BY TELEGRAPH. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTEI ANIERICA. emmoulak - . Nriw Your., Alarch.7, linl. . - The Steamer North America with two weeks later California dates hos MrriVell from Chagrea She brings s4iio,ooo in gall in the bands of par- angers; The Tennessee arrived at Panama on the 19th tilt, aniline Republic on the 20th, with 260 -pas sengers and a million in gold. The Panama ar ' rived at Panama with GO passengers on the 2lit. The Empire City reached Chagos on the 29d, and the Georgia, the next thy. ' Captain Anglin. Graham died On boanl the Rep:Odin . No U. 8. Senator lryet been chosen in the place onto!. Piemont. The Empire City h. s all the • papers. She Is , was to sail from ititi7,txm tea hours after the • • • North America chick hs4 brought us but few ~ • papers. - • -• ~. 'The N. America brings 220 pass:engin. The U. 8..5100p of war Albany arrived at Cho gress on the 222 ult. , " • The choice for Senator lay between Cob Free " moat and Sutler King. The election was to take . • • place in the course of two or three days. It ' • was thought that 'Colonel Fremont was gaining ground. ------- The steamer John Tompkins from Sacramento '',„.• , for Sou Francisco, bend her boiler oe the list 1 - Jaiii.killing the 2nd engineer and badly scald-1 " - - ingsevcral, others. . i , • - -. , licich siclmess prevails on the Isthmus,put it c ~- not of:a malignant character. - „' -,. •.. ca ..The inity of rain Las very materially ern ":' :;:liityri.ind operations, in the dry diggings. The K. ...,,,' Miners . thus far hare occupied themselves in -;... 1- , - diretng tip dirt, ready to take advintageof the 1 -- . c. • .firat rain. It is -said that in a few days the rains ' ' ....- IMP enable collect na immeaso amount , ..: ', of gold, which bring immediately thiown into the hands of tho trxdorx will give credit io the miners „.. ....- roe stores, - and have the elect at once of reviving •• : , : burliness throughout the country. , • - ' Improvements seem dolling making. The gold • ' 'diedging operations on the Yuba hove been very . suctesduL • . The rdiiple of San Jose, notwiths' tending the • , wart in the Senate have no idea of yielding to the removal .of the seat of government from that . : Business at Sacramento.City.was extremely dull, but good! trade was anticip a ted in the . • :: 'f vPmg. : SANDWICH ISLANDS. Dates' from the Sandwich Islands are to Jan ' •• -' tiry Slot. There is no news of importance. A -:.,„, •.. Poet has been established at lionoluluunder the 1.1 :(- -Ige postal treaty with the U..S. . FURTHER PARTICULARS, BY THE • CIFIC. • • , New rota, March. 7 . ENGLAND: The most important item of political , news is • ' the resignation of the British nob:lieu. The ministerial course on the Catholic question prob ably led to this, though the immediate cause of the cotaibrophe, was the defeat of the - blinistry, by a Vote of ten to one eu motion iriregard to the mecticm franchise. This defeat took place, on Thursday evening,ond on Friday, when the Bud get of the Chancellor of Exchequer was called up, Lord Jahn Russell asked, that it might be postponed until bionday—Aleclining •to give his reasons for the replest. Soon afterwards the res. ignation Rll9 announced, as , follows: "The Budget has been withdrawn, and it is reported confidentiolly about the House of Par liament, that the Chancellor :of- Exchequer has resigned, that LorklJOhn Riftsell also tender ad his resignation, and that Sir James Graham . 'at the Premiere suggestion, has been sent, k for. , . The greatest excitement prevails, and rumor, * with her ten thousand todgues, announces all kinds cif- dubious reports. Tho event happened a short time before the railing of the Pacific,. to afford time to form any speculations as to the New Ministry." The Times, in announcing the reeignation,says that Lord John Russell has tendered his resig nation to her 'Majesty, and only bolds the office mall another Government can be formed. ' • The excessive loss of parliainentary confidence, or rather parlimentary sympathy, which his Lordship and colleagues hays evidently suffered of late; has probably prepared our readers for this result • MIISSI.d.: ' The Hamburg corrapondent of the London runes, informs us. oh the suthoriti of two trav elers wlio hove lately passed through Poland, that; the enormous auS4l.ll army has been con centrated in an imposing and mmotleing position .. ick the Kingdom of Poland, and ors of an - I.*o&FattgkoMon are freely ci4ulated among - the carious corps 6,rtrart.iterr-77-- • . TPILEXY. Iris said thnt Dembinski basbenn sent to Con stantinople, but that Kossuth and others ars still Ssitaim. All of the refugees hat's left Shum . EGYPT. A telegraphic despatch from Vienna, says that the last news from'Egypt is of the hlglient im por(ance, The Srthlime Porto has addressed rmtegorfeal demands to the Vice Roy, which the latter refuses to comply with. Instead of cede nit:lg hia army to 20,000 men, as lie was instmic ted to do, he has ordered a levy of 40,000 land 1 troops, and 15,000 men for the. fleet. Ile:is de- termined to oppose any aggression of the Porte by arms. • It is thought not unlikely that the eastern , q uestion will assume a serious aspect. LIVERPOOL IRON MARKET. • bier-arum. Feb. 21. Thdtw e 14 Iron continues gu l let es last re- ' po r ted, w ith no ,_•ktange in price and no pro, bability of an imme2'3,. nllcrat i on.Quotations In Liverpool Merchant Nr.t 3- te P . 7 ' 6d, Scotch • Pig No. 1, ..£2 12.3 1 4 ton. . ' • Brown, Shipley Zit Co.'s Cirei'lar,.at the depar ture of the last strainer, 5t , y ,:.....r!0ur Cotton 'market was exceedingly depressed. , _Accounts by the Franklin haring been to day r ,.,..cived by telegraph, reporting an ndvanee of cotton :. 