekL mrtdiarer
A FM - MUER. N,. 41 ~.1$ ,tro ,
11•••.14I4 ra,t r•bie. • 1.1111..14,4,14.
Professor A. C. Barn -- . 3 Tr.copherous
)1: MEI.V.VI N
.a. ,~~.
. I ~,,E~
n.l ~
' ul ~.
V ,"" , z
Tlrnutrui . tn.. tt ttte tu. nil,: t. eon. t,tutel.l. • -
:..tutte in , gym:4.l l. netni • tint tntrt f the nlft
le, frt. It I Itruttnit 11.t.•tzu.11 st i .01. 1..•1 lln„ut.
• tti thn tr.
; ft,. 11.:ttntettl-. nt .1 • ut.rn •nnttltte• tut.
a d
ettn. runt , mtutsttotte the •Ititt It.n:tt.tut .. - 111/
r 110.0, 1 ,11, 204 lt.t. Utrtetl ..rtuta their
aetintry. tiontl.tint the tlitl nttn,tittu- tht.
t`nltt. owl of ttu. no , trttn 111.1, .tt wet test., utoeittn tLe
ritotrent and the rtlttnt nrn clut .11111. th , -kin.
the Int,ettlnr ttltru. tont El, -tlntt.t-t. tie,. tit. Trinnulterotto
lann 1, nin,.e netutti. Ilk nu i tn,ttr, 011
owntot. It t. nornr• ,tt uttnly
entitl tu prott.L. nt Ilin t.rtnni,ll of.
IX !Lunt., n , . 1 nr it
tt nut 1:.‘0.
Very Valuable City Property for Sale.
rip LIE u71 , 1••D•ii, , . i ~f thl
tlirmt, Fisinz/vll. z ,rtl ,
(.1 t•I, fnotti. 4•T, rt ruttsra,
A 1... Iln 1ar..211 %tan.l
fn.slung I-IL, 11, .Ir, t•EI In
ruontl, n 111)
the gintmio. nlnl
.41,0 inelle•
Alm,. hr vi , ~ 1:144,
1 , •.1 nr,l I. •
rmelmit. I' .'A
~1.1 r
H. FAIII , IAN , r
I, 1'1311'1111.1..
HHIPItmr . .2" 1..1
ni..l iis,
oth, 1,1111, tst 1. I.
mil.llll Ille t
I .1011:5' , 1% I \ 1
t 11111:1.11
111.1.1\ tt11:1
" , 4•
tt,11,n.1.• ',nut r •
iv 1 , 1
11. t ut PCIIFII is
it.•l:. trtrtil ll LI.
Se - llers' Cau l Syrup in Illinois.
i N; F. P., ..1 )11,h11-I.ort.
ep .11.:.4,44y 17:14. I-441.
t • .bi;
rnl rtr,“l, • Iktrieu th , trszott,
..<%4,3nrwl •• Ittut
url.l .1,1, met. offiy rrfivlrd tho. ••I
• .11.1, 1:00,1, p•ull. man 1.• 11.••
••• fr,t t•lat,
I.4.lfrtinl .;.• tit . ..A we /111, (.11111 "1 , 1
111,11, .111 ' 1 1,... ..11 1.11,11 UAW., 11 . ), i.
.I r l ', lll. '' Jir r e 'L ll 'll' ;; jl t l tl . n .l ;;:;l r : ' ‘l ' t '. ll ' / ' Ti".lT,•!Fl7l .''''.
PreparTAl gm( told to) •
bo fob'ld by drusein. gmerally to the twoeltlep WVrreialtr
te ,
.% E EMOVLI , 11.. tit .u. =. 5 . .4.1t.11
ji r
to the tit •• • nreh , , , , ca tbe NoItSLI
A, • en, RI: II ell AILLI, AN 1 , lv , llltAh, STII a:MS
rMr. n nivelutqlu t , the 1 , 11.i.1,A I el yoll leve
St nilsbnie. in all
kb Ite hat we Inane utrnr.t. with
ern) 01 the re•- , t 'imminent wanithrett,ten In the
„t Inr nwular fury. or the elkeee Mend. ii tr
Meek., bad. I'. and h; Iln Stranger , end "a ,• die
if 'virtu.. Art.l l , Ile, Clieby'r ceiehraittel trtrsr eurrall
teeteh tnnrunul ,Inruye. lust , • tell and
1n,,, SEA:Ann. ererytienraptlern .On , If I,,itltAC
, rt) entl rbie. cif ell kind, 11e ere eh. VWI. A.ientr for
it n atter , 11N Tolt,kl l CO, Leaf iiiturre et
• ret, ileuentititin Seas, Lutel, Mantic Ihyel de.nt
the kltnt tit - bete- ill I. told un ere..ancoodattnr tern,
• • it Ir.. an tuat retuning lenviou of One mi,1.1.1:1,
a Itiet Extre,
Beu., .n. n Egle andan
MINN. lat. a co.
