The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 10, 1851, Image 2

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Paned dewing the teem' session of the nirty-jirst
Elluutte—No; 12.3
AN ACT to reduce and modify the rates of post
age in the United Stadtes, and for other pur
poses. .
Be it, enacted by the Senate and House of :ReTre
seutatires if the United States of America in Con-
Brest assembled. Thet, from the thirtieth day of
June, eighteen hundred aind fifty-one, in lieu of
the rates of postage now established by law,
there shall-be charged the following rates to who
For,every single letter in manuscript, or paper
orany kind upon which information shallbe as
ked for, or communicated in:it:riling, or by marks
or signs, conveyed in the mails for any distance
between places within t h e United States not ex
ceeding three thousand miles, when the postage
upon such letter shell have been prepaid, three
cents, Eand five cents when the postage thereon
shall; not have been prepaid; end for any distance
exceeding three thousand miles, double these
ales for every such single letter or paper when
conveyed whoty or in part by sea, and to or
front a foreign country, for nay distance over
twenty 'fire hundred miles teneents, (except
hoiever, all eases where suchpisstage have
been or shall be adjusted at different rates
Eby postal treaty or convention, already conclu
ded or hereafter to bo made;) and for a doa
ble letter, there shall be charged double the
rates above specified; and for a treble letter,
qundruple ,those rates:- and every letter or par
eel not exceeding half,an ounce in *eight, shall
be deemed a 'tingle letter; and every additional
weight, of half an ounce, or additional weight of
lees than half an ounce, shall bo charged with
-an additional single postage. And elLdrop let
, tors plated in any-post office, not for transmitt
al-on, but for delivery only, Anil he charged with
postage at the rate Of one cent each;
and all
lettere shall hereafter he advertised as remaining
over-or uncalled for in any post office, shall be
charged with one cent in addition to the regular
postage, troth to be accounted for as other post
agea team are.
SEG. 2. And lo Is further enacted. That all
newspapers not-exceeding three ounces in weight,
sent front the officiref publication to actual and
bona fidersubscribers, Shall be chervil with pos
tage is follows, to wit : All newspapers publish
ed weekly only, shall circulate in the mail free of
postage within the county where published, and
that the Postage on the regular number of n
paper published weekly, for any- distance not
exceeding filly miles out of the county where
published, Thal be five cents per.quarter ; for any
- distance exceeding fifty miles, and not exceeding
three hundred miles, ten cents per quarter; for
any distance exceeding three hundred miles, and
not exceeding One thousand, fifteen cents per
quarter ; for any distance exceeding one thousand
and not exceeding two thousand
twenty cents per quarter; for noy distance ex
ceeding two thousand miles, and not exceeding
four thousand miles, twenty-five cents per quar
ter; and for any distance exceeding four thousand
miles, thirty cents per ,quarter and all news
papers published monthly, and. sent to actual and
bona-fide.subseribers, shell be charger' with 'one
fourth of-the foregoing rates ; and On all ouch
newspapers published eemi-monthly shall be
Charged with one half the-foregoing rates.; and
papers published semi-weekly shall be charged
double those rides ; triweekly, treble those rates;
and ofteuer than tri-weedily, five times those
rates. And there shall be charged upon every
other newspaper, and each circular not sealed,
handbill, engraving, pamphlet, periodical, mag
azine, book, and every otherdeseription of print
ed matter, which shall ho unconnected with any
manuscript, or written matter, and which it may
be lawful to transmit through the mail, of no
greater weight than one ounce, for any distance
not exceeding fire hundred miles, one cent: and
for each additional ounce, or fraction of on
ounce,- one cent; for any distance exceeding five
hundred miles, and not exceeding one thousand
five hundred miles, double those rates; for any
distance exceeding one thousand five hundred
miles, and not exceeding two them:and five hun
dred miles, truffle those rates; for any distance
exceeding two thousand five hundred miles, and
not exceeding three thousand five hundred miles,
those rates ; for any disgrace exceed
. ..
four times - . _ .
log three thousand Sri hundred mil.. five times
those rates. Subscribers to all periodicals shall There tek./nr: 110
be required to pay ono quarter's postage in ad. NEW PENNSYLV AMA RAILIMAD,
Saner: in all cases the postage shall be one-half Tor Iluoin4 SIM 1.. r., roe noler dlr., to
the foregoing rates. Bound books, and parcels
of printed matter, not weighing over thirt-two 1 PHILADELPIA.
ounces, shell be„deemed mailable matter under Time :llr .u.;
stn ..11 roam - , v l lours.
the provisions of this section. And the postage
On all printed _matter other than newspapers and Now, as habit is :6 r.m.'rftil. tl.ere ran be I . 111.• Co. -4.. i... r....te ara two sof of the no, all. ,
oi ~it0tr0..../. I. c ..or iv .141 ....
periodicale published at intervals, nut exceeding :oaks that this habit of woliing Inc the prose t . J.,,,,,,.....; .., s. ...rm..; h oe ~... I, at Light I. L.
three months, aria sent from the office of publi-
Sly has, to a great extent. outlived the IleCe -
cation to actual and bona fide subscribers, to be Passeruers for Baltimore,
~ily that created it, and extended hey.snd or leg t. .
prepaid ; and in ascertaining the weight of news- a. a rrtral . f Car+ et Ilerroburc. lake o+.• Stet and Corn.
inlate sphere. This , however , cannot justly a. e a. !Coln n.l. 'tom hrorlard. .l ake w that ntr.leig tar
papers for the purpoee of determining, the amount
chargeable there., thershall be weighed when Li, nitir.. Too,. /or I: hour.
raid of oar new railroads. The Central and GI io , Ns ;Marge f r handling llogpige on this roots.
in a dry state. And whenever any printed mat- and Pennsylvania railroads, alien completed, wll
..,i.11.:,,itanaZ;1,;.71,7•;:..6,;',,11,,,,: glfri,V,,,,,T,',,nt,'-''''''.
ter on which ' the postage is required by this compare ffivorably with the best in Europe. in Pr l.arraer rf lor`onall.el NI. , ol
section to be preSbaid shall, through the inatten- .1 P. HOLNIES, Agent
everything, except the site and c05t1 . , , , tied,th of le
tiotrof postmasters, or otherwise, le, sent with- I Doom..ids House.
out pre-payment, the same shalLtte cliwkd aith --- - Stations. s . -- t)r to D. LEECH 4, ,, C0.
double the amount of posta thehih e irould have -- -- —__________ _els \As for the accident to the Atlantic we tin k, n or , ~,,, 1 , , 0m ,.. ,`„?l!..„ ww ,7l',lll ° ;rr i ,7,;„:'
been chargeable, thereon if the postage had been PITTSBURG'FI GAZETTE.. the Tribnue's corresrentleat takes the matter too . wm,l,l„,,,e,„onytillonler,t-o'stssrl.. `":":, . 31 •Jd'eleo the um''
pre-paid; but ntithing in this net contitineth shall .
tea ___—____________ seriously. It must he recollected that there is i eat...o.i. feLros. 10. 'll_______
subject to postage any matter which is exemp,
a large clans of persons in England, having a', PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.
frotn the payment of postage by no .„ -,i,ting ,s______________.___------DCDLISIIED BY if DITE a CO. .
close connection with the press, who have a di.. 7 - sases-s---..r_s "-.
law. And the Postmaeter General, by and with PITTI3BIIItGIi. • I ..;.1 . W... --:.---- 4 1.55.
advice and Consent of the President of the. -- --
---------- re. interest in disparaging American enterprise.
- _ the United States, Shall be andite is hereby auttiort,l". MONDAY MORNIN'G, MARCH 10, 1851. I We have nei names and date. at hand, or we I EXPIIESSI'A C K E T L 1 N E
r at e to rerdace or enlarge-from time to time, thc ''" -- 7 ---
--- TO
might make out quite a formidable list of aCCi- 1
Philadelphia,. Baltimore, and New York.
rates'of postage open all letters and other mail*. To the Whigs af Pennsylvania. dents that have happened to British learriships. T HE FIRST PACKET Of rue SEASON
ble matter conveyed between the United Statist
of'l7-.L.„,,,,,,,,sT,A,Et.rceEssTDEASyn. RlV.l l , l ,fi be . 1 1 41 4 , f l „,,' ~11 ,t he ?11, With all this howerer, a/r remarked above, there . sr. hoer Sharcrburnh (~ inn. store) on Mendel ,
and any foreign etinntry,, for the purpose of no/ l. March :-.L after that. ten Boata will lease every
In.king better Postal airlifigelfiefith with' other raat=tgeLtralle,"7,7/=,n,jr‘tiV74= is dent of justice in John Bows .sneers at vs..ra n• .. aloe
r p..'' '.. l a ill"talf6 the , rn; GINtA. (oprocite
Igetenmen ts or gown
any ads'erse rata - ..oete'l' ' • ' H"RY ti:- Ftiali-Ema-sliOairmer-a. our superficiality, hurry ond recklessness, and it .a, 1 4...Nirthorsa. All ro ben, IA h Arr., e ee r r reer etao o t
affecting Ourpostel intercourse with foreign s 1,M 1 ',„ Ritz„=" ic • C. rso ` nn. ' :Innen: . is very desiral.le to cultivate t. new spirit, omoo ~., ...ex. oral ever/ et-et/log et a o roharloburgh.
cntli the col s. rt NI Ow., r Run la moo/Er , •
/ • conntries; and postmasters at the office of deli , wet dtnzing, . ; ee l B
d ry are hereby authorised, [Old it shall be their ; 5ata,,,,,,i5.b..t.r, '
T ./ .. T0 . n ..' 8. :17r. '''''
Win. Baker. lin accordance with the change which is now Mac. 1'.5 e re "r oll.r mfi.olonoll al.' , to.
J l' 10.M.C..a. Mountrfaltela Ilona,
duty to Itren. wrappers awl envelop. from all traa..l. Cobtroon. Alexander E. Drown, 1 ing, Da in the rank a old and permanently set- ~, i.„4,.,,,,iint•-li bkkrit nla .Catta Davit ,
' printed Matter 1 and pamphlets not charged aim"' . Th ,,,,,,,, V mr dm .,, I r,,,1ii.11-, we , ; mnm „,.
1 tled countries. i
~.... Letter postagseJ . foe the purpose of ascertaining I=l,ll=
James Clark.
Sl:armor% D. Phelps. ; i '
1 Citizen's Insurance Copipany of Pittsburgh
!cwt . R At; E 110 NI E INSTITUTIONS.
whether there la urea oreorr_ected with say met: rr.orsecrets. - ' Teem C. Wilson, DANIEL WEsirEn.-ln ilia remarks in the de. ! g
printed mather,or in stash par.katre any matter or R.,_±. rOnloY. John Allison. odlar No al IN Orr street, In 14. worehratre of C 1.1.
Daniel lleCorar. bate in the Reuse on Tuesday evening, open the , i NT
thing which wtmil suite:rise . require the charge , ) - Z r . a „. m .,„.
'AteslN...reau r a charges of Mr. Allen against the Beero tars: .: - . r ,1 , ; • ',i,,1jr,,77;, c 0 c ,7,1`1,,c a1 m .„4",,,W,,,1 . „17 • ZrrL0m ,,,
of a higher ge r m of pcstage thereon. And all ' wear....
1 Jobe C. Nevins, edged. Jand. ' State, Mr. Billion' thus spoke of Daniel Web- , i e ~,,,. „„,1:„ ‘,..„„,,,:„., or
. pnbrsslaers e gormrAlets. pmthieltada. am ganes. r RCNDLE ESIFTII. See/so/17 .ter en h o i L , . on ,1- n ogrant, for the slants and Inlactitr of the
ar.d. newspaper. Wffich ......11 wired e_scood OU SteD , Inahlistlou. o allardol to the eharaeror uf the lareetraor
The name of th at great man was. not la l. ; ales are all cillo.not of l'Olohur,h. veil and farorahlf
..Tff e t ~...,.,..' '''' . - 4: ".;- ' ........ t.... , 2
___ cw c li i ° iii"rch'icge Tot New POSTAGE BILL-This important I t h ro wn away idly. •• a good nein: in to in. yoln- , I.::::i7,.l...„rrsommoniti 64 view oniasoessavolliarnia ,
tht,,,:er,,,,,.....n_ ..,.....„.,..1,,,.,±7-,,,,e‘1.1-`-'...,,L:".„.....,f,,re.,,,,,'*e1i:ci d.um_ mat will be found in our columns - , to day. ...1 above al priee, - end their: extraordinary l''.l,4. I i I[ll4, ~ WM 1.1, . *T. Lsrlrow,
.I r. n *Orr Ilr/ aut 1111fith ll lin/ . ISlrranl IleaseltOn.