1.4 w Tait the demand has become active at full ;7",i -ce.s of last 'circular for Fair, , and. at an advance of it E 7 lb in the lower and: middling qualities. The quotations are—fair Orleans 74; fair Mobile 7.1 d; fair 17p1Mad,7d; and middling q u alities 6-1 C) 74 , 11? lb. The Mock of cotton in this port ha es timated at 457,000 bales of which 207, 1 100 are American, against 521,000 bales same time last year—of which 821,000 were Anierican. The continued large imports of grain and . Sour from the Continent, and the 17. States,hare caused a farther decline in.onr corn market, and • , quotations must be considered zominaL West ' ! ern Canal flour is quoted at 190 6d ®215, Phila delplila and Baltimore, 22.5er,228 6dll bbl 1500 bble Ohio of fair quality, sold at 21a 111 bbl. Wheat is, quoted at Is 10d @Cs for white; and fis 4dEilris 8d for rod, ?,70 White Indian corn is quoted at 325, yellow at MI, and mixed at 225@,26s f,d 'll quarter. Corn most Is selling 145 7,1 bbL • , ': • t. . i.l 3. s . . EXPLOSION OF THE STEAMER OREGON. Lortsvxm,s, March 7. . . The steamer Oregon bound, down from Louis . 'idle, while passing through in chute of Island 82, at I.o'clock p. m., en I'd inst., burst her boil er with a tremendous report. carrying away the forward cabin and upper deck, and Wiling and mounding sixty persons. She was heavily la den, and had on board from eighty to one bun tired passengers. The passengers bad just fin . ished dinner, end were generally collected intim hall, and on the toward guards, at the time of • the explosion: She took fire immediately after, and burnt to the isater's edge; and being in the • channel of the river, and under way at the . thus, would have consumed .all on board, but for the 'assistance' of the Iroquois, which was wooding within a mile of her. Upon seeing the explosion, Capt. 145 of the Iroquois, gave or dersto go to her rebel'. In a few moments the Irequois woe Mona aide' s l of the Oregon just as fhb flames were bursting through the hurricane -roof. Men women and' children were collected together on the after p a rt of the boat, with no means .of escape, ns ' • the steps were carried away by the explosion.— , The ehriela of the women, and Abe groans of the dying were l'earful. Capt. Lee ordered the Iroquois to ma her bow aft on the Oregon., mid ladders being placed from the upper deck or the Oregon to the lower deck of the Iriquois, all on board that were a ble to walk were taken on board, but with the greatest Monger of the Iroquois taking fire from the tinrning wreck. Capt. Alontgemery was the last man to leave the wreck, which be did just as the Iriquois was backing away.' The parting of the boats cristsi the ladder to fall, and cape. Montgomery being on it at the time, was tbown • Into the river, but was rescued without serious iojary. The clerk's office was entirely blown off, with I nll the bouts and papers of the boar.' Mr. Geo. Brown, fast clerk, was in the office at the time .of the explosion, and was tilled. The 'waiters is tits cabin vreiqnt dinner, and were en killed -except the steward.' , Eight white firemen were It is impoisiblo to . give a correct idea of, the 'floss of life, nothing being left whereby to nicer - .Itain the naineS. The_ floor of the Irequis:pre ' tented an joyful eight. The Oregon was ecuttled, which proved use less, as the turning of the Upper works caused • - her to rise further than the holes couldallow her to sli • ,Tb nk. a; steamer Bulletin came up just aft& the , a ccident occurred, and endeavored to extinguish the fames by means of her eugines, which, how 'ever, proved abortive, • When the Iroquois reached Memphis, the most of the scalded were taken to the hospitaL The floor was' corrred by persons, white and black who were most severely injured—many being in the agonies of death. The Iroquois had on board d 1 of the scalded. 17 of whom died before reaching 'Alemphis. The following are the the scalded, together with a Hat of the ,killed and others so far as could be a.scortainedi- Capt. Montgomery, belly hurt: 6. Mullekim clerk, slightly scatle.l; Mr. Lyons, liar keeper: Mr. Canna, pilot, and John Co. of Nelson Co., Kentucky. . Geo. Brewer, fire clerk: Richard Young. Of Shelby Co.. Ky.; :kir. Miller. of Ilarriton Ky., Indiana; lltn. Archer. nf hnuieville; Patrick Murphy, of Louieville; Patrick Lyon. deck hood: Wm: - Larkin'of Loni.villO; cabin hoYn; one engineer, name unknown, and seven white fire men. ntl,Ly SCALDED J. C. 3ltniqelmon, of Covington, Ky.: 0. At kinson, Calloway Ky.; leanc J. Fall, Prince ton, Indiana, and John Johnston, barber. Mr. James, pilot Mr. Dean, steerman : Mr. Perk, bar keeper: .Inn. White, steward: Mr. mate; Peter Bragg, watchman; 11. Smith, carpenter: M. f'urd, wife and thre,..d a ughte, Wm. D. ljahmenherg. of Georgia ; Dr. O. (toll, wife and eon, of Indiana; three engineer', and a number of slave,. o. CONGA ESSI ON A L. WasniNaros, March 7. Senate—After the journal of yesterday's pro ceedings were rend, Mr. Hunter offered a resolution directing the members of the Cabinet to report to the butt amnion, and to propose softie plan to classify' the clerks in the Departments, nod for a fair and impartial esamituttion s of candidates for clerk ships; and for derision nuians for thin promotion, which wan adopted. Mr. Jeff..