Ilarti , ulturists and Seta?-
'meth term 1.. ,b teitahltelitef theinrelrer
r ite 1 1,1, take the Itlent tr tuna,. the yeutleok n
iv 1,11,11,1 r en.l thei the, a•ntlddellaht to e. it I, the letellt't artienu t f the kitekeu nlens.
nth it• theCann,. kin., of cal.bage , enhane•er. brucr;ll.
Spanned., her, Bert, tic. A full wit.,
,nut I . extent It, tut by tine friend. neirr Lrittilon. 111. a
tn'll knot , . tit "'fee' c.nlener of exnerience, that llnt
yete f.r,:h..)j Bandon Neel- tintalure intuntlty and darn,.
— l " ;n r " n=rcle lr r n ia ' r. l ct:
epplitbltle In the kind, naneel erne. end the prier of
; ; abut the oante A. that peld here for the moat
..att;:e; truth Ti. enable ,ntlrmen tr; nee the difference
tahtr. a ithnut es 0.0. thent.tree. we hare
th. tmnripal •Idell the edltnra of the
,;:l pe.ent kuvla thelr friende (practieal geld
;t; •r , the, know ut and will do the b , ..anjuYtim. and
e. met ;telt; de, ,lintol euenutt,
ter eur nee,. nhd remnant, will at all tinter rn
ant - atnesta end h.rt nttentton. r ernd by
.1-ent• heyn.... tor it, n
.tint oe.x ntere it.) fill funnel. them by
t them
i or
Calvert nut! Water atrial,
hl Baltimore. Md.
! t
\\'lU C. TUTTLE. Attorney at Law,
4,1 Prot, rrt. Look. 310.
I r'.,ll,,,st,rutt,q, 1r,,P1,4 kkrw , Pri. ,st=ilt
a lILN IL HANKIE , Attorner and Coun
op nr,,i Pfltom , -I ,, kr, lor tke Elate o
L0u1r. , 11,.. (lair Pittrborkik.)
Itrk I(nn. Foroknl, liamptrop A
381'n,,,1irr,, NE , lorr, John Pnrkr, Ifirkellr
rriEE undersigned hating entirely
it . built raid eniarZed the ninnre e0hibt1413.e...!
13 into, In all abollt theee hundred and. Eft,43aaa
• 3.1, otts:l3l ontteetfolly wive onto, that a 14 new marl.
I 3 e
the oerepthtn necolortstalohon of the tr 0,111.1 .3
nr.tir&of llo•umannetnudronvenionrcAnfthf,
11-n. :• doeco.l go,rtinnuA. no. nono.tcon
tonde. cannot I. prr...,,rlr ItitPU In
advorti,uo.nt. Sufft, It to no rx.pen, t",
ann ,1,.
pronoy to nnl.r. n.pardi,r.r.l
,41.1 corta:n v•rt,n- :...per
ily the Dra.inx
I. r- I, of Ilio twtmtilni nutouf.,.
n 11
r,u,..1, mliteonvenionvo of the
si. in an utexe,t!orut.
• 000 r. k) prot plt-olzea 11,01 the
t. •1,111...tr01y Trareltrr , Home.
-"I., 4,i-n,
F..i” r,r, WI•Il t., trill° w ith the lives and
Y 1 bnaith uf the but an alunerely WA, mu
...-. toan 4; thy of thin mndb
and to hold n. 4 h.., p, nulf , clincl bnnaannT. which
nil not .errant.