°undies., and malignant charges tvero not to 1 . .1..;;n Ifseerth.s iistbsait, s la it.., anSiktf ;
SO a 'flag.- - r .47 cf . earn pF,hlication .4 nd, pro- ~ We base printed it "according to copy.r but we 3lr
be thrown out in a lardy like this, without being , •
sided, dm. Ilia: tall Tubustart may e ~.., -- se in : fear it will not be finuid free of errors '
/here replied to. The splendid reputation of Mr 1 g 101' .IRT NEBSII I} \\ have aseociattai
- their puhs3.ffirna the bill , for sahscrion . there - '. i. a neglect of duty acme where , which should ; tr e h e t e r, w hi e l k o„.. t h ro wn its i nn tre ov er ehr ,11 awe e.t.a:so. mt., Its "shier of the rarnis t r
to withetw aok chart- fcw' '''''''''" e . i act be permitted to p.-.. ...ciice,l- By refer - ; American natiodl the golden orb of which won I,'„';'„", u 'lPlt::?,?..",i ' ... l :: ', ' ` r e,,, g‘',l *. ..=: , re=r i e w . '
And, prortel4 /curler, That in all ea- - where : A. WILKINS a 00;
newspapers shall not contain over;thres hurAred ; mat to onr,Washthgton correspondence . it will almost setting beneath the torithe of time, was , 1. , •
ri o us e rrors ~,,d d e f ec t, an object 60 much admired by him
th e
mail s they may be trantantte. through 1 b.' foe.d that yet, te - tint he was EXCHANGE AND BANKING ROUSE
unwilling to see o single speck placed upon it ,
the mails by the publishers to bath Ede _sub- ' Lave been discovered in other bills. 1
by a malignant act. There was dot one living' or
T 1 s s iv-o .
scribers at one-fourth the rates e' Iby this I ' illustrious American amongst us, h'e carol notsof A. l'1" I .L.l‘. 1 .....-.., & CO..
art. .. - . •• Tax Soxeavrt Wino "-This is the name of : what party, that ,lid tinl desire to IWO him go Corner of Third and. Market sts., Pittsb'gh
Sec. 3. And hid fort Arr cornered, Ti it it Phial a new paper just started in Somerset, the • ••Whig I d own to t h e gra , w ith a n illuettious reputation. t ,
be the.duty or tioi Postmaster Gene d to pre- rt ., o f the Wet" Th. proprietors are EtA - vnti 1 Ile charaCterixed the charges as unnecessary I I,l.orne-tie awl Foretv,, Bank Sof fir ,1
vide and furnish to all deputy poetras iers, and soot, end Slims ,-
.......- -- to all other persons upplybils, and pa iig. there- ' emu 4lisits vote. Mr. Senn ill a grand. ; and reckless, on,L beliental that the hostility ; --' G' ,6 1i .4 , d.' , . 11 I li S ,, bl .j Erchoelyed ,
for, euitable poatage 'stamps of the ene . t i,o n „.. son of Joffie Ecru., the founder of the Pittsburgh I which come Ifccm tint i l mister . riiilll due to a °ll ' 1
~, . .
fact.thal when cloud., mad darkness overhung the /...,,, L IL\ .. l. E AN D BA NK IN G 'IOUS. E
"Bon of three cents, and of such other I enornini, Gatette, in 17E 4 1 His grandmother, the vener- 1 fortunes of oh „ nootry, „ nd every i;om , moo .
Bons as he may think expedigt to fa ilitate the able relict of John Scull, is still livi
ng. awl
. trembled for its fate r _atol - erery lind man hoped
. - .
prepayment of the postage' 'Provided 'or in this a reader of the paper her lomband started get, , for its overthrow, that great mon breasted the
• act; and any person who 'hall forge a count..
.felt any postage stamp provided or furnished nee years ago. We triad the proprietors of the storm, and
;rolled back the tide. putting all at
st orm; his country As a Soul - rm man 110
under the proons of this or any ,racer act, Somerset Whig will meet with careen, in 1 mr. I.: was
~, ,,, ,4 , ,, 10 him re, hi,,
~,,1,.., , ,
•• , whether the name tire impressed or ,natal 'on terize. Their paper looks wellL and reade and th , th i th „,,, ' l i e boi„,„1 the whole e„,th,l"ey
oi. attached to envelopes or nut
. e nay die, teil i ,and is deserving of the eupport of the pro- • would record his name in the MAO') nods the
plate, or engraving therefor, or ehal stake or I time. in the largest capitals awl the est
' pie of Somerset county.
print, ot knowingly use or sell, or are in his term.. ilassarbus.etts might repudiate hito,
poaaossion with intent to use OT ea auy such 0,,„ though he did not believe the would, hut that
-The oft'lce of the Near
false, forged, or counterfeited die, p to, mgt., '." IN Sl ' °B'''''''. elle leol3lll la, true to her fame, and stand hp her
Mg, or postage stamp, or who she make or Orleans Bulletin oral several adjoining buildings
great sun: but if she should repudiate him, the
print, or' authorize or predate to - mode' or were destroyed by lire on the thirst ins [. Bank's country would take bin. np. Mr. Itch ter'[ Intr
printed, any postage stamps of the knd provid- Arcade was partially burnt. . fame could not be impaired by these reckless
-,- esi and furnished by the Postmater 'enernl na' chargcti.
aforesaid, without the especial maim 'ty uncial. '
• ' rection of the Post Office Departure t, or who, Advices from Sith Sal .
Salvador state that the Brit- "As some till cliff that lifts its ..wful form.
Swellafrom the sale and midway leases the I
after latch postage rstakpa have be .n printed, inh have taken posseedon of that country, and storm;
aka, with intent to defraud the revs ucs of the that the authorities have left. Though round its breast the rolling clouds 1 : Young Men's Temperance Society.
Post ,Offica Department, deliver a y o .illaatage A severe battle has been fatted between the ore spread,
~,...._„ Ltat mist tO" any person or persons othe W such I Fir 1 , 1 .
, E .., Pitt
51 •ii .. ' . 1:
, 1.1 .
i t:l
~..1 3. 1 .: -. , 1 , 1 . 1 . ,
. N .
, I , E o l r i th T , l
e N , S ING
~, , , ILL t d i t T
as shall be authorized to receive the one liy i ....seeps of Salvadore and Guatemala. in which the Eternal sunshine settles .e its bend '•
Ile believed the character of the Secretary 'of . i,,,,,1,. 5 :1i.,.. brut ra ;Imo stoansa , CS I.SINIiI. Alarch
instrument of writing duly:x.llnel under the Conner were melon°. . , loth m the Third l/terlo tartan Churl, -An ;Ultima/ i ll
State wn., above stemicion -Every act bad oett: , ::„„,.„„ : , ::„. : „.„ 4: „„ : „: ,:,:, :.„,,,,,,„. mmgn ,,, o:
the Postmaster General, a d the neat . for his couutry. Ile believed be enterlained no ,ll I unic. I,
' of the Post Office "Department, rhal on comic- ' Pates or Ttogsrs as TUE 4, - ONDOS Extualno.s., Th. fo. oh of li, rause tro. Er-Teeth/11r Invited to al
higher wish than llat e'ifing 1,13 0,111 language; . ~,,,,, ~„.; „,,, ~, ~,, „ ~,,.„„. „,, w" /11 r ~,,„, to
lion; thereof, be deemed guilty of fe nY. and be -The London correspondent of the North Amer - ''When him eyes shall be turned to behold, fur 00,....... thl.; t he ~.. et ma, , ,,e500- drroka •
punished by a fine, uot exceeding ye hundred vs CI! st. slits77e,
'dollars, or by imprisomitent not c cording five lean gives the following . the scale of prices for the last EOM , the .nn t n heaven. he iFdalft mo.l , . t% NI. NI. NV MOUT.
see him shining on the broken and thsiosoored ; use Si. KEN SER.
years, ow by both such fine and i priaament- Omission to the Crystal Palace :
ft agrnente of a once gbiri ,, ll.l Union; nu P , t.tte. • "" . . 'l"'" ° "'"' .
and the expenses of procuring aml , thriding all The Royal Commissionersthave determined to di ss evered, discordant, beiligerent, OB 1 1. , '1 Two Hundred Carriages at Auction.
such postage stamps and letter env loges, an are
el f f or following scale of prices to be charged rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be. in
provided for or authorized by thi act, abnil he to visitors to the Crystal Palace. The price of a Fifth '4, , tni. At. rural Trade Sale at Philadelphia.
fraternal blood '' Let their lost feeble. and lit, risn'is S.l I.F. sill take place enne....X.-
paid, after being adjusteal by the Editor hi the „,,....,,,,, ticket, to gentleman, will be three goring - ,I lk Co , / .rl/ NY the .R i dar of Slerch, a de . .r.../...
Poet Office Department, or the ce ficate of the guineas: and a seasonen ticket for a lady, two sign of the republic, now known and bonfire/I 11 , '1'1.' 6 .. 4 . .111-'•El'O. ante .." " , ^"I . 1, . 0,,, t 0.. .-
Postmaster (lettered, out of any money•in the guineas. Such tickets will not be transferable : throughout the earth. still 1 , .. ,0 1 , 1 01 1,1 , igh advanced, 11;.11,1,.,.P.1:1,11?1,11,..,i,i,1,:n„,,1,1,1.1,','bz-;:',,,,..x1;-,.,,,vg
Treasury arising from the Port ( frith Depart- and on the first day of the exhibition, those tick- Its arms and trophies strea gln its:, original I grerlor mai., sad to . vri to-Jer :la. New Work , . InV of
ment - i . ets only will be received at the doers The Cow . lustre; not E 1 stripe erused or polluted, nor Er Pin- . r . .2.1',;. 1 .:11'.!:. ' 1 ' ,.1 ' .;t 5 .71 ' 110 ',' Vl','.ut i g. ), Sl.l=,Tn'e l 'l'E . Ttliti; rhanlZZ
~,J . o hn llerrlek k atotahe , LE.,
BCC. 4 Ara 1. it further rnacted That it shell missioners reserve the right of miming the price I
• be the duty everyf postmaster t mane to be of the reason tickets when the first issue in all ;
_ sold. The Hoe of each ticket an the second and gle star obscured, bearing for its motto }lf) such : I . Idalet a ca.. J. I! toil gltti,
miserable interrogatory as:, 'What is all this I lot„;`,,lLiseln”"ALltre'ne'7..,....tota7A`Vettjwirti?. .
defaced, in such manner as the Postmaster Gen worth! Nor those other words of delusion and' aer Pur , ll.. r- Outs dotaurre ere Informed that Orel/ale
or al
shall direct, all pwsige stamps attached to dated days of the exhibition will be twenty shill- folly, Liberty first and Ullital afterward, but 1 1 , 1 ;',' 1 ,',7 1 :f. 1 ,`,1 ' , 1 :.r i1i1i ' 1 " 1- "' 11i .s i i i ,1 1 / 11 4LT;7,` i i$ii 1 , 111 , i nV , 1,7 11.
oral.teen days, five shillings each day. After
letters thy:sited id bjs other fur delivery , dr to itlila , and on the fa a ra, day . and f or th e seven- : every where. npreod all over is characters of , mete. st ------
- ------_
be area by mail; and xf any postmaster, Fending Iloidery, Gloves, Mitts, etc.
letters iv the mail will poatage stamps attached, the tntht weeks, living light, blating on all its ample folds, as they
the charge far each single 1 float over the sea and over the 1.1. d, and in ev-
shall omit to deface the same, it alt. be the ticket wlll . be z est e e thilling, with the exception of 1 UItPIII Si BURCHFIELD have now
ry,wind ;under the whet° heavens, that other 1 , N
• duy of the postmaster to whose office eon'. let- Fro-lnynend th ys of each following week, i semf i them , dear m, every ' woe American heart - . firs!' iire;l7"i",;7,l7it t sil To l .t. Ziralst:ta. Cashmere
tees shall be neat to deface the w
t Fridays . e e charge will be half-a-crown, ' Liberty and Cason , now and forever, one rind , Nenffln minor! Cotton do; eatmarna - essurn. to.. ara
t ine and report the delinquent postinaster to pad ons vrt y
th ee shillings, till the exhibition thdr ria., Mach owl allito, 1,11111 but So.
1 inseparable I" Kid. Cali. and Loh/ Choc.,
the Postmaster Geneva. And if erg filer
t''' closed
. ticket
es a single exception of t. season ,' CAA:. ~,,, and AUPVI. Mohair and Silk AIM,
ticket, no will aduut 'any pereon a second I Cotton and Merino Coderrlorto Intact, do., Se.: soden
(thrill use, or attempt to use, in prepayment of
time. These rates of charges have given goner - 1 orre..t coals Ono, al North Cola corner of Fourth tout
800. John B Kerr, of Maryland, has been at 1 , I
postage, any postage stamp 'which s oul have , mthdo
1 tisfaetion to all chasms. It is understood II
nominated to the Senate . charge &ad - aired to 'l'l' '
been before thsed for like purposes, such per- -cc
hat the extdbito '
rs will lie obliged to pureh Bogota. The - Republic says:- - There is no N. 0. Sugar.
sums shall he subject to a penalty of fifty dollars that only their server. • ne°
to ~,,, ho
ol- gentlemen of our acquaintthee more dI. i : A ft i lIIIDS. just received sod
for Mile by
for overreach .offence, to be recovered in the `owl and of each
to enter the Crystal Palace gratis. It is ch an appointment, or better rpialitied to lIV .r1110:10. MILLEa. CIIIINCII A CCI.