*Tia offered a;resolution of enquiry, whether the President's 4ignstare lootbeen ob tailed, in form of law, to the bill for the relief of the AmerfeenColoniutkin Society, Ithich was laid over. . . The ezecutive eeerion then ackjourned. lortsvnt.4ll.arch The river is still falling rapidly with eight feet water on the falls, it has been snowing and raining since noon! Tho steamer United Stator passed up. The steamer Oregon's freight was insured here for $.10,000, in Baltimore for 10,000. She had a large freight onboard, which eras insured hare for $30,000, the offices here will refuse to pay that. David Lynch for use of Jas. C. Cummins, vs. Nm. RObinsou, Jr. On motion of G. I'. Hamilton, attorney for plaintiff, judgment on the award of arbitrators without exception or appeal, agreeable to the BOSTON', Math 7' 0 and conditions of th e reference, $1,119 • 19. o.o=. The Daily Adrertiser of this morning coritaina a communication from Geo. C. Curtis, explana tory of, and sustaining his position, and saying that the late negro riot was an act of levying war against the U. 8., and therefore the partici pators were guilty of high treason—the penalty of which is death. The Common Council of lest night appointed a committee of thirtecen to write to President Fillmore and invite him to visit Boston. sa. Loma, March 7 The steamboat Balloon collapsed her flue this evening, in backing out from the landing. One man was =lda The river if falling with ten To4t; irthsoool, to Cairo. Sales of Mess Pork. at $11,50 7cl lb, and of lard at 7071 ? lb. PHILADELPHIA 3I 4TtRET. Unrch I. The weather is inclement, end but little do leg. Cotton—The minket is rather firmer. Flour is $4,50. Grain—Nothing doing in Wheat_ Sales of Rye at 68c bu, which is a decline. But little Corn is offering. Sales of Southern yellow, afloat, at 691 e. Oats are 'dull. • Cloeer Seed comes is slowly. Sales of good and prime quality at $5,124655,25. Whiskey is dull, witkrmall sales, in LLds, at 21i ®2c, awl in Ibis it 24c. ' .4!•• • I.i•EW YORK MARKET. !MON RE OUT: &larch I. Cotton—Fro at It 11 ID for middling Up Ludo. Flour—The market steady, with sales of State and Western it54,4,4e,V4,50 "fa bbl, in uluding good Ohio it thg latter. price, Butter and Cheese...No change in prices. Lead-ales of 19alena at 84,87; bnigenerally held at $5 cwt. • • Feathers—Sales of Western at 350,10 c. Marsh t Cotton—Prices hare advanced under the Pa cific's news, iC,4I with salisof 2000 lades. • Flour—There is a steady demand in the mar ket, wit? sales of 2000 bbls at $4,50 for good Ohio, $4,44 for common state, and for choke Ohio $4,62®4,75. Grain—Wheat is quiet and nominal. Corn is plenty, and has declined to 45c for yellow. Provisions—Pork -is steady, with sales of 400 bbls at $12,756 - 412,87 for old mess. and $3.340 10 for prime. New mess is selling at $13,44(4. 13,50, and new prime nt $11,25 bbl. Bales 300 tierces packed hams at 8169 c i 0 lb. Lard has advanced, with sales of 000 bbls at fitg,tic 13 lb. Whiskey has declined. CLNCD:NATI MARKET. Flour—The demand exceeds receipts, with an export ingilry. Sales reached 2,000 bbis ut $3,40€4 3 , 49 pl bb1—%,42®53,45 being the leading rates. Whiskey is dull at 200. t ' Clover Seed—There is a good demand for Chi.. es Seed at $5,25 ql bu. Provisions remain flat. Sales about 100 hhds Bacon at is for Sides. The river him fallen four feet within the last 24 boars. PITTSBURGH gEgGE EARN NURSERY, Barenarr three and tom miles of pOstrargh, near the Barmen' and trgyucdorfetraptire Bosd tentension of the Fourth ~,; ~ and shoot one mile from t The , p p. p ,.ipp g g t.,,,,,ctfoiii glee nntioe to their cushy:r em and the public generally. Start there extensive hump lea. tireenhouses, An. An, nor omprise tetween llgbour " 1 Tnizlrt~ .11 of "td -7 .1' b.7.1."a - luol: chi:i,', Ap...,- 15 r c '....71 41 .,7.,1= ii',.. in *,". 1 '',•.,` • SILI ' LA TR2Ln—Trt r rulantlias. usurps. Notimath deb. ifitgar Maple. English Linden. Anterioth Linden. Can. hardy Poplar. Balm of Gilead. Peplos, Wo-plng Willow. White Barked Birch, Tul Twee 11 Ft. Chestocrui l asam. Ida ImrialisisW4plf L ib. English Aida. English 07th. 'Eft/11171ES ThEP.3ll.7l7Rf.TA—rls: Juniper, Cedar, American Arboryttre. Chineee Athervita, Dm Tree, Uuright Yes. C. 1364011 Ye.. AIIItIiCIMI Holly. Lampe. MU, White Pin, lthrse7 Fain Dia.. Ara Ir . ' 'IR llmtdt OREVAlkikratllTlANitY2Wit I arriere4;:rolfieilon of Inettalse, numbering 74 veriettha mu Meer Is toothy of thong/et/Um of those who wish toornthrent their sio dom .1203E5-31an7 of them the fast rate, numbering over 70 varieties In classes, els: gall or Chinn. Everbloym. for Gos• Galante, or Too Scented .hlres lime, Beartear Haw: Notetto Com- Ilibrid Berlettral. or Bmm/tent Ems: A great number of these are perfeally haply and De Brea throughout the summer mom. Alm—Gonnlums, Oleanders. Orange. (Mtn.. be. N . =4 „,,, 1U orAre most be senotopuded sill the Saab. or Plante easefully pecked sod Pent (ecerodlng todithetion) to any part of the United &M.. PeTYLIA sharing to ornament their pleasure grounds would do sell to glee 0. grail. es we think Mr stork of cannot be eurnassol 'met of the Mountain, ufflr covering DOOM acres of gromdr end numbering from PO nr 10.,1100„ • gout Dumber of width cm of sena she for tr=lantlux. rd and Ebrabbrry , Planting ...mind by contract on resemble term Ws slab all hewer to orreaddrese dlesettel to Wilkins P. O. near ritllbUrgh, where they slll am Monatiate oases tkm. Orders left at our stand no Market days, in the Dithmui !lathe; adll bad immediate attention. The poblic In general are Invited Mean and asunine our start. Attention to visitonveriven on WI day except - Fab. bath. & JAS T . MURDOCH. tnelt6d6RtsatzT Needles' Celebrated VOMPOUND IIEMLOCK PLASTER.