Tbb 'tin,. of Inland. and tin. /inn nu.. Wild (Merry, are
n• I. I nat...l for th. cure of all dinianin of tie Lunge
, I Icla.r. • 1.1,-1, arn a, fnerfully iirnealent in all Wartlnru
iantudn• team a nclnlnnstiun of nheininal rztroet., pre.
c1in,..1 fn.m ibis 110.. and Shun. Tenn. Inb - W,tat'a
• It An tbirclior. 1. rbirliclh,rn,ri.
ti :Aar, hal.= nf Wil.l Ch e m; inn fine
nan.nna.ini uf IS rtnirry Dark and
Inn., for tin.
purb•••••., tbr tare it...alb-al ',, of winch nv• rclan
au - a nberticlal pn mut with the extract of Tar—
, u. 1.,.., the whi•in neclunontrd thi. zuclq nertaln
tivrioN 'St TilL
II hilt 1.1TA::11 by Winton . .. Bab
tin•nr, —Tin. (Lanvin,: of Ia
...or of I...bnither• and .I.•trirr ho'
nu .1...1..!
r Arpt. 77.
• ,• ns, attork srao
; ; .n.i b. lb ...• innuiy tiny ',nth., anci
or i ....num:int.:A. I sno... antirLal with
a' ann.. ntiarn...f I hada diWn ••••
n It; • i••• Fn.- and ntlnit. ncld nib
!.I `.i
1 Ira- r the el, a •kilfral
,101. Aim werirt
.!pre-e, a,,t rat, frien,!, rurmirtereal ruy
ttrt ..tut .1111:
•.. t:t. • it.:lrfint Writt Chem, Illthnnt
nt? pr , rnrcol il. and crtuntuttoo3
•. rtnt, ::•••• tltttl roil We Ina , lx,. I crrlnnttnt,ltak.
tt •:- trnr.r;.r , tl. ewl In two vrsloe (mut tbr
I.- 1 ut t,tl tr, t 4 L cc. at.lo tr. M nut 1./ 01.,
)•11.... •L •• V., - 1...1 ,t7l ....Utilar.• 41 do.
• •••• 0 ft 0 0 ft
i `;
D It...a:qr. in 4 Ira,. I watt tatarkt.:l
tt 1..%. r 14,1 , 1r1rhat,trIt•r. kit It tort to. itt a t,r7
•.: Ittl!:•wttt; wint.t., 1 ttrtl., t.s
• r.. rt..lort.l ma: tr. •tr , r rrc.
I I t. tc rtpntr,
t, Anct wg-ht ,
q•i• 1...4 !rem re, !tie,. I rentime,
La...., the , 2.e.5.e. untie
yruen lan. Fn.,l
e . . thnught 1
Li •ntrclt inn, eitmulitie, eciwcial•
c thcir
ion:4 I,lnt,tabn-1 to quit taking
.n • pr•a.1:••1 Ivi•utr's Ital
ttn nt It t atul frnr-k t..t meek that I ton.
•nn,•l nn n.. - ran Jan. A ,m,l rtnl, t..en. , Imatm
~, trt It.. ihn ea.! ni which titer 1 van c.a.
I s,•I n• ,
,:uor. and chnrifull, ,to
. I ntl Lltattuu to tan tt.:l,lzu n.
tirr dto unt n
n—ln. nor, nenn -.I hnTr-.1.11... An I n.. - , nn
n n.„.• ..t f I rconlrnd
I 1: Col2llllr.
Ha. May u,.4).
Lr. ! A r•r••• • '. 1 , t.L,111..,,,,:u5.44, of to
r• • .::•1•• •••1• •• t•I• •! polnnvd u,.4.
lOr t•tars. I.3'.am of WII,I Chr.rry.
iL. •• u - 1,• I.)k, .011
i•••; .1 al, fail ••I 1,1 I aria.ntiarloll With a
••-ai,•• a•a••il ray Dud ti•r
ii•r• •••: • 7 laal I tiiral ai•
1:n. • - 1 •.• • ..1 11. ltt.l the "-Inter ,-n -nut of %VW Cher,
Cr.oue, .1 inn , nk bI
• •. nhino , ltun ttl
rt . , t trait- th.totathai
ti :to t.fthttt.on anti bud :Moo thavlng
htut lire tozottrott .1..11.t0. to to , ,urp0...., and at,
stot rat., it.,...0ht1.h. Ithyttentw. hart ' , tax," unal.l.
n•.: 1 PC, • , e, rg,t.r.,l omit.. Ito.oith by the bletoin,ll
:tl anti th o u, Itt.ltt.httet. Bohottn of Chorrt
lacy Ito.' Id. .nn; of Goa rott upon the httntrit.toro of
tlitl:4l4 i.tar , litiloant or Wild Choirtt.