- . name of the United States, in any court of cam- lliw." them will . also said that ere not be any compliment- discharge its duties. - ' 14-OST-A BITX - .: i sS KEY -Any find
potent jurisdiction. my or " free list," and that even the .. Com- : Ins It will please leave Is at the Oast! omen
Bac. 5. And be it/unlit, enacted, That the list *. o w il t be ce ll e d upon oo: far
1311531011SIIS pay
of letters remaining uncalled for in any_post of- tickets.
whofe ti
- lc in any city, town, or village, newt
pa shall be printed, shall hereafter be pub
. : • ij a hes o nes only in the newspaper which. being
issued weekly or oftener, shall have the largest
circulationl66in the tango of delivery of said
office, to be decided liy the Postmaster General,
tinder such regulatioffi as shall be prescribed by
Min, at Si charge net exceeding one [three) at
such office, at' mai time, and under such reg
. illations''s thePosicausterGeneralshillprascribe;
y }
and at nisharge of one cent for each letter ad
vertieeto And the postmaster at such office is
hereby directed to post in a conspicuous place in
his office a copy of such list, on the day or day
after the publication thereof: and if the publish
er or rant , Zs:tarpaper shall refuse to publish the
list of I fettera
.na provided in this section, the
pnstmaiter May designated some other paper for
' such pUt•pose. Such list of lettere shall be pub
' liaised once in every six weeks, and as much oft
-1 eour, tint exceeding once a week, as the Postmas
ter General may specially direct Provided, That
the Postmaster General may, in his discretion,
direct the publication of German and other for-
eiga letters iniany newspaper printed in the Ger
man or any. other foreign language, which pub
liestion, shall be in lieu of or in addition to
the Miblicatinn of the list of each letters in the
manner first in this section provided, as the Post-'
matter General shell direct- anY I
Sec. 6. And be ii forth , enacted, That toduced
pal:nester whose commissions may be re
before the amount allowed at his office for the
year ending the thirtieth day of June, eightee
hundred and fifty-one, and whose labors may be
increased, the Postmaster Generalshall h e dau
thorized, in his discretion, to allsueh
tional commissions as he may just and pro
per Prorided, Thid the whole amount of commis
sions allowed ant postmaster during the fiscal
year shall Oct e eyed by more thus twenty per
cent. the !imam' of commissions at such office
for Weyer en ing the thirtieth day of June,
eighteen Minds and fifty-one.
Sec. 7. 'And it further enacted, That no post
office now in oil tence shall be discontinued, nor
shall the Mail rvice on any mall route in soy' .
of the States or Territories be discontinued or ',
diminished, in consequence of any diminution 01:1
the revenues that may result from this net; mold
it shall be the duty of the Postmaster General to; I
establish new post offiees, and place the malli
service on anyp ew mail routes established, or
that-may herea ter be established, in the same 1
manner as thou h thisuct had not passed : And j
provided tartlet, [That the compensation of ate I
postmaster shall be diminished in consequence of I I
the passage of {his ace] I
SEC. S. it f And: be urther enacted. That there 1
shall be paid to the Post Office Deportment, in I
farther payment and compensation for the mail
service performed for the two Houses of Congress I
and the other Departments and offices of the
Government in the trunspiortation of free matter, I
I the sum of five hundred thousand dollars per I
year, which shall he paid quarterly, out of any
moneys in the Treasury not otherwise nppropri-
ated; and the moneys appropriated to the Past I
Office Department by the twelfth section of the I
set "to establish certain post routes and for
other purposes," approved March third, eighteen I
hundred and forty-seven, and remaining un
drawn in the Treasury, shall continue subject - to
the requisition of the Postmaster General, for
the service of the. Post Office Department, not-
• withstanding the'same may have so remained so ,
undrawn for more than two years after it became I
subject to such requisition. I 1
Sec.' And be it further enacted, That tereh
is hereby- appropriated, out of any moneys in,
the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the
sulti of five
)tal e at m hred thousand dollars, to supply ,
any deficienay arise in the Post Office I
SEC. 10. And be e it further enacted, That it 1
I shall be in the Power of the Postmaster general ;
at nil post offices where the postmasters are ap
pointed by the President of the United Andes, i
to establish post routes within the cities or I
town, to provide for conveying letters to the I
post office, by establishing imitable and conveni
ent places of deposit, and by employing carriers
to receive and deposit theta in the post office:
and at all such offices it shall be in his powei to
cause letters to he delivered by suitable carriers,
to be appointed by him for that purpose, for
which not exceeding one or two cents shall he I
charged. to be paid -by the person receiving or I
sending the same; and all sums so received shall
be paid into thel'ost Office Department: Prom
ded, The tunount of compensation-allowed by the
Post master General to carriers shall in no case
exceed the amount 'paid into the Treasure, by
each toffs or city, under the provision, of this
section. I
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted. That from
and after the paesage of this act it shall be law
ful to coin, nt the mint of the United States and
its branches, a piece of the denomination
and legal valua of three cents, or three.
hundreths of a dollar, to be composed of three- I
fourths iilver :undone fourth copper, and to weigh I
twelve groins and thee eighths of a grain, that the •.,.
said coin shall bear such devices as shall be con-1
spicuo l ly different from those of tha other - A
silver C Skil and of the gold dollar, but hire- I
ing the ascription United States of America, ;Ind
its derlOtnitifitiOti and date: and that it shall he. a •
legal tender in payment of debts for all sums of
thirty cent and under, and that no ingot shallhe I
used for Gm coinage of the three cent-pieces I
herein iuthorized,of which the quality differs more
than five thousandths from the legal standard '
and that, in adjusting the weight of the said coin,
the following deviations from the standard weight
shallnot be exceeded, namely—ono half of a grain s
in the Dingle piece, and one pennyweight in a
thousand piece;.
Approved, March 3, 1851,
Nominations for appraisers at large were made
by the President to the Senate as follows:—Mr.
Edgar, Now York, Charles Bradley, W/ht01:1, Mr.
Biddle, Philadelphia, Mr. Evans, Baltimore.
. -
Mr. Wchster; who was invited to partake of o
public dinner in Boston, on the ith of March—
the anniversary of his great Union speech—the
Post ear lute declined the invitation.
vantwommou b. , 1
toritILIC&B fItiPERFICLLLITY. I Woot-rne NEXT Cur.-We published lust' DRIED PEACIIES-200 bu. for sale by
week two articles from pope. in different patio ' ' Gas Fitting. .1 WINTER WHALE OIL-1200 gall. bl'd,
ior obi, ,thoaing that purchAsei , are already in . etch]. • EAM CEL P..,11t1.1 1 ' 1 : 1 L t 11.FFETT & 01.1). i ' 1,,-.,T "nr- ...-1 fi.- .ae by
. -------,-. ~...a -, Front street. DACrum Dust and %TUXTLA! RICKETSON.
11 I ICKORY NUTS--an bbl. sale Ire • -
P tO rs th g e r' S 'l' . l: l: t i ' n orl Trs
, We market ,
n i f n xh thz e t
a S r t u a c t i e e , ,, f , oL te tl d se ,
“ n o 7. l t w e:i l p o,, ,.,f e I I . . jR riel,llo,, SiA3IC,EL.II. dllltlV . Y.ti.. , ''Y'sl'. msre,.t. Pittpburnii. Pa .i, 111 A lA. { I LA' li EltENefit; f's;(iNIANFil,
formers their clip .1 ~ melon ... . ..„...., .N. turn, the rams. to their .1l beta ro , ~,,,, ~,,,_. ~..
.... o -
rt,", % . ,',..,
as: APPLES - 111 1 1111 .: for sale be ' '4,1 .„„„,„„,,..t.ot .. I ~.....3 i.r tim,kt. " MLIKPIII k. sitittatsittUt.
wrbitetee,nfindlettbteer ffro°lmkmi'Parigs
t r•hquate/Urs. l'endanls. 1,,, , t5. . ,
The accident which•lately befel the Baltic and ,no doubt of the truth of thestatement s thatsper , 111 rosyntis . :ldll'V. e.... 111, 0 ". .
; ~ ~/t1,71 ' . . %
.. Oa. Fitesei on na, m :lnt. aa" , :ru t ,•f th.. 5 ,,..,...5.. a t - s u 0.„ ...,,,n. .ittles,
They art. rreprst X rut, 1 A MURPHY tr. IPIPIIFIELD lusettut ree'd a Dm&
Arrtic.bat more especially the disaster which be- ; ulotors, in the different purl of the State, hose
.talk, and done an amount of mischief which it ! . •
' for Inil, at '
fel the Atlantic, has .caniussed an antuunt of alremly purchased of many
Pete" greatly ' •n" " o- t "'" e .111-01.. L ECTTER-10 bid. Prime just
_ in
~i . ,
h. I , 4iHE ST SU'rS-20 ELI
,.A ' , , , , , r,:a .1. 1 , e,,.
, ig urry.. .
n, -r
t : .....i,__t., cm& no. to 1.1,J - utelil
il II 1 ; C.L"ril-I'•--IntOlhl vards lkar Oil Cloth, 5; EC: BUTT-ER-14 kegs just r;:,:'danclfor
is impossible to compute. During a four you, , rani lost year. SAMUEL P. &MOVER.
1 .1 IL •
anti fur stale by II 7 Imam amt tordiurn• from I t ' 4, tl 'anis aide. of the , a t. ~... by !rneht I'. . 111.1.E1l a itiChleToS.
residence in Europe, I have heard one elutrue I D heti apteidators take the field thus 4arly, we' , meant eese,s poser.... hUI, boll 1.1. Mitl a. boa at olatletale a: 1
against mY ennn tr Y me, which has hcen a ynereas- may lie s ure that they anticipate en eat - once in tiILY ;1.-i'PI..ES..-'-'0 ItAit,kns.ll.,,,ii,•;:.i,,
1 1 :;;1 . 6 .. ..1.: 1.5
‘,. ;E:•: . , ,, k, , ,, ,! , .. , ! n :::. , ;.:' ! , r ,.. :,,..:,' , 1 ,, ,,'; 3, 1 ., ;:,.',,, , t ' 4 ,.;:f. ,r n
, fir r n ,, Y h ' ..: ' ,, u .. ' ,.. ' : , :: ', 1 , 7 .4," i '. . no , l l it I...Nitkle'Sui 1ifi1i.',(n.ita1m.:161,1..:‘,,,N....1),,R„,,Ei1.t::„'!!„,1n1„:.F.,,5--.0.,„,1
M- It in this: tbot however brilliant may lit , e price emit , Wan thnt which they off,. mthlo totl at varit•us pr., Mat °lamed ha
I int i.. .l:l ,
a :11:1:1:
h i:II:L:1 1 F: E u 1 ,. ...D
been our political and social achievement how. We n..Uve in the if t ...t Dry (1 0 „, : t, 1t„,,,,.,,,,c 0. , :
dA NllllO. P 1 1, ‘ hi , i 1 .1. Is it lAt I, OIL' C I JiT IL --On mud. 0 ~,., pltUt 'E f.' HE MISf i GU 1-.1 ma received
ev , rapid our increna r e in population iii! moo- `7 - 7.4i,lfrable advance has token place in the
merce; however sueeeitsful we may have Lein in Prwt , Pnul I" , ,h.‘aeo-i, wool. The ~ices are ' n"'"'" ._ la, . Isms muortutent of I. I. and utp, Shu Wu, Ta Mod.) aa,
; i r 1. ,. .! , 1; . !t t u . :;•• •z t 11.....,.,,,,,1.',...tri,,,t,„C1ancr1f..ii1:rnit.711.11(.tiri1,:..:a',L:1ti;ndi.i -mt. a hubs lot hf thir posatit and auroal& Chewing t
-annexing" territory, or - reusoior our neigh- not g ,ess, berate, no regsdnr rates prersiled t . IR If'F-Itl acs : (fresh , /
A 1,0,r, s n ' '
l emit:
i. i,'2 o 1,1i0,,,R1;,:ft---,
b 5 , , 11141 MI. fiir et& low ~ ,
.. , , _ ,
.. 1:
DO - prime Nauhanurbit rotator., n, . J . A 11. P1111.1.11 , t, _sun J , Von4 'W Ow todth Ay. Fhr .....le,,trtiolevvl;l, l , KEn..B , sl. .
ma nick is turd for Fuerteninu the breath. .r, sense anti roill, at NU I and b Ducat .4. - 4 1 I.aISSEED. 011.--5 Lily. City Make, on
01,b7 J 0 It PHILLIPS. it • Land and in, ,ein by
bore; however fortunate iu est:11111511111g a repot , ' burp' , a,. lIIc mercy of tollers, Rini themiter ;
_, ay .t h:a ..