— IL/ nft., highly medicated plaster. have been made Mr move than twenty you, Poring whieh time they h e se getout • permanent reputation. as the met etriescione Rheumatic arid Strengthaming Neater ever armed. Ph, - slams of tbubighutt eminence. to whom their compoel- Ino Ran nabillitted, have given the meet Battering testlntordal• as to their mtherior virtue over all alb.' place tell sold. The Ingredienth of their CultsPosttimb eat , fnliy acd correctl y 000thined, render them PecullthlY aPPlicatlie persons suffering with pulmonary Rano , Foe patrol in the brenet. vaulting from protraeted coldr, slustping =tab, and Iceal.pala iv the 'Slim. notralitte Maumee in the baely, them bower -M t I character is beyond km weakness and pains to the back a./ side, revulting from mien drain. /Raja.. of th. kidn oo ey s . o ke., their s oy te rto=rh r o n l i ly *th' e Pl att notch cotter wlth"rbfrnatio.palns, these' Platten are reoommendol, with the osofklent assurance that. their beneacial ertente wilt he found veer d Vpi sale, wheleute and email, by , magi R. 0. iii,LLERS, LT Wood rt. • New Books! New Books ! AT HOLMES' LITERARY REPOT, Third 011171 street. °mud. the Pod 00Ire. Mon Art la. for Frltnnuary. lidotoa bbfikx, N 9 0 r1 72 • NobrAl'• ffOO, T Life aodAdvslitufte of Percival 141 r berry, written by blauelf: Lova and Jlartblllou, a Novel by the author it.l"ltocklog• or Sketch...Ft o ....tbertt LAW 14,,t0..r) Ileclattde. No. Ind IV oro4. No. 43. V. 11010r-k'alVorks. 000 06 1 01. e. 110126 E XTRA YOUNG lIYSON argued at 266 Liberty etrt.d. a very an pallor Young nbleb, th ink ere tan ear tab ouniklenne, cannot be trw''ne at tho prior. Su Pittsburgh. Price Fur the tom grades 75, 42)&60. and 37%a V. a., which trunkut fully equal. If not superior. to sur to be had at tal Ab. 4= .ImM and .Elottpunder, of all grad.. lb , ablth W g* ask i e a fair trial. and Dm •111 moon. mend then:wire. A liberal dltocaut male to retailers, u* ' l ' 7l " ten:Zit:ma co.. Tea Dealers lad titsocra. MEE HOME MATTERS _ Tun tlinstis Fainve.--Tice Concert of the Gibson Family at Lafayette Ilall, yesterday eve ning. was attended by a large ,iudience, who ap pear.] highly delighted with the psrfunnances. Indeed it could not well have been otherwise, for the members of this talented company play and sing delightfully. A simple ballad, sung in a natural Manner, pleases all. and as ballad sing have rarely heard this troupe equalled.— ' We eegrel to say that the prt,ing nature of their engagements elsewhere, prevents their remain, I ing among US to give another conceit, as many of our citizens would be pleased to hear them again, but trust that they will return at their ear liest possible convenience, when we have no doubt that they will attract crowded oadiences. Hata KlLAl,2.—Thistalented'llniva . rian Vo calist will give his first; 1011, we regret to say, his last concert, in Layfayette Hall, on Tuesday evening, and on which occasion he will sing in eighteen different languages. We hare heard this gentleman sing, and have never Before met with any one who such a wonderful command over his-voice. 'The first part,of the comings entertainment will be whollyrn English, with which lanOttge this ac complished gentlemen is well acquainted. Our reader* may anticipate a treat which they have rarely an opportunity of enjoying, in listening to him. ANTI -SLAV Y 34... CRTISCI.- k iti.*;J. P. Bardne il, Agent of the American Slisi•ionary As . sociation, will preach a sermon in the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Wylie street, near Tunnel, on Sabbath morning, March nth, at hill past ten o'clock, in which by will notice thi' character of the A,so elation, nod Ow present condition of the various mission:rimier its can'. Tee WMIBLEILi.-Our renders will recollect thnt this talented troupe.of F:thiopeanmelodists, will give another concert this evening. They will undoubtedly draw, , what their merits well deserve, a crowded house. COG!WELLS PANCHIAII.,—We are pleased to team that this fine panorama continues to at beet large audiences. There will he an after noon as well as an evening exhihition to-day. DISTRICT COURT. Before thellon. Hopewell Hepburn, President Judge. Joseph D. Tevie on. Roht. smith. Magraw for plaintiff, Alden for'defendant. Verdict for plain tiff 3584,17. Jas. Dahell, es, flarrey Neil. Mille or plain tiff, Woods for defendant The jury found ac cording to case stated by Court, and were dis charged. Same plaintiff, re. same defendant. Verdict similar.. F. C. Flanegin • filed reason for a new trial in the C 11.30 of Wm. Wall, as Benjamin Wilson. Hugh Keating el. T. J. Moore. Jacob Weaver and C., O. Loomis for Plaintiff, H. S. Magraw for defendant Prico J. Patton, vs. F. KeeviL On motion of G. P Hamilton, Plaintiff's attorney the judgment in this case was net aside, it having been enter ed too soon. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT. Before the Honorable Judge Irwin. United - States vs. Jackson and Robert M. Cor ristonl end Thomas H. Scott, indicted for uttering counterfeit coin. Jackson Corriston and Thomas H. Scott, were brought into Court, and placed in the dock. Robt. had obtained bail shortly after kis commitment. ; The Grand Jury returned, with leceral new in dictments against the above defendants. J. Reiman Sweimer, United States District Attorney, and David Reed, Rm. - , appeared for the United States. Col. S. IV. Black, and An drew Burke, Esq., for Jackson Coniston and Therms -H. Scott—Robert M. Corristen bad re turned—np counseL Col. Meek requested his honor, the- Judge, to continue ,the case until the May term of the Court. The priioners bad been for a long time confined in jail, and had no opportunity of mak ing the preparations necessary for thail They had not been enabled to procure the attend • atom of the witnesses necessary for their de fence, And he trusted that they would not be for ced on to a trial, without haring bad every op portunity ofFOrded them, of proving their itino sears. Mr. Sweitser felt it his duty to oppose the ap plication, maims the proper legal grounds for a continuance were Ina It wan true