Wu 11. liter.
:tutl4 ktt I. -, .:r t;t Fatattsd 1,1 - I.".tiourtit
uttl IS ct liana Olt,. 6,1,1 e1.t<..0l lur the roul ttt u Itttct all t rimulke
Loo A Hook A11...43,15 .
I I:1,-01. 11...!,11,441. L. 11. ulontos . o. H.
1i0df0r.1:1,...1 Arr. Iloilo:4).1o+,
If a1.1..L.r0n.1 C • 1...1.010t. .1 I.
1 C... I It noon
~t.itz,l 3 4 q... I 011.1.1.. r. I.lustou Co
r. Jas., IL.
/on 110a, J Arun, o: r I.
S ~,,, Ifroolvortile.
Closing out the Entire Stock.
g'4.l;F: IT It A 1:1:A. I N S..— A further red ue
9. Loll IV Tb.. wt•llnut to caw.. out
1.„1„,..., I.:- b ./1 tau' and Dry ilvt, by
l z.r. m .. 0 14 lb..
who arthe a t wm n a t t i 0 0f,„ ,w
twlow b.nner prw.w. NW,
waa blwiutwsou Narket Laws
a• will illorowbal
am.... II the 1:1 „ ra, :bs, Ith a Icabs ,. .f the ntor.
I,„.‘l r II In au ewe,
„, 1‘ 11. II IbIItIIIAHL,
t Citt:ttr Sotttl:
I,- •xlr no •
1.A.,111 •
)23. N K !ILA \R . ETS'.! • 31URPHY
nrie 1 . 1,11.1 e
3.; 1
,33i11,, 3.11 ~ i
1 / 1 11 . alt..urluditsg w:<
• •• .tl4l. V 331. now c.1T,1,1
)Lll Lut l<b:f6.all IN,Cei red a large
. -W. It. ti ll.
0\ , u\ TA PE der. for rate IN
6 P NV A LL PA I'E R - --'rem (1 1-4 cents
A t , • , • e.-4,m,ut.
IV. l•
FISII-9:2 hbls. orf hale by
V V ItIVKLY .0 fit
t 1.11 At }n,
r.;,.r, E. e1,‘
BAYBERity--.2 I,bb. for Inc
1 1 E
( -, lll” . }:iLk: , —.lll bb.
N - 1.1 gr,.•
n 1)E LAIN solid
5.1.1 Tra - Int•
. ..t .1.,
_i11•1:1'111 . 1!1.1:(1IFIELD,b'
MI:1.11V 4 I,lTClllll . .Ll , ar...eillnst • Mil ar•
ur.l,- of .lens all low a.? irrg,v i ,, in t b.. aiao
pLaN:7: and qualities. "'Tr
Ladies' Fine Dress Goods.
Beragr de !alum Menai. do
Lt.., Lawn, erprizg RJ and yrry de
m:rable pagtorno.
A. A. NIA.S.ON & CO,
No.o. L, and 8.1 Market A.
i i :PRING STYLI: PRINTS--Choice and
fJ tx.m.tirui pattorry, reed Litt, morning al
feL42 , l A. A. MASON r CO'S,
earn etAd calm rays
I L:14
.1( the irn...t martufartur..--.kust
1..1,,t A A MASON A CO'S., atul C 4 Market at
I OU LI , CANEtLES-5() boxes Proctor &
~ artabl.... M. 1. Cu. aalp Ty
Nos. 1) and 20 Wood et.
for sale by
rao.taY It M.
lb and 20 Wood at
. _
IHI It 'IJLATE.Rom A, A - c.—
" 1 1 ,kren . No. I
ih~nmot in
U SLAY end f
a or by
ltl CO.,
212 d 1,3 Wood lit.
i i ERMAN CLAY-- iff, lixs. for sale by
X X 'V & r wasoS.
del Woad 01,....
,.... ...... _ -
11;'1,0[1{—,9l sUpertille—TO bbls. Sue,
I, In .torr'xml h,
fi.1.24 A tr , ILAMIAVEIII
•104. Ceriißreonis recd and
11:h21; r. o IV. ILLFLBAVOI.
E 1) BEEF-10 ' casks S. C. Dried Beef,
n.c'tl and f.r Fe!..
fe1.2.1, 2.4 W. lIARDAUOII.