..„..,.., _ .... ', . .__. ,
- Hone form of government; that we Itre v enting o nit vil their, toe a prices. From this we infer t, j . uN DRIES-- ' 1 UST 1111 - 1) FRONI PR ILLIPSVILLE tell • " ~,,.., w,,,0 ~,,,,,• mt. .t.,
In some or the,ladelea‘ent,or bltb.lll4lll, ,hat I 111111 the nest wool IOU:n . 111 opens. the market . ;-) DM Mt& Tamils Flour. , ,cf rnrtors -2.000 tat 4 not 1. or Urren Oil Cloth. a bolo
Mat our country is large but not great; populous . will I e ch'ltrYd "( the Yid c li p. If Y... there will I
but not wive; ono:Realit nor profound. la 1, 0 .. “elnv , , kro.e.l for the new clip . a demand , so., - No. 3 Mackerel. It'
' ' .h
-' 1,:, - Ibpsic S. N. AVICKEILIMANI.
%IA Li LE OIL C LOTH S- A very large 112. - --- --- - ---
proof of such stateusents it is common to mho, : aallit tally 'tai l e to cnusY a con , torahle ad. i I lo o n tutent or rem. Covers. on hand ;ttd for sale at d ~ AiI.,IVER. 01L--lbobton. Clark & Co.'s.
especially all those peculiaritfes which indicant , ‘auc'nt ent in Price, ' 4: :: :: ti;.ti si•et, ~- 7 awl 'A Wt... 1 stout. ll t ' reed mid for ale ba
. • , , uo bu s h. Fib Corn . 1 mph: J 1 II TIIILLI PS.
_,_ -- ~„.},, S. N. trietiElttlllAM..
a transient .or a temporary policy. The eittic •
ia. : . ; n ir l l p " . ": r r t n e • : i l e , h'ullinbtnetii,,,lgie;rllncli'opri.37,l,fai,;telcoht,or,,ve...\ •
to , so shorty. , C LON' jEll
,S,EEDnna . & :111110TII Y SEED-- REDS SILKS- - 20 pee. assorted Spring
points to our public buildings, toper steamboats, I 0 •• OW,
nO •• Prii.l Aryl, for cob , by
to OUT bridges, to ouirnilrotids, IT our turnpike.. t.r kind, they do not crone into competition with T. WOOD: , .1 StIN, tattle Poo Silks, pot reed hy
to OUT police, and asks, with on air of triumph. the Lae wool of this miring: I . Prestos. Beater , mital Ctuonitution Merchants. 1 - Timothy .. put ree'd and for sale by
meta .1 .... DI LW, 1 010 t Co. .s' A. A. MASON A CO..
Sr.. Cd and et Markrl ytryvt.
,' , -; : .4 1 L. ::::::" . : , i ft. - IIII!!,/,:!!:-.PEE,.13.;,i,i1Eli.--, i n i , p 1. , , , ,:0 hn 7 T , T0 t . ,, , , ) , :rer , 1 - 4 '!' ; - :i t ) :I ,, E L S: ;:1):: . 11 - .i i i :S . f i G ht 0 , 0 , L ) p - om,
We sum... we need hardly "caution onr wool . memo_ .
"Where, . the o f
of the earth, can sulythttig
be found more unstable and more itusatisfacto- growing friends against the advances of these I tOLL BUTTKR--3 .
oos just Te e ti it 11l Dd.. •
ry'.' Ile echoes the opinion of ilickens, thut ocoomstuodating specitlonrs from abroad, who - 2 ti'm.,..Volsbr-.___
clituT ASII - 10 casks No. 1, for lade by tt,..‘ - new and splendid st, le Boras , De bOrno.
_.., S. 111011 111TH A ill.
"everything in America appt ors 'weak and lean. de.ire to htly so tar •abead of elii I i g ' IT I - rimier sit I!. tianatliuma . lna' l l
sient." When, at lost, the Sow Yorkers propce , Whatever P.Wantages ore to lb° i i. ' e n p - pe t ,{7:o7;
v.-colon), We have not , - --
ILA for xi& Icia by W ALLINUFOILD l co . .Yr)B 11 'CO- .. n 0 s ~.._Co.'s.
sad to establish a rival line of steamers to tO.l. improved prices, mop as well fall to the lot of the mehto ______
II -,-I.IL-D 01L-2 1 3 WA. No. '2, just nee and ' 1 meta
tIO Nola-40.1M bla and b's, I 13(yrAsti--S clutks ree'd and for sale .by
nerd's, the English mere); laughed .0 them._ 1 wool rower . the s
...“0,1 ricer boats i heard, indeed, of their nrrfvol in this re, , ion, yet, I Atmatty Loam ottta ti lemuti , fat lobe bi 117 MILLER t KICKt:TSON.
They admitted dm . tWe cou'lsksJ. KIDD. CO., to Wood Ft. I melt: .1. A. DILI\ OT.II dCO . mob./ =2l and . .TXI Llborty st
(so well that nut more, than oSo in Mice will col- .
Ent we need not expect n. e ll ettl t e lberts•- Irdsh. '-- It 311 VOWEI I'S CONIK)UND VFG- ¶OI.WISII I` d ..:t., • f sale 1
i rums In . na , or by
CROSS Rushton, Clark; & Co.'s genuine IDR.J. U. • ' '- • - • . •- ,_
lapse or Mort up . .) that ire cdtil , l manage a steam ilTr.,,,Y• t . LC0.1,!0,01,-15 bbl. or sale by
rs '
.1 Col biter Oil, for sale I, , J KIDD A . Vii , , ...,,,, ~,,.„.,.....
;T AMA. PO. IlElt. tor the cure of KI&JILIATED or nub! a - KICKETTOi_ttL
, . - , .
-engine or so iu our cotton mills, and wnter-works, .. , .
:whin_ . _ ..; .' ''"'' l "' I A odl nod icon .no tion remaly 4.r that esernelatinit ,i I OPS--1•.. halt a firtt Sort Its estern I s t. Y.,
but as for building solid, substantial steamships, dirsrvra Ls., aocr. ksnitainsCWIPIAIIVI -Althouith II EMPSELD-1., 1,1,1. tar OttlO lIV I
i ' --- • • a ', IA intolornMe attlietion to oho& notthertt. M the ~ r 3 I In eon. end !Or role ha
• Itot a known m a ..meremn rentuly au chronic cams of 11, 1 . i tow U., of onoine. am oilovt. It ram'. the most prompt , melsi 311ILLER A RICKF.TOON
J. KIDD a tst..4)w,i:t vt ,si , otarlAY ob 4. ' , eine 11' 1 00v , 10 1 fro dvlie k
I competent to breast the storm! of the Atlantic. ,
Li,,, _ j ,,,,,,,,
• .
they treated the Idea es a mere chimera. NOW ~ ',.,,,,. ~,,,,, ' rn. ,, ,
‘,,,,,,..r.„,::,,,,, ~.11'.,:',.:1,"...0...v,. , b ,,, ~,,,, ~,, i ~ /,
i i i. 1.411 ., Co& .;[...........)-:ur se, eral sod Um other Putsch. for Oda painful... , it Ism:Dotty barbs- ! , ~,„" s „, renal. I,
. you and I know, Mr. Editor. that Americans can t dyticy of it, rapacity and mind,. poor, in Autio and Fe- Miltumen. WO , /Volvo. AeYntn. Warobotoe Men. .... a. nu'^ ibt. shild. PA it may la. ',tallow...A vritto.ut , n „.1,, NIILLER A RICK KTiON. •
tool Masters, Coach and Mayon... Iltollers and Lainring I..%Past possild.• risk of hour,. - .
`mild as good ships ets any,
but alas..ip to ! ‘ ...sim,l i5m,„,,,,..„0„„,, , ,, M.o. it god Roller Bud Healer. Ind • VUdivr man mut - 1T,,. rrinoty Mu &en repentadly tool. end moot highly . 1( I ASST :\-1 1 X1 watts just reed, for sal, by 1
ibis moment they must yield the palm
l or the j -WW , looNtrltn, Sur ID. laid Intel. Also-Pleous for n mind , of to, or all ~ .Ir.: ivone.Y. l ' ,l 1, ''""' ''' "''' ''''''" l. " l '''''''',' " I ''''''''' I inch! Nfill.l.lllt A KICKETSON.
.trident,) ham-ever unwil li ng. to John Bull. Why! I '''''''' K ''''' ' ''''' - " LI."'" "'" "" "'' '""
l""." loill"....otra"ta(l7l;ty'bV'd«.7l7Vilat7tr'...:tirjl'."‘i; , '''' X ' .:-Fiii. Colo a , s eas •' for only to _ I __ _ __ •_ _
, Simply because John ull, more staid an CRO- I anus . oar '''''''" "."''' I. A ' " '''"'"' bl. 61 . or Inn small lops wanted:and all kinds of agcncb , at.a - I Y. it hLIIN t Crl • UIR I EL) FIPPLES - I: , t , bu i., sup. It.lpplest
-, , . . ~,, ass of Itlelun , • liver Dills. I at, ..... restored tat perfect hlto at Anal note, atlee Liberty .to..d,l'itohureh Atit.l.Elt A . I.ICH.EThON.
1 oons . we. t ever launches n seit.tionv tU I ~,,,,, , t ,.. ,.. ,, , ,, ,
_ ...r. HA AC 111011 : , ' f or .ut , . 4y L A a.. Iva Woe ac Jo. IloVOL•rn. _ ..I d " _ _____
I known Wilnt. :the is made of. Ile' spares no toil, „1,,,,,,,..„ th . „,,,,
~ ,, , ,,,,.n 0, ,,,,,, „.„.',1,',,
,I t : . " ' na .hlLlat Itorney and Intelh,omet.olllre. Fifth ..1 I at..l 11. A. Milo, PrlonliOJ. Aluthena . '"'":''''' 1 t.:1:0; AI: 110CSE NIOLASSES-40 11l
.110 money, no Care, UO 11.0:01.411; , ' 110 is e•
l' I ~„}, yr 10, 0 ,,,,,,, !AUKS SHARPE.' rilo the Honorable. the dUdges of the Court I "i ''''"
"'''''''' I"
''' lt 4 it fi' ; n i i 'l s ' im , n`:
careful with his river lAnte. They ore not , as , Fe . ssn J KIDD A Cu_ Lof Ileum - al q.rter Sbasiouf 01 the Pest, In sun 1,0 -,._----- --_
elegant no OUTS. nor ea swift;
but they are much Tyte.:s.tsla s , ha 40 Wood at. the County of Alleghens New Music. ,
-- --- Th.. ~..onn of J. C . Musa& of the Tiorn Oil p a
Monger and safer. The sad Aperience or our , , European Agency. . , AM., in ms ...minty aforesaid. !molar sbesuilt- i I RAND - POLK AII : CON- v .i r ti
(above alluded to.) fine con. ' :tots }our ptrlnonor Ilnln Providsd himself with 'materials 1 ,
I ir,CEIZT. rut performed lay IF Imn eto. ~.....,,
• 1 ~.1 oat, rut•lplistimmisil sapplatt, at the • •
firmed the English critics in all their notions or , ui , ~. , i ,„
....teat r atto. mars-am u amanT. during the mouths of 1 :11.ellowt houst, la thy troaohieaforom,:tl/ .. pra , ,. ..t . U::,
i ,113111 le bums of entertainment And toi ls
l , lititionat• tt. itt a ; ',to Comeau montsusal 1., Ir a • Da sr.
1 ~,,,,, ,
Th. , subscriber intends sPitin t , the
the owes of ; ior the acconsmodallon of trarillen, and others. g
et los
to our "tuitional superficiality - It will take :
_„,,,,, m„,.. and J nos no, &sal. P.othur,th . 31,,,,, ,ur boon. wilt Is. ;de to am. him .aea tt a .Vi.,.... rt gr., wallet, of new cum
long year of PUCCU , E , to change 030.0 notion , : . 1 t i,..od 010 h. id...... 4 to 0h.n.1 h. MO R,IWIPO id • In. 1 .1 0 10 boned, .111 pi, . 1 And. jai, tbo late popular Al a.. Is. by It
John iv as glow in forming his opinions . in ; . QM , Oonvot whirl. noi bv rottn.lo.lo his int. ' I ''''''''''''Sr"." -4
fur lbuiding his hoots, or his ailroa .IE9 roil - ,^,,,,,,ur1, Jolt \ll DAVIS ~ i , . Am•nt for 111cIline:,,
rondo. by.' the way, nre touch loiter than ours. I Attention I
better laid, better made, and ofFording swifter -, I 9 , A8L1: MATT:`,--In store ondfor sale at
travel I ti I 1 . i h.• Carp, Wm...110i10 of
I meld{ W IIat'LINTtiCK.O4 Fourth FA
Tbert is n groat deal of jit.ti, in the charge,
here alluded tonal adio n great deal , of injue.
tine; but we are pot sorry they are mode. for
they teach a goodlevon. That there ,houlit to
tendency toward —ittperfiriality - in a tie .