that the prisoners bad been for some time past in jail. but their friends and relatives had had accens to them, and every opportunity had been afforded them to secure .1 far trial. In the ease of the 'United Stahel vs. Wheeler.t he trial. of which had been postponed on the precious day. the cireum stances were altogether different. He wan at a di-tans from his friends bud hail no opportuni ty ofigeititig his witnesses together, and wins sei poor that ihaving been unable to fee a lawyer, counsel had beea assianed him by the Court lie was prepared to try the case on the port of the United States, and hr hoped that it would be taken up. His honor, Judge Irwin, remarked that in the practise of that court It had not been a clatter of right with defendants to havetheir trial post- 1 poned from term to terra, unless the proper legal grounds were laid. They were as much bound I td prepare for trial, after they bad been arrest ed, as thh United States, still as the May Term of the court was - close at hand, if the prisoners made affidavit that a continuance was necessa ry to ensare them a fair trial, he felt disposed to grant it. Colonel Black would observe that . there was but one charge preferred against the prisonersin their commitment, and yet several bills of in dictment had been returned. Another reason why the case should be continued, was because his client, Jackson Corriston had had no counsel until that very morning, and he had been unable to hold a consultation With him. lie was a poor man, and had been up to that time unable to re tain counsel. Mr. Sweitzer said that the number of indict -1 merits returned, was a matter of but little mo ment at that time, since it was only proposed to try the defendants upon one, and that one con tained the specific charge laid in the commit ment. • Judge Irwin directed the opposing counsel to make out their affidavits, which they did. Colonel Black read one, containing the grounds on which he thought that the trial should be' postponed.. He said that even if it did not cum- 1 port with the strict rules of law, it yet contained an equitable reason why the calm should be con tinued, and he trusted that the Court would grant his request. The United States District Attorney opposed the postponement, in a few =Wasted remarks, and was followed by Col. Black. Judge Irwin said that the court mast presume the facts set forth in the affidavit to be true, and ordered the case to be continued until the Lrot Monday in May—the prisoners to enter into satis factory recognisance for their appearance at that time, or to stand committed. After considerable discussion between Messrs. Burke and Sweitzer, the case of Scott was also contihued for reasoins filed. • Judge Irwin. asked what disposition should he made of the case of Robt. M. Corriston. Mr. Switzer intimated that he thohght the in terests of the United States would be best con sulted by trying.all the defendants together, and that 'Case was also postponed. , The members of the traverse jury were then dismissed, and the Court adjourned. ALLEGHENY CITY COVACILA. The Allegheny Councils met on Thursday evening. In the Select Council, the President, Colonel William Robinson. Jr., was called to the chair. A number of hills, of no general interest, were passed during the course of the meeting. Mr. Moira, of the Second Word, moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That nil proceedings •in reference to the erection of a new Bridge over the Ca nal on Anderson street, be suspended fur the present. This was amended to rend as follows, and adopted in both Councils: Resolved, That the Committee on the Ander son street Bridge postpone closing n contract for the erection of said Bridge; until informa tion be received from the Legislature on the sub- act. A resolution instructing the Committee on Water to enquire into the, expediency of dispen 'sing with the-Services of the watchman nt the reservoir, was referred to that Committee. A petition praying fur the purchase of hose, and the organization of a new company in the Third Ward, was referred to the committee on engines, as wei a petition from the Washington Fire Company; praying for five hundred feet of hose. A petition praying for the laying of water pipes on Raspberry alley, was referred to the Committee on Water. A report recommending the draining of streets in the North-western part of the city by a series of sewers w as read and accepted.— If this plan is carrie theauthorities of Al legheny will act in conjunction with those of Manchester, COXXOS COUSCIL. • - In the Common Council, blir.Boyd took the Chair. The following resnluticms were brought up. - Resolved, That the Committee on klarkets be And are hereby authorised to have the pavement in both Market Routes repaired, sad cinders pliz- =MEI eed in'the Market stands around each M ROUSESarket ! , , t...,, FARAISt aCce House. Adopted. Action concurred in b)• the l' ' - ___ ____ Select Council.. • . Resolved. That the Committee on Nlarkete be .... • Par Salo iv . Rent, and are hereby entherixed to contract with the • ,Ij COMMODIOUS laid well finished tttl lows -t end beg, bidder, for the erection of rule COMMODIOUS - i. - .1 , tp l.. .ar= an4 . ,... 01; 11.5. etuntial wooded spouts. to be placed upon each ' fora family owl a tirc.brry and ttmfortlunary e>taLllAh. atom Ho., and the number of the garden . mZ'", -, .Mie‘r i te r ,l l :ared• ~ stands bu painted upon the face of the spout.— ' boa, Eityultv of lb. 11! . C 1 17.1%3111./YN ' . .kdopted. Action concurred by the Select Com, ' , Attorney at , or attars .. letter. New Briwlttua. l'o. el'.: amtalaglbArlt:g _ - _ Itegtdved, Thai Conchs lie recommended to have an ordinance prepared providing for the levying a tax . upon butcher, selling meat in ohop•. Adopted. In the Select Council Refer red hack to Market Committee. Resolved, That Councile he recommended to prepare an ordinance for the pulTose.of appro priating the Wirth-OVA portion of the public - Nuarc. fur the use of hay and market wagons, end that the clerk of the markets be authorized to compel such wagons to remain in 2.aid ~quare, until sold, ur ready to return home. Not adopted. Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed—one from the Select end two from the Com. Council— to represent the Councils in the hoard of Managers of the Anderson Library fredituteprid - that hereafter the President of Coon cps shall appoint a standing committee in each elintl every year, to be called the Committee an Anderson Library Institute." , 1 Messrs. Lloyd and Walker of the Common, and Marshall of the Select Council were appointed on said committee. • Resolved, That the Committee on Streets be reunited to issue proposals for hills for tilling ip etnhanktnents of the bridge on Laroch street to the lowest bidder, through the Street Commis. sinner, to be taken from Seminary Ilia. Adopted in both Councils. A petition remonstrating against the opening of Ridge street, was referred to the Committee on Surveys. Action concurred in. A petition from a number of citizens of the 4th Ward, praying for the paving of think Lane be tween the 'Hand street Bridge and Almeduct, "was read and t storied to the Committee o n Streets with instructions to report the cost at the next meeting of the Councils. Action concurred in. A petition signed by a number of citizens of the Fourth Ward, praying the Councils to make an appropriation of five hundred feet M hose, and a hose earrings to a new fire company in that want, now in process of organization, woe refer red to the Committee on Engines. Action con curred in. A petition was presented by Mr. R. IL King, relative to a sewer on Waehington street. Re ferred to the Committee on Streets, and action concurred in. A petition, praying for the rebuilding of the ; bridge over the canal on Sycamore street, was mad. A report vies rend from the Committee on Markets, advraingOur advance on the rents of the butchers' an& gaidenera' atolls in the market houses. Report accepted and adopted, and ac tion concurred in 'by the Select Council. 1, 4 F0R SALE OR RENT—A comfortable loot pit-A.ll[lr rituated dwelling Toner and Lot f.r,s,o -n. Chart:out street, Id Lilo natal, Ward. of lola eity.s...•• Bttt. Insotimi.—The hill, -charging John Cur- - thr hoe. contains ovr n.OO no. lot io forty riston with being concerned in „counterfeiting. ""'"' t '''" humi ' d ' k n. tlnZit'.4n A m, Vn4 yesterday returned tynornmns, by the Grand • nomer 'Wend and Sistb.o.. Jury. - dwelling Moire .area. and oubto ICETEOROLOGICAI TABLE. Reported for the Pittsburgh Gazette, and for the Stnitheouian Ingtitute, Washington City. • LIZIGIIT Or TIM 211t6KOXILTLII. From Mtor!, Dirk to MuMA lot. Date. Sunrise, 9 a m. 3 p m. 9 p m. Doily mean. 1 20 :10 40 48 3G '2 34 40 T,l 3o 40 22 24 40 30 30 4 38 43 i 2 46 47 i -44r,2 04 .14 :A 0 33 30 40 35 40 7 34 :Di 40 :to Ft ACON - 30 , . 4. 1 IN, Sujrur Cured !lards, 1) •j'4 r '''''''''''' l " '7 .3 s int.u - I co: j ij - ITUAil—'2.:l is,ls. prime N. U., for .:de by I 17 l'el,,i .1 S ; DILRTII 101 g i cii..l.*:".• SI ill' ).--lo bble. fo IVO r sale • I.v - IX 1,4: J. S. 12111 , ,1,0 . 1111.100. 111161...1115-11.; 1 1 dor. extra just reeeiY,Jl by LP 1-I,a, 4 I.DILWORTII 0 01. poirtiEit-- i :OW Li, 1(1(011 4. r2Tna pemlitr. NW .. RIM:, 1, 1 ,,R1 4 :,. DILWORTH A 4...1. V E..I'ESFUCIT OILS-2 bbl'. just rer'd and I il F , , r th” for 5t0r.,.1 • ~. • 111CR/0414M. f 1.14 . 1 , a , r11,110.0 an.l ~ , ,Ltl, ~, , FRU Lt g , P.m Nut, tvo. rmm ,Aatnet sud OICKLVA atW Front 1 4 1 E.A1 ; 11E1IS —lO Karto= now lundiog from "'""" '"IocKEY 4 I.:k. U.., 4.1 lU77i"--18 toule, mow landing frotn - t tr. " 1,4A1 tn . IaCK EY ACS. , ARll AND N. 1 Liu* 3 btAa. Mosxmc h 4.1 1.' " 14 44' .A u. 7.lll7lrnest :r a • uJ Frmis:ioi • U1111:1 ie A I. I NSTItI:3IF:NTS J F.11.D co i l‘L .. ) 6 l' s l + t f " o l l , !!I LI ''l 7:ll ll l, ' l ' C U NN 1. by 5.510 Ih POTATOES--r , bbls. nnw fanding *• 7 from vtr Aviz. •n.l ft rl. , I.- Al All DICKEY t ,a.r.0.1 Vmat ri RI El) PEACITES--.'nwi In, in ~,t,,,n nd 11, for val. by EIIEV, II CFI'IIED ,t •11.1 nl Wm,. f hlLs t u r rior Strainod ram. lIATTIIEWIa A Ct , 1 AHD OlLhtils. No. 1, Win. Strained, I A jt,t . rved And for .sla 1111E5% StATTTIER'S A. Co. fIOLDEN Sl'lll'l . -14 bbl.. and hf. • farmla JUICY. 31ATTIIEWS A CO. • fel.Mt 1.1)A IlUesti r ES !t CO. are prepared to • do to kind. of PLATE nth tV17 ,4 1 AI.J.A. LAI:GULL', Agt r. Etna ..1.• A tuna/. At WAt, urlfa. Al4 - I , latet Too). pr.ant•tll , rsts , vsl. CIOLIIEN hf. hhls. just reed And Mr isle by MI itzratck rffNa nail a SI. S O 111. At, .t. VLOUR-2.5 bids extra Flu. ile Flour, for • t., frbv. Si r SON •SnoasT co, BRoo3is__lso dozen for Mt - f01f25 t‘. Y. VW: flfk . I N I f )( b ) , Ny . ;L A S„S--, Ladies' Fine Dress ECEIVED AN!) OPEN El . Ikra g . arirLa.v., tc.,—cholco ern A s, anal. 11., fi 1140 1,.144 NUM.; STYLE Mil ST: beim.liful pattaras rred ails anon SIAtI.N C 0 .2. FOND CLOTH AND A LINEN— °"I*.`"" Of the mod approvrd tnanufarturn—l t unnema 1,1.24 A. A. M /VON a CO'S. GA tat rd Market at a TARCII-100bOxes, ildst - ratla, in sfnre for We bI WM. It I/ALEY A CO.. 1 , 1124 Nos. and aI Wend at IVI 01:1.1) - CANDLE: : 3-5 0 P roctor Iv" liambla's An. I.lnr rude LAU:Ii A Co f2h2l ~. and '2O Won. Cot , SALEILATES—.-120 boxes 1: ;21. I.tuaZinf'l br and ?; ood' Wat. C tiucoLATE; isitomA. LWI !Juana Norfdlk Cn.-Cboonln 0. n Bakers' "on. 1 Crn. Un 1T3 : 1. 4 11.117LW l'ec:!' " 7 :YlLrnnlaL I I EICIIA N hr' for male by ni .2.4 a F. WlldiO.R. frblS Wood at. 1744.1.01. sup:dint-TO bids. fine, I . and foraale by I.ln,24tnrn y,W. lIAItllAtYill. 0)0 doz. 1D 10,nlr b/ , It. A I M_ILvuIAUtIII 1111 DIED BEEF—Iii C. Dried Beef, rrrd and for sale by fele2-4 QIIAKER ' S 11EltBS AND :7 A large Inv.+, Yrnah Ac., lent manner of the Shaker, yuxt rne'd fr 10; SCIIOO - 4)CISVILLE LIME—AU 12 md. b f (N4..41 5. XT BA FlOS—ltistreu'il. F. 4 JI Won " El"'" pb' ulcJ 6,0[1 B°STUN BISCCIT—A st Astir 111.,nt111..trned by Exi. 1.1124 M M. A Mt•CLUIIIi 4 000 A SMELLS--A frecl . ‘_,/ by 1162.41 /PEAS TEASII-200 ha Imperial. and Black T hand and for ale by feb2l A. CI firOBACCO - 250 boinsi 51/ bane, leholn, brands.) or, band Yeb2l +CICEREIrIOO bbl.. 1, and for We by In '24 A.O IRESII RAISINS—D3OI far We by OVEIIING'SCHCCEII SCOAR- , Keptconetantlynn 1654 Il11TIN(1-19 bales. 1 . 5:0.1 1.5- , M.O fur Aide 67 ISAR 15.1411 HOCOLATE of every description for solo by WM. A. MeCLUItil A CO.. IZ6 Liberty Meet. Spanish. French,heiect, Soloed ems] Plan. No. 1 Chocolate. Come and litiona. She beet ateeirtteent to be blood in the city. tebin GIRL wonted to do house work. Apply 01.21 L Adt i. Dke___ g e for Kilo 6J -lo unix a co. ..,.:u: ~ ;;y~w.:.k:a:.a:l,a /ISHE UNITED STATES lIOTEL7r i . 111.0411 i OF DP ILDINOIit. on men...rot Kind, ;in Inchon awl Penn iitrtioni. and fron,Oni: on th. A) lininie Cnnal. In the lily of Pitt.burnti. ¶7O! Lot iron. oil. , hundred and forty tour fort on P.OO irtrreit mill nue hominid end nine feot nine Irwin" , on Wattaington 111101. 10"'"oot 10'01' of D.l\ OIItI R. nielit:Gto No. lOC P.m ' Load for Sale. o lI , ACT . 9 f t :', ,. 'll , A t, F ,„r. e .. r. on o 4 n t e tt ” T T n c of V 550 'rV.Nerea ftb. ;13 the at., c 4," 1130111 on leas impror ,l. of Ilr-t ftle quellir. nowt eel lasted In Mon . rue idd will old. to roll parr re. Tory low. for further rirtienlara inquire of • NM. 11. JOIISt),. 'LOU/ ti..onn.l at. ITU 0 L E T—A BRICK DWELLING, II with .la acres of ground attached. 'Masted at ;;YI gial‘and. Amur ntrh3 CO. FR IiENT.—Two Roo is in the Post. sSti Office llutaltigo, exiltable for Artiehie Itoemg. Also a SMALL STORE gm Tbinl f 1,01.. nest drew to the tttatters, glt• tittiao. anti a :ivy ft, t with windowLfOrtaslini •ale . tte.• tr.i.d. 44,71 . E. D. 11AZEANt. 164 Smzetel stn,[. . ... . ' 9' I IIIE SUBSCRIBER etTern for sale the or.rfl teneeins esittable properly in.Alieghen) Ony.i Ate three %tory Brick Howe. and Lot. 1161,i by 110 feet. (tenons South Common, now certif.. by James dile.% I im. • The two dory litrkk Howe. and Lot, 27by 110 L. el. (mot h. on eouth Cinnamon, now owolded be Fnuak Johnson, klmi. .Ibe raring a corner -South C 006.3 sad Middle alley, .Y.l, in 111) feet. i i. . Fire variant tete on Bank Lane, 1.1 shout 31 by Ski ft. b 1 Too - path of Iltinsi. Alm. in Pittabitruh. A Lot with Frame Budding, on •elity street. mai 510110 r ), to b) Ito tr. to riniwiry alb*. lento/lot Sn' . l":4 • 1 felaiihn 1 111.01011: BREED • • ----__— li‘Oß RENT—A small frame cottage. with II- , ri"nnts.tfinit Ilion large dining n.m and kitchen in lataetnettU..7.... Mali nom. In garret with s large iddden end rieveraLnruit trinis. a very &Amble residence for • ntall Caritoy4 situated Omar !diner . ..Title. Ponwesion given ninn M edinnilyr ee. several email Tenements for rent Alen. for side 11 lots fronting on fleawort stmt. and 3 fronting on Pent street Terms rasy )o tglA,,, 1 &Y./Stil or 11. P.Caln i orir. of 3farket and to on Ditsirnide Residence for Sale. * 0 TllE'Sebseriber, intending to remove it few bib Into moonnntrt. oder* for sale the proierls 1 [! .0 allYe b tre ' reity. '.. 4rd , f , .%= 4 .. ' :rat b.', ....... '„ .0,, vi, of brig:l 4 l.w,, and oustranahous. and Ilse been recently 1 1 Zir. rt ' ivail 4'i t e p ..ctiVe:laT i gTie o lst ' erFfity nY ll ' _; " u ' d t ts .lll' d . ... out wito tie ' . Csmtsining ebotre shrnobery :Iselin:tit The I, Loubbolldinip;ronsisting of s priiate school boom, stable i; i . diit tist , iete how, are ronverdently locend The situ. 1 It: 0 p‘lat"l'::Vi an d the 'h al le " g l h7Z77,7lltir N. •rgl- 4 r,', ~ .111Un • few Min../ wail/ or nerve of the eity. Purelower. raw reL•rrnl to Alt.. li3l. MIII.T HAMPTUN. N 0.139 Ith . Par -trtvit— fabltedlnt 0.4101 ykni RENT—That large with extronive ftw ..a7.:176:;'W,Z::: amen. IT.::::.1`, tuava un CIO efewel- Pwwwwelon Oren on the Ent of flwreh. Tot ' nl ' t th:Vlt rA 61. r - rLET—Two officer on the lower floor enew Meek. stwl Water etrwele, trawler en . mg"'" etteet, each Pet. Alef. two mots sercesir we the etwww nu the werwud 'Sax, frith strata entrance to= water stre,t of the, ',crux an. aultehle fur lumuntnee . Qtcrwe. wwl an• nteauxi In the moat tevrwilJe 121erve nye httflufwe ,tt the wharf. 1411.1W111 , .11eCORIIICK. V A LI: 131. E ILL*. r.t It3lS. ,k 1:0T:= y pill SALL—Two floor Mlll. and . Saw 311/11.11 11•• I• nwE•ll-14 114 r neerm•arr wWrppowrr. • well 1an,...•1 form in Lurrenrwr.,ll, l'rkw $: 44 . , . 41•4 • YAM of lln arr. 4. on the Ohio nwrr. nalle• brims Ilen•nr. for $4,,11 • Alw on. of 140 anne, , a 1 111. ohl, firm, n mane Min.. 1.1“.••r, f.r Ix!per acre, Alno. nun rro• fre• 41. g• r ser• farm.4l;44 41L. so, in aonn. tut Myr aern.. 11, •er-• for 412. nod sm.. In, 414 tar Arne. Innetlirr • 111 wan, .11.14nry of ran "c" rho nd rtrrrEitmAy, ar•11141.1 Agrl ll4 . 141.1 No 11.7 414 Pt l'lnAtirnh. _ . VOR'RENT—The stom, on :Slarket et., non wa-nr1..1 ha C no a 1 as.•ty .E .f .. .„ 1 vn 1.1 ala, a A I ov,t. I l•l.lNTocra., 1±7 - LET —A W• train nral •rund .crp.l Atlma•n , i• annat.l•lar tnanalaclurlni,q 84, . I' l Ff.. AT/. la OK ELI )EA I. ESTATE FOR SALE —The tinder ' ,4,nd offer 1.1 'air a atm aaluahl• 1.1!llax 1,4•1/.1 a.Lno vtra .In+ nuLy. tari••. the lliyautna ham, la:anal .:mar (I, awa• flown. Sad r nali , b Luth.ran Cbervli • 11..•,nyartle litruatnanzan ,pulabon and lon a , allh. and IL, r....anaLl. prap-a arbich tom rill La nnalar thran • oralpr•fonl.l• In. title,•ra- , Tern,. fa For perleulat• nod 1,1., unartaian..l. at 11.,. ofllr. ut U..uve r..1,1m. , r,..1. , 1.0....xat hetv•rnll2l•4 nal rAarttl atnata or .101111.1 .110.111,0 aa.i tr Patraan, at their .A 6,.. In Biro,. ,n•Lion. 13, 4 MISP, V F.AT.O4. 7 1 0 L 4ET hie awl Lot iiitliitte4 .3 I.4funl .Crftt. Ett.. %V.A. Par .0y IA tCo hir. 1.0•11 r $1 L'OI SALE--Thu :ders 11,r rale • lam. •al Nulit Drirk 1.1 mt•• Pre. or mat, ra-rt• grooml...otu.•••l oo tht foor•Ji airert..••• lloary•rttblia atm: mllne e.rtlthuty . I,ar•okon prep. ..1.11,.14111.. mnit. a. rao, Fn,‘.;:lt • prio, ••••r Ater t alSoMoi 112== • . • Int . ..f gnorin.l fnet nil.. ht- 129 V.., ail.tntn ti,.nt slr T tiel, the elt>. Inneeith t xr.S. on INuile, ADttur. r-Dandiiitei , I, re new n rexin 11., the IDeitti 1tn...1 will I. eintuplete ta-D rotten, .neirl 1 - In he 4u.n. , r, fttrthei IDlLirtnntmtu.l4.l.l, tn DA% ID - - Ynorth et IDDir the nret.tenert,l prive-rt,. !bit la:NT(Ilt SALE The eqlbserihor nit I nr rent hI4 Tern ilintrwl.le entintry Rod on, In A Vila, .tt • Dttp , D liIDD 11Lingheny AtA.. ..1 thy ce.inssinn. Th. l• Dirt, enaatilele The, ti etAlito, Dud tneel water nu the- proitml•- whir!. retonDriee two Arne, w Insprolied.runDtiult, every I,et-DitinD it fruit. Wm., eprin, how, xtel tin.nke llconiannn ,i en wheniAnzileDreil. JOU,: OEIIIIAILT. larzLz..ilf • • • r . 10 0 IZ. It ENT—A two ntory Dwelling ...... Itti . I' Ilona. on Hay otra.t. Emulre of ' .. ,i4 .... , AI 1.10 JAE). DA LZELL. Water at. 111.4 1 0 R SALE OR OS PERPETUAL LEASE —t VW MI) for cad). or on ta•rindual frrum. nor lot nn .on .zarlad, 21 fort front hy 100 had to aptink alley, .1. panznp tn. Ninth WarrEnalua !loon, AL.. one moor, hponded by I.lbert). Canon. and All.phenr.traeta atm) )Iprtny Alley. Lalnd 2M14 fewt gm Ulan). br IZ)Z 1 to SPnrn) A Zl.). A 1.... I" Pat fronting. on P.rguenn strark ham , dlatelr opt . ..RP the Ventral Railroad la'pot. and nontrdnlng to. .1-.)). • I)anA.ll.tll JA112 1 , 1 tru ARA - - • ' 0 LET—A ittrtte :11nohion House with 1 ...., .1.. a , .wrr. of Lend atla,ll.)l, clnated at lbaklanal....., 101 lIARDY. Jl/11 FA A Co. ...... 91:0 LET—The Three Story Dwelling,7r , ,, It., N a ...1:1 wyllo /are., pr.arld ot ou tuu, yorta.:ol,4 upon b) the uw of 117. ll:e.,vat of WII.I I,the ) 1040, 1 )..n. Ith m..t) the hov..), ..Licit 1 4.1.. - )41 ur.lrr .isvale. gra:, uall) rtwocrrrl. V4l i ulalcL 11-tr r.tron.r langs. and frx of till-, ,turs I u' 1,1. 1 lr'.l blr &trAs of ourlicin, 0101 c 0 v.!')'l aid, without I.l+ , :it tau) tit. I wruzi.4 slur, oath the winter of 124:4 yrlien I iward of Dr. W - 6,'a aa.b....m of Wild Cherry. szr Mende ra•rsttaad 03 , to 4i, it Drool. thoogikj had gin 1 hop, of r,:c0vcr,.1.,1 pleplred myself for the 1 • -Lange oyanothrr world. Throo;e: tb.r i.ollatatione coakelu.t cl the kenulne Wiptaelt Ilalmust of Cherry. The .fart to tZuly mtoolahing. Art, Ihr , e years of affliction mod ,utnring. awl after 11**14,4 .lost four or to hundr,ldotbirls to no ?arm, I.ent moo n rtwrtot. t phyriratin had pro. 4 wasialll , 14g. I nwr rr,torud to rtnr..l.,alp by the tkpeirig ofd gal nod the t, of Dr. lVt.,ar , of Wild Cherry'. May the bl , ,irx of IN, upon proprietors a ...liar,: istar', of Wild Cherry. Yoml re,,tturlY, • B Cni 1 . ... Sntzfor.l.t Park.U f 'urth nI 11 •try t wc.... Cittcluzstl,llliln. r an 3 u bout ail 4/r.1.•1:4 010.0 ta addre/t., • J. Kidd t Cm. n. A. 3.'A. Jourx"isc. 1. r.. I'o,1 -burgh: AllegtortrCity . T. 1:n5.....,11....1V:e..1.14:teb:.1: IL IB,vte. tnloccot4ll • ,ity. li'mtnt.y..Socp.rcrt: ecttrivc;llrame , lv..ol . 2.lititlditTAMl,4 ti.l.• A Co.. .1. 1 tl riafynnit, rem. A Co. A. A ...+.121. eFe,rarl .:1.41, N. C,...1:1„ad0r. 34( . .11,014., !tortilla “ralan d Fork , r, !telly Co, 14 , 4 .r. 0,1.m:we:loll. Wagoria: F. hrortuntle. foblkdO,,,lu • Closing out the Entire Stock. ' • IRE AT BAIZGAIN S.—A further redue i dun In nrie... Tlir Maberrilr_r_si.hing_ to rionia out lir latlntini .4 hit dial: of ferry and nniqdr Dry ihnnia Ll ha 1. of, Aiorll next. would, raiiiantfully gall the =artho his aid 11.161 , r. end tha irlio are in cant of st hit, tar coat. lialnir forinarToisny , 'tithing 1.4 MUlLl.Witett lanqtraa 3inrietatrted,thin ould be a Owl opid,tunity. oa of the bed. af inaist i irk on 1,11,. eltlta Ir., thestor. blob hr boo firruni,l tsr oirr 11 and lien an ete• esit funny trade. 11 di., Nir, fork =tar,. :itnrlar at. Pltl/.011111 .• ' • Q. ELIS.-11) bbls Clover 5.,,1; 0 ...0 Tln•othr do. for Ille fir , - febli) Itltil%V.N i IZIKEYATIOCki ' - ---- - BLANK ETS! BEA N lUTS!! • lIY] itcm }3.1. 1.3,..n Land n WA:4 aisOrtraentof 111ank,,..f .11 , 1117 , r03t ei flow of extra ,ire and qua.l,:,, all of artuctaxafted mlutshi ono. , f 1 01.1) LOCKETS.--.111,.t received a large W nad • nilnLittost.C.,. I,..erotypos, flair, t r . • - W.14:11i.80.t. 11 . .ONDONA3.I or fh,, MIME to. c±! I:: AP WA LI. l'Al'EE—Erota &Wl:antra, ra!;:l42 MtbAgnALL ti7I:APPLS:Ii AND. MINTING on 6 by 11,1;12 r V RITE FISII-92rat i I febl , I s t i i%; ad T . lintrr w Fmo m te t `I bbbi fur sale by rebyl IL E. snualr _ DOWT ilAinEritY —^ Ll 1.. for smle I - :,-E'LLtro• I f 1 9PPE.R4-10 lAA, fur bale by t-blu It t. nirs_rt , 1-L V lAL CORKS-10W rr,oss for :tale kt ' a. K esu-AF. 1 8,1 - 0;4 4 1.1DE L;.1.115:.E - L-.. 1 7 rinted and %Zi t. au& - tt e t , o- rbto.) sirarity x 10.1:61F/ELD. • i r .r.b.o3/1 ,-. . k MQ7:1•11V EtIICUTIELI, .rilinv"i or* at , .t,oloof Ante to' Imo root+ pot yord Um.= Luta burnt 11.anno Wm: yroon klatincle of various rota. sad 'valid... EMIEMZCZMM