. _
lIAKER' lIERDS ND A kaTitacTs—
i_i S A
btrge Invoi. r e 1,41 put up in the crea
k:lt manner of the fved and (of ma. by
OUISVILLE LIME —5l) hbb. reed and
1,1 for .nln [(AN! .S. A IV. 111ARBAU011.
X TRA FlGS—Just reed at 256 Liberty'st
gold Tha Ira/err.
OSTON BISC FlT—A i: supply ,. of Boston
A SIIELLF.,—A fresh supply just rted
SCSI. A. ) L fit CO.
TEAS! TEAS!!--:200 half chests Young
ran. lariwrlal. and Tu..-of an Cad.. a.
ta,ral nnd for .alr
frIC4 e. crutrarrsoN t CO.
TOBACCO - 7 . 250 twses 31noufactured
I,A, A . ( choir, brand.;) . on baud And frt PAR. by
r" l '= 3 A. CULBERTSON t CO.
ACK EREL--100 hbls. No. 3, on hand
BATTING -1? hales Nn. 1;
h 1.6 F ID7I Waal
&pa 'rent
' •-•
g ' , UM SIIELLAC-2000 Ills fuFgate br
4,._11 61,22
.1. KTDD I.'ol.
11APEll CORKS— . 2. Lai.. fur hub) by
.1. Kite i GO
I A N II .I..NESE--2 for for sal - 4,1,y
f-L23 J. 10.15 1, A t.:1).
pritrlP MIMS;
ran, mud
ib by 51:011.1.8 k KO&
BOOK Andrew's Latin lugli.b
I. ,
11, E. L. 1.. D Ho)¢1 C, vte
-71!:, 1.4,11 , 111,14 c I`.ltr. C/..-
re r.u ,
1r ) . urare ?..Etul3.r. 2 cola 12 han'
el, iv.
, I!,hie.vtlle. a Ernueunian I:y the anther,,pf RNIa
Li( , QuIT29. 'J
aucl t Ree l, .ILh..T:lCrlett.
~ , 1 A
Ils;SEEI) hhJo just received, puro
L Country rua.t... sage ts-
1,,,,a ..Z.5 LA•rtygre.t. ,..
54e 4ir'
led peaches, for sale by
~350 J.;. DILWORTH:a CO. -
CARD 1.0 'I i...ix 4I: jNESS MEN—A young,
of PaLhurgh. velth
r. - 9hainCii.... ,, ho ran ci:rchmtha r. cab capital
•,( ri,htthounwud anztous to mal4
unttug t/r/lM hUItIPMSI6 as partner
r.r . vlrl. Ukase altire” I • at 011 toe /Ica,
• febLAtlma.
LOTILES'' l'INS=11) cases Eastern. for
I ••+I. 111 , P, J.O. WILLIAMS .t.EO.
3191.-ISSES--LL3 la., 13 half du.
. Irnm s:mr Empire Matt.. kr
• 1. 1011 , V. I.I.IITILEWS..t. CU.
- -
131 G LEAD - 7 -65D pia.; Solt Galena, fur sale
t.y ).HEY. mArrartrs - e Co.
S l` , ;llltlES . :—' -Too I,rimu Featlurs,
• Mlz.
1 , , lb num
' 4
for Itak b 7
1 . HlLta !MATTHEWS &CO.
!Ads prime N. Orleans;
, "
enrl, (.1 Wroal and Fifth sta.
Xi 0 LA.SS Eg r -7j. 1,1-. lg New Orlenze;
12 4.. Snttm: Howe;
S•rnn. for rare by
.1. fuLLIAMS 01.
- •
• •
S t:SDIIIES—,IOO ,up. Corn Broom.:
. . ,
• 1 , .
• 1:, Finn', for .7 , 0 t,
. .. .
. .
FIS!.I-111 Lill bids Nu. :t 3iackerel:
i : .'" ‘.l; i t'
b Clt No 1 :.ann. C.r FM,. tn.
i, L. 1 , 1L1.1A31S CO.
1311INTIN1. MATER] .1.1.5--Print , t , r's cop
.MV EN'.
WOR tiALE LOW—A superior tone,l roof ,
mrl7 hitc.Fr.r ;cmre nt No. D J - ck
I. 1.1.111 , 411,1r,!...1 frKyza.:.%
`7l\C WASH 13 Ait
4 i : 9 r
Dr fenro
No ;r 1 , Lard
.1.. Dry• en;.:
srrire eta strata-,
11...t1A1l DICKEY
site ant Frog[ ste
LOS , S, ilt prime order, f - ir
4_9 ealt & BENNETT.
1:.1 First sty.
AND 1...,11.1)..E COVEIZSii=-W.- Me-
Cllntnrk the ofii.tvinot Wry,
..1.. est. r,ll.e.r..:e.ertua t:!. '14:1d,. cs,l
Fourth febr)
r 1111 EE I'LITCAPTEIS=IW. )TeClintrul.
• -
t!, • t s!....oruncut et
are! of th., ILc
st;,.. .1, are
. Ilr. Ittera.,:r.. lii
l'o;nn. Call at ill,. Caci , t Fourth ~
. ,
OCOTIUNE 11 •••• '"t"
ot.ghs It'p, rare Pots,l,
far &sir h- J I, I•LaY11.
$4 char,. C. , ' ..t;:rl F t,. .t 111,1 N.
trbl3 • 114 becon4l, ,
1{01.1 . ... b li , (Yr
uNDR,E,_ -
_ .
km, Dry Applt,
put,C.m.- n
A/0 Ile
,o) ro,,c.i F.retthrr, •
71%; 1 I 3 Tobarat
r iu •ka r
I do •
16.1, 1,1 So7e
IIXY) 11, L.,11: Ix eyrn, atul
r 2.2 :01(N Ai arf s
18AtClIES—Itec.i veil and on hand all
ear.•l..: r St:e., ISatrbt4.l
... •
tieluera Brarnl‘
ere•Lor..,:elra, and 4lurabilny imamate-J.
ha, Watt+ repnlrit.: c.ealut/ti ate 4. Jewe:r7
Inneclerawt Let:v:11117 rvrairrd.
terry earellent Ntccl: el .ekla
leham`cr.r of 411 , slut ~larkot r
INSEEDMIL—LO lads for eats y
f.ez., 1:o**ON. LIII LF. * CO.
.CLO EIISEEIx--- 75 1 lae.4 -
0T t ole by
nolasmi, LITTLE a Co.
bbli for naL t v -
Ropr,us. Lyz - rft: a co.
Vallt , Cr 1,3*
B Gt r _EXNS-1 Iti huh L
d AMP,BLACIZ--bsna far Tanner's, 51-
"Xii"k"'''''' J ,krtiv.,N3l.l.liEn d C•, ' ,
tjAPE7IIIIANG I S6.—fluid Paper Haug-
Y• tn., with "•.1,1 .ml 1.. %• , ... 1,1 ~ .1 . 1 ,.. for Dr... •
; it ~-
.rus. FE r Z. 1., t, F. : , 141441ALL.
i..... Wan!! rt
6,ALTPETRE—iu ba,,,,... ,:rteie, for male 11
17 f. 2114 • 11 . k F. WILSON.
4 IiI:LS Ci)OPlllt'6 WEICIT GLit 7cr t,.r
—I- T• 11.• Ay fob, J KIDD 4 ...
TlNlEHMomErt;iis—A fan a,,..ortmeut IT.,
,I, rel.. by frbl:, • 1 KIDD & CO ;
f I IIEESE-12 3 Inc, in .tore and for hale by
e . reAll IrJ WI ttUKEY it CO
T rt,h . 1,1 , n
ny the boa ~r r 004. A. M<CLLNIT.t
Llte-rt .
tT.C.• ,
\T";,\ youNG TEA---Tutt
..4 le e
~ rtv rre% A rer, ATnctinr Yrn.a.
i • Ten, ahlyk, me een vlth evulktewe
.itave 4nr,avev,l at Ito.elee in Pitt ,,,, nr.:l, Inn SI.
the leave cent,. ~ 1 N VAAL.. :A enta
- ; L V Per It.. which we avarrant fully auperler
te. hal at the .earn, , pen,
(tolves., Imperial ana IjUrprArd, of all grwlaa, for or aelt le a ralr•V.ll reenva•
ed all e
hle•rae tbe
le I made to retailers,
0.300 v.,lo,..l•,actltrk
fe`,la Tea Dealer. ne.l,:rotrls.
II 0P bale, for
feblh Jourrs-rwe
LLAD OILI7-26 casks for Kale by
_Y 11.b14 4. CCLLEKTION
A. ER'S OIL -21 b m, ore , e .y
Lebl2 d.ECIIOOQSI. t M.