'irountry where labor is dear and at
employed at high ratii4 of intereii
matter of mirpri , e. In . many of
ments it is by no means had econo o t
work hastily and cheaply. For instance it is
sometimes necessary , to build a bridge:Win ,. 3
river to meet the wants of a new and pressing
trade. Fifty thousand done', will erect a wood
en bridge that will last twenty or thirty years,
while a stone hridge.sueli as they build in Europe,
would cost half a million: There is no time
to lose, no capital to spare. The sin filer sum
can be raised• the large otter tAnnot. The wood
en bridge is built and pays fir itself fifty times
acre before it is worn out This prlinnnle an.
plies partienlarly, to the railroads that have
been built through the thinly settled parts of the
country. A great necessity sometimes exists for
it railroad front one . city to another, while the
country between is a forest - It is imposst.
hie to bring a heavy capital to the enterprise
no matter how certain it nine be that is the
of time a good road would pay well. tin the o th
erhand,jt in known that cheap track that wil
last n few years will yield an immense profit are
give n new impetus to the rolling tide emigra
tam, and it is accordingly built. 'this poliey
frequently been pursued with succeoh, and it i
certainly a shallow wisdom Liter' has dii.parage
such tracks because they are not equal to Elie<
wiati railroads which pass thrnugh densely pot
dated districts..
Don't wont to die Pr.-dent. —Mr. John C. _
Rives, in a reply to rumor that himself. and F.
P. Blair aro about to start a Benton paper, says: „Zi th :ga P p ' k r ' P ainliT r "' AT t,
1 had it tram Benton's) o wn Spa that o quatalty .n.. 1 data Ink: n large TC611 , 011.13 . 7
mum The Amencan Pkneer. la
he would not bo a candidate for the Presidency . W lrt rg, Ht.bett'S Wort Counterfeit De.,
• : t'om on morning, and tt, moat of
Y w. 7, wgrklr, and.
Th°.T hos* e taken to grinding pumpkins into ° """' urr"`4`i;A::.i:in,,in,,,F.fill i.rhab
flour in Memel:nett,. by memod of which tothlnit
pumpkin pies, thu ••peculini institution" Sew4ls UM OPIUM-17,as, for male by
EoSio.d, may enjoyed at an •easous and 11 "n"
all parts of the world. the .•Cuited Society" of s.j.;;IAT-50 0 lbs. tGarrett•s) for
Shaker', at Harnr4, Must., aro the patentees, =WO J. KIDD t CO.
e 1 . 71,T10N In pant respnefullf aveltra to the
, lam. anverni.lnnt ataternita %%att. all° was cured
f nu r. 41 elsr,h 1 5 !ti r o sr , of hr Porn races
TM, mar eelally that I Mire p.e..n eared r.f . an .1.1
'Until , Came, 1.1 the ate of Four &role. of Petroleum.
tuaelne.l me a .ear up. Mat Itmetuh+r. and hiss al, h0pe...1 :;.alt Inn well. a. I i.tA tak.en the nantee
...era' ..clatn ulthunt an, Ileneht I wall tnonfltml
Inamall, Petnanum I nualmi sp. ,fteram
tr../.i,. •rd (155,1ncr, ..anhlum lune.—
I ft... the. , .tuteruunt• ut witho Ally sall r. ellatton (Tura sal
MI , ,U 1 and Mr a... parl.un that o am. Irl ,
and I....uartum um, In Mu nitsl luu are Kt. liberty to
na1.11.1, tin. cart:T....ate Ima at...l.lmluen sI Plant...l:ll,
tommu r•-stlea her. !num NI , rennlenee,
t hi. tun:, nec..n.l Pr.., I
r ralr t.. Kr} re: S 11.1,...0.11. It F.
l% An., rtr , rtr. I , Al I , A
',At II Art:. A thr pnr
- -
Forty ...ix Iwo, n. l'ltillttlelithitt
Fate-kotr bo, to Baltimore.
.241 itailroak -1T1.5 mil , - Cutt:ll.
Tiro Daily Lines Express Packet Boats. •
.1. N. i•Ly, 1:t.% rtat I..ISENGIEItS
Nk:M 11 , 11 E.
ji";. i k t ni tlt ftt
Ito. 64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
[1,1,•.crwr10,1411, Airef
Foreign and American Hardware.
No. 129 Wood Street,
A toll nenplele etnek FoREIGN AND ANFRIOAN
euetel.le 'or the ohring trade. end whieh they on, prepoted
t , oiler purehrtrero Wel, that wil3 comport , :
forrrold y with any of the ea...., Atha.
it •IA won c A MC. , — Ad vi.rtl.2l.lltx xntl
far th.n pAnk, nud for.urde,l At rep-use.
100 oftc.
we. the.robrerlbers. citizen:lr toumrlup aforrraid• do
..Alf,. that flue ..bore prlllionrr uf rrp otefor hop.
•un, iota tetuprruncr. un.l .1 , 11 pnu Ord On!, hou ,
rout. amd uurnt , urve fur thr uTournodation lodguLi:
rtrungerr awl tratrilrr., authe. sack tarrfu
tn.,a.m,dr. John M a thew Wrqhf, Cillrunnoto
.f. G iirrkrohlru, armu. 1100, ..ra , .
J Swords. It., rturrup...u. Jo. ,tout.
rr the Utonorahh• the Judges of the t:ourt
of General Quarter :leAnnul of the
The yetlhon of William Mesl..rr, ..f Pon. tn. n.hip.
In the ennnty allornrahl. hunshly •hnnetli, that 'nut - retn
..ner halt] 'ln/Third Islsnarlf •11.1, materlahL tor the 01 , (411
unolntlutt of traveller' , an.l album. nt hl. tlnrlllaw hon., In
Ihe tonnxhip atnre.ald. and trial' that Ina' lhamorm +ill In•
plra , l to g./. In a n Ikenublte hnnon n.
iertannimtntr ni
And ; enninutio l ner. a. to
in p hnuthl. r
. 1
IV, the othecnber, eNttteu , of Ile totroship nf.twaid
to e e rttt, that the ahoy. ',taint), I. ‘.ll}.W I. W. , ~
b0n...0y eud tamper ei,l I. ••Il prey .1...1 • hrh a , ure
wad ronteuleteteo ter the ILe,ansttehttlen mei Ictlgthg
.., etrano, l trreellere ten 4 thst .all to i. te-,e,
• - .
. .
i. Wanthall.Jhbn Mariln. ti; Mariner. J Eltni.. I. Mk,
11. nry Wttitt. I•latht, NI EL ...let Jnehl, .trul.i.
thrill. W.' .
..... . ... ' • -
1 1C aril:E.—The swam , ASI A. in July 13,t.
ill bnh.tght front Ctrwlttnah. \l .l Patent Chttr t; ah.l 1
C.thve, ehmatirth J. , , , 1t Itt.wrg.. O, hhhoe ' , ta
thrt•l9 oselh thht
it the rah! t 'hum. nahl . l al,. ' ,tr.. ura
r.-hrtmett by I te ;90, nil.. th, hat 1.. 4.41 ht t•hhoe ~..1..
^ 1•1;t„.7!...,,cht itt.4l,twx.... WM II 'III t:
D RIsTi k, PAPER—A superi, lot of
i .!,_
le at
ItAtutzt l'atwr.•,,:t37. i ttv . l . l ,t i hrj,ttl:,Z.ts" ..2 :
,n,b ,. .'"_ , i• h t..t ,iDrY : C•P! 51551 , ..!t 5.1 Swt•nrot Alt
. ,
tr..... , r...... the I,t 01E,
i.....n i tru ti,. tNinilitr—the i tip, i - -11. V,,- , -ni ....', 1 ,
Inirtive.outti :r.•, tn. ^1111,1.• In -tam
• outh., tor Th., I, 1
I Hrf,it'it r' Oitfur Frtirtnii -
ii.,,.n.iii nbi It.,,nr, No ...1,
NlrlOU ritl, lim U.t•mit , N••
I f L, livrtmultur.t. fur Nltir eli I
Tn.. ctou.ut.A. - 1
linitiotiary olitc , hattle, No , , in Um Lart 11u, 1., t J 1 , 1,- , -,ii- r. w t ...,
I littor i a ilieti,uuni .1., 1 t , • ,,,,,, ~
11-tir t ,Lai.a4.. a .I
1. 1 - i a th.. Art,' of 0 ....r,
I 1,. 1, I. I: .Itta,... owl,
Large Sale of Valuable Household Furui-;
1 tare. .
- 'S •
di IN TIACItSPAY, )lAltell 13th. at 9 al . -
1 k I -`,...... N. I, at the r,i,r.t. ..t Si II EBB,. ,41 tl.,
~..,titt Itaii .1n t, Lit, ot 1/1...., II). ady.1111 ,, , ~a a' a , •
1111, 0, Alir.p. t.... i . wt.. , ittfrre‘l 1nr...1 , tn. , ..,... I
ot h. Itto, hold IF intituturr, rolvt,itti.a i tt ~...•
attl l'it, ~•••••• Nluliti.tmui t it rm. I. Chu,.a a 4. a fa
1,1... 1.. mi o ... i'...h. Ph r mitt t nt,t I an..., 1.... it... t t oil.
•tstt I. • I' A sin ,if lin , . WI, alai It aa.a. , `H• , a , a .. CL ,
an La ,a 4 o ttomaio...iran.toice. tart ant: n. 1•int..;,...t.
t r. Nut , t , I tar...mita:l Mi t tualiciganti 6,4. Lir dm
.. 1P.m.1 g c 4., turn: .mairt...ri . I la. N .tr rualio•ant t. ,,, [
tar., hat giack. umnr•llii Anima. oil riot! .4..1. . •zi.l, `,...1
tt , i•Pit mtitioirm, J. walnut witriltml. , ,i. 1 mit•nitm.ut
1i..• al drifoinit lum. I l iali , tnalitht•lly .1i1,L.,,,,,t
-', .....f 1 .t , ft t.ti , n' , . ..ittP.,_if Cheum.m. itii.l liit,l,-ii
Yurniturr4 cnti, rbil,f, wr ot e, .1.,,.... rvsYrr , •. 1, .1 11.
I;rfl?llllZfl'at'"allVllLttrr I:a t k . \ 1'!t:11 ,T,=. ` 1Zr...1:4V:
t::!,`,:•;;'iosrtl;',V,l=T:::".l;l.l..—:‘..rt:hr,; I.;''..'.
at ma , . attn.
Tbere gni sl.» ht. tradttntl to Ott tale a Grtt rat , I,
aNILLTIZaa. lar.te sad In good order...tract. haro,trara..or cart.
'and • v.r , t , r a ..... 1 . varuming Eto tbr 'EWA 6,.
lltt lI , YV LE.
ALLIGaiSi errr. 31rarch .—l.ra Auct rt
`lE: + ttLS - 14 cails (ftrat sort , ) for bui.• ly
I tilt,
FEA".IIERS--7 Sacks (prime 9 for sale by
_ha Kb,. a bIeCANIPLE , b.
rrAR! . 7 B bbl. (N. C.) for sale by —
atabi ° WICK l 51cCaKKLEKa.
, 01); LIVER OIL--Warranteil joure, on
I_.) a rababY. limhtorti Clex i bt
i t ,i, ?..i, thbotiKA, h.r pal,.
trichl . c'orb.l4'ost ' a ' oll\t ,( J;ta
9 1 003) PILL BOXES—AbTssorted a
co ea,
1 JI, (hrLayalr!bi B. A FAIlb Ei,K
yorbb --.,"
".O"L en side " B A FAlL i.....i.cli ..t CO. .
LAr'lTUcAltiUM=Enklish imported. for
.Ab• by ma, B. A VAIINESprCK aCO
PUTTY -In bladders. in assorted dined
~,q: w'": """ Br B. A. FAIINE:YTOCK A CO
VWEN'S PLASTERS—Large and small.
K.A Cd •elm by 11 A. VAIINEnTOCK A CO..
rovh%enrner Fire. and Wool "tr.
offi,s_lo6 141 7- 11115 ES rood ved and
IL tar sale by LIM , C A W.ILARBAL.:II.
IEATIIERS-410 sacks Feathers received
and for nab, by war 5, .i. 0 0 .11ARBAC 0 1 1
__.. . _.. ,. .
, DULL BUTTER--5 Barrels re ,m per S. I
1 -I r ..rn rn "'''"'" r ' l "' 1. A w. limulnuffii
. .
) hls.&. II) kgr. No. 1 Lard
1[2;t12:;42(.r ..B.lkr ' '
inn, ,
Wegner, Buechner & Mueller's
1ilt: ABOVE FIRM respectfully an' loon.
to their rigemle u and
n the 1/tibi , le kenerilly. , that they
n'nrleisr"7,7 I.oor....;cd!...liillath..itrlin'i;t''s!Y,l"Jltr‘ekv.'N'lt.iitn''.'
awl ProbwM.nal Carts, M.,.. Charts. Iwyoeir... de.
Thetr esiablmlitnetit i, at No 00 Market rtmet. I. tlreem
Third and Vourth rtrett, no .irm tomb) if
. - -.._
1, 1 , GG S-3 bbl. bar tale by
mebY Ni NI. 11. ArIINe.TON
. _
LA RD-- -- 11 kegs in store and tor sale by
..., w„ ~,,ii,,,,„„ _
(iBEEN AI'PLES --55 libl. for sale iiy
nit) . A I'I'LES--,50'1m. for sale by
nteMl W3l 11. JI)11NrlTON
I_l ICKORY NUTS-17 lobl. for sale by
Ai ITill.) LEAF T08A(...~ 2 Idol. fir sal,
V,/ by tnehh It M. II JI.UNSTON
l ir ,cs'rElt—A SALESMAN in it Ur ,
V tit,J. .ton'. Son. but • Mttate liand with 5 , ..;'rr.:;:?....r", nldd Y Enousn . at tole uttim.
4,... , , l'lt I NO FASHItiN FOR I 1 . -This
- 3 10 autlftil 0., le of i f ...... avizi .,,, i ft......,r, R 1 . e by
mot,; onmer Wrml 0 mud Diamond alb,
Vitr.'NTAietr. " I " ra { S rnre j lt E rits " Wa l l : a l T• i n t we% Sll.l t A; l L lr .it r
140.4 -. 1,60% :loom.. and hutter huieew, Table Cutlery.
Mount oualltien only,/ • Lamya of all deeermhous. Mr
Cburchea. :hams, aunt. , Walls. and lisellim,, Yin, Ca
Jailer., lino Itraekem, Os Y Iv ture, Nlllitart tycwal... uf all
Lin,. (told Non; tilulerW and (it,. Cutter,. binniumb...
r to
44.1V1.11, .14) *lore in underiming retuyim in (writ. ea.
tmer , Pi t h whnd Me in 'lir mar of the emre ‘ tentraum it
f r oga, a tarot !LINA or the atm, trNard , sod at all
Imunilr Os prmea.
C y , IVstrli repairing 'hop on the neeond miry
mat: W. N. WIL,ON.
corner Fourth and Market am
p,tu Et, BLANR BOOKS.—Ti., Subweri
laer woullt rewpertfrilly rall tbe attend. of Ntereh
sub.. Bank!. hubhc tllllem. ind all who tow lilmk Bold:,
to hla largo ateet or Itban). Work. wbieli i... made
lo.At Linen l'ap.r. sad Imuld in the taunt nub.laulial num
',,',.',,',l7lithwhlir,:llt'irirr's't inu'llerite,•..7rail'lrlit.s....4!"‘:rylltizt„l'ehl.
endue all' murk. Which will
otted nt ine luseet
yirires I. C., S.TOCKTIIN.
meta Nu. 17 blariwlt .t
T iok Hi be received. by Oret canal arrivals.;
' o3 ' rillttrl ir , :I ', Ttl ' , yl l u ' u:w t h ' . u b ei n ty ' t ' ld ". t:Z lr ia P l 4.l NV... 4.o•‘ .
In/tvlber. with • Large lot of elle :rutin and Ommou Pie
Trbi af, 11 mod at. .
1 fol4var Fire Brick Manufacturing Comp'y.
TIIE, SUBSCRIBERS, having been ar I
pointed Agents fur the . lacer carrecl concern, Will
keep 01.1.01antlY or. houd • soma, of the etlebralcd Bolivar
rim Brick,Crucible liln• Clay. i ornery Ileartheand Ismail ,
They rewire pmPanst to'reeeive onlers toe cold Brick. to
be made in sltizeld khans to suit purchasers. which rball
\l ' 7iro P ti tt o l t S a reM:lt treteseen'T . enumerate the many ut
1 nages the Itolliar lire itriek vows+ over n11.1,4-I'. that
heir been offered fori , sal „, 2n
t t o lie o t t Vted Irate, their .14,e
-rept rtrcl". The prep ' rletora hartneleZo n' ortta k T II::
at We now of their present envtable reputation,
sod that no en - cl:WI be opara , l to make them even
better than they ha a heretaforn been. This Wale ~rity
eatabilshment no* ufarturinre i i i i g. ,Brk at Bolivar.
Canal ilial . ri, Seventh it. Piti',lul;th.
4.IAFETI for FUSYI-15,0 00 feet Bacon, lick.
tont Co.'. make. worfarood, sole ,
sochl J.h DILWORTH & CO.
McCOBD et, CO., have reccirell
st eof Rts, to watch the, ...
4911111=t1W1412,1t; the att.:l29m of their euetomz....
Partner Wanted.
APERSON, having a thorough knowledge
of the bushiest, In all Ito month.. arid
nienina n. two.. • Wirier to an eatabliebed baainroo.
eon bear of iritualiqn by Vigririf at Mao dam
N. It. No caplialaral nature.
Blank Books.
rjriliE largest Stook of ISlunk Books, of 4,-
Iry dearrlEtlon. a 131.1 byt.liny AaenPal
" hKrt ram. at
..met Mark. au.l caad .ta
ler. halo. ari. re que.1...1 to nn, examine anr al
A talt
aea awl 'Nan] lllauk al..rlca. lorh are alien. al
ll raY.Vlln Iher hay.- ever 'wry oal.l. Itt, cat
a.: and 1141,1C1111
I). KIN 6, Flanker anti l -..'bong' Bro
. {Ler. Elurth dval•
y ll
i fir kEre .1! Illy FJ,trrls awl mataa ALaalco, in th.
In ,a r 77777ki. r ad•er nal,n
SOD.% Ati,ll— > lo,pratt's TortLioality nn:
otrt•ngth. EY a:- N.-,
I I A . it E
L1V.5,1.,\1•:;..4.Z1N E.
Tlunt •tuL. t.
114' 4 oit \ LE --
I I 1. .... ~..1
1 Nt 4,0 r fur Fl.lllll. Curia I
•J'iltvv.,...own, L. 111 paJJ.I *A 7, Ivuro. 120
1 , 01.1 • 0i1... trk,..11 naue lu Iter fu
. • a, • 111 !IV J
nivl 1.1
I.llll.E'r ••.ii t,lac. by Leeeil
~ti It OW uru, ureAuwe ,d,
4 . 01 Is ' . V. ,•urth p4lr.t
...rug 3r10,. lu4P.',u,
r. IVam luloatua. I
th, nu.luru ,t,lJ+
2011.1 d,
t 1 , 1. ES - ?1..u1.1
1 - um 1,
11 1
ITU. A .... 1,..z t• N D Rms___
3 3 . 3 3., , 3 - 1 3.3 3 hi. 1......, Na.:l Mao. 11.rter...
~,,‘ Eit,El,l, -,., to, re,•:.t. ~,, ad, '. 21 rHLEIr CW . 1111114 Illi
( ,„ .6., ~ . A 1 , 1111;1,1 , 11 ... t a 1.... 1.... 111.e....1 AA 1 4 .... tr.
int , r 1,0 n.d. r 1ia1....1 , 1...a.1.
pOl.l. lit TT Eit 1 , 0;11.. tr.... 11 Roll 1 : ..t !..... ,. ...L1.. t . ,
. a..... ,r,...
I \ 1„,
' '''' ". ''' '''
- A M . lit I'll sl,ll '
121A.A. prnne r....114.r,
}-,;r11. v .„
A 4 1:1:E... 4 . .U 4 PLES—..../ 111,1. rt.,•:,1, for ,tlr• •
II • , 30,3, 33 aIV II lint 41,3•11 ,
I ‘" L ' — ' . ' " ' hi ' " 1 '" '''''.': t ''' s ''" l ' . l ' i i . p t..cEivED PER EXPRESS, a large as.
nrL;- A IA 11 %SIB ‘l,lll
Il ...rodent Af the f , Moan,: cad. L..
f\ !}:4.0 01 L,— DI 4.1.1 r.... • d, 1, ad le I.y„ , ...In., N.A.:R.377mA, iial.7_,dlll.l..l.n.Frev2rt,„..M.roanght
I A m-be. .1(11, \ 1.1711.1 a 4 1 1 , '.:,•,...7,i..1%.,...d..w,K...,7,1,. ,- , : r A (n .c x 1 -,,,,,,,,,,0..,, g ,, zz
. _
, LttVERSEEII— , ; lot lor 441.• 1., 1 1.1,, 11ru.d.........0.1 A nylide. Care and ,er. 4 - 1 . 4 . 44,,-
...t.-. Bat, Cbasittlta and Id, 4 rola: Wl.* Brrakfard
"""''' lI7TI '' '.. ' " an,. Ininitee - 1 - and ...abenl.rrd pn..n Caw
4- iii., l'eS 111'LE:• —,11 11.1 lln fit to .tr dor 3 ' ' ~' : 1,,,, , , s r:: . ..i.a
„!; : 7,. : - . 1+•:,, , r,, ,,,, ,kr.1ni b .:,! . ., ,, ; . ,i 1 ,5;
I, n' ^ ' 4 ' 4 ' 4 ' f ' .4 '... ''' ' . " .:.7:..V . ...e7d - tmone - !,7 ;',.3,3c13 ' .. r.adrauls4,3 . ate Ems'
id 4 4 1 4 0 N LITTLE aO, L , A A MASON d. CO.-
4 4 n. Ml 2 and lat Market et-
- - 4, . - 1 5 N4 a ..-,- ~uitaltle •
1V A , :,,. ( i. ' „ N n ..,T,. , i ,,.' !I I ': t. ''' g " : 1 .: 101.iWI - R — i — il 'iii - 1 - 1 :1- -:' , oi"§I; Wel i(;i1 is teri
~,...,„, 3.. •1.1-... N. LITTLE d C., , , m , , , , for
~,,,,,,, kit . ,„..
..._ i' ' No dAI Wood etrket.
1 Ait i/ OM- id 1.1.1• fit,.. \F Ili t,, , r.tratneti. 1 ' 'Kll ,
' l'sl'll' t• C'l • I.t ACON —l6 cask.; Sidets rind Shoulders.
353 , 3 n • •• Is ~...3 -In-.. Lip r .,31 33, ...rotor, ',how., r No. I. fdred4e . .,.
~s 1 CO NV A L1 4 :01. 4
11/1:1 , 1 CO
1- 3,;;61 ' ' '
.g./I . r.i
aul—e•ribe ra. tomb r et, la a •• Whet..
,tett• 7 ... az:Jr, Mel, • be eh,. etlf•olaeal
•-e41,131 tt•llanahr.l httatr••••• •.1 Ilea ala•vee Itrm 11111
e 2, NVIIITL. a Jet% •••• • bet tab! rytettlettio• the bu
ajtetaa at Ow abl ,land 1.• •••AIST.
JetllN 77 WTI.
Sturrnrcnis, Fa, 24, 1 4 21.—,Enda: 44
L7‘; Alt AND ES
I .at led. N. O.
0. :n.t . r.4o•it'ln, - . ,r talt. by .
' •lBISt It LITLI. a 01
V—V —' - - - • .
.:Et; AR---50 ltill, lowl'iVllig. t., .a.. 1 , 1 -
raelgi's 14/111,Cl. LIVI'LI: a 01
IiMED 111::,:f —5 tr. S. C., for Ktly by
~ mcltel 11/11-11t0,5.1.1T11.1,1 bn.
N EP LASSES-p WA, .„ , 's. II.:
•...n. arol to arrive. -tf ,
or oale 1, .
L. 00' AT ERMAN a E• 1 11N: , . '
lorbr. , _ 20 , .1. 01 Mau,. awl ~ 1 Yn.ia rt.
FISII—{O bbl. priinq,Jar;i. \... 3 )I,lel,,erel,
11,1 tat In•; , •••tlan
10 - Baltimore 'brio,.val.• 1.1 -
melalt I- 0. ,Y Al 1.1,11 vlt a ~,,11.
9 1 ANS ERS' 011.—:5 61.1. 1,, nalf , I,
cuth, I:0111, 0V LITTI., 00
fri . BS tt. ill'cicEN--60 .107..
1 Illtek , IA:
mrht. L S ~ A rtnm AN . A ,INA.
4 . 1 LASS-350 W. 6., City and
(%/outry hrarlit. lAr üb , br
N,l'. TEL M N A 511,,
g 1 O) ,is__l:2,, doz. fancy and ! .n.od con,
TuTig ("`" an"'.. T 1:101 A
EED,—go'' t.trietly . prior.' ve
• 4.1,r Seed:
um] 5 Ls., rack•••l
L ,WArrit , lNN
m , h., •1 6 51 1, nt• L •:
BACON casks ILm..
,t 1•1 L.r•,.1.•
A1,1.1Nt,"1.1, 111
OIL - lad. N,.. I. ...I Laud 31,1
, ~
111r11: ,
L6‘)rit.ll.ll, ~
E. LED riIIiPOSALS gill I. reek•i,
1. - 7 0.11 Ow I,:th f.r the tari•.n•,,,A....
the 11,,ettou 4.1 the g...nn•An,•• r ‘t
,ttileet !
.11"' "f„.
.1(1, 11.% • .1.
.1 Nil 1,1111...
113011 , 1t1
8001 , . for F..hrmkry, Art
JUatipr‘..n . f..r
T ., —ln 1.14. r.,.d av iNal,• t.v
AC , K. E . , It EL— i ", l .
r t . ~ r 1 ., ,a10, ,b y
l'\ I -
11 1,1 Ih.for.A•. Att i ,
I Cor l o Itrvon.
I , A. AI.IAA rA v nro..h
lVlutlou 1;I AAA. 3.Aorted
. With n c..m.r.,ln...ortmeut ip f..r Anle
1.1171. F. A 1 ,
I 11 1Z El)
I.OC It— lA. Rams., k Se,•tt'.
for A.Ale 1, met,.
. .
t y ) TAsti___b rtkrls t i olro) for sal, by
IRIED : t:PPLES- 7 !p , t
- - -
trACON--lr:ipc. i'or oak hy
11_ moo_ _ ll'h M.-CA N
1-I II KORY p 1.,. for oak
.1. \c ,•1:.
rmaTNCTS— II hag, for mak I.v
nuss wtei: a 11.4..0.10.1:,
B UTTEIt--I 1,1,1. prime Roll. for 6101, by
wb MA' CS
ALLuATu,s--14 aud
•oriani. •nle hr
136 doo. V'ornA for ~1„
Insbn ICK
11AP b l'I . NO PAPER-34S reams Crown,
ACKEREL- PdA bbl. No. 3, for sale by
1) It R 111. , ,Nt bos. , es ,. (fre i sl.4 . for
I AICI)---14 kegs No. 1, for sale by
Temperance Notice.
lig l'eLltiont fur lb. enactment of nrololutory lass
torminrt the .al e of Intoxicating Immo.. In Allettl.rosCou
y, oro rooursted to hand 01 the ,lltionaimunstion . lt.
A 1.. Us., No. tut Sniltblleld street
l'hose who Date not their tsentiotts by signature..
arettntursonl nso CT. ex , rtiou donna fig. wort
matt:M.l,n A. It NI WKS .stsdelart
. .
EarsOrtorl Hour, to POLoburoll urlrobroY
lonort w L. U.. utile*, l'ltt•totrUU Uorotte.
JIALM 01L—B --- 00 lbs. tri store , fur sale by
IL awl, MILLER t airtul - rNo.
A LAItET IV IN laid.. Bordeaux.
ll° boxer faro
-1s" hbds. ]Taut Sat2trns Nrpne
ma? limn a ILICKLII3ON.
3,IeCLINTOCK inviies the Kt
; ntion f.f throw wiAhlog •funn.h. In hi• •hrk of
lorh arw ronovo/I from lbw tnntolfwetUrwrw
' 7 "" 1 . --- - -
rr \ . • -'
' '
FRI It A NSPA lik. - NT \ . DONN • SH Alli..s—
. .1 .. .f .„ ,. 7 02, , nr , , T r tr , r , d I n be found at the Oared Wane
, meild W IIeCLiNTOCK._
: 1
„ - ` ll ' .--- !;T''"r
, '': . rmeato f ;l .
,ft „:..T„„.,.:,..,„T:,; , ,... , . i , n. ,1
1 .: 1 ) ‘... , 1..d. : 1 1:.I.1. Matto. I Mns ad for We at
ni u ,,, N.ICLINTOCK.
• r ', .111E}:*1' I NGS.—W.-MceLINTlk'K i-I..ite--s
thentud,lnds df purchme-er,tdtt ,, ae,ortment nf Shen,
0,0 .Lt S.. C !•drted _
N i ci .
61 I . I Hi R. MOLASSES .1. Si 11l j , s_._.
~,, .--) ..,, N.,... r. It lArde tout du 'AI 0 and If tn.,
.I to, euudl
rain ! ..."., • ern,lted alai ,nol.lonet Let ,:n.ia.
St w ar
I . :..) ht ter
el• n. 0 t‘u d ar. . .
• ' .'' :: :' ! I : '' . .f'!: !" 1. '" .. St.L'ufr.
2o " n"p. ,„.‘„r,...4 for bY
' 1
All ES A llT,Tli'lll=4„ViP"t.
riltsfiaTCo- 1 15kt•gg Six
Grant , .
- Itonnld.
,h 1 211VCTVICE
l'" t i L Lt .:0 I.blo • D 4. ,p ~• .
MI. :.1"....,Nr. ,1 1 '
~"1.1, 6,M. Rattill,
, bib Tlntothl Sew&
:. , 0 - Clover -
'" 4, ea.'', Sweet Malww, Wm.,
W' Ma:. 'armee.' 018 bawd and for =le b. 7
wwitl ' Illt./ICN & Kink:PAIL:ICE
Itrraer. Canal 'tank. Allesh , o7• the Water Works.
lIESTNUTS--12. bu. just reed and for
N 0.116 Water ureet..
A.llD—r , blde.. No. 1 Leaf Lard;
3 kol., " I.l6lraeti
..n2f, Kale I,y. IttIirJ3RIDOE INGIIItAII.
So. 11. Areet.
.110 LI. BUTTER.—Ten brls Bull Butter
,reirnl sod 1.3 . ule by
T,\l:-150 bbls. in store and for sale by
'Water Fronts..
fa I —35 1.11, for sale, be
_ -
COPAL VA li I SII—Bhls„ hf. bbls.
for IsT
\L AC L--No. 1 in- ki t;b i No E r y llAb . y
brls No.iiastor sale
iiLti : w r i la ..
Water a Flynt
p(YrA TOES - -I 00 bias. Neshannock•
111 n.
For al.. I, T. R . OO SOS.
CI Wet, sud G.l Front et.
& S w ifts, and Trow
C. 11. i IS---Er. ll
CI • 8.."'" as 6'51
lint., for ;ale 1,,
tirorero and Tva
1 4 1 01 t SALE—A pod SORREL M driN.,
11 r'."..""' Cr. 9,111.02 Ftnt Wke.
. .._ .
rr s if i SHARKS of iltig Stock for 1011 e at 1
gall n.h. WO. A MIA. a CO.
- .
ti IS STOCK-15 rharos for sole b
00. A. 111 LL Ly
I; .t N K STOCK - - - In shares Bank of Pitts'g;
- Exchange B'k:
i 4; I
, n , .; I• ;(...:;:At! %Vti A. MIL k CO.
aBEES API' I,ES----'25 hhis for sale by
I 64:17 r I; litY. marrutats t Co.
I 1 1t , 1E , 1) 'BEEFT,,,Evansia: Swift's Cineinna
-7 wm: A. m&Lunot .k co.,
f,•1:,: ..!..V. Llt.ert, “..
(i Op FlSll—Surri..r hn - ge Grand Bank
" o:1 I."'"
iII tt I, I, Bt'TTE It —A few bbis. on hand and
fl . t ''''' . lr h'.
AMILI:±111 a •BENN MT.
1 . .,..!5ec0m1. Awl 151,FlpA lit
) A COS PAPER - 1 5 bale. Cincinnati II
II Y.e... I , or ./.1.. I,
ALL I , Turat PATENT ME111(11NES."
M.rl r.ot froln . I/11..4.nd
%irommaavu.t.r. Felt. 21,11 , 51.
Mr E. • —lour Median. tar unld. all otb.
Medhnnet.. the an , beountinn morn and
.nod., The hotlt Pill.. "h. not G. ut.h. ago..
„. n ri t .11 tot.. •
0/14. Wh. , u. of your Liver VIII.. Vert:nit.,
..thl rut.. I.nestl. In etrnnt: lento of thrlr good
n nat./. .1. GIMES."
Ltrrlitoo Farad, q L olloin. no• prer.nrol with mate.,
nod of the notttlialpt. Ity IL C. eF.L.LEIM N 0.87 Wunl
nut no, I. hod of•rall, 111.1211
_ - • _ _
PAI . F.II 1 , ..m. 24 byr. II Printing Pape
•• 2/ 1,,
/..y 24. 21 by 24 by 34. 2S
, t 41. by 13:
/n nn... n
Ur,. Sums - l'ar , r:
/1,/ hum ,nd :mg!" Cru/cnnuf•
Tbe ud,re/JIINI rnual,
arl .gtli un hand
auntruen fur t
~r lur vuer
5111,1. an, I.etter. liar/Juan al
.. and T,a reperu Bonnet
51u—Yeitmg of all fur rap., manufacturer , .
1, l'ap, unler un rburt nutk.u.
J. L. 6111/1:.
1,525 rnrner ur l'eum nod Irwin /J.
S 1.4 Z I }..S-311.:111CACtb..1 Oil;
Itcll Butter:
15 luxe,
,Abuser Pam Saleralus
14 lounonc.
1,10 extra erramCbcenr.
ICU dearoCuratton Brum,
5A , d buelk. Dried I.cae.hmu
• bbla (Unhurt Nut,.
I hal , Sbccp ITlte for rale by
J. IL CANFIr.LI/. 113 Ytont
- - T2l SF-F. NIGHTS
Monday, Tuesday, and ‘V !.tv Evening 9,
March illth, 11th. and 11: ,
AT WILKiNS 11 ALL 11.11.1. ROOM.
For ramtcrulcro programrarc. own' m ray cc
cit. Cramort to coalmen, at 7'. c;cdrc.t. .rds of a4n...
2. cracts. So Calf rrin
r ~ o / . /i/....t/W.V all; 117 T. mc 31Arrh
I Zrli. tor , nth Laza atoraccl.llrancu....-Y, "roclll Pt"
ccnt tu the lady. manor Ow orl,nal conun
drum. • cplraraccl an I to t , ..• i.e.tlon.,
Innutinn Xi/I,r Cup. Comm:from. criii rnravral ,to
rtom.l to h. Urn,. Charm., Hon nno AVralcacntac
ntruram. era aclran. cuscramt , ndi I adcraral ham
tho nudicnre nc ' itrablrant
The Celebrated Hungarian Vocalist,
BEGS to announce, to the Ladies and Gen
titmen of rlttAhm-ch. that ho to.
eat ataldu4truutental Ilttxtral
by the eRMru.
Western Insurance
Ladies' Dress Goods.
1 opeo—ne. ',tiles of Dom Sara,
i • int.:ruble 1.00100, Derzne De Loinisr.
lonnark t Kntemst Yreoch Hons. do.: Fe.
Tho sin , • milt., strzurion to their ester:vivo worriment
„f Engisni Prints and Chintm; Palm I,
torn On Chintzes: and innxL. In general. offered at /mama:
toCHINEAL - 1. ceroon beet quality, just
nod aml for rale by.
G LUE -1 bbl. White Glue;
J. SCI " 100A1 7 / 1 7;21n CO.
EFINED BORAX-15 cans for sale by
QPONG g-2 triitge finest Mediterrinean,
0 fry 'ale by 3. ECHOOSMASER k CO.
ANDSCAPE PANICEL.9-3 dos. for sale
LI by Dual) Y. KIDD IMO., 110 Wood it.
" • -
1" Ekadren al,,frre awl C. , frra /AT'
.v., in
TrESDAT EVE:4ING, :Nl.Lnk - 11 11th.
IP rill le a.nist..l by th. ea,bratot
11. LANIOSN: and the Phinixt. HERR
ff-Z - Tirket , SO rent+ raeh—w he had at the Munk Stores
and Il t 1., and at the
4 , trl won °penal 7 o'clock—to ~ .ntruenot at
toeht.'t -
. •
YorO4 Ken's Mercantile ,Library Assocr
‘1111..1.0 Emidesx. of
rltuu• U.
tott. rrerurod. tip. Itut p utute. to de
liver to it+ tuctuber , And the ritlront of l'lmhutsth SCher .
0t1y... "writ. nl Lemur, vrry lately pn l.nml, and upon
Ti t o t .nort, rocourite ria I...c.urr" thr ett , rpc,r or
etobraritot tho follnwtnt; hdu , .
I. lutrrviurfort 1.0, or tttrt,...t.
1. Pawn,. •
et {WPC
4. Wor.tditr.
The Lecture" wilt he titvett on Tur,tl.,,, Thltr.layt and
aturtht , oture..xtdvflt • couttortoidC o, t lituctd 2 l cves
nbd tic, nooniug %di
Tickets for merni.err. tnnl^ n'inr tb^ ..... rn , .) rnn
ohnunr.l Librarier.. •.1 11..r.h.
t tl
o do
•1;1:1':1!:,!;;;" - '!"" 7. . r •
Itieharil.m.' , aria '. 11. Eaton orcli7
twit open at the .I77II.W.VUM Ltorai
cireols tiiin ea.
1.1.11i.1ay tram, of i'llitrelte, erti , ninft
the lain., elnigtm. Ititor. 'with It. licautiful
altiviitl er. the ini.Kt 1134ra...tit. awl int.-mating
The tott hi ir may mat a:omit' that 1.1,1 keteh in 1111. U
I.l.nomina tatou on the .mit. it Mlif , .init mi
sit it ha:. ...equal
'25 • mitt, rhil.tren 10 years. half
••hti3O,o eiery ermine during th.• n.mtrumnic
whi ,htu
nt n'elorlt A 19..1,1 rhrwrtneut vlll
h.. made with Fr . h onirc Haihtreh shcrahl hlNltht awl
Mit,tort exhibition.
. - . .
4 t .
-- BETWEGV three !Ind four miles
aat ..t Pitt.burdlt, near the Farmer , : and •
u .eh Li s t Turnpike Rod! testens woof the
. Fourth stn.,' and about one tulle iron
drwt rty.
The subscribers xrpertfully give noti.. In their crestont- . .
pr. and 41. u. public general!, that their ostensive urvet
ivs. trptenhounes. de., Se_ mot. c,trhat between 150.00
and - .1,0.0t5t Plants. nll of whielt omit a health.. condition.
FIll'IT TREE. , — Cnmutinc ttf Apple.Pear.l l um.Peach.
(1'..4).!1.1;thrn P3h-1V1T:'..A=4:',.':."..r.'r,:4,vP.-;i47;‘,..
t.h. Sonar stnple. Enttliolt I..lmlett Amencau Linden. lon
hnnlw 1'..; Is). halm ..1 tith-ad. Poplar. -,Ceeping Willow, •
White ILlrkod lbrah. Tulip Tr,. Hors. CM:stunt. Paulow
or e . Weepinx Ash, Englieh MI, I:nglish bins-.
more. Mwittolia Triuctelu kr.. Se.
CealiarrEAgill-VArraT3tkx.All. tt'll.:'•!.."ArCL.hiljorPZ..'
litl,!!VZrl7.l4':.‘:.',l4 Y r:`.i.4!!:.`.'i'rx> l .l4: ••ii=:.
I -,llprvi.r 1 S lokfp 1ii'.3 . ...- . - r , b "r"'".
t It t.--. 1 Ir . s •topevb collet-I/on of
;Fuchsias. numbering :::, V1111.61.A. This power is worth/
1 tof then ttento,u of th,, , e who wi.l2 tournament their Me
d'eSTany of them the ft st rat, numberinjt Over
70 verieti s n elarnes, .... t 1 , -totml or CLAM - rt. Etterdleetn
in. Ituna Mites.. er Ten ts.-et,t. d ( hincre flyer, Bourbon'
Anse.: Nortet.te I.'s., IC brat Peritctun7. or ltemontant
Itrwes. A great number , tf these on. tstrGetly Lardy and
lite an freely thraueltout the .untinter ceattrtn.
Al.,—“ceartinua.. o l.. l,, t• rs- eseent,. esetu, dr.
N. 8.—.1 11 orier. MU" tn-are , tnttanied with the cash.
or nomlacter) ren.r.maas.
Plants ...rrun, - packed 1..1 S 4 1:q , , ,, 1 , 14 ,, g .dir. l,oo
to any part of the United Slate, ,
. Person. whdung to ornament tho 1r pie:v.l3re grounds
Id do well to gtve tr. a call. a. wet ink our fiord of
Evergreen. conned be rurpattrnl of the Mountain ,
now covering ...tae nen. of ground , and numbering from
da to I , ..ffst. a gnat number of which aro of a Plate...a for
!Te:V:l7l U :f , :f dhnstAtter, Planting es.ocuteA I,T mutratt
on re...tumble terms.
We wish all lett,tes to our ...Lire. duartaal to Wilkins I'.
O_ near Pdtshurga, 'dare tar: will dud Inumalutta attetr
thos. •
Orders loftat our stand on Market Oars, is the Diamond
)locket. will 5.0 d imutnjiate attention.
The publlo in general ant invited to :all and exasultut nor
dock.. Altera. l / 4 21.1 to visitors 01 , 11 ink crty dal . extort Sab
bath. . WM. A JAS. MIALINX/1.
mrhstdr•tkutr , t , T
Cumhes. in hi. ralitabl.. writings on the - PhYntologr.of DI
-1,004" °bermes that /I donmuti. of the true quantity
of timtrie Job,. is prominent and all parealling enamor
Ityrrepnim 'and he mates that es diatinguishol professor of
medicine, to London, who was severely afttiettal with this
nomplaint, ererytlahn else to hal renoarar to
the Gastric Juice. obtained from the rumaelt of living an-.
Dual, which por.fred completely succarefol. -
Dr. 'Houghton 's 1 . )-1,1X. the trot. Mt:noire told. or us..
tete Jute, a Great Dropepnia Curer. prepared Trout Hornet.
he fourth stomach of the Os. after &Yenta.. of Baron
'Arlan. the great Physiohnocal Chemist. by .1. 8. 'Hough
ton. D- Philadelphia. to.
Thin la a. truly womlerful remedy for Ituligentlon. Hy-a
nemia.. Jaundice. Liver Coinplatut. l'onotipation...d
ratio after natures non mental. by nature'. own
agent: the Gantrie Jule,
The Gastric Juice it the great solvent of the food, the pu
rifying, praren - ing, stulating agent of the stomach and
intentinn., Wit an
hout it there can he uu dis.ertion—sua eon
semi. of And into blond—no untrition of the lasJy; but
rather a foul. tetra. painful, mat destructive conditionof
the whole di surenidaratus. A nest, hail dead, or Dr
jured stomach prodocer , no gerd t:adric Jake, and hence
the disease. dimly, and debility which
not this want may be I.l,llitti extra , liug the.digesa
tire principle. Pereln. front the sumseh.
rembling man. thus therein. a ingestive precisely
like the natural Gastric Juke. In it. chemical powers. and
furnishing a complete and perfect rolsattuD. for it.
Thr tel of performing the pn.s.r. of digestion artificiallr
claimsng been know n to Physioins.isti. Dr.
c the merit of making the applimitinn of this art to
the core of Dyets,ia, inn perf.ct arulanrecable farm.
Read the reientltic evidence' ilmon Liebig, to his cele
brated work on Animal Ch. onste,. rays: An Artliktal
'Dign.tive Fluid, nr , a131:4111 , h. 111 , Gastric Juice, mar be
prepare," from the nmet,ll. no.tohome of the stomach otthe
eta. in with retinue article. of Mel, as meat and enge
be ftenn.l. changed. anti dinegni, net in the name mart.
nor al they ...mild hr to the human
Dr. nought.. of PhUmlelphia. tm.ttr‘. artificial di.
estlee dull called PE HI.S. from Ow diet,tiventitnach of
the On. which mftoaldan wlndralde manly far Indigestion,
curing after nattim'a own er , thul. 1.‘1,.1.
the dlgodive principle. Colt and no the entrunrdimry ni
entine erideoce of its
KE"E"‘. ;::. L Pgst n o t'
Dealers supplied at pmpric toes
Alm, for rale by h. r- Seller.. o. tt ood rt. mehg
Needles' Celebrated -
_ These highly tnedicand plast,rla bare been madt. foe
now. than twenty yearn. alllll{lll. which time they Imre
natont permanent repatat'mn. ar. the
elff meow.
Itheumatir and StrengtheninJ Planter erer catered.
'Dian. of the highest ..eninenee. to whom their comPoH
lion ha. been ruidnitt.r.l. hale 0:n.11 the cost Pattering
I..tintonials an to their sup...ttor tq.ll.te ever all Miler ph...
ter. ,
The ingr,edient. of their emnpreition. very candidly and
mrreell, combined. retilvr them peroliarl, mplicalde to
persona *offering with y.ttimonary , ll‘eme.
For slur In the brea,t. Protmded
winammg congh. and hp:it pam• in the various neuraluie
disease. in the their charten r bell yond
Sr t
, l acy
tn.... 10111 rOrml.rat“ , ninnr corm effee.mi•
For cesim , * and niltlN the tarts and ride, renultmo
from ....err .trains disenos af the their en
',enmity mer all other pis..., has terted by
hundreds 'gbh hase mperieneed ,or.. and relief ram their
sppliroticm. So such em l ed. with rtiornat3o mina these
plastera are recommemled. with Ile , moral,. mem - am,
that their beneficial effect. will le.t.tant vet, decided.
roc ,mle, wholesale
remit, I.
meh6 R. L. Wood at,
ECKEIt'S FAICINA--5 I.x.e, fresh, of
this article. ad ~.. Dot f Ito
or dr
aim fir illauenfaime. or s.r,
stnse very in.. hy the oda ,
13 WM. A. Mot 1.1 1 1:01C &
IC O. 1 LAKI) OIL--A, few libl.. just reed
from the manufachn - y. for whioh I sin the °DIY agr.Po,
Ind will warrant it en - peen - J.lO at.. kill .1,1-.1 in this Mr
e-rogg - 11 - ...,1 and '.,stn sfz.
If You ant / Real Good Tea,
[lO TO 31011.111 S ILIWORTII'S TEA
Vlt STORE- Ea< ;. , Ide of the Inan.n.l. I.maced
fonor Tear , are to•Ter toot at tin.. r-zahlohno
Fn,erior f:rron
The 'err tort Import:o, l t t
Strona end rou,h navo,d
Fine udW navond Mark,r.4!.:1;,..c. 1.
Thin in the ney don. /!Msintro.l that kn.,for vale_pre
rinely the aunty kind of Bla. - k Stas that an, ur..e.4 in Eno -
Irdanx. Sc.
d lOVFEE-1 , 0 brigs prune Ri., for sale by
J 11-1326 fr DlLWOltrit A
I ARO 011,-1:1bbls. receiving from ste-ant
er Cineinnati. and for pain hy
A3l£2 , 1111.7.EL1.
.No. Atnet-
111.0 N-160 ton.; for Sale ccrp low to
close consignment, by
W1 , L .4 ');j 4 E .4 .1. 4 )
S wck of the • ,bur•n
11. t.. KIS(1.
tutooms—loo duz. extra just vueived by
P fetrla J. r:DELWOBTII d CO.
o t/EAUTY.—It is uniyer,ally etibefßied that
tres.uty le mare =l'
common in this o.antre than in
ter while at toe 1.40 UM. ft I. SSW 11;tt ,n no other
counPry Is It to et soynang so ages Now Ilos is Mtn ton
certain extent, but dos toe is of , . extoost It; ...010 ,,, , rrn
way to all, de not neglect your rooms! o,ll.,rsoce. trot
rt - ul the following, end rot two. , art h. , e,.... , htt_„&ts—
mile snicks are seisoltthe Pretursthms, end love so ate
Word • high popularity.
Jules lisuel's Persian or Chino. Powder, for Imparting
to the rum% billtote. complex.l.ll. s rsdltsot ss lotestess. In
nothing sheutki s ten.. be umos eureful than the uss Of a
powderdhr the skin.. sooty a'l there sold see very Infuli
aux. tilr hloe.. powder Is eurni led It, a setennfie mane
~a c c , „,„w„ no Intyrettleut which ....n ballet •
m njury
3..,, Planets Depilatory Powder. for rocoostog enter..
I aus heir. A Shot ts noire unsightly Om huir opm thee:we
or arms or • bor. This ertirle .rills oott,re 1 in • short
time. without the ere of ~ Mary tortrumens.
Jules netters Te‘etable Liquid noir 11,e 0 til instants , .
neonsly Impart 10 psi, white, or gray Ihdr, s beautifully
blsek. brown.,or auburn odor. It will tot, the holr in •
shatter time. and more etteetually than 1.0 Olilor dr, beo.
lug at the ware time ludellible. .
Jules Flawing Ceram.—lt Is reolti a pkasits• to
share with this ens.. ,Tltere 11 Dam. of the smarting neo
n.. usually etperienessl In the use tf mostsostet. 00
the otettrary. It learowsthe Min smooth Awl eon. as an In
fant's. and not Ilshte trl ,lwrowne nap 1.
Jules Ihtners Hove 16. Itsete.—Next to the hale, 1011
think the Teeth were. Intended as the grestert ovum.,
t to
tho hula. fare: tut srbkh neglected. nothing 1-, so di t nyry.
An or ItO nukltly awn,. )ty H. Tooth Pull.- will impart
Wine s.
teeth • poorly whlimeits, at the Mate flute keoPing
oho aunts firm led lusdtbY.
JELLS. lIACIET., Perfumer and tZentlost.
11l Chesnut sts. Phila.
Tor sale vaintemile and atail. by H . A. P.m-stock L CO,
aact &Wen, PitiOuiith, am . 7. 3liteboll, Allegheny
city, Pa